#increase instagram live video views
pfollowersus · 2 years
This is a true statement that Facebook marketing works faster. Better and according to the expectations of companies compared to advantage formal advertisement techniques. Buy Facebook comments it has become a key for business marketing where you will have more opportunities to grow your business.
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shamelest · 5 months
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Elevate Your Social Media Game with Authentic Engagement
In the dynamic world of social media, gaining followers and views is essential for expanding your influence. At BuyFollowerNow.com, we understand the importance of genuine engagement on platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and Twitch. Whether you need Instagram followers, TikTok views, or Twitch followers, our platform offers tailored solutions to enhance your social media presence.
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slavghoul · 1 year
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Hello, I prepared some statistics to give you a short overview of Ghost's amazingly successful 2022. It is based on data I collected between 22/12/2021 and 22/12/2022.
The big Ghost event of 2022 was of course the release of the band's fifth album, IMPERA.
Since March 11, it has sold nearly 500,000 copies, won the American Music Award for Favorite Rock Album and received a Grammy nomination for Best Metal Performance ('Call Me Little Sunshine').
Within the first week of its release, the album reached #2 on the Billboard 200 (ranking the 200 most popular music albums and EPs in the United States) and ranked in the top 20 best-selling albums in 19 countries across the world:
#1 in Sweden, Austria, Germany, Finland, Spain
#2 in US, UK, Belgium, Norway, Netherlands
#3 in Australia, Canada
#5 in Switzerland, Ireland, France
#7 in Poland
#8 in Hungary
#12 in Denmark, Portugal
#20 in Italy
IMPERA is Ghost’s best charting album to date.
On YouTube, the band amassed a staggering 260 million views. 840,000 people subscribed to the channel this year, which makes up 42% of all current subscribers.
5 most watched videos on YouTube in 2022:
Mary On A Cross (Official Audio) – 32 million views
Call Me Little Sunshine (Official Music Video) – 15 million views
Square Hammer (Official Music Video) – 11 million views
Mary On A Cross (Live in Tampa 2022) – 8.2 million views
Spillways (Official Music Video) – 6.8 million views
On Spotify, the band amassed 1,285,625 new followers. That’s around 61% of all followers since the band appeared on the platform.
5 most streamed songs on Spotify in 2022:
Mary On A Cross -  193,709,473 streams
Call Me Little Sunshine – 41,108,589 streams
Square Hammer – 29,720,042 streams
Dance Macabre – 26,494,053 streams
Spillways – 24,910,870 streams
It goes without saying that the viral success of Mary On A Cross on TikTok brought in a lot of new fans this year, but the magnitude of it becomes even more astonishing if you look at numbers.
On this graph, I marked a few events that resulted in a noticeable spike in the number of monthly listeners on Spotify, including the approximate time when MOAC began to gain traction on TikTok. As you can see, nothing, not even the release of a new album, gave the band as much attention as the 3-year old song suddenly raising in popularity on one single platform.
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Between end of July and beginning of October, the number of monthly listeners on Spotify skyrocketed from 2.5 million to 12 million. This is a 380% increase.
Although the numbers have been in decline since then, it appears that for the past month they have stayed at a steady 9 million. As of today (Dec 22, 2022) the exact number is 9,110,996. Exactly a year ago (Dec 22, 2021) the number was 1,999,951. A hefty 355% increase in only a year.
Some other milestones and fun facts:
On June 7, Cirice, Dance Macabre, and Square Hammer were all certified Gold by the RIAA for sales of 500,000 units in the USA. Following the viral success, Mary On A Cross was also certified Gold on November 20.
The band's most liked post on Instagram this year was a video of Papa throwing the first pitch at the White Sox game (273,241 likes).
The episode of Jimmy Kimmel Live where Ghost performed Call Me Little Sunshine was watched by around 1.3 million people.
In September, Ghost reached over 12 million monthly listeners on Spotify and was the 450th most streamed artist globally - that's 450 out of over 11 million!
As of today with over 1.6 billion accumulated streams Ghost is one of the 1,000 most successful artists on the platform of all time (currently #808).
On September 11, Mary On A Cross peaked at #1 in the Viral Hits chart on Spotify in 54 countries across the world.
It was also the highest charting Swedish song on the platform in 2022, peaking globally at #31.
At this point I think it’s safe to declare that Ghost’s global success reached unprecedent heights this year and even allowed them to officially join the ranks of mainstream artists. With all of the above, 70 completed shows this year and many more to come in 2023, and with media of the likes of The Wall Street Journal proclaiming Ghost “the next generation of arena stars,” it looks like that the band is well on the way to become one of the biggest rock acts of this century. Not bad for a side project started by one Swede in his bedroom somewhere in Linköping. 
Let us hope 2023 will be as devilishly good!
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roo-bastmoon · 1 year
Suspicious Treatment of Jimin: What am I forgetting?
I have serious medication-induced brain fog so my memory is swiss cheese these days. I am trying to map out something so I can understand what is happening with our Jimin....
So far:
Hanteo deleted hundreds of thousands in sales; company did not comment.
YouTube froze and deleted millions of streams every day; company did not comment.
Jimin's Spotify profile was not properly listed. It still has no description or link to merch.
Jimin's works are not added to the company's playlist for days and sometimes weeks while other members' works and collabs are added immediately.
Spotify froze and filtered millions of his streams; company did not comment.
His title track was deliberately split, despite qualifying to count as one unit.
His in-ear devices failed to work during a live performance.
He was allowed only 9 days of promotion.
He was denied when he requested more than 2 music videos.
His historic Hot 100 #1 was not acknowledged by the company except for one single retweet the day-of.
He had no celebrations, no formal acknowledgement by company leadership of his achievement or of the resulting huge increase in stock prices.
Billboard changed their charting rules in Week 2; company did not comment until it was time for a different album to sell.
His albums did not ship to China and have not been restocked on WeVerse for weeks (whereas other artists' albums have).
His instagram was shadow banned. His videos on TikTok are also soft-blocked from being boosted.
All other members' YouTube focused views for Take Two auto-generate a preview photo; his does not (this must be deliberately selected not to generate an image). *Apparently they have fixed this issue after enough fans called it out on Twitter.
Some have observed that since Hybe took over, Jimin has been given fewer lines in group songs and less time dancing center as well.
A recent WeVerse article about Morgan Wallen downplayed both Yoongi's tour and Jimin's album as achieving "some partial success in breaking up [Wallen's] domination of the Hot 100."
Add to this the company "omitting" his bills four times, which lead to late payments on insurance premiums, which led to his apartment being "seized," which led to a smear campaign in the press the very same day his OST With You dropped... followed by his personal address and national identity number being doxxed online... and this honestly looks suspicious as hell.
What am I forgetting?
I'm not a manti but if I don't get reasonable explanations I'm gonna become one.
How can it look like anything other that deliberate sabotage so that one member does not outshine the rest?
How is this good business sense?
Jimin is a humble, hardworking team-player with no ambitions to go solo and leave his members. Why would anyone have it out for him?
It's possible there's prejudice and bigotry at play, but deep enough to span multiple departments and cut into the company's bottom line?
And yet how can it not be deliberate? How can any company be THIS incompetent for just ONE member?
And yet if we raise hell, we look like victimizing solos. Yet look at this laundry list!! And it just keeps happening. What can be done??
Can we not organize a quiet mass-email campaign? Can someone not write up a well-researched UCC article to share in English and Korean and keep tagging Hybe? Would it not be possible to comment respectfully about this in WeVerse?
Or would acknowledging it at all make it worse for Jimin?
I don't understand all the politics at play here.
I have no real idea what is happening but part of me is quietly terrified they have it out for him during contract negotiations for some reason.
What is BTS without all our beloved seven?
I'm genuinely very deeply upset.
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bignosebaby · 1 year
The monkeys in clothes at the tip of an animal cruelty iceberg
(TW for discussion of animal abuse)
Reaction images are a popular staple of online culture, and in recent years primates have grown substantially in popularity. Orangutans, chimpanzees, gorillas, and monkeys of all species have become the subject of online meme pages. Many of these pages, especially those run by self-described primate enthusiasts post images from accredited zoos and sanctuaries with individuals such as Shabani the gorilla, Kanzi the bonobo, Beni of orangutan jungle school fame, and others known for exhibiting amusing natural behaviour at the forefront.
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[Image ID: A meme from monkey.posting of 2 photos on a white background with black text. The text reads: “*Our First Date*” With “Her” above a photo of a thin person with long dark hair wearing a white t-shirt and black mini skirt taking a mirror selfie with an iphone and “Me” above a photo of an adult orangutan with a blue blanket draped over its head. End ID]
Memes like this are widely enjoyed and harmless. The primates are engaging in natural behaviours, the pictures in the memes are primarily sourced from the social media accounts of zoos and sanctuaries, and the consumers of the memes are animal lovers. Further from the primate posters of Instagram and Tumblr, other primate pictures are used. These pictures more commonly depict monkeys in baby clothes, in urban settings, being fed by tourists, and grimacing or swatting. The original context for these pictures is lost, and they are reposted with relatable captions, like the image below.
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[Image ID: a baby macaque in a fuzzy purple hoodie wearing lipstick, purple eyeshadow, and eyeliner with its eyes closed. The caption is overlayed and reads “i pretend i do not see it.......”. End ID]
What the average person who posts these reaction images sees is a funny picture, and with the rapid rate of posting and viewing the idea of interrogating the background of every meme and image you see online seems exhausting, and ridiculous. However, the one piece of context that connects every image of a primate in baby clothes is that these images all depict animal cruelty. Not only that, but the producers of these images are making money off of animal abuse.
Monkeys are extremely intelligent and have very demanding social, physical, and intellectual needs. No pet primate is living a life that can meet these needs, which would involve massive enclosures with diverse diets, many other monkeys to form relationships with, and daily enrichment. While some pet primate owners try to give their unfortunate and expensive pets the best life they can, on YouTube and other social media sites the algorithm rules and leads to dark places.
A regular viewer of monkey and ape videos will be recommended videos of pet primates at an increasing frequency, with abuse and neglect becoming more and more common. In a BBC article studying the online groups of dedicated “monkey haters“ whom delight in videos depicting the abuse and neglect of monkeys, the algorithmic pipeline towards animal abuse is documented: “Kapetanich saw monkeys dressed up in baby clothes, monkeys being bathed, forced to walk upright or do other unnatural tasks. Then the algorithm served her videos of monkeys being slapped and sprayed with water. These videos violated YouTube’s terms of service, so she reported them, but the platform didn’t seem to take any action." Without ever leaving YouTube or actively searching, a regular person was served videos of baby monkeys being abused. After continued viewership, YouTube recommended a video of baby monkeys being tortured. Most shocking of all, is that the comments on these videos are mostly supportive, with many suggesting torture methods they want to see in future videos. Some monkey haters are willing to pay, and contact pet primate owners who post videos of them scolding or pushing their monkeys with requests for more brutal punishments.
The BBC article is here for those who wish to read, but I warn against those sensitive to disturbing articles to avoid or do so with caution. While my mission stays on social media and the clear web, the article dives into the dark web and encrypted telegram groups where the most extreme animal abusers congregate. My point is not to disturb people, but to educate on how even innocent looking images of dressed up monkeys are the start of a pipeline that leads to animal abuse. In fact, many of the exact same monkeys start their lives as dress up candidates and end their lives before reaching adulthood, as their owners profit off their suffering.
What can you do?
No one likes to think that they are involved, even implicitly, in the suffering of others. Many critiques of reaction images featuring abused animals will be met with dismissals, that “it’s not that deep“. While it is not your fault that animals are being abused if you shared images of dressed-up monkeys online, using these images normalizes the most socially acceptable form of their mistreatment. There are small and simple changes to your online presence you can make to help:
Use reaction images of primates from wildlife photographers, zoogoers, and the social media accounts of high-quality zoos and sanctuaries.
Report images and videos of animal mistreatment you see on social media as animal cruelty.
Contact YouTube and other social media sites such as Instagram and Facebook to tell them that hosting animal abuse videos and images is unacceptable.
You don’t need to be an expert in primate welfare! Avoiding any photos where a primate is clothed is enough to reduce your chances of accidentally using images depicting abuse by a substantial margin. Being mindful, kind, and open to learning goes a long way.
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natlacentral · 3 months
‘Last Airbender’ Star Dallas Liu Celebrates Renewal, Increased Opportunities for Asian and Indigenous Actors
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The cast and crew of “Avatar: The Last Airbender” are still waiting to hear what their creative team has in store for Seasons 2 and 3.
“We have no idea,” Dallas Liu, who stars as Prince Zuko in Netflix‘s live-action adaptation of the Nickelodeon animated series of the same name, told me Wednesday night at Vanity Fair and Instagram’s pre-Oscars party, Vanities: A Night for Young Hollywood, at Bar Marmont. “We have literally zero details. I was hoping for something, but Netflix is staying pretty tight-lipped about it right now.”
They haven’t even been told when production will resume.
Even so, Liu is excited, specially because more seasons means more representation. “The Asian and the Indigenous community have so many talented actors and actress,” he said. “I feel like we could go in any direction that we’d like.”
Earlier on Wednesday, Netflix announced the series was renewed for two more seasons. Liu recalled the cast being told the good news during a Zoom call. “Basically, they told us, ‘We need you to be on a Zoom call because we have some post-launch things we’d like for you to do,’ but then I saw there like 50 people on the call,” he said.
Star Daniel Dae Kim initially pranked the young actors by saying on the call that the streamer wasn’t “able to announce a Season 2 for our show.” But then he said, “They are able to announce a Season 2 and 3.”
The cast also includes Gordon Cormier, Ian Ousley and Kiawentiio. Netflix released a video of the Zoom call on YouTube. It has more than 441,000 views as of Thursday morning.
“It was a huge moment for all of us because we had spent so much time with each other on the project,” Liu said. “After the release of the first season, the only thing we wanted was more seasons.”
The show was shot in Vancouver, but production may move to another location. “We’re going to be in a completely different setting for Season 2, so we’ll see. I’m always down for a ride.” Liu said. “I can’t wait to see what the writers have in store for us.”
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hotarutranslations · 12 days
17th Generations 1st Anniversary
I lied a ton!
There was cheering at last years spring Budoukan!
In the announcement of Haru-san and Getta, The announcement of their member colors as well, It was stirred up like, OOOOOHHHH~~!? We did so much
Wasn't it an amazing year!?
It was packed!?
That was the year
Excuse me, I'll be quiet🙃🙃🙃
Thats right and so, somehow today is, (although they were not revealed at Budoukan)
Its the day the 2 in 17th generation joined Morning Musume,
Its been a year since the announcement🫶🏻
Inoue Haruka-chan Yumigeta Ako-chan, Congratulations on your 1st year~~🫶🏻
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We celebrated after rehearsal🤍
1 year!! Its amazing!! Its been 1 year!!
On the other hand up until a year ago, these 2 were just normal girls
Its something amazing……
I think that over the course of the tour, their strong, courageous and fun expressions have increased🔥
Even with our finale being at Budoukan,
It'll be nice to see a lot of them!!!
I'll also do my best!
Time is precious! They said it together so! I also think that, and I'll do that!
For my own 1 year anniversary, I read my blog to look back on it but,
its kinda lol
I wont post a link because its rough🤦🏻‍♀️ If you'd like to read it go ahead and read it though🤦🏻‍♀️
I'm saying this to me, for me, thinking to myself 'There are more ways to write than that, right' and shouldn't say that to anyone else? I'm also don't my best to write about my first anniversary, right?
Before the first anniversary, Oda joined, ⑬Colorful Character released, CRAZY ABOUT YOU with Sayashi-san, Daisuki 100manten with Fukumura-san, I showed off a lot on tour, right🫶🏻
Thats right, the other day I met with Sayashi-san!
Thinking of celebrating 17th generations 1st anniversary now That is also in the documentary on Hulu-san as well, If you're interested, I definitely think you should watch it💫
🪩We're performing at Nippon Budokan on May 27th (Mon)
It will be live broadcast on Hulu And we're showing it on Live Viewing
Its been decided we're holding this🫶🏻
Lets have fun together, whether we're at the venue or not at the same time🫶🏻
📺Hello Pro Dance Gakuen Season 11
April 18th 11:30PM~ A Learning From TSUKUSHI-san Adventure🕺
Sendai Broadcast "Ara Ara Kashiko" April 13th (Sat) at 10:25AM~ Ishida Ayumi Goes~!
I appear once a month as part of the AraKashi Family
The previous shows, and makings, are on OX VIDEO STORE!
Thank you for following.. Instagram💙🩵
May 15th Release Morning Musume '23 Concert Tour Fall "Neverending Shine Show ~Seiki~" Fukumura Mizuki Graduation Special YokoAri's 2nd Day With Fukumura-san's Graduation Performance
May 15th Release Morning Musume '23 Concert Tour Fall "Neverending Shine Show" SPECIAL YokoAri's 1st Day With OG Performances
🪩Spring Tour Is Ongoing Morning Musume '24 Concert Tour Spring MOTTO MORNING MUSUME
⚾️《LIVE DAYS!~Exciting Big Exhibition Match~》 June 2nd(Sun), after the Hokkaido Ham Fighters vs. Yokohama DeNa Baystars match, Morning Musume '24 will be having a special mini live!
🪩Hello! Project Kenshuusei Happyoukai 2024 6gatsu "Lily"
June 9th (Sun) Osaka June 16th (Sun) Tokyo
🪩The MusiQuest 2024 July 21st (Sun) PiaArena MM
We're challenging a new festival stage❤️‍🔥 Absolutely, Definitely, Thank you for your support❤️‍🔥
🍉Sanrio Character Grand Prix Thank you very much for supporting Gaokki🍉
📻Morning Musume '24 Morning Jogakuin ~Houkago Meeting~
Airs Every Saturday, On Radio Nihon at 12:00AM~
Past Broadcast Episodes Are Available →Program Details
see you ayumin <3
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azherwind-art · 2 years
About reposts
So today for the first time, I found someone had re uploaded one of my comics into their instagram account without asking for permission first, I got notified by a commenter who tagged me on the picture to let this person know I also had an instagram account since they had only given credit to my tumblr url. After I expressed my discomfort with the images being uploaded without my consent the user quickly erased the post, and did not block me. Now, I absolutely do not think there was any ill intent by this person, and that it was just in the spirit of sharing something they enjoyed, I also think they must not have known about my instagram since they were clearly intending to give credit to the original artist (and seem to do so with all the other re uploads on their account) so I’m convinced this was in good spirits. If that person is a follower of mine (which they may not be) I just want you to know I hold no grudges against you, however to you, and all others out there who may think on making a re-upload account with the works of others I feel I should express a few words on why you should always ask the artist for permission on it. Even if you’re not claiming ownership of the piece of work you are uploading, you must still understand it isn’t really yours to take, even if it is published on a public platform and specially if your intent is to share the work it is always best to ask the creator for permission to do so. Like in this case, had this person asked me for permission (and had I granted that permission) they could have known I have an instagram account myself and been able to use that to give me credit in the post, instead of just the tumblr url. Which would be much more effective since when you ask people to jump platforms they are much less likely to do so, for any user jumping platforms is far more work than just clicking on my tagged account and immediately be taken to it. Otherwise you may even be taking more views away from them rather than helping them (at least in this case the re-upload had considerable more likes and such than my original post that was also on the platform) What I mean is, if you want to respect the artist and help them grow and expand their viewership then always ask them, they will always know best how to better give exposure to themselves and will be able to provide information and links. Now, I understand why that process is slower, more annoying, maybe even nerve wrecking cus you may fear you will anger the artist, well let me assure you, if your intent is to not upset anyone, and they are indeed against you re-uploading their work they will always be more angry and upset to find out you’ve already done it without asking than what they would been by being asked about it. Maybe they won’t give you permission, but it is their work, and it’s best to respect that, you just have to accept it. In my case, I tend to be very open to people re purposing what I do, most often when I’ve been asked to use my work, for dubbed videos, avatar pics, meme pics and so on I’ve happily accepted and simply provided and requested some link and contacts on my plaforms to better help me increase my own viewership. Artists even when doing fan art, put a lot of work, time and effort into it, so please always think in how what you do with their work can affect them, many of us do use those pieces of media for our livelihood (and living of art is hard). So please, to anyone out there that wants to use my work, just ask me about it, I promise I won’t bite. To all those of you who have asked me, I’m always very thankful to you for taking the proper route to do this and very flattered to know you take interest and enjoyment of what I do.
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bodybeyondstories · 1 year
Growth Notes 2 - Trevor
Fitness influencer Trevor has an ass that just won't quit, and discovers some new passions with his steadily increasing size.
Others in this series: Omar | Sky
MaleTF // growth // ass growth // macro
There are bubble butts. Then there are donks. Then there’s Trevor.
One of Instagram’s most popular fitness models, Trevor was known for indulgent views of his ample derriere, usually in an open air gym where the weather was somehow always perfect. Tens of thousands of interactions would usually follow some creatively recycled yet run of the mill set of workout tips to sculpt your bum into something that may one day come close to resembling his genetic lottery of an ass.
I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t already familiar with Trevor’s content—or his notable posterior. After all, I’m a victim of the algorithm just like the rest of you. I’d also be lying if I said I wasn’t at least a little excited behind my solid veneer of professional remove and friendly openness. Although I reserved my office space, restocked the mini-fridge, set out my usual bowls of mints, chocolates, and herbal tea, I had yet to see him stroll through my doors. Trevor was always on the move, so we pretty much exclusively did teletherapy.
I get used to the variety of angles and surprising situations framing his handsome face. The predictable backgrounds of his car or an airport lounge were interspersed with what could have been green rooms or photoshoots or even some sort of mountain retreat. He was living the influencer lifestyle, and it became part of our rapport to see if I could guess his location during our sessions. But only seeing down to his shoulders, it was hard to notice any significant changes, beyond what we would describe to me. Which is why he would point me to his profile as some sort of visual journey through his life, reminding me to “Go backwards, scroll up.”
I had been reassuring him that while running headlong into the doorframe was going to be annoying, he was still very likely to live a mostly normal life. Patients of mine will often worry about becoming one of the more extreme cases. Men who had to remove themselves (or be removed) from society because they had to crawl, not stoop, through the automatic doors at the grocery store, or cause infrastructural damage trying to get to work, or cause a scene simply trying to relieve themselves. But that was very rare, but I decided to humor Trevor following our latest session, pulling up his Insta profile at home on the couch.
So I started from sufficiently far down and scrolled up, filling in his physical absence by tracing his online presence forward through time. And Trevor was tall, yes, and getting perceptibly taller, but the star of the show really was his ass.
Over time, it kept getting bigger and juicier, and as the follower count skyrocketed so did the comment accusations of everything from BBLs to photoshop. Except…he was also getting taller. Like, actually taller, even in videos in which he was working with fellow fitness bros or clients, his 6ft frame looked a lot like 6’4”, then 6’8” in just a few months. In fact, his increased overall mass may have been the only thing allowing him to walk semi-normally with that steadily inflating ass.
But he just brushed it off with his winning smile, got sponsorship deals for lycra, jockstrap, and thong brands, which were the only things you would see him in after a while. I remember in a session around this time he mentioned, “I guess I should have been worried sooner, but the money was good and I was too busy to deal with it. Or see the writing on the walls…” 
In an IG Live, he finally sheepishly admitted that he hadn’t really been able to wear normal pants for months. Even his stretchiest tailored pair had given out.
“And that’s when I realized I had to get tested. My buddy Ryan was worried. There have been a few of these…cases, I guess, at the gym, and in a space like that, it can kind of get out of hand. I guess guys don’t know their own strength, and sometimes would like, damage equipment, or put someone else in danger, or just cause a dress code violation on accident.”
He had blushed here, while telling this story, and on his IG page I finally understood what I long suspected: that the dress code violator was him. At some point he posted sort of a blooper reel of mishaps that occurred while filming his much beloved leg day videos. It was mainly a compilation of Trevor ripping his gym shorts while doing squats, deadlifts, and even more controlled isolation movements. As his ass ballooned out behind him while banging out rep after rep, the seam along the back of his shorts would give up gracefully, exposing his mighty cakes to the gym and eventually, to his online following. As these clips progressed, his expressions of embarrassed shock shifted to an exasperated, knowing laugh. Towards the end, there were pics of him not even in gym gear, but instead out and about in casual chinos or tweed slacks completely blown out the back.
“I wasn’t doing it on purpose,” he told me with a knowing laugh, with an inflection that suggested he’s had to explain this to people multiple times. “It just happens, it’s hard to find pants that fit. But also,” he continued, his eyes drifting upward with a lilt of his head, “the views skyrocketed when I posted that reel. People are into that apparently? I don’t know.”
Turns out the gym was not a fan. It wasn’t the pants splitting per se, but the combination of that with his sudden growth spurt in multiple directions. The data on this is still mainly anecdotal, but there’s something about weightlifting regularly, or maybe certain preworkout or other supplements, that some believe exacerbates the syndrome. Patients with histories of fitness or bodybuilding start putting on extremely dense muscle, gaining disproportionate strength, even with the growth. Bodybuilding and weightlifting associations are still deciding how to handle that particular caveat when it comes to the competition circuit, but that wasn’t really Trevor’s concern.
“My PRs started going up. Like really going up, and it got to the point where it would draw too much attention just loading the plates to get a good pump. I’ve started hiding what I can really do, I don’t want people thinking I’m a freak.”
“That’s a common refrain among men with this condition, and it’s nothing to be ashamed of,” I reassured him.
“Well eventually, Ryan convinced me to get tested just to reassure the gym managers, and of course, it was positive. For a while I didn’t want to go  public with it, I think it weirds a lot of people out. And I just sort of hoped the changes would slow down and I could pass it off as a very late growth spurt.” 
That’s what they always say, I had thought, suppressing a wry smile. 
At some point, he took his height and stats out of his bios across social media platforms, and did less content that would allow for direct comparisons with normal sized people. But he looked…huge. And that ass was nothing short of colossal. His last photo on main was a candid of him standing in the doorway of his always Insta-ready apartment, a shy, surprised, yet practiced smile on his face. Except he wasn’t so much standing in it as bent over, almost crouching through it, his shoulder blades level with the frame and his slightly turned stance implying that his frame likely stretched wider than the doorway itself, the sides of his monster booty visible from the front.
The caption was brief, saying that he had recently been diagnosed with this disorder, and while a lot was still not known about it, he’d be keeping a lower profile but was thankful for all the support from his fans. That was 6 months ago. Since around that time, our sessions have continued per usual, but the backgrounds were less often him jetsetting from his phone and more tuning in real quick from his laptop in his living room. At least now I could see beyond just his face to a pair of massive traps that threatened to overtake his ears whenever he leaned in at his desk, extending to what I could only assume were boulder shoulders just off screen.
“Yeah, I took your whole teletherapy idea,” he told me excitedly at one point. “I’ve been doing at home workout tutorials and private sessions in my garage, which has been working out pretty well. Sometimes I’ll even sleep out there because it’s a little more spacious. I upgraded to a king size bed and my feet would still hang over the edge, but then eventually they would touch the floor again even when lying down. They say the growth might stop soon, but I guess we’re past the whole doorway issue…”
How huge is he now, I wondered incredulously. As he shifted his seating position at his computer, I briefly caught a glimpse of more of him, mainly the wide slabs of pec muscle that suddenly filled the screen, covered by a tank top stretched to its very limit. At one point he had mentioned that he had an adjustable standing desk, which I assumed he was using, but as he adjusted his position, I noticed he was actually crouched in front of his laptop screen as he folded his legs under him, resting his elbows on his knees.
“Sorry, dude. Still figuring this out. My desk is at full height and I kind of outgrew my chair.”
Outgrew? I thought. By how much? I hadn’t gotten a good idea of his developments in a while and didn’t want to pry. Apparently he had stopped seeing the point of keeping up with his ever increasing dimensions, opting instead to wait until the growth finally stopped. And also, if he didn’t know, maybe it wasn’t fully real, or at least he didn’t have to answer people’s perpetual questions.
As if in response, or maybe because he was just used to this, he turned his computer slightly to the left, catching his reflection in what used to be a full length body mirror on the opposite wall. The lean muscle of his massive back, capped on either end by deltoids that may soon be described as literal boulder shoulders, stretched the full length of the desk itself. He simply dwarfed the office setup, creating a comical juxtaposition, increasingly larger than his day to day life could allow. His ribbed tank top narrowed down to a tight waist before ballooning into two perfectly round globes that brought to mind a pair of exercise balls before I fully realized those were the impossibly huge cheeks of his ass. He seemed to be sitting comfortably on the cushion of his gargantuan cakes, each one flexing in turn as he slightly adjusted his position.
“I guess I don’t need a chair,” he said with a chuckle. “This thing’s gotten out of control,” he said, giving the mass of his right cheek a firm, playful slap, “but it has its perks.” 
Stretched across the top of the shelf that his butt had become was an oversized pair of pastel striped bikini briefs that seemed like they were almost an afterthought, having long ago given up any hope of covering any portion of his colossal derriere.
“So…it seems like you’re adjusting well?” I asked.
“Yeah, the virtual training has been great, still have all my old clients. I’ve also been trying out some new stuff with the managers at my old gym. They’ve been hosting ‘private’ trainings, I guess. They have an area set up with oversized equipment and massive weights, which is great because I get to keep training, and in return, there’s this…audience.”
“I mean it’s not far off from what I usually do, or used to do, online. Go through my routine, demonstrate proper form, take questions, engage with fans. I know they’re there for the goods,” he added, turning to the mirror to peek at his monster booty, “but it’s been working for me so far. I’ve been rediscovering my body, I guess. In ways that I didn’t expect.”
Apparently, Trevor had been finding other ways to pursue where this new situation might lead. Last week, an OnlyFans link surreptitiously popped up on his Instagram account. I didn’t think much of it, until he brought it up directly in our session.
“You’ve been a big help in working through these changes, and I want you to check it out. Call it research,” he added with a laugh.
I was reluctant, but he gave me a free subscription, and I thought I might as well. The first video I watched was not set in his garage, or even his gym, but what looked like some sort of high-ceiling loft or warehouse. He was surrounded by weights and equipment which to a normal human would be comically oversized, but seemed custom made for his outlandish size and strength. He was clad in nothing but a pair of bright orange booty shorts, his massive ass still managing to look disproportionately huge in relation to the rest of his hulking frame. He went through his usual routine, greeting the audience with his bright smile. For the most part, it was a slightly campy performance of a workout demonstration, hip thrusts followed by split squats, then lunges back and forth across the room with monstrous 200 pound dumbbells, his cheeks visibly pumped and jiggling uncontrollably.
“A lot of you have been asking for clarification on proper form for deadlifts,” he said to the camera, playing up the fitness influencer character like he was born for it. “So let’s focus on that today.”
With the camera carefully angled to catch his butt cheeks from slightly below, he demonstrated set after set of proper deadlift form, his ass ballooning behind him with each rep and threatening to smother the viewer. As beads of sweat rolled down his back and into the deep valley between his prodigious cakes, the magic moment finally came. His gym shorts gave out under the pressure of his voluminous pump, his unreal bubble butt spilling out of the fabric and sitting proudly in the open air, seemingly defying gravity.
As he turned to the viewer with a light chuckle and that iconic smile, the camera zoomed out to show someone approaching from behind. Except as they got closer, the size difference became surreal. With Trevor slightly bent over, holding onto to either side of the squat rack, his globular cheeks dwarfed the head of this mystery person, who proceeded, with some effort, to hold these massive cakes apart, revealing Trevor’s waiting hole before he nuzzled in to steadily eat him out. Their head seemed to completely disappear in the mass of Trevor’s ass, their arms splayed out to the sides, hands sinking into the underside of his muscular booty, periodically giving a slap that made his entire ass jiggle, eliciting deeper and deeper moans from the star of the show, who could be seen in the mirror dutifully stroking an unwieldy cock.
Coming up for air, covered in sweat and musk, laying their face lightly on one huge cheek, the camera zoomed out further to reveal that they were actually standing up straight. Trevor’s ass was easily six feet off the ground with his gargantuan feet flat on the floor. As the camera panned up, Trevor stood, and stood, and stood, impossibly tall, turning to the viewer with that winning, blissful smile, half his face covered in what looked like a gallon of his own cum.
“Great job, today,” he said with a wink. “See ya next week.”
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nghialtrn · 3 months
Once dominating the social media platform scene, boasting 108.5 million registered blogs and 50.9 billion posts (The Economist 2013), Tumblr surpassed its competitors to become a platform with over 20 billion page views per month at that time, as stated by its founder, David Karp. The question arises: Can this social media platform withstand the continuous emergence of competing platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and notably, TikTok?
What is Tumblr?
Tumblr - being one of the distinctive microblogging platforms (Chang, Y et al. 2014), has become a phenomenon, a usage habit among Generation X and Y.
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The site itself offers users the opportunity to upload original or reblogged text entries, photos, quotations, links, chats, audio, and videos, as well as original or reblogged pictures and quotes. It is possible for users to "like" or "reblog" posts from other blogs so that they show up on their own blogs. This allows users to freely add their own opinions, analysis, and substance to postings without taking away from the original author's credit. Tumblr facilitates the development of both individualism and communities in this way; information that is repurposed, altered, and uploaded to a personal blog space stays current and connected to a broader community (Tumblr's dashboard and archive).
Because of this, Tumblr is a great platform for people to come together and connect, especially those who belong to underrepresented groups or individuals in society who need to speak up and fight for justice, such as members of the LGBTQ+ community, people of color, and advocates of women's rights. They are free to speak up here without fear of retaliation or intimidation. Additionally, people may identify and obtain information on topics they are interested in fast when hashtags are used to highlight or summarize important points in messages. It also gets easier to connect with people who share your interests, and most significantly, Tumblr gives them a sense of security.
Tumblr - a place where every opinion seems to have no template
The blogging site came into being at a period when the women's rights movement was getting more contentious in a few particular nations. Tumblr is therefore seen as a location where they may look for allies and attract people for the cause inside the community. In this instance, they discuss viewpoints on the feminist movement, important elements, and a new mode of operation as social media usage increased during that period. Online Social Networks (OSN) have profoundly changed the Internet ecosystem and permeated every part of peoples' everyday lives (Zhang et al. 2021). Even if there was a feminist wave at the time, social media was not extensively available in other countries, such as Vietnam, in its early years. This was because women could no longer endure the oppression, exploitation, and coercion of the “gender prejudice, take a male-centered” ideology.
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It is essential to have the freedom to voice one's own thoughts, particularly when it comes to societal or personal matters that need deliberation before a choice is made. One of Tumblr's best features is the "reblogging" option, which not only extends the reach of postings but also tactfully conveys support for the author's point of view. This has made it easier for many viewpoints that were once marginalized or even silenced in public to gain support in the online community. By sharing personal perspectives, feminists may readily connect and engage with one another, resulting in a more real and expansive vision. Through internet and other media platforms, the feminist movement has grown significantly with the times. Since then, a number of further "Femvertising" (Feminism & Advertising) efforts have surfaced, according to Samantha Skey, CEO of She Knows. These ads use feminism-supporting messaging and imagery to create awareness of human self-worth, such as equal rights, hence empowering women and girls (Skey, S 2015).
One such example of severe discrimination against women is the ideal of beauty. In today's contemporary world, it is true that every nation and ethnic group has established its own criteria for beauty; nonetheless, a common model, or standard of beauty, for women is defined as having white skin, large eyes, a sharp jawline, pointed noses, full lips, slender bodies, and so forth. A critical society tends to support the establishment of norms for attractiveness and physical appearance (Raaziya, S 2023). Women who have long backs or somewhat chubby bodies are therefore frequently criticized by society, which has a negative psychological effect on them. They may express their opinions online on the problem of establishing norms for women's bodies thanks to Tumblr's open community. Those in positions of authority are free to utilize hashtags to explicitly state or imply what they believe and have said above.
Case study: “Love the Skin You’re In”: An Analysis of Women’s Self-Presentation and User Reactions to Selfies Using the Tumblr Hashtag #bodypositive
Because beauty standards are so strict, viewers and users on the internet have different ideas about what constitutes acceptable beauty. For instance, people expect superstars, exceptional actors, and beauty queens to have exceptional outward looks. Princesses are always shown as being very lovely in fairy tales, regardless of where they come from. These ideas have developed into ideologies over time. The above-mentioned case study aids in understanding the phenomena of selfies, in which users of social media frequently snap and share photos of themselves with attractive bodies, engaging personalities, or appealing viewpoints. Despite Tumblr's significant degree of variety, this is a result of individuals being too critical of themselves and having their psyches strongly affected to conform to conventional beauty standards. Likes and positive comments are considered a measure of a user's beauty and self-worth (Tiidenberg, K et al. 2015).
“Love the Skin You're In” is akin to a declaration that accepting and appreciating your physical attributes—be they large or tiny eyes or powerful biceps—is essential. Using hashtags in the feminist movement will help like-minded people communicate, as they recognize the severe problem of over-idealizing oneself and enforcing standards that are regarded as unnecessary. While the #selfie may be well-liked, but #bodypositive may empower people by facilitating the expression of many kinds of femininity and body shapes. These particular hashtags—like the hashtag #feminism, for instance—support gender equality online by aligning with the fourth wave of feminism.
When new platforms were coming, what’s happened to Tumblr?
Undoubtedly, Tumblr was once a secure place to voice one's personal beliefs. Though this site offered many distinct characteristics at first, the rise of competing social media networks has introduced several drawbacks.
According to Statista (2024), Tumblr faces threats from prominent online platforms like Meta (Facebook and Instagram) and TikTok, since its user base has shrunk from its early days. Popular photo-sharing websites Facebook and Instagram let users share and create highlights from photographs to help preserve special moments. The simplicity with which users can connect these two platforms—sharing moments on Instagram, for example, may instantly publish those memories to Facebook—is what makes this convenient. Instagram is frequently thought of as a place to explore companies, places, and events as well as find new trends. People utilize it to get fresh ideas and as a source of visual inspiration. Facebook, on the other hand, places more emphasis on interpersonal relationships and is largely used by users to engage with information published by friends and family.
With TikTok, a platform that has grown rapidly in recent years, particularly during the risky COVID-19 pandemic era when lockdowns enforced by the government forced most people to stay indoors in order to slow the virus's spread. TikTok's broad appeal may be ascribed to a number of elements that serve users' varied interests. Those looking for quick and interesting material may find the platform's short-form content structure, which lasts between 15 and 60 seconds, appealing. TikTok's intuitive UI, extensive music collection, and simple editing capabilities make it easier to create content. 
This is a significant obstacle for Tumblr since the younger generation is constantly looking for original and creative material. TikTok's development also means that Tumblr now has restrictions since content producers can use TikTok to share important information, support or oppose movements, warn users, and voice their own opinions.
To put it briefly, Tumblr continues to be a secure space for ideas and a fair forum for expressing opinions, assisting users in being integrated into the online communities in which they actively participate. Not only is Tumblr a social networking site, but it's also a developing online community where people actively celebrate diversity and self-affirmation. Because it “offers special social privacy to feminist girls, giving a sense of protection from both family, friends and anonymous trolls”, women on this social network have also grown stronger as a group to engage in virtual feminist action (Keller, J 2019, p. 9).
References list
Chang, Y, Tang, L, Inagaki, Y & Liu, Y 2014, ‘What Is Tumblr’, ACM SIGKDD Explorations Newsletter, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 21–29.
Keller, J 2019, ‘“Oh, She’s a Tumblr Feminist”: Exploring the Platform Vernacular of Girls’ Social Media Feminisms’, Social Media + Society, vol. 5, no. 3, p. 9, <https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/epub/10.1177/2056305119867442>.
Raaziya, S 2023, ‘Dominating Beauty standards: 4 Reasons Why High Beauty Standards Are Dangerous’, The Times of India, <https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/readersblog/awesome-reads/dominating-beauty-standards-4-reasons-why-high-beauty-standards-are-dangerous-50709/>.
Skey, S 2015, ‘Femvertising’, She Knows, <http://cdn.sheknows.com/corporate.sheknows.com/production/nodes/attachments/24521/iBlog_Magazine-SheKnows-FemvertisingFeature.pdf?1429105587>.
Statista 2024, ‘Most Popular Social Networks Worldwide as of October 2023, Ranked by Number of Monthly Active Users’, Statista, <https://www.statista.com/statistics/272014/global-social-networks-ranked-by-number-of-users/>.
The Economist 2013, ‘What Is Tumblr?: the Economist Explains’, The Economist Online, ProQuest, viewed 20 February 2024, <https://www.proquest.com/docview/1353645764/857325A83B084F08PQ/2?accountid=14205&sourcetype=Magazines>.
Tiidenberg, K & Gómez Cruz, E 2015, ‘Selfies, Image and the Re-making of the Body’, Body & Society, vol. 21, no. 4, pp. 77–102, <https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/epub/10.1177/1357034X15592465>.
Zhang, L, Li, K & Liu, J 2021, ‘An Information Diffusion Model Based on Explosion Shock Wave Theory on Online Social Networks’, Applied Sciences, vol. 11, no. 21, p. 9996, <https://www.mdpi.com/2076-3417/11/21/9996>.
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vicrunk · 8 months
Is Blogging Still Relevant in the Age of TikToks and Instagram?
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In the ever-evolving landscape of digital media and communication, the question of blogging’s relevance looms prominently.
Living in today’s era where our media consumption habits are dominated by the instant gratification of TikToks and the visual allure of Instagram, blogging, which once reigned supreme as the platform for personal expression and information sharing, appears to have lost some of its ✨sheen✨.
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But before we get ahead of ourselves, let’s dive deeper into these three platforms and explore their developments and growths, and where they stand in the invisible ranks of the Internet today.
Let’s turn back the time and celebrate the births of blogging, Instagram and Tiktok!
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Every day, I wake up and reach for my phone almost immediately. While scrolling through the Instagram reels and TikToks sent to me by the people I know, I sometimes pause and just wonder aloud, ‘How did these apps even come about?’.
Well, silly questions like this never bothered me before – everyone’s had their existential crises. But the lingering question of ‘How did the apps that we use today come into existence?’ kept me up some nights, so I knew I had to get to the bottom of this.
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As we all know, blogs are the oldest of the three. Justin Hall is the founder of the first blog called ‘Links.net’ all the way back in 1994, though he referred to it as a “personal homepage” instead (Rioja 2020).
The term ‘weblog’ was later introduced in 1997, followed by the shortened version – ‘blog’ – in 1999, the term we are more familiar with today (Rioja 2020). In the early 2000s, blogging became a famous online activity as more blogging platforms and websites came to life, increasing Internet surfers’ accessibility to the blogging industry (Rioja 2020). By 2010, blogging had permeated the general public and became mainstream (Rioja 2020).
As the years pass and technology advances, the blogging experience we know of today was conceived.
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Instagram – the ‘middle child’ of the three – was conceived in 2010.
However, did you know that Instagram’s first life began way before then, and was originally called ‘Burbn’ instead as a nod to the founder’s love for bourbons (Langrio-Chafkin 2012)?
Long story short, just like Instagram today, Burbn was also a photo-sharing app that allowed users to share locations (Garber 2014).
However, it was found that most of Burbn’s users left the location check-in feature untouched but went wild with sharing and posting pictures (Garber 2014). This led the founders to shift their focus on Burbn’s photo-sharing abilities and scrapped almost everything else. After months of research and experimentation, Burbn was reborn as Instagram in 2010 (Garber 2014).
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Lastly, introducing TikTok, the youngest of these three platforms. Despite its greeness, TikTok has arguably one of our generation’s largest and most active user bases.
In 2016, Chinese company ByteDance introduced a Chinese app called Douyin and its counterpart app called TikTok, which was launched internationally (Anderson 2020). When ByteDance merged Musical.ly (a lip-synching video-creation app) with TikTok in 2018, many more people downloaded TikTok, and the numbers only increased after Vine was shut down (Anderson 2020).
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Today, TikTok is viewed more as a creative platform than a conventional social media platform, where users can break away from traditional visual styles, narratives, and online customs of the past to create and share short-form videos as they desire.
The rise of Instagram and TikTok over the recent years has introduced new forms of content consumption and creation that shifted the digital landscape.
Understandably, most Internet users nowadays prefer the two apps over blogging for several reasons, such as the ability to share visual and short-form content, a more mobile-friendly experience, and algorithm-driven feeds which curate the posts and videos according to the user’s preferences.
So… Does this mean that blogging is dead?
Simply put, no.
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While it may seem like TikTok and Instagram are dominating the media world nowadays, each platform, in fact, still has its own user base due to its distinct features. Although blogging may not seem as prevalent as it used to be, people still enjoy consuming and creating blogs, especially if they prefer reading longer and more informational written posts.
Safe to say, blogging is definitely still relevant in today’s age of TikToks and Instagram. As long as the passion for reading and writing persists, blogging may never see the face of extinction 💪
Anderson, KE 2020, ‘Getting acquainted with social networks and apps: it is time to talk about TikTok’, Library Hi Tech News, vol. 37, no. 4, pp.7-12, <https://doi.org/10.1108/LHTN-01-2020-0001>.
Garber, M 2014, Instagram was first called 'Burbn', The Atlantic, viewed 2 October 2023, <https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2014/07/instagram-used-to-be-called-brbn/373815/>.
Langrio-Chafkin, C 2012, Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger, founders of Instagram, Inc., viewed 2 October 2023, <https://www.inc.com/30under30/2011/profile-kevin-systrom-mike-krieger-founders-instagram.html>.
Rioja, A 2020, The evolution and history of blogging: where it began and where is it now,  Alejandro Rioja: SEO, Online Marketing and Ecommerce, viewed 2 October 2023, <https://alejandrorioja.com/history-of-blogging/>.
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magchiato · 8 months
" Is blogging still relevant in the age of TikTok and Instagram?? "
What is a BLOG?🤔💭
Blog, a combination of "web" and "blog" often known as weblog, is a website / webpage that is updated regularly to provide insight on a certain topic from personal matter to official business using text, videos, gif, images and other related media. In the world we are in today, blogs are more likely to be for personal use such as an online diary where people write about their daily lives expressing their ideas, creativities and thoughts in a creative and fun way for other users to read or interact with. As for professional bloggers, they are writing blogs to a certain targeted group of people where people needs to pay money to view the blogger's contain as a source of income. (Weiner, 2023)
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TikTok is a Gen Z social media platform where users create, share and watch 15-seconds videos with filters and music playing on the background. (D'souza, 2023)TikTok are known for their micro-videos that contains life hacks, entertainments and brand promotions that are personalized by the user according to their preference which influence users that are on their teenage years to young adults to develop an addiction to watching these videos from day to night. (Panorama, 2022)
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An application that is built mainly for users to edit with the platform’s editing tools and post / share photos or videos with hashtags and geotags that will appear on the feed of their followers. Other Instagram users can also view those photos through hashtags and geotags as long as the account was set to be public. (Holak, 2017)
Now that Instagram and TikTok are one of the most popular app in the world, with tons of influencer on the platform, newer generations tend to lean more towards those apps compared to platforms such as Tumblr and Blogger due to the creative eye catching contents that can easily catch a user’s attention within a few seconds rather than reading a blog that has long descriptions/ captions that will take about 5 minutes to read.
What are the functions of blog post?
Blog posts can be a lot of things, from personal to official businesses. Blogging can be a safe space for you to explore your independency and be yourself thus share information and ideas to an online community. Unlike Instagram reels and TikTok that are only supporting video format that are more focused on entertainment, blogs are more informational and focused on a certain topic that can help someone individually, businesses or in an educational way in a media friendly platform that allows long paragraphs, images, videos, gifs and other source of media. (Panorama, 2022)
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Educational 📖✏️
Blogging can play a huge role in education in our generation for both learners and educators through their writing skills due to its blogging’s nature of writing out contents to be publish. This practice helps improve their grammar, and writing skills that indirectly leads to their writing structure and how they organize their content effectively. Aside from that, students can express themselves creatively through thoughts, opinions, and experiences that overtime they will notice their personal growth in their areas of interest that goes beyond the classroom’s setting. As for social skills, blogging can be collaborative, it allows students to work together by combining their ideas to solve a particular topic, this will widen their perspective as well as allowing them to think competently.
Business 💰💳
A corporation may increase its online presence by using blogging as a content marketing strategy to publish material about its goods or services. You stand to earn more than just visibility in fact, half of marketers rank business blogging as their top priority due to its importance. This will explain the numerous advantages blogging may provide to a company, regardless of its business model, and will offer advice on how to start a blog, develop an effective digital marketing plan, and implement crucial digital distribution tactics (Shwake, 2018). By adding extra pages to your company website, business blogging expands your organization’s online visibility and gives potential clients more ways to reach you. According to one survey, companies that blog receive more traffic to their websites than those that don't. The more people who visit your website, the more probable it is that they will make a booking, a purchase, or fill out a contact form to get in touch. Additionally, it can offer you the upper hand over rivals who don't blog. (Shwake, 2018).
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References :
D'SOUZA, D. 2023. TikTok: What It Is, How It Works, and Why It’s Popular. https://www.investopedia.com/what-is-tiktok-4588933
HOLAK, B. 2017. Instagram https://www.techtarget.com/searchcio/definition/Instagram
PANORAMA, B. T. 2022. 6 Reasons That Make Blogs Remain Relevant In The Age Of Reels And TikTok. https://beyondthepanorama.com/6-reasons-that-make-blogs-remain-relevant-in-the-age-of-reels-and-tiktok/
WEINER, A. 2023. What is a blog? Definition, types, benefits and why you need one. https://www.wix.com/blog/what-is-a-blog
SHWAKE, E. 2018. Why blogging for your business can make a huge difference. https://www.wix.com/blog/blogging-for-business
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9 Signs You Sell Adsreel For A Living
Introduction: In the present digital age, video marketing has grown to be an important Device for organizations to achieve their audience correctly. Nonetheless, generating participating online video adverts is usually adsreel time-consuming and tough, especially for These devoid of technological skills. That is exactly where AdsReel is available in. This Highly developed computer software System makes use of synthetic intelligence (AI) to simplify the method, allowing corporations to make charming movie advertisements in just a issue of minutes. In this article, We are going to investigate how AdsReel revolutionizes the best way corporations build online video adverts, empowering them to boost their marketing methods and Raise shopper engagement.
Employing AI for Seamless Online video Advertisement Generation: AdsReel leverages the power of AI technological innovation to streamline the online video generation approach. With only a few clicks, end users can make Experienced-excellent online video adverts with no have to have for comprehensive video clip enhancing skills. The software package gathers essential company specifics from the World wide web, making certain which the commercials are personalized on the target audience. By automating these time-consuming jobs, AdsReel allows companies to avoid wasting important time and methods, allowing them to concentrate on other facets of their internet marketing approaches.
A Plethora of Customization Selections: AdsReel will not just stop at automating video creation; In addition, it delivers buyers which has a big range of customization choices to generate their adverts stand out. The platform offers many predefined variations, which include inspirational, powerful, and even more, allowing for firms to decide on the perfect tone for his or her advertising marketing campaign. Also, customers can certainly integrate their own individual model components, which include logos, slogans, and colour strategies, making certain model consistency and recognition throughout their movie adverts. This level of customization boosts the overall charm and reinforces brand name identification, capturing the eye of viewers and increasing engagement premiums.
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Improved Arrive at: With a chance to distribute video clip adverts across popular social media marketing platforms, AdsReel enables organizations to faucet into greater audiences and increase their shopper base.
Conclusion: In an period the place movie promoting dominates the promoting landscape, organizations require a competitive edge to stand out. AdsReel provides a strong Answer by making use of AI to simplify and speed up the process of building fascinating online video adverts. With its extensive customization choices, clear-cut distribution, and optimization abilities, this advanced software program empowers enterprises to generate numerous engaging online video adverts in only minutes. By leveraging AdsReel, businesses can enhance their advertising methods, Strengthen customer engagement, and in the end push advancement in their respective industries.
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mariacallous · 1 year
After a year of war, audiences around the world are used to seeing news from Ukraine nearly every day. They have seen the horrors of the conflict, and the surprising resilience and success of the Ukrainian resistance. But sometimes the view of the actual people and society beneath the military conflict is lost. Ukraine is more than just a place where a war is happening. The country moves forward and faces corruption, emigration and economic issues, and questions of pay and gender-based rights, just like anywhere else.
I cover all these things as a reporter based in Kyiv. One change I’ve noticed over the past year is that people’s desire for justice at home has not diminished. If anything, it has got stronger – and rightly so, since most citizens are risking their lives to fight the genocidal threat posed by Russia. People have such a personal stake in Ukraine’s future, they are more sensitive than ever about what kind of country we are becoming, and how things should be after the war.
Two recent events illustrate this shift. The first was the reaction to videos of wartime parties in Kyiv, made by young Instagram influencers, that allegedly showed women being raped while intoxicated. When the Ukrainian TV presenter Yaroslava Kravchenko drew attention to the videos on her own Instagram page, there was immediate outrage – not just at the incident itself, but at the fact that people could behave this way in wartime.
Ukraine’s authorities haven’t always taken gender-based violence as seriously as they should, but the outrage prompted the authorities to make swift arrests. President Zelenskiy thanked the police in one of his nightly televised addresses. “When society cares and is united, we can do a lot together,” Kravchenko posted on Instagram.
The second incident, which is better known internationally, was the exposé by an investigative journalist of corruption at the ministry of defence, which was found to have bought food for the military at almost three times market prices. Corruption scandals are nothing new in Ukraine, but as with the Instagram videos, this one prompted similar widespread outrage and demands for action.
At the same time, there are more obstacles to justice than ever – not only because of the external threat from Russia, but because the war has thrown up internal barriers and tensions between the Ukrainian authorities and the people they are supposed to represent.
While Ukrainians place their highest degree of trust in the army, the Ukrainian government is not always applauded for its actions. The government has used the state of emergency to push through reforms that had previously been subject to intense public scrutiny and opposition. This includes the temporary removal of collective bargaining agreements over issues such as pay and holidays for employees of small and medium-sized companies, and a law on urban planning that gives almost unlimited rights to property developers, with little public oversight.
In 2019, when the same government tried to pass a bill that would have stripped workers of many of their basic rights, trade unions opposed it with mass protests. This bill is back too, but trade unions will have a harder time fighting it this time around because protests are now banned under martial law.
People are willing to tolerate some unpopular measures – for instance, an increase in criminal penalties for soldiers who disobey orders, and a cut to some military benefits – since there is a general understanding among Ukrainians that internal conflict might benefit Russia. But holding the government to account and demanding better, even during tough times, is a Ukrainian tradition.
Despite the ban on protests and public gatherings, some citizens have been working to draw attention to injustices that might otherwise be overlooked amid the war. One of the most prominent is the campaign by the families of prisoners of war, who feel they are not being listened to by the authorities. Information about the fate of Ukrainian PoWs is tightly controlled and families are told not to draw attention to their loved ones in case it increases their value in prisoner exchange negotiations with Russia.
Many families believe this is an excuse for inaction: “If we remain silent, they will leave our Ukrainian prisoners there,” I was told by Angelika Kalashnikova, the sister of a captured soldier from the 93rd brigade, when I reported on the issue last year. The families of PoWs have found each other through social media, and organise rallies to put pressure on the authorities.
Last year also saw a successful strike by miners in western Ukraine, protesting over the government’s decision to reappoint managers who had previously been accused of corruption and dismissed. And just like in the UK, healthcare workers have been campaigning against austerity measures in hospitals after market-driven reforms led to closures and redundancies last year. There may well be more protests if wider proposals to cut the salaries and numbers of state employees go ahead.
The way that Ukrainians fight for a better country during wartime, even with limited options for influencing decision-making, gives hope for its future. People have tried to preserve their right to protest. Notably, a petition for the legalisation of same-sex marriage gathered more than 28,000 signatures last summer – the threshold beyond which the president must formally consider a proposal.
As Ukraine continues to be argued over in international capitals, such initiatives are a reminder that ordinary Ukrainians – and not just their leaders – should have a right to decide their country’s future. Journalists are a part of that fight, too. Despite the war, I and my colleagues have continued to report on grassroots activism and investigate corruption. Our independence must be guaranteed.
Fighting for change in Ukraine during wartime doesn’t undermine its integrity, and shouldn’t be used as a tool to argue against Ukraine’s independence. It is a basic right in an independent country, which people have put their lives on the line for.
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theyoungturks · 1 year
The Biden administration has been staying quiet on the corruption scandals emerging out of the Supreme Court, and that's not good. Cenk Uygur, John Iadarola, and Ramesh Srinivasandiscuss on The Young Turks. Watch LIVE weekdays 6-8 pm ET. http://youtube.com/theyoungturks/live Read more HERE: https://www.mediaite.com/news/why-not-reporter-demands-to-know-why-jean-pierre-wont-talk-about-clarence-thomas-or-supreme-court-scandals/ "White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre was pressed to give President Joe Biden’s views on a series of unfolding ethics scandals involving Justice Clarence Thomas and others on the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court has come under fire and increased scrutiny after reporting on undisclosed gifts to Justice Clarence Thomas emerged, which was followed by further reporting on Justice Neil Gorsuch and Chief Justice John Roberts. In response, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Dick Durbin proposed a hearing on Supreme Court ethics." *** The largest online progressive news show in the world. Hosted by Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian. LIVE weekdays 6-8 pm ET. Help support our mission and get perks. Membership protects TYT's independence from corporate ownership and allows us to provide free live shows that speak truth to power for people around the world. See Perks: ▶ https://www.youtube.com/TheYoungTurks/join SUBSCRIBE on YOUTUBE: ☞ http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=theyoungturks FACEBOOK: ☞ http://www.facebook.com/TheYoungTurks TWITTER: ☞ http://www.twitter.com/TheYoungTurks INSTAGRAM: ☞ http://www.instagram.com/TheYoungTurks TWITCH: ☞ http://www.twitch.com/tyt 👕 Merch: http://shoptyt.com ❤ Donate: http://www.tyt.com/go 🔗 Website: https://www.tyt.com 📱App: http://www.tyt.com/app 📬 Newsletters: https://www.tyt.com/newsletters/ If you want to watch more videos from TYT, consider subscribing to other channels in our network: The Damage Report ▶ https://www.youtube.com/thedamagereport Indisputable with Dr. Rashad Richey ▶ https://www.youtube.com/indisputabletyt Watchlist with Jayar Jackson ▶ https://www.youtube.com/watchlisttyt TYT Sports ▶ https://www.youtube.com/tytsports The Conversation ▶ https://www.youtube.com/tytconversation Rebel HQ ▶ https://www.youtube.com/rebelhq TYT Investigates ▶ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwNJt9PYyN1uyw2XhNIQMMA #TYT #TheYoungTurks #breakingnews 230505__TA01BidenSpoxV2RECUT by The Young Turks
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monriatitans · 1 year
Hi! I'm Orion Kelly and I'm Autistic. On this video I explore the topic of unmasking after an autism diagnosis later in life. Plus, I share my personal lived experiences as an #actuallyautistic person. #orionkelly #autism #asd #autismsigns #whatautismfeelslike
⏱ Index: 00:00 - Welcome 00:57 - Unmasking 03:45 - Challenges 17:51 - Strategies
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