#Real application cluster
sandeep2363 · 3 months
ORA-15260: permission denied on ASM disk group
ORA-15032: not all alterations performed Error: While operating from the grid user in the EXADATA, We are getting this permission denied error. [grid@qr01dbadm01 ~]$ sqlplus / as sysdba SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Thu Jan 25 06:43:24 2024 Version Copyright (c) 1982, 2019, Oracle. All rights reserved. Connected to: Oracle Database 19c Enterprise Edition Release…
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shepherds-of-haven · 6 months
if the shepherds survive (please survive!) to an older age, how do they feel when they spot their first few gray hairs?
Blade: I think at first he wouldn't register/care about it too much, but then one day his knee would creak more than usual and he'd suddenly be like, "❗️" ...But it'd be a momentary blip, he doesn't care about the appearances part of it at all but the thought of aging to the point of having to retire from active duty is so galling that his brain just goes "no" and he carries on stubbornly as if nothing had happened...
Trouble: he'd go running to MC, like "!! I'm turning into a silver fox... Do you find me more or less attractive now" As long as MC isn't bothered by it, he isn't, either! He'll turn it into a rueful joke and take it with good grace soon enough!
Tallys: not applicable really, I don't think Elves get gray hairs until they're like insanely old, if at all... and at that point, she's past the point of worrying about anything like that 😂
Shery: at first she would just sort of brush it off, but after a few days the existential dread would start to set in, like, "oh my god... am I old?? Is it happening already?? 😭😭" Basically it would be silent panic that no one would ever know about, followed by resigned acceptance, lol
Riel: I'm going to be real, he spotted his first gray hair when he was like 17, so he just doesn't acknowledge it anymore... (outside of plucking the pesky little strand out). It's going to be a bad time when they become so numerous that he can't pluck them out anymore, though! (Not really. I imagine he'll age with indefatigable grace)
Chase: he'll be glib about it! He'd probably point to his first cluster and tell MC: "see these? you did this. this is your fault. if you can't love me because I'm an old geezer now, you have only yourself to blame"
Red: ".....ah." Frankly, he's surprised he didn't get them sooner, considering all of the bullshit he gets put through/does to himself
Ayla: "ugh, wtf?" staring at the end of her braid like it briefly transformed into a snake's head and she's waiting for it to do it again... She'd probably be in a low-key bad mood for a few days without telling anyone why, and then would probably resign herself/accept it once the next big thing to make her forget about it came along!
Briony: wailing, tears, outright screaming: "noooooooooooooooooo!!! 😭😭😭" She'd be quite morose and melodramatic for a day or so and have an aging crisis, melting on the floor like "am I growing old? will I soon be too old to do [x youthful thing]? Will you still love me when I'm a hag?" 🥺🫠
Lavinet: brisk and smiling denial. she didn't see anything, and neither did you. :) a gray hair? on her head? not since the earl of murtaghon's old cat jumped on her shoulder at his birthday party! what do you mean, you see it right there? :) it must be a trick of the light... 🔫 :)
Halek: Hunters don't get gray hair!
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centrally-unplanned · 10 months
Gonna talk more about the cluster munitions thing, because I think its interesting:
Weapons are not 'special'; they do not fall into dangerous vs safe categories, no weapon is more or less morally pure than the other. Every weapon of war can be used to indiscriminately kill civilians. From this, the "level 1" reasoning would state that the use of any weapon is therefore equally contextual; you just odds-estimate the "median civilian risk" like any other weapon for its use. From this logic using say tactical nuclear weapons is fine, as it is in fact trivial and common in war to arrive at scenarios where the civilian risk of such weapons is more-or-less as low as conventional weapons.
However, humans are not civilian-risk utility maximizers, and the international order is not composed of dispassionate super-rational agents. We govern things through norms & expectations, and constantly run the risk of sunk costs and moral decay. If we allowed tactical nuclear weapons to be used in Ukraine, first off they would not stay in that "low civilian risk" category; once used the pressure to keep using them increases and the ability for them to slip into far more dangerous territory is quite high compared to conventional bombs. Secondly, it would break the norm for other countries - in Ukraine, Russia could be using tactical nuclear weapons, but are not because they know the US & EU would respond extremely harshly, maybe arming Ukraine with the same. No side wants to open those floodgates.
All of this is to say that norms in war do matter, and you don't want to break them lightly, even if there is a solid use case on the micro-level for the weapon. Building these norms takes time and we are better off for them.
Cluster munitions do not, at all, have this norm. People want it to have this norm; that is admirable, and I think there is merit to it. But those people have failed - the military applications for the munitions are too large, and 'risk profile' however you wish to define it too low, for any major military power to actually limit its use. The fact that the EU & Japan have done so is very telling, as they are the countries that virtually always conduct their military operations as part of joint operations for non-critical security concerns, and with US assistance. Actual militaries who consider themselves to face critical security threats, from China to South Korea to Iran to India, have not done this. No 'norm of war' has emerged against their use. (Some norms around minimum detonation thresholds have emerged, maybe, loosely, and ofc there are norms about how to use them, though they aren't cluster-munitions specific in the main).
So certainly shipping cluster munitions to Ukraine is a setback to those hoping to form that norm, its a real cost. But that cost is much less than violating an existing norm, Russia did not hesitate to use cluster munitions and always has in its other military operations like Chechnya. There is no risk of 'escalation', no new major military power is going to go "its time!" - they all already did that decades ago - its not going to change the status quo. Which means you can get back to the granular questions - does the Ukraine war have applications within the acceptable risk range?
Which I don't know the answer to! My instinct is yes, this war has lots of 'remote' combat sites and Ukraine has no interest in killing its own people, but I am not in the field, I do not know. But the Ukrainian Army is in the field, and my default is that they should be listened to - I would need a compelling case as to why this is a large risk escalation and I haven't seen it yet.
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Here’s some positivity for systems who don’t use Simply Plural and/or PluralKit!
PluralKit and Simply Plural are both excellent tools created by and for systems, with aims to help plurals manage and organize their system, and express themselves online. However, not every system wants or is able to use these tools. These systems are still important, and aren’t any less valued members of the plural community because of the tools they use or don’t use!
If you find PluralKit or Simply Plural confusing or too challenging to learn how to use - that’s okay! It can be incredibly difficult learning how to work with a new software or application. Both PluralKit and Simply Plural are complex with lots of different features and aspects that may take quite some time to figure out. It’s okay to not use these programs due to being unable to understand them, regardless of why you’re having trouble learning about them!
If you don’t have a device that is compatible with PluralKit or Simply Plural, don’t have an email address or Discord account, or otherwise don’t have access to the tools required to run these programs - there is absolutely nothing wrong with this! If you want to use these programs, we’re so sorry that you have been unable to access them. Remember that there are no requirements to use these programs in order to be plural or a system!
If you simply don’t like these programs, have no interest in using them, or feel like they won’t be beneficial for your system - we are proud of you for understanding your system and recognizing when something popular won’t be helpful for you! Not everyone has to use or benefit from PluralKit and Simply Plural. Your validity is not connected to the tools you use to manage your system! It is perfectly fine to not like either of these tools and to avoid using them for your own comfort!
If you are a median or midcontinuum system who can’t use PluralKit or Simply Plural due to having trouble distinguishing between headmates - that is totally valid! Not everyone is going to be able to use or benefit from these programs. It makes sense that systems who are closer to singlets, are often blurry, are made up of facets, or are less separated in general may have more difficulty benefitting from these tools. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this! Your system is not any less real and your plurality isn’t any less valid simply because you have trouble using these tools.
If you can’t or don’t use PluralKit or Simply Plural for ANY reason, please know that those who do use these programs are not any better than you for choosing to use them! Each system should feel welcome to use or reject whatever tools they wish for helping, organizing, and learning about their system. You and your system are just as important and valued members of the plural community just the way you are! You don’t have to change or attempt to navigate a new program just to fit in to this community - you already belong here with or without PluralKit and Simply Plural!
We hope you and your system can take care of each other and continue to learn more about each other and grow together. Rest assured you should feel no pressure to start using tools that you’re incapable of understanding or have no interest in! The plural community should never be gatekept, and this means not excluding those who are unable or choose not to use popular tools within the community!
Remember you are loved, you are worthy of kindness and respect, and your system will always belong here! Thanks for reading, and have a great day!
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(Image ID:) A pale orange userbox with a cluster of multicolored flowers for the userbox image. The border and text are both dark orange, and the text reads “all plurals can interact with this post!” (End ID.)
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quirkwizard · 2 months
Explain Quirk Evolution/Awakening's to me. I wanna try to develop a quirk that starts out weak that grows into a strong quirk like Koichi's Slide and Glide
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So the way a Quirk grows can be boiled down into three groupings. The first is basic Evolutions. These are the result of training the Quirk, whether it's through combat or through the user undergoing specific methods to expand on it. This will be different for every Quirk, but it's generally going to involve expanding on the applications, becoming more skilled with the power, lessening weakness, expanding on the Quirk statistically. There are all kinds of examples like this across the series, though Koichi just may be the most varied we'd seen considering where his power started.
Then there are what I call Stress Evolutions. These are taking the Quirks to the highest possible limit and can only be utilized in immense physical danger, such as when the user's life or the life of another is threatened. This doesn't change what the Quirk does, just pushes it's usage to furthest level possible for a brief time. It's a lot like how people in real life gain sudden and immense strength during stressful situations, like the famous bit of a mother's baby being trapped. There are several cases like this in the series, but Izuku is by far the most famous example with his One Million Percent Smash.
Awakenings is a whole other stage of evolution. This has similar requirements to Stress Evolutions, but requires the user to undergo an extreme mental and emotional stress as well as a high profiency with the Quirk in question. Unlike Stress Evolutions, the change is permanent. What's more is that it expands on the Quirk's concept in whole new ways. If the Awakening hadn't happened, the user would not be able to pull this off. This is different from Reawkaening, where the user is regaining repressed power. Bakugou may have been an exceptional Quirk user, but I don't think he'd be able to pull off anything like Cluster had he not Awakened "Explosion".
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wistfulweaverwoman · 1 year
I Feel Fine
I’m not sure why I volunteered to ride with Gale on the drive to the lake house. It’s not like we’re actually friends. We talk, know stuff about each other. Used to be neighbors, back in elementary and middle school. His mom watched me and my little sister sometimes. I’m pretty sure he still thinks of me as a kid, even though he’s fucking my best-friend. Well, really, she’s my only friend.
They met at the bowling alley where the three of us, as well as what seems like most of the other teenagers in town, work. Boys have always liked Madge. Blonde hair, blue eyes, perfect tits. A regular beauty queen. Seriously. She hates it, but her mom was Miss Arkansas and insists that Madge follow in her footsteps, even if it’s just for the shit she can put on a college application. She always calls it a scholarship program, like she can live with herself if it’s for college. No one knows about the pageants; I’m sworn to secrecy. I don’t really know why, it’s not like the other cheerleaders are going to tease her like I do.
I’m not a cheerleader. I’m not anything.
I don’t realize I’ve been sleeping till the protesting brakes wail softly. I jerk upright, wiping the sticky side of my face with my forearm. The truck follows Madge’s white Jetta along the gravel road. Through the pale dust swirls I see the girls jammed in the back seat, their hair piled in messy knots on their heads, moving their arms in sync. They’re probably listening to some terrible pop song they’ve used in one of their routines. I bet they’re screaming the lyrics off key.
I contain a shudder; I kind of hate dramatic people. 
The anticipation starts to build as we begin to ascend the last hill. I’ve been coming here with Madge's family since we became friends back in second grade. Usually it’s just the family, her mom, and dad when he has time, and her younger brother, Brian. We’ve had a few slumber parties up here, but never any real “party” parties. There are three kegs in the bed of the truck, bottom shelf liquor that’s probably closer to rubbing alcohol than anything that’s fit for human consumption, spiked lemonade, cider, plus every flavor of wine cooler ever made. 
I’m not really sure who else is bothering to drive up for the weekend, but the whole senior class was invited. Which is kind of crazy, even if our school is pretty small. But it’s our graduation, our last big hurrah. Everyone was warned that the beds are first come, first serve and to bring a sleeping bag, just in case. The house is pretty big. Besides the master, already claimed by Madge and Gale, there's the attic bedroom, where Madge and I usually sleep, Brian's room, three guest rooms, and the bunk room. Plus, there’s a pullout couch in the boathouse.
I roll down the window, lean my head out, close my eyes, and just inhale. It’s not really too different from home, but I’ve always been happy here. The spicy pine hanging in the air smells how carefree used to feel. Without raising my lids I roll my eyes. Nostalgia is making me sappy, but I don’t bother forcing away my smile. 
Everyone climbs out groaning, and stretches. A series of car doors slam as the cluster of girls excitedly shoulder their burgeoning duffle bags. Gale grabs his, and several bags from the grocery store. I grab another two, along with my backpack. I didn’t really need to pack anything. I’ve got lots of stuff up here, but Madge made me buy a dress for the party. And she treated me to some stuff from Victoria Secret’s. Which was weird. 
I tried to just get some sweatpants with ‘pink’ on the butt. But she insisted that every “woman” needs at least one set of sexy underpants. I hate them. Not only are they not comfortable, but they seem to emphasize everything I hate about my body. My thighs look fatter, and my belly seems to ripple beneath the synthetic band. They even look bigger than my cotton briefs. And I feel like an imposter. Panties like these belong on someone beautiful, or at least someone who looks beautiful naked. 
I don’t cringe when I look in the mirror or anything, but, as Aunt Jo once said when she was drunk and trying to give me some sort of confidence boost, I’m basically the opposite of a “butter face”. It’s not the nicest thing to say to a distraught sixteen year old girl. I guess I found some comfort, since I laughed, though embarrassed and horrified, at her graphic description of some girl she supposedly knew in the Army that always had to suffer the humiliation of wearing a bag over her head or take it from the rear, or maybe in the rear? I never wanted to ask. 
Really, the whole thing sounded humiliating. Ever since then I’ve been suspicious of guys and their motives. I generally assume that the only reason a guy would be interested in me is to use me to get to know Madge (this has happened), or because they want to masturbate in me (this has not happened). The result is that I’m kind of mean to most guys my age. Not Gale, because, though he’s a bit of a douche, he’s decent enough. He listens to Rush, buys us booze, and doesn’t act like I’m a third wheel. I think he gets that really we’re the ones that let him tag along with us. But he actually knows Madge. As popular as Madge is, no one really knows her, other than us. When we were younger I was always side eyeing other girls. I probably came off as jealous, but really I’m just protective. 
Okay, so maybe I’ve always been a little suspicious. Madge tries to get me to hang out with some of her other friends, but she acts differently around them. I don’t think she even notices. Gale does. The few times we’ve all got together he’s gotten real quiet. His face seems relaxed, but I can tell he’s pissed, because I wear the same expression. He wouldn’t have come up for the party, except for the obvious promise of copious amounts of sex.
The gravel crunches under my flip flops as I follow the others across the driveway. The girls hustle through the front door to claim a preferred bunk. A squeal echoes down the hall with Gale’s rough chuckle, and then pounding footfalls disappear upstairs. A door slams from somewhere far away. I place the bags beside the others on the counter in the kitchen and put the perishables away.
I forgot to bring my one piece swimsuit. Upstairs I only have a bikini from sophomore year, when I first started gaining weight, but wasn't actually the size I am now. I don’t care that it’s too small when it’s just me and Madge. I try not to get too athletic in it. If I so much as sneeze my boobs try to escape the top like a pair of unruly puppies. Leaping off the dock is out of the question when Brian is lurking around. I’m pretty sure he’s already had an eyeful. Ugh.
If I go change now I can at least get in a swim before anyone else arrives.
Throwing caution to the wind, I cannon ball off the dock, breasts be damned. I may joke that if I do jumping jacks that I’ll knock myself out, but they aren’t really that big. Still, it’s hard to keep them in my top while they're trying to float up to meet my chin. 
The water is freezing, but that’s how I like it. It’s a murky green brown, and I can barely see two feet in front of me when I swim down, reaching out with my fingers, exploring, only to shoot back up when I touch the slimy tangled bottom. I hate touching the bottom, but always seek it out, like I have to make sure it hasn't changed.
I float for a while, my hair undulating gently. The trees sway overhead. I forget why we’re here, who’s here. I forget a lot of things. I get lost in my memories, remembering joy, and the person I used to be, before my world was wrecked.  
A car door slams. Then another. 
Startled, I sink below the surface. I try to blow the water back out of my nose, but some of it is already burning at the back of my throat. Ungracefully I haul myself up onto the edge of the dock and realize I’ve left the towel on my bed. 
I breathe in slowly smelling sun baked wood, my cheek, naked belly, and palms are pressed against the gray weathered boards, almost hot enough to burn my skin. I consider my options, either rush through the house and risk showing my goods to god knows who, or… or go see if there’s a towel in the boathouse.
The gaggle of girls from Madge's car are straggling down from the house having changed into swimsuits. Not wanting to wait around till even more people show up I hop to my feet and speed walk toward the boat house, the skin where my thighs touch burning with the friction.
After retrieving the hide-a-key from under a fake rock I let myself in. It’s stuffy and warm, but not unpleasant. The boats are actually stored one level down. This upper area is really more of an entertaining space, with a sleeping nook in the rear. 
Probably no one’s been here since last summer. In the closet, on the top shelf, are a stack of towels and another of bed linens. If my mom had put them there they'd probably be threadbare and musty. Madge’s mom buys new towels every year and sticks dryer sheets in all the closets to keep them smelling nice. 
I’m contemplating how I’ll reach the top shelf when I hear a laugh. I freeze on tip-toe with my arm in the air.
“That’s right motherfucker!” says a boy from somewhere very near the door. “It’s mine, and I’ll fight anyone that tries to take it.” Someone yells something back, and the boy laughs, and I hear a thump and the door slams shut, probably using his foot. 
Without looking I know who’s here. Madge once suggested that I like him. “Like him” like him. He’s really nice, but I said I didn’t, because I don’t like anyone. But I’m not blind. He’s probably the hottest guy in school. 
He grunts, sounds like he’s shifting whatever he's carrying, and I turn as he stumbles into the room trying to tug his shirt off with one arm, the other clutching a sports bag. 
For half a second I consider hiding, he hasn’t seen me yet, but instead just turn back around and try desperately to grab a fucking unreachable towel. The dripping tips of my hair sway with my effort, tickling my lower back. His stuff thuds to the floor.
“Oh!” he gasps. “I’m sorry! Are you staying in here?”
I glance over my shoulder, wishing I was someone or somewhere else. He looks a little like a deer caught in the headlights, his eyes wide and staring.
“I’m just here for one of those,” I say, waving my hand in the general direction of the linens. 
He presses up beside me. His eyes dart toward my tits and linger a little too long. The heat coming off his bare skin is like a campfire and my skin actually prickles in response. He plucks a towel off the shelf, barely needing to reach up. 
I’m taken aback when he unfolds the thing and wraps it gently around my shoulders. Maybe it suddenly occurs to him how intimate the gesture is, or he catches the look on my face, but he takes a big step back and smacks his shoulder on the closet door. 
I tuck the towel firmly into place, glaring down, really feeling out of my depth.
Should I say something? Why the fuck haven't I left yet? Run, Bitch! Flee!
“So. Thanks for the towel!” I say, my voice pitching up. I sidestep him, shuffling back toward the exit. “See you later, Peeta!” 
I don’t look back, and manage to make it up to my room without being seen. Madge is waiting for me on the bed when I’ve finished showering. She’s already dressed, makeup and hair done like she’s dressing up like Taylor Swift for Halloween. She’s laid out my dress and the hateful butt gobbling “sexy” underpants, with matching bra, which smashes my boobs together into what basically looks like an ass crack. She looks gleeful to the point of maniacal. I glower, aiming my best “I hate you” at her, causing her to cackle. 
“You promised,” she says. I did promise, after she and Aunt Jo pressured me into agreeing. Madge retrieves one of many make up cases from under the bed, scraping the floor. The argument was that I didn't always need to be a bitch, that make-up is just another kind of armor. Whatever. It’s all bullshit. None of it would matter in the zombie apocalypse.
Madge sets my hair up in these giant curlers and then spends way too much time on applying my makeup so that it doesn’t look like I’m wearing any.
“So how many times since we got here?” I ask. I hate talking about it, but also have a morbid curiosity. Plus, who else am I going to ask? Not mom, or grams, even if they were still alive. Aunt Jo welcomes these types of inquiries, but I’ve found her explanations way too detailed.
“Four,” says Madge. “Now that I’m on the pill he doesn’t use condoms. It feels great for like, two minutes, then he’s done. Which is fine if we’re, you know, in the hot tub. But we’ve got a bed here and no parents.”
“Ew, the hot tub? Seriously?”
“Just once. Not as awesome as it sounds.”
“Sounds gross.”
“You think sex in general sounds gross.”
“It’s all the sharing of body fluids. Plus, I can’t really wrap my mind around how “good” it’s supposed to feel after you described the first time.”
“I told you, Mark just... went at it. I wasn’t exactly warmed up.”
“It hurt because you were cold?” I say in a mystified voice.
Madge leans back and squints at me.
“Pffft,” she says, realizing I’m teasing. “Asshole,” and smacks the back of my head with a pillow.
“Mark convinced you to have sex because it was junior prom. Not because he liked you. You cried the whole time. Why the fuck would I want that?”
Madge shrugs, and I can tell she’s struggling not to look superior. 
“It’s different, when you care about someone.”
“I think I’ll stick to climbing trees and building forts with Prim.”
“And that’s why I love you,” she says, and kisses the top of my head. “You’re more of a kid than Prim is.”
“She’s too excited to get it over with. We get a few years, and then we’re grown.”
 I pull the dress over my head and then Madge removes the curlers. I don't know why she’s being so careful, she has to know it’s going up in a ponytail sooner or later.
She scans the floor, and then looks at me accusingly.
“Where are your new sandals? The wedges?” she demands.
“Oh no. I must have forgotten them at home,” I say in a non-sad voice. “I guess I have to wear my flip flops.”
“If you didn't really want them, why did we spend two days shopping?”
I shrug. It seemed really important at the time. And then I remembered they're just shoes. 
“Will you try to have fun tonight? Really try?”
At some point, after going down stairs, we separate. I’m not going to follow her around the whole time; she takes her hostessing duties seriously, greeting everyone, chatting. She doesn’t realize she’s acting just like her mother. 
I have a beer. It’s thin and sour but the warm feeling in my belly somehow makes me feel like less of an outsider so it suddenly seems like a good idea to have a few more. I sit down with a group with my red plastic cup, trying to remember I'm wearing a skirt, assuming they’re playing a drinking game, and not really paying attention to what till the boy next to me leans over and kisses me sloppily on the mouth. I draw back in protest, wiping my lips with the back of my hand.
“What the fuck?” I say.
“It’s your turn Katniss.” 
I squint at the middle of the circle, and realize we’re playing fucking spin-the-bottle like a bunch of sixth graders. 
Whatever, I said I’d try. I give the empty Cuervo bottle a hard spin. Only then do I take the time to glance around the circle to see who I’m actually playing with. 
Weirdly, there are mostly girls. There’s Jessica Riley, Melissa Karkowski,  the Vargas twins, Jared Unibrow is next to me, Monique Jones, Gretchen Wilkinson, Richard Talks-to-tits across the way, and oh, great, Peeta Mellark a bit over to the right. 
Explains all the girls.
The bottle stops pointing at the girl beside Richard. He grins at me.
“Nope,” I say. “There’s only three dudes, if we played by the sixth grade rules you’d get like a million turns. I’m kissing her,” pointing at Jessica, who looks startled, and then weirdly smug. 
She jumps up a little eagerly, and is leaning over me before I can stand. She presses her lips against mine, and I’m surprised I don’t hate it. 
Jessica is back to the bottle and kissing some other girl before I can gather my bearings. I stop paying attention again, easy to do since I’m nursing another drink that seems to have appeared out of nowhere. A hand grasps my arm just above my elbow and pulls me to my feet. 
“Hey, you’ve been drinking,” he whispers. “Are you sure you’re okay to do this?” God he smells good, like some kind of spicy smelling body wash.
“I think so,” I whisper back, and wink. Am I… flirting? I've done that exactly never.
Peeta looks me in the eyes, searching for something. Should I smile? I cross my eyes instead. He throws his head back, laughing. The whole time he’s got his hands on my arms, like he’s afraid I’m going to tip over.
“Dude. She’s fine. Kiss her already.”
And he does. It’s gentle, he doesn’t mash his lips against mine. He brushes against them. His hand slides up my arm to the side of my head. It’s nice. I open my mouth, and instead of jack hammering my tongue with his he just kind of slides the tip in. I don’t want to stop, but this is just a game so I sit down. Peeta stumbles back to his spot.
“Katniss,” says Jared. “Spin it already.”
I glance at Peeta, he’s still watching me. Well everyone is; it’s my turn. I’m way too delighted when the bottle points to Peeta. I stand up carefully, trying to keep my knees together so I don’t flash everyone. Peeta’s just stepped up to me, has just clasped my elbow, when pervy Richard speaks up.
“No, no. You two already frenched. It’s seven minutes in heaven now. Into the closet.”
We both stare at him. I’m not sure what’s going through Peeta’s mind, but I’m both simultaneously intrigued and terrified. What goes on during these brief rendezvous? Do kids just feel each other up? Hand stuff? 
“Nope,” says Peeta. “Fuck that, I have a room.” He grabs my hand and pulls me out the backdoor, toward the boathouse. He walks right past it, though, and sits down at the edge of the dock, his legs dangling. He pats the rough wood beside him and I plop down.
“Sorry. I wasn't going to take you into that closet so Richard could get his rocks off thinking about me groping you.”
“Yeah,” I say. “Now he’s just going to think you brought me to your room to fuck or something.”
He cringes. “I didn't think of that.” He stands again, tottering a little, and offers me a hand up. “Let’s go back. Have you eaten?”
I shake my head and follow him carefully; the beer in my system seems to be messing with how far away the ground is from my feet.
A group of kids has gathered out on the large deck lit by hanging twinkle lights. Some kids are setting up their instruments off to one side. Playing music is always a family affair going back generations in our area. They start their first reel, fiddles and guitars and a mandolin twanging out into the night. Couples take their partner and begin clogging. 
It’s damn magical. 
I feel the pull to join, either the singers or dancers, but I keep walking. We edge around the deck and enter the kitchen. It’s already a mess, abandoned cups, spilled drinks, chip crumbs litter the floor. While I’m trying to figure out what to eat Peeta assembles an epic plate of nachos. I’m about to start my own plate when he indicates they're for the both of us. I’m too drunk to be annoyed that I have to share.
We  pass Richard and the rest of what’s left of the group. At least half of the girls have left, and I catch a few stink-eyes as we pass out of the room.  Some of these girls are as pretty as Madge, and clearly want him. Why is he still with me? The obvious answer is unclear. Does he pity me? I don’t need his pity. I do need a hairband because my hair is sticking to my sweaty neck. Peeta follows me to my room. He sets the plate on the desk by the window, but instead of eating looks around with interest.
Madge’s mom had the whole place professionally decorated about twelve years ago, it was even featured in a spread in Southern Living. This room is sweet, made for little girls. Above the white paneled walls is a wallpaper scattered with tiny blue cornflowers. The canopied bed, though huge, seems small compared to the size of the space. There are built-in cushioned window seats, shelves of books. There’s a rocking horse in one corner, and a huge dollhouse in the other. Instead of a closet there’s a wall of built-in cupboards and drawers. There’s an attached bathroom, complete with a shower and a seperate clawfoot tub. When we were small, and Madge and I weren’t outside swimming, we spent hours playing noisily, or reading quietly. I love it here.
Peeta steps into the bathroom, and pauses, gripping the edge of the door and staring at my swim suit hanging over the shower rod, drying. The door shuts with a thump, and I twist my hair up onto my head. The cool breeze hits my sweaty neck and goosebumps cover my skin for a moment. Peeta seems like he’s in the bathroom for a long time, but time doesn’t seem to be passing with it’s normal regularity, so maybe just a minute goes by.
“Want to go for a walk?” he says, stepping through the doorway. I nod.
We go back downstairs, leaving the nachos to wilt untouched, not remembering them till we’re three stories down. I grab a hotdog. For some reason it seems like a good idea to take a shot of whiskey. It burns going down and I gag on the aftertaste. For good measure I take another. Peeta silently hands me a red solo cup. I discover it’s just coke, and I take small sips while leading him down to one of the walking trails. 
It’s dark, but the moon is out, so there’s not too much stumbling. I take him to the hammock halfway around the lake and sit sideways to allow some room for him to perch beside me. Still, the sides of the hammock kind of force us toward each other and we awkwardly lean in the opposite direction. It dawns on me, in an abstract way, that this is a very romantic spot. I just want to show him one of my favorite spots on the property. I’m suddenly worried that he might think I’m trying to seduce him or something. 
I try to come up with something to say, or do, other than to flee again. I can’t. So I stare at the sky, looking for shooting stars. I pretend not to notice that Peeta’s watching me instead of the stars. Finally I give in and motion to the sky.
“Isn’t it pretty?”
“The prettiest I’ve seen.” He didn’t look at the sky. Is he... trying to get in my pants? 
“What?” I’m laughing, it’s so cheesy.
“You’re pretty” he says, shrugging and gives me a genuinely shy but sweet smile. I impulsively lean in, pressing my mouth onto his. We stop fighting the hammock and press into each other, our feet leave the ground, and the hammock swings us back and forth. 
After a while the good feelings merge into something else entirely. Though the hammock had mostly stilled a while ago, I feel like I’m spinning. I pull away to catch my breath, and struggle to get back on solid ground, sinking to my knees. But the sick feeling stays, and then grows. Peeta seems to have realized I’m not feeling so good because he got to his feet and is standing over me, trying to help me up. As soon as I’m standing I go down on all fours and crawl towards a bush. My hair is unbound again and I struggle to push it back over my shoulders, trying not to heave. I fail. I can’t keep the contents of my stomach in. First comes up the sweet coke, followed by the salty half chewed hotdog chunks with the acrid combination of booze and bile. 
Long after I’m empty I still dry heave, but eventually I come back to my senses. Peeta’s crouched beside me, holding my hair away from my face and rubbing my back in soothing circles. He hands me a crumpled napkin from his pocket, and I wipe my mouth while he hauls me to my feet. Taking my hand, he leads me back, promising a bottle of water from the boathouse. I mechanically follow. We stop at the door and stare at the sock that’s hanging on the knob. Peeta cracks opens the door, and I hear a strange slapping noise and low moans. I can’t figure out what I’m hearing, but Peeta quickly pulls the door closed blocking out the sounds, looking irritated.
I struggle against him, trying to get inside, managing to turn the knob.
“Peeta,” I hiss. “Someone sounds like they’re getting hurt in there, we need to help.” I ram my shoulder against his chest and my stomach rolls in protest.
“Trust me”, he whispers into my ear. “They don’t need your help.”
He quietly pulls the door shut and leads us back to the party. I must be pretty drunk still because one minute I’m right behind Peeta, and the next I’m in my room naked, standing on the hateful underpants. At least I’ve shut the door. I get a whiff of the nachos and fling the whole plate out the window like a frisbee. I’ve pulled on some boy shorts and an old tank top by the time Peeta enters with a few bottles of water and a bottle of pills. 
I dutifully take the medicine he offers and down the first bottle of water. Is he staring at me? Or is he just really drunk too? He opens his mouth, but I turn and stumble toward the toilet. It’s a weird sensation, throwing up the cold water. It comes up so fast that some shoots out my nose. Peeta is behind me again, trying to save my hair from the toilet. The feeling of wanting to crawl into a hole intensifies when I glance behind me and see that more than a little water has splashed onto his shirt and cargo shorts. He drops my hair and removes his shirt and rubs his front with the dry part. He loads up my toothbrush with toothpaste and hands it over. 
Legs shaking, I stand. I splash my face and rinse my mouth. Going slow to avoid activating my gag reflex I watch Peeta watching me. This feels way more intimate than kissing. Why is he still here? I try to analyze his motives, but my brain is mush. Clearly, as I’m puking like the possessed, he must realize nothing is going to happen between us. Right?
I lean over to spit, and through a mouthful of foam say “We’re not going to fuck.”
I’m not sure how I expected him to react, annoyed maybe, for putting in all the time but never getting very far. I glance up while I cup my hand under the water flowing from the faucet. He’s still staring at me, though his brows are drawn. He looks confused.
“That’s not- I never though that’s where this was headed, I just really like you. I always have” he says. 
What? Since when? No… I’m suspicious this is a last ditch effort to have graduation sex. But there are plenty of girls downstairs that’d be happy to oblige. 
His pocket buzzes and he steps back into the bedroom. I hear him groan. He’s staring at his phone with disgust. 
“What?” I ask, walking slowly into the room.
“Sometimes I wonder how Rye and I are even related,” he says, slipping the phone back into his pocket. Rye is his twin, but not identical, brother. Peeta’s the baby of the family by, like, 20 minutes. Rye is a known slut, so that’s probably who was in boathouse. I wouldn't be surprised if he sent Peeta a text bragging about it. My phone buzzes on the side table. One glance tells me that Rye actually sent a mass photo text. I toss the phone at the bed and point.
“Make it go away,” I say, swaying a little. He snatches it up.
“Sorry,” he says, looking down at the photos. 
“It’s fine,” I say, “It’s not like this is the first time Rye has sent me a dick pic.”
Peeta’s head snaps up. “WHAT!?” he says, loudly. Peeta’s always so mild, I don’t think I’ve ever seen him pissed. He chucks my phone down with enough force that it bounces off and thuds on the floor.
“Sorry! How does he even have your number?”
“We were lab partners sophomore year.”
“Oh, yeah. God, I was so bitter about that.” Was he? I did set the curve that year. Rye only got an “A” because of me.
I open my mouth to answer, but turn back for the toilet. I lay my arm across the seat so I can rest my head. Peeta sits on the edge of the tub and makes me take small sips of water in between the dry heaves. I’m so tired.
“Do you want to be alone now?” he says. I’m so overwhelmed with longing the back of my nose and throat burn.
“I want my mom,” I whisper, ashamed I’m crying. He reaches out and squeezes my arm.
“Do you want me to stay with you?” he asks quietly. I nod, snuffling. He leads me to bed, pulls the covers back, and then actually tucks me in. I’m out almost instantly.
Weak light glows through the window and my bladder is so full it’s actually painful. On my way to the toilet I see Peeta asleep on the floor with a pillow and a quilt. After pulling on some shorts and yanking the curtains closed I nudge him with my foot. He lifts his head and squints at me.
“You can lay on the bed, it’s big enough for us both.”
Then I fall back onto the mattress and pull the bedclothes over my head.
After an indeterminate amount of time passes I wake, a little too warm, but so comfortable that I don’t want to move. As I become more conscious I realize that Peeta has cupped his body behind mine and I have become the “little spoon”. At least I’m not being forked. I roll away to find a cool part of the sheet and fall asleep again.
When I wake again light pours in from the open window, a square of sunshine nearly reaches the bed. Didn’t I shut that? Madge is poking me excitedly, while Gale is leaning in the doorway, his arms crossed over his chest. Peeta still sleeps next to me. Madge raises her eyebrows, makes a circle with her thumb and forefinger and passes the index finger from her other hand through, back and forth.  I shake my head rapidly and point at the door. I mouth “Get the fuck out,” to emphasis my point. Gale is shaking with the effort to not laugh out loud. I point again and she throws up her arms in surrender and tip toes out. 
I squirm, trying to get comfortable. I roll over. Finally I get up and shower. By the time I come out of the bathroom Peeta is gone, like he’d never been here at all.
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amparol12 · 5 months
Mastering the Dig: Your Roadmap to the Top 10 Data Mining Courses
In the digital age, where data is a valuable currency, the field of data mining has emerged as a critical discipline for extracting meaningful insights from vast datasets. Whether you're a student looking to ace your data mining assignments or a professional seeking to enhance your skills, a solid education is paramount. In this blog, we'll guide you through the top 10 data mining courses, with a special emphasis on the exceptional resource – DatabaseHomeworkHelp.com – known for its expertise in providing help with data mining homework.
DatabaseHomeworkHelp.com: Your Expert Companion in Data Mining When it comes to mastering the intricacies of data mining, DatabaseHomeworkHelp.com takes the lead. This website specializes in offering comprehensive solutions for data mining assignments, ensuring that students grasp the concepts and techniques involved. With a team of experienced tutors, DatabaseHomeworkHelp.com is your go-to resource for personalized assistance and in-depth understanding of data mining principles.Why Choose DatabaseHomeworkHelp.com?
Expert Tutors: Benefit from the guidance of experienced tutors who have a deep understanding of data mining concepts and practical applications.
Customized Solutions: Get tailor-made solutions for your data mining homework, addressing your specific requirements and ensuring a clear understanding of the subject.
Timely Delivery: DatabaseHomeworkHelp.com is committed to delivering solutions within deadlines, allowing you to stay on track with your academic schedule.
Affordable Pricing: Enjoy cost-effective solutions without compromising on the quality of assistance you receive.
Now, let's explore other noteworthy resources offering top-notch data mining courses to further enrich your learning experience.
"Data Mining Specialization" by University of Illinois (Coursera) This specialization covers the fundamentals of data mining, including techniques for pattern discovery, clustering, and predictive modeling. It is a comprehensive program suitable for beginners and intermediate learners.
"Practical Machine Learning for Computer Vision" by Stanford University (Coursera) Delve into the intersection of data mining and computer vision with this course. Stanford University's offering focuses on practical applications, making it an excellent choice for those interested in extracting insights from visual data.
"Data Science and Machine Learning Bootcamp with R and Python" by Udemy Led by industry experts, this Udemy bootcamp provides a broad overview of data science and machine learning, making it an ideal choice for individuals seeking a holistic understanding of these fields.
"Text Mining and Analytics" by University of Illinois (Coursera) Explore the world of text mining with this Coursera specialization. The course covers techniques for extracting valuable information from textual data, an essential skill in the data mining domain.
"Advanced Machine Learning Specialization" by National Research University Higher School of Economics (Coursera) This specialization delves into advanced machine learning concepts, providing a solid foundation for those interested in leveraging machine learning algorithms for data mining purposes.
"Data Mining and Analysis" by Columbia University (edX) Columbia University's edX course explores the principles of data mining and analysis, emphasizing real-world applications. It's suitable for learners seeking a practical approach to data mining.
"Introduction to Data Science" by Microsoft (edX) Offered by Microsoft on edX, this course introduces learners to the essentials of data science, including data mining techniques. It's a great starting point for beginners in the field.
"Mining Massive Datasets" by Stanford University (Coursera) For those looking to tackle large datasets, this Stanford University course covers the challenges and solutions associated with mining massive amounts of data, preparing learners for real-world scenarios.
"Data Mining and Machine Learning in Python" by Udemy This Udemy course focuses on data mining and machine learning using Python. With hands-on exercises, it's a practical resource for learners looking to apply data mining techniques using Python programming.
Conclusion: Embarking on a journey to master data mining requires access to high-quality resources and expert guidance. The top 10 data mining courses mentioned in this blog, with a special nod to DatabaseHomeworkHelp.com, cater to a variety of skill levels and interests. Whether you're a student seeking homework assistance or a professional looking to enhance your data mining skills, these courses provide a robust foundation for success in the dynamic field of data mining. Start your learning journey today and unlock the potential of data mining expertise.
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dhivyakrishnan107667 · 8 months
From Beginner to Pro: A Game-Changing Big Data Analytics Course
Are you fascinated by the vast potential of big data analytics? Do you want to unlock its power and become a proficient professional in this rapidly evolving field? Look no further! In this article, we will take you on a journey to traverse the path from being a beginner to becoming a pro in big data analytics. We will guide you through a game-changing course designed to provide you with the necessary information and education to master the art of analyzing and deriving valuable insights from large and complex data sets.
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Step 1: Understanding the Basics of Big Data Analytics
Before diving into the intricacies of big data analytics, it is crucial to grasp its fundamental concepts and methodologies. A solid foundation in the basics will empower you to navigate through the complexities of this domain with confidence. In this initial phase of the course, you will learn:
The definition and characteristics of big data
The importance and impact of big data analytics in various industries
The key components and architecture of a big data analytics system
The different types of data and their relevance in analytics
The ethical considerations and challenges associated with big data analytics
By comprehending these key concepts, you will be equipped with the essential knowledge needed to kickstart your journey towards proficiency.
Step 2: Mastering Data Collection and Storage Techniques
Once you have a firm grasp on the basics, it's time to dive deeper and explore the art of collecting and storing big data effectively. In this phase of the course, you will delve into:
Data acquisition strategies, including batch processing and real-time streaming
Techniques for data cleansing, preprocessing, and transformation to ensure data quality and consistency
Storage technologies, such as Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) and NoSQL databases, and their suitability for different types of data
Understanding data governance, privacy, and security measures to handle sensitive data in compliance with regulations
By honing these skills, you will be well-prepared to handle large and diverse data sets efficiently, which is a crucial step towards becoming a pro in big data analytics.
Step 3: Exploring Advanced Data Analysis Techniques
Now that you have developed a solid foundation and acquired the necessary skills for data collection and storage, it's time to unleash the power of advanced data analysis techniques. In this phase of the course, you will dive into:
Statistical analysis methods, including hypothesis testing, regression analysis, and cluster analysis, to uncover patterns and relationships within data
Machine learning algorithms, such as decision trees, random forests, and neural networks, for predictive modeling and pattern recognition
Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques to analyze and derive insights from unstructured text data
Data visualization techniques, ranging from basic charts to interactive dashboards, to effectively communicate data-driven insights
By mastering these advanced techniques, you will be able to extract meaningful insights and actionable recommendations from complex data sets, transforming you into a true big data analytics professional.
Step 4: Real-world Applications and Case Studies
To solidify your learning and gain practical experience, it is crucial to apply your newfound knowledge in real-world scenarios. In this final phase of the course, you will:
Explore various industry-specific case studies, showcasing how big data analytics has revolutionized sectors like healthcare, finance, marketing, and cybersecurity
Work on hands-on projects, where you will solve data-driven problems by applying the techniques and methodologies learned throughout the course
Collaborate with peers and industry experts through interactive discussions and forums to exchange insights and best practices
Stay updated with the latest trends and advancements in big data analytics, ensuring your knowledge remains up-to-date in this rapidly evolving field
By immersing yourself in practical applications and real-world challenges, you will not only gain valuable experience but also hone your problem-solving skills, making you a well-rounded big data analytics professional.
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Through a comprehensive and game-changing course at ACTE institute, you can gain the necessary information and education to navigate the complexities of this field. By understanding the basics, mastering data collection and storage techniques, exploring advanced data analysis methods, and applying your knowledge in real-world scenarios, you have transformed into a proficient professional capable of extracting valuable insights from big data.
Remember, the world of big data analytics is ever-evolving, with new challenges and opportunities emerging each day. Stay curious, seek continuous learning, and embrace the exciting journey ahead as you unlock the limitless potential of big data analytics.
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ereemos · 9 months
my not-so-comprehensive list (very personal 3am opinion) on books about how to deal with someone with bpd (i’m sure this is applicable to other conditions)
it’s very difficult to deal with a mentally ill oved one, and no matter how much suffering they’re in, the pain it causes those around them is not to be discounted.
this pain can stem from not understanding certain behaviours, fear for their loved one’s wellbeing, seeing someone act violently towards others or themselves, powerlessness, etc.
i whole heartedly believe that these people deserve support too, and that their experience is valid and important to verbalise.
either way, sometimes this can be taken to the extreme, where the person suffering for their loved one starts feeling like “the real victim” and this creates extra stigma, this post being about bpd, an already incredibly stigmatised disorder (both in and out of the medical community).
how do i support my loved one with bpd, or find resources to help myself get through this situation, or understand my loved one better, without falling for evil-bpd-manipulator-woman-propaganda?
look no further! i’ve read enough bpd self help book for loved ones, to be able to tell you what to look out for. i’m sure there’s good ones out there, haven’t seen a single one though ! hah! (only because my mum buys them btw, i promise they exist)
WHAT TO LOOK OUT FOR … in a shitty book
- “most cases of bpd are caused by childhood trauma, but not your child, you are a good parent” books that use this sort of language seem more like they’re trying to reassure someone who is, most likely, a contributing factor to their child’s bpd
when the book is more about self help than it is about therapy… any book framed as self help, i’d stray from. you are not qualified to talk about bpd in this setting.
when the actual victim seems to be treated as an abuser, or written about like an annoying ex who won’t stop texting you, miiight be a sign someone doesn’t care about how people are treated, just wants to make their readers like they need a cuddle.
when they start talking about wanting to expand bpd criteria and diagnosing bpd in minors - why are you talking about this in a self help book - you’re spreading medical misinformation by mixing official diagnostic criteria with your own personal (BIASED) theories, seems like every patient you don’t like has bpd…
w hen the main “how to help a bpd sufferer” is just “give up on trying to help them, they’ll never amount to anything, think about yourself” HUH
too much personal judgement . you’re writing about a disorder .
look at the authors bibliography! are they self help authors who have written nothing other than “how to leave your ex boyfriend behind” “how to be happy in 10 steps” or maybe actual doctors whose mainstream published works include “how my bpd wife ruined my life” “the real victims of bpd” etc???
personal pet peeve, but people talk about bpd patients as only being women. rubs me the wrong way, especially, with the bod/hysteria parallels.
emphasis on either fixing the patient or cutting ties with them/ letting them live an unfulfilling life “because that’s just how they are”
(tl;dr keep away from self help books, as a society we have moved past the need of self help book-capitalism--self-affirming-pseudo therapy)
DBT !!! there’s so many free resources out there, exercises, pdfs etc, its really worth looking into!
research BPD on your own, looking at multiple sources, both medical and personal experiences, and remember that if you’ve been abused by someone with a cluster b personality disorder, that doesn’t make everyone with the same illness a monster
readings that emphasise on how to deal with situations (still, DBT is useful for this), how to de-escalate a meltdown by behaving empathetically, protecting your peace and your loved one’s, rather than trying to “fix” them.
it is important to hold people accountable for their actions: people with bpd are people, not just victims. Having tough conversations w sufferers can be hard. consider contacting an actual therapist, when things are too much to handle.
there is no shame in going no contact if the person is genuinely abusive, or dealing w them is beyond your abilities. you are not their psychiatrist.
keep in mind that psychology and psychiatry and constantly evolving, and what is a diagnosis today may be laughable in 10 years time ! (just look at the history of bpd)
this post was specifically written for my mother but i just had to put it out there i hate self help books i hate them it’s so much worse than telling me “have you tried yoga?” because yoga actually helps, unlike self help books, which are making psychology and mental illness a big soup of buzzwords to pick out and capitalise on! hmm what will it be today? narcissistic abuse? how to handle your autistic child? soooo sick and tired . stop making money off of me. give me money if you want but stop exploiting disordered individuals.
thanks for reading, sorry for the long post/ramble, it’s 3am
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Die Schöne und das Biest
Interlude II: On the Subject of Flowers
Hello buttercups <3 I've just this week settled into a real schedule after starting a new job a couple months back, so I'm only now feeling like I'm in a place where I can confidently write again. I prooomise you a real chapter is coming soon, but in the meantime, please enjoy interlude part 2, electric boogaloo <3
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February 12, 19XX
The morning before last, the Duke passed on a letter summoning me to the estate of the venerable Lady Beneviento in one week's time. The man does not readily give away his mood, but I find I’ve come to be able to accurately gauge his disposition over the years, and recognized a sort of hesitation in his actions. When I asked about his apprehension, he only gave a measured smile and stated that it would be unwise to decline the Lady’s invitation, but urged me to practice vigilance in her company all the same. 
During my brief time here, I’ve come to understand that Lady Beneviento is quite reclusive, but have not otherwise heard anything that makes me believe I need to be cautious in her presence. Still, the Duke has been undeniably kind to me since my arrival, and I am inclined to trust his judgment on account of the fact that he has so graciously put a roof over my head and sells my tinctures and salves to my mistrustful new neighbors. They seem content enough to overlook the fact that I’ve made them so long as they don’t have contact with me directly, which suits me just fine. I only hope they can put their suspicion aside long enough to visit me should they need a remedy with a more specific application, which is what I suspect the Lady’s summons are about. Time will confirm this.
February 19, 19XX
I’ve returned from my visit with Lady Beneviento, whom I found to be a most courteous host despite her supposed preference for solitude. I was summoned in the hopes that I could help to treat the uneasiness of her mind and perhaps her sleeplessness should I have the proper means. I told her that the two may very well go hand in hand, with the former causing - or at least exacerbating - the latter, and that if my recommended treatment of chamomile and lemon balm tea did not help alleviate the symptoms of her insomnia, I would prepare her a powdered valerian root to use in addition to the tea as a sedative before bed. Either way, I have been asked to return in another week’s time to join her for tea and to reassess the treatment if needed. I did not ask about the sources of her anxieties despite my curiosity, with her garb being indication enough that she is in a period of mourning. I’ll have to needle the Duke into telling me which of her relatives has passed, and will bring her flowers in testimony of my condolences at our next meeting.
On the subject of flowers, I noticed an unfamiliar variety of yellow blooms on my way to the estate. I meant to ask Lady Beneviento if she knew what they were, but could not find an opportune moment to broach the topic and did not get the sense that she cares for such things on account of her home’s decor, which largely consisted of dolls. I didn’t think one plant would be missed, so I unearthed a small cluster on my way home to be potted as soon as I returned. Perhaps next week, I will find the time to inquire either with her or the man who was tending to the headstones in the family cemetery. In the meantime, my new friends will grace my humble porch. 
March 16, 19XX
I’m growing to enjoy our weekly visits. They are always under the pretense of treatment, but I don’t know that we ever spend more than a quarter of an hour discussing her condition. The rest of the time is filled with zacusca and tea and dolmas, and - much to my surprise - talk of local plants. I could not have been more wrong in my assumption that Lady Beneviento doesn’t care for them; she seems to have a keen interest in them, and as such, I have given her my copy of Alkaloids of Mountainous Plants to read. She regrets that I couldn’t meet her groundskeeper before he passed, as he seems to have known more about (what I assume is) the yellow Aconitum leading up to the estate. In the meantime, she has urged me not to handle it, citing their likely poisonous qualities; I am not unaware of the potential for aconite poisoning, but assured her I would not for the sake of her peace of mind. She needn’t know about those I borrowed. 
April 23, 19XX
Late (Early?) - Frantic knocking at the door nearly frightened me to death as I was working at the table with G. I do not receive customers during the middle of the day, let alone during the small hours of the morning. When I opened the door, I was greeted by torrential rain and a young couple huddled underneath the overhang of the roof with their small daughter in tow. I ushered them out of the cold, and directed the father to lay her out on the bed so that I might assess her. They reported the girl had been complaining of severe stomach pain, and that they put her to bed in the hopes that her concurrent fever would break. When she became unresponsive in the middle of the night, they brought her to me. I set to work on stripping the child and sponging her skin to promote dispersal of body heat, and when her fever finally subsided some time later, I sent them home with a tincture of wormwood and walnut hull, along with strict instructions to return or call for me should her condition worsen again. I took the relief in their faces as payment, and have a strong hope that perhaps word of mouth will garner me more trust and business in the future.
(I regret having to shut G in the wardrobe for the duration of the couple’s visit, but he says that it is comfortable enough in my presence.) 
April 30, 19XX
It seems word of mouth travels faster and farther than I might have hoped. The Duke has informed me that my wares have sold out, and that there is a mounting demand for my wormwood and walnut tincture. Each time I’ve found myself in the square to replenish stock, I’ve been hurried under one roof or another, and have been all but begged to treat what seems to be the same illness at different stages. It seems to start with severe fatigue and a fever, progresses into nausea and vomiting, and ends with the most dreadful, unproductive cough. Initially I suspected improperly prepared fish to be the culprit, and advised against eating anything that wasn’t thoroughly cooked through, however, this does not seem to be the common thread between the afflicted…
At the risk of being accused of heresy or following hunches, I believe it is exposure to something in the church. I cannot say what exactly they are being exposed to, as I do not attend, but if I had to venture a guess I would attribute it to either spoiled wine or bread. Unfortunately, there do not seem to be many opportunities to meet with the village head - Mother Miranda - outside of dropping in on one of her sermons. Perhaps I’ll ask Donna (she has insisted I drop the honorifics) if she knows of a better way to bring the illness to her attention. Should there not be one, I will simply have to brave the church for the sake of the sick.
May 7th, 19XX
To say I upset Donna during our visit today is an understatement. 
Our social call started just the same as any; with her delightful cooking, hot tea, and easy conversation. At one point she mentioned that she’d heard from the Duke that my wares were selling quite successfully, and that she was glad to hear that I was finding more work here. I believed her attitude to be genuine despite our previous discordance when discussing why I had decided to leave my village for this one. 
It was at this point that I brought up the illnesses I’d been treating; I detailed the collective symptoms of the villagers, and suggested that perhaps something that is being consumed at the church is contributing to this widespread ailment. This seemed like an appropriate enough time to ask if or when I could have an audience with Mother Miranda outside of sermons, but I had scarcely finished posing the question before the teacup in Donna’s hand crashed to the floor. She reached for me as I knelt to pick up the pieces, and I felt the tremble of her delicate hands over my own. 
“Please. You mustn’t bring attention to it. To yourself.”
I tried multiple times to explain to her that I have a duty to look after the people I treat, even at the risk of putting myself in confrontational situations, but she only clasped my hands harder, as though that could make me understand. 
“I admire your devotion, truly, I do,” her voice wavered and her chest rose and fell in rapid, shallow breaths. “But Mother Miranda is not a woman you should cross if you truly wish to build a comfortable life here.”
“Cross her? If bringing an illness to her attention is enough to be considered crossing her–”
As quickly as I had grown angry, I fell silent. Donna released her grip on me to lift the veil from her face, and my gut twisted as our eyes met for the first time. Knotted scar tissue heavily disfigured the right side of her otherwise perfect face, but this was clearly not the source of the pain behind her piercing hazel eye.
She breathed my name, pulling me from whatever stupor I must have been in. 
“Swear to me that you’ll stay away from her.”
The poor dear seemed so distraught at that moment, I agreed outright in the hopes that it might quiet the panic in her voice. However, I do not believe this to be a promise I can keep if I’ve inferred the meaning of her actions correctly. I will have to ask the Duke what he knows of this.
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sandeep2363 · 3 months
How a node is being evicted in Oracle RAC
Reason for Node eviction in Oracle RAC Environment In Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC), the eviction of a node from the cluster is typically a result of the Oracle Clusterware’s attempt to maintain the integrity and stability of the cluster in the face of various issues such as communication failures, network partitions, or hardware problems. The eviction process is designed to prevent…
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binenbaumaj · 5 months
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Diamond Sapphire 18k Cluster Ring 15569-8584
💍 This stunning cluster ring is a real statement piece! Featuring a gorgeous oval-shaped approx. 3.02ct sapphire as the centerpiece 🌟, surrounded by a sparkling halo of approx. 0.55ct (h-i si1) brilliant-cut diamonds 💎, all beautifully crafted in white 18k gold 🤩. The combination of the sapphire and diamond creates a contemporary and sophisticated design, perfect for any special occasion or as an everyday accessory 💖
Details: ±3.02ct Sapphire, ±0.55ct ( H-I SI1) Brilliant-cut diamonds, 18k Ring.
Design Era: Contemporary.
Size: 17.12 NL / 53.8 FR / 6¾ US / N UK, sizeable (Within reason. Contact seller for information).
Weight in grams: 3.3.
Condition: New.
Shipping and Pickup: This pretty piece ships from our store located in the center of Amsterdam, The Netherlands. We offer both registered shipping and local pickup at our store. In the case of local pickup, any applicable shipping costs will be refunded.
About Us: Add some sparkle to your style with Binenbaum.com. We offer a stunning selection of antique and vintage jewelry that you won't find anywhere else. From timeless rings and dazzling necklaces to unique brooches, we have something for every taste and occasion. Visit our website today and treat yourself to a piece of history.
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vivekavicky12 · 5 months
The Ever-Evolving Canvas of Data Science: A Comprehensive Guide
In the ever-evolving landscape of data science, the journey begins with unraveling the intricate threads that weave through vast datasets. This multidisciplinary field encompasses a diverse array of topics designed to empower professionals to extract meaningful insights from the wealth of available data. Choosing the  Top Data Science Institute can further accelerate your journey into this thriving industry. This educational journey is a fascinating exploration of the multifaceted facets that constitute the heart of data science education.
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Let's embark on a comprehensive exploration of what one typically studies in the realm of data science.
1. Mathematics and Statistics Fundamentals: Building the Foundation
At the core of data science lies a robust understanding of mathematical and statistical principles. Professionals delve into Linear Algebra, equipping themselves with the knowledge of mathematical structures and operations crucial for manipulating and transforming data. Simultaneously, they explore Probability and Statistics, mastering concepts that are instrumental in analyzing and interpreting data patterns.
2. Programming Proficiency: The Power of Code
Programming proficiency is a cornerstone skill in data science. Learners are encouraged to acquire mastery in programming languages such as Python or R. These languages serve as powerful tools for implementing complex data science algorithms and are renowned for their versatility and extensive libraries designed specifically for data science applications.
3. Data Cleaning and Preprocessing Techniques: Refining the Raw Material
Data rarely comes in a pristine state. Hence, understanding techniques for Handling Missing Data becomes imperative. Professionals delve into strategies for managing and imputing missing data, ensuring accuracy in subsequent analyses. Additionally, they explore Normalization and Transformation techniques, preparing datasets through standardization and transformation of variables.
4. Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA): Unveiling Data Patterns
Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) is a pivotal aspect of the data science journey. Professionals leverage Visualization Tools like Matplotlib and Seaborn to create insightful graphical representations of data. Simultaneously, they employ Descriptive Statistics to summarize and interpret data distributions, gaining crucial insights into the underlying patterns.
5. Machine Learning Algorithms: Decoding the Secrets
Machine Learning is a cornerstone of data science, encompassing both supervised and unsupervised learning. Professionals delve into Supervised Learning, which includes algorithms for tasks such as regression and classification. Additionally, they explore Unsupervised Learning, delving into clustering and dimensionality reduction for uncovering hidden patterns within datasets.
6. Real-world Application and Ethical Considerations: Bridging Theory and Practice
The application of data science extends beyond theoretical knowledge to real-world problem-solving. Professionals learn to apply data science techniques to practical scenarios, making informed decisions based on empirical evidence. Furthermore, they navigate the ethical landscape, considering the implications of data usage on privacy and societal values.
7. Big Data Technologies: Navigating the Sea of Data
With the exponential growth of data, professionals delve into big data technologies. They acquaint themselves with tools like Hadoop and Spark, designed for processing and analyzing massive datasets efficiently.
8. Database Management: Organizing the Data Universe
Professionals gain proficiency in database management, encompassing both SQL and NoSQL databases. This skill set enables them to manage and query databases effectively, ensuring seamless data retrieval.
9. Advanced Topics: Pushing the Boundaries
As professionals progress, they explore advanced topics that push the boundaries of data science. Deep Learning introduces neural networks for intricate pattern recognition, while Natural Language Processing (NLP) focuses on analyzing and interpreting human language data.
10. Continuous Learning and Adaptation: Embracing the Data Revolution
Data science is a field in constant flux. Professionals embrace a mindset of continuous learning, staying updated on evolving technologies and methodologies. This proactive approach ensures they remain at the forefront of the data revolution.
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In conclusion, the study of data science is a dynamic and multifaceted journey. By mastering mathematical foundations, programming languages, and ethical considerations, professionals unlock the potential of data, making data-driven decisions that impact industries across the spectrum. The comprehensive exploration of these diverse topics equips individuals with the skills needed to thrive in the dynamic world of data science. Choosing the best Data Science Courses in Chennai is a crucial step in acquiring the necessary expertise for a successful career in the evolving landscape of data science.
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mecachrome · 5 months
which nhl team would you assign 814 to I'm genuinely curious
well my real answer is that no nhl team is actually applicable to them and they're instead team gb at 2019 worlds going "we're shit and we know we are!" after just barely avoiding relegation by beating france in overtime. in this scenario pierresteban also represent france 💙
that's a good question though because it's something i've discussed with friends before but i still cannot make up my mind on! imo it's difficult to connect both sports because car development happens in such a separate personnel vacuum from prospect pooling for hockey so the narratives are not easy to ascribe... like you could justify a lot of different teams by focusing on a specific era or cluster of roster dynamics or even more superficial things like branding and color, but holistic justifications are a different beast and i tend to overthink the details. (imo the only obvious legacy connection is ferrari = habs because tifosi fervor and the Myth and History of each respective team. also haas = rags lol #fuckthemkids)
anyway we did think of Orange Teams but that's like er okay..... flyers or oilers??? also you did say 814 and not exactly mclaren, so that could also just be "which individual hockey player do you think is most lando/oscar coded," but the problem there (and i know i'm going to sound deeply biased) is that i've always associated lando with petey and oscar with robo LOL. actually i think the nux are kind of an interesting connection for mclaren because i was going to say that when it comes to nontraditional markets, they're both very established traditional teams but are also mildly out of place because mclaren is not a works team and all west coast hockey is oppressed ❤️ jkjk. mclaren is too historically successful to be vancouver...
speaking of success though, the other problem with trying to connect hockey to f1 is that winning a cup out of 32 teams is a much different quantifiable metric than winning a wcc out of 10-ish teams is... if you're looking strictly at patterns of success then the pens' multiple runs make them a little bit similar to mclaren, but you can also give them to merc or williams for the same reason, and i'd also shy away from Aging Core teams because a lot of 814's identity is literally that they're such a young promising duo. so then if we're looking at young team cores i would probably argue new jersey or buffalo... or like anaheim but Woking England is not california adjacent. there's maybe a cbj dynamic that would make sense for 814 but unfortunately i spend a lot of time pretending ohio doesn't exist
tl;dr: i really don't know 😭 do you have one in mind that you'd like to offer? i feel like i could write myself into a justification for a provided team but i'm also full of counterarguments for every single one. i'm so sorry this is not helpful.......
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datamarketing101 · 5 months
Data Science in Marketing
Data Science in Marketing
Have you ever bought something online, only to have ads for similar items follow you around the internet? This is a common example of how data science is being used in marketing. Many of us engage with data-driven marketing applications on a regular basis, often without realizing that our decisions are influenced by them.
Data science in marketing involves the use of advanced analytics, machine learning algorithms, and statistical models to interpret complex datasets. This process provides marketers with actionable insights, enabling them to make informed decisions and develop strategies that resonate with their target audience. From customer segmentation to predictive modeling, data science techniques empower marketers to unlock valuable patterns and trends within their data.
One fundamental application of data science in marketing is customer segmentation. By leveraging clustering algorithms, marketers can categorize their audience into distinct groups based on shared characteristics, behaviors, and preferences. This allows for highly targeted and personalized marketing campaigns, as evidenced by a study conducted by McKinsey & Company [1]. The report emphasizes that companies implementing data-driven segmentation strategies witness a significant boost in customer engagement and satisfaction.
Moreover, predictive modeling is another area where data science proves its worth in marketing. Through predictive analytics, businesses can forecast future trends, customer behaviors, and market dynamics. This capability is exemplified in a case study by IBM [2], where a major retailer utilized predictive modeling to optimize its inventory management and anticipate customer demands. The result was not only a reduction in excess inventory but also a substantial increase in overall sales.
Data science's role in digital marketing assumes a more prominent stance. Algorithms powering recommendation engines, personalized content delivery, and dynamic pricing strategies are all manifestations of data-driven decision-making. Amazon, a pioneer in utilizing data science in its marketing approach, provides a noteworthy example. The e-commerce giant leverages machine learning algorithms to analyze customer data which include browsing and purchasing patterns, tailoring product recommendations with remarkable accuracy [3]. All the analyzed data are then leveraged via Amazon’s recommendation engine. Every time a user searches for a specific product, this data helps the platform predict what else the user will have interest in. This in turn allows Amazon to enhance their procedure of convincing the consumer into purchasing other products.
Data science and marketing converge seamlessly in the hands of TastyPlacement, a digital marketing agency that sets the standard for data-driven success. TastyPlacement employs a data-centric approach to search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, and web design, among other services. Our commitment to utilizing data science for marketing effectiveness is evident in our strategies that prioritize measurable outcomes and ROI. Readers interested in exploring real-world applications of data science in marketing can find valuable insights on TastyPlacement's website [4].
Data science has become an indispensable tool in the marketing arsenal, enabling businesses to navigate the complexities of the modern landscape with precision and efficiency. From customer segmentation to predictive modeling, the integration of data science techniques empowers marketers to make informed decisions, optimize campaigns, and ultimately enhance the customer experience. As technology continues to advance, the synergy between data science and marketing is poised to shape the future of how businesses connect with their audiences.
[1]: https://www.mckinsey.com/careers/meet-our-people/careers-blog/joyce
[2]: https://www.ibm.com/topics/predictive-analytics
[3]: https://www.amazon.science/the-history-of-amazons-recommendation-algorithm
[4]: https://www.tastyplacement.com/
Author: Gerry l
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High flying International Space Station experiment pushes boundaries of knowledge
Floating at 250 miles above the planet, the International Space Station (ISS) provides a unique laboratory to conduct pioneering investigations.
By being permanently in orbit, it allows scientists to carry out experiments with the help of on-board astronauts and gain new insights into challenges we face on Earth.
This April, a machine designed at Strathclyde and built by UK-firm QinetiQ, was launched from Cape Kennedy in Florida into orbit on the station for the cutting edge "particle vibration" experiment.
The station, a joint program between U.S., Russia, Japan, Europe (ESA) and Canada, is equipped with a host of modern research equipment.
The experiments needed three months of continuous activities, a period of microgravity that only the ISS can provide.
"Microgravity" removes the effect of gravity to see the effects of other forces that can be hard to reveal on Earth and enabled researchers to test the behavior of solid particles dispersed in a liquid in a variety of operating conditions.
New materials
The trial showed that by heating and shaking complex fluids—liquids that contain fine solid particles or other liquid droplets—in space's microgravity environment, new materials can be created.
The hope is it will create future new medicines and environmentally friendly metals, as well as generate theories to explain how planets, moons and asteroids are formed.
It follows a chance discovery by Project Leader, Professor Marcello Lappa from the Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, that the combined influence of vibrations and heat applied to a liquid containing particles can be used to force particles to self-organize and form very regular structures.
Professor Lappa said, "Space is not only a place to be explored. It is also a fantastic place or laboratory to develop new ideas, test new theories and implement new technical solutions."
"We discovered this phenomenon by conducting sophisticated numerical computer simulations. Now this principle has been successfully verified in a real microgravity environment and it will lead to future materials with better properties or completely new materials with properties that cannot be obtained on Earth."
The method works by precisely controlling the position of particles dispersed in a fluid. Many materials, before being solid, pass through a liquid state that consists of particles or droplets dispersed in an external liquid or matrix—just like a cake with raisins inside.
Many metal alloys and protein crystals used for the production of medicines are also produced in the form of small particles inside a larger matrix. The properties of these materials in their final solid state depend on the position of these particles.
Incredible things
In the past control of particles dispersed in a fluid has been attempted using magnetic or electric fields. The new method doesn't require the materials to be sensitive to these fields, which means it can also be used to produce organic materials.
Professor Lappa added, "We have demonstrated that by shaking a fluid-particle mixture in the absence of gravity, particles can do incredible things. Instead of being randomly displaced, surprisingly particles can be forced to cluster and form perfect networks and their position can be controlled very precisely."
The new methods would mean manufacturing processes could produce materials directly in space, which could then used on Earth for advanced applications. This could include special metal alloys characterized by an internal framework or backbone able to address stresses or forces acting in specific directions, or non-metallic materials able to conduct electricity—materials essentially made of plastics but which can also conduct electricity, and protein crystals used in vaccine delivery.
Microgravity research
Professor Lappa added, "The next step will be making the method available to industry, pharmaceutical companies, academia and research centers. I am already working with the UK Space Agency and the UK Satellite Application Catapult on creating an academic and industrial network to take advantage of other research projects in microgravity.
The experiment enlisted the assistance of on board astronauts. But while Professor Lappa said that being able to personally visit the ISS is a "dream" for most researchers, it would take years of training and an exceptional ability to bear adverse conditions.
He added, "I suffer from seasickness and probably I would not be in a condition to bear an environment where there is no gravity. It would be like swimming through a liquid. But during the experiment execution, I did enjoy monitoring all the activity remotely through a real-time connection."
Science Minister George Freeman said the experiment paved the way for "exciting scientific discoveries that could transform methods of manufacturing, demonstrating just how valuable a resource space can be for growth and industry in the U.K. and around the world."
Particle Vibration is the third experiment funded directly by the UK Space Agency to fly to the ISS. The first, called Molecular Muscle 2, launched in June 2021 and saw scientists from Nottingham and Exeter University send thousands of tiny worms to live on board the space station for several days to help understand spaceflight-induced muscle decline.
The second, called MicroAge, launched in December 2021, with scientists from the University of Liverpool, sending tiny human muscle cells, the size of a grain of rice, into space to understand what happens to human muscles as we age, and why.
Libby Jackson, Head of Space Exploration at the UK Space Agency, said, "Particle Vibration shows how investing in space exploration, and the research in space that it enables, can benefit us here on Earth.
"In-space manufacturing harnesses the benefits of the space environment to create materials that are of much higher quality that those we can create on Earth, and that can be used to improve production of all sorts of materials crucial to our health and growth."
Professor Sir Jim McDonald, Vice-Chancellor and Principal of the University of Strathclyde said, "At Strathclyde we are proud of our track record in space innovation and this is a great example of the cutting edge research happening across the University."
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