a-cure-for-hysteria · 8 months
(Expect little cohesion, don’t want to edit this after writing)
Another thing about medicine (both psychiatric and otherwise) is the lies we - collectively - tell ourselves about them. After seeing Dopesick on HBO, even my most conservatives relatives would agree that it’s “such a shame about that girl” and “who’s to say we wouldn’t end up like that with her life”. Basic empathy - finally - but bear with me.
The characters in Dopesick are pretty much fine until they are so tolerant or have been on Oxy so long that no doctor is willing to prescribe more. Then, they’re off to the streets, doing anything they can for oxy, heroin, later fentanyl. The only thing they had in common was some sort of injury happen to them, and a doctor sponsored by Purdue Pharma.
Personally, I have (due to a long list of diagnoses, of which none have been revoked as I got new ones, for some reason) automatically renewed prescriptions in almost all the drug categories. I have amphetamines, cannabinoids, zolpidem, pregabalin and benzodiazepines. If I ask nicely and have a good reason, I get Oxy too - luckily for me, my body has some sort of allergic reaction to opioids, so addiction is unlikely.
However, my cornucopia of legally prescribed substances is a constant, looming threat to my continued well-being, made even more so by the fact that I need them to survive. I just have to NOT go overboard. Sometimes that’s easy, sometimes it’s hard.
I’m 30-something now. I live a pretty calm life - child free with cats and a loving partner, somewhere in rural Northern Europe. Before that, I partied hard. I’ve tasted all the substances for fun (and later; out of social necessity) and let me tell you - the effect I get from a rail of amphetamine snorted from a CD cover at 02:47 AM on a Wednesday, at a party (three tweakers in a dirty apartment) I’d never attend sober… that clear, ready feeling, it’s the same as what I get from 60 mg of Vyvanse each morning.
“People with real ADHD don’t get high from their meds!” you might say. Your ignorance is forgiven. There is so much we don’t know about the brain, about ADHD (if it’s even ONE thing and not several, if it’s generic or trauma or both) and let me tell you - me being high on my meds IS what makes me do the dishes. Go to work. Remember how my partner feels before I take all the dinner scraps without asking if they’ve eaten. I am high. I have taken speed at parties and I know. Every day, I know.
There is no inherent difference between the speed you do at a party and the speed your doctor gives you. Sometimes prescribed speed is tied up with lysine, making you wait an hour before it kicks. Sometimes you get BAD speed at parties - levoamphetamine and not dextroamphetamine. Sometimes it’s cut with bad stuff. But - it’s the same. It’s the same it’s the same it’s the same.
I am as addicted as the guy living under the bridge. However, I get to call it meds and everyone is so happy about my go-getter attitude at work, and how I am a valuable asset to the company. My partner rejoices upon learning I now do my half of the chores. My mom says I seem happier, more well-adjusted. A friend tells me she considered just leaving me alone because I never seemed to get my shit together, but now my shit IS together. Nice!
I recently upped my dose from 30 to 2 x 30 mg Vyvanse. No problem - it even says so on the prescription that I can. I’ve been taking out two boxes at the pharmacy every month, but haven’t taken the correct dose since I started. I just didn’t need to, except now and then on stressful days. Now I need 60 mg, and it doesn’t even feel like 30 did in the start. What happens when 60 is no longer enough for me to feel the high that allows me to get anything done? And, am I lying to myself? Would 30 have been fine? I need, need, need the clear, ready feeling. And I need to get shit done. I need people to be happy with me.
Yes, that’s it. I need people to be happy around me. Is there a rehab for that?
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Not exactly drug related but here's a snippet from Stahl's Essential Psychopharmacology that looks funny without context
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Thank you Stahl’s Essential Psychopharmacology book, but I don’t think that’s a good question to ask when sniffing out the difference between unipolar or bipolar depression
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lovekenney · 4 months
Also! What do you think Troy was studying at Greendale?
The fucker probably didn’t even know 😭
Troy doesn’t know what he wants to do or what he wants to be which is why pierce sent him on the trip around the world. He probably constantly changed it or never even chose.
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I made it through my role play and it turned out to be one of the best of the semester. I have my supervision appointment tomorrow to discuss it but I think it went well! Pharmacology exam today and a paper to write afterwards that I got an extension for. Such a busy week and I didn’t even have work!
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intrexel · 1 day
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hi tumblr i’m a pixel artist/ nonhuman vessel for the ethereal world of elriel, standing saunter of the 2133. i hope you like my art as much as i like making it….
2133 2133 2133 2133
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outstanding-quotes · 2 years
It was fascinating to me that one could be hurting, in agony, and and that the administering of a little bit of a chemical that came from some poppy flowers somewhere could make it all quite unimportant.
Alexander Shulgin, PIHKAL
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zaharya · 9 months
I have a couple questions if you are willing/have the brain space to answer. Could untreated ADHD be the reason SSRI meds are horrible for me and make me feel worse/in a complete brain fog? Ambien kept me up for 3 days at a time and other sleep meds never worked for my insomnia? Also the reason that caffeine doesn't energize me and can calm me down or make me sleepy in larger quantities? And that Benadryl makes me jittery and on edge instead of relaxed or tired? Every one I've mentioned those things to have laughed it off but I saw an anecdotal post about backwards reactions and wondered if that might explain a lot of my life. Thank you for your time and giving me an incredible story to lose myself in time and time again. Take care! 💖
Hi, I'm so sorry that this is literally months late, somehow I never got a notification for it and thought it was from someone else when skimming through my asks any other time.
So, medication definitely works different for everyone, regardless of ADHD or not. From what you're describing, there most likely is something unusual about your neurochemistry and/or function. Have you spoken to a doctor / psychiatrist about these contraindicated effects? Also, have you ever had any sort of neuropsychological diagnostic assessment?
If not, I'd definitely try to get something like that started. Ideally, try seeing a psychiatrist who specialises on neurodivergence (ADHD specifically in your case). Before your first appointment, try to make a list with notes detailing all the medications you've been on so far, and what effects they caused — not just the weirdly unexpected ones, but also any sort of side-effects, and expected effects if they occurred. Any bit of information can be helpful to figure out what is actually going on.
I'm sorry I can't really give you good answers as to whether or not this could be ADHD or not, but given that I don't know anything about your life or symptoms otherwise, those are assumptions I wouldn't wanna make. It's definitely worth checking out though!
Sorry again this is so late 😅 I wish you the best!
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plottwistedstory · 1 year
Sie stabilisieren dich, so dass du dich auf dich selbst wieder verlassen kannst, während sie dir die Zwangsneurosen nehmen und deine eigentlichen Ziele plötzlich greifbar werden. Diese Ziele aber gar nicht mehr deine Ziele sind, denn sie sind nur aus der Krankheit heraus entstanden.
Stabil und planlos.
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slimesucker · 1 year
at a moderate dose, ethanol has an almost stimulating effect. it's heavily modulated by the loss of motor control but it's still present cognitively.
I'm drunk.
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bookloversofbath · 2 years
The Master Game: Pathways to Higher Consciousness Beyond the Drug Experience :: Robert S. de Ropp
The Master Game: Pathways to Higher Consciousness Beyond the Drug Experience :: Robert S. de Ropp
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questionphings · 6 days
I base my value on my salary
I am worthless
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outstanding-quotes · 2 years
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Alexander Shulgin, PIHKAL
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13. März 2024
Na ihr🌸,
ich hoffe, es geht euch gut. Mir geht es heute ein bisschen besser als die letzten Tage, die Depressionen waren ziemlich schlimm. Ich habe auch aufgehört die Ziprasidon zu nehmen, die ich seit zwei Jahren nehme. Kein Venlafaxin mehr, kein Ziprasidon mehr, ich denke es ist normal, dass ich in letzter Zeit angespannter und depressiver bin als sonst, der Körper muss sich wohl erst einmal darauf einstellen.
Trotzdem muss es irgendwie weitergehen. Ich fange jetzt an Schuldrecht BT zu lernen, ich hab es viel zu lange vor mir hergeschoben. Ende des Monats bekomme ich mitgeteilt, ob und welche Prüfungen ich bestanden habe. Ich hasse diese Warterei. Ich wüßte gerne sofort, wie sehr ich es vermasselt hab. Im 1. Semester liefen die Prüfungen noch sehr gut, ich habe in beiden 9 Punkte geschrieben. Da habe ich auch keine Antidepressiva genommen. Dieses Semester bin ich unendlich dankbar, wenn ich keine Prüfung wiederholen muss. Bleibt wohl nur hoffen und abwarten.
Ich wünsche euch noch einen schönen Tag und denkt dran - niemals aufgeben 🌸
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harmeet-saggi · 5 months
Psychiatrists Near Me: Specialist Doctor You Need To Call & When
Psychiatrists mainly provide psychotherapy, psychopharmacology, consultation, research, teaching, diagnosis, and evaluation. They may prescribe medications since they're specially trained to know when medications are needed for psychiatric treatments even if it's just for short-term needs or meditation techniques to help them when they're having anxiety attacks or depression episodes that won't go away without professional intervention. Psychologists tend to address broad aspects of behavior while psychiatrists focus more on deep-rooted psychological problems like schizophrenia which requires both medication treatment but also intensive therapy to be properly treated through talk therapy alone like cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT).
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liminalpsych · 6 months
After two weeks of no adhd meds for the first time since I got on them in 2017, I finally wrangled a way with my pharmacy to get them filled (turns out they’re not backordered on the brand name, just the generic, which I hadn’t thought to check until a client mentioned success with this approach).
They still don’t have enough of my dose in stock so I’m not getting them until Monday, but I’m getting them soon instead of indefinite waiting, and now I have a route to take when the generic is backordered in the future so that I still get my meds on time.
(It’s a little more expensive, but still cheaper than the adhd taxes I’ve been paying with dopamine seeking behaviors for the past two weeks.)
The silver lining has been that I now have a very, very clear understanding of exactly how adhd stimulants help me, and how much they help. (I used to live like this. Only it was worse because I was on an SSRI instead of an NDRI as my antidepressant; my current antidepressant at least takes the edge off some of my adhd symptoms.)
(Did you know serotonin can inhibit dopamine production? That’s possibly why some ADHDers have paradoxical reactions to SSRIs. We don’t have enough dopamine to begin with and then it makes us produce even less? Terrible times.)
Anyway. Might make a separate post about adhd meds on Monday. But for now, here are the things I’ve noticed:
oh right I used to be tired all. the. time. 9 hrs of sleep + a nap = still tired all the time, pre medication. Properly medicated, I’m good on 7.5 hrs. Half medicated (no stimulants, but NDRI), I’ve been doing okay on 8 hours but still pretty fatigued. I have not been getting deep/delta sleep (which stimulants help with in ADHD, adhd brains tend to spend a lot of time in REM sleep and not enough in deep delta sleep, and stimulants increase deep sleep in many adhd cases for some reason). There’s been a couple nights of 0 hours of deep sleep despite 8 hours of sleep. It’s been great. Fabulous. /s (help i’m so so so tired)
Focus/motivation, obviously. Oh right, this is probably why I haven’t written much fiction since college. For the past several months I’ve just been able to choose to write, make myself write and it works. For the past two weeks that has been much, much harder and even impossible. I am able to make myself spend time with my WIP each day to maintain momentum (still using all my adhd coping skills) but writing prose has not really been happening.
Social anxiety. I knew stimulants helped with the rejection sensitivity, social anxiety, overthinking social situations, because I went off of them for 2 days in a row once and had a terrible RSD flare up. But two weeks off of them has been… not great. Also generally just feeling insecure, having self esteem issues flare up, anxiety in general, harder to self-soothe and talk myself through catastrophic thinking, etc etc. (and trust me, I have skills. So many skills. So many well practiced skills. I teach them to others and use them personally. I’m functioning, it’s just extra hard.)
Dopamine seeking. Siiiigh. Back to snacking on sugary things that make my digestive system angry at me, in a desperate subconscious bid for tiny insufficient hits of dopamine. That had mostly stopped.
Task switching has been extra hard, unsurprisingly. Also lots of zoning out.
My driving skill/safety. D: yeeeeah. there are a number of studies out there showing that unmedicated adhd (especially in younger drivers, it improves somewhat with age/experience) shows up as similar levels of impairment as being at/over the blood alcohol limit. I was horrified the first time I drove while medicated. “oh. Oh no. I have not been particularly safe to drive all these years.” Been extra cautious as a result, and haven’t driven the wrong way down one way streets or anything like that the past two weeks, thankfully. (Yes, that was a thing that happened pre-medication.)
In before anyone tries to suggest this is indicative of a dependency or is because I was on meds for a long time: no. This is how I lived 32 years of my life. Until the tiredness got so bad that I got desperate enough for a med change that might work a little better than just “not having intrusive suicidal thoughts,” which is all the SSRI managed to do for me. For the past six years of adhd medication, I haven’t been tired all the time, things haven’t been so mind-numbing hard, it’s been a complete game changer and opened up so much more capacity for living that I didn’t have before.
It sucks to have to go back to my old exhausting norm where I had to drag myself through tasks with sheer force of will and could barely get anything done. I am so relieved the end is in sight and I’ll be back to my modern norm on Monday.
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gekken · 1 year
Firewater - Psychopharmacology - She's the Mistake
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