#I’m normal I swear 😀😀😀😀
cha1cedony · 10 months
So many Wilsons… so little time
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signedmio · 4 months
Hello! I really love your writing! It's so detailed and is always almost in character and I just wanna request a Adam/Lucifer/Vox x (Frankenstein)GN Reader reacting to the first time they watch as Reader took there head off so casually to look over on top of the fridge find something
hey friend!! ofc i can do that for you, this was a very interesting thing to think about lol
also i’m so sorry that this was so short, i’m having massive writers block and have 30+ requests in my inbox rn haha so i’m quite tired lol
Warnings: Mentions of sex (no smut), lazily written (sorryyy), swear words
Adam, Lucifer, Vox x GN!Frakenstein!Reader
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Due to the fridge being much bigger than you were, and your Frankenstein-like abilities, you took your head off to see something above the fridge, you put it back on once you felt you saw all you needed to.
“That was hot as fuck.” You hear a voice mutter, as you see your boyfriend, with no mask, and in a band tee and boxers say, as he looked he was about to drop his cereal, with milk dripping down his chin. “We gotta try that in bed more often!”
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It was safe to say you and Lucifer were on the shorter end of the scale, so when you needed to find something that was potentially atop the the fridge, it wasn’t ideal…
So, you did as any normal Frankenstein would! You tore off your head and raised it just above the fridge to get a glimpse.
You popped it back on like nothing happened, cause it didn’t, and you went to go about your day, before your husband blurted out a “Sweetie, what the fuck?! Are you okay?!”
And then you had to spend the next 20 minutes explaining to your buffoon yet lovable husband that no, you did not die. And no, he can’t do that too. 😀
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Normally, when your in a predicament where you can’t reach something, you would have Vox do it. But then… he waves it above your head for the next 10 minutes and honestly, you weren’t in the mood for that.
So you did what ya needed to, you popped your head off and lifted it above the fridge before popping it back on, cracking your neck after.
Your boyfriend looks over at you. He doesn’t say anything. Just gives you a raised eyebrow before walking off back to his desk with a small yet quiet “Huh.” coming from his lips.
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luffyvace · 3 months
Her brook Idk if your req are closed so read this at your convenience 🙏
I wanted to ask for a male harpy reader strawhat hc or if not just hc with luffy, more specifically based off a bird with heavy feathers like a snowy owl cause I’d love to imagine that he complains about the heat a lot and wonders why he’s sweating more then usual but it’s just luffy hugging his legs cus he’s so soft
Love your work brook 🙏☺️
nope! Still open lovely anon<3
when I tell you I did NOT know what a harpy was 🤦‍♀️ I had to do research for accuracy 😅😋
but don’t worry it’s all good I’ll be more than happy to do your request!
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I’m telling you right here right now luffy would most definitely be interested in a reader like this!! You know how many unique animals and such he tried to recruit into the crew that weren’t even human?? 😂💗
and thank you!! I’m so happy you enjoy my headcanons :) that makes me very happy!
Okay I’m just saying…….like chopper…if you look more animal than human….his first thought is to eat you
”you think he tastes good?” 😋
moving on…♡
He thinks your wings are really cool
I mean a 6.5 ft wing span…….I do too!!
definitely wanted to measure them to check after he learned that
to which he got himself wrapped up in the measuring tape
Both you and luffy eat “strange” animals
such as sloths, monkeys, porcupines, squirrels, opossums, armadillo’s, anteaters and sometimes parrots…..other birds too 😋🍴
No animal is safe 😭
every island you go to the two of you immediately start scouting for whatever variety of yummy foods you could find
”I’ve got news for you two—normal people don’t eat those animals”
- Nami ♡
it taste absolutely delicious to you!!
honestly you probably got Luffy into eating them
which so funny because he already loves eating all types of weird things
which is probably why he was so easy to convince him to eat it too
like he would normally see a monkey and go oh cool a monkey!
but now….😈😈
not all the time tho
mostly when he’s hungry
……….so I guess I lied, yes all the time 🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️
he saw you eating a armadillo with some sloth on the side and was like
oooo I gotta try that 🤪🤪
you might dislike for cats seeing as though a harpy’s predator is a jaguar
Least baby harpy’s anyway…
still! 😠
it’s good for you that the sunny is big once y’all upgrade from merry
it has plenty of rooms with shade for you, since a harpy’s natural habitat is rainforests
and they mainly stay in the shade anyway :)
franky probably had a room built that simulates a rainforest for your comfort 💕
like how he simulated the grass
once Luffy found out harpy’s are rare to find and you found the tori tori no mi - model: harpy- it was pretty much settled for you to join the crew :)
like he loves rare stuff!
it’s like treasure!
and you know darn well a pirate will fight for his treasure! 😼
you use your high pitch bird call to reunite the strawhats whenever you guys get separated (which is like- every time you go on an adventure 😀 besides the point-)
it’s loud enough and ranges far enough to the point where it’s more efficient than yelling
very much so comes in handy when your in danger too
also not to mention luffy is 100% gonna wanna fly on your back since you have wings
he probably won’t even ask
he’ll just rocket onto your back while your flying one day and refuse to get off cuz it’s fun
it likely ends with him spotting something cool, telling you to go over to it and getting you two into trouble
just be ready for the
😬😁 ✊😠 💥💥 😖😓
sequence again
flying also comes in handy when saving the strawhat’s BUTT!
You and Robin like 🦅🦅
but no fr you literally just swoop in and save the day 🦸
SUPERRRRRRR M/N!! *super man pose* better yet *franky pose*
Zoro will also appreciate it if you catch him while falling because I swear that man is always getting smacked around-
same with Nami 🧡
another time
Robin was stating facts about harpy’s when the strawhats first met you, and you were confirming
she mentioned that they typically lived 35-45 years (but she was talking about the ANIMAL.)
Luffy—of course—mistook this
*Nami steps in*
“……..and besides..! M/n’s not an animal! He’s still a person you know?! Sheesh…..of course he’s gonna live the lifespan of a human”
Sanji will of course cook any animal of your request into your meal
if it’s more nutritious for you—then certainly he’ll do so!
he always prioritizes nutritional value in his meals, and thats different for everybody!
Luffy however….he will get annoyed with 😂
your like one of the few men in his life Sanji doesn’t hate
okay I know that was more harpy facts related so now I’ll get into the scenario you mentioned 😅💗
Luffy uses you for warmth in the winter (all the strawhats do)
like chopper ;P
especially with your large and soft wings
”M/n…spread your wings out..we need your warmth..”
you’ve been complaining about the heat all day
You felt like you were ON FIRE.
like seriously?! What was gon on today?!
it’s not like birds need to shed……so why are you burning up!??
”mmmm…your so warm M/n!”
”no wonder I felt heavier than usual!! Get off me Luffy!”
”awwhhhh WHYYYYYY?”
”what?! Why?! Because I’m burning up! I already have all these feathers! You’ve got to get off of me Luffy!”
*whines* “but mmmmm/nnnnnn! Your so waaaarrrrm!”
*sighs and face palms* *attempts to pry him off*
“noooooo m/nnnnnn! I don’t waaaaanna get ooofff!!”
Luffy practically had you in a literal choke hold
he was not about to let you go.
and you know he’s got himself wrapped alllllll the way around 😂😂
once again thank you for the compliment my dear!!
Hopefully I did your hcs justice and that you enjoyed them! <3
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infiniteeight8 · 2 months
Hi so I just read your pregnant!Stephen and I tell you I'm a sucker for that lol. I have like a few requests but for now I probably just send you one :D
Both were having a movie/series marathon since they finally can catch a break after a hectic and thrilling week. Oh and they were NOT having an argument because they have clashed perspective of the movie they watched. And Stephen did NOT sulk away and locking himself up in their bedroom. And Tony is NOT surprised by the sudden change of mood. At the end Tony has to bribe Stephen with "something"
I’m glad you enjoyed the pregnant!Stephen! 😀  There needs to be more of him, there really does.
For future reference, this is a lot more detail than I would normally accept for a prompt. However, I can see a little piece of this one that I can fit into my usual limits. So we’re treating 90% of this prompt as background info!
Tony sat on the floor, back leaning against their bedroom door. “Stephen, would you please talk to me?”
“I thought it was a fun argument,” Tony went on. “I didn’t realize you were actually getting upset, I swear. I didn’t take it seriously because it was a movie, but clearly you—”
The door abruptly swung open, dumping Tony onto his back. He looked up at a scowling Stephen. “The movie is not the point,” he said, clipped. “The argument wasn’t the point. You weren’t listening to me. Whatever conversation you were having, it had nothing to do with what I was saying.”
Tony opened his mouth to argue and realized that he… actually couldn’t quote any of Stephen’s arguments. “I didn’t even realize,” he said, wincing a little. Worst excuse ever, but it was true. “Let me make it up to you?”
Stephen pursed his lips. “You’re lucky I missed you this week,” he muttered, stepping back so that Tony could climb to his feet.
“I missed you, too,” Tony said. Carefully, he leaned in for a kiss. Fortunately, Stephen allowed it.
When he was done, Tony swore to himself, Stephen would feel the absolute focus of his attention.
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duckprintspress · 5 months
Meet Aether Beyond the Binary Contributors Flore Picard and Alec J. Marsh
We are 57% of the way to our funding goal for AETHER BEYOND THE BINARY, with 19 days to go!! This awesome anthology featuring non-binary and genderqueer characters in aetherpunk settings has been in the works for a year, and we’re optimistic that we’ll reach our funding target so that we can publish the book as an e-book, trade paperback, and hardcover. Slow and steady, race winning, you know the deal. 😀 Things have definitely slowed down, as is normal for this stage of the campaign, so just a note that we’d always appreciate your help with spread the word about this project so that more people will know it exists! You can find our “main” posts about the campaign on different platforms using these links:
Patreon (public post)
Thanks in advance!!
You can learn all about the campaign, the book, the merch, and the authors, by visiting our Kickstarter campaign page!
And, today we’re introducing two more contributing authors: Flore Picard and Alec J. Marsh!
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The Light Organ by Flore Picard
About Flore Picard: I’m a linguist and translator who lives in France and I have been itching to write since I learned how to. I started writing (fan)fiction more regularly when I was procrastinating on my PhD dissertation, and I haven’t looked back since. I’m also an artist who loves drawing both fanart and original art, and I have a passion for patterns and systems, for the beauty at the edge of chaos and the complexity of being human. I tend to write about queer and disabled characters finding themselves and each other and learning to take up space in the world.
Links: Instagram | Twitter
This is Flore’s first publication with Duck Prints Press.
Title: The Light Organ
Tags: angst with a happy ending, capitalism is the real villain, coming out, disabled character, emotional hurt/comfort, family, fraught family dynamics, illusion, in the closet, magic use, mechanic, musician, non-binary, parenthood, present tense, science fiction with magic, teenager, third person limited point of view, transphobia (mentions of) (past)
“No, no, no—the organ, the light ring—it’s all about the imagination, not the mechanics,” Kas exclaims, gesturing widely to encompass the aether pool behind the glass.
“I’m just here for the tubes,” the tech—Gilbert—says flatly.
His face betrays no emotions, not even annoyance. Kas almost wishes he would yell or be rude, if only for the sake of feeling like they’re having an actual conversation, but Gilbert has always been polite. He just never seems to care.
“Fine,” Kas gives up. “We’ve got glitches. They started about a week ago. It could be a leaking tube, I’m not sure.”
“What kind of glitches?”
“It’s as if… as if the story stops responding to me. I know how that sounds, but I swear that’s what happens. It doesn’t last more than a few seconds, but it’s getting worse. Earlier, I powered everything up to tune it and it kept flickering.”
“Flickering,” Gilbert repeats, mumbling into his neatly trimmed beard.
Kas grabs a cane in each hand and makes their way to the organ’s seat. “I can show you.”
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You’re Gonna Get Older by Alec J. Marsh
About Alec J. Marsh: Alec lives in the Pacific Northwest, where they write romantic adult fantasy and self-indulgent fanfiction. They make candles inspired by their favorite characters.
Links: Etsy | Instagram | Twitter
Alec is one of the editors for Aether Beyond the Binary and has also published multiple titles with Duck Prints Press. His novella To Drive the Hundred Miles (modern, f/m, trans male lead) was recently successfully crowdfunded and orders fulfilled. His two erotica stories Heart’s Scaffold (sci-fi, m/m) and Study Hall (modern academia, m/m) are part of the Contributor Short Story Bundle add-on.
Title: You’re Gonna Get Older
Tags: arranged marriage, christian, coming of age, coming out, cults, fraught family dynamics, friends, in the closet, lesbian, midwest, misgendering, non-binary, north dakota, past tense, post-apocalyptic, relationship of convenience, religion, song fic, teenager, third person limited pov, trans man, trans woman, transphobia
There was a radio in the room, an old two-way they had found on their last visit and hidden in an empty supply closet. It was still there. They slid open the battery pack and snapped in a fresh battery from their aether lantern. Chips of the meteor had been encased in metal tubing to mimic the lithium batteries of the Before, but they were precious and had to be used sparingly. Stardancer knew better than to use precious energy on something this frivolous.
They popped the battery cover in place and pressed the power button. It crackled to life. They cradled it like it was made from glass. The dials made a tak-tak-tak noise as Stardancer scrolled through channels. Music came through softly. It faded in and out, cut through with static, but it was music, and not the kind made on an acoustic guitar. They adjusted the antenna and turned up the volume.
It was like nothing they had heard before, fast paced with a heavy beat. Even over the fuzzy AM connection, it was invigorating. They wanted to dance. They wanted to sing along with words they had never heard before. The singer screamed their triumph, and Stardancer felt invincible.
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catindabag · 11 months
TBOSAS on Crack short take (33)
*How the Tribute-Mentor first official meeting went*
Coryo: Hi, Birdy.
Lucy Gray: Hey, Snow White~.🥰 How’s it been? You still drunk?
Coryo: Not great, not terrible. Disappointingly sober.
Lucy Gray: Do you have food by any chance?
Coryo: Yeah. My super rich boyfriend brought me an extra sandwich earlier.
Lucy Gray: Can I have it?🥺
Coryo: Sure. I’m willing to trade it for a song.
Lucy Gray: Snow On The Beach?
Coryo: You know it, Bestie~.😌
Sejanus: Marcus~! Hey, Marcus! It’s me, Sejanus!😀
Marcus: *Still in denial* Who’s Marcus? I’m not Marcus.
Sejanus: Oh, c’mon! We literally met at the train station the other day!
Marcus: That wasn’t me.
Sejanus: I’m pretty sure it was you.
Marcus: Nope. Never met you before.
Sejanus: Stop lying, Marcus! I even introduced you to my gorgeous boyfriend!
Marcus: Nah, bro. That was a different Marcus, from a different District 2.
Sejanus: But- but there’s only one District 2?!😭
Festus: Yo, Carl! Carl from District 4, remember me?😀
Coral: Ugh! It’s Coral, stupid!
Festus: Well, whatever. Wanna go steal some food from the school kitchen?
Coral: Are we even allowed-
Festus: Never stopped me and my friends before. So you in?
Coral: Sure. Why not. Lead the way.
Persephone: What’s your favorite food?
Mizzen: Weird question, but fish, I guess? And you?
Persephone: Maid stew.
Mizzen: You mean meat stew, right?
Persephone: Sure! Maid stew is the best and cheapest meat in today’s market.
Mizzen: You mean meat stew, right?!
Persephone: *grins* If that’s what you want to hear.😈
Mizzen: Are you a canni-
Persephone: Wanna taste my homemade “beef” jerky?😀
Lysistrata: Hi, Jessup! It’s me! The Great Lizzie Vickers!
Jessup: Yo, Vitamin Girl, do you have more of those sugar pills you gave me the other day?
Lysistrata: Oh, those pills? That would be 4 cabbages and 2 cans of beans, please.🙂
Jessup: I thought you gave them to me for free?!
Lysistrata: Free? In this economy?!
Livia: If you haven’t heard of me before, I feel so sorry for you. So sorry.🙄💅
Facet: Slow down, girlie. We haven’t even introduced ourselves.
Livia: Fine. I’m Livia Cardew and my mama runs the biggest bank in Panem. And you?
Facet: I’m Facet the fantastic fashionista of District 1.
Livia: A fashionista?! What’s your favorite color?
Facet: Girl, hot pink is the only valid color in Panem.
Livia: Omg! I totally agree with you, bestie!
Facet: Do you like shopping?
Livia: Like?! I love shopping!
Facet: Heels or flats?😏
Livia: Heels forever!
Facet: Feathers or leather?
Livia: I live and breathe for both.
Facet: Girl, same.
Livia: You’re officially my new best friend. Let’s get out of here and go ✨shopping✨!
Facet: Lead the way, bestie!
Palmyra: Do you like tomato soup?
Velvereen: Yeah?
Palmyra: Do you want to try my homemade tomato soup?
Velvereen: Umm. . . Why does your “homemade” soup looks so weird?
Palmyra: It’s totally normal. I made it myself.
Velvereen: Girl, I’m gonna be honest with you.
Palmyra: Sure! I love honesty.😀
Velvereen: Your soup smells like rat poison.
Palmyra: It’s just for aesthetics.
Velvereen: I’m not sure-
Palmyra: Oh, don’t be scared! Do you want to try it or not?
Velvereen: *Sweats nervously* Is it fresh?
Palmyra: Define ✨fresh✨.
Felix: Hi, my name is-
Dill: Oh, please don’t tell me you’re a stupid Ravinstill!
Felix: Wha- Why?!
Dill: I would rather die than be mentored by one of President Ravinstill’s family members!
Felix: Oh.☹️
Dill: So are you?!😠
Felix: A Ravinstill?! Nope. Never. We’re not even related.
Dill: Prove it!
Felix: My name’s Philip Raven’s Bill and I’m just an ordinary law abiding citizen!
Dill: Raven’s Bill? That sounds fake-
Felix: I swear I’m Philip Raven’s Bill. Just ask the Dean.
Dill: Ok? *turns to Casca* Yo, Dean, is my mentor Philip Raven’s Bill?
Casca: Yeah! You got a problem with that?!
Dill: Oh, thank the heavens! My prayers have been answered!
Felix: So-
Dill: You’re now my new best friend, Philip!
Felix: *sweats nervously* Sure, Dill.
Clemensia: Hi. I’m your Mentor.
Reaper: *Glares* Are you normal?
Clemensia: Pretty much.
Reaper: Oh, thank Panem! Thank you, Panem! I got the normal one! The normal one! *starts happy dancing*
Clemensia: Sh*t. I got the weird one.
Florus: Sabyn, is it?
Sabyn: Yeah. And you?
Florus: Florus Friend, at your service-
Sabyn: Let me guess, your parents are a bunch of wealthy gardeners, who are secretly disappointed with you.
Florus: Dammit! How did you know?!
Sabyn: Honestly, just look at you.
Florus: Ughhh! I need to call my therapist!😩🔪
Sabyn: Sign me up too.
Io: Hi. My name is Io Jasper-
Circ: Are you smart?
Io: Yeah.
Circ: How smart?
Io: I can create a mini nuclear missile with a 2B pencil.😊
Circ: Marry me! Please, marry me!
Urban: *Bored AF* So Teslee, tell me, what’s your talent?
Teslee: Hacking.
Urban: You know how to hack?!😀 That’s quite amazing-
Teslee: Hacking your loser ass, you stupid ass nerd!😂
Urban: *flips the table* F*ck this!
Casca: *walks in* That’s another demerit for you, Mr. Turban!
Urban: It’s Urban! Dammit!🤬🔪
Dennis: Hey, Hy. I’m Dennis.
Hy: *coughs* Hi. I’m dying.
Dennis: You’re dying?! But we just met?!
Hy: Asthma is a b*tch.
Dennis: Asthma?! In this era?! I’m calling my doctor!
Hy: I think the Tributes are not allowed to-
Dennis: It’s fine! My doctor works at the Black Market.
Hy: Works where?!
Dennis: It’s totally legal, bro.😉
Iphigenia: Hi, Soul! I’m-
Sol: It’s Sol.
Iphigenia: Sal!😀
Sol: Sol.
Iphigenia: Ok.
Sol: I’m hungry.
Iphigenia: Ok.
Sol: Are you gonna feed me or what?
Iphigenia: Of course! I even bought a truck load of doughnuts just for you!
Sol: You what?!
Iphigenia: And here’s a basket of grapes and oranges-
Sol: Where the heck did you even harvest these?!
Iphigenia: And here’s a box of chicken nuggets and chocolates-
Sol: Slow down-
Iphigenia: And here’s a large bag of garlic fries and-
Sol: Are you the food fairy?!
Apollo: Hello, sunshine! I’m your-
Otto: Can I pet your hair?
Apollo: Sure!😀
Otto: It’s so smooth and fluffy.
Apollo: Thanks!☺️
Otto: What did you use to make it so soft?
Apollo: My dog’s shampoo!😊
Otto: Your dog’s what?!
Diana: Hello, moonshine! I’m Dia-
Ginnee: Where’s the booze?
Diana: I think I’m not allowed to-
Ginnee: Give me a bottle of posca and I’ll trade you a secret.
Diana: What kind of secret?😀
Ginnee: A spicy one.
Diana: About who?
Ginnee: About the Tributes.
Diana: Deal!
Vipsania: Hey.
Treech: Hi.
Vipsania: Cool hat, bro.
Treech: Thanks, bro.
Vipsania: You work out?
Treech: Yeah. And you?
Vipsania: Every single day, bro.
Treech: Cool. Me too.
Vipsania: Wanna skip this boring meeting and go to the gym, bro?
Treech: Sure. Lead the way, bro.
Pup: Hi. I’m your Mentor-
Lamina: *starts crying*
Pup: My name is Pliny.😀
Lamina: *is still crying*
Pup: But my friends call me Pup!
Lamina: Like a puppy?
Pup: Yes. That’s right!
Lamina: Can I have a puppy?🥺
Pup: I- I’m not sure if that’s allowed-
Lamina: *starts crying again* But I want to pet a cute puppy!😭
Pup: I told you that you’re not allowed-
Lamina: *is now wailing like a madman* Give me the cute puppy!!
Pup: *starts panicking* Apollo! Yo, Apollo Ring, help a brother out!
Apollo: what’s the problem, bro?
Pup: Let my Tribute pet you.
Apollo: Pet me? Oh, sure. No problem, bro!😊
Lamina: A puppy! I’m so happy! *starts petting Apollo’s head*
Pup: Yup. Problem solved.
Juno: Hello, peasant Bobby. I’m-
Bobbin: It’s Bobbin.
Juno: Whatever. I don’t care. I’m royalty.
Bobbin: Royalty?! Are you a Ravinstill?!
Juno: Better. I’m a Phipps!😎
Bobbin: A what?
Juno: A Phipps! The most ancient and noble family in all of Panem!
Bobbin: I still don’t get it.
Juno: Ughhh! I’m surrounded by stupid peasants.🙄💅
Hilarius: Hello, fellow human.
Wovey: What’s your name?
Hilarius: Umm. . . Don’t laugh. It’s Hilarius.
Wovey: Ok. I won’t laugh. So what is it?
Hilarius: I already told you.
Wovey: No, you didn’t.
Hilarius: Yes, I did. It’s Hilarius.
Wovey: What’s hilarious?
Hilarius: My name!
Wovey: Seriously, what’s your real name?
Hilarius: Hilarius!
Wovey: Are you joking right now?
Hilarius: Ughhh! Fine. You can call me Hilari.
Wovey: Hillary?! Now that’s hilarious!🤣
Gaius: Yo! You’re Pablo, right?😀
Panlo: It’s PAN. LO! P. A. N. L. O. Panlo!
Gaius: Like the bread?!
Panlo: Exactly!
Gaius: Can I call you “Bread Boy” instead?
Panlo: No.
Gaius: Pretty please?🥺
Panlo: No!
Gaius: Oh, c’mon, Pablo! Bread Boy is the perfect stage name.
Panlo: If you want me to die from embarrassment!
Gaius: But think about that sweet sweet money, Bread Boy.
Panlo: I do love money.
Gaius: And fame!
Panlo: Fine! But make sure I get more than half of the shares.
Gaius: No problem, Pablo-
Panlo: It’s Panlo.
Gaius: Whatever you say, Panini.
Androcles: Hi! My name is Andie. I’m a Kleptomaniac and I like to steal stuff.
Sheaf: You like to what?!
Androcles: Sh*t! That came out wrong. Can I try again?
Sheaf: Umm. . . Sure?
Androcles: Ok. Deep breath. Don’t be weird. She’s just a girl.
Sheaf: I’m ready when you are?
Androcles: *exhales* Hi! My name is Andie and I’m a proud delinquent- Sh*t! That came out wrong again!
Sheaf: It’s ok. Take all the time that you need. I’m just here to help.
Androcles: Ok. Let’s try again. Hi! My name is Andie and I stole the President’s dog once.😀
Sheaf: You stole a dog?! You monster!
Androcles: Ughhh! Why am I failing so bad?! What is wrong with me?!
Sheaf: Maybe you’re just nervous because I’m pretty?
Androcles: Nah, bro. Felix, Coryo, and Clemmie are prettier.
Sheaf: Well, it was worth a try. So take four?
Androcles: Yeah. I think I’m ready.
Sheaf: Ok. Go!
Androcles: Hi, Tribute! My name is Andie and my mom blackmails people for a living- Nevermind. I give up.
Sheaf: How about you let me introduce myself first?
Androcles: I’m cool with that.
Sheaf: Alright. Here we go. Hello, Andie! My name is Sheaf and I like to dance for money- Sh*t! That came out wrong.
Androcles: Yep. I think we’re doomed.
Domitia: Hello, Tanner. How’s the-
Tanner: You know my name?
Domitia: A little birdie told me.
Tanner: Brandy was right! I shouldn’t have trusted Lucy Gray!
Domitia: Lucy Gray didn’t snitch on you. Brandy did.
Tanner: What?! Why?!
Domitia: I gave her a big slice of my family’s premium ham.
Tanner: That little snitch! When I get my hands on that neck-
Domitia: Tanner, do you like cows?
Tanner: Yeah. I slaughter them from time to time. Why? You like cows?
Domitia: I’m a Whimsiwick! My whole family loves cows!
Tanner: A Whimsiwick?! You’re that famous but crazy Dairy Heiress?!
Domitia: Yup! That’s me!
Tanner: My whole District practically works for you! I work for you!
Domitia: That’s true!
Tanner: That’s great! You’re rich!
Domitia: Do you want to see my exclusive dairy cow collection?😀
Tanner: Are you single?
Arachne: I can’t believe that I have to introduce myself-
Brandy: Where’s my sandwich, little girl.
Arachne: You rude little sh*t! I’m still talking-
Brandy: Are you gonna cry home to mommy?
Arachne: Shut up, farmer!
Brandy: Oh, don’t be such a whiny loser, circus freak.
Arachne: How dare you call me that! You’re the loser, you District scum!
Brandy: Is that all you’ve got, you certified Capitol b*tch!
Arachne: Oh, you just crossed the line, you dirty animal!
Brandy: You pampered little banshee!
Arachne: You impoverish ugly creature from the sewers!
Brandy: You-
Casca: Oi! That’s enough insults for today. You’re embarrassing yourselves in front of Panem.
Arachne: She started it!
Brandy: Yes, I did.
Casca: And both of you may continue tomorrow.
Arachne: Fine!
Brandy: Whatever.🙄
Casca: Also, Brandy won this round.
Arachne: Dammit!
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the-salem-devil · 2 years
How about we keep it simple and sweet and get a first time with Hunter? ❤️❤️❤️
between the wild kinks and people thirsting over possessed!Hunter in my inbox (IM GETTING TO THOSE I SWEAR) we could use something simple and sweet, but prepare your eyes for some unholy in the near future lovely 😀✨
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(My sattles… ✨W A I T I NG✨ cum and, jump on it 😉✨)
I pressed closer to Hunter, humming softly and pressing another kiss to his lips, the plushness of his bed underneath the both of you a welcomed comfort after the rough days both of you had experienced.
He tried to push even closer to me, clinging more than usual, I just laugh slightly and give him another kiss, he kisses you back with a bit more pressure, more heat trapped in between both your lips.
It took me by surprise, he wasn’t usually like this, his touches gentle and chaste, but this was hotter, smouldering in a way that contrasted his usual warm swiftness.
“[…].. I-I..” He muttered in a breathless voice, cutting himself off with hot kisses, and then I felt the weight on my leg, where he was pressed against.
It set a low, simmering flame alight in my stomach, I’ve wanted this with Hunter for awhile now, and judging by the way he pressed against me, kissed me like he was trying to melt into me, he wanted it too.
I decided to be daring, wrapping my legs around his hips and pushing until his back hit the bed and I’m laying on top, never breaking the kiss until he gasps in delighted shock.
I take the moment to breathe, hovering near his lips, “is this okay?” I ask breathlessly and he grabs onto my arms, not nearly enough to hurt but tighter than normal, “Yes, yes, please..”
His plea, edging on desperate, gives me confidence, enough to lean back until I’m seated on top of him, and oh is he a sight to behold.
The blonde hair on his head is ruffled slightly, his pupils blown wide and a flush colouring his face almost entirely red, his lips, kissed red and almost raw looking, are parted as he stares up at me adoringly.
I take the bottom of my shirt, tugging until it swoops off me, he’s seen me without a shirt on, we’ve snuggled skin to skin, but this feels different.
His eyes are laser focused on me, like I’m the centre of the universe and he’s getting sucked in, his eyes roam over my form but I don’t feel disrespected, worship filling his dark magenta eyes, “You’re so pretty..”
I flush even deeper, and it travels down my neck bared to his view, and it turns slightly towards embarrassment as I shuffle off my pants, lacking the grace I was hoping for, but he didn’t mind.
Reaching for his shirt, I meet his eyes in a silent request, and I felt the way he tensed underneath me silently, so I patiently rubbed my thumb on his hip as he thought about it, before he nodded and I finally removed the shirt.
Hunter had body issues, but I planned on removing any of those.
“Ah, […]..” He called my name as I pulled down his pants, pure smoulder takes over his eyes, and it makes me squirm slightly, “Hunter..”
His hips buckled slightly, and the thin pieces of fabric that separates us feels like too much, we meet eyes, we’ve never needed words with each other, we know each others limits, our likes and dislikes, our emotions with a single glance, and that contact is enough to make my shuffle off my last pieces of fabric, leaving me completely bared.
He follows suit, “L-Lets take it slow, okay?” His voice is high, plagued with pure desire that made it extremely hard to take it slow, but I give him a small, affirmative kiss.
I take it slow, lifting myself up, never breaking eye contact, as he slowly starts to slip inside of me, he lets out something between a gasp and a whine, his hands gripping my hips, not controlling but resting.
“Ah.. ah.. oh..” Soft noises escape him when I sink further, matching my own as I hold onto his arms, careful to not squeeze too tight, but I know he can feel the way I clench around him, the gasping moans he lets out a good indication.
When I finally rest against him, he’s gasping for air, breathless in pleasure as his eyes go hooded, staring at me like a gift from the titan himself, “Ah, ah, […], I-I love you, so much.”
Warmth fills me, not like the all-consuming fire that’s growing in my stomach, something sweeter and lighter, “I love you too, Hunter.”
I lift up slightly, taking my time as I find a steady rhythm that leaves us panting.
My finish builds fast, my stomach tightening as my legs squeeze around his hips, and I know he’s close too, his resolve to keep still finally breaking when his hips start bucking into me with delicious pumps.
Our moans melt together in a heated melody, each other’s names whispered like prayers, and when I seat myself entirely on him again, I feel closer than I’ve felt to my lover in awhile, connected.
He squeezes my hips, finally releasing, the tight coil in his muscles giving out as the heat consumes him, and he eagerly melts into the bed, and I collapse on top of him after I follow suit, gasping in his scent with each breath.
“P-Please tell me we can do that again some other time, […].”
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lover4st · 2 years
what would you do 😀 if i snuck into your 😀 bathroom 😀 while you were showering 😀 and i sniffed 😀 your dirty undies 😀 what would you do 😀
you a little freaky...
“What would you do, if I snuck into your bath, while you were showering, and I sniffed your dirty undies? What would you do?” Eddie yelled all the way from the end table he was leaning on in the living room.
“What the fuck?!” Dustin screeched from the couch.
So, Eddie has a nasty habit of saying the weirdest things with no filter. And he has gotten comfortable enough to say them literally anywhere. And sometimes they weren’t even of that variety. They were just blatantly weird.
You are in the store? “Babe, would you still love me if I was a worm?”
Dressing room? “Hey, do you put some sort of air freshener in your bra? Because I swear it always smells so good. Even before I’m about to put it in the wash.”
With your parents? “What is the weirdest animal that you would let me take home?”
It never bothers you. You always answer, no matter what it is. But not today. Especially not in front of your friends. And the kids.
“Eddie! People are here!” You yelled from the kitchen. How does he always come up with these fucking questions?
“Wait, wait. Wait. Hold up,” Robin was exiting the bathroom of the new house you and Eddie were trying to pay for. “What do you mean people are here? Does he normally ask this?” Her face looked traumatized. She has never looked more concerned or scared of a conversation than this one.
The room went silent. You were still focusing up on finishing the meal you were preparing for the group. And you were expecting Eddie to answer the question for you. He is the one who got you in this mess. He better get you out.
“Hello? Have all of you went brain dead?” She was looking around the room looking at everyone who was there. Max, Steve, Dustin, and Eddie.
Max was sitting there chillaxing and living her best life, while confusingly looking up from her book. Steve was holding a tiny D&D figure that you painted because you were bored one day and just picked them up at a store and bought some paints and brushes. And Eddie was now standing fully up with his hands behind his back slowly trying to walk away.
“I want an answer!” The lesbian said while looking at you and throwing her head to look and Eddie a second later. The curly haired man opened the door and said a final thing before he dodged this conversation.
“No comment.”
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ssamorganhotchner · 1 year
I'm normally quite a silent tumblr user but I felt it was important for me to tell you how much we all value your talent and appreciate so much that you choose to share it with us. It truly is a privilege to read, and yours specifically is a blog I come back to when having a shit day knowing that even your silly little horny on main posts about Aaron are enough to put a smile on my face and cause me to giggle. I'm hesitant in writing my own content but you and the community are inspiration enough to maybe start. Both your writing and personality are so enchanting, NEVER CHANGE BABE XX
Lots of love from a proud anon, sending you all the love i can possibly hold !!! xx
ps no one else's writing turns me on like yours.
oh my goodness anon 😭🩷 stooppppp i don’t even know how to respond to this. the love and encouragement you all have given me is insane & idk how i’ll ever be able to thank you properly for it.
i started writing for a smut prompt one day for kinktober and had so much fun i never looked back. it is a blast to write and share with all of you. i don’t think I’m the greatest but y’all’s compliments and encouragement go such a long way. im still writing though i haven’t published in a while, but im close to being done with one now so it’ll be out soon ◡̈
i am so glad y’all love the ‘horny on main’ posts bc I swear i thought people would hate that & be so annoyed. I have an nsfw hotch blog for that reason alone (@hotchners-sweetheart) but always forget to post my ✨thots✨ on there 😭🤣 so thank you bc you’ll be seeing more 😀
if you feel comfortable one day, you should absolutely write something, but remember only write for yourself and no one else. if you choose to publish it and let us read, by all means we will eat it up. writing is super intimidating at first but if you’re writing for yourself, i promise it’s worth it in the long run. 🩷
AND WHAT YOU SAID ABOUT MY WRITING TURNING YOU ON?! plz there are so many talented hotch writers out there that is such a compliment to me 🥺 we do not slut shame around here, we encourage it 😈
thank you again for your kind words, i really have no idea what i do for this but you all are so sweet and kind to me 😭🥺
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z-exo-l · 11 months
Cream Soda First Impression
As usual, audio first.
Oop! Kindaa…cbx? KYUNGSOO! Omg YES Sehun! Minnie???
…stop. I can’t!!!
I *love* the lower tones they’re playing with. Go rapline!
GET IT UP??? …Is that Jongin??? Sehun??? What???
…??? Kyungsoo??? What are you doing up there??? Did Kyungsoo just take the final high chorus while Baek took the ad libs what is this world we’re living in???
Okay. Visual now.
Okay, aesthetic ish opening.
!!! Sorry, Kyungsoo’s face just threw me back.
Oh my god, center Junmyeon? 😃
Go Sehun, go Sehun!! 😄
Minseok is such a chameleon, oh my god.
CENTER JONGDAE???? I’m living for this! Still hate that jacket though babe.
Btw I’m not especially commenting on the innuendos in these lyrics, I’m just gonna say that 1, these are grown ass men and we should normalize these kinds of songs. And 2, the *nerve* to rate this age 12!
You know, Sehun is fucking eating it rn, and I *get* that people miss Jongin, but please don’t ignore how well osh’s doing this sexy choreo. Good chorus honey!! 👏🏻
Now then. !!! GODDAMNIT KYUNGSOO STOP THAT!! THE LYRICS! BAEKSOO! (You know if you say baeksoo really fast it sounds like a sneeze! Sorry! My brain did its thing. 😅 Blame him!)
Jongdaaae oh my go—CHANSOO CHESS!
HOLY FUCK MINS— KYUNGSOO I TOLD YOU TO STOP IT HE’S DOING CHOREO IN THE SEXY OUTFIT! HE’S DOING CHOREO IN THE SEXY OUTFIT!!! I’m so sorry Minnie, you look gorgeous, that’s what rewind is for! These LYRICS!!! I didn’t need kms saying Yum Yum!
You know? I can see why they were exhausted with the dance practice. This beast needs stamina and we’re only half done. 😬
YEEES SEXY JUNMYEON with the voice, and you are KILLING it in these silks!!! Wait… 😑 I’m getting real tired of ksoo and his cleavage stealing my focus! Aww, poor baby’s hips are awful stiff 😅
Yeeees go Baekhyun! 😍 That outfit I swear to go—GET A LEASH ON HIS MAN WHY IS KYUNGSOO PULLING SO MUCH SUPPORT??? He’s *never* near the center this much!!! 😶 Ngl, I feel teased w that partial shot of Baek before the body rolls could commence.
?? Hello. Who are you?? 😑 No one was talking to you Chanyeol, stop that!
OH MY GOD IT IS KAI!!!! I’m so glad to hear him, even for a little bit!! 😭😭😭
Whaaatchya doin there Junmyeon? 😀 I feel like the mv is going TAME and letting the lyrics do the literal dirty work. Oh my GOD this man and his silks!!!
!!!You expect poor Ksoo to sing chorus with THIS choreo???
THAT’S JUST RUDE Baeksoo tag team!
Baekhyn you cocky bastard…
Of *course* give Jongin the dirty lyric w out music so we can completely hear EVERYTHING.
……………Okay, I’m sorry. Am I the only one who thinks between all their pair ups in the mv and the disheveled looks they had at the end (from the wild choreo no doubt) the way Kyungsoo and Baekhyun are walking down the stairs looks like they just fucked and had a really good time doing it?
CENTER AND VOCAL SEHUUUN! …And as if he’s slapping me in the face, Kyungsoo looking all sweaty goDDAMN!!!
OHHH Firework logo!!! OMG!!! Was the clock stuff in the other mvs related to New Years??? And turning back time??? ….my brain hurts.
Can I say, I can see why Baek gave Kyungsoo a shout out for the choreo on twitter. He was putting in WORK!!!
Omg, I’m so giddy, but I have to listen to the album before I can rb stuff! Off to do that.
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mari-lair · 1 year
☀️, for the ask game
☀️ Has anyone ever left you a comment that made your day? What did it say?
I had a few, but recently only yours come to mind! You went into so many details, and paid so much attention, it got me writing proudly like Nene with her diary.
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I worked on the chapter as if I was speedrunning the day I got it, even finished that week! And i still re-read it when I need motivation. I'm determined to make the next chapter long!
And here is what the comment said:
[so, uh, i may or may not have forgotten to comment on this for half a month… well, to compensate for my lateness i’ve decided to write my thoughts on this chapter in excruciating detail because i’m actually very normal (i swear)
1. THEY SHAKED HANDS… OH MY GOD… look it may not seem like much but when you think about it hand shaking is pretty much just hand holding with extra steps, so basically they just held hands (good for them!!!)
2. aka’s relationship with mirai is. so much to me. AND DRAWING PARALLELS TO TERU AND TIARA’S RELATIONSHIP… LITERALLY RATTLING MY CAGE BARS SO HARD AT THIS!!! also them agreeing that teru’s a piece of crap is so iconic fr
3. aka offering for teru to braid his hair is so damn telling of how theyre slowly but surely getting closer and starting to trust each other a bit and i just. AAAHHDJFJFJFJFJFJFFJAJSKDKKD. THIS IS DRIVING ME INSANE /POS
4. omg i remember when i was looking at one of the wips and i was like ‘wait op isn’t gonna pull a chapter 26 right…’ and i am SO GLAD that i dodged apollo’s dodgeball there because i’d probably cry if that happened
5. ‘wiggling around like a pathetic worm’ is such a Sentence™ and now it’ll be forever ingrained in my mind, i bet ten dollars i’m gonna end up quoting that like five times in a row while knowing damn well that nobody’s gonna fully understand me
6. aka’s reaction to teru being taller than him is so comically paradigmatic of their relationship like damn, i’m gonna go sit in a corner and think about that for a while gimme a few okay (and by ‘a few’ i mean the next few YEARS)
7. the part where teru ruffles aka’s hair and notices how cold it is OH MY GOD AJSKJDKDKFKF???? i think i’ll have to change that from a few years to a few decades… may or may not have led me down a rabbit hole of thoughts on aka’s lack of humanity ngl 😳😳😳 i’m like 2 seconds away from writing a small essay about it someone needs to either stop me or encourage me right now
8. ‘it was as if growing up made teru lose his survival instincts’… HEY, WHAT DOES THIS MEAN 😀 is it because he eventually falls in love with aka… i know what you are, teru 🤨📸 BUT ALSO WHAT IF IT’S SOMETHING ELSE okay i don’t know what else it could be atm but whatever it is i have a feeling it would not be good
9. tbh… i’m becoming a rita stan (i said, not even having the faintest idea of what she looks like because i can’t imagine people for the life of me) wait actually. you should draw her /nf… if you don’t do it first then i’ll just have to draw her myself ig
10. TERU CALLING AKA BY HIS NAME. TERU GETTING GENUINELY WORRIED FOR AKA. i am going to lock myself in my dryer and never come out omg i’m going to cry this is so important to me i’m never gonna dance again because of this
11. the way he’s starting to care about aka… i’m literally going to cry… god the way you write character dynamics and development is literally going to make me rip my eyes out IT’S SO GOOD AJKDDJKDKDFK. and the way he was denying it so hard too 😭😭 it’s like, he’s trying so much to convince himself that he doesn’t care about aka and i just,,, IT’S SO. YK
12. this is like. stage one: Denial™, yk. like he says and does all these things to try and distract from how he actually feels, HE OVERCOMPENSATES SO MUCH LMAO, idk how to articulate it but this is going to be the death of me, i was just waiting for him to realize just how much he cares deep down yk… actually this entire fic is just killing me to death tbh
14. and then of course he tries to pin the blame on aka, like he’s just doing everything in his power to deny his feelings lmaoo, that’s literally so in character for him… like who’s gonna tell him about friendship /j, btw this fic is stabbing me cesear-style rn
15. AND THEN THE ENDING OH MY GOD… NOW THAT’S HOW YOU END A CHAPTER FR!! i am currently going to explode with anticipation for the next chapter, i’m actually never going to shut up about this fic tbh
i don’t really know a good way to finish this small essay of a comment off, so i’ll just quote something i texted to a friend while in the middle of writing this: ‘i fink that fic may have ruined me tbh but it’s too radballs for me to go back now’. i think that adequately summarizes my thoughts on this tbh
so uh yeah!!! thanks for reading exactly 895 words of me incoherently rambling about this fic, next time i’m going to make a google slides presentation /j but seriously i love this fic so much and i can’t wait to see where it goes next!]
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getoswhore · 2 years
Soooo. I just had a dream! And apparently, it’s not normal. We’re gonna see if I have another one. Also I got Spotify premium. I’m so proud of myself. 🥰
How are you? Are you doing okay? Do you need anything? The most I can do is send cute bunny photos, but bunny photos help. I also have cute little chino photos I made of me. And…sorry I wanna talk to someone…Chemistry is boring and I’m hating it. But I gotta get it done. 🥲
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There you go with cute photos of me. The top one(first) is the most accurate ngl.
…I swear I read back and it’s so narcissistic 😀, I promise I’m not like this in real life. Like Jesus me.
OOOU TELL ME THE DREAM!1!1 i wanna know :| i love looking into peoples dreams, i love that sm, like the meanings or just little future hints of life or past life :p
but m doing well! just got back from a wild peacock farm!! was feeding them and talking to the babies :((( they are so ugly ODMELDLSOX but cute but still soooo ugly <3333 yknow???? and this old guy gave us some albino peacock feathers which are RLLY PRETTY AND BIG. soso pretty and nice of him <3333 hope you're doing well!1!2!
also those are so cute! i love the purple hair sm, i think it suits you rlly well <333 i like the right one a lot too!! it's supaaaa cute with the leedle kitty :((
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bigshotspambot · 2 years
Ok I’m finally making proper tags + some rules
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This is kinda my first blog so it’s a WIP (we learning things every day)
WELCOME!! This is where I post a lot of Spamton NEO stuff :) Primarily drawings, but sometimes animated content, writing, and audio. It’s also usually x reader content. (I Just think he’s Neat .)
I’m slow at asks and might not answer all of them but I do still read and appreciate them!
Also, please keep any asks/interactions with this blog SFW-ish (nothing explicit) and respectful please👍 swearing is ok
Please don’t tag my stuff from here as nsfw! Some posts (tagged with the 🔥 emoji) may be mildly suggestive/romantic, but nothing is implying sexual content. Still, I would be most comfortable if this was at least a 15+ space
I try my best to sort things content-wise, so tags can be found below! (Heads up here are a lot)
SNEO’s design reference sheet here!
Another (Slightly outdated) sneo ref post
ALL ART. Idk why I didn’t make this sooner lol
#💛I LOVE YOU WITH ALL MY [HeartShapedObject]
Comfort and fluff :) can be platonic or romantic. (But I might be a bit biased towards romantic) it’s also a pretty sfw tag just full of wholesome stuff
#👤UP CLoSe AND [Personnel]
Self inserts! Yes.
The self insert character is intended to represent everyone (as well as the original requester if there was one.) but yea it’s just a place to imagine yourself in. Open ended
This goes for all art/content like POVs too, just imagine whatever you want
#🔥 WOAH!?!!!? [HotSingle] IN YOUR AREA ?!?!!????!
Slightly suggestive/flirty content, but usually pretty tame. There will be no NSFW or any implied NSFW on this blog
Feel absolutely free to mute this tag if you aren’t comfortable with it. WORDS LIKE HOT/SEXY WILL SOMETIMES BE USED BUT PROBABLY NOTHING WORSE THAN THAT
#[BIGGer and BETTeR] THaN EV3R!!
Content where Sneo is LARGE . Larger Than Usual. Fanon height where he's like 50-100 feet tall. It’s normal. Don’t worry about it
Content that might be anxiety provoking and SCARY... so mute it if u don’t like that!
Self insert POV (usually with perspective) 😀idk why I made a tag for this I am messed up.
ASMR-ish audios of sneo :) includes short and extended versions
#❓ASK TO YOUR [Beating Heart’s] CONTENT
Responding to asks! Feel free to share ideas for requests, but I may or may not do them. It’s a very on and off thing. Thanks for understanding ❤️
Also I’m sorta shy sometimes and I’m bad at answering them in a timely fashion but I DO READ THEM . So thank you
#☎️ …IT’S FOR YOU!
Basically asks but with a drawing attached
Cool drawings from nice people :)
Some semi detailed? Text posts of scenarios involving NEO. Not primarily a writer tho
#I’M [$#&%!] MYSELF
Shitposting lol
#All Alone On A ?
Art without a self insert character, usually just Spamton NEO on his own.
My own thoughts, rambling, text posts and stuff.
#WOW THAT’’s SOme [Good $#&%!]
Reblogs. I will probably reblog cool art of sneo or stuff that fits the blog from time to time :)
#QUEUE (this tag is dead lol)
Stuff from asks I want to draw but haven’t gotten around to yet. Will (hopefully) edit the post once I have a drawing ready and reblog it
(I tried💔)
#🎶music attached
Posts with music linked because I usually draw to music. Also some music just really fits him/certain drawings and it’s so mmmm
WIPs (woah….no way)
Thank you for reading and I hope you Enjoy WHATEVER THIS IS :)💛
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catindabag · 11 months
TBOSAS on Crack short take (35)
Felix: Can we all just sit down for a minute? I’m getting kinda nervous.
Androcles: Calm down, Class Pres. We’re just meeting our Tributes.
Clemensia: Yeah. Just treat it like a weird family reunion with a bunch of strangers.
Felix: Don’t say that word! Family reunions are the bane of my existence!😭
Androcles: Your statement’s not helping at all, Clemmie.
Dennis: Yo, guys, are we still going to sing ✨Gem of Panem✨ in front of the Tributes?
Festus: Lol. I hope not. I don’t even remember a word.
Coryo: Can we sing a different song, Class Pres? Our National Anthem might bore them to death.
Felix: Honestly, I forgot about that. Does anybody have a copy? How about you, Andie?
Androcles: Don’t look at me! I only brought popcorn for the show.
Lysistrata: Sharing is caring, Andie~.😊🔪
Coryo: Can we just choose a banned song that our class already knows how to sing?
Apollo: Like what?
Coryo: I don’t know. But it has to be upbeat and catchy-
Dennis: Like “Everytime We Touch” by Cascada?
Sejanus: How about Barbie Girl?😀
Coryo: Yeah! Barbie Girl sounds pretty good, Babe.
Hilarius: I want Barbie Girl too!
Diana: “Everytime We Touch” it is!
Coryo: But Barbie-
Felix: Fine. We can perform Lady Cascada’s iconic song instead.
Apollo: Nice one, Class Pres.
Sejanus: Barbie-
Diana: No.
Hilarius: Barbie Girl!😫
Diana: No!!
Prof.Sickle: *walks in* Children, why are you still standing there like idiots?! Fix your skirts and have some dignity today!
Festus: Can we eat first-
Prof.Sickle: Don’t even think of embarrassing me today, Creed! I’m gunning for that sweet sweet raise!
Urban: Like Highbottom would ever give someone a raise-
Prof.Sickle: Shut it, Turban.
Urban: It’s Urban.
Prof.Sickle: Whatever. The Tributes are here.
Felix: Everyone, get in position!
Treech: *walks in* Wow. This place looks pretty impressive.
Circ: Yeah. Not bad for Capitol idiots.
Teslee: How did they even install so many big ass TV screens inside this hall?
Marcus: Just to be clear, I’m not Marcus today.
Lucy Gray: Where are the cameras? I’m ready for my close-up!😎
Felix: Welcome, Tributes to Heavensbee Hall-
Arachne: Just start the music already, Class Pres!
Felix: Fine! *plays Everytime We Touch*
Androcles: *dramatically grabs the mic* 🎶I still hear your voice when you sleep next to me, I still feel your touch in my dreams🎶
Persephone: *Pretends to beg* 🎶Forgive me my weakness, but I don't know why, Without you, it's hard to survive🎶
Sejanus: *winks and freestyles to Coryo* 🎶Cause every time we touch, I get this feeling, And every time we kiss, I swear I could fly🎶
Coryo: *embarrassed AF, but synchronizes with Sejanus* 🎶Can't you feel my heart beat fast, I want this to last, Need you by my side🎶
Felix: *Charleston dances to the front* 🎶Cause every time we touch, I feel this static, And every time we kiss, I reach for the sky🎶
Festus: *jumps and points at Coral* 🎶Can't you hear my heart beat so, I can't let you go, Want you in my life🎶
*Synchronized Shuffle Dancing Ensues*
Jessup: Why are they singing?!
Coral: Those dance moves though!🤣
Marcus: Can’t I have one normal day?!
Lucy Gray: Shhhh! I wanna watch them dance!
Prof.Sickle: Lol. I’m recording this.
Lucky: You know we’re broadcasting this LIVE on TV, right?
Lysistrata: *kicks her way to the front* 🎶Your arms are my castle, Your heart is my sky, They wipe away tears that I cry🎶
Vipsania: *Pretends to cry* 🎶The good and the bad times, We've been through them all, You make me rise when I fall🎶
Gaius: *Backflips for no reason*
Diana: *Slides to the front* 🎶Cause every time we touch, I get this feeling, And every time we kiss, I swear I can fly🎶
Florus: *Points at a random Peacekeeper* 🎶Can't you feel my heart beat fast, I want this to last, Need you by my side🎶
Casca: *Runs in* Who the f*ck allowed them to sing?!😱
Prof.Sickle: I thought this was your idea.😏
Treech: Is this even part of the program?
Lucy Gray: Shut it, Treech! We’re getting to the good part!
Hilarius: *Moonwalks to the front* 🎶Cause every time we touch, I feel this static, And every time we kiss, I reach for the sky🎶
Livia: *Diva mode* 🎶Can't you hear my heart beat so, I can't let you go, Want you in my life🎶
Felix: *Stops music* So what do you think?😀
Reaper: Is it too late to drive back to the zoo?!😫
Facet: Do another one!
Circ: Was that recorded?!
Lucy Gray: Can somebody give me a copy of their performance?🥺
Coral: I hope my District saw that!
Lucky: I think all of Panem saw that.
Marcus: You don’t say.😒
Casca: Goodbye, farewell, my pristine reputation!😭🔪
Teslee: Can they sing ✨Barbie Girl✨ next?😀
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nekropsii · 2 years
Thoughts on CroTuna? Personally it makes me through up in my mouth every time I see it 😀
Hate it! Hate, hate, hate it so, so very much.
Listen man, I’ve been around on the internet for a while. I was around when what’s considered “proshipping” now was super normalized, especially in the Homestuck fandom. I’ve seen some bad fucking ships. CroTuna is, like, really high up there on the list of worst ships I’ve ever seen. It is INSANELY uncomfortable, and just about the only non-incest, non-pedophilia ship I will instantly block someone over. Absolutely a hard no. No fucking thank you. I just don’t think I can stomach the concept of someone who finds that to be good or shippable being anywhere near me or my content.
I’m not gonna send people anon hate or whatever over it, because quite frankly sending people anon hate is stupid, a waste of my time and energy, and a waste of their time and energy, but god damn that block button is getting hit so fast it’ll break the sound barrier. The amount of people I’ve seen use CroTuna to make fucking Cronus seem like the sympathetic one while Mituna is the person in the wrong is absolutely revolting, and I think that if you think there’s any level of healthiness or salvageability to their dynamic, or refuse to acknowledge the fact that CRONUS IS LITERALLY ABUSING MITUNA, THIS ISN’T ARGUABLE, THIS ISN’T SUBTEXT, IT IS TEXT, you’re going to Hell! You are going to Hell. Don’t touch my blog. I have boundaries and I’m certain that you have your own. Please respect mine. Thank you.
I swear to god. Anyone who likes them as a pairing has completely fucking forgotten what their dynamic was in canon. Stop reading fanfictions that are 30 times removed from reality. Replay the damn Openbounds. If you don’t see how it is an issue, then you’re a part of the problem. I hate it here.
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bloodyke · 2 years
Please tell me the good vampire media, what is it? (I loved vampires a lot growing up but like looking back on the things I watched and read in like elementary and middle school it’s like “Wow that was all so bad What The Fuck 😀?” Like I swear no vampire series that comes out is ever just normal or fun, there’s always something bad or creepy or gross in it and I’m so tired
for starters what we do in the shadows (show and movie) 100% this is exactly what i picture a bunch of immortal freaks to end up acting like in modern times like after living for so long you kinda just become Some Weird Guy that is kinda silly goofy also i am in love with nadia and i also think colin robinson is the funniest character out there
i also really like the original Carmilla novel (1872 one by sheridan le fendu NOT any of the remakes or adaptations those all suck bc they fall into the predatory lesbian trope which notably WASN'T in the book as homosexuality was left subtle and morally ambiguous but never explicitly antagonistic) but be aware of the fact that it was written in 1872 and be cautious of the standard racism/blood libel/etc that exist within every "monster" story from that time period
ofc im saying monster high despite it not being vampire media technically but it has at least 2 vampires in it so it counts
i like the castlevania games (NOT the netflix show that can rot ((except for the first four eps i liked those)) its so bad there are so many added racist things in there not to mention the sexual assualt plotlines added for shock value. its terrible and i hate everyone involved) bc its your classic metroidvania esque game (funfact that genre of games is named after metroid and castlevania itself lmaoo) where 90% you play as a belmont trying to kill dracula like damn this guy AGAIN? how many times do we have to teach you this lesson old man???? and also Alucard (💙) is there being melodramatic and also my favorite character shanoa exists overall very enjoyable games
i also remember enjoying Lost Boys (1987) but i havent seen it in awhile so dont quote me on that one being good vampire media i just remembered it being funny
i have an extremely shitty memory so these are all i can come up with on the spot but im sure i will remember more later and add onto this bc i have consumed A LOT of vampire content in my day
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