#Maybe one day I’ll have to find time to change it to cyclops….
epicthemusicalstuff · 2 months
I love that you change your pfp to the newest sagas pics <33
Thanks!!!! I absolutely love all the cover art, and I mean, I am a blog about Epic! What better profile picture to have!!!
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Cartoon Network Friday Spotlight- X-Men: Evolution- “Day of Reckoning”
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I’ve mentioned earlier that I’ve always been more of a Marvel fan than DC, but there are slimmer pickings for Marvel series on Cartoon Network. I did a spotlight on the 60′s Fantastic Four cartoon, which was a bit of a staple during the channel’s early Hanna-Barbera oriented days, but another series that I recall being a regular feature on CN was X-Men: Evolution.
The series was a part of the Kids WB! lineup in the early 2000′s, even airing concurrently with Batman Beyond, which wasn’t the first time an X-Men and Batman series aired in the same lineup. Like most of the Kids WB! block, both series would find its way on Cartoon Network for a period of time. But while the 90′s series was more of a faithful adaptation, taking the characters more or less exactly as is from the comics at the time, Evolution went for more of a respectful retcon direction, aging down most of the characters. Wolverine and Storm were still adults, and would be teacher’s at Xavier’s School for the Gifted, while Cyclops and Jean Grey were upperclassmen at the high school the students would be duel-enrolled in. They would be mentors to the younger members, with notable mutants such as Nightcrawler, Kitty Pryde, and Spike, Storm’s nephew who was made exclusively for the series as the focus.
I really dug Evolution when it was new, but I’ll be honest and say that I find it slightly more annoying than I remembered at the time. Teenagers can honestly be pretty damn annoying, but to be fair, the angst this series focuses on takes a lot of precedent from the comics, notably New Mutants, which is a notable influence on this show. But it can still be an effective show, like in the two-part season 2 finale.
We have a couple of things going on here. On one hand, Magneto is planning a war between humans and mutants, and is building a new team to help start it. Mystique and the Brotherhood are against this, and come to the X-Men to team up to stop Magneto, which team leader Cyclops is initially against, before giving in. But at the same time, Wolverine is kidnapped by a new enemy, Bolivar Trask, who wants to exterminate mutants and intends to show off his new invention, the Sentinels.
The first episode is build-up to an intense battle in the second, one which leads into some crazy twists that prep us for an equally intense second half of the series. There’s a lot to take in here, maybe too much, but I think it’s worthwhile. Not quite on par with what Bruce Timm and co were doing with DC at the time (okay, this probably is better than most of the first season of Justice League), but it’s cool to come back to this series and see what super hero cartoons were like at the time, and how they can still appeal today. Action cartoons have changed. In some ways good, but I do miss this kind of series. 
But hey, if you haven’t seen Invincible yet, I do recommend it. Consider that like an R-Rated DCAU series.
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olympusgenius · 3 years
A nostalgic day
Inspired by some artworks of Hephaestus by Gomtang
Since he remembers, there was only a person who Hephaestus loved deeply like nobody else, the lady who raised him like her own son, he loves his guildmates as the family he never had, but he's very shy to say it in public, but his mother was the most important person in his life...until he met that young man with his dear mother's soul in him, in his mind there was a constant idea ...what if he could have done something to help his mother to don't go away from him like that time....
Heph was somewhat sad all the time, but that day in particular, he was more deppressed than ever.
His guildmates and brothers were worried for him when he neither wanted to go to his classes at college or work in his proyects that day...he didn't feel like do anything, just stay alone...Amatsumara was comprehensive with him and asks to the other crafters to leave him like that, that this happens to many people all the time, he just needs time to himself...Talos, his android stayed in the workshop to watch him and assist him in anything he would need.
After a long day, Hephaestus takes a warm shower, but the only thing he does after open the faucet is sit down in the tub in curl up position and let the shower soaks his large physique, he started to cry and let his tears fall with the water from the shower, crying for his beloved mother and the unknown reason why he left him behind.
Talos tried to cheer him up in many ways, cooking his favorite meals, suggesting to watch his favorite shows and movies, play his favorite videogames, make a comedy routine to him, even dance like a puppet, even when Talos has a little phobia for puppets, but his efforts were fruitless and was feeling disheartened.
Heph comes out from the bathroom to his bedroom, he lies in his bed and sighs heavily until a sound chimes, it was his phone ringing with a special tone he programmed to ring when a certain person calls, he takes his phone and answers shyly.
It was Jutaro, his lover...and the vessel of his mother's soul, the young man sounded sad, this changed Hephaestus' deppressed demeanor to an alarmed state.
"Mama?...h-how are you?...why you call me?...something happened?
"no, nothing happened...is just...I don't know why, but I was feeling sad all this day...and I though maybe hear your voice would cheer me a little...did I interrupt you? You may be busy now... "
"N-No...no...I'm in my bedroom now...I was feeling sad today too...I think is because this day...coincides with the last day I passed with Mama...I remember it everyday, and it makes me feel useless because my efforts to stop her from go away were fruitless..."
Hephaestus starts to cry again, but Jutaro's voice tries to console him
"Heph...if doesn't matters, can you tell me how was that day?..."
Hephaestus gets shocked by the summoner's question, but decides to tell him that memory.
It was a warm day, a redhead boy was working with some tools in his hands finishing his personal proyect, a cyclop watches him carefully until the boy stops.
"It's done, master...I finished"
"let's see, little one"
The cyclop takes the steel legs and checks them meticuosly until he express his final veredict.
"perfect...these legs...are perfect, neither I could done something like these before, even the Pantheon in Olympus would be amazed...well, is time to you to try them"
The cyclop help the young Hephaestus to take off his wooden legs and put on him the legs his apprentice made, Heph was getting used to them in a matter of few seconds, his steel legs moved like real legs, even the toes wiggle with Hephaestus' wish.
"You must be careful little one, you may be have some difficulties, mostly running slower than you wished..."
"I-I'll have care, master, and thank you, I cannot wait to show them to Mama..."
The boy runs through the town until reaches the coastline where he sees his mother, a lady with silver hair and white skin with some scars, she was netfishing until she sees her son running.
"Mama! I'm home!"
"Hephy...have care while you run...wait...where you get those legs?"
"I made them, Mama...A-aren't pretty? Now I can walk better and run faster ...well a little faster"
The boy was excited while he shows his legs to his mother, the lady smiles to him with love and pats his head.
"are pretty legs honey! how about I make our favorite meal to celebrate this?"
After they dine, both watch the stars twinkling while the boy falls sleep with the sound of waves along with the lullaby his mother was singing to him that night.
At sunrise, Hephaestus wakes up and notices his mother was walking toward the sea, he asks her where she goes, but he doesn't get an answer, he stands up from the sand and tries to reach her, but the lady was getting deeper in the water.
"M-Mama! Where are you going?! Did I do something wrong?! If I did do something to make you angry, p-punish me! I promise I will be a good boy! Please don't go Mama!"
The lady keeps getting deeper into the ocean, but before go away, she tells him a heartful and sad last message while the ocean waves are getting stronger keeping her out of reach to Hephaestus.
"I'm sorry Hephy, but I must leave you now...I don't want to leave you...but I must do it...great things are awaiting for you in future...remember...you always will be my little sun..."
She disappears between the waves until the sea gets calm again... Hephaestus disheartened, he stays seated over his knees in the sand and cries for his mother louder than ever
-end of flashback-
Hephaestus was trembling telling that memory, then he hears the summoner's voice sobbing.
"I'm sorry...I'm very sorry...It had to be very hard to you have to deal with that...if I could do something for you..."
"I'm s-sorry for make you cry, Mama...it wasn't my intention...I just..."
The crafter still sobs, but Jutaro interrupts him.
"It's ok, at least...both could vent out our feelings, right?"
"I-I guess so..."
"hey, maybe is nothing, but the golden week starts tomorrow...how about we spend all day together...is it ok to you?..."
Hear that idea from him makes Hephaestus happy and blushes, at least enough to stop being deppressed.
"that...would be nice, Mama...and what you want to do t-tomorrow?
"anything you want...it will be fun while we do it together..."
Hephaestus blushes more and his flame gets red and bright, after both say good bye, he comes out from the bed and get something to eat, but after open his bedroom's door he sees his guildmates were listening his conversation.
"W-what are you doing here?! Did you hear my conversation!?"
Suddenly, he was enveloped by a group hug, his adoptive brothers and grandfather were sobbing in a funny way, then Amatsumara starts to talk with him while he pats Hephaestus' head.
"we may not be like your mama, but we love you as family...just try to open yourself a little more to us!"
"that was so sad, Heph-niki! I had no idea all that you have to deal that pain alone!"
"Heph, I you want, I can let Vritra-kun cuddles you when you're sad, he so soft and huggable!"
"Heph...you...are far stronger than I though you are...I respect you more than before..."
The crafters were trying to make him feel better while they were sobbing because after hear his story... Hephaestus was getting awkward for all this attention and his face was getting redder than before, until he snaps out.
"please stop! T-this is getting awkward to me!"
They keep like this until they hear Hephaestus' stomach rumbling making the ambience get more awkward than before, they choose to left Heph alone and ask him what he would like to eat for dinner, he says quietly he would like olympian food for dinner
The crafters go to find a olympian food menu from a local diner, Heph stays at his bedroom's door an notices Talos was there with a ice cream cup in his hands.
"Talos...what is this?"
"I brought you some coffee ice cream, Creator...but it melted while the others were hugging you"
"I see...just put it in the freezer, I'll eat it after dinner...and thank you..."
" for the Ice cream?"
"for...all you tried to do to cheer me up..."
"can I say something, Creator?"
"what is it?"
"I don't like when you're sad, Creator, I tried to make you feel better but..."
"it's ok...thanks anyways, Talos... can you help me tomorrow with Mama?"
"Yes, Creator!"
"and Talos..."
"that puppet dance...was funny...but don't do that again...it was creepy too"
"glad to hear that...I don't like those things!"
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krissy-kat · 4 years
PJOverse Headcanons Pt 5
Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3, Part 4, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8
• Peter started his Junior year with both his Best Friends knowing his secret identity
• Peter was totally shocked when Flash came and apologised to him for being an Asshole before the school even started
• Peter accepted his apology, because he's Peter what else did you except from him.
• During Study Hall
• "Did you do something at Camp that I should know about? "
• "Don't look at me like that, this is all on him, I have nothing to do with it, this time at least"
• "What do you mean this time? "
• "I might have beaten him in front of whole Camp in a duel when we were 13"
• " Why? "
• "He started bullying you that year, Ok"
• "Aww, you do care"
• "Tell that to anyone, and they won't find your body "
• "Why do I don't doubt that, that's exactly what would happen, isn't it"
• "Good, you shouldn't "
• "Guys, I'm feeling left out, What Camp are you talking about, is it the one that Peter has gone in freshman year and refuses to tell me about and what do exactly mean when you say a duel"
• "We forgot Ned was here, didn't we"
• "We totally did"
• "Should we tell him about it or not"
• "It's your choice, Peter, but if he goes babbling about it to everyone than I'll have to kill him "
• "You guys are scaring me"
• Peter tell him everything, MJ adding a comment here and there
• "Wow you guys are just like Roman except they have like whole city for them instead of just Camp"
• "How the hell did you know about Romans we didn't even tell you about them yet"
• "Peter you remember my Grandmother who passed during middle school "
• "How could I not, you were absolutely wrecked when it happened you were really close "
• "Yeah, she was a Daughter of Minerva and she would tell me about New Rome and Camp Jupiter while putting me to bed " Ned said with a sad smile
• "But she never told me about Greek demigods though "
• "We kinda didn't knew about each other until few years ago"
• "So since you're a legacy of Minerva, can you see through the Mist" asks MJ
• "Not Clearly but if I focus I could "
• MJ takes out her pencil and turns it into Mace, Ned jumps out of his chair in fear, Flash suppressed his laughter across the room at the scene
• "Stop scaring him, MJ"
• "You are no fun"
• During Lunch, Flash comes and sits with them
• "So you could see through the Mist huh, demigod or mortal? "
• "Neither, I'm a Legacy, my grandmother was a daughter of Minerva "
• "Doesn't that make you like Peter's grand-nephew since Athena and Minerva are counterparts of each other"
• "Omg, Flash I didn't need to that Ned's my grand-nephew, never ever mention that ever again "
• "Why do you even care about Ned being demigod or Mortal?" asks MJ
• "I don't, Betty does, she has this huge crush on Ned but won't make a move because usually mortal and demigod's relationship go up into flames when they discover the truth"
• "How do you even know about her crush?"
• "Peter, I'm son of Aphrodite, I know these things and their pinning for each other almost, keyword almost, beats yours and Harley's "
• Ned was as red as tomato and to distract them from him he asked "Who's Harley?"
• "Peter didn't tell you about Harley" -Flash
• "Of course, he didn't " -MJ
• " Harley's the guy on whom Peter has the biggest crush on, Liz was nothing in comparison to Harley"- Flash
• "T..that's not true and how do you know about Liz" -Peter
• "Again, son of Aphrodite, I know these things and you kind of don't have any subtlety " -Flash
• "He's not wrong, the whole Camp knew about you pinning for Harley and him pinning for you " -MJ
• "No they didn't and he was not " -Peter
• "Yes, they did and he so was" -Flash
• "What proof do you have?" -Peter
• "Wait a second " Flash leaves the table and comes back with Betty
• "Hi guys, hey Ned" -Betty
• "Hi Betty" -Ned with heart eyes
• "Betty we need to prove Peter something and we need your help" -Flash
• "I'll try to help you as best I can" -Betty
• "Peter needs a proof that everyone in Camp knew about his crush and Harley was crushing on him too" -MJ
• "Both of your pinning was obvious to everyone but each other " -Betty
• "Told you " -Flash
• "Ok, whatever It's not like it's gonna work out I won't be going to Camp and he might not come to Camp since he would be starting College next year " -Peter
• "I don't want to be rude or something but does Ned knows " -Betty
• "Y..Yeah, I'm legacy of Minerva" -Ned
• "Oh! Since when do you knew about us " -Betty
• "We told him this morning " -Peter
• "So that's why he was scared shitless during Study Hall when Michelle made her Mace appear, to be honest it was real funny how he jumped out of the chair" -Flash
• "Told you it was funny" -MJ
• They started arguing and before they knew it lunch was over
• From the next day, Flash and Betty came over to sit with them during lunch and nobody said a thing about change in seating arrangements, they were usually way to busy arguing about something to even mention
• Ned finally asked Betty out after a month, they have been dating ever since
• Six months into school Flash discovered Peter's identity by accident
• Peter and Flash both have AP Chem after lunch so they go to class together
• One such day Peter's spider sense started going crazy while going to class
• "Flash you go to class, I need to go right now"
• "Wait Peter, where are you running to"
• Peter doesn't answer so Flash decided to follow him to the back alley of school and finds him changing into Spidersuit
• "Oh my God! You're Spiderman "
• "Shit! Flash I need to go, please don't tell anyone, we'll talk about it later"
• Flash was shook, his kinda-friend was his hero, so he just said "Ok"
• Flash goes back to his class but was still is in a daze
• Flash was still out of it when Betty asks whether he's Ok and he blurts out "Peter is Spiderman" to Betty and started hyperventilating
• Betty tries to calm Flash down and promises she won't tell anyone.
• Peter was back for the last period, after the class was over Peter finds Flash to talk
• "Would it be Ok if talk about it in my apartment, my aunt won't back before 6"
• "Ok"
• "Ned and MJ will be joining us too"
• " I need to tell you something "
• "Tell me in the apartment "
• "Ikindatoldbetty"
• "What? "
• " I kinda told Betty, I'm sorry I was still in a daze and blurted out to her, don't worry she promised she won't tell anyone "
• "Ok... you find Betty and meet us outside, we'll talk about it in the apartment "
• The walk back was super awkward and no one said a word
• Even after reaching the destination nobody uttered a single word for 5 mins before Betty couldn't handle it
• "Sooo... Peter's Spiderman "
• "Yeah" -Peter
• "And Ned and MJ already knew" -Betty
• "He didn't realise I was waiting for him in his room when he came in and removed his mask" -Ned
• "I realized he was Spiderman when he saved us from the cyclops " -MJ
• "Wait a sec, I was there too, why didn't I realise that " -Flash
• "Because you turned into a overexcited puppy whenever someone even mentions Spiderman " -MJ
• "Ok, maybe I do that" -Flash
• "Why didn't I knew about it" - Ned
• "You never asked how I realized it that when you asked how I found out" -MJ
• "Yeah, Ok" -Ned
• "Flash found out about it on accident " -Betty
• "In my defence he didn't even give me a excuse and started running so I followed him" -Flash
• "That sounds like Peter" -MJ
• "I know but heeey " -Peter
• "And Flash blurted out to me on accident" -Betty
• " I'm still sorry about that, I didn't mean to" -Flash
• "She as well as find about it now than later, to be honest Peter you are shit at hiding your identity, she was bound to find out sooner than later " -MJ
• "Again, I know but heeey" -Peter
• "So what do you both do exactly " -Betty
• "Good question, I'm Peter's guy in chair" -Ned
• "And I make excuses for him because these losers are shit at lying " -MJ
• "Peter, you can always come to me when you get injuries then, I hope you don't but you're bound to, I can help with my dad's healing power" -Betty
• "Thanks Betty, I have super healing but if I get a serious injury and my AI doesn't snitch to Mr Stark, I sure will " -Peter
• "If there's a way I could help, I would love to" -Flash
• "You could help me with excuses, whenever someone questions them, you can charm speak them, what don't look at me like that, I know you don't use it that much but you still have it" -MJ
• "How the hell did you know that " -Flash
• "Dude, she's MJ she knows everything " -Ned
• "Also, it doesn't hurt that I have been going to Camp since I was 9, I know almost everything like for example I know Drew refuses to teach you how to Charmspeak that's why Piper comes for a week from New Rome every summer with her girlfriend Annabeth " -MJ
( I know every one ships percabeth but I'm pipabeth trash, so sue me)
• "Wait they are dating, I thought they were best friends " -Peter
• "They started dating the year you stopped coming, but they did have heart eyes for each other way before that you were just way to busy giving Harley heart eyes yourself " -Betty
• "Not you too, can we please not talk about my crush on Harley " -Peter
• "That won't be fun at all, so no" -MJ
• " I hope you guys know that I'm really confused whenever you start talking about Camp randomly " -Ned
• "That reminds me, I IMed Chiron, a few days ago and convinced him to let Ned visit the camp but he said since you are a legacy he can't allow you to stay for more than a week" -Betty
• "Aww Babe, really " -Ned
• "Peter, why don't you also come for a week, I'm pretty sure Stark would be delighted to hear that you want to take a break from moonlighting as a superhero on your own" -MJ
• "But..." -Peter
• "Come on Peter, do it for me, your best friend and your guy in chair" -Ned
• "Ok, Ok, I'll come but stop giving me the puppy eyes" -Peter
• After discussing for an hour they finally decided that Ned and Peter should come to Camp in the first week of summer holidays
( I wasn't going to write Part 5 for a week at least but then @flowersofparkner said it was her favourite AU making me feel inspired and I had to write it)
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bleachanimefan1 · 3 years
Oblitus Part 16
Human Again
60 days left until Extermination...
Charlie, Vaggie, Alastor, and Anna were walking down the hallway then down a staircase leading to the basement of the hotel. Charlie walked up to the door and knocked on it. "Baxter? Are you okay?" the princess asked. Everyone heard a loud crash, something breaking, on the other side of the door. Charlie turned the handle of the door, opening it, walking inside, with the rest following behind her. The entire room was engulfed in smoke, black as coal, making it hard to see anything.
"How did the experiment go?" Charlie asked, squinting her eyes looking around, calling out for the scientist.
Soon, the smoke began to fade. Anna leaned to the side over Charlie as she saw something faintly glowing in the dimly lit room to see someone on the floor, it was a young man, Baxter. However, he wasn't human. His appearance was fish-like. His skin tone was a grayish-blue color and luminescent in the dark, ears that looked like fins, under his eyes light blue freckles were speckled on his cheeks, and his black hair was swept back and short with some pieces sticking out in some places, singed from the explosion. He was wearing an dark laboratory coat with yellow buttons and a small grey hat with an lure, dangling at the top of it, like an anglerfish.
Reddish-pink irises glared as the princess as she walked in along with everyone else. Baxter coughed as he brushed the soot and dirt off of him.
"What do you think?" He answered, irritated. Charlie walked over to him, helping him up.
"What happened?" Vaggie questioned. The fish scientist headed over to the lab table picking up some of his flasks and beakers, that weren't broken, lying on the floor along the way, putting them back on the table.
"I thought I grabbed the right ingredients. But, apparently my stuff's been moved around. I know I specifically left it exactly where I placed them so I know where they're at."
"Oh, you mean those jars, I cleaned it up." A voice called out. Anna jumped, completely startled, and looked down to see Niffty in front of her. Baxter froze, his shoulders tending up. He slowly turned to the cyclops demon, looking at her, as did everybody else. 
"You did what?" Baxter asked. Niffty smiled as she began to clean up the broken glass, sweeping it up.
"I cleaned your room up. Nobody could find anything in a mess like it was and I reorganized your containers, bottles, and ingredients. So, you're welcome!" Niffty smiled as she finished explaining. Baxter stared at the cyclops demon in disbelief with a strained smile on his face. 
"Thank you? Because of your obsessive cleaning the experiment was a completely bust! I was SO close to finding an answer to redemption for demons!" Baxter yelled, furiously. Nifty stared up at the scientist, eye wide in surprise. 
"I just wanted to help." She stammered.
"Well, you didn't!" Baxter hissed. Alastor stepped up, standing in front of Niffty blocking her from Baxter. The scientist looked like he wanted to strangle her. 
"Well, you can just start from scratch. I'm sure you can do the same steps again, EXACTLY like you did last time." Alastor smiled, darkly. He walked over to the table and picked up the concoction that Baxter was working on. The liquid was a darkish green in color, which looked gross. "It shouldn't too hard for a royal scientist like you."
"Easy for you to say." Baxter growled, taking the flask from Alastor. "Don't touch that!" 
"It's such a shame that it didn't work." Charlie murmured, disappointed. Baxter and Alastor were fighting, as Alastor began to pick up the scientist's jars, and flasks looking at them. 
"Put that down!"
Anna walked over to the table, looking at the results of the scientist had. "So, this is what you've got so far? Well, no wonder it didn't work." She murmured, scanning over the notes, flipping the pages from Baxter's book. "You can't force change."
Baxter snatched the book from her hands, slamming it hard. "What part of "Do not touch that", do you not understand?" He growled. Anna stepped away from him. Baxter looked at the human woman up and down with a questionable look on his face.
"And who the hell are you?!" 
Charlie placed her hands on Anna's shoulders. "Baxter, this is Anna. She's going to help us with the redemption plan!" She explained, smiling.
"Well, if you have any ideas, I would love to hear it." Baxter said. 
 "Well, I don't know if this is going to actually work. But, there's a theory that I want to try." Anna said. 
Charlie had everyone meet Anna in a room, they were sitting in chairs, waiting. Angel walked in, carrying Fat Nuggets in his arms.
"So why did you call me here?" the spider demon asked. Charlie smiled, gesturing for him to sit.
"I didn't, Anna did."
"Why are we all here?" Angel asked.
"I've called you all here for sort of like an intervention." Anna answered. "If I'm going to help, I need to know why and how sinners are here in the first place. What's better than to find out of the root of the problem?"
Angel stood up immediately and walked away heading towards the door.  "This is complete bullshit nonsense. I'm leaving!" He tried to open it, but couldn't. "Hey, why's the door locked?!"
"I told Charlie to because I know that some would disagree with this method. Have a seat, Angel." Anna said. Angel frowned, and walked over back to his seat, sitting down with crossed arms, pouting.
"You are a crazy bitch!" 
"I know I am, thank you." Anna replied. She turned to everyone else, pressing her hands together. "Now, for this to work, I'm going to speak with each one of you privately, taking notes, so no personal information will be violated. Only Charlie, Vaggie and I will have access to them." She explained as she finished. Anna looked around, smiling.
 "So, who's up first?"
Nifty immediately shot up her hand, nearly jumping out of her seat. "Me! Me, me, me!"
Anna smiled. "I guess I have my volunteer." She turned to everyone else. "So, if you guys will wait outside. Niffty and I will get started."
As everyone got up and began to walk out, Charlie walked over Anna. "I really think I should stay," the princess said, concerned. "I mean, what if something goes wrong? If you upset her-"
 "Blondie's right, doll face. Red's not just a happy face and sweet." Angel replied. "She can a 180 real quick if you do something wrong. It's scary."
"I'll be fine." Anna answered. Charlie smiled and nodded and Angel and her left the room, leaving the two alone.
"I'm ready!" Niffty shouted, gripping the edge of her seat with her hands in anticipation.
"You're really eager, aren't you?" Anna asked as she sat down, with a pen and notebook in her hands.
"I want to see if you can really find out my problems!"
"I'll try," Anna said. "So what was your occupation before? What did you do?" 
"I was a house cleaning maid."
"That would explain your obsession with cleaning. But, it can also mean that your OCD." Anna replied.
"What's that?!"
Anna looked stopped, writing, and looked at the cyclops demon. "Everything has to be perfect for you, if one thing's misplaced, it'll drive you crazy. It can also mean something that happened in your past, something that you're trying to hide." Maybe it was her imagination, but Anna could've swore she she saw Niffty's smile slightly drop before it disappeared.
"Next question, were you happy before?"
"Of course, why wouldn't I be?" the cyclops demon questioned, confused.
"Did you have a boyfriend or married?" the human woman asked.
"Do you?" Nifty asked, ignoring the question. Anna looked up, with raised eyebrows.
"Yeah, I do." She answered. Nifty leaned forward in her seat.
"What's he like?" She asked.
"He's sweet, very protective, sometimes it can be overbearing and annoying. He makes me feel safe and makes me feel like I'm the only girl for him. Especially, when he calls me by my nickname, which I absolutely hate." Anna told her.
"What's the nickname?" Nifty smiled as she asked, wondering.
"I can't, it's too embarrassing." Anna stammered as her cheeks blushed.
"Now I have to know! Tell me, tell me, tell me!" Nifty pressed.
"Alright," Anna said. "It's Anna banana."  She cringed as she told the cyclops.
"That's adorable!" Nifty beamed. 
"Maybe for you," Anna said. "But, we're getting of track. This questioning is supposed to be for you, not me. Besides, you never answered my question before."
Niffty's eyes shifted away looking elsewhere to the side of the room, before looking down. "I-I don't want talk about that. Can we go to another question?"
"I need to know, if I'm going to be able to help." Anna pressed.
Nifty shook her head. "I said I don't want to talk about it!" Anna frowned, this wasn't going anywhere. The little cyclops demon was completely distraught.
"Niffty, I know that you can do this. Just let it out and you'll feel better." Anna said, calmly.
"Let it out?" Nifty looked up. Anna nodded her head.
"Yes, any anger, sadness, that you're feeling, pretend I'm that person who hurt you."
"Okay, I'll try," Niffty said, nodding softly. She sighed and looked at Anna.  "Why didn't you love me? Why did you beat me?"
"Everything that I've did, I did for you! But, it was never enough. When I changed my looks, cut my hair, you never noticed. When I worked hard, you never noticed. You just hit me and beat me. I had to protect myself. I grabbed a knife and stabbed. Next thing I knew, the coppers were at the door and came busting in after receiving a call disturbance. They told me to drop the weapon but I didn't hear them. I was too shocked and distraught. The sight of your dead body at my feet. Then the next thing I felt, a sharp pain in my chest a several gunshots fired. One of the bullets had hit an gas valve, which caused an explosion. Our house was immediately engulfed in flames, me included. I'm sorry that I hurt y-" Niffty cried. "I didn't mean to! I'm sorry!"
Outside, Charlie, Baxter, and Vaggie were standing in front of the door, while the princess paced across the room, back and forth, anxiously. Angel was sitting on the couch with Fat Nuggets on his lap, petting him. Crymini was sitting with him, flipping through her phone. Husk was at the bar, leaning back with his legs resting on the counter, chugging down a bottle of booze. Alastor was with him, sitting on a stool, drinking as well, with his back facing the two girls.
 "Do you think they're okay?" Charlie asked.
 "Maybe, we should check on them?" Veggie asked.
"Ladies, give the two their privacy." Alastor smiled, taking a sip from his drink, laughing like it was a joke. "Ha! It's not like talking about your sins is going to change everything." Before everyone had left the room, without them noticing, Alastor had ordered his shadow to stay behind, to eavesdrop on Niffty's and Anna's conversation. 
Suddenly, the door creaked open. Anna walked out, stepping to the side. As Charlie, Vaggie, Angel stared in shock, while Fat Nuggets squealed, at Niffty. Husk's eyes widen, his mouth dropped slightly as he dropped his drink, shattering on the floor. Alastor turned to the cat demon, wondering what was going on, then turned around and spit out his drink, spraying Husk, seeing Niffty as well.
Her appearance looked almost the same, she still had one eye, fangs and claws. However, the cyclops hair and skin color had changed. Her flaming red hair was now blonde with a few curls hanging on the side of her face and her skin was a pinkish-pale color with some freckles on the bridge of her nose.
 "I-I can't believe it." Charlie murmured in shock. "I was right! Redemption is possible!"
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anotherarchivesblog · 3 years
hi who are most of the people in the relationship charts you posted on insta a while ago?
Like I know you’ve posted some stuff about Nate and Zoe and even Venus but I’m really curious about everyone else!
I wanna preface this by thanking you for your patience since it took me forever to reply to this. I really appreciate it! <3
Anyways, those charts are divided into two parts — the first is Nate’s friend group (which I call the Zodiacs) and the second is the Celestial Council. The Zodiacs are central-focus characters while the Council’s role is more on the back burner.
I’ll talk about the characters individually under the cut, but if you’re not into summaries I’ll include a song that reminds me of each character since I think music is a fantastic personality descriptor:
NATE SAGITTARIUS:  Nate is an overly ambitious teenage boy who becomes a Regulator at the Venus Villas after discovering that he’s half elf. I’m sure you know the rest of this rant by now.
“Genius Next Door” — Regina Spektor
ZOE SAGITTARIUS:  Nate’s punk-rock older sister, who is much cooler than he’ll ever be. Zoe is a dryad that was adopted by Jupiter Sagittarius shortly after she had woken up in a Bronx alleyway with a bad case of amnesia. Nowadays, she works as a Regulator at the Venus Villas and wields a talking snake shaped dagger named Sabik.
“OHFR?” — Rico Nasty
DANIEL ATKINS: As Head Regulator, Daniel Atkins is known to keep things in line. Daniel is an aloof ghost from the 1910s who hasn't matured much since his death. He’s notoriously bad with social cues and always says whatever he’s thinking, which Nate doesn’t seem to mind. The two of them quickly become best friends, much to Zoe’s dismay.
“Nobody” — Mitski
BRENDA ANTARES: With her competitive nature and innate sparing abilities, Brenda was the obvious choice for Mars’ Lieutenant. When she’s not assisting Mars, Brenda volunteers as a part-time cook at the Venus Villas. Brenda is a sweetheart who befriends anyone she can, which is ironic considering the fact that she shares a body with a temperamental demon named Aries.
“What’s Up Danger” — Blackway & Black Caviar
ANASTASIA CHERNOV: Not much is known about Anastasia’s past and she’d like to keep it that way, thank you very much. Anastasia Chernov is head general of Via’s Army and a recurring antagonist throughout the series. She is a blind vampire who, despite her overall brooding nature, loves cutesy magical girl animes and Vocaloids.
“Oh Ana” — Mother Mother
MAYBELLE SAVURI: Real hot girl shhh! Maybelle Savuri is a top-charting singer and model from the monster world who just so happens to be Venus’ daughter too. She’s a super rich vampire with shapeshifting powers, the cutest outfits, and confidence for days — what else could you possibly want?
“Girls in the Hood” — Megan Thee Stallion
LEO JEMBER: Resident golden boy and honorary funnyman, Leo Jember is one of the first friends Nate makes at the Villas. Leo is a (literal) angel who works the front desk at the Venus Villas, and spends his free time messing with his best friend Scorpius Singh. Leo is extremely popular with the workers at the Villas but he also has the tendency to push Venus’ buttons for fun.
“C7osure.” — Lil Nas X
SCORPIUS SINGH: The only Zodiac more secretive than Anastasia is Scorpius. Scorpius Singh is a witch cursed to kill everything he touches. Nowadays, his hands are constantly bandaged and he tends to keep his distance from other people. Around the Villas, Scorpius is known for his intellect and snippy attitude.
“Goodbye Mr A” — The Hoosiers
POLLY DE DIOS: Just like her father, Polly de Dios is a skilled inventor who helps with repairs around the Villas. Polly and her twin brother, Cas, are a pair of hyper-intelligent androids built by Mercury de Dios. Unlike her lax brother, Polly is a rule-abiding teenager with a love for list making and hard work.
“B.I.T.C.H” — Megan Thee Stallion
ALEX MILTON: Come through, daddy issues! Alex Milton is a blunt satyr who spends his free time committing petty crime. His tendency to use his powers in the mortal world often winds Alex in trouble with the Venus Villas. Despite his unpleasant nature, Alex is both humorous and intelligent… maybe that’s the reason Nate had a slight crush on him when they first met.
“Rich & Sad” — Post Malone
DAX LEE: Dax is good friends with Leo and Scorpius which, by default, makes him Nate’s friend as well. Dax Lee is a deaf merman who has the power to mind control other people whenever he sings. And while Dax may not be the smartest member of the Zodiacs, he certainly is the friendliest!
“This December” — Rick Montgomery
JEONG NA-RI: As a powerful psychic, Jeong Na-Ri is a force to be reckoned with. But after Nate accidentally frees her from a hundred-year imprisonment, Na-Ri quickly learns that the world she came back to is extremely different from the one that she left behind. Not only that but, with her immortal dad still around, Na-Ri now has a new step-mom and an older brother named Dax.
“Cartoons” — Louie Zong
**SOL JEMAL: As head of the Celestial Council, Sol plays a particularly important role in the monster world. Sol Jemal is an angel that has been around since the beginning of time so she’s pretty much seen it all by now. Her distant nature has caused an aura of mystery to form around her, but her sons Deneb and Leo reason that she’s not as omnipotent as she seems and, if anything, she’s just a bit uptight.
“YAH.” — Kendrick Lamar
MOON ATKINS: It doesn’t matter that they’re twins, Moon would like to make it perfectly clear that he is Sol’ older brother. (By five whole minutes!) While Sol is known for being the bringer of life, Moon Atkins was assigned the role of ruling over the dead. Because of this, Moon’s presence is seen as a bad omen in the monster world. However, Moon is quite the gentleman with an extreme interest in birds, particularly ravens.
“Lethargy″ — Bastille
MERCURY DE DIOS: The rest of the Council has the tendency to look over Mercury’s existence. Mercury de Dios is a gnome with a knack for inventing. He’s a genius when it comes to innovation, but has trouble when it comes to socializing with other people, so he avoids it completely by shutting himself in his workshop all day. When he’s not inventing, Mercury is either spending time with his children or trailing behind Venus and Mars around the Villas.
“Touch-Tone Telephone” — Lemon Demon
VENUS GALILEI: As both his boss and godmother, Venus spends a lot of time with Nate. Which is unfortunate for him, because while many other adults in the monster world think Nate is old enough to fight against Via’s Army, Venus adamantly believes that he is too young to get involved. Still, despite their many disagreements, the two care very deeply for each other.
“Glamorous”  — Fergie
TERRA GALILEI: Nate’s not the only one with an adopted dryad sister. Terra Galilei is Venus’ younger sister who is head of human relations — meaning that she keeps in touch with the very few humans who know of the monster world. Unlike her sister, Terra is a loud party animal with a love for sports.
“Lightning” — Rico Nasty
MARS HUYGENS:  Oh boy. Where to begin with Mars? Mars Huygens is a cyclops widely known in the monster world for his loudmouth and love of violence. He is one of the three Celestials who work at the Venus Villas — the other two being his spouses Venus and Mercury — much to the Regulators’ dismay. Despite his reputation, Mars gets along swimmingly with Brenda and, despite how often he teases the kid, has a bit of a soft spot for Nate as well.
“PRIDE.” — Kendrick Lamar
JUPITER SAGITTARIUS: Everyone in the monster world knows Jupiter as the elf who had a child with a human. Jupiter Sagittarius is Nate and Zoe’s music loving father who never really grew up. Jupiter supports his children in their endeavors, however he’s not quite qualified for his own responsibilities. Despite his scatter-mindedness, Jupiter puts a genuine effort into everything he does which, at the very least, is why his peers tend to like him so much.
“8TEEN” — Khalid
SATURN HAMILTON: With the exception of Mercury and Moon, no one in the Celestial Council really likes Saturn all that much. Saturn Hamilton is a workaholic satyr who is obsessed with the human world and its history. More often than not, Saturn finds himself butting heads with his eldest son, Alex, despite Saturn’s attempts to salvage their relationship as of late.
“Cemetery” — COIN
URI HERSCHEL: Uri is a man of few words… mostly because he’s a selective mute. Uri Herschel is an ice giant known for his eccentric nature — whether it be his odd choice of clothes or his peculiar love of taxidermy.
“Anklebiters” — Paramore
LEE NEPTUNE: Guess it’s time to release the kraken. Lee Neptune is a picture perfect beach dweller — a handsome surfer dude who plays the ukulele and has the ability to shapeshift into the legendary kraken. He may not be the smartest member of the Celestial Council, but he certainly is charming.
“Drunk Walk Home” — Mitski
PLUTO TOMBAUGH:  While he’s technically no longer a part of the Council, Pluto will always have an honorary spot in these lists. Pluto Tombaugh is a laid-back and likeable dwarf who is obsessed with the animals that reside in the monster world — which he collects and studies in his downtime.
“Jawbreaker” — Injury Reserve ft. Rico Nasty & Pro Teens
**The surname Jemal is just a placeholder and will most likely change down the line.
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I really want to understand this universe(the golden era I think) so could you guide me on which comics I should read
I will first admit that I am no expert on comics and I’m not particularly good at keeping track of the different eras. However, I can give you a list of what I think are some of the most classic Batman/Batfam/DC stories and the ones I just adore.
Batman: A Death In the Family-Classic story, everyone pretty much knows of this story but not everyone has read it. This is when Jason Todd (Robin #2) is brutally murdered by the Joker and it is the first introduction to Robin #3, Tim Drake. It gets really weird in the middle, when the Joker becomes an ambassador for Iran, but stick with it because Tim’s introduction is one of the most interesting Robin origin stories.
Batman: Death Of the Family-This is a different story despite the way too similar name. It’s newer and more gruesome than you might expect. This is the story where the Joker taunts the entire Batfamily and kidnaps them all. It has the whole Batfam in it which is what made me want to pick it up and read it in the first place and is definitely a great way to understand the characters as all of their greatest fears are revealed in this story. There are multiple issues spanning across different series from Batman to Red Hood and The Outlaws, so I definitely recommend getting the trade paperback of it because it’s easier than hunting down each issue in order.
Batman: The Long Halloween-This is such a classic story with lots of Batman Rogues running around and causing mayhem. They’re also speculating that this is potentially what the new Robert Pattinson Batman movie is based on, so it might be good to read if you’re excited for that movie (I have mixed feelings, but I’m hopeful). Also as a huge Agents of SHIELD and comic fan in general, I love so much of what Jeph Loeb does.
Tom King’s current Batman run-Pretty good until the wedding issue and then shit goes off the rails fast and it angered a lot of fans, myself included. Nevertheless, it did have some great moments. He also wrote Heroes in Crisis, which I do not recommend at all.
Batman:The Killing Joke-The animated movie did this story so dirty and I will always be mad. It’s one of the many possible Joker origin stories and the most popular by far. It’s not a very long story, but it absolutely regarded as a classic and it is when Barbara gets shot by the Joker so it’s also important for a major change in canon as well. Solid writing, beautiful art. I could go on about this forever. If you do decide to watch the movie, skip the first half, it’s ridiculous filler (with a ridiculous 90′s stereotypical gay character to boot).
Dick Grayson as Agent 37-This was a pretty fun storyline all things considered. It’s great if you want to fully understand Dick’s character without getting confused about the baggage that is having all of the Batfam characters around. For some people, they get the Robins easily confused (part of that is DC’s fault for literally drawing the same character but just taller or shorter) so it shines the spotlight on Dick.
Red Hood and The Outlaws (The one with Roy and Kori)-I so badly want to recommend this because I love these characters together, but Lobdell’s writing is not always spot-on and his depiction of Kori is comic book misogyny at its finest at times. Maybe read the first few issues just to get a better feel for post-Lazarus pit Jason, but it’s not the best series.
Red Hood:The Lost Years:I am a slut for Jason Todd angst, I won’t lie and so this is one of my personal favourites and it helps to establish resurrected Jason’s character to new readers. You really see how he struggled after his death and Talia al Ghul is there too which is even better. Jason is one of the most interesting and complex characters in all of DC comics and they almost never do anything exciting with his character so this series is a breath of fresh air. 
Batman:Under the Red Hood-This is about Jason’s return to Gotham after being resurrected and it’s great. The conflict between him and Bruce once he learns that it’s Jason under the hood is so well-written and you find yourself agreeing with both of them to an extent. Another great Jason Todd story. There’s also an animated movie based on this as well and it’s pretty good all things considered (I have Jay’s speech to Bruce at the end memorized so that should tell how much I enjoy it).
A lot of the new 52 stuff is not great. Tim’s new 52 Titans team were just kind of meh and like I said, Red Hood and the Outlaws had potential but was brought down by not so great writing. I wish I could remember some good Tim or Damian stories right now, but I’m blanking. Super Sons is newer, but I liked it quite a bit. It’s about Damian, Bruce’s blood son, and Jon Kent, Superman and Lois’ son fighting crime and going on adventures together. It’s a nice bit of fluff in the darkness that comics has become these days.
Harley Quinn (The Jimmy Palmiotti/Amanda Conner series)-This one is probably one of my favourite new 52 releases. I love where they’ve taken Harley’s character, she’s more than just the Joker’s girlfriend and this series shows it. It’s not too serious and most of the time, it can be downright weird, but it’s so fun you can’t help but love it. I own every single issue from the Conner/Palmiotti run. I haven’t read it since they left, so if anyone has, let me know if it’s any good because from what I did see of it, I wasn’t super impressed.
I do have some non-DC recs too so I’ll put them here as well because why not
House of X/Powers of X-The best X-Men story in recent memory and I love the X-Men so much so this makes me so happy. They’ve done some very interesting things with the characters and I love the acknowledgement that Franklin Richards is technically a mutant and the catty way that Cyclops does it is great.
House of M-One of the best X-Men stories and probably what WandaVision will be taking a lot of inspiration from. If you like alternate universes and reality bending, this is for you.
Matt Fraction’s run on the Hawkeye solo series-This is what made me fall in love with Clint and Kate as characters. It shows that the Hawkeyes are not useless Avengers and it has a bit of humour to it, which I love. The Kate Bishop follow-up to this is pretty good too, but I haven’t finished it yet so I can’t vouch for the whole series.
Deadpool Killustrated Series-This is just Wade murdering his way through the Marvel Universe and then through the classic literary characters that those characters were based on. It’s dark, funny, strange story that’s a whole lot of fun without having to worry about keeping up with 80 years of canon. 
I hope this helped in some small way. I am always up for talking comic recommendations since none of my real life friends care about comics. If anyone has any recommendations for me, I am all ears. I read stuff from all over so brand is no issue. I don’t really feed into that Marvel vs DC stuff anymore. Both companies have their strengths and weaknesses and that’s okay. It’s really late here and I’m procrastinating writing a paper so do forgive any spelling errors or completely incoherent sentences :) Stay safe everyone!
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master-sass-blast · 4 years
Out With the Old, In With the New, Part One: The Worst Monsters are Men...
Summary: A few days into a mission, your husband goes missing. Along Wade, Nathan, and Neena. When the X-Men refuse to help you, you decide to take things into your own hands --and wind up making an unexpected ally along the way.
Rating: T for gun violence, regular violence, ableism, and abduction. And also swear words.
Pairing(s): Piotr Rasputin x Reader, Nathan Summers x Wade Wilson, Frank Castle x Karen Page, and Alexandra Rasputin x Nikolai Rasputin.
Set after "It's Truly Magical" but before "Children of the Gods, Part One."
Taglist: @marvel-is-perfection, @chromecutie, @super-darkcloudstudent, @girl-obsessed-with-things
It happens without warning.
Your husband goes on a mission. And then he doesn’t come back.
Your stomach churns anxiously as you wait for your cellphone to chime –for any sign of life from Piotr, really. Baby, where are you? Please come home to me.
Talking to the official person in charge of the duty roster does no good.
Chiefly because that person is Scott Summers.
“Look, Y/N, I know you’re concerned—”
“It’s been three days, Scott! Piotr was supposed to be back by now.”
“He requested a mission extension,” Scott says –lies, because Scott Summers is a horrifically bad liar, no matter how hard he tries to hide it.
(Not even those damn sunglasses he wears all the time helps conceal it.)
“If we don’t hear from him by tomorrow, we’ll start the retrieval protocol.”
You raise an eyebrow at Scott. “Piotr requested an extension.”
“Without telling me he was requesting an extension.”
“He may have not wanted to worry you—”
“He texts me good night and good morning every day he’s gone, Scott. He hasn’t done that for three days. So, do you really want to keep going down this route, or do you want to tell me the truth?”
“Are you accusing me of—”
“Show me the extension request, Scott. I know those have to be filed in the mission logs.”
Scott goes pale, swallows hard, but ultimately holds his ground. “If we don’t hear from him in another twenty-four hours, we’ll start the retrieval protocol.”
You roll your eyes at his back as he quickly retreats away from you, then stalk out of the training room. “Fuck you. I’ll handle this myself. Idiot.”
 You call Wade first. Nathan doesn’t always keep his phone charged if he gets into a work hole, meaning that Wade’s the best bet to get ahold of your ‘somehow knows everything’ dad.
Except you can’t get ahold of Wade. Or Nate. Or Neena, when you decide to try her. Countless texts, phone calls, emails, and face-time requests –which, under normal circumstances, would be downright sociopathic to pull without making sure the recipient is available first, but these are desperate times—go unanswered.
Towards the end of the day, in what can only be described as a burst of mass anxiety and paranoia, you call your uncle.
He picks up on the first ring. “Hey, punk. How’s it going?”
“Oh, thank fuck.” You collapse into the nearest chair, relief surging through you. “They didn’t get you, too.”
“What?” Your uncle’s voice goes from warm and friendly to all business –and a little panicked—in a split second. “Who didn’t get me? What’s going on? Punk, are you okay?”
“I’m okay, but –Piotr’s missing. And Dad. And Wade. And Neena. Piotr went on a mission, but stopped checking in on me three days ago, and then when I tried to call the rest of my family, I couldn’t reach anyone. I’ve been trying all day, and then I thought that maybe someone’s targeting my family, so I decided to call you.”
“Shit,” your uncle mutters. “You’re sure Nathan and Wade are in town, right? And Neena? They don’t have any hits to fill or silent missions they’re running?”
“Wade and I were talking on Snapchat last night,” you answer, panic rising in your chest. “And I saw Nathan during call. And Neena always lets me know if she’ll be out of touch for a job or something.”
Your uncle exhales heavily into the speaker. “Fuck. Yeah, that doesn’t bode well. Did you talk to Charles?”
“He’s out of town for a conference. I had to deal with Scott, and he just shot me down.”
“Pretty much.”
“Talk to Scott one more time. I know it probably won’t help,” he adds when you start protesting, “but it’ll give me time to put my ear to the ground, see what I can find. After you try Scott, go over his head. I’ll help you however I can.”
“Of course, punk. Now, get moving. Time’s of the essence here.”
“Right.” You make a quick goodbye, then run out of yours and Piotr’s home and fly towards the mansion.
 By the time you reach Scott’s room, Russell, Ellie, and Yukio are already there, arguing with him.
“We aren’t responsible for Wade—”
“He’s my legal guardian, asshole,” Russell insists indignantly. “Isn’t there a bunch of legal shit you guys have to do if he dies or goes missing?”
“And you are responsible for Colossus,” Ellie adds, arms crossed over his chest. “He’s my mentor and an X-Man. And he’s missing, too.”
“How did you—”
“He texts her to see how she’s doing,” Yukio pipes up, looking nowhere near as pissed as Ellie and Russell given her pink hair and soft, fluffy sweater, but frustration still reads plain in her voice. “And he stopped three days ago.”
“Which is the same time he stopped texting me,” you speak up, joining the fray. “Are you actually going to take this seriously now? Because if that’s not enough, Nathan and Neena are missing, too.”
A brief flicker of frustration crosses Scott’s face, but he masks it quickly. “Are you sure?”
“I’ve tried to reach them all day!”
“Maybe they’re just busy. Could you be overthinking it? Did you remember to take your medication today?”
“Are you shitting me?” Ellie snaps, eyes widening with outrage.
“Easy,” you murmur, putting an arm around her small shoulders before staring Scott down. “So, just so we’re clear, it is your intention to not pursue any of this further even though you have multiple complaints from different residents?”
Scott’s face twitches, but his resolve remains strong. “We have a protocol.”
“Yeah, just like that protocol of logging mission extension requests that you can’t show me right now.” You flash him a fake smile. “Thanks for nothing, asshole.”
The three teens follow after you as you storm off.
“What do we do now?” Russell asks.
“Are Cable and Domino really missing as well?” Yukio adds.
“Should we call the Professor?” Ellie suggests.
“The Professor probably wouldn’t be able to do anything, since Scott’s still the man in charge,” you say as you hurry down the main flight of stairs.
“He could make Cyclops toe the line,” Ellie points out.
“It’s still Scott. He’d do the bare minimum just to shut us up, then go back to jerking off –or whatever it he does for fun. And, yes, Neena and Nathan are missing, too. As far as I can tell, at least. As far as what we do now, we go over Scott’s head. I mean, I—” you turn around and look at the three teens staring at you “—go over Scott’s head. Not ‘we.’ You three should stay out of trouble.”
“But Wade’s my guardian!” Russell argues.
“And Piotr’s my mentor.”
“And Scott’s a pain in the ass,” Yukio adds.
“While all those things are true,” you agree, “that doesn’t change the fact that I can’t bring you three into this. Things could get dangerous. You’re all trainees. You’re not cleared for this kind of stuff.”
Ellie glances at Russell and her girlfriend, then crosses her arms over her chest and takes a step towards you. “Well, the way I see it, you can either bring the three of us in and have some idea of what we’re doing, or you can keep us out of it and we’ll just go over your head. Which means we could accidentally get caught in the middle of whatever you wind up doing and get hurt.”
You narrow your eyes at your husband’s mentee. “You are such a Slytherin, and I’m so proud of you, but also how dare you.” You sigh heavily. “Fine. You guys can come with. But if I get in trouble, I’m taking you all down with me.”
 Fun fact: attached to every suit worn by X-Men and trainees are little GPS trackers that, in addition to letting you know where the wearer of the suit is, also keeps tabs on their vitals.
“Why didn’t you just try this to begin with?” Ellie asks as you pull up the interface that tracks the suits.
“Because it makes a pinging noise to alert the wearer that their location is being monitored,” you explain. “If they’re on a stealth mission, it could alert an enemy agent. I didn’t want to do that in case Piotr had needed to go silent for some reason.”
“Do you think he could’ve?” Russell asks.
“Considering that, as his spouse, I would’ve been notified by the mission board –not to mention he would’ve at least let Ellie or I know himself—and the fact that Wade, Nathan, and Neena are missing, to, I don’t think so.” As much of a pain in the ass as Scott is, if Piotr had actually gone silent, he wouldn’t have just not told you.
“I thought the mission board and Professor Xavier were the only ones with access to the trackers,” Yukio interjects.
“I have spousal permissions for Piotr’s suit.” You pull up the page that lets you enter a password so you can access the tracker, then turn around and face the teens. “I’ve got to enter the password. No peeking.” You wait until they all cover their eyes, then type in the password and hit enter.
“It’s ‘myshka,’” Ellie says without uncovering her eyes.
You whirl around to stare at her. “Hey!”
“You hit seven keys, one of which was the enter button.”
“You really should talk to Colossus about better password security,” Yukio says with an earnest nod.
You sigh (they’re not wrong), then focus on the computer screen.
The good news: your husband’s tracker is still on and still registering his vitals –which look healthy, as far as you can tell.
The bad news: it’s out in the middle of nowhere in Upstate New York. No nearby roads, no registered address, just a couple of GPS coordinates.
“Where the hell is that?” Russell asks as he peers at the laptop screen over your shoulder.
“A couple hours from here,” you say as you write down the coordinates and the nearest identifiable landmarks. “I’m gonna go check it out. You guys stay here—”
“We’re helping whether you like it or not,” Ellie interrupts, expression comically stern given her round face and rounder eyes.
“Yes, you are, but I can’t carry all of you with me,” you say. “Besides, I need you three here to collect information.”
Russell’s brow furrows. “What information?”
You send a quick text to your uncle to let him know you’re leaving the phone with Russell, Ellie, and Yukio, then hand it to Ellie. “I called my uncle when I realized Wade, Nathan, and Neena were missing, too. He’s looking into all of it for me. If he calls with any information, I’ll need you guys to take it down and possibly do some –computer only—research on it.”
“Won’t you need the burner phone, just in case you get captured?” Yukio asks.
You shake your head. “Can’t risk his number getting in the wrong hands. I’ll have my phone on me, and I’ll wear my suit so you can keep track of me. If I’m gone longer than six hours, or if my suit goes offline, call my uncle immediately. Not the Professor, not Scott, but my uncle. Okay?”
The three teens give you equally scared looks, but all nod anyway.
You hug each of them before flying upstairs to get changed and pack a small bag with some supplies. Hang on, honey. I’m coming.
 The coordinates turn out to be home to the middle of a massive, matte black warehouse with virtually no windows in the middle of a dense forest. There’s only one road leading in or out, which is cut off from the warehouse itself by towering concrete walls topped with razor wire, a hulking gate with multiple guards, and several armed men patrolling the perimeter as well.
Definitely not suspicious at all. Definitely does not read as “hidden government or evildoers base” whatsoever.
Scott Summers, you are so full of shit, you think to yourself as you peer down at the warehouse through a pair of electronic binoculars (a Christmas gift from Alexandra). Requested an extension, my ass. You frown as you watch a large, but otherwise non-descript van get waved through the gate. Piotr, baby, what did you do to wind up in here?
Your mind flashes to images of Piotr, bound against his well, likely being experimented on by various nefarious, white lab coat and nerd glasses wearing scientists. Your teeth grit together, and you steady yourself with a deep breath. Just hang in there, sweetheart. I’m gonna get you out.
You crawl forward a little further, hoping to get a better look at the lot surrounding the warehouse—
And you wind up bumping into a large, muscular woman, wearing all black –like you—with black hair cut into an angled bob, dark eyes, and—
Angel Dust.
Your eyes widen when the description connects with the stories Wade’s told you, and you quickly shove her away from you with a blast of air. “You fucking traitor! Helping lock up your own kind for a fucking bullshit paycheck! I’m gonna beat your ass—”
“What the fuck –stop it!” She whips a rock the size of a small child at you, narrowly missing your head. “What the fuck are you talking about? Who the fuck are you?”
“You’re working with them!” You jerk your head towards the warehouse.
“The fuck I am!” She finally notes your suit, and her mouth twists into a grimace. “Oh. You’re X-Men.”
“Damn right. Now, give me one good reason not to bounce you down this hill like a beach ball!”
Angel Dust smirks. “You’re a little rougher around the edges than most of them…” The smirk fades just as quickly as it appeared, and the color seems to drain from her face. “Fuck, you’re Wilson’s sister, aren’t you?”
“Ding-ding-ding, bitch!” you hiss. “And if you aren’t here to work for those cockwipes, then what the fuck are you doing on this hill?”
“I could ask you the fucking same—”
“Look, unlike my brother, I don’t have to get close to you to hit you. So, unless you want to go through that line of trees, I suggest you start talking.”
She rolls her eyes, but relents. “I’m here to rescue my daughter.”
“Daughter?” Your face scrunches up in confusion. “Wade didn’t say anything about you having a daughter.”
“Yeah, well, he wouldn’t fucking know!”
“I suppose that’s fair –considering you helped torture him and almost killed him, then helped kidnap his girlfriend!”
“Fuck’s sake –the fuck do you want from me?”
“Proving you have a daughter and that you aren’t lying might be a good start.”
She glowers at you, then begrudgingly takes a wallet out of her pocket and pulls out a few pictures. “Here. Proof enough?”
The pictures show Angel Dust holding a young girl –first as a baby, then a couple shots of them at a park when the girl looks about to be three, one of them eating ice cream together when the kid looks about five, and a school photo headshot dated from this year, in which the girl looks to be around seven.
Granted, she could be lying, but the pictures look real enough. Besides, if she really was working with the warehouse people, she probably wouldn’t have tried to convince you otherwise in the first place.
“What’s her name?” you ask, stiffly hanging back the pictures.
“Madeline. Maddie, for short. Why are you here?”
“They have my husband.”
“He an X-Man, too?”
“Yeah. Colossus. The big metal guy that you punched in the dick.”
She smirks. “Oh, yeah. Good brawler. Kinda sweet. He refused to ogle me when one of my tits fell out of my shirt.”
“Yeah,” you say with a small smile. “That’d be him.”
Tense silence falls around the two of you as you regard each other warily.
“Far be it from me to suggest we team up,” you start.
Angel Dust cuts you off with a sardonic snort. “What makes you think I need –want—your help?”
“You won’t make it through there alone. They’ve basically got an army guarding that place. You’re strong, but you’re not bulletproof. Or, worse, you’ll wind up captured. Besides, I have backup.”
She raises an incredulous eyebrow. “What, the X-Men? Pass.”
“No,” you say with a roll of your eyes. “The schedule master didn’t want to get off his ass, so I’m working without them for this.”
“Sounds like you don’t have backup, then.”
You bite down on the urge to sneer at her. “I have more resources than the X-Men.” Asshole.
“Such as?”
“Such as the kind that don’t mind using real guns.” When Angel Dust’s eyebrows spike towards her hairline, you continue. “Look, I get my husband and my other people out, you get your daughter out, everyone goes home happy and hopefully we never have to speak to each other again. Deal?”
“Fine,” she says after a minute. “So, if we’re not breaking in right now, what’s next?”
“I’ve got some people looking into this place. They should have some proper information by now. We head back to my place, learn what we can, then make plans to bust into here later tonight.”
Angel Dust considers for a moment, then concedes with a nod. “Fine. Wait… how’d you get out here?”
You shrug. “Flew.”
She scoffs, rolls her eyes. “Of course. We’ll take my car back.”
 You text Yukio once you’re safely in Angel Dust’s car—
“Do you have a name?”
“Fuck kind of question is that?”
“I only know you as Angel Dust,” you say with a roll of your eyes. “So, unless you want me to refer to you as ‘Angel Dust’ all the time, having a name to use would be handy.”
She sighs heavily. Rolls her eyes. “Christina.”
You blink. You’re not sure what you’d been expecting, honestly. “Cool. I’m Y/N.”
“Great. Glad we’re fucking best friends now,” Christina grumbles under her breath as she starts her car and pulls away from the thicket of bushes she’d parked her car behind.
You text Yukio, letting her know that you’re on your way back, that you’ve picked up some help, and that if you aren’t back in three hours to call your uncle. You pocket your phone once Yukio replies, then steal a quick glance at Christina.
All in all, you don’t know much about her. You heard about her and her whole involvement with Ajax –Francis, whatever—from Wade, and you’ve heard a little bit from Piotr about her other criminal escapades –car-jacking, fighting rings, blackmailing—but beyond that, Angel Dust –Christina—is a complete mystery to you.
“How’d your daughter wind up in there?” you ask, breaking the thick silence that had settled around the two of you.
Her jaw clenches tighter, and her hands grip the steering wheel hard enough that –for a moment—you’re worried that she might break it. “My ex.”
“You had a kid with Francis?”
Her hands grip the wheel tighter. “No. I was married before I met Ajax. Long time before. Had Maddie. Got divorced. Met Ajax a little while later.”
“Riveting,” you snark, which gets a murderous glare shot your way. “So, what, your ex-husband decided to do a ‘take your daughter to work day’ and it ended poorly?”
“He doesn’t like mutants. Part of why we divorced.”
Pain strikes your chest as you put the pieces together. “Wait a second. He… he sent his own child to a testing facility?”
“Like I said,” Christina growls as she presses down harder on the gas pedal, “there’s a reason he’s my ex.”
 Ellie goes from hunched over your laptop to standing bolt upright, fists clenched and energy swirling around her the second Christina follows you through the door—
And, yeah, okay, you definitely should’ve given more warning about the “help” that you were bringing back.
“What the fuck is she doing here?” Ellie snaps.
Christina just smirks. “Good to see you again, short stack.”
“Ellie, please don’t obliterate my house,” you say quickly, stepping between Ellie and Christina before Ellie does something rash –albeit probably deserved. “She’s helping us.”
“Why is she—” Ellie jerks her chin towards Christina “—helping us? She’s a criminal!”
“She has someone that was captured, too,” you explain, doing your best to stay calm. “The more innocent lives we can save in all of this, the better.”
“Fucking Christ,” Christina grumbles under her breath. “It’s like the fucking boyscouts.”
“Aren’t you supposed to be in the Icebox?” Ellie snaps, still glaring down Christina –albeit without the energy charge-up, which you’re grateful for.
“I wasn’t deemed ‘dangerous enough’ for ‘removal from society.’”
“You kidnapped an innocent woman and nearly killed Colossus!”
She shrugs, blasé. “Paycheck’s a paycheck.”
“You fucking bitch—”
“Okay!” You shove Ellie back, and give her the sternest look you can muster at the moment –which, in reality, probably looks more desperate than anything else. “I know you’re mad, but we have a job to do. Can you…” You sigh when Ellie raises an eyebrow at you in challenge, and your expression is definitely desperate now. “Please, Ellie-bell. We need to get Piotr and Wade and Nate and Neena and anyone else they might have locked up out of there. Please.”
Ellie sighs heavily, but relents with a nod. “Fine. But if she—” she points at Christina, who smirks “—does anything out of line, I’m blasting her through a wall.”
“I’d comment, but I know you’re more than capable,” Christina mutters as she sizes up Yukio and Russell. “Also, if this was the back up you’re talking about—”
“It’s part of it, but they’re strictly the research team,” you interject quickly. “We’re bringing someone else along for the actual rescue mission.”
“Who?” Russell asks.
You shoot him a warning, incredibly desperate look to ‘please, for the love of Cthulhu, shut it’ because you haven’t actually figured that part out yet—
And then Yukio comes to your rescue. “Your uncle called while you were gone. He said he wanted you to call him as soon as you were back.”
“He also gave us a lot of information about the warehouse,” Russell adds, having caught on to your ‘please help me bullshit my through this.’ “Covered by ten different teams of armed men that work on five different shifts—”
You glance over your shoulder at Christina. “You mind looking through what we already have while I make the call?”
She sighs, rolls her eyes, but ultimately sits down at the dining room table. “Fine.”
You take your phone from Yukio, then step into the living room so you can talk to your uncle while also keeping an eye on Christina.
He answers on the first ring. “Who am I talking to this time?”
“It’s me. I’m safe.”
“Punk.” Your uncle lets out a sigh of relief. “Okay, I told Ellie everything I could fine, but listen to me. You cannot try to crack this place open, okay? The person running this operation is far too dangerous to mess with. I’m sending some people in to help, and I’ll fly in as soon as I can; just let the professionals handle this, okay?”
You grimace. “I can’t do that.”
“Okay, look, I know you’re worried about Piotr—”
“There’s a kid involved,” you say quietly, watching Christina intently. “A little girl. She was dumped at the holding center. I… I can’t wait. Not with a child’s safety on the line.”
Your uncle swears, then sighs. “…Okay. Just… take some heavier ammunition with you. Please. I’ll get there as fast as I can to help back you up.”
“Alright. I can do that.” You make a quick good-bye, then head back into the dining room. “Alright, what are we looking at?”
“Nothing good,” Christina says heavily. “You were right about not being able to break into this place. We’ll need an army to do just that.”
“…I might just be able to get us one.”
 The new offices of Nelson, Murdock, and Page come with countless new amenities –one of which being that it’s not located inside a deli.
There’s also a dedicated “back entrance” for clients that don’t want to be –or shouldn’t be—seen by the public.
Which, as fortune would have it, is where you find Frank Castle.
He’s wearing all black, carrying a bouquet of violets, and looks extremely startled when you all but shout his name. “What the fuck?”
“I need your help,” you say by way of greeting as you jog over to him. “Kidnappers, mutant experimentation, guys with lots of guns… yeah.”
“What the—” Christina yanks you aside with more strength than strictly necessarily, eyes so big they look like they’re about to pop out of her sockets. “How do you know the fucking Punisher?”
“Will you let go?” You wrench your arm out of her grasp. “I’m getting us an army. Chill the fuck out!”
“Do I get to know what’s going on here?” Frank interjects, looking equal parts confused, startled, and annoyed.
“There’s a warehouse two and a half hours from here,” you explain. “Heavily guarded. Piotr was kidnapped and taken there, as was her daughter.” You nod to Christina. “Wade, Nathan, and Neena are missing, too, and I’m willing to bet they’re there as well –along with who knows how many other people. The X-Men aren’t getting off their ass for this one, and the two of us—” you gesture between you and Christina “—aren’t enough to break in and get everyone out. We need help.” You take a breath, then shoot Frank a desperate look and add, “Please.”
He exhales heavily, then nods before gesturing at the door with the flowers. “Yeah. Just give me a minute.”
 Karen, fortunately, gives her blessing for you to borrow her boyfriend for a potential suicide mission without too much fuss. Frank steps back into the alley a few minutes later, grabs a few duffels from his “murder van,” then directs you to where he keeps the rest of his weapons stash before you drive him and Christina back to your home.
From there, two things happen right away.
One: Frank is immediately able to make more sense of the information your uncle had sent, which makes developing a plan so much easier.
Two: Russell, Ellie, and Yukio all refuse to stay behind while you, Frank, and Christina head to the warehouse.
“For the last time,” you grit out, on the verge of ripping out your hair. “I cannot take you three with me. You’re all trainees! You’re not cleared for something like this. Besides, if Piotr doesn’t kill me, Scott definitely will!”
“You could take Scott in a fight,” Yukio says with an earnest nod.
“That’s not the point!”
“The point is we want to help.” Russell crosses his arms over his chest. “Wade’s my friend and guardian, Colossus is one of our teachers, and Cable and Domino are part of the X-Force. They’re our friends. Why shouldn’t we help?”
“I really don’t know how to explain to you that you’re a minor.”
“Yukio and I aren’t,” Ellie pipes up, voice deadly calm. “We’re both adults. We can do whatever we want with this. And I have a license and access to a car.”
“Look, either we’re in on the plan and how to handle all of this, or we drive up on our own and insert ourselves into the situation.” She raises an eyebrow at you when you start sputtering. “What? What are you going to do? Duct tape us to the walls so we can’t leave?”
You narrow your eyes at her. “I’m seriously tempted to. There is such a thing as ‘being in over you head,’ and –make no mistake—this is one of those situations.”
Ellie’s jaw tenses. “We’re not staying behind.”
“For what it’s worth,” Frank interjects from where he’s been sitting at your dining room table, pouring over all the data your uncle was able to collect, “if they can help us, we could definitely use their help. We’re pretty damn outnumbered.”
“See!” Russell chimes in. “You need us!”
“That’s not the point!” you snap, nerves finally fraying enough to let your stress show through.
“It’s exactly the point!” Ellie argues. “You need extra help, we want to help!”
“That’s not the point Y/N is trying to make,” Yukio says when you grip your hair in frustration. “It may be the point of the mission, but it’s not what she’s focused on.”
You exhale heavily as silence finally falls, then lean wearily against the dining room table. “It’s not that we don’t need your help. We do. But… you’re just kids.”
“Yukio and I are eighteen,” Ellie points out.
“You are an infant and you will accept it!” you fire back. “This… this isn’t fighting Magneto or a few punk frat boys who just realized they have superpowers. These are trained assassins with guns and who knows what else and… you guys still deserve to be young. You deserve more time before you have to face that.”
The space goes suffocatingly silent as your words hang in the air, bitter and desperate.
Because, really, you all already know what’s going to happen.
“We’re ready,” Yukio says, quiet but confident. She squares her shoulders and gives you a smile. “This is what we’ve trained to do.”
“You already know what my stance is,” Ellie says when you look over to her.
Russell seems a little more pensive when you check with him, but he doesn’t waver, either. He swallows hard, then nods. “I want to help Wade. He’s my guardian… my friend.”
You sigh, heavy and with finality, then plop down into the nearest chair. “Alright. Let’s make a plan.”
 The plan is simple enough.
Your uncle had managed to dig up a plethora of information –including the policy for dealing with “captured individuals.” Anyone caught snooping around the warehouse was taken, searched for weapons, then taken to a room that was labelled “primary containment area.”
You’re willing to bet that Piotr and everyone will be there as well.
So, you and Christina will pose as a couple of amateur activists, attempting to get some film of what seemed to be a “secret military base” that was undoubtedly propagating violence, war culture, etcetera. You two will get yourselves captured, get inside the base, ditch whoever brought you in, find your missing people, then get out.
And, just for good measure, while the two of you were inside, Frank, Russell, Ellie, and Yukio will create a distraction outside, thus increasing your odds of success.
Frank also had one of his friends –who was some type of tech wizard, apparently—hack into the base and put the cameras on a loop, so that the two of you wouldn’t be caught out right away.
Is it the most sophisticated plan? No.
Is it the most likely to succeed, considering the circumstances? Also no.
Is it the best you all could do, considering the time and personnel constraints? Yes.
“If we die,” Christina growls –she’d been none too fond of the plan, but hadn’t had a better counteroffer—as the two of you cut through the woods, “I’m killing you before these dipshits get a chance.”
“Good fucking luck with that,” you grumble back, pulling a camera –which had a busted release mechanism for the SD card and was therefore useless—out of your bag. “Ready?”
“Let’s just get this over with.”
The two of you skulk around the perimeter, pretending to take film of the place –which, granted, you are, but it’s not like you’re planning on using any of it—and talking in stage whispers about angles, lighting, and framing. When that doesn’t work, you move in closer to the entry –where the guards are stationed—and start taking photos with the flash on.
It gets their attention pretty quick.
“Hey! Stop!”
The two of you feign making a run for it as the armed guards rush towards you, then switch to fake pleas and promise to “give up the footage” in exchange for being let go when you’re caught.
“Look, this is just for a school project,” Christina babbles –and, you have to give her credit, she’s a good actress.
Though, that could just be the guns the guards are carrying providing a proper incentive.
“We’ll give you the camera,” you add, faking desperation. “Just, like, please let us go.”
“Take them inside,” one of the older looking guards says. “Search them, then take them to the main containment center.”
You and Christina pretend to resist and struggle, but ultimately let the men march you past the wall and towards the compound.
 The search goes well enough. The two of you had made a point to not carry any weapons –or any IDs, just in case. Your phones –fakes—are tossed, as is the camera, but other than that the guards don’t find anything particularly interesting.
Being taken to the main containment area, however, doesn’t go as well.
Mostly because your people aren’t there.
“Shit,” Christina swears when you’re marched into what’s essentially a windowless, metal box.
“Search the base?” you ask.
“We have to.”
You slam the guards against the nearest wall with a gust of wind, knocking them out.
The two of you quickly handcuff the guards with their hands behind their backs, careful to interlock the sets of cuffs to make it harder for them to move or escape once they come to.
You strip off one of their tac vest and quickly adjust it to your body, while Christina pulls out their phones and walkie talkies and crushes them. “I’m guessing neither of them are carrying a map?”
“Wouldn’t that be our lucky day.”
You pull out an ear piece that you’d hidden in your bra, then turn it on and tuck it in your ear. “Ellie, can you hear me?”
“Yeah. What’s up?”
“Slight problem. Containment area’s empty. Is there a lab or something labelled on the blueprints my uncle sent us?”
“…Yeah. Left from the entrance to the containment room, take a right at the second doorway, then all the way down the hall to the back. Do you need us to go now?”
You eye the hallway outside the containment room, then grimace when you see several guards patrolling the space. “Yeah. We’re pretty boxed in otherwise.”
“Alright. Give us five minutes.”
The two of you wait –then, sure enough, the building shudders as a loud explosion echoes outside.
You flash Christina a somewhat manic grin. “Shall we?”
“You’re just as crazy as Wilson.”
“You’re not the first person to say that.”
 The lab is straight out of some cheesy action-flick style evil lair. There’s a massive –practically floor to ceiling—screen that looks like someone lifted it from a movie theatre that’s framed by a wall to wall bank of computer keys, buttons, smaller inset display screens, dials, and sliders. The center of the room boasts a particularly sinister tilted metal table with arm and ankle restraints on the sides, an operation room light at the top, and various trays of syringes, surgical equipment, and other tools. Towards the back, there’s several rows of tables with various beakers, test tubes, and other items straight out of chemistry textbook.
And, on the wall opposite the door, there are a series of cylindrical, glass holding containers –which are currently housing your husband, Nate, Wade, Neena, and a young, dark haired girl that must be Madeline.
Madeline and Piotr don’t look too much worse for wear. A little bruised and a little tired, perhaps, but otherwise unharmed.
Neena’s face is fixed in a tight grimace. You don’t see any visible signs of harm on her, but that doesn’t mean that she’s okay.
Wade looks sick. He has a repression collar on, just like everyone else in the holding tanks, so there’s no doubt that his cancer is giving him hell.
Nathan looks tense. He’s sat on the floor of his tank, leaned back against the glass, gaze fixed in a pensive thousand mile stare. There’s no visible signs of the virus having spread, but you know he can’t be feeling too comfortable, either.
Madeline visibly perks up when you and Christina enter the lab, then jumps to the feet and presses her tiny body against the glass of her tank. “Mommy!”
“Mom—oh fuck.” Wade glares at Christina. “What is she doing here? And since when did you have a kid with Francis?”
Christina, predictably, ignores Wade. She sprints over to her daughter’s containment tube, pressing her hands flat against the glass. “Hey, sweetie. Are you okay?”
Madeline’s face crumples, and she starts crying. “I want to go home, Mommy. I want to go home—”
“Don’t!” Neena exclaimed when Christina moved to rip off the door on her daughter’s containment cell. “The guy running the tests said there was a different lock on her door.” She pointed to the keypad on the side of Madeline’s containment tube. “He said that if the cell was tampered with, it’d release a toxin gas.”
Christina shot a desperate look at you over her shoulder. “Can you diffuse the gas?”
“I don’t want to risk it,” you said. “Look, Ellie can probably figure out to get it open safely, and if she can’t, we’ve got other people who definitely can. Bottom line, she’s not staying in there for long.”
Piotr shoot you a sharp look. “Why is NTW here?”
You flounder, before shrugging sheepishly. “I got out-voted?”
“It’s going to be okay, sweet girl.” Christina knelt in front of her daughter’s tube, smiling reassuringly. “We’re going to get you out, okay?”
“Can you get the doors off the other cells?” you ask upon checking to make sure that the same locking mechanisms aren’t on the other containment tubes. “If we get everyone else out, I can get the repression collars off, and then we can shut this thing down and focus on getting Maddie out.”
Christina shoots you a look –most likely annoyed by being taken away from her daughter—but rises and walks down the row of cells, ripping the doors off as she goes and chucking them out of the way.
You help Wade out of his cell and get him situated on a chair—
And then Piotr sweeps you into his arms and presses his lips against yours.
He smells a little ripe, his breath isn’t much better, he has a few days’ worth of stubble on his face, and his hair is a mess.
He’s perfect.
“Are you okay?” you murmur, cupping his face when the kiss ends.
“I am now.” He kisses your forehead. “How did you find me?”
“Went over Scott’s head, used the tracker on your suit, and asked my uncle for help.” You lay your head against his chest, and close your eyes for a moment as you listen to the steady thud of his heartbeat.
He’s safe. He’s alive.
 Getting the collars off is a cinch. They’re basic model collars with keypads. You’ve taken shit like this apart in your sleep.
The building rumbles ominously while you work on defusing the collars, and the sounds of gunfire and death are rapidly approaching the lab.
Piotr eyes the door warily. “What all is going on?”
“Uh… kinda asked Frank for some help.”
Your husband’s eyes damn near bug out of his head. “Frank Castle?”
“Ooh, Frankie’s here!” Wade chirps, perking up now that his collar’s off and his healing factor is kicking back in. “Did he bring any grenades?”
“Why did you ask Frank Castle for help?” Piotr interjects, sounding aghast.
“What else was I going to do?” you exclaim. “Scott literally wouldn’t get off his ass to check in on things. It was either do it alone, or get what help I could!”
Piotr looks like he’s about to drop it –then his eyes widen with horror. “You… you left trainees with him.”
Fucking shit on an ass cracker— “Look, I will be very happy to discuss this with you later, but for now can we just focus on—”
A door at the far end of the lab sweeps open –not the one you and Christina came in through—and a man wearing a lab coat walks in.
A man that, though it takes you a moment, you recognize.
Mostly because you slammed his head into a table and threatened to rip off his balls if he ever hurt your husband again.
Rage floods your system. “You!”
Dwight Bard –stupid fucking nickname “Rogue”—jerks when he sees all of you, then pales when recognition hits his system. “Oh shit—”
You don’t give him a chance to finish his sentence, much less escape or do anything else. You hit him in the back with a blast of wind, bouncing him across the floor of the lab and smacking him against the metal table. You dash over, secure one of his arms in one of the restraints before he can get up, then grab the first thing you find on the tool tray –which happens to be a scalpel—and aim it at him. “I fucking warned you, you son of a bitch. I’m gonna gut you like a fucking catfish—”
“Myshka!” Piotr plucks you up and sets you away from the table before physically putting himself between you and Dwight. “Stop!”
You take one look at your husband’s horrified expression and shrink in on yourself, ashamed. “I’m not—” You try to gesture with your hand, forgetting that you have the scalpel, and nearly nick Piotr with it. You flounder as you try to find a place to set the utensil, then ultimately hand it over to Piotr so he can set back on the instrument tray. “He’s—”
“No killing,” Piotr says, voice soft but firm. “Ever. Under any circumstances.”
Your mouth opens and closes as you try to find the words to explain your headspace.
That Dwight isn’t worth saving because he’s perverted and hasn’t stopped the track he’s on despite having the chance to change and more than enough incentive –can anyone say ‘staying out of prison,’ much—to do so. That killing people recklessly and without thought is bad, but that defending those who can’t defend themselves is another category. That you weren’t even intending to really do anything, but he helped hurt the people you love, that he’s hurt your husband –the most important person in your life—over and over and over again, and you can’t live in a world knowing that person is out there and could hurt him again.
Ultimately, you shrug helplessly and say, “He hurt you.”
An emotion settles on Piotr’s face that you can’t identify. (Grief? Anguish? Fear? A combination of all three, or maybe none of them at all?) He stares at you for a moment, expression inscrutable, then gently takes you into his arms and kisses the top of your head. “I do not want you killing for me.”
You nestle against his chest –then break away when Dwight starts trying to get the restraint off his wrist. “Oh, no, no, no. Just because I’m not force-feeding you your balls doesn’t mean you get a free pass.” You finish restraining his arms and legs, then flip the overhead light on so he has to keep his eyes closed for good measure. “You can just stay right there until we’re ready to drag you out of here and back to jail.”
The door that you and Christina originally entered through opens, and Ellie, Russell, Yukio, and Frank walk through.
You nod at Madeline’s containment cell. “There’s a special lock on this one. Can you get it open?”
“I’ll see what I can do,” Ellie says, checking over the locking mechanism before walking over to the bank of computers.
“Building’s clear,” Frank says, momentarily eyeing Dwight before turning his attention to Madeline and Christina. “What’s going on there?”
“Special lock,” you explain, paraphrasing what Neena told you. “Improperly opening the chamber releases a neurotoxin gas.”
Frank’s lip curls into a menacing sneer as he stalks towards Dwight. “You think that’s fun? Putting a little girl’s life in the balance?”
“It wasn’t me!” Dwight panics, trying –and failing—to edge himself away from Frank. “I’m just –look, I’m just a scientist, I had no idea—”
“You’ve got a kid a tube!” Frank shouts. “It doesn’t get more fucking obvious!”
“Okay, okay, just –look. The building’s not clear yet.”
“The hell it isn’t—”
“They had teams on standby, down the road, in case the place was stormed.”
The lights flicker, then turn off before flipping back on—
And then an explosion goes off outside, making the building shake and the windows rattle in their settings.
Frank tenses, then swears under his breath when more explosions sound outside. “Shit.”
“Sounds like we’ve got company,” Wade comments as he stretches lazily (the movement is accompanied by a grimace, though, which is how you know he’s still not feeling good). “Got a gun I can borrow?”
“Best move right now is to handle the team outside,” Nathan agrees as Frank hands them both spare pistols. “You three stay back here.” He nods to the teens. “Get the kid out. The rest of us will hold the base.”
Madeline bursts into tears when Christina takes a reluctant step away from her daughter’s containment cell. “Mommy, I want you to stay! I’m scared!”
“It’s okay, sweetie,” Christina reassures her quickly. “It’s okay—”
“Stay with her,” you decide. “We don’t have enough weapons for you to use, which means your strength won’t be an advantage out there.”
Christina mouths a grateful “thank you” at you, then sits at the base of her daughter’s cell. “It’s going to be okay, Maddie. Mommy’s right here.”
“What about Neena?” Russell asks as the rest of you prepare to head out. “She doesn’t have a gun.”
“I’ve got a good feeling about finding one,” Neena quips, flashing Russell a smile that doesn’t quite reach her eyes.
You want to take her aside, ask her if she’s okay –the explosions are still ongoing, meaning that right now, you’ve got more important things to do.
Frank reloads his rifle, then strides towards the main lab door. “Let’s go.”
 The lot of you make swift progress through the base. Frank and Nate lead you all with military-like precision –go figure—and before you know it, you’re at the main entrance.
The explosions are still going, rocking and rattling the building with each shockwave. The lights flicker ominously overhead each time; a few fall out and shatter against the floor.
Piotr shields you with his body when one lands near the two of you. “What now?”
“You know how many people are out there?” Frank asks Nathan.
Your dad shakes his head. “The number of psychic signatures keeps changing. Maybe… twenty-five? Thirty? They keep bouncing around the lot.”
“We’ve handled worse,” Neena decides as she loads her shotgun (which, true to form, she’d stumbled across while you’d all navigated the base).
“Wait, wait –Natey, hold on a second.” Wade grabs his boyfriend’s arm, holding Nathan back from moving (even though Nate stopped the first time Wade asked him to wait). “Do you not hear what I’m not hearing?”
“The fuck does that mean?” Frank grumbles under his breath.
Nathan cocks his head to the side though, gaze darting back and forth while he listens. “Gunfire. Voices.”
Frank’s expression sharpens as he catches the same lack of gunfire and people talking. “They could be trying to draw us out. We’ve got a chokepoint here.”
“Yeah, but why would they be bombing the parking lot they’re standing in?” Neena fires back.
“Should one of us go out?” Wade asks, looking between Frank, Nate, and Neena. “Scope things out?”
“If there are people waiting out there, we’ll get shot to pieces!” Neena exclaims.
“Okay, I can heal!” Wade fires back. “So, if you hear swearing and sounds of carnage—”
“No, no, we are not using you as a fucking guinea pig,” Nathan growls.
“Well, what would you recommend—”
“I’ll go,” Piotr interjects.
“What?” You blink rapidly as he kisses your forehead, then reach for him when he stands and steps away so he can armor up. “No! No—”
“It’s okay.” Your dad puts an arm around your shoulder, equal parts comforting and restraining. “He’ll be okay.”
Piotr ducks around the corner and strides towards the entrance –stooping over so he doesn’t bang his head on the ceiling. The sound of his heavy footsteps clank against the floor, barely audible over the explosions outside.
You listen to your husband’s step retreat away from you, scarcely daring to breathe. Please be okay, please be okay, please be okay…
There’s a moment where the explosions stop, and the ensuing silence stretches out, unending and horrible—
“No one is out here.”
You let out a breath, nearly collapsing with relief when you hear Piotr’s voice—
And then what he said hits you.
Frank stalks out, rifle at the ready in case shit goes sideways. He’s quiet for a moment, then shouts out an “all clear.”
You shadow the others out, mindful that you don’t have a gun or near as much combat experience. You sidle up next to your husband, one hand clutching at the material of his X-Men suit.
The explosions, at least, were real. The lot looked scorched, pitted with craters and dotted with debris and chunks of concrete.
That’s where the legitimacy of Dwight’s claims seem to end, though. There’s no sign of any opposition, armed, dangerous, or otherwise.
“Was he wrong?” you ask as Frank, Wade, Nate, and Neena carefully scope out the lot. “Maybe… maybe there’s no back up.”
“There is car coming,” Piotr announces, quickly tucking you behind his back.
The others hop to, taking up different positions around the lot to set up the best spread of gunfire possible.
You peek around your husband’s side as much as you dare, trying to get a read on the situation.
A lone SUV rolls up to the gate of the compound. It doesn’t seem armored, much less like it could hold the amount of guys your dad was initially sensing in the lot…
The SUV parks just inside the gate, and then the driver’s door opens and Mikhail Rasputin steps out. He grins laconically at Piotr, and lifts a hand in greeting. “Poves'te desyat', mladshiy brat!”
Piotr gapes as his mother exits the front passenger side of the SUV, whilst Mikhail ambles around to the back of the car to open the trunk. “Matushka?”
She’s decked out in black tactical gear and combat boots, and looks ready to kill.
(Granted, Alexandra always looks ready to kill, but the expression is more literal than figurative this time around.)
She graces her son with a brief, greeting smile, but quickly steps into scanning the surrounding environment for potential threats. Alex eyes the craters in the lot with a critical eye, one brow arching as she takes it all in. “Big fight?”
“Not really,” Wade says with a shrug. “Lots of explosions, but when we got out here there was no one around.”
You frown, stepping out from behind Piotr. “What are you two doing here?”
“Sent by uncle,” Mikhail says, nodding at you with a smile that’s entirely too relaxed for the scope of the situation. “To help.”
“Well, I think we’ve got it under control,” Wade says, gesturing at the parking lot.
“For now,” Alex tacks on as she eyes the building. “Man running this place is highly dangerous. Sooner we leave, the better. Is this everyone?”
“There are others inside,” Piotr says, eyes widening with realization. “Ellie, and Yukio, and Russell, and—”
The ground shakes again, and then there’s an explosion that sends chunks of concrete wall flying from the back side of the compound.
You stare at the plume of fire and smoke that billows into the sky, heart sinking. Shit.
 The lab, once you arrive, is in complete and utter chaos. Tables are strewn everywhere, glass equipment lies shattered on the floor, and a gaping hole gashes through one of the internal walls.
At the far end of the lab is Dwight –who, somehow, has managed to free himself and is grinning as he hovers above the ground. He extends his hand towards the opposite side of the room, flinging several heavy work tables that are deflected by Christina and Ellie.
“He’s a mutant!” Ellie shouts, pointing an accusing finger at Dwight before dodging more flying debris. “He has to be! He undid his restraints without even touching them!”
“Sorry for the deception,” Dwight says, grinning nastily—
And then his body ripples, changing size and form until he’s several inches taller and nowhere near as gangly. His face morphs hideously, hair going from tight auburn curls to slicked back black tresses. His eyes change from hazel to gray, his jawline sharpens, and by the end of it he looks less like some sort of computer tech pervert and more like a rugged assassin.
“Someone fucking promise me we’re not about to go down another ‘it was Mystique the whole time’ writing hole,” Wade groans as he skids to a stop, then ducks to avoid shards of flying glass. “Because I can’t handle another plot headache like that.”
“Name’s Nathaniel. Nathaniel Essex.” Nathaniel tosses Dwight’s glasses aside, smirking laconically. “So, no, no Mystique storyline here. Though, that might’ve been better for the rest of you.”
“How you figure, Captain Chameleon?” Wade fires back. “Don’t know if you forgot how to count, but there are…” Wade starts counting, then gets fed up with the process and settles for cocking his gun and aiming it at Nathaniel. “You’re fucking outnumbered, shit for brains! Best surrender now, and maybe I won’t fuck your ass with the business end of this gun!”
“You do, you’re buying me a new one, Wilson!” Frank snaps.
“Do you accept stolen?”
“The way I see it, my odds are just fine.” Nathaniel smirks, and several pieces of broken tables and twisted metal start floating around him. “Don’t worry. I’ll try to keep from hurting you too bad.” He hurls the objects across the lab—
Only for them to freeze halfway across.
Nathaniel’s face goes slack with shock. “What the—”
Alexandra steps out from behind Piotr, eyes glowing gold as she stares down Nathaniel. “Care to try again, tupitsa?”
Nathaniel grits his teeth and tries to fling more carnage across the lab, but to no avail. “Go fuck yourself, bitch.”
Alex raises an eyebrow, then shrugs. “Have it your way.”
And then the items floating in the air zip across the lab. Those that don’t bounce of the telekinetic shield Nathaniel erects around himself embed themselves in the opposing wall.
“We need to get Maddie out of here!” you shout. “Ellie, can’t you disarm the pod?”
“I couldn’t find anything that disables the gas system!”
You’re starting to think that the supposed “toxic gas” attached to Maddie’s containment tube was a lie as well –but, best not to take chances.
“We’ll figure it out once we take down Essex,” you shout before darting towards where Alex and Nathaniel are scuffling with each other.
Nathaniel lets out a pained grunt when Alex throws him against one of the walls hard enough to crack the concrete, then yanks his sleeves back and starts pressing buttons on a wrist-mounted console. He taps at the display screen between dodging various attacks—
And then security drones fly out from hatches in the ceiling and start raining down Gatling gunfire on all of you.
“Get down!” Frank bellows as he dives behind one of the upended, heavy, metal lab tables.
Neena, Mikhail, and Nate join him, opening fire at the various drones.
You dive tackle Yukio, practically throwing her and yourself underneath one of the computer desks. You tuck her underneath you, doing your best to shield her from flying glass shards and stray chunks of metal.
Wade grabs Russell and Ellie, yanking them into a nearby alcove and shoving them behind him so he can take shots at the drones. “Since when did this go from a redux of my first movie to a redux of Terminator? We don’t have that kind of budget!”
Madeline shrieks when some of the rounds fired by the drones bounce off her containment cell. She drops to the floor of the tube, curling into a ball and sobbing hysterically. “Mommy!”
“Maddie!” Christina wholesale throws an operation table at one of the drones, cleaving it in half, before sprinting across the lab to reach her daughter’s cell. “Maddie!”
The whole building shakes like it’s about to come down. You hold tighter onto Yukio, getting what glimpses you can of the battle from under your table.
Alex and Nathaniel are caught up in a fraught telekinetic tango. They’re both reaching out towards each other –Nathaniel with both hands, red-faced and straining, and Alex with one hand, expression grim but determined—and their stand off seems to be what’s ripping the lab apart.
What happens when there are two unstoppable forces and two immovable objects, and each person has one?
Mikhail pops out of nowhere, landing next to Nathaniel. He lets out a burst of maniacal laughter, hits Nathaniel upside the head with the butt of his rifle, then disappears again.
Nathaniel stumbles, dazed –and it’s enough. He shrieks as he whizzes past you, bouncing off the ground before slamming into the computer station near the main entrance to the lab.
The remaining windows in the lab shatter, along with the lights. Glass rains down on the floor in tiny shards. Smoke and dust billow from one of the destroyed computer terminals, mixing with the glass into a lethal fog.
Your husband grabs Christina before quickly shielding her, Frank, Neena, and Nathan from the worst of the falling glass.
At the lab’s entrance, Wade and a newly reappeared Mikhail shield Russell and Ellie with their bodies.
For a moment, everything goes quiet, save for Essex’s labored groaning, Maddie’s terrified sobbing, and the tinkling sound of the glass making contact with the floor.
And then, not unlike a phoenix, Alex emerges from a cloud of smoke, head held high and eyes glowing menacingly. “Still want to do this, podonok?”
Nathaniel bares his teeth in a snarl before pushing up the sleeve on his jacket, revealing a time travel device like Nathan’s. “Fuck you.” He slaps a button on the device, then winks out of view in a flash of green light.
Alex snorts disdainfully. “Coward.”
Everything goes silent again. Relief slowly starts to sink in, now that the worst of it is over.
And then there’s an ominous whirring noise, and Madeline’s tube starts sinking into the lab floor.
She panics, shrieking and pounding on the glass. “Mommy!”
Christina bolts towards her daughter, equally as terror-stricken. “Maddie!”
The tube sinks fully into the ground, locking into place with a sickening click.
Christina freezes for a moment, staring at the place where her daughter used to be. Then, she lets out an anguished shriek and makes to rip the containment tube out of the ground.
“Don’t!” you shout, batting her away from the tube with a blast of air. “The neurotoxin!”
“I have to save her!”
“She’s already gone,” Nathan says, voice ragged. “He had a teleportation device attached to her cell. It would’ve activated seconds after he left.”
“Fuck you!”
Alex steps between Christina and the cell, keeping her from yanking it back up. “Easy, easy. We will still find your daughter.”
Christina snarls, then punches Alex straight in the face.
She doesn’t so much as flinch. Instead, she raises an eyebrow at the aggrieved woman, then lifts her own fist. “My turn? Or are we done?”
Christina gapes up at Alex for a moment, shocked, then resumes her efforts to try and get to the tube. “Maddie –I have to save her—”
“She is not there,” Alex insists, grunting as she bodily lifts Christina away from the cell. “Our best bet is to find Nathaniel.”
“He could be anywhere!”
“He used a short-range teleporter,” Nathan pipes up. “He’ll be close by. The sooner we start tracking him, the better.”
“Well, that would be our cue,” Alex says, firmly ushering Christina towards the door. “Let’s head back to house. We can plan from there.”
“What about this place?” Yukio asks as she follows after Alex.
“We burn it.”
“We –we can’t do that,” Piotr protests, staring at his mother’s back. “Criminals need to be held responsible for—”
“And, what, we just leave evidence of our involvement? Of your connections to criminal underworld?” Alex snaps, whirling to face her son. “Nyet! We destroy this place and keep ourselves in the clear.”
“And what about the people connected to this place. Without evidence, they will never be held accountable!”
“Justice has many forms, medvezhonok. They’ll get theirs.”
“Come on.” You tug on your husband’s hand when he frowns after his mother. “We need to go, either way. The cops aren’t gonna be able to help us with this, not the way we really need help.”
Piotr’s grimace deepens –but, he ultimately falls into step next to you.
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luvshuas · 5 years
the art of flirting
pairing - son of aphrodite!jun x child of harmonia!reader
tags - demigod!au + one-sided (?) enemies to lovers + fluff
synopsis - flirting was almost like a second language for jun. he believed he could have anyone swooning over his words in a matter of seconds. so much so that when he’s dared to make the child of harmonia fall in love with him he accepts without hesitation. however, he didn’t consider his reputation to build a pre-existing wall between him and the other demigod
word count - 5k
through the mist masterlist
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It was hard not to know about Jun’s reputation. Whispers about who his next ‘victim’ would be would drift around camp from time to time, but all they would do is boost Jun’s confidence. Not that he needed a confidence boost in the first place. One could say he was overly confident in his ability to flirt, but that just made it all the more fun for his friends.
“Who’s next? Jun? Truth or dare?” Soonyoung asked, though he knew exactly what Jun would choose. Jun’s grin said his answer before it even left his lips.
“You already know I want a dare, Soon.” He said, leaning against his bed post. Soonyoung’s grin widened as Jun said those words. He wasn’t planning on giving him an impossible dare; no, it was merely meant to see if Jun could live up to his brags.
“I dare you to make that Harmonia kid fall in love with you.” Soonyoung’s grin turned into a smirk, but Jun remained unbothered. It wasn’t like him to make someone fall in love with him. Sure, he flirted enough to cause feelings, but never enough for it to go that far. Jun stood up from his position against the bedpost and made his way towards the door of the Aphrodite cabin. “Where are you going?” Soonyoung stared after him.
Jun grinned,”To make the child of Harmonia fall in love with me.” He stepped into the cool night air, and made his way towards the campfire. In all honesty, he had no clue whether you’d be at the fire or sound asleep in the cabin where the children of minor gods and goddesses stayed. The closer Jun got to the fire the less hope he had, until he caught a glimpse of you standing up behind another demigod.
Apologizing, Jun pushed past some of his fellow campers to try to catch up to you. “Hey! Wait up!” He called after you, hoping you’d slow your brisk pace. Without realizing it, your pace had slowed from a quick, angry mum walk to a saunter slow enough for Jun to finally catch up to you.
“Damned charm speak.” You murmured quietly. You kept your gaze fixed on the dirt path below you as you walked alongside him in silence. You knew what he wanted, but so would anyone if he walked up to them. During all the years you had spent at camp you had come to learn that Jun didn’t go up to people in the hopes of starting a new friendship, it just wasn’t like him. “What do you want Junhui?” You asked, keeping your gaze on the dark path.
“Oh we’re using full names?”
You rolled your eyes, “I’m not calling you by a nickname. We’re not friends.” You squinted into the darkness, hoping to make out the outline of your cabin. You knew you were close to it, but it felt as if the building moved farther back with every step you took. “You can go back to your cabin, Junhui.” You suggested, noticing he was still walking in step with you.
“You’re probably right. It’s getting late, but you also shouldn’t be walking alone in the dark. Who knows what’s out there? What if a cyclops got you?” His voice quieted as he said ‘cyclops’, though the look you gave him was far more dangerous than whatever monster he has come across.
“The camp is protected, dumbass. Nothing's gonna jump out and eat me.” You gestured to the space around you, indicating that nothing would be lurking in the shadows. You let out a thankful sigh as your cabin -- or your safe space away from Jun -- finally came into view.
“I guess. Alright, I’ll come get you tomorrow!” Jun said, quickly taking off afterwards. A smile spread across his face as he heard your protests. He knew this would be a challenge, but what’s the fun in giving up when presented with a little bump in the road? Jun slowed down his pace as he neared the dying fire. Most of the campers had returned to their cabins out of fear that they’d stay out too late and be forced into kitchen duty by one of the Furies.
Jun quietly slipped back into the now quiet Aphrodite cabin. He figured his friends would’ve been kicked out once Jun left to find you, but he didn’t particularly care. Jun wandered through the dark cabin until he felt his knees hit the edge of an empty bed -- his bed. He felt a tinge of excitement for tomorrow as he climbed into his bed, sleep beginning to tug at his consciousness.
You weren’t the least bit surprised when one of your cabin mates shook you awake to tell you Jun was waiting at the door for you. You half expected him to give up with his obvious pursuit of you with how uninterested you acted last night, but if he really came all the way to your cabin then maybe you had underestimated his determination. You pulled a jacket onto your arms and made your way to the front of the cabin.
“Wen Junhui, do I need to directly tell you to get lost for you to leave me alone?” You asked, opening the front door to step out onto the wooden deck that wrapped around the cabin. Jun stood up from where he was sitting on the steps the moment he heard your voice. A smile spread across his face as he took in your messy hair and still-tired eyes. He could only describe the way you looked as homey.
“Good morning, love. I’m here to take you to get breakfast.” Jun extended his hand for you to take. He watched you consider his offer before you turned around to retreat back into your cabin. “Hey! Are you seriously just going back to bed?” He asked, bewildered that you’d turn down breakfast with him.
“Chill. I’m just gonna change.” You rolled your eyes, entering your cabin once again. You thought it was strange how determined he was, but then again he was like that ever since you met him on your first day at camp. Jun had arrived a year before you, and in no time he was claimed by Aphrodite. His flirtatious habits and charming personality had been a dead giveaway for his parentage.
You tried to be quick with changing and making your bed. You always thought of your need for harmony, especially in domestic settings, as a curse from your mother. After checking yourself in the mirror one last time you returned to the deck where Jun was still waiting. “You didn’t have to get all dressed up for me. We’re not going on a date, unless you want to?” Jun smirked, his last sentence subtly suggesting that you and him should go on a date.
You walked past him, “You’re here to take me to breakfast, not to flirt with me.”
“Who says I can’t do both?” Jun quickly moved to catch up with you. He walked proudly beside you, as if  you were a gem he’d finally gotten his hands on. The walk to the mess hall was short, and, much to your surprise, quiet. Jun hadn’t said a word as he opened the door for you and followed you through the buffet.
“Go to the Aphrodite table, Junhui.” You said, taking a seat at your cabin’s designated table. You nudged Jun’s elbow away from your plate, but he didn’t budge. He sat there as still as a rock as you continued to eat your breakfast. “If you’re gonna stay here then stop staring at me while I eat. It’s weird.”
“Why won’t you call me Jun?” He asked, lifting his head from his arms. After years of being called by a nickname he wasn’t used to hearing his full name. Jun didn’t necessarily mind you using his full name, but he just found it strange that you opted for the long version over what everyone else called him.
“Nicknames are for friends. You’re just an annoyance.” You stated matter-of-factly. You bit into the last piece of toast you had on your plate to suppress a small smile as he groaned. You could admit that you were slightly impressed by his determination to get you to like him, but at the end of the day you still knew nothing good would come from falling for Jun.
“If I’m so annoying then why’d you agree to go to breakfast with me?”
“You made someone wake me up, and I would’ve gone eventually. You just happened to ask so I agreed.”
“I think you like me.” Jun smiled as you stood from your seat, walking over to the table of dirty plates. He stayed seated while watching you head towards the door. He knew he got you. 1-0, he thought.
After your breakfast ‘date’ with Jun you hadn’t seen him for the entire day leading up to a game of capture the flag. The spontaneous announcement that the entire camp would be participating in the game didn’t come as a surprise to anyone. Demigods gathered in groups around the entrance to the forest where the game would take place. In order to separate cabins names were pulled out of a hat. The red team was made up of Athena, Apollo, Zeus, Demeter, Hecate, Hades, and your cabin. The blue team had Ares, Poseidon, Hermes, Hephaestus, Dionysus, Nemesis, and finally Aphrodite.
“Let’s make a bet.” Jun said, quickly finding you in the sea of identical orange t-shirts. “If blue team wins then you and I are going on a date, and if your team wins then you can decide on whatever you want.”
“Deal.” You stuck out your hand for him to shake and finalize the bet. You didn’t have any intention to lose to Jun, and with the cabins on your team you didn’t expect to lose. A grin spread across Jun’s face as he shook your hand. To anyone who managed to get close to him his smirk would’ve given away hints that he had something up his sleeve, and with the Hermes cabin on his team there was no telling what that could be.
Once both teams had placed their flags on opposite sides of the forest a conch shell was blown, signaling the start of the game. Demigods on both sides took off running through the woods, using whatever powers their parents gave them to their advantage. You stayed behind to watch the flag with a few other demigods while the majority of your team raced to find the other flag.
Everything was dead silent around the flag for around ten minutes. Then the sound of metal piercing wood invaded the quiet space. Your eyes widened as you took in the grappling hook buried in the tree adjacent of you. You stayed crouched in the bushes as the sound of metal against the cord rang out. Neither you nor the other demigods watching over the flag made any mood to stop the two boys from the opposing team from taking your flag. You didn’t need to.
“Ah, so that’s why you didn’t seem bothered by two people planning on stealing your flag.” Jun said, suddenly crouching next to you. You tore your gaze from the two opposing teammates as they dangled from the rope traps your team had set up to Jun. You hadn’t heard him sneak up behind you so to say his sudden appearance startled you was an understatement. You fell on your butt as you tried to grab the knife from the sheath handing on your hip. “Woah, no need to stab me. I’m just here to get your flag.” Jun raised his hands in surrender.
“Wen Junhui you almost gave me a heart attack!” You whispered harshly. You could’ve sworn he was able to hear the louding thumping of your heart with the smirk he gave you.
“Well it’s a good thing I didn’t otherwise I’d have to go on a date with a corpse.”
You rolled your eyes at his pout, “You haven’t ev-” The horn signaling the end of the game cut off your sentence. You shot Jun a confused look, but only received a shrug from him. The same infuriating smirk from earlier was once again plastered on his lips.
You stood up from the ground and followed Jun back to the front of the forest, leaving your teammates to cut down the two demigods who were still caught in the rope trap. Your nerves quickly began to overtake you the closer you got to the entrance of the forest. You scoured your mind for any memory of whether or not your team’s flag had been taken. You surely would’ve noticed it was gone when you were leaving with Jun. You tried to convince yourself that your team had won as you and Jun joined the crowd of demigods.
“It was a very close call!” The camp director’s voice silenced the whispers among the sea of orange campers. “But the winner is...blue!” Cheers erupted from the winning team. Congratulations, cheers, and even grumbles echoed throughout the camp.
“I’ll be at your cabin by eight.” Jun smirked, patting your back. You turned to complain, but he was already walking in the opposite direction. The gods were seemingly against you when it came to not falling into Jun’s hands.
You still had four hours your dreadful date with Jun. A date, you thought. More like an elaborate plan to ruin me. But that was the problem. No matter how hard you thought about it you could never figure out why he was going so far to just leave you high and dry in the end. Of course the possibility of this all being a dare had crossed your mind, especially with the way he approached you the other night, but in all your years at camp with him you’d never seen him so determined.
Your mind clouded with explanations as to why he could be doing this as you wandered back towards your cabin. “Someone doesn’t look very harmonious today.” Soonyoung said as you entered your cabin. Him being the son of Eos, the goddess of dawn, also landed him in the cabin full of children of minor Greek deities.
“You wouldn’t be happy either if you had to go on a date with someone known for playing with other’s feelings.”
“A date? With who?”
“Wen Junhui.”
Soonyoung stared at you in shock, “You agreed to go on a date with him? Wait but you’re supposed to be hard to get! This isn’t going to be any fun if he gets you so easily.” Soonyoung groaned, throwing his head back in annoyance. You didn’t have the slightest clue what he was rambling about.
“What do you mean by ‘fun’?” You asked. You would’ve never guessed that Soonyoung, one of your own cabin mates, would have a hand in Jun trying to get you to fall for him. Soonyoung fiddled with his thumbs, clearly growing nervous under your stare. “Are you the reason he’s been trying so hard to get me to like him?”
“When you put it that way then yes, but it’s his fault! If he wouldn’t be so cocky about his ability to flirt then I would’ve never dared him to make you fall in love with him!” Soonyoung chuckled nervously.
“You dared him to what?”
“Make you fall in love with him?”
You sighed, trying to calm down the growing anger building up inside of you. “Ok, well, two can play at that game.” You gave Soonyoung a thin-lipped smile as you left to your room within the cabin. “If he thinks he can make me fall in love with him then I’ll just give him a taste of his own medicine.”
The hour of the date came by slowly. You wanted to look your best to impress Jun, and when he showed up at your cabin door he was definitely impressed. “You know, I really think you like me.” Jun said upon seeing you. You shrugged as the two of you began to walk in step. You had no clue where Jun was taking you, but that gave you a tinge of excitement. You followed Jun down the dirt paths until you could see the lake coming into view. How cliche, you thought.
“I know this is where most dates happen, but there’s really no where else to go in camp. I tried making it kind of pretty thought.” Jun said, leading you across the sand and towards a blanket. The setting sun cast hues of red and orange across the water. If you didn’t absolutely despise Jun you thought you might really enjoy the date. Jun brushed some sand that had been blown onto the blanket back off before offering you a place next to him.
“You really outdid yourself, Junhui.” You smiled as you sat down next to him. You leaned back on your arms, taking in the sunset. Jun couldn’t help but watch you. It wasn’t like him to take anyone on a date, even if said date was won through a bet, but he felt himself wanting to do it again. He found satisfaction in planning something that would impress you.
“Still not at the nicknames stage in our relationship yet, huh?” Jun said, keeping his eyes fixed on your profile. He would be lying to himself if he didn’t find himself attracted to you. You kept him on the edge of his seat, dying of curiosity everytime your mouth opened.
“You wish we were in a relationship.” You laughed, pushing his arm. Jun couldn’t help but smile. A part of him felt regret that he only pursued you because of a dare.
“I think it’s the other way around.” He said. Jun turned his gaze to the lake in front of the two of you. The sun was starting to hide behind the horizon as the evening grew dark. “We should go back once it gets dark.”
This time it’s your turn to watch his profile. Before then you’d never really looked at him closely. From afar he was undeniably handsome, but the closer you looked at him the more his sharp features looked elegant, especially in the orange light. You felt yourself wanting to trace the highpoints of his face, if only to get to know him better. In the four years you had been at camp -- Jun having arrived a year before you -- you never thought to let yourself get close to someone like Jun. He broke hearts, you’d remind yourself. Don’t get your heart broken by a demigod.
“Thank you for taking me to watch the sunset. It was really nice, even though all you did was lay out a blanket.” Your heart momentarily stopped when Jun turned from the water to meet your gaze. You despised how attractive he was, but you more so despised that you wouldn’t let yourself fall for him, opting to play his little game of love instead of just giving into him.
“I’d like to see you think of a better spontaneous date.” Jun scoffed. Silence washed over the two of you as your attention locked onto the sunset. You used to imagine going on dates like this and watching the sunset with someone who you were head over heels for, but instead you had Jun. Maybe he wasn’t so bad after all.
“Challenge accepted. I’ll come find you sometime this week and we’ll go on a date.” You were speaking before you could comprehend what you were saying. Don’t be nervous, you told yourself. It’s all to play him the same way he’s playing you. Jun’s attention returned back to you, a foreign feeling growing in the pit of his stomach. He assumed this is what butterflies felt like. The fluttering feeling spread throughout his body like a blissful poison the more he thought about the prospect of you taking him on a date instead of the other way around. Maybe this was beginning to become less of a dare for him and more of a personal want.
Your sudden movement to get up from the blanket startled Jun, pulling him from his thoughts. “Hey! What’re you doing?” He asked quickly. His brain was racing a hundred miles per hour as he tried to think of anything that would get you to stay with him a little longer.
“It’s getting dark, Junhui. We have to go, unless you want to get caught and put on kitchen duty for the next week?” You reached a hand out to him to pull him up from the blanket. Jun, who clearly didn’t want to leave, grabbed your hand and let you pull him up. “Don’t be such a baby. You’ll probably end up bothering me tomorrow since you can’t seem to stay away from me.” You said teasingly. In truth you had begun to enjoy Jun’s constant presence the past few days.
“It’s not considered bothersome if you like it.” He said, winking at you. You felt your heart jump as he held onto your hand, leading you back towards the cabins.
“Aren’t you forgetting the blanket?”
“I took it from Soonyoung so it’s his responsibility.”
The days following your date with Jun you tried your hardest to avoid him to keep true to your promise of a spontaneous date. Well it’d be spontaneous for him, but not so much for you. Staying clear of Jun was easier said than done, especially once he figured out you were avoiding him. It was both terrifying and amazing how he never failed to end up in the same area as you.
“Wait! Why are you avoiding me? I thought our date went well.” His usual smile was contorted into a frown as he spoke to you. It was strange not seeing his smile plastered to his face. You hated it. The way the corners of his mouth edged down or how his eyebrows furrowed together. You didn’t want to admit it, but you felt evil being the reason his face wasn’t beaming with joy as he looked at you.
“I was planning a date, and I didn’t want you to figure out what it was.” You mumbled, looking anywhere but at him. The frown that was previously on his face quickly turned back into its normal smile. Jun knew he was in too deep the moment his heart began to pound against his chest at the idea of another date with you. He couldn’t figure out why he liked you so much. It felt normal to him.
“Oh, in that case keep ignoring me.” Jun’s smile beamed at you despite your confused look. “Hold on, I meant like keep planning the date ignoring.” You couldn’t help smiling at his flustered attempt to back-track.
“I know what you meant. I’m just teasing you.”
Jun’s attention was pulled from you as he heard his name being called. In a matter of seconds Soonyoung had run up to Jun, slinging his arm around his friend’s shoulder. “Everything ok in love-ville?” He asked, a shit-eating grin already starting to take shape.
You rolled your eyes, “We’re not in a relationship.” Your eyes met Jun’s has you spoke. You could’ve sworn you thought you saw something flash in them. What is he thinking, you wondered. Jun turned to look at Soonyoung once again. His face mimicked his friend’s.
“You know I can’t be tied down, Soon. It’d make the Jun fanclub sad.” Jun dragged a finger from his eye down his cheek as if he was crying, earning a barking laugh from Soonyoung. You felt a pang in your chest. He was still the Jun you knew. The same boy who flirted mercilessly with anyone who looked at him. The same boy known for breaking hearts. How would you be any different?
“I gotta go. See you later, Soonyoung.” You began walking off, not bothering to acknowledge Jun’s confused questioning. He’s Wen Junhui, you reminded yourself. He’d break your heart before you could even chip at his own.
As you walked back to your cabin you made a promise to yourself. You’d cut him off, and the past few days that you spent with him glued to your side would become a buried memory. You can’t teach an old dog new tricks, and you can’t teach Jun to tie himself down.
Jun groaned and pushed Soonyoung’s arm off of him. He knew he said something stupid in order to protect his pride. “What do you want Soonyoung?”
“Just wanted to check in on how your dare is going, and it didn’t look to be going too smoothly.” Soonyoung shrugged. His uncaring demeanor bothered Jun, though he couldn’t pick out why.
“Whatever.” Jun said, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Seems like you’re bothered about them leaving,” Soonyoung gasped dramatically. “Has Wen Junhui developed feelings for someone?” Jun shot him a glare.
“No, I don’t get crushes. I have to go to the archery range. See you later, Soon.” Jun walked off without waiting for Soonyoung to respond. He knew his friend would’ve seen straight through his lie if he kept the conversation going.
As the days passed by Jun began to miss you. He tried time after time to speak to you, but everytime you would spot him you’d immediately turn in the other direction. He was sure you wanted nothing to do with him, but could he blame you? He said he wouldn’t settle into a relationship right in front of you after you had told him you’d take him on a date. This was entirely his fault.
“I need your help.” Jun fiddled with his fingers, keeping his gaze on his feet. He knew he’d never hear the end of this, but he was becoming desperate to just talk to you.
“With what?” His voice sounded amused. “What could Wen Junhui need help with?”
“I need you to ask someone down to the beach tonight.”
“That’s it? Alright, who?”
“The child of Harmonia. They won’t say no to you. Hell, no one would; you’re a son of Zeus, Mingyu.” Jun knew Mingyu didn’t like using his parentage to get what he wanted, but it was such a rare thing for Jun to ask for someone’s help that Mingyu couldn’t turn him down.
“You’ll owe me after this.” Mingyu smiled, patting Jun’s back. He would be lying if he wasn’t the least bit curious as to who you were, especially if Jun liked you enough to ask for someone’s help. Jun felt relief surge through him as Mingyu agreed to help.
“Thank you so much! Ask them to meet you at around 7 o’clock.” A giddy smile spread across Jun’s face. He was finally talking to you tonight. He was finally going to fix everything. He just had to make it a few more hours.
Jun thanked Mingyu a few more times before stepping out of his cabin. Briefly he caught a glimpse of you heading towards the archery range, but he didn’t feel the need to try to rush after you. “Everything will be fixed.” He mumbled to himself, a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.
You waited down at the beach for Mingyu. The cool air nipped at your skin as the sun began to set below the horizon. The longer he took the more you considered just leaving instead of possibly getting stood up by Mingyu. Yet you stayed and continued waiting for the boy to come find you down at the beach. “Did he electrocute himself or am I being stood up?” You asked aloud. You were sure there was no one at the beach besides you, but his voice was unmistakable.
“No, cause I’m here.” Jun stood up from where he was sitting. Any reasonable person would’ve felt terrified seeing someone suddenly appear from who knows where, but you didn’t blink twice.
“What do you want, Junhui?” You felt your heart drop as he stepped closer to you.
“I need to talk to you. Please just stay and listen.”
“I’m here to meet Mingyu so it’ll have to wait till another time.” You crossed your arms. You studied him for a moment, taking in the pleading look he had in his eyes.
“About that…” Jun’s sentence trailed off. You got stood up. Great, you thought. “In his defense, I asked him to ask you to come here!”
“I’m never trusting anyone here ever again,” you sighed. “But what do you want to say?”
Jun smiled, relieved that you were letting him explain himself. “The other week, when I said I couldn’t be tied down, it was a lie. I wasn’t thinking, and I knew that Soonyoung would make my life a living hell if I didn’t say something cocky like that. The truth is that I do like you. A lot.”
“How am I supposed to believe that? You’re not exactly known for being a picture perfect boyfriend.” Your words sounded harsher than what you intended. Jun’s smile faltered. You were right.
“Have you noticed I’ve been trying to chase after you every time I saw you? And why would I ask Kim Mingyu to help me get you down here to talk to me if I didn’t mean what I was saying?” You paused. He had a point, but you still had a hard time believing him.
“I don’t blame you for being hesitant, but I swear to you I’m being truthful.” Jun reached out to grab your hand, and you let him take it. You searched his face for any hints of deception.
“Okay Jun,” you said quietly. “I’ll believe you.”
If your past self could see you, holding onto Jun’s hands and looking into his eyes, you would’ve called yourself stupid. And maybe you were stupid for beginning to fall for him, but he was falling just as hard for you.
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yungimmortals · 3 years
phone numbers | jaime (ft. risa)
date: december 26, 2020
summary: a long-overdue phone call, a heavy dose of salt in an old wound, and a very low battery
An unknown number flashed across his screen. Never one to pick up the phone unless he absolutely had to (and definitely not one to pick up when he didn’t recognize the caller), Jaime let it go to voicemail, tossing his phone onto his bed. 
Swiveling in his desk chair, he spin in a full circle before returning his focus to  the project he had been working on since getting back to his apartment earlier that evening. Christmas with Katie’s family had been fun; now it was time for Jaime to recharge. Restoring a vintage typewriter -- Jaime’s Christmas present to himself -- was the perfect thing to do. In the last hour, he had polished it, ridding the typewriter of years of rust and grime. All the type-levers were in place, all the knobs and buttons in working condition. Now it was time to work on the carriage lever and the platen, time to get the machine ready for writing. 
Dismantling his typewriter was a delicate process, interrupted again by the ringing of his phone. “Where is it?” He mumbled, turning is his chair and taking a dive at the bed when he spotted his phone. Snatching it up, he recognized the same number that had called earlier but was saved the trouble of a debate as to whether or not he should answer it when his screen went dark once more. A moment later, a voicemail notification flashed across his screen.
Curiosity piqued, Jaime unlocked his phone, raising it to his ear to listen to the voicemail. The last voice he expected to hear drifted out of the phone’s speakers and he dropped it in surprise. 
Jaime, it’s me. I need to talk to you. I hope this is still your number.
Without hesitation, he returned the call. There was one ring, then two, then three. Jaime bounced his leg up and down before spinning around in his desk chair, his stomach a pit of nerves. As the line continued to ring, he was almost positive he had imagined the voicemail. But then there was an audible click, followed by the sound of his sister’s voice.
“So this is your number. Rowan’s handwriting is absolute shit, I couldn’t tell if that last number was a seven or a four. Can’t believe she wants to go to art school with that chicken scratch.”
“You sound surprised.”
“Well, I, er. That is-”
His sister’s laughter sounded tinny, far away. “Jaime, relax. Oh, and Merry Christmas. Did you get our card?”
Jaime switched the call to speaker phone and placed his phone on his desk. He stared at it blankly before scrubbing his face with his hands. “Card?”
“Yeah, Ro made you a Christmas card in her risography workshop. She’s building her portfolio for college but I’m sure she told you that since you talk, like, all the time.” Risa sounded bitter as she spoke, changing the subject quickly. “Anyway, I need to talk to you about something. Is this a good time?”
In eight years, his middle sister had never once called of her own volition. Even convincing her to be a part of Jaime and Rowan’s ‘family phone calls’, had taken a few years of their littlest sister badgering her. Now Risa was calling and it sounded important and Jaime couldn’t think of a single thing to say. He must have been silent for too long, he realized, hearing his sister clear her throat.
“Jay, if you’re busy, just tell me. I’ll find another time,” she said, though from her tone, Jaime could tell that if they didn’t talk about what was on her mind now, they likely never would.
“No! I mean, no, I’m not busy. I was just-- yeah, no, I’m here. What-- what’s up?” Jaime pushed his typewriter to the side before rummaging through his desk drawer for a notebook and pen (just in case he needed to take notes). He chuckled as Risa told him to buckle up, already welcoming the familiarity with which she was speaking to him, no matter how strange it felt.
“This isn’t what I’m calling about but I might as well tell you while we’re here. Dad’s sick. He said you cursed him or some shit, but it’s all bull. He went off the deep end a few years ago. Totally cuckoo. I figured you didn’t know, since you and Ro have your stupid agreement to never mention Charles to each other. Says he’s seeing things. Monsters and shit. Which I would call bull, but I remember that creepy guy. You know, the one waiter at the Dog & Pony that would always stare at you and Mom when we all went for dinner? He only had one eye. I don’t mean like an eyepatch. I mean one freaking eye, right in the center of his head. Don’t know if you ever noticed that, but I did.” Now that Risa had started talking, it seemed she couldn’t stop. “And that’s not the last time I saw something or someone weird like that. There’s a girl who works at the nature center in the park and I swear, Jay. I freaking swear that she melts into the trees. She’s a dryad right? I got lunch with your aunt last week and she filled me in on some stuff. I don’t know how she got in touch with us. Said something about your dad, I don’t remember. But, anyway, we got lu-”
“My aunt?” Jaime interrupted, feeling guilty for doing so, but not seeing where he could get a word in edgewise if he waited for her to pause.
“Oh, shit. Wait, there’s a picture, did I mention a picture? Before I forget. It’s with your card. I was digging through some of Mom’s trail crew stuff in the attic a while back, looking for her old boots, and I found it. It says ‘David’ with a heart next to it on the back. That was his name, right? Your dad?”
Jaime blinked, surprised at both the abrupt subject change and the mention of his father. He didn’t want the subject of his aunt to drop but the photograph won his curiosity. “Yeah, that’s him.”
“Okay, so you’ll see it, but, like, it’s totally weird. There’s a lens flare on it but it’s, like, just across your dad. Kinda ruins the whole picture, you can’t see him at all. It’s like when you try to take a photo of the sun. Mom looks beautiful though, but she always did. I think they were at Otter Cove, and I know that was one of your favorite trails.”
Like trying to photograph the sun. Jaime almost laughed. Risa had no idea how close to the truth she was. Which reminded him, “You had lunch with my aunt?”
“Dude, yeah. And she’s, like, so cool. If you’re related to so many cool people -- myself and Ro included, obviously -- how did you turn out like this?” 
He could hear Risa laugh on the other line and just rolled his eyes. He glanced down at his notebook where he’d written a collection of words: cursed, Cyclops, dryads in Acadia? The latter was underlined several times, whether from surprise or excitement, Jaime couldn’t remember. He realized his sister had started speaking again. “I’m sorry, can you repeat that?” 
“I was saying, if you were paying attention, that we went to Geddy’s -- that veg place on Main? -- for lunch and she was telling me about some fancy neo-classical city? New Athens or some shit like that, I think. In New York. Is that where you live? Ro told me you were like, weirdly into Greek mythology one time. But honestly, that tracks with some of the stuff I’ve seen. Hey, how come your aunt was looking for me, not you? She said something about mist but it was. like, not even a foggy day. We could see out over the harbor. Crystal clear.”
“The Mist,” Jaime correctly automatically, then pinched the bridge of his nose. The list in his notebook grew longer as their call stretched on. “I don’t know,” he admitted, in response to Risa’s question about his aunt. “Did she tell you her name?”
“Artemis? Which I was like hello, weird, since I was literally just thinking about you and your Greek mythology phase. I asked if she was David’s sister and she said ‘if that’s what he’s calling himself now’. Do estranged siblings run in your side of the family or something?”
At that, Jaime made a choking sound, staring at his phone. The resulting crow of laughter from his sister made it clear that she’d been expecting, no, hoping for that reaction. 
“Just messing with you, Jay. Relax. Anyway. She’s got this, like, wild grrl gang of hikers that travel the country? Gave me a pamphlet, told me to consider it. She said I could tell Rowan too, but when I did, Ro didn’t seem to care at all. She’s just got art school on the brain, I think. Your aunt had told me that would happen, said that the Mist was thicker around our sweet baby sister. But, uh, do you know what the Mist is? I’m, like, pretty sure you do since you corrected me a minute ago.”
“Yeah that’s what I thought. So anyway, Aunt Artemis said you’re a demigod. Guess your dad’s name isn’t really David, huh? Last I checked, there’s no Greek god of boring dad names. Care to fill me in? Is that why I’ve seen some weird, like, mythological creatures around the harbor when we were growing up? Oh and Grandma Hana says hi.”
A distressed sound escaped Jaime’s lips. He had forgotten his sister’s habit of bouncing from subject to subject and here it was, smacking him in the face with more new information than he could handle at the moment. Christmas wishes had been exchanged with his grandmother the day before, so he didn’t have to worry about acknowledging that topic, thankfully. His brain was working in overdrive and he could practically feel Risa’s impatience, the longer he was silent.
“Jaime,” she prompted. 
He sighed, massaging his temples as he stared down at his phone. “His name isn’t David, it’s Apollo. Artemis’ brother. They aren’t named after the Greek gods, they are the Greek gods. So yes, that makes me a demigod. And it sounds like...you can probably see through the Mist. At least a little more than most mortals.”
“Holy shit. And you never thought ‘hey maybe I should tell my sister this super freaking weird but also totally cool thing about me’? What the shit, Jaime!”
He opened his mouth to tell her that he hadn’t known until after he left, until after he read the letter their mother had left for him, but Risa was steamrolling ahead.
“Wait...wait, so that was the Artemis? Your aunt is the Artemis? And she- and she invited me to join her immortal Hunt?” He heard a muffled shriek, like she had covered the receiver with her hand. A small smile spread across his face. “Well, I’m saying yes...obviously.”
“Okay, hold on a second there. That’s a big decision, don’t you think you shou-”
“Oh no, no. I’m going to stop you right there. You don’t get to play the big brother card here, Jay. You don’t get to keep secrets for years and then tell me I need to think about accepting an offer from a goddess. And don’t say some shit about me looking after Rowan. She doesn’t need anyone to look after her. You’d know that if you were here. Honestly, she does a better job looking after me than I do her. Shit, wait. Does that mean Dad’s not crazy? Did you really make all those people sick all the time? Did you...make Mom sick? Isn’t Apollo the god of healing?”
“I wasn’t playing the big brother card!” He protested weakly. As she continued, Jaime blanched. Several times. First at the mention of his absence, then at the mention of Charles’ theories, and again at the mention of their mother. “I’m sorry,” he started, hoping Risa understood that he was apologizing for leaving. They would have more time to unpack that later, he figured. 
"Charles is definitely still crazy. I didn’t make all those people sick. Mom either. I, uh, I only did it once. Made someone sick, I mean. It was a boy that bullied me at school during the years Mom was sick and Charles wouldn’t listen to me about it. One day the kid was beating me up and hitting me and, and I, I don’t know what happened. I pushed him and pushed? I don’t know, energy? At him, and I gave him the chicken pox or something, at least I think that’s what the school said. Chicken pox,” he scoffed, ducking his head, despite the fact that Risa couldn’t see him. “He’s the god of many things. Music, the arts, the sun. Healing, yeah, but plague and illness is the flip side of that.”
“Like the plague arrows he shot at the Greeks. Before you say anything, yes, I’ve read the Iliad. And The Song of Achilles, which, if you haven’t read it, you have to.” As if realized she’d gotten off track, Risa was quiet for a moment. Jaime was thankful she didn’t push him on the subject of his powers; he wasn’t sure what he would have said if she had. When his sister spoke again, she sounded farther away, her voice detached. “Artemis told me there are other children of Apollo. You have other family.”
It wasn’t a question, it was an accusation -- that was clear. When Jaime answered, he sounded tired. “I do, yeah.” Though his sister couldn’t see it, his expression was one of regret. “But it’s, it’s not like that, Ris.”
“I didn’t ask what it was like,” she snapped. After a moment of tense silence, he could hear her sigh. “I’m going to contact Artemis. Learn as much about your world as she’ll tell me. And then I’m going to join the Hunt.”
With a click, the line went dead. 
Jaime stared at his phone in silence until the screen darkened, battery dead as well. He heaved a sigh, detangling himself from his desk chair to plug his phone into the cord on his nightstand to charge. So much for recharging, he thought to himself, knowing his own battery was dangerously low. Exhaling a groan, Jaime sunk onto his bed, staring up at the ceiling once more. To the constellations on his ceiling, he murmured, “That went about as well as it could have, all thing considered.”
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blueneptunium · 5 years
Control - Dark Percy
Summary:  Percy is at his last summer at Camp Half-Blood before he goes to live in New Rome for college. His powers are growing exponentially and he struggles for control. (I just really love dark Percy okay? Also yes, this is a lowkey songfic from control - Halsey.) Beta read by @tevi-tevi
Genre: Oneshot Dark!Percy fic, no warnings
Word Count: 6617
Read on AO3
“I sat alone, in bed till the morning
I'm crying, "They're coming for me"
And I tried to hold these secrets inside me
My mind's like a deadly disease”
Percy’s sword arm hurt. He can’t remember how many monsters he’s killed. They just kept coming and coming. How did they get into camp? There were so many of them now that Percy couldn’t see his friends fighting. Suddenly the air turned humid and hot, like it was trying to choke him. As he turned around the comforting landscape of Camp Half-Blood slowly melted into an all too familiar horror. Tartarus. It can’t be. I can’t be back.
More monsters came at him. He recognized everything he’d ever fought or read about. Percy yelled out for help, calling his friends, Chiron, Poseidon, anyone. He looked back to see where they all were, but rather than seeing them fight, he saw something so much worse. A mountain of bodies, stacked up to at least a giant’s height. Blood flowed down like rivers. All the faces were familiar. His mother. Annabeth. Every friend or ally he had ever known. Percy stopped fighting.
His sword was stuck. He turned towards it and found not the Cyclopes he thought he was slaying but rather his best friend. Percy tried to pull his sword out from where it resided in Grover’s chest but somehow he pushed it in deeper. The satyr fell to his knees. Percy tried to speak, to say anything. But the words won’t come. All he can do is stare and hold his best friend’s dying form. Percy called on the water, hoping that it could help heal. The waves came swirling around their heads, but would not go towards Grover. Soon there was enough water to separate them from everything else, trapping Percy in a dome made from the ocean.
“You did this.” Grover spoke before melting into the soil.
Percy fell forward and started to yell frantically. For help or for grief, he didn’t know. The water started to close in. Percy thrust his hand out, trying to push it away, but water from the ground started to rise instead. Quickly. Percy couldn’t control it. He swam and thrashed around, desperately trying to find a way out. Soon the water was over his head.
He couldn't breathe. The water felt clean and normal but Percy couldn’t breathe. Panic filled his lungs where air should be and he prayed to his father.
A deep booming voice resonated through Percy: “You’ve gone too far. You are no longer worthy of the gifts I have given you.” His father’s voice echoed in his head, over and over again until he couldn’t hold his breath any longer.
Percy jolted up in his bed, sweat clinging to him. He took deep breaths trying to convince himself it wasn’t real. But Percy had had visions before. Is the camp under attack? He stood up and walked out of his cabin without bothering to find shoes. He ran towards the Big House where Grover was staying and walked in without knocking. Opening the door of the satyr’s room, he let out a sigh of relief. Grover was in bed, surrounded by tin canes and snoring very loudly, but definitely not dying.
He considered waking the goat to discuss the dream but decided to let him sleep. It was probably midnight. It could wait until morning. He walked back toying with his camp necklace. There were five beads, one for every summer he’d known of this world, as well as a trident pendant his father, Poseidon, gave to him after the Giant War. Once Percy got back to his cabin, he tried to go to sleep, but every time he closed his eyes, images from the dream danced around. After about an hour of restlessness, he got up and headed for the arena.
Percy didn’t know just what it was about saving the world a few times that made people act differently around you, but since the whole Gaea thing, the harpies that guarded the camp and threatened late nighters like himself didn’t really bother him anymore. He, of course, didn’t mind this as sword practice after a bad nightmare was his go-to therapy. He’d either tire himself out to the point where he had to go back to sleep, or he’d sit there practicing jabs and strokes until sunrise where he would sneak back to his cabin and pretend he got up with the rest of the camp. Tonight was the latter option. By the time the sun came rolling around and he was getting dressed for the new day, Percy’s arm was tired and the bags under his eyes were prevalent.
Annabeth met up with him after breakfast, flipping through papers as she walked. “I’m captaining capture the flag tomorrow, you’re leading offense, I’ll take defense.” Percy nodded his head and slipped his hand into hers.
“Sounds like a plan.”
“Not quite. These are the plans.” She gave Percy half of the papers she had. “Those are all my battle strategies I wanna try out, choose one soon so I can match a defensive plan.”
“Ah, great, more homework,” Annabeth laughed at him and turned towards the cabins.
“I’m on cabin check, I’ll catch you later!”
“Wait, Annabeth!” he called after her. He hadn’t seen Grover yet and he knew that if he talked to Chiron, the centaur would make into a bigger deal than it was, but he wanted to talk to someone about his dream.
“What’s up, Seaweed Brain? Is it about Rome, have you heard back?” Percy shook his head. He definitely did not want to think about college right now. It had been hard enough graduating high school that spring, what with his grades and the fact that he’d missed most of the junior year, courtesy of Hera.
“No, I just wanted--” Percy faltered. He didn’t really know how to describe his dream. Annabeth just looked at him, waiting for him to continue. As he thought about, one thing about the dream bothered him almost more than anything else.
“Is it, I don’t know, possible for a god to...take away powers?” He tried. Annabeth just raised her eyebrows in confusion. “Like, if Hephestus wanted to take away Leo’s fire ability, could he do that?”
Annabeth looked down in thought. “I don’t know, Perce, maybe? I mean I imagine if they could, they would have done it to all the demigods that supported the Titans. Why?”
She was looking at him with concern, all stormy eyes. He didn’t want her to worry so he cracked his signature lopsided smile, giving him that special Percy-Jackson-idiocy look. “Just thought about it,” It seemed to have worked as Annabeth just laughed.
“See you later, Seaweed Brain.”
Percy smiled and waved her off. He used to hate the fact that everyone, even Annabeth sometimes, took him for being the happy-go-lucky dumb one. He joked around a lot, and yeah, he didn’t do great in school, but that didn’t mean he was incapable. Lately, however, he almost appreciated the persona people had made for him. The only time his allies delved from that idea was when he was on the battlefield.
Then everyone’s ideas changed. Rachel said he looked fierce and terrifying. Frank said he fought like a demon. Everyone always wanted battle Jackson on their side and were afraid if he wasn’t. It never bothered him much at first, but now it kind of scared him. He’d take happy-go-lucky over demon-fighter any day.
“I paced around for hours on empty
I jumped at the slightest of sounds
And I couldn't stand the person inside me
I turned all the mirrors around”
A wave of demigods all strapped up in armor gathered at the entrance of the woods. It was time for capture the flag and Percy had just explained everyone’s roles, courtesy of Annabeth’s strategy.
He was readjusting his straps that he couldn’t seem to make fit right, despite having done it hundreds of times. He hoped the game would go over well, but Percy’s head just wasn’t in it.
He’d had more nightmares of drowning, and to top it off, he’d gotten a letter back from the college in New Rome. As much as they were “pleased the former Praetor” wanted to attend, his grades weren’t good enough to get into their marine biology department. He would have to write another entrance essay and pass a STEM test to be accepted. Percy knew they were being generous, they did mostly deal with preoccupied demigods, but he still felt flustered and angry.
“Focus on the game, Jackson,” he grumbled to himself as he tightened his shoulder strap. Percy uncapped Riptide and headed out into the woods to get to his post before it started.
The plan was fairly simple, but the Ares cabin was leading the other team. They didn’t have much more strategy than hit everything you see. There were two offensive teams. Percy’s team was the distraction, leading the Ares defense out to fight. The second would retrieve the flag and bring it back to base, where Annabeth’s team was defending in several groups.
The fight broke out fairly quickly and half of the other team’s defense was on Percy’s group within minutes. They would need to plow their way through these guys in order to get the others to come, making the flag vulnerable.
For Percy, going against the other campers was fairly easy. He had three on him, two bulky Ares kids and one Demeter kid. He disarmed the Demeter kid first, stunning him so he wouldn’t have the opportunity to use any plant magic, and slashed and blocked with the other two fighters. His body was on autopilot from all the battles he’d been in. Unfortunately, those battles were life or death. This wasn’t. Percy went too hard. He slashed towards the left of one and turned to hit him with the butt of his sword, knocking him to the ground. He stepped in close enough to the next one that she couldn’t use her sword and hit her jaw with his forearm. He felt bad for a moment, but the strategy was working. The rest of the offense came up to avenge their teammates.
He tried to take on the bulk to the campers to give the rest of his team a better chance. They were going one to one while Percy was in four to one. His experience didn’t fail him. At this point, he might’ve even been able to beat Luke. Campers went down left and right. Too quickly. Percy’s mind wandered to his dream, the monsters' bodies that went down only for them to be revealed as his half-blood friends. He felt the panic rise up. His movements became slow and one of the campers got a hit in on his arm. He felt one approaching from behind. Percy’s body moved before his mind. He’d lost the Curse of Achilles long ago but sometimes his body seemed to forget and his only instinct was to protect his back.
Percy summoned water from the creek to blast the three in front of him. He turned around and thrust his hand out to the camper, expecting a water wall to push her down. She fell back, but there was no water. Percy realized with a start that he’d controlled the water in her. He had pushed her back. Without even touching her.
Fear overtook him and he dropped his sword to run to her side. “Are you okay? I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean--”
“Percy, it’s okay, I just fell,” Percy looked at her furrowed brow. She didn’t know. He’d let go as soon as he realized and she didn’t know. He apologized again, or maybe it was several times all rushed together. He pushed past everyone else who had stopped fighting and ran for something.
The ocean. It always calmed him down to sit on the shoreline. It smelled so strongly of the sea and of home that once he got there, Percy almost jumped in to escape his thoughts. But something held him back. Honestly? He was afraid to. How could he have done something as violating as control another person’s body without meaning to? He could still see Annabeth’s face, in fear of him in Tartarus when the met up with Misery. He did that.
Percy could hear the hooves coming up behind him before Chiron spoke. “Percy,”
He turned towards the centaur and nodded. “I’m sorry I left, sir,”
Chiron put his hand on Percy’s shoulder and spoke evenly. “It’s alright, though I will admit I am curious as to why you did. Your team won the game and when dear Annabeth went to find you, the others said that you ran off, after knocking several members of their team unconscious.”
“I’m sorry about that really, I didn’t realize--I don’t know.” Percy sighed and looked down. Chiron had the same effect as his mom did: feeling like you disappointed them was the worst feeling in the world. And Percy was no stranger to bad feelings.
“They are all resting up in the infirmary, perfectly fine. It will serve them good motivation to spend their time in the arena wisely. Now, why don’t you tell me what’s happened?”
Percy did. As he talked, he found himself realizing things he wasn’t aware of before, at least not fully. His restlessness since returning home last summer. His struggle to separate fend-for-your-life battles and training exercises like today. He even told Chiron about his dream and his fear of drowning.
“I’m afraid that maybe one day, I’ll need to control the water to help and I won’t be able to or...or maybe I’ll control it too much.”
Chiron nodded, his face a mask. Percy guessed that after thousands of years of teaching, you could probably hide any reaction. “Percy, you have been through a lot for your young age,” Understatement, Percy thought but didn’t interrupt. “These nightmares and worries are normal from someone in your situation and even expected. However, with your abilities, you need to discover control. You have done well training, but how much time of your training has been devoted to your unique powers?”
Percy thought for a moment. Chiron had a point. His summers at camp had mostly been spent working on his swordsmanship. Sure, he’d practice every now and then, and he almost always used his water abilities in combat or during war games. However, he’d never really practice in order to strengthen those abilities.
“Percy, I recommend that you use this summer as an opportunity to make sure you know your limits before you leave for New Rome. If you would like to avoid using this...blood bending, then you need to make sure you know what your powers feel like, and what their limits are.”
Percy thanked Chiron and walked back to his cabin quietly thinking. He definitely didn’t want to go to New Rome with his powers out of control -- they already thought Neptune was bad enough. He could definitely put some more work into his training.
“Percy, wait up,”
Annabeth came running up to him just before he stepped into his cabin. “Hey, you alright?” Her wrinkled brow and stormy eyes made him smile.
“Yeah, all good, Chiron just gave me some advice.”
“Okay, I was going to head down to the fire with Piper, you wanna come? Jason will be there,” She smiled and held his hand.
“Yeah, okay,” He laughed.
They walked to the amphitheater like everything was fine because, for the moment, it was.
“I'm well acquainted with villains that live in my head
They beg me to write them so they'll never die when I'm dead
And I've grown familiar with villains that live in my head
They beg me to write them so I'll never die when I'm dead” 
Percy spent almost the entire day with Annabeth. Normally, that’s not something he would complain about, however it was spent alternating between writing his essay and studying math. Not his favorite activities but at least she was there to help him. Without her, he probably would have put the essay off until the week of the deadline, and it definitely would have been less articulate. Annabeth always had a strategy, even when it came to Percy’s education. This time it was “finish as soon as possible while still being good so you’ll impress them”. If they followed her timeline, Percy would be ready to take the test, which New Rome kindly allowed Chiron to administer, in about a week.
Needless to say, Percy needed to blow off some steam. While the other campers headed to the campfire after dinner, he trudged towards the woods. He thought if everyone was together in the amphitheater, he could be alone to follow Chiron’s advice. Part of the reason he’d never focused his training on his Poseidon abilities was that no one knew how to teach him. No one knew the limit of what he could do--not even Percy.
When he got to the creek, he started with just relating to the water. He stood in the bank and just focused on its power. He could feel it rushing, sense its wildness. He always felt a connection to the water; it was reckless and strong, it refused to be controlled for long, and more than anything it wanted to be free.
Percy wanted to start simple. He willed just a small line of water to rise. It was easy, nothing he hadn’t done hundreds of times. The point, however, was discipline. He dropped the water and stepped out of the river. He concentrated on raising one side of the creek, then the other. The whole stream oscillated back and forth.
Then he started making shapes with the water. Small things, at first: A sphere, a cube, a pyramid. Then he went for intricate. He started to recreate Poseidon’s cabin. First, the basic shape, a generic house. Then the memorized details of spending summer and summer there. The shells embedded in the walls. The curve of the window planes. He was so focused, he didn’t hear it.
Something slammed into his back and threw him to the river. The falling of his cabin-sculpture was enough to startle whatever it was just long enough for Percy to turn around to face it.
Of course, it was a giant scorpion. Percy had his fair share of luck with them. He reached into his pocket but Riptide was gone. Probably floated downstream when he fell. Percy was pinned under the monster and wouldn’t be able to stall long enough for the sword to reappear. As the scorpion's pincers rushed forward to end Percy Jackson’s life, he thrust his hands towards it, trying to push it off.
The monster went flying into the nearest tree. It couldn’t move but wasn’t dead yet. Percy had done it again: controlled the water inside another being. Apparently just as the human body had 80% water, monsters had their fair share too. Unlike during capture the flag, Percy was reluctant to let go. The thing that attacked him was at his mercy. It would be so much easier to end it like this. Even as he thought about it, water started coming from inside the scorpion, swirling around them. If he could take down monsters with just his thoughts, everything could be so much easier. All of his quests, done in half the time. Right before the last of the water was gone from the monster, Percy saw Annabeth’s scared face in his mind.
He let go. He didn’t even finish the monster off with his sword; he felt too guilty for that. It crawled away back into the woods. Percy fell to the ground. He couldn’t breathe. There was panic and guilt pushing on his chest and he had no idea what was happening to him. He couldn’t breathe. The creek responded to his anxiety and pushed water against him, pulling him into the creek. The water was soothing and helped calm his breathing but he still felt the weight of the sky on his chest. Percy realized he was moving upstream. He wasn’t controlling the water, which meant something else was. He started to fight it but stopped quickly. Could it be his father?
Percy let the water take all the way to the ocean. He fell in and instantly swam under, looking for any sign of Poseiden. In the waves, a shimmering figure appeared. It solidified into a woman with dark flowing hair and a soft smile. Percy wasn’t sure how to react so he bowed. “You’re the Nereid that helped me in Santa Monica?” Despite Percy accidentally wording it as a question, the woman held her smile.
“I am, child. It has been a long time since we first me, though I have always kept an interest in you.” She brushed her hand on his cheek and Percy felt warm currents. She still sounded so much like his mother.
“Did my father send you?”
“Not this time. I come for you only; we are shielded from his gaze.” Percy furrowed his brow. Why would she not want Poseidon to know they were meeting?
“It is okay, young hero, no wrong has been done. I simply come with advice.”
“Advice for what? Why haven’t I seen you in so long?” She laughed, a soft sound that reminded Percy of swimming with his mother in the frigid waters during their trips to Montauk. His favorite memories.
“Child, you are more powerful than you know. Like Poseidon, I must keep my distance. Playing favorites among heroes is something Olympus looks down upon. But you are the favorite of the sea, Perseus, and the sea stands behind you.” For some reason, he didn’t mind that she’d called him by his full name.
“What do you mean?” Percy was confused and felt disorientated. “What can I even call you?”
“I have gone by many names throughout your history, though I was never as well known as my sisters. You, child, may call me Maera.”
“Your sisters?”
“The Fifty Nereids, you have met some of them. Amphitrite is married to your father, and I believe you know Calypso without introduction.” Percy’s face warmed. He hoped it wasn’t noticeable underwater. He would always have a soft spot where Calypso was concerned.
“As for what I meant, I think you know. You are growing stronger, but you still have more to gain. To unlock yourself, you must push the limits, Perseus, but be wary. You can do incredible deeds. One day, you may even be able to rival your father. In order to get there, you must keep focus. Do you understand, child?”
Percy slowly nodded. “I think so, but I don’t get why I need to practice. There isn’t much more than Titans and Giants and those are over with.”
Maera brushed his cheek again. “Because one day, a choice of power will come to you, and you will need to be prepared for it.”
“I don’t want power.”
“And that’s what makes you worthy of it. I must go back to Poseidon’s court.” She started to fade back into light. Percy reached out to her, not wanting her to go yet.
“We will see each other again, young hero, I promise. Follow your heart!”
And just like that, she was gone. Again. Percy stayed underwater for a while, not wanting to leave the safety. He sent out a silent promise to Maera that he would do as she asked.
He walked back to the cabins and ran into Annabeth.
“Hey! Are you...you’re wet.” She stared at him like he was on fire and could only be dosed out by a puzzle.
“You’re never wet.”
“Are you okay?” He felt bad for cutting her short, but he didn’t know what to say, except about meeting Maera and something told him that he should keep that to himself. He cracked the Jackson smile.
“I’m sorry, I just started working on training, y’know Chiron’s advice, and I’m pretty tired.”
She gave him a worried smile and kissed his cheek. “Okay, well, get some rest and we’ll work on your essay tomorrow?”
He nodded and kissed her goodnight before heading back into his nightmare filled bed.
“I'm bigger than my body
I'm colder than this home
I'm meaner than my demons
I'm bigger than these bones”
Not even Chiron could’ve come up with a more intense training regime. From then on, Percy was entirely focused. He would get up every morning before camp broke and run the length of the beach, racing against various sea animals, or sometimes Blackjack. At first, he had no chance. As the days passed, he started to get closer and closer to winning. He was still yards away from the hippocampi, but he’d bested two dolphins.
Then he would eat breakfast with Annabeth, working on his studies. It was difficult as he was more restless than ever, but Annabeth was determined--and it paid off. He finished his essay in a week and a half and took the STEM exam by late July. His score certainly wasn’t outstanding but he passed, which was enough for the marine biology program.
After that, he was either in the arena, the woods, or the ocean. He would spar with the Athena and Ares kids. Hand to hand, he had yet to beat Clarisse, but he was a lot closer than he’d ever been. She was actually trying now. When it came to swords, however, no one came close. He usually trained with them to keep up the practice, not get rusty. But now he was trying to improve his skill. He didn’t go easy on them. It took a month before he could beat every member of both cabins in one day. As a favor (that may or may not have stemmed from swapping shower times and chore charts), the Hephestus cabin built him three super-powered warriors that could keep up with him. When he first went against them, Percy felt like he was sparring Luke, Chrysaor, and Quintus (or rather, Daedalus) all at once. It was finally a good challenge. It took two weeks before they needed repairs. After that, the warrior bots needed fixed every night.
“Come on man, what are you training for? The bronze versus sword Olympics?” Leo joked. Percy offered to teach him as payment for the constant repairs. He found teaching helpful, it reminded him of old tactics. Soon he had a class of about half the camp that he taught three times a week. Even Annabeth and Jason signed up for a couple. When he wasn’t teaching, people came to watch him fight against the bronze warriors, watching for tips. He’d gotten good at blocking out excess noise and just focusing on the battle at hand.
Unlike the arena, his time spent in the woods and ocean were private. He would never tell Annabeth, but he was practicing this new blood bending technique. Only on monsters in the woods, and only to a point. He hadn’t killed any with it, and he didn’t plan to. At least, not anytime soon. He had gotten a fair grasp on it. He could now pinpoint how he wanted the monsters to move, rather than just away.
In the ocean, he worked on bending waves and currents to his will, shaping water and utilizing it. He focused on summoning hurricanes and controlling them. His stamina improved enough that starting a storm didn’t wear him out anymore if he was careful. Though it did make some of the campers who were previously enjoying a nice sunny day upset with him. He talked more with creatures under the surface. Rather than just talking to them when either he or they needed help, Percy developed relationships with them. Learned from them on how to better navigate the ocean and his training. Sometimes he would even go looking for a sea monster.
He always won.
One day, Percy skipped out on dinner to stay under the surface. Not entirely voluntarily. Some fish had gone back to Poseidon with the knowledge of Percy’s training and since then his dear old dad would send various underwater menaces Percy’s way when he couldn’t be bothered to clean up after them. Normally it was fine. Just a big fish or a scaley being, nothing to be too worried about. This time, Poseidon went too far. He sent a skolopendra.
Shrimpzilla was worse the second time around. He was pushing currents against it and throwing sharped water its way, but it wasn’t easy. Percy was defending himself well enough, but just went he tried to go in with Riptide, it all went wrong. One of the tentacles grabbed Percy, the sharp ends tearing into his skin, and threw him out of the water. He went flying. Great, Percy thought, If I don’t die from impact, Zeus will be sure to shoot me down. He landed hard just outside the mess hall, some forty yards away from the shore. As soon as he hit down, the ground shook, as if he weighed enough to pressure it. A small earthquake.
Percy was admittedly pissed. He didn’t ask for his dad’s fights. He certainly didn’t ask to be thrown by some crayfish monster. He didn’t even ask to be a half-blood, which is what it all came down to really. He turned his anger into fuel, called upon water from the air to strengthen him. He ran charging at the ocean. About halfway there, his feet picked up from the ground. The storm he was causing was strong enough to lift him up. In the back of his ADHD mind, he wondered if this counted as Jason’s flying and if that would put him in hot water with Zeus. As he was lifted to the monster, who at this point had emerged from the water, he thrust his hand out and called on the water swirling around him to create a weapon in his hand. He came down on the skolopendra, driving a water made trident right in between its glassy eyes. The monster dissolved under him and he used just a little bit more strength to guide him back to shore (where campers had started to gather) before dismantling his hurricane, leaving him soaking wet.
But Percy wasn’t done yet. No, of course not, he always had something to say.
“Really?!” He shouted at the ocean in a voice that sounded a lot more malice than his own. Several campers stepped back.
“What was that?!” He threw the water trident into the water, it sailing well beyond what should have been capable. He imagined it going all the way to Poseidon and punching right into his desk. “Hmm, I don’t wanna deal with fucking Shrimpzella, so I’ll just send on over to my favorite son, Percy, yeah?!” He didn’t know what else to emphasize his point, but he was angry with his dad, so he uncapped Riptide and threw that into the ocean for good measure. “Then again you never were good at cleaning up your messes, huh, dad?”
He started to walk away but paused. He tore the trident pendant from his necklace off and threw it into the water.
“You can have that back too,” he said, though the malice was gone, and he just sounded tired.
Percy kept his head down as he walked to the cabins. One of the campers tried to grab his arm and stop him, but Percy growled out a “Don’t touch me,” and kept going. Only later did he realize it was Annabeth and apologized to her.
No one brought up the sea monster, at least not around Percy.
“And all the kids cried out, "Please stop, you're scaring me"
I can't help this awful energy
God damn right, you should be scared of me
Who is in control?”
They were lucky that the Golden Fleece made the camp barrier so strong. The monsters that had gathered just hit against the barrier, causing no damage. A few had followed some new demigods to camp, and then called for backup. Normally, the would just wait it out until they left, but it had been a while. Chiron let Clarisse lead a group to “dispatch” the beasts. Percy counted three Laistrygonians, two Cyclopes, and something that resembled a leopard crossed with a shrimp.
“Group One: take on the giants, Jackson you take point. Rodriguez, you lead Two to go after the Cyclopes. Chase, you’re with me. Attack plan twenty-three.”
The broke up and prepared to exit the barrier. The plan was to divide and conquer. Separate each monster so they couldn’t work together, stay in pairs so it’s always two to one. Percy was paired with someone from the Apollo cabin, Ashley. They would stand back and use a bow while Percy got in close with his sword.
The fighting started the second they left the camp line. Percy could hear the Cyclops in the distance, but focused his attention. He ran at one of the giants while arrows went over his head. He played it simple. Ducking under the Laistrygonian, he slid in between its legs, slashing the calf. The monster fell over and Percy twisted as he stood up to drive his sword into its back, vaporizing it.
He signaled to Ashley to go after the nearest giant. Together they ran towards it. Ashley aimed a flash arrow right on his forehead, stunning him, while Percy rolled through and slashed at the chest. The other two campers fighting got the idea and jabbed their weapons into its sides. The now bigger group went to help with the last giant, who was already on the ground. Percy looked around to take inventory. Two giants down, one Cyclops was missing, and… Annabeth fallen. Whatever the leopard thing was, it was on top of her, claws deep.
Percy felt anger and panic rise in his chest. He was too far away to run to her in time. The Cyclops. It was backed into pond. That would give him enough strength. Maybe. He ran towards it, breaking the pattern. Splashing into the water, he called on its power and rose up. He used the Cyclops’ head like a springboard and jumped into the air. When he landed, he focused his power into the ground, taking in water from the pond, from the air, even from himself. A tremor rolled through the ground, knocking everyone off of their feet. Percy thrust his hands down and with them fell each monster. He imagined their lifeforce, the water in them, in his hands. He slowly made a fist. Then he took the driving force and punched the ground.
After that, everything was a blur. He’d used a lot of his strength. The monsters were dead. He was at Annabeth’s side. She was awake. The cuts across her midriff were bleeding, but they weren’t deep.
She was okay.
Percy blacked out.
When he woke, he was in the infirmary. His head felt like he had banged it against a concrete wall for fun. Annabeth was there, asleep on the chair. Percy sat up and rubbed his eyes.
“You were out for just a day, but I imagine you’ll need a few more for recovery.”
Percy looked up. A man with rugged features and green eyes stared down at him. Poseidon.
“Dad?” He wanted to ask why he was here, but his voice was so raspy, he barely got out the single word. Poseidon gestured to the table next to him. A cup of iced nectar was there. Percy gratefully took it.
“Percy, you are very powerful. After all, you are my son.” Poseidon looked at him as if trying to gauge whether or not his words were sinking in. “But you must be careful when using your power. What you did on the hill, not even I use that ability often.”
Percy was confused. Moreso, Percy was angry. “You’re kidding, right?” Poseidon just blinked at him.
“I have been trying to get you to help me understand what I can do since I was twelve! I only see you when the world is about to end!” Percy yelled. As much as he had forgiven his father for, there was an equally long list of things he hadn’t.
“You send me quests and monsters and expect me to risk my life for you, and now you think you have full range to question my abilities? If you wanted to be able to do that, then you should’ve been there when I was discovering them.”
If Percy had been strong enough to stand, he might’ve pushed the god. Which probably would have been a bad idea. He imagined he could get away with yelling at his father, but at the end of the day, Poseidon was immortal and all-powerful. He wasn’t sure what to expect for a reaction. He did not expect Poseidon to nod.
“I understand why you’re angry. I would have liked to have been there for you, to train you myself, but there are rules which I must follow. And there are rules which you must follow.”
“Demigods are limited by their bodies. There are given godly power but are not born in something that can handle it. I appreciate you trying to connect with the ocean, and gain control over your abilities. But if you keep on your path, you won’t be the one in control. You will burn yourself up, and I am not speaking in metaphors.”
Percy wanted to ask why he was given them. He wanted to yell at Poseidon for trying to mentor him. But he stayed silent.
The god walked over to the nightstand and placed something down. “I must return to my court. I would advise adhering to my warning.”
And just like that, he was gone, melted into water that disappeared before it touched the floor. Percy’s energy to be angry with his father melted with it. He reached over to the table to find what Poseidon left. It was the trident charm he had thrown in the ocean weeks ago.
At least the god had been listening.
Annabeth stirred and he set the pendant down.
“You’re awake.” She muttered.
“And you’re not,” He chuckled back. She reached over and took his hand, but wouldn’t quite meet his eyes. “What’s wrong?”
“Percy, what you did…” She struggled for the words. “Some things shouldn’t be controlled.”
Percy felt like someone punched his stomach. Those were the exact words she’d said to him in Tartarus, only instead of looked terrified, now she just looked worried. He didn’t know how to respond.
Chiron stepped into the room.
“Percy, I am sure that you do not want to hear this, but you must be careful.” Percy sighed and looked down. He didn’t argue. Chiron was a strong mentor, and even though he didn’t want to talk, Percy knew that he should listen.
“I have never seen powers like yours in my lifetime, and I’ve taught many heroes. What you did, it was godlike, Percy. I do not want your demise being caused by your gifts growing.”
“Chiron, I--” Percy faltered. He didn’t know how to explain it. He still felt as if he shouldn’t talk about the Nereid, but it was beyond her advice. He wanted to understand his limits, his capabilities. “I’m not sure if I can help it from becoming stronger.
He looked down again, speaking softly.
“I’m not sure what I’m becoming.”
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guardiandae · 5 years
Meta/Commentary Part 1: A Little ‘XO’ Wouldn’t Go Amiss
(Spoilers below)
Wade finally learned his roomie's real name on day two, when the proposed nickname of 'Priscilla' was rejected via stabbing.
"Y'know- I usually know a guy's name before I let him penetrate me," Wade joked, gritting through the pain.
"My name is Nathan Summers. You can call me Nate. Or you can shut your whore mouth."
I’m gonna say this right now so when I finally finish the sequel of this fic, nobody can cry foul or anything or pretend that I didn’t plan everything all along from the very start of this journey: There’s a reason why Nate stabbed Wade and it’s not just to be an edgelord. This fic starts written in Wade’s POV and then switches to Nate’s, and there is so much more info revealed from Nate’s perspective that changes how interactions are colored. In the sequel, it’s not written in that style but eventually you will understand Nate’s POV and be able to look back on this (and other moments) and be like, Ah. I spent a few months just agonizing over this fic planning. The levels of depth going on here, you don’t know.
Also it’s hilarious because, the movie never really establishes Cable’s real name so hi, it’s Nathan Summers. Scott Summers’ (Cyclops)’s son, but like... older than him because future and time traveling hijinks or whatever. This is only important because like, daddy issues.
technically they were even sleeping together, even if Nate slept in the only bedroom because he'd called dibs and Wade slept on the couch in a pile of fast food wrappers.
Living with Nate was weird after living with Vanessa for so long. No more kisses -- not like he wanted any.
Usually when Wade got home, Nate was never there.  Hours later when Nate did come back, he'd just go to bed. Other times, Wade was hired for jobs that took days of travel to complete. There was little interaction between them and they barely saw each other, so Wade took to leaving little notes behind.
[Went to get milk. And also to put a cap in someone's ass. He's a bad guy though, so don't worry. I'll be home late. xoxo] [Forgot the milk. Also didn't cap the guy so I didn't get paid. Can you pick some up while you're out? xoxo]
So much info in one little spot. Nate only sees them as roommates, as a living arrangement and tenuous partnership to serve as an end to both of their needs. Nate has a place to live, and his only responsibility, as we learn in his POV, is to pay the rent on Wade’s behalf, with Wade’s money, because Wade is a disaster and his memory is getting worse. Not only is Wade just an annoying person who can’t take anything seriously, in his incorrect opinion, but there’s that level of guilt for feeling like a freeloader when Nate is the kind of person who’s had to fight just to survive his entire life. Wade’s little notes are so sweet, but to Nate, 1. weird 2. is this a joke? 3. stop reminding me of how much you care and meanwhile i can barely bring myself to write a note back, aaaaaa
I need to remember to revive the note-leaving between them in the sequel. It’s too cute, I can’t stand it.
Mercenary jobs had become harder to come by, and then work dried up. It was almost like nobody wanted to pay a guy to kill people anymore. As if there could ever be a shortage of people in the world who needed to die. But when one door closes, another opens -- everywhere he went, he suddenly saw slews of missing persons flyers. Wade had never noticed how many there were before, but he took it as a sign. He'd always wanted to try his hand at being a P.I. and Wade hadn't realized that the market was booming with families desperate to find loved ones. He offered his services as a private dick to several different people, but every single case was unsolvable. It was like they'd just vanished into thin air, but he knew that wasn't possible. It was frustrating to realize he was such a lousy dick.
Spoilers, but this is when the Thanos snap happens, and Wade is completely oblivious. Could someone who can be so devastatingly observant really be so obtuse? Or is his mind just protecting itself from such an incomprehensible reality that everyone else is suddenly saddled with? These are things Nate wonders later as well. Even I don’t know for sure. (I haven’t watched End Game and there’s still more plotline to tackle during the Snap, don’t @ me about how Marvel did it, I don’t know and I don’t care, I have my own plans)  (By the way, characters will either be snapped or inexplicably alive, and that’s not a plot hole, that’s the joke. Welcome to Marvel, the writers never fucking make sense and I don’t have to either, YEET)
[Someone tried to sell a metal arm on the black market????!! It better be Bucky's and not yours. Not like I care.] [It was Bucky's.]
Rip Buckkyyyyyy lmaooo
But also, cryyyy because Nate is busy trying to help deal with absolute fucking chaos and he didn’t really stop to consider whether Wade would be wondering what happened to him. Ow. Yeah, I think Wade definitely subconsciously registered what happened and is in total denial of reality. It’s better that way. Nobody fucking tell him.
There was nothing that he hated more than being ignored. Might as well just talk to himself. Which he did a lot of lately.
All of the warmth left his body at once, leaving him a little breathless and dizzy. He was vaguely aware of Nate looking at him, but it was less of a 'you're home' and more of a ' why are you here?'
This whole area of the fic hurts so good because I’m gay and I love drama.
Wade coming home, literally bleeding to death on the inside and in shock because, once again, everything went to shit for him, story of his life. And he sees Nate just there, dressed down, relaxed, and has this little flash of domestic happiness because he so desperately wishes that the domestic happiness was real and that Nate actually was waiting for him and happy to see him come home, and the hard snap back to reality where Nate doesn’t even like him is soooo fucking painful lol end me. And on top of that, he misread Nate’s concern as hate/disgust for him bc that’s what he’s used to, and then he passes out on the floor and wakes up with Nate over him because I’m gay and I love drama!!!!
"Wade, you died for a second," Nate told him. Wade couldn't quite tell if Nate was concerned for him or just annoyed. "I had to pull a piece of metal pipe from your chest. Can you tell me what happened?"
"I got a… pipe in my chest," Wade said, pausing for breath. His lungs felt wet and heavy. He should've left the pipe in.
"Very illuminating," Nate deadpanned, letting go. "Anything else I should know?"
This moment where Nate is so very fucking concerned for Wade, but then Wade cracks a weak joke, because that’s how he copes, and Nate is like, wow, fuck it, so much for being worried about you.
These thoughts didn't feel like his own, even though they had his voice. His mind was always scattered, full of thoughts that flowed nonstop like a babbling brook. Sometimes it took a lot of conscious effort to reign himself in and make sense of his own head. But these just popped out of nowhere, in bold print, in boxes that were separate from everything else.
"Am I going nuts?" he wondered aloud, whispering to himself, because honestly, he was a little afraid of his own head right now.
(A little late to be asking that.)
And this is when the ‘boxes’ manifest for Wade. But in this fic, the voices that manifest in his head are his own intrusive, negative thoughts. The depression, the loneliness, the self-hatred, the belief and fear that Nate hates him too.
I’m gonna recap vs a full copy and paste because the next bit is long:
-Wade is coughing up blood clots from his lungs in the morning, or trying to. -Nate is disgusted but also sympathetic and offers to help Wade out. -A really layered conversation occurs.
“Maybe if I drown myself in the bathtub, the blood clots will rinse out. What d'you think?"
Wade’s exhausted. Joking, but also dead serious. Nate is concerned about Wade making such a dark joke, but he also can tell that Wade really is struggling.
“I’ll help you.”
“Really?” Wade is relieved Nate wants to help him, at first, but then remembers he just said he wanted to drown himself in a bathtub, and becomes disheartened again because he remembers Nate doesn’t like him. “Oh. Yeah.”
From Wade’s point of view: Nate just offered to help Wade kill himself, because of course someone would get a kick out of drowning him, he’s annoying, yadda yadda.
From Nate’s point of view: Wade isn’t okay and he offered to help him with his problem, because he sounds desperate and Nate doesn’t think that jokes will help Wade with his mental state, nor will the drowning actually do anything to solve the problem (the blood clots festering in his lungs).
"I bet you'd love to hold me down and watch me struggle," he said, still thinking about the drowning idea. Then, in a flirtatious tone, "I'll make it good for you, baby. Just promise me we'll do it face to face."
From Wade’s POV: He’s making a joke about Nate drowning him, but also making a sex joke to make it funny, to mock Nate if he really does want to drown Wade, so maybe he wouldn’t do it, or maybe it’d be weird and interesting.
From Nate’s POV: Wade is flirting with him, and his humor and still really dark and Nate really shouldn’t laugh at it or encourage that kind of thing.
From Wade’s POV, seeing Nate trying not smile: ah holy fuck he really wants to drown me.
"I don't want to watch you struggle," Nate said. If he did, he'd just leave Wade alone to keep coughing up blood.
"Ah. Consensual," Wade nodded. "Okay, well, I'd be open to some over-the-clothes stuff, and whatever happens while I'm still dead doesn't count."
Nate couldn't help but laugh. "I don't think we're having the same conversation."
Wade is continuing the joke, because from his POV he’s like, whelp, this might as well be what happens.
But they really aren’t having the same conversation. There’s more like, four different conversations happening at once. Wade’s very sincere idea of drowning himself as a solution to his problems, and Wade joking about Nate drowning him as a sexual innuendo.  Nate interpreting Wade’s dark humor as a shitty attempt at flirting that he neither wants to encourage nor outright shoot down, and Nate offering to give Wade a better solution to fix his actual problem.
And Nate’s solution is to use his telekinesis to just... remove all the shit from Wade’s lungs. But he didn’t communicate that idea with Wade before just doing it, even if he did ask permission, so that’s pretty shitty and hence why we had to add the ‘Nonconsensual Telekinetic Heimlich Maneuver’ tag. smh
"That was dubious at best and now we have to add a warning in the tags," Wade sighed. "Non-consensual telekinetic Heimlich maneuver…. This is problematic now. People aren't gonna click on this."
This is a good spot to stop for now and continue in another post.
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geek-gem · 5 years
You know even if it's been a year. I'm saddened that Rampage 2018 or just Rampage The Movie(don't get it confused with this Uwe Boll it's not any of those movies) hasn't gotten a sequel yet.
Because I legit think you can make a fun franchise based upon the games.
I'll be honest I dig @pkmatrix with the head canon of including Rampage in the Monsterverse. Especially because Warner Bros owns the rights.
But I think you can go absolutely nuts if it's just a stand alone franchise. Because seriously Rampage isn't the most lore based game series. But you can make a sequel based one some of those sequels. Especially one I've had since last year.
Have it be based on Rampage 2 Universal Tour. Yeah it's a sequel to World Tour but the idea is still there.
You have new monsters like, Boris a rhino, Curtis a mouse, and Ruby a lobster. Especially you got aliens in that game you can go crazy with that too. You can have Myukus and all that shit.
Basically I can see the Rampage series being a more sorry if I'm using this word more fun twist on monster stuff. Which has been done before just saying. It's also because Rampage at it's core is simple. Even though I did love the serious moments the movie had(the relationship between Davis and George was something I loved), but it still an overall a damn good time.
But there are two things that need to be accounted for.
Ralph and Lizzie.
Spoilers they both died in the original film. They are mostly portrayed as antagonistic monsters compared to George who had more of that protagonist role with Davis.
I've talked about in a reblog. Mainly original ideas like Lizzie was pregnant and laid a egg before she left for Chicago. That baby Crocodile that's a female too is effected by the pathogen as well. Including Davis has her taken to a larger sanctuary where George would be at. Instead of wanting her dead he tries to take care of the giant crocodile.
I did have this weird idea the descendents from the effected monsters that they can understand what humans are saying and they retain memories from their parents. But that sounds like bullshit. You know what maybe a new Crocodile, one Davis has can be effected. We'll go with that direction.
Now Ralph it was the idea of Ralph impregnated a female wolf before he got more aggressive. But it's too convenient and especially if you saw the movie he killed a bunch of wolves.
So it's easier it's probably some wolf Davis saved and he has a connection to him. Was thinking it could be a Husky just to make it funny and cute. But I don't know that's just a dog. I'm not an expert on dogs and wolves.
Basically it's Ralph 2.0 and Lizzie 2.0, as they are humoursly called.
Including it makes it easier for the idea of Davis gets three animals he dearly loves to work together against a common enemy because they are familiar with each other. Even if Lizzie is the most aggressive of the three.
Unless it's a different reptile. I'm sorry I'm trying to be consistent. Besides Lizzie to me had a amazing design in the movie. Despite it's different from the game version but made sense with the direction the movie went.
This time the story is aliens are trying to invade Earth. With the military realizing their best chance to win is with the aid of Davis and his animals. Especially three other animals are effected by leftovers of the pathogen or something which leads to Boris, Curtis, and Ruby. Including Davis trying to help them or something.
Including you got this awesome shot please stick with me on this. This awesome shot includes Davis in a military outfit and all his animals, George, Ralph, Lizzie and even Boris, Curtis, and Ruby. Yet just the main three is good enough.
They just walk behind Davis and it's a awesome slow mo of all of them looking awesome.
Including Davis but also Kate should return. Probably in a relationship with Davis, they find out and maybe Harvey Russell too finds out Area 51 has Myukus a cyclops alien.
There's like this big fight scene with all of the monsters teaming up against Myukus. But in Universal Tour he joins team in destroying shit especially the alien capital.
Honestly whatever they do, they can use other monsters from Total Destruction. Just whatever they do it's gonna be a fun ride.
This is basically just fan fiction and an idea if a sequel ever happens. Because I want one and I'm surprised considering the movie was successful. Maybe Dwayne is busy and other shit is involved. I just think a sequel would be the most fun thing ever.
I saw the first movie three times in theaters, the last time being in IMAX and found out IMAX is really expansive. Still I just want a sequel and I hope Brad Peyton and Dwayne Johnson realize some people want a sequel. Or I don't know I hope there are more people that want a sequel.
Especially what's more crazy. After seeing a comment on YouTube on a War Of The Monsters video. It was saying that War Of The Monsters should of gotten a movie instead of Rampage.
While I'm grateful Rampage 2018 exists.....the idea of a War Of The Monsters movie(based upon the PlayStation exclusive game) is absolutely amazing. While not a lore based heavy game too. The idea of it would be still difficult to adapt because of there being 10 monsters and whatever else. Especially that 50's setting unless they change it to modern day. I'm thinking of budget shit. Including the game didn't have like a big story like Rampage. It was an adventure mode where you fought many of the monsters along with bosses.
Besides I've been thinking of how a movie adaptation of that game should go.
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JSAB Steampunk AU Fanfic- That’s Not Your Brother
A gift fic for @just-steams-and-shapes .
Both of the muns of that blog pretty much shattered my heart with angst, so I decided to return the favor. 
Also, Happy Fresh Friday!
((Once again, I must say that Feeling Blue is on temporary hiatus. I know how I want the story to end, and I WILL FINISH EVENTUALLY, but at the moment, I have no motivation to continue the story... sorry for the wait.))
Description: Belle comes home to find a Deceora in place of her brother. However, it doesn’t want to hurt her, and it seems oddly familiar...
Warnings for SLIGHT BODY HORROR and canon-typical violence.
Luce’s arm hurt.
It’d been aching all day, from his elbow to his wrist, ever since that accursed Deceora sunk its fangs into him the night before. It’d managed to get in through the window, out for blood and indiscriminately raiding houses. Judging by the amount of carnage done to the foliage outside, it’d run amok for awhile, although no other shapes had been harmed, at least not as much as him.
It’d managed to tear into his arm with its fangs before he managed to subdue it. A few swipes and a devastating bite to the wrist left him reeling, and even now, hours later and running on painkillers, he was feeling the effects.
He’d tried bandaging it, but eventually, the adhesives had just caused more irritation, and the wound needed to breathe, lest it get infected. So the most damaged areas were in full view, looking like shattered glass sticking out of his arm, an obvious allure for a nosy older sister.
He hissed under his breath as Belle prodded at his forearm, looking up to see her sticking her tongue out. She had her lucky wrench in hand, and her outfit was stained with motor oil. She’d dragged herself away from her work to mess with him. How sweet.
“That’s gonna leave a gnarly scar, bro.” She blew a strand of hair out of her face, her purple eyes narrowing. “Next time, just call me for help… facin’ a Deceora’s no walk in the park…”
Luce recoiled, drawing his arm back as his sister reached to poke at it again. His horns lowered, the heart rate monitor in place of his eye starting to quicken in pace, showing his annoyance.
“I shattered it, didn’t I?” He reached for a pen, hoping that he could at least distract himself by drawing up some blueprints; he was thinking of weapons, feeling quite destructive at the moment. “Having an arm cannon comes in handy…” He scowled when he heard Belle chuckle, adding as an afterthought, “No pun intended.”
Belle shot back, “Whatever you say, dork.”
All she got in response was a flustered grumble. Luce’s voice sounded a bit shriller than usual, but Belle amounted that to his irritation, not to mention the pain he was in.
The purple cyclops rolled her eye, one of her cybernetic arms reaching up to brush her hair out of her face again. It was quite messy, and a plain ponytail wasn’t cutting it anymore… she didn’t care much about fashion, but as an inventor who worked around gears and moving parts, she couldn’t afford to risk getting her hair caught.
“Y’know what… I think I’ll go out to town… buy some hair products.” She ran a hand through the purple locks, huffing. “Something’s gotta tame the beast.”
She stood, folding her main pair of arms. Luce didn’t look up at her, his heart monitor slowing to a steady, calm beat as he fell back into focus with his work. A twinge of annoyance hit Belle’s core, but it was quickly encompassed as she watched her brother sketch, a small part of herself marvelling at his intuitive ability.
He was only twelve, nearing thirteen in the coming months. It was a wonder that a kid his age knew how to competently work some of the machinery he lived around, let alone create blueprints for it.
He had to learn quickly, though… without parents to properly teach him, the two of them had picked up quite a few skills just to survive...
Shaking her head to rid herself of the thought, Belle started towards the door, momentarily pausing to run through her list of errands. She glanced over her shoulder, looking over Luce, who was too absorbed in his sketching to pay her much mind.
For once, her schedule was clear, aside from her personal quest. She’d be home soon, and she doubted Luce could get himself into any trouble like this… the likelihood of a second Deceora attack was slim, anyway.
“I’ll be back in a minute, Luce,” she called. She added with a chuckle, “Don’t get yourself shattered.”
He waved halfheartedly, one of his horns flicking up in acknowledgement. He really seemed to be absorbed in his work. Rolling her eye once more, Belle departed, trusting that her brother would be safe…
As the minutes passed, Luce found it progressively harder to focus. The once minor stinging in his arm had developed into shooting, burning pain, which pulsed with his heartbeat, as if his veins were pumping acid instead of blood.
He forced himself to ignore it, at least for a while. He was being productive this way, having churned out five whole blueprints in the hour. They were a bit messy, given the pain in his arm, but he was proud of himself, having finally found a way to effectively distract himself.
However, as the time ticked past, the minutes rolling into hours… the pain had become pure agony, and he finally tore his eyes away from the paper to glance at his arm.
He was willing to bet that it’d started bleeding again, given how high his blood pressure was. His nerves were shot, and as his gaze darted from the blueprints to his forearm, he jolted in shock, catching a flash of greenish blue among the pink flesh.
“What… in Paradise?” He turned his arm around slowly, trying to see if the blighted color was a trick of the light. However, instead of going away, the hue only seemed to spread, forming in rough patches around the wounds. “What.”
Luce’s eyes glistened with a confused light, his horns drooping slightly as he stood, dropping his pencil.
“Where’s the mirror?” He paced almost aimlessly, beginning to feel a deep, paranoid fear. “Where’s the Treeangle-blighted mirror?!”
The lagoon tint had begun to infect more of his arm, spreading like a rash up to his shoulder. It burned, and Luce found himself scratching at the afflicted areas, becoming increasingly irritated as his mind buzzed with frantic thoughts.
His claws felt sharper than normal. He was unsteady on his feet… These seemingly minor realizations drilled themselves into his head, and he was unsure when he started to hyperventilate, his balance becoming skewed.
Luce staggered around the house, his mind reeling, each step sending a shockwave of pain through his form. He was terrified to look, but he had to see what was happening to him. He nearly tripped, locating a sizable mirror as he limped into the bathroom, looking himself over in the reflective glass.
His eyes widened, his heart rate nearly flatlining as he forced himself to stifle a shriek.
“Shards…” He hissed under his breath. His eye was flickering between a sickly lagoon and a frenetic pink. Luce choked, laughing nervously, “This is bad… this is real bad…”
He wanted to scream, but he was afraid of his own voice, unsure where his imagination ended and the real change began.
Luce backed away, trying to steady his breathing. He smiled, although an anxious ache made itself known in his core as he realized… how sharp his teeth looked.
“A’right… You’re fine,” he assured himself. “We’re good… everything’s okay…”
He winced, hearing a loud, resounding crack sound from within himself, nearly forcing him to his knees. His legs really, really hurt…  It was clear that he wouldn’t be standing upright for long…
Growling, he shook his head, returning his gaze to his reflection. In just a few minutes… he looked less like a shape and more like… a Deceora…
“You’re okay,” he repeated, snarling. His horns flicked backwards, a growl spilling from his maw as he shook his head, finding it progressively harder to focus. His heart rate quickened, the monitor over his bad eye starting to beep loudly as his core lurched. He ground out his mantra, forcing himself to stay awake, “Nothing. Is. Wrong.”
A sudden, acidic agony roared from the young shape’s core, and he heard himself shriek, his eyes going wide as he instinctively clutched at his chest. His cybernetic hand flew up to cover his mouth, and he shuddered, terrified.
He coughed violently, flinching as lagoon corruption came away on his hand. There was no denying it. That Deceora had cursed him as soon as it sunk its fangs into his arm. Belle was right; he never should have tried to handle things himself… he was just a little kid.
“E-e-everything…. Everything is… is f-fine…” He hugged himself, trying not to focus on what was happening. His voice was a whisper. Anything above a quiet rasp, and he’d be able to hear the growl in his tone. He wanted to tear the corruption out, but it’d already reached his core… all he could do was hope he could fight it off. “It’s…. O-o-o-okay… i-it’s okay…”
It was getting harder to speak… oh honey butter biscuits, his face was a Tree-forsaken muzzle.
“You… you’rrreeee….” He trailed off with a whimpering croon, shaking his head. “Hhh.. you’rreee… o-okayyy… Yo….Rrrr...o-kayyyyyy…”
Tears rolled down his face, and Luce gave one last, defeated scream, hoping dearly that someone, anyone would hear him. For all he knew, he’d lose his mind and hurt someone… if no one came to shatter him now…
But with his current luck… what were the odds of that?
Three hours later, the door creaked open. Belle peered inside, looking around in hopes of seeing her little brother waiting for her, as he normally did. A small part of her expected to see him still sitting at that desk, scribbling away at blueprints. Maybe he actually tried to build something for once and set the house on fire.
As she pictured the possible outcomes, she couldn’t help but grin, wondering what amusing predicament her baby brother could’ve gotten himself mixed up in today.
However, when she entered the house, she was greeted with complete, eerie silence. The lights were all out… the curtains were closed. Her smile dropped as soon as she saw the darkness, her greeting dying on her tongue as her eye darted around, trying to find a reason for the seemingly abandoned state of the house.
She hoped that Luce was merely asleep on the couch or something, that he’d decided to be responsible for once and turn out the lights when he left the room. The chances of that were slim to none, and Belle’s anxiety whispered in the back of her mind, sending her into an instant panic.
“Luce?” she called cautiously. She heard her own voice echo through the building, and when there was no answer, she found herself worrying even more. She walked towards the kitchen, concern riddling her features. “Luce? Where are ya, you little demon child?”
Not even his nickname stirred a response. Belle growled to herself, picking up her lucky wrench. If Luce was just tricking her, she’d clock him in the horns for it… and if he wasn’t, she had a feeling she’d have to fight someone.
He’d just been injured, and it was obvious that he was still in pain. If any rogue or feral shapes had broken in, he wouldn’t stand a chance... Belle started off towards the workshop, hissing under her breath.
“This better not be a prank…” As she inched towards the entrance, she heard a sudden crash, her eye lighting up in tentative hope. “I’m warning you…”
She weighed the odds. On one hand, that sound could’ve been Luce trying to hide, what with the little trouble-maker he was. She had poked fun at him earlier, and he was known for getting petty revenge. It wasn’t much of a stretch to say that he was planning to scare her, just to send her flying into a tizzy over nothing. He wasn’t evil by a longshot, despite Belle’s constant prodding, but he lived up to his nickname as the “demon child.”
Belle felt her smile threaten to return, but she shook her head.
Nonetheless, the other possibility send fear rushing through her, quickly eclipsing all humor. It was rare to see a Deceora this far away from the Corrosive Valley or the Badlands… the odds of it coming with a pack were slim, but it was still possible.
Shattering the first creature would just summon the pack, if they were in the area. And in his current state… Luce would’ve been instantly incapacitated… shattered. Belle steeled herself for what she might see, be it shards or her brother. She’d dealt with loss before, and while she never wanted to lose another loved one, she prepared herself for the worst.
“A’right… I’m givin’ ya five seconds to show yourself…” she yelled.
She heard the scrabbling of claws against tile, and she twitched, trying to restrain herself from charging. It was a Deceora alright.
“One… two… aw, blight it… FIVE!”
Belle let out a battle cry, rushing through the entrance in an attempt to startle the monster. Her eye was blurred from the tears that she’d been holding back, but she kept swinging, suddenly glad to have extra arms. If that thing tried to come at her from behind, she’d knock it silly.
She heard a gutteral shriek ring out as one of her fists met scales, and she reeled, her eye snapping open. The Deceora was quite small for its kind, looking pathetic compared to the monster that had attacked the night before. Perhaps the first creature had been its mother. Chances were, this small, unassuming monster had wandered to their home, searching for its fallen parent. It was too young to fight properly, but a single good swipe from those wicked claws could knock out any shape, even if the intent wasn’t to kill.
In any other occasion, Belle might’ve spared it, knowing what it was like to lose a parent, but now that it entered her home, now that it had possibly killed her brother, all mercy flew out the window.
She narrowed her eye, rage filling her heart. It was hard to focus on the thing, her gaze darting around in search of any sign of her brother. The Deceoras were merciless hunters. It was likely that, if he was in shards, they’d either been devoured or trambled, leaving no traces behind.
Even if this one was unwilling to fight, its instincts would have driven it to feed as soon as the blood was spilled. Luce was as good as dead.
“I know ya can’t understand me…” Belle snarled. She lowered her wrench towards the monster’s snout, her tone venomous. “So I’m giving you five seconds to clear out before I shatter you. Limb. By. Limb.”
It suddenly squeaked and reeled back, nearly tripping over its own legs. It was definitely young and probably hadn’t ventured into civilization before, unable to properly maneuver on a smooth, tiled surface.
It stumbled, the spikes around its head drooping as it stared up at her, almost sad. Belle knew better than to falter, her voice ringing out as a threatening yell as she grew more frantic.
“I don’t care that you’re a baby, I’ll shatter you like you did to my brother!”
At that, the Deceora seemed to understand, if only through the aggression in Belle’s tone. It backed away, drawing in on itself, a small, rumbling whimper echoing from its core. Belle had never seen a Deceora whimper, even when injured. They were natural killers, and they never showed weakness. However, this creature didn’t seem like it wanted to fight at all...even to defend itself… It was truly at her mercy.
She grinned, despite herself. A malicious, vindictive urge welled up in her heart, and she advanced, a wicked sneer spreading across her face. She raised the wrench again. While she was sure she had other, quicker means to dispose of this thing, she wanted to cause it just as much pain as it’d caused her brother. Slowly.
“You probably won’t even fight back, eh?” She chuckled as the monster suddenly squeaked, frantic. “Good. That makes it easier for me.”
She swung. Metal met bone as the wrench made contact with the Deceora’s plated back. It was sent flying, shards bursting from the impact as it hit a wall. It scrambled to stand, a constant, pitiful whimper pouring from its jaws. It refused to run, however, staring up at Belle with those melancholy, distressed eyes.
Belle approached it again, laughing almost madly.
“Not so tough now, huh?” She reveled in the fear that blossomed in the monster’s gaze as she held her makeshift weapon high, preparing to strike. “That’s what you get for SHATTERING MY BROTHER!”
This time, the wrench came down upon the monster’s back, near the base of its neck. It crumpled, a hissing screech ripping from its throat as it covered its head, panicking. Dusty shards sprayed from the bludgeon wound, and parts of its shell were dented and cracked.
Still, it refused to attack… it almost seemed to be pleading her to stop.
“Hhhh….” Its breaths were ragged with pain. It tried to make itself seem small, terrified. “Nnnooooo. Noooo… mrrrrrr….”
Belle relented. She could let it go with a warning, but it’d likely just return when it was old enough to fight. She raised her hand again, scowling.
The helpless Deceora cowered, shaking its head as if in disbelief. Startlingly, tears flowed from its eyes, and as it looked up at Belle, she thought she saw a flicker of pink in its foggy, soulless gaze.
She faltered, glancing at its arms. One of its forelegs was cracked rather severely, from the elbow to the wrist. Belle was sure she hadn’t hit it there. She’d only gotten two good swings, and both had cracked against its shell. That wound was strikingly familiar, looking quite recent...
Shaking her head, she prepared to land a final blow, tiring of toying with the monster. If it kept screaming, it’d alert the rest of the pack… and she’d learn just how threatening a group of protective monsters could be.
“Enough playin’ around…” She squeezed her eye shut. Something felt very wrong. “T-time to die…”
However, as she readied herself, she heard a frantic, hissing squeak that made her stop in her tracks.
The Deceora suddenly shrieked, shaking its head in a frenetic attempt to stop her. Its stubby tail was tucked between its legs in its fear, and its entire form was quivering.
“Nooo… mrrr….. No morrreee!”
Belle backed away, watching it. That was the most sentient display of fear she’d ever seen from a feral. She expected it to go down fighting, but in seconds, any fight that it may have put up dissolved into pathetic whimpers.
Its flailing, panicked state reminded her of a child’s tantrum, and the more it screamed, the less guttural its cries sounded.
“Mowww!” it cried. It let out a sharp exhale, shuddering. “Hhhhh…. hhhhuuurrrrt.”
“What?” she deadpanned. She glared down at the creature, waiting for some sort of response. It probably couldn’t comprehend speech, but she supposed that this particular Deceora had more than a few surprises up its sleeve, and perhaps sentience was one of them.
Its teary eyes glimmered with tentative hope as its attacker faltered. Squealing, it sat up on its haunches, wincing a few times as its cracked shell protested. It looked up at Belle, its eyes continuing to flicker with that too-familiar pink hue, which was slowly encompassing the lagoon shade.
It squeaked, trying to form words, “... E-Eeellllee….” It shook its head, trying again. Its maw clicked and rattled with the effort, the gaps between its fangs producing an odd, whistling sound. Its lack of intelligibility frustrated it, and it hissed, “Eeellee…….it meeee...”
Belle tilted her head, backing away. She cautiously placed her wrench down, folding her arms. Something about the sound the thing was making was unsettling, and she felt a paranoid, upsetting fear beginning to settle in her core. It was almost… dare she say...familiar.
“What… what are you trying to say?” she questioned softly. The gruff, threatening tone had dropped from her voice completely. She was filled with a curious, almost fearful collection of thoughts, her mind buzzing. “Are you trying to speak to me?”
The Deceora whimpered, pointing at her with a shaky claw. Belle instinctively flinched, grabbing for her wrench. The thing just cowered, squealing. It drew back, shuddering as it attempted to speak again.
“E-e-elle…” It perked up as it pronounced something coherent, hesitantly pointing at the purple shape. “Elle… Elle!”
Belle’s eye went wide, and she faltered. “Me?”
The Deceora nodded wildly, trotting towards her. Before she could react, it slumped its entire weight against her leg, wrapping its lanky arms around her in a haphazard embrace. Belle nearly kicked it in reflexive action, only stopping herself when she heard the affectionate purr that rumbled from the thing’s core.
This wasn’t an attack… it was a hug. This creature trusted her, even after she attacked it. Not only was it unwilling to harm her; it was fully willing to risk its life to show her… something...
“M… meeee… Luuucccceee…” Its words were slurred, laced with hisses. “Luucceee...Elle… brr-rrooww… brrrrooootheeer….” It trailed off with a mournful croon, its spikes curving downwards.
Belle looked down at it in trepidation. Its eyes had started to glow a solid pink, its voice slowly losing the gravelly tone.
“Are you… are you trying to say… my name?”
It nodded, then tried again. “Luce… me…” It covered its face, wiping away its tears. “Ssscared…. Hurrrrtsss…”
Those few words made Belle choke on her breath. Without further warning, she reached down and picked up the strange Deceora, placing it… him… on the work table.
Voice breaking, she addressed it. “What… what are you?” She forced herself not to cry, her mind coming to a terrifying conclusion. “Why can you understand me?”
He pawed at some blueprints, trying to make the connection between Belle’s brother and himself. As he looked over the papers, his eyes welled up with tears again, and a whimper spilled from his maw. He looked up at the purple shape, holding a blueprint in his jaws as he frantically pointed at himself. Belle shook her head, her mind reeling as she tried to process everything.
Somehow, this was her brother. The realization hit her like a ton of bricks, and she felt tears welling up again, her expression set in a tight frown. She’d heard tales of shapes mutating into Deceora-like beasts, but in all cases, they lost their minds and became part of the pack. Luce was still conscious, still trying to speak to her, to convince her not to harm him. He didn’t even lash out… and yet, she nearly killed him in a fit of vengeful rage.
As she failed to respond, the Deceora grew frantic, tears falling from his eyes. His jaws clattered as he gave a rattling hiss, pawing at where his name had been scrawled upon the blueprints, until his claws tore through.
“It… me! Yrrr… brro...brroothheerrr…” He whimpered, eyes shining. “Luuuccee…”
Belle snapped out of her trance, backing away a bit as she looked over the beast. He was unrecognizable, save for the pink hue in his gaze. While his form was monstrous, his body language was frustratingly familiar, obviously that of a sentient child… not a predatory beast. He was so frantic, trying to communicate his identity, but the words scrambled, leaving only a guttural hiss, which only aggravated and distressed him further.
No matter how much Belle tried to convince herself otherwise, there was no denying it; the Deceora sitting before her was her brother.
“No. You don’t need to convince me anymore… I know it’s you, Luce.” Her voice shook as she looked him over, feeling quite guilty for attacking him. He hadn’t even put up a fight to defend himself. He was willing to die instead of harm his sister. “How… how did this happen?”
The creature whined, its horns drooping. It held up its injured arm, showing off the bite marks that lined its flesh. The wounds looked fresh, and if Belle looked close, there was still pink blood among the green ooze that dripped from the cracks.
“I… don’t… know…it jussst… hh-hurts...”
Belle shook her head, growling. “That’s not an answer, Luce! Why are you... Why is my baby brother a Deceora?!”
Luce squeaked, then looked down at his arm. The corruption seemed to be centered around the wound. There was no doubt in his mind that the bite had changed him… somehow.
“A-afterrrr...Yoouu… leave. A-arm h-hurt. Change… into this.” He seemed to be getting used to his new mouth, although his words were still labored. He looked down, ashamed of himself. “M-m-monster…”
Tears finally spilled from Belle’s eyes, and she pulled Luce into a hug, hearing his shaky, rasping breaths. A deep, instinctive fear welled up as she heard the Deceora hiss, although her sisterly love overtook that, her embrace only tightening as she realized that… no matter what form he took, this was her brother, and he’d never hurt her.
She pulled away, finding it hard to look him in the eye, not wanting to see his sentient, deep sadness within those predatory orbs. She didn’t want to see her brother staring through her, unable to communicate. It hurt to see him like this...
“Are you okay?” She instantly winced. Of course he wasn’t okay. He turned into a Tree-blighted Deceora. She sheepishly added, “Sorry… standard question.”
Luce huffed, his tail tapping against the desk as he allowed himself to laugh, his chuckles sounding like staccato growls. As soon as he laughed, however, his eyes went wide. He instantly covered his mouth with a paw, whimpering.
“Not… scare… you…” He whimpered. “I… sound  scary… monster...”
Belle sighed, rubbing her temples as her horns drooped.
“You’re not a monster, Luce. Stop saying that.”
He looked away, his voice airy. “You said… it…” He growled slightly as a twinge of pain raced through is back. “Said… I hurt…. Someone.”
Belle followed the Deceora’s gaze to the bloodied wrench on the counter, feeling a swell of guilt settling in her core. Robotically, she reached for the tool, turning it around in her hand. Luce winced, that pitiful whimper beginning to spill from his jaws again. The purple shape faltered, her eye narrowing. Her gaze softened, and she tossed the wrench in the nearest trash bin.
“There.” She folded her arms. Luce tilted his head, perplexed as to why she’d throw away her favorite tool. She scoffed, a tiny grin starting to quirk at the edges of her mouth. “Anything used to hurt my baby bro is trash, as far as I’m concerned.”
Hearing this, the Deceora’s tail started to wag, rapping against the metal table in a series of rhythmic thumps. Frustrated, Luce turned and hissed, trying to stop the newfound appendage. Nothing worked, and he pouted, looking quite silly. Belle watched, stifling a chuckle; this was her brother, alright.
She suddenly reached for Luce, picking him up before he could protest. He was the same weight, perhaps a tiny bit lighter from the energy burned in his change, as well as the shards he was missing. He whimpered, afraid of being dropped, but Belle just chuckled, shaking her head.
“I’m not lettin’ you go again, ya dork.” Her second pair of arms reached to better hold Luce, and he grumbled, his lanky arms dangling. “I see what happens when I leave ya alone… ya go and turn into a Hue-forsaken Deceora, of all the things.”
Luce huffed, and Belle grinned, glad to see him returning to his normal, snarky self. She carried him to the kitchen, dropping him rather unceremoniously onto the tiled floor. The drop wasn’t high enough to hurt him, but he squealed, scrambling to his feet as he was deposited.
“What… that for?” He hissed, arching up. “Rrrr…”
His Deceora instincts seemed to be shining through a bit, yet Belle found herself uncaring of the threat, her back turned to him as she started to search through the cabinets for anything suitable for a predatory animal. Luce would normally eat a bagel or something. In his current state, Belle wouldn’t be surprised if he requested the souls of the innocent, just to mess with her.
“I’m getting you something to eat, ya demon child.” She chuckled, looking over the refrigerator door to see the Deceora snarling at her, his maw agape. “You don’t scare me. I fought off far larger threats before, and you couldn’t even raise a claw to me.”
He halfheartedly swiped at the air, grumbling. He was, admittedly, quite famished. He wasn’t sure if that was to be attributed to the energy lost in his transformation or just the fact that he hadn’t eaten all day. Judging by how empty his stomach was, it was probably both.
He perked up at the smell of steak, tilting his head as Belle grabbed a plate of the rarest meat she could find, undoubtedly the unwanted leftovers from one of her attempts at cooking. While she was a wizard in the engineering field, the same couldn’t be said for her culinary skills.
She set the plate down in front of Luce, who growled softly, pawing at it.
“You need a fork, or…?”
He shook his head, grinning with rows of deadly fangs. Belle raised her hands in surrender, before turning back to grab a half-eaten muffin. Of course, the little snack was pushed all the way back, and so she had to take a minute to dig through old cartons of juice and milk, not caring as she heard tearing sounds around her.
When she looked back, the steak was already in shreds, the Deceora just looking hungrier from the appetizer. He hissed, his eyes flaring a predatory lagoon as he announced his dissatisfaction, arching up a bit.
Belle winced, her eye going wide as she whispered, “Luce?”
The action reminded her of normal Deceora behavior, and for a moment, she thought that he’d finally lost control of himself. Deceoras were prone to tearing their prey into shreds, decimating them like land-borne piranhas. A twinge of worry hit Belle, and she backed up slightly.
However, just as soon as he’d snapped, Luce seemed to regain his senses.
He seemed to notice what he’d done, whimpering slightly and turning away.
Belle’s expression softened, and she kneeled, looking into his eyes. His magenta gaze was fearful, even now, and he drew in on himself a bit, whimpering.
“Not… okay… can’t think…” He held his head, his eyes flickering between lagoon and pink. He couldn’t decide what urge to act on; the will to flee or to lash out.“Don’t want… to be… monster…”
“You’re not a monster-”
Luce cut her off with a sudden, guttural hiss. Belle reflexively flinched, her eye glimmering with fear as she momentarily forgot who she was looking at. The fear in his sister’s gaze only made Luce cover his face, his form shaking with raspy sobs.
“Don’t want… to hurt you…” He whimpered, his breaths labored. “Can’t control… it...wantsss to hurt you…”
Belle pulled him into another hug, and he squealed, flailing. He rested his head on her shoulder, shuddering violently.
“I… scared…” His voice faltered, dissolving into wordless whimpers and sad purrs. “Rrrr….”
Belle sighed. “I know… I’m scared, too…” She looked away. “Don’t worry… I’ll find a way to fix this… we’ll find a way, together.”
Luce crooned dejectedly. “No… I monster… forever.”
“You… you say that as if you haven’t always been… my little monster…” Belle hugged him tightly, her breaths shaky. “I promise I’ll reverse this… somehow. As long as you have your memories, I won’t give up on you.”
Luce let out a low trill, huffing in disbelief. In all the cases he’d heard of shapes becoming feral, none of them had reverted to normal, even after their ultimate deaths. Then again, none of them had retained their minds, either…
“I’m not giving up on you, Luce… just because you’re a Deceora on the outside doesn’t mean you are on the inside. No measly bite is gonna change that, got it?”
Luce pulled away, averting his gaze. Belle huffed indignantly, narrowing her eye.
“You fought off Deceoras before like nobody’s business. Are you really going to let the least threatening one of them all take you down?”
That got her a laugh. The creature’s horns flicked up, and he glanced at her, tilting his head incredulously.
Belle grinned shakily.
“Who else, ya dork?” She crossed her arms. “Now, what are ya, a cowardly Deceora… or the best baby bro in the universe?”
Luce finally faltered, turning around. His horns folded back, and he gave a non-threatening growl, pouncing into Belle’s embrace. He shook, although he didn’t seem as distressed as before, having been convinced.
Belle stood, holding Luce for what felt like an eternity. She could hear his heartbeat, and from where she stood, she spotted a few broken pieces of metal under the table. Realizing what the metal was, she put the Deceora down, sighing.
“Well, if you’re gonna be like that for awhile, I’ve gotta make ya some new cybernetic enhancements… your old ones don’t fit anymore, eh?”
Luce perked up, his stubby tail wagging. He trilled in excitement, following Belle to the workshop.
While this was in no way the best situation, they had each other, just like always. And as long as they held on, kept trusting each other and clinging to hope, they’d get through anything… they always did.
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jooheonspinky · 5 years
Lure of the Lore 2
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Word Count: 1.7K
Two days later I had the answer to my question. I’d been texting and then calling Changkyun after a day of silence and was getting no responses. Worried, I called an Uber to take me to his home. I knocked and rang the doorbell a few times, but there was no answer.
    “Changkyun! It’s me, Y/N,” I call loudly before pressing my ear to the door.
    There is a faint, muffled groan from inside. Rustling my keys out of my purse, I locate the spare he’d given me and let myself in. Closing up behind me I shoot up a prayer that I was not about to interrupt something...intimate.
    Heading down the hall, I tentatively call his name, “Changkyun-ah? Is that you?”
    It doesn’t take long for me to get my response. I find him in the bathroom face shoved in the toilet as he releases his stomach’s contents into it. I quickly grab a hand towel and moisten it with cool tap water. Pressing it against his forehead I use my other hand to rub his back trying to sooth him as best I can.
    “Thanks,” he mumbles weakly when nothing more comes up.
    Helping him stand, I walk him to his bedroom. Changkyun falls in a heap onto his bed. Finding a throw, I cover him up. He looks so pale with purple circles tinting the skin beneath his eyes. What if the wolf had been rabid and this was his body trying to fight the infection?
    “I think I should take you to the hospital,” I fret as I wring my hands nervously.
    “Don’t,” comes the weak reply.
    I press my lips together as I stare down at him, not liking his retort. Dammit!
    “At least let me make you some soup to help ease your stomach. I’ll bring some Tylenol for the fever and chills.”
    He nods and as I look up it is then that I realize he has taken down all of his fantasy posters. His lore magazines are in the garbage next to his desk. Anything that has to do with the supernatural and fantastical world…are gone from around his room.
    Sighing, I hurry to the kitchen to make him a chicken soup. When it’s ready, I only place the broth in a cup. I bring along a water bottle and a few tablets of medicine to help fight off whatever he is battling.
    Helping him sit up, I pass him the opened bottle and the tablets. With a little difficulty, he swallows them. I then gave him the warm soup and watch to make sure he drinks that as well.
    “I’m really worried about you,” I finally speak as I dab at his clammy forehead.
    He smiles wanly, his voice low as he tries to reassure me. “I’ll be ok.”
    Setting the cup down, I lean over for a hug. I hate to see him like this. Changkyun wasn’t one to get sick much. I pat his back as he returns the gesture. His arms tighten around me while he presses his nose into my neck and inhales deeply.
    “Y/N…you smell so…,” he murmurs as he takes in another breath. “-different.”
    His embraced becomes even more constricting. My heart begins to race as fear grips me just as strongly as my best friend is.
    Nervous laughter bubbles up from me. “Ok… That’s enough hugging for today.” He resists for a moment as I struggle to tug myself from his arms and stand. “Don’t want to catch what you have…in case it’s contagious.”
    It sounds like I’m making excuses to get away from him and I pray he doesn’t sense it. Changkyun’s eyes narrow on mine and I shiver. They appear darker than his usual warm chocolatey eyes. And there is a hunger in them I’ve never seen before. There is something predatory like in them that has me taking a step back.
    With a shake of his head, he coughs and a flush of pink spreads across his pallid cheeks. “Yeah sorry. I think it’s best you go. I’ll call you if I need anything.”
    Nodding, I rush out feeling as if I couldn’t get away fast enough.
    And that’s how I end up back at Monsters, Mutants, and Oddities just an hour after leaving Changkyun’s place.
I shouldn’t fear my best friend. I shouldn’t want to get away from him when he clearly was not well. And maybe his superstitions and beliefs in the supernatural has finally rubbed off on me –or perhaps I’ve just gone crazy- but I was starting to believe the anger, the illness and the…weird reaction to the hug… all had to do with that bite. Wonho had to know something and I was going to find out what.
    Paying the fee, I enter the now familiar cyclops opening of the tent and make my way through the exhibits quickly. Being a work night, the place was empty save for three other people. I linger back, waiting for them to leave.
    I know the moment Wonho realizes I’m there, hiding in the shadows, because he stiffens. From my vantage point, I can see clearly as his chin lifts up while his nose crinkles. It’s as if he’s sniffing the air. Seeming to find a scent, his head dips down as he squints his eyes and turns my way. It was so akin to a canine catching a whiff of his hunt and preparing itself to charge after it. Though I am blocked by the branches and leaves of a decorative tree, I sense that he could see me clearly and were it not for the cage he was trapped in, he’d probably stalk me down.
  I remain hidden, staying as still as possible while the others ask Wonho questions and laugh off everything he says. Once I notice the three have left, I step out of the shadows and walk forward cautiously.
    “Can’t seem to get enough of me?” he teases flirtatiously.
    Ignoring his toying words, I think it best to introduce myself before asking for help.
    “Wonho is it?” I ask, trying my best to keep my voice from trembling. He cocks an eyebrow before nodding once. Out of habit, I move closer and offer a hand courteously. “My name is Y/N and I’m here on behalf of my best friend Changkyun.”
    Lightning fast, his hand reaches through the bars to clasp mine. Too late I realize my mistake. He yanks me forward, my other hand grasping a bar just in time to keep myself from crashing against it.
    “You dare stick your hand into a wolf’s den?” he growls fiercely, his face so close to mine. He tisks, “You are either very stupid or very brave.”
    Flustered, I tug at my hand, struggling to free myself. His grip is extremely strong!
    “I just need help for my friend,” I grit out, my heart pulsing rapidly in my throat.
    Wonho holds on a moment longer, a grin spreading across his lips as he brings them down towards the back of my hand. He presses his mouth there briefly and I inhale sharply as a spark of electricity tingles up my arm. His eyes widen in surprise, apparently also feeling it. They snap up to meet mine, a questioning look in them before he finally releases me. He retreats to the furthest part of his cage.
    “What do you need?” All playfulness is completely gone from him now. “I will do what I can to help you.”
Not wanting to lose the opportunity to question him, I decide not to dwell on his sudden change in demeanor.
“What do you know of the wolf that was in here a few days ago?” I plead. “It bit my friend and I need to know if it had rabies.”
Wonho scoffs, crossing his arms over his chest, “I do not have rabies!” 
“Cut the crap,” I scowl. “This is serious! He’s really sick!”
Wonho stomps back towards me. “I’m telling the truth. Look into my eyes.”
And I do. Again I realize they looked exactly like the wolf’s had and a chill crawls up my spine. Holy crap! Werewolves were real!
“This is crazy,” I whisper incredulously.
“But you believe me,” he urges. “I can see it in your face. You know I’m telling the truth.”
“All this time,” I murmur walking back and forth. “I thought Changkyun was foolish for believing in such things, but turns out I’m the fool.” Giving my head a shake, I do my best to calm down. “Well...you bit my friend...does that mean he’s going to turn into one of you?”
“Your friend, he seemed very familiar to me,” he states pensively. “There was a connection… Did you say his name is Changkyun?”
    Wonho seems to hold his breath as he waits for me to confirm it.
    “Yes,” I nod.
    Eyes broadening, he then asks, “Does he have a mark on his hip in the shape of a sideways hourglass? Like this?”
    He draws it out in the air and goosebumps spread across my arms.
    “Yes,” I whisper breathily.
    Wonho’s eyes widen even more as excitement starts to build.
    “Then he is the missing one! My little cousin! I can’t believe this!”
    I stumble back.
    “What did you say?”
    I could hardly hear over the buzzing in my skull. Changkyun had family?!
    “Miss! I see you’ve returned.”
    I startle, twirling around to face the exit. It was Richard. That pain in the…
    “Yes,” I offer a small exasperated smile before returning my saucer-like eyes to Wonho.
    He’s retreated to the back again.
    “Planning on becoming a VIP member or are you trying to woo my werewolf?” Richard laughs at his not funny at all comment. Drying none existent tears, he adds, “I do appreciate your business, young lady, but I’m afraid it’s closing time.”
    “I’m so sorry,” I apologize, my heart sinking. “I lost track of time.”
    “Well, come along then.”
    I follow Richard reluctantly, turning to mouth ‘I’ll be back’ to Wonho who nods his understanding. Once out in the parking lot I order an Uber and wait anxiously for the driver to arrive. What an evening. Though I didn’t find out anything that could help me with Changkyun, I still had life changing news to share with him. Before I tell him, I need to find out more. I will return the next day, but not during business hours.
    As the Uber driver pulls up, it dawns on me that if Wonho was really a werewolf, then he was there against his will. I needed to figure out a way to help him out as well!
Thank you for reading!
Part 1| 2| 3
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briangroth27 · 5 years
Back to the MCU Part 2: The X-men
I’m absolutely looking forward to Dark Phoenix and New Mutants—I’ve loved or really liked all of the X-men movies except two and I’m sad to see the franchise end—but I’m also looking forward to the X-men joining the MCU. I was skeptical of the fan insistence that Spider-man would be inherently better just because Homecoming was part of the MCU and I was proven wrong, but I’m still not sure that the X-men going home will be a magical improvement. The Fox-films aren’t perfect, but they’re not the worthless dreck a lot of people make them out to be either and it’ll be a shame to lose all the good things about them (unfortunately along with The Gifted in all likelihood). Still, this is what’s happening and I’ll always be excited for new X-men adventures: they’re my favorite comics and I love seeing them brought to life! In a perfect world, we’d get a new X-men TV series (heck, both a live-action one and a new animated series) because there are just too many characters to explore over a trilogy or two of movies, but for these purposes, I’m going to assume they’ll only be doing X-films.
Full spoilers for the Fox-verse and MCU up to this point....
X-men Origins How should mutants appear in the MCU? This is super-simple: they just do.
There’s always been a handful around, like Xavier, Magneto (their ages and Erik’s Holocaust experience can be explained by saying they knew a mutant who could rejuvenate others), Apocalypse, Shadow King, etc., but mutants are just now starting to appear en masse. They’re a new and mysterious global phenomenon. Importantly, they’re a natural evolution and the most “cause” that should ever be given is the real-life explanation for evolutionary mutation: a reaction a hostile environment. Sure, you could say Thanos’ Snap created that type of environmental condition, but no one should be responsible for making mutation happen. This is something I strongly believe has to hold true: mutants can’t be created in a lab somewhere or Snapped back into existence “wrong” or have their X-genes turned on by Scarlet Witch or something. If anything like that happens, mutants automatically lose their “we’re natural, normal, and we’re supposed to be here” argument. It’s why the Inhumans aren’t really a great substitute for the mutants-as-minorities metaphor: even though the present-day Inhumans were born that way, they can still be traced back to experiments the Kree conducted on humans. Mutants, however, are completely normal and exactly what they’re supposed to be. Also, it’s that lack of an “explanation” that scares normal people and separates mutants from the other superheroes in the MCU. Bigots can write off a radioactive spider bite or a gamma accident as powers that happened to “those poor people,” but the X-men showing up and saying “this is who we are naturally, our powers come from the core of our being, and we’re the future?” That scares them and brings out the hate. That last point is just as much a source of fear as the others: just look at how white supremacists in real life scream about “being replaced” by Jewish people, Muslims, immigrants, etc.
I’ve been asked on Twitter how the common MCU people would be able to tell that the X-men are any different from the Avengers (Thor vs. Storm was the example I was given), and the answer’s in the characters. Storm and the rest of the team would absolutely self-identify as mutants, feeling they shouldn’t have to pass as aliens/accidents for an easier life (in addition to their stated goal of proving that mutants can be trusted). With that pride and the insistence that mutants are the future, bigoted reactions would mimic LGBTQIA hate: "Why should we cater to a minority? They should be committed/cured, not supported, coddled, and allowed to continue living in their delusions,” etc. People's kids being mysteriously powered is also a much scarier concept than an alien the public barely interacts with (Ragnarok having civilians know about Thor and Jane’s relationship status still rings false to me, unless Darcy’s been blogging). Thor's an external anomaly to the everyday MCU citizen and while the Avengers might accidentally wreck your town, mutants could be in your family and are an intimate threat to The Way Things Are.
I’ve also been asked how you square Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver with Magneto if the X-men just appear now rather than being rebooted into the history of the MCU, and that’s simple too. They aren’t his kids anymore in the comics, so you might not even need to explore that connection in the movies. If they do want to, he could be a secret parent they didn’t know about. They still don’t have to be mutants since their origin is tied to Loki’s scepter. Either way, Wanda’s continued presence in the MCU is not a continuity deal-breaker.
First Class While the idea I’ve seen tossed around of the team suddenly snapping into view after Xavier has been psychically hiding them from the world for years would be a cool reveal, I don’t think they’ll want to burn all the A-list X-men by introducing them as adults. IMO, the X-men are going to be the backbone of multiple future MCU phases since the big-name Avengers are winding done, so they’re going to want to cast X-teens who can grow with the MCU. They’ll also want to start at the beginning and (hopefully) really dig into the team finding its groove, learning as they go. I’ve enjoyed the Fox prequel trilogy immensely so far, but jumping 10 years between each film takes the wind out of proper development arcs. Showing the team’s learning curve as superheroes would also set them apart from the Avengers, who have personality conflicts but essentially came to the team as polished heroes.
Fox’s prequel X-team is a pretty perfect lineup in terms of characters, so I wouldn’t change the core roster much (though I do expect everyone to be recast). We’d meet the X-men as they’re recruited, allowing the film to both touch on the world mutants are living in and to show who these kids were outside the mansion. That’ll not only show the healing effect of having other kids like them in their orbit, but will also emphasize how important the school is as a safe haven (and found family) from the rest of the world. One area where Fox’s films have fallen short (and The Gifted has excelled) is showing what the common people’s reaction to mutants is, rather than just sticking with the military’s thoughts, and I hope the MCU follows that show’s lead.
While every teenager (and even every adult) can relate to the X-men’s outsider status, mutants are also (and most importantly) supposed to represent the oppressed in our society and the next cast should reflect that. So, I’d do a lot of race and sexual orientation switches. For example, Cyclops should be Native Alaskan. He’s closely tied to that region in the comics, Summers isn’t the real family name (it was chosen by an immigrant ancestor in the comics and here could be an example of his family trying to assimilate), and the pressure to be a “model minority” would mesh perfectly with Scott’s constant drive to be a straight-laced boy scout who thinks he’d be useless if he failed. I’d let the comics’ subtext about Storm being bi or pansexual be text here. I’d also stick closer to her having been a “goddess” as well as a thief; she should be the one mutant in history that ruled humans without fear or violence so she can be a voice of reason and experience on the team. Nightcrawler could be updated into a swashbuckling street performer who’s a little internet-famous (part of a growing mutant youth subculture) in addition to his religious struggles. He could also be a positive role model in how he embraces and celebrates his physical differences (like he did on X-men Evolution), no matter who calls him a demon. Kurt could be any race as long as he’s from Germany, though I kinda like the idea of one of the few white guys being blue the whole time. Rouge would definitely start out as a villain if I were writing it. She doesn’t necessarily need to be white and making her an African-American teen from Mississippi could grant her a whole new perspective on the mutants-as-minorities idea: her loss of memories and self could reflect the black American experience of not knowing where your ancestors came from or what their culture was. I also think her reaction to meeting a literal queen who’s also a black woman would be pretty great; Storm could be a role model for her once she starts to reform (and maybe punk Storm could come from interacting with Rogue’s more fun-loving persona). Those new aspects could potentially bolster the outsider feeling she’ll already have thanks to her powers acting like a disease that forbids her from making unencumbered contact with others, so she could be relatable on several fronts.
New Mutants Scott, Ororo, Kurt, and Rogue would be my core team throughout all the films, but there’d be room for others as well. Jean’s another favorite of mine and it’d be cool to see her without the Phoenix as a predetermined end-point in mind for a while. I’ve seen it pointed out on Twitter that one of her biggest assets is her empathy, so let her use that to promote human/mutant understanding and use her comic origin story to drive her towards not letting anyone die. Gambit would be a lot of fun (and, in keeping with making things more diverse, the movies could go through with an intended comic development that he’d be bi), but I would definitely not adapt his charm power: there’s just too much room for that to get rapey to even try including it (plus, he shouldn’t need a power to be charming). Being a roguish thief with a heart of gold would play well against both the X-men and the gruff Wolverine when he’s introduced. Jubilee is more than deserving of a larger, more active role after being a glorified cameo so many times; maybe she eventually becomes the PR face of the school? Iceman’s always been another favorite of mine and his deep-seated denial of his homosexuality would bring another realistic touch to the team. Polaris, X-23, Honey Badger, Eclipse, Quicksilver (who I guess is dead, though; it’s a shame we have to leave the superior cinematic one behind in the Fox-verse), Domino, Bishop, Beast, Firestar, Psylocke, Shadowcat, etc. …the list of great characters in this franchise goes on and on and they’d all be welcome; this is why there needs to be a show, not just films!
Logan, the Wolverine We should get to Wolverine at some point—he’s another one of my favorites and there’s no denying he’s the most popular mutant—and I’d play up the parallels between him and Scott rather than focus on the love triangle with Jean. But first, I want them to hold off on Logan and maybe not even introduce him until something like the third movie. Let the rest of the team breathe and become an ensemble before reintroducing a new Wolverine, who’ll instantly be saddled with comparisons to arguably the most iconic version of the character: Hugh Jackman’s. They’d spend most of their time justifying the new Logan and I worry that the rest of the characters would be sidelined again. Instead, let’s see all of them get the chance to be as fleshed-out and celebrated as Logan is, then add him in and watch as the franchise gets even bigger from there. Maybe a way around Logan stealing the X-spotlight is to do something unorthodox (yet with enough comic precedence to appease the fans) and introduce him in an Avengers movie first. Maybe the Avengers could take the place of Alpha Flight in the MCU (or maybe they’d do something totally unexpected and just make an Alpha Flight movie). Personally I’d like to see a Logan who was absolutely horrible in his past—an animal occasionally pointed in the right direction—who then had the mind-wipe truly make him a better person who’s out to atone for a life he doesn’t remember. I think that would be compelling and would make the mind-wipe matter. Edit: I thought it might work to make Logan a POC to reflect real-life atrocities and experimentation carried out against minorities, but “violent rage machine who becomes a hero after (probably white) scientists torture him and erase his identity” would be a terrible message since you could say it argues they improved him. If he were innocent before Weapon X it would be different (and possibly a comment on the damage white people have inflicted on just about everyone else); I guess it depends on what they want Logan's story to be and what effect Weapon X has on him (and there should be an effect, not that X-men Origins nonsense where he's essentially the same person on both sides of it). If he's an angry white guy who's improved by forgetting who he was/the society that made him that way, that could be an interesting comment on the white male rage we see so much of today too.
Dark Phoenix, Apocalypse (and other X-threats) I definitely don’t want to see Magneto right away (though he’s the best villain in fiction). On film, we need a break from him (though if they wanted to make him Xavier’s co-leader of the X-men for an extended period, I’d be interested). I genuinely liked Mystique’s character development into just that position in the prequel films, but when she returns in the MCU it should be as a villain first (and certainly as Kurt’s mom—or why not his dad, as originally planned?—and Rogue’s adoptive mother). Stryker, the Sentinels, and the Phoenix Saga should all be held off until far down the road as well.
I wish I could remember who on Twitter suggested it, but I love the idea of using conversion therapy as the basis for an X-men villain, so that’s how I’d open the series (let’s call these films The Uncanny X-men, for argument’s sake). Use Mesmero as one of two main villains, mind-controlling mutants into thinking that they don’t have powers to the point where they subconsciously shut down their access to them (like Iceman did to himself after House of M). Do this through Legion-esque twisty, mind-bending psychic sequences (so we can see each character’s inner fears and character traits), but mixed with real-world conversion therapy horrors. Once Mesmero’s phase is completed, the “cured” mutants are thrown into an elaborate deathtrap/maze to make sure they can’t access their powers anymore…this would be a Murderworld designed by an updated Arcade! That would provide the bombastic third act after the Mesmero stuff gives us some great character work. Xavier sends the team in to investigate this process (maybe it’s set on Genosha) and they meet Rogue there, who’s also undercover but for Mystique, out to kill everyone involved whereas the X-men want to expose the torture and shut it down peacefully to be a good example. You could start to argue whether the X-men being upstanding superheroes allows them to go far enough with a third party like Rogue/the Brotherhood.
My second movie would feature Mr. Sinister and his attempts to keep up with mutants by experimenting on himself to give himself powers. I’d make it a cultural appropriation metaphor, by having Sinister create agents for the government (the Freedom Force seems like an appropriate right-wing name and it looks like they might be needed to step in where the Avengers leave off after Endgame) who are heroes and celebrated by the public, whereas the X-men are still hated. The X-men would of course resent the popular “mutates” taking what made them special and being celebrated for it while they’re still hated. If the first movie is about the X-men fighting to prove they should be here, the second would be about mutants establishing their own culture (and the burgeoning mutant subculture would absolutely be a part of this). It’d also be about humans artificially clinging to relevance and fearing losing their status in society (extremely relevant to a huge problem with white society in America today), while larger sci-fi themes about moving toward the future of humanity via evolution are explored through Sinister. Sinister’s base would absolutely be in the Savage Land so we could see X-men vs. dinosaurs: in addition to just being fun and cool (and big business, if the Jurassic World movies are any indication), dinosaurs would metaphorically represent the human race. They’d be a constant reminder of the extinction and irrelevance Sinister is trying to outthink. Perhaps Sauron could be a minor villain in that setting. Since I wouldn’t want to do Phoenix yet, a Madelyne Prior story might be better for this new era (maybe she’s one of Sinister’s Freedom Force mutates). If they don’t want to do the Captain Marvel/Rogue animosity—and I’m not sure I want to see Carol lose her memories and herself again, though you could create a bond between the two of them over Carol being manipulated by the Kree and Rogue by Mystique (maybe that’s how they’d finally resolve their hatred?)—another of Sinister’s mutates being called Warbird and having flight/super-strength would be a fine substitute for Rogue to get her iconic powers and send her to the X-men for help.
As we get into Uncanny 3, I’d do Onslaught, but a more streamlined version that doesn’t involve the Heroes Reborn thing. I’d rather it be confined to the X-men, but since we’re in the MCU now it’d be a good opportunity for the teams to team up. My Onslaught wouldn’t be a Magneto/Xavier mind-meld, but a Xavier who finally lost hope in his dream and decided to force humans to accept mutants. I think Xavier screwing with the team, implanting false memories to manipulate them, sow discord, etc. would be a lot of fun…and a chance to have Rogue be the big damn hero because of her mental training to suss out her actual personality (in these films I’d dedicate time to the team actively helping her try to control her abilities and rediscover herself). A psychic threat would also be a nice bookend to the team’s first film and a response to “how impactful can the X-men be as true-blue heroes?,” while defeating Xavier would be a natural end to this chapter as the team goes on to new adventures under Scott and Ororo’s leadership.
Once we’ve explored new threats, I’m fully open to digging into Magneto, Apocalypse (hopefully maintaining his “I’m trying to save you all by forcing conflict to evolve you” delusion), Stryker, the Sentinels, Mystique, Shadow King, Juggernaut, Sabretooth, Omega Red (who hasn’t been used yet), etc. again. Whatever they do, I hope the MCU goes big and explores all facets of the X-universe, like Genosha, Asteroid M, the Morlocks, the Brood, Madripoor, Mojo, etc. The X-world is a rich one unto itself, so Disney should let it shine and really flesh out the MCU beyond the real-world boundaries they’ve lived in so far and are only just now starting to venture from (at least on Earth). When we do get to Phoenix again, I hope it’ll be a natural evolution and Jean’s quest to make the world better so no one has to die again, not a cosmic space bird trying on feelings or a secret evil split personality (as an early X3 idea pitched, my Jean would evolve into the comics’ cosmic force).
United I absolutely don’t want some sort of Avengers vs. X-men thing. Who wants the Avengers turned into the militant arm of a bigoted government or something? No matter how you slice it, the X-men represent minorities/PoC/the oppressed, so making the Avengers fight them just seems wrong and automatically tips them toward being agents of oppression. If you lean too far into “mutant powers really are dangerous” to justify the Avengers fighting them, the X-men lose their social relevance. At “best,” you’ll have the Avengers making an argument along the lines of “protests that cause property damage are just as bad as the racists/social inequality they’re protesting,” which is not a good look for anyone. Plus, I’m just sick of heroes fighting heroes.
I wouldn’t do House of M or X-men vs. Inhumans either: extinction events not perpetrated by bigots trying to pull off genocide undercut the metaphor of mutancy. The X-men represent oppressed minorities, not snow leopards.
Deadpool: The Last Stand While it would be absolutely crazy if Dark Phoenix ended with Jean re-creating the Fox-Earth into the MCU or something, I don’t think the Fox-verse will get that kind of send-off. Aside from Dark Phoenix, New Mutants (which looks very spooky-cool but who knows if it will be released in theaters or on Hulu), and The Gifted (which will almost certainly be cancelled, sadly) the big dangling thread of the Fox-verse is the still-popular Deadpool. Legion will be ending after Season 3 and I think it’s safe to say Gambit, Shadowcat, Multiple Man, etc. are dead at this point, and that’s probably for the best if Disney wants to create a unified vision and start fresh.
However, a Deadpool 3 (or X-Force) film should definitely still happen, and I have an idea to help the characters (and actors) we love from those movies make the jump to the MCU intact. I think DP3/X-Force should be an adventure on Mojoworld! Deadpool’s probably the only live-action property that would be willing to go all-in on Mojo, so they should be the one to take the dive (especially now that Shatterstar’s mentioned it exists). Everyone gets abducted and the writers can go extremely meta with it. They could structure it similarly to the first Mojo episode of the 90s X-men cartoon, but with jokes about Hollywood’s obsession with sequels, reboots, and the franchise wars (as well as society’s relationship with the media). They could also joke about fan fears about Disney making them PG-13 (though I think those fears are unfounded), via some Good Place-esque censorship. Mojo’s televised world could also allow for cameos galore from the Fox-films, including the much-desired Hugh Jackman and Ryan Reynolds team-up. This isn’t how I’d prefer to see those actors together for the last time, but since it seems like the only option I’d take it. And at the end of this Mojoverse adventure? The Fox-verse is “cancelled,” leaving Wade and friends to be dumped into the MCU. You could cherry-pick the Fox timeline for favorites to save here: Wade, Domino, Negasonic, Colossus, Blind Al, Vanessa, Cable, Dopinder, both Yukios, and Laura/X-23 would all be welcome IMO (alternatively, I’ll take people like Zazie Beetz and Dafne Keen getting cast as Domino and Laura again in the MCU, just with new origins). If there’s a way to get The Gifted characters—especially Polaris and Eclipse—to the MCU too (if Blink’s season 2-ending portal doesn’t do it and make that group the MCU’s Exiles; seeing them come from a hardened anti-mutant world into an MCU where mutants are just starting to pop up in large numbers would be a really cool switch for them), I’m all for that as well. You could even give X-Force’s appearance in the MCU some narrative impact by forcing Xavier to accelerate his plan for the X-men to go public to counteract Deadpool’s team in the public eye, since Wade is not the guy you want at the center of the mutant rights effort.
Days of Future Past I realize most of this won’t happen (especially my ideas for the movies, but hey Disney, if you want some X-novels give me a call), but it’s a vision of the X-Franchise’s future I’d like to see. The big things are that mutants should just appear naturally, Disney should be open to casting and writing the characters more diversely than they’ve been in the comics (a consideration I’d extend to the franchise’s creators behind the scenes and soundtrack as well, though the main theme should absolutely be the 90s Animated Series theme!), and the MCU should take the time to dig into every aspect of the franchise rather than immediately hitting beats Fox has already covered. There are a lot of socially-relevant angles to tackle the X-men world with, and I want to see them all explored. The Disney/Fox deal is officially finalized on March 20, so we’ll soon see how the X-men will fit in. 
Whatever happens, I’m excited to see Dark Phoenix and I can’t wait to see more X-adventures in the MCU!
What do you think? What do you want to see from the X-men in the MCU?
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