kyutepups · 11 months
I was just about to drift into snooze land but then I had an aching sickening (like my stomach dropped) thought of MY Richie Tozier dating a FEMALE. Soon enough the rest of the intrusive thoughts were rushing in and time was of the essence. I had to swiftly pull up a reddie oneshot book before the thoughts took over and guided me to a very depressing place.
The moral of the story is don’t get obsessed with anything, it will ruin your fucking life forever.
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reddie-fangirl24 · 11 months
The sound of retching echoed through the silent house, each guttural heave punctuating the darkness. Richie Tozier's body convulsed as he emptied the contents of his stomach into the porcelain bowl, but tried to be as quiet as he could. Eddie slept peacefully in the bedroom after having a rather rough day in physical therapy.
His head spinning, and his limbs feeling weak and heavy, Richie had gone to bed earlier that night feeling crummy. He was trying to hide it from Eddie, but Eddie knew him all too well.
Richie's heart sank as he thought about Eddie. He feared germs and illness. And he was lying next to him in bed. He should have known better! Any type of bacteria gave him panic attacks. Eddie’s mother nailed that fear into him as a child. His mother wouldn’t let him out of his room for a week if Eddie so much as sneezed. Richie detested that woman for yanking him by the arm to appointment after appointment speaking with doctors who were more concerned about her than her son.
Oh, Eddie was going to be so livid with him that he slept with him while he was sick. He was still healing from his injuries after all. The mere thought of Eddie seeing him in this state filled him with even more guilt.
In a moment of panic, Richie stood up on his heavy legs, and stumbled out of the bathroom with a sour smell, past the peaceful sleeping Eddie, and into the guest bedroom where he collapsed onto the bed, trembling.
Feeling himself sweating, and his stomach rumbling like a volcano, Richie pulled the covers up. He wanted Eddie to cuddle with him, but sadly that wouldn’t happen. He’d let this pass until he was better.
“Richie? Richie?” He heard someone, shaking him awake.
Opening his tired eyes, light seeped through the drapes in the room. Cuddled up in the blankets, but he still wasn’t warm enough, there was Eddie with a worried look staring down at his sickly form.
"Eddie," Richie croaked weakly, his voice barely audible.
“What’s the matter? I was worried when you weren’t in bed?” Eddie pushed back the hair on his head, feeling his head. “You don’t look well. Your forehead is warm.”
Richie loved feeling Eddie’s warm hand against his chilled body. He just wanted to wrap himself up in Eddie’s arms, but he resisted the feeling. “I got sick last night.”
Eddie’s eyes completely melted. “Why didn’t you wake me? How long have you been feeling like this?”
That wasn’t the reaction Richie expected, believing that Eddie would lecture him about being sick. "I'm sorry... I just... I don't feel well.”
Kneeling down beside the bed, Eddie reached out and gently brushed a sweaty lock of hair off Richie's forehead. "You don't have to apologize, Richie," he said softly. "I'm here for you. Always."
Richie's body shook with silent sobs, his emotions overwhelming him like a tidal wave. Tears streamed down his face, the weight of his vulnerability and fear had become too much to bear, unbearable sobs wracking his body.
Eddie watched in surprise as Richie's tears fell, his heart aching at the sight of his boyfriend in such misery. Without hesitation, he moved closer and wrapped his arms around Richie, pulling him into a tight embrace.
"Richie," Eddie murmured, his voice filled with concern and tenderness. "What's wrong? Talk to me, please."
But Richie's sobs only grew louder, making it difficult for him to form coherent words. He clung to Eddie as if his life depended on it, seeking comfort and reassurance in the warmth of their embrace.
Eddie's own eyes welled up with tears as he held Richie. He had seen Richie vulnerable on rare occasions, mainly when they were kids, but since their reunion in Derry, they’d now been dating for almost three months, and he discovered just how fragile Richie’s heart was, seeking needed solace. He just had a hard time finding the words to talk about his insecurities.
Gently, Eddie stroked Richie's sweaty hair, offering support and love, holding Richie, letting him know that he was there, that he would always be there. "I’ve got you, Richie,” Eddie whispered, his voice barely above a whisper.
Richie clung to Eddie even tighter, his cries gradually subsiding. He took shaky breaths, finding solace in the rise and fall of Eddie's chest against his own. As Richie's tears began to subside, he slowly pulled back, looking into Eddie's eyes. His face was streaked with tears, but there was a glimmer of relief in his gaze.
"I'm sorry, Eddie," Richie managed to say, his voice hoarse. "I... I didn't mean to fall apart like that." He also never had a stable relationship like this where someone who loved him was there to comfort him, let alone take care of him. It was so new, but he didn’t have the energy to voice that right now.
Eddie shook his head gently, his hands cupping Richie's face. "You have nothing to apologize for, Richie," he said, his voice filled with sincerity. "Are you worried about me? I’m trying as best as I can to overcome my fears. But don’t ever think that you can’t come to me for help, okay?”
A soft smile tugged at the corners of Richie's lips as he leaned into Eddie's touch. "Thank you, Eds," he whispered, his voice filled with gratitude and affection. "I'm lucky to have you."
Eddie's heart swelled with love, and he pressed a gentle kiss to Richie's forehead. "I'll always be here when you need it."
They stayed in their embrace for a while. Richie's tears had ceased, feeling calm, knowing that Eddie would always be here for him.
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eddieeatsass · 3 years
On the Edge of an Avalanche
Summary: Graduation was upon them and Eddie Kaspbrak was eager to leave Derry behind. His one last hurrah would be the senior ski trip, earning him an escape from his mother and the looming stress of college admissions. It was supposed to be a relaxing vacation, until he got slated to look after resident pain-in-everyone’s-ass, Richie Tozier. Pairing: Richie Tozier/Eddie Kaspbrak Rating: E Chapter: 3/5 Read Chapter 2 Here  /  Read on AO3
The next morning felt like a slow-motion scene unravelling before him. Eddie had spent most of the night replaying the events that him and Richie had engaged in, dissecting it for all he could and trying to figure out what it all meant. He hadn’t fallen asleep until the birds were waking up, singing a morning song that rang more like a lullaby to Eddie’s tired ears.
  The first time he woke he felt a warmth pressing up against his back, arms curling around his torso, and smelled sickly-sweet cinnamon that was unfamiliar but undeniably soothing. He fell back asleep not long after.
  The second time Eddie woke he felt rustling beside him, a gentle press to his cheek, and just barely heard something whispered. He never opened his eyes, sleep already pulling him back in.
  The final time he woke that morning was very different from the others; a booming voice announcing an arrival had shaken him out of slumber and almost out of bed.
    “JESUS CHRIST WHAT THE SHIT-” Eddie clutched his blankets in a death grip, holding them up higher as if they could shield him from the onslaught.
  “Wakey wakey Eds and bakey!”
  Eddie groaned internally, already upset at his body for having such a visceral reaction to the sound of Richie’s voice even while it was so tired, and Richie was so loud. Did he have any self respect?
  Eddie peered out from behind his sheets, eyes meeting a ruffled bed head and an early morning smile.
  Okay, maybe Eddie didn’t need self respect when Richie looked that good.
  “I brought breakfast.” Richie stated, holding the plates up as a peace offering.
  Eddie didn’t even have to think before he scooted over, making room for Richie and patting the open spot.
  Richie hobbled over, handing one of the over-stacked plates to Eddie and plopping himself down with a small “oof”.
  Choosing to avoid the elephant in the room for a while longer, Eddie speared what he assumed to be an egg with his fork. He couldn’t be certain, as Richie had coated everything on both plates with a healthy serving of hollandaise sauce.
  “How’s the ankle?” Eddie asked tentatively.
  “’s fine.” Richie said through a mouthful of food. His cheeks were puffed out like a chipmunk, but rather than being off-putting, it was annoyingly charming.
  “You really shouldn’t be walking on it.” Eddie mentioned.
  “I’ve had worse.” Richie shrugged, as if that was supposed to be comforting to Eddie.
  “Where did you get the food?” Eddie asked, changing the subject once again to avoid the hovering topic. It was well past breakfast time, and Eddie knew the buffets were never open past 9am.
  “I snuck into the kitchen.” Richie shrugged, as if that were a totally normal thing to do.
  “What- Richie! You could have gotten in trouble!”
  “But I didn’t.” Richie smirked triumphantly.
  “Anyone could have caught you! And you could have been sent home, or worse, the staff could have called the police! I mean it is technically stealing, and trespassing, and could probably be charged as breaking and entering, and-”
  Eddie was cut off by a fork full of food being shoveled into his open mouth. A fork that wasn’t his fork. A fork that had been in someone else’s mouth, that should have grossed him out, that should have sounded off the alarm in his head. But instead, the fork sat in his mouth as nothing more than a slight inconvenience; not a trigger for his neuroses or a reason to grab his mouthwash, just a fork. What kind of spell did this boy have over him!?
  “Now chew.” Richie ordered, pulling his fork out and leaving the food to sit inside Eddie’s mouth. He did as he was told, chewing a few times and swallowing the food that, in any other case, would have disgusted him.
  “There. Now, do you hear any sirens outside?”
  “No, but-”
  “Is your body getting ready to violently regurgitate everything?”
  “Then just enjoy the food, spaghetti man.”
  Richie said it like it was so easy… And maybe it was. Eddie could be a bit rebellious, couldn’t he? Richie had gone out of his way to get them breakfast, no matter how irresponsible it had been, and Eddie had done nothing but complain. He hadn’t even thanked Richie. Besides, how was it any different from when Eddie snuck into the school’s kitchen to get Stan his special lunch?
  The difference, Eddie realized with his heart skipping a beat, was that Eddie didn’t care much about his own wellbeing. The wellbeing of Richie, however, was a completely new ballgame, and Eddie suddenly found himself at bat.
  “Sorry, it’s hard for me to keep my anxiety in check sometimes.” Eddie admitted, poking around his plate and eating a few more bites. Admittedly, the food was really good.
  “Hey, no need to apologize, I get it.” Richie assured, shooting Eddie a smile that melted him to the core. “Just know that I’d never put you in any real danger.” Richie added with an honesty that watered something warm and vibrant in Eddie’s chest.
  And somehow, Eddie knew that was true. Richie might be reckless at times, but he wasn’t stupid, and he protected those he cared about.
  Eddie wondered if he was in that category now.
    Before Eddie could dwell on it any longer, there was a knock at their door followed by Mr. Daniels’ voice giving them a half hour before they head out. It seemed that while Eddie had been busy sleeping in, the bus had been repaired and returned to their motel.
    As they filed into the vehicle, Eddie noticed that the teachers had switched buses for the day. Mr. Daniels made no mention of the seating arrangements (to which there had been more changes than just Richie and Stanley). This, of course, resulted in absolute mayhem as everyone that had been assigned to different seats now reverted to their original spots. As a result, the bus soon returned back to its chaos.
  Eddie glanced over at Richie, his fingers twitching as he held himself back from reaching out and clutching Richie’s arm to keep him close. Of course, Eddie wouldn’t mind sitting with Stan again, but he’d grown attached to Richie, and even though he felt like they were treading unfamiliar waters now thanks to last night’s unspoken tryst, he still wanted to be close to him.
    The bus hadn’t started moving yet, so kids were still flying from row to row, taking advantage of their newfound freedom thanks to Mr. Daniels more lax approach at chaperoning. Eddie bit at his fingernail as he watched Richie out of the corner of his eye, too afraid to speak but just as afraid to take his gaze off him.
  Richie, on the other hand, seemed completely unaware as he happily tapped away at something on his phone. His shoulders were hunched forward in poor posture and he was wearing the same clothes as yesterday, now wrinkled from sleeping in them, but he was still the picture of beauty as far as Eddie was concerned.
  Eddie got caught staring as Richie’s head turned without warning, but it was only met with a smile and an endeared laugh.
  “Is it cool if I switch with Stanley for a bit? Bill’s been harping on me for not texting him back all night, that clingy son of a bitch.” Richie held up his phone as evidence, even though the screen was black and gave Eddie no hint as to the topic of their conversation.
  He hoped in equal parts that it was and wasn’t about him.
  “Yeah, whatever.” Eddie tried to feign indifference but overshot and ended up sounding rude. He winced at his own tone of voice and swallowed back the urge to apologize immediately.
  “Uhh, okay.” Richie seemed confused, but his face stayed open and inviting despite the quirk in his brow. Liquid lapis eyes training on Eddie for a beat longer than necessary before he was hopping up and heading down the isle.
    As soon as Richie was gone, Eddie let his head fall against the frostbitten window with a thunk, his eyes closing instinctively as he retreated inside his brain.
  He was exhausted, both physically from lack of sleep, and emotionally from all these new unfamiliar emotions. It’s not that Eddie had never had crushes before; there was Steven from summer camp, Harry who worked at the bookstore, and Isaac who’d been their mechanic for six years, and had taken Eddie under his wing after his father died.
  However, of all the infatuations Eddie had had, Richie was the first one that actually made sense. Steven had been too far away, and straight. Harry had been too busy, and straight. Isaac had been too old, and straight. But Richie… well, he lived in the same city, wasn’t bogged down by work, and was the same age as Eddie… and was… possibly not straight?
  Eddie felt the seat dip beside him, but refused to open his eyes. Call it a protest of the outside world for being too confusing, he’d open his eyes again when someone had the answers for him.
  Okay, well maybe Stan would have the answers.
  Eddie grumbled his greeting, pulling his body away from the window only to let it slump the other way, right into Stanley’s shoulder. He wavered a bit at the sudden impact but righted himself quickly, supporting Eddie’s weight easily.
  “So, are you the reason Richie’s walking with a limp today?”
  “WHAT?” Eddie’s head shot up, his brain working in overdrive to try and wipe his slate clean, erase any sign of culpability. Did Stan know what they’d done? Did everyone know what they’d done? Oh my god, Richie told someone and now everyone was going to know that they-
  “I mean, I just assumed Richie crossed the line at some point and you had to deliver some swift Kaspbrak karate moves to shut him up.” Stan held his hand up in fists and, with delayed relief, Eddie realized Stan was making a joke.
  Eddie let his head fall back into the cushiness of Stan’s shoulder, his body somehow even more drained than it had been thirty seconds ago. Eddie wasn’t fully certain how he planned on getting through today.
  “He was actually really respectful.” Eddie responded. He didn’t realize it was so out of character until Stan fell quiet, followed by a prodding question.
  “Are you okay?”
  There it was, the question Eddie couldn’t even answer for himself. Was he okay? He didn’t feel okay, but nothing had actually gone wrong, right? In fact, if anything, things had gone in Eddie’s favor. So why did he feel this heavy weight in his chest, baring down on his lungs and slowly squeezing the air out of him?
    When Eddie had returned from the bathroom the previous night, steeled to have the inevitable conversation that came after dry humping a guy you’ve been familiar with for no more than a day, he’d found Richie fast asleep.
  Not knowing what else to do, Eddie has simply crawled into bed beside him.
  But those hours laying awake had left him with too many thoughts, the most prodding being his fear that he’d been used as a prop for Richie’s experimentation. Did he even like guys? He’d never mentioned it, never seemed to show any interest past a couple of jokes. But that was all they were, right? Maybe the jokes had been the first signs Eddie should have noticed, subtle hints Richie was dropping to insinuate that Eddie would be the perfect contender for a round of ‘am I gay or just horny?’. Eddie had practically opened himself up to it after coming out to him.
  His pessimism may have been clouded by past experiences, but after what Eddie had been through, it was no wonder he jumped to conclusions. The only experiences Eddie had to speak for were secret rendezvous with nervous classmates that inevitably ended with Eddie being ignored the next day. It was a pattern, and Eddie was the invariable. He was the small, quiet twink that every questioning athlete and nerd alike seemed to peg as an easy target for their sexual experimentation.
  It wasn’t all bad; it was how Eddie got his first kiss, his first hand job, and so on and so forth. It had, however, left him feeling skeptical of anyone who showed even the barest of interest in him, writing it off as nothing more than curiosity.
  The thought of that being the case with Richie left Eddie’s stomach souring. He’d never gotten attached like this before. Quite honestly, he felt like he was standing on the edge of an avalanche, just waiting for Richie to speak and cause it all to collapse above them.
    “What do you think about people experimenting with… New things.” Eddie braved forward.
  “Uh, I mean that’s a pretty vague question.” Stan pointed out.
  “Okay… say you’ve only ever eaten hamburgers your whole life, right? Through and through you’re a hamburger guy. Until one day you see a hotdog and think, well, maybe I’ll try that today. What if you try it and you don’t like it? Are you just going to throw it away? How is that fair, to just use the hotdog and then discard it like it’s nothing?”
  Eddie hadn’t realized that his voice had become fast-paced and high-pitched until he noticed the look on Stan’s face. Clear confusion was evident in the way he gazed at Eddie with his brows knit in the middle and his mouth slightly agape. Eddie immediately wanted to disappear.
  “Nevermind, it’s stupid.”
  “No! No, sorry, I just…” Stan took a breath and sat up straighter, angling his body towards Eddie. “Okay well, experimenting with new… foods doesn’t always end up in distaste, right? Lots of people end up discovering some of their favorite… foods through exploration.”
  Hearing the metaphor come out of Stan’s mouth made Eddie realize how nonsensical it was. God, he was about two seconds sway from digging himself a hole and hibernating until springtime.
  “But if you’re worried about someone… Not enjoying the hot dog, just talk to them about it. Maybe they didn’t realize how their actions might hurt the… hot dog…”
  Eddie and Stan stared at one another for a long pause until Stan cracked a smile, and it radiated so much warmth and comfort that Eddie couldn’t help but smile back. Soon they were falling into giggles, easing themselves into full-blown laughter at the absurdity of the conversation.
  Stan had to have figured it out by now, but Eddie was thankful that he didn’t push him past what he was ready to talk about. Stan was a quality friend, and Eddie had never appreciated his presence in his life more than he did right now.
  “Thanks Stan.” Eddie said honestly, bumping shoulders with him as the last of his chitters died out.
  “You might want to consider the possibility that this isn’t their first time eating a hot dog though.”
  “What?” Eddie blurted.
  “I just mean, you’re assuming they’ve never had a hot dog before, right? Maybe they tend to lean more towards hamburgers but that doesn’t mean they’ve never been intrigued by hot dogs before. Maybe they just needed to find the right hot dog…”
  Eddie’s face heated up as Stan continued to talk.
  “All I’m saying is if it was truly just some reckless experimentation, they’d probably wait until college like the rest of us.”
  Eddie’s head hurt, the metaphor finally losing its last small thread of sense.
  “Right… wait until college to… eat a hot dog…” Eddie repeated slowly.
  Stan opened his mouth to reply, but the voice that rang out wasn’t his.
  “Who’s got hot dogs?”
  Eddie just about jumped out of his skin, his eyes darting up to connect with Richie’s. Eddie felt like he had just been caught talking about him, which he sort of had, but Richie was none the wiser and, hopefully, neither was Stan. The only one floundering was Eddie, but boy was he in the deep end.
  “NOTHING. NO ONE.” Eddie exclaimed much too loudly for the situation.
  Both Stan and Richie stared back at Eddie, equally puzzled expressions on both their faces. He felt like there was a single ping pong ball bouncing around in his head at light speed, desperately trying to find an appropriate response to save himself. Thankfully, Stan was always one step ahead of him.
  “We were just talking about how Eddie’s mom makes the best hot dogs.”
  Eddie’s nose instinctively scrunched up at the mention of his mom during a metaphor about his sex life, but he quickly schooled his features and nodded along.
  “Mmm, I’m gonna have to fight you on that until I’ve tasted them for myself. Otherwise, the best hotdogs in Derry are undoubtedly the ones from Kelso’s Diner.”
  Eddie short circuited at the insinuation that Richie would indeed one day be trying Eddie’s mom’s cooking. Meaning he foresaw them continuing to be friends past this trip. Meaning, and this made Eddie’s head spin, Richie didn’t seem to have the intention of dropping Eddie the minute he got what he wanted.
  What exactly did he want?
    “So, Stan the man, if you don’t mind, I’m going to kick you back into the strong arms of Bill Denbrough and reclaim my rightful seat here.” Eddie couldn’t help but notice the way Stan’s face flushed just a shade darker. Was there something there that Eddie didn’t know about?
  He didn’t have time to ponder Stan’s reaction to the mention of Bill Denbrough or his strong arms. Stan shot a quick ‘talk to you later’ Eddie’s way and was retreating to his seat as Richie settled into his.
  Eddie’s head was swirling as his senses reacted to Richie’s proximity. He forced himself to speak through the rush of endorphins, even though all his body wanted to do was curl into Richie’s side.
  “What did Bill want to talk to you about?”
  “Relationship drama.” Richie answered, shrugging it off. “There’s always something with that boy.” The way Richie spoke wasn’t annoyed or exhausted, but rather amused by his friend and his ongoing antics.
  “I’m glad you were able to help him.” Eddie responded genuinely.
  “Yeah, me too.” Richie’s smile felt intimate, as if it were just for Eddie, even though they were talking about someone else entirely.
  Eddie began to smile back but was overcome by a yawn, his face distorting as his jaw dropped on its own, too motivated by exhaustion to wait for the queue from his brain.
  “Didn’t get much sleep last night?” Richie pondered.
  “Uhm, yeah, I guess not.” Eddie answered sheepishly, hoping Richie didn’t connect his insomnia to their late-night encounter.
  “Bummer, I slept better than I have in months. You’re a good cuddler.” Richie’s comment was dropped so casually that Eddie almost didn’t catch it, but his ears were awake enough to tinge a bright rose in response.
  “Well, anyways, Mr. Daniels said we have about an hour until we get to the resort so…” Richie tapped his shoulder invitingly, and even though Eddie had been in the exact same position mere minutes ago with Stanley, it felt vastly different when the shoulder was attached to Richie.
  “T-thanks.” Eddie stuttered, dipping his head low into the crook of Richie’s shoulder fast enough that he hopefully didn’t notice how much redder Eddie got.
  He was sure his heart was beating too fast for him to possibly fall asleep, but the closeness to Richie rejuvenated him in another way. He let his eyes slip closed as he slowly relaxed into the comforting presence beside him.
    “-ddie, hey, Eds.”
  “Mmmm ‘s not my name.”
  “Fine. Edward Kaspbrak, king of slumber and bearer of drool, it’s time to wake up.”
  Eddie’s surroundings slowly came into consciousness as he was pulled back into awareness. The first thing he noticed was that he was in a very different orientation than when he’d last been cognizant. The second thing he noticed, and much more dreadful, was that his cheek was indeed covered in drool.
  He brought a hand to his face and wiped away the moisture as quickly as he could, riding himself of any evidence Richie might be able to use against him.
  Who, speaking of, was currently underneath him in a way he very much hadn’t been before.
  At some point, Eddie had ended up with his head in Richie’s lap. Richie’s hand was in Eddie’s hair at the nape of his neck, gently playing with the strands as if it was an absent habit he did all the time. The act was so domestic it made Eddie want to burst into tears; whether they were sad or happy tears, he wasn’t sure.
  He sat up slowly, careful not to have the blood rush to his head too quickly. The last thing he needed was to pass out in front of Richie. Who knows what kind of intimate position he’d wake up in the next time.
  “We’re here, everybody’s already outside.” Richie offered as explanation for Eddie’s disrupted sleep.
  “What? Why did you wait to wake me?” Eddie asked with only a tinge of annoyance. Luckily, Richie seemed to be charmed by it.
  “You’re cute when you sleep, let a man indulge.”
  Before Eddie could form a response, Richie was already standing up. He slung his backpack over his shoulder and made his way towards the front of the bus, leaving Eddie to fumble to catch up.
    When Eddie stepped off the bus, the first thing he noticed was how white everything was. It was to be expected, of course; it’s kind of hard to ski without snow. But it was such a stark difference from where they’d been just an hour ago. The difference a small distance could make was staggering; this didn’t even feel like it belonged in the same universe.
  The view was gorgeous with its tall log cabins, ski lifts moving like carousels, and snow-covered evergreens on every surface. Eddie was half tempted to throw himself down in the snow and make a snow angel.
  But the cold nipping at his nose was a reminder that before he could indulge in any snow activities, he had to actually get equipped for the snow.
  To their left, Mr. Daniels and Eric were unloading everyone’s bags from the storage compartment beneath the bus. Eddie could already spot his small suitcase, a bright pink flamingo covered hand-me-down from his mom, sitting in the snow.
  While they waited, Richie’s friends sauntered over, Stan happily alongside them.
  “I can’t wait to hit the slopes.” Bill greeted them as he bobbed up and down eagerly, his enthusiasm contagious.
  “I’m just excited for the hot chocolate.” Beverly countered, as she wrapped her sweater a little tighter around herself. All their winter coats were stuffed in their suitcases, the cold air taking advantage of their thin jackets and exposed skin.
  “Here Beverly.” Ben had shrugged off his sweater and was offering it to Beverly with a shy little quirk of his lips, but Beverly regarded it for only a moment before shaking her head. She took the sweater and threw it back over Ben’s shoulders before crowding her way into his space and snuggling right up against his chest.
  “Body heat works better.” She teased lowly.
  Richie let out a long, slow whistle, summing up what everyone was thinking; Beverly was sly as hell and Ben was gleefully in way over his head.
  The exchange made Eddie crave Richie’s warmth, yearn to be back in that motel bed, blissfully unaware of how intimate they were being in their sleep.
  There was no more being blissfully unaware, not with how Eddie’s heart beat to a different rhythm every time Richie’s arm would brush up against his.
    “Alright, everyone grab your bags and follow me.” Mr. Daniels announced, finally closing the now empty compartment of the bus.
  The seven of them sauntered over to the pile of suitcases and duffel bags, searching out their own among the many.
  Even though Eddie had already spotted his suitcase, he pretended to search for it for a while longer until Richie found his. Only then did he grab the bright pink monstrosity by the handle and begin lugging it up the hill, Richie wordlessly in tow behind him.
  They managed to reach the top of the hill without Richie stumbling too much, but as soon as Mrs. Harrow came into view there was no hiding Richie’s injury anymore.
  With hawk eyes homing in, Mrs. Harrow walked over to Richie with a displeased expression.
  “What happened here, Richard?”
  She sounded almost exasperated, and it made Eddie want to step in and defend him.
  “Oh, you know, just my bum leg. It acts up every now and then, ever since that terrible kite flying accident…” Richie looked off into the distance as if remembering a tragedy of great proportions.
  Mrs. Harrow rolled her eyes. Eddie’s anger flared once again.
  “Well, we can’t send you home now, so you’ll just have to spend the trip indoors. Absolutely no reckless activity, you got that Tozier?”
  “Aye aye, captain!”
  Mrs. Harrow didn’t acknowledge his response, simply turned her back towards them and began her search for the next student in need of scolding.
  As soon as she was out of ear shot, Eddie began fuming.
  “What the hell, why does Mrs. Harrow have it out for you? Can’t she see you’re hurt? Is she even capable of sympathy?”
  When Eddie looked over to Richie, he saw something soft and sweet in his expression, a contrast to Eddie’s bubbling temper. “You care about me.” Richie mused with a smirk.
  “W-what- no I don’t- I mean I do but- not like- shut up.” Eddie grabbed his suitcase once again and began walking away.
  “You can deny it all you want, Kaspbrak. I see right through you!”
  Eddie flipped Richie off over his shoulder as he disappeared through giant mahogany double doors.
    Their rooms were small, a single bed meant to be shared between the two classmates who signed up to room together. Normally on school trips, the school tried to cram as many students into one room as possible, but they must have known from prior visits to the lodge that these rooms just couldn’t hold more than two at a time.
  However, despite the small quarters, they were undeniably beautiful. Every surface seemed to be made from the same rich darkened wood, and every accent was bronzed. One wall was taken up by giant windows that overlooked the mountain below them, able to be hidden behind heavy curtains that took Eddie’s full force to pull closed.
  Eddie and Stan didn’t spend much time in their room, stopping only briefly to drop off their luggage and get bundled up in preparation for the slopes. Eddie was practically buzzing at the opportunity to teach himself something completely foreign; it’d been a long time since a new sport had been in his reach, and he was planning on taking full advantage of the absence of Sonia.
  “Are you almost ready?” Eddie bounced on the balls of his feet as he waited for Stan by the door, one hand already on the knob in anticipation.
  “Yes, for god sake Eddie, I just need to find my gloves.”
  Eddie’s eyes glazed over as he thought about the adrenaline rush he’d longed for. He still played tons of sports but there was something about learning a new one that left Eddie especially excited. He didn’t care much for the competitiveness of sports, and while he didn’t mind the sportsmanship of it all, it wasn’t why Eddie was motivated to get involved. Quite simply put, Eddie just wanted to play. He wanted to live out the experiences he missed out on, that pure rush that came from scraping your knees while playing soccer or face planting while diving for the volleyball. It may seem uninteresting to those who had already lived it out in childhood, but to Eddie it was nothing short of euphoric.
  “Here they are!” Stan exclaimed, holding his pair of gloves above his head as he tucked everything else back inside his suitcase.
  “Good, now come on, let’s goooooo.”
  Eddie was already out the door before Stan could answer, but he knew he was following by the distinct sound of swishing snow pants.
    They made their way down to the lobby, eagerly chatting about how fun their afternoon was going to be, when they ran straight into a brick wall of a body.
  “Fucking move, queers.” Henry ground out, placing a flat hand on Eddie’s face and pushing him aside with ease.
  “Henry, don’t you have anything better to do than project your internalized homophobia onto others.” Stan replied flatly.
  “What the fuck did you say to me?” Henry hissed, flipping his attention to Stan with a new temper flaring.
  “Stan…” Eddie warned, reaching for Stan’s hand to pull him away from the rising confrontation.
  Stan seemed to pale as he realized his comment wasn’t going to be shrugged off. He tried to keep himself composed but Eddie knew his tells well enough to notice the change.
  Henry’s gaze flicked down to where Eddie was trying to join hands with Stan, and a wicked grin soured his face.
  “Oh, I see…” Henry began, stalking closer to the pair and causing them to stumble back. They didn’t fear Henry like they used to, but he still held some power in those eyes that had never fully ceased to make them tremble.
  “You two fucking fairies together now? I should have seen it coming, pansies aren’t potted too far from one another. So, tell me, who made the first move, huh?”
  Eddie’s throat was thick with fear, his eyes unable to move from where Henry’s gaze pinned them.
  “Wait don’t tell me… It was you, wasn’t it, Uris? Eddie here is too limp wristed to do anything, just a little girl in sheep’s clothing. But then again, I guess if the rumors are true, you’re not completely useless. At least you give good head.”
  Eddie’s face burned as he held back the tears that threatened to give him away. He was fine, Henry’s words were hollow. Eddie had already heard every gay slur Henry had in his vocabulary.
  “Too bad you’re not pretty enough to turn any of them into faggo-”
  Eddie’s fist moved before his brain did, lining up perfectly with Henry’s jaw and landing the punch exactly where it would hurt most. Stan flinched beside him as the sickening crack rang out in the empty hallway, followed by a wail that made snow drop from the treetops outside. Eddie didn’t move, refused to let himself back down even as the tears broke free and streamed down his face.
  Eddie jumped, whipping around in horror as Mrs. Harrow’s voice broke through his resolve.
  Eddie stared in shock. He’d never done anything worthy of breaking a teacher’s ‘no cursing’ rule before, though he’d seen many teachers reach their point of profanity with other students before. It sort of felt similar to when you see a teacher outside of school and are reminded that they don’t just exist inside the bubble you’ve put them in. Well, the bubble had popped, and Mrs. Harrow was now stalking towards him with a new air that absolutely paralyzed him. He wasn’t sure how to respond, so he didn’t. He just continued staring back at her, watching as she passed him and rushed over to Henry, taking his face in her hand and angling his head to assess the damage. Luckily, there was no visible injury past some reddening (though the same wouldn’t be true once the bruising began to set in).
  “Eddie.” Mrs. Harrow sighed. She released Henry’s face and brought the hand up to her own, pinching the skin between her eyes as if she was fighting back a cresting headache.
  She probably was.
  “I’m sorry Mrs. Harrow, I didn’t-”
  Eddie was interrupted with a single finger, held up intimidatingly as Mrs. Harrow continued to try and gather her patience.
  “No skiing.”
  “What about that needs clarification, Edward?”
  “But I didn’t do anything!”
  “I watched you punch Mr. Bowers across the face.”
  “Well, yeah, but-”
  “No. Skiing.”
  Eddie fidgeted in place as he desperately grasped at straws in his head that could possibly get him out of this situation. Maybe if he could get Mrs. Harrow alone and just explain to her what Henry was saying-
  With an exasperated sigh, Mrs. Harrow placed a hand on Henry’s shoulder and began leading him back down the hallway from which she’d appeared.
  “Come on Henry, we’ll get you some ice.”
  Eddie couldn’t move, he’d become cemented to the floor at some point during his meltdown.
    “Eddie?” Stan’s soft voice penetrated the space between them, but it sounded distant. Anger bubbled up inside Eddie, anger that he wasn’t at all certain how to process.
  “Hey, Eddie, I’m so sorry. You know none of what Bowers said was true, right?”
  Like a kettle blowing its whistle, Eddie’s top popped.
  Eddie whipped around to face Stan, his cheeks red hot as he filled with steam.
  “Hotdogs like fruitcakes.”
  Eddie sputtered; his mind unable to connect the pieces while he was burning red hot.
  He could probably stop yelling, but if Eddie let himself think too long about how he just came out to his best friend, he might melt the rest of the way into the ground and become nothing more than carpeting.
  “Hotdogs. I hear they go well with fruitcakes.” Stan repeated calmly.
  Eddie felt like he was going to combust.
  “What are you-”
  “Richie is your hotdog, right?”
  At the mention of Richie, Eddie’s anger began to simmer down, exhaustion pulling at his muscles. All he could do was nod.
  “Look, Eddie, if it wasn’t obvious enough already, I don’t care that you’re gay. I’m a Jewish boy scout whose nerd repertoire is more extensive than that of most comic book writers, what space do I have to judge.”
  Eddie’s heart rate was settling down, the reassurance from his friend a comforting constant. This was Stanley, he’d never cared what ‘secrets’ Eddie had kept from him before, and this was no different. Well, this was a little different from the time he stole Stan’s pudding cup and then confessed an hour later out of guilt. But even then, Stan had been nothing but understanding.
  “Yeah, he’s the hot dog.” Eddie’s voice was beginning to level out as well, the heat of the moment passing on.
  “Richie isn’t like all those other hot dogs. He’s sure of himself in a way I’ve never met anyone else to be. The way his friends speak about him leaves no doubt in my mind that he has himself figured out; at least enough not to hurt you. He’s one of the good guys, Eddie.”
  “One of the good hotdogs.” Eddie corrected.
  “Yeah, I’m gonna have to drop that now that we’re being transparent with each other. I don’t like having to think about Richie’s… hotdog every time we tiptoe around your metaphor.”
  Eddie’s cheeks blushed a furious shade of fuchsia as his mind also began to wander towards Richie’s hotdog.
  “Richie’s stuck indoors for the next few days too, right?” Stan prompted.
  “Yeah, Mrs. Harrow was pretty clear about that.” Eddie scowled at the memory. “So, you guys are stuck in lockdown together; seems like the perfect romance scenario to me.”
  The more Eddie thought about it, the more things seemed to fall into place. Eddie had been excited about skiing, but what he was more excited about was this budding energy between him and Richie. Mrs. Harrow had unknowingly set up the perfect circumstance for them to spend as much time together as possible, and if Eddie could muster up the courage, he just might try to take advantage of it.
    Stan and Eddie had parted hours ago, but Eddie was just now beginning to rouse back into existence.
  After the fight with Henry, Eddie’s lack of sleep from the night before finally caught up with him. The nap on the bus had been helpful, but not enough to regenerate all the energy he’d lost to his anxiety the past 24 hours. As soon as he’d returned to his room he hadn’t been able to fight it anymore. He’d barely gotten his shoes off before collapsing into the inviting plush bedding and zonking out for three hours.
  Lucky for Eddie, three hours didn’t put him back that much. It was dinner time, but Eddie knew most of the students were prepared to stay on the slopes until the late hours of the night (or at least until teacher enforced curfew).
  Eddie was overheating, having fallen asleep with his winter coat and snow pants on. He was surprised he hadn’t died in his sleep from a layer induced fever. Could that even happen? Well, Eddie wasn’t keen on finding out today. He promptly stripped off the stifling clothing and did the same with his undergarments. While the suffocating layers may not have killed him, they had certainly left him covered in sweat.
  Eddie trailed into the bathroom, catching a glimpse of his naked form in the mirror and stopping. He turned fully towards his reflection, squinting as if sizing himself up.
  He wasn’t very buff, but he was nicely filled out from years of dabbling in sports. He definitely still had a thinner body, his waist dipping in elegantly before flaring back out into hips that, quite honestly, were pretty generous for a man. Eddie didn’t love his body, but who did? Everyone had issues to point out if they took a magnifying glass to themselves, but overall, Eddie was pleased with his appearance.
  He hoped that Richie would be too, if they ever ended up there.
  Eddie turned to the side, assessing his profile. He wondered what it would look like if Richie was slotted in behind him, arms wrapped tight around Eddie’s thin waist to hold him close. The height difference alone would cause Eddie to look small in comparison; Richie was an absolute tree. The thought shouldn’t have made Eddie feel as hot as it did, but he soon found himself heating up again.
  Eddie leaned over the sink, resting his elbows on the edge so he could lean in close to his figure. His cock brushed up against the cold wood surface of the counter and he gasped in surprise, looking down to find it peering up at him in intrigue.
  Eddie’s wonderings about Richie must have gotten him a little more worked up than he’d anticipated.
  Glancing back up at himself in the mirror, Eddie let one hand trail down to the spot between his legs. He grasped himself as he pictured Richie behind him, staring back at him through their reflections with that enticing grin.
  ‘What, Eds. Don’t think I’ll fuck you right here in the bathroom?’
  Eddie moaned quietly to himself, picturing just how he’d respond to Richie’s teasing.
  ‘I bet you won’t, Tozier. Too afraid of someone walking in on us. You’re all talk but no game.’
  Eddie would dangle the challenge in front of Richie knowing full well that he wouldn’t back down. He’d take Eddie’s hips and thrust himself inside without hesitation, just one single move would be all it took for Richie to fill him up.
  Eddie’s wrist cramped from the awkward angle he held it at, but he refused to move from his spot bent over the sink, too caught up in the fantasy.
  He replayed the moans he’d committed to memory the night before, those sinful sounds that Richie seemed to let slip out like he didn’t know they were poisonous darts striking right through Eddie’s skin.
  ‘Richie…’ Eddie moaned, the sound echoing in the empty bathroom.
  ‘Eddie…’ He could hear Richie say, pounding into him at a relentless pace that would leave bruises on Eddie’s skin from where he slammed into the countertop.
  And then Eddie was releasing into his fist, cum pooling over and dripping into the sink. His body shook with shock and his toes curled, eyes squeezing shut as he milked the last bit out of himself before going completely slack.
  He was grateful that counter was there to hold him up, because if not he would have probably fallen to the floor.
  It took a moment for Eddie to finally open his eyes again, but when he did, he was surprised at how disappointed he was that Richie wasn’t actually there. He knew he’d gotten lost in his mind, but it didn’t ease his despondency.
  Eddie stepped into the shower, committing himself to not think about Richie at least until he returned squeaky clean.
    It didn’t work.
  Eddie had thought about Richie the entire shower.
  Eddie tried to let his worry be soothed by Stan’s words, though it continued to flare at the least opportune times. Eddie accepted that he probably wouldn’t be completely placated until he had Richie do it himself, hopefully through tender hands and soothing touches.
  Eddie redressed himself, this time forgoing the heavy layers in favor of a warm wool sweater and comfortable sweatpants. He didn’t bother styling his hair, too set on hunting down Richie to care whether his locks were combed to the left or to the right.
  He quickly pocketed his cellphone and room key, setting off in search of the only other student in the building.
    Eddie didn’t know Richie’s room number, so he took a gamble and wandered into the lobby. There was a pool table in the center of the room, looking lonely as those around it chose to read a book by the fireplace or chat quietly by the windows. There weren’t many people to speak of, so it was easy to quickly spot that familiar face that made Eddie’s heart skip.
  Richie was laying across one of the couches, arms flung across his chest in protest. He was grumbling lowly to the man sitting a seat away, which Eddie recognized as their bus driver.
  “And so, in walks the other prisoner.” Eric drawled as he noticed Eddie, an easy smile on his face.
  Richie’s head popped up quickly, his curls bouncing as they tried to keep up with the swift change in position. Once Richie saw Eddie, the rest of his body followed enthusiastically as he jumped up from his seat.
  “EDDIE!” Richie cheered loudly, before quickly clearing his throat and lowering his voice to a more lobby-appropriate volume. “What are you doing here?”
  “Uhh, I sort of…” Eddie chanced a glance over Richie’s shoulder, noting that Eric wasn’t paying attention to their conversation. “punched Henry Bowers.” He mumbled lowly.
  “YOU WHAT!?”
  “SHHHHH!” Eddie grabbed Richie by the arm and pulled him back down to the couch, looking around them anxiously to see if Richie had drawn any eyes. “It’s not a big deal, okay?” Eddie added once he was sure no one was listening in.
  “Uhm, I’d say punching the guy who’s made everyone’s life a living hell for the past four years counts as a big deal.” Richie challenged.
  Eddie sighed, letting himself lean back into the leather couch as he chewed on his bottom lip. Richie wasn’t wrong, it wasn’t not a big deal, but Eddie wasn’t the violent type. He hadn’t meant to do what he’d done; he’d just snapped. He didn’t regret it, but he didn’t want to dwell on it either, especially since dwelling on it meant remembering all that lead up to it.
  “Can we talk about something else please?” Eddie asked, his voice small and begging.
  Richie was clearly itching for more details, but he still dropped the subject as he copied Eddie’s position sinking into the couch.
  “So, what are you doing here?” Eddie asked, grateful that Richie had respected his request.
  “Eric’s on babysitting duty.” Richie nodded over to Eric who sent them a thumbs up without looking away from his phone. “Mrs. Harrow doesn’t trust me to stay inside.”
  “I mean, to be fair, neither do I.” Eddie mused, a smirk playing on his face.
  Richie bumped his shoulder into Eddie’s, feigning offence even as laughter spilled from his chest.
  “Fine, but at least leave me with something to do, you know? I’m not a convict, I’m injured!” Richie lifted his leg and pointed to his ankle as if to prove his point.
  “As the convict here, I take offense to that.” Eddie teased.
  “Well, Eddie, how do you feel about reformation?” Eric asked. As Eddie regarded him, he saw that Eric had pocketed his phone and was now leaning towards them in engagement.
  Eddie narrowed his eyes suspiciously. “Depends on what sort of reformation.”
  “Why don’t you take over guard duty?” Eric offered, nodding towards Richie. “Personally, I’d have let Richie stay in his room anyway, but I was given my orders. If you make sure he doesn’t leave, then at least the two of you can spend your evening watching TV or something. Just don’t let anyone see you outside your rooms, I don’t want to get in trouble for abandoning post. Mrs. Harrow is scary when she’s mad.”
  Eric mimicked a shiver running down his spine before shaking it off, smiling at the two of them warmly.
  “Eric, as per usual, you are the BEST.” Richie cheered.
  “Yeah, I know.”
  Richie and Eddie wasted no time before scrambling to their feet and jetting out of the lobby. They didn’t discuss whose room they were going to, but once Richie pressed his floor number on the elevator keypad it was unspoken.
  Eddie was going to be alone in a room with Richie. Unsupervised. For hours.
  Eddie was going to shit his pants.
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just-jordie-things · 4 years
Wisdom Teeth (part two) - Richie Tozier
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word count: 2930 warnings: swearing summary: Richie doesn’t remember all that much of what happened after his operation... but he does have a hazy memory of a kiss and it’s driving him mad. ___
When he came to, Richie wondered for a minute where the hell he was.  Because he definitely was not on his bed at home.
It only took a few seconds for his brain to wake up for him to realize he was at (y/n’s) house, sprawled out on her living room couch.  The thought brought a smile to his sore mouth, and he rolled onto his side, pulling the covers back over himself as he got comfortable to go back to sleep.
But as he switched positions, he caught sight of her.
She was passed out, and it must have been unintentional, because there was no way she would have willingly slept in the living room chair. Her body was balled up and her limbs were sticking out at weird angles, in ways that he knew were going to hurt when she woke up.
But she looked so precious when she was sleeping, and he hoped that he hadn’t worn her out too much.
He vaguely remembered the events of the day before.
Getting into her car with a lot of struggling, eating jello, a kiss, watching movies-
Richie shot up from the couch, and it was at that moment he figured he probably wouldn’t be able to go back to sleep.
A kiss!?
Had they kissed? Had she really kissed him?
He grabbed his glasses from the coffee table and rubs his eyes roughly before putting them on.
The memory was fuzzy, and he wasn’t sure if it really happened, or if he’d just dreamed about it.  Fuck he really hoped it was real, he really wanted it to be real.
(y/n) sat up straighter, all sorts of popping sounds coming from her as a result as she stretched and groaned.
“Jesus Christ,” She muttered, hands on her back as she tried to get the last of the cracks out.  “What time is it?” She asked Richie, who had just been sitting on the sofa, staring at her.
“Um- did I wake you up?” He asked, but she shook her head.
“No, I don’t think so,” She answered, rubbing her eyes before turning around to look at the clock on the wall.  “Oh my god it’s already noon, I hope you weren’t waiting up because of me” She said, getting up and stretching even more.
“No- no of course not, I just woke up” He assured.
He watched while she fixed up the cushion and the blanket on the chair to make it look better.
He watched her like he needed to study and memorize each of her movements.  And she wasn’t blind, she noticed how weird he was being.
“You alright?” She asked, picking up her pillow.
She’d managed to bring her pillow and blanket from her room to be comfortable watching movies last night, but didn’t manage to go back to her own bed when she started to grow tired.
“Um, yeah, yeah I’m… fine” Richie mumbled back.  He covered his awkward answer with a yawn and a stretch.
“And how are the holes in your mouth?” She asked, only kind of teasing.
“It’s not that bad, just dull pain,” He shrugged.  “I once almost got eaten by a demon clown, so..”
(y/n) laughed, holding her pillow close to her chest.
“I’m gonna take a shower, and then I’ll make breakfast?” She offered.
“What are you gonna make that I can eat?” He asked.
“Breakfast… smoothies?” She tried.
“Babe, please don’t ruin a bunch of good and decent regular food by blending it-”
“I was going to use fruit, dummy,” She retorted.  Richie shrugged, and nodded his head approval.  “I’m gonna shower now”
She left the room, heading off with her pillow and blanket, and still, Richie’s eyes were trained on her.
He could just ask about the kiss, but the idea of asking her that sort of thing made the hairs on his arms stand up and a chill of anxiety go down his spine.  What if it was just a dream and she thought he was lame?
Or worse.
What if it did happen, but only because she felt so bad for him, what if it was a pity kiss?
Richie scrambled up from the couch and practically dove for the telephone.
He dialed one of the only numbers he knew by heart, but only because he used to call it every day in the second grade.
“H-hello, this is-is B-Bill-”
“Yeah I know its fuckin’ you Bill you have a pretty telling voice”
“R-Richie?” Bill spoke, confusedly, through the line.  “H-how’d the sur-surgery g-go-?”
“It went fine, move on Bill, there’s bigger problems,” Richie cut him off again.  He didn’t have the patience to go through the pleasantries with him right now.  “I think (y/n) and I kissed”
“Y-you think?” Bill repeated, obviously confused by the statement.  “You d-don’t r-remember?”
“I was practically high!” Richie declared, whisper-screaming into the phone.
Bill was silent on the other end, and Richie was left to imagine the bored ‘really?’ face he was making.
“Okay, not high, but seriously, I don’t remember anything before the anesthetics wore off.  Not well, anyways.  It’s kinda blurry”
“Richie, y-ou’ve s-somehow remembered all the n-nights you’ve g-gotten w-wasted.  I th-think you c-can re-remember if you k-kissed-”
“I can’t tell if it was a dream!” Richie cut him off again.
“Y-you’re d-dumb.  J-just ask-”
“I’m dumb? Bill, I can’t just ask her if I kissed her”
“O-okay, sh-shut the f-fuck up.  Y-you called m-me,” Bill snapped, tired of not getting to finish a thought.  “I-I thought you l-liked her?”
“I do” Richie mumbled defeatedly.
“W-well then w-why not j-just risk it a-and ask?” Bill suggested.  “M-maybe sh-she likes y-you back?”
“What if she doesn’t though? What if it wasn’t real and she-”
“I’m p-pretty s-sure she does,” Bill argued.  “She w-was the one to p-pick y-you up from the hos-hospital, a-and you t-two are r-really close,”
Richie didn’t say anything, pondering the idea that (y/n) could return his feelings.  He liked thinking about it, reading into the things she’d say, the way she’d call him sweet names without really thinking, and she did tend to touch his arm more than necessary.
“Do you r-really h-have to th-think about it all w-while we’re s-still on the ph-phone…?” Bill asked awkwardly.  “I k-kinda have h-homework t-to do…”
“Yeah fine, bye Big Bill” Richie muttered, and placed the phone back on it’s holder.
He sat back down on the couch, trying to think as hard as he could about what happened yesterday.
“Why the hell do you want to marry me? Because I bought you jello?”
Her voice rang in his head, and he was sure that she’d said that.  The confused face she’d made a vivid image in his head, too vivid to have not happened.
“You’re al’th’o very pretty”
He remembered saying that.  Richie cringed at the compliment now, realizing how cringey he’d been when he’d flirted with her.  Usually he was pretty smooth, or at least funny.  That comment was neither.
“So!” (y/n’s) voice rang out as she came back into the room.  “Strawberry banana, or mixed berry?”
Richie turned to look at her.  She’d changed into a fresh set of clothes, and her hair was still kind of damp.  She looked really pretty, and he’d been right to tell her so yesterday.
“Rich?” She snapped her fingers in front of her face.  “You in reality, babe?” She asks, and she starts to laugh when he blinks rapidly to focus.
“Yeah, sorry.  Whatever you want to make” He answers, and she’s already heading into the kitchen.
“Strawberry banana it is” She decides.
He followed her into the other room, sitting at the counter while she gathered the ingredients for their breakfast smoothies.
And he just can’t bring himself to tear his eyes off of her.  Especially her lips.  If he had kissed her, he knew that her lips had to have been as soft as he imagined.  Like kissing a marshmallow-
Richie cleared his throat, trying to disrupt his daydreaming and get back on the right track.  Remembering.
“You sure you’re okay today?” (y/n) asked, dumping ice and fruit into the blender.
“Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?” He lied with ease, but she still doesn’t believe him.
Her eyes meet his, and she studies him for a minute, trying to figure out what he’s thinking.  But it’s hard, because even though she can read him pretty well, Richie Tozier’s a bit of a loose cannon.
“You’ve just been quiet,” She shrugs.  “And usually you don’t shut up” She adds playfully.
Richie rolls his eyes, but doesn’t say anything, so she starts up the blender.
He was still being weird, but she knew that he’d tell her what was going on in time.  Eventually he wouldn’t be able to hold it in, she knew, because it wasn’t the first time he’d let something bother him this much.
It was pretty easy to get on Richie’s nerves though, so (y/n) tried not to worry too much.  He probably just didn’t want to tell her how much his mouth really hurt.
They drank their smoothies in peace, and the quiet wasn’t too uncomfortable.  Richie relaxed as much as he could, and tried not to dwell too much on yesterday.  His memory would come back to him in a matter of time, he just had to wait.  And he figured spending the day with (y/n) would help trigger it.
They played games and watched movies, and she did what she could to keep his focus off of his mouth, as well as reminded him to take his pain medication.
It was nice to have a whole Sunday to themselves, just the two of them.  Richie wished that he’d had the guts to spend more alone time with her, but at least he had her all to himself now.
(y/n) liked having him over as well.  Even though he did whine about his jaw, and made more inappropriate jokes than usual.  He couldn’t help it.  However a part of her found it charming.
(Any of their friends would have made fun of her for thinking so.) ___
She drove him home that evening, since it was a school night and his parents were expecting him back.
It was a short drive, but the whole time his leg was bouncing anxiously in his seat.  To the point where it started to make (y/n) nervous as well.
It got to the point where she just couldn’t take it, and reached a hand over to place it on his knee, still his leg.
“What’re you thinkin’ about?” She asked softly, glancing over to him quickly, before looking back at the road.  “Are you worried about going home?”
She was well aware that Richie didn’t always get along too well with his parents, and it had been odd that they weren’t the ones to help him out after the surgery.  She assumed his nerves were because he didn’t want to go home to them.
When he didn’t answer, she looked at him again.
“Richie?” She called, thinking maybe he’d zoned out.  He’d been doing it a lot today, and again, she’d wrongfully assumed it was the pain.
“Sorry,” He finally spoke up, and let out a long sigh.  “I can’t seem to focus today”
“That’s okay,” She said, about to retract her hand, but Richie grabbed it before she could.
She cast him one more glance at the odd action, her worry increasing, but she didn’t take her hand away.
“You don’t have to apologize,” She added, folding her hand into his.  “And hey, if you want to come over tomorrow after school, I’ll kick your ass some more at Space Invaders” She added, trying to keep her tone as chipper as she could so the mood would lighten.
There was still a heavy tension in the car though, and it was completely Richie’s fault.  
(y/n) wasn’t sure what was going on with him, but it was starting to make her shoulders droop and she wanted a hole to open up beneath her and swallow her whole so that she didn’t have to deal with it anymore.
When they arrived at his house, she walked him to the door, as she always did, because she was polite like that.
With a sigh, she gave him a perplexed look, a nervous smile plastered on her lips.
“You know if they’re weird or something you could come back over,” She said, rambling a bit from her own nerves.  “You’d have to sneak in, probably through my window, and honestly please try to wake me up first because I will think that you’re a murderer trying to break in-”
“Okay, (y/n), calm down, I’ll be fine,” Richie cut her off because she was really starting to derail.  “I don’t mind staying here tonight, it’s no big deal”
She bit down on her lip, and nodded her head.
“Alright then,” She said softly.  “G’night, I’ll see you in the morning”
She forced a bright smile, before turning and heading off of his doorstep.
Maybe she just needed to go home, take a bath, and call Beverly to talk this through in order to calm her mind-”
“(y/n) wait!” Richie called, after she was already halfway down the driveway.
She spun around, a look of shock on her face from his outburst, but he continued yelling before she could say anything.
“Did I kiss you yesterday?” He blurted out before he could chicken out.  “See I- I keep on replaying it in my head and I just can’t fucking tell if it actually-”
“No,” (y/n) answered abruptly, walking back towards him.
Almost instantly, Richie deflated.  His heart sank to his gut and he frowned.
“That’s not what happened,” She explained.  “You told me that you wanted to get married-”
“Oh god” Richie muttered, hanging his head.
“-and then you told me that you were gonna get me to fall in love with you,” (y/n) continued to recall yesterday’s events as she walked back up to him.  “And then you admitted that you’d liked me since the second grade- very incoherently by the way-”
“Oh my fucking god,” Richie leaned his head back, staring up at the skies.  “If you’re up there, please, kill me now”
(y/n) giggled at his antics, and stopped just in front of him.
“And then I kissed you,” She corrected, softly.  “Is that what you’ve been all anxious about today?” She asked, a teasing smile on her lips.
Just like that, all the nerves that he’d passed off to her, disappeared.  She crossed her arms and cocked her head to the side.
Richie covered his face with his hands in embarrassment.
“Why are you so bothered? Did you not… mean it-?”
“No! I- of course I meant it!” He said quickly, and (y/n) nearly jumped at how quickly he’d declared so.  “I just- I feel bad that I… I didn’t remember”
A small smile quirked up on her lips, and she stepped forward, leaning up on the tips of her toes and pressing a light kiss against his cheek.
He dragged his hands away as she did so, revealing a pink blush on his face.
“You were all drugged up Richie, don’t feel bad,” She said sweetly.  “Had I known you’d been overthinking about that, I would have talked to you about it, or something.  I just figured it didn’t need to be talked about”
“Well I- I wasn’t sure and I didn’t want to uh… you know, ruin anything”
(y/n) grinned, a wide, cheeky grin.
She pulled his hands away from his face completely, and tugged on them just a little bit to pull him closer.
“Ruin?” She repeated, tilting her head to meet his downcasted eyes.  “Richie, you wanted to marry me yesterday, like, more than I’ve ever seen you want anything,” She explained, her wicked grin turning into a sweet smile.  “And I don’t- I don’t think that really ruins anything in my opinion,”
Bashfully, he looks at her, trying to hide his own smile.
“I didn’t think I’d get you all nervous though, Trashmouth” She teased.
“Jesus christ, fuck you,” He said, his tone too sweet for the words.
His hands pulled out of hers, only to grab onto her waist with one, and tuck the other behind her head, pulling her in close so he could lean down and slant his lips against hers.
He’d been right, her lips were soft like marshmallows.  And sweet like them too.
She pulled away after a moment, and she giggled, wrapping her arms around his neck.
“I’ll take you to that church now, if you’d like” She teased.
“You’re gonna make fun of me a lot, aren’t you?” He grumbled, gazing down at her affectionately.
“Oh, definitely.  I think it’s only fair, seeing as I dragged your ass all over the place yesterday.  Because you claimed you couldn’t walk”
“Nah, I just wanted your hands all over me,” Richie teased, leaning down to steal another quick kiss.  “I better get inside”
She bit down on her lip to keep herself from grinning like a lovesick fool, and nodded her head, dropping her hands from around his neck.
“Alright,” She said softly.  “I’ll see you later then, Rich”
He winked back at her as he opened the door.
“See you tomorrow, wifey” He retorted, and went inside before she could tell him for the millionth time they weren’t getting married.
But as she was driving home, she thought what the hell? Maybe he’s right. ___
taglist: @thegr8kush​ @lemonypink​  @darling-egg​
xoxo ~ jordie
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richietoaster · 4 years
We’re Just Stardust In The Night
part two of the series “I Think About You A Lot”
can be read as a standalone!! but here is the previous part
wordcount: 2,660
read here on AO3
if you dont mind reading unformatted, you can continue below
It was peaceful, the sleep that Richie was sound in. That is until a foot kicks at his face and knocks his glasses off his face; he almost loses his balance and falls out of the hammock he’s sharing with his boyfriend.
Richie scowls at Eddie and picks his glasses up from the floor. “One day I’m gonna really get you back.”
“Is that a promise?” 
Richie adjusts the frames back onto his face. “No, it’s a threat.” 
“Ominous.” Eddie pushes himself up on the hammock and leans over to steal the glasses from Richie’s face. 
“Maybe I was removing them for a reason, dumbass.”  There’s a glint in Eddie’s eyes as he angles his head and bends down to kiss Richie. And that.. That’s just something neither of them will ever get used to. How can anyone go this long without kissing the love of their life? Their fucking soulmate? God, Eddie would never tell Richie that- it’d go straight to his head. Eddie clutches the frames in his hand, and uses the other to slide it up Richie’s neck, his thumb resting underneath of his jaw. Eddie opens his mouth slowly, taking the lead, and feels the warmth of Richie’s tongue dip in, and he thinks this must be what paradise is.
The second that Richie turns his head to kiss Eddie deeper is when he hears the door to the clubhouse open, and there’s two of their friends jumping down. Richie tosses his boyfriend off of his lap out of reflex and immediately apologizes when Eddie starts groaning.
“Shit, sorry Eds-”
“What are you losers up to, huh?” Richie can hear Bev’s smirk.
“Oh, fuck off.”
“You know,” Stan starts, “You guys don’t have to hide the fact that you’re kissing- we all know that you fuck.”
“We do not,” Eddie corrects, and it makes Richie’s face drop slightly. It’s true- they haven’t slept together. They’ve only been dating for a whole three weeks. He guesses that some people are comfortable with doing it early in a relationship- and not that he wouldn’t have an issue fucking Eddie; it’s Eddie and sex. Richie knows that he’ll be head-empty-no-thoughts once they start getting sexual. It’s just he doesn’t know if Eddie would be up to it, based on his reaction just there. Hell, even his reactions previously. The other losers tease them for not having sex. They’re all surprised because: ‘Really? You guys haven’t slept together? Shit, Rich. Shocked you haven’t jumped his bones yet!’ And- that’s not really fair. Richie’s been wanting to fuck Eddie since his voice dropped. 
Richie reaches down to help lift Eddie to his feet. “Leave it, you guys. Eddie doesn’t like talking about our sex life. It’s because he’s shy.” He presses multiple quick kisses to Eddie’s hand.
“No,” Eddie flicks Richie’s nose, “It’s because we don’t have one.” The ‘yet’ lingers in the air.
“No,” Richie mocks, “It’s because you don’t wanna let everyone know that all those things I’ve said about my dick is true.” He pulls Eddie closer, playfully yet suggestively.
“You’re fuckin’ disgusting.” 
Bev laughs at them, “Has anything even changed for you guys? You still bicker like an old married couple.”
Richie and Eddie look at each other and shrug, saying simultaneously, “We kiss.” Richie adds on, “and a lot.” He thinks it’s nice being in a relationship with his best friend. Because nothing really had to change at all, just like Bev said. And it shouldn’t have to, honestly. They just added to it- kissing. 
“Okay, yeah, spare me the details,” Stan pretends to gag. 
“You're just jealous that you don’t have your own Spaghetti.”
“No, I’m good, actually, thanks.”
“And what is wrong with my Spaghetti, huh?” 
Stan leans over the bean bag he’s sitting on to grab a stray pillow on the floor and chucks it at Richie. 
“Hey!” Richie squawks. “You know what? I’m taking a nap. Wake me up when Eddie’s mom realizes she wants to hit it and quit it with me.” He turns over in the hammock, rustling Eddie.
“I thought you would quit those,” Eddie says, but there’s no serious tone to his voice. He knows that’s just Richie’s humor.
“Fine. I’ll change it up a bit: Wake me up when your dad wants to hit it and-”
“-My dad’s fucking dead, you asshole.” Eddie barks out a laugh. 
“Can we stay down here and get drunk tonight?”
“No, I have to be in a good present state tomorrow for school. Handing in the last few slips of shit for graduation.”
“Hm. Seems a good enough reason to get drunk.” Richie huffs. He and Eddie have talked about this multiple times, he knows. It’s just he can’t shake the thought away. Sometimes it just sticks too long in his mind and he needs reassurance, which Eddie is more than happy to give.
Eddie slots himself against Richie like he was before their friends made an appearance. 
“Hey,” he whispers, “are you good? I know what you’re thinking.”
“You do? That’s kinda hot.” 
Eddie taps at Richie’s chest. “It’s okay to be worried, you know. It’s healthy to be worried. I just want to make sure that your head is in a good place, though.”
“M’fine. Don’t worry that pretty little head of yours,” Richie rakes back Eddie’s hair, stopping at the base of his neck to pull him up in an open mouthed kiss. Eddie grasps Richie’s chin to get a better angle and tilts his head. 
“If y’all are gonna fuck can I please record it?” Bev asks, not looking up from her phone.
Eddie rolls his eyes. “Stop interrupting us.”
“Maybe you shouldn’t be making out in a public place.”
“This is literally our private clubhouse, Stan.” Eddie says.
“Seven people use it and come and go as we please.” 
“Maybe that’s exactly what I’m trying to do but you’re here.” Richie says. Nobody can tell if he’s joking or not.
“If I ever fucking find out y’all end up banging in that hammock, so help me God.”
“I thought jewish people don’t have a God.”
Richie braces himself and Eddie, who’s still laying on top of him, from another incoming pillow that Stan throws. 
“You’re so stupid.” 
A few days later, Eddie’s in Richie’s room, laying on the bed that’s shoved in the corner, unmade. His head hangs off the edge as he impatiently waits for Richie to come back into the room. They got their graduation caps and gowns and Eddie insisted on having Richie try it on for him. 
“If you don’t hurry up we’ll miss graduation at this rate. Come on, Rich.” 
There’s ruffling from the bathroom and Richie pokes his head out. “I feel weird.”
“Why do you feel weird?”
“Because graduation. It’s like a bittersweet taste in my mouth.” Richie steps out and trudges back to where Eddie is. “Feel like I gotta brush my teeth every time I talk about it.”
Eddie flips his body and sits upright, reaching out to clutch the gown between his fingers, pulling Richie closer to him. “You look cute.”
“No, you.”
“You can’t use the Uno reverse card in verbal conversations.”
“Says who?” Richie challenges.
“Me,” Eddie smooths out the deep red robe. He plays with the Honor cords around Richie’s neck. “You’re gonna nail your speech, you know.”
Richie slumps, “I’m scared shitless.”
“Why don’t you practice it and read it to me?”
“No can do, Spaghettio.” Richie shakes his head. “It’s a surprise.”
“Am I in it?”
Richie shrugs, smirking, and unzips the robe, hanging it back up in his closet. “You’ll have to wait and see.”
“That’s not fair.” Eddie pouts and flings himself backwards to lay on the bed, toying with the sheets. 
Richie jumps up next to Eddie and cozies into his side, draping an arm around his torso. “It’s totally fair, you’re just impatient.” 
“Maybe so,” Eddie hums. He looks down at Richie, who’s already looking up at him. They meet in the middle to kiss slowly. “Hmm.”
“What?” Richie asks, lips dragging over Eddie’s as he speaks. “You good?”
“Very,” Eddie responds and pushes the hair out of Richie’s face. 
And it’s moments like this where Richie wants to tell Eddie that he loves him. He supposes that Eddie might have a strong inkling about it, or maybe already knows, but Richie’s never actually said it outloud. Yet, he says a lot of things that sound a lot like i love you, like, when Richie drives away from Eddie’s house after dropping him off, ‘i’ll text you when i’m home,’ or when Eddie does something funny and Richie says, ‘you’re so stupid,’ with a huge ass grin. It’s in the little things, as cheesy as it sounds. 
“Tell me.” Richie says after a minute.
Richie watches Eddie, sees how his eyes are closed and smiles. “Would you be mad if I just stole you away for the whole summer? Just you and me? Like as much as I love our friends.. I kinda rather just be with you.”
Eddie peaks an eye open, “I wouldn’t be opposed to it with that logic,” and looks down at his lips, nudging Richie with his nose. Richie gets the hint and begins to push himself up from the mattress. Before they can kiss again, the door is opening and Maggie Tozier’s voice fills the air.
“Hey, Eddie you should call your mom and- oh.”
“Shit,” Richie curses and pushes himself away from Eddie, but there’s not much room for him to work with seeing as they’re on his bed.
That’s another thing- only their friends know, well, until now. Maggie totally knows.
“Could you..” Richie chokes on his words, “knock next time? Please?”
Maggie gives him a look that definitely says ‘we have to talk about this later’, but she nods, “Yeah, I- sorry.. I was just gonna say that Eddie should call his mom if he wants to stay for dinner..” She pauses and looks between the two. Maggie doesn’t know who’s more red: them or her. “I’ll just..” She points behind her and slowly backs out of Richie’s room, closing the door.
“Holy fuck.” Eddie turns to Richie. “Is she gonna tell my mom? Because I-”
“-No, Eds. She’s cool.. She won’t tell your mom.”
“Jesus- and- what is she gonna say to you? Is she gonna yell?”
“Eddie.. She knows I’m gay. She just.. didn’t know that I’m with you.” Richie shrugs, “I don’t think she’s gonna care, but she, uh, might not let us keep the door closed anymore..” He trails off.
“Why would she not-” Richie sees the moment Eddie gets it. “But we’re not.. We’re not having sex.” 
“She doesn’t know that. She just walked in on us with me practically on top of you, looking like we were kissing. Which was actually accurate, so.” 
“Can’t you tell her that we aren’t?”
Richie laughs, “You think she’s gonna believe that her son and boyfriend aren’t fucking? I mean.. It’s gonna happen eventually, so I mean-” He stops himself. “I-I mean it doesn’t have to, of course..” 
Eddie relaxes and reaches for Richie’s hand. “Yes, it will. I just don’t want either of us to feel pressured just because others think we should or already think that we are. I want it to be natural. That’s for us to know- nobody else.”
“Like a secret?”
Eddie barks out a laugh, “Sure. But I’m sure our friends will catch wind of it eventually.”
“So,” Richie changes the subject, “Are you staying for dinner? Maybe even the night?”
“I’ll stay for dinner, but not the night. I don’t want your mother to have a heart attack. Plus I don’t think I’d be able to handle it if she made me sleep on the couch or something. I’ve been sleeping next to you years even before this, don’t think I could without you anymore.”
“Alright then,” Richie decides, “Then I’ll sneak over to your house tonight.”
“My mom would not let you in.”
“You have a window,” Richie tells him. “That I’ve used plenty of times.”
“Okay smartass.” Eddie rolls his eyes, grinning.
Richie kisses his temple and noses along his face. “Once we’re in California we could get our own apartment and then I won’t have to worry about sneaking over.”
“You’d want that?”
“Eds, I’ve wanted everything with you for a long time now.”
Eddie turns his head and slots his lips against Richie’s, kissing him hard, knocking them both over. “You’re amazing.”
Richie thinks that kind of sounds like ‘i love you.’ 
“Mom, I want to talk to you, um, about what you saw earlier..” 
It’s been two hours since Eddie left, and Maggie’s getting ready for bed. She looks at him with an amused expression. “I’m not mad, Rich. I’m not upset or angry either. I’m proud of you.”
Richie’s a little taken back by her statement, because that’s a lot to take in. “You’re.. You’re proud of me? For what? You walked in on me and Eddie seconds away from kissing and you’re proud?” 
Maggie shakes her head, “No, Richie. I’m proud of you for finding someone who makes you happy. And you deserve that, honey. I know that living here hasn’t always been the most accepting, even in this day-and-age.” Richie looks like he’s going to cry. “Don’t get soft on me, now.”
“I’m not.” Richie wipes a tear away and embraces his mom. She strokes his hair.
“How long have you been together?” Maggie asks him.
“Only three weeks.”
“You’ve liked him for a long time.” Richie gives her a look and she nudges him back, “Okay I know you are not dumb, Richie. I notice things. I’m your mother. Of course I know that the way you’ve always looked at him was different from the way you look at the rest of your friends.”
“Since the eighth grade,” Richie admits. Maggie hums. “So, are you gonna like.. make us keep the door open now?”
“We’ll see. But if I knock and there’s no answer within seven seconds, I’m opening that door.”
“Don’t even worry about it- we’re not..”
Maggie looks surprised, “You guys aren’t boning?”
“What? I just finished what you were gonna say! Don’t be a pussy, I raised you better than that.” Maggie bumps Richie’s shoulder with hers, giggling. “But that’s surprising, actually.”
“I am not talking about my sex l- nonexistent sex life with you right now. Nope, not happening. This is a conversation for another night. Another year.” 
Maggie laughs, “Alright, alright, understood.”
Richie pauses though, suddenly nervous to speak. “I love him, ma.”
“I know.”
Richie stumbles into Eddie’s window around midnight. He thinks Eddie is still asleep and climbs in the bed, carefully, snuggling up next to him. Richie presses soft kisses to the back of Eddie’s neck. He sighs contently and smiles against Eddie’s skin. Most people would probably think they’re moving too fast, despite them not actually moving fast at all. They’re in that weird position where they’ve just liked each other for so long, that the amount of time they’ve been official, doesn’t matter. Everything just feels so right.
Which is why Richie runs a hand through Eddie’s hair and mutters against his neck, “I love you, Eddie,” because he felt like it was the perfect time to say it. He freezes though, when Eddie stirs, turning to look at him. Richie starts to internally panic, but then:
“I love you too, Rich.”
Richie’s eyes are wide, his emotions are a mix of shock and happiness. Eddie smiles and reaches up to caress his cheek. 
“I love you, too.” Eddie repeats. He wipes away a tear that rolls down Richie’s face and then suddenly a mouth is covering his own.
Honestly, fuck what others think. It’s their relationship, their pace, and they can do whatever they want.
And if that includes kissing Eddie forever, Richie definitely wouldn’t mind. 
@beproudtozier @eds-trashmouth @eddiefuckinkaspbrak @s-s-georgie @tinyarmedtrex @are-you-reddie-for-it @richietoizer @richietczier @tk-strand @gczebos @your-mother-and-i-are-separating @derrylosers @thepurplepanther @montconde @devjoan @emecat123 @weirdthoughtsandideas @caleigh-rayne @kaspzier @tastytozier @melkene @whysthatsofuckingfunnydickwad @its-stranger-than-you-think @legally-devorak @s-onora @becauseweredeltairlines @lifesucksheres20bucks @soooobr @itmovieunofficial @tomhollandslefteyebrow @sloppybitchreddie @iwantmybloodonyourhands @pinkmedusa6 @fandomluvgirl @kelthehuman @panikki @ahhhhgh @eddiessecondfannypack @rainbowrabblerouser @stellar-alley @thoughtfullyyoungduck @k4spbrak @bi-bi-richie @bastardchildsbestfriend @sloppybitchreddie
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Richie stretches his free arm out before even opening his eyes, squinting at the spots of sunlight dancing on the inside of his eyelids. Trying to shield his eyes from the assault and preserve what calmness still lingers from his dream, he turns his head to the left, his breath instantly catching in his throat. Eddie’s sleeping, his head resting on Richie’s shoulder, arm around his waist, while Richie’s holding him close with his hand just reaching Eddie’s hip. His sleep is yet undisturbed by the sun and Richie’s lazy movements, and so, to make sure it stays that way, Richie relaxes back into the bed, choosing to admire Eddie’s peaceful expression for a while instead of getting up. They only arrived the day before, but already Eddie’s skin is showing signs of being in a warm and sunny climate of the Bahamas, the freckles more pronounced than usual, a hint of tan spreading on his sunkissed cheeks. He can’t help but smile at the softness in Eddie’s relaxed features. He starts absent-mindedly stroking Eddie’s hip with his thumb when the man mumbles something without so much as opening his eyes. Richie hums in response, unsure of whether the remark was aimed at him or a sleep-induced vision. The smile spreading on Eddie’s lips would suggest he’s no longer in the realm of dreams. “Are you watching me sleep?” he opens his eyes slowly, as if it’s a chore, and looks up at Richie with warmth and a spark of amusement in his gaze. Richie can’t help his happy grin. “Can you blame me?” he catches the hand currently holding his waist and lifts it to kiss Eddie’s knuckles. He’s met with no resistance, just a soft smile. “It’s a wonderful sight.” “What, me drooling onto your chest?” Eddie asks, but there’s little sincerity to the self-deprecation anymore. He still blushes a little, but he looks pleased, doesn’t tense up at the compliment. “No, you resting in my arms,” Richie smiles, unwilling to disturb the lazy morning with a joke. “It’s nice to see you relaxed.” He threads his fingers with Eddie’s, holding his hand gently. “Well, there’s going to be plenty of that these two weeks,” Eddie smiles in response and shortly presses his lips to Richie’s shoulder. “This time is just for us.” “Yeah.” Richie pauses to admire the view in front of him: Eddie’s sleep-messed hair falling softly onto his forehead. “So what do you want to do today, Mr. Tozier?” He asks, pressing yet another kiss, now to the silver band on Eddie’s finger. “Well,” Eddie muses, his smile only growing, “I believe we still have some time before we have to head to breakfast. That might be well-spent,” he finishes, biting his lip with a coy look. “And how do you propose we spend it?” Richie asks, grinning, already rolling them over to pin Eddie’s hand to the pillows and loom over him, getting a small giggle for his efforts. He looks adoringly into his eyes, meeting nothing but love and trust. Eddie’s fingers squeeze his hand as he replies: “Taking advantage of the privacy our bungalow provides from the rest of the hotel.” Richie kisses him as soon as he finishes the phrase, and Eddie responds eagerly. As Richie lets his hand slip from Eddie’s hip to his thigh, squeezing lightly and pressing into a hickey there to hear a sharp intake of breath, he feels a brief thought slip through his mind, easier than he ever thought possible. He’s happy. It’s not a particularly profound one, but that doesn’t present much of an issue as it fades away from articulation as soon as he starts a path of kisses down Eddie’s throat, met with satisfied humming. The feeling of excitement at the beginning of the rest of their lives together takes a more prevalent position, and with a smile, he makes his way down Eddie’s body to make sure their new life starts out right.
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stellar-alley · 4 years
•If The World Was Ending•
This one shot is based off of the song If The World Was Ending by JP Saxe and Julia Michales. Sorry about no italics, when i copied it over they didn’t change and I can’t go and change all of them.
I was distracted
And in traffic
I didn't feel it
When the earthquake happened
Edward Kaspbrak, risk analyst, fellow New Yorker, was stuck in the one thing he hated most, traffic. The air conditioner in his car was on high, the mid-June air was hot and humid. As much as he craved to open the windows and get some fresh air, he knew how prone he was to road rage, especially during traffic, and wasn’t in the mood to hear his victim’s response. He just wanted to curse them out in peace. 
“What the fuck is going on? MOVE ASSHAT!” He shouted at the car in front of him that just randomly halted. He watched in confusion as the driver, a teenage girl, stepped out of her car and looked around. Then he noticed a couple other drivers doing the same. Traffic had completely stopped around him, it created a weird vibe, New York became quieter for a moment and it was very unnerving. 
Eddie considered it for a moment, everyone’s stopped so you’re not gonna get hit by a car, he thought before he followed suit and got out of his car. 
“What the hell is going on?” He asked the closest person to him, which was the teenage girl. She had short wavy brown hair and wore a jean vest and matching shorts. 
“You didn’t feel it?” Her voice is filled with concern as she raises an eyebrow. 
“Feel what?”.
“The earthquake,” She says.
But it really got me thinkin'
Were you out drinkin'?
Were you in the living room
Chillin' watchin' television?
The news sent a wave of worries through Eddie’s body, he raked his hand through his hair. His gaze went slightly blurry as he tried to examine his surroundings, seeing if anything had collapsed or if people were screaming. 
The teen must’ve noticed his change in emotion as she continued with, “It wasn’t major or anything. The news guy said everything is fine. But you know New Yorkers, they overreact and all” She smiled nervously at him, worried that she’d used the wrong words. 
There’d been a policeman a couple of cars down and she advised everyone to get back into their cars and wait for the traffic to pick up again. So Eddie got back into his car. It took awhile for the traffic to pick up again but it did. 
His knuckles turned white, gripping the steering wheel as his mind began to race with the thought of what his wife, Myra, must be thinking right now.“She’s probably throwing a fit right now cause I’m not home” he sighed as he glanced at his phone on its stand. He noticed that it wasn’t able to connect to wifi or data. The lines must be down or something…. Shit. Eddie realized, knowing that would only make things worse. 
“Ah fuck me”, he sighed in frustriation. Only then did Eddie reluctantly release one of his hands from the steering wheel to pinch the bridge or his nose. 
Eds, at least buy me dinner first, a voice popped into Eddie’s head, but it wasn’t his. Oh no, he’d never refer to himself as that terrible nickname. Only one person ever called him that nowadays... Richie. 
I wonder what the ‘famous comedian’ Richie Trashmouth Tozier is doing. Eddie smirked at the idea. He wondered if Richie was blackout drunk, high as a bird, or jerking it in his room. That’s something Eddie had been doing a lot of lately, especially when times were tough back at his apartment with Myra. (not jerking off, thinking or Richie)
 His mind would wonder about his childhood best friend, how he was doing, what his latest comedy sketch was about (since he started writing his own stuff after the IT incident), he also worried about Richie’s bad habits. Ever since he was a teen he had a bit of a smoking problem, cigarettes and weed, and some drinking. But Eddie knew it only grew worse with time. Richie explained how he had actually been pretty clean until Mike called him, then he relapsed. Eddie knew that after the fight, after Richie got stuck in the fucking deadlights, he had been suffering from night terrors, which prompted his insomnia, which made more time for him to drink and smoke. 
 It's been a year now
Think I've figured out how
How to let you go and let communication die out
Sadly he hasn’t talked to Richie in a year, since the incident, since he left the hospital. He lived without Richie for so long, it should’ve been easy to forget about him again. But now he had old memories that weren’t there before, ones of a childhood he forgot he lived through. It’s been a year now, and Eddie has finally pushed down all of the feelings for his childhood crush. He was letting Richie go, finally able to let the communication die out. 
Eddie had been in the hospital for over a month and Richie was the only one who stayed, Bev had to go file a divorce, Ben had architect stuff to architect, Bill had a movie to finish and a wife to apologize to,  Mike had a world to see, and Stan had a vacation to take with his wife. As much as they all wanted to stay, the only reason they didn’t was that they knew Eddie was safe in Richie’s care. 
The day before Eddie officially woke up, he had been in and out of consciousness and he could hear bits and pieces of conversations, hell, sometimes he even saw flashes of the room around him. But there was one conversation that stuck out to him, the one he remembered the most. 
Richie was by his side, the only one in the room, voice low. Although he couldn’t see Richie, he could tell that he’d been crying. Richie started out by talking about some of his favourite memories with him from their childhood, from before they left Derry. The hot days at the quarry, their cuddles in the hammock, the nights Richie had nightmares (yes he had them even as a kid so that makes these current nightmares so much worse, cause he had to handle them alone) and would sneak into Eddie’s room during the late hours of the night. Those were the nights that they’d talk until Richie’s mind was at ease, about nothing yet everything all at the same time. If Richie felt better he’d head home, but most nights they’d fall asleep in each other’s arms. Richie’s mind filled with worries about falling into the same nightmare again so Eddie would hold him close to make sure Richie felt safe as sleep took him away.  
Then Richie continued to talk about how close he and Eddie had been, and how even when he moved away, and forgot, he always knew he’d been missing something. He explained how that night at the Jade of the Orient, he finally felt whole again. Eddie blacked out for a little bit afterwards, he still kicks himself for that, even though he had no control over it. But he came back just in time to hear the end of Richie’s speech. 
“Eds… I know we argue, I call you out and annoy the ever-living shit out of you, but those are the conversations I live for. You know every joke I make is just me trying to get you to laugh, right? I knew how hard it was at home for you, so I always wanted to give you the chuckles that you never got at home” Richie stopped for a moment. He let out a little chuckle himself, “That last year we had together was the best year of my fucking life. Because it was you and me against the world. A-And the day you left… Eddie I kick myself every day for not saying it back. Because I love you, so fucking much” he took a moment to collect himself. “It’s funny to think that I never realized it sooner, all of the early mornings and late nights, scalding summer days and afternoons in the  freezing winter. I loved you since the day you squished your small, cute, ass in that hammock with me. I’ve loved you since the day you skipped school to take care of me when I threw up. Fuck…. Eddie I’ve loved you since fifth grade when you gave me that stupid valentine card with the cat cause you knew I never got any. I never stopped loving you-” Eddie drifted off, unable to hear the rest of the confession. Though he couldn’t hear him, he did feel a hand lay over his, and his fingers laced together with another’s. Then he felt Richie plant an ever so soft kiss on his forehead. 
 I never told Richie that I’d overheard him, how could I? How could I just randomly admit to him that when we were cuddled up in that hammock, I felt more at home than I have in my entire life? How I suddenly felt safe when his arms wrapped around me. How my heart skipped a beat every time our skin accidentally touched. And how I secretly adored every damn stupid nickname you called me because they were something that only you and I shared. They were mine, and I was yours. How can I admit that that year, was a year I cherished until the day I forgot it, because of that fucking clown. 
After all of his memories returned to him after the incident, Eddie recalled a day he swore he could never forget, the day before he left for college. He was going to some out of state college to escape his mother, who’s grip had only gotten worse over the years. 
Richie and Eddie had started dating about a year prior. After years of silent pinning and pent up emotions, Richie finally burst and admitted his feelings for him. That year, their final year of highschool, was one for the history books. The two were inseparable, determined to spend every living second together before Eddie had to leave for college. And they did, for the most part. 
Almost every night Richie would sneak into Eddie’s room and the two would kiss and make out, then snuggle the rest of the night away. At school they always found time for each other, in between classes, secretly meeting in the bathroom, even discreetly holding hands under their desks. 
The one thing they never did was say ‘I Love you’. Both of them were subconsciously waiting until the time was right. Eddie thought the right time was the day he left for college. 
“What am I going to do without my Chee? Who’s gonna give me stupid nicknames and crawl through my window now?” Eddie hugged Richie tightly. 
“You’ll find someone, I know you will” Richie brushed the comment aside. It’s something he’d been doing for the past week or so. Whenever Eddie mentioned the future, him coming back for Christmas or Richie coming up to visit him, Richie always brushed it under the rug, never in the mood to talk about it. Eddie always assumed it was because he wanted to live in the moment and not worry about the future, but even then, he seemed distant. 
A voice rang overhead, announcing that Eddie’s flight was now boarding. 
Here goes nothing
He looked up at Richie, who’s eyes seemed sad and dark. “Richie, I want you to know that I will always love you” Eddie’s voice was quiet, almost vulnerable. 
Richie pulled away and hesitated before saying “E-Eddie, I-I don’t know if I can do this whole long distance thing. You’re so, so good, and you deserve someone who can be there for you-”.
Eddie was taken aback, suddenly disgusted by how he thought Richie would ever love him back, “Rich, what are you talking about? Just last week you said you were okay with his”.
“Yeah? Well that was last week, and this is now. I just don’t wanna hold you back from meeting new- and better people when you’re away” Richie quickly hugged Eddie, not wanting to continue the conversation as he knew the tears it’d bring. “I’m sorry” He whispered as he gave Eddie one finally look, then left. 
It was the day that changed everything for Eddie. The day he wished he could forget since it clouded his vision, kept him up at night, and distracted him from almost everything. One day he did forget it, but it all came back the day he saw Richie Tozier at the Jade of the Orient. 
Neither of them had brought up the breakup, neither did any of the other Losers. They were all aware that it was a sensitive topic and opted to keep the mood light while reliving their childhood memories. The mood wasn't worried between Richie and Eddie, but it wasn't the same either. It was as if things had gone back to when they were just friends, the constant banter and bickering.
 I know, you know, we know
You weren't down for forever and it's fine
I know, you know, we know
We weren't meant for each other and it's fine
After Eddie was released from the hospital, he had gotten on his first flight to New York and returned to Myra. He’d convinced himself that everything he heard during his coma was a dream. After so many years of internalized homophobia, it was hard to stop now. 
He’d thanked Richie for everything and insisted he was okay. He made sure Richie would head back to LA and continue his job, but he also made him promise to start writing his own material. He told Richie it’d finally convince him to go to one of his shows. Sadly he still had yet to purchase a ticket or even watch his shows on Netflix. Now, every time he saw famous comedian Richie Tozier, he could only remember the boy he’d once give the world for, the boy who didn’t love him back.
But if the world was ending
 You'd come over, right?
You'd come over and you'd stay the night
Would you love me for the hell of it?
The sky'd be falling and I'd hold you tight
And there wouldn't be a reason why
We would even have to say goodbye
If the world was ending
You'd come over, right?
Even though he forgot, Eddie always knew something was off. No matter who he was with, it never felt right. That’s because Richie Tozier had taken a piece of his heart the day he never said it back. Then the day Eddie left the hospital, he’d left an even bigger piece with the boy he still loved. 
If the world was ending
You'd come over, right?
His phone beeped, indicating that he'd received a text. 
Ben: Hey Eddie, just wanted to check in and make sure you're safe, heard about the earthquake. Bev says hi! 
It was from Ben. Eddie noticed his phone was back on data, so that text was followed by a million texts and calls from Myra. He clicked on the contact and clicked the call button. 
“Hey, Eddie!” Ben's voice sounded relieved, “How's a going, is everything okay?”. 
“Hey, yeah… I'm okay” Eddie hesitated, “Just shaken” he breathed. If he were talking to anyone else he would've just said he was okay, but Ben was a Loser, and Losers never lied. 
“Good I'm glad to he-” Ben was suddenly cut off by the sound of his wife's voice from beside him. 
“Ask if he's heard from Richie!” Bev's voice got louder as she spoke, most likely approaching from another room. 
“R-Richie? Why would I have heard from him?” Eddie tensed up, caught off guard. 
He was met with the sounds of muffled talking and someone grabbing the phone, “Hey Eddie, sorry- I was just wondering cause well, Richie was in his New York apartment for the week and we texted him to see if he was okay but he didn’t answer-” Bev explained. 
“Wait- Richie’s in New York? Really?” Eddie tried to hide the excitement in his voice but failed. 
“Y-Yeah, didn’t he tell you?” She sounded confused. 
The truth was, as much as Eddie wanted to, he never asked Richie for his number when they reunited. Neither did Richie. 
Eddie spoke before he could think through his words, “What’s his address?”, even he was shocked at the question. 
“Here, I’ll text it to you. Why- Eddie what are you scheming?” He could hear the smirk in her voice, as if she knew what he was going to do before he did it. 
“Nothing, nothing… I just wanna check in on our resident trashmouth and make sure he hasen’t fucking OD’d on Capri Sun or some shit” Eddie scoffed as the two on the other end laughed. 
If the world was ending
You'd come over, right?
After their call ended, Eddie opened google maps and typed in Richie’s address. 
I tried to imagine
Your reaction
It didn't scare me when the earthquake happened
 Famous comedian Richie Tozier was indeed drinking Capri Sun, though he hadn't reached the point of overdosing, he could tell his taste buds were in the midst of destruction, as he’d just finished his fourth Capri Sun. Which is about 3 more than he should’ve had. 
Richie only noticed the ground shaking after it had happened. He knew that if you were inside during an earthquake you were supposed to get outside as soon as possible, but it was so quick, should I go? He thought before sitting up from his couch and shuffled towards the door. 
He glanced out into the hallway of his apartment floor and noticed some of his neighbours doing the same. He gave them a nod before one of the managers came through the door that led to the stairs. He advised everyone to stay inside as it was only a minor earthquake and there was no reason to leave. 
Instead of reclaiming the spot on his couch, Richie went and took a seat on his balcony. This is something that he’s been doing more as the weather got warmer. He had put a chair out there, so when he got comfortable he propped his feet up on the railing and took in the skyline. 
He couldn’t help but think what his hypochondriac, asthmatic, piece of pasta, was up to right now. 
That idiot is probably losing his shit over the earthquake. 
Richie chuckled to himself as he recalled how he was always prepared for something like this. Even in his younger years, his fanny pack was always equipped with the supplies to handle anything, from scraped knees, to runny noses. It was one of the many things he loved about Eddie… Yes, love. 
The thought prompted Richie to run his hand over his face. He then removed his glasses and pressed the palms of his hands onto his closed eyes. His eyes started to tear up as he re-lived an old memory he once forgot.
But it really got me thinkin'
That night we went drinkin'
Stumbled in the house
And didn't make it past the kitchen
They’d been dating for just over a month now. Things were still exciting, still new. Something neither of them had experienced before. To say that they tried to spend every moment together was an understatement. Because once their feelings were out in the open, they hadn't been able to get off of eachother. They were always touching in one way or another. Whether it was holding hands, Richie having his arm draped over Eddie or Eddie having his arm around Richie’s waist. 
It was one of the rare occasions where Sonia Kaspbrak had left town for the weekend, out to go visit family, and she hadn't taken Eddie with her, like usual. So Richie and Eddie had the Kaspbrak residence all to themselves. Sure they spent the first half of the night drinking cheap beer with the other Losers at the Quarry, but after they got home they had their most memorable make out sessions to date. 
They’d just entered the house and Richie had already picked up Eddie. Their kisses become more intense as the space between their bodies vanished. The smaller boy wrapped his arms around the taller's neck and his legs around his waist, hugging him like a koala. The curly haired teen had his hands positioned on the other’s ass, he gave it a little squeeze before he set him down on the kitchen counter. 
Once Eddie’s butt had gone numb, Richie’s legs got tired, and both their lips grew raw, Eddie hopped off the counter and grabbed Richie’s hand. He pulled his smitten boyfriend up the stairs and to his room. That’s where they continued their heated make out session, except it wasn't ass intense. Their kisses were still passionate, but almost tired, it was late after all.
Richie pulled his shirt over his head, Eddie began kissing his neck, his chest, anywhere he could reach. Richie had snaked his right hand up Eddie’s shirt, so it pressed up against Eddie’s back, the touch sent shivers down Eddie’s spine. 
“May I?” Richie requested, which was something he did a lot when they were in bed together. He always asked before he did things. Sure they were both inexperienced horny teens, but Richie always wanted to make sure that Eddie was comfortable with anything they did. 
“Do it- Rich I’m all yours” Eddie said in between kisses. He felt Richie grabbed a handful of his shirt, that’s when he reluctantly sat up. Which allowed Richie to gracefully pull the shirt up and over Eddie’s head. Their chests were pressed together, skin on skin. It sent fireworks exploding in both of their chests. 
The kisses soon grew lazy, and they both opted to lay in eachothers arms. Cuddled as close together as humanly possible. Their pants had come off, leaving the teens in their boxers. So their bare legs were tangled together as Eddie’s head laid against Richie’s chest, he hummed happily to the sound of Richie’s speedy heartbeat. Richie’s head sat comfortably on top of Eddie’s, one of his hands laced together with his boyfriend’s while the other was carefully brushing out Eddie’s soft brown curls.
Neither of them wanted to be anywhere else. If they could’ve lived in that moment forever, they would have.
 Ah, it's been a year now
Think I've figured out how
How to think about you without it rippin' my heart out
 Up until the day Richie’s memories were taken without his permission, about a year after he left Derry to try the whole ‘comedian’ thing, he had regretted not saying it back to Eddie. He doesn't know what came over him on the day the love of his life left. It was just something about not being able to see him everyday, not being able to hold his hand when he got nervous or climb through his window when he had a nightmare, that scared him. He worried that without that physical touch, he wouldn’t be able to hold onto the Eddie he once was. Practically convincing himself that once Eddie found someone he could actually be with, he’d dump Richie. 
So the Trashmouth decided to end things before he could get his heart broken. Little did he know that his heart would still beat for Eddie Kaspbrak up until the day that that name held no meaning to him anymore.
When he saw Eddie again, after 27 years, it was as if nothing had changed. The subtle glances, the twist of his stomach when his hand brushed against Eddie’s, the way he couldn’t think about anything else, and the way his heart ached for a love that they once shared. 
Richie, worried about messing things up again, he waited for Eddie to make the first move. Unsure if they were anything more than friends, Richie kept it that way, just friends. Eddie never did bring anything up. Not at the Jade of the Orient, not when he almost died, and not when he left the hospital. Sure it felt like he ripped Richie’s heart out of his chest, tore it in half, then shoved it back in, but he knew it was for the best. Afterall, Eddie had moved on, married a woman, and started a life without him. It killed him to see, but it wasn't his place to go and ruin what Eddie had worked so hard to build. 
It’s been a year now. A year since he’s seen Eddie. A year of staring at his phone, threatening to click the call button and finally hear his voice again, a year of writing texts that’d never be sent, a year of going between LA and New York in hopes of randomly bumping into Eddie at some coffee shop. But it’s been a year, and Richie is finally able to think about Eddie without it feeling like his heart is being ripped out of his chest. It’s progress. 
 But if the world was ending
You'd come over, right?
A doorbell ripped Richie from the memory he was reliving. Suddenly aware of the tears on his cheeks and his shaking hands. Fuck, he mentally cursed. He checked his reflection in the camera of his phone. Who the hell is at my door at, he checked the time, 6:00 pm, what the fuck?. He gave his eyes one more wip before he reached for the doorknob, he didn’t care if the mailman saw him with red puffy eyes and wet cheeks, Bob had seen him in the worst conditions. 
His heart momentarily stopped at the familiar sight of Eddie James Kaspbrak who stood in the hallway of his apartment building. Suddenly the phrase, A sight for sore eyes, became so clear to him, because his sore eyes suddenly became soft at the sight of the boy who once brought him so much joy.
“Eddie…” Richie breathed, his mind unable to properly phrase sentences. 
“Richie, a-are you okay?” Eddie’s voice was laced with concern, worried that he’d just walked in on something. 
Richie had done something he grew too comfortable with, “Me? Yeah, yeah, I’m fine, never not fine, am I right?” He joked. 
Eddie’s brow scrunched ever so slightly, unaware of what to do. “Right… Sorry to show up out of the blue. Just wanted to check in and make sure you were okay, you know with the whole earthquake and all” He changed his tone, to sound more comforting.
“Oh…” Something broke inside of Richie. Of course he was only here because of the fucking earthquake. It’s not like he has any other reason to come see the boy who fucking left him at the airport- “I’m A okay, thanks for checking in Eds” Richie assured with a wink. He made sure his voice sounded extra chipper, afraid that he’d somehow allow Eddie to see how close he was to breaking. 
Eddie huffed, almost as if he was amused, “Don’t call me that” he shook his head jokingly. Of course there was more he wanted to say, 27 years of thoughts and emotions that’d went unsaid, but he kept it that way. “Well you seem to be doing fine, so I guess I’ll leave you be- see you around Trashmouth”.
The nickname sent memories flashing through both of their minds, the arguments they had at school when they threw that nickname at him, Beeping Richie whenever his motormouth wouldn’t slow down. Maybe under different circumstances, they would’ve shared a laugh. Talked about the good old days over a coffee on Richie’s balcony and maybe even open up the Pandora's box that was their relationship. Instead, Eddie gave Richie a small wave, and turned to make his way towards the elevator. 
Eddie let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding it, suddenly tense with regret. There was so much more he wanted to say, but it was too late. 
Richie closed the door and leaned his forehead against the cool wood. I can’t believe I fucked this up again. Just like always. Leave it up to good ol’ trashmouth to ruin the best fucking thing that’s ever happened to him.... Suddenly Eddie’s words rang out through his head, so loud and earth shattering it almost caused his eyes to tear up again. I Love You. 
“I Love you too Eddie…” Richie said to himself. Then it dawned on him. “I love you” he repeated. 
His hand reached out the door handle and he hastily opened the door to his apartment. He took a step out of his apartment and saw Eddie waiting for the elevator. Richie wasted no time, he was 27 years late after all. 
“I love you” He shouted to the man down the hall from him. 
Eddie’s eyes looked up to meet Richie’s, big and tear filled, with a sliver of hope inside of his iriss. 
Richie talked as he ran to him. “I love you. Edward fucking Kaspbrak. And I’ve kicked myself every goodman day of my life for not saying it back to you because I, love you”. Now he was in front of Eddie, spilling his heart out, “You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me. And I always knew I loved you, since the day you kissed my scraped knee in fourth grade. It just took me 27 fucking years to relaize I can’t live without you… My little piece of spaghetti'' The last line got a huff from Eddie. 
“Really know how to ruin a moment, don’t you Rich?” He asked, but his voice held no anger, only pure and utter joy. 
Richie disregarded the comment and continued, “I know you’re married and I am 27 years late, but fuck, I had to tell you before I fucking imploded. Because I love you.” 
Eddie stood there for a moment, as if he was soon going to be woken up from this dream. Then he finally mustered the power to speak, “I love you too Richie”. Eddie couldn’t help himself, he’d been waiting 27 years. He took a couple steps, closing the distance between the two, he placed his hand on the back of Richie’s neck, pulled him down and kissed him. 
Richie hesitated for a split second before returning the kiss. Then it was just like they were kids again, fireworks exploded through their bodies as their hearts began to beat together.
You'd come over and you'd stay the night
Would you love me for the hell of it?
All our fears would be irrelevant
“I love you” Richie couldn’t stop saying it, as if he was trying to make up for all the time he hadn't been saying it. He said it when they pulled away from their kiss, when he led Eddie back into his apartment, and plenty of times while they made out on Richie’s bed. 
If the world was ending
You'd come over, right?
The sky'd be falling while I'd hold you tight
No, there wouldn't be a reason why
We would even have to say goodbye
It was midnight, only then did they begin to calm down off of the high they’d been riding. As if the years of crushing and pinning had built up, and finally they’d been able to get what they craved. 
Richie laid on his back, with Eddie’s head resting on his chest, with one hand over Richie’s heart while the other was laced together with the other’s. 
“I love you” he repeated again, meaning every word he said. 
“I love you too” Eddie said. His heart beat in his chest, his entire heart. No missing or lost pieces, because he’d found Richie again, and all of the pieces were finally put back into place. 
If the world was ending
You'd come over, right?
“I don’t care what happens now” Eddie said, he looked up to meet Richie’s gaze. “The marriage can be dealt with. Hell, I don’t even care where we end up, here, LA, anywhere, as long as I’m with you” For the first time in a long time, Eddie felt hope. He was excited for what the future held, because he wasn't alone anymore. 
You'd come over, right?
You'd come over, you'd come over, you'd come over, right?
“We’ll make it work” Richie kissed Eddie’s forehead, “We always do”.
If the world was ending
You'd come over, right?
Word Count: 5350
I hope you guys enjoyed the one shot! I had a lot of fun writing it.
If you've got any songs you want me to turn into a one shot then comment down below!
Until next time
So Long and Goodnight
@richietoaster @s-onora @that-weird-girl-blog @beproudtozier
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38 and 62 for the reddie smut prompt?🥺
38. “You’re n-not ,um, w-wearing anything under that, are you..?”
62. “If you don’t like my teasing, then why are you moaning?”
* * * * *
Eddie Kaspbrak absolutely hated his roommate Richie Tozier. He hated the way he always left the cap off of the toothpaste in the bathroom, he hated how he never picked his dirty clothes up off of his side of the room until absolutely necessary, he hated that he stayed up late listening to music loudly through his headphones. Yet, the thing he hated most of all, was how fucking attracted to him he was.
He never imagined that someone like Richie would be his type of guy, yet here he was, laying on his back in his dorm room, jacking off to the thought of Richie’s lips on his neck and his hand around his cock. A moan escaped his lips and he rocked up, his orgasm washing over him as he came into his hand.
“Fuck…” Eddie moaned into the dark, empty room. He was glad that Richie was working at the bar that night, his side job in order to fund whatever it was he did in his free time. Eddie didn’t have the balls to ask him, just in case it gave too much away about how he was feeling towards the other male.
It was an inner conflict that Eddie wasn’t sure he would ever be able to find peace with. On one hand, he was at college, free to be whoever he wanted to be and not have to think about the consequences but on the other he was still his mother’s scared little boy. Turns out that abuse really does stay with you your whole life. Fuck, but Eddie wanted Richie, and he could feel his resolve fading with every passing day.
Just then, the door to the dorm opened and Richie sauntered in, dumping his bag by the door just like he always did. Eddie had Richie’s routine down to a T. He would kick his shoes off, hang up his jacket before removing all his clothes and climbing into bed. Not that Eddie would ever tell Richie this, but he knew that Richie never wore underwear under his working jeans, as they were so damn tight. Each night he came home, Eddie would get a lovely look at Richie’s ass.
Tonight however, it seemed like Richie was trying to spice things up, as he stopped at the side of his bed and just sat down without removing his clothes. He cleared his throat, “Eds, you awake?” He spoke into the darkness and Eddie froze up before letting out a little noise of confirmation.
“Yeah, why?” He whispered, his heart thumping hard against his ribcage. Richie never spoke to him when he came home from work, as he knew Eddie needed his beauty sleep otherwise he’d be a monster in the morning. Which was true, Eddie was not a morning person. Which meant something that to be wrong. “Is everything okay?”
Richie just hummed and took a seat next to Eddie on his bed, close enough that Eddie could make out Richie’s features in the darkness. “Oh yeah Eds, everything is just perfect. See, I was hoping you’d be awake because when I was at work, a little birdie told me a secret about you and I couldn’t wait until the morning to ask you if it’s true or not.”
That caught Eddie’s attention, and it was as if his brain just knew what it would be, his cheeks started to heat up in embarrassment. “O-Oh? What- what did they tell you about me?” Fuck his voice for breaking at the start.
Richie’s head bent down so his lips were right against the shell of Eddie’s ear and he whispered, soft and teasing. “They told me you have the hots for me, and that you specifically love it when I tease the shit out of you. Is that true, Eds? Do you like it when I tease you?”
A moan spilled past his lips as a shiver made its way down Eddie’s spine. Damn him for being so turned on at night. “No!” Eddie snapped, a little too fast, his cheeks now burning. “No that- no.”
“If you don’t like my teasing, then why are you moaning?” Richie asked, and even in the dark, Eddie could see the teasing glint in Richie’s eyes and he knew he was done for. “You do have the hots for me, man this is- fuck. Really? I thought you hated me!”
Eddie shook his head and slowly reached over to flick on the lamp next to his bedside. The room illuminated and Eddie could see how flushed and surprised Richie was now that the darkness wasn’t consuming them. “I- I don’t hate you, Richie,” he admitted. “I never have hated you, I thought you knew that?”
Richie’s shoulders shrugged a little and he ran a hand through his messy curls, “I mean, yeah if you really hated me I’m sure you wouldn’t be sharing with me, but sometimes I think…maybe he does hate me and hasn’t moved because of the hassle. Childhood Trauma am I right?” He chuckled nervously and Eddie realised right then that he apparently had more in common with Richie than he initially thought.
“Yeah, childhood trauma,” Eddie agreed, meeting Richie’s eyes. “I- I don’t hate you and…and whoever that little birdie was that told you about me having the hots for you? They would be right. I never thought I’d see you as my type of guy but damn, you are Richie. You really are.”
Richie inhaled sharply before he swallowed and leaned down, cupping Eddie’s cheeks and bringing them into a kiss. He pulled away after a moment and Eddie let out a small whimper, making Richie chuckle, “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that. Every time I see you studying and you have the end of your pen between your teeth? I just want to shove you against the mattress until your lips are swollen and bright red.”
The blush that had faded on Eddie’s cheeks returned in full force and he tucked his head away, only for it to be turned back to their eyes locked. “Really?” He asked and Richie nodded his head. There was this charged silence between them and Eddie couldn’t think of anything else to do so he leaned in and kissed Richie again, this time deeper, dirtier.
Hands were all over each other, and Eddie flipped them around so he was sitting on Richie’s lap on his bed, their hips slowly moving together, moans spilling from one another’s lips. Richie broke the kiss and moved down Eddie’s neck, sucking a mark there. “You can touch me, if you want to.”
Eddie bit his lip, looking down at the bulge in Richie’s pants, “You’re n-not ,um, w-wearing anything under them, are you..?” His voice stuttered and Richie just smirked, wide and very teasing before leaning back down to Eddie’s ear.
“Why don’t you take them off and find out?”
* * * * * 
@richietoaster @tozier-boy @eds-trashmouth @bitchbrak @sloppybitchreddie @its-stranger-than-you-think @maximusfraker @jem-carstairs-is-perfection @thejadeazalea @halfway-happy353 @tinyarmedtrex @inthebreadbinwrites @kat-ships-everything @takeourpure @lo-v-ers @that-weird-girls-blog @studpuffin @s-s-georgie @reddie-for-anything @trashmouthtozierr @richietoizer @girasol-eddie @bi-bi-richie @honeybeehanlon @mars-14 @reddiesetandgo @marsisaplanetyall @xandertheundead @sedanleystanley @hawkinsbabe @beepbeeprichiellc @stellarbisexual @oldguybones @stanleuyris @eduardoandale  @purplepoisonedgem @reddie-to-cryy @pink-psychic @violetreddie @toziesque @queen-sock @appojoos @moonlightrichie @rreddies @disneyfan567 @annxmatron @lifesucksheres20bucks @anellope @roobarrtrashmouth @are-you-reddie-for-it @callmechee @nancynwheeler @reddieforlove @twoidiotsinl0ve @madi-artist @tozierking @s-onora @atownofeggs  @wilding-throught-thehallways @no-she-wasnt-reddie @dadbodrichie @thorn-harvester-ven @eddiekasbpark @sparklingrainbowdragon @ransonelovebot @gloire-celeste @derrylosers
385 notes · View notes
Paper Rings (Richie Tozier X Reader)
WC: 3952
Warnings: Language, kinda sexual stuff at one point, alcohol, weed, tiny bit of angst at the end but not much
Summary: Y/N and Richie’s relationship through ‘Paper Rings’
A/N: The bitch is back y’all. I apologise for not having written in about 8 billion years, but I’m back. I hope you guys enjoy this, bc I really love it.
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The moon is high
Like your friends were the night that we first met 
Y/N had never been a fan of parties. Ever since high school she would always be the one to stay home and re-watch her favourite movies instead of going to parties. Unfortunately, now that she had a career in comedy writing she was being dragged to parties left, right and centre, and she hated them all. 
“Mulaney, please tell me why I’m coming to this thing? I’m going to miss Seinfeld and you know I live for that shit.” Y/N whined, tugging on the sleeve of John’s jacket while he rolled his eyes. 
“They’ve been playing episodes of that show every night since 1989, and you’ve watched each one about three times over, Y/N. I think you can afford to miss one night’s rerun.” John said, causing Y/N to let out a groan of protest. 
“It’s about the habits, John. The habits.” Y/N mumbled, and John shook his head like an irritated parent. 
“You’re coming with me to this party, Y/N. I’ve heard they’ve got this bigshot comic coming in from LA so just think about that potential opportunity before you complain again.” John said, and Y/N narrowed her eyes before caving, causing her friend to give her a victorious smile. 
The pair walked into the crowded club, and Y/N immediately grimaced at the loud music and the overwhelming stench of alcohol and weed. “Real classy joint, huh?” She muttered to John, who simply chuckled in response. 
“I’m gonna go get a drink, and I want you to mingle. Have some fun Y/N. Let loose for once!” John said, gripping Y/N’s shoulders. She opened her mouth to protest but John quickly snuck away before she could say anything. 
Y/N pouted, trying to navigate her way through the bustling club. Eventually she found her way to a booth where she saw a group of people, including one manwho was strangely familiar to her. She heard him laughing and she found herself beginning to laugh as well as she walked up to the booth. 
“Hey sweetheart! You lost?” One of the men at the booth called, and suddenly all of their eyes were directed towards her. Y/N let out a nervous laugh and shook her head, a slight smile on her face. 
“My friend ditched me. He told me I needed to mingle and have some fun, his words not mine.” Y/N said, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear as she made brief eye contact with the oddly familiar man. He had a head of wild black hair and was wearing glasses so big they nearly covered his face. 
“Well, uh, you can come sit with us if you want.” The man spoke, a kind smile on his face as he looked up at her, and she knew she was done for.  
“Sounds good.” Y/N said, laughing lightly as she watched the men scoot along so there was enough room in the booth for her. 
“I’m Y/N by the way, in case you were wondering.” Y/N said once she had settled herself next to the very kind, very attractive man in the glasses. 
“I’m Richie Tozier, and this is Carol Feeny and Steve Covall.” As soon as Y/N heard his name she smiled, not really thinking as she politely shook hands with Carol and Steve. 
“I’m just gonna put it out here now, Steve and I are a bit high so sorry in advance if we do or say anything weird.” Carol said, and Y/N gave her a thumbs up before shooting Richie a confused look. He let out a laugh at her expression, and Y/N felt her stomach fill with butterflies. 
“This is like a normal Saturday night for them, I just tagged along because they’re my friends and I don’t want them dying or whatever.” Richie said, raising his voice slightly due to the loud music.
“Glad to know. Well, here’s to getting to know strangers at a wild party.” Y/N said, lifting her drink as Richie did the same. They tapped their glasses together and Y/N couldn’t shake the giddy feeling that washed over her as soon as their eyes met. 
Oh yeah, she was well and truly fucked. 
Went home and tried to stalk you on the internet
Now I've read all of the books beside your bed 
“John Edmund Mulaney, I need your goddamn help.” Y/N said, busting his bedroom door open and pulling the covers off his bed. John groaned, giving the girl a dirty look as she stood in his doorway, a determined look on her face. 
“What the hell do you want Y/L/N? It is Sunday morning and I am too hungover to breathe.” John grumbled, rolling over reluctantly as Y/N sat down cross-legged next to him on his bed. 
“I met this guy at the party last night and I forgot to online stalk him last night so I need to do it now.” Y/N said, and John sighed as he sat up, rubbing his eyes before turning his attention to Y/N. 
“Did you at least get his name?” John said and Y/N nodded eagerly, pulling her phone out of her pocket. 
“Yeah, he said his name was Richie Tozier.” Y/N said and John’s eyes widened as he sat up straighter, looking at Y/N with shock. 
“Y/N do you have any idea who that is?” John said, and Y/N shook her head, giving him a confused look. 
“Remember when I said there was going to be some bigshot comic from LA at the party last night? Well that’s him! Richie ‘Trashmouth’ Tozier! He’s massive right now.” John said, snatching Y/N’s phone and plugging his name into Google as the wheels turned in Y/N’s head. 
“Is this him?” John said, pulling up a photo of him to show to Y/N. She nodded, the pieces starting to fall into place. John let out a sigh, running a hand through his hair. 
“Y/N how the hell are you a comedy writer who doesn’t know one of the biggest names in comedy right now? Honestly woman.” John said, handing Y/N her phone back. Y/N took it graciously and she immediately found Richie’s social media accounts and followed him on Facebook and Twitter.  
“What can I say, I’m ridiculously stupid Johnny. I’ll go make you some breakfast as a thank you for making it very easy to stalk this guy.” Y/N said, ruffling John’s hair before leaving his bedroom with a smile on her face. 
For the rest of the day Y/N was deep in Richie’s social media feeds, and it was so bad that she found a photo of his bedside table on Twitter and immediately found and then bought all the books that were on the table so she could read them. 
As she was in bed that night watching a video from one of Richie’s specials on YouTube, she saw two notifications pop up on her phone. 
Richie Tozier is now friends with you on Facebook
@TrashmouthTozier is following you on Twitter 
The wine is cold
Like the shoulder that I gave you in the street
Cat and mouse for a month or two or three
Now I wake up in the night and watch you breathe 
“Y/N, John, so good to see you guys! Welcome to Saturday Night Live!” It was Y/N and John’s first day as writers for Saturday Night Live and they were both panicking internally as they were being shown around the studio. 
They were shown writing rooms and all the relevant things they needed to know, before their guide told them one final piece of information. “Oh, and the first host you’ll be working with is Richie Tozier. He’ll be here in about 20 minutes to discuss sketch ideas with the team, you guys included. Good luck!” 
Upon hearing this crucial fact Y/N’s eyes widened as she turned to John, who instead was sporting a smug look. “Holy shit, did she just say Richie Tozier? As in Richie from that party a few weeks ago Tozier? As in the guy I am so very into but won’t talk to because I get really anxious?” Y/N was rambling, her words and her breathing getting faster and faster as she started to pace back and forth. 
“Yes, the very same guy.” John said, sitting down at a table as Y/N continued pacing. 
“Fuck! Fuckity fuck fuck fuck! What do I do John? He’s a comic genius and I am just a lowly rat writer.” Y/N said, starting to feel light headed from all the hyperventilation. John sighed, standing up and marching over to his friend. He placed his hands on her shoulders, stopping her in her tracks. 
“Y/N, calm down. You just have to keep it professional for now, and then at the after party on Saturday night or the very early hours of Sunday morning you can get piss drunk and hopefully sleep with him.” John said with a straight face, and Y/N let out a huff. She went to respond, but a familiar voice stopped her. 
“Hey, I wouldn’t happen to be interrupting something, would I?” At the sound of Richie’s voice Y/N spun around, knocking John’s arms off her shoulders in the process. 
“Nope, not at all. You’re all good, Richie.” Y/N said, internally cursing for being so casual with him. Richie just gave John a wave before stepping into the room, closing the door behind him. 
“Please, have a seat.” John said, and Richie obliged. As he walked around to the table he passed by Y/N, stopping to whisper something in her ear. 
“It’s really good to see you again Y/N. I’ve missed you.” 
Y/N felt so comfortable in Richie’s arms, and in her mind there was absolutely nothing like it. They always fell asleep the same way; with Y/N’s head on Richie’s chest, her arm slung across his torso and his arm around her shoulders, pulling her closer to him. 
Some nights Y/N would wake up at around one or two in the morning and just watch Richie for a while before going back to sleep. Tonight was one of those nights. 
She woke slowly, the warmth of Richie’s body almost lulling her back to sleep as she opened her eyes. She took in a deep breath, shifting slightly so she could gaze at Richie without waking him up.  
He always looked so peaceful when he slept. It was something Y/N had noted since the night they first slept together, and she never got tired of seeing her always energetic husband at peace.  
Y/N was almost mesmerised by the gentle rise and fall of his chest, and she couldn’t help but lift a hand to his face and gently stroke his cheek. She felt his body stir slightly, and a gentle smile appeared on her face when she heard him let out a little groan. 
His eyes opened and he smiled almost immediately when he saw Y/N’s eyes staring back at him. “Y/N, why are you up?” He asked, his voice deep and groggy with sleep. 
“Just like watching you sleep, sue me.” Y/N said softly, pecking his lips before resting her forehead against his. 
“You’re a creep, wifey dearest. I love it. I love you.” Richie mumbled, kissing Y/N lightly in between his words. Y/N let out a giggle before dropping her head into the crook of his neck. 
“I love you too, but you should really get some sleep mister. I’ll still be here when you wake up, don’t worry.” Y/N said, melting a little when Richie’s hand came to rest over hers on his cheek. 
“Goodnight Y/N/N.” 
“Night Rich.” 
Kiss me once 'cause you know I had a long night
Kiss me twice 'cause it's gonna be alright 
Three times 'cause I waited my whole life 
Y/N had been working on this sketch for about eight hours and had gotten practically nowhere. She was almost tearing her hair out, having gone through at least ten cups of coffee in the last hour alone. Richie was performing somewhere downtown and John was out with his girlfriend, meaning that Y/N was tired and alone in her apartment. 
She checked her phone to see that it was now verging on one o’clock, and she groaned loudly, both at the time and her lack of progress. She went to put her phone down before seeing a text from Richie, causing her heart to skip a beat. 
Trash Boy: I’m outside with Chinese food, shitty coffee and the potential for a lot of cuddles. Please let me in. I nearly dropped a chow mein writing this.
She let out a relieved laugh, a smile blooming on her face as she raced to the door, pulling it open to reveal her beautiful, wonderful boyfriend. Richie seemed to be drowning in bags so Y/N ushered him in quickly, shutting the door as he unloaded all his bags onto her dining room table. 
“Ok, so I’ve got some fried rice and what I think is satay beef, honestly I have no.” Richie’s words were cut off by Y/N grabbing the sides of his face and pulling him into a deep kiss. His hands quickly found her waist while hers found his hair. When they pulled apart they were breathing heavily, and Y/N let out a chuckle when she noticed his glasses had fogged up slightly. 
“Not that I’m complaining but was there any reason for that?” Richie asked once he had caught his breath, and Y/N chuckled as her head found its way into the crook of Richie’s neck. 
“I’ve had a super long night and then you brought me the food and the coffee even after your show and I just fucking love you so much.” Y/N admitted, and Richie’s eyes widened slightly at the confession. It was the first time either of them had said those words, and it made Y/N look up at her boyfriend with trepidation in her eyes. 
“Rich I’m sorry, I hope this isn’t too soon or anything, but I really do love you.” Y/N said, her voice a lot meeker than it was previously. Richie’s look of surprised melted into one of pure adoration, and he simply leaned down and kissed Y/N, long and hard. 
“I love you too Y/N, so fucking much.” 
I like shiny things, but I'd marry you with paper rings
Uh huh, that's right
Darling, you're the one I want
I hate accidents except when we went from friends to this
Uh huh, that's right
Darling, you're the one I want
In paper rings, in picture frames, in dirty dreams
Oh, you're the one I want 
“Babe, have you seen my good blazer? The grey one!” Richie called out from across the house, causing Y/N to groan in annoyance. 
“Rich I told you it was hanging up in your closet next to your wedding suit, and if you tell me you can’t remember which one that is, so help me God you will get my shoe so far up your ass it isn’t funny.” Y/N hollered, putting her earrings in with a little more force than usual. 
“Found it, thanks babe!” Richie called back, and Y/N rolled her eyes affectionately as she straightened the skirt of her dress. Tonight was the taping of Richie’s most recent special for Netflix, and he wanted Y/N to be there in the front row. 
She looked her outfit over once more before catching a glimpse of the framed photo that sat just outside their bathroom. It was of her and Richie kissing with a disgruntled John next to them, and she gave it a tender look before making her way over to their bedroom, where Richie was trying to psych himself up for the show. Y/N wrapped her arms around his middle from behind, resting her head on his shoulder and pressing a gentle kiss to his neck. 
“You nervous Rich?” She asked and he nodded immediately, taking in a deep but shaky breath. Y/N moved so she was now standing in front of him, her arms still resting securely around his waist. 
“You shouldn’t be, honestly. You are the funniest man I have ever met, and my best friend is John Mulaney. I have so much confidence that you will go out there and make that stage your bitch, Richie, and I will be sitting there right in the front row, watching it all. I couldn’t be prouder of my amazing husband.” Y/N said, lifting one hand to cup her husband’s cheek. She noticed a tear begin to fall and she gently swiped it away, sending him a genuine smile. 
“How did I get so lucky?” Richie said, pulling Y/N into a tight hug. She let out a soft laugh as she hugged him back, rubbing her hands up and down his back. 
“Honestly Rich, you could’ve proposed to me with a paper ring and I would’ve said yes, and you know how much I like my shiny stuff.” Y/N said, and Richie burst out laughing, pressing a kiss to his wife’s temple. 
“Come on, woman of my dreams. We have somewhere to be.” 
In the winter, in the icy outdoor pool
When you jumped in first, I went in too
I'm with you even if it makes me blue 
“Welcome to the Christmas extravaganza, Toziers.” John said, ushering Y/N and Richie into the warm house. Every inch of spare space was covered in Christmas decorations, and the scent of gingerbread and mulled wine was thick in the air. 
“God this is amazing. I’m assuming Anna was responsible for most of the decoration?” Y/N asked, causing John to pull a rather insulted face that made both Y/N and Richie chuckle. 
“I’m hurt, however you would be right there. She’s always been more talented in the design aspect of things. Did you guys want a drink?” John said, and the couple nodded quickly. John laughed to himself as he went to fetch three glasses of mulled wine. 
The amount of mulled wine consumed increased greatly over the course of the night, and by about ten o’clock John, Y/N and Richie were well past it. “Hey Y/N, how much do you bet that Richie will jump in the pool?” John asked, and Y/N let out a laugh of disbelief. 
“There’s no way in hell he’d do that. It’s fucking freezing, right Rich?” Y/N said, turning to look at her husband. Instead of the shock and repulsion she thought she’d see on his face, Y/N instead saw a look of contemplation and deep thought. 
“How much are you offering, Mulaney?” Richie said, and John’s face split into a Cheshire cat grin, much to Y/N’s horror. “I’ll give you fifty if you do it, one hundred if Y/N does it as well.” John said, and Y/N’s eyes went wide as Richie stood straight up, already shedding his jacket and outer shirt. 
“Come on Y/N, it’ll be fun!” Richie said, taking his shoes and base shirt off before unbuckling his belt. Y/N let out a whine of protest, watching as her piss drunk husband stumbled towards the freezing outdoor pool. 
“Richie, don’t you dare!” Y/N shouted, but it was too late. Richie had already jumped in, and even though she knew she’d regret it, she jumped in too.  
Which takes me back
To the color that we painted your brother's wall
Honey, without all the exes, fights, and flaws
We wouldn't be standing here so tall 
Painting was hard work, Y/N had come to realise. When her brother said he needed one of the walls in his apartment re-painted, Y/N had volunteered without even thinking, which is what caused her and Richie to be spending a precious Sunday covered in sweat and blue paint. 
“I can’t believe that instead of staying at home and fucking each other senseless, we are painting your brother’s feature wall. Fantastic.” Richie grumbled, painting the wall with much more aggression than necessary.  
“Easy Tozier. I’m doing this as a favour for my brother, and if you keep complaining there will be no chance of us fucking each other senseless at all today or tonight.” Y/N said sharply, and Richie gave her an annoyed look, sticking his tongue out as a childish gesture of irritation. 
The painting took quite a bit of time, with Y/N and Richie leaving the apartment at around four o’clock. When they got home Y/N was straight in the shower, itching to get the paint off of her skin. 
“You’d better not be having a shower without me, you minx! Wait for me!” 
I want to drive away with you
I want your complications too
I want your dreary Mondays
Wrap your arms around me, baby boy 
“Mrs Tozier?” Y/N walked up to the young stagehand who had called her name, a kind smile on her face. 
“Please, just call me Y/N honey. What do you need?” She said, gently touching the young girl’s arm. 
“Its your husband. He’s really not feeling well, and he asked for me to get you.” Y/N’s face dropped slightly upon hearing that news, but she kept up the smiling front with a little less sincerity than before. 
“Where is he?” Y/N asked, and the stagehand lead her through the back corridors of the venues until she came to a fire exit door. 
“He’s out there.” The girl said before leaving, and Y/N felt confused as she opened the door, though the confusion turned into concern and worry as soon as she saw Richie. He had clearly just vomited and he was shaking like a leaf. 
“Shit, Richie. What happened?” Y/N asked, rushing forward to wrap her arms around the man she loved. His arms snaked around her waist almost instinctively, and she felt him rest his head against her chest. 
“I got a call from home… from Derry.” He breathed out, and Y/N felt all her muscles tense up. She knew Richie didn’t talk much about his childhood or his hometown, but from what she gathered it was not a good place, and clearly the phone call must have brought some stuff up in Richie. 
“Shit. Are you good, babe?” Y/N asked and Richie let out a shaky breath, lifting his head so he could look up at her. 
“I don’t know. I was fine but when I heard Mike tell me he needed me to come back to Derry I just lost it.” Richie said, wiping his mouth with the sleeve of his jacket. 
“Ok well do you still wanna do the show or not, because you don’t really look that red hot, Rich.” Y/N said with concern evident in her voice. 
“No, I’ll still do the show, but we have to go back to Derry as soon as we can after it, ok?” Richie said, an almost pleading tone in his voice. Y/N nodded, kissing the top of his head. 
“All of your problems, all of your shit, you can share it with me. For better or worse, right? And if you need it, I will drive away with you at a moment’s notice. I love you Richie Tozier. Always have and always will.” Y/N said, and when she met Richie’s gaze she was almost overwhelmed with the sheer emotion in his eyes. 
“I will never love someone as much as I love you, Y/N Tozier. You’re my world. Now let go of me so I can go do some kickass comedy.” Y/N chuckled at Richie’s words and obliged, letting go of her husband. 
Though neither one of the couple knew what their trip to Derry would have in stall for them, the sheer love between them was enough for them. 
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liilaac · 4 years
Hi! Can I please request prompt number 97: Shh, you’re safe. I won’t let you go.” Thank you so much!
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Thank you (and @sophiac356 💖) for the request ! You didn’t mention any characters so I just went ahead and wrote it for reddie. 🥴
Ship : YA (18 years old) modern reddie
Warnings : mentions of an abusive relationship
Richie picked up his phone again ; Eddie still hadn’t answered his texts. He tried to focus back on his comic, but he just couldn’t shake the feeling that something was wrong. Eddie was always so punctual... And they were supposed to leave for their summer camp in just a few days ! Richie waited one, two, three hours. His phone stayed silent. When Stan sent him a text, Richie jumped on his phone until he realized it wasn’t from Eddie.
After yet another hour without an answer, Richie decided to go to sleep. He kept his phone underneath his pillow though, just in case...
When he woke up, his alarm clock was showing 2:34am. The rain was so loud that Richie wondered if it would break his window... He took his phone from underneath the pillow ; still no new messages. But, just as he was about to go back to sleep, he heard a big thud outside. It made him sit up. Was it the rain ? Thud, again. It definitely wasn’t the rain.
A bit freaked out but mostly curious, Richie turned his bedside table on and looked around the room. After a third noise, he was pretty sure it came from his window. He opened it and, after he dodge another pebble being thrown his way, he realized Eddie was standing in his back yard, his wet hair dripping down his face.
“Eds, what the fuck are you doing here ?”
“Please let me in,” was the only answer Richie got. Eddie was soaking wet and trembling, he hadn’t even put a jacket on !
Without even hesitating, Richie ran down the stairs to reach the front door. Maybe his parents would hear him, but he knew his mom loved Eddie and wouldn’t mind. When he opened the door, he realized that Eddie wasn’t just drenched because of the rain. He was also crying.
And, before he could say another word, Eddie melted in his arms and started sobbing loudly. Richie hugged him back, squeezed him as hard as he could. He closed the door with his foot.
“What is it ?” he asked in his ear after a long minute. Eddie had partially stopped crying, but he was now breathing really heavily.
“I can’t do it anymore, Rich,” he answered in a single whisper, “I can’t stay with her anymore.”
Understanding the problem was Eddie’s mother -as it often was-, Richie squeezed him a little tighter. After that, he lead him so his room and gave him some dry clothes. Richie couldn’t help but smile when he saw how baggy his shirt looked on Eddie’s lean figure.
“So what happened ?” Richie asked softly once they were both sitting cross-legged on his bed.
“She won’t let me go to camp, Rich.”
“What ?”
“She said she changed her mind, and that it was too dangerous and that you and Bill are bad influenced and that I shouldn’t go. She even took my phone away so I couldn’t call you guys. Oh and you should’ve seen her when she learned that Bev was coming with us, she got so mad. She’s saying you’re all bad for me and that you’ll-“
Eddie was spiraling and Richie could see him fall into one of his panic attacks. His face was still red and swollen because of all his crying and he was beginning to talk faster and faster. Richie leaned forward and grabbed Eddie’s hands in his. His were bigger and he was able to wrap Eddie’s fingers completely in his.
“Shh, you’re safe, Eds. I won’t let you go. I won’t let you go back to her, okay ?”
Eddie looked up, stared right into Richie’s eyes. His gaze was heavy, full of worries and questions without answers... Richie smiled at him, hoping it would convey everything he was feeling. Hoping Eddie would understand how much he was loved, and how Richie would never let him get hurt again.
“What do you mean ?” Eddie asked in a whisper, like he was afraid to ask the question.
“Well, first of all, you’re 18. She can’t control you anymore, Eds. You can’t do whatever you want. You can leave her.”
“And where would I go ?” His voice was sharp, almost cutting. Richie avoided his edge, squeezed his hands again to let him know he was safe.
The answer was fast, evident... and it made Richie blush a little. What if Eddie didn’t want to live with him ? Sure, he wasn’t suggesting that they moved in together... But would Eddie even agree to stay at Richie’s for a few days before their trip ? He felt his heart pound in his chest.
Eddie looked up, his gaze piercing through Richie again. Damn, those big brown eyes really were powerful... He opened his mouth to say something, then closed it. Finally, he just whispered, “Really ?” to which Richie nodded. Eddie sniffed and it looked like he was holding back tears. Richie moved his hands up Eddie’s arms, gently caressing his soft skin as he moved up his body. Finally, he reached his neck and let his fingers linger on Eddie’s jaw for half a second before cradeling his face.
“You’ll always be welcomed here. And safe. And appreciated. Okay ? I... I love you, man. That’s what best friends are for, right ?”
Richie had hoped his declaration of love hadn’t been understood the wrong way -or rather, the right way-. He just wanted to be there for Eddie. And, even if he wanted nothing more than to kiss him as passionately as he could, he settled for the tight hug he got. Eddie was sobbing again, softer this time. He had jumped on Richie and was almost sitting in his lap, his arms crossed behind his neck. He was whispering “thank you” over and over again and Richie felt overwhelmed by the love he felt towards his best friend, by how good it felt to have him this close... What he had said was true : he wouldn’t let him go, he couldn’t.
Just as Eddie stopped sobbing and tried to breathe normally again, a knock came at the door and a tired Maggie Tozier appeared. Her look of surprise quickly turned into furrowed brows of worry when she saw Eddie’s red eyes. Richie gave her a lopsided smile and Eddie did his best to greet her.
“Everything okay ?” she asked softly, not wanting Eddie to feel uncomfortable since he had obviously been crying.
“Yeah, mom. But... would it be okay if Eddie slept here tonight ?”
Maggie smiled at her son, her eyes gentle and full of love. “You already know the answer.” She then turned to Eddie and added, “You’re always welcomed here, Eddie. You know that, right ?”
And Eddie did his best not to start crying again. In a trembling voice, he answered, “Thank you Mrs Tozier.”
She winked and told them she was going to get a blanket and a pillow for him. Meanwhile, Richie forced Eddie to take a cold shower, claiming it would calm him down. It did.
Later that night, comfortably laying under his blanket, Eddie couldn’t help but worry about his mother. He had heard the Tozier’s phone ring and he just knew it was her. He didn’t know if Maggie had answered, but he felt bad anyway. Maybe she would actually come here and drag him back. Of course she knew he was here, where else would he be ? What if she called the police ? Eddie was 18, but he was sure she could still get to him, prevent him from living his life. He was so sure she could...
“Eds, stop thinking about it.”
Richie had interrupted his thoughts. Or maybe he hadeven started talking out loud, he wasn’t sure... Eddie pressed his lips in a tight line and turned his head towards Richie, nodded. All he wanted to do was grab his hand or snuggle up against him. He refrained himself from doing so and, instead, just whispered, “Yeah, thanks.”
“We’ll figure it out tomorrow, alright ?”
And Richie let his hand drop down the side of his bed, falling on top of Eddie’s and lazily interlacing their fingers. Eddie’s heart was beating so hard it almost made his chest hurt. But, before he could even realize it, he was falling into a deep, peaceful sleep.
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jasminehoneytea · 4 years
moonlit ~ r.t
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in which late nights with horror movies lead to cuddling and confessing
mood music: these streets - bastille
the best part of a horror movie is the end. the music plays, the credits roll, and you feel a sense of relief. when the screen fades to black, i snap out of my movie daze. i look over at richie, who is way closer than i remember him being at the start. i’m practically on top of him, his arm is wrapped around me. i lift my head up from his chest, already embarrassed at how clingy i got when i was scared.
“oh, uh, i’ll get off of you now. sorry.” i say, starting to sit up. his arm stays locked around me.
“or you could just stay?” i lift my head to meet his eyes. i can tell he’s searching for a reaction and he licks his hips nervously, reaching his free hand up to run it through his hair (which is somehow curlier than usual. somehow). “if you want to, that is...”
i chew the inside corner of my lip to keep myself from giving him too big of a smile. “do you want me to?”
“i mean, you seemed scared...and i don’t want you cold on the floor and-“
i cut off his rambling as i sit up to gain a little leverage. i place both my hands on his chest, making it look like it’s a reflex, but i can see what it does to him. “richie, you gotta say it.”
his eyes narrow. he looks from me, down to the hands resting on his grey beatles t shirt (i had made fun of him for wearing it several times, he claims he actually likes the band and it’s not just to look cool), back up to me. i cock my eyebrows at him just slightly, i’m on to you. he pauses and all we can hear is the hushed ticking of the alarm clock next to us and buzzing of the little television.
i decide to push him one step further. i reach up to play with one of the longer curls that had fallen in front of his face. my eyes never leave his, until his eyelashes flutter shut and he sighs deeply.
“fine.” he grabs my wrist and pulls it away from his hair, although he doesn’t let go. richie opens his eyes and tries to look annoyed, but we both know he’s far from it: he’s entertained. “i think you should - i want you to - stay here.“ i purse my lips, giving him a look that said because why, richie?
“you’re a tease.” he groans, but continues on. “because...i’m still kinda freaked out from this movie.”
i cock my head. and?
he knows me too well. “and i like...having you...here...with me.”
“aw, such a sap, richie! maybe we should watch horror movies more often, who’d know you’d get all romantic?”
i feel him freeze underneath me. “no, no, jesus, not romantic. i just-“
i roll my eyes playfully and shake my head. “i’m kidding, rich.” i slid back down to regain my place leaning on his shoulder. “so serious.” i mutter.
he stays quiet, which seems out of the ordinary but in reality we’re just tired. i can feel him absentmindedly twirling my hair around his fingers. i drum my fingertips gently on his chest. he leans his head on top of mine after a few minutes of quiet, whispering the softest “is this okay?”
“of course,” i murmur. “why wouldn’t it be?” i snuggle further into him and he doesn’t seem to mind, hand still playing with my hair.
“friends don’t do this.”
“says who?” i glance up at him and pout my lip.
he shakes his head slightly and rolls his eyes at me. “everyone. you’re just weird with your cheek kisses and your cuddling.”
“first of all, you started the cheek kissing thing, not me.” i remark, remembering the moment. we were getting ice cream with richie’s friends a couple summers ago. i had forgotten money so he decided to get me an ice cream cone. he even remembered my favorite flavor and everything. we were sitting on picnic tables outside of the ice cream parlor and when he sat down and gave me the ice cream, i grinned like an idiot. he kissed my cheek, almost like he hadn’t even noticed. apparently he hadn’t, because all his friends teased him about it while i hid my red face in my hand.
“fine, but you continued it!” he grumbles, poking my cheek. i narrow my eyes at him teasingly, knowing neither of us could ever be serious with each other. he chuckles softly and i love that i can study his laugh when i’m next to him.
“i like it when you kiss me.” i say suddenly, instantly regretting the wording of it.
“what?” he murmurs against my hair.
i hold my breath, embarrassed. “sorry. that sounds weird.” my face heats up and although i’m thankful the room is dark, the full moon outside illuminates his face perfectly. i could almost perfectly trace the line where the shadow mets the light
“no...no...” richie kisses the top of my head softly. “it’s cute.”
“flirt.” i jab at his chest.
he rolls his eyes, something he apparently can’t seem to get enough of, and ruffles my hair. “like you weren’t on top of me earlier, twirling my hair around your fingers and everything.” he says.
the corners of my mouth twitch up and i reach around to mess with one of his curls again. “you live for this.”
“i do.”
there’s a long pause, a comfortable silence filled with the sounds of the crickets outside, flickering streetlights, and the occasional car passing by.
even though it was soft and peaceful, richie’s words rang through my ears.
friends don’t do this
it’s all i can think of. what did he mean by it? why didn’t i realize what he meant when he first said it? does he not want to be my friend? do i make him uncomfortable? and it’s too much, i have to ask.
he hums against the top of my head sleepily.
“did you mean it?”
“hmm?” he hums again, sitting up a bit and rubbing underneath his eyes. i feel bad for waking him up as he was finally drifting up off to sleep, but i have to ask him
i take a deep breath. “friends don’t do this.” i murmur. i look up at him and his eyes crinkle with a look of sadness and all i can think is oh god.
he pauses for a long time, carefully crafting his words, which he never does. “i did.”
i inhale sharply and move away from him, about to stand up from the bed and let him kick me out. but his hand that’s around my shoulders holds me tightly and gently pulls me back down. i don’t lean back against him, but his arm still lays around me. “not like that, love.” i can feel tears sting my eyes and all i can do is be embarrassed. i purse my lips and turn my head away from him as my cheeks burn and i blink rapidly. i don’t think i can say anything, there’s a lump in my throat. “look. it’s not what you think...i just...”
he pauses again.
“i don’t want to be friends.” he says. i swear i can hear my heart shatter. then, “not just friends.”
my breath hitches in my throat.
he sighs deeply. “i don’t know if it’s love. but i can’t go much longer pretending like i don’t look at you the way i do. i can’t be with you like this...i-i want something more.” he finishes and i can feel his heart pounding in his chest. i know mine is too, i don’t even bother teasing him.
“yeah?” his voice sounds broken.
i push myself over to him to look him in the eyes. it’s hard to see in the dark but he’s still there, avoiding my gaze.
and then i kiss him.
i kiss him.
i’m kissing richie fucking tozier.
and i love every second of it.
of course, it’s hardly a kiss. it‘s featherlike and it’s over as soon as it started, but i love it. and the second i pull away, richie’s hand snakes up and pulls me back to his lips. he kisses me hard but his lips are so soft, it doesn’t make any sense. i grip his shirt in one hand and slide my other hand up to his cheek. the second i ball his shirt up in my first and tug on it, he sighs softly and pulls away. “you’re fuckin killing me, babe.”
i just grin and giggle as he pulls me back to his lips. he tastes like the cherry slushees that i had brought with me when i snuck into his room. this was an occurrence that happened at least once a week: it was always either richie knocking on my window at two in the morning with slushees in hand or him begging me at the the quarry to bring him seven-eleven and watch movies that night. he had even snuck an old tv from his basement up into his room. god, i couldn’t be happier that i came over tonight.
he draws me out of my thoughts by lightly biting on my bottom lip. i automatically gasp (because holy shit) and he laughs teasingly against me. i didn’t think he’d be such a good kisser. i tell him that and he just laughs.
“there’s a lot you don’t know about me.”
“oh yeah, like what?” it’s impossible. richie and i spend way too much time together to have any secrets from each other.
well, maybe except for the ‘wanting to make out with each other’ one.
“like how i quit smoking because you said you thought it was gross. or how i slip money into your sweatshirt pockets because i feel bad whenever you buy us slushees. or like how i grew my hair out longer because one time you mentioned how you preferred guys who had hair that was just a little long. or like how you mentioned you liked the chronicles of narnia when you were a kid so i read all of them in two weeks. i actually kind of liked them too. or like how-“
“kiss me again.”
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orangejuicegarage · 4 years
4:00 pm on a Friday afternoon, the Losers are 7 for 7 in the clubhouse. Ben pouring over his summer reading, Stan and Mike making a bird watching schedule, Bill scribbling down story notes and passing them to Bev every few minutes just to get them rejected every time.
“What’s wrong with it!?”
No one looks up.
“It doesn’t make any sense!” “What part of an inter-dimensional clown doesn’t make any sense?” “Why does it have to be a homophobe, huh? Are you a homophobe Bill?” “No of course not!”
“I’m right here”, comes Stan’s stern voice from behind. Despite his relaxed posture his eyes stare daggers. “Knock it off, you know I love you.” “Mhmm.” He returns to his conversation with Mike. “Why do you have to do me like that Bev?” “It’s fun,” she replies with a smirk.
“HELLO EARTH TO TRASHMOUTH,” Eddie’s voice cuts through the jovial atmosphere. He sits in the hammock, legs tangled up with Richie’s, comic books in their hands. He kicks his best friend in the shin. “W-what?” Richie jolts to attention. “Switch?” “Oh sorry.” The pair quickly switches comics. Richie is spaced out, looking at his hands almost touching Eddie’s. He misses Eddie’s questioning stare. “I, um, I was just daydreaming about your mom,” he half laughs, the usual playfulness at a low. Eddie swats his leg with the book, “Don’t be gross or I won’t let you borrow my shit anymore.” But Richie isn’t looking at Eddie. He’s looking at Stan who looks at Mike who looks at Ben who looks at Bev who looks at Bill who is super confused. “Am I missing something?” “Yes. Yes, you are honey.” Richie whips his gaze to the redhead. A wordless stare that simply says SHUT. UP.
The peacefulness settles back in.
6:00 pm. Most of the gang has gone home for dinner, leaving Richie and Eddie in the soft golden light filtering in. Eddie is completely involved in his reading; Richie pretends to be. He’s been on the same two pages for the last hour, his attention stolen away each time Eddie laughs or sweeps his hair out of his eyes, his glowing amber eyes that can never hide anything, the direct sun making his long lashes even more prominent as he flicks from panel to panel. And by GOD, whenever he moves his position to better fit against Richie’s, it freezes his heart and sets if aflame at the same time. And Jesus Christ if Eddie keeps tapping his foot on Richie’s thigh he’s going to spontaneously combust.
By this point Richie is pretty much sitting up straight, pushed over by Eddie relaxing more and more into the shared hammock. Richie loves him like this, comfortable and open and himself. The complete opposite of the uptight persona he usually puts on when everyone is together. He likes to think he’s the only one Eddie is like this with.
Then suddenly Eddie’s bare legs are almost completely wrapped around Richie’s and suddenly Richie is hyper aware of how Eddie looks sprawled on top of him and how badly he wants to kiss the boy. So, he does what he knows best. “Hey Eds.” Eddie’s gaze snaps up, his voice more exasperated than sharp, “What?” “You almost done?” “I will be if you leave me alone,” he attempts to start reading again. “You know I can just tell you who shows up and kicks everyone’s asses.” “Don’t you fucking dare!” “It’s –” “No!” Eddie lunges for Richie’s open mouth and covers it with both hands, wriggling free, Richie laughs against Eddie’s grasp and licks his hands. Eddie yanks them away with a screech, “That’s fucking disgusting Tozier! Do you know how many germs are in the human mouth! Where’s my hand sanitizer?” In the split second he looks away Richie is jumping closer, tongue sticking out. “AAghh!” Eddie screams, the two wrestle in the hammock for a sec before spilling on to the dirt floor. “This floor is so disgusting! Get off!” Eddie pulls at Richie’s gaudy shirt, trying to knee him in a soft part. Richie, god help him, is trying to not freeze in this moment and make it as weird as he feels. “You know what’ll make you feel better Eds?” a devil’s grin spreading across his face. “Richie. No.” Before Eddie can let out another protest Richie’s hands are already on him, mercilessly tickling him, starting at his sides and moving to his neck. Eddie squeals at the sensation. But he’s laughing, and that’s all Richie can really ask for. A few minutes of torture later the two of them are still on the floor, both panting from the excessive laughter. Richie’s hands are planted on the dirt beside Eddie’s soft hair, Eddie has one hand on his chest and the other grasping Richie’s shirt. A few light chuckles close out the moment, but quickly a new one arises. One where Richie is looming over Eddie and Eddie is looking into Richie’s eyes with … he doesn’t dare to say … expectation? Richie clears his throat and pushes himself off the ground. Eddie keeps hold of his shirt, so he doesn’t get very far. His eyes get bigger than ever behind his coke bottle glasses. In the smallest voice, but the biggest one he can muster all he can say is, “Eddie?”
“Are you going to keep being a dumbass about this or am I going to have to do it my damn self? In the fog of disbelief, in the worst hybrid of England and Australia, Richie stutters, “Wha-what do you mean good sir?” Idiot. “Jesus Henry Christ.” And with the sweetest words Richie has ever heard, Eddie pulls him down and kisses his stupid boy, and Richie thinks he’s in dream.
The kiss is chaste but long, neither of them know what to do with themselves once their lips touch so they just stay like that for a minute. When they finally part Eddie is as red as a tomato and Richie is frozen in time. After a couple of moments Eddie becomes increasingly annoyed. “Earth do dumbass!” “What just happened?” Richie blinks. Eddie rolls his eyes. He scoots out from under Richie who, on autopilot moves away. He doesn’t register Eddie climbing the ladder out of the clubhouse. Finally he snaps to attention and gasps, “Eddie! Wait!” He scrambles up the ladder, and full on trips getting onto the ground. He frantically looks for the boy who he’s had a crush on for years and who just fucking kissed him on the mouth. A soft snicker comes from behind a tree nearby.
Richie steels his nerves, and strides towards the sound where he finds Eddie, the little shit, leaning on the tree. Smirking. “Took you long enough.” “Am I dreaming?” Eddie sighs a deep, DEEP sigh, “I’m in love with an idiot apparently.” Holy shit, Richie thinks. “Holy shit,” he whispers. Eddie just smiles softer and takes the overgrown boy’s hand. “We’re having meatloaf tonight right?” “Uh huh,” is the most intelligent thing Richie can say at the moment as Eddie leads him out of the woods. “And I’m sleeping over tonight right?” He asks, a sly glint in his eye. Richie jolts at the implications. “Yes please.” He receives a hand squeeze in response.
6:30 pm on a Friday evening and Richie Tozier is in love.
A quick Reddie + Hammock thing I’ve been meaning to write also posted on ao3 : https://archiveofourown.org/works/23795821
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anxiouslymalicious · 4 years
Write Christmas Day 6:
“Have Yourself a Merry (Reddie) Little Christmas”
Request: Can I request a Reddie x daughter reader where it’s their first Christmas together after the avents of IT and Eddie is super anxious and worried that he’ll ruin Richie and readers Christmas? Maybe reader notices this and hugs him, assuring him that he’s only making it better and Eddie just gets so emotional about it? Then Richie joins the hug and it’s one big happy family. Also, one Reddie kiss please. I just need fluff. Lots of fluff. 🥰
A/N: I loved this request so much and I hope I somehow did it justice! If you don’t like it, don’t be afraid to hit me up to redo it! And keep the requests coming!
Eddie felt wrong. It wasn’t that his new family made him feel unloved during this time of the year, but he just didn’t feel like he should be there. It was their time, father-daughter time for the pair that had fought the world-eater together, the pair that had always fought as a duo, but never as a trio. And Eddie felt like his presence might bother them.
He hadn’t closed an eye the night before and was now nervously bouncing his leg, sipping away at his coffee as he sat at the empty kitchen table. It was far too early for anyone to be up just yet, leaving Eddie to enjoy the peace and quiet, hoping to give his anxious little heart some rest.
But the time flew by and soon, Eddie was sipping on his second coffee of the morning and he heard familiar cursing echoing through the hall up until his boyfriend stumbled into the kitchen.
“There you are. Did you throw some last-minute christmas presents under the tree or why are you up so early?” Richie yawned, placing a kiss on Eddie’s cheek.
Eddie shook his head. “Couldn’t sleep.” he finally mumbled back, along with a ‘Merry Christmas’. Richie was fumbling around with pans and pots, pulling the strangest ingredients from the fridge and pantries.
“You alright?” Richie asked, a little confused at Eddie’s rather gloomy reply.
“Yeah, I’m good.” Eddie replied, kissed the back of Richie’s neck as he placed his now empty cup in the sink and left the room. The smaller man hid away in the living room, trying to focus on the news, but he didn’t find any relief. Not as he heard Y/N yell ‘Merry Christmas, bitches!’ through the house, not as the smell of an amazing breakfast wafted back there, not as he heard the sound of the father-daughter duo bickering away in the kitchen, a sound that usually calmed Eddie a lot. Because it sounded like home, like there wasn’t a single worry in their lives. At least for a moment. But this was different.
“Come on, Eddie Spaghetti. Time for breakfast.” Y/N told the man she already considered a father from the doorway. He nodded absent-mindedly and followed her into the kitchen, where a huge breakfast, courtesy of Richie, was waiting to be devoured. The Toziers dug in whereas Eddie felt as though he had lost all appetite.
And his anxiety carried him through the day. The Toziers made sure to include him in every tradition they had, from watching shity christmas movies to battling each other on who can eat the most chocolate. But his behaviour didn’t go unnoticed. Richie kept on making dirty jokes, calling Eddie the weirdest nicknames and teasing the living hell out of him, but nothing seemed to really get the man out of his stupor.
In the late afternoon, Eddie found himself in the kitchen yet again, keeping his distance from the Toziers, hoping not to interfere with any of the traditions the duo had built over the years. He was busying himself with some papers for work when Y/N found him as her father passed out on the couch, sleeping soundly.
With furrowed eyebrows, the girl stepped up to the older man and embraced him. Not a word was spoken, but she felt as Eddie hugged her back tightly, silent tears falling from his eyes onto her shirt.
His crying didn’t remain silent for long though, painful sobs wrecked through him as he let his emotions run free for a bit. Y/N did her best to provide comfort to the man she considered her family, rubbing his back, telling him that everything was alright until his cries ceased.
“Sorry. I’m sorry it’s just a lot. I don’t wanna ruin your Christmas.” Eddie finally said, violently wiping his tears away.
“You’re not ruining anything. You’re making it better by just being here. Why would you think you’re ruining anything?” Y/N was utterly confused.
“I don’t know, I just feel like you two might want to celebrate Christmas as a family. Like you did before we went back to Derry and… things happened.” Eddie subtly touched his cheek where a scar remained from where Bowers had stabbed him.
“You are a part of this family. I have never seen dad this happy with anyone else before. And I feel like I can trust you with anything. You’re a second father to me. I just haven’t called you dad yet because I wasn’t sure if you’re comfortable with that.” Y/n told him honestly, pulling Eddie into another hug.
“Thanks Y/n. I-I’d like that. A lot.”
It wasn’t until later that night, when dinner had passed and none of them could keep their eyes open for long, that Eddie felt left out again. Left out of a joke that he didn’t understand. He noticed the looks Richie and Y/n were casting at each other, smirking and secretive.
Richie was curled up against Eddie, fingers toying with Eddie’s left hand.
“You know, I think a ring would look quite good on this finger.” Richie mumbled, a smirk on his lips. Eddie’s face twisted in confusion.
“You know we can’t afford that right now. Not with the vacation and-“
“Honestly, Eddie, you can be really daft at times.” Y/n giggled as her father slid a ring on Eddie’s finger.”
“Do you want to be the dumb to my dumber? Forever? And maybe be the mother to my daughter?” Richie said in an uncharacteristically soft voice, staring into Eddie’s eyes who was shocked to say the least.
“Did you just call yourself dumber?” Eddie asked before spotting the brightest smile on his lips. “Yes, you dumbass.”
Richie shook his head, a relived chuckle escaped his lips shortly before he pressed his lips into Eddie’s, pouring all his love into it. Eddie kissed back, hands running through Richie’s mop of hair as Richie’s hands cupped his cheeks.
After a for the teen awfully long time, she got up.
“Alright, I’m gonna head out so you guys can continue. Just keep the volume down.” Y/n said, leaving the happy couple alone in the cozy living room.
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yikestripes · 5 years
Turning Tables
authors notes: 
Back with another Richie imagine, because i’m tozier trash (HA!) unfortunately i do write my own material, which is why it’s half baked at best
shoutout to my best friend for the inspiration for this one
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“Rich, you comin?” Richie mumbled a response, not exactly listening. He was lost deep in his thoughts, all of which pertain to you. Not that you knew of course, that was one secret it seemed Richie Tozier would never tell.
“Come on, R-r-richie. I p-promise, s-s-she feels the same w-way! She was t-telling me just l-l-last week t-that you’ve b-b-be-been distant, she was w-w-wondering what she did wrong.” Richie refused to meet Bill’s eyes.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, dude. I don’t feel any certain way about her,” Richie hesitated, hoping Bill wouldn’t catch the insecurity in his voice.
You were gorgeous, especially in Richie’s eyes. You were kind, caring, enough to make any guy go crazy. Which they did, always. Every new boy you dated, every person to walk you from your locker to class, made Richie’s blood boil. His excuse always ran along the same lines, “He isn’t good enough for you, you’re way out of his league. He’s such a douchebag, why’re you even with him? You can do so much better!” As all the Losers got older, it quickly began to dawn on them what kind of game Richie was trying to play.
“Come on, (Y/N)! I promise it isn’t as scary as it looks.” Richie grinned as you looked over the edge of the cliff, leading to the bright blue water below.
“I don’t know, Richie. I really don’t like heights- or falling.” You said, nervousness lacing your voice.
“Do you want me to jump with you?” Richie extended his hand, and you took it gratefully.
“On 3….”
“ 2,1! Close your eyes!” Richie took off, pulling you off the edge with him, flying into nothingness.
You hit the water with a loud splash and resurfaced to find Richie smiling at you, wide.
“See! I told you you could do it!” You blushed a little bit, feeling your hand still in Richie’s, under the water.
He seemed to realize at the same time as you, and ripped his hand away.
“You do realize you can’t do this to her forever, right? She’s gonna get frustrated, man.” Bill bore holes into the back of Richie’s head as he stared off in a different direction.
“Who even cares, Bill? She can have anyone she wants! She doesn’t want some loser like me,” Richie paused. He couldn’t have this debate again. He had it enough in his own head, let alone out loud with one of his best friends.
The rock in Richie’s stomach seemed to weigh heavier today, the closer he and Bill got to the quarry. Tension had never been so high with you before, so Richie was even more stressed out than usual, especially since he knew he would be seeing you in your bathing suit.
When they’d gotten there, you were sunbathing on a rock, presumably waiting for the rest of the Losers to show up. You were always first to the quarry, because it was one of your favorite peaceful spots for thinking. Since it overlooked sky blue water, and was the optimal place to sunbathe and just feel the sun on your skin, you were consistently at ease being at the quarry. It was your sacred spot.
Originally, it had been yours AND Richie’s, but as you two grew apart, he stopped showing up. You usually came here when you couldn’t sleep at night, and staring at the night sky helped you to sort out your thoughts. It made you feel as if you were so small in the big wide world, that your problems could be sorted out much easier than if the world seemed so small. Richie could almost always find you out here, wearing one of his sweatshirts, in your pajamas. You would talk about anything and everything, from your day at school to how his parents were never home, and what he was going to do. Where he was going to go, what was life outside of Derry like? You almost never talked about the encounter with It last summer, it was too traumatic, even a year later. The worst part was that one of the terrible images It conjured up for Richie, was you. Dead. Richie refused to talk about it, even after you were the first to find him. Somehow he’d gotten separated from the rest of the group, and kept calling out to you.
Lo and behold, he found your body amidst some garbage in one of It’s caves. His stomach jumped into his throat and tears slipped down his face as he stared.
“(Y/N)?” Richie’s voice cracked as he dropped to his knees, about to throw up. “(Y/N)!”
Richie reached out to caress your cold cheek when your supposedly dead body sat up, and maniacally grinned at him.
“Hiya, Richie!” You said in a voice not your own. Richie fell back with his eyes wide, as you slowly stood up. “Miss me?” You laughed, something inhumane.
“Wh-what? I thought y-y-you were d-d-”
“Dead?” Yeah! You left me behind, Richie. Why didn’t you save me, Richie?” You frowned. “You were supposed to be my savior. Why did you let me die?”
Richie was full out sobbing now, and kept backing up until he felt his back hit the wall of the cave behind him, as your likeness approached. Distantly, he heard someone screaming his name, and when he looked back to where you came from, no one was there. Richie hugged his knees and wept until you found him, scaring the living shit out of him, causing him to sob louder and harder.
“Rich, it’s okay, I'm right here! I’m fine, it’s okay.” His eyes were red and puffy by the time the rest of the Losers found you, and no one asked questions. They all had an idea of what happened, since Richie wouldn’t let you more than 5 feet from him the rest of the battle.
“Hey guys!” You said brightly, lifting your sunglasses into your hair. Richie gave a half baked grin as he went to set his backpack down, and Bill smiled.
“Are Stan and Eds taking their time again?” Bev asked, coming out from behind a tree.
“They’re probably taking turns sanitizing each other in between layers of sunscreen,” You said, making Richie laugh.
“Wow, (Y/N) gets off a good one!” Richie said in between bouts of laughter.
You smiled proudly, despite feeling a knot form in your stomach. Making Richie laugh was hard to do on it’s own, but unfortunately, you couldn’t bask in your success for long. Once the others finally got there, you were planning on taking a spare moment to pull Richie aside, and see what the hell was going on with him.
For about the last month, he’d been avoiding you entirely. It started slow at first, making excuses as to why he couldn’t hang out. He was sick, he wasn’t feeling well. He had too much homework. His dad asked him to mow the lawn.
As the excuses became more common, and Richie became more quiet around you, you really started to notice something wasn’t right.
Was he mad at you? Had you upset him somehow, and you didn’t even know? Or did he not want to be your friend anymore, but had to because of the rest of the losers?
This weirdness had been going on for about a month, and you were quickly getting frustrated with it. You decided it was now or never; you would finally confess your feelings to him.
Stan and Eddie showed up about 15 minutes later with Mike and Ben in tow, and it was FINALLY time to get the party started.
You took turns chicken fighting one another, you on Richie’s shoulders, and then Eddie on yours. You were the reigning champion, having the most total knock-offs.
“Woah, you’re really strong!” Richie remarked, shaking out his wet hair like a dog when he resurfaced. Richie ran a hand through his wet curls and headed towards the shore.
“Hey, can we talk really quick?” You asked, swimming after him.
“Sure. What’s up?” Richie asked, making eye contact with Bill, who gave him a look before throwing an arm around Bev’s shoulders.
“I meant privately.” Your eyes hardened slightly.
“Oh. Uh, yeah. Lead the way.” He reached up to rub the back of his neck, an awkward tension had settled in the air.
You walked in the direction of the bonfire area, a ways away from the Losers in the water. They pretended not to notice you disappear, sharing one common thought.
“Why have you been avoiding me?” You asked.
Richie refused to make eye contact with you, picking at his cuticles instead.
“I don’t know.” He mumbled.
“What do you mean, “you don’t know”? You’ve literally been avoiding me for a month. You have to leave when I show up, you won’t return my phone calls, and you haven’t come to the cliff in weeks! What did I do, are you mad at me for some reason? Did I upset you somehow?”
“I mean I don’t know! I just can’t be in the same room with you sometimes, it’s like torture!” He snapped.
“What do you mean it’s torture? We were best friends 2 months ago, what the fuck happened?” Hot tears were streaming down your face as your voice cracked, giving way to your anger and sadness. Richie took a shaky breath to steady his voice.
“Fuck, alright. Listen, (Y/N), I have to tell you something. I-i wasn’t sure how to tell you, and I really didn’t realize how long I’d been fucking lying to myself until a few years ago.”
You raised an eyebrow.
“Fuck it. I-i don’t know how to say this, other than to just say it. I’ve been fucking in love with you since we were little kids.” Richie said quietly as tears spilled down his cheeks, still refusing to meet your eyes.
Your eyes widened.
“You what?” Your breath hitched in your throat.
“I was so afraid to tell you because I thought it was going to ruin our friendship and like you mean so much to me that I didn’t want to make things weir-”
You cut Richie off by crashing your lips onto his, so soft and familiar, but fireworks and your own heartbeat echoing in your ears all at the same time.
“Richie Tozier, you idiot, I’ve been waiting to hear you say that for 10 years.”
Richie’s eyes scanned your face for any sort of hint at a joke, or waiting to wake up from another sick Pennywise-induced nightmare.
“I didn’t realize it until recently, how much I loved you growing up. I never knew how to talk to you about it or bring it up, I didn’t want to make things weird between us. You were my best friend and I couldn’t bear the thought of losing you, especially because of something as stupid as me.”
You gave him a small smile, and kissed the corner of his mouth.
“Hey, don’t say that. You’ll never lose me.”
Richie broke out into a huge grin.
You raised your eyebrows as he kissed you again.
“Doing that is NOT gonna get old.”
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almondmilkygay · 4 years
Reddie; Isolation.
Richard Tozier had been in and out of various hospitals for the majority of his childhood, slowly transitioning into his teenage-hood. His condition was described as terminal - a phrase of with Richie didn't understand. He longed more than anything for his pain to be over. Whether this was through the form of a miracle, or his death - he didn't mind. When describing these feelings to his mother, she was distraught. And so, among the tumultuous amount of doctors and nurses came a psychologist, and a therapist. They barely helped however, and merely prescribed Richie to a diary, in which he would submit a daily entry - in an attempt to let some of his emotions out. Richie couldn't have seen true love if it had stared him in the face, and one day it did.
Eddie's trip to the hospital was in a whirlwind of emotion and colour. One moment he was confessing his biggest secret to his mother, and the next she was collapsed onto her knees - sobbing aggressively. Then then, through loud sirens and bright flashing lights, Eddie found himself in a hospital bed. Crisp white bed sheets were pulled tightly over his petite figure. His vision was slightly impaired, and he could barely make out who was lying in the neighbouring beds.
"Hey," A voice chuckled beside him, before stopping abruptly and muttering, "Welcome to hell,"
"God?" Eddie replied back snidely as the voice let out another laugh before letting out an audible wince. As Eddie's vision reappeared, he looked from his right (to an old man who was clearly unconscious) and then to his left. A boy, tall and lanky lay in the bed - less pristine than Eddie's. A wide pair of glasses were propped against his nose, reflecting his eyes back drastically huge. His curly ravenette locks flopped over his eyes, as he pushed it away clumsily. In a word, he was pretty. Weak and fragile, but pretty nonetheless.
"Why can't you laugh?" Eddie asked softly, propping himself up onto his arm and giving his fullattention the mysterious boy in the neighbouring bed to him.
"It's my condition," he said, weakly, "What're you in for?" He finished, mimicking a prisoner. Eddie chuckled, and Richie glowed.
"Just woke up here, maybe for my phobia of germs - but who would go to that extent?" Eddie said wistfully.
"Ah I see," Richie said, struggling as he stretched his hand across the beds, "I'm Richie,"
Eddie looked at the hand and shook his head gently, which Richie laughed at before groaning slightly and retracting his hand.
"Eddie," He said, gesturing to himself. Richie nodded, lying slowly back into his bed and sinking into the plump pillow below is head.
"What do you mean by hell?" Eddie asked softly, after a few moments of silence.
"I've been here my whole life. Like the opposite of a miracle," Richie whispered, "If it wasn't here, it was the next one, if not there - the next. I just want this shit to be over, to be honest,"
Eddies insides turned to mush inside of him in sadness and sorrow for the vulnerable boy in the neighbouring bed.
"Mh, I'm sorry," Eddie muttered.
"It's alright, 'specially when cuties like you get sick," Richie said smoothly, to which Eddie choked on his own saliva. Richie had read his sexuality like a book, and a small one at that.
"Mh," Was all that Eddie could utter, sinking into the bed below him.
"People don't compliment you much, do they Ed's?"
Eddie shook his head, blushing profusely.
"Who are your friends, anyways? I might know them,"
"You've been confided to a hospital bed your whole life," Eddie snorted.
"Family friends, Ed's," Richie said, feigning his exasperation as Eddie tutted, "The Denbrough Family are my bitches,"
"Wait, Bill Denbrough?"
"Stuttering Bill, the one and only,"
"He's like my best friend," Eddie laughed, "Fuckin' Bowers gave him that nickname,"
"Ah, Henry Bowers. The downfall of my childhood as I knew it. That prick still not thrown in Juvie yet?"
Eddie shook his head, wide smile spreading across his face.
"Sadly, a negative,"
"Mh," Richie let out a breath before saying, "Where's your mommy, Eddie Bear?"
Eddie spat out the water he had been sipping on silently.
"How in the hell do you know about that?"
"Mommy wouldn't stop yelling," Richie explained, "'Don't worry Eddie Bear! Mommy's here! Mommy's always here!'"
Eddie snorted at the shitty impression.
"She is always there," Eddie said, "Oh, and shut the fuck up Einstein,"
Richie laughed, and his pain was numbed. His insides felt like mush. Not the bad kind, however, not the kind his illness made him feel - but a good mush. Like Jello - as he would write later on in his diary.
"Whatcha' writing?" Eddie whined playfully.
"Diary or some shit - therapist gave it to me,"
"Aw shucks, that's a bit sweet,"
"More like chucks, I ain't some sexually confused tween,"
"I beg of you to stop talking," Richie said softly, turning back to the diary. Eddie shushed , closing his eyes and eventually falling into a deep slumber. He woke peacefully the next morning, as the sound of a gentle chattering filled the hospital ward, and the sun bounced off of his face.
"Mornin', sunshine," Richie chuckled wheezily, "Best seat in the house,"
"Far out," Eddie moaned, throwing his pillow over his head - shielding himself from the blindingly bright sun.
"Richard?" A skeptical nurse said, in a feigned gentle voice. Eddie lowered the pillow a little, in fear.
"Just Richie, ma'am," He replied quietly.
"Richard, it's time for your injections," She said as another nurse snapped he curtains back quickly. Richie didn't say another word as he was shielded from Eddie's view. A mere, painful hiss could be heard from behind the baby blue curtains - before they were shunned back quickly, leaving Richie clutching at the inside of his arm, eyes glazed over with tears.
"You okay, 'Chee?" Eddie asked softly. Richie nodded in silence.
"Same thing as every day, needles man - I'll never get used to them," He sighed, "And, 'Chee?" He finished, grinning from ear to ear and facing Eddie now - letting go of his sore arm.
"It's cute, do not dare judge me,"
"You're cute," Richie muttered, smiling maliciously as Eddie turned a subtle shade of crimson, "Don't even try and hide your red ass face, Ed's - you know you love me,"
Eddie stared at him, wide eyed.
"Jus' pulling your leg, Ed's. Your face is a damn chuckalicious,"
"Shut up," Eddie giggled, covering his cheeks, "What is it with you n' that word? It's not even a word,"
Eddie was downright thankful for the change in subject, letting his cheeks return to their usual tan shade.
"Watch it become a word when we play Scrabble, though," Richie pointed out, to which Eddie frowned.
"When are we playing Scrabble, 'Chee?"
"This evening, my bed. Why, you got somewhere to be?" Richie feigned a pout before chuckling heartily and clutching his stomach.
"Fine, sook,"
"You," Richie said loudly in retaliation, before being shushed by an embarrassed Eddie, "Dumbass," He finished in a lowered voice. Eddie laughed - his trip to the hospital had not been too bad, indeed. As they finished their jokes, Richie's therapist entered the room - wooden clipboard clutched in her hand.
"It's Richie, Miss,"
"Richie, time for your therapy session,"
"I'm okay, I promise Ma'am," Richie attempted to reassure her as she kneeled by the side of his bed.
"Just a check, honey," She said softly, to which Richie gave a little nod.
"Can we.. close the curtains?" Richie shifted in his bed slightly. The woman nodded and shunned them close - Eddie and Richie's eye contact being broken for the first time in minutes.
The woman and the boy spoke indistinctly for many minutes - hours, as it felt to Eddie. The curtains were finally shunned open again and the woman thanked Richie briskly, gave Eddie a small smile before departing.
"Hey, Rich?"
"Yes, M'Lord?"
"You never actually told me your condition," Eddie pointed out, "You're not allergic to laughter, are you?"
Richie shook his head.
"My bones are like brittle - like, really fragile. They're decaying over time. With my organs and shit. Started when I was younger and has spread ever since, I guess. I take pain meds and shots but they just slow the process,"
Eddie's heart broke in two.
"Holy.. shit," Eddie said finally. Unaware of it, tears were flowing down his face.
"Ed's, you're uh - crying,"
Eddie touched his face as his fingertips came back wet.
"Mh, fuck," He said, dabbing his face with the duvet cover. The tears continued to flow, and finally - a sob made its way out of Eddie's throat.
"Eddie, I'm fine - really," Richie tried to reassure him, wanting nothing more than to hold the shaking boy beside him. Wanting to hold him, press kisses against his head and lips-
Richie's breath stopped as the truth dawned upon him. Of course he would fall for somebody who he couldn't be with. Someone (according to Richie) out of his league by miles.
The days went on - and so did the relentlessly brutal and competitive games of Scrabble. It all fell apart one day, when a clipboard was turned upside down, in perfect view for a bored Richie Tozier to read. A small post-it-note sat, attached to the bottom of the clipboard. A small scrawled message was written precariously on it.
Sonia Kaspbrak states he is ill for being attracted to boys - agree and take cheque.
Richie's breath hitched. Eddie was sound asleep, and in a peaceful oblivion. Richie's heart ached with decision. Continue lying to the boy whom of which he had fallen for, or tell him the truth and possibly lose him forever. He lay back in his bed, dabbling the thoughts in his mind. Eddie woke eventually, gently. He sat up a little and immediately sensed Richie's discomfort. The clipboard had since been taken away by a doctor, who received glares from Richie.
"Rich, what's wrong?"
A lump in Richie's throat formed, and he pushed it down with an audible gulp.
"Mh, Ed's," Richie began, "You're perfectly healthy,"
"Excuse me?"
"The hospital, your illness - it's bullshit, Ed's. It's all bullshit,"
Eddie wiped sleep from his eyes before shooting a glare at Richie.
"You're bullshit, fucker,"
"I'm not kidding, Ed's,"
"Do not fucking call me that," Eddie spat, suddenly wounded.
"Look," Richie sat calmly, "Your mother payed these guys - bribed them, to keep you here because.."
His voice trailed of slightly.
"Because what?"
"Because you like dudes, Eddie!" Richie spoke clearly. The use of Eddie's real voice pained him, but he would have never showed it. As Eddie was preparing to retaliate, a nurse returned back to the foot of his bed.
"Excuse me, Miss?" Eddie asked, feigning sweetness. Richie rolled his eyes, but couldn't get enough of Eddie's voice.
"Yes, dear?"
"Is it true I'm perfectly healthy?" He asked quietly, fiddling with the duvet cover. The woman didn't say a word. Instead, she called over a doctor and had a quiet conversation with him.
"Edward," The doctor spoke, "You have to remain in the confines of the hospital, upon your mother's orders,"
Richie watched as tears began to well up in Eddie's eyes. He wanted to hold him, for the millionth time that day. Eddie shook his head, attempting to stand from the bed. The doctor placed a hand on his small wrist quickly. In a single movement, Eddie had slammed his left fist into the doctor's nose and sprinted out of the hospital ward - giving a fleeting, desperate look at Richie before disappearing in a flash. Richie sat still, his heart skipping a beat.
Months passed, and not a word nor sight from Eddie. Richie had begun to forget him. But the thought of him or the sound of his name hurt him more than his illness ever did. One day, a few days from his birthday - he was met by a strangely familiar sight. A petite boy stood at the foot of his bed. His rosy cheeks and honey brown hair glowed with the reflection of the sun in the hospital ward. Freckles were painted across his nose and cheeks, and his hazel eyes sparkled.
Richie practically fell in love all over again as Eddie stood at the foot of his bed.
"Ed's-" Richie began, before his face was smashed together with Eddie's. He immediately sunk into the kiss, and only began to pull away as he realised Eddie was standing in front of him.
"H-Holy fuck," He hiccoughed suddenly, as Eddie began chortling.
"I missed you, 'Chee," Eddie said, wide smile across his face. Richie couldn't say a word, instead sat stock still - face a glowing red. Eddie sat down on the bed and took Richie's head in his hand.
"I had to see you one last time," Eddie said gently, taking advantage of the silence, "I'm getting out of this shit hole, 'Chee!"
"Please don't leave me, Ed's," Richie managed to spit, before tears began to flow down his face. Eddie shook his head, as tears began to flow down his own face.
"Fuck.. 'Chee. You know I can't stay," Eddie chuckled slightly, despite the tears.
"I don't want to fuckin' die alone,"
"You're not going to die, 'Chee,"
"Who're you kidding, Ed's - look at me!" Richie said, weakly gesturing to his vulnerable figure, "I'm going to die, and I-I love you..”
"I don't want to watch you die, 'Chee," Eddie sighed gently, "I have to go,"
"You don't have to do anything," Richie finally said, before closing his eyes and stopping the flow of tears. He felt as Eddie pressed a kiss onto his forehead, down to his nose and finally his lips. Richie tried his best to not lean into the kiss, but ended up doing so - his hand resting on Eddie's cheek before Eddie pulled away, letting Richie's hand fall.
Years have passed since the two had their last conversation. Eddie left, contrary to Richie's belief. He came back months later, but it was all too late. Richie had passed, and buried in the nearby graveyard. Eddie still dwells upon their late night Scrabble sessions. He still dwells on the nicknames, sarcasm and jokes. The pain within the laughs, all that Eddie feels. Eddie's first, and only love. The love that would remain inside of his heart for centuries to come. The grave - littered with rose petals and flowers, all courtesy of Eddie. The sweet gifts that Eddie gives to Richie. The place he goes alone, always alone. Eddie never had the chance to say four simple words, four words that - for all Eddie knows, could've saved Richie's life.
"I love you too,"
With the second thoughtful;
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tr4shmouth-tozi3r · 5 years
‘you have no idea how much I’ve missed you’ - richie tozier x reader
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requested: yes and you didn’t say whether you wanted an adult!richie or not so I decided a teen!richie reuniting with reader would be super cute, cause he’s just so adorable as a teen🥺
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summary: Ever since that fateful summer that you and your friends had spent fighting a sinister demon disguised as a killer clown, you had always felt super uneasy about your hometown. The more time you could spend outside of that place, the more at peace your mind had become. You started spending every summer after that in California, visiting your grandparents. It helped, but god it devastated Richie to see you leave for 2 and a half long months out of the year. It was 2 and a half months he had to spend without you, missing you, wishing you were still there. He always welcomed you back dramatically, as if he hadn’t seen you in years and you loved how adorable your boyfriend was. You had no idea it was actually hurting him to be away from you. It’s been 3 summers since everything happened so it was your 3rd summer at your grandparents, but this summer when you come home, you realize just how much he really missed you while you were gone.
pairing: richie tozier x reader
warnings: fluff, swearing, a bit of angst I guess.
The excitement coursing through your body was something unexplainable. You dreaded coming back to this place at the end of the summer now, but the people you were anxiously waiting to see made it all worth it. You had made a little family outside of your family and you loved them with all your heart, but after the events that took place in the summer of 89’ it slowly took a toll on you. You were pushing 17 and your depression and anxiety had slowly deepened over the passed few years.
You loved your friends; your little family. You loved your real family, too, but Pennywise left a nasty scar and the trauma never quite cleared up. You had already had some issues with depression around the time that you encountered Pennywise, but after what he put you and your friends through, you had gotten worse. The anxiety came after and the rest is pretty self-explanatory.
Only one person out of everyone was the complete and true source of your happiness. Everyone in your life made you happy, but Richie made you happy and made you forget everything when you were with him. He took you away from your own scary thoughts and soothed you like something you hadn’t felt in years.
He was your nepenthe.
Nepenthe—(noun) An ancient greek word defined as a medicine for sorrow. It is a place, person or thing, which can aid in forgetting your pain and suffering. 
He made you forget when you were wrapped up in his arms and he was doing his ridiculously corny British accent, spewing cheesy pick-up lines at you and also muttering some very sexual things in your ear, making you blush every time he did. He loved to tease you and get you bothered. You saw nothing but big, brown orbs magnified by the thick-rimmed spectacles on his face and a shit eating grin sprawled across his features. You felt like the piece of you that you lost was somewhere inside of Richie and whenever you were with him he was filling that empty part of you again. You loved him and he definitely loved you, too.
When you started to need your time away, he had protested profusely, telling you there was a better way to cope and to deal with everything, a way that wouldn’t mean leaving him for two and half months. You loved how much he wanted you to stay, but you knew you needed time away from Derry. He hated that you were right and eventually he gave up and accepted that you needed to do what you felt was best. He tried to support you as much as he could and he’d never admit it, but goddamn did it hurt to let you go for that long. He knew you would always come back, but it didn’t hurt any less. He could barely enjoy his summers anymore without you by his side. Now it was him who felt empty.
You smiled to yourself as the car came to a halt outside of your house. Your friends were all gathered outside on your lawn, holding a sloppily made sign that read ‘Welcome Home, y/n!’. You smiled wider than ever. Being away from the people you loved most for two and a half months did start to get to you. You missed those hot summer days at the quarry listening to the boys bicker about who would jump first while you and Bev laughed at them and their nervousness, pushing them out of the way and interlocking hands as you jumped together. As many times as you’d done it, Richie would always blurt out his usual string of profanities and yap on and on about how there was no way he was letting a couple of badass girls show him up. He always was the third to jump. There was only one summer that all 8 of you had spent together, but you missed it.
With your happy thoughts came the scary and unforgettable thoughts and they always lurked not far behind. You hated that.
“y/n!” Beverly screamed as she engulfed you into a huge hug, twirling around on the sidewalk as you clung to her.
“Bev, I’ve missed you!” She set you down and smiled at you. Your eyes shot up to the rest of your friends who were greeting you eagerly and you noticed Richie sitting up on your porch steps. He stood up as he saw you, a soft and unreadable expression on his face. You let your eyes settle on him as you told your friends you needed a minute to talk to him. They all nodded and let you go.
“Hey, stranger.” You looped your thumbs through the belt loops of your jeans and smiled down at him, but your face fell when he looked up at you, tears welling in his eyes.
“God, I must look like an idiot, fuck..” His hand shot up and underneath his glasses, pressing into the corners of his eyes and trying to let the built up tears pass unnoticed, but you had seen them and he knew. He sniffled and laughed bitter sweetly, “I’m sorry, usually this is how I say goodbye, you know, tears and all that sappy shit. I don’t know what it is,” His eyes danced across your face, “I just.. fuck, I’ve just missed you so much and you’re back and I’m so happy. I’m so happy I’m crying, what in the hell are you doing to me, woman?” He took his glasses off and tucked them over the collar of his shirt. You felt tears sting the corner of your eyes as well and his tears started to fall at the sight of you crying.
“Richie..” You smiled at him, your hand cupping his face and your thumb brushing his tears away, “God you make it so hard to leave and now you make it so hard to stay in a way. Are we gonna cry like this every time I come home? I think my heart might explode from the sweetness if we do.” You giggled and he laughed slightly, trying to stop the tears that were coming, but he couldn’t.
It just felt so unreal to him, every time you left he felt like you were gone for two years, twenty years, an eternity. He felt like he was seeing you for the first time in decades, like you had to travel to him from the other side of the world on foot and he wasn’t sure if he’d ever see you again. But he knew he would and he hated how ridiculous he seemed for feeling how he did, but he couldn’t help it. You can never help it when you’re in love.
“You have no idea how much I’ve missed you.” He spoke through his tears and he leaned into you, sobbing into your chest and looking up at you to kiss you in a frenzy, his hands running along your arms and your back and down to your waist. You were finally back home and finally back in his arms and holy shit did it feel good. He felt his heart soar as he came undone and savored you even though you’d just come home. It all came and went too fast, lately. Before he knew it, you’d be saying your goodbyes again and he dreaded the thought.
He wished so badly that he could keep you wrapped up in his arms forever and never let you go, but nothing was ever that easy.
You felt yourself melt into his touch and your lips moved against his just as quickly. You never knew Richie’s feelings about your summer trips were this intense. You didn’t realize that maybe you were his peace and when you would leave, he didn’t have that peace for a long two and half months out of the year now.
Your tears and his tears mingled together as your faces touched and slid passed you and his lips and the saltiness hit your tongue and you didn’t care. The kiss was sloppy and needy and he was telling you how much he’d missed you, but with his mouth. You felt like you were flying, like no one else was there but you and Richie. You understood and you didn’t care if he could be overdramatic. You finally understood that what you find in California at your grandparents, Richie finds in you.
“I love you, I missed your lips.” You breathed against his mouth after you both had pulled apart for air.
“I love you more and I missed all of you, sweetcheeks.” He let his lips ghost over yours for a moment before pressing them against yours again, but this time it was slow and loving and he wanted you to feel how much he loved you, “Just wait until tonight when I stay over. We aren’t sleeping.” He let his hot breath hit your cheek as he whispered in your ear and squeezed your hips in each of his hands.
You threw your head back and laughed, feeling the heat rise into your cheeks, “You’re lucky there’s still a few days left of summer, wouldn’t want you sending me back to school exhausted, now would we?” You teased back and he smirked at you.
“God must really exist, because there’s no way in hell you didn’t come straight from the heaven gates, I swear. I prayed for someone like you to come along and fuck, I never thought it would work, but look where we are? I got my angel.” He placed kisses along your jawline as he spoke half-jokingly to you.
“Richie Tozier, you are such a cornball.” You laughed loudly as he swooped you up in his arms and started running down your porch steps.
“Yes, but you love it!” He screamed proudly before he suddenly realized he hadn’t put his glasses back on and he was totally running across your lawn with you thrown over his shoulder and no sight.
You felt your butt hit the ground below you and you looked down to see Richie face first in the dirt and you and you friends all laughed in unison.
“Rich, careful, you’re supposed to throw her onto the bed, not the lawn.” Bev joked and Richie’s face went red. He was definitely embarrassed.
It was in this moment, you realized how much Richie Tozier really missed you for the two and half months you’d been gone again. He wrapped his arm around you as he buried his face into your leg and he stayed there sprawled out on the lawn for a second. And it was in this moment that you realized he didn’t just miss you, he needed you. You were his peace.
I don’t know what this was, I feel like I had a specific destination when I started this earlier but it ended up somewhere else and it was sssSUpERRRR SAPPY AND FLUFFY AND UGHHH
It was also a bit short sorry lol I hope you all enjoyed it(:
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