#AND I had hotpot base
You ever have food so frickin good you can physically feel your stats being buffed
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blingblong55 · 19 days
Good times-141
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Photo credit: @ave661
Based on a request: Hi! I hope you're enjoying your weekend and fully rested <3 Is it okay to make a short blurb request of TF141 trying out SEA (South East Asian) food (i.e., fried rice, chicken rice, tom yam soup etc..) made by gn!eader? - sort of their reaction  Feel free to ignore this if it doesnt interest you :) <3  Have a great day ahead, thank you :3 ---- GN!Reader, something short, platonic?relationship ----
A/N: I really love making short, simple fics, so..thank you
The team always complained about the food on base. Chow Hall always had food, but not good enough after a long day of work. A week ago, Gaz found you eating in your office, the scent was too good to not ask about but with one look in his eyes, you sighed and nodded. 4 days later, you found yourself filling out paperwork to leave the base, buy some ingredients and then cooking the food without hurting the feelings of those in charge of chow hall. 
With a day's worth of preparation, by day 6, you had all you needed to feed the hungry men you call family. 
Price once mentioned that he and the team, before you had joined, had a mission in East Asia. He mentioned bonding over the food at some restaurants. It's from where you wanted to feed them dumplings, kimchi-jigae, tteokbokki (for Soap because he loved it so much the first time), mochi for Ghost, the tasty hotpot for Price because he loves it so much and for Gaz, ais kacang. 
The plan was perfect, but keeping it a secret was hard. You knew you wanted to surprise them for dinner, especially after the tough call they had that day. 
By the end of the day, you summoned them to the common room. A round table, cosy chairs and food welcomed them. "Ta-da!" you smile as you watch their reactions. Soap was the first to notice the food you had made and went immediately to hug you. Gaz and Ghost noticed rather later and Price smiled when he knew where this idea came from. 
It was a gesture from the heart and a way to thank them for the past months. 
When they all sat down, you watched them eagerly eat the food. It was a nice change for once. Ghost even took his mask off, a rare event, but he did it and ate comfortably. 
Gaz and Soap began with the jokes, adding more each time which was followed by loud laughter and sighs from the team. Price devoured the hotpot, addressing you as a master chef whenever he could, became normal through the night. He even let you have a cigar and you will sure brag about it later on. Gaz adored ais kacang, the desert you had served when all was eaten and enjoyed. He made sure to put his arm around you and compliment the taste of it all, adding more hums each time he ate some more. 
When it came to Soap and tteokbokki, no one could fight his mouth off it. He did fight Gaz for the last piece, which certainly made you feel better about your cooking skills. kimchi-jigae was the ultimate favourite of Ghost, apart from his beloved mochi. He always made sure you knew he'd expect this again if he let you skip field practice every other time. 
By the end of the night, you sat back, drank some beer and watched a wholesome scene. Price was right, just eating, and talking about anything is what truly makes food delicious. It'll be a memory to take for years to come. 
It's nice to think that from sneaking ingredients into the base it all leads to this, sitting down, drinking and eating with your best mates as they try to convince you that their so-called good ideas back in Asia were not bad at all. 
Tags: @liyanahelena
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quitealotofsodapop · 4 months
Was thinking of FFM, specifically the bit about the island being effectively isolated from the outside world. That means it's entirely possible for different strands of plant life that otherwise went extinct or had evolved different characteristics remain in suspension, only affected by the things Wukong himself brings onto the island.
Pigsy is a food connoisseur. He only uses the freshest ingredients. In Century Egg Au and Slow Boiled, he effectively becomes a parental figure to Wukong. One, who would very much likely make many a trip to FFM to check up on Wukong. Same for TMKATI except Wukong doesn't live in the mountain in that one and therefore there's less reason to visit. Imagine how he'll react when he realizes the mythical island not only has the freshest ingredients but the rarest as well!
Pigsy seeing an isolated island with some very tasty looking rare tree fruits from the view of Sandy's ship, only to learn that it has a impassable magical barrier:
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He's ok to let the matter slide... for now. He reasons with himself that whatever is on that island is better off without his mitts on it.
Until he's shaken awake by a very excitable Tang, holding a book on island isolation and evolution, rambling at a mile a minute about how the plant and animal life on the sheltered island has likely evolved completely separate from the outside world, and if this island is part of the fabled lost country of Alolai - then it likely is teeming with wildlife that evolved after the mythical Floods and Burning.
Pigsy, groggy: "Tang... how'd you get in my room???" Tang, highly-caffienated: "I haven't slept in two days!" Sandy, texting: "Is he at your place now?"
Eventually after forcing the scholar to calm down and take a rest before his heart gives out, Pigsy is told something that really tickles his inner connoisseur.
Tang: "Before it was introduced and selectively bred, potatoes could only be encountered in remote areas of the Andes mountains." Pigsy: "And?" Tang: "Imagine if you discovered the next potato." Pigsy: *squeal of intrigue!*
Needless to say, Pigsy has his own Nerd Moment™ the first time he actually touches down on the island and recognises a bunch of rare species.
Pigsy, side-tracked by a tree: "Sweet Chang'e! This is looks like a button mangosteen! I've never heard of them growing this far north! The skin is more red-orange though, maybe it's a branched variety back when the islands were connected to the mainland? Button Mangosteens taste closer to tangerines than their purple cousins, I wonder if that intesifies based on colouration." Sandy, delighted for his friend: "You seem to be having lots of fun!" Pigsy: *nodding happily*
He's equally delighted in the TMKATI au to have "Such a resourceful employee!" when Wukong comes back from his visits to the island bearing gifts. It caught him off guard the first time though.
Wukong: "Hey boss, I got you something." Pigsy, opening a box: "Wu... are these fresh truffles?!" Wukong, wondering if he did something wrong: "Yeah, why? Did I mess up? I overheard you talking about wanting to have enough to experiment with and-" Pigsy: "No no! I'm... I'm so grateful, I don't even know what to say... How did you even afford these?" Wukong, genuine confusion: "Afford? I just gathered a bunch from the lime orchard at home. There's hundreds of these things - I don't like 'em personally cus they taste like dirt to me. I normally just toss them in the hotpot when I run out of the chicken-tasting ones." Pigsy: "Excuse me."
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I hc that in the direct aftermath in returning to FFM during the White Bone Spirit chapter of JTTW; Sun Wukong did a lot of gardening and farming in order to ensure that his people would have a sustainable source of food. Probably convinced Zhu Bajie to "show off his super-cool 9-Toothed Rake" to start the farmers off.
He also plants a bunch of super-rare and super-divine plants on the island that he picks up in his travels.
Wukong, chilling on a tree clearly not native to the island: "What? I like using the leaves as nesting material."
And lets not mention the super rare species of animals that managed to survive/escape the Burning.
FFM probably has an undiscovered wild cat or two that Sandy accidentally befriends.
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paintedhyenadogs · 1 month
Based on this post of mine
A Tolaios/Laishuro fic, might write more about it sometime. I liked the concept. So this isn't the last of it.
He couldn't bear the thought of just leaving Falin there, even to get his retainers. What if they failed? What if he took too long? He couldn't bare the thought of loosing her. He turned back to the dungeon. He can't afford to waste anymore time.
"No way am I eating that!"
He knew that voice. Was that...Marcille?
"I would like to get some other ingredients as well,"
Aaand thats Laios. Did they not go back and get any supplies first? Well, Laios is her brother, that would make sense... Wait, what are they eating that would cause such a big reaction from Marcille?
How did he get roped into this again?
"Oh, Shuro is that you? Over here! Lets eat together! We gotta be prepared before saving Falin after all!"
"You came at a great time, Shuro! You get to eat this Scorpion Hotpot with us!" Ugh, he'd beg to differ. His name isn't 'Shuro' either. Honestly, why does he put up with this guy? How the hell is this guy even related at all to, Falin? "Oh wow! This tastes great!" He's pulled back into reality with that loud remark from, Marcille. "Shuro, you need to try this!" She says, holding out a bowl towards him. "Uh..." He can't say no, it wouldn't be polite, but he doesn't want to eat this monster hotpot either. Reluctantly, he took the bowl from her hands, taking a small sip of the broth, readying himself for the worse.
"Oh. This tastes great,"
"Isn't it? It's crazy how preparation can make something taste so different!" Laios exclaimed excitedly, gulping down his own meal. Even if he had his own reservations, he couldn't deny that he was correct. This was delicious. Not to mention a better alternative to stocking up on rations for the dungeon. Before, he couldn't even entertain the thought of eating a monster, but now, he wonders what else he's missed by not even thinking of it as an option.
"My name is Senshi, it means seeker in Dwarven,"
Ten years in the dungeon? He couldn't even begin to imagine how hard that would've been. How can someone live in a dungeon for that long? While in his own thoughts, he realises that Laios has already taken the liberty to introduce all of them, which means this apparently new member of their group is also going to be calling him 'Shuro'. How wonderful.
"Shuro? Aren't you coming?" Huh? Where they already going into the dungeon already? Wait, why is he included? He wants to decline, but the thought of Falin flashes into his mind. They're going to find Falin too, and it wouldn't be wise to go alone, especially because he neglected to get his retainers. Even if he has his own opinions on Laios, Falins safety is far more important than that. Not to mention that Laios seems to be far more well versed in monsters than anyone else in the party. That's a good skill to have, and he can't afford to lack that.
"Yes. I'll just be a moment,"
And just like that they set off into the depths of the dungeon. To find and defeat the red dragon, to save Falin.
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dearsakuaka · 2 months
"what's mine is yours" and the consequences that come with it
pairing: sakusa kiyoomi/akaashi keiji word count: 750 kiyoomi buys two of the same sweater because keiji keeps "borrowing" his but somehow both sweaters end up with keiji and now kiyoomi has to explain to his mom why he needs extra allowance for the month
"...but it's been barely two weeks..." comes the skeptical voice of his mother through the speaker. her face, taking up a fourth of the screen, frowns in concern.
it's the sakusa family's scheduled bi-monthly call. usually, kiyoomi would look forward to this—to check up on his brother's toddler, listen to his sister's stories from the country she's in, know how dad is doing and whatever new hobby his mother picked up now that the kids are out of the house—especially after he moved out for uni (not that he would admit it, of course).
now, though, is an exception.
having his mother and siblings just stare at him as he struggles to explain why he's short on money for the month is, he thinks, far harder than receiving ushijima's serve.
"i seem to have overspent it on... clothes..." kiyoomi trails off lamely
at this, his sister perks up from her part of the screen.
"is this the sweater you showed me the other day?"
kiyoomi hums in affirmation. in response, his sister raises a questioning brow.
"what happened to it? i'm pretty sure that wasn't too expensive, no?"
at this, kiyoomi pauses, nibbles on his lip as he decides how best to phrase it.
it's not like he can outright say he bought two of the same sweater on a whim and the boy he's been pining over just "borrowed" both of them without signs of planning to return it anytime soon.
1) it's not kiyoomi's smartest financial decision and;
2) kiyoomi cannot handle the teasing that would come if he ever mentions keiji to them (especially not after rambling to his sister about his crush while he was drunk off his ass).
and so, he settles for:
"i was robbed on the way home." he deadpans.
he mentally kicks himself for it. nice going, kiyoomi. you fucking loser. totally believable.
from the way the light dies inside his sister's eyes and the overall skeptic silence that comes, kiyoomi knows they're not buying it. the silence stretches that even kiyoomi himself feels the need to shift around and settles for fiddling with the ring on his pointer finger.
kiyoomi's too lost in his thoughts that the sound of the door to his apartment opening and closing makes him jump out of his skin.
"kiyoomi! i got what we needed for hotpot." keiji's voice rings from the foyer. "i didn't get the soup base you wanted so, i just picked out my favorites. i hope that's fine—oh! but i did get the lamb cut you were craving, the pork belly, and i ended up picking up clams too because motoya-kun was raving about it yesterday."
keiji's rambling comes and goes as he flutters about in the apartment.
he doesn't pause for breath which meant he wasn't exactly waiting for kiyoomi to respond; seemingly aware of kiyoomi's tendency to just listen to him after being friends for so many months.
kiyoomi unwittingly smiles as keiji keeps talking.
keiji walks behind him to transport the bags of groceries and it's only on his third trip back that kiyoomi realizes five things:
1) keiji is wearing one of kiyoomi's new sweaters.
2) another sweater is tucked in the corner of keiji's elbow.
3) kiyoomi is still on the phone with his family.
4) keiji doesn't know he's in call with his family.
5) kiyoomi does not tell keiji he's in a call with his family soon enough.
so, really, he can't blame keiji for the casual way he stops behind kiyoomi, a sweater on his person and an identical one in his hand.
"i forgot i had both with me so, i had to stop by my... apart... ment... " keiji trails off when he sees the phone propped on the table, kiyoomi's ears flushed red, and the phone call still ongoing on the screen.
"oh my goodness! i'm so sorry to intrude!" keiji yelps and scrambles to the kitchen, babbling about washing the vegetables and cutting the meat.
when keiji is out of the room, kiyoomi braves a look at his phone. varying levels of amusement—that only his brother seems to try to hide—greet him. the dread settles heavily in his chest.
of course, it's his sister that pipes up first, smile predatory and sharp.
"so, you were robbed, huh?"
(needless to say, kiyoomi does get sent extra that month but with the promise of filling his mom in about this keiji person his siblings keep teasing him about on their next scheduled call.)
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missguomeiyun · 2 months
Homecooking [March ed]
Rolling into spring with some spring rolls xD sorry, that was bad :P
Nothing much this month, I would say. Weather getting warmer. Sun out for longer. .. etc. I did a sketch of my favourite short tracker this season: Kim Gun Woo of Korea. I am watching a Kdrama called The Impossible Heir. Started strong, I caught up . .. & then the female lead kinda got on my nerves. I'm not familiar with her acting profile; however, I'm not sure how she got casted for this role. Were there no other options?! Anyway, you watch for yourself (& maybe let me know!).
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I ate out several times this month as well. In fact, I've eaten out the most number of times this month since the pandemic lol it's an achievement. Will work on those posts after this one! But for now. ..
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The carbonara Samyang spicy chicken noodles WITHOUT the spicy chicken sauce. I've added some baby bokchoy, tofu & kimchi with it.
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Kimchi pancake- I'm trying diff batters. This one was unsuccessful so I won't share. It was so. .. 'hard' =/
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Homemade wontons with noodles & baby bokchoy.
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Yes. .. more bokchoy -.-" this was thick rice noodles with hot pot fatty beef slices. Threw in some soup seaweed as well.
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Pasta - for dinner, then leftovers for lunch the next day.
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Also the carbonara Samyang spicy chicken noodles but without the sauce xD I keep the sauce for hotpots & stuff now.
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Bro made fried chicken using a new batter recipe. It was alright.
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"A little bit of everything" rice noodles - bean curd, bokchoy, napa cabbage (it's so pale in colour that you can't even see it), soup seaweed, kimchi, chicken. .. in a deonjang jjigae base.
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Yeah I know, it's expired but it was still good. I smelled it haha I ate the Korean franchise congee recently ("Bon-juk" brand) & I was inspired to create something similar. I used this expired soybean paste soup sauce with another Hmart product that I've eaten before, instant vegetable-flavoured congee, & cooked the two together!
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& it became this ^ soybean paste congee. It was actually very good! I had a little taste test while cooking it & it was way too salty (the instant congee pack is seasoned) so I added regular rice to it & more water . .. I essentially diluted out the contents. Ended up with way too much product lol oh well, leftovers, right? This was super successful. I would recommend it, especially if you wanna make a bigger batch & save some for later or if you are feeding 3-4 ppl.
That's all~ Bye byeeee~~
PS: I visited the Stanley A Milner (downtown) library for the 1st time since the renos were finished. I don't exactly know when the renos were done as I don't travel to that area often. ..
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The atrium area between 2nd and 3rd level, feat. my nieces.
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The facility was actually really nice! I remember spending time here when I was in high school . .. it was sooooo dim & the place was so old-looking. The most amount of time I was here was during extended essay writing period.. . had to read, write notes, & cite references for my paper, which was on Sun Yat-sen lol I don't recall the title of my paper anymore...been too long! But yeah. The library is very good-looking, with some really cool areas. The crowd. .. ughhh.. There was a strong security presence, which was good, I guess, but the amount of questionable ppl was also abundant. Sometimes I wonder if having a security gate/bag xray machine at the door would be a good idea. Of course, I acknowledge the fact that it's a "public" library but I also think measures should be taken to make all members of the public feel safe. Then again, if such measure was applied to a library, malls should get it too? *shrugs* Let's just say the facility was upgraded BIG time but the population hasn't changed.
Off I go to work on other things now :P seeeee ya!
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ranilla-bean · 6 months
(feeling a little like a middle schooler sending chain mail) Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love❤
awwww thanks for the chain mail tho!! here we go:
in flammam flammas (sokka/zuko, M, 94,828): a postcanon fic about zuko at age 25, moving past trauma as he rebuilds his support network (which includes a hot swt bf and very cute baby dragon). basically all my postwar fire nation headcanons, but it's also the first longfic i ever wrote and i'm so proud of it!
nip it in the bud (sokka/zuko, E, 15,450): zuko gets ritual nipple piercings, sokka incurs genuine brain damage over them. this is a horny, irreverent fic and i had SO much fun dreaming up word crimes to commit
lan eye for the bland guy (lan wangji/wei wuxian, G, 3,236): crackfic in which lwj abducts wwx for a free facial and they fall in hashtag instalove. a bit of an oldie and YEAH, wangxian; rereading still makes me crack tf up
galactic repairman (sokka/zuko, T, 5,410): zuko's a runaway from his home planet, and sokka fixes his craft when it breaks down. oh, and they're stuck together for like a month bc of intergalactic travel times! i loved playing with the world in this one, which is based on chinese astronomy—the story itself is based on a cantopop song
close your eyes and reinvent me (fu shen/yan xiaohan, T, 5,914): modern au in which fs and yxh terrorise (and are terrorised in return by) the staff at the hotpot restaurant where they work. this one's niiiiiche, but i loved writing the characters and i tried out some new stuff in terms of technique/voice that i enjoyed
+1 in true fic writer style
i'm currently updating the iconoclast (sokka/suki/zuko, E, wip) and it's shaping up to be one of my favourites!
we're in an AU that's "historical to the world of atla", the fire nation has a civil war instead of world war, and our victorious fire lord needs a new bodyguard. enter sokka and suki, who have to duke it out with their competitors for the job. but just what kinda guy is this fire lord: a former slave, a god in flesh, a man who usurped his own father...
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fvriva · 2 months
🐖 iska pretty please?
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putting this one behind a readmore again haha
send an oc + emoji (or order the WHOLE HOG)
✨- How did you come up with the OC’s name?
This one was out of my hands. I designed Iskandar Kiriyakuya originally by algorithmically trying to create my ideal waifu, two of the seeds involved there being Kyoko Kirigiri and Togami Byakuya from Danganronpa 1. We simply mashed their surnames together into Kiriyakuya. Iskandar came from Rider from Fate/Zero, somehow, probably because she's a cavalry rider and a warlord.
🌼 - How old are they? (Or approximate age range)
At the beginning of Isekai I believe I said she was 30.
🌺- Do they have any love interest(s)?
She's got a couple of bitches she's left on the table due to being inept at dating and emotionally constipated. Her childhood crush, Baphira Kaneshiro is unhappily married to a merchant that is never home. She's gotten her ass beat by a pro wrestler, Hira Diamondclast. She's been given the run-around and got very close with a boat clown, Hayfa. She currently has gay little standoffs or something with over half of the women in the party. High noon shootout situation.
🍕 - What is their favorite food?
Iska famously doesn't really like food because of a long history of medical issues before she got her core installed. But it's basically a form of hotpot with a milky tea and beef based broth.
💼 - What do they do for a living?
She's a warlord, servant of the Meikugan Empire, babysitter to the children of prophecy, and a hesitant emissary of the Meikugan Quintessence.
🎹 - Do they have any hobbies?
She likes riding and caring for her axirin mount, Sareyn. She likes solving little puzzles as forceshaping exercises.
🎯 -What do they do best?
She's not the best in the world by any means but she's rather good at very fine manipulation of forces. Very precise telekinesis. She's also very good with animals.
🥊 - What do they love to do? What do they hate to do?
She loves tasks. Following orders. Being told what to do. Unless it's the Coinspinner, god of Fate, speaking. She also dislikes dealing with irritating people and is rather bad at doing so peacefully. She's also awful at sharing information about herself with people and being vulnerable in any way.
❤️ - What is one of your OC’s best memories?
After the fight with the Tangled Beast she woke up on the operating table, core newly implanted in her body, and even though she felt like complete shit physically speaking, she was surrounded by her family members and her mom nodded at her in approval and her father shook her hand in congratulation. Feridhun made her favorite soup.
✂️ - What is one of your OC’s worst memories?
When she got outed as gay to her mother. She thought in the moment it was Baphy that had done it (it was actually Baphy's shithead half-sibling) which made it sting worse. Her mom took that as a sign that despite Iskandar's childhood fragility it was time to take her to the warfront and beat some backbone into her, that she'd lost sight of her lot in life and role within the family.
🧊 - Is their current design the first one?
Pretty much. She's been slowly changing over the course of the campaign. There are different things I would have chosen to put in her design if I was making her specifically for Isekai as opposed to co-opting her though.
🍀 - What originally inspired the OC?
The whole waifu generation process. I shan't elaborate further.
🌂 - What genre do they belong in?
High fantasy, especially military/political fantasy. Her personality has had to adapt somewhat to match the more action/adventure oriented story though. She's not as smart, calculating, or patient as a traditional protagonist in the genre because of it.
💚 - What is your OC’s gender identity and sexuality?
Lesbian. She hasn't done much experimentation with gender but I feel like if she could she would get a kick out of being perceived as butch especially if she can do so while still keeping her long hair. Butch in like a Chinese warlord way. I dunno.
🙌 - How many sibling does your OC have?
None siblings.
🍎 - What is the OC’s relationship w/their parents like?
Bad! She was closer with her dad, sorta, when she was younger but he died while she was away at war. He never really saw her as more than just a fun plaything though. A child that lives in his house, not his daughter. Her mom has always been pretty frosty and resentful of her cringe child, constantly pushing her well past her various breaking points.
🧠 - What do you like most about the OC?
I like the tension between her being so fierce and strong and very visibly being damaged goods. All her current peers are leery of approaching her, she has all this presence, she's very scary, but she's also just so pathetic and pitable. She's so sucks.
✏️ - How often do you draw/write about the OC?
I roleplay her pretty often but I don't draw her much these days unless I'm either objectifying her or putting her in a humiliating outfit. I wrote a bit for her before the campaign started officially but haven't since.
💎 - Do you ever see yourself killing off the OC?
I could. Would need to be a really worthy death though. She's too cringe to be allowed to die yet.
💀 - Does your OC have any phobias?
Intimacy. Internalized homophobia. This isn't so much a phobia as an irrational dislike, but she loathes opulence and indulging in comforts on principle.
🍩 -Who is your OC’s arch-nemesis or rival?
Gohar Kaneshiro, the saultry little bitch that outed her is her main on-sight nemesis. She's got other enemies (she fuckin hates the Coinspinner. Tried to punch him once but it went down like Sun Wukong vs the Buddha) but they're all fleeting in the face of Gohar.
🎓 - How long have you had the OC?
Seems like I named her in September 2020 so about 3.5 years
🍥 - What age were you when you created the OC?
I would've been 20!
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sleidog · 1 year
and for your ease, here's some photos and descriptions of some of these that you may not be familiar with!
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Cornish pasty! this is a little pastry pocket with a meat and veg filling that has PGI status. the traditional and authentic filling is; beef, turnip, potato and onion with salt and pepper, the ingredients make their own gravy inside the pastry case and their original purpose [as with a lot of these pastry held meat and veg dishes; may have been to provide a meal to workers who did manual labour in mines, they could get the pastry dirty and discard it while still enjoying the filling.
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the toad in the hole! no toads harmed in the making of this; this is a pancake-esque batter and sausages in a tray that are cut into portions, usually with mash potato or roast potato and gravy! quite often if we made this and had left over batter, we'd make pancakes for dessert, so we liked our batter quite plain; but you can add all sorts of seasonings to it!
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proper fish and chips, down south in particular we love it with a curry sauce that's particularly unique to fish and chip shops, it's mild and very thick, similar to a westernized chinese curry sauce [you'll often find mixes for it in stores called 'chip shop curry sauce'] our fish and chips is generally going to be a chunky piece of white fish, cod or haddock but it can be other fish as well, along with chunky hand cut chips that slightly resemble steak fries, but they're much softer. not personally my favorite, but i didn't grow up eating a lot of fish!
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lancashire hotpot, this is a stew of lamb and veggies in a rich gravy topped with very thinly sliced potato that turn into little crisps on top, it's fun to eat around a table with family when it's cold, since it's super rich and fatty
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the scotch egg! imagine a jammy boiled egg concealed in a meatloaf-esque meatball that's been coated in breadcrumbs and fried, then you have a scotch egg! personally i love to make these fresh and the store bought cold ones just don't compare, they can be fiddly to make right, but they're just very fun things
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probably one of our most loved curries in the UK, theres some controversy over who created it, between a chef from glasgow and our large south asian community, but we all agree that it's wonderful and easy to prepare and a great introduction to get fussy kids to try curry
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knickerbocker glory is a hilarious name, but really it's just an ice cream sundae rippled with raspberry syrup with fresh fruits, you find them a lot by the seaside! sometimes these sundaes will also have jellies and custards included, but from my experience, vanilla icecream, raspberry syrup, fresh fruit, whipped cream and a cherry on top is the classic
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banoffee pie! this is a no bake pie similar to a no bake cheesecake. it's a crumbly biscuit and butter base with layers of toffee sauce, bananas and cream on top, it's very rich and indulgent and always makes a mess
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and at request of my US living fiance, his absolute favorite, sticky toffee pudding! this is a hot steamed sponge cake with chopped walnuts and dates with a sticky toffee sauce that's drizzled on top [or sometimes injected into the cake itself] it's incredibly rich and best served with icecream!
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serpulalacrymans · 3 months
I understand what you mean by soft crunch! I completely forgot to introduce myself though! I'm so sorry... I'm Luciel, but you may call me anything you'd like. Ciel, Luci, Lulu, Cici, anything works! I'm not fussy ^^ And I would love to get some rice cakes with you! They're best in some hotpot. You can choose your own ingredients and soup base as you please so you know exactly what's in there!
It's okay, Luciel. That's a nice name. I didn't really introduce myself either. Talking to you came naturally, I guess.
ᴸᵘˡᵘ ᶦˢ ᵃˡˢᵒ.. ⱽᵉʳʸ ⁿᶦᶜᵉ… ⱽᵉʳʸ ⁿᶦᶜᵉ… ᴵᵗ'ˢ ᵛᵉʳʸ ᶜᵘᵗᵉ…
Um. That sounds fun. But I wouldn't even know what to do with it. I think keeping the ingredients to you would be best. ..Had we ever.. ..Yeah. I don't really trust myself to make anything good, I've never been a big fan of food so I don't really know how it.. Works?
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tianshiisdead · 1 year
5, 7 and 36!
5. how accurately is your country depicted?
(For Canada) He fits the global stereotype but, like some people have pointed out, I'd have expected him to be a bit more rugged and woodsy loll the amount of people I grew up with who just hiked and camped and mountain climbed and hunted all over the place all the time every weekend 🤯 I'm also from Alb*rta though so my opinions basically mean nothing! Now that I'm living in Ottawa for school, I think Canada should've been meaner underneath his veneer of shy politeness (noah fence to Ontarians I'm just not used to how you guys interact with each other kdjslhgf)
(For China) Hmm this is a difficult question ngl LOL there are some things that I was super pleasantly surprised about, Hima once said he made China more cold and cruel/intimidating seeming but after meeting actual Chinese people ended up making him more cutesy, I think the affection for pandas and hello kitty and cute things is accurate, these things are popular in China! I like that he's a little bad-tempered and irritable with western countries and the way he's proud and overbearing and clearly ancient both in a humourous grandpa way and in a serious and slightly tragic way.
However, parts of his characterization bother me a little... low-hanging fruit, but I hate 'aru' deeply and with a passion, whether or not the concept of Chinese people saying 'aru' really did come from the colonial era, it's just tired either way and I cringe whenever I hear it. I don't love how clumsy and stupid he acts, like I think it's cute in an isolated way, but in the greater context...
Ultimately, I don't think it's horribly egregious. A lot of Chinese and Sino diaspo fans enjoy his character and/or have interpretations that still clearly have their roots in canon, and I'm personally fairly satisfied with it. Oh, and one thing I loved is how originally all of the provinces were supposed to be their own characters who live in China's house! I wish Hima had brought that up more than once, I love that idea.
7. food-related headcanons?
MAN ok hmm! China has 8 great food regions, Anhui, Cantonese, Fujian, Hunan, Jiangsu, Shandong, Szechuan and Zhejiang, and I'd imagine he can cook them all, but as Han Chinese culture has always been more concentrated in the vaguely more Southern regions, I'd imagine he'd prefer relatively more Southern food... dishes from Dongbei and Inner Mongolia, the north, in general, all have heavy influences from Mongolia and northern groups, and tend to be more wheat, butter, and milk heavy. and I'd imagine he's lactose intolerant and prefers rice LOL although he still enjoys Northern food that he can digest! For an example, breakfast.
I think China likes to make food from scratch sometimes taking days at a time to cook, but also enjoys instant noodles (though he modifies them and adds eggs and veggies) and pre-made food but he would never admit it. This is based off of canon, but he also likes fusion food and international food! Hotpot with cheese-filled rice cake and fried chicken, salmon sashimi was popular in parts of China for a while recently iirc, he's just a big foodie who likes a variety of flavours. He's very adventurous.
I think he likes to cook most of his meals but goes out for breakfast a lot, before a meeting or while out on his morning walk he just swings by one of Beijing's many breakfast stalls for a doufunao, some youtiao, shaobing, some doujiang, etc. I can't speak on Southern breakfasts, but when he spends time down there, I imagine they would also have a lot of cheap and fast breakfast shops, though the food is very different.
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General headcanons: I think when he's tired he just gets a flavourless bowl of congee with some salted duck egg for breakfast, and that when one of his kids are sick he makes them steamed eggs and boiled pear soup. He has a strong grasp on the different elements of food in Chinese medicine and can integrate it into his cooking easily! He also makes his own xiancai (pickled veg) and has a doujiang machine for homemade fast soy milk. His cabinet filled with spices and vinegars and chili oils and cooking wine and so on and so forth is this huge walk-in closet of a place organized with homemade labels and filled from the top to the bottom. When he cooks, he has several stoves going at a time, frying and boiling and steaming and chopping all at once, before celebrations like new years he spends days in the kitchen. The only thing he doesn't make from scratch himself for celebrations are dumplings, while he's working away everyone gathers around the cleared-off dining table and Macau shapes the dough and they all make dumplings together and Hong Kong puts weird fillings in some dumplings as pranks and Taiwan folds them into cute little animal shapes and fills them with brown sugar.
I have a lot of things to say about food but if I say anymore it'll turn into a book, so I'll leave it at that for now hehe maybe I'll make a proper post on it's own sometime!
36. if you could, what event would you host?
Hmm maybe one for OCs, or minority/native culture OCs! I don't think it would get enough traction, but I'd also love to host a China based event LOL I just don't think there would be enough people to participate :')
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doctorguilty · 4 months
Nice things!
Just got home a bit ago after doing my lunar new year shopping, I'm glad I didn't bother trying yesterday and then being rushed because of all the other errands because like while I had a general list of food ideas, I was also improving as I went based on what was there. There was tons of fruits front and center!! I got tangerines, a pomello, persimmons, and some little lady apples, some other snacking foods and a dried fruit tray, lotssss of veggies and mushrooms, also some tofu and quail eggs because I decided I'm gonna do a hotpot, since I conveniently had bought that single burner for my own use I was like huh. This is very convenient. AND they had a really great price on a big great quality stainless steel divided pot, like I was just gonna use whatever but I was like OH!!! I put aside some of my Christmas money SPECIFICALLY for this party and decorations were almost cleaned out aside from a couple things I grabbed so it was like well spend the rest on this pot and then I have it forever for my own future kitchen ;0; ♡ so I got a spicy broth and miso for the other, and all that is gonna be vegetarian since my brother is vegetarian and also has a shellfish allergy, decided to avoid any seafood, and I know my friends love veggies and stuff anyway! And then I got some uhh frozen buns, pancakes, spring rolls, and dumplings (one veggies one chicken so that's the one meat item), I'm gonna like kinda cook things as I go? It's a lot of people but idk how much everyone is actually gonna be hungry but everything I bought is also stuff I like to eat so it kinda doubles as a shopping trip for myself anyway like even if I have tons of frozen stuff left that's just food stocked up for me! We have plenty of soda and water in the house, so I just got like solo cups and paper plates from the dollar store (and some red steamers to tie the decor I could get together)
A lot of the typical LNY foods were on sale also! And it was busy ahaha like everyone was in there loading up on all the same kinds of things! I felt bad when I was checking out cause I was confusing the cashier a bit with my like multiple forms of payment I needed to use (food has to go on one card, the rest I wanted to do part cash part debit but was unable to communicate that so I just put it all on debit which is nbd I'll just deposit the cash in the bank later) ;;;; since I don't know Chinese and she didn't know English it took a little bit of gesturing and her typing numbers on her phone for me to read orz I felt like anxious after I was finishing boxing my stuff I was like oh I hope I didn't stress her too much she's obviously so busy today and there's a line behind me (that "everyone in the grocery store hates me" feeling snjfmsnfns) but right before I left she grabbed a pack of pretty red cards from under the register and held them up so I can see and then put them in my box 😭❤
(The struggle is so on me though like usually when I'm there the cashiers are some amount of bilingual but I can't always expect it, and I do usually need to use multiple forms of payment so I should really try learning some words and phrases so make it easier ;;; hopefully she knew I was very thankful to her though! That really made my day 🥺)
Anyway yeah that was my trip so! I'm excited, tomorrow I'll likely start prepping things like cutting veggies and stuff. On the day of, I'll take photos of everything to share! Last year I was solo and my family had some decor up to welcome me back from Oregon but it wasn't a whole party or anything, so I'm excited to host a proper gathering (and have friends with me instead of being alone and sad)
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calpicowater · 10 months
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Week 31.6/52: July 31st - August 6th 2023 | Hotpot with Charmy 🥣🥥
Reunited again after 7 months woot woot! It's always a nice time. Sat down and had a nice meal for once it wasn't just cafes and desserts like usual LMAO. Went to drink soup at Yushang hot pot and it was yum! Tried their coconut chicken soup base and it was great :3 Ordered lots of different foods and had a bit of trouble finishing everything HAHAHA. But we did it! Also got a free grape drink with bubbles because I did a social media post... so good!!!!!
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evermorehqs · 1 year
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John Cena is based on the John Cena from Earth. He is a 45 year old cursed human, radio talk show host, famous personality, and uses he/him pronouns. He has no powers. John is portrayed by John Cena and he is NPC.
John Cena didn’t know how he ended up in the little quaint town of Evermore far away from the world he knew, but something about it called to him. A hotpot of personalities and cultures flowing throughout every nook and cranny of it. John found himself slowly becoming one with them as the wonder of the town took over him. Shaking hands and signing autographs with everyone that came near him, even becoming friends with a couple of them. Slowly with time he began to think of it as home, the magic of Evermore taking over him. Radio show host fell on his lap fairly quickly between conversations with people, excited at the prospect of it. Seen regularly as a meathead with no brains he aspired to change that and show his true potential. Choosing to make a talk show where people could call to ask for advice on a specific topic that would be picked by the people. Inviting special guests from around town for every other segment, excited to hear the voices of the people. Tune in every Tuesday and Thursday at 10pm for “John Cena Listens.” After all who doesn’t like being heard?
❀ Antoine Lewis: John knew something about anger and dealing with it which is how he’d met Antoine. Long nights talking to the man about anger had slowly begun a certain type of friendship. ❀ Cassandra Baker:  The Lucky Cat Café was a testament to Cassandra Baker’s skills and that spoke to John. Becoming his favorite hut for a strong cup of coffee and even better muffins. Braving up to asking her to join his talk show one night knowing that her thoughts could help many. ❀ Nicholas St. North: Strong steady hands that created was one of Nicholas specialties, and that’s how John Cena began speaking to him. Wanting things built and the expertise of Nicholas on late nights was exactly what John needed. Regular at the talk show.
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austajunk · 1 year
Okay. Maybe I’m totally off-base with this and all, but the first time I saw and even heard about the movie, Nope (2022), my first thought was that its core subject of spectacle and exploitation of trauma reminded me of DRV3.
Now let me be clear. I think that Jordan Peele’s themes in Nope run a great deal deeper than V3. That’s obvious. Alongside the commentary of spectacle, we have the exploitation of nature, trauma, minorities, erasure of the black people in the film industry and their contributions, the whitewashing of the west and cowboys etc.
But when it comes to the core theme of spectacle and violence and trauma being exploited, I think V3 and Nope line up pretty well. Teenagers willingly exploit themselves and put themselves through a traumatic (and life-ending) experience to be plastered up on cameras for the entire world to see and “enjoy”. To get addicted to the drama. Spectacle in the V3 world is so monetized and sensationalized that it’s on its 53rd season.
One thing I don’t see a lot of people discussing about V3 is how its executions are so much more violent and cruel. While the executions in previous games had this certain ring of cruelty to them, they were always more so overdone with comedy, save for something like Chiaki’s execution which is supposed to provoke the more horrified and hopeless reaction from the audience. In previous games, you got turned into butter or deep fried or even made apart of the Lion King Stampede to get Segata Sanshiro-ed at the end!
But V3’s executions are violent, overblown, rough, and so brutal that they clearly outweigh the comedy. Being hung and dangled over a piano then crushed into nothing. Climbing your way through torture and humiliation only to fall back down and be crushed. Being made into a hotpot (still kinda funny) and being rejected and banished to hell by the source of your trauma.
V3 is mocking all of Danganronpa for its spectacle and removing any meaning behind it. It’s purposely overdone and horrific. But what reminds me of Nope is that both Nope and V3 are projects that split their respective fanbases. A lot of Jordan Peele’s fans are saying that Nope is the worst film they’ve ever seen. That he fell off with this movie. I’ve seen people swear of the DR series because of V3. And honestly, it’s one of the reasons I love both pieces of media so much.
I’ve seen so many people tell me that V3 is their favorite DR because of what it says. Because of its themes. And I think I find V3 so captivating because it’s just everything Kodaka wanted to say to the fandom. Everything he ever wanted to say to the world was in this series and a lot of that was in V3. It split up his fanbase and fans wanted to throw it back at him. And that’s fine. You can hate V3. But the thing is, like Nope, I think V3 is just an earnest and honest piece of media in a way. I don’t think that Kodaka necessarily left as much of himself on the table as Jordan Peele does when he makes his movie. But he and his writers are still saying a lot about how they feel. How he particularly felt when people kept demanding more and more killing games from him. How that’s a horrifying concept. How we see violence and death as something to be exploited for profit and entertainment without considering what’s happening to those right in the line of that exploitation. How it makes us vile and hungry.
I could be off-base with this as I said, but I don’t think I am.
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caris-p · 1 year
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『E Pin Restaurant』 一品滋补肉骨茶 📍 26, Jalan Indah 15/1, Taman Bukit Indah, 81200 Johor Bahru, Johor 🇲🇾 🐖【Bak Kut Teh 】-Pork Ribs base 排骨 2pax RM 30 +Enoki 金针菇 RM3 +Dry tofu strips RM5 +Pork liver RM3 +You tiao RM2 •Soup was fragrant and the pork ribs were super tender and came off the bone easily •Honestly this is better than the one opposite KSL (if u know which one I’m referring to) it’s less oily and more on the wallet friendly side. ⭐️9.5/10 🐷【Special Pork Leg】 RM 25 招牌炒猪脚弯 •This is also known as the fry ba kut teh, this is super duper good. •The flavour of the dish was so good •we got the part near the pig front paw but there’s option of getting like lean meat/ the paw it-self •Interesting dish, must try. You will want to dip everything into that pot 😂 •Even though I don’t really eat this portion of the pig but it’s done really well so, no regrets! ⭐️10/10 🐚【Soup Fried La La】 RM 20 招牌上汤啦啦 •Taste and Flavour is there, pretty normal to me •Sadly some clams were not washed that cleanly (some sand residues) ⭐️8/10 🦑【Fried Cuttlefish】 RM 35 •Very tasty must order! •A little oily but good thing they had the lettuce below to absorb some oil. So it’s not as oily and it’s good! ⭐️9.5/10 🐷【Fried Intestine (M) 】RM28 招牌炒生腸 •Ok so we heard from the staff that this is not the regular intestines we eat. This is 生腸 which is like raw intestines? But it’s definitely cooked to me. Anyway it’s supposed to be more meaty compared to the regular intestine dishes we eat. •Quite nice though, we totally cleared the dishes 😂 ⭐️9/10 Overall it’s a must go if you have bak kut teh cravings or if you want to try DRY BAK KUT TEH (their signature) definitely worth your trip. Btw there’s a lot of other food stores/ shops around this area, but we didn’t want to walk around as it was raining quite heavily. There’s a Wu Xia hotpot restaurant next door (where u get to cosplay/ wear their “hero” costume and eat hotpot) haha. - it’s pretty famous on tik tok. #jbfoodies #pudinjb #Johorbahru #bukitindah #bakkutteh #epinrestaurant #一品滋补肉骨茶 #肉骨茶 #sgfoodies (at E Pin Bak Kut Teh 一品滋补肉骨茶) https://www.instagram.com/p/ColU2VLvls4/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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