#Percy Jackson and the Olimpians
cakemadrigal · 4 months
Nico *while with Will on his motorbike*: I-
Will: Nico, you didn’t use your turn signals!?
Nico: It’s no-ones business where I’m going
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scaredykitcat · 4 months
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louisfruit · 11 months
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One of the wildest things from the sun and the star is still that Rick confirmed that the other characters also call Percy and Annabeth Percabeth
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cookthepenguin · 3 months
percy can control water, right? and blood is 51% water. for me this means two things:
1. he never had to feel ashamed trying to hide it
2. annabeth can have a good time whenever she likes
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capacity4000 · 1 year
" usually when gods come looking for you its not for the goodness of their hearts "
~ percy jackson
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tea-gremlin · 2 years
i was scrolling on tiktok and i saw this, so now i'm gonna explain to you why oh no! by marina is leo valdez' theme song.
let's get started with analyzing the lyrics:
Don't do love, don't do friends
I'm only after success
Don't need a relationship
I'll never soften my grip
- those few lines are definitely about that whoever it was who said it, they're denying that they need anyone and anything even in front of themselves. and that sounds a lot like leo, whose backstory is really sad. he lost his mother and he is convinced that it was all his fault, his own family hates him and he has run away from foster homes many times. let me quote him: laughter is a good way to hide pain - he said himself that he pretends to be happy, while in fact he is definetely not.
Don't want cash, don't want car
Want it fast, want it hard
Don't need money, don't need fame
I just want to make a change
- it is a kind of contradiction to the previous verse: the singer expresses their desperation to make a change, and it sounds like leo a lot. he always feels like a loser, someone worse than his friends, even though he is hiding it by telling jokes and false self-confidence.
I know exactly what I want and who I want to be
I know exactly why I walk and talk like a machine
I'm now becoming my own self-fulfilled prophecy
- the first line: deep down, leo wants to be noticed. he wants others to like him, although he himself has low self-esteem.
second line: reference to the first verse. leo insisted on pretending that he didn't need anyone. he behaves in his own way and knows exactly why.
third line: the self-fulfilled prophecy. by behaving this way, valdez almost manages to succesfully lie to himself on this point.
One track mind, one track heart
If I fail, I'll fall apart
Maybe it is all a test
Cause I feel like I'm the worst
So I always act like I'm the best
- he is fixated on pretending everything is fine, but feels that if he fails, he will break down. and we all know that the last two lines are the definition of leo valdez.
If you are not very careful
Your possessions will possess you
TV taught me how to feel
Now real life has no appeal
- to be honest, i don't think it needs an explanation, but listen: the last verse says it's very easy to let your uncertainty break you down. leo, however, worked out his own way to live and does not intend to change it.
what more can i say? oh no! is an anthem of leo valdez. end of story.
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danihdanvers · 6 months
Creo que la serie de PJO está haciendo las cosas muy pero que muy bien. No es solo que sea una adaptación fiel a los libros, que lo es, sino que creo que están haciendo un muy buen trabajo a la hora de presentar la serie a alguien que no haya leído la saga.
Para empezar es una buena decisión que hayan sacado a la vez los dos primeros capítulos que sirven de introducción. Ambos tienen su dosis de escenas de acción y a la vez van presentando la serie. En el primero se empieza a conocer cómo funciona este universo y en el segundo se termina de establecer todo con la presentación del campamento. Además,  también han hecho una buena elección al decidir cómo dividir los caps,siendo que el primero cierra con la llegada al  campamento y el segundo con Poseidón reclamando a Percy, o sea, que ambos cierran con momentos que marcan un antes y un después en la vida del personaje.
Hablando de Percy, creo que la serie lo está haciendo genial con él. Es un personaje con el que es muy fácil empatizar. No es un héroe invulnerable, sino solamente un niño asustado. Verlo así, estando triste y confundido, hace que cualquiera pueda encariñarse con él.
Además, le están dando a Sally la importancia que se merece. Ella es la persona más importante en la vida de Percy y eso queda más que claro en todas las escenas en las que o bien aparece o bien se habla de ella.
Fangirleé a muerte con Annabeth, especialmente cuando le dice a Percy que babea cuando duerme porque esa frase es icónica, y disfruté muchísimo las escenas de Luke porque es uno de mis personajes favoritos de la saga, pero mis escenas favoritas fueron las de Percy y Sally. Me tocaron muchísimo el corazón.
 La verdad es que estoy muy contenta con todo, tanto con lo fiel que es la serie a la obra original como con los pequeños cambios que han metido. La escena del señor D fingiendo ser el padre de Percy para que le traiga vino es maravillosa y el rezo de Percy a Sally es precioso.
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kaufmann-6 · 4 months
How everyone says percabeth: persabeth
How my non-native english speaker brain and I say it: perkabeti
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jasico-challenges · 4 months
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rabbitshat · 5 months
The peak fanfiction experience is going on google to look up a book's word count and finding out you can very well finish it in a day
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yourfavehaskenergy · 7 months
Leo Valdez from Percy Jackson and the Olimpians definitely has Kenergy!
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Leo Valdez from Percy Jackson has Kenergy!
Art by @viria
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certifiednatelover · 25 days
Bro idk what to do, i’ve been hyperfixating on percy jackson and the olimpians and i stopped watching the triplets. Please someone help me 😞🤞
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cepheusgalaxy · 9 months
You can call me Lotus* or Cepheus (the name of my blog)!
None of these are my real name, birthname nor chosen name
In fact, I'm still in the process of choosing one
But both this names are hightly apreciated by me, and they both have very important meanings to me! ❤
this one is the picrew i used for my icon image
(*formerly Baakir. But I like this one more)
I have a lot of ocs and they are all introduced here
Welcome to my tumblr blog!
Hi! I'm a transgender teenager and I love using social media to inform myself, read fiction works of writeblr and have fun.
What you'll find here:
Percy Jackson and the Olimpians stuff
Spiderman: Into/Across the Spiderverse things
Writing pieces and advice (most of those are reblogged) [x]
Whump posts
Prompts (whump and not whump)
Trans and queer stuff
Neurodivergency info
Brazil things and maybe some Portuguese words
Ocasionally, more stuff!
About me:
I'm AFAB and genderfluid, I am not from the USA and I am bilingual. I'm a minor, and I thought I was a woman for a huge part of my life.
I am brown, latin-american, asexual and neptuniromantic 🏳️‍🌈 I do not have any disabilities for as I know, and I'm a writer and a whump fan
Some of my content may get you unconfortable, whichever the reason. However, I hope you scroll thro my tags and see what you need to block. If anything you can always ask me!
Tags I mostly use:
Writing advice
Others art
Autism information
Daily pronouns
Others whump
Favorite posts
Writing tips
Laugh tag
(Here is a post of why I may reblog and save some neurodivergency informative posts)
I am not neurodivergent, but I look foward to respecting everyone and being a good ally, as well as some of my ocs may have traits I don't know much about, so I may research
If I ever say/write/post anything offensive, please call me out if you can
Some of these things I research may be trigger warnings for you, but I try to tag everything
I may not tag everything, (usually reblogs) and I may miss some tw/cw (trigger or content warnings), so if you notice something I should've added, you are free to warn me, I would appreciate much!
I am open to asks, and anon is always open. You can ask me anything! But offenses will be turned down ☃️
I'm in a different timezone (America, South Hemisphere) and I am in full-time school so sometimes I may miss some things (including asks)
There are things I don't know and I won't be mad if you correct me about them
I hope making this a safe space for anyone who wants to interact -- anonimaly or not ❤
This one is a post with a little bit of my culture, talking about a popular comic franchise around here. Feel free to check!
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louisfruit · 11 months
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Will solace is a true-crime fan
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angrycloudloud · 5 months
I just had the most stupid intrusive thought about Percy Jackson and the olimpians...
My mind just described the conflict of the plot the worse way possible:
"Angry Granpa who lives in the worse retirement home of the universe convinced his great grand children to get him out so they can make the adults of the family start paying child support... But Granpa lied and he only wanted to reunite his old gang and go beat the shit out of his own kids... Again."
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capacity4000 · 1 year
i love the zeus-poseidon dynamic
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