#Jamie Hues
hoffmans-hoffman · 2 years
Feed me that Jamie Hues informant
I'm interested bc he's a curator too
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Jamie's loud shirts are a hard contrast from the world he is placed but he isn't seen a lot during the games maybe three or four times(per game) but make your choices right he can appear in the story your weaving a few lines of his own.
He loves learning from the OG Curator, but there is a chance that he'll talk to the player about their choices.
“Oh! You, You were expecting him? WELP„ He chuckles softly rereading a bit of the story "Everyone is alive? How did you pull that off?...Anyway...your choices have been mostly with your heart...that is quite interesting but is the heart always right?" He sets the pen down pressing his hands together "Well I'll leave you with this, Sometimes a Preacher isn't as helpful for a sinner trying to be a saint but it is helpful for saint becoming a sinner„
“Go, he will see you next time„
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captainshyguy · 1 month
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as u all know from my unhinged rb spree a while back i watched ted lasso with my bro and liked it a lot! here's some of my faves
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writtenbymoonflower · 25 days
Hi there I was wondering if you would be comfortable writing a poly!maurauders x reader where the reader struggles with an eating disorder. Like she is from a pure blood family and it was a bad habit she picked up. I totally understand if you wouldn’t want to write something like that however!
hi lovely! thank you for requesting, i hope this is okay
cw: general discussion of ed struggles and thoughts (including restriction, binging, and purging, not detailed), swearing, sexual joke implying rough play (towards the end)
1k words
You weren’t sure how long you had been in the kitchen for, but it started to feel like an excessive amount of time. You stared into the cupboards, scanning the shelves for something to eat. Both everything and nothing was appetizing. You would then give up, sighing in disdain before repeating the same process with the fridge, then the freezer, then back to the cupboards, then the freezer again to make sure-
The door opened, a bag dropped, shoes squeaked against the hardwood floors. 
“Hey, angel!” James barrelled into the kitchen. You turned towards him so he could embrace you. 
“Hey, Jamie. You’re back early.” He looked at you questioningly, cutting his eyes to the oven clock. 
Shit! It had been that long? 
“Oh wow!” You laughed uncomfortably. “I must’ve lost track of time.” You shrugged as Sirius slid into the kitchen, patting your ass as he walked past. You turned your now-warm face in his direction. He opened the cupboard, immediately finding a snack and eating with ease. It made you jealous to see the boys eat with so much levity. They never denied their cravings in favor of something smaller, or even nothing at all. They never stared a hole into every nutrition label, wondering how days of food would have to be restricted to compensate, or how many steps would have to be taken to burn every bite off, or how easy it would come back up. They never wallowed in hunger for hours, or ate to the point of pain. Their moral value had never been questioned based off of the food they chose to eat (or not eat). You must’ve been staring in wonder for a long time, because Sirius had quirked a dark brow at you. 
“You checking me out, babydoll?” He teased. You shook your flaming face, looking away from him and mumbling an apology. The quick motion had you seeing spots though, and you brought a hand to your head in hopes of steadying yourself. 
“Shit, sweetheart.” James grabbed your face, looking you over for any visible injuries. 
“Sorry, I just got a bit lightheaded.” This called the two boys to alert fast. 
“Yeah, baby?” Sirius asked carefully. He crooked a finger at you, beckoning you over while James quickly went to get you some water. He felt your face, which was now cold, he scrunched his brows in concern. He moved his hands to your hips, hoping that would keep you steady. You took the water from James, noticing the pinkish hue.
“It’s electrolytes. It will taste good I promise.” He reassured. The taste wasn’t what you were worried about. “When did you last eat, angel?” That was the dreaded question. You struggled through the dense fog of memory. 
“Umm, me and Remus ate together earlier. I’m not sure when, though.” You did remember exactly what you had eaten, though. With a little too much clarity for comfort. Like magic, Remus appeared, holding three empty mugs of tea. 
“What are you gossiping about me for?” His voice would seem monotone to most, but you could hear the humor in it. 
“Remus, love,” James asked gently. “When did you and Y/N eat?” 
“We had a late breakfast after you two left today.” He responded suspiciously. You winced. It hadn’t felt like that long ago. The time it took for Remus to understand the situation was very little. 
“Did you forget to eat today, honey?” James’ anxiety was evident. You could tell he was hoping it was forgetfulness, as opposed to the other possibility. 
“Yeah. I tried to find something a while ago but nothing looked good.” They knew you got like this. Too much choice, nothing made the voice inside your head happy. 
“That’s okay.” James’ hand was rubbing a soothing path up and down your arm. “I haven’t had dinner yet, we can find something together.” He pressed his lips to your forehead before turning to the other two in the room. “Have you two eaten yet?” 
“Not since lunch, no.” Remus slipped back out of the room. 
“I mean, I could always eat.” Sirius said as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. Remus returned, carrying upwards of ten bars of chocolate. 
“Have some of this, dovey.” Remus picked out your favorite, starting to break it into chunks for you. 
“Rem, it’s okay.” You panicked. Your brain was screaming, both in want for food and in rejection. “I don’t need it.” 
“Sure you do.” He said, nonchalant. You picked up a bar of chocolate, flipping the package over. You didn’t have a chance to look before James took it from you. 
“Baby!” He laughed in disbelief. “I can’t believe you thought we would let you do that.” He was right. Since the boys picked up on your issues, they always tried to hide these things from you. Bottles would be handed with the label facing away from you, they would read items off of the menu at restaurants, hoping you wouldn’t look yourself, and the scale in the bathroom had strangely disappeared. Something that apparently Sirius ‘didn’t even notice, dolly, that’s funny.’
“Here, open up.” Sirius grabbed a square of chocolate from Remus’ stash. “Say, ahh.” He teased. 
“Siri,” You laughed. “I don’t need you to feed me.” 
“So? I want to. Stop being so selfish.” You let him place the chocolate in your mouth, rolling your eyes at him. He apparently took great offense to your attitude, deciding to worm his fingers into your waist in revenge. You tried desperately to bat his hands away. 
“Careful, pads.” James tried to scold, obvious humor and affection slipping into his tone. “You’ll make her choke.” Sirius grunted in disdain. 
“I guess you’re right.” Sirius kissed you, mouth still full of chocolate. You pulled away, dizzied to chug water.
“Thought that choking was my job.” Remus said casually. You nearly spit your water out.
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diwatopia · 1 month
★ lovely ; james potter.
info: comfort, james potter x fem!reader, under 1k.
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your head nuzzles into james' neck, inhaling greedily. "you smell good..." you sigh dreamily, nails raking the tiny curls at the base of his neck.
"yeah? i took a shower earlier... used that lavender soap you like," he hums while adjusting at the duvet. he huffs softly, unsure whether the cold touch of the wall that digs into his side annoys him more or the small amount of bedding left.
he tugs at the thick blanket as if attempting to get comfortable but you choose to not think much of it. in your mind, he fancies your cuddles, your affection, like he does every day.
after few seconds of finagling and a growing frown of frustration, "can you back up just a little bit? you've left me no space and this window sill is just stabbing my side like mad..." he groans.
you pout slightly, cheeks flushing a soft hue that closely resembles one of embarrassment. "sorry," you reply softly, body rolling over before scooting towards the opposite end of the bed.
"oh, love..." he makes an awfully sweet crooning sound, lips matching your bitty frown as you hug the bunched up duvet in your arms as if wired to cuddle something, to cuddle james.
james sighs, inching closer till your back meets his front. toned arms wrap around your midriff in attempt to apologize further.
"'m sorry, i didn't mean to be all over you." you speak understandingly, barely there and james feels his heart crack into trillions of pieces.
because here you are, being his undoubtedly sweet girl, showering him in your love that it makes his own affection cower next to yours.
"it's not your fault, baby. i dunno' why i spoke that way, 'm sorry." he speak weakly, as if barely noticing his original tone of voice.
you hum, "you seemed like you had a rough day... cuddles always seem to do the trick, but i guess today's different and that's okay." your voice is nothing but a squeak, soft and meek in a way that makes james believe that you'd rather not upset him again.
he's quick to prove otherwise as he showers your nape and cheek with the sweetest of kisses, soft lips against your supple skin.
"i'm not mad, my beautiful girl. you're so kind, always caring for others, thank you for the cuddles!" he lays it on thick, tone drenched in the finest of honey from the most richest of hives.
you giggle as his kisses grow tenfold, thicker fingers tickling at your waist. "jamie!" you laugh, swatting at his wrists with no real defense, more or less for show.
laughter and tickles turn to soft grazes and a love-sick gaze that makes you melt into the sheets like putty.
"why're you looking at me like that?" you whisper, thumb grazing his hairline absentmindedly.
"'cause you're lovely," he whispers back.
"you're lovely," you quip back with ease.
"nuh-uh, sweet girl. you're definitely loveliest." he coos.
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★ diwa's notes: haiii this is my first post in ages and i'm super nervous bc ik my small amount of followers are def gone bc this isn't atwow TT this was just something sitting in my drafts so i hope ppl enjoy it :3 (and ellecdc if ur reading this which is a very low chance, ty for ur advice 🤍)
© hobietopia 2024.
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its-time-to-write · 11 months
What about Jaime liking someone who works at/owns a flower shop so he keeps making excuses to come in and get flowers? Richmond is real confused about why he’s giving away so many bouquets all of the sudden
(Ps I love love love your work! I’ve got it so I get an alert whenever you post because of how much I love it!)
this one turned out SO CUTE I hope you like it!
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wishing on every one
You know you’re fucked as soon as he walks through the door of your shop. 
Then he tells you he’s looking for flowers for his mum who’s visiting him for the first time, and you know you’re extra fucked. 
He’s absolutely gorgeous, especially in the soft light streaming through your flower shop windows, framed by the vibrant hues of the plants lining the shelves.
Then he says, “I’m Jamie,” peers at your name tag, and tells you that you have a lovely name. You’re blushing the entire time you lead him around the shop, answering each one of his questions as best you can without stuttering. He cracks jokes, picks out a nice bunch, and leaves you one flower for yourself on his way out. 
And then, the next week, he comes back. 
Jamie Tartt, AFC Richmond’s star footballer, comes back to your shop and flirts with you again. 
Of course you know who he his, you knew the moment he stepped through the door. You live in Richmond after all, and you agree with the great Dani Rojas that here, football is life. It’s just hard to believe that your favorite footballer is back in your tiny little store and maybe sort of kinda definitely flirting with you.
You don’t let it get to your head (much). It’s Jamie Tartt, you’ve seen him on Lust Conquers All. To him, flirting is like breathing. You also don’t tell anyone, although you feel like you’re bursting inside. Your flat mate notes that you’re smiling more and that you always seem to be humming, and could you please maybe be careful when you’re skipping around because she just mopped the floor and doesn’t want you to slip. 
But Jamie Tartt keeps coming back; first once a week, then twice, then about every other day. He follows you around as you help him choose flowers for all kinds of occasions, and then he’a gone again, leaving you to wonder which time will be the last. 
At Nelson Road, things are in chaos. 
Ok, maybe chaos is too strong a word. Things are… out of the ordinary. 
Well, but things have been out of the ordinary ever since Ted Lasso showed up. 
Things are… weird. Yeah, that’s a good word. They’re weird. And “they,” refers to Jamie. 
It starts off simple enough. It's Sam’s birthday, so Jamie shows up with some flowers. He heard Sam say they were his favorites, so it makes sense that he’d bring them. No one notices anything. 
The next week, he’s brought some for Ms. Welton. 
“It’s for all the shit you do that we don’t know about,” he explains. “Didn’t want you to think we didn’t notice.”
Rebecca doesn’t comment on the double negative, just smiles and says, “Thank you, Jamie,” as Keeley sits forward on the couch in a slight state of shock. The Jamie she was with had never done something like that for her romantically, and here he is doing it platonically. Holy shit, he really has changed. 
Rebecca also doesn’t take the flowers to mean something they don’t. She knows that the team looks to her with the same respect they would afford an older sister or even a mother (although she is not old enough). Strangely, she doesn’t mind. It makes her feel loved in a way she’s unused to, and the flowers from Jamie hang upside down on her wall so they can be immortalized. 
Barely a week after that, he’s gotten some for Keeley. “It’s to make up for the ones I never got you,” he tells her. They’re all bright pink with fluffy petals. Keeley wraps her arms around Jamie with a squeal of delight. Roy grunts angrily, so Jamie pulls out a bunch of dark red and black flowers. “Didn’t leave you out, grandad,” he grins as Roy pretends to hate the bouquet. But even he isn’t cold-hearted enough to hate flowers.
Suddenly, people are getting flowers every other day. It’s become Jamie’s thing. Ted gets some sunflowers when he seems like he’s missing home a little extra. Will gets a bunch of sweet-smelling flowers that Jamie doesn’t know the name of, but he knows that purple one’s lavender because he remembers how you told him it reminded you of growing up. Dani gets a bundle of tulips and it almost makes him pass out from excitement, but luckily Isaac is there to catch him. 
Dani is firmly seated on the bench in the locker room and Jan Maas has removed all tulips except one, and now Isaac has the chance to turn to Jamie and ask the question that’s on everyone’s mind. 
“What gives, bruv?”
Those three words make Jamie turn bright red, but he shrugs it off with a laugh. 
“What, can’t get me best mates flowers?”
“It is a little better than the PS5s,” Richard says. There’s a chorus of agreement, much to the surprise of Coach Beard. 
Jamie thinks he’s in the clear and his face isn’t red anymore but then Dani says, “Jamie Tartt, why did you decide to give us flowers and not some other expensive gaming device?” and Jamie knows he’s completely and utterly fucked. He did not think this far. He has no excuse, no lie, so what comes out of his mouth is, “The flower shop girl’s fit,” and then the locker room completely descends into chaos. 
The boys are firing questions at Jamie faster than he can even understand them, and Ted’s just laughing at the pure pandemonium. He remembers similar moments when coaching other football teams, American ones, and the good feeling that comes along with “boys being boys,” in the way the phrase was originally intended. 
All pertinent information is successfully extracted from Jamie before the team heads home, except your name and which flower shop it is. Colin says that’s the most important bit, but Jamie refuses to tell them more than the fact that your laugh makes the sun shine brighter. Isaac nods thoughtfully and Roy shakes his head, but it’s with a fondness he reserves only for his team. 
It could be any shop, really. There are conversations across the parking lot of the best way to figure out which one it is and Jamie’s getting nervous when he hears Ted’s voice call his name.
He turns, and Ted hurries over to where Jamie’s car is parked. 
He carefully places a hand on Jamie’s shoulder (softly, unlike the crushing grip of his father) and looks Jamie straight in the eye. 
“Jamie, life’s too short to beat around the bush. You like her. I think it would be best if you rose to the occasion and just asked her out. I be-leaf in you, son. You just gotta get clover it and do what you gotta do.”
Jamie doesn’t pick on the flower puns until about the third one. He’s laughing a little bit and Ted is too, all while regarding Jamie with a soft look that Jamie always wished his father would give him. Ted pulls Jamie in for a hug and says, “In all seriousness man, we’re rooting for you.” 
Jamie gives him a look, which makes Ted hold up his hands in defense. “Alright, alright, I’m done,” he says. “For now.” Then he winks and headed to meet Coach Beard. 
It’s the middle of the afternoon when the bell on your door jingles, and you look up from the register hoping to see Jamie. 
Instead, you see a middle-aged man with a mustache smiling at you. 
He says, “Howdy,” in a way that is so very American, that you can’t help but break into a wide smile. 
“Hi!” you reply, “How can I help you?”
“My name’s Ted Lasso,” he says walking toward you. “I coach football here in Richmond.”
You’re still grinning. “I know who you are, Coach Lasso. I’m a big Richmond supporter. Have been since I was a kid.”
“Just Ted is fine,” says Just Ted. “I usually don’t like to introduce myself along with my job title because it makes me seem all uppity, but I thought it might make more sense if I did.”
You scrunch your nose in confusion so Ted says, “You were expecting to see Jamie today, is that right?”
You nod. Shit. Shit, shit, shit. Jamie’s coach is in your flower shop and he knows that you like him and he’s probably going to tell you you can never see Jamie again because that’s the only logical reason he’s here, right? Maybe Jamie’s been skipping practice to be here with you and that all has to end now because football is life and you of all people should know that. Shit. 
Ted must be able to see the panic on your face because he shakes his head and says, “Don’t worry darlin’, it ain’t anything bad. I’m only here to let you know that boy’s got it down bad for you.”
Wait, what?
“Oh,” you reply. 
“Yeah, oh,” Ted chuckles. “Why’d you think he was here all the time?”
“I- I don’t know,” you say. “He flirts with everyone. I’m nothing extra special.”
Ted shakes his head again. “There’s where you’re wrong. You’re somethin’ extra special. Did you know I found you based on the way Jamie talked about you alone? He didn’t even give your name, but I’ve been in here once or twice myself and I must say, he was right when he said the sun shines a little brighter when you smile. I figured it had to be you the moment he said that.”
You’re smiling again. Jamie said that about you? To his coach?
Ted’s talking again. “Listen,” he says, a little more serious, “Jamie’s like a son to me. And sometimes dads need to give their sons a little push so they can get rid of their training wheels and just go for it, you know what I mean?” 
You’re at a loss but Ted just grins. “I got here exactly three minutes before the boys take a break for lunch, which means that Jamie should be in here-” the bell at the door jingles “-right about now.”
“Coach?” Jamie asks, looking very adorable and very confused. “What’re you doing here?”
Ted shrugs. “Sometimes dads gotta take things into their own hands. Give you a little extra boost, as it were. Figured you’d be in here forever before you got the guts to make a move and by then Nelson Road would be completely overrun by flowers. Not that that’s a bad thing,” he says with a glance to you. “Anyway. I’ll be on my merry little way. Beard’s saving me a seat at our favorite lunch spot.”
Ted waves a two finger goodbye and pats Jamie on the shoulder as he heads out the door, bell ringing behind him. 
“So,” you say, making your way around the counter over to Jamie. 
“So…” he replies, looking down at you. 
You take his hand. “Heard from a reliable source that you have a crush on me.”
Jamie grins. “Ain’t a crush babe, I’m a grown lad.  Think it’s somethin’ a little more real.”
“Uh huh,” you say, smiling back at him. “Well it just so happens that I also have a crush on you as well as a thirty-minute lunch break that starts right about now…”
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mamaestapa · 5 months
New Romantics
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“every day is like a battle, but every night with us is like a dream”
•pairing: Jamie Drysdale x Hughes!reader||Trevor Zegras x Hughes!reader
•series summary: Y/n Hughes, twin sister of Jack Hughes, accepts an invitation to move in with Trevor and Jamie after she’s forced to move to Anaheim for a job. Despite her older brother’s opinions, the young woman finds herself falling for both of her roommates…but which one does she fall for the hardest?
•chapter summary: The time comes for you to finally move out to Anaheim! Your roommates take you out after you get settled in and you spend the night with a special someone...
•word count: 3.4k
•warnings: fluff, alcohol consumption, lots of flirting, I think thats about it tbh
series masterlist
August 19, 2023
"There she is!" Trevor exclaimed, beaming as he watched you get out of your car. He uncrossed his tanned arms and pushed himself off the side of the building he was leaning on and started to make his way over to you. You giggled softly at the boy, closing the driver door shut before you met him in the middle.
"Hi Z," you mumbled into the hockey players chest as he pulled you into a tight embrace. You couldn't help but notice how the butterflies swarmed in your belly at the feeling of Trevors arms wrapped securely around your body. He obnoxiously swayed you side to side as he hummed.
"I was starting to think you weren't going to make it."
It took you a total of two days to make it out to California from the lake house in Michigan. You told Trevor you'd try your best to make it in twenty four hours, but traveling by yourself across the country wasn't the easiest. Between the traffic, the "jet lag", and not getting more than six hours of sleep in the last forty some hours, your one day trip turned into a two, almost three day trip. Even though you were exhausted from the trip, you're just happy to finally be in Anaheim.
You pulled away from Trevor, rolling your eyes playfully as you spoke, "Yeah because I'd give up the once in a lifetime opportunity to live with you and your boyfriend."
It was Trevor's turn to give you a playful eye roll. He lightly shoved your shoulder as he did so, "And to think you were starting to become my favorite Hughes."
"Awe, that's too bad. Poor Trevy is going to have to settle with Jack." You traced a tear rolling down your cheek as you frowned at him. Trevor let out a laugh, his nose scrunching up in the cutest way that made the butterflies appear once more. You giggled softly at the boys reaction before you spoke again.
"But speaking of your boyfriend," you eyed Trevor, smiling as you saw watched him shake his head at your teasing, "where is he? I haven't seen Jamie in such a long time."
The sound of a door closing caused you and Trevor to snap your heads over to the front door of the condo. Jamie walked out, running his hands through his dark hair as he walked over to where you and Trevor stood.
"Took you long enough Jimmy." Trevor teased as he clapped his best friends upper back. Jamie smiled sheepishly as he apologized, "Sorry, I was cleaning up a bit and then my mom called."
A small smile pulled at your lips as you noticed the pink hue that was slowly appearing on the boys pale cheeks. Jamie's blue eyes flickered over to you, his blush deepening when he made eye contact with you.
"Hi Jamie," you said with a smile as you waved at him, "it's good to see you again."
"It's good to see you too, Y/n." He replied softly.
Jamie Drysdale was one of the sweetest guys you've ever met. He was a little bit shy, and a tad closed off—he'd only talk to you if you talked to him first. At least, that's how it was when you first met him. He's seemed to have gotten better about the closed off part, however, he was still just as sweet as you remembered him to be.
The two of you moved in sync, reaching out to hug one another. Jamie's embrace was warmer and gentler than Trevor's was, despite the fact that he had bigger arms than the brunette did. You pulled away from him, both of you still wearing the soft smiles on your faces the way you did before hugging.
As the two of you pulled away, Trevor cleared his throat and gestured toward your vehicle. "Why don't we start taking your stuff inside? Jimmy and I can bring boxes in while you look around the place."
You smiled, nodding as you spoke, "That'd be great guys, thanks."
The two hockey players nodded, both of them wearing soft smiles on their faces as they gazed at you. You could feel yourself starting to grow flustered from the attention from both Trevor and Jamie.
No, you scolded yourself, quit. They're your roommates, get used to it.
You internally composed yourself, making sure Trevor and Jamie didn't notice your brief flustered response from their actions. Thankfully, the two didn't pick up on it because they were already unloading your belongings from the trunk of your car and the u-haul trailer. As the boys unpacked all of your boxes, you made your way into the condo to check out your new home for the next twelve months.
The condo was very nice, much nicer than you were expecting. You don't know what you were expecting though, these were luxury apartments after all. You walked further into the entryway. To your left was the living room. There were pictures hung up on the walls, each one having both Trevor and Jamie in it somehow. There were framed jerseys from their rookie seasons with the Ducks on either side of the TV, which you thought was a neat thing for the boys to do. You smiled softly at the cozy living room before you continued your self lead tour through your new home. There was vinyl flooring throughout the entire apartment, with light gray painted walls. The sofa was a cream color with a gray sherpa throw blanket draped over the side. The kitchen wasn't too dirty, but it could definitely use some cleaning. You turned a corner and walked down the hallway. You glanced into Trevor and Jamie's rooms, grimacing slightly as you saw the unmade beds a cereal box sitting on Trevor's beside table, and three half full water bottles on Jamie's floor. The condo was nice, but you could definitely tell boys were the only ones living there.
As you turned back around and left the hallway with the boys rooms, Trevor and Jamie stood in the kitchen with their arms crossed over their chest as they watched you look around your new home. They had finished bringing in all of your belongings, scattering them around the entry way and living room. Trevor uncrossed his arms and ushered you over to him and his best friend.
"Here, we'll show you your room." The hockey players walked out of the living room and jogged up the stairs. You followed behind them, the three of you turning right and walking down a hallway. There were two rooms, one was a decorated guest bedroom, while the other was completely empty, besides a queen sized bed with a simple gray bed set. Trevor and Jamie walked into the room, standing to the side so you could walk in too. The bed frame was pushed up against the middle of the wall, while the dresser and closet were directly across from the bed. You smiled as you looked at the empty room. You could definitely make this work.
"It's nothing like your room at the lake house," Trevor spoke, a smirk on his face, "pink sheets, flowers everywhere, and the occasional picture of me."
You rolled your eyes at him, shaking your head playfully as you turned to look at the brunette.
"You and Jack," you corrected, playing along with Trevor. You continued, "and Quinn and Luke. Oh! And maybe Cole and Turc too."
"Okay, okay, I get it," Trevor chuckled, waving you off before he continued, "anyways, it's nothing like your room at the lake house, but I think it'll do."
You nodded at his words, smiling softly. You looked between Trevor and Jamie as you spoke sincerely, "It's perfect, thank you. I really appreciate you guys letting me move in with you, means a lot."
"It's no problem," Jamie said with a smile, "Even though Z didn't really let me have a say in this." he elbowed his best friend in the side, making Trevor feign hurt. You chuckled softly at the boys in front of you. Jamie's smile widened at the sound of your laughter.
"I'm glad to have you here." The dark haired boy finished softly. Trevor joined in, "We're both glad to have you here, Y/n/n."
You smiled at their sincerity. You knew living with Trevor and Jamie as their third roommate would make your time in Anaheim much smoother. California was a lot different than Michigan, but being with Trevor and Jamie made things more manageable already.
You walked up to the hockey players standing near the doorway, wrapping your arms around both of them. As soon as your body was on theirs, they instantly wrapped an arm around you, squeezing you gently.
"Thanks boys," you said, sighing softly as you pulled away from them, "wanna help me bring some boxes up here?" Both Trevor and Jamie nodded as they moved out of the way, letting you leave the room first. They followed behind you down to the living room, helping you bring boxes full of your belongings back up to your room.
For the next two hours, you, Trevor and Jamie started unpacking your boxes and setting up your room. While you and Jamie unpacked boxes and sorted through what belongs where, Trevor made your bed and fixed the dresser--which you discovered was broken when you tried to put your clothes away.
You laid flat on the vinyl floor, huffing out a sigh as your body hit the floor with a light smack. You brought your hands up to your head, groaning softly as you rubbed your eyes. Jamie chuckled from beside you as he looked down at you laying on the floor.
"I forgot how exhausting it is to unpack." You mumbled out as you rubbed your hands down your face. You definitely ruined your makeup, but you didn't care. All you cared about at the moment was getting unpacked and settled in.
Trevor plopped down on the floor next to you and Jamie. He too huffed out a sigh as he laid down on the hard floor of your bedroom.
"It is a lot of work," Trevor said before he got up on one arm and looked between you and Jamie, "why don't we take a break, get some dinner or something."
That sounded like a great idea. You haven't had anything to eat since you stopped at Starbucks this morning before you even entered the state of California. You sat up from your laying position, nodding at Trevor's suggestion.
"Sounds good to me. I have to return my U-Haul by seven anyways, so that would work perfect." Trevor clapped, "Perfect. Let's go then." He stood up from the floor, stretching his limbs as he spoke, "I could go for a burger, what about you guy?"
"Burgers sound great, bud." Jamie nodded as he too stood up. Trevor held his hand out for you. You grabbed a hold of it as he helped you up from the floor.
"Y/n," he asked, an eyebrow raised as he looked at you, "burgers?"
Your stomach growled, answering Trevors question for you. Trevor and Jamie both chuckled. "I'm taking that as a yes," Trevor said, still chuckling, "let's go."
The three of you left your room and headed downstairs to leave for dinner. Trevor volunteered to drive your car, which you happily let him because your right leg still had a cramp from all of the driving you've been doing the last couple days. Trevor got into the drivers seat, while you tried to sit in the back so Jamie could sit next to his best friend.
"No," Jamie said softly, taking your hand off the handle to the backseat passenger side, "you take the front."
"You sure?"
He nodded, "Yeah," he opened the door for you, "it's your car, you shouldn't have to sit in the back." You smiled warmly at the Canadien, "Thanks Jamie."
You swore your heart swelled from how sweet Jamie was.
The two of you got into the car and buckled your seatbelts. Once you were all settled in, Trevor turned the car on and put it in reverse. As he was getting ready to pull out of the parking spot, Wildest Dreams by Taylor Swift began playing.
"Ohoho," Trevor chortled as he reached to crank the volume up to 12, "this is my favorite song. He said lets get out of this town..."
You and Jamie made eye contact in the mirror, smiling softly at each other as you laughed at Trevor's attempt to sing along with Taylor.
You were already loving Anaheim.
time skip
“Oh my god,” you laughed as you covered your mouth with your hand, “there’s no way she said that.”
Trevor giggled beside you, scrunching his nose up, “She did.” The two of you were laughing messes, trying to catch your breath as he finished speaking. You had gotten back from dinner at In-N-Out and dropping your U-Haul trailer off about an hour ago. As soon as you got home you finished setting up your room, and now you and the boys were sat on the couch drinking beers and sharing embarrassing bar stories.
“Oh my god you guys,” Jamie groaned, “it wasn’t that bad.”
Trevor quit laughing, giving Jamie a look of disbelief, “Her completely missing your terrible joke and saying she’d never fuck you because she doesn’t sleep with Canadians? I’d say that’s pretty bad.”
Jamie stayed silent as he sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck. He knew Trevor was right. His bad attempt at flirting with the first girl he saw at the bar a couple weeks back was pretty bad.
“You just have no rizz Jimbo.” Trevor shrugged as he sipped his beer.
“It’s alright Jamie,” you smiled, reaching out to lightly tap the boys shoulder, “I’ll let you practice on me.”
Jamie chuckled softly, a light blush making its way onto his cheeks at your words. “Thanks Y/n.” he replied, nudging you gently with his shoulder. Your expression matched his as you joking replied, “Anytime.”
You leaned back against the couch, closing your eyes and letting out a yawn. You were exhausted. It had been a long couple days and you were ready to finally sleep in a decent bed. Your eyelids fluttered open and you checked your watch, seeing that it was well past nine. You usually stayed up later than this, but with the time difference and the traveling, you knew it would be best to go to bed. You got up from your spot on the couch, telling the both of the boys goodnight. They each gave you soft smiles as they told you to sleep well, and that if you needed anything don’t be afraid to wake them up.
You laughed at that, knowing you’d be just fine—but you appreciated their offer. You went upstairs and got ready for bed. Once you were under the covers and your head hit the pillow, you were instantly in a much needed deep sleep.
Until you weren’t…
Your eyes snapped open and suddenly you were wide awake. Every ounce of tiredness you felt just three hours earlier was completely gone. You turned to your left side, huffing out a sigh as you adjusted your pillow. You closed your eyes, hoping to fall back asleep.
However, twenty minutes had passed since you woke up and you were growing even more restless. You were tossing and turning every couple minutes and your eyes just didn’t want to stay closed. You’d get this way every once in a while, and you knew there was only one solution to make you sleep. You tapped on your phone screen, groaning when you saw the time. You didn’t want to wake the boys, but they did say to wake them up if you needed anything…
You pulled the covers off your body and slid out of bed. You left your room and quietly headed downstairs, careful not to wake Jamie as you walked past his room and into Trevor’s. Every once in a while at the lake house, you and Trevor would sleep together. Neither of you could explain why, but something about just being in the same bed as each other was comforting and helped you both sleep when you needed it the most.
You walked into Trevor’s room with soft footsteps, careful not to wake Trevor just yet. You walked further into his room, smiling as you looked at the peacefully sleeping boy on the bed. Trevor's light brown hair was messy, sprawling over his white pillow and one bare arm that was tucked underneath his head. You almost didn't want to wake him, but you knew he wouldn't mind. The two of you did this with each other all the time. It was harmless, but your brothers and best friend all thought otherwise. Yeah, you and Trevor were extremely flirty anytime you were around each other, but neither one of you dared to move because it would never happen.
You took a step forward, grimacing and closing your eyes tightly when you heard the floor creak beneath you. The sound caused Trevor to stir a bit before reluctantly opening his eyes. He sat up in bed, squinting his eyes as he looked at you.
"Y/n," he called out softly, "is that you?"
"Yeah," you responded quietly, "sorry Trev, I'll leave. I didn't mean to-" "No, no, stay." Trevor cut you off as he pulled the covers off his bare chest and waved you over to the bed. "Please?"
You smiled softly and walked over to him, climbing in and laying down on the empty side of his queen sized bed. Trevor laid back down, motioning for you to come closer to him. As if it was second nature for both you and Trevor, you pushed yourself against his bare chest and let his arms wrap around your body. The two of you fit together like puzzle pieces. He pulled you closer into his body as your legs intwined with his. Trevor pressed a soft kiss to your temple before he reached out to take one of your hands in his. The two of you hummed softly, the feeling of your bodies spooning was complete bliss.
"I'm sorry for waking you Trevor. I just couldn't sleep."
You felt Trevors chest rumble against your back from his chuckle. "Don't be sorry," he replied softly, nuzzling his face affectionally into your hair, "I don't mind at all."
It was silent for a moment before he spoke again, "I know you'd do the same for me." You nodded, smiling softly as you replied, "I would."
"Cuddling with you is my favorite thing in the whole world." He said as he gave you a gentle squeeze.
"The whole wide world?"
"The whole wide world."
"Even more than hockey?" You asked, a teasing tone to your voice.
“Nothing is better than hockey, baby. Sorry."
Baby. It made your heart drop as the butterflies swarmed in your belly. But you knew he didn't mean anything behind it...
"Damn," you sighed, teasing him, "and suddenly I go by hockey."
"Nah, you can't go by hockey." Trevor said, shaking his head in disapproval. "Why not?" You asked playfully.
"Because I'd never play you."
You scoffed out a laugh before letting out an "oh my" under your breath. Trevor chuckled along with you. He brought your hand up to his mouth, kissing your soft skin before setting your hand back down.
"That was smooth Zegras," you said, "very smooth."
"Thank you, thank you. Gotta tell Jimmy to use that one at the bar next time we go."
You laughed at the idea, "There ya go."
You and Trevor chuckled one last time before silence soon filled the room. You felt your eyes flutter closed as you spoke softly to Trevor. "Thanks for letting me sleep with you Z."
"Anytime. 'S what I'm here for," Trevor said before he kissed the top of your head. He pulled back mumbling "Goodnight, pretty girl." before the two of you drifted off to sleep wrapped up in each others arms.
hi loves!!
trevor and y/n at the end👀 we’ll see what happens there…we can’t forget about jamie baby ;)
BUT i finally posted the second chapter of this series after like what two months? crazy lol. i struggled with writers block for a bit and then college just got to me and i was SO busy! but now im on break for a few weeks, so im hoping to get caught up on everything ive gotten behind on
i’m hoping to update this a couple more times in the next few weeks, so stay tuned! i’m so excited for you guys to read what i have planned, whether your a trevor girlie or a jamie girlie or BOTH like me, i think you’ll really enjoy it😉 it’s a shorter series so things will move a bit fast, too.
I LOVE THESE TWO SO MUCH🤍 i need them back right now, i miss them
anyways, thank you so much for reading loves! your support means the world. you’re the best!🫂🤍
tags: @tkachuksmatth3ws @emaanemaa @sammiejane22 @tpwkstiles @kkrenae @grandprixbarzal @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 @privatemythss
(if you’d like to be added to the taglist, let me know and i’ll add you!☺️)
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theresattrpgforthat · 17 days
Oooo you know what I haven't seen a lot of? Games meant for long term play between two players. Id love to see that!
THEME: Long-Term 2-Player
Hello friend, here's a few specific recommendations, but you'll want to take a look at the bits I recommend at the end as well!
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Afterglow, by Fistful of Crits.
It started when a WIZARD cleaved apart the temple into two. Because, in the cyclical way of things, one ideology eventually wins out over the other. The Celestial Cycles shatter and pour away, blending into the colour of their worship into tones of soft purple and creamy orange hues.
Now there is no more day or night, no rising or setting of the Godly tombs that float in carefully calculated arches through the sky: there is only the AfterGlow and the wake of a different world.
AfterGlow is a solo or co-operative play journaling TTRPG game. Become a Dawncarver Acolyte of the Light, Imefelga, or a Nightweaver Acolyte of the God of the Night, Elestrell. Expand the world as you explore, search for offerings, fight dangerous threats and discover the mysteries of the Wizard and the AfterGlow.
AfterGlow is designed using the Firelights system, which was originally designed for solo play, and inspired by games such as Hollow Knight. As a game system, I think it’s one of the games that’s meant to last longer than just one session, and since AfterGlow uses the same bones, I’m guessing that it could work as a longer game as well. Just keep in mind that this game isn’t inspired by Hollow Knight; it’s more of a fantastical post-apocalypse.
Empanel, by Bogus Cheesecake.
The year is 1915 - you sit inside a dreary office, working as a telegraph operator for the North American rail system.  The dots and dashes of the telegraph machine spell out a dreary, unfulfilling existence. Until one day, a new kind of message appears. 
Empanel is a two-player narrative roleplaying game based around telegrams and queer yearning. Completely diceless, Empanel's messaging-based gameplay is designed for long-distance play between you and a partner. 
Empanel provides a new spin on two-player conversational roleplaying. Step into the shoes of a middle-aged telegraph operator (or anyone, we're not your boss) and explore the feelings of reconnecting with a love long past. 
I find that two-player games designed to happen over long distances naturally lend to more long-form play, although that is partially because of the time it is expected to take to send messages to each-other. That being said, even if you don’t live that far away, you’ll be expected to think carefully about the messages you send to each-other, as well as spend time encoding and decoding every letter you send. If you want a game about longing and secrecy, you might like this game.
Trading Places, by Jamie Sands.
Trading Places is a game for two people - one who has an ordinary life, and one who has an extraordinary life. They both keep journals. One day, they wake up in each other's bodies.  What happens next is entirely up to the people playing - will your story be a poignant examination of what a life of value means? Will you create a holiday-themed romantic comedy or an existential horror? 
This game doesn’t look like it has a recommended play time, and since it’s a journaling game, you’ll likely need to wait for each other to submit journal entries. I think the fact that you can change the tone of this game makes it really flexible, so you can talk with the other player about what kind of story you’d like to share. I also really like the idea of exploring the life of another person, and coming up with that as you go.
One More Thing, by Nathan D. Paoletta.
Somebody has been murdered! The murderer is sure they will get away with it - but the detective is on the case, and quickly sees the truth of the matter. Both of them know that the murderer did it; the question is how to prove it.
Your story begins with the murder, and continues as a back-and-forth drama playing out in the view of an imaginary television audience. The Murderer never gets away with it, but they can control how the audience sees them in the end. Were they justified in their crime? Did they see no way out of an untenable situation? Or are they a cold-hearted monster who took a life for their own material gain?
One More Thing tells compelling stories of criminals bought to justice, in the finest tradition of TV detective dramas from the 1970s to today.
This game feels episodic, but I don’t think that would stop it from being something a bit more long-form. You could run this either with one player embodying the same detective over a series of different murders, or you could alternate between roles, perhaps following the stories of two connected detectives, or switching between different tones.
Hit the Road, Jack, by Urania Games.
Hit the Road, Jack is a solo/duet game of adrenaline rush and creeping terror. Of chasing and being chased, of being forced to face your sins or to leave them all behind. It is a game of cat and mouse between two characters that we call the Jacks.
This is a game that mentions blood, violence, drugs, crime, and death - both deaths you choose and deaths you don’t.
Jack Be Nimble is the sinner, the criminal, and the one being chased. 
Jack Be Quick is the lawman, the aggrieved, and the one who chases. 
This is their journey cross-country across an empty stretch of highways. By drawing tarot cards and responding to journaling prompts, you will be able to flesh out the nature of these two Jacks, their relationship, and how they deal with whatever the road throws at them.
The game page mentions that there are different lengths of play that you can use for this game, so that tells me that long-form is definitely on the table here. I don’t know how long exactly the game is, but the nice thing about having two different roles, is that you can likely play the game twice, switching roles to give each of you a chance to be each character.
Other Games To Check Out
Little Shepherd, Little Spy, by @psychhound, has a two-player mode called Little Mortal, Little Fey. It’s a game about communication between spies, so I feel like it’s meant to happen over a significant period of time.
There's a lot of GM-Less games out there that aren't specifically two-player but are duet friendly, and are designed for longer-form play.
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mustainegf · 21 days
heyeyy, could you do 1999 James het returning tired from work and laying on top of you all sleepy then he starts kissing you while mumbling?
Pd: I love your one-shots, they're my everyday bread
I need this to be me ASAP‼️ I’m so glad you love the fics! I’m not going anywhere!! :) I’m sorry if it turned out kinda shorttt
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As the golden hues of dusk painted the room, I awaited James's return from recording. When the door finally creaked open, revealing his weary silhouette, my heart fluttered with relief.
"Hey there, beautiful," he greeted me with a tired yet genuine smile, his eyes lighting up as he crossed the threshold.
I returned his smile, my heart swelling with affection at the sight of him. "I missed you, love, how was work?" I replied softly, moving to meet him halfway.
James's steps faltered as he closed the distance between us, exhaustion evident in every movement. With a gentle touch, I guided him to our couch. I layer back and he gently collapsed onto me, nuzzling his face Into my chest.
"Long day?" I asked, concern lacing my words as I brushed a stray lock of hair from his forehead.
He nodded, his shoulders slumping with fatigue. "Yeah, but seeing you makes it all better," he murmured, his gaze lingering on me with unabashed adoration.
My cheeks flushed with warmth at his words, a tender smile playing at my lips. "You always know how to make me feel special," I whispered, reaching out to caress his cheek.
His tired eyes closing as he savored the moment. "I'm the lucky one," he breathed, his voice barely above a whisper. "To have such a beautiful woman as my own."
As I ran my fingers through his hair, he nestled closer, leaving soft kisses over my skin. I had a v cut shirt on, so he pressed soft pecks to my bare skin.
"I love you more than words can say," he murmured, his breath tickling my skin.
“Mm, so perfect…” he uttered. “My perfect girl…” he hummed.
"You're too sweet, Jamie," I whispered, unable to contain the smile that tugged at my lips.
James shifted his head, his gaze locking with mine, filled with a tenderness that made my heart ache with happiness. “Just speaking the truth," he insisted.
I reached up to brush his hair away from his forehead, my fingers lingering against his skin. "And you're my everything," I confessed, the words spilling from my lips without hesitation.
A warmth spread through James's eyes, his smile widening with each passing moment. "I'll always be here for you, my love," he vowed, his words a solemn promise.
James's kisses trailed along my chest and up to my neck, each touch sending shivers down my spine. With each tender caress, he whispered sweet nothings, his words a gentle melody.
"You're so perfect," he murmured against my skin, his breath warm against my neck. "So pretty..."
I closed my eyes, lost in the sensation of his lips against my skin, his words wrapping around me like a comforting embrace. "You make me feel like the luckiest person in the world," he continued.
I ran my fingers through his hair, tangling them in the soft strands as I pulled him closer.
At the end of the day, James was just a big softy, he could be mean and scary on stage. Yet here he was, cuddled up to my chest like a baby, whispering these things over and over. “I love you, Hetfield…” I whispered, planting a kiss on his forehead.
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got-pucks · 11 months
hiding in plain sight || jamie drysdale
summary: in which meeting the parents turns into a realization that he was hiding in plain sight all this time
Inspired by "the glue song (ft. clairo)" by beabadoobee
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I've never known someone like you Tangled in love, stuck by you from the glue Don't forget to kiss me or else you'll have to miss me I guess I'm stuck forever by the glue, oh, and you
You've been hiding in plain sight, and it appeared, oh I know Loving you once only feels wrong, I need you I always knew I'd find you, to be here is worth the wait to I'm not lying when I say, "I've been stuck by the glue onto you"
Music played quietly as you stared out the window, watching the scenery pass. The sky was painted with hues of blue, pink, and orange. It was evening and the sun was setting, meaning it was close to dinnertime and you were getting closer to Jamie’s childhood home. The well-anticipated meet-the-parents date had arrived, if you could even call it a date. 
Funny enough, you and Jamie grew up in neighboring towns, living only 15 minutes between each other’s homes. You had met through mutual friends and hit it off pretty quickly, discovering you had similar interests, hobbies, and places to visit when at home. 
“You seem awfully quiet over there,” Jamie’s words broke you out of your trance. Your face felt a sudden rush of warmth as he spoke up again, “You know you have nothing to be nervous about, right? My parents will adore you.” 
Jamie reached his hand over the center console and encompassed your own, giving you the reassurance that you needed. “You know, I don’t think that I have ever known someone quite like you, Jamie,” you express, looking over at him, “It feels like we’ve known each other for a lifetime when in reality it’s only been a few months. You’re just so special and I don’t know what I would ever do if I lost you” 
Jamie blushes, lifting your intertwined hands to his mouth to press a kiss into the back of your hand. He let out a soft giggle exclaiming that he doesn’t think that would ever be a possibility. 
It turns out that Jamie’s reassuring words were correct, his parents loved you. The minute the door opened they welcomed you with open arms. 
After dinner was over, you found yourself sitting in the living room. All sorts of home videotapes were sprawled on the floor as one played on the TV. The one on the TV showed a young Jamie at a community-organized Easter egg hunt. He was showing the camera the candy in the egg he just found. However, something in the background caught your attention. 
There, you saw yourself with one of your parents running around looking for eggs.
“Wait a minute, I think that might be me in the background,” you exclaimed in disbelief. 
Jamie hummed at your claim, “Well I mean we did grow up right by each other. It wouldn’t be too crazy that we would have gone to similar community events.” 
As other tapes played on the TV, and when the childhood photos were brought out, you found more and more of yourself in parts of each others’ childhood events. Birthday parties, other community celebrations, preschool photos. 
It turns out, you and Jamie were hiding in plain sight all this time, and it was most definitely worth the wait.
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hoffmans-hoffman · 2 years
Master list part 2/Bits, bobs and gods
American Gods (Tv show)
Oc: Hephaestus "Blaze Alabaster":
Oc: Eupheme "Mae Alabaster":
Oc: Philophrosyne "Prudence Alabaster":
Oc: Dionysus "Daniel Liquor":
Oc: Hermes "Hale Grapevine":
Oc: Zephyrus "Zeek Winds":
Oc: Lyssa "Lyle Spirits":
Oc: Mara Oslo:
Mad Sweeney:
Low-Key Lyesmith:
The dark picture anthology
Oc: Curator 2/Jamie Hues:
Stardew valley
Oc: Jamie Birch:
Horror movies
Oc: Lonnie Titus:
Oc: David St James: 1, 2
Oc: Sam Williams:
Oc: Tommy Blue
Oc: Jasmine Blue:
Oc: Harvey Locke:
Oc: Cooper Campbell:
Oc: August Row:
Oc: Daniel Ronnix:
Oc: Arthur Rose:
Herbert west:
Dan cain:
Ash Williams:
Tex Sawyer:
Alfredo Sawyer:
Nubbins Sawyer:
Animating The Evil Dead:
Horror house:
Soa + Mayans
Oc: Tony "Tiny" Winston:
Oc: Alexander "AJ" Trager:
Oc: Brodie Telford:
Oc: Alec Telford:
Chibs Telford:
Tig Trager:
Marvel: Midnight Suns
Oc: Sealgair/Hunter :
Oc: Prince Rhett Heather:
Oc: Ace Valentino:
Oc: Doctor Mathew Greene:
Oc: Layne Stark
Doctor Strange:
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604to647 · 4 days
Marine Attraction
4.3K / Detective Tim Rockford x fem!reader
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Summary: When a stakeout at the aquarium does not go as planned, Detective Tim Rockford must interview all the aquarium visitors, including you.
Warnings: Fluff! Meet cute! Maybe a dirty thought or two that reader really should not be having about a (hot) man just trying to do his job 🤭 Made up Merge Mansion lore. One cute nickname because it’s me (won’t spoil).
A/N: This was written for @mermaidgirl30’s Ocean Challenge – thank you for hosting a lovely event.  Please see #Jamie’s Ocean Challenge for all the wonderful works! I’ve noticed that as of late, some of the authors that I look up to and consider mainstays in this community since I started lurking 2+ years ago have wanted to leave, needed to take breaks from the fandom or felt disconnected from the community.  This story is for you, about stepping away when you need to and maybe rediscovering how something old can still bring you joy. Xoxo, love you all.
Fishy dividers by @saradika-graphics 🥰
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You’re not really sure how this happened.
You’ve been feeling a bit off, as of late.  Nothing was wrong, per say - your job is fine, your friends are dear, your life leaves you grateful.  It’s just that you feel… untethered.  Like you should be doing something more?  Work is fulfilling enough – you achieve and excel.  Friends and family make for wonderful company, but your social battery isn’t infinite and as much as enjoy your get-togethers, they can leave you drained.  Even some of your solitary pursuits, cooking, watching tv, scrolling through social media don’t seem to be as satisfying as they used to be – you consume, but you don’t create.
On a whim, you decide to take the day off work (the first in who knows how long?) and go somewhere you’ve always loved: the aquarium.  You’ve been visiting this aquarium since you were a child – something about the gentle hum of the tanks and the darkness that’s illuminated only by the glow of the exhibits has always relaxed you.  You’re going to go specifically to take photos.  Photography used to be a casual hobby of yours; you were even featured on local news blogs and had your photos chosen for a gallery showing once – but as life got busier and your other endeavours required more of your time and energy, it had fallen by the wayside.   It’s been forever since you took a photo walk or even a picture that wasn’t for capturing a moment rather than a snapshot.  You’re actually getting excited about shooting photos again.
It had been a serene couple of hours spent watching your unhurried fish friends and the silent watery dances of the marine plants that shared their abodes.  The aquarium is playing host to a few young families and two eager fieldtrips, but otherwise, you’ve had the place nearly to yourself.  Able to loiter so you can try different lenses and play with the lighting of your shots, or wait as long as you want in order for a mixed rainbow hue of fish to swim into frame, the morning had passed quietly and contently.
But now you sit in the children’s play area, the last of today’s aquarium visitors, waiting for your turn to be questioned by the police. 
Detective Tim Rockford is not really sure how this happened.
It had been a simple enough stakeout operation.  He and his team had received a tip a few days ago that there would be a handoff taking place at the aquarium today: an exchange of money between one of Grandma Ursula’s henchmen and a mystery player whose identity has eluded Tim for the entirety of this case thus far.  Perhaps it was unreasonable to expect Mr. Pie (so nicknamed by the squad for the Bolton Berry pies he consumed) to show up himself, but Tim held out hope that whomever they nabbed today would provide the break in the case that he so desperately needs.
Only, Grandma’s man had come and gone and none of the six men, Tim included, posted at the various vantage points and exits had seen a damn thing.  At some point between spotting their target enter the aquarium with a briefcase in hand, they had lost track of him and picked up his movements again only when he was already leaving the gift shop, empty handed.  How was it possible they couldn’t account for what happened in the aquarium?  Did the meeting with Mr. Pie occur?  Or was the briefcase stashed somewhere?  Tim presses the heels of his palms to his eyes and grimaces – the operation had been an utter failure. 
Not only did they not get what they came for, but now the remainder of the day was completely shot.  What had followed once the police realized just how out of depth they were, was a complete shut down of the aquarium with all visitors locked in and needing to be interviewed before they could leave.  Even the elementary school trips of thirty children.  Each.  After giving instruction to the additional LAPD support he called in to search the aquarium top to bottom for the missing case, Tim had settled in for a long afternoon of what he expected to be fruitless Q&As.
As he wearily enters the kids play area once again (an officer more considerate than he had suggested that given the number of children being held, it might be the best place to have everyone wait), Tim sees only one witness left to interview: you.  He had noticed you earlier, each time he came in to select another interviewee, in fact – if your pretty features and sweet smile hadn’t caught his attention first, your everlasting patience and kindness would have.  Several times, he spotted you playing patiently with the children – the sound of your melodic voice and gentle laughter floating above the grumblings of the other adults who had also had their days ruined. The sound eased the tense spot in his shoulders where his holster straps had started digging in a little bit.  At first, Tim thought you might be one of the teachers or a field trip chaperone, but then he noticed that you let all the school trips and families with children go ahead of you, and he overheard you tell his fellow officer that you didn’t mind waiting, that it must be much harder for the children.  He was grateful for you and he didn’t even know you.
As Tim approaches, you look up from your phone and shoot him the soft smile that’s been his one bright spot in this disaster of a day, though he thinks it seems a bit more tired than when he first had the pleasure of seeing it earlier this afternoon.
“Is it my turn?” you ask him, still in good spirits despite the circumstances.
“Sorry for the wait, miss.”
“No need to be sorry… Detective?”
“Detective Rockford.  Tim Rockford.  I appreciate that, it’s been… a day.”
You hold out your hand to shake his before repeating his name, then giving him your own.  Tim can’t decide if he likes the way his name rolls off your tongue, or the way your own name floats above the cheer of your voice more. 
“Well, hopefully I can help with… whatever has made it such a day,” you give him a sympathetic smile.
The kind of smile you might offer to him when he comes home after a long hard day.  Damn. He’s in trouble.  Focus, Rockford.
Since you’re his last witness of the day, he offers to conduct the interview right here instead of the stuffy office that the aquarium staff had lent him.  As you acquiesce to his suggestion, you stretch out your arms and legs, arching your back to work out a bit of stiffness from having sat for so long and Tim finds himself admiring your figure in a way that is decidedly not going to help him solve this case.  He tries to cover up his less than professional gaze by stretching himself – it feels good.
After collecting your information and starting with his routine questions, Tim realizes he’s pinning his hopes on you having seen or noticed something today – not only because no one else has, but so he can keep speaking with you.
When it becomes evident that you didn’t, he sighs a heavy sigh of disappointment. 
He hadn’t realized that he’s done so until hears you apologize; quick to reassure you that that you don’t have anything to apologize for, Tim places his large warm hand over yours before he can stop himself.  You gasp softly, you think only to yourself, but Tim hears the sweet noise and smirks a little – it’s nice to know he’s not the only one who’s been affected.  When he notices that you don’t move your hand away,  he lets himself revel in the feel of your soft, small hand under his for a beat longer before he removes it and somewhat begrudgingly starts to wrap up the interview.
Fuck. This fucking detective.  Rockford.  Tim Rockford.
Even his name is hot. 
You had noticed him earlier, of course – how could you not?  He was a hulking presence, impossibly broad and tall, and he carried himself with the authority and gravitas of a man in charge.  During the earlier hours of your wait, you had been preoccupied with helping entertain some of the young children in the waiting area who were restless with boredom, not sure why their promised day of aquarium fun had to be ruined by something as trivial as a police matter.
But once you caught sight of Detective Rockford’s handsome profile, it became impossible to not be captivated by the deep richness of his brown eyes or that strong nose that centered his face perfectly.  His grave countenance conveyed the seriousness with which he took his work (that facial scruff screamed he worked too much), but he was quietly calm and his tone gentle with all the witnesses, especially the children.  You couldn’t help but hope it was him every time an officer entered the waiting area. 
Some time between now and the last two times he had come in to call forth witnesses, the detective had lost his suit jacket, strolling in wearing only a gun holster and a white dress shirt that stretched taut over his firm chest and bulging arm muscles; you thought you were going to have to dunk yourself into one of the aquarium tanks to cool off just from the sight of him.
Your heart picks up a little when it’s him who appears when you’re the last one left to be interviewed; silently, you pray to Beyoncé to give you the strength needed to coherently answer the detective’s questions when he asks them in that honey laced baritone of his.
When Tim mirrors your big stretch, you hope you’re discrete enough that he doesn’t catch you staring: his limbs extend fantastically long, arm span wide enough to cast a shadow that reaches across the floor in front of you - he's huge.  After hearing the detective inhale a deep breath, it feels to you as if all of the air has been sucked from the room, leaving you dizzy as you gawk at his hard chest, expanding and pushing up against his crisp dress shirt, held closed only by the strained efforts of a few valiant buttons.
You feel bad that you have to answer in the negative to Detective Rockford’s questions.  Unfortunately, you hadn’t noticed anything out of the ordinary during your visit, too engrossed in your own photo taking, and you don’t remember seeing the man in the picture that he shows you.  You can tell that Tim tries hard not to show his disappointment and wish very much that you could please him, be the one to wipe the weary look off his face and the release the tension from his hunched-up shoulders.  Maybe please him in other ways, as well.  You have a feeling that praise from one Detective Tim Rockford would have you dripping wet and clenching around nothing embarrassingly quick. 
GIRL. GET IT TOGETHER.  For all you know, a serious crime took place here today!
You apologize.  Outwardly, for your inability to help him with his case, and inwardly, for the dirty thoughts that are wholly inappropriate to have about a complete stranger who is just, very competently, doing his job.
To try and put you at ease, Tim relaxes his handsome face and hopes to reassure you when he gently pats your hand; instead, a jolt of electricity shoots through you and you warm all over from his touch.  Maybe it’s your imagination but Detective Rockford seemingly lets his bear paw of hand linger over yours for a bit longer than he needs to, and you think you spy his plush lips curve up slightly at the corners when you gasp.  You might just melt off this bench right now.
“Oh, one last thing, did you take any pictures at the aquarium today?”
You nod, but are suddenly shy as you anticipate the Detective’s next question.  Tim nods at you matter of fact, “Good.  Could you please show me?  I just need to look through them quickly to see if there’s anything in the background that might be useful.”
He holds his hand out, not really expecting any resistance - you’ve been nothing but perfectly cooperative so far.  But when his hand remains empty, he looks over to find you adorably chewing your bottom lip while gripping your phone tightly with both hands, making no motion to hand it over.  For one ridiculous moment he panics, Are you Mr. Pie?!  He shakes his head slightly to rid himself of that ludicrous thought, and waits patiently for you to tell him what you’re ruminating on.
“It’s just that there are a lot of pictures..,” you start, “… and a lot of them are kind of duplicates…”
You know you’re being deliberately vague – sighing in resignation, you decide it’s best to just rip the band aid off.  Unlocking your phone, you go to your camera roll and filter to today’s library before handing over your phone without meeting the detective’s gaze.  Out of the corner of your eye, you see Tim scroll slowly through hundreds of photos of the aquarium’s exhibits; you attempt to avoid meeting his eye by focusing on how your phone looks inexplicably small in his big, rough hand.
“That’s… a lot,” Tim finally says when he reaches the bottom of the roll.
When you look up, you expect to see maybe a cringed look or even a mocking expression on the detective’s handsome face, but instead you find the massive man looking at you with a gentle curiosity, maybe even holding himself a little smaller in an attempt to not intimidate you.  It doesn’t seem to matter that you don’t really know him, you suddenly feel comfortable enough to tell Detective Tim Rockford this very personal thing about yourself – he might look like he's perfectly cast as the 'bad cop' in interrogations, but you have a feeling he’s got just as good of a track record playing 'good cop'.
“An old hobby of mine was… I guess they call it iPhoneography? Using apps to mimic traditional camera captures?  I used to love it, actually.  Selecting the different lenses and choosing different exposures, then seeing how the images would developed – of course, with the phone, you wouldn’t have to take it in and wait for a week or anything, it would be processed digitally in a matter of seconds.  But… editing apps are so common place nowadays, and most social media platforms have built in filters and effects - iPhoneography has sort of fallen out of favour,” you explain.  Tim is nodding along - he doesn’t really know what you’re talking about, he has three apps on his phone that he uses regularly (Weather, Candy Crush, and the app from the City that reminds him when to put out his garbage bins); the rest of the apps on his phone were preinstalled and he can’t figure out how to delete them.  But he encourages you to go on.
“In fact, I haven’t really gone out to shoot in years.  But lately… I’ve sort of wanted to get back into it?  I came to the aquarium today to fire up the old camera, so to speak.  That’s why there’s so many – a lot of the pictures are just of the same frame but where I was trying out different lenses or exposure options.  I’m not, like, super obsessed with fish or anything,” you finish up quickly, hoping you haven’t made a complete fool of yourself.
Tim hands you back your phone, still open to today’s photos, and smiles, “Why don’t you tell me about what you shot today?”
“Really?” you look up, surprised.
“Really,” Tim tries to convey his genuine interest via his eyes, and is instantly rewarded by a smile on your face that could light up the room.  It’s certainly lighting him up.
And so, you tell Detective Tim Rockford all about the photos you took today.  You swipe through your pictures and show him how the different lenses affect the lighting, exposure, saturation and even colour tinting of the resulting photo.  You proudly tell him about how you had to switch up your technique and settings when shooting the tanks where the marine animals or plants thrived primarily in the dark or relied on bioluminescent light.  You laugh, mainly at yourself, when you tell him about how long you stayed at certain attractions, waiting for a particular school of fish to swim perfectly into frame.
Tim thinks your laughter is the loveliest sound he’s ever heard.
You tell him your favourite sea creatures to photograph are the jelly fish because they’re so weird and they move with such alien grace, unpredictable yet seemingly purposeful, and that’s why there are more pictures of them than any other animal in your camera roll.
Tim finds himself enchanted watching you get more and more animated and excited as you go through the pictures you took today; while your eyes are peeled to your screen, he admires how they twinkle and the way your mouth slopes upwards, grinning wide even as you talk non-stop about your long-forgotten hobby.  Your pretty face is aglow.  He thinks he could listen to you talk about the things that bring you joy forever.
He lets you talk for an hour.  You don’t even realize until you get to the last photo (a school of clown fish weaving between the tentacles of their anemone home) and glance up at the time at the top of the screen, “…oh my gosh!  I’m so sorry!! I’ve prattled on for so long, I’m sure none of this was helpful at all!”
Tim won’t have any of that, “Don’t be sorry.  You had fun.  I’m glad you had some fun today… before I ruined it by sequestering you here in this waiting area for the entire afternoon.”
You shyly look at his apologetic face, “I’m having fun now.”
Tim can feel his ears warm and is sure they’re pink at the tips.  Darn, you’re sweet.  He distracts himself by flipping to a brand-new page in his notebook, “Me too.”  You feel your heart expand at his soft confession.
“Now, I have some good news and some bad news.”
You look at him expectantly with an innocent, doe-eyed expression that Tim thinks might be one of the most dangerous things he’s ever encountered in all his years on the force, “The good news is that I think you’re a very, very good photographer.  It’s clear you enjoy it and there isn’t a single photo you showed me today that isn’t obviously a labour of love.  I think you should get back into it if you can.  The way you were talking about your photos today, I don’t think I’ve seen that much joy on someone’s face in… I don’t know how long.  I’m grateful you shared that with me.”
You’re speechless.  His words are so, so kind… and exactly what you needed to hear today.  You’re filled with tremendous gratitude and fondness for Detective Tim Rockford.
“… the bad news is, I spotted the reflection of our man in the shadows on the glass in some of your photos, and I’m so very sorry but I’m going to have to confiscate your phone,” Tim could not be more truly sorry.
After the initial shock of being told you’re losing your phone for a few days, you quickly recover and tell Tim that you’re genuinely glad you could help.  You give him your email and use your phone to send off a message to a few of your group chats regarding how you can be reached for the next few days before dropping your phone into the evidence bag Tim produces.  Under different circumstances, you might be upset at this turn of events, but the expression on Detective Tim Rockford's face is more than enough to make the minor inconvenience worth it – he looks invigorated, energized.  Clearly, this is what he loves doing.
Walking you to the aquarium exit, Tim apologizes and thanks you again before seeing you out.  Right before the door closes behind you, you turn and see him already rushing off to brief his team, your plastic covered phone clutched in his hand and an excited grin on his face.  After the kindness and patience the detective has shown you today, you’re glad to have played a small role in putting that smile on his face.
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True to his word, you receive an email from [email protected] just a few days later, letting you know your phone is ready for pick-up.  When Detective Rockford meets you in the precinct lobby, you have to suck in your breath – he’s even more handsome than you remember, and you’ve been spending nearly every waking minute over the past few days picturing his strong jawline, soulful eyes, and that charming facial scruff you’d give anything to run your fingers through.  He’s jacketless again, just another pressed white dress shirt that his broad frame threatens to rip through, bordered by those leather holsters that make you want to swallow your tongue.
As Tim takes you to Evidence so you can sign out your phone, he tries to chat amiably and not cast too many obvious and admiring glances your way; you’re all warmth and serenity in this place that he only ever associates with being loud, bustling and cold.  He simultaneously never wants you to leave and wishes to sweep you far away and keep you only for himself, distanced safely from this place where his every day is synonymous with darkness and mystery.
When you’re once again outside, Tim leans against the frame of the precinct’s front doors and you look up at him from one step down, hopeful, “Did I help?”
Yes.  You help more than you know, Tim thinks, having been unable to get your incandescent smile out of his mind since he last parted from you; finding that it’s become the image that grounds him during his long grueling hours.  Instead, he says, “I’ve got good news and bad news.”
“Oh no – not this again,” you grin.
Tim smiles back, emboldened by your cheery demeanor, “The good news is that a lot of your photos and what the tech guys called… um.. meta data?  A lot of it helped generate some good leads that we’re now following.”
“Oh!  That’s wonderful!  I’m so glad, Detective Rockford!”
“Tim.  Please call me, Tim.”
“I don’t know, I kind of like calling you Detective,” you tease, good naturedly.
Tim should not feel his pants tighten at this, “The bad news is, because your photos had so much useful information, there is a very good chance they will be used as evidence if this case ever goes to trial.  I don’t think you will need to testify, as you yourself didn’t see anything, and that meta data gives us the info on when and where the photos were taken.  But even so… it means I can’t ask you out until the case is over.”
“Oh no,” you’re disappointed, but somewhat mollified that Tim has just basically asked you out without asking you out.  “That is bad news indeed.”
Tim looks around to make sure no one is looking before he reaches out with his hand and gently strokes your cheek with the back of two of his thick fingers just once, whispering, “I’ve never wanted to put a case to bed more.”
You can’t let the joke pass you by, “The case?  The case is what you want to put to bed?”
The booming laugh that shakes Detective Tim Rockford’s entire torso reaches all the way to his eyes, crinkling them in the most adorable way.  It’s staggering the difference it makes – he looks 10 years younger, you think. 
He’s needed this.  A really good laugh.  He’s needed it more than he realized.  He’s needed you.  He looks at your impish grin, so proud of yourself for pulling this sound from him, a sound so rare that it’s become almost foreign to his own ears; Tim hopes he’s able to convey his gratitude for you with the way his eyes have brightened, flecked with gold and mirth. 
He thinks you just might understand him perfectly. 
When you lift up on your toes to brush your lips softly against his scruffy cheek for a goodbye kiss, he whispers low in your ear, “I’ll call you, Shutterbug.” 
A promise.
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7 months later
The Grandma Ursula case has taken the nation by storm.  The TV in your workplace breakroom is permanently dialed to the court case broadcast so no one misses a minute of the scandalous proceedings, a single interview with those involved in the case, or any legal and criminal analysts’ commentary.  For someone who is billed as the Lead Investigator, Tim makes shockingly few appearances onscreen, but you feel a little thrill go through you whenever you catch a glimpse of his striking figure in the background of a news broadcast about the case, or when you see him standing stoically behind the head prosecutor while the latter debriefs the press from the steps of the court house.
You gaze dreamily at his face while the press shouts out what everyone (your friends, colleagues, the public) all want to know:
How many aliases does Grandma Ursula really have?
Can we even call it the Bolton Mansion anymore?
Why that particular number of pies?
You’ll be honest, you’re just as interested in the case as everyone else, but you have one pressing question that you know no one else is asking: Will he call when it’s over?
You’re in a departmental meeting when the verdict is read.  It takes you forever to get back to your desk, caught up in everyone’s excited chatter about the ruling, but when you finally sit down and pull out your phone from your drawer, it’s to the best outcome you could have hoped for from the Grandma Ursula case.  Positively beaming, you reread the text message sent from an unknown number only two minutes after the verdict was announced: Hey Shutterbug, take any good photos lately?
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End note: The iPhoneography aspect of this fic is a bit self indulgent; some might know that this Tumblr used to be a photo blog before it became my writing blog. Just like reader, it's something I used to enjoy a lot but I haven't opened those camera apps in years - maybe I'll get back into it one day! In the meantime, yes - the aquarium photos in the moodboard are by yours truly 🤭
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zairene · 10 months
picture perfect, hobie brown x photographer! black fem reader headcanons
synopsis: hobie brown with a s/o who just loves capturing every moment together through camera lenses.
warnings: none but fluff
a/n: i’m so glad i actually came up w this on my own this is such a cute idea ughhhh !
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HOBIE BROWN is all for saving memories.
at first, he wasn’t the ‘picture taking type.’ hobie brown is more of a freelancer, a risk taker. he believes that he should live his life to the fullest without worry knowing that everyone was going to fall to their imminent deaths, so why the hell should he care about what the next person has to say about him? he was all about living in the moment and never letting time pass you by. however, getting into a relationship with you had completely changed his life.
he’d always catch you bringing out your phone during dates, just to take simple pictures of what the both you were doing. or you’d ask him to take pictures with the both of you kissing each other or kissing the other one’s cheek.
at the point, your entire instagram audience knew every date you had been on with him. (not the first few though, you wanted those to be private.) but it didn’t stop there.
he also learned that you had a professional camera, and that you had multiple social media platforms surrounding your artistry. he was mildly impressed but not surprised knowing how trigger-happy your finger was with your phone camera button. he thought that your shots were absolutely beautiful—the way they would encapsulate the true beauty of things people may overlook.
your main focus in photography was on scenery and landscape. you were a fan of sunsets and the hues that coated the sky in it’s wide range of colors.
without hobie knowing, you also had took a picture of him on a picnic date you both had at a park. you stood behind him so in the picture, he was more of a shadow than anything, but next to him was the sun over the horizon, the sky engulfed in shades of orange and purple. you had captioned this one ‘in the eyes of h.b.’
he was extremely flattered that he was excellent material for your craft! he commented how beautiful the picture was and so were you. you had pinned it and made sure to tag him in the post.
let’s be honest, your pictures were most likely in someone’s moodboard on pinterest.
but to your shock, hobie is surprisingly very photogenic? like you can never catch a “bad” picture of him or him off guard. you have many pictures of him just doing the most random things and yet he still looks stunning.
you’ve asked him why and his response was just a simple shrug. he honestly didn’t think so but since you have such a keen eye for things, maybe you were right.
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🏷️ TAGLIST :: @dojathascammer @pnkweb @planetlunaa @mypimpademia @megurulvr @dreampurpledreams @chinieh @naijagrl @looking4chanel @pixieplush17 @jogeto @laylasbunbunny @jamies-cumslut @sapphicshav @banqnaz @edgyficuselastica @padfootpottah99 @anikaluv @s-surreality @tourbug @fiannee @sakaur-i @axeoverblade @cafehyunji @asmobeuses
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mitchhbitch · 2 months
The Unknown: The Strangers!Nick Folio
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Pairings: Nick Folio x OC
Warnings: Angst. It contains language. Blood/Violence. Dark themes. If this makes you uncomfortable or you are under 18, please do not read! Thank you.
Summary: A weekend getaway turns into a nightmare when Nick and Michelle's vacation is disrupted by three masked intruders, one least expected.
Authors Note: First off, I want to say that this is the first fic I have ever written. It is something that I enjoyed writing, so I hope you enjoy it just as much. I am sorry that it took me this long to finish it. This is based on one of my all time favorite horror movies The Strangers. Thank you for reading it! I hope you all love it. Also, shout out to my bestie @thescarlettvvitch for helping me with this and for showing amazing support and love.
TAGS: @thescarlettvvitch @thefallennightmare @spicywhenspeaking @cookiesupplier @dsireland86
As I get out of my car, I see nothing but darkness. It was late by the time I pulled in. All I can hear are the animals being vocal. My boyfriend Nick invited me to his family’s cabin. It was an exhausting three hour long trip. 
Nick came bounding down the stairs with a big smile on his face, “Hey babe. Glad you made it here safe. I’m sorry I wasn't able to drive up here with you. There was a problem with the shower so I had to come and fix it up.” He greets me with a kiss. 
I smile excitedly and kiss him back “Hi baby. I’m glad I finally made it. No worries. Were you able to fix the issue?”
He grabbed both of my bags with one hand. How he managed the strength? I couldn’t say. 
“Oh yeah. It took about half of the day but I got it all fixed up. Plus I needed everything to be perfect for when you got here” he winked at me as he went inside the cabin.
I blushed. My cheeks turned a vibrant red in hue as I followed him, “It’s going to be perfect because we are going to be together.” Closing  the door and walking into the living room, “wow this place is nice. Feels very homey.” My eyes gleamed with warmth. 
“Are you ready to just relax this weekend?” Nick said softly, grazing my cheek with this thumb as he passed by me walking into the living room.
Sitting on the green sofa, he looked so content. I turn to look at him with a big smile, getting up from my spot on the lounge chair to go sit next to him.
“Yes. School has me wanting to rip out my hair. It's just been so hectic with studying for finals. It has me on the verge of a breakdown. But I am so glad to be here with you. With that, that also means no school and work talk anymore.”
Gently  putting  his arm around me, I nestled under the crook of his arm. I looked up at him longingly, he placed a  kiss on my forehead, “Sounds like a plan babe. I forgot to mention that being up here, we don't get very good or any signal and the wifi has been out for a couple of days. I got an email about that before I came up here. I have been trying to get someone up here but it's been difficult.”
Leaning into his arm, I joked, “well that sucks. How am I supposed to let my family and friends know that I haven't been kidnapped or killed?” 
Nick throws his head back and lets out a loud laugh, “Don't worry. I’ll protect you from anything Michelle.”
—------------------Line Break—------------------------------------------------------
While cooking dinner, I pour myself a glass of whiskey. Whiskey was my weakness. Hennessy and a lot of bad decisions. 
 Nick shouted from the living room “I'm going to go take a shower. I'll be back.” He left for the bathroom. Once I hear the shower start, I put my phone on the speaker and play some music.
There was a knock at the door. It was loud and echoed through the house. I was Confused. We weren’t expecting anyone. I went and opened it half way, peeking my head out. “Hello. Can I help you?”
A woman with long black hair, yellow beanie snug on her head. She was short in stature and whispered low while looking down at her shoes. “I'm looking for Jamie.” 
I couldn't see her face because of the porch light. It was too bright, I responded with a scowl. “I'm sorry there is no Jamie here.”
She asked me again, more demanding while keeping her head down  “Is Jamie here?”  
I sighed, already fed up. “There's no Jamie here. I already told you.”
The woman brought her head up to look me in the eyes, her gaze penetrating. “Okay. Whatever you say.” Slowly began walking away from the door. 
I closed and locked it shut. Walking towards the kitchen. Another knock is heard from the door. 
Frustrated, I turn back over towards it, peeking through the peephole. 
Christ, these people. Slowly reopening it, I was greeted with a different female this time. I couldn't make out her features but was only able to see her short and crimson locks. 
She quietly says as she looks down to the heels of my feet.  “Is Jamie here?”
I look at her, irritation steering through my veins. “Look I told your friend that there is no Jamie here. So leave before I call the police.”
The girl replies “okay.” She slowly looks up at me for a couple seconds and walks off. 
Closing and locking the door with a sigh, Nick asked from behind me “who was that?” 
I  jumped and turned to face him, “You almost gave me a heart attack. I don't know who that was. It was a strange chick looking for someone named Jamie. It was weird.” Shaking my head at the thought. Maybe I was losing it.  “Anyways, dinner is ready. Let's go eat.”
As we eat our dinner, Nick looks up from his plate, placing his fork on mine, fiddling with my carrots.  “How was the drive up here?” Did you enjoy it or was it too much for you?” He was never one for a quiet dinner, rambunctious by nature. 
I look at him with a bright smile, all teeth.  “The drive was okay. I'm not a fan of long drives but this one was manageable. It was peaceful.” 
Nick gave me a goofy grin. I melted internally as he grabbed my hand and placed to his lips leaving me a tender kiss, “You know i wouldn’t torture you with a very long trip.”
 I chuckled, taking his hand in return. “How very thoughtful of you, baby.”
I start gathering the dishes and take them to the kitchen. I place them on the sink looking out the kitchen window, I see a person standing near the trees. Confused, I called out for Nick “hey babe! Come here please”
Nick walks into the kitchen “what's up?” he goes over to me and puts his arm around my waist. 
“There is someone out there. I saw someone standing near that tree” I turn to look at him
Nick turns to look out the window “I don't see anyone out there babe. Maybe it's just the drink getting to you.” He looks at me and smirks 
I roll my eyes and move away from him “I only had half a cup. I swear to you I saw someone out there.”
As soon as he opened his mouth to reply to me there was a loud bang coming from the front door. 
Nick goes to the front door and opens it only to be greeted by no one there. Confused, he looks around and goes back inside “that was weird. There was no one there.”
I shrug and go back to the kitchen. I see that my phone isn't on the counter, confused. I start looking around for it “babe have you seen my phone? I left it near the counter when I was cooking and it's not there.” 
Nick leans against the door frame “no i haven't seen it. Are you sure you left it there? Maybe you just misplaced it.”
Looking at him annoyed, I answer “No Nicholas. I didn't misplace it. I know where I left it at. It couldn't just get up and walk away from me.”
Nick “I'll help you look for it. I'm sure it's around here. Like you said I don't think it got up and just left.” he looks around the living room.
I walk into the bedroom and look around for it. I get on the floor to look under the bed when I see a pair of feet on the other side of the bed. I see the person wearing black dress pants and black boots. Confusion running through my head, I sit up and look up to find no one there. 
“Nick come here please” I say from the bedroom while getting up. Nick walks into the bedroom “yes Michelle?” I look down to his pants and his shoes and see that he is wearing black levis and all black nike air max 90s. 
Nick smirks at me “baby if you want something you just gotta say it, you don't have to be a tease about it” he sits on the edge of the bed close to me. 
I roll my eyes “have you always been wearing those shoes or did you just change them?” 
Nick replies “I have always been wearing these shoes. Why?” I look at him horror flashing through me making me get goosebumps “I I think someone is in here. When I was looking for my phone under the bed, I looked across and I saw a pair of legs. The person was wearing boots”
“Are you sure? The only people here are us. I would think we would have been able to hear if someone came in here. Again, you need to stop watching horror movies” Nick says as looks at me 
Frustrated I responded “I swear on anything I saw someone standing on the other side of the bed. Stop gaslighting me Nicholas. I'm so close to leaving you here. I still can't find my phone.” 
Nick sighs “I'm sorry. Please forgive  me?” he pouts and brings me close to him.
I smile and kiss him “I guess I can accept your apology Folio. You are going to have to make it up” I put my hands on his shoulders as I stood between his legs.
Nick looks up at me and smirks “you don't have to tell me. I have thought of every way I am going to make it up to you baby.” 
Just as I was about to lean down to kiss him, the lights were cut off. I gasped in horror not knowing what could have caused this. 
Nick looks at me “well that's strange. I'm going to go to the garage to get some flashlights. I’ll be back babe.” He says as he makes his way out of the room to the garage.
I make my way to the living room to see if I can find some candles. I hear a tapping sound coming from the back door. Confused, I make my way to the back door, pull open the curtain when I'm greeted by a girl in a mask holding a knife. I scream and back up.
 As I'm running to the bedroom, I see a shadow down the hall. I gasp and run into the bathroom and lock the door. I go inside the bathtub and sit. I bring my knees up to my chest. Crying and shaking out of fear, I look at the door. I see it being shaked and pulled. I cry even more. 
The door gets kicked open and the shadow gets close to me. “Michelle, what are you doing here?”
 Nick asked me while standing near the bathtub. When I hear his voice, I get up and encircle his waist.  “Oh Nick. I saw someone outside holding a knife and I don't know if it was the same person b b but I saw someone in the hallway. I want to leave. Please, I want to go home.” I plead.
 Nick sighs and holds me tightly in muscular arms, “Alright, Alright. Let's go back home. Let's start packing” He goes to the bedroom.
“No! I don't care about my stuff. I just want to get out of here!” I get out of the bathroom and go to the living room. Nick follows me “What is going on with you? There is no one else besides us here” I turn to look at him and see someone standing a few feet away from him. I scream. 
Nick turns around and backs up to me “who are you!” he calls out. The masked person walked to us slowly. It was the same girl that was tapping the window. 
Nick holds my hand and runs out the front door to the car. I held and ran with him. As we got to the car there was a masked man standing near it. He had a ski mask and was fairly tall. He was holding a lighter in his hand. As fast as we saw the lighter in his hand was just as fast as he threw it to the car making it light up. 
Nick looks at the car “fuck. We ran back inside. As soon as Nick closed the door an ax came down on it. Screaming, I backed away from the door. Nick ran to me and turned to look at me. With his hands, he grabbed my face looking at me.
 “I need you to go hide for me, okay? I have a weapon in the garage and I need to go get it. I'm going to come right back for you. I love you” he kisses me softly and lets go of me and makes his way out of the room.
 I grab his hand to stop him “Nick I want to go with you please. I don't want to be left alone here.” Nick looks at me “it will be okay. I promise you. Everything will be fine Michelle.” I let go of his arm “please be careful Nick.” I say to him as he walks out of the backdoor. I follow behind him slowly watching him till he gets to the garage. Suddenly I hear a noise near the garage thinking that Nick could have gotten hurt, I go out and start walking towards it. 
Once I get close to it I see that there is a girl standing there in a pin up mask. I look at her out of fear and start walking backwards. As I take my steps she starts walking towards me. I turn to run and she walks behind me. 
I ran into the house and hid in a closet. I cover my mouth to keep any noises from coming out of me. I suddenly see a silhouette standing across the closet door. 
Suddenly the door gets pulled open and there is a girl wearing a doll mask standing in front of me. I let out a horrified scream.
 Trying to run past her, she slices my arm with her knife. I ran to the living room. As soon as I got to it, I saw a man in a mask dragging Nick by the shirt and tossing him into the middle of the living room. Nick is beaten and bloody.
 I gasp and go to kneel beside him and hold him. I cry and look at him. The three masked strangers stand in front of us next to each other. The masked man squats down to look at us.
 I look at him and say “Why are you doing this? Why us?” He looks at me with a smile and says “because you are here and you answered the door.” He stands up and stands next to the other two girls.
The masked man looks at both of the girls and says “It's time”. He takes out a knife and looks at Nick and I. The room is silent except for the sobs that are leaving my mouth. 
“Please don't do this. Please. You can take whatever you want. I-I promise I won't say anything to anyone.” I plead to them. 
The girl in the pin up mask takes it off and throws it on the ground. Next to take off their mask is the girl wearing the doll mask. 
The last one to take off their mask is the guy in the ski mask. He stands out to me the most because he looks familiar. 
Nick looks at me and says “I'm sorry this had to be done.” 
He gets up and stands next to the girl with the long black hair. He wipes the blood from his lip with the back of his hand and takes the knife that the guy gives to him. I look at him shocked and confused and angry not knowing what to do. 
“I I don't understand. Why?- Wait- you’re apart of this? Why did you do this?” 
Nick looks at me expressionless. “Because you were so different from the rest, don't you get it? You sweet, sweet dumb girl. You were a mere ploy, a means to an end.”
 I look at him shocked. “You don't mean that, I don't believe you!” 
Nick goes to me and squats in front of me “you don't have to” He traces the knife along my jawline. 
I look at him with a terrified expression and whisper “Nicholas, don't do this please.” I beg him crying on my knees. He leaned so close to me, his lip grazing my ear and whispered,  “Nicholas isn't here right now, please leave a message after the beep.” 
Three long beats go by and he leans back to look at me. I look at him and see his pupils are dilated.His eyes are no longer the light brown that I know, all I see is darkness showing no emotion. No love. No worries. Nothing. 
Nick looks at me with an evil smirk and grabs my jaw, squeezing it hard, he licks his lips and said;  
“You look so delicious like this, so weak and defenseless. Makes me want to put on a show before you lose.” 
I look at him angry and spit at him “Fuck you Nick! I hate you!” Nick laughs and wipes the spit from his face with the back of his hand, “those are some nice last words you have to say baby.” I try to move his hand from my jawline but he's stronger than me.
 He lets go and pushes me back, making me fall back onto the floor. I turn to see that one by one the strangers are leaving the cabin. Nick stands over me and knees down to straddle me. 
His knees are on either side of my hips. Eyes locked on mine as he spoke harshly,  “You know, I wasn't lying when I said that you were different from the rest. You were my favorite one.”
 I look up at him screaming, a guttural and loud growl erupts. “Please! Nick please! Don't do this! I-I promise I won't say anything to anyone!” I kicked my legs and hit him on the chest. 
Nick takes one last look at me and pushes the knife right above my right breast. I scream in horror and try to fight him off of me. 
Nick pushes it deeper and takes it out. As he takes the knife out,  blood starts seeping out and spilling on my shirt and on the floor. 
Specks of blood land on his arms. He stabs me a couple more times and gets up to look down at me. I open my mouth to scream but nothing comes out. I roll over onto my stomach and cry. 
Trying to crawl away from him, he grabs me by the foot pulling me back. I turn to him to look at him, still on my stomach as tears fall down my face, I whisper “I love you Nick”. As those words leave my mouth, no emotion is being shown by him. 
I close my eyes to not look at him. Remembering all the happy memories we shared together. He brings down the knife stabbing me on the back. 
Nick takes out the knife, setting it on the kitchen counter. He takes one last look at me before walking out of the cabin. He gets into a car with the three strangers. 
Taking off. I open my eyes and look around to make sure he isn't around anymore. I get up slowly and make my way to the kitchen, seeing my phone on the counter as if it was never missing. 
My hands shake as I pick it up making a phone call. Hearing the dial tone on the other side, I take a deep breath.
911 what's your emergency?....
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imaginejamesandsirius · 4 months
Heyyy! here’s a prompt: James and Sirius are tired of constantly turning people down and watching their food for Amortentia or any variation of it so they decide to pretend to be gay and in love. Please make them get together for real in the end :)))
((Note: This fic was written by starlitmusings our newest author! It's ~9k, so you can read below, or on her AO3))
Early morning light filters through the thin curtains of the sixth-year boys’ dormitory, bathing the room with a soft golden hue. James, whose bed is closest to the window, stretches lazily and looks over to the sleeping boy curled next to him.
“Pads,” he whispers. There’s a stray lock of hair falling across his friend’s face, and James has the strange but familiar urge to tuck it in behind his ear and—
And what? Ruin the relationship you have with the most important person in your life?  James dispels the thought with the ease of someone who’s had to do it many times before. “Pads,” he says again, giving him a gentle push. “Wake up, we’ll be late. The others will hog the loo if we don’t get up first.”
Sirius stirs, feels the light on the exposed parts of his body, and promptly locks his legs around James. He blindly finds the crook of James’ neck and buries his face into it with a mumbled, “Don’t want to. ‘M comfy.”
James resists the urge to laugh and instead jams a finger into his shoulder. 
“Ow! Bloody hell, you fucking traitor,” Sirius yelps as he pulls away from James. He sits up slowly and stretches with a yawn, and James finds his gaze drawn to the way the light hits the hard, Quidditch-toned planes of Sirius’ bare chest and arms. 
“I can’t skive off of classes anymore, Sirius, you know that. Besides, you need time to get your hair care routine in or you’ll be a brat all day,” James replies once he wills his eyes to look anywhere but his half-naked friend. The friend that’s half-naked on his bed, his brain promptly supplies, and James mentally kicks himself for the thought.
“Stupid Dumbledore and his stupid decision to make you the stupid Head Boy,” Sirius grumbles. “And I don’t even have a bloody hair care routine, Jamie, you should know that the generational inbreeding took care of that.”
James laughs, trying not to show just how much he agrees with Sirius’ words and heads over to the bathroom with Sirius hot on his heels despite his muttered complaints. Not five minutes, later, Remus and Peter are barging in and kicking them out for taking too long, and James throws Sirius a smug I-told-you-so grin. Sirius rolls his eyes. 
As they’re pulling on their uniforms, Sirius approaches James with an uncharacteristic hesitation. “Prongs,” he begins. “We’re mates, right?”
James nods. “Obviously.” 
“I was thinking, we always share a bed, right?” 
“Right,” James says slowly, unsure of where this is heading.
“And are constantly with each other and want to be near each other, yeah?”
“So I was thinking—” he’s cut off by the bathroom door slamming open and Remus coming out.
“Morning,” he greets them. “Have you seen my sweater? The one with—”
“In my trunk,” James interrupts. Remus pulls it out with a triumphant grin and pecks James on the cheek. “I need to leave a little early to talk to Minnie about my last essay,” he says as he rushes out the door. “See you at breakfast.” 
There’s silence for a minute before Peter rushes out similarly to Remus just had. Finally free of their dormmates, James turns to Sirius with a raised eyebrow. Go on.  
“Y’know how there’s a Hogsmeade weekend coming up?”
“Sure, so?”
“Well, I was thinking that I’d rather not be accosted by a bunch of people asking for a date when we’re not interested. So let’s pretend we’re dating.”
James blinks, stares, and blinks again. “Come again?”
Sirius sighs, his fingers fiddling with the hems of his sleeves. James thinks he sees the beginning of a light blush on his cheeks, but he also thinks Sirius just said he wants to date him so his mental facilities were clearly malfunctioning. Until Sirius repeats, more slowly this time, “Let’s pretend we’re dating.”
He had heard Sirius loud and clear the first time, but he still can't believe what he’s hearing. He’s not nearly awake or caffeinated enough to handle the love of his life asking him out. Never mind that Sirius wants it to be fake, whatever that means. 
“Um,” he starts. “Wait, what exactly do you—”
“Oh, for Merlin’s sake, Jamie,” Sirius says exasperatedly. “I want you to pretend to be my boyfriend to stop random people from confessing to me. Last week a bloke sent a dwarf to sing me a poem about how he’s going to drink a potion to spontaneously create himself a vagina so I can put babies in him. Like, what the fuck, no thank you.”
“You…didn’t tell me that,” James says, wide-eyed with a mixture of horror and awe. Before he can filter his words — though Merlin knows is his brain is capable of that now — he blurts out, “I’ll do it, obviously, but why me?”
���You know what everyone says, we’re basically a married couple already. Nobody else can make it convincing enough. You’re the best candidate.”
“And Remus can’t because…?”
“You know he’s got his eyes on Regulus.” Sirius scrunches his nose and makes a disgusted sound. “Which is, like, wrong on so many levels I wouldn’t even know where to begin."
James lets out a stangled laugh. “Okay, I get it. But why me, and you know, not someone you actually want to ask out?”
“If I wanted to ask someone out, I wouldn’t be having this problem, now would I?” Sirius retorts. “Besides, you were complaining after Potions the other day about how you caught some girls sneaking Amortentia to slip into our drinks. I was thinking, this way we both benefit and it’s not as awkward as it would be with a stranger.”
This was starting to sound like a horrible idea, but James knew he was going to go through with it regardless as soon as Sirius made his offer. “We’ll need a cover story if we want to get anyone to believe us.”
Sirius nods, pulling James behind him and they make their way down to the Great Hall. “That’s easy since most people think we’re dating already. Let’s just say that we fancied each other for years. It all came to a head this summer when I moved in with you. We’ve actually been dating since summer but we’re only making it official now.”
James hums as he thinks it over. “And Moony and Pete don’t know about this?”
Sirius waves his hand in a careless gesture. “Eh. We’ll tell them the real reason later.” He eyes James carefully, then laces their fingers together. “The rumours will start faster this way,” he says by way of explanation, and James prays on all the gods he doesn’t believe in that Sirius doesn’t notice his racing heartbeat. 
As predicted, whispers and curious glances towards the pair begin as soon as they enter the Great Hall. Sirius turns to James with a gleeful grin and pulls on his hand to press a kiss on his knuckles. There are some squeals and James thinks he sees a third-year pass out, and he’d be lying if he weren’t close to doing the same. 
“What the fuck, you guys,” Remus hisses to them as they sit down. “We were gone for less than ten minutes!”
“We’ll have you know, our darling, precious Moonbeam,” says Sirius, “that James and I are very efficient. Would’ve been a shame if it took longer than that to declare our undying love to each other.”
Remus scoffs. “Would’ve been normal, you mean, considering that your love is neither undying nor existent.”
“How dare you. We are disgustingly in love, I’ll have you know,” Sirius counters, and wraps an arm around James pointedly. James flushes and turns away from Remus’ knowing gaze.
This was going to be a long week.
It doesn’t take long before everyone in Hogwarts is aware of the relationship status of the school’s two most desired students. Most of the upper years congratulate them as they collect their bet winnings and comment on how good they look together, and one fifth-year shyly tells them that their bravery to come out helped them come out to their friends too. 
In hindsight, James realizes that coming out wasn’t even a factor in his decision to fake a relationship. It’s never been a secret that he was bisexual, but it makes sense that a lot of people are surprised since he never publicly announced it. He expects to feel somewhat uneasy, but it’s surprisingly easy to fall into a pattern with his best friend. Sirius was right in that there are hardly any differences in their relationship now that they’re dating — apart from random pecks and hand-holding, which never fail to make James’ stomach explode with butterflies. 
Later that week, when all the sixth-year Gryffindors are lounging on the sofas nearest to the fire, Lily looks at them cheekily. “You boys are remembering to use protection, right?” she asks with a grin. James sputters and throws a pillow at her. Sirius just laughs and reassures her that, yes, darling, of course we are.
James wishes what Sirius said was true. He mostly wishes that he wasn’t in love with his best friend and that he had never agreed to this stupid plan. While he had always pined from afar before, it was much harder to hide his feelings when the object of his desires was now so close.  
“This is the place?” Regulus asks doubtfully, eyeing two little girls in pigtails eating a cloud of pink fluff near the entryway. “The Muggle — uh, park for amusement?”
Remus bounces in excitement, eyes lit up. “Yes! I’m so glad you all agreed to come. This place has been one of my favourite places since I was young.” 
Regulus’ eyes soften as he reaches over to fix his boyfriend’s scarf. “Then I’m glad you brought me here.”
Sirius mimes gagging as the new couple rolls their eyes. James grins and nudges Sirius. 
“ You’re the one who agreed to have a double date instead of eating through our Honeydukes stash together,” he reminds him. 
Sirius huffs. “You can’t expect to resist Reg when he does those eyes on me! And Remus joining in? I was doomed from the start.”
“Says the one who’s actually a dog,” Regulus deadpans. “You of all people should be immune to puppy eyes.”
“I think becoming an Animagus made me less immune, actually,” Sirius muses. “It’s probably to prepare if I ever become a puppy dad.”
Regulus blanches while James and Remus crack up. “I wouldn’t be surprised,” Remus says, laughing. “Remember that lady at the park near Lils’ place with the poodle?”
James bends over with laughter while Sirius shoves them both. “I hate you two! You promised you wouldn’t!”
“Wait, no, I need to know this,” Regulus is grinning evilly, the look worthy of a Black. “Tell me more?”
Remus takes his hand. “With pleasure.”
Sirius puts his nose in the air and huffs again. “That’s my cue to take my leave. James, come with?”
“You look like Mum like that,” Regulus tells him. When Sirius glares at him, he laughs. “That makes the resemblance even better.” Sirius rolls his eyes and turns to James.
“Yeah, okay, but it’s your fault if we get lost,” James replies. He takes a map and bids the other two goodbye, promising to meet them near the food court at lunch. 
“I won’t get lost. I have you, remember?” Sirius says. James raises an eyebrow.
“That would be romantic, but I’m hardly any better than you at navigating this place.”
“At least we’ll have fun?”
“Why are you saying that like a question?”
“My most sincerest apologies. We’ll most definitely have fun!”
“Hey, at least I’m your idiot now.”  
Sirius looks over at him with an unreadable expression. “This is fake, Prongs.”
James feels his throat tighten. “Yeah, I know,” he says and tries to ignore the unpleasant clench of his stomach. He thinks he’s successful, but Sirius’ keen gaze seems to read right through the act.
The music playing on a loop as they pass the Tunnel O’ Love overlaps chaotically with excited yells and sounds of carnival games, and sweet, fatty smells mingle with the pine in the air. Sirius leads James along a curling path to a blue-and-gold ticket booth near the entrance, proudly pulling out a stack of Muggle money Remus had given him. 
“I’ll get us two tickets, while you can figure out where you want to go first,” he tells James and hands over a map from the ticket booth. James eyes his arse appreciatively while he flirts with the ticket woman, but quickly averts his gaze when she looks at him knowingly.
James stares at the colourful piece of paper, trying to figure out how to read it. “Does the — uh, does the House of Mirrors sound okay?”
“What, you want to get lost for real? Relying on me, who’s never spoken to a Muggle in my life, to navigate a Muggle wonderland isn’t doing enough for you?”
James shoves him and has to resist a grin when Sirius barks out his laughter. “I’m joking! That sounds fine,” Sirius says, now holding two tickets and a business card with a hastily scrawled number on it. “I’d love to start the day staring at myself from all angles. And you, of course. You’re pretty easy on the eyes.”
“Aww, did my darling Padfoot just say I’m good-looking?” James teases. Sirius rolls his eyes but he can’t hide the smile on his face. 
“Stop fishing for compliments. You know you are."
James’ face flushes. He doesn’t respond while he buys them both churros, some Muggle sweet that tastes like heaven. It’s sweet on his tongue and it helps to distract him a little from the cooler October winds and the sight Sirius makes. He tries not to notice how Sirius moves closer to him for warmth when a large gust hits them, but he can’t ignore the warmth that fills him when he does.
“Is this it?” Sirius asks after a long but comfortable silence. He eyes the pink archway over the entrance of the House of Mirrors distrustfully. 
James nods, face illuminated by the neon lights crisscrossing over the room. “You want to see who can make it out first?”
“Oh, you’re on.” Sirius doesn’t wait a second before taking off to the right. James laughs and takes a left. 
The sound of people hustling through the maze fades as James takes a few steps in. He meets an expected pane of glass and turns right into a new room framed with arches of light. Starting to become more purposeful with his turns, and trying to recall the map of the maze from the entrance, he changes directions but is met with glass. He tries again, with no success.
He’s trying to stay calm, but eventually, the fact that he’s lost and alone and stuck in a glass maze in a Muggle park with no Sirius around starts to become unnerving. His pulse quickens, and he tells himself to keep moving. 
Another glass wall. Keep moving. 
He spins left. Keep moving. 
He’s about to turn right — keep moving — but he slams into someone as he rounds the corner. “Shit,” they gasp, clutching their neck. “Are you okay?”
James nods. He’s feeling a bit dazed so it takes him a moment to realize. “Wait, Sirius? Oh bloody fuck, did I bite you?”
The other person — Sirius — sputters out a laugh. “James? Yeah, you did. It’s okay, it doesn’t hurt.”
“Sirius. I have blood on my teeth, and I don’t think it’s mine.”
Sirius winces. “Yeah, well, I’ve dealt with worse than a bitten collarbone.”
“If it helps, I don’t have rabies.”
“Why would that help? And also, you might have rabies as Prongs.”
A pensive look crosses James’ face. “Wait, you think? Oh shit, let me take a look.”
Sirius stills, then shrugs James’ hand off his shoulder. “I said I’m fine.”
“And I said, let me see.” Without waiting for Sirius’ response, James steps closer to inspect the teeth marks. This close, he can smell Sirius’ peppermint toothpaste and their shared shampoo and something warm and a little earthy, and he can see how the glow of Sirius’ skin under the fluorescent lighting gives him an almost alien-like look. James swallows and wills his blood back up. His best friend’s bleeding, and he’s getting a hard-on. What the fuck?
He distracts himself with healing the small cuts. “There. Good as new,” he says and steps back quickly, only for Sirius to grab his wrist. His grey eyes are dark, reflecting the pink and blue lights overhead. 
“Prongs,” he murmurs. “If you want to—” 
“Yeah,” James breathes out, voice ragged and low. “Anything you want.”
Sirius lets his hand trail up James’ arm, pushing up the sleeve of his sweatshirt and leaving goosebumps in his wake. There’s a split second of hesitation before he’s leaning in, and then James can’t think of anything other than Sirius, his best friend and better half, who smells edible and tastes like the churros they were having earlier and who’s doing something with his tongue that has James gasping and pushing Sirus back against the glass. There’s a crash nearby and some people laughing and they’re springing apart, eyes wide and dark. 
“Why haven’t we been doing this forever?” Sirius breathes. “Fuck, Prongs. That was…”
“Yeah,” James agrees, but he’s unsure what he’s agreeing to. “Wait, what?”
“We should’ve been doing this all along,” Sirius repeats. “I mean, we are dating.”
“Fake,” James automatically says. He thinks he sees disappointment flash across Sirius’ features, but puts it to a trick of the light. 
“Right. Let’s get out of here, yeah? The others will be wondering where we are.”
“Okay,” James says quietly. He’s feeling somewhat off-centre from the kiss and the conversation afterwards, so he leans against Sirius and smiles when he lets him take his hand. 
They seem to walk for hours, and James could swear they went past the same benches a few times, but it feels much easier with Sirius by his side. As soon as the thought forms, as though he can read his mind, Sirius turns to James and gives him a breathtaking smile. “I like it better when you’re with me,” he says softly. 
James stills, heart racing. Between the kiss and now this, he’s feeling rather shaky. “Me too,” he replies quickly, then notices the intensity of the noise here. There’s a barely visible gap between two mirrors facing out, and James grins. 
“Guess what?”
“I win,” James says with a laugh, slipping between the glass panes and out into the open air. Sirius comes following, hot on his heels, and whirls to face James. 
“That’s not fair! We were having a moment and I was distracted!”
“Nobody told you to get all sappy on me,” James retorts. “As the winner, I choose the next place we go to.”
“You chose this place too,” Sirius grumbles, but begrudgingly gives James the win. 
“I want to go there.” James points to a large open canopy, under which there seem to be millions of children. “Please?”
“I’m not playing against babies, ” Sirius says. “There’s no way.”
“Your loss. Watch me then, you sore loser.” James grins when Sirius flips him the bird.
“Wait, no, look! Isn’t that Remus?”
James looks around and brightens when he sees him. “Yes! Oh wow, I’m actually hungry. Race you!”
Sirius shakes his head in disbelief then runs off to catch up. 
After lunch, when their stomachs are full of burgers and what Remus calls funnel cakes, James insists on playing until he wins a huge dog plush. He spends the Muggle equivalent of 20 galleons and is about to try again when Remus grabs him by the arm to drag him away. He’s whining and struggling against him when Regulus comes over. 
“Reggie! Tell your boyfriend to let me go!”
Regulus turns to Sirius. “Is this about that toy?”
“I need to win that for Sirius! Think of my dignity, I can’t let toddlers win games that I can’t!”
Sirius pulls James against him. “I don’t need a mediocre representation of my beautiful Animagus form, love. It’s fine if they win.”
“No,” James gasps. “Not you too!”
“It’s not your fault you’re bad at kid games,” Regulus teases. 
“Oi, these machines are rigged against us magical folk anyways,” Sirius consoles, ruffling James’ hair. The three of them have to physically drag his thrashing body away a minute later when a kid no older than four comes up to the machine right after them and manages to win the plush in one go.
“Wha—how in the world—can I steal it from him?”
Remus raises an eyebrow. “You’re not stealing a toy from a four-year-old, James, what happened to your morals?”
“I lost it with my dignity!”
Regulus laughs. “Close your mouth, James, flies are gonna go in.”
“But—But my Padfoot plushie—”
“How dare you insinuate that that crappy fabric monstrosity is me. ”
James sniffles. “It was beautiful. It would’ve kept me so warm at night.”
“What am I for?”
“Your feet are too cold,” James says miserably. “I wanted that!”
Sirius purses his lips. “For that, I’m not sleeping with you tonight.”
James blinks. “You don’t mean that. I can’t get my plushie, and now I won’t get Siri snuggles?”
Regulus and Remus crack up, and Sirius shakes his head with an amused huff. James pouts the entire way home.
“Uh, Sirius? What are you doing?” James asks, surprised to see Sirius waiting for him outside detention. “You’re supposed to be at dinner.”
“I was waiting for you to finish,” Sirius says, smoothing down nonexistent dust from the dark Muggle jeans he’s wearing. “Come on, we’re going out.”
“I’m treating you to dinner. Being a proper boyfriend and all that.”
James blinks. “We’re not proper boyfriends.”
Sirius glances up. “Do you want to be?”
What. James has no idea how to respond to that so he busies himself with transfiguring his robes to something more casual. He lets himself get dragged to the Three Broomsticks where they have shepherd’s pie, drink too much Butterbeer, and call it dinner. Between the good food and good company, James can’t bring himself to complain, even though Sirius is acting a lot weirder than usual.
“I was thinking,” Sirius begins. The two of them are curled around each other on a sofa in front of the fire, watching Remus and Regulus play Exploding Snap. It’s a Friday night, and they’re pushing off their homework to Sunday.
“Oh no,” James groans theatrically. “Last time you said that, we had to start dating!”
Sirius shoves him. “Oh, fuck off.” Then, noticing others looking their way with confused glances, Sirius raises his voice. “Yes, and how good did the idea come out to be?”
James catches his drift. “Yeah, it was one of your better ideas for sure.” He leans down to kiss him without thinking and freezes when he realizes what he just did. They’re both still for a second before Sirius flips them over and snogs him so thoroughly that James thinks he probably won’t get the taste of him out for a week.
Regulus throws a cushion at them. “Get a room, you insufferable wankers.”
Sirius flips him off. “Remember that when you’re sucking Moony’s face off, you tosser.”
Remus winces. “Why are you so crude?”
Sirius ignores him, turning back to James. “So I was thinking, we should go see your parents this weekend.”
“Like right now?” James asks, bewildered. 
“Our relationship has been the talk of the school for a few weeks now. I think they’d appreciate hearing it from us before they get it from someone else.”
James sits up quickly, nearly knocking Sirius over. “Fuck, I did not think this would go so far.”
“Why, are you ashamed of me?”
“No! I just don’t want to, you know, lie to my parents about dating my best friend. Who’s basically their son? Is that incest?”
“It doesn’t have to be a lie,” Sirius says quietly. “And ew, what the hell, Prongs, why would this be incest!” 
James stares at him. “Why do you keep saying that when you’re the one who came up with the whole fake part of this?”
Sirius looks away. “Never mind. Do you want to go now? Because Minnie’s probably still awake. We could use her Floo.”
James stares for a moment longer. “Um, okay.”
He heads toward the portrait hole, missing the worried look Remus and Regulus shoot toward Sirius. 
“James! Sirius! What a surprise, I missed you both so much!” Euphemia says happily as she grabs them in a tight hug. “You’ve already grown so much and it’s only been a few months!”
James smiles as he leans down to kiss her head, tension leaving his shoulders at her embrace. “We missed you too, Mum. Where’s Dad?”
“In the office, I presume. Oh, come here, you,” she pulls Sirius over to kiss his cheeks. Sirius smiles, cheeks turning pink, and squeezes her back just as hard.
“What’s this?” Fleamont asks as he walks over. “Well, would you look at that, my sons finally remembered they have parents!”
James watches as Sirius stiffens with a flush before relaxing with a brilliant smile. “I’m sorry I haven’t been keeping in touch as much as I want to. We’re so busy with school.”
Fleamont laughs. “I’m just messing with you.” He grabs James into a headlock, which James resists for half a minute before giving up. Pressing a kiss on his son’s forehead, he turns to Sirius and greets him the same way.
“I can’t say I’m unhappy with this surprise, but why so sudden? I wasn’t expecting either of you two.” Euphemia pulls them over to the living room and calls their house-elf to prepare something for them to eat, despite their insistence of having already eaten dinner.
There’s a few minutes of tense silence. “Well, it’s just that—” James tries to begin, but gets interrupted by the house-elf returning with tea and biscuits.
“We’re dating,” Sirius blurts out. He’s watching Euphemia and Fleamont with a steady glance, face betraying nothing. James stares at him, wishing he could vanish into thin air. He’s gotten used to introducing themselves as boyfriends to the people at school, so it shouldn’t sound so foreign, but in front of his parents, he feels stripped bare. 
Fleamont sets down his teacup and Euphemia pauses. James watches tentatively as their expressions morph into one of surprise before shifting to joy. Fleamont’s smile twitches and Euphemia’s eyes glitter merrily. 
“I can’t say we didn’t expect this,” Euphemia says, tea all but forgotten as she leans forward to take their hands in hers. “When did this start?”
“Over the summer, but we didn’t know how to tell you,” Sirius replies once he realizes that James has lost all ability to function. “We made it official a little bit into the school year.”
Fleamont grins. “No wonder you were so eager to get away this year.”
Sirius laughs. James wants to die. “I can’t help it. I just want James all to myself, even when he’s right next to me.”
Euphemia coos. “I can’t believe Sirius is the first boyfriend you brought home for us to meet, James. You’re getting all grown up, aren’t you?” she says, pinching his cheeks and James pulls away in embarrassment. 
There’s a part of him that wants to confess and tell them that they’re not actually a couple and it was just a silly mistake, but he can’t bring himself to. Not when they’re both looking at them so excited about their relationship. He knows it will hurt them more if — when — they inevitably call this off, but for now, he selfishly doesn’t want to ruin the moment.
James thinks he should feel more guilty about lying to his friends and family about being in a relationship. But strangely, he doesn’t.
Maybe it’s because no matter how much he tries to deny it, the truth isn’t too far off from the lies that he’s telling them.
Later, he comes into the kitchen to help his mum put away the tea. She leans against him when he hugs her from behind and rests her hands on his. They’re wrinkled and rough from age and labour, but they’re just as familiar as James remembered.
Euphemia lets out a deep breath. “I worry for you two sometimes.” 
James frowns. “Why? We’re doing fine, both Sirius and I.”
She closes her eyes and James feels his throat pinch. She looks so fragile in his arms. “Both of you always put each other before yourselves,” she says. “Even if it comes at the cost of your own happiness. I worry that there will be a time where you both think you’re doing what will benefit the other, but will only cause a divide between you two.”
James hums into her hair. “You don’t need to worry about that, Mum. Sirius and I share a brain cell, remember? Nothing can divide us.” 
She laughs and he leans down to kiss her quickly when he hears her whisper, “Jamie, I’m going to tell him this too because you’re both my boys. I love you both to pieces, but if he dares to hurt you, dump him. You deserve only the best.”
He can’t help but laugh, but he feels hollow. Who could be better than Sirius? And why would they want me when my best friend doesn’t?
On Monday morning, James is called into Dumbledore’s office for a Head meeting. As he walks alongside Lily, she gently nudges him to face her.
“I’m so happy for you, James,” she tells him seriously. “Am I a little miffed that you got with Sirius right when we started getting along? A little. But you two are so perfect for each other, it’s hard to be anything but happy for you.”
James tilts his head in confusion. “What do you mean? We’ve always been close, so this is hardly any different from what we were like before.”
She smiles and shakes her head. “Yes, but since you two started dating, both of you seem, I don’t know, lighter.”
“We’ve always been happy together. Even as friends.” James fights the urge to say that they’re still just friends.
“Mhm, sure, but you were less attached.” At James’ disbelieving laugh, she amends, “Like, you two would be together, but both of you obviously wanted more. And now you have that, so you two look less lonely.”
James says nothing. She nudges him again and makes a face, and they both start giggling. It would’ve been so easy to be in love with Lily, James thinks, as he watches her dimples come out as she laughs. Her red hair falls in waves behind her, and James wishes he still wanted to wrap his hands in it as he once did. 
“What if… what if I told you that we’re not in a real relationship?” he asks quietly. As soon as it’s out, he wishes he could take it back.
Lily’s eyes narrow. “I don’t think I heard you correctly.”
“We did this so people wouldn’t make a big deal of asking us out to Hogmeade,” James says in a rush. “We’re just pretending to be dating. We’re not anything more than best mates.”
“Are you?”
“Am I what?”
“Are you just pretending to like him?”
James squirms. He feels exposed under Lily’s sharp gaze. “Yes.”
“Really.” Lily’s tone is flat and gives no indication as to what she thinks, but James hears her disbelief loud and clear. He’s just grateful that she masked her surprise well.
“Okay, so maybe I like him a tiny bit more than I let on,” James admits. 
Lily nods. “So obviously, I’m right. So? When are you telling him?”
James makes an indignant squawk. “Why would I risk ruining our friendship like that?”
Lily purses her lips. “How are you so sure that your friendship with him will be ruined? Last I checked, you could kill his entire family and he’d still worship the ground you walk on.”
“He hates his family, save for Regulus. And I’d never kill Regulus so that’s hardly saying anything.”
Lily makes a frustrated noise. “James. Even before this fake dating ruse, neither of you can fall asleep unless you’re cuddling each other. You’re constantly talking to him or about him. If either of you are ever separated, you have a mirror to talk through for the few minutes that you’re not joined at the hip. How much more oblivious can any two people get?”
James huffs. “That’s only because Sirius is comfy and interesting and brilliant and funny and gorgeous and understands me more than anyone else.”
When Lily says nothing, he looks over and sees her staring at him in a McGonagall-esque manner. “Okay,” he concedes. “So maybe I fancy him a lot, and maybe he likes me back. Emphasis on the maybe. If I confess, and he doesn’t feel the same, what then?”
“Then blame it on me. To save you from your misery, I’ll marry you and we’ll have seven babies and start our own Quidditch team,” Lily says, deadpan. James laughs and puts his arm around her.
“Sounds like a plan,” he tells her happily. “I’ll be the best, most doting husband and father ever.”
She smiles indulgently and hugs him back.
Winter holidays come around quickly. Regulus had come by during the day with Remus but they’ve long since gone. To pass the time, James and Sirius nick some Firewhisky stashed in Fleamont’s study and are passing the bottle between them when James decides to ruin his night. 
“Why did you choose to fake a relationship with me when you could’ve gotten into a real one with someone you fancy?” he blurts out. His brain-mouth filter is fuzzy after having too much to drink. 
“I like spending time with you,” Sirius replies matter-of-factly, as though nothing could be more obvious. “Why hang out with some stupid stranger when I could be with you?”
“Not what I meant.” Sirius looks so pretty, James thinks, staring at the pink flush starting to spread across his cheeks as he drinks more alcohol. They were sitting cross-legged on the floor of James’ bedroom when they first took out the bottle, but now they’ve manoeuvred so that their legs are intertwined and they’re heavily leaning on each other.
James can see the flutter of Sirius’ dark eyelashes whenever he turns to face him. Moonlight illuminates his face from the gap between the curtains, turning his eyes silver. His bottom lip is redder than the top from biting down on it. It’s soft and plump and seems to be beckoning James near. 
A siren’s call. That’s what Sirius was — a siren. Tantalizing, perfect, untouchable. Dangerous to get too close to.
“I’m tired of people wanting to have a part of me without taking the time and effort to understand me. They don’t even know me — I mean, they think they do, but all they see is the popular Hogwarts heartthrob, the rule-breaker and prankster. The black sheep of the Black family.” Sirius’ eyes are glassy from the whiskey, but his gaze seems sad and far away for an entirely different reason.
“That’s not true. I see you,” James says, watching Sirius blink up at him. It feels awfully domestic to be sitting here, away from everyone in just their ugly comfort clothes and baggy sweats. Sirius has a flower clip stuck to his hair that’s nearly slipping off of his bangs and all of his earrings have been put away for the night. They’re just them, and James wants to take a picture to capture it forever.
“But that’s ‘cause you’re you, Jamie. I couldn’t keep a part of myself away from you even if I tried.”
“Not the part of yourself that’s saved for your future special person.”
“You’re my special person, Jamie. There’s no one else.” Sirius waves a hand in front of James’ face and James intertwines their hands together instinctively, mindlessly rubbing circles into the back of Sirius’ hands with his thumb. He drops his bottle to trace over his knuckles with his other hand and presses a kiss onto each raised bone. Sirius’ breath hitches.
“You don’t want me like that, Pads.” James has no idea why he says that. He wants to remain in this ignorant bubble they created in his room for a little longer before Sirius inevitably rejects him. There’s a strange tension filling the air and James feels like he’s drowning. The only anchor he has is the weight of Sirius’ hand in his, but that’s not enough, not when Sirius doesn’t feel the same way, not when James wants more than what Sirius can give, not when James is so fucking greedy he’ll take everything Sirius offers and still beg for more. 
He doesn’t realize that they’re both holding their breaths. All of his attention is focused on the warm, reassuring weight of Sirius’ hand in his, the fingers long and thin and callused from Quidditch. James’ hands are slightly larger and wrap around Sirius’ like two puzzle pieces fit together, just like the two of them. Golden brown on paler white, a work of art.
Like a moth to a flame, James scoots over to Sirius. The small rational part of his mind screams at him to pull away before he hurts himself and Sirius and their beautiful, wonderful relationship. It may be the Firewhiskey or it may be the months of pining, but all rationale flies out the window when Sirius beams at him, wide and unburdened and brighter than his namesake, so fucking perfect it hurts.
“You’re wrong, Prongs,” Sirius whispers. Their faces are inches away from each other. James can’t help but trace lines down the side of his jaw, feeling the 5 o'clock shadow there.  “You’re so wrong, bloody hell, I don’t know what I’d even do without you. Burn the world down to get you back, probably, or become the next Dark Lord. I’d do it all, for you.” 
James stills. He can feel Sirius’ breath fan across his face and can almost hear his racing heartbeat. Or maybe that’s his own. His head is spinning, and everything is starting to feel too real. He needs space, needs to get away before he does something he’ll regret.
He pulls away from Sirius, dropping his hand and pushing to his feet. He swallows down the lump in his throat and tries to ignore the way Sirius flinches, a look of hurt marring his face. James is about to reach again, apology at the tip of his tongue, but he reminds himself that it’s for their own good. 
Sirius is drunk, after all, and it won’t mean anything come morning. It hasn’t meant anything so far, and if he makes one mistake, everything they take for granted could come crashing down. Best to stop it before it’s too late.
“It’s getting late,” James forces out. It takes almost all of his effort to plaster an unaffected smile on his face. His hands clench at his sides, longing for Sirius’ warmth. “We should go to bed.”
He stumbles into the loo to wash his face, knees shaking so much that he knocks into the edge of his bed. He refuses to turn around, knowing that he wouldn’t be able to keep himself from giving in upon seeing the expression on Sirius’ face. He promised himself years ago that he would never be the cause of Sirius’ misery, and doing this to both of them makes him feel like the biggest arse in the world.
When he returns, Sirius is on their bed, curled into himself on the very edge. James wants to reach out to hold him close and whisper sweet nothings into his ear to take away his discomfort, but he can’t bring himself to do it. He falls into a restless sleep, wishing for the millionth time that he was a better man. Maybe then he wouldn’t make so many mistakes.
Before long, classes start again. Amidst piling assignments, Quidditch practice, Head duties, and career planning meetings with McGonagall, James barely has time to spend time alone with Sirius. Since that drunken night at home, Sirius has stopped squeezing into his bed every night, leaving James alone with the dark, a strangely cold bed, and racing thoughts.  James doesn’t know whether to consider it a blessing or a curse. If anything, the distance only makes him think about Sirius more. 
If James had any self-control, he’d stop himself from remembering how Sirius had looked that night. But the past few months of stolen kisses and lingering touches had crumbled any control James had over his thoughts, and he often found himself imagining how Sirius’ flushing skin and loose tongue. The slope of his neck as he leaned against him. The cold, gentle slide of his fingers across James’ bare thighs. The painful avoidance in the following days, the awkward silences and betrayed glances. 
It’s that last memory that forces James to face his reality and bury his overwhelming feelings in the recesses of his mind. He knows he wears his heart on his sleeve, that he laughs effortlessly, cries easily, and cares fiercely. But another part of him knows that to keep Sirius from being scared away by the intensity of his love, he must hide those parts of himself. And so he keeps a distance and ignores Sirius’ flinches and sad eyes. 
He’s doing loops over the Quidditch field the afternoon of his birthday, trying to calm his emotions. He’d been ecstatic when he woke up to a surprise birthday breakfast in the common room with students from all houses and his parents calling over the Floo, but that excitement had been damped when he realized Sirius wasn’t there. It wasn’t uncommon lately for Sirius to slip away in the mornings before James woke up, but he’d been hoping to settle the tension between them to enjoy his birthday with his favourite person.
He looks down when a Hufflepuff third-year calls his name from the sidelines. She’s holding a large gift bag and waving to get his attention.
“Sirius told me to give this to you,” the younger girl says while handing him the bag. “I don’t know why he couldn’t just give it to you himself when he saw you this morning. Something about not being able to give it to you because he has some modelling gig. Since when does Sirius model?”
“He doesn’t,” James replies, bewildered. “Why did he say that?”
The girl shrugs. “Don’t ask me. You’re the only one who can make sense of the stuff he says.” With that, she goes back to the castle, leaving James alone.
Inside the bag is a box of Honeydukes’ chocolates — an assortment of hibiscus raspberry and cardamom orange, which meant Sirius had taken the time to custom-order James’ favourite seasonal flavours. James feels a pleasant warmth pooling in his gut, touched at Sirius’ thoughtfulness despite the past few weeks of strained friendship. 
There’s another larger box with a red ribbon wrapped around it. James gasps when he sees what’s in it, before laughing in disbelief. 
It’s a large, black dog plushie wearing a leather jacket and holding a wand. 
There’s a note attached to the ribbon and James instantly recognizes Sirius’ neat, small handwriting. It reads,
Happy birthday Jamie! You may be of age now but know that I am still older and that if you don’t continue to treat me as a respected elder, I will make you regret it. But I guess I’d rather you treat me as a child than have to endure this distance you’ve put between us. It was that night during the hols, wasn’t it? I freaked you out with my feelings. I knew I should’ve kept my distance, but you should’ve seen yourself. Moonlit and dark-lidded and, as usual, breathtaking.  
Anyway, I love you despite your idiotic tendencies to push people away when you think you’re not good enough for them or whatever bullshit your mind spews out. (I can imagine your raised eyebrow as you call me a hypocrite, but let me have this.) Hope we can go back to normal sooner rather than later; it feels strange to not have you with me constantly. 
Xx Your favourite Marauder, Padfoot 
James’ gut churns while his mind scrambles to make sense of the words. Sirius had feelings? For him? He loved him? All this time, he was trying to protect his heart by distancing himself, but he never considered if Sirius had meant what he had said that night. The proof was right there.
And yet, it felt too good to be true.
The dorm is empty when James comes in, but the map is conveniently on Remus’ nightstand. Taking it with him, he finds Sirius seated in a window of an empty corridor on the third floor, resting his elbows on his knees and looking outside. He turns when he hears footsteps. His grey eyes widen for a fraction of a second when he sees James, before setting into a resigned expression.
“Modeling gig?” is the first thing that comes out of James’ mouth. “What the hell, Sirius.”
“Why are you here?” Sirius asks quietly. He looks withdrawn and guarded, and the look sends a pang through James’ chest. 
“I got your note.” James sits next to Sirius on the small seat and purses his lips when Sirius immediately pulls his feet close to himself. “I didn’t know—”
“It doesn’t matter, James,” Sirius bites back. His eyes, blank just moments before, is not bright with anger and hurt. His hands tremble where he’s clutching his knees, and he pauses to glare at them for a moment before continuing. “I know where I stand. You made it plenty clear. I just wanted to get it out of the way so I wouldn’t have to deal with this… this whole uncertainty when it comes to you. I know I won’t get what I want, and you know this too, so can we just pretend we talked about everything we needed to talk about and go back to normal?”
“What if I don’t want to go back to normal?” James retorts. He’s starting to feel a little angry himself. 
In an instant, Sirius deflates, eyes looking lost once again. “I don’t — I don’t understand. I know I messed up, but I didn’t think — I mean, is it such a bad thing for me to love you? I’d change it if I could, but somehow, my heart’s not getting the message.”
Shit, James thinks. He never wanted to make Sirius feel like he was at fault when it was James who ruined everything by catching feelings and panicking as soon as he realised them. 
Taking the silence for a response, Sirius sighs. “Look, I’m sorry it’s making you uncomfortable. Believe me, I’m doing everything I can to stop myself from feeling this way. Just — don’t push me away. If this is about that stupid deal, you can call it off. Dae other people. You’ve done more than enough for me. I honestly wouldn’t blame you if you want it to end.”
“Don’t stop,” James blurts out. “Don’t stop feeling everything you just said.”
“It’s just that — I don’t want to pretend anymore.” Words spill out before James can think, and he’s hoping somehow Sirius will be able to understand what he’s trying to get at. “I don’t want to fake a relationship with you, because it’s getting too much.”
Sirius inhales sharply and nods, a little frantic. “Okay, yeah, okay. Totally. I understand. We don’t have to do this anymore. Consider yourself back on the market.”
“That’s not what I meant.” James can feel the frustration simmering under his skin. Unconsciously, his hands reach to grasp at the closest part of Sirius — his ankles — and he uses them to pull Sirius closer. A distant memory flickers into his mind of the night when they had last sat like this, legs intertwined. Mouths millimetres apart, cheeks flushed, breath hot and heavy. 
“I kept a distance from you because I was scared you wouldn’t feel the same way,” James says quietly. “I didn’t want to hurt you or myself, but I guess I failed anyway.”
“Why wouldn’t I feel the same way? Wait, how do you feel—”
“I’m in love with you, okay?” James says. It comes out louder than he meant for it to. There’s shocked silence on Sirius’ end as James’ words hang between them. James takes a deep breath. 
“I’ve been in love with you since fifth year,” he continues at a normal volume. “Lily and I had that Transfiguration project and I learned throughout that I don’t see her as anything more than a friend. The flirting had become a habit by then, I think, so I didn’t see it until we had to work together. It’s nothing like the way we click with each other. So yeah, I guess I love you. Too. Holy shit, you love me back, Si.”
Sirius laughs, a breathless little thing before his lips are on James’ and the rest of the world fades. Before, when Sirius had kissed him, James had felt like he was drowning, so wrapped in the scent and feel of his best friend that the emotions were overwhelming. Now, with the knowledge that his feelings were reciprocated, he feels like he’s floating, safe in Sirius’ embrace.
“I dreamed about this for ages,” Sirius murmurs as he sits back. “That’s the whole reason I started this whole fake dating thing. I didn’t think I’d have much luck asking you out properly, so I pulled this to, ah, test the waters, if you will.”
James snickers. “So all of this was what, a free trial?”
“Yes,” Sirius murmurs against his neck. James’ breathing hitches. “And I’m feeling very satisfied with the service thus far. But I can’t leave a fair review without testing out all the features. It wouldn’t be right.”
“Oh — ah, fuck — what did you have in mind?” James can’t think, can’t breathe, can’t do anything but pant as Sirius works his fingers into his hair and pulls, kissing him hard the whole time. When Sirius trails a hand down to cup James’ arse through his trousers, James feels his heart stop. 
There’s a wicked grin on Sirius’ face. “Now that I’ve tasted you up here, I kind of want to taste you down there too. See if the tastes match. Or something. I don’t know, I just want to blow you right now.”
James squeaks. “Like, right here? Aren’t we going too fast?”
Sirius sombers. “Jamie,” he whispers. “I’ve been wanting you since we were thirteen. If anything, I think we’re going too slow. But if you’re not ready, I can wait. I’ve waited four years for you, and I will wait four million more if that’s what you want.”
James nods quickly. “I want you too. So much. I’ve been going crazy these past few months trying not to jump into your lap and snog you senseless.”
Sirius smiles. It’s a soft, little thing, and James knows it’s meant only for him. “What’s keeping you now?”
James ducks his head with a blush. “I — can we go to our dorms first?”
“Oh, Prongs,” Sirius says with a shake of his head. “One day I’ll introduce you to the high of doing this in public.”
“You’re such an exhibitionist. No wonder you’re starting a modelling gig,” James chides as he links their hands together. It’s such an endearing sight that he can’t help but lift Sirius’ hands to his mouth and shower his fingers and knuckles with kisses. Sirius’ steps stutter and James looks up, delighted. 
“I was put on the spot,” Sirius says defensively. “I didn’t expect her to start asking questions. I just wanted her to give it to you, not interrogate me.”
“You could’ve just given it to me yourself, like a normal person.”
“We’re anything but normal. Anyway, I was too nervous about your reaction.”
“Touché. Still, it would’ve been loads better coming from you.”
“Then allow me to make it up to you.” Sirius tugs on James’ hand until he stops. He reaches up to frame James’ face as he gently presses their lips together. James isn’t sure how much time passes before they pull apart. As they lean their foreheads on each other, Sirius’ lips quirk. 
“Happy birthday, Jamie. I love you.”
James smiles and tucks in a strand of hair coming loose from Sirius’ bun. “I love you too.”
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The Gloaming
An Outlander/Jane Eyre crossover
Catch up on chapters 1-7 here
Chapter 8: Distance
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Early morning sunshine streamed through Jamie’s bedroom window, bathing everything in its golden hue. Lying on his back watching a mote of dust dance across the beams of light he had a revelation — he no longer wanted to think of his employer as Lady Randall. Another man’s name in his mind as he had such lustful thoughts about her would not do. Besides, she was so much more than a title. Her name was beautiful, like she was, and he decided that even if it was just in his own head she would henceforth be known only as Claire. Aside from this, Jamie was no closer to deciding how to proceed; how could he continue to remain in close proximity to a woman who produced such a visceral reaction in him?
From a young age Jamie had been good at guarding his emotions; learning quickly at the workhouse the risks of wearing one’s heart on one’s sleeve. The tender lad he’d been at Lallybroch was broken down and replaced with a boy, and then a man, who for his own protection remained closed off to everyone. Now that he’d met Claire though, the dam wall he’d carefully erected around his feelings was cracking, and with her he felt in very real danger of becoming a complete open book. Given his lowly position however, having wanton fantasies about the mistress of the house was completely inappropriate, and irrespective of whether they were friends, Jamie didn’t want to be dismissed from the Hall for forgetting his station. Hands balled into fists he punched at the bedsheets, still confused and still aroused.
Whilst continuing to mull over his best course of action, Jamie was granted a reprieve. Running into Joe in the kitchens, the butler explained that Claire had been called away to Lerwick on business for a week and would be leaving within the hour.
“She’s in her sitting room packing her books…should you wish to bid her farewell?”
Continue reading…
79 notes · View notes
Angst/Very Light Suggestive Smut. 2847 words. Inspired by the song 'The Other Woman' by Lana Del Rey.
Trigger warnings:- cheating/infidelity, suggestive mature themes, mature language.
A/N:- Play this video in the background for an enhanced reading experience.
3rd Person POV
She quickly brushed her fingers through her curls for the last time and looked at her reflection in the mirror in a quick glance. She could see a perfectly dolled-up woman with thousands of hopes and desires in her eyes. She smiled to herself and sprayed his favourite french perfume all over her.
She rushed down the stairs into the living room and glanced at the clock. It was almost midnight. It wasn't uncommon for James to come home this late but she was kind of hoping he'd come early tonight.
Today was their Anniversary and she knew he didn't forget because he himself wished her this morning. She couldn't help but feel the butterflies in her stomach when she remembered his words this morning.
It was like any other day, she woke up to an empty bed which she made with so much perfection, not a single wrinkle was to be seen. James usually returned home late and slept in the guest room, so as to not disturb her. She was going through her daily routine of freshening up and then preparing breakfast for her and James in the kitchen, when she heard footsteps approaching her. Thinking he was just there to grab a glass of water like every morning she didn't pay much attention to him but something unusual happened in a very usual morning. James grabbed his glass of water but instead of heading back out he turned to his left and kissed her temples.
"Happy Anniversary, Love." He said in his husky, morning voice."
"You too, Jamie." She replied, barely able to keep of that girlish smile off her face.
He just smiled at her and went on with his routine, unaware of the beautiful storm brewing in her heart.
His one little jesture made her clean the entire house, change every curtain, every bedsheet, every pillow cover.She even cut a bunch of flowers from the backyard and put them in each room. She went on to have a full spa treatment and get all embossed for her Jaime.
He was so sweetly unaware of the effect he had on her, how his little jestures would put a smile on her just like the one playing on her lips right now.
She was staring at her manicured nails when the sparkling diamond embedded in her engagement ring. Her smile widened thinking about the day he proposed.
It was a crisp Autumn evening and James had invited her to meet him at a park near River Thames. She had dressed up as good as possible and with a rosy glow on her cheeks due to the cold breeze, she got the location a few minutes earlier. When James arrived a few minutes late, the sun was already setting, reflecting a beautiful scarlet hue on the river. If an artist were to paint the scenery, he would've gotten confused as to which was a brighter shade of red, the sunset or her billowy hair. In that serene environment, James bent down on one knee and got straight to the point.
"Love, I suck at speeches so I won't waste my time on confessing my eternal love for you, so without the cliched confession, will you marry me?"
She couldn't say anything. Water sparkled both in the river and her green eyes. She could do nothing but bite her lips and nod her head in a yes.
Moments later Sirius and Peter would jump out of the bushes, congratulating them.
She couldn't help but go down the memory lane. The lane that took her back to Hogwarts. She clearly remembered the day she officially met James. There wasn't a single soul in Hogwarts who didn't know that Marauders. She did too, in fact she was close friends with Remus, close enough to know about his 'little fury secret', but this closeness was limited to only Remus. His friends were mere acquaintances to her, the only contact with them being the polite smile that she gave them while acknowledging Remus.
It was one fateful day, she was sitting under a willow tree, reading a book, when Sirus practically dragged James in front her and spoke to her with a grin.
"Hello Moony's friend, I am Moony's other friend Sirius and he is Moony's other, other friend James. James here wants some new female company, will you please do the honours of being James' first girlfriend in his sixteen year long life." Sirius gave his monologue with a dramatic tone.
She had to quickly settle down the butterflies dancing in your stomach and said with a smile,
"I'd love to but only if you wouldn't tag along with us on our dates."
This made James laugh and assure her,
"Don't worry, if he does something like that, I would personally hex him."
That tone if assurance and the charming smile made the heat creep up her cheeks.
She remembered their first date, his romantic dialogues and the warm butterbeer they had shared.
She remembered their first kiss. It was out in the open, in the middle of the yard, beside the fountain, with atleast 50 students watching. She had felt a sense of pride bloom in her when he decided to show the world who she belonged to.
And how could she forget the night they lay together the first time. The nervousness, the excitement, the desire were all making her dizzy. She was visiting James' parents for the first time, it was a big step for them but she was ready. In the night, James had snuck in her room to makeout with her but things going a little too heated and James asked her the question, his hands moving all over her body.
"Wanna do it?, I can cast the protection spell."
It was a simple question but it sent shock waves throughout hey body. She did what she did almost all the time in front of him. She bit her lips and nodded her head.
If she closed her eyes she could still feel his hands on her bare body. How he took his time with her, covering her neck in hickeys, sending waves of pleasure down her spin.
She remembered the increase in her heartbeat seeing him all bare in front of. A sight only she could witness
"Try to keep it low and ask me to stop if it becomes too much." He had said to her gently.
He then proceeded to give her a taste of heaven, he made her wish for the time to stop, so that he continues the movements with his hips for the rest of eternity.
No drug in this world could have given her the feeling of ecstasy that the feeling of being full with James gave her.
Thinking of that night still makes her stomach tighten and her body to long for his touch.
James had always been dedicated to his work, which resulted in him coming home late and finding her asleep in their bedroom. Their intercourse had become rare, only doing the deed on special occasions. Today was such an occasion, they had been married for two years.
Too lost in her thoughts, the lonesome queen didn'tnotice that James had already entered their house. It was only when James stumbled upon the coat rack that she noticed his presence. She quickly rushed towards the doorway to support James. When she got near him she could easily smell the Fire Whiskey coming from him. She could've sworn she heard something crack inside of her.
She quickly helped him up the stairs in their bedroom. She lay him on the bed and removed his shoes. She moved towards his face to take off his glasses when he took hold of her hand and pulled her on the other side of the bed.
He started scattering kisses on her neck and taking of her clothes. He took off her expensive pashmina shawl and threw it at the ground like it costed noting. He wasted no time and practically ripped out the Satin dress from her body.
He took a moment to appreciate her matching lace undergarments but then went back to devouring her lips with a ferocious passion. He quickly freed himself from his clothes and again hovered over her. Usually James would hold both her hands on top of her head. To spice things up, they even tried bondage from time to time, so she had rarely touched him during coitus. But, tonight he did nothing of the sort, he used one hand to keep him hovering over her and the other buried deep inside her underpants, his lips never leaving hers.
In the heat of the moment,even if she tried to place her hands on his back but every time he would place them back on the top of her head but tonight he didn't stop her from touching him. She scratched his back with her long nails, eliciting a grown from his lips. To her his sounds of pleasure were the purest form of music. This new-found intamacy was making her crave for more.
She saw stars when James suddenly entered her, making the both of them moan at the same time. He kept rutting in her wet pussy in a feverish pace. She felt all sorts of vibrations in her body, lust for her husband fogging her eyes. She bit James' ear to fasten his pace. She covered his neck with hickeys.
The perfect rythm of James' hips drew both of them near the edge. She could feel the knot in her stomach tighten more and more after each thrust and also how his pace was faultering. She felt him twitch inside her but then something happened that destroyed every strand of pleasure in her body.
"Lily! Shit I'm close." Those were the first words James had spoken to her on their Anniversary night.
That name. That damn name. The name that had been the bane of her existence.
One moment her face that was contoured in a sensual expression, the other it was stoic like an statue. Her body became numb, jerking back and forth due to James' thrusts.
James' didn't last much longer after that and came inside of her with a string of curses and that wretched name.
"Fuck, fuck , fuck fuck! Lily! Shit!"
She could faintly hear his heavy breathing over her thudding heartbeats.
She felt the crack inside her grow every second and before she knew it, a single tear fell from the corner of her eye, something inside her shattering like glass.
She came back to her senses when James lifted his weight off her and fell limp on the other side of the bed.
She got up from the bed and cleaned herself in the bathroom. She then wore his shirt that was thrown carelessly on the ground. That's when she realised that it wasn't her heart that shattered, it was the bubble she had created when she started going out with James.
She knew it because, she couldn't just smell the Fire Whiskey and his woody perfume from his shirt, she could smell the citrusy perfume that clearly belonged to a female. Now, she could also clearly see the red lipstick stains on his collar that was smuged in an attempt to clean it.
She couldn't wear the shirt anymore, since she felt another presence beside her husband's. She quickly removed it as if it was burning her body and threw it back on the floor.
Instead she opted to wear one of her night gowns and climbed down stairs. She went down to the kitchen and started boiling water in the kettle for a cup of tea. Then she sat down on the dinning table, gulping down the dinner she made for James.
She wondered to herself, how could she be so blind. She saw those little gestures in a whole different light now.
Sirius made him ask her out when Lily refused to go out with him for a thousandth time, this time clearly stating that she wanted to focus on her career and he stood no chance whatsoever.
During their first date, they were not alone in The Three Broomsticks, just a few tables away was Lily Evans along with her friends.
When he kissed her in the open yard, Lily was one of the 50 students. She refused to believe it back then but now she was sure that James' eyes did flicker toward the bench where Lily was sitting.
The once one of the most romantic proposals In her eyes, had now become a hollow moment lacking any and all emotions on his sight.
She now remembered Remus' absence that day and the conversation that they had after that.
"Didn't James tell you he was gonna propose?" She had asked him.
"He did." Remus had replied munching on his chocolate.
"Then why weren't you there with Sirius and Peter." She had questioned back.
"That's because I don't want you to marry him."
"But why?"
"Why? You don't see why? Hon, he doesn't love you, you're a replacement for Lily. Please don't do this, he won't keep you happy." Remus had voiced his concerns.
She didn't say anything back and got up from her place.
" You'll get the card in a few days, please come, I don't have many people whom I call my friends."
But when Remus didn't show up at their wedding either, she went to his place to confront him.
"How could you do this Rem. Your two closest friends tied a knot and you didn't find the time to at least show up."
"I have told you this before and I'm going to say it again, I don't think he'll keep you happy and I couldn't come and just watch my closest friend get her life ruined by my other close friend." Remus had calmly answered her.
"What makes you think he won't keep me happy!" She had screamed at him.
"Honey....... Other women are never happy." He had hesitated a bit.
"Remus, I am married to him, how can I possibly be the other woman."
"The other woman isn't the mistress, dove, it's the woman who's the second choice and you know Lily has always been his first choice. It's a matter of time before they get together behind your back, I have seen the way they look at each other." Remus had explained.
"James would never do that to me and Lily clearly told him he wanted to focus on her career." She had reasoned.
"And now that she is an accomplished healer, she would want to focus on other aspects of her life." Remus had tried to explain the situation.
"I'll never be the other woman, I will always be better than her." She had stated.
And it was true, she was better than her. Lily was academically brilliant but she was both academically and athleticaly strong. She was the keeper for her house quidditch team. Lily didn't care about her looks but she was always dressed up in perfectly crisp uniform or in an outfit that complimented the latest fashion trend. She was better than her in every aspect and Lily knew this. She had said so herself. Lily visited her in the dressing room when she was getting ready for her wedding.
"You look beautiful." Lily had complimented.
"You know I have always been jealous of you. You're perfect in all the aspects where I fail." Lily had stated, masking her jealousy in laughter.
After only a few months of their marriage, people had began warning her about the budding proximity between her husband and a certain red-head but she had chosen to ignore them and stay in her bubble. But today when her husband moaned her rival's name in her ear, her bubble had bursted and the reality had hit her hard on the face.
She put the empty plate on the sink and went back to her bedroom to find her man sprawled on the bed.
She carefully placed herself in the empty space on the bed, her back facing the man she loved. The pain of loving a man who would never love her back seemed new to her but the feeling felt oddly familiar.
Her gaze went on the wall where James had stuck countless polaroids accounting for the countless happy moments of his life but one polaroid always caught her attention.
The picture of her standing alone in a wheat field in her wedding dress. Whenever she saw this photo before today, she could see a Happy woman, hopelessly in love with her man. But now a she could see was her future.
A future where she'll cry herself to sleep e every night. A future where as the years pass she'll be alone.
All Alone.
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A/N:- I reposted this because I got a Community label, so I changed the smutty part and made it Pg 13. If you want to read the original version, I'll be uploading it on my Wattpad soon.
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