#Im gonna be honest man i dont think i can take many more of these kinds of posts
tiercel · 8 months
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snekdood · 2 years
i wonder if i k****d myself if all the ppl who’ve ever lied about me, altering peoples perception of me and making them avoid me, start to breakdown and let out the fact that they were lying the whole time.
i wonder why only then they would allow me that relief, and how that doesn’t make them an awful person for not telling the truth while actively ruining someones life for no fucking reason other than the lolz.
#genuinely cant wait to watch some people suffer in hell idk#suicide m#i guess. is it really relief if i dont experience it?#seems like ill never win in this shitty life with these shitty humans#well ig one of these people is doing it bc they think their life would be ruined but babe honestly. be real.#so many celebrities have done the same shit you did. ppl call them out for it. and jack shit happens and ppl still like them#so. why not be fuckin honest for once lo. i doubt you'd lose your following. hell at this point you might be able to convince them#it was somehow justified.#lol i love situations like these bc literally no one takes them seriously bc no one ACTUALLY wants to acknowledge their role in this shit#oh well we can ride around treating this person like shit based off of a lie and if they die and we find out its a lie then lets spend#5 seconds mourning that fact and then move swiftly onward trying to forget about the person whos ass we rode into the ground#based on bullshit#like yall really dont like knowing you're complicit in shit and might've been complicit in someones suicide.#waah goes against your pure image of yourself donnit :'(#only you can be a victim waah you could never victimize anyone nooo neveerrrrr#at this point i hope all of us die#like dhbdhgs shit man#oh right the political climate- let me be clear#im a passive fuck whos not gonna do shit and is much more likely to kill myself before ever actually considering hurting someone else#and i also hate the idea of controlling ppl bc ppl ahve controlled me all my life so like i dont give af about hurting ppl or whatever#i just dont have the drive in me to exert that much energy toward someone else to change their behavior or punish them like that#ppl are gonna be shitty or whatever and i have to live with it or kill myself and thats where i am#and im unfortunately convinced that many ppl are shitty and that its hard to find good and nice and genuine ppl#anyways#i like to give ppl the benefit of the doubt but given my experiences im always waiting for the other shoe to srop.#drop* lol#if anything i wish i would die so i dont have to experience any of this anymore c:#ppl can go on being shitty to eachother for all i care and only give af about me after i die whatever
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pinkandlilacroses · 1 month
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
Angel - Paige bueckers
part 1
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• summary {when an unsuspecting girl falls for the basketball star}
•warnings {none (for now)}
•comment if you would like to be added to the taglist
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bellas pov
“Im just saying, a rom com romance would be fantastic tight now” I state to my best friend, Avery. “i mean everyday is the same thing over and over” i continue. I can tell she doesn’t care, Avery’s been in a relationship with her high school sweetheart, Jake since freshman year.
“you need to stop being desperate” she says scooting closer to me on our couch.
this may sound rude, but thats just how Avery is, ane i guess ive gotten used to it
“nobody understands me” i say dramatically as i get up and walk towards my room.
“remember, we are going out tonight” Avery yells
fuck. i forgot.
i hate going out, theres to many people
i feel like sometimes Avery relyes on me, i mean sometimes i wanna hang out with other people, not just her. Avery on the other hand, im her only friend and i understand why, i love her but she is so mean to any and everyone that she comes across.
a few hours pass and i begin getting ready. i put on a matching pink set with a tube top and a mini skirt, i feel cute, i cant wait for this to get ruined by a bunch of drunk, sweaty college students.
i know i take a while to get ready, i mean its taken me two hours to pick my outfit and do my hair and i haven’t even started my makeup yet. my excuse is that you can never rush perfection.
“bella cmon we gotta go” Avery yells, ‘how is she ready so early’ i think to myself, finishing my coat of mascara.
“ok, ok, im ready” i say 20 minutes later. i can tell shes pissed, but it doesn’t bother me.
“your so dramatic, its a 5 minute walk” Avery says, annoyed, as always.
“i am not made for walking”
its only been 5 minutes since our arrival and i want to leave
“hey baby” a clearly drunk guy says, while he slyly brings his hand to my bare waist.
“who are you” i say, bluntly
“hey loosen up princess” he says, getting closer
i do like that nickname. but i hate him.
“im gonna go now”
i dont know if im straight, to be honest. i was raised in a household where anything but straight was a sin, so i never really questioned my interests. but whenever i see a girl who is tall and strong, my straightness goes out the window, and i feel like im sinning. ive never done anything with a girl before and im scared, i dont know if i ever would.
i walk away from the drunk man and towards the bar
“oh my god im so sorry” ‘fuck. why am i so clumsy’, i say to the girl i bumped into
“nah your all good” she says, looking down at me
i hadn’t looked at her, but now that i am. i never wanna stop. shes tall and blonde.
“hi, im paige” she says, breaking my admiration.
“im bella” i say, shamelessly checking her out
she has on grey sweatpants and a black tshirt. hot.
“do you go here” she says, continuing the conversation.
“uh, yeah, im a junior” i say, stuttering. why am i stuttering
“are you nervous?” she says, bringing her face closer to my own. yes, i am so nervous, you make me so nervous, ohmygodohmygodohmygod
“no” i say, unconvincingly.
“you sure?” she questions again. im not ok
“your on the basketball team, right?” i say, attempting to shift the conversation
she chuckles
“yeah” she states, moving back to her original position, further away from me. come back
“have you heard of me” she says, cockily
“i think everyone has here” i say, to be honest, i dont know anything about basketball. but ive heard of her before and her eyes have me trapped, there so blue and inviting.
what am i saying
“i wanna know more about you though” she whispers, moving closer than before.
“what do you wanna know” i say wrapping my arms around her neck. i dont know where all this confidence has came from
“yo paige” some girl says, she turns around and breaks the position we were in.
“iceee” she says, dapping up her teammate
im offended.
i make my way from her and towards my friend group. i want to go home
“was that you flirting with paige bueckers”
“we were just talking, shes not interested”
“girl, paige would be interested in a tree if it had a pussy, she is definitely interested” chanel says
everyone laughs. but me
im confused, why am i attracted to her, i like men, not women.
“bella cmon, lets get you home” Avery says, i mentally thank her from saving me from this conversation.
i tuck myself into bed after taking my outfit and makeup off and get ready for my favourite activity. sleep, until.
- hey is this bella?
what the fuck. do i have a stalker
- yes
- hahah thank god
- this is paige
what the fuck
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A/N - first fic, how do we feeeelllllllll
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checkitoutmikey · 1 year
TLB challenge: messed up kinks edition
tlb fandom! i have a challenge for you! let’s giggle together like a bunch of schoolgirls and tell each other about what kinks the boys have
and by that I mean the most disgusting barely-sex-related stuff your our dirty little minds can come up with.. the stuff not even the lost boys would think about practising in real life, or confessing to other boys
dont be shy. im gonna go first kay?
Warning: NSFW
Medical play: 
We all know David loves control. Physically restraining, bondage, dom/sub good time and all that stuff. But sometimes he thinks about taking that to whole another level. David really likes the idea of actually controlling someone‘s body. A person strapped to gyno chair, their legs spread wide with no chance of getting out of the binds, now that’s a scene he could get into. Giving the person pleasure and pain.
Literally controlling their body’s fuctions. Putting them to sleep with drugs. Using urethral sounds and catheter to stop them from emptying their bladder or making them pee when he decides.
And when a person really misbehaves? Nothing like severing some tendons to teach them a lesson.
==≡≡≡Ω≡≡≡== ==≡≡≡Ω≡≡≡== ==≡≡≡Ω≡≡≡==
Maiesiophilia (yes, it has a name):
We all know Dwayne has breeding kink. But really deep deep inside his mind this kink turns into something much darker.
He enjoyes when a person is close to the end of pregnancy. The discomfort that comes with it. The joint pain, muscle pain, difficulty with sleeping, false contractions.
He gets off on the idea that the person who wishes to have a child needs to go through all that hell. Including the birth itself. Seeing a person going through a worst pain imaginable because they wanted their little baby more than they feared the whole process is doing something to him.
==≡≡≡Ω≡≡≡== ==≡≡≡Ω≡≡≡== ==≡≡≡Ω≡≡≡==
Yep. Just straight up cannibalism.
He’s a beast in man’s body. It’s normal for all lost boys to take a sip when they are fucking some rando but with Marko it can be so much more horrifying. Because let’s be honest, he’s the most sadistic out of the entire pack and if the rest of them didn’t hold him back, there would be many more corpses killed in much more gruesome manner.
But sometimes he thinks about it. With someone who is really hot and they have amazing sex, but it doesn’t seem to scratch the itch. He doesn’t want to just fuck them, or taste them. He wants to posses them. Take them apart and keep them with him forever. Devouring parts of their bodies is a nice compromise.
==≡≡≡Ω≡≡≡== ==≡≡≡Ω≡≡≡== ==≡≡≡Ω≡≡≡==
He just wants a doll, that’s it.
Just a pretty little thing to keep in his nest. Cute and quite. Something that doesn’t talk much. No need for it to move either. In fact, if it behaves like a proper doll, he might even take care of it. Keep it alive for a while.
He would use drugs and his mind powers to achieve this. Just scoop some poor soul from the boardwalk, put it in a nice dress and keep it. Sometimes to just look at it’s pretty face. Or cuddle it. Feed it.
He would get rid off it before it died. Suprisingly he doesn’t like the stench of rotting flesh.
and i’m tagging these brave souls, let’s see how messed up we can get here: @luv4fandoms, @misslavenderlady, @ghoulgeousimmaculate, @maskofmirrors, @prettywhenibleed, @6lostgirl6, @auntvamp, @sadlostgirl
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friendlyengie · 1 year
What do you think about the Conagher family legacy? Do you imagine Engi was kind of pressured into engineering, or would his family be more like an inspiration? Granddaddy Conagher seems like such an out-there guy, I'd love to hear your takes on his effect on Dell.
I havent put too much thought into it before, I’ll be honest! So what Im gonna say might sound out of line with other ideas I have about Engie, but i think thats the fun in different interpretations and allat. So. Cracks my knuckles
I think the conagher family legacy- radigan conagher’s legacy- is a special hell that Engineer invented in his own mind. There’s a feeling of responsibility to carry on Radigan’s work (especially now that he has notes straight from his grave) that wasn’t really pressed onto him by anyone but himself, and also maybe a feeling of insecurity that his great old man seemed to crack so many codes that Engineer never got to. Sure, Engie rebuilt his own gunslinger, but ol Radigan Conagher built it and designed it, so what’s it say about Engineer’s skills if all he’s doing is following instructions on paper. It’s not an explicit, gnawing insecurity. Its an insecurity that just cant be helped when youre a person who creates, in a sense, one that can either be brushed off on a good day or leave you scrambling through your own blueprints tracking all the ways you couldnt stand on your own two feet on a bad one.
Basically i think Engie suffers from “I set my standards impossibly high and ill be a failure if i dont meet them,” with Radigan as a figurehead at the top of those standards, because he does dumb shit for the sake of science. But if its dumb shit for a family legacy, theres some sort of an admirable trait there. if hes not working to prove himself, then whose he doing all this for? Himself? You can only justify working for yourself so much before it becomes clear that you know exactly how stupid cutting your own arm off with a table saw is, and you went and did it anyways didnt you.
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hi cas!!
im gonna rant at you for a bit if you dont mind :)
Im a minor that lives in a super tight night, close minded community. Super religious, super homophobic transphobic ect. Seeing as im a teenage girl whose questioning their gender and is definitely attracted to women thats kinda problematic lols. Honestly idek how to explain the situation without a bunch of details, but basically, theres a fifty-fifty chance of me being sent to conversion therapy or just cut off from any internet access (and i mean ANY. i have a flip phone for fucks sake.)if my fam finds out im queer, i have no support system outside of some internet friends who know nothing about my situation, and within the next few years(so like once i turn 20ish, thats in like 4 years but whatever) my family is going to expect me to get married to a man and start popping out babies asap. Btw thats whats expected of me in this community, marriage under the age of 25, have like as many kids as physically possible and god forbid higher education. And im not okay with that . Ffs i want to go to college, major in fine arts, meet a person i like and fall desperately in love or maybe not just have a bunch of close platonic relationships i want cats and a dog and a cute studio in a big city where i can dye my hair whatever color i want aand get an obsene amount of piercings, i want to wear pants!! I just want to live. Without expectations or limits or people who love me hating everything they dont know about me. Is that truly so much to ask for?
And im incredibly dramatic cuz i literally have the dream life. My family loves me, my parents are upper middle class, theyve never hurt me before(besides for all the anti everything rants haha) i literally have a full sized bed, which for some reason i see as the peak of being spoiled idk why. I go to school, not even public, a private religious school that prob costs thousands of dollars, i have friends(who are all part of this community btw and id bet my entire savings that most of them think gay is only a word that ppl use to mean happy lol) close ones even!! I have adorable neices and nephews(my 3 sisters all were married by the age of 20, so i have 11 niecesand nephews while my oldest sister is 31) im living the dream life. But i hate it and i have no way out. No hope of college to get on my feet and find someway out, no people that'll help me fucking run away or some bullshit like that, hell ive considered it and then felt like shit, cuz what am i even running from? Im probably attracted to men it wont kill me to marry one. And i like kids, i wouldnt mind having any either. But.... i dont want to be trapped anymore. Cuz ill be honest thats what i am.if some one asked me to run away with them rn i would, no hesitation.
God im a mess😭😭 anyway this was me ranting in my notes app, im just apologizing for dumping this on a complete stranger(we're moots actually!!) albeit a very kind one :) i dont know what im looking for, but ill take whatever your comfortable giving ig.
I love and appreciate you<333
And hey this has been oddly cathartic so lmk if its okay for me to do this again sometime :))
"im living the dream life. But i hate it and i have no way out."
Hon, you're not living the dream life...there's a difference between financial privilege and being happy, you know? It's pretty clear that this isn't what you want.
I'm not sure if you're asking for my advice here, or if you just want to vent. But I care about you, and if you want me to research some things to try to help you, I'm more than willing to (that way it's not on your search history.) Just say the word!
Until then, you are ALWAYS allowed to vent to me.
I'm naming you venting anon in case you write again!
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cepheusgalaxy · 10 days
PLEASE no bear or man discourse on my dash. This conversation doesn't really seem to be helping anyone.
On one side, we have a lot of (probably cis, idk, im assuming) woman who said they'd chose the bear.
And on the other side, a bunch of angry people.
Not to be like 'oh wah both sides are correct im neutral on this wadda wadda' but like. Men are people (i mean theres otherkin men too) and people are reasonable and bears are not reasonable and etc so logically it's way safer to chose the man wadda wadda but then I'd also like to point out how even if the other option is not very good logically speaking, a lot of people raised to be girls (like me, myself) grew up with this constant induced fear of Men. Dont go out alone, a Big Scary Man is gonna hurt you, don't be alone with a Man or else hes gonna hurt you, *scary statistics of violence towards women commited by Men shoved down your gut*, dont be alone with your Uncle because he might be Family but he is a Man and Men are not trustworthy and all etc. so you are in Danger. Just like. It wildly depends on the person you're talking about, but when we get there and generalize to the people being raised to be girls its very very Scary.
But I'd also like to point out how those views we learn as children are incredibly generalized and the group of people more likely to harm you are not "men", strictly speaking, but Privilegied People With Mote Power Than You, Incentived To Do Whatever They Want. One would think that emcompasses All Men, but then we completely ignore black men, men of color, poor men, disabled men, men with mental disorders (not the asshole in the News who got called a """""psychopath""""" again but the guy next door who is being dehumanized and ignored and demonized), trans men, queer men, etc etc. And so its our job, even if thats annoying or doesnt seem fair, to try and unlearn this bias we have and see things with clearer eyes, and be able to answer that this question is incredibly vague and it highly depends on the man or even the bear; oh maybe its a baby bear, oh maybe its my uncle Joe, oh maybe its Donald J Trump with a gun and im a minority, oh maybe—there are so many situations.
There are at least two sides on this debate, and I totally get where both are coming from. Distrust had been shoved down our (people raised to be girls) throats since childhood, and that view also conveniently serves to opress further men who are already being opressed (either you like it or not, interseccionality exists). The best thing to do would be to try and unlearn all that, and challenge the power structures that allow Some Privilegied People (because lets be honest these groups include a lot of people of all genders, because you can be both a privilegied + opressed person combo—because of interseccionality!—like a cis white gay person shoving a two-spirit/trans poc person under the bus, or a neurotypical black person shoving cluster a black people under the bus) to opress other groups.
*Not* asking random woman on the street if they prefer to be alone in a forest with a man or a bear, and then accusing them for repeating the views they've been raised with, which they did not took the legwork to unlearn.
[Image description: The "lets take ibuprofen together" meme, edited to say "lets unlearn harmful views together". /end ID.]
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It's just—UGH
Sorry for the ramble. I'm gonna finish my homework now.
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thatbitchsimone · 11 months
Ok, how do I meet older men without using dating apps/sites?
I’m 21, crazily introverted and don’t have many friends, so I never go out. But I’ve been craving the affection of older men lately (I know, it’s fucking shameful) but I have no idea where the hell I can actually meet cool and interesting guys in their 30s/40s that aren’t creepy and perverse. Plus I look really fucking young for my age, so I feel like I can never approach a guy when I think he’s attractive, because I assume he’ll like I’m like 15, and I feel self conscious hanging around bars on my own. I’ve tried to avoid finding someone online because it seems so superficial and inorganic and it turns me the hell off tbh.
well its gonna be hard as fuck for u to find a non creepy older man if u look that young sorry to break it to u but its true. a normal man is already gonna feel very conflicted about dating someone that are 10+ years younger than them and if u on top of that look even younger than ur age they just wont be able to look past it. i dont judge women for wanting to date older men bc its understandable to me that guys in their 20s arent very attractive or interesting to u but i gotta admit i think u should wait with indulging in this until u hit ur mid 20s at least and on top of that i think in order to date older u have to be very skilled at reading ppl and be very good at ”knowing how to pick them” and have a very strong sense of self, confidence, solid legit resilient self esteem and know the ins and outs of emotional manipulation tactics and are quick at catching these tactics and having no fear of pushing back and standing ur ground and not let ur boundaries be pushed or comprimised and to be honest with u i am not sensing that in u from how u describe urself so im not gonna encourage this path for u bc that would not be in ur best interest. ur way too inexperienced rn (not a bad thing in general btw its just a bad thing in this very specific context bc its too risky and ur too vulnerable at this stage in ur life) like it takes a certain type of person to be able to properly handle being the younger part of an age gap relationship and most women ur age arent that type of person and should therefore not pursue it until they have gotten some more years of life experience and growth to back them up
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ghostismybbygorl · 1 year
Okay heres how id vibe with cod characters
First off i think my call sign would be 'mouse'
Bc im small i can scurry around places pretty quick and i can escape out of a situation fast as well that or cause i sneeze like a mouse
Id be a sniper and demolition expert ngl
Legit i would call him dad 24/7 not like in a daddy kind of way but like legit a father figure
he'd just roll his eyes and accept the fact that he has another kid he has to take care of
100% would smoke a cigar with him though id smoke those tiny cigarillos (my brother smokes cigars and ill smoke a little with him)
Gift giving is my love language so whenever id visit a new country id buy him a cigar from there
I have a hat like his and i WILL wear it around and mimick him
Id do the grunts and everything
I feel like id be on more missions with him than anyone else
Definitely would hang out in his office to keep him company and annoy the shit out if him
Dont let anyone near us
wed be doing diabolical shit especially since im an arsonist and free will plus military grade explosives plus mouse and soap. have the fire department on speed dial
We'd be the reason price is greying faster
100% stealing his shirts and hoodies they'd be so big on me
Im gonna be up front with this one
We'd be fucking. I'm down bad for this man
We'd annoy the absolute piss out of ghost. He can handle one soap but TWO hes gonna need the backpack leashes for us
Quoting vines and tiktoks ON THE DAILY
Jam seshes in the car would be 100% perfect
We'd have a snap streak and its only stupid photos we take
Im recording everything he does i know damn well hes always in a silly goofy mood
Definitely in the blunt rotation
He's definitely the type to find my snack rations and eat them in front of me
Lots of hugs and kisses for this man
Except when he eats my snacks
Wed play fight all the time. When i'm really close with someone ill start "beating them up" (just be faking to fight you)
Oh this poor poor man
Have sympathy on him because he's going to try to avoid every ounce of my being
And i wont stop that
Im giving him hugs left and right this man needs some love
I feel like once i start cracking dark humor jokes he'd open up to me
100% would be making the most absurd worst dad jokes and laughing about it
We'd text on the daily mostly just me sending him memes and him sending a 👍🏻or a 👎🏻
Im stealing his hoodies and his masks
Id probably piss him the fuck off to be honest
Id give him so many gifts to make him happy i know he crinkle's his eyes when he smiles
In the blunt rotation too but i think he'd just join for the company and not smoke that much
Id be over in his room if im overstimulated and i don't want to deal with people
Id have him proof read my fanfiction and he'd be my personal dictionary cause i cant spell for shit
Did i say big brother vibes cause HE WILL BE MY BIG BROTHER
Id steal his hat so many times but like not in the ride a cowboy kind of way
Id buy him the most ridiculous hats and he will 100% wear them
I feel like he was a spondgebob kid so i know damn well we'll be quoting some of the lines
Part of the blunt rotation as well
When I'm upset he's the one id rant to
Definitely would vibe in a room without talking to him in general
He's most definitely the one to keep me from being unhinged
Totally would listen to murder podcasts together
So at my previous job we had to wear full body harnesses and we played this game called the carabiniere game where you take a carabiniere and hook it on to someone without them knowing and you see who can put the most on them
Soap, gaz, and i would be playing it 100% all the time with each other.
Id also grab them by the harness and pull them around or clip myself to them
Let me get a video from my old job and just put em here and id just explain
Okay back to writing
Once again id call her mom and she's just gonna have to deal with it
Id definitely spend time with her outside of work (especially since she lives in maryland my family lives up there) which gives me more of a reason to visit her lol
Shopping sprees i feel like she's a frequent shopper at tj maxx and target
I also feel like she gives the best life advice so id come calling if im in a predicament
Okay so i am partially fluent in spanish, my god mother and best friend are Mexican so I've been around Mexican culture the majority of my life
definitely calls me niña or cariño
I feel like he'd roast my spanish and doesn't correct me if i say something wrong
100% my drinking buddy
I feel like he'd be very protective over me
Id be his date (platonically) and hed be mine to all the family gatherings
Fucking Mexican families are so much fun too. party my tia throws one and im there two shots of tequila in my hand listening and damcing to music
We'd text on the daily i feel like he'd frequently visit me and my family in the south as well he'd be the life of the party at my tia's parties
He's the one that corrects my spanish and WILL only speak spanish to me until I understand whst he's saying
Insert him pointing to a random object and says it in spanish
I feel like we wouldnt bond much but we would you know?
I also feel like he gives great life advice
Id kick him in the balls
He's the type of guy i avoid or ruin his reputation
Absolutely despise him
Completely roast that motherfucker
Drop kick him
He pisses me off so much
Gives off leo and cancer energy
Id 100% try to fight him even before Alejandro would
Tbh id probably get killed by one of his shadows bc of it
Sweet babe i would help him through an axiety attack
id hug him every-time i see him
Definitely would say uppies and have him put me on his shoulders
He definitely wont see me at all ( im 5'4) so he would definitely have to crouch down to see me
His nickname would be bear cause of how big he is
I feel like when he'’s comfortable around you he’s very out going
I have no clue how to speak german but i will act like i do
He's in the blunt rotation as well
Thats all i got for now 😊
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haahka · 5 months
got tagged by @tumsa, thank you dearest!!! ❤❤❤ and sorry for taking this long to get to answering these... 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️
nickname: i dont have one unfortunately :(
zodiac sign: cap
height: 171
last thing I googled: where they sell this nice cold smoked salmon. nowhere close to me was the answer 😔
amount of sleep: 7-8h in the summer, 8-9h in the winter. yes i need that much idk how i survived during uni i was constantly running on low
dream job: idk man i think ive given up on the thought that i can find a thing that would connect a passion project and a job, so... since i'll have to be working for about 40 more years i think (lets face it we're not gonna retire), smth that stays interesting but is safe both physically and emotionally and pays well?
movie/book that describes you the most: im gonna be honest i have no idea what i should put here? what does this mean
fav song: currently? replaying epik high's no thanxxx over and over
fav instrument: if i didnt put cello in here i'd be ignoring the big blob of an instrument case in the corner over there and it'd start haunting me
fav aesthetic: ABANDONED INDUSTRIAL!! honestly the duisburg landschaftspark was one of my all-time favourite places to visit and i WILL RETURN THERE ONE DAY
fav author: there are not that many writers i would have read several books by during my adult years so its hard to say but ive chased down enough titles by natsuo kirino that i think it'll warrant a mention here. going by numbers only it'd b stephen king.
random fun fact: im really bad at fun (hence my blog title as well)
again, not tagging people further, sorry! anyone consider yourselves tagged tho if youd like to answer some questions, tag me so ill see your answers!
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mangoposts · 5 months
OKAY im finally alone so TW for anyone reading this, i will be mentioning rape & knives/scars.
i'll try to make this short but the summer before i went into 10th grade, i had hung out w this guy and i really did just wanna hang out and go for a drive, but he thought i wanted to hook up. i definitely did not because i was a virgin and never done anything with a guy at all. he was a senior and a lot bigger than me and forced me into having sex w him, i kept saying no and stop and take me home but he just kept getting angrier and eventually held a knife to my like pubic bone? pelvis? just down there idk. so i caved. i hated every second and cried but i stopped fighting. i haven't had sex since then, im 20 years old now and i haven't even been fingered by a guy, never given or received head, and never given a handjob. and im honestly really embarrassed about it and wanna have sex with someone SO BADLY but im scared.
the main reason i'm scared isn't because i'm scared i'll be forced into it again, although that is absolutely in the back of my mind. i'm completely fine now and over the situation, but it does worry me that i could get overwhelmed and the guy im with wouldn't wanna stop. but my bigger fear which im 100x more embarrassed of, is what a guy is gonna think when he sees my pussy. now hear me out bc i know that sounds weird😭 but all throughout high school i always heard guys make comments about how ugly this girls pussy is or how gross this girls is and it terrified me. but now i'm even more scared because of what that guy did to me, he literally cut into my skin and left scars. what is a guy gonna think when he sees that? how am i supposed to explain all this? i just i have a lot of questions and concerns but i'm a fucking 20 year old "virgin" if i can even call myself that, i've technically had sex but i didn't want it so idk if i even count that as a body. i just have been panicking over this for forever and have no idea what to do, if you have any advice at all i'd really appreciate it so so much
- 🌙
Oh baby :-(. Im so sorry this happened to you. You were really young and you didn’t deserve that whatsoever, if you can feel it im giving you a hug thru the phone. Im so so so sorry and i hope that man is dead in a ditch somewhere 🤍
On the other hand, i promise you you have nothing to worry about at all. Im telling you rn and i know it sounds so corny and lame and everybody always says this but its true, the right person is not going to judge you for anything and im so Fr when i say that. Trust when i was in high school guys would say all kinda stupid shit like that about girls in the school and it never bothered me because i knew there was at least one person out there who wouldn’t care about anything other people would talk shit about, and i was right 🤷🏻‍♀️ There’s so many people out there who would find u beautiful the way u are and just because some guys in the past thought in that immature goofy ass way doesn’t mean every guy will you know what i mean?
Babe, my only advice for you is to stay the way you are, hang out w ur frennies and the right person is gon come trust. It’ll come when you aren’t looking for it or worrying about it, when you least expect it to be honest. What you went through was horrible and it might be the worlds way of saying you gotta give yourself time before exploring that area of your life yanno. There’s NOTHINGGG wrong with being a virgin at any age let alone 20. You’re still young and you have ur whole life ahead of you. Don’t worry about this, when it happens it’s gonna be fine you’ll see it
Thank you so much for trusting me to be vulnerable with, im sorry if im treating you too delicately im just speaking thru the soul rn 😭 And again im sorry this happened to you. Even if i dont know u i love u a lot and im proud of you for moving past the situation despite how hard it might’ve been
Also im sorry for taking awhile to get back to you, i just scrolled through my inbox and finally found this
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aquagustd · 2 years
seriously jk cracked me up this chapter, its literally like
"jungkook whats wrong?"
"oh you know, sora dumped me *pops champagne* im devastated"
i enjoyed reading it so much.
something that really saddens me is how much im starting to doubt tae. i was so sure he would be a great partner to oc but now i dont think he would. i dont know if its intentional, but the way he's acting last couple of chapters feels like a switch with jungkook's character. when tae's introduced to us, he's this really stable man, has a great, not illegal (i hope) job, and he seems like a perfect opportunity for oc to finally settle down and find someone loving and caring. when we first see jk he's a dick, he's there then he disappears, appears again when its conventional for him, but he's never really there for oc and barely there for their son. gradually, we see jk turn into a man tae once was and tae became the way jk was in the beginning (he leaves when things dont go his way and doesnt answer oc's calls or texts but we know he's fine and having fun with other people) while jk tried so hard to be a better father, oc's support system and even buys a factory to run a "normal" business (im still not sure if he's honest about that but lets say he is for the sake of it). that being said, i really hope oc doesnt end up with either of them lmao it would be nice if jk and oc were to have a healthy co-parenting relationship but nothing beyond that. neither of them actually deserve her, poor girl always one of them is stressing her out, if its not tae then its jk.
also, i really like sora? i feel like its a very unpopular opinion but she is so interesting to me. i always imagined her as devon so i was happy when i found out we imagined the same, but after watching eve's scandal i see her as sora idk maybe its bc of the name (if you like to watch kdramas, i highly recommend bc acting is just top tier). if she was the main character i think more people would like her too, but we naturally lean towards the oc bc a lot of people think oc characters in general need to be these perfect could-never-do-anything-wrong type of characters. also why people get mad when oc does smth stupid ??? yeah people make mistakes, dont you? i also kinda wish there would be sora x jimin spin off (i know you only write oc ff, but a person can hope 🥲) i would read this shit of it even if its just them being business partners and friends.
sorry for the long message but i really appreciate your time and effort to create these stories, thank you so much. remember to stay hydrated and take care of yourself, much love
thank you so much for reading & dropping your thoughts <33
i’m gonna be honest. tae & jk’s character hasn’t switched tbh. tae did ONE thing wrong that affected oc & hurt her feelings which was him ignoring her. which doesn’t compare to anything jk did tbh.
tae is the owner of a hotel chain !! they haven’t switched personalities at all :/ jk isn’t becoming the man tae was in the beginning.
it fascinates me when people say they like sora. you’re right maybe some readers would like her if she was the oc. but tbh then we’d get her pov so we’d know that she doesn’t like junho at all :/ and she’s fake with him all the time. even jungkook can’t pick up on that. but it was evident when she was sulking throughout junho’s bday party and then complained that jungkook was wasting money on his son. maybe it’s bc i know more about her but imo i don’t think many readers would like her if she was the oc. her backstory is interesting but she’s really not a good person.
but that’s bc i know more about her maybe 👁
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rowavolo · 6 months
lucifer loves watching you work.
it doesn’t matter what kind, or for how long; if you’re focused on anything, at least part of his mind is focused on you in turn. he keeps the staring to a minimum when others are nearby, excusing it as “making sure you don’t need help,” but that doesn’t fool anybody who’s opinion matters. anyone who knows him knows his expressions are fine, emotion displayed in the smallest flick of his eye, and can clearly see the difference on his face whenever he looks at you. his brows relax, eyes opening just a bit wider, and if he’s particularly lost in whatever colors the sun has pulled from your eyes, the corner of his mouth ticks up into a smile. there’s obvious favor literally written into his face, far more than can be explained by a throwaway line about “worry.”
if you were to ask, he’d only tell you part of the truth, that he simply liked watching your expressions. throw in a comment about how humans were so much more expressive, maybe a teasing remark pointing out how it always takes you a while to notice, and the topic has been sufficiently glossed over, waiting for the inevitable next time he’s caught.
the simple truth, of course, is that he loves watching you work because he loves you. every time you catch him, surprise rippling though your eyes as you ask if he needed something, the words weigh on his tongue. it would be so easy to let go, to say three words he wouldn’t have to think twice about—“come over here,” “please don’t go,” “i love you”—and his bleeding heart would be put to rest.
“…no, i don’t,” is what he says instead, returning to his own responsibilities in the meantime. to tell you would be selfish, and his pride refuses to allow an esteemed guest to be uncomfortable in his home. the idea made him cringe, but it was the truth. you’d certainly be put off if he was honest. after levi, after belphie, after his own fear that snapped into anger against the one he wanted to protect… it would be unfair to put you in such a position, let alone the awkwardness of unreciprocated feelings. too many undesirable outcomes were both possible and likely, so he looks away.
lucifer returns to his work, watching your focus slowly return as you function in parallel. he keeps his gaze only to his periphery for now, waiting. in a few minutes, once you won’t notice him setting aside his pen, he can watch you again, refreshing the image of you in his mind that never seems to leave.
— blue (, yearning)
oh my goodness,,, this is so so utterly adorable im so completely soft for it oh man i dont even . i . the. i . AAAH!
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zackcrazyvalentine · 3 years
i really really really wanna see deuce’s mother because she’s sounds nice and the way he talks about her is just- JSISKSOSKSOSODKDK
i saw ONE fanart of them and i 🧎🏾‍♀️ . I FEEL LIKE MAMA LEECH WOULD BE LIKE JADE AND PAPA LEECH LIKE FLOYD BUT SUPER CURIOUS ABOUT MC ????? LIKE A POOR HUMAN ACTUALLY MANAGED TO GRAB THE ATTENTION OF THEIR PRECIOUS CHILDREN ???? LET ME AT THEM-also they probably are tall as hell so the whole meeting with them and mc is like “sir please bend over my neck is stating to do things it’s not supposed to do-“
azul’s mother gives me sweet but sharp women ? like a bit like ursula but more kind ? if that’s makes sense- AND HIS STEPFATHER IS SUPER SUPPORTIVE OF AZUL AND IS SUPER PROUD OF HIM-
no thoughts epel’s grandparents coming to see him but then getting lost and brought back by mc to epel BUT THEN epel’s grandma grabs both their hands and asks when they’re gonna marry epel-
SEBEK’S MAMA AND PAPA (am i fawning over a couple that never got an apparition in the game? yes i will do it again) IMAGINE IF HIS MOM IS LIKE “ following in your parents footsteps huh ? you have good taste son !” AFTER SEEING MC-
i feel like she would be kind of awkward? but she’s trying her best ! and she is so proud of malleus and talks to mc about the achievements he has done over the years and just height a sweet grandma overall-
i wanna see ace’s mom because i know she’s the type to EMBARRASS her son in front of mc “oh ace dear do you remember that one time you ate a worm and then cried about it ? i still have the video let me search for it-“ and ace is like “mom what- STOP” and mc just sipping on the tea collecting blackmail material
KALIM’S PARENTS WOULD PROBABLY TAKE ONE LOOK AT MC AND BE LIKE “do you wanna marry my son he’s very handsome” “ma’am who are you-“
important note if mc is meeting riddle’s mom and jamil’s parents it’s to fight them to death-
tl’dr : mc’s ending up with a bit too much of marriage proposals
YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!! [PSST!!! You can find the continuation h e r e !!]
DEUCE’S MAMA 🥺🥺🥺💓💓💓💓💓💓💓
I 100% AGREE!! I wanna meet her so bad! She sounds so gentle and caring, I just wanna thank her for everything idc 🥺
“Deuce, hi! Oh, is this your mother, Mrs. Spade?!” MC bound up to him, quite eagerly, might he add.
“A-Ah, [Name]... Yes *ahem* Mom, this is [Name]. [Name], this is my mother.” The Heartslabyul student awkwardly introduced.
the woman’s face lit up, “Oh dear, oh my! This is your friend [Name]?! Hello, dear! I’ve heard wonders of you from Deucey here~!”
MC looked at their friend with a teasing smirk, “Oh, has he?”
She giggled cutely. “Indeed he has, and allow me to say,” Those same peacock green eyes they knew from Deuce looked into theirs, “Thank you for taking care of my son. You’re a wonderful soul, from what I know.”
The tender look in her eyes, her gentle smile and soft voice... MC’s heart sparkled with some sort of nostalgic feeling.
They suddenly bowed, startling the mother-son pair. “N-No, I should be the one thanking you, Mrs. Spade!!”
-- --
I’ve seen two iterations of their personalities: Mama being playful and at-her-own-flow like Floyd, Mama being elegant, proper and mysterious like Jade while Papa is a more... controlled version of Floyd (same goofy smile and carefree demeanor, but not as easy to lash out as Floyd)
BUT ABSOLUTELY!!! Imagine Mama Leech approaching them like a sophisticated lady, making such comments that just due to her tone of voice and the look in her eyes have MC blushing and trembling in fear and shyness
Papa Leech almost kabedoning them to have the little trembling shrimp still for him to observe: “My sons... interested in such a tiny shrimp... so small and magicless...” A shine in his eyes as he smirked that familiar pointy-toothed smirk at them, “Interesting enough to have us up in the surface like this~ ...Don’t you think so, Darling?”      “Indeed, My Love” Much similar to the eel twins, they chuckled sinisterly
-- --
What if Granny Ashengrotto also comes with? 🥺 THE MOST WHOLESOME MEETING (of course, after the whole family [including stepdad] celebrates Azul’s accomplishments with Mostro Lounge and his contracts, both parents being HELLA proud of their little baby octopus ❤️)
Then MC will notice all of them CODDLING Azul, pinching his cheeks and reminding him of how squishy and chubby he was when young. Look at him now!! A proper business man with a bright future!    MC giggles at the dorm leader’s bright blush, and the attention immediately shifts to them
“Oh, Azul~ Is this the [Name] you’ve talked so much about~?”
“Ohoho~ Look the the bumpkin he’s managed to score! Our little Azul definitely has an eye for beauty!”
“G-Granny-! *ahem* Grandma, please!”
“Say, did you ever get to see how utterly cute and fluffy Azul was as a baby? Oh~, the absolute cutest, my dear!” The lady glowing with happiness immediately pulled her phone out and scrolled through some photos. Little baby Azul, Azul in middle school, tiny Azul celebrating his birthday as he sat on Granny’s lap while admiring all the food on the table... Each picture showcasing more and more of the merman’s charm.   And all he could do was hide away in his office out of shame.
-- --
Maybe MC has see some movies after arriving to the Wonderland, isn’t Vil’s father an actor too? What if he starred in some of those movies?!
Imagine all the stories he can tell about the whole recording period and the behind the scene tricks!
Perhaps both Schoenheits have inside jokes about their line of work, and they let MC in on them!
“Say, are you not interested in becoming the face of a new beauty product? It’s from a partner company, and they’re searching for new talent. You have a certain charm to you, a beauty that many can identify with.” The man offered, taking out a spare free sample of some lip/cheek tint.
Vil took a look at the product, “Oh, they came out with new things already?”
“And they followed your advice to heart, their new formula seems to be all natural and friendly with different skin types and tones.”
Both actors looked at you, “What say you, [Name]?”
“I can hook you up with an interview.” Stated the older man.
“And I can train you.” Vil quickly added.
-- --
“G-Grangran, Pops! W-What are you doing here? Isn’t it... peak apple season?” The lilac haired boy was startled at seeing his family.
Granny quickened her pace to go to her grandson, “Oh, shush, little apple! Here, I brought you some homemade apple pie to share with friends.” She looked back at MC as they and her husband came to stand by her. 
“Epel, dear,” Her wrinkled hands came to take one of his and one of MC’s, “Your friend here guided us to you. They’re so kind, a wonderful candidate for spouse, right Honey?” She teased, looking at Epel’s grandad while they shared a laugh at how the young boy was blushing profusely at the comment (and at MC’s cute nervous smile from the slight embarrassment they felt after Grangran’s words)
-- --
Honest question: Which of us ISN’T daydreaming about Sebek’s parents? jkdskdsdf (his mom’s a MILF 100%)
“SON!” A firm yell startled both 1st years. “Headmaster Crowley notified us about a Family Day going on in your school, we were allowed to drop by today to greet you and meet your friends!” A tall lady with long, messy green hair approached them.
“Mother!” A bright smile graced Sebek’s lips, turning around to engulf his mother in a hug. “Father!” He shook the man’s hand firmly. “It’s an honor to have you here! Would you like to visit the novel Diasomnia dorm of which I’m part of and is led by out Lord Malleus?”
It was the human man who peeked over his son’s form who noticed them, “Oh, hello there! You must be one of Sebek’s friends, I presume?”
The mature woman promptly pushed past her son, taking a gander at the human who was with him. She remained silent, eyes shifting from MC to Sebek, so on and so forth... until...
A proud smile brightened her face, “Ah, my little Crocodile is following along Mama’s path~💕” While her son and husband let out a surprised babble of words at her insinuation.
-- --
Malleus’ Grandmother... A figure that has everyone bowing with her mere presence in a room
“Grandmother, this is a very important person I want you to meet.” It was strange of Malleus to be this eager, let alone about someone. 
The Queen (she’s the current queen of VoT right? aaa) walked along her grandson, holding onto his arm as he led the way to a... rundown building?
“Ah! Tsunotarou, hello!” A human greeted them. “O-Oh!” They bowed hurriedly at the regal presence that accompanied their friend today. “P-leasure to meet you, your Highness.”
A look of utter surprise crossed her face, “Malleus..! A.. human?!” The tense atmosphere made MC straighten up and nervously look at the fae in front of them. “And that nickname?! Young one, do you know who you are speaking to?!” Anger flashed in her eyes as she addressed MC.
“Yes, they do.” The crown prince stepped in, shielding MC behind him, “And I allow them to use that nickname... After all, fae can’t lend their name, or can we?” She remained on defense, giving her grandson’s friend a disparaging look. 
"They were lost, and so was I... Along the way, we found each other. This is a friendship I treasure with all my being, and you have been a very important figure through my life... Would you give them a chance?” He tried to bargain.
The Queen kept her stance, looking at the human, who smiled uncertainly and waved at her. Strangely, she felt no threat coming from them, only warmth, a feeling of being welcomed. Her heart was filled with that warmth for a moment.
Clearing her throat, she relaxed. “Very well, only for you, Malleus... So, who must your friend be?”
-- --
“Say, do you remember when you took a bite out of my decorative soaps thinking they were jellies? You looked like a rabid dog with all the foam!” The woman openly chuckled, much to her son’s chagrin.
“And that one time you came running and crying to your brother’s arms after a beetle ‘launched and attacked you’ as it flew to your face? You became scared of them for a whole year!” MC laughed along with her.
“Oh, please, tell me more! I’m delighted to know more about Ace’s childhood from you, Mrs. Trappola, since he seldom talks about it himself.” They looked at Ace with a mocking smile, enjoying hos his mother openly provided such wonderful blackmail material.
-- --
Kalim is SO EXCITED to present you to his parents! Look, mom, dad! I made another friend aside from Jamil! :DDD
The bright ray of sunshine bounded up to MC, with an equally as bright couple behind him. “[Name], [Name]! Come here! I want you to meet my parents!” Kalim took their hand and quickly dragged them over to where his parents were.
“Mom, dad! This is [Name]! They arrived at NRC unexpectedly, but I very much enjoy their presence and companionship!” That toothy grin so characteristic of him found his way on his lips.
MC bowed slightly in greeting. “A pleasure to meet you, Mr. and Mrs. Asim!”
The older couple shared a look before coming up to MC, with the man shaking their hand and the woman pinching their cheek. “Hello there, young one! Kalim seems to be very fond of you! Say, would you mind joining the family? I’m certain Kalim approves!” His father hurriedly spoke.
“H-Huh?! What?!” MC could only accept their coddling and affection as they blushed and looked at their white haired friend for help... But he was busy blushing himself~
-- --
Leona is NOT AT ALL happy to have his family visit him in the ONE PLACE where he’s away from them
"Leona-ojitan! [Nickname]!" The little bundle of joy sprinted the pair's way, eliciting a groan from the 3rd year.
"Not that brat again." Leona rubbed his temple.
MC giggled, "C'mon, Cheka isn't that bad! I can take care of him."
"Brother!" Now, that certainly startled MC... Because not only was the exclaimed name all there was, no no, a redheaded lion beastman wrapped his arms around Leona's torso from behind and lifted him some centimeters off the ground. "Long time no see, Leona! Isn't it wonderful that your school's holding a Family Day?! As soon as we got word of it, we came to visit!"
"Fareena... Put. Me. DOWN." Savanaclaw's dorm head growled. Thankfully, the overexcitable man followed through, laughing at his brother's antics.
"[Nickname], can you see how much I've grown since last time! I'm half a centimeter taller!" Cheka giggled as he climbed up MC's leg, ultimately reaching his goal to be carried by them.
"A-Ah, that's wonderful!" They laughed awkwardly at the kid.
The cub was removed from their person by someone. "Apologies, dear, Cheka can be a handful sometimes." A lioness woman smiled gently at you. "Tell them you're sorry, Cheka. You know better than to use people as jungle gyms."
The boy became crestfallen, ears flattening as he fumbled with his fingers. "Sowwy, Mx. [Name], I shouldn't have done that."
MC chuckled a bit. "Apology accepted."
"So you must be this mystery person Cheka rambled about after spectating the Magift tournament." An older woman approached, pinching the child's cheek.
"Yes yes, gramma! [Nickname] played with me when I visited ojitan! They're my other favorite friend here at NRC, they took great care of me!"
At that, both lionesses perked up. Even Fareena approached the circle after his boy spoke so fondly of MC right now.
"Oh, I see~" The younger of the two ladies giggled, accompanied by Fareena's loud laughter.
Leona had a look of utter terror at what was going to be said next. Eyes wide, ears flat, he looked ready to run away from the scene at a moment's notice.
Who they assumed to be Leona's mother approached MC, placing a hand on their shoulder. "A natural ability with kids... Son!" She looked at leona now, who flinched at her call, "I see you've chosen a great mate!"
As MC and Leona were taken into a family hug, they only remained stunned as the words completely registered in their minds.
-- --
Oh, I absolutely agree with that!! The atmosphere with Riddle's mother and Jamil's parents will be HELLA TENSE
If anything, I feel MC would potentially get along with Jamil's younger sister, enjoying the friendly banter they have as siblings. But even more so, liking how Jamil shows he cares and how he genuinely smiles while his sister is with him.
I feel she'd also tell him in private:
"So~, that friend of yours..."
Jamil only raised an eyebrow at her words, leading her to sigh, "[Name]! The magicless prefect!"
"Uh-huh, what about them?" The boy inquired, wanting to hear her say it earnestly and not go the "you know what I'm talking about" way.
"Yeah... I think they're pretty cool..." Jamil smiled slightly. "Oh, what's that~? I knew you seemed way too close!" She chuckled after noticing the tiniest change in his expression.
The brunet ruffled her hair, "Nothing, it's nothing at all..."
"Say the one with a lovestruck face!"
-- --
Not to mention Jack's little siblings, and Trey's too! Cater's older sisters!
Hope you enjoy! Visit the askbox once more whenever you like, Anon ❤️!!!
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hanazuma-inactive · 3 years
Hi, I love your writings ❤. I really enjoy reading them.
Um, can I request Oikawa Tooru with virgin!reader who is (sub, bottom); (praise kink, but doesn't know he has and kinda shy when he knows it); (has shy, soft, and really submissive personality) (3rd year student) ? Reader with Oikawa is a couple of lover, and a roommate. They usually do some cuddles in their bedroom that always started with Oikawa teasing the reader. One day, when cuddling, Oikawa asked reader if he wants to do something more intimate than cuddling and really feels good.
Sorry if that is too much. Thank you
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king and his prince, (nsfw) oikawa x bottom!reader
pronouns: he/him (FEMALE ORIENTED DNI!!)
warnings: creampie, praise kink! flirty oikawa
a/n: oikawa is probs my least favorite character in haikyuu, im pretty sure i hated him at one point cuz of his personality. i later found out from many website i am unfortunately a oikawa kinnie (even tho i dont really think so but idk) explains all the self hatred lmao, again for the anon that requested it im sorry for the bad quality cuz i stayed up to write this at 6 am so undoubtedly there will be some mistakes
"y/n, my dear prince~ doesn't it feel good like this?"
"t-tooru…it feels good, i-it really does!" you said, messy hair and looking directly at your boyfriend.
"you look so beautiful when you enjoy it, keep up that pretty face won't you?"
oikawa tooru was too popular for your comfort at school. everyone liked him and they all had a good reason to, and that doesn't make you any different. you were shy and didn't catch a lot of attention so you were incredibly surprised that someone as popular as oikawa even wanted to talk to you.
you were smart and in fact smart enough to compete with oikawa. in fact the first time you caught his attention was when you corrected an answer, making him embarrassed in front of the class. he wanted to "settle this" only to find you harmless. later on he talked to you more and more. the contrast of personality of you two complimented each other pretty well. a cocky bastard who doesn't know how to shut up and a shy boy who likes to listen. inevitably the two of you grew closer as friends, so much to a point where you moved into the same apartment unit.
you didn't mind getting closer to oikawa, emotionally or physically with him being your crush and all so this was pretty much what you wanted, you just didn't think he would be the one to offer instead. being enclosed in a space together made oikawa get a lot more comfortable with you. random hugs here and there, maybe a little head pat, and sometimes leaning on each other's shoulders. it was practically a dream come true and you didn't think this could possibly get better until the man pulled something else out his sleeves.
one day you fell asleep watching the tv in the living room. the weather was a little chilly so falling asleep without a blanket near you wasn't the best idea. oikawa came home to find you shivering in your sleep so of course like the genius he is, he didn't decide to throw a blanket or carry you back into your bedroom and instead cuddled with you on the couch, leaving you wrapped around his arms basically unable to move when you woke up.
both of you would be lying if you said you didn't enjoy it. therefore, this whole cuddling session became a regular thing between you two. oikawa being the big spoon and you being the small one. it went on for a while until both of you realized this might not have been the most normal thing that "friends" did. at this point you're pretty sure oikawa had feelings for you, or else he wouldn't have done a lot of the things he has. after a lot of urging from his friends, he finally decided to confess to you. despite him being the playboy he is, he was quite nervous this time, due to the fact that he had to say it to someone he actually has feelings for. so just like that, the relationship between you two finally became official.
another day you guys during your normal cuddling session, oikawa proposed an interesting idea, and to be honest you saw this coming.
"babeeeee, why don't we try something more interesting this time~?" oikawa said, staring at you with his arms around you.
you knew exactly what oikawa meant, you weren't stupid, but you know that he likes it when you act all innocent so you decided to do just that.
"hm? what do you mean tooru-kun? i don't think i understand?"
"oh…baby boy i know you know what i mean alright~" just as he said that the brown haired man grabbed you in for a kiss.
your tongues started to intertwine immediately. this was very much oikawa's style, aggressive and dominant, but soft and caring when he wanted to. the kiss was generally messy but you could tell that oikawa was putting effort into this with all his tiny and intricate movements. a string of saliva connected you after he broke the kiss. leaving you panting and gasping for air while he's on the other side with a sly grin.
"you ready for the next part now?"
"t-there's more ah-!" you gasped as your boyfriend pulled down your pants at once, leaving your hard cock to bounce out.
"of course there is~ we have to tend to this guy don't we?" he said, holding your dick and positioning himself to suck your dick.
yet again attacked by oikawa's mouth you just couldn't keep it for long anymore. it's like his mouth is heaven made or something and it will continue to turn you on and make you cum without fail.
"a-ah! tooru..i'm gonna cum! mmghm!" you said, shooting all your load straight into your boyfriend's mouth, which of course he gladly swallowed right after.
"t-that's it right? i don't think i'll be able to handle more, you know…" you said out of both fear and excitement.
however all you got in response was a smirk from oikawa as he slid off his shirt to reveal his perfectly toned abs.
"almost done, pretty boy."
something about that word, made your half flaccid cock immediately rise up and become as hard as your boyfriends again.
"heh? what a strange reaction, could this mean…" oikawa leaned in closer, enough so that all the hair near your ears would stand up and said,
"my prince likes to be praised?"
you've heard about this so-called praise kink before but didn't exactly think you'd be into it this much. your face turned redder than they already are and you just wanted to cover your face and run away.
"aw, c'mon, it's cute! and if you like it-' oikawa said, spreading your legs open, exposing your asshole and angling his cock head to the entrance of it.
"i might just praise you a little more than usual, hm?"
your boyfriend was hot but this was undoubtedly the most attractive he's ever been. towered over you whispering praises in your ear as he prepared you with his fingers for something bigger that's about to come next. without a warning oikawa began to inch his way into your ass, moving and adjusting his cock to fit your tight asshole.
"you're taking me so well baby...keep doing just that alright? i know you're so good for me aren't you?" oikawa said, leaning closer at you.
at a loss for words due to how flustered you are, you could only give your boyfriend a little nod and covered your face with your arms while flashing a little red on your cheeks once again.
"y/n, my dear prince~ doesn't it feel good like this?"
"t-tooru…it feels good, i-it really does!" you said, messy hair and looking directly at your boyfriend.
"you look so beautiful when you enjoy it, keep up that pretty face won't you?"
the praises that he showered you with were too much. you were already so sensitive since it was your first time and all. now with all these lustful words turning you on, you couldn't hold it in anymore and came onto your stomach while your boyfriend continued to make slow but deep thrusts onto your prostate.
your head was still a little fuzzy but you could still feel your boyfriend jerking his hips faster and faster, ending with a long thrusts at the end which wasn't hard to assume that your boyfriend came inside you, just like how you wanted it. before passing out from bliss, a hand cupped your cheek followed with a gentle kiss on the forehead.
"you did so well baby…i know you're tired so rest now, i'll be here alright."
you couldn't be more happy, with such a loving and caring boyfriend. that being said, you fell into his arms once again and slipped into your dreams even thought they have already become reality.
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walhalla · 3 years
AHSAKSHAK aight question for them pretty boys
to draken : do you know as much as people laughing at your bald head, a lot of them is thirsting over you ? LMAO DRAKEGG ASHAJSGAK I CANT
to rindou : its not a question but i just wanna tell you that you're really cute AHAKSHAKAHAA ily<3
to sanzu : damn boy you're so pretty wtf eyelashes routine ? anyways how do you feel about your scars ? i think its really attractive and makes you much more prettier😔❤︎
to hanma : bitch are you gay ? dont worry i dont have anything against gay people hun♡︎you can be honest , i wont judge you
koko : hello koko, so are you gonna talk about that one scene ? yk when you kiss you bestfriend ? also, if im your girlfriend , would you spend money for me ?
to inui : baby🥺😔you are so precious istg you deserve the whole world sweetie💕YOU. ARE PRETTY AND THE WAY YOU WEAR THOSE HEELS ? YOU ROCKING THEM BABE ILY
and lastly to my love, baji keisuke : I just love you so much :) why you gotta hurt my heart like this pls i want cuddles and kisses . i wanna hangout with you , ride with you around tokyo and eat peyoung yakisoba with you :') i love you baby♥︎, too much for my own good
draken: that wasn't my best look, I know, okay? it has grown back so there's no need to talk about it anymore. I'm glad some of you liked it, I guess. The good thing is, it grew healthier than it was. Bleached hair was a bitch, all dry and shit. It's so soft now. Wanna touch?
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rindou: uhh... thanks? I've been called many things, but I don't think I've heard that one. It's kinda refreshing tho... cute, huh? I can be much more than that, you know?
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sanzu: I was born beautiful, baby. I just wake up beautiful, there's nothing I can do about it 😌 and my scars, huh? I don't think too much of them. They've been there for a while so I'm used to it. I used to cover them with a mask, but I don't really care if people see them after all.
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hanma: gay, straight, bi... who cares anyway? not me. I don't give a shit if you're a man, a woman, both or neither, if you amuse me, I'll hang around you ~
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koko: I'd rather not talk about that. I forgot all about it, the past is old news. Money, on the other hand, is still very much my thing. If you're good, maybe I'll buy you something. What would you like? Come tell me about it and I'll see what I can do 😋
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akashi: I am single. I am not easy to please, after all. I'll consider telling you my age when we get to know each other, yeah? so let's go somewhere private and talk about that "railing", dear.
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inupi: oh... you think so? I'm not too sure about that, but thanks ❤️ to tell you the truth, I started wearing heels because of someone dear to me. He was someone I admired, so I think of it as kind of a tribute, I guess. They've grown on me though, I really enjoy shopping for new heels.
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baji: I'm sorry, 'kay? I'll make sure not to make you worry again *pats your head* wanna get out of here for a while? I'll take you on that ride, let's go!
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