#I might talk about him more later if theres ever interest
Okay so I finally figured out how to get picrew to work and so I went on a spree of making a million different picrews of one of my dumbasses living rent free in my head ocs. I'll probably do more for others later but I just had to get this stupid secretly an eldritch horror twink out into the world and since I cannot draw I have resorted to this. He's not exactly as I pictured him in my head (none of the hair colour options really matched the auburn / burnt umber I was going for, and amber eyes are apparently not common enough that they're a universal option so I bounced between picking brown and yellow. Also skin colour is slightly off but whatever- I'm not allowed to be picky), but close enough. Without further ado, meet Arian, my bastard gremlin bitch boy!
(Tw for cigarettes because he thinks being an unfathomable horror gives him a pass)
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He is smiling here and I think this is the only picture where he's genuinely smiling because I ended up just making him look worried in all the others. It's still accurate to his character though because he has anxiety (because he's a dumbass bottom). (On a side note I think this is the one that's closest to his actual canon skin colour. The rest are all too far off-) (Dunno why his eyebrows are that colour tho lol)
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He has a pet rat that makes occasional cameo appearances btw. Her name is Cheezit because Ari panic named her on the spot and it stuck. The rat is like 15 years old at this point and Ari has no idea how long rats are supposed to live but he's starting to get slightly concerned that his rat might be magical. Stop smoking around your pet Arian you are an irresponsible rat owner.
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One more pic ft. Cheezit because I needed everyone to see her agian. (This is one of the ones where his skin is wayyy too light but ah well) (His hair also looks fucky but what am I gonna do about it?)
(Is it just me or does he look twelve? Lmao)
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Bonus picrew of Cheezit lol
(None of the rat options in other picrews are consistent so I guess this counts as Cheezit's canon appearance)
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I made him here in the a TMA picrew maker so that I could dick around with the more "monstrous" features but I made him normal first because I'm nice like that. He's smiling agian but he looks kind of pained lmao.
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Also I surrendered to impulse and put him in a mesh top you're welcome. He looks like that one smug cat meme.
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Anyway this is all him looking fairly normal, but... he gets... worse. I couldn't find a picrew for making full up eldritch monstrosities because A it would be difficult for someone to create and B the whole point in this case is that no one can describe him fully like that, because how do you describe a colour that doesn't exist on any spectrum, or a form that staunchly refuses to follow the established laws of linear physics. That said, I can give him too many eyes, which is one of his canon features when he's not very carefully keeping them "closed". For the sake of the following I'll say he's just sort of... half true appearance? Maybe he's stressed or like, super tired or something. Old one equivalent of waking up and forgetting to put on your underwear except in this case it's forgetting to hide the fact that your shadow looks wrong and also that you are covered in eyes. Obviously tw for body horror in the following but one of them has real eyes and eye contact and a depiction of his fucked up shadow so just fair warning for that. Also tw for some slight unreality because I use the royal "you" and that might be upsetting especially because it's in the context of him panicking and gaslighting the subject, as in "he assures you you're imagining things".
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Here's one I made in the TMA picrew. He's very stressed to be showing even a little bit of his actual appearance because he's very insecure so he's holding himself for comfort like an absolute dork. The sparkles around his head aren't part of his appearance I just added them because I'm gay and like sparkles.
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No twink is complete without a mesh top so there's that. I forfeited the extra extra eyes for more tendrils just because I wanted to see what it would look like because I was cruelly forced to pick between one or the other.
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Anyway have some random facts about him since you made it this far, starting with things that should be canon overall to his appearance but I couldn't get in some or any of the picrews:
Annnd here's the one that all those tws were for. He's stressed about something and losing control so he's trying very hard to cover up the eyes with bandages. It is not working and his shadow is still staring directly at you. It doesn't blink even when he does. He is assuring you very insistently that you are imagining things. (Cheezit left the scene and decided to take a nap on Ari's pillow instead of dealing with his bullshit)
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- He has a small mole under his right eye.
- Freckles! Lots of them across his face and shoulders, but they're hard to see because he has dark skin. They're genetic as opposed to sun based, though.
- He's got a tiny scar on the left side of his upper lip. Jokingly tells people he got it from various outrageous stunts but actually he fell on his face playing soccer on the concrete when he was a kid.
- Has a few a lot of piercings. Both of his ears are pierced "regularly" and he usually wears simple, nondescript hoops or studs. He also has those two piercings on the shell of his right ear and a barbell piercing on his right eyebrow. His belly button is pierced but he doesn't wear anything there anymore and the holes have pretty much closed up. Also has dermal piercings down the length of his back that usually hold barbells but get switched out for D rings for circus style body suspension. (He's definitely a bit of a daredevil and likes doing a lot of things people consider to be "extreme" or anything like that, hence why he knows how to pole dance and can manage himself somewhat passably on aerial silks. Plus he just likes the feeling of being up in the air)
- He's arabic, though inherited darker skin from his moms side of the family. Finds it somewhat funny when people keep giving him "subtle" side eyes trying to figure out what race he is.
- Animals tend to be suspicious of him on instinct given the whole uncanny valley vibe he sometimes gives off, but they aren't necessarily repelled by him. They warm up quickly enough if he just chills like any other person and maybe gives them a few treats.
- This man drinks way too much fucking coffee somebody stage an intervention. I'm pretty sure his blood is 90% coffee grounds at this point
- Speaking of blood, his is an ever so slightly off shade of maroon. Looks like blood from a severely dehydrated person even if he's completely fine.
- Also he has genetic high blood pressure. He really needs to get his health in check he's going to give himself a heart attack. Ari stop smoking please-
- In "eldritch form" he likes to attach himself to walls like some kind of fucked up slime mold and just chill there. Will peel off the wall like a cheap sticker if you startle him though and then he'll be pissed because he's just ripped off all the skin on his back like some sunburn from hell. Will also probably whine about the possibility of having ruined his tattoo
- Said tattoo is a 'tramp stamp' on his lower back, just above his ass. It's a tiny snake inked in black that's curled in a figure eight. He got it while he was sort of drunk but he doesn't really regret it. Considered naming it but he dropped the idea when he couldn't think of anything.
- If I had to pick I'd say he's a dog person because he vibes with the energy, but he has no problem with cats at all. Thinks hairless cats are really cute and can and will kiss them on their little heads.
- Dreaded morning person. But also somehow a night owl? Does he even sleep? The answer is yes, but only after he crashes from the caffeine high of like ten cups of coffee. Has no sleep schedule but despite this still gets up at ungodly hours of the morning to go to the gym like an absolute psychopath
- His eyesight is absolute shit and he needs glasses but refuses to wear them. Won't put in contacts either because he thinks they're annoying. Justifies walking into poles and doorframes as being "worth the price". He gets a little bit of a pass though because he is 4d and trying to navigate a 3d world and I don't think they make glasses for that. Still his eyesight is objectively crap either way no matter what so he can't really use it as an excuse.
- He can drive if it's an absolute emergency but he prefers not to for the above reason of his sight being crap. He'll only get behind the wheel if he has no other choice and even then he's internally panicking.
- Surprisingly decent at math. He's not like, Einstein or anything but he can tell you what 9 x 18 is which is more than I can do. This is definitely paradoxical because he is gay and should therefore not be able to do math.
- Favourite food is chicken pad Thai with peanut sauce and if you get some for him he will love you forever. Congratulations, you've acquired a creature. You're never getting rid of him.
- I honestly can't decide if he should be like, a *bajillion years old (*not actually more like 1000) or just, like, twenty. They're both hilarious in different situations and I cannot make up my mind.
- Purrs sometimes, but not like a cat. It just sounds like a guy trying to imitate a purr, which to be fair is a pretty apt description. It sounds silly until you realize he's still purring and he hasn't stopped to take a breath. You look over and notice that his chest is rising and falling steadily even as the noise rumbles out of his throat. He assures you it's just a talent of his.
- Riddled with anxiety just in general and because he has to frequently lie to and gaslight people to avoid outing himself, either as queer or as a monster from collective consciousness worst nightmares. Somebody get him to a psychiatrist.
- Can, will, and does need to eat regular people food, but consumes emotional energy as well. Does this passively when around people with no effects to them or can actively chose to take more via physical contact, effectively erasing thoughts, feelings, or in extreme cases entire memories. Can kill someone like this (because he's not just magically eating feelings, his presence is deteriorating cognitive function and his touch turns grey matter into soup) but he'd have a panic attack over it. Will very much throw up if he "eats" too much, but this only applies to the active taking rather than the passive "aoe" intake. Worth noting that he can't kill via touch or even just generally inconvenience someone with proximity in just a regular "human form" because it's specifically contact with the unfathomable eldritch stuff that melts people's brains into pudding.
- Big on physical affection. Hugs and other assorted touch are his love language. Very much not above faking falling asleep on someone's shoulder.
- Owns entirely too many shirts and like, two pairs of pants. That's an exaggeration but seriously, c'mon man. Buy some pants ffs.
- Probably works customer service for minimum wage but I find it way too funny to make him a stripper sooo-
- Likes plants but has zero green thumb. Compromises with plastic plants and various cacti, which he has surprisingly and much to his delight managed to keep alive.
- I know jack shit about zodiacs but I think he'd have a summer birthday. Idk why it's just the vibes.
- Actually enjoys shitty cheap beer for whatever reason. Further proof that he's insane <3
- Would bring a knife to a gun fight and win but he's cheating because he can cope with ridiculous amounts of damage. Ofc he's not going to walk off a gunshot, but he won't die, and adrenaline is a hell of a motivator until he eventually collapses and has to stagger off with his metaphorical tail between his legs to recover.
- Can't swim. He doesn't exactly sink because buoyancy and all that but he will panic and thrash around and just generally make his situation worse. Not in a comical way though he's not exaggerating he legitimately can't swim. Somebody get him out now before he drowns.
- Doesn't like water in general. Pretty scared of any body of water he can't see the bottom of, and doesn't like pools because agian, he can't swim. Might splash in a puddle or a kiddie pool or something but he mostly prefers just to sit off the the side and vibe. Stacks everyone's towels to make a cushion under him and jokingly refuses to give them back when they come out of the water sopping wet.
- Canonically has addictive personality disorder so do with that what you will
- "Dislikes" vegetables on principle but will eat broccoli. Will pretend like he's dying the entire time though, even though he actually likes it.
- Probably has the dumbest ringtone in the entire world. Either that or he just changes it every week. Maybe both.
- Paints his nails but it always flakes off within a day or two because he can't help but pick at it.
- Carries sunscreen around but not in a mom friend way. It's because he'll give you like seven different types of cancer if you hang around his "true form" too long and he doesn't want to take any risks. It doesn't really help but he's trying his best.
- Can sing decently will but will refuse to if directly asked because he's self conscious. Just take him to a karaoke bar though I guarantee he'll be up on stage in a matter of minutes.
- Can dance semi decently. Worth nothing that he can in fact belly dance though. Learned because he grew up seeing professionals at people's weddings and other big events and thought it looked really cool.
- Really likes trampoline parks but funnily enough despite being pretty agile usually he has absolutely no sense of balance while bouncing. Falls on his face every five seconds but rest assured he's having the time of his life in there.
- Pours the milk before the cereal. No real reason for this other than I like making him a menace to society
- Absolutely the kind of person to overuse the dog Snapchat filter
- Smells weirdly like fresh rain and ozone. And also the generic body wash he uses but still, under that all he smells like a thunderstorm. Pleasant enough at first but a little overwhelming up close or over long periods. Kissing him feels like licking the screen of an old TV, static buzz and a tiny bit frosty.
- Speaking of frosty, he runs cold. 100% will hog the blankets and or put cold extremities all over people in the middle of the night if they're cuddling. He doesn't mean to he's just chilly. What he does mean to do is stick his icy hands down the backs of people's shirts. Only does it to people he knows appreciate the humour though and will stop if asked.
- Has a pretty normal voice, though it has a small bit of unnatural reverb. Just enough that it's there but nearly impossible to place exactly what makes his words sound off. His "eldritch form", however, you do not want to listen to. Tries to be quiet but regardless of volume he'll still inadvertently blow someone's eardrums out because it sounds like he's a recording with all the distortion settings turned up to max. Well, not exactly, that's sort of an exaggeration, but his voice warbles unnervingly and his pitch is split so it sounds like three different people talking at once. Decent enough to listen to if you like horror ambiance noises, but otherwise invest in earplugs.
- Despite having eyes all over his body in that form they aren't really sensitive to pain, nor are they weak points. Stabbing them will only yield about the same reaction as stabbing him anywhere else, and they're no easier to puncture than his skin. Texture and consistency wise they feel almost like cow's eyes that have been preserved in formaldehyde (thanks, middle school biology class). As gross as it seems, gently stroking them will get him to purr. Don't worry about eye juices, they're weirdly dry and rubbery.
- Sometimes he forgets to blink. This is not because he doesn't have to blink, he very much does or his eyes get all scratchy, he's just a dork.
- Can cook average meals but pretty much only makes microwaveable stuff because he does not have his life together.
- Favourite fruit is strawberries, and consequently his favourite flavour ice cream, smoothie, milkshake, etc is all strawberry flavored as well. He's partial to mango too, though.
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astarionancuntnin · 2 months
listen, obviously i love astarion for multiple reasons, but ironically when i first started the game i wasnt interested in him, at all. i was fully commited to finding karlach and dating her bc of what i had seen online about her. i had barely heard or seen anything about him other than him being "the flirty vampire" and i was like eh okay
i ended up keeping him in my party cause his remarks were hilarious and i really vibed with his energy. and then he started opening up and you get to see how the whole overconfidence and flirting was an act, he starts talking about cazador and what he went through and how determinate he is to take him down. he keeps mentioning how he cannot wait to get rid of his master and how satisfied hes going to be, and hes smiling just thinking about it
then we learn about the ritual and theres this sudden spark in him, hes convinced that its the answer to his problems, he gets tunnel vision on the ritual, and if you romance him he also thinks its the only way he can assure not only his own safety, but also yours.
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and when you finally win the fight, you have to save him from himself. hes desperate, completely blinded by the power he could potentially have. if he has this power, hes never going to be vulnerable, no one will abuse him ever again.
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he is willing to lose himself to make sure he never gets hurt like this. even with high approval, if you dont succeed a persuasion roll or refuse to help him, he either turns against you or leaves your party. in his eyes, at this moment, you are the one who turned against him.
if you suceed the persuasion roll, he agrees that he can be better than cazador, and before stabbing him repeatedly, mentions (again) how hes going to enjoy this
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only to break down right after. even though its something hes been wanting to do for centuries, all the suffering hes been through came crumbling down after it was done. cazador is dead, hes the one who killed him, he finally got his revenge, and yet he feels this emptiness.
its done, why do i not feel better?
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if you saved him, he talks to you later and admits how he wasn't himself, how thankful he is that you helped him out and most of all, you believed in him. you saved him by believing he could be more than what he saw in himself.
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if you talk to him after completing dame aylin's quest in act 3 (after killing cazador), he mentions how he expected her to rejoice after defeating yet another person who intended to enslave her, but shes just tired. hes comparing her reaction to his own experience after freeing himself from his abuser
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and after karlach's reaction to killing gortash, he brings up the fact that theres "no justice in this world". contrary to what he believed earlier in the game, its not only him thats been wronged for several years. even though in the end they all got to get rid of the people who ruined their lives, they are still hurting.
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hes realising that killing your abuser, although it seemed like the simple, satisying solution of finally having your revenge from years of trauma, might free you, but it will not fix you. they're dead, but you still have to live with what they've done to you.
he is my roman empire
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ultimateloserboy · 1 year
do yall ever think about how duck has a very obvious bias towards red guy that he doesn’t have for anyone else? duck was following along with the electricity thing until red guy was like “hey youre not plugged in” and then duck IMMEDIATELY agreed with him. duck is a very selfish character and always thinks that he (and only he) is right about everything, but this doesnt apply to red guy for some reason. red guy is the only person duck will ever hear out. even when duck disagrees with him he isnt as harsh on red guy as he would be to anyone else. in the transport episode for example, duck very much DID NOT want to go anywhere. he argued, sure, but in the end he let red guy use the car with him in it. duck would not do that shit for anyone else. if anyone else was driving that car and he didnt want to go, he would be shattering windows to get out. duck doesnt do things that he doesnt want to do, unless its for red guy, and then hes angry about it but he does it anyway. is he annoying about it? yes. but he still let red guy drive him. and that says a lot about how biased he is.
my favorite example of this is in the friendship episode when red guy says “you said you weren’t going to talk to him like that anymore” which implies that at some point, DUCK, THE BIGGEST STUBBORN ASS ON THE PLANET, had a discussion with red guy and agreed to not make fun of yellow guy anymore. did he follow through? no, but just the fact that he agreed in the first place is astounding. he wouldnt do that for anyone but red guy. and then later he says “dont turn on me” in response to red guy scolding him which isnt very relevant i just think its really funny. theyre a gayass old married couple but i digress
anyway, i think its interesting that red guy makes duck a slightly better person. red guy isnt a good person either but hes on the better end compared to duck and sometimes he drags duck up to his level. red guy might be a bit of an ass but hes easily redeemable, and by slightly bettering duck, he doesnt make duck a good person, but he does make duck more redeemable. basically he gets duck closer to being a good person.
i like the reflection of this too, because duck makes red guy an even worse person. red guy is also very easily swayed by duck. sometimes he’ll scold duck into being slightly better, but sometimes duck will persuade him into being worse, and it all depends on how theyre feeling in the moment. the biggest example of this is in the bigger boys room. the red guy we usually see would normally discourage duck from torturing the little blob thing, and even if our duck might not be against it, hed be less inclined to go along with it if red guy disagreed. however both of the big boys could not care less, theyre bored and have nothing to do but jab shit into their experiment thing. red guy doesnt care what duck does anymore. and dont get me wrong, saying its ducks fault that red guy became like this is taking away his responsibility. red guy became like this because he was already heading down that path himself. but i think its interesting that depending on whos persuading the other, they either get better or worse. it shows how theres good and bad in both of them. they effect eachother more than people think, and they probably dont even realize it.
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strwberri-milk · 10 months
Hiiii! Can I request a s/o with Diluc who lowkey simps for his admirers. Like you expect them to be jealous but no...they like fangirl over them. When they saw Donna they were like omg she's so pretty, and she bakes too! Then s/o would look at Diluc weirdly like you skipped her for me? S/o might even point out that Donna really is in love with him, she doesn't even know the two persons she's pining for is the same person and it's low key miraculous ladybug plot. Then they saw Jean, they would be like omg she's so cute romantic novel lover, and calls him senpai. Then she's super strong and hardworking.
i sorta see where youre going w this but tbh i think diluc wouldnt like it :/ so this might not be the direction you expected it to go into?? but i just think its the more realistic one w how i see him - mentions of a break up in one instance but i did try to keep the tone pretty light. the hope is that this doesnt get taken too personally i just. cant imagine anybody would want to date someone who is so besotted with their s/o's admirers which is why theres the mention of if the beahviour gets too excessive in tha later points but also some fluff put in there as well :D
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Diluc didn't seem to mind it at all. At first, he thought it was a fun little quirk of yours. He was glad that you weren't ever really jealous of the people who followed him around but he gets a little confused. Sure, jealousy would be a normal reaction but what you do feels a little stranger.
He doesn't expect you to praise them all. Of course, he can see the things that you point out but they're not something that he especially cares about when he has you. He cares about you a lot, and hearing the things you say about the people who like him makes him feel like maybe they're coming from a place of insecurity.
When you tell him it's really not and you just find it a little strange he skipped over all of these people for you he just reiterates that it's because despite all of the positive qualities of these people, you just had something else that drew him to you.
If things go overboard and it feels almost excessive, I can see Diluc getting a little frustrated. He loves you, not any of these other people but if there's constant talk about how he made the wrong choice and that these others are clearly the better option he might really consider leaving. He's not interested in staying in a relationship where for whatever reason, you're creating fake competition that didn't really exist.
He'll do whatever he can to remind you that he's chosen you and that he loves you. Whatever positive traits you point out in his admirers he tells you he finds them in you and that's what makes you better. He thinks of you as a collective of all those traits you seem to admire.
He does want you to stop, or at least tone it down if excessive because again, he fears you say these things out of a fear of inadequacy compared to others and he knows you technically do have a lot of competition. It just comes with being his partner but he's going to do his best to make sure you know it's you he wants not someone else.
When you tell him again you just really respect or admire these others, he'll nod and agree with you. He does see where you're coming from and he would be lying if he said he doesn't sometimes feel slightly the same way he sees someone who is more emotionally available is trying to chat you up.
However, he's soothed when you treat him the same no matter what you're saying in the day. You love him, and he can feel it and he hopes that you can feel his affection for you. He'll always love you more than the people you admire, and he'll spend his time making sure you know that.
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cartoonrival · 6 months
HEY YOU Hit me with some Julie Su propoganda cuz I'm mostly lukewarm on her character and don't know all that much about her.
OK OK ... well baseline info she's the daughter of dark legion general luger, and half sister of lien-da and kragok, who are twins and both high ranking legion soldiers. when their mother (merin-da) died and luger remarried, ld and kragok hated his new wife (julie-su's mother) (mari-su) so bad they orchestrated her death, info which was they kept on the DL for a long time until js eventually found out about it. memory situation, js is raised by other folks who actually love her and doesn't learn who her blood family is until later. she joins knuckles because she feels inexplicably drawn to him (soul touch) (echidna soulmates) so she defects from the legion to join the chaotix. the soul touch thing sucks and i hate it but this is how it goes. ill talk about my au version of her at the end lol bc things ive built on top of canon are part of the reason why shes one of my fave charas in the series lul
ANYWHO i honestly find it pretty frustrating when people talk about js as just being pink knuckles, shoehorned into the story to give knuckles an obligatory girlfriend, because it really demonstrates that they like. weren't paying a lick of attention to anything because she genuinely has a LOT of personality but since people just go in anticipating anything penders touched to suck they don't even bother to think about her for longer than half a second.
js fills a niche that, imo, could always use filling, especially with regards to girl characters, which is to say shes a well meaning asshole. shes incredibly blunt, she's pessimistic (immediately assumes knuckles must be dead when enerjak returns and they cant find him, tells knuckles not to search a fallen ship that his mother was on because shes probably dead and she doesnt think he'd want to see that). shes terrible at handling interpersonal conflict (knuckles confesses to her that he feels guilty and stressed over all the pressure put on him as guardian and she scolds him and says "this isn't just about you", which results in a minor shouting match when she really had zero intention of starting an argument), she's almost constantly beefing with vector (tbf its because hes sexist he refuses to see past her history as a member of the dark legion). these might suond like cons but i love characters like this LOL and they fit especially well in archie where people love to get mad at each other and make dumb mistakes and it just feels very genuine and interesting and endearing to me. shes rough and difficult but she's also DEEPLY loyal. she'd die for knuckles and the chaotix and the way she interacts with them always makes me soooo ........ im just gonna give some examples i can find.
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(knuckles is on the phone with her)
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^ this was the genuine conclusion of an argument they had and im obsessed with it because both of them suck with emotions so they both give the worlds strangest apology and know that the other means it and they move on. plus putting her arm in front of SHADOW THE HEDGEHOG while theyre confronting eggman even after watching him CHAOS BLAST, primarily because she feels like this is more her fight than his (its about knuckles).
theres def more and i could find them if i was more on top of archie but unfortunately im #narutopilled rn. BUT ANYWAYS. shes just a very fun character with a messy personality and fun interactions and she loves her buddies sm even tho she bickers with them. shes just very special. she fits well with knuckles in a way that makes their relationship actually feel plausible instead of just forcing him to have a girlfriend (tho ofc the writing is fumbled sometimes like. ITS ARCHIE. bffr. but thats the case with literally everything ever in archie so you take what you can and its amazing). also see below. BASED AS FUCKKKKKKK
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and ill discuss my au briefly bc u r asking me my opinion on js and that does play a large role in how i feel abt her, but rly im just expanding on elements of her story that werent discussed as fully as i wouldve liked. her relationship with lien-da is obviously BAD in canon, but theres not a lot of time spent lingering on precisely how lien-da and kragok feel about julie-su as the product of their fathers second marriage to a woman they KILLED because they hated her so much. ive also given her much more internal strife over turning away from the legion, originally joining the chaotix planning to betray them from the inside then being slowly convinced to join them for real after realizing how much she'd been brainwashed by the legion and what its like to have people who truly love and care about you. her story as someone who is trying to find herself outside of her history as a child soldier is something that TOTALLY deserves to be expanded on and its a bit sad that it wasnt explored. but i mean really im not changing her actual PERSONALITY at all because as i discussed shes oozing with it.... im honestly never going to make the full comic i wanted to so at some point im just going to compile all the lore and concept art and stuff into one big post to share. but thats like a spoiler free taste.
she also has a gun. which is fucking awesome because not enough sonic characters have guns. people make shadow the guy with a gun but he hasnt been seen with one since shth. hello....
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melodyfsoul1 · 6 months
Just spent over an hour crying over the Loki S2 Finale, and still havent recovered, but here I go anyway with my Reaction/ Review
*Loki S2 E6 Spoilers ahead*
Okay so... before watching the episode I wrote down a couple things that I did NOT want to happen/ but knowing myself, and my luck with my characters, figured that was exactly what would happen....
and turns out... I was correct....
Back in Infinty War I feared/ predicted that Loki was gonna die in the first 10 min in a stupid way where he wouldnt be able to show off his powers... and we all know how that turned out...
For this season finale, all I hoped was that Loki, for once wouldnt play the self sacrifical lamb, and find a way where he didnt have to lose Mobius and his new found friends, where he would be not alone...
So.... yeah.... about that....
Now to the Review/ Reaction:
God I was so scared
"Glorious Purpose"
The title alone had me tearing up.... we really came full circle back to S1 E1 and the fact that they started the recap with 2012 Loki too...
1 min 30 in and I'm already pausing, THE INTRO IS BACKWARDS, thar was so cool
So we all knew Loki would have to go back and try to safe everyone
Then Loki trying to learn everything OB knows to be prepared to help, but it would take time, makes sense
WHAT?! They really did that, good thing Loki has that long Life span...
The fact that all the characters realizes sth was off with Loki but MOBIUS is the one to stop and talks to him, and Loki telling him to trust him.... my heart
OH MY GOD ITS WORKING?! And Timely survived too? Did not expect that
I have never seen Loki this relieved/ happy but at the same time sad and exhausted before...
But of course its never that "easy"
No matter what, the infinite amount of branches will always detroy the loom, so the moment a timeline branched everything was doomed from he start... Ah yes Marvel and their existential dread...
Loki going back to before Sylvie killed He Who Remains, trying to convince her not to kill him.... and of course she says he has to kill her if he wants to stop her...
God Loki's Emotional Damage....
Of course Loki cant
HWR COULD HAVE STOPPED TIME THAT THE WHOLE TIME!??!! The fact that he figured Loki has gone through this whole scene before and still just watched
He knows about time slipping...
He paved he road
He planned this
Him and Loki had this conversations before
"We die with the dying, we are born with the dead"
That is such a sick quote :0
Its basically Loki vs HWR forever, and Loki knows he will always lose... but still wants to try... kudos to his determination
And of course Loki cant bring himself to trade lives... not Sylvie's, not his friends and not the multiverses...
Loki goes back to the first time he talked to Mobius...NOOOOO not the Throne talk, why does this feel like a final good bye talk.... I HATE IT
Though S1 E1 Mobius having a chat with S2 E6 Loki is such an interesting concept
He wants to find out how they chose who lives and dies... ("Who lives, who dies, who tells your story" huh? Sorry but I had to make that Hamilton reference XD)
"You're not gonna find comfort in the TVA" - Mobius to Loki
BUT HE DID, LOKI DID FIND COMFORT, IN YOU MOBIUS, Im gonna cry ... the TVA was the first place where Loki could just be himself and he found friends there too
Also Mobius might be the only comfort character who actually gives comfort (and isnt just an angsty mess who hasnt had a happy day ever)
Mobius telling the story of a hunter who couldnt kill a kid, which caused more death, loosing sight of the bigger picture
So he is talking about himself right? And of course Renslayer was the Partner
Mobius telling Loki they have to chose a burden and live with it... that it leaves scars.
Theres this sinking feeling again
I dont know what to think of Loki & Sylvie's final talk.... Loki has an idea?
Cant he ever be happy?! Is there any Loki, in any universe who actually gets to be happy?!
The fact that Mobius was the first to notice and that him and Sylvie immediately followed Loki, tried to talk him out of it
Loki looking back, saying he finally knows what he wants
It looks like an End of Time Aesthetic Version of his Ragnarok Outfit wih the Cracked Kintsugi helmet
Ngl at first I had no idea if he was using his powers to manually destroy, change or preserve the branches.... or weave them together
Oh and to be clear I was crying during like the whole last 20 min of the episode because that was just too many emotions at once
Also can we talk about how freaking cool looking the shots of Loki with the new Helmet and the branches being his cape, were?!
The throne... Oh god the remains of HWR throne...
*starts violently sobbing*
Poetic, Ironic and Heartbreaking, all at the same time
Like, is it extremely cool to see him use his powers to his full potential? Yes definitely.
Were the cinematics beautiful? Yes of course, it was gorgeous, tho the moment I realized he was making Yggdrasil, I started bawling my eyes out, because "You go Loki, show us what you can do"
But I also felt my heart break because Loki is now at the end if time, chose to have to watch over & protect the multiverse, all alone, forever.... (can he leave that place?)
Like this is the very same Loki, who just, 1 episode ago, admitted that he is terrified of being alone, who just wants to be with his friends. L1130 is a Loki who was actually happy and had friends, a place where he felt safe because he could be himself. And he gave EVERYTHING up to give EVERYONE ELSE a chance at life, a life he might not be able to take part in... he can watch, but we dont know if he can interact with them....
I literally talked about that in my reaction/ review from last episode. Sylvie & Loki are both selfish, which is ironically a very human trait (them being gods and all), but unlike Sylvie, Loki would actually give up everything to safe others, which is exactly what he did.
And I know Comic Loki, God of Stories, wrote himself out if the Narrative as well, out of the Story, to look behind the curtain, have a talk with the beings behind everything, but that Loki also had Verity, he had a friend outside of everything, he had someome to talk to, a friend. Verity is one of my fav characters and I would have loved to see her Comic Version too in the MCU, but I saw B-15's Name was revealed to be Verity Willis, so thats is cool Easter Egg :D
Back to Loki, I honestly cant tell which Loki has it the worst... I always thought the main Loki dying to Thanos had it the worst, but he sth akin to a life and he got the chance to mend his relationship with Thor before he died his heroes' death...
Now L1130, in the worst case, is damned to spent eternity alone, the very thing he is scared of, being without his friends, forced to watch from afar as they live life without him, when all he wanted was to be with them... that is unless he can just leave the place whenever he wants to (if the branches allow it I guess?) But if it turns out that he cant leave that place/ or interact with anyone, without everything going down immediately, then I would argue that this Loki's life is worse than the other's death... and I cant believe Im describing Infinity War Loki's Death as a mercy...
Back to the ep...
AFTER?! Right theres an after
The TVA is still intact, with a new leader ship and everyone working together, B-15, OB, Casey and even Ms Minutes is helping?
Mobius looks so sad doing his job though...
Hes gonna LEAVE?! He wants to experience his own life on the timeline, huh... Loki did promise that to Don... and M is going for it, thats sweet actually
Renslayer got sent to the end of time, Alioth waiting for her, well then
Mobius seeing what his life used to be is so sweet, likes how perfectly imperfect is it
Sylvie visits too?
"Its weird Loki's not around" she says and I start bawling my eyes out again, now thats just salting the wound.... at least they remember him
He is smiling, but he's crying too
Is there ANY Marvel Movie, or Show where Loki doesnt cry?!?! My freaking heart...
Look I know this ending makes rational sense.... and it was defintely epic, and we finally got Loki at his full potential, and yes, Loki being finally recongnized as one of the most powerful MCU characters is cool.
But personally, on an emotional level, that ending is somewhere between bittersweet and absolutely heart breakingly dreadful, because Loki didnt want this, he didnt want the throne, he only did this to save his friends, he gave up his own happiness and I hate it... I know he is happier knowing his friends have a chance at life and that he chose this, but there wasnt much of an choice with HWR....
I just hope that Loki learning to control time means he can at least visit his friend, pop in from time to time, because if him leaving the throne/ the branches means everything could come crashing down, then thats just sad...
And what does that mean for the teased Loki & Thor Reunion?! WHAT HAPPENED TO THAT?! We didnt even get an end credit scene?!
Anyways, I'm gonna rewatch the season the next couple days and go through some theories and head canons and see whether that will change my opinion on the ending, but we'll see.
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instexcamera · 2 months
droolinf over merman kanata.
hear me out, Fantasy AU where you're a solo pirate taking a break on this secluded island you found. Kanata comes around and is like "why the fuck is there a massive ship in my territory" then he sees you and now hes like "now theres an attractive pirate here, what do i do" You accidentally spot him and he ran away. Initially, he didn't want you there. But after days, almost a week now, he's starting to see some perks to letting you stay.
Ever since you saw him, you've been leaving out part of your huntings for him. Since he wasn't the strongest swimmer even for a merman, sometimes it was hard for him to catch food, often eating seaweed instead of that yummy lobster that ran away.... As a thank you for the food you provided him, he decided to give you a little gift.
suprise! the gift is him. he goes up to shore when he knows youll be there, and strikes up a conversation with you. You're elated you finally get to talk to the merman you saw, and hes happy because you agreed to keep feeding him. for a price of course. He keeps you company and lets you stay on his island for who knows how long, (please be forever, hes started to grow attached to you) and you keep hunting for him and keeping his tummy full!
anyways you both agree to the deal and now its been what, weeks? you both grow closer and closer, but now all he thinks about is you. talking with you, eating with you, mating with you, fucking you(or fucking him, hes not opposed) ... He doesn't want you to leave anymore and mating season for him is coming soon,,
ajjdhsn i have many thoughts on this (him) nd one of them is getting him pregnant... mfgh keeping his tummy full in more ways than one...
god this is so long i apologize
Wuah! No it's ok I really liked this! I just can't respond quickly to things currently!
I've also been getting quite a lot of fantasy au things in my inbox and now I'm imagining something for everyone. I also accidentally made this much longer than I originally thought I would
But yes Kanata, seeing a island in the distance one day after a while of searching, knowing you can't return back to your main land for a while because their at war (thanks Eichi). So finding a pretty good little island filled with fruits, woodland creatures, and marine life is perfect
Kanata notices right away, chilling on the shoreline however he splashes back in the water before you spot him. He keeps watch diligently and hopes he isn't spotted since he wouldn't be able to swim as fast he would want to get away
Claiming the land, setting up small houses, and eating the food, he watches it all attentively. He can understand you relatively well however he struggles a little, the mers have a different language. Sometimes when you went fishing you'd accidentally drop a fish, crab, or lobster. As soon as you're away he grabs it, overjoyed he can finally get them quick enough since you either killed it or stunned it
A month later he works up the courage to approach you. Secretly you had known the mer was watching but had never expected a interaction. He looks like he might dart with any surprising movement from you yet you hold a good conversation with him. Him asking you about food and eventually making a deal, you can stay if you give him food.
The longer you stay the more attached he gets, finally bringing you a pretty piece of sea glass he found. He meant it as a proposal but he didn't tell you, expecting you to know but obviously you didn't. Accepting the glass happily, he assumes you accept his proposal
He becomes more attached, showing up more often. You think it's cute not knowing in his eyes he sees you as his partner, or mate. And when heat season rolls around he expects you to help him. So when you act confused he has to explain. The thought of having a merman husband and not knowing made you laugh but you agreed to help him
You didn't know how mer people had sex. Never something which interested you yet you knew of people who had relationships with them. So when a slit on his tail opened up to reveal a long cock, almost like a tentacle, it surprised you
It didn't take long for you to get over it, not wanting to upset Kanata or make him feel self conscious. He can't prep you, his webbed hands make it basically impossible so you have to deal with the pure stretch of him
It's not that bad, being in the water with him and his cock having a sort of a aphrodisiac making it close to painless, only feeling pleasure. Of course you feel the way he forced you open, the feeling of fullness and when his tip hit your most sensitive area, making you squirm on his cock
Except when you move, he growls, fingers digging into your body as he bites down on whatever area he could, he had you now and you couldn't do anything. He would have let you go if you wanted him too, except that was the farthest thought from your mind, only wanting him to fulfill his needs and reach your own orgasm
He'd eventually have you crying and over stimulated on him, full of his cum which makes your stomach glow a slight light blue. When he'd finally pull out and his cum is leaking out, it's a sign to him you're fully his, if the marks on your body didn't already prove that point
He would lay with you on the shore until you decided to leave, shaking legs making it a little hard to leave him but you must before someone in your crew gets suspicious, they don't know about your relationship with Kanata. That's the one thing he hates about being with you, he can't always be there, of course no one would shun the relationship yet he was a little scared
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dykepulpfriction · 6 months
Thoughts on aftg/star trek?
oh god. so many!
vulcan andrew. he fits the mold pretty well, except for the violence. I could see him similar to spock in that case, a half vulcan, which would add to the way hes kind of seen as an unpredictable character by the upperclassmen -- working with the idea that people who are both terran and vulcan dont fit perfectly into easy behavior stereotypes. im thinking a lot about the pocket book "mindshadow" where spock's "inconsistencies" get expored. in an aftg to tos recast, id put him as spock.
that brings me to neil, who i think in said recast is a really solid kirk. There's this one tumblr post by @/na-nanu talking about kirk's alienation, and one line that has stuck with me ever since i read it: "Kirk, while personable, is a fairly Vulcan human." this strikes me as so so neil. until they really get to know him better, the upperclassmen tend to read neil in opposition to andrew. neil, to those outside, is the more personable of the two, the one who feels. as we all know, neil and andrew are incredibly similar -- which is why i referenced that quote just now. like kirk, neil takes andrew as he is, and never asks for more than he can give.
more kirk qualities: neil is ride or die (literally) for his team, self-sacrificing and quick-witted. he's not afraid to lie or trick his way into getting what he wants. lets be honest, both of these men love a good ruse.
going back to andrew for a moment, the way andrew is talked about as unfeeling and monstrous rings a very similar bell to the way terrans talk about vulcans and their lack of emotional display. kirk can read spock better than anyone, sound familiar?
this gets its own bullet point because i dont know where to put it. not all of my thoughts on aftg/st are so matchy-matchy (like, trying to make things line up), but i think the episode "The Enemy Within" and Neil-Nathaniel-Only-One-Of-Them-Can-Survive-Both-Of-Them-Want-To-Live have got some interesting similarities. Nathaniel dying in that basement too, and such.
I feel like people might want to cast Kevin as McCoy, because of McSpirk, and how they're the main trio. but because of Spock and Bones' frequent disagreements, similarities, and general vibes i really see him as Aaron, who's more explosive then Kevin when it comes to Andrews apathy. Bones and his wife and kid back home are also kind of Katelyn-esque.
renee and uhura... i think that this parallel works if spock/andrew, vulcan andrew what have you, is at the core of this thing. theres a lot of similarities for everyone, but god. he's the reason i'm even thinking about tos and aftg together. the "unlikely" friendship, everyone thinking they have a thing, bonding over a shared activity (but its music instead of beating the shit out of each other)
i can really imagine andrew getting into star trek. its a really good "what if?" show that i think he'd enjoy, given his feelings on the zombie apocalypse. renee could definitely get into the morality aspect as well. i can see them talking about the questions in the epsodes, like "so what would you do if your evil clone tried to take over the ship?" and the like. Andrew seeing himself in Spock, seeing someone who also can only deal with his emotions on the lowest volume, and him being loved nonetheless. Maybe seeing a little bit of his not-boyfriend-nothing Neil in Kirk.
another thing about spock/andrew. they are both surprisingly open! I'd have to go back and look to find the exact post, but someone made a great post about how kirk is actually not that forthcoming about his past/life, while spock, if you literally just ask him, will tell you a lot! this i think is hilariously similar to neil being seen as the more open one, when he is actually so cagey and full of false pasts, while andrew will answer most questions. people just never seem to ask (until neil, ofc).
There's definitely more where this came from, so ill add on to this later, but im battling a bit of a headache right now and need to end it here. Thank you so so much for the ask, im excited to hear what you think!!!!!!!!
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autism-connoisseur · 10 months
tjoughts on bro strider?
i know i just said it but !!! so far i. dont know??????? like i have a lot of Hms about the way he raised dave especially about how he. apparently frequently beats his ass BUT!!!! to say that he doesnt love dave would be a lie i think because he did raise him at the end of the day, and he also protected him from the meteor and i just KNOW this guy has the Older Brother instincts. you cannot see a cute baby and decide to call yourself his Brother and not have the Older Brother instincts. and theres another thing!!! hes dave's bro, not dave's dad, so i think it would be fair to assume that hes the youngest guardian??? he must have been 20 when he found dave and i get that raising a kid when youre fundamentally a kid yourself isnt easy.
but like i cant Ignore how the way he brought up dave has given him a lot of issues and trouble expressing his emotions ((similarly to rose, i think mom lalonde and bro are very similar in that they care for their kids but they were literally thurst into their hands out of the blue, and they had some Issues they needed to sort out first to be a Good Parent; more obvious with mom and her alcoholism i think but bro has this too)). then again we dont know how bro was raised ((or at least i dont know yet, if they ever tell us)) and maybe he genuinely thinks hes doing whats best for dave. i dont want to get in too deep about how i also think that the fact that theyre both men might have a play in this too ((perpetuating toxic masculinity; also in a way similar to how roses relationship with her mother appears to me very influenced by the fact that theyre Mother & Daughter specifically)) but uh its a point to consider imo.
i just. i truly believe that like every other guardian he loves his baby brother. i also believe that hes never been taught how to properly express emotion, that hes basically a teenager when he finds dave, that he doesnt know what hes doing but he cant let it show because hes Too Cool for that, that hes been told that Men Are Tough and thats what he tries to teach dave albeit in an enterely wrong way ((i mean the idea itself is wrong but you get it)). basically i think he can be very interesting from what i know about him so far!! ill probably update this later on because theres no way were done with him or with any other beta guardian for that matter. but also i can understand perfectly why people wouldnt like him because he did basically abuse dave so.
tldr jurys still out with him but hes very interesting to me and im hoping that the story gives us any sort of explanation about why he is the way he is. i love sibling dynamics so im rotating him & dave in my brain 24/7 also i literally talked about this w my gf like 5 hours ago
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saintforan · 23 days
I’m genuinely curious what the other critters roles are in the holders au (especially who the Chloe or Lila might be).
alr this ones simple, imma list all of the (rest of the) critters and give them a role based in both in the og MLB series and the Holders AU
just to make it clear, all of the relatioships im talking about here take place before catnap joins the same hs as dogday, eventually they all (Except bubba) become friends between them
Craftycorn: Along with dogday shes an exchange student as well, but attends to a different HS, she's dogdays roomate and both get along very well, eventually from living together they become good friends. Crafty's role on this au would be Alya's on MLB, but without the ladyblog lol, on this universe crafty like alya is interested in the heroes that suddenly popped out of nowhere, and starts investigating about them out of curiosity, eventually she gets very invested in them and starts taking part of a magazine to talk about them both. She's gonna be the first to find out their identities too, she eventually connects the dots and guesses, but doesn't tell anyone
Kickin: He's childhood friends with dogday, but here they met online before dogday decided to move and study on the same country as him, They don't belong to the same HS neither, he goes to the same one as crafty and they become friends there. His role here would be Nino's on MLB, as he would become very close to catnap eventually (catnap got his second best friend yippeee), and also would end up dating crafty lol (kickincorn enthusiast)
Bobby: Bobby is childhood friends with hoppy, and she takes on luka's role on MLB as the good listener and good advice giver to dogday (no romance between them here) Her and Dogday don't exactly have a band, but them both enjoy playing music together (dd plays guitar, bobby plays bass and guitar too + she likes to sing) which made them close. They met bc of Kickin as him, bobby and hoppy were in the same elementary school and kept being good friends ever since.
Hoppy: Childhood friends with Bobby, doesnt take on any particular character's role, she was on a volleyball club with kickin on elementary school and they met there, she also works at the same bakery as dogday mostly to help piggy's family out and get paid for hanging out with friends LOL
(as a psa, theres feelings between the bear and the rabbit, they are GAY, but their relationship develops later on)
Piggy: You could say she in some way takes marinette's role here? but this marinette would not be ladybug here LOL, i stated before that dogday works part-time on a bakery, well piggy is the daughter of said bakery's owner, and she also attends the same hs as dogday and catnap, she became friends with dogday from him working there and going to the same hs as him, shes also best friends with bobby and hoppy and hang out tgt often as a trio
Bubba: This man takes on both lila and kagami's role here, but both would be against caatnap here. As i said before, prototypes an engeneer who owns a company, said company has a partnership with another one, and this company ceo's has a son, Bubba is that ceo's son, so he and catnap had met on multiple ocasions but dont get along that well (they hate each other's guts), as bubba's mindset is like prototype's and catnap is not that fond of his father lmao. When catnap gets sent to socialize, prototype asks his ceo pal to send his son and watch him so he doesn't slip away from his duties. His job is basically to keep catnap from getting away from his father lol, and so he makes his life difficult to achieve that.
the closest thing to a chloe here would be bubba? but they behave very differently so he reminds me more of lila, so i could say theres no chloe here at all, personally chloe's character is very non important to the series, her only role is to be the mean girl and maybe help akumatize some ppl, but overall the only good part about her was her redemption lol, but then they threw that away soo, nothing much to say abt her, i don't find having a Chloe here necessary at all
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prpfs · 4 months
⚔👑Hello, hello!! I recently got an idea something that Id love to be able to flesh out into a full on plot as well as world building alongside that with anyone that'd be interested in doing so! I'm 20+ so please also be 20+ if you interact with this post!
So! What I had in mind is MxM and involves the dynamic of a bounty hunter x a thief or something similiar along those lines, with my character being the bounty hunter. I'd love to have a sort of slow burn enemies to lovers thing going on with these two but it is not a requirement as depending on what exactly we come up with and decide to do might not allow for it to work, but if possible I would heavily prefer enemies to lovers for them.
Now, onto the idea itself! It is pretty simple at the moment, but here it is! Your character manages to steal something powerful, magical, precious from a just as powerful king (I'd love to be able to go further into what it is your character stole as well as his motives alongside you though if you already have ideas in mind for either or both, do not hesitate to let me know, I am all ears!) who, as a result, puts up an incredibly high bounty on your character to get the item back. Either this king hires my character specifically to go after yours or my character is a part of a sort of underground 'town' of bounty hunters that happen to hear of the new bounty put up for your character, of seemingly a life times worth of gold/jewels/whatever for who ever gets ahold of him and brings him back to the king both for the item he stole as well as to punish your oc for stealing it, promptly causing every one to disperse, all of the bounty hunters racing against each otherto get ahold of your oc and claim the reward from the king. I have a slight preference for this world bring a sort of being fantasy-ish leaning as my guy dabbles in magic and potions in general as well as to use for combat and would love to discuss the rules of this potential fantasy world though I dont mind swapping that out for something else if youd prefer something more realistic leaning if youd prefer! On the topic of my oc, he does have some lore and backstory already that I will share with you in DMs when we get down to talking about characters, though we do not have to include it here as it might not flow well with what ever we decide for our plot.
I know this is a little bit bare bones right now but I am hoping to as i said work out all the finer details of it all and build the world these two reside in alongside you.
As I mentioned, I am thinking of a sort of enemies to lovers kind of thing mixed with a whole lot of angsts, miscommunications, and conflicting feelings given the fact that these two are on opposing sides and arent supposed to be catching feelings let alone be together. As I also mentioned, I am really wanting this to be slow burn! i want these two at each others throats at the start, maybe something happens between them that changes this or maybe it is just a slow transition into something else, I am absolutely down to discuss how we go about this and how we get these two there!
All of that being said, none of this is set in stone and I'd be happy to adjust any part of my idea or hear out any ideas you may want to add or change so absolutely dont feel shy, let me know! I want to create all of this together so we can make something the both of us will have fun with and enjoy. I feel theres plenty of different ways to go about all of this and i think it'd be interesting to explore them! Maybe our ocs have a bit of a 'history' together with a sort of cat and mouse kind of dynamic going on, my oc constantly trying to catch yours while yours is a mix of trying to take mine out and/or getting away but both always manage to slip tight past each others grasps yet their paths always seem to end up crossing again soonee or later, maybe over time they both end up developing a love for the thrill and the adrenaline that comes from the chase, both wondering when theyll see each other next, maybe even looking forward to the next time their paths cross again. Maybe the king isn't a good person and originally stole the item for his own personal gain, pretending the item was his and your oc is stealing it back to return it to its rightful owner, along the way getting my oc to realize the king isn't what he seems and eventually gets my oc to join his side. Maybe your oc is the one stealing the item for his own personal gain and your oc simply tries to corrupt mine and get him to join your oc that way. Maybe they somehow get stuck together and are forced into a situation where they have to work togrther to survive and along the way see that the other isn't so bad. Those are just a few ideas that come to mind for what we could do with our guys but im absolutely up for hearing any ideas you may have as well or even mixing ideas together too!! Id also absolutely love to add in the classic "i didnt know where else to go" trope somewhere into our plot, however this is also not a requirement by any means, i just think itd be fun to do if our plot allows for it!
Im not actively looking for NSFW but I have absolutely no problem with it as long as we discuss everything beforehand! Do keep in mind though that I prefer plot and world building over smut so if it is something we decide to include, Id prefer build up and slow burn. Just let me know what you're feeling and we can discuss everything in DMs.
I tend to be very literate, I can very easily fill up 2 or more discord messages in response due to the fact that I very much enjoy writing out atmosphere and what my characters thoughts/feelings are in any given moment and while I slightly do prefer that you be the same or atleast similiar, this is is not a requirement or a deal breaker if you aren't! I will always do my best to mirror you. All I really ask for is no one liners please! I lose interest very quickly with one liners.
For the most part I dont mind what you use to describe your characters, all I ask is that you be okay with descriptions as on my end that is what i will be using for my character (atleast for now, I plan on drawing him eventually when I've got the time) and that what ever you use isn't something ai generated as it makes me uncomfortable, sorry!
My response times are fairly laid back, more relaxed, especially if our replies are on the longer end of things. That being said, it should be pretty consistent and I will do my best to let you know of any times where I will be unavailable or busy!
If you've made it this far, thank you so so much for taking the time to reading my ad! This will be on discord! Like this post and I will reach out. Hope to hear from you soon!
give a like and anon will get back to you
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caterpillarinacave · 1 year
"Send me a character" Matthew and Alastair.
favorite thing about them
Matthew is genuinely hilarious. Very fruity. Would leave my drink with him at a bar. He’s a very genuine person, and his banter with just about everyone is one of the most entertaining parts of TLH. 
least favorite thing about them
Mmm, I don't know? I really like him in the book, however I’m not sure how I’d get along with him in real life. He’s very… loud. 
Naturally, James.
Idk, Matthew x Therapy? Matthew x Relaxing?
Probably Matthew x Alastair. For one thing, Thomastair is forever and ever, for another I just don't like it. 
random headcanon
Matthew was one of those kids who just really wanted to be held. Or, rather he just wants to be a part of whats going on. Frankly, that worked out pretty well for him, as he could usually just sit with his father, or cling to an aunt or uncle. Spent half the time he was supposed to be in bed as a little kid trying to get into his parents room, because how is anyone supposed to sleep in a room all alone??? What if he missed something fun and important in the morning??? If hes a whole ten feet away, then who knows what adventures he might miss out on in the thirty seconds it takes him to cross the hallway? Travesty! 
 Yeah, he usually ended up back in his own room. 
unpopular opinion
I really don't want Cassie to put him in a relationship. I would much prefer if he had his healing without getting into a romantic situation. Personally, I like to believe he was the token single family member for several decades, then met a guy once he was like, 40, then went and lived on a beach somewhere. Living his best life. 
song i associate with them
I've actually got a playlist on him ___ . But Icarus by Bastille, and Shampain by Marina and the Diamonds leap to mind. 
favorite picture of them
Could not for the LIFE OF ME find the source, but I’m pretty sure this is by Cassandra Jean. If anyones got the source please, let me know. 
 I know this is James and Matthew arguing, but the lighting? The color? The expressions? Love it. 
Tumblr media
favorite thing about them
He's just so pleasantly cynical. He definitely feels like someone you might meet IRL. His sibling role mixing with the “stand in father figure” is very interesting, and its very apparent throughout the books how much he genuinely, dearly, loves his family. His almost deadpan demeanor is straight up hilarious, and the thinly veiled romantic interest in Thomas, that very quickly turns into “lets have sex in this carriage” is a highlight of TLH.
least favorite thing about them
Uh, I don't know, he's a pretty solid character. Not much I don't like about him. 
He and Cordelia are sibling super besties. She'd die for him, he'd die for her. Broskis. Besties. Love each other. Sibling goals. 
Thomastair, naturally. 
Well, anyone who isn't Thomas. 
random headcanon
He cant cook for shit. He tried once, and did something simple successfully, which lulled him into a false sense of security. Thomas took him to a suite in London for a sort of honeymoon and Alastair tried to live out his aesthetic dreams by cooking. Pan is on fire. Apartment is on fire. Apartment building is on fire. The poor mundane police who can't really tell what's going on, but something feels super weird? On fire. Thomas decides he will do any future cooking. 
unpopular opinion
Alastair was in the wrong in Nothing But Shadows, and Matthew wasn't in the wrong for not wanting to like him. I see a lot of people on tumblr talk about how it's ridiculous that Matthew is mad at Alastair years later, because it's like “being mad at someone for a jab in highschool”. But the thing is it really isn't. This was Edwardian england. Theres few things more offensive than directly insulting your close family. On top of that, the shadhowhunter gossip chain (which, at that moment, involved Alastair.) was spitting directly on everything both Henry and Charlotte had ever done, and boy all boy did they do a lot. I genuinely have trouble thinking of anything Alastair could say that is worse than this.
 Obviously,  I love Alastair as much as everyone else. His behavior during his time at the shadowhunter academy is nothing more than a traumatized adolescent trying to make sense of the world. 
However, that doesn't mean he wasn't super out of line. Personally if I was Matthew, Alastair would have to grovel for my forgiveness, and even then I wouldn't be interested in forging a very close relationship.
song i associate with them
Actually got a playlist almost done for him, but “Gossip” by manskin nails his cynical, early tlh vibe and Iris by the Goo Goo Dolls is a Thomastair song from Alastairs POV fr. 
favorite picture of them
(Closest to original post I can find, the blog that first posted this doesnt seem to exist anymore https://theredcarstairs.tumblr.com/post/612828735833505792/tea-time .) Technically this is both Alastair and Cordelia, but nonetheless, its one of my favs. This or that one where Thomas and Alastair are staring at each other with nothing short of adoration. 
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waywardsalt · 5 months
Have you ever thought about how Linebeck describes Jolene as "crazier than a rabid squid"- only to then be possessed by a literal rabid squid later in the game?
Cause I sure have- especially after seeing a lot of your BellumxLinebeck stuff
mmmmghmm im gonna be honest i haven't thought about it much at all
linking it to my bellum x linebeck thoughts, im not too sure what to make of it in context with my other linebeck notes and w/e
there's also my idea that linebeck has a special interested in shellfish and by extension squids, and the idea of him having a weird thing for bellum, and just... enjoying sealife, and it's kinda of...
he compares her to a rabid squid to link in order to i think... offer a shorthand explanation of what she's like, and i think it (with some other stuff) is kinda just another little peek into how he might feel abt her?
i mean he also compares link to a dog in that one letter? i'm not sure where im going with that one. i dont think linebeck particularly likes dogs
i'm not sure abt the link between that and him getting possessed, jolene is kind of just... there a lot of the time and doesn't really do anything except 1) show that linebeck has enemies and 2) show that people know about link's quest by the end, linebeck generally references sea creatures a few times in ph
relating to bellum x linebeck, i dont see him comparing jolene to a squid an indicator of anything in relation to that, with linebeck having a thing for bellum its more of like. there's a lot of complicated ideas i have with what goes on between them during bellumbeck and bellum being a squid thing is more linebeck having a bit of a monsterfucker streak and having a bit of a thing for like. being tied up. as for literal squids he kinda just likes them as food and to dissect and learn about
like i think 'rabid squid' is more like linebeck just tossing out some derogatory shorthand to explain how he thinks of jolene as some fucking. violent annoyance he has to deal with that he doesn't fully understand
tbh i see the comparison but imo it comes down to a difference in characters and interactions and histories, there is the rabid squid thing (and i think in the manga too theres a vague parallel drawn ig) but im not. sure. what there is there just beyond. linebeck talks about sea creatures and wants to get the fuck away from jolene
i'm not entirely certain what you've been thinking about with that comparison, but i haven't been thinking much about it and it's kinda. eh ig???? its something
#asks#musicncomics#like im gonna be real jolene is a character i do everything i can to avoid half of the time#im not too sure what your thoughts on this are but i can tell you like jolene leagues more than i do so like. idk#idk i have a hard time talking abt jolene bc i Do Not like her so im not really sure beyond this stuff its just. idk#bellum also isnt a literal squid like looking at actual squids the most comparisons are surface level and dont work too deeply#he kinda just looks like one at first glance but 1) doesnt line up well enough and 2) we dont have enough info on him anyways#hes more a reference to a squid than an actual squid bc there is the reference to sperm whales and giant squids fucking hating each other#but while oshus is literal whale bellum is like. some thing in the shape of a squid#im not sure what parallels oyu can draw between the jolene thing and bellum thing. if anything theyre opposites?#w/ jolene its like things got so bad (or w/e) that he just robbed her n fucked off and she decided that was enough to warrant murder#while with bellum things get so good (w/ link and co) that he risks his life for em and is turned against them for it?#tbh this kinda comes down to me having a pretty negative bias against jolene and. that ship. so yeah sorry#im not gonna give this any main tags or anything this is way too far off the beaten path and kinda negative#idk i hc linebeck as gay and a lot of other linebeck hcs just kinda. suggest that he kinda had a really shit time w/ jolene#i dont like her im trying to figure that shit out so i can be like. fair at least in how i write her but i dont like her#salty talks#sorry that i keep tearing away from the rabid squid thing but its like a minefield when i try to talk abt anything w/ jolene#theres not a ton of parallels or like shared themes or w/e and its just too dissimilar in little ways that its just. a thing#ill add this in a few hours later idk if youll see jt but like. i can go in depth and discuss stuff#in dms like im fine with that its just weird in posts bc like tagging and my thoughts are a mess#like if you wanna elaborate on your thoughts thats fine
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spamtonology · 1 year
Hii ive been lately thinking alot about spamton and how he views any romantic relationships, and dont get me wrong, i do myself like few spamton ships alot, but i think that spamton probably never had an actual experience with any romantic feelings in canon, or will in near future
Back in his addison and big shot days, he probably was too busy calculating, selling, and speaking to his phone friend to actually ever consider liking anyone, like yeah probably few Swatchlings made him go like 😮😮😮😮😮 and he was flirting with ladies (or maybe Even queen) on any types of parties, but in reality i dont think he ever truly thought about anyone in romantic way, yes he did think about being in relationship, but never got Close enough with anyone to actually concider it, because he had other goals to do first
And i dont think current spamton is any better, hes wayyyy too mentally unstable to be in a relationship, the only thing he really cares about at the moment is NEO, and hes way too much detached from reality, he would either have very bad sudden episode and run away from his "loved one" or use them to get to neo. Like i get all the "take spamton home take care of him" fics are made mainly for fluff, but spamton isnt really in his right mind after his downfall, and honestly that would certainly lead to very unhealthy relationship, where one is using another for his own needs and other one is treating him like a child/pet not knowing how to handle him
(But well, theres also post canon possibilities, but we have no idea how story can go and can only form headcanons for that, but if you'd like i would be very happy to write my own interpretation later ^__^)
I would love to hear others take on this idea too because When i first thought about it i was like omg thats actually not a bad idea. And wanted to share it but i was kinda shy lol
I don't know what you're trying to ask? If you have a blog of your own you could post this in the tag, don't worry about being shy, I understand. You wanted my opinion on the idea so I will discuss it.
Just a disclaimer, a lot of this is going to be headcanon on what I believe his life was like in the stages prior to canon. You are free to disagree with my headcanon as it's not correct, only my interpretation.
I think as an Addison he was relatively isolated and lonely (despite being with the other Addisons often...you can be in a friend group and still feel left out, I've been there), and often hammed up his own personality and ego to try to get attention and to stand out. He did develop a sort of insecurity complex as a result. He might have shown some interest/attraction to potential customers, but it never went anywhere beyond that, and his fellow Addisons would always catch their attention before he could anyway.
As a Big Shot, he's incredibly busy and overworked and stressed despite his otherwise luxurious new life, but masked it with unhealthy coping mechanisms, which didn't work well for him at all. He could seem outwardly charismatic and talkative to outsiders, but on the inside he would be struggling severely with himself, just a constant downward spiral until he finally snapped. In terms of relationships, he probably sought after people he thought he could trust his secrets with, namely Swatch if the Q&A is anything to go by. Queen's close proximity and party-going nature probably helped a lot with Spamton's forming of relationships even if it was probably confined to the mansion...Spamton to me feels like the type of guy who wanted to impress Queen as much as possible and show how truly good he is at his job, only later developing feelings for her and doubling down on that. Swatch is a special case, but I think his relationship with Swatchlings was more of mild intimidation that he tried to play off as disinterest/seeing the Swatchlings as, well, underlings.
I do not think it's fair to say he is too "mentally unstable" to be in a relationship...That almost feels insulting to him. I think I remember having a similar opinion before rescinding it because I realized it could be ableist. I think he is not completely detached from reality as this was the case with Jevil, rather I believe he is all too aware of the reality he is in and denies it vehemently so it may come off as being detached from reality in that context.
You are right that Spamton’s current character could lead to a tumultous and unhealthy relationship, but it doesn’t have to be that way. I really do not like the implication you made that it would be like trying to take care of a child or pet, but maybe I am misinterpreting your words. Many fanfictions do portray that sort of relationship which I detest and try to avoid at all costs. “Taking care of” Spamton is like taking care of an adult man with a history of severe mental illness. There are no fluffy cats or chubby babies here. That doesn’t mean fluff isn’t allowed, however. I absolutely love fluff with Spamton, and seriously mentally ill people do deserve respect and love like any other person. It’s just very important for me to make the distinction between this and taking care of a child or pet as it comes off as infantilizing and dehumanizing mental illness.
(Addendum that he is also a fictional character in a fantasy series and you can technically do whatever you want, but to many fans he hits close to home as well, and many mentally ill fans who relate to him probably wouldn’t want to be treated like a child or a pet either. When you are saying he is too mentally unstable to be loved, or that he must be taken care of like a child or pet, it might come off to other people that this is how you feel about mentally ill people, regardless of your intent.)
I apologize if I sound sour tonight, and may have misunderstood anything you said, please do clarify. I would like to hear your post-canon interpretations anyhow, even if I might disagree with them (and we can agree to a civil discussion, yes?)
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ridiasfangirlings · 2 years
theres this south park episode where two kids get shipped by some asian girls and the whole town of south park starts shipping them too, so they fake a break up so everyone will leave them alone but it backfires bc one of them is a lil too good at acting and accidentally makes everyone believe the other guy cheated on him. The whole town becomes depressed and at the end they get back together to make everyone happy again, so like imagine that but with sarumi lol I had a south park phase a couple of months ago, I'm sorry. It's from the episode "tweek x Craig" btw!
Somehow I imagine this happening post-ROK, where all the clans assume Yata and Fushimi are dating (and they would be correct on that). Like say Yata and Fushimi have been spending more and more time together as they start becoming friends again and maybe they are actually crushing on each other but neither one is able to admit it. Of course their respective clans have noticed that they're spending all this time together and they all support this relationship, like the S4 boys know that Fushimi's been interested in Yata all this time and they think it's wonderful that he and Yata have finally gotten together. One day Doumyouji and Hidaka are visiting Bar Homra and Fushimi happens to stop by to pick Yata up, after they leave Hidaka says it's nice they finally hooked up. The Homra guys are like wait they finally hooked up, no one said anything to us. Hidaka's like isn't it obvious and thinking about it the Homra boys have to agree, like yeah they do spend a lot of time together and Yata seems way happier now that he and Fushimi aren't enemies, I guess they're finally dating.
The rumor even gets over to the Silvers and now three clans are shipping it. Yata finds out when one of the Homra guys accidentally lets it slip that they're all supporting him, Yata's like wait supporting me in what and the Homra guys are like you and your relationship with Fushimi. At the same time Fushimi overhears some of the S4 alphabet talking about him dating Yata and he wonders if Yata told them something. Yata calls him right about this time and they meet up to talk about it, Yata's like yeah I don't know why everyone thinks we're dating, giving this weak laugh and maybe also trying to not very subtly find out if Fushimi is, like, into this idea because Yata might be. Unfortunately since this is an emotion thing Fushimi absolutely misses Yata's not subtle hints and instead takes this as Yata admitting that he isn't interested in Fushimi at all and Fushimi figures well why would he be of course he only wants to be friends it was stupid of Fushimi to hope otherwise. Fushimi says it's annoying that everyone keeps gossiping and Yata's like 'I guess...we could break up?'. Fushimi shrugs and is like yeah I guess we could, it would make everyone leave us alone. Yata's like all right cool so we can like break up in front of everyone and then go on being just friends. Fushimi's like right just friends. Yata smiles all totally just friends nothing else and Fushimi agrees, just friends.
So a couple days later Homra and S4 have a mission together and when the mission is over Yata and Fushimi put their plan into motion and have a fake fight (somehow I imagine this fools everyone except Munakata, who's already been in this rodeo so to speak). They 'break up' in front of everyone and separate, Yata sending Fushimi a text afterward just to remind him that this was all fake because he is a bit worried about Fushimi taking things personally. Fushimi texts back that he knows that but maybe he really is somewhat gloomy because this is just a reminder that Yata won't ever love him. Unfortunately the squad have been around him long enough that they can tell Fushimi is extra gloomy and now they assume Yata must have broken his heart. Doumyouji idly comments that didn't one of the things Yata said sound kinda like he cheated on Fushimi-san and this immediately gets the rumor mill going, eventually Yata walks into Bar Homra to see everyone glaring at him and even Chitose is like seriously Yata cheating isn't cool.
Yata wants to walk the whole thing back now because he's tired of being called a cheater and anyway doesn't it seem like everyone's in a bad mood now that we 'broke up.' Fushimi clicks his tongue all are you trying to get me to take you back, being mostly sarcastic but Yata's like actually I think I am. Fushimi gives him this acid look like I'm not going to be your fake boyfriend Misaki and Yata gives this nervous cough as he's like 'well...what if you were my real boyfriend?'. Fushimi freezes and Yata ends up admitting all his feelings, that he was actually really happy when he thought Fushimi might want to really date him and he didn't want to ruin their friendship but he's been in love with Fushimi since middle school even if it took a super long time to realize it. Fushimi eventually admits his own feelings too, they kiss and agree to 'get back together.' Yata's like and you'll tell everyone I didn't cheat right and Fushimi gets this wicked grin as he's like I don't know, maybe you need to make it up to me first.
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I’m trying to keep up with everything, with how long these posts are, so i’ve written down some thoughts/feelings as I read though the email. Because of the length of this post, i’m putting this under a readmore. 
Dr. Seward’s entry part 1
I’m not sure how to word this, but I do dislike how Dr. Seward didn’t think it fit to introduce Reinfield to the others until he suggested it. Its very dehumanizing, that he doesn’t’ quite consider him a person. Or at least worthy of the same respect as a person. Time era and all that, but its still something that happens today. So its disgusting, but it feels important that this be written that way. A reminder of what people go though.
-I do feel that Dr. Seward is right though to hold off on release. Reinfield is acting like how Dr. Seward considers sane people to act, in order to appeal to being released. However, we’ve already seen him repeatedly escape, and behave in ways that are outright dangerous to others around him. Early on with the fly-spider-bird-Theoretical Kitten chain, and later on with attacking the people who where transporting materials, and Dr. Seward himself.
-The fact is he’s also been changing his personality/mood a lot. Going from loving certain things to having no interest in them a short time later. Presumably Dracula is also involved in some manner, but that IS something I feel Dr. Seward is correct in being concerned about.
-I also think its interesting to note that Dr. Seward felt it surprising after the fact, for Van Helsing to talk to Reinfiled as a equal. Again, dehumanizing, but I still feel that this is important to know. Dr. Seward really doesn’t consider people in his asylem to be equal to himself or other sane people. Which is despicable.
-I find it interesting that He says he’s not free to speak. It’s quite possible that Renfield legitimately wants to help in the fight against Dracula, but cannot. All he can really do is ask for trust/mercy, but at the same time he’s proven himself untrustworthy and dangerous by his past actions.
-The fact that Reinfield wants out so badly,  that he’s willing to leave in heavy restraints and with guards, does make me think theres definitely something going on that he legitimately cannot express, despite his great desires to do so. That being so close to Dracula’s home, or at least one of the places he rests in?
This was a painful chapter to read. I feel bad for Renfield, though I fully understand why Dr. Seward couldn’t exactly release him immediately.
John’s Journal:
-I do find it interesting to note how these people are still trying to do right. At least, they think/consider themselves doing right to Renfield, which is incredibly important I think. They might /are actively making mistakes which makes this a interesting read, but ultimately they aren’t acting out of ‘lets just be mean to this person intentionally”.
-oof. More dehumanization (Comparing/thinking reinfield as similar to the Rats and Wolves. Though I don’t think dracula ever controlled Rats. Bats, maybe)
-This scene of storming the castle is incredibly intense and I love it. I love every part of it! I love how he seams to be seeing Dracula-and perhaps there is some actual magic here that’s causing the effect.
-Okay Dracula is probably controlling the Rats.
-Authur: I know EXACTLY what to do. *Summons several tiny dogs*
(For any sort of context, Terriers are a type of dogs bred to hunt rats. Any Terrier dog likely was intended to help hunt those rats, be it a Border Terrier, a Scottish Terrier, or a West Highland White Terrier. The largest Terrier is the Airedale one that stands about 23 inches tall from foot to shoulder. The smallest, the Yorkshire terrier, is only about six or seven inches tall. Though this might be do to modern breeding standards /a practice of making dogs smaller hten they should be.)
-interesting that the dogs froze up at a certain wall, but once they passed the wall they could follow their instincts to Destroy the Rats.
-So i’m pretty sure they just stole some random people’s dogs But I guess all’s fair in the War against Dracula.
-JOHN WHY ARE YOU. Sigh. Clearly they are really bad at protecting Mina, and I feel Dracula is definitely at least going after her, since thats what dracula does. he knows Mina is cared for by these people who have made him their enemey.
Dr. Seward PArt 2:
—I do like how Van Helsing wants to learn more about Renfield.
Mina Harker’s journal:
-Poor mina. being kept out of the loop is horrible, but she can’t really complain. That she’s not able too. She just trusts Jonathan will tell her eventually, and I believe he would.
-Oh, mina feels so guilty. :(. poor Mina!
-Wow. Again this is a fantastic horror novel, and I feel so scared reading this. I feel so bad for Mina: and lucy must have felt similar.
John’s Journal Part 2:
-And so the quest for hunting documents begins! or continues!
-I just had a flashback to a certain commercial and I wonder if that commercial/company is related to the Carfax in this book.
-The doctors refusing to know about the quest for paperwork is interesting too-and that Jon thinks hiding from danger is a good thing. Its a very easy mindset to get into: a wrong one, but an easy one to get into.
Dr. Seward Part 3?
-Souls and Life are apparently DIFFERENT and this feels important. Seeing that Dracula is a threat against the soul.
-I kind of wonder if Renfield’s lonely. He does seam to know more then he lets on (considering he apparently knew Arthur’s father. and I imagine he must have freinds/people who care about  him.)
-A little more mad science form Seward. He does sometimes do cruelty in order for ‘the better good’. But the better good isn’t really his to judge. And i’m not sure that its a bad thing he’s asking these questions/pushing him a bit. Is life connected to the soul, also feels like a interesting thematic question for the book.
-More dehumanizing, but this time also equating him to a child. It’s kind of disgusting, and while I know its impossible, I’d still like to hope he’d learn to be better.
-drinking seams to be a concerning word. Perhaps tied to what Dracula is doing or influencing.
-you know, I don’t think Renfield WANTS to help Dracula. He’s actively being controlled/influenced, but I think he legitimately wants to find some way to fight against him and what he’s doing, with how he’s iritated and afraid, and doesn’t know what to do since he has such little power anyway.
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