#Just quietly sipping it while watching outside
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Honka' Honka'
(Boothill x Fem!Reader)
cw-: sweet AF Boothill, clingy Boothill, suggestive a bit, mentions of groping
HC: Boothill's the type a guy to grab your ass and go "honka' honka'"
🎀 authorsnote: I got this head cannon from @edens-sovereign and was given permission to use it!
please don't steal my work!
Taglist🎀HSR Master List🎀Other Lists🎀
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It's a gorgeous night aboard The Astral Express...
March 7th is dancing in her room to random music videos she'll definitely pester you with tomorrow. You'll never admit it but secretly you love when she shows you them.
Dan Heng is locked in his room peacefully working on the archives as always. Listening to records on a cute record player you gave him.
Himeko and Welt are sipping on sleep tea in the parlor car as they chat quietly. Trying to fall asleep eventually.
The Trailblazer is in his room, the only one sleeping. Doors locked up and fan on. (YES I SLEEP WITH A FAN 😭)
...yet in your room? While you're TRYING your best to get some sleep...your boyfriend won't stop bugging you.
Boothill wouldn't stop moving and squirming tonight. Wrapping his arms around you, trying to lay on top of you, letting go and sprawling out on the bed taking up your space, hanging off the side of the bed, and to make matters worse...whining...
Finally he sits up and groans deeply.
"It's too fudgin hot!" He whines, pouting as he pokes at your side.
"Seriously?" You sigh as your eyes flutter open. Sitting up as well and glaring at him. "And what do you want me to do about it?" You rub at the space in between your eyebrows.
"...could I have a drink or somethin'...?" He shrugs.
"Right now? Are you kidding me?" You sigh and fold your arms at the cowboy. He scooches closer and wraps his arms around you, kissing your cheek.
Boothill nods, still embracing you in his metals arms as tight as possible. You notice his expression being a bit flustered as he looks directly at you, slightly pouting again.
"Yeah, I've been thinkin' 'bout it for a bit now!" He whines in your ear as he tries to hold back his urge to move around more, but his metal twitches slightly from his legs and up to his arm
"And 's gettin' worse the more I look at ya...."
"Yeah...ok mister sweet talker... you're just trying to get me to get up and grab it for you..." You huff before looking away.
You can feel his eyes boreing into the back of your head and you bite your bottom lip. Letting out a defeated groan you turn your head back to him.
"Fine..." You sigh softly as you get out of bed and leave the room, turning down the hallway towards the Expresses kitchen to grab something for him.
As you go to the kitchen, Boothill immediately grabs your body pillow and hugs it close to his chest, wrapping not just his arms but also his legs around it.
He still couldn't contain his restless demeanor. If anyone were to see him like this, they would be pretty convinced the man was an overgrown child
He's waiting for you desperately, constantly rubbing the pillow in his embrace. It's as if the pillow was a surrogate for you, his thoughts fixated solely on you.
He waits patiently for a minute, then two, then three, then four, five, six, seven...where the hell were you?
As the minutes kept passing, so did his patience. And eventually his patience was reaching its breaking point.
He tried to distract himself by looking outside the window, watching the stars and the solar system.
But he couldn't fully divert his attention, his mind constantly wandering back to what the hell was taking you so long
Finally unable to hold back, his restlessness took him over. He leapt off the bed, pacing back and forth in your room like an abandoned puppy. His footsteps heavy and impatient.
"What oil do you like again?" You hum as you walk back in the room, holding a few oil cans.
Boothill's eyes immediately lit up at the sight of you, and he couldn't help but rush towards you, his arms wrapping around you with a mix of excitement and desperation.
You tsk your tongue as you almost drop a can due to the impact. But stop as he buried his face into your neck, his breath hot against your skin
"Any is fine at this point!" He said, his voice muffled. He pulled away slightly, looking at you with pleading eyes, a small pout on his lips. "Please sweetheart, just gimme the can..."
"Here, here hon..." You chuckle softly as you press a kiss to his jaw.
At the kiss on his jaw, a shiver ran down his spine, and a low groan escaped his lips. Boothill leaned into your touch, his breath slightly hitching as he felt your breath caress his skin. His hands tightened their hold on you, his thumb gently tracing circles on your waist
"Ah... I've missed you." He said, his voice a mixture of relief and longing as he pressed a kiss against your forehead. The tension in his body began to melt away, replaced with a sense of contentment and warmth.
"I was literally gone for a half hour..." You roll your eyes playfully as he sucks on the cans straw.
Boothill just shrugs at that, not paying attention anymore as he continues to lay his hand on your hip and drink his drink.
His eyes wander down as your head is pressed into his neck still. Peeking over your head and down to your waist he smirks at an evil idea.
As his hand moves down, a mischievous smile plays on his lips as he feels the soft curve of your ass. He gave it a gentle double squeeze, his metal fingers pressing into the flesh as he brought his mouth closer to your ear, his breath hot against your ear
"Honka' honka'..." Your boyfriend smirks deviously.
Your mouth drops open, obviously shocked at what he just did and said. "Boothill!"
"Can't help it darlin'...wanna feel how soft ya' are..." He whispered, his voice husky with desire before dropping it and humming. "Well...if I could."
"But still!" You smack his arm playfully and roll your eyes before nuzzling into his neck again.
He couldn't help but chuckle at your playful reaction. "What...just showin' my 'preciation!"
He tilted his head down, pressing a soft kiss to your hair. His hand continued its exploration, gently running up and down your side, his touch both possessive and affectionate.
His mind was a mix of desire and love for you, if he had a heart it would definitely be thumping in his chest...
"Show your appreciation another time..." You mumble with a blush on your face. Trying to nuzzle deeper into his neck to hide your dusty red face.
Boothill took notice of your flushed face and chuckled, his eyes starting to gleaming with amusement.
"Heh, who knew ya' could be so shy?" He teased playfully, a knowing smirk on his lips. "But alright, I'll hold back...for now sweet pea~" He said, his voice filled with a hint of mock resignation as he held you closer.
"...are you done with your drink yet...it's so late..." Nudging your boyfriend with your finger, a small yawn slips out.
Seeing you yawn, Boothill smiled softly and shook his head. "Ah right, forgot that you need your beauty sleep..." He drawls, his hand gently caressing your cheek and then moving a lock of hair behind your ear, his thumb lingering at your earlobe for a moment.
"You look perfect even when yur' tired..." He whispers, his voice filled with warmth and love. He pressed a soft kiss to your forehead before gently coaxing you back to the bed.
Walking over to the bed you flop down on it, cuddling up to your pillow and under your blanket.
Boothill watches you with a fond smile as you crawl back into bed, a sense of protectiveness washing over him.
He quickly joined you after he set his drink on the nightstand, immediately wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you close. His legs tangled with yours as he sought to be as close to you as possible.
He rests his chin on top of your head, his machinery whirring steady and soothing against your back.
He lets out a content sigh, his fingers gently massaging your scalp, the touch light and intimate with a hint of cold. He felt like he was finally at peace...
"I love you honey..." You whisper sleepily, drooling a bit on his chest.
Boothill swears if he had a heart it would swell with the words you say. His expression softens even more if that's possible as he holds you tighter. "I love you too" He whispers softly, the sincerity in his voice is soothing to you.
He gently presses a kiss to your shoulder, his fingers still gently stroking your hair. The moonlight streams in through the window, casting a warm glow on your intertwined bodies.
Closing his eyes, he lets the peacefulness of the moment wash over him as he holds you close, content in the embrace of your love...
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Even if he can't exactly feel you...he knows deep down if doesn't matter...your love does.
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honeyedgifts · 6 hours
“When’s the last time you went outside?”
Sunday blinks, looking across the table. You do not sit beside him, but rather on the edge of the piano’s bench just a foot away. You’re not playing any pieces at the moment, shoulders relaxed and posture slumping compared to how it was when you played only a little while ago.
“Hm…” Sunday eyes you curiously, placing the cup he was sipping out of back on its saucer. “Well, I believe I was outside just an hour ago. I had to come inside the building from somewhere, and that’s outside.”
“Haha,” you say rather blandly, which he only smiles at. “As ridiculous as your response is, it’s still an answer, sadly enough.” You fold one leg over the other. “The last time you went outside, not to travel between buildings: way too long ago.”
“I suppose,” Sunday doesn’t argue. “Why does it matter?” He looks to his left, outside the large window. All there is to see is some landscaping, bushes cut up and maintained to keep shape, pretty flowers and perfect green grass.
“Maybe because you’re as pale as my grandma,” you say, no niceties to your tone, and Sunday just looks at you. There are no surprises here as you give him a deadpan look. “Being stuffed away doing Family business really gives you a jaded outlook to life. If you can’t remember the last time you’ve really been outside, just to enjoy it, just to be a living being, then what’s the point of even being one at all?” You huff loudly as you turn your attention to your piano. Your fingers hover over the keys, mimicking notes but not pressing down to create the music that is undoubtedly playing out in your head.
Sunday leans back in his chair. He hums at your words, closing his eyes as he thinks. After a moment, he says, “you sound like my sister.”
You laugh. He smiles.
“Is that why you come here to work when you’re stressed out?”
“Who said I was stressed?”
“Mm. Don’t need to say it.” Like you know everything, which you don’t, you start to very casually play a tune. Quietly, but it is still noise, beautifully crafted, and that directs attention. But no one interrupts, and the conversation is still private, despite the open setting. “You like to look so complicated, but you’re really simple, Sunday.”
“Hmm. Really?” Sunday takes another drink of his tea. You snort.
“Yeah. But that’s not a bad thing. You think I’m simple too, right? Ignorantly so.” You cast him a knowing look with a tip of your head as your fingers continue to play across the keys of the piano. “Maybe I am ignorantly simple. But you like me anyway.”
With that, you commit to your song like second nature, your leg subtly moving up and down as your foot presses on the pedals of the piano to reverberate the sound across the whole cafe. Heads turn to watch the perfect posture of your back as you sway with the tune. Sunday looks back to the paperwork he brought with him, scattered on his table beside the cup of tea.
You’re a smug creature. Ignorant, just as you had said. You definitely share similarities with Robin, like your shared musical experience and optimistic attitude toward life- but Robin would never be so… crass. Sunday has been around long enough to hear you cuss under your breath when your leg cramps, when you miss a note that no one else hears besides you (and him). He’s seen you eat food off abandoned plates that haven’t been bussed yet (disgusting, but it is… excusable only in the dreamscape, he supposes, since you cannot get sick or catch disease here. And look at him now, so used to you, he’s making excuses and reasoning for your gross habits). You’ve talked long enough now that you’ve shared details about your history, and none of it is particularly impressive.
You don’t know anything. You’re nowhere near Sunday’s social status and importance- but even so, you’re cheeky. ‘You’re as pale as my grandma’- really?
Privately, something no one would ever see, Sunday rolls his eyes, and tilts his head toward your music. Yes, despite it all, he likes you anyway.
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fanficshiddles · 1 day
Eternally Mine, Chapter 9
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‘So… You just had an epiphany one day where you decided that not all vampires are bad?’ David asked Toshi as the group all stood around by the bar with drinks, they were all keen to speak to Toshi more.
‘Pretty much, yep. Like there are bad humans, there are bad vampires. Though there’s good ones, too.’ Toshi nodded.
‘Is that how you met Severus? Did you save him or something?’ Matt asked.
Severus glared at him. ‘I don’t need saving.’ He scoffed.
‘I was looking out for him. Then he decided to stalk me home and realised we were soulmates.’ Toshi grinned and looked at Severus, who gave a sly smirk as he squeezed her waist.
‘Well, we are grateful to you for looking out for us and helping with the attack on the school.’ Jessica smiled.
‘I was managing fine before she turned up.’ Chris sneered.
‘Yeah, course you were.’ Jessica rolled her eyes.
‘Oh yeah, getting your ass beat by the hunters. You really had it all under control.’ Toshi smirked.
‘You’ve come to me for help with bad humans lately, so don’t start.’ He huffed at her and downed his drink.
‘I could easily deal with them myself, but figured you’d have fun with them.’ Toshi shrugged.
Chris was glad when the conversation soon turned. He zoned out a bit and just focused on Louise, who was right by his side, hugging his arm and smiling up at him. She enjoyed the way he bickered a bit with everyone.
The group conversed with Toshi for a while, before dispersing and most of them having a dance around. Plenty of drinks continued to flow during the evening too, of course.
Toshi enjoyed observing everyone in the group. She noticed that Louise clung to Chris most of the time, more so when they were speaking with others. She was quiet but definitely seemed to be enjoying herself.
Loki and Claire were just as she had figured from the moments she had seen them. They were so obviously soulmates, all over one another yet playfully bickering too. So comfortable together.
She could tell that Spencer was still adjusting to being a vampire, but Jessica was good for him. She seemed able to tell whenever he was getting a little overwhelmed with his heightened senses, so would ask him to dance to distract him or they’d go outside for a little fresh air.
Hannibal was one vampire she did have on her radar, aside from Chris he was a questionable one too when it came to hunting. Though he didn’t act quite as reckless or harsh as Chris could, he didn’t care overly much for humans in regards to not hurting them when hunting. He also didn’t spend a lot of time with the group, opting to mainly be with Will on their own. Just very occasionally they would come and converse.
‘You’re taking everyone in, aren’t you?’ Severus asked her quietly with a knowing smile.
‘It’s interesting to observe your friends up close.’ She grinned at him and sipped her drink.
‘Friends is a strong word, love. Colleagues… acquaintances, at a push.’ He drawled.
‘David and Matt are… not quite what I thought. Are you sure they aren’t a thing?’ Toshi asked as she watched them at the other side of the hall, they were dancing around together with a few of the students, being goofy.
‘Pretty positive.’ Severus nodded.
‘I have my suspicions.’ Chris said as he and Louise made their way back over to them.
‘You wouldn’t be surprised if they came out together?’ Toshi asked curiously.
‘Nope. Though in saying that, Matt seemed quite happy when he realised that my brother and Claire were trying to match-make him with my Louise here.’ Chris said slightly clipped, not realising he’d just called her his in a rather protective tone, until it was too late. Though he was glad she didn’t seem to mind at all.
‘Wait, what? They tried that?’ Louise asked, surprised, while her stomach did a little flip at being called his.
‘Yeah, at Loki’s birthday party. Till I arrived, then knocked their plan all to pot.’ He smirked and slid his arm around her waist, noticing her blushing.
‘Makes sense now that I think about it.’ Louise laughed. She looked over at Matt and sighed. ‘Pity…’
Chris’ eyes widened, though Louise slowly turned her head to look up at him with a little mischievous glint in her eyes and a smirk.
‘Cheeky.’ Chris laughed and squeezed her side, making her giggle.
She was a little more comfortable and confident now that she had some more alcohol in her.
‘I love your dress, Louise. It looks really good on you.’ Toshi commented with a soft smile.
‘Ah, thank you.’ Louise went a little flustered as she glanced down at her dress. ‘I just got it from New Look.’ She laughed shyly.
‘I don’t think there would be a dress on this earth that wouldn’t look good on you.’ Chris said cheesily, making her even more flustered as her cheeks grew bright red. She was not used to getting compliments so much.
‘How are you taking to the world of vampires?’ Severus asked, taking the heat off a bit for her.
‘It’s amazing. Claire and I were rather obsessed with vampires when we were younger, always talked about if they were real. Never thought it would be possible, of course. Though here you all are.’ She grinned.
‘I’m just so glad we’ve gone into this relationship with you knowing everything. I know that Loki was really worried originally, about telling Claire.’ Chris said and Louise nodded in agreement.
‘How long have you two been together?’ Louise asked Toshi and Severus.
‘Twenty-seven months and four days.’ Both Severus and Toshi said at the same time. They both glanced at one another with a little chuckle.
‘Not that we are keeping track.’ Toshi said innocently.
‘Come on guys, don’t make me puke.’ Chris teased.
‘Aww!’ Was all Louise said, she thought it was adorable how they both knew the exact amount of time.
Jessica came bounding over towards them, she’d had a lot of shots already.
‘Can I steal your girl for a dance?’ She asked and fluttered her lashes at Chris.
‘Hmm.’ Chris raised an eyebrow and looked at Louise.
‘Pleaseee.’ Louise pleaded with a giggle.
‘As long as you bring her back soon… My arm feels lost without her.’ He pouted.
‘I will. Geez, you can be away from her for two minutes.’ Jessica laughed as she offered her hand to Louise, who took it happily and went over to dance for a while with her.
Toshi and Severus turned around to watch, so Toshi was stood by Chris.
‘Who’d have thought that the terrifying, great, original vampire could be so soft and like a puppy for a human.’ Toshi smirked as she sipped her drink, her eyes locked on Louise dancing with Jessica.
‘Watch it, you.’ Chris growled in response. ‘I kept the secret for you and Severus, the least you could do is be nice to me for one night.’
Toshi turned her head to look at him and put on an over-the-top smile for him. ‘That’s true. Please accept my most sincerest apology.’ She said as she put her hand over her heart.
Chris just shot a glare at her. ‘Severus, keep your hunter under control, will you?’
Severus only chuckled in response.
‘It’s so weird seeing Severus smiling and actually being social.’ Jessica laughed.
‘Is he not normally like this?’ Louise asked curiously.
‘God no. He never joins in with anything we do. I’m glad we’ve finally gotten to meet Toshi, now we know who she is!’
‘She seems really nice.’ Louise smiled and Jessica nodded in agreement.
Jessica wasn’t the only one that found it weird seeing Severus enjoying himself. Even the students were surprised seeing him laughing and smiling, especially when he had a dance with Toshi. They saw a different side to the usually moody and serious teacher during the evening.
When Louise and Jessica went back over to Chris, Toshi and Severus, Louise went straight back to Chris’ side as he put his arm out to her. She tucked nicely into his side, under his arm, they fit together so well.
‘Has anyone seen where Claire is?’ Jessica asked as she looked around.
‘Nope, not seen her in a while actually… Come to think of it, Loki’s not about either?’ Louise said as she looked across the room.
‘What if we get caught?’ Claire giggled as Loki ushered her into Chris’ office and shut the door behind them.
‘We won’t, they’re all in the hall. They won’t come all the way back here.’ Loki smirked and backed her against the wall.
‘Just can’t keep your hands off me, hmm?’ Claire grinned as she wrapped her arms around his neck.
‘You know I can’t.’ Loki growled low and cupped the back of her head as he dipped down to kiss her deeply.
His hands began wandering while their tongues slowly moved together, he slid a hand underneath her dress and trailed his fingers lightly up her inner thigh, when he reached her knickers and firmly ran his fingers along her, he made her whimper into his mouth.
Loki teased her for a moment with his fingers, momentarily sneaking down inside her knickers so he could lightly rub over her clit a few times, she was already aroused for him and her scent was driving him wild.
‘Such a naughty vampire slut.’ He growled with a smirk against her lips, he removed his hand from up her dress so he could undo his trousers and take out his cock, he was already semi-hard, it just took a few strokes to get him ready.
He lifted Claire up and pinned her against the wall, she wrapped her legs around him for extra security. Loki reached down between them, though kept her held up with one hand on her ass, he pulled her knickers to the side and lined his cock up with her heat.
As soon as he thrust into her, they both let out the most unholy noises. Claire buried her face against his neck as he bottomed out inside her, then just stayed still for what felt the longest time. He finally began to move after she started squirming too much, making him unable to hold back for any longer.
‘Fuuuuck. Loki!’ Claire squealed.
‘Shhh, love. Don’t want anyone to hear.’ Loki chuckled wickedly into her ear as he started to really move his hips against her.
‘Don’t be so fucking good then.’ She whimpered and nibbled on his neck as she clung to him tightly.
‘It’s me that’s supposed to be doing the biting, darling. Don’t forget you’re my little blood bank.’ He slid his hand into her hair and tugged her head backwards, so he could get access to her neck. He let his fangs come out to play and trailed them along her skin, he could feel her clenching around him in response.
Regrettably, he wasn’t going to bite her, he wasn’t going to let himself get carried away in this sort of setting. She would be too weak to enjoy the party, plus there were too many vampires nearby that might smell her blood.
‘Loki.’ Claire cried out as she clenched around him, she was so far gone. Loki could sense her heartbeat quickening more and more the closer she got.
Claire knew Loki was close too, she could tell by the way he lost his rhythm. She always tried to last longer, but he knew just exactly what to do to get her to cum before he did. When he let out a feral growl and nipped her shoulder, she was a goner.
When Loki felt her cum on his cock so wonderfully, he followed closely behind with a loud moan. He only just managed to keep his composure so she wouldn’t fall, his breathing was deep and he had built up a bit of a sweat.
Claire trembled against him when she felt his cum dribbling down her inner thighs. When Loki slowly pulled out of her, even more came out of her. Loki slipped her knickers back into place to catch most of it, as he chuckled.
‘Well… That was a bit messy.’ He carefully got her down to her feet, making sure she was steady enough before sorting himself out.
Chris, Louise, Toshi, Severus, Jessica, Spencer and David were chatting by the bar.
They looked up when Loki and Claire appeared and headed over towards them.  
Chris scrunched his nose up. ‘Ew, guys. You two reek of sex.’
Louise had just taken a drink, she almost choked on it and ungracefully spat some back into her glass.
Claire and Loki looked a little sheepish.
Jessica moved closer to Claire and slyly slipped her a mini body spray from her bag. Claire took it without looking at her and whispered thanks.
‘Nothing wrong with having a quickie in the head’s office after school hours.’ Loki said casually with a shrug.
It was Chris’ turn to choke and spit his drink out this time as his eyes widened in horror. ‘You didn’t?’
‘Oh, we did.’ Loki grinned widely at the look on his face.
While Claire rushed to the bathroom to get cleaned up a bit, Chris and Louise went for another dance together.
A song that came on was a nice slow one, Louise had her hands on Chris’ shoulders while he was holding her waist as they danced around slowly.
Chris noticed that Louise had a permanent blush on her cheeks while they danced so close. He couldn’t take his eyes off of her, he found her the most beautiful being in the world. He adored the way she looked at him, too.
‘I’m really glad you came with me tonight.’ Chris said.
‘I’m really glad you invited me.’ Louise beamed.
Chris reached up and stroked her cheek with the back of his hand, making her melt. He brushed his thumb down and along her lower lip. He glanced from her eyes down to her lips and then back to her eyes again, silently asking for permission as he leaned down a little, slowly showing his intention.
To his delight, her hands moved from his shoulders to round his neck as she went up on her tiptoes towards him. Chris had to bend further down for her, their lips gently brushed against one another’s and sparks flew between them.
Chris pressed his lips more firmly against hers, she responded by shuffling in a little closer to his body. His senses went into overdrive, he wanted her so badly, in both ways a vampire could have his soulmate… but he knew he needed to be careful, he didn’t want to hurt or rush her. So he behaved and managed to keep himself under control.
The soft kiss lasted a while, when they did eventually break it, they both looked a bit flustered. Louise shyly looked down and laughed. Chris gently tipped her head up with a finger under her chin, he smiled warmly at her then leaned in for another quick peck. He was obsessed already.
‘Definitely glad you invited me along as your date.’ Louise squeaked out.
‘Indeed.’ Chris hummed with a grin as they began dancing slowly again.
Though their sweet moment was short lived, as all of a sudden, the screeching loud sound of the fire alarm rang throughout the school.
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A very happy weekend everyone~! ^^
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assassinsblade · 19 days
When you can't seem to find a place to belong, a tense exchange with Azriel has you shutting down.
WC: 2.1k
Warnings: Death (side character), grief, loneliness, angst
a/n: If you would like notifications for my writing, you can turn on notifications for the blog @assassinslibrary where I reblog all my fics!
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The night had gone . . . okay.
A night with the inner circle. A night with games, drinks, friends, and fun.
Except you didn't have fun exactly. You weren't miserable, but you also hadn't enjoyed yourself. You were just there. In the background, observing and chuckling at the merriment around you.
While you had attempted to chime in every once in awhile, it seemed as though this family wasn't used to hearing you. Or maybe they were just preoccupied. Whatever reason, you kept to the shadows most of the night.
Unfortunately, the shadows were not where the shadowsinger had occupied.
Instead, he had found himself sat next to the middle Archeron sister, grinning at whatever she was quietly describing to him. You watched as his lips quirked, his dark eyelashes fanning over his sharp cheekbones. The spark in his eye as he watched her, the blush on her cheeks.
They had been flirting. All night.
Normally, this wouldn't have bothered you so much. It would have bothered you some, sure, seeing that you had been in love with Azriel for months now. But on a night like tonight, when you needed company and no one was paying attention to you, it hurt just a little bit more.
You had a patient pass earlier in the day--one you were close with, who you had been working on for months. She was young, close to your own age, and it twisted something inside of your soul losing her. It made you feel like a failure, like you had let her down, like you were at fault.
There was a hope inside of your chest when you had opened your bedroom door earlier to make your way to the living area. You had hoped that your friends could help wash away the guilt, self-hatred, and grief. Instead, you sat by yourself, watching as everyone else basked in their own happiness and relationships.
Except they weren't all those kind of relationships. Yet, at least. Nesta did have Cassian, and Feyre did have Rhysand, but Elain and Azriel weren't together currently. She was mated to Lucien despite her protests of the fact. You had tried to keep that in mind as you watched Azriel brush a piece of hair behind Elain's ear.
You, however, never had anyone really. You had grown up in an orphanage in Velaris with no siblings. It had always been difficult for you to make friends, and you thought you had made a friend of this boy named Mika, but he had ended up being controlling and aggressive. After being hurt one too many times, both physically and emotionally, you had tried to just keep to yourself to limit the damage.
And due to the physical damage you had taken in that relationship, you had found an interest in the medical field.
That was how Rhysand found you after you had opened a medical office in the center of Velaris for underprivileged citizens.
That had been a year ago and you still found yourself on the outside of everything. You had watched Azriel over those twelve months, observed the way he kept his family safe, the way he moved softly, rarely raised his voice, and always kept his touch gentle and smooth.
It seemed he never noticed anything about you, though, despite observation being the very thing that made him a shadowsinger.
Maybe it was something about yourself that made you nearly invisible. Invisible or unlikeable.
These thoughts continued to run through your mind as you sipped on your tea, knees curled into your chest on the couch. Everyone else had left about an hour ago, but you knew you wouldn't be able to sleep with everything that had happened today.
You could still see the moment her eyes went blank, the last breath leaving her lungs. It had scarred something deep within you, from both losing a friend due to your own incompetence and from the reminder that you would die alone one day.
A shuffle from the opening of the room broke you from your thoughts. You slowly moved the teacup away from your lips, watching hesitantly as the male crossing your mind walked past the threshold.
He spotted you sitting there and gave you a polite smile before continuing on his way, feet moving swiftly toward the balcony.
You debated whether or not to let him go or if you could try to get him to keep you company. After all, you really needed someone right now. And his calm demeanor and reassuring presence was just what you were looking for.
Azriel had just been about to take off when you stepped out onto the balcony.
"Hey, Azriel."
The male turned at the sound of his voice, eyebrows raised in slight surprise. The action made you second guess yourself. Shouldn't he have heard you coming? Wouldn't his shadows have told him?
"Hey, you alright?"
"Yeah, I-uh, was just wondering if you wanted to talk some. I have some more tea brewing. We haven't been able to get to know each other much yet, so--"
"Sorry, I'm meeting Elain. She wanted to go flying tonight."
Right. Of course.
You nodded. "Sure. Yeah, that makes sense, I guess."
He went to take a step toward the ledge again when you spoke up again. You didn't know what led you to saying these exact words; maybe it was the rough day, the heavy emotions in your chest, or your anger at everyone's disregard for you. But before you could stop it, you were taking a step forward in haste and the words were out of your mouth.
"Actually, do you really think that's a good idea?"
Azriel tensed, head turning slightly to look over his shoulder at you. "I'm sorry?"
You swallowed. He had stopped. That's what you wanted. "She's mated, isn't she? I saw you two tonight, and I don't think--"
"You don't think," Azriel laughed humorlessly. The sound was so odd coming from such a quiet and gentle male, it nearly made you flinch. But you stood strong. Clenching your fists at your sides and taking a deep breath, you spoke what you truly believed.
"I just don't want anyone to get hurt. Lucien is a good male."
"I think we're old enough to make decisions for ourselves." His voice was taking on a cold edge, like a blade smooth enough to cut with little noise but heavy damage. Like the famous dagger sheathed at his side.
"Those decisions could start a war, Azriel."
Despite your voice being soft and patient, he titled his head back with a sigh and a muttered curse, his fingers coming up to pinch the bridge of his nose in frustration.
"Listen. I don't need to defend myself to anyone, let alone you."
Let alone you. You ignored the sting in your chest at the words. Shaking off how small and invaluable they made you feel.
"That's not what I'm saying Azriel. I just think you should take a step back--"
"Just because you're alone doesn't mean I have to be too."
The words hit you like a blow to the chest, the air leaving your lungs in a whoosh of emotion.
Alone. Lonely.
You were alone. He could see it. He knew it. And he had done nothing about it.
He didn't care.
You must have been staring at him like a fool. A pathetic girl unable to stand up for herself, unable to move away from the male in front of her, because then she would truly be what he said she was: alone.
You swallowed harshly, trying to push the lump in your throat back down along with the tears that threatened to collect in your eyes. But it was difficult with your chest throbbing in pain, your stomach twisting and bottoming out with embarrassment and shame.
Azriel must have noticed your lack of composure, your hurt. Because suddenly he was sighing, a hand coming up to run through his wavy black hair.
"I didn't mean that."
His low voice cut through the silent night like a knife. You still couldn't meet his eyes.
Hiding your shaking fingers in two fists at your sides, you nodded, taking a step back toward the door of the House of Wind. If you were nodding as a show of forgiveness or in agreement with his words, you didn't know. You could feel his eyes following you. But you didn't want them on you anymore. For once, you didn't want him near you.
"I'm sorry."
You nodded again, moving to wrap your arms around yourself. The motion in itself made you even more embarrassed. The lonely girl with no one to comfort her but herself.
That dreadful feeling in your chest burned.
You didn't wait for him to speak another word before turning on your heel and walking back into the House of Wind.
Feeling his eyes on you, you didn't linger in the main room, instead turning the corner and concealing yourself in the hallway as you made your way to your room.
Azriel had never been so harsh with you, had never spoken to you in that tone or said something so humiliating and cruel. Although he had never spoken to you much at all.
Alone. Lonely. You, and no one else.
You should have never said anything. Should have let Azriel pursue Elain, minded your own business, loved everyone from afar. Instead, you had made yourself visible, opened your mouth, demanded to be seen and heard. All it had resulted in was a reminder that you didn't belong out in the open. You would always be shoved back into your solitude.
Maybe you could learn to like being alone. You wouldn't have to face the rejection of others, the forgetfulness, the feeling of unimportance.
Taking a deep breath, you surveyed your room. The space was equally as cold as the rest of the House. There was no comfort in the room, nothing that meant a lot to you. No presents, no memories, nothing you. Only furniture, blankets, and clothing. Generic paintings that were in here before you had even moved in.
Then you remembered when Elain and Nesta had arrived. The presents they had been given. The daggers, gloves, trinkets . . .
The things you had given others: jewelry, weapons, books, artwork, and yet your room was empty. You were empty. You had been giving and giving and watching everyone else receive.
You thought back to that moment during the war, the feeling you had felt when you had looked up after victory was declared. Cassian and Azriel had embraced before the two Archeron sisters met at their sides. Feyre and Rhysand were inseparable, and Mor was making sure Amren was okay. No one had even glanced at you.
And what Azriel had said . . .
You weren't meaning to drag him down with you, to demand his attention when they all had what they needed without you. You were trying to help. And you wanted him to see you.
But you didn't even see yourself. Not in this room, and not among the others.
So maybe it was pointless--trying so hard to get others to like you. Maybe being quiet and a wallflower, keeping the peace and admiring from afar only resulted in wasted energy.
Since nothing seemed to get others to like you or want to talk to you, maybe you shouldn't try anymore.
After all, Azriel already didn't seem to like you.
And your one friend who did had died today. In your arms. Because of you.
Just the thought of not caring lifted an invisible weight off your shoulders. You shook off the pain of Azriel's words, the weight of your feelings, and the burden of loneliness. And then you felt nothing.
No crush. No embarrassment. No hurt. No grief.
Just a numbness building in your bones.
And it was glorious.
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jobean12-blog · 4 months
This Spells Love
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x female reader (Best friends to lovers)
Word Count: 2,782
Summary: Bucky is your best friend and he really is the best but he wants more, he wants everything, but the idea that it could ruin your friendship and he could lose you is too much...
Author's Note: This is for @the-slumberparty February Sleepover Challenge, Eight Types of Love and Philia (deep friendshp-friends to lovers). Our reader is a bit oblivious to Bucky's feelings but it all works out just fine in the end. Thank you all so much for reading! Much love always! ❤️❤️❤️Divider by the lovely @firefly-graphics thank you Daisy!
Warnings: lots of fun and fluff and sweetness and Bucky being the best and some tension and a bit of flirty fun too, slightly oblivious reader.
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The groan Bucky lets loose makes you spin your head to look at him.
“Did you say something?” you ask, trying to speak loud enough over the din of the bar.
He shakes his head no and digs his teeth into his bottom lip when you smile and shift again in his lap, turning back to your group of friends. Every time you move it’s sweet torture but he can’t seem to keep himself away…and besides, there are no empty seats…he can’t let you stand and you wouldn’t want him to stand…so sitting in his lap it is!
His fingers dig into your thigh and you turn to face him again.
“Are you sure?” you ask, searching his face.
“Yeah, doll. All good.”
Steve shoots Bucky a smirk and Bucky shoots back a steady death glare.
“Did I miss something?” you ask Nat, who’s sitting to your left.
She just smiles and takes a sip of her drink.
You can feel Bucky’s warm breath on your neck before he speaks.
“You want another doll face?” he asks.
With a pensive tilt of your head you pause before telling him, “yeah, one more.”
“I’ll be right back,” he whispers against your ear.
He deposits you in the seat and walks toward the bar.
You instantly feel his absence and fiddle with your empty glass. You listen to Steve and Sam argue about their last run time while Nat and Wanda chime in, teasing both boys but the conversation starts to fade away when you feel the weight of Bucky’s eyes and you look toward the bar to catch him staring.
He waves awkwardly and you giggle.
“I’ll be right back,” you say to the table.
When you reach the bar Bucky’s eyebrows shoot up in question.
“You looked bored,” you shrug.
“Thanks doll,” he winks.
There are even more people by the bar and they continue to crowd around you, pushing to get closer. When someone bumps you particularly hard Bucky pins them with a murderous stare before he slips his metal arm around your waist and pulls you in front of him.
He settles both hands on the bar top on either side of you and leans his chin on your shoulder.
“Too many people,” he explains as his hard chest presses into your back.
You snuggle into the safety of his arms and wait for your drink.
“Are you ever gonna say something to her man?” Sam asks Bucky as they stand outside the bar with Steve.
You, Wanda and Nat are in the bathroom.
“About what?” Bucky asks with an incredulous expression.
Sam rolls his eyes and Steve’s hands land on his hips.
“Buck,” Steve sighs. “You’re torturing yourself.”
“No I’m not,” Bucky counters. “Not having her at all would be torture.”
His last words come out quietly and Sam and Steve give each other a knowing look.
“Well, I still think you should do something…say something…she might feel the same way. What have you got to lose?” Sam asks.
“Everything,” Bucky answers as he watches you come out the door and back to his side.
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As you walk down the street toward your apartment building you can feel Bucky staring so you give him a sideways glance.
“It’s the shoes, isn’t it?” he demands when he catches your eye.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” you say and lift your chin.
“This always happens at the end of the night doll face. You wear these shoes and they hurt your feet and then I’m supposed to just watch you suffer.”
 “I have a solution,” you chime with a determined smile.
He stops walking to watch as you slip off your shoes and place your bare feet back onto the sidewalk with a contented sigh.
When you see Bucky’s scowl it makes your smile widen. “What’s the problem now Barnes?”
“Put them back on doll. You’re going to step on something like broken glass or worse…”
You spin away with a breeze and start walking again but before you get very far your feet leave the ground and you’re cradled against his chest.
“You were put on his Earth to drive me crazy; you know that doll face?”
“I’m not sorry about it,” you whisper into the collar of his shirt. “Does that make me a bad person?”
You giggle when you feel his huff of frustration.
“No. You could never be a bad person.”
As you nuzzle closer and inhale his familiar scent you express a quiet, “thank you,” before yawning.
“Too tired for the stars tonight?” he asks as his arms flex to heft you higher.
“No! I love when we look at the stars.” You tilt your head back and look at the sky. “It’s a clear night too.”
“Don’t you like it?” you ask, bringing your eyes back to his.
“I love it,” he says. “Just like I love when you practice new baking recipes and I get to taste test them all.”
“That’s fun for me too except that you say you like everything I bake! It can’t all be that good.”
You lay a soft hand against his scruffy cheek and the corner of his mouth kicks up.
“It’s all that good,” he says, his tone leaving no room for argument.
“Well the next time my macaroons don’t have good feet you better speak up Buck!”
“Macarons have feet…not macaroons…big difference,” he says.
You hum against his neck with a smile. “I know that. Just making sure were paying attention.”
His hold on you tightens slightly and he looks down just as your eyes start to close.
He’s always paying attention.
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Bucky slows his steps and turns on his heels, watching as Sam and Steve approach.
“Man you two are slow today,” he teases.
Steve purses his lips and throws a thumb in Sam’s direction. “I’m just trying to keep this one company.”
Sam grunts out a string of curses and plops down on the nearby bench.
“I can’t stand either of you,” Sam says between catching his breath.
“I have to make a phone call,” Bucky states as he saunters off for some privacy.
He presses your name on the screen and puts it to his ear.
“Hiya doll face,” he says when you pick up.
“Hi Buck!”
“Are you on your way home yet?”
“I am.”
“Sure, I’m starving…”
“Me t…”
“Of course you are,” you cut in. “You’re always hungry.”
He laughs. “Well I did just finish a run.”
“I’ll meet you at my place?” you ask.
“Sounds good, how much time do you need?”
You open your mouth to answer but the words die on your lips when your foot catches a crack on the sidewalk and you careen forward.
“Doll?” Bucky asks, “you still there?”
He hears scuffling but you still don’t answer.
His heart beats faster the longer you don’t reply and instinctively his feet start to carry him toward your workplace.
“Where are you goin’?” Sam asks as Bucky runs by.
“Everything ok?” Steve asks.
“I gotta go,” is all Bucky says as he starts jogging.
He’s already half way to you when you pick your phone up off the concrete and try to say hello. The screen is cracked and black and you curse under your breath.
“Bucky?” you say softly but your phone is dead.
You try to put pressure on your ankle but it hurts and with a wince you scoot backwards to avoid the foot traffic. You search the crowd, waiting for someone to stop and help but it isn’t until you see Bucky rush toward you that you feel true relief.
He’s at your side, kneeling on the concrete and running his eyes over every inch of you. He’s sweaty and breathing heavily and one of the most welcoming sights you’ve ever seen.
“Thank fuck,” he breathes out. “I was worried sick.”
You start to say you’re sorry but he interrupts you.
“You tripped didn’t you?” he asks.
You nod.
“My foot…got stuck. I don’t even know.”
He stares at you blankly before pinching the bridge of his nose. When he opens his mouth to speak you clap a hand over it.
“I know…I’m clumsy and I have to be more careful…just take me home.”
His expression softens.
“Of course doll, it’s a good thing I’m here.”
“It is,” you echo. “I’m glad you’re here.”
He gently brushes his fingers over your ankle, inspecting it.
“Come on doll. Let’s get some ice on this.”
When you reach the door of your apartment Bucky props you up against his side, his hand secured around your waist and his fingers slipping under your shirt when he moves so you can get your keys.
He sucks in a breath at the contact and you give him a confused look.
“What happened?”
“Nothin’,” he answers, willing his fingers to stay put and not explore your soft skin. “Got your keys?”
“Right here,” you say and hand them over.
He unlocks the door and helps you inside.
“We forgot the pizza!” you say, whirling around and nearly falling over since you’re mostly supporting yourself on one leg.
He reaches out and snakes his arm around your waist again. “Woah, careful doll face.”
You place a palm on his chest and lean into him. “I’m hungry.”
“I’ll order a pizza right now. Don’t worry.”
“Order two. You practically eat a whole one yourself.”
“True,” he winks.
He pulls out his phone and starts to dial the pizza place.
“Wanna stay and watch a movie?” you ask.
His fingers pause and hover over the buttons as he looks up at you. “Which movie?”
“Hmm…how about Magic Mike?”
“You won’t sleep for weeks,” he says with a stern look.
“Fine! What about…” and you tap your chin.
“Notting Hill,” he suggests.
Your eyebrows shoot up. “Really?”
“Sure,” he shrugs and rubs the back of his neck. “Steve said I should watch it.”
You give him a wide smile and push from his grasp, limping toward your bedroom. Bucky watches until you safely sit yourself on the bed and then goes to the freezer to grab a frozen bag of vegetables.
“I can’t wait until the pizza gets here,” you sigh as you start to unbutton your shirt. He tries to focus on what you’re saying but when you pull the fabric from your shoulders and reveal the light camisole beneath he suddenly feels like a trapped animal needing to either pounce or run away at full speed.
“Will you put the movie on Buck? I don’t want to get up again.”
You collapse back onto the bed and needing the closest distraction he takes the bag of peas and places it on your ankle, adjusting it so it doesn’t fall.
“Thanks,” you say. “Don’t forget the movie Buck.”
He blinks at you several times. “You want to watch it in here? What about the couch?”
He gestures to himself. “Look at me. I can’t get in your bed like this. I’m a sweaty mess.”
“You smell good to me but if you want to shower, there are extra towels in the hall closet.”
You hear the water turn on a few minutes later and realize you’re thirsty so you peel yourself off the bed and limp to the kitchen, knowing Bucky will reprimand you when he realizes you got up without his help.
Once you have your water you go back to your bedroom and wait for the shower to turn off, closing your eyes briefly.
You don’t even realize you’ve lightly dozed off until you hear Bucky’s heavy tread on the wood floor. You open your eyes and see him standing in the doorway, filling the entire frame.
Shirtless. Skin still shiny with wetness and his jeans sitting low on his hips, revealing the V shape of his muscles. And then you drag your eyes higher and stare at his abs, now flexing as he lifts the towel and rubs it over his hair one last time.
His metal arm shines under the bright lights in your room, distracting you further but not enough to miss the droplet of water that escapes the swipe of the towel and rolls down his sharp jaw before sliding down his neck and between his pecs. It get’s lost somewhere in the valleys of his six pack but your eyes move down again, landing on the dark trail of hair below his belly button.
“Did you forget I was here doll face?” he asks.
The sound of his voice pulls you from your haze and your eyes shoot up to his.
“No…” you start. “I just…I don’t understand.”
“Understand what?”
“Doll did you hit your head when you fell?”
“NO!” you answer far too loudly. “It’s not that. I’m fine. My ankle just hurts but I don’t understand how you have those abs.”
You motion to his stomach and he looks down.
“You eat whole pizzas!”
He throws his head back with a laugh and then drops the towel into your hamper. He’s still grinning when he rounds the bed and climbs in behind you, all his muscles flexing as he settles in.
“Yeah well, I run a lot…and you know the serum helps.”
Your laughter eases the tension a little but only until he places his hands beneath his head and stretches out, making your bed feel tiny.
“Why don’t you ever bring girls around Buck?”
Your question surprises both of you and your apology catches in your throat.
He sits up without warning and reaches for your glass of water, taking a long sip.
“Forget I asked,” you mumble. “I shouldn’t have.”
He shakes his head and takes another drink.
“Do you want me to bring girls around?”
Your immediate reaction is to inwardly scream NO! but instead you ask, “would we still be able to hang out like we do?”
“Probably not doll face,” he says and shifts closer. “Pretty sure you’d make any girl jealous.”
“Then no,” you whisper. “No girls.”
You look away with the admission and then blurt out.
“You smell like my bodywash now. Did you use my shampoo too?”
“Nah,” he murmurs. “Just used the bar soap.”
You face him again and then lean over to sniff his head.
“You definitely used it, don’t lie!”
Capitalizing on having you so close Bucky wraps his arm around you and draws you against his side. Your head lands on his shoulder and you instantly relax, feeling safe and warm.
“You smell good. I like it,” he murmurs.
“I like the way you smell better,” you say sleepily, mumbling something else incoherent before you start to doze off.
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You wake slowly and as the heaviness of sleep wears off you open your eyes to partial darkness and become acutely aware of the hum of anticipation that travels over your sensitized and warm skin. You feel taut and the building pressure between your legs makes you rub your thighs together.
Bucky’s steadying breath makes you turn in his arms, your chest brushing his. You can feel your pulse beat against your skin, pounding wildly all over your body.
For long seconds you study his face and then your eyes are obscured by your lashes when your gaze travels lower, over his bare chest and then even lower to the obvious bulge in his jeans.
“Bucky I…”
Your eyes lock for a fleeting moment and then his gaze drops to your mouth. He dips his head, running his nose along your jaw until his lips lightly brushing the skin of your cheek.
“If you want me to stop…tell me now.”
You say nothing, his delicate touch making your entire body tremble. Then his lips graze yours, just barely, the quick taste not nearly enough.
“Or now…”
Your eyes are closed and you make no sound.
He presses his lips to yours, softly at first, searching and waiting for you to react but when a moan gathers at the back of your throat it’s all the reassurance he needs and he sweeps his thumb across your cheek, cradling your face and angling your head for a deeper taste.
When he rolls his hips you feel the fullness of his arousal against your belly and your lips part on a gasp. A low growl rumbles in his chest and he pulls away to look at you.
“Is that for me?” you ask, still breathless.
“It’s all yours…if you want it.”
His eyes darken with the words and you see the heat in his intense gaze but it only makes you feel coveted and safe.
“I want you Bucky. I don’t want anyone but you.”
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@hiddles-rose @randomfandompenguin @goldylions @kmc1989 @buckysdollforlife @blackwidownat2814
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thelaisydazy · 3 months
Firefighter!Simon Riley x Reader - Coffee Date
The inside of the cafe was crowded as you peered in through the front window, you doubted there was anywhere to sit inside. You chew the inside of your cheek nervously. You were supposed to meet Simon here for coffee, but it looked like you’d have to take your coffee to go.
“Busy.” A deep voice behind you makes you jump. You turn quickly, nearly stumbling into the window before a large hand wraps around the small of your back, stopping you. Looking up you see Simon, who is staring down at you with those impossibly soft brown eyes. He's wearing a black T-shirt under a leather jacket along with his jeans and boots, and of course his skull patterned mask. Your face feels hot as you realize just how close he’s holding you. Thankfully he seems to notice too and releases his grip on you, taking a small step back as he does. He turns his head, looking into the window. “Could always get a cuppa to go...”
“That’s probably a good idea,” you say, fidgeting with the hem of your sweater. Simon stares at you for a moment, picking up on your nervousness.
“You don’t have to go in,” he offers. “You can wait here while I get the coffees.” You look up at him.
“You don’t have to do that,” you say. “I can go in to order coffee.” Simon doesn’t look quite convinced. Quietly, he reaches out a hand to you beckoning you to take it. 
“Just stay close,” he says softly. With a shyness you didn’t usually feel around him, you reach out, wrapping your fingers around his far larger hand. Simon leads both of you inside the cafe. 
While the two of you wait on line, Simon gently rubs the pad of his thumb over your knuckles, a surprisingly soothing motion that keeps you from thinking about how many people are inside the cafe. You’re looking up at the menu, deciding what to get when he looks around, wondering to himself if the cafe is over its occupancy limit. 
As he’s scanning the crowd, he spots Johnny and Kyle sitting at one of the tables, the two immediately looking away when they realize they’ve been spotted. Simon frowns and steps to put himself between them and you, not wanting you to know your date was being watched. 
At the front of the line, you order your favorite coffee, reaching for your wallet as Simon orders himself a cup of tea. By the time you pull out a few dollars, Simon had already paid for both of you. When your drinks are handed to you, he quickly ushers you outside, shooting a glare towards Johnny, who was craning his neck to watch you two. 
“Told you this was a bad idea..” Kyle said, taking a bite of a biscotti he’d treated himself to. He frowned, it wasn’t as good as the ones that came from your bakery. 
“Haud yer wheesht,” Johnny whispered, leaning in his seat. “Where ur they going?”
“Simon saw you.” Kyle pointed half of his biscotti at Johnny. “He’s a big boy, he can handle himself just fine without you.” 
Johnny pouted back at Kyle. He knew Simon could be a little standoffish, he just didn’t want that to ruin the date. Johnny started to stand up from their table. 
“Sit down,” Kyle said sharply. “You’re not getting in the middle of it.”
You found yourself walking with Simon in the park, your fingers still intertwined with his. He leads you to a bench, making sure it’s dry before letting you sit. You sip your drink, sighing as it warms you. 
Next to you though, Simon hasn’t touched his tea. He’s just been staring at it since the two of you sat down. You’ve never seen him without his mask on. Even when he came to the bakery for breakfast, he never removed it to eat, he would just take whatever you packed up for him to go.
“Maybe coffee was a bad idea,” you say, only now realizing he might be uncomfortable removing his mask. You start to stand up when Simon stops you.
“Is fine,” he says. He reaches up, pulling down the privacy mask and drinking his tea, his gaze not meeting your’s as he does. The lower half of his face is covered in scars. Dark pink, twisting and raised against his pale skin. You can’t help but stare at first, before looking away. Nervously you sip your drink, letting your thumb brush over the warm cup in your hands. 
When you look away, Simon feels his stomach twist and his jaw clench. This was a mistake. He was disfigured. Why did he think you could ever look at him with anything other than disgust?
As he takes another sip from his cup, he hears voices coming nearer to where you’re sitting. He reaches up to replace his mask, but you stand before he does, turning to put your body between him and the couple walking past, blocking the view of his face from them. He keeps his eyes on his cup, trying hard not to stare at your body, his face growing warm.
“I got this in the bakery.” He hears you say. You have your sleeve rolled up, showing him a dark pink splotch on your forearm. “The donut fryer, spit out some oil. I had just started working there and was a little too close.” The smile you offer him as you sit next to him again is enough to make him melt. 
“Thanks..” he says, a small smile pulling at his lips. 
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hier--soir · 1 year
fake it
joel miller x f!reader
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rating: explicit, 18+ mdni summary: does joel know you well enough to know when you're faking it? warnings/tags: [18+ MINORS DNI] smut, smut, smut, it's pretty much entirely smut, dirty talk, unprotected piv sex, cream pie, faked orgasm, panty sniffing, cunnilingus. word count: 5.7k masterlist a/n: i've had this idea worming around in my head for days and i just had to get it out so heRE WE GO
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“We’ll stop here for the night.”
Your eyes fluttered open at the sound of Joel’s voice, and the truck rolled to a stop as he parked it in the middle of a field, directly on the edge of a thick forest. The three of you had been on the road for hours since leaving Bill and Frank’s place, and you’d drifted in and out of a fitful sleep for the past few hours, painfully aware that it was your turn to take first watch once you stopped somewhere for the night.
“Fucking finally,” Ellie grumbled from the backseat, and Joel shot her an annoyed glance through the rear-view mirror.
It was already dark outside, and you shone a torch ahead into the inky black mass as the three of you spread your sleeping bags out on the ground. You could hear your heartbeat in your ears, adrenaline spiking in the darkness. You’d always been afraid of it; the dark, and what lurked within it. And being in the middle of a field, late at night, unable to make a fire, was surely one of the worst case scenarios you could think of.
“You guys sure we’re safe out here?” Ellie asked warily. You noticed her eyes staring out across the forest, trying to spot anything through the thick mass of tall trees.
When Joel didn’t answer her immediately, his own eyes drifting outward to gaze into the darkness, your stomach dropped. After a second of too much silence you discreetly elbowed him in the side. His head snapped around to look at you, frowning as he rested a hand on his rib. 
“We’re fine,” you assured Ellie quickly, raising your eyebrows at Joel, as if to say, right?
“Yeah,” he said, eyes sliding from you to her. “No one’s gonna find us out here. You should get some sleep, we’re movin’ early in the morning.”
She nodded, still looking somewhat unconvinced, before slipping into her sleeping bag and rolling over so that her back was to the pair of you. You stared at your partner for a moment, chest aching with anxiety, hating the way his tone of voice hadn’t calmed your nerves.
Too anxious to sit down and rest for a moment, you shouldered a hunting rifle instead, positioning yourself close to the truck, where you could see both of them clearly. Every few minutes you rotated your body, watching the trees from every angle, making sure you would notice if there was even the slightest sound or movement. You hands grew clammy where they held the gun, and you had to readjust your grip on it every once in a while.
“What’re you doin’?” Joel’s voice drifted over to you after a little while. You turned, huffing out a laugh when you saw him lazing on his sleeping bag, sipping from his flask of whiskey.
“What am I doing?” you chuckled. “What are you doing?”
“Getting’ drunk on the job,” he smirked, tipping his head back as he drank. You swallowed thickly, smile fading as you stared at his long, thick neck, and the way it was exposed when he tilted his chin up. It had been weeks since the two of you had done anything more than kiss, too preoccupied with Ellie, and getting to Wyoming.
It was as if Joel could sense where your thoughts had travelled, because his expression darkened, eyes squinting greedily at you from across the open space.
“Why don’t you come over here, darlin’,” he said, resting a hand on his thigh.
“Joel,” you warned quietly, but he just patted his thigh in encouragement, taking a long sip from his flask.
“Just c’mere.”
You spared a glance around you, will power hanging by a thread, but ultimately shook your head, refusing. Joel let out a huff and stood up. He moved slowly, eyes never straying from your face as he stalked towards you, like a predator hunting his prey. And you watched him, tongue darting out to wet your lips as he came to rest beside you, leaning against the truck. Doing your best not to look at him, you tightened your grip on the gun and allowed yourself to lean back against the vehicle as well.
Joel held out the flask to you. “What’s got you so worked up, sugar?”
Casting an irritated glance in his direction, you snatched the flask from his hand and took a long swig, welcoming the stinging distraction as the liquid burnt down your throat.
“You know I hate the dark,” is all you said.
He hummed from low in his throat, nodding once. He stretched out a hand and snagged one of your belt loops with his finger, tugging you quickly into his side. You stumbled into his chest with a sharp gasp of surprise.
“It’s not so bad,” his deep voice drawled, plush lips grazing your ear. You shivered, tucking the flask away before placing a hand on his chest, your fingertips digging into the soft muscle there. “Nothin’ scary about it.”
Joel let his nose trace along the shell of your ear, and then across your cheek, and then his fingers were gripping your chin, turning your face to his..
His lips claimed yours in a bruising kiss, sucking and biting, lathing his tongue along your bottom lip until you welcomed him into your mouth with a pitiful sigh. His tongue pressed against yours, stroking slowly, coaxing your jaw open. You were vaguely aware of his other hand gripping the zip on your jacket and tugging it down. Heat flared in your abdomen, and you gripped the collar of his jacket, sucking his bottom lip into your mouth and pulling back, enjoying the way he groaned as you stretched it out before releasing it with a wet pop.
You watched, glossy-eyed and already a little dazed, as Joel pried the gun out of your hands. He placed it gently onto the bed of the truck. His hand traced over your stomach, fisting the material intermittently, and then he was gripping your hips, spinning you so your chest was to the car, and he was pressed firmly against your back.
“Joel,” you muttered nervously, but he ignored you, sponging kisses behind your ear, suckling on the sensitive spot where your neck met your jaw. You could feel him, hot and hard against the curve of your ass. One of his hands drifted along the softness of your lower stomach, toying with the hemline of your shirt, and a stuttered gasp escaped your lips.
Sharp teeth grazed your neck, nipping at the skin and then he was lapping over it with his tongue, soothing the piercing ache he’d caused. You sighed at the feeling, rutting backward against him. You allowed your eyes to drift shut. And then they slammed back open again, as you realised neither of you would be keeping watch if you shut them. Joel’s face was hidden against your neck, there was no way he would see if anyone snuck up on the camp. Your heart thundered in your chest at the thought, and you kept your eyes open from then on.
“You smell so fuckin’ good,” he whispered against your skin, voice rough and wanton with need. “I’ve been missin’ you.”
“What abou-“
“She’s asleep,” he reassured, grip on your waist tightening. You could feel the way he was straining against his jeans, cock desperate and begging to be touched, as if he’d been thinking about this moment for hours, days, weeks. The ache between your thighs grew painful, and you rubbed against him harder.
“We have to be quiet,” you murmured quickly.
His only response was the distinct sound of his belt clinking, and then a shuffling noise as he dragged his pants low enough to free himself from the tight confines of his underwear. Not wasting a second, he gripped the waistband of your jeans and tugged them down as well, only satisfied when they rested around your knees, giving him full access to you.
One of his fingers glided messily between your folds and he sighed into your ear, marvelling at how wet you were for him already.
“Fuck,” he hissed. “Wish I could put my mouth on you right now. Know you’d taste so good for me, baby, always do.”
You groaned. A soft, pathetic sound.
“It’s been so long,” he groused, and you murmured your agreement. It felt like you were suspended in the air, anticipation holding you firmly in its grasp as you waited for him to do something, anything. “Can’t stand it; s’all I could think about today.”
He tapped the rough pad of a finger against your clit and your entire body flinched forward against the car. As if he could sense the way your knees were buckling, his free arm wrapped around you, holding you up. You murmured his name desperately, hips pushing down against his hand.
“Should I fuck you with my fingers first?” he asked quietly, middle finger circling your entrance. “Or should I let my cock stretch you out?”
When you didn’t answer, mind too fuzzy to string a sentence together, he said, “Hmm?”
“Please,” you keened roughly, turning to glance at him over your shoulder. “Just want you, need you inside me.”
You saw the way the muscle in his jaw worked, lips pursed together as tension rolled through his shoulders. And then his cock was gliding through your folds, smearing your slick over his length, before the blunt tip of him nestled at your entrance. A harsh shout left your lips as he pushed himself, bottoming out in one thrust. Instantly, one of his hands slapped over your mouth, fingertips pressing into your cheek. Your eyes widened, darting around the clearing that surrounded you both on all angles.
“This ain’t gonna work if you do that,” Joel said gruffly, adjusting his hips so he pulled out halfway, before pressing himself back into you. The burn was delicious, and you fluttered around him, gripping him tightly after so much time missing him inside you. A garbled version of your name escaped him, and you whimpered in response, bucking your hips backwards, silently begging him to continue.
He set a gruelling pace, pressing into you relentlessly. One hand covered your mouth while the other gripped the front of your shirt tightly, holding your body still as he fucked into you. When your body jolted against the car from a particularly rough thrust, he muttered a gruff apology into your ear, but didn’t let up. Back arching, you contracted around him, revelling in the sound of the muted groans being let out against the back of your neck.
You bit down into his palm, a muffled cry escaping you. The thought of Ellie waking up and discovering the pair of you flitted through your mind and you cringed. But it disappeared from your mind just as quickly, Joel’s movements driving it away.
The air filled with sounds of heavy breaths and an odd squelching sound, as your slick squeezed around his cock and dripped out of you. Low curses spilled into the atmosphere, and Joel was saying something, speaking to you, but you couldn’t hear him over the roar of blood in your ears. Everything was heightening. The muscles in your abdomen tightened and twitched with every movement of him inside you, and your hips strained backwards, meeting him thrust for thrust. It was all so fast, so desperate, and your body was begging for release after being left untouched for weeks.
But right as you felt yourself reach a precipice, as Joel pushed himself to hit the deepest part of you, everything was ruined.
Because a violent image ripped through your mind of someone storming into the camp in that moment and dragging Ellie out of her sleeping bag. Of someone pointing a gun at you and Joel, while you were defenceless. The darkness of the night seemed to crush in around you, reminding you of its presence and suffocating you. Anybody, or anything, could be out there right now, watching and waiting for the right moment to strike.
Goosebumps rose across your skin. You gasped at the thought, icy dread spiralling through your veins, your orgasm drawing further and further from reach. Except Joel took your gasp as a good sign, and groaned in response, hand dropping your stomach to toy with your clit as his thrusts grew jerkier. You jerked against him, mewling into his hand. It felt good. It felt so fucking good, and yet you couldn’t focus, too distracted to lure back the orgasm that had been dancing in the edges of your periphery.  
Your head was a violent jumble of pleasure and panic. A devastated moan tumbled from your lips, mouth hanging open as the head of Joel’s cock angled against your g-spot.
“There?” he asked breathlessly, and you nodded, reaching to grip the back of his neck. He moved faster, pushing and pulling and hitting that spot over and over. And you could feel the coil inside of you burn again, liquid heat spreading through your limbs as your body tried to reach that high again, but it just wasn’t fast enough. The car was cold against the front of your body, and your brain was on such high alert, that you knew you wouldn’t be able to get there.
“Come with me,” Joel encouraged gruffly, fingertips holding your jaw in a bruising grip. “Come on now, let me have it.”
He was so close. You could feel it in the way his rapid heartbeat crashed against your back; in the ragged breaths that were exhaled across your neck. His hips were stuttering against you, thighs tense. And you wanted him to feel good. Wanted him to let go after so long – god, he deserved it. So you did something you’d never done with Joel before.
You faked it.
Your chin tilted upward to the sky, and you let deep, elongated breaths rattle through your chest, singing his name into the palm of his hand. Joel made a deep guttural sound. His fingers rubbed messy circles against your clit, and you bucked against him, heart thrashing in your chest. He said you’resotight, and you said I’m comingohgodJoelohfuck, and through it all, you could feel it growing inside of you. Your lungs burned inside your chest. He was stretching you so perfectly, so deliciously, and you let out a genuine moan at the feeling of his rough thrusts. You could feel him in the bones of your skull, in the tips of your toes, and in every inch of your body in between, and yet you needed more.
Joel trembled, his entire body shaking against yours. You felt his cock jump inside you in quick, jerky movements and clenched around him, and then he exhaled a deep groan, and went still.  
After a few moments, he pulled out, and you gasped at the cold sensation. Rapid breaths left his mouth, he peppered soft kisses down the side of your neck, removing his hand from your face only to wrap both arms around your torso and hold you against him. Your core ached, clenching around nothing as his spend seeped out of you, spilling onto your inner thighs.
Turning in his arms, you offered him a dazed look. Your body was hot, coiled like a string pulled taught, waiting to snap. He kissed you, with less rush this time, and you returned it lazily, reaching down to tug your pants up over your hips again. Your tried not to cringe as your underwear pressed against you. You were uncomfortably wet, and the cold material stuck to your tacky skin. Joel did the same.
Pulling back from the kiss, you rubbed the side of your jaw, flexing your mouth open in an attempt to soothe the ache that had settled there. Joel watched you all the while. His dark eyes flickered over your face, trying to see you through the darkness.
“You good?” he asked quietly, at the same time as you heard a twig snap somewhere in the trees, off to your left. Your head snapped to the side, eyes glaring out through the thick inky black, ears straining. “Baby?”
“Sorry,” you said, shaking your head slowly. “Thought I heard something.”
Strong fingers gripped your chin, turning you to face him once more. A frown had settled across his face, eyebrows drawn tight across his forehead. His lips were a thin line, and his chest still shook as he regulated his breathing, but you could see it there; the understanding. Your heart skipped a beat in your chest as nervousness zipped through your body. He knew. There was no way, you told yourself. No way he could have known. And yet the longer you stared at each other, the deeper his frown got.
Wordlessly, his hand dropped between your bodies, and he pressed his palm against your mound through your pants. A soft sound of surprise escaped your mouth as his fingers curled against you, pressing against where your clit ached. You whimpered softly, numb fingers gripping his hand and holding it against you. Recognition flashed in his eyes, and you stilled, hand going lax on top of his.
“Fuck,” Joel said gruffly. “Fuck.”
You opened your mouth to speak, to deny it, to tell him it was fine, to say anything, but a rustling sound caught both of your attention. It was coming from the same spot as before, only this time it seemed louder, more pronounced. Your breathing paused.
“Get in the truck,” he said.
“Joel,” you tried, panic laced through your voice.
“Get in the truck now,” he said, grabbing the hunting rifle from the truck bed. “I’ll get the kid.”
Blood rushed in your ears as you walked swiftly to the passenger side of the truck, swinging yourself up into the seat and shutting the door behind you as softly as possible. Anxious goosebumps rippled across your skin as you stared out the window into the darkness, trying to catch a glimpse of Ellie or Joel. Minutes passed, and then the doors opened, and Ellie slumped inside, rubbing sleep out of her eyes, as Joel slammed into the driver’s seat, starting the car and tearing out of the field.
“Did you see anything?” Ellie asked from the backseat.
“No,” he said, not looking at either of you.
“Then why are w-“
“Go back to sleep,” Joel ordered her firmly, and you cringed at his tone, turning in your chair to offer her a sympathetic smile. She didn’t return it, laying down across the backseats and turning her back on the pair of you.
The car was entirely silent as Joel drove the three of you back onto a road, and continued heading towards Kansas City. And as much as your body yearned for sleep, you found yourself wide awake, eyes focused out the windscreen, watching the tarnished landscape pass you by, exposed up by the car’s headlights.
After an hour of driving, Joel finally spoke.
“Ellie?” he said, tone even.
No response came from the back seat. You watched him out of the corner of your eye. He repeated her name.
Satisfied when there was no response, he spared a glance in your direction, before turning back to look at the road.
As if against your own will, you whispered his name quietly, pleadingly.
“Don’t,” he practically growled.
“I’m s-“
“You thought I wouldn’t know?” his lip curled upward, a grimace painting his face. “Think that I don’t know you well enough to know when you’re faking it?”
Your entire body stilled. Heat prickled across your skin, and you prayed to a god you didn’t believe in that Ellie was truly asleep in the backseat. Your hands were clammy, and you wiped them fruitlessly against the material of your jeans, unsure of what to say. He waited for you to speak, and when you didn’t, a loose sigh rattled from his chest.
“You do this thing,” he said quietly. “When you come.”
“This huge smile,” he frowned. “Like you can’t help yourself. Like it felt so good, that you can’t control your face, and you smile so big I can see every one of the fuckin’ teeth in your skull.”
“Every time,” he interrupted firmly.
“And I didn’t realise,” he whispered harshly. “How much I look for it – that I wait for it, I god damn expect it.”
“I’m sorry,” you murmured feebly, heat flashing through you. You gazed at the side of his tense face, stomach twisting at his words. You’d never known you did that. Never known he would notice if one day you didn’t.
“You’re sorry?” Joel scoffed. His hands gripped the wheel so tight that his knuckles turned white. “You should be angry.”
You watched him with bated breath.
“First time I touched you in weeks, and I didn’t even make sure…,” he trailed off, teeth gnawing on his bottom lip. “Like you’re some fuckin’ toy.”
“It was good, Joel,” you spoke in a hushed tone, glancing over your shoulder at Ellie’s back. “I swear, I was just distracted, and it was dark, an-“
“It’s not good with me,” he said curtly, and you stopped, wetting your lips anxiously.
Before you could say anything else, a soft murmuring came from the backseat, as Ellie started to wake up once more. You cringed, straightening in your seat and returning your gaze to the road ahead.
“This isn’t over,” Joel said, voice rough. And when he turned his head to look at you, just for a second, you nodded in acknowledgement. A dark glint of determination shone in his eyes, and it sent a shiver down your spine.
A long, tense day passed by before Joel could get you alone again. You felt the frustration rolling off of him in waves. Those dark eyes watched you, uncaring of whether you noticed or not, his hands twitching towards you whenever you were close, aching to touch you, to repent. Without a chance to shower, you spent the entire day with a sticky reminder of the night before. You were uncomfortably wet, your own slick mixed with Joel’s come making a mess of your underwear, streaking down your thighs inside your trousers.
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It was late afternoon by the time he spotted a house in the distance, and when he pulled up outside of it, he ordered you and Ellie to stay in the car while he checked it out.
“I’m fucking exhausted,” she said from the backseat, as soon as Joel was out of earshot.
“Me too, kid,” you muttered, eyes on the front door until he reappeared, giving the all clear for you both to get out of the truck and go inside.
“There’s a few rooms,” he told you as you looked around the house, eyes drifting over the dusty furniture, bookshelves, dining table. “Two down here, one upstairs.”
“Shotgun upstairs,” Ellie said quickly, heading towards the staircase at the end of the hall.
“Are you hungry?” Joel called out to her back.
Ellie paused at the bottom of the stairs and gave him a look that said what do we even have to eat? But all she said was that she was gonna crash, and grumbled something about him never letting her get any sleep as she marched up the creaking steps.
“I think I’m gonna get some sleep as well,” you yawned, stretching your arm out against your chest. Joel’s eyes flashed to yours, and he huffed quietly.
“Is that right?” he asked, crossing his arms over his chest. You faltered, pulse quickening at the insinuation laced in his words.
“First door on the right,” he motioned his head towards the hallway, and you followed him wordlessly towards the room.
It was small, cosy. Late afternoon light gleamed in through a north facing window, and the sun’s rays shone across a double bed in the middle of the room, and a bare side table. Silently, Joel stripped the sheets off the bed, leaving them in a pile on the floor before unzipping his sleeping bag and draping it across the mattress.
“You tired?”
You watched his hands as they spread the sleep bag out, flattening out any lumps in it. Thick, long fingers pressed against the material, and heat spread through your lower stomach.
“Yes,” you said honestly, and he nodded, tilting his head to look at you. You unzipped your jeans and discarded them on the floor before crawling onto the bed.
“How tired?” Joel queried, kicking his shoes off and joining you on the mattress. He rested back on his heels, hands splaying across your kneecaps as he gazed down at you.
You mmm’d from the back of your throat, wetting your lower lip. “Not too tired.”
The muscle in his jaw jumped as his eyes drifting across your body, down your bare thighs, to rest on the dark spot on the front of your panties. His fingers traced down your thighs, leaving a trail of goosebumps in his wake, until he gripped the hem of your underwear.
He pulled them down your legs, tantalisingly slow, and you watched with wide eyes as he lifted the ruined material up to his face. Maintaining eye contact, he held them over his mouth and nose, and you couldn’t bring yourself to look away as he inhaled deeply. Heat soared across your cheeks, and you would have been ashamed, if it weren’t for the way you could see him beginning to bulge against the zipper of his jeans, hot and hard for you.
“I want you,” you whispered brokenly. Joel dropped your underwear onto the bed beside your body.
“I know,” he gritted his teeth, sliding his palms down your inner thighs and prying them apart so he could settle in between them.
One hand raised to cup your face and you smiled, nuzzling your cheek into his palm. His thumb grazed your bottom lip in a silent request, and you parted them for him instantly, welcoming the digit into your mouth. You swirled your tongue around it, wetting it, and watched intensely as he lowered his hand down your body, and pressed the finger between your folds.
“Christ,” he cursed, mouth falling ajar as he felt you. “You been like this all day?”
“Yes, yes,” you whimpered.   
“Then I’m a fuckin’ monster,” he chuckled mirthlessly, staring between your legs with hooded eyes. “Left my best girl all worked up. God, darlin’, look at you; dripping wet for me, desperate for something to come on.”
“Please,” you exhaled sharply. “I need you, want your cock inside me so bad.”
He tutted quietly, shaking his head a little. “You think I deserve it?” his eyes flashed to yours, mouth downturned. “Think I deserve to be inside this pretty pussy, when I’ve been so mean to it?”
Your thighs tensed painfully as his finger started rubbing lightly against your bundle of nerves.
“Because I don’t,” he said ruefully. “Think I need to make it up to you first, what do you think, baby?”
“Okay,” you exhaled.
“And we aren’t finished unless you come,” he said darkly. “Do you understand?”
Your lips felt numb, tongue heavy in your mouth as you stared up at him through hooded eyes. Joel glared down at you, nostrils flared. “Say you understand.”
“I understand,” you finally mewled in frustration, twitching into the mattress as his thumb swiped over your pulsing clit. “F-fuck, Joel, please.”
His finger dragged between the swollen lips of your pussy, spreading you open so he could see your glistening core. He swore under his breath, the tip of his thumb gliding over your entrance where he could see remnants of his seed still easing out of you. His knees thudded against the old mattress as he dragged himself down the bed, and then his mouth was on you.
“Ohhh,” an exaggerated moan left your mouth, leaving your lips parted in an O shape as your head dropped back into the pillow. His tongue flattened to lick a stripe up your core, all the way from your entrance to above your clit and you shuddered into his mouth, crying out at the contact. His hands gripped your thighs and dragged them over his shoulders, pushing his face deeper into you.
Joel’s nose dragged across your clit as his tongue circled your entrance, and slurping noises filled the air as he cleaned the remnants of himself from your hole. You gasped, fire racing through your veins at the idea of him drinking down his own come, and your hips bucked off the bed. The tips of his fingers dug into your thighs in a silent warning to stay still. You clawed your nails into his scalp, raking through his messy hair, doing your best not to absolutely writhe against his face.
He groaned against you, pulling back momentarily to smirk up at you, your slick shining on his lips and beard. It was shameful, the way the noises he made went to your head. The deep, growling moans, the way his hums vibrated against you. You absorbed them and filed them away into your memory, somewhere only for you to ever see. Your hips framed his face, thighs bracketed over his shoulders as he gripped them, no doubt leaving bruises where his fingertips dug into your flesh.
Joel worked painstakingly slowly at first. His hot, long tongue glided along the entirety of you, and then he dipped it inside your weeping hole. Your eyes rolled back as he pumped his hot muscle in and out of you, until you were begging him to just please fuck me Joel please I’m sorry, but then he just sped up, moving upward to flick the tip of his tongue across your clit. You gasped, back arching off the bed as he swiped back and forth sharply, his lips suctioning around it as he abused your swollen clit.
And then one of his hands disappeared, and he eased a long, thick finger inside of you. He stroked along your walls, hooking his finger against your g-spot as you cried out his name, clenching around the digit. Encouraged by the response, he swiftly pushed a second finger inside, scissoring them and stretching you out as he sponged messy kisses against your clit.
Your mind was a blur. “Shit, Joel.”
Every single nerve, every point of feeling in your entire body, was directed to the apex of your thighs, and you trembled with the intensity of it. Every kiss, every lick, every suck was a reverent apology, a vow to never let it happen again. Joel was on his knees at the altar of his god, begging for forgiveness, and you were more than happy to grant it.
It felt like your chest was being ripped open as heavy breaths worked their way out of your burning lungs, heavy panting mixing in the air with the sounds of his tongue gliding through your wetness. Beads of sweat formed on your forehead, and you moaned roughly as he let his teeth skate ever so slightly over your clit.
His fingers pumped inside you, curling against the roof of your channel in a continuous motion as his tongue rolled against your nerves. It sent a familiar fire spreading through your abdomen, warming your entire chest, until you were gasping for air, jaw aching as it hung open, in awe of every point of contact he had with your body.
You clenched painfully tight, pussy squeezing around his fingers as his tongue swiped back and forth across your clit. Joel hummed in encouragement, mouth buzzing against you in a way that sent you careening towards the edge even faster. It seemed like every muscle in your body was tightening. Arms tensed awkwardly, one hand buried in his hair, the other twisted in the sheets beside you. Thighs pressed against the side of his head, stomach burning as he built you up and up and up and—
“Oh, oh my—fucking god,” you sobbed as your orgasm hit, and Joel braced you against the bed, working you through it. Pleasure rushed through you like an avalanche. Stars burst behind your eyelids, and you let go of everything that had ever existed in your world except for Joel. You lost yourself in him; in the glide of his tongue against your core, in the way your fingers twisted in his hair, in the rough scrape of his beard against your inner thighs. He was everywhere, everything.
In time, you were vaguely aware of him pulling back, of only the drag of his fingers inside you remaining, and you knew he must have been watching you, raking in the sight of you so exposed.
“There you go,” you could hear him saying, somewhere past the ringing in your ears. “Give it t’me. That’s it, look so pretty like this, all fucked out just for me.”
And when he dragged his fingers out of you, it was only to make room for his head to drop down once more to suck and lick at where your orgasm dripped out of you, moaning as he went, desperate not to miss a single drop.
Finally, after the final waves of your climax had settled, and your limbs dropped heavily against the bed, he kissed his way up your body, wet mouth leaving a shimmering trail along your skin until he reached your face and kissed you, letting you taste yourself on his tongue.
He pulled back after a moment, and you breathed deeply, lost in the way the sunlight danced across the back of your eyelids. You weren’t aware of the corners of your mouth tilting upward, of your lips peeling back to reveal your teeth as you grinned brazenly, cool relief coursing through you.
“Look at that,” Joel’s voice brought you back down to earth, and you blinked heavily, trying to focus your bleary eyes on his face. His hair was messy, a dark rough halo around his head as the sunlight shone around him. One side of his mouth was pointed upward, a small smirk decorating his features. “There’s that smile.”
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graysturns · 21 days
𝕨𝕒𝕟𝕟𝕒 𝕘𝕖𝕥 𝕞𝕒𝕣𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕕? | 𝕔.𝕤.
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1.5k+ words
note: hey guys :) this should be short and sweet but i hope you like it anyways. i love soft chris! also last pic is me on my period and that’s why i wrote this + i hate rachel
warnings: none i think just me hating my coworker
long as you dreaming bout me ain’t no problem,
i don’t got nobody, just with you right now,
11:47 pm
my phone buzzes twice, causing it to brightly light up in its spot right by my face.
“ughh, leave me alone!” i groan, tossing it to chris’ side of the bed.
“what is it baby?” chris walks into our room, shutting the door quietly and placing a water bottle on my nightstand. he sits beside me and rubs my back slowly.
“rachel from work wants me to cover her shift tomorrow. something about ACT testing.”
he raises an eyebrow at me. “isn’t that something you would request the day off for? y’know like, in advance?”
“that’s what i said.” i roll my eyes before proceeding.
“i already told her no, but she keeps insisting because i’m the only person off tomorrow.”
chris leans over to grab my phone, unlocking it and putting it on do not disturb.
“it’s about time you have a day off. they’ve been putting you on the schedule every day now.” he sighs, combing his fingers through my hair.
“i know. and today was shit.” i huff out.
“do you wanna talk about it?” chris watches me intently.
“i just don’t wanna complain too much.”
“baby, i looove hearing you complain. it’s like, my favorite part of every day.” he taunts.
“only if you insist,” i sit up and smile cheekily at him.
he repositions himself so he sits across from me, pulling his knees up under his chin.
“talk to me sweetheart,” he grabs my hand, kissing my knuckles.
“so i clock in, and right away i’m being told to get on the espresso machine. my manager was supposed to work alongside me but she kept getting pulled away for manager things so i was doing both positions at our station, which is fine, but during a rush it can be a lot.” i start to ramble.
“and the second she gets back, i get the feeling that i started my period! and i completely forgot about it because i’ve been so busy, so i didn’t have any tampons on me,” i continue.
chris drops my hand and reaches into his hoodie pocket, revealing a bottle of pamprin.
“i actually got the notification earlier from your period app, so i brought these upstairs.” he smiles to himself, opening the bottle and shaking a couple tablets out on my palm.
“chris, thank you!” i exclaim, popping them in my mouth and taking a sip of the water.
“of course babe, i got you.” he pokes my stomach.
“so what else happened?” he asks me.
“well after that it slowed down a little. but the whole coffee shop was a mess after the rush and since we were closing, we had to deep clean everything. i’m just so sore and i want to die,”
“i get it, babe. did you shower yet?”
“the second i got home. fucking rachel spilled a pitcher of cold brew on my thigh and i was so sticky.”
he nods with a slight smile, moving his body up against the headboard.
he laid back in his spot and motioned me over to lay on his chest.
“fucking rachel.” he tsks while rubbing my back.
“why do you hate her so much anyways?” he drops his head to look at me.
“well, do you remember that one day you came through the drive through right before my shift ended? you were picking me up and decided to get a drink.”
he thinks for a moment, “mhm?”
“well she was working the window, and she came to tell us all there was a hot guy outside. basically telling the girls to come look,”
“yeah i remember a few girls came by, pretending to stock cups or something. that’s rachel?”
my lips drew a tight line.
“remember how she had you pull into a parking spot, saying they’d bring the drink out to you?”
“mhm?” he asks again.
“well, she decided to write her number down on a slip of paper and hoped to give it to you on her way out, along with your coffee. i left before her, so while i was getting settled in the car, she was walking up to you trying to rizz you up.”
his mouth forms an ‘o’.
“what a sneaky bitch!” he chuckles.
i roll my eyes at him.
“chris it’s not funny. my coworker wants to fuck you.”
“well it’s never gonna happen, sweetheart. she’s insane if she thinks that.”
i mess with the drawstring on his hoodie, picking at the plastic end.
“it’s just frustrating. she’s been doing little things to mess with me, since the moment she saw us together in your car. like today with the cold brew, that was fully on purpose.”
he sighs, patting the back of my head. “why don’t you just quit? you don’t need to work.”
“chris, you can’t pay for everything,” i sigh, dropping the thin rope.
“i actually can. besides, i’d much rather have you here at home, happy and free to do what you want with all that extra time.”
i smile up at him, lightly running my nails across his stubble.
“you’re too sweet to me, but i can’t let you financially support me chris. we aren’t even married.”
this time, he rolls his eyes at me.
“so what? we already live together. you’re my shawty or whatever the kids say,” he laughs, picking up a strand of my hair, tickling my nose with the end.
“the kids in 2009, and don’t say that ever again, chris.” i snort.
“no but seriously. i know how much you hate this job. and fucking rachel.” he smirks.
“i’ll apply to a few different places in the morning. and we’ll go from there.”
“no, y/n.” he grabs my hand, holding it between us.
“it’s making you miserable, you can quit now and i’ll hold things down until you find something else.”
“chris, i already told you, it’s not fair to you. you’re not my husband, and you don’t need to provide for me.”
he looks to the ceiling for a moment, pondering.
chris faces me again, grabbing hold of my cheeks. “wanna get married?”
“married? chris i-i’d marry you in an instant but not for this reason. you can’t be-“
he pulls away from me and leans over his side of the bed, digging through his nightstand.
turning to face me, he opens his fist to reveal a ring.
what the hell? i sit up quickly.
“y/n.” he holds the ring up.
“i’ve been wanting to do this for a while. i know my timing may not be ideal, but i hate the fact that i’m not your husband, and i hate the fact that you won’t let me take care of you. married or not, i’m always going to be here to take care of you, to help you, to love on you, especially when you’re having a day like today.” chris takes my hands in his, holding the ring on his fingertip.
“..but i’d really rather be married to you and do all those things.”
“chris, you don’t mean..” i begin.
“don’t act all surprised now.” he wiggles his eyebrows.
“you know i love you, we’ve talked about getting married someday. i think we should just do it sooner than later.”
“chris, i don’t know what to say. i want to marry you, i just don’t think it should be because i hate my job.”
“it’s not because of that. i’ve been planning this, if i wasn’t then there wouldn’t be a ring here. what do you think?”
“holy fuck, chris.” i take his hand and open it, placing my left one in his palm.
“let’s get married.” i smile up at him.
he slides the ring on and tackles me into a hug, causing us both to fall backwards on the bed.
“i love you, i love you, i love you, i love you!” he chants while peppering kisses all over my face.
short, sweet kisses turn into a long, heated make out that gets interrupted by three dings from my phone.
“did you not see me turn your phone on do not disturb?” chris huffs out.
“i swear to god if it’s rachel..” i pause, leaning over to pick up my phone.
“she did that ‘notify anyway’ thing. she’s insisting i cover for her tomorrow.”
my phone starts to buzz in my hand, causing chris’s head to snap in its direction.
“absolutely not!” he grabs the phone and clicks it off, throwing it on the other side of the bed.
“fucking rachel. someone needs to punch her in her throat.” he says jokingly.
“h-hello?” a small voice escapes my phone.
“shit, chris i thought you declined the call!” i lunge for the device, end the call and turn the phone off.
“do you think she heard me?” he asks, wide eyed, with a smile tugging on the corners of his lips.
“i don’t care, i’m quitting that job anyways. i have a husband now.’ i beam at him, waving my hand in his face.
“hell yeah you do!” he places his hands on my waist and brings me back down to him.
hope u liked it 🤍 also this is dedicated to rachel i hate u please quit so i don’t have to! just kidding that’s mean! (i’m not)
comment if u hate rachel too
@imwetforyourmom @anonymouslyachrisgirl @junnniiieee07 @imtalkinnonsense @wh0resstuff
if you wanna be added comment here!
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angel5ofp0rn · 18 days
idk, just a thought 😋
141 x Drunk!Reader / Jealous!Ghost x Drunk!Reader
TW: implied drunk sex
(idk what’s up with me and making the reader drunk all the time ???)
also idk i just like the idea of Soap being a perv and Ghost being a fuckin weirdo 🫣
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You didn’t expect the guys to actually give a shit about your birthday... Maybe it was just the excuse to drink.
Still, you couldn't deny that you loved seeing the squad out of uniform and all dressed up for the night.
You even put on a little skirt and low-cut top, curled your hair and wore makeup for the first time in months.
Price bought you your first drink just as a 'happy birthday, kiddo', but it didn't stop there.
Soap got you a few shots and Gaz let you sip from his drinks throughout the night.
You were feeling pretty buzzed by the time you convinced some of the guys to move to the dance floor.
Ghost watched quietly from his spot at the bar across the room. You expected as much.
The two of you have been keeping your distance; you were basically still strangers, apart from the random glances you give each other during training.
Ghost thought of at least saying happy birthday to you, but he wasn’t sure how to go about it.
He wasn’t exactly an affectionate man. Wasn’t great at showing his feelings.
Feelings? The fuck was he thinking?
You’re just nice to look at, that’s all.
It was strange seeing you with your hair curled and your skin showing, almost like a real woman. He had a nagging thought that if the guys weren’t around, he would've gone over to you.
You and Soap are on the dance floor, you tipsy and swaying while he holds your waist, keeping you steady as he mumbled something close to your ear.
"I don't think so." You muse, looking up at Soap. He had asked if Price was watching the two of you, knowing Price has a tendency to act like a father towards you especially. "Why?"
Soap took a moment before he spoke again, the alcohol clearly getting to him. His words were becoming more and more slurred throughout the night, although he still had that Scottish accent mixed it that kept him sounding charming... though almost unintelligible.
"Y'know yer beautiful, aye? An' th' lads, they've been eyein' ya for the whole night. 'Course ol' Price, he's been' tryin' to keep us from gettin' yer attention… But even Ghost! Ghost thinks yer fuckin’ gorgeous.”
"Ghost thinks that?" You tried to focus your eyes on Soap’s, fighting the alcohol.
Soap leaned in even close now, his breath smelling like strong liquor. He even placed his hand on the small of your back, right above your skirt as he spoke again.
"Oh, aye. But we all do… I do."
You giggled at that. Soap's arm wrapped tightly around your waist now, pulling you chest to chest and murmuring more drunken ramblings into your ear.
You quickly forgot what Soap mentioned about Ghost.
But Ghost was still watching.
He watched the way Soap leaned in to whisper in your ear, the cocky smirk on his face, how dangerously close his hand was to your ass.
He watched you drape your arms around Soap’s neck, eyelids heavy. He watched how your eyes wouldn’t focus on Soap’s eyes; they kept darting down to his lips.
Ghost didn’t watch to watch anymore.
“The steamin’ hell’r you doin’, LT!” Soap calls after Ghost as the masked man grabs your arm and drags you off.
“Let me go!” You groan, trying to pull away from his grip. When that didn’t work, you tried to stomp his toes.
No use, he had those fucking steel toes on as usual. After more ignored pleas, you resorted into trying to drop to the floor like a sack of potatoes; like an unruly toddler.
Ghost didn’t miss a beat. He easily scooped you up and slung you over his shoulder as he head towards the bar’s exit.
The second he set you back to your feet outside on the pavement you tried to shove him.
Stupid idea, really. Fucker didn’t budge.
“What is your problem?” You glare at him.
“My problem?” Ghost’s voice was low. “You were about to let MacTavish feel you up in front of everyone in there.”
“Who cares if Soap and I have a bit of fun? What, are you jealous or something?” You groan.
“Of course I am!”
You froze. Your eyes locked in with his.
“You’re… jealous?” You ask again, softer this time.
You can see the subtle movement of Ghost’s jaw clenching beneath his balaclava.
“You’re drunk.” Ghost states. “You should get back to base and sleep it off.”
He’s right, of course. But you don’t listen.
You don’t fully realize you’re doing it, but you reach your hand up and touch his face.
Well, his mask.
Ghost’s breath hitches, and he thinks of swatting your hand away but he doesn’t. He lets your cup his face. Caress his jaw. Rub your thumb over the fabric covering his lips.
He even lets you pull him in closer, lets you get just an inch away from touching noses before he speaks again.
“I cant kiss you.”
You finally come back to earth, your drunken mind suddenly sobering.
The two of you stare at each other for a moment, both silent. Both unsure of what happens now.
“Guess I’ll just go-”
“I want to.” Ghost speaks again. “I would like to.”
“But I can’t.” His huge arms cross as he looks down at up. For something so genuine, he’s saying it as if it’s a threat.
“Right…” You nod slowly, your drunken brain trying its best to gauge what’s happening. “So..?”
“I can’t have you flirting with MacTavish.” He practically growls. “He doesn’t want more than a quick fuck.”
You frown at this, eyebrows lowering into a scowl.
“So you won’t kiss me, but I can’t flirt with anyone else?”
“Yes.” Ghost acts as if this was common sense.
“‘s’not fair.” You roll your eyes. “You can’t do that t’me.”
“Well, I am.”
“Are not.” You challenge. You push past him and re-enter the bar, leaving him outside and alone.
“Bonnie!” Soap calls you over as soon as he sees you.
He’s sat at a table with a bunch of other men that you don’t recognize. He pats his thigh, inviting you to have a sit on his lap.
Ghost’s warning still fresh in your head makes you hesitate.
But who is he to tell you who you can and can’t flirt with? He doesn’t even talk to you.
You try not to stumble as you make your way towards Soap, accepting the invite to sit on his lap. His arm instantly wraps around your waist, holding you in place.
“Didn’t know you had a barracks bunny.” One of the men snickers as he looks you over.
You frown, looking to Soap, waiting for him to correct them. To explain that you’re actually on the squad- no, the best sniper on the squad. An asset to the team, really.
Instead, Soap laughs along with the rest of them, giving your thigh a squeeze. “Nah, nah. ’m keepin’ this bunny all to m’self.”
You had to have heard him wrong, right? Maybe it was the alcohol affecting your hearing.
Before you could defend yourself, you felt Soap’s hand sliding up your thigh, slipping under your skirt.
Your face is burning. The guys all laugh. You feel sick.
Flirting and kissing is one thing… Soap treating you like a sex toy is another.
“Soap, stop.” You mumble, pushing his hand away.
Soap gives you a wink. He thinks you’re playing some sort of game here. His hand starts to creep up your bare thigh again. His lips press against your neck.
“I said stop!” You stand up and shove him by his chest, admittedly harder than you intended to.
Soap landed on his back on the dirty bar floor, his face a mix of pissed off and confused.
Price was by your side immediately, pulling you away from the table as Gaz helped Soap to his feet.
“I’m sorry, Price, I just-“
“I’ve got you a cab outside. Get your ass back to base and sleep it off.” Price barked.
Sober you could handle commands and threats like they were nothing.
Drunk you started tearing up immediately.
Price mumbled something that sounded like ‘for fuck’s sake, kid’ as you turned and walked outside.
Ghost was still outside, balaclava lifted so he could smoke a cigarette.
You didn’t notice him as you slid into the back seat of the cab, but he saw you.
Then he saw Soap and Price exiting the bar one your cab took off.
He watched calmly, smoking as normal while Price stood with his foot on the side of Soap’s head/face, Soap’s cheek pressed against the pavement.
He couldn’t hear what they were fighting about and frankly he didn’t care. He wondered if any of it had been the cause of your teary eyes.
You lift your face off of your pillow and squint at the caller ID as your phone rang.
You’d only been back in your room for about an hour at this point and you’ve been trying to battle the spins.
You swipe to answer the call, smushing your face back into the pillow and closing your eyes again.
“Make it back to base okay, kiddo?” Price’s stern, gruff voice came through the speaker
“Mhm.” You mumble your response.
“Good. Sorry about MacTavish; drunken Scot can’t handle his alcohol…” Price sighs. “He’ll be dealt with in the morning.”
“s’okay.” You nod even though he can’t see it.
“You sure you’re alright then?”
Price exhaled a deep breath. “Get some shut eye. I'll be seeing you at 0530 sharp for PT."
"Yes sir. Love you."
You didn't fully realize that you told Price that you love him as if you were speaking to your dad.
Price was quiet for a second before his tone subtly shifted to sounding more gentle. "Love you too, kid. I'll see you at five-thirty."
You end the call and force yourself to sit up despite your still tipsy state. You knew you wouldn’t be able to sleep with everything on your mind.
Well… with Ghost on your mind.
You call him next, not really expecting him to answer at all. He kind of doesn’t; there’s no voice on the other end, but you could tell he was there.
“So- Why… why didn’t you kiss me?” You stand up off of the bed and pace your room. More like stumble around your room.
“But why?” You groan. “Is it because of Price?”
“We work together.”
“So?” You find a hoodie and pull it on over your going out clothes. “That didn’t stop Soap.”
“And I… I really wanted you to, y’know? And… I think I said ‘love you’ to Price. Y’think he’ll be mad at me?” You start kicking your heels off.
“…you told Price that you love him?”
You kind of giggle at that, hearing it back. “No, I didn’t tell him I love him. I just said ‘love you’ to him.”
You think you hear Ghost snort at that. “Are we done here?”
“Well, no…”
“What do you want?”
“I want you to open your door.”
Ghost doesn’t speak. You look around the hall to make sure none of the guys would see you.
The call ends. Ghost slowly opens his door and peers at you from the small open space.
You look up at him, messy hair and mascara smudged under your eyes. Your hoodie covered most of your outfit and you were barefoot.
“You look ridiculous.”
“Can I come in?” You ignore his comment.
Ghost hesitates but he does step aside and let you into his room.
It was so dark in his room that you almost didn’t notice that he was maskless. Too bad you couldn’t see him better.
You didn’t really know what you planned on doing now that you were in his room… You honestly didn’t think he’d let you get this far.
Ghost’s hand touched your face. His thumb wiped under your eyes, attempting to fix your makeup.
The gesture was considerate though you knew he was just making the smudge bigger.
“I can’t kiss you.” Ghost repeated his words from earlier, but this time it was softer. More gentle.
You shook your head.
“We don’t have to kiss.”
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charliemwrites · 6 months
Yes yes, I know. Part 9 for Charmed Slasher is coming out soon, I promise.
BUT! I had this Thought and just had to do it real quick!
(CW for violent imagery and actual violence)
Simon's been watching you for weeks.
You're such a sweet, quiet thing. Shy. Happy to let your coworkers lead conversations, chiming in only when directly addressed. You smile like sun peeking through clouds, slow and beaming, prying through darkness.
And they way you peer up through your eyelashes, the corners of your mouth tipping up. Oh, oh... he wants to ruin you.
Thinks of you while he strokes himself in bed, looking up at him through those thick lashes. Sticking together with unshed tears as you choke on his cock. That quietly pleased smile when he purrs that you're doing so well, almost halfway there...
It's becoming a distraction, this preoccupation with you. So many others just let their eyes slide over you, but not Simon. No, he sees you.
That you shred your bottom lip bloody when you're deep in thought. You wrinkle your nose and squeeze your eyes shut when you're trying not to sneeze. Always burn your mouth on your first sip of coffee.
He watches you in your home. The way you curl up with your favorite blanket, leaned up against the arm of the couch. A perfect open space for him to share with you. He memorizes your routines and imagines slotting himself into your life.
He shouldn't. That's not going to stop him.
Price has been staring at him hard when he thinks Simon won't notice. Gaz has been jumpier; the recruits whispering more fervently. They can sense him slipping; too many missions. Too much bloodshed. It's soaked past clothes and skin, muscle and marrow. His soul, if he has one, must be drenched crimson.
He needs an anchor to keep him from floating adrift in this sea of blood.
He's found you. So precious. So delicate. He couldn't let himself be too rough with you; you'd break so easily. Oh, his hands itch to break you down piece by piece like his favorite gun. Gut you and clean you out, only to put you back together again with his own hands, his initials stamped into you.
There's no salvation for someone like him, but you're all the Paradise he needs.
And then you go and do such a stupid, silly thing.
You go on a date. Look like something he wants to stain in your clingy jeans and low-cut top. Hair done just so. He wants to see it sweaty and tangled after burying his fingers in it; his vision goes red at the thought of anyone else getting that honor.
But no... no. It's not your fault, really. You don't know any better. But you will. You will very, very soon.
Simon watches your date greet you outside, slip an arm around your waist like it belongs there. Like you belong to anyone but Simon. The only things that saves the man from a bloody end right there is that you gently extricate yourself to go inside.
He seethes on the sidewalk across the street, fingers twitching for his Ka-Bar. The images of his initials on your perfect skin is burned behind his eyelids, and afterimage superimposing itself over his vision.
It's time you knew who you belong to.
Your father always said you have a temper like the Devil. Didn’t understand what he meant as a sunshine six-year-old, giggling after butterflies and munching on cheese sticks. Your parents’ pride and joy, their first and only babygirl.
You understood later, though, standing at the broken window and watching a pool of blood spread and spread and spread….. like leaving a marker tip on the page too long.
You’re Old Testament wrathful, fire and brimstone, churning beneath a lake of oil and ink. Pitch black, iridescent rainbow on the surface, too thick to realize what roils beneath until one misstep breaks that molecular tension—
Rage will boil up in your stomach, scorch your chest. Burns acidic in your throat and stains your teeth on venom. You don’t drown in anger, you wade into it until you float.
Not to say that you’re an angry person. You’re not. Not much to bother being angry about, by your estimate. Disappointed, resigned, annoyed, exasperated - sure. But the raw fury that sharpens your teeth and claws? It’s an energy expenditure your mind hardly ever feels the need to spark.
But there are some things…
“C’mon don’t be a fucking prude.” He’s drunk. He’s drunk and pushy and you feel your ribs expand, expand, expand…
“You fuckin’ owe me something.”
You show a little too much canine as you reply. “Because you bought me a couple drinks I didn’t ask for?”
“Fuckin’ spoiled bitch. Wha’ else d’you want, huh? Fuckin’ money?”
He pushes you. Your shoulders bump the alley wall behind you. The sky is so so dark above, no clouds, no moon. Even next to trash, the stink of that awful whiskey burns your nose.
You think of broken windows and blooms of blood.
“Just fuckin’ get on your knees.”
“The fuck do you jus’ - it wasn’t a fuckin’—”
His face twists, ugly and red (not the right shade of red) puffing up like a particularly loud bird.
“C’mere, you little—“
It’s nothing, nothing at all. A sidestep and a full-body shove. Your timing is perfect. You didn’t touch your second drink when your nail polish turned black.
Your “date” however, is wobbly and uncoordinated, you lean forwards on the balls of your feet in anticipation. Watch him bounce off the brick, stumble over a couple overfilled bags, and crack his temple on the metal corner of the dumpster.
You tilt your head as he collapses in a pathetic heap, barely conscious. Make a point to roll him over onto his back. The last sky he’ll ever see with any luck. You lean your foot into his stomach, watch him turn pale and then green. He’s not going to be able to roll over before all that drink comes up.
Satisfied, you step back as you brush brick dust and dirt from your pants and sleeves. Movement at the head of the alley catches your attention, but by the time you look, the disturbance is gone. Likely someone just passing by. You don’t care if you're wrong.
Below you, the man - you never bothered to actually remember his name - gurgles and starts to rasp wetly. The fury ebbs, a tide dragging out with bloody foam at the edge. You let out a slow, satisfied sigh and navigate to the alley's entrance.
You've barely stepped from the shadows of the buildings when there's a sharp pinch in your neck. The world goes black in seconds.
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hysteria-things · 3 months
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𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: soft dom!matt x reader
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: ever since you and nick became close, the number one rule was don’t fuck your best friend’s brother. for you (and matt), rules are meant to be broken.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: SMUT, swearing, slight hair pulling, p in v, praising, getting caught
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 697
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: switched it up a teeny bit.
this song has NOTHING to do with this fic but it’s the first thing that came to mind when i got this request LMAOOO
for @idrc383 :)
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the somerville high school volleyball team won the first set, the timer on the scoreboard counting down three minutes until the next one started. you are on that team.
the coach throws positives about how you guys are playing, sipping your water out of your water bottle before he disbands the team circle.
as you wait, you check your phone to see a text message from the one and only matt sturniolo.
nick, his brother, is your best friend. you feel guilty because the thing nick nags you about most is to not get involved with his brothers. you didn’t listen and have been hooking up with matt behind his back.
you look at the bleachers across from you, seeing nick talking to chris and nate. matt, however, is staring at you. a smirk is on his face as he points to his phone, indicating for you to check your phone.
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the original plan for today was to hang out with the triplets after the game (that you won), so it’s not suspicious that you’re at their house. still dressed in your jersey, but the shorts are now sweatpants.
it's late now, around 9 PM, and nick’s passed out on the couch. the movie you guys were watching still plays, but you couldn’t care less about it. chris is in the bathroom, doing god knows what since he’s been in there for ten minutes.
you’re next to matt on the couch. he moves closer to you to talk in your ear. “my room?”
you bite your lip, he gets off the couch and takes your hand so he can lead you quickly and quietly.
your ass slaps against matt’s thighs each time you plop yourself on his dick, your palms gently resting on his legs. your back is facing him, and you're bouncing nonstop. one of his hands is on your mouth to muffle your moans and whimpers, while the other one is wrapped around your ponytail.
he pulls your head back, not to where it hurts, but to rest on his shoulder. this action makes your back arch, his cock hitting a new angle. you moan loudly, causing him to tug your hair harder.
“even with your mouth covered you still can’t control yourself, huh?”
“f-feels so good.” you stammer into his hand, your eyes rolling back when he hits your g-spot.
the feeling makes you bounce even harder, matt’s chuckle tickles your neck. “my good girl— shit, you’re clenching tight. you going to be a good girl and cum for me?”
“y-yes. i-i’ll be a good girl,” you whine. you’re so focused on staying quiet and the ecstasy that you guys don’t listen in on the voices outside of his door.
nick stands just a few inches away from the bedroom in the hallway, chris stopping in his tracks since his brother is in the way. “have you seen y/n? did she leave?”
chris glances at matt’s closed door. “she’s in there.” he tilts his head to the room.
nick’s unamused. “seriously, chris. where is she?”
“in there.” he repeats with a sad expression on his face. “she and matt are in there. i saw them go in after i got out of the bathroom.”
your hips grind as you get down from your high, matt now softy thrusting up into you to get to his orgasm. you look at him with glassy eyes, leaning to kiss you passionately.
the door slams against the wall, scaring the both of you. you scurry off of his lap and onto the bed. “what the fuck?” nick says sternly.
he and chris are standing in the doorway, nick looks infuriated and chris is cringing at the sight. matt makes sure to cover you before covering himself with his clothes by laying them on his lap.
“hey guys,” he says nonchalantly.
your face is red, trying to hide yourself under the covers. how can matt be so calm about this?
you just know that you broke nick’s trust. the one rule he gave you. of course you had to be selfish and let your feelings be more important than your friendship.
don’t. fuck. your best friend’s. brother.
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𝐭𝐚𝐠 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭!
@bunbunbl0gs @lexisecretaccx @thy-mission @angelic-sturniolos111 @sophssturn @mattsneezing @janiellasblog @blahbel668 @meg-sturniolo @hearts4chris @mattslolita @sturnbaby @imwetforyourmom @tillies33ssss @sturnifyed @mayhem-72 @ripmattitude @p1xieswrld @alorsxsturn @txssvx @sttzee @multiluvr @delilahprentiss @matthewsspecial @idkhowtosleep @sturniolho @suga-daddy-69 @tworosesblackthorn @luckistar-posts @gnxosblog @junnniiieee07 @sturnioloslurps @tylerthecreatorsrealwife @flowerxbunnie @imaslut4kehlani @sturniolosandmoree
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ittoslime · 3 months
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I just wanna do dirty things with you...
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synopsis: itto convinces you to go visit liyue with him. you get drunk and ask to see if his dick is just as big as he is. content warnings: nsfw (18+)・pronounless reader・size kink・face fucking・drinking・dick sucking・uncircumsized dick・mentioning about puking・face cumming・cum swallowing・dacryphilia・drooling・no beta
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Itto’s eyes light up as another plate of food is placed on the table between you both. The waitress is becoming a little more confident when serving you both, though you can still see the subtle shake of her hand as her eyes peek over to the Oni. Often you forget just how big he is since you’ve become accustomed to his size, though seeing him with other people tends to remind you he’s much bigger than all the humans he comes in contact with. 
It’s also easy to forget what he is due to his friendliness and gentle touch, always taking care to remember his own strength and size when interacting with other people. Some things slip through the cracks, though. His booming voice as he thanks the waitress enthusiastically and gives her a wide, toothy grin that shows off his fangs. Even when he’s sitting on a regular sized bench, Itto is around the same height as the average height waitress on her feet. 
“Liyue food is so much better than I thought it would be.” Itto says before slurping a mouthful of dragon beard noodles. 
You smile at him, finishing off the rest of your baijiu and nudging your lone, half finished plate of food towards Itto. “Do you want my leftovers?” He looks at you with a raised eyebrow, lips covered in the thick sauce and you elaborate. “I’m full.” 
“Are you sure? I don’t wanna steal from you – you know that’s not my style.” You laugh and nod, watching as he takes your plate gratefully and swallows the rest in one mouthful. 
When the check comes, Itto gives you a nervous smile and tries to shrink himself as much as he can under your knowing gaze. You knew he didn’t have enough mora to pay for this trip since he first asked if you wanted to come. ’A bro trip! Just us and the Liyue breeze, what do you say?’ First it was the boat trip he conveniently didn’t have the mora for and swore he knew a guy while here, now it’s your dinner after he’d racked up an eye watering tab. You paid it with a sigh and the waitress handed over a lollipop just for Itto (after you had quietly asked if they had any since he always likes to cleanse his palate after a meal).
Standing up to return to your room, you hadn’t realized just how strong the alcohol you’d been sipping away at was. It was easy to fall into the habit of trying to keep up with Itto, especially when it came to drinking. You’d order another drink with him, watching him easily slurp down his glass before you’d even reached halfway. The indicator you needed to stop or slow down was when it stopped burning your throat. You stood and swayed on the spot, feeling like the world was spinning at crazy speeds around you. Itto holds you to him, your head only just reaching his sternum with an arm over your shoulders. 
“Woah, are you okay?” 
You nod. “Yeah, I just drank more than I thought.” 
Itto laughs, already having seen this coming when he watched you pound back drinks one after another with him. Before you knew it, Itto had picked you up with ease and carefully thrown you over his shoulder. You squeak and huff in surprise but don’t fight him. “Come on ya big drunk, we’ll get back to the room faster if I carry ya.” 
Since there’s an event at the hotel, they’re hosting more people than usual, in turn you and Itto opted to share a room at the Baiju Guesthouse. You giggle all the way back, not noticing the other concerned patrons with you over Itto’s shoulder or even that Itto was wandering around the establishment. He had become accustomed to the strange looks of fear outside of Inazuma. 
Inside of your room, Itto gently lays you back onto the bed. A big mistake as the world begins to spin even worse than it had when you were stood up, feeling like you were being swung around the room. You pout and groan, “I can’t lay down, I’m gonna be sick.” 
Itto grimaces and seems panicked for a moment, standing by the bed as he watches you push yourself back into a sitting position and hang one leg over the side of the bed. “Oh yeah don’t…Do that – I am not cleaning it up if you do!” 
You laugh and lightly punch his hip, the only part of him you could see and think to reach. Wearing his usual attire, his hip was bare and skin warm under your knuckles. Even if it wasn’t a hard punch or anything that would even remotely hurt him, Itto still took childish offense to your actions. 
“Hey!” He shouts a little too loud, nudging your head just a little too hard and sending you almost falling back into the bed. When he saw what was happening and that you’re likely going to be dizzy from such a fall, Itto grabs your arm to pull you back up again. With a groan, he pulls out the lollipop that was still in his mouth with a pop and nudges it past your lips. “Here, take this, It might help.” You don’t fight it and let the sticky and wet treat pass your lips and sit on your tongue. “I’ll go and get you some water, too. That will definitely sober you up enough to sleep.” 
He leaves the room in search of water, giving you some peace and quiet for the first time in a long time. Rather than mulling over everything leading up to this moment, including the boat ride from Inazuma, traveling through Liyue harbor and getting to the guest house, you savored the taste of Itto’s saliva on the lollipop. It was subtle and mixed in with the sweet, lemon-flavored sugar but it had you thinking about just how big Itto is again. All the times you’ve hugged him and felt him squeezing you back with just a fraction of his true strength, the way he’s able to easily pick you up or other heavy items you needed carrying, towering over you almost triple when sat down, easily able to hide behind his tall and wide frame when he’s fighting for your honor. 
It feels like Itto returns in no time with a glass of water, kneeling on the floor in front of you before offering the delicious, clear liquid that is not imbued with alcohol. Even sitting back on his calves and you sat atop the bed, Itto towers over you just a little bit and it has your heart racing. First, you need to drink. The lollipop is passed back to Itto, who returns it to his own mouth and easily crunches the rest of the candy with his sharp teeth. Oh…Those teeth. 
“That’s it baby, keep drinking slowly.” Itto gives you light encouragement under his breath as you drink in steady streams. It makes you laugh into the class, humming when you finish all that he’d brought you. “Feelin’ better yet?” 
You nod and smile, though it’s one of someone who’s just a little drunk still. It’s easy sometimes to be lost in Itto’s eyes, those bright amber orbs that blend in with sharp orange hues. Sometimes you wonder if all Oni could be like him – blue or red, it doesn’t matter. Inazuma might be a better place if they were. 
It feels like you’ve lost control when your head leans forward, reaching up as much as you can and using your hand to tilt Itto’s chin down. Your lips press into his forehead, a gentle and affectionate action that leaves Itto with a tint of blush dancing across his cheeks. When you giggle, Itto smiles and takes the glass from your hands before you accidentally break it. 
“How tall are you again, Itto?” 
“I’m uh…208 last time I checked. Why?” He responds without hesitation. 
You hum, very obviously thinking of something but Itto doesn’t seem to pick up on any of it, patiently waiting to see if you’re going to puke everywhere or sleep off the alcohol. “Can you stand up for me?” 
Again, like a good boy, Itto doesn’t hesitate or question your strange requests and stands up in front of you. From here you’re face to face with his crotch, staring into the face of his obnoxious Oni belt. When you hum, Itto lets out a little nervous laughter. “Is there something wrong?” 
“No…” You respond but still maintain eye contact with his buckle. “I’m just thinking.” 
“About what?” 
Without tilting your head, you look up at him and catch his eyes staring down at you. Holding his gaze for a moment, you return to the buckle. When he doesn’t move or say anything, you roll your eyes dramatically and laugh. “You know what they say about big guys…” 
Itto shifts under your gaze now, looking up at him with sultry eyes that he’s not used to seeing. Your hand was resting on his thigh, squeezing the taut muscle under your thumb and smiling. He crosses his arms and answers, “...They have big hearts?” 
You laugh again, louder this time and it makes him even more nervous, though he laughs along with you. He’s so sweet and you can’t stand his innocence sometimes. “Maybe…But it usually means something else is big.” Once again, your eyes trail down from his and to his belt buckle, before they return to him. 
A groan precedes your laugh as you hit his hip again. “No! Your dick!” 
“Oh! Uh yeah, I meant that…” Itto laughs and attempts to play off his misunderstanding like he was joking around with you the whole time. “That’s what I was going to say next, I just wanted to play around with ya.” 
You snort before your face softens. Realizing you need to be straightforward with him, you ask, “Can I see?” 
Itto’s heart jumps into his throat, beating a mile a minute and trying to play it cool when he uncrosses his arms and fumbles with the traps around his hips. “Wait, like, right now? You wanna–?” 
“Yeah, if you’re okay with that.” 
“Sure! Yeah! Of course, I just gotta–” 
It’s obvious he’s excited but nervous, trying to keep up his cool guy act while fumbling to unbuckle himself. You watch with your eyes burning holes into his hands, patiently waiting for the show and growing more excited as he works his way through the accessories and clothes. Itto pulls down his pants to his thighs, enough for his (unbelievably) half hard cock to spring out. 
You knew it was going to be big, but you didn’t think it would be this big. 
When your eyes widen, Itto grows even more nervous than before. If he were human, his palms would be sweating, face as red as the markings that adorn his face and body. He worries it’s not as big as you expected it to be, possibly freaked out with how it looks. Itto hasn’t seen a human’s dick in person before, only in the couple of anatomy books he’d come across when growing up. Your reaction doesn’t fill him with hope, crossing and uncrossing his arms over and over as he watches your facial expression intently. 
“Y’know…” Itto stammers, trying to fill the silence and ease his nerves. “Uh, yeah, there it is.” He’s mentally begging you to say something, anything! 
“Oh my god, Itto.” 
That’s it, he’s putting his dick away and never showing you or anyone ever again–
Before he can tuck himself back in his pants and maybe throw himself off of the top of the tree, you reach out and touch his cock. Itto’s shaft is hot to the touch and you can’t wrap your hand around him fully. You give him a slow stroke, watching as he subtly twitches in your hand and the peek of his dark head makes itself known to you through his foreskin. There’s only a couple of prominent veins that decorate his cock, but it’s enough to make your mouth water. It’s just as big as he is. 
“You’ve been hiding this thing the whole time?” You smile up at him, allowing for Itto to release some of his built up anxiety. 
He breathes out a chuckle, letting his shoulders droop. “Yeah, not everyone gets to experience Arataki The One and Oni Itto like this.” 
You give his shaft an experimental kiss, soft and slow before dragging your tongue from his base along towards his head. Itto gasps quietly above you, biting his lip to keep down his noises. Already he wants to moan and cry over the feeling. When you looked up at him with your big eyes and took his head into your mouth, Itto felt like he was in love. His hand found its way into your hair, stroking you with encouragement as you suck on his tip. 
He’s fully hard now and just a little bigger than when you first saw him, giggling as it hangs pointed at you. “You’re bigger than my fucking face.” To prove a point of your statement, you lean your head back and let his cock sit over the length of your face, continuing to giggle. It’s true, with your chin at the base of his cock, his tip still hangs over your head. The sight drives him insane, breathless almost and desperately twitching on top of you. 
Pulling away from him again, you go back in to suck his tip between your lips and try to take as much of him as you can. He’s so big that it hurts your jaw just to take him in, hardly able to take any of his length before he reaches the back of your throat. Still, Itto has a great time with your warmth wrapped around him. Wet and hot, it’s an indescribable pleasure that he never wants to end. Even watching you struggle encourages him, makes his balls ache with desire. 
Your eyes are locked onto him as you move in short bursts, trying to take more and more of him but you’re not brave enough. Itto can’t be sure what possessed him to do such a thing, but he worked slowly to give you the opportunity to stop him. His hands held each side of your face, large palms pressed against your cheeks and fingers threaded through your hair on each side. Itto gently coaxed you back and forth on his cock, taking over control of you and pushing you further and further down his length with each stroke. You hum but it isn’t out of panic or resistance, holding onto his thighs for leverage as your eyes remain on his. 
Eventually, you were so far down on Itto’s cock that he never once left your throat. Itto didn’t pull you back enough to leave, obsessed with the feel of your warm and tight throat contracting around his head every so often. Even so deep, Itto didn’t face fuck you at such intense speeds like he’d desired. His pace wasn’t slow but he definitely wanted to give you the full Itto experience if he could have his own way. Just from his current motions, you were rendered useless. Tears stream down your face, drool hangs off your chin, happy to be used by him and his insanely large cock. 
The closer Itto came to his release, the more of his Oni side came out. Growls were almost primal, moans and grunts guttural in a way that was entirely inhuman. His markings began almost glowing in the low light of your room, lips upturned into a snarl and fangs highlighted when he bites his lip to keep himself under control. It reminded you of what Itto was, and made your own core throb with desperation. 
There’s no warning when Itto finishes, only his warm cum leaking down your throat as his shaft throbs on your tongue. You think he’s going to make you swallow all that he has, which is already an excessive amount, except he finally pulls out of your mouth and lets the rest of his seed spurt over your face. Itto breathes out a laugh when he thrusts his cock over your face, resting at the side of your nose and smearing his cum over you. When you give a light, sucking-kiss to his tip, Itto whines and pulls away. 
“Good job kid on not puking everywhere.” 
You can’t help but laugh, hitting him in the hip for a third time that night. “Go get me a tissue to clean up, dumbass.” 
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dilfl0v3rss · 1 year
Gonna drop this here before I completely disconnect from the outside world.
What aboutttt bestie Sasha introducing you and drugDealer!Ony at a party, only to find out y’all already know each other very, very well.
me and you like this fr🤞🏽 we share a brain. you are me and i am you. i love you twin😩 we gon use shy!reader for this one bc regular reader would’ve been made it known that he was her man😭
“girl let’s goooo. you wont die if you just lived a little.” your roommate sasha sighed as she watched you look yourself over for the third time. “i don’t know sash. it’s a little short for me” fingers toying with the fabric of the short skirt as you looked at your unrecognizable reflection.
you weren’t really the type to wear this kind of stuff. going for a calmer, more covered up look rather than the cute skimpy outfits sasha would wear. but since this was your first party your roomate insisted you borrow some of her clothes. “girl you look sexy as fuck. if i wasn’t with connie i’d definitely hit that.”
sasha light tapped your ass before turning on her heals and leaving your room. “i’ll be in the car bitch. don’t take all night in here staring at yourself.” you sighed before picking up your purse and following her. as soon as the two of you walked in the door the smell of weed and alcohol hit you, making your scrunch up your face as you fanned your hands in the air to clear the smoke.
“no need to be doing allat girl. i’m getting you high tonight anyways.” sasha giggled as she watched your eyes widen. the two of you walked deeper into the party, eventually stopping in the kitchen for some drinks. you settled for a small cup of casamigos while sasha grabbed a couple shots of fireball.
you didn’t get the chance to take a sip of your drink before sasha began pulling you towards the backyard. “we gotta go cop some weed before we start.” you gave her a puzzled look. “connie’s not here so where you gon get it from?” your question was immediately answered when the two of you stopped in front of a man leaning on the wall.
he was tall, about 6’3 wearing his sweatpants sagging a little under his briefs. his black tee fit snug, stretching a little as his arms flexed while he was lighting the blunt in his mouth. “ony ony onyyyy.” sasha yelled as she gave the guy a side hug. “yoo sash. what you need?”
ony gave you a calm glance, eyeing you as he took a long hit from the blunt. sasha took his expression as confusion, explaining the situation to prevent any confusion. “oh!! ony this is my best friend and roommate y/nnn!!” she turned towards you, laying her hand on your shoulder to give ony an introduction as well. “y/n this is onyankopon. connie’s bestest friend and my backup plug.”
ony chuckled as he held his heart. “damn that’s all i am?” sasha sighed loudly before correcting herself. “and he’s my friend” his large hand outstretched, waiting for you to shake it. your hand slowly connected with his, looking away shyly as his deep voice rang through your ears. “nice t’meet you sweetheart. what y’all ladies lookin for tonight.”
sasha opened her mouth to speak, but was cut off by the sound of her phone ringing. “hello?….the fuck you mean?….ughhh okay….okayyy i hear you damn.” you and ony looked at her in confusion. “uhhh we gotta go. connie stupid ass left his gun in my trunk and he needs it now.” sasha rolled her eyes as she put the fireballs on the nearby chair.
you honestly didn’t wanna go to connie’s, knowing damn well the two of them was gon end up arguing then fucking mad loud upstairs while you sat on the couch watching spongebob. ony could tell you didn’t want to go by looking at your face offering to take you home instead. “i can take her. if you okay wit that” sasha immediately shook her head. “hell nah she don’t know you like that. ian gon do that to my girl.”
ony shook his head as he watched you stand there with your hands behind your back, swaying from side to side as you quietly watched the two of them go back and forth. “sash i know how y’all be getting and i know she don’t feel like sitting in the living room while you get your back blown out by my brother.” a giggle flew out of your lips as sasha gasped in shock. “oh my goddd y’all be hearing usss??”
the two of you nodded your head before sasha looked away in embarrassment. “you okay wit going wit this bum?” brown eyes looking him up and down before a small smile crept on your lips. “i don’t mind as long as you don’t drive fast.” ony’s lips twitched into a smirk. gold grills peeking at you before he replied. “i’ll drive at whatever pace you want.”
“oohhhh my godddd faster daddyyy.” you moaned as ony pounded into you. hand lying flat on your back as you drooled all over his seats. strings of your arousal kept the two of you connected as you started fucking yourself back onto his dick. “that’s right mama throw that shit back. you know how i like it.” your ass clapped repeatedly on his stomach as you moaned his name.
“love your lil outfit princess. look so sexy wit this skimpy shit on.” ony’s hand gripped the skirt that was bunched up around your hips. tugging on it to fuck you onto him harder. he took his other hand and landed two rough slaps to your ass. “ooouuu mhm.” your ass poked out more are you prayed for more of the delicious contact. “you like that mama? like when daddy spanks you?”
“ y-yea. w-want daddy t’be rough wit me.” ony smiled at your change in behavior. just thirty minutes ago you were quiet as a mouse, barely able to look him in the eye. but now here you were, getting your back blown out in the back of ony’s black srt, begging him to fuck you like a slut.
you and ony have been doing this thing for awhile now where you’d act like the two of you weren’t well acquainted in public just to fuck each other like you’re married in private. since he was a very well known guy and you didn’t talk to many people you came up with the idea to leave your little situation a secret.
trying to avoid the drama that came with having a fine ass drug dealer for a boyfriend. it’s been going well in your eyes, but ever since ony saw you all dressed up for this party he knew that tonight he’d have make you fold. wanting your sexy ass all to himself everyday and not just days you were alone and horny.
“i want you t’be my girl” he moaned as he stilled his hips. watching you continue to throw it back on him at a slow pace. his words made you look back at him, hips never faltering as you looked for a hint of untruthfulness in his eyes. “b-but people might-”
“ion give a fuck about how people gon feel. i only want one girl and it’s you.” a moan slipped from your lips as ony began thrusting into you again. light brown palms pushing your back down again before slamming into you repeatedly. “auugghh onyyy.” your hand reached back and gripped his wrist, holding it tightly as you tried to endure the harsh strokes he fed you.
“be mine y/n. that way you can be daddy’s girl every night instead of the nights you home alone.” your pussy fluttered at his words. you loved when he talked like this. “c-can i think ab-about it daddy?” ony leaned down to kiss on your neck. “take your time mama. m’stayin wit you tonight anyways.”
ony ended up crashing at your place that night. chest full of tattoos facing the ceiling as he slept on his back. his black durag that he always left in your dresser fitting snug on his head. while you admired your new boyfriend you were interrupted by the vibration of your phone. “hello?” you whispered. “hey girl m’stayin over at connie’s. you get home safe?hope he didn’t drive too fast.” you giggled as you glanced at ony’s sleeping figure, brows furrowed and lips parted as he slept peacefully in your bed.
“i got here fine. he drove really well-” the feeling of ony’s large hand pulling your back to his chest made you gasp before he spoke lowly in your ear. “why you so far away mama? when you stay at my crib you usually like to sleep on my chest.” his sleepy voice rang through the speaker, making sasha gasp. “oh. my. go-”
“see you tomorrow girl byeeee.” you hung up, putting your phone on silent to hush the millions of texts sasha was going to send soon. you turned towards ony before lightly pushing him in his back so you could sleep comfortably on his chest. “goodnight princess.” he grumbled before falling back asleep. you smiled, cuddling your face deeper into his inked chest. “goodnight papa.”
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clbrq · 6 months
prompt; living alone in LA had its perks and downsides. on the positive side, you had all the freedom in the world and got to experience all the wonders of the city in your own time. however, when you have a stalker, it isn’t as fun. but, when you finally face the mysterious man—maybe he wasn’t so bad after all..
warnings; SMUT, stalker!sam, oral (receiving), very loving sex but also a bit rough at times, cursing/swearing, p in v sex, unprotected sex.
contains sensitive themes, MINORS DNI.
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Tonight was no different.
Walking home from the bar, feeling tipsy and wobbling as you went—you felt like you were being watched. The street towards your house was dark, only lit up by the dim shine of the lamppost.
You stumbled over your own feet a few times, quietly giggling as you stabled yourself. Quickly turning around to check your surroundings, the empty street greeted you. Phew.
Turning around, however, erupted a different feeling within you. The figure of a man walking towards you sent shivers of fear down your spine as his dark outline was the only thing visible. Sucking in a breath, your heart rate quickened as he approached you—his hands stuffed into his pockets.
His face wasn’t clear—covered by a black mask with his hood up, paired with black sweatpants and bright white shoes. Not saying a word to you as he passed you, only flicking his eyes towards yours for you a moment.
The breath you didn’t even notice you were holding for so long released itself as he passed your vision. Thank god. Soon enough, you managed to make it to your house in one piece, the sensation of fear had long worn off.
Unlocking your door, you sighed as you locked it—feeling a small dose of safety as you trudged up the stairs towards your bedroom.
“Thank fuck he didn’t follow me home.” You mumbled to yourself, slipping off your heels and dress, and stumbling towards the bathroom.
As you turned on the shower and hopped in, your innocent little mind turned a blind eye to the man in all black with white shoes stood outside the gate to your house—watching your naked silhouette through the window as you washed yourself. His trousers tight against the hard-on begging to be freed as he stared at your figure.
His eyes never left your body as he watched you—not caring if the window was frosted over to hide your nakedness; he was just happy to even be this close to you. He was lucky you didn’t notice him while you drank and laughed with your friends as he sat at the bar. And even luckier when he took the other route to follow you home—making it look more nonchalant as he passed you.
He didn’t want to scare you, or make you uncomfortable. He just wanted to make sure you were safe—he wanted to protect you. He just loved you so much, he wouldn’t be able to live with himself if anything happened to you.
The next week or so, you still felt that same feeling, like someone’s prying eyes were on you constantly. Even when you drove to work a few days a week, you barely noticed the same Tesla following you behind you, and how it stayed in your parking lot all day until you left. You just assumed it was someone who worked at your building—it was a big company.
But, as you sat at the same bar on a busy Friday night, you caught on to whoever was making you feel like this.
Sat at a small circular table with your friends, your eyes slipped to the strangely familiar man sat at the bar, sipping what looked like Jack Daniels from a glass. You wouldn’t have thought twice about his presence until your eyes landed on his overwhelmingly white shoes. Your brain flicked back to last weekend as you walked home, the same man who passed you.
It’s just a coincidence, right?
“Penny for your thoughts?”
Snapping back into reality, you turned to face your friend who wore a comforting smile on her face, “Oh, nothing. Just thought I recognised that guy at the bar.” You told her, returning the smile.
Peering around you to see for herself, her eyes glided over his frame as she smirked, “He looks cute. You should go talk to him.”
“Absolutely not.” You chuckled, sipping your Margarita, “I think I saw him when I was walking home the other night. He looked a bit creepy.”
“Oh, you and your paranoia.” She joked, “It’s probably not the same guy—just go talk to him. Get out there!”
Feeling the alcohol course through your system, the thoughts of uncertainty washed away as you smiled, “Okay, fine. But the next round is on you.”
Laughing as she agreed, you rose from your seat and straightened out your dress, beginning to walk towards the mysterious man at the bar. As you approached the bar, you took a comfortable seat next to him, turning to face him as you offered him a sweet smile.
“Hi.” You started, meeting his bright blue eyes. You scanned over his face—he was gorgeous. He had luscious blonde hair that accentuated his ocean blue eyes, mixed with plump pink lips and perfectly clear skin. He was lean and fit—he was hot.
“Hey.” He replied, looking you up and down.
“What’s got you sat all alone at a bar?” You questioned, resting your chin in your hand as you peered up at him through your lashes.
A small smirk rose upon his face at your words, a chuckle leaving his lips, “Rough day at work, just looking for a nice drink to relax with.” He lied.
“Me too.” You replied, “Me and some friends always drink here after work. Just gets exhausting sometimes.”
“Exhausting being every week?”
“How do you know I come here every week?” You furrowed your eyebrows at his words, a sudden uncomfortable feeling crawling up your spine.
“Well you said you always come here, so I just assumed..” He trailed off, saving himself.
You laughed at yourself, “Sorry. I live alone so I’m always on edge.”
The man laughed, “You’re alright. Maybe you need another drink to loosen yourself up.”
“Another Margarita then, please.” You grinned, your cheeks flushing red at his actions. The blonde boy called the bartender over, ordering your drink and swiftly sliding a $10 bill over the counter.
“So, what do you do..”
“What do you do that’s so stressful, Y/N?” The boy asked, taking a sip of his drink.
“I work in marketing for social media. It’s tough, but it’s been my dream job for years.”
Silly, you. He already knew that.
“Oh, wow. That’s similar to what I do I suppose. I’m a manager for a social media star.” He lied, again.
“No kidding, who?” You asked, excitable.
As the two of you discussed careers and lifestyles, he listened to you carefully—nodding along as he pretended like he didn’t already know.
“Can I ask for your number?” The boldness of your tone excited him. Finally, he thought.
“Of course. I’m Sam, by the way.” Sam introduced, taking your phone from your hands as he typed his number in, “Are you doing anything tonight?”
Arousal pooled in your stomach at his suggestion. It had been months since you’d had sex—you wouldn’t say you were desperate, but you needed it badly.
Before you even knew it, you were quickly saying goodbye to your friends and following Sam out the door, hand in hand. Excitement bubbled inside you as you climbed into the passenger seat of his car as he opened the door for you.
“Are you sure you’re safe to drive?” You pondered, biting your lip.
“It’ll be fine, sweetheart.” He reassured, the nickname striking you in your in the stomach as butterflies bloomed.
Sam drove slowly and safely—not wanting to scare you or make you feel unsafe. Quiet music played in the background as you stayed silent, silently listening to it as he pulled up onto your street.
“How did you know where I lived?” You chuckled, nervously.
“You mentioned it at the bar, and I know this area pretty well. What number are you?” He brushed off, his voice convincing.
Telling him in a small voice, Sam pulled up outside your house, parking perfectly and stepping out the car. Sam rushed around to open your door once again, smiling sweetly at you as you thanked him.
You made your way inside your house—locking the door behind you as you led him upstairs to your bedroom. Sam could hardly wait. You shut your bedroom door as you turned to face him, walking up to him slowly as you placed your hands on his chest.
“I want you.” You whispered, batting your eyelids at him.
Sam almost fell to one knee and begged for your hand in marriage in that moment. But, instead, leaned down to connect your lips in a sensual kiss as he slid your dress off your body—leaving you topless and in your panties. Sam soon shrugged off his clothes, leaving him in only in his boxers as he kissed down your neck, marvelling in the way you whined when he suckled on your breasts.
Your hand flew to his hair as he placed on you to your bed, and kissed down your body towards your clothed pussy. Sam pulled your wet panties down your legs as he placed your legs on his shoulders.
“Fuck, you’re soaked.” He sighed, his breath hot against your sex. Biting your lip, your cheeks flushed red as he pecked your inner thighs—teasing you ever so slightly.
“Please, Sam.” You begged, your chest rising faster as the anticipation grew.
Sam almost came on the spot at hearing you moan his name. He was lucky enough to even talk to you—let alone being seconds away from eating your pussy. His cock was so hard it was beginning to hurt, he’d had a boner ever since you walked up to him.
Sam’s tongue lay flat against your clit as he lapped at your slick pussy. You moaned loudly as he sucked your clit, as his hand crawled up to slip two fingers inside your aching hole. You mewled his name as he continued to swarm pleasure throughout your body.
You’d had your fair share of men in the bedroom, but none of them compared to Sam so far. Little to none had made you feel this good, let alone make you on the brink of cumming after 30 seconds.
Sam repeatedly licked and suckled on your clit as his fingers curled to meet the sweet spot inside you. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as the knot in your stomach snapped, cumming harshly on his tongue.
“Sam, oh god, Sam, don’t stop.” You whined, your back arching off the bed as you grasped his blonde locks in your hand as he never faltered his tricks while you came.
As you came down from your high, Sam rose from between your legs, standing up to pull down his boxers to release his large, hard cock from its restraints.
“You tasted better than I’d ever imagined.” Sam muttered, turning you onto your back carefully, and pulling your hips back to meet his.
Sam’s words went in one ear and out the other as he guided his cock gently inside you. You felt so full as he bottomed out, whines and whimpers falling past your lips as he quickly began moving his hips.
“Jesus fucking christ.” Sam groaned, his hands roughly holding onto your hips for dear life as he pounded into you, “Fuck me, you’re all I’ve ever wanted.”
“Harder, please!” You begged, wanting nothing more than to be ruined by the man behind you.
Sam quickly complied—wanting nothing more than to please you. He was lucky enough to make you cum with his tongue and now he was fucking you—he’d been waiting for this moment for months.
“God, you’re so tight. So perfect.” Sam mumbled behind you, his pace faultless as he fucked you into ecstasy.
He pulled out swiftly, though, flipping you back over as he wrapped your legs around his waist—sliding easily back into you as you soaked his throbbingly hard cock.
“Mm, fuck, Sam.” You blabbered, screwing your eyes shut as the arousal overwhelmed your body.
Sam’s head fell into the crook of your neck, “God, I can’t believe I’m fucking you.” He whined, “I’ve wanted you for so long—you have no idea how much I needed you.
“Wha..” You mumbled, the knot in your stomach once again building up he placed your legs on his shoulders, angling his cock to abuse the sensitive spot inside you.
You head lolled back as Sam pressed loving kisses to your collarbone, “I love you so fucking much, Y/N. I’ve never wanted anybody more.”
“What?” You spoke more clearly, your mind clearly confused, your body rebelling as Sam rubbed fast circles on your clit once again.
Sam’s rhythm picked up as he groaned into your shoulder, “Oh, yeah, Y/N. I love you, I love you, I love you.” He chanted as he filled you up deeply with his cum.
Your orgasm hit you like a train as Sam’s words rang with your mind. Not only was your body reacting perfectly normally to the pleasure Sam was bringing you, but your mind raced a mile a minute as images of walking home, driving to work and at the bar flashed in your brain.
It was him—this whole time.
As you, for the second time tonight, came down from your high, Sam pulled out of you, apologising as you winced. Words failed you as Sam laid next to you, cuddling up close to your body.
And as the thoughts of him stalking you flashed in your head, the feeling of your orgasm still flooded through your body—you didn’t care. Sam had made you feel better than any of guy you’d been with and he cared about you.
For an incredible fuck and endless amounts of love from Sam, you’d let his stalking tendencies go.
look at you getting two fics in two days
no i do not condone stalking this is purely fictional :)
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antxlss · 8 months
truth or dare?
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pairing: anakin x reader (college au)
summary: after inviting anakin to your dorm, you two play a game of truth or dare. it takes interesting turn…
warnings: SMUT, cunilingus
words: 3.2k
a/n: requests are open! enjoy! ~max<3
You were sitting on your bed in your dorm room working on some homework. Your roommate was back home for the weekend, so you had the whole dorm to your self.
It was about 10:00 p.m. when you decided to change for bed. You slipped off your day clothes and changed into a pair of pajama shorts and a white tank top, with no bra underneath. You went to grab your water bottle so you could take your medicine but realized it was empty. You groaned in annoyance, but dragged yourself to the door to slip on your shoes so you could refill you water bottle at the fountain down the hall.
You quietly stepped outside and started walking to the fountain. When you got there you noticed your friend Anakin was filling up his bottle. You had a few classes with his and you would consider him one of your closest friends here.
Anakin glances to the side and notices you there out of the corner of his eye. And so he decides to be his friendly and outgoing self.
He walks over to you with a friendly hand wave and smiles.
"Hey there, what're you doing here?" He says, his voice quiet and smooth.
He leans against the wall close to you and puts his bottle of water on the floor, keeping it close while his arm casually wraps around your waist, pulling you a little closer to him.
"I've just been working on my speech for speech class. I swear it will be the death of me." You joke. "What are you doing here at 10 p.m. on a Friday. Shouldn't you be at a party or something?"
Anakin shrugs his shoulders and leans even closer to you.
"I'm not really feeling any parties tonight."
Anakin looks down at you and smiles.
"I was going to ask you the same thing. Why aren't you out and about at 10 p.m. on a Friday?"
"Classes are kicking my ass right now. Plus I got hammered last weekend, I'm done with going out for a while now." You laugh.
Anakin smirks at you with a playful look in his eye.
"So, you aren't getting drunk tonight, correct?" He teases
He caresses the side of your midriff and pulls you in close. He whispers in your ear.
"Maybe I can fill in that role instead."
You pull away from him."You'd love that wouldn't you?"
You watch as Anakin's eyes stare at your chest. You look down and realize you can see your breasts and hardened nipples right through your thin, white tank top.
Anakin pulls you in closer and smiles seductively as he stares down at your chest.
"Why yes, I would love that."
His smile transforms into a smirk as he looks back up at your face.
"And so would you, if you're being honest with yourself."
"Come to my room. My roommate is gone for the weekend, we can hang out, talk, anything."
Anakin smiles and nods his head slightly.
"Sure, your room sounds fine to me. So, just to be clear, you're saying that there's nothing else you want to do, really?"
Anakin caresses your chin and pushes some of your hair out of the way. His hand gently grabs your neck and tugs you a little closer to him.
"We'll see what happens, okay?" You drag your hand down his chest and grab his wrist, leading him to your dorm.
Anakin smirks and follows you, his free hand running along your waist.
You're very intimate with each other now, as the tension has built up between you and Anakin since you've been at college.
You go to your mini fridge and grab two cans of beer. "We aren't getting hammered, just a can." You smile and pass him a beer and sit on your bed. He joins you.
Anakin sits on the bed next to you and pops open the can of beer.
"Alright, just a can, no more than that."
You take a sip of the beer and so does Anakin.
He looks at you and smiles, his eyes scanning your body. You catch his eyes and he quickly looks away, as if trying to conceal the fact that he's been looking at you that way.
He takes another sip of beer and puts the can down on the bedside table.
You turn towards Anakin. "So how are things? I feel like we haven't actually talked in a long time."
Anakin looks back over at you, still with his eyes full of desire.
"I'd have to agree with you there. Things have been going well though, just the usual school stress. What about you? You doing alright?"
He wraps his arm around you and pulls you close, his fingers running along your waist as you lean on his shoulder.
"Mhm. Just school." You agree.
Anakin takes another sip of the beer, the effects starting to hit him. He's not tipsy by any means, but he's definitely more relaxed now.
"Hey, I have a question." Anakin leans in a bit closer to you and speaks in a lower, more intimate tone.
"Do you think we should, uh... do something about this?"
He looks down at your chest, which is still visible, and looks back up to you, waiting for a response.
"Oh shit. I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable-" You get up and grab a hoodie and start to pull it on.
Anakin laughs softly at you and grabs your shoulder. He pushes you back down on the bed and pulls the hoodie off you, setting it aside.
He then leans towards you again.
"I'm not uncomfortable at all. And I'm definitely not complaining if I get to look at this."
Anakin's smile turns into a sly smirk as he looks back up. He wraps his arm around you and pulls you close to him, and starts to caress the bare skin of your hips.
"You're such a dork." You smile lazily.
Anakin chuckles gently.
"Maybe I am, but I'm your dork. And I'm enjoying this immensely, for the record."
His hand still slides up and down the bare flesh of your hips, his gaze focused on you. His hand eventually stops on your waist, and he slides his fingers into your waistband, pulling you a little closer.
He glances down at your chest and back up, his eyes full of lust and desire.
"Let's play truth or dare." You look up at him.
Anakin's eyes light up and he smiles excitedly at you.
"I haven't played that game since I was a kid! That sounds like fun."
He puts the can of beer down on the bedside table, and lays back beside you. He pulls you onto his chest and lays his right arm across your stomach, pulling you close to him.
"I know what my choice is, but you choose first."
Anakin wraps his fingers around your wrist, caressing your smooth skin.
"Okay... I pick truth." You sigh.
Anakin thinks of a question for a moment and then smiles at you.
"Okay, uh... let me think here. Okay, I've got it. What's a secret you've never told anyone before?"
Anakin waits eagerly for you to answer, smiling widely.
"Uh gosh, I don't know..." you think aloud. "Oh! Um, before I decided on my current major, I wanted to go to film school."
Anakin smiles broadly.
"Really? That sounds fun. But I get it, I've had to change my major a couple times. So why did you change your mind?"
He continues to caress your arm as he listens to your answer. You can feel his fingers gently gripping your arm and running up and down your arms. You notice him occasionally giving you longing glances.
"Going into the film industry didn't really seem realistic or like a stable job so I opted out." You replied truthfully. "Okay! Your turn, truth or dare?"
Anakin turns his body and props himself up so he can look at you a bit more closely.
"I'll take dare, just because I feel like playing a little naughty tonight."
He leans in closer to you.
"I'm looking forward to this."
"I know." You smirk with a glint in your eye. "Pretend to be a girl during sex."
Anakin's eyes widen slightly, and he chuckles anxiously.
"Oh gosh. I think that's going to be a hard one. Do I... do I really?"
He sighs as he looks over at you.
"Do you mean I actually have to act like a girl or you just want my voice to sound more feminine? Does that count?"
"I don't care, as long as you do it... and you have to. It's a dare." You giggle.
Anakin sighs as he looks at you before speaking in a softer, more feminine voice.
"O-okay, I'll try my best."
Now in his soft, feminine tones, he whispers.
"Do I want to be the bottom or top?"
He looks up at you with a playful smirk.
"Bottom." You laugh at his horrible impression of a woman.
Anakin sighs and shakes his head.
He lifts up the back of his shirt so he can look up at the ceiling as he pretends to be thinking about his answer. Then he closes his eyes and leans his head back on his arm. You notice he's slowly running his fingers along your waist and arm, caressing your bare skin.
"I feel like being the bottom." Anakin sighs and shakes his head as he leans forward and looks at you.
"Okay, that was awful, I'm so sorry. But uh, maybe your turn. Truth or dare?"
"That sucked." You continued to laugh at him. "I'll do a dare this time." You say between laughs.
Anakin chuckles softly and shakes his head.
"I'd like to see you try to do a better job."
He looks at you and then smiles back at you again.
"Okay... uh, go outside for five minutes in your underwear."
Anakin's eyes remain glued on you as he chuckles softly at you as he looks forward to see your reaction to the dare.
"Do you want me to get kicked out of school?" You roll your eyes. "That's the only time I'm denying one. Give me something else that I can do in here."
Anakin's face goes from one of excitement to one of disappointment.
"Oh... okay, well then... hmm..."
He ponders for a moment. Then, he sits up and looks at you with a mischievously playful look.
"I dare you... to sit on my lap."
Your heart skips a beat. "Okay, for how long?"
Anakin's smirk grows.
"Ten minutes. Minimum."
He slides his legs forward so you have just enough space to get on his lap, his eyes never leaving yours as his fingers lightly run along back of your knees. He pulls your hips to his and wraps his arms around your waist.
You swing one leg over his lap so you were straddled over his legs, facing him. "I guess we could continue the game. Truth or dare?"
Anakin's eyebrows raise slightly and he chuckles.
"I'll take truth," he says confidently.
Your thighs press against Anakin's own as he looks up at you. You can feel his heart beating faster than ever, and you know he's been longing for this moment.
You stare deeply into his eyes. "Are you hard right now?"
Anakin blushes a bit and looks down for a moment before saying something.
"Uh, yeah. I am."
He looks back up at you and grins.
"But we're just playing a game... right?"
"Yeah." You breathe out.
Anakin nods and puts his head back to rest it on his arm, his body still pressed against you.
"Okay... you go. Truth or dare again."
You can tell he's a lot more relaxed and comfortable with you now. He smiles softly.
"I'll pick dare two times in a row, I'm not a pussy." You grin.
Anakin chuckles and shifts his body so he's leaning on his right elbow. His left knee is bent close to your upper leg while his right leg is extended, causing him to be partially propped on his knee while sitting on his elbow. His arm is resting along your lower back.
"Okay... well, that's a surprise."
He takes a moment to think of dare, his eyes never leaving yours. You can see his chest rising and falling faster than it has before.
"I dare you... to take off your shirt."
Without saying anything you reach for the hem of your tank top. You slowly pull it over your head leaving your chest bare right in front of Anakin's face, in nothing but your pajama shorts.
Anakin watches as you take your shirt off.
He smiles broadly, and you can see some blush around his cheeks.
He runs his hand gently along your lower back, right underneath your bare skin.
"Truth or dare?" You stare at him with lust clouded eyes.
Anakin chuckles softly at your lustful look.
"Dare this time."
Anakin sits up and looks at you, his expression still full of affection.
"I dare you to tell me what you want to do to me right now." You continue to look at him with hooded eyes.
Anakin smiles and speaks softly, his voice filled with affection but also desire.
"I want to take you into my arms and kiss you all over. I want to hear you breathe and moan. I want you to look me in the eyes and have a chance to feel just how much I want you in that moment."
He takes his hand off your back and wraps his arm around your shoulder as he gazes at you.
"Aww." You pout sarcastically. "Too bad we are playing a game right now or I'd let you do all of that to me."
Anakin rolls his eyes and nods his head.
"Yeah... it's a shame."
Anakin smiles again and strokes his fingers along your shoulder.
"Okay, your turn. Truth or dare?"
"Fuck it, I choose dare again." You lay you head on Anakin's shoulder and wait for him to give you your dare.
Anakin's face turns into a sly smirk as he wraps his free arm around your shoulder, pulling you even closer. You're still partially straddling him as he looks down at you.
He thinks of a dare for a moment before speaking.
"I dare you... to take off your pajama shorts."
"Okay." You stand up off the bed and slowly slide your shorts off. You are left in just your pink lacy panties. You feel so vulnerable to Anakin. But it's a good feeling.
Anakin stares in awe as you stand up and reveal yourself to him. You feel like you're in a moment of a romantic movie with the way your hair falls and the way the light shines onto you.
You hear him say under his breath.
He looks away for a moment, before meeting your eyes again. Anakin can't take his eyes off of you now, and your panties are the only thing covering up your body.
You smile. "Truth or dare?" You ask as you climb back on to the bed.
Anakin can't help but stare back at you.
"No taking the easy way out, I want a dare."
"I dare you to strip to your underwear too. We have to make this even." You explain.
Anakin chuckles and nods his head.
"Okay," he says as he removes the shirt he was wearing before and puts it onto the floor. He then stands up and removes his khaki shorts, leaving just his boxers.
He looks down at you with a grin on his face.
"Are we even enough now?"
"For now." You smirk.
Anakin smiles and lays back down beside you.
"So, truth or dare?"
You notice Anakin's leg touch your own as you're lying beside each other, and Anakin quickly pulls his leg back, seeming to be a bit embarrassed.
Anakin nods and thinks of a dare to give you.
"I dare you to kiss my neck," Anakin says with a grin.
He lays beside you and puts his arm alongside you, giving you easy access to his neck.
"Fuck." You sigh.
You lean into him. You can feel your sensitive nipples drag along his toned bicep. You begin to leave small wet kisses all down Anakin's neck. You make sure to leave small marks after every one.
Anakin's face is filled with a mix of shock and joy.
His eyes are wide open and one of his fingers are gently caressing your back. You notice him trying to suppress his breaths as some small sighs escape him.
You hear Anakin slowly let out a moan as one of your kisses causes a tingle to run up his spine.
After a few minutes you pull back from him and lay beside him. "Truth or dare?"
Anakin looks down at you, still panting slightly from the surprise. He smiles and you can see the redness on his face.
"Dare," he responds after taking a moment to catch his breath.
"I dare you to eat me out." You say boldly.
You don't even know what you are doing at this point, your mind was clouded with lust and longing.
Anakin's eyes widen a bit at the dare and he hesitates for a moment.
"Okay." Anakin says with a smirk as his fingers caress your waist.
Anakin rolls himself over onto his stomach and inches down to the foot of the bed. He grabs your legs and pushes them up to your chest so they are spread apart, your clothed cunt now perfectly displayed for him.
He places his cheek on the inside of your right thigh.
"Fuck I can smell you through your panties." He groans.
He begins to run his calloused fingers up your thighs to the waistband of your underwear. He slowly drags them down the length of your legs and tosses them to the side.
"Such a pretty pussy."
He blows on your glistening folds and you let out a shudder in return.
"Ani, just do something already." You whine impatiently.
"So impatient." He mumbles. "You'll take what I give you, when I give it to you."
He took his fingers and began smearing your arousal. He brought them up to his mouth and sucked off your liquids while keeping eye contact with.
"Mmm, so fuckin' sweet." He hummed.
Then, Anakin suddenly griped your thighs and shoved his face in between your legs. He began licking and lapping at your core like a starving man.
You were a moaning, writhing mess as he continued to devour you.
"I- fuck, gonna cum." You choked out through whimpers and moans.
"Cum on my tongue." Anakin demands.
Within seconds you were unraveling and spilling out over his tongue. Anakin licked up every last drop.
You collapsed flat on the bed as you were coming down from your high.
"How are you so good at that." You panted.
"I've thought about doing that to you for so long, I guess it comes naturally." Anakin admits.
You roll on your stomach and look at him. "Do I get to suck you off now?"
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