#Increase Facebook Comments
pfollowersus · 2 years
This is a true statement that Facebook marketing works faster. Better and according to the expectations of companies compared to advantage formal advertisement techniques. Buy Facebook comments it has become a key for business marketing where you will have more opportunities to grow your business.
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elainemorisi · 2 years
what the hell do people define as a date night, babysitting-wise?
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emberwhite · 4 months
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I spent the last 11 months working with my illustrator, Marta, to make the children's book of my dreams. We were able to get every detail just the way I wanted, and I'm very happy with the final result. She is the best person I have ever worked with, and I mean, just look at those colors!
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I wanted to tell that story of anyone's who ever felt that they didn't belong anywhere. Whether you are a nerd, autistic, queer, trans, a furry, or some combination of the above, it makes for a sad and difficult life. This isn't just my story. This is our story.
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I also want to say the month following the book's launch has been very stressful. I have never done this kind of book before, and I didn't know how to get the word out about it. I do have a small publishing business and a full-time job, so I figured let's put my some money into advertising this time. Indie writers will tell you great success stories they've had using Facebook ads, so I started a page and boosting my posts.
Within a first few days, I got a lot of likes and shares and even a few people who requested the book and left great reviews for me. There were also people memeing on how the boy turns into a delicious venison steak at the end of the book. It was all in good fun, though. It honestly made made laugh. Things were great, so I made more posts and increased spending.
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But somehow, someway these new posts ended up on the wrong side of the platform. Soon, we saw claims of how the book was perpetuating mental illness, of how this book goes against all of basic biology and logic, and how the lgbtq agenda was corrupting our kids.
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This brought out even more people to support the book, so I just let them at it and enjoyed my time reading comments after work. A few days later, then conversation moved from politics to encouraging bullying, accusing others of abusing children, and a competition to who could post the most cruel image. They were just comments, however, and after all, people were still supporting the book.
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But then the trolls started organizing. Over night, I got hit with 3 one-star reviews on Amazon. My heart stopped. If your book ever falls below a certain rating, it can be removed, and blocked, and you can receive a strike on your publishing account. All that hard work was about to be deleted, and it was all my fault for posting it in the wrong place.
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I panicked, pulled all my posts, and went into hiding, hoping things would die down. I reported the reviews and so did many others, but here's the thing you might have noticed across platforms like Google and Amazon. There are community guidelines that I referenced in my email, but unless people are doing something highly illegal, things are rarely ever taken down on these massive platforms. So those reviews are still there to this day. Once again, it's my fault, and I should have seen it coming.
Luckily, the harassment stopped, and the book is doing better now, at least in the US. The overall rating is still rickety in Europe, Canada, and Australia, so any reviews there help me out quite a lot. I'm currently looking for a new home to post about the book and talk about everything that went into it. I also love to talk about all things books if you ever want to chat. Maybe I'll post a selfie one day, too. Otherwise, the book is still on Amazon, and the full story and illustrations are on YouTube as well if you want to read it for free.
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universalitgirlsblog2 · 5 months
💖💋🥂IT GIRL ERA 2024💖💋🥂
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💋1) Start putting yourself first . Choose yourself Put your own needs and wants first. What do they advice in flight ? First put your oxygen mask and then try to put others oxygen masks. It's not about oxygen masks.
💖2) Get a social media detox. Social media can be very toxic. We often get into fights with strangers or see toxic people in the comment section or compare ourselves with others. Get off Tumblr , Instagram , Facebook etc. It will help you alot.
🥂3)Get rid of victim mentality. Victim mentality can make things worse for you. You aren't a victim of your reality , you are the creator of your reality. Start taking responsibility and control of your life .
💋4) Believe in yourself . Like Elle Woods said , " most importantly you must have faith in yourself." You must have unwavering faith in yourself . It doesn't matter if others perceive you as less , make sure you don't perceive yourself as less. Your opinion of yourself matters the most.
🥂5) Start taking care of yourself. Self care will save you . Always put your self care first. Go to gym or workout at home. Do skincare. Take care of your hair. Get a mini hair spa. Self care will increase your energy and lower your stress levels. It will boost your self-esteem too.
💖6) Create a vision board. You can make vision board on Pinterest or make one in real life. Just make sure it inspires you and reminds you of your goals. Vision boards are very powerful tool.
💋7) Stop focusing on others. Focus on you. Don't think good or bad about anyone . Be focused on how you can make yourself better. If you don't get time to think about others , good ! Focus on yourself. Except the ones who are close to you , you shouldn't think about others or compare yourself . Just focus on how you can get ahead and make yourself better. I hope this made sense.
🥂8) Love yourself. Self love will save you. Listen , write or speak affirmations. Adopt the IDAF mindset , stop caring about others opinions. Don't compare yourself with others. Let go of toxic cycles and people. Be kind to yourself.
💖9) Remember what Jang Wonyoung said ? I DON'T CARE. YOU ARE YOU , I AM ME . ADOPT THIS MENTALITY. Enter your wonyoungism era !! Wonyoung said that if it's something she didn't do , then she doesn't care. That's where her iconic statement " you are you I am me " came from . Start being okay with people misunderstanding you. Don't try to explain yourself and waste your energy.
💋10) Give importance to your education . Education is the most powerful weapon. Read books. Watch documentaries. Study to learn , not just for good grades.
🥂11) Value your time. Realize how important your present moment is. Don't waste time on unproductive things. Do things that your future self will thank you for . Don't do things that your future self will curse you for.
💖12) Have different role models for different things. Let's say for developing a strong mindset , you can look upto Song Jia , Wonyoung or The wizard liz and for academics , you can look upto Hermione Granger , Elle Woods or Rory Gilmore .
💋13) Stop fighting with stupid people. Even strangers online ! Honestly , strangers online can be very toxic , annoying and stupid. Don't waste your energy arguing with stupid people or people who aren't willing to understand or listen .
💖14) Stop looking yourself through the lens of your past self. It's okay if you made some mistakes . Mistakes are the proof that you are trying. Forgive yourself and learn from them. Stop putting yourself down and keep those mistakes as a lesson. Yes you made some mistakes but after those mistakes , you learnt and made yourself better.
🥂15) No more self- depreciating humor. Your mind doesn't know the difference between reality , fiction or a joke.
💖💋🥂This advice is very basic and simple. But this advice will help you alot. Don't just read this post , make sure you follow this. Happy new year !!! 💖💋🥂
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piosplayhouse · 2 months
I don't know if you'll answer but I need to know the lore behind sexy times with Wangxian, like is it a fanfic? why do people hate the author??
It was the longest mdzs fic posted during its time in 2021 and gained extreme notoriety for its absurdly long tag list, frequent update schedule that consistently forced anyone scrolling any of its tags to see it at the top of their page, and escalating poor, racist, and trolling authorial behavior that ultimately culminated in the author virtual1979 being suspended from ao3 for a month because she posting an author's note saying she hoped that all her haters would contract covid and die. She deleted the fic from ao3 a little while after this happened, ig bc she wasn't getting enough attention anymore, but allegedly the thing's still up on dreamwidth under strict friendslock. The fan lore article goes pretty in depth about it:
The best summary for why it pissed people off so much is really just showing you these screenshots of what the fic looked like towards the end of its life on desktop and mobile (be warned opening the full image):
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From my personal experience:
from 2019 up until around 2021 the fic really was just a normal-ish, if very strangely written and kinky, wangxian porn fic about them basically just fucking around post canon and enjoying day to day life. It updated pretty frequently and had a fair amount of tags because the author was literally just tagging anything that she wrote. But like the first few hundred, maybe even a thousand tags were pretty accurate to what the fic was because of that, and were relatively manageable for the first few years that it didn't pick up any attention really.
At some point in 2021 when cql was really starting to blow up online and the tag count was starting to pile up to the point of annoyance, the fic started receiving some comments that were just like "hey can you try to cut down on tags, I don't think it's necessary to be so specific as to tag 'Korean food' or 'eggs' or whatnot". The author did not share this idea, evidently, and instead built a grudge against commenters who would tell her to delete tags, subsequently adding more and more as time went on.
As the tag count and updates increased, the content of the fic did too-- it got a lot, lot weirder. I'm sure someone's saved it all somewhere but for reference it spun out into what I can only describe as like if Rick and Morty's plot was cut to be just the parts of the show with underage/incest plotlines with All Tomorrows level sex dystopian world building exclusively to elicit the most visceral audience reaction possible. Around this time is when more people started to notice the fic and its escalating tag issues, leading them to leaving more comments complaining about it, leading to the attention seeking author spitefully adding more tags. Around this time is when she also started adding fake tags that didn't apply to the story whatsoever (sorry to disappoint, "talking vagina" was one of those. I did check) just to boost the count, take up more space on people's screens, and bait people into commenting hate for attention.
By this time, it had become a fandom-wide annoyance as she had begun to tag entirely unrelated ships, therefore putting the near-daily updating titanic of a fic at the top of any mdzs-related tag. People were outraged about this, and calls came for ao3 to step in. Ao3 waffled around for a bit as there was no official rule at the time that imposed a tag limit, so there wasn't established ground to ban virtual1979 (who btw many people suspected of being 40 whole years old due to the username and allegedly some other internet sleuthing on Facebook or something). Meanwhile, she began to tag other fandoms-- tgcf, svsss, BTS, basically anything that would get a lot of attention and draw hate with the advent of The Monstrosity suddenly drowning out all other recently updated fics of the targeted fandoms.
People had been trying to retaliate without ao3 action, though, by coding their own themes/skins that would allow someone to block a user or work and other fic writers made their own parody, the "bland times with wangxian" collection, which were minimally tagged sfw shortfics typically featuring wangxian just doing laundry or things like that. A good amount of them were actually like just fics where wwx would explain to lwj how to install custom ao3 themes and block fics that were taking up too much space on his screen. Imo it was pretty funny, but these also sparked some controversy as people disagreed with fighting annoyance with more annoyance to people trying to find content.
Either shortly before or after ao3 staff said they'd step in due to an insane amount of reports and backlash, I forgot which atp, virtual1979 began perhaps the worst tagging spree of the fic's life by changing the title, many of the tags, and the summary to a slew of racial slurs, sexually explicit imagery, and other generally offensive statements. I'm pretty sure this came after the fic was temporarily hidden once, as this update gained considerably less attention than the rest of the tagging saga, but people were still rightfully pissed about it. Ultimately, like I mentioned before, the author was then suspended for a month for wishing covid and death on her haters, and attention seemed to die down during this time to the point where she didn't really fight much more when her suspension ended and deleted her account and the work shortly after. Again she seems to have moved to dreamwidth, but most have forgotten her and I'm not sure if her presence is public at all on there. But that's the story of the worst mdzs fic ever written
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krakenartificer · 1 year
Basics of Tumblr-based memetics for reddit refugees
When people arrive at Tumblr, they are generally unsure about how to handle themselves. The buttons are easy enough (I mean, the UI sucks, but it's 2023, we're all used to sucky UIs by now, so....), but what are the social implications of each one? What does a reblog mean?
This is very difficult to explain to people for whom this is their first social media site, or are arriving here from (eg) Facebook. But for this round of refugees, from Reddit specifically, I actually can explain. Because!...
....As you have no doubt noticed ....
.... in a world where we all use 4 websites, and each of them consists of content screenshotted from the other 3....
...there is not an equal distribution of who's making content and who's copying it. Facebook generates almost none of the content for other websites; Twitter generates some; but nearly all of the content on the modern internet is generate on Reddit or on Tumblr.
There is a reason for this: all "web 2.0" sites have the ability to generate new memes, and new variants on those memes. But only Reddit and Tumblr have an evolutionary pressure that forces those memes through a natural-selection process. On Reddit, that pressure is applied by the voting system: if an addition to a post doesn't get enough upvotes, it's hidden from view, which means it has limited ability to affect the next generation of posts.
On Tumblr, the equivalent evolutionary pressure is applied by reblogs: each version of a post, each set of additions, is seen in proportion to how many people reblog it, and thus cause other people to see it. Lack of reblogs -> lack of visibility -> limited ability to affect the next generation of posts.
So with that in mind, let's look at some nuances that are specific to the Tumblr ecosystem.
1) Reblogs are direct visibility; upvotes are indirect
On Reddit, when you upvote something, it's a signal to the algorithm that -- in your opinion -- this thing is useful/valuable/funny or in some other way worthwhile. The algorithm takes that into account along with everyone else's votes, time since it was posted, and so on, and makes a decision about what to show by default vs what to hide by default, and how to sort things. Upvoting does affect visibility, but it's only one factor.
Whereas on Tumblr, reblogging puts the post on your followers' dashboards directly (assuming your followers have chronological order turned on, which most of them probably do because fuck corporate decisions about what I should and shouldn't see). One reblog = one post on everyone's dashboard; it's as simple as that.
Reblogging is therefore a much stronger evolutionary boost than upvoting is.
2) Likes have very little impact on visibility
Most people have "based on your likes" turned off. Even for those that keep it on, it doesn't affect what other people see, it only gives Tumblr some idea of what you might like to see. Of course behind the scenes that's somehow accomplished with some kind of correlation coefficient about which posts are most likely to be "liked" by the same person, and in that sense a "like" on this post increases the likelihood that someone else who has "liked" other posts that you have "liked" will see this post as well, but it's a very tenuous and wispy impact,.
Liking is therefore a much weaker evolutionary boost than upvoting is, and should be considered more along the lines of a high-five, or a hug, or a "I would give you gold for this if I could afford any" comment.
(Also, you cannot "like" only one section of a post. When you "like", the notification goes to everyone in the chain, from OP to the latest reblog. If you wish to give specific high-fives, the mechanism you're looking for is replies.)
3) Replies have no impact on visibility one way or the other.
Only OP gets notifications for replies, but you can tag people in the reply to notify them. This is the place for "@most-recent-commenter I would give you gold if I could" or for tagging a friend that you think would enjoy the post.
So, with the underlying mechanics of the ecosystem out of the way, let's look at
memetic engineering
There are two ways you can add your thoughts/ideas/opinions/snarky commentary to a post: in the text of the post, or in the tags.
a digression on tags
Tags -- of course -- can theoretically be used to organize content, although if we're being completely honest here, they're not ... great. for that. Tags can be handy as a textual handle to simplify your google search when you use an external search engine to search your own tumblr blog, but their use as an archival tool is mediocre at best. Likewise, no matter what the Tumblr UI says in the tag section, they're not gonna be that helpful in allowing people to find your content.
Tags can also, as sometimes they do on Twitter or Instagram, provide context to a post. This is less important here, since without a character limit there's no need to trim down your commentary and trust #wgastrike2023 to fill in the missing details, but it can be very handy when you're trying to determine whether this "Bruce and his buddies" post is talking about The Hulk or about Batman, or whether this thread is dissing Harry Potter, Harry Styles, or Harry Prince of Wales.
Tags are also very handy for allowing people to continue following you even when there's some sort of interest incompatibility. If you love spiders -- especially pictures of spiders -- and I'm arachnophobic, then I'm probably not going to be able to keep following you, no matter how excellent your Anarchist Star Wars takes are. But if you love pictures of spiders and you tag every single one of them #spiders, then I can block that tag and still keep following you. Similarly, a temporary block on #The Witcher Spoilers can allow the fandom to all discuss a new episode at whatever time they're able to watch it, without having to completely avoid online spaces in the meantime.
And finally, tags can, and are, used for commentary that you don't want to put in the main post. Where that line is -- what to put in the post and what to put in tags -- is something you'll have to decide for yourself as you get experience, but as a general rule, the post is for something that you believe contributes to the memetic fitness of this post, and the tags are for things that you believe are not necessarily of memetic value. Additions to the post are integrated into the DNA, and will be passed on with subsequent reblogs; tags are only added to your instantiation of the post, and will not be included on future reblogs (unless the person who reblogs it from you is on iOS Tumblr Mobile app and hasn't adjusted their settings, in which case it'll go into their tags... but at any rate it'll die out in a generation or two.) This feature makes it good for adding meta-commentary that will be interesting/funny/valuable to your immediate circle of friends, but won't be useful to the population as a whole -- it allows you to be as snarky, in-joke-y, and obscure as you'd like, without having to spend any of your mental RAM calculating what will and won't have an impact on your Brand as an Influencer.
There is no easy mechanism for people to see your follower count. There are many easy mechanisms for people to make it impossible to see their follower count. No one cares about how many followers you have or how far your "influence" spreads. No one is going to offer you a Tumblr sponsorship deal.
However, for assorted underlying-code reasons, Tumblr blogs are disproportionately useful for manipulating search engines. So.... we have an ongoing problem with SEO scum making a whole bunch of bots and using reblogs etc to generate fake signals to Google.
The combination of those two things leads to a general Tumblr tradition of Block Bots On Sight. The extra followers aren't helping you, and the mere fact of their existence is hurting all of us. If you've seen people strongly urging you to change your profile picture, add a bio, and reblog a couple things, that's why -- because we don't want you to get caught in the crossfire of our ongoing guerilla warfare.
Other Notes
One of the places that Reddit is much better than Tumblr is in the viewing of an entire memetic population as a whole: you just look at a post, scroll through the page, and Reddit helpfully shows you want you want to see, and hides what you don't.
On Tumblr, each memetic variation is functionally an entirely separate entity. This is great for memetic diversity, but it means there's a LOT of duplication, and it means there's really no good way to get all the variants together. The closest you can get is to "check the notes" -- click on that number at the bottom left of a post, and look through the replies, reblogs, and tags. Those are in chronological order and in no way threaded, so it's not very useful, but it is what we've got.
Let's see ...
One thing Tumblr does much better than Reddit is the ability (because of aforementioned fragmentation) to have an arbitrary number of any fandom. No more "Well I don't like the takes in r/polyamory but it's the only place where I can talk about it so idk" ... nope! Here we can have as many Spider-Man fandoms as there are Spider-Man fans. Really like someone's headcanons? Follow them! Really dislike someone's OTP? Unfollow them! Really hate someone's take on your favorite character? Block them! This is a fabulous feature of Tumblr and I encourage you to take advantage of it.
tags can be 140 characters, but they can't contain double quotes (") or commas (,) because those are delimiter characters and Tumblr will break your tag at those points in the string
If you think someone has mis-judged the value of their tags, you can copy them from their post and paste them into the main comment of your reblog. This is known as the tags "passing peer review". Copy-paste is preferred to screenshotting for accessibility reasons (and also the fact that sometimes Tumblr just doesn't feel like loading pictures), and it's considered polite to credit the person whose tags you promoted.
Contrariwise, if you think they mis-judged the value of their comment, you can go back to the person they reblogged from, and reblog without their addition. Tumblr made this harder recently, but I have confidence that we'll defeat them eventually.
I know that I said reblogs are much stronger than upvotes, but when you've got infinite monkeys generating infinite reblog streams, it all gets lost in the noise. Reblog anything and everything you feel like upvoting -- if people don’t want to be subjected to a bunch of random shit that lights up the dopamine receptors in your brain, they shouldn’t be following you on Tumblr.
IDK what to tell you about Tumblr polls. We're just like this 🤷‍♂️
That's all I can think of. Deities bless and keep you for seeing a problem in our online ecosystem and actually doing something about it. Looking forward to seeing what we can do together.
(Author's Note: All statements about how Tumblr works ("works") are as of 14 June 2023. God only knows what changes staff will have rolled out by time time you read this)
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moviesludge · 2 months
for the most part I know better, but once in a while I'll read comments sections on facebook. I saw one from fox news bemoaning the recent fast food worker $20 minimum wage in California and subsequent increase in food prices. Every avid fox news reader apparently is an economic and sociological genius. They were sarcastically declaring things like "who would have guessed THAT would happen". I actually messaged one person who openly addressed "people who are okay with this" in their comment, whipping them some info that fox news isnt going to give them. It probably went a little better than expected as far as the person not outright resorting to name calling, but what really gets me is how much disdain these people have for workers in service jobs. It really is a massive lack of empathy, but it goes so much farther than that. People take public servants for granted and treat them like garbage. I don't know if the heart of that is jealousy or resentment or conceit or what but it's so gross. Like I pray your god graces you with the divine vision to see how shitty you are.
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saltpepperbeard · 5 months
I've seen some people say that we shouldn't comment on HBO/Max's posts, because all that's doing is boosting their social stats. So they can brag about engagement on all their posts about their new shows, all while we just get ignored. What do you think? I don't want to do the wrong thing and help the bad guys out with their numbers if I can help it!
Hm, I can see how that would be a concern, but I personally don’t think social media engagement is a huge bragging point for them. I think attracting new customers and maintaining those customers is a bragging point for them. In this streaming climate, the promise is always the growth of audiences, and the numbers (💀) of individuals who watch their properties.
So, in MY opinion, if their socials are flooded with nothing but people voicing their upset about a recent cancellation, particularly if they’re throwing in discussions about DEI, I can’t see how that would be good for them at all. Because people who are trying to engage with these posts on social media are seeing that Max can easily remove a popular show on a whim, for no apparent reason. And are seeing how LARGE of a show can be affected.
I will also say, I’ve worked numerous angles in marketing. When I was attempting to promote a product on Facebook for example, any engagement was good engagement. We didn’t really care about bad comments because they were just pushing us further into the algorithm.
However, when I’ve attempted to promote something that showcases the brand as a whole? We DID care about negative comments, or comments that spoke poorly about our service, because it put us in a bad light. It put our entire image in jeopardy.
SO. I say this to say, if like, a Gilded Age account is pushing a trailer, and it gets bad comments? They probably don’t care as much. But when MAX and/or HBO is pushing a trailer and it’s getting bad comments? They probably care way more. Anything that tarnishes their image in any kind of way can’t be good for them, no matter how much ✨engagement✨ they get.
And also, it just increases our noise and makes us more visible to the media, to other platforms, etc etc.
Someone else is free to chime in if they disagree or have different points, but to ME, it just seems more detrimental for them and way more beneficial for us.
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hyperdemona · 10 months
The more I read posts made by males on the Conservative christian/Nazi/MGTOW/liberal Facebook pages I frequent, or even just comments by men on regular subreddits, the more I tend towards female separatism. These males' opinions on women and society are based upon what they perceive as the feminist "emancipated" woman's promiscuity and their perceived propensity to resort to blaming the patriarchy (and men) when they suffer the "consequences" of their actions (usually this ranges from their choice to have multiple sexual partners to abortion to becoming single mothers, and then wanting to marry men and exploit them for their money once they are "used up" at 30 years of age).
These women's choices are almost always blamed on feminism and the huge improvement in women's rights over the past century. The women these men claim to hate all have the following characteristics - they have had numerous male partners beginning from their teenage years, may have needed abortions, dress provocatively to seduce, are frivolous and greedy, have OnlyFans, have kids by males of different races other than the White, and want to seduce hardworking white men with comfortable prospects into marrying them and raising another man's kids. Often these women are portrayed as willing to cheat even once married. I've seen comments calling for women's rights to be removed, and for all women to be placed under conservatorships. And these opinions seem to be on the rise as increasing numbers of males turn to inceldom and the likes of Andrew Tate for their philosophy.
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tippenfunkaport · 2 years
if ur still doing fic requests, can u do how all the SPOP characters react to Elon Musk and the twitter implosion?
I got this ask few days ago and wrote this but didn't post bc I left some characters out but I’m never going to have a better chance to post it than now so, here ya go!
Catra and Glimmer immediately went on the assault, using their verified status to impersonate the Muskrat… were both promptly suspended. Catra a few hours before Glimmer, which won her the bet between them, and she will never, EVER let Glimmer live it down.
Catra does still maintain Melog's Twitter presence (Entrapta buttered the cat as part of an elaborate experiment and Melog went viral) because its platform on unions and worker's rights was too important to squander.
In the spirit of Adventure!, Sea Hawk took advantage of the unregulated verification system to sow chaos by registering as a number of political figures and brands. At last count, he'd managed to tank the value of Amazon stock with what pundits are nicknamed the "wick in a box" stunt and was the direct cause of Old Spice suing Twitter for “damaging the sanctity of the brand and also several nautically theme shooting sets.”
Mermista claimed that the whole thing was, like, too stupid to join in but that was because she was secretly hoping to use her Twitter account to participate in #pitmad this year and finally get a book deal for Dead in the Water, the first in her series of undersea murder mysteries.
Adora immediately made accounts on Mastodon, Cohost, and every other Twitter alternative she could find and is trying to build up a following. She has tweeted the exact same joke on no less than five platforms as of this moment and is frantically researching tips for increasing engagement because social media is a game and she WILL win.
Bow's Twitter account was also suspended for impersonating Musk. Glimmer again. But he never really used it. He's more into making helpful YouTube tutorials. He has a Tumblr account too, but it's mostly filled with embarrassing old posts from his old Pirates of the Caribbean roleplaying days.
Netossa and Spinnerella finally ceded their long standing competition to see who could get the most Twitter followers and decided to concentrate on their popular YouTube channel where they document their ongoing prank war. They are currently competing to see who can stack the most verified checkmarks on their Tumblr account.
Kyle said it was a shame about Twitter going down but he wasn't too worried, since he still had his parasocial fanbase of 50 million fans who watched his gaming streams. Despite his underwhelming face reveal last month, he is still currently part of 3 of the top 10 ships on AO3.
Lonnie also streams and 99% of the comments on her streams are about how she's so underrated and deserves so much more popularity. She and Rogelio also have a big following on their fitness TikTok where they participate in funny trends and bully Kyle.
Entrapta does not need a social network. She IS the social network. She's so deeply tapped in she knows about every trend or breaking news story five minutes before it happens and has personally overthrown at least two governments without leaving her desk chair. She has an account on every major social network, but her close friends know those are just bots working off highly developed AI. If she does feel like actually socializing online, she makes a burner and hops on Reddit to start trouble in the Linux subreddits by recommending ethically dubious hacks for the lulz.
Hordak used to be a bit of a darkweb edgelord with an extensive collection of NFTs, but he's stopped hanging around with that bad crowd. These days, he's proudly not online at all, but always listens very patiently whenever Entrapta tries to explain the latest memes.
Frosta's deep into the Club Penguin fandom on Tumblr and has written 400k words of Jelsa fanfic she would die if anyone in the princess alliance found out about.
Castaspella only uses Facebook, where she shares nothing but wine-mom Minion memes despite the fact that she is not a mom and has never seen any of the Despicable Me movies. The day Farmville went offline, she wept openly.
Micah also only uses Facebook. His wizard roleplay group uses it for meetings. He signs every single one of his status (“Had a lovely with my daughter today! -Micah”) and no one can convince him to stop.
George and Lance share a Facebook account and also sign every post so when the three dads start talking to each other, it's too #cringe #oldfail for anyone else to look at.
Adora banned Swift Wind from the internet because he's too gullible and has fallen for every online scam there is.
Perfuma left Twitter at her therapist's suggestion because it made her too angry. She was incapable of not trying to “patiently” explain to people why they were wrong, no matter how bad faith the argument. She was once ratioed so hard in the comments of RoudUp’s official twitter account that she started a four day flamewar that only ended when Scorpia had to physically stop her from getting into her car and hunting down the other users. These days she just looks at the pretty pictures on Pinterest and takes a deep, calming breath. Though her eye still twitches at the idea that somehow, somewhere someone is probably being wrong on the internet.
Scorpia herself was at first heartbroken when she heard about Twitter’s potential demise until Perfuma showed her that there are also cute animal accounts to follow on Tumblr and Facebook and then she was all good.
Double Trouble has said they will be going down with the ship, keeping their dozen+ different troll and sockpuppet accounts going until the very end because they enjoy the chaos.
Wrong Hordak does not use Twitter but he would love to show you this most amusing meme he found that you definitely already saw four months ago.
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rafiqul01693 · 6 months
Unlocking Success: The Best Use of Facebook Marketing
In the dynamic landscape of digital marketing, Facebook remains a powerhouse for businesses seeking to connect with their target audience and drive results. With over 2.8 billion monthly active users, Facebook offers an unparalleled platform for businesses to enhance brand visibility, engage with customers, and boost sales. Here's a comprehensive guide on the best use of Facebook marketing to maximize your business potential:
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1. Create a Compelling Business Page:
Your Facebook business page is the digital face of your brand. Ensure it's visually appealing, consistent with your brand identity, and includes essential information such as your business hours,
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contact details, and a compelling 'About Us' section. Use high-quality images and a captivating cover photo to make a lasting first impression.
2. Leverage Facebook Ads:
Facebook's robust advertising platform allows businesses to target specific demographics, interests, and behaviors. Invest time in creating eye-catching ad creatives, compelling copy, and a clear call-to-action.
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Experiment with different ad formats, such as carousel ads, video ads, and lead ads, to find what resonates best with your audience.
3. Engage with Your Audience:
Social media is all about building relationships. Regularly engage with your audience through comments, messages, and posts. Promptly respond to inquiries, address concerns, and foster a sense of community. Encourage user-generated content by running contests or asking for reviews, turning your audience into brand ambassadors.
4. Utilize Facebook Groups:
Facebook Groups provide a unique opportunity to create a community around your brand or industry. Join relevant groups and participate in discussions, positioning yourself as an authority in your niche. Alternatively, create your own group to foster a sense of belonging among your customers and prospects.
5. Harness the Power of Facebook Analytics:
Facebook Insights offers valuable data on your page performance, audience demographics, and content engagement.
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Use these insights to refine your strategy, identify popular content, and optimize your posting schedule. Data-driven decisions are key to a successful Facebook marketing campaign.
6. Optimize for Mobile Users:
A significant portion of Facebook users access the platform on mobile devices. Ensure that your content is mobile-friendly, with concise and visually appealing elements. This includes mobile-optimized ads, responsive landing pages, and a seamless user experience.
7. Implement Facebook Pixel:
Facebook Pixel is a powerful tool that helps you track the actions users take on your website after clicking on your ads. Use this data to measure the effectiveness of your campaigns, retarget website visitors, and optimize for conversions. Facebook Pixel is an invaluable asset for refining your marketing strategy.
8. Run Targeted Contests and Giveaways:
Engage your audience by running contests and giveaways. Encourage participants to like, share, and comment on your posts to increase organic reach. Ensure that the prizes align with your brand and attract your target audience, fostering a positive association with your business.
9. Stay Consistent with Content Strategy:
Consistency is key in maintaining an active and engaged audience. Develop a content calendar and post regularly to keep your audience informed and entertained.
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Mix up your content types, including images, videos, articles, and user-generated content, to maintain variety.
10. Test and Iterate:
The digital landscape is ever-evolving, and what works today may not work tomorrow. Continuously test different strategies, analyze results, and iterate based on the feedback and data you receive. This iterative approach will help you stay ahead of the curve and adapt to changing consumer behavior.
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wenevergotusedtoegypt · 8 months
Someone in a local Facebook group made a post complaining that a particular school’s security wasn’t adequate and, in doing so, OP and a commenter basically laid out every detail of the security measures currently in place (or not in place). I was like hey guys this seems like…not helping with the whole security thing…you should probably delete these details…and not 1 but 2 people keep insisting that I’m telling them security doesn’t need to be increased??? I have outright said multiple times that it sounds like it does, AND that putting all the details online is actively harmful towards that end. One of them is like, “you think putting info in a private group that requires admin approval to join is a security issue versus someone just walking into a school?” No. Literally. Both. Are. Problems. The former can help make the latter happen more easily. The internet is not private. How are you existing in the world with this poor a level of both reading comprehension and common sense.
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usafphantom2 · 5 days
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French president will authorize Ukraine to use French missiles in the attack of military targets within Russia
"What has changed is that Russia has adapted its practices a little," justified the French president, who believes that Moscow is now bombing the city of Kharkiv and its surroundings from its soil and no longer from the territories it occupies in Ukraine.
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 05/29/2024 - 08:31in Military, War Zones
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Emmanuel Macron and Olaf Scholz still seem very interested in avoiding an escalation with Russia, but on Tuesday, May 28, they both took a new step in their military support for Ukraine. On the occasion of a council of Franco-German ministers, the French head of state agreed for the first time to authorize Kiev to attack military targets on Russian territory, with French missiles, while the German Chancellor made a more cautious but new opening on the issue.
“We must allow [Ukrainians] to neutralize the military sites from which missiles are fired, the military sites from which Ukraine is attacked,” Emmanuel Macron said during a press conference at Meseberg Castle, near Berlin, on the last day of his state visit to Germany. "But we should not allow other targets in Russia to be hit and, obviously, civilian capabilities," he said. "What has changed is that Russia has adapted its practices a little," justified the French president, noting, with support maps, that he is bombing the city of Kharkiv and its surroundings from its soil and no longer from the occupied territories: "If we say [to the Ukrainians] "you do not have the right to get to the point from where the missiles are fired," in fact, we say to them "we are handing them weapons, but you cannot defend yourself".
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France and the United Kingdom provided Ukraine with SCALP-EG/Storm Shadow cruise missiles during the summer of 2023. The Franco-British weapon was developed in the 1990s by Matra and British Aerospace and is now manufactured by the European missile manufacturer MBDA. The SCALP-EG/Storm Shadow cruise missile has a maximum range of 560 kilometers (350 miles), but the exported models delivered are modified to operate at a reduced range of 250 kilometers (155 miles).
Germany still refuses to deliver its long-range Taurus missiles to Kiev, but Olaf Scholz opened the door to tanks transferred by Berlin forward to reach Russian territory. “Ukraine has every possibility to do this, under international law,” he said. It must be said clearly, she is attacked and can defend herself."
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The issue embarrassed Ukraine's allies for weeks, and its president, Volodymyr Zelensky, repeatedly appealed to the possibility of attacking Russian territory, despite the restrictions imposed by the West on the weapons they provide. "Our position has not changed at this stage. We do not encourage or allow the use of weapons provided by the United States to attack Russian soil," commented John Kirby, spokesman for the American National Security Council, after Macron's announcement. NATO is, on the contrary, encouraging Western capitals to lift the restrictions that “tie the hands of Ukrainians behind their backs,” according to its Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg.
So far, Ukraine has relied on its own capabilities to attack targets in Russia. On April 2, 2024, an attack was carried out on a factory complex in Alabuga, Tartaristan, located more than 1,200 kilometers (745 miles) away from Ukrainian soil.
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For this, the Ukrainian military converted an ultralight Aeroprakt A-22 Foxbat aircraft, with a range of about 1,100 km (684 miles), to be controlled remotely and equipped with an explosive charge. It is not clear from where the aircraft was launched and if it was modified to increase its range.
Source: Le Monde
Tags: Military AviationUkraine Air ForceSCALP-EGSu-24 FencerWar Zones - Russia/Ukraine
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. He has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. He uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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yvetteheiser · 2 months
Yvette Heiser -How to go viral with your photography? 
Social media is booming and reaching its highest peak these days. These indispensable tools provide various opportunities for marketing, promotions, showcasing talents, etc. With millions of images and videos uploaded daily across various platforms, standing out from this digital noise can be an extremely daunting task. But since it is not an impossible thing to do. With the right strategies and approach, photographers can increase their chances of going viral and achieving widespread recognition for their artistry.
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Where to start?
Social media platforms offer photographers a global stage to exhibit their work and engage with a diverse audience. With platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, and YouTube boasting billions of active users, entering into these networks can significantly amplify your reach and visibility.
1. Choose the Right Platform
Selecting the appropriate platform to showcase your photography is crucial. While Instagram is renowned for its visual-centric nature and massive user base, other platforms like Pinterest and TikTok cater to different demographics and content formats. Take a minute and look at Yvette Heiser - 4 Best Experts Tips in Photography, which willprovide expert advice to get started with photography. Understanding your target audience and the unique features of each platform will help you tailor your content effectively.
2. Invest in Video Content
While photography remains the primary medium for visual storytelling, incorporating video content into your social media strategy can enhance engagement and virality. Platforms like Instagram Reels, TikTok, and YouTube offer opportunities to create short, captivating videos that showcase your creative process, behind-the-scenes footage, or tutorials. By leveraging the dynamic nature of video, photographers can capture the attention of viewers and increase their chances of going viral.
3. Cultivate Authenticity
Share personal stories, insights into your creative journey, and behind-the-scenes glimpses of your photography process. By showcasing the person behind the lens, you humanize your brand and invite viewers to connect on a deeper level. Authenticity resonates with audiences and increases the likelihood of your content being shared virally. Watch Yvette Heiser Texas – New dynamics of capturing photographs to get an idea of utilizing new angles and perspectives in photography.
4. Utilize the Power of Hashtags
Hashtags are crucial in enhancing the discoverability and reach of your photography content on social media platforms. Research and utilize relevant hashtags that align with your niche, style, and target audience. Experiment with trending hashtags, location-based tags, and branded hashtags to expand your reach and attract a broader audience. Effective hashtag usage can significantly boost the visibility and virality of your posts.
5. Foster Engagement and Consistency
Post high-quality content that aligns with your brand and resonates with your audience regularly. Respond to comments, engage with other users' content, and participate in relevant communities and discussions. By fostering meaningful connections and engaging with your audience, you create a supportive community that organically shares and promotes your content.
Bottom line 
While the path to viral success may be challenging, the rewards of widespread recognition and acclaim for your artistry make the journey worthwhile. With dedication, innovation, and a dash of creativity, photographers can elevate their work to viral status and make a lasting impact in the digital era.  
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ratten-man · 5 months
Elitists backtalking me online
So context:
I posted a long while ago a picture of my main jacket to pinterest, and since then its gotten a decent amount of views... which also means a decent amount of hate comments from crusty elitists and metalheads. The amount had increased lately so I decided to reverse image search my post, incase someone had reposted it to a hate group or smth....
it was both worse and funnier.
My jacket got reposted to a russian facebook/twitter hybrid, Vkontakte.
where the account reposted my jacket in a compilation of a lot of jackets, and my jacket got flamed in the comments,
with people calling me a fat american and that my jacket is shit and I mustve just bought it off pinterest because Im a poser, and real punks are happy if they even find black pants from a dumpster.
Because I dont have bands on that one jacket and I have politics....
Calling me a fat privileged american is what rrly made me lose it because I SHARE A BORDER WITH RUSSIA, IM IN LATVIA, A QUITE UNDERPRIVILEGED COUNTRY THATS AT RISK FROM BEING INVADED
Im used to crustie hate comments because oh ma gahhh pinterest jacket, wheres the bands??? but oh lordy that was the worst of it shhshs
IStg if politics on a punk jacket is bad and posercore, well Ill be a poser then
Posting anything online brings haters, genuinely.
Reverse image search sucks tho it doesnt even bring back to my posts shdafjkh so a bunch of tumblr trojan virus copies, one persons repost, and vkontakte.
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the9mm · 3 months
The Ever-Increasing Hostility of Social Media to Artists
Originally posted on my blog!
Have you noticed? There’s a chill in the air. With rising systems in place like “AI art” and image generation that seems to be creating a hostile environment for artists on the internet, as well as social media platforms that prioritize and reward creating “content” to game algorithms and have your posts be seen by the very people who have already chosen to follow you, there’s also a rising sense of hostility in general towards artists.
What do I mean? There is seldom a week that passes where I am doing my best to work with what’s available to me, and I am treated poorly by other users, or even moderators/administrators of social media circles. How many times have you posted something and heard the following?
“Pay for your ad!”
“This is just an ad.”
“Self-promotion is not allowed here.”
“Advertising is not allowed here.”
“You can’t mention that you made this/you sell it/it’s available to buy. You can’t include links back to any of your social media accounts or your website. You should not even have your username in your watermark.”
No credit, only content!!
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Original comic by @cupcakelogic
I find this absolutely wild. Social media, built on the backs of artists – now turned “content creators” because people only stop to look at works you’ve spent hours making for mere seconds – has turned into such an impossible minefield of where you can’t hope to make any sort of headway in your efforts to grow your following or find new clients/buyers for your works. Social media as a whole, including groups, subs, etc will take your works, of course, as long as you never mention anything offsite, anything that could indicate that the work could be used for anything except a three second dopamine hit as people scroll their mindless feeds. You must constantly and consistently be playing a game of cutting your own marketing efforts off at the knees (or gaming the system and toeing the line for getting your links back out there) for the barest of scraps when they do come.
A post goes most viral on Imgur after posting consistently for months, or possibly even years? Well, you’ve only got about 24 hours to make the most of it. Edit your post and drop a link to where someone could support you. And then watch the comments roll in about how it’s an ad, and how you shouldn’t be doing that. A post gets upvoted a bunch on Reddit and lots of commenters are asking where they can support you? Sorry, against the rules to say it. You’ll get banned if you mention at all where people can send money for your cool thing.
Want to add a link to your crowdfunding campaign, Patreon, shop, or something else on one of the big social medias like Facebook/Instagram? Better make sure you turn it into a Zodiac killer-esque puzzle when you mention it by name that your followers then have to decode in order to find out where to support you easily, because if you post a link to anything outside of that social network – sometimes even just any link at all – you’ve guaranteed no one will see your post.
Censoring everything
On top of all of these hoops, there’s also the hoop of censorship. If the automated moderators at Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr, or Bluesky decide there’s a penis in your artwork, well guess what. There’s a penis in it. Somewhere! The algorithm says so. Banned, banned for life. People have had posts taken down, been shadow banned, and even been suspended for posting things that are not even vaguely sexually suggestive in any manner and appealing or getting reinstated can be extremely difficult, time consuming, and sometimes outright impossible.
But that doesn’t even begin to even broach the topic of the way art is being systematically nice-ified for an audience it’s probably not ever going to reach: “what if my child sees this?”
Nipples (mostly just female), genitals, buttocks, and even too-much skin are swiftly slapped with filter labels (if the social media platform is generous) and hidden from view, or immediately taken down, despite the fact that every single human owns these body parts. What if my child sees this? Well, you should probably explain to them that other humans have butts too instead of forcing people to censor asscracks with smiley faces and stickers.
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Moving the goalposts
I recently watched a friend battle with moderators on Reddit. She had been posting her artwork there for years. Her artwork also includes other artist’s work in the final piece, and she always credits those pieces as any good artist should. Well, a subreddit said no, she cannot mention those people and give due credit, as that’s advertising/promotion (to them). She asked if she could put their name on the watermark to give them credit, and was told no. To continue posting without giving credit to the other people responsible for parts of your work would obviously not be right or ideal, but what choice has she been given? New moderators/administrators come in and change their minds on a whim about when and where credit can be posted. The moderators/admins of this subreddit simply answered “no” and gave no other alternatives. How helpful is that?
A special place in hell
Even worse are the people who slice off artist’s signatures and watermarks, then share/repost the work without the artist’s credit (and do not tag or credit the artist in any way in any other form). If there’s a hell, I hope people who do this land directly in it. Right beside the people who simply must share an artwork, but can’t take the five seconds to TinEye or reverse Google Image Search it, and simply say “credit to the artist!” While we’re at it, people who think crediting an artist in the comments of a post because it looks “cleaner” or whatever reason they have can also get on the express hell elevator too (if you don’t know, comments don’t follow along with shares, so the credit being there is meaningless).
Oh, and make sure your stuff doesn’t look too professional, because if it does, it’s no longer artwork – it’s merch. And anything mentioning merch is now advertising. I have consistently discovered that by “downgrading” the presentation of my works (such as photoshopping them onto less-than-ideal photos where I’m holding it in hand, or it’s amidst a mess, something like that) I can reliably garner more likes, more comments, more shares, more upvotes, more engagement. The less polished I make it, even though I need those polished works for my website or my shop, the better it performs, because if it’s too nice looking, it’s merch, and an artist shouldn’t be making merch.
What’s next?
So what do we do here? Social media wants our art. Social media needs our art. Visual platforms like Instagram and TikTok were built on all of our hard work, propagating it with cool and interesting things constantly and consistently. Take away all of the interesting things, and what’s left on social media? Nothing. Nothing but “AI art” vomit and screenshots from Bluesky, Twitter, and Tumblr extorting people way funnier than us, that is.
For myself, I have begun starving the social media machine. I know it’s not good for growth, or connecting with new people, or whatever, but I’ve done my time in the trenches trying to chase after the newest trend, latest thing, and pleasing the capitalist social media overlords. I’ve tried to be the jester in the Meta court, and I know plenty of other artist friends who are doing the same. Why expend effort when there’s no reward? There’s not even any clicks anymore.
Many artist friends are going back to in-person events to bolster their audience instead of trying to capture a sliver of attention on a mobile phone or computer, and honestly I’m right there beside them. This year is the first year I’ve considered starting to purchase items for a professional table set up and trialing it at some smaller, local events. I’ve also been sending a lot of applications for zines, group art shows, and other projects, as well as preparing for another crowdfunding campaign at the end of March amongst over a hundred other artists. Social media just isn’t cutting it anymore.
I am having a nice time on Bluesky and Mastodon, though. Well, until someone comes in and slathers either of them in ads, I’m sure. But for now, I guess I’ll enjoy as much of it as I can. Good things never last. Let the enshittification begin.
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