#I've always wanted to tell this story it had such an impact on me
Why I Love Crosshair- A Story About Persevering
I talk about Crosshair so much on my blog. With TBB ending in a few days, I wanted to share with y'all why he resonates with me so deeply. This show and these characters have touched the hearts of so many in this fandom. I'm curious, which Batcher has resonated with you? Anyways, here we go!
Crosshair's hot. That's it. I'm a simple woman. Moving on.
He's really freaking cool- I'm not gonna like, seeing Crosshair make those trick shots has me on the edge of my seat. It's just so much fun to watch someone do an incredible skill whether it's dance, playing music, or in Crosshair's case, take out several battle droids with one shot. I love it.
His character arc- Crosshair is one of the most interesting and complex characters I've met in recent years. I'm not going to lie, it's refreshing to see a really well-written morally grey character. Crosshair's one and only loyalty is to his family (plus a few others). He will do anything for them. However, Crosshair isn't drawn to some bigger cause like Echo or Omega are. From my POV, it's something interesting to think about. What makes a good person? How far is one willing to go for someone they love? At what point does that loyalty and love turn selfish or self-destructive? These are all questions that Crosshair's character brings up.
I also appreciate the love and passion put into his character. Jennifer and the team took their time to give Cross a proper redemption. It wasn't as simple as "Crosshair just flips on a dime" or "he dies proving he still loved them." No. The change had to come from Crosshair. Crosshair had to be the one to make the steps towards coming home. It had to be his choice and his choice alone, not something that was forced onto him. I really appreciate that tbh. People are so complex and we all make mistakes. Crosshair made some pretty bad choices (not that he was 100% in control). Still, he had to figure things out for himself and when he was ready, he decided to come home.
His story- Crosshair's story is one of struggle and persevering in my eyes. "The Outpost" is one of the best depictions of what it's like to struggle with mental health. It's why I love it so much. I see a lot of myself in Crosshair. So often, it's much easier to just lie down and quit. But Crosshair doesn't quit. No. He fights. He fights so hard and in the end, he makes it. To see Crosshair come home after so long meant the world to me. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. You can and will make it. And he didn't do it alone. Omega continued to be a light in his life. Crosshair reminds me to never give up. Even when it all seems impossible, we need to keep going and there is hope for the future. When he meditates with Omega, I almost cried. That episode reminded me of my mom because she's constantly encouraging me and supporting me. She always tells me that I have to be the one to help myself. It's difficult and she will be there, but I can't just expect things to fix themselves. Similarly, Omega told Crosshair that he needed to help himself. I don't think I've ever related to a SW character as much as I have with Crosshair.
Crosshair has taught me so much about myself. Through him, I've learned that there's a lot going on in my head that I need to work on. I realized why S1 Hunter pissed me off so much. Because like Cross, there are times at home where I feel like no one listens. He taught me to keep going, to keep fighting, especially in times of great uncertainty. Crosshair and Omega's relationship shows just how special the impact of one person can have. I see their relationship reflected in my life in many ways. There's so much more I can say about Cross, but we would be here forever lol.
I am so grateful for Crosshair. I am so grateful for his story. He might be just a character, but he's really helped me tackle some rough times in my life. I love him with all my heart and will forever be thankful to TBB team for bringing his story to life.
Thank you DBB, Jen, Brad, Michelle, and everyone on TBB team. Thank you for everything ❤️
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mod2amaryllis · 7 months
I'm waiting for this migraine to die so I'm gonna tell you guys about Marshall, the dog who made me quit. read on if you wanna learn about extended quarantine and why this job sucks sometimes and other times is the most rewarding thing on the planet, often for the same reasons lmao.
in 2021, the weight of covid was kinda crashing down. i heard this was the case for a lot of health workers. we switched into emergency mode throughout 2020 and powered through, then the rest of the world decided to try and "get back to normal" a year later, giving no regard to the people who'd been working like a speeding train with the brakes off all that time. i was losing it!!! add a few more hay bales to my back when we hired a new doc who was the most demanding dude I'd ever met (still is, but we've come to some understanding lol) and who decided to run me as ragged as possible the first day he was left to his own devices.
that was the day Marshall came in.
i didn't talk about this back then because the outcome of the case was uncertain and the details so specific, but here's the run down knowing that 2 years later, Marshall is living his best life. when he was a baby, too young to have received a rabies vaccine, his owners found a rabies positive bat in the house. the state vet will always recommend euthanasia in these situations, OR, if you can somehow find and afford the option, a 6 month quarantine. this was such a tragic situation the owners were willing to try to save him. my clinic happens to have a decent isolation ward that's rarely in use; we use it for infectious patients like parvo puppies, uri's that have to be hospitalized, etc. so my boss agreed to take him for those 6 months. but the owners' caveat was that if he wasn't mentally adjusting to isolation after a couple weeks, they would euthanize so as not to put him through it and leave him with lifelong behavior issues.
that day, when animal control brought Marshall in the middle of an insane rush, we were short staffed and already at the end of our ropes with this new doc. i was the only qualified person who could talk to the officer. i was the only person who could take him back to isolation. the act of putting a 12 week old puppy in a 4 x 4 run where i knew he would either spend 6 months untouched, or never see the outside again, broke me. last straw.
i was a mess, for the rest of that day and the rest of that weekend having to go in and take care of him, when it was too early for him to adjust so i was sure he wouldn't make it. I'd come home sobbing. eventually jose was just like, "this isn't worth it any more," and i sent in a two weeks notice. i'd come close to doing so many times in the previous 6 years but never pulled the trigger. it took a total meltdown. my managers responded with regret, but understanding.
i wish i could've just felt free and done with it but for those two weeks i was just uncertain. this job is so complicated. the benefits for my pets are enormous; it's my main social network; it's income; I'm good at it and it gives me purpose. it's just also hell on earth! with no pressure from anyone else one way or the other, by the end of two weeks I'd decided to instead try going part time. that's where I'm at 2 years later so guess it worked lol.
but! there was still Marshall. shortly after we took him, we also happened to get a call for the same situation on 2 cats, and decided to take them as well. 3 animals on a 6 month quarantine. very new and daunting for all of us.
that first weekend was hard, but slowly, Marshall figured things out. it was the least ideal situation imaginable and i was at rock bottom and so was he, but i had this moment of like.....ok. if he wants to make this work, I'm gonna do as right by him as possible. and of course all us techs were helping him (one of my road dog coworkers always opened so i referred to her as his "morning mom") but i in particular took a special interest in training and enrichment. it became a passion. i was working less, but i volunteered extra weekends so i could see him more.
he was so young he hadn't even done much basic command training, and the fact that i couldn't touch him at all was a challenge. i started with a clicker to signal I'd rolled a treat into his run, since i couldn't give it to him directly. over those months we went through the basics: sit, down, paw, touch, using a back scratcher for a hand. part of the worry was him getting enough exercise; we noticed that when he'd get agitated, he'd jump on the bars non stop. i was like hmm that might be our only option, so i made "up" a command. i'd basically run burpies for exercise, up-sit-down-sit-up. he was a fast learner, very attentive. seeing him keep his wits about him like that was straight up thrilling. he even "potty trained" himself, barking like crazy whenever he'd go to the bathroom so we'd know right away he needed the run cleaned.
in the ward, there are 2 runs and 3 kennels. i trained Marshall to go back and forth between runs so we could clean. we'd have his food waiting for him in the next run over so he could eat while we'd clean; at the midday switch, he'd have a doggie popsicle. he was such a smart dog i knew toys and treats alone weren't cutting it for enrichment, and i couldn't constantly train him when i still had to be doing the rest of my job.
i started having everyone save every single box and paper-packaging that came in. i'd unfold some boxes for "bedding," so he'd at least have something between him and the concrete (he'd chew and eat any blanket we tried giving him). the rest, i turned into puzzles. i put treats inside and closed them up. put big boxes on their side in his run so he could go in and out. crumpled up paper-packaging with treats mixed in for him to dig through. every day i'd turn one run into a box-toy paradise, let him in, clean the other, and by the time i was checking back in on him he was snoozing in a pile of destruction. success. when other techs wouldn't go to the same lengths, i'd stay late pre-making his boxes and telling people to just throw them in dammit. i also queued several ambient sound playlists, birdsong cityscapes etc, to play on the weekend days when he was alone for long periods.
the months went by like this. i learned more about training, enrichment, and most specifically quarantine than i ever had outside of my experiences with my own puppies. we fell into a routine. we straight up loved each other, he was part of my life. he'd been this horrible trigger and pretty much doubled my workload, but he got to live.
then there were the cats! they were a little easier than Marsh just because they were already adults so didn't have all this energy to wrangle. for them, daily cleaning of course, taking turns going into the 1 empty kennel where i'd have treats, catnip, and other "new" smells waiting for them. for enrichment i focused on reconfiguration. every 2-3 days i'd rearrange things in their kennels, with the big pieces being a litter box, a bed, and an upright sturdy box (so they could either be in it or on top of it, giving them one upper level). it was habitat tetris. we'd play with strings and use the back scratcher for pets. then about every week, i'd switch their kennels to slightly change their view AND traded beds to mingle scents. they were from the same household and we were worried there'd be difficulty re-bonding after not being in direct contact for so long. they also did very well by the end of 6 months aside from gaining a lot of weight (oops). i learned just as much from them, and would love to help anyone else who might struggle with needing to quarantine pets.
i've seen people posting for help about similar situations and just wanna scream from the rooftops: the beginning is very daunting and hopeless, but animals aren't like us!!!!!! they do the best with what they got!!!!! if you work hard and keep them clean and develop a routine it'll all work out!!!!! Marshall walked out of there at 6 months a normal happy puppy in desperate need of a haircut.
it's interesting because i've never interacted much with his owners. i don't think they know i'm the one who kept him from losing his mind in there, even though everyone else at the clinic does, and i'm weirdly ok with that. the other day he came in cuz the dummy ate a bunch of meds he wasn't supposed to; the doc brought him to the back and instantly, Marshall rushed right for me. he still remembers me in a good way. there's still love. it's like...one of the few patient relationships i've had that feels truly deeply personal. in retrospect i think he had a bigger hand in healing my relationship with this career and animals in general than i realized at the time.
so thanks for making me quit Marshall. i feel a lot better now.
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(i don't have any pics of him from that time (tragic ssd card accident) but he was an overgrown doodle puppy so he looked like this.)
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luveline · 9 months
Ok Derek angst what about a non-bau gf getting jealous of his flirting with Garcia? Bc ngl if my bf did that with a girl who I hadn’t met I would be super upset and then May be his gf meets Garcia and realizes she’s a girls girl and super sweet? Idk u can take it any direction
ty for your request ♡ fem!reader
You don't want anything to do with Penelope Garcia. Honestly, you wouldn't ever meet her if you had your way, but you're level-headed enough to know that she's important to Derek. Integral to his life. It's a miracle you put off meeting her as long as you had. 
At first, you genuinely thought she was Derek's mom. He always ended calls with, "Love you, mama." It was only a few weeks ago when he shook things up to say, "I love you, babygirl," did you look up from the book on your thigh to ask who it was.
"Penelope," he'd said, like he was confused. "Who'd you think?" 
You shrugged noncommittal, earning yourself a hair pet and a kiss. You lay awake that night wondering if you got it wrong. You'd heard a hundred stories about her and felt reluctantly fond, but now? Your boyfriend calls other girls pet names, what do you do about that? What can you? 
You ignored it. And now you have to meet her. 
She doesn't seem as nefarious as you've imagined her, springing from her seat at the cafe table to hug you. "Hi! Oh my god hi! I can't believe I'm finally meeting you, I've never been this happy in my life! You're so pretty!" 
You wince at her arms thrown over your shoulders but reciprocate. You aren't a total bitch.
"Thank you," you say. She smells like coffee creamer and hairspray. She pulls away to beam at you, her lips painted a shiny, pretty red. "It's nice to meet you. Derek has nothing but good things to say about you."
It sounds awfully formal, like you're opening a bank account with a teller who has a shared acquaintance. Derek gives you a look. You give him a look back, mutual confusion. She may be his best friend, but you don't know her (and what you do know you're jealous of, so). 
Derek takes your hand despite your off behaviour to show you off with pride, his teeth peeking from behind his lips milky white. "My two favourite girls had to meet eventually."
"I thought I'd be more jealous about coming second," Penelope says, eyes twinkling, "but I've never seen Derek so happy." Her voice turns scratchy like stretched linen. "He deserves the best, you know? And it's clear you're it. He's smitten."
"Maybe don't give up all my secrets, sweetheart," he says. 
Seeing them together chills your raging envy. There's a lot of love there, clearly, but the sexual tension you pictured is fictional. "Girl code, my love,'' Penelope says with a shrug. She winks at you. 
Insecurity nags at your skin like condensation on a cold window, "You've known Derek for nearly six years? Have you guys always been this close?" 
"Well, mister muscles here didn't bother remembering my name for the first couple of weeks that we worked together, so he deferred to pet names. And, you know, he's him," —Penelope gestures to him as if to say, behold, drawing a startled laugh from you— "and I'm me, so. I didn't want him to stop." 
"Hey, now." 
Penelope shakes her head at you. "He always does this." 
"If 'this' is stopping you from talking bad on yourself, babygirl, then yeah. I'll always do it." 
You feel clarity break, the sweet taste of relief and the muggier lick of shame. Derek and Penelope have a special friendship. That you knew before meeting her. She's made a huge, irreplaceable impact on his life, and Derek has clearly done the same. They aren't playing work husband and wife —there are reasons for their affections that go well beyond the surface flirtation. 
"I get it. Nobody ever called me anything so nice as Derek calls me," you confide. Derek's eyebrows leap up. You've never told him this; you're telling Penelope as a sort of apology, though she can't know that. "I never got asked out growing up. When he asked me on a date I thought he was trying to win a bet." 
Penelope's expression flickers with relief. There and gone, quickly replaced by sympathy. "Are you kidding? You're so pretty, Derek's lucky he got to you before someone else did." 
Derek kisses your cheek. His lips linger against the apple of it, your joined hands pulled instinctively to his firm torso. You might be imagining it, but Derek seems to know everything, so he probably knows the hill you've just climbed in your head. "Damn straight I'm lucky. I'm surrounded by beautiful, genius women. This is paradise for the modern man." 
You flush at his touch and praise. Penelope makes a pleased squeak. "Ooh, you guys are cute! You need to let me take a photo. This'll make a great printout for your wedding."
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fictoculus · 9 months
Hello ^^ I've been reading your stories and I really like them and I was just wondering if you don't mind doing a genshin impact boys x Reader with the characters being Tighnari,Kaeya,Albedo,Alhaitham and Kaveh? And the story being you hug them from behind (I hope that is fine with you of course no NSFW I've read the request rules ^^) that is if you still do genshin impact
౨ৎ hugging them from behind...
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send a request!┊masterlist┊taglist applications
FEAT... tighnari, kaeya, albedo, alhaitham, kaveh
A/N... hellooo anon, thanks so much for this request, and for taking the time to read my rules too, i really appreciate it! alsoo, i'm so glad you like my writing, it means so much ♡ i actually really love this concept, and you've chosen some good characters too! apologies in advance if anyone is ooc ^^ (i have a feeling tighnari and kaeya might be a bit whoopssss)
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✧ tighnari.
for tighnari, being the "chief officer of forest rangers" comes with a lot of responsibility, an example being informing the rangers of the route for patrol and any threats they could face along the way. that's why, when you find your beloved stood infront of a group of eager men and women, you're hardly surprised.
you sneak closer to them, listening in on the instructions your beloved was giving, but not paying attention to a single word said; instead, relishing in the smooth sound of tighnari's voice. it was so calming and so soothing; he was always able to relax you from just a few words... and that's when you decided, you wanted to hear it "more up close"
the "plan" had been created, and it was a simple one at that; you knew tighnari always left his weapons at home while instructing the team for some unknown reason, but would always have to come back to collect them before setting off. you thought you'd be helpful and bring them to him instead, it would save him the unnecessary trip, after all.
despite a couple doubts crossing your mind, you decided to follow through with your "plan", rushing back home to collect his bow, trying your best to be as quick as possible so that you don't miss your chance; and luckily, you didn't.
arriving back at the meeting grounds, you make your way over to tighnari, being sure to approach him from behind. setting his bow aside, you waved at the rangers who waved back enthusiastically, leaving tighnari to wonder: "who are they all waving at? me?"
he lifts his arm to wave awkwardly, only for you to grab hold of him, squeezing him tightly around his waist and pressing tender kisses behind his ears.
"you forgot your bow again, love"
you whispered, a rosey hue tinting his cheeks as his eyes widened in embarassment. instinctively, tighnari wraps his tail around you, his soft fur tickling your skin slightly. you smile to yourself, just imagining how brightly he must be blushing; having about a dozen people watching an intimate moment he'd much rather keep private, or atleast away from an audience.
"i have a question regarding the-"
"any questions will be discussed another time, dismissed"
he hurriedly shoos the forest rangers away, making up excuses such as "there are matters i must attend to" and even "those things don't concern you, now please take your leave". he acted all angry when he turned to face you, but archons, he looked adorable.
"now what do you think you're up to, hm? hugging me like that infont of all the rangers?"
"i can tell you aren't mad, 'nari"
you can read him like a book, knowing exactly how he acts when he tries to hide how flustered he is; how he attempts to harden his exterior but gives in within seconds.
"i- i never said i was i just... don't you- i-"
he sighs, admitting defeat as he burries his face in the crook of your neck. you feel his hot breath against your shoulder as he murmurs:
"i hate you"
"i love you too"
✧ kaeya.
you walked to the cat's tail with a spring in your step, excited to see kaeya after spending more than a week apart. you'd been on a long expedition to liyue and had only just gotten back to mondstadt, not bothering to drop your belongings off at your house but instead hauling them along with you; unable to wait any longer to see your beloved (and silently praying he'd offer to help you carry them to your place)
after what felt like an hour of walking, you finally made it to your destination, shoulders sore from having to carry your bags instead of loading them onto a cart like you had when travelling to the nation of contracts.
poking your head into the tavern, you could see kaeya sat at one of the tables alone, watching out of the window, as if he was waiting for something, or someone... that's right, you!
you watch him carefully, waiting for the perfect moment to strike, and there it was: he'd gotten up from his seat, suppossedly to order a drink at the bar, and attempt to avoid the black cat and his... friendly translator; being invited to play a game of genius invocation tcg was the last thing he wanted.
dropping everything and leaving it in a pile at the front door, you practically throw yourself inside and run towards kaeya, his back now turned to you as he walks back to his table.
"[name]? archons, you scared me, i almost dropped my drink!"
refusing to let go, the two of you awkwardly waddle to the window, wanting some peace and quiet away from the taverns other patrons.
"someone's a little friendly today, hm? you miss me that much?"
"well if you don't want my attention, i can just let go..."
you tease, slowly but surely loosening your grip on his waist and sliding your hands to his sides. without warning, he grabs hold of your hands and wraps them back around him, holding them in place firmly, caressing your palms with his thumbs.
"i never said let go! wait... do you... not want to hug me anymore?"
here comes the show... kaeya would gasp dramatically, clutching at his chest as if he'd been struck by lightning, or something even more theatrical.
"do you not love me anymore?"
it never ends. he keeps building on it, acting hurt by your actions, more-so physically than mentally despite you having injured him being nothing to do with the "plot". only when you spin him around in your arms and press your lips against his does he finally stop talking, melting into the kiss as his mind goes completely blank. he'd pull away panting for air, his eyes glazed over with pure adoration.
"i love you"
"i love you moreee"
you're basically asking for it at this point.
"you love me more than i love you? impossible! preposterous! disgraceful! outrag-"
"i'm going to magically fall out of love with you in a minute if you don't-"
"i'm only kiddinggg, you're so fun to tease"
he brings one of your hands up to his lips and kisses it softly with a big grin plastered on his face; oh how he loves to wind you up, and secretly, you love it too.
"i do love your hugs though, and i really did miss you so... please hug me again?"
✧ albedo.
it's been hours since you'd last seen albedo, and though only a few hours doesn't sound too long, it felt like an eternity. it was all too often he'd hide away up in dragonspine, working tirelessly on his latest experiments and not taking any time for himself, and it worried you. that being said, you decided to come up with a plan to distract him, and a hug from behind sounded like the perfect idea...
you creep into his campsite, waiting for the perfect moment to throw yourself onto him.
"3... 2..."
you whispered to yourself, counting down the seconds before you could finally hold your beloved once more, missing his gentle touch; and you were more than just eager.
excited, you jog up to him and wrap your arms tightly around him, but feeling him jolt so harshly made you slightly concerened...
"woah! careful, careful!"
panicked, albedo sets down the equipment in his hands as quickly as he can, worried he'd drop or injure you with them. he lets out a sigh of relief once they're out of the way, moving his hands ontop of yours and loosening your grip so that he could turn to face you. hands now resting on your waist, he looks at you with a stern expression.
"[name], what did i tell you about hugging around my experiments?"
"i know, i know, i just missed you and thought if i hug you from behind i wouldn't be getting in the way"
"i-... technically you're right, but you gave me quite the scare nevertheless, it could've caused an explosion if we were to have fallen. what kind of lover would i be if i were to put you in danger?"
"i'm sorry, 'bedo, i didn't mean to-"
he sighs, noticing the way he was being slightly too hard on you; all he wanted was to keep you safe. he'd never forgive himself if you were to be injured from one of his experiments, which is why he always to extra precautios when it came to you.
"i know, it's alright, my love, i'm just glad you didn't get hurt"
he leans towards you, reaching both hands up to cup your cheeks, squeezing them gently before giving you a soft kiss on the lips. he doesn't take his eyes off of you, pulling away from the kiss only to look into your eyes, his own filled with the purest love. you could get lost in them for hours, admiring how all the different hues work together so perfectly to create the most beautiful shade of blue.
"i know you were probably hoping to spend some time together, but... i really have to get this done, honey, i'm sorry"
"that's ok, i just want to be with you..."
"... then stay, hold onto me from behind, ok? just make sure you-"
"-don't touch anything, i've got it"
and so you hung onto albedo, almost like a sloth, slowing down his movements ever so slightly, but he didn't mind, nor did he mention it. he'd apologise whenever he accidentally stood on you foot, even though he wasn't applying much pressure in the first place, being purposefully light on his feet as to not hurt you. every now and then, he'd take hold of one of your hands, bringing it up to his lips and kissing it so gingerly before setting it back down onto his waist.
sure, it wasn't the most romantic scenario, but you couldn't care less; all you wanted was him, to hold him, to feel his warmth against you, to know he was there...
✧ alhaitham.
you call out, wondering into his study, half expecting him to be elsewhere, but being pleasantly surprised when you find him sat comfortably in his arm chair. (like an old man)
"yes, darling?"
a soft smile creeps onto your face as you slowly make your way towards him; you just can't help it. even when he is doing almost nothing, alhaitham never fails to charm you, to make you smile like an idiot from a single glance.
"will you tell me that story again? the one about the dr- oh! sorry i didn't realise you were busy-"
you apologise profusely, turning to leave but only being able to take a few steps before alhaitham grabs your arm and drags you back towards him, almost pulling you over the arm of his chair
"love, it's ok, i'm not busy, i can tell you stories whenever you'd like to hear them"
"that's ok, how about you tell me about that book instead?"
you smile down at him sweetly before taking a look at the cover of his book; the gold lettering complimenting the brown leather perfectly.
"darling, you don't have to pretend to be interested, i can t-"
"no, no, please, tell me what you're reading! i like hearing you talk about your books"
he blushes slightly, his slightly widened eyes flicking back to the pages of the novel within an instant, wanting to avoid any possible eye contact.
"well, if you insist... this book is about how two-"
listening carefully, you move behind him, resting your hands on his shoulders before sliding them down his upper arm before dragging them across his chest. your hands meet near the middle, intertwining with eachother and resting against alhaitham's pounding heart.
"everything ok?"
you tease, knowing well how flustered this makes him, enjoying how he stuggles to keep a hold of himself.
"i- as i was saying... this book here is about two young lovers, how they met, and how they will someday grow old together and see the beauties of the world beyond life hand-in-hand... quite a precious story if i do say so myself, wh-"
you stand in shock, scanning over the open pages to make sure the story he's explaining is truly the one held in his hands; to your surprise, it was.
"wait wait wait, 'haitham... you are reading a romance novel?!"
"is that so surprising?"
"never in my life did i think alhaitham, the akedemiya's scribe who seems only interested in facts and figures, would be reading books about romance"
"well, dare i say you've rubbed off on me, love"
"i- i have?"
"why of course you have, every empty moment is filled with you, my love. see,"
he gestures to the pieces of - what looks like - paper sticking out of the book in various places, each one seemingly marking a significant moment in the plot.
"-even this book reminds me of you, all these little tabs represent thoughts of mine, these purple ones are thoughts of you, of us"
much to your disbelief, almost every single tab - par one or two - is coloured a shade of purple, you can even spot a couple of hearts peeking out from inbetween the pages. each section that was sticking out had the words "i love you" carefully written on them, written in his fancy handrwiting rather than what you refer to as his "scribe mode handwriting"
you squeeze him tighter, touched by how head over heels he was for you, nuzzling your face into the crook of his neck and planting soft kisses on along his shoulder and below his jaw. you wanted to show just how loved you felt in that moment, and how loved you wanted him to feel too. little did you know, alhaitham was a blushing mess; his face a vibrant hue of pink, his mouth forming words but not being able to force any of them out.
"i love you so much, 'haitham"
"i- i love you, [name]"
✧ kaveh.
"that doesn't seem quite right..."
kaveh is stood pondering in his office, the blueprints on the easle in front of him full of detail, far more complicated than anyone other than him could make any sense of. several stacks of scrolls take up all his desk space, 'stealing' his pencils and other pieces of equipment, or atleast that's what he claims to be happening.
in reality, his workspace is far too messy, causing him even more stress ontop of trying to find the perfect measurements for whatever building he was planning. you picked up on this, how he often promises to eat with you at the table, but gets so lost in his work he dismisses his own needs just for the sake of his project.
you decide to take the initiative, covering the plates of food with towels before making your way to kaveh's office; a small building to the left of the living area of the property, though it seemed to be that he was living there instead.
slowly pushing the front door open, you let yourself inside, sighing happily at not only the warm air against your now cold cheeks, but also at the comforting scent that you know all too well...
"it looks good, hun" you'd say, your voice gentle and sweet as to not scare him. he wouldn't turn to face you, but instead stare holes into his blueprints, hand holding his chin as he was lost in thought.
"hm? oh, sorry love, could you repeat that? i didn't hear you"
you make your way over to him, choosing to stand behind him rather than infront. snaking your arms around his waist and pulling him into you, you rest nuzzle the side of your face against his back. he jolts slightly, only to relax into your touch seconds after. "it's looking good" you repeat yourself, rubbing circles on his stomach through his shirt in an attempt to ease his stress. all it does is leave him stressed and flustered... ok maybe a bit less stressed, he's not complaining though. he loves the way you're so gentle with your hands, and know exactly how to make him feel so flustered. placing his own hands on yours, he intertwines your fingers with his, dragging your hands across his lower stomach to wrap around him tighter. "y- you really think so?"
"of course i do, love, everything you design is beyond beautiful, but this one especially...
"would- do you think you'd live in it?"
"oh, absolutely! strangely enough, it looks just like how i imagined my home to be when i was younger"
unbeknownst to you, kaveh is uncontrollably smiling like an idiot, knowing that you approve of your future home really gives him even more motivation to put his all into every single one of the blueprints, making sure not to miss even a single detail...
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thanks for reading ♡ want to read more? my requests are OPEN, so please feel free to let me know what you'd like me to write next!
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© FICTOCULUS 2023; please do not steal, translate, or repost my works as your own
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avenitacaliente · 1 year
Tenoch Huerta and the racism in Mexico that he wants to be known about: a little bit of "Orgullo Prieto"
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Photo taken for EL PAÍS, 09.07.22
For a few weeks Tenoch Huerta has been a trend on different social networks (which makes me proud, certainly. Hollywood finally makes the right people famous 👏) thanks to his portrayal of Namor in "Black Panther: Wakanda Forever" (I already read all your fics, they're amazing by the way).
But today I want to talk about something else, beyond his sexy back, his great performance as Namor and his countless and exotic sexual fetishes: his first book, in which he exposes, without stuttering, racism in Mexico: "Orgullo Prieto".
For those who don't know, Tenoch is an actor who for some time has turned his privileged speaker into a continuous platform against racism in Mexico.
This year, a few months before the premiere of his most recent film, Tenoch gave us this beauty, where, based on reflections, anecdotes, questions, concepts and ideas, he covers this topic, in an attempt to answer the question: of what we talk when we talk about...?
I had the opportunity to read a little of this book, which from the first page captivated me. You may not believe me, but throughout the entire reading I was smiling. Not because Tenoch was telling a story that made me happy or saying something funny, but because every word this man wrote, every word from which I learned something new. It left me floored. As part of Mexican society, reading this book (even if it was only a small part of it) made me realize the impact that racism had and has on my life and those around me. It made me question the origin of every decision I've made in the past and many of them come from the same root: racism, which without realizing it, was instilled in me since I was a child.
Leaving my sentimental speech behind, I would like to share with you small parts of—what I read from—this book, phrases and stories that made me think, get out of my comfort zone and say: "Verga, estamos bien jodidotes".
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"racism exists in everything: in every governmental, social, private, cultural institution and even in language. If we are part of this society and participate in all of the above, without needing to be violent or actively aggressor , whether we want to realize it or not, we are all racists. You and me too. Why? Because we were trained in it and it conditioned us, and because we ignore it for centuries so as not to speak openly and on a daily basis about the subject."
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"It was too tired and painful. (He was talking about his attempt to belong to the whiteness) That attempt to assimilate me, to mix myself, cost me a lot. Little by little I came back to myself, but there is something I still can not recover from: I lost my linguistic identity, and I think forever. I stopped sounding like myself, like I sounded all my life. I stopped sounding like my childhood, like my friends, like my family. Years after having lost or forgotten this part of my identity, I took a voice workshop where the teacher said: "The eyes are the mirror of the soul, but the voice is the mirror of intimacy". I had lost it: I had lost myself. I was adrift for a few years and made a number of stupid things that separated me from my true and original being."
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"I remember when, as a child, a teacher asked me if my parents weren't ashamed for giving me a dog's name. She was Mexican, brown like me, and part of the same population group. Without knowing it, with that question, she was denying our roots, our identity. She did it because she surely grew up hearing (also at school, the same from monographs or history books full of Europhile biases) that our ancestors were savages and that Europeans were an "advanced" civilization, just because they were cool, because they were splendid, They came to save us from an almost animal life. We must thank them for our "humanization" or something like that. Was it really like that? Were the Mesoamerican peoples the true savages?"
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"I remember one of my girlfriends, brown girl, who always sought shade or avoided sunbathing at all costs because "it burned her face". She didn't say it because she was worried about getting skin cancer, but because she didn't want it to darken. She even told me that it was to avoid stains. She searched for all possible euphemisms to turn around the real reason: not to get "more dark". It is clear to me that she, like others, surely grew up hearing that the ideal way to be beautiful was to aspire to be white and that if you are dark, you have to avoid being even more so. They are aggressions that mark us."
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"What happens then with those who deny racism in their country? Being racist is a "bad" thing. So, first: no one comes off as racist because no one wants to be the bad guy. Second: since they do not see themselves in that situation, riding a horse burning crosses, it means that they are not racist. It would be like saying that men who commit gender violence are only those who have reached the point of beating or murdering a woman. Seen like this, if I don't wear the cone, I'm not a racist. Mistake."
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snapscube · 11 months
I think a lot of people read dereconstruct as a trans journey, but when you talk about it you seem to mention religion, is it a mix of both? or leaning more one way than the other?
i don't really like talking about, or having other people talk about, my gender identity or transition unless i have something novel to say about it and initiate the conversation myself. you will rarely hear me bring it up myself, and you will also see me shut it down sometimes. this has been a sticking point for a while and it's a very necessary bit of control i have to keep over my personal narrative wherever i can because as my audience has grown the more people project things onto me or tell my story in a way i don't actually resonate with. my journey was very public at the onset out of necessity but at the same time i find myself wishing less people would offer up info in my stead because oftentimes it genuinely affects people's ability to discuss me with any more nuance than that and i can always tell the difference between someone who views me as like a person and someone who's primary understanding of me is "trans content creator". however, all this being said, it has been true for a very long time that music is the medium in which i am most open about these things because it is the way i often find the most novel and most meaningful ways to talk about my experiences without beating a dead horse or inviting limitation to my persona. i'm not really good at being a role model in that sense, but i do think i am pretty good at being an artist or at least that's where i strive to make the most impact, and i just don't find this stuff as personally interesting to talk about any other way anymore, at least not with strangers.
so anyway, all this to say: DeReconstruct does feature a heavy emphasis on my identity and the ways in which i've come into my own in that sense because it was produced at a time where i had a lot of newfound independence and was able to make strides in my own personal development like i'd never done before, and transition was a big part of that. but it was not the only part of that by a long shot. obviously whatever the album means to you as an individual, i'd never want to take that away or say it's wrong! but personally when i think of DeReconstruct or really any of my music i don't think of them as "trans stories". religion was a HUGE aspect of why i decided to make the EP in the first place, which is why Hypothesis, a song primarily about religious deconstruction, was the climax of that album. similarly, though Electrolysis is, in the most literal sense, a song about electrolysis as a treatment, it means a lot more to me in 2023 as a story about perseverance through any number of pains.
TL;DR, it is both and also more. i am a person with multitudes and DeReconstruct is made up of multitudes as well. as is my previous work, and as will my work be in the future.
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halfagone · 2 months
So I had been writing this thing the other day for the DPxDC Zine (btw the interest check just came out today, if it's something you'd like to see), and it made me think about what I enjoy the most about certain ships I tend to write.
I am a multi-shipper at heart, I like to believe that there are so many facets of characters you could lean into or explore that leads to different character and relationship dynamics. But I think of all the stories I've read and written, I tend to enjoy Tim/Danny the most.
I enjoy how similar their family dynamics are even if they didn't come from the same socioeconomical classes. Even if you believe that Danny and Tim's parents genuinely love them, you can tell in so many ways how much their absence and presence alike has carved their personalities.
Tim might not have died like Jason or Cass or Damian or Kon or Bart or Clark or--you get the idea. He might not have died like so many other heroes have but he can understand Danny in ways they can't either.
These two are some of the few heroes I've seen with negligent parents. Tim's parents might not have gone as far as accidentally kill him through malpractice but it was enough that Bruce had deemed the Drakes suspicious and looked into their activities.
Characters like Jason and Stephanie, both of whom had abusive fathers and drug-addict mothers, would totally look at Tim and Danny and their home lives and never think past the surface level. After all, they have good families and a roof over their heads and a warm bed to sleep in and consistent access to food.
And that's the most insidious part about child neglect. Hardly anyone will ever think it's bad enough.
And then you look at their hero careers. I've said this before but out of all the other Robins, Tim had the most to lose and he lost it all. When these two started out, it had not been at rock bottom like so many other heroes.
Instead, they had chosen the hero life even when they could have stayed in the sidelines, away from most of the danger. It wasn't until a month after his accident, after Danny defeated the Lunch Lady, that he decided to become a hero. He could have kept his head down and hidden his ghost half, made Phantom a one-off incident, but he wanted to help people. He saw what good his powers could do and he didn't want to waste it.
Similarly, Tim could have stayed as a bystander who just so happened to know more than the average citizen. Yet when he saw Bruce's self-destructive behavior in the wake of Jason's death, he wanted to do more and save the hero that protected the city. Tim knew the stakes from the start and that could have scared him off, but he wanted to help people most of all.
Their stories mirror each other in such impactful ways, yet their personalities are different enough that you can see their characters shine through in their relationship.
I am still a multi-shipper, always will be, but these two prove how much meaning even a seemingly crackish crossover couple could have and that's just so wonderful to me.
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List of things that point towards Gojo Satoru & Geto Suguru being kissers of boys with connections to eachother
(If they did kiss though is another story)
Note: the list will be divided into different sections with space in between. So don't go speed scrolling through if you don't want spoilers. :"3
Some of these are less serious, but are still included because all the more content for these two sillies.
--- Last updated: April 26th, 2024 Note: Make sure to check the original post if viewing a reblog version in case Tumblr does not update things under the "read more" like it used to be able to.
572. This number is used frequently as a ship number for the two as "GoGe" the ship name can also be produced as "GoNatsu". Go means 5 and the rest sound similar to 72. These numbers ironically show up accross the series a few times and also in official merch. (Some examples being a clock in season 2 episode 1 stopped at 5 hours 7 minutes 20 seconds or a Gojo teddy bear priced at ¥57,200)
JJK official fanbook
"Q: Please tell us his first impression when he first met Geto. A: Bangs."
"Q: He seems to be aware that he is handsome, but doesn't he want a lover? A: I can't imagine Gojo being faithful to a particular woman."
"Q: Is there anything you are particular about Geto's character design? A: Bangs"
One of Gojo's songs & one of Geto's songs given to them. "Shame on you" by "Avicii" (a break up song) for Gojo and "Come back Home" by "Two door cinema club" for Geto. Stated in volume 3 chapter 24.
The sheer amount of times Geto shows up in MMVs for Gojo and how they display the impact Geto had on Gojo (For example, the latest MMV for volume 26's release)
Their birthday's solar terms tying in with parts. (Geto being "Risshun" beginning of spring & Gojo being "Taisetsu" heavy snow.)
Rings for them that were released on August 8th, which is "Pairing day" in Japan
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Jujutsu Kaisen 0
Geto's kesa is specifically a Gojo kesa
Gojo stating in 0 that
"I've always believed... ...Love manifests the most distorted curses." / "This is my personal theory, but there's no curse more twisted than love."
Even after 10 years, Gojo recognized Geto's smell. (The mall scene after Yuta & Toge fought the curse)
Geto renaming someone to "Sato" because
"That's what I've decided, so Sato is better."
This sunset scene
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Gojo's veil is black & Geto's veil is white. Gojo's veil causes darkness, Geto's does not. [Peep who reminded me]
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The song "This is pure love" not only plays over Yuta & Rika vs Geto, but also plays over Geto & Gojo's conversation
The way that Geto looks at Gojo & says his name, and how Gojo looks at Geto & says his name
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Geto's blushing face at Gojo that we were robbed of in the anime
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Some of the lines from the JJK 0 light novel lines
"Yet Gojo's bandage-covered eyes kept watching, kept following the shape of Geto's soul."
"But to Gojo Satoru, he was —— '————, ————' '...ha.' When he heard the words Gojo blurted out, Geto couldn't help but laugh. Such embarrassing [...] words. Even why they were students, those words had never been said before. 'You should've at least cursed me a little before the end.' December 24, 2017. The curse called Geto had been well and truly exorcised."
Season 1
JJK Juju stroll
"Q: What kind of person is your type?" Gojo: "[...]The one who seemed nice. With the notable bangs."
yes, i know who he stated but the way he answered was so half arsed as he struggled to come up with an answer as an example of his type. 💀
Season 2
Again, the way they look at each other and say each other's names (There's another picture with Gojo looking at Geto, but I'm missing it right now)
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They literally even have a themed honeymoon place???
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Geto makes sure Gojo has his favorite soda. :3
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Part 1 / volume 8 - 9
The intro for season 2 part 1
"Even after I got to know the smell of you, different from mine"
"In such a color as if it were a silent love"
"I've got a curse word for you stuck in the back of my throat"
The outro for season 2 part 1:
"Even trivial conversations are fine Show me your blushing face once more"
"It only exists here I want to touch you"
The fish in the outro
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The flowers in the intro & outro. [Peep who reminded me]
The purple ones (Located on table in the part where older Gojo is sitting in a chair by a window) are possibly Primula/Primrose flowers. They can represent young love, beauty, desire, desperate, and can be a symbol of spring and renewal/new beginnings. etc.
The yellow ones (Located in the part where Gojo & Geto are sitting together with their hands & cans of soda surrounded by the flowers) are possibly osmanthus flowers. They can represent love, passion, happiness, beauty, etc.
[See here , here, here , here , here , here ]
Geto not answering Tsukumo Yuki's question of what kind of woman is his type more than once
When Geto is asked by Haibara if he would like a sweet or savory souvenir, Geto says
"Satoru will probably have some too, so maybe something sweet."
Part 2 / volume 11
This whole image (Geto in the glasses on the left, and Kenjaku's silhouette on Gojo's face on the right)
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Season 2 part 2's "Specialz" intro hidden meaning
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Despite the following about Geto's state, Geto's body still instinctively reacted to stop Kenjaku from hurting Gojo.
"Q: Fake Geto's arm was moving during the Shibuya Incident, but how much of Geto's consciousness remains in the body? A: Not much. He was moving like how a dragonfly whose neck was torn off can move."
Fun fact: Some owls pair/bond for life (Whether the owl is supposed to be Geto's because Kenjaku is using Geto at the time or it's not Geto's animal because that is Kenjaku is up to you)
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Volume 26
The Camilla flowers with snow. Not only do they represent Gojo well with their meaning, including one meaning being unchanging/strong love alongside modest love / beauty for pink, but flowers are given to different dates. The birth flower of February is this flower, said to bloom on the 3rd of this month. Aka Geto's birthday.
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Chapter 236
Gojo actively chose to fight on December 24th (a day considered romantic for Japan) which is now the day both Geto and him have died on. Even Kenjaku acknowledges the days significance with
"Ha ha! How romantic. Isn't it gross to make plans with each other on Christmas eve?"
These lines
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Both Gojo & Geto's volumes' numbers can have bad meanings in Japan. 4 can mean death & 9 can mean to suffer/agony. (I put this under volume 26's section because of the spoiler)
There's likely more, but this is what we could think of right now. XD If you have anything you want to add on, feel free to send it my way because the more help the better & easier this is. (^w^ ) Same for any corrections to the list (as it's just me writing up this post and I may make slip ups)
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AITA for not telling my friend I don't want to play DND with her?
I (17M) am a player in a Dungeons and Dragons campaign (NOTE: it is not actually DND, I am just saying it for simplicity's sake. If anything sounds off, that's why. Either way, it's TTRPG, and both games have the same system, although they aren't anywhere near similar to DND gameplay-wise. It's very roleplay focused.) with a few of my friends (all 17-20F: Viola, Korrina, Valerie, and Olympia). Viola is our DM, and I have so much fun every time we play, with no intents on quitting because of this.
Olympia just like... fucking sucks though, to be honest? Like, I just hate playing with this chick. She's always asking for extra bonuses on rolls because she's just such a good player (no one else does it, Viola allows it though), she actively started PVP with me, she physically disabled my character in said PVP and I had to do chaos control (I did not want to have my character be disabled, if I did I would have a disabled character, but I failed a roll against her in this fight so I had to have my character go on a side-quest to fix it: I would be more fine with it if it was Viola, but another player? Really?), and she's just not really funny when she talks about the campaign outside of the sessions (I know, it's a little personal). She gets really upset when we mention this one thing we all like to the point of taking inspiration from it for characters and NPCs because she doesn't get it but she refuses to try the thing so we just have to not talk about it with her, and overall she just... isn't enjoyable to be around.
I know I'm gonna have people in the comments say "just tell her that you don't like her now! You sound awful, you should quit," etc etc, but hear me out. I am a player. Since the DM is Viola, and Olympia and Viola are having fun, I don't feel like I should say anything. It's the DM's story, and as a mere character in the story I can't have any say in the format, especially since I was the one that invited Olympia to the group (I made a casual offer to my whole friend group over a school group chat and both Olympia and Korrina responded, so I had to include both of them), and we've been playing this campaign since August.
One of our players had to cancel on us a week ago as of writing this, and so I decided to run a oneshot based off of a campaign I've been wanting to do (first time DMer, I wanted to try it out). The players were Viola, Korrina, and Olympia, and it was actually really fun! I wanted to wait for Viola's campaign to end before I actually started playing my campaign, but that wasn't going to happen in a while, so I had decided to run it then.
I don't want Olympia anywhere near my actual campaign, though. I'm planning on letting my friend (Drasna, 18F) join, as well as anyone else who shows interest, along with Viola, Korrina, and Valerie. But as you may know, Olympia is insufferable to me, and as DM I feel like I have the right to deny her from playing with me.
She still played in the oneshot though, and was... very excited for it. I am aware I am the only one with beef here. Olympia keeps on PMing me about her character, asking about the world, and she's really interested in the world and the format of it. Her character's nice even if a little similar to one of the main plot NPCs I have, but as I've mentioned, I really want to cut her out when the campaign gets rolling. The only reason I couldn't for the oneshot is because we are actively in the middle of a campaign and everyone would think I'm being weird and things would be tense for the rest of the campaign. I can't just tell Olympia to her face "hey, I hate playing with you actually. Go home, fuck off."
I feel like I treated Olympia fairly when we played (she didn't do anything drastic, at least), but I don't know how my negative feelings on her are going to impact the campaign. I don't want to have an inbalance in the characters and how they're treated.
AITA for leading her on to make sure things don't get awkward during Viola's campaign, even though I have no intent of changing my mind on not having her as a player?
What are these acronyms?
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kelogsloops · 28 days
putting this in the tumblr ask box bc idk where else to put it 🕺 does anyone even read these still
anyways i just woke up but i had a dream and you were a big part of it- i don’t want to say it was a nightmare or like a bad dream but like basically in the dream you announced that you would be quitting art and like retiring ig? it was for a few reasons but in that moment idk i just realized just how much you have had an influence on my life- you know that saying “you don’t know what you have until you lose it”? yeah…
honestly at first when i woke up i was so ready to call it a nightmare, like “oh my god?? you?? leaving?? forever?? noooo!” but as i’m sitting here awake now i realize eventually it’s probably gonna happen- maybe not in the way it was in my dream with you making a whole like announcement video and wiping your accs, but maybe quieter. i wonder if it’ll be that you stop making art, but i find that hard to imagine. i think it would happen slowly, less and less posts as the years go on. in my head even if you stop posting it, i’d think you’re still creating, making art for simply the sake of such. but then i think about how silly that thought is though, i don’t know you outside of your social media bubble. i don’t know your life and what happens there so to even assume something so quiet is pretentious of me. 
like i said, at first i thought it was a nightmare, i can’t bear the thought of you leaving one day- especially for the reasons you gave in my dream it was like “i gave up, arts getting too much for me, and things are so competitive now no one wants my art anymore…” blah blah blah. it was all my own stress as an artist manifesting onto you i think- but anyways i hope that should the day ever come where you do end up leaving your socials and whatnot, i can only hope that it’s out of your own accord and you do so because you want to, not out of pressure or anything like that. like i’m not saying i want you to quit or anything, but what i’m saying is if it happens i just hope it’s something that you chose on your own. i just don’t think i could ever stand that happening though without letting you know how much of an impact you’ve had on my life. 
i found your art when at a very developmental part of my life, so your work wether consciously or not i think has just become like a part of my brain wether conscious or not haha. whenever i go to draw even if i don’t explicitly go to look to your work for inspiration, it’s still there i can see it. it’s like just unconsciously ingrained at this point. but more than that though the whole idea of like “brb chasing dreams” and whatever and the whole idea that i feel you impart every time you share pieces of your journey as an artist to just keep going, i kind of stole that mantra for myself and started to tell myself that as well. even at my lowests, i’m still trying to follow that dream, even lost and i don’t know what direction i’m going in there’ll always be that dream as an anchor almost.
thank you for all that you’ve shared and thank you for being the biggest inspiration in my life. i know that’s quite dramatic to say, but i mean it in full honesty. whatever the future holds for you, i hope it’s kind. i hope you live a long life chasing all your dreams where at the end of the day, you’re happy. thank you. 
waking up to find a message like this in my inbox has me feeling t e a r y. it's reading stories like these and hearing how my work has impacted people that makes this all feel so surreal sometimes. the fact that people would even care if i stopped making art one day or just disappeared is crazy... i'm very fortunate!
i've resigned myself to the fact that sure, one day (but hopefully never) i won't be able to pursue a professional career as an artist anymore, but if there's one thing that i can promise, it's that there is no reality in where i stop making art!
i don't know if i show it enough, but to each and every one of you who have been part of my journey so far, thank you from the bottom of my heart. it's messages like these that pinch me and remind me how it's all so worth it
forever #brbchasingdreams
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theghostcreator · 9 months
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Here are the things that making a Fire Emblem hack has taught me about both Fire Emblem and the community.
1. Writing a Fire Emblem story is incredibly difficult.
The format of Fire Emblem stories is incredibly hard to get a grasp on when you're designing around permadeath. Once a character joins your army you either have to completely take away any truly meaningful impact they have on the story or have their death just have them retreat, which a lot of players don't like. It's also very difficult to have story directly be integrated with the gameplay, and most often you have to settle for most of the story happening before and after the chapter's gameplay.
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2. You need to accept that complete balance is impossible and often times more boring than the less balanced decision.
The FE community gives broken units and strats a hard time a lot, however it's important to consider that those things are only as broken as they are because of all the information available about them. It's also worth noting that incredibly strong units or items can be fun when not being so absurdly busted that you have to actively try to not let the game break itself. We often times get so obsessed with having every unit, weapon type, and item balanced that we forget that perfectly balanced games aren't always the most fun, these are strategy games at the end of the day yes, but they're also supposed to be enjoyable games.
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3. Sometimes you just need to ignore people.
This is Subaru. And Subaru is an incredibly good earlygame cav in the second part of my romhack. He has great stats all around except for his strength growth which is a measly 15%, despite this being a setback that in reality can be easily overcome through powerful axes and doubling that 15% growth really throws quite a few people off and they end up immediately benching him and calling him a meme tier unit. Feedback that you know is ill informed like this example can end up being detrimental to your work if you listen to it at face value, Subaru originally had a much higher strength growth and was obscenely broken as can be seen in this video of an earlier build of the game.
So essentially sometimes you just need to be confident in your own ability to tell when something's good and when something isn't. Of course don't just write everyone off, but do be sure to know when it's time to just dig in your heels and say that you know what you're doing.
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4. The Fire Emblem community is incredibly talented.
I've made it clear before that I'm not really good at art, I hardly even know how to edit portraits by a slight bit and yet my romhack is able to have all of these wonderfully made custom portraits, battle animations, tilesets, and songs because of how amazing this community is at making and sharing their work. Within the Fire Emblem hacking community there's a resource known as the 'graphics repository' which holds things like community made battle animations, portraits, and tracks for anyone to use for free as long as credit is provided. I can't explain enough how invaluable of a tool this is to both new and experienced romhackers and it really speaks volumes that the FE community can be very helpful and inclusive when it wants to be. Alongside that there's FEbuilder, the amazingly intuitive all in one romhacking tool created by 7743 that other romhacking communities could only dream of, it's insane how advanced these tools are, I don't even know any C+ or ASM and still have completed an entire romhack with a sequel in the works.
Alright I think that's about everything... I was just sorta bored and figured I'd talk about romhacking for a bit, anyway if anyone's interested in my romhack I'll post a link to it here, it uses FE8 as a base and is fully complete with 25 chapters. It's missing a lot of supports and paired endings but other than that you can play it to the end.
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More Omega Appreciation
It's no surprise that I love Omega, I make that pretty apparent. After all, she's my sweet bean, my little sunshine. I adore everything about her. In fact, I'd put her in my top 10 fave characters because of the impact she's had on me. But what makes her so endearing?
To me, it's her hope and compassion for others. Omega is full of life and wonder. Every situation she's thrown into, Omega takes with full stride. I remember falling in love with her in the first few episodes of season 1 when she goes to Saleucami. I think most of us want to go back and relive childhood where everything new was exciting and magical. And while she's certainly matured over the course of this series, there's still so much wonder in her. We can call it filler, but don't deny how adorable Omega is when Phee tells her stories. The way Omega lights up around others and new situations is adorable and makes her incredibly likable.
I'll go back to my point about her hope and compassion. Omega truly sees the beauty and strength in others, no matter who they are. Where Hunter is always distrustful of Cid (and rightly so), Omega still tries to help her. Yes, Omega is child and she is naive, but I still find her traits endearing. With Batcher, she believes in the hound's strengths to survive even with Hemlock trying to tell her otherwise.
But the most important character that Omega's kindness touches in my opinion is Crosshair. She never gives up on him even though she could. All throughout her imprisonment on Tantiss, Omega keeps her hope alive. Not a day goes by that she doesn't look for a way out. Crosshair, however, has given up. Everything that's happened to him has broke his spirit. But then Omega shows up and the fight is put back into him. Throughout the entire show, Omega continues to believe in the goodness that Crosshair has within him. She's always the one to reach out to him. I love that about her. I feel that we need more people like her in the world. It's so easy to not care about something or dismiss someone who might have differing opinion. But Omega teaches us that a little kindness and persistence can go a long way. I honestly do see so much of myself in her as a result.
I don't get personal on here, but I'll just say that there are times in my life where I've been put in Crosshair's position. I've felt trapped in my own Tantiss. Yet, there was always an Omega in my life trying to help. Omega, to me, represents the pure love and hope that people, especially family, can have for each other. No matter how dark things get, she keeps fighting and hoping. She never gives up on her family.
She is the emotional core of "The Bad Batch." It's through Omega that the Batch begin to see life in a different lens. They realize that they don't have to be soldiers. They begin to grow in different ways. Tech and Crosshair become more emotionally vulnerable around her. Hunter and Echo become more paternal. And Wrecker gets to let out his inner child more around her. She shows them new ways to love and care for one another.
I hope sweet bean never loses her endearing traits by the end of show. Sure, she will have gained more life experience, but that light she carries better stay alive. It's so important. It's one of her best features and it leaves an impact on those around her. The Batch are lucky to have Omega in their lives. Guys, if you have an Omega figure, someone who's filled with love and joy and always supports you, give them an extra tight hug.
I'll get off my soap box now, but she is truly one of the best Star Wars characters to come out in recent years.
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lwtkmm · 2 years
They loved you, didn't they ?
After story
Hello luvs.
This is an aftermath to my replaced mc au , So before you read this make sure to read the series to understand the plot better.
They loved you, didn't they?
Remember, you are loved, you are special, you are worth it, your presence matters and you are beautiful.
" Thank you, please visit again. " You sighed as the last cake for the day was sold before you returned to your abode.
Every day was a busy day, your bakery was quite a popular one.
You trashed your stuff on the couch and dumped yourself on the bed. Ahh soft sheets, you could fall asleep even in your work clothes .
You were tossing sides on the bed, deciding to sleep in your then clothes or to get up to change when a small picture frame , lying on one of your shelves caught your attention. You got up and held it in your hands, to look at it.
There you were, your younger self, in a certain uniform that brought back memories, bitter ones.
Devildom. It has been 3 years since you left the once loved ones behind, for your own good. The loved ones who unloved you. Not once did you not cry when you thought about them. It was years ago but the impact they left on you was always going to be there with you.
Magic, that was once the topic of your interest, was now something you really despised.
But not everything was bad about devildom. With this thought a 'ding' sound was heard. It was your phone, well not particularly your phone, your D. D. D, the one that pretty butler had sneaked to you before you left.
It only had 3 contacts : luke, Raphael, Barbatos.
The others didn't know about it and even if they did, barbatos made sure that nobody texted you . You didn't want them in your life again , you were much healthier without them.
It was Luke who had texted you. He texted you everyday, secretly, cause he didn't want Simeon to know about it, not that he was under Simeon anymore.
After you left, Luke became more close to Raphael, Simeon didn't believe you and made you feel pathetic about yourself. And in Luke's eyes, that was unforgivable, you were precious to him and anybody who hurted you was his enemy, even if it was Simeon.
Luke and you were talking about your day, how your bakery seems to empty every day.
' Mc I'm so proud of you! In no time you'll be the best baker in the human world! '
' I think so, since I learned it from the best, isn't it Luke? '
You recieved another message. The pretty butler of the demon prince .
Something about that name always made you nervous.
' mc, are you free right now? '
' yes barbs, what is it? '
' I've been meaning to tell you this for some time now. But i didn't because, I didn't know how you'd react. '
' just say it barbs, If it's coming from you then it must be something reasonable'
' so .. Would you like to come to Devildom? '
' what? '
' can you come to the Devildom? '
' barbs? Why? '
' mc. Let me explain'
' no barbs, why would you ask that! Never! '
' mc, please listen '
' there's no reason I'd come to that place again '
' not even for me? '
' well.. '
' please listen mc. So you see. Lord Diavolo is going to be crowned as the king of the Devildom. And he told me that there was something he really wished on such a big event of his life, he wanted you to be there. Look Mc, I know what happened with you was unjust. But please Mc, for my sake, it will make M'lord really happy, it's his utmost wish '
How ironic, the prospective Demon king who once wanted to throw you out of the Devildom , wanted your Attendance. You didn't wanted to say no to Barbatos but nor did you wanted to go to Devildom.
' I'll think about it barbs, just thinking about Devildom makes me feel.. Bad.'
' I understand it Mc, I'll wait for your answer'
You dropped your D. D .D to the floor and ran inside the bathroom, panting. You washed your face a couple of times so as to forget what just happened.
Why barbatos?
Why Diavolo?
After all these years.
Why did they wanted to involve themselves with you again.
You didn't know why, but you had this strong urge to see him.
You would have lied to yourself if you didn't admit that talking to Barbatos made you feel at ease.
In these 3 years of time, he was always there, at your ups and downs, although the visits were very rare , he always made his presence felt. You knew that there was someone who you could confide into.
Now that , he had a request, you couldn't say no. Although the idea of you being in the devildom again dreaded you .
You got into the shower. You were literally drowning with stress and wanted to take some thoughts off you. You stared at your body in the mirror. There was only one pact mark on your body , that once activated , glowed in dark green.
You ran your fingers across the places where the other pact marks used to be. It had been a very long time since you had gotten rid of them.
Why have pact marks when the Demons once loathed it so much?
You fell on the bed, hands outstretched and looked up at the ceiling . You had a long journey ahead . Journey you weren't prepared for.
You didn't even know when the time passed so quickly and currently you were standing in between the Pentagon, as green light surrounded you sucking you in.
You were being teleported.
To devildom.
The light was so bright that you squeezed your eyes shut and next thing you knew, you were lying on a cold ground.
" ... Up" You could hear faint voices.
" Mc... Get up " Someone was calling out to you.
You recognized that and immediately opened your eyes. It was him.
The pretty butler, with the usual smile on his face.
Oh you missed him so much, you couldn't help but throw your arms around his neck.
"Barbatos!! "
"Mc, " He gave you a genuine smile. " Did you miss me "
Before you could answer, you heard someone say.
" Welcome to the devildom, Mc " The tanned, red haired to be king, walked towards you, the once pride of heaven by his side. They looked at you with excitement yet apologetic eyes.
Your eyes met rubies of the pride demon and he immediately diverted his gaze. He couldn't look you in the eye.
" Mc. Thank you. Thank you for being here , it makes me so happy." Diavolo continued.
" Hmm, my pleasure, prince diavolo " You replied, after all these years of no contact, you didn't know how to talk to or address him properly.
The formality in your voice made the prince really broken. You both were once so close and friendly with each other and now, every thing had vanished and it was all his fault.
Lucifer still hadn't spoken anything, yet he kept staring at you, hoping that you'd notice him and would strike up a conversation.
The four of you - Diavolo, Lucifer in tow and barbatos by your side, went to the council room. You could hear angry and teasing noises. But as soon as the door opened , everyone went silent.
All eyes were on you.
But this time, you walked in confidently.
The room was silenced by your presence until a little angel with blonde hair ran towards you with teary eyes.
" Mc!!!!! I missed you so much! " Luke ran and jumped into your arms .
Your heart swelled with love and affection for the little boy.
" Luke my sweet boy, I missed you a lot "
Luke was already weeping in your arms.
" Now now Luke , it's my turn to greet mc" Raphael looked at you, still with a poker face but you knew he was genuinely happy to see you.
" Mc... How yer doin'...."
Tch. A distraction. You turned towards him, Mammon looked at you with guilty eyes and a broken expression. Na-huh that ain't gonna work on you anymore.
" I've been doing really well, Avatar of greed, very well without bad influences " Ouch! You saw the brothers' face twist in regret.
From across the room, you saw a pretty angel looking at you, you ignored his lingering gaze . You didn't need simeon in your life anymore. Neither did you need the Sorcerer who had tried to make amends with you on several occasions after you left the devildom , to the point that you had to summon Barbatos since Solomon refused to leave without You forgiving him. You were doing far better without any of them .
"Let's get you home mc-" Barbatos held your hand.
" Yes back to house of lamentation " Asmodeus cut off.
Asmodeus, the fake lover who betrayed you .
" No, Asmodeus, I meant home , the Demon Lord's castle . " Barbatos said sarcastically, still with a smile which creeped the brothers out.
It was not a smile of happiness rather a smile of warning.
Barbatos gently led you out of the room, your stuff in one hand and other holding yours.
Diavolo might be his master but he definitely didn't want to mess with Barbatos .
Barbatos prepared the nicest room for you, nearer to his. After making sure that you were comfortable and cozy enough, He kissed your forehead to go something for you to eat.
That kiss ....
It made you feel butterflies . It was so soft, endearing and warm. You instantly felt your cheeks burn.
Barbatos... What have you done .
He came in again, with some really appetizing food. But it's not the food you cared about.
" Thank you barbs " You smiled.
" It's my duty Mc " He smiled back.
There was a silence between you two, you kept staring at him, and each second you cheeks flushed harder.
He turned around to leave, but you didn't wanted him to. You wanted to spend time with him. You immediately held his hand.
"Hm? Is something wrong Mc? Is the food not good? "
" No.. It's not that.. I.. You know. Barbs.. "
He tilted his head in confusion, " What is it Mc? "
" I.. Barbs.. "
"You look really tired Mc, even your face looks red, I think you should get some rest. Call me if you need anything " He smiled at you and left the room .
You sat there in silence.
Did he really not understand? The way you were staring at him with heart eyes or maybe.. He didn't like you in that way.
You immediately felt your heart sinking, feeling sad again. Maybe you shouldn't really expect a demon to love you.
He won't love you , he would never.
That night you fell asleep holding back your tears as a lump formed in your throat.
You're just a human. A toy .
It was the day of coronation.
You watched as Diavolo was being declared as the king of Devildom. He looked at you with sparkling eyes but your longing gazes were for his pretty butler.
It was at that moment you realized that Barbatos was so much perfect and you were not, he'd never love you.
The ceremony was over and people were interacting, you didn't even bother to look at the brothers. You went straight to the open balcony. You stood there as the cool breeze of the moonlight brushed against your face and you again felt a dry lump forming in your throat.
" Gorgeous" You were startled by a voice.
You opened your eyes, knowing who it was.
" Yes it's a gorgeous night " You said as you stared into the open sky.
Barbatos seemed to be a little taken aback by your response " I was talking about you "
"Hm? " You looked at him. He was looking at you, again with that warm smile.
No no no mc, you can't cry.
Yet you couldn't hold back, warm tears started streaming down your face.
" Mc? " Barbatos was shocked, seeing you cry was the last thing he wanted. He pulled you in his arms.
" What's wrong mc " The sadness in his voice was unbearable for you.
"Nothing.. It's just... You'll never feel the same about me barbatos. I'm not perfect, I never was and I never will be. I'm just a human, I wouldn't even be able to stay with you forever. You need someone like you to be your partner, smart, charming, loveable. I keep telling myself to move on but i just seem to can't move on. I'm really pathetic. I-"
Before you could continue, he pressed his lips against yours.
His lips, so tender and soft and so full of love.
You just melted away under his touch. It was like a tonic to your broken heart.
He parted away from your lips and looked into your eyes, his stare was so gentle and his eyes just beamed love and affection.
" Mc, please. Please don't say that about yourself. Me? Perfect? I'm far away from that . You're an angel in disguise my sweetheart. You make me perfect . You fill all my flaws and imperfections. If there's someone who shouldn't be worth love, then that should be me, the wicked demon."
He cupped your face and you could see the pearl like tears that fell from his eyes "I love you my blossom, I always had and I always did in all these years you were gone. Everyday I keep drowning into your love more and deeper . There hasn't been a day that I haven't loved you. It's you or nobody. "
Every word just dripped love for you, love felt sweet, so amazing. This is how love really felt like.
" I love you too Barbatos and I always will" You felt so safe in his embrace, so loved and so happy.
As you closed your eyes, you could hear his heartbeat, that's when it hit you .
That night, when you heard an unfamiliar voice in your mind, that echoed over the evil wicked ones, that helped you regain your own self, it was him, it was Barbatos' voice. The image was clear in your mind. Him stretching his hands for you to take. Then nothing else mattered. It was him who mattered.
He was always there for you, knowingly or not.
Your heart always belonged to him. You both were meant to be together.
Coming to the Devildom all those years ago wasn't a bad thing after all, it brought you to your love.
As you both embraced each other, the moonlight shining over your smile , you knew that life would be worth something now.
You smiled to yourself.
Your demon.
Your love.
"When you put your
arms around me,
I know I'm home "
(Alternative Ending) soon
The End
I've been wanting to finish this for such a long a long time but study got hold of me. This might not be on of my best works but i love all of you. Thanks for loving this Au so much, have a nice day luvs ❤
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journeytomonkiekid · 9 months
what inspired you to create this comic? and, furthermore, keep up with it? i’ve always found that i get the idea to make a mini series based off of something i love, but find it hard to execute. and you do it wonderfully, in good pacing.
honestly I didn't expect to be so insane about this, but growing up on Jackie Chan movies, I guess I had developed a soft spot for China and Chinese culture without even realizing it, until I saw LMK (and OSP's JTTW recap to some degree) That being said, after S2 ended, my hyper-fixation for Chinese culture, aesthetics, etc. hit me like a truck, so I ended up studying a lot about it and found out a lot about it too. In the end I just like making comics, and I like telling stories, so it just works on my end...my only piece of advice for making comics is to not over-perfect and to not go back. If you obsess over every detail, you will never get it done. I've had to learn that mind-set because I realized that there will be **hundreds** of pages, and I can't give that amount of energy to them all. You can put in extra energy into some really important bits, or if there's a page that you really want to stand out, but it's super important to remember that you can't spend forever on it.
The other thing I learned is never go back and change things or re-draw pages. The only exception is if it's something that can be changed very fast or it's important enough to impact the story in a considerable way. There are several pages where I've forgotten a detail, or miscolored something, or w/e, but it doesn't matter, so I have to accept that I made a mistake and move on. The fastest way I kill my own projects is by trying to go back and change things in retrospect. The only thing I intend to do that with is typos because they're easy to fix.
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olibxr · 11 months
Hello there! I hope you’re having a good day!
I had an idea for a Dom!Steddie x sub!Reader request I’ve had for awhile. Since I mostly see fics where they are punishing Reader for being bad, why not one where they are rewarding them?
I imagine Reader is very submissive, a masochist and not really a brat. When they are, it’s usually a relatively small infraction, like a brief moment of snippiness while overtired or hungry.
One night, after a stretch of several weeks where Reader has been good, Steve and Eddie decide it’s time to reward you by letting you pick what they do to you that night.
Reader chooses impact play, which they are all too happy yo oblige, and it just runs wild from there.
Feel free to go tame or filthy with it!
Ello love! The way I've chosen this is that reader is non binary but it doesn't really have much impact on the story. They are a Subby masochist but hate being bratty and really thrive off praise. Also impact play is fuckin hot and I love it <3 reader will be AFAB but they/them pronouns will be used. Also language describing AFAB anatomy will be used but steddie respect their partner <3
Painful rewards
Dom! Steddie x Sub!nb reader
Not proof read
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CW: Dom and sub dynamics, sadism, masochism, spanking, overstimulation, restraints, pet names, degrading names, title names (Daddy and Master, nipple clamps, spanking with a belt, blowjobs, subspace, anal stuff, p in v sex
You were never a brat. You didn't really enjoy it, you loved pleasing Eddie and Steve, and making them happy. Although you were all equals in your relationship, you were also their submissive partner who thrived and yearned for praise. This is how you landed in your current position.
On your knees Infront of your Daddy and Master, hands resting on your lap with your back straight as you stared at the floor. This is how they liked you.
"Me and Daddy have been thinking about how good you've been for us recently," Eddie began, gently locking his fingers through your hair as your eyes fluttered closed. "Dinner has always been ready for when we get home from work, laundry and chores are always finished, and every room is always spotlessly clean. You're such a good Subby for us." Eddie continued gently petting your hair as you began to smile shyly, blushing at the praise.
"Thank you, Master. I always try my best for you both." You mumbled softly as you kept your eyes on the ground. You hadn't been given permission to look at them yet, and you don't like breaking their rules.
"We think that a reward is in order, don't you think?" Steve spoke as he stepped forward towards you and Eddie, gently tilting your chin up to meet your glazed over expression. He smiled genuinely down at you before stroking your cheek with his thumb.
"I'd really like that, thank you Daddy." You spoke softly as you shyly nuzzled your cheek against his hand before looking back up at him.
"Tell us what you want, Baby. Anything you want, you can have." Eddie spoke as he gently tugged on your hair, releasing a flustered moan from your throat. They knew. They knew exactly what you wanted. They knew that you wanted to be tied down, spanked until you're a sobbing mess before they fuck your brains out. They knew their pathetic little masochist.
You let out a whimper before biting your lip, focusing on Steve's gaze. "I want you both to use me, please? Wanna be tied down and be spanked with Daddy's belt. Please?" You begged. You weren't really that shy anymore about begging, because you knew it would get you some praise.
"Aww, look Steve. Our pathetic puppy is already getting excited over the thought of us ruining them." Eddie chuckled as he suddenly pulled you up by your hair, making you help as he dragged you, still by your hair, to the bedroom you three shared. He pulled off your shirt whilst Steve worked your jeans and underwear, and rummaged through the bedside draw to grab the set of leather cuffs, some lube, a butt plug and nipple clamps. Eddie clipped the nipple clamps to you, tightening them until he heard a weak whimper escape your mouth, and then he quickly flipped you over and pulled your ass into the air.
"Hands behind your back, Puppy." Steve commanded as he began to unhook his belt from his jeans. Eddie cuffed your hands behind your back, checking their tightness before leaving a teasing smack on your ass.
"How many strikes do you want with my belt, Baby?" Steve murmured as he gently massaged over your ass. You were soaked already, and you were sure that they could see that.
"20 please Daddy? I promise I can take it, I'm your good Subby!" You begged as you tried to grind against his hand. He gave you a warning spank before looping his belt over his hand.
"You heard the pretty one, Stevie. I think they deserve to have their slutty little ass tanned with your belt." Eddie spoke as he pulled Steve in for a kiss, moaning against his mouth as they fought for dominance. Once they pulled away, Steve raised the belt before landing a sharp strike, causing your body to jolt forward as you let out a whine.
"One, Daddy!"
"Two, Daddy!"
"T-twenty Daddy. Th-Thank you Daddy." You sobbed as the pain of the belt stung so fucking good. You swore you could feel yourself dripping down your thighs.
"Such a good Subby aren't ya? What's your colour, Darlin?" Eddie spoke up as he rubbed your bruising ass. He was clearly very hard at this point, almost uncomfortable in his jeans.
"Green, Master. So fucking green!" You sobbed as you began to grind against thin air.
"Aww look at them! So needy after being whipped. You want our cocks, Baby? That what you want?" Steve almost mocked as he nodded towards Eddie, who lubed the butt plug before slipping it into your ass, much to your surprise. You let out a yelp and a gasp before moaning softly as Eddie kept his thumb pressed against the plug.
"Please fuck my mouth and my hole, please please I need it! Need it so badly!" You whimpered as you ground back against Eddie's hand. Within a matter of seconds, both men had removed their clothing and Steve was on his knees behind you, whilst Eddie was leaning against the headboard with his legs spread.
"Just love being used don't you? Our little cockwhore." Steve growled as he slowly slid his tip between your folds, teasing your clit as you let out a pathetic whimper in response.
"Your Daddy asked you a question, Darlin. We expect an answer." Eddie glanced down at you expectantly.
"Yes! Yes I love being used, I'm so needy for you both please, please fuck me!" You sobbed as you looked up at Eddie, tears of desperation streaming down your face as he gripped your hair, positioning his cock against your lips.
"Aww, I think we should give them what they want, Stevie." Eddie mumbled as he teased your mouth with his cock, before tapping your lips as an indicator to open your mouth. You did as expected, and Eddie easily slid his cock into your mouth. Just as he hit the back of your throat, Steve slid into you with a single jerk of his hips, filling you instantly. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as you allowed for the fussiness to take over your brain. You were fully in sub space. This was no longer about your pleasure, you were just there to be used by your owners.
"Fuck! Always so tight, Baby!" Steve groaned as he began to pound into you roughly, digging his nails into your hips roughly, leaving little marks as he slowly dragged his nails down. Eddie was fucking your mouth ruthlessly, spurred on by the vibrations of your moans against his cock.
"C'mon baby, can feel you clenching around me. Cum for us, show us how good we make you feel!" Steve moaned loudly as his thrusts began to become erratic, trying to chase both of your orgasms. As if on command, your body was buzzing hot white as you let out the most pornographic moan, cumming hard around Steve's cock. You opened your eyes and looked up at Eddie with the most fucked out expression as he continued to fuck your mouth.
"Fucking take it! Swallow Masters cum, fuck!" Eddie groaned as he came in your mouth, and you immediately swallowed and showed him your empty mouth as he pulled out.
"Holy fuck! You with us baby?" Eddie spoke gently as he reached behind you to release your hands from the restraints. You nodded blearily, in between normality and sub space as your hands and legs collapsed beneath you.
"Hey, hey. It's okay. We are here Sweetie" Steve spoke gently as he rubbed your back, gently sitting you up and wrapping his arms around you. Eddie began to play with your hair gently as you started to come to your surroundings again.
"Hey there, Baby one. You feeling okay?"
"Yes, Daddy. 'm okay." You mumbled as you nuzzled your head against his bare chest. You felt Eddie's hand slip underneath you to remove the plug before gently releasing your nipples from their restraints.
"Time for a bath and something to eat, hm?"
Everything was just perfect.
SBJSJSJDS I was so nervous this is one of my first Smuts 😭 I hope that I did okay!
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bodyswapmischief · 5 months
Andrew's Holiday Part 3 (An Interactive Story)
Part 1 Part 2
Andrew stared in awe, shock, and a strange sense of betrayal. "Is this your home?" Oscar sensed Andrew's true emotions despite the awe reflected in his eyes. Worry crept into Oscar as he questioned whether revealing his family's wealth to Andrew was a mistake. "No... Just our winter home." The words slipped out, and Oscar winced in embarrassment, contemplating the impact on their relationship. Would Andrew be intimidated, or worse, would Andrew only like him for the money.
A pit grew in Andrew's stomach as he questioned his decision to come. Anxiety raced through him, filled with doubts and fears. The self-doubt intensified, convincing him he wasn't good enough for Oscar. The voice that had warned him about the relationship echoed loudly. The car halted at the foot of a small stairway, leading to the front door.
Oscar exits the car, grabbing his bag, while Anders, the old man, attempts to assist. "Young Master! I can get those." Oscar declines with a smile of amused annoyance. "I got it, old man... you need to rest." As he gathers his bags and ascends the stairs, Andrew follows suit, still in a state of shock. Upon reaching the entrance, the door swings open, revealing a silver fox of a man with open arms. "Oscar! Welcome home!" he exclaims with a slight accent, resembling an older, more chiseled version of Oscar in his mid-40s. His well-maintained physique shows minimal signs of aging, except for the grey in his hair.
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"I'm happy to see you, too... Baba," Oscar says, his face turning red in embarrassment. "Baba, this is Andrew." Oscar's father looks over, extending his hand. "Nice to meet you, young man. I've heard you won my son's heart." Andrew blushes at the comment. "Um... I hope so," he responds, reaching for a firm handshake.
Entering the home was another moment of pure disbelief for Andrew. Oscar's father smiles like the entertainer he is. "Oscar, get yourself and Andrew situated, and meet me and your mother for dinner. I've got some things I must do," he says before walking off. "Oh, and we do have guests over..." The words echoed with a sense of hatred.
Oscar led both of them to his bedroom, an oasis from all the extravagant features of the rest of the mansion. The room resembled that of an average, slightly nerdy young man, with the only exception being its unusually large size, spacious enough to be divided into two decent-sized rooms. Video game posters and memorabilia adorned the walls, a large bed occupied one corner, and a gaming setup was arranged against another. Bookshelves and dressers filled up additional space. Andrew made his way to the bed and sat down, silent throughout. Oscar, noticing Andrew's quietness, settled into his gaming chair. "So... what are you thinking?" he asked.
"What the hell, Oscar! What is all of this?! Why didn't you tell me any of this before?" Andrew finally exclaimed. Oscar puts his forehead into his hand. "I'm sorry... I should have. I get it's a lot to take in. But, I just want you to know... the me you know at school... that is me. I'm not different or lying to you about anything. Honestly, my dad... all this... it's too much even for me." Oscar sighed.
Andrew sighed back and lifted his head with a smile. "Typical rich boy... 'I have too much money,'" he teased. "I'm not gonna lie, but this is all too much. And, I wish I knew sooner. But, it also explains why I never felt good enough for you. I mean, how could I be?" He let out a laugh, masking the inner sadness.
Oscar stops him. "Hey! Don't say that... you are more than enough. I love you! I'm probably the most real when I'm with you." He moves to the bed and wraps his arm around Andrew. Andrew smiles and leans into Oscar. "You always know what to say... you stupid face." He wipes a bit of wetness from his eye. "And, I guess having a secretly rich boyfriend isn't so bad... now you can be my sugar daddy." He teases. Oscar smiles and shakes his head in response. "I'll be your sugar daddy, but you better start earning your money." He winks and kisses Andrew's cheek. "Maybe you can help wash me up for dinner."
The two men walk into the connected restroom. The bathroom is big in its own right. Unlike the room, the bathroom is obviously made to match the rest of the house. The two stumble into the bathroom as they hold each other. Their faces locked in an intense make-out. Oscar takes off his shirt and moves to take off Andrew's. Both men hands hungrily feel each other up. Andrew takes off his pants and underwear. His cock hard. He kneels down and does the same for Oscar. Oscar's cock springs out and taps Andrew's face. Andrew holds Oscar's cock and sucks the head. Oscar moans out. He picks up Andrew and walks him into the shower. The warm water washes over them and adds a lustful glow to their body. Leaning Andrew against a wall, Oscar guides his cock into Andrew's ass. His arm wraps around and begin to pumps Andrew cock, as his own hips thrust. The two men fuck faster with each pump. The feelings of ecstasy spreeds over them until they both explode in orgasm.
They share smiles and giggles. "Damn, that was good," Oscar sighs in bliss. "Well, I have to keep my sugar daddy happy," Andrew teases. Oscar smiles, saying, "Yeah, but I'm still Oscar... don't treat me differently because of this." Andrew giggles, finding joy in being the one to comfort Oscar now. "I know, just teasing. But I love pushing your buttons, so maybe I won't stop, Daddy Big Bucks," he laughs. Oscar rolls his eyes. The two men finish getting ready and head off for dinner.
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