#Im the I hate you but I love you meme
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dilfosaur · 1 year
what if i start blocking people who @ me in random posts here like i do on twitter
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moonspirit · 3 months
Armin being so done with the virgin Jaeger bros:
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Bonus - Armin being so done with himself:
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serenedash · 10 months
leans into microphone.
I don't listen to people that haven't played a new Kingdom Hearts game since 2006. Yes yes kh2 we all love it yes kh2fm is amazing yeah yeah we've all see kh2. Play more kh games, that is literally game number 3 in a series that's like 15 games ongoing. "It's confusing" it's just long as fuck so its a lot of information to take in and that's okay. People literally take so much time and care to explain the series and lore to people who are lost. Like just say you enjoy kh2's gameplay and move on, if you really cared about the series AS A SERIES you'd be paying attention to it as a whole. "Dream drop distance what a stupid title!!!" that is the LEAST stupid thing that has happened in this series. "It's on too many consoles" watch a cutscene movie. Read a wiki page! I own a Playstation TWO!!!!!!!!!! like I have nothing more recent other than my switch. Do you think I've played every game lmao??
Anyway stan kh mobile games I don't care if you don't like them its not a hot take by any stretch of the imagination to not like them. You should read my khux/dr plot summary actually <3
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organised-disaster · 1 month
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Peak character description: narrator gushing about how pretty the person literally trying to kill them is
No joke:
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scootarooni · 12 days
o i forgor to talk abt miku expo!!
DUDE it was one of the most fun things I've been too aaa my calves are still sore from all the standing and dancing I did lmao. I hope it didnt annoy anyone near me that I was singing along to everything aahahaha (but also everyone was singing to Miku and World is Mine so I don't feel that bad abt it)
Sat next to a super sweet person who lent me and my friend spare lightsticks ; w ; and it was just. so awesome being around other vocaloid fans wow
The merch line was waaay too long both before and after the concert and I had like a little over an hour of driving back home to do so I didnt even bother
my friend that I brought with me had a blast as well!!! which was super reassuring becos he knew next to nothing abt vocaloid going into it.
OH ALSO THE LIVE BAND? SPECTACULAR. We were close enough that we could see them and aa they were singing along too. Seeing them get super into unknown mothergoose was the highlight of the night tbh (and yes i cried during it yeah yeah)
my camera is garbage🚮so the image and audio quality is blugh but here's a sweet little vid some of us singing to world is mine ^_^ (VOLUME WARNING)
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weaverofink · 2 years
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i could fix him (make him pathetic in a different way)
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meanderfall · 8 months
on my hands and knees, BEGGING the fandom to stop saying Qui-Gon abandoned Obi-Wan on Melida/Daan.
Look, if you haven't read the book, THIS is how the confrontation actually plays out:
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I feel like even without the added context of the entire book, it's pretty clear that Qui-Gon is giving him a CHOICE, one that Obi-Wan seems pretty well-informed about what it means and the consequences for him.
But like, fine. Without context, it might seem that Qui-Gon isn't being fair because all Obi-Wan wants to do is help these people. I have two arguments against though, 1) other options as to how to help these people are brought up during the narrative, ones more in-line with how the Jedi operate, and 2) Obi-Wan's predominant reason for wanting to stay is not because he wants to help.
This is one of the very first options we encounter as to how this issue could be resolved, or at least helped:
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This is shortly after they first meet the Young and comes from Cerasi herself, one of the leaders of the group. Asking for more Jedi support or at least broadcasting the situation so that maybe other organizations within the galaxy can help. Which is well-within their means as Jedi to at least try and get more support, and doesn't go against their roles as diplomats and peace keepers. (Obi-Wan, of course, doesn't even bother trying this route, nor does he bring up this possibility with Qui-Gon so we could at least see it being debated and how viable it would be.)
And of course there IS a more hands-on approach that they could take:
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Qui-Gon himself tries to come up with a more diplomatic and objective way to broker peace. And the mission was already completed by the way. They were only supposed to rescue Tahl and MAYBE broker peace, but rescuing the other Jedi was the priority. Yoda even tells him before this moment to leave the planet with Obi-Wan as soon as possible because the situation is just too volatile, and he almost lost one Jedi in an effort to help. Qui-Gon is only doing this because he knows how important this has become for Obi-Wan. (And if anyone tries to tell me Qui-Gon doesn't love Obi-Wan, imma start swinging)
It doesn't work, of course. Everyone living on this planet has been steeped in so much anger, hatred, and revenge, that no side, not even the Young are actually willing to talk and really reach for peace. For all that Cerasi and Nield say they want Jedi support, they don't. Not really. Qui-Gon gets stonewalled by them. Both of them mock Obi-Wan whenever he listens to Qui-Gon. What they actually want is for the Jedi to join their army and help them make the Elders listen to them. This is why Yoda wants them to get the hell outta dodge and Qui-Gon feels uneasy and like they can't actually help here. No one actually wants to listen to reason, and the Jedi are not supposed to be soldiers fighting in wars. It gets incredibly obvious in the next book, especially on Nield's end that he wants revenge (a young little warmonger, his parents would be so proud), but honestly? I think we can see it even in this book.
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Hey, did you guys know there's a bunch of kids living away from this war. Like, thousands of them, actually. They literally do not have to fight. Nield could take his group of kids (taking the factory working and conscripted kids with him) and fuck off and let the Elders kill each other, and only this generation would be left. They could ask for resources and protection for their new settlement from the Jedi or galaxy instead of manpower to back up their cause and help fight in a war. If Nield ACTUALLY cared about stopping the war and wasn't out for revenge, this would probably be the best choice.
But this possibility never gets brought up, ever, because Nield hates the Elders and wants "justice", Obi-Wan is too inexperienced to realize this is an option, and no one tells Qui-Gon until it's already too late and the Young have declared war on the Elders if they don’t agree to a cease-fire.
All of these options are a more Jedi way of handling the situation in my opinion. Unbiased and working towards actual peace and the end of violence instead of perpetuating it.
And as much as I love Obi-Wan and I know his heart is in the right place, Obi-Wan doesn't care about that, about doing things the Jedi way. Obi-Wan is very clearly taking a specific side in this conflict. I'm not going to put up all the screenshots I took because there are already a lot in this post (and there are. so many more i could put up), but I have quite a few where it's explicit that Obi-Wan is not taking the side of the Young because it's the objectively correct thing to do, but because he likes them. He feels a sense of community with them. He wants to help them, not as a Jedi but as a friend. He is getting involved. Attached.
And, look, I'm not here to argue the morality of that choice. Choosing a different way of life isn't a failure or flaw. Helping your friends in whatever way you can is good. Wanting to stop war and reach for peace is right. There's probably a bunch of people who think Obi-Wan is making the right choice here, and while I might disagree, I can certainly see where they're coming from. I just feel like there's a huge misconception of what actually happened on this planet and what Qui-Gon’s ultimatum is actually about.
Obi-Wan has snuck out time and again to help the Young.
Obi-Wan has used their starfighter, their ONLY transport off the planet, to help the Young on a mission that could very well have shot down the ship. They could have ended up stranded on this planet and might have lead to Tahl's, the rescued Jedi's, death.
Obi-Wan has not been acting like a Jedi. Qui-Gon knows this. Obi-Wan knows this. And in that moment, Qui-Gon is telling him "helping and supporting the Young in such a personal and attached manner is not the way of the Jedi. Do you want to continue on this path?"
And Obi-Wan makes his choice.
(And if anyone tries to argue that Qui-Gon should have brought Obi-Wan with him anyway instead of letting him stay on a war-torn planet, I'm going to start screaming. Yeah, no shit. In the real world, that's probably how he should have reacted.
But this isn't the real world. It's a kid's book. Where kids are the main characters and they go into dangerous situations. So the children reading can see themselves in them and learn how to be brave. How to navigate difficult situations. To learn it's okay to choose a path and maybe realize at some point it isn't what you wanted at all.)
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spearxwind · 1 year
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jrueships · 6 months
ted i have no idea of the context of this but i have Vital maxey content to show you https://twitter.com/ChrisScorch/status/1724566019812012282
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it's like my favorite thing ever when videos just suddenly end with a silent selfie
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caruliaa · 7 months
she miss on my hollo till i way .
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k00kiecrumbler · 2 years
I'm like a lawyer with the way I'm always trying to get you off ( me & you ) - fall out boy
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I just wanted to put that because I missed putting songs in my posts...
anyways, um still monke brain...even though I'm torn between the rt cowboy voice and the guy who voiced Godot in the anime [ and by that, I mean the English dudded] .
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everoutoftouch · 1 month
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katiesteedart · 3 months
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1. Title - Wipe your bum
2. Title - Corn?
3. Title - Privacy Tour.
These live in my bathroom. I'm very childish they make me laugh every time I go to there
I posted them before on disqus (dlisted RIP) under a username and not my real name ie KatieSteed(Art) - but it was me what done them, and I'm proud!
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solivagant · 3 months
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