#I was also thrown off by the fact that they did not ask any case study/clinical questions at all??
seokshinedk · 1 year
Had an interview for my externship earlier today and well. Maybe it would be best to keep looking for other places lol
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greywritesthings · 2 months
None of that
Derek Morgan x Platonic!Reader
Warnings - meltdown, self harm stims
Spencer Reid Masterlist
Read on Ao3 instead!
A/N - IDK when the next update for the Autistic! reader series will be but hopefully soon! Decided to focus on Derek on this one as iv seen a lot of Spencer x autistic reader ( the main focus of the one shot series ) but who doesn't love some rep for the other characters, I may also do Emily, JJ etc x autistic reader as their own one shots :) Reblogs, comments & likes always appreciated!!
Today had started off bad and just seemed to be getting worse. You had woken up without Spencer as he had to go off to Louisville with Hotch to do a death row interview at the last minuet meaning your carefully planned out schedule for the week now had a wrench thrown in it, something you didn't deal with at the best of times, let alone without your boyfriend. 
You had checked the weather when you were picking your outfit and it was supposed to be a mild but sunny day, so you picked a shirt and skirt with a sweater vest in case it went colder than expected but on your walk to the subway the skies suddenly opened and you got drenched to the bone before you could get under any decent form of shelter. You were lucky that your go bag was at the office but it meant spending your entire commute soaking wet.  
By the time you reached the office you were nearly at the point of a meltdown so you text Rossi to say you were here just taking time to calm down after a hellish commute. Once you finally walked into the bullpen you nearly flinched at the amount of noise and lights in the space. You knew today was going to be a bad one and you would be lucky to escape it without a meltdown. 
You took up Spencers desk for the day, a common occurrence when he was away as it brought you comfort, so you were next to Morgan and across from Emily, two people you adore on any given day aside from the fact that today you could hear the music coming from Morgans headphones just enough to the point it was driving you up the wall and combined with Emily's constant clicking of her pen as she did her paperwork and the buzzing of the various screens and lights around the room it was becoming too much but without Spencer here you were just frozen in place. You trusted the BAU with your life, literally more often than not but you still didn't want to have an outburst in the middle of your work day, especially when it was only another hour before Spencer was due back at work, the interview having been quicker than expected. 
“Can you stop! Please!” you snap at no one in particular but both Emily and Morgan freeze. You clap your hands over your mouth and make a break for Hotch's currently vacant office, a place he had specifically told you to use when he wasn't in it and you had learnt to listen to him after a few meltdowns in the FBI parking lot. You’re only half sure the door closes behind you as you fall into the corner of the office Hotch had shifted around specifically for your meltdowns. He had kept it dark so it all blended in and didn’t overwhelm you but it was all soft, cushions on the floor and wall with some small fidget toys in a box to the side so you could grab them. 
You can hear footsteps approaching the doorway and the door slowly creaking open and the footsteps slowly approach, it's not Hotch or Spencer. It can't be Emily, JJ or Garcia given they’re all in heels leaving it to be Morgan. “Hey baby girl, can you look at me?” he asks as he sits down cross legged in front of you, coming down to your level. “There you are, you gotta come back down to me okay sweetheart? I know you're overloaded right now” He keeps his voice low to try and encourage you to breathe. He didn't notice the fact that your hands are scratching at your arms until they were starting to bleed, “Hey hey hey mama none of that thank you okay, here grab my hands okay, you can squeeze as hard as you like, just no scratching yourself up okay?” He's not harsh about it, just firm. You grab onto his outstretched hands and he starts trying to guide your breathing. “There you go, see? You're doing it now. Do you want your fidgets? I can also go grab you a Hot chocolate or something, I don't have pretty boy on hand but he should be back in a half hour or so and Hotch has cleared you to go home when he's come back.” You smile at Morgan, reaching for the box of fidgets and grabbing one out. “I'm going to go grab you a Hot chocolate missy, behave while i'm gone okay?” You laugh as he leaves, settling back into the cushions with the fidget, nearly falling asleep.
Taglist - @reidstheyfriend , @oosnapitskat, @lover-of-books-and-tea
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blood-grove · 1 month
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— school fights
— dad!ghoap & reader scenario based off my fics here :3
— tws; ofc fighting mentions, injuries , annoying adult (principal)
a/n; this isnt a chapter to odd adjustments just a scenario so pls dont treat this as a next chapter !
Fuck Fuck Fuckkk.
I was so fucking screwed.
But honestly the kid deserved it.
God my fist hurt so damn bad, I just tried rubbing it despite the fact I'm pretty sure I bruised my knuckles pretty badly.
Managed to sock him in the face though god damn it hurt.
I've never really gotten into fights much barely at all really, and it's been good at this school so far.
All into this one fucking kid decided to start fucking up your day for two weeks straight, You didn't even know what you did to cause this.
You weren't the tallest person either which also didn't help your situation Nearly comically shoved in the locker, Always having to quickly rush to your next class just in case the long open hallway would flood and stop up with foot traffic.
The relentless harassment, and the honestly uncreative insults thrown at you.
You just snapped.
John had packed me lunch usually I didn't ask since honestly I never got used to asking for things I felt everything they've gave me so far was enough, I didn't want to be spoiled even though there was a nagging voice saying I wasn't being spoiled.
This sort of parental affection made me feel spoiled, Made me feel like I almost had too much.
The principals voice brought me out of my thoughts.
"Are you listening?!"
"I've already called both of your parents both of your behaviors were inexcusable- And you? Biting one of your classmates?!"
I slightly flinched.
Yeah I did bite them.
But that was also deserved, I hated this school's stupid no-tolerance policy, Nearly the whole class was there saw it.
They all saw him dump that milk carton on my head my hair still damp, I tried to just walk away but being shoved onto the ground was my final straw as I punched him, and then we were both on the floor he was bigger than me and obviously, And I wasn't made for fighting he had landed a few more hits on me than I had on him.
So I bit him.
Then the teachers finally got in threw the small crowd of students and pulled us apart.
"What are you some kind of dog? Do your parents teach you nothing?"
I just stayed silent gripping my pants leg as avoided eye contact, Why was I getting torn into for self-defense? Her shrill voice was getting on my nerves at this point getting to them bad.
I doubted things would go any better if I completely shut down, But eventually, she let up on me and went over to the teary-eyed boy no doubt from my bite of just to gain sympathy I couldn't care.
I just pulled my legs to my chest as he chewed on my lip focused on the ground.
This discussion was just hell, I wanted to throw up, yell, and vomit all once.
We both were getting suspended for a week, You would be put in sperate classes as if that was going to stop any other interaction from happening.
And you were supposed fucking apologize?.
"What?" I spoke up finally as the principal looked over at me Simon looked over at me as well had luckily arrived before the other kids' parent came which would have basically felt like my doom feeling like they were just going to gang up on me and guilt me till he came.
"You bit another student-"
"He dumped milk on me he's been fucking with me for two weeks!"
"Watch your language-"
"I-" I stopped as Simon slightly glanced over at me and I just gave up at that point as I bit my lip nearly crumbling up the apology paper I was given.
I was sniffling quietly by the time we left the office.
"Wait here." Simon finally said something as he headed back into the office leaving me to sit down on a nearby bench as I sniffled tears streaming down my face.
Simon came back out a few minutes later.
"Where's the paper?" Simon looked over at me as I handed him the paper as he just ripped it up tossing it into the trash.
"Why'd you do that?-"
"Do you want to go get ice cream?"
"Sorry.." Simon mumbled as he wrapped up my bruised knuckles and hand, My other holding my ice cream cone.
"Well get it wrapped up in ice at home.." I just nodded as he shifted getting up from his crouched position and picking up his own cup of ice cream.
He sat back down and we sat in silince for a while as we ate out ice cream.
"..Are you upset?"
He glanced over at me.
"For not telling us you were being bullied."
"Well..I..I just thought.." I just sighed I went quiet looking away I could hear him shift taking another spoonful of ice cream.
"..If it happens again tell me.." I looked over at him as he shifted.
"You don't have to write that apology letter.."
"W-Well you ripped it up so..Yeah I thought so.."
"I'm going to the gym tomorrow.."
He paused as he shifted as he got up to throw away his ice cream cup.
"I want you too come."
"So I can teach you how to punch someone properly."
a/n; idk what to put here so this is it lmao
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theallegedbird · 6 months
look this really isn't the kind of post i'd normally make but why the fuck aren't we talking about trans rights in the uk. this is just the latest thing they've thrown at us. it's absolute shit here to be blunt.
on the 19th the uk department of education (DfE) released its guidance for schools and colleges and how they deal with trans kids
its bad. really fucking bad.
but there is some hope in that they are asking for feedback from teachers and school leaders, myself and a friend wrote a document going through why the guidelines are so awful but stopped after focusing on four points since it was. half midnight on the same day this guidance was released. we then gave this to as many teachers as we could before the holiday break and believe me it did a lot, we're working on completing a full version soon
so, uk students, i am begging you to do similar and try persuade your teachers to give feedback (if its safe for you to do so), you'd be surprised how supportive they can be if you break down what this guidance will bring
teacher feedback can be given here, the deadline is the 12th of march 2024
i'm going to go through some of the worst parts of this guidance, keep in mind that according to the education secretary gillian keegan, "this guidance puts the best interests of all children first" utter bullshit obviously
to start off throughout this whole thing they never use the word trans/transgender, just "gender questioning" which feels so fucked up to me
ok so to be blunt essentially what this is going to do is to out any trans kids who want to socially transition to their parents, as well as the fact a school can just. fucking decline any request to socially transition.
"The… guidance clarifies that schools and colleges do not have to, and should not, accept all requests for social transition."
"We are also clear how vital it is that parents are informed and involved in the decisions that impact their children’s lives."
"Parents’ views must also be at the heart of all decisions made about their children – and nowhere is that more important than with decisions that can have significant effects on a child’s life for years to come.”
oh yeah they also connote the whole "trans kids can just get permanent altering medical treatment" bs
on top of that we have this shit
"In exceptional cases where a request to social transition is agreed, children, teachers or staff at a school should not be required to adopt the use of preferred pronouns and there must be no sanction, verbal or otherwise."
so even if you're fucking allowed to socially transition people can straight up misgender you with no fucking consequences. they are legitimately making it so transphobia cant be punished
there is so much more fucked up stuff in this thing as well but you can read that yourself
they are going to kill trans kids if this goes through. they fucking know that. i have the privilege of being out to my parents and them being tolerant but so many closeted trans kids, friends of mine included, wouldn't be able to safely come out even in school. and i know personally how shitty your mental health can get in that situation.
the intent of this guidance is simply put, not in the interest of ‘protecting children’, but in the further marginalisation of an already extremely vulnerable group. they're trying to wipe us out.
uk students, please inform your teachers of what this guidance will do and get them to oppose it in feedback. others just try and spread the word
protect trans kids and fuck the tories.
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vanrouchu · 2 months
stained colours
ace model au i fear
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Being an ambassador for a makeup brand was something new for Ace. Despite being a highly sought-after talent in the industry, there was no denying that his refreshing vibe came from the fact that he was still fairly new when it came to modelling. Perhaps his vibe fit the brand’s image, or at least the new makeup line they were about to release in a few weeks. They asked Ace to create his interpretation of the slogan—Find your colour.
As the current ace of his agency, he was determined to create a look that would make the even camera’s shutters pause in awe. However, it was a little difficult to determine which way would be the best to go about it.
Find your colour.
That was a little subjective—Ace assumed that it would be the colour that suited him the most. In that case, it’s always been red. Although if it was the colour he liked the most, it would also be red. There’s not much of a variety when it comes to his preferences in colours. He needed to get a little bit more creative if he wanted to catch eyes.
He threw his head back and groaned, tired from all the thinking. He had a little less than 15 minutes to think of another concept he could go with than the same dull poses almost every model defaulted to whenever they modelled lipsticks. As his manager, he was relying on you to throw ideas at him—hoping that he could catch one of them and be able to use it.
“Hey, hey, hey! Don’t rub your face, you’ll smudge your makeup.” You sighed, running your hand over the plethora of lipstick tubes the brand gave for Ace to use. A lot of them were unopened; Ace already told you to put them aside after looking at the swatches alone. You grabbed the lipstick Ace was planning to use and stepped in front of him, finger hooking under his chin to tilt his head.
“Isn’t this supposed to be smudge-proof?” He grumbled, parting his mouth slightly to let you apply the lipstick on him. He did a good job not letting it show but there were more than a few thoughts running inside his head with every swipe and with every touch your finger left on his jaw.
“No. Maybe you’re thinking of another brand.” You let out a hum, letting go of his chin before taking a step away and putting the lipstick tube aside. You stared at his face, trying to tell if he looked his best or if there were some changes to be made—sometimes he made this step difficult by staring right back at you and it slowly became a staring contest.
You tilted your head, your hands coming back to the stash of lipsticks thrown to the side. “Are you sure you don’t want to make use of the other colours? There’s too much red… I think. Isn’t the slogan about finding your colour? It would make more sense if you used different ones.”
“What, like, making a gradient lip colour?” He grimaced. Clearly, he wasn’t even trying to comprehend your idea despite his desire to create a unique look. He crossed his arms and thought about it carefully, trying to think of ways he could see your suggestion working.
“No, silly. Not like that.” A chuckle escaped from your lips as you picked up a random shade, uncapping the tube before applying a stroke of colour to your lips. Ace stared at you curiously, trying to figure out what you were trying to do. Were you showcasing the colours for him? If that was the case, then there was really no need to do that—
“Do you mind if I kiss you?”
That single question made him pause. Cutting off any sort of action or thought he was doing at the moment.
“Excuse me?”
You threw your hands up immediately, trying to clarify your words. “Not on your lips! I just had an idea about the sort of look you could do, so I might use the rest of your face.”
That made him nervous. It wasn’t as if he didn’t have faith in his reliable manager, it was just the fact that you had to be in close contact to pull that off—your lips on the skin of his face? He had to calm himself down, urging him to keep his act together. He can’t make it obvious that he was more than a little flustered.
“Go ahead.” He muttered, following up with a louder-than-he-liked “It better look good though!”
With his approval, you stepped closer and wrapped your fingers around his jaw, whispering a small “close your eyes” before pressing your coloured lips against his skin—leaving lipstick marks. Pulling away, you took a step back to take a look at your work before smiling.
“This colour suits you. Let's try other colours too, shall we?”
Before he realized, he was stained with different colours. One on his forehead, one on his cheek, one on his jaw, one his neck, and one on the corner of his lips—barely a kiss. Each one was a different shade, but Ace found himself liking the one near his lips the most. Perhaps that was the color the slogan was talking about. Maybe he found it.
Walking out like that raised some questions from the staff, mostly wondering who did the lipstick marks on him but Ace just brushed them aside. He was far too embarrassed to give a proper answer; he hoped that the flustered look on his face wasn't too visible on the photos but the final results said otherwise.
But in the end, he got what he wanted. A unique look with a little bonus—he wanted to make it a habit to ask for your help if it meant he'll get little treats in between.
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zedif-y · 11 months
There are pros and cons to training.
The cons…. Outweigh the pros, probably, if Jimmy’s being honest. Like, really. Joel’s ruthless- the amount of times Jimmy’s been thrown to the floor, back and butt aching, only for Joel to shrug at his misery, throw a pretty smile, and say: “Up.”
Well. It’s a lot of times.
He doesn’t even know why. It’s not like Jimmy is mean about Joel’s awful cooking skills (though, he is, admittedly, getting slowly better), or about how quickly Joel’s house falls back into an absolute mess (other than a couple minor comments about how it looks like his place was ravaged by a pack of wolves), or- The point is that Jimmy is very polite, thank you. And doesn’t deserve this.
So, please, imagine his shock, awe, and horror when Joel walks through the front door, chest puffed out with pride, holds a bow up into the air, and says, “Today, you’re learning archery.”
Jimmy has half a mind to just run into the bedroom and barricade the door.
Jimmy did not end up barricading the bedroom door, because he had good normal reactions to minor inconveniences (and also, a little bit, because Joel didn’t own anything to barricade a door with. So instead, he’s out in the clearing where the two of them sword fight, but closer to the treeline.
“So,” Joel says, having finished his terribly lacking explanation. “Go ahead.”
Jimmy makes what is probably an absolutely pitifully horrified face at Joel, who simply shrugs and gestures to the tree he’s supposed to be trying to hit. It’s much less what Joel instructed to him to do and much more what he’s seen from the knights back home that allows Jimmy to hold the arrow and string between his fingers, and then pull back.
The arrow pops out from between his fingers and falls unceremoniously to the floor.
“Oh,” Joel says, staring down at it.
“Oh,” Jimmy echos.
“Okay,” Joel says, picking the arrow up and grabbing Jimmy’s limp hand. “Listen up.” Jimmy’s listening. “So, I cut a lil groove into the arrow back here, right?”
Jimmy inspects the back of the arrow and- oh. Yeah.
“So you put the string into that groove, and you hold it between your fingers. Your fingers are on the string.” Joel takes the bow from Jimmy and places the string in the hand he was already holding. He bites the arrow between his teeth, then curls Jimmy’s pointer, index, and ring finger around the string. He slides the arrow between his pointer and index knuckles, and then looks up at Jimmy and grins.
Jimmy realizes very suddenly that they are very close. And decides, also very suddenly, that he is not going to think about the fact that he can feel Joel’s breath on his lips- he’s not thinking about it!
“Now try it for real,” Joel says, leaning in mischievously- Which Jimmy feels normally about, in case you were wondering - and then leans back and holds the wood of the bow out expectantly.
Jimmy takes it, because he feels normal. And taking things offered to you is the normal thing to do.
He wraps his fingers around the string the way Joel had just told him to, and pulls back, back, until his arm can’t go back any further, and then lets go.
The arrow doesn’t go very far.
Jimmy slouches a little, and Joel pats his thigh reassuringly. Which Jimmy still feels normal about - Shut up!!! He’s being extremely well adjusted about this, thank you. It’s Joel’s fault for being all weird during sword practice, so now Jimmy is getting all flustered at nothing during archery. It’s absolutely, one hundred percent Joel’s fault. Obviously.
Joel goes to pick up the arrow, and Jimmy waits, definitely not pouting, with the bow hanging from his hands.
“It was… a nice first try,” Joel says with the voice of someone who is trying very hard to give a compliment that is not at all deserved.
“What happened?” Jimmy asks.
“Well, you’re all-“ Joel stands up straight, and Jimmy blinks. That tells him nothing. “You have to be, like-“ Joel cuts himself off again, turning to Jimmy and twisting him by the shoulders so that they’re facing each other, hips to the treeline. Joel looks down at their feet and kicks so that Jimmy’s feet are a little further apart.
“There we go!” Joel says, offering another grin.
They’re really close again.
Jimmy decides to not think about the way Joel’s eyes crinkle when he smiles in that certain toothy way, or the way his canines are always a little sharp and make Jimmy so curious about what they feel like (which is a normal average thought, thank you), or how really cutely long Joel’s eyelashes are, actually-
Jimmy blinks, because he’s not thinking about it.
“So?” Jimmy says.
“So, now, when you shoot, you have your arm’s length,” Joel begins, grabbing Jimmy’s hand (and also the bow, which might be important to mention) and raising it up to point at the trees. “And also you have aaaaaalllllll of this,” he adds, tracing his finger from Jimmy’s shoulder to his collarbone.
“What?” Jimmy asks, feeling a little bit distracted by the tingling feeling left behind on his chest.
Joel rolls his eyes. “Look,” he says, voice dry. “Pull the string back.”
Jimmy does as requested, putting the arrow against the string, pulling the string back, and back, and back, and- oh, and back more. Okay.
“There!” Joel cheers. “You gotta bring it all the way back to here.”
He brushes the edge of Jimmy’s lip, and Jimmy lets the arrow fly immediately at the feeling.
The arrow doesn’t sink into the wood, but it hits it! So! Yay!
“Oh, hey, pretty good,” Joel hums, appreciative.
Jimmy hopes it’s good enough for them to be done, because he needs to lie down. Is it hot out? It feels hot out.
“We’re not done ‘till you get it through the wood though,” Joel says.
Jimmy thinks he feels his spirit leave him, honest.
“That’s fine,” Jimmy says with his mouth, because complaining has never really worked against Joel. “That’s cool. That’s good. That’s. Yeah.”
Joel raises a brow at him as he picks up the arrow. “Okay, now, this time, actually bring the arrow back to your lip,” Joel says.
“Right!” Jimmy replies, holding a hand out for the arrow.
He plants one foot behind him, knocks the arrow, pulls the string back, then makes sure his hands come right to the edge of his lip like Joel said. Then he aims….
“Your arm is shaking,” Joel notes.
Jimmy turns to look at him. “So wh-?”
Joel grabs him by the chin (which makes him feel normal feelings) and Jimmy lets go of the string. The arrow flies, but Jimmy is not at all thinking about it, or even Joel sort of yelling at him.
“Don’t look at me, idiot!!! The string is gonna slap your nose or your eye or somethin’ important and you’re gonna get hurt!!! You keep your eyes on the prize, not on- me!!!”
Some traitorous voice in Jimmy’s head notes that Joel could be considered a prize, which Jimmy quickly shuts up.
Joel’s still muttering (but with more cursing this time) when he picks up the arrow. “Don’t look at me,” Joel hisses as he passes the arrow over.
Jimmy nods, because what else is he gonna do, and then knocks the arrow again. Pulls it back, to his lip, and-
“Your arm is still shaking,” Joel says.
This time, Jimmy doesn’t turn his head. “Well, what do you want me to do about it??”
Joel sighs, and then walks around to stand behind Jimmy.
Normal feelings.
He puts both his arms up and puts his hand over Jimmy’s hand on the string and helps him pull back. His other hand is on Jimmy’s hip, steadying him. Joel’s biceps are rock solid beneath Jimmy’s arm (normal feelings) and his chest is rising and falling slowly against his back. Joel rests his head between Jimmy’s shoulder blades, and Jimmy’s breath hitches.
He can feel Joel’s breath against him when he says, “We let go together. On three.”
Jimmy doesn’t even let himself nod.
“One,” Joel starts.
“Two,” he says, shifting to look at their clasped hands (or maybe the arrow).
“Three,” he breathes against Jimmy’s ear, and Jimmy doesn’t even choose to let the arrow go- the shock of the feeling against his ear makes his hand open all on it’s own.
The arrow lodges into the tree, a fair bit above where Jimmy was aiming, and stays.
Joel steps back, apparently completely unaware of what he’s just done to Jimmy’s heart. “You did it!” Joel cheers. “Good job! You can go back inside now, I’ll clean up!”
Jimmy stumbles slowly back into the shack of a cabin in the woods, and falls into a pool on the bed.
He feels normal. So so so so normal. About everything. All of this.
Normal feelings.
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pancakewithsprinkles · 2 months
Sam And Max Headcannons <3
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Max loves to draw, though he's on the artistic level of a kindergartener. He likes using crayons the most :)
Sam and Max are both autistic. In fact, the whole reason they got into this business is Sam's never ending hyperfixation on black and white detective films.
They always get icecream after a job to celebrate :)
The commissioner is literally just Steve Purcell
On halloween, they always go as themselves and see how many people they can trick into thinking they're just in costumes. It's always fun
Max likes babies :)
Sam could be making thousands selling his artwork, but he doesn't think its good. (its basically on par with the mona lisa I have no idea where he gets that idea from)
Their favorite icecream is orange dreamsicles :)
Max loves using slang in front of sam to watch him panic because he has No Idea what his little buddy is saying
Max is the top
They like M night Shyamalan movies
Max isn't allowed to listen to Caramel Dansen anymore because last time he did he got so hyper he nearly broke everything in the office
they own multiple of eachother's plushies
They love interacting with kids!! Sam always has police badge stickers in his pocket in case of a Child Spotting. Max also has pixiesticks on hand for the same reason. Sam has no idea if they're actually pixie sticks or if he's just giving kids hard drugs and he's too afraid to ask
Sam is terrified of the Vet. Its a whole day ordeal of Max having to trap, trick, and manipulate his way into forcing sam into the vet's doors. He always gets a chewtoy afterwards though cus he's a brave lil pup :)
Max likes going to the vet because he steals all the equipment
Sam is a giant frank Sinatra fan, listens to him All The Time. This has led to max hating frank sinatra.
Sometimes max will just latch onto sam like a damn parasite and Sam wont even know he's been latched onto him until Max says something. Its nearly given Sam a heart attack on occasions
Sam has a dog bed, and Max sleeps where ever he wants. Spots Sam has found him sleeping in include: The Fridge, On the roof, On his head (suffocating him), In the microwave, and in the fishbowl.
When max dries off after getting wet he looks like a gigantic puff ball. He hates it, and Sam always makes fun of him for it
Sam does the Snoopy Happy dance :)
Max loves being thrown around. Down the stairs, through a window, being spun until he's violently ill... you name it, he adores it.
Max cant swim, but he will lie till the end of time that he can, since he finds wearing floaties embarrassing. He usually drowns at least two times at pool parties
Max's idol is the shark from Jaws
Max loves putting stickers on things he loves! Which usually means himself and Sam are covered in them
If you ask either of them how old they are, they'll reply with "time is a concept" because they've honestly forgotten what age they are
Sam and Max both believe in santa (I guess this isn't a headcannon since they did see/kill him once but still I like it)
Max has the uncanny ability to sleep anywhere anytime he wants, including sleeping standing up.
Sam and Max met eachother at a playground because Max bit sam and said he wouldn't let go till they were best friends. I think you all know how the rest of the story goes
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ohitsminuet · 4 months
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Oh, boy, this'll be a long one.
Minuet isn't here to answer himself, but LMAOOOOO?????? Personally I wouldn't say anything Bug (@bugdatabase) hasn't said in this post.
But! If you want to go even further with the evidence: In this post, Justin himself says that “[He] always felt that PayJay (a ship with a character he voices) is a pretty cool ship).”
Besides, we (Minuet and I) both find it ridiculous to tell someone who is, under the transmitter's point of view, “uninformed” (someone who, under the point of view of someone who thinks it's a proship, likely doesn't know) to “get their senses together”. That's just plain rude. Even if it was a proship, there is a clear lack of tact in this ask, and articulating it differently could have made a different, likely more positive impact. Going “hey, this ship is problematic jsyk” is less aggressive, and in the case that the person /is/ in fact uninformed, can be taken more lightly and solved more amicably.
(But of course, Tumblr is not always amicable, is it?)
In the second post attached, Justin also says that we as a community should value our own sense of interpretation as long as it doesn't go completely against the canon of the show. Which it doesn't, because Toilet and MePad literally make up in canon! And they are shown to be friends after T&B! Even after MYOB, you've got to accept that if they aren't in good terms, MePad did everything he could to convince MePhone to let Toilet stay. Toilet is very compassionate, and even if they’re stuck in a strange desencuentro, he would definitely know this.
Yes, MePad not helping him definitely would leave a mark in their relationship, but that doesn't make the ship abusive or toxic in any way. They were stuck in the middle of a chain of unhealed generational trauma, but none of them are abusive. It's all a petty one-sided conflict for MePhone4’s attention. Toilet doesn't know how to react to being thrown aside, so he develops a strange unrequited rivalry towards MePad. The thing is though! They make up! They communicate their feelings to one another!
Is Toilet hateable under popular perspective? Probably. He's clumsy, loud, not very bright and made for you to either hate him or laugh at him. But that doesn't mean that he isn't a character worth analyzing. He deserves love, which he never receives, even after 14 episodes of dealing with what he deals with. I know it's silly to sympathize with a fictional toilet, but he really does deserve more development and closure for his arc, and as Minuet has expressed in the past, MePad (character) has what it takes to break the cycle and provide him with the affection that he needs. (We're guiding ourselves based off our own analyses of II S2 and canon itself, btw. Not any theories.)
Conclusion: Leave ToiPad and its shippers alone. It is not a problematic ship. Neither of them are abusive, Justin is not uncomfortable with ships of the characters they voice, and it is most definitely Not inc*stuous and/or p*dophilic.
- Nonne (🔪)
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pommunist · 2 months
I've been nervously hovering around your blog as you've always been a level source of info.
As of late it seems as though many people don't seem to quite grasp how different US laws can be for POC. The laws weren't made with us in mind, in fact its extremely common for laws to be thrown at us or twisted against us at all fronts when the other effected party is Anglo.
It's very easy to look at laws and assume the country they preside over would respect them entirely. But for POC that's not the case. This place isn't safe for us. It's corrupt In many ways so it's extremely important for us to be extremely careful with every step. Or we are killed. There is no other way to express the type of danger we face simply for being POC.
I am Mexican, I know that it looks bad that Q has been very silent on many fronts. But speaking even an apology could lead to the entirety of this case being blamed on him. All of it. When the people who caused the damages were on the team and not Q himself. What's worse is that if the people who did cause the damage in the first place are Anglo and have gotten their own Lawyers... they can also be let off the hook from their crimes if Q makes apology statements.
I know its awful.
But even if he contacts those effected personally and apologized personally, there is nothing stopping those individuals from speaking online about his apologies and that being used against him. It would make everyone feel better if he genuinely could apologize without risk of letting those bad actors off the hook. But here in the states it's stacked against those who bend at the knee first. Kindness will get you killed. We as POC cannot exist here safely. We just can't.
Its very easy to look at this whole case from an outside view, especially if you've never faced the American legal system. It's even harder to fathom how a country could have laws so clearly lined and yet disregard them simply based on your race. But it's very common here. I've had relatives lose homes, land, businesses, livelihoods, and lives over the laws out here not being kind to us. All it takes is for one Anglo voice and we are once again reminded how we are nothing. Our hands built these buildings, our sweat is in nearly every structures walls and floors. We clean, we cook, we are still regarded as rabble. Our native tongue isn't even seen as something respectable. It's dirty. It recieves glares and snide remarks.
I digress.
I know you can't quite understand how strong your voice is alone in this. Even now I must hide under this anonymous guise because I can't be Mexican in public. I can't speak my truth... so I am reaching out to you, to perhaps held shed some light on all of this.
Your voice is worth more than mine.
Thank you for all the work that you do. Truly.
Hello anon ! First of all I wanna say I’m sorry that I’ll going to write such a short answer when your ask was long and heartfelt. But as I’m neither Mexican nor from the US I don’t have much to add to what you just said. Though I am aware, at least to a certain extent how bad the xenophobia against mexicans can be over there, and I don’t wish for Quackity or anyone else to suffers the consequences of it.
Also don’t even worry about coming here as an anon, I don’t mind and your safety comes first anyway. My voice isn’t worth any more than yours is, I’m just glad if I can help share your thoughts on this situation.
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lesbian-empress-nero · 3 months
Ryuji Sakamoto fucking hates Goro Akechi.
Can’t stand the guy. The rest of the Phantom Thieves are wary of him, distrustful in Akira’s case, but Ryuji is the only one who harbours hatred for him.
But it’s fine. Akechi seems to feel the same towards him. Constant name-calling, casual insults thrown as though it’s nothing.
It’s no surprise they butt heads often. It’s gotten to the point where Ryuji almost enjoys it, almost likes finding out what clever insult the ‘ace detective’ can come up with, what witty retort he’ll have to Ryuji’s suggestions.
In turn, he irritates Akechi. Argues with him, actively voices his distaste for him within earshot, even calling him the Detective Prince instead of his codename. It’s risky, sparking Akechi’s ire, but it’s fun. Sometimes their bickering even draws smiles and laughs out of the others. When Akira had broken up their latest fight, he was obviously fighting back a smile.
What isn’t fun was when it turns physical. It isn’t fun when Akechi punches him in the stomach, it isn’t fun when Ryuji sees Akechi wince after accidentally putting more force behind his back-pat than he’d intended. What also isn’t fun is being dragged away under the pretense of ‘a secret scheme’, only to be on the receiving end of Akechi’s wrath again.
Ryuji stalks behind Akechi as they walk down a random hallway, hands stuffed into his pockets. He, of all people, had been chosen by the great Detective Prince to help him with whatever he was doing.
He thinks nothing of it, until Akechi suddenly whirls around, shoving him against a wall with his sabre drawn and pressed against Ryuji’s throat.
“Woah- what the hell, man-!?” Ryuji yelps, freezing. Akechi’s hand is strong against his chest, and he has a knee pressed into Ryuji’s gut. It isn’t the most comfortable position he’s ever found himself in.
“You, Skull, piss me off,” Akechi growls, ripping off his mask. He looks even more furious without it. Ryuji fights the chill that threatens to creep down his spine.
“Yeah? Mkay, can you tell me what the hell I did? Y’know, instead of pinnin’ me to a damn wall and threatenin’ me!?” Ryuji asks, desperately wishing he hadn’t left his bat with Haru. If only.
“I really ought to kill you instead. You know... I’ve never killed a Persona-user in the Metaverse. I wonder if you’d suffer a mental shutdown?” The sabre is pressed further into Ryuji’s skin, and he tries to escape the sudden wave of burning pain and nausea that washes over him. He hasn’t even done anything, and his knee is screaming. Everything hurts, and he’s helpless.
Akechi laughs. “All out of irritating banter already, Sakamoto? How disappointing. I was anticipating at least one pathetic retort from you.”
“Kinda- hard to talk... When ya’ve got- a damn blade to your throat-” Ryuji chokes out, going cold when he feels something warm and wet dribble down his throat. Blood. Akechi is drawing blood.
“...I really ought to kill you, yes... But I fear if you were to die after I employed your help, it would make the others far too suspicious of me,” Akechi laments, sounds almost sad.
Ryuji keeps his mouth firmly shut, refusing to make any sort of comment. He wants to scream that everyone already is suspicious of him, wants to fight back, wants to see Goro Akechi with a beautiful black eye and a few new bruises, but remains stubbornly silent. Goro Akechi doesn’t deserve a comment. He does, however, deserve to be punched solidly in the face. Just once.
Akechi studies his face, expression unreadable.
“...Why?” He asks eventually, and Ryuji immediately stares at him.
“What? Why what?” Ryuji asks, and Akechi grips his sabre tighter, but doesn’t press it any further into Ryuji’s skin. In fact, the pain alleviates a bit instead.
“Why do you get to live happily? Why do we share such similar stories, but you’re the one who gets to be happy? You’re disgustingly similar to me, but you get to live however you damn well please! It’s not fair!”
Rage is visible on every part of Akechi’s face, and his grip on the sabre is white-knuckled and tight.
“...Your words infuriate me. I wish you would hit me instead,” he mutters, then drops Ryuji, sheathing his bloodstained sabre.
“...We can talk about this later. Right now, we have to find whatever the hell it is you wanted to look for. After all this is over, I’ll give you the biggest black eye you’ve had in your damn life,” Ryuji promises, and Akechi pauses, and his shoulders begin to shake.
He’s laughing. When he looks back over his shoulder, his expression is nothing short of terrifying- but when he speaks, it’s three familiar words that Ryuji loves hearing from him.
“I hate you.”
the girls are fighting in a strangely homosexual way
its like their love language is violence. they might not realize it but they love each other's company just to fight each other. they both have violent tendancies and they let it out on each other. they're so similar in more ways than one. they both want attention and love, they both have a thirst for revenge and hatred... they're just so......
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webtrinsic1122 · 7 months
Allison’s JetSki facts for Fanfics that I think people will find helpful!
*Disclaimer I’m not going fully into depth with any of these, but I’ll try my best to point out what stuck out to me after riding them ever since I was a little kid all the way up until I got a boating license to drive and take care of them all on my own. -Must also inform you I’ve only ever rode and drove SeaDoo brand Jetski’s - and got a boating license when I lived in California four years ago - so for fanfics maybe check your laws when it comes to your state, and find out what brand of jetski your writing about because my experience may differ.
(Also I’m mainly doing this because Jetski’s appearances in Loki but if this helps other fandoms or fics and such please enjoy!)
• I’m starting this off with Jetski’s are varying types of sturdy plastic/fiberglass/and carbon fiber - they are not metal. (I’ve seen a few fics so far of ppl describing the texture and such as metal and I promise it does not feel that way and it’s not metal at all.) - it is more thin-feeling plastic on the exterior bits and a much harder durable plastic on the undercarriage. (The seat and more “plush”accents [small spot in the middle of the handles] feel a mix of pleather with the texture of a basketball)
• Speaking of the undercarriage of the Jetski, there’s a sticker at the bottom that instructs you on what to do if you flip a jetski! -it mainly is just standing on the corner of one end and using your weight to turn it back over.
•You must be asking Allison how does one flip a jetski? I’ll tell you! Jetski’s are very fast and sleek, which makes you want to pull very sharp turns, which you can sometimes pull off but do not be surprised if you can’t - and this very well may topple the Jetski.
• Sharp turns is not all that will flip you, Jetski’s do have a recommended amount of passengers. Three grown adults is doable, but not recommended if you’re in a higher weight class and you also plan to do quick maneuvers. But otherwise, the ideal amount of people on a jetski for good maneuverability is two!
• Don’t worry too much about flipping a Jetski but keep it in mind because Jetski’s are heavy - mine alone with a full tank of gas where pushing 800 pounds and those models where fairly new. Not as new as the one seen in Loki but only a few years off so I’m assuming that one is much of the same in weight.
• In cases of flipping or even being thrown off (I’ve legit been thrown off and I was driving while my cousin behind me did not) if you’re behind the driver the seats have straps to hold onto.
⬆️CAUTION: these straps are thin and it’s not recommended you even stick your fingers fully under them, just your fingertips, because with the amount of force you go flying, you may very well lose your fingers.
• So when holding on while riding if you are a passenger, either tend to those small straps with your finger tips or place your arms on the drivers hips! - BUT PASSENGERS DO NOT LEAN INTO TURNS LIKE THE DRIVER MIGHT- THIS CAN FLIP YOU OR MAKE THE DRIVER OVER DO IT IF YOU MOVE THEM ACCIDENTALLY
• jetski’s run by pulling in water and propelling it out! Because of this, Jetski’s cannot be driven in shallow places. In case you do there is something inside called a wear-ring, it is built to break in case things get sucked in. (Trust me I’ve broken a wear ring before and it all I can say is a jetski sounds angry when this happens)
• above this motor is a pull down bar, so if you happen to get in the water, you have an easy way of climbing back onto your jetski (when it’s off obviously - please don’t try getting on behind a jetski when it’s on or if u are make sure it’s on idle)
• Jetski’s have little or big compartments depending on the model, one under the handle bars, and a bigger one in the front hood. This is excluding the space under the seat where the engine sits - do not store stuff with the engine unless you want to kill your jetski.
• in these compartments you should have a small anchor for your jetski, and as laws have increased, you should have your boater license on you, because trust me jetski’s do get pulled over a lot; and do you want to know why cause I will tell you bluntly; lots of people who ride jetski’s ignore the safety rules and get people killed or seriously hurt because of it.
• So I’m going to explain some of those rules for you! When you bring a jetski out, you’ll see the wake line (normally a line of buoys that will legit till you go 5 mph) That means go 5mph in that area as it’s for swimmers and boats to safetly move near one another to get out into where they can go fast.
(Idk how to even describe the thrill it was being young and going that long trek to the buoy line of 5mph and my dad immediately jumping to top speeds the second we were safe to do so!)
•Different color buoys have different meanings, this I will not explain as it’s been some time since I’ve been on the water but please do look these things up if you plan to go boating. Some buoys are colored as warnings!
• We all see the lines of waves other boats leave in their path, those are wakes and legally you are not supposed to cross those unless you feel you are a hundred feet back from the boat that made them. You do not want to cross someone’s wake close to them, it’ll save you from crashing because other boats are unpredictable.
(It legit is terrifying with how many jetski ppl try to cross other ppls wakes - especially other jetski’s- while being all too close. Seen way too many close calls that could have been fatal.)
• DO NOT RIDE YOUR JETSKI AT NIGHT IT IS AGAINST THE LAW AND DANGEROUS. Jetski’s do not come with lights therefore they are not safe to operate at night. (My sister lost a friend to this and it’s all too common a way to die on a jetski.)
• Jetski’s are mainly made for lakes not the ocean! That isn’t so say you can’t ride them in the ocean, you very much can, it’s just salt water is a immensely degradable substance that can ultimately affect the lifespan of your jetski. So finding a good lake is the best way to go.
•Anytime you use a jetski, after the fact you must throughly wash it ALL. That means running water through it and the motor to effectively clean everything out. This is an environmental law, and when you bring your jetski to any lake it will be inspected before it may come in! (I suggest watching a YouTube video of the process if you really want to go into it)
•if you’ve noticed when unloading a jetski, jetski’s on a trailer are normally facing your vehicle! This is because jetski’s have a reverse option much like a car, it’s usually a lever on the handle much like the break for a bike!
•jetski’s come with special keys, a normal and learners key mainly - though that depends on what you buy; those are just the standards we got when we first bought ours. The learners key will not allow the jetski to go as fast as the normal but trust me you probably won’t notice it still goes fast.
•Highly suggest these keys are connected to your life vest (WHICH YOU SHOULD BE WEARING AT ALL TIMES) because if you happen to go flying or fall off, the key will immediately turn off the engine.
•if you so happen to fall in and the jetski keeps going forward and is still running DO NOT STAY WHERE YOU ARE so due to some kind of physics or whatever (not sure how to explain this but I legit remember the hour long lecture I had to watch in boating school for this) Jetski’s will turn around on their own and come back. If you’re in the same spot, you will get run over. So boot out of the way as fast as you can. If the jetski doesn’t turn and comes to a complete stop in whatever trajectory it went off in, you can approach and get back on.
• For environmental safety you are not supposed to fill up the gas of a jetski on the water or at the dock or anything. Take your jetski’s to the gas station before hand, yes it’s tedious and hard to do with a trailer but it’s much safer and better for the environment than you somehow spilling gas into the water.
• For the safety of your skin, in that little compartment keep some sunscreen, you burn twice as fast and bad on the water as the sun is reflected off the water and back up at you.
• The day after, no matter how much you ride jetski’s normally, your thighs will hurt and ache. Riding a jetski is basically straddling something large enough to force your legs apart- and it does this for long periods of time. Even if you’re someone who drives standing, the width you hold your legs apart is barely natural. So expect some sore legs.
•Be observant and calculating, you need to always be scanning as other ppl likely do not know what they are doing, and it’s not like the roads where you have lanes. People will try to get in your space, you need to constantly know where the people around you are.
• That also goes for the water. Jetski’s come with a flag (I’m sorry I can’t recall if it’s red or white and I keep seeing different versions) but if you see someone waving a flag- stop your vehicle. It means someone is in the water! BEWARE.
• If you decide to have fun towing someone behind your jetski, you cannot be alone. You absolutely must have someone behind the driver, seated at the end of the jetski backwards - holding to the straps or small handle there- watching the tow. That person is in charge of the flag lest who you’re towing falls off.
(This one is more so a seadoo company fact rather than a full on jetski fact, but when they release new jetski’s they only release it in two colors at that time - so we bought two the same year and got the only two colors at that time which had been orange and blue - so if you’re writing about seadoo specifically I’d look up the colors and years of whatever model your talking about)
It’s very easy to get caught up in the fun of riding a jetski, and it’s a great experience truly it is, but there’s also a lot to look out for. Because at the end of the day it’s still a vehicle, not a toy.
It’s quite the responsibility but if you’re up to it, they’re a lot of fun to have. These are just some of the things that came to mind, and I’m not sure how helpful this will all be. But I’ll be sure to add more if I come up with anything else.
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Jahad is the Good Guy? Knowledge vs Friendship?
This latest chapter brings up a lot of questions such as why did the family heads choose to forget everything? What horrible things did they experience? Is forgetting truly for the best?
The saying ignorance is bliss is one Traumerei lives with, meanwhile Gustang hates. Traum wants to forget all the horrible things that made him the empty person he is today, while Gustang wants to remember in hopes of filling the emptiness inside him. Both are curious about their missing memories, but Traum just wants to dig them out to destroy them once and for all.
However, there had to be a reason they all chose to forget. Traum’s issues seem pretty obvious. He has overwhelming trust issues and a feeling of abandonment and loss. We know he was upset about the death of one of his kids, and actually cared for Wang Wang, but all the loss eventually became too much for him so he shut himself up and only confides in his equals and pets.
We don’t know what Gustang would have forgotten considering the fact he remembers V and Arlene, but from his words, it seems like the big problem for everyone was choosing whether to continue the climb or not.
V and Arlene wanted to continue, but Jahad instead wanted to end it there at the 134th floor and sealed it off, with the other family heads allowing him to do so. We also know from the God of Guardians that Jahad wanted to create a place where everyone could smile freely and decided to take on the fate of kings so perhaps going past the 134th floor or just reaching the top will cause the destruction of the tower in a way, and Jahad and the others, who had come to like the place they were in, decided to stay.
We know Arlene has some connection with the Outside God, so maybe, as ToG: New World showed us, perhaps the Irregulars were sent into the tower to destroy it, and while Arlene and V were devoted to completing their mission, the others didn’t want to.
If that’s the case, then that would throw the whole moral graph into a blender. Perhaps Jahad tried his best to save the towers residents but after being rejected by Arlene, betrayed, and then thrown into a fate he didn’t want, he became the cruel tyrant we know today. Maybe Arlene was the true villain all along?
Would it be better for the family heads to keep their bittersweet memories of their old friends or face the truth and realize the people they once thought of comrades wanted to destroy the place they looked to call home?
Gustang may be playing with a fire he can’t control. He was one of the people who chose to seal their memories, however now that he’s forgotten what fire feels like, he’s going out to get burned again. He’ll have to face a past his younger self didn’t want to. Is it really worth uprooting your entire life for the truth?
Tower of God is asking this question, and we the readers are being taken on the ride. I don’t expect a happy ending for any of the family heads, but I am hoping for it.
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martianbugsbunny · 8 months
To Convince You That I Love You (A Kalluzeb Fic): Chapter 2
*staring and waving thru the window* I'm really enjoying this fic, it's I think four chapters, so it's already halfway done lol, and it's loads of fun. And speaking of fun Kallus is going to pass out and be sped back to the Ghost for emergency transport to medical facilities!!! Woo-hoo!!! This one's from Zeb's POV, so strap y'allselves in and get ready for him to be completely wigging about what happened to Kallus but also being as gentle as possible when moving him bc I am such a sucker for that. Read on and enjoy!
Zeb heard the explosion and instantly fired the last three shots he needed to finish off the stormtroopers with perfect precision. He sprinted towards the landing pad, fear shooting through him. Come on, Kal, please don’t have been in the blast.
The shuttle was a smoking ruin, the metal buckling against the inferno inside. That agent they had been tracking was dead. There was no way she could have survived.
But Zeb didn’t care about the mission anymore. He filtered out the smoldering pile of rubble and scanned his surroundings for any sign of Kallus.
Finally he saw Kallus lying several yards away from the shuttle, thrown by the power of the blast. Zeb sprinted over, moving faster than he could remember doing in a long time. His palms were sweating and he could hardly feel his legs, he was so terrified. Losing Kallus was…well, it was his personal worse-case scenario.
He knelt down. Kallus’s leg was twisted at an unnatural angle, and there was a piece of metal embedded in his upper arm. Worse, his nose was bleeding heavily, and there were dark bruises around his eyes and behind his ears: sure signs of a head injury. Somehow, though, he was still (barely) awake.
“Something’s not right,” he muttered. He couldn’t seem to focus his gaze on Zeb’s face. “Everything’s…foggy.”
Then his eyes fell shut and his head tipped to one side, the muscles in his neck slack.
Zeb slung his bo-rifle onto his back. There was no good way to pick Kallus up, with one of each limb wounded, so he simply did his best to support Kallus’s legs above the injured joint and thanked his lucky stars that his wounded arm was not the one that ended up held tightly against Zeb’s chest.
Kanan and Sabine had long since cleared out the troopers who had pinned down the Ghost. In fact, Zeb wondered for a moment why they hadn’t bothered reinforcing him and Kallus—but they were both trained soldiers and neither of them had commed for help, so there had really been no reason to worry.
Well, except for the fact that there was.
Zeb climbed aboard the Ghost and found Kanan and the kids debating over a topographic map he didn’t recognize at the holo-table. “There’s an outpost not too far from here, we could make a supply run before returning to base,” Ezra suggested.
“While we have an Imperial agent on board? Not gonna happen,” Sabine said. Zeb noticed that despite her confident tone, she still looked to Kanan for confirmation.
Kanan was saved from having to pick a side when he heard the sound of the ramp closing and turned to look at Zeb. “Ezra, go tell Hera to get the ship moving, now!” he commanded sharply. Ezra was turning pale, having gotten a look at the bloodied condition Kallus was in, but he did as he was told.
Zeb set Kallus down on the floor. “Let me guess: the explosion?” Sabine asked. Explosions were fairly run-of-the-mill for the Rebellion (especially when it came to the Specters) and hearing one in the distance wasn’t necessarily taken as a sign that someone was in trouble.
“Yeah.” Zeb found his throat tight, a pricking sensation he wasn’t used to irritating his eyes. “There were two Imperial fighters. They aimed for him and got the agent’s entire shuttle instead.”
Kanan wrapped his hand around Kallus’s wrist. It wasn’t the standard method of measuring a heartbeat, but his Jedi powers probably made it practical enough.
“We need to get him back to base soon,” Kanan said quietly. “Or he might not make it.”
Zeb paced to the edge of the room and slammed his fist down onto a crate. Kallus was always doing stupid things like this—putting himself in danger, taking too many risks, going way too far. When would enough be enough?
If Zeb had anything to say about it, Kallus would see the light sooner rather than later…if he lived to wake up again.
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tooloudamind · 9 months
Okay so I’m not the only Byler who is now in the clutches of Good Omens, and I’ve seen cases for Will as the Aziraphale and Mike as the Crowley equivalent in a hypothetical Good Omens Byler AU. But really, the possibility of the vice versa is what grabbed me by the throat and refused to let go. Will is the last person you’d expect to be turned a demon in a Good Omens AU, but he also has the biggest association (besides El) in canon with the Upside Down (The show honest-to-goodness started with him being dragged off to Hell the Upside Down.) And obviously, Will and Mike translated through this lens are not going to be expies of Crowley and Aziraphale— but we don’t quite get canon Will and Mike either. Since the Good Omens universe is not overtly queerphobic, I also had to draw on other ideas for why Will may have been considered different (but obviously, the gayness is still there lmao)
And so, have this: a Byler x Good Omens Angel!Mike/Demon!Will AU character study. Complete with footnotes.
Also, did I take one look at Mike’s full name being Michael and run away with the Archangel associations? Yes.
Dramatis Personae
WILL, reluctant Demon, known to his compatriots as Maldonado.
On his bitterest days, he can't help but think that perhaps he was made to Fall.
MIKE, short for Michael, an Angel who is just trying to do his best.
He was more shaken by Will’s Fall than he’d like to admit.
If anybody (usually Mike [1], who for some reason never tires of the question despite the fact that the answer never changes) asks Will how he had ended up in Hell in the first place, Will usually just shrugs and gives a non-committal grunt. Anyone who didn’t know Will very well (which were most people other than Mike, really) would take that nonchalant exterior at face value, and assume Will hadn’t Fallen so much as Sauntered Vaguely Downwards. But Will had indeed thrashed and screamed quite an embarrassing amount, really, when he’d first been dragged to Hell— something that he doesn’t care for the other demons to remember.
For even after all these years as a demon, Will fears that there is still something all too soft about him, too corruptible— he keeps it deeply, safely hidden, but he knows there is a part of his being, the inmost core of him, that would turn to putty in the hands of the right person. He chooses to hang out with Michael, disgraced Archangel [2] that he is, and isn’t that enough proof for anyone who’s looking? He doesn’t quite know why he was ever thrown out of Heaven, but he’s learnt since then that supernatural entities such as himself— whether occult or ethereal— aren’t supposed to be quite so… attached. It’s funny, he thinks, how angels are supposed to be practically made of love— yet Will has always been enough of a bleeding-heart that it was too much even for the angels. It’s not like he fits in any better with the demons, for that. (Damned if you do, and damned if you don’t.)
It’s despite this, or perhaps because of it, that no matter how many humans may describe Will as “a bit of a soft touch”, Will has made sure that his fellow demons themselves don’t pay too much attention to him for any of the wrong reasons. He likes being stationed on Earth, the life that he has made here for himself being something he couldn’t have even dreamt of in those darkest first days as a demon [3]— and he’s not, at any cost, going to let anyone take that away from him. And Will may be a mere tool of Hell like any other demon, but he can’t afford to lose any more of himself than he already has. So, whenever Will goes about his Hellish business, observers (in the rare cases that there have been any) often note a young man who exudes a detached, but fierce competency— which, in Hell, is functionally equivalent to an aura of quiet danger. The other demons don’t quite understand his methods, but his work is respected enough by those who do matter. No one really looks close enough to see that constant roiling simmer of internal conflict that he keeps tightly wound, just under his skin, and so much the better for that. [4]
He is never again going to risk being accused of caring too much.
And so, over the years and centuries, the demon who calls himself William Maldonado has gotten very good at hiding.
Mike would never admit this to anyone, not even to Will himself, but he still remembers the angel that Will used to be— specifically, the angel he had met before the Beginning, illuminating the various forms and shapes of things that were to populate the Earth, painting color into very existence. [5]
It hadn’t been supposed to be anything special, no more than a regular check-in. But Michael hardly ever visited upon the angels who did this sort of work, and he most certainly hadn’t expected to happen across an angel such as this— one that had thrown himself into his work with all the fervor of the very young, and was in fact so engrossed that he had failed to even notice Michael until, very awkwardly, Michael had to prod at the angel’s shoulder. And then, when the angel had turned to face Michael after startling just the tiniest bit, Michael suddenly found himself struck by the sheer dazzling grace that radiated off the angel in waves— the way he looked Michael up and down without restraint, one corner of his mouth quirked upwards in a guileless half-open smile. It was usual to feel the warmth of love in the presence of one’s brethren— but Michael felt it so intensely, and so strangely, in this angel’s presence that he didn’t quite know what to make of it.
You have done some fine work here, Michael had said. The detail does such justice to Upstairs’ conception of it all.
Whereupon the other angel had grinned with obvious pride, a brilliant red flooding into his cheeks— Michael hadn’t known it was possible for an angel to blush— and then started vigorously explaining all the little intricacies of the work he’d done, all the efforts he’d put in here and there. And as Michael listened, he couldn’t help but be entranced by how obviously devoted the angel was to his craft— the expressiveness of his voice like lilting music to Michael’s ears— but still, there was a growing uneasiness in Michael’s heart of hearts. The emotion that sparked in this angel’s eyes was unquestionably love for the miracle of Creation, as all angels are enjoined to partake in, but there was something so unchaste about it… Like he weren’t a mere tool of Creation, but almost as if— as if he were claiming this small part of the Creation as his own. The artist’s heart, realized Michael, that’s what beats within this angel. Which was problematic, considering human artists, or even humans hadn’t been created yet— and angels did not have human hearts, anyway.
It was quite unconscious on the angel’s part, Michael was sure— he must have been alone with his work for so long that perhaps he had forgotten some of his angelic ways. But Michael felt duty-bound, now, to give this angel at least a nudge in the right direction. So he told the angel about the Almighty’s Great Plan, and how the Earth was not meant to last forever— and watched as the angel’s face fell, disappointment writ plain as day on his countenance. And the Archangel Michael noticed how this angel wore his heart so on his sleeve, and he trembled. And he wondered, if perhaps he had made the wrong call… [6]
But for now, the young angel has stars in his eyes that have been dimmed only slightly by Michael’s information, and he is bright and shining in a way that none of the other angels can ever match, and for a moment Mike does not stop to check the blasphemy that rises, unbidden, in his thoughts.
1) Will calls Michael “Mike” in human company, and Mike has a secret soft spot for the nickname no matter how much he outwardly protests it.
2) Mike was indeed the Archangel Michael. He got demoted to Principality after the Great War because he was seen to sympathize with a Rebel angel (no points for guessing who that is)
3) Mike, in his human life, does run a regular D&D campaign as DM. Will is a constant presence, and given D&D’s reputation, likes to tease Mike that he is in fact spreading Satanic influence on Earth.
4) There is, of course, one exception to this. There is always one exception, and Will has very mixed feelings about Mike being the only living creature who can always see through him.
5) Will had a bowl cut during his time in Heaven. One of the few perks of him being a demon is that he gets to wear his hair cooler. Although, he probably still wears a lot of (dark-colored) plaid to offset the coolness factor.
6) In no universe can it be said that it wasn’t Mike’s fault for Will (F)alling.
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queencaramilflinda · 3 months
Can I ask why you're a shriek week hater? Genuinely curious! I never watched it
Ok so I am putting this below a cut in case anyone doesn't want to look at discourse which is completely understandable. Also this got kinda long oops
Shriek week... where do I begin? Since you haven't seen the season, let me step back and explain the premise. Shriek Week was a season set at a university for monsters, DM'd by Gabe Hicks. It used a system made by Gabe called the Mythic System. Each PC (Ally Beardsley, Lily Du, Ify Nwadiwe and Dani Fernandez) plays a student at the school for monsters.
I should also preface by saying I havent seen the season since it came out years ago so this is all based on my best memory and posts about the situation
The plot. It is said in the adventuring party that the original premise for this season was for it to be a straight up and down dating sim style game, but that Gabe decided to go another direction between episodes 1&2, which means that the plot was clearly scraped together extremely last minute and is generally nonsensical. It involves clones and an evil plant and a bunch of other stuff, it's just kind of bad. The fact that the plot was shoe-horned in last minute also really effects the pacing of the season, because it was only 4 episodes long and only ever originally supposed to be a fun and quirky dating sim game.
The rail-roading. This problem is deeply connected to the previous point. I havent seen Gabe in literally anything else so in no way am I making any statement about his abilities as a DM, and I am not the type to throw the phrase rail-roading around willy-nilly. The thing is, that because the clones and evil plant monster plot got thrown in so last minute with so little time to be resolved, it a little bit took away player agency, with players consistently attempting/asking to do things only to be told no, and instead led down a very particular path. Usually I am very forgiving of this sort of behavior as DMing is very hard and it can be easy for players to get distracted from the plot at hand... however the players were brought into this game under the pretense that it would be rom-com in genre, not plot heavy. So it kind of makes sense for them to be confused and not on board with the plot that they didn't know to expect.
Terry Talbo. Ok this maybe a me thing, because I do not particularly like Ify Nwadiwe in general, but the way he plays his character Terry Talbo has always made me uncomfortable. To quote a post I made several months ago " Ify plays his character as being kind of pushy towards women, not taking no as an answer when asking them out, and generally being toxically masculine in a way that was not criticized by the narrative or even really the players at all." A scene that distinctly sticks out in my head as both bad manners and bad gameplay is when Terry attempts to ask out a woman at the gym, and rolls low on his check. As a result, the woman says no. Instead of backing off like a normal person Terry doubles down and insists on rolling at least one or two more times to try again, and eventually the lady relents and agrees to go on a date with him. It all just felt icky, and it was not just a one time occurrence.
The cast. (This may also just be a me thing). Each member of that cast individually are deeply funny and talented individuals. However the majority of them did not know each other and the chemistry of the group was way off and did not pass the vibe check to me. One of my favorite things about actual play shows is the secondhand feeling you get of being in a friend group and playing dnd. Shriek Week did not have this, which reduced my enjoyment.
The University Setting. I am putting this last because it's such a small complaint comparatively speaking, but the seasons that came immediately before Shriek Week were The Seven and Misfits and Magic. It was the third season in a row to take place in a school as one of its primary locations, and I think im not the only one who was feeling burned out of this premise by this point.
This is what I have off the top of my head without fact checking anything, so I apologize if I am missing something major or am incorrect about any of the details! I love d20, and while Shriek Week was not for me, it has in not in anyway impacted my devotion for the show.
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frozenjokes · 9 months
Signing Back In, Apparently - 14
“So then, why do you think I killed you?” There was something in Scar’s eye, a searching look Mumbo couldn’t quite place. The whole atmosphere suddenly shifted and Mumbo found himself thrown off balance, scrambling for purchase.
“That’s not what I asked, Scar,” Mumbo’s voice was strangled, “You’ve gone and jumbled me now.. I meant.. Why did..?”
“Anyone could see that’s where this was going. You want to know me. You want to know if you ever knew me. You want to know what changed. Well I want to know what you’ve been thinking first. I want to know where you’re at. You have thought about it, right?”
“Of course I have! You hung pictures of our wanted posters in your room along with their meager rewards, so there’s that. But you never even tried to turn in our bodies, not that it wasn’t risky since your head was also on the list,” once Mumbo started, he couldn’t stop, “It’s also- you sank the ship! You steering directly into that storm has never made any sense! What did you want, a cover story? I mean, that’s what you tell people; that The Flying Jellie went down in a storm and you were the only survivor. Who cares? Who could even verify that?”
“Seemed like a good idea in theory. Atmosphere was great though.”
“ Atmosphere-” Mumbo’s free fist went to his face, covering the crease of his brow, “Did you not think at all before making your move?”
“I thought it would be a good excuse to separate Impulse, Pearl, and Grian. I was right on that front. Well, I would have been right if you hadn’t gone and survived the fall. Maybe Grian would have done what I told him instead of coming back to check on you. To be fair, Grian as a witness probably saved me from Pearl. If he hadn’t told her Impulse was dead, she wouldn’t have hesitated. Got pretty lucky with the lightning, too.”
“You’re talking about this like- you’re talking about this wrong.”
Scar laughed, looking far stronger than he had been just a few minutes ago. Mumbo was grateful he couldn’t hear; seeing was disturbing enough.
“How can you talk about us like this? Did we mean nothing to you?”
“What do you think? Really, I’d like to know.”
“I don’t know, Scar! I don’t! But I’m inclined to say you never did care! You’re awfully good at pretending though, I’ll give you that. Why do you keep asking what I think?”
“Well I’m trying to figure out how upset you’re going to be after, that’s why. Right now, given how much you’d like this whole thing to make sense, I’m thinking I’m gonna be in for it.” Scar brought a finger to his lips, tapping thoughtfully, “Well believe it or not Mumbo, I do love you guys. Of course I do, you’re all a bunch of dorks, you’re the best. Now, these past couple months have tested me, I won’t lie to you, but I never stopped caring. Like when a family member gets into a habit that’s really annoying and you’re like, ‘oh my god, stop it!’ but you don’t stop loving them.”
“You’re lying. I don’t believe you.”
Scar rolled his eyes, saying something that probably aligned with the gesture.
“Repeat yourself. What did you say?”
“I said I knew you’d react like that. You want it to make sense. You want me to make sense. This whole event isn’t for me to tell you what happened, it’s for you to get me to confirm what you’ve already decided is true. Scar, famed pirate captain of The Flying Jellie, recruits a crew of misfits the world wouldn’t miss, giving them a chance at new life. But no, that was never the case. See, this Scar , he’s quite the nasty fellow. He tricked them, got them into trouble! Enough trouble in fact, that their bodies might be worth a pretty penny. Using his charm, elegance, and of course, his good looks, he put them under his spell, only to turn around and stab them in the back for a quick buck. Now, having lost it all, that greedy bastard moves on to another crew, haunted by his grave mistake. But that story has holes, doesn’t it?”
Mumbo felt something shift inside of him, and this time, it didn’t just feel like a crack. He looked at his hand, still locked to Scar’s wrist. It was almost.. It wasn’t right. Like trying too hard to see it might hurt his eyes. He closed them, tight. “No one that loved us would do this. Not kill us, not try so hard to hurt us when we haven’t done a single thing to deserve it.” A new thought startled Mumbo into opening his eyes, “Did- did we do something, Scar? What could we have done?”
Scar looked.. sad? It was something deep and emotional that played across his features, like the question had shaken his very core. Scar brought his free hand to Mumbo’s face, Mumbo finding himself too rigid to flinch away. Scar’s calloused thumb felt nice against his cheek, his fingers at home in his hair. Mumbo let Scar’s warmth sink in. “No, of course not,” Scar’s voice was gentle, his eyes soft, “Mumbo, you can’t know me because no one can. You function in absolutes, where I have never existed. I am an animal. I thrive on impulse, I tear and bite at the seams, I play games to break the rules. And you all did too, for a long time, until you loved too much. We started playing it safer because we discovered in each other a life that was worth it , but only if it was lived together. All of us. Safe. Oh Mumbo , I loved you all, but I would rather die than see my crew waste away, frightened by the fires of a risky battle. Frightened of loss. I loved you too much to let it happen.” Scar pulled his hand away, leaving Mumbo in an electric silence. He didn’t speak. He couldn’t, not when everything was frozen in place. How could he run so cold, when Scar was so warm?
Scar took his quiet as an invitation to continue, “I didn’t care what happened to me. I thought I’d die, if I’m being perfectly honest, which might be why I wasn’t too worried about escaping. And I’m sorry you were first, Mumbo. I mean it, I regret the way that happened. You should have been given a chance to fight for the right to live domestically, just like the rest of them. At the time, I jumped on the opportunity to take you out because I was certain you wouldn’t fight back, but I was also certain Grian would , and that ended up being a bust. Man, I try not to hold that against him, but he’s just been so annoying lately- ah, nevermind,” Scar inhaled deeply, like he was savoring the air he still got to breathe, “I remember that day very fondly, to answer your question from before. That’s why I speak about your deaths casually, it’s not because I don’t care. I respect you, all of you, although I know I don’t give off the impression I do,” Scar laughed, “Would you believe that?”
Mumbo stared, unable to keep himself from gaping, “So you.. you just decided we were done? You saw that we were thriving. You thought we wouldn’t want to be pirates or-or- at least that we wouldn’t want to put our lives at risk anymore, and you just decided for us that it all had to end. That it was better to be dead than to be happy?”
“There is no life more valuable than one lost fighting, and my crew deserved nothing less. It was an honor to fight beside you, I only wish you’d had a chance to take a swing at my head. Again, I’m sorry.”
Something clicked, or maybe a better word, something snapped. Mumbo’s form flared, alight with color and fire, “That’s so stupid! How dare you play god with our lives! You could have left! You could have even kicked us all to the curb if you wanted- you could have done anything but murder us! Why should you dictate how we choose to live? We were happy! We were-“ Mumbo yelped as Scar suddenly yanked his arm back from the ouija board. He felt his nails- or whatever had replaced them- slice through Scar’s forearm and hand, sending blood splattering over the planchette. Scar got to his feet, examining his hand with a frown.
“Sorry Mumbo, couldn’t hear that last bit. You could say I didn’t ask,” Scar smiled at his own joke, but he didn’t look at Mumbo when he spoke, “I’ve seen this before, and I’m not keen on reliving the Grian incident, so I’ll keep this quick. I don’t care what you think. As far as I’m concerned, you shouldn’t exist, let alone have an opinion, and it’s quite the cruel twist of fate that you do. Death should be permanent. Heaven and hell, none of it is real. The reward is the way you choose to go, and the people you pissed off along the way. I hope now that you’ve got what you need to move along, because the afterlife has not been kind to you. Misery doesn’t suit you, friend.” Scar moved to his shelf, digging around until he found some spare bandages and a bit of tape for his hand. “Now, I don’t think this is the last I’ll see of you, I’m not that optimistic, but for what it’s worth,” Scar paused, only turning to face him now, “I’ll miss you.”
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