aurora-starwars · 8 months
Hello, could I request a Kylo ren gn!reader (romantic). The reader and Kylo where old friends at Luke’s Jedi academy and they see each other for the first time in years. Starts with angst and ends with fluff cus I’m a sucker for happy feel good endings!
Old Friends Bring Up Old Feelings
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Pairing: Kylo Ren x gn!Jedi!reader
Summary: Kylo and reader, who were friends at the Jedi academy, reunite
Word Count: 2k
Warnings: slight angst, slight crying, nothing to bad, mostly fluff-ish
A/n: I feel like it has been so long, I am trying to get through a few requests but I have been so busy lately! Sorry y'all. <333 And I just got my wisdom teeth taken out so that was a lot. Anyway thank you for the request! Hope you enjoy! <33333
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It was a brisk morning on Ossus, the sun was slowly rising over the mountains and animals of the planet finally quieted down. The air was misty, cold, and unwelcoming to the young Jedi who had just gotten up. [Name] was hoping to meditate that morning, but with the noise coming from the Jedi temple, it was increasingly less inviting.
[Name] started towards the forest around the temple, hoping to get away from all the sound. Their meditation would go best in the tranquillity of the forest. Subtle crunches underfoot could be heard as they got farther and farther from the temple. The voices of young initiates that were once shrill, now cease to ring in [Name]’s ears.
[Name] began to slow their pace, deepened their breathing and listened for the world around them. The leaves shaking on the trees as the wind ruffled them together, the small sounds of critters in the forest, the small bugs buzzing, the sound of rushing footprints—
[Name] nearly jumped out of their skin, snapping their eyes open to find the eyes of Ben Solo looking back at them. They held a hand over their heart to show their shock.
“Whatcha doing out here?” Ben smiled, ignoring their frazzled state.
“Would you be nicer about sneaking up on people? I was—”
“You were what? Meditating? While walking? You should have seen me coming,” Ben walked in tandem with [Name], only a foot from their side.
[Name] shook their head, eyes looking back forward again as they tried to regulate their breathing. The forest seemed to go forever.
“I was trying to find a spot to meditate, is that so wrong?” [Name] asked, raising an eyebrow, as smirk prominent on their face.
“Oo, I will come with you. I need some peace away from the temple,” Ben stated, ignoring their question with a smile.
“Yeah, I guess you can come along.”
“You guess? It wasn’t an offer, I am coming. And you can’t get enough of me.”
[Name] looked over to see the smug look on Ben’s face, to which they shook their head fondly.
They reached a clearing in the forest with two, surprisingly dry, logs [Name] made plans to sit on.
“Says the person that followed me all the way out here,” [Name] took a seat on one of the logs, crossing their legs in front of them.
Ben sat on the leg opposite to them, so that he was facing [Name]. He watched them closely as he crosses his legs.
“Maybe I can’t get enough of you,” Ben offered lowly, hoping that the Jedi initiate across from him didn’t hear.
[Name] watched as his eyes cast down, his brown eyes holding so much innocence in his youth. Those were the eyes [Name] knew since they were young, since they were both younger than they are now. When they both had just come to Master Skywalker’s Jedi Temple and had nobody but each other.
[Name] smiled to themself softly, watching as Ben’s eyes closed, watching as he fell into his deep meditation. He had always been strong in the force.
“Good,” [Name] closed their eyes, falling into the embrace of the force once again.
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A sudden crashing sound shook the Millennium Falcon, knocking [Name] from their meditation. Alarms from the ship started blaring, the ship receiving a few more reverberating shakes before [Name] got a comm from the pilot. Chewbacca’s strained voice rang through their comm device, signalling to [Name] that the ship had been hit by several blasts from a First Order Star Destroyer and are now being hailed by them.
[Name] cursed under their breath, it was just them and Chewy on the ship, what could they want? There was nothing of importance, what could the First Order want from them?
[Name] moved to stand just above the entrance of the ship. They felt the shake of the ship landing, a sign that they had been hailed on the Star ship and was about to be boarded. After several moments of pressurizers shifting and adjusting, the ramp opened up and several stormtroopers flooded the Millennium Falcon, surrounding [Name].
Two on either side of them grabbed [Name] by their arms and practically dragged them out of the ship, although [Name] didn’t put up much of a fight, their grip was still strong. [Name] kept their eyes forwards, not daring to show their fear or thoughts, choosing to focus in with the Force to see what their eyes could not.
Once they made it to the bottom of the ramp, [Name] found a dark figure standing directly in front of them, several feet away. The stormtroopers holding their sides stopped moving, letting them go with a rough release.
Looking back at the figure, [Name] found that there was familiarity in this dark looming presence. A familiarity in the way they stood, the way they held themself. A familiarity in the Force, an intensity, a passion [Name] had only felt once. The darkness surrounding this figure was made of their own grief, the loss of someone, or even, one’s self.
After another moment of silence, another moment of studying this person, this person who seemed to be studying [Name], it hit them.
They know who that is.
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A hand slowly comes into [Name]’s vision, a soft hand with calluses from training. Ben’s hand. [Name] looks up to see Ben’s smiling face. Taking his hand, [Name] finds that his smile looks more like a smirk now and he starts to get into a fighting stance.
“Ready to go again?” Ben’s ignited his lightsaber and trains his eyes onto his opponent, [Name] standing there watching him closely.
They widen their stance and ignite their own lightsaber, only smiling before leaping into battle.
“Hey, hey, hey. What’s wrong?” Ben’s voice is soft, hushed and full of panic. He’s kneeled next to [Name]’s shaking body. The tears leaving their body are heavy and abundant, leaving them heaving, curled into themselves.
When [Name] tries to speak, they find themselves incapable as they try and fail to catch a breath. Ben’s arms curl around their shaking body, pulling them into the warmth of his body.
“It’s okay, you’re safe. I’m here, I’m here,” He mutters gently into [Name]’s hair, holding their body just a little bit closer. Just a little bit tighter.
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“What do you mean you could have more power?” [Name]’s voice rebounded off the trees around them.
“Snoke said that I have potential, that I could be more!” Ben’s voice became low but strong.
[Name] put their face in their hands, trying to rub out the frustration, before looking back up at Ben with a pointed stare.
“More than what? More than what we are now?” [Name] questioned loudly. “I am not sure what he is promising you, but I am sure that you don’t want to be a part of it!
“You don’t know what I want,”
“Apparently not if listening to Sith lords is what you want,”
“[Name], are you with me or against me?” Ben’s voice was weaker now, less sure. He held his hand out, hoping [Name] would take it.
“Ben, I will never be on the Dark side. And I would hope you wouldn’t either,” [Name]’s words seemed to reverberate through Ben’s skull, like they could echo in there forever.
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Echoes of their past seemed to all rush back, filling [Name]’s mind with memories. As they looked into Kylo Ren’s mask, they felt his fear in the Force, his confusion, and most importantly, Ben.
They felt his recognition, he knew who they were. They felt his internal battle, this isn’t what Ben wants. They felt the dark side, but they also felt the light. Ben was still in there, and he was just begging to be let out.
[Name] took a careful step forward, a pleading look in their eyes as they looked at the mask man before them. Many stormtroopers lifted their blasters at the movement, to which Kylo signalled for them to lower them.
Kylo watched carefully, slowly reaching to his mask, pressing the release at the back. The faint hiss of his helmet seemed to echo in the vast hanger of the Star Destroyer. Despite the many stormtroopers surrounding the two of them, it was completely quiet, so when Kylo’s helmet hit the ground, the sound rang out across the hanger.
[Name]’s eyes quickly scanned Kylo’s face. Ben’s face. There was a scar, looked quite fresh, reaching from once side to the other, that was unfamiliar, but everything else was almost the same as the last time [Name] saw him. He looked a little older, more tired. But he still had the same eyes as Ben, the same eyes that held so much hope. Ben Solo’s eyes.
“Ben…” [Name] whispered. It was soft, unintentional but a plea none the less. [Name] wanted Ben back. Back in their arms, where he belonged.
That was all it took. One word and Kylo had moved from his looming position, running towards [Name] with a relieved look on his face. [Name] wasted no time in meeting him in the middle, running to the man they missed so much.
They met in the middle in a frantic grabbing of each other. Their hug was tight, warm, and freedom. Tears streaked down [Name]’s face as a received sigh came out of Ben.
“I missed you,” [Name] whispered into his ear.
“I thought I’d lost you,” Ben muttered sadly, holding them tighter.
“I can’t get enough of you,” [Name] smiled sadly, relief washing over them.
As they separate, they look around to see the First Order watching them, reminding them of where they are. [Name] looks down at Ben’s hand, before taking a breath and stepping back.
“Ben Solo, will you come with me?” [Name] held their hand out for him to take. “Will you leave the Order for me?”
Ben looks around, his brows furrowing before looking back at [Name]’s hand. He knew what this meant. There was no coming back from this, no going back to the Order. This meant joining the rebellion, facing everyone he has left and everyone he had wronged. But it also meant, [Name]. And he would take that trade off any day.
Grabbing their hand, he smiled at [Name]. This was the start of his life again, and he was not going to make the same mistakes again.
[Name] smiled back at him, tightening their grip on their hands before quickly turning around and running towards the Millennium Falcon.
“Chewy, get us out of here!”
The stormtroopers, who just seemed to come out of a daze, started to run after the two Jedi, shooting at the old ship. The two of them sent a Force pulse at the army as they were half way up the ramp, pushing the army back and stunning them for a few minutes. Closing the ramp, Chewbacca began the takeoff sequence. And as the two former Jedi initiates looked at each other, they were sent into hyperspace, leaving their connection to the First Order behind.
[Name] smiled at Ben, eyes shining.
“You picked me,” [Name] said, eyes fixed on the brown of Ben’s.
“Something I should have done a long time ago,” Ben put simply, taking as step towards [Name], pulling them in by the waist.
Ben looked between their eyes before pulling them in for a sweet kiss. His soft lips made for an awfully good apology, [Name] figured. When they pulled apart, they couldn’t help the smiles that came on their faces.
They pulled each other for another embrace, this one of a promise. A promise to never leave each other. All of a sudden the felt another figure attach to them, this one a lot bigger and fluffier. Chewy let out a holler of something and they both laughed and let him join in. Maybe being away from everything isn’t what they need.
A/N: Thank you so much for reading! If you want to be apart of any tag-lists let me know! <3333333
Tag-list: @luvlykrispy
Master List
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moonstrider9904 · 2 years
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Meet my newest Star Wars Original Character, Aurora Dawn.
Planet of origin: Pantora
Height: 1.53m (5'0ft)
Occupation: GAR medic
Favorite food: baked goods
Hobbies: singing, baking, cooking, dancing
Personality types: ENFJ, Eneagram #1
Weapons: hand blasters, standard blaster
Combat type: ranged, support
Shrewd, charismatic, and a prankster at heart, Aurora has grown and learned from the Clone War. After working for a whole year with the 212th, she is recommended by Commander Cody himself to be the assigned medic to Clone force 99.
She has a kind heart by nature, always seeking to help others, but she is just as intelligent and will not take nonsense from anybody. She cares deeply for those close to her and will not let any of them get hurt if she can help it; supporting others is a priority to Aurora.
Owner of a big heart, Aurora will express all her emotions with intensity. People will either be met with her heavenly gleam of friendship or her threatening scowl of vengeance, and she will never be ashamed of it.
She excels in her duties as a medic and can decently handle the basic blasters appointed by the GAR, but she is always open and happy to learn. But her number one rule in the battlefield, no matter how gruesome, is leave no one behind.
Bonus: Aurora's uniform and hairstyle in battle
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(this character creator didn't enable me to add the facial markings and the color of the hair is a bit different, but you get the idea hehe)
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I love the Haxion Brood section of JFO so much
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rammota · 2 years
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come again
lift me up
forgive me, earth
i’m going away
qing feng wu, AURORA - storm
yes, i cried during this scene bUT LIKE A MAN
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bethanyeliseart · 2 years
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Jayne-Rel, senatorial aide of NaJedha, and Jedi Knight, Aurora, are sent on a mission that may or may not go sideways.
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aurora-starwars · 10 months
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Pairing: Padawan!Ahsoka x Padawan!fem!reader
Summary: Reader meditates with a frustrated Ahsoka and helps her connect with the Force again
Word Count: 1.1k
Warnings: idk, fluff? Jedi? Clone wars, but not really?
A/n: Heyyyyy! <3333 I just want y’all to know I love Ahsoka. Here is a fic about my literal wife during the clone wars. Hope you enjoy!
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The vast halls were relatively quiet for this hour. [Name] walked down the long pillared corridors of the Jedi temple in need of peace.
Peace from the war around her, peace from the people, and most importantly, peace from her thoughts.
There were maybe two people in the hall with her, but they were quite a while away and she couldn’t really hear them. Her footsteps felt heavy as she seemed to all but shuffle as she moved. It was late afternoon, many would have left for the mess hall by now, [Name] could feel the effects of not heading straight to eat and it was causing her to drag her feet.
This was not very Jedi like of her, something she is all too aware of. She was used to holding herself a certain way but at this moment, she couldn’t be bothered to care. All she seemed to care about was her destination. The clicking of her heals in her boots felt loud in the echo of the vast halls, it made [Name] feel small.
Racing thoughts seemed to keep her head occupied, almost so much so that she almost missed the door she meant to enter. As she moved to stand in front of the door, it slid open with ease, revealing a crossed legged Ahsoka sitting on a soft seat in the middle of the dark room.
Taking a step in, [Name] was made aware of the dim lights rimming the room as the door closed behind her. They were bright enough that [Name] could still see Ahsoka’s face, but still dark enough to not be off putting.
Her face was tranquil, calm, and completely neutral; a clear sign of her deep meditation. Her shoulders were relaxed and for once she didn’t look like the weight of the galaxy was on her shoulders. Despite her mostly neutral appearance, [Name] clocked Ahsoka’s recognition of her arrival in the Force. It felt almost… relieved.
“I thought you might be in here,” [Name]’s voice rang out, taking a step closer.
A smile grew on Ahsoka’s face, her eyes still closed from her meditative state.
“You always did know me the best,” Ahsoka said smiling.
Ahsoka heard sounds of rustling as [Name] took a seat in the plush stool across from her. [Name] took a deep breath in as she crossed her legs in front of her. The breath came easily, like she had been holding her breath for a number of hours.
Closing her eyes, [Name] released herself into the force, finding the embrace the Force gave her refreshing. The Force seemed to rid her of her fears and suffering, the anxieties in her mind dissolved, leaving only peace as she reached deeper. [Name]’s strong emotions were no match to her connection to the force.
A couple of moments later, after [Name] had relinquished the power of the thoughts in her mind, she turned her attention to the other Force being in the room.
Ahsoka’s Force presence was like none other, taking all of [Name]’s attention all at once. Ahsoka had seemed to have always been in her life and thus, her presence was all too familiar. Since she arrived at the temple all those years ago, [Name] seemed inseparable with Ahsoka.
That familiarity of Ahsoka’s presence brought peace to [Name] that only the Force could rival. And it was days like this, sat comfortably in each other’s presence, that [Name] thought that Ahsoka felt the same way.
All at once, [Name] was met with the understanding of all of Ahsoka’s strong thoughts and emotions. Ahsoka had come into that room hoping to find peace, and while [Name] had quickly come to that peace, Ahsoka was having a harder time succumbing to the Force and letting go of her emotions.
Although in deep meditation, Ahsoka’s feelings were easy to read, and it was clear to [Name] that Ahsoka was also not trying to hide her feelings from her. Opening her eyes for a moment, [Name] looked at Ahsoka in her deep meditative state again. She was still as relaxed in the shoulders—an important part of a good meditation—but the neutrality in her face was replaced with a subtle furrow in her brow and a slight pout that [Name] could only smirk softly at.
Taking another deep breath, [Name] closed her eyes again, letting the Force guide her. Her attention was once again focused on Ahsoka’s frustrated Force presence. She tried to reach out with her mind, with the Force, to try and ease some of Ahsoka’s tension.
Ahsoka’s mind was racing and as hard as she tried to get it to quiet, the thoughts just kept getting louder. Trying to push the thoughts away seemed to have the opposite effect and her frustration over was not helping.
Despite the distance between the two seated padawans, [Name] felt as if she was surrounded by Ahsoka. [Name] took another deep breath before extending her own force presence to gently nudge Ahsoka.
Ahsoka in her deep meditation instantly felt the presence of [Name] and the reminder that she was still there. That she was not alone.
‘Let go’
A little voice in her head seemed to say. Ahsoka couldn’t tell if that was [Name]’s voice or just one of the Force, but either way she took the advice.
Taking a deep breath, Ahsoka dropped her shoulders in a great exhale. Her body seemed to still from the inside and she felt the full weight of the Force surrounding her, penetrating her and binding her together. Her mind was silenced and she was completely connected to the Force once again.
She felt like she was more than her body, that—even with her eyes closed—she could see everything that was in the room; feel it too. She was totally in tune, something that she had been needing for a matter of days now. She felt Peaceful.
After some much needed connection with the Force, Ahsoka found herself coming out of her meditation. Opening her eyes, she found [Name] smiling at her already in the dim lighting.
“Thank you,” Was all Ahsoka could manage as she was caught in [Name]’s eyes.
“Anything for you,” The affection in her tone was evident, but went unsaid as it usually does with the two. “Come on, we have to get to the mess hall.”
Ahsoka smiled fondly before nodding. If they stay there any longer, their master’s would come looking for them, and they didn’t need that. So they ran off to dinner, looking at on each other every now and again. Because although they can sense each other in the Force, sometimes just seeing the other there is just as comforting.
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A/n: Thank you so much for reading! I am trying to get requests out, don’t worry! <3333
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nicki0kaye · 8 months
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So I have a 3 monitor set up and decided I really wanted to make a Kallus-themed background. Originally it was going to have a more vaporwave, hand-drawn window pop-up feel, but ultimately I decided to make the fake UI elements fit more in line with the displays shown in canon
When aligned properly it goes (left to right);
Star destroyer + Ezra/Fulcrum's radio tower
Atollon-head Kallus + Fulcrum's broadcast device + the rock formation where Zeb and Kallus first duel
Aurora + Jedi Temple on Lothal
Why does Kallus have a fungi head? Because I love the Bendu. The Bendu is balance and the god of Enbies and I've got a lot of HCs that connect Kallus to him and 'walking in the middle'. It's also a nod to the tragedy that he ultimately gives Thrawn all he needs to find and destroy the rebel base on Atollon.
🌘  twitter | patreon | instagram  🌒
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rya6ina · 2 months
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Agent has a choice of romantic interests in the game and both Kaliyo and Raina are good characters, especially Kaliyo, she's an interesting, conflicted and complex character, but I didn't see them both as romantic interests for my Agent. I came up with an OC heroine for him, she's related to the Chiss Ascendancy (I like to headcanon that the Chiss are a kind of neutral territory in SWtOR where people who are force sensitive but don't want to go to the Sith Academy can hide). Aurora is just one of those Force-sensitive people who has never really learned her powers, her powers are in their infancy and in the future I would like to come up with an arc for her in which she would reveal them at the Alliance base in the Jedi Enclave. In the picture here, they're just meeting after a separation at the Alliance base. They look happy, but in reality things are complicated between them, writing love lines is a hard task.
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lex-the-flex · 3 months
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In His Arms
Luke Skywalker x reader
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The distant echoes of ships, cargo speeders, and passenger pods littler the night sky above the hotel. The various multicolored lights of Coruscant’s vast multi populated city bounce on the ceiling of your room. Dancing along the dimly lit room, you carefully watch the colorful orbs in the safety of the comfortable bedding.
Pulling you into its hypnotic gaze, your body felt exhausted, but your mind still felt like it was on overdrive. No matter how hard you tried, you just couldn’t sleep. Shifting beneath the comforter, you just couldn’t stop tossing and turning, the room’s calming salt and the faint scent of fresh linen. But then, between the quiet sounds of your breathing were then taking over for a sinking feeling in your stomach.
Rising from the large bed, you wandered towards the door, and unlatched the chain. Opening the door, you were greeted with the sight of your treasured friend, Luke Skywalker. Standing before you, the man adorned a set of tattered and slightly smudged robes.
“Luke?” You ask, as your brows furrow.
Glancing your way, his icy blue eyes fill your soul with sorrow, just as you gain a sense of what happened.
“May I come in?” Luke asks, rubbing his hands together.
Motioning for him to enter the empty room, Luke unties his sash from around his waist, and sets it down on the desk. Returning from the bathroom with a set of clean clothes, Luke eagerly takes them.
“I’ll be right back.” He informs you before retreating to change.
A few minutes later, Luke emerges on a clean pair of night clothes and joins you in the small kitchenette. Handing him a glass of water, he downs it in seconds.
“Want to tell me what happened?” You ask, offering Luke a reassuring touch.
“I do. But not here.” He nods.
Joining you on the plush comforter, Luke wraps his arms around you, just wanting to hold you close. Gently laying his head in your chest, you carefully push his bangs away from his face. Breathing into you, Luke melts at your soft touch, trying not to cry.
“The mission failed. I nearly lost the entire team, Y/N. We were able to find the Holocron, but…” Luke tries to explain, but can’t.
Running your fingers along his scalp, hoping to relive the mountainous heap of stress on his shoulders. Gently rubbing circles along his spine, Luke’s breathing relaxes, and his nerves finally start to settle.
“It’s alright, Luke. We’re part of the Rebellion, it’s what we do. It may not be the best life, but this is the life we have. Even the Jedi know their own trials and tribulations. But it’s our life.” You explain, tracing along Luke’s features.
Raising your head to face him, a large smile overtakes your lips to discover that Luke is fast asleep in your arms. This is where he belonged.
Luke taglist ~
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justmeinadaze · 7 months
Rara's Nightmare (Part of We're a Family Universe)(Steddie X You)
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From this AU
A/N: Idk where this came from in my brain but I couldn't stop thinking about it. Enjoy the FLUFF!
Warnings: While is from a Steddie AU this is mostly Steve taking care of Ro when she has a nightmare. No angst or smut, just good wholesome fluff.
Word Count: 1043
Aurora woke up with a gasp as she looked around her dark room terrified of how the things she knew now seemed threatening as they lurked in the shadows. Grabbing the little stuffed dragon her daddy bought her, she braved the hallway as she excited her room. 
The house was quiet except for the little creaks of the wood as the wind hit the side of her home. Taking a deep breath, she headed for the stairs passing Dylan’s room along the way. She could hear the low rumbles of his music through the crack at the bottom of the door. Aurora contemplated knocking and waking him up but sometimes her brother could be grumpy if you woke him too early. 
Plus, she knew the monsters that were probably hiding in her room were too big for Dylan to fight on his own. No…she needed to be brave and get to her parents. Her little chocolate-colored eyes quickly darted around as she descended the stairs clinging to her dragon for protection. 
As she entered the living room, however, she suddenly felt lost. In the dark everything seemed to be different. Had the couch always been there or did it move on its own? Wasn’t James’s room just around the corner? She saw the kitchen but then why couldn’t she find her mommy and daddy’s door?
Backing up slowly, her feet abruptly slipped out from under her as she fell on her butt and started to cry. They sound of a door opening startled her as she curled up into a ball and cried harder. 
“Ro? Honey, what happened?”, Steve cooed in a concerned voice still husky from sleep. “What are you doing out of bed?”
Aurora promptly wrapped her arms tightly around her father’s neck knowing that if any of the monsters decided to attack she was safe with him. Pressing her head gently into the nook of his neck, he lifted her into his arms, and rubbed her back comfortingly as he got to his feet.
“What happened?”, you ask quietly, the sound of your voice calming her more.
“I think she just had a nightmare. Go back to bed, baby, I got this. Sweetheart, do you want to say good night to mommy?”
Even though he turned her to face you, she didn’t lift her head as she clung to him tighter. The little toddler sighed when she felt your hand pet her curls before kissing the top of her head. 
“Good night, Ro. I love you.”
“I love you to, mommy.”, she garbled making you and Steve lightly laugh.
The long trek it took her only took her father a few moments as he took a seat on her bed and placed her under the covers. She watched with wide eyes as he leaned towards her nightstand and turned on the nightlight they had gotten her for her birthday. Aurora couldn’t help but smile at her ceiling as brightly colored stars painted the makeshift sky. 
“What happened, honey? Did you have a nightmare?” Hugging her dragon tighter, the tears begin to fall again as she nods. “Hey, hey now. Everything’s ok, baby. Do you want to tell me what it was about?”
Adamantly, she shakes her head as she sinks lower into her blanket. 
“Ok, that’s ok.” Steve watches as her eyes flick to her closet and more fear washes over her. “You know, daddy’s not the only master in this house. I mean, he may be the only dungeon master but I’m a force master. I became a Jedi when I was a little bit older than you.”
“Oh yeah.”, he grins as he bends down and grabs the toy light saber she keeps by her bed. “May I borrow yours? Mine is downstairs.”
“Daaaad!”, she giggles. “That’s not a real light saber.”
Steve playfully scoffs as he rises to his feet and spins the sword around in his hands like they do in the movies. 
“That right there is dark side thinking, Rara. This saber here is as real as you want it to be.” As he reaches out to touch the end with his fingers, he lightheartedly winces as he pulls it back pretending he got burned. “Ow. Hot.”
As her demeanor softens, he smiles as he takes a fighting stance and begins looking around her room. 
“Alright, fair warning to any dark side users in this room! Come out now or you will be killed if I find you.” They both waited in silence to no one and his joking wide eyes met hers making her laugh. Slowly heading for her closet, he pushes open the door and moves some of her clothes around to find it empty. “No one there.”
Taking careful steps around her room, he shines the toy light in dark areas and her grin grows as she realizes everything he passes is things she knows like her stuffed animals on her furniture that seemed to tower over her before. 
“Dada.”, Aurora calls and when he turns to look at her, she points under her bed. 
Placing his finger over his mouth in a shooshing motion, he moves towards the edge of her mattress before dropping on his heels seeming to startle anything that may be hiding. 
“Damn, nothing. I think if anything was in here, they know I’m your dad and I’m not going to let anything bad happen to you.”
She beams up at him as he turns off the light saber and places it on her bedside table next to the night light as he shifts his weight onto his knees to lean over her bed.
“You’re safe, sweetheart. Now can you go back to sleep?”
Lazily she nods her head as he eyes lids begin to droop. 
“Dada? Can…Can you stay with me till I fall asleep again?”
Smiling, he lightly pushes on her back signaling for her to give him some room as he crawls in behind her and brings the blanket up to her chin before kissing the back of her head. 
Pushing her body into his chest, she reaches for his hand and grips two of his fingers in her tiny palm as she begins to drift off again. 
“Good night, dada.”
“Good night, Rara.”
@adequate-superstar @kalinaselennespeaks @nailbatanddungeon
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@moviefreak1205 @waylandmorgernsternherondal-blog
@kik51199 @strngrlytn @idkidknemore @damon-loves-pie
@k-k0129 @micheledawn1975 @eddie86baby
@justmeandmymeanderingthoughts @3rriberri
@sashaphantomhive @chelebelletx @big-ope-vibes
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jazaesis · 4 months
Some fun facts about Aro!
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I’ve been so blown away by how much y’all love Aro, srs ;-; Y’all are the absolute kindest. I’ve been slowly trying to share more about him here, but it’s to hard to decide what to post with how much lore and content I have for him. So here are some quick facts:
• Aro is a Twi’lek jedi born 43 bby
• Aro Rua is his full first name with Aro being a nickname (his name, Aro Rua Ris, derives from Aurora Borealis, a play on his heterochromatic eyes being yellow, green and blue)
• He was raised in the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. Aro Rua is nearly ejected from the initiative program due to his health, but is permitted to participate in the Padawan trials on Ima-Gun Di’s behalf. Aro Rua later trained by Jedi Master Ima-Gun Di.
• Aro is ambidextrous (more often favoring his left hand)
• Aro has Asthma, but he is also chronically ill. He has POTS and an autoimmune disease that affects his joints, muscles, skin and lekku. (It is very roughly based off EDS and the experiences of his co-creator, I do have plans to eventually post everything about his chronic illness, just has been taking more time then expected)
• Yes, he is a very gay man :3
• He loves dressing up and wearing jewelry. He snuck out of the temple as a teenager to get his ears pierced, Ima was thrilled
• oh! He is also very much in love with his commander Nite but both of them are too scared to admit it
This is all my late night brain could think of,,, Asks are open!! If there’s anything you’d like to know more about him I’d love the excuse to talk about him more <33
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psychedelic-ink · 1 year
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* i do not give permission for any of my works to be copied, reposted or translated (without my knowledge)
🔮 personal favorite || ☔️ smut || 🤧 angst || 🧁 fluff || 🩸 dark content
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The Green Moon 🤧☔️
it's been a month since grogu left with the jedi and you hate to see din so heart broken. What better distraction than to explore a foreign planet? in your desperate attempt to make him feel better, everything goes wrong.
Watch 🤧☔️
You're one the brink of dying. Your stomach restless with hunger as you come back to Nevarro after months to find a job but instead finding a warm meal, you have a run in with your ex: Din. Oh joy.
Poison & Wine (feat. duke leto) ☔️
the razor crest is low on fuel and din knows the perfect pit spot.
River ☔️
din likes it when you cry for him.
No Brakes ☔️
you have a bounty on your head, din takes the job.
This is the Way ☔️
It can be hard to understand Din and his creed, but the two of you try to make it work anyway.
Flowers That Bloom in Winter 🧁
A spiteful coworker ruins the flower arrangements you had hoped to compete with. Not knowing what can be done, you entertain a young boy named Grogu who comes in at the same time wanting to buy a bouquet for his father. The next day, Din returns and offers to help you out with your work until a competition. However, he is a bit awkward and clumsy when it comes to love.
I go round and round ☔️
waking up with din is a fun experience.
the aurora borealis☔️
A friend, lover, then stranger. The last thing you expected was to be snowed in along with the bounty hunter. Tension rises as the past circles you both, trapped in the Razor Crest with no where to run or hide.
Fear Not The Abyss ☔️🩸
cult au + “do you like it when i bleed for you?”
din initiates you into the cult.
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Alien Blues 🤧☔️
You walk deeper into the Razor Crest, you can hear him following you, his steps rageful. Thank god Grogu isn’t here, you don’t think you can keep your anger to yourself tonight. You attempt to put as much of a distance your can between the two of you but before you can he grabs your wrist and tugs you to him. Your shoulder aches from the force, it fuels the anger. 
Somebody Desperate ☔️
Din needs to feel you, both emotionally and physically.
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Tattoo Artist Din
I got a tattoo today and always wanted to write a tattoo shop au but since I don't really have the time to write a full-on fic right now I decided to write a couple of headcanons
Baker Din Djarin
Din wakes up early, opens up the shop, and starts working on the dough. He feels the strain in his biceps as he works the dough, the heat from the ovens causing beads of sweat to form on his forehead. After putting them in the oven, he briefly locks up and helps grogu ready for school.
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I've Got You Darlin' - Moonknight x f!reader x Din Djarin 🔮☔️🤧
you find yourself in the middle of a dangerous race of who will steal priam's treasure first; a mysterious cloaked figure who calls himself moon knight or a man in clad armor who calls himself the mandalorian. amongst the chaos, you and steven try to protect the remnants of history.
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aurora-starwars · 8 months
The lack of Ahsoka x reader fics is criminal…
That being said, despite my requests being closed, please send some Ahsoka x reader requests!
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istanbulite · 10 months
Masterpost try #368
last updated: 9.6.2024
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Tags :
#sudraws #my writing #xx #music #photography (...and many more)
Art Blog @mandoart
A03 (being revised)
Art trade, Requests: Ask please! ✧*。
Commissions: Not Yet... ₍ - ̫-₎.。
Fave LIs in no order bc why not :
Lann (Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous)
Heinrix (Warhammer 40k Rogue Trader)
Casavir (Neverwinter Nights 2)
Alistair, Fenris, Blackwall (Dragon Age)
Garrus, Jaal (Mass Effect Trilogy)
Danse (Fallout 4)
Torian, Aric (Swtor)
Elliott (Stardew Valley)
Astraeus, Alain, Reiner, Nav, Darius (Lovestruck)
Asra, Julian (The Arcana)
Too many lol Friedrich, Liod, Chris, Andvari (Romance Club)
Cole (Blush Blush)
Hanzo (My Ninja Destiny)
Jumin Han, Zen (Mystic Messenger)
Lucifer, Mammon (Obey Me)
Masamune, Shingen, Nobunaga, Kennyo (Ikemen Sengoku)
Heath, Randal (Red Embrace: Hollywood)
Virion (Oathbreaker)
Hanzo (Nightshade)
Raze honestly all 3... (Demonheart)
Sirath (Demonheart the Ice Demon)
James (Tailor Tales)
...well -> (A Date with Death)
Zhu (Relics of the Lost Age)
Preston (Tin Star)
Tosh, Jun/ko (Samurai of Hyuga)
M, A (The Wayhaven Chronicles)
Lady Argent, Herald (Fallen Hero)
Hades (Fields of Asphodel)
Marco (Bloodmoon)
Flannan (The Good People WIP)
Blade (Shepherds of Haven WIP)
all of them Laurent (Perfumare WIP)
O, G, Sebastian (Infamous WIP)
Ash, Rin (Vendetta WIP)
S. Ryder (The Bureau WIP)
...all of them (Defiled Hearts the Barbarian WIP)
Playlists :
Astraeus (Astoria Fate's Kiss - Lovestruck)
Astoria MC (aka Eos just below)
Sails in the Fog (Romance Club)
Shepherds of Haven WIP IF
Infamous WIP IF Band
Mason (Wayhaven Chronicles)
Some of my OCs/MCs :
*Vorawin'ther Vandree 'Vora Winter' (Neverwinter/1/2, Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous — a drow in one and dhampir in the latter) #oc: vora, #oc: vorawin'ther
Anna Arslanowicz (Fallout 4) #oc: anna
Elnara 'Ellie' Krymsky (Saints Row) #oc: ellie
Balta Granar (Elder Scrolls Online) #oc: balta
'Lia' Shepard (Mass Effect Trilogy) #oc: lia
Valentina 'Tina' Ryder (Mass Effect Andromeda) #oc: valentina
*Ayka Delgerdzaya Aeducan (Dragon Age Origins #oc: ayka
Aurora Hawke (Dragon Age 2) #oc: aurora
Aisha Adaar (Dragon Age Inquisition) #oc: aisha
*Berra H'akan (my first bounty hunter, cathar, Mandalorian by birth, daughter of Clan H'akan's chieftain, Danyal) #oc: berra
Alma Ethelwulf (Star Ward the Old Republic, Zabrak Jedi Knight) #oc: alma
*'Nino Balkish' (Star Wars the Old Republic, Chiss Mando Bounty Hunter) #oc: nino
Kartili (Kelborn) 'Solus' (Swtor, Twi'lek ex-Mandalo Republic Smuggler) #oc: kartili
Cattie Pallas (Swtor, Cathar Jedi Consular) #oc: cattie
*Emija 'Prizrak' (Swtor, Chiss Republic Trooper) #oc: emija
*Eos Eremenko (Argent in fantasy settings) (MC of Astoria Fate's Kiss / Lost Kisses, various other interactive fiction, Warhammer 40k Rogue Trader & my WIP interpretation of the Titan with the same name) #oc: eos
*Ela Anka (The Arcana, Fictif & Choices stories + the MC of the WIP work Perfumare:Amalgam) #oc: ela
*Eve Mac Diarmada (Obey Me, Nightbringer & my interpretation of Eve herself) #oc: eve
* main or more developed™
Others :
Star Wars Clan H'akan (original Mandalorian clan settled on Werda, led by Danyal H'akan - also the father of Berra) #clan h'akan
Star Wars Clan Strillir (also my Mandalorian clan on Werda, led by Sidar Strillir) #clan strillir
ASOIAF House Dawnbreak (a semi-noble household) here
Cultist Simulator (Follower) OC here
My Writing :
Homecoming, gen but Lucifer being Lucifer (OBEY ME)
My Moodboards, Edits :
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dustbunnybell · 5 months
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⋆。°✩EII & IEI + Enneagram Subtypes⋆。°✩
Names under the cut
EII sp4:
Belle (Beauty and the Beast)
Fyodor Dostoevsky (Writer)
August "Auggie" Pullman (Wonder)
Dr. Kenzo Tenma (Monster)
Taeko Okajima (Omoide Poroporo)
Hayao Miyazaki (Movie Director)
Sufjan Stevens (Singer)
Kanade Yoishaku (Project Sekai Colorful Stage)
EII sp6:
Bruno Madrigal (Encanto)
J.R.R. Tolkien (Writer)
Armin Arlert (Shingeki no Kyojin)
Fear (Inside Out)
Cal Kestis (Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order)
Chihiro Fujisaki (Danganronpa)
Charlie Brown (Peanuts)
Izuku "Deku" Midoriya (Boku no Hiro Akademia)
EII sx9
Wall-e (Wall-e)
Robbie Daniel Skinner "Cavetown" (Singer)
Legoshi (Beastars)
Mantis (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
Mafuyu Sato (Given)
Eleanor Crain (The Haunting of Hill House)
Suzu Naito "Belle" (Ryu to Sobakasu no Hime)
Shion (no.6)
EII so9:
Fred Rogers (Television Host)
Padmé Amidala (Star Wars Prequels)
Glamrock Freddy (Five Nights at Freddy's: Security Breach)
Frodo Baggins (Lord of the Rings)
Lucy Pevensie (Narnia Chronicles)
Tanjiro Kamado (Kimetsu no Yaiba)
Makoto Naegi (Danganronpa)
Kenshin Himura (Rurouni Kenshin)
IEI sx4:
Lana del Rey (Singer)
Gaara (Naruto)
Davy Jones (Pirates of the Caribbean)
Musa (Winx Club)
Gerard Way (Singer)
Johan Liebert (Monster)
Searan Choi (Mystic Messenger)
Jason "J.D." Dean (Heathers the Musical)
IEI so4:
Diane Nguyen (Bojack Horseman)
Jean-Jacques Rousseau (Writer)
The Little Prince (The Little Prince)
Guillermo del Toro (Movie Director)
Hans Christian Andersen (Writer)
Napstablook (Undertale)
Sadness (Inside Out)
Bingo Heeler (Bluey)
IEI sx5:
Amélie Poulain (Le Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain)
Aurora Aksnes "AURORA" (Singer)
Lemon (Bullet Train)
Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (Philosopher)
Korekiyo Shinguji (Danganronpa)
Yuri (Doki Doki Literature Club)
Spectra Wondergeist (Monster High)
Elsa Korr (Jojo Rabbit)
IEI sp6:
Mitski Miyawaki (Singer)
Raine Whispers (The Owl House)
Carrie White (Carrie)
Yoon Bum (Killing Stalking)
Yoosung Kim (Mystic Messenger)
Spider Demon Mother (Kimetsu no Yaiba)
Veronica Sawyer (Heathers the Musical)
James Sunderland (Silent Hill 2)
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stardustbee · 5 months
Stardust made to shine
Flufftober - Fireplace
Darth Maul x fem!Jedi OC Ayane Arinori
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Song: AURORA - Heathens
Warnings: bit of sexual tension between those two idiots 😅😚; also Maul is hot
Word count: 3054
Note: This was meant to be finished in ocotber for the prompt fireplace for flufftober...HERE IT IS LOL. I have zero excuses for why it took so long. Only that life is stressful and being and adult sucks. But I am happy with how it can out and I am even brave enough to post it without beta reading 🤭 I really enjoy writing Ayane this way, maybe even a little more then in FMTTM. Pls forgive me if the formatting here and on Ao3 is shitty. I am lazy.
Ao3 • Taglist • Masterlist
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Cold wind whipped mercilessly in Ayane's face. Her face was already flushed and it was not because of the Zabrak, far too heavy for her, that she was supporting in her arms. Who would have thought she would meet him right here in such a deserted section of the galaxy. Master Kenobi had sent her on this mission. The Council suspected Separatist activity in this area and had been ordered to check it out. But the fact that it was exactly him she came across was something neither of them expected.
Ayane did what she was asked to do. Or rather, what she had been ordered to do. It was a moon orbiting an ancient, almost forgotten planet that was in a sector of the Outer Rim. Because of this, the Council assumed that the activity they were receiving from there was separatist in nature. The still somewhat clumsy Jedi Knight, not wanting to admit that she had not been a Padawan for a long time anymore, did as she was ordered to do and set off with a droid. Her skills as a pilot weren't enough to allow her to travel alone with a starship.
When her investigations on the planet itself came to nothing, a strangely familiar feeling led her to the very moon on which she now found herself.
She quickly realized that the feeling was her current rival and once lover Darth Maul. "Formerly Darth..." she reminded herself. She heard a loud grunt from the Zabrak she was supporting as those words rolled over her lips. How had they ended up in this predicament?
Quickly Ayane had to learn and realize that weather conditions on the moon were not normal. One minute there was clear, warm sunshine and the next the weather would change. And not only did the weather change rapidly in seconds, no, the flora and fauna also underwent an absolute transformation. Trees lost their leaves as dark clouds closed in and a fierce snowstorm began. Animals rushed into burrows, flowers died within moments and a layer of ice began to cover lakes and rivers.
In the middle of the storm she met the men, who held nothing but rage in his eyes. Both quickly drew their lightsabers and a fight broke out, despite the severe cold that afflicted Ayane. Due to the lack of reports and analyses of the planet and its moon, these weather fluctuations were unknown and the woman had accordingly not been able to prepare herself with special clothing. She only wore her Jedi robes.
Ayane's heart pumped faster, her breathing became uneasy. She tried to think of the exercises and teachings of her Master, but it was easier to think about it then put those thoughts into action.
Most importantly, she didn't have much time when Maul made the first attack, striking with his red blade. Her orange lightsaber, the color of the moon of her home, blocked the Zabrak's strike. Both blades hummed as they struck the other, as if they were crying out because they had hurt themselves. Maul was far more powerful and stronger than Ayane. The snow and ice beneath her feet crunched and cracked as he pressed her into the ground. A diabolical smile ran across his lips and Maul brought to Ayane all the hatred he felt for the Jedi.
Wildly the two fought in the blizzard as the temperature dropped and the former Sith Lord kept spitting insults at her. He was so much stronger and more experienced than her. That Ayane could hold out against him for so long was probably due to the mysterious connection through the Force she shared with him.
And then there was a small moment, just maybe a damn millisecond, when Maul gave her a window of opportunity to counterattack. She used the time she was given and threw a punch of the Force at Maul. She spun her body around once, deactivating her lightsaber as she did so, and when she looked back at Maul, she abruptly extended her arms.
The Zabrak reacted quickly, deflecting the blow with his own control of the Force. Nevertheless, the brute force of Ayanes punch sent him sliding backwards a few feet. His weapon was also deactivated. Again a malicious smile ran across his lips. He took a few steps towards the Jedi.
Ayane braced herself, this fight had gone on too long and she knew she would not win it. But suddenly and unexpectedly, the tide would turn in her favor once again when she heard a crackling sound under the man's artificial feet.
Maul had also noticed the sound, but at that moment it was too late. The thin layer of ice on which he stood hid a lake. The ice gave way and, although Maul tried to get off the lake, he sank into the icy water. Everything happened so suddenly and quickly and Ayane's eyes grew bigger and bigger as she realized what had happened.
His lightsaber slipped from his hand as he tried to hold on and came to rest on the edge of the small hole. Small bubbles rose and the water was choppy. Ayane expected him to resurface any second.
They were long seconds...
Many seconds...
He couldn't get out on his own. His legs...
"You'll regret this..." gave Ayane as she wiped off her Jedi cloak and dropped her sword on it. Quickly she jumped into the water herself. It was so cold that it almost robbed her of consciousness. She swam fast, darkness enveloped her and it was hard to locate the Zabrak. But after a few meters she saw him. His cheeks were puffy and he was holding back what air he had left in his lungs. Maul waved his arms around but absolutely didn't move. His eyes were almost trembling and Ayane could have sworn it was fear she saw there.
And so they had ended up in that very predicament. Ayane had no idea how she managed to pull Maul out of the lake. She just instinctively grabbed him by the waistband of his trousers and put his arm around her shoulder. The Force was strong in her today and supported her in her endeavor.
Ayane was desperately looking for shelter. Anything where she had the possibility to maybe make a fire and where they could both warm and dry themselves. If this continued, they would both freeze to death. She had just saved the life of a man she didn't know how to sort out her feelings about and then she was supposed to freeze to death in the middle of a wasteland called the moon? No, that just couldn't be, she didn't want that. A strong gust of wind hit her again and she almost sank to her knees with Maul.
Despite his own weakness at that moment, he supported Ayane as much as she supported him. Her hand went to his chest to hold herself better. Surprisingly, his skin was warmer than she had expected. Ayane remembered the studies on different species and the altered metabolism of the Zabrak. They recovered more quickly from temperature changes and generally their metabolism worked much faster than that of humans.
It was like a twist of fate when the woman discovered a small, old hut on a hillside. It was made of solid stone and withstood the storm. It must be my imagination. Someone really lived here? Someone built something that looked like a house? Death knocked on the door. This could only be a hallucination, a desperate attempt at her sanity. 
"It's not." gasped Maul a little weakly. "I see it too."
He did it again...
He searched her mind. 
Ayane still couldn't figure out if he was doing it on purpose or if she was naively sharing those thoughts with him every time. Just like she had done back on Midgard. She revealed so much weakness to him. She knew he could wipe her out all at once and yet...
The door was kicked open and Ayane's eyes analyzed the room. It was a rather plainly furnished building. There were many boxes made of wood and steel, neatly organized. It looked as if the building was a warehouse. At the other end of the room, the woman was looking directly at a fireplace. She heaved Maul against a crate near the fireplace. 
It was still so bitterly cold...
She quickly brushed Maul's top off his shoulders. That was the only thing he allowed, because when she tried to remove his gloves, he grabbed her by the wrist and gave her an angry, almost aggressive look. 
"I don't like it either, but you have to get out of those wet clothes," she countered the look immediately. 
"Take care of yourself, Jedi." he hissed through his sharp teeth.
Ayane left it at that. She knew Maul and knew that persuading him was like riding a Rankor. So she placed the two lightsabers in front of the fireplace. She quickly found something to light a fire. As the flames rose up and filled the stock, which it obviously was, with warmth and a cozy light. 
She found a blanket in a corner and wrapped it around Maul. "There is only this one blanket," she said, looking him in the eye. "We have to warm our bodies against each other, otherwise none of us will get out of here alive."
She began to remove her Jedi robes.Then she heard a laugh from the Zabrak's mouth. "Tell it like it is, woman." Maul leaned forward. "You need me to survive. Your human body can't withstand the cold."
"And your mechanical legs would have dragged you to the bottom of the lake if I hadn't been there." She placed her clothes in front of the fire together with Maul's top. Then she sat down next to Maul in her underwear, swung the blanket around her and leant against him a little. Her skin only touched his very lightly. "Don't kid yourself. You need me just as much as I need you right now. I hate to admit it myself. To someone like you..." she stopped herself.
"Keep talking, Jedi. What you have in your head right now just doesn't fit very well with what your master taught. You and the rest of the Jedi are ridiculous beyond compare."
Ayane squinted her eyes a little. The underwear she was still wearing was still soaked from the icy water. "What am I doing that's ridiculous in your eyes?"
"You could have left me behind. You would have defeated one of your order's greatest enemies. Imagine how proud your masters would be." There was hatred in Maul's voice. Yet, Ayane felt a certain pride and...fear.
"But I didn't." She leaned a little more against Maul's muscular arm. Her muscles were tense to protect her from the cold. Despite the dancing fire, her body didn't want to get warm. "I saved you." 
"I am your adversary, an enemy of your order. I am a thorn in the side of your faith. My destruction should be your highest priority."
Ayane straightened up and looked at Maul. He did not return her gaze. "Do you really think that? Do you really think I should kill you?"
"That's the way of things. That's what the Force commands." His eyes now wandered over to the woman. His face was rigid, emotionless. Why should he show anything other than disdain?
"Then do it," Ayane replied quickly. "Why don't you kill me if you think that's the way of things? If you think that's the way of the Force!" Her voice grew louder and she clenched her hands into fists. Ayane tensed her muscles so tightly that the skin on her knuckles turned white and her teeth gritted from the tension she was exerting on her jaw. "Kill me, now!"
Ayane was so angry that she hadn't even realized that she was now standing in front of the Zabrak, the warming blanket only covering his body. She stood in front of the fireplace and could feel the warmth on her back. Still, none of this helped. The flame was too small to be able to fight the merciless cold that seeped through every crack in this leaky building. Just as Ayane was unable to withstand Maul, to resist him. Goosebumps covered her body and soon she was no longer trembling from the cold. It was an unspeakable rage she felt in her heart, unable to admit such feelings.
Ayane's eyes explored Maul's body. She took in every tattoo, which was as black as the endless galaxy. She already knew each one, as they had spent more than enough time together on Midgard. Before she became a Jedi, before Ayane knew what was behind Maul's stay on her home planet. But now she knew more than she ever wanted.
He looked beautiful like this…
Her lips opened, but before she could say anything, Maul was already holding her hand in his. He slid forwards a little, the blanket slipping over his shoulders and revealing his body. His golden eyes bored into hers, his gaze fixed, but not angry or malicious. There was no danger in it. The material of his glove pressed against her skin. Ayane remembered the feeling and the material of his gloves. It was the first thing she felt from Maul. 
Then he did something she hadn't expected. Maul put the hand that had just been resting on hers around her waist, hugged her with the other and gently pressed his head against her stomach. He made sure that none of his horns hurt her. The woman raised her hands, a little startled, and wanted to take a step back, but the Zabrak's firm grip made that impossible. His skin was so warm. "Your path was a mistake. That you became a Jedi...that should never have happened..."
A loud, almost angry snort came from Ayane's nostrils. "What are you doing now? What are you..."
Maul interrupted her and looked up at her. Their eyes met again. "You feel…that is your mistake." Ayane's mouth fell open in horror and shock at what he had just said.
Maul pushed hard against her body and brought her to her knees so that she was now kneeling in front of him. The jerky and brutal movement caused the Jedi to wrap her arms around his neck. Their lips almost met…
His hands bored into her skin, leaving white marks on it. "Why are you still a part of them? I sense that you realize it yourself. That you know what I've said is the truth. Your insecurity, your fear...it fills this room. It trembles under your feet, little Jedi Knight."
The realization hit her like a wild Bantha wandering the plains of Tatooine. He was right. Maul, the enemy she had fought so often, was right. And she didn't like that. She quickly grabbed his face and pulled him closer to hers. Their bodies were tightly entwined. Ayane no longer felt the cold. It had given way to a very familiar heat. "No..." she only whispered.
The Zabrak stared at her. "Admit it."
Ayane shook her head and squeezed her eyes shut as she felt tears welling up. She hastily pressed her lips to those of the man in front of her. She straightened her upper body as best she could. It hurt to feel his naked skin on hers. 
She was weak. She was giving herself over to something she shouldn't and Ayane knew it was inevitable that it would happen. She knew her place was not in the Order and yet...
Maul's hands squeezed the woman close again and he let himself fall backwards. The moment he was on his back, Ayane stopped the kiss and looked at him again.
"Say it." he began in a low and calm voice. "No one will know."
Ayane swallowed hard, not allowing the tears to fall. She dropped her head onto Maul's torso. Her body was tense, almost clinging to the Zabrak. "I..." she began and tried to swallow the words, "...you."
Maul's eyes widened. "Say it. Look at me and tell me how you feel."
She quickly straightened up and sat on his lap. Tears streamed down her face, which was turning red. "I hate you!" she finally shouted at him. "For your arrogance, for always being right! It's because of you that I became a Jedi in the first place! Because you....because you!" she stammered.
"Because I what?" Maul asked, almost amused. His lips curled into a devilish smile.
"Because you didn't come back! Because you left me alone on Midgard! Because you always make me want to break the rules of my order and my master!" her voice broke. She weakened and put her face in her hands. 
"Then join me." That was the only thing Maul said to her. He didn't reassure her, he didn't hug her. He simply allowed the feelings she had held back for so long to escape.
"You know I can't and I won't..." Ayane rubbed her eyes. She placed her hands on the Zabrak's chest. She tried to calm her breathing. 
Maul sat up and hugged Ayane again. "Then at least enjoy this moment." he kissed the corner of her mouth.
"You're not making any sense..." she whispered.
"Neither do the feelings you're giving me. They don't reflect what you just told me." Maul's lips tracing over her cheek to her earlobe.
"We're doing this just so we can draw our swords and fight again tomorrow?"
"Yes..." His hands stroked Ayane's back far too gently.
"Don't use this as a weapon against me..." she said as Maul grabbed her and laid her on her back. His body laid heavily on top of hers. She could feel the cold metal of his legs and she knew that this would become a different experience than the once on Midgard. 
"Never..." he said as he smothered the fire with the Force with a wave of his hand.
They would no longer need the heat of the fire. Their bodies were the only thing that would keep them warm now. Just as Ayane had wished when they had entered the wooden their shelter...
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@eloquentmoon @justalittletomato @marivenah @herbalinz-of-yesteryear @pixiestookourstardust @bacarasbabe @astarionslittletreat @nobody-expects-the-inquisitorius @oh-three @dukeoftheblackstar @lune-de-miel-au-paradis
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