#More just. This idea popped into my head and I got sad about how unlikely it is to hold up as a theory
aingeal98 · 4 months
One little... Not even nitpick but just sad observation. This plotline they're setting up with Dinah and Cass trying to protect Babs from a future assassin looks very fun but I can't stop thinking about the conflict and drama it could create if DC let Babs be Oracle again, wheelchair most definitely included. It was a common character beat that the real Oracle Babs hated anyone seeing her as weak or powerless (Rightfully and understandably so because you know. Ableist society.) like it's a big driving motivation for her! Oracle gives her power and let's her control the narrative. People seeing her or even hinting that she could be weak and in need of protection, going above her head and treating her as a victim or a damsel in distress? Yeah she does Not react well to that. If she found out that Dinah and Cass, two of the people she loves most, were secretly trying to protect her, no matter how good their intentions are there's no way that doesn't blow up into at least one fight where no one is fully right and no one is fully wrong but it gets nasty and hurts everyone involved.
But with Babs in the Batgirl suit I just... Don't see any of that happening. My guess is they'll just let Babs in on everything right away and have very little conflict between the three of them. Of course I'd love to be proven wrong! I think there's a really good set up here for this plotline to do things with these characters and bonds that hasn't been done in a while. And fhey're slowly getting like 20% of Barbara's actual personality back instead of being The Smurfette. But at the same time, I've yet to see anything that makes me think DC would be willing to let a writer dive substantially into that angry, defensive side of Barbara. Because it's messy and ugly and also because it exists due to the trauma and ableism she suffered, and DC would rather print a million panels of her sitting in front of a computer with her legs crossed than ever let her be truly Oracle again.
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daylite-writes · 9 months
Traitor readers always hit different! How about traitor reader with all of the harbingers (but I got a special bias for Pierro) 😫. Like betraying one is bad enough betraying and hurting all? Oh boy
Oooh I like this! I am gonna split it up into separate little instances of what I think they’d be like though for my sanity. I may expand to a few other full traitor fics (esp the Pierro one I really popped off on that damn) later on if I get ideas!
Certain characters take it MUCH better than others, varying from a scale of “Oh that’s Lowkey Hot” to “DIE”.
cw: yandere (?) behaviors, murder, manipulation, imprisonment, forced marriage, forced experimentation
~~~ Harbingers reacts to Traitor!Reader (ordered best to worst ~~~
Childe definitely takes it the best. In fact, this is honestly preferable for him. He’ll let you escape back to your leaders after you find out, giving you a head start before chasing you across Teyvat. The adrenaline is the hot part. He can’t get enough. He’s so easily bored. Come on baby, run a little faster. Make it fun. And after he follows you to your master’s base of operations, he’ll slaughter them and offer you an official place within the fatui’s ranks. Under him, of course! He won, after all, and the winner takes all.
Pantalone doesn’t see this as the worst thing. He’s very familiar with traitors, spies, and secrets. Though how you got around him for so long is a mystery. Once he finds out he’ll just be so sweet. Come on, treasure, just tell him everything and he’ll protect you. No? Oh well. A pretty enough price—or a favor from his more violently inclined coworkers—will have them abandoning you forcefully or not. Then he can scoop you up and… convince you to come home with him. It’s just more leverage to have over you, and it’s perfect for a man with control issues.
Pulcinella just… drops you. He has a nation to run, and his proximity to important information is too valuable. Unlike many of his colleagues he is not willing to bend the rules for feelings. He’s old, and he knows whatever feelings he feels towards you (platonic, romantic, familial, whatever) will pass with time. He reports this information to the proper place, and trusts the people he commands to take care of you properly. It hurts, but most things do at first.
Signora really thought you loved her. She hasn’t felt passion in centuries, and now as soon as her frozen heart thaws it’s revealed you're a traitor? Her heart can hardly take it. It hurts so much. Leave. Go now before she changes her mind and kills you. She cannot bear to have another lover dead in her arms. So take this chance and go, if you don’t, ice will encase her heart and she will slaughter you.
Columbina goes the kidnapping route essentially immediately. You can’t be a spy if you can’t report back to your masters! She’s very gentle though, running her fingers through your hair, humming happily, showering you with beautiful outfits and clothes. Even if you’re paralyzed from her haunting melodies, and feathers and eyes unfurl from the corners of your vision. Like a bird in a cage. It’s really your fault for catching the attention of someone so insane and powerful.
Arlecchino reacts similarly to Capitano, she is very proficient at breaking people down, ruining them, and turning them into what she thinks you ought to be. How dare you? This is a betrayal she will have to remedy. Loyalty is necessary. She’s crueler than him about it. Less patient. You will not be coming out of this unscarred. It’s better to just give in quickly, convincing her you learned your lesson, that you’d never betray her again. Reguardless of what you do though, several house of hearth members will be stalking you whenever you’re away from her, so don’t even bother trying to get back to your masters. It will not end well.
Pierro. Oh Pierro. You’ve never seen the man so sad. For a second, he looks almost pathetic. That is, before he motions for his men to drag you down to whatever dungeons are within the palace. He doesn’t visit you for weeks, but as soon as you start to think he’s never going to look at you again, he’s there, outside your freezing cell. The sadness so heavy in this man is wiped away by fury. He, personally, drags you from your cell. You can’t even walk as he pulls you along, stumbling every time you try to get your footing. He drags you for what seems like forever, ignoring you. Eventually, you’re in the Tsaritsa’s cathedral, with the ice goddess herself standing where the priest was. She smiled at you, and fear floods your body as he forces you down the aisle. He mutters something about how lucky you are. How many strings he had to pull with his god to allow this. You’re married there, ice freezing your ankles as you stand where a bride would, heart heavy in your throat. You know then that the only option is to say “I do”.
Scaramouche does not and will never take this well. Another betrayal? Typical of humans. He will go into a rage when he faces you, and chances of you escaping that rage in one piece is slim to nothing. If you don’t, ice floods his veins as he curls around your body, just asking why why why. If you do, he’ll drag you to the infirmary, force some poor healer to fix you, and then toss you in the dungeon similar to Pierro. He won’t visit you, thinking that this is a proper punishment. You abandon him? He’ll abandon you. He’ll come around sometimes though to yell at you or sob on your lap. Other than that, expect a life of imprisonment with mild favoritism and some physical scars.
Sandrone doesn’t take it well at first. When faced with your crimes, she immediately lashes out, destroying several of her newest machines and scarring you physically. After she calms down, though, she’ll calmly figure out everything that you leaked, who you leaked it to, and begin to work while you stay in a cell in her lab. She comes back to you a few days later, in which you’ve been completely abandoned, with some sort of mechanical collar and a tracking chip. Oh calm down, she’ll say as she rolls her eyes. The surgery is quick, but done without any anesthesia. The collar records everything and will shock and paralyze you upon exiting her laboratory. The chip is for tracking, but it can also release poison into your bloodstream. There! She was being so nice, not turning you into a machine. Say thank you, it might make her more likely to feed you.
Dottore has a breakdown almost immediately upon hearing this. He’d cackle, pacing in front of you, rambling on about how bold you were to try this shit with the cruelest of the Harbingers. Really? Playing with his heart is probably the worst mistake a person could ever make. He’s never been too enamored with human bodies, but monsters? Abyssal creatures? He finds them so beautiful, and he’s been needing a new subject. Don’t worry, it won’t hurt! Just be quiet and let him make you into the ideal version of yourself. He’d never dare do this to you if you weren’t a traitor, he loved you, but all bets are off as soon as you sabotaged his work and smuggled information. And the worst part? You’d still be his lover. Forever bound. Just more monstrous than before.
Lowkey I can’t believe I wrote for all of them. I didn’t think I do them all but then I had IDEAS. Which is somewhat uncommon for me. Everyone clap!
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dcxdpdabbles · 4 months
I recently had a dream that wouldn't leave me alone so I feel the need to share it with someone else.
I can't remember the name of the fic that had been rereading at the moment but it's a crossover DC/DP/MLB. In the fic Danny, Damien and Marinette are called the three headed beast. At the time I was also reading a fic with Captain Marvel and I got it stuck in my head that what if Danny, Marinette and Billy were the three headed beast and Damien was their baby sibling.
Like hear me out they were made by Ra's without even Talia knowing. He wanted to raise his potential heir without even his daughter interfering. When the three are about 7 some magic bs with a Lazarus portal happened resulting in them living in a separate dimension for decades away from Ra's before being de-aged and sent bad under their grandfather's thumb (honestly I don't really remember what happened, my dream confused me). Once back they quickly jump ship and fake their deaths making sure nobody's are left to try and revive.
Roughly 2-3 years later Talia had Damien. I don't remember why but he knew about the triplets and had been on multiple family bonding trips with them without Ra's or Talia knowing so when Tim said Bruce was alive he just said ok, called his older siblings sounding sad and said find him. And then I woke up (and thought about it a lot).
Sorry for the rant this idea just wouldn't leave me alone.
I can just imagine Phantom and Marvel being entirely different people. Like Captain Marvel doesn't happen until after leaving the league neither does the portal incident so both Phantom and Marvel are completely different heros. The three went their separate ways once out of the league, yes they love each other (and the baby sibling they occasionally pop in on and kidnap for a few weeks to month to for adventures in dimensions that have different time flows) but they are grown adults they have their own lives they want to lead and they definitely haven't needed a parent in decades.
Anyways I'll stop now I just need to share this.
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That's honestly such a cool dream. I don't read a lot of Miraculous Ladybug crossovers with DC but I do know the show.
It's interesting how all of them would be extremely powerful for their respective hero personas, but no one would link them as the Three Head Beast.
Also since Danny and Billy would be different heroes, I like to think that maybe Danny would have become more like a meta-human instead of a halfa. Maybe it was due to all his dimension-hopping as I can see him being the triplet that would enjoy exploring the Infinite Realms.
Danny has wanders lust- he hates lingering in one place too long so he is always on the move, always wanting to see new worlds and new timelines.
Maybe he would become Clockwork's human lesion as he can't be King. He happily goes to the living realms of the timelines Clockwork needs him to observe for the stars.
Danny believes the stars are a reminder of his freedom because it's one of the first things he saw the day they faked their deaths. He loves seeing new constellations and can't wait to jump lines again to discover new ones.
Billy meanwhile would fall into Magic again but this time it would be his own magic. He has the highest potential in magic to make him a candidate for the Wizard, but his past of being in Ra's thumb mucked up his purity soul bit.
Still, he finds out that "You're a Wizard, Billy" while traveling dimensions and unlike Danny chooses to stay in a lot of them for long periods just learning all he can of magic.
Marinette, unlike her brothers, is much more willing to stay in one place. Yes, she'll sometimes join them on trips or go looking for an adventure but she wanted to build a home. Danny and Billy see it as a cage, far too used to Ra's locking them up to not get itchy to move about, but she saw it as having control.
She picks her house. She picks the dimensions. Marinette is the one that decides when and where she wants to go. Nothing is bigger "I made it out. I survived you" then staying in their native dimension with Ra's on the other side of the world. If he finds her and tries to bring her back, welp she escaped before she can do it again.
But she didn't want big adventures or conflicts with Ra's, she was comforted. So Marinette opens a bakery in France, living as mundanely as possible but with years of deadly training under her skin and a strong link to Spirits.
Marinette didn't get her Kawami when the Guardian needed to pass them on, because she wasn't there, but years of Lazarus Water, Ectoplasim of the Infinite Realms, and just her aura she can see them.
Alongside thousands and thousands of Spirits that are everywhere. Some get attacked by her and her little bakery. Marinette allows them to live with her and respects them and their domain, so it's not really a surprise when they start bestowing small Blessings on her. She may not possess a miraculous that powers her up but she has a bag of tricks that are close and her own training that practically makes her a miraculous holder anyway.
And that's them the three heads of the Ra's Three-Headed Beasts- monsters, killers, weapons from birth- who lived on as what they wanted.
An explorer with a love of stars.
A mage with a love of study.
A Baker with a love of everyday life.
One day, when a little ninja wanders into Marinette's bakery on a break from his first real mission, the three gain a new love for their little brother.
Damian may not understand his older siblings desire to not be a cape but he respects them all the same. He still trains every day in the hopes of one day besting them but not to prove his worth.
Only to make Danny, Marinette, and Billy proud.
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pastafossa · 2 years
A Brief Existential Crisis (Matt Murdock x f!Reader; Fic)
Because this fluffy idea wouldn’t let me go so now you all get a drabble. Set in TRT!Verse but not required reading. SFW. Minor spoilers for ep 8 of She Hulk!
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"She didn't know who I was," Matt said mournfully, staring blindly up at you.
"I'm sorry," you said, radiating as much sympathy as you could while also still kinda distracted by the Los Angeles weather report on the hotel tv. How was 68 degrees considered freezing?
"No one else recognized me either," he mumbled, his chest heaving on a great sigh. "All night. One guy even called me a gold ninja devil."
"Ridiculous," you agreed as he slowly edged his head further into your lap. You forced down your grin, which was especially difficult when his expression was so pitiful, not unlike that of a kitten caught in the rain. "Yes? What is it, beloved husband of mine?"
"You know what I want." He made a sad little noise, arching further into your lap until his head bumped your opposite hand where you'd settled it on your thigh. "Please, sweetheart. I need the dopamine after everything that happened."
You snorted and gave in, running your fingers fondly through his dark hair. You even made sure to scratch with your nails just for the way it made him purr and melt into your lap, his eyes rolling back as his mouth fell slack.
Unfortunately, this particular existential crisis was too great to be struck low but something so minor as your fingers in his hair.
"Is it... the suit?" he mumbled, the words just a little slurred. "Not... mm, mm.... recognizable?"
Honestly, considering the color, he's now recognizable from space.
It was just a good thing he was handsome enough to pull it off.
"You're always recognizable as the only Devil-based hero with any real charm," you said confidently, keeping your thoughts to yourself. You shifted your fingers to his temple, scratching at a new spot. You were rewarded with a blatant moan, Matt's toes curling in his socks. "Trust me. It's not you. It's them. LA is, uh... just... more focused on... its own thing. You know how it is. So fuck em. You're still my favorite even if they don't know you."
"Mhm. And think about it this way. You might be less known, but that just means you're like, uh..."
"...I'm small-time," he sighed gloomily. "Just admit it."
"Hang on, I've got a comparison coming." You rolled your head up, narrowing your eyes at the ceiling in thought as Matt rolled over to burrow in against your abdomen with an exaggerated groan of sorrow. But there was no hiding his grin, not once you could feel it. "Don't suffocate yourself just yet."
He mumbled something unintelligible, and presumably tragic and martyr-y.
It took you a minute, but then you nodded. "Ok, I've got it."
He grunted, and tipped his head a little in prompting until you started dragging your fingers through his hair again, this time at the back of his head where the Devil mask always made him sore. The, "Mm?" he let out in response was glutted and thick, like the slurred purr of a cat on its back in a puddle of sunshine.
"You are basically one of those 'best kept secrets of the city' things," you said lightly. "All the tourists flock to the flashy stuff, restaurants that are shiny and get all the attention. But the locals know where the good stuff is, the quality stuff, and they know the best burgers always come from that one mom and pop hole in the wall. They don't tell the non-locals, cause someone might steal the recipe or buy it out. That's what you are. You're that burger."
There was a pause, and then he tipped his face up so you could see his warm smile, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "That was very sweet."
"Thank you."
"It's also horseshit."
You groaned, rolling your head back as he laughed and dropped his head back onto your lap. "Come on, it was a good comparison!"
"No, no, there's no helping it. I just have to grieve my murdered ego," he sighed, blinking sadly up at you. Or your chin, really, but it was close enough. "There is one thing that might help me feel better, though, and distract me from my wounded pride."
"What's that?"
He hummed, licking his lips as he rolled onto his side, his head still on your lap, close enough for him to nuzzle at your abdomen. "I could eat."
Your brow furrowed. "We literally ate an hour ago. We went through In-N-Out. You were not impressed, you blasphemer."
He hummed, before leaning in and pointedly nipping the waistband of your sweats.
"I'm hungry, sweetheart," he murmured, tipping his head down towards your lap as he drew in a slow inhale. "So hungry and empty where all my pride used to be. Can't I just have a little to help fill that void?"
"Oh my god, Matt," you choked out, two seconds away from losing it as he rolled upright to grab your legs and drag you down the bed until you were flat on your back.
"You're the one that chose food for your metaphor," he said with a grin, nudging your legs apart. "I'm just following my wife’s example."
"Oh alright, I suppose I could be charitable just this once. You did get spanked by a Hulk today, after all."
"She caught me. She didn't-"
"Spanked," you repeated gleefully, making him snort. "Want me to kiss the print on your ass and make it better?"
"At least let me eat dinner first."
"Fine. But I expect it as my tip at the end."
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thr34t2sanity · 10 months
I am thinking of making a part two to this so we’ll see how it goes. Also this is my second time writing smut so if you have ANY tips or if something needs to be edited go head and leave me a comment. I don’t feel like editing. Boo editing. Also these photos are the inspiration for what Mingi’s hair looks like. I know what you’re thinking: “Bro those are 2 different hair styles…” I CANT CHOSE U CHOSE.
Cheer up, Mingi! Pt 1 (?)
Content: SMUT, college au, FWB, foreplay, daddy! kink, multiple orgasms
Pairing: Dom! Mingi X fem sub reader
Summary: You told him to study for the upcoming exam, but he told you not to worry because: “I got this.” Long story short, the only thing Song Mingi got was a 58%. He has been sulking all day and you’ve decided you had enough. Your goal by the end of the night is to him happy. Mission mingimpossible is a go!
You sigh loudly as you approach Mingi at the university’s cafe tables. He was slumped over with his face burried into his arms. However, you did not need to see his face to know that his (already sad-puppy-dog) eyes were glossed over with disappointment.
“Mingi,” you try gently. “ I got you some watermelon punch.” He doesn’t even twitch. “Mingi. Meeeangi. Minki. Minki mouse. Meeeeeeaaan-“
“Shut up.” His muffled voice had cut you off, but he finally shifts his head towards you. “Thank you for the drink, now go away.” You frown, resting your hand on his shoulder.
“How can I go away when I just spent $6 on a drink for an ungrateful dick, who might not even drink it anways because he is a bad friend.” You reply, crossing your arms with a little hmph and turning your back so it rested against the table. You didn’t really care about the drink though. You would buy him a million drinks if he would just perk up a little; but you knew that if you pretend to be upset, it would make him feel bad.
You watch him sit up from the corner of your eye. He looks at you and you turn your head the opposite way in protest before letting out another little hmph. He sighs but begrudingly grabs the cup and takes a sip. It was extremely good, just like how he knew it would be. Problem being that it would ruin his plans of sulking for the rest of the day. Who can be sad while drinking subak hwachae ?
“Thank you,” he mumbles quietly.
“You are so welcome, my bratty little princess.” He cracks a smile, but doesn’t reply as he mindlessly attempts to finish his drink. “So…” You start slowly. “How bad was it?” He groans loudly, letting his head lean back until his forhead was facing the sky. It is at times like this when you are reminded of just how good-looking your friend Mingi was.
When you realize that you had been admiring him for a beat too long, you quickly try to move on. “That bad huh? Well I got an 89% which is not bad, but it’s definitely bringing down my avergage. Which is unforunate.”
“I got a 58%.” You let out an audible gasp before spinning around in your seat. You stare at him in disbelief. “He also left little notes on my exam- he fucking asked me if college was the ‘right path for me.’’ He said exasperated. “Shit,” he groans slumping back down into his arms. “This really sucks.”
You place your hand on his back rubbing gently. You felt really bad for Mingi, even though he definitely should’ve of studied. Mr. Yun was an old asshole who was known for making his exams unnecessarily hard. Mingi’s class, specifically, was a lot harder than yours because he was in associtional statistical analysis, unlike you who chose predictive analysis. You questioned him on this choice, but he said it aligned a lot more withh his major and skills.
“You poor baby,” you say resting your head on his shoulder. An idea pops into your mind and you sit up giving, him a wide smile. “How about you come over later? My roommate is gone for the week visiting family. We will have the house all to ourselves and we can buy some mint choco icecream, and do a movie marathon, or anything else you want.”
The last sentence catches his atttention. “Anything I want?” He wonders out loud. You rest your head on the table, your faces only a few inches a part, and smile.
“Anything.” You reassure him, patting his arm lightly. “Just stop, whatever this is.”
He smirks a little. “Okay, just make sure you don’t go back on your word.” HUH? You think, but he doesn’t give you any room to discern what he meant just now as he quickly sits up. “When is your last class?”
‘Uhhh.. my last class ends at 4:30 today.”
“Okay I’ll meet you here.” He gets up without another word leaving you to ponder over what he meant by not going back on your words. After a moment you decide to brush it off, unusual behavior is not unsual for Song Mingi anyways.
Just as promised, you walk up to find Mingi patiently waiting for you at the cafe tables. “Alright,” he claps. “Let’s go the convience store. I’ll buy the snacks since you’re being so good to me.” You beam at him, noticing that he already seemed to lose the gloomy attitude.
“Lead the way, Monkey.” He gives you dirty look but turns to start walking to the convience store with you.
You huff in annoyance setting down the fourth and last bag of snacks Mingi bought, you get the mint chocolatee icecream out and making a bowl for you both. As you make your way to the living room to join Mingi, you balance the icecream in one arm so you can smack him in the head. “Hey what the hell?” He says looking at you as if you were crazy.
“You bought all those snacks and I had to carry all those bags the entire 15 min walk back, you dickhead.” Mingi pouts, rubbing the back of his head.
“I thought you said we would do anything I wanted, you’re a liar.” You roll your eyes as you finally figured what he meant by don’t go back on your words.
“Nobodied lied. I carried all those bags didn’t I, Princess?” He smiles cheekily, batting his lashes at you.
“Thank youuu.” He sing songs.
“Yeah, whatever,” you grumble. You sit his icecream down on the coffee table in front of you and join him on the floor, ironically a few feet away from your sofa. “What are we watching.”
“Grave Of The Fireflies,” he replies nonchalantly. You snap your head to look at him shock. Absolutely not. Grave Of The Fireflies is one of the most depressing films you had ever seen in your 20 years of living. That movie has never failed to make you cry like a bitch and Mingi knows that. Although, he has never watched it with you.
“Oh no we are not.” You scoffed. “Pick something else.” You say while settting your icecream next to his on the table. Knowing Mingi, it’s going to be an argument and you are prepared to him on this.
“No. I want to watch Grave Of The Fireflies.” He attempts to click on the movie, but you jump for the remote. You grasp it and try to yank it out of his hands but he tugs it right back towards his chest. Effectively yanking you towards him, but you yank it right back. You guys go on tussling for a second before you decide to jump on him. Once he realized that you were going to get the upper hand, he flips your positions. Your back hit the floor, both your arms pinned by his hands, and you’re left staring up at a now out of breath Mingi with his chain dangling above your face.
Both of you freeze in place, breathing heavily while taking in the each others dishevealed appearance. You find your eyes wanting to wander and that’s when you snapback into reality. What are you doing? You ask yourself.
“Get of me, you giant.” You say as you playfully push at his chest which barely nudges him, but he gets off. He stands up and offers you his hand and you take it. After being hoisted up by his strong arm, you go sit on the couch fixing your hair and trying to compose yourself. Unfortunately for you, Mingi sits dangerously close to you and leans his head on your shoulder.
“Here.” He says in defeat. “You can choose since you are violent.” You roll your eyes but take the remote from his hands and he sits up, making you feel a pang of disappointment. What is wrong with me? Get it together.
“How about we watch Mean Girls?” He groans. “What?”
“I have watched that movie so many times with my mom and, weirdly enough, with San too. In fact, I do not even know many tims San and Wooyoung made me watch this movie with them.” You snort out a laugh. San was literally too cute. “How about we watch this movie.” He points at the screen.
You give him a deadpanned look. “Mingi, how am I supposed to know what you are pointing at?” He gives you an embarrassed smile and you couldn’t help but laugh at his cute face a little bit. “Here- choose it.” You watch curiously as he scrolls and chooses a movie with Justin Timberlake on the poster. Friends With Benefits? “This is what you want to watch?” You eye him, trying to hide your suspicions.
“Yeah have you seen it? It’s pretty good.” Mingi doesn’t even glance at you as he presses play. He just grabs a throw pillow and gets comfortable on the couch with his eyes glued to the screen. You have never seen this movie, but that title- plus whatever just happened a couple of minutes ago- sets you on edge. You glance down at the now somewhat melted icecream, almost forgetting it sat in front of you. You grab both bowls and hand Mingi his before following his lead and settliing down into the couch.
A quarter way into the movie, Justin Timberlake is going on a spiel about how people should have sex like tennis when he suddenly propositions Mila Kunis. You lean forward a bit, interested in their exchange. Oddly enough what he was saying was making a lot of sense to you, but you were aware that feeling beget logic everytime. You feel Mingi shift as well and you turn your head to ask him to spoil the movie a bit, obviously expecting him to be in position he was a moment ago. Instead he is dangerously close to your face.
“Min-“ You’re cut off by him pressing his lips to yours. You don’t move, shocked by the feeling of him moving his mouth against yours in a way that can only be described as tantalizing. He brushes his tongue against your lips, begging for enterance to your mouth. When you don’t comply fast enough, he squeezes your boob roughly which makes you let a noise somewhere in between a gasps and moan. With new found opportunity, he explores your mouth his tongue and you finally catch up with him.
You two kissing sloppily. Neither of you caring about the drool that drips inbetween you everytime you shift your heads. “Fuck.” You hear him mumble before you are swept up into his lap. You can feel his bulge pressed against your clothed pussy and it made you feel as if someone had lit a fire in your stomach.
Meanwhile, Mingi’s lips have found their way to your neck as his hands press you down on his growing print. You let out a whine and begin to grind your hips into his. You wrap your arms around his neck, needing to feel his lips on your again. You’re mess in his arms- hips moving according to his every want. He reaches for your shirt and that takes you out of the trance.
You stop his hands from lifting your shirt even further. This causes him to look up at you in confusion. “Mingi…” You trailed off. “I think we should stop here.” He raised both eyebrows, then leans in so close that his lips brush against yours as he speaks.
“I could’ve sworn we said that we would do anything that I wanted...” You suck in a sharp breath, you were turned on out of your mind. “And right now…. I decided that I want to do you.” He leans back, placing both arms behind his head. “But if that’s not what you want, we can stop here.” When you don’t move, he smirks at you. “That means you’re free to climb off my dick if that’s what you want beautiful.”
You swallow hard. Fuck it. Your hands reach them hem of your top and pull your shirt over your head. Your shiver as your bare chest is met by Mingi’s desire filled eyes. You almost feel embarassed but he removes one hand from behind his head and grasps a hand full of your boob. “No bra?” He questions you with a smile.
“Obviously,” you bite back. He rolls your nipple between his fingers in retaliation, causing you to whimper softly.
“I’m beginning to think you invited me here with the goal of fucking me.” He laughs lightly. His eyes admiring the way your bare breast fit in his hands. He had a handful but there was quite a lot of boob left to for him to grab. He licked his lips, mesmerized by how your skin glowed with the light of the forgotten movie you guys were watching.
“As if, you’re the one who came here with the intention of fucking me. I was just to oblivious to notice.” You begin to move your hips again, desperately chasing that burning feeling in your stomach that has spread to your now aching pussy.
“Who told you that?” Mingi ask, but you can tell that you had hit the nail right on the head from the way he was smiling at you. You raise your eyebrows at him and he laughs. “You got me.” Suddenly your underneath him, his chain hanging over face just like it had earlier. Damn, has he always smelled this fucking good? You think. But you’re pulled out of your thoughts by Mingi pulling down the loose sweats you hand warn that day.
He gets right to it, pressing kisses to your inner thighs. At this point, you are thanking the heavens that you decided to wear a cute pair of boxers today. You make eye contact with him and you start to feel dizzy. His eyes were glued to yours and that alone made you lose the ability to form thoughts. You break eye contact realizing that you would definitely orgasm prematurely if he kept looking at you like this. He places a firm kiss directly over your clothes clit, before sucking on it through the fabric of your underwear.
“Mingi,” you moan. He stops and you lift your head to look at him wondering why he stopped.
“I don’t want you to call me Mingi right now.” You furrow your eyebrows in confusion. “I need you to call me Daddy, baby. Can you do that for me? Mhmm pretty girl?” He says looking at you from underneath his eyelashes. You nod afraid to speak because if you did, you would tell him you would do anything if it meant that he would keep looking at you like that with those beautiful eyes of his. He was killing you.
“Yes I can, Daddy.” You reply, the words feeling foreign on your lips, but it satisfied Mingi.
“Good girl.” He says happily. He manuvers your underwear to the side and presses kisses against your enterance. The lewd sounds making your toes curl.“You’re already this wet for me baby. Guess I’ll have to help my baby out.” He pulls you firmly up against his mouth and begins using his tonge to stroke in and out of you.
You let out a loud string of moans mixed in with the breathless call of “Daddy,” egging him on and Mingi is quite literally eating it up. The movements of his tongue become more rough with every moan. He was only using his tongue but his nose repeatedly bumps against your clit everytime he moves his tongue in you. Your fingers find their way into his hair, tugging on it and making him moan. This sends you over the edge. You climax- hard.
“Daddy,” you whimper softly. You were struggling to breathe by this point. Soft whines escaping your mouth wih every exhale. However, you aren’t given much time to recover. Mingi sits up, grabbing you and sitting back so you’re straddling him again. You can feel your pussy dripping all over his baggy orange pants.
“Oh baby,” he cooes. “You’re making a mess all over Daddy’s pants right now.” He places hands between your bare pussy and his bulging crotch to finger you a bit. You squirm against his hand, still very sensitive after cumming on his tongue. Either this fact hadn’t dawned on Mingi or simply he didn’t care as he stroked your pussy ruthlessly. He presses two fingers against a certain spot and you jolt unable to take the sudden spike in pleasure. “Look at that…” He smirks at you.
Without warning, Mingi began to continously presses his fingers against your g-spot all the while firmly pressing your bare breast against his chest. Your nipples rub against the fabric of his shirt turning you on more. “Daddy, fuck, right there.” You could feel him twitching against you as you move your hips to match the thrust of his fingers. He added two more fingers, stretching you out further. He then skillfully presses his thumb firmerly against your clit as he moves his fingers. In seconds, you’re coming again.
You bury face into his neck, taking in deep breath. “Are you alright baby?” He whispers in your ear, pressing a soft kiss to the skin behind it. You nod, unable to do much else. “Good because I’m not done with you yet.”
Pt 2 🫶🏽
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a-valourous-choice · 3 months
To Rebuild A Home - Chapter One
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Warnings: death mention, food mention, anxiety and negative thoughts. Edited by: @winterwynd
Also available on Ao3 here.
“Okay, let me get one more for your grandparents. Big smile!”
Patton was awarded another cheesy grin as he took another photo of Thomas. “Darn.” He cursed under his breath when a pop up announced that the memory card was full and would not allow any more pictures unless he deleted a couple.
Patton had even broken out the proper camera for the occasion, much better than the blurry phone. 
He really had to upload the images to a computer or get them printed. It was something he had been putting off for quite some time though, as he knew the camera contained some of the last ever snapshots of his wife.
“Oh well,” Patton said, returning the lens cap. “We got a lot of great photos!” 
He was just sad that he hadn’t been able to get any of Virgil and Thomas together before Virgil had bolted out the front door.
“I wanna see, please and thank you!” Thomas insisted, making a grab for the camera but Patton held it just out of reach.
“Later kiddo,” he chuckled. “It’s time to go into class now.” 
Even though Patton was the one who said it, the words still cut through him like a knife. His youngest child, his smallest baby, was about to start kindergarten.
He could feel the tears coming on. 
“Actually.. Thomas, are you sure you want to go to school this year?” Patton said. He had no issues holding Thomas back if it meant he got to have more time with him.
Miss López, Thomas’s teacher, wandered over at that moment, seeming to be no stranger to the nervous parent. “Don’t worry Mr. Sanders,” she said. ‘Thomas and I are sure to have a great time, aren’t we?” she smiled at Thomas who nodded. 
“Yeah!” Thomas said.
“It is time for him to head inside and join the other children now though,” Miss López told Patton gently. 
“Okay.” Patton took a deep breath, the other tearful parents walking past were not helping. “Have a wonderful day, Thomas.” He bent down to hug his son. “I’ll be back to-”
“Bye, Daddy!” Thomas said and ran into his classroom.
Oh. Well, okay then. 
Miss López giggled behind her hand. “Don’t take offense, Mr. Sanders,” she said. “I think adults have a much harder time adjusting than the children do.” 
“It sure seems that way,” Patton said, straightening up. “I guess I’ll see you this afternoon Miss López.”
“Please call me Vanessa.” 
“Okay, Vanessa,” Patton said. “Have a nice day.”
With my son…while I wallow in my sadness… 
“You, too.”
Patton thought about those two words as he trudged back to his car. How was he supposed to have a pleasant day when his youngest son didn’t seem to care for his absence, and his eldest barely acknowledged his existence?
Truthfully though, it wasn’t Thomas he was concerned about. Patton knew that Thomas had just been excited to start school and he was sure that he still loved his dad, but Virgil on the other hand…
Patton could remember Virgil’s first day of kindergarten - how unlike Thomas he had been; a tiny ball of nerves clinging to his dad’s legs that had needed to be coaxed into the fray by his teacher. 
Virgil had once relied so heavily on his dad for protection and comfort, but nowadays it felt as though they barely spoke to one another. It wasn’t for lack of effort on Patton’s part though, it was just that every attempt he made was met with contempt and resistance. 
Patton slid into his car, wondering what he could do to repair the damage between himself and Virgil.
He sat idly for a while before coming to the conclusion that he should go visit his parents. With both kids in school, Patton had no desire to be alone today; besides, his folks were clever people, maybe they’d have a solution to his problem. 
“You have no idea how wonderful it is to have you home.” Patton’s father Ethan said as he handed over a cup of coffee. Patton definitely had some notion; one of the best things about moving back into his hometown was getting to reconnect with his family again. 
“I missed you guys, too.” Patton said, and Ethan lightly patted his son’s cheek. 
Harmony, Patton’s mother, was flipping through the photos on Patton’s camera with a wide smile on her face. “Thomas is so adorable,” she said. “Are you sure you don’t want me to print these for you?” “No,” Patton said. “I’ll get around to it, eventually.” 
“Alright, dear.” Harmony sighed. “Such a shame you couldn’t get Virgil in any of them, but I suppose he’s going through his teenage rebellion stage, isn’t he?” Patton took a small sip of his coffee. “If you want to call it that,” he said. “I think it was because of me that he didn’t want his picture taken though.” If Thomas had asked then it would have been a different story; Virgil did just about anything Thomas requested of him. 
“What do you mean?” Ethan asked. 
“He’s just so angry at me,” Patton said. “I know he didn’t want us to move but I didn’t think he’d hate me for it. I thought he’d at least be excited to live closer to you both.”
“I’m sure he doesn’t hate you,” Harmony said soothingly. “You know what teens can be like.” 
“This is different.” Patton was no stranger to Virgil’s teenage mood swings, but this animosity Virgil currently had towards his dad was something new entirely. 
“Well,” Ethan began carefully. “He has been through something traumatic, more so than any of us could even begin to understand. Perhaps he is just struggling with those emotions and is unfairly lashing out at you.” 
“Maybe.” Patton said, unconvinced. 
“Have you thought about a therapist?” Harmony suggested. 
Patton would be lying if he said that he hadn’t considered it, but he just couldn’t see Virgil bonding with a total stranger. “I don’t know,” he said. “He doesn’t really trust anyone these days, I don’t know if a therapist could get through to him.”
“It’s worth a shot.” Ethan said. “Tell you what, your mother and I will look around, see if we can find anybody we think is suitable and we’ll let you know, okay?”
“You don’t have to-”
“Patton, let us help.” Harmony said firmly. “You’re dealing with a lot too - navigating your own grief while getting the boys through theirs, you have to remember that you’re not alone in this.”
“In any case a therapist would be good for all three of you,” Ethan added. 
Patton felt his shoulders sag - whether with relief or defeat, he wasn’t sure. “Okay,” he said. “Thank you.”  As a parent himself, Patton was well aware that it was Harmony and Ethan’s duty to assist whenever they could, but he still sincerely appreciated it. 
“No need for that,” Harmony said. “It’s what we’re here for.”
“There was something else I wanted to discuss with you,” Ethan said after a short pause. “Have you figured out what you’re planning to do for work?”
Patton exhaled slowly. That was a tough question. 
Patton and his wife had previously owned a store together but after…. everything that had happened, he had sold it; the money he had received for it had been enough to buy his new house, but it also meant that he was without an ongoing source of income. 
“I was thinking of going back to school.” Patton admitted. “Even though I know it isn’t possible, with the boys and needing some money in between.” 
“School?” Harmony echoed. “As in veterinary school?”
Patton shrugged shyly. It was a pipe dream, of course, but ever since he was a child he had dreamed of being a veterinarian; unfortunately, becoming a father at a young age had forced him to drop out - and now that he was a single father those plans were to be put on hold perhaps indefinitely.
He’d never blame Virgil or Thomas, he loved his sons more than anything in the entire world, but sometimes he wished that he could be both; a great dad and a successful veterinarian.
However, he wasn’t sure he could be either these days. 
Forcing himself out of his tangled web of a brain, Patton noticed his mother and father staring at each other with unreadable expressions on their faces. “Are you okay?” Patton said. 
Harmony gave a small nod and Ethan shuffled forward, placing his hand over Patton’s. “Is that what you truly want?” 
“I’d love it.” 
“It would take a long time,” Ethan said, “and many sacrifices and effort on your part.”
Patton was unsure of what was happening, hadn’t he just said that he couldn’t afford to do it? “I know.”
“As long as you’re aware of that,” Ethan squeezed Patton’s hand comfortingly before letting go. “Then your mother and I will help you.”
It took some time for the words to fully sink in. Patton stared wordlessly at his father before he managed to blurt out, “what are you saying?”
“Look, I need some extra hands at the cafe,” Ethan said. “If you and Virgil work for me then Harmony and I will pay for you to go back to school and finish your degree - this way you can take time off whenever you need to and still pay the bills.” 
“I’d also be happy to babysit Thomas whenever you need someone.” Harmony chimed in. 
Patton felt tears stinging the corner of his eyes. Gosh, he loved them. 
Patton had been Ethan and Harmony’s miracle; the only child they’d been able to conceive after years of trying, and due to that, he had always had an extremely close bond with his parents… but he was quite sure that he had never felt as grateful for them as he did in this moment.
“I can’t ask you to do that,” he said.
“You’re not asking,” Harmony replied. “We’re telling you.” 
“But I-”
“Patton,” Ethan interjected kindly. “I know what it feels like to be passionate about something, almost like an itch you can’t scratch until you go after it.”
Patton knew that Ethan was telling the truth; his father’s biggest love had always been cooking. Ethan had worked as a chef for a long time - even opening a cafe in his later years - so it was possible that he knew better than anyone what Patton was feeling.
“You would be doing us a favor.” Harmony insisted. “Ethan would be able to be with me more often.”
“That’s a good point.” Ethan said, stroking his chin. “I have seen the way Herbert looks at you during bingo, if I’m at work too much then he might make his move and steal you away.”
Harmony snorted.
Patton watched them through watery eyes. “I don’t know what to say.”
“You don’t need to say anything.” Ethan smiled. “We just want to see you and our grandchildren happy again, that’s our biggest concern.”
Patton agreed with that. 
Fixing his family was of the utmost importance to Patton and he had always thought that it had to start with Virgil…but maybe he had gotten it all wrong. 
Maybe the best way Patton could repair their little trio was to start with mending himself.
----- Taglist: (please message me if you wish to be taken off/added on) @violets-gay-thoughts @warcats-cat @firefox2215 @shapa-likes-art @oatmeal-stans-the-trash-rat
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tastybluesprite · 1 year
Here's an idea that popped into my head! Not long after the Kraang invasion, Leo's been worried about being too childish and creating more problems. He starts overcorrecting this by acting all serious and no-nonsense, trying too hard to be a mature leader.
His brothers see what's going on and miss their silly, sunshiny goofball. Soon enough, they decide to take matters into their own hands and launch a tickle attack to drag his silly side back to the surface.
Missing the sunshine
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Hey hey hey!!! This took longer than I expect it to take to write this but ahhhhhh I love this group so friggin much. Hope you enjoy the fic and have a great day ❤️
Also this just might be one of my longest fics I’ve ever made lol so strap in ig. But again, I hope you like it!
Warnings: Tiny bit of angst but fluffy for the most part
Summery: The mad dogz miss Leos goofy and outgoing personality after the Kraang invasion, so they use an old childhood method to bring it back.
It’s been a week since the Kraang invasion. The four brothers were shaken up of course, but more or less they were fine. Well.. almost all of them.
Leo seemed to be the one most affected out of all of them. Perhaps it was because he was the one who ended up in the prison dimension?Because he was the one who almost died and tried sacrificing himself? Or because he was the leader now? Or maybe because he had so much on his shoulders that it was taking especially long for him to recover?
Whatever the case was, they missed their brother. The one who was always making one liners. The face man. The one who fired up the team when all hope seemed utterly lost. Nowadays he either worked them to the bone in training, or moped around, which was very much unlike him, since he used to be lazy about training. They hadn’t even heard him crack a single joke since before he got stuck in the prison dimension.
Donnie, Raph, and Mikey knew something had to be done. How can they help him go back to his old self? Instead of being serious and depressed.
“Hey Leo..?” Donnie asked popping his head through the door to his bedroom, “Do you want to come and skateboard with us? Bet I could beat you in a race.”
Leo, who had just been practicing his swords, looked at him, tempted to answer yes, but he backtracked and sighed “No… sorry Don. Not in the mood.”
Donnie stared at him incredulously. THE Leonardo Hamato just turned down skateboarding AND a challenge. Yep, this confirmed something was wrong.
“Why don’t we just train instead?” Leo asked, seeing Donnie’s worried expression.
“We’ve done nothing BUT training thanks to you.” Donnie complained. “I only hoped we could have fun for a change. Yknow, like we used to?”
Leo didn’t reply. He went back to practicing with his swords. Donnie frowned and went to the others.
“It’s a no go guys,” Donnie informed them, “sorry.”
“What?” Raph wondered. “He didn’t even want to skateboard?”
“He seemed to want to at first.” Donnie explained. “But something seemed to hold him back from saying yes.”
“What do you think it is Donnie?” Mikey asked.
“Hmm.. I’m not sure. He seems way more serious than he used to. Do you think it’s because Dad made him leader? And now he thinks he isn’t allowed to enjoy himself or have fun?”
“Hmm… I think I know what we can do to help him.” Mikey said, a hint of mischief in his voice. “Do you guys remember when we were kids, and whenever Leo was sad or grumpy, we’d tickle him till he’d feel better?”
A smirk grew on Donnie’s face. “I see where you’re going with this and I think you are a genius. Far second to me of course…”
“Guys,” said Raph, “let’s get our brother back!”
After some planning, they knew exactly what to do, and that night they decided to set it into motion. “Hey Leo?” Donnie popped a head through his door again.
“What is it Donnie?” Leo asked with a sigh. He was at it again with his swords, practicing. Donnie didn’t want to know how long he’d been doing that for.
“We… have a surprise for you…” Donnie told him tentatively, nervous that he wouldn’t take the bait. “Thought maybe you’d want to check it out?”
Leo looked at him with a puzzled expression, but he put his swords down and turned to him. “Lead the way.”
Donnie led his twin to the living room, where Raph and Mikey waited. “Hi Leo!” Mikey greeted him exitedly.
“Hey… so what exactly are you guys up to?”
Donnie smirked “Oh it’s just a little something we’ve been really wanting to give you. You’ve been seriously overdue for it anyway.”
“Overdue? Donnie what do you-“ Leo was cut off when Raph suddenly shouted “MAD DOGZ ATTACK!!!”
Before he could begin to process what was happening, the bigger of the four had him pinned down with his brute strength, settling on his thighs.
“R-Raph… d-don’t- get off me!” Leo protested, attempting uselessly to push him off.
“Donnie get his arms!” Raph ordered.
“With pleasure.” Donnie said with a small grin as his metal arms came out of his battle shell and forced Leos wrists over his head.
“Mikey would you like to do the honors?” Raph asked his youngest sibling.
Mikey grinned and nodded. “You KNOW it!!!”
“M-Mikey… g-guys, what’s going on??”
“Well Leon. You’ve been quite depressing to be around for the passed few days. We hoped this might help.”
And with that Mikey went right for his sides. Leo bursted into bubbly giggles. It was then the three attackers realized how much they missed that noise from him. “Guhuhuyss!!! Thihihs ihihs sohoho chihihildihish!!!!!!” Leo protested helplessly, trying to squirm out from under the heavy weight that was Raph. “Trust me bro, you need a bit of childishness right now.” Raph told him. “Lehehet mehehe gohoho ihihim buhusy!!!”
“Not until you’re you again!” Then he turned to Donnie. “Donnie?”
Donnie nodded, approached the victim, and began digging his fingers into his armpits. “AHAHAHA DOHOHNN!!!” Leo let out embarrassingly loud cackles. He arched his back as the sensitive flesh was being attacked all over. “We’ll stop when you promise to stop being so tense and serious.” Donnie bargained.
“WHAHAHAT AHAHRE YOHOU TAHALKING ABAOHOHUT??!!!” He yelled/asked through his laughter.
“You’ve been so grumpy and serious ever since the invasion.” Mikey told him. “We miss the old Leo who joked around.”
“THIHIS IHIS SOHOHO STUHUPIHID!” Leo told them. I mean really, torturing him because he was ‘too serious’?
“Ok then dear brother. I guess we have to do this the hard way. He began kneading into his thighs. The effect was instantaneous. Leo shreiked and burst into full on belly laughter.
Donnie stopped and he gestured Raph to get off of him.
“Guys…” Leo began once he caught his breath, “man I’m so sorry. It’s just, when the whole Kraang thing happened, I just thought that if I wasn’t as childish or immature as leader, then something like that wouldn’t have happened.”
Donnie was the first to speak. “Leo… if you ever blame yourself for that again in from of me, I will make sure you are tickled to near actual death.”
“Leo,” Raph said, “sure it might’ve been mostly your fault for the key getting stolen again, but I mostly blame myself, and dad. We all put so much pressure on you and you felt like you had to do everything to prove yourself to us. We’re sorry. We shouldn’t have put so much pressure on you.”
Leo smiled trying to blink away tears. “Are you crying?” Donnie teased with a smirk, “you big softy.”“Oh shut up!” Leo bursted out with a small laugh, and tackled his brothers in one big group hug.
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takecareluv · 2 years
can I request were the reader is sick (not covid) and vinnie takes care of her and he reads a book for her to fall asleep thank you :)
a.n. someone being all soft and caring for you when you’re sick 🥺 adorable. && reading a book to help you fall asleep 🥺🥺 my heart!
sick day || vinnie hacker x reader
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you woke up this morning feeling as if you’d been hit by a bus.
your throat was super dry and scratchy, your nose stuffed and your head was pounding. let’s just say you felt like absolute shit.
you rolled over to see that vinnie was already awake. “morning, sleepyhead. about time you woke up, you don’t usually sleep this late.”
“yeah, i’m not feeling too great right now.” you rasped, the words coming out as more of a whisper.
“awe you don’t sound too good, sweet girl.” he reached out to press his hand to your forehead, checking if you had a fever. “you feel hot too. let’s get you some medicine.”
he walked into the bathroom, searching through the cabinet for some cold medicine. once he spotted it, he snatched the box and was back by your side in no time. “here take two of these,” he dropped the tablets in your hand, “do you need more water?”
“i’m good, i still got some. thank you, bub.” you took a swig of water before popping the pills into your mouth as he stood in front of you.
“good girl.”
“are you hungry? you want anything to eat?”
“pastina, please!” whenever you were sick growing up, your grandma would always make you pastina and it stuck with you ever since.
“coming right up.”
about twenty minutes later, vinnie walked back into your bedroom with a bowl of buttery pastina in one hand and a cup of green tea in the other.
“here you go baby. the tea will help soothe your throat.”
he was about to leave the room again but you called out for him before he could. “wait, where are you going? i want you to stay,” you pouted.
“don’t worry, baby, i’m not leaving you. i just going to get my bowl from the kitchen. i’ll be right back.” he pressed a quick kiss to your forehead, and left the room.
he was back in bed with you before you knew it and you cuddled up to his side. “movie day?” he questioned. you nodded with a small smile on your face. you always loved when you guys spent all day in bed, and being sick, so even though it sucked, was the perfect excuse to do so. “what do you wanna watch?” he hummed.
“aquamarine! i loved that movie as a kid.”
he pressed play on the movie at your request and brought you closer to him. it always made him sad to see you sick. you were always so happy and full of energy, so to see you so unlike yourself was something he did not enjoy.
once your bowl of pasta was empty, he took it from you to place it on the bedside table next to him. you laid your head in his lap as he played with your hair.
you felt yourself relaxing, but you couldn’t quite fall asleep.
you managed to watch all of aquamarine, and whole other movie before vinnie suggested you get some rest. “you should try to take a nap, sweetheart. you seem tired.”
“i can’t fall asleep,” you whined, now feeling frustrated.
he thought for a second before an idea popped into his head. “reading always helps you fall asleep, why don’t we try that.” he grabbed the book sitting on the table beside him and opened it to your bookmarked page.
he began softly reading the words to you while also continuing to run his fingers through your hair, hoping this would help you relax completely.
he got through a chapter before looking down to see your eyes shut and mouth slightly parted open. he could definitely tell how stuffed your nose was by the way you were breathing.
he figured while you were sleeping, he would run to the store to pick up cough drops, nasal spray, some soup for later, and a pint of ice cream to calm your throat.
he tried to move out from under you as slowly and carefully as possible so he didn’t wake you, but to his luck your body shifted and eyes fluttered open. “where you going?” you mumbled.
“i just going to get you some more medicine and some soup for dinner. i’ll be right back, baby. go back to sleep, okay? get some rest.”
he stayed sat next to you for a few extra minutes, wanting to make sure you fell back asleep before he left.
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Hey there! Can u make a fic where Isabela and Mirabel do something with baby capybaras pls? Thank you! Have a nice day or night!
A/N: Thank you so, so much for this request!! 💖💖💖 It was a little hard trying to think of a crazy, fluff-filled idea for it, but it was super fun once I got it all sorted out! Who knew baby capybaras could be such an awesome yet really fun challenge? 😂💞
I hope you enjoy! 🥰💗
Word Count: 3731
  “Oh, my gosh… What is with this family and talking to things that can’t talk back?” Mirabel tiredly questioned before stuffing an arepa in her mouth. Isabela shook her head quickly, drinking some of the water from her glass before continuing in her current attempts at defending herself.
  “I’m not crazy! They grow better when you talk to them!” Isabela insisted, her voice growing a little more agitated and high-pitched as she tried to make her case.
  Mirabel tried her best to suppress the smirk, very much enjoying the fact that for once in her life, she actually had Isabela on the defensive. It was a rare occasion, and one that she doubtlessly enjoyed very much. She honestly did not particularly care that her big sisters talked to donkeys and plants, but unlike with Luisa, Mirabel had no qualms about picking on Isabela about it.
  They had been out and spending time together for a little lunch picnic, and even though they had invited Luisa, she had not been able to come due to a last-minute errand that popped up on the far side of town. So they were enjoying some one-on-one time together.
  Honestly, Mirabel absolutely adored any time that she could spend with her oldest sister. It was such a welcome change from the years that they had spent at each other’s throats.
  And surprisingly, when Isabela had been able to let go of all the stress and the constant expectations, she was actually an extremely fun person to be around. She was sarcastic and able to match Mirabel’s stubbornness blow for blow, but she was also unexplainably loving and caring in her own unique way.
  “Don’t think I didn’t pick up on the condescendence in your tone,” Isabela deadpanned, and Mirabel her eyebrows.
  “Woah, Isa… Seriously big word,” Mirabel messed with her, and Isabela just huffed, narrowing her eyes a little with the barest hints of a smirk tugging at the corners of her lips.
  “Why? Your tiny brain can’t understand it?” Isabela shot back, and Mirabel withdrew just a little, surprised at how harsh the words sounded. Isabela’s eyes immediately softened and nothing but guilt was in her gaze as she looked at Mirabel.
  “I’m sorry, Mariposa… I didn’t mean it seriously. I was trying to joke and it came out a little too rough,” Isabela apologized, a softness and intense regret in her eyes.
  Mirabel immediately shrugged it off, trying to almost physically shake off the instinctual hurt that she had felt. There was a point in time that Isabela would have said those exact words to cut Mirabel down, and while Mirabel knew that Isabela had meant it as a joke, she still had to fight the immediate reaction.
  They would reach that ability to joke at some point. It was just a little soon right now.
  “Nah, don’t worry. It’s all good,” Mirabel tried to assure her, and Isabela still looked terribly bothered and sad about the entire thing.
  However, before they could get much further in this conversation, a loud scream resonated throughout Casita.
  “ANTONIO!!!” Abuela’s voice suddenly screeched loudly, her voice echoing. Isabela and Mirabel flinched, freezing up a bit as they stared with wide eyes at the house.
  Isabela and Mirabel slowly shared a glance, completely at a loss as to what could be going on. However, they wasted no time in heading for the house as swiftly as they could, aiming to investigate what was happening as they left their previous discussion completely forgotten.
  As they reached the door, however, they nearly ran into a whole herd of small creatures that were running very quickly out of Casita’s doors. Isabela and Mirabel both jumped out of the way, and Isabela let out a barely suppressed screech. Mirabel furrowed her brow as she paused for a moment, looking at Isabela in surprise. Isabela was utterly terrified, and Mirabel could not help but wonder what was going on. Isabela was never scared of anything except failure.
  After a moment, Isabela realized that Mirabel was staring and she quickly straightened, sobering as she tried to muster some semblance of calmness and elegance.
  “Uh… You good?” Mirabel questioned, and Isabela nodded immediately in reply, an air of defensiveness about her.
  “Of course. Let’s go see what’s going on,” Isabela directed, starting into the house, and Mirabel looked at her strangely, squinting a bit as she tried to decipher precisely what was going on with her older sister at this point.
  Once they started up the stairs, Antonio was heading down the stairs past them, looking like a scolded puppy, and they both paused. Mirabel immediately leaned down to him.
  “Hey, what’s going on, hombrecito?” Mirabel asked, kneeling down to meet his eyes, and he let out a deep sigh.
  “Well… Sofia had her babies, and Abuela kind of found out about them. So now I have to find her a home outside. Abuela says they can’t stay in my room,” Antonio explained to them, and Mirabel almost looked like she would laugh, but recognition shone in her eyes as she looked toward the doorway where they had just come in.
  “Oh… That must have been what that herd of creatures were that almost ran us over,” Mirabel trailed off, and Isabela nodded, wincing a little but quickly attempting to disguise her expression. Mirabel swiftly detected her odd, unexplainable anxiety, and she furrowed her brow, studying her carefully.
  Once again, before she could dive deep into Isabela’s uncomfortableness, she was interrupted.
  “You two!” Abuela’s voice suddenly sounded at the top of the staircase. Antonio quickly headed down the stairs, leaving them behind to deal with Abuela. Isabela and Mirabel froze next to each other, looking up at her from where she was standing at the top of the stairs.
  “Go take care of those rodents before they terrorize the entire town!” Abuela declared, holding her head as she tried to get over the shock of it all. Isabela and Mirabel shared a glance before nodding quickly and heading down the stairs.
  “She doesn’t seem too happy,” Mirabel noted as they got out the door, hurrying along as they tried to get to town as fast as they could. Isabela chuckled just a little, sprouting some vines as Mirabel suddenly found herself carried along smoothly next to her oldest sister.
  “Yeah, well, we’ll take care of it. Just me and you,” Isabela replied, and while there was a sweetness and affection in her voice, there was also a hint of something less than perfectly enthusiastic. However, as Mirabel looked at her, it did not seem that she was upset about being with her so much as it was about something else. Mirabel just was not sure what exactly.
  “So much for our picnic,” Mirabel admitted, and Isabela shrugged.
  “Well, if we get done soon enough, we can probably come back to it,” Isabela suggested, and Mirabel moved her head in a noncommittal gesture.
  “Not if Camilo gets there first. Dolores has been aiming to get me back for what I did the other day, and I wouldn’t be surprised if she told Camilo about our picnic just to get back at me,” Mirabel chuckled awkwardly, and Isabela raised an eyebrow, a grin tugging at her lips.
  “What did you do to her?”
  “Umm… I might’ve put a roach in her room,” Mirabel confessed, talking really fast as she got it out quickly.
  Both of Isabela’s eyebrows raised in surprise as she let out a bit of laughter. Mirabel immediately swelled up with pride, pleased with the fact that she had actually managed to get a laugh out of her oldest sibling.
  “That was good, I’ll admit. But she’s definitely going to get you back,” Isabela agreed, and Mirabel laughed with her a little.
  Not too long after that, they arrived in town, and Isabela tenderly let her down from the vines, one of them giving her a light push in the back of the head, and Mirabel narrowed her eyes playfully, looking back at Isabela.
  Isabela just shrugged with a bit of slyness in her eyes combined with that odd trepidation before they turned their attentions to everything around them.
  “So how do you think we can find these things?”
  “I don’t know,” Isabela answered, her tone a little off as her gaze shifted quickly and nervously. Mirabel huffed a little, grinning as she looked over at her oldest sister with amusement sparkling in her gaze.
  “I mean… She acted like they were going to attack people or something. But like… They’re just babies. What could they really do?” Mirabel laughed.
  “Heh… Yeah,” Isabela answered, smiling but looking more like she was grimacing.
  Suddenly, someone screamed, and the both of them jumped a little as they turned to the source of the sound. To their shock, there were kids running away as quickly as they could, and they passed by Mirabel and Isabela in a whirlwind.
  They looked behind them, watching them run off, and Mirabel furrowed her brow before slowly turning back in the direction from which the kids had came. She immediately let out a noise of shock and fell back into Isabela a little as she realized a baby capybara was directly behind her and staring at her.
  Isabela almost jumped out of her skin as soon as she saw it, and she leapt backwards and away from Mirabel and the baby capybara. Mirabel almost fell backwards, but Isabela’s vines appeared immediately to catch her.
  Mirabel looked back at her and it was at that moment that she fully realized precisely why Isabela seemed so ill at ease.
  Isabela’s eyes were locked on the baby capybara and she looked like she might completely freak out as all manners of butterfly weed was popping up around her. Mirabel quickly scanned her mind, trying to remember what butterfly weed meant, and it quickly occurred to her that it was a sign to beware.
  “You’re scared of it, aren’t you?” Mirabel declared, and Isabela’s eyes went even wider as she stared at her baby sister.
  She immediately started shaking her head as she set Mirabel upright, and Mirabel quickly knew she was right in her declaration.
  “No, no, no, I’m not scared of it! He surprised me, okay?!” Isabela started swiftly trying to back up, and Mirabel burst into laughter at her expense, Isabela shifting her gaze between Mirabel and the capybara while trying to make an excuse for herself the entire time.
  “You’re scared of a baby capybara? What’s it going to do, Isa? Bite your toes off?” Mirabel jabbed a little, and Isabela huffed, definitively pouting a little in her uniquely Isabela manner.
  “Mirabel! It’s not funny!” Isabela whined, frustration leaking into her tone, and Mirabel shook her head, not stopping her laughter but deciding to redirect her attention to the creature before them.
  Mirabel adjusted her glasses as she smugly looked at the baby capybara and chuckled heartily. She could not believe that there was something in the world that Isabela was actually scared of, and Mirabel could not help her amusement.
  “Hi, little guy! Your mom is looking for you. And Antonio wants you back, too. So why don’t you just come on and let’s go back to Casita, okay?” Mirabel tried to talk some sense into it, and she started to reach out toward it.
  However, as soon as she did, its eyes locked onto her feet. Mirabel’s eyes widened as it darted toward her very much exposed toes. She started to back up, and it continued on her track, chasing her feet eagerly. She quickly started hopping backwards, yelping.
  “Woah, woah, WOAH!!!!”
  Mirabel jumped into Isabela, and to her surprise, Isabela suddenly wrapped vines around the both of them, raising them into the air. Mirabel grabbed onto her tightly, and Isabela wrapped her arms around her as well to keep her steady.
  After a moment, they stopped, and Mirabel realized that she had placed them on a nearby rooftop. Mirabel looked around, still holding on tightly to Isabela. Isabela was looking at her with a raised eyebrow and a far too smug expression.
  “Scared of a baby capybara, Mariposa? What’s it going to do? Bite your toes off?” Isabela echoed sassily back to her. Mirabel released Isabela, crossing her arms as she tried to stay cool, fixing her glasses from where they had slipped down her face.
  “Ha, ha. He didn’t scare me. He just surprised me a little,” Mirabel replied to her, completely unimpressed, and Isabela hummed a little in reply, raising an eyebrow with half-lidded eyes.
  “Oh, like my excuse, then?”
  “So you admit it was an excuse?” Mirabel shot back, and Isabela started to reply to her, but they were quickly interrupted in their discussion.
  “Uh… What are you two doing up there?” a voice suddenly called, and Mirabel looked down, catching sight of Bruno.
  “Tío Bruno!” Mirabel cried, and Isabela grinned widely and in a completely fake manner.
  “Tío Bruno, hi!” Isabela greeted, wiggling her fingers in something that was almost a wave.
  “Hi?” he waved tentatively. Mirabel and Isabela shared a brief glance, and they immediately made an unspoken pact to try their best to avoid bringing up the fact that they had been scared into hiding up on a rooftop because of the baby capybara that was currently nibbling at the edge of some bushes nearby.
  “What are you doing in town?”
  “Uh… Well, your abuela told me I should get out more, and she kinda sent me on a shopping trip so I could be around people,” he explained, his voice going a little quieter toward the end of his explanation as he gritted his teeth a little in a wince, and both Isabela and Mirabel nodded emphatically.
  “That sounds like a good thing!” Isabela replied kindly, trying to force as much positivity in her voice as she possibly could.
  “You know Abuela. Always with those good ideas!” Mirabel laughed nervously, and Isabela nodded along with her, flashing her a warning glance as she subtly tried to warn her against going too far with her enthusiasm. Mirabel flashed her a glance in return.
  Bruno looked between the both of them, squinting a little.
  “So why are you on the roof?” Bruno finally questioned, and Mirabel as well as Isabela froze.
  “Oh… That… That’s an interesting question,” Isabela replied to him carefully and sweetly, very clearly referring to her learning in diplomatic affairs and of social situations. Mirabel nodded quickly with her, breaking from her previous stillness and lostness as to what to do.
  “And one that I’m sure Isa would be more than happy to answer for you,” Mirabel assured him, and Isabela shot her a glare. Mirabel grinned a little more widely, unable to help finding it a little humorous.
  “Mirabel was scared of that baby capybara, and I brought us up here since she was so afraid,” Isabela proceeded to expose her in front of Bruno, and Mirabel’s eyes went wide as her jaw went slack, her head snapping to Isabela as she stared at her in utter betrayal.
  “What?”  he questioned, looking in the direction that Isabela was currently pointing, and he smiled a little with a small chuckle.
  “Who? This little guy?”
  “There’s no need to be afraid of him. He’s adorable!” Bruno declared, but just as he reached down to pick up the little creature, it charged for his feet. He yelped and almost screamed, bouncing backwards hilariously before taking off running.
  Mirabel and Isabela just watched him go, their eyes following his movements as he ran and freaked out completely.
  “Our hero,” Isabela deadpanned, and Mirabel huffed a little before looking at Isabela, completely unimpressed.
  “And thanks, by the way.”
  “You’re welcome,” Isabela smugly replied, and Mirabel narrowed her eyes, Isabela poking fun at her. Mirabel could not help but slightly enjoy Isabela’s playful side that Mirabel was still getting to know. Despite the fact that it was at her own expense, she could still easily see the fact that her big sister was meaning well.
  “No, no, thanks for throwing me out to los lobos,” Mirabel clarified.
  “Our tío is not un lobo. He’s more like un gatito,” Isabela joked, and Mirabel could not help but laugh despite the fact that her sister had indeed embarrassed her. Isabela smiled at her before her eyes grew a little more fearful.
  However, there was determination evident in her expression, and Mirabel looked down at the object of Isabela’s attention— the baby capybara.
  “Okay… So I think we should just grab him with a vine. It shouldn’t take much since he’s little.”
  “Sounds like a plan,” Mirabel agreed, and Isabela smiled briefly before extending a hand and growing a vine toward the little creature, wrapping it around it securely yet gently.
  Once she realized she had gotten it, she let out a whoop, high-fiving Mirabel excitedly. Mirabel grinned widely as Isabela lowered them down to the ground.
  “Let’s hurry and get the others,” Isabela told her, and Mirabel nodded quickly with a laugh.
  “That was honestly unexpectedly easy,” Mirabel admitted, and Isabela shrugged, flipping her hair.
  “Not everything has to be hard, Mira,” she replied coolly, and Mirabel rolled her eyes affectionately but fell into stride alongside her, the both of them heading through town to go and find the rest of them.
  However, just as they started in that direction and made a little headway, Isabela suddenly realized that she felt something bump into the back of her foot. She looked down, and Mirabel followed her gaze.
  To her absolute horror, the little creature was sniffing at her ankle and looked like it was about to take a bite.
  Isabela instantly completely freaked out, coming utterly unglued as she leapt out of her skin. She ran backwards, almost tripping over her dress in her haste, and Mirabel was somewhere between skittering backwards and trying to hurry over to help Isabela with her current attacker.
  Once she had managed to dodge the creature enough, it stopped and looked at her. Isabela slowly backed over toward Mirabel, moving between the creature and her youngest sister, and Mirabel could not help but feel safer with Isabela protecting her. Even if Isabela was just as afraid as she was.
  “Okay, look, you have brought this upon yourself,” Isabela declared firmly and suddenly, trying her best to sound as threatening as possible as she pointed at the small creature before her. Mirabel nodded from where she was safely standing behind Isabela, swallowing as she backed her sister up.
  “Exactly! You better be ready! You’re about to get all the smoke, ya little… ratfink!!!” Mirabel made her attempt to successfully trash talk. Isabela furrowed her brow, leaning her head to the side toward Mirabel, never taking her eyes off of the capybara before her.
  “Really? That’s the best you got?” Isabela questioned with some exasperation, and Mirabel scoffed a little.
  “Well, do you have anything better?” Mirabel questioned, and Isabela sighed, rolling her eyes slightly in reply to her.
  Isabela narrowed her eyes as she moved her hand out, wrapping the little creature securely in several vines. She was not choking it, but she was making extra sure that it was fully enclosed and would not be escaping.
  Once it remained fully bound, Isabela let out a breath, grinning as she loosened. Mirabel whooped, reaching out and squeezing Isabela’s shoulders with her hands before skipping to her side.
  “Awesome! Let’s try this again!”
  “Yes. And after that, give Antonio a serious talk about letting animals give birth and raise babies in his room,” Isabela tiredly declared, terribly unimpressed with the entire ordeal.
  Mirabel nodded to her with a slight chuckle. The both of them were far more at ease now that they had figured out an effective method to entrap the little havoc-wreaking demons. After all, they did not suffer the possibility of getting their toes bitten off now.
  “Hey, guys, what’s up?” Luisa’s voice piped up from nearby them, and they paused as they looked at her in surprise.
  To their utmost shock, Luisa had all of the other baby capybaras in her arms, cradling them preciously like they were a bunch of infants. Isabela and Mirabel’s eyes went wide in utter horror.
  “I was just heading back from the other side of town, and I found these little guys! Look at them! Tan lindo,” Luisa gushed as she held them.
  The other two sisters just gaped at her blankly as they took in the sight of the middle sister so effectively taking on something that they both had been struggling with. And Luisa was taking it on with just her bare hands without any use of her strength or gift.
  “Sofia must have finally had her babies!” Luisa stated before looking utterly horrified at herself.
  “Oh, wait, wait, I wasn’t supposed to tell you that,” Luisa admitted, her eyes going a little wide as she looked at them regretfully, anxiety creeping into her features, and Isabela shook her head with a soft sigh.
  “Don’t worry. Everyone already knows,” Isabela tiredly admitted to her, and Luisa swiftly looked extremely relieved.
  “We’re actually supposed to be bringing them back to Casita,” Mirabel admitted, and Luisa nodded eagerly and happily.
  “Oh, okay! C’mon, pequeños,” Luisa cooed, heading toward the house happily.
  Isabela and Mirabel jumped a little as they realized that the one Isabela had seemingly captured was now running after Luisa. Luisa gracefully lifted it up with all of the other ones, cradling them as she baby-talked them the whole way.
  They slowly looked at each other, and after just a moment, they could not help but laugh. Isabela shook her head, reaching an arm out as she wrapped it around Mirabel affectionately, squeezing her softly as they followed Luisa.
  “Never speak of this again?” Mirabel spoke, and Isabela shrugged with a smirk growing on her face as her vines retracted into the ground.
  “Oh, we don’t have to. Dolores heard everything,” Isabela informed her, and Mirabel’s face fell at the full realization that Isabela had so rudely awakened her to.
  “Oh, yeah… Lovely,” Mirabel sarcastically deadpanned. There was silence as they walked together until Mirabel finally though of something.
  “I bet this is how she gets her revenge,” Mirabel finally added, and Isabela huffed, smiling at her far too widely.
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supergirlarchives · 2 years
Action Comics #284
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Cover Date: January 1962 | Written by Jerry Siegel | Art by Jim Mooney
Read on DC Universe Infinite | NOTE: These commentaries are going to be very spoiler heavy.
Before going into this issue, I did want to mention that in the gap between the last issue I read and this issue, poor Linda Lee finally got adopted by the Danvers. Which is good, no more sad endings of Linda watching all her friends go off and  have happy lives while she’s stuck in the orphanage.
The Supergirl story in this issue is called “the Strange Bodies of Supergirl!” and it’s all about everyone’s favorite Super random plot generator, red kryptonite!
(For those that don’t know, unlike green kryptonite, which weakens and hurts Kryptonians, red kryptonite affects them in random and odd ways, usually by causing some sort of temporary physical mutation. No two pieces of red kryptonite are the same, meaning that every time a Kryptonian comes into contact with a piece, there’s no telling what it’ll do or for how long. It’s a really easy way of putting your characters into some interesting situations.)
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Right off the bat, we’re teased with a two-headed Supergirl. Strange bodies indeed. We’re also told that in the previous issue (which I wasn’t able to read) Supergirl already went through three transformations after being exposed to six pieces of red kryptonite, leaving three more transformations to go.
So to take her mind off of the dread of whatever impending body horror that’s in store for her, she does what any of us would do if we were waiting for our bodies to spontaneously and physically transform, she goes to the Midvale Fair. I’m not sure if going to a public, busy place would be my idea, but I’m not Supergirl.
While at the fair, Linda feels bad for the “carnival freaks”, such as “the bearded lady”, a woman with a hairy face, and “the human needle” which is literally just a really skinny dude. OOF, yeah sometimes poor aging of the cultural norms of the time period these books were made really smacks me in the face.
Moving on from that uncomfortableness.
Linda goes to the lady’s room to freshen up, and wouldn’t you know it, she starts tingling, which is usually the warning that a red kryptonite’s effects will soon take effect. And suddenly, POP! Linda has a second head.
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The new head isn’t wearing a brown “Linda Lee” wig, making it easy to tell them apart. Also it’s a totally sentient being of its own, and very confused about suddenly popping into existence. Thankfully Linda explains everything to... I’m just going to call this new head “No. 2″
Linda wants to go home immediately so they’re not seen, but No. 2 wants to see the fair first because of course she does.
No. 2 gets her way, and they go back out to the fair. There’s a lot of staring and gawking, but everyone thinks she’s just part of the freak show and using a fake head. They get approached by the head of the freak show about getting a job, which they turn down. Then they get watermelon, which No. 2 absolutely loves.
After that they leave the fair and go window shopping. The two compare which hats in the window each like. No. 2 likes a hat with flowers on it, and Linda likes one with a feather. Really driving home that these two aren’t one consciousness in two bodies, but for real two wholly separate people.
Then Linda decided to show No. 2 their superpowers by burrowing a tunnel all the way to the Air Force base. No. 2 is astonished at their abilities.
Also while they’re there, an Air Force jet is passing overhead, but their H-bomb accidentally gets dislodged, which, ARE YOU KIDDING ME? The Air Force is so shoddy that they just have hydrogen bombs randomly fall off their planes??
The Supergirls spring into action, catching the bomb and making sure to move so quickly that no one sees them, and takes the bomb to a remote desert where they safely detonate it.
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I love how Kara is just showing off to No. 2 at this point.
It’s not to last, though. Almost new sooner were they done with the bomb that head No. 2 began to disappear. No. 2 pleads with Supergirl to save her, which honestly just seems so sad! It’s all for naught, though, as the head disappears. Kara is thankful to have her solo-head back, but says that she will miss No.2, thinking of her almost like a sister.
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Honestly, that’s kind of messed up! A sentient creature just appeared out of nowhere and then died like a couple hours later. Red kryptonite is weird and traumatic.
Once again possessing the standard number of heads, Supergirl changes back into her Linda Lee disguise and returns home just as her parents return from an emergency trip to Europe. I wonder what the emergency was?
Anyway, some time later, Linda looks at the flower in her room and the thing instantly wilts in front of her. (There’s these brown lines coming from Linda’s eyes that are there to tip off the reader what’s happening, but I’m assuming that they’re not actually visible in-universe.)
Linda then turns her attention to her goldfish, who instantly dies in its bowl. And then the Danvers walk in and as soon as Linda looks at them THEY BOTH DIE ON THE SPOT!
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At this point Supergirl puts it together that this red kryptonite has given her “Fatal Vision”, which will kill any living thing she looks upon.
Distraught, Supergirl decides that the only thing she can do is to fly out into space and be alone.
She changes into her Supergirl outfit and flies out the window, accidentally killing the mailman on the way out, which OOF, poor guy.
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When Supergirl gets to space she’s immediately met by Krypto, who’s probably like “hey Supergirl, let’s hang out.” But he can’t because KRYPTO IS NOW DEAD.
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So Supergirl breaks down crying while she flies through space, proclaiming herself “The Most Dangerous Girl Alive.”
The narration then refers to Supergirl as the “Girl of Doom”, which, let’s be honest is a badass nickname.
The Girl of Doom decides that if all she can do is cause death, she might as well go to a planet that’s populated by evil monsters and destroy them. She heads to a planet full of “jet-propelled monsters” that look like spikey basketballs with angry faces and tentacles and lays waste to them.
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After destroying them all, Supergirl sits down on the planet and begins crying about how much she loved her mom and dad and Krypto and how guilty she feels.
Then suddenly, Linda wakes up in her room in the Danvers’ household back on Earth. Her parents, her goldfish, and her plant (and presumably the mailman and Krypto) are all fine. That’s when Linda realizes that the actual effect of the red kryptonite was that it caused her to hallucinate the entire thing.
WHEW. Like, I knew that most likely Kryto and her parents weren’t actually dead, they’ve been around a lot longer than just until 1962, but still, what a traumatic hallucination!
At the beginning of the story we were promised (threatened with?) three remaining red kryptonite effects, meaning that we’re down to the last one, but let’s be real, what could be worse than hallucinating that you killed a bunch of people you loved and had to seclude yourself into the desolate, dark reaches of space?
Nothing could be worse, and thankfully they don’t even try to one-up that, instead ending with something fun.
Trying to take her mind off of the impending effect of the sixth red kryptonite piece, Linda turns on the news and hears about a drought that’s hurting farmers’ crops. So she changes into Supergirl and blows rainclouds into the region. 
(And we’re going to ignore just how many things about this don’t really work and the implications of changing a region’s entire weather pattern.)
As Supergirl flies through the rain that she’s caused, the sixth transformation occurs, turning Supergirl into a mermaid! A SUPER-mermaid! Their words, not mine.
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And since she’s a mermaid she figures she might as well go and visit her mer-friend Jerro, who lives in Atlantis.
While Supergirl’s traveling to see Jerro, we get a brief lesson about Atlantis, in case any of us weren’t up-to-date with it. Apparently, when the ancient city of Atlantis was starting to sink into the ocean, their scientists built a huge dome around it to protect it as it sank, keeping the water out and the air in. Then, years later they figured out how to change themselves into merfolk, and smashed the dome since they didn’t need it.
Wait. The merfolk of Pre-Crisis Earth-One DC were just humans that figured out how to science themselves into fish people? That’s... Huh. This is odd to me.
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Anyway, Supergirl finds Jerro working on a marine-farm with his friend Lenora. Jerro is immediately smitten by Super-Mermaid’s beauty. He introduces Supergirl to Lenora, and the two swim off to show Super-Mermaid around, leaving Lenora alone.
(Side note, I love how they get around the “how does speech work underwater” question by having all merfolk be able to read minds and project their own thoughts into others.)
Then we start following Lenora for a brief time. She’s devastated to see Jerro so openly into Super-Mermaid. Lenora herself is madly in love with Jerro, even though she’s hid that from him (well there’s your problem).
Lenora follows them around as Jerro shows Super-Mermaid around, introducing her to people, taking her to a museum, until she overhears Jerro profess his love and ALSO MARRIAGE to Super-Mermaid!
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Slow down buddy! You two were just friends like an hour ago! Kara is caught off-guard by the sudden proposal, and Jerro tells her that he knows that even though he telepathically learns that Kara is attracted to her friend Dick Malverne (hey first Dick mention... That came out wrong, and obviously I’m not erasing it), he’s still in love with her.
Super-Mermaid does the polite thing and tells him that she’ll have to think about it, but by that point Lenora has swam off, heartbroken. She goes and cries to her sister, who encourages Lenora be assuring her that Super-Mermaid won’t be staying long, and that Jerro could still learn to love her.
Bad advice, by the way. You really shouldn’t try to make people “learn to love you”. If you have to, that person’s not for you.
A little later, Jerro and Super-Mermaid are still hanging out, but Lori (Lenora’s sister) shows up and informs them that Lenora has run away (swam away? I’m... I’m not sure what the proper term is in this instance). Lori has a feeling that Lenora’s in danger, when when Super-Mermaid uses her telescopic vision to track Lenora down, they learn that Lori’s feeling was right.
It seems that Lenora has wandered into the the “Valley of the Hands”, which is a section of the sea floor with giant hands sticking out of the ground. What are those hands? They’re the hands of giants from outer space that invaded Atlantis but the giants sank into the bogs of the valley so deep that only their outstretched hands remain above ground. And also the giants are still alive, just trapped in those bogs for thousands of years.
...OKAY. That’s... That’s certainly quite the set-up for this random location that is shown in all of two panels. JEEZ. I kind of feel bad for the alien giants. I mean, just stuck down there? For centuries? I guess they don’t need food to live?
Setting ALL the questions I have about these giants aside, Super-Mermaid goes and saves Lenora from the Valley of the Hands, and as soon as she does the effects of the red kryptonite wear off and Super-Mermaid reverts back to Supergirl. 
Now that Kara has legs again, she decides to it’s time to leave and promises Jerro she’ll think about that proposal (I’d be shocked if this was ever brought up again). Lenora is happy to see Supergirl leave, proclaiming that she may still win Jerro.
You um, you do that, Lenora.
Kara flies out of the ocean and as soon as she does she a piece of green kryptonite streaks by, hurting her, which confuses Kara a great deal since she thought she was invulnerable to green kryptonite.
Also Superman literally appears out of nowhere.
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Turns out Superman was coming back from visiting the Legion of Super-Heroes in the 30th century.
He explains to Supergirl that it turned out that Mr. Mxyzptlk had secretly given her superpowers, which is why Supergirl was invulnerable to green kryptonite for a time, but they’ve apparently worn off now, so it affects her again.
This is a really random thing to tack onto the end of this issue. I’m assuming that her invulnerability to green kryptonite came up in one of the issues I missed. I wonder if we actually saw Supergirl and Mr. Mxyzptlk interact or if this is just some random retcon to a decision the writers no longer liked. I might look into it, but I don’t currently know.
This issue ends with Superman promising that he’s going to announce Supergirl to the world, finally allowing her to step out of the shadows.
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There’s a text panel next to this promising that this isn’t some sort of ruse or misdirect.
As Kara says, this is wonderful. Poor Kara’s been learning and practicing and doing as much as she can to help people, all while having to go through some effort to conceal herself entirely. I’m glad Superman finally came to his senses and is letting Supergirl have her day.
Which I sadly won’t get to read, as the next issue isn’t available to me.
Still, great stuff for Kara!
For my readthrough of past issues, this issue was the first appearance of Kara’s parents, the Danvers, as well as the first mention of her frequent love interest, Dick Malverne. I do wish I could have read the issue where the Danvers adopt her, but I am so happy that they did.
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mca-attack21 · 3 years
Steve Harrington x Reader. Season 3 finale spoilers.
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The floor was cold, the atmosphere chaotic. The screams of your friends were drowned out by the fireworks and snarls of the mindflayer. Despite the noise, you clearly heard Billy, or the Mindflayer rather, whisper, “Stay still, it will all be over soon," his words sent ice through your veins. You struggled against his grasp, but it was no use. Realizing the imminence of your demise, you felt an overwhelming sadness, not even for yourself, but for Steve Harrington, the first and apparently last love of your life. As the “flaying” began, he was the only thing on your mind. You hoped that he would survive this, that he would get out of Hawkins, that he would be happy. You hoped-
“Y/N!” Steve screamed as he blew his cover to run to your side.
This caught the attention of Eleven, who managed to use her powers to throw Billy away from you. She fell back against Mike. The rest of the kids were still blasting the mind flayer with fireworks. Steve used the opportunity to pick you up and carry you away from the action.
“Y/n? Can you hear me? You gotta wake up okay? I did not survive being tortured by Russians only to have you be flayed before I could even-” his voice broke, and before he could continue, he was rounding the corner to where Dustin was.
“Shit. Is she okay?”
“I don’t know. Billy - the mind flayer- how do we know if she? What if she was?” Steve tried, but his heart couldn’t even handle the idea of you being lost to him.
“She wasn’t flayed.”
“How do you know?” Steve asked reluctant to be relieved.
“The hive mind is activated, she would be awake and trying to kill us if she was,” Dustin explained.
“Then why isn’t she waking up?”
“I don’t know Steve, but we have bigger problems right now,” he said gesturing to the fact that they were almost out of Fireworks.
Steve hesitantly left your side to help the others and watched in absolute shock as Billy sacrificed himself. It was only moments later that the mind flayer collapsed. It was over. Jonathan hugged Nancy, Mike went to Eleven, Lucas held Max as she cried, and both Steve and Dustin turned towards you.
“Y/n wake up!” Steve tried shaking your shoulders. He lowered his head to your chest to hear your heart beating and feel your breathing, “Y/n, c’mon, I need you to wake up,” he tried again, sounding more desperate.
Before he could continue, the FBI came running in and they were all escorted out. Steve barely managed to convince the EMT to let him ride with you. He was stuck in the waiting room for what seemed like forever, shrugging off the nurses who offered to check out his injuries. Dustin, Mike, Nancy, and Jonathon came in, gathering in silence waiting for any news. The worst part for Steve was when your mother showed up, he had never felt more guilty than when he lied to her about what happened.
Eventually, the doctor came out with a flustered look on his face. He asked for your mom, and Steve quickly stood to join them. The doctor protested, but your mom assured him that Steve should come with her.
“So, I don’t know how to tell you this, but as far as we can tell there is nothing physically wrong with your daughter. She is seemingly in a coma with no cause. As such, there is nothing medically we can do other than sustain her condition if you choose to do so,” he then turned to Steve, “Can you run me through what happened again?” Steve managed to recount his story, trying to ignore your mother's sobs. As soon as he finished, he exited the room in shock, he sunk down to the floor, struggling to breathe, replaying the doctor's words over and over again in his head. His chest was filled with immense pain at the thought of losing you.
He sat there a while trying to calm himself down before forcing himself off the wall and back to the waiting room, where Will, Mrs. Byers, and Eleven had joined the others. All eyes went to him expectantly, but with one look at him Dustin said what they were all thinking, “Shit..."
Steve repeated what the doctor had said, Nancy pulled him into a comforting hug. While the others started brainstorming. There was an hour of outrageous theories until finally, Will realized something, “She wasn’t completely flayed, but the process was definitely initiated.”
“Obviously,” Dustin chimed in.
“But what is flaying? It’s like your identity being ripped away from you and replaced with the host mentality,” Will continued.
“So maybe Y/n’s soul or whatever was separated. Nothing medically wrong with her, because that’s not a physical connection” Mike added.
“So in other words, we have to jumpstart the connection again,” Lucas agreed, and then all eyes shifted to El.
“Do you think you could try to find her? Like you did Billy or Heather?” Mike asked.
“I can try,” El nodded.
Dustin walked over to where Steve was laying with his head in Mrs. Byers' lap. She ran her fingers through his hair like she had for her sons so many times, mind wandering to Hopper. Steve looked so broke, like he had given up any hope.
“We need to get into Y/n’s room, we think we know how to fix her,” Dustin announced.
It was like that swiped a switch in Steve, and he popped up at once, “What do you mean?”
Dustin explained everything to Steve and Mrs. Byers, and then again in layman's terms. From there the whole group formed a plan. Mrs. Byers and Nancy would go distract your mom. Dustin, Mike, and Will would distract the nurses. Steve and El would sneak into your room, while Jonathon kept watch. For once, everything went smoothly.
El was searching the cabinets for something to cover her eyes with, and Steve handed her the red ascot from his Scoops uniform. She went to your side and took your hand, instantly being transported into your consciousness.
It was dark, unlike anything she had ever experienced before. Every step she took was echoing, the entire reality was glitching in and out, but there was no sign of you.
“Y/n?” she called out.
The blackness would flash to a scene of you and then back to the nothingness, “Y/n, can you hear me?” El tried again, “I need you to focus on my voice, and I can bring you back. I’ll bring you back home, back to Steve.”
At the mention of Steve, the glitching stopped and El could see you know for the first time, you laid on the ground folded into yourself. You were pale and shaking, looking only a moment away from death. As she got closer she could hear you softly repeating, “Please don't, I'm sorry.” There was no indication that you knew she was there. She touched you lightly on the shoulder, but it didn’t phase you.
“Y/n? We need to get out of here, I need your help,” she tried, again receiving no response. The glitching started again, each time putting more and more distance between the two of you. El knew that you wouldn’t survive it much longer.
In the hospital room, Steve watched as blood trickled down Eleven’s face. He didn’t know why it was taking so long. He tried to get an idea of what was happening through the one-sided conversation that he was hearing, but even that was being drowned out by his fear of losing you, What if this didn’t work? The lights started flickering, the machines in the room going nuts, and then suddenly Eleven called his name, “I need you to talk to her, to bring her back.”
“What does that even mean?”
“Steve, we don't have time, just talk to her!”
“Okay….Uhm...Y/n? It’s Steve. Your boyfriend,” he started, feeling extremely uncomfortable, before his emotions took over. “I’m sorry that I wasn’t there to protect you. I’m here now though, and I need you to come back to me. I need you to wake up, cause you are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I don’t want to lose you. Not now, not ever. Please Y/n. I love you so much, please wake up." As he finished, everything went black, the entire hospital lost power.
In your head, every nightmare you had ever had was playing through your mind. You were cold and afraid, feeling lost beyond anything you have ever felt. Whatever was happening to you it was killing you, you could feel it draining you. A strange numbness started to overtake you. You weren’t giving up, you were running out of fight. Just as you were trying to prepare yourself for whatever would come next, you heard a familiar voice, “Okay….Uhm...Y/n? It’s Steve. Your boyfriend.” Hearing his voice made everything stop. A warmth filled you, and you forced your eyes open, seeing Eleven.
"El?" you asked weakly.
“You’re going to be fine, I’m here,” she reassured, moving towards you and taking your hand.
The next thing you remember was hearing Steve’s voice, “Are you okay?” he asked, you forced your eyes open to see who he was talking to.
“I’ll be fine,” Eleven reassured him, wiping her nose.
“Everything was going crazy in here and then the power went out...Is she okay now?"
Suddenly Eleven’s face lit up, “Why don’t you ask her yourself?”
You had never seen Steve turn around so quickly in his life, a wide smile on his face as he practically dove onto your bed holding you like his life depended on it. “Nice to see you too,” you laughed. God did he love that laugh, and that smile, and you.
“I am so glad that you are okay,” he sighed, allowing himself to relax a little for the first time since he had found out about the Russian code from Dustin.
“Are you okay?” you asked running your finger lightly across his cheek. His eye was swollen and undoubtedly painful. His lip was busted and his nose was also bruised and swollen. In other words, he looked like he got into a fight with his hands tied behind his back.
He put his hand over yours and pulled it down to his chest over his heart as he had done so many times before, “It’s worse than it looks, I promise. I’m just glad you're okay.”
You were going to ask him what happened but were interrupted by the kids coming in excitedly. They were vividly telling you everything that happened after you were “Semi-flayed” as Will had coined it. You listened to every word, happy to know that it was all over. Their commotion gained the attention of the nurse, who proceeded to kick everyone out. Well, everyone but Steve who was practically glued to your side.
She went back to find the doctor and notify your mother, promising to bring back the ice that you requested for Steve’s eye. There were more happy reunions, followed by another round of tests, and finally, you were discharged. Joyce took Will, Jonathan, Dustin, and Lucas home. Nancy took Mike and Eleven back to her house. Your mom went back to your house and you went with Steve to his.
You both were exhausted but found it hard to sleep.
“What happens now?” you asked innocently.
“What do you mean?”
“How do we move forward from this? I mean nothing can ever really be the same can it?”
Steve thought for a moment, “I think we grieve and heal, then we start looking for the little victories again until this is nothing more than a memory.”
You nodded, “I love you, Steve Harrington,” you spoke softly.
You missed the grin that spread across his face before he kissed your forehead, “I love you too.”
You laid like that for a while, it didn’t take Steve long to fall asleep. You thought about what he said. Tomorrow would be hard, and the day after that too, but eventually your life would become some type of normal again. You shifted to look at his face, careful not to wake him. You felt a sense of relief, knowing that as long as the two of you had each other, you could work through the rest.
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fanficimagery · 3 years
Lost and then Found pt. I
Imagine being taken by HYDRA. After years with them, they set you loose on someone you haven't seen in a while. Unfortunately for HYDRA, you weren't as susceptible to their mind experiments like they thought.
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Words: 8.6K Author's Note: Major trigger warning! There will be a bit of talk about non-consensual pregnancies and some failed pregnancies from said attempts. Also I didn’t want to post this, but this upcoming week is going to be stressful for me and I honestly don’t know how much writing I’ll get done. Please read the bottom note for help on hopefully part 2 of this.
Tag list: @aya-fay @70s-chic @sipsteacasually @kaitlyn2907 @scarlettwitch99 @thingsforimagination @b1sexualtonystark @living-that-best-life @alexnicolaidisss @l0ve-0f-my-life @eliwinchester99 @mimilh @rosesloml  @meredeph @lexy9716​ 
The team had been hanging around various floors of the tower when FRIDAY alerted everyone that they were needed in the meeting room ASAP. And when FRIDAY sounded urgent, the team knew it must be serious. Leaving the gym, Steve and Bucky run into Clint and Natasha who had been coming out of the locker rooms.
"Any idea what's going on?" Bucky asks Nat.
She shakes her head. "FRIDAY wouldn't cough up any more information. I contacted Tony, but he just urged me to get my ass moving."
As they wait for the elevator, the doors slide open and they nod to Wanda who's already standing in the back corner. With her arms crossed over her chest, she nods to each of her teammates as they file in. Ever since she had lost Vision, she hadn't been quite herself and everyone knew to give her whatever time she needed.
In the meeting room, the atmosphere is immediately tense. Sam is at the table and as a testament to how serious the situation is he doesn't even crack a joke the second he lays eyes on Bucky. Everyone takes a seat, with the exception of Tony who's still pacing at the front of the room with a tablet in his hand.
"Tony," Steve calls out. "What's going on?"
A moment passes and then Tony stops at the head of the table, looking up. "This." He swipes up on his tablet screen, sending a video hologram to the middle of the table so everyone can see. "This came in about fifteen minutes ago."
The video plays and the team watches on in shocked speechlessness. The video shows a young girl who couldn't have yet been a teenager be strapped down to a gurney and injected with several different vials. They listen as the poor girl screams and thrashes, and sobs about burning on the inside.
The video cuts out before popping up again and shows the same girl, a little older this time, and having a mouth piece shoved into her small mouth before a contraption is lowered around her head. Eyes dart to Bucky and no one says a word as his metal arm whirs when he watches the young girl go through something very similar to what he went through. As she screams, the video cuts out again yet again.
Everyone had been so focused on Bucky's reaction, that no one paid any attention to Wanda as her eyes widened when the video came back for a third round. The girl on screen is definitely older now, her baby fat has all but vanished, and she looks defeated. Her hair hangs in limp strands around her face and there's a collar around her neck that Wanda knows gives off one hell of a shock to the person wearing it when they disobeyed orders. An older male walks into view and the girl cowers away. She winces, her hands flying up to the collar around her neck. "Begin," a voice then sounds. The male lunges for the small female and she tries her best to fend off his blows, but she ends up beaten and bloodied within thirty seconds. At the end of the fight the man is given instructions and then he walks over to the girl, kneeling down and biting her around the wrist. She screams, the man takes a bullet to the back of the head, and the video cuts out.
This time when the video comes back, the girl looks a little more steadier on her feet and less beaten down. She looks ready for a fight. Towards the end of the clip she has bloodied, pointed fingertips. She's shoved back into a chair and that's when her emotionless mask drops, begging to not be wiped. She screams as they start the procedure and then by the end of it there are no more tears. There's just an emotionless female awaiting orders as the video cuts out.
Finally the last clip shows her fighting like she's been doing it for years, taking down one attacker after the other until she's the last one left standing. There's a sharp whistle and the girl stands at attention, and the video zooms in on her stoic expression before cutting out altogether.
"Who sent this, Tony?" Steve readily asks.
"Don't know. I have FRIDAY chasing an IP address that just keeps pinging in every part of the world."
"Do we even know who she is?" Natasha asks. "And what the whole point of this video was?"
"No. Not a cl-"
"Her name is Y/N." Everyone looks to Wanda who can't take her gaze off her hands in her lap. "She was already there with HYDRA when Pietro and I showed up so long ago."
"Willingly?" Clint wonders.
Wanda shakes her head. "When we had gotten there, she had just turned nineteen. She was already stronger than the average human, but we never truly saw what she could do. She was different." She finally looks up, expression sad. "HYDRA was not all that we thought it would be, but by then there was no turning back. We'd seen Y/N around base, but she was always so stoic and never spoke to anyone. But when we had one on one time with her and the guards would leave us under her care, it was like a switch had flipped within her. She was so much lighter and she spoke to us like we had been friends since we were children."
"Why didn't we find her the first time we met you and your brother?" Tony then asks.
"She had been gone for weeks by then. They told us she was killed on a mission they sent her on, and that me and Pietro were going to be the new fists of HYDRA."
"The last video was stamped a week ago," Bucky says. "HYDRA lied."
Sam huffs. "Of course they did."
"They must have seen you, your brother, and Y/N getting friendly. They couldn't have their best weapons socializing and turning against them," Bucky says.
Clint sighs. "So what's the plan?"
"We get her back," Wanda says, leaving no room for Tony or Steve to say otherwise. "She was forcefully taken, unlike Pietro and I. She does not belong with them."
"It's been years, Wanda," Natasha says softly. "She might not be the same girl you knew."
"But what if she is? She is the only family I have left."
For a long moment no one says anything, so Tony takes it upon himself. "Then we look for her, but you're responsible for getting through to her. She'll only know you, not us."
Steve and Tony talk a bit more about being prepared for when FRIDAY tracks down their target, and then everyone is being dismissed.
Wanda takes a moment, letting everyone get up and walk out first, when Clint walks up behind her chair. Placing a hand on her shoulder, he leans down some to say, "Y/N is not your only family, kid. We're your family too." Wanda's heart cracks just a little and she reaches up to cover Clint's hand with her own to let him know she understands. "Just keep that in mind in case we don't find Y/N or she's no longer who she used to be."
Wanda gulps and then nods. "I will."
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Working for HYDRA has been absolute hell. Ever since you had been taken as a little girl you were hell-bent on getting out of there which meant doing anything and everything to be in their good graces. Obviously you didn't learn to do so until you were sixteen and had most of your emotions under control.
They experimented and tortured and even tried their mind wipes like they did on their beloved Winter Soldier, but surprisingly your mind was never empty like they hoped to be. Of course, though, you kept that little detail to yourself wipe after wipe. But after everything that went on while you were in their grasp and after whatever they turned you into, you realized you couldn't quite leave and turn yourself loose on the public while you had no control over what you could do.
So you stayed and obeyed like a good little soldier, and attempted to train their new little puppets. Only being left alone with Wanda and Pietro became the one thing you started looking forward to up until they told you the twins didn't survive one of the trials. You had been heartbroken and devastated, but you couldn't let them see. So you nodded, let them move you to another facility and began anew.
You lost yourself within HYDRA, honing your skills and becoming someone even the other soldiers started to become wary of. The mind wipes became less and less the more obedient you became, but then they had a new mission for you- a mission which made your loathing for them hit an all time high.
You've been sitting in solitary for weeks now, biding your time until you could break free and get the hell out of dodge. All morning you've been antsy and it only becomes worse when you can feel the tension mounting all around you.
The door opens and you immediately snap to attention, but the guard that comes in does not have a lunch tray in his hands. Instead, he has a uniform which he readily tosses at you. "Get dressed. You've got a mission."
You quietly snarl at the guard after catching your suit and his hand immediately goes to the electrical prod at his side. "Careful," you drawl. "You wouldn't want your superiors to find out you injured their most prized possession."
His right eye twitches and he lets his hand fall limp. "The clock's ticking on your life, bitch, and when it's up I'll happily put you down."
"We'll just see about that."
The guard turns around and stomps away so he's standing just outside your door, and you hurriedly strip to get dressed in the apparent new uniform. The material for the pants are thin and fit like a glove, but you've worn these before and you know they're impenetrable to blades. Your boots are standard issued, but the long sleeve shirt- the shirt gives you pause because of the padding that's been added to it.
Once you're dressed and your hair has been tied up, you march up behind the soldier and readily clasp your hands behind your back to await orders.
Emotionless mask in place, you're led out and about the base. Everyone seems to be in a tizzy and the smell of gunpowder and blood is thick in the air. You can hear the gunshots and shouting from behind closed doors several rooms away, and you're not surprised that that's exactly where you're led.
The General meets you outside one room in particular and he dismisses your guard with a wave of his hand. You bite your tongue to keep from smiling at the fact the guard grumbles at being dismissed so easily.
"Ah my dear Y/N," the General coos. "Come. We've got several mice trapped and we need you to rid us of them once and for all." You blankly blink at him, nodding once to let him know you understand your mission.
The second he turns around to enter the code for the room, your shoulders drop just a bit and you attempt to put yourself in the mindset of fighting once again. The door slides open and you follow like an obedient little soldier, only to stop short at the sight of the assembled heroes standing on the opposite end of the room. One in particular stands out, her scent hitting you like a freight train and you have to try your hardest not to show an inkling of knowledge about who she is.
You stand next to, but an inch or so behind, the General's left side with your hands still clasped behind your back and feet shoulder width apart as you stare straight ahead. You're trying your damnedest to focus on the red, white, and blue shield Captain America is holding out before him, and not show any recognition for Wanda who is desperately calling out to you in hopes of recognizing her.
You block out what the General is saying, no doubt gloating about your skills, and zone back in just as he gives what he thinks is a command you're programmed to obey. With your right foot planted, you take a step back with a left and flick your wrists out at your sides so claws unsheathe themselves. You can hear several heartbeats pick up speed and you finally meet Wanda's gaze. She seems to still as you offer her the faintest of grins and send her a wink, only to twist on your right foot a moment later and send your clawed left hand into the throat of the General.
The Avengers all tense and prepare for a battle as the General gurgles on his own blood, and you lean in close to his ear so you can say, "Your first mistake was taking me from my family when I was just a little girl." He tries to pull your hand from his throat, but he is no match for your strength. Growling, you squeeze your hand that's still embedded in his throat. "And your last mistake was reintroducing me to Wanda, and giving me hope." Just as the alarms start to blare, you rip the General's throat out and let his limp body fall.
You glance up, smirking at Wanda and her wide-eyed expression. "Hello, little Maximoff." You flick your hand free of some of the blood and then smile at her companions. "Avengers." You nod at them in greeting.
"You remember."
You blink at her, not bothering to answer the obvious. Instead, you can hear walkie talkies going haywire outside the room and you turn around to glance up at the windows where you know others are watching. You mockingly wave at them with your bloodied hand and start pacing in the middle of the room, putting Wanda and the Avengers at your back. Looking up at the window, you let your smirk drop into a scowl. "You think you can take me from my family, torture and brainwash me, and then sic me on the only other family I've ever known?" You yell, seething. Cracking your neck, you let your rage take over and feel the bones shift uncomfortably in your face. Even your eyes burn and you know they're flaring an electric blue. "You're fools for thinking you could control me."
You feel a soft pressure on your wrist and immediately turn to growl at the person who dares touch you, but you lower your head in shame when you see it's just Wanda. She softly gasps and you try to turn away. "What did they do to you?" She asks as she gently grasps you by the chin to make you face her once more.
"What they do best?" You mumble, sharp teeth catching on your bottom lip. "They turned me into a monster."
Wanda's voice catches in her throat, but before she can say anything you're facing the door and stepping in front of her to shield her. Seven soldiers rush in, electrical prods gripped tight in hand.
"Why don't they have any guns?" You hear one of the Avengers ask.
"They must want her alive," someone else answers.
"If you don't stand down, we're going to have to resort to drastic measures," one HYDRA agent says.
"Then resort to them," you growl, "because now that I know Wanda is alive you're gonna have to kill one of us just to separate us again."
Wanda steps up next to you then, hands slowly rotating at the wrists as red energy floats around them. "And trust me, I am not so easily killed."
You can sense the Avengers all stepping into line behind you, but you don't bother looking at them. Instead, you focus on the threat in front of you and the fact they have more people gathering outside once the first line falls. Then from one second to the next, there's a silent command that sends the HYDRA agents into fight mode.
You break off from Wanda, drawing a few agents towards you. Your fighting skills come into play and it's easy for you to either block or withstand the shock of the electrical prods. However, the agents are not so lucky since you're going in for the kill. If you're not kicking in knees and snapping necks, your claws and teeth are digging into throats and ripping out flesh. You're roaring and snarling, and scaring most of the agents you come into contact with, but there are a select few which are all too happy to disobey orders and engage you in physical combat.
You take quite a few hits to the face and sides, and for a moment you're worried, but you have to push through and worry later.
You're not sure how long the fight lasts, but all you know is hat the last agent you claw until he's gurgling on his own blood is the last one to go down. Panting and heaving, electric blue eyes scan the room. All the Avengers are still standing, most of them don't even look like they participated in the fight, but all are watching you with wary eyes.
Wanda steps in your direction and you growl, but then stop the moment her hands go up to show you she means no harm. "It's over," she tells you, her accent heavy and reminding you of so long ago when you first took her under your wing. "If you want to leave, you need to calm down. My team has no idea who you are and you being so hostile makes them nervous."
"Team?" The word rumbles through your throat as your gaze jumps from person to person. "But where's Pietro?"
When your gaze lands back on Wanda, she's smiling softly. But that smile soon wobbles as she shakes her head. "He died a while back. I'm sorry."
You shake your head as you take a step back and Wanda quickly closes the distance between the two of you. She wraps her arms around until you lower your head to her shoulder and you sniffle quietly. "I'm sorry."
"It's okay. He died a hero," she says. "We saw the error of our ways and the Avengers took us in." You finally allow yourself to wrap your arms around her, breathing her in and calming your rage. When you feel yourself sag against her, you finally pick up your head and smile as she runs a finger down the bridge of your nose. "There you are."
"For you having to see me that way. I didn't even know you were alive and then they just told me to dress and take care of a mice problem they had. I didn't know it was the Avengers."
"It's okay," Wanda assures you. "You did the right thing."
"Um, I hate to break up this crazy reunion, but we need to go."
You glance at the man with wings and nod. "That would be a good idea. They'll send more soldiers soon."
Captain America glances at Wanda. "Get her to the quinjet. We're gonna do a sweep of the base before bringing it down."
Wanda gives him a nod and then she's urging you to follow her. You follow her through the winding hallways and an elevator ride up to the surface, and you huff a quiet laugh when you see the destruction left in the Avengers' wake. Off in the distance there's a jet and Wanda wastes no time in leading you up the ramp, and onto a seat.
"Just wait right here." She rushes towards a door and you're surprised a small bathroom sits behind it. She grabs what appears to be a hand towel from inside and then walks over behind the cockpit of the jet, grabbing a bottle of water from inside a bench seat. Then walking back over to you, she gestures to your face. "You've got a lot of blood."
"Oh." You take the towel and water, and quickly wet the towel to start wiping off your face and hands. There's nothing you can do for your clothes, so you leave them be.
As you wait for the others to return, you fidget in your seat and exhale softly as you catch Wanda's gaze. "What made you guys hit this specific base?" You wonder. "They're usually very careful about the comings and goings so they didn't attract the wrath of the Winter Soldier."
Wanda smiles and takes a seat across from you. "Bucky has been going on a world tour of tearing down HYDRA bases in his free time. We think HYDRA got tired of it and wanted to lure us into a trap, so they sent us a video of you."
You frown. "Why me? And what video?"
"They wanted me to rush in and not be at one hundred percent, hoping I'd make a mistake," she says. "Bucky and Natasha believe HYDRA saw us getting close, so they separated us and told us the other had died so we'd follow them faithfully. And when they sent that video, I was stunned. I wanted to rush in and bring you home, but the team made me take a beat." Having stood up halfway through her explanation, Wanda had retrieved a tablet and tapped away at it. Handing it to you, you find a paused video on screen.
Pressing play, you watch yourself be tortured and experimented on, and taught to kill. You wrinkle your nose at how young you were and how sickly you were at one point until they found a method that took and made you what you currently are. You're so caught up in the video that you aren't paying attention to your surroundings and are surprised to see the Avengers walking up the ramp.
"Done already?" Wanda asks.
"All we have to do is detonate once we're up in the air."
Wanda exhales in relief and you meet the gaze of several Avengers who don't know what to think of you after seeing you rip through the HYDRA soldiers like it was nothing. To break the ice, you say the first thing that pops into your mind. "So that was fun."
Iron Man snorts as he walks on by, heading straight for the cockpit. "Great. Another murder-happy supersoldier."
"Uhh, I'm not a supersoldier," you say. The rest of the team glances at you and you go on to explain. "On the video, you all saw the man bite me. Right?" There are various forms of acknowledgement. "Well that's what turned me into what I am. A bite."
"A bite from what?" Black Widow wonders.
You shrug. "The best I can come up with is a werewolf."
Hawkeye snorts, but at your no nonsense expression he sobers up. "Oh. Uh, those exist?"
"I'm assuming so," you say. "I get extra rage-y during a full moon, so I'll probably have to be chained up when the next one comes around." Wanda looks startled at your confession, but you flash her a small grin. "It's fine. I'm used to it by now."
Everyone takes a moment before either taking a seat or steadying themselves, and then there's lift off. The quinjet rises higher and higher until it hovers mid-air. Captain America walks towards the cock-pit and after giving the all-clear you can hear a distant boom and concrete caving inward.
"Well that's another base down," Captain America says.
Exhaling in relief, you allow your eyes to close and relish the feeling of being free. Your moment of peace, however, is short lived when you feel eyes on you. Opening them, Captain America and the Winter Soldier are sitting across from you now. Wanda has taken the seat next to you and you smile as she lays her head on your shoulder.
"I know you've been through a lot, but we have some things we'd like to discuss," the good Captain says.
You nod. "Ask away."
"They wiped you over and over," the Winter Soldier says matter of factly. "Why didn't it take?"
"I honestly have no idea," you admit. "The first time, it took. I didn't know who I was or where I was."
"How did you break out of it?"
"Something one of the doctors said triggered a memory from when I was younger and it just snowballed from there. I started remembering, but a few months after that I was wiped again. The second time didn't take quite so well, but I still forgot. I just knew there was something missing and slowly but surely it started coming back," you say. "But then after I was bitten, the mind wipes completely stopped working. It hurt like hell and I learned to fake it until I could find a way out of there."
"We didn't find much on you," the Winter Soldier says. "Their computers were already self-destructing, but we did manage to find a book where they wrote down your trigger words. You don't mind if we say them to make sure you're telling the truth?"
Wanda's head immediately snaps up, no doubt ready to tell them to back off, and you grin at her protectiveness. "It's fine." She then turns to look at you in shock and you wave her off. "Honestly, it's fine. They don't work. I should seriously win an Oscar for best actress."
Hawkeye and the Black Widow stand on either side of Captain America and the Winter Soldier, and he slowly reads the words aloud after opening the book. "Blue. Full moon. Bitten. Beta. Wolf. Red."
Everyone seems to hold their breath and the corner of your lips quirk into a grin. "Still doubting me?"
Captain America huffs. "That's unbelievable."
"You've fought aliens and Asgardian princes, Captain. My broken mind should be the least unbelievable thing."
"Steve. My name's Steve," he says. "And you're not broken." Your grin falters as you blink at him in surprise. "And this is Bucky." The Winter Soldier nods at you and you return the sentiment.
"Clint," Hawkeye says.
"And I'm Tony Stark, but I'm sure you knew that."
"Uh, sure," you slowly muse. When he squawks and turns around his seat, you huff a small laugh. "Of course I know who you are. I know who you all are thanks to HYDRA and their obsession with you. I just wasn't privy to the fact that Wanda was part of the team until now."
They take your word for it and now that with the knowledge that the trigger words do nothing to you, it seems to bring some ease to the group and everyone finally settles in. According to Wanda the jet ride is going to take a bit so you might as well make yourself comfortable.
About twenty minutes into the ride, you shift uncomfortably in your seat. You chalk it up to the fact the seats aren't really that comfortable to begin with, but when you move to stretch your back a little you feel a pang just to the right side of your abdomen. The pain causes you to still and when it lingers you close your eyes to concentrate on your hearing. Unfortunately, the roar of the jet's engines prevents you from hearing anything.
You abruptly stand up which causes every gaze to snap to you, but you pay them no mind. You feel a cramp suddenly take hold on your lower abdomen and you bend at the waist, breathing through it.
"Y/N?" Wanda calls out.
"Something's wrong." With those two words, you feel the tension in the jet amp up. Your hand goes to your side, rubbing there and then following towards the cramp in your lower abdomen. "Something's really wrong."
"What's going on?" She asks.
You whirl around, eyes burning and you don't even care that they're flaring blue at your friend. "Your magic. Can you feel things with it? Or people. Anything?" You ask in a rush.
"I- I don't know what you-"
"Can you feel someone's conscious or whatever! I need- I just-"
"Okay. Okay," she slowly stands up. "I can. Now tell me what's wrong."
You immediately grab her right hand and set it against your abdomen. "Tell me if you can feel anything." Your eyes burn again, this time with unshed tears. "I can't listen for a heartbeat over the jet's engine."
As your words sink in, Wanda's eyes widen. "You're pregnant."
"Holy shit," you hear someone mutter behind you.
"It hurts." You finally allow the tears to fall. "It's not supposed to hurt."
"How- how far along?"
"Three and a half months. Please, Wanda, I can't-"
Without further prompting, Wanda's eyes glow red. You glance down and see her hand glow red as well, her magic then slowly encircling your abdomen. After what feels like an eternity, she slowly smiles. "There it is." Her gaze darts up to you and the red fades away. "I can feel him. Or her."
You choke back a sob, your hand flying to your mouth to muffle it. Wanda immediately embraces you and you sink into the comfort she's offering you. Then after a moment there's a hand on your shoulder that doesn't belong to Wanda and you lift your head up to see Sam.
"Hey girl, mind if I check you out? You fought awfully hard back at the base and given your condition I'd be more at ease if I knew everything was good."
Your brow furrows. "You're a doctor?"
"No, but I've got some training bandaging people up for the real docs. The most I can do for you right now is check for tender spots so I can report back to the doctor at the compound and insert an IV."
You look to Wanda for her opinion and she nods to let you know it's okay. Then looking back at Sam, you nod. "Okay."
Clint immediately pulls down a cot from where it was folded against the quinjet wall and Sam gestures for you to lay down. He instructs you to lift your shirt and you do so, lifting it until it's bunched beneath your bust. "Okay so I already see some bruising."
His fingertips touch the side of your abdomen and you automatically growl. He freezes and you wince. "Sorry. Instincts."
He chuckles. "It's okay. Given what you apparently are and the circumstances, that's to be expected. Am I good to proceed?"
"Yeah." You inhale shakily. "You're good."
Sam continues his brief examination, pressing here and there around your abdomen for any tender spots. You wince at one particular push and he quietly apologizes. When he's done, he leans back. "You're definitely gonna have to be checked out as soon as we get to the compound."
"But I'd like to get an IV started if that's okay. With you being pregnant and under HYDRA's care, I rather get some fluids in you that I know haven't been tampered with."
"Yeah. Yeah, that's fine."
You sit up and Wanda walks over to sit next to you on the cot, taking your hand between both of hers to offer you some semblance of comfort. Steve gets up to go speak with Tony and you ignore the quiet conversation they're obviously having about you. You can feel various stares on you, but you keep your gaze dead ahead and manage to keep from fidgeting or lashing out.
You don't know when, but you end up dozing off against Wanda. Then the next time you're conscious, you're being gently shaken awake and you watch as everyone starts to disembark the jet.
"We're home," Wanda murmurs. "Are you ready for this?"
Slightly stretching, you're apprehensive about any sort of pain flaring but it never comes. You're thankful for it and then stand up to walk side-by-side with Wanda. Arm hooked through hers, you follow her off the jet and into the sleekest building you've ever laid eyes on. Sam is waiting for you, alongside a woman who smiles kindly at you. She introduces herself as Doctor Cho and you readily follow after her.
The labs make you apprehensive, but Wanda and Sam assure you everything is fine. Doctor Cho has you change into an unflattering medical gown and she talks through everything right before she does it so you're not caught off guard. All in all, being poked and prodded by this woman is a lot more pleasant than when HYDRA's doctors did it.
After a while, Doctor Cho comes back with a tablet in hand. You can see she wants to ask for privacy, but you immediately let her know that you're okay with Wanda and Sam hearing everything. Since you're staying wherever Wanda is, it's only fair the others know what's going on with you so there are no secrets.
Smiling, Doctor Cho glances at the tablet before looking up at you. "So everything seems to be completely normal," she says. Sam and Wanda exhale in relief. "Sam mentioned some bruising around your abdomen when he first walked in, but there is no sign of any bruising whatsoever. You and the baby seem one hundred percent healthy given everything you've through."
"I heal fast," you quietly admit. "I'm not sure why it took so long for me to feel the pain, but I panicked because of the baby and I wasn't thinking straight back on the jet."
"As an expecting mother, it's normal to panic. I had first hand experience with Mr. Stark's wife a few years back. Panicking is normal, but you just have to remember to breathe and take it one step at a time."
"Easier said than done," you mumble.
Doctor Cho chuckles. "Well for the next few weeks, I want you to take it easy. I'm not putting you on bed rest because of your accelerated healing, but I don't want you doing any strenuous activity."
"Don't worry," Wanda muses. "I'll make sure her butt is planted on the sofa at all times."
"Well okay then," Doctor Cho says. "I have some clothes for you if you want so you don't have to get back into that suit."
"I'd like that. Thank you."
"And if you're up for it, I'd like to see you again next week so we can make sure you and baby are still heading on the right track. I'll even order in some prenatal vitamins and a few others that you're lacking."
You nod. "Okay. That sounds good."
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Reconnecting with Wanda had been easy. You were happy that she and Pietro got away from HYDRA when they did, even if Pietro didn't get to enjoy his freedom, and she was sad that you had been under HYDRA's thumb this entire time. But a little wine (for Wanda) and a lot of grape juice (for you), and the two of you were chatting like you hadn't missed any time at all.
After that, settling in at the Avengers' compound was a lot easier than you anticipated. Everyone, with the exception of Tony and Clint, lived just behind the compound in a new building that had been erected not too long ago and it was a lot more homely than you were expecting. You had moved in with Wanda for the meantime, keeping to her quarters so as to not step on any toes. But on the rare chance you decided to stretch your legs, you were surprised that the others would cordially start a conversation with you to see how you were doing.
Then after several visits with Doctor Cho where she continued to tell you that you and baby were doing extremely well, Wanda decided to have a family dinner in celebration.
"So who's all going to be here again?" You ask, already looking through the refrigerator.
"Just the usual," Wanda tells you. "I didn't want Clint and Tony to have to drag their families out here, but they do check in every now and then. They're happy you're settling in."
You snort, shutting the refrigerator door and standing straight. "Are you sure that's it and it's not because I haven't ravaged anyone to death?"
"I'm only joking." You grin. "Now can you please contact the others and tell them to hurry up? I'm starving!"
Grinning, Wanda takes her phone in hand and starts tapping away. She chuckles at something on her screen a few moments later, but before you can ask what's so funny you hear several individuals approaching. The aroma of the food hits you next and your mouth immediately starts watering. Steve, Bucky, Natasha, and Sam walk in- each and every one of them carrying various bags of takeout.
"Hey Y/N, think you got a little drool there," Sam says, gesturing to the corner of his mouth.
And without missing a beat, you say, "Not only am I a pregnant woman, Samuel, but I'm a pregnant wolf. I will eat you if you don't stop teasing me."
Sam gasps in offence as everyone else chuckles, and then they're setting the food down on the table to start unloading it as Wanda asks you to help her with utensils and drinks. But the second you turn back towards the table and see all the food laid out, you pause and take it all in. And then promptly burst into tears.
Everyone seems startled, but you're quick to get yourself under control. Sniffling and then wiping the tears away, you say, "I'm sorry. It's just that there's so much food!"
Steve is the first to chuckle. "You're crying because there's a lot of food?"
"Well yeah. You brought all this food and you're not expecting anything from me." Steve's smile instantly vanishes. "HYDRA would offer me nice things, but it always came at a price."
Sam whistles lowly. "Well that just took a turn for the depressing." A beat passes and then, "Come on, little momma. Come grab some grub."
Wanda smiles kindly at you and you finish making your way to the table. You end up with her at your side and Bucky across from you, and a table full of food laid out in front of you. Then the second Natasha reaches for pan fried dumplings, you reach for one of the largest burgers you've ever seen and a whole tray of fries. You groan at the first taste and proceed to finish it off in five more bites. You eat some fries and then stare at the remaining burgers with longing.
"Go ahead," Natasha tells you. "We have more than enough."
You sheepishly grin in her direction and grab another hamburger, devouring it without a care in the world.
But then when you eye the sushi and reach for it, you gasp when the chopsticks in Bucky's hand whack the back of your hand. "No. Raw fish is bad for pregnant women."
A growl unconsciously slips free and the whole table freezes. But then the situation you're in sinks in and you roll your eyes as you pull your hand back into your lap. "Then just say so, Barnes. Don't whack me. I'm not a damn dog." You're scowling at him, but then your words sink in when you see the corner of his lips twitch. "Oh shut up."
The whole table laughs and you shake your head, grinning as you then reach for a container of Chinese noodles that smell absolutely divine.
Later, stuffed full and laying across a sofa, the whole lot of you are relaxing as the TV plays some random TV show Sam had put on. A commercial comes on for pampers and you groan. "I am not looking forward to diaper duty."
Wanda chuckles, but it's Natasha who asks, "So you plan on keeping the baby?" You startle at the question, glancing over at her. "I mean everyone just kind of figured you wouldn't want to given the circumstances of when and where you became pregnant, so-"
"No, I get it," you tell her. "When HYDRA first told me the plan of birthing them a soldier, I kind of lost it. I pretty much went feral at the idea of forcefully having a baby." Gulping, you quickly sit up to explain all that went down. "They wanted to breed me," you sneer, "and they had to sedate me for their chosen soldier to just enter the same room." Immediately your nose tingles, everyone's anger wafting off of them in waves. "Unfortunately for them, they forgot to take into account that my metabolism burned through everything ten times faster than a normal human and I came to just as my pants were being unbuttoned. The guy barely had time to smirk before I ripped his throat out. With my teeth."
The men all stare at you in various stages of shock, but Wanda and Natasha both smirk. "Atta girl," the redheaded assassin muses.
"Killing their top candidate was a big upset, so they attempted to wipe me again," you say with a shrug. "But when the higher-ups got wind of an unscheduled wipe, they came down to see what that was all about. Needless to say, they were not impressed with their Doc's breeding tactics. Doc One took a bullet between the eyes and they brought in Doc Two who was a big fan of artificial insemination." Everyone winces. "Pregnancies one and two didn't stick, so they tried pregnancy three with a sample they had in the freezer. I don't know who the father is, but HYDRA was really ecstatic when month three came along and the two of us were still in good health."
"And you're okay with keeping this baby?" Wanda softly asks.
"I kind of have to be. This baby," you say while gently touching your abdomen, "is half me and half someone else who I'm pretty sure is enhanced. Even if I thought adoption was an option, I don't think I could live with myself knowing a piece of me was somewhere out there."
Everyone takes a moment after your story sinks in, thinking about all that you've been while in HYDRA's control. Afterwards, Steve clears his throat. "So before anyone goes overboard with baby stuff, we're gonna have to put you in your own apartment." He smiles when he notices he catches you off guard with that. "No need to overflow Wanda's apartment with baby things when we have plenty of room to spread out still."
"A-Are you sure?" You ask. "I was ready to start looking elsewhere for a place to live, but-"
"No. HYDRA will be on the lookout for you and that baby," Wanda says. "You're staying here where they won't dare to infiltrate."
You glance at each present Avenger, taking in their pleasant expressions and sniffing them out for any hints of deceit. Finding none, you allow yourself to relax and grin. "Okay then. We'll stay here."
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Cohabitating with the Avengers is nothing like you expected. Everyone's guard is down while at home and everyone likes spending time together in the communal spaces when there's not a mission for them to be worrying about. Sam especially gets a kick out of seeing how your appetite holds up against the two supersoldiers and he's impressed that you can eat the same amount or sometimes more.
And when the full moon is less than a week away, it's not just you who's worried about it.
Tony flies in when they notice you're quick to anger and they quickly clean out the hulk proof room that hasn't been used in quite some time. Steve and Wanda take charge, asking what would make you most comfortable, and you admit that anything with your scent on it will do. But what catches everyone off guard is that you sheepishly request something with their scent on it as well and you have to embarrassingly admit that it's a werewolf thing. With you spending so much time with them, you've kind of latched on and your wolf considers them yours.
Everyone is game to get you whatever you need and within half an hour they've got your bed set up in the room, and blankets and pillows from those you'd been living with these past couple of weeks. Everyone takes care to not annoy you the couple days leading up to the full moon, and then you're encouraged to go ahead and settle in the room the day you snarl at Tony for making a puppy joke.
Wanda sits in an armchair in the room as you sit against your headboard, talking about anything and everything as you practice some of Bruce's meditation tips. The door to the room is open for now, and every now and then you can hear someone pass by to quietly check in.
No one needs to tell you when the moon's reached its apex because you can feel the change within you. Your breathing becomes a little heavier and your fidgeting is no doubt more apparent. Sweat starts to bead along your hairline and you curl your fingers inward so as to not shred any of your bedding when you feel your claws suddenly elongate.
"Wanda." You inhale deeply and slowly release it. "I think it's time you go."
You hear the armchair creak under Wanda's weight. "What? I can-"
"Go." You exhale deeply once more, slowly glancing up and eyes burning blue. "You need to go."
A growl slips free and then Steve's immediately in the doorway. "Wanda, come on."
Your gaze stays glued to Wanda as she cautiously stands and she smartly walks backwards to the door rather than giving you her back. And the second the door slides shut, you're leaping out of bed and pacing the entirety of the room. Your agitation ends up getting the best of you and you end up ripping your shirt off, thankful that you had been talked into wearing a sports bra underneath.
The walls are opaque, but the second a voice comes over an intercom you're whirling around to glare at the exact spot where everyone is congregated around screens and keeping watch over you. "Y/N, you need to calm down. Your heartbeat is way too fast."
You snarl and a fist flies towards the wall. There's a loud thump, but they put you in a hulk-proof room for a reason. No matter how much strength you have, you won't make a single crack in the glass.
As you pace all around the room, you growl and roar out your agitation.
Fortunately for you, you have a fair amount of control and you never resort to harming yourself. You do, however, tire of pacing and your bed looks all too welcoming. So once you deem it safe enough to let your guard down, you crawl into bed and surround yourself with the various pillows and blankets of your pack.
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The following morning when you wake up, Doctor Cho whisks you away for an evaluation to make sure the full moon didn't affect the baby. And once you're given the all clear, Wanda and Sam lure you into the kitchen with a promise of a hearty breakfast.
You're more tired than usual, but you manage to perch on one of the bar stools at the kitchen island, setting your elbow on the island top and setting your chin in the palm of your hand. Wanda starts to slice up some avocados when you notice there's an itch under your skin that's telling you you need to do something, but you aren't sure what. The feeling amps up as the time ticks on by, but before you can get up and start pacing in agitation there's an arm draping around your shoulders.
The familiar scent of Steve overwhelms you and you feel yourself automatically lean towards him. He chuckles. "How are you feeling?"
"Like I wanna snuggle the hell out of you," you mumble. Leaning away from him, you turn on your stool and part your knees, pulling Steve as close to you as possible. "Seriously, just hug me. I need to scent everyone again."
Sam snorts from his spot at the stove and Steve happily obliges you. Your arms wrap around his waist and you lay the side of your face against Steve's chest, a happy rumble slipping free as Steve embraces you back. "I don't know why you're laughing, Wilson. I'm cuddling all of you."
After about five minutes, you let Steve go and you readily drag Wanda into his vacant spot. She laughs, but hugs you back the moment your arms go around her. You shove your face into the side of her neck and you can't resist rubbing your cheek along her shoulders.
Sam ends up getting the same exact treatment right before breakfast is served up and since Natasha isn't really a hugger, she does sit next to you and allows you to at least drape one of your legs over hers underneath the table.
Afterwards, instead of heading back towards the apartment you share with Wanda, you eye Bucky who's sitting on the couch with a book in his right hand. And though he's been perfectly cordial with you since you've been brought in, you knew better than to just approach him out of the blue like you can with Wanda, Sam, and Steve.
Steve chuckles as he sees your hesitance, but he offers you no help in broaching the cuddling topic with his best friend. However, just as you enter Bucky's peripheral, he readily lifts his left arm that had been resting on the armrest. You sigh in relief and crawl in Bucky's lap, sitting sideways and laying your head on his shoulder. His metal arm curls around your back and his hand which he's holding the book settles down atop your knees.
You soak in Bucky's warmth and scent, and before you know it your eyelids get heavier and heavier.
The click of a phone's camera sounds and Bucky glances up to see Wanda pointing her phone at him. "What?" She feigns innocence. "It's adorable."
"She's exhausted," he says. "I'd fall asleep anywhere too if I had to go through what she did."
"I can take her if you want," Wanda says. "Float her on back to our apartment."
"No. It's fine," he's quick to assure her. "I wasn't planning on moving anytime soon anyway."
Wanda nods, hiding her grin as she walks towards the elevator where Steve and Sam are already waiting. Getting in, all three individuals smirk at Bucky cradling a sleeping pregnant werewolf in his lap.
"If she names that pup after Barnes, I'm throwing hands," Sam says.
Wanda laughs. "I don't think she's thinking about naming her child after a man she's only known for a couple of weeks, Sam."
"Well some would think that one would not sleep in the lap of someone they've only known for a couple of weeks, but here we are," Steve then says. "Unless it's a werewolf thing."
Wanda, Steve, and Sam take a moment to think about it before Sam says, "I got twenty that says those two end up hooking up before the baby bump makes itself known."
"What? No way." Wanda shakes her head. "I have twenty that says she's just extra cuddly because she's hormonal and just came down from the full moon."
"Guys," Steve admonishes them. A moment later, he grins. "Twenty says a real attraction grows and those two end up together."
"You're on, Rogers."
Author's Note: So you guys wanna give me baby name suggestions? And gender suggestions?
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mythicandco · 3 years
She isn’t sure why she says it.
Maybe out of pure curiosity - because it’s just the first name that pops into her head, for some reason.
But a name pierces the eerie quiet of the strange in-between dimension, a place that looks like a Demon Realm-style fun house on steroids. Dark liquid lapping against the wildly-twisting, greenish walls is the only sound here other than a human girl’s breathing.
“Philip Wittebane.”
The moment the name leaves her tongue Luz Noceda realizes she should probably check on her mother. Wasn’t that the whole point of this in the first place? But before she gets a chance to correct herself, a cube slowly floats out of the dark liquid around her, as though simply appearing for her is a difficult task. For a few moments it simply hovers there, it’s sides dripping black goo.
Then the side closest to her turns shiny and gold. Her heart rate increasing, the girl moves forward to take it - and then stops. What if it’s just his coffin, or something? Certainly Philip Wittebane would be long dead by now if he’d written his journal back in the 1600s.
But curiosity once again triumphs over doubt and Luz takes the cube in her hands. The worst that could happen is I see a skeleton, she thinks. Big deal. I’ve seen skeletons before.
Unlike the cube that showed her King, Eda, and Hooty, it takes a moment of her holding it for the thing to flash white and transfer her into a reflection. She finds herself holding her breath, and when the cube finally responds to her touch, the girl is caught off-guard and nearly drops it, severing the connection.
Luz is able to hold on, however, and she blinks as things come into focus around her. She is in the reflection of a glass picture frame. It’s holding up some painting of a black spider and a little red bird, she thinks, but her face is so close to the parchment she can’t tell for sure.
She turns her attention to the room around her, and chokes back a gasp at the most notable feature - a large, circular ring with white-and-gold wings splayed at its sides. It vaguely resembles Hunter’s staff, but that isn’t the most worrying part - it’s being constructed around the portal door, which was supposed to be destroyed. Worst of all, it looks nearly completed.
Luz covers her mouth and ducks to the bottom of the reflection as something moves in the dark - an old man with dirty blonde hair, dull blue eyes, and a dark green scar on his face. He’s wearing robes typical of the Emperor’s Coven, but she doesn’t recognize him-
Is that Emperor Belos? Without his mask? Luz never thought she’d actually see him like this. He looks... like a sad old man. The girl frowns, but then the impact of what this means hits her full-force and her eyes widen in pure shock. She had said Philip’s name.
“NO,” she says aloud. “NO WAY.”
Belos stiffens and spins around, his eyes narrowing. They dart to his mask, which is laying next to a closed book a few feet away from him. “Who’s there?” he demands. “Spying on the emperor is an offense punishable by death.”
Luz drops the cube out of pure reflex, severing her connection to the castle. It begins to sink back into the goo, but she lets out a yelp and grabs it again.
“No, bad cube,” she scolds. “I still need your help.” Luz loosens her hold on it, but it doesn’t light up again. “Hey, come on, go back to the castle,” she says. “Please?”
The cube doesn’t respond. She shakes it. Still nothing. “Let me see Emperor Belos again! Come on, cube!” But the cube doesn’t listen. Luz grunts in frustration.
“You’re on a mission, Luz. Focus.” Taking a deep breath and closing her eyes, the girl does just that.
“Show me Philip Wittebane.”
It still kind of shocks her that it works; but it does, and Luz finds herself in the reflection of the eye on the door. Staring straight at Emperor Belos.
Both sides let out identical exclamations of surprise, and for the fourth time in the past half an hour, Luz almost drops the godforsaken cube. She hisses “mierda” under her breath before she can stop herself, and is surprised to hear Belos use a profanity of his own that she easily recognizes as from the Human Realm.
The two stare at each other for a moment, and Luz takes another few moments to look at Belos’s face. He really does seem like a sad, old man, even more so up close. His blue eyes have no shine in them, and his hair is in desperate need of a good combing through. She can only see one of his ears, but it’s noticeably smaller than any other witches’ she’s seen so far and has a nick in it, and a disturbing thought occurs to her that she quickly pushes aside.
Heavy bags under his eyes - even more noticeable than the Golden Guard’s - are also present, but the most horrifying part of his face is the strange green scar. Luz doesn’t know what it’s from, but it doesn’t look like anything from the Human Realm.
“Surprised?” she asks, summoning up every ounce of strength that she can. Belos can’t hurt her where she is right now, she’s pretty sure. Even if he destroyed the reflection, it would be destroying the door, and she’s fairly certain that that would only sever the connection again, not actually kill her. He takes a step back with a grimace.
“The Owl Lady’s human pet,” the emperor practically snarls, and Luz flinches. “Guess it was only a matter of time before you tapped into this as well.”
Luz has no idea what he means, but she holds her ground. “Yeah, well, it’s a lot easier when your notes are helping me with it,” she replies. “You are Philip Wittebane, aren’t you?” Her voice trembles for some reason. Now is not the time to get excited about a potentially very dramatic backstory, she mentally tells herself.
Even if you really, really, really want to hear everything about it and take notes.
It’s Belos’ turn to wince, and he reaches for his mask. “You got ahold of my journal?” he asks in a voice that sounds more surprised than resentful.
“It was in the library for a reason,” Luz neglects to mention the paper dragon and the Forbidden Stacks and Amity-
No, Luz. Focus. “But, um, yes.”
A dry laugh escapes the emperor’s throat. “I assumed no one was going to let a human into the Forbidden Stacks.”
Luz blinks, the puzzle pieces in her mind still not quite fitting together. “But if you’re Philip Wittebane, then doesn’t that make you human, too?” She is pretty sure that was right, but with her brain still kind of frazzled by the fact that Philip and Belos were the same person, she might’ve forgotten how the laws of nature worked.
Belos chuckles again, this more sharp and harsh. Luz backs up, but with holding the cube in her hands she doesn’t get any further away from him. He puts the mask on and turns away. “I’m hardly human anymore.”
This is an interesting development. “Ooh, is this like from the Henry Pottery books? If you drink unicorn blood, you’re immortal, but also-”
“This is nothing like that.”
“Oh.” Luz frowns. “Could you tell me what it actually is, then?”
Belos whirls around, uncomfortably close to the door’s reflection. “No.”
Luz let’s out a yelp and the cube shatters in her hands. “Crap,” she says, trying to take the pieces and put them back together. Apparently he did get mad enough to break the door. With a deep inhale, the girl tries to steady herself.
Remember, Luz, she tells herself mentally. You’re on a mission to contact your mom. Worry about what just happened once you tell her what’s going on. She’s still freaking out a little, but the girl breathes a few times and promises herself she’ll look into the Philip-Belos mystery once this is over and taken care of. She opens her eyes again.
“Camila Noceda.”
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srirachvbi · 4 years
Sakusa and Ushijima bringing their kids to practice Headcanons !
requested by anon: Um hi idk if you write for them so you can totally ignore this . Um can I ask for sakusa and ushijima (or one of them it's up to you) bringing their kids to practice bc the reader was called into work ??? Like Sakusa with his little boy and ushijima with his son and daughter. Sorry you can ignore this 
a/n: ignore this?? absolutely not LMAO i love this idea. tsym for requesting anon! hopefully, headcanons are okay for this! also sorry that ushijima’s is a little shorter-- i wasn’t quite sure what else to write <3
warnings: manga spoilers 
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This dude was like 👁👄👁 when you called him only half an hour into practice to ask
They were on a water break after doing a bunch of drills and his phone lit up with your contact picture
Atsumu: Aw Omi Omi, that’s a cute picture of you two~
Kiyoomi: I will literally end you ❤️
Anyways he grabs his phone and stalks off to get away from the team since he knew they would eavesdrop if he stayed that close
The second he answered the phone, you started rambling and like begging for forgiveness so he was just “???”
Y/N: Yoomi! I swear I’ll make dinner for the next week and-- and I’ll uhhh... buy all of the groceries and cleaning supplies for a while and-- and
Kiyoomi: tf are you going on about?
Y/N: Is it okay if I drop Hi-chan off with you? ... I got called into work and the nanny’s busy...
He goes silent for a second, which makes you start to freak out because you were out of options for who to call
Your parents were on a cruise which both you and Kiyoomi got them for their 30th anniversary so they won’t home and your siblings lived on the other side of the country
Kiyoomi’s parents were too busy and so was his older siblings
He was your final resort
After a few seconds he just kind of laughs quietly and sighs
Kiyoomi: yeah, you can bring Hito-kun here
Y/N: your hand in marriage pls ❤️
Kiyoomi: ...
He justs SIGHS and hangs up cause he’s tired of your bullshit ❤️
He’ll pocket his phone and go up to the coach and Meian to ask if it’s okay if his kid sits in during practice and they’re perfectly fine with that
LMAO Atsumu, Bo, and Hinata eavesdropping and being like “tiny Sakusa??????”  
Fifteen minutes later, you pop into the gym with Hitoshi (not the bnha character LMAO) and Hinata and Bokuto both go “TINY OMI-KUN!!!!”
Oh my god when I tell you Sakusa almost had an aneurysm when they started to run towards you and his son, i mean it
he literally went from one side of the gym to in front of you two with the most disgusted look on his face
Hito’s pretty similar to Sakusa as in like... he hates germs so when he saw those two sweaty adults running towards him he just
Hito: due to personal reasons, i will be passing away now ❤️
Bo and Hinata are trying to get near Hito, but Sakusa just completely blocks them 
Y/N: thank you for taking care of Hi-chan, Yoomi :(
Kiyoomi: I had nothing against taking care of him in the first place, idiot
Anyways, you realize the time and literally sprint out of there to get to work
Bokuto: Mini Omi-kun! HI!!!
Hito:  👁👄👁 you’re so sweaty pls don’t touch me sir ❤️
Bo goes :(( but recovers when Hito apologizes after seeing how sad he got
Cause even tho Sakusa wouldn’t apologize, Hito was also raised by you and he’s a kid so he just kind of gets all flustered
Hito pats his shoulder to try and comfort him and Bo goes “!!” and like picks up the poor boy
At first, Hito is TERRIFIED but after a few seconds, he starts giggling and enjoying himself
Sakusa was about to kill him but then he saw his little son all happy and his heart clenched
After a few minutes of fooling around with Hito, they start practice again since they can’t spend the whole day just fooling around with the little Sakusa lol
The whole time while they’re doing drills (or smth idk how professional volleyball practice is LMAO), Hito’s standing next to Coach Foster and his eyes are so bright and big
He’s super excited to see his dad play because he hadn’t gone to that many games (Sakusa said that there were too many germs and that he’d get sick)
So to see his dad going like “BLAM” with the ball was like “!!” 
They do a game of 2v2 and he’s cheering so loud for his dad it’s so cute
Hinata and Atsumu are on a team together and they’re sitting on the sidelines with Hito until they get to play
Hito getting super excited and energetic when he sees his dad playing volleyball so he asks them about the players :((( 
Stop I can just imagine a tiny sakusa with more energy just being so cute
Practice finally ends for the day and Sakusa walks out of the locker room and Hito’s like “DAD!!!!!!!” and runs towards him
Sakusa’s soft for his son so he chuckles and picks him up
Hito: you were so cool!!!! You went like BLAM and BOOM!!
Sakusa, internally: oh god, i gave birth to another Hinata...
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SO in this one you’re on a business trip for work and like.. the nanny cancelled on him the morning of so he was like “well, shit” 
But like not really cause he’d probably be nonchalant about it
His daughter, Riko is 3 and his son, Eiji is only a few months old so he comes into practice with a baby carrier and Hoshiumi’s like
>:0 !!!!!!!!
Hoshiumi: BABY USHIJIMA >:0 !!!!!
Riko’s super energetic unlike her father or her brother so she’s running around the second she walks into the gym and Ushijimas like  👁👄👁 cause he’s not quite sure if he should scold her or not 
Honestly, Ushijima would be so confused with kids cause he’s just... 
head full only volleyball
Normally you’re around and or the nanny so he’s not sure what to do LMAO
Riko’s unusually energetic and he’s pretty sure she got it from you lol
Romero sees Ushijima’s look of pure conflict and almost loses a lung from how hard he laughed
Ushijima may be super smart when it came to volleyball but it seems children is the next obstacle 
Riko and Hoshiumi somehow bond in hardly any time and suddenly Riko’s on his shoulders and they’re running around
chaotic duo, we stan 
Kageyama’s looking at the children with utter confusion
Omg Kageyama and Ushijima would both definitely be so confused with children
smh these volleyball idiots
Eventually, they actually have to start practice so Riko and baby Eiji were by the benches
Lmao Riko running onto court because she wants to play volleyball with her dad and Ushijima having a stroke
He’s bowing so low to the coaches because he just... doesn’t know what to do
it was hard enough to get them out of bed today 
It’s okay with everyone and Hoshiumi literally tries to pass the ball to Riko and Romero SCREAMS in fear
Romero’s definitely the savior of the day when it comes to the kids
Ushijima carries Riko off the court and the tiny bab was like >:0 !! When he sat her back down with Eiji
Riko: DAD >:0 !!!
Ushijima just asks her to stay on the bench but he doesn’t want to scold her 
She listens to him because she sees how conflicted he looks finally 
Lmao she tries to pass a ball to Eiji and Ushijima’s like “oh, oh god.”
Talking about Eiji, he starts crying and the coach just SIGHS and gives them a ten minute break
Ushijima losing ten years of his life as he tries to calm Eiji down
Hoshiumi: !! he wants to play volleyball too !!
Romero: Hoshiumi, no... please... 
Ushijima eventually calms the crying baby down and feeds him a bottle
Eiji ends up falling asleep after that tho so there’s no more issues with him for the rest of practice ❤️
It would be interesting to see Ushijima with his kids lolol
practice ends and Riko’s like “DAD!!! Teach me how to play volleyball now!!!” even though he’s already began
She’s a bit forgetful ❤️
Romero literally starts giving Ushijima tips and everything because he sees how confused he is
All of the other players listening as well because they’re interested
Professor Romero! 
Ushijima heads home with his two kids and he’s just listening to Riko ramble a lot and he’s happy
He was scared she wouldn’t like to be there and would throw a fit but similar to her father, she’s super excited about volleyball 
You call them on the way home and Riko’s like “MOM !! I WANNA PLAY VOLLEYBALL !!” 
You start giggling and you listen to her ramble for a while before asking her to give the phone to her dad
Ushijima: please never go on a business trip again ❤️
Y/N: aww, you miss me Waka-kun~
He hangs up
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theringers · 3 years
august - pierre gasly
illicit affairs, part ten
summary: "august sipped away like a bottle of wine, 'cause you were never mine"
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warnings: this shit is sad
3 years later
You walked hand and hand with your son down the streets of Monaco. It was his first day of preschool and you were nothing short of emotional. “Mommy, stop crying!” He kept shouting at you as you walked. You bent down to him.
“Mommy can’t help it. You’re such a big boy now.” You walked past a newsstand and saw the headlines on the tabloids in bold red. “Formula One Driver and Wife Divorce”. Well, that was a familiar headline.
You took a few steps closer to see the faces in the photo. It was your husband’s career after all. Your son complained as you dragged him closer to the newsstand.
The subheading read in smaller font. “Pierre and Anna Gasly finalize divorce just days after filing”. No way. It was a quick divorce with little to no proceedings. He wanted out and he wanted out bad.
More tears fell, but this time it was for a different reason.
He finally left her. The poor guy suffered long enough, doing everything possible to make her happy and him getting absolutely nothing in return. You were hoping he could now find true love and happiness with someone other than the horrible woman he married. To replace you.
It had been almost three years since you spoke to Pierre. Anna’s threat stuck with you and you couldn’t break the promise you made. Not at the expense of your family. Especially while you were celebrating the birth of your son. Little Jamie was the joy of your lives. He came much earlier than expected but was fully grown and healthy. He popped out with a full head of hair as well, a dirty blonde just like his daddy.
The first few months were brutal, to say the least. He never stopped crying. No matter what you did, the loud wails never stopped. Except when he was in Max’s arms. You weren’t sure what it was about him but Max had a way with Jamie that you couldn’t recreate.
It was always tough when he was away for race weekends. You would sit in front of the tv, watching Max and rocking Jamie, hoping the sounds of the cars would soothe him. At least that’s what Max told you. “The whooshing will put him right to sleep,” he would say over the phone. You were exhausted and lacked sleep but he tried to be as positive as possible halfway across the world.
Jamie got to attend his first Grand Prix at only a month old. The Monaco Grand Prix was a sight to see for anyone. Even though he won’t remember when he’s older, there are photos to prove he was on his first podium before he could walk. His daddy held him proudly in one arm and his trophy in the other.
Every time you attend a Grand Prix, you receive a warm welcome from those around you. People are excited to see you after missing you for multiple races at a time.
There was one person who wasn’t excited to see you and you don’t blame her. Anna Gasly kept to herself and avoided you at all costs. It made your stress levels decrease knowing that she wasn’t going to seek you out and knock you out for sleeping with her man.
You could sit in Max’s driver's room or the garage and just enjoy the weekend. Cheer on your husband, exactly what you were meant to do all along.
You picked up the tabloids and examined them, going against your own rule of never reading tabloids. Those stories aren’t real, they’re pure fiction. For entertainment. But this time you hoped it wasn’t. You hoped it would be fact-checked and sources cited. A quote from the man himself.
Jamie tugged at your arm. “Mommy, I gotta go!” He said. He looked adorable in his school uniform. You got emotional just looking at him. He was so excited to be a big boy and go to school. He carried his lunchbox around for hours yesterday just to practice. He was so young and innocent. He had no idea what the universe had in store for him for his life. You crossed your fingers that he met the right girl the first time around. And that he beats his friend to her. Because he deserves all the happiness in the world.
You snapped photos of him in front of his school before waving goodbye and handing him off to the teacher. Your baby was so old and you couldn’t handle it.
The post office was directly across the street from his school, so you decided to stop in and check to see if you had any new packages. No boxes, but the postal worker did hand you two envelopes.
One envelope was stamped with your address and name. Return address, Princess Grace Hospital Lab, Monaco.
The other was handwritten. No return address but it was addressed to you.
You weren’t sure which to open first. The handwritten letter seemed more intriguing.
Hi. I shouldn’t be sending this but I am going to seal it up and hope for the best. If you’re really as mad at me as Anna said, feel free to throw this out. But I know she was lying.
I’ve thought about you nonstop for the last three years. It’s been exactly three years, nine months, twenty-three days, and some odd hours since I last heard your voice.
I used to think about it at night when I couldn’t sleep. You always knew how to calm me down.
Congratulations on the birth of Jamie. I know I’m late, but I couldn’t bring myself to say anything when he was firstborn. He’s beautiful. He should’ve been mine. You should’ve been mine.
Anna and I are divorcing. By the time this gets to you, it should be public. If not, feel free to tell whoever you want. I don’t give a shit. I tried for too long to convince myself that she was you but no one compares to you.
You are unlike anyone I’ve ever met before. You are smart, funny, beautiful, and my better half. I didn’t want to imagine a life without you but I’ve lived it and it fucking hurts.
If nothing comes of this, I want you to know I love you. I always loved you and I always will. I think about you constantly and I can’t see that ever ending.
You look happy. I just couldn’t let another day go by without telling you how I feel. How I still feel.
I wish you all the happiness, success, and love in your future. Please don’t forget about me.
He signed the letter with his signature, the same one he gives to fans. This made you laugh through your tears. Of course, he still loved you. Something like that doesn’t just go away overnight.
You made sure both envelopes were in your hand when you ran down the street. You busted up a set of stairs, almost tripping on the way up.
You knocked on the door and stood there waiting. “Y/n?” He said opening the door.
“Hi, Pierre.” You held up both envelopes and smiled. It was time to find out the truth.
next part
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valdomarx · 4 years
“Jaskier, down!”
Jaskier doesn’t think, doesn’t question, just drops to the leafy mulch covering the forest floor. He sees Geralt gesture with his left hand and a whoosh of air thunders over his head.
The shockwave slams into the huge, hideous arachnomorph that had been scuttling towards him, lifting the creature off its legs and sending it flying ten feet through the air. It hits a tree trunk with a sickening crunch and falls, twitching, to the ground.
He’s still in shock when Geralt comes over, picks him up and sets him on his feet.
“What was that?” he asks, heart pumping furiously.
“Giant spider,” Geralt says flatly.
“No, the -” he gestures by flapping his hand about. “- thing you did. Was that Witchery magic?”
Geralt scowls but indulges him anyway. “It’s not mage’s magic. It’s called a sign. That one was Aard.”
“Huh. Handy.”
“Show me another of your signs.”
“They’re not party tricks, Jaskier.”
Jaskier pouts. “I have the natural curiosity of an artist, and it’s cruel to deny me the sustenance of knowledge.”
Geralt glares at him. “You want to see another sign? Fine.” He inscribes a round shape with his fingers and a line of purple light glows in a wide circle on the floor around Jaskier.
“Tingly!” Jaskier grins.
“Now stay right there.” With that, Geralt disappears off, silver blade in hand. Jaskier twiddles his thumbs, pretending he isn’t bothered by the muffled sounds of something inhuman shuffling around the old castle or the distant blood-curdling shrieks.
Out of the corner of his eye he’s sure he sees something pale and insubstantial flit through the air, but when he turns to look directly at it, it’s gone. Then there, again, more shapes moving in the dark corner of the room, then another by the window.
“Geralt?” he calls, determined not to let his fear show in his voice. “Um.”
One of the shapes draws closer, still wispy like smoke until it crosses the threshold of the purple circle and all at once solidifies into a twisted nightmare of a human skull, flesh tearing away from the bone in filthy chunks.
“Geralt!” he screams as the figure approaches him, all thoughts of bravery forgotten. “Geraaaaaaalt!” The figure is inching closer, bony hand outstretched to claw at Jaskier’s face.
As he thinks this is it, this is how I die, Geralt leaps from the darkness with blade in hand, slicing the wraith’s head clean off. Its body collapses and its head rolls to a stop in front of Jaskier’s horrified hands.
“You used me as bait? You absolute brute!”
Geralt shrugs one shoulder. “Worked, didn’t it?”
Jaskier shivers, looking morosely at the cold bath. They’d been trekking through the snow for days and every part of him was frozen from his nose to his toes.
He’d got through the freezing nights by promising himself a lovely warm bath when they finally reached an inn, but they arrived late and had been lucky to find accommodation at all.
He’d insisted Geralt take the bath first to have the benefit of the lukewarm water. He needed it more after the hunt. But by the time he was clean, the water was stone cold.
Jaskier braces himself. Needs must, though he dreads the idea of becoming even colder for the sake of getting clean.
As he contemplates the bath, Geralt slips up beside him. He looks him over, seems to make a decision, and waves one hand.
There’s an orange glow, and then the water is steaming and Jaskier can feel the heat radiating off it. He could honestly cry.
“How did you...” he looks at Geralt. “Never mind. Thank you, Geralt, really.”
Geralt grunts and goes back to cleaning his armor.
The pain is unlike anything he has experienced before. The gash in his leg is deep and ugly, but the tearing of the rent flesh pales in comparison to the agony of the arachas venom racing through his veins.
Every muscle in his body feels like it’s on fire, a blazing explosion of acid which leaves his lungs heaving for breath and his voice hoarse from crying out.
“It’ll be okay, Jaskier,” Geralt says, his voice clipped and tight. “We need to get you to a healer.”
Through his panic Jaskier catches sight of Geralt’s face, frowning deeply. He longs to wipe his sad expression away. But his body is wracked by another jolt of pain and he can’t stop screaming long enough to respond.
As his vision begins to swim and fade, he sees Geralt gesture with one hand and his mind goes suddenly, blissfully blank. The pain and the worry and all of his thoughts dissolve away, leaving him floating in empty space.
Feel no pain, Geralt’s voice echoes through his mind, and everything in him yearns to obey. Sleep.
The pain is gone. His eyes drift shut and darkness descends.
Jaskier barely has time to register the gang of bandits that appears on either side of the ravine they’re travelling through before a hail of arrows descends on them, sharp death incoming on the end of every shaft.
Geralt swears and moves faster than lightning, grabbing Jaskier and pulling him close, throwing one hand upward. A shimmering gold shield fizzes and pops into place around them both, the arrows bouncing harmlessly off it.
Jaskier looks up at Geralt with wide eyes, seeing him cast in a golden glow as the shield thrums around them. The bandits yell and growl, but within minutes they give up their assault and slink back into the forest in search of easier prey.
Geralt’s arm is still around Jaskier’s waist and their bodies are pressed together. Warmth blooms everywhere they touch.
“You okay?” Geralt asks, voice gentle.
Jaskier is breathing heavily, and it’s not due to the close call. “Yeah,” he breathes. “Thanks to you.”
Geralt's face pinches and Jaskier can see the refutation forming, so he distracts Geralt by taking his chin in his hand. The golden shield holds, keeping the world at bay for a few precious moments.
“My hero,” he says, and means it.
“You don’t have to -” Geralt says, turning his face away, but Jaskier keeps a hold of his chin and turns it back.
“I know I don’t have to,” he says, sliding his hand around to cradle the back of Geralt’s neck. He leans in until there’s nothing more than a breath between their lips. “I want to.”
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