#I’d like to think it’s America’s funniest home videos
mfdragon · 1 year
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TV time part 2! ✨
After rewatching the show again, I felt like making a sequel piece to my first proper SU fanart.
And this time I added ALL my faves!!!
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rhysdarbinizedarby · 2 months
‘Night Court’ – ‘The Duke’s a Hazard’ Post-Mortem Interview with Rhys Darby
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NIGHT COURT -- "The Duke's a Hazard" Episode 212 -- Pictured: Rhys Darby as Alistair -- (Photo by: Nicole Weingart/NBC)
Rhys Darby is an accomplished actor and comedian that has graced many a popular and iconic franchise with his many skills in both arenas, and this week… he graced another. For Rhys played Alistair, the refined love of one Donna ‘Gurgs’ Gurganous on this week’s episode of Night Court on NBC, and we had the distinct honor of sitting down with Rhys to discuss all things, Night Court.
John Betancourt: I would love to start off by getting to know what it was that attracted you to the character of Alistair?
Rhys Darby: Well, I know the show, Night Court, watched it as a kid with my mum, have fond memories, and she passed a while ago. So, I felt like “I've got to do this, I want to do this for mum, because we used to watch the show together back in the day.” And the character, I can easily fit into those shoes. It's someone who's a posh Duke, that is a little bit clueless, looks down their nose at people but needs to try to fit in and needs to learn how to be bit more human. So those are all those kinds of traits that I like playing, I find the comedy that comes from that character is well within my wheelhouse. So, I decided to do it.
John Betancourt: Something I’ve noticed about Night Court that I think is wonderful, is how the quirks of every guest star are fully fleshed out in every episode. How did you as an actor bring those to life and make them feel so real?
Rhys Darby: I think that's the key with comedy is, make it look realistic. Because as soon as -- you can kind of over accentuate things to a degree, but it's got to be believable. And when you go past that line of believability, you don't relate. And I think it's finding that right line and kind of swaying and playing on that line. And that's where you get the physical comedy. You know, people in general don't necessarily, aren't necessarily hilarious when they're doing something physical. Unless well, certainly when, unless it's done by accident, in which case you do that thing where you laugh at someone and then you go, “Oh, I shouldn't have.” But you know, it's one of the reasons America's Funniest Home Videos was such a huge hit. But it's kind of like trying to find a grounded, slightly grounded character that is also an open buffoon. And you've got to fit the tone right of the show. And once I started working with the cast, I’d already seen some episodes of the new Night Court. So, I knew what the what the vibe was. And it's always been silly. So, it's always been like, a touch out of touch of reality. And that's my favorite type of comedy. So, it was it was easy to fit in.
John Betancourt: Now you’ve spent a lot of your career working in single camera shows, but you have done multi-cam. What do you have to do as an actor to prepare for that kind of shift?
Rhys Darby: Yeah, I forgot a little bit because I've done multi-cam a few years ago, I forgot how many times the script changes. So, I’d turn up at the beginning of the week, and like, start learning the lines. And then the next day, it's changed, the next day it’s changed again. So, by halfway through the week, I was like “Right, forget the lines. Just concentrate on being funny.” (Laughter) And the other, the other part of it so yeah, so prep isn't a big one. It's really kind of like, the fun of nailing the two different parts of it, which are the prerecorded pieces, which I had fun, I was able to do some improv in, so the subway scene. And then, and then there was a couple of other scenes, but there's that side of it. And then there's the completely opposite side where you've got an audience and you're performing in front of a crowd.
So, it's the best of both worlds. And I kind of kind of forgot, I think I kind of forgot that some stuff is recorded. And I was like, “Okay, we've got to learn this like a play.” And you don't. So, on the night, you also get a few takes, you know, and the crowd loves it when you guys change it up, when the writers come in and go “Try this line. Try that line.” So, yeah there’s fun to be had. And I can see why multi-cams are still a thing because it's a real coming together of all of these different kinds of features, to including the audience, that are that are participating in and helping create the final product and making this classic American art form. So, I think it's cool.
John Betancourt: So, I have to ask, how much of that improv stayed in the final cut?
Rhys Darby: There were some pieces, yeah. There were some… I have to have another look at it. But definitely in the subway scene when I took my coat off, and it fell on the ground. And then I just said something about “That's gone, we have to burn it.” That was all made up. There was probably another little piece that I had with Dave Foley, when we're having the dinner table all sorted, we're having little cups of tea, when he came in. And then stylistically I just chose how I was going to walk and how I was going to look, give my looks to the actors. And I changed that up every time as well. So, there was for, for a show that you know, for multi-cam, that definitely don't allow too much improv, there was certainly… the director was open to letting me have a few, do a few extra “Darby Takes,” shall we say?
John Betancourt: Now something that has come up often in discussions with the Night Court cast, is how the live audience just offers a vibe or energy. I’m curious as to what it does for you as an actor?
Rhys Darby: Well, as a stand up, you know, I'm used to having an audience laugh at me. It helps with the timing, it helps… give you a slightly raised performance, because you can hear a whole bunch of people laughing. So, you're not… you're doing.. you're matching the right tone that is required for that show. So, you're not, you know, subtleties aren't really going to play. So, yeah, I think it's just fun to do. It's fun for anyone who hasn't done that kind of thing. It's a good discipline to have down, at least give them a try.
John Betancourt: So, I can hear it in your voice now, just how much you relished this experience, what did you enjoy the most about working on this episode?
Rhys Darby: I think just working with the cast, I think, you know, meeting John (Larroquette) and the rest of them and having them be a real sweet family and welcoming me as a guest onto the show, working with Dave Foley again, because I haven't worked with him for a long time. So, catching up with him. And just being on a show, that's a bit of an institution. You know, I think those are the those are all the highlights, and the fact that it was just filming down the road from my house. So very easy.
John Betancourt: Oh, I bet the short walk made it amazing.
Rhys Darby: I don't often, I don't often get that. Because I'm always, like, having to fly somewhere or go stay somewhere for a couple of months or whatever. So that convenience, plays a lot into actors, jobs, it doesn't always happen.
John Betancourt: Now, regarding the legacy of the show, why do you think Night Court continues to endure?
Rhys Darby: Well, a number of things, the writing, you know, John Larroquette’s performance. And I think that just the nature of the show. How every week, you're gonna get a different situation of people that are in court, for some reason, for the most stupid idea, stupid reasons. And the interplay between the characters and their lives. It's just simply said, it's just a really good setting for a sitcom.
John Betancourt: Last question I have for you today, what does it mean to you personally to now be part of this franchise?
Rhys Darby: It means a lot. Because I've done a lot of stuff in my career. And I've been lucky enough to be part of some pretty big franchises, some pretty cool legacies. And when it comes to comedy, this was one of them. So that's why it was a no brainer to take. And yeah, and seeing the final result, seeing how funny it was, I was like, “Good, nailed it! Next!” (Laughter)
This interview has been lightly edited and condensed for clarity.
Source: Nerds That Geek
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noco7 · 2 years
nocovember prompt 2
they’re in an arcade, and i changed my writing style in an ode to “A Concert for Twenty Fingers” a noco fic I read early into my noco obsession
It’s the 27th of June, 2009, and I’m in a lousy arcade, everything neon, loud, and overwhelming. "This one's for you babe," Cody repeats for the millionth time. There's a mini basketball in his hand, obnoxious red sunglasses perched on his head, and an unearned grin on his face.
Maybe I’d be appreciative if he hadn’t missed every shot he's taken.
I snort. "Unless your aim has magically gotten better, doubt it.”
Cody shoots. The basketball bounces off the rim and thuds against the cracked plastic base of the machine, rolling back down pathetically - like it too knows how futile it is. Cody scoops it back up. 
"Okay, maybe not that one. But this *next* one's for you babe," Cody promises again. 
I just let my arched eyebrows answer for me, and lean against the machine. You might be wondering why I’m here, and that’s a good question. I don’t like arcades. Which might seem odd, given my well-documented love for video games. But there’s a huge difference between playing a challenging game in the comfort of my own home with a fascinating and complex story, and spending a few miserable minutes playing one cheap tacky game after another, surrounded by chattering children and their screaming parents. So no thank you. The actual answer to the question is that my boyfriend dragged me here, and since I had chosen the last date location - a respectable library filled with soft lights and even softer sounds, it was now Cody’s turn. And of course, he would choose something as juvenile as an arcade. The only blessing was, and not to be unbearably cheesy, that Cody was here with me. It was entertaining to see him fail every game he tried, in a sort of America’s Funniest Home videos way. But even Cody’s slapstick humor had its limits. I’d gotten bored after his first five throws. Hopefully, this whole ordeal would end soon, and we could go back to better things, like making out. Hey, just because I’m gay doesn’t mean I’m not a teenage boy! But instead of doing anything fun like that, I was left tapping my foot, a spectator to failure. If I had been the one throwing the balls, it would have ended after the first missed throw. I don’t have much tolerance for my own failure. Which sounds a little perfectionist, but I’m far from being Courtney. I just know when to stop. Cody doesn’t. Yet, paradoxically, seeing my boyfriend fail almost made me want to try. It was probably the lack of real competition, I decided. Jocks, with their lean-and-mean dispositions and their unattainable strength, had always left me a little intimidated. But Cody, sweet pathetic, Cody was reassuring in his mediocrity.  No matter what the red SUPREME logo on his shirt says, there was practically nothing supreme about him. And that was comforting. Perhaps we could try this game again, and I might actually win something non-academic for the first time in my life.
Another miss, another thud. Cody’s grin falters, only to return as quick as it left. It’s good to know that my boyfriend isn’t completely oblivious to his own failure, but I can’t help but feel a little mournful. This is probably how it felt to see Icarus’s wings melt. He shoots again, and the kids walking past us laugh. I’m filled with the growing dread that I have gotten with a *loser*, and worse that people can tell. It’s not that I’m one of those pretentious twinks who set their sights high on the most alpha of men, and for all his flaws, Cody satisfied me well enough in that department - *but*, and this was a big one, it was something different when other people commented on it. I might be satisfied dating a wannabe, but it was another to have people *think* that it was the best I could do. And I know, I know, that when it came to worries, this was one of the most shallow, that I should be grateful to have a guy into me in the first place, let alone a cute one. Still, I stepped away from the machine, distancing myself. Another promise, the words faltering this time. Another miss. It’s as if Cody wasn’t aiming for the machine at all, but my heart. For a moment I consider if this is some pity play level of manipulation, and just as quickly I discard the thought. Cody isn’t the type. There are only a few seconds left. At this point, I’m not quite sure if Cody actually believes he can achieve something, or is just falling victim to the sunken-cost fallacy. The line between dumb optimism and stubborn determination is a bit blurry when it comes to my boyfriend.
Cody rubs the next basketball into his jacket, caressing it like a good-luck charm. As if that’s going to do anything.
I can’t bear to look. "I DID IT!"
I have only a millisecond to take it in, to recognize that satisfying swish sound for what it is, to realize that Cody has indeed ‘did it’, and then I’m being grabbed by Cody’s hands, my sides squeezed, enveloped in the warmth of success.
The sudden rush of happiness takes me off guard.
"Put me down!"
Cody beams at me, and I’m compelled to smile back. It’s hard not to give in to instincts, when, and forgive me dear readers once again for being corny, my boyfriend smiles with the force of the sun. Eventually, he puts me down though I could have used more time in the air.
"Congratulations,” I say. “You landed one shot and now you think you're LeBron. Should we get out the gatorade for you? Really celebrate the-" I look past him and at the scoreboard. "Three points you got? The top score is 54 by the way." I know I’m being mean, but I can’t help it. I can’t stay long in the garden of Eden, no matter how much I try.
Thankfully, Cody is used to it. "Yeah yeah,” he says, still high on glory. “Scoff all you want, but I still got the points. And *you* didn't."
"Because I wasn't trying." I point out.
"Miss every shot you don't take," Cody says, wagging a finger. "It's my personal motto."
I scoffed. "With your history, I think you could stand to take a little less shots." Gwen is a stunning example.
Cody frowns, but he doesn't say anything and for once, I choose not to elaborate. We’ve argued about Gwen too many times already, and it gets personal fast. Besides, we’re surrounded by people. If we argued about it here, we’d look like one of those couples, one month and already on the brink of divorce, so full of hatred that it seeps out of the private and into the public. I don’t want to be one of those people.
"You know," Cody says finally. "As your champion-"
"As my champion?" I echo. Champion? It was one shot.
"As your champion," Cody repeats, and that’s his stubbornness coming through as always, - "I think I should get a kiss." He waggles his eyebrows. "You know, as a reward."
"We're. In. Public." I say, gesturing at the space around us. It couldn't be clearer. Even if Cody was blind, which he wasn’t, it'd be hard to miss the demented chatter of children and their high-pitched screeches of laughter. I had to wonder if parents had stopped teaching their kids manners. The newer generation was truly lost.
"Riight," Cody says, and then he grabbed my wrist, steering me behind a nearby machine, and oh. It's darker here, where the neon lights can't reach, and it’s like the world has slipped away.
Cody's blue eyes meet mine. It’s hard for them not to, not in a space like this where there’s nothing else to look at, and there’s hardly any room between us.  "No one can see us here," he says, voice low, before his eyes dip even lower.
I feel like a virgin. I’m not, for your information. I’ve kissed guys and girls alike, and I���ve even kissed Cody a few times too, and yet butterflies still flap their wings in my stomach. It’s the taboo delight of doing something you shouldn’t, and I’m human enough to recognize it. 
"Okay," I said, my voice coming out more breathy than I liked. I darted forward to kiss my boyfriend, who rises up to meet me. Did I mention that he’s still shorter than me? Because I should. My boyfriend is a manlet, or as he prefers to call it, a ‘short-king’. But he proves his worth, his hands moving instantly to pull me close, clutching me tight as if I were planning to escape. But I’m not, and I don’t want to, not when his lips are pressing against mine, not when his hands are warm and roaming my body. My champion, indeed, I think.
Still. We’re in the middle of an arcade, so I break away before it can get too steamy. Cody pouts - like always, but I’m not going to give in. Unlike some people, I don't want to get charged with public indecency.
"When you think about it, I got three points,” Cody says, already leaning back in.  “So I should get three kisses, total. Just makes sense."
I give him my best unimpressed stare.
"It makes mathematical sense," he protests, flinging his arms out in dramatic flair, only to bang his hand on the back of the machine.  “Ow!” I snort. "And now you're going to say that you're injured, and I should kiss it better?"
Cody pauses. "I mean you said it, not me."
“The lighting must have gotten you confused Cody.” I roll my eyes. “This is an arcade, not a nightclub. We're here to play games, not play with each other."
Now it's his turn to laugh. "I mean you weren't playing much of anything back there. Come to think of it, you don't play most games at all. I mean remember the dodgeball?" "Be quiet." I hiss. Not the dodgeball episode. Not that stupid episode.
"Make me," Cody smirks. "With your mouth, preferably."
My boyfriend is a menace. Strike out dumb optimism, it was now sheer gall.
"I mean, you said I had no aim," he continues. "But I did get two girls out. And Harold didn't hit anyone with the ball, and he still-"
I kiss him just to shut him up, and I can feel Cody's smile against my mouth. Bastard.
"Keep talking,” I say, “and I'll never kiss you again."
"Yes sir!" Cody salutes.
Have to maintain order somehow.
"Can’t help trying to kiss my boyfriend whenever I get the chance. “ He smiles, showing off the gap between his teeth. “Sorry." Despite the cocky nature of the words, his look is a little too earnest for it to be some joke.
The sincerity makes me stumble over my own words. "I - I guess. Whatever." I avert my gaze, making sure he can’t see my cheeks, just in case they look less like normal human skin, and more like ripe tomatoes.  As if Cody needed any more proof that I liked him. And that made me doubly glad for the privacy of our dusty little nook - *no one* could tell. I didn’t need people thinking I was some blushing anime boy, or a tsundere, or anything else saccharine and banal that fangirls liked. As if! When I looked back up, I was met with Cody’s smile. "Whore,” I blurt out.
Cody chokes in laughter.
"Let's get back to playing those games," I state. Maintain order. I brush my hair out of my face and head back into the rest of the arcade. "Can't wait to spend fifty dollars in tokens to get three stickers and a temp tattoo of a mouse."
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ycseniarivera · 1 year
And I love you for that! It does count, yes. I mean, no one really wants to go through the entire winter with skin peeling from their lips. At least not me! Honestly? I can totally see myself putting one in the freezer. I do keep my jade roller in here, so why not chap stick? Unless it messes up the properties or whatever. Wait, have you ever have them do the thing where they flip it upside down? Because it’s supposed to stay in the cup? I’ve witnessed it before and the entire thing fell out, which was really funny. But not really because the little girl started crying because her blizzard was ruined. Definitely less dangerous! Unless you give yourself a mega brain-freeze or something. Exactly! Hopefully more snow! I haven’t checked The Times this week, though, so I’m not too sure. I hope there’s at least some more for the sleepover. Hairnets can look really funky. I had to wear one once when someone in school caught lice, and I looked awful. Listen, if I was bald, I would wear one to just to keep up with morale. And I wouldn’t want to feel like I was the odd one out. Exactly, plus I’d feel really bad if I wasted a whole meal just because of one measly hair. God, that’d be like on America’s Funniest Home Videos or something! What’s a little public humiliation if it’s in good fun? Did it traumatize you as a kid? I feel like if I watched it when I was younger, I would never look at the parade the same way I do now. Definitely something to think about, for sure! They’re pretty kind for the most part, but like any animal they can get annoyed with humans. I think my favorite part is feeding them.
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yautjalover · 2 years
Daffodil! 🌼
I am the eldest of five!
I’d say I’m a lot different from my four youngest siblings, a lot different.
• I had the best grades, but we won’t talk about my math ones. 🤫
• I bought and pay for my own car.
• I got my learner’s permit at 15.
• I was born with the brains, so my siblings aren’t always the brightest when it comes to decision making or with general knowledge. I was the nerd and still am.
• Unlike my youngest sister, I haven’t chased and tried to kill someone with an axe. (She’s…uhhh…yeah. 💀)
• My brother, not the youngest, is a stoner and almost owns a liquor store.
• I’m the only LGBT person out of my siblings.
I do realize I’ve made myself out as someone who sits on their high horse, but I don’t care. 😅 My life is in shambles, but compared to them, I have it more together and on a good track.
We’re all super competitive, so this shit talking is pretty normal when we talk with one another. 😂
There are very few similarities, to be honest. We did all inherit childish humor. Growing up we would watch America’s Funniest Home Videos, so think nutshots, dumb shenanigans and pranks on one another, people getting injured in the dumbest ways…shit like that.
Hope this was a good enough answer. 🤌🏻
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helenarlett-rex · 3 years
Helen Arlet’s Favorite Cryptids
#7 The Fresno Nightcrawlers
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This is a new one for me that I only just recently learned about. I don’t even know how I missed these guys before now... But I’m instantly fascinated with them. They are just so weird and cute. And we have multiple cases of them caught on video?! I love this already!
Do I believe in them?
Well I’m new to the whole Fresno Nightcrawler scene, but for now I’m going to have to say no... I’ve watched the videos of these guys and I’m trying to figure out what they actually are, but weird alien creatures isn’t at the top of my list. The first video could very easily just be a guy in a sheet. I could see how that could be done. The second video that was captured of them almost looks more like puppets to me, but I just can’t figure out how the puppeteering would have been done... Either way I’m fascinated by it. Who knows... Maybe I’ll change my mind as I delve deeper into it.
#6 Snallygaster
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I honestly don’t don’t know a ton about Snallygaster. I know it’s the signature cryptid of Maryland and I lived in Maryland for a short time... so I guess I have some attachment to it that way... I know he’s a big tentacle dragon and he looks pretty cool... But that’s about the extent of what I know. I haven’t taken the time to do research on him yet. I think honestly, I just really like the name. Snallygaster... That’s just fun to say. Say it with me... Snallygaster...
Do I believe in him?
Not at the moment, but then I haven’t really looked into this guy yet so I haven’t seen what kind of evidence is out there to support the belief of such a creature. I just look at the pictures of him and I feel like if such a thing existed, we’d probably be hearing about it... a lot... like every time he swooped out of the sky and snatched someone off the street...
#5 The Wampus Cat
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It’s a big cat with 6 legs. And it might possibly be a shape shifting woman. That’s pretty cool. Plus she’s also the signature cryptid of my home state of Tennessee. I may not exactly like certain things about Tennessee, but I’ve still got to show some loyalty to our state cryptid. Funny thing is, despite the fact that I moved to Florida when I was very little and grew up there, even then I knew about this thing and heard about it all the time. We actually believed there was a Wampus Cat living in the woods there in the town I grew up in. I even knew an old man who had claimed to have been attacked by it. So the Wampus Cat has always been a part of my childhood.
Do I believe in her?
Debatable... Do I believe in a shape shifting cat woman with six legs? Probably not... But Tennessee has a lot of panther sightings. People see panthers, especially black panthers, around here all the time. And the thing is... officially there are no black panthers (or any other kind of panthers) in Tennessee. Officially, Tennessee doesn’t have any kind of cat larger than a bobcat. Black panthers, which are just a variant of jaguars, are extinct in the United States. But people still see them here all the time. It’s just kind of a known fact they are here regardless of what anyone else says. So hey... Maybe that’s just the Wampus Cat? *Shrugs*
#4 The Van Meter Visitor
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The Van Meter Visitor is super interesting because it’s one of the few cryptids that is really hard to disprove, and yet, hardly anyone ever talks about it. It’s one of the more obscure cryptids out there to the point where I’d bet nine out of ten people reading this list have never even heard of it before. And you may be thinking, it’s a big pterodactyl with a horn on its head that shoots light... How is that hard to disprove? But when you think about it, this isn’t just some random cryptid with a few isolated sightings by a couple random people who may or may not be trustworthy. An entire town saw this thing. In 1903 the Van Meter Visitor terrorized the entire town of Van Meter, Iowa for days before they tracked down its nesting place and then the whole town showed up to shoot it and it’s mate(?), which they in fact did. Yeah, the creatures vanished into the mines after being shot at and were never seen again... so there’s no body... But it doesn’t change the fact that an entire town saw these things multiple times, lived in fear of them, and then finally shot them. So regardless if you believe it was a pterodactyl that could shoot light from its horn, there was obviously some kind of creature terrorizing the town of Van Meter that October in 1903. And the fact that it was so widely sighted just makes it really interesting to me.
Do I believe in it?
Like I said. Something terrorized that town that week. I believe that much. Was it a spotlight pterodactyl? I’m open enough to consider the possibility... But I’m also open enough to consider the possibility that it was something more on the normal side and it being 1903 people just didn’t know what they were looking at. We can’t really rule out mass hysteria as a possibility.
#3 The Jackalope
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I simply love Jackalopes. I’ve thought they were awesome ever since I was a kid. I even used to love those creepy Jackalope videos they used to run on America’s Funniest People (Remember that show? Don’t feel bad if you don’t...) There’s just something weirdly captivating about the idea of a vicious rabbit with antlers.
Do I believe it in?
Well, despite the fact that I have an “I believe in Jackalopes” patch on my jacket, no, I don’t actually believe they exist. I’m a reasonable enough person to understand the history of Jackalopes and know where it came from. I wish they were real, but I know they aren’t.
#2 The Flatwoods Monster
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The Flatwoods Monster is equal parts cute and creepy, which is really cool. She’s nowhere near as popular as Mothman, despite the fact that they are both West Virginia cryptids, and that’s kind of a shame. She certainly has one of the coolest designs of any cryptid. And her story is pretty interesting too. It’s one of those cryptid stories I still sit and ponder over.
Do I believe in her?
Not exactly...? I’m highly skeptical of aliens. Now did something happen in Flatwoods, West Virginia on September 12, 1952? Yeah. Something clearly happened. And the reports are strange enough that I can’t quite figure out what exactly happened... But as for the monster herself, as cool as she is, it’s more likely that she was just an owl in a tree that a group of people panicking in the dark mistook for a giant alien.
#1 Nessie
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Of course Nessie has to be my favorite. She’s my home girl. Okay... Nessie is Scottish and I’m Scots-Irish, with more Irish than Scottish, but it’s close enough. I’ve still got some Scottish in me. Plus she’s like, a big dinosaur, so we have that in common as well. And Nessie was the first cryptid I ever truly believed in so how could she not be number one on my list? I love this girl.
Do I believe in her?
I’m going to say yes. There is totally something down there. There’s enough evidence at this point that it would be harder to convince me there isn’t something down there. We’ve got scientists who are now saying she’s a big turtle, and I guess that’s possible... probably more possible than an actual plesiosauria... Although I haven’t seen a ton of evidence to support the turtle idea yet... But whatever you want to think she is, I certainly think there’s something down there.
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tuiccim · 4 years
Terrigenisis (Part 5)
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Pairing: Avengers X Inhuman!Reader
Words: 4852
Summary: After undergoing terrigenisis unwillingly your life is turned upside down when you are deemed too dangerous to return to life as a civilian. You are put with the Avengers team to train and rebuild. As you hone your powers and skills, you must also decide if you can find home and love again. Or is your curse to be a lonely wanderer forever?
Part 1  / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4
That afternoon you find Steve and Bucky in the kitchen when you go to get a snack. 
"Hey guys. What are you up to?" You smile at the two..
"Nothing really." Bucky says. 
"Got any big plans?" You ask.
"Just planning on working on our bikes." Steve says.
"That reminds me. I was thinking the other day that I would love to do some cruising. Can I borrow one of your motorcycles?" You look at both the supersoldiers being sure to keep your expression benign. 
Steve and Bucky exchange a look. 
"You see…" They spoke at the same time. 
"There's kind of a, uh…"
"Code! With motorcycles."
"Right. Ya know, rules."
"Like you don't sit on someone else's bike unless they give the okay."
"And… and… Bikes are sort of, uh…"
"Right! You know, like, really personal and, and…"
"It's not something you let people borrow, ya know?"
"Yeah! Not… not that we don't trust you."
"Right. Total trust, but bikes…"
You interject, "Are sacrosanct?" 
"Right." They both look at you with near panic written across their faces. 
You start giggling, "That was the funniest thing I have ever seen you two do. That was some vaudeville crap. FRIDAY, did you get that on record?"
"Yes, Ms. (L/N)." FRIDAY responds.
"Send the video to my phone, please." You can barely get the words out between laughs.
"Transfer complete." FRIDAY responds.
Steve and Bucky are staring at you in bewilderment. You explain, "My dad was a biker. He and his coastie buddies. I just had to see how you'd react."
“Really?” Bucky deadpans. 
“Serious. They had a whole crew of weekend road warriors. All in love with their bikes.” You grin.
“And what are your plans with that video?” Steve asks. 
“To keep it forever for my viewing pleasure. And maybe show Natasha and Wanda.” You smirk.
“FRIDAY,” Steve starts to say and as quickly as you can you begin to send the video to Nat and Wanda in hopes of disseminating it before whatever Steve was about to do. "Erase that video and delete it from her phone."
"Voice authorization required." As Friday speaks, you engage a firewall you programmed on your phone. Time to find out if you could compete with Tony when it comes to hacking.
"Rogers, Steven Grant." Cap looks at you with a smirk. 
"Video removed from all Stark systems. Unable to access Ms. (L/N)'s phone." FRIDAY says.
"Sorry, Cap." You smirk at Steve. Carefully, you pick up your phone and, deciding your pockets are too easily accessed, you pull the collar of your shirt out and slide the phone into your bra. 
"Why can't FRIDAY access your phone?" Bucky asks.
"I might have programmed a firewall onto it, ya know, just in case." You begin to slowly move towards the elevator. You are trying not to giggle as you feel your phone ding repeatedly. Wanda and Nat got the video.
Steve and Bucky exchange a look and when Steve gives a curt nod, they both advance on you. "Give me your phone." Steve says.
"Nope." You tuck tail and run, but of course you don't get far before a metal arm wraps around your waist and picks you up off the ground. You struggle for a moment but then decide to use a different tact. Bucky sets you down and takes hold of you by the upper arms. Steve stands in front of you in a full authoritative captain pose. 
"Give me the phone." Steve repeats.
Straining against Bucky's grip, you push your chest out. You look up at Steve with doe eyes and say, "It's right there." Before glancing down at your chest and looking back up at him. Unfortunately, you can't hide your smirk as Steve glances from your face to your chest several times. "What's the matter, Cap? I thought you wanted my phone." 
After a few more seconds of Steve's indecision, you're pulled back against Bucky and he wraps his arm around you, pinning your arms to your sides. "Steve's too much of a gentleman, Doll." Bucky says in your ear as his hand slides along your collarbone to the collar of your shirt and pauses. You look up to Bucky with eyes wide. "Don't worry. I won't take any liberties." Bucky smirks.
"You don't think putting your hand down my shirt and in my bra is a liberty? I do believe there are some strict sexual harassment guidelines for both Stark Industries and SHIELD that would beg to differ. Besides, judging from the amount of dings on my phone, Natasha and Wanda have already seen the video." You grin up at him. 
"Clever little minx." Bucky grouses.
"Wanna know what they're saying?" You look at Steve. 
"Let her go." Steve says in a defeated tone but he has a small smile on his face.
Bucky let's go of your arms but his hand remains at your collar. You trail a hand along his arm and slip it past his hand to retrieve your phone and open your messages. Bucky backs a few steps from you and you wink at him. 
Nat: That was classic! 🤣
Wanda: They looked like they were gonna have a heart attack!😂☠️
Nat: They were stumbling over themselves to keep your hands off their 🏍️!
Wanda: They couldn't just offer to take you for a ride? They had to defend the thought of someone touching their bikes! 😂
Nat: I'm sure neither of them would mind taking her for a ride. 😜
Wanda: Nat! 😂
Nat: You know I'm right.
"They say you guys looked like you were gonna have a heart attack at the thought of someone else touching your bike." You grin, deciding to leave out the second half of the conversation. 
"What else did they say?" Steve narrows his eyes at you.
"That you could have at least offered to take me on a ride." You smile as you look between the two.
"I'll take you out on my bike, Doll." Bucky smiles at you.
"It's been a while since we just took the bikes for a ride." Steve says. "We should take an afternoon to go cruising like you suggested."
"I'd love that." You clap your hands  and grin looking between the two. They chuckle at your enthusiasm. 
“Tomorrow afternoon?” Steve says.
“How about after training in the morning? I’ll pack a picnic.” You smile at them both.
“I’m game.” Bucky looks to Steve. 
“Sounds good, sweetheart.” Steve grins at you. 
“Should we invite any of the rest of the team?”
A look passes between Steve and Bucky before Bucky answers, “Nah, let’s just keep it the three of us. Clint is headed to the farm, the couples won’t mind some alone time, and Sam is headed to DC for some meetings.”
“Okay. I’ll see you guys later, then.” You head to your room. Finally, something to do besides train and missions. You can’t wait.
That evening you, Nat, and Wanda are sitting in your room, rewatching the video of Steve and Bucky and giggling. You get around to telling them about your plans with the guys the next day. 
“Wait, you are going on a date with both of them?” Wanda exclaims. 
“What? No! It’s not a date. We are just going out for a ride on their bikes.” You say. 
“Alone? With just Steve and Bucky?” Nat says. 
“Yeah. They’re my friends.” You defend. 
“But you know Bucky has a thing for you.” Wanda says. 
“How do we know that?” Nat looks between the two of you. 
“Game night. That kiss?” Wanda says emphatically.
“It was just a kiss! It didn't mean anything." You say.
“Ohhhhh, no. Wanda is right. Bucky does have a thing for you.” Nat says. 
“Oh, please, he does not. I’m the only available female living on the compound. That's the only reason you two want to pair me up with him so bad.” You roll your eyes. 
“Oh, please, yourself! You’re beautiful, funny, smart! How could they not be interested?” Wanda states. 
“And how can you blame us for enjoying the free entertainment. Plus I happen to know Steve has a thing for you, too.” Natasha smirks. 
“No, he doesn't! Stop.” You look at Nat in horror.
“Why else would he call you Doll all the time? Don't you like Steve?” Natasha looks at you. 
“I'm his friend. It's just a nickname. Of course, I do. He’s a sweetheart. I think you two are reading way too much into my friendship with them. I just, I mean, even if they were interested, I’m just me. They’re Captain frickin’ America and the Winter Soldier! Why would they ever think like that?” You put your head in your hands. It was frustrating you couldn't just tell them that Steve and Bucky are together. It would stop all of this nonsense.
Wanda laughs, “You mean they’re gorgeous, have incredible abilities, are sweet and kind and fun, right?”
“Yeah.” You say. 
“She just described you. You are gorgeous, have incredible abilities, and a sweet, funny personality. You guys are perfect for each other.” Nat smirks.
“Guys, please, please stop. It's just not like that with them. We're friends and that's it. Okay?” You scoff at their knowing looks. “I’m gonna go to bed. I’ll see you guys later.”
“Sleep tight.”
Their giggles trail behind you as you head to your room. As you get close to your door, you can hear Steve and Bucky in Steve’s room. You aren’t trying to eavesdrop but your hearing ability makes it difficult not to overhear conversations.
“I just don’t know if this is gonna work out, Stevie.” Bucky grouses. 
"All we can do is ask. We trust her, right?" Steve says.
“Yeah.” Bucky says.
Your brows furrow at the comment and your mind runs amuck for a moment before shaking away your thoughts. You hurry past, putting your earbuds in to avoid hearing any more, and slip into your room quietly. 
Training the next morning flew by in your excitement. Afterwards, you hit the shower, change into motorcycle ride appropriate gear, and go to the kitchen to put together the picnic. Bucky and Steve come in just as you are finishing packing the little cooler. 
"You look great." Steve says. "The boots are a good choice."
"Thanks. You guys ready?" You can't hold in your excitement and are grinning like a fool. 
"Yeah. I'll get the cooler, Doll." Bucky offers returning your smile.
When you get to the garage, Bucky sets the cooler on the back of Steve's bike much to Steve's annoyance.
"Really, Buck?" He grouses. 
"I carried it down. Only fair, right?" Bucky elbows him. 
"Yeah, thanks. I get a hard cooler in the back and you get the beautiful dame." Steve throws an elbow back at Bucky and then stiffens, turning to look at you. 
You laugh and wink at him. "Tell ya what, I'll ride back with you and Bucky can have the empty cooler." You look at Bucky, "Only fair, right?"
"Right, Doll." Bucky chuckles. He hands you a helmet and you climb on the bike behind him. You'd be lying if you didn't admit that your body reacted to the closeness of his, the intimacy of holding on to him, and the vibrations of the bike. You cruise out and the wind whips around you. 
Steve and Bucky speed ahead of each other alternatively. You hear Bucky laughing. You grin over at Steve who is laughing at their escapades. He looks so happy and carefree as you head into the middle of nowhere. You rarely see any other cars and the scenery is beautiful as you speed down winding roads.
“This is great!” You hollar over the rumble of the engine. Bucky revs in response and you squeal. You can feel Bucky’s body rumbling with laughter. You wish you could see his face. 
Nearly an hour and a half later, Steve slows and veers into the woods with Bucky close behind. They slow down and you can’t tell if they are following a path or not. They are carefully weaving through trees and undergrowth until you reach a small clearing under a huge oak tree. 
Steve stops and turns to you and Bucky, “What do you think? Good for a picnic?”
“I think it’s perfect!” You say, already getting off the bike. The guys grin at each other and turn their bikes off. Steve retrieves the cooler and Bucky pulls a blanket out of his saddlebag. You spread the blanket under the branches of the oak tree and pull all the food out. 
“This looks delicious.” Steve says as he tucks into one of the hearty sandwiches you had made him. Fruit, cheese, crackers, hummus, and some bottles of water and soda round out the menu. 
“Hopefully, it tastes delicious, too.” You laugh and Steve nods while chewing. 
Bucky looks over at you after swallowing his bite of sandwich, “Thanks for making the food. It is delicious.” 
He mugs a face at Steve and you giggle as Steve says, “Jerk.”
“Punk.” Bucky replies. 
“Goofballs.” You pipe in. They both snap their heads to you and you shrink into yourself a little feeling like you’d interfered in their playful banter. “Sorry.”
“Goofballs? That’s the best you can do?” Bucky throws a grape at you. 
“Asshats.” You throw the grape back. 
“Ohhh! Okay, that’s better.” Bucky laughs. Steve grins and shakes his head. 
“What was it like growing up in the Coast Guard?” Steve asks.
“A lot of moving. My dad was stationed in Mobile, Alabama when I was born until I was 4, then Boston until second grade, Northern California for 4 years, Alaska for two, back to Mobile through high school. My dad was sent back to California then and I went to college in Louisiana. It was interesting because I got to live in different places with different cultures. It’s hard with friends. I still have my best friend from high school I keep in touch with. Most of the others faded away. My dad was great. He did everything he could to be a good dad.” You shrug. “What was it like growing up when you did?”
“Way different.” Steve laughs.
“You don’t have to put newspaper in your shoes anymore.” Bucky chuckles. 
“No Penicillin. Food wasn’t as good. Fewer people you were connected with but closer connections.” Steve says.
“Yeah.” You say quietly, staring off. 
“Hey, doll, where’d you go?” Bucky says.
“Sorry.” You give a small smile. “Just, connections are hard. Especially when you don’t stay in one place for very long. I thought that part of my life was over and, here I am, right back in it.”
“What do you mean, sweetheart?” Steve says. 
“I moved so much as a kid. Lost friends and nowhere was really ever home. And then I thought it was over. Charlie and I built a life and made a home. And then… terrigenesis. And I’m in SHIELD and it starts all over again. Two months to close out my old life with an agent constantly looking over my shoulder cause I can’t go back, six months of bureaucracy and evaluations and therapy, six months with one team, then I get moved to the Avengers team, and I guess in some ways I’m just waiting for the other shoe to drop. When am I gonna have to move again? Will I ever have a home again? Like I said before, limbo sucks.”
“You’re not going anywhere, doll. You’re stuck with us.” Bucky smiles sweetly at you. 
“Bucky’s right, sweetheart. You’re an Avenger. This is your team now. Your family.” Steve says. 
“Thanks. I hope you’re right.” You look between them before leaning back on your elbows and looking up at the branches of the oak tree. “This tree is amazing.”
“Beautiful.” Steve says, but when you look at him he’s looking at you not the tree. You mug a face at him. Looking back up at the branches you make a quick decision and begin unzipping your boots. You pull them and your socks off before walking under one of the lower branches. 
“Steve, give me a boost.” You turn to him and say. 
“You’re gonna climb the tree?” Steve asks as he gets up and walks over. 
“Yup.” You put your hands on his shoulders as he cups his hands for you to step up. You grab the branch and pull yourself up to it. You climb as far up as you can safely reach and looking down you can barely see Bucky or Steve who are staring up at you. 
You hear Bucky say, “I’m gonna take a walk.”
“She’ll be fine, Buck.” Steve tells him.
“Yeah.” Bucky keeps walking and you feel bad knowing he must hate heights from his past accident. You hadn’t thought about it before deciding to climb. You had just wanted the free feeling of being up high and maybe a minute to yourself. Your feelings were confusing you. Both Bucky and Steve treated you with respect and sweetness. It would be easy to fall for one of them and you reminded yourself often to not let your heart get ahead of your head. You take a few more moments sitting on the branch taking in the view and the freedom before moving back down. As you lower yourself from the bottom branch, you feel strong hands grip your waist. You let go and are gently lowered down.
“Have fun?” Steve asks, smiling down at you. 
“Yeah.” You smile back at him. He lifts a hand to your cheek and lowers his face closer to yours. “Steve!” You put your hand over his. “What are you doing?"
"I was trying to kiss you." He smiles at you.
"What about Bucky?" You ask.
Steve's brow furrows, "What do you mean?"
“I… I mean, I know about you and Bucky. Why would you try to kiss me?” You say.
“How do you know about me and Buck?” He asks. 
You give him a look. “I didn’t mean to overhear. But I can’t help it sometimes. I can’t keep headphones or earplugs in all the time.”
“Why didn’t you say anything?” He asks, calmly.
“I assumed you’d tell me when you were ready.” You shrug. “I didn’t want to force you into telling me something you weren’t ready to. Steve. Why did you try to kiss me?”
“Because he has feelings for you. We both do.” Bucky surprises you. You hadn’t heard him approach.
“What?” You look at him confused. 
“Let’s sit down, sweetheart. We want to talk to you about something.” Steve takes your hand and leads you back to the blanket. You sit down and put your socks and boots back on as Steve begins to explain. “You know our story. We were separated for 70 years and came out of it having lost pretty much everyone we ever cared about. We’re all we have left of our old life and…”
“And we don’t want to live separately.” Bucky picks up when Steve flounders. “We love each other and want to live our lives together. And when we realized we were both attracted to you. We hoped that you might be willing to be with us. Both of us.”
“Both… both of you?” You look between them. 
“Yes.” Steve fidgets nervously.
“Like, as a beard?” You ask. 
“No! Never. Like, as our girlfriend.” Bucky says.
“Girlfriend?” You say as you are trying to wrap your mind around this unexpected development. “As in a polyamorous relationship?”
“Right.” Steve says.
“How, how would it work?” You are intrigued by the idea. Immensely, if you are honest with yourself. You had felt attraction and emotion for both of them and felt like there was something there with each of them but this wasn’t how you expected this to turn out. 
“We would all be together. As equals. You’d be our girlfriend and we’d be your boyfriends.” Steve says. 
You nod slowly, “And you both want me?”
Bucky and Steve look at each other for a moment and smile. “Yes.”
“You haven’t noticed us flirting with you like crazy?” Bucky smirks. 
“I thought you were just being goofy with me. I mean, I thought you two were together and had no interest in me. Not like that.”
“Do you have more questions?” Steve asks.
“How, um, physical is your relationship?” You feel a bit like a creep for asking, but it would inform how things would work. 
“Fairly physical.” Steve says. 
“So, how would sex work?” You ask. 
A lightning quick look passes between them. Bucky grins, “Pleasurably.”
“Hopefully so, but what I mean is, will it be all three of us all the time?” You bite your lip.
“Yes. Unless one of us is on mission or away. It has to work every way for it to work, I think.” Steve says. 
“Say, you’re gone to a meeting and Bucky and I… ? Will that create tension, jealousy, anger?”
“Will it if it’s Bucky and I, while you are gone?” Steve turns the question around on you. 
A corner of your mouth goes up as you picture walking into the two cuddled up post-coital. You only feel caring when you consider your feelings and theirs. “I don’t think so. What about the team? Would we keep this a secret?”
“I’d like to keep it quiet until we’re sure if this will work out. I don’t want to cause tension in the team and it’s not the most conventional relationship. I think it would be a good idea for them to know you and Bucky are together. We'll work up to the rest.” Steve replies. 
"Is that what you want?" You look to Bucky.
"It's absolutely what I want. As long as it's with the two of you." Bucky says.
“Have you been in a relationship like this before?” You ask.
“No. This would be a first for us. We’ve both dated, but not since we decided that this is the way we wanted our relationship to be.” Steve says. 
"Are you sure you want me? I mean, why? Why me? Is it just that you're both attracted to me physically?" You ask.
"You're beautiful. There's no denying that, Doll." Bucky hooks some of your hair behind your ear. "But you're also smart and funny and loving. When Steve and I talked about this we knew that even if you turned us down you wouldn't judge us. Wouldn't spread it around for amusement." 
"We knew we could trust you. That's not easy. And you're amazing. Gracious. I don't know how anyone wouldn't want you." Steve says while taking your hand.
"So, is that a yes? Or a maybe?" Bucky asks, taking your other hand.
“Or you’ll think about it?” Steve’s looks at you with concern.
You look between the both of them, knowing there was only one answer. You pull their hands together so that you are holding their hands between both of yours. "If any of us are ever hurt by the others, we talk about it together. If one of us wants out, we talk about it together. Open communication, always. If you can both agree to that, then… then it's a yes."
"I can agree to that." Steve says, adding his other hand to the top of yours.
"Agreed." Bucky places his hand on top of Steve's. 
"Then it's a yes." You smile at them. 
"Does that mean I can kiss you now?" Steve asks.
"Hmm…" You smile and bite your lip before answering, "Yeah." You say grinning. Steve leans in and plants a gentle, sweet kiss on your lips. You smile once you separate and then turn to Bucky. "Does that mean I can kiss you now?" You say to him. 
"Hell, yeah." He says as he pulls you close. His kiss is firm but still sweet. 
"And one last kiss to seal the pact." You look between the two of them. They grin at each other and lean in for a kiss. You smile at them as they part and look at you. "Okay. Well, I still want to finish our ride and we have several hours of daylight left."
You pack up all traces of your picnic and Steve places the cooler on the back of Bucky's bike with a smirk. Bucky growls at him but doesn't protest.
"Did you just growl?" You grin up at Bucky.
"He's robbing me of the pleasure of having you against me." Bucky chuckles. You reach up and pull him down for a kiss, opening your mouth to invite his tongue in, which he takes full advantage of as he presses you to him. After a minute, you pull away. "Hope that makes up for it just a little bit." You smirk at him as you get on the bike behind Steve.
"That was hot." Steve says as he starts up his bike. 
You wrap your arms around him and squeeze. "Don't worry. There's more where that came from." You laugh.
"God, I hope so." You hear Bucky say. 
You're still giggling as you jounce back towards the main road. The guys weave around each other, rev their engines, and you exchange grins with Bucky and an occasional comment with Steve. Almost two hours later, Steve pulls into a gas station. He parks the bike next to the pump and you get off the bike and stretch. “I’m going to find the ladies room.”
“Okay.” He smiles as he watches you walk away. 
“You staring hard enough at her ass?” Bucky quips from behind. 
“You weren’t doing the exact same thing?” Steve smirks. 
“Maybe.” Bucky chuckles as he pumps gas. 
Steve finishes pumping his gas, “Hey Buck, you want a drink or anything?”
“Yeah, that’d be great.” Bucky says. As soon as Steve disappears into the store, Bucky takes the cooler from his bike and moves it to Steve’s. 
He turns when he hears you bark out a laugh. “That was slick, Bucky.” 
“Thanks, doll. It’s my turn again, right? Only fair.” He grins. 
“Bucky!” You both turn to see Steve’s scowl. “Really?” He hands you and Bucky both a drink. 
“Thank you.” You say to Steve. You pull him to you and slide your arms around his neck. He takes no preamble and kisses you deeply. He leaves you nearly breathless by the time he pulls back. 
“Worth it.” Steve says as he grins at Bucky. 
You giggle and swat his butt as he walks back to his bike. “Time to head back?” You ask as you climb on Bucky’s bike behind him. 
Steve and Bucky exchange looks. “A little further.” Bucky says. 
“Yeah.” Steve agrees and starts his bike up. 
About 45 minutes later, they turn off onto a small side road, and then onto a long gravel drive. They pull up to a cabin surrounded by woods with a creek running to the west of it. They switch their engines off before turning to each other and then to you. You feel butterflies begin in your stomach, “Who’s cabin is this?” You ask as you get off Bucky’s bike. 
“It’s one of Tony’s many properties.” Steve says. 
You begin to tremble. Not out of fear but nervousness. You knew from your conversation earlier today that sex was inevitable, but looking at the cabin behind Steve you understood the expectation. You weren’t sure if you were quite ready for that step. “Uh-huh. And what are we doing here?”
“I guess that depends on you, sweetheart.” Steve looks at you nervously. 
You wrap your arms around yourself and look at Bucky with a raised eyebrow wanting his input. He takes in your demeanor and immediately feels empathy for your discomfort. “Nothing you don’t want to do, doll. We can stay the night here doing whatever you are comfortable with or turn around and go back. No pressure. No expectations.”
“I’m pretty sure something like this always comes with expectations.” You say looking between the two. 
“There might be some hope but no expectations. Promise.” Steve puts his hands on your waist and looks at you earnestly. “Nothing will happen that you don’t want.”
You run through your thoughts for a minute looking into Steve’s eyes and then smile, “Seal it with a kiss.” Steve grins as he pulls you in for a kiss. Once he lets you go you face Bucky and look at him expectantly. He smiles and kisses you, too.
“I like the idea behind this.” You look at the cabin.
“What do you mean? Steve says.
“Having our first night together alone. Without prying eyes and ears. Outside the compound. It feels like a lot less pressure.” You smile. 
“I was worried it might scare you.” Bucky says. “Taking you to the middle of nowhere without telling you. We’re serious. No pressure.”
“I’m not scared. I could never be scared of either of you. Just nervous.” You say. “Now, show me this cabin.” 
Steve enters the code on the lock and holds open the door to the well appointed cabin for you.
Part 6
Permanent: @bubbabarnes​ @badassbaker​ @thefridgeismybestie​ @strangersstranger​ @cherthegoddess​ @drunkbucky​ @sherlocksmanwatson​ @cap-n-stuff​
Terrigenisis: @dark-night-sky-99​ ​
400 notes · View notes
politicsoflove · 3 years
6, 11, 43, and 28 (there’s a right answer to this one, just saying)
6. Describe your dream home. This is a difficult one, as I like so many aspects and different things. But dream would be by the water, it would have a balcony, ideally a mixture of modern and old.
11. If you could teleport anywhere in the world right now, where would you go? Iceland? Sweden? I think Iceland, I'd love to go see the 'northern lights'. I'd like to visit America, so maybe I should use my teleportation for that as it's so far.
43. What’s your guilty pleasure? Tumblr? Or Cut videos on YT. I don't know. I don't get pleasure from much.
28. Who is the funniest person you know? My brother probably. I assume this is the incorrect answer.
So sorry this has taken me so long to answer!
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purplesurveys · 4 years
What snack food could you not live without? I feel like “can’t live without” is pushing it too far, but Pringles is my favorite and I imagine I’d be pretty miserable if they hypothetically suddenly disappear or stop production. Can never get enough of those.
What/where is your favorite restaurant? And what do they specialize in? Yabu. It’s Japanese, but they mainly specialize in katsu so they don’t have sushi or ramen or sukiyaki or other types of Japanese food. I haven’t had my usual since February or March, so I can’t waaaait until I can finally order for myself.
How do you waste time when you are procrastinating? Looking for anything I can watch on YouTube. Once I’ve found a video it usually is able to send me into a black hole of other videos, so it’s been quite the effective way to avoid tasks or things I’m worrying about.
Do you follow any celebrities on social media? Who? I don’t, honestly. I never understood it about myself lol; I’m fascinated by a number of celebrities but the idea of being constantly updated about their personal lives just never seemed appealing to me. I guess I just like them for what they do and the celebrity that comes with it. The only one I follow on Twitter is Hayley Williams.
Who do you admire for what they have accomplished? Probably Arlan. Dude had like 10 orgs while in college, was in the college student council, and he got accepted to Columbia’s graduate program for journalism for the next school year. Idek how he even finds the time to sleep.
Would you like if you never had to work again? Lately I’ve been learning about myself that work gives me a sense of purpose, so even if I was offered all the money in the world, I’d take it but I would still want to work (assuming I’m in a job I like and care about). I never want to go back to how shitty I felt in September when I was neither studying nor working.
Are you a big sports fan? What team and sports? I like watching basketball and volleyball games, but only the ones played in our local university league – that said, I obviously root for my school lol. I like pro wrestling too, but they don’t work in teams.
Do you believe in following your dreams? Yes, but the way there is vastly different for everyone in that some people may have the connections and resources early on, while some will have to work and claw a little harder. The playing field isn’t always level, unfortunately.
Do you like to play board games? They’re fine, but I typically prefer to watch from the sidelines mostly because I’m terrible at following instructions and retaining them in my head as I play.
What were your favorites games as a kid? Does it have to be board games? I played outside way more often and my favorites were patintero, 10-20, and a game we called ‘ice ice water,’ which is really just freeze tag. I also liked pick-up sticks.
Would you like to be a “stay at home” mom or dad? I dunno if I would enjoy that, honestly. Like I said, I like the idea of working as it makes me feel productive...but who knows? I’m only 22, literally a fresh graduate, I don’t have kids, and it’s a long way before I can possibly become a mom. But my priorities could always change; I could wind up being a mom who is content with being a housewife. I really have no clue, and I’ll never know until I get there.
How are your “direction skills” when you are driving? Yeah, they’re nonexistent. I need Waze all the time if I’m the one driving, even if it’s going to a place I routinely travel to.
Do you need to be in charge or are you happy to let someone else take charge? It depends on how confident or familiar I am with the task at hand. I can handle being either a leader or a follower; but I do think that, for all tasks I’m involved in, I do like to help call the shots and decide on things on some level, no matter how little it is. I never just follow, if that makes sense.
Would you rather “talk it out” or “let it go” and hope it’s forgotten about? Talk it out. Communication is really important to me.
What celebrity have others told you that you look like? Anna Akana and Lucy Hale.
Do you like to dance? What kind do you enjoy the most? Only either when I’m alone or have had a lot to drink. I don’t actually know any types of dance.
Do you feel anxious right now? Eh, not really. I’m a little sad, but getting out of bed to sit at my desk has slightly fixed that for the meantime.
Do you like to eat breakfast for dinner? What are your faves? Sometimes my dad will make breakfast food for dinner, yeah. I’m never enthusiastic about it lol, but I don’t complain.
Do you feel like you will ever have enough money to make you happy? Sure, I think so. I know I definitely don’t want to end up being extremely selfish about money.
What is more appealing to you: a pub crawl or a wine tasting? Pub crawl, for sure. I hate wine anyway.
What classes or courses would you take to learn more about? International relations, biology, and anthropology.
Would you ever get a tattoo? What kind would you get? Idk if I would ever get one, but one of my ideas is to have Paramore’s lyrics “For all the joy that is to come / Just let the pain remind you hearts can heal” on my wrist, kinda like as a reminder that there are brighter days ahead. That’s not the correct sequence of lyrics, but combining those lines together was what spoke to me the most. 
How much time do you spend working out a week? (you can fib a little) I don’t work out.
Do you dress up for Halloween? What was your best costume? Only if my friends have something planned. I’ve mentioned this several times lately but my personal favorite costume was going as my old best friend, Sofie. It was so low-effort but everyone understood who I was and had a kick out of it.
How often do you like to shop online? I never really did it regularly before since I had been on a tight allowance throughout college, but now that I’m earning on my own I could see myself ordering stuff online 1-2 times a month.
Have you ever spent time “online dating?” No. I had Tinder before, but just to people-watch. Still not interested in it now.
Do you ever hang out with your parents? How about your siblings? No. We don’t do one-on-one bonding; we’re all emotionally unequipped for that lol. I hate that I missed out on family things like that; and my future kid/s is/are definitely getting a lot of solo dates with me.
What is the number one way that you like to spend your time? Probably going on YouTube. There’s always something to watch over there.
Is it easy or hard for you to be lazy all day? Easy for the most part, but if I know I have work to do I also like getting my ass up to wrap that up as quickly as I can.
How similar are you to your zodiac sign characteristics? Based on what’s been shoved down my throat from social media, Tauruses  love their food, hold grudges, are fiercely loyal, resistant to change, and annoyingly stubborn. Those things are all me.
What are you addicted to? I don’t have any addictions.
What is the last song that you saved to your playlist? Haven’t been using my playlists lately.
If you could listen to only one artist, who would that be? Paramore.
Who would you like to be president right now? We have a dictator of a president at the moment and the list of potential candidates for 2022 isn’t looking too great either, so...who the fuck knows. I’m hoping someone capable – and someone preferably younger – steps up to take the challenge before 2022. I look forward to the day we take to the streets to celebrate the same way America did today.
Were you popular in school? I mean in high school I was kinda on the radar, but I still liked staying at the sides and let my more popular friends take the spotlight. Besides, I was already linked with Gabie and I didn’t want teachers and staff to be on our asses. 
What is your favorite place that you have ever visited? Locally, Sagada. Outside of the country, probably Shanghai.
What places do you want to travel to before you get too old? Ideally I’d want to travel to as many countries as I can, to be honest. Doesn’t matter where. But if I can only afford to do so a handful of times, I’d spend that money on Morocco, India, Thailand, Egypt, South Korea, Iceland, Peru, and Spain (and then maybe go on a European road trip from there).
What is the perfect work schedule that you would love? I’m happy with my current 9-6 shift.
What was the best party that you have ever been to? Rita’s sister’s org’s Halloween party from last year.
Did school come easy for you or was it hard? High school was easy, but I purposely didn’t put much effort into it. I didn’t see the point, considering a) teachers have their established favorite students early on and I knew I wasn’t one of them and no matter how well I did I knew I wasn’t going to get recognized, and b) workplaces could not care less about your high school record. College was also easy, and I found balancing my academics, org life, and social life to be fun and fulfilling.
What language do you enjoy listening to? English or Filipino.
Would you take the time to learn a new language? Sure. I’ve done that with Spanish and Korean before.
If you had a personal assistant, what would you have them do? Make them do the phone calls whenever I would have to at work.
Who is the funniest person that you know? I have several people in mind, honestly - Andi, Kate, Jum, Aya, JM, Hans.
Who is the worst pain in the ass that you know? My mom. Sometimes Cooper.
Whose life do you look to as a “model” of what you would like yours to ultimately look like? Anna, one of the moms from the Korean reality show I watch. Her amazing attitude towards life, her parenting skills, cooking skills, aesthetic, and overall life is all I want.
How much money do you save from your paycheck? I have no idea how to budget yet. AAAHHHHHHHHH
Which is a stronger emotion, fear or joy? I think both can be felt strongly.
What types of people do you follow on social media? Athletes, Influencers? Mostly irl people. The only famous people I follow are AJ Mendez (though she’ll always be AJ Lee to me) and Hayley, like I said. OH WAIT I also follow the entire GMM crew! Idk why I missed that.
Would you ever like to work remotely and travel? That’d be nice, sure.
When were you the poorest that you have ever been? Quarantine.
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mashitandsmashit · 4 years
America’s Got Talent: Season 15 - Auditions 4
11: Christine Hurley. I will say, I wasn't a big fan of the stand-up for the most part anyway, as she basically came off as Bargain Bin Barbolak (with only 10% trailer nasty). I mean, I've seen this character plenty of times before...But I also felt bad for that little flub; She was doing fine up until that point, and it really threw her off by the end...I will admit that Howie gave some pretty good advice, and I hope she takes it to heart to improve for the future...Best wishes to her!
10: LILIAC. Shame we didn't see more of this act...I enjoyed what little of them I saw! But I guess the next entry had to be the focus of the segment...
9: Luca Di Stefano. Barry White he is not, but this amused me enough...I wouldn't say this guy is necessarily a talented singer OR a talented baritone, as I could hear his voice cracking up throughout...But I enjoyed the gimmick for now, knowing that he's very likely going to be cannon fodder in the next round. (And probably for the best...Doing that CAN'T be good on his throat!)
8: Ashley Marina. So we're combining the drama from the Ansley Burns, Lamont Landers and Daniel Emmet auditions now, huh...? This kid gets THREE tries, HUH!? Honestly, it's getting harder and harder to understand Simon's standards by now, because I thought she did really good with both of those other attempts...But this was an obvious set-up...I liked her precious little dad song enough, and her singing voice is legitimately good (though nothing particularly new for me), so I'd say she deserves a shot in this game...I'm just sick of all this manipulative drama...Simon, I'm coming for your dogs! (This is becoming a VERY disturbing running gag...)
7: Olox. And from here on out, it's nothing but overwhelming positivity! When these two Power Rangers villains walked out, I knew they were either gonna suck, or we were gonna get something truly entertainingly bizarre! I am beyond happy that it was the latter! As far as such an unappealing talent as throat singing may be, they really are talented in that department, and they found a way to make it fun! ...And yet strangely the lady still sounded less like a goose than Dolores O'Riordan...(I'm just teasing; I like the Cranberries AND that song...) A silly gimmick that's sure not to get very far, but I'll enjoy the ride as much as I can!
6: Brett Loudermilk. Markiplier called, he wants his hair back! Next to Cristina Rae, this is probably the act we saw the most of in the promos...On the surface, he seemed like just another sideshow act, and to be fair, he kinda was...But contrary to some opinions I've made before, this is one type of act where personality is everything, and this guy has it by the bucketloads! Honestly, he is probably one of the funniest comedians we've seen in recent seasons, without even doing stand-up! And Sofia was almost as funny working off of him! I've no doubt the extra segments of the performance were a set-up (and how interesting that we had two acts with midway cliffhangers in a row...and I still loved this audition as much as I did!) That being said, I look forward to seeing him again! ...Though I guarantee you his throat hurt like a motherf***er the next morning! (And that makes TWO dudes in one show abusing the hell out of their throats!)
5: Nolan Neal. Vying for the gold medal in the Sob Story Olympics, and yet I'm willing to look past that because this man is just THAT talented! It's like if Chris Klafford's voice (and beard) came together with Marcin Patrzalek's guitar skills, with the songwriting complexity of We Three! Interesting how his audition came right after the Golden Buzzer, since this guy looked fitting enough for it (especially from Simon), and I honestly wouldn't have complained (though I'll get to the REAL pick soon...) But as it is, this guy looks like a prime GB pick for the Judge Cuts, and I have no doubt that he will go far! Hands down my favorite singer so far this season!
4: Feng E. Speaking of the passing down of Marcin Patrzalek's skills, here's a mini Marcin right here! Grace VanderWaal is watching this kid and going “Why didn't I do THAT with my ukelele!?” From what little we saw of him (not so much the performance as the boy himself), I wouldn't doubt that he will probably be eliminated in the next round...Real shame...But we have another talented preteen to potentially step in for him...
3: Noah Epps. It was actually a close one between the two kids, but I ultimately picked Noah because we saw more of his dancing than Feng's electric ukelele playing...(It's actually a close one between all of the Top 7...) It looks like they finally built a more advanced model of the Merrick Hanna droid, now with more creepy Pinocchio schtick! (Ultron, eat your mechanical heart out!) I really hope this kid does well in this game; No reason to cut his strings so early...
2: The Spyros Bros. So THIS is what Mochi's act was missing! Well, where he failed, this may be the act to succeed in making diabolo a talent to be taken seriously on this show! What they have already displayed here was mindblowing, and from what they've said, it sounds like this is only the beginning! Between the awesomeness we are (possibly) about to witness, the bullying backstory, and the AGT fanboyism, this act does have the potential to go far! When I watched the preview video on Youtube a few days ago, I was expecting this to be another awesome act in an otherwise humdrum show, but not only were almost every act tonight top-notch, but one other act just barely edged them out from the top spot of this list...
1: W.A.F.F.L.E. Crew. In Season 13, we got the epically named Pancakes! And now this year we have met their superior brethren in the dancing breakfast pastry category! (Can't wait to see French Toast Crew in Season 17 and Da Crepez in Season 19!) Okay, onto the most important point...I never thought I'd say this...But I think I'll be rooting for Simon Cowell's Golden Buzzer to win this season! It's hard to compare them with the more gimmicky dance acts like V.Unbeatable, Light Balance and Zurcaroh, but as far as straight-up hip-hop dance goes, this is the cream of the crop! It's also hard to compare them with the other GBs; They probably won't get as many Youtube views as Roberta or Cristina (though we'll just see), but they definitely stand out more, and Simon is sure to push them as far as possible! So far none of the acts are safe bets for the win...But maybe it's time a dance crew finally got it (again, not counting V.Unbeatable at Champions earlier this year...) These guys have all of the necessary materials to go all the way: The skills, the style, the story, the Golden Buzzer, the fans' blessing, Simon's blessing...and MY blessing!
WHERE WERE ALL THESE ACTS BEFORE!? It's like they saved almost all of the really exciting ones for one show (though Malik and maybe a few others would have fit in quite well). This reminds me of that audition episode last year that had Marcin, Berywam and ADEM all in the same show (as well as that goofball who did the Andy Kaufman thing), but if almost the entire show was at their level! Hands down the best audition of the season so far, with several acts I could see making it all the way to the Finals!
So next week should be interesting...We already saw what it's like with a vacant judges' seat (giving the Spyros plenty of space to toss the diabolo over), but we'll see how Sofia's “Modern Family” co-star Eric Stonestreet handles filling in for Heidi...
I will probably expect the last Golden Buzzer of the round (Howie's) to be saved for the final audition the week after (I wonder if it will be that “at home” show I saw on Youtube, and they left out Howie's GB in those videos). Either way, we'll wait and see...
Until then...
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lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
Random [made by: ©xspinningisfun]
If you say “haha”, do you sometimes put space between them? [Ex. Ha ha] Sometimes if I’m being sarcastic I’ll type “Ha. Ha.” <<< Yeah, that’s my sarcastic laugh online. lol.
Did you just finish eating something? Nope. It’s been a few hours since I last ate.
Do you have fruit flies in your house? Ugh, we get them during the warmer months. SO. ANNOYING.
If you see a grammar/spelling error in one survey question, do you fix it I’ll sometimes be casual about it and use the proper spelling/grammar in my answer, or I’ll acknowledge it outright with an *asterisk.
Have you ever seen a spelling error in a book that you read? Yeah, I read a lot of books and I’ve seen it quite a bit.
Ever had a chicken finger sub/sandwich? Not a chicken finger sandwich, but a chicken sandwich (a chicken patty or chicken fillet). 
Are you going out to dinner tonight? No. While restaurants are starting to open up again, I will not be going to any at this time. Even though they have certain protocols in place for social distancing and cleaning, I don’t feel safe doing so.
^Speaking about the word “tonight”, have you ever spelt it “tonite”? No.
What’s up with repeated questions on surveys? I don’t know, but it’s annoying.
What’s in your wallet? Credit cards and my ID.
Do you grind your teeth? No.
Have you ever watched a movie and it sucked so bad, but you continued to watch it to see if it got better? Yeah. If I get far enough I have to see how it ends at least.
Do you type “mhm” a lot? Not a lot, but sometimes.
Have you ever tried eating peanut butter to get rid of your hiccups? I haven’t heard of that life hack. How would that help?
Ever read any of E.B. White’s books? I’m familiar with Charlotte’s Web and Stuart Little, but I’ve only seen the movie versions. 
Do you have a garage? Yes.
How many acres do you have at your house? Uhh I live in a duplex. It’s not big.
Do you think it would be cool if one of your family members was your neighbor? I’d love if one of my aunts lived next door. She and I are very close and it’d be fun. 
Does your makeup smear a lot? I haven’t worn makeup in a long time, but whenever I did I always had an issue with my eyeliner smudging in the corner.
Ever heard of the band As Cities Burn? If so, do you like them? I don’t think so.
Would you do a survey if all the questions were typed in internet lingo? [Ex: how old r u?; do u have a pet?; whats ur name?; etc.?] Noooo. I’d find that very annoying. 
Do you remember the first time you experienced the Internet? Not the very first time exactly, but I remember the early days of using the Internet in general. Like the AOL days. :O
If you use email, do you open up emails from addresses you don’t recognize? Nope.
Have you ever watched America’s Funniest Home Videos? I did when I was a kid. Back when Bob Saget was the host.
Are you still in your pajamas? Yep.
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photolover82 · 4 years
The Masked Singer Season 3 Episode 6: Group B Championships (Commentary and Guesses)
Hello fellow Masked Singer lovers! Welcome (or welcome back) to my commentary and guesses for the Masked Singer. This time, we’re talking about the last week of seeing Group B. I am so excited to see Group C next week, but let’s talk about the remaining 4 of Group B performing for a chance to be in the “Super Nine.” Alright, so let’s begin with the mask who got eliminated (this makes me sad to report but whatever)... 
Like always I gotta warn you that this is a ***SPOILER ALERT*** so if you haven’t seen it and you don’t want spoils, skip this post…
Ok now that they’re gone… Let’s reveal who got eliminated/unmasked... 
The celebrity mask that had to go home/be revealed was…
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Awww like I get why he was eliminated compared to the other hand vocally speaking, but like he was my favorite so I am kind of sad to let him go. I kind of was hoping for the Frog to go home instead. Anyways, having said that, I knew exactly who this was (lol I love quoting Ken) since the beginning: 
So the Taco is, as I suspected.... *SPOILER*
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Ok like I don’t wanna say I knew it, but I knew it. I guessed it all along, mostly because of the way he speaks/carries himself on stage and the clues: 
When Group B were singing together, there was a clue on the screen: “I have loved a lot of salsa in my day,” mentioning not the food but the dance since he has been hosting DWTS for a long time and they aren’t a stranger to salsa dancing
Baked Beans= Tom is from Boston
Closest Friend= Bob Saget = comedy connection and America’s Funniest Home Videos connection 
The Menu had the “ME” bolded, which said out loud is “Emmy” (not the word me but saying m and then e) which both Saget and Bergeron have won one.  
Lastly, the friendship bracelet every contestant gave to the judges, his was to Nichole (Nichole Scherzinger) and it had the word “kiss” on it. Nichole got a perfect score on Dancing with the Stars, dancing to the song “kiss.” 
Ok, so let me comment on his performance real quick. He sang “Can’t Help Myself” by The Four Tops. It was such a good performance and like his other performances the songs suit his voice very well, so he is very smart when picking songs. I never would have imagined Tom Bergeron as a singer, but it is really cool to see him in this light, a more fun and laidback light. He seems kind of overshadowed by other people on DWTS, so it is awesome to see him get his own spotlight for a while.He had an amazing run as a taco (wow, this show is weird) and I will miss seeing him perform. 
Ok having said that, let’s talk about our top 3, the 3 winners who made it to the Super Nine: 
1. The Kitty 
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Performance: Ok, so I really liked the Kitty a lot. However, this performance wasn’t my favorite and neither was her last one. I don’t know why but there was something off about her song choices (she sang Mama’s Broken Heart by Miranda Lambert) for last week and this week. However, she is still fantastic and so hard to figure out, but I am going to stick with my previous answer, which is... 
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I mean this mask is legit the hardest ever and this new set of clues don’t make it any better: 
Pre-clue: “I’d like to seal the deal”= ???
Horror movie in the clue= Lucy did star in 3 horror movies  
 BFF with the green braid Repunzel hair= I got nothing here 
Bracelet to Robin Thicke with “Firework” = only connection I have seen of them was at “We Heart It” 
2. The Banana 
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Performance: I actually was very pleasantly surprised with Banana. He sang Lean on Me by Bill Withers and I was impressed. It showed off more of his tone and what he can do with his voice. At first I thought his voice was nothing special but oh wow was I wrong, Times like these where I am happy to be wrong. Anyways, I don’t know I think he is my new favorite for Group B. Having said that, I already know who it is, no doubt in my mind, that it is... 
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The new set of clues this time sealed the deal for me: 
2 girls in the clue package= 2 daughters 
He would build them go-karts in backyard= pictures of this on his social media (him and family go-kart racing) 
Sang the song he did because of dad who recently died = Bret Micheals’s dad passed away in August 2019 (this wasn’t supposed to be a clue I know, but it is still something to think about... still it’s so sad) 
3. The Frog 
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Performance: Ok, I haven’t really been the biggest fan of Frog, but lemme admit he is getting better. He really has an amazing stage presence and performs/entertains like no other. However, this performance in particular showed less rapping and more vocal ability than I thought the frog had. So, ya pleasantly surprised wow. However, I am not surprised nor confused as to who this is, because I already know that it is.... 
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These clues didn’t make me flinch on my guess since round 1: 
Manager in the clue = knew him since a tadpole= his first album was when he was 13 years old
Bow tie= same spelling as “bow wow” 
Life not being easy, almost quitting= struggled with addiction to cough syrup 
Friendship Bracelet= gave it to guest judge and season 1 winner T-Pain, who he collaborated with on many songs, like “Better” 
So, ya! That’s it. I am so excited to meet the last group of singers and the preview looks so amazing so I am stocked. Thank you for reading my crazy, insane recap on the Masked Singer and see you guys next week!
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chazz-anova · 5 years
So i finally started writing out this fanfic i had in mind for an AU where soulmates share a specific and identical mark, here's chapter one! Please let me know what you think ❤
It was another hectic day in Hope County, but Veronica Rook was getting pretty used to chaos being the norm. From the moment she stepped out of that helicopter to arrest Joseph Seed, her life had been trapped in a downwards spiral. After Dutch Roosevelt had saved her from falling into the hands of the nefarious Eden's Gate cult, she'd been constantly on the run helping build up the resistance and planning on how to deal with the Seed family (none of whom she was too keen on murdering). Before she'd come here on the warrant for The Father, she had never even discharged her weapon in the line of duty, and now her kill count was in the dozens and rising. She wondered sometimes if she was a monster, or broken somehow. She was especially questioning herself right now as she sat in a hunting blind just a few miles from the Henbane River, watching the broadcast that John Seed (the youngest of the Seed brothers) had aired only a few days ago. "Don't worry… we'll come for you." His final chilling words wrapping up the monologue about the 'power of yes'. Veronica paused the video, gazing into the cold blue eyes on the screen. 'How can someone so pretty be so crazy?' She wondered. This was not the first time she had rewatched this video, and revisited that particular thought. The first time Veronica saw John; she had been just as mesmerized by him- which was part of the reason she was questioning her sanity and avoiding Holland Valley like the plague. "Whatcha doin' Ronnie?" The sudden voice made the deputy jump, hitting her head on the top of the blind with a solid thud. "Do you always have to try to scare the shit out of me Sharky?" She asked, standing and rubbing her temple with a frown. He just shrugged- offering a playful smile "Do you always have to make it so easy?" Veronica replied by punching him lightly in the shoulder and shaking her head, "Whatever, loser."
"You won't be calling me a loser once we smoke some of this  hydroponic shit!"
Sharky pulled a ziplock bag from his pocket and shook it in front of Veronica's face, which she promptly snatched from him to examine. "That'll do pig, that'll do!" She grinned after smelling the contents, her problematic feelings for John cast away for the moment. 
An hour later, after making quick work of a couple joints, the duo sat on the plaid couch in Sharky's trailer, watching a recorded rerun of America's Funniest Home Videos. "Man, a year ago if someone had told me I'd be smoking weed with a pyromaniac to take the edge off the intense civil war I was a figurehead in, I'd probably smack 'em." Veronica muttered and watched a cat half jump half fall through a baby gate on the small TV. Sharky nodded, digging his hand in a bag of chips while nonchalantly replying "You're definitely not what I expected for being a lawman!" Next to him, she let out an exasperated sigh "That's my point! Before this shit, I rarely smoked or drank, and definitely didn't have a fucking license to kill! I was just a normal person, trying and actually succeeding in making the best life I could for myself!" Her companion sat up a little straighter, discarding his snack and giving her his full attention "Dep, life is crazy. One minute you're a normie, and the next you're a cultist slaughtering machine with the fate of Hope County on your shoulders! I can't fix your problem or untangle your feelings about all this shit, but I can go get you a beer, roll you a blunt, and sit here with you while you try to make sense of it all." He gave her a sympathetic smile, and she nodded "Well I won't turn an offer like that down. You know, sometimes you make this shit seem as normal as can be. I'm not sure if it's helping the problem or not but at least I know you mean well, and you'll let me ramble about it until the cows come home." Standing, he patted her on the shoulder and commented "Someone's gotta keep your head straight, V!" 
Though Veronica was still feeling bleak about her situation, she was thankful for him being by her side as she mused on it and they whittled the day away with jokes and meaningless conversation between the important bits- giving her some reprieve from her thoughts. After Sharky had gone to bed, and she was settling down into the somewhat scratchy couch in his living room- she heard her radio humming. With a sigh and some dramatic flourish; the tired deputy pulled out the device and extended the antenna, expecting to hear someone from the resistance on the other end since it was set to her private channel. Instead, she hears the voice of someone at the center of her shifting morals- John Seed. "Deputy… I hope you're listening, my men took a great deal of pain finding out which frequency could be used to contact you privately." She immediately sat at attention, her heart pulsing through her body and making her voice shaky "What do you want?" 
"I'm offended deputy! I make a video just for you and then you run off to ignore me for Faith. Do you not care for your friend Deputy Hudson?" He mused, his voice almost melodious. 'Well it's not like I can tell him I don't want a part of this, or that I'm having second thoughts…' She thought while debating on what to say. The radio crackled to life once more- "Nothing to say? I suppose Hudson and I aren't interesting to you… maybe I have something better for catching your attention then." In the background she heard what sounded like a raspy squeak, then the noise grew louder and an enraged roar that she would recognize anywhere blasted through the speaker.  "Peaches??" She spoke to the cougar hurriedly, her breath catching and icy fear gripping her heart. A menacing chuckle answered her "Yes, that's what I've been told the beast's name is. She's quite unruly! I suppose that's why you're so close." Silence settled upon the trailer as Veronica took a few breaths to steady herself, she felt warm anger seeping into her, and deadly intentions blooming in her mind as she gathered herself. "John, I'd recommend from this moment on, you start watching your back. Be afraid of any noises you hear in the dark of night, because I'm coming for you. For every hair that's out of place on her, you will pay with broken bones." A steely resolve came over her as she turned off the radio before he had a chance to reply. Veronica hopped off the couch, slinging on her various holsters and the arsenal that went with them. A moment later, she was shaking a snoring Sharky from his dead slumber. Once his eyes opened and he saw her- he startled and asked "Who shat in your cereal, V?" She spoke low and carefully, not trusting herself not to start shouting "John has Peaches, and we're going to get her back." Sharky's eyes widened and he nodded "Give me a second, and we'll hit the road!" She released a breath she hadn't realised she'd been holding, "Thank you.. I knew you would understand." 
"Oh I understand, I understand that John doesn't know who he's fucking with." 
Only ten minutes later, the pair was burning rubber speeding towards Holland Valley to save their feline companion, and they both knew they wouldn't be coming back without blood on their hands. 
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lavieboheme930 · 4 years
I Will Come To You
How do you make sure people know you don’t like them at all? I don’t let them know.
Would you say you’re someone who likes to cuss a lot? Yes
Do you keep secrets from your parents that you don’t keep from your friends? No
If you had to, where would you get a tattoo at? Why? I wouldn’t.
How much was the cell phone you have at this moment in time? no idea
Would you say you hang out with people the majority of your life? No
What would you do if you woke up randomly with purple hair? I would love to have purple hair.  Who knows, maybe I will some day
Do you ever look in the mirror and name all of your flaws for no reason? No
Are you getting sick of the reality show Survivor? Why? I never watched it
Do you usually explain to people why you do the things you do? No Ever submit a video to America’s Funniest Home Videos? No
What colour is the closest desk to your body? What all is on it? beige.  My laptop
The most painful medical procedure you’ve ever had? wisdom teeth surgery Are you someone who likes to eat Pop-Tarts? What’s your favourite flavor? Not really anymore.
Ever have a dream you’re being abducted by aliens? Was it scary? Nope.
What would you say is the colour of your favourite bra? I have no favorite. Do you like people who are loud or people who are quiet? In between
Does personality weigh out the sense of ‘good looks?’ Yes
When is the next time you’ll see someone who is pregnant? I don’t know
Do you ever watch those storm chasing shows on television? No Do you hate it when people copy the things you do? YES!!! Where is your favourite piece of electronic equipment? My phone Where is the person who ‘owns your heart’ at this moment in time? No one owns it
Has anyone ever told you that you’re good at cooking? no and if they did I’d know they were lying cause I can’t cook.
Would you say you’re a fast texter, or are you pretty slow? Very fast
What is your favourite flavor of Doritos? What do you drink with them? Cool Ranch.  And mostly water.  Or a beer.
Do you have any enemies who you think are dangerous? No Have you ever personally witnessed a drug deal before? No
Do you ever try to squeeze information out of people? No
Does it freak you out when the police drive by your house? No Are you someone who tends to take a whole lot of naps? Yes What is your favourite nickname you like to be called? Why do you like it? Dickie.  It’s from my Taron’s Bitches group and it’s cause of my love for Richard Madden
Do you already have your outfit for tomorrow planned out? No cause I’m not doing anything.
What is the colour of your favorite pair of pants? What brand are they? Red.  and no idea Has your favourite song ever been featured on a commercial? I’m sure it has been.
Do you ever promise pc4pc on MySpace then never return the favour? No What is one song right now that really gets on your nerves? I don’t know. What would you say was the best year of your life? Why? I would love to say yes, but only the last half of it was.
Do those annoying infomercials ever draw you in to buy things? No Have you ever been pulled over by the cops for speeding? No, I don’t drive
Ever meet someone who’s house has burned down spontaneously? No
Is anyone in your family a firefighter? Who is it anyway? No
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demonsurveys · 4 years
How do you make sure people know you don’t like them at all? I don’t tend to let people know I dislike them. I don’t see the point unless they’ve wronged me and I’ve ceased communication with them. I can get along with people I’m not necessarily a fan of. 
Would you say you’re someone who likes to cuss a lot? Yes
Do you keep secrets from your parents that you don’t keep from your friends? Yes What is your father’s best friend’s name? Do you know them personally? He says my mum is his best friend so I know her personally.
If you had to, where would you get a tattoo at? Why? My lower inner arm. It’ll be mainly covered up due to England being cold but I can also display it if I want.
How much was the cell phone you have at this moment in time? £600 then a contract on top of it.
Would you say you hang out with people the majority of your life? No
What would you do if you woke up randomly with purple hair? Be very confused but I don’t think I’d hate it
Do you ever look in the mirror and name all of your flaws for no reason? I try not to
Are you getting sick of the reality show Survivor? Why? I don’t want it, I’m indifferent 
Do you usually explain to people why you do the things you do? Yes because I somehow feel like I need to constantly justify my actions to people for their approval which sucks Ever submit a video to America’s Funniest Home Videos? No
What colour is the closest desk to your body? What all is on it? White
The most painful medical procedure you’ve ever had? My root canal, I guess. I’ve only ever had teeth related procedures.  Are you someone who likes to eat Pop-Tarts? What’s your favourite flavor? Not really
Ever have a dream you’re being abducted by aliens? Was it scary? Yes and it legitimately scared me to the extent where for years I had my room arranged differently to what it was in the dream, avoided blue bed sheets (that I had on me when I was being abducted) and slept with my hair tied up because in my dream, it was down. 
What would you say is the colour of your favourite bra? Black Do you like people who are loud or people who are quiet? People who are constantly loud intimidate me so I’ll go for quiet
Does personality weigh out the sense of ‘good looks?’ Yes
When is the next time you’ll see someone who is pregnant? I don’t know
Do you ever watch those storm chasing shows on television? Only occasionally if there was nothing else on Do you hate it when people copy the things you do? I can’t remember if anyone has ever copied me Where is your favourite piece of electronic equipment? My phone Where is the person who ‘owns your heart’ at this moment in time? She’s at work
Has anyone ever told you that you’re good at cooking? Yes
Would you say you’re a fast texter, or are you pretty slow? It depends on how much I want to talk to them
What is your favourite flavor of Doritos? What do you drink with them? Cool original (cool ranch in the USA). I don’t have a specific drink
Do you have any enemies who you think are dangerous? No. The person I dislike the most is very manipulative and I guess that does make her dangerous to an extent but not in a physical way. Have you ever personally witnessed a drug deal before? Yes
Do you ever try to squeeze information out of people? Yes
Does it freak you out when the police drive by your house? Yes but I have issues with police at the moment (not as in I’ve been in trouble but police trigger a traumatic memory for me) Are you someone who tends to take a whole lot of naps? Yes What is your favourite nickname you like to be called? Why do you like it? I like baby but only from my girlfriend. If anyone else calls me baby they die.
Do you already have your outfit for tomorrow planned out? No but I can probably guess what I’m going to wear
What is the colour of your favorite pair of pants? What brand are they? Black and Primark Has your favourite song ever been featured on a commercial? No
Do you ever promise pc4pc on MySpace then never return the favour? No What is one song right now that really gets on your nerves? I can’t think of one at the moment now the radio has finally stopped playing Christmas songs. I love Christmas but hate Christmas music. What would you say was the best year of your life? Why? I’m not sure. Probably one when I was a child and things seemed less complicated. I had a great Summer but the rest of the year has sucked.
Do those annoying infomercials ever draw you in to buy things? No Have you ever been pulled over by the cops for speeding? No, I don’t drive
Ever meet someone who’s house has burned down spontaneously? No
Is anyone in your family a firefighter? Who is it anyway? No
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smashwolfen · 5 years
Aight I got tagged by @mi-spark so I’m gonna do a thing!
nickname: Smash, Smish, Chat mom, AJ
zodiac: A very emotional Scorpio
height: 5′ 4′’
last thing i searched: How to measure 300 grams of rice into cups instead
favorite musicians: Oh god uhhhh i’m not one for musicians and names but I can name Genres? Currently into folk music, metal, folk metal, the Oldies, honestly whatever helps me with the daydreaming and they Idea thinking, I can never pin down a specific type, each kind gets me thinking and going differently. Although, I love hearing songs in different languages! Scandinavian and Gaelic are my go to types
song stuck in my head: I got 3 bouncing around whenever right now. “Svanrand” and “Norupo” by Heilung, and “Kings Queens and Vagabonds” by Ellem
if you had a time machine, would you go back in time or visit the future?: I’d go back in time, just to see the past with my own eyes and to take it in really, reading the past is one thing but imagine something you read and thought was interesting, but you got to BE there. That’s what’d I’d like about it
do i get asks: Nope, and that’s okie, kinda don’t know if i even have that open or what people would ask, i’m too chill and also overthink to have that XD
amount of sleep: Depending on my hours at work and my willingness to go to bed on time, between 5-9 hours, fluctuates horribly
would you rather be rich or famous: I’d be rich, stupid rich so I can help people and return money to folks I owe with good interest! I wish to be able to be comfy in life and not worry about stuff.
lucky number: I never thought about lucky numbers, do I need them? Nah I don’t need them.
what i’m wearing: boyfriend style long sleeved shirt thats dark grey with some triangle things on it, camo socks and warm fuzzy camo pants, good PJ’s
dream trip: Ireland, Scotland, mostly europe by the Oceans! I’d go for learning about mythologies and legends locally and LOVE to go see the country side!! Japan too but when I build nerves to be in a big city, small city living is what I’m good at right now. Last time I lived in the big city for almost a year the stress gave me acute appendicitis, had to move back home because of it ^^;
dream job: Being able to draw and write about the stories I got in my head and have them be liked, while having a nice quiet job on the side to keep me on my toes
favorite food: Chocolate, Lobster, spaghetti, smelts, anything seafood really, sushi, garlic, aaaaaaand butter chicken
what are some of your favorite books/films/shows/games/etc?:
I’m bad, I don’t read many books, but I like some Manga if that counts. The manga and normal books I like are: The Girl from the Other Side, The Outsiders, mob psycho 100, Children of the Lamp the Akhenaten Adventure, To Kill a Mockingbird, The Scott Pilgrim series and Seconds by the same guy as Scott Pilgrim
films: Hhhhhhhh also bad with these, Detective Pikachu, anything from Studio Ghibli, Song of the Sea, Kung Fu Panda’s, Inherit the Wind, That Live action version of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, like the one with the suits and the corny stuff, Support your Local Sheriff, The Last Unicorn, Wolf Children and the Secret of NIHM
I haven’t actively watched any shows in years but ummm, Ouran Highschool Host Club, One Punch Man, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Steven Universe, Samurai Jack, America’s Funniest Home VIdeos, and RWBY
Games is easy! Pokemon, The Legend of Zelda (specifcally Majora), Okami, Luigi’s Mansion, and Night in the Woods!
if you were an animal, what would you be?: Hmmmm this has stumped me, years ago I would have said a Wolf, but now its torn between that and a Deer, or a mash of both. If it was literally anything I’d be one of those cats that help cook food in Monster Hunter. XD
play any instruments?: Can't read sheet music to save my life but by ear? I can do piano, Ocarina, Didgeridoo, trumpet, guitar and recorder.
languages: Just English, though I can pick up words in french, welsh, gaelic and japanese XD The music helps
describe yourself as an aesthetic: Feck uhhh
Canadian plaid stereotype, earthly, cursive as in very @#%^ing cursive, arty nerd who talks to cats and smells like home cooked food
I can’t think of anyone to tag so I’ll leave it up to anyone who would like to have some fun and share random info to random strangers, and make the ones you know question you XD
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