#I love putting small little details into my art hehehe
doctorsiren · 3 months
your most recent au is making me implode/pos
you're so horrible for this girl/lh
hehe thank you
Did you notice that Metis’s phone number (310) 107-2020 is the most common LA area code plus the date that she is supposed to die? :)
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maaarshieee · 1 year
Okay so: How about giving Wanderer, Pantalone, Dottore and Alhaitham flowers 👀
Pick some flowers for them. What's their reaction? Put them in their hair too. Make them a flower crown!
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⎯⎯ ୨ Flowers For You! (HCs) ୧ ⎯⎯
ੈ♡˳ Alhaitham, Dottore, Pantalone & Wanderer x Gn!Reader *ೃ༄
ੈ♡˳ Masterlist *ೃ༄
author's note ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
THEY'RE INFESTING MY MIND RN,, THEY'RE ALL SKRUNKLIES,, ty for the request this is ... so soft... omg,,, FINALLY NEW BANNER FOR WANDERER BC OF THAT BDAY ART HEHEHE,, ok i might've had brain rotted too hard on pantalone esp bc the song "call out my name" came up from my playlist while writing him..... have a good day/night!! <33 oh! noticed were mutuals,, got an emoji for ur mutual tag ?? hehe,,
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ cw: canon typical violence, longer than i anticipated, injuries, made up flowers on wanderer's part
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"What are you doing?"
"Decorating!" Was your only reply.
Inside the library that Alhaitham often resides in, with piles of books on his table, legs crossed as he read peacefully, you stood behind him, hands raking through his silky hair.
A while ago, you entered the library with a bright smile on your face, a bunch of flowers gathered in your arms. Alhaitham was pleased with your sudden visit, even if his outward appearance was of annoyance, choosing to 'ignore' your existence instead.
Huffing humorously at his attitude, you greeted him cheerfully, giving him a quick peck on the cheek (where he subtly leaned his body to the side to chase your lips for a longer kiss) before placing down the flowers you'd freshly picked from the forest during your forest ranger patrols.
You often brought him flowers after finishing your patrols, always dropping them wherever he was so he'd usually be walking home with a bouquet in his hands. He didn't particularly mind, in fact, he absolutely cherished them, especially when you always put so much thought and effort into them.
Each day you bring a new bouquet, they'd be bundled in different shades of green crepe paper, ribbons, and various designs you could think of, and you do it all by yourself. Even so far refusing opinions from others, pouring all your creativity and adoration for him into each bouquet. You even pick a diverse variation of flowers that would mix and match, then you would list off the meanings of each flower, its anatomy and the role plays in the ecosystem, basically info dumping him.
And each time, Alhaitham would close his book, leaving a bookmark on the page he was reading, and turn his head to you, listening to every word you say and even engaging in a deep conversation with you about biology. In each conversation, each discussion, he learns something new about plants, and he's able to bask in your loving presence, watching your hands fluidly move with your words, noticing the way the corners of your eyes crinkle from the big grin on your face. It's always the tiniest details that warm Alhaitham's heart.
But today was a little different, he supposes. As soon as you got close to where he sat, he took note that you hadn't brought him a bouquet this time, which earned you a raised brow from him. All you responded with was a small mischievous smirk on your lips as you put down the flowers you had gathered that day onto a chair next to him and got behind his back.
Alhaitham hadn't expected you to visit him that day since he had told you he'd be pretty busy, that's why he had a lot more books on his table than usual. And yet here you are, with a plan brewing inside your pretty little head that Alhaitham would just have to let himself fall victim to. It was distracting, sure, but it's you.
So he didn't tell you off and instead allowed you to bury your fingers into his hair, tenderly massaging his scalp and running your hands through his fluffy hair, softly humming a tune near his ear. Soon, you began to put flowers into his hair, playing with his hair and silently giggling behind him.
All the while Alhaitham immersed himself in the books he read, not minding your pestering one bit. As long as you didn't completely distract him from reading, he would let this (and many others things) slide.
From there, you compared Alhaitham to a cat, holding back a snort at the comparison. Whenever you pulled your hands away from his head, he would chase your touch subconsciously, yearning for more. When you still your hands in his hair, he would turn his head to look at you questioningly, an unimpressed glint in his eyes.
And while Alhaitham hasn't spoken a single word after the question he had asked a few moments ago, you could tell that he was enjoying this more than he could let on. His tense muscles had relaxed, leaning back on his chair and, from time to time, you'd catch his eyes flutter close before he'd blink to pull himself out of his sleepiness, he even had a small tugging at the corners of his lips.
He didn't make a move to take out the flowers you had put into his hair once he got up from his seat, returning the books from their respective shelves. Internally chuckling at the image of the blank-faced scribe walking around with flowers littered in his hair, you decided to play nice and reached up to his hair to remove them.
Only for your hands to be swatted away by Alhaitham and receive a halfhearted glare from your dearest lover.
It was quite endearing that Alhaitham did not give a care to anyone who saw him with a head full of flowers, and hair a little messy from all your playing and rubbing, but he ignored their stares, his eyes only focused on you as you walked side by side back to your shared home.
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"Hey, Dottie," Hearing your voice from the doorway of his personal office, Dottore paid you no mind and continued to write on his whiteboard with a few other segments behind him. A few segments gave you a brief glance, before returning to the tasks they were assigned with. "Hey Dot, Dottie, Dotdot," You continued annoyingly, listing away all the nicknames you could think of at the top of your head, getting more absurd when you're slowly running out of ideas.
With a sigh, finally popped back the cap of his marker and turned to look at you, only to see you holding a bunch of baskets in your hands and... 2 of his segments holding similar baskets but with flower crowns on their heads. Truly, what a sight to see. You hailed all the way from a couple nations you had to stop by for your mission only to come back and immediately cause some shenanigans inside his laboratory.
Dottore couldn't help the sigh that escaped his lips once again as he started walking toward you, eyeing the flower baskets the 3 of you held that were filled to the brim with various flora he was quite familiar with. Letting you put down the baskets on a table, he turned his head to the 2 segments trailing behind your back with a scowl on his face. "You may leave," He orders, before adding. "And take those off."
To his surprise, they hesitated to follow his order, hands froze in midair as if they were contemplating whether to obey or not. Now that greatly irked the Doctor, seeing that 2 of his creations had the gall to not obey right away in front of him, only to be calmed down by you by putting a hand on his shoulder. "Oh c'mon, leave them be. They're just flower crowns, let them have it." You reasoned, gesturing to the 2 segments to move along while Dottore had his attention on you.
With a smirk taking over your features, your hands settled on your hips when you jerked your head in the direction of the baskets you had brought proudly. "Besides, I got you a lot more." Dottore narrowed his eyes at you, dismissing the other segments present inside his office more, taking a few steps closer to you, arms crossed. "What exactly are these?"
You passed a basket to him and he took it, observing the contents of it before widening his eyes slightly, hands now caressing the leaves and petals of the flora you've brought to him. "My recent mission had me running around Teyvat for a bit, so I grabbed everything I could." You explained, eyeing one corner of his office. It had pictures of flora he needed for his experiments, a definitive list of everything he wanted that are plant-based to set a project onward and help with his research. "Be it mythical, illegal, rarest of the rare, or the most expensive, nothing escaped me."
A big, maniacal grin soon blossomed on his face as he further examined the multiple baskets, small giggles emitting from him here and there. Satisfied at his reaction, you proudly crossed your arms and your smirk grew. "My my, whatever is the reason you've become so generous?"
With a mere shrug, you walked behind him, laying your chin on his shoulder as you watched him eagerly sort through the flora you'd given him. "Just wanted to further our research, is all," At that, his movements paused and his grin faltered, head turning to look at you. You blinked at him, before realizing what you'd just said.
"Well, also because I wanted to spoil my dearest partner." You tried to save yourself, though it was the actual truth. Dottore seemed to think your words over, before menacingly smiling at you. "Oh, so they get one of those and not me?" Was he serious? You stared at him incredulously. Well, you guess you couldn't blame him. You mistakenly had told him the gift you had prepared for him was simply for your experiments, not for him.
But you couldn't help it. You let out a small, breathless chuckle before digging your hands inside one of the baskets that held flora that isn't much required for your experiments and began to work for your hands. Dottore watched you while you twisted the stems of each flora, organizing the petals and making them look as pretty as you could, tying them up neatly.
Dottore had pursed his lips as he observed, his expression growing sour when he peeked outside of his office to see a majority of the segments outside had flower crowns on their heads. They all seemed to be containing the joy they had upon receiving a flower crown, while the unlucky ones that doesn't have any were sulking and glaring at the luckier segments.
It seemed to upset Dottore, even more, to see he's one of the unlucky ones, unintentionally beginning to sulk like the rest of them. You had to hold back your laughter when you saw a big frown on his face, eyeing angrily at his segments but you opted to explain yourself to avoid his wrath.
"I thought you'd be satisfied enough with all the stuff I got you, so I didn't make you a flower crown." You said, earning Dottore's attention once more as you kept adding the prettiest flowers you could get your hands on, "I'd imagine you wouldn't want others to see you with such things on you so..." Finalizing the flower crown you made just for him, you turned to face him once more, a sheepish smile on your lips.
"But I suppose I was wrong, making my lover feel jealous." Dottore scowled at your words, opening his mouth to deny it but you just shot him an amused look, presenting him with the flower crown. Compared to the ones you've made for the segments, you put a lot of thought into the flower crown you made for him. It wasn't as messy, considering that you were frequently on the run during your mission whilst you made them.
"I'm sorry my love... Is this enough to earn your forgiveness?" Gently placing the flower crown on his head, pulling back a strand of his hair behind his ear. You then gave him your best puppy eyes on him, knowing full well that it wouldn't work on him. Despite this face, you still liked doing it, putting your hands on his chest.
Dottore didn't speak, only cupping your cheek with his gloved hand. He didn't like the fact that he has a flower crown on his head, but he suppose that he could tolerate it just for you since you made it for him after all. Since it was an act of seeking forgiveness.
How thoughtful of his lover. To bring him so many important materials for his research and make him a flower crown. And you easily got the message that he had forgiven you when he pressed a small, fleeting kiss on your forehead.
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The Regrator has it all. He is rich, very rich, so of course, he does. So you can't help but feel a tad insecure whenever you think about giving him something.
You? A mere adventurer who does commissions for a living and even often helps the people around you for free?
How do flowers you've picked while you were doing commissions in a different region compete with the literal huge gardens Pantalone has at the mansions he has all over Teyvat? Every time he brings you to one of his 'vacation homes', you always find yourself lost in the beautiful paradise of flora that he owns.
It's the thought that counts, you argue with yourself. While it's true, it doesn't stop you from hesitating whether to even give the bouquet you've prepared for your dearest lover. Maybe you shouldn't have if you were being honest. Pantalone, in your eyes, was the embodiment of elegance.
He was gorgeous; the smile that's always etched on his lips makes your palms sweat, especially when they're always so genuine whenever they're directed at you. Skin fair, face as refined as smoothed jade. His expression was a balanced mix of sharp frostiness and a polite gleam of warmth, both authoritative and welcoming.
Immaculate and pristine clothing could only be worn, from his coat, gloves, and even the material of his glasses; all were top quality and handmade by professionals amongst professionals. With each calculated step, his entire being is the epitome of wealth.
So who were you to sully the beauty he has with simple flowers that you've handpicked from the forests you've roamed in? Sure, you've cleaned them as much as you could, but giving him flowers that weren't grown in quality gardens- you'd be ruining his image!
Clutching the DIY bouquet you've organized the flowers in, you almost sank to your knees as you continued to mull over your decisions, sulking right in front of Pantalone's office door. It has been 20 minutes since you arrived and the guards stationed near his office have been pitifully glancing at your predicament.
Just as you were about to take a step back and throw the bouquet you'd made, deciding to just do more commissions and earn more mora (and not use the mora he kept giving you) to buy him something more presentable and pleasing to the eye, Pantalone opened the door.
You froze in your spot, but the grip on the bouquet you held tightened to the point it would've been broken. Pantalone was shocked to see you just standing motionlessly at his door, not expecting you to have you back so soon.
Immediately, Pantalone's expression softened and his smile widened. His shoulders relaxed and his body felt lighter just at the mere sight of you, and the feeling of laughter bubbling up his chest when he saw your stupefied face.
You fought the urge to bolt or throw the flowers in your hands to an unsuspecting guard and pretend as if nothing had happened. You stood your ground, no matter how hard your heart was beating against your ribcage when his eyes traveled down, catching sight of the bouquet.
Pantalone's face evidently brightened at the sight of it, the corners of his lips curving upwards. "For me?" He says in a fond tone as his hands reached for the bouquet, but you instinctively flinch back, surprising Pantalone. You quickly stuttered out; "I-I... yeah, yeah it is..." You learned your throat, averting your eyes from him and shamefully bowing down your head.
"But, well, you shouldn't take it. I just picked them in the forest when I was back in Sumeru because when I saw how pretty the flowers were, I thought about you... They're not high quality, so I can just buy you better ones—" You didn't even realize you'd begun rambling, so you were cut off abruptly when Pantalone took the bouquet from your arms anyways, caressing the petals with his gloved hands, his smile never leaving his handsome face.
Then, he gently grabbed your chin and lifted it up with his index finger and his thumb so you'd look at him eye to eye. Before you could say something, he captured your lips against his, tilting your head slightly to the side to deepen the kiss.
Heat exploded on your face, eyes widening at the sudden kiss but you indulge yourself in it nonetheless, kissing back fervently and clutching his coat shakily. You let out a small noise when Pantalone licked your bottom lip, satisfied at the delectable sight of your red face, before pulling away a little.
"I absolutely love them, my dear." He muttered against your skin, taking a step closer to you. "I'm delighted that even when you're out on your travels, you still think of me, so I will cherish these flowers you've given me, for they remind me of your love for me."
Those words sent chills up your spine, and you couldn't suppress the smile forming on your lips and the sigh of relief that escaped through your nose.
"Now, why don't you tell me more about these flowers?"
As a seasoned adventurer, you've equipped yourself with various knowledge of anything that could help you in your survival in the outside world. Perking up at his request, you eagerly nodded at that as the words spilled from your mouth whilst Pantalone led you inside his office, shutting the door close.
And thus the beginning of you always bringing him a fresh bouquet of flowers every time you come back from your commissions, then recounting your wide knowledge of flora to your lover.
And every time, Pantalone would listen intently, learning how to care for the flowers as per your instruction if it meant he could listen to your voice more with such enthusiasm, quell your feelings of inferiority in your relationship, and ignore his piling paperwork to spend more of his time with you.
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The Wanderer never really understood the sentiment of giving flowers to your lover. So what if they gave you flora? They're just plants that look pretty and usually smelled good. It was a romantic gesture, others would say. It shows the thoughtfulness you had for your lover, it's why you'd gift them flowers! But would it still be counted as very thoughtful if it's such a common thing lovers do to one another?
He doesn't truly get it, so he had absolutely no idea how to react when you came back to the camp you set up for the night, a wild grin on your face with a bunch of cuts and bruises on your body, your hair one big mess and your clothes were torn and dirty, though you cradled a bunch of flowers in your arms protectively. Well, besides being concerned for your entire being and getting absolutely mad at your lacking self-preservation.
"Just what were you thinking, picking flowers near a Hilichurl Camp without your weapon!? Are you trying to get yourself killed!?" He scolded you whilst he cleaned your wounds, intentionally adding pressure enough to make you wince and hiss in pain to both stops the blow flowing out and punish you for your foolishness, deathly glaring at you.
But you merely had a sheepish smile on your lips as you watched your lover fuss over your wellbeing, wrapping you in bandages and scolding you like a mother whose child had run off to do whatever. To be fair, he had warned about the Hilichurl camp near yours, and that you both agreed to leave it be for now since it was late at night already, but when he told you to grab more firewood, you still went to the Hiluchurl camp unarmed all because some 'pretty flowers' caught your eyes.
Offering you a fresh set of clothing, he let you get dressed whilst he went back to cooking, eyeing the bundle of flowers you left near him. Just why did you get through all that trouble for a bunch of flowers? You can buy flowers at multiple flower shops all over Teyvat! He doesn't understand at all, grumpily huffing under his breath.
You told him that those flowers were for him, that it was worth the trouble. It took all of his willpower to not smack you with the wooden ladle he had in his hand, only gritting his teeth and glaring at you. But for some reason, you were extremely unbothered by your injuries, only apologizing to your partner for worrying him. You kept caressing the flowers with a big grin on your face, features softening as you admired them.
So, he had to ask. "Is there any other reason why you had to get these for me?" He crossed his arms, eyeing you warily. You never ceased to caress the damp petals of the flowers, only scooping them back in your arms and giving them to him.
"They remind me of you." At your answer, he raised a brow. How does a bunch of flowers remind you of me? "I read in a book once that these rare flowers symbolize new beginnings, a fresh new start, and hope." You started, sitting close to him and leaning your body against his, staring up at the night sky. "They grow in an unhealthy environment and start off like wilting little buds of flowers, but the more it grows, the more it blossoms into a beautiful flower."
Slowly, his eyes trailed down to the flowers in his arms, piecing them together bit by bit in his mind. He held the flowers closer to him as he continued to listen to your words. "In the midst of burnt forests, these flowers usually grow at the heart of the disaster, sprouting beauty in hapless surroundings." You finish with a sparkle in your eyes, now gazing at him fondly.
Trying to hide his expression with his hat, he merely responded with; "Hope and new beginnings truly fit this flower then." Though his voice was steady, the same couldn't be said the same with his body, which lightly trembled. Your hand found itself in his, lacing your fingers together. You were relieved that he didn't pull away from your hold, only squeezing your hand as he hugged the meaningful flowers in his arms.
These flowers greatly reminded you of him. Not only because of its appearance, but also what it symbolizes. You admired him as if he was the flowers that you picked near that Hilichurl camp, marveling at the beauty of his new life, the hope in his eyes, and his will to finally live without the strings that were attached to him.
The Wanderer may never get why other couples would give each other flowers; may never understand what's so sentimental about it, but he now knows why you chose to give him those flowers... And it meant quite a lot to him.
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nc-vb · 2 months
ik you have a list of recommended manga and stuff, but what are your top favourites??? like your personal faves
I think I've read way too many in my life to make a sane list of them, but imma do my best LMAO (pls I have 1000 tabs open between my phone browser and private browser and my tablet ;-;). I'll give you both bl and straight manga/manhwa ok??
Sign (18+, bl)
This was one of my first bl manhwa I ever read (before I spiralled down the rabbit hole). IT'S SO SWEET, the mc Soohwa gets a job at the ml's cafe, and the ml Yohan is deaf-- Yohan loves when Soohwa signs at him, and Soohwa loves when Yohan talks, and they're both just so so cute, I love this manhwa with all my heart.
The manhwa is completed!!
2. Paljae, Child of Winter (shounen ai)
Where do I even begin with this one, holy shit... the art style would be gripping me by the balls if I had some. It gives a little of tcgf AND mdzs vibes tbh??? the mc Munryeong starts to take care of this tiny "child" he names Paljae but there's a couple of plot twists and surprises that I don't want to spoil, it's SO GOOD.
It's currently ongoing BUT it's on a break before it starts its third season!!!!
3. Pink Heart Jam (18+, bl)
Probably one of my favourite manga; I don't remember much of it so I'm going to reread it-- it's short, about 11 chapters? and it has to do with a band, but the mc and ml are *chef's kiss* wonderful
4. Payback (18+, bl)
I... have many words I could use to express my love for Payback. Jay and Yoohan are skskhsks I NEED A CERTAIN PLOT THING TO HAPPEN BUT IT'S KILLING ME THAT'S IT'S SLOW BURN. Lots of angst and unraveling of truths and facts and it's kind of a revenge story but GOD, those two are so hot, I blush, I blush.
5. Cherry Magic (18+ish, bl)
6. One Summer Day (18+, bl)
I just recently started this and it has 50+ chapters so far, but it's by the same artist etc. as Sign!!! it's really good. The mc died and then undied because of an accident he and a Grim Reaper cause, so he's in limbo, alive but is scheduled to re-die once his name gets re-added to a death list or something, but he had a lasting regret because he never had a relationship or anything further, so the Grim Reaper has to give him "organic energy" to calm down those "regrets"... hehehe.
7. The Guild Member Next Door (18+, bl)
I'm putting 18+ for now because I believe the novel for this has smut/sex scenes, but it just hasn't been drawn into the manhwa yet. It's super cute!!! mc plays an online game and meets the ml there, but they don't know who they are irl yet (there's 30 chapters), but the mc ends up moving next door to the ml and the ml thinks the mc is stalking him bc of some previous incidents due to this game-- it's cute. Just read it.
8. Dear Door (18+, bl)
EXTREMELY 18+ SHFSLKLS the ml has to engage in sexual frivolities with the mc in order to open a "door" to hell. This is a completed manhwa with 150+ chapters, a side story (iirc), and some really interesting plot twists. WARNING: this does also contain some dubcon/noncon stuff with certain characters (not including the mc and ml, but also kind of, it's weird). But the story ends on a good note, it's one of my favourites EVER.
9. A House for Samsami (18+, bl)
If you're a fan of hybrid, golden retriever-like characters, this one's for you! A veterinarian finds a stray hybrid on the street and takes him in, and I should reread this because I don't remember the details, but I love the characters, and I really recommend this one for its cuteness. Only 13 chapters so far, I believe; it's slow uploads.
10. Our Sunny Days (18+, bl)
The mc is a single father after a woman he'd been with leaves him with a baby and leaves, and he moves into a small village town where he meets the ml who's like, the village chief, and they both start crushing on each other and sjhfsks d'aww it's just so sweet, I love them. The first season is done at 25 chapters!
11. Bailin and Li Yun & Fathoms of Atonement (bl)
Both of these are by the same artist and are both on Webtoon. They have shorter chapters and one of them just became a Webtoon Original (finally!!!). I won't spoil these ones much; both have to do with merman... enjoy~
12. Mimori's Naughty Mouth (18+, bl)
AHHHH SUPER HOT AND THE MC AND ML ARE HOT TOOOOO, ml is a dentist and mc has a sensitive mouth, like insanely sensitive, so going to the dentist is a nightmare for him... until he gets this dentist. Hehe.
Now for the straights *cracks fingers*
Do Androids Dream of Love? (18+)
After mc's father dies (or someone dies, idr), she's left an android to take care of her, and she's against it at first, but he's very sincere and kind and is programmed to want to take care of her, but he finds himself going against his coding a bit and starts falling in love with her and vice versa... vewy cute. Slow uploads, but long chapters; there's currently 16.
2. I Thought My Time Was Up!
Lariette, my cutie patootie, gets with another cutie patootie Duke, Asrahan, that happens to be cursed, and she happens to have the power to heal the curse, but she's not so strong that she can do it in one shot-- but she thinks she's dying in three months' time and makes a contract to date him for that time because she has a mini bucket list she'd like to complete with him. There's another character, Doha, who slowly falls for her as he heals her and helps train her in her magic. So so good, and Asrahan's blushing moments? oh my god. There's smutty themes, but nothing explicit since it's on Webtoon.
3. Iseop's Romance
Fuck me, reading this hurts my heart because the slow burn is reaaaaaaaal. The mc is the titular Iseop Tae's executive secretary and she's amazing at her job, something he has a complex about because they completed the same program together. The complex slowly turns into a crush and his internal monologues about it are the absolute funniest shit ever. It's on Webtoon at almost 40 chapters.
4. My In-Laws Are Obsessed with Me
SLOW BURN AS HELL I don't even think they've kissed in their almost 100 chapters?? The Lapileon family has a blood curse that kills anyone who touches the blood-- except the mc, Pereshati. I forget exactly why they agree to contract in marriage, I think it's to spite her own House or something, but all of the Lapileon's love Perry, and they start to investigate different things and Perry goes on a business venture-- it's so good, and I adore the art. Webtoon!
5. When Jasy Whistles
I remember crying when this went on its first break after the one season ended, like this story is so fucking good, I WEPT. Jasy Jatare is a rumoured "god" that steals people/children (for whatever reason), and Hela, the mc, has a friend (Rodrigo I think...) who is "taken" by him into a different world, one full of dangers and other tribes of people that either live beneath the thumb of the other gods there or are protected by some (very rare). Hela wants to get her friend back and works with Jasy on a certain condition-- at 100 chapters, a lot happens between them. Sexual themes but not explicit; again, this is on Webtoon.
6. Harem of Luu-Anh (18+, poly)
Ughhhh I love this series. The one on Webtoon is sfw BUT the artist has a Patreon where they post the 18+ series... It's worth it to become their Patron to see it all. The story is well over 100 chapters by now (I believe), plus the Patreon has additional stories having to do with Luu-Anh and her FOUR HUSBANDS, YEAH FOUR HUSBANDS AND THEY'RE ALL FUCKING HOT it's worth it whew.
7. Trapped
I have to catch up in this series... There's about 200 chapters to it, but Chae-A was dealt a shit hand through life and again when she runs into the ml who is a VAMPIREEEEE he's hot though, it's fine, and she's fiery, and it makes for a good enemy to lover story, I SWEAR BY IT.
8. Selina ~ Moon Bride ~
Whyever the fuck Webtoon hasn't turned this into an Original, I'll never get. It is so beautiful, the lore and the characters are so amazing, like... I can't even put into words how much I love and recommend this. Please go read it; it has 228 CHAPTERS Y'ALL AND IT IS A DELICIOUS READ, it's been going on since 2016 but the artist had taken a huge break in between; it updates a few times a month-- PLEASE GO READ AND SUPPORT IT!!! on Webtoon.
9. Tonari no Seki no Hen na Senpai~ (18+, yandere)
Guilty pleasure. Had to pop this in. WAITING FOR THAT EIGHTH FUCKING CHAPTER IS AS PAINFUL AS WAITING FOR A RAMEN CUP TO FINISH HEATING. The ml is obsessed and in love with the mc, and she's put off by it quite a bit because he goes overboard when she finds out, but he's a puppy dog yandere-- imma go read this again tn, tbh. Ahhhh I love it. Want it for myself. Sigh.
All of my other recommendeds is in this list!!
I hope you enjoy all of them; if you want to talk and squeal about them with me, my dms are always open~
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littlepadika · 3 years
oh my gosh congratulations on 500 💗 you’re the best so i’m not surprised !!
can i pls suggest: 💚, 🌸, 🧚🏼‍♀️☁️
- 🎀
Oooh i've been sitting on a Javi meet cute idea hehehe. I hope you like this!
500 follower celebration
Warnings: legal age gap, innocent reader, praise kink, Javier works at Washington DC DEA office. Moodboard here
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The 8:45 DC metro rail was packed. Javier was smashed between other government workers, dreading the day ahead, when he saw you. You were running down the platform trying to make it before the doors shut.
"Hold the door please!"
Typical of east coasters, no one even acknowledged you. You weren't going to make it. The doors were already starting to close. Having been in your position, Javier knew how annoying it was to just miss the train. By the looks of it you were late. Yes that's why Javi pushed past a few people and stuck his hand in the door, sympathy. Not because he thought you looked beautiful in your little coat and scarf. Not because your wide eyes were staring right at him. And certainly not because he wanted to be your hero.
"Thank you!" You gave him a grateful smile, slipping through the opening. You blushed when you were pressed chest to chest against him in the crowded car. There was no where to go. You looked like a mess so of course you were staring up at a beautiful stranger today of all days.
"No problem." Javi smiled. The car surged forward and you squeaked when you fell forward into him. Javier instinctively held your waist.
"Sorry." You looked up at him doing little to hide your staring. He was beautiful conventionally and unconventionally. Perfect skin. Big brown eyes. Middle age in the best way. Strong and rough around the edges.
The train jerked to a stop at the next platform making you crash into Javier's chest again. He didn't seem to mind, not even stiffening when you made contact.
"What's your name?" You asked, figuring you were already pretty comfortable with each other.
"Javier." He supplied with a small smile. "And you, hermosa?"
You introduced yourself. The rail car surged forward again. This time you had expected it and didn't sway as much. Javier missed the contact. You were soft and warm. You felt nice in his arms.
"What's that?" Javier looked down at the black portfolio bag leaning against your legs.
"Oh my art portfolio." You beamed, always excited to talk about your work. “I'm a student at the design school. Wanna see?"
Javier nodded. You unzipped the top and pulled out one of the smaller prints. It was a logo design. A red rose wrapping around a glass of water. There were lots of details to be found. Javier was good at spotting those. The asymmetrical leaves. The realistic detailing on the water glass. The fine texture on the petals.
"It's amazing. You're very talented." Unfortunately he wasn't as good with words as he was with spotting details.
"Thank you!" You smiled. The short compliment was enough to set your tummy alight with butterflies. His dark eyes were still tracing the picture. You felt yourself lean into him and not because of the jerky rail car. "You can have it."
"Wh-what? No hermosa I thought you needed this for an assignment."
"It's just a copy. Please. Take it. For saving me today." You pushed it into his hands.
"I-I don't have anywhere to put it." He held up his small brief case.
"You can fold it."
"No I don't want to crease it. It's too perfect." He frowned. You blushed, looking down at your shoes. No one had ever treated your art with such care.
"Do you always take the 8:45?"
"Yes." Javier nodded. "I work at the DEA office."
"What's that mean?" You widened your eyes thinking it must be something very important.
"Drug Enforcement Agency." Javier explained finding your innocence endearing.
"So you catch bad guys?"
"Kind of..." Javier tried to be humble, also not wanting to scare you.
The intercom announced the next stop. Your stop. Javier noticed the fading smile.
"I get off soon." You sighed, putting the print back in your portfolio bag. "How about I bring you a smaller copy of the print tomorrow? One that fits into your important business man briefcase?"
Javier laughed at that, a rich punchy sound. You watched greedily as his eyes crinkled deliciously, his dark eyes twinkling. You couldn't hold back your light giggle at the pretty sight.
"Sounds like a plan." Javier smiled feeling relaxed for the first time in a long while.
The rail car jerked to another stop and you used the momentary contact with his chest to inhale his crisp cologne. Trying to hold onto it at least until tomorrow. Javier rubbed his thumb up and down your waist subconsciously, feeling the soft sweater underneath. He didn't want this moment to end.
"Bye, Javier. See you tomorrow." You stepped off the train, holding eye contact as commuters brushed past you.
"Don't be late." He reminded you with a grin. You just smiled and waved as the doors closed. Javier continued to gaze wistfully out the grimy subway window. The day was already looking up.
My masterlist
500 Follower Celebration Masterlist
Permanent Taglist: @ajeff855 @what-iwish-you-knew @kirsteng42 @fan-of-encouragement @sleep-tight1 @pascalisfairyy @ceniington, @prettypedros 🧁, @pascal-rascal424 @axshadows @prideandpascal @frenchyjuju @pedrosmustache @blackmarketmummy @idreamofboobear @pretty-brown-eyess @persephones-garden @javierpinme @mylittlesenaar @bellaorisa @elinedjarin @beskarboobs
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HELLO sorry i had an extremely busy past week so i left this to stew for weeks T_T (my term break was Not a term break in any sense of the word. f)
OH OF COURSE SHE HAS A BLACKLIST.... vietnam keeping a list of students who are Brats is really so valid.. i'm willing to bet that in future when that dubious list of students grows up many of them will go on to commit morally dubious acts lmaoo including yao himself. and if they get arrested or if rumors spread she'll just be like "lol called it"
Also yes go get her friendship Aditya hopefully it will mellow you out a little as well - YEAHH their personalities are like. polar opposites tbh because he's Dramatic And Extroverted and she's very much Not... but for some reason i can just see them really bonding (over things like coffee if i had to make a guess though i haven't really thought about these two in depth.. )
“Admissions officers think Yao’s amazing and contributes greatly to the classroom environment and Vietnam is like “yeah, in a way, as long as you don’t mind someone who thinks every word you say is somehow wrong and will fight you to prove it lol. just take him, I’m trying to get rid of him”
JUST TAKE HIM I'M TRYING TO GET RID OF HIM THIS IS SO FUNNY WTF also aww baby yao's Going Places!! he comes back for like teacher's day or something and vietnam is like "okay so how many of your teachers and your classmates have you antagonised" and yao's like "my teachers love me and my classmates fear me. or they're begging me to help with their homework. or they're potential friends/accomplices >:)" and vietnam is like ugh love to see that you're terrible as usual
Since there’s essays involved I’m assuming she teaches either history or literature? Kinda on the fence because I feel like she’d be good at giving a no-nonsense version of history filled with interesting details and prompts that make you think (and also hosts monthly debates on controversial issues), but I also want Yao to be as un-confident as possible in his abilities in her class, and I feel like he would be less comfortable/sure of his answers and thoughts in a lit class than a history one. I’m not sure though
honestly i would really want her to teach lit so bad but history would be so cool too.. as someone who suffered through lit for the first month of school (though i think i'm getting the hang of it now :D) i also want yao to suffer through the feelings of inadequacy when the teacher gives an evaluation that is COMPLETELY different from yours while also awkwardly trying to tell you your evaluation is wrong without crushing your ~passion for learning~ or something... but at the same time vietnam has such strong history vibes??? and they would probably clash over like different methods of historiography and methods for interpreting sources BUT historiography isn't really taught in-depth here at high scholl level ... And at the same time lit is the best place for one to feel Insecure so i really don't know because vietnam has such History/art vibes.. i think you should decide this i have no idea 😔
“she'll just be like "lol called it"” that’s such a mood honestly, watching your former bratty students grow up to be bratty adults 😅 At least Vietnam’s predictions for the future are vindicated and she gets self satisfaction from it lol. (maybe she sends emails to them sometimes like ‘are you aware that people think you committed tax fraud’ and the reply is just a simple ‘yes. sincerely, Yao’ lmao)
ooh yeah I think they’d be interesting; definitely agree with what you said about India being really flamboyant and Vietnam being more honest/down to earth and definitely someone who hates when people put on airs (which Aditya does to a fairly large extent...). I think she’d like him just a tad more because he isn’t super condescending and gets along with his classmates pretty well; she knows he’s trying to impress her (lollolll they’re all trying to get teacher points for recommendations) but at least he’s friendly and participates in class and stuff. Also I think India’s good at small talk, makes an effort in getting to know people, and is very emotionally in tune with other’s feelings (even if he’s a bit stupid/oblivious sometimes) so even if Vietnam is kinda closed off to him at first (she’s nicer to him than Yao though, that’s for sure) he can get along with her quickly by picking up on what she likes talking about and accommodating her interests. Yao could theoretically be charming like Aditya but he just doesn’t make an effort lol. YES to bonding over coffee, especially raging about how Starbucks is Inferior™™™™ (idk if Aditya would drink coffee but I think Vietnam brews her own Vietnamese iced coffee at home and bring it to class because she needs Fortification for putting up with Indchuran lol.) However, I also want to see her popping his bubble and whenever he’s exaggerating one of his accomplishments, Vietnam just shuts him right down. “No, he actually didn’t go all out; I’ve had students turn in whole ass dioramas for that project so your meager offerings are nothing special :}” (Vietnam has the pleasure of crushing each of their egos in turn hehehe)
Yao came back to visit her!!! Looks like someone caught feelings (platonically ofc) :) She sees right through his excuses for coming back and is like “haha bastard you got sentimental and Attached to me >:)”, but then Yao proceeds to remind her exactly why that’s a bad thing lmao (also... what if... we smashed this au and bros for life together.... and Vietnam is the first person to see that they’re hopelessly pining on one of their visits to see her..........and she calls them out on it....o-o)
“"my teachers love me and my classmates fear me. or they're begging me to help with their homework. or they're potential friends/accomplices >:)"” LOVE TO SEE YOU’RE TERRIBLE AS USUAL ALDSjSDLSD Yao dashed my hopes of him becoming somewhat of a model member of society but seeing him as an unchanging bastard is still quite alright. Headcanon that Yao really hates helping with homework though, because he’s like “WHY DON’T YOU GET THIS” after about 5 seconds of trying to explain something. Pity, he would be good at teaching if only he had the patience for it :} Also I propose that he really hates that teaching isn’t enjoyable for him because it would be great blackmail material (i.e. “if you do this to me I’ll stop giving you the answers to the problem sets *winks in a threatening manner*”)
SAME literature is the one class that makes you thoroughly question your comprehension and understanding of everything in life everything ever written, but HISTORY. she would be such a fun history teacher and I can see her having her students really dig into events for themselves and make their own evaluations of why things happened and who’s “right”. YES THEM CLASHING OVER HISTORIOGRAPHY hmm... maybe we could get around historiography not being covered much by having Yao be Extra™? For example, maybe one day Vietnam offhandedly mentions there’s a lot of interpretations around x period (and whether it was a success or failure) depending on which type of historiography you subscribe to; Yao, who was already feeling strongly on the subject, does some research (“what is historiography” “interpretations of x” *rabbit hole of articles ensues*) and then goes to class the next day armed with 10 sources and a full on debate about the subject ensues, resulting in him being late to lunch by half an hour. 
What about a compromise, where Yao has a ferocious literature teacher (who??? idk) but Vietnam is teaching history, and when he gets comfortable in her class he starts complaining about the lit teacher and she thinks oh finally, a teacher that he’s intimidated by. I am at peace now. 😌. 
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avatar-mom · 4 years
The Avatar Legacy Fan Panel SDCC 2020 News
Hello Friends! This is a LONG update. I hope everyone has enough energy to get through it all.
The Avatar Legacy Fan Panel put in a proposal for Comic-Con @ Home 2020!
If chosen, we will need to produce a Zoom/digital panel for SDCC to host online. Our production will be due by mid-June (June 20th or so). GASP! That’s only 2 weeks to create/plan/organize/ and produce a digital panel! The panel will not go live until around the usual time of SDCC in July. If chosen, SDCC will announce the actual day our pre-recorded panel will go live on their channels/site. We will update you if we receive that information.
In the meantime, the proposal I submitted to Comic-Con @ Home 2020 included everything our panels are known for. Our live fan panel format always includes a Fan Artist Spotlight, comic reading with cast and crew, cosplay contest, and a Q&A. A few of these sections seem very ambitious for a virtual panel ( and honestly, might not happen…), but we are up for the challenge! Besides, this online format gives us the opportunity to invite participants from all over the world!
Now, to make the most out of the precious little time we have, I need to get started ASAP. So today (June 8th  2020), I am putting out the 1st update to the fandom. More details and updates will follow soon! Please share this message and encourage others to share and follow for updates. The planning will roll out in phases.
Phase 1: Plan/announce the possibility of a panel
Phase 2: Assemble/organize resources for all areas of the panel
Phase 3: Record/edit panel and submit to SDCC
Phase: 4 Compile/announce final votes for the winning fan favorite cosplay
Welcome to Phase 1! In this phase we are not only communicating the possibility of a panel, but we are also broadcasting a request for participants!
We need:
A Fan Artist!
The mission of the panel is to celebrate the passion of the fans. This is why we always include a fan artist in every panel. Fan art is much more than 2D drawings. We welcome sculptures, animation, textile art, mixed media art, paper art, game art, writers, musicians, metal smiths, costume makers… oh gosh! If you are not sure if your art could be considered, just email me to ask! Also, you do not have to be an amateur. The series has been around for over 15 years and has inspired so many professionals.
The fan artist who joins us should have many examples of Avatar the Last Airbender/The Legend of Korra fan art. The artist should also be willing to appear on the digital panel and share how the series has inspired their craft. To apply for the Fan Artist Showcase, please email me @ [email protected], subject line, “Fan Artist Showcase”. I will respond with some questions and details.
Cosplay Contestants!
We love Avatar Cosplayers. The fandom is never afraid to try new ways of interpreting characters or engineering cosplays for challenging characters like Appa or the Water Spirit! We know that there is nothing better than seeing a cosplay live and in person, however, that’s not the world we live in right now. So, we are asking hopeful contestants to create a 1 minute video of your cosplay and send a zipped MP4 version to us via email.
If your video passes our content screening, we will assign your video a number, add your description, and then host the video on our YouTube channel for fan voting. For more information and contest instructions, click on the following link: Cosplay Contest Rules: Avatar Legacy Fan Panel. Please follow the link for more information about the process. If you submit a video, I will assume that you have read the requirements and agree to the terms of the contest. Because there is a short time frame, I ask that you contact me with questions before you submit. [email protected]
Tips for creating your cosplay video:
1. Make sure the video allows viewers to see the entire cosplay
2. Be sure to record in a well-lit area. 
3. It’s ok if your video goes under a minute, but do not go over a minute. 
4. You only have 1 minute, so use it to show not only your cosplay, but also your character’s personality. Example: If you are cosplaying the Cabbage Merchant, say something or act like the Cabbage Merchant (MY CABBAGES!!!).
5. Check out videos from our past panels to see how contestants showed off their cosplays for our panelists. 
Vote for your favorite! Voting will be open from June 8th - July 27th at 1pm 2020 (CST). To vote, go to The Avatar Legacy Fan Panel YouTube channel. We just updated the channel, so it’s squeaky clean and ready for contest videos. In the beginning of the contest, there may only be a few videos uploaded. We will do our best to receive, screen, and upload entries as soon as possible. Be sure to subscribe to the channel for updates.
When videos become available, browse and enjoy your fellow fans as they celebrate their wonderful cosplays. To vote for a video, click the video’s thumbs up/ “like” icon under the video. We ask that you only vote for your favorite. However, if you cannot choose, feel free to like a few more. Please try not to like them all (even though I am sure they will all have exciting merits!). If you change your mind later, you can change your vote up until July 27th at 1pm (CST). Comments on all videos will be turned off. We will stop accepting and uploading videos after we receive 35 qualifying entries. The contest ends July 27th at 1pm 2020 (CST). If there is a tie, we will use additional YouTube data or have a special run off to break the tie. 
Questions for the Q&A!
We know one of the best reasons to visit a panel is to ask questions of people you admire. What was their inspiration? What was their process? How do they improve their craft? Because the panel will be pre-recorded, we are asking that fans email questions after we announce the guest line up. We will be accepting questions for only a few days after that announcement. Then we will hunt through all the fan questions and pick out a handful that we feel will add to the theme and tone of the panel. If your question is chosen, you will be contacted and given the opportunity to receive a small prize. We do not have the final panel line up yet, so keep us on your radar. We will announce the line up when everything is approved and ready!
Whew... that’s it for now ;) Thank you for reading through all of that. Cross your fingers and wish us luck! We have NEVER done anything like this before. Going digital with this panel gives us the opportunity to finally realize a dream of a cosplay contest judged by panelists AND fans (something that has been difficult to do on location). Also, the fan panel’s cosplay contest can include contestants from all over the world!  If it goes well, we will definitely consider including a virtual cosplay contest component for all future fan panels.
The best part is that the panel will be available for EVERYONE that has access to the internet.  It breaks my heart every year when fans are turned away because we have a 500 capacity room, but 800 fans waited in line to enter. Thank you all so very much! You are all incredibly special to me and I am wishing you health, strength, and peace <3
p.s. if there were typos, i will fix them later. hehehe...
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reelybadfnafocs · 4 years
Rosemary The Fox
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Meet Rosemary (NOT MINE ;))) )
Lmao….I like how you preemptively tagged this ‘Mod Bright’.
EDIT: Sheesh, I’m getting to this way late. I started reviewing this when I was sent in, but I have no clue why I abandoned it. Anyhow, I’ll finish it now. 
Name: Rosemary the (pirate)fox
Oh no……my poor name rule…….*puts head in hands*….Okay but in all honestly I think they’re just having their fun here, I’m going to critique it to my standards but I’m a firm believer in things being alright as long as they make sense in context.
Age: 21 Gender: Female Species: Fennec Fox 
With this reference image I’m a little unclear of whether this is a kind of AU or not, but it seems like she’s meant to be taken as an animatronic despite her being drawn in human forms. Which is cool! I think it’s cool. As such, I’m assuming the age listed is like…her mental age as an animatronic, and/or the age she died at (skimmed ahead a bit and this seems to be a case of ‘possessed animatronic’).
Also specifying fennec fox as a species/design inspiration adds a little bit of flavor here, despite her name simplifying it to just ‘fox’! I think it’s a good compromise between wanting a more exotic species for your OC and wanting a species simple enough for any child to understand.
Sibling: Emily Bunny/Sunny
Is Sunny another name of Emily Bunny’s or is it another person? It. Might be best to clarify this. Children: Stitched the Lion Ragdoll and Patches the Rabbit Ragdoll Height: 5 ft. and 8 in.
As a human or as an animatronic? Either way this probably works out! My first thought is ‘wow that’s a small animatronic’ but honestly it does make sense for her to be built smaller, and it’s been done irl plenty of times. Bio: When Rosemary was alive her name was Orchid Flower. She adopted Leona (Stitched) and Promise (Patches). She wanted children but she didn’t find anyone that she loves that much and back. (I’m assuming this means she wanted children but she couldn’t find a partner who she was willing to have children with. I do like this plot point, though I think it should be expanded upon! I’m not an expert, but 21 sounds kind of young for adoption, and she would’ve had to prove that she’s able to provide a stable life for these children and whatnot. I do also think there are some barriers that single aspiring parents struggle with when trying to adopt vs couples, so that would be something to write about too.) She was helping to design the animatronics for *Sugar Kitty’s Ice Cream and Pizza* and when the animatronics where built, she was showing Shimmer, Taylor and her sister Sunny. They were killed. (Who are Shimmer and Taylor? Who killed them? And how did Leona and Promise die? If they didn’t die with Orchid, what happened to them after her death? Did they go to another foster parent? Otherwise, I think this is a good set-up, and a good reason for Orchid to be at an animatronic restaurant - after all, she was designing the robots, and I don’t think it’s far-fetched for her to want to show people close to her her hard work in real life.) Orchid possessed Rosemary. Rosemary wasn’t intended to be a pirate it’s just that they didn’t have enough money for the hand so they made her a pirate. (I was going to question this but like. Yeah fair. It’s an easier explanation for her hand being missing than anything else, but there were some ways the missing hand could’ve been taken other than the pirate route (for lack of a better example, see Funtime Freddy. Was,, did he exist when this submission was sent in??? When was this submission sent in-)) After two years of opening Sugar Kitty’s was law sued by Fazbears entertainment because of Rosemary being a *Pirate Fox* like Foxy the Pirate fox. To avoid being shut down they kept Rosemary in her “cove”(their were being law sued for that too). (Yeah this makes sense.) She doesn’t comes out her cove except to say hi to the night watch. There was one time where she was repaired and had her left eye and hand. but it didn’t last. (Why didn’t it last? Was it before or after the lawsuit? Did they try to remake her into something other than a ‘pirate fox’? :thinking:)
Overall the backstory is lacking in detail but makes sense in general and has a lot of potential. As for my last point, I can definitely see her being fixed and the public just. Not having a good reaction to her character suddenly changing, so that might be why her being fixed ‘didn’t last’.
Personality: Sensitive/doubtful/ She’s sensitive, gentle but she could get a bit ruff. She’s the type of person that speaks in a sad toned voice. She holds grudges that she will never forget but person she has a grudge against wouldn’t even remember it but she’ll give them multiple changes. She walks around like she’s sad and has a storm cloud above her. She could be bubbly at times but that’s when she's trying her best to contain herself. She sometimes think that she doesn’t have emotions. When ever someone angers her she says all the bad things in her head.    to best summarize it she bottles up her emotion
This section is kind of awkwardly written, but I get the gist. She’s sensitive and gentle but can get rough in certain situations. She’s generally a very sad person and it shows, and she’s quick to hold grudges for things that sometimes aren’t even important. It’s the trauma ™. I think this is a good personality description to start with, but as an animatronic OC I think it would do her some good to write out how she acts around children/how Rosemary (the animatronic) has been programmed to act around children. Has the programming been completely taken over by Orchid’s spirit? Does Orchid work together with the programming? These are some questions that should be considered, I think. Likes: She likes to isolate herself in her “cove”, she likes to draw even though she’s a *lefty* she would tie a pencil to her hook and draw, she likes to sing too, green, blue, flowers, music, plush toys, unicorns(fairytales), she likes to be around the people she’s used to
This is cute. <:) Dislikes: Moving she’s lazy but she might run around, people making fun of her, people whining, hard core gore
Yeah fair, but children are whiny. How does she act around them if she’s in a children-targeted restaurant? Powers/abilities: She has vines that comes out of her back. They only come out when she angry or she actually needs it. But when they come out it hurts her and. When she little angry they’ll only come out a little. But when she extremely angry they’ll come out all the way. But the problem is that most of the time her anger turn into tears. With the vines that has thorns she could extend them. When ever she gets sad thorns would grow on her face starting from under eye patch. They would grow as her sadness would grow. At any time she could summon a veinus fly trap and it doesn’t hurt. When she’s out of control the trap will convert her. When she’s happy or over came sadness roses, orchids or even any pink or red flowers.
How does this work? It could make some good sense with more worldbuilding but we didn’t get the worldbuilding necessary to justify these magical plant powers. Why does Rosemary have these powers? Did Orchid have these powers when she was alive? Is this somehow a part of the robot? Yyeah this should be given more thought.
Think of this what you will
(hey again Mod Bright)
Heheh. Hi.
Anyway, since there wasn’t an appearance section I’ll do some design critique down here-
The neon is kind of really bright! I’m not going to say it’s unpleasant to look at because I’m one of the few that actually quite likes these color schemes, but it feels like as a restaurant design it would be…unappealing to a wider audience. I do like the various alt designs, and I think Rosemary in general just looks super cute. The eyepatch is especially a nice touch! I like the heart. I didn’t get a fullbody of the actual animatronic form, so I can’t pass any judgement on that front, but aside from the neon green/teal I think the colors and outfits/accessories are really nice on the human designs! The pirate design in the middle is especially nice, as all the darker browns balance out the bright hair really well.
Honestly, what keeps me from passing definite judgement is the fact that there seems to be a lot of information and character building missing here that may or may not be present in other places- aka, not the source of this art. For all I know, the things I asked for more elaboration on have already been elaborated on in other posts from this artist!
But with that, I’ll bring my review to a close. Overall? Good character! I like her for various reasons, and I’m intrigued to learn more about her (and the world she’s in, as it seems it doesn’t conform strictly to the rules of the FNAF universe).
-Mod Bright
ps: i. would like to credit this image if possible, since i don’t think the person who submitted this owns this character (if the ‘not mine ;)))’ is anything to go by. i don’t usually have a lot of luck with reverse image searches, though, so if anyone wants to take a crack at it please do!! i’ll edit this post with the artist when i find them.
Thank you, and have a wonderful 2020!
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artificialqueens · 5 years
A Clownfish & A Mermaid (5/?): Snatched! (Biadore) - doctor bitchcraftt
Anonymous request from AQ: “I love your fic of Bianca playing Adore for snatch game on bots, could you write one where Adore surprises Bianca by coming out as her? Maybe Bianca is being the host and doesn’t know till Adore appears.”
A/N: Keeping it non-AU by having it take place before Adore left for AS2, because as far as I remember she did have Bianca as her backup character for Snatch Game. And oh how I wish we’d been able to see that…  A little bittersweet, because we know Adore didn’t stay for Snatch Game.
Regarding Bianca’s waist measurement: her dress form is a 12, which has a 29-30 inch waist; additionally, it’s quoted as 28 in an article from years ago and she looks to be about the same size now.  Xoxoxoxo, bitchcraftt
“Show me what else you’ve got?”
Bianca lounged on the couch surrounded by piles of drag and half-packed suitcases.  Still in drag after hosting a show, she’d ignored the stare from the Uber driver (typical) and his awkward attempts at flirting (not typical), and blown through the door at full force to find Adore already spreading her chaos across every available surface.
NDA or not, Danny’s excited call a couple of days ago about accepting All Stars 2 made it clear that the planning had to include Bianca.  Roy kept his mouth shut at the objections he desperately wanted to voice - fallout from Danny' losing his dad, amongst other things - and promised his support in any way possible.
They’d spent the better part of the last two hours going through Adore’s drag, matching items to the list as best as they could and trying to guess what the challenges might entail.  Vintage shopping yesterday netted a gorgeous purple sequined shift that would go wonderfully with her crimped lavender wig, and they’d agreed on a half dozen other looks already before test driving for Snatch Game.  Adore’s Snatch Game needed to be strong, even stronger than her season six Anna Nicole Smith if possible.  Without Bianca and DeLa giving her a run for her money, she should be a standout.  Her first choice seemed decent, but having a backup option was always a good idea.
Danny had briefly complained about having to go into full drag and face for each look, but there was no way to get a complete opinion otherwise.  Because of that, she’d insisted that Bianca not watch her prep so that she would be able to give advice on the final product.  
Bianca was prepared to loan her anything she needed, and tried to guess what the character would be based on Adore banging around her closet and cursing.  After twenty minutes, Adore’s voice drifted around the corner.
“Close your eyes!”
“Really?"  Bianca rolled them instead.
"I want it to be a surprise!”  
She’d teased that it was another queen, and Bianca tried to picture her dressed as Alyssa or Laganja in things garnered from her own extensive wardrobe.  Although, Adore did have a wicked DeLa voice…
“Fine, they’re closed.”
The sound of heels clicking nervously on the hardwood heralded Adore’s arrival, tapping to a stop on the carpet in front of the couch.
“ ‘Kay, you can open them.”
Bianca blinked a few times, shook her head in disbelief, and tried to find her voice.
“You like it?"  
Adore had borrowed a pair of Bianca’s platform pumps covered in jet black rhinestones, and her nude fishnets showed where she held the weighted hem up.  Above that, she was corseted tighter than ever before over actual padding, clad in a fitted black velvet cowl-neck sleeveless gown with oversized sequin flowers pinned at the shoulder and hair piled up to ridiculous heights.  Was that five wigs? An assortment of sparkly bangles and large bracelets worked their way up from her wrists to almost the elbows on both arms.  To top it off, Adore had picked Bianca’s most obnoxious chandelier earrings to accompany the exaggerated eyes and what had to be eight pairs of lashes.
She clutched a throw pillow in front of herself, cocked a hip, and grinned before schooling her face into a disapproving frown.  
Bianca opened and closed her mouth a few times, before starting at the floor and making her way up with a critical eye. The silence stretched between them, broken only by the clink of bangles as Adore fidgeted.  
"Well fuck me,” Bianca managed at last.
”…was that a good fuck me?”
As she watched nervously, Bianca’s blank expression transformed into a howl of laughter, raspy cackle filling the room.  Unable to speak through it, she flailed wildly.  Adore’s smile drooped a bit on the edges, face gone anxious.  Her posture melted into a slouch, vaguely ridiculous given the silhouette of her outfit.
”…okay, I get it.  I look fucking stupid, and I’ll -“
Bianca pushed off the couch, catching her hand before she could do more than turn.  
“N- no!  Don’t!  It’s…fucking…hee hehehe hee hee- oh my fuck it’s perfect!”
“Lemme hear what you’ve got planned."  This should be something else.
Adore scowled, dropping her voice and rolling her eyes.  "I ain’t got time for this.  Beat it queen!  Need help packin’ ?”
”Fuck you bitch, I do not sound like that!  You sound like you’re gargling gravel in there.”  After a night of yelling at a crowd her own voice was scratchy and rough, and Bianca couldn’t hold a straight face.  “All right fine, maybe I do.”
She pulled her into the drag room to stand side by side in the mirror, ignoring how the usually neat racks of dresses looked like a tornado touched down.  Without her own heels on she was the better part of a foot shorter than Adore, but together they looked like Bianca standing next to some of the more accurate fan art.  Seeing her own signature evening gown on Adore’s body set her off again.
”Adore Del Rio,” she giggled, dabbing at her eyes, “this might be the best fucking thing I’ve ever seen.  Including Anna Nicole.”
"Not when you stand with your mouth open like that,” Bianca teased, nearly losing it again when Adore stuck her tongue out.  
“Put your hand on your hip.  No, like this,” Bianca repositioned Adore’s arm and tugged her knee until her right leg crossed in front of the left, bent slightly.  “Emphasizes the hips, it looks more feminine like that.”
“We won’t be doing runway like this, I’ll fucking trip over the hem.  I hope?"  
“You wanna be prepared.  And you’re taller so it won’t hit the floor…Visage is going to love that."    
The sequined flower was perfect and she didn’t need a necklace, but… “Here.”  She pulled the bracelets off and dug back into the jewelry drawers, discarding some and adding others to the pile.  She slipped them back onto Adore’s wrist sorted by color, switching the smaller beads for chunkier ones.  “Exaggerated but still detail oriented.”  
A second pair of less garish earrings followed, Bianca’s signature hoops with colored beads.  “In case you wanna use them for something else.  Now sit.”  She nudged her down in front of the vanity, picking up eyeshadow.  "Gotta get you beyond clown."
Frowning in concentration, she gripped Adore’s chin gently to hold her steady and reached for a lipliner.  "Your lips are full enough, don’t overdraw, just make the Cupid’s bow curved right here."  Adore had done a good job reproducing her eyes, although the liner was a bit more winged than Bianca would wear it.   Punk rock style or not, Danny was a talented makeup artist and the Bianca face only needed a little bit of adjustment.  “Raccoon territory next.  You need to avoid too much color on the lids.”  With a few deft strokes, she painted even darker eyes and added more white to the bottom lids before making the beauty mark bigger.
Once satisfied that the face was right, Bianca collected a few items - two shades of gloss, new packages of lashes - and zipped them into a cosmetic bag with the earrings for Adore to pack.  "Stack them fresh, you don’t want to wear someone else’s lashes, who knows-”
“Yes mom."  Her tone of voice implied that this was yet another lecture.  "I know, but they’re yours so…"  She wilted a little under Bianca’s unimpressed stare.  "Okay fine, but it’s not like I’m gonna get eye herpes from them.”
Moving up from the face, Bianca studied the auburn curls tenuously balanced on her head.  Frowning, she pulled it apart to set three of the five wigs aside, teased and re-pinned, then nodded decisively.
“Forget you trying to do this in the workroom.  Let me style you a full wig so it’s ready to go.”
Adore nodded and stood, leaning on the table for support.  Bianca narrowed her eyes when she noticed that she seemed to be slightly out of breath.
”Can you breathe in that?”
“That shouldn’t be a question.  You need to be able to sit for an hour, you remember what it was like.  Show me how you’re cinched.”  When Adore seemed reluctant, Bianca bent to hike up the skirt of the gown, waiting until Adore took the fabric from her before peeling the dress up her midsection (thank goodness for stretch velvet) to reveal the corset.  
"Adore.” The gently chiding tone was worse than annoyance.  “You’re not Chachki for fuck’s sake.  We can get rid of some of that padding and loosen it up."  While she spoke, Bianca turned Adore around to untie the laces before unzipping the front to reveal angry red welts where the boning strained around her waist.  Sighing, she pulled the tights down enough to work the pads out from underneath.  
"But…” Adore protested, “your waist is so small!”
“It’s about proportion.  You’ve got enough to cinch in without the pads. Just make your tits a little bigger, squeezing down to this isn’t going to even show when you’re sitting behind a table."  Bianca searched on the side table for a tape measure, wrapping it around her own waist.  "I’m 29 corsetted, 30 with the gown.  I only take two inches off.”
“I wanna get it right."
The muttered comment seemed more weighted than just a corset disagreement and Bianca paused with her hands on Adore’s hips.  "Pussyface?
"It’s…” Adore met her eyes, more serious than she’d been the entire night.  “I don’t want to disappoint you.  What if I fuck this up?"
"Hey."  Even with the heels, Bianca still needed to tip Adore’s chin up to make eye contact.  "You’re gonna be amazing, you hear me?  They’re lucky to have you, and it doesn’t matter what happens on some reality tv show filmed in RuPaul’s basement.  You could go home the first week and I’d still be proud of you for going back in to that fucking shark pit.”
Adore was silent while Bianca zipped her back up and smoothed the dress back down.  Bianca turned her to face the mirror again, and was relieved to see the small smile.  
“Really, pussyface,” she felt the need to repeat, “I’m so proud of you.”
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tmnt-veelicious · 6 years
Across the Stars - Ch.5
Yaayyy longer chapterrrr !! Urrgg, mentions of anxietyyyyy !! BUT THERE’S SOME FLUFF TOO GNEHEHEH And next chapter will be happy all way through, I promise U’B
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He knew she loved the stars. One of her dream careers had been to become either an astronomer or astrophysicist, but she quickly abandonned the idea as she knew she had troubles with mathematics. When she told him that, months ago via chatting, he had troubles seeing beyond that reasonning, only telling her that she could simply take up classes and get better... But Vee was an artist, full body and soul. Even if she contemplated the idea of a scientific life, she knew she couldn't deny her cravings for creation. She grew up with music surrounding her, her hands always eager and curious regarding instruments and rhythms. She had spent a good portion of her life studying this art form, finding her true self through various pieces and her own voice. Ever since he first heard her speaking, he couldn't deny being curious about her singing. On many occasions when she was helping him in his lab he could hear her hum some tunes, lost in her concentration, but she still had to show her full range, the woman probably shy at the idea. Tonight the sky was clear, in regard of New York's standards, offering a good opportunity for star gazing. Of course, light pollution wasn't of any help, but he made sure to bring out a portable telescope which would give them the opportunity to observe some celestial bodies. The setup completed, Donnie made his way towards the habitual window, first spotting April. The reporter was surprised at first, but that didn't stop her as she opened the way for him. ''Please tell me Vee's here,'' he asked, getting in, a bit nervous. ''Why? Are you planning a surprise or something?'' replied April, amused. He showed a small smile, lightly shrugging. ''Yes and no. Just a little something on the roof.'' ''The roof?'' added the reporter, folding her arms before her. ''Tonight's sky is clear enough for star-gazing so I thought she'd like that. … Do you think I should back up while I still can?'' April's smile was wide, pointing her thumb behind her, in direction of a closed bedroom door. ''Not at all, I think it's super cute. She's in her room, composing or something.'' Oh boy. He never saw her room before now. … Somehow that felt like a weird step, but he was glad to take it. Going to it, he hesitated for a slight moment before knocking gently, but no answer was heard. Unsure, he looked back at April who was watching, still smiling, and she simply mentionned for him to enter. With a brief sigh, he grabbed the handle, twisting it and then opening the door. He dared to glance inside, finding Vee seated in front of her piano, headphones on. He didn't know if he should get in, but the simple motion of looking in was enough to catch Vee's attention, the woman looking towards him and letting out a yelp, jumping on her seat in fear. That reaction was heard as April was laughing in the living room, Donnie on his part being as scared as her, his instinct telling him to quickly close the door. Fuck, what was he thinking?! He then heard a new laughter, this one belonging to Vee. She got to her door, opening it, her features now bright with amusement. ''Oh my god, Donnie, what the hell!'' she exclaimed. ''I'm sorry!'' he replied, chuckling lightly. The woman didn't give him more time to speak, now rightfully greeting him with a hug, the turtle's body straightening at first until he returned the gesture. This time he did not hesitate to nuzzle the top of her head, taking in her scent at the same time. … Gosh, he wanted to hold her forever. ''What are you doing here? You didn't tell me you were coming!'' asked Vee, looking up to him. ''Heheh, surprise! … I have something for you on the roof,'' said the mutant with a grin. ''Go grab your coat, we're gonna spend some time up there.'' Vee was truly curious now, doing as demanded and soon joining the turtle out of the window, April throwing a ''have fun guys'' with a knowing smile. As they got to the roof, Vee couldn't retain her gasp as she noticed the setup. A telescope was standing proudly amongst small lights scattered around, giving out a peaceful feeling to the scene. She also noticed a pile of various covers and cushions, a bottle of wine nearby. She looked at Donatello, frowning in amusement. ''… Is this a date?'' she asked. The mutant almost choked on air, quickly regaining his posture. ''I-if you want it to be? … The sky's clear tonight and I thought it'd be a nice reason to hang out with you.'' The woman giggled, making her way towards the bottle of red wine. ''Alright, genius, I'll consider this a date then.'' Donnie gulped as the other was pouring liquid in glasses. Well … he did not expect things to turn out like this, but it was good nonetheless. Vee got back to him, handing him a drink. ''Didn't know you drank wine.'' ''Not really,'' he said. ''But it's always a good choice on special occasions.'' Urg, he wanted to slap himself. ''Ha, I suppose this could be considered special,'' winked the woman, next clinking her glass to his. Taking a good sip, she then went for the telescope, already leaning for the lense, taking a look towards the sky. She carefully moved the body, turning it towards the moon. ''Let's see what this baby gots,'' she mumbled, twisting the focus. In an instant she was able to see details on the celestial body, a ''wow'' of appreciation leaving her lips. Donnie came next to her, leaving a hand on one of her shoulders. ''Wanna see something cool?'' he asked. The woman looked up to him. For an instant her eyes seemed to be filled with stars... ''You bet!'' she answered, her smile never faltering. The turtle took turn with the telescope, moving it, his tongue slightly sticking out as he was trying to get the perfect position... When he found the desired object, a small ''Ah-ha'' was heard, then gesturing the woman to come take a look. At first Vee was silent, observing into the eyepiece, then a small gasp escaped her. ''That's … that's Venus!'' she said with excitement. ''There will be a conjunction of Venus and Jupiter tonight, but it's still way early before we get to see that phenomenon clearly. At least Venus is easily traceable!'' ''She's beautiful...'' sighed Vee, still looking. Just like you.... Oof, okay, yeah, at least he didn't say that outloud. The woman moved away from the lense, looking up to the sky with her own eyes. She sighed with a hum, next bringing her glass to her lips, thoughtful. ''… It's a shame New York's sky doesn't let us see the stars with ease. I've always loved doing that as a kid.'' She puffed a small laugh, looking down. ''I even remember watching meteor showers, going up north with my father. … It was so peaceful.'' Donatello was now behind her, daring to snake an arm around her waist, keeping her close. ''We could do that one day, if you'd like.'' Vee snorted, glancing back to him: ''Oh please, don't tell me we'd go with that garbage truck.'' ''As you may well know, that 'garbage truck' is one of my most awesome creations!'' bantered back Donnie with amusement. ''Also we have a van, which is way more convenient when we don't want to attract attention on us.'' ''That's better.'' Her hand lingered on his for a moment before she moved, gently pulling the turtle with her. Soon they were sitting down on the makeshift seats, sipping wine as they watched the sky, pointing out the few stars that could be seen, guessing where some constellations would be. Vee couldn't stop smiling, a warm feeling invading her. She couldn't quite explain it, but this moment felt perfect, like the rare few other ones in her previous years. A moment of peace filled with wonder, next to someone she felt at ease with... At some point she wasn't looking at the sky anymore, her eyes now on Donatello. Everytime he was explaining something, she couldn't help liking him a little bit more. The look of confidence on his features, his amber eyes glistening with his love for knowledge. Vee could spend hours listening to him, always so eager to learn more... ''The sky's up there, you know?'' Vee got back to reality, now noticing that he was looking at her with a smirk. A small laugh escaped her, bringing the glass to her lips once more. Busted... ''Sorry, I was just wondering...'' She pointed the googles on top of his head. ''What are those for? I just realized I've never asked anything about all your stuff. You're like a walking computer.'' He laughed in turn, setting his glass down and proceeding to remove his googles. The right eye had one single lense, while the left one presented three small ones that could be shifted around, probaby presenting different presets. ''Nothing too fancy. It can calculate distances, monitor vital signs and heat signatures.'' he explained as he handed the item to the woman. Vee frowned a little as she put the googles on. '' 'Nothing too fancy'? Damn, Donnie, it sounds like you sat down one weekend and just decided to build that up for fun.'' ''For some of my inventions, that happens!'' he answered with amusement. ''But I also try to think in terms of usefulness. That thing was easy enough to make. Just needed to grab a couple of camera lenses and link them to some program and-'' He trailed off the moment she looked up to him and felt his heart sink. She looked hilarious, the googles obviously too big for her, but on the other hand he couldn't help thinking how cute she looked at that moment... ''Alright then, Einstein Jr., I get it; you're the ultimate genius,'' she joked, removing the googles, showing a sly look. ''Oh please,'' he snickered. ''I just try my best with things I find in the dumpster.'' ''Nonetheless impressive.'' As the mutant was putting them back on, Vee took the chance to scoot closer to him, glass in hand, leaning towards him. At first Donnie seemed frozen, hands still up on his googles. ''… Sorry, it's just a bit cold up here,'' mentionned Vee with a timid voice. Okay relax, dude. He got an arm around her, daring to bring her closer. He didn't miss her smile right before she brought the glass to her lips. She was obviously happy and that got him in the same mood aswell. He took a sip from his drink too, although he grimaced right after, which brought a laughter from the woman. ''I'm really not used to red wine,'' he commented, setting his glass aside. Vee tsked, moving the liquid in a circular pattern. ''That's a shame, this one's good. I'll happily keep the bottle if you don't want it. … It will definitely lift my mood for the next couple of days. Work has been a pain lately.'' She threw her free hand in the air, faking a dramatic gesture. ''I don't know if it's the cold weather, it's probably freezing those customers' brains. It's either they describe a shirt that is simply non-existant in the shop or they complain about sales or whatsoever. But I think the cherry on top was when a woman brought a piece of lingerie, stating it was a shame that we were selling that kind of underwear to girls …. It had been obviously misplaced, probably by another customer, and when I mentionned to the woman that it was lingerie and not something we sold for young girls, she simply looked confused, saying: 'Honey, I don't speak French, I just speak American'.'' Donnie bursted into a laughter, which brought an amused grin on Vee's face. ''I mean,'' she continued. ''I know I have some of my French accent coming out when I speak, but that's just plain ignorance on her part!'' ''We have to forgive the weak-minded of this world,'' joked the mutant. ''Wanna rule the world with me instead?'' added the woman, entering his game. ''I think we'd be a pretty good team.'' ''Sounds like a great plan to me!'' They had unconsciously moved closer, Donnie now hugging Vee, slightly nuzzling the top of the woman's head with a grin. He had probably been too caught up in his happiness, but even when he noticed their position, none of them moved, the warm feeling back again. This moment was perfect and, somehow, both of them secretly wished it would last forever... *** So far the day had gone through without too much trouble, the flow of customers slowing down as it was near the closing hours. Vee sighed as she proceeded to fold shirts, silently cursing the flock of teenage girls who came in earlier, ravaging the whole setup as they were searching for certain sizes. At least that would keep her occupied for the rest of her shift... Her thoughts shifted around as she mindlessly executed her task, a certain mutant invading her daydreams. As time went by, she couldn't deny the feeling that seemed to grow between them. She didn't want to rush things though, noticing how Donnie would always seem distressed at moments, especially whenever she showed him affection or hugged him. He was obviously not used to this but she guessed he was starting to ease into this, daring more and more, hugging her easily in turn, nuzzling her, touching her... Of course, the fact that he was a mutant was still a strange thought, but Vee couldn't deny the thrill of it all, curious about how it could feel with someone so different... She mostly valued him for his personality, since it was what she got to know first about him. He was everything she liked and the more time she spent with him, the better it got. She stopped her train of thoughts, a slight blush invading her cheeks. Gosh, she didn't really need to think about that right now. He was a friend. Nothing more. At least … for the moment. She didn't know what to think anymore. Vee's attention shifted when she felt someone bump into her, making the woman slightly jump. ''Oh, sorry! I didn't mean to startle you!'' She turned around, now facing a man. He seemed to be in his early thirties, showing a crooked smile as his dark eyes were now looking up and down Vee's form. ''It's fine,'' she answered, frowning a little at his behavior. His gaze was now fixed in hers, somehow creating a feeling of uneasiness. ''So... you work here?'' Seriously? Vee was wearing a badge with her name on it and she had a freaking walkie-talkie buckled on her hip... ''Why, yes, I do. Is there anything you need help with?'' she answered in a polite tone. He had this weird vibe going on, Vee noticing how stiff he looked, as if nervous about something. ''I've been seeing you around a lot lately and I was wondering if a lovely lady like you wanted to spend some good time downtown. I know a good place that has this huge party planned and-'' ''I'm going to stop you right there, sir, as I am not interested. I will ask for you to please leave.'' ''Why? I didn't threatened you or anything. I was just asking if you wanted to go out some night.'' She didn't like his tone, as if he was pushing for something... Suddenly he grabbed her arm, his hold too rough. ''Come on, doll, I know you're not from around these parts. You sound foreign, usually that means more fun, right?'' Vee yanked her arm away, now looking severe. ''Sir, you should leave now.'' ''Aw, please, we're both adults here. You should relax-'' ''I said leave now or I'll call security. This is my final warning.'' She had probably said that a bit too loud, gazes suddenly on both of them. The man seemed worried for a second, noticing the surroundings. He simply frowned, stating calmly before leaving: ''Alright then. See you later, doll.'' Vee kept her angry stare, watching him walk away, but as soon as he was out of sight, she suddenly felt weird inside, somehow scared of his words. She had no idea what he meant at that moment and that stressed her immensely. *** There was no way Vee was leaving work by the front door. She asked if she could exit through the rear, which lead to an alley. That way she knew she'd be able to stumble on a manhole cover and then get deep down the sewers. She didn't want to walk back home that night, in fear of that man that would probably try to follow her. The scene wouldn't stop replaying over and over in her mind, knowing something seemed off about it all. Why would he insists about her coming? Why mentionning how 'foreign' she sounded? She was already at the lair, her thoughts finally back to the present. The clicking of her heels and her deep sighs must have been heard as the first thing she noticed when getting in was Donatello already going towards her, not even giving her time to remove her coat. ''Good timing! I have something for you!'' he said with a smile, grabbing her hand and walking towards his computers. Vee was at a loss for words, truly surprised as she hurried her footing, trying to match the mutant's pace. She did snort, amused by his behavior. ''Woh, slow down, I didn't even get to say hi or anything.'' They stopped at his desk, the woman finally taking off her coat as the turtle was searching for something in a box. He finally turned back to Vee with a grin, hiding something behind his back. ''Okay, what's going on now?'' asked the woman with a smirk. ''I had some spare parts laying around from when I created April's watch and, yeah, fuck I already spoiled the surprise, didn't I?'' Vee's smile grew. ''No way, you did one for me too?'' Donnie revealed the object, Vee's eyes now wide from excitement. She had noticed the same item on April's wrist many times, always curious and somehow jealous of that technology. Now that she would own one, she somehow felt that she was slowly, but surely, being accepted in the gang. ''What did I do to be bestowed with such honorable gift?'' joked Vee, trying to contain her excitement. Donnie shrugged with a smile: ''Am I not allowed to offer my friend a gift?'' He gently took her left wrist, proceeding to attach the gadget to her. It fit nicely, neither too big nor small. ''I won't say no to it, but now I have to give something in return. That would only be fair,'' commented Vee. The mutant lightly chuckled, moving so he could stand behind her, then explaining the watch's basics. It was only then that Vee realized how close he was, still smiling. She tried to keep her focus on the watch and the other's explanations, but at the same time she couldn't help leaning a little more towards him, appreciating the proximity. She liked his touch on her arm as he held it, his other hand going over the holo-screen and showing her the different tools. ''Ooooh, looks like Donnie-boy is flirtiiinnggg,'' came out Mikey's voice, suddenly near them. Donatello straightened up, an annoyed look already on his face. He turned to his brother, gesturing the watch. ''The hell you're talking about? I'm just showing her how to navigate through that watch.'' ''Whatever you say, Don Juan,'' laughed the other turtle. Then he turned to Vee, his traits softening: ''Hey what's up Vee? I saw you coming in and you looked kinda off...'' The woman was impressed at how Mikey could easily read people, even if it was just from glancing at their stances. She sighed, her memory now replaying the scene. ''It's just that something weird happened at work today.... A man came in and suddenly he was asking me to follow him to some sort of place downtown. I said no several times, even when he grabbed my arm. When I finally threatened to call security, he was gone, but right before leaving he told me 'see you later.'... I was so creeped out that I exited through the rear end of the store. I seriously think that maybe he would have tried to follow me home, I dunno...'' She stopped when she glanced up to the turtles, noticing how serious they looked. She was now feeling confused, thinking that she probably said something wrong, until Donnie moved, getting to his chair and already tapping at his computer. ''Do you remember around what time that happened?'' he began. ''I can probably get into the store's surveillance tapes and get to see that man's face. Maybe he has a criminal record or something.'' ''Oh, wait, what are you doing?'' asked Vee, frowning. ''I want to find info on that guy,'' answered the mutant, showing the same expression. ''And what for? That kind of shit happens, Donnie, there's no need to make a big deal out of this. He probably won't come in anymore.'' ''You really think we'll just stand there, arms crossed, while a friend is being harrassed?'' commented Mikey. ''I say giving that man a lil' visit and talk wouldn't be a bad thing.'' ''Guys, I don't see the point of this. He was just a creep that somehow found me 'exotic' because of my stupid French accent and probably wanted to present me as some sort of trophy babe at a stupid party. … It's not the first time I got into situations like this one. It sucks, but usually it stops after they see me get angry.'' ''There's no saying he will stop,'' added Donatello, concerned. ''People react differently and there's no saying he won't try again, either be it against you or another person.'' ''We want to help you feel safe, Vee,'' said the orange clad turtle. ''We protect the streets, that's our job!'' Vee sighed with a growl, pinching at the base of her nose, inbetween her eyes, as she slightly leaned onto Donnie's desk. She only looked back up as she heard the turtle tap back at his keyboard. Jeez. FINE. ''Okay, since I can't obviously win in this,'' she started. ''Let me at least help.'' ''I just need a time stamp and a description of the guy,'' replied Donnie, his eyes still on his screens. ''No. I want to help,'' insisted Vee. ''If he comes back to me tomorrow, I'll follow him and you guys will follow us. There's something fishy about that guy and maybe there's more to it than we think. If I can help resolve things faster, the better it is.'' The tall mutant swiftly turned his chair around, pointing a finger towards the woman, as if scolding her. ''No.'' ''Oh, come on,'' argued Vee. ''I'm not as helpless as I look. I can defend myself.'' She had emphazised that fact by playfully landing her hand against Donnie's shoulder in a karate motion. He only showed a blank stare, totally not convinced. Instead he gently took her wrist. ''We don't know what could happen and I will certainly not risk your well-being for a moron such as him.'' ''You know, Don, that's not a bad idea Vee got.'' added Mikey. ''You're not helping there, Mikey,'' replied Donatello, squinting at his brother. ''Think about it though! If we're following them, I don't see how she could be in trouble. As soon as something weird happen, BOOM, we get into it and that's all.'' ''Two in favor against one, I win,'' finished Vee, a smug look on her face. Still holding the woman's wrist, Donnie's thumb circled on her skin, frowning as he was thinking. He puffed a sharp breath, unable to resist her eyes and that victorious smile of hers. ''I hate you,'' he said sarcastically. ''… Fine, but Leo and Raph are coming too and if something wrong happens, I take the watch back.'' Vee faked being shocked: ''You miscreant! If you do that, you won't receive your gift.'' ''Oh you're already his gift, alright,'' commented Mikey with a smirk. ''MIKEY!'' *** (Vee): I can see him outside. He's probably waiting for me. Vee was well aware that she wasn't allowed to text while at work, but tonight she made an exception, wanting to be prepared for any circumstances. As soon as she spotted him pacing around in front of the store, she knew he was there for her. (Donnie): We're on our way. Do you end your shift soon? (Vee): In ten minutes. (Donnie): We might get there just in time, otherwise don't forget to activate the beacon on your watch PLEASE. (Vee): Don't worry, mom :P !! I won't disappoint. (Donnie): Don't do anything harsh... I'd never forgive myself. Vee tried to hide her smile, somehow touched by his concern. There was no denying that she was stressed as fuck about the whole situation, but she wanted to keep herself strong. Maybe she wanted to prove herself that she was worthy of hanging around the turtles, but on the other hand she knew that idea was stupid and unecessary. It was too late to back up now... When her work ended, she almost hesitated before going through the entry door, her stomach twisting in fear. But she pushed forward, starting to walk as if nothing was wrong. Until she felt an arm get around her shoulders. ''Hey doll, told you I'd see you soon.'' Vee furtively pushed a button on her watch, knowing it would give her position for Donnie to see. ''What do you want?'' asked the woman dryly. ''Geez, you don't sound nice anymore.'' ''That's because I just finished working, I don't need to act nice anymore.'' ''Aww, come on, can't you crack a smile for me? I want to bring you somewhere fun.'' Vee tried not to breathe in too much, the man smelled as if he hadn't taken a shower in days... She moved, getting his arm off of her, although she showed a small forced smile. ''Alright, lead the way. But I don't need you to touch me...'' ''Fine, doll. But soon you'll find yourself unable to resist those hands.'' His answer, plus his grin, only brought a disgusted shiver down her spine. God, she hoped the guys were already following her... Along the way, even if Vee had asked him not to touch her, he would always try to sneak a hand or an arm around her waist, the woman always moving away, throwing him a glare, the guy only laughing in response. It took a little more than fifteen minutes to get to the place: an apartment building that would seem abandoned at first glance, but the few streaks of colored lights that escaped the windows and the deep basses of loud music quickly translated the fact that this was no relaxing environement... Vee didn't want to get in there. She knew the turtles wouldn't be able to help her if she got inside, so she quickly tried to find an escape, noticing a small alley inbetween the building and the next, mostly used to store trash bins. This was her salvation. ''Hey, before we get in there,'' she began, trying to keep her tone cool so it wouldn't shake. ''Do you mind if I take a smoke? It's been hours since my last one.'' She didn't smoke cigarette. She saw the man smile. ''Mind if I join?'' Urg, she wanted to vomit. ''Yeah sure, I don't have any fire on me anyway so I was going to ask you...'' She lead the way, unconsiously walking fast, wanting to get deeper in the alley, where the shadows were. If only she had a clear sign that the guys were here... Alas, knowing they were ninjas, the 'no sound' part was to be expected. ''Hey doll, wait for me, don't go too far.'' The man was about to reach for Vee's arm, wanting to slow her, but his hand was promptly slapped away by a pole, more precisely a bo staff. Four forms were now circling the man, weapons in hand. Vee felt Donatello's hand on her shoulder, massaging it in a comforting way before he begged her silently to step back. ''What the fuck. Who do you guys think you are?'' barked the man, holding his hurting hand. ''Your worst nightmare,'' said Raph's voice, now walking towards him, revealing his form into the light. The guy looked horrified, his eyes round. A katana blade was suddenly pointed towards him, forcing the man to step down to his knees in fear. He was now seeing all four turtles, his body shaking, not knowing if he had to scream. Leonardo got before him, his blade still out. His stance screamed power and authority. ''What's the deal with that place?'' he asked, slightly nodding to the loud building with his head. The man opened and closed his mouth, unable to speak all of a sudden. ''Hey, dude, just answer the big meany turtle, will ya?'' tried to ease Mikey. ''I- I don't understand,'' babbled the guy. ''What the hell's happening? Did that bitch drug me? What-'' He felt the tip of Leo's katana dangerously close to his throat, the leader's piercing blue eyes going through him like daggers. ''You better choose your next words carefully. … You will answer my question and then your next stop is the police station.'' ''I ain't snitching on my buds.'' Raph suddenly kicked the human down, making him lie on his side. The mutant was now hunched over the other, his foot holding him down. ''Listen, punk, we're not really the most 'patient' type of people. You better speak right now before I smash yer nasty face.'' The guy was terrorized, trying to wiggle his way out, but the mutant's weight was enough to keep him in place. ''OKAY, okay! We bring girls here and then they get drugged and taken to places. I don't know where, but I don't give a fuck, the job pays well. Please don't kill me!'' he ended with a squeak. Vee was disgusted. Just thinking about what would have happened if she entered that place... She felt her stomach twist, all the stress coming up. It was only after the guy was knocked unconscious, following his revelation, that she rushed behind a large trashbin, suddenly puking. Her whole body was trembling, her breath choking. She knew it was dued to anxiety and fear combined. She thought she was strong enough, but she always tended to overestimate her will and for that she hated herself... She soon felt a hand on her back, a soft ''hey'' being said. She knew it was Donatello and right now she wished she could vanish. ''I-I'm sorry,'' gasped Vee, trying to think straight. ''I was j-just so scared, I-'' ''Vee, stop, look at me.'' She felt the mutant turn her around, now cupping her face so she could look at him. She did not want to cry, she wanted to be strong, at least for now. ''You don't have to be sorry about anything,'' he said, always calm. ''It's over now. Focus on me. We're here, together...'' She focused on his touch, her emotions stuck in her throat. She wanted to get lost, away in his arms. To feel his hands around her, to hide her from the world. The only thought that invaded Vee's mind was about how big of a moron she was... ''Donnie...,'' called out Leo's voice, coming towards them. Vee wanted to die. She didn't want the leader to see her like this. She simply got closer to the tall turtle, hiding her face against his plastron, hoping it would hide her and the upcoming tears. ''I'll get her home,'' simply said the purple clad turtle. ''I was about to suggest the same. I'll contact chief Vincent about this place. If she needs some sort of testimony from Vee, I'll see what I can do.'' Vee didn't catch any other parts of the conversation, her mind blanking at the simple idea of confronting the situation once more. The only thing she felt was Donnie's touch again, soon making their way out of this hellhole. The woman didn't even look back to the man once, knowing it would only make her sick again... *** The apartment was plunged in darkness. Of course April wasn't there. Vee had a hard time stumbling inside from the window, but she didn't waste a second as she walked across the room, turning on a light and proceeding to close the curtains. She seemed frantic, anxious. She only stopped when Donatello got to her, trying to catch her gaze. ''I … I need to take a shower. I feel so gross,'' mumbled Vee, her eyes diverting to the floor. ''Will you be okay? Do you need help?'' At first she had been surprised by his question, but knew he hadn't asked with bad intentions. He looked genuinely concerned and, frankly, Vee couldn't have asked for a better person to be by her side right now... ''No, I'll be fine. … I'll leave a crack to the door though, just in case. I don't fully trust myself right now.'' She didn't give him time to answer, proceeding to walk towards the bathroom, removing her coat and boots on the way. Once she got to the small room, she took a good look at herself in the mirror. She looked horrendous. Her tone was paler than ever, the circles under her eyes darker. The fact she could still feel the disgusting taste of bile in her mouth made her gag, suddenly grasping the counter's edge, hunching over the sink. Her legs shook once more, same for her arms sustaining her. A part of her wanted to scream, but only a strangled gasp escaped her, next cursing loudly in her native tongue. She caught the sound of someone getting to the doorframe, her eyes lazily looking up to the mirror, catching Donnie's reflection watching her. Vee sighed, trying to stand back up, removing her glasses and rubbing a trembling hand to her face. ''I don't understand,'' she started, her voice shaking in turn. ''Why am I reacting like this? It's not the first time I've dealt with scumbags.'' The mutant simply moved in, getting behind Vee, his arms now keeping her close, petting her lightly as he nuzzled the top of her head. ''I should've listened to you,'' she continued, her hands grasping his hold as some sobs escaped her. ''I thought I could do it without problem. W-what was I thinking? I'm just a stupid piece of shit filled with anxiety. Why do I try t-to be someone I'm not?'' ''Vee, don't say that,'' whispered the turtle. ''You're not stupid, you're amazing. … What you did demanded a lot of courage, I'm proud of you.'' ''But you were the one to be opposed in the first place!'' ''And that's why next time I won't give up my point. … You wanted to do this, fine. Now it's done, here are the results.'' He sighed, taking a pause, not wanting to sound harsh. ''… I was scared for you, Vee. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if you were to get hurt because of me.'' He felt her body shake, her teeth chattering from both cold and fatigue. Letting out a soft hum, he dared venture the tip of his fingers under Vee's shirt, lightly touching her stomach and skin. ''… I'll help you. Please, you can barely stand.'' he said gently. ''I don't want anything out of this, I'll leave your underwear on.'' A soft chuckle escaped Vee's lips, somehow finding his demand funny. She agreed, her body feeling heavy anyway. He softly lift the woman's shirt, not wanting to do any harsh movements. He caught himself glancing at her reflexion, noticing her black bra and how her little bats tattoo on the left upper side of her torso contrasted so much with her pale skin. Still behind her, he couldn't help slowly trailing his fingers against her sides, then seeing a third tattoo; a treble clef behind her right shoulder. He tried to hide his gaze as he nuzzled her head once more. Her scent was intoxicating... He got to unbuttoning her pants, slightly hesitating before he slid his thumbs to the rim, then taking the clothing down, leaving the underwear in place. He found her fourth and final tattoo, snowflakes on her right calf. There she was, half-naked. A part of him wanted to run away. Why was he doing this? But the other didn't want to leave her side. She needed his help, and he couldn't deny that he wanted to take care of her... He removed the hair tie on top of her head, soon letting the bun fall into a cascade of long light brown hair which got to the middle of her back. She was perfect. She looked exhausted, but still perfect to his eyes... ''Warm up the water, I'll soon be there with you,'' he said, letting her move towards the shower. He tried to hush his thoughts, prefering to focus on his gear he was now removing. He finally found himself in his underwear, even his glasses and mask removed. He sighed, emptying his mind as he joined the woman under the hot stream. He did not waste time, starting to wash her hair, his fingers carefully getting through any knots he could find. He could hear Vee let out a hum in approval, simply bending her head towards him, closing her eyes as she let herself get taken care of. A weird thought told him he wanted to kiss her at that very moment. That it would help her feel even more better. But the rational side of him slapped that idea away, knowing this was nothing more but a wild dream he could never achieve. Lost in thoughts, he only got back to reality when he started to hear a voice, singing softly. He knew it was Vee, a slow melody leaving her lips: ''It's quarter to three There's no one in the place except you and me So set 'em' up, Joe I've got a little story you ought to know
We're drinking, my friend To the end of a brief episode Make it one for my baby And one more for the road
I've got the routine So drop another nickel in the machine I'm feelin' so bad I wish you'd make the music dreamy and sad
I could tell you a lot But you've got be true to your code Make it one for my baby And one more for the road
You'd never know it But, buddy, I'm a kind of poet And I've got a lot of things to say And when I'm gloomy You simply gotta listen to me Until it's all talked away
Well, that's how it goes And, Joe, I know you're gettin' anxious to close So thanks for the cheer I hope you didn't mind my bending your ear
This torch that I've found Must be drowned or it soon might explode Make it one for my baby And one more for the road That long, long road...'' Donnie's heart was now beating fast, knowing this was the first time he truly heard her sing. He wanted to hear her voice for eternity, let it envelop his whole being with its low tones. Her voice had been husky, like a warm blanket on a cold day. Velvet, like smoke coming out of a burnt candle...
He almost forgot to rinse her off. The shower over, he was the first one out, reaching for towels. It took him no time to dry himself, only so he could carefully drape her in turn, next lifting her in his arms as he walked to her room. At first he wanted to turn on the light at the ceiling, but Vee stopped him, saying she wanted to switch something else on her nightstand. He found what she meant, then a couple of little soft lights hanging around the ceiling brought to life. They were like stars, giving out a warm yet not so bright glow to the surroundings. He loved it... As he settled her down on the bed, he noticed her wall filled with notes and sketches, his heart skipping a beat as he knew he did the same, although his method was less clean than hers. He kept his questions for another time, prefering to slide down in bed next to the woman, their attraction almost immediate. She was so small against him... A masterpiece nonetheless. She seemed more relax, at least the shaking had stopped. He could feel her soft breathing against his skin, her hands shyly put on him. He couldn't help leaving one of his around her waist, massaging that part slowly, taking time to appreciate how soft her skin was... That wild part of him wanted to caress her everywhere, worship her, but he groaned internally, knowing this wasn't the time for such thing. Vee was his best friend, he couldn't do that to her. ''You have a nice voice,'' he dared to comment. He could feel her smile. ''Sorry you had to witness the Disney princess part of me,'' she joked lightly. ''… Singing helps me relax.'' ''You should sing more often then... I wouldn't mind hearing more.'' A soft giggle escaped the woman's lips, her body stretching, sticking closer to the mutant. Donnie froze for a moment. How could he interpret this? He wanted to believe she liked him as much as he did... ''I'm glad you're here, Donnie,'' murmured Vee. His heart was about to explode. ''I feel safe whenever you're around,'' she continued. ''I can be myself, I don't have to build any walls... You have no idea how much that means to me.'' He unconsciously nuzzled her head once more, a multitude of feelings invading him. Without thinking, he dared to press his lips lightly against her, leaving a gentle kiss. He slowly trailed down, finally kissing her forehead. And then he stopped, suddenly realizing what he was doing. ''Uh, oh gosh, sorry, I didn't mean to-'' he started, nervous. Vee's eyes met his, suddenly lost in a green ocean. She didn't look distressed nor disgusted by what he did. She rather moved her hand to cup around one side of his neck, many thoughts crossing her mind. To the turtle's surprise, she started to lean in, only to feel her soft lips against his cheek, leaving him speechless. All what he had read about desire, those damned butterflies in the stomach kind of feeling, now he knew it was true. He couldn't move, he couldn't do anything. Her kiss seemed to last forever, his cheek almost starting to feel too hot dued to all his blushing. When he finally noticed her back before him, she only showed a smile, still looking relaxed. ''Now we're even,'' she simply said, then returning to her previous position against him, her eyes now closed. He didn't want to answer, he didn't want to ruin this moment. Instead he prefered to hold her a little closer, hiding his face in her hair, a smile never leaving him. She was perfect... *** He woke up with a slight startle, wondering how long he slept. The traces of light coming from behind the curtains was a clear sign that the day was already up, the turtle grumbling as he knew he'd have to be careful when getting out to head for the lair. Then he remembered Vee. She was still sleeping, almost turned over on her stomach, her hair sprayed out across and around her in a beautiful flow. He could still feel her lips on his cheek, the thought alone bringing a new smile on his features... He was almost tempted to let his fingers trace her bare back, wanting to feel her softness once more, but this time he prefered to step out, careful not to wake her up. He silently cursed when he remembered his clothes and gear were still laying around in the bathroom, the mutant then heading to the bedroom's door so he could get to them. And as soon as he opened the door, he met face to face with April who just got back. Both were now silent, frozen, April quickly looking up and down, noticing how the turtle was only in his underwear. Shit. ''It's not what you think,'' he began, getting out and closing the door behind him so their voices wouldn't wake Vee. ''Hey, I'm not mad. It's okay if you guys had some fun last night,'' she grinned, continuing her way towards the living room. ''No, please, April, don't make it weird. … Nothing happened.'' She was now frowning, slightly concerned. ''Then why are you coming out of my roommate's bedroom in nothing else but underwears? You're giving mixed signals here, Donnie.'' The mutant sighed, knowing the whole situation was a mess. He finally got a hold on his pants, swiftly putting them on and finally looking back at the reporter as he was knotting his mask around his head. ''Can you please sit down? … We need to talk.'' As he saw the woman take place on the couch, Donnie sighed once more as he took his glasses. This was going to be a long morning...
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lululawrence · 6 years
WIP List
I was tagged by @maybetheyrefireproof and @allwaswell16 to do this, so let’s find the actual rules thingy and do it! haha
List all the things you’re currently working on in as much or little detail as you’d like, then tag some friends to see what they’re working on. This can be writing, art, vids, gifsets, whatever.
Thanks for the tag! to save everyone i’m putting in a read more because this got far too long and i’d say i’m sorry, but i’m not really so deal with it lollll
R1 Love - okay so like...i love greg james, scott mills, and grimmy. i just do. i listen to greg and scott’s podcasts as often as i can and they make me smile when i’m having a bad day. i then started to imagine harry coming out to his mum because he saw her reaction to scott coming out and knew she’d be supportive and how that would have him cling to the r1 dj’s even more, but like, what if he had a crush on greg and then, because he’s a regular listener that greg gave a “job” to for the podcast, got invited to go and tour the studios and thought his dream of meeting greg was coming true only to meet his gorgeous intern louis??? so yeah. this is basically gonna be a massive ode to the r1 djs, mostly greg and his podcast peeps, and a bunch of silliness cause i can. it’ll be part of the 1000 feelings challenge whenever i finish it.
Wibbly Wobbly 2 - AKA Back to How it Was’ sequel hehehe people seem to be interested and invested in what happened with other harry and other louis. where was other harry while our harry was there in his universe? does he remember anything? did he go back to the morning that our harry woke up there and have to recreate the magic? what was he up to while our harry was there? all these questions will be answered, as well as WHAT HAPPENED WITH LOUIS in the sequel. i’m actually doing this one in part with @1dfanworksforcharity so be sure to check out the blog and see how you can bid as well as more details for what all i’m offering in my creator post here.
Soulmates Famous/Non-Famous AU - this one is actually also going to be part of the @1dfanworksforcharity as well, if people want it (i hope you do). the basic idea of this one is the world is black and white until you have seen your soulmate, EXCEPT there’s a caveat. pictures don’t work for this, but video/tv does. imagine louis’ surprise when he’s watching graham norton one night and looks up to see what exactly that famous singer harry styles looks like anyway and his world bursts into color as soon as a handsome face with dimples and beautiful, bright eyes comes on the screen. even more surprising is when harry’s performing at one of his outdoor shows in london and when he goes to the side of the stage to get closer to the audience, his world also becomes flooded with color. the fic will be all about the mishaps, journey, and adventure of them trying to find one another. if you win this one in the charity auction, you’ll be able to help give some plotpoints and ideas for things you want included in the fic that i’ll do my very best to create for you :)
Fantasy AU - i have had to shorten this title because dragon/hedgehog witch au was getting too complicated and didn’t fit in the small space of my to do list lol see harry unintentionally pissed off a witch one night and was turned into a dragon only to find the witch had disappeared and there wasn’t any way for him to get himself turned back. he starts going in search of the white witch that is rumored to be on the other side of the kingdom who sometimes, with her kind heart, turns back the spells of this particularly moody witch. on his journey he meets a hedgehog who goes by the name of louis, a bird with a broken wing named niall, and a mouse named liam. will the white witch be able to turn them back? if the white witch can, will she do actually do it? and will the bond between these four that was forged during this journey be enough to cross class and background if they are? no idea when this one will be finished tbh, but i keep getting more and more inspiration for it so what was going to originally only be a few thousand words is turning out to look like it could possibly be my big bang for next year lolll
Stealing Flowers AU - so the amazing @harrehleh showed me a prompt hahaha and it all comes from this photo:
Tumblr media
basically louis has been crushing on dimples with the hair for ages, but he can never seem to get the guts to talk to him. he doesn’t want to bother him on the tube, but they almost always catch the same train home and get off at the same stop. one day, louis starts seeing signs posted with what he knows to be dimples’ back photographed and the accusation that he’s been stealing flowers from people’s gardens. louis feels awful and finally gets the courage to talk to harry after seeing the signs, but things are never quite as they seem.
Attention Famous/Non Famous - y’all are probably sick of my wips list already, aren’t you? i’ve got so many. i promise i’m almost done. there’s a reason i have an actual list for this lol anyway, this is based off the song attention. harry is a famous actor who just broke up with his up and coming model boyfriend. his ex is taking advantage of the fact it’s near the debut of harry’s newest film and trash talking him to industry people and everyday people alike at the parties. harry keeps hearing the bullshit and when he sees his ex at a party one night, decides to get back at him. louis, meanwhile, is struggling because his hours just got cut at his main job and his secondary was only seasonal so he has to find supplementary income. his bestie niall invites him to get in on the catering for some of the industry parties and when it turns out he isn’t needed at one of them, he’s given permission to mingle at the club. he never thought he’d end up dancing with harry styles to help him get back at his ex boyfriend.
Sneaky Tube Pic - so essentially harry sees this person who is so hot on the tube and his friends don’t believe the person he’s describing actually exists so he finally works up the courage to try to take a sneaky pic and prove it. harry thinks he got away with it, but as louis gets off at his stop, he slips harry a slip of paper with his number on it and a wink. hehe
Larried in Vegas WIP - this one has been sitting in my pocket for seriously over a year. still unfinished. because i keep getting distracted with fics like the ones i’ve listed above, but i swear this is the last one. anyway. louis wins tickets to the BBMAs and since he’s obsessed with zayn malik, who is PERFORMING, he jumps at the chance and drags his best friend, liam, with him. liam is less than enthusiastic, but that’s fine, because while there they meet harry and niall. since they’re seated beside each other for the awards, they get to know each other well and by the end of the night decide to go clubbing together. when in vegas, right? their night takes an unexpected turn when they accidentally land at the club where zayn malik himself is hosting a private party. when they wake up the next morning not remembering anything past meeting zayn, they have to piece together the night’s events via social media posts, trending tags on twitter, and the videos/photos on their phones. hehe
AND THAT’S IT! *bangs head on desk* i know. eight fics. it’s a lot. sigh. BUT i’m excited for them all. OH SHIT I FORGOT ONE!
older kid fic - i saw a prompts post about wanting kid fics but where the kids are older, and i’m super excited for this one, though i dunno that i’ll ever finish it. i love the idea but have no idea where it’ll go lollll harry’s got a 16 year old daughter who has a newfound love of drama. he goes to attend her final monologue performance for her class, and finds out that she might have told him to come because she secretly wants to set him up with her unfairly beautiful drama teacher, mr tomlinson.
OKAY FOR REAL THAT’S IT. sigh. anyway. i have no more official deadlines, so i’ll be writing as i am able and when inspired, which is FABULOUS. please help me stay inspired by talking to me about them? that helps. hahaha
okay! so now i’m gonna tag...i have no idea who has already done this??? how about... @tommosgun, @laynefaire, @larryandgaystuff, @haloeverlasting, and @londonfoginacup, and @comebackassholes haha i’m sorry if you’ve already been tagged i love you all
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ayma-nidiot · 3 years
“Don’t Speak Their Names” - Shrimpshipping fic Chapter 33
Author’s Note: Detailed depiction of childbirth and minor blood.
This chapter can be found here on AO3.
Chapter 33 - Reborn
~29 December 2005, 16:00~
“I’m… awake again…” Rex’s eyes quickly fluttered open after passing out for the second time that day. “What is goi- Aaaaaah!” His screams piqued the interests of the other patients, nurses, and doctors in the campus hospital.
“Rex, we’re already there,” spoke Joey as Dr. Balls and two of his nurses briskly whisked Rex into the delivery room. Joey, Mokuba, Tricera, Ptera, Camellia, and Spinos were the only ones allowed into the actual delivery room while everyone else was ordered to wait just outside.
“Aww, come on, I want to see some of the action!” Tristan pouted. Even though the delivery room was larger than anyone imagined, he could see very little with so many people in there. “Why Joey and not me?”
“This isn’t about you, you idiot.” Téa bopped Tristan on the head. 
“Ma’am… Mrs. Raptor?” Joey began as Dr. Balls attached an EKG to Rex. It was too late into the delivery to administer an epidural now. “I have a small request. May I hold Rex’s hand throughout this birth?”
“May I hold his other hand?” Mokuba asked.
Ptera blinked, surprised that someone who once claimed he could “duel circles around Rex” would ask this of her. “Yes… Yes, of course you may. The two of you have been nothing but helpful to my boy throughout all of this.”
“Thank you so much, ma’am.” Joey and Mokuba bowed as they both flanked Rex.
“Hehehe…” Rex received a short break from the contractions, and smiled at his friend and rival. “I never thought we’d find ourselves like this . Let me know if you’re going to be late to your own kids’ birth, and I’ll gladly hold Mai’s hand for you.”
“Should you really be making japes at a time like this?” Mokuba scolded.
“Hey, I’m just trying to make this process a little easier for myself before-” The contractions began again, and Rex cried louder than ever.
“Oh, gods…” Espa winced as he could hear Rex’s cries well enough. Naturally, said cries were laced with cuss words. “That’s going to be me in five months? And I’m going to have to go through that twice in a row! I… I don’t think I’m going to be ready…”
“Yes you will, love… Well, minus the cuss words, of course.” Mako hugged his boyfriend’s shoulders. “I believe in you, so let’s believe in Rex too.”
Even throughout all his pain, Rex could still hear every word being said on the other side of that glass. “At least… hah… someone believes in me… ‘Cuz I can hardly take this anymore!”
“Less talking and more breathing,” Dr. Balls ordered.
“If you can survive the two times I’ve beaten you, then you can survive this.”
“That’s not helping, Joey!” Rex snarled. The contractions were practically nonstop at this point; even his stubborn attitude couldn’t help now. “I just wish… Weeves was here…”
“Rex…” Mokuba could see the hopelessness in his cousin’s eyes.
“Amber… My baby is going to have to grow up without her father!” Rex’s cries were softer, but with more tears, as he didn’t have the energy or desire to push anymore. 
“Rex, don’t give up now!” Dr. Balls encouraged. “Look! I can already see the top of Amber’s head!”
“Weeves…” Rex’s vision began to fade, and he really thought he would die in childbirth right then and there. 
But then, all of a sudden, Dr. Balls took a break to open the door and shout, “FOR THE LOVE OF RA, people need to stop running in this fucking hospital!”
“Now who might that be?” Camellia peered out the door too. “It’s… Oh my gods…”
“It must be the prime minister or something, if you’re all going to abandon me at a time like this!” Rex shouted as everyone except Joey and Mokuba looked to the man who barged into the delivery room.
“No, I’m someone even better than that,” replied the “intruder.” “Number one in all of Japan, to be exact.”
“It can’t be… Weeves!” Rex’s vision returned, just in time to see the face of his boyfriend, alive and well. Weevil had bandages wrapped tightly around where his right arm used to be. “How did… I mean-”
“As a not-so-wise man once said, less talking and more breathing.” Weevil rushed to Rex’s right side, taking Joey’s place.
“How could you have heard that-”
“Ahem.” Dr. Balls cleared his throat. “There are way too many of you in here now. Can you please wait outside with the others?”
“Yes, of course.” Ptera joined Rex’s friends on the other side of the glass without protest.
“I’m glad you made it… Hngh!” Rex could sense that most of Amber’s head was already out. “It would have been nice if you didn’t fucking wait until my daughter started crowning! ”
“I’ll explain later, I promise,” Weevil reassured as he held Rex’s right hand with his left hand, occasionally stroking Rex’s hair with it too. “I would have gotten here sooner, but as you can see, I’m a little… short-handed. ”
“All right, all right…” Five minutes had passed before Weevil said, “Come on, hun, you can do this. Just a couple more pushes ought to do it.”
“Easy for you to say, bug boy! FUUUUUUCK!” Rex gave those two final pushes his all.
“And you would be correct, Weevil!” Dr. Balls presented a crying, very pink and sticky baby before Rex. “Here’s little Amber!”
“Hun, you did it!” Weevil teared up as he and Rex looked upon their tiny newborn daughter. She had not yet opened her eyes, and there was so much blood and amniotic fluid in her hair that it was hard to discern her hair colour.
“She’s so beautiful…” Rex kissed his daughter’s little head. “Oh…”
“Isn’t she?” Weevil’s smile soon faded when he noticed that Rex wasn’t awake, even as he expelled the placenta. “Hun?”
Dr. Balls took note of the irregularity on the EKG. “He’s going into ventricular fibrillation! Get the defibrillator ready before his heart stops!”
“Hun!” Weevil began to panic as Dr. Balls tried to defibrillate Rex, a nurse tended to Amber, and another nurse ushered him out of the delivery room. “Rex!”
“He’ll… He’ll be okay.” Téa never thought she’d see the day when she’d hug Weevil in consolation.
“You sure? I mean… even after all I’ve done to him?”
“If I say that he can, then he will,” spoke an approaching voice that was definitely not Téa’s. 
“It’s… Kaiba!” Weevil exclaimed at the sight of his stepcousin. “You’re alive too!”
Even from where he stood, Kaiba could see that Rex’s vitals had returned to normal. “See? Just my presence could cure him. I’m that awesome.”
“Papa!” Heka gave his mother a tearful hug. “Thank Anubis for having mercy on you!”
“How did you make it?” Atem asked.
“This pinworm would know. It’s the same reason he managed to survive.” Kaiba winked.
“Oh…” Weevil understood what Kaiba meant.
“Is that supposed to be some kind of code?” Joey leered at Kaiba.
“Yes. A.k.a. ‘it’s none of your business,’ Wheeler.”
“Yup, this is the real, very much alive Kaiba, all right. Who else can be just as annoying?”
“...” Weevil had not seen Atem since the war from two years ago.
“Ah, Weevil.” Atem patted a barely accepting Weevil on the shoulder. “I hope you’ve been well. I am so sorry about the loss of your daughter.”
“She’s reborn, not dead. I thought you would know about rebirth better than anyone, King of Lame. As for why I am late… Well, I’ll tell you all later, if I feel like it.” Weevil fell silent after saying this, and that was when Dr. Balls came out of the delivery room. “Doctor! Is… Is Rex…”
“He suffered a minor hemorrhage, which is what caused the v-fib. But he’ll be fine after a day’s worth of rest. You guys are more than welcome to visit him tomorrow, though.”
“Doctor…” Weevil reached into a shorts pocket, but declined to retrieve what was in it. “No, it can wait until tomorrow.”
~30 December 2005; 16:30~
“Phew…” Even though Rex had woken up twenty minutes ago, he was still not fully awake, even with Amber breastfeeding from him.
“How are you feeling, Rex?” Dr. Balls asked as he checked Rex’s vitals, being careful not to disturb Amber.
“I’m tired as shit, but I think I’ll be fine after a bit of rest.” Rex twirled one of Amber’s small locks of hair. “Not that I think I’ll be getting it any time soon, thanks to this little bean.”
“In that case, you’re free to go whenever you’re able. You are fortunate to have recovered so quickly; your vitals look perfect.”
“I’d like to go now, but a certain pest problem said he’d be here in ten minutes.”
“How about more like ten seconds?” Weevil knocked before entering the room.
“I’ll leave you two be, then.” Dr. Balls met Weevil at the door. “Oh, and one more thing before I go.”
“Thank you,” Weevil spoke as Dr. Balls left Rex’s hospital room. He beamed when the first thing he saw after that was Rex breastfeeding his newborn daughter. “Hey, hun. I hope I’m not interrupting anything.”
“Quite the contrary, baby.” Rex put his shirt all the way on. It was only just then that he noticed Weevil’s prosthetic right arm. It looked like a hand manikin from the art supply stores, except it was made of black titanium, with a few wires visibly running through the fingers and wrist. “Yo, nice arm.”
“Yet another reason why I was late today. I had to make a pit stop by the city hospital to get fitted for it and, thanks to KaibaCorp’s technology, that process didn’t take long.”
“Yet another reason to like Mokuba! Anyhoo, Amber just finished eating. You want to hold her?”
“And why wouldn’t I?” Weevil took the seat next to Rex as he gave him a swaddled-up Amber. As soon as she landed in his arms, Weevil immediately started crying. Amber had a short blanket of mint green hair on her head, with two small lavender sideburns sticking out just above her ears. “She looks just like me!”
“But she has my eyes.” Rex smirked.
“Hmm?” Weevil looked as Amber finally opened her eyes for the first time. “No, she doesn’t, dino brain. Look harder.”
Rex leaned in to get a better look at Amber’s eyes. “She has a purple right eye and a blue left eye! Well, her eyes have my eyes’ shape, so my point still stands.”
“Even in her future incarnation, I never noticed,” Weevil remarked.
These words gave Rex a solemn reminder. “Speaking of our future daughter, she’s dead.” Rex shook his head when he remembered future Amber’s dying words. “Scratch that. Amber…” Rex smiled as he stroked his daughter’s fat baby cheeks. “You’re back… You’re alive.”
“Gooooh!” Amber cooed happily, grabbing Rex’s finger as he played with her.
“Hey, I’m here too!” Weevil booped Amber’s nose; the infant was quick to grab his finger too. “I’m sorry you have to deal with a metal finger, my little love bug. Your daddy has been… a little mean.”
“Gooh?” Amber waved Weevil’s finger before kissing it.
“You…” Weevil cried even harder as he kissed Amber’s hand too. “Aww, I love you too, Amber!”
“You’re already a father, and yet you’re still a crybaby.” Rex chuckled. “So, bug boy. Care to explain why you barely made it in time to your daughter’s birth?”
“Why, it’s the same reason why Kaiba managed to live. We’ve… had a little help from beyond.”
“What do you mean?”
No sooner had Rex asked this question when a miniscule whirlwind whipped about, and a ghost appeared before the three. “He must be talking about me. ”
“Who…?” Rex squinted at the scarred, tan-skinned man before him. “Bakura?”
“We meet again, Hu and Sia.” The thief king swooped down gently to touch Amber’s face. “So… You have a child together now. Congratulations.”
“Bakura, what are you doing here?” Rex wondered.
“I came here because even from the afterlife, I could sense Priest Seto and Sia were in trouble.”
“Thanks again, Bakura… I’m indebted to you.” Weevil turned to Rex after Bakura’s spirit left. “But that’s only one reason that I’m late. In fact, it isn’t the main reason why I’m late.”
“It isn’t?” Rex watched while, after putting Amber in her wheeled baby buggy, Weevil reached into his pockets and took a small item out of them.
“It’s actually…” Weevil took a deep breath. “I had to make a pit stop to a high-end jeweler’s on my way here. I despise my Underwood surname, and I just thought of the best way to do something about it.”
“And how’s that?”
With full confidence, Weevil got down on one knee and presented a red-and-black ring. “By changing it to Raptor.”
“Oh…” Rex’s eyes opened wide. “Oh, Weeves…”
“Rex Raptor, will you marry me?”
“Yes…” Rex started bawling. “Yes, Weevil, I will! But first…”
“‘But first…?’”
Rex reached into his handbag, which thankfully stood upright on the closeby coffee table. “Darn, you beat me to it,” he whined as he produced a much cheaper-looking rose gold ring. “It’s got rubies and sapphires, just like your Metamorphosed Insect Queen.”
Weevil held out his left hand, and the new fiancés exchanged their rings. “And yours is made of black zirconium, with dinosaur bone inlay.”
“Sounds fancy!” Rex admired the ring placed upon his hand. 
“Yeah, it’s ¥109472 kind of fancy.”
“Yeesh! S-Sorry yours costs only ¥31277. But it’s all I can afford, even after saving money from working at Mama’s restaurant… and doing odd jobs for my dad. When we actually get married, I’ll be sure to get you something fancier.”
“Don’t worry about it. On the contrary, I quite like this ring.” Weevil picked Amber up and handed her to Rex.
“Aww, I’m glad…” Rex lightly combed Amber’s hair with his fingers. 
“Did you hear that, Amber? We’re going to be a family soon!” Weevil spoke.
“Goo gaaaa!” Amber laughed.
“And we have like, what? Ten people to break the good news to?” Rex put Amber in the buggy again. After donning his jacket, muffler, and handbag, he tucked Amber with a cozy blanket.
“But shouldn’t you still be resting?” Weevil held Rex’s back as the both of them walked forward with Amber in tow. 
“Eh, Dr. Balls said I’m okay to go whenever I feel like it,” Rex responded after the two had just exited the campus hospital. “I was just waiting for your sluggish ass to get here.”
“Naw, Joey is the sluggish one,” Duke spoke as the “Dweeb Patrol” met with Rex and Weevil. “He insisted that we stop by the grocery store to get cake, but you guys have already left.”
“Sorry, dude. But we just had something we had to tell you all.” Rex held Weevil’s hand and showed off their rings. “Weeves and I are gonna get married.”
“Awwww!” Mai and Téa loved Weevil’s engagement ring. 
“Don’t you dare tell them how cheap it is,” Rex whispered to Weevil.
“Hehe, I wouldn’t dream of it.”
Téa took a glance at Amber. “Oh my gosh, is this your baby?”
“You know it.” Rex made finger guns.
“Look at those pretty eyes!” Mai remarked while the members of the “Dweeb Patrol” looked at Amber too.
“ My pretty eyes.” Rex waggled his eyebrows at Weevil, who bonked him on the head in response.
“She’s a cutie, that one,” Joey noted. As soon as he got his face close, Amber poked him in the eye. “Ouch!”
“Pbbbbbbbt!” Amber sputtered.
“Haha…” Joey rubbed the eye Amber poked. “She hates me already. Looks like I’ve got a lot of work to do… again. And I’m really jealous that you beat me to the delivery room, Rex. But congratulations anyway.”
“And what’s that supposed to mean?” Mai scrunched her face.
“N-Nothing! Ya’ didn’t hear that!”
“I’ll give you babies when I’m good and ready! And no sooner!”
“Okay, okay…” Joey couldn’t break free of the noogies Mai gave him, and the “Dweeb Patrol” laughed at the couple’s antics. “Hmm? Eh, it’s that stinkin’ rich boy.”
“I’m surprised you have the cojones to say that after all I’ve done for you.”
“And… You’re here too.” Joey acknowledged Thief King Bakura’s spirit.
“Thank you for helping us.” Atem bowed to Bakura from the waist down. “Even after the Kul Elna massacre, you were still willing to help both Weevil and my husband.”
“Ooh!” Heka pushed everyone aside to look at Amber. “Amber is, like, the cutest baby ever! So, this is what my girlfriend looked like when she was a baby!”
“Watch it, you sick fuck,” Weevil warned with a bop on the head. “She’s only a day old.”
“I know, I know.” All of a sudden, Heka stopped talking before using a more serious tone, with a hint of tears. “No matter how long it takes, I’ll win your heart again. Even if I have to nearly die for you again.” Heka kissed Amber’s feet before stepping back, earning a glare from Weevil.
“We must go back to ancient Egypt now, but we’ll be sure to make it in time for your guys’ wedding.”
“Yugi… I-I mean, Atem…” Weevil stammered.
“Don’t worry, Weevil. If I say I’ll be there, then I will.” Atem ruffled the even shorter duelist’s hair. “And you can entertain your wedding guests by having your revenge on me in a duel.”
Weevil’s tone of voice turned happier. “I’ll squash you, Pharaoh! I can assure you that it won’t end like our train duel.”
“I’ll hold you to that. Farewell!” Atem gave Weevil a fist bump before singing the Incantation, returning himself, Heka, and Kaiba to their own time.
“Oh?” Weevil noticed that not only did Bakura not leave yet, but he also got really close to him and Rex. “Why are you still here?”
“So you and Hu are getting married. I’m… sniff… I’m glad…”
“Bakura…” Weevil reached a hand out to the Thief King. “You were in love with my past self, weren’t you?”
“!!” Bakura jolted at this question, but didn’t bother to deny it. “Sia… He was my whole world. I couldn’t possibly tarnish my friendship with him by telling him how I feel, so I allowed him to have a relationship with Hu.”
“I’m so sorry.” Weevil took Bakura’s hand into his own and hugged him, allowing him to cry on his shoulders.
When Bakura stopped crying, he turned to Rex. “Hu… I’m sorry, Rex. Honestly, congratulations. You just might see me at the wedding, too. In the form of a friend, if I might add.”
“Bakura…?” Rex tried to chase after a fading Bakura. “Wait, what do you… Aaaaaand he’s gone.”
“And we should be, too.” Weevil walked ahead, with the intention of going to the park later with his friends. “But first… Let’s go home and get something more appropriate to carry our newborn baby in.”
“Actually, can you do me a favour, Weeves?” Rex brought his hands into a praying pose. “I promised Espa that I would go clothes-shopping with him today.”
“Rex, you don’t have to,” Espa half-heartedly insisted. “I mean, you just gave birth yesterday, so I’m sure you-”
“Now, here’s something you gotta learn about shapeshifters, m’dude. We heal faster than your average Joe.”
“Gee, that makes me feel loads better about this whole process.” Espa grunted as he felt his twins kick at the same time. “These two are literal demon spawn.”
“Don’t let Mako hear you say that,” Weevil warned.
“Aww, come on, it’ll be worth it!” Rex threw an arm around Espa’s shoulders. “I swore early in my pregnancy that I was going to give Amber what for, but now that I can see her sweet little eyes and baby cheeks, I can’t say no.”
“Rex… Okay. Well, what are we waiting for, then?”
“Weeves…” Rex turned to his fiancé and kissed his ring finger. “I’ll be back.”
“You better. Unless you want Ptera to read you the Riot Act.” And with that, Weevil was out of sight, already wanting to show his newborn daughter the joys of the insect world.
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sadisticsmiles · 6 years
Beyond a Thief’s Power Episode 11
Initiated Assault
  The Following Morning
           Everyone was gathered inside Le Renard Noir as usual, mainly regarding important matters and so on. Since all seven members of the Black Foxes were there, it was time to discuss what was going on.
           “So,” Hiro began, unsure of the meeting, “what are we here for exactly? I have a class at nine, and if I miss it, the professor’s gonna chew me out. I shouldn’t stay at LRN very long, Boss. There’s also another class after lunch is over too.”
           Riki nodded. Like Hiro and most of the members in their group, he was not glad to be at the bar in the morning, especially because it was seven o’clock during that time of day. “Make it quick before I snap your neck with my bare hand.”
           Takuto had his archetypal, nonchalant expression plastered on his face. “I have nothing great to say about you, old man. I’m not even amazed by this myself, but Hiro’s got college to attend, so why don’t you treat him to some breakfast as an apology for waking his stomach and nearly ruining his artistic hands? What I’m trying to point out is that this is a waste of time and we’re all busy today. Do you know any common sense or survival tactics? I don’t think so. Therefore, you should let some of us go back home and sleep or something. Kenny’s probably gonna be on duty today, so who cares about spending what little time we have at the moment over here in the stench you bathe in every day, when we could all be productive for a change without being dragged to…” He was at a loss as to what else to say, but it soon donned on him. Somehow. “…whatever you’re trying to get to. It’s just a civil thing I’m telling you to screw into your head for the millionth time in all the years I’ve been alive. You might want to consider it while you’re still around, s’all.”
           Atsumu’s eyes broadened. He was stunned at hearing Takuto’s lecture to him but still. It was a normal moment in his household/restaurant. “H-Hey! I may be older than the rest of you all, but this is pretty harsh for my shoulders to handle! Not to mention, it’s a really important matter I have to announce before you guys leave the bar.”
           Kenshi grinned. “You gotta admit. Takuto’s correct on this since we’ve all got something to do before we can talk about what you’re planning on revealing to us. He understands that my job as a firefighter is one of those things that’s more likely to happen as a daily part of my life. The same goes for you, Boss. You look after LRN since you’re the owner and it’s your home. You’re also one of the city elders and you attend the shopping district’s meetings, but you know what? You’re the boss of the group, so it isn’t so bad. Anyway, I should go now. An early day is something I have to prepare for and I can’t miss any more of it. See you later, though.” As cool as he appeared externally, Kenshi stood up from his seat, pushed it back in and walked out of Le Renard Noir.
           “Are you going to tell us what’s on your mind already?” Takuto asked with the same expression he always had. Though, there may have been a chance he was just annoyed or bored. “Time’s tickin’ and everyone else can’t possibly be here for much longer. That’s why you should spill out what’s in your throat, but that’s gross, so give us the details, Beardface.”
           “You’re as crude as ever, aren’t you, Takkun?” the most mature-looking man commented. A smile ran across his face within the speed of light. “But I’ll do what you asked and be gentle. So here goes nothing. What I’ve come to let you know is that I’m thinking we should go on a brand new mission tonight if everyone would like to participate in it, of course!” He was beaming with joy and glowing with it as well. “How about it?” He opened his eyes, quickly skimming the other four seated in front of the counter. “We’ll all kick some ass together and beat the hell out of these knuckleheads in order to save this kind gentleman—or something like that scenario. For example, we could put in some more effort and execute some justice every now and then, just for giggles. I respect my ami Fujioka a lot, and his team’s like a one-hit wonder, so I say it’s about time to repay the favor.”
           Riki narrowed his eyes in irritation. “What favor? We don’t owe anything to those decorous police officers working under him, so don’t make any excuses for going on a mission. That’s the worst thing you could ever bring up to your fellow foxes as a thief. You should know better than to decide on one using those who are after us.”
           Hiro smiled slyly. “Maybe he’s trying to invoke the goody two shoes to do something for him, or for all of us. Kinda makes a person think whether or not he’s trying to lure Sayuri out due to her genuine deeds as someone who’s on the side of the law.” Then, he frowned. “I’d hate to have her get angry at us for doing something like this. With Boss’ personality and harassment attempts, the whole place might be destroyed in no time if he tries to capture her.”
           Takuto glanced at Atsumu. “Well, it is Beardy we’re talking about, after all. I’m sure it wouldn’t be the first time he committed a felony towards women and younger girls. I bet Shinobu’s felt betrayed many times in the other world because of him. See, even trying to think about it is disgusting. He’s also the most perverted out of all of us. That is, if you don’t count Riki.” The light blond switched his attention towards the government official, turning his head to his left to where he could see his older friend in plain sight. “But he doesn’t go after other girls when it’s clear as day whom he’s eternally in love with.” He looked back at the owner of Le Renard Noir and started to snicker mischievously. “Hehehe. You are such a lonely sucker it’s hilarious! How do you not have many female friends? Age has thrown plenty of pies at your face by now, it’s dying for more laughs! Hahaha!” Takuto kept chuckling with his teasing and it was getting to the point where he was having a hard time holding his stomach in place.
           Hiro began to laugh as well. He had his right hand near the side of his charming visage, so it was endearing to anyone who saw his expression. “It can’t be helped, though, Takkun!” Tears formed as he resumed. “Ahaha! Boss is middle-aged, so it actually makes sense that he can’t get the girls after marrying and becoming a widow. He might not look the part, but he used to be an awesome combat specialist. It’s natural for him to have bad luck hovering over his head.” The college student was also amused with the teasing he and Takuto flung at Atsumu. “As for Riki, he’s caught the hearts of so many ladies, he’s turned them down the very second Mitsuki was in his eyes’ view. He wasn’t able to stop staring at her, as it was love at first sight!" He let out a giggle. "Hehe! It was so cute seeing them together! It was like watching a waltz take place without it actually happening; Riki was so happy, a trampoline surrounded him and everything started bouncing off his infectious aura, including small balls and stars. Ooh," the orange-haired artist-in-training added, "and don't forget the hearts, too. Those very really pretty coming from him." When he had spoken of the second eldest member of the entire team, his facial appearance became fond of the past he came to know during the years of childhood innocence that belonged to him, as what he recalled was a long time ago.
           Riki frowned sternly. "You know, I do remember you staring at me with amazement in your eyes during my last year of high school when I brought Mitsuki here back then. Your mouth was even open, Hiro. I was wondering what was going on in your little mind at the time, and now I know why you were being cute yet strange yourself." All in all, he was calm and composed like a mature grown-up should be at his age. "Boy, am I ever relieved to find out it wasn't a serious case directed towards something wrong I may have done." He sighed and looked at Atsumu. "Anyway. If you're going to bring up the subject of having a mission later on, why don't you find something that involves the word 'danger' shining off of it? Then again, we might have to learn and gather some more information beforehand. We can instantly leave most of that to Takuto, but you get the gist of what I'm saying."
           Mitsuki, who had been witnessing the events of the morning at Le Renard Noir unfold, finally spoke in a frustrated manner. "I’m the one who asked Atsumu for this meeting. I wanted to take a break from work since I was away from Ginza for a number of days. To be honest, I didn’t go to work yesterday because I went to visit Takuji in Roppongi.”
           Atsumu smiled tranquilly. “I see.”
           Rina’s eyes widened. “You did?! What did you discuss with him?”
           “A few things,” the dark purple-haired magician answered. “To start off, we engaged in a normal conversation about his home in the Human World, along with the fact there’s someone living with him and Asuka. That’s before I became a bit more serious to inquire about Sayuri’s whereabouts and something nostalgic.”
           “…About Neon?” Rina asked.
           “About Asuka’s lack of presence in their place,” Mitsuki replied. “That’s not the nostalgic portion, rather it turned towards Kousuke.” Her eyes lowered a bit. “It saddens me to say that I didn’t get a chance to be part of those two’s lives as they grew up into the adults they are now.”
           Rina nodded in comprehension. “Right. The Saionji and Hogo families helped those two grow up without their parents around, along with… a few others, even after your absence in Neon.”
           Riki had an anguished facial expression as he listened onward. “…”
           Takuto glanced at the male government official. “You okay?”
“Speaking of which," the college art student stated in order to lighten the mood, "I better get going. I actually enjoy going to college, unlike some people." He glanced at Takuto and smiled. Then, he headed to the entrance/exit and waved before going to his designated area.
Takuto blinked. “Hold on.” He took out his flip phone which was the same color as his hair—courtesy of his fondness for Shiffey—and opened it. “That little liar. It doesn’t take that long to walk from here to the university. He went off early.”
“Even though this is an important meeting…” Mitsuki and Atsumu calmly said at the same time.
“Too bad Kenny left before he got to hear what you had to say, Mitsuki,” Takuto added. “I’ll message those two on what they’ve missed out on later. Though,” he shrugged, “it would dampen their reactions compared to having them here in person.”
“It’s fine,” Mitsuki responded back. “Anyway, Takuji told me Sayuri had already left before I came, so I can only assume she knew I was going to seek her out. It’s unfortunate I wasn’t able to find any more information, especially with how secretive they are.”
           Rina let out a short and relaxed sigh. "Well, they do follow Akio-sama’s instructions since he’s their advisor. Sayuri’s getting by even faster with moving from one place to another. I wonder if we’ll be able to catch up.”
           “I can only hope so,” Mitsuki smiled at her fellow magician. “We should all have a little hope that we’ll be able to confront her sooner or later.” A few seconds passed by ere her cell phone rang. She pulled it out of a transparent area of the near her and opened it. “Yes? A meeting? We’ll be there.”
           Atsumu glanced at the dark purple-haired magician. “Was that call for work?”
           “…Of course.” Mitsuki was still smiling as she closed her eyes. “It’s too bad our own one had to be cut short, but since the call I received was basically an order, Riki and I will take our leave and meet up with you all later.”
           Riki’s eyes widened. “What? We’re leaving now?”
           Mitsuki glanced at her husband as she hung up and continued to smile. “There’s no choice in this matter. The Minister of Finance wants us to go to the meeting.”
           Riki frowned. “…Alright.”
           The married couple walked out of Le Renard Noir with Mitsuki going ahead of Riki, with only Atsumu, Takuto, and Rina in the restaurant/bar.
Rina folded her arms against her abdomen. “It seems as if I should get something from my pocket to replenish my stamina."
           Takuto looked up. "Pocket?"
           After the six-letter word came out of his mouth, his past sweetheart stopped in her tracks before shifting her gaze at him. "...We just saw Mitsuki-san take her phone out."
           "Oh, that." It didn't take long for Takuto to figure out what Rina meant. "The invisible 'pocket' magicians have where they can take out anything they want or need when they're not close to the objects for their convenience, including things from their Neon. I'm envious of you and Mitsuki for having one. It makes me wish I was like you guys sometimes, mostly you, though. It must also be fun having super strength, unlike an ordinary person like me."
           A calm expression etched rapidly onto Rina's face. "Don't forget that Sayuri has one as well. Still, I think you're fine the way you are Takuto. You're smarter than most of your kind and as a thief, you use your computer skills to hack into security systems and aid everyone on the missions. Plus, I—" She paused immediately to prevent herself from completing her sentence. "..."
           "...Go on." Takuto urged for an answer.
           Rina frowned. "No."
           "Why not?"
           "I don't want to." Rina averted her gaze. "It's... difficult for me to say. Anyway, do you want to eat something? I'll prepare something for you."
           The programmer cocked his head to his right side. "Isn't that Beardy's job?"
           Rina glanced at her ex-boyfriend. "It's fine. I'm working here for free, anyway. I'll be helping with the cooking and cleaning, so go ahead and order anything from the menu." A kind eye smile appeared on her pretty visage soon after.
           Takuto felt drawn towards the sincerity Rina showed him, and he thought to himself in a trance. How long has it been since I saw that smile? He didn't know the exact answer, but it did feel like several decades had passed by without his knowledge, and it struck his heart with a sting. Ah, it hurts. It really hits me whenever I see you that I feel at ease, angry at myself, so pained inside, and many other emotions continue to pour out.
           Rina stared at her former lover's expression and saw the sad beauty within it. "Takuto..." She reached out with her left arm in order to place her hand on the side of his face, but abruptly stopped herself from doing so before it could touch the tsundere. "...!" Then, she pulled her arm back and let her shoulders fall to their corresponding sides.
           Atsumu placed his left hand on Rina's right shoulder, looked towards her, and smiled gently. "It'll be alright."
           Rina didn't nod, but gazed at Takuto. "You are probably the one who understands me more than you understand the others, Boss. Then again, perhaps Hiro knows me more than you do."
           Atsumu's eyes slightly widened. "Oh? I believe you're right on the mark, Rina. But you're very level-headed towards me out of everyone else."
           Rina smiled and closed her eyes. "Well, it's no wonder you're a pervert in everyone else's minds."
           The wavy-haired brunet laughed lightly. "Ahaha. I guess you have another point there." He poked the side of Takuto's face with his right index finger, instantly catching the latter’s attention. "Takkun~, it's time for you to order something. What'll it be? You can tell me, and I'll have it ready in a few."
           Takuto glared with an irritated expression. "Wh-What are you doing, you sick bastard?!" Atsumu's poke sure did snap him back to reality. "Are you trying to harass me or something?!"
           Atsumu backed away with his eyes raised more than when he was chatting with Rina as he put his hands up. "Woah, Takkun! I was just trying to get you back to Earth! Really! Besides, you still haven't had breakfast, right?" Just as he was freaked out seconds ago, he was currently joyful and beamed at the twenty-four-year-old. "Let's get some food into that belly!"
           "Tch!" Takuto's upper and lower teeth met one another, indicating his grumpy mood. "Whatever, just get me something to eat. I don't care about ordering a meal right now, so serve me whatever you want as long as it’s decent and legal."
           Atsumu sighed. He was down in the dumps. "And after Hiro told you that all of us are concerned about you. A growing man needs to eat his meals three times a day, you know?" He smirked in a clever manner. "You might shut down one day if you keep spacing out for many periods of time."
           Hearing that made Takuto frown indifferently. "Is that supposed to be a joke about me when I'm facing a computer? You're not making me happy, though. Also, I'm not laughing, and if I did, I wouldn't giggle like Hiro, or burst out like Kenny does. Those two need to improve on their laughing styles. I'm in between, so I fit perfectly while Hiro is somewhat girly, and Kenny is too over-the-top. Riki? He's okay—he’s between me and Kenny so he's fine. As for you, I hate to admit it but you're better than Hiro; you're just under me. Out of all five of us guys, I'm the best at laughing. What do you think of that?"
           Atsumu sweat-dropped once the light blond's explanation was over. "Talk about brutal. You've basically butchered everyone's ranks on that. I bet those three would really get mad. The only thing I'm glad about is that you didn't include the girls. You sure overanalyze peculiar things, Takkun. It's your specialty but it's not such a bad thing in your case."
           "Of course not," Takuto objected. "I'm a gentleman and I'm nicer to ladies more than you are in terms of sensitivity, but girls outside our group are mainly an eyesore to me. Well, except magicians. Anyway. Because Rina trusts Sayuri, I'll have faith in her for now. Despite the possibility she could be up to something at the moment, I can't conclude her to be a bad woman, but she's still a little suspicious. I mean, she did lure us to the mountain and almost sent us to our deaths. Part of it was Riki's fault so I'll forgive her for..." He started to blush and continued. "...saving Rina's life. She really duped us after planning ahead but conning us might've been the best karma we’ve had in all our years of being thieves."
           The next thing the two men knew, Rina came out from the kitchen with a tray in her hands. "Well here you go, Takuto. Have a nice breakfast." She shot him a considerate glance with a casual smile after placing a normal Japanese-style morning meal on the counter in front of him. "Oh, and be careful or our identities will be found out by the you-know-who. Remember what I said before in the cave, so make sure to keep a cautious eye and ear whenever you speak about us."
           Takuto could only blush further in embarrassment. "I-I know! I haven't forgotten about it, so you shouldn't, either."
           As the Black Foxes' hacker muttered a, "Itadakimasu," he felt a warm sensation in his chest. Then, he took out his chopsticks from their wrapper, and split them apart evenly to enjoy his food. Having his ex-girlfriend around to remind him of the fact who the seven members altogether were during the night was bad enough since it was also their secret, but... He couldn't deny the reality of the world as it was true he and his friends were thieves who performed hidden deeds behind everyone else's backs. Seeing his expression gave Atsumu the smile the brunet would typically wear on his face, while Rina went back to the kitchen to check on the food cooking inside.
           Meanwhile, Kenshi was in the nearby fire department—the closest to Le Renard Noir, which was actually a long distance from there, though. As he was getting ready for duty, his co-workers smiled splendidly at him.
           "Say, Inagaki," one of them began. "You look pretty happy today. Somethin' happen lately?"
           Kenshi smiled back. "Nothing really. What makes you say that?"
           The same guy who initiated the conversation stared at his fellow firefighter, pondering whether or not he should tease the twenty-five-year-old. "You really don't know? It's all over your face."
           Kenshi's eyes widened in trivial confusion. "Huh? What is?"
           "That you're in love with some chick none of us know about," the co-worker blurted out with a grin on his face.
           Within an instant, Kenshi's visage was flushed with a shade of pink like Takuto's whenever the latter would get tongue-tied. "Wha—How do you know that?"
           The co-worker smirked. "So it is true. Spill the beans, will ya? We all want to hear the details about her. Are you gonna try and make a pass at her the next time you see her?"
           Another co-worker nodded. "We're really curious about the type of girl you've got your eyes on, Inagaki. You've never taken much liking to them in a romantic sense, but girls are attractive in their own way. It's a shame you never fell for anyone until the age of twenty-five. When it comes to us men, love comes and goes in the blink of an eye if you're not serious about a girl. And, you should be going on dates when you're young like a teenager in his second or third year in high school. When you get to the drinking age, you should marry the woman you love, and have a hot night all to yourselves when you're at home. Then, she'll be popping out a baby or two, and before you know it, you're already a father. So you see, you should enjoy the romance while you're young, not old. You won't get to do that at your age, man. You're the only one who's single now, which sorta makes you leftovers from a batch of cookies."
           A third co-worker exhaled. "Face the truth, Kenshi. You've got some looks, but no significant other to share your heart with. You're also dense when it comes to a lot of things, and you're too nice." He crossed his index fingers to form an X. "That's a bad combination and so many girls have been hurt by your characteristics. It's not that we don't think very poorly of you; we're just pointing out your flaws."
           Kenshi looked at the guys who had supported him for several years and looked down. "It's not as easy as you guys think it is. I've had a lot to do and... that's not an excuse. I understand that. Really. But you guys have had better luck than me. I'd like to experience being in a relationship too— and get married, have kids. Those sort of experiences. And I envy you for achieving every bit of happiness with your wives and children. Unfortunately for me, I'm in love with this girl who's out of my reach. She's beautiful and everything about her shines brilliantly." He clenched his hands into fists. "How can I not like her? She's not someone I can be with, and she's around my friends' age. I can't stop thinking about her, and it's so painful I feel like I'm going to die from these feelings if I don't get the chance to see her again. That's how much I like her."
           The first co-worker walked up to Kenshi, placing his hand on the single man's back. "You're an earnest guy, aren't you? Even though she's out of your league, I'm not going to apologize for making you feel bad when you're still—how should I put this—untaken and in your mid-twenties. Continue to suffer from the heartache, will you?" He patted the posterior region he was already touching and smiled lightheartedly. "You're such a sappy guy, Inagaki. It's hard to believe you work with us in a fire station. Anyway, tell us when she dumps—I mean, rejects—you. We'll be around to hear every detail, and we'll berate you even more. Can't wait to pull another one on you. Torture you later!" As he and some other firefighters went to their station for the morning, he gave a wave with his left hand, and the back of it was in full view.
           And then it hit Kenshi right on the face.
           "What?!" He shouted with a shocked expression. His so-called companion at work had just made him confess he was in love with a certain someone without him saying that girl's name to everyone, to which the others joined in with saying horrible things about him, as well. Kenshi felt infuriated; his face was boiling hot with a red color. Oh, it was worse than a lobster or two. Heck. A thousand of them couldn't compare to how angry the spiky-ish-haired son of a restaurant owner was as he was soon alone in the area he was standing in. Within the almost empty space displaying his existence, he took a breath and yelled to the sky. "AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!"
           Kenshi's frustration and humiliation broke some windows belonging to larger buildings. Surely enough, it may have even shattered the glass of a certain government facility that was one of the most renowned ones in Japan.
             Inside the Ministry of Finance, a meeting was interrupted from the sound of glass breaking. One of the employees opened the door each of the agents entered through, and frowned with a tone of disappointment.
           "Oh, that's great," the man who checked on the situation muttered. He had emerald green hair and viridian eyes; wore a beige plaid suit over a white dress shirt [that had clear buttons], whereas his pants extended to a few inches above his ankle; his pale yellow socks and dark brown dress shoes were shown. "We have to fix the windows with our powers now. And yes, I do mean all of them. They're all... greatly damaged by a..." He tilted his head to his right, blinking with a perplex look on his face. "...human man's scream...?" Then, he narrowed his eyes defeatedly. "What the heck?" No satisfaction whatsoever appeared on his nice visage. As colorful as he was with his physical appearance, was contrasting on the outside. That was when he sighed, lowering his shoulders. "To save us some trouble, we'll have to call a repair team and go under reconstruction for a while."
           Claire took a glance from the left door as he stood beside the Minister of Finance.             "No kidding." His eyes were large due to raising his upper eyelids. "We've got to act fast." He took out his cell phone and dialed a call to the company that would be of most help at the moment. "Hi. So you've just heard about it. Yes. There's a huge conflict with our windows. Of course we’d like to have them repaired. Thank you very much. We will secure a large payment after you're done rebuilding the ministry. Have a nice day and goodbye." He hung up and turned around toward his many co-workers who were still sitting in their seats. "We're all clear on that matter. The repair team is currently on their way with a helicopter to provide a net for covering the Ministry of Finance and they're bringing in other materials to fix this entire place up by truck. While we're waiting, let's resume the meeting."
           He and the Minister of Finance returned to their seats and sat down. Then, the latter stood up and cleared his throat.
           "Ahem," he said, covering his mouth with a fist before removing it. "I called this meeting today to recognize the return of our fellow co-worker, who has accomplished an enormous success for us during her trip to Europe. Although it's a bit late to announce this, I'm still grateful of her efforts to go through with work before taking any breaks and vacations. It may have been a bit forced on her since we've been encountering plentiful amounts of escalations for a long time now, but you all know what I mean."
           There was a round of cheery laughter in the closed room; even Riki and Mitsuki gave in to it.
           "So to give a quick ending to my speech," the Minister egged on, "Let us all commend Mitsuki for completing this time-consuming job, and welcome back to our team." He gave a light bow with his head. "Congratulations on bringing us some more pep and negotiations. As a reward, I was going to give you three weeks off from work. However, since we're going to be dealing with an extended period of repairs to make it seem like a normal case, we'll be stopping work at the Ministry of Finance for an unknown amount of time, so I guess most of us can return to Neon without any worries.” It was then that he heaved a sigh. “I wouldn't mind it if we were to shut the office down for good.” He scoffed. “I mean, isn't that an extreme benefit to us owe don't have to keep track of everyone's money in Neon? Man, oh man, do I ever want to give the Japanese government a piece of my mind. It’s the opposite here in the Human World."
           Nao smiled tranquilly. "It certainly would make our lives easier to manage if we tried to change this world to make it fit our standards. While this is not part o he ministry’s ‘business,’ Kei and Rie are more likely to do that in the future than we are at this time and day. We would also be eliminating more than just the ministry. Consider how much we could gain from the losses of most of this world’s government control. Taxes wouldn't exist anymore, so people could be paid the total amount of their work. But. As we're here to aid humans who are kind to others, it would be more for their personal gain. After all, their world is not like ours in terms of the law. I understand it's frustrating, but let's bear with it. We should ensure that they're in a safer place to live in, as well as for us before we try anything against this world’s governments. Sometimes if we wait long enough, someone else will take action to solve our complaints."
           "I see," one of the male employees who had lunch with Riki that day said, and some of the others nodded. He had his arms folded across his chest again as he continued to speak. "We'll have to see what happens before we do anything about it. That gives us more time to go back and forth between the two worlds, but it might take years beyond our guesses to shut the governments in the Human World down. Maybe even a millennium or two."
           With his usual smile, Claire inquired, "But doesn't the world revolve around the business field? Wouldn't international connections be lost if you decided to cancel the governments' authority?"
           "Claire has a valid argument," Riki proclaimed. "We might need several governments to operate how we regulate our supplies and resources, along with keeping track of our inventory and money for—"
           The Minister of Finance looked straight at Riki and commented, "And that's why you're such a realist, Riki. You don't want to accept this under the circumstances other civilians will lose what they have, and other than that, you wouldn't want to lose this job. Think about it: Is it really necessary for you to condemn yourself to working as a government agent when you could just live your life the way you want to with the woman you love? With all the problems this world has, the government isn't interested in human affairs. Those who are supposed to lead your kind aren't doing their jobs properly, and look. People are suffering every day but no one has truly attempted to lend a hand to anyone in need, except for the noble thieves known for stealing works of art to bring decorum back. We as magicians had decided to come here to aid others who are pure and can be trusted in some way or another, but we observe from afar to see if there are 'good' humans who won't stray from that kindness they let us know of. It's not that we're doing this to be terrible beings; we want proof of a human's sincerity before we act out on anything too rashly, which of course we don't want, and what we don't like to do is make mistakes we'll regret. For our reasons, we want what could be a better life for you and some others we come to trust. Do you comprehend what I mean?"
           Riki nodded firmly. "Yes... I know. It isn't as easy to abandon this position and move forward. On the contrary, I'll try to live a life without being a government employee. It's just... A lot has been going on in my life. Not only mine but Mitsuki's, and our friends' lives. There are more conflicts arriving at our door, and we can't resolve every one of them by sheer will. We can't wait for anyone to do something, so we've decided to stay by their sides and support them. We're not sure if it'll turn out perfectly fine for them, but we want them to know they're not alone."
           "Then, watch how things turn out for them," the male magician facing him replied softly. "You'll find the answer in due time. For now, focus on what you can do as a person before resolving a conflict. It'll go away without your presence at times. Without further ado, I believe it's time to end this meeting and take a long break from work. I'll even have them make this place smaller in size and proportions."
           In a brief moment, they all decided to leave the room and pushed in their chairs before doing so. As they strolled side by side, Mitsuki took Riki's left hand in her right to assure him it would be alright. Soon, they met up with Nao outside. She was indeed as beautiful and fair as ever.
           "Mitsuki-san, Riki-san," she smiled casually. "Going on a date now?"
           Riki perked up. "That's right. I can't let the fact we're all out of work for a while get to me when I have my wife by my side. You seem jolly yourself, Aozora."
           "I agree," Mitsuki remarked. "Do you have plans with your boyfriend?"
           Continuing to smile with her eyes closed, the white-haired magician replied. "I'll be helping my boyfriend with some errands and cooking once I get home." She opened her eyes and added, "I better start shopping for a ton of groceries in a bit."
           "Does your sweetheart like to eat a lot?" Riki asked with a smirk. "And cooking for just one person sounds tough when you put it that way."
           Nao placed her left hand on the side of her face with her fingertips touching her cheek. "I didn't say I was cooking just for him; Riki-san, did you misunderstand what I said?"
           "You mean, there's a whole round of others who'll be enjoying the food you prepare besides him?" Riki's eye were currently widened. "Boy, you must have a tough time taking care of your man and getting those meals done."
           "He is a doctor, after all," Nao mentioned. "It's not a surprise several people visit him during the day. He's also very skilled at what he does. Although we're not always together since we both work separately and in different career fields, we do what we can to show that we care about each other. It isn't any trouble for me to at least cook for a big group when he's so busy because I love him."
           Mitsuki put her hands together and smiled tenderly. "That's true. I don't mind preparing a bento for Riki and sometimes for our sisters. They're very important to me, and I can't help but love all of them. It's natural to have a desire to do something for those you care about."
           "Well, I better get going. Have a lovely time together, alright?" She turned round and walked a few steps forward in her direction before teleporting somewhere.
           The dark purple-haired magician glanced at Riki and said, "Shall we resume from where we left off? I like going on dates with you, Riki."
           "Well I believe so." The tall, wealthy human man had a loving expression on his handsome visage as he gazed back into his wife's magenta eyes. He wanted to hold her in his arms so much, but restrained himself to be more gentlemanly in the eyes of those who saw them together.
           "Oh, they're holding hands," a young woman whispered. "How lovely."
           Another one inquired, "You don't suppose they're actually...?"
           A young man nodded. "It has to be true. Just look at the way they're looking at each other."
           The second woman disagreed on something. "But they're so..." It felt as if she wasn't pleased with the height difference.
           Understanding what she meant, a third woman around the other three's ages responded with, "Who cares about that? Don't they look cute together, though? They really suit one another to me."
           Despite the both of them hearing the spectators' comments about them, Riki and Mitsuki kept walking forward before the wife in the marriage called out.
           “Riki,” Mitsuki said and stopped. She turned to face him with a sincere seriousness in her eyes and facial expression. “It’s time for me to tell you my concerns. Rather than to put our romantic reunion as a couple first, I want us and everyone else in our group, to counter the roads ahead of us. There is not a single doubt in my entire being of the dangers towards the magicians, but us as well. You know that, don’t you?”
           Riki gazed back into his love’s eyes in a serene manner. “Of course I do. Being with you and the others has molded me into who I am right now, but being apart from you most of all turned into a time for me to learn more about what you’ve endured since our first encounter. Not only about you, though.”
           Immediately, Mitsuki knew but was not surprised by her husband’s words. “…You’re such a workaholic. No wonder I can’t bring myself to forgive you for yesterday’s—” She cut herself off and took a step back, not once taking her eyes off of the man who loved her; and she towards him.
           Riki smiled slightly, but all so affectionately. “I know, and I apologized for how I treated you after finding out about your pain and the history that’s gone on for a long time.”
           “Yet, knowing the things you’ve learn about me doesn’t sever the love I have for you. I don’t doubt my feelings for you as much as you’ve felt for what I couldn’t tell you myself.” Mitsuki paused and then continued. “What I would like to let everyone know are my circumstances and Neon’s history, but I’m forbidden to as part of my punishment and exile from home.”
           The sun’s rays glimmered in a lovely way on Riki’s black hair and he nodded. “This’ll be our secret until the time comes for us to tell them.” His shoulder’s fell. “No. I’ll be the one to do that so I can protect you, Mitsuki.”
           Riki took hold of his wife’s left hand with his right and lowered his legs. He steadily entwined their fingers together before taking hold of Mitsuki’s waist with his free hand. Then, he pulled her body close to his—it was evident there was no resistance from her, in contrast to his advances. The dark purple-haired magician placed her right hand on Riki’s cheek; their eyes gradually closed and their lips met.
The love they held for one another attracted more attention—stares and glances from bystanders, but nothing else was important. They spent as much time together before being called in to Le Renard Noir later that night.
             "What's up?" Kenshi asked as he and Hiro entered the bar together. "I heard something was urgent and met Hiro on the way here."
           Atsumu had a serious expression on his face. "..." He glanced at Takuto sitting in front of the counter. The latter appeared to have a flustered look.
           "What's up with Takkun, you mean!" Hiro exclaimed. "His face is totally red!" A sly grin formed from his lips. "Something juicy definitely happened."
           Takuto glanced upward at Hiro and Kenshi. "It's nothing." He may have had a calm tone when he spoke, but he seemed angry. "There's no way that's frickin' possible."
           Hiro blinked once. "Takkun, are you feeling okay? You seem like you would be sick by your voice and facial expression."
           "Of course I'm not!" the light blond yelled this time. "Who would be when they've been humiliated so much in a day?!"
           Hiro glanced at Atsumu. "Boss."
           Atsumu frowned in a way that seemed more like his usual self. "A male customer today was hitting on Rina, so Takkun got riled up and told him not to mess with her. There were a whole bunch of other people who had come to eat here as well, and when they saw Takkun helping Rina out, they were complimenting and cheering him on. They also called those two a couple, thinking they were dating. It was nice but also embarrassing in Takkun's case, so you know how it typically is." He smiled dryly before returning to a somber expression. "That's not what I called you all here for, however. We've got a new mission on our hands, and it involves countering the mafia. What we're dealing with is no ordinary mafia, either. It's a triad. Do you know which one?"
           The men looked at each other before gazing at the wavy-haired brunet. Rina and Mitsuki on the other hand, gave their undivided attention to him as he explained the direness of his statements.
           Atsumu continued. His expression did not budge as he told his teammates. "It's the 14K who're targeting us. Though this might be an assumption, they could be after the magicians as well due to the powers magicians hold within themselves. I'm concerned about Sayuri more than the girls because of the video they sent us." He glanced at Takuto and nodded.
           In response, the hacker took out his laptop and opened it. Then, he clicked on the play button for them all to watch.
           "Yes, may I help you gentlemen?" A man turned around and asked after closing his shop early.
           When Hiro saw who it was, he was stunned. "What?!"
           The video continued to play, despite his surprise.
           A group of three men in suits walked up to the man. They were all wearing sunglasses and had stoic looks on their faces. What was most prominent about them was their sync when they stepped up to the man while standing next to one another in a row.
           "We're looking for a girl who may have worked here," the man in the middle began. He took out a small photo of said girl from his breast pocket located on his suit’s left side, handing it to the man, who delicately grabbed the photo and gazed at it for a second before shifting his focus to the leader of the three. "She is notorious for striking against us, specifically at our master, and has attack us on many occasions since the day she arrived on Earth through a form of teleportation, or so we believe. Her name is Sayuri Mitsuyoshi. She is also a magician with wings that shine brighter than what we picture angels to have, as hers are packed with a power unlike anyone on Earth has seen or experienced when they emerge from her back. Therefore, she is a very dangerous adversary of ours, sir. If you would please cooperate with us, we will give you a large sum of money in return."
           "Sayuri, you say," the man noted calmly. "From what you have just told me, I don't believe she is the same girl I remember. This young lady in the picture does not remind me of the girl I once knew, except for her orange eyes and hair. Sayuri's hair, however, is lighter than this woman's, and her eyes couldn’t be agate. Since the picture is also small, I am not certain if they have the same hair length or not, but I believe hers was shorter. The young woman in this photo probably grew her hair out longer than Sayuri's, too. The Sayuri you've described to me is not the Sayuri I know. Sayuri Mitsuyoshi could never look like this; she couldn't be a magician, or an angel-like being. Sayuri is a human girl who didn't have a place to go to until I met her. I don't believe she is, and I don't wish for money. Sayuri is not a dangerous person, but an innocent—"
           "Innocent? I don't think so." He was cut off by the leader. "If you have a different view of her, you're wrong. You don't know a thing about Sayuri Mitsuyoshi because the way you see her is someone who doesn't have any special abilities--someone who's dull in nature and has no real qualities to create a sense of frustration and lure out someone else's wrath. But the orange hair and agate eyes in the photo? Those aren't what human girls have unless they dye their hair and get cosmetic surgery performed on their irises. No human could ever have those types of physical characteristics at birth, and they certainly can't have abnormal bodies and powers. Though there are some humans who are blessed with unhuman strength and attributes, Sayuri Mitsuyoshi could never be one of them due to being born in the magician world, a world so ancient and advanced before our own." He removed his sunglasses from his face, revealing his brown eyes. "She is, sculpted to perfection. That's not the reason we're after her, but she's interfering with our plans." There was one demand he and his lackeys had in mind at the moment. "Tell us where she is if you know what's good for you." He came closer to the manager.
           The middle-age man's eyes widen. "...!" It appeared as if there was no place left for him to back into as the three members of the mafia cornered him to the edge of the counter.
           The video stopped playing. Riki, Kenshi, and most of all, Hiro were shocked and paralyzed as to what had taken place before their eyes.
           "...Who was that they were after just now?" Riki questioned.
           Kenshi blinked. "And what's their reason for going after that man besides trying to get to Sayuri? Could they be after something else?"
           Hearing those words from the firefighter, it was all coming together to Hiro. "!!" He swiftly turned his head towards Takuto. "Takkun!"
           Takuto gave another nod. "Yeah. I checked before anyone else got here after the video was sent to my laptop. They know the manager of the café has the cymophane since Sayuri left it for him. She probably flew back the same night we gave it to her; plus, the 14K may also have been observing her and us since the night we snuck into the mansion to get that painting of Takuji Uramoto. He's pretty famous, and it's been mentioned many times that he's a magician, so it's likely they're after him as well."
           Mitsuki looked at the floor. "That's correct. He's made himself known but due to the Human World's lack of magic and resources Neon has, he's brought more than enough to last him and Asuka years without having to go back to Neon. There have been times when Asuka's collapsed from overexertion and her fragile state, so he nurses her back to health.”
Rina added, “Takuji was also paired up with Sayuri during their time in high school to train and bring out their best abilities.”
Mitsuki nodded. “Despite the fact he hasn't revealed anything, he's likely to have planned something with her in order to bring the mafia down. As we're magicians, we are restricted on having our powers to their fullest range, unless we're told otherwise by the two highest ranking families of our world. But now, we need to get there as soon as possible." She looked at Atsumu. "I can't let you stay in harm's way, so the rest of us will go. At any rate, it'll be easier to get everyone else to the café now that I'm back."
           Rina turned her head towards the other Black Foxes with a composed expression. "Is everyone ready?"
           "Hold up." Takuto got up from his seat and closed his laptop. "I don't want to be dropped on my ass by the time we get there." He took hold of the electronic device, placing it under his left arm.
           "Who said we would drop you?" Rina asked with the same look on her face.
           Takuto blushed. "W-Well, I can't be too reckless, can I?"
           "Anyway, let's go. We're already late as it is."
           Hiro had a resolved expression etched onto his face. "We can't let the 14K do anything to the manager. He's too good of a person to be beaten and killed by anyone, so let's do this."
           Everyone besides Atsumu nodded and were sent to the location of the café owner after having a bright light of different colors surrounding them.
           Even though I know they'll be fine, I still fear for their lives, the wavy-haired man thought. I'm probably getting too old, but that doesn't mean I can't care about our family. Right, Shinobu? For their sakes, I'll have to prepare a grand feast for them so they can come back with brighter smiles.
             It was a dead end for the manager of the café. He had run all the way to the rooftop and was a few feet away from the edge that met nothing else, but the cool air with his back facing it. It was truly a defective time and place for him to be at, as it was also one of the worst situations for someone to go through. The three mafia men were in front of him, and there was nowhere else to escape to. It felt like the end of the world for the frightened café owner.
           "What is your purpose for doing this?" he asked, trying not to show his fear. "I have no clue as to where the woman you are searching for could be! She does not reside, nor does she work anywhere near here, or in the café."
           The leader of the three only said, "It is your fault for not telling us so before running away. You could have saved your life if not for your unethical attitude downstairs. As for our purpose... Slaughtering you might give us an opportunity to lure her out and capture her once and for all. She has given us a long chase this past month, so it's to be expected that we'll have to take our revenge on her and sell her to the black market afterwards." He showed an eerie grin. "Perhaps we'll do some other stuff before that. She does have the looks, after all. We'll violate and torture her as punishment for messing with us. Then again, who needs auctions from the market when we can enslave her to do our bidding. Hehehe."
           It was unbelievable how far the group of men would go to if Sayuri was in their hands. It was sickening and revolting enough to get on a kindhearted person's nerves, which there was no doubt the manager felt livid about.
           "How dare you filthy lot of men say such impure things towards a woman, especially to Sayuri!" the middle-aged man shouted. "You should be ashamed of having been born into this world! Have your parents not taught you any courtesy at all?! No man should ever think about defiling a lady, no matter her appearance and personality! All men should be gentle and polite when a woman is in their presence!"
           The 14K triad member gritted his teeth and snarled. "Why, you—! How dare you give me a lesson on how a man should behave! You're nothing but an old man who likes to run his mouth like a motor on and off until someone gets annoyed at you! I'll show you who's right or wrong!" He was aiming to punch the manager with his right hand and arm when...
           "Hold it right there!" Hiro, who was enraged more than anyone else at the moment, had appeared with every member of the Black Foxes going on the mission. It was a terrible case of anger igniting his fiery core.
           The three triad members turned around, and the leader smirked. "Well, well. What do we have here? So the Black Foxes have finally arrived, have they? It seems you all got our message. We were waiting for you to get here. And look, you managed to save the café owner from death's hands. For now at least. But we'll kill him after you've been finished off by our comrades." He blew onto his index and middle fingers located on his right hand to form a whistle-like sound, but was a bit softer when doing so.
           Immediately, several other triad members jumped out and covered the edges of the roof. Although they were completely surrounded and outnumbered, the Black Foxes’ team did not falter, standing their ground with their backs facing the others'. It was like a scene from an action film but it was even better than one. It was also at that very moment that something phenomenal happened, and in the blink to an eye, too. A bright light radiated above everyone on the scene as if it were a fairy tale glow summoned from a book of the stories that were listed in it. Thousands of needle-like objects spun out and hit the mafia members, knocking them unconscious and evading the Black Foxes. Shortly afterwards, the sharp needles dissipated, and the light sank back to a pair of wings, giving the chance for Sayuri to display her alluring, yet pale form.
           As they witnessed her appearance, Hiro's eyes were taken in the older girl's beauty, more so than Kenshi was; albeit there was the fact Sayuri landed between those two when it came to age. Even the manager of the café was enchanted by the woman balanced above all of them. Soon enough, the winged magician gracefully descended down to the roof's ground.
           Sayuri scanned wherever the 14K triad members were lying. "What a pain in the back. Really. Do I have to go through all of this for a group of criminals looking for me? Just when I was about to go home, too. This isn't a night that's in favor of me now, is it?" Afterward, she confronted the members of the Black Foxes with her agate gaze. "So we meet again, you so-called noble thieves of art. Or should I say, the Black Foxes. It really isn't as great of a pleasure to see you, but that doesn't matter. I have to rally up these foul men and turn them over to the police station before the night ends, thank you very much. I'll be taking my leave, so fare thee well."
           "Wait," Hiro called out, almost as though he were desperate.
           "What is it?" Sayuri glanced at the orange-haired young man whom she once referred to as a friend.
           Hiro frowned somewhat sadly. "Can we talk for a bit? There's a lot we'd like to discuss with you, Sayuri."
           "There's no reason to," Sayuri shot down her words.
           Hiro shook his head. "But there is. Because I just told you that reason."
           Rina gazed at her best friend with her hands folded across her chest and added, "Why don't you hear us out, then? I don't care if you refuse to say anything in reply to the other guys, but at least have a chat with Hiro. He's a good person at heart, which sets apart what a thief at night would commonly be from who he truly is on the inside. You already know not all human guys are like this, so do something for his sake."
           Sayuri's shoulders fell. "Fine. We can't speak inside the café. That's my condition for listening and answering you guys. I don't want to be in a place like that anyhow. Understand?" She arrowed her eyes with order. "I just can't find being in the place I had reluctantly agreed to live in and work at as an employee very fitting since my wings weren't comfortable the first instance I had been here.  I even went home every night but you should get the point by now."
           The owner of the café took a step forward. "Um..."
           Sayuri glanced at him. "Yes?"
           "Are you really... Sayuri Mitsuyoshi?" the middle-aged man asked. "You don't quite seem to be the same girl I remembered meeting over a month ago."
           "Is there anyone else you recall meeting on their twenty-first birthday who has the same name as me?" Sayuri frowned indifferently.
           "Well, no, but..." He looked down. "It's hard to believe you were the very young woman who was once here not too long ago. I was quite fond of you for being such a kind and warm person. You attracted so many customers to my café, and I have always been grateful to you. I can't thank you enough for spreading joy to this place and bringing wonderful smiles to everyone's faces."
           Sayuri let out a worn out sigh. "Well, I suppose I should thank you as well for giving me a place to stay and hiring me. Why don't you join the conversation? I'm positive you wouldn't want to be left out of this." She looked back at the group of thieves, and sat down with her legs crossed.
             "Now, what do you want to ask me?" Sayuri inquired as she waited for Hiro to start conversing. Her wings had disappeared after sitting down to face the Black Foxes.
           A sense of nostalgia flowed into Hiro's body and he softly smiled at Sayuri. He thought back to a couple nights ago and the memories of that portion of the past came back to him in a flash. "You're really nice, and I mean more than meets the eye, you know that? You went out of your way to create a trap for us in order to restore Rina's powers and save her from losing them. That's an astounding feat none of us could have thought of since we didn't have Mitsuki back in Japan with us until after we went to the mountain. Thanks."
           "Well, I can't just let Rina die from that rotten woman's plans." The orange-haired magician was looking into Hiro's eyes with a crucial hint in her expression. "It's her fault that Rina was in danger in the first place. Not only Rina, but other magicians who are here on Earth. Of course, I don't want them to perish. Because they're important to me, I can't let them go. It's too sad to never get the chance to see the ones you love ever again, along with not being able to talk to them when they're gone forever; it's even more painful to have to say goodbye to them, especially when they're in your line of sight. I'm not the only one who doesn't want that. There are so many magicians who don't, as well. That's why..." She was filled with a resolve that could move the hearts of others in a short amount of time. "...I won't give up on setting things right. And I'll make sure that woman pays for what she's done. She's pulled a lot of strings, but I'll be working to stop her with Takuji and the others."
           "...Sayuri..." Hiro saw how much Sayuri was purely devoted to save her own people.
           She must be going through a lot to do what she has so far, he thought. It's no wonder she has such a strong sense of justice. I want to help her, even if I'm not fit to stand on the same ground or breathe the same air as her. So…
           There was a curious look on Takuto’s face as he gazed up at Sayuri from his computer screen. “’That woman?’ Who exactly would you be referring to? From what you’ve told us just now, there’s something unpleasant about her. She must be sucking away the magicians’ powers in order to eliminate them from existence, especially in the world you’ve been trying to benefit—our world, the Human World—since there was originally no trace of magic until...” He narrowed his eyes before finally coming to an answer. “ ...the magicians came here as part of their mission to help this world.  So I take it she's hated all magicians enough to strategize and perform a counterattack against you guys. Which means..." He glanced at Rina for a few seconds before turning his gaze back at Sayuri. "Every magician staying here is in peril far more than quadruple the amount the whole planet is going through right now. What about your princess? Is she still on Earth, or is she back home?"
           "For the time being," Sayuri went on, "Takuji and I have sent Asuka home to rest and recover her powers. At the very least, I don't want to involve her in the fight that I'm going to take part in. I don't know if that's going to do anything but... You all may end up going into this if you decide to go with me. It's no ordinary battlefield, but whatever your choice is, I won't stop you."
           Hiro and everyone else smiled at Sayuri. Of course they were going with her. And. It was evidently present that their bond and willpower were powerful and overwhelming for a band of thieves, so much so they wanted the orange-haired girl to be part of their bond.
           "Like anyone's going to stop us," Riki grinned victoriously. "We're the Black Foxes. We don't back down from what we seek to do and we'll finish our missions without a care for anything else. That's one of our mottos we live by when we work at night! I'm gonna ask you this again, Sayuri. You rejected my offer before, but that doesn't change the fact I'm set on having you as a member of our team. Will you join the Black Foxes?" He held his hand out for the magician's reply as he stood up.
           Sayuri also rose from her position and looked directly into the leader's eyes. "I'm sorry to say this to you, Riki. But my answer remains the same. I will not join you as we're on the opposite sides, but I can stay with you all, seeing as you're willing to risk your lives for the magicians. Therefore, let us arrange what we will be doing later on. I will meet you after I recharge in Neon. I need to heal there as well since I was attacked and wounded before arriving here tonight."
           Kenshi spoke despite being flabbergasted along with the others as he glanced up from sitting on the ground. "What? You're hurt?" He frowned in concern. "Is your wound... painful? If it is, I think you should come by LRN another time. Maybe, you should stay home for a few days if you're gonna go back to heal it."
           Sayuri shook her head. "No, it'll be alright. It's... a wound that gives me a feeling of remembrance." She looked down for a few seconds, then raised her head up slowly. "I'll meet you all. At Le Renard Noir. So... Wait for me and don't forget that I'm going to be staying with you, so I'll be sleeping on a bed there for a while. Also. Have Rina return to Neon tonight before I come. She should at least visit her family and let them know she’s doing well in the Human World. I won't be seeing her back home, though." She turned around, walking toward the edge of the rooftop before stopping in her tracks. After that, she turned her head to gaze at the six members of the Black Foxes and the café manager. "I nearly forgot to mention this. Mitsuki-san, you two look good together. It has been over nine years now, but congratulations on your wedding. Manjuki-san must be looking forward to the day you have a kid with your husband.1 And Owner? Live well without me and don't get yourself involved with this. It's about time for you to sever your will to hold onto me, so don't become depressed over the memories I've been in, and resume your life as it already is. You can't look back and sink into despair. You need to be strong for the people around you. If your employees become worried about you, apologize to them and make a decision to remove their anxiety. Thank you for everything you done for me." Sayuri's wings grew out and flapped once before rising again. She flew up and disappeared afterward. Along with her, the 14K triad members were gone and out of sight, indicating where she might have gone first.
           Hiro looked at the manager and smiled. "I know you're sad about her departure, but try to listen to her words. I'm positive she wanted the best for you, Manager. If she didn't, she wouldn't have cared to tell you anything. I believe Sayuri was looking out for us as well. She might not have said much about it, but maybe she's trying to protect everyone who're pure at heart in her own way. That's... my conviction." At that moment, his smile became softer and full of endearment. His support for his friend was to be praised, as he could not be disloyal to the feeling of care towards the winged magician.
           Kenshi felt a wave of excitement for the college student. "Hiro...!" He was glad the young man was dedicated to Sayuri as he was, but felt as though Hiro had a stronger heart for her than he did.
           Takuto looked at the café owner. "Well, she did pull the wool over our eyes the last time we crossed paths with her. Luckily, we weren't killed, but she concocted the perfect plan to lure us—except for Sir Beard-it-all—out to a secluded terrain and replenish Rina's powers." He gave a short nod at his ex-girlfriend. "She was losing them, anyway. Sayuri's a clever one to have done all that in a short period of time. Looking at our missions so far, she was always ahead of us. Even tonight, she stole the spotlight in just a flash. She really beats us to it every time, but with good intentions. It's no wonder Riki wants her to join us. She still rejects the thought of siding with thieves, but now we can compromise on working together to defeat the woman who's going against the magicians. She's a commendable person at least, so don't fret over not seeing her again. The girl you knew was hiding her true self; yet she does it to help her kind. You're already proud of her and you love her like a family member, but with everything that's happened, you'll have to move on and forget about her. She doesn't want you to regret anything. The thing is, she can't go back to being under your roof and working for you. The cymophane returning to you wasn't for nothing, you know."
           The manager of the café was surprised. "You mean... Sayuri didn't receive it from someone she knew? Then..."
           Hiro nodded in confirmation. "That's right. She said it belonged to someone she knew and that person happened to be you, Manager. We didn't know who the cymophane belonged to until Takkun and I visited you. Thanks to you, we were finally able to see her again. But... It wasn't like we were on friendly terms then." He gave an eye smile this time. "I guess the credit should go to Rina since Sayuri seems to have opened up a little whenever she spoked to her."
           Kenshi chuckled. "And with Saionji here, she even acknowledged our married couple." Looking at Riki for a brief second, he laughed some more. "But she totally refused our leader, which of course makes it worthwhile. Hahaha."
           Riki frown with an irritated look on his face. "Laugh all you want while you still can. I'll be giving you something you won't be looking forward to once we get back, you little brat. It's no wonder you never got a girl to keep with you." He smirked sarcastically. "Aren't you the poor old sap of us all?"
           "What are you talking about?" The sniper cocked his head with a dumbfounded expression. "You and Boss are the oldest ones of us all, and Takuto's next in line after me! I'm basically in the middle of everyone, even if you include the women on our team."
           Heh... Takuto narrowed his eyes as he stared at the firefighter.
           Hiro was also watching with a similar facial appearance, but had a dull half-smile to add to it in contrast to the hacker's nonchalant look. Hm.
           The two of them sighed simultaneously in their minds [but not letting out an exhale from their actual bodies]. At least he didn't say anything about Mitsuki's age.
           They then sent signals with their eyes with Takuto being the first to respond.
           That would've been bad. For Kenny, I mean.
           Hiro silently agreed. No kidding. But Mitsuki's feelings would've still been hurt in the process.
           "..." Riki was still looking sternly at Kenshi. Then he turned around. "Let's get going. Boss is waiting for us and Sayuri is going to be at the bar soon. He must have prepared some food for us. Hopefully, nothing's gone cold."
           Mitsuki smiled. The sight of her was as serene as ever when things hadn't gotten to an unpleasant state. "Perhaps the food has already... We can reheat it once we get back. Let's not worry too much about making Atsumu wait."
           Kenshi was still clueless in the current situation. "Did something happen while I was at work this morning?"
           "It's nothing you really need to know about, Kenshi," Rina patted the most oblivious member of the group on the back with her left hand. She glanced at the café owner/manager. "Sayuri will be fine with us. She can take care of herself, no matter what's thrown at her."
           The middle-aged man nodded. "She was capable of saving us while injured. I wonder if she can truly handle being in this foreign place by herself."
           Rina raised her eyebrows. "Oh? That sounds like you don't trust her enough. Sayuri's always like this; she's a bit reckless in some ways, but she's also a magician like Mitsuki-san and I are. We all make foolish mistakes because we're alive. Sayuri probably doesn't want to inform you how she got hurt in the first place, as well. If she decides not to say anything else about it, it's her choice. Do you not think so?"
           "I see you're very supportive towards her," the manager smiled gradually. "Thank you. She must be fortunate to have a friend like yourself, young lady."
           "Not at all," the blonde beauty replied. Her expression was still as collected as usual when she was unprovoked by anything/anyone, especially by a certain someone. "Sayuri's... always been by my side during our high school and college days in Neon. I'm grateful to have her as a companion."
           She looked down and entered her thoughts. Even during my most difficult times, she was placing more effort to cheer me up. And not just her, but everyone else in their own way. I can't abandon those dear to me, not even Sayuri. With the new circumstances we'll be facing with her, I have to ensure her safety as much as I can.
           The café manager gave one last tender smile. "I must really be getting old for my age. I don't even know if I've live half my life yet when I think back at everything that has occurred in it. To think a magician had been by my side all this time, and that one of my greatest customers was a member of the famous Black Foxes. In addition, there are two female magicians aiding this band of thieves. I would have never thought the truth was laid out in front of me like this." Taking a glimpse of the six members who came along that night, he added, "My, you all are an impressive bunch, and so is Sayuri. I'm glad to have had this encounter with you seven tonight. Thank you for saving my life. I shall pray for your success in saving the other magicians, including your own.2 Goodbye and good luck to you all."
           Hiro closed his eyes with a jubilant smile. "Thanks! We'll make sure those evildoers don't get away with their objective. You can count on us!" He saluted the owner of the café. "Teehee! Or should also we say, toodle-loo!"
           The rest of the Black Foxes smiled at the manager and Hiro's last words to each other before heading (teleporting) back to Le Renard Noir with Mitsuki and Rina's help. From now on, they would be moving forward and could not look back on the old things which were peaceful, but the ones that needed to be done for the sake of magic and alteration. That very night was when a new door towards their future was unlocked, and they had decided to step through it without hesitation. It was because of their desire to assist Sayuri and the other magicians in order to save them from a cruel, malicious demise that they took drastic measures into their hands, jumping into an extraordinary frontier awaiting their arrival.
 1)        Sayuri used verbal irony in which to invoke situational and dramatic irony, as Mitsuki and Riki cannot have a child together.
2)        In case there is any confusion, the café manager/owner’s words mean to save the magicians, along with Rina and Mitsuki, whom are members of the Black Foxes.
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pinkchronicles · 4 years
2019 Recap
So, eto na naman po ako sa super-duper, ultra-mega late blog post ko noh! Hahaha! I was supposed to write something about my birthday but this year has been super crazy kaya naman failed ang goal ko to post here every month! Hahaha! And I'm not complaining ha! I'm actually super grateful because this has been one of the best years I've had. The best year I've had in a decade to be exact! I know sinabi ko din ito regarding my 2018 but tinalo talaga sya ng 2019. Hehehe! Today, I will try my best to go into details about the things that happened this year in every aspect of my life. So, let's start!
I want to start with this part because this is where I sucked at the most. And I admit it, okay. I've set myself a goal on finishing the Bible this year and well, I DID IT! August 26, 2019 was the date to be exact. And I finished it with the help of an app named Bible Reading Schedule. Not promoting the app. Ginamit ko talaga kasi sya. Kinda weird that I had to schedule things like this, I know. I'll explain why later. When it comes to my faith and such, walang nagbago. I'd like to say it has improved but I couldn't feel it nor tell myself na I've been more religious than the previous year. Hindi ako kuntento sa part na ito because I know I could've done better.
Best part of my life this 2019! I have nothing much to say here sa true lang kasi we all had a busy year. But despite of it, I can say na this is one of the best years for our family. Wala kaming naging major issue or problem, walang nagkasakit ng serious sa amin, our Tita was declared cancer-free, we did our first major travel together so yung bond namin this year is kinda different from the previous years. We're travelling again next month. This time mas madami na kami. I'm still super close to my parents. To sum it all up, very peaceful and balanced ang family life ko.
Another area where I always sucked at except this year. I honestly don't know if I am right in saying it because it's how I feel about it. The years of me being a super obedient patient is finally starting to pay off! I didn't have any serious problem about my health this year except for one thing that I don't really like discussing but fiiine, I will! I wanted this post kasi to be as raw and unfiltered as possible. I almost sunk into depression during the first quarter of this year. Keyword is ALMOST. Ayoko mag-open up about it because I know it's such a sensitive topic to discuss specially now that everyone seems to claim that they experience it at ayoko din namang ma-label as "bandwagoner". But I did a test last year. Ayoko na i-divulge kung anong test but it has something to do with radiations that brought a negative side effect sa body ko. That's where it came from. Thankfully, I was born a fighter. I'm not being arrogant or what but I guess through the years, I've learned how to take better care of myself. The moment I noticed that something is wrong with me or my body, I instantly go berserk. Hahaha! No kidding! Yun ang initial reaction ko all the time. That's why people say I'm maarte or that I'm always over-reacting especially when it comes to health stuff but that's MEEE! I don't think I would've survived and lived this long if I wasn't too paranoid about my health. Of course, another factor din na meron akong crazy but super supportive na family who are always there for me.
Okaaay... Here we are with what I think is the biggest plot twist of my 2019! I won't try to sugarcoat things. There is a new person who makes me smile. Surprised!? Me, too! Hahaha! It feels weird kasi never in my wildest dreams did I ever think na I will like someone again. I mean, alam ko naman na dadating yung time na yun but I never thought it will be this year. I was giving myself kasi a 3-5 years of rest in the love department. But anyways, we are not in a relationship. NOT YET! Hahaha! And honestly, I prefer things this way. I know it's weird and people might say na I'm too old for the "no label" kind of relationship but I enjoy being single. Yung tipong hindi ka na-i-stress at umiiyak because your boyfriend is playing the ignoring game that goes on for days, weeks, months and so on. Nakakaloka! I may sound bitter (even if I'm not) but being single made me appreciate the stress-free life. And even if nakaka-miss having someone special in your life, I don't think I am fully ready to be in a relationship again. Feeling ko may kailangan pa akong i-confirm at ayusin sa sarili ko before I enter a new one. Actually, hindi lang naman para sa akin but for both of us (me and the new person). Gusto ko 101% sure ako sa feelings ko at sa kanya kasi ayoko namang maging unfair. Luckily, he's also in the same page as I am. We're both content and secured enough to know that we feel the same way about each other. That's the most important thing. WE BOTH FEEL SECURED KAHIT WALA KAMING LABEL. And even if there's no exclusivity in that situation, we both know we're exclusive to each other. Hahaha! Plus point yun for me because I don't like sharing noh! Bonus na lang yung knowledge nya about my medical history (he's my doctor) so he knows what he's about to get if ever we both decided to take things further.
I won't go into details sa part na ito ha but this has been a very abundant year for me. Yung mga sales lang talaga ang naging problem ko dito eh! Hahaha! Yun na yon!
2019 has been a year of growth for me. It taught me a lot of things and I mean A LOT! I've learned to invest more in myself. To love myself more. I know it sound cliché but it's true. I've rebuilt myself this year. I'm slowly gaining my confidence back. I've always felt like I should adjust for other people but now I am slowly learning to ignore those whom I know isn't really good for my well being. I finally started mastering the art of dedma! Hahaha! Thanks to my special someone. Siya talaga yung palaging nagsasabi at nagpaparamdam sa akin na it's their loss for losing someone like you. Aaaw! At syempre naniniwala naman ako noh! Hahaha! Because of him I've realized that it's okay to leave and let the people that you love go. Like if the person that you love doesn't treat you well at puro stress and toxicity ang binibigay sayo, LET THEM GO. Walang mabuting maidudulot sayo ang pag-hold on sa mga taong ganyan. They'll just going to drain you. Why sacrifice your sanity and put your energy to people who doesn't give a fuck about you diba! I've honestly lost around 5 people in my already small circle this year and honestly, I never felt any regret that I lost them. Hindi ako bitter na nawala sila but life has been a lot easier since they left. As in nabawasan talaga yung problema ko sa life! Hehehe! If I knew this would be the effect of not being around their energies, I would've stayed away from them 4-5 years ago. Like seriously.
I've also learned to detached from people who only know me when they need something. The people who come to me when they have a problem but ignores me the moment they're doing better. I don't know how and why I've let myself get attached to them. Parang naging collection ko na nga sila sa dami nila! Hahaha! I don't know why I attract those kind of people kasi hindi naman ako ganon. But honestly, wala naman akong problem with those kind of people. Happy ako na I was able to help them in my own little way but unlike before where in sobrang affected at invested ako sa problems nila, hindi na ngayon. I've learned to put boundaries when it comes to my emotions. Kaya sometimes I kinda feel bad for Joven (my doctor) kasi this could also mean na he's in big trouble pag naasar ako sa kanya diba! Hahaha!
They say that you get what you put out into the world and I am now a firm believer of it. I believe in karma kahit ano pang sabihin ng iba. And I know I've been good this year kasi I was showered with good karma. But I've also seen a lot of people getting their bad karma served to them this year. I don't want to sound mean but it is what it is. I'm not happy about it. It's just that sometimes when they asked me for advice or help or when they come to me, all I wanted to tell them was to reflect on their past actions because it could teach them something. I'm not saying I'm clean and all but most people overlook these things. Or maybe it's just me because that's how I assess my life. Like if something bad happens to me or whenever I go through something, I know it's because I did something bad to other people. Yun yung parang wake up call ko na: "Girl, umayos at mag-behave ka!" Hehehe! But then again, I've learned not to meddle with other people's business and I've learned it the hard way kaya I prefer to zip my mouth.
Anyway, I also meditate now. The chakra healing, essential oils and stuff, I do and use all those things na. I know it's weird and very Tita-ish but it works for me. Para kasing nag-reset yung system ko after I started doing meditations. I couldn't function or stick to my goals without scheduling them kaya I now use scheduling and habit apps. Effective naman sya sa akin. Na-finish ko nga yung Bible diba! Hehehe! I've ditched the bullet journal because hindi sya fully nag-work for me. Like no matter what I write in there, nakakalimutan ko because I had to scroll pages pa just to find it. Naging visual ang brain cells ko this year. Sort of like out of sight, out of mind ako when it comes to stuff. And I've been super productive this entire year. I'm starting a new business soon (next week, actually) and I'm excited about it kasi ang daming positive feedback. Ayoko sya i-pre-empt kaya I won't talk about it na.
I celebrated my birthday in a very simple way again. Nag-mass lang ako then had dinner with my family. Pero parang 1 whole week tumagal yung birthday ko. Weird how people has been giving me food out of nowhere. I saw the old lady (the one I wrote about last year) in the church again. And she sat right in front of me again. As in parang naulit lang yung nangyari last year. Christmas has been amaziiing! First time ever ko nanalo ng bongga sa Bingo. There has been a running joke about me kasi when it comes to Bingo. They say I always pick the charity cards because I never ever win. Hahaha! This year I was able to finally say, "GANITO PALA ANG FEELING NG NANANALO!" Hahaha!
I think that's all I'm going to post about this year. As always, medyo hesitant na naman ako sa papasok na taon but I'm also excited for the new learnings, experiences and opportunities this 2020. I'm half-claiming it will be a good year for me kasi Rat is my Chinese zodiac sign and 2020 is Year of the Metal Rat. Para ano pa't naging Year of the Rat person ako diba! Hehehe! Anyways, as the new year begins, may we all use this chance again of pressing the reset button in our lives wisely.
Wishing everyone a Belated Merry Christmas and A Prosperous Wonderful New Year!!! Xoxo - Ayie
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Day 4. 05/07/17
Shasta City, Shasta city park spring waters and Mossbrae falls. Alexander and I woke up around 7 o'clock and got ready for the day. We did our daily Bathroom your routines, and we started getting ready to go. (for any of the ladies reading this, I did start my period today, so if you have any questions about how that's going LOL, you may personally message me) Alexander and I went straight to heading to the city and didn't waste a single moment, we went to the heart of the town and it was about 8:30 and everything was still closed. Apparently nothing in that town opens until 10 or 11, but since it was Sunday most places don't open in general. (Small town things I guess??? Haha) So Alex and I went into Ace hardware (thank god it was actually open) so he could get a pick axe so we can go crystal hunting!! (Yes, it's a thing up here hehehe!!) We purchased and drove straight to Shasta city park and got bundled up. Since it was closer to the mountain it was actually quite cold! We had to wear two jackets, gloves, and a beanie for me. We walked across the parking lot and there are about half a dozen of cabins there. There was a lodge where they held random classes. The one that was taking place currently was about sacred geometry and sometimes they have yoga classes there as well so that really interested us!! If anyone is curious as what classes are held there you can google mount Shasta city park lodge and it should pop up! We pass the lodge and behind it is a small bench next to a mini river/waterfall that is known as Mount Shasta Headwaters. Now just a heads up the entire town is known as "the pure water town" because the water comes straight from the mountain. The headwaters are literally the beginning of the Sacramento River!! We'll post footage but the water just seeps out of the ground and is so heavy and freezing cold!! Everyone comes from town and fills gallons of water and even people just passing through bring bottles to fill up. We tried it (at your own risk go for it! It's the purest water you can find) We were told it also "decalcifies your third eye". People up here be woke y'all. Alexander and I start exploring and hiking around the river and there are tons of fairy trails and little mossy growths/fields everywhere on the ground. The park is massive and has HUGE pine trees and fields that just shimmer in the sun. If anyone watches studio ghibli films where they have scenes of the fields it is exactly as pictured. So incredibly beautiful. The river has a bunch of little bridges that people have made with pieces of wood or fallen trees. It is literally a forest jungle. The birds are lively and stunning. The woodpeckers are a bright orange and yellow with black wings and head and the bees are ADORABLE plump lil babies and I. Love. Them. Walking along the paths in the mud you can see foot prints of bob cats and dogs that have run through with their owners going on jogs. We were exploring the edge of the river looking for stones and anything that would catch our eye and, what looked to be pregnant, a big white stork flew right out of the trees above us!! It was incredible you guys. Seriously. So much bigger up close than you'd think... We eventually headed back to the car and drove off to town to see our friend blue wolf. He's a crystal shop owner I previously mentioned. He gave us a run down of folks in the town. Events coming up. And things to explore. Apparently in June there's a huge festival in Oregon. I'll post more on it when I get more details. (Stay tuned). We walk around town a little more and walk into each lil shop to introduce ourselves. A vitamin/organic produce shop had vegan gluten free options !!! Yay !!! And lots of supplements and special teas so I was highly interested in them. They were very kind people. Next we went into an art store!!! I was. So. Excited. They had EVERYTHING. They had spray paint, microns, paints and different types of papers. BUT. The woman there didn't like us because we were "outsiders" so that was a bummer. But alas, not everyone you'll meet will like you. So that's a-okay and we moved on. Alex was a lil feisty though cause she was rude. Haha We then entered another shop that had "the real Indianan jones" and she met the myans whom gave her some crystal skulls for helping heal the townspeople. So that was crazy interesting. Google her!!! They told us about a secret location across some train tracks called Mossbrae falls. Just the description of it was incredible so we dedicated the rest of the day to finding it and hiking to it, and we did!!!! WE FOUND IT. I'll post an entire separate post on how to get there. No worries I gotchu fam. So we get there and the entire experience was unreal. We collected dozens of green stones and minerals and It reminded me of el derado. If you haven't seen that movie stop reading this and go watch it. Seriously. Bye. We eventually head back and we saw a baby bald eagle (or a huge hawk??? I'll research and keep y'all updated) The walk there took almost an hour and the same for heading back. We got to our car and put away our new treasures and saw a hitch hiker with a small dirty dog (the dog had dreads starting to form) so we gave them bananas and some nachos we got from tbell and what he said will forever stick. "I'll forget the names but I won't forget the kindness" So eye opening and kind. By the time we get back on the highway the sun is set and we head to the nearest rest stop to Redding. A successful Sunday indeed. {ALL DAILY VIDEOS AND PHOTOS WILL BE POSTED AFTER TEXT POSTS}
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