#I'm not so sure that'll ever work out for them lmao
byanyan · 5 months
someone should like... teach byan how to swim. or ride a bike. or drive, even, if you feel like risking your life.
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starzgaze · 1 month
ARCHIVED: annoyance [unfinished]
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pairing: sjw/archivist!reader
unreliable synopsis: [y.name] tries to discreetly follow jinwoo but they fail so badly that jinwoo played them lmao
a/n: [y.name] whole job is from an oc so if you need a bit of context on how they work you can check my oc ophion because this is a self indulgent piece huhuhu.. also shit english and its unfinished so yeah erm
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[y.name] stared down the intricately detailed paper in front of them. It honestly looked like something straight out of some fairytale but [y.name] knew better. It was a personal announcement stating where there's a bit of information that's incorrect or not processed correctly in their archives.
They sighed in irritation.
The archivist crumpled the piece of paper and then threw it aggressively to some wall, letting out an annoyed groan.
"AGH! This rarely happened before even in past timelines?? It only happened when he—" [y.name] ranted before shoving their face into their hands and let out an irritated groan again. They genuinely started to hate this job that was forcibly imposed on them.
And that job was being an archivist to archive everything that happened in this world for the purpose that their now dead boss, the absolute being, could look through the records [y.name] made if they got bored of the monarchs and rulers fighting and went off somewhere else. [y.name]'s job was supposed to made easier because information from the future and past would be forcibly injected into their head like some sort of epiphany because the movements of everything that the absolute being made was predictable. Which means they don't have to manually archive it.
That is until Sung Jin-woo came in.
That... man... almost drove [y.name] into insanity. Right after the dungeon incident, [y.name] ordinarily archived whatever happened to Sung Jin-woo in the dungeon and assumed he would have an average 'Second Awakening' and nothing more.
But when [y.name] archived it they were immediately greeted with an announcement that the information they archived was incorrect. [y.name] rose a brow at this.
They were rarely wrong so how can this be? The last time they archived something wrong was the time where Antares did something so out of character or Ashborn constantly doing decisions that even the existing predictions couldn't match his choices. [y.name] was definitely confused at this but they didn't pay that much mind to it.
They simply adjusted it and tweaked around until it approved the information [y.name] archived then after this [y.name] thought they'll never encounter this ever again for a while.
Until it repeated.
and repeated
....aaanndd repeated......
"oh my god I think I'm gonna bald from stress" [y.name] whined as they gripped the folder in their hands and narrowed their eyes at the profile in the folder. The archivist gritted their teeth at the sight of the hunter.
S-rank hunter, Sung Jin-woo.
"Just how the hell did you become this strong?!!?"
The folder flew into the air as [y.name] threw it as they covered their face exasperatedly. The only thing that was haunting [y.name]'s days was Sung Jin-woo, the very reason of why they stay up at night and grovel at the thought of.
Ever since his sudden rise in the rankings in Korea, [y.name]'s work as an archivist doubled. They had to manually archive every little decision Jin-woo made in his life that'll affect the world or even the universe with how powerful he's getting. It was difficult for sure, especially when they're trying to not seem like a creep discreetly following the hunter around trying to jot down whatever Jin-woo is doing because now this magical force that helped them archive doesn't work on him.
"Eugghhh. How many days left before this guy is gonna figure out I've been following him for the past few months" [y.name] sighed as they turned their head over to where the folder fell. Their eyes hardened at thr sight of the folder, annoyance bubbling inside of them. Sung Jinwoo is seriously making their job harder than it should be.
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Jin-woo can't miss how a figure would tail him whenever he was in public and most definitely whenever he's in a high ranking dungeon for some reason.
He would occasionally catch them at his peripheral vision but when he actually turn his head and try to see who it was they would magically disappear. Jin-woo could easily of course appear in their shadow but this figure hasn't posed a threat to him or to anyone he loved.
"My leige, they're tailing your trail again. Do you wish for me to dispose them?" Beru reported as he materialized behind Jin-woo. He raised his hand and waved it dismissively. "No need. Let them be"
In truth, Jin-woo recognized the figure. He was sure that the elusive stalker he has doesn't recognize them anymore but Jin-woo does.
[y.name], one of the few who didn't laughed behind Jin-woo's back but instead encouraged him and served as someone of inspiration for Jin-woo.
To be fair, Jin-woo used to have a small crush on [y.name] before but he forgotten about it when he was going through his grueling training of the system. This mostly became the reason why his feelings for [y.name] dwindled but it quickly resurfaced when they started trailing him around.
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shijiujun · 10 months
Alright guys, temporarily bursting out of hiatus to talk about this show because DAMN if there's anything we know works in BL-land, it's like underworld AU (hello History3: Trapped and KP lmao), and even better if this underworld AU has like DILFs and two familiar actors who WERE FORCED APART in their previous roles and who knows if that'll happen again BUT!
Without further ado...
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Title: Kiseki Dear to Me, based on novel Dear to Me by Lin Peiyu Beginning: Aug. 22, 2023, 7PM (GTM+8) Episodes: 13 Total No. of CPs: THREE CONFIRMED + "childhood friends" DILFs
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Fan Zherui x Bai Zongyi: Fan Zherui, 25 years old, is a gang member who turned to the gangs due to family problems, and one day when he's injured, Bai Zongyi saves him, he falls in love with him and decides to leave the gang, but things go awry when his enemy Zhang Teng (played by Wayne, see CP 3) comes after for revenge. Bai Zongyi is a good student, your cutest boy next door, who is independent and has some PTSD from when he was beaten up in the rain - meets Fan Zherui and for once realises what it means to be loved, to have someone to care for him and more. TWO MEOW MEOWS?! Anyway, Bai Zongyi, according to MDL, will take the rap for some fight for Zherui, and then end up in jail, but then very weirdly the official description says that CP 2's Eddie ends up in jail for Bai Zongyi, I'm a tad confused but WHATEVER we will find out when we watch the damn show.
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Chen Yi x Eddie (Ai Di): They both grew up together with Eddie as the younger 'brother', with Chen Yi being 'adopted' by gang boss Chen Dongyang after his parents, also gang members die to protect the boss. Eddie has been chasing after him for the longest time, and has a sad family background as his parents are druggies and he was only able to grow up well under the protection of Chen Dongyang, and he only listens to Chen Yi. UNREQUITED-REQUITED love, but Eddie sees how Chen Yi feels deeply about Chen Dongyang (I don't know what that means from the description LMAO like??) and decides to leave Chen Yi, and somehow get embroiled in something and ends up in jail for Bai Zongyi. Chen Yi is only just understanding his own feelings for Eddie when Eddie literally goes to jail DOGBLOOD MUCH?! Anyway they will reunite 4 years later.
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Zhang Teng x A-Jun: BOTH GANG MEMBERS if you couldn't tell from their loud af shirts and thick ass accessories LMAO omg I cannot believe how happy I am to see these two again. A-Jun is Zhang Teng's like follower??? Has been following him since he joined the gang and both fears and reveres him, and Zhang Teng is just angry ball of angst and revenge and vengeance, if you couldn't tell from Wayne's face. I cannot believe they're in a setting! WHERE THEY MIGHT NOT GET GOOD ENDINGS WAS SALT SEPARATION NOT ENOUGH TELL ME YALL
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Friends yall do not understand how I feel about these two uncles. IF you've ever watched Taiwan family dramas, these two, especially the one on the left Xie Chengjun, is a fucking LEGEND, he's in EVERY SINGLE FAMILY DRAMA all hundreds of episodes of them, he's literally like THE dude to idolise he's been paired up with EVERY SINGLE POPULAR GODDESS ACTRESS in Taiwan - I KID YOU NOT I GREW UP WATCHING HIM on OUR CHANNELS EVERY SINGLE DAY ACROSS 5-7 POPULAR FAM DRAMAS it's been like 20 years ISTG.
Anyway I'm NOT SURE if they are actually going to be a CP at all BUT (1) at press conference this week, these two made kissy faces at each other sooooo...?
Zhou Minglei grew up with Chen Dongyang protecting him as he was a weak and sickly child, so they're childhood friends, and he becomes super unhappy and upset that Chen Dongyang begins to protect and pays attention to Chen Yi ;-; LIKE WHAT IS THIS DESCRIPTION? Okay we could think of this professionally as like two bosses of a gang with their interests at stake BUT THE DESCRIPTION?! And ok Chen Dongyang on the right, he's obviously gang boss, and he relies on Zhou Minglei a lot to fix his problems for him. EXCUSE ME?!
The main CPs (1 & 2) are torn apart in a particular fight, and they will reunite 4 years later LET'S SEE HOW THAT GOES THANK YOU.
500% I'll be watching this you bet your damn ass because they better give me happy ending Wayne and Junzhi THIS TIME otherwise they're seriously cursed?!?!?!? No more salt accidents fuck you writer for that ;-; AND IF THE DILF PAIRING COMES TRUE even if just bromance and meaningful side eyes, this bitch will take it.
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delopsia · 8 months
darling del 💐💃
have you ever thought about incorporating rendezvous with toys into stories with the trio? a remote or app controlled vibrator with reader, are rhett and robby both controlling it? whose idea was it? i suspect rhett but who knows maybe robby just came back from deployment and was like “hi honey pies...” 😉 omfg maybe both reader AND rhett with toys in while robby controls them? wait i don’t know if rhett could function in public with a toy in... maybe they just keep that to home? and then they could really put him through the ringer 🫢 do robby and reader ever slick up a toy and just let it go inside rhett and sit back and watch their cowboy’s eyes roll all the way back while he cums untouched—or wait is he too sensitive for that? i feel low key feel like he’d actually pass out if reader ran a vibrator over the head of his cock while robby was fucking him... 🤔
*COUGH* does robby ever play with any toys himself with or without his partners?
SLIGHTLY UNRELATED BUT STILL VERY IMPORTANT QUESTION: has reader ever laid rhett and robby down in the same night like (slightly, because cleaning up and aftercare, etc, of course) one after the other? do the two of them have differing dildo preferences for when they want do get fucked?
*whispers* what a weird question to end on but please if this is not what you meant by blurb right now then just ignore; i have the occasional sauce-thought about these three but i never know if, when you say “blurb thoughts please, y’all...” 😌 you mean any blurb thoughts or like, nonsexual character lore blurb thoughts...
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omg omg hello lovely! 🌷I'm open to all of the blurb themes, sexual and nonsexual alike, whatever y'all wanna throw at me😔✌
Coincidentally, it works as good practice for me lmao. I'm trying to get better at jumping from theme to theme (so, like, finishing a borderline heart-wrenching blurb to hopping right into one that's going to have the Tumblr overlords striking me down with a mature rating)
waaaah okay, I have more thoughts than I can type 💃
Hear me out; I see your Robby just came back from deployment, and I raise you, Robby leaving for deployment.
His biggest curse with being on that ship is how difficult it can be to find a quiet place to engage in all the playful dirty talk; most of the time, he winds up in the corner of a bathroom stall, headphones snug around his ears, forced to be completely and utterly quiet while Rhett and Reader torment him. Pictures, videos, phone/video calls.
"D'you like the show, Bobby?" Rhett's purring, peering over his shoulder with that darkened gaze, seems to look directly through the camera and into Bob's eyes. Fuck the things he would do to squeeze that cowboy's pretty pale thighs.
The idea hits him about two weeks before his next deployment, brought on while he was shopping around for a replacement strap-on harness. The current one is cute, but lately, it's been leaving some painful indentations on the Reader's hips, and he's on the hunt for something that'll fit nicer. But there, on the front page, is an ad for an app-controlled vibrator, and an idea strikes him.
A few days later, a box is showing up at the door. Whilst Rhett and Reader are asleep, he sets them up on his phone. Runs through the usual deep cleaning and testing to make sure they work before tucking them into the toy stash. Doesn't really mention it until he's officially on the plane, typing out a quick, half-thought-out text.
Left you two a surprise in the toy box :)
It's a couple of weeks before he gets time to use them. It's hard to catch each other when they both have the time and are in the mood. But sooner or later, Bob's found himself in the corner of another bathroom stall, chewing on his bottom lip as he presses a little button on his phone. Knees weakening at the way Rhett's head tips back to thump against the pillow, lips parted with a whine. Has the worst damn time trying to switch to control the Reader's toy; doesn't think it worked until he hears a gasp and watches the camera shake in their hand.
Fuck Bob never lasts longer than a few minutes.
They forget to turn one of them off one night, and Bob jokingly presses a command to see what happens.
Rhett's never been so afraid of a goddamn vibrating box in his life.
It's figured out pretty quickly that Rhett can't function in public with a toy in. He's already bad at most social interactions; a slight brush against his crotch is enough to have him floundering. Quite unfortunate for the exhibitionist kink that's been brewing in him these past couple of years, but they do play around with him around the property. With the house being secluded in the woods, a decent ways away from the nearest neighbor, it's pretty easy for Rhett to wander out back to do some work with a toy in.
Sometimes he does it because he likes the fullness of it, others he's deliberately hoping that Reader or Robby will notice he's got it in. More than once he's found himself braced against that old Oak tree, grunting into the crook of his elbow as Bobby fucks him for all he's worth. And more than once he's wandered into the house, grumbling because nobody caught on to what he wanted, squirming into the Reader's lap and outright begging them to let him ride their strap.
Robby and Reader absolutely could just slick up a toy and let it go inside of their pretty little cowboy, but he's so, so fussy! They've spoiled him, and he's absolutely rotten! He's addicted to the closeness that comes with having them inside of him, thighs against his, holding him for leverage and touching all over. Just a toy is enough to get him off, but he doesn't enjoy it as much if that...makes sense.
He wants the person attached to the dick as much as he wants the dick inside of him.
But he can and will cum untouched with one of them inside of him. They tried cock warming with him once; didn't end well.
Ughhh Rhett would absolutely combust if Reader ran a vibrator over the head of his cock while Robby was fucking him :( The poor thing is so easy to overstimulate, reduced to shivering muscles and teary eyes with a few little tricks. It's so common for him to bury his face in the Reader's belly while Robby's taking him from behind or to snuggle into the crook of the Reader's neck while they fuck him missionary, stifling his little noises and hiding the tears brewing.
Omg omg yes, Robby absolutely plays with toys on himself, too. Maybe not at the frequency of Rhett and Reader, but fuck, he looooooves those small prostate massagers 🤤 it’s one of his favorite toys. He especially loves them when it’s just himself because it’s not quite as good as having an actual strap/cock in him, but he won’t pass up an opportunity to play with them. Though Rhett has recently gotten him hooked on letting them use masturbation sleeves on him.
The Reader has absolutely laid them both down on the same night!! It’s an entire excursion on its own, a lot of work and cleaning and setting up, but Rhett and Bobby are pretty good at kissing up on the other and opening each other up to take the workload off of the Reader. Rhett’s almost always first because he usually gets so turned on from seeing Bob get fucked that he’ll cum from the slightest thing. Really likes getting taken apart first and then getting to have a little show of Bobby dissolving into a puddle of whimpers and cries after the fact.
Bob's got a preference for average/smaller dildos; Rhett's cock is about as much as he can handle, and as wonderfully built as that cowboy is, he's not too fond of the post-sex soreness that comes with it. Something around six inches with a very, very typical girth is enough to make him happy.
Rhett is a goddamn size queen who isn't happy until he's limping the next day. It's so easy to tell his toys apart from Bobby's because they're so much bigger in every sense of the form. Longer, thicker, around eight or nine inches. There's a singular ten-inch toy that comes out to play every once in a blue moon, but he's got to be in a particularly whorish headspace for that one.
The both of them have recently discovered the joy of plugs, for after everything is said and done. Rhett's just a heathen that wants to keep Bob's cum and/or the Reader's cum lube inside of himself for a while, but Bob enjoys the extra minutes of fullness. It really helps him adjust back to the crippling emptiness that comes with having Rhett/the Reader pull out of him.
In the buying process, Rhett's vague requirements were no tails (Bob's been trying to sell Rhett and Reader on bunny tail ones for years. (double parentheses. It's because he already bought them. They're still hiding in the closet, in the packaging that they came in.)) and nothing glittery
...and he really should have been more specific because now he's got a cutesy little plug with a pink heart.
But that's okay because Bob fucked around, and now he's wound up with one that's modeled to look like one of those Valentine's candy hearts.
This is why the Reader is usually left in charge of buying.
Aftercare-wise, they're both relatively simple to deal with; Bob wants cuddles and a small snack to share (he will die defending his Ice-Cream Tastes Better Post-Sex argument), and Rhett just wants some head scratches and a long nap with his partners. It's so common for them to grow clingy, both toward each other and toward the Reader. Constant affection, sweetly spoken words, and kisses.
Which is exactly why the bathtub is so big in the house! All of them are too sore to stand, and nobody wants to be left out of the bubble bath! Someone's gotta set an alarm, though, because if you're not careful, it's easy to wind up spending a few hours in there on accident.
And it's anyone's guess if the boys are going to get hit with a second wind and pounce on the Reader or not💛
Again with me getting carried away oh my god
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arlecchno · 2 years
mission accomplished [ scaramouche x reader ]
seventeen | everything has changed
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yun jin did not hesitate to drag you practically everywhere to look for the perfect attire for the grad ball once you were finally out, and you had just about the mind to curse her, if it weren't for the way you'd be witnessing this side of scaramouche. (or when you realise just how much has changed)
warnings: fluff but not so very fluffy i guess, reader tries out a dress
a/n: annddd chap 17 is here! very sorry for the delay, i had no idea on how to start this chapter (i still don't) and this one feels more like a filler chapter to me. title is very much inspired by the song by taylor swift and ed sheeran. happy reading!
NOTE!! the dress' designs and colour is up to your interpretation!!! though i really just needed an excuse to not work my brain to describe the dress lmao. but aside from that, i want it to be your own imagination, it's up to your creativity as to how you want the dress to look like^^
grammatical errors may occur so please let me know if i've made any mistakes!
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oh, goodness.
this is it.
this is gonna be the death of you.
“this will be the last one, i promise!” yun jin pleaded as she dragged you to yet another boutique store, looking for the perfect attire to wear for the grad ball.
you groaned. “yun jin, you said that 4 stops ago...”
“come on, i'm sure this is the place!” she insisted, emphasising the word ‘the’.
the chime of a bell rang on the door of the store as you walked in with yun jin, much to your distaste.
it has only been the first day since you've finally got out of your insufferable dormitory, and you're already being dragged everywhere by your friend.
it's a punishment for being absent and not showing up to classes for a whole week, as yun jin had said when she demanded you to come with her to look for something.
well, the something was revealed, and it's one of the worst things to shop for.
a dress.
“look, i told you a bunch of times that i don't need one, i'm not really into them.” you fought. “besides, i have my old one, that'll just do.”
yun jin glared at you, her arm still linked with yours. “nonsense! you showed me it when i picked you up at your dorm, it's... i'm sorry to say this but it... it was absolutely atrocious!” she sputtered, dragging you deeper in the store to look at some dresses on display.
you can't completely disagree with her. the dress you had, the only one you had, was at least 4 years old, and it was the most hideous thing to ever exist. you have no idea why it's still living in your closet.
but can you even blame yourself? you barely wear these kind of outfits, and given how you're working full-time at a tedious job, you never have the time to attend such grand events, hence why you don't have any formal dresses in the first place.
“hello, ladies. how can i help you today?” a woman's voice popped up, making the both of you turn your heads to the direction of where it came from. there was a lady, around her mid 30's you assumed, standing by the counter. a nice smile adorned her face as she approached you two.
yun jin grinned beside you. “hi! we're looking for dresses, but she's the more important one.” she said, pointing her finger at you. “she desperately needs one.”
you rolled your eyes. “i do not.”
“ah, you've come to just the right place. i think i have one that'll suit your friend pretty well.” the young woman replied. “i'll be right back.”
as the woman left, you had time to observe your surroundings. it was a pretty small store, with some nice dresses on display, but none of them were to your liking. you don't even need one in the first place.
to you, another one of these events are just a waste of time. back when you were still a student, you barely paid any mind to anything that is not related to your studies.
it benefited you a lot, you think. if it weren't for your excellent academic results, you wouldn't be standing here today, going undercover for a big case, and working for the one and only prestigious precint in teyvat.
you suddenly remembered that halloween was coming up when you caught glimpse of orange decorations, with little pumpkins and skeletons scattered throughout the boutique.
it's crazy how time flies so fast.
if memory serves you right, it was only the very beginning of autumn when you first started this case, and now october is already ending, thus the breezy season will end soon too.
halloween was always one of the big celebrations, and since it was the day after the graduation ball, students would have a great time celebrating both halloween and the ball. you're not exactly a big fan of either, so the event will go either really great, or really bad for you.
it's already going bad.
“don't you think these look nice?” yun jin asked, browsing through the dresses on display. she had long abandoned your arm that she was clinging on earlier, now going over every single dress there is in store instead.
some were colourful, and some were shiny, and the others were just pretty much plain. you won't deny that they all look great, but it's just really not your style. “they're okay, i guess.”
you ignored yun jin's huffing and her telling you off on how you're missing out as thoughts were clouding your little mind.
it had been a week since james' death.
you still haven't figured out who took his life, nor do you know about the culprit who cut off the news right before your cover would get blown.
it's ironic to you. as being one of the top detectives in the precint, surely it would've only taken you just a day or two to unfold the mystery. yet, it was already over a week, and you still haven't gotten a single clue.
it wasn't entirely your fault (as you had reassured yourself a bunch of times during sleepless nights), there was hardly any evidence and leads that could round up the case. this was also not your crime to solve, you already have another one going on at the moment.
the only thing that doesn't add up is how childe and arlecchino hadn't updated you anything regarding viktor during the trial. supposedly, they were assigned by the tsaritsa to watch over him while you and scaramouche were involved at teyvat court. but ever since you left the campus, you didn't get any updates about it.
it was when childe called you to inform you of james' death was the only time he had updated you about anything, and it wasn't even about viktor. ever since then, childe hadn't contacted you at all. not even a call, not even a message, just pure silence.
“hellooo? earth to luna?”
you turned your head towards yun jin as you heard the fake name rolled off her tongue, your thoughts slowly dissipating. “hm?”
“finally, took you long enough to pay attention to the real world.” she complained, pouting as she does so. “the worker said she's found a great dress for you, it's in the fitting room.”
groaning, you tried leaving the store before yun jin pulled you back immediately. “come onn!!! i never agreed to any of this, yun jin! spare me, please...” you pleaded, though your begging fell on deaf ears as she dragged you to the fitting room a few feet away.
“just try it on, you dummy!” yun jin retorted, pushing you in one of the fitting rooms. “it won't hurt to see you in one, now off you go!”
you huffed, staring at the now, closed door as you silently cursed yourself for even agreeing to go out with yun jin today. who would've thought she'd be dragging you everywhere in town...
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“yun jin? you there?”
it was silent for a few seconds, before you heard footsteps running to your fitting room. “i'm here, i'm here!” she said through heavy breaths, for whatever reason she bolted for you, you won't even pry.
“um... i'm done, i think. you'll have to help me with the zipper on my back, though.”
unlocking the door, you let the joyful yun jin in, who immediately opened the door once it was unlocked, getting in the fitting room with you.
yun jin stared at you, completely in awe of you, making you avert your gaze from her. “don't look at me like that.”
“oh wow, you look so... hot.” yun jin gaped at you, making you even more embarrassed at the sudden attention and compliment. it was just a single compliment, yet it does wonders on you. it's not everyday that you'd get such compliments.
rolling your eyes, you turned your back to her. “let's just get this over with.” you said, pointing out to the unzipped zipper on your back that you couldn't reach.
yun jin hummed, and got to work. as she does so, you looked at yourself through the long and big mirror in front of you.
you won't deny that you look absolutely alluring right now, the gorgeous dress fitting your body just perfectly. maybe it does feel nice, you think. dresses were something that you really weren't into, the feminine attire always only looking good to those that are confident in themselves. you weren't exactly someone who fits the criteria.
you looked at yourself again.
maybe you should really stop worrying about everything. enjoying being in a dazzling outfit once in a while won't hurt.
your phone rang.
“oh, yun jin, can you help me get my phone?”
she nodded, stopping her actions to retrieve the phone near her. “here, um... scara's calling.” she informed confusedly, the unrecognisable name displayed on your screen.
widening your eyes, you quickly took the phone from her hands and answered it, not minding the way yun jin scratched her head at your sudden panic.
“hey there! what's up?”
“you sound too excited for someone who just got out of their dorm after a week.” scaramouche said flatly, in which you responded with an awkward chuckle. “where're you right now?”
you looked at yun jin for a moment, who was still fixing you up. “i'm at town, yun jin brought me here to look for dresses for that event we're having this weekend.”
“oh?” he inquired amusedly. “this is the first time i'm hearing you're out for outfits.”
you scoffed. “don't blame me, she was the one who practically dragged me everywhere to look for one, and now i'm stuck at this fitting room.”
“you're trying out a dress right now?”
“well, i'm almost done, yun jin's just fixing me up.”
the other line was silent for a moment.
“hello? you okay there?” you asked, weirded out on why he's suddenly so quiet.
if you listened closely, you could still hear his ragged breaths, resulting in you being more confused.
“um, yeah, i'm fine.” he finally spoke. “i'll see you later.” he said, hanging up the call instantly.
you raised a brow as you brought your phone to your view to see that the call had ended. “weird, acting so strange for no reason...” you mumbled.
“who's that? your boyfriend?” yun jin asked from behind you. completely forgotten that she was even there, you jolted and had almost dropped your phone on the pristine tiles.
you let out a breath of relief when you've finally come down from your panic, resting a hand on your chest. “archons, i forgot you were here for a second there.”
“that's what you get for calling your boyfriend in the middle of trying your outfit on.” she shrugged. “well, you're all done!” yun jin beamed, putting both of her hands on your shoulders from behind.
you turned over your shoulder to look at her. “he– he's not my boyfriend!” you fought. “he's just... just someone!”
yun jin paid no mind to your childish behaviour, bringing one hand up to your face, tilting it to the front so that you'd be looking at the mirror instead of her. “shut up and look at yourself for one second. don't you look nice?”
you paused. “well, i don't really know–”
“try again.”
“no buts! i need to hear you compliment yourself, right here and right now.”
you groaned. she really won't budge until she get what she wants. “...fine. i look okay, i guess.” you muttered defeatedly.
the young woman behind you looked at you through the mirror, and you fixate your eyes on hers in return. she had an expectant look, one brow arched as if she was still not satisfied with your sentence. she pinched your forearm out of the blue, making you let out a yelp.
“ow– o-okay fine! i look really pretty! stop pinching me, that freaking hurts!” you tried prying her hand off while doing so, and she finally did after a moment.
yun jin smiled, clasping her hands. “there you go! see? not that hard to praise yourself.” she commented. “you shoud start doing that more often, positivity is the key to happiness.” you internally cringed to yourself as she said that corny quote.
“that's so cheesy, please never do that again.”
yun jin pinched your foream once again.
“ow, ow– i'm sorry!”
she retracted her hand. “that's what i thought.”
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“hey, i'm back.”
the dorm was fairly quiet for the night. it was well past 10, and the only thing that brightened up the small living room was the tv that was switched on. you didn't get a response from the ravenette, so you searched through the dark room from the front door.
your eyes landed on his figure on the couch, and to you, it seemed like he was asleep. as you slowly approached him, you realised that he was, in fact, not asleep, though it looked like he had been fighting to stay up for a while now.
nudging his shoulder, he immediately opened his eyes, gazing up at you. “oh, you're finally back. what time is it?” he yawned, bringing up a hand to cover his mouth.
“almost 11. why are you still awake? you should be in bed by now, it's pretty late.” you said, raising a brow at him.
he shrugged, taking his eyes off yours to look at the tv in front of him instead. “wanted to wait for you.”
you rolled your eyes, sitting down on the couch beside him. “you don't need to do that, scara. i'm capable of taking care of myself.”
“what took you so long?” scaramouche inquired, completely ignoring your previous comment.
huffing, you leaned back on the couch. “yun jin continued on dragging me until the evening, and since it was already late by the time we were done, she treated me with dinner as compensation for accompanying her the whole day.” you explained. “aren't you tired? just go to bed, you keep yawning ever since i got back.”
scaramouche yawned once again in response, much to your dismay. “'m fine, i'll sleep once you're settled.”
you turned to look at him.
he was still trying his best to stay awake, fighting away the urge to sleep by staring at the tv screen, as if that'll help him at all. it was kinda cute, you think. he was doing all of this just to wait for you to come back, it was absolutely adorable of him.
adorable? are you insane? that characteristic does not suit him at all, he was far from adorable, he is anything but adorable. how did you even come to the conclusion that he was cute?
you're supposed to hate him, not admiring him while he stayed up just to wait for you.
he stayed up just for you?
you, whom he hates the most. you, whom he would insult every chance he gets. and you, whom he swore to never, ever, get close to.
the cogs in your brain started running, and when you realised that he actually fought his sleep just to wait for your presence, you widened your eyes, suddenly flustered at the mere thought of him being nice for once, towards you at that.
to hide the rising flush on your face, you turned away from his view— if he was even aware in the first place, and turned your head to the opposite direction whilst covering your face with your hands, embarrassment slowly creeping up on you.
what in the world is happening? and why is your heart suddenly running laps for no reason?
your thoughts were interrupted when you felt something land on your shoulder. turning to look at what it is, turned out to be scaramouche, who was now asleep.
he was barely leaning on your shoulder, yet he looked so peaceful right now. you wanted to curse yourself for being the reason he fought to stay awake, and at the same time you wanted congratulate yourself for doing so, as you wouldn't be witnessing this right now if it weren't for everything.
you merely smiled at the thought, and lazily brought up a hand to brush off the stray strands of hair on his face. you haven't seen him being this peaceful before, hell, you haven't even seen him being so trustful of someone for him to mindlessly sleep beside them, especially to the likes of you.
it's funny how you two got this far.
if you remembered correctly, it was only a few months ago when the both of you couldn't even stand being in the same room together, let alone work on an undercover case where you'd be stuck for months end.
but now, it seemed like the two of you had changed a lot. the way scaramouche is leaning on you while sleeping was the only explanation needed to prove your inference.
maybe it is what people say.
you both just need a little push to get somewhere.
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it's 4 am and i have school in a few hours i am insane
taglist: @beriiov @hopesandlegacy @cloudsandrenoswife @salamiwrites @thenightsflower @bleedingwhiteroses222 @lisiastak021 @yuuki4646 @lez-zuha @ryhie @sleepy-waffle @yoursockstinks @shizunxie @moonxma @kunikuzushiit @anonwhocried @vqqrii @luminesuprrmacy @calxb-do @sixscara @xooya @mobiussdarling @mafukissu @antri13
(unfortunately i am unable to tag those that are in bold, i'm sorry!)
want to be added to the taglist?
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sunberry-strawflower · 10 months
Yayyy!!! Day 3 is upon us and I'm not too late!
This fic was like the last two where I completely changed where I wanted to go with it, but it wasn't a struggle to write actually! I actually felt mostly relaxed and nice writing this one :) maybe bcz of the simple premise? I'm not sure haha
Anywayz the story is about artist!Burt and Sven is just...a normal guy LMAO
This was fun to write tho! Hope you enjoy!
(Event by @blue-fanlady)
Word count: 1.5k
Curtisson Week Day 3: Drawing
Burt was walking through the city with his sketchbook in hand, desperately trying to figure out what to draw. He was in a big drawing mood, but nothing out here seemed to catch his eye. There were different buildings, all different patterns and colors, but none of them seemed appealing enough for him to even make a rough draft of. He saw people walking along the sidewalk, whether they were talking with their friends or jogging while listening to music on their phone. While it was nice to see people enjoying themselves in their own way (even if it made him feel bitter about his own dull life), it didn't give him any inspiration at all. He came to the conclusion that he was definitely going through art block. 
He sighed as he looked down at the empty page. He was trying to think of something to get him inspired, maybe catch something in this busy city that's worth taking a page on his sketchbook, some kind of ounce of creativity, but alas, his mind still remained as blank as the page. 
Burt decided walking around the city wasn't doing him any good, so he walked into the building closest to him. Which happened to be a library. 
He was hit with the inside air and took a deep breath. He started to wander around and look at all the different books he was definitely not going to read. He thought maybe the covers of said books could give him a bit of inspiration. 
Some were soft and colorful, others were more dark and misty. Some had people or characters on it, and others were simply abstract colors and backgrounds. You can tell the genre of these by their name and cover more often than not. Stories about love, betrayal, friendship, drama, fantasy, history, and mystery were present. Maybe even more. Some of them seemed to mix two or more genres which was interesting. He picked up a few paperbacks, not to read, but to analyze the covers, hoping to find something that'll potentially give him some sort of spark. He sure hoped nobody came to the library for these specific books. 
He sat down at a table and put the hardcovers and his sketchbook on top of it. He slid his pencil from the spiral bound and tapped the wood on the table a few times. Most of the stories he picked out had gloomy-ish pictures. Maybe he could do something with those. 
Maybe something to do with night time? He could draw the night sky…but that was too simple. At least on its own. He needed to draw something with it. Something that stood out. 
While pondering on what to draw with this idea, he felt his eyes drift to another table not too far from his own. Another guy, presumably around his age, was reading a book. He had short blond hair and a small blue hat on. He changed expressions ever so slightly, probably reacting to the story. From what Burt could see from his small reactions, it was a bittersweet kind of telling. 
This guy seemed to be an expressive type of person. That's very helpful, especially because Burt needs to practice drawing expressions. Not only that, but this blond seemed to be exactly what he was looking for in his drawing. He would stick out perfectly with the night time atmosphere Burt wanted to go for. 
Would he get away with drawing him right now? It was worth a shot. 
Before he lost the motivation, he quickly picked up his pencil and started his piece, occasionally stealing glances from his unknowing model. 
He sketched the night sky, making sure not to let the black and gray entirely cover the page so he can fit the other stuff he had in mind as well. The library was quiet, aside from the sounds of his pencil scratching on the sketch paper and a page of a book flipping. Whether it was from the blond or somewhere else in the room. They weren't distracting, though. If anything, they were relaxing. 
Once he finished the night sky, he stole another glance from the other, still not having noticed Burt looking at him. He seemed too into the story he was reading to pay any attention. Well, worked for Burt. 
He began drawing the blond, a closeup of him sitting on a bench under the night sky, reading a book of a similar style. He didn't need to look at the other too much, as he had a decent idea of his appearance. He had a pretty good photographic memory, which saved him a lot of glimpses.
He finished up the sketch and mentally sighed to himself as he looked at it. Not his best work, but he felt he captured what he was aiming for well enough. He was considering coloring it, but he didn't want to risk possibly ruining the sketch. 
That guy served as a really good model for this piece, even if he had no idea. Though Burt should probably leave before somebody caught him being a bit creepy and drawing somebody without their consent or notice. 
He grabbed the books he took from the shelves and went to put them back, hoping nobody was searching for them earlier. Especially since he wasn't even reading them. 
After he finished putting the books back, he went to leave the library. However, he couldn't shake off the feeling that he was missing something…
Oh, right. His sketchbook. Where was it? Did he mistake it for a book and put it on a shelf? He sure hoped not. The things in there were not for the public eye. 
He went back to the shelves and didn't see his sketchbook anywhere.
'Did somebody take it already?' he thought to himself, and started to panic a little. He then considered the fact that he might've left it on the table from earlier, and quickly made his way over there. 
Once the table was in his sight, he stopped in his tracks. His sketchbook was there, thank God, but there was somebody else there as well. It looked to be the blond from earlier. He had the sketchbook in his hands and his face seemed to be a mixture of awe and confusion. Or maybe just one of the two. It was hard to properly see him from this distance. 
Burt walked over there, worried that running would make too much noise. Once he made his way over, he tapped the other on the shoulder, which caused him to jolt and look in his direction. "Oh, hey." He greeted quietly. "Did you draw this?" 
Burt shamefully nodded, gently took the sketchbook away from the other and closed it. "Sorry. For drawing you without permission, I mean. It just kind of happened." He whispered. Again, he didn't want to be too loud in the library, but that didn't stop him from mentally screaming at himself and being embarrassed out of his mind. 
"Oh, that was supposed to be me?" He asked. "I thought so, but I wasn't sure. It looks really good." He smiled. Burt couldn't help but blush a little. Not many people have complimented his artwork before.
"Thank you." He said. Burt appreciated the compliment but still felt awfully embarrassed and awkward so he turned to leave without another word. 
"Wait." The other called out quietly. In any other setting, his voice would go unheard, but in the silence of the library, Burt could hear him loud and clear. 
Burt looked back, albeit hesitantly. "Hm?"
"What's your name?" He asked. Burt didn't understand why the other wanted the name of somebody he would probably never see again, but he guessed it only made sense to know the name of the person who drew you. Along with the person you're drawing. 
"Burt." He replied. 
"I'm Sven," He grinned. "Sorry for looking in your sketchbook, by the way. If it makes you feel better, I didn't look at any other pages."
That did make Burt feel a little better, but he still felt a little flustered. He shook his head. "It's fine, don't worry."
"Okay…good." Sven said. They stood there in awkward silence for a bit. 
"Are you–" "I'm going–" Sven and Burt immediately stopped talking once they heard the other, which honestly made this more awkward than it already was. Sven chuckled before urging Burt to go first. 
"Oh, I was just saying I'm going to go now." Burt said, and if he were a fool, he'd say Sven almost looked disappointed, but he brushed it off.
Sven was quiet for a few seconds before seeming to process what Burt had said and nodded. "Okay. Bye." He waved goodbye and Burt waved back, leaving with his sketchbook and pencil in hand. 
Once he exited the library, he looked down at the sketch of the blond--well, Sven. Weirdly, he felt more proud of it now. Still wouldn't consider it his best work, but it was better than he originally perceived. 
He couldn't hold back a smile as he signed Sven's name in cursive writing, next to his sitting figure. He wrote his name and the date it was drawn at the corner of the page, officially making this drawing another crucial part of his sketchbook. 
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See y'all on day 4!
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dropdeadgorgeos · 6 months
Polar express x twisted wonderland
(Btw the polar express is a Christmas movie about kids getting on a train to hear to the north poll on Christmas Eve)
I'm trying to write all of these down. Who does what? Who caused this? Who is that drug dealer on the top of the train? Who knows? Anyway, I'm trying to write all that down. But it's supposed to be housewardens and vice housewardens(including Ruggie and Ortho) being little kids on the train. So it's like everyone as kids? Yeah. Ortho is the youngest. Technically malleus is the oldest. And then Leona. Because Lilia isn't there. You know where he is? He's the person on top of the train ofc! Yes! He is the person making the kids eat that nasty food??? Obviously he cooked it himself. But I made basic ideas for who is who. We have grown up yuu as the dude taking care of the kids. Sam works with hot chocolate. Crowley and Trein drive the train??? And Crewel as Santa. I get it "Shouldn't Crowley be Santa?" If you want a Santa that'll do nothing yeah. Plus Crewel has the big furry coat so- anywaysss
I thought about Riddle being that kids who struggled to believe. Not the one in blue! The one that was younger then most. He seemed to have a bad background and didn't have Santa visit him. So I'd take a guess that riddles mom never let him really celebrate Christmas with presents? "Your to old for this! You should be greatful your smart!" Yeah stfu no one cares. Anyway, we also thought of Leona being the kid in the blue sweater he doesn't believe and he's a bit mean? Seems like it could fit! And Vil gets to be the girl in pink! Because well, she sticks with the boy in the sweater the whole time AND he would be with Leona the whole time(not to mention the girl seemed to really enjoy singing) but other then that. Ruggie and Kalim are probably the kid that went to try and find there presents early then fight over who should get there's first. Jamil tries to keep Kalim out of trouble of course. Hm.... Idia stays with Ortho the whole time. Oh! Azul is that kid that was like "Do you know what train this is?" And then says the really long train name he's just more shy about it. I just realized that Rook and Leona would probably have to get on at the same stop(poor Leona) and who else are we missing? Hm? Malleus you say? Huh... Did we invite him? OBVIOUSLY He is the one being super quiet but he totally spoke to some of them I'm not really sure actually but yeah. Trey probably tries to get Riddle to join everyone but he's that kid that sat in the back the whole time. Ruggie is super happy about the free hot chocolate lol. Ahh, yes! How did a train get underwater you ask? Idfk! Magic? Magic! Everyone probably panicked or was super happy when they went underwater. It's one or the other! Oh! Kalim is always trying to see outside he's probably the one who lost a ticket by playing with it in the wind outside the window. Have you ever done that? Held something outside the window and then it flow out of your hands and then you were sad? Exactly how kalim felt because that was probably Jamil's ticket. But kalim will not lilet that happen! He starts looking around everywhere trying to leave the train to get the ticket! Probably almost fell off a few times but Jamil was there to catch him(same with MC). Vil is probably singing a lot of the songs and full of Christmas spirit I can totally see it! He's just super happy to be there! Awwwwww my heart is so happy to think of that- ANYWAY Rook prob stayed with Vil because he thought he was pretty. And Idia and Ortho always stayed together NO MATTER WHAT! Malleus was there. He didn't have his dad lmao. Ahhh, I'm gonna add more as soon as I can :)
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bubblegum-blackwood · 6 months
For the writer ask thing: 🎀, 🕯️, 💥
🎀give yourself a compliment about your own writing
I think that one thing I really like about all my writing, really, especially my fanfiction, is that I genuinely enjoy it. I write things that interest me, and sometimes all I feel like doing is rereading my own work 😅 Simply put, I'm doing something I enjoy
🕯️was there a fic that was really hard on you to write, or took you to a place you didn't think it would take you?
You know, I'm gonna go out and say the les Innocents universe! It's something that feels like it shouldn't be that hard to me, but I keep losing my motivation and feeling like I can't finish and have to move on to something else to give myself a refresher before I can go back to it (I'm so sorry, everyone who's waiting for Angel of Music chapter seven. I had hoped to have it done by now. Ideally it'll be out before it gets to be 2024, but we'll see). But I'm having so much fun with it anyway! I had originally only planned to write Teacher's Pet, but I loved it so much I couldn't resist doing more with this universe, and it's become my biggest fanfiction project so far (although there's another one that'll be even bigger - if I ever get to it at this rate lmao). So it took me farther than I ever thought I'd go! And I've said this before, but it's how I made friends with @fofoqueirah, and I'll always be grateful for that!
Although Foundations of Decay gets an honorable mention bc I spent so much time rereading TVA and Blood and Gold to make sure I understood exactly what was going through both Marius and Armand's heads in that moment and I wanted to make sure I adequately conveyed what I wanted to say about them and also it was just emotional lmao
💥find your least kudos'd fic - say something wonderful about it.
That would be Close Enough, with only four (lmao 🥲). I really like this fic! I think it's the perfect just creepy lil vampire romance/sex-as-blood thing. What can I say? I like horror! And honestly, I don't think I could have done it better.
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andorerso · 8 months
20 questions for fic writers
tagged by @fulcrumstardust <3
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
for simplicity, I'm only gonna be counting the fics on wintersend (I don't really use my old accounts anyways) so 51 (which... wow)
2.  What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
currently just Rogue One (currently lmao... as if I wrote for anything else in years)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
you don't have to say i love you to say i love you (I can't believe this is number one... I'm pretty sure I wrote it on my phone 😭)
stars in the same constellation (just a drabble collection)
touching the sun (honestly considering how anxious I was about this one... it's reassuring to see it in the top 3 💖)
Blood Red Rose (I mean I would have been sad if this didn't make it)
skinny love (this one's a surprise! I wrote it so long ago and it never stood out to me in particular? but I'm glad you guys enjoyed it)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
unless I somehow miss it, I always do!
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
it's actually not written/posted yet but it's coming on Sunday so be prepared.... other than that, we have if you and i are a story that never gets told which is open ended but in a hopeless kinda way. they don't die but it's implied they probably will. all my other stories have happy endings because I want them to be happy.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I think maybe imaginary homelands since the whole thing is about them finding their way back to each other, and also, it takes place post-war so no one dies, no one's suffering anymore, and they're married and happy by the end.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not really
9. Do you write smut. If so, what kind?
I used to write more than I do now but yeah. Even if I don't, a lot of my stories have sexual themes or innuendo because that's just who I am as a person.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I've never written a crossover, it's not my thing. I've written AUs based on fandoms, but not crossovers.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Hopefully not
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes but not in the SW/RO fandom
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
Only twice but it was fun!
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
do you actually need me to say it? it's rebelcaptain <3
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
if a WIP means I'm working on it and have posted it to ao3, then I have full intentions of finishing all of them. otherwise there's a bunch of ideas I play around with and/or outline that'll never get written but idk if that counts.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I tend to like my dialogue
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Action and descriptions 😢 And plot agfdhdfhnhfg
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
if you're not using google translate and know the language (or ask someone who knows it to help you), then it should be fine
but please don't use google translate
19. First Fandom you wrote for?
it was Twilight, but barely... I tried but it didn't really stick. the first fandom I properly wrote for that actually stuck and became a habit was SPN
20. Favorite fic you've ever written?
it's not very polite to ask a mother to choose a favorite kid of hers, now is it?
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beatcroc · 9 months
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@midnightcityx0x0 I'm not reblogging that fuckmassive post AGAIN but this got too long for a reply so. On its own post now
Anyway i actually have so much trouble thinking of anything for gustavo ever lmao. Everything i have for him I've adopted from other people; rem [brickattack] as mentioned on the big post, and @synthlet/softersynths for a lot of other things. [and a couple others too but iirc synths was the one who started those ppl on it as well gfjdjds] which is to say, you'd probably get better/more interesting answers from those guys :p but yeah, fp and gus are pretty close. It's the general exposure/familiarity, the fact that fp is just a happy/pleasant and easy-to-like dude personality-wise, and for gus specifically there's also a level of "he shares a lot of traits with peppino, without peppino's Baggage™"
that last point is very very interesting but i dont know if i'd Actually get to doing a lot with it bc i typically make fake pep His Own Guy, with his similarities to peppino being almost sort of coincidental. i really really really like coming at peppino and fake pep from the "equals and opposites" angle, which like, that Can still apply for that last bit abt gus, but it's not something i've put a lot of thought into. it's also just fuckin hard to articulate outside of just showing it lmao. [i mentioned like, predator/prey animal nervousness + their reactions to fear vs aggression on the other post but to pull one for here: fake pep still has his own brand of Baggage to deal with too--different stuff than peppino's--but fp is way more open about it when it comes up as opposed to peppino having 50 fuckin walls about everything.
besides that, i also see a lot of general banter about gus being a very Nature Guy™ who likes to find beauty in all the weird fucked up shit nature does [especially in a world as cartoony as theirs], which i enjoy a lot bc girl same. fp may be the farthest thing from natural, but i certainly think there is a lot of beauty to be found in his fucked-up-ness. and i'm sure gustavo sees it too.
and then a fun one i've come into pretty recently for them is that they both care abt peppino a lot, but peppino is very bad at...being cared for. so because you can rarely approach pep directly about anything if it involves vulnerability [again: 50 fuckin walls], and because they both know him very well in different ways and can get through to him about different things, they end up working together a lot in sort of a conspiratory way. plotting scheming etc. 'have you noticed anything wrong lately + how are we going to help this guy out today', that sort of thing. the idea there can go a lot of ways but i'm partial to them using like goofy cartoon antics to set him up for something that'll be beneficial to him. [also brick is in on it too technically but brick is a rat and therefore only sapient when it's funny.] peppino rarely realizes what theyre doing until it's too late. get loved idiot
TANGENTIAL. DONT even get me started on the angst oh my god. you. i am pointing at you you made me think about this. i am not usually one who likes doing angst or making things excessively bad for the hell of it but. a bitch may be considering. under cut bc its unrelated to gustavo stuff but this is as good an excuse as any to share. [+ also extra thoughts on it bc of COURSE]
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so i said that at the end there but then a few hours later i found myself toying around with a script and getting a good way to set it up.... im hoping i hit a roadblock on it and drop it because if i DO end up getting it all the way written i will definitely end up drawing it at some point and that would be uh... a big undertaking. it would also be one of the last ones i do bc there's other stuff i still want to build on, so IF, i cannot stress enough IF i go to make it a thing for real, it won't be this year.
for the bits i have so far though it's interesting how much it's shaping up to be like. a showcase of just how well peppino knows fp. which is surprisingly well? even better than gus, despite gus' being WAY more emotionally perceptive. peppino doesn't engage with fp more than necessary and rarely acts interested in his business, but i do think he spends a lot of time just... observing him. if only because pep is neurotic and anxious and fp is weird and freaky so it is a constant thing of "ok what the hell is this. is this something i need to be worried about?" whenever fp is doing shit, and the answer is always ''no'', but it's the sort of instinct that never leaves you yknow. so he's just very familiar with all fp's mannerisms and reactions and whatnot, even if he doesn't really use that knowledge much.......except when things go south. he's a lot more perceptive of fp acting 'wrong' or 'off' compared to gus, who would just be seeing it on a more normal 'aw he looked upset' kind of level.
i talk a lot abt fp's nervousness but the other negative thing that's just as strong with him is frustration. it doesn't usually get to him too bad, and he doesn't really show it around people outside of the occasional eyeroll; but it's stuff like not being able to communicate properly with anyone and getting constantly [negatively] misinterpreted; knowing he's Kinda Shite at his "purpose" [i.e. being 'better peppino' or whatever] and not being able to do anything about it [i don't think he cares about that much any more but i imagine it's still gotta be a bit annoying to remember]; not getting closure for like Anything that happened at the tower, etc... and while i DON'T think this would be the kind of thing to make him go berserk [i still don't really have any idea or framing for that lol; the script starts off a couple weeks in the aftermath and i pointedly don't do flashbacks], it's definitely the kind of thing that would get exacerbated by isolation. the kind of thing that's easy to focus on and spiral about without anyone to ground him; the kind of thing that could keep him from thinking clearly and he might just need to Take It Out on something after awhile.
peppino remains a terrible mediator but he is wildly resilient and tenacious, and if you need a guy to slap some sense into you... i mean he can very literally do that, and do it better than just about anyone.
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a-tale-of-legends · 8 months
I finished the relationship post ( family guy death pose) Right now it's mostly like. Who's with who and familial stuff. A lot of uncertainties, that'll probably change in the future. But with that all said, here. I spent way longer on this than I should have ha
Prof Oak - Had a thing with Agatha sometime in the past. Most likely didn't end up together long term ( I mean obviously) and Oak married someone else. She's no longer alive, as is their child, alas.
Red - with blue
Green - unsure
Blue - with red
Daisy - probably has herself a boyfriend
Brock - focused on work, but is bi questioning ( considering dating men)
Misty - ????? She has a boyfriend in the games????? So possibly????
Surge - closeted gay man. He comes out eventually when it really sinks in how queer the league is lmao.
Erika - Happily dating/ married to her old archery partner.
Koga - has a wife that's still alive
Sabrina - Not sure how to feel about dating. Focusing on herself.
Blaine - Simply not interested in dating.
Giovanni - Gets so many bitches lmao. But is married to Ariana in this au.
Ariana - Also swimming in bitches imo. Married to Gio, had two kids that ran away from them rip. Likes getting catty with Archer lol
Pertel - unsure
Lorelei - dated a lot but doesn't get anywhere
Bruno - Isn't interested in relationships atm,but is pan ( much to people's surprise for some odd reason)
Agatha- Had a Thing with Oak once. Terrible experience never again, she's single but probably had a trail of dead husbands in her wake.
Lance - aroace, single dad of 7 ( Kanto trio, johto quartet)
Elm- Wife and two kids ( one of them being Aiko)
Silver - Bi. User to date Aiko before turning his eyes to Kenji
Falkner - Not sure if I want him and Janine to just be mlm wlm besties or an actual couple.
Bugsy - Nonbinary/Agender and waaaaaay more focused on their work with bugs than any relationship atm. ( debating if they're aroace or gay as hell)
Whitney - Gay and dating Jasmine <3
Morty - Morty/Eusine. Not sure if they are dating by the johto arc or not.
Chuck - Has a wife and maybe a kid of his own
Pryce - is a granddad himself. A widow.
Clair - unsure. Has gay aunt vibes but again. Unsure.
Proton - Gay. Gay ass man
Archer - Down bad for Giovanni, insanely jealous of Ariana……probably is Giovanni's side bitch tho lmao
Karen - Honestly, probably gets with Will and maybe Grimsley. Maybe.
Will - Same as above
Birch - has a wife and kids!
Wally- Ends up dating Jin and Kohaku after a long ass time pining.
Roxanne - Maybe with Brawly I dunno.
Brawly - Maybe with Roxanne, again dunno.
Wattson - Unsure. I think in the anime he has a son so maybe????
Flannery - Not dating anyone, but she is pretty gay
Norman - has a wife and kid
Winona - need to think about Steven-Wallacd backstory, but I am liking the idea that she used to date Wallace. Though overall, I'm unsure.
Liza and Tate - ( shrugs ) Tate, for some reason, reads me the type to get crushed easily. But outside of that, they probably don't think about dating until they're older.
Wallace - Looks above at Winona. Still, he ends up with Steven for the long term.
Juan - Single man, doesn't plan on having kids, since Wallace exists.
Phoebe - Unsure
Sidney - Unsure. Wonderful hype man tho
Glacia - Okay so. I saw one hc that Glacia was Siebold's mom and it stuck with me for so long. So I think she had a husband, that left one way or another ( either he died or she divorced him) and she's been single ever since. Her relationship with Siebold is…. complicated. Edit: Glacia is no longer Siebold's mom, rather she's his aunt and legal guardian. They're relationship is still complicated, but there's a level of care here.
Drake - Not interested in relationships
Steven - with Wallace.
Archie - after prison and a lot of therapy, I imagine he gets back with Maxie
Maxie - Same as above.
Shelly - Shelly x Courtney is an interesting ship I've seen but not sure if I want to make it canon. Shelly does get a lot of bitches tho.
Matt - Same with Matt lol. Matt x Tabitha is something I've considered but not sure on. Probably not, given how both parties are, but I'm keeping the option open.
Courtney - Look above at Shelly. Also she does have that obsession with Maxie, though I'm not sure if I want that to be familial or romantic.
Tabitha - Look above at Matt. Tabitha is. Interesting to say the least. The more I think about it, the more I think the ship I mentioned above…. probably wouldn't work. Same with Shelly and Courtney to an extent. Honestly I think he's perfectly fine being single.
Lisia - Bi bi bi, baby. If I wasn't clear, I do plan on making her and Anabel an item.
Anabel - Look above
Noland - Unsure
Greta - Unsure
Tucker - gay as all hell and has had many flings.
Lucy - Serial dater than just can't get them to stay. Probably at a point where she thinks it's better for her to just focus on herself for now.
Spenser - Has a loving wife that's still with him, even at this age.
Brandon - Single, is married to the live of adventure
Zinnia - Requires therapy and traveling around to her to really get with someone.
Prof - Rowan - single. Probably dated a bit in the past but is now married to his work.
Johanna - Not exactly divorced ( yet), but hasn't spoken to her husband in years sooooo. She's not exactly looking for someone right now.
Roark - unsure
Gardenia - unsure
Fantina - Unlike her cousin/sibling ( Tucker), Fantina does actually have a partner. And lots of fans lmao.
Wake - Unsure
Byron - Divorced, but is living happily.
Maylene- Ends up with Candice
Candice - Ends up with Maylene
Volkner - Flint duh
Aaron - Not entirely sure. Definitely queer I think.
Flint - Volkner duh
Bertha - Hmmmm. She deserves a wife. I'm giving her a wife
Lucian - I like the idea of him having feelings for Cynthia, but it's unrequited. Sorry bud.
Cynthia - Bi and has her eyes on a certain actress
Cyrus - Choosing to focus on himself before even considering any type of romantic relationship. Will combust if someone flirted with him.
Mars - Likes the idea of going on dates, never actually been on one.
Juniper - People are too scared to get close with her. Probably for good reason. Fantina is trying ( and failing ) to set her up with someone.
Saturn - Used to be hella gay for Cyrus, but now is just picking up the pieces of everything. Doesn't know how to feel about him, so he's focusing on himself and work.
Charon - No bitches
Palmer - wife and kid
Darach - far too focused on taking care of Caitlin to even consider dating.
Argenta - Wine aunt. Happily single
Thorton - aroace
Dahlia - a free spirit, so she likes having her options open.
Cheryl - Gay
Marley - Also gay. Maybe I should make the date ( shrugs)
Mira - A kid who's main concern isn't dating or noticing who she likes. As for in the future when she's older…no clue.
Buck - Has a crush on a boy on Stark mountain. Doesn't have the guts to confess ironically enough.
Riley - :)
Cedric - Divorced
Aubrey - Married to Fennel :)
Cheren - Gets with Lear*
Bianca - Gets with Roxie
Cilan - Single, too shy to really consider putting himself out there.
Chili - Aroace
Cress - Single, is looking.
Lenora - Canonically married to Hawes. Doesn't plan on having children as of now. They kinda have Cheren for that, ha.
Burgh - I'll give him a win and let him have himself a boyfriend
Elesa - Is with Skyla
Clay - I've definitely seen different takes on him. For now he's a single father of one ( Wayne)
Skyla - Dating Elesa
Brycen - This came to me out of nowhere, but he and Marshall are dating. No one knows except Alder.
Drayden - I already have him as Ingo and Emmets grandpa so, he definitely got with someone, though I think he's single now.
Marlon - Has so many bitches but is too intertwined with the ocean to notice lmao. Maybe one day.
Grimsley - I mentioned he might be a part of a polycule with Will and Karen, but like. Grimsley's a mess. He has many many failed relationships under his belt.
Shauntal - Happily single.
Caitlin - " What? No. Go away"
Marshall- As mentioned before is dating Brycen.
Alder - Widowed granddad.
N - I know he's asexual biromantic. However I'm unsure of what to define his relationship with Kamari. But for now I'll say he's single, living his best life.
Ghetsis - ….I have. No clue.
Colress - Also have no clue!
Sycamore - Has a whole Thing with Lysandre. The sap in me wants them to get back together, but alas.
Dexio - I just saw someone else do it and thought it would be fun. He ends up with Cassius.
Sina - Not sure. I don't even know if she's truly interested in anyone. Possibly aroace.
Shauna: Probably had feelings for Jude and Dante at some point. Probably over then and living her best life.
Trevor - As of Kalos arc, faaaar more focused on the pokedex. After that he probably gets with Tierno.
Tierno - Same as above except he's more focused on dancing.
Viola - *clenches fist* Viola and Perrin are so freaking cute but I don't think they fit in my timeline!!!! So sadly, Viola's gf is someone else.
Grant - Has major feelings for Siebold, but unsure if he feels the same way.
Korrina : Wants a girlfriend so bad ( another sad case of two characters being at different points in the timeline so I can't ship them within the au. This time it's Bea)
Ramos - Was married to his husband for a long time, until he unfortunately passed away. He tries not to let it get him down.
Clemont- His sister keeps trying to get him to date someone lmao. He's moreso interested in his machinery but maybe one day?
Valerie - Debating if I want her to already be with Grant and is aware of the budding feelings between him and Siebold ( it ends in a poly) or just have her single in her own world.
Olympia - Single and is completely fine with that.
Wulfric - has a wife and two kids of his own! Loves them a whole bunch.
Drasna - :)
Siebold - Has not yet realized any of his feelings lmao.
Wikstrom - He has a wife. No kids.
Malva - Messy. Loved and resented Diantha in their relationship. Wished Lysandre would stop putting Diantha on a pedestal, while alSo wishing she was on that pedestal instead. Didn't know how to feel when Diantha ended up with Cynthia.
Diantha - Tried dating a man once. A publicity stunt if anything. After that she realized she was very much a lesbian and was talking more to Miss Cynthia.
Aliana - Unsure.
Bryony - Dating celosia
Celosia - Dating Bryony
Mable - Unsure
Xerosic - lmao
Lysandre - Was with Sycamore. Was.
Kukui - Married to Burnet and ends up having a kid together. Guzma joins in a poly.
Burnet - see above.
Hau - gets with Gladion in the future
Lillie - ends up with Ames
Gladion - gets with Hau in the future
Illima - Big ass crush on Kiawe. Thinks he's being the perfect flirt. He is not.
Hala - has a wife, one son ( who left ) and of course, little Hau as his grandson.
Lana - Unsure *
Mallow - Unsure * ( might make their relationship like the anime tho)
Kiawe - Thinks Illima is kinda weird ( but does have feeling for him)
Olivia - Canonically and chronically single. Girl suffering out here.
Acerola - Unsure ( child)
Sophocles - Unsure ( child )
Molyane - Has a boyfriend of his own, both of them are nerds together.
Nanu - Meowth man. So no one.
Mina - 👍
Hapu - Unsure but she gets flustered very easily.
Wicke - Aroace, happily looking after her friends children.
Faba - No rizz at all. Bitchless.
Guzma - Ends up in a polyam relationship with Kukui and Burnet. Genuinely doesn't know how he got to that point, but he's….happier.
Plumeria - Had the hots for Ames' mom but that didn't go anywhere. Single.
Kahili - Unsure
Magnolia - Still is with her husband. Sonia is her only grandchild.
Sonia - Dating Nessa
Hop - Um. Not sure. I like Hop x Bede but also not sure of I would want it in canon. Hop is ace too, so he's not really focused on those kinds of relationships for the most part. He does get flustered easily lol.
Marnie - It takes her 5 years to get with Naomi. But they get there!
Bede- Similar to Hop. Though I'm honestly just having fun writing his platonic relationships with everyone. He did mistake his platonic feelings/friendship with Naomi for a crush but he quickly realized it wasn't the case.
Milo - Ends up with Gordie
Kabu - Uncertain only bc I like so many hcs. Like I like him and Peony together but also just him vibing by himself is fun. Also him and Melony is cute. So yeah, not sure.
Bea - Eh. She's more focused on school and martial arts to care.
Allister - Has experienced a crush before but is waaaay to shy to do anything about it. Grateful to have the crush as a friend though.
Opal - Much like Agatha, has a history of dead husbands.
Melony - Divorced and has 5 kids ( Gordud, a daughter, and then triplet sons)
Gordie - Ends up with Milo
Piers - I might change this later only bc I'm really thinking about it, but I do see him in a poly relationship with Leon and Raihan. Again might change.
Raihan - Look above. But unlike piers, him and Leon are always end game.
Leon - Again. Look above.
Rose - Had a relationship with Cassandra before realizing she was pregnant was Carol. Was pretty much married to his work after that.
Oleana - similar case to Courtney, though maybe after a lot of therapy she gets with a nice lady.
Mustard and Honey are a couple, with Hyde.
Peony - Similar case to Kabu. Not sure. He has Peonia and recently Carol so he's honestly living his best life.
Klara - Way too toxic to be in a lasting relationship atm. She probably gets better after IoA but uh. Yeah. Not a great dating life.
Avery - Probably had never dated anyone ever…..yeah I can see him and Klara getting together at some point. It is, surprisingly, pretty healthy.
Sada and Turo are, miraculously, together in this au. They're also both dead.
Clavell- Unsure, waiting for the indigo disk to come. To really make my judgement. Was planning on giving him a husband.
Nemona - Unsure. Power of friendship real tho.
Penny - Unsure. above.
Arven - Unsure, again. Look above lol.
Note: I have shipped Arven and Ramona and Nemona and Ramona before but I'm ultimately unsure if I want either to be canon.
Giacomo - Unsure ( please understand I am in shipper hell here)
Mela- Slow to any romance, due to past experiences.
Atticus - Unsure
Ortega - is only 13, and while he knows who he is, he takes much more enjoyment being around his friends.
Eri- Is with Carmen. Duh.
Okay gonna cut the single format, let's get right to the case.
Larry is Divorced…..and also has his eyes on Hassel and Brassius who are already a couple. Has not made a move and plans to never ( he fails at this btw). Giacomo is his son ( until I change my mind).
Ryme has a partner but they broke it off. She's happily single now.
Tyme is the opposite with a husband of her own.
Iono doesn't date cause that would mess with her viewers.
Katy and Saguaro seem really cute,I'm considering it.
Jacq - Single dad ( Ramona). Is unaware of a theater teacher's feelings towards him.
Geeta and Rika definitely has a Thing but neither of them really addresses it. They're in their own world.
Poppy - Just wants Larry to say he likes Hassel and Brassius already. Also thinks boys have cooties.
Grusha - Was too depressed to consider dating anyone but is coming around to the idea.
Raifort scares people away lol.
Kofu - Unsure
Tulip - Just doesn't have the time to date
( aggressively points to Luca and Kieran) Kindergarten Divorce.
Carmine - Unsure. Wouldn't be surprised if she scares some people away.
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domaindiver · 6 months
re-listening to S2E47 today because it just released on youtube and I am honestly very delighted by each of the teens and their method of interacting with grief (or at least another person grieving - i'm not too sure how broken up everyone else was about it) Spoilers for S2E47, I'm pretty sure everyone knows at this point but I don't want to be an asshole so I'm spoilering it anyway!!!!!
Taylor goes silent for. almost the entire episode. usually he talks a lot (because of fucking course he does, LMAO), but barring a couple of flat statements he really doesn't say much once they get to Henry's house. Linc goes along with pretty much everything despite legitimately hating Hermie, he steps aside for Normal to see the body and helps carry it around the whole time Normal's doing his... corpse world tour, and helps prepare for the funeral without any question. When it comes to the actual funeral itself, he offers words for Normal, which despite the clear cold shoulder he's giving Hermie here is genuinely pretty sweet, he clearly cares a lot about making sure that Normal is able to do what he needs to (lining up with the previous episode, where he tried very hard to make sure Normal heard his final words, even though it didn't really work out). Scary isn't necessarily comforting throughout, but kind and honest. Barring her exasperation with Normal's insistence to try repeatedly to bring Hermie back, she is very gentle with him the entire episode. I really like this specifically because of the way Normal interacted with her when Terry died - he was probably the most proactive there, (might be misremembering, sorry!) and it's sweet to see that reciprocated. I love them... they are so deeply intertwined in the narrative.. anyway! not really an analysis or anything, I'm just stating facts, but I had a lot of fun with this episode, and I'm glad to have given it a re-listen. I am very enamoured with the way Scary, Hermie, and Normal interacted/interact throughout S2, and am always excited when episodes include all three of them. Guess this is the last time that'll ever happen!
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trans-cuchulainn · 1 year
What are your favorite quotes from the Táin or other UC texts? Asking for non-tattoo related purposes I swear.
big question! these are just going to be off the top of my head tbh (well, i will look up the exact wordings, but i am going by what quotes come to mind without me scouring the text)
one of my favourites from TBC is from the stowe manuscript specifically, so it's not in the early versions of the text (you can tell from the gross 15th century spellings), but it's from a poem that ferdia speaks before he fights cú chulainn:
"truagh a dhé teacht do mhnaoi eadrom agus é leth mo chroidhe in Cú cen col is leth croidhe na Con mé"
which loosely translates as "alas, o God, that a woman should come between me and him | the faultless Hound is half my heart, and I am half of his" (trans.... honestly i forgot, sorry)
tbh, there are a lot of good quotes in comrac fir diad, especially in cú chulainn's lament for fer diad -- e.g. i love the repeated "all play, all sport" motif ("Cluchi cách, gaíne cách") bc of all the symbolism there of lost youth and innocence in the moment of ferdia's death
i also really like the bit in oidheadh con culainn where cú chulainn is begging láeg to leave the battle and stay safe so he can take the news to emer and he says
‘Beirsi buaidh 7 bennachtain,’ ar Cú Chulainn, ‘óir ní fuair tigerna riam 7 ní fuighbe tigerna tarm ési gilla bus ferr ná tusa. 7 do-berimsi mo briathar co cluinfiter fo Erinn uile mar dígheóladsa aniu tú. 7 do-berim briathar óntís do chenglamar aráen re chéile in cétlá, nach tarrla ar n-imscarad ná ar n-imrisin re chéile do lá nó d-oidchi riam co háes na huairi so.'
“Take victory and blessing,” said Cú Chulainn, “because no lord ever found nor will any lord after me find a gilla who is better than you. And I give you my word that it will be heard throughout all of Ireland how I will avenge you today, and I give my word that since the first day we bound ourselves together, we never before separated or quarrelled, day or night, until this very moment." (trans. longman)
emph mine but oh my god. they're so married. that one's probably a bit long for a tattoo though lmao
also there are a lot of very excellently gay cu chulainn/laeg quotes in toruigheacht gruaidhe griansholus but we'll be here all night if i start pulling those out. the bit where laeg asks to be buried in his grave though... it's verse again, verse is good, it's
lodhlaicfior misi ionnat' fheart, Bu h-ionann leacht dhuit-si is dúinn I shall be buried in thy grave One tombstone shall we have (trans. o'rahilly)
there's a definite theme here of me just liking the gay declarations of affection which. yeah. i do. i only tend to remember things i get emotional about so even if i like other lines in the moment that i'm reading them, these are the ones that stick with me!
but i do also like really like the line in TBC where cu chulainn calls himself a "little creature":
"Acht dia festa-su, is andíaraid in míl bec fégai-siu .i. missi." "But if only you knew it, the little creature you are looking at, namely, myself, is wrathful." (trans. o'rahilly)
purely for the vibes of calling himself a míl bec, yunno. i feel like "is andíaraid in míl bec fégai-siu" would make quite a badass tattoo -- that fragment alone might be translated as "the little creature you are looking at is fierce". though this probably only works if you're short. if you're tall i'm not sure you can use that one hahaha (andíaraid is 'wrathful, fierce, angry; baleful, baneful' so basically if you're small and pissed off, that's a good one)
that's all that's coming to mind rn, not sure if those are of any use but if i think of anything else i'll add it on later (realistically that'll be next time i'm combing the text for a random detail and spot a line i enjoy haha)
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goldendevilsivy · 1 year
ngl I'm very excited to see where the third game of ietyd goes (if we get one).
I had a concept in my mind for my idea of a potential sequel that I'd hopefully write into existence by way of fanfic, but it'd take a lot of time to make it as great as I want it to be.
the concept is as follows (n there's a lot of it) -
agent phoenix is taken by zoraxis agents, who use them as a patient zero for their newest invention: a time machine. the agent realizes their intentions to go back and try their best to fix history, and perhaps even go back to the agent’s birth to nip the problem at the root. they're sent in and become incorrigably stuck jumping across time periods. in hopes to recieve help, the agent does everything in their power to send notes and messages to handler all the way in the future. letters, slight edits in historical paintings, anything that they think could reach the handler before they disappear back-to-the-future style.
an idea I'm open to playing around with is john juniper surviving and (with utmost reluctance from handler) joining the agency. I think it could be possible to have him be able to recognize what's different about certain paintings and works. in my original idea, I was going to have the handler return to the field with new implants, and his supervisor would act again as his handler. I also love the concept of agent phoenix giving out tips that'll assist people in the future in exchange for places to hold onto their letters. (you ever see good omens? yknow how agnes nutter gave prophecies or whatnot to the people with her box so that they'd deliver it at the exact place and time? like that!)
it'd probably switch perspectives every now and again so that the reader could understand the struggle of phoenix attempting to communicate to the future while being constantly thrown back and forth through time (which is jarring, makes em puke the first two times, but they get used to it). they can't even be sure that anything they're doing is reaching handler. I wanna portray that really well. but the reader would also need to see the fruits of phoenix's work by seeing the handler decode their messages all the way in the present.
I suppose phoenix would mostly communicate their situation and whatever they could potentially decipher from the few moments they spent concious within zoraxis's labs, such as location, intention, and details of the machine.
another idea that just came to me while writing this is phoenix becoming a renowned artist and poet, hiding messages in their works for the handler to find in the future. so much to think about! so much to ponder! and a whole lot of research I will probably have to do in order to be semi-historically accurate. hopefully I'll get around to writing this sometime LMAO
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helluvapurf · 9 months
Ayyyy new HB episode just dropped, and its the Fizzarolli one!~ Been SUPER curious about it since the initial trailers/sneak peek previews, soooo... lets talk about it~
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First things first, the Positives:
-Loved loved LOVED Fizzarolli and Asmodeus since their initial debuts in "Ozzie's", and... yeah, I very much enjoyed them here too!~ 👏From Fizz's maniacally-pampered goofiness to Ozz's "lovingly suave & powerful" demeanor, it blends into some super enjoyable chemistry when we see them both onscreen~ ❤️Not that they have a flawless relationship ofc, given Ozzie's overprotective coddling at times & Fizz being too careless about his own safety (+his inner worry of what the public would think of Ozz dating an Imp)... but at the end of the day, whether it's fluffy cuddles, kinky fun, or pummeling the hell out of some boring lawyer dude... it seems like nothing will ever tear these two apart, aww~ :3
-Blitz and Fizz's dynamic was SO fun to watch from start to finish, everything including their snarky banter at the start, their gradual teamwork when kidnapped, and their heart-to-heart by the end was quite touching to see play out (like man you can just FEEL the pain in Blitz's voice as he recounted all that tragedy/genuinely felt remorse for what happened... poor guy ;-; )🥺 I know some could argue that Fizz forgiving Blitz at the end was a little... "rushed", but personally I like to see it more as them agreeing start over "fresh" to give time in rebuilding things, with plenty to catch up on now that they're free from danger 👍 Here's to some more great Blitz/Fizz content in future HB eps!
-As... "lukewarm" as I've grown towards Stolas lately, I honestly found him pretty fine here in terms of character portrayal/writing (surprising too that he didn't take up much screentime since he stayed more to the sidelines during the B-plot... huh .3.). The lil bit of him excited to read the contract was pretty funny too lol ("Ohoho, I love words!~")
-Didn't expect to see Striker so soon, but he proved a fun threat to watch along with the bigger arsenal in Crimson's gang! 👌 Curious to see what he'll be up to next, with that slick escape of his by the end~ 👀
-I liked the lil fly-Chihuahua things Fizz had as pets during the intro, they were cute :3
-Much better writing in the humor-department here, as even some of the "raunchier" jokes (like from Fizz and/or Ozzie) didn't really phase me here since most of them do come from two prominent Lust Ring performers. Ironically enough though, it was actually Crimson who surprisingly gave me the most laughs ngl (like the screen recording threat to Ozzie, his confused face at Fizz singing in Italian, etc. lmao).
-Beautiful shots of animation & color work as usual, and even Fizz's song (-cluttered as it was lol) proved an amusing one to see given the circumstances of him improvising the whole time XD. Hope we'll see more of Alex Brightman's singing talents in HB's future, given his past Broadway work! 👏
-So it looks like we were right to assume Stolas is planning to give Blitz an Asmodean Crystal after all (possibly meaning the end of their Full Moon deal, too? :o), so that'll be interesting to see how that'd play out later (esp. now that Fizz gave the okay to let Blitz have it by the end, thanks to their renewed bond ^^)
Now, as for any potential Negatives...:
-As much as I enjoyed Striker's antagonist role here, along with the looming forces he gained from Crimson's alliance... like, why is Crimson of all people here for the villain-count, again? .-. Sure, it is refreshing that Striker's learning to let go of "sucking up" to Goetia's (aka: Stella & her brother) to get by... buuuut idk, I would've thought Crimson's next big appearance would've been suited more to a Moxxie and/or Millie-centered plot, I guess? 🤷 Idk...
-For someone who went through such an intense kidnapping/beat-up during his last starring role... I'm surprised Stolas is apparently walking around fine now, with no other visible injury? I mean sure, he is a Goetia so I guess it makes sense he'd heal up fast... yet since its only been canonically a week since "Western Energy" happened, I feel like he should've at least had a couple bandages/scars on him, to at least leave some more of a narrative impact of what he went through imo.
-Funny as the B-plot was with the boring lawyer guy... yeaaaaah I'll admit after awhile, I couldn't help wondering why Ozzie didn't just say "f*** it" and killed the dude already lol. Like, big threats from Crimson aside... Asmodeus IS an Embodiment of Sin nonetheless, arguably more powerful than any Goetia if we consider the Hell hierarchy system. Couldn't he have just... idk, raised up hell like Stolas did in "Truth Seekers" to go save his man? 🤷 Not that it took me out of the ep too much given all the great Blitz & Fizz content we got instead... buuuut yeah lol.
-With that one flashback sequence of Blitz and Fizz's childhood... I'm surprised Barbie Wire didn't show up much in it (save for the burned photo with their mom)? .-. I mean I'll admit I even saw some leaked storyboard-screencaps showing that Barbie was meant to be seen running out during the tent fire scene, but in the actual-finished ep she's just... not there somehow? Weird .x.;
-I'm... not really sure how to feel about Blitz straight up calling Striker a "supremacist"? Like yeah Striker's clearly within the "Eat The Rich" mentality since his debut in S1... buuuut with how its been subtly stated of how oppressed the Imp race is compared to most other Hell classes, I don't really get how Striker is "wrong" to outright detest royalty/rich folk? .-. Idk, hopefully they'll clear this up more with a later episode/backstory moment for Striker down the line... 'cause otherwise, the implications of it all just feels very... ehhhhh .x.;;
-...okay, I'm just gonna cut to the chase here (*and no offense meant-in advance to any shippers out there, btw*), but I'm... reeeeally not a fan of how much this show's been trying to "water down" Blitz and Stolas' current dynamic here 😑 Like, its one thing to show Stolas catching honest, genuine feelings but recognizing his mistakes enough to try & make things "right" (hence again, the Asmodeon Crystal thing)... but to straight up paint Blitz as being some "uwu stubborn meanie who doesn't know true love when he sees iiiiit~" is just... really? 🤦
Mind you, Stolas is the same guy who coerced Blitz into their Grimoire deal all so Blitz can keep up his I.M.P. business (& for Stolas to... well, "get some" >>;), kept stepping over boundaries throughout S1 (aka: calling him "Blitzy" over & over, hitting on him when he's not interested, etc.), and then didn't even try to defend Blitz when they both got publicly mocked in "Ozzie's" (only way later when they were in the privacy of his manor did he offer to talk/have some "cuddly couple time" together... 😒). Again, I don't mean to dunk on Stolas too much 'cause I know he IS trying to be better now (+Blitz wasn’t exactly a saint either, given that he only ever asked out Stolas back then just so he could spy on M&M >>)... but really, all that in mind I can't say I blame Blitz for not being exactly "receptive" to Stolas' affections 🤷 Personally, I think its best that these two just give eachother some space (once the Grimoire/Crystal thing is sorted out), imho...
Aaaaand yeah, all-in-all I'd say this ep was... probably the best of S2, so far??😳Not "perfect" by any means, and def could've used a bit more polish in a few scenes/plot holes/script-writing... all-in-all, the strong chemistry of Blitz, Fizzarolli, Asmodeus amongst the drama made it a truly worthwhile episode~! 👏👏As for my current S2 ranking atm:
"Oops" (S2 Ep. 6)
"Western Energy" (S2 Ep. 4)
"Exes and Oohs" (S2 Ep. 3)
"The Circus" (S2 Ep. 1)
"Unhappy Campers" (S2. Ep 5)
"Seeing Stars" (S2. Ep 2)
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brick-a-doodle-do · 1 year
Have the workers gotten stuck in places before? Maybe for angst it was a customer/ the boss that got them stuck?
-Small brain anon
vore implication/mention in first paragraph !!
oh yes fs they have! there are a few occasions i can come up with off the top of my head, most of them being punishment noms between boss & the workers, mainly tommy & george. the sole reason was because their "bad reviews" are SKYROCKETING,, and george loves slacking off (especially after he met dream and got himself a phone), and tommy is just plain rude to people, so it just is a terrible mix and gets them stuck in a stomach for a while, which brings up my old hc of the "forbidden" thingy that lets tinies surpass the recommended time that they be in a stomach before it becomes painful and/or lethal.
and there was a time where they got locked in the bunker. but like also they didn't, it's a funny story. i made a hc back that there's a type of like catnip-esque leaf that only borrower's know the effects of, which led to the scenario of all of them gathering into the bunker to essentially get high together! LMAO so basically the door was a little jammed but that wasn't even the problem, they were pulling instead of pushing, but they were too out of it to even realize. long story short they gotta call a human to rescue them via the phone they keep down there DSJFS
also i've talked a lot about the bunker but haven't really given the visuals for it! i'm not sure of the interior yet, but i had the idea to have the entrance to it be a little door in the leg of a bench! it opens and you go underground a bit, and there's where my imagination stops. maybe there's a little homemade elevator or a pogtopia-esque thing with just really long, ominous staircases that'll eventually leads to the bunker. probably the elevator tho cause i've already used pogtopia for swapped inspo,,, ANYWAY there's that. tiny lil fairy door!
and tinies have also gotten stuck on dashboards of cars cause while exploring the car (seeing as they've never been in a car freely; the drive from where they were previously as a borrower to the park was completely covered and barely registered) they somehow manage to get up there...but can't get down. maybe human can't get them cause they're driving or maybe they just play into it DGJFDSJ
speaking of cars i remember making canon that ranboo got trapped under a seat in the backseat and wil was on the highway so he was NOT able to get to ranboo at all, so tommy and tubbo made it their mission to get him out. long story short tommy gets trapped as well and it takes tubbo the rest of the car ride to try and get them out. spoiler alert, it doesn't work. so wil's gotta come to the rescue </3
OH yeah tommy got stuck in wilbur's pocket one time when he brought schlatt to the park and they got tipsy then wandered around! tommy was not happy about it bc wilbur was touchy-feely and would NOT let him out lmao
there've been a lot of occasions where the workers will be trapped into lego creations. it was both nerve-wracking and irritating the first time it happened, and by the third or fourth time they were just used to it. and they learned to bring something to do if they ever go to attend to children. also the same thing will happen in other play areas for kids that're tiny-friendly. sometimes they'll be taken and held/closely watched for hours
HHHH i want more angsty occasions but i can't think of any atm :(
but thank you for the question!! i got to remember some stuff i totally forgot about esjdfs
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