#Minerva Blossom
simspaghetti · 5 months
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gsminerva · 5 months
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Feliz Aniversario a las mejores y las únicas, por cierto y sí, están hechas con el estilo de dibujo de Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt.
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A verrrrrry festive post, yes! Gotta love these modern Love Day traditions, such as un-aliving nearly all of your ancestors, right? Right?
This post contains lots of descriptions and rambling so: info about the Owl family’s under the cut! (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
I really enjoyed building the lot! I published it with the empty building on the Gallery back in February so you can download it without any of my game’s influence - except for the Villareal family graves, but they don’t mean anything if they’re alive in your game! The lot looks kinda wonky on the Gallery pictures but the idea was that there’d be a biiig space for proper graves for the Owl family, a small area for pet graves (also made with platforms), and a place for the spouses (they deserve to be close). The rest is just props for other dead Sims. Bury them, remember them, celebrate what you had together!
So, it was finally time! All 12 generations - from Valentina to Aurelia - are gone. It took me around two full Sim days to OOF everyone - toddlers and pets included. I didn’t have that much patience or desire to do it naturally so I let myself download a Command Center mod and just end them this way. It didn’t always go as planned and the death options were kinda limited but you gotta do what you gotta do. The post limit is 10 pictures but I picked some of the ‘cooler’ ones, though I admit I wasn’t documenting it as much because after some time it felt very grotesque; even if it’s just a game, it felt a bit disrespectful. ๐·°(⋟﹏⋞)°·๐
In the end, nearly everyone is finally at peace - tho Max Villareal didn’t drop his urn after dying! I think one of Delphini’s kittens didn’t get a tombstone either since technically pets can’t die until they’re adults, at least from what I remember. Speaking about peace and eternal rest, most Sims who were connected to the Owls - so the Vatores, Behrs, significant friends etc. are gone too! As I mentioned in this post, I want to give more space to random Sims and try be somewhat consistent with who is still around in the world. They might be friends of the Owl family but none of them is immortal - not anymore at least! That means that when Ariel’s time eventually comes, her friends from her chess club will have to go too. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Generation 13 and later ones (so starting with Hendrick and his descendands) are still alive, and I’m gonna keep them around until the next generation. I think I’ll do it in a way that the latest generation can have great grandparents - they’d just exist in the background, not to be seen that often, best case scenario. I like the idea that they’d come to birthday parties and what not, examples being Wren and Ariel’s birthday, Hendrick and Curtis’ wedding, and Deryn and Vanessa’s birthday, just to name the few! But I’ll really try to limit how many generations can be around - great grandparents are really pushing it so anything beyond this point is instantly gone.
It’s also tricky for me because I like to keep everyone in the same household as one entity but also go with generations - so for example I wouldn’t un-alive Hendrick and Curtis if Vanessa can’t go, but I don’t want Vanessa to go yet because I wish Deryn to go at the same time since they’re the same generation. But then what with Maria, also the same generation? And Ariel? I’ll have to think about it again soon, maybe I’ll go with households instead of generations after all - it just makes more sense... in a way!
So, that was a funny post! Pretty fitting for a mood before my defending my MA thesis this Friday. I cannot believe I managed to synchronise this post like this, I had a huge backlog of screenshots since early February! The timing is really hilarious. Well, maybe I’ll post a second “part” of this post after my exam to showcase how, uhm, cool (???) this cemetary looks. I think I did a pretty good job, it gives me this familiar vibe - Poles are pretty serious when it comes to the deceased etc. Please, look forward to it and pray for me on Friday!!
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greenwitchcrafts · 2 months
March 2024 witch guide
Full moon: March 25th
New moon: March 10th
Sabbats: Ostara-March 19th
March Worm Moon
Known as: Crow Moon, Eagle Moon, Goose Moon, Hrethmonath, Lenting moon, Lentzinmanoth, Moon of Snowblind, Moon of Winds, Plow Moon, Sap Moon, Seed Moon, Sore Eyes Moon, Storm Moon, Sugar Moon & Wind Strong Moon
Element: Water
Zodiac: Pisces & Aries
Nature spirits: Air & water spirits & Mer-people
Deities: Artemis, Astarte, Athena, Cybele, Isis, Luna & Minerva
Animals: Boar, cougar & hedgehog
Birds: Sea crow & sea eagle
Trees: Alder, dogwood & honeysuckle
Herbs: Apple blossom, broom, high John root, Irish moss, pennyroyal, wood betony & yellow dock
Flowers: Daffodil, jonquil & violet
Scents: Apple blossom & honeysuckle
Stones: Aquamarine, bloodstone, jasper, opal &topaz
Colors: Pale-green, red, violet, yellow & white
Energy:  Balance, beginnings, dream work, energy breaking into the open, exploring, fertility, inner development, karma, prosperity, spirituality, success & truth seeking
For many years, it was thought that the name "Worm Moon" referred to the earthworms that appear as the soil warms in spring. This invites robins and other birds to feed—a true sign of spring.
However, more research revealed another explanation. In the 1760s, Captain Jonathan Carver visited the Naudowessie (Dakota) and other Native American tribes and wrote that the name Worm Moon refers to a different sort of “worm”—beetle larvae—which begin to emerge from the thawing bark of trees and other winter hideouts at this time.
March’s full Moon often plays a role in religion, specifically in Christianity, this Moon is known as the Lenten Moon if it is the last full Moon of the winter season (i.e., if it occurs before the spring equinox) or as the Paschal Full Moon if it is the first full Moon of spring (i.e., if it occurs after the spring equinox).
Known as: Alban Eiler, Lady Day & Spring/Vernal equinox
Season: Spring
Symbols: 8-spoked wheel, butterflies, chicks, decorated baskets, eggs, feathers, jellybeans, lambs, rabbits, seeds, shamrocks, spring flowers & sunwheels
Colors: Green, indigo, light blue, pastels, pink, red & yellow
Oils/Incense: African violet, florals, ginger, jasmine, lotus, magnolia, rose, sage & strawberry
Animals: Cormorant, hare, hawk, rabbit, sheep, sparrow & swallow
Mythical: Dragon & Unicorn
Stones: Amethyst, aquamarine, bloodstone, moonstone, red jasper & rose quartz
Food: Dairy foods, eggs(hard boiled), fruits, honey, honey cakes, leafy greens, vegetables, pine nuts, pumpkin, sunflower seeds, sprouts & waffles
Herbs/Plants: Acorn, cinquefoil, dogwood, ginger, Irish moss, olive, strawberry & woodruff
Flowers: Celandine, crocus, daffodil, dandelion, Easter lily,  jasmine gorse, honeysuckle, hyssop, iris, jonquil, linden, narcissus, peony, snowdrop, tansy & violet
Goddesses: Aphrodite, Ariadne, Artemis, Athena, Coatlicue, Cybele,Demeter, Diana, Eos, Eostre, Flora, Gaia, Hera, Idunn, Iris, Ishtar, Juno, Minerva, Persephone, Venus & Vesta
Gods: Adonis, Attis, Celi, Cernunnos, Coel, Dagda, Dalon ap Landu, Dumuzi, Green Man, Lord of the Greenwood, Mithras, Odin, Osiris, Ovis & Pan
Issues, Intentions & Powers: Agriculture, balance, beauty, fertility, growth, life, love & rebirth/renewal
Spellwork: Air magick, fertility, new beginnings & water magick
• Go on a hike/walk & look for signs of spring
• Add Ostara symbols to decorate your altar space
• Plant vegetable &/or flower seedlings
• Decorate eggs with bright colors
• Set your intentions for the weeks/months ahead
• Start a new class or hobby
• Create eggshell candles
• Make plans & new routines for the future
• Participate in rituals & ceremonies that connect you with energy & the life force of nature
• Have a feast with your friends &/family with sprouts & leafy greens
• Bake hot cross buns or lavender/lemon flavored treats
• Clean & de-clutter your home
• Try a re-birthing/ renewing ritual
• Bring fresh flowers or plants into into the home
• Host a spring & floral themed tea party
• Make egg based food dishes & desserts
This holiday marks the Spring Equinox, which happens before March 19-22. It is the second of three spring celebrations (the midpoint between Imbolc and Beltane)  during which light & darkness are again in balance, with light on the rise. It is a time of new beginnings & of life emerging further from the grips of winter.
There is much debate regarding the origins of Ostara due to the lack of primary sources about this sabbat. One theory is the name of Ostara came from the Anglo-Saxon goddess Eostre. Another theory is that Eostre is more of a localized goddess in Kent County, England. Despite the questions of her origins, Eostre is associated with modern-day Pagan traditions of Ostara.
There is no evidence that the ancient Greeks or Romans celebrated Ostara, although they did celebrate their own spring festivals, such as the Roman festival of Floralia & the Greek festival of Anthesteria. It was a time to honor the returning sun, fertility & rebirth.
Related festivals:
• Nowruz- March 19th
Nowruz marks the first day of spring & renewal of nature. It is celebrated on the day of the astronomical vernal equinox. It is also celebrated as the beginning of the new year by people all around the world for over 3,000 years in the Balkans, the Black Sea Basin, the Caucasus, Central Asia, the Middle East & other regions.
It promotes values of peace & solidarity between generations & within families as well as reconciliation & neighbourliness. Nowruz plays a significant role in strengthening the ties among peoples based on mutual respect & the ideals of peace and good neighbourliness. 
Traditional customs of Nowruz include fire & water, ritual dances, gift exchanges, reciting poetry, symbolic objects & more; these customs differ between the diverse peoples & countries that celebrate the festival.
• Holi- March 25th
Holi is a popular & significant Hindu festival celebrated as the The festival of colors, Love &Spring. It commemorates eternal and divine love of the deities Radha & Krishna. Additionally, the day signifies the triumph of good over evil, as it celebratess the victory of Vishnu as Narasimha over Hiranyakashipu. Holi originated & is predominantly celebrated in the Indian subcontinent, but has also spread to other regions of Asia & parts of the Western world through the Indian diaspora.
Holi also celebrates the arrival of Spring in India, the end of winter & the blossoming of love. It is also an invocation for a good spring harvest season. It lasts for a night & a day, starting on the evening of the Purnima (full moon day) falling on the Hindu calendar month of Phalguna, which falls around the middle of March in the Gregorian calendar.
• Easter- March 31st
also called Pascha or Resurrection Sunday is a Christian festival & cultural holiday commemorating the resurrection of Jesus from the dead, described in the New Testament as having occurred on the third day of his burial following his crucifixion by the Romans at Calvary c. 30 AD. It is the culmination of the Passion of Jesus Christ, preceded by Lent (or Great Lent), a 40-day period of fasting, prayer, & penance.
Easter traditions vary across the Christian world & include sunrise services or late-night vigils, exclamations & exchanges of Paschal greetings, flowering the cross & the decoration and the communal breaking of Easter eggs (a symbol of the empty tomb) among many others. The Easter lily is a symbol of the resurrection in Western Christianity traditionally decorates the chancel area of churches on this day & for the rest of Eastertide. Additional customs that have become associated with Easter & are observed by both Christians & some non-Christians include Easter parades, communal dancing, the Easter Bunny & egg hunting.
Other Celebrations:
• Festival of Luna- March 31st
Is a feast day honoring the Goddess Luna who is seen as the divine embodiment of the Moon.
The Temple of Luna was a temple on the Aventine Hill in Rome, dedicated to Luna, the moon goddess. Its dedication was celebrated on March 31st, thus the celebration.
According to Tacitus, it was built by king Servius Tullius. However, the first confirmed reference to a temple to Luna dates to 182 BC & refers to one of its doors being knocked off its posts by a miraculous blast of air & shot into the back of the Temple of Ceres. That account probably places the temple at the north end of the hill, just above porta Trigemina. The temple was struck by lightning around the time of the death of Cinna, as was the temple of Ceres. After the destruction of Corinth, Lucius Mummius Achaicus dedicated some of his spoils from the city to this temple. It was destroyed in the Great Fire of Rome in 64 AD & not rebuilt.
Farmersalmanac .com
Llewellyn's Complete Book of Correspondences by Sandra Kines
A Witch's Book of Correspondences by Viktorija Briggs
Encyclopedia britannica
Llewellyn 2024 magical almanac Practical magic for everyday living
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koratheweirdo · 5 months
a week for a witch 🩷
★associated with: the moon, clairvoyance, femininity, dreaming
★spellwork: healing emotionally, divination, home, travel, fertility
★crystals: moonstone, pearl, selenite
★deities: Selene, Diana, Thoth
★candles: white
★flowers: lotus, lily, jasmine
★associated with: Mars
★spellwork: protection, banishing, passion, success, self-confidence, matrimony
★crystals: garnet, ruby, bloodstone
★deities: Tyr/Tiwaz, Kali, Aries
★candles: red
★flowers: holly, snapdragon
★actions: be brave, set goals, achieve/aim for victory, work on esteem
★associated with: Mercury, reading/writing/studying, travel, the arts, divination
★spellwork: communication, business, travel, art/creativity, money, luck, wisdom, change
★crystals: lapis lazuli, agate, aventurine, citrine
★deities: Odin, Hermes, Athena
★candles: purple
★plants: fern, lavender, mandrake
★associated with: Jupiter, storms, water, element, harvesting, leadership, honor
★spellwork: money, career, abundance, luck, healing, contracts/legal work
★crystals: turquoise, aventurine, lapis lazuli
★deities: Thor, Zeus, Juno
★candles: (royal) blue, green
★plants: bay leaf, honeysuckle, cinnamon, oak
★associated with: Venus
★spellwork: romance, fertility, passion, family, reconciliation, beauty, nature
★crystals: rhodochrosite, garnet, rose quartz
★deities: Freya, Aphrodite, Eros, Lakshmi
★candles: aqua/(light) blue, pink
★flowers: hibiscus, apple blossom, pink rose
★actions: connect with the water element, self care/beauty rituals
★associated with: Saturn
★spellwork: protection, banishing, cleansing, creativity, manifestation
★crystals: obsidian, hematite, jet, amethyst
★deities: Hecate, Saturn, Hades, Hestia, Bast
★candles: black
★flowers: pansy, thyme, cypress
★actions: drink black tea, cleanse house, personal transformation, self discipline
★associated with: Sun
★spellwork: success, wealth, abundance, growth, healing/health, creativity
★crystals: carnelian, tigers eye, citrine
★deities: Apollo, Helios, Ra
★candles: yellow
★flowers: orange, sunflower, marigold
★actions: bake with cinnamon, get creative, watch the sunset
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Under The Christmas Tree - Sirius Black X Female (Wife) Reader
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Title: Under The Christmas Tree
Sirius Black X Female (Wife) Reader
Additional Characters: James (Mentioned), Lily (Mentioned), Filch (Mentioned), Molly Weasley (Mentioned), Charlie Weasley (Mentioned), Minerva McGonagall (Mentioned), Harry Potter (Mentioned), Peter (Mentioned), Remus, Albus (Mentioned), Harry's Aunt and Uncle (Mentioned), and Hagrid (Mentioned)
Requested by Anon!
WC: 3,370
Warnings: Death mentioned, murder mentioned (J&L), slight angst, pregnancy mentioned, unapproving parents mentioned, Azkaban mentioned, Prisoner Of Azkaban timeline mentioned, Order Of The Phoenix references, grief mentioned, depression mentioned, anxiety, nervousness, teasing, bittersweet, abuse mentioned very briefly, crying, family reunion, pranks mentioned, Reader's children have chosen names, nervous Sirius, Sirius is smitten seriously, emotional, alcohol (wine), Reader is somewhat a Muggle, family fluff, and romantic fluff
You hummed to a Christmas song that was playing on the radio in the kitchen as you hung the fairy lights up on the ceiling of the living room, standing on the near top of the ladder you were on. You tried to reach up to hook the line of the lights to the hook on the ceiling, wobbling slightly as you tried to maintain your balance. After you managed to hook the last of the lights, you hopped down the ladder, brushing off imaginary dirt on your hands. You continued to hum as you turned on the lights, watching them with a smile as the lights twinkled and shined. You placed your hands on your hips victoriously, slowly turning around the small living room, admiring your finished work. Candles lit, the fire raging in the fireplace, and stockings hung over it. The Christmas tree was up, lights wrapped around it, and ornaments along with it; hung with the help from your children. Filius and Sybill Black, your twins, your pride and joy, had helped make sure everything would be perfect for tonight’s celebration. They called themselves 'Mom's Little Helpers' and you thought it was quite adorable. The house smelled like warm spices and pine needles as you breathed in deeply, smiling softly at the smell. With everything ready, now, you just had to find your husband.
Sirius Black was your one true love, and no other could compare to him. He made you feel whole. You had gone to Hogwarts with him, but your love didn't blossom until the fifth year. Sirius was such a great wizard, talented, kind, brave, and funny, not to mention incredibly handsome. It was easy to fall in love with him when you spent so much time with him and the other Marauders. 
Somehow, you had bewitched Sirius, making him fall for you completely. It was one of those sudden realizations for him, seeing you laughing and talking with your friends. He knew then. He knew that he loved you. He found himself only caring about you, and only you; completely forgetting about his playboy antics. He didn’t dare look at another witch. He even asked you to marry him when you were seventeen, after dating for three years. Your parents had opposed it, naturally, but you didn't care about them. In fact, they weren't worth thinking about anyway; you married Sirius right after you both graduated from the magical school, a couple months after Lily and James. 
You bought a small home, a cottage at the edge of a small wood, and only a couple minute walk from the closest town. You spent your days there together, reading, enjoying each other's company, and planning your future together. You loved your home. This place felt like a sanctuary, away from unapproving parents. A true place you could both call home. But, Sirius was taken away to Azkaban after you both found out that Lily and James were killed. You knew he didn't do it, he didn't kill Lily, James, or those twelve Muggles. You knew your husband. You knew your Sirius. If he was this so-called killer, why didn't he kill you? Being a Muggle-witch yourself. You tried to do something, but you couldn't and in the night… They took him away.
And that was the night you found out that you were pregnant. 
Your children, Filius and Sybill were born nine months later, twins. They looked just like their father, with curly, black hair. But, they had your beautiful eyes and your smile. It was hard in the beginning, seeing your Sirius's features on your children. You missed your husband so much, especially when your children started asking about their father and where he was. But, it wasn't your children's fault... It was Peter's. You tried to let go of the past, going forward with your life with your children, becoming a stay-at-home mother while Remus helped with some home expenses. You were so thankful that you had Remus to lean on when things become difficult. Especially Albus, he helped with clothing and small gifts for the twins. Even Minerva came to visit sometimes.
Because Sirius was taken from you, you cherished every moment with your children. Taking them to parks, having reading time in front of the fire, and even going through old pictures of you and Sirius. The kids loved seeing pictures of their father, and they loved being told stories by you about Sirius. It was bittersweet, but you wouldn't say no to your children if it ever came to them wanting to know more about their father. Soon, a couple years later, your children were sent letters from Hogwarts, and you had a blast finding their books, pets, and wands. Sybill, you little prankster, like her father, had chosen an owl, and Filius, sweet and a book fiend, like you, chose a cat. Their names were Feathers and Mittens The Third respectively. 
You were insanely proud of your babies, helping them run through the brick wall with ease. There was where you were reunited with Harry. You didn't know if he remembered you, he probably didn't, but you had taken care of him for a couple of months before he left to live with his aunt and uncle. You had heard from the grapevine that they were terrible people, and you hoped that Harry would stay safe at home and at school. You reintroduced yourself and your kids to the boy, telling him how you knew his parents, and how proud they would be of him. You were surprised when he said that Minerva spoke of you, and he thanked you for your kind words. You felt your heart warm as you wished him luck in his third year, and you were pleasantly surprised when your children began to bond with your godson. You shed a few tears as you watched Harry, Filius, and Sybill all get on the train, after hugging them all goodbye. Your twin's nerves dissipated as Harry helped them with their luggage, and they waved goodbye to you as the train started to rumble and go down the track. You smiled to yourself as you left the train station, beyond happy.
But, one night, there was a knock at your door, and you were confused. You weren't expecting anyone, not even Remus, and your children were at Hogwarts in their first year. You stood up from your comfy chair and opened the door. Looking down, you stared at the large dog in front of you with wide eyes. Not in fear, but in awe. You recognized that dog, your Sirius in his animagus form. You were quick to usher him in, finding a pair of his old clothes and finding out what had happened... How he escaped. That was two years ago and you were so happy to have Sirius back again. And you were never letting anyone take him away again. 
You sighed, leaning against the doorway of the bedroom, watching as Sirius tried to finish wrapping the presents. You bit your lip as you watched him struggle with the tape, before secretly using his wand to perfectly finish wrapping the gift. Sirius was beyond wonderful with the twins. He was a bit surprised at first and even a bit nervous when you had told him that you were pregnant the night he left. He felt terrible, but Sirius went right into 'dad mode' after he met them.
You loved to replay their meeting in your mind. You, yourself had been a bit nervous, but your excitement quickly overcame you. The children had known of their father's escape from Azkaban during their first year, along with hearing it from Harry and his friends. They were hesitant with the news, but they knew from you that their father would never harm anyone. You picked the twins up from the train station during the beginning of the holiday break, and drove them home. They told you how exciting and fun Hogwarts was, even with all the dangers they nearly dealt with. You were immensely worried for their safety, but they were insistent that they would be alright. They would protect each other.
You felt so excited as you entered the home, your children behind you. There, they froze upon seeing their father in the living room, sitting in his old chair. 
“Syb, Fili, honeys. This is your father, Sirius.” You spoke up, as Sirius fiddled with his hands before him, looking down at the two children before him with a small smile. “Sirius, this is Sybill and Filius.”
“Hello,” He spoke up, before you felt all the stress and nerves leave you as they ran into his arms.
“Dad!” They both cried, Sirius wrapped his arms around them tightly, holding them both close to him. He looked at you, his eyes filled with tears of complete joy as he smiled, before pulling you into the family group hug.
“They look just like you.” He had muttered to you and you couldn’t stop the tears that fell down your cheeks. “They have your beautiful smile.”
“Well, they have your hair. It’s sometimes unmanageable.” You laughed, before your children began to ramble and bombard Sirius with questions.
“Dad! Is it true that you pranked Professor McGonagall?” Filius asked, looking up at his father as Sybill jumped up and down beside him.
“Is it true that you pranked Filch with Slugulus Eructo? And does it work? I want to prank Franklin in my class, he stole my quill.” Sybill spoke as Sirius smiled with the shake of his head. 
“I did, but I wouldn’t do that spell, try Dungbombs, they work splendidly in stinking up the place.”
Sybill grinned mischievously, “I could hide a few in his bag.” She stated and Sirius laughed proudly, ruffling her curly black hair.
“Excellent idea, my dear!”
You let out an amused huff as you cursed yourself for retelling Sirius’s pranks, but it was nonetheless a beautiful sight.
You sighed again, laughing lightly as Sirius looked up, noticing he had been caught.
"What?" He asked, shrugging his shoulders, "I can't use this... Muggle tape." He spoke slowly, finding the right words for the item that had been discarded on the floor. 
"You can use it, Siri..." You spoke, pushing off the doorway and walking over. "You just have to be careful." You gave him a smile, sitting down in front of him as he smiled weakly, taking the tape into his hand once again. He then put the last present in the pile in front of him.
"I'm sorry. I'm just still getting used to this." He spoke, finally being able to peel off the tape. "It's been a long time." He muttered and you nodded.
"I know, baby." You began, placing your hand on top of his, making him look up at you. "You don't have to apologize. What matters now is that we're together again." You smiled softly, stroking his knuckles with your thumb. "We're here now. We're together." You finished, your gaze falling upon the twins as they ran past the room with Mittens The Third chasing them. "If you'd rather, you can use your wand. The kids won't know the difference."
"Remus will." Sirius spoke with a smirk, "Too smart for his own good."
You pat Sirius's hand, nodding, before scooting around to sit beside him, leaning your head on his shoulder. "He won't say anything though." You chuckled, "He's as polite as he is smart."
Sirius hummed, finishing the last present before setting down the tape and his wand. His arm came to wrap around your waist, pulling you closer, your head resting on his chest. He kissed the top of your head before laying his cheek on the top of yours. Tonight was going to be a long night.
The party was in full swing, Remus was with Sirius in the kitchen, drinking some wine as Bill and Fleur were chatting in the corner of the living room. Molly was with the twins, having gifted them matching red homemade sweaters with their initials. And even Albus was there, sitting by the fire with Hagrid. Music danced in the air and you could tell everyone was enjoying themselves. You leaned against the entranceway of the kitchen, swirling your drink softly in the tall glass as you watched everyone have a great time. 
Suddenly you heard a whistle, your guests chuckling in your direction as your daughter, Sybill, pointed up above you. "Mistletoe, Mom!"
Your eyebrows furrowed, "Mistletoe..? I didn't hang any of those." You looked up and sure enough, there was a little mistletoe above you, dropping your shoulders, you turned around as you heard quiet laughter. Narrowing your eyes, you crossed your arms as you stared at Sirius and Remus. "Sirius..." You scolded knowingly as he wiggled his eyebrows. 
"It was partially Remus's fault." He tried to blame but Remus shook his head, nibbling on a bar of chocolate you had gifted him.
"I tried to advise that he shouldn’t..." Remus spoke, "But we both know he doesn't listen."
You nodded, before speaking, "Sirius, get over here." Sirius said nothing but strutted over proudly, taking you in his arms, you blushed heavily as the guests of the party watched, cheered, hooted, and hollered. "I'm getting you back for this." You muttered as Sirius leaned down, his nose softly caressing yours. 
"Forgive me?" He whispered.
You couldn't stop yourself from smiling, "Of course." You whispered back.
"Good," Sirius responded before kissing you deeply, your fingers running through his hair. The guest cheered as Sirius pulled back slightly, looking deep into your eyes. "Happy Christmas, my love." He whispered, smiling as you nodded.
"Happy Christmas, my Siri." You replied.
You both turned as you watched Filius with his hands covering his eyes, he peeked out from them, and let out a breath as he noticed you had both stopped kissing. "Gross."
Sybill nudged her twin's arm, "You'll be doing that too when you're older, you know?" She spoke knowingly as Filius stuck out his tongue in disgust. 
"Ew, bloody hell, no!" And everyone let out a laugh at his remark.
The night was coming to an end, people had already left for their homes, whether with some Floo Powder or otherwise; the party was over. Your children were passed out on the couches, Sybill clutching a dragon plush from Charlie Weasley, her idol; Sybill dreamed of working with dragons someday. And Filius, little Fili, was on his back, mouth open as he softly snored, his new book from Albus on his stomach; raising up and down with each breath. You hummed, finishing the rest of your drink as you watched Sirius close Filius's book and place it aside before tossing blankets over both his children, making sure they are tucked in and warm. Sirius was such a good father, always protecting them from harm. He made sure they were healthy and safe whenever they were gone at school and he kept the house clean and even did the dishes. A perfect father, a perfect husband, and a perfect Sirius. He, himself, was perfect.
Sirius let out a sigh as he stood straight, peering down at his children as he played with the curl of his mustache, a small nervous habit of his before he turned to you. His small frown turned into a smile as he walked over to you, taking you in his arms as he gently swayed with you, humming a soft tune. You leaned your head on his chest, your arms looped around his waist. 
"I love you, Y/N." He muttered, planting a kiss on your head.
"I love you too." You answered before lifting your head. "I love you so much, Sirius." 
Sirius gazed down at you, his eyes soft as he pulled you into a deep kiss, holding your face with one hand as he held your waist with the other. You smiled softly, loving every second of your time with your husband. As he pulled away, his eyes widened slightly in realization. 
"I forgot," He began, pulling away from you to quickly speed-walk to your shared room. You bit your lip, excited and yet confused as you watched him come back down the hall to you with a small box in his hand. "Your present." He gifted it to you, placing it in your hands.
You smiled as you looked down at your gift, terribly wrapped with pieces of sticky tape. The wrapping paper was gold and red striped, reminding you of his house at Hogwarts. You loved it. Sirius watched with anticipation and anxiety as you walked to the tree, and sat down. Sirius followed, plopping down in front of you as you began to unwrap it, revealing a red box. You continued to worry on your bottom lip as you felt your heart skip a beat. Opening the box, you gasped. It was a small notebook, and on the cover, was an old moving photo of you and Sirius. Back when you were still in school. You were in the Gryffindor common room, sitting in Sirius's lap, your hand in his hair as his arms wrapped around your waist. You were laughing at something, as Sirius stared at you with such adoration. You remembered that night, he and James had just won the Quidditch cup. That was the night Sirius had asked you to marry him. 
"Oh, Sirius..." You sighed, tears forming in the corners of your eyes as you closed the notebook. "This is beautiful." You looked up at him, your hands gripping onto the fabric of his slightly unbuttoned red shirt tightly, "Thank you." You smiled as he wiped a tear from your cheek with the soft pad of his thumb.
"I thought maybe you'd need another notebook. You've been writing a lot lately." He explained as you let out a wet chuckle.
"Yeah, I have." You looked down at your new notebook. "Thank you, my darling."
"Of course," Sirius muttered, a smile enveloping his face as he felt his own cheeks flush. “Anything for you.”
You gently placed your notebook down beside you as you grabbed the last present under the tree beside you. It was a bit smaller than the box Sirius gave you. You felt your heart continue to race as you passed the box over to him, wrapped perfectly in red with gold stars, and a thick white ribbon. Sirius did his best to unwrap the present, making sure not to rip the wrapping paper as he did so. Revealing a brown box, he hesitated before he opened it. His reaction was identical. His eyes grew large as he saw what was inside, and you couldn't help but grow a bit nervous.
"I know you lost most of your things when... When they took you..." You began, swallowing thickly as you let your smile soften. "I was able to find another ring for you. The same one as the first, just... A bit different." You explained as Sirius took the silver ring out of the box. He held it up slightly, the soft fairy lights glinting beautifully off of it. Tilting it, Sirius noticed the small inscription inside of the ring, 'You're not a bad person. You're a very good person, who bad things have happened to.'
He smiled as he muttered the quote, before glancing up at you, "Well, done, my love. And thank you." He spoke, before sliding the ring on his ring finger. "I might have to steal that."
"Absolutely," You chuckled softly, placing your hand on his, your ring shining next to his. "By all means."
Sirius intertwined your fingers with his, the two of you scooting close together, before falling back on the ground as you stared up at the sparkling lights of the tree above you. The two of you lay there enjoying each other's company in silence, only broken by the sound of crickets chirping and the occasional owl hooting somewhere in the distance. Wrapped tightly in each other's embrace, your fingers caressing the tattoos on his chest, your breathing slowly evened out; eyes drifting shut. The two of you quickly fell asleep under the Christmas tree.
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thatliminal-wanderer · 2 months
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Infected (Regretevator) ID Pack
Abby, Alex, Allie, Alyx, Andrew, Artemis, Aslan, Avril, Begonia, Betty, Blitz, Blossom, Bloxxer, Bloxxy, Brew, Byte, Calico, Caltrop, Camellia, Candy, Carssus, Cat, Caterina, Chad, Clary, Cougar, Diana, Dianthe, Dinah, Eglantine, Eliana, Elke, Eric, Fuchsia, Fuschia, Heather, Huong, Jada, Jadah, Jalajaa, Jynx, Kamelia, Kasper, Keasha, Lance, Leticia, Lien, Luna, Lynnae, Lynx, Mahlon, Martie, Midnight, Mimi, Mimose, Minerva, Mink, Myles, Nala, Paula, Peggy, Petunia, Pink, Pinkie, Pinkney, Pinkus, Pixel, Rajah, Ritchell, Rodney, Rora, Rory, Roseanne, Ryan, Rydell, Saber, Sabrina, Sakura, Sandhya, Savannah, Scott, Sharyn, Silver, Simba, Stephanie, Syd, Teuila, Tom, Vanessa, Xiloxoch, Zed, Zelie
be/berry/berries, blox/bloxes, bubble/gum/gums, cat/cats, co/cor/coral/corals, cold/colds, cough/coughs, dey/dem, digital/digitals, fe/fever/fevers, friendly/friendlys, fu/fuch/fuchs, fuch/fuchsia, fun/funs, germ/germs, gu/gum/gums, h3/h1m, ill/ills, kit/kitz, lu/blush/blushes, ma/gent/gents, meow/mews, mew/mews, paw/paws, pe/peach/peaches, pi/pink/pinks, pink/pinks, pixel/pixels, play/plays, purr/purrs, ro/rose/roses, ro/rouge/rouges, rose/roses, sal/mon/mons, sic/sick/sicks, ska/skate, skate/skates, ta/taf/taffy/taffies ,vi/vir/virs, vir/virus, xe/xem, 🌀/🌀s, 🌐/🌐s, 🍬/🍬s, 🎮/🎮s, 🐈‍⬛/🐈‍⬛s, 👾/👾s, 💻/💻s, 💽/💽s, 📳/📳s, 😷/😷s, 🛹/🛹s, 🦠/🦠s, 🧪/🧪s, 🩷/🩷s
Scene Robloxian, Skater/Gamer Adorned in Pink, The Gamer/Skater Who Doesn’t Feel Sick, The One Infected by Scenecore, The One Who Misses [prn] Cat, The One With an Unknown Illness, The Scene Skater, The Sick Robloxian, The Sickly Skater/Gamer, [prn] That Loves To Game/Skate, [prn] Who Speaks in Leet Speak, [prn] Who is Sick
Adoptmecatgender, Arcadegender, Blackcatplushic, Catgender, Gendergross, Grosscat, Infectedgender, Kandistimmic, Neonarcadix, PIINboy, Pinkaesic, Pinkgender, Pinkinjection, Pinkpresentic, Pinkpufflecharic, Robloxgender, Sceneartcoric, Scenecoricatgen, Scenecoric, Scenecringic, Sicillic, Sickboyic/Sickgirlic, Sickcute, Sickgender, Sillifelin, Skaterboybodiment, Viruslexic
Other MOGAI:
Blackcatpaldernic, Cat Omninoun, Neoncolperspesque, Pink Diffiden, Pink Omninoun, Pinkperspesque, Playfulintent, Regretevatorhearthic, Rocharicvior, Scemoperspesque, Scenevesil, Sickaldernic
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thechamberofcanon · 1 month
How We Bloom
[[I want this to be the start of something longer...but this is my first toe-dip attempt at fanfic bravery...]]
Hannah Longbottom stands in front of the massive mahogany doors of the Hogwarts infirmary as Headmistress McGonagall sets the wing’s iron ring of ancient keys into her palm. Her former teacher meets Hannah’s eyes and gives a crisp nod and says, “I leave it in your care.” 
Their hands press together for a moment, and McGonagall’s face warms into an expression more lovely than a smile as she gazes at Hannah. “And I am very grateful.”
There is a snap. McGonagall whips her head to Neville and his camera. “You’ve taken two rolls of film. That’s quite enough.” 
“Oh, but--just one more, Minerva, hold on, I need to wind the dialy-thing--wait--the flash just went off, bugger…” 
McGonagall squints at him; she lets out a loud exhale as she turns on her heel and strides away down the hall. Over her shoulder, she calls back, “I will see you both at the Minister’s luncheon.”
Hannah had attended the luncheon in the past as Neville’s guest, but now, this is hers, too. She is an integral part of the Ministry’s new approach to British wizarding education. She is trusted to do all of this. 
She trusts herself. 
She looks at Neville who is tapping at the camera with a slightly baffled expression on his face before shrugging and tucking it back in his leather rucksack. His eyes find her, and he smiles, so effervescent that it fills her belly with a happy fizz. When he smiles like that, he’s so handsome that it’s hard to look at him, the dazzling bright light of him, and process that he’s real (and hers). He is so different from the boy she met over two decades before. He grew into his body; he grew into everything. 
Neville didn’t like the term “late bloomer,” however. He had first told her when they were twenty, eating another dinner together in the post-midnight gloom of the Leaky Cauldron after one of his long auror shifts, in the shadowed heart of one of Hannah’s turns as the night manager. (Oh, but why did she start staffing those late night stretches herself, was it really to spare her employees? Why did they start after Neville volunteered for the 16:00-24:00, hmm?) She couldn’t remember how the conversation started, but it eventually meandered to that phrase, late bloomer, and Neville said that every plant blooms in its own time. It’s the folks around it, whinging about how its timeline is wrong. 
“And it’s not,” he had said, finishing the last of his sandwich and picking up his soup spoon again. “We’re just impatient. We’re being so unfair, imposing what we want to happen versus just--letting it be in its own time.” He pressed forward against the bar. “A mimbus only blooms after a minimum of ten years, and that’s only when it feels the need. Which could be fifty years later, or it could be never, you don’t know. That’s what makes it so special, when its time arrives. The time it chooses.”
Hannah tried to fight the grin spreading on her face. “Or he.”
Neville blushed. “I wasn’t speaking metaphorically.”
She bit her lips together to smother that smile.
“It’s not a metaphor! C’mon, I wasn’t talking about me! I was talking about plants.”
“Wait, you’re not a plant?” she said, finally succumbing to the giggles. “Oh, no, you’re just obsessed with plants, huge difference.”
He began laughing, too, picking up his napkin and covering his crimson face for a moment before tossing it at Hannah. “Maybe I was talking about you! Yeah? It could be about you, too!”
She caught it and tossed it back. “You’re a nut. All of that running after bad guys made you goofy tonight.”
He grabbed it in mid-air, growing serious in the time it took to lay it back in his lap. “I feel like…it’s important to say that I also hate the idea of a ‘late bloomer’ because it kinda makes us forget that, like…that blossoming isn't a singular, solitary thing. That quote-unquote 'late' blossom wasn’t alone, yeah, say, that gardenia or rose you’re holding, it came from a bush or a tree with loads of other blossoms which are different and in different places and--just--different. It’s not just one way you get to bloom.”
Hannah realized she had been holding her breath. “Ar-are you talking about me? Because I--I dunno. Exactly…what…”
Neville hesitated as he held her eyes in his gaze. “Well. If you think you see yourself in that…wouldn’t it make sense? Think about your journey, just here at the Leaky, yeah? You started here as a server, right, for a while during that year you came home. That and help Tom as a hostess. You thought you were going to be doing that forever, and here you are, after less than two years full-time, and you’re now the owner, you're bloody managing the place. Think of how many flowers those are, how much you’ve done...” His face had started to lose its flush, but it erupted again in crimson splotches on either cheek. He seemed to stammer silently before he added, “I’m so grateful we’ve gotten--closer, so I’ve been able to see some of them, and I’m jus’ so excited to wait and see how you bloom—blossom, uh, flower-um--sorry,” he said, closing his eyes. “‘Flowering’ sounds rude and maybe a little pervy, blast—“
He huffed out a breath; his face was now nearly maroon. “See, this is why I hate the metaphor! It’s--it’s--clunky, you probably h--” 
“I loved it.” Her cheeks were so warm, her skin was uncomfortable with the burn of heat. Hannah couldn’t bear to look up at him; she investigated the nicks in the bar with her thumbnail. “I want to think…I have more seasons in me, still.”
Neville’s smile was loose with awe. “See, you just changed the metaphor’s meaning, that’s--it’s beautiful, Han. You’re...” He stared at her, slightly unfocused as his gaze fluttered down from her eyes--once, twice. Where was he looking— The little nudge of the tip of his tongue became visible as darted it out to moisten his lips as he took in a deep, sharp suck of an exhale. His hands tightened on the bar as if to prepare for bracing himself into a stand--no, to start a lean far over the bar to meet her. 
She held her breath again as he incrementally closed the distance between them. 
She wondered if this is how it felt to be a rose bud right before the moment it opened to the world. 
Then his face rippled in a wave of panic as he darted his eyes from her face down to the large bowl that sat directly between them on the bar counter, where his tie was currently drooping into the potato soup, and he froze, looking dazed and horrified, staring at the tie in disbelief.
He thunked into his seat, quietly cursing as he frantically tried to clean the thick coat of soup from his tie with his napkin. She stood, lingering in a horrible, skin-prickling silence until a drunk couple tumbled into the pub, slurring a loud request for nightcaps before heading up to their room. 
Hannah was so relieved they had come in, she gave them their drinks for free. 
This was the third time she was certain Neville was about to kiss her, and the third time it had imploded. The first happened a year ago on the roof of the Leaky over countless shots of Vampire Vodka where they had talked about--well, their bodies, how much their bodies had changed over the past few years to become, ug, fit and handling the strange-sour taste that lingered in their mouths with every kiss they received from admirers who would have been blind--at best--to them before. The way he had been staring at her…
Then six months before, in the midst of a giggle fit that left them both gasping (over what? Was it about…maybe mandrakes, their teenage phase and the acne! How was that not hilarious!), he had tucked back her hair--but the crash of Hagrid and Mundungus and a few of their unsavory friends entering the pub making them spring back like anxious coils, and then--yes, then, Hagrid mentioned Tom, wanted to drink to her great-grandfather Tom, boomed about how lovely Tom’s funeral had been the week before...and…well. That ended that.
Third time, it was in the dawn hours following one of the Grimmauld Place  bashes that Seamus and Ron continually cajoled into existence, this particular excuse being a birthday to-do for the Patil twins in early March, two months before. Hannah, booze headache splitting open her temples, rolling over in a giant bed--Neville’s bed, he had put her in his bed--to take in the solid and expectant expanse of him drinking her in, and the long stretch of time staring at each other in the dappled light of the sunrise, of shifting closer to each other, looking, shifting, looking, shifting--
And startling back at the clumsy noise of the Gryffindor roommates and a few unknown others in the corridor, moaning about the hot water going out again. Bringing Neville back to a reality where he didn't reach for her but instead dutifully sat up and went to solve the problem.
Now tonight, with the soup--
At what point, does it move from bad timing to out of time? Third time is a charm, the saying goes. What’s a fourth spoiled chance? 
Just over, she reckoned. 
She went to bed that night, both convinced things would never happen with Neville…but as her brain ordered her to kill off that dream (he’s not interested, it’s over), it just couldn’t make quiet that voice in her that was starting to whisper, a bit louder every time: I have more than one season in me. I am just beginning to bloom.
And in a sigh under that: Why can’t I bloom with him tending to my garden, too?
  It didn’t start with him, how she got here with the keys to the castle in her hand, but the path changed when it went from hers alone to theirs. Starting that night with the whispering in her head; exploding into reality the night his lips finally met hers. See, she figures that if third time's a charm and fourth time's a failure, then the fifth is a leap of faith. Into faith, into his arms. They make their journey one step at a time, together. 
He slips his hand in with hers, fingers lacing, his forefinger and thumb meeting in a circle, pulsing a little squeeze before rubbing his thumb up and down hers a few times. She nods a few times, presses a kiss against the hard frame of his cheekbone, and looks from him to--ahead.
Hannah and Neville walk inside.
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jomiddlemarch · 4 months
While You Were Sleeping
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Hermione took a deep breath. The breeze that came through the open windows smelled of both night-blooming jasmine and cherry Bakewell tarts, at least to her, though she wasn’t about to ask his opinion. Before she glanced across the room again, she remembered standing in the office at the Ministry with the Head of International and Interspecies Diplomacy, the way her robes had just grazed the ground because the Hemming charm was finally working properly, the glow she’d felt when Godiva Canon-Crisparkle had announced Hermione had been specially requested for the assignment and that Chief Canon-Crisparkle expected that once again, Hermione would live up to her informal title as Brightest Witch of Her Age (a title Hermione rather loathed, but had to put up with as otherwise she seemed to be either sneeringly dismissive or falsely and sickeningly humble) and conduct herself in such a way as to bring further honor and glory to the Ministry and also lock down the trading rights, embassy site, and the official and magically notarized alliance with the Eguzkiko. Hermione had nodded smartly, acquiesced as graciously as she could when told she would be accompanied by a member of the Ministry legal department, and screamed silently when she was told who it would be.
Draco Malfoy.
Correction: Draco Black Malfoy, Esq.
(Part of the silent scream was triggered by the fact of his training and employment in Legal, when she’d pegged him as Potions or an Architect, either of which she could have accepted better given his past and family background and his decision shortly after his father was sent to Azkaban to feature his mother’s family name as the heir to the House of Black. This, however, was not new information, only data she had been struggling to accept for the past fifteen years.)
(Ginny and Padma had a theory to account for the remainder of the silent scream, but it was one Hermione categorically refused to entertain, even when Luna asked if she would entertain it non-categorically and how exactly would that be different? There was a second silent scream at the combination of frustration of only getting challenged by Ravenclaws at this late date in her life when years to dealing with Harry, Ron, and occasionally stubborn Neville had left her ill-equipped for actual debate.)
Still, the key bit was that she’d been able to hold her tongue and appear to keep her temper and channeled the string of obscenities and full body tantruming she wanted to indulge in into preparing most thoroughly for the mission, though the relative lack of information on Euskara left some holes which Hermione had to hope were not gaping. She altered her trusted blue beaded bag to appear as a slim chocolate leather portfolio and agreed to pack a swimsuit and some actual cotton nighties rather than relying on Transfiguration, since her Transfigured clothes were never cut quite as well as she liked, rather what Ginny flat-out described as dowdy enough for that cow Umbridge. 
She spent a week brushing up on language charms, stocked up on coconut oil conditioner at Boots, and accepted the bottle of Glenmorangie that Minerva pressed on her during their monthly tea. She’d planned to use it as a guest-gift it that suited the mores of the Eguzkiko but she found herself reconsidering, given the its utility in becoming black-out drunk. 
She looked across the suite at the wide bed with its plump embroidered pillows, its billowing linen curtains tied to each post, the nosegay of blossoms overflowing a small vase on the bedside table.
The singular bed.
She breathed in slowly through her nose, counted to five. 
There was only one bed.
“There’s only one bed,” she announced, sounding half-strangled to herself. Draco Black Malfoy, Esq. had an impassive expression, so she couldn’t tell if she sounded half-strangled to him or whether he didn’t care or whether he was losing his aristocratic shite in the most stiff upper lip Pureblood manner.
“Yes,” he replied. “Only one. They must have made some assumptions about us—"
“Why?” she said. “Why can’t you simply Transfigure a second bed? It doesn’t have to be another one like that, a cot would do—”
“Didn’t you read the brief, Madam Granger?” he asked. He used her formal title, which was a vast improvement over both Mudblood and you, which were the only other ways she could recall hearing him address her. He still sounded entirely superior.
“I did but do go on,” she said. “I can tell you’re simply dying to.”
“It would be the height of bad manners to Transfigure anything in this suite. Everything here has been specially chosen and conveys the regard of the Eguzkiko. Furthermore, they have a prohibition on using magic in the bedchamber. And finally, I don’t think you want to begin your talks by telling them they have made a grave error about the nature of our relationship. It was indicated that anything construed as a significant loss of face would very likely not be surmountable,” he explained. He smiled and it wasn’t as snide as it could have been. It wasn’t a smirk. She knew his smirks of old. This was something else, an expression she couldn’t say she’d seen before on an adult man, let alone Draco Black Malfoy. “You are the diplomat here, not I.”
“Yes, well, that’s obvious,” she huffed. 
“Indeed?” he said, more civilly than she would have expected.
“You had to rub it in, about the brief and the rest of it,” Hermione said, glossing over his assessment that the Eguzkiko saw them as bedfellows, married or otherwise engaged to each other. “A diplomat isn’t trying to take every chance they can to assert their dominance and make the other person embarrassed. For the record, I don’t feel embarrassed, just annoyed.”
“I wasn’t—that is, I didn’t intend to,” he said. His cheeks were faintly pink. He was…flustered? Irritated? Apologetic?
“Forget it,” she interrupted. “What we really need to do is decide what we’re going to do about that,” she pointed to the bed.
“You may take the side closer to the bath,” Draco said, raising an eyebrow when her mouth dropped open. “Did you think I was going to offer to sleep on the floor for the next month and a half?”
“A gentleman would,” she said. Might. And then she would have waved her hand and said it didn’t matter, they were both adults and colleagues and would have had the upper hand (previously waved) and the moral high ground and he would be the one feeling…wobbly. The rosiness in his cheeks had disappeared as if it had never been present and she’d hallucinated it. She would have preferred hallucinating the single bed.
“But Madam Granger, I am a Wizard and a barrister. Neither qualifies me as a gentleman,” he replied, smiling again, a little wry, amused. Attractive, if she could forget he was Draco Sodding Black Bloody Malfoy, Esquire Thorn In Her Side. 
“Don’t hog the blankets,” she said, walking around to what was now her side of the bed. It was nicer to be close to the bath and it put him nearer to the door, which was the defensive position in the room. Much good that would do them, as they couldn’t use their wands or even do wandless magic and also, they were being welcomed as a diplomatic party and shouldn’t have to anticipate intruders or rogue Death Eater sympathizers. She set her portfolio down. Ordinarily, she would unpack, hang up some robes, arrange her shoes in a row in the wardrobe, but that seemed too personal with Draco standing there watching her. 
“Of course not,” he said. “I hope you don’t snore, as I won’t be able to cast Quietus or Septum Stabilis—”
“I don’t,” she snapped.
“Weasley would have complained, I gather,” Draco said. It was clear he relished a chance to disparage Ron, even at a slight remove.
“He wouldn’t dare. He spent most of that time on the run on the run from Harry and me,” Hermione said. Draco’s brow furrowed in a more appealing confusion. “When we were hunting Horcruxes, Ron scarpered off. Harry never said I made any noise at night, said he sometimes checked on me to make sure I was alive. Lavender and Parvati never mentioned anything when we shared a room at Hogwarts and they had plenty to say about my hair. I think you’re safe.”
“I very much doubt that,” Draco said under his breath. Approximately. She didn’t have especially good hearing and she heard him, just as she was supposed to.
“You have appropriate pyjamas?” Hermione said, preparing to send him off to fetch some, preferably in a dull plaid, as every other color seemed like it would set his grey eyes and fair hair to perfection. She regretted the dressing gown she’d brought, thinking no one would see it but herself.
“I came prepared for every eventuality, Madam Granger,” he said. It sounded like he didn’t regularly sleep in pyjamas then. She would not think about Draco Black Malfoy naked in her bed. She would not.
She did and sighed. He noticed. Misconstrued.
“Perhaps it won’t be so bad,” he said. “We’ll likely be knackered by long days of negotiation, all the visiting and meetings that are required—we’ll probably drop off instantly and the bed is big. You won’t even know I’m in it—”
“I’ll know,” she said, shrugged. “I’ve survived worse.”
“I know,” he said softly.
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teecupangel · 1 year
'Brotherhood' Era DesmondxClaudia, where Claudia slowly falls in love with Desmond, who she thinks is just one of her brother's assassin's, and realizes he isn't when she's inducted and he's not at the ceremony. Ezio says the whole Brotherhood is present, so who is she talking about? Ezio realizes she meant the 'rogue' they've been trying to capture and question for months. She doesn't believe Desmond is 'bad' just not willing to talk to Ezio.
I feel like, in this scenario, it would be Machiavelli who thinks Desmond is ‘bad’ and it’s not that he’s necessarily evil but he’s dangerous because they don’t know who he is or what his end goal is. Ezio is much more reserve because he sees Desmond as more of a loner than anything else and he wants to talk to him because they need to find out who he is for everyone’s safety including Desmond’s own but Claudia equates it to the both of them thinking Desmond is ‘bad’.
So, what does Claudia do?
She hunts for Desmond herself and tries to get him to talk to Ezio to clear all these up because she knows her brother would understand if he knows the truth.
Desmond is reluctant because:
It’s Ezio and Desmond is not ready (might never be ready) for the whole ‘hey, Ezio, I’m the Desmond you’re looking for and, oh yeah, I died. BUT I did save the world so… yeeeyy???”
He’s still on the fence if he should actually intervene with what is meant to happen. He could only do little stuff (like take down Borgia strongholds and stuff) since he expect those won’t affect the timeline but meeting Ezio would definitely do and…
He just got over the panic of realizing he’s in love with Claudia Auditore and he’s still not sure what to do with that. Claudia being here is not helping his whole ‘stay away from future events’ thing.
Claudia doesn't push it and they start meeting in secret, their relationship blossoming as they continue to talk. Mostly about nothing important, just getting to know one another although there are times when Desmond teaches Claudia a trick or two.
Finally, Desmond agrees to Claudia’s request for Desmond to finally meet Ezio (and Maria) because Desmond is weak for her and he reluctantly joins her back to Tiber Island.
When he gets there, all the things he was worried about, especially Ezio’s reaction to him being the Desmond Minerva had been talking about, fly out of the window because Ezio is more focused on the fact that Claudia introduced him as her fiance and Desmond is both “OH! That’s what she was talking about? I thought we were just going to live together. I should get a ring!” and “aaaww, shit, Ezio’s going to interrogate me for a different more terrifying reason.”
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simspaghetti · 5 months
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Minerva wanted to skip school, so welcome to her big day off!
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gsminerva · 1 year
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Commission for Wanda92 on Deviantart.
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tamarackbaumann · 11 months
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Descriptions under cut!
Mai Hong Lee:
Mai Hong is anxiety incarnate; they worry over everything and anything. They just want to make a good first impression bc they’ve never had close friends, but more often than not they overthink on what to say and end up missing their chance or talk themselves out of things. Tamarack and Qiu’s insistent and unwavering personalities absolutely obliterate this wall tho.
I made Mai spring themed to emphasize how out of place they are in the autumn setting of Golden Grove. In Vietnamese, “Mai” is means “plum blossom” (to reference the plum color hair they share with their mom) and “Hồng” means “pink/rosy” (to reference their eyes and plum blossoms).
Since Mai is Vietnamese, they call their mom “Mẹ” (pronounced “meh”).
When Mai first met Qiu, they thought they were going to get arrested for trespassing on his backyard. And when they first met Tamarack, they screamed so loudly when she popped out of the leaf pile that Qiu also yelled (mostly bc he was surprised how loud they could scream).
Mai tends to be a literal thinker and quite reasonable for her age. It tends to make her a bit of a wet blanket though (another reason she’s never been popular), so she keeps quiet about how she feels. But she’s also very observant and considerate with a good memory, so she does very well in schoolwork.
On school their first day of new school, when Mrs. Murray called them for roll call, they froze up trying to decide how they should say hello. When Qiu and Tamarack both very publicly spoke up for them, they were frozen again from mortification and embarrassment, but also from being so moved they’d defend her like that.
To help calm her anxiety, Mai’s mom has taught her to describe the things around her in deep detail. Bc of this they’re really good at describing and explaining things to people.
Mai likes to draw, it’s very meditative for them! When they grow up, they would probably become a scientific illustrator, mostly drawing plants.
Mai’s bandaid on their nose from from an incident from her last school! There was a girl who would go out of her way to hang out with Mai, but also talk down to her and make Mai do everything for her. She was like Mai’s personal bully, but also her only friend so they never spoke up or retaliated against her. On Mai’s last day at school, the girl had sneaked a pair of adult scissors from the teacher’s desk to use for a craft the class was doing. The girl and another student got into a fight about her using the scissors, and the girl yanked away the scissors to keep the other student from taking them. Mai, who was standing quietly behind the girl trying to decide what to do, was slashed across the nose on accident. It was a small but deep cut, and Mai started bleeding very quickly. Both of their parents were called down, and Mai thought about how she should probably feel good now that this girl has gotten in big trouble for hurting them. But when the girl’s mother arrived, Mai saw her mom fly into a rage and yell and berate her heavily, and they just couldn’t feel anything but sad for her. The girl said sorry to her and Mai said it was okay, and that was the last time she ever saw or talked to her.
Former friendless kid with a love of learning (especially science) and skateboarding. Once she's older, she ends up becoming a full-on punk. (minerva art by jadesnap, on tumblr!)
+ bonus essay link!
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saintsenara · 4 months
I am living for the rare pair asks and answers!!! Break it down for me (any or all, your choice)!: Viktor Krum and Ron, Snape and McGonagall, Trelawney and Umbridge!
thank you so much for the ask, @nanneramma - three absolutely top-tier choices here.
viktor krum/ron weasley
listen... unrequited kron is quite literally canon. ron wanted krum to sleep in his bed [come on, king, have some chill], kept a little model of him on his bedside table [and then snapped it when krum had the temerity to fancy someone else], and just generally had such little idea about what to do with his hitherto untapped bisexuality that his embarrassing behaviour made everyone within a ten-mile radius profoundly uncomfortable.
do i think krum would be into it...? yes.
as he says to harry at bill and fleur's wedding, one of the perks of being an international quidditch star is the opportunity to nail your fans. finding a fan who's as enthusiastic as ron would undoubtedly be about this scenario is like hitting the jackpot.
minerva mcgonagall/severus snape
a genuine obsession - sustained by every single fic @kellychambliss has ever written about the two.
firstly because i’m an equal-opportunity age-gap fan, and there is far too little older woman/younger man in the fandom, but also because i’m a huge fan of the fanon that snape and mcgonagall are friends prior to dumbledore’s death - i’m not sure it’s canonically plausible, but who gives a fuck - and i like the idea of that blossoming into something more, especially in fics where snape survives the second war. after all, he is a man who definitely needs to be treated quite strictly [and i don’t just mean in the staff room], there's a shared loneliness and grief to them both, they’re intellectual equals despite the age gap, and bickering about quidditch is absolutely fine as a method of foreplay.
plus, you can’t tell me dumbledore’s portrait doesn’t ship it.
sybill trelawney/dolores umbridge
well, they've obviously got the "enemies" part of "enemies-to-lovers" nailed [behave].
but, actually, i'm not sure i back it. the thing that's really interesting about trelawney is that she's clearly very aware that the face she presents to the world is a work of fiction - she knows, absolutely, that she's not really a good seer, that her colleagues think she's weird and off-putting, and so on - and i think that the insecurity she feels about this and the affect it must have on her relationships is a really fascinating thing to work through in both platonic and romantic ships which feature her.
umbridge, on other hand, also lives - essentially - in character at all times, but believes she's entirely right to do so. she's never letting go of her righteousness enough to give a crap about poor sybill, I fear.
[my fave trelawney rare pair? her with rita skeeter, who does have the 'being well aware you're a fraud' vibe. my fave with umbridge? her with prison.]
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holy-corpses · 9 months
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{Before you interact please read my dni!}
Gender neutral, fem, and masc fairycore names! :]
🍄 Adabelle
🍄 Adele
🍄 Adia
🍄 Airlia
🍄 Alice
🍄 Ailee
🍄 Alisa
🍄 Alivia
🍄 Alaska
🍄 Amara
🍄 Angelina
🍄 Anne
🍄 April
🍄 Asa
🍄 Aven
🍄 Beau
🍄 Bella
🍄 Bennett
🍄 Benjamin
🍄 Birdie
🍄 Blossom
🍄 Boheme
🍄 Brooke
🍄 Brucie
🍄 Caleb
🍄 Celia
🍄 Chy
🍄 Daffodil
🍄 Dahlia
🍄 Daisy
🍄 Dawn
🍄 Delilah
🍄 Della
🍄 Dew
🍄 Doe
🍄 Elliot
🍄 Elowen
🍄 Elvina
🍄 Emma
🍄 Esme
🍄 Eve
🍄 Everly
🍄 Evony
🍄 Fable
🍄 Fawn
🍄 Faye
🍄 Fayme
🍄 Fleur
🍄 Flori
🍄 Free
🍄 Galen
🍄 Gardenia
🍄 Gavino
🍄 Georgia
🍄 Gianna
🍄 Gina
🍄 Halden
🍄 Harmon
🍄 Heather
🍄 Helen
🍄 Holly
🍄 Hugh
🍄 Hutton
🍄 Icarus
🍄 Ira
🍄 Isaiah
🍄 Ivette
🍄 Jackie
🍄 Jael
🍄 James
🍄 Javen
🍄 Joah
🍄 Journey
🍄 Jules
🍄 Julian
🍄 Julie
🍄 Laramie
🍄 Lilac
🍄 Lilah
🍄 Lily
🍄 Linus
🍄 Livia
🍄 Luca
🍄 Lulu
🍄 Mae
🍄 Marceline
🍄 Marlowe
🍄 Melanie
🍄 Melody
🍄 Micah
🍄 Minerva
🍄 Misty
🍄 Ophelia
🍄 Paloma
🍄 Pearl
🍄 Phillip
🍄 Poe
🍄 Posy
🍄 Quinlan
🍄 Rainey
🍄 Remy
🍄 Rihanna
🍄 Rhodie
🍄 Rosette
🍄 Rosie
🍄 Sabina
🍄 Sacha
🍄 Saina
🍄 Serenity
🍄 Sofie
🍄 Sophie
🍄 Susie
🍄 Sylvie
🍄 Teddy
🍄 Trinity
🍄 Tulip
🍄 Wes
🍄 William
🍄 Winnie
🍄 Wisteria
🍄 Zoe
Requests are currently open! Feel free to send in one if you want! :]
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eddysocs · 6 months
The Reading Nook (Minerva McGonagall x OC)
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Summary: Cecily and Minerva spend a quiet night in together participating in one of their favorite pastimes; reading.
Word Count: 412
Warnings: Pure fluff
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Minerva sat in the newly furnished reading nook, nestled beside the warm, crackling fireplace, a cup of tea in hand. The room was adorned with plush armchairs and shelves upon shelves of books, both magical and muggle alike. Her green eyes twinkled with the dancing flames as she picked up a book and waited for Cecily to return from the shops.
Not but a moment later, Cecily entered the room with a pile of muggle books in her arms. Her eyes lit up with excitement as she noticed Minerva, who looked up from her book and gave her a soft smile. The love that had blossomed between them was a secret to most at Hogwarts, but not here. This was their sanctuary.
"Minerva, you wouldn't believe what I found at a muggle bookstore in London," Cecily exclaimed, setting the stack of books on the coffee table.
Minerva raised an eyebrow playfully. "I'm sure I'll be pleasantly surprised. What did you get this time, my dear?"
"I have here a collection of muggle poetry and a novel about a magical love story in the muggle world. I think I’ll start that one tonight."
"That sounds delightful." Minerva patted the open spot beside her, and Cecily shrugged off her cardigan, hanging it on the hook before joining her. They then settled together onto the sofa, Cecily taking the spot on Minerva's left, resting her head on Minerva's shoulder.
As they read, Minerva couldn't help but steal glances at Cecily. Her heart swelled with affection for this extraordinary woman who had brought a touch of the muggle world into her life. The way Cecily's eyes danced over the words, and how her fingers delicately turned the pages, enchanted Minerva in a way that even magic couldn't explain.
After a few hours, they set the books aside, sipping on their cooling tea. Cecily's fingers intertwined with Minerva's as they sat in contented silence, appreciating the comfort of each other's presence.
"You know, Minnie," Cecily began softly, "I like evenings like this."
Minerva turned to kiss Cecily's forehead. "I do too. Reminds me of more carefree times."
Cecily's eyes glistened with tears of happiness. "I love you, Minerva."
"I love you too, Cecily."
And so, in the warmth of their cozy reading nook, surrounded by books and love, Minerva and Cecily tucked in for the night, reading until their eyes were too tired to see the words in front of them and they drifted off to sleep.
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Forever Tag: @arrthurpendragon, @baubeautyandthegeek, @foxesandmagic, @carmens-garden, @bossyladies, @getawaycardotmp3, @misshiraethsworld, @kmc1989, @curious-kittens-ocs, @fanficanatic-tw
Cecily Griffins: @madebyleftovermuses, @freshmoneyalmondathlete, @dollvi3e
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