#I should also be going to bed but mmm not sleepy for once
xiomeebo · 1 year
tempted to dig on my blog for an ask game cause I rlly wanna answer some asks rn. but like idk what kinda ask game I want to do hhh
If anyone wants to send in asks right now go ahead I'm bored and rlly wanna talk about silly things
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thehistoriccemetery · 4 months
would love if you could do prompt 1! especially if tav is being a hard ass and trying to keep pushing themselves hehe :3
Companions with an Exhausted Tav
Three posts in one week?? I’m truly on a roll. (Nah I was sick this week so I was off work for two days.)
Anyway here’s Shadowheart, Lae’zel, Karlach, Minthara, and Jaheira with a very sleepy (and stubborn) reader.
You usually go to bed quite a bit later than Shadowheart, but luckily she’s never awake to realize just how late you’re staying up.
Until one night you push your luck a little too far. By the time you climb into bed next to her she pops her head up and notices the sun is already starting to rise.
“Love, have you been up all night?” She asks. You decline to answer, and luckily she’s too sleepy to push the matter, for now. You both fall back asleep.
You’re livid when you wake up to the noon sun and find the adventuring party had already left for the day. Without you.
You find Shadowheart polishing her spear, as she decided to stay back today as well.
You approach her, but she doesn’t even look up at you. “Good afternoon sleepyhead.”
“What the hell were you thinking not waking me up this morning?” you say, clearly aggravated.
She props the spear up next to her. “I did” she says, finally looking up at you. “If you’re too tired to get up the first time I wake you, you’re too tired to go adventuring. Now go lay back down. You clearly need a nap.”
You soften, immediately realizing your mistake. “I’m sorry. I guess I’m just…”
“Tired,” she finishes for you. “I know, love. Seriously, go back to bed. You’re so grumpy when you’re tired.”
“I’m not grumpy!” You protest. She morphs her face into an over exaggerated pout, and repeats your words in a mocking tone.
You can’t help yourself, so you laugh. “Whatever. I’ll go back to bed.”
You wake up in a panic as you’re being roughly dragged across the ground by your ankles.
You flail and struggle against your captors strong hand, but you can’t get loose.
“Tskva! Stop doing that!” Lae’zel shouts. It’s only then you realize who your “captor” really is.
“Lae’zel?” You ask, confused. “What are you doing? Why are you dragging me across the- ow!” You shout as you’re dragged over a rock.
“Seems this is the only way to get you to bed,” she responds, unfazed by your outburst.
She only stops dragging you once you’re in your bed. You immediately sit up and try to escape.
She catches you and pushes you back down. “Lae’zeeel,” you groan exaggeratedly. “I was doing something important.”
“If it is important than you should be able to keep your eyes open while doing it,” she retorts.
Well fuck. She has you there. You have been having trouble focusing for the last couple hours. Maybe it is best if you just go to sleep.
You’re surprised when Lae’zel crawls into your bed beside you. She doesn’t usually stay the night. “What are you doing?” You ask.
“Sleeping. Just like you should be,” she answers. You sigh, thinking of all the crafty ways you could sneak past her once she goes to sleep.
She interrupts your thoughts with a “and if you think you’re sneaking out, you’ve got another thing coming.”
You’re passed out over a desk when Karlach gets up for a little midnight snack.
“Oh love,” she sighs. It must be four in the morning. How long have you been up?
You wake up slightly and mumble something indecipherable. You can hardly lift your head up off the desk.
“Come on, let’s get you to bed,” she whispers, throwing your arms over her shoulders and picking you up.
You unconsciously nuzzle her neck and let out a soft “mmm” at the familiar scent of your lover.
She lays you down on her own bed, trying to keep you upright for long enough to get you out of your armor.
She tries to be quiet, not only to disturb you as little as possible, but also to not wake up the entire camp.
When you’re finally out of your armor, she realizes she can’t find your camp clothes. Eventually, she settles on giving you one of her shirts that’s way too big for you.
You smile and mumble something that may or may not have been a “thank you.”
She finally lays your head against the pillow and you snuggle into the soft sheets and warm shirt.
She crawls cautiously into bed next to you, trying not to wake you up.
She can’t quite tell if you’re awake or not when you climb up on her chest and mumble “mmm warm.”
The thing about Minthara is she’s not going to argue with you about taking care of yourself.
You can eat when you’re hungry, sleep when you’re tired, and piss and when you need to piss because you’re an adult and you can take care yourself.
So when she catches you burning the midnight oil for the third night in a row she’s angry. Like more angry than you’d expected.
“Hold on, Minthara,” you say, knowing she about to make you go to bed. “I just need to finish th-“
“No.” You’re interrupted abruptly. “You’re going to bed and I’m not going to catch you out here like this again.”
“Minthara, there’s things that have to done-“
“They can wait till morning,” she interrupts again, trying to stay calm even as you’re testing her patience.
“Just let me-“
“You have to take care of yourself, Tav!” She shouts, finally loosing her temper. “This isn’t an endurance test, this is your life: the one you have chosen to share with me. And I will not have you squander it out here, night after night, robbing yourself of sleep.”
You sigh, taking her hand and pulling yourself to your feet. You don’t even realize how tired you are until you’re swaying trying to keep upright.
She picks you up unexpectedly. You would have never taken Minthara for the type to carry you to bed. She’s never carried you to bed before.
Still, you accept the rare affection and wrap your legs around her waist while your arms and head rest on her shoulder.
She gently lays you down on your bed and pushes your hair off your forehead before giving it a kiss.
She really does love you, and she’s doing her best here. You just gotta take care of yourself, okay?
“Am I going to have to set a bedtime for you like I do the children?” She half teases, surprising you as she approaches your half asleep body.
You groan as if she just woke you from deep sleep. “I’m awake, sorry what time is it.”
Jaheira smirks and bends down so she’s close to your face. “Well past your bedtime,” she teases before giving you a short kiss.
“But I haven’t finished-“
“You’re done,” she interrupts matter of factly. Clearly this isn’t up for debate.
You groan again and mumble “fine,” reaching your arms up for her to carry you to bed.
She laughs, grabbing you by the waist and throwing you over her shoulder. If you’re going to insist on her carrying you, you’re going to deal with her doing it like this.
She’s gentle when she lays you against the bed, crawling in next to you and wrapping her arms around you.
“Wait, so if it’s so late why are you up?” You ask.
She chuckles. “Don’t worry about it,” she answers before kissing you behind the ear and falling asleep.
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intimacyequalsdeath · 8 months
Bubz's Slasher Fictober Day 14: Mark Hoffman (Pumpkin Spice)
My loves here we are! Day 14! Two whole weeks into Fictober! I hope you've not only enjoyed all the fics especially this smutty week but I also hope you've been enjoying October!
This man makes me absolutely feral so where as this isn't self insert at all this fic is also very much so a gift to myself from myself.
Notes: Minors DNI, Nsfw, Smut, porn with plot. No pronouns used and no description of the reader used either. Age gap and all that good stuff. Mark Hoffman gets called daddy and calls himself daddy in this. Like i said this is literally a present to myself.
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"Baby, baby, baby, what did I tell you were the rules before I left this morning?" Mark tsked at you, placing his hand on your throat while looking down at you from his place standing next to the bed.
"Speak my love, use your words" He commanded when you didn't answer him.
"Y-you said I wasn't allowed to touch myself" You said peering up at him through your eyelashes. Mark smiled an almost evil grin.
"And what did you happen to do while I was at work?" He asked in a condescending tone.
You gulped trying to swallow the lump in your throat before answering him.
"I-I touched myself" You whispered, looking down at your hands. Mark put a hand under your chin and brought your head up to meet his eyes.
"What was that?" He asked again.
"I touched myself" You said louder, Immediately flinching as Mark's gaze on you hardened.
"Now my love, please would you care to tell me why you touched yourself when I specifically told you not to?" He sat down on the side of the bed with his hand still under your chin, his other hand coming up to move your hair out of your face as you kept eye contact with him.
"Because I had too Mark" you pleaded, You could tell you peaked his interest with this.
"Why did you have to darling?"
"Because you left me high and dry this morning like a dick!" You said suddenly getting mad remembering how Mark had pushed your hands off him telling you he didn't have time for sleepy morning sex and that he had to get down to the station to continue work on the jigsaw case.
Mark's hand flew up to your throat, squeezing as if reminding you what he could do if you weren't careful.
"I'd watch that fuckin' mouth of yours" He warned "You're already in hot water as it is baby" Your hands grabbed Mark's much larger one that was wrapped around your neck.
"Now if you really are that pissed at me for leaving you this morning I guess maybe I should make it up to my Baby huh?" You nodded at his question. "Use your words or you get nothing" He reminded.
'Yes, Daddy"
"Mmm That's a good baby" He removed the hand from your neck once more to run it down the side of your neck, his fingers tracing the outlines of the last love bites he had left there before the two of you had to attend a ball at the precinct.
"Have to make sure everyone knows to keep their eyes up here" He had told you as he sucked your neck as you finished doing your hair for the night.
As his hands trailed down your body he tugged on the back of your thighs to get you to lie down, He removed his shirt and stood up for a second to remove his pants keeping his boxers on for the time being before moving over to you.
You had already removed your clothing when you thought you would be safe to masturbate without Mark knowing. The only thing between Mark and your entirely naked body was your underwear you had tugged back up your legs when you realized your boyfriend had arrived back home.
Hoffman made quick work of them though, ripping them from your body and tossing the fabric onto the floor.
You had been with the officer for going on 4 years, You had met when he was assigned to your jigsaw case in particular. You had been very unlucky in becoming one of the Killers targets but was one of the lucky few to actually escape.
When you went to the police about it Hoffman was assigned to you almost as soon as you stepped through the doors of the station. Since then the two of you have been inseparable. He found you when you were at your weakest and swore he would take care of you and four years later he was still living up to that promise.
You had breathed life into the officer. Opening up parts of him even he didn't think he was capable of. I mean sure he was still knee deep in making jigsaw traps and had even selected you specifically cause he needed you to be his, but you didn't need to know that at least not yet.
Mark used his finger to caress your cheek gently as you laid underneath him in your shared bed.
"That's my doll huh?" He asked you softly, You nodded finally cracking a smile at him. He returned your smile before finally thrusting into you. You gasped at the new contact of him inside you as he wrapped a hand in your hair bringing your face to his neck as he held you.
"it's ok, this is what daddy's baby has wanted all day so this is what his baby gets" He said shushing you.
You whined as your wrapped your arms around Mark's shoulders.
"Daddy please" Mark was going painstakingly slow, as if almost teasing you as punishment for touching yourself. He chuckled at your whine.
"Aw does my baby want me to go faster?" He rasped in your ear.
You nodded into his neck, groaning as you felt him finally push fully into you. You felt as his balls rub against your bottom half as he held still for a minute.
Tired of waiting you tried to buck up into Mark from underneath him. This caused him to slightly pull out of you and look into your eyes.
"Excuse me doll? You think this is on your terms ? after what you did today?" He reprimanded you.
"Mark please! You can't do this to me" You begged him again "I'm sorry I touched myself I won't do it again besides you said you were gonna make it up to me for this morning"
"I am baby, but I can't just let you get away with touching what belongs to me, What's between your legs does not belong to you ok? It belongs to me, I'm the only one who's allowed to touch it and I sure as shit am the only one who's allowed to fuck it" He growled out pushing himself back into you as hard as he could and starting to roughly thrust.
He set a steady but hard pace and he pulled out and snapped his hips back up to yours. Tears sprung up at the corner of your eyes at the intensity in which he fucked you.
"Oh come on don't cry on me. Isn't this what you wanted?" Mark taunted from above you. His hands now gripping the sheets on either side of your head as he held himself above you.
Your eyes fell shut as you felt the tip of his cock hit against your sweet spot, brining you closer and closer to your climax. Mark brought a hand up to tap you cheek and make you open your eyes.
"Nah baby you look at me when you cum alright?" He said, eyes meeting yours.
You pushed your noses together, eyes never closing again as you felt your climax creep up in the pit of your stomach as your walls clenched around Mark's cock as it painted your walls with white. You were still seeing stars as he pulled out and collapsed next to you on the bed.
You placed your head on his chest and he brought a hand to it to caress your sweaty forehead as his lips kissed it. He used the other to bring the blanket up around the both of you before wrapping the other arm around you to hold you to him.
"You alright baby? It wasn't too much was it?" There was your Mark. A giver and taker in every sense but always with your wellbeing in mind no matter how rough he could get. You nodded.
"Yes daddy I'm fine" You told his softly, clearing starting to fall asleep as you felt his seed leak out of you. You loved that feeling.
"Mmm daddy's good baby"
"I love you daddy"
"I love you too baby, Daddy loves you more then anything"
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hello! this is my first time doing a req here so i hope i'm doing okay...
Can i ask for a one-shot or whatever where Ticci Toby is just a good boyfriend? No dark, toxics or yanders themes. Like, he's a whole other person when he's around male!reader. To the point where he does whatever it takes to protect him. Even going up against his colleagues.
Just good boyfriend!Toby being loved in a domestic life and a happy, healthy relationship. :'D
Ah, I love it when I can just write some cute drabbles like this!! Also I tried to incorporate your request as best as I could into a one shot but if you want me to rewrite it into something different, I completely understand and all you have to do is say the word!
Thank you so much for requesting!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Good boyfriend!Ticci Toby x Male!Reader
The smell of bacon and cinnamon rolls fill your nose as your eyes flutter open. You take a second to remember where you are, pressing your face into your boyfriend's chest and sighing happily. You hear him groan and rub his face, telling you that he is just waking up. Once he's good and awake, his arms fall back onto the matress next to you. He smiles as you look up and kiss his chin.
"It smells good" he mumbles into your hair. "Mmm...I think Jane's making breakfast" you reply. "Think she'll make us any?" You snort at that. "No way."
He gives you sleepy kisses on the top of your head and chuckles. "We should probably get ready for work" you whisper to him with a peck on the lips. He groans once more "But we just woke upppp" he whines
You giggle and roll your eyes. "Well then you can stay, but I'm getting up" And with that, you are pulling the blankets off of your body and sitting up in Toby's bed, stretching. You stand up, only to be dragged back down into bed, making you yelp in suprise.
Toby wraps his legs around you and kisses you anywhere he can reach. You begin to laugh and wiggle around in an attempt to escape.
Once your laughter dies down, you sit in the silence for a moment, simply enjoying each other's presence. Toby is the first one to speak. "We might wanna get up now." You smile and close your eyes "but we just woke upppp" you sneer in a mocking tone. Toby flicks your ear and kisses your cheek.
With another happy sigh, you get up once more. "Maybe we should go see about those cinnamon rolls, hm?" Toby nods and also gets up "Yeah, maybe Jane will take pity on us"
You smile "I highly doubt it"
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abiiors · 1 year
Special Girl
Day two of Matty's Birthday Bash! She's short today because I'm exhausted but also horny Matty for y'all. Don't worry, all of this is leading up to birthday smut. Enjoy :). Series Masterlist.
Tuesday: First Birthdays As A Couple - Your Birthday
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Matty sits patiently on the edge of the bed.
It’s only past 9 in the morning and the curtains are shut tight which leaves the room still covered in dim light. He’s been up and moving for an hour now, a feat he’s quite proud of. Also, the fact that he’s managed to cook a whole breakfast spread without waking you up. 
Now the tray—laden with all sorts of breakfast foods—sits on the bedside table. He’s thought of waking you up three times now but every time he ends up pulling his hand back. He can’t bring himself to do it because you just look so peaceful in his bed. Your messy hair is fanned out on his pillow, white sheets covering you till just above your breasts as your naked shoulder peeks out. Your eyelashes flutter every once in a while, your lips are parted slightly and your arm is thrown around lazily on his side of the bed. 
His side of the bed. He likes the thought of the bed belonging to both of you, likes the thought of sharing his room with you, his house, his life. He’s become quite the hopeless romantic since you’ve entered his life and these are the quiet moments where he’s overwhelmed with bliss. 
But the food is going cold. 
Matty gets on the bed, crawls closer to you and puts his hand on your warm back, gently rubbing it up and down. 
‘Wake up, baby,’ he whispers and places a soft kiss on your shoulder. He doesn’t miss the way a small smile immediately makes its way onto your lips. 
You hum softly, barely even awake yet but he continues the kisses further up your shoulder, up the junction where it meets your neck. 
‘Come on, birthday girl,’ he smiles, nibbles on your ear, ‘I got you breakfast in bed.’
That immediately perks you up and you sleepily grin at him. ‘You remembered!’ you mumble into the pillow with a barely concealed grin.
He frowns slightly, unable to hide the little pang of sadness he feels at such a simple statement. ‘Of course, I remembered, love,’ he continues placing feathery kisses on your cheek, temple and eventually your hair, ‘you’re my special girl, how could I ever forget?’
His heart immediately melts at your adorable reaction; sleepy and dishevelled with a big goofy grin on your face, you finally open your eyes. It also helps that he knows you’re naked under the covers and for a minute he debates just getting in and having a repeat of last night. 
A faint rosy blush creeps up your face and Matty runs his fingers over your cheeks, traces the outline of the pink tinge. 
‘You should spend all of today exactly like this,’ he grins, only half joking. ‘Wearing these bedsheets, hair exactly like this, drool and all,’ he teases. 
‘I do not drool,’ you defend vehemently but also instantly check around your mouth which makes him laugh. 
‘No, I’m serious,’ he says breathlessly, ‘what a dream that would be.’ He closes his eyes for a moment and lets himself get immersed in the daydream, in the feel of your warm skin that he could touch and caress any time he wanted to without any restrictions. 
‘I can’t walk around your house naked!’ you giggle. 
‘Mmm, I disagree,’ he says in a fake pragmatic tone, ‘you should only walk around my house naked.’
‘Pervert,’ you slap away at his chest, laughing along. 
You clutch the sheets around you tighter and sit up, stretching slightly. The movement makes your back arch and Matty’s mind instantly floods with all sorts of racy thoughts. Which he has to actively control as he watches you eye the breakfast tray hungrily. You would be famished, he thinks, definitely after last night…and just like that his thoughts are back in the gutter. He's barely able to keep his hands (or his mind) off you. 
‘Go on, then,’ he picks up the tray once again and puts it in your lap, ‘chef’s special waffles,’ he announces with a flourish. 
You giggle at his antics and quickly dig in. Matty watches eagerly, practically at the edge of his seat as you put the first bite in your mouth, close your eyes a second later and moan in delight. 
And there he goes again…
(you have to tell me if this is shit btw, you're legally obliged to)
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prettyxvenom99 · 2 years
One Saturday morning in the age of exhaustion (Levi x Reader)
Winter mornings always fall with the quietest whisper, the sneakiest disguise: cold and shrouded in darkness — a dawn easily mistaken as dusk. It’s seven o’clock according to your phone’s alarm, but the view outside your window looks just like midnight.
Levi picks up the phone and turns off the ringing.
“What …?” you say groggily.
“Go back to sleep,” he says.
You groan. It’s Saturday, you remember. It’s Saturday in a very busy week, which means it might as well be Monday, or Tuesday, or Wednesday, or Thursday — there is no rest. Your phone rang at seven sharp because you need to be at your desk, doing whatever work you didn’t get to finish yesterday.
But Levi sits at the edge of your bed and brushes your hair away from your face, gently. “You’re exhausted, aren’t you?” he murmurs.
“Go back to sleep.”
“That doesn’t sound like the kinda thing you’d say.”
“Maybe not to myself. You deserve it, though.”
You glimpsed out from between sleepy eyelids. “You deserve it too.”
He says nothing to that. Instead he just draws the blanket up higher, wrapping you snuggly in it, and kisses your forehead. “I’m allowing you to be lazy just this once.”
“Is it still my turn to clean the kitchen?”
“Yes. Later.”
You pout jokingly, still with your eyes closed. He kisses your pout, making you giggle.
“Sleep now so you can clean properly.”
“I need to work.”
“That too. So sleep well.”
Somehow, you find a lump in your throat. “Thanks. No one ever tells me I can take a break.”
“Well, fuck them.”
“Will you be here when I wake up?”
He falls quiet. This time you drag your eyes open firmly. He’s still sitting at the edge of the bed, facing away from you. You can only see his back, vaguely in the darkness — it is hunched, shoulders drooping, neck bent.
“I’ll be at my desk,” he eventually answers.
You reach out and put your hand on his thigh, seeking his hand and squeezing it. “Rest with me. You’re exhausted too.”
“I have something urgent.”
You sigh. There’s no arguing with him when it comes to work. “Fine, then.”
He turns around and caresses your cheek, gives you another soft kiss. “See you later.”
Then he’s gone, and you drift away.
When you open your eyes again, you find soft yellow sunlight streaming in from the gap between the curtains. And he’s lying beside you, eyes closed, no frowns between his brows — looking exactly as he should look like on a Saturday morning, if only the world were kind enough to the two of you.
Your lips quirk up in a wistful smile. “You deserve rest too, you know,” you whisper. “Just like everyone does.”
Likes and reblogs are appreciated! (Also if you wanna be moots — this is a new account and idk how to make friends over here. 🥲)
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honeyxmonkey · 10 months
12, 16, 25 for the ship ask game?
Ooh 👀 so many
12. Who gets up the earliest? Who has the worst sleep schedule? Who is the sleepiest?
Okay, so Douxie is the early riser. It comes from years of Merlin instilling that in him. He's up at 7 am sharp, unless previous night's activities prompt him to stay in bed and cuddle.
Carter on the other hand despises waking up early. He doesn't like it. Maybe it's because he usually stays up until 3 am working on god knows what. More than once in the span of their relationship, Douxie’s had to physically drag him to bed. Carter definitely has the worst sleep schedule.
The sleepiest... mmm, I think it's Carter. Carter definitely gives "Sleepy golden retriever boyfriend" vibes. He's also a coffee addict
16. What's their favorite "domestic bliss" moment? Do they cook/clean together? Do they like to go out shopping together?
I think their favorite kind of domestic bliss is definitely in the kitchen. They take turns doing the dishes, but Carter is a better cook so he usually takes care of dinners and stuff. Douxie likes to gently hug him from behind, and just be together while Carter is cooking. They both love it, actually.
25. What is their dream home? Do they buy a place together? Who plans the decorations and who does the heavy lifting?
Well, they, collectively as a team, all move into Camelot. It became their base of operations, and then later on Toby was like, "Guys we should just live here. It's easier." Because Douxie had been talking about finding an apartment in Arcadia, but you adult stuff paying rent and whatever. But Toby’s suggestion kind of stuck so one by one they all congregated to the castle and they live there now!
Douxie and Carter moved in first, because everyone else was contemplating college and what they wanted for their futures. And since Douxie and Carter’s whole thing is literally just "protecting the earth" they didn't have to think about any of that for themselves. Really the only future plans they're worrying about is their wedding, so...
But moving in was fun! They enjoyed it! Some of the rooms in the castle in an area they started to call "the residency" got semi-remodeled so they have modern bathrooms and stuff. Krel endlessly complained when they were planning the pipework.
Buuuttt yeah! They like having their own space. Douxie felt very nostalgic living in the castle again. Carter was just happy they could actually live together again. First time in decades.
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onceuponaloonatic · 10 months
some baby sai misatzu fluff because it's been a while since i've written anything for them. also imagine sai has tzuyu's hairstyle from tdoong high school season 3! let me know which au should get an update next!
Mina giggled as her daughter rolled away from her. When it came to naps, Sai was not a huge fan of them. She hated going to sleep in the middle of the day, and she hated waking up from her midday interruption even more. Waking Sai up was always a production, and Mina had always thought it was funny that she and her wives all had different approaches towards it. Sana would lay down next to Sai, slowly waking her up with gentle kisses. Sai always woke up the slowest when Sana was in charge of waking her up. Tzuyu was a little quicker. Sai had always loved snack time, so Tzuyu would always tempt Sai out of bed with the promise of shrimp chips and fresh fruit. At the promise of some of her favorite snacks, Sai would quickly roll out of bed and run towards the kitchen. Tzuyu would always catch her before she got to the stairs, she would then carry her by her arms the rest of the way. Sai would always giggle, playing along with Tzuyu and waving to either of her other moms if they happened to be around. Mina had a different approach. Mina had also been described as a difficult child to get out of bed. Her mother always teased her about it, saying Mina was a grumpy little thing the minute she was woken up from her naps. When Sai turned out the same way, her mother had a field day with the teasing, but she had also given her a couple of good tips on how to get Sai out of bed.
“Sai,” Mina laughed, grabbing Sai’s arms as soft as possible. “Come on.” “No….” Sai whined as Mina gently pulled her out of bed. Mina gently picked Sai up, maneuvering her little body so she was standing. Sai opened her eyes, a pout immediately gracing her face. “Hi.” Mina smiled, crushing Sai’s dark hair out of her face. Sai grumbled as Mina left her to go grab a new outfit for her. Sai stood silently as Mina grabbed a change of clothes for her, her arms crossed and a pout on her face.
“Sleepy.” Sai whined as Mina came back to her.
“I know.” Mina smiled. “Let’s get you dressed.” “Mmm.” Was all Sai answered with. Mina quickly dressed Sai in a pair of overalls and a white tee-shirt. She then carried her to the bathroom and gently brushed her hair and put little half pigtails in her daughter's hair. Sai smiled at the hair style, gently shaking her head and watching the way her pigtails moved. “You like it?” Mina smiled. “Uh-hum.” Sai smiled, playing with the straps on her overalls as Mina grabbed Sai’s toothbrush. After putting on a bit of toddler toothpaste, she handed the toothbrush to Sai. Once Sai’s teeth were clean, Mina helped her clean her mouth out and then led her out of her room. “Good morning Sai.” Tzuyu grinned as Mina led Sai out of her room.
“Are you going somewhere?” Mina asked, noticing the way Tzuyu was going for her coat. “Hime-sama requests Topo and dried plums.” Tzuyu giggled as Sai ran towards her. “Do you want to come to the Japanese supermarket with me?” “Yeah!” Sai nodded enthusiastically. 
“Would you like to come as well?” 
“Sure.” Mina nodded, moving to grab her coat. “I’ll go tell Sana I’m coming with you.” “She’s napping.” Tzuyu laughed. “You're welcome to text her though.” “Okay.” Mina nodded, grabbing her phone as Tzuyu grabbed Sai’s favorite lilac colored bomber jacket. Sai slipped her coat on, reaching down to velcro her white shoes as her moms got ready. Once Mina was ready, she grabbed Sai’s hand and opened the door. Sai immediately grabbed Tzuyu’s other hand, smiling as Tzuyu squeezed her hand. 
“It’s getting kind of cold, isn’t it?” Mina commented after making sure the door was locked. She was glad she had picked a ticker jacket for the day. “It is.” Tzuyu nodded. “Nayeon Unnie said it was going to snow soon.” “I wouldn’t be surprised.” Mina smiled as Sai started swinging their joined hands. They fell into a comfortable silence, Sai going out of her way to step on the crunchier looking leaves. Mina and Tzuyu both thought it was adorable how wide she smiled whenever she heard the noise. “Mama?” Sai broke the silence.
“Yes?” “Swing?” Sai asked, a hopeful smile on her face. 
“Sure.” Tzuyu winked at Mina, the two of them lifting Sai up and swinging her with their arms. Sai giggled, kicking her legs out and swinging between her parents. Sai loved swinging between their arms, and Mina and Tzuyu both knew they would do anything to make their daughter happy. “Oh Sai-ya!” Sai paused when she heard her name, turning to see their neighbor smiling at her. “Are you going out with your moms?” 
“Yeah.” Sai nodded, holding her parents' hands tighter. “She’s helping us with the shopping.” Mina added. “Oh? Good girl Sai.” Sai grinned at the praise. “Your outfit is so cute, Sai.”
“Thank you.” Sai nodded, letting go of Mina’s hand to fiddle with her jacket. 
“Continue to behave for your moms okay Sai?” “I will.” Sai waved as they said goodbye to their neighbor, her hand moving back to Mina’s once they had set out again. Mina immediately knew her daughter was trying to swing their arms again. 
Once they get to the store, Sai immediately runs to the shopping baskets. She fiddles with them, trying to pull one free while her parents come up behind her.
“Sai-chan let me-”
“No. I’m carrying it.” Sai whined, finally getting a basket free and carrying it.
“You're going to carry the basket?” Mina giggled at her daughter.
“Mm-hum.” Sai nodded, trailing behind Tzuyu as they went into the store. “Sai-chan, do you want some Topo?” Mina asked, reaching for Sana’s latest craving. She grabbed a couple boxes of the bitter flavor before turning to Sai. “Yes!” Sai nodded enthusiastically. 
“Okay.” Mina giggled, grabbing a box of the regular flavor and putting it in Sai’s backet. “I’m gonna carry everything.” Sai muttered, gesturing to the boxes of Topo Mina was still holding.
“Are you sure?” Mina asked, Sai nodding in response. They made their way throughout the store, Sai trailing behind them as they expertly navigated the market. “Do we need anything other than what Sana needs?” Tzuyu asked.
“I don’t think so, I went to the grocery store the other day. But we can get Sai some Calpico. Do you want anything to drink?” “Calpico?” Sai asked, perking up.
“I’m okay. And sure kiddo.” Tzuyu smiled. “What flavor do you want?” “Strawberry!” Sai enthusiastically answered. “Can I get Konpeito too?” “You already have Topo.” Mina laughed, grabbing a strawberry calpico. 
“Can I have both?” “One sugary snack is enough.” Tzuyu fixed Sai’s hair, trying to take the shopping basket from her, Sai refusing to let go. “Would you rather have Konpeito or Topo?” “Topo.” Sai pouted. “Okay, take what you can get kiddo.” Tzuyu smiled, letting Sai lead them to the cash register. After paying for the snacks, Sai insisted on carrying the grocery bag. Mina decides to carry the Calpico and her own bottle of tea, not wanting Sai’s arms to get tired. The walk home is relatively quiet, but several other neighboors comment on how cute Sai is, and how sweet it was for her to carry the shopping bags for her moms. 
“She’s popular.” Tzuyu giggled as she got her keys out of her pocket.
“Her and Sana both.” Mina commented. Once the door was open, Sai ran inside, kicking her velcro shoes off.
“Mommy!” Sai yelled.
“Shhh Sai, mommy is napping.” Tzuyu immediately shhed her daughter, picking up Sai’s carelessly discarded shoes and putting them away properly. “But we got mommy snacks…” “We should let her sleep.” Mina nodded, grabbing the bag of snacks from Sai. “Do the babies make mommy sleepy?” Sai asked.
“Yeah, a little bit.” Tzuyu nodded, happy Sai was asking questions. She hadn’t been too excited when they told her she was going to be a big sister, especially considering her younger siblings were triplets. But, now a couple weeks after they had broken the news to their daughter, Sai had seemed to start to accept her reality. “Oh, hello.” Tzuyu was interrupted when she saw Sana coming down the stairs. Sana still looked half asleep, her hair messy and still in her pajamas. She had layered them with Mina’s favorite cardigan. 
“Hi.” Sana smiled. “Sai-chan!” Sana opened her arms when she reached the bottom of the stairs, letting Sai run into her arms. “How was your nap?” “Ka-san woke me up.” Sai muttered. 
“Oh? Did she dress you too?” Sai nodded enthusiastically. “Well she did a good job, you look so adorable.” “You think?” Mina asked. “The neighbor thought so too.” “She looks like Tzuyu-ya.” Sana smiled as Sai gave her a little turn, seemingly modeling her outfit. “I didn’t notice.” Mina giggled. “She does.” “You know, I see it.” Tzuyu laughed. 
“I look like Mama?” Sai asked excitedly. “Yeah, let me show you.” Sana smiled, getting her phone out and showing Sai one of the many childhood photos her wife and her mother in law had sent her. 
“I look like Mama!” Sai smiled, excitedly looking at the pictures. 
“So cute.” Sana cooed at her daughter, putting her phone away and kissing Sai’s forehead. Sai crinckled her face and turned to Mina.
“Calpico?” “Sure, let me get you a cup.” Mina nodded, moving towards the kitchen to get Sai a toddler cup. 
“Ka-san let you get Calpico? You must have been super behaved today.” 
“I carried the bags!” Sai smiled. “She did.” Tzuyu confirmed, taking a box of Bitter Topo out for her wife and handing it to her. “Here you go.” 
“Thank you.” Sana smiled. “I got Topo too.” Sai grinned.
“Wow, your Ka-san and Mama are spoiling you huh?” 
“Yup!” Sai smiled as Tzuyu took out Sai’s box of topo. After getting a couple pieces free, she handed them to Sai before repackaging the snack. 
“Thank you for the help today Sai.” Tzuyu ruffled Sai’s hair after she handed her a couple pieces of topo. “You're going to be a good big sister Sai.” 
Sai doesn’t respond, just smiling at Tzuyu as she got snack crumbs all over her face.
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cerealmonster15 · 1 year
Omg for kiss prompts I'm having a moment of weakness thinking abt book 7 SO #43 between anyone from diasomnia 🥺 forehead kisses are just so sweet wahh
OUUGHGHGHGHGHGHHH i love diasomnia family SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!
[Posted to Ao3!] [Link to prompt list]
Summary: Silver checks on Lilia to make sure his dad doesn't stay up all night gaming.
Prompt 43: A kiss pressed to the top of the head.
Silver found himself shuffling through the dark halls of the Diasomnia dorm. Squinting at his phone, he could see the time was only 4:30AM. One of the many downsides that came with falling asleep at the drop of a hat meant that Silver also often would wake up at odd hours of the night.
That being said, he was often not the only one awake at such an hour. As expected, sounds of cackling laughter and clacking of computer keyboard buttons could be heard coming from the other side of Lilia’s dorm room.
“Aha! Down he goes!” Lilia shouted to himself in triumph as he no doubt had just concluded another of those raid boss battles with his online gaming buddy. The two had been putting in extra hours every night for the past week to try and achieve some sort of limited time quest… Silver couldn’t really remember the details, but Lilia and his friend seemed pretty intense about it.
“Fa- Um, Lilia?” Silver called gently as he knocked on the door, quickly correcting himself just in case there were others in the room with Lilia, or perhaps also wandering around the halls in a sleepless state.
“Oho? Come on in, Silver. The door’s unlocked,” Lilia replied as he removed his headphones. “Gloomurai and I just concluded another successful raid!”
Sliver came to stand beside Lilia’s desk. “Have you been taking enough breaks to rest your eyes? You really shouldn’t stay up so late at your age.”
“Well, aren’t you thoughtful? Don’t you worry; I was just about… to sign off… Once I message Gloomurai…” Lilia’s sentence trailed off into a deep yawn.
“Father…” Silver sighed, already fighting the urge to yawn back in response.
“Yes, yes, just a moment…” Lilia insisted as he typed up his departing message for the night to his gaming buddy.
Muscle Red: I’m afraid I must depart for the night; my dormmates are getting quite concerned by how late I’ve stayed up.
Muscle Red: Though I must admit it’s hard to pull away when we’re so close to our goal! 
Muscle Red: Same time tomorrow?
Gloomurai: whoops.  i guess i should probs go too, i have class in like 4 hours lololol
Gloomurai: ya tht works for me. ttyl!
Muscle Red: Until next time!
Lilia leaned back into his chair with a big yawn. “Mmm… Perhaps I’ll just rest my eyes for a moment…”
“You should at least get into bed first. You’re just going to fall asleep anyway,” Silver protested, but Lilia seemed to be perfectly comfortable in his chair already.
“Go on back to your room… I’ll be fine right here…” Lilia mumbled as his breath started to even out and his voice fell into a quiet mumble.
It was times like this that Silver was glad his dad was so much smaller than him. He bent down over the chair, slid his arms underneath Lilia’s body, and effortlessly scooped him up into his arms to carry him back to his bed for a proper rest.
As Silver lowered Lilia’s body down onto the bed, Lilia chuckled sleepily. “So the student becomes the teacher… hehe… You’re all grown up, aren’t you, Silver?”
Silver’s eyes widened slightly, pausing as he was about to pull away and let Lilia rest. “I… Um…”
It was true, wasn’t it? All his life, for as long as he could remember, Lilia was looking after him. There were countless times Lilia had to pick a sleepy baby Silver up off the ground from where he’d fallen asleep and carried him to bed, and now…
“...Yeah. I suppose you’re right,” Silver said gently. He leaned forward again, pressing a gentle kiss to the top of Lilia’s head. “Goodnight, father. Rest well.”
Lilia smiled, and snuggled cozily into his covers.
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little collection of my brain tangles, relating to my OCs that I previously abandoned… part 3
Headpats, Love, And Sickness
Some cozy domestic caretaking amongst my boys. TW: probably swearing, mentions of sex, trauma, crappy writing, not proof read, two sneezes. there are two sneezes…. Two. I should just become a whump writer at this point. Sneezes aren’t sneezing. Also I wrote this a few days ago while horribly sleep deprived and phasing in and out of consciousness. I barely remember what I wrote and it probably sucks. But ✨content✨
"-hey, you okay?" 
Asher snaps back into reality at those words and the pat on his head. Hazy eyes look up at Mackie.
"Oh, yeah. Just a bit out of it." Asher responds finally, giving a sheepish grin. He blinks and tries to clear the fog from his vision. Asher takes in his surroundings, to ground himself and get his head straight. Knox was siting on the couch. Vex was sitting on the other side of the couch, far away from Knox. Mackie had been sitting between the two but was now standing beside him. Asher himself was sitting alone on the rocking recliner. 
"The meds are making you sleepy, huh?" Mackie guesses, a soft smile on his face as he looks down on his obviously not all there friend. 
"Mmm, more like… fuzzy." Asher mumbles. Blue eyes meet green eyes, then Mackie pats his head once more and goes back to his spot between Knox and Vex. There he sits, being a peace maker between hot heads and leaving Asher to rest. 
Asher doesn’t know when he fell asleep, but he knows when he woke up. Or, more so what he woke up too.
"Xchuu! Tchu!" He feels his body snap forwards twice before he’s even aware he’s sneezing. By the time he thinks through his clouded brain, his wrist is coated in a think layer of saliva. 
"Ugh…" Asher groans at himself. Then he swipes a tissue from the box tucked beside him. He cleans his wrist up, then his irritated nose. Once he’s gotten hisself somewhat under control, Asher looks up at the rest of them. They’d all moved slightly. Mackie was leaning into Vex, and Knox was reclined on his seat of the couch. Vex had stopped playing video games with Knox and Mackie, now opting to read his book. Still, the room had that same comfy feel to it. No one seemed to mind his fit of sneezing. He was just there. And Asher was fine with it. Honestly, this felt better to him then how he spent most of his Friday nights. This was better then being naked in bed with a stranger, smelling of booze and not remembering how he got there. Just going through the motions. Letting his body be pleasured as his mind was numbed and dulled. This was better then that. Just being in the presence of friends while feeling a bit under the weather. The soft crinkle of paper as Vex closes his book. The clicking of buttons on Mackie’s and Knox’s switches. The tune that Mackie hums under his breath subconsciously. All these sounds are the sounds of home, not some random stranger’s moans. 
Asher got so caught up in his own thoughts he didn’t realize that Vex had closed his book so he could get up and got to the kitchen. Mackie was moved to Knox’s side and Vex stood and walked to the kitchen. There was the clink of metal and after a while the screech of a kettle. Soon Vex reentered the living room, two cups of tea in had. In his way to his own seat, he sets one of the cups in the coffee table near Asher. Without a stop in his strides he goes back to his spot on the couch. Not a word on the kind act he just did, not a look. Asher had realized this is how Vex is nice. He does stuff for other’s physical. His words always sing one tune, but his actions have always sung a much softer melody. 
Asher smiles to himself as he drinks the tea, it soothing his throat. To spare Vex the embarrassment, he doesn’t thank him out loud. Vex had obviously not wanted Mackie’s and Knox’s attention on him. So Asher shoots him a quick text of thanks, and continues drinking his tea. He had made love plenty of times, but he felt more loved now then ever.
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hotxcheeto · 2 years
Fluffy imagine where reader is cuddling and baking with Ellie 😩 Reader makes fun of Ellie telling her she’s too vanilla and then 👺 dirty smut cuz Ellie gets triggered👺
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Pairing(s) - Ellie Williams x G/N!Reader Warnings - Cursing, Choking, Heavy make-out, Semi-smut
A/n - I only do semi-smut so I hope you like this! I did do more at the end then I thought I would.. and I kinda liked it ;) Also taking requests for Arcane now!
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"Do you ever wonder if fish have thoughts?" "Ellie it is ten o'clock in the morning." You muttered keeping your eyes closed. You felt her breath fanning your face, keeping your skin warm from the wintery air. "I mean c'mon, they obviously get freaked out." You opened your eyes rather suddenly looking into Ellie's while sitting up. "Sometimes I wonder if you know how to listen." Ellie grinned and shook her head.
"Nope." You groaned, shoving your face into her chest as you relaxed once again, ready to get a few more minutes, or hours, of sleep. "I'm hungry." You groaned and rolled over so your back faced your girlfriend, snuggling into your own cold pillow which had gone mostly unused. "Babe." She dragged the word out moving right up to your back laying her chin on your shoulder.
"You smell good." You opened your eyes again and slowly turned your head to look at Ellie. "I'm gonna hit you." "You would never." "For my sleep I will." You closed your eyes again, her head not moving from your shoulder, her eyes examining your face. "Why're you staring at me?" "Cause." Finally you rolled over on your back, looking up at a smiling, sleepy Ellie who hovered just above you.
"I hate you." "No you don't." "Mmm, yes I do. Now shhh." You put your finger on her lips and closed your eyes again, dropping your hand. A minute of silence passed, Ellie laying her head on your chest. You finally relaxed again, beginning to drift away back into the darkness that was sleep.
Suddenly a pair of chapped lips tickled your cheek, a kiss lightly placed on your skin. You didn't move, not until it happened again and then again.
"Ellie. What are you doing?" "I can't go back to sleep." You opened your eyes for the last time, her face right in front of yours as she stared at you with droopy eyes. "You are infuriating Ellie." "I love you." She muttered, smiling when you smiled at her. "You know what you should do? Get out my stuff so I can make food." Ellie hummed and sat up from the bed, rubbing her face before looking at the darkened TV, asking if they'd like to replay the DVD.
"Can you replay the movie?" You asked quietly from your warm spot under the blankets, Ellie's smile growing when she looked back at you. "Yeah." "Thank you." She hummed standing up and walking over to the DVD player, her eyes slowly moving to your form as you exited the bed, little clothing on your body besides a shirt that was hers and your underwear, reminding you of the events the night before.
"When are you gonna do the laundry?" Ellie shrugged looking over you as you walked towards the bathroom. "I don't know, I kinda like it better this way." You flipped her off while walking towards the kitchen area of the small garage. "I'm making muffins." "In what?" "That little oven Joel got me for my birthday. And you don't get one cause you wouldn't leave me alone." Her arms snaked around your waist as you grabbed your favorite mixing bowl then the mix.
"Don't be mean." "Don't be annoying." She rocked you both back and forth as you continued mixing your muffins together, grabbing the tray from the shelf above. "You know, you could do some work." "Mm, like what?" "Oh, I don't know, turn the oven on?" "Why didn't you?" "Sorry I was too distracted by my child of a girlfriend." Ellie squeezed your hips while making her way over to the little oven that was big enough to fit one tray in at a time. Just a little tray though, she thought.
"They're just plain ones cause I don't feel like making those strawberry ones again." "Boring." You laughed slightly, pouring the mix into the cupcake papers Ellie had put in while you were still mixing. "I wouldn't talk about boring if I were you." "What is that supposed to mean?" You didn't say anything, picking up the tray and going over to the little oven, opening the door. "Y/n? I'm serious, what do you mean?" "I'm just saying.. you're a bit plain... like, y'know.." "Last night?" You didn't answer again, slipping the muffins in the oven, you shut the door and turned around, walking back to the bed.
But, before you could get there she spun you around, a grin on your face as you giggled. "This isn't funny, Y/n/n!" "You're just... y'know a little plain sometimes." "What does that mean?" She all but yelled, a little smile on her face when she listened to you giggle as you fell backwards onto the bed. "I don't know. You're just... a teeny, tiny bit boring. I still love you though." "Well, how do I not be boring?"
She fell above you, arms on either side of her head as she hovered above your body. "I don't know. Try different things. It's not my fault you're vanilla." Her eyes had slightly widened before they darkened your smile, never fading as you tilted your head slightly. "You just need... a little spice. Maybe... a bit rougher? I don't know.." "You drive me fucking insane, you know that?"
Your smile turned lustful, her little smirk fading a bit though your smile stayed, a little giggle leaving your lips. "What? I'm just being honest... my little muffin." Ellie's hand disappeared from beside your head and landed on your throat, it's semi-tight grip shocking you slightly but you didn't show it, still grinning up at her. "You know, you are infuriating Y/n." She mocked your own words, squeezing slightly before she leaned down slightly, your lips meeting.
She pulled away before you could enjoy the kiss, grabbing both your wrists with just one of her hands and holding them above your head. A change that surprised you, looking up at your tightly bound hands. Her lips met your neck, kissing down, sucking on that one spot that made a little gasp slip out, her other hand slipping up the shirt that belonged to her. Her cold finger tips meeting your warm skin, inching higher and higher.
"Ellie." You said breathily. "What do you want?" "Please." You barely whispered as her cold fingers met your nipple, a ping of pleasure rushing through your body. "What do you want Y/n?" "You. Please. Just touch me." She hummed slightly, her hand leaving your torso and instead trailing down to the waistband of your undergarment.
"Is this better, muffin?"
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A/n: Spicy
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Hi, I am following you and I want to know if you have a masterlist, I want to read your other stories.
I also want to ask you if you could write a story about Yoongi being jealous? Maybe a guy was flirting with y/n and some members were making fun of him being jealous and sulky because of that guy but obviously at the end some fluff or smut 😏?
I just want to read some jealous Yoongi 🙃
Thank you 😊
Hiii!! Thanks for the follow 💜 As for the masterlist, I'll post it in a few hours, hopefully.
She looks yours. (Min Yoongi)
No trigger warnings.
Pairing: Min Yoongi x fem!reader
I can do a part 2 smut, if anyone wants to read that, just lemme know 😂
Yoongi had been dropping the subtlest of hints left and right for the past week. The problem was, the hints were so subtle that you felt you were looking too deep in the matter.
He’d text you good morning every morning without fail, which may or may not simply be a new leaf he was turning. Who was to say he wasn’t doing it to all his friends.
He’d ask you about your day. Which could simply be his way of initiating conversation.
He’d sometimes come have lunch with you if his schedule allowed, which again, could simply be that he needed company and you were his friend.
Ugh! He had even bought you groceries and made you a nice dinner a couple of days ago, when you had been running late after work, so that you wouldn’t go to bed hungry, or on ramen. Well, that could be the kindness of his heart.
So how on Earth were you supposed to know if he was actually showing interest in you, or if you were just looking too deep into it because you’d been crushing on him lately.
Musing over all this, you turned over in your bed. The slightest beam of sunlight had made it’s way into your room and you cursed yourself for waking up so early on a Saturday.
Just then, your phone buzzed once, indicating a text message.
Suga(r): Good morning.
You stared at the period at the end. Was he mad now? About what? That you’d refused to hang out last night because you had been too tired after the hectic week at work? You rolled your eyes, half at the realization that you were over-thinking and half at the possibility that your over-thinking might be true.
‘Morning!’ you replied.
About half a minute later,
Suga(r): You’re up early? All good?
Yea, just woke up out of habit I guess. I’m thinking I should go back to sleep, it’s too early.
Suga(r): You’d do that wouldn’t you? Well, text me when you wake up again.
Will do, sir.
You sent the text and pulled your blanket up over your face, groaning. Whyyy did he suddenly have to be this version of him? You had been content with the constant sarcasm and bickering back and forth, his unparalleled sarcasm and his poker face. Suddenly he’d become all caring and smiling.
Well, that would be an exaggeration, since his acts of were tiny.
All this whirlwind of thoughts sent you off to the land of dreams.
 You woke up to Suga(r) calling your cellphone.
“Mmm?” you answered.
“Were you asleep?” he asked incredulously.
“Hm…” you didn’t trust your hoarse voice to say much more.
Relief washed over Yoongi at that. For the past half an hour, he’d been contemplating texting you again and wondering if that’d be too clingy. You had told him you’d text when you’d wake up at 7 am, and it was now 3 in the afternoon, so he had reason to believe you’d simply forgotten to text him. But hearing your sleepy voice at the other end, amused him as well as shocked him that you’d been unconscious for so long. He was also low key worried about that, but he pushed all those feelings aside and cleared his throat.
“Well, Jungkook’s friend Hyun-woo is having a party tonight, and Jungkook wanted to know if you’d be willing to come.”
Jungkook had infact, not been curious about that. Jungkook had simply said that his hyungs should come along and bring someone if they wanted, and it had been Taehyung, the silent observer who had suggested, “Suga hyung, you should ask y/n noona if she wants to come.”
You giggled dryly, somehow not believing that it was Jungkook who had this query. Nevertheless, you looked at the time, and said “Yoon, it’s 3 in the afternoon, isn’t it too early to be asking that?”
“Well,” Yoongi stopped, the silence heavy with deliberation as he bit back a savage retort. Deciding eh what the hell, he allowed himself to say, “You’d be ready just in time if you started getting ready now.”
The sudden return of his world famous savage self, pumped a new soul into you, “Min Yoongi do you mean to say I take that long to get ready?”
“Yea.” He said simply, his tone impassive.
A bubble of joy exploded in your chest and you started laughing. Your loud, genuine laughter crossed the line and filled him with so much joy. An involuntary smile beamed on his face as he silently giggled along, his shoulders shaking at the pure mirth. He cleared his throat and said, “Why? Why are you laughing.”
“Nothing…” you clutched your stomach, “Nothing at all.” You heaved a breath, glad beyond words that he was back to his lovably awkward self. That’s when your stomach announced that it was still fasting, with a loud grumble.
“I guess, I’ll be getting out of bed now…” you said.
“You do that, lazy sloth.” Yoongi teased playfully.
A giggle from the other end, sent butterflies dancing in your tummy.
“Have lunch with me?” you asked, then mentally face palmed yourself that he may have aleady eaten given the time, “Unless you’ve already eaten, then that’s totally okay, it’s just that I got up just now and I skipped breakfast too and I forgot what time it was so it just…”
“Y/n!!” he grounded you in a stern voice, “you’re rambling again. Of course I’ll have lunch with you, I’m coming over.”
“Yeah, okay.” You admitted, cheeks red.
Later that evening.
“So about that taking forever to get ready, I meant what I said.” Yoongi said, annoyed at how long you were taking to do your makeup, sitting on the ground in front of the mirror, your products scattered around you like a halo of beauty illusions, as he sat cross legged on your bed, having washed the dishes for you from your impromptu lunch date.
You glanced up at him in the mirror, his laid back outfit looking too damn good on him. He wore a plain dark grey t shirt, tucked into black dress pants, with a black blazer on the couch outside that he’d brought for the evening. His hair, dyed a dark grey, matched his shirt and his impossibly pale skin made him look godly in the slightly yellow mood lighting of your room.
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A/n: Imagine Yoongi in something like this, except with gray hair. This outfit is my Achilles heel.
“Art takes time Min.” you snapped.
“That only proves my point that you should be ready in a minute max then.” He smirked, meeting your eyes.
And you did something you never thought yourself capable of doing, instead of fighting back, you simply looked away, your heart beating fast.
 “Okayy, I’m done.” You stepped out in black knee length frilly dress, with a sweetheart neck line, synched in with a dark grey belt and a dark grey bag.
Yoongi heard a roar of blood in his ears, and he knew they had gone completely red. He touched the back of his neck, a tell tale sign of his nervousness. You looked too good to be going out to a place where you, ever the social butterfly, would interact with so many people, rather than engage in banter with him.
“Ehm,” he raised his eyebrows, “Is there a reason we’re matching?” he asked coldly.
Your heart sank. Had you gone too far? You had thought the whole ensemble was pretty cute and that you two would look great together. But judging by his tone, he didn’t think that. You looked down at the ground to avoid looking into his eyes, “Um…” you were at a loss for words. What were you supposed to say? You were matching because you wanted to? Because you wanted to look like a couple? You wanted to look like you had some claim on him, because he looked so good you were sure there’d be girls all over him? Of course you said none of that, opting for a simple, “I’ll go change.”
Something inside Yoongi yelled in disapproval. No way! Tell her she looks amazing, don’t let her change. She looks perfect, she looks yours Yoongi what are you doing???
“No, that’s okay…” his words made you stop in your tracks. “You look…good actually.” He continued.
Your face broke into a grin, “Really?”
He nodded. “We don’t have time for another costume change anyways, you’ve made us late as is.”
There he went, bursting the hopeful bubble in your heart. You rolled your eyes as you stomped out to the front door, “Late by what standards exactly?” you shot over your shoulder.
“We were supposed to meet the boys half an hour ago,” he said, grabbing his blazer as you slipped on your calf length grey boots, completing the outfit.
 At the party
You were getting yourself another cocktail at the bar, when a man approached you. “Let me get that for you.” He offered. You clutched Yoongi’s credit card tighter in your hand and politely told him that you had already payed, he needn’t trouble himself. Looking at him fully, you realized he was a pretty good looking guy. At least 177 cm, he had broad shoulders and an athletic build, raven black hair and light eyes. His smile was very pretty too, which he beamed at you.
“No trouble at all, I’ll get the next one.” He handed his card to the bartender and turned back to you, who was still in shock.
“So, are you here with friends?” he asked.
You swallowed, “Um… yeah.” You looked over to where Jin, Yoongi and Hobi were standing. Yoongi’s eyes were on you, his face was impassive. “Yeah, I’m here with friends.” You answered, holding Yoongi’s eyes. “I should get back to them though.”
“Hey, what’s the rush? Can’t a guy get to know a pretty woman over a drink?” he asked, his tone feigning hurt.
You forced yourself to look away from Yoongi and smiled at the stranger, allowing yourself 5 minutes with this ridiculously good looking man. “Sure!”
Yoongi was miserable. Straight up miserable. He knew, from the minute you had walked into the gathering, that you’d be very occupied however long you’d be in here. That was simply the way you were. You had a high social battery and thrived in situations of social interaction. So of course, you had been gone from his side most of the evening. He had finally gotten you back for some time, when you had been joking around with Jin, laughing at his jokes and telling some of your own. Yoongi had been happy to bask in the glow of your presence, simply. And then you had excused yourself to get another drink and there you were now, having a guy shamelessly flirt with you, across the room.
He didn’t blame you. You were gorgeous. Of course, you’d attract attention. He loved that about you. What he marveled at was the nerve of some guy to walk upto his girl.
His girl? He smiled to himself. That sounded so good. So right.
Hobi nudged him, “Hyung, it looks like you’ve swallowed a lemon.”
“I might have.” He replied.
Jin laughed, “Just tell her you like her Yoongi.” He said.
“I do NOT.” Yoongi fought back.
Both his friends burst out laughing. Yoongi looked at frst one, then the other, offended.
“Even a blind person could tell, Yoongi. We’ve know you for what…10 years now? You can’t hide your cologne smell from us, much less something as obvious as your attraction written all over your face.” Jin told him sincerely.
Yoongi felt his ears go red again.
“Also, y/n looks like she’s forcing a smile. I’m gonna go rescue her if you won’t.” Hobi added.
That sent Yoongi’s limbs into motion. He was at your side in no time, placing a ginger hand around your waist, he eyed his competition up and down.
“What’s the hold up?” he asked you.
He saw relief flood your expression as you shot him an annoyed ‘where-the-hell-were-you?’ look. He smiled down at you. The other guy on the other hand, was analyzing Yoongi’s face very carefully.
“Um… excuse me, by any chance, are you producer Suga?” he asked.
You giggled a little, pleasantly surprised that this wouldn’t end badly. Yoongi relaxed at that too. He nodded. The man outstretched a hand for a handshake. “I’m a fan of your work, I stumble upon it here and there, and I really enjoy it. I didn’t know this was your lady, I didn’t mean any harm.”
Yoongi smiled professionally and nodded curtly, “No harm no foul.” He said, pulling you into his side.
“Well, I’ll be leaving then. Pleasure to meet you, Suga, y/n.” the man nodded and made to leave.
“Well, that was a cute fan.” You ventured after a sip from your drink.
“You’re cuter.” Yoongi said, involuntarily. Immediately regretting being so forward.
Your eyes widened as you regarded him, noticing his red ears and inability to meet your eyes. You realized he’d actually meant it. “You think I’m cute?” you asked.
Realizing he might as well take the chance he gave himself, Yoongi looked into your eyes and nodded, “The cutest” he said, cupping your cheek.
Across the room, Hobi had run to Namjoon and Jimin, punching them and pointing at you two at the bar. Jimin signaled Tae and Jungkook, who also zeroed in on your figures, shit eating grins on all their faces. Jin felt his heart race as if he was where Yoongi was. He was ecstatic for his little brother.
Your own heart was thundering so loud, you were sure Yoongi could hear it. A slight shiver ran through your body, as he inched a little closer, looking into your eyes, asking if this was okay.
This was it, the sign you had been wanting. The sign that he was treating only you specially, that he was actually interested in you. You closed your eyes, gripping his biceps and meeting his lips halfway.
Fireworks erupted and all you could hear was your own blood tumbling in your ears, all you could feel was his soft, cushion like lips pressed against your own lipstick stained ones, and his hands placed gently on your waist, as if he was scared you’d run away if he let you go, but you’d break if he was holding you too tight.
After the sweetest kiss, he pulled away. You realized the fireworks you had heard, were actually the six other boys cheering and clapping all around you. Blood rushed to your cheeks as you felt shyfor the first time around them. You hid your face in Yoongi’s chest, groaning. You should have known these dramatic, chaotic boys would make a show of it all.
Yoongi’s gummy smile was on full brightness on the contrary. All the colours in the room seemed more saturated and bright. Why had he been waiting so long? You were holding onto him so tight, he knew you wished the ground would swallow you now. But he wasn’t gonna let that happen. He wasn’t gonna let you go anywhere. Unless he was going with you.
“Wanna get out of here?” he breathed into your ear.
You nodded, mute.
He laughed, “Where do you wanna go baby?”
“Anywhere, just get me out of here.” You looked up at him.
And so he pulled his girl out of the crowded house, towards his car, amidst the cheers of his friends, who definitely did not want to quiet down any time soon.
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homoose · 3 years
Quick Learner, Slow Lover: Part II
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Summary: Literally just a 40 Year Old Virgin AU. This time, reader shows Spencer a whole new world of possibilities. 
Pairing: Spencer Reid x fem!reader
Category: smut, 18 + (minors DNI)
Warnings/Includes: oral (both receiving), fingering, I think that’s it actually
Word count: 4.3k
a/n: Huge thanks to all the babies on my sideblog @softspence for helping with the inspiration for this one, and @gubetube​ for being my beta! ♥️ virgin!Spence is near and dear to my heart.
Series Masterlist
After their first escapade, Spencer was called away on a case in southern California. A week into the BAU’s investigation in the desert didn’t have them any closer to solving it, and the team retreated to their respective hotel rooms for a few hours of rest. The second his head hit the pillow, Spencer’s phone was out and dialing. 
She picked up on the third ring, stifling a yawn. “Hi.”
“Hi. Sorry it’s so late,” he apologized. 
“It’s okay.” He could hear her snuggling down under the covers. “I miss you.”
“I miss you, too.” He brought one of the hotel pillows closer, cuddling up against it and letting out a sigh. “I was thinking we could go to that new restaurant around the corner from you when I get back to DC.”
“Mmm, yeah, that sounds nice,” she agreed. He heard her sigh a little into the phone, then she continued, “We could also, um— try some more things.”
His head was constantly full of their first night together, and he basically had not stopped thinking about more things since he’d come in his pants on the couch. “Yeah. Yeah, I’d like that.” 
“Good, because the possibilities are endless, Dr. Reid.”
He let his eyes close, let a smile play over his features, and let his mind relax for a second… and then his eyes were shooting open, and his brain was on overdrive, running through the pieces of the case in rapid succession. “I— I think I just figured something out. I— I have to go. I’ll— can I call you later?”
She laughed a little on the other end. “Go save some lives, Spence.”
The team stumbled off the jet less than 24 hours later, exhausted but more than satisfied with the outcome of the case— in large part thanks to Spencer’s late night epiphany. 
“O’Keefe’s for a round?” Luke asked. “First one’s on me.”
There were murmurs of agreement from everyone... except Spencer. “Sorry, guys— rain check,” he called, already halfway across the bullpen and pulling on his jacket. He was through the double doors before anyone could ask any questions. 
He loved the team, and he’d come to enjoy nights out with them, but right now he had more pressing matters to deal with. As he navigated the darkened streets of DC, he considered the predicament he’d found himself in. They were going on two months of official dating, but they’d been sort of seeing each other for nearly a month before that. 
Even before he’d met her, Penelope had gushed about her constantly— a wonderful friend that she’d made through her new job, kind and smart and funny and lovely. What Penelope hadn’t mentioned was how beautiful she was— and he’d subsequently made a fool of himself when they first met: staring and stumbling over his words. 
She hadn’t seemed to mind, and over the course of the evening, she’d proven to be every bit as lovely as Penelope had described, and then some. 
He pulled up outside her apartment, shutting the door and hauling himself and his go-bag out of the car and up the sidewalk. He ran a slightly self conscious hand over his hair, checked his appearance in the glass of the foyer door, and then buzzed her apartment. 
She buzzed him in, and he took the stairs two at a time, rounding the landing just to see her opening the door. The second he dropped his bag, he was wrapping her up in a hug and knocking the breath out of her. She expelled the air into his shoulder and then laughed as he clung to her.
“Well, hello to you, too,” she teased. 
“I missed you,” he murmured, too content to be embarrassed.
Her arms came around him, and she squeezed him tight in response. “I missed you, too.” She held onto him for a moment longer before pulling back. “You must be exhausted. Are you hungry?”
Almost as if on cue, his stomach growled loud enough for them both to hear it. She cackled at his sheepish smile. “Chinese, Indian, or pizza?”
An hour later, they were two slices deep and cuddled together on the couch at the end of an episode of Dr. Who. She was tucked under his arm, her warm palm low on his tummy, her thumb rubbing a slow, repetitive path. As the credits rolled, she lifted her head to smile at him. “Tired?”
“A little.” His brain couldn’t focus on anything other than the warmth of her body pressed up against him, her hand so close to where he was desperate for her. He wanted her, but he didn’t know how to ask. “We can… try some things, though,” he decided on.
She brushed his hair back and met his eyes. “We don’t have to. Just because we did, doesn’t mean we’re obligated to every time we’re together.” She tilted her head. “You know that, right?”
He could feel the flush flooding his cheeks immediately, and he dropped his gaze and cleared his throat. “Yeah, of course.” Of course she didn’t want to do anything more with him. He was probably terrible at it before, and she just didn’t want to hurt his feelings. He shifted to stand from the couch, gathering up their plates and turning to bring them to the kitchen, desperate for a minute to collect himself. 
He could feel her eyes on him. “Spence?” He set the plates in the sink, taking a deep breath and then turning to see that she’d followed him. She pressed her lips together, considering him with kind eyes. “You wanna let me in on whatever it is you’re thinking?”
He hesitated, tapping his fingers on the tops of his thighs, before deciding he should just come out with it. “I know I don’t know what I’m doing when it comes to… sex.” The last part came out in a low murmur— it seemed lewd to discuss this in the middle of her kitchen. “I’m sorry it wasn’t very good for you, and I’m not exactly sure how to fix that, but—”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa,” she chuckled. “Slow your roll. When did I ever say it wasn’t good for me?”
The memory of her— in his lap, her head thrown back, his fingers on her, his name falling from her lips— was suddenly on repeat in his mind. “I, um— I guess you didn’t.” 
“I definitely didn’t,” she confirmed, stepping a little closer. “In fact, I’ve been thinking about it… a lot.”
His eyebrows shot into his hairline. “You have?”
“Mmhmm.” She brought her hand back to his tummy, just above his waistband, then ran it up the line of buttons on his shirt, stopping just above his heart. She met his gaze with soft eyes. “I just didn’t want you to think that— that sex is all I want to do with you. Or that you have to rush to make me happy. And it’s important that you know that if you’re tired, or overwhelmed, or just not in the mood, I don’t— you know, expect you to have sex with me.” 
His heart leapt into his throat at the way she curled her fingers in his collar, the way she smiled quietly while he collected his thoughts, the way she gave him grace and space to consider his wants and needs. He was dangerously in love already, and he wasn’t sure quite how to say it without being the stupid virgin who fell in love with the first person he slept with. 
And even with all of these thoughts of content and love and uncertainty swirling through his brain… he still really wanted to fuck her. 
“I’m not that tired,” he breathed. 
Her smile turned mischievous, and he swallowed audibly. “Well, then. We can start working through those possibilities?”
He was on her before she even finished the question, his mouth hot and hungry, his tongue sliding against hers, his hands on her waist and steering her toward her bedroom. She grinned as he trailed kisses down her throat and then where her t-shirt cut low along her collarbone. She turned them as they made it to the bed and pushed him to sit, breaking his mouth away from where it had been sucking a pretty pink mark. 
She dropped to her knees and ran a firm hand over his cock through his trousers. He was wholly and completely unprepared for the sight of her looking up at him from in between his legs, and he momentarily forgot any and all plans he’d had. She paused to push her hair back out of her face, and he came to his senses. 
“Wait.” She looked up at him, slightly confused. “I wanted to, um—” 
When he didn’t continue, she tilted her head with an encouraging smile. “You wanted to what?”
“I wanted to, um— eat you out,” he said, and he could feel the flush in his ears. “Before. Because I get kind of sleepy after I come, and I— well, I can already tell I’m not gonna last long once you start, um…”
“Blowing you?” she prompted, and now she was just teasing him. 
“Y-yeah.” He ran a nervous hand down his neck. “Is that okay?”
She stood up and stepped closer into his space, tangling her fingers in his hair and pulling his head back slightly. “Well, that depends. Did you read up on the literature?”
He returned her teasing smile, already more at ease. “You know I did.”
She pressed a quick kiss to his lips before stepping back to pull her shirt up over her head. She smirked at the way his eyes went wide and traveled over her form. His mouth dropped open as he tracked her hands, running down over her bare chest, her torso, and then to the waistband of her sweatpants. She pushed the pants down over her hips and let them pool at her feet, stepping out and back in between his legs. “So, what did the experts say?”
He swallowed audibly as she brought his hands to her chest. “Well, um,” he started, palms cupping her breasts. “Um, firstly— start slow. And vary— vary your attention,” he said, squeezing them lightly and brushing his thumbs over her hardened nipples. 
He looked up at her face for guidance, and she smiled. “Then by all means— give me all the attention.”
He leaned forward immediately, tongue and teeth sucking and grazing and nipping at the soft skin of her breasts. He alternated between the two, drew each nipple into his mouth and moaned a little around them at the way she gasped when his teeth dragged on her skin. Her hands found purchase in his curls, tangling and tugging and holding him against her. He brought a hand down to her waist and pulled her in closer, slid his palm over her lace-covered ass and dug his fingers in, eliciting a very pretty sound from her throat. 
He pressed his mouth once more to the valley in between her breasts, then stood and brought his hands to her face, leaning down to meet her in a soft kiss. He turned to have her sit back on the bed, and she stretched out over the pillows and pulled him down over her. He kissed her again, and then dragged his mouth down the column of her throat. 
“Secondly,” he continued, “work your way down.” He did just that, his lips and tongue drawing out goosebumps and shivers as he moved down her body. When he reached the waistband of her underwear, he hooked his fingers into it, and she lifted her hips to allow him to pull them down her legs. 
He started a path back up her legs, kissing her ankles, her shins, her knees. He ghosted his fingers over her thigh, silently asking for permission to continue. She let her legs fall open, and he made himself comfortable in between them. The reality hit him then— that as she opened her legs, she also opened herself up to him— all the most vulnerable and precious parts of her. His breath caught in his throat as he found her gaze on him, soft and sweet and steady. 
He turned his head to kiss a path along her inner thigh, moving closer and closer to her center. He fanned his warm breath over her, and then he licked carefully around the hood of her clit, gentle at first. He flattened his tongue on either side of it, then pointed it to flick across once, twice, three times. Her hand immediately came down to tangle in his hair, and her hips twitched as he dragged his tongue flat over it. 
“I don’t really understand the phenomenon of men being unable to find the clitoris,” he remarked, and then closed his mouth around it. 
She let out a long, low moan when he sucked it between his lips, and her grip on his hair tightened. He alternated the suction with the swirl of his tongue around the hood, and she squirmed against the bed. He laid his forearm low across her hips to keep her still, and then he brought his thumb up to swipe at her entrance, and he moaned around her at the feel. 
“Shit, you’re so wet,” he breathed. He brought his thumb, slick with her arousal, up to her clit and rubbed firm circles over it. “How’s that for pressure? Too hard?”
“N-no, oh— Spence, oh my god,” she whined.
“Do you prefer to rub side to side or in a circle?” He demonstrated each option, and she choked out his name again. 
She drew in a shaky inhale, exhaled out, “Both, both, both.” 
He sucked an open mouthed kiss to her inner thigh, then looked up to see her staring at him. “Do you like penetration? Or just clitoral stimulation?” he asked, stroking his thumb side to side over her clit. 
She huffed out a breath. “You— god, you can finger me.”
He popped his index finger into his mouth, slicking it with spit and thinking of everything he’d read about it. He teased the pad of his finger around her slit, gathering up the wetness that had spilled out of her. “I’ll start with one? Make sure it’s slicked up, and then you can tell me if you’d like me to add another?” 
She hummed in agreement, and he began to press inside of her. She took his finger easily, and he dropped his forehead to her thigh. “God, you’re— you’re so tight.” He withdrew his finger and then slipped it back in, groaning at the slickness. “Can you, um— can you tell me if this is— is this doing anything for you?” He probed gently, searching for the spot inside her that he knew might actually be difficult to find. 
“Um— up, up,” she gasped. “Like, curl it up toward the ceiling and then sort of dra-a-a-g, oh, oh, oh.”
He followed her directions, curling his finger up and dragging it on the out stroke, and she was throwing her head back with a moan of his name. He repeated the motion over and over and then brought his mouth back to her clit. Both her hands came down to yank at his hair, and he groaned, causing her hips to jerk against his mouth. 
“M-more, Spence, more, so close,” she whined. 
When he withdrew his finger, he slipped a second one in beside it and then continued the curl-drag-thrust pattern while sucking and swirling his tongue around her clit. Her moans increased in frequency and volume, and he felt her squeeze impossibly tight around his fingers. He rutted into the bed as her grip on his hair held him still against her clit as she came. 
She let out a final gasp of his name, and then she relaxed around him and her grip on his hair went slack. He slipped his fingers out of her, stared at them in relative awe as they glistened with her come. He sucked them into his mouth to clean them off, relatively surprised by how much he enjoyed the taste. He leaned forward and dragged his tongue over her, cleaning her up and savoring the way she lingered in his mouth. 
“Shit, Spence,” she mumbled, grasping at his shoulder. “C’mere.”
He lifted his head and wiped his forearm across his chin. He watched her eyes go a little wide, and then she was dragging him up her body and crashing their mouths together. “You are so fucking hot,” she whispered. “I cannot believe you’ve never done that before. Such a good listener, baby.”
His hips canted forward desperately at the praise, and she sighed happily against his mouth. “Wanna blow you.” 
She pushed gently at his chest and he sat back to let her up. She slid off the bed and tugged on his hand to move him to sit with his legs off the side. “Can we take some things off?” she asked, gesturing to his fully clothed form. 
He nodded, and she popped the button on his trousers while he started on the button up. They made quick work of both, and she dragged his pants and underwear down in one motion. He shrugged out of his shirt and she took a step back to take him in. 
“You’re so pretty, Spence.” She dragged her finger up from his knee, over his thigh, the trail of hair on his tummy, his chest, his throat— her eyes tracking the motion. He watched her face as she did so, the way her pupils dilated with lust and her tongue came out to wet her lips. She finally settled on his face, smiling and leaning forward to press her lips to his. 
When she broke the kiss, she brought both hands up to cradle his face. “I’ve been thinking about this for a long time. If anything doesn’t feel good, just say so. You can put your hands on my head, pull my hair, whatever you like. If I want you to stop, I’ll tell you. Okay?”
“Okay,” he rasped. 
She kissed him again, and then dropped to her knees and took him in hand. The vision of her— naked, post-orgasm, looking up at him with his cock poised at her mouth— was so absolutely and gloriously filthy that he almost came on the spot. 
“You’re so big, Spence.” The wonderment seeped into her voice, and he couldn’t help but swell a little with pride. Her warm palm stroked over him, root to tip, and he fisted his hands in the duvet. “What was step one again?” she asked. 
“Um. S-start slow,” he recalled. 
She hummed in agreement, and then trailed the fingers of her free hand over the inside of his thigh. She turned her mouth to press hot, open-mouthed kisses to the other, slowly inching up closer to where she held him in her hand. 
“Your skin is soft,” she murmured. Her nose brushing against the crease of this thigh. She switched sides, moved his cock into her other hand to trail her fingers over where her mouth had been. She sucked a mark into his thigh and then dragged her tongue over it, and he couldn’t take his eyes off her. 
And then she shifted back to the center, flattened her tongue, and ran it up the vein on the underside of his cock. “Oh my god,” he whispered. 
She huffed out a laugh and the way her warm breath cooled the trail of spit she’d left had him shivering. “God, this is gonna be so fun,” she murmured. 
She held his cock up straight with one hand and repeated the motion of her tongue twice more, and then pressed a kiss to the tip. She held her tongue out flat and rubbed it along the underside of the head, running it along the divide between the tip and the shaft. And then she closed her mouth around the head and swirled her tongue around it, and his eyes rolled back in his head. 
“Fuck, Y/N.” His knuckles turned white as he gripped the sheets, and then he felt her free hand tug at his fist. He opened his eyes as she guided his fingers into her hair. She locked eyes with him and then sucked gently on the tip of his cock. He fisted his hand and tugged, and she closed her eyes and moaned around him. 
The vibration of her voice had his hips thrusting forward a little into her mouth, and she pulled back with a grin. He couldn’t even form the words to apologize before she was licking down his shaft and murmuring, “Mm, and vary the attention, right?”
With that, she laved her tongue over his balls, slicking them up with her spit. He realized he’d been holding his breath, sucking in a gasp as she sucked one of them into her mouth. She hummed around it and then let it out with a soft pop, moving to draw the other one in. He hadn’t even considered that he would enjoy having his balls in her mouth, but now that they were there he knew he’d literally never stop thinking about it. 
She pulled back to take a breath, bringing a hand up to cup and massage his balls and stroke over his length at the same time. “Step two?” she prompted, looking up at him from in between his legs. 
“Work your way down,” he reminded her, petting over her hair in awe. 
“Ah, yes.” She brought her mouth back to the tip, sticking out her tongue and rubbing it along the sensitive spot just under the head. She kept her mouth open and held him in hand, alternating between wet kisses and swirling her tongue. And then she sucked it into her mouth, still moving her tongue back and forth as she started to sink further down his length. 
In his mind, he was singing her praises from the metaphorical rooftops, but in reality, her mouth was so hot and wet that all he could do was stare stupidly at the way his cock disappeared between her lips. She continued to massage his slick balls in her free hand as she took him in, inch by inch. Each time she pulled back to suckle the head, she stroked the circle of her other hand over the spit-covered length of him. 
On the next pass down, he felt the head of his cock press into the back of her throat, and his hands shot to her hair, holding tight. “Holy shit, Y/N, I—” he choked on the rest of the sentence as she took him an inch further, then simultaneously sucked and pulled back to the tip.
She tapped the tip of his cock to her spit-slick smile, kissing it teasingly. “Do you wanna tell me what to do?”
“M-more of that,” he begged, watching as she dragged her lips down the side of his cock. 
She chuckled, and the way it buzzed against the side of his cock had him short of breath. “Yeah— I thought you’d like that.” She pumped his length with her hand and then held her tongue out flat, bobbing her head until he hit the back of her throat. 
When she pulled back, he watched a trail of spit drip down her chin, and felt his cock twitch at the idea of her quite literally drooling over him. He barely resisted the urge to pinch his thigh, not willing to wake himself up if this was actually a dream. He brought a hand to her chin and used his thumb to gather the spit, and then brought it up to suck it into his mouth. 
Her mouth dropped open as she watched him swallow, and he briefly began to panic, but then she was surging upward to slot her mouth over his in a hot kiss. “How is everything you do so fucking hot?” she murmured against his lips. 
“I could say the same for you,” he countered, kissing her again. 
“I want you to come in my mouth, okay?” she asked. 
He nodded vigorously. “Shit, yeah, yeah.”
“Don’t hold back,” she demanded, and then she was dropping back down to take him in again. 
She left her mouth open, tongue laid flat, and took him into her throat— once, twice, three times. She choked around him and then pulled back to take a breath. She repeated this pattern again, and again, occasionally sucking on the head or even grazing her teeth just so. Spencer held her head between his hands, staring down at her with reverence. He couldn’t stop the litany of praise falling from his lips— mostly just gasps and moans of her name, but occasionally he found the mental capacity for so beautiful, or perfect mouth, or so good, baby. 
He could feel his orgasm drawing closer with every press into her throat, so incredibly tight that it was dizzying. She pulled all the way off to jerk his cock, a tight circle of her fingers gliding along his length with a squelching sound. She squeezed the base of him, dropped her hand to tug at his balls, and sunk her mouth down his length, holding him in her throat and swallowing, moaning low and long around him. 
She looked up at him then, and it was that which finally brought him over the edge— not that she was on her knees with his cock in her throat, but that she didn’t look away as he came undone. The fact that she was paying such close attention to him coupled with the trust and vulnerability required for this moment was too much to handle. His orgasm hit him like a train, his toes curling and fingers twitching in her hair as he came. She continued swallowing around him, and he fought to keep his eyes open, not willing to miss a single second of this moment. 
When he was finished, she slowly drew back, sucking gently along his softening length and pressing a kiss to the head. He did close his eyes then, cradling her head in his hands and rubbing his thumbs along her cheeks. She used his thighs as leverage to pull herself up, and he heard her suck in a sharp breath. His eyes shot open to see her rubbing at her knees— red and a little raw. 
“I’m sorry, I should have— I could have gotten you a pillow.” He pulled her closer and replaced her hands with his own, soothing the marks. 
She laughed and brushed a reassuring hand over his hair. “Occupational hazard.”
The scratchy rasp of her voice had his cock twitching. “I know I don’t have anything to compare it to, but you’re unbelievably good at that.”
She brought her hands to his face, tilting it up to meet his eyes. “You’re not the only one who reads the literature.” 
Her even tone and steady gaze proved she wasn’t teasing or mocking, and he fell just a little bit deeper in love. He met her halfway in a kiss that was infinitely and luminously sweet and wondered just what in the world he was going to do about that.
Permanent tags: @spacedikut @andiebeaword @averyhotchner @pinkdiamond1016 @shadyladyperfection @coffeeandendlesswords @justanothetfangirl @no-honey-no @ajeff855 @sapphic-prentiss @rexorangecouny @rainsong01  @blameitonthenight21 @moviequeen51 @90spumkin @reniescarlett @ncsls0515 @daybabyx @sturmmhond @takeyourleap-of-faith @saspencereid @calm-and-doctor @reidtheprettyboy @atabigail @ayo-cowbelly @muffin-cup @ssa-natalya-reid @wheelsup @reidingmelodies @this-is-gublerween  @s1utformgg  @reidemandweep @sonnydoesrandomshit @rigatonireid @luwheezey @joalsglasses @je-suis-prest-rachel @dr-omalley @spencie-adams @honestimanormalfan @blurryreid
Series tags: @cielo1984 @dorotheuh @foreveryoungxx3 @happyreid187 @harrystylesholland @seasonfivereid @slut4spencie  @kyomito​
Broken tags: @radtwinkie
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violetlilysunshine · 3 years
He’s Not My Harry
Boyfriend Harry Holland x Actress Reader
Summary: You’re presenting at Comic Con and a fan asks you a question about your relationships with Harry and Tom.
WC: 1,550
Warnings: A little angsty maybe??? But nothing really
A/N: I’ve never been to Comic Con so I don’t really know how it works, also written before Tomdaya, so don’t at me.
REQUESTS OPEN - Or just come chat :)
Your new show was invited to present at Comic Con this year and you were over the moon. You were already planning to go to Comic Con, since Harry would be there with Tom, but now you got to be featured as well. You hadn’t seen Harry in way too long. You and Tom had filmed together in Atlanta, becoming fast friends. After he had introduced you to Harry, you guys hit it off immediately, quickly becoming a couple.
The distance had been pretty hard on the both of you, but you were still going strong after two years. You and Harry made your relationship public just a week before Comic Con, knowing that you wouldn’t be able to keep your hands off each other once you reunited. You posted a casual, “Happy two years,” and a cute picture, keeping it short and sweet, mimicking Harrison and Grace. Harry on the other hand seized the opportunity and posted, “Two years. Gotcha beat Haz and Grace,” making sure to tag them both. Luckily, they found it funny and you all laughed it off.
You both had gotten more positive messages than you were expecting, but quite a bit of hate as well. You expected to get some, but didn’t really think people would be sending as much to Harry as they were. You felt really bad about it, but he reassured you over and over that he was fine. The absolute last thing you were prepared for, was how much hate he was getting because the fans were shipping you with Tom instead.
The boys got in last night and Harry called you immediately upon leaving the airport. He texted you again as they were pulling into the hotel and you bolted down the stairs. You found them at the front desk, checking in together and Harry was just taking a room key.
He turned around, spotting you standing by the staircase. His face broke into a giant smile, his eyes lighting up at your presence. You skipped across the room, jumping into his arms immediately as he dropped his bag, his other hand still holding his phone and key as he wrapped it around your waist.
“Hey, Red,” you greeted him quietly in his ear as you snuggled into his neck.
He rubbed his face deeper into your hair, “hi, darling,” he whispered back.
You pulled back slightly, arms still latched around his neck, and pulled him into a deep kiss. You were glad that you’d posted together because you wouldn’t have been able to hold back.
When you pulled away, you saw some fans taking pictures scattered across the lobby, but you weren’t all that worried about it. You’d kind of expected it, and most of their focus was on Tom anyway.
“Alright, you lot, c’mon,” Tom called, picking up his bag and heading towards the elevators.
You unwrapped from Harry, taking his camera bag over your shoulder as he grabbed his larger suitcase.
“Alright, love, so I’m in 615 with Harrison,” he told you as you waited for the elevator, “you can drop by whenever you like, alright?”
“Oh,” you answered in a small voice, smile dropping just slightly.
“What is it?” he asked gently.
“Well, I sorta thought maybe you could stay with me...”
“Oh, well, I didn’t know what you wanted to do, so I just got this one with Harrison. It’s connected to Tom’s too, but uh, I’d rather be with you if that’s what you want,” he said with a smile.
“Hey!” Harrison called turning around.
“Sorry bro, but do you really blame me?” Harry said, smirking.
“Whatever, div,” Harrison turned back around, climbing into the elevator behind Tom.
“Okay, we’re in 710,” you told him, as well as Tom and Harrison, passing Harry your second key.
“Maybe I should write the numbers on them so I don’t get ‘em mixed up,” Harry laughed.
You giggled back, looping your arm around his wrist.
Waking up next to Harry was your favorite thing in the world; you loved feeling his arm carelessly thrown over you and his legs tangled with yours. You loved seeing his sleepy morning smile and crazy bed head curls. You loved hearing his raspy morning voice and his grumbles as he awoke. You’d never get enough of it or him.
You rolled over this morning to find his eyes already on you; you smiled gently, bringing a hand up to push the curls off his forehead.
“Morning, baby,” he said, pulling you closer.
“Mmm, hi,” you whispered.
“Wish we could stay like this forever,” he said, leaning forward to kiss along your jawline.
You giggled as his hair brushed over your face, “unfortunately, we both have things to do.”
“Mmm yeah, stupid work,” he grunted, tucking into your neck, pressing a few kisses to your skin before mumbling, “stupid Tom.”
You laughed loudly at that, knowing he was just joking and he didn’t really think badly of his brother.
You giggled again, pulling his head up to kiss him for real. He held your kiss for a moment, before pulling away. He brushed his fingers against your skin under your shirt, just watching you for a moment. You giggled under his intense gaze.
“What time are your panels, darling?” he questioned gently.
You rattled off what you could remember before asking, “why?”
“Well I wanna come to as many as I can o’course! Maybe bring the guys with me just for fun.”
“Mmkay,” you giggled, before pulling him in for a few more slow kisses.
Before you knew it, your alarm was going off, “have to get up and get ready,” you said sadly.
“Me too. Was supposed to be at Tom’s half an hour ago,” he chuckled.
You slapped his chest lightly before rolling out of bed to get ready for the day.
He chuckled deeply, watching you fiddling around and getting your stuff together for a second before getting out of bed to do the same.
You weren’t really expecting anyone to bring Harry up today in your panel, but of course, three questions in, someone said something.
“Hi, um, my question is for Y/N,” the fan said timidly into the microphone.
“Hey, darling!” you cheered with a big smile, “what’s up?”
“Um, well I saw you posted a happy two years with Harry, and I was wondering why you picked him instead of Tom?”
Your face dropped instantly, lips curling down and eyes losing their sparkle. You stared blankly at the fan before asking, “are you serious?” in a low voice.
The fan just looked back at you, nodding only the slightest bit.
You took a deep breath, glancing at the ceiling before opening your mouth. You opened and closed it a few times, trying to figure out how to handle the situation.
“I know that the smart thing to do here would be to not answer that question, but I’m going to,” you breathed, “I’m going to answer it once and that’s that,” you said finally. “Let me start with this: I hate that question because it sounds like ‘why’d you settle for Harry when you could have had Tom?’” you paused, “it makes it seem like Harry is less than Tom and that is absolutely not true at all,” you took a break there, breathing deeply.
You noticed fans were beginning to chatter in the audience, pointing at the boys sitting in the front row. You noticed the look on Harry’s face and after that, all you could see was red.
“I don’t need you to point at them, guys, I know they’re there,” you spoke tenderly into the mic, chuckling a little bit so as not to scream.
You continued your answer, speaking slowly, “Tom and Harry are not one-in-the-same. They’re not interchangeable. They are two completely different people. Harry offers me things that no one else in the world ever could. He’s kind and smart and beautiful and confident and genuine and hardworking and so, so incredibly talented and one of the absolute greatest people you could ever surround yourself with,” your voice started to falter as you got choked up, almost crying from anger, “and not that Tom isn’t all of those things, but he’s not my Harry. Tom is great and one of my best friends in the world and I’m so grateful for that, but... I love Harry so much that it hurts,”
You took another break, glancing at the ceiling again to try and keep yourself from losing it, “and if anyone puts him down in front of me again, I’m absolutely going to lose my shit. So…” you trailed off, chuckling again, “so, in conclusion, they’re very different and while Tom is great, Harry is the best. Next question, please.”
You turned to face the fan on the other side of the audience, placing your mic in your lap and tossing your hair behind your shoulder. You took a deep breath, shaking off your anger, and looking at Harry in the audience again. His happy expression had returned now, his eyes brightening and a very small smile gracing his features. You gave him a tight lipped smile back mouthing, “I love you,” to him quickly.
He mouthed, “I love you more,” back, making your smile grow even wider.
TAGLIST:  @samhollandscupcake @spider-barnes @hogwartsmarvelmommy @tulipholland @harryhollandsgirlfriend @cupids-crystals @sunwardsss
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bang-tan-bitches · 4 years
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Title: Beloved
Word Count: 17.4k
Rating: M
Genre: Drama/Thriller/Smut
Warnings: Yandere Behavior, Violence, Blood, Character Death, Emotional Manipulation, Hint of Dubious Consent, Unprotected Sex, Vaginal Fingering, Cream Pie, Oral Sex (Female Receiving), Mild Dirty Talk 
Pairing: Emperor!Yoongi X Reader
Summary: Court was just a game of politics after all. And you intended to win
Written By: Admin B
Note: This was entirely inspired by Daechwita and everyone should thank A for indulging my madness and encouraging me
“Are you even listening to me?”
 You jerk at the sound of your younger sister’s voice, the long carriage ride has made you sleepy. You glance over at her and give her an indulgent smile, “I’m sorry, darling. I can only listen to you wax poetic about his Imperial Highness’ esteemed looks for so long before I lose interest.”
You can’t help but laugh when Ara snaps her fan closed and tries to hit you with it, but you block it with your own fan.
“Stop or you’ll wrinkle your dress!” You giggle, “Then what will his majesty think of you?!”
She sits back in her seat, but you can see her eyes are shining with laughter. She looks positively breathtaking in her pale pink ceremonial dress. Her hair is beautifully styled with pearls and ribbons laced throughout. Her maids really made her as eye catching as possible. When the decree was first announced that all single ladies of marriageable age were invited to the palace on behalf of the imperial princess to find a bride for his majesty, you were concerned. You know Ara had fallen hopelessly in love with the emperor the one and only time she saw him, having begged father to take her to court with him two years prior. Ever since then she had this fairy tale dream in her head that they were meant to be together and you were terribly afraid of her getting hurt. 
“He really is beautiful,” her eyes are dreamy as she glances out the carriage window, “did I tell you how his hair is so pale that it practically shines like moonlight?”
“Yes, yes,” the sarcasm clear in your voice, “He is the most handsome and benevolent ruler our land has ever seen!” 
“He is,” you sister insists, “even with the scar!”
“He has a scar? I thought that was just a rumor.” You look out the carriage window to see how far you are from the palace. The ride seemed longer than usual, but that could have just been your boredom with the topic. You had no interest in politics - not that that had stopped your father from teaching you - and avoided going to court as much as possible. You had never even been in the presence of the emperor or the imperial princess. Ara had no interest in politics either, but that didn’t stop her dreams of becoming Empress.
“Oh! It’s not a rumor!” Your sister straightens her posture, “There’s a scar that covers his right eye! He got it during the great war when he was still the crown prince.”
“Why didn’t he -”
“Why didn’t he have the Imperial healers treat him and remove the scar?” Your sister cuts you off before you can finish your question, “He wanted a reminder to never show leniency. He was betrayed by some of his own men that weren’t loyal to the crown. He slaughtered not only the betrayers, but also their entire families.”
You furrow your brows and fix the long sleeves of your ceremonial dress, uncomfortable with the emperor’s apparent brutality, “Sounds cruel.”
“It’s not cruel. He had to ensure that no one would try to get revenge. He was protecting our kingdom from those that would try to take it!”
“Of course, of course,” you placate your sister and roll your eyes at her fervent defense of his highness.
“Don’t roll your eyes, I’m terribly sorry everyone can’t be as noble as your dear Namjoon.”
You frown, “First of all, he is Lord Kim and he deserves your respect. Secondly, he isn’t my dear anything. Nothing has been finalized. There has only been talk of marriage, but no contracts are in place.”
Ara scoffs, “Everyone knows he absolutely adores you. His eyes get all big and his cheeks turn bright pink whenever he sees you.”
You smile wistfully and look down at your lap, “He is rather adorable.”
“Mmmhmm and if it was up to him you would already be married and probably with child.”
“Ara, it is impolite to discuss such things.” You scold gently, “What if someone overheard you?”
“Who?” Ara dramatically looks around the carriage before resting back against her seat, “Who can possibly hear us? There is only me and you in this carriage. No one is going to hear us.”
“Still, you need to be appropriate, you cannot slip up at the palace.”
You both sit in silence for a moment, Ara with closed eyes gently fanning herself while you contemplate how to bring up what’s been weighing heavily on your mind. Your younger sister was spoiled and had always gotten her way, even you were guilty of indulging her every whim. You were terribly worried that she would not adjust to court life well. Your understanding was that the women could be even more vicious than the men and you needed to prepare her.
You chew your lip before deciding to broach the delicate topic, “I heard another rumor about your emperor.”
“Mmm… what’s that?” Ara opens one eye to look at you.
“I heard,” you lean forward and lower your voice, “that his harem is… extensive.”
Ara pouts adorably, “It is. Apparently he has over 300 concubines.”
“300? That has to be an exaggeration. No man would want 300 concubines. Although,” you continue quietly, “he is the emperor and a large harem would show off his wealth and power. Does he have a favorite among them?”
“Ugh,” you watch Ara’s eyes darken in anger, “Concubine Nam In-Suk. She is his favored concubine and I heard the only reason she wasn’t named his empress is because Imperial Princess Min would not allow it.”
“Why would the emperor care what his elder sister thinks?” You already know the answers to all these questions, but you hope that asking them will help Ara realize what she needs to do to secure her place as empress. The carriage starts to slow, you were almost to the palace and wouldn’t have much time alone to prepare her going forward and no time alone once you’d arrived.
“She is his advisor and closest confidant. He trusts her with everything.”
“Ara,” you grab your sister’s hand and give her a meaningful look, “It is very important that you gain the favor of Imperial Princess Min. If you have her blessing, you will not be denied. Most of the silly girls will be striving for Emperor Min’s attention, not realizing that the imperial princess is making the final choice.”
Ara nods her head, determined. “I will gain her favor.”
“Also,” you know she will hate what you are about to suggest, but it has to be done, “You need to become friendly with Concubine Nam.”
“Never!” Ara gasps and tries to pull away, “As soon as I’m chosen as empress I will make him disband his harem!”
“Ara, you cannot!” You lean close and let the severity of your demand bleed into your tone, “You must become friendly and show you are not a threat.” 
“But I am a threat…” she pushes her lip out in a pout. 
You squeeze her hand, “I know, darling. But court politics are not that different from bedroom politics. He will not get rid of his harem just because you demand it. If Concubine Nam thinks she can manipulate and play you, she will be less of a threat. She has his ear and his favor. Let them think you are stupid little girl with stars in her eyes. It will bend them to your will.”
 “But,” Ara’s voice is quiet, “I want him to love only me.”
“Oh my beloved Ara,” you hold her close to you, “these things take time. Once you bed him and provide an heir, you will secure your place at his side. He will have to love and cherish only you. How could he not?”
Her smile is blinding when the carriage stops outside the palace gates. 
“Relax,” you whisper, “you are the most beautiful lady here. You have nothing to fear.”
Ara releases her bottom lip and nods subtly. When you had arrived at the palace earlier that day, you were welcomed inside to a large hall filled with other single young ladies and their chaperones, all from the most prominent families in the kingdom. Imperial Princess Min herself greeted everyone and announced that a welcome banquet would be held that evening. You were then ushered to your rooms where you could refresh yourselves before the evening. The Daisy Courtyard would serve as your temporary home for the next few weeks. It was a smaller courtyard, but it was beautiful and secluded and you were thankful to learn that it was nowhere near the concubine courtyard. 
It was almost impossible to remember how quiet the courtyard was now. 
Now, in the palace banquet room awaiting the arrival of the emperor for what felt like hours with the crowd growing more restless by the minute, you dearly missed the seclusion. Imperial Princess Min was present, drinking wine and enjoying the performance of the dancers brought in for entertainment. If she was upset with the late arrival of her brother, her face did not show it.
The music abruptly stops and everyone quiets down. The large golden doors at the back of the room are opened and an imperial servant steps in, placing their fisted hand over their heart, they bow and announce, “His Royal Highness, Emperor Min Yoongi, 37th Emperor of the Min Dynasty.”
Everyone immediately bows, giving reverence to the Emperor. He is dressed in the darkest black with gold dangling from his ears, neck, and fingers.  His blond hair is pulled up into a high topknot and a black headband is across his forehead. 
You notice a beautiful woman trailing a few steps behind him. She is covered in diamonds. They glitter from her shiny black hair down to the long train of her bright purple ceremonial dress. The dress itself is decorated in patterns of golden tigers, matching the pattern of the emperor’s black robe.
By the clenching of Ara’s hands, you realize that this must be Concubine Nam. You discreetly nudge your sister and mouth for her to relax. 
The emperor takes his seat on his golden dragon throne, while his favored concubine sits obediently at his feet. His presence is overpowering and you can feel his displeasure radiating throughout the room.  
“So… I was told that one of you will be this emperor’s bride and empress consort.” Emperor Min’s voice is deep and controlled, but the underlying fury is unmistakable. You can feel his eyes trail over the room, “Do you really think that one of you will enrapture this emperor? Do you truly believe one of you will become my chosen?”
Everyone is deathly silent, afraid of angering his highness even more. You can feel his penetrating gaze stop on you. You did not dare look upon the face of the emperor. You knew the rules of the court. You keep your eyes lowered and wait for his eyes to move past you. 
They don’t.
You can still feel him staring at you and after several silent minutes you hesitantly look up and meet his eyes. You feel your breath catch in your throat. He is startlingly beautiful. His features are delicate but his scar provides him a hint of roguishness that accentuates his already extraordinary beauty. 
His gaze is intense and you can feel his angry aura disappear to something unreadable. His dark eyes are burning with something as a devilishly handsome smile spreads across his face.
You quickly lower your eyes and ignore the chill down your spine and the heat spreading across your face. You now understand how your sister could be so enraptured with one look. 
The emperor laughs, startling you into looking again. He’s staring at his sister and smiling. You can see Concubine Nam’s face screwed up, but staring at the floor. You look away quickly before he can feel your stare. His voice is filled with warmth and something else, something unsettling, “Maybe this emperor will finally meet his bride amongst the ladies here today. Rise and enjoy the welcome feast.”
Immediately servants present platters of food to the various tables and the music starts again. You ignore the burning gaze you feel on you and direct your attention to Ara.
“Make sure you eat. You have to be strong if you plan to carry the next heir of the kingdom.” You add more food to her plate.
“Yes, yes,” Ara giggles and pushes your hand away, “I could feel him staring in our direction. Did you feel it too?”
You force a smile, “Of course. How could he not stare at you. I told you that you were the most beautiful lady here.”
When it’s your turn to introduce yourselves to the royal family, you make sure to keep your head low and only make eye contact with Imperial Princess Min once you’re allowed to rise. Next to you, your sister does the same, following your example, even as you feel the hot eyes of the emperor on you once again. Ara pays a pretty compliment to the Princess, and you smile proudly when the Princess laughs delightedly and asks for your names. 
“Oh, I remember you. And your father.” Princess Min says, a delicate finger resting on her bottom lip. She shares a look with her brother and you can feel the hateful eyes of Concubine Nam on you and your sister. You ignore her. You needed Ara to win over Princess Min before she won the hearts of anyone else. “I look forward to getting to know you once again. Both of you.” 
You smile, and bow again before moving on to let the others greet the royal family. 
Ignoring the heavy weight of Emperor Min’s gaze, you try to keep your sister distracted and engaged during the remainder of the banquet. For every goblet of wine your sister has, you make sure she also has a goblet of water. You don’t want her embarrassing herself in front of the other eligible ladies. You relax once the emperor’s gaze is no longer focused on you and take the chance to glance towards the throne, noticing the emperor in a deep discussion with his sister. The imperial princess has a strange smile on her face and is nodding her head along to whatever his highness is saying. You also notice that Concubine Nam is nowhere to be seen.
“Where did Concubine Nam go?”
“What?” Ara quickly looks around the large hall, her voice tinged with excitement, “Concubine Nam? His highness must have sent her away.”
"Strange..” you take a delicate bite of the fresh dumplings brought out by the servants, smiling a bit at how excited Ara is to find her possible rival missing, “I thought she never left his side.”  
“Well…” Ara is interrupted by the arrival of an imperial maid. The maid bows her head respectively and holds a silver tray with a folded golden parchment.
You grab the parchment and slowly open it, quickly read the contents, fold it and place it back on the tray. “Please tell your mistress we accept.”
The maid bows and scurries away. You watch her go and keep a calm mask on your face, even as your heart is racing. You knew the point of these banquets and festivities was to find the Emperor a bride, but to receive an invitation so quickly… You notice many of the young ladies in attendance are watching and you refuse to show any sort of emotion. 
Court was just a game of politics after all. And you intended to win. For Ara. 
Ara grabs your hand under the table where no one can see, “What was that about?”
“Ara, did you bring that pretty pale green dress that grandfather gifted you for your birthday last year?” You take a sip of your wine, and keep your tone low.
“Of course.” Ara nods her head and grabs some fruit slices from one of the platters on the table, but by the tenseness of her shoulders, you could feel her excitement. You would have to instruct her on how to hide it better. 
“Good. Wear it tomorrow.” You squeeze her hand, “we are invited to the morning meal with Imperial Princess Min.”
Imperial Princess Min’s courtyard and private rooms are absolutely gorgeous. Everything is draped in golds and pastels and smells of the fresh flowers that are placed throughout her rooms. The three of you sit at a finely crafted table in her pavilion, the only sounds are the bubbling of the large fountain nearby and the tinkling of the platters of food as they are placed upon the table before you. 
“Thank you for joining me this beautiful morning.” Princess Min smiles sweetly at you both, once you rise from your bow, gesturing for a maid to pour tea, “I do hope you enjoy the meal.”
“We are honored to be invited by her majesty for a meal. Thank you.” You bow your head reverently and sit in the chair the maid has pulled out. 
“Yes, thank you, your highness.” Your sister follows suit. The plates are quickly set with delicious smelling food, but you can only sip your tea, taking your cue from the princess who has barely glanced at her plate. 
“Tell me,” Princess Min takes a dainty sip of tea, “Are you enjoying your time at the palace?”
“It is very beautiful here. We are forever indebted to the emperor and the imperial princess for allowing us to visit.” You keep your voice soft and your sister nods along, her cheeks slightly puffed with the food she has in her mouth.
“And your rooms…” Princess Min continues, directing a maid to put some kimchi on her plate, “are they to your liking?”
“Yes your majesty. The Daisy courtyard is beautiful. Thank you for gracing us with such lovely lodgings.”
The princess inclines her head briefly and smiles, “What do you think of the emperor?”
“Oh, he is wonderful. The best ruler our empire has ever seen.” Ara gushes enthusiastically, “May our emperor live ten thousand years!”
You and Princess Min share a small smile, both seeing that Ara is completely infatuated with his highness. You take a small bite of the delicious food on your plate as Ara continues to praise the emperor. 
“And you?” Princess Min interrupts your sister and turns her gaze on you. Her dark eyes are so similar to her brother that it catches you off guard for a moment, “What do you think of the emperor?”
You didn’t understand why but you feel like your answer holds more weight than your sister’s. You lick your suddenly dry lips, smile demurely at the imperial princess and respond as blandly but nicely as possible, “His highness is a most generous and benevolent king.”
“That he is.” Princess Min smiles and glances at your sister, “And what are your thoughts on his harem?”
Your sister is quiet for a moment and you can see her struggling with finding what she wants to say, you gracefully answer for her, “I’m sure my sister would be most grateful to have others help serve the emperor.”
“Yes!” Ara nods eagerly, “I am most grateful that the emperor has many to keep him company.”
Princess Min hides a giggle behind her hand and you tilt your head, curious what could make the Princess giggle like that. 
“Indeed. You may be grateful for the… help.”
Your eyes widen but Ara continues to look confused. You share a look with the Princess before she continues, “My brother, the Emperor, has a… healthy appetite.” 
As if summoned by your discussion of him, your meal is interrupted by the arrival of a servant stepping into the pavilion, “His Royal Highness, Emperor Min Yoongi, 37th Emperor of the Min Dynasty.”
You and Ara quickly place down your chopsticks and stand from your seats to bow properly. 
“You may rise.” The emperor’s voice is deeper than you remember. He is dressed in an informal black robe patterned with crimson lotus flowers. Thick golden necklaces rest against his collarbones and his pale hair is pulled up into another topknot. You notice that his long, golden earrings aren’t as extravagant as the ones he wore the night before. You and Ara quickly return to your seats.
“Here is my darling sister.” The Emperor gently kisses Princess Min’s cheek before sitting in the empty chair that is placed directly across from you by a servant. “I hope you do not mind if I join you three for the morning meal.”
“Imperial Brother I can see right through you.” Princess Min giggles, “You just want to look at my pretty company.”
You feel your breath hitch when the emperor locks eyes with you, a dangerous smile pulling at his full lips, “Can you blame me? I cannot remember the last time I’ve been so enchanted.”
Princess Min smiles and glances between you and your sister, “The sisters are true beauties.”
“Indeed,” The emperor's eyes flicker to your sister before focusing back on you, “It’s refreshing to know that a father did not exaggerate his claims of his daughters’ virtues.”
"Our beauty does not dare compare to the Imperial Princess." Your sister answers perfectly, the flattery clear in her voice. You see the smile spread across Princess Min’s face, clearly pleased with Ara’s answer. 
Princess Min and Ara chatter for a while, the emperor occasionally joining the conversation, but his burning gaze never leaves your face. If anyone else notices his attention on you, they dare not mention it. You stay quiet, trying not to draw any attention away from Ara. You are proud of your sister, she is so poised as she engages in conversation with the royals. You were worried she would freeze up, or even worse, prattle on incessantly about nothing. You motion for a servant to refill your teacup and are startled when the emperor waives the servant away, refilling your cup himself. “Please, allow me.”
Everything stops around you at his actions, even the servants seem to freeze in place. You glance at your sister and the imperial princess, both completely in shock at the emperor’s generosity. Although you notice the imperial princess has a look of unbridled delight in her dark eyes.
“Thank you, your grace.” You incline your head and keep your face impassive. Only years of training drilled into you by your tutors prepared you for this. A lady must always be composed and even though you feel like your heart is going to beat out of your chest, you keep calm. You have no idea why his eminence would pour your tea as if he was your servant, but did not dare question his actions. 
The silence lasts longer than is socially acceptable and when you dare to look at him, the emperor’s eyes are already focused on you. You can feel Ara’s eyes darting between the two of you, but you can only focus on the emperor. He opens his mouth to say something when your meal is interrupted by several maids rushing into the room. His eyes release you from your trance as he looks away. 
You tell yourself that you’re grateful for the interruption. 
“Your highness!!!” They all drop to their knees once they see the emperor, their heads touching the ground, “Your highness you must hurry. Concubine Nam has collapsed!”
You glance at the maids in alarm and look back at the emperor, his brows furrowed, “Have the imperial healers been summoned?”
“Of course, your highness.” The head maid answers, rising from her bow. You realize that they must have been the personal maids of Concubine Nam. The other maids remain on their knees, foreheads pressed to the ground. 
The emperor turns away from the maids and takes a sip of his tea, dismissing them without words. You watch the head maid bite her lip before taking a step forward, “Please your highness, she is calling for you.”
You can see the displeasure on the emperor’s face. His eyes are angry, but the anger fades when he looks at you. He stares at you for a moment as if he’s waiting for your approval. You swallow and glance at the maids before meeting his gaze, “Your highness, please forgive this lowly maiden for speaking out of turn, but your beloved needs you. You should be at her side.”
“My beloved?” His voice is filled with mirth, and you wonder what is so humorous.
“Yes, your majesty.” You continue, licking your lips. His eyes follow your tongue. “Everyone knows she is your favored concubine. She needs you. You must attend to her.”
“You’re right.” His smile disarms you, again causing your breath to catch. “I must do what my beloved asks of me.”
With a swirl of his black robes, he is gone. The maids and his personal servants trailing behind him. 
The silence left by the emperor’s abrupt departure is broken by the tired sigh of the Imperial Princess. “I apologize for Imperial Brother.”
“No, no,” you immediately respond, seeing a forlorn expression on the princess’ face, “It’s alright. Concubine Nam needs him. I do hope she is alright.”
“Yes, hopefully it is nothing serious.” Your sister cannot hide the distaste in her voice at the mention of the concubine.
“Oh, it’s nothing serious.” The princess laughs scornfully, “Concubine Nam always pulls some sort of devious trick whenever she thinks my brother’s attention might be taken away from her.”
You glance in the direction the emperor disappeared, “Does she?”
“Yes. It’s pathetic.” 
You choke back a giggle when the princess rolls her eyes and instantly feel yourself relax. 
“She thinks she has my brother wrapped around her finger. Always throwing a tantrum or faking some sort of illness.” She sneers and shakes her head, looking at you as if confiding something, “Several months ago, when I first spoke to my brother about finding a potential bride, I thought for sure that she would do something then, but it looks like the little bitch was just biding her time.”
“That is terrible.” If Ara is shocked at the vulgar language used by the princess, her face doesn’t show it. She is calm and poised and while you know she has a million questions she wants to ask, she is keeping her composure until the two of you are alone in your courtyard. “Hopefully his highness sees through her tricks.”
“She’s not half as clever as she thinks she is. He knows exactly what she is doing, but he indulges her.”
“I’m sure his majesty has his reasons,” you smile at the princess, “have faith in your brother.”
Princess Min stares at you, a contemplative look on her face. You don’t know what she is looking for, but after a few quiet moments she smiles beautifully, “Yes. Of course, you’re right. I have faith in the emperor. He was chosen by the gods to rule our kingdom.”
“May he live ten thousand years.” Ara says solemnly. You and Princess Min murmur in agreement.
“Still,” Princess Min’s voice is resolute as she gestures for a maid to refill her tea cup, “Concubine Nam cannot be trusted. Be careful.”
You sip your tea, pushing thoughts of the emperor’s dark eyes to the back of your mind and wonder just how much danger your sister is in.
When you return to your courtyard, servants are rushing around packing your trunks..
“Excuse me,” you feel bad interrupting one of the maids, but you have no idea what is going on and can’t help but fear the worst, “what is happening?”
“My lady,” the maid bows her head, “we have orders to move you and your sister to the Golden Bell courtyard.”
You frown and watch the servants continue to carry out your things, Ara clutches your hand, “On whose orders?”
“His Royal Highness.”
“As you were.” You dismiss the maid and turn towards Ara. You can see the excitement in her eyes. She’s practically vibrating. You nod for her to follow you out to the main yard where an imperial carriage is waiting to take you to your new courtyard.
“Sister,” She whispers, “The Golden Bell Courtyard. That’s closer to Imperial Princess Min’s private courtyard.”
“I know.”
The Golden Bell Courtyard is stunning. The main yard is filled with the fragrant Golden Bell flowers and the rooms were at least twice the size of your previous courtyard. Ara is practically giddy with excitement as she throws herself down on the large bed in the room you chose.
“He must already be in love with me.” 
“Why wouldn’t he be?” You were surprised Ara was able to contain herself until the servants left. 
“Everything is so luxurious.”
“It is.” You sit yourself at the fancy dressing table in the corner of the room and check your reflection in the bronzed mirror, “You should get used to this.”
Ara giggles and snuggles into the soft bedding. You watch her through the mirror and smile at her behavior. She was still so young and you wish you could shelter her forever. You still worried about her marrying into the imperial family, but you felt a little better knowing that Imperial Princess Min seems to have warmed to her. “You need to thank his majesty at tonight’s banquet.” 
“Of course.” Your sister smiles and throws a soft goose feather pillow in the air, “I will make sure to thank him for his hospitality.”
Unfortunately, Emperor Min is not at the banquet that night. In fact, you were informed, for the next fourteen days he would not be attending any of the events Imperial Princess Min had scheduled.
You can tell the princess is upset. Her smile seems a little more strained and while she is able to handle everything as a hostess should, you can tell she is very stressed about whatever the emperor is currently handling. You have a strong suspicion it is related to Concubine Nam, but it is not your place to ask questions so you remain quiet. You do, however, try your best to help where you can, becoming a steadfast and loyal companion to her majesty, continuing to have meals with her whenever she requests and spending many afternoons in her pavilion with her. She would ask your opinions of the young ladies from the different households and tell you about what would be required of the empress consort. As the days moved along, the princess dismissed more and more of the potential brides for his majesty until only a handful were left. You were pleased that Ara seems to be the favorite.
You sit across from the Imperial Princess. She sent you a note at the morning meal requesting you to join her in her plum blossom garden this afternoon. You can tell the princess is upset. Her lips are pursed and her fingers are white as she grips her cup of tea tightly. You're afraid the delicate cup might crack. 
“Your majesty’s plum blossom garden is beautiful. It must be the most fragrant and lovely plum blossom garden in all of the empire.”
Imperial Princess Min gives you a soft smile. She dismisses the servants and they step back so they are out of hearing range, but close enough to see if her highness requires anything.
“Concubine Nam is with child.”
You are silent for a moment. You keep yourself composed and don’t dare show your thoughts on your face. Your mind is frantically trying to process what this means. How could this have happened? What does this mean for Ara? 
You swallow and gently speak, “Princess Min, please forgive this simple one for questioning, but I thought it was against the imperial law for a concubine to bear children?”
“It is.” Princess Min throws her tea cup on the ground in anger, two imperial maids rush over to clean up the shattered mess and prepare another cup of tea for her majesty. Once the servants step away, the Princess continues, “She stopped drinking the herbal tea the day my brother agreed to find a bride.”
“Will Concubine Nam be punished?” You don’t look at the princess when you ask, you focus on the full cup of tea in front of you.
“If she is punished, it won’t be until after she gives birth.” Princess Min takes a small bite of sweet cake, “The little bitch thinks the emperor will make her his empress consort.”
“Will he?” 
“No,” Princess Min gives you a reassuring smile, “He will choose someone most deserving.” Her eyes shift as she stares at you until you feel you have to look away. “He’s been diligently working on preparing everything for his chosen consort. That and this unfortunate incident with Concubine Nam has kept him busy.”
You feel relief to know that Concubine Nam’s schemes do not seem to be working. And from the knowing smile the princess gives you, you feel elated that Ara will definitely be chosen as the consort. “What of the child?”
“The child will be recognized as a prince of the kingdom, but not an heir. Only the Empress can provide an heir.” Princess Min still looks unhappy, “I hope this won’t affect things going forward.”
It almost sounds like a question, as if she’s asking you if it will affect things. But you know that can’t be. You release a breath you didn’t know you were holding. This news will be upsetting to Ara, but not all is lost. This can still be salvaged. She could still marry and become the empress. Her child will still be the rightful heir. “No, I’m sure my sister will love any child that his highness produces.”
“Oh, yes, of course your sister would.” Princess Min gives you a curious smile, her dark eyes shining as if she’s amused. She takes your free hand in hers, “I hope I can request your confidence in this matter.” She says and gives your hand an almost too tight squeeze, “This must not be told to anyone.”
“Of course,” You nod your head solemnly, “I won’t say a word.”
The Emperor continues to absent himself from any events involving the possible consorts for the next several days. Even though it had yet to be announced, you knew he had already decided on an empress consort, therefore he did not need to attend any of the lavish events and parties his sister had scheduled. Though as the days progress and nothing more happens, you grow more and more concerned over Ara’s position until finally you are moved again to an even larger, more extravagant courtyard. 
The Mugunghwa Courtyard. 
The Mugunghwa Courtyard was reserved for the empress consort and is located directly next to the emperor’s private courtyard. The servants treat you and your sister like royalty, you are given the same respects the emperor and his sister are provided. Ara is enjoying the envious glares she receives from the other ladies and you allow her to enjoy her victory, but remind her to be polite and courteous to the servants because they will be her eyes and ears to what is happening in the other courtyards(including the harem).
Soon after you’re comfortably moved into the Mugunghwa Courtyard, the gifts begin arriving. Some days when you return to your rooms after the festivities, you find fresh Mugunghwa flowers on your bed. One morning you wake up and find a bottle of sweet perfumed oil. You know that it isn’t uncommon for a groom to bestow gifts upon his bride’s family, but you’re a little uncomfortable as the days progress and the gifts become more elaborate. Silk slippers, golden hairpieces, diamond necklaces… it’s all too much. Ara has also been receiving small gifts, flowers and oils. You don’t know why, but you don’t mention the jewelry or clothing to her. 
You continue to spend time with Imperial Princess Min, her personal servants would invite you, and only you, to have a private audience with her almost daily. Once, you asked her where the emperor was, as you had not seen him since breakfast almost a week ago. She had smiled at you as if you’d said the one thing she longed to hear, and informed you he’d been out of the palace. Taking care of business. But assures you that he would return soon. 
“If you would like, we can invite him to breakfast again.” She takes your arm and giggles, as if breakfast with her brother is against the rules. “But I might get jealous if my soon-to-be sister pays more attention to my brother than me.” 
Your heart soars at her words. This is practically confirmation that Ara will be chosen!
She keeps you updated on the goings on with Concubine Nam. The child is growing strong, and Concubine Nam has already started showing a small bump on her otherwise perfect body. While you never wish harm on anyone, you cannot hide your small sense of satisfaction when you're told that Concubine Nam is visibly distraught over the fact that the emperor has not once visited her since she collapsed.
You are still very concerned about Ara finding out about the pregnancy. You have kept your word and stayed silent on the matter, but you know Ara’s bubble of happiness will burst once she is made aware. You spend many of your days touring the multiple gardens of The Mugunghwa Courtyard in contemplation, trying to decide if you should tell Ara what is happening. 
You’re taking a leisurely stroll in the hibiscus garden when you suddenly feel like you’re being watched. This happens most days when you’re alone in the gardens, but no one is ever around so you dismiss it as your imagination. You startle when you hear the emperor’s deep voice call your name.
You spin around quickly and meet the burning gaze of the emperor. He’s dressed in his signature black robe, but this one is patterned with dark blue koi fish. His pale hair is pulled back in a low ponytail with a black headband across his forehead. Today he is wearing one long golden earring and a heavy golden choker around his throat. 
You briefly wonder if he would adorn his Empress in so much gold. 
“Your highness!” You immediately remember yourself and bow low.
You are still bent low and staring at the ground when you see a long black robe come into view. You feel a gentle finger under your chin and your head is tilted up until you’re standing again and staring directly up into the emperor’s perfect face.
He continues to stare at you, his eyes swirling with emotion. His finger moves from your chin to rub along your bottom lip and your eyes close involuntarily. He leans closer and you can smell the clean scent of his skin. You feel his breath on your lips…
The sound of a throat clearing jolts you. You snap your eyes open and immediately step away from the emperor’s personal space. Emperor Min is glaring heatedly at a eunuch who is standing several feet behind him. The eunuch looks apologetic, but you are grateful. 
“Your majesty, are you also here to tour the gardens?” You can feel your cheeks heat and you absentmindedly smooth out your dress. “The hibiscus garden is especially fragrant this time of year.”
His eyes are gentle when he looks at you. He gives you a soft smile, “No. I am here to see you.”
“Me? I do not know what I have done to deserve your attention. How can I help his majesty?”
Emperor Min’s voice is serious, “You deserve more than my attention. You deserve everything.”
You turn away from his penetrating gaze, focusing on a nearby flower, “Your highness has been very kind to me and my sister. I cannot thank you enough.”
“Do not thank me.” The emperor chuckles, “I am a king. I always have an ulterior motive.”
You realize he is most likely speaking of Ara. As Ara’s elder sister, you know you have the most influence over her and her opinions. He is trying to gain your favor so she will be more likely to accept his suit, but he must know that Ara is already in love with him. Princess Min would never keep that information from him.
“I have a gift for you.”
“Another gift?” You look up at his handsome face, “I couldn’t possibly accept anything else. You’ve been so generous already.” 
Faster than you can blink, his face is so close to yours, you can feel the brush of his lips as he speaks, his hand on your chin and eyes locked with yours. 
“I am the emperor. It is my divine right to give what I want, and to take what I want. Do you understand?” 
You blink and quickly lower your eyes, unable to bow your head, “Yes, your highness.” 
He moves away and you catch yourself before you can stumble from the suddenness of it all. 
“Eunuch Ki.” Emperor Min gestures and the eunuch steps forward holding a small wooden box, golden dragons painted on it. Eunuch Ki opens the box and you cannot stop your gasp when the contents are revealed. A beautifully hand carved jade bracelet is nestled within. You can see that your name is engraved in it along with the symbols of beauty and love. 
Emperor Min holds out his hand, waiting for you to give him yours. You place your hand in his and watch quietly as he gently pushes up the sleeve of your dress. His hand is so much larger than yours and you shiver when his thumb gently rubs along your wrist.
Eunuch Ki hands him the bracelet and he tenderly clasps it around your wrist. 
 You feel something inside you stir, “It’s lovely.” 
 “Not as lovely as the wrist it adorns,” he meets your eyes, “it becomes you.” 
You know you should pull away, part of you desperately wants to pull away. But he is the Emperor, and you know better. 
“Ara loves her gifts too!” You blurt out, trying desperately to control the way your heart is pounding. 
His face scrunches in thought and he tilts his head, “Ara… yes. Your sister. I’m glad she enjoys her gifts as well.” He raises your hand, flips it in his, and places a kiss on the inside of your wrist, lips brushing the cool jade beads. “Don’t take it off.” He commands, before leaving you alone once more. 
After that, you did not go into the gardens alone, always making sure Ara or Princess Min is with you. While you never did run into the Emperor in the gardens again, you still sometimes felt his burning gaze on you, but when you looked around, he was never there.
Today, you and Ara are staying in your own courtyard. You feel that both of you need a break from court. You know you certainly do. You have already had your morning meal in your rooms and were currently relaxing in one of the many drawing rooms. You smile as Ara pricks her finger again on her needlework. “Be careful Ara. A lady's hands should be soft and delicate.”
You can’t hide your laughter at the adorable glower she gives you. “Why do I have to do this? When I’m empress, I’ll have the royal seamstresses do this for me.”
“It’s a good skill to have and maybe your husband would want a personalized gift from you.”
Ara pouts but doesn’t say anything else. You sit in comfortable silence, her trying to embroider and you snacking on small sweet cakes. The days seem to be getting slightly cooler and you were appreciative. You didn’t know how long this consort selection was going to take, but you were already longing for home. You had written several letters to your father, letting him know of Ara’s progress and wanting to hear any news from home. You were hoping maybe your marriage to Lord Kim would be finalized, but unfortunately, there was no news about that. Your father seemed to avoid mentioning Lord Kim at all. As for Lord Kim himself, you sent him a few brief letters asking after his health and wellbeing, but had yet to receive a response. He was normally very quick to reply to your letters, but you brushed off his lack of response due to the fact that he must be very busy.
Your musings are interrupted by the arrival of several imperial servants and a finely dressed eunuch. They are carrying two large golden trunks and place them down in front of you and your sister. The eunuch steps forward and bows low.
“My ladies,” You recognize the eunuch as the emperor’s most trusted servant, Eunuch Ki, the one who was at his side in the hibiscus garden, “His Royal Highness would be most pleased if the mistresses would accept his gifts.”
You and Ara share a look and you quickly stand from the soft, golden sofa, “Thank you, Eunuch Ki. We are honored to receive gifts from his eminence.”
The large golden trunks are opened and you can hear Ara’s gasp of delight. The emperor has provided each of you a ceremonial dress made of fine, silk fabric and beautiful hair ornaments. Ara’s dress is a gorgeous light blue patterned with silver butterflies. The matching hair ornament is a hair pin styled in beautiful swirls of silver and jade, a single butterfly resting on top.  
Your dress is colored a rich gold and patterned with black mandarin ducks, diamonds line the long sleeves and train. The matching hair ornament is also a hair pin, but it looks to be solid gold with two mandarin ducks resting on top of a bed of orchids made out of diamonds. You hesitate at the pattern on the dress, unsure if this is a mistake. 
“If it pleases the mistresses, his highness requests you wear his gifts to the Grand Banquet tomorrow evening.”
“Of course, we would be delighted.” Ara beams at Eunuch Ki when you don’t respond right away, your eyes still focused on the pattern on your dress. 
“Eunuch Ki,” you follow him to the entrance of the drawing room, your voice quiet so others cannot overhear, “I feel there might be a mistake.” You gesture to your dress and your eyes flicker towards an oblivious Ara.
Eunuch Ki eyes you for a moment, his look is heavy and almost pitying, “The Emperor does not make mistakes.”
You swallow hard and nod at Eunuch Ki, closing the door behind him and turn to look at Ara. She’s already holding the dress up against herself and admiring it in the mirror. 
The Emperor might not make mistakes, but you were beginning to think you had. 
You slowly make your way towards the courtyard of the imperial princess. After Eunuch Ki had left last night, you received a summons from the Imperial Princess. She requested you to meet her for afternoon tea the following day before the grand banquet. 
This side of the palace was oddly quiet. You knew that everyone was preparing for the grand banquet, so all the activity would be much livelier near the grand banquet hall. You had yet to see that hall, apparently it was large enough to hold all the noble families of the kingdom comfortably. 
When you enter her private pavilion, Imperial Princess Min is reclining on a giant resting sofa, a servant girl fanning her. 
“Your highness.” You bow your head reverently and wait for her to receive you.
She smiles beautifully and sits up, her dark eyes shining beautifully, as she holds her hands out to you, “I’m so glad you are here.”
“Your Highness flatters me.” You go to her, smiling as you take her hands in your own before releasing them to gesture to the ornately carved tea table in the corner, “Afternoon tea?”
“Yes, we have much to discuss.” Princess Min stands up and elegantly makes her way to the table, you follow obediently behind her. Once you are both seated, Princess Min gestures for a servant to pour tea.
“Are you excited for tonight’s banquet?” Princess Min takes a sip of her tea, “I’m so very excited and the banquet isn’t even for me.”
“Of course, tonight is a grand occasion. It deserves to be celebrated properly.” You swallow a sip of tea and look around the beautiful pavilion. “Thank you so much for the hospitality you have shown my sister and I. Your kindness will never be forgotten.”
Princess Min smiles at you and chatters about the drama currently happening in the harem courtyard, Concubine Nam was still holding hope that Emperor Min would choose her as his bride, while the other concubines were furious over her blatant violation of the rules. You listen and chime in when necessary, indulging in Princess Min’s love for gossip. 
“What would you do with Concubine Nam and the harem?” Princess Min asks you, her voice curious, “How would you handle this entire scandal?”
“Well,” You ponder over her question for a moment. She had asked you similar questions before, but usually about how you would handle this political issue or that. Never one quite so close to home. You take another sip of tea, deciding how to answer without offending her, “an example would have to be made.”
“What kind of example?” Princess Min tilts her head slightly, her dark eyes swirling with something, “if you had the power, what would you do?”
“If I had the power?” You gesture for a servant to pour you another cup of tea and laugh softly, “If I had the power, my husband would not have a harem at all.”
Princess Min stares at you, her eyes practically glowing, “No harem? A normal man would not agree to your terms.”
You smile, “I will not marry just any man. I will marry a man solely devoted to me.”
The Princess giggles beautifully, “I love your way of thinking.”
“Well,” you giggle along with the princess, “My way of thinking isn’t something that is approved of. Luckily for his majesty, Ara will gladly allow him his harem.”
The princess quiets down and gestures for a servant to place a small, sweet cake on both of your plates. Her smile is sweet, “Tell me…”
“Hmm?” You tilt your head in question and take a small sip of tea.
Princess Min’s voice is light and soft, “when are you going to stop playing ignorant?”
You still completely, your stomach bubbling with dread. You keep your face calm and composed, but your heart is beating rapidly. After a brief silence, you question, “Pardon? Whatever do you mean?”
“You’re a very clever woman, it’s why I like you so much.” Her sweet smile never leaves her face, but her eyes are dark and cold. “You know exactly what I mean.” 
“No,” You keep your voice firm, “I do not know what you mean at all.”
Princess Min’s smile widens, but her dark eyes are unsettling, “Did you enjoy Imperial Brother’s latest gift?”
You slowly set your tea cup on the table, “His highness gives the most thoughtful gifts, we are forever in his debt.”
“You know, he chose the pattern and colors himself.”
“About that,” you lick your lips before continuing, “Eunuch Ki gave me the golden dress by mistake.”
“Oh you are good. For someone who claims they have no interest in court or politics, that is. Though you need a little more training before you sit in on a council.” The Princess takes a bite of cake, her eyes flashing, “I don’t recommend playing dumb with me, however.” 
“I don’t know what you could possibly mean.” 
The Princess ignores your remark, “Have you heard of my betrothed? Prince Regent Jung Hoseok. He’s the general of the Imperial Army.”
“Of course,” your mind frantically tries to understand where the connection is, “He has helped the emperor win many battles.”
“Did you know that he was betrothed before?”
You shake your head, but don’t reply. You have no idea what this discussion has to do with the emperor’s gifts, but you didn’t dare interrupt or question her.
“He grew up in the palace here with Imperial Brother and I. My father, the emperor at the time, practically raised him as one of his own. He was Imperial Brother’s companion and also to be his general in war. I had been in love with him since I was very young. He was all I ever wanted.” Princess Min Glances off into the distance, as if she’s reminiscing, “For his outstanding work as the General of the Imperial Army, my father gifted him a marriage to a nobleman’s daughter... Lord Tokko’s only daughter, Yeong.”
Lord Tokko’s name was vaguely familiar to you, you had heard your father mention him a few times. As for his daughter, you had never heard of this woman, but by the tone of Princess Min’s voice and the frown on her face, you know it was someone that the princess did not like.
“The Prince Regent agreed to the marriage, he actually cared for her, thought himself to be in love,” The princess scoffs and takes a small sip of tea, “It was not hard for me to get my father to agree to have Lady Yeong come to the palace to serve as a friend and companion for me.”
“She was one of the kindest, sweetest, young women I had ever met.” The Princess locks eyes with you, “So trusting that even as she lay dying, it never crossed her mind that I was the one that poisoned her.”
You're quiet for several moments, trying to gather your thoughts. Your voice is a little shaky when you finally ask, “Why are you telling me this?”
Princess Min ignores you once again, “We thought the sickness had skipped my brother. It usually only manifests itself in the women in my family, my grandmother had it too, you know?”
“What sickness?” You are growing more alarmed. The Princess was revealing information and secrets that you should not know and you did not understand her reasoning.
Again, Princess Min ignores you, continuing her story as if she were a player on stage and you the enraptured audience, “He never showed any symptoms, not a care in the world for anyone but himself. The closest he came was Concubine Nam, but nothing serious ever happened with her. He would never make her his consort, so I knew she wasn’t the one.”
“Imagine my elation when you finally arrived. You have turned out to be all we hoped for and more.” Princess Min smiles at you beautifully, her dark eyes shining almost manically, “The moment he saw you, your fate was sealed.”
Before today, having Princess Min’s confidence made you feel warm and welcomed. Now you only feel dread. 
“I.. I...” You lick your too dry lips and stumble over your words, your composure crumbling in the wake of the Imperial Princess’ confession, “I am to be married to Lord Kim. My father is working out the contracts.”
“Lord Kim?” The princess giggles, “My brother wanted to strip him and his family of their lands and titles, but I was able to talk him back from that.”
“I don’t understand.” You feel cold all over.
“Yes, you do.” The princess gestures and a maid comes forward holding a silver tray, the princess grabs the small bundle of letters and tosses them on the table, “You’re lucky that I was able to intercept these before Imperial Brother read them. If he knew you were writing to another man, he would have Lord Kim beheaded.”
You’re quiet, staring at the letters you wrote to Lord Kim asking after his health. The letters he never received. Too much was going through your mind. What about Ara?
“My father-”
“Your father has already agreed and I was able to have Imperial Brother gift a marriage to Lord Kim.”  Princess Min’s voice is pleasant, as if she's discussing the weather, “Your sister will be his bride.”
You stand abruptly from the table, your chair clattering to the floor behind you. You feel shaken and terrified. You knew something was off, but you were hoping, praying, you were wrong.
“Please excuse me, your majesty.” You step back from the table, your eyes slightly glassy, “I need to rest before tonight’s banquet.”
“Please, call me Ji-Soo…,” The princess smiles at you, her dark eyes are filled with what you now recognize as madness, the same look found in the emperor’s eyes when he looks at you, 
“..We’re family after all.”
When you arrive back at your courtyard, your mind is still struggling to comprehend what is happening. You rush past the servants and lock yourself in your room. You stare at the beautiful golden dress laid out on your bed, the diamonds twinkling as if mocking you. It wasn’t supposed to be this way. Ara is supposed to be empress.
You slide to the floor, your back against the door. This wasn’t supposed to happen. You stare at the dress, but your mind isn’t focused on it. You’re trying to think, trying to plan. What are you supposed to do? You don’t even entertain the thought that your father will save you. You have no choice. Emperor Min holds all the power. 
You don’t realize that hours have passed with you staring blankly at the dress until the servants knock on your door. “My lady, we are here to prepare you for the banquet.”
“I don’t need help to prepare. Please leave me.”
“My lady,” The voice of the maid is trembling, fearful, “The emperor insists.”
You swallow and stand, your legs shaky. You open the door and stare at the servants, they are terrified. Terrified of the emperor, terrified of his displeasure. You realize that you and them are not so different. No one has a choice. Everyone is subject to Emperor Min’s whims.
“Where is Ara?”
“She has already been prepared for the banquet.” Several servants rush in carrying a large washing tub filled with steaming water. The water is fragrant and several flowers are flowing on the surface. 
You watch a large dressing screen being set up around the tub, several of the servants bow low to you before quickly leaving the room. You look at them questioningly and an older maid steps forward, “Forgive us, my lady. We are under strict instructions and not allowed to help you undress or bathe.”
“What? Why?”
The maid licks her lips and hangs several white undergarments over the dressing screen, “The emperor made a new decree that it is a crime punishable by death for anyone other than the emperor himself to view the empress consort’s nude body.” 
It’s a jarring experience to be referred to as the empress consort. 
“It- it is not official.” 
You want to scream at them that this is wrong. That you’re not even betrothed, that this isn’t supposed to be you. 
They won’t meet your eyes. 
The jade bracelet on your wrist slides, warm beads against cool skin, and that’s when you realize all the mistakes you have made. You can’t stop the heavy weight you feel in your chest. You can feel your lips begin to tremble and your eyes feel watery. You don’t want to cry, but you know you should because you have the horrible feeling that once you are announced as the chosen empress consort at the banquet, the emperor will not let you out of his sight. 
The maid smooths over any imaginary wrinkles in the undergarments and gives you a pitying look, “Please get dressed in these once you are finished and we will prepare you for the banquet.” 
You’re left alone and you robotically remove your dress and undergarments. The water is hot and relaxing and it soothes your frazzled nerves. You lean your head back against the washing tub, you can hear the maids quietly talking behind the dressing screen. Your mind is racing. You are a smart girl. Your father has always praised your brilliance and forward thinking and lamented over you not being born a boy. You could figure this out. You could find a way out. 
There is obviously something seriously wrong with the Imperial siblings. The Princess herself confessed to murdering a love rival and the emperor has never shown any sign of this alleged sickness until now. Concubine Nam is carrying his child. You’ve already told Princess Min about your distaste of the harem. You refuse to have a husband that continues to keep a harem of concubines. 
But you know, you know, you could not refuse the emperor’s suit. You did not have any choice in the matter. While this is not the outcome that you nor Ara want, you know that your father will be pleased. All men want is power. They do not care for who they hurt or how they use their children like pawns. Your father will be the father-in-law of the emperor, his position and power will be secured.
The water is cold when you finally decide to step out of the washing tub. You resolve yourself to your future. Being the Empress Consort is not the worst fate you can have, but you were fearful of your sister’s reaction. She will hate you. 
You slowly put on your undergarments and step out from behind the screen. The maids eagerly rush you over to the large dressing table and sit you down. You stare at your worn reflection in the large, ornate mirror. 
Several maids kneel at your sides, dipping your fingers and toes in a dark paste. Other maids rub scented lotion onto your arms and legs. You watch through your reflection as the older maid rearranges your hair into an intricate updo, her skilled hands working effortlessly.
Your voice is a little hoarse when you speak, but you clear your throat and look at the older maid, “Will you be my personal servant?”
“Of course,” The maid gives you a warm smile, “His highness chose me personally to care for his bride.”
You give her a strained smile in return, neither of you mention the fact that the emperor chose servants that would be loyal to him. It wasn’t uncommon for a bride to bring a handful of trusted servants with them to their new home, but these aren’t normal circumstances. You would truly be alone here. “May I know your name?”
“Unso.” You say the name carefully, “Please take good care of me.”
“My absolute pleasure.” She beams and gestures to your hair, the golden hairpin shining on top. The hairstyle is extravagant and more beautiful than any you have ever worn. The other maids clean the dark paste off your fingers and toes, revealing the nails to be stained a pretty red. Another servant brings a small jar of white cream and rubs it onto your face. You sit still as makeup is applied to your face. Your lips are painted a dark red and your eyes are lined with kohl. A small, delicate mugunghwa flower is painted in red and black between your eyebrows.
You stand and the maids help you dress in the beautiful golden dress. They take their time making sure everything is perfect. When you are fully dressed, the servants all stand back and stare at their hard work.
“Mistress is the most beautiful!”
“The Emperor has chosen well!”
“Her beauty is unparalleled!”
“An absolute vision!”
“His highness will be most pleased!”
The praises are interrupted by Eunuch Ki. He gives you a once over before nodding to Unso, “Excellent. Make sure everything is prepared as instructed.”
Unso nods her head and steps back.
“My lady,” Eunuch Ki bows low to you, “Please allow me to escort you to the banquet hall.”
You look around nervously, “But Ara-” 
“Your sister is already at the banquet.”
“I see.” You nod your head realizing you don’t have a choice, “I would be honored for Eunuch Ki to escort me.”
He gives you another low bow and turns to lead the way out of your rooms. Unso gives you an encouraging smile and you nod your head in return. Eunuch Ki leads you out of your courtyard to an extravagant imperial carriage. From the design and brilliance, you can tell that this is the emperor’s personal carriage. 
The ride to the grand banquet hall is quiet. You’re positive that you’re shaking in your seat. Eunuch Ki is watching you, but he doesn’t comment on your nerves. The carriage comes to a stop and the door is opened by an imperial guard. Eunuch Ki steps down first. You follow slowly behind him, all the servants and guards bowing in your presence. 
The long walk to the banquet hall seems to last seconds. You can feel sweat beading on your forehead and you are distractedly worried that all the servants' hard work on your face paint will come undone.  The closer you get to the hall, the louder the music and laughter from inside becomes. You can hear that it is a grand celebration and you worry for a moment that you are late. 
Eunuch Ki stops several feet away from the double doors. He gives you a sad smile and leans close to you, “An empress does not show fear. An empress does not show despair.”
You nod your head in understanding, straighten your back and hold your head high. You can feel your heart beating out of your chest; the expectations of the kingdom weighing on your shoulders. You can feel the sinking feeling in your stomach that Ara will never forgive you. You desperately hope she can understand. 
You do not have a choice. 
“Please open the doors.”
The large golden doors are heavy, requiring several servants to push them open. A loud chime is heard from the inside of the room. Eunuch Ki steps forward and announces your arrival, but you cannot hear him over the sound of the blood rushing through your ears. 
You step forward and you can feel all eyes are on you, but the only eyes you can focus on are the emperor’s. Dark, calculating, mad. He’s not dressed in his customary black, but gold. His ceremonial robes are a bright gold patterned with black mandarin ducks, matching yours. His long hair is unbound, a glittering crown is placed upon his brow. He is the most beautiful man you’ve ever seen. 
The room is so quiet you can hear a pin drop. You take several slow steps into the room and make your way towards the emperor. Before you reach him, Princess Min steps forward, a handsome man you recognize as Prince Regent Jung Hoseok at her side. The couple is dressed in matching colors. Royal blue and patterned with silver bats. Princess Min leans close to you and kisses both your cheeks. She pauses to whisper a quiet, “Good Girl,” that only you can hear. Prince Regent Jung gives you a low bow.
You bow in return to the Princess and her betrothed. The room is still deathly quiet. When you finally reach the emperor, he stares at you as if you are the only thing he has ever wanted. You prepare to bow, but Emperor Min stops you, “From this moment forward, you bow to no one.”
You swallow and nod your head. Emperor Min continues staring at you, his eyes swirling with equal parts happiness and madness. Eunuch Ki steps forward holding a golden goblet. You stare at the goblet and then look at the emperor in horror. This isn’t right. You realize quickly that this is no ordinary celebration banquet. 
This is a wedding. 
You quickly look away, desperately searching for Ara. Slim fingers grip your chin tightly, you can feel the cold metal of his rings pressing into your skin. Your face is turned back to the Emperor.
“Who is the king?” His voice is quiet, but firm, “Who is the boss?”
You stare into his cold eyes. He knows he has you trapped and he knows there is nothing you can do. While you want to believe that you had reconciled yourself with your fate, you had truly hoped that you had more time to find a way out. But there is no way out.
After a few moments, you nod your head in understanding and open your mouth to accept a drink from the goblet. Emperor Min takes the goblet from Eunuch Ki and holds it to your lips. His smile is gentle, but his eyes are filled with triumph as you drink.
The rice wine is sweet but you barely taste it. You swallow a large gulp and lick your lips. The emperor’s eyes darken as he watches you and his smile widens. He gently places the goblet into your hands and you carefully hold it up to his lips. He takes several large gulps, but never breaks eye contact with you. 
Eunuch Ki grabs the goblet from you and before you know what is happening, you’re in the emperor’s embrace. One of his hands cup the back of your head as the other holds you tightly by the waist, “Finally, you’re mine.”
His kiss catches you off guard and you close your eyes involuntarily. You know that kissing is improper for a wedding ceremony and should only be done in private, but no one would dare question the emperor. His lips are soft and taste of the rice wine you just drank. When his tongue gently coaxes your lips open, you do not resist. Your fingers grip his shoulders and you cannot stop yourself from melting into him. 
When he finally releases you, you steady yourself against him. You’re in a daze as the emperor leads you to the royal table. You stand quietly at his side as he raises a glass of wine in a toast, “To my new bride, your new empress!”
The hall is filled with thunderous applause and cheering. Your moves are robotic as the emperor instructs you to sit next to him. He fills your plate with all your favorite delicacies and pours you a cup of tea. The musicians start playing music again and the murmur of conversations start up around you. You glance around the hall and realize that all the eligible young ladies that were prospective consorts are wearing matching dresses. Light blue and patterned with butterflies. The same dress that Ara was gifted.
You look around for Ara and you find her seated between your father and Lord Kim. Your father and Lord Kim seem to be in a serious conversation. Ara looks calm and composed, but her eyes betray her. You can see her unhappiness and your heart aches. 
“Beloved,” You’re jolted by the emperor’s deep, somber voice, “Don’t worry about your sister. She will be taken care of. Lord Kim will make her happy.”
It takes you a moment to respond, but you do so quietly, “My sister’s only happiness will always be with the emperor.”
The emperor glances in the direction of your sister and then turns back to you, his smile is sweet, “You are a good sister, but it’s time you put your happiness first.”
You’re puzzled, “My happiness?”
“Your happiness.” Emperor Min kisses your lips softly, “To be my bride. To be my queen. To be mine.”
You stare at him incredulously, and realize he truly believes that you are happy being his bride. He really thinks you wanted this and were only holding yourself back for Ara’s sake. Princess Min gives you a knowing smile from across the table. You sit in a daze as the night progresses. The emperor would let no other serve you, but himself, constantly refilling your plate and cup.
You can feel the angry glare of Concubine Nam on you from across the hall and when you finally meet her gaze, you're startled to realize that she’s also wearing the same light blue dress, patterned with silver butterflies, that Ara was gifted. In fact, all the concubines are dressed this way.
Concubine Nam’s face is fuller and glowing beautifully. Her soft, demure persona would be more believable if her eyes weren’t filled with hatred. You’re secretly pleased that her plan to trap the emperor has failed. If she was smart, she would try to gain favor with you, but instead she will most likely plot to poison you. You give her a small nod of acknowledgement and she sneers in return before turning away. 
The night drags on and you're exhausted from trying to keep a happy facade. You catch your shoulders drooping more often than not, and even feel yourself lean against the emperor a time or two. 
When it is finally time to receive congratulations from the representatives from the noble families, you stay quiet at the emperor’s side. You smile when needed and murmur thanks when prompted. Everything feels unreal.  
When your family steps forward, you try to catch Ara’s eyes. She nods her head at Princess Min and bows low to you, “Your highness, many happy wishes on your marriage. May the gods bless you with healthy sons.”
Her voice is cold and you can see the hatred in her eyes. You grab her hand, “Ara please, you must understand.”
“Understand that my sister is a liar?” Ara raises her voice and pulls away from you, “Understand that she is a snake who planned this?!”
“Ara, no.” Your voice cracks and you can feel tears brimming in your eyes, your exhaustion and stress finally catching up to you, “You are my most beloved sister. I would never-”
“And yet, here you are.” Ara’s voice is mocking, “Empress.”
The scene your sister is making draws the attention of your father and Emperor Min, who were in the middle of a quiet conversation near you. Even Princess Min is frowning from where she is seated, obviously hearing the raise of Ara’s voice. 
“Enough.” The emperor’s voice is cold as he glares furiously at Ara, “You dare to show disrespect to your empress?”
“She tricked you! Can’t you see she tricked you?!” Ara ignores the dangerous aura surrounding Emperor Min, “It was supposed to be me! I am supposed to be your queen. I love y-”
“Guards. Detain her. Disrespect to the empress is punishable by death.”
You can see the fear on Ara’s face, she backs away quickly, but the guards grab her. Your father looks alarmed and even Lord Kim looks fearful for your sister’s life. You look at the emperor and grip his arm tightly, “Please, please do not punish her. She doesn’t know what she’s saying.”
“She dared to disrespect you. She doesn’t deserve to live.”
“Please,” You beg him, you look at Ara’s fearful face and close your eyes in dismay, you know she will hate you even more after this. You firm your resolve and open your eyes, “She’s only a child.”
You press yourself against the emperor, “She’s harmless. She knows that what we have is real. She knows that you love me. She’s only jealous.”
The emperor’s eyes soften as he stares at you. “And you? Do you love me?”
You glance at your sister, an apology in your eyes, before wrapping your arms around Emperor Min, “I love you. Only you.”
He kisses you deeply and waves away the guards. Once he breaks the kiss, you feel yourself sag against him in relief as Ara is released and your father ushers her away. You can feel Lord Kim staring at you and when you finally meet his gaze, you're taken aback by the devastation in his eyes.
His eyes flicker between you and the emperor before he turns around and follows after your father. You stare after him but the emperor blocks your view. You look up and meet his eyes.
“Your eyes are only meant for me. No one else.”
You nod your head, but don’t say a word. Emperor Min continues to stare at you for a moment longer, before he presses a soft kiss to your forehead. 
“Eunuch Ki.” 
Eunuch Ki suddenly appears at the Emperor’s side ready and willing to do whatever is asked of him and gives a low bow, “Your majesty.”
“Take my bride to rest.”
“At once, your grace.” Eunuch Ki gestures for you to follow him and you do so without another word. Once the heavy golden doors close behind you, you finally let the tears fall from your eyes. You cry silently on the long carriage ride back to the other side of the palace. Eunuch Ki looks uncomfortable and like he wishes to offer words of comfort, but has no idea what to say. 
You go to rub your eyes with the sleeve of your dress, but Eunuch Ki stops you and hands you a soft cloth, “Forgive me your highness, but your dress must be preserved for the royal archives, you must not dirty it.”
“I’m sorry. I didn’t know.” You give a sad hiccup laugh and look out the carriage window. You realize quickly that you are not headed to the Mugunghwa Courtyard, but to the Emperor’s private courtyard. 
“I thought the Emperor wanted me to rest.”
Eunuch Ki gives you a look, but doesn’t respond. When the carriage rolls to a stop, Unso is there to help you down from the carriage. If she sees the distress on your face, she doesn’t comment on it. She gives you a low bow and leads you into the Emperor’s lair.
His private courtyard and rooms are enormous. Everything is draped in silks of black and gold. When you finally reach the Emperor’s private chambers, you’re astounded. His bedroom has the largest canopy bed you have ever seen, covered in a mountain of pillows. There is a large wooden desk in one corner of the room surrounded with several shelves filled with scrolls. There’s two separate golden resting sofas, each larger than you have ever seen and even a large dressing table with a mirror, obviously for a woman to use. There are also large double doors leading out to a small, private hot spring.
You watch Unso bustle around the room, preparing things and beckoning you over to the dressing table. “Your highness, let me help you remove your makeup.”
You sit quietly at the table and let Unso gently wash your face. You watch her put a special cream under your eyes to bring down the puffiness from your tears. She takes her time undoing your hair and leaving it unbound. You meet her eyes in the reflection of the mirror, “How many women has he bedded here?”
She looks puzzled at your question, “His majesty has never brought any woman here.”
“Concubine Nam?”
“Never.” Unso’s voice is resolute, “His majesty has never brought any woman, harem or no, here. These are his private chambers.”
“I see.” You don’t know if she’s lying to you, but if she is, you appreciate it. You feel slightly better knowing you are the only woman to ever sleep in his chambers.
Unso opens a chest and pulls out a black silk robe embroidered with red mugunghwa flowers and lays it over the top of the dressing screen in the corner of the room, “Your highness, you should remove your clothes and put this on. I’ll make you some tea and then you can lay down and rest.”
You slowly make your way behind the dressing screen and painstakingly remove your wedding dress. You leave it in a heap on the floor along with your undergarments. You know there is no point in wearing them and while you are nervous and a little scared, you know the consummation is inevitable. 
You put the silk robe on, and gently tie the sash around your waist. When you step around the dressing screen, Unso has already prepared the bed by removing many of the pillows and replacing the black silk sheets with a soft, white one. The white sheet shines ominously in the low light of the lanterns. 
“Your highness, have some tea to soothe your nerves.” Unso has brewed some fresh tea, but the scent is different than any you have had before. You sit stiffly on the edge of the newly made bed and take a small sip of tea. The taste is slightly bitter, but soon you feel yourself relaxing. 
“What type of tea is this?” You ask as Unso refills your cup and urges you to drink more.
She pats your head and gives you a warm smile, “Don’t worry. It was requested by his highness to help improve your health.”
You nod and don’t question her. You assume it’s similar to what the harem drinks to prevent pregnancy. The emperor is still young and with the drama that Concubine Nam has caused, you doubt children were on his mind. Before you know it, you’ve finished the entire pot. 
Unso helps tuck you in bed, and turns down all the lanterns. The only light in the room is that from the moonlight seeping in through the heavy curtains. You can barely keep your eyes open and the last thing you hear before you drift asleep is Unso’s quiet words, “Rest well, your majesty. You will need it.”
You’re awoken by a soft noise. You sit up and look around but don’t notice anything out of place. You’re still alone in the emperor’s bed. You see a faint glow under a previously unnoticed door in the far corner near his large desk. 
You get out of bed and make your way to the door. It opens soundlessly and a large staircase is revealed. You slowly make your way up the staircase, being careful not to make a sound. At the top of the staircase is a large room. It looks like an artist’s studio. Numerous canvases line the walls, charcoals and paints scattered over several large wooden tables stationed through the room. 
You see half finished portraits of Princess Min and a few of the previous emperors. You step into the room, careful not to disturb the artwork. There are some more paintings of several gardens and fountains that inhabit the palace grounds. In the corner of the room there is a beautiful hand carved desk, slightly smaller than the large tables, covered with more artwork. When you get closer you realize the paintings and sketches are all of you. You in the dress you wore the first night you arrived, you smiling in Princess Min’s private pavilion, you taking a walk in one of the private gardens, you asleep in your private rooms. Hundreds of paintings and drawings of you. 
You see another canvas underneath, it's slightly worn with frayed edges as if it’s been touched frequently. When you pull it out you see it's a painting of you, but this one you recognize. Two summers ago your father had you and your sister sit for a family portrait. The artist was impeccable and it was one of the most accurate paintings you had ever seen of yourself, it was almost like looking in the mirror. You see that the painting is torn, your sister and father removed from the portrait.
“You’ve found my sanctuary.”
You startle at the emperor’s voice and drop the canvas as if you’ve been burned. He’s standing at the entrance of the room, he’s no longer dressed in the golden robe, but now his signature black. It’s tied loosely, so the smooth pale skin of his chest is visible. His blond hair is loose and his crown is gone. 
“You’re quite the artist.” You gesture around the room, “but I notice there is no artwork of your concubines, of your beloved Concubine Nam.”
The emperor glances around, taking in his artwork as he steps further into the room, “Are you jealous of In-Suk?”
You frown at the use of her first name, but do not deny his accusation, “I do not like the thought of my husband bedding other women.”
“There are no other women.” Emperor Min slowly makes his way over to you, “You’re the only one that matters.”
You glance back at the desk littered with portraits of you, your eyes stopping on the torn family portrait, “How long have I been the only one that matters?”
He smiles, “Does it matter?”
“Yes.” You keep your voice calm and composed, “It matters to me.”
Emperor Min stands close to you, his fingers trailing over the artwork on the desk, “I had no interest in marriage. Lords and other noblemen constantly throwing their daughters at me. Your father is no different. Going on and on about Ara and how wonderful and virtuous she is.” He smiles wryly, “I finally got him to shut up by feigning interest.”
The emperor gently picks up the torn family portrait, “Imagine my surprise when he brings me this. A beautiful family portrait. I ask him about you and he immediately tells me about what a beautiful and doting older sister you are to Ara. How ever since your mother died, you have helped raise her. How you love her more than anything.”
He sets the portrait down and grabs your hands, gently turning you to face him, “I knew then that you would sacrifice everything for your beloved sister. I also knew that I needed to get you into the palace. Once you were here, you could not deny me.”
“But I was supposed to marry Lord-”
“Never say his name again.” Emperor’s Min’s voice is hard, leaving no room for discussion, “I am your husband. He is nothing.”
“Of course,” Your voice is quiet, you hesitate for a moment before you continue your questioning, “But… but Princess Min set up the consort selection. She told me she had to practically beg you to agree.”
“My beloved wife.” Emperor Min cups your face affectionately, his previous sour mood at the mention of Lord Kim completely gone, “You’re too trusting. She poisoned her companion, do you really think she would not lie to help her brother?”
“But Ara-”
“Ara will forgive you.” He presses a soft kiss against your lips, “Or she won’t. It does not matter.”
“Is it really so bad being Empress?” Emperor Min presses another kiss to your lips, his fingers tangle in your unbound hair, “Being Mother to the country?”
“No-no, I am grateful to your majesty.” You shiver at his touch, grasping his shoulders as he presses himself against you.
“Yoongi.” He places more kisses down your lips and chin, “Call me Yoongi.”
“Yoongi!” You gasp when he softly bites your neck.
You feel him reach behind you and push everything off the large desk, the sound of canvases and painting supplies hitting the floor echoes throughout the room. Yoongi picks you up and sits you on the large desk, his lips never leaving your skin.
“You’re all I’ve ever wanted.” His mouth is muffled by the skin of your neck, his lips and tongue trail lower. You feel hot all over and cannot help but shiver when his hand yanks the collar of your robe down your shoulder. “My beautiful queen.”
Your fingers clutch at the silk fabric of his robe, holding him closer to you. You don’t stop him when he undoes your robe, his hot fingers trailing down the skin of your abdomen. “Beloved, will you show me?”
You wordlessly lean back, letting the open robe slip down your arms, baring your nude body to his view. His eyes are burning as he drinks you in. “Absolutely Exquisite.”
Yoongi leans over you, pressing himself between your thighs, and kisses you deeply. His tongue licks into your mouth with desperation. His hands are shaking as he grips your hips, and you quickly free yourself from the sleeves of your robe.
He breaks the kiss to trail his mouth down your neck and chest, his hot tongue swirls around your exposed breast before suckling the nipple. You can’t stop your moan, your whole body jerks at the feeling. “Y-Yoongi!”
“Say it again.” Yoongi’s voice is filled with desperation as he kisses down your ribs, “Say my name again.”
“Yoongi.” You whisper and your stomach clenches when he kisses lower, his wet tongue trailing over your abdomen. You’re so aroused, you can feel your wetness coating your thighs, but you can’t bring yourself to be embarrassed. 
“I have never seen a more beautiful woman.” Yoongi presses a soft kiss below your belly button, “The country has never had a more beautiful empress.”
“Your highness flatters me.”
“No.” Yoongi’s firm voice startles you and when you meet his eyes, they are burning with madness, “This emperor loves you. Only you.”
You shiver at the look in his eyes and nod your head in return, “Yes. Of course.”
Yoongi presses another kiss to your abdomen, his large hands gripping your thighs as he stares at you, “Will you deny your king?”
The smile he gives you is equal parts beautiful and dangerous, his dark, dark eyes overflowing with adoration for you, “Good girl.”
Your breath catches when he spreads your thighs apart and leans forward, his mouth inches away from your wet, pulsing cunt. “I wonder if you taste as succulent as you smell.”
You feel your pussy throb at his words and you lean your head back against the desk, your eyes closing in anticipation. You find his crude words more arousing than you ever thought possible. Your heart is beating so fast and you can feel sweat beading on your forehead. While you have never been intimate with a man, you were no stranger to self pleasure. You just never imagined your first experience with a man would be the emperor of the entire nation between your thighs, waiting to pleasure you. The heady rush of excitement is making you dizzy.
You tense when Yoongi presses the flat of his tongue against your juicy pussy. His tongue is hot as it licks a slow stripe up to your clit and you both release a throaty groan when he sucks your clit into his mouth.
You don’t realize you’re holding your breath until you get light headed from lack of oxygen. You're shivering all over and you feel a tight pressure in your stomach. Your entire body is tuned to Yoongi’s mouth, every lick and suck of his tongue has you soaring. 
“Better.” He whispers between licks of your swollen clit, his fingers shaking as he holds your thighs apart, “You taste so much better than anything I’ve ever had before.” 
You press your hand into your mouth to bite down on, trying to muffle your moans. Your other hand scrambles for something to hold onto before tangling in his long, soft hair. 
You press your heel into his back, but if Yoongi is bothered, he does not show it. He’s completely focused on devouring you. You bite your hand hard to cover your squeal when his hot fingers gently probe your cunt. He reaches up to pull your hand out of your mouth, his fingers gently stroking your wrist around the jade bracelet, “Do not dare hide your pleasure from me.”
He places your hand on his head, near your other hand already grasping his hair, and encourages you to use him as you please. A long, thick finger slips inside you and you cannot stop yourself from clamping down, your hips automatically rolling up into his face. 
“That’s it, my beautiful girl,” Yoongi continues to flick your clit with his tongue, “Ride my face.”
Your fingers grasp his head, holding his mouth against your aching cunt. You’re throbbing and dripping and you know you are going to come soon. You can feel the release building deep inside you. Yoongi presses another finger into your dripping hole and you can feel yourself trembling. He’s completely focused on you and your pleasure, his mouth working nonstop to help you reach your peak. 
You sit up slightly and meet his dark gaze, his eyes are brimming with satisfaction. You grip his hair hard and press his face against your dripping cunt. You’re so close you’re practically vibrating with pleasure. 
He twists his fingers and you're coming. You release a soundless gasp and can’t stop yourself from gushing all over his fingers. Yoongi moans at the taste of you, his mouth eagerly trying to swallow every drop of your release. You collapse on the desk, your orgasm still thrumming through your body. 
You barely catch your breath when he’s hovering over you, your release glistening on his lips and chin. He kisses you deeply, making sure you can taste yourself on his tongue. You can feel his body trembling as he undoes his robe and you cannot figure out if he’s nervous or excited, or a combination of both.
He breaks the kiss to look at you and your stomach flutters at his gaze, so full of yearning and affection, you’re no longer sure why you ever thought about denying him. You hadn't even realized something was missing from your life, he was missing from your life, until this moment. You weren't just doing this out of a sense of duty. Because you were his wife. Because he was your husband. You wanted this. Desperately. More than you’d wanted anything up until this moment. 
Full of your realization, you push his robe off his shoulders and spread your legs wider, allowing him to press himself completely against you. He’s hot and hard, pulsing between your thighs. You shiver at the feel of him, your sticky cunt still dripping from your orgasm. You look at him, his cheeks flushed pink, his forehead and chest slightly sweaty, his hair a tangled mess. His scar looks less intimidating in the low light of the lanterns.
“You love me?” You don’t realize you have said the words out loud until he stares at you, his dark, dark eyes burning.
“More than anything.” 
It’s intoxicating knowing you have this beautiful man confessing his love to you. He is the most powerful man in the entire world and he loves you more than anything. You can’t help the ugly feelings of jealousy bubbling in your stomach, knowing other women have seen him undone like this. Knowing that Concubine Nam has had him like this is unacceptable. 
“I want them gone.” You shift forward slightly, the head of his thick cock catching on your entrance. You feel so hot between your legs, your cunt aching to be spread open by him. 
“Who?” He sounds confused, distracted. His whole body is trembling, holding himself back from thrusting up into you.
“Your whores.” You roll your hips and feel him sink a few inches inside you, you hold your breath and try not to tense up at the intrusion. “I will not have a husband that has a harem. I want them all gone, especially that bitch Nam. I can’t stand the thought of anyone else seeing you like this.”
“Yes,” You feel more than hear him gasp, his forehead pressing against your shoulder, “Anything you want.
“You’re mine.” 
Your whispered declaration causes something inside of him to snap. You’re unprepared when he pushes completely inside of you. The burning stretch of his thick, heavy cock leaves your breathless. He groans into your chest, barely giving you a moment to adjust before he’s thrusting in and out. Every roll of his hips has you clenching around him. His lips press soft kisses into your skin between pants of yesyesyes and all yours. You’re soaked and shaking, your fingers clutch his shoulders, trying to anchor him against you. He’s so thick and so large, you swear you can feel him in your stomach.
“My Empress, My Goddess,” Yoongi whispers reverently into your skin, “I will give you everything.”
“Yes,” You press yourself closer to him, ignoring the feel of his ringed fingers bruising your hips, “All I want is you.”
Every thrust of his hips brings you closer to the edge. You’re quivering around him, so close you can almost taste it. You shudder when he releases your hip, his fingers gently rubbing your swollen clit, causing you to pulse around him. “That’s it, my beloved girl. Come for me.”
Yoongi softly pinches your clit and you explode. His tongue licks up your throat, his mouth swallowing your quiet cries of pleasure. You clench down and feel him gasp against you, his body shuddering uncontrollably. The pulse of his cock inside you floods you with warmth.
You close your eyes and hold him against you, trying to catch your breath. Your heart felt like it was going to beat out of your chest. You slowly run your fingers through his hair and smile when you realize he’s still buried inside you.
He sits up and stares at you. You can see your reflection in his dark eyes. Your hair is disheveled and your lips are swollen. You can see your eyes are hazy with pleasure and several love bites adorn your neck and shoulders.
“My beloved bride.” Yoongi smiles at you affectionately, his fingers gently brush your hair back from your sweaty forehead, “I will never let you go.”
When you awaken you’re alone in the emperor’s bed, his side is cool, as if he’s been gone for hours. You’re sore all over, your husband spent most of the night inside of you, making you come over and over again until the early morning light.
You wrap the wrinkled white sheet around you and stand on shaky legs. You slowly make your way to the door and call for Unso. She appears immediately, almost as if she was waiting for you.
She helps you sit at the dressing table and goes about opening the curtains. Based on the sunlight entering the room, you can tell it is already early afternoon. Several maids clear the used bedding from the bed, and replace the sheets with clean silk ones. 
“Where is the emperor?” 
“His majesty wanted his bride to get enough rest, he would not let anyone disturb your highness.” Unso ignores your question and pulls a black dress patterned with golden dragons from the wardrobe. She hangs it over the silk dressing screen along with several undergarments.
You watch her through the mirror as she orders servants to prepare bath water for you. You can tell that something is amiss by the way Unso will not meet your eyes and the maids scurry about as if they are terrified of you.
“Your highness,” A younger maid bows low and holds out a fresh cup of tea, “your tea?”
You take the cup from the trembling maid, it’s the same bitter tea from the night before. You take a small sip, “Unso, where is my husband?”
“Your majesty, you must drink your tea, it is good for your health.” Unso comes out from behind the dressing screen, “Come take your bath, it will soothe your sore muscles.”
“No,” You set the mostly full cup of tea on the dressing table and stand up, “Bring me my robe.”
“Your majesty, you cannot go out in only your robe!” Unso’s voice is shocked. “It is improper!”
“Fine,” You make your way behind the dressing screen and put on your undergarments, “You will help me dress and then you will take me to my husband.”
Unso and several maids help you put on the stunning black dress. You’re ushered to the dressing table where you are adorned in diamond jewelry. Unso styles your hair with a jeweled dragon hairpin. Lotions and creams are rubbed into your face, neck and arms. 
Once you are deemed presentable, you follow Unso and several servant girls to the throne room. When you reach the large doors, Eunuch Ki looks alarmed to see you and quickly bows low, “Y-your highness! What are you doing here?”
 “Eunuch Ki,” You nod your head in greeting, “I came to see my husband.”
“I see,” Eunuch Ki shares an undecipherable look with Unso, “His majesty is conducting important business, he has asked me to inform you that he will join you in his rooms later for the evening meal.”
“Open the doors.”
“Please your majesty, you need to rest.” Eunuch Ki tries to placate you, “Let me take you back to the emperor’s courtyard or even to see Princess Min.”
“Open the doors. Now.”
Eunuch Ki looks helplessly at Unso before nodding his head. The guards slowly push the heavy doors open.
The smell is the first thing that hits you. The thick coppery scent of blood. You slowly step into the room and gasp in horror. The floors and walls are covered in blood. It looks like an entire massacre took place here. You walk further into the room and ignore the way the blood soaks into your silk slippers, seeping between your toes.
Eunuch Ki follows quietly behind you. There are several servants scrubbing the floors and walls, trying to remove the pools of blood around the room. You ignore them all, your eyes are completely focused on the emperor. He’s staring at a small golden box in his hand. A bloody sword rests near his feet. 
“Yoongi.” You whisper the words quietly, but his head snaps up immediately, his eyes focusing on you. 
“Beloved.” His eyes light up when he sees you, a beautiful smile spreading across his face. He rushes eagerly towards you. You realize he’s wearing a black robe, patterned with golden dragons, the same design as your dress. The only difference is his robe is stained with fresh blood. His hair is pulled up into a topknot, his black headband in place. Small drops of blood stain his cheeks and neck. He presses the golden box into Eunuch Ki’s hands before cupping your face, his fingers still wet with blood.
“My beautiful bride,” His voice is light, happy, “everything is perfect now that you are here.”
“Perfect?” You whisper and let him take your hands, leading you towards his throne. The golden dragon throne looks intimidating in the blood soaked room. The closer you get to the throne, the stronger the scent of blood becomes. You feel light headed, your stomach churning at the smells permeating the air.
“I.. I need to sit down.”
Yoongi looks at you concerned and immediately has you sit on his throne, “Are you alright, my love? Do you need some tea?”
“No,” You sit quietly. You feel sick, you feel sweaty, you can barely catch your breath, “I just need a moment.”
You close your eyes trying to center yourself. You know something terrible happened here, there is so much blood it looks like a battlefield. You're grateful that the bodies have already been removed, you don't know how you would have handled a room full of corpses. You take a few deep breaths and open your eyes, meeting Yoongi's bright gaze.  
“I have a gift for you.” Yoongi takes the golden box from Eunuch Ki, “I wanted to surprise you with it this evening, but you are here now. My beautiful girl.”
You stare at the golden box stained with blood. You take it from Yoongi with trembling hands. Yoongi is vibrating with excitement next to you. You can feel the pressure behind your eyes signaling that you are about to cry. You blink repeatedly, holding back your tears.  
You slowly open the box and stare at the contents. Yoongi holds your hands around the golden box, making sure you can’t drop it. You swallow the scream bubbling in your throat and meet his eyes. Dark, crazed, unhinged eyes overflowing with love for you. Love and madness.
You look back at your gift. Dead, lifeless eyes stare back at you. Concubine Nam’s eyes. Yoongi kneels obediently at your feet, soaking his robe in more blood. Blood from Concubine Nam. Blood from the rest of the harem. 
You can’t stop the tears from dripping down your cheeks. 
“They are all gone. Just like you asked.” Yoongi stares at you with reverence, his eyes sparkling, “I told you I would do anything for you.”
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lacontroller1991 · 3 years
Jolene (Takeshi Kovacs x Wife!Reader)
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Requested by anon: What about Takeshi cheating on reader with Kristin
Warnings: Strong Language, infidelity, suggestive dialogue, arguing, drinking
Word Count: 958
Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene
I’m begging of you please don’t take my man.
Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene
Please don’t take him just because you can.
When you first meet Kristin you immediately take note of how her eyes seem to linger too long on your boyfriend. You also take note of how his gaze travels down her body. Rolling your eyes, you hug yourself in comfort as the two talk, leaving you out.
He talks about you in his sleep
And there’s nothing I can do to keep
From crying when he calls your name
You’re awakened by a slight protrusion against your lower back. Knowing what was, you smile slightly, still in a sleepy haze.
“Hey Tak,” heat forms in your lower abdomen as you feel his erection press against you.
“Kristin,” Tak moans out lowly, rutting his hips against your back side as your eyes snap open in horror. Did he say Kristin? You shift in the bed, eyeing him warily.
“Mmm Kristin,” once you heard him loud and clear, tears brewed in your eyes as you slipped out of the bed in emotional turmoil. When did your relationship come to this? Shaking your head, you rush to the elevator, pressing the ground floor as Poe appears.
“What’s the matter Mrs. Kovacs?”
“Wouldn’t you already know?” You reach into Tak’s jacket you had grabbed and pulled out a cigarette, lighting it and taking a drag.
“Can I get you anything?” Despite Poe being AI, he was still one of the most thoughtful people you knew.
“Yeah, a fucking drink,” nodding his head, he disappears and has the drink waiting for you once you reach the bar. Nodding your head in thanks, you quickly down the drink and motion for another.
Tak is woken up by a wet sensation. Looking down to where the wetness was coming from, he groans once he notes that it’s his release. Sighing, he moves to sit up and suddenly is aware that you’re not where you should be.
“Poe?” Tak calls out, grabbing a towel to clean himself up as the hotel runner pops up, a disappointed expression adorning his face, “where is she?”
“MRS. Kovacs is down at the bar,” Poe emphasises the “Mrs” gaining Tak’s attention.
“Why is she at the bar?”
“Oh I don’t know, maybe you calling out another woman’s name in your sleep perhaps?” Tak sighs, placing his hands on his hips.
“Shit,” he thinks back to his dream and recalls that it was the detective he was sleeping with in the dream and not his wife, “how bad was it?” Poe gestures to the towel in Tak’s hand.
“You tell me.”
Your head turns slightly once you notice the vibration of Tak’s footprints. Turning back to your drink, you stare down at the amber liquid in contemplation.
“How was your dream?” You question bitterly as Tak motions for a drink of his own. If he was going to have a conversation like this, he needed some liquid courage. Downing the drink, he turns his attention to you.
“I’m sorry angel. I don’t know why I dreamt of her,” he responds with half truth, something you seem to know.
“Cut the bullshit, Takeshi. I see how you eye her. You’re smitten by her.”
“This is not an excuse, but this body is her boyfriend’s.”
“How is that our problem?” You ask, your eyes glaring daggers at Tak who hangs his head. He hates it when he makes you upset.
“It’s not. I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine. Better not happen again.”
And I can easily understand
How you could easily take my man
But you don’t know what he means to me
You walk through the doors with bags of clothes. With Tak constantly going out and getting into scruffles, more often than not some of his clothes come home tattered and torn, so you’re the one often tasked with buying more. But as you walk through the door, you could feel something was off, and when Poe suddenly appears in front of you, you fear the worst.
“Where is he? Is he okay?” You ask him and drop the bags, rushing to the elevator but Poe appears before you again.
“Y/N, I highly recommend you do not disturb Mr. Kovacs right now.” Your brows knit together in confusion, the obvious reason resting in the back of your mind, but you don’t want to believe it.
“Why? Is he okay?” You push through Poe and enter the elevator, hitting the button to the top to reach your husband.
“I really must insist that you do not go up there,” his voice is laced with concern and anxiety and the more he ‘insists’ the more you’re tempted.
“Poe. I’ll find out what’s going on one way or another,” the elevator door opens and you see red, “In my fucking bed?” You yell, your eyes burning with anger as you watch Kristin scramble for her clothes and Tak trying to cover his erection. Kristin rushes past you, hanging her head down and you don’t have the ability to stop her, knowing that if you did, she would need a new sleeve. “Are you fucking kidding me?”
“It’s not what it looks like.”
“You’re so fucking stupid. Fuck you Takeshi Kovacs,” you yell, fists clenching at your side, “fuck you.”
“Y/N, we can work this out,” Tak begs, falling to his knees in front of you, Poe watching from the back. Shaking your head, you pull off the wedding ring in anger before throwing it out the window.
“No, we are done. Goodbye Takeshi.” You storm out of the room and leave the building, no destination in your mind, as long as it wasn’t Bay City.
Author’s Note: SO I was heavy inspired by the song and I know it’s short but I hope you enjoyed it!
Taglist General: @marvelousmermaid​ @yelenas-lova​ @himbovillain-anon​ @babblydrabbly​ @a-reader-and-a-writer​ @fairchildflag​ @siliethkaijuy​ @infatuatedjanes​ @niki-xie​
Joel Related Taglist: @aestheticallywinchester​ @loverhymeswith​ @xoxabs88xox​ @t-i-n-y-d-i-n-o​ @witchygagirl​ @the1redrose​ @ratcatcher2world​ @lorecraft​ @heart-0n-fire​ @green-socks​ @weallhaveadestiny​ @yourjacketisnowdry @rachelh1992​ @tompetersebbuckyhazleo​ @a-girl-who-loves-disney​ @knivesareout​ @bubblegloopswampwitch​ 
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