You ever have food so frickin good you can physically feel your stats being buffed
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flintbian · 2 years
Life achievement: three people have asked for my recipes after trying my food (five if including desserts)! 😁
#ive been teaching myself how to Really cook and not just follow a recipe which is why im so excited!#like i could cook before but now ive been learning the principles and techniques and my favorite lesson is about acids in your dish#and all the flavor types and combos etc#like we need salf fat acid heat and acid was missing from my stuff before!#and i said by the third time someone liked my food enough to ask for a recipe I'd have Made it in my mind#and idk im proud my cooking skills have improved 😊#ive always liked to cook but it's hard with my chronic illness...dont get to often nor practice bc it takes so much energy#which is another reason im excited about this!#me and my dad have now joined forces to teach each other stuff the other doesn't know#we'll send each other pics of our latest creations-he's going to teach me the best of barbecue and smoking and frying#he's from the south so#and i literally dont have the tools or capacity to fry but he's going to teach me anyways (he does it in his grill now which is neat)#did you know there's seasoning rules and combos for the type of meat or oil or flavor set? it's so neat and really does work#the biggest one im learning about is umami#ppl asked for my pesto pasta recipe gyudon and now chicken and rice soup 😊#my barbecue has greatly improved but havent shared with anyone yet (and yeah yeah i know im from the north aint Real barbecue)#oh also got asked for a couple desserts too like my peach cobbler and blueberry crisp 😁#before this learning curve my brownies were always a big hit but not counting it#very exciting#p
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angelanderson · 3 months
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give you what you need
— w. maximoff ☆ her girl au
with only one thing that could fix your morning, both you and wanda are desperate. you know your mommy will usually give you what you want… you just have to ask.
first extra for the her girl series!!I while wanda does have mostly unmentioned powers still, it is very much an au. all fluff (this time) MINORS DNI. cw: inherently unhealthy dynamics due to the nature of this series, finger sucking, mention of (past) spanking, soft dark mommy!wanda. mostly comfort!!!! edited-ish. *not an ageplay series. reader is fully an adult and thinks like one*
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tapping her freshly manicured nails on the counter, wanda watches you like a hawk as you contemplate your next move. the witch has been dreading your impending meltdown since she woke up her grumpy girl this morning. it took a promise of blueberry pancakes for breakfast for you to verbalize that your issue was a poor night’s worth of sleep. unfortunately for the older woman, pancakes didn’t bring up your mood, nor did an offering of a relaxing bubble bath, one of your favorite times things.
tears threaten to spill down your checks as you try to soothe yourself. no longer wanting to sit by wanda, you’ve found the cool kitchen tiles to be more appealing. usually, you always want your mommy, especially when you’re upset, but the sheer exhaustion you feel has you acting out. no amount of appealing offers from the woman has been enough to placid you.
wanda gives it five more minutes before she steps in again; she can’t bear to see you like this. she approaches you as if you’re some wild animal that’s afraid. “dorogaya, why don’t you come with mommy, hmm? let’s fix those tears”, her voice comes out sweet as honey.
you’ve been so stubborn all morning, but the way wanda is looking at you is making your façade slowly slip. worrying at your bottom lip, you weigh your options— you know from past experience that she is not afraid to make you give in. thirty more seconds pass before you make your way into her arms, giving into her. you can faintly here her whisper how you’re a good girl as your shove your face into her shoulder.
as wanda tries to coax you out of her shoulder, she notices that you’ve shoved some of your fingers past your lips. since the day you met, even in your previous life as equals in a relationship, she has been trying to break you of the habit. “oh dove, what has mommy said about sucking on your fingers?”
“that ‘m not supposed to,” you messily say as you continue to refuse to remove them from your mouth. ever since you could remember, which was not much now, you’ve found comfort in self-soothing by having something in your mouth.
tsking, the witch gently coaxes your fingers out of your mouth. she ignores the cry you let out— how could she be a good mommy if she wasn’t consistent with you? she doesn’t let you pitch the fit she knows is coming. “dorogaya, come upstairs now. maybe mommy will let you get cozy in her bed, hmm?” even with sweetness, her tone leaves no room for argument.
it’s rare for her to go against her usual protocols; it’s how she keeps you in check. unbeknownst to you, wanda is willing to give into what she knows you secretly want if there’s a chance it’ll change your mood. when you’re grumpy, you’re grumpy. however, the almost promise of being able to nap in wanda’s room has your brain spinning enough that you don’t argue as she leads you to the stairs. so busy reeling with excitement, you don’t hear her sighs of relief as you two walk up together.
wanting to show your mommy that you can be her good girl again, you wait by her bedroom door, albeit antsy as you wait for her to catch up. you have quickly learned to mind not entering her bedroom or study without explicit permission. it only took two spankings that ended in loud cries to cement the rule in your brain. wanda clearly notices your commitment to her rules as she reaches the top. proudness fills her chest as she realizes how far you’ve both come from the start of this new life.
the soft smile gracing her lips has you like putty in her hands— you love nothing more than pleasing her. you eagerly let her guide you into her bedroom. you don’t pay much mind as she finds some new clothes for you to wear; she has a rule against dirty clothes in bed. while you haven’t been outside to play yet, your pajama top is tear stained and has a dash of dried pancake batter. you decide on the white chair in the corner as your place to perch until she’s ready for you.
too into your own world, your fingers find their way back into your mouth. your sudden push back into reality is caused by wanda’s grip on your wrist. your head snaps up to meet wanda’s cocked eyebrow; she’s not amused. while you let wanda remove your hand, you still let out a pitiful whine to let her know you’re not happy. wanda chooses to acknowledge it this time.
“less whining, milaya”, she scolds you. her hand reaches up getting ready to pull your top off. instead of letting wanda change your top, you impulsively slap her hand away.
you regret the second your hand makes contact with her hand. a red glow fills her eyes before you can even think about stuttering out an apology. as soon as the glow consumed her, it ends. a feat that has you feeling emotional whipslash. she beats you at another chance to speak first.
“mommy knows you’re only acting out because you’re tired, isn’t that right, milaya?” her grip tightens on your wrist as she speaks lowkey, “so mommy knows that you’re going to act right starting now. isn’t that right?”
that’s when it hits you: you’ve pushed wanda over the edge today. you know just how mean your mommy can be when you don’t listen. you immediately agree with her, “‘m really sorry! promise it!” to prove your point, your arms reach over your shoulders to quickly take off your shirt. wanda’s hum of approval lets you know you’re back in the clear… for now.
you let wanda change you like a doll after that— you’ll do anything to avoid the red glow from coming back. lucky for you, she grabbed the sweater you always nuzzle your face into when she wears it. it’s another not-so-noticeable way she’s helping keep you manageable this late morning. the soft texture keeps you like putty in her hands as she lays you down in her cloud-like bed. you’ve always been a sucker for soft things.
“my sweet girl, doing so good for me now,” the older woman coos out. feeling the bed dip, you move over some so she can rest with you. your haze filled mind has you reeling in the extra praise. when you don’t reply, wanda gets the hint about how floaty you’re feeling, “okay milaya, let’s rest now, hmm? mommy’s here with you.”
you nuzzle your way into her arms, letting her know you’re in agreement with her. you stay that way for a solid five minutes as she rubs your back in gentle circles. the sixth minute is when your need for a specific comfort comes back. you look back and forth between wanda and your fingers. so shyly, you finally speak up, “…mommy? um, i want some fingers?” you add on, “please!”
wanda doesn’t understand at first. she isn’t sure why you’d be horny right now— you never are after being reprimanded where her red glow comes out. she sighs, “not right now. maybe mommy’ll fuck you later tonight if you can be good for me.”
the look on your face let’s her know that is not what you meant. it takes all but two more seconds for it to click: you want something back in your mouth. wanda knows the tears that would come had she said no. the reprimanding is silly anyways, she thinks. while your oral fixation is only a newer appearance, she’s sure it can’t hurt for now. she would much rather save her energy for when truly you’re acting out, anyways. so she agrees, “yes, you may. such a silly rule anyways, hmm? you’re being my good girl.”
the praise has you craving something different: her fingers. it’s not something you’ve shown interest in before. but in your hazy state nothing sounds more comforting. what’s not to like? it’s attention for your mommy and a fix to your need.
the haziness makes it hard for the words to spill out of your lips. the mix of frustration over it and exhaustion have you teetering towards irritation again. wanda can see it in the way you scrunch up your face. always your savior, she steps in. “hush, dove. take a deep breath and try again.”
“i, um— i want your fingers. please!” you rush the words out so quickly that wanda almost doesn’t catch it. you’re still getting used to asking for what you what without being shy about it. while she typically would make you slow down, she can’t deny you any longer.
“well, since you said please”, she teases you. she mentally rolls her eyes at the huff you let out at her teasing.
you don’t have any time to make a quick remark back as two manicured fingers find their way to your bottom lip, slowing tracing it. a full drowsiness takes over your body. you quickly part your lips, welcoming her to stop the teasing. luckily, she gets your hint as she lets her fingers past your cherry lips. a wave of comfort comes over you as you wrap your lips around her fingers.
every sucking motion has you falling deeper and deeper into your cozy headspace. the exhaustion no longer feels world ending; it’s less overwhelming now. the comfort you’ve been craving all morning has finally found its way to you. everything she gives you just makes you feel so good!
being the good girl you are, you decide it’s only polite to thank her. after all, wanda does like it best when you mind your manners. “thank you ‘ommy”, you try to thank her, but the words come out messy due to the fingers in your mouth.
“don’t talk with things in your mouth. it’s not polite,” even with you being sweet, she just can’t help but tease you. she giggles when you whine in response. “okay, okay. i’m sorry, baby. let’s get you to sleep now, hmm?”
she sushes your whine, instead going to play with your hair the way she knows you like. wanda internally cheers as your eyes start to flutter shut. the grip of your lips on her fingers starts to loosen as the next few minutes go on. she can’t get herself to start her other tasks when you just look so adorable for her. she allows herself to stay until your breathing has completely evened.
had you been awake, you would see a flurry of red hair moving as slow as possible in order to not wake you. she can’t help but sneak a kiss on your forehead before she leaves her bedroom in order to go to pick some of the fresh fruit you’re obsessed with from the garden as a snack for later. a whisper fills the air as she slowly closes the door behind her, “silly girl, you just have to ask. you know mommy likes to give you what you want when you’re behaving.”
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speirslore · 3 months
when you get hurt hcs [officers + roe]
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a/n: requested <3 usually in my writing the reader is implied to be a part of easy company in a vague way bc i know ppl have different preferences but some of these include getting shot (not graphic or anything) so ig that implies they're on the front lines
lmk if you would like to be on my taglist! @ronsparky @bcon24 @blueberry-ovaries @1waveshortofashipwreck
[dick winters]
you hit your head prettyyyy hard, and you're out of it, probably definitely concussed
it happens right in front of dick and he tries really hard to keep calm
he wants to be strong and level-headed for you
shows more obvious affection then any of the men have ever seen from him; pets your hair, holds your hand, is always by your side
he immediately gets you a medic and transported to an aid station and doesn’t want to leave you
but when dick's back with easy, he gets uncharacteristically easily angry and frustrated...
he gets quiet and withdrawn and a little snappy with zelensky and nix... and they both immediately know why
whenever he can go see you, he's there.. he even gets behind on all his paperwork (but nix offers to help)
which dick is hesitant to accept for many reasons, he feels guilty, like he's not focusing on his duties but lew is always good at keeping the reports concise lol
very fragile with you, he isn't underestimating you but he just absolutely does not want to push you or hurt you
is a stickler for the rules, follows absolutely everything the doctor says
he has to wake you up every few hours and you keep insisting it’s unnecessary and dick is absolutely not having it
you try to get up and move around and all dick has to hear is the sheets moving and he just gives you that stare, a little bit like a disappointed mom, and you're right back laying down
he’s way more clingy than usual, wants to be by your side, subtly holding your hand
in that moment it definitely hits him how much he loves and cares about you... he hasn't really had time or space to process those feelings until now <3
[lewis nixon]
it does not look good at first
it's really scary for everyone there, you loose a lot of blood and lose consciousness
lew is not there when you're first shot in the leg and everyone is very glad that he didn't have to see it
but when he finds out... oh he is not keeping cool, is not pretending even a little bit to be okay
starts lashing out and snaps at the driver who's taking him to the hospital to drive faster, mad that they didn't tell him sooner, mad that you were injured, mad at the war, furious at absolutely everything
lew has to be monitored by dick not to go full self destruction mode and get incredibly drunk
he hates just sitting with the constant uncomfortable feeling and reminder that you're hurting
he will not leave your side at first when you’re sleeping a lot, on a lot of medicine, and out of it
one nurse does approach him when he's the only vistor in the hospital left, "sir, the visiting hours-"
he just looks up, obviously devastated, voice cracking, "i'm can't leave. you can drag me out but i'm not going, thanks."
they back off after that
does go through a phase where he hates going once you're more conscious because he kills him to see you like that and face this feels irrational guilt he feels for not being there
because he definitely has the tendency to avoid his problems and things that hurt him
but it hurts you too and you don't fully understand
you look up at dick and harry, slightly delirious from the morphine, tearing up, "does he not want to see me anymore?"
after that they do drag lew to see you and you just straight up tell him feeling guilty is pointless and not fair to himself (or you)
and then it's right back to not leaving your side and always trying to make you laugh or smile
[ron speirs]
okay so i love the angel of the company x speirs trope
by now he's the co of easy and your relationship is a widely known secret...
he assigns you and the group of other men to a patrol... it wasn't an overly risky or bad order, a standard order from sink
but you guys make contact and you're shot in the arm
it just absolutely wrecks him
the guys feel like he's just going to go across enemy lines and find the soldier that shot you himself
the rest of the guys are furious too because everyone just absolutely loves you
for a short time, he's mad at the other soldiers on the patrol and you have to reminder him they didn't do anything wrong
but ron is really just irrationally mad at himself for not being there, for not being psychic, he's just angry he somehow didn't stop this
ron is not controlling and not possessive and he knows you can hold your own but he feels responsible for taking care of you and making sure you're safe
even if he can't quite articulate all of those feelings yet
he doesn't understand all the emotions he feels and doesn't even have time to try to understand them
he listens so attentively to the doctors, he can recite everything they've said word for word
like with chuck, he demands the absolute best from the doctors
this incident shows his more compassionate side and the guys start to see how much he really cares about you... bc they're protective of you too!
you have to comfort him and his voice breaks
and he feels weak and he feels bad that you're comforting him and not the other way around
"i'm messing everything up, doing everything wrong," he says more to himself but you frown, eyebrows furrowed and everything
"you're so hard on yourself, ron. when it's not your fault, it was routine, you didn't shoot me. then i'd be really pissed." you smile and he smiles weakly... but he's on edge for a longgg time after this
[carwood lipton]
unfortunately you and lip just cannot catch a break
your leg gets injured while he has pneumonia
it's not a major injury but a bullet ricocheted off of a wall and slightly grazed you and you need a few days of staying off of it
lip really tries to be comforting
and wants to be there for you and he is!
but it's very hard for him, he just wants you to be okay so badly, even when he himself isn't okay
trying to lecture you about staying off of your leg and asking others for help but breaking out into a coughing fit and then you're trying to help him sit up and to go get some hot water for him
and then he's back to telling you to stop and starts hoarsely calling for luz
it's a MESS
but carwood is a natural caretaker and has been one for most of his life
it makes him hover sooo badly especially because since he's sick too he doesn't have a lot of work to keep him busy
but you're not complaining honestly, it's nice to have more private time and something of a break, even if you're both miserable
you get the special privilege of an actual private back bed room with a mattress and blankets
kind of a bonding experience
you just laugh because what the fuck
it's kind of romantic, first time in a longgg time in an actual bed together
you just go back and forth talking about your future and the life you want after the war
"i don't like this wallpaper," you murmur into his chest
he laughs and that turns into coughing again and you're just rubbing his back trying not to bend your leg... domestic bliss <3
[buck compton]
buck... does not take it well
he takes it extremely hard
like his reaction to joe and bill...
you have pneumonia and the peniciln you need isn't available in bastogne
and it's even worse that he finds out you're sick only a few hours after that and that you've been sick and struggling for the past few days
maybe his reaction would've been different earlier on in the war
but now, it just feels like a destructive domino effect that's sparing no one
it's obvious after all of his friends injuries and your pneumonia that he couldn't stay on the front line... his red bleary eyes and slightly trembling hands said enough
when he gets taken off the line, you're both in an aid station together for a few hours before you're both transferred to different hospital
so his presence is silent reassurance
you want so badly to comfort him but you're so sick and he doesn't want you to, he feels so guilty leaving you
but you hoarsely tell him he needs a break and to process what happened
you're feeling slightly better this day so that makes it a little better... but not that much
both of you have been through hell
but there is a light in the tunnel... or at least you feel that way
buck isn't on the front lines anymore and you both have a chance at a life together post-war
he does not want to leave you, it has to take a lot of malarkey's coaxing him and promising to update buck
[eugene roe]
gene can't decide if having medical knowledge makes it better or worse
and if being the medic and being the one to have their hands covered in the your blood, was better than leaving it in the hands of someone else
he decides it's awful... definitely worse
the very few hours he slept, it was just dreaming of your terrified face
and he wakes with a jolt and is completely miserable
and life just goes on...
a lot of pacing and murmuring
gene closes in on himself when he's upset and stressed, so he becomes even quieter than normal
and the other guys are worried like ??? do we need to intervene and lip just stops them, "leave him alone, he'll be okay."
prays for you a lot, gripping his rosary so tightly and the photo that he has of the two of you when you were still in england
when you both felt some semblance of normalcy
he can't abandon the company to stay with you full time at the aid station to his incredible frustration and disappointment
it's just hard for him to go on like everything's fine, it shatters whatever illusion he has of fairness and hope and safety
whenever someone else gets injured or they need supplies, he'll take any excuse to ride back to the aid station to see you
and if anyone else goes, they always see you and give gene an update
winters definitely notices and tries to give him opportunities to see you
likes watching you rest and sleep (because you definitely needed it, even before you got injured) in the sweetest, non-creepy way
gene loves to just sit with you, see you with his own eyes, and know for certain that you're okay
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syscardinal · 4 months
hihi!! i love your art sm !!
im curious on how you draw your chibis? they are so squishy and theyre like mochis and blueberry muffins (in the best way o m gee) !!
like hows the anatomy/posing work for you? tips would be super super helpful wow
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Hi! First of all, thank you! This is a hard one cuz I dont usually draw chibis ehe, but I will try to aid you with the few knowlegment I got. As you can see, I have a lot of styles when it comes to draw cheebs but I think i can resume it in one word: SIMPLIFY
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For example, here's a drawing of Gaming I did. Let's dig into it!!
First I tried to replicate the same pose Gaming has in his official art, notice that this not have to follow exactly the same guidelines. "Why?" Well because when drawing a chibi, theres some limitations since the body shrunkens, there is a variety on how cheeb anatomy works but I'll get to that point later-
Forget about detailing too much, like putting in the cheeb every wrinkle of the clothes, every strand of hair or every little costure. With this I am not saying that you have to get rid of ,for example, Furina's decorations in her hat, instead you can simplify them!! If you consider that detail important enough just draw it! (See the image for a example on how I do it)
Negative Space oh man my art teacher used to talk about this a lot and in chibis this is SUPER relevant. A good negative space always leads to clarity, and since cheebs are a really little thing,what we want is exactly that, clarity. Try to make a clear silloutte of what you are trying to convey in the chibi, this will make it look 10 times better for starters.
Lastly, dont forget that cheebs follow the same rules as a normal drawing(like line of action, perspective, etc) In case of cheebs though is usual for the heads, eyes and mouth to be bigger, I'll explain in more detail this below!
Here's the speedpaint for more detail:
Lets go now with Anatomy and Proportions, as I was saying above, there is a lot of variety in cheebs anatomy. I dont think there is a wrong or correct way to draw a chibi here, there is just a lot of ways to draw them altough usually it follows these points:
Chibis are no more than 3 heads in height, after that it just stops feeling like a chibi drawing.
Eyes tends to be bigger, generaly eyes occupies 1/3 of the head. In my case I like to make the ears also just as big as the eyes with the shape of a bean or simply a circle. Moving to the mouth, I draw a simple shape of a triangle, just including the teeths when they smile.
Depending on the proportions you choose, it will give you different results, here you have to choose what you want for your chibi, for example: A proportion of the size of 2 heads + It gives you the liberty of draw more details and complex poses. On the other side a proportion of 1 head or less makes the chibi simpler but at the same time more cute to look at(see my examples at the end of this post!)
Last but not least, use this chart just as a reference, you can draw the bodies roundier, taller, tinier. Its up to your liking!!
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Hope that this was not too overwhelming haha, I am not an expert on drawing cheebs but they are fun to try! I tried to summarize my own knowledge and mixed it with some google search(ehe)
Please dont hesitate to try as much as you want, there is a lot of ways to draw the tiny ones and none of them is incorrect. Hope this helps you and thanks for reading!!!
Here are the examples I mentioned above!!
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huramuna · 4 months
banshee's lament - chapter 1.
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aemond targaryen x stark ofc minor jacaerys velaryon x stark ofc masterlist prev | next
a former ward of alicent hightower and aemond's childhood companion, shera stark, returns to king's landing after ten years. ten years after the incident at driftmark that left her and aemond permanently disfigured. after so many years apart, shera and aemond are almost strangers. almost.
a/n: i posted the first two chapters of this story before, but they're being reworked -- so just poof what you know about them out of your mind when reading it now and think of it as a clean slate.
wordcount: 3k
@huramuna-fics - follow & turn on notifications for just my fic postings! no taglists right now, sorry.
content: smut, angst, fluff, disabled ofc, aemond being delulu & obsessive, major canon divergence, ofc has a service direwolf, i'm taking canon rules and putting them in a blender and taking a shot, arranged marriage
story playlist
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The wind had finally died down that day, the trees somewhat still over the horizon. Their branches still wobbled with some errant breeze, whistling through the wood like a song. 
The window was pushed outward, the crisp air crossing paths with the smell of smoke, whirling and mingling like lost friends. A small fireplace was warming the room as the lady perched on her windowsill, dark copper curls hanging around her like tendrils. Shera took in a deep breath of air— it was crisp and refreshing, pushing away the errant effects of sleepiness. 
Her skin prickled in goosebumps beneath her nightgown as she turned to her bed. A large black mass was snoozing softly still, taking up the majority of the mattress. Slinking over, she snuggled herself close to the giant canine, blowing softly on his muzzle to wake him. Large amber eyes met brown and milky blue, pupils dilating and constricting in tandem, before the wolf let out a sleepy chuff. 
“Wake up, my love,” Shera whispered, fingers digging into his shaggy mane as she scratched just the right spot. “Moongeist, we must start the day.” she hummed. 
The direwolf rolled over onto his back, belly exposed to the chilled air. His tongue lolled out of his mouth, one leg kicking as his companion got the one itch just out of reach of his own claws. 
“Oh, you’re a ham,” Shera mumbled into his fur, peppering him with kisses. “You’re no wolf, you’re a honey glazed ham,” she tickled his belly, causing him to let out an almost laughing whine. “With a side of sweet potatoes and winter chard.” she rolled next to him, snuggling into him like he was a person. Sprawled out from the tip of his outstretched legs, up to his nose, he outmatched Shera’s height by about one and a half feet. Westeros would surely need to watch out if her wolf ever learned to walk on two feet! 
They lazed together for the better part of an hour before Shera called in the maids— but not before donning her veil and choker. The maids would only help dress her from the neck down, and were ushered out after for Shera to do her hair alone. She took in a deep breath as they fastened the corset around her form. 
“May need to lay off the blueberry hand pies , my lady,” one of the maids murmured. “‘Tis getting hard to lace you up.” 
Shera felt a swirling pit in her stomach at the comment— it wasn’t a secret that she was no svelte ermine. She had curves and a bit of extra mass in the softer areas of her body, coupled with scarred stretch marks around her sizable bosom and thighs. “… hm.” she snorted, not wanting to dignify the maid’s comment with a response. This was, unfortunately, the norm. The jabs, the pokes, the insults between sentences— even the serving girls have become brazen, snickering as Shera walked past. She didn’t exactly understand it— mayhaps it was because she could hardly speak to defend herself, mayhaps they think her daft and non-understanding of their less than tactful barbs. 
As normal as it was, it made it no less tiring. “Just… lace it up,” she quipped, a bit too harshly, as she held her thumb and forefinger to her throat at the scratch of pain. “… I have things to attend to…” 
“Yes, my lady.” the maids responded in tandem, squeezing poor Shera into a corset much too tight. 
After they left, Shera picked up a shoe and threw it at the door, startling Moongeist. “Damned ptarmigans… clucking hens… when do they cease?” she groaned, patting the wolf on the head as he, ever dutifully, retrieved her shoe. “I’m… we’re the wolves— they’re supposed to be afraid of me.” she continued, as it usually went. She would whisper and murmur to herself (to Moongeist) while she readied herself. Sitting in front of the open window, her fingers deftly weaved through her auburn locks, working absentmindedly into a braid. She pinned the braid upon her head, glanced at the mirror, then unpinned it. 
It became a back and forth task as she meticulously decided on a hairstyle— she wasn’t usually so vain, but apparently, Prince Jacaerys was arriving for a meeting. She’d spent some time with him the past few moons as they ‘courted’. He was polite, of course, and had grown into himself well since their childhood. But… Shera felt nothing for him, princely charm be damned. And she was increasingly sure he felt the same, more inclined to enjoy the company of Cregan rather than her. 
But that was the way of the world, wasn’t it? To be trapped in a loveless box for titles, for armies and alliances, for oaths— that was fate. And fate… was usually unchanged. Shera oft cursed the Gods, the Old and the New, for weaving her tapestry of life in such a bereft and depressing manner. If she were to look upon it, it’d be dreary and uncouth, not fit to hang upon a wall, destined to rot and mold in a cellar for eternity. 
But what did Shera know of love, anyhow. How could she— for who would love a banshee?
She settled on twin braids that settled upon her back, pinned up into two loops. Adjusting her veil in the mirror and assuring she wasn’t too visible, she made for the door, Moongeist pressed to her. 
The winding halls of Winterfell had become second nature, muscle memory— but her mind wandered, imploring herself to think… Did she remember such paths at the Red Keep? She hoped her memory, if nothing else, would serve her well one day. 
None of the denizens she passed by in the corridors spoke to her, only gave her stiff nods before avoiding her eye line. Was she such an abhorrent sight? Her heels clicked against the stone, fingertips skimming the walls as she stayed close to them, using the familiar winding gait to guide her to the Great Hall. Her stomach grumbled under her tight corset– she hadn’t even had time to break her fast before already being shoved to the dragon’s maw. She heard the whispers of the ‘dashing dragon prince’ arriving early, upon his dragon which was the color of a witch’s brew, green and sprightly. Shera couldn’t help but roll her eyes as she pushed the heavy oaken door to the hall. 
Cregan was there, beard trimmed so as to not be unsightly, and laden in dark aurochs fur. Their ancestral weapon, Ice, was strapped to his back like a second spine, rigid and unyielding. He was faced towards the fire in the hearth, while Jacaerys was to his side, the two already deep in conversation.
The sound of the door opening was as good of an indication of her arrival as she would get, and they both turned to her in tandem. Jacaerys, gallant and princely as ever, rushed to her side, but not before stopping a few paces before, as Moongeist was pressed to her thigh with a wary look in his eye.
“My lady,” Jacaerys exclaimed, flashing his dazzling smile, his brown mop of curls bouncing as he approached, albeit cautiously. “You look radiant as ever.” 
Shera’s brow rose from under her veil– her facial expressions were hardly seen, and she was able to give her unabashed reactions to things quite often. She was woe to master the art of masking, so she simply did not. He called her radiant– an alluring lie if she ever heard one, he couldn’t see her face, how could she possibly be radiant? She presumed his mother had been schooling him in the art of politics. That is what this is, isn’t it? It’s all just… politicking. 
“My prince,” Shera responded softly, giving Moongeist an ever subtle command to sit to the side, allowing Jace to take her arm. She didn’t much like being touched by other people, it made her skin crawl, but she too needed to… continue the charade. “Thank you– you are quite early, I hope I look… presentable.” 
“We were waiting for a bit, Shera,” Cregan commented offhandedly, cracking his knuckles slightly. He was a bit annoyed, she could tell. “But, ladies do take long to get ready, do they not, my prince?” 
“It wasn’t a long wait, no worries,” Jace responded coolly. “But yes, it takes a small army and frequent turning of an hourglass for my mother to finally be ready, I imagine it’s similar for most ladies.”
Ah, yes. As if it doesn’t take Cregan an hour to pick out his furs for the day, pompous ass. And did Jacaerys don himself in that heavy dragonscale plated armor? Doubtful. Shera suppressed the urge to give an indignant huff. “My… deepest apologies,” she murmured. “I do hope my dear brother wasn’t such a terrible conversationalist.”
Cregan snorted as Jace guided Shera to her seat, pushing it in for her. “My mother– she wishes to meet you, of course,” Jacaerys prattled, scooting into the chair next to her (and Cregan). “We are going to go to the Queen for approval for the official betrothal… and subsequent wedding.” 
Shera blinked slowly as she absorbed the information. She expected to have to meet Princess Rhaenyra at some point and for the Queen to become involved in the betrothal– but the wedding? Subsequent? The nail on her pointer finger dug into the nail bed of her thumb idly, picking, picking, picking as she mulled over her next words. “... will the wedding be soon, my prince?” she asked, sneaking a glance at Cregan, who had a glazed over look in his eye.
“... my mother wishes to secure the… union before her ascension, my lady.”
“The King is not yet dead– I don’t understand the rush.” Shera blurted out, her nail sinking deeper into her flesh. She felt like there was some sort of secret she was not a part of, some undisclosed plan that she wasn’t privy to Oh, yes, of course– she was just the pawn, wasn’t she? 
“That is well and true– my grandsire, the King, has been in poorly health for the past few years. It is… only a matter of time.” Jace stammered, trying to regain the upper hand in the conversation. 
“Rhaenyra’s ascension will happen sooner than later, Shera. It is only a wish that you and Jacaerys are well bonded by then, mayhaps even producing an heir.” Cregan interjected. 
She wanted to vomit, she wanted to scream, she wanted to lash out at everyone– she was a vessel, a puppet for a greater vision of Westeros that nobody cared if she was specifically a part of– ‘twas only her luck she was the sister of the Warden of the North, who held an amassing army and ferocity for those he was bidden for. Fuck, fuck, fuck. Warmth spread onto her fingertip and Moongeist shuffled at her feet, a low whine coming from the back of his throat. She felt such a rage come over her for a split second, her vision blurring as she felt the overwhelming need to sink her teeth into someone and make them feel her despair. 
“Okay.” she finally said, her voice sounding far away and small, as if it wasn’t even hers.
Jacaerys and Cregan conversated further while Shera stared off into some small point in the distance until her eyes watered from not blinking, blood pooling and staining against her nails. 
“Thank you. I must break my fast now,” Shera suddenly spoke up, not caring if the two of them were in the middle of a conversation. “We will leave within a fortnight.” 
The journey from the hall back to her room was a blur, she remembers curtsying to Jacaerys and bidding him goodbye and some other innocuous pleasantries. Sitting back at her desk, she tore off her veil in frustration, bracelets and earrings alike jingling. She put her head in her hands, feeling the all too familiar ache of tears building. 
She didn’t want to go— why did she have to be married? Why was it her destiny to be a pawn? To be a wife? Especially to someone who was there. Her throat clenched as she tried to hold back the tears— to no avail. They burned and stung, her already tender demeanor withering. 
Prying her hands away, she looked over her desk. It was strewn with miscellaneous books to which she struggled to read, along with some half-done charcoal sketches of prospective sewing projects. Shera wasn’t known for outbursts, as her quiet and ghostly prefecture was one that stayed in the background of things. But, she felt a roiling in her stomach, wrought over like forged castle steel, molten and aching and hot— it burned in her like a plague, working its way through her and exiting her body in the form of a wail, coupled with her arms sweeping off the contents of her desk to the floor. 
The momentary feeling of anguish subsided as soon as it came and her throat ached from her cry. Her eyes felt heavy as she tried to get up and subsequently failed, sinking to the ground like a discarded rag. Moongeist let out a whine, propping his head under Shera’s arm, having her rest some of her weight upon him.
“I’m pathetic, my love,” she whispered, feeling all the part of a fallen porcelain doll, placated on her bottom upon the floor, legs out in front of her as if she were a child on a playroom floor. “Nothing like the Winter Kings of yore. I’m sorry.” Shera’s thumb rubbed on the wolf’s ear as she wallowed momentarily in self-pity and self-loathing. 
Gathering some strength, she pushed the papers below her desk to the side. The sweeping motion befell something new— no, not new. ‘Twas old, upon inspection. It was a stack of letters, covered in dust now, but neatly tied together with wool twine. Unveiling one, she skimmed it over to the best of her ability.
Dearest Shera, 
It isn’t the same without you here. My head hurts all of the time, I keep bumping into things and I can scarcely write. In fact, I am having Helaena pen this to you right now. She says hello. 
Mother is in shambles, frayed at the ends like your old blue dinner dress. Her and grandsire are constantly whispering and she cries more often. I think she misses you. 
As does Helaena. As do I. Mayhaps even Aegon.
Does your head hurt as well? What do you do to help with the pain? Are you able to walk without bumping into things? 
I hope to hear from you soon. 
Aemond Targaryen
That had been the first letter sent to her from King’s Landing— Cregan, to his own dismay, sat down and read it to her after she had spinned herself into a crying fit, sending the maesters into a tizzy as she threatened to reopen the stitches upon her throat. 
In her poppy-addled young mind, she hadn’t recognized that it was not Aemond’s writing or words, but most definitely Helaena’s, as the letter Shera sent back were those of Cregan, and not hers. 
Prince Aemond, 
It is an honor to hear from you. I’m recovering quite well, at the behest of my brother. Winterfell is very different from the South, but I am finally finding my footing here in the cold. 
I have been a wolf at heart this entire time, like my forefathers. 
My ability to walk has been improving, as the maesters here are excellently equipped for such a feat. 
It is my hope that we can both find a sense of normalcy in our lives once more. 
I wish you well. 
Shera Stark
She’d hardly remembered when Cregan read it aloud, and she didn’t catch the cold, rigid wording, bereft of any warmth and camaraderie that she would have included. Truth be told, at the time of it being written, Shera couldn’t even hold her own spoon to sip at bone broth, much less walk. 
It was unclear to her still, to this day, why Cregan felt the need to lie about her condition— but it was apparently a well placed one, as the next letter to come was in another tone all together. It was about three moons afterward, and the handwriting was different. It was a bit shaky, but proper and dignified. 
Lady Stark, 
I am most gracious for your reply. It is a balm to the Queen to hear you are doing well. 
Let us both hope we are well on the road to our full recoveries. 
Stay warm.
Prince Aemond Targaryen
Shera’s fingers traced over the letter, she could still recognize it as Aemond’s handwriting— but the tone seemed clipped and cold, colder than even Cregan’s letter was. 
There were a few more envelopes in the stack, but if she remembered correctly, there was nothing of substance. Her chest ached occasionally when she thought about it all— did Aemond think of her still? Or was she just a silly footnote in his life? She abhorred to admit to herself, much less anyone else, that she still did. Aemond Targaryen still had a place in her mind, an undeterred host in the recesses of her brain that she couldn’t rid herself of— if she even wanted to. She wondered what he looked like now. Was he finally as tall as Aegon, mayhaps more? Did he finally get his hands upon the book he had been wanting to read? She hoped he spent his days flying upon Vhagar’s back— a gift that he had paid the price for. 
She did as well. But her price wasn’t for Vhagar. It was for Aemond.
Her throat burned and constricted with the threat of tears once more as she pulled herself from the floor, Moongeist’s body pressed to her hip to guide her. Padding to the fireplace, which was nursing a few hot coals and sparse flame, she fed the letters into the fire one by one. The flames grew as they burned, the ink upon the pages fettering into nothing but ash and sickly memory. 
Were they strangers now? 
Does he remember her? 
… why does she still wish to see him? 
A wolf travels south at the behest of one dragon– but her mind upon another.
How sordid.
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ramp-it-up · 11 months
Sugar Sugar
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Summary: You chose Bucky. But now he’s going 5000 miles away. And you were not consulted. Steve is right there and it’s his birthday. The competition isn’t over.
Word Count: 2.5K
Pairings: College grad Steve x Grad School Reader; College grad Bucky x Grad School Reader (Not Stucky); Various Marvel MCU Characters (in same age except for Stark) x Reader (platonic)
Warnings: 18+ Only, Minors DNI. Not Beta’d. Read at your own risk. Roommate au, S MUT! Lovers quarrel before action starts, angst, flirting, Tony being Tony, lowkey voyeurism, a lil bit of fluff. drinking, flirting, crushes, an unsanctioned birthday picnic, ‘borrowed’ champagne, birthday “kisses” 😏, oral s ex (f receiving), cheating (maybe. possibly)
A/N: This is a sequel to last year’s Sugar. I know! 😫 I hope you like it.
I no longer have a taglist. Please follow @rampitupandread and turn on notifications to learn when I post! 😘
I Do NOT Consent to my work being reposted, translated or presented on any other blog or site other than by myself.
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You were sipping your blueberry tequila smash and staring moodily across the water. It was supposed to be a festive day and an even better night, but that insanely handsome and inconsiderate roommate/boyfriend of yours ruined it all.
Or rather, you ruined it, thinking that you would be any different than any of the other girls he’d smashed and passed on. So what it had lasted a year? Bucky was leaving you now, so cheers to wasted time.
You downed the rest of your drink in one gulp as you thought to get another when someone cleared their throat beside you.
You glanced over to see your boss standing beside you, resplendent in a white suit and sunglasses. You straightened up and ran your free hand over your white mini sundress with blue polka dots and greeted him.
“Oh! Hello, Mr. Stark. This party is so nice. Great way to celebrate the Fourth!”
You plastered on a fake smile and aimed it at him. He smiled back at you.
“Cut the shit, Sugar. I know you’re not that happy. I saw you and Barnes had words and he stalked out. I warned you about fraternization.”
Your stomach dropped and you just knew that you would be fired and kicked out of Stark house, losing your graduate fellowship. Shit. Stark knew everything, even the nickname that your roommates, Bucky Barnes and Steve Rogers had given you.
“Oh that? That was nothing, just a roommate disagreement.”
Stark leaned in. He smelled good. Real good. He smelled….rich.
“Listen. That rule is not because I mind co-workers getting it on…” 
He paused and winked at you, and instead of being creepy, it was funny, so you laughed. 
“It’s because most people, especially young people like you, can’t do it without all the feels.”
He nodded and you turned to see Wanda and Vis sneaking off around the house, hand in hand.
“That’s going to lead to heartbreak,” he said, indicating the sneaky couple.
Then looked you in the eyes. 
“And you’re going to be all twisted up into knots between those two grunts if you’re not careful.”
You looked at him quizzically.
“Two grunts?”
Stark sighed and raised his hand.
“You need to lay off the red, white, and blue drinks, Sugar.”
He looked you up and down and you don’t know if it was the drinks, but you weren’t mad at him. He was kind of charming.
“Barnes and Rogers. Part of the reason I keep you around, besides the fact that your IQ is within 20 points of mine, is the increased productivity around them when you are together. Competition is a wonderful thing for business.”
When the server appeared, he grabbed an elegant looking red drink.
“But lately productivity is falling. Hence Barnes’ new offer. It had to be done, Sugar. Now we all can concentrate on the work ahead.”
You frowned at what he was saying, not giving voice to your feelings on that subject. Stark sighed again and shook his head as he handed the drink to you, despite what he said earlier.
“Kir Royale.”
You accepted it and took a sip. Then you looked up at Stark.  You were beginning to think that he might have been pretty cute when he was younger.
“I was Sugar, and I’m a handsome devil now.”
You gasped and put your hand over your mouth as he winked and walked away, not knowing you’d said that out loud. You watched him walk away as he commented over his shoulder. 
“Nice dress, Sugar. It’s making several people all hard, soft, and wet.”
You gasped again, looking down. The dress covered everything, and you didn’t know what he was talking about. You turned toward the river and the afternoon sun again, finally realizing.
The sun was shining through your dress and everyone behind you could see everything you had to offer. And you hadn’t worn any underwear because you came with Bucky.
You quickly made your way down the lawn to the edge of the hedge maze to put the greenery at your back and to watch the water in privacy. Irritation was on the edge of your brain, but the drinks were making everything mellow. 
So what, your boyfriend had accepted a position in Romania for a year?
So what, you couldn’t go with because you’d won a coveted Stark fellowship that extended your housing and salary into while you studied in graduate school at NYU?
So what, Bucky didn’t consult you before committing himself?
So what, you were an idiot who thought you could have happily ever after?
You jumped at a noise behind you. You wheeled around and were stopped in your tracks.
“Hey Sugar.”
Steve was there, with a strange look on his face, but his bright blue shirt was making those eyes pop.
“Oh. Hullo Steve.” 
You pouted at him and he almost fell to his knees. 
Things had been different with you and Steve since you and Bucky had gotten together last year. You were still friends, but he kept you at arms length. You didn’t think much about it, because you’d been wrapped up in your relationship, but as you looked at him now, the guilt hit you full force.
“Oh shit, Cap! It’s your birthday!”
His Lacrosse moniker flew from your lips as you threw yourself into his arms for a hug. Steve was caught off guard and stumbled backward, but managed to break your fall with his body. His hard body. 
“Thank you. You remembered.”
You were both laughing as you untangled from each other on the ground.
“Of course I did! I’m your bestie, right?” 
You gave him your bightest smile.
“Bestie. Right.” 
Steve thought of the innocent kiss you’d shared last year. He thought of it every day, in fact. But you were Bucky’s girl. He looked at you and grinned. You made him so happy. You and Bucky were his only family, so he was glad to be with you today, if only for a moment. 
“I see you were trying to be alone. I’ll leave you be.”
The sight of you made him weak, so he made to leave before he said something stupid. Then, he felt your hand grab his.
“Just where do you think you’re going, Mister?”
“Um, nothing! We’re going to celebrate your birthday in style, Bestie.” 
Your eyes sparkled at him.
“Are you ready for your reconnaissance mission?”
20 minutes later, you and Steve met in the same place, behind the hedges. He’d completed his mission with table cloth and a box full of some hor’s d'oeuvres from the party. Steve had charmed one of the servers in the kitchen.
He took you in, a mischievous look on your face and your arms behind your back. Your nipples were pointed right at him through your dress and his mouth went dry.
“What do you have there?”
Steve’s deep baritone and his raised eyebrow did something to you, but you shook it off as you brought your hands in front of you. Steve barked at your audacity.
You’d swiped a bottle of Stark’s Bollinger Vieilles Vignes Françaises from the bar and the entire top to the strawberry and blueberry five tier sponge cake that was on the buffet.
“Only the best for my bestie!”
Steve shook his head at you as you set up the picnic.
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You and Steve talked like you hadn’t in over a year. You ate and drank and just relaxed, bringing your old vibe back. Everything was perfect, even the beginning sunset across the water.
Until Steve complimented your dress.
“This is nice.” 
He took it in his hand to feel the fabric, bushing his fingertips along your thigh. You shivered and looked down at his hand, leaving Steve to marvel at your eyelashes across your cheeks. Then, you looked back up at him and reached up to feel his beard.
“So is this. Been meaning to tell you.”
Steve’s new-ish whiskers were somehow stiff, but soft, and you let your fingertips linger against his face, eyes drawn to his lips, made even more red by the strawberries off the cake. You licked yours unconsciously, thinking of that 7 minutes in heaven last summer.
“So… what do you want for your birthday?”
You reluctantly withdrew your hand from his face and sat back on your knees, hands on your thighs. For some reason, that made Steve hot and bothered. He considered you.
“Today has been great. The food, the drink, the cake.”
He grinned.
“”Great’, but not ‘Perfect.’” 
You cocked your head at him and Steve wanted his hands on you. 
“What would make it perfect?”
Steve grabbed the bottle of champagne and took a swig because you hadn’t gotten any glasses.
“It’ll never happen.”
Your interest was piqued.
“Never say never, Cap.”
Was Steve drunk, or was your voice more sultry? He shook his head, partially to clear it, and partially in denial.
“I think I can say never with confidence on this one.”
You got up on your knees and grabbed his arm.
“C’mon, please, please, please! It’s your birthday. I’ll do anything to make it happen, pleaaaseeeee!”
You bouncing up and down begging on your knees made Steve’s reserve snap.
“I want to kiss you.”
You stopped moving and your mouth hinged open. Then you licked your lips. 
“That’s what I thought.”
Steve took another swig.
“Can’t do that. You’re Buck’s girl…”
Your reticence evaporated at the mention of James Barnes.
“Fuck Bucky.” 
And you threw yourself at Steve, causing him to drop the bottle, then blindly feel for it, making sure it was upright before pulling you into his lap.
The kiss was less innocent than the first, all lips, tongues and teeth, even biting as Steve sought to possess you. You found yourself grinding on Steve’s bulge as year old memories of what his casually swinging roommate cock looked like flashed through your mind.
Then you stopped, moved off Steve’s lap and lay back on the table cloth, eyes closed and hand on your heaving chest.
“That was great.”
You chuckled and smiled, eyes still closed. You missed Steve’s eyes roaming over your prone body.
“Great, but not perfect?”
“I wasn’t talking about kissing you on those lips….”
Your eyes flew open the now dark sky and you turned your head to see Steve lying next to you, a pained look on his face.
“I know… but… damn Sugar… I’m down bad for you. Always have been.”
You looked into those baby blues and you knew it was true. 
Instead of saying what you wanted to say, you shifted and pulled your dress up slowly, causing Steve’s eyes to follow every move, and an unconscious groan to escape from his lips. When you revealed your naked core to him, he got up on his knees.
“We’ve got to make your birthday perfect, now don’t we?”
Steve gulped.
“Oh, Sugar…Sugar…”
He looked up at you, eyes dilated.
“You sure…?”
“Kiss me, Stevie…”
You let your leg fall open, and Steve’s hands were on you, pulling you toward him as he leaned down toward your naked bottom. He put his hand under your thigh and propped it up and over his shoulder.
His hot breath against your pussy lips made you shudder. He looked up at you.
“I knew you’d be pretty everywhere.”
You smiled and put your hand in his hair, scratching his scalp. 
“You’re so nice, Steve.”
He raised his eyebrow.
“Nice? I’ll show you nice.”
And he leaned down and liked your pussy, tongue sweeping into your sweet tang and setting his world on fire.
“Fucking delicious…”
“Languagggeeeeee… Stevie, fuck!”
You couldn’t handle it as he dove in and pulled and sucked your clit like taffy candy
Steve chuckled, then looked up at what he was doing to you. Your head was thrown back, one hand still grabbing his hair and the other on your breast.
“Look at me.”
You brought your head up to see him and then gasped as he spit on your pussy and then licked it up. 
“Shit, Steve…”
His mouth had disappeared into your cunt as you replied.
“T-ththat wasn’t very nice. In fact…”
You had to stop speaking because now Steve had brought two thick fingers up and had entered your slick passage. The way he finger fucked you while sucking your clit made your eyes roll back in your head. You had his hair tight and the tighter you pulled, the more he groaned and licked you up. 
You grunted through your orgasm, still cognizant that people might hear you.
After you came, Steve looked up at you and curled his fingers which were still inside you, making you slap your hand over your mouth as you keened behind it. That extended your orgasm and had you searching for air as Steve’s hand ran up your dress to squeeze your soft breasts.
“That was great, Sugar. But you know what would be perfect?”
You knew knew what was coming next. 
You thought.
“If you rode my face and came in my mouth.”
You were sure that you looked like a fish the way your mouth stayed open in surprise.
You were sexy as hell to Steve Rogers.
He moved smoothly down to the ground and you took in the tent that was made through his khaki pants. You were a little disappointed. You wanted him inside you.
Steve chuckled and reached out his arms, grabbing for you.
“C’mere, Sugar, bring me that sweet, sweet sugary cream.”
You blushed, despite the debauchery you just participated in, and allowed yourself to be pulled up to Steve’s chest, your skirt fanning around him as he hooked his arms around your thighs and moved your skirt up for access.
“Now, I want you to sit on my face.”
“That handsome face with that big ass tongue?” 
You used to tease him about it all the time.
Steve smiled and nodded.
He stuck his tongue out and wiggled it.
“The better to eat you with, my dear.”
Then he turned and kissed your thigh. Next, his blue eyes bore into yours.
“Now, bring that ass here…”
You couldn’t help but obey as you raised up on your thighs and scooted up as he scooted down. He pulled you down so that you were seated perfectly on his face, his tongue spearing inside you. His hands held you apart as next he did a swirly thing and also a full lick from the top to the bottom of you, all the while watching you.
All shyness disappeared as soon you were grabbing his hair again and undulating on his mouth. Steve nodded and groaned, which encouraged you to go for the gold.
“Oh, my god, Steve…”
You fucked yourself on his face as he sucked and tweaked your clit, listening to his moans of pleasure. The thought that this is what he wanted to do on his birthday was getting you off.
Oh, and the stunning cunnilingus that this man was performing on you helped as well.
At first you thought it was your orgasm, but the fireworks that were lighting up the sky wasn’t from your own climax, but the thousands of dollars Stark paid for them. You allowed yourself to scream as you squirted into Steve’s mouth, and you collapsed over him as he scooted out, flipped up your skirt and licked you clean.
You lay shivering on the ground watching the lights in the sky as Steve lay down beside you and viewed the fireworks with you. 
He pulled you into his arms as you whispered, “What about that?”
You wiggled your bottom against his boner.
“That will get taken care of, one way or another.”
Steve leaned up and kissed your cheek.
“Right now, this moment is perfect.”
You smiled and relaxed, thinking that what you had given Steve was also a gift to yourself.
Stars sparked in the sky as you snuggled into Steve’s arms and Bucky turned away from the hedge, heading toward Romania.
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If you like it, reblog and let me know!
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bleubrri · 1 year
grocery shoppin’ baby-time fluff with bo \^o^/
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before you even turn onto the aisle, you can hear your daughter squealing with laughter. bokuto is crouched in front of the cart, meticulously balancing an absurd amount of blueberry yogurt pots in his arms which she apparently finds hilarious. her heels kick back against the metal below her seat and the whole cart jolts from her excitement.
you stroll up, a poorly subdued smile etched onto your lips as your boyfriend struggles to clear the last few from the shelf.
“you realise we’re not buying all that, right?”
kotarous eyes dart up to where you’re leaning against the cart, smoothing your fingers over your baby’s hair. he pouts, yogurt tucked under his chin as he stands to face you, “it’s her favourite.”
you chuckle, reaching for one of the packs cradled in his arms. “last week her favourite was peach-mango. and the week before, she would rather throw yogurt in your face than eat it.”
bokuto counters your argument, “okay that was once, and i’ve got a feeling blueberry is the new wave. trust me on this, babe.” he grins at his little girl, babbling and waving her fists in agreement. you’re unconvinced.
you smirk, remembering empty yogurt pots littering his desk and berry flavoured kisses when he’d pick you up in the mornings. “oh yeah, whys that?”
bo puffs out his chest, strides over to your place beside the cart and confidently unloads his haul with the rest of the groceries. (which—now that you’re looking— seem to have been given a similar treatment, if the months supply of cereal boxes and apocalypse-prep level of crackers are anything to go by).
“because,” he drawls, “it’s in her blood! right, muffin?” he blinks expectantly at your daughter, who kicks her heels even more fiercely and giggles up at her daddy.
bokuto beams, scooping your little bundle of sunshine into his arms, turning to you with her perched on his hip and a smug smile on his face. “see?”
you roll your eyes playfully, reaching out to tickle the rounded tummy underneath her dungarees, “okay traitor, majority rules.” and dropping the pack that you’d swiped into the cart.
you watch with a droopy gaze as he spins her around in triumph, bubbly laughter filling the aisle and your heart squeezing in your chest. oh, you love them so much. you wonder if she’ll ever comprehend it, if he could ever understand all that he’s given you. you think you could burst into tears right here, feel your heart melt under your ribs and pool out at your fingertips right in the dairy aisle, watching bokuto babble nonsense at your baby like it’s the most important thing in the world.
he nods solemnly, leaning in to whisper, “tell mama we got the cookies she likes.”
you laugh, reaching out at the grabby hands made in your direction. “let’s get out of here before you two bankrupt us.”
“how could you do this to me?” bokuto whines, chin against the table and shoulders slumped in defeat.
you fight the smile that wants to emerge as you spoon the last of the yogurt into your daughters mouth. the dinner table has a pile of unopened yogurt packs in the corner, and a much larger trail of empty pots surrounding where bokuto slumps. he looks expectantly at the little girl perched in her high chair with strawberry-banana residue smeared onto her cheeks. she claps her hands and gurgles.
you make a show of wiping her down and chattering to her, “wasn’t that yummy! shall we try a new one tomorrow, hm?”
kotarou drops his forehead to the table with a resounding thud, muttering to himself, “i think i’m gonna throw up..”
even when she gets a little older and will eat most flavours without much fuss, there’s the odd pot of blueberry that remains untouched until after her dinner, when she’ll proudly deposit it in front of bokutos place and state that “daddy can eat it!”
he doesn’t have the heart to refuse her. he accepts it with vigour, “oh you treasure! thank you for sharing, baby.” and spoons down every mouthful as she watches him with glittering eyes that match his own. it’ll never fail to make you laugh when she totters off and his face drops into a groan, pushing the infernal blue pot as far away as possible.
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herbgerblin · 2 years
sorry I have more thoughts on this post and my previous tags
Imagine angus going to sleep in a room full of plants and aroma candles and a poster of Kenny Chesny that’s been covered up by a poster of Jeff angel, only to wake up in a bedroom full of baubles and wizard hats. And he reacts like, “Oh cool. I can Taako ask for the good blueberry pancakes today.”
Like he’s not portaling in his sleep, he just has a very large family of talented weirdos who are up for the challenge of playing extreme capture the flag with their child. He goes to sleep in his school dorm and then wakes up in Carey and Killian’s guest room for the sixth time that semester (this is usually how the game begins because of Carey’s incredible rogue skills.)
And he’s using context clues to act accordingly, because part of the challenge is leaning into the kayfabe. It’s funnier to keep the bit going: “This is the room I’ve always had and the means by how I got here were under completely normal circumstances.”
He goes to sleep in a moonbase chamber with a clear view of the stars and he wakes up in a room full of cozy quilts and hand carved action figures, and he’s like, “I hope Magnus remembered to get my socks too.”
Like they probably keep doubles of all his stuff at the various residences, because the goal is making the transfer (theft? swap??) as seamless as possible. The only rule is Angus must sleep through the entire process. There is no penalty, only the sweet joy (and boy) of victory.
It’s a bright sunny morning and Angus walks into Lup and Barry’s kitchen after certainly not being in their house when he went to sleep.
Barry: you sleep okay last night kiddo?
Angus: oh yes, like a baby. perfectly sound
Lup (into her stone of farspeech): YOU HEARD THAT, LIKE A BABY
Taako: *angry wizard noises*
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chvnnie · 1 year
Hannie thoughts 🩷
He pursued you so sweetly and now you're expecting a sweet slow courtship. But now that he realizes just how into him you are, he takes full advantage. Rough in the bedroom confident Jisung. 😍 Y/n overwhelmed but secretly loves it.
“courtship” gave me royal vibes. soooOoOOOo
also idk why this is so long!!! im sorry!!! this concept got the best of me!!!
tell me you love royal aus without telling me 🫠
The kingdom is lucky to have Jisung on their throne. Crowned as a mere teenager, nobody expected the Young King to thrive. What could he possibly know about ruling a kingdom? In three years time, they’ll lose all credibility, and he his head. Just watch; a boy cannot be King.
Within a year, all ill words spoken about the King were silenced. Charismatic, yet shy, he found his footing in royal life with ease. Leading council meetings, carefully listening and fairly judging every case brought to the court. Age is deceiving; the people haven’t had a leader of this quality in many, many years.
It wouldn’t be fair to say Jisung is just a good King. Even though ten years have passed since his coronation, he can still be found dressed in plain clothes without jewels or his crown, riding into town on his precious golden mare. She is cared for by his Hand, and best friend, as he walks the market.
Not a single stall is passed by him, even if the products are the same as the day before. Carefully, he will look over each and every item while making small talk.
“Alright this morning, Sir?”
“Is this a new recipe? The bread is sweeter than usual — it’s wonderful!”
“Oh my, your craft has improved greatly! I am impressed, keep at it!”
And then the King hands them exactly three gold coins even if he has no intention of buying anything. They’ll offer him something; a small item, or a piece of food, but he always denies it. A gift for them. Encouragement. Proof that he sees their skills and what they bring to the kingdom and is appreciative of it. It also reminds them that he truly cares about them as people. Without them, this city wouldn’t flourish the way it does.
Occasionally, he’ll buy something from the baker. He’s particularly fond of the blueberry poppy bread she makes. She’s a good woman; her husband fought hard and loyally for his father, and for that Jisung is eternally grateful for. Some weekends, he’ll visit her in her cottage. Have tea with her, listen to stories of her late beloved and all the great things he did in life.
She always gets five coins. But shush, don’t tell anybody.
At the end of the market is the only stall he’ll buy from everyday. Brown paper, pink twine, white daisies. The same thing, everyday. The florist always gives him a warm smile.
“How is she?”
And it brings a smile to The King’s face. The genuine care in their tones — because he genuinely cares.
“Well.” He digs in his coin purse, always pulling out too many coins. Just speaking about his love tinges his cheeks a dark pink. “As always.”
An exchange — coins, flowers. “When will you wed?”
“Shortly after my celebration day.” He denies the return of extra coins, as usual. “The autumn weather is her favorite.”
“Wish her well for me.”
“Of course.”
Jisung is a man of routine. Personal goodbyes to each and every merchant before he’s back on his horse. The sky is still pink when he’s back at the castle. The Hand takes his horse so the King can walk through the cool halls. Take the winding stairs up to the top level, where the royal family sleeps.
It used to just be him in this hall. Echoey, empty, reminding him of what price has to be paid for him to take the throne.
Not now, though. The room at the opposite end of the hall is now filled, well loved and used.
Taking a right from the staircase brings him to the door. Kindly dismissing the guard, the King knocks three times. A code; announcing himself without having to.
“Come in!”
The curtains are pushed open, fresh sunlight spilling in from the many windows. Yesterday’s daisies are in a crystal vase, sat on the table in the sitting area. Beautifully bloomed, the floral scent filling the golden room.
You’re by the biggest window, sat on the ledge. The glass is pushed open just slightly, letting the spring breeze cool your body. The dress you’re wearing is one of Jisung’s favorites; off the shoulder, a lavender color with little flowers stitched into the neckline with white thread.
The most beautiful soon-to-be Queen the land has ever seen.
“Good morning, petal.” The nickname rolls off his tongue. “Rest well?”
Closing the book, you nod. “And you, my dear?”
“All right.” Only a few steps away, he takes the bouquet out from behind his back and presents it to you. “For you. As always.”
Oh, the bright smile you give him. It’s like he’s falling in love with you all over again. Gracefully, you rise from your seat and take the fresh flowers, bringing to your nose to sniff.
“They’re lovely, Jisung. Thank you.”
Everyday, a peck to his cheek. Quick — you’re far too shy to linger. The King has a routine. So he turns his head just slightly, left side of his face presented to you. Ready to receive your gratitude.
The routine breaks. Swiftly, you walk past your fiancé, taking the flowers to the vase. Leaving him stunned.
“I was wondering if today we might ride to the sea?” You don’t look to him as you speak — actually, it looks like you’re trying to hide behind the white flowers. “I’ve been a tad homesick.”
The steps he takes are cautious. “Of course.” Hesitance is laced in his tone. This isn’t your ordinary behavior. “What’s on your mind, darling?”
It’s like you’ve seen a ghost, blood running from your face and eyes widen. But in a snap, the expression is gone. “Oh, nothing. I want to write about the sea, you know how my brother loves it.”
Carefully, Jisung takes a seat on your velvet sofa. “Ah, yes. How is Seungmin?”
“His letters say he is well. The ocean is treating him nicely, though I wish he wouldn’t have chosen that path.”
Son and daughter of a prestigious family. One to be Queen, the other a runaway pirate.
“There’s always room for him in our kingdom. He would do well with us.”
You swallow dryly. What is happening? “The gracious and merciful Young King, what would this world be without you?”
Jisung can’t take this anymore. What has gotten into his beloved? Where is your head at? Grabbing your wrist, he pulls you away from the vase. Making you stand in front of him.
“Speak your worries.”
“I have none, Your Grace—“
“Though merciful, you know I hate to be made a fool.” His eyes narrow, but expression stays soft. “Love, let me help.”
You can’t meet his gaze, staring at the slit in your dress as you speak. “I’m afraid my thoughts are…doubtful.”
Finally, your eyes meet.
What good is a crown? What good is a throne? What good is this kingdom if you are not by his side? Emotions tear at him, making his lip tremble despite his best efforts.
“Not of that kind.” You quickly reassure, catching the hurt on his face. “You are my love, Jisung. I would never want a life without you.”
“Good, good.” He won’t deny his worry. That isn’t fair to you. “Then what is it?”
Jisung thinks you’re precious. You still get so shy around him, even after years together. Especially when you want to express your feelings or ask for something.
Reassuringly, he rubs his thumb over the top of your hand, still caught in his. “You don’t have to—“
“I don’t want to wait any longer.”
The way you said it, so firm and confident. As if you’ve been pondering this, an opinion you’ve held for a while and are now sure of. The King is taken aback briefly, trying to figure out what your words mean.
“For the wedding?” It’s all he can come up with, but even he doesn’t sound too sure in it. “I’m sure we could plan it for the upcoming solstice, my love, if that’s what you desire.”
You shake your head quickly, and he can tell you’re starting to second guess saying it. “No, no. I want to wed in autumn. I don’t want to wait for you.”
What ever could you mean? Wait for him? Why, he’s right here. Touching you, speaking to you. Are you feeling ill? Those words make no—
Oh, how he made himself the fool.
Suddenly, he’s in dire need of wine. Mouth dry, tongue heavy. Though he’s had many, many dreams of you in such a way, never would he push it on you. You felt as if your body was sacred, and he respected that. The King wants nothing but for you to feel comfortable and safe around him. If you were waiting for him, he would be waiting for you as well.
Sometimes the dresses you wear do drive him mad. Form fitting and hugging your curves, or with a lower neckline that he can see down at the right angle. Those have made it hard, and only starved him more. Like dangling bread in front of the hungry.
“Are you certain?” Jisung finally speaks, tone dropping several octaves.
You nod, softly wrapping your other hand around the one he has grasped. It’s so delicate, how you drop to your knees in front of him. Starry eyes blinking at him.
“More than, my King.” You bring the hands to your lips, soft kisses across his knuckles. “My patience is dry. I no longer want to wait for your love.”
“Your King gave you a command.” His demeanor changes like a switch, the feral need he’s drowned for so long rising to the surface. “Rise. No Queen of mine will ever kneel, even for me.”
Your eyes never leave his, standing up fully in front of him. He follows, using your hand as a guide up and into your body. A hand on the left side of your neck, fingers creeping into your perfectly combed hair. It’s used to bring your lips to his, properly kissing you.
Many kisses have been shared between you, but none like this. It’s intense, every pent up and buried feeling finding new life with the movement of your lips. It’s more addictive than the blueberry poppy bread from the baker, tongues desperate for the taste to linger. For the feelings to stay.
Loving you is a greater honor than the crown, the King is sure of it.
He curses your corset, making you giggle when he spins you gracefully to get a better look at it. The tugs on it are rough, eager to get the fabric off your body. Heavens, Jisung knows he loves this dress but does it have to be so dreadful to remove?
It’s too much. Your desires tangle with his own, sparking brighter than the jewels on the crown. Than the gold of coins. The energy it deepens the King’s decent — the hole you’re tumbling into doesn’t have a bottom.
Your nails rip his shirt, accidentally tangling the strings of his pants in your rush. There’s no grace in the first moments. Ready to see each other’s bodies, to touch, to taste. To be one.
The King tries his best to be gentle with you. To give you the sweetest kisses, careful touches. He’s heard stories, knows that it can be too much. The last thing he wants is for you to not find pleasure in this.
But, it can only last for so long. The breaking comes with he accidentally takes your breath away — truly, he didn’t mean to place his hand there. Apologies are ready to fumble out when he sees it.
The look you give him. Shocked, a little frightened. But excited.
Jisung never considered his ego very large, but he’s open to self reflection.
“Oh, petal, is this what you like?” He squeezes your throat, tips of his fingers digging into your soft skin. Though you nod, there’s no real need for an answer. He can feel it in the clench around his cock, the legs hooked around his waist pulling him closer. With a dry laugh, he picks up the pace of his hips. Fucking you hard enough the bed is becoming unstable. “I have to admit my surprise. The shy, gentle Queen likes to be fucked like a common whore.”
As soon as the words leave, he feels a tinge of regret. What harsh words to say to someone he loves—
Do his eyes deceive him? You’re whimpering, nodding your head. Unable to speak from the lack of air, but in full agreement.
Heavens. The King is done for.
“I’m sure they’d be glad to have you at the brothel.” Control is lost, the wooden frame starting to crack under the King’s intense movements. “Let the people have a taste of the King’s favorite cunt.”
“N-no.” You seem to speak. “Only y-you—“
“Aw, don’t be selfish, petal.” He pinches your cheek, finding joy in the tears painting your face. “You know I am a generous ruler.”
Jisung enjoys riling you up like this. Enjoys the tears, the cries, the way you’re twitching and squirming underneath him. Not to escape. No, from the force of something world shattering.
“Are you going to cum?” He teases you. “From those awful threats?”
You cannot help yourself, nodding quickly. Little, soft begs falling from your lips.
Maybe Jisung is power hungry. Maybe the crown has gone to his head. Maybe that’s why he laughs, stopping to leave you right on the edge. You’re so distraught, wide eyed and frantically begging for him to finish.
“Oh, but petal. I never said I would be generous to you.”
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pashminalamb · 2 years
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˚୨୧⋆。 𝐒𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬 : 𝐁𝐥𝐥𝐤 𝐦𝐞𝐧 𝐚𝐜𝐜𝐞𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐍𝐍𝐍 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞.
˚୨୧⋆。 𝐅𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 : 𝐈𝐬𝐚𝐠𝐢 𝐘𝐨𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐢, 𝐈𝐭𝐨𝐬𝐡𝐢 𝐑𝐢𝐧, 𝐊𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐦𝐢 𝐑𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐞, 𝐁𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐚 𝐌𝐞𝐠𝐮𝐫𝐮, 𝐍𝐚𝐠𝐢 𝐒𝐞𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐨 (𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝟐𝟒 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐟𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐞𝐫𝐬).
˚୨୧⋆。 𝐖𝐜 : 𝟐.𝟒𝐤
˚୨୧⋆。 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐬 : 𝐮𝐧𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐝; 𝐢𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐬, 𝐈'𝐥𝐥 𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐞 𝐫𝐞-𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠.
˚୨୧⋆。 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 : 𝐍𝐒𝐅𝐖-𝐢𝐬𝐡, 𝐬𝐮𝐠𝐠𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐬.
˚୨୧⋆。 𝐓𝐚𝐠𝐬 : 𝐃𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 (𝐊𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐦𝐢'𝐬 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭), 𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 '𝐩𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐲' (𝐈𝐭𝐨𝐬𝐡𝐢 𝐑𝐢𝐧), 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦 𝐛𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐬𝐦𝐮𝐠.
(𝐀/𝐍) : 𝐀 𝐥𝐢𝐥 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐭 𝐈 𝐩𝐮𝐭 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡; 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬, 𝐫𝐞𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐝!!
𝐃𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐩𝐲, 𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐭, 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐳𝐞, 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐨𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬.
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✦ 𝐈𝐬𝐚𝐠𝐢 𝐘𝐨𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐢 : 𝐃𝐨𝐞𝐬𝐧’𝐭 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐚 𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐍𝐍𝐍 𝐢𝐬.
“Uh… love?” he said, looking up at you from his phone. You hummed, taking a sip out of your mug, your other hand holding a book. 
“What is this NNN challenge?” Spitting out the tea, you caught Isagi’s attention. He made his way over to you, patting your back as you coughed a little. With a concerned gaze, he moved around the table, grabbing a few paper towels wiping away the droplets of your drink. 
“Is the question I asked that bad?” he asked, blue orbs staring into yours. 
“No. Where did you get that question, Yoichi?” 
“Shidou sent it on the group chat.” Figures. “So would you tell me what it is?” Yoichi asked, his eyes glimmering with wonder. Did he think it was some kind of a football challenge? “Is it really necessary?” you groaned. “If you don’t want to tell me what it is, I’m alright with that.” he shrugged. Screw it, he was gonna find out about it anyway. Damn Shidou for ruining the innocence of the blueberry muffin. 
“You can’t have sex or jerk off for the entire month of November.” you said, not daring to look at him. Silence filled the room after you said that out loud. Curious, you turned to look to the side you found Isagi biting the inside of his cheek, blue eyes narrowed in thought. There was no way. 
“You’re not thinking about doing the challenge are you?” you asked. Turning to the side, he was quick to give you a fox-like smile. “And what if I am?” 
“Oh god.” “I think you’re starting to sound more sex depraved that I am.” Yoichi teased, pulling your cheek. “Think about yourself, idiot. As a footballer, do you think you can hold yourself off for one month?”
“Wanna bet?” he asked, giving you a smirk. Laying down the rules, the two of you had arrived at a conclusion. 
(i). No touching yourselves or each other. 
(ii). If the other party loses, they have to adhere to the conditions of the winning party. 
If anything came out of no nut November, it was the possibility of turning Yoichi submissive… there was no way you were going to lose. 
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✦ 𝐈𝐭𝐨𝐬𝐡𝐢 𝐑𝐢𝐧 : 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝𝐧’𝐭 𝐛𝐞 𝐛𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐝, 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐫 (𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤) 𝐢𝐭.
Kimiko : Can you believe that Ren is planning to do the NNN challenge? You : Boys will be boys. Honestly, I don’t even get the point of the challenge… I pity ur sex life for the next month tho 
Kimiko : Honey. There are vibrators for a reason. 
You laughed as you texted away, Rin watching you from the corner of his eye. “What’s so funny?” Shaking your head, your fingers typing away, laughing at Kimiko’s frustration. 
“Nothing. Just Kimiko’s boyfriend doing some stupid challenge of the month.” 
“What is the challenge this time?” Rin was getting rather chatty today. And for the wrong reasons. You knew if he was to know about this challenge he was going to either scoff at you saying that it was pointless like he did every other time when you showed him any video or challenge. On the other hand what was the harm in the vague mentioning of it anyway? “NNN challenge.” “Mhm hm… is it just acronyms or is there actually a meaning to it.” “Everything has a meaning to it, Rin. It depends if you’re interested in it or not and like every other challenge for you, it is stupid. So pray tell why would you want to know what it is anyway?” you asked, clicking your phone shut. 
“Just tell me what it is,” he said, rolling his eyes. So dramatic, yet like a child he couldn’t keep his curiosity at bay, making a smile play on your lips. “No nut november challenge.” Shaking his head, Rin took out his own phone, long fingers tapping away at his keypad impatiently.
Eyebrows pinching and eyes narrowing, he prodded his tongue into the side of his cheek in awkwardness. Sighing through your lips, you kept yourself from laughing, your hand over your lips stifling your giggles while your shoulders shook. 
“Fine then, have it your way.” he said, hands resting palm down on his thighs, getting up from the couch. “You’re not thinking about going through the challenge for one month are you?” you asked, feigning a mortified expression. Leaning over you, he kept a few centimeters between you and him,  hands placed on either side of you. Placing his palm on your cheek, his thumb towards your lower lip, gliding across the skin of it. “I do yoga, puppy. It doesn’t take a thought to know who has the upper hand out of the two of us.” he rasped, pulling away from you with an all knowing glare, going towards the kitchen, with the aim to crush your ego in the next few weeks to come. Seems like this month was going to be a hard one for you, unless… you had managed to turn the tables in your favor. 
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✦ 𝐊𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐦𝐢 𝐑𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐞 : 𝐒𝐦𝐮𝐠 𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐍𝐍𝐍 𝐰𝐚𝐬, 𝐲𝐨𝐮’𝐥𝐥 𝐬𝐞𝐞 𝐰𝐡𝐲. 
Stepping out of the shower, Resnuke watched as you scrolled through your social media, the sounds of music from short videos filling up the room while lying down. Covered in his clad towel he moved towards the cupboard, pulling out a pair of loose fitting pajamas that he wore to sleep, choosing to not wear a shirt. You giggled while he slipped into bed beside you. 
Resting his chin on your shoulder, he watched your illuminated screen with you, his other hand coming under your neck, eyes catching a flash of a text. “Are you gonna jump on the  bandwagon for doing the NNN challenge?” Tapping on your keypad, you were quick to reply. “Idk… I don't think Rensuke would be up for it.” Oh? You thought he was upto the mark for the NNN challenge? He didn’t know about the details of it, considering that it had never been brought up and the minimal amount of effort he spent on social media, limiting his knowledge of this. “And what makes you think I wouldn’t be up for it?” Rensuke asked, a stern tone laced with sleep taking over his voice. 
“Mhm? And since when were you interested in the NNN challenge?” you asked, turning to face him, clicking your phone shut. “Not that I know what it is, but what makes you think I’d back down?” 
“You want to skip out on sinful intimacy and not touch yourself for an entire month, Rensuke?” 
Pulling back, his eyes met yours, his auburn orbs holding a daring expression. Turning you over, he placed on your back, straddling your hips. Leaning down, he placed himself on his elbows, his bare abs coming in contact with the thin material of your shirt, yet still feeling the surface of his hard muscles against your stomach. You could feel the light pants from his lips as he adjusted himself above you, the minty whiffs of his warm breath on the tip of your nose. “Look at me.” Staring up at him, you felt your fingertips dig into the surface of the mattress, resisting the urge to pull him into you as you had done times before. Even if you had shared intimacy with him many times, the scene managed to make your heart race and your face heat up. But this time… it was almost like Rensuke had a point to prove, that you were going to lose the challenge if you went through with it, with him tempting you for the next thirty days. Eyes looking into his half lidded ones, your gaze shifted from them to his lips, mesmerized by the way his lips formed around the words. 
“I can fuck you whenever I want to.” You swallowed hard, body squirming in response to his raspy voice as he said it. 
“I don’t need some stupid challenge to show my self restraint.” he said, hand moving towards the column of your throat as he lips came to the side of your ear, placing a kiss on the lobe of it while his fingers lightly traced circular patterns into the skin of your throat and his other hand weaved his fingers between yours. 
“Imagine not having this for another month. Don’t want that to happen do you?” Rensuke purred, making you whine. Pulling away from you, he kissed the tip of your nose, dropping himself on the other side of his bed. 
“Too bad, it seems like you landed yourself in this one. Since I would be ‘up for it.’” Rensuke said, a smirk playing on his lips as he faced away from you to sleep. That night you racked your brain for ideas of how you could possibly seduce him for the next 30 days, thinking of how you could make his patience snap. 
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✦ 𝐁𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐚 𝐌𝐞𝐠𝐮𝐫𝐮 : 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞 𝐚𝐜𝐜𝐞𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐚𝐭 𝐚 𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐞.
Meguru placed his feet on the sofa as he watched the match on the screen before him, your head in his lap as you scrolled through your phone, laughing particularly hard at one meme about people losing the NNN challenge, making Meguru look at you in fondness yet curiosity. Playing with your hair, he asked you in a playful tone. “What’s got you laughing?” 
“Seems like people are losing the NNN challenge.” “What’s that…?” he asked, cocking his head to the side, clueless. 
“You can’t touch yourself or your partner for the whole month of November. That’s the No nut November challenge.” you said simply, looking back at your phone. You didn’t feel Bachira move or the sound of the television that was now on mute. Just what was the thinking? Tilting your head up slightly, you were met with the sight of Meguru staring into empty space before him. 
“What are you thinking about Meguru?” you asked, playing with the blonde colored parts of his hair. He hummed in response, taking your hand into his, entwining his digits with yours. “Tell me.” “It's not that hard.” he declared, looking down at you, his honey like gaze holding mischief in them. 
“What isn’t?” “The challenge.” he said, a smirk playing on his lips. Choosing to contest him, you got up from your spot, hsi face looking relaxed and close to smug. “You think you can pull off this challenge?” you asked, crossing your arms over his chest. “It is not impossible.” he said, sinking into the couch with a wave of his hand to show the easiness he felt about it. “You and the no nut november challenge? Meguru there’s no way-” “Why don’t we take it up then?” he asked, eyes staring into yours with dispassion. Leaning forward, he placed a hand behind you, his cheek coming close to yours as he whispered into your ear. “I know that I fuck you like an animal, make you cry out and make you stand on shaky legs the next day.” 
Pulling away his eyes bore into yours, half lidded and smug. “But I can be tame sometimes.” You metally groaned at the thought of not having pleasure for the next month. There was only so much you could do on your own, your body wanting Meguru and his touch. 
“So we’re going through with it.” he said with finality, turning towards the television screen, unmuting it, paying attention to the match. 
You turned to the other side of the couch, making sure to hide your phone away from Bachira’s gaze. ``100 ways to seduce your boyfriend, when he won’t pay attention to you.’ 
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✦ 𝐍𝐚𝐠𝐢 𝐒𝐞𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐨 : 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞 𝐚𝐜𝐜𝐞𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐝, 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐚 𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞.
Although Nagi spent most of his time on his phone watching videos of football, learning new tricks or playing games, he wasn’t confined to living under a rock. Scrolling through social media, he was waiting for the announcement of a new game that was dropping that day, his eyes catching a glimpse of a post that he was unfamiliar with, the caption stating, ‘When you fail the NNN challenge.’ 
The ping of your phone caught your attention, causing you to pick up the device. It wasn’t a surprise to see a message from Nagi, but the message itself caught you off guard. Clicking on the video, you felt a laugh come out of you as the video played that of a panicked man realizing it was the night of the thirty first of October. It was the NNN challenge. But why would Nagi send you that? Your question was answered with the appearance of a text bubble that came beneath the said video. 
Sei ♡ : ‘What are the limits here?’ 
Sighing you typed back.
You : Are you asking me about the challenge? Sei ♡ : yeah its all over my feed now. 
You : Why don’t you just search it up? Sei : Too lazy. 
Shaking your head at his sloth like personality that took over at times when he wasn’t at a field, you typed back, 
You : It’s the No nut November challenge. You can’t touch yourself or your partner for the whole month of November. 
You watched as the text bubble appeared and reappeared, this time the text making you quirk an eyebrow. 
Sei ♡ : Let’s do it. You : Are you sure? I don’t think you can hold out long. 
Little did you know that your text had made Nagi stand his ground and not change his mind, providing him with the motive to toy with you until you gave in and lost the challenge. 
It had been five minutes with Sieshiro leaving you on read. Had he grown hesitant and decided that the challenge was not worth it? You felt a smirk come on your lips at the thought of having the upper hand of the argument, managing to have him question his capacity of self restraint. Your train of thoughts was interrupted with the ping of your phone, making your curiosity rouse as you stared at the screen. 
Sei ♡ : Sent an attached image.
Opening the picture you felt heat rise to your cheeks as you took in the sight before you. Nagi had lifted up his jersey the cloth between his teeth, displaying a set of well cut abs with a light sheen of sweat, his jersey shorts being pulled a bit under his adonis belt by his gloved hand, the veins on his forearms prominent, presenting the sinful image of his v lines along with the happy trail that went down into the hem of his shorts. Taking a screenshot of the image, you saw the appearance of a text bubble. 
Sei ♡ : ‘Think you can hold out long? Taking an ss isn’t very nice yk?’ Seishiro smirked at the upper hand he had in the game with you taking the bait. Little did he know about the tricks you had up your sleeve, deciding to online shop for outfits were sure to break his even temper.
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thevoidscreams · 3 months
Omg your writing is exactly what I want and need <3 Maybe some breeding? Guilliman or the Lion (it seems it would fit them the best). Wanting to claim and curious about if their seed could knock up a regular human. Keep up the good work ^^
Day 17
I love blueberry man
Pairing: Roboute Guilliman x reader
Warnings: a bit of fulgrim existing, breeding, you get yoinked, your dad sells you to the imperium wattpad style, arranged marriage
The mirror reflected my image back to me as the serf did up my corset.
“You're a very lucky woman. Marrying the Lord Guilliman.” she cooed.
I hadn't felt all that lucky. I'd barely known him a month before I stood at the altar with him.
I could see my father's face in my mind's eye telling me that my husband had been chosen. As his daughter and the princess of our world it was my duty to keep our world from ruin.
“If you don't do this, they will force our world into submission.”
“But he'll take me away. I'll never see you again.” I'd been crying as he sat me down and hugged me.
“He will be a good husband and this marriage will give us some favorable terms under the rule of the emperor of Terra. He promised us this and he is a good sort of man.”
“I haven't even met him yet.”
“You will tonight. He's our guest of honor at the banquet.”
I fought back tears. This was my duty, my people needed me.
“Oh don't cry my lady. You'll streak the blush.”
The serf gave me a reassuring pat.
“I'm just so worried that I'll never see my family again.” I admitted in a wobbly voice.
“Oh dear, you'll have plenty of family once you marry Lord Guilliman. He has thousands of sons. And I'm sure there will be a few more along the way now that you're here.”
She said conspiratorially.
“I'm sure you're right.” I admitted.
He was quite fetching I had to admit. Lord Guilliman was a very handsome man and any woman would feel lucky to marry someone like him.
Besides, this marriage would be good for your world. The protection it would afford you from those awful xeno raids was just another thing you couldn't afford to give up.
“What's he like?” I asked absently, my mind wandering. I'd only met him twice now and both times had been with chaperones from both sides.
“Lord Guilliman is very noble, my lady, and he's honorable. Smart as they come too. He's quite gentle with us all as well. Doesn't put us littler baseline people down either.”
She nodded and began fixing my hair.
“Do you suppose he'll be a good husband? A fair one?”
“Oh he'll be the best no doubt. When he's not busy mind you.” I nodded.
“Of course. He has much to do.”
“Aye, he does. Now give us a turn. Let us see you.”
I gave a slow turn and all the assembled hand maids and serfs ooo'd and gushed.
“Well isn't she just the loveliest thing you ever saw?” One of them cooed. They were all so kind and it helped ease my nerves to know that I would have them to help me.
The ceremony had been grand, by all standards, even for someone from my station.
The Ultramarines, my new ‘family’ were giant men in giant suits of armor, my new husband introduced me to so many my head spun.
But my husband and his sons were not the only giants to attend. My new brother- in-law had come to see this, apparently, an odd occurrence.
They varied in personality vastly. But they came bearing gifts and well wishes. Their sons, who I was beginning to understand, were called legions, joined us as well.
Sanguinius and Vulkan had been the sweetest.
I adored them. They did a good job reassuring me as well that I was in good hands. That their brother would be a dutiful husband and that he would not mistreat me.
They did more to put aside any fears I had than everyone before. I couldn't help but trust them.
I looked to my husband who was speaking to another man in purple.
He was lovely, with violet eyes and long silky white hair. He seemed to be teasing his brother and I smiled thinking of my own family.
Hopefully, I'd be able to have a few children soon, it would soothe the ache I knew I would feel.
“So brother, your wife is a darling little thing isn't she?” Fulgrim chirped, I knew it was the set up to something more and I downed my wine.
“If you have something to say Fulgrim then just say it.”
He pouted and lounged in his chair more dramatically.
“I'm surprised you didn't marry her off to one of your captains, or one of your other sons. But I can't say that I blame you.”
“Her father would not accept anyone from a lower station, he was..adamant.”
Fulgrim laughed, it was a silvery sound. “Oh brother, you are so lucky you got to this world instead of me. I would have grabbed her up in a heartbeat. Perhaps I should marry again. To have a sweet little thing to warm my bed.”
“I didn't marry her just to deflower her.” I felt the scowl darken my face.
“Naturally not. But you will, will you not? As her husband you will have to perform and be dutiful. A wedding is only half concluded until it is consummated.”
My cheeks grew hot. “I am not going to discuss my bedroom activities with you Fulgrim. I will do as is expected of me as her husband. But I will mto be a lecherous pervert and run around giving away everything. If you're going to be disgusting, do it elsewhere.”
Fulgrim shook his head at me and sighed.
“Well how about this? Do you think you'll be able to? Will you be able to even make her a mother?”
I was about to reply with some very heated words but stopped. The question shocked me.
“I will do as my duty demands.” I told him simply.
I looked at my wife, she was much smaller than me. Half my height and so…delicate. Sex would be a minefield to navigate. I may not have known her well. But she had been kind, and I felt certain of her good character.
“Pardon me.” I pulled myself away from the conversation and went to my wife.
“They're about to make the speeches. We should return to the table.”
I turned to look up at my husband and nodded.
He offered me his massive hand and I went with him at his side.
“Have you enjoyed your evening my Lord?” I asked softly, he looked at me quizzically.
“I am your husband, there is no need for formalities. Call me Roboute.”
“Ah. Right.” I blushed. “Have you enjoyed the evening so far, Roboute?”
He smiled. It was a gentle gesture and my heart fluttered like a bird trapped in a cage.
“I have.”
People went up to a podium, one by one, giving their admiration and care in the form of stories and well wishes. I learned much from the stories told about his time on the battlefield.
His older brother, Horus, gave a very moving speech before he addressed me personally and wished me luck dealing with his stubborn blood.
People laughed and it was all in good fun. Even Roboute laughed and stood to embrace his brother.
My own family spoke, proud as anything and I felt teary eyed again as my mother wished me luck in my journey as a woman. Telling me how much she loved me.
A few tears did fall and my husband touched my back softly.
After the festivities, people either left or broke into smaller groups to talk.
“Where will we be staying tonight?” I asked Roboute.
He looked down at me and answered in a polite and quiet voice.
“My flagship. The Macragge's Honour. Your belongings will be moved there so we may leave in the next few days.”
I nodded.
My hearts hammered as I realized I would have to sleep with her in my bed, and we would have to at least try for a child.
Oddly enough, it wasn't embarrassment or discomfort that I was feeling. It was a rush like the thrill of the battle before it began.
I was anticipating this new turn in my life.
I swept her up. Careful of her dress and carried her in my arms. “Roboute?” She squeaked.
“Is it not a tradition to carry your wife over the threshold of her new home?”
“It is, but your ship is still in orbit. It'll take some time to get there.”
“Then I will carry you all the while.”
I could feel her heart racing, the same as mine. Was it excitement that made it beat so fast and so loud, or fear?”
I could only hope it was the former. I did not want my own wife to be fearful of me.
That anxiety was laid to rest as she placed her head on my chest relaxing into me. Some of my brothers whooped and cheered as I carried my bride away.
“Have fun brother.” I heard Fulgrim laugh. Oh I would..I hoped.
Roboute carried me the whole way just as he said.
His ship was the biggest thing I’d ever seen.
And his room was bigger than the main banquet hall of my father's castle.
He set me down and touched my cheek softly.
“I want you to be comfortable. Please if this is not something you want, I need to know. But otherwise I am intent to do my duty as your husband. And consummate our marriage.”
I shivered, he was being so kind. I'd heard so many horrible stories of new husbands just forcing that contact on their wives, but here he was offering me a choice.
“I would like..” I thought for a moment, trying not to imagine anything too lewd.
“I would like to try.” I breathed and he nodded.
“Shall I have a serf help you prepare? I am not so experienced in undoing clothes and hair.”
I shook my head. “Let me undress, then perhaps we could bathe and.. get used to one another.”
“A sound idea.” He agreed and began to undress.
His body was amazing. Perfect even. I couldn't help but stare as he revealed his body to me. Laying his clothes over a chair neatly.
“Are you going to undress with me?”
I stared at him dumbfounded and nodded.
He chuckled. “Is the view really all that good.”
My mouth moved before my brain and I blurted, “Oh yeah.”
Roboute blushed, and not lightly either. His cheeks were like the blood angels battle plate.
“I- um, thank you.”
I nodded.
I fumbled a bit gracelessly for the strings keeping my corset together.
I managed but I felt foolish.
I dropped the dress and stepped out of it, moving on the pins holding my hair. Quite aware of his gaze on me.
She was lovely, I hadn't imagined such a thing of beauty would be under all of those clothes. She rivaled even the most masterfully sculpted statues of my home.
I wanted to reach out and touch her skin, it looked so soft.
I resisted, not wanting to be too forward.
“You are very lovely.” I breathed and snapped my mouth shut, having not meant to speak the words aloud.
Her eyes sparkled, just as magnificent as the rest of her.
“I will take you to the bath.” I told her, lifting her until my arms. She gasped and I nearly put her down again.
But get arms snaked around my neck. I find that anticipation returning along with the question Fulgrim posed to me.
Could I give her children? I would have to try.
The bathroom was spacious and the tub would have more than enough room for us both, it could fit several of my brothers and I for a communal bath. But for tonight it was just us.
I ran the water, setting my little wife down on a bench.
“Shall I bring some oils? They feel wonderful after a bath.”
“I've never used them before.”
“I will help you.” I assured her.
Once the water was to an acceptable depth I stepped in, offering her a hand into the hot water.
The water was deeper than I had anticipated, it was like a hot pool.
Roboute took me into his lap and I felt like I was going to faint. He was my husband, but I'd never been alone with a man, other than my father, much less naked with one.
And here I was, sitting in his lap, naked as a bird and feeling all sorts of ways about it.
His hands ran over my skin, massaging soaps into my back and arms.
He was bathing me, like I was a kid.
“I-I can wash myself.” I stammered, he chuckled and it sent rippling little waves through the water.
“I know, but I want you to relax.”
My hand reached for the bottle and I poured some into my hand, rubbing down his chest, my fingers brushing through the very fine blond hairs there.
He hummed and his hands scrubbed lower.
We spent our time like that, rubbing and bathing one another, I moved closer to reach his shoulders and found myself against something hard under the water.
He coughed and apologized.
“Why are you apologizing?” I giggled still confused.
I reached down to try and move the thing out of the way with my hand, grabbing it. Roboute groaned and it dawned on me just what I'd just done.
“oh….” I mumbled and slumped against him. “sorry…” his hand rested on my back.
“Don't be. It's yours to do with as you please.” He mused.
It was, wasn’t it? I ran my hand up and down the length of it. Exploring the velvety softness.
“It’s big.”
“What did you expect?” He breathed, seeming to enjoy the touch.
“Well, I'm not really sure. This is all new to me.”
Roboute sank into the water washing the soap from our bodies before standing.
“Let’s get dry, I’ll rub you down with that oil.”
His towels, like everything else, were massive. I got lost in the plush fabric and my poor husband had to help orient me towards the bed.
I sat on the edge and pulled the towel down to look up at him. He was actively drying his body and I followed his example.
While I was drying Roboute vanished back into the bathroom. He returned with a clay vase of body oil.
“Lay back.”
My body moved, I found myself unable to disobey the command.
He knelt on the bed next to me, his body causing the bed to dip. I had to put out an arm to keep from rolling.
Roboute kneeled between my legs, pouring oil into his open palm.
“Just relax and let me work.”
I nodded.
His hands ran over me bare chest and down my stomach, the oil felt warm applied by his hands.
The big pads of his finger tips massaged my thighs and I moaned as he worked the tension out of my muscles.
He was skilled with his hands.
I was so lost in the feeling I didn’t notice him bending low until his lips were on my throat, kissing and nibbling. My fingers combed through his hair, holding him closer.
“Roboute~” I gasped.
“Yes, my wife?” He purred back. His fingers sliding between my thighs, pressing to my womanhood.
His lips touched mine, one oil slicked finger pushing in. The oil acts as a sufficient lubricant to ease his way in, making me squeak.
“Shall we begin the consummation of our marriage my husband?” I asked, my voice tremulous.
“That was the idea, yes.”
I looked down at her, her body soft under my own. I had certainly made up my mind on the matter. I would bed her as frequently as I was able. We had to make our way back to Terra now, so that I could present her to my father. That would provide ample time to see if our biology was compatible. I was surprised to find that I was beyond hopeful that it was. She was a good woman and I was sure she would care for a family well. I’d also taken her from her home and her family. If I could not provide her with children.. The thought killed me inside. I slipped my finger in as far as I could, watching her writhe under me. Her breaths quickening as I pet her inner walls. The oils mixed with her natural slick. I was fascinated by the way her body pulled my finger back in after I pulled it back. Taking the oil I poured more over her. Tending to her gently. I felt pride with each sound I drew from her soft lips.
“The oil..” She sat up and I felt a rush of worry, was it hurting her? Was I hurting her?
“Yes? What about it?”
“May I see it?” She held out her palm to me and I understood, lifting the jug to pour some into her hand.
“What are you-?” I choked on my own breath as she grabbed hold of my cock, stroking me and kissing my lips.
“Is this good?”
“Very.” It felt good, being touched in that way. The strokes were a bit uncertain at first but steadily grew with confidence as my own voice joined hers.
“I need to prepare you to take me. May I push one more in?”
She nodded and kissed me softly. “Yes, please.”
My ring finger joined the middle and I felt her body stretching to accommodate the width of both. I watched as her face scrunched with pain.
“Breath, deep breaths, it'll help ease the pain.”
She obeyed readily, and my manhood twitched. Would she always obey so well? If so, we were probably going to be doing this even more than previously assumed.
“Good girl. Taking me so well. ” I praised, my fingers pulling out and pushing back in. I added a bit more oil and kept the pace slow and steady, letting her body acclimate to the affection.
I had her there for all of two minutes before her body tensed and her walls clamped around me, my fingers suddenly became a lot wetter and stickier.
“Good girl,” I crooned again, “cum for me, just like that.”
Her hand was still lazily holding my cock and I watched as a thick pearl of precum dripped onto her lower lips. I pushed it in with a thumb.
“I need you, my darling wife.”
Her eyes focused on mine and she reached up for me. Grabbing at me and smiling dreamily. “Then have me.”
I did, lining up my cock and pulling her onto it inch by inch.
If I had thought his fingers stretched me then I hadn't felt anything yet. His cock was thick and filled me completely.
I felt my head fall back and I cried out, but the preparations from before made it not only bearable, but after a point, completely mind blowing.
His cock pressed all the places he'd been petting before.
Making my already tingling nerves shout at the new source of stimulation.
Sunk to the hilt he stopped and I whined reaching up to take his cheeks into my hands.
“I will give you time to adjust, don't worry.” He promised.
I felt myself grumble, grumpily.
“I don't need time to adjust.”
He looked down at me, confusion morphing into understanding, then amusement.
“Is that so?”
“Yes.” I whined again.
“Is my princess in need. Does she want me to make the burning ache go away?”
I did. I very much did.
“Yes, I need my primarch to make me feel good.”
His mouth descended on mine and he kissed me hard, his cock pulling out of me before thrusting back in.
“Like that?” He teased.
“Exactly like that.” I panted under him.
He wrapped his arms around the oil from my skin brushing off onto his.
He kissed me, his hips working a steady rhythm.
His body was hot, like the bath water and it kept me warm in the big room. His cock was also hot inside me. I wanted more of this, more love, more touches, more everything.
He seemed to be feeling the same, his eyes were closed tight and I kissed the tip of his nose. He faltered in his pace and I laughed, as he smiled and returned the gesture.
Neither of us lasted very long that first round. I came hard on his cock and he gave me the first of many loads.
The room was quiet, except for our breathing.
I laid in Robute's arms, kissing him over and over.
“I think they were right.” I spoke, breaking the silence.
“Who was right about what?” He asked, puzzled.
“Your brothers. I think you will be a wonderful husband.”
He hugged me tighter and pressed her forehead to mine.
“I will try.”
A month passed on our journey back to Terra. I had awoken the past two days feeling ill. Roboute took me to the Apothecaries on the third day. Fearful I had contracted some ailment while aboard the ship.
We'd been active almost everyday for that month. Except the past three and I was feeling needy again.
The apothecary came rushing in from the lab looking at his father and I with a look of awe in his expression.
“What is it?” Roboute demanded. His son stared at the database and he grinned.
“Congratulations, father.” He motioned to me and I thought I began to comprehend.
“Our mother is with child.” He announced.
Before I could speak Roboute had me up in his arms. Kissing my cheeks and face, laughing and cheering.
“Please, my son. May I have the results. Send them to me.”
Later that night Roboute called his brother.
“Brother! How is married life?” Fulgrim asked delightedly and sipped his wine.
Roboute sent the results to his brother. And watched as the fuzzy green image spat out the mouthful of wine and coughed.
“I guess we have our answer now. Don't we? Good night brother.”
Roboute terminated the connection and went back, intent on celebrating with his wife.
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zhounauts · 10 months
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crown prince!lee heeseung x f!reader // warnings: cursing, fainting (?) part two series masterlist
a/n got inspo for this after rereading this reincarnation webtoon i used to like a lot, these reincarnation stories are lwk a guitly pleasure of mine so i was like why not write one
+ is this even considered an x reader??? like heeseung hates u oopsie lolz
anyways enjoy (hopefully)
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YOU WOKE UP WITH AN EPIPHANY , to give the two leads their happy ending. despite the fact that you had woken up in a stereotypical reincarnation manhwa, the author was far from stereotypical. not only did she have a strange almost concerning obsession with her two main leads, but she was also a goody-two shoes rule follower who told you that the original plot of the story and every single event must be followed and copied to perfection.
unfortunately for her, you said fuck that, had knights take her away and put her in a mansion on the outskirts of the kingdom where she wouldn't be able to reach you. so now, instead of scheming devious, nefarious acts against the female protagonist you now took advantage of your personal chef who worked relentlessly at your constant requests to try all the fancy dishes you could've never afforded in your previous life.
"the audacity!" rina, your maid suddenly exclaims, holding a letter.
"i can't believe this! my lady, this is outrageous! how can saintess sora write and send something so shameless!? " faye your second maid exclaims.
"hm?" you ask, focusing on the blueberry cheesecake in front of you, "what happened faye?"
"the saintess sent an invitation for her tea party! she wrote, 'countess i know we are not on good terms because of the crown prince, but the other ladies and i hope that you will join our humble tea party, and put aside your grudge'" you chew on the cake.
"oh, okay,"
"OKAY!?" the two scream.
"m-my lady! how does this not bother you? she is being disrespectful and using the fact that she has the crown prince's affections despite you are his soon-to-be wife!"
"oh, that's true," you shrug, "what can i do about it? if he likes her better okay then, i don't want to marry him anyways," rina collapses into faye's arms.
"my lady! rina are you--"
"with all due respect, but my lady, back then you would've done something! why the change of heart now?"
"well. . .he doesn't like me?? like it's pretty obvious, and i was just naive and uhm, craving for male validation back then or something like that i guess. it doesn't matter to me anymore,"
". . ."
"besides, his highness prince jay is more my type ,"
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after calming down your fainting maids, you had reassured them that you would go to the tea party and give the female protagonist, saintess sora, a taste of her own medicine for the disrespect she had sown you. (you were not planning this at all)
so now here you were, a week later getting dressed for the pain-in-the-ass tea party. "my lady we will dress you up to be the most beautiful at the party!" your maids exclaim.
"that's really. . .not necessary you know? i'll wear one of the dresses i usually wear," rina starts to lecture you, before a knock interrupts. faye rushes out of the dressing area, to open the door.
"your highness!" she exclaims, bowing. you peek out from behind the dressing area and head out.
"my lady you are not ready--"
"your highness, a pleasure to have you here," you say, bowing.
"y/n," heeseung addresses coldly, "are you attending sora's tea party?"
"yes, your highness,"
"she was telling me she was worried you would reject her request, due to your dislike for her," he says, narrowing his eyes at you bitterly. you stare at him unimpressed.
"my apologies, your highness, if i offend you by saying this. however you and saintess sora seem to be mistaken,"
"my lady don't--"
"i literally don't give a shit,"
"oh dear gods," rina mutters, and she collapses.
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a/n lemme know how it was 😋😋
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This is cross-posted from Twitter. It can be found here.
Ashe (They/Them) 
Hi hi, public hypnokink announcement. Blueberry or Blueberrys Empire is a hypnokink content creator well known for her ASMR content, I was an admin in her personal server for months and just today she posted this vitriolic, transphobic message while @ ing everyone Please rtweet
[note: more under the Keep Reading]
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This is further confirmed to be her true beliefs and not any "hacking" by her partner who was also in the server and stayed to watch the fallout
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She is known to also have servers that allow minors from 14-17 as well, it was not the case in this server but I have heard through multiple sources she has done such
Hypnosis requires empathy and the above message she pinged over 400 people for shows her obvious lack of it
She had Patreons, KoFi and many more financial supporters and actively promoted it in this server, to ditch it all with such a disgusting message sickens me
I considered her a friend, many others did as well, posting their last messages with her and contrasting it with this
Her boyfriend trying to cover her back on what she said, note he says she "isn't transphobic" and yet she ends her announcement with an attack helicopter joke
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For the nail in the coffin I want to show a rule in the server she created How ironic she would 180° this and will end up known for her transphobic vitriol
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Oh and to top everything off someone brought a file of hers to my attention Vile, just fucking vile
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New update, Blueberry has changed her channel name to "BlueberryVA&ASMR" in response to this tweet and the backlash. I can show this easily from our server bot showing the original name last night compared to now
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Edited to add: More information and an account of rather harrowing emotional abuse and consent violations was added to the post linked above, and can be found here.
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“Tactile” Sneak Peek (Steddie Omegaverse D/s)
Y’all voted, here’s the result: A sneak peek scene of my upcoming Steddie fic! 
“Steve! Come and sit down! Everyone has food!” Robin gestured impatiently for Steve to join her and the kids at the breakfast table, but the Omega waved her off, hands on his hips turning in frustrated circles in the kitchen trying to find whatever it was he’d deemed more important than eating. 
“Steve, seriously.” The Beta smacked Dustin’s hand away as he reached for the tray of pancakes. “Seriously, table rules are no seconds until everyone’s eaten and you refusing to just come sit down means I’m actually in danger of being bitten if I have to fend off another one of your gremlins from the pancake plate. Please? Come eat?” 
“I just--” Steve turned in another circle, apron a mess and hair a mess and the entire kitchen a warzone of a mess cos cooking for six teenagers and Robin and Eddie required enough food to feed an army. “I know I bought blueberry syrup. Will likes blueberry syrup, I bought blueberry syrup and now I just can’t find it--” 
“Will’s eaten four pancakes and three eggs without needing blueberry syrup so stop stressing about it and come eat!” Robin patted at the chair drawn up close next to her, but when Steve ignored her again, she sighed and turned to Eddie, “Hey. Do something about this. Steve forgets to eat and then gets all sad and cranky and nobody wants to deal with a sad and cranky Omega today. Hop to it.” 
“On it.” Eddie crammed a whole piece of bacon in his mouth and swallowed it down quick as he scrambled out of his chair, away from the table and into the kitchen to confront his favorite fussy Omega. 
“Steve.” The Alpha snagged at Steve’s apron and tugged him in. “Hey. Time to eat.” 
“I know, I’m just trying to find--” 
“Steve.” Eddie let go of the apron and gripped at Steve’s waist instead, spread his fingers wide at the Omega’s side and cupped at Steve’s jaw with his other hand. Steve’s eyes went abruptly wide when Eddie angled in invading his space, but in the next second Steve’s lids fell half heavy, lips parting unconscious and breath automatically slowing once as Eddie’s fingers were digging into his jaw holding him, once the Alpha’s palm was pressed to his waist steadying him and Eddie stood in near enough for Steve to inhale his heady scent. 
“Steve.” Eddie repeated, low and commanding and the Omega’s shoulders dropped, head tilted instinctively baring his neck very nearly submitting.  
“Sweetheart.” Softer now, only for Steve’s ears. Eddie brushed his nose at Steve’s temple, through the ruffled hair, set his lips just barely at the Omega’s cheek. “Time to eat. Leave the kitchen. Come sit with me. Eat. Now.” 
“Can I--” Steve’s voice was thready, a tremor running through his entire body when he turned into another barely there touch of lips. “Can I sit on your lap?” 
“Yeah.” The word came rumbled from deep in the Alpha’s chest, pleasure and approval at the Omega’s obedience, anticipation and a little bit of awe cos Steve was independent and bratty and stubborn but he melted so very sweet for Eddie it was damn near breathtaking. “Yes. If you’re very good and eat very well, you can sit on my lap.” 
“Will you help me eat? Hold the fork and feed me?” 
Fuck. Eddie screwed his eyes shut before they flared dark wanting red at the request. Sometimes sometimes Steve asked for more like he really wanted to commit to this whole thing, this whole tentative fragile thing where the Omega played submissive and Eddie got the chance to take care of him-- sometimes sometimes Steve asked and hinted and pouted his pretty lips and wished for more but-- but-- Eddie just wasn’t sure and he wasn’t willing to misread it so...
“Not today.” It took every bit of the Alpha’s self control not to growl. “Not with everyone here.” 
“Oh.” Disappointed. “But I can sit on your lap?” 
“If you’re very good.”
“I’ll be very good.” Steve sighed whisper soft at the pass of a calloused thumb over his bottom lip. Alpha. “I’ll be very good for you.” 
“Come on then, sweetheart.” Eddie took a step back, twined their fingers together and led Steve back to the table. “Come be good for me.” 
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cricketnationrise · 11 months
4:24pm jack's apartment tater
okay for some reason my instinct is to write sad tater but i battled against that bc i didn't want to be sad today. thanks for the prompt, hope you like it!
want your own ficlet? TWO DAYS LEFT rules here.
jack's apartment, 4:24pm
“But consider this,” Jack is saying, as Bitty pushes him towards the door, “I could stay here instead.”
“You are just the sweetest thing, aintcha? But we both know you’ll melt if you’re away from ice any longer you big Canadian moose. Go skate with Shitty – I know you’ve missed him somethin’ fierce since he was here after the Cup.”
Tater sniggers into the couch cushions at the sight of Jack Laurent Zimmermann – college graduate with honors, top five for the Rocket Richard and Art Ross, runner up for the Conn Smythe, Calder Cup Winner, and Stanley Cup Champion – pouting at his boyfriend.
“Get out of here, Mr. Zimmermann,” Bitty laughs. “We’ll be just fine on our own, and we’ll be here when you get back.”
“Fine.” Jack leans in for one more kiss and Bitty pushes up into the contact so easily that Tater actually looks away, feeling a little like he’s intruding – only looking up again at the sound of the door closing.
Bitty collects Tater’s evening meds and a slice of pie for both of them before making his way back into the living room, shaking his head fondly. “Never thought I’d see the day when Jack Zimmermann was whining about going to the rink. Somewhere pigs are flyin’.”
“Seem to me like good reason to pout: Little B staying home.”
“You’re sweet as all get out.”
“Am best,” Tater confirms before shoveling blueberry pie into his mouth with a groan of pleasure.
“How’s your leg today? Still sore after PT today?”
“Da. But feels stronger. I’ll be back to start next season I’m thinking.”
Bitty does a little dance in his seat in celebration. “Tater, that’s fantastic! I’m so pleased for you, hon.”
“Is rough, no skate, no running, only bike and swimming sometimes. Feel с ума – not sure what English is – like not wanting to sit still, but forced to.”
“Oh, stir-crazy?” Tater nods. “I totally get that – I got a bad concussion my frog year, couldn’t do anything with impact until the start of the next season. I didn’t think I would miss running in the Georgia heat, but Lord, I would have given anything just to go for a jog, I was so bored.”
Tater lifts his plate and waggles his eyebrows. “Pie helps lots. Would be sad without.”
“Well we can’t have that,” Bitty says, mock seriously before sitting up straight. “Now, to business. Jack will be gone for at least two hours, probably closer to three since Shitty will drag him out for dinner after.”
“We have time to finish Drag Race?”
“We do indeed.”
“Was wrong before. Little B is best.”
Bitty doesn’t say anything, just smiles at Tater fondly, grabs the remote and settles himself against Tater’s side, tucked safely under Tater’s arm. His leg is sore, he’s itching to get back to the ice and conditioning, but Bitty has a way of making all his frustration melt away. 
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