#I've gotten used to the beard but I like him best like this
kenobion · 2 years
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Andrew Garfield and Dakota Johnson for Vanity Fair
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judeswhore · 1 year
breaking up with jude and having to take all his things back to him
omg wait i actually wrote something abt this for a fic i was gna write and then scrapped so u can have it here, it’s not the best but
"y'know you could've just asked me to drop these off for you. then you wouldn't have to see him." katie riffled around in the bottom of her bag in search for something, her tone light despite her words and she only glanced at you briefly while waiting for a reply. tearing your gaze from the house across the road you shook your head, wiped your sweaty palms across the material of your trousers.
"i want to see him."
"you want to see him?"
"yeah. no. i don't know, kinda? i don't want him to think i've taken the break up badly."
him being jude. after almost three years of dating he'd brought the relationship to an end, a decision he promised you he hadn't made lightly. for you it was out of the blue, you hadn't been fighting and there'd been no signs, sure you hadn't seen each other much with uni and his career but that was something you'd grown used to. for him it had been building. he said he couldn't handle the distance anymore, that it was getting too much to love someone who was never around. you got it, sort of, but that didn't make it hurt less. this conversation had happened two weeks ago, you'd only just found the motivation to peel yourself out of bed to return a bunch of his things.
from across the car, katie threw you skeptical look.
"you've cried every day since and consumed like half of england's ice cream supply. you have taken it badly." you huffed and leaned into the back seat to grab the box, careful not to let anything tumble out when you pulled it into your lap.
"he doesn't need to know that." you best friends mouth opened, a disapproving retort on her tongue but you beat her to it, pushing the car door open. "i'm okay now. i want to do this in person." you stumbled out with the box, turning to close the door behind you but katie had leant across, her face soft, eyes just a little sad.
"hey, he doesn't deserve you, remember? this was his loss."
at his front door you simply stared for a few moments, unable to lift to your hand and knock. returning the things he'd left at your place made the break up seem much more real, like giving him his hoodies back meant it was a done deal. you were handing over a piece of your heart with the box of his belongings, because no matter what, that would always belong to him too. a dog barked a few houses down and forced you into action, your fist coming down three times on the white door.
there was a few seconds of silence, the click of the lock and then the door swung open, revealing a freshly showered jude. the first glimpse of him in two weeks tugged at your chest, made your tummy dip and it was difficult pushing back the overwhelming urge to press against him. your body told you to kiss him, habits didn't die easily, your mind trying to catch up with the slight difference in his appearance. he'd grown his beard a little longer and his hair hadn't been cut in the time you'd been apart. his bottom lip was cut.
"hi." his voice cracked and he made a face, sent you a half sheepish smile before clearing his throat. "hey."
"i brought your stuff." straight to it. you weren't sure you could stand here and exchange small talk with him without breaking down. there was the smallest bit of comfort in the fact that he looked as bad as you felt. there were dark circles under his eyes, he obviously hadn't been sleeping, and the grey joggers he was wearing had a multitude of different stains down them. something tugged again at your chest and you swallowed thickly, thrust the box not so gracefully towards him. "i think i packed everything, i can- if i forgot anything i'll get katie to drop it off."
like you should have gotten katie to do today because looking at him hurt so much you felt like your heart was breaking all over again. the air around you was tense and awkward, jude kept shuffling from one foot to the other and you couldn't stop your palms from sweating. it was strange how someone who used to make you feel so safe and loved suddenly made you want to disappear inside yourself. jude took the box with careful hands, palms flat against the bottom to avoid brushing your fingers. the second he had hold of it you tucked your hands into the pocket of your hoodie. you didn't want him to see them shaking.
"you didn't have to drop them off, i could've come by." he could have but you knew deep down he wouldn't have. something told you he would've avoided you at all costs until he went back to germany. "but thanks. d'you wanna come in?" your gaze snapped up to his from where you'd previously been focused on his shoulder. "to get your things. i packed them up when you text earlier."
"oh. yeah, sure." you nodded and followed him into the familiar living room, the pain in your chest doubling when the scent of his aftershave washed over you. there was a box of your things on his sofa, your clothes and make up, small things you'd left behind, things you never thought you'd have to take back. placed at the very top of the box was one of jude's england shirts, one of the first ones he'd warn for the senior team, the one you always wore around his house. nausea rolled over you at the fact he was giving you it.
"i don't need that." jude followed your gaze and you watched his throat bob on a swallow as he dropped his own box down beside yours. his fingers brushed the material.
"it's basically yours, it doesn't fit me anymore so i don't need to keep it. i thought you'd want it." you only shook your head, you couldn't wear that shirt knowing that it was connected to a part of your life that didn't exist anymore. jude always made comments about how he liked seeing his girl in his shirt, he'd always pull you close and smother you in kisses and tell you how pretty you looked. you couldn't wear the shirt knowing you weren't his girl anymore, knowing one day someone else would wear that shirt. that he'd find another girl. you tried to talk around the lump that had settled in your throat.
"i don't want it, jude."
"right. no, of course not." again he cleared his throat and you needed to leave, needed air before the tears started and you collapsed in his living room. jude took the shirt and held it between both hands. for a few moments you were both quiet, watching each other, unsure what to say and before you could blurt something you'd regret, you reached for the box.
"i should-"
"i am sorry, y'know. i didn't- i never wanted to hurt you."
"but you did."
"i know and it's killing me. i should've told you how i was feeling instead of letting it drag out and leaving you in the dark. you didn't deserve that." his words were rough and you'd known him long enough to know he was fighting back tears. you also knew if you watched him cry, you'd also cry and you'd promised yourself you wouldn't do that in front of him. you wouldn't let him see you vulnerable like that again.
"no, i didn't."
"baby-" the endearment slipped from his lips from habit and you froze on your turn to the door, stomach dropping and that ache building even more in your chest. jude shook his head a little and rubbed the back of his neck, his bicep straining against the soft cotton of his shirt. "i'm sorry."
"i know you are but that doesn't make me feel any better. i don't- i can't have this conversation again, i can't hear you say you don't love me anymore, jude." pain and regret twisted his features and he shook his head. he made to reach for you but thought better of it, pressed his hands to his sides.
"i didn't stop loving you."
"stop it." your bottom lip wobbled and you had to stare straight at his chest to avoid the look in his eyes. "you can't- i don't want you to lie to me. you broke up with me, you don't do that if you love someone."
"that's not fair."
"life isn't really fair, is it?" without thinking, your fingers raised to tug at the necklace around your throat, a nervous habit you'd picked up years ago. it was only then that you even realised you were still wearing it, the silver "j" suddenly feeling hot and heavy against your skin. "oh, i forgot.."
setting the box down again, you fiddled with the clasp, awkwardly unclipped it before letting the piece of jewellery drop into jude's palm. he stared at it for a few seconds before shaking his head, trying to push it back towards you but you'd already picked the box back up.
"no, this is yours, you don't need to give me it back."
"i'm not gonna keep wearing it, jude. why would i?"
"i'm not yours anymore, remember? i'm not gonna wear a necklace that says i am. i don't want it." your tone was harsh, harsher than necessary and it made him flinch, his brows drawing in. "wearing that let me pretend that this wasn't real, that it wasn't actually happening but it is and i can't keep lying to myself. everything reminds me of you and it hurts. i don't want it to keep hurting."
jude dropped his gaze, let his eyes instead focus on your hands. you were both quiet for a few seconds, neither knowing what to say. you'd gotten everything out of your systems the day of the break up, there was nothing else to say other than goodbye. you cleared your throat and nodded a little awkwardly towards the door.
"katie's waiting for me."
for the second time in as many weeks, jude let you walk away without another word.
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wishmaster · 4 months
Hey Billy, I'm just a gay 20 something twink with bright platinum hair and a bit of a nerdy streak. I was just hanging out with my best friend from highschool who went to a party school for uni and his new buds.... Are different. He's changed a lot, gotten a lot bigger and into sports and kept commenting on how scrawny I was. I think I heard him and his bros muttering a wish of some kind.
I don't know what's going on but I feel like I have a fever and I've been sweating A LOT
Otter on my Mind
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Such a cute young thing, too bad you were surrounded by a bunch of horny boys looking for a new boy to fuck.
You feel yourself pass out, when you awake you have on a rather heavy fur like coat. You stand up to find you seem taller, you un zip the coat and now notice your previous smooth twink body was now coated in hair, your body somewhat more muscular than before. Soon you feel something strange on your face as well, a full beard now covered your somewhat more manly face. You hair returned to your normal dark boring color, but it's when you walk you notice how big and peach like your ass had become, when you remove your tight jeans you'd noticed a fuzz covering your new extra sensitive cheeks, your once small cock had increased a bit in size, but more in thickness, your bush so hairy now you couldn't find it at first. you pulled your pants back up and stood in front of a mirror. You gasped as you figured out you were now a super sexy otter. Your dick twitched realizing you had just become your friend and his bros perfect sex boy.
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Bro come on my dick ain't going to suck itself. You recognized the voice of your friend, suddenly the vision of his cock flooded your mind, his perfect jock cock and round full balls. His firm ass, his sweaty musk called to you. As much as it used to disgust you all you could do was go to him, realizing once you went to him you'd be in for a full on orgy with him and his frat bros, you had quickly become the fraternity's hairy little whore and no matter how much you wanted to fight it the wishes they made had sealed your fate your ass was frat property now, no matter how hard you tried to fight it.
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thechaoticdruid · 6 months
[This Bites] (1)
Pairing: Astarion x F! Chubby! MC
Plot: Through some mysterious and very miraculous events, a young woman finds herself literally stuck with a character from her current video game obsession. You can guess it already. It's an isekai type fanfic. Except in this case Astarion is stuck in our modern world.  I was gonna call the MC Tav, but since the actual game character Tav is mentioned I just named her Winnie. 
Content Warnings: Death….sorta, An asshole of a stepdad, MC uses She/Her pronouns, eventual smut and sexual content in future parts. Characters may be Ooc, grammar/spelling mistakes are possible. MC has very low self esteem. Depressed MC.
Chapter One: You are here!
Chapter Two: Here!
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“Argh I knew something would go wrong with this game!” The female huffed, staring down at her computer. Her eyes scanned over the error message titled ‘Character not found.’ She gritted her teeth in frustration. “God forbid I try mods….” 
The young woman groaned, shutting her laptop and falling back onto the bed. Apparently after finally installing a cheat mod onto Baldur's Gate 3 the game decided to retaliate and locked her out of her save files. She couldn't even create a new character either! The same ‘Character not found’ message seemed to pop up no matter what she did. The girl’s name was Winnie, a college student in her early twenties who was still living at home. Not too long ago Winnie had gotten the game upon release. She'd played it several times since then and even yet was still able to find some hidden secrets she didn't notice the first time. Honestly this game had really helped with her current state. Life had just been dull and miserable. All her friends had moved on and had their own lives now and she really wasn't the best at making new ones. 
She had a dull boring job, did online writing classes and also had to put up with the asshole her mother married. This game had been a godsend for her these past few months. It gave her an escape. A way to be someone else, at least for a little while anyway. 
Not to mention live out her somewhat cringey teenage girl fantasy of dating a walking red flag of a vampire. In this game she felt important. Like she was some badass heroine who was ready to take on any foe.  Not the shy, scared, awkward woman who she saw in the mirror.
Her cat Maddie broke Winnie from her thoughts as she hopped up onto the bed and crawled onto the young woman's chest. Winnie ran her hand over the cat's thick fluffy black fur.  Maddie gave a small mew before purring noisily and gently kneading her claws into Winnie’s chest.
Winnie sighed, scratching the sides of Maddie's face as she was soothed by the feline’s pur. 
“WINNIE! GET YOUR ASS IN HERE!!” A gruff male voice shouted from the other room, causing Maddie to jump and scramble off of Winnie and hide under the bed. 
The brunette haired girl sighed and got up, walking out of the room and cautiously stepping down the hall. 
“Yes, Brian?” Winnie spoke up as she entered the kitchen.  She looked over to see her stepfather stumbling about. Brian was a rather large man with short dark hair and beard. He was well….very unpleasant.
“Where are the goddamn car keys?” He growled out. 
“Dunno, I don't drive.” Winnie said calmly as she leaned up against the wall, “mom probably put them somewhere. Check the coffee table by the recliner.” 
Brian stomped off, a tiny tan fluff of a dog following after him.  He grabbed the keys before walking back into the kitchen. 
“I'm going to the store. Keep that stupid cat of yours in your room! It keeps shitting all over the carpet!” 
“I've told you over and over. Maddie only goes in the litter box. It's your dog that keeps making a mess in the house because you don't take him outside when he needs to go.” Winnie rolled her eyes.
“Don't fucking talk back to me! You're lucky your mother lets you stay here, if it was up to me you'd have been kicked out of here a long time ago.”  Brain snapped, making Winnie flinch a little at his tone.  “Now make sure the trash is taken out before I get back.” He said before stomping out the front door and slamming it behind him.  Winnie flinched once again at the loud sound before letting out a sigh and pulling the trash out of the can despite the fact that she distinctly remembered her mother telling Brian to take it out this morning. 
Winnie took out the trash before coming back inside heading back to her room. Her eyes scanned over her laptop as Maddie crawled out from under the bed.  She walked back over and opened the device, logging herself on before attempting to open her game back up.
[Character not found.]
Winnie groaned before filling out a bug report and then putting her computer up. She needed to get ready and go to work anyway. 
A few days had passed and nothing seemed to work. Winnie had disabled and deleted all the mods, sent in about a dozen but reports and still nothing. The only thing left she could try now was uninstalling the game and then reinstalling it. 
Winnie sat on the bed waiting patiently for the game to download though she knew it would at least take an hour. She pulled out her cellphone, noticing a text from her mother. The message was informing Winnie that Brian and her mom wouldn't be home until late tonight. At least this meant she'd have plenty of peace and quiet in the meantime. The young woman spread out on her bed, stretching her limbs before slowly closing her eyes, resting lazily.
Time passed as she slowly dozed off…Eventually she was awoken by the sound of beeping? It was some strange noise that she couldn't quite put her finger on. She quickly looked over to her laptop and her eyes widened as she noticed it seemed to be going crazy. Blinking and beeping.
“What the fuck!?” She exclaimed, grasping her computer and frantically clicking the mousepad. 
Then the screen went black before seemingly returning to the home screen. However, everything on the computer was gone save for one shortcut. Baldur's Gate 3.
The game’s shortcut sat in the very center of the computer, practically screaming at Winnie to click on it. She clicked it and the game opened up. 
Everything seemed to go as normal up until the title screen.  Winnie’s eyes widened in shock as she noticed all of the menu options were gone aside from (New Game).  She raised an eyebrow before clicking on the only option available and waiting as the opening cinematic played. Everything continued as it usually did. Winnie created her Tav, a human druid with an urchin background, then proceeded to hop into the game. 
Winnie did a bit of a speed run, moving through the Nautiloid as quickly as she could. She recruited Us, Lae'zel and freed Shadowheart before reaching the helm and crashing the ship.
Upon reaching the ravaged beach was when things began to get strange. 
The game buffered and blinked a bit, skipping the scene where Tav would check themselves out followed by some voiced narration. Tav was kinda just there on the beach. 
“Oh God. The game is glitching….” Winnie whined. She sighed in annoyance before clicking on the ground where she wanted Tav to walk. Winnie REALLY did not feel like uninstalling the game and waiting another hour to try again so she decided she'd play for as long as the game would allow.  Winnie had Tav wander over towards where Shadowheart would normally be laying after crash, only to find an empty space where the half elf should be.  Winnie groaned assuming it was another glitch before continuing on along the beach. While most things were there like the dead bodies and the intellect devourer enemies, Winnie did not see any sign of Shadowheart at all. Not even near the ruins where she'd be if she wasn't rescued by the player.  Winnie decided to quickly go and look for the other characters, sneaking her way past the little brain creatures and moving down the path where Astarion, the elven rogue companion, would be waiting to ambush the player.  He was Winnie’s favorite. She had a soft spot for sassy morally grey characters with tragic backstories. And he was also secretly a vampire to boot which just added to the appeal.  Winnie had her Tav approach the area before she let out a sigh of relief seeing as the vampiric elf was in his starting area shouting for help like normal. At least the game wasn't completely broken.
“Hurry I've got one of those brain things cornered.” Astarion’s dialogue began as soon as Tav got close enough to interact with him.  “There in the grass, you can kill it can't you? Like you killed the others?” 
“Uh….I kinda actually didn't kill any of them…Heheh.” Winnie chuckled before dragging her mouse over the dialogue choices.
1. [Easily, stand back.]
2. Kill it yourself. You seem capable.
3. Leave
Winnie clicked on choice 1 before her Tav walked over to check the tall grass for the intellect devourer that was actually non-existent. 
Instead a wild boar leapt from the grass and made Tav jump in surprise, giving Astarion the perfect opportunity to strike. He pinned the druid to the ground, pressing a dagger to her neck.
“Shhh…Shhh….Not a sound…Not if you want to keep that darling neck of yours.” The vampire practically purred out.  Winnie blushed, a shiver going down her spine. There was a reason she always found herself choosing the elven vampire as her character’s love interest. Initially when she first got the game she felt he came off as a pompous prick (which he is) but damn he was so fucking seductive. It drove Winnie absolutely mad. Not to mention it helped given he had sweet delicious character development later on in his story and actually could be kind of a sweetheart… To the player at least.  
The romance in this game had to be Winnie’s favorite aspect of it. She was very romantically inexperienced to say the least and this just added to what made the game her perfect escape from reality. It made her feel like someone actually liked her. Winnie prepared to select the next dialogue choice when suddenly she noticed they had changed. 
1. [……….]
2. ………..
3. ……….
4. ……….
She looked up and saw a smirk form on Astarion's lips, his eyes appeared as if he was staring back at Winnie from through the screen. Before she could speak Astarion slit Tav's throat and let them drop onto the ground.
“What. The. Fuck.” The brunette haired female went pale as she stared at her computer screen. Astarion sighed in what sounded like relief?
“Finally, we've done that old song and dance so many times! The novelty has completely worn off.” He stretched out his arms, before wiping his dagger on the ground. “It feels so invigorating to try something new, wouldn't you agree?” 
“Uhh…..What's going on?” Winnie asked aloud. She was shaking a bit in both confusion and a little fear.  Her character was kinda just laying on the ground dead…and Astarion was talking….to her!?
“Oh dear, it seems I've gone and frightened you. Ahaha!” Astarion chuckled before appearing to move closer to the screen, even going so far to place his hand on it…
“Hello darling…”
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carlsdarling · 10 months
Could you write something where carl has always been super in love with the reader but she only starts paying attention to him after Beth’s death also can you include some smut once they get to Alexandria?
New friends & benefits
After losing your best friend Beth, you and Carl finally get closer and you show him your affection... Bit more of a plot, then sex. Everyone is 18 or over.
WARNINGS: smut, nsfw, oral (male receiving)
Beth had been your best friend, you literally shared everything; you had been inseparable - especially during your time in prison. Your cells were next to each other, and you stayed up late chatting together. Sometimes you told each other creepy stories, or you played cards, you put make-up on each other and did each other's hair.
Carl kept trying to join you, but you always sent him away. Sometimes you were pretty mean to him, but he got on your nerves. He was a little younger than the two of you, and you didn't know what to do with him. Plus, he was always gawking at you and peeping at you, whatever you were doing.
Beth often made fun of that. "Carl has a crush on you, Y/N. He literally adores you," she giggled. She was probably right about that, but it wasn't something you were proud of.
Then the day came when the prison fell, Hershel died, and you fled to all points of the compass. Not only had Beth and you been lost to each other; you found yourself completely alone in the wilderness, fleeing from a pack of walkers that the Governor had let loose before he died.
For weeks you wandered around, lonely, starving and thirsty; you were not used to being alone. Shortly after the apocalypse started, you had ended up on Hershel's farm, following the death of your parents, and he had taken you in. The farm had been a relatively sheltered place. And now he was dead, and you had no idea where Beth had ended up. Or the others.
Finally, Daryl and Carol found you on the bank of a river, and you fell weeping into Carol's arms. You learned from Daryl that he had been with Beth for a while until she disappeared. Kidnapped. That's what he said, anyway. They were going to free her.
And then the horrible thing happened. Beth was killed, shot to death. You were paralyzed with grief when Carol told you, and you didn't really realize that you had found Rick's group again. You and Maggie shared your sorrow and your loss, you missed Beth and Hershel so terribly, and for a long time you shut yourself off from everyone else.
One evening, when Maggie was already asleep, you were sitting by the campfire, and Carl surprisingly joined you. You looked at him in amazement. It had been perhaps half a year since you had been separated, but you hardly recognized him. He had grown so much, tall and lanky he had become, and he had developed some beard growth. "I'm so sorry about Beth, Y/N," he said sympathetically, putting his hand on your shoulder. "I liked her, too. Even though you two never liked me." He laughed humorlessly.
"That's hardly true, Carl," you replied, "Thank you. It's just... you were so young. How old are you again?"
"Seventeen," he replied, tossing a branch into the fire. "No longer a child," he pointed out, eyeing you. When you didn't respond, he said goodbye and went to sleep.
One year later
A lot had happened in the interim. You had gotten to Alexandria, and Carl and you had become close buddies. You were really starting to like him. Then Carl lost his eye and tried to push you away; he withdrew from everyone, but you wouldn't let him throw away your friendship and persisted in seeking his company, even though he kept saying mean things to force you away. "I've already lost Beth," you said heatedly, picking up the plate and the ham sandwich. Carl had slammed both against the wall and yelled for you to leave, that he didn't want you around. "I'm not going to lose you, too, Carl. No way," you vowed.
"Look at me, Y/N!" he yelled. "I look terrible! I'm not worth it!" The bullet wound hadn't completely healed and his bandage was still a little bloody.
"How can you say such a thing?" you said, affected. "I don't give a damn what you look like. You are, and will always be, my best friend. Period."
Carl sadly fiddled with a pillow. "And... and what if I still want to be more than besties?" he mumbled, barely audible, avoiding eye contact with you. "You know I've always had a little bit of a crush on you."
You held your breath. Several times over the last few months you had imagined that there could be more between you and Carl, you never thought it possible, but you had fallen a tad in love with him, which embarrassed you, especially because you had rejected him for years. So you didn’t admit it to him, and you also thought he had lost interest in you. He seemed to get along well with Enid, too well. Carl‘s accident didn't change your feelings at all, you only cared about him even more. "I'd be happy about that, Carl," you said, gathering all your courage.
He stared at you. Carl possessed such beautiful eyes - or, rather, a beautiful eye. "Are you kidding me? Before the accident you didn't want to be with me, why now? I do not believe you.“
You decided to prove it to him, and just pressed your lips to his. He flinched, taken aback, but then awkwardly returned the kiss. You embraced each other and continued your caresses. You were careful not to hurt Carl or touch the bandage. Carl was all tense from all the stress and suffering, his neck muscles felt rock hard. "Lie down on your back," you whispered in his ear, gently kissing his neck.
"What are you up to?" he wondered, but obeyed.
"Just let me do it. Relax," you commanded, shoving his shirt up a little and starting to kiss his stomach. Carl gasped excitedly. You played with his belly button with your tongue and licked along the line of soft dark hair leading way down, then undid his belt and jeans. Carl was already hard, and whimpering with arousal, he squirmed under you. "Lift your hips," you said, and he did, and you pulled his jeans and boxers down so that his cock was exposed. "Not bad, it's bigger than I thought," you teased, taking him in your hand and kissing the already slightly wet, reddened tip before sliding his shaft into your mouth. You massaged it with your lips and sucked gently on it, and Carl almost lost his mind. He moaned, thrusted vigorously into your mouth and tugged on your hair.
"I've dreamed of this for so long, Y/N," he confessed, tossing his head back and forth on the pillow, his eye closed. Tenderly you continued to suck Carl off. After a short while, he became fidgety. "I, I think I, I'm about to cum," he stuttered nervously. „Where? Y/N, I…“ Apparently he was apprehensive about cumming in your mouth.
"It's okay, Carl," you assured him, kissing him on the lips. "Just let go. Let yourself go." Again you took his dick in your mouth and sucked and licked on it, Carl was beyond close, he just sighed and whimpered, then his cum filled your mouth. A load squirted, then a second one and a third. You swallowed it all and waited until Carl was finally done with his load before you let his now softened cock slip out of your mouth, licking him clean and lay down next to him.
Carl snuggled up to you, his pants still pulled down, he was all sweaty and sticky. He glanced at you in love. "I didn't know you felt that way about me, Y/N," he whispered hoarsely.
"Yes, I do," you clarified, tugging the blanket over both of you and playing with Carl’s hair.
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gracegrove · 9 months
TW 70s era use of the word "queer"
Neil Hargrove doing a very working-class thing by volun-telling Billy that he will be spending his summer as a 14-year-old doing hard manual labor on a job site with some random ass uncle he didn't even know he had until one morning over dry Cheerios.
Neil drops him off at Uncle Matt's in Anaheim with a backpack and a duffel bag. See ya in September. "Don't cause your uncle any trouble," he warned with a thick grip on the shoulder before he took off for the interstate.
Billy stared at the man with hard eyes, his arms crossed in defiance. "You're not my real Uncle..."
The man chortled, ash sprinkling from the thick cigar chomped in his teeth. "Ya think so, tough guy?" He chuckled some more, waving for Billy to come inside.
Uncle Matt was a large man, as wide as he was tall. The furniture groaned when he sat down, casually kicking off his work boots and shrugging out of his suspenders as he picked up the can of beer from the side table.
"So Willy..." "It's Billy." Uncle Matt gave him a toothy grin. "Billy," he corrected, "Ya ever work a day in yer life?"
Billy sat on the corner of the couch, as the man took a long sip from his Coors. "Kinda. I mow lawns n' stuff."
Matt chuckled, "Ya ain't gonna be mowing no fucking lawns here! This is gonna be hardass work kid. Best get some sleep now..."
Billy rolled his eyes and headed off to the bedroom he was given.
After the first month, Billy and Uncle Matt fell into a routine. Matt's wind-up alarm clock was grating and shrill enough to wake Billy before Matt got two extra snores in at sunrise. The pair shared toast, eggs, and Folger's instant before heading out to the job site.
Billy's hands had gotten rough and calloused. Blistered and scabbed over more times than he could count.
"Hey Billy!" Matt called out over the ending shift horn. Billy slung the hammer in his grip onto the loop of his jeans and began climbing down the ladder. "Yah?"
"We're gonna have some company over tonight for dinner. My bookkeeper, Dan. So play nice." Billy smiled wryly. "I always play nice."
Things seemed a bit odd when dinnertime began rolling around. Uncle Matt was combing and carefully parting his hair in the mirror and was that the stench of aftershave on his beard?
Also for the first time in his life, Billy discovered what a tablecloth looked like as Matt carefully smoothed it across the dining room table. Billy crinkled his nose in suspicion, "Dan's a woman."
Matt barked out a laughed. "You're a hoot kid! Wait till Dan hears that!"
The doorbell rang and Matt stood up straight, smoothing his shirt. "Billy, can you set the plates out while I get the door?" Billy squinted at him, as the man hurried out of the room.
Peeking his head around the corner Billy snuck a glance at their guest.
Dan was not what Billy was expecting and he certainly wasn't a woman either. Dan was an average man of average height. He had shaggy brown hair and a thick mustache to boot. His face was set with round thick-rimmed glasses. What was so special about Dan that they had to have dinner with him?
The men hugged at the door, the embrace uncharacteristic of how Billy believed men should act around each other. They regarded each other warmly. "I'm so glad you came," Matt said quietly. "Me too. I've missed you."
Scurrying back, Billy quickly set the table and sat down, his heart thundering. He suddenly felt like he shouldn't be here. Like he was now a part of a horrible secret.
"Billy, this is Dan." Matt introduced as they entered the room. Billy awkwardly rose from his chair, weakly shaking his hand. "H-hey."
"Why don't you two have a seat and I'll fetch the chow, huh?" Matt said happily, a hand on Dan's shoulder.
"Oh, I'll help!" Billy forcibly stated, rushing into the kitchen.
Matt raised an eyebrow, "Ok..."
In the kitchen, Billy was nervously wringing his hands around a hot pad as Matt entered. "Are you a queer?" he blurted out, regretting it in an instant.
Matt set down the crockery he had set to take in. "I am Billy. Does that make you uncomfortable?"
Billy twisted the hot pad back and forth in his hands, "I... – I don't know. It's like..." He was struggling, his nose scrunching and his eyes watering up. "You're... you're not supposed to."
Uncle Matt ripped a paper towel off the rack and handed it to Billy. "It's okay tough guy, you don't gotta figure it all out right now. If you wanna have dinner in your room you can."
Billy shook his head, blowing his nose loudly. "But you made all this, and... you're real nice, and... –"
"... a damned queer." Matt added with a deadpan delivery. "Just don't tell your father, he'd have a heart attack."
Billy laughed.
"Now c'mon. Chow's gettin' cold."
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theycallmebecca · 11 months
Drabble: Smooth Hips Turner
Today is @nomadicpixel birthday and a few days ago I asked if there was something she'd like me to write her for birthday. Her answer was something hockey romance, with either Cole Turner, Andy Barber or Colin Shea. I had an idea immediately... but that one didn't work out... and I'd given up all hopes of actually being able to write something when this little scene popped into my head this afternoon. Enjoy!
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Title: Smooth Hips Turner
Pairing: Cole Turner x female reader
Rating: G
Warnings: n/a
Disclaimer: This work of fiction is not to be reposted, used or translated without my permission.
Usage Disclaimer: This work is for fans only. This author does not give permission for it to be shared, spoken of, referred to in any public manner (podcast, tv, online, etc.) that wants to either make a celebrity uncomfortable, mock fan fiction/fandom in any way, or the author themselves. Requests can be made, but it is unlikely the author will change their mind. If no response is given to a request then the answer is a solid no, not interested and the work cannot be shared, spoken of or even referred to, regardless of the manner or context. 
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"Is that who I think it is?"
You barely heard your friend's question, but turned in the direction she was looking and found yourself locking eyes with the "who" in question.
Cole Turner.
You knew him as your younger brother's childhood best friend.
Everyone else in the bar knew him as Cole "Smooth Hips" Turner, the new free agent goalie for the local professional hockey team.
"Oh my god, he's coming this way!" your friend exclaimed.
As he made his way towards you, stopped nearly every foot by an excited patron, you tried to recall the last time you'd seen him. The only for sure meeting you could remember was his and your brother's high school graduation nearly twenty years ago. He'd been 18 at the time and you'd been 20.
The years had been good to him, you saw. 4 years in college hockey and 16 at the professional level had done him good. Gone was the lanky teenager who had helped your brother annoy you. In his place, was a rock solid man, with a full beard, perfectly tufted hair and a charming smile.
"Well I'll be damned," his voice declared as he finally reached the table. "I heard you lived here, but I didn't think I'd run into you on my first night in town."
"And here I was trying to avoid you," you teased as you stood up to give him a hug.
It wasn't until you turned to introduce Cole to your friend that you saw that she was gaping at the pair of you in shock.
"Hi, I'm Cole," he said, holding out his hand to her.
She just blinked at him.
"Sorry," you said, slightly embarrassed by her behavior. Sitting down, you snapped your fingers in front of her face and she blinked.
"Oh my god," she whispered. "You know Smooth Hips?"
Cole flushed at the nickname, but sat down at the table and said, "I grew up next door to her. Her brother is my best friend." Then he added, conspiratorially, "I had the biggest crush on her as a teenager."
"Wait what?" you said. "You didn't."
"I swear I did," he said, leaning back in his seat. "It's the only secret I've ever kept from your brother."
"Did you have a crush on him?" your friend asked. "Is that why you keep the magazine where he's basically naked in your bedside table?"
Cole let out a shocked laugh while you wanted to climb under the table and hide.
Instead, you glared at your friend and she just shrugged as if to say "paybacks a bitch" for not telling her about Cole in the first place.
"I like you," Cole said, pointing at your friend. Then he turned back to you. "I've been here a few times to play, obviously, but I've never really gotten to explore. Wanna show an old friend around and catch up?"
"She'd love to," your friend answered for you. Then she nudged you with her elbow. "Give him your phone number."
After giving Cole your number, he said goodbye and went to join his friends at another table.
"You're welcome," your friend said.
You raised an eyebrow.
"I just got you a date with the hottest guy in hockey," she stated then grinned. "And if you're lucky, maybe he'll show you in person how he does those stretches he posts about on his socials that you like watching so much."
You shoved your friend's shoulder while she cackled.
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foap-enjoyer · 7 months
2023 Halloween funny moments.
Bit of a different kind of post than normal, but I just wanted to share with the world.
I answer my door each year on Halloween (In the UK) with my many, many animals (snakes, lizards, spiders, ect), and these are some of the best responses I've gotten to each animal this specific year:
With pictures!
So trigger warning for snakes/lizards/cockroaches/tarantulas.
Lizard (Bearded dragon) (adult) - Is that a gecko? - Oh mum look, it's a... it's... a dinosaur? - Oh wow, that's cool. It's a Komodo lizard thing, right? - Mum! Mum look! He has an armadillo-thingy! - Oh my teacher used to have one of those. It died, I think. - It licked me IT LICKED ME I'M GOING TO DIE - Oh my God it's ACE, HI ACE I KNOW YOU (People know my lizard more than me..)
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Snake (Royal 'ball' Python) (adult) - Holy SHIT - Get that thing away FROM MEEEE - Why would you own one of those. Respectfully, Mr.. snake.. owner, sir? - That's one wicked worm my guy - Is it a boa constrictor? I know snakes really well. - I WANNA HOLD IT MUM CAN I HOLD IT PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE - I like snakes. They like violence, like me. ("Oh, actually he's very shy and gentle...") I don't like this snake. - MUM IT'S THE SNAKE MAN! (I'm well known in these parts as the 'reptile man' haha)
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~ Snake (Hognose snake) (adult) - Why can't I hold this snake? ("Because he's very mean. He eats children") *cries* ("Only bad children, I promise!") *cries harder* - He's ginger! Ewwww! - He's very small... But it's the personality that counts, hey mate? - It's a cornsnake! With a.. oh. It's nose is deformed. Was it inbred?
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~ Tarantula (Nhandu Chromatus/Brazillian Red 'n' white) (adult) - FUCK NO. FUCK. NO. - PISS OF YA DAFT CUNT (To the spider, not me... I think?) - Is it fluffy? Like a dog, I mean. It looks spiky, like a hedgehog. - Can I hold it? ("No, I'm sorry, they're fragile) Wow I've been lied to I thought they were tough as hell. - You, yeah both of you, you've got issues. - It looks like a Tony or something. Is it called Tony? - That fuckers bigger than my face, you feed him fingers or something?
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~ Tarantula (Brachypelma hamorii/Mexican red knee) (baby) - Oh my God... You know what? That's kind of cute. - Mum, can we get one? "Fuck no, Tyler." - It's... what exactly does it do ("Nothing?") well that's boring. - It at least looks cuter than the house-spider I let stay in the corner of my room. He's called Terry.
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~ Madagascan hissing cockroaches (adults) - Why would you own these. - Oh these are those hissing ones... Why aren't they hissing? - It bit me ("It's just her legs holding on") damn gurl you got some daggers on your feet - Can I steal them - Can I eat them - Can I take a selfie with them? - What are their names? ("Oh they're named after Mario princesses-") DAMN where's Princess Peach? PEACH?? PEACH WHERE ARE YOU?! (Don't worry, he found Peach, Peach is the third one. Yes, I can tell them apart)
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Just a small reminder that I am an actual professional with these animals and I don't recommend doing this for Halloween unless you know what you're doing and, more importantly, know your animal (especially with tarantulas!). I did not let any child or adult hold my tarantulas nor my hognose (They're venomous, even if it's a small dose, allergic reactions may occur), and I know my python well enough to know he'll never strike, same with my beardie.
These are, also, not the only animals I have. I have thirteen in total :)
Just a lil notice! All fun though! Hope you enjoyed!
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listard · 1 month
Hi!!! everyone
I've often noticed that many people don't know who Filerd and Listard are, so I decided to tell you all about them in this big post! (hope you will be interested… and if there was anything useful or interesting for you, or if I made some mistakes or something can be changed, please let me know! please…).
I have decided to divide this post into parts to make it easier to say:
1) Who are they and who were they based on?
Let's start with the most interesting part, who are they? Listard and Filerd are two different species of lizards. Let's start in order:
Listard- it is a “bearded lizard”, as you can see Listard has growths on the sides and on top of it that look like spikes, these are the spikes of a bearded lizard, not down or fur.
(here's an image of which lizard Listard is referring to:)
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Filerd- he is a “cloak lizard”, as you can all see he has a cloak-like thing that hangs over his body, hiding some of his body, this is the lizard cloak that the cloak lizard and Filerd reveal when in danger or to intimidate. of course Filerd also has spikes on the sides and head, so I have concluded that he is a mixture of a cloak lizard and a bearded lizard! (Isn't that cool?).
(here's an image of which lizard Filerd refers to!:)
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2) What are their personalities, looks and attitudes towards each other?
Listard- Listard is a positive little crewposter, he has a purple bandana with different stars on it. He is not very confident in his character, because after he became a “lizpostor”, he and Filerd were hunted and no one could be trusted. In my universe and beyond, he's just cheerful, happy about everything and tries to spread that joy to others, sad and very scared when someone is in danger. terrified of other traitors. In extreme cases he is willing to protect, even sacrificing himself. Before he became like this, he was an engineer on Mira HQ and there was already suspicion of him, or was he just thought to be like that…?
He has a positive or even caring attitude towards Filerd, of course Filerd is used to hiding his real emotions, but Listard still sees that he is pleased when they do something together or just talk, Listard's greatest joy is when he sees him smile. Listard often helps him side by side in difficult situations, supports him and tries to protect him with himself if Filerd is hurt very badly or is unable to protect himself. it can be deduced from this that Listard treats Filerd very well, even if he doesn't see it in return. Listard would have a very hard time without Filerd, because without him he would have no hope and no best friend..
Filerd- Filerd is the very first individual or Lizpostor to be born. He is more serious than Listard, but he is always kind to him. After he became a traitor, he began to have strange thoughts and paranoia, which he tries to suppress and not show anyone. Filerd has a cloak that hangs from his neck, he uses it to intimidate someone, to protect himself, or to protect and hide Listard behind himself. Filerd has sworn to himself to protect Listard in very dangerous situations, because he is much weaker than he is, and because Filerd has made him so… (but even so, Listard has not infrequently saved his life by sacrificing something of his own). From this you can see that Filerd has a positive attitude towards Listard, he is never rude to him, never betrays him and is willing to protect him. Filerd sometimes only pretends to be serious to hide his fear or his discomfort. It would be very difficult for him without Listard by his side (it's difficult for him without his support and help).
(if you've actually gotten this far…. thank you so much….! I tried to gather all the information I have so far and I hope you found some of it interesting! I just want to say thank you to those who read it, because I don't think it's interesting to others, but if I ever find out that anyone has read it, I'll change my mind!)
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acesknights · 5 months
Ale cię kocham bardzo
- oc x canon [Warlock x Phillip Graves]
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Word count: 516
Summary: retirement on the ranch <3
Tags: fluff, that is all just pure nice fluff for once
Note: short and sweet because I've had this in my notes for over 4 months and its been collecting dust + i decided to finish it late into the night instead of sleeping so that's a plus
'i'll take you to that ranch one day'
So here they were, sat on the porch of the said ranch, a warm yet also gentle breeze hitting their faces - this felt nice, it was nice even in fact.
In all of his years of living, so many empty and broken promises later here he was, finally fulfilling and seeing the result of a promise well kept to its word.
Living a life full of unfulfilled promises is one thing, but actually experiencing a promise kept is a completely different type of feeling.
Having lost himself in thought, unaware of his name being called at him by his partner. A small habit he had acquired over the years after retiring from the military. Always getting lost in his own mind.
"Adrian??.. - Adrian darlin' you're spacin' off again"
The source of the voice having a clear southern accent near the vowels of their words. The same gentle breeze from before once again tickling Adrian's face more - it's rather relaxing. Some of the breeze swaying into the few grey-ing strands of his now salt n' pepper hair in his beard. His telltale sign of him finally living his life out to the fullest.
A cold sweet-tea in Phillips hand as he tilted his head to the side ever so slightly to display a look a slight concern mixed with a well amount of care for Adrian. Leaning ever so slowly towards the other - placing his calloused hand onto Adrian's jean trousers before noticing that this had definitely caught the poles attention.
"what's occupied tha' mind of yours then hm?"
A brows raised, followed by a soft look in his tired eyes - the two of them had taken up care of the ranch ever since retirement. Most definitely for some peace and quiet compared to the complete opposite of sorts that they had to deal with before this all.
As the breeze continued to play with their hair, Adrian had turned to Phillip, eyes meeting once again with a small sparkle back in them. "Feels like a different lifetime, no?, like something you'd only just daydream about"
Phillip nodded, his eyes reflecting a contentment that echoed Adrian's sentiments. "Best decision we ever made though."
He wasn't wrong there, it was a good decision, but definitely something neither of them had fully gotten used to yet no matter how long ago that decision was made already. Besides all of that, retirement was most definitely the best course of action to go through with. Gone were the days of knowing that the two of them couldn't show their love for one another for fear of fraternization - either way, that was in the past.
If Adrian had told his younger self that he'd be spending his retirement on a ranch in Southern America, spending the rest of his life with the man he loved. Then he truly wouldn't believe him - Not in a bad sense of course, more in a shocked way that was a comforting way of telling someone that 'things do truely get better eventually in the end' kind of way
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the-wanted-man · 5 months
"Let's say you're granted a wish-- any wish at all!-- with one major stipulation: It MUST be selfish. You can't use this wish on anyone but yourself. What would you wish for?"
Oh, what a question. Malika always asked the best ones, though in this case he supposed she had also asked one of the worst. A wish, any wish at all, but not for anyone but him. Roman frowned a little, stroking his beard while he thought about it, and the more he thought about it the more he realized he'd never really thought about this kind of thing before.
"Well...shoot..." he muttered gruffly, resting his hands on his hips. "Reckon you've stumped me." An awkward chuckle escaped him following a soft gesture. "I...rarely think 'bout things I want. M'shore that's not much surprise to ya. Likely why you asked, even." Which meant he likely couldn't go avoiding giving an answer, though the elusive thief wasn't someone he typically withheld his thoughts from.
"I git th'sense you'd understand what I mean when I say that wantin' things kin be its own kinda prison. Spend enough time thinkin' bout what ya' want, an' it starts t'hold ya hostage." Clearly, he spoke from a level of experience as a vague, and fidgety discomfort seemed to overtake him. As a man who valued his freedom above all else, there were many things he felt a natural resistance to should they make him feel trapped and that included his own desires.
The desperado seemed to trail off a little as he wrestled with the odd feeling that had manifested in his mulling melancholy. He scoffed a little at himself, before stealing a quick look at the Keeper. "That almost makes me sound proud. Dignified. Truthfully, I'm more coward than all that.." He muttered in a wry, semi-amused drawl.
"I've wanted a good number've things an' have managed t'obtain very few of 'em. I think wit' time, I've trained m'self out've wantin' things. Or mebbe, I've jus' gotten good at thinkin' about anything else, so as not t'set m'self up fer disappointment." That wasn't an answer to the question though, and at best he was stalling for time until he had a proper response. His brow furrowed, and he chewed on his lower lip as he thought of some of the things he'd come to regret in the past few turns. Along those lines, it didn't take him long to find his answer.
"I....I've fancied th'thought've...runnin' away. Fer good. Goin' sum place far away, y'know? Mebbe....Mebbe wit' sumone who wouldn't mind runnin' away wit' me, too. I think that'd be a nice kinda wish." The cowboy chewed on the inside of his cheek before he shrugged, lips quickly tugging into an absent smile. "Anyroad. Wishes are nice t'think about, but y'know. I don't mind lettin' life happen how it happens. What'll be, will be." he rumbled.
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octuscle · 1 year
I hate influencers. Young people who haven't learned anything. People who can't do anything but want to have everything. Whenever I find a nice hotel, these people block the pool to take the perfect picture. They get aggressive when you walk through the picture. They think they are celebrities because they have 100 followers. And when they stand in front of you at the front desk when you check out, they haggle over every item on the bill because they think they have to get everything for free.
Of course, I also hate influencers because I've had to work hard for a long time to be able to afford things that young people enjoy now. And I've gone gray and wrinkled over working so long, my hair has fallen out and I've gotten a belly. I hate influencers who are so beautiful that any photoshopping of their pictures would be a waste of time.
Yes I admit, I hate influencers also because I am envious of many. But the woman who has now been blocking the buffet for her shots for ten minutes at breakfast in the idyllic forest hotel is simply an imposition. Now her photographer comes up to me and asks if I can stand by the chick for a few pictures. Thank you very much, probably I was the least ugly available hotel guest. But if it makes it over faster….
The camera clicks and clicks. And with each click I become more relaxed. I even start joking with the lady. The photographer thinks we are interacting super. And the other guests roll their eyes in annoyance… As I sit back down at my breakfast table, I wonder about the rings on my fingers. Striking jewelry. And a bracelet I have, too. And an expensive Rolex. Where did that come from?
A little later at the pool, the photographer approaches me again. Would I mind taking a few more pictures of us at the pool bar? Less hesitantly than before, I agree. A make-up artist approaches me, powders my face and works on my hair. Even though everyone else is looking, I almost enjoy it. Sure, I look good, but I can always do better. I stroke my chin and realize with surprise that I'm not shaved. On the contrary, it feels like a short beard. I go to the photographer and have him show me the last shots. Indeed, I have a beard. Longer even than the hair carefully shaved out on the sides and neck. I'm unsure… Have I always had my hair like this?
I pull out my phone and open my Instagram account. But sure enough, in most of the pictures I have exactly the same hairstyle. Only on the older ones do I still wear my hair shoulder-length. But at some point I found the bad boy attitude better. And so did my followers. "Now again with different clothes," the photographer calls out to me, pointing to a pile of carefully draped garments.
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I grab a pair of jeans and a wife beater. In front of the mirror, I correct the fit of my chains once again. One wrong detail ruins the shot and costs you followers and advertising revenue. I can't afford that. For the pictures at the edge of the forest I combine "dreamy look" with discreetly tensed muscles. The main thing is to show off the tattoos to their best advantage. Many fans love me for that. And that's what I make my living from!
Realization at the request of @gogotten. I hope you have fun with it!
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blubushie · 6 days
Blu your speaking straight FACTS on the demonization/ostracization of masculinity in the queer community! Like I was talking to my brother about this ( him a gay man and me a bi women) about how he wishes there was more queer men that leaned into masculinity bc while he has no problem dating/getting to know effeminate men he prefers the masculine men. While he was apologizing for sounding harsh about his feeling, I was like no I totally understand bc a drag queen that I like put it best "I am gay man. Meaning I like men and their features. I like deep voices, big body, hair everywhere." Like when I was getting to know the queer community more in my teens I was finding it weird/off how the gay male community would want their ideal men to be that stereotypical man but anybody they deemed not fckable with those features they would ostracized.
Even in the Sapphic community leaning to much into masculinity ostracized the Sapphic that embraced it and they'll be accused of wanting to be a man or accused of betraying Sapphic women for leaning away from the feminity their attracted too. Like doing this demonization damages the community because 1.) It makes it harder for those ignorant of themseleves/on their journey to understand themselves TO UNDERSTAND themselves bc the features/actions that they have are hated by a community they thought was opened (as u said.) 2.) Ostracizes those who do know themselves and want community ( AS U SAID!) 3.) Kills hope in that their are no positive examples of healthy masculinity so those attracted to it give up on finding a healthy and positive partner who is masculine or give up on the idea they themselves can be queer and engage in healthy masculinity.
Going back to the talk with my brother, I told him I'm like him in that I like my men to look like men too. While my bisexuality has me attracted to people with gender presentation fuckery, I also do like it when a person of that gender presents their stereotypical gender BECAUSE IM ATTRACTED TO MEN AND WOMEN AND I SHOULD LIKE AND APPRECIATE THEIR FEATURES BC THATS WHAT IM ATTRACTED TOO!!!
Like when I see TF2 fanart of the mercs with body hair and body fat/heftiness I go 😍🫦😝💦😜😍👀🫦🤪 bc here are some hot men that look like MEN. ( I treasure the fanart that has Scout having body hair and muscle bc 1.) He a full grown adult not a twink high-schooler 2.) Mfer can go 1 on 1 with someone like Heavy [might not always win but there are chances he can win- looks at his meet the... video], it's his job to fight other beefed up guys, and have you seen how thick/muscled up baseball players can get.) Bc even in fanart, not just TF2 fanart, men are depicted in a narrow ideal of masculinity where they are not allowed to have masculine features which to me makes it artificial. And that something real is the masculinity the community keeps denying/gatekeep in real life and online.
I'm gonna rustle some feathers. In EVERY queer environment I've ever been in, the only way I've ever gotten the vibe that it's ok for a man to be a man is if he's a girl. If you're too tall, too bearded, too hairy, too fat, too bald, too deep a voice, too masculine in presentation, you're irredeemable—god forbid you LIKE how testosterone has changed your body. You are the monster in their fairy tales. You have to prove yourself as "not like other men" somehow because if you're a man and you like men, that's not queer enough. If you're a trans man who is too masculine or passes too well, you're betraying your community somehow, or your birth sex. Fuck your dysphoria, we'll only feel comfortable with your presence if you walk in tits out in a miniskirt, ~flambouyantly GNC~, and even THEN we'll make comments about how your masculinity makes us uncomfortable because you still look too male.
And if you're a bisexual man? Hell you might as well be straight. Won't even give you the decency of calling you an ally—nah, mate, you're an invader. Iunno what the B stands for.
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billthedrake · 2 years
"This feels nice," Logan said as we lay in his condo bed, slowly feeling each other's naked body up and making out softly.
"It does," I admitted.
It had been too long since I'd seen my little brother, three whole years, but after a year of dealing with divorce shit and feeling in the dumps, I decided to take some personal time and fly to New York for a few days. It was Logan's idea, and he invited me up in a way that suggested there would be no strings. Just two brothers catching up and having a fun long weekend.
Well, the second I saw Logan I knew it was gonna be more. My heart felt like it stopped or slowed and I just felt that kind of dizzy giddiness. Logan felt it too.
"Hey," he said, as he ushered me in. His place seemed small by North Carolina standards, but it was a nice, modern one-bedroom with a pretty sweet view. Logan did pretty dang good for himself.
I stepped in, unable to break my goofy smile or take my eyes off him, not even to look around the place. He was real hunky, muscular but a lot leaner than I was. He always confessed he loved my beefy build, but I would have taken his body in a heartbeat. I guess we all want to be something we're not.
"Hey," I answered, hoping I was reading his eye contact right.
I was. Logan stepped up to me and like that, my little brother's strong arms were slinking around my waist and pulling my taller, bigger body to him. Our kiss was electric. Deep, sensual and able to send goosebumps all over my skin.
"I wasn't sure you'd be up for that," he hissed as he pulled back.
My hands clung to every inch I could grip. Even through his polo shirt it felt real fucking solid. "I'm even more up for it now," I replied. "In case you don't remember, I'm no longer a married man."
Logan got a contrite look on his face. "Sorry, Dunc." My brother was the only one who called me Dunc instead of Duncan.
"Some things are meant to be," I said. I knew there would be time to talk about the big adjustments in my life post divorce, but that could wait. "Maybe we can get naked?" I urged.
Logan smiled big. "Oh yeah."
We went to his bedroom and playfully stripped for each other. I may be 41 and Logan 35 but it was just back like when we were younger easy. Our bodies felt warmer as we embraced naked and hard. I'd experimented with shaving down my chest and Logan had gotten hairier, even growing a soft bristly beard. It was like a reverse of the normal us, but it felt the same, too. Hands on each other, mutual admiration, deep kissing. Sensual incest.
Logan went down on me, but I held off cumming, even though my little bro is a total stud when sucking dick. I did my best to return the favor, until Logan tapped my shoulder. Either he was getting too close to blowing or he just wanted to move on to something else. "So big bro... you been taking advantage of your new freedom?" he asked.
"Some," I replied. "Not a lot." I'd fooled around with some guys since divorcing Sara, but I'm not proud to say my batting average while married was about the same.
Logan nodded, running his hand up and down my smooth abs. I got the sense he looked the shaved look on me, or at least the novelty. "You still take bottom bunk?"
"Yeah, pretty much," I grinned. This was one bond Logan and I had. He was an out and proud gay dude, and I was a closeted small town cop who went to the big city for my occasional hookups. But our preferences in bed were strikingly similar, almost identical.
Logan kissed me more passionately, a quick kiss, but one that let me know he was turned on by that information. "I've moved on to bigger toys," he said.
"Oh. How big?"
My brother bit his lip as he reflected if he was going to tell me. Then he reached over to his bedside drawer and pulled out a dildo and some lube.
"You serious?" I asked. That dong was long, but more than that, it was very thick.
"Let me show you," my little brother said and slicked it up as he leaned back on the bed next to me, pulling his legs back in a classic missionary fuck-me position. God he was handsome as fuck, gorgeous even. Straw haired and all taut muscle, not an inch of body fat on him. I couldn't believe Logan didn't have a steady boyfriend. Or maybe he did. I'd have to ask him later.
It took a little preparatory working of his ring, but pretty soon, Logan twisted and angled that dildo right into his ass.
"Fuck, that's nice!" he hissed. My little brother was the one who introduced me to the term bottom, but we were equally in thrall with having our ass stuffed.
"Goddamn, bro," I exclaimed as I watched his sphincter swallow up more and more of that massively thick toy.
Loganis seemed proud. "This isn't even the biggest one I use, Dunc," he boasted. "It's kind of my every day one now." He sawed more and more of that dildo in and out, his eyes mostly on me. "You still play with yours?"
"Every day," I said. "But not like that."
"Wanna try?" he urged.
If it had been anyone else but Logan I would have said fuck no, but instead I nodded and lay back in a matching pose as my brother extracted that fake cock and put more lube on it.
He took charge of working it into me, and the sexiness of that helped, a lot. It took some real patience, but I was turned on and eventually I felt my tightness give way to a really fucking thick phallus. "God, fuck!" I hissed.
"My big cop brother like that?" he teased.
"Jesus, Logan, this is intense," I answered honestly.
"You got a hungry hole, brother," Logan growled. "Just like mine." More dildo pushed in and from there on it was pure excitement. The sexual situation, the prostate stimulation and the pushing of boundaries all made my dick rock hard and leaking as Logan violated my cop hole with that toy.
"It's been too long," I grunted, now raising my hips up off the bed to impale myself on that final fat inch, over and over.
"You're a fucking pro at this, Dunc," Logan encouraged, twisting that toy as I rode it. It was lewd as hell and we both loved sex like this. His eyes were on me, my ass swallowing his dildo, my smooth beefy body, my face contorting from the new sensations.
"I got another one," he threw out there. "Bigger."
No hesitation this time. "Fuck yeah," I answered.
And like that, Logan was pulling the thick phallus from my ass and retrieving the fatter one. He pulled it out proudly and started coating it liberally with lube. That fucker was big.... two feet long and double wide, a shiny black rubber and two ends. I'd seen such a thing in porn but nowhere else.
"You have another buddy into this?" I asked. This was clearly a toy designed for two.
"I wish," Logan said. "It's only gotten the double use once." He gave me a shy smirk as he started pushing the dong into my now relaxed hole. "I was hoping you'd be up for this, actually."
Somehow, the double wide went in OK, easier than the first. After six inches it became tougher with my internal resistance, but for now that was enough. Logan got a concerted look on his face and scooted into place, pulling his legs back to match mine and guiding the other end into his hole.
"Shit!" I cried as I watched my hunky little brother undulate his hips to work that staff steadily inside his guts. As he descended I felt an excitement sweep over me and I scooted down more of that incredible thickness. Maybe my hole would be sore as hell the next day. Or maybe not. For now, I felt on fire.
Our asses met. We paused a second and locked eyes on one another. We were ready. Our hips pushed and our abs clenched. And like that Logan and I were riding that bad boy together, in tandem. The mutual motion made the penetration feel extra deep and hard. I loved it. Logan was in heaven.
"I'm not going to be able to last that long," I warned.
"Me either," Logan hissed. "Go for it, bro."
I pulled my pud just as Logan started jerking his. Neither of us Smith men were hung all tha big, but that was OK. Our mostly matching cocks felt hard and great and alive in our hands.
I shot first, all over my chest and belly, but Logan was a second behind. We laughed a little after at how slutty and worked up we'd been. But I was rock hard still, and Logan wasn't making any move to back off that dildo. "Another round?" he challenged.
So we rode that fucker one more time, slower this time, trading deep sex talk and talking up each other's bodies. I told Logan about the three men who'd fucked me over the last year and how they were as tops but how THIS was something else. Something better and more intense.
Logan nodded, taking it all in as he humped against me stuffed ass and jerked his dick. He confessed he tried to find guys who looked like me, and that did it. I came again, hard, even if I didn't have as much sperm to spray this time.
By now, my ass was screaming for relief and carefully we worked ourselves free. Logan took the toy to the bathroom to rinse off then came back with a damp washcloth to wipe me down. It was a simple but wonderful gesture.
We snuggled up to one another, kissing softly. I had three more days of this. We had three more days of this. By the end of the weekend, Logan and I would figure out if this was like the other times. But for now, I just wanted to hold my adorable baby brother.
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noshitbarnes · 1 year
Anti-Hero: Prologue
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x OFC
Summary: After being experimented on as a young child and given abilities, Daniela has become a highly skilled member of the Avengers, and has even been assigned to mentor Peter Parker. Little does she know that the happiness she’s been able to find will become threatened by the very people who started her on her path long ago.
Warnings: angst, language, and mentions of torture
Word Count: 2,887
Notes: This has been in my WIPs for the longest time, so I decided to finally finish it up and let y’all read it! This chapter is just the set-up for Daniela’s character, so please be patient with me on the story development! I appreciate it! And as always if you want to be tagged in anything let me know!
Anti-Hero Masterlist
"So, Sergeant Daniela Velikov, right?”
Daniela hears the voice, but doesn’t think much of it, thinking it was either her boss, Phil, or maybe Fitz from the lab with more specs for a new hand blaster. She finishes typing her sentence and then looks up from the screen towards the figure that was standing in front of her. The man’s suit was a dark navy blue that hugged his frame tightly, there was a large dark black star across his chest, and his sleeves were rolled up to his elbows. He was currently looking down at a file he had in his hands, he seemed quite interested in it; however, Daniela could still make out the dark circles under his eyes and the beard. She furrowed her brows while looking him over, thinking he could really use a shave, not that he looked bad, but that he'd look better if he trimmed his beard a bit. She stared at him a little while longer, thinking he looked slightly familiar, but the scruff and the dark suit told her she was wrong. It was when he finally looked up from the file, his blue eyes meeting her gaze that she knew who he was, Steve Rogers.
Quickly, she moves to stand at attention in front of him, "Yes, sir! Sergeant Velikov of the 78th Marines.”
"Well," Steve smirks as he looks her up and down, "you're not a Marine anymore,” Daniela smiles lightly as Steve looks back down at the file, “all right at ease, Sergeant,” she moves her feet apart and clasps her hands behind her back, “you have a very impressive resume for being just 23,” he closes the file and looks back to her.
Daniela wasn’t completely sure why Steve was here or why he was complimenting her. She had a feeling it most likely had something to do with the Avengers, she’s had many many talks with Phil about the team. Phil wanted her to join them, fight aliens, be a hero, maybe even lead the team in the future. His aspersions for her were always higher than her own.
Daniela decides to keep it cool and play along, "Thank you, sir, I've worked really hard to get where I am.”
He hums lightly and nods in agreement, "I got word about five months ago that there was someone within SHIELD who had some special abilities,” he raises glances at her to see if her demeanor changes, which it didn’t, "Coulson thought you might know who it is."
She tilts her head slightly trying her best to act dumb, "He did?”
He nods, "Sure did, got any ideas or should I start guessing?"
She shrugs one shoulder, "I don't work much with the rest of the team, sir, I usually do solo missions, so I wouldn't be the best person to ask."
Daniela made a rookie mistake, got all mushy one night, and told Phil a few things about her past, was a little too honest. She'd been apart of the team for about six months and the loneliness had gotten to her, she wasn't getting along with anyone at that point and the missions she'd been on were emotionally taxing, even for her. Phil was the only one that had shown any interest in being a friend, so after a particularly difficult mission, Daniela had a few too many drinks and went to his office and told him everything. It wasn't really anything Phil didn't already know, he was a SHIELD agent after all, he knew about her parents, how old she really was, and where she grew up, but he wasn't aware of her abilities. She never imagined that one night of confiding in a friend would lead to Steve Rogers showing up at her desk asking her questions.
Steve looks at her sternly and gestures to the file in his hand, "Do you know what this is?" Daniela shakes her head and he continues, "Coulson has personal files for every member of his team. Mostly for basic things, mission stats, what they like, what they don't, weaknesses, strengths, injuries," he drops the file behind her on her desk and points to it, "and that one's yours, so I'll ask you one more time Sergeant, do you know anyone here who has enhanced abilities?"
She glances at the file then back to Steve, with a blank expression. She had no problem lying, it was in her blood, after all she'd been doing it her entire life, but she did have a problem lying to Steve Rogers, America’s golden boy. She grew up watching him, idolizing him, and praying some day that maybe he'd come and save her too. Steve was one of the reasons she got into the army in the first place, along with more personal reasons.
Daniela takes a small calming breath, "Why does it even matter?"
Steve sighs, "Because if this person has enhanced abilities, I need to find out if their using them for the right reasons. I won't led SHIELD fall again."
Steve knew that the girl in front of him posed no threat because of the high praise Phil gave her, and Phil was one of the few he could actually trust. The only reason he was even here, grilling this woman, was because of Tony. The past few years had been rough on everyone and Tony thought it would be good for Steve to get out of the compound and try to recruit a few new faces. The entire purpose of recruitment now was to build a future team, with a good leader, and if Steve could persuade her, Daniela would be perfect.
Daniela pauses for a moment, "But why should they trust you?"
Steve pauses, he hasn’t had anyone question his motives in quiet some time, it was almost refreshing, "I'm not here to gain your trust, Sergeant, this isn't some game, I'm looking for answers," he frowns slightly when her expression doesn't change, "just be honest with me," he sighs when she still doesn't answer, "I think you realize I already know."
Daniela shifts her weight to her left foot and nods slowly, "I.. Coulson was the only one I told and that was about a year ago ago," she looks to the ground and closes her eyes, "not that he didn't already know, the man is a spy after all," this leads to a small chuckle from Steve, but Daniela continues, "this is why I knew opening up to anyone would be a mistake. I only use my powers when I'm on solo missions, so I can avoid questions about how I got them. I thought I was doing a pretty good job at hiding things,” she opens her eyes and looks back to him, “I've been running from my powers my entire life, sir," she hesitates slightly afraid of sharing, but she continues, hoping he would understand, "if it makes any difference, I don't like that I have them either, but um, it wasn't exactly my choice."
Steve listens intently, hearing not just her words, but the emotions behind them. He knew about her past, but only surface details, like where she was born and raised, who her parents are, and that they were the ones who gave Daniela her powers. If he was being completely honest, he wasn't sure if he ever wanted to know exactly how she got them. Being a guinea pig of any kind is not a fun process.
Steve keeps his poker face and decides to change the subject, "You've been with SHIELD for nearly two years, never had any disciplinary actions, never asked any questions, have always done what you’re told. You're no doubt the best agent Coulson's got,” he looks her up and down assessing her, surprised such skill could come from someone so small, “so why stop here? Got any higher aspirations?"
Daniela chuckles lightly, the change of subject a slight relief, "Are you trying to get me to join the Avengers? I thought that was usually Stark's gig."
"He's got the day off," he smiles and continues, "the team would love to see a new face, have some help with missions,” she looks to him slightly confused, so he explains further, “we need some young faces to be the future of the team, the rest of us can’t do this forever. How about it? Coulson thinks you’d fit in with us well, maybe even help run it at some point.”
Daniela scoffs lightly at his remark and shakes her head. She’s always believed in what she did, she put her heart and soul into it, and sometimes that cost her, but there was no way she wanted to lead a team of superheroes, "With all due respect, Captain, I don't think that's up my ally.”
He takes in a deep breath and takes a step closer, now only a few feet from her, "Show me what you can do,” after all, it’s what he came here for.
The sudden closeness shocks her and her eyes grow wide, "W-what?"
He smiles sweetly and nods his head to her hands, "We just agreed that you have powers, now show me.”
She visibly clenches her jaw to calm her growing temper, “Yes, sir.”
Daniela slowly unclasps her hands and brings them around in front of her. She then turns them over, palms now facing the ceiling, while taking a deep calming breath, her hands begin to glow a soft icy white. Steve watches her hands intently, thoroughly impressed with what he's seeing. Moments later she starts a small fountain from her palms, letting the water flow freely for a few heartbeats, then freezes the water over quickly, “There.”
Steve raises an eyebrow, Phil wasn’t kidding, this girl really did have talent, but she had one more secret, "What else?”
She closes her hands abruptly causing the ice to shatter and fall to the floor around their feet, “Well... I um... I don’t tell many about the rest of my powers, sir.”
“Do I need to earn your trust?”
She shakes her head and furrows her brows, “Um... not exactly,” she purses her lips, “I’m just more worried about scaring people.”
Steve smirks slightly, “You realize that my best friend has a vibranium arm and I live with the Scarlet Witch. Those are just the calm ones, we also have an archer who climbs through the vents.”
That made her relax a bit and she chuckles, making Steve smile-- she had a cute laugh. Daniela didn’t know much about the Avengers personal life, other than what Phil told her, which wasn’t much, “Barton climbs in the vents?”
He shakes his head, “Yeah, I don’t ask why.”
Steve didn’t really ask too many questions about the others, figured it was none of his business, although if they wanted to share he’d happily listen. Some say that made him cold and off-putting, that he was too much of a soldier, but it wasn’t that at all, he cared too much. He was worried that getting too close to those he worked with would just put them in danger.
Daniela giggles and Steve continues, “Anyway, what else can you do? I won’t tell a soul,” he holds up two fingers, “scouts honor.”
She heavily sighs, “I... um, alright... my powers. They call it cryo-electricity. I can manipulate ice and lightning either at the same time or separately. I’ve learned over the years I can use water and frost too.”
Bringing her right hand back up in front of her, palm still facing the sky, she curls her fingers inward slightly, as if she was holding a ball. She scowls slightly at her hand, still unsure about showing him, but he already knew, so might as well. Clenching her teeth, trying to focus on her hand, small violet colored sparks begin to dance from her fingers like little strings. It wasn’t much, but it proved the point that she could do it.
"Impressive," he meets her gaze when the sparks die out and sees hesitation in her eyes, "I'm not saying you have to join, but you'd be helping a lot of people, and I know that's what you want."
Seeing that she still wasn't sure, he decides to take a different approach, and grabs the folder off her desk, "Says here you where on the fast track to joining the SRT squad before you were recruited to SHIELD,” he raises a curious eyebrow, looking over the file, "they don't normally allow women to join.”
The SRT team was the Special Reaction Team that responds to more dangerous and high risk situations within the military base. Basically they were the army equivalent of a SWAT team. They actually don’t allow women to join, but the General that Daniela worked under saw great potential in her and said he’d grant her request when it was time. She thought she would be able to help more people if she was on the squad, which is partiality what she wanted. She still had another year left before officially applying for the team when Phil found her and convinced her of a different path.
She nods at Steve, "They said I fit the bill for what they needed, sir.”
He purses his lips in agreement, she was a fine soldier, not a lot of women can say they were a Sergeant in the Marines. He then tilts his head curiously at her, “What made you want to be with SHEILD then? You could've gotten everything you wanted with SRT. Action, adventure, helping people, what changed?”
"I um,” Daniela takes a deep breath, "it's of personal nature, sir.”
"Got anything to do with your parents?” He lightly throws the file back onto the desk causing her eyes to widen.
"Possibly, sir," she pauses, “I um, I didn't realize you knew about them.”
Unfortunately for Steve, he knew all to well who her parents were, he just never realized that they had a daughter, “Stark and I had," he nods his head side-to-side, "a chance encountered with your father once, about a year ago, it ended with him getting away,” he frowns slightly at the ground and then looks back into Daniela's eyes, “Didn’t realize he had a daughter.”
Daniela’s parents always got away. She was starting to think they were destined to live free while she was destined to spend her eternity chasing after them like an idiot. They needed to pay, no, had to pay for what they did, not just to her, but for what they’re continuing to do. They’re monsters.
“Yeah, they’re not particularly proud of me, sir. They think that what happened to me was a blessing and that I am wasting my gift," she sighs and looks to the floor, "My apologies for having to deal with him.”
"No need, not your doing," she looks back to him and his eyes had softened, "you turned out quiet the opposite of him.”
"I um,” she scoffs, "I've worked my whole life to be the opposite of them both. I’ve tried to use what they cursed me with for the greater good, sometimes I can, some days, not so much,” she looks at her hands and shakes her head.
He takes a few steps towards her and rests a hand on her shoulder, "You've made a huge difference and changed a lot of lives, for the better,” she smiles weakly and he takes his hand away, "I can help you take the fight to Hydra. I can't promise we'll see your parents, but I can promise that if we do, we'll make them pay for what they did.”
"I've been fighting Hydra for decades, sir," she chuckles lightly, "Phil did the same speech with me years ago and he was able to convince me enough to join up here. After all these years, I have yet to see either of them.”
Steve nodded forgetting that her true age didn't show, “Well, I don't suggest you actually go looking for them,” he looks to her sternly, “you might not be happy with what you find.”
Daniela mumbles softly to herself, "Never stopped you,” he raises his eyebrows at her in surprise, "I'm sorry, sir, that was uncalled for.”
"It's alright," he shrugs and continues, "but I do know from experience that dwelling on the past only causes more pain.”
Moving on was something Daniela didn't do well, even after over 90 years. Little things tended not to bother her so much now, but childhood trauma was something that she still couldn't let go of. After all, her parents tortured her, changed her DNA, gave her powers, and then abandoned her at an orphanage when she didn't agree with their evil plan all by the age of eight. How can anyone just wake up one morning and go, "Yeah, this is fine."? The best course of action is to just fake a smile, bury the emotions deep, and hope that one day they'll die.
Daniela stares at him and blinks, "So I've been told, sir.”
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x3kristax3 · 1 year
Eternal Love -Chapter 6
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It's been a few months now since I've seen Jake. My heart hurts less when I do think of him or when Hannah and Lilly mention him by mistake. I guess he's been in contact with them. That thought brings a smile to my face as that means even while on the run he's trying to be their brother. Jessy and I have been having girl nights which are just full of horror movies, junk food, and laughing. But hey, they say laughter is the best medicine, right?
Dan and I ever since that night in the bar have gotten really close and tonight he's over here for some movies and popcorn. He had put on a movie as I was making it. I walk into the living room with the bowl, and I find myself smiling at him. Not the way I used to but I find myself wondering why this man is still single. He loves hard for those he cares about and will do anything to protect them. I've seen this side of him way more than anyone else I feel.
He looks over and catches me smiling "hey boo, don't let that popcorn get cold" he laughs.
I can't help but laugh with him and I throw a piece of popcorn and he catches it and realizes it's still hot. His face makes me laugh harder as I sit down next to him, maybe a little closer than I should but something is drawing me to him.
We enjoy the movie eating popcorn and laughing at the funny scenes. There's a few spots that make me jump and I hear his laugh at me.
The movie ends and we both go to grab the remote to put something on and our hands touch. This is different from other times. I find myself looking into his brown eyes. I never noticed the hint of gold and different browns in them before. I notice he recently cleaned up his beard and his hair is let down which frames his face.
I find myself leaning in towards him but I notice he is too and our lips touch. I feel his soft lips on mine and I feel my body melting. Everything over these past few months with him just makes sense at this moment. How have I never noticed him like this before?
We pull away and I see a look on his face. It's one of uncertainty. "I'm sorry if that went to face. '' His voice feels distant as I'm still thinking about that kiss. 
I shake my head "no we both leaned in Dan. Maybe we should give us a shot?" I ask, biting my lip.
The nerves as she stares at me makes it feel forever but in reality it's only seconds before his lips crash back onto mine this time more demanding and I give in to him as I feel his hand on the back of my neck. 
I reluctantly pull away from the kiss and looking into eyes I see the love in his eyes. They aren't like I'm used to but dang he knows how to make me feel good at least in this moment.
"Maybe we should take it slow and not tell anyone just yet" he states cupping my face.
"Yeah, I agree let's see where this goes before we tell the gang. Even though they are going to figure it out fast." I say with a chuckle.
He chuckles as well at that, "you're so right. They might have figured out something already." He stands up. He leans down and kisses me softly and quickly. "But I should go boo. Work in the morning and don't want to mess this job up" he smiles.
"Goodnight Dan. Drive safe" I say following him to the front door and watch him get in his car.
It's been a few weeks, Dan and I are keeping things quiet but everyone is starting to figure it out. We're all heading to the Aurora tonight as there is live music. We figured tonight is the night to finally tell everyone officially. Dan had picked me up and are now standing outside the Aurora, we know everyone else is inside already. He grabs my hand and looks me in the eyes and then kisses my forehead. 
I would have never imagined Dan to be like this in a relationship and I love it. He's not afraid to show the world I'm his but there's always a thought in the back of my head of doubt. 
What if Jake comes back and is free? Can I really stay away from him?
I shake my head out to get back to the moment. No, I can't think that way not now. I've done so well moving on from him that I can't let what if's ruin a good thing that is building.
We head inside hand in hand and walk up to the table. Of course my red headed best friend is the first one to notice us holding hands.
"I KNEW IT!" Jessy exclaims hugging Dan and I
"I think we all did at this point" laughs Lilly.
"Oh shush we're happy" I say looking at Dan.
"MC do you have a moment?" Asks Hannah.
"Yeah lets go get a drink, I need one" I say with a smile as I let go of Dan's hand.
Her and I walk up to the bar and I order my drink. "What about Jake?" She asks.
"I've moved on like he told me to Hannah." I sigh as I wait for my drink.
"But what if…." She starts to say
"No, what if Hannah. He's the one who pushed me away. I'm finally healing and happy. Dan isn't a rebound like Phil was. I promise you that. Will your brother always hold a spot in my heart? Hell yes…. I still believe he's my soulmate but obviously it wasn't meant to be." I see my drink show up and I grab it.
Hannah grabs my hand. "I just don't want to see Dan or you hurt. I know what he did was wrong but I will tell you, he asks about you when we talk. It's the first thing he types every single time." She sighs.
I look into her blue eyes, they are just like Jakes. "I can't say down the road I won't forgive him but right now I can't let him or the thought of him back into my life. I'm healing and happy with where things are. I need you and Lilly to accept that him and I might not be the end game like everyone thought." I walk away from Hannah back to the table.
Dan instantly realizes something is wrong and holds me tight not wanting to ask what we talked about. He's protective of me for certain but he won't push me too far when I don't want to talk about something.
We enjoy the night. I do notice Hannah on her phone a little more often texting and it's noone in the group so I know who she is. She's telling him everything I said.
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