#I had to give you a tumblr gift as well love <3
mihrunnisasultans · 3 months
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I am not going to defend myself, Your Majesty. Whatever I say, your decision will not change anyway. I could calm you by denying it, but I don't intend to do it. Throw me into the fire like you did with your family and other people you loved. [...] So this is [absolute loyalty] why you killed them all? Hatice, Ibrahim, Mustafa, Çihangir...I remember how our father Selim Han died. He didn't die easily. God did not let him leave this world without suffering first. The same fate awaits you!
Fatma + roasting Suleiman to his face (and to others)
Happy (belated) Birthday Plami! @mc-critical
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wormonastringtheory · 6 months
Continual Support for a Black Disabled Mom of 3
For those of you who know my blog, you know my friend Courtney needs support. The reality is it is unlikely that that will change soon given that she is a disabled single mom providing for 3 kids with a lo-wage job. I love her dearly and she genuinely struggles every day. I want to make the world better for her. I talk often about the power of community care. Courtney needs this consistently. If you are a non-Black person who is financially secure, please consider giving her reparations every month or biweekly. I will put her paylinks below. To work towards and as an accomplice of Black liberation, you need to be committed.
I know many of us are not well off, so I wanted to recommend some more one of ways you can help short term if you cannot commit to helping her more. She has 3 kids to get Christmas gifts and food for. I had her put together an Amazon wishlist so that people can help her in a small but mesurable way. Her kids have been through so much alongside her. Please help them have a Christmas if you are able. Many years they haven't. One off financial donations are also appreciated.
If you are in Houston, Texas, and are able to drop some gifts and food off to them, please reach out to me so I can connect you. That would be super meaningful for them. If you can commit to dropping supplies off more than once, let me know.
If you can't help financially, please reblog. Share the wishlist beyond tumblr. Support however you are able. She needs and deserves support a million times over. Love you all.
Venmo @courtney-reece-85
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shoyoist · 1 year
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content: gn!reader. sfw — fluff. slightly suggestive in shidou's part. featuring: bachira meguru, mikage reo, chigiri hyoma, michael kaiser. some of these hcs were suggested to me by other tumblr users! they are credited separately under each part<3
— . 。˚ ♡ he thinks of these special moments whenever he's feeling down, and it helps him get right back up.
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° 𐐒𐐚 . bachira meguru + painting date!
credit to @katasstrophy for the idea! the bachira family has a little art studio built in their house, owned by bachira's mom. he takes you there one time, and though you'd been doing your best to keep things clean for his mother's sake, the two of you end up making a huge mess.
you're intently dabbing brown and yellow paint on your little canvas, looking back at the mental image you've conjured of your boyfriend sitting in a field of flowers and smiling at you, when you hear shuffling behind you.
"baby, baby," is all bachira says in warning. "look this way!" and you turn around, wide-eyed and inquiring as you finally look away from the canvas on which you've been meticulously painting a picture of your rogueishly adorable boyfriend—
only to be met with a splat of bright pink paint across your face. "m—meguru? what the hell?" it's on your cheek, dangerously close to your mouth that had been open in question to bachira's urgent request for you to turn around, and it's nearly in your eye. "god i could've eaten that shit!"
the sound of bachira's unapologetic giggling fills the quiet studio as you get up and pluck a wad of tissues from the box on the table nearby, wiping your face off with it. while your back is turned, he flicks his paint-sopped brush at you again, and you feel the paint hit the back of your neck. "don't do that!"
you stand up straight and turn your back to your easel, squaring your shoulders and doing your best to protect the painting.
"it's—" bachira's laughing so hard now, he snorts in between his words. "it's even worse now, baby — it's all over your face!" and you know that. because you can feel the paint smear down to your chin as you wipe. oh, you think, he's so fucking cute right now, cheeks flushed and eyes sparkly as he giggles.
but that's not going to stop you from retaliating. meguru, you're about to get it.
his mother chewed him out and made him clean the place up afterwards, but bachira would do it again and again and again, just to see your pretty smile and hear your pretty laugh, your eyes lit up as you tried to stay angry with him while the two of you made a mess of yourselves and the studio once more.
° 𐐒𐐚 . hyoma chigiri + poetry analysis date!
credit to @yakshasslut for the idea! chigiri gives you a book of his favourite love poems to read while he's away, and by the time he comes back home, you're brimming with tender feelings for him and he flusters so sweetly when you express it. ever since, it's been a tradition to share and mull over novels and poems together.
not many of chigiri's friends or teammates are well-versed in poetry or literature in general, but there is one novel of prose that each and every one of them can name and recognize within an instant — and it's a book that you gave your boyfriend as a gift, years ago.
it doesn't have much of you in it — it's a collection of poems that express the joys and pains of long distance love, and the only hint of you in it is the lipstick kiss on the front page, with a "for hyoma, my one and only<3" written on it in your handwriting.
he takes it everywhere. flicks through the pages while he's on the plane, while he's resting in his hotel room, and sometimes even takes it with him to games.
he takes so much care to keep it safe and in good condition, but it's quite worn now— he can't bring himself to shelf it, though. it's his most prized posession, almost.
he reads it and keeps in mind that while he's away, you're reading the new book that he had gifted you before he left, and he smiles to himself, imagining how you underline and draw hearts around your favourite lines and write little pencil notes about how "this is you @ me!"
don't get it wrong, chigiri loves being on the field. he loves the glamour, the adrenaline, the fire of scoring a goal — but at his heart, he's soft. domestic.
he hopes fondly for the day he'll get to lay in bed with you again (he's only going to be away for two weeks. but it feels like two months, or even years, sometimes) and have a cozy little date where you just sip on warm coffee and share sweet cakes while mulling over poems together.
it's comforting. it's home.
he thinks about the worn book of poems that sits on your shelf, back at your place. the one he gave you.
the one you read all the time, leaving new annotations bookmarked for him to find each time he picks the book up for a read.
if he ever actually tired of football, chigiri thinks he might just become a poet. for you.
° 𐐒𐐚 . mikage reo + picnic date at the beach!
credit to anonymous! reo is a rich man, and he's so used to fancy dinner dates, luxury trips, first class service, all that. so when you take him on a cute little beach date, getting him to help you cut sandwiches and bake brownies and cookies earlier in the day, it was a new experience for him. and he loves it.
“reo, what about here?” you ask, turning around to look at him as you hop in your cute little sandals on the sand. he's carrying the picnic basket and you have the blanket folded under your arms — and he's been following you across the pretty beach for about fifteen minutes now.
though you ask him if he likes the spot, he knows from the look in your eyes that you actually like this place, and it's nice! the sand is soft and there's not a lot of rocks or seaweed under foot, the shore is a short walk away, and the sunset spills so pretty onto your skin and into your eyes.
he's almost lost in the sight — but when you call his name again, sounding a little concerned as you ask, “reo? you okay?” he snaps out of it and gives you one of his signature, wide and adorable grins. “yeah! here is fine, baby.”
he doesn't know but even his eyes are lit up, the violet of them beautiful and tinted gold in the light of the setting sun, and you can't help but cup his face and kiss him as he puts the basket down and sits on the blanket beside you.
“isn't this fun?” you giggle against his lips, and he hums in agreement, taking your waist in his hands and pulling you in for another kiss. the evening has just started, but he already knows that he'll remember this moment fondly, forever. “mhm, it is fun.”
“you sure?” you ask, tracing his cheek with your thumb, and it's almost a softer, warmer feeling than that of the sun kissing his face. “it's not your usual scene, i know. we can always go to a—”
”no,” reo cuts you off, taking your hand. the smile he gives you is prettier, brighter than any he's ever given you before. it takes your breath away. “it's not my usual scene, yeah.” he chuckles. “in fact, i've never had a picnic on the beach in my life until now. but it's... nice. i love it.”
he says it so softly, and it's rare, coming from your bubbly, bright and ever-so-forward lover. and that's how you know he's telling you the truth.
“alright then.” you kiss his cheek, pulling away and sitting back, dragging the basket closer so you can take the food out. it's just a little kiss, the same as any other kiss you've given his cheek — but somehow, it holds a different sort of warmth, and it comforts him. makes him feel so softly, gently beloved.
and he swears he'll hold this warmth to his cheek, to his chest, to his heart — forever.
° 𐐒𐐚 . michael kaiser + homemade spa date!
credit to anonymous! off days with kaiser are the nicest spent indoors. you go on outdoor dates (and on dates overseas) so often, that it's a nice change to stay at home once in a while and spend some sweet, domestic time with him instead.
“mikka,” your tone is scolding as you cradle his face in your palms, stopping him from wiggling around as you try to stay balanced in his lap. “can you stop moving? the serum is getting in your hair!”
kaiser laughs, the lift of his lips making him look all the more prettier, and hence all the more fucking distracting, as you try to wipe the residual bits of the face mask you'd just peeled off your boyfriend's face, replacing the thick, opaque cleanser with softly translucent moisturizer.
he taps your palmful of moisturizer with an index finger, and with a quick move of the digit he swipes the blob on your nose, making you flinch back and blink in surprise.
ah, there it is. mission successful. kaiser almost wishes he could go to sleep forever and in his dreams, listen to you calling him by that sweet little petname for the rest of his life. almost.
because he wishes more than that to kiss you all the time. like right now. he leans forward, the smile stretching his mouth giving away his intention to you, but not in time for you to escape. he wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you in, kissing you with soft, sweet and swollen lips that you'd just finished exfoliating with sugar and honey.
“baby,” your eyebrows furrow, but you still kiss him back and it makes him chuckle because oh, for all the fuss you make and all the scowling you do, you love him so. “we'll never get to the manipedi by movie time at this rate.”
“movie time can wait, princess,” he sighs against your lips. “all i want right now is to watch you, anyway.”
and his words are romantic, suggestive, and they'd bring a blush to your cheeks for sure — if he hadn't accidentally tipped you off balance in that second.
“mikka!—” you yelp (to his delight) as he grabs you and tries to steady you — but even as he saves you, your hand reflexively flails upwards to curl around his arm for support.
and with a smack, the moisturizer is all over his bicep instead of lathered evenly across his face as it should be.
the upset on your face is apparent, but kaiser only grins expectantly as he grips your waist, adjusts your position in his lap again, waiting.
and you don't disappoint. “look what you've done! mikka!”
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chubsonthemoon · 1 year
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Last Binderary book is DONE!!!! This is the incredible Maybe sprout wings, by @moorishflower.
This post is going to be a doozy, so gonna just skip straight to the cut!
I really wanted to model this bind after my own copy of the Odyssey, (which is all highlighted and bookmarked and annotated to hell from my Great Text courses in undergrad ehe, so this bind was such a fun trip down memory lane!). But beyond just the cover/general aesthetic, I also wanted to give the book a similar feel to these kinds of editions of classics--there's usually an introduction, translation notes, and other supplementary materials, right? Like, a physical manifestation of the work of many, many people, all having conversations with one another across time and space.
So that's what I did! I wrote a short introduction (I will also probably post it to my AO3/my blog as well, in the name of preservation etc. etc.) and began reaching out to folks in the fandom who I knew had created art and meta for the fic. The result? 18k words of analysis, comments, and meta, and nearly twenty pages of art!
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And this is what I love most about this bind, I think! This book is the work of several people--truly a collaborative work by the fandom--all of whom I will now be shamelessly calling out below :D
First and foremost, this book would not be what it is without the gorgeous header art by @fancy-rock-dove! Thank you so much Dove for letting include your work, and for being so supportive and kind these past few weeks about this bind <3 You in particular have contributed so much to this book (which I will be getting more into in the next section ehe), and I'm so psyched I get to hold your art and words, too!
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This section was divided into four parts: Asks and Answers, Meta, Selected Comments, and Chapter Heading Art: Process
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For Asks and Answers, I trawled Heather's blog for meta she had written in response to questions and other meta about the fic. Asks came from @fancy-rock-dove, @quillingwords, @kulapti, and myself! (I THINK I got all of them--tumblr's search function is finnicky even on its best days, so so sorry if I missed something T_T) I first got hooked into reading this fic because of one of these asks, so I'm very fond of this section in particular :D
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For Meta, I included two wonderful essays written by @pastrypuppy (also known as @kulapti) about Hob as an author figure and the Disrupted Fisher King narrative in MSW. Her analyses were so fascinating and I just had to include them in the book! (And thank you as well for your permission, friend!) (also hello fellow Renegade comrade 🫡)
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For Selected Comments, I owe everything to (once again :3) @fancy-rock-dove, whose insights are the epitome of transformative fandom at work. I'd look for their comments after I read every chapter to see what their takes were on this or that element of the story, and every single time I would go "!!!!! I didn't even realize!!!" or "OOOOOOOH I hadn't thought of that!!" It was like being in a lecture hall and always whipping your head around when one of your classmates raised their hand, because you knew they were going to say something fascinating that you hadn't considered before.
Aside from one of my own comments, Dove's comments make up the entirety of this section (for which I owe you my life--your long-form responses to fics are a gift to this world) but GOSH was it also so much fun going through the comments section while typesetting and seeing all the keyboard smashing, yelling, and crying from the other commenters. Communal nature of storytelling and ongoing meaning-making of fanfiction, babey!
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And finally for Chapter Heading Art: Process: once again Dove coming in clutch with some wonderful insights into the design of each of the chapter heading art pieces! This kind of stuff is honestly my favorite: meta about art for a fic which is, in turn, a transformation of an existing story (not even to mention that The Sandman is its own kind of fanfiction of existing mythologies and histories)--I just!! Think it's all really, really neat :'D (for more coherent/polished thoughts on this pls see my introduction asjdfkls)
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The art gallery!!! A million thanks to @fishfingersandscarves, @honeyseller, @jazzpsych, @doctor-rainbowfoxey, and (HI AGAIN DOVE) @fancy-rock-dove for granting me permission to include all of your beautiful pieces!
As usual for artworks in my binds, I printed each piece out on specialty photo paper to really make the colors pop, then sewed each page separately to the text block! Behold, everyone's beautiful beautiful pieces!
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The art gallery also satisfies the certain "oooh shiny" part of my brain that always activates when I see pictures in a book, so am also very fond of this section :3
And now on to the nitty gritty stuff! I used the German Bradel binding technique again, my second time using it. Even though it's more complicated than the case bind, I really love how it gives you the full board space for the cover designs (~it's free real estate~). Keep it a secret but I kiiiiiiind of made a small goof in the last few steps (I did the turn-ins a step too early and so had to paste an extra sheet of cardstock to secure the spine to the boards, whoopsie), but it's a pretty small difference, aesthetically speaking, so it wasn't the end of the world XD
Edges are once again fake gilded, but this time I tried something new with the colors! I did two layers of acrylic paint--one watered down shade of red for the base, then one metallic gold on top of that. I really like the red/gold effect! I'll have to keep experimenting with this kind of layering:
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ALSO. Y'ALL! I think I'm finally getting the hang of endbands!!! Many thanks to the folks at Renegade who hosted all the endband workshops last month--I'm still working through them, but even the few sessions I've seen have been TREMENDOUSLY helpful. I learned that tension is Very Important, as well as thread thickness, so I tried doubling my thread and keeping a Very Close Eye on how I was holding the threads while doing the beads. And behold! I still have a ways to go (and one day I would LOVE to do the fancier designs), but I'm v happy with the progress I've made so far!
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And finally the covers!! ARCHIVAL MOD PODGE MY BELOVED. I printed on the same matte presentation paper that I used for the art, then did several coats of archival matte mod podge + a pass of gloss mod podge over the title strip to make it ~shiny~. Then once those had dried and I'd adhered them to the boards, I sprayed two layers of matte clear acrylic sealer (also mod podge!) to finish it off. I had some issues with the paper tearing when I handled it before it was fully dry, but luckily the blemishes were small enough that it was easy to do spot corrections with my black acrylic paint. And now I know to be more patient next time LOL
(some non-photoshoot shots that show the shine a little better!)
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I had a lot of thoughts while I was binding this book--about Sandman fandom, about Dreamling fandom, about the Odyssey, about storytelling, about fanbinding, about Binderary, about Renegade, about my friends--but really what came to mind the most was gratitude!
Simply put, I'm so grateful to everyone I've met both in this fandom and throughout the years I've been active online--this is SO fun, y'all. It's so much fun to love stories together--to talk about them, to write them, and of course to bind them! I hope I've adequately conveyed that gratitude.
But of course, this book would not exist without the wonderful words of @moorishflower. Heather, thank you so, SO much for sharing your stories, thoughts, and time with us--it is always a happier, better day when I get an email notif from you and when I see you on my dash. I love your work so much, and I'm so happy I finally get to put it on my shelf! So thank you so much again, for everything <3
and OKAY THAT'S IT FROM ME FOLKS!!!!! Binderary 2023 is officially a wrap! I had SUCH a blast--will probably write up a reflection post on it uhhhh after I take a very long nap ajslkdfjslk _(:3」∠)_
all my love! <3
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ihavemanyhusbands · 4 months
Hi love, I recently found your tumblr and I'm obsessed, you write so well and i alredy read everthing you wroted <3 would you mind writing a fluff imagine reader x hannibal x will? something like the reader feeling out of place in the relationship, thinking she doesn't fit in with them but them proving her wrong and they love her so much!! Thank you * 3 *
Howdy! Awww thanks so much!! Glad you like my stuff! <33
Thanks for requesting!
The sound of Will and Hannibal’s voices turned into a soft din in the background. Your gaze was fixed on the fire dancing in the hearth, your mind further beyond.
The two of them were recounting the events of the day. They’d been assisting Jack with an ongoing investigation, but you hadn’t been listening closely to all the details.
You liked to observe their rapport from time to time — the familiarity, the subtleties, the mutual understanding, among other things. They had met long before you’d come along, and though they didn’t always agree on things, they had their system.
And how you fit into that system wasn’t always clear, leaving you feeling slightly unmoored.
“You’ve gone quiet,” Hannibal’s voice pierced through your daze. “Are we boring you?”
You smiled a little, looking up to see them both looking right back at you.
“No, just thinking,” you said, adjusting your position on the chaise. “Did I miss anything?”
“Not really, just realized we’d been talking for a while,” Will said, eyes scanning your face. “What were you thinking of?”
You shrugged, not really wanting to give those thoughts a voice. He set his glass down and stood up, lifting your legs so he could sit beside you, then placing them over his lap.
“I can tell something’s up,” he said, hands massaging your legs lightly. “How can we help?”
You absently played with a loose thread on your old sweater, meekly glancing at them in turn before sighing.
“I don’t know… it might sound kind of dumb,” you started. “I’ve been thinking… I guess I put myself in the sidelines because, well, I’m not sure where else I should be. Maybe I’m that janky extra piece that sometimes come with puzzles.”
The two of them shared a look, understanding your meaning.
“That’s not true,” Will said with a frown. “You are the last piece of the puzzle, the one that brings everything together.”
You blinked at him in surprise. Hannibal kneeled in front of you so you would be at eye level, taking your hand.
“Perhaps we’ve let the comfort of your presence become… second nature. That was a mistake,” he said, brushing his lips over your knuckles. “Our love is sometimes quiet, but it is still there. I don’t want you to ever doubt it.”
Will squeezed your leg reassuringly, his gaze softening with the bare truth of Hannibal’s words. Giddiness fluttered in your chest, warming you up.
You knew the two of them rarely, if ever, let anybody get close. But you were not just anybody, and their gift had been the trust to fully let you in. What was that if not love?
“I’m surprised you don’t notice me following you around like a lovesick puppy,” Will said, smiling lopsidedly in amusement. “Hannibal won’t let me hear the end of it.”
“I think I’m just in my head too much…” you murmured, biting your lip as Hannibal leaned in to kiss your cheek.
“We’ll have to do something about that, won’t we, Will?” He said.
Will nodded and reached over to take your free hand, thumb tracing over the back of it. “Anything for you.”
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good-vs-evo · 2 months
saw some ppl on tiktok getting SO PRESSED about polycules and relationships other than hualian and that was kind of funny so i needed to make and explain my relationship chart
i’d love to explain to them (as a polyam person myself >:3) that love is not a limited commodity and hua cheng falling for yin yu doesn’t mean he suddenly doesn’t care about xie lian at all but i fear that would be lost on them HAHA
also if you… don’t wanna see that kinda stuff… just don’t look at it… don’t hate on people who do… life would be easier for everyone… but moving on
i debated splitting yin yu x he xuan x hua cheng from the moon quartet then decided against it because it was getting waaaay too chaotic
rip to quan yizhen, either he has no manhua art or i couldn’t find it (i haven’t read the manhua yet ffjhshd)
uhhh i got a lot of inspo abt huayin from @devotedbutterfly’s tiktoks and stuff (sorry for going thru like all of ur stuff and generally being a demon on ur tiktok and tumblr ahsjdj) and xuanyin/blackmoon stuff from @ghooostbaby so. yes their stuff is very cool :]
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first chart is different explanations for everyone’s relationship with one another
the second is me trying to simplify them into categories
BUT i’ll explain this a lotttt better in text
uh. this one feels self explanatory
if i have to explain this one it’s over
same as the first two LMAO
xianle trio
yes, i had to break the trio and quartet into different categories
mulian: mu qing always admired xie lian for his self-assuredness, strength, and also beauty. he was a bit jealous of him for a long time, but they were able to talk about it and they both forgave each other for everything that happened in the past. he's had a crush on him since the beginning, but was bad at showing it. xie lian thought mu qing was pretty and a very interesting person; when he got older, he regretted not spending more time getting to know him, so he makes up for it later on in life! he loves when mu qing is softer and shy and more vulnerable than he is usually, and loves how mu qing is a good listener and is pretty emotionally intelligent.
fengqing: well. you get the idea
fenglian: feng xin was always loyal, the first person to have fallen in love with xie lian, and dianxia’s first kiss. he would’ve never left xie lian if xie lian hadn’t told him to. he respected xie lian a lot. xie lian loved how much feng xin cared, and felt immensely guilty about being unable to give him anything more. when they reunite, he showers feng xin with gifts and words of affirmation (he got better at expressing his emotions) and they spend a lot of time together
xianle quartet
all the other ones stay the same, so i’ll just explain the two new ones
huaqing: they were once stuck together and had to talk just out of boredom. they bickered a little but the more they talked the more they realized that there was more to the other. mu qing feels genuinely bad about what he did to hua cheng. he has a hard time apologizing but he tried his best to express his remorse, and hua cheng was pretty shocked (previously thought mu qing was a bit of an asshole) and, since mu qing was being sincere, decided to accept his apology. they hit some rough patches now and then, but xie lian and feng xin help them through it. they realized they’re pretty similar, and team up to stir up trouble with people they don’t like sometimes!
huaxin: feng xin was jealous of hua cheng because he was the one who won xie lian’s heart after 800 years and was really happy when he found out that xie lian liked him too. he admires that hua cheng was strong enough to help xie lian so many times. he also likes that hua cheng is a little cocky sometimes (read: very often), and finds hua cheng very good looking. hua cheng was jealous of feng xin for being the first person to be that close to xie lian, but appreciates how loyal he was throughout everything that happened and finds him pretty cool. he likes the way feng xin curses a lot when he’s pissed (finds it endearing)
yin yu fell first, because hua cheng was so fascinatingly determined and also like the prettiest person he’s ever met. he was intimidating, but could be quite kind, as he was to yin yu when they broke past the employee/employer relationship and became closer
hua cheng began to notice the way yin yu came off as so meek and unnoticeable, but had a kind of poised anger and strength beneath all of that. he trusted yin yu with a lot of more important tasks, paid him well, and considered him as more of a right hand man or partner in crime than a henchman, then eventually as just a partner
e’ming also likes yin yu, and trusts him to take care of it
hua cheng finds it endearing when yin yu gets protective of him (both of them know hua cheng is perfectly capable, but hua cheng finds it sweet regardless)
yin yu cheered hua cheng on a lot with xie lian and patiently listened to everything hua cheng had to say about him
i digress
yin yu fell for xie lian because he heard about him all the time. how could you spend so much time hearing about how wonderful, kind, gracious, and amazing someone is without catching feelings a little? additionally, hua cheng allowed yin yu to visit xie lian’s temple and leave offerings, trusting him to be genuine in his actions. yin yu saw some of the paintings and sculptures of xie lian and found him beautiful. he knows a lot about xie lian's life, and truly wants him to find peace and happiness
xie lian loves how devoted yin yu was to hua cheng and how much he helped him. he knows those years were hard for hua cheng, and he’s glad that he had a companion (contrary to what people say about “cheating”, xie lian is incredibly happy that hua cheng managed to find love while he was waiting). i know yin yu is canonically “plain”, but xie lian loves him and thinks he’s very handsome :) he gives him a lot of compliments and words of affirmation
blackmoon (yinxuan)
taking a moment to appreciate that very awesome ship name
yin yu thought he xuan was terrifying and intense, only to discover that. he’s just a guy (/pos). but he does have a lot going on! he has urges and a complex history and emotions he doesn’t show to a lot of people and plans within plans and is generally such an interesting person with so many layers to him. beneath a lot of those layers is a guy who’s kind and smart and would’ve stayed kind and smart if his life wasn’t utterly ruined
he xuan initially thought yin yu was just kind of pathetic, but learned more about him and started to like him more. he finds his passion really attractive, loves how genuinely sweet, kind, and gentle he is as well as how harsh, cruel, and unrelenting he can be. he treats he xuan well and makes him feel human and real and knows when to leave him alone and knows when he wants attention and cooks for him and-
they feel seen around each other, having experienced similar things (such as having their destiny “stolen” in different ways though) and have experienced suffering in such a firsthand way. they’re ready to just chill together now :)
moon quartet (hua cheng, xie lian, he xuan, and yin yu)
xie lian finds he xuan cool, doesn’t have too many thoughts about him. he xuan thinks xie lian is cute and also mildly terrifying (i’m definitely editing this later on, i just don’t have a lot of thoughts about them yet)
hua cheng and he xuan have been close for a long time, helping each other out with ghost king business. hua cheng let he xuan relax and chill at ghost city when he needed to, and he xuan kept a close eye on the heavenly capital, so they met often and bonded. they’re both motivated by something and are incredibly passionate about that thing, so they mutually admire the other’s drive and courage
i have the least for them so far, but i just think they’d be sweet together :] they’d all help each other heal and be able to talk to each other. they’d love each other a lot and take care of one another when they need it and be there when someone needs someone :3 idk they’re so traumatized and deserve to recover from that i’ll form more thoughts i swear
ANYWAYS. that’s it for now i’m def gonna write stuff for all of these ships :0 they’re all very special to me 💖 i might add them to my 30 day fluff challenge :3 cuz they all deserve some nice fluff! (ill also keep updating + editing! feel free to ask me to explain relationships more, id love to <3)
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aethelwyneleigh27 · 10 months
Resident Evil Village characters with a chubby fem s/o
Dating Headcanons (+ Some bonus drabbles for a few)
Including Alcina Dimitrescu, Karl Heisenberg, Donna Beneviento, Salvatore Moreau and Mother Miranda
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(Reader is somewhat coquette? Princesscore? Just the dainty feminine type)
Credits to dividers used are on this post.
Rules for requests
If you don't want to send requests through Tumblr, my Instagram is always an option.
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Please interact with this post as much as possible, it helps a lot. Thank you <3
A/n: Hi lovelies, Lia here. I'm back after a long time. I hope you enjoy this post and I'll be setting up my schedule soon, I'll be posting once or twice every 1-2 week/s. If you can't tell, purple has always been my theme. I'll add more to these and edit it if I think of more to add. Any mistakes will be corrected upon checking.
This is just me but I love the concept of like a girl who is so sweet and her style just looks so fem and she's just surrounded by all the creepy things that are resident evil.
I'll be checking and if this post does well I will write more.
Warnings/Disclaimers: English is not my first language so please don't come after me. Blood, gore?, violence, typical resident evil stuff and mentions of insecurity. Slight suggestive content if you squint.
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Alcina Dimitrescu
First of all despite your plush stature, she still treats you like a porcelain doll.
She just adores you so much (I mean she herself is tall and plus size).
Motherly nature and all, she has three daughters and honestly if she ever sees you interact with them. It would just warm her cadou infested heart.
Insecure about stretch marks? She'll kiss that shit away right then and there. She'll even show you hers because let's be honest here stretch marks are beautiful, you just don't like them on yourself.
Anyone insults or talks shit about you? She'll get rid of them, in any way possible depending on what they said. She'll pick a suitable punishment for them, ranges from "you're fired" to "I'm going to skin you alive and tear your heart out".
Alcina is a confident and dominant figure, she isn't swayed by something so small as beauty standards. Especially in herself, therefore I think she'd even help you build your confidence up.
Gifts galore with this woman, she love to spoil you with her riches. Loves to see you adorned with luxurious items that she give you.
Love dressing up with you, seeing you all dolled up for her. Has custom made clothes for you, sometimes opts for an outfit that matches or contrasts yours perfectly.
Knows what compliments your features best since she loves to bring them out.
Her hosting soirees and balls with you as her special guest, having you wear elegant dresses that she bought for you.
I see her as this almost touchy type. She'll love having you curl up on her lap while she gets paperwork done.
Her reaction seeing you in a dress that you wanted to show off to her:
You called Alcina's attention wanting to see her reaction to the new dress you bought, Alcina's eyes lit up at your elegance and charm. She smiled warmly, taking your hand in hers. "You look enchanting, my darling," she purred, proud to have you by her side.
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Karl Heisenberg
Stinky metal dilf here actually loves that you're so soft in contrast to his gruff and abrasive nature.
He hasn't had physical affection in a long time so having someone soft and warm to hold is new to him.
Karl is naturally protective over you, especially because he thinks you're fragile. I mean compared to whatever's in the village, the rest of the lords and Mother Miranda.
I bet you this man has tore down someone for you, he chopped them off limb by limb for insulting you.
I can't get enough of the dynamic you'd have. It's like the grumpy x sunshine trope, this man has a sharp tongue. Especially when you hear him insult Lady Dimitrescu.
This man has a soft spot for you, I'm pretty sure you're the only one who can make him take a bath after being all sweaty from working with machinery all day.
I feel like he has scars all of his body, especially his very toned back.
Doesn't mind you leaving scratches when you're in the bedroom
Alcina sometimes tries to piss him off by commenting at the fact that you are soft and dainty while Karl is just the opposite and offers you an opportunity to be with "Someone refined" (She ain't wrong).
It really is just to get to Karl's nerves.
His reaction seeing you in a dress that you wanted to show off to him:
Karl smirked, trying to play it cool, but you could see the admiration in his eyes. "Not bad, princess," he teased, pulling you into a hug. He whispered softly, "You're somethin' special, ya know?"
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Donna Beneviento
You know Donna understands what it's like being insecure about looks but to her you're just perfect in every single way.
Donna just doesn't give a shit in a good way, she doesn't judge people based on their appearance. It's dumb and shallow.
Donna would absolutely adore making clothes for you or altering your current ones. It's a skill she's proud of and seeing you appreciate it makes her all the more in love with you.
Angie has made a few comments resulting in her getting kicked off into space but once Donna warms her about that and how you don't like it, she'll stop in respect towards you. Which is rare considering how Angie is.
Donna's personal style definitely helps contrast yours, though it's the opposite from your soft light colors.
Thinks you're so pretty, she's smitten. Even though yours are different from you, she still makes use of her skills to fit your clothing tastes.
I can just imagine her staring at you in awe as you spin around and show her how the dress she made fits you. I like to think she has your measurements memorized from head to toe.
She take one look at something and already know how it would fit on you or if she needs to alter.
You once asked her to make a doll that looks like the both of you (and Angie but like a smaller version that fits the doll's arms).
Donna entered your shared bedroom to find you but noticed something on the shelves. It was the dolls she made sitting against the book. She noticed how you positioned them. Holding hand while the tiny Angie replica was on the doll version of her's lap. Donna swore at that moment she was gonna melt.
Her reaction seeing you in a dress that you wanted to show off to her:
Donna's expression softened as she saw you in the vintage lace dress. She held your hand, wordlessly conveying her affection and admiration.
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Salvatore Moreau
God so help him, he was flabbergasted when he first heard about your insecurity. Literally why? Like you are just the most beautiful thing that walked the planet in his eyes.
He just worships the ground you walk on, he isn't as wealthy as the other lords but still, he give you his best efforts by carving you small trinkets out of wood.
Gifts you natural things he finds like crystals and whatnot.
Best of efforts when he comforts you. Sometimes he's too scared to physically touch you because he thinks he'll hurt you.
You're relationship is filled mostly by nature, despite the wasteland that surrounds your living area. It's hauntingly beautiful in it's own way. (Some of it I suppose)
Feels more at ease around you, think about how much he wanted to just make Mother Miranda proud of him, he's that with you but 10x more the effort.
His reaction seeing you in a dress that you wanted to show off to him:
Salvatore couldn't contain his delight at seeing you in the dress. "You're my beautiful water nymph princess!" he exclaimed, spinning you around with excitement.
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Mother Miranda
You peeked her interest when she first saw you, I mean you're her complete opposite. She finds beauty in dark items and almost gothic stuff, so her taking an interest to you just made her even more curious.
She works a lot so gifts and trinkets to remind you of her are an occasional thing. I can just imagine you taming crows and she's just in awe.
Loyalty of crows means they leave you shiny trinkets and sometimes Miranda takes them for herself when she likes whatever they bring.
Again she's one to think you're fragile because of your style, you just look so cute and soft.
Nobody dares insult you, I mean if you really won the heart of Mother Miranda they are fucked if they even speak a little out of line.
Likes to keep you by her side despite working a lot. So you'd often be by her side during her meetings with the four lords and honestly you are such an eye candy.
Her reaction seeing you in a dress that you wanted to show off to her:
Mother Miranda's composure remained regal, but her eyes showed approval. "You look exquisite" she acknowledged, holding your hand with reverence. To her, you were a jewel among mortals, deserving of admiration.
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atlasofthestaars · 8 months
[MK X READER] New Era - Chapter .005
first part | previous part | next part
NOTE: Sorry Johnny fans </3 I promise he’s getting more content in the next chapter (he still has a little crumb in this chapter to set up for next chapter, don't worry!)
Rejoice for Kenshi fans though because he FINALLY gets some spotlight here.
This should be the longest chapter so far, over 7k words! Enjoy!
Also! It’s time for yet another poll! As usual, AO3 people please let me know your thoughts on Rain! As usual, thoughts and such will be taken for about a week after this is published, AKA when the tumblr poll ends.
It’s now been about two weeks since you’ve started to train the four, but you’ve already seen great improvement.
“Keep your balance Kung Lao! Don’t lean too far forward.” You corrected as you watched the man spar with Johnny Cage, keeping a careful eye on their technique. You crossed your arms as you scrutinized the two men, trying to keep track of the flaws they each exhibited. “Johnny, stop trying to look flashy! Technique first, please.”
You watched as the men tried to implement what you told them…one of them better than the other. You sighed as you watched Johnny Cage try to go for a risky kick which allowed Kung Lao to duck under it and quickly sweep the actor off his feet. 
“Good job, you two.” You praised as you saw Johnny Cage yield, hands help up in surrender from his position on the ground. Johnny Cage sighed as he got himself up, dusting himself off. You watched as Kung Lao shone with pride as he walked off to the side to join the rest of you. “Raiden, Kenshi, if you please.” You instructed, gesturing for the two to fight.
You watched them begin to spar, yet your mind drifted off slightly, thinking back to the progress the group has made.
From your experience, you noticed that Kung Lao and Raiden were the stand out pupils. Kung Lao was naturally gifted, and you recognized the marks of good training Madam Bo had implemented into him. He took criticism well, which was a slight surprise to you due to the self-confident attitude he had. 
Raiden, although not as quick to catch on, was rather determined and put in far more hours than the others. Not to mention, he was rather perceptive to the tips you gave him. You had a soft spot for him, which you supposed was a bit unfair since you spent a lot of time training him in the middle of the night.
Much like how you had your daily ritual with mornings with Liu Kang, now you had a daily plan to train Raiden at night. It just happened naturally. You, with your restlessness, and Raiden’s overeagerness to train, it was just a natural occurrence after that night.
You felt slightly guilty that it could be considered that you were showing some bias towards the man, but then again, if the others ever approached you it’s not like you would turn them down. 
You snapped back to reality as you continued to watch the two spar. You watched silently as the duo fought, only really speaking to give criticisms here and there. Ultimately, you watched as Kenshi came out on top. You surmised his experience in the Yakuza was still giving him some leverage over the farmer boy. 
You wondered just how long that would last. 
“You’re all dismissed.” You informed them. As usual, they dispersed. All, except for one. You blinked as you turned your head to look at Kung Lao who had taken off his hat and looked wistfully at him. You observed for a few more moments, before walking over. “What are you thinking about?” You inquired as you walked over to his side.
“I have an…idea.” Kung Lao said as he tilted his hat, the same hat he had thrown at Sub Zero during the exam. You raised an eyebrow, having a feeling on where this was leading. You hummed in acknowledgement, gesturing for him to go on. “I was thinking I could turn my hat into a razor, lethal bladed weapon.”
“I can see the vision.” You encouraged him, the little voice in your head, for once, agreeing with you to send him down this path. You had a feeling, from watching him, that he had been missing something from his fighting style. You watched with a bit of pride as Kung Lao beamed at you. “Care to elaborate?”
“Well, I was planning on basing it on a chakram.” He explained, tracing the edge of the hat as if to indicate where the blade would go. You nodded, having a memory of the hat he used to have. You wondered if he had always made his own hat previously, or if it was something passed down to him. “Maybe I could even add some additional blades to the hat to make it more effective.”
“Hmm…” You held out your hand, and he handed his hat to you. You traced the edge of the hat, making a mental note of it. “Have you trained at all with any sort of throwing weapons?” You inquired, looking up from the hat to look at Kung Lao with a raised eyebrow. 
“No.” He admitted, but his lack of inexperience didn’t seem to deter him. You watched as he looked down to his hands, clenching and unclenching them. “But when I threw my hat at Sub Zero and then threw that chakram, it felt…right.” 
“Do you know of anyone who can help you achieve this goal? Any blacksmiths?” You continued to ask. You watched as Kung Lao gave you an awkward smile coupled with a shrug. You raised an eyebrow at him, slightly entertained by his enthusiasm despite his incomplete plan. “Do you have another hat?” You watched him pause. 
“I do, why?” You held back a chuckle as you carefully took the hat into your hands.
“I hope you weren’t too attached to this one, then..” You said, watching as Kung Lao slowly processed your words. You grinned. “I’ll see if I can get some arrangements to get that idea come to life, plus I’ll talk to the monks about having you train on throwing weapons.” You told him, feeling good about yourself as you saw the enthusiasm grow within the man.
“I will!” The man said, bowing excitedly as he said your name. “I promise I will not let your efforts go to waste.”
“Good. I expect a lot out of you, Kung Lao.” You said, and you noted with amusement as he seemed to glow at the high expectations. Still smiling you turned around and walked off, ideas buzzing in your head as you did. You hummed as you traced the edge of the hat, imagining how it would look in due time.
“I see you have Kung Lao’s hat with you.”
Looking over from your shoulder, you watched as Liu Kang approached you. He was on time, as usual. He had a smile on his face, yet there was a knowing look in his eye as he approached. You smiled at him as you held up the hat you had held in your hands. You had just been idly messing with it, flipping and twirling it around in your hands, thinking of how it would feel with more weight on it. 
“I do.” You said as you turned to present the hat to the fire god. He took it gingerly from your hands, inspecting it as you did before. “I actually have a request on his behalf.” You said as you leaned back on the railing, resting against it. “I was wondering if you knew any blacksmiths so we could create a blade on his hat.” You gestured to the edge of the hat. “He also thought of adding more blades, but I thought it’d be best to try and test it with one blade first.”
“I see your progress on training is boding well, then.” Liu Kang remarked as he inspected the hat. You nodded, smiling proudly. His fingers traced the edge of the hat, and you observed the expression on the fire god’s face. It was wistful, and in his eyes you could sense what seemed to be…nostalgia? 
What could possibly cause him to feel nostalgic?
“I can contact a blacksmith to get this arranged, but it will be a lengthy process.” He warned. “It may even take almost until the day of the champion test for this to fully come to fruition since we would have to go back and forth between prototypes and designs.”
“He seemed pretty enthused about the whole thing, I think the wait would be worth it.” You encouraged, nodding as you thought back to the bright smile the farmer boy had when you had encouraged the idea. “Plus…” You began, looking off to the side as you recalled the memories of Kung Lao in your previous life, and how he wielded a razor hat. “It feels like he has been missing something from his fighting style.”
“I see.” Liu Kang said, after staring at you with an unreadable look. You swallowed, wondering what that had all been about. Never once could you interpret that look he gave you, you just knew he always did it after vaguely referring to the memories you’ve gleaned. “I will help aid you, then. Do you have any of his designs to give for reference?”
“Ah, I forgot to ask.” You muttered, smacking your head. “I’ll go ask for them the next time I see them.” You said, sighing. You were planning on taking a few days break from training the men. You had not had a break in a bit, and you remembered Madam Bo reprimanding that you do so when you had last asked her for advice on training the men.
“Just remember my lessons.” She had told you. “You were a good student and will be a good teacher, but you will become a poor one if you do not rest. Don’t forget all those times I caught you training in the middle of the night.” The old lady had then given you a pointed look, one that seared into your memory. 
You were suddenly thankful in that moment that you had not mentioned how you had also been assisting Raiden by mentoring him at night.
Maybe you should also tell him to take this same advice.
You were planning on going to the Lin Kuei temple to ask Smoke for a favor, you supposed that you could always drop by the Wu Shi before you went. You contemplated your schedule, crossing your arms. You didn’t realize how obvious your planning face must have been until you saw the concerned look on Liu Kang’s face towards you.
“Is there something wrong, Liu Kang?” You asked, raising an eyebrow. 
“Are you certain you are not overworking yourself?” Liu Kang said, and you heard especially how concerned he must have been as he said your name. You blinked before waving your hand dismissively. “I am serious, I know you have been up late training Raiden.” You were stunned for a moment.
“How did you-” You began, before realization washed over you. “Right, God of fire.” You muttered, sighing. He nodded, and you felt slight guilt as the man continued to look at you. “I’m fine, I go there because I can’t sleep anyways, and it allows me to still be productive.” You said, shrugging.
“I’ll take you on your word.” Liu Kang replied, but you sensed the slight hesitancy in his voice. You couldn’t help but wonder why he was looking at you with such worry. Well, you actually knew, but you didn't want to think about...that. Even as his face shifted into one meant to comfort you, you could still see a glimmer of concern within his glowing eyes. “But just know you can always confide in me if you have any worries.”
“I appreciate it, Liu Kang.” You said, feeling a mixture of comfort and guilt. Comfort in knowing that the protector of Earthrealm cared about you in a sincere way, but guilt at knowing that you had been avoiding doing so despite knowing this. 
“If you ever need more time for a break, just let me know.” Liu Kang insisted, his hands now idly turning the hat. The way his hands moved the hat seemed almost like second nature. “You may be in charge of Earthrealm’s champions, but you are first and foremost, a dear friend to me.”
You felt warmth in your heart.
“Alright, I will.”
“Thank you for letting me pick these up on such short notice.” You said, walking down the hallways of the Wu Shi with Kung Lao, the papers full of the design ideas for his hat in your hands. It was early morning, and you were thankful that Kung Lao was an early riser due to his past as a farmhand. You noted with amusement how the hat he donned now was an exact replica of the hat you took.
“Of course, anything for the one helping me achieve my razor hat dreams.” Kung Lao replied, a joyful note in his tone as he walked by your side, seeming all too pleased. “I’m a bit surprised you arrived early today, I thought the monks said you were taking a bit of a break?”
“I am.” You confirmed, folding the papers to make sure that you could carry them carefully in your hands. “But I have plans to visit the Lin Kuei today, so I wanted to make sure to get these first since I’m already heading out today.” You told him, sighing as you remembered where the Lin Kuei was located. 
In the snow.
“The Lin Kuei?” Kung Lao questioned, raising his eyebrows curiously. A small smile appeared on his face as he chuckled. He crossed his arms, a common habit of his. “You’ll have to thank Bi-Han for me for inspiring my hat while you’re there.” 
“I think it would be better suited to thank him yourself.” You told him, imagining the unimpressed look on Bi-Han’s face already. “Maybe you can thank him and show it off once you get it, that’d leave a lasting impression on him. I doubt he’d think much of it if I were just to say it for you.” You suggested, glancing over to the farmer. 
“That is a brilliant idea!” The man said, an enthusiastic gleam in his eye. You matched the wide grin on his face. If there was anything you’ve learned from teaching this group, their enthusiasm and smiles were infectious. “I’ll do just that when I see him next.”
“Good, in the meantime, I expect you to keep up with the training the monks are giving you, especially the ones focused on throwing weapons.” You said, your teaching side shining through once more. “It would be a waste to create such a hat only for you to not be able to wield it properly.”
“I will.” Kung Lao promised, your name rolling off his tongue easily. “I will not let you down.”
“I’m sure you won’t.” You said, bidding him farewell. You watched as he walked away, only to be distracted by a familiar figure out in the courtyard. It only made sense that both of the farmers would be early risers. You sighed as you walked over, crossing your arms as you snuck up on him.
“Already training, Raiden?” You inquired, making the man jump. You held back a chuckle, remembering the same way he had jumped when you had first encountered him training by himself. You watched as he quickly bowed to you, and you returned the gesture. 
“I am, there’s been a combination I’ve had trouble with.” The man replied, gesturing to the dummy. He looked at you for a moment before his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “I thought the monks said you’re on break for a few days?”
“I am, I just came to pick up some papers.” You informed him, waving around the folded sheets of paper in your hands. You watched as the farmer eyed it curiously, eyebrows rising. “I wasn’t expecting to see you so up and early training already.” You said, furrowing your own eyebrows as you frowned. “You know, there’s a thing called over training.”
You knew if Madam Bo were here, you knew she’d scold you for not practicing what you preached.
“I know, but I have been struggling and…” 
“And the body needs rest.” You cut Raiden off, feeling a bit guilty for doing so, but you needed him to understand the importance of rest. You held up a hand, making sure he got the memo. “Go back inside and rest until the monks train you.” You instructed, putting on your stern tone. 
“Alright.” Raiden said, dipping his head in an almost guilty manner. You felt a twinge of guilt, but you knew it was better for him to learn this lesson now, rather than later. 
“Good. And I expect you to not overwork yourself either while I’m gone.” You continued, sending him a soft smile, trying to cheer him up. “So no practicing at night until I’m back, okay?” You saw him open his mouth to protest, and you sent him a small glare. “Consider it an assignment, okay?”
“I will do my best to honor this agreement.” Raiden said, nodding. You smiled, looking at his face and nodded in approval. “I will rest now.” You watched as he turned to leave, before hesitating and looking back with a shy smile. “Thank you for looking out for me.”
“Any time, Raiden.”
“You been giving the farmer boys special treatment?”
You turned, the smile dropping off your face as an eyebrow raised to look at Johnny Cage. He looked less composed than the other two, but nevertheless still awake. He probably just woke up. He strode over as he pointed to the papers in your hands and towards where the Raiden had gone.
“Just saw you with Kung Lao with those papers, then you were talking with Raiden.” The actor paused, his face turning into a thoughtful one as he scratched his cheek. “Hey, aren’t you supposed to be on break?” He asked the question everyone seemed to be asking you today. 
“Important papers.” You explained, holding up the folded up pieces of paper. “And I was just telling Raiden to take a break, he’s always working. As for the break, yes, but I needed to pick up these papers before I left.”
“Huh, that makes sense.” Johnny conceded, nodding thoughtfully before shrugging. “So when are you going to spend extra time helping me?” He asked, sending you a playful grin. “Still need your word that you’ll take a part in one of my movies.” 
“We can discuss that after my break.” You told him, letting out a small chuckle. You weren’t certain if you were going to go help Johnny with his movies yet, but you were still curious on what Johnny was going to try and say to convince you. “You look like you need some food, go eat.” You encouraged, gesturing to the dining hall. “I need to get going.”
“Alright, I’ll keep you on your word. See you, teach!”
What an interesting nickname.
The Lin Kuei temple was located in a cold region.
It made sense since the grandmaster’s family had long trained in cyromancy, but that did not make you resent the constant snowstorms any less.
You trekked on, donned the form of a snow leopard so the cold would not freeze you to death. Not to mention, travel felt much faster in this form due to the snow that lay upon the land. The wind tried to batter you around, but you stayed resilient.
You often told yourself you would visit more often if the walk out was not as irritating. 
Reaching the temple, you strode up to the gates. The Lin Kuei guards peered at you curiously, and gracefully you took a step, transforming back into your usual form. You allowed the coat of the leopard to remain on your exposed skin on your arms and legs to battle the cold since you were still outside. How these guards could bear being out here in the cold for so long, you could never understand.
“I’m here to see the grandmaster.” You told them, your breath coming out in icy puffs. It was partially true, but they did not need to know that. You let out a sigh as you grew out a collar of fur to bury your face in. It was only a few mere moments, but you could tell your face must be flushed from the cold.
It didn’t take long for the guards to recognize you, and you nodded to them gratefully as they let you in. 
Once inside, you let out a breath of relief as the much warmer air inside welcomed you. You transformed fully back, the fur on your skin no longer necessary. You shook off the last bits of snow, huffing as you tried to prevent it from soaking in your clothes. You looked down to brush off any remaining bits of the powdery snow that had gotten on you.
“I was not aware you were going to visit.” A voice spoke, and you glanced up to see Kuai Liang approaching, a faint look of surprise on his face. You smiled at him, glad to see the younger brother during your visit.
“It was a bit compulsive.” You explained, rubbing your cheeks to return your flushed face to normal. You watched as Kuai Liang looked you up and down, probably to see if any remaining snow remained on you. “Am I not a welcome visitor?” You teased, holding back a soft laugh.
“You are always welcome here.” Scorpion replied a bit more seriously despite the teasing tone, a warm note in his voice. You took a moment to recover from his sincerity. “Were you here just to visit, or do you have business here?” 
“As much as I would like to say I’m here purely for pleasure, I do have some favors to ask of your brothers.” You informed him, placing a hand on your hip. “But afterwards, I am welcome to stick around before I depart, I just want to get my business done first.”
“That would be pleasant.” The yellow clad ninja agreed. He paused for a moment before gesturing to the hallways. “Would you like me to accompany you to find Tomas? Or to brother’s office?” He offered, and you hummed in deliberation. 
“If you could accompany me to Bi-Han’s office first, that’d be preferable.” You requested, deciding to tackle the conversation with the grandmaster first. A sense of uncertainty hit you, remembering the unresolved matter you two had never discussed. Your hands fidgeted with each other as you thought, reflecting your nerves.
You hadn’t gone out of your way to talk with him about it, and Bi-Han seemed to always sweep the conflicts you two had under the rug.
“Of course.” You saw Kuai Liang glance down at your hands, yet there was no judgement that you could see. He simply nodded and allowed you to join his side. Even without touching, you could feel a comforting warmth from the pyromancer. It was much preferable to the freezing chill of the snow outside, it reminded you of the same way Liu Kang’s warmth soothed you during cold rainy days. 
Was that just a pyromancer gift?
“Has training with the champions boded well?” Scorpion inquired, striking up conversation. It was odd, having him initiate, but it was a welcome change. You smiled at the man, looking over the man. 
“It’s actually been great.” You informed him, feeling pride for yourself for being able to say that. You had never envisioned yourself a teacher before this, but the joy you got from seeing others flourish from your teachings made you feel excellent.
It reminded you of the man who reminded you of Madam Bo so much. You didn’t remember much of him other than a warm fondness and a longing for his approval.
You hoped one day you could unravel the mystery of the man who meant so much to you.
“I told you that you would be an excellent teacher.” Kuai Liang said, a tone of pride in his tone without any smugness. You saw him smile at you, and his smile alone felt like high praise. You knew that no one in the Lin Kuei gave praise that they did not mean. “Has the actor proven to be difficult?”
“Johnny? He’s actually been fine.” You said, chuckling at the memory of the superstar working hard. “He may complain here and there, and sometimes try to be too flashy, but he has a good work ethic.��� You praised the man, knowing that you could never tell the actor this, lest his ego grow twice its size. “I think you all would loathe training him.”
“You have a duty I do not envy.” Scorpion admitted. You sucked in a breath as the two of you arrived at the grand doors of Bi-Han’s office. You glanced over to the yellow clad man, who gave you an encouraging nod. You closed your eyes, steeling yourself for a moment before you opened the doors to enter.
Stepping in, you took a moment to admire the organized manner which the office was. You could spot the remains of the influence of the old grandmaster lingering in this office despite it also feeling distinctly Sub Zero. You eyes wandered around before they landed on the current grandmaster himself, who stared at you with an intense look.
“What are you doing here? What task did Liu Kang send you here for?” Bi-Han asked, his gruff voice echoing through the office. Despite his words, you sensed no outright hostility towards you. You could feel a slight disdain in his voice when he mentioned the fire god’s name, to which you were uncertain why that was. You strode up to the desk, and you felt the tension rise as you did.
“Can’t I stop by to say hello?” You inquired, testing the waters. You watched as Bi-Han kept his intense stare on you, unwavering. You pursed your lips, knowing very well that he did not believe that sentiment. “Believe it or not, I am actually here by my own volition, not Liu Kang’s.” You admitted, and you watched as Sub Zero’s gaze soften just a touch. His jaw relaxed.
“For what purpose?” He inquired, still a hint of suspicion in his tone, though he seemed a bit more relaxed knowing you were not here on behalf of the fire god. 
“I wanted to ask for your permission to ask Tomas to help train the champions I’ve been responsible for training. I thought having him duel them for a day would help test them.” You told him, not beating around the bush this time. Bi-Han’s lips pursed as he narrowed his gaze slightly. You heard him exhale, and you wondered why he was still so tense.
“And you sought my blessing for such a minor task?” The grandmaster huffed, the tone in his voice making it clear that he thought it ridiculous that you came all this way for just that. You held back a scoff, simply opting to keep your calm gaze on the man. “Was that all you came here to ask for?”
“No.” You said, crossing your arms as you closed your eyes, remembering the events that had gone down in Johnny Cage’s manor. “I wanted to talk to you about what happened at Johnny’s mansion. What was up with all of that? You know I can defend myself, there was no need to be hostile.”
You felt the temperature drop in the room a bit. Goosebumps crawled up your arm, and you held back an instinctual shiver. 
“The actor was being foolish and arrogant.” Bi-Han huffed, contempt filling his tone at the memory of Johnny. You watched as a small snarl curled at his lips. “You would have let the man off with a glare, he needed a proper warning to put him in his place.” He explained, but you did not feel satisfied.
“That’s a rather stupid excuse to fight someone.” You pointed out, and Bi-Han’s nostrils flared at the insult. You stared at him with the same glare he gave you. “You’re telling me you had the urge to humble an actor for being egotistical?” You inquired, feeling like there was more to the conversation.
“It was the principle of the situation.” He insisted, shaking his head dismissively, as if trying to move past the conversation. He fixed you with another glare before waving you off. “Don’t you have to ask Tomas for your favor?” Bi-Han’s voice dropped to a growl upon mentioning his adopted brother.
“Yes, I do.” You confirmed, nodding, seeing as how the two of you were not going anywhere past this point about the conversation about the actor. You sighed, shaking your head. If there was one thing you learned from your years of knowing Bi-Han, it’s that you both were stubborn to a fault. Still, this conversation felt better than trying to move past the conversation entirely. “Let’s spar next time I come here, it’s been a while.”
If there was one thing you knew, it’s that the two of you could always duel out the frustration. Perhaps not the healthiest way to deal with issues, but it was better than butt heads relentlessly.
You watched as Bi-Han nodded approvingly. The two of you were fierce competitors during spars, with your drive for competition and his lust for fighting strong opponents. The tension in the room relaxed a bit, and you cracked a small smile.
“Prepare your bandages next time, I’ll have to patch you up next time then.” You said, a tone of confidence in your voice. You heard the man scoff at your trash talk, and you turned and began to walk out of the room with a sense of satisfaction. As you opened the door, you turned back, sending the grandmaster one last look.
“I still think you fighting the actor was crass of you but, I appreciate you trying to defend me if that was the point of your stupid squabble.” You admitted, tearing your gaze away from the cyromancer. “Next time you’ll see though, that I could easily do it myself.”
You shut the door, leaving Bi-Han to stare at where you had been mere moments ago. HIs jaw tightened as he looked down at his desk, a sigh leaving his lips.
“I know.”
It didn’t take long for you and Kuai Liang to find Tomas.
Much like you, Smoke often found himself aiding those in training, and you watched with interest as he instructed a younger generation of Lin Kuei. You crossed your arms, silently waiting for the lesson to end. You stayed back with Scorpion, waiting patiently. Luckily, you seemed to have caught the tail end of the current lesson, watching as the man soon dismissed the group for a break.
Turning around, you were not surprised to see the look of surprise on his face as he spotted you and Kuai Liang.
“I was not aware you would be visiting.” Tomas said, yet despite his unpreparedness for your arrival, he gave you a warm smile. You returned the gesture, nodding. He looked between Kuai Liang and you, raising an eyebrow. “Was there something you needed from me? Or were you here just to say hello?”
“I was just here to help find you.” Kuai Liang said. He glanced at you before nodding his head. “I’ll leave you to your conversation.” The pyromancer said, before walking off, letting the two of you have privacy. 
“I’m assuming that you’re here to say more than hello?” Tomas inquired, crossing his arms, His eyebrow raised as he gave you an expectant look. Your grin grew and you mimicked his actions, crossing your arms as well and raising your eyebrows. 
“Is it so strange for me to come all this way just to say hello, Tomas?” You asked, a light teasing tone in your voice. You were met with a look that told you that he did not believe you, yet there was a slight playful look in his eye. You returned the look with a laugh. “You’re right.” You admitted, rolling your eyes. “I’m here to ask a favor from you.”
“A favor?” Smoke inquired, his curiosity growing. He leaned towards you slightly, his head tilting. “What possible favor could you ask from me?”
“I was wondering if you’d be interested in aiding me in training the champions one day.” You said, getting to the point. The Czech man seemed surprised at your offer. “They stale from training with only each other during my teachings, so I thought bringing someone with a much different fighting style would help.”
“I’m not against the offer, but why me?” Smoke said, a note of disbelief in his voice. His face scanned your face, as if searching for an answer “Would Kuai Liang or Bi-Han not be better options?” 
“The way you move is unpredictable compared to them.” You explained, recalling his fighting style. “It would help them learn how to do better defense against an opponent who likes to attack from angles they aren’t ready yet.” You paused before sending him a look. “Plus, are you doubting my judgement on who’d be best?”
“No, not at all.” Tomas admitted, sending you a slightly sheepish look as he smiled at you. He seemed to take in your words, nodding slowly. “I’m just surprised.” He said, shrugging. He considered your offer, before nodding. “I wouldn’t mind helping you.” He opened his mouth to speak, but you cut him off, predicting what he was about to say. 
“I already discussed this with both Bi-Han and Lord Liu Kang, they’re fine with this arrangement.” 
“Wow, you were really prepared for this.” Smoke said, stunned for a moment that you had already discussed the plans with the others. “Alright, I’ll help you.” He agreed, and you sent him a big grin. You placed a hand on your hip as you reached for his shoulder, squeezing it gratefully. 
“Thank you, Tomas, you have no idea how much this means to me.” You said letting out a sigh of relief. It felt like your worries washed away. You felt your smile grow as Smoke sent you a look that you couldn’t quite identify, but it filled you with warmth. You let out a chuckle as your grin turned a tad bit mischievous. “I’d hate for my students to miss out on a chance to duel the King of Smoke.” You teased, and you watched as Smoke coughed into his fist.
“Let it go! I said that one time.” Tomas groaned, a bit of embarrassment in his voice as you reminded him of the nickname he had used one time before the two of you had dueled. He pulled at his face with a hand, playful distress on his face. You sent him a look that told him that you were not going to let it go anytime soon. “What would it take for you to stop using that nickname?”
“Nothing can ever change my mind.” You teased, chuckling at his embarrassment. “Why would I let such valuable teasing material go?” You pointed out, and you squeezed his shoulder to emphasize your point. The Lin Kuei member looked at you before rolling his eyes before sighing. 
“One day I’ll get you to change your mind.” Tomas promised, saying your name with such conviction you almost believed him. You couldn’t help the laughter that left your lips. He stared at you with a look you weren’t certain what to call it, but it made you feel happy. 
“Tough luck, Tomas.” You said cockily, dropping your hand from his shoulder. You were surprised as he caught it, squeezing it with both of his hands. 
“I mean it.” He said, his voice teasing. Yet, there was something there that made it feel a bit more serious than a joke. Nevertheless, you leaned forward with a challenging look in your eye. You watched as his expression changed slightly as he looked at you, opening his mouth to speak. You found yourself attracted to the movement in the background, and you cleared your throat, interrupting whatever he was about to say. “Looks like your class is back.”
“Ah.” He said, dropping your hand quickly as if it were on fire. You wondered briefly whether the final squeeze he gave it was on purpose or not. He looked at them, beckoning them in before looking at you. “Since I’m helping you out, would you also like to assist me?” He offered, and you couldn’t help the excitement that surged through you.
“Of course.”
It was late at night when you made your way to the Wu Shi academy. 
At first, you were planning on going back directly to the Fire Temple after spending the day at the Lin Kuei temple, but your footsteps drew you back to the academy.
Between visiting the Lin Kuei on business and being back here, you figured you were doing a shitty job of taking a break. You could practically hear Madam Bo scolding you. You stared at the entrance for a few moments, before sighing.
You were just going to check if Raiden was awake, and send him to bed. That’s all. 
You watched in, making sure to be stealthy as usual. Not only to keep the peace, but you figured that if Raiden had been training behind your back, you could give him a good scare as punishment for not listening to you. 
That and well, it was a bit funny to see the man jump.
Much to your displeasure, you heard the familiar sound of a dummy being beat up…rather frustratedly too. Sighing, you shook your head as you lurked in the shadows as you made your way to the courtyard. Yet, what was waiting for you was a sight you were not prepared for. 
It was Kenshi Takahashi there, swinging his sword adamantly at a dummy. 
Furrowing your eyebrows, you crept closer, keeping to the shadows as you did. Unlike Raiden, the man did not seem to be practicing any forms. Although his strikes were precise, they were done without much direction and thought. This seemed more instinctual than training.
You watched as he grunted, huffing as he gripped the sword as he knocked over the dummy. You saw pain, anger, and the like on his face clear as day. Unsatisfied, you watched as he righted the dummy. You observed for a few more minutes.
Interestingly enough, you watched as time went on, he tensed up. Kenshi seemed to mystify himself why he was doing so. He looked around for a moment, seeming to sense something. He had glanced at you for a moment, not realizing you were there at first, before doing a double take.
“Have you always been there, watching me?” Kenshi asked, an intense stare at you. You held up your hands to show you meant no harm. He narrowed his eyes. “Aren’t you supposed to be on break?” He inquired, much like everyone else did. His tone was accusatory, and you sensed he was in a bad mood.
“I only arrived a few minutes ago. I heard the commotion and decided to check it out, I thought it was Raiden, I was surprised to see it was you.” You said, defending yourself. You crossed your arms as you leaned back on the pillar you always seemed to gravitate towards. “I am on break, but I came here to make sure Raiden wasn’t training late at night since I told him not to for a while.” You paused. “You have good senses to notice something was off.”
“Raiden trains late at night?” Kenshi inquired, mystified, before shaking his head dismissively and sighing. “Being in the yakuza instills that instinct in you. A useful skill, even if I hated being there.” He said, sheathing his sword before facing you. “Sorry for being so short with you, I wasn’t prepared for my instructor to sneak up on me.”
“No need to apologize.” You said, waving off his apology. “I was being a bit weird standing here.” You said, shrugging before sending Kenshi a concerned look. “I might be overstepping here, but you seemed distressed.” You pointed out. You watched as Kenshi grimaced and glanced away. “Did you want to talk about it? It might do you some better than slicing that poor dummy into wood chips. I promise no judgement.”
The dummy seemed to be on its last legs. Funny how Kenshi just happened to choose the one that Raiden always seemed to use. Regardless, you gestured to the spot next to you, taking a seat on the ground.
The swordsman seemed to contemplate for a moment, his face shifting before he walked over and sat beside you. He rested on the pillar, turning his gaze to the stars like you did.
“I dreamt I was still stuck with the yakuza.” He said, after a few minutes of tense silence. You tore your gaze away from the stars to look at the man. He seemed haunted as he confessed this. His fingers tapped idly on the sheath of his sword. “The things I did while under their control, it haunts me.”
“How bad are the yakuza?” You inquired lightly, not all too familiar with the group, only knowing the basics of what Liu Kang had told you. 
“They’re a horrible group. I hope you, or anyone you know, never encounter them.” Kenshi said. Although he did not elaborate too much on them, the resentment that carried in his voice told you enough of what you needed to know. 
“I see.” You said, pursing your lips. You watched him for a few more minutes. “Well, you aren’t with them anymore.” You pointed out, curling up your legs to squeeze them to your chest. Your arms wrapped around them, as if giving yourself a hug. “Lingering on the past won’t help.” You said, knowing how hypocritical you were being. 
“Easier said than done.”
“It always is, isn’t it?”
There were a few moments of silence, before you heard Kenshi agree. 
“You never relished in the power the yakuza gave you, correct?” You asked, looking over to the swordsman once more. You saw him think, before shaking his head. “Then why feel guilt for things you were forced to do?” You continued, trying to guide his thoughts.
“That doesn’t change how horrible the deeds I did were.” The ex-yakuza member pointed out. You reluctantly agreed, some deeds, no matter how guilty the person felt, were dirty deeds still. “My family is still stuck in their grasp, and I’m here.”
“You’re bettering yourself for them, trying to go back unprepared is worse.” You countered. You paused before continuing. “I may not fully understand the extent of your guilt, nor the pain you carry, but I do understand that you are truly sorry.” You searched Kenshi’s face, noting the pain he carried. “It’ll take time, but learning to forgive yourself is what I think is truly best.”
The silence stretched between you two, but it was not uncomfortable. It settled in gently, like a slow realization. You knew he could not change his mindset in one mere conversation, but you knew that the words you told him were still comforting at the very least.
“How about we change the topic, get your mind off of that nasty nightmare of yours?” You offered, feeling happy when the look on his face didn’t seem to disagree with your line of thought. “How has it been, training with Johnny Cage?” You watched with slight amusement as Kenshi rolled his eyes at the actor’s name.
“He’s been irritating.”
“Now that’s something we can both agree on.” You jested, even though you didn’t quite think that low of Johnny Cage. You felt satisfaction as a tiny smile appeared on Kenshi’s face.
Helping people felt great.
part six
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firenati0n · 5 months
roop's first rwrb fics aka fics that left an impact aka fics that kicked off her rwrb fic love aka fics that make her heart go weeeoooweeeooo <3
hello! this list was quite literally revealed to me in a dream just now...which means now you all have to read it. happy holidays. a gift for you.
i read RWRB when it released, but started reading rwrb fics earlier this year during some tough titty times...and have since discovered a gorgeous community of folks just pouring their hearts out into the fandom fabric, giving me the courage to start putting bits of my work out there as well. here are some of the works that were present in my life at VERY roop-specific moments this year:
First fic I sent kudos to (i caved and made an ao3 after reading this one lmaoooo): With so much of my heart (that none is left to protest) by @kiwiana-writes
First fic that forced me to send my first tumblr ask screaming directly at the author for my feelings: also With so much of my heart (that none is left to protest) by @kiwiana-writes
First fic I bookmarked with the knowledge that this fic would destroy me: all that glitters (is not gold) by @indomitable-love
First fic I reread immediately after finishing like literally immediately: Going Platinum by @cricketnationrise
First fic I sent to someone not in the rwrb fandom but is a fan of the au so i schemed that this fic would suck them into the rwrb fandom and I was successful: Rogue's Gallery by @orchidscript
First fic(s) I sent to a boy as a bizarre mating ritual that actually worked: lifelines by @indomitable-love, Am I the Asshole? by @everwitch-magiks, and i ask you how you're doing (and i let you lie) by @matherines (his first fics, he loved them btw)
First fic that made me ugly cry not because it was inherently sad but because i achieved emotional catharsis i was not expecting: One Too Many Mornings by @orchidscript
First fic that made me CRY LAUGH until i was wheezing: and history remembered. by @sherryvalli
First fic that was a WIP I followed and screamed with each update: Cold Cases, Lost Causes by @tintagel-or-cockleshells
First fic that made me run laps around my room in sheer stress: Nova, Baby by @cha-melodius
First fic that made me run laps around my room in sheer thirst: Show Me What You're Working With by @clottedcreamfudge
First fic that made me giggle and kick my feet and blush: No Sense or Sensibility by @inexplicablymine
First fic that made me cry buckets in a costco parking lot: i ask you how you're doing (and i let you lie) by @matherines
First fic that made me learn something new about myself and patched up a crack in my heart: Down By The Water, I Saw You by @myheartalivewrites
First fic that taught me something I didn't know and had me doing a deep dive on wikipedia for 3 straight hours: Moonlighting by @orchidscript
First fic that had me writhing on the floor in absolute agony: What Do I Know? by @three-drink-amy
First fic that made me stare tearfully at a wall in quiet contemplation: Help Me Hold On to You by @affectionatelyrs
First fic that had me slamming subscribe to a series faster than I could say "kinktober": Temperature's Up, 'Bout to Erupt by @sparklepocalypse
First fic that opened my eyes to a whole new world of tags and also a new part of my brain: In His Wildest Dreams by @myheartalivewrites
First fic that made me feel such insane amounts of pining and yearning and longing that i had to take a walk: but if you could see us from a distance, you’d know i’ve always been so close to you by @anincompletelist
First fic that made me rethink my life while sitting in a DMV lobby waiting to renew my driver's license: Deep Blue by @myheartalivewrites
First fic that made me stay up all night to comment on each chapter as I read it in one sitting: Omakase by @orchidscript
First fic that I reread and live reacted to the author 3 hours before my dissertation was due instead of finishing the damn paper: to the victor, the spoils by @rmd-writes
First fic that made me feel incredibly homesick and had me looking up flights at 4am: after hours by @dumbpeachjuice
And finally... First fic I ever wrote after reading all of these incredible fics and wanting to also put a little piece of silly roop out into the world: our world, mine and his alone (the midnight train to go) by me :)
if you made it this far, thanks for reading. love you all. <3
xoxo roop
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Answer the questions and tag five fanfiction authors you know!
Thank you @metalbvcky. NPT for @mrs-illyrian-baby @doasyoudesireandlive @km-ffluv @labella420
🍓 How did you get into writing fanfiction?
As a teen I was a voracious reader and tried to write my own stuff based on other books I'd read. I also loved ST:TNG and wanted dearly to be in an episode and had lots of the books. I wrote my own ST stories with OC's (gratuitous self inserts), but they never went anywhere. In my late teens I read some Xena fanfic on the internet. But that was it for a great number of years.
At the beginning of 2021 I sat and watched the entirety of the MCU films in chronological order (I'd seen most of them before and was mainly a Thor gal.) I fell down the Stucky rabbithole. Deep. I decided to look up fanfic. AO3 was now a thing! I wrote (a very poor) Stucky fic and here we are, almost 3 years later
🍇How many fandoms have you written in?
As my ST stuff never made it further than my parent's old PC in the days of dial-up, I won't count it.
I've written for MCU, various Chris Evans and Seb Stan Characters and one fic for RWRB. I've been toying with writing a one-off Criminal Minds fic as a gift for a friend.
🍈How many years have you been writing fanfiction?
Three in July since I first published anything on AO3.
🍎Do you read or write more fanfiction?
I try to balance it out. If I have a period of hyperfocus writing I try to then go through a period of reading. I read on both Tumblr and AO3, so try to keep that even as well.
🍌What is one way you've improved as a writer?
Getting betas to pick me up on tense changes, overuse of words and rogue commas. Reading more. Practising. Writing outlines for longer stories so I don't go off-piste.
🍑Do you have any bad habits as a writer?
Getting bored half-way through a long fic, especially if the first few parts haven't had a lot of interaction. Which is why I try to write the whole thing before I start posting.
🍍 What's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
Engineering courses at MIT and, for a separate fic, Violet wands, including the ways to use them and the differnt types of accessories you can use with them. I even watched a Youtube video.
🍉What's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
Any comment! Anything that gives me the validation I need!
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🍐What's the most fringe trope/topic you write about?
I wrote a transformation into Tsum-tsum fic that was both cracky and smutty. That's pretty niche.
🥭What is the hardest type of story for you to write?
Action scenes. I loathe them. I'm constantly wondering if they are long enough, and make sense.
🍏What is the easiest type?
Short things that are either PWP or fluffy slices of life.
🍑Where do you do your writing? What platform? When?
Mainly on my elderly laptop on G-Docs, and in every moment I can - normally afterwork before dinner and on Mondays when I don't have work.
🍋What is something you've been too nervous/intimidated to write, but would love to write one day?
There are a few characters and ships I haven't written that I'd like to. And I suppose I'd like to write a proper long, over 100k fic at some point.
🍇 what made you choose your username?
When I made my AO3 account I felt as though that at 40, and only really starting in Fandom in this way, I was late to the party, so that is who I became.
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folklore-girl · 5 months
ek ladki bheegi bheegi bhaagi si — a short story
a/n: okok so i tried my best for you @androgynous-pavbhaji <3 since this is your secret santa gift? im so sorry for posting this so late, this was supposed to come out a long time ago.. but ig happy new year? hope you like this!
word count: 0.6k
warning(s): bad writing, cringe dialogues + a shitty asf story in general :( im so so sorry.
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raindrops splattered on the sidewalk as i hurriedly made my way to the bus stop, my clothes drenched from the downpour. my hands held up my handbag to shield my head from the rain and to try and deflect some heavy raindrops, but all in vain. for the millionth time, i cursed my stupid self for not carrying an umbrella, even though we were deep in winter, and there was no way I could’ve predicted this. i still should have.
and, to top it all, i was horribly late to my bus.
when i reached the bus stop a thousand years later, my shoes were soaked and my head was in an overdrive. i noticed a guy—probably my age—waiting at the stop too and decided i should probably wipe the mess off my face.
so, i took out my napkin, just to drop it on the ground like an absolute idiot. and as i bent to pick it up, the guy on the right offered me his napkin, in spotless white.
i was scared. not of the guy, but of ruining his napkin by using it. he saw me hesitate and said, “arey, it’s fine. i have spare.”
“pakka?” i asked, uncertainly.
“yup,” he said and i thanked him, smiling.
he smiled back. and i thought, wow. i guess men aren’t all bad, then.
i took the napkin from him and dabbed my face with it gently, still scared to damage it. when i was giving it back, he said “it’s ok, you can keep it.”
“you sure?” i asked again.
“yes!!” he laughed, “it’s alright, you know. i don’t bite.”
“no, but, i’m not used to all this,” i gestured with my hands and his eyebrows rose in confusion. “kindess?” i finished lamely.
“well then, you will be soon,” he winked and i looked away because i was in a loss of words.
meeting a decent man made me feel like i was in some other dimension, some dream where kind strangers were real and not a thing to read in tumblr posts and fawn over.
by now, my heartbeat had slowed down and my breaths were much less frantic, so we talked about our buses.
“oh, me too,” he smiled, “we’re both going to mumbai.”
“that’s nice,” i smiled as the bus approached the stop, “i bet the ride is gonna be fun.”
he smiled, “hopefully.”
we hauled up our luggage and sat in the bus, me in the window seat with him by my side.
we talked for almost the entire ride there, exchanging our names and talking shit about distant relatives (my lord, we had the same type of humour). and when we grew bored of talking, we both decided to do something else. he plugged in his earphones and i found out that i couldn’t find mine anywhere.
i looked out of the window and i could tell it was going to be a long road.
he noticed and offered to share his wired ones. feeling utterly helpless, i gave in.
later, we discovered that our music tastes were very similar and i soon found myself scooting closer to him as we listened to his playlist together.
by the time shuffle lead us to ‘i guess i’m in love’, i knew the feeling burning up in my chest, threatening to spill over. it was beautiful and warm, like sunlight filtering in through the curtains. like the first day of spring, my heart was blooming and after a long time, i felt the butterflies.
but it couldn’t be, could it?
i woke up to the sound of mumma calling my name. i’d fallen asleep with my head in my arms, crossed on the windowsill while rain poured outside and my chai grew colder with each passing minute. right next to it, my phone had just finished playing the song “ek ladki bheegi bhagi si” on my wired earphones and suddenly the surreal scenario in my head made sense.
i guess it was a dream, after all.
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serxinns · 3 months
Tipsy Trampoline!
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Drunk kiribaku x roomie/aka reader
(I know I promise to do other fics but I really wanted to do this)
This was inspired by this fic, yuzuya ofc and Mina's Birthday party these were one of my all-time favorites on Tumblr and youtube back then and I still loved it!
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It was Denki's 18th birthday and he decided to rent out the trampoline park for everyone to come and invited all class 1a and class 1b (and Shinsou)
You were getting ready to go wearing your rainbow kidcore clothes (can be a dress or pants whatever!) when you got a notification from one of your friends katsuki to pick you up
💣RagingChihuahua💥: you ready dumbass me and Shitty hair are about to pull up
Roomie✌️: Yep got my gift and everything!
💣RagingChihuahua💥: alright I see you don't im pulling up right now
You saw a car pulling up to your driveway through the window, so you grabbed your gifts and dashed outside, and went inside the car, seeing Kirishima in the backseat as well "Hey roomie how's it been!" Kiri said with a wide smile you smiled back giving him a fist bump and a hug "Amazing excited to finally have a break from schoolwork and hanging around with my buds!" Kiri blushed a bit while smiling "And chihuahua! I haven't seen you in a while how's it been those test aren't stressing you out aren't they?" katsuki grumbled at the stupid nickname you gave him "I told you to not call me that and of course not im punching those test straight in the fucking teeth!"
You giggled at his reaction and Katsuki blushed a bit and cleared his throat "Anyways are you ready did you get everything?" you nodded holding the gift in hand "Alright now the only reason im taking the two of you is because you're the most tolerable so you better not fucking act up in my car or you'll get thrown out in the damn street!!" you and kiri giggled at his emptyish threat "Dont worry man we won't do anything promise! You can trust us" Katsuki glared at the two of you while you and kiri looked "Innocently" at him with the invisible hovering angle wings and halo Katsuki grumbled something and started to engine and off to go to denkis party
Time skip of roomie and kiri making corny ass jokes while bakugo shouting at the both of you to shut the fuck up
The 3 of y'all made it after a 20 excruciating drive (for Bakugo) to the neon trampoline park where Denki, Mina, and Shinsou were waiting at the front the 3 of you got out to meet up with the trio "Hey man! Happy birthday!" kiri said to Denki while giving him a high five and a hug "Thanks! And those gifts look amazing! You can put the gifts at the table right there And can wait at the lobby for everyone else to come! And bakugo?! your giving ME a gift?! How thoughtful~" Denki said with a teasing smile "SHUT UP! I'm only giving you a gift cause it's your birthday that's it" katsuki yelled and rolled his eyes the 5 of you snickered at katsukis outburst which didn't make Katsuki any better so he stomped inside the building while you followed right behind him giving Denki another happy birthday
The 3 of you waited in the lobby with other of your classmates friends talking about how amazing this party gonna be a few minutes later when everyone was here Iida announced the rules of the party no arguing no playfighting blah blah but most importantly no drinking irresponsibly everyone agreed with the rules and off to play y'all went
The 1st thing you did was play dodgeball and it was WAR when it started on your team was you, kiri, Kendo Monoma, Komori, and more while on the other team were Bakugo, teru, Ochako, Jirou, You Shoji, and WWDB (World war dodgeball) began, Soft Foam balls were flying everywhere bakugo, jirou monoma and kendo was sniping everyone on each other while the rest of you were dodging for your LIVES you were using every one of your team members as a human shield to dodge bakugos hits and to survive until it was one on one everyone started cheering for you gulped while bakugo had an evil grin on his face
Bakugo was Throwing balls so hard every time they hit the wall making a loud bang you were screaming playfully and dodging them while Bakugo taunted you about losing already "GIVE UP ROOMIE YOUR CORNERED" you panted tried to dodge the balls but was determined you were gonna win it for the team "NEVER! GIVE ME YOUR BEST SHOT" Bakugo grinned at your words and grabbed a blue foam ball and threw you you dived into the trampoline behind you but your leg got hit with the ball just when bakugo was about to shout for victory the ball bounced hard and hit bakugo in the face
You won
Your team cheered while Bakugo's team died laughing at what they just saw not caring they lost Bakugo yelled out profanities and slowly turned his head to you, you gulped grinning sheepishly and waved, that was the final straw for bakugo, "YOUR DUMBASSES IS GONNA PAY FOR THAT" he ran towards you and kiri while the two of you screamed and dashed off running across the obstacles but this Blonde was hot on your trail so Kiri took your hand and dashed to the ball pit and dived right in there bakugo jumped in along with thev3 of you laughed until y'all realized the position your in
Kiri was on top of Bakugo while you were on top of Kiri the 3 of you blushed "I didn't know the 3 lovebirds were hanging out in the ball pit~" Shinso said grabbing his phone out and taking the picture of the 3 of you, Bakugo screamed at him to delete them while all of you deeply blushing quickly getting off of each other and looking away in embarrassment, "I'm gonna get a drink so I can forget this ever happens" Kiri said still blushing while helping bakugo up "Yea im getting thirsty anyway roomie you coming?" "I'll catch up with the 2 of you in a min im gonna play some arcade games!" "they're so Cute..." Kiri thought staring at the both of you but was quickly snapped out of it when Katsuki dragged him
*timeskip of you battling Momo, tsuyu and mina to see who gets more tickets*
Meanwhile at the bar sat A tipsy Denki, sero and hakagure messing with Bakugo and Kiri "Cmon blasty I know you want to~" "FUCK OFF DUNCE FACE I AINT DOING THE DRINKING COMPETITION" "Aw cmon what are you scared?!" Sero said making chicken noises Katsuki was getting tired of him so he snatched the drink off his hand and grabbed Kiri by the shirt collar "Fine but shitty hair is gonna join me as well to prove your stupid shitty drinking game" "U-Uh..Yea Sure! I'll join right by you bakugo" the 2 men grabbed the beer cans readying themselves hakagure counted them down "3...2...1 DRINK" and the 2 teams drank away grabbing beer cans after beer cans
Time skip cause idk im lazy lol
"I told you I got the most tickets! Kero* "Yeah yea I would've won if it weren't for that Stupid fishing game I would've gotten 10 more tickets to beat you" You tease punching her arm softly while she laughed "Aw Stop it you two we all did great plus you should've seen ochako with those basketball skills they're amazing!" Ochako blushed a bit at Momo's statement "It wasn't that good guys I missed a few shots!" Whined ochako "A few?! Out of the 100 hoops you dunked?! You're a natural you gotta teach me" the 4 of you went to the main lobby and sat on the sofa to chat more you grabbed a soda and sat down relaxing
You were bored so you went to look for your boys you pushed through the crowd of drunk toddlers to locate your two friends you were about to give up until you felt hands grabbing you from behind and pushing you closely to their chest you looked up to see it was kiri drunkenly smiling at you while wobbling a bit trying to steady himself "Roooomieeeee" he said while giggling like a child "how's it going having fu-*Hic* at the party!" you giggled trying not to laugh out loud at his face
"Yep seems like you were too where's bakugo I thought he was with you" Kiri stopped for a moment to think looking like a loading screen that was until a door was slammed open at the entrance
Oh shit it was aizawa
"Now which one of you fucking brats put a drawing of a dick on my car" Everyone including you froze Aizawa's red glowing eyes were glaring at everyone this happened for about a min until Denki slammed down a bottle screaming "SCATTER" Everyone ran in different directions you were grabbing on eljirou looking for an exit and fast until an arm grabbed you and the two of you were dragged quickly out the emergency exit it was katsuki
"Kats?" he stared down at you then at Kiri then continued to drag you into his car "I dive" he slurred struggling to put his keys in the car you grabbed Katsuki and pulled him into the back seat ignoring his angry protests and insults you grabbed his keys and hit the engine and drove out of there
You drove to a star-glazing area to watch the stars for a while looking back seat you saw both Kiri and Katsuki knocked out in the back so you closed the door bringing the keys to yourself, and went to lay on the grass to watch the stars you close your eyes and relaxed not long after you felt 2 bodies laying beside you Katsuki in the middle while Kiri was on his left you were on his right, the 3 we're you were watching stars kiri was drunkenly laughing to himself while Akatsuki stayed focus curious you asked him a question "So Kats what are you gonna do after this" Katsuki stayed silent you assumed he was either ignoring you or passed out so you continued to watch the stars dancing in the Moonlight until an arm wrapped your neck around pulling you closer You blushed "gonna love you two someday...wanna confess" you were flushed at the moment unable to speak words or even comprehend what is going on Kiri was already knocked out but continuesnue
"Don't wanna lose ya so special.." Kiri joined in but in a slurred speech, then katsuki did you never forget it he leaned the both of you closer and kissed Kiri on the cheek 1st then you then he turned his head to you and said "Dont tell him I did that" then passed out peacefully snoring
you were processing what the fuck just happen but looked down to see their peaceful snoring faces you kissed them both on the cheek and whispered "I love you too..." let's say that was the most memorable moment for the 3 of you
Bonus: when your parents got home they saw you Kiri and Bakugo cuddling on your bed and secretly took pictures in the morning
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thefrogdalorian · 6 months
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Hello and welcome to my contribution to Dincember!
Following NaNoWriMo (which I used to complete a draft of a modern AU!Din x reader fic that I aim to start posting in January) I wanted to attempt another writing project to maintain my sanity during this festive period! I'm aiming to complete all 25 days but life can sometimes be unpredictable, especially at this time of year.
I really hope you enjoy my interpretations of each prompt and best of luck if you're also participating, can't wait to see what everyone creates. Thanks @dindjarindiaries for putting these prompts together, celebrating all things Din is a wonderful way to close out the year!
All my fics are GN!reader and I don't include physical descriptions. Nothing more mature than a bit of smooching either :)
Happy Dincember, tumblr!
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Link to read on AO3 | Link to read in Chronological Order
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Day 1 - Snow: After a busy few months, Din surprises you and Grogu with a well-earned retreat to a snowy paradise in the run up to Life Day. Snow-filled chaotic fun ensues!
Day 2 - Fire: During a trip to a peaceful cabin with Din and Grogu, you awake one morning and discover that Grogu is poorly. You and Din are extremely worried but after a visit from a healer and the warmth of the fire you light, his condition soon improves.
Day 3 - Gloves: As you sit watching Grogu play by the fire while holding hands with Din, you reflect on how a simple part of his body says so much about the complex man that you are so privileged to love. A simple pleasure that you would have been denied, if he had never removed his gloves.
Day 4 - Lights: You introduce Din to a favourite Life Day tradition of yours: hanging up lights. It's a tradition that he finds slightly bemusing but after a slight hiccup which is soon resolved, thanks to the abilities possessed by Grogu, the two of you set about making a cheesy new Life Day tradition all of your own.
Day 5 - Cold: After your favourite Mandalorian's latest assignment with the New Republic means that his return to your cabin is delayed, you head to bed, thoroughly miserable. But when Din finally arrives home the reunion does not go entirely smoothly, as you find yourself needing to warm him up, with adorable consequences.
Day 6 - Gifts: It's Life Day and time for you and Din exchange gifts. You love sharing in the joy of seeing others surprised with your gifts, but nothing surprises you more than the incredibly thoughtful gift Din gives to you.
Day 7 - Star: As you lie on Din's strong chest, looking at the stars and reflecting how grateful you are that your paths crossed, you discover once again, that the man with the fearsome reputation is incredibly soft underneath his hard Beskar shell.
Day 8 - Flame: A fire pit outside your little cabin on Nevarro has always been a dream of yours. So, when Din finally agrees to build one, you are delighted, especially when he secures your favourite sweet treats too. But it's Din's first time roasting candy on a campfire and things don't exactly go to plan...
Day 9 - Boots: Raising a Force-sensitive child is not an easy task, especially one as mischievous as Grogu. When the little guy decides to play a game of hide and seek without telling you and Din first, you find him in a place that you would never have expected.
Day 10 - Sweater: After his latest job with the New Republic takes him away from your home, you find yourself missing Din terribly. But, despite how sappy and lame as you feel for doing so, you find wearing his sweater brings you a great deal of comfort when you need it most.
Day 11 - Icicle: An innocent icicle causes Din to reminisce on a moment he shared with Grogu on the Razor Crest shortly after rescuing The Child from the Imps on Nevarro.
Day 12 - Warmth: After you find yourself caught up in a rainstorm that drenches you to the bone on the forest planet you call home, an unexpectedly kind Mandalorian helps you to get warm again.
Day 13 - Family: Din Djarin is a complex man, with many walls you have not yet successfully broken down. You have been slowly building a life with the man who has a traumatic past he has alluded to, but never discussed in detail. One night, Din wakes up from a nightmare and finally lets you in. You comfort him, reminding him of your love for him and how much he deserves his unlikely family.
Day 14 - Home: During a moment cuddling with Din underneath the festive lights in your cabin, Din confides in you what home means to him.
Day 15 - Candle: Despite planning a special evening to mark your final night in the cabin that you, Din and Grogu have enjoyed a relaxing vacation in, your plans are soon thwarted by an unexpected power cut. However, the sudden loss of light ends up having very romantic consequences.
Day 16 - Sweet: After a tiring day of yard work, you decide to introduce Din and Grogu to one of your favourite festive drinks: hot chocolate. Although the sweetness proves a little too much for one of your Clan.
Day 17 - Joy: Despite you and Din having plans to go to a special festive market with Grogu, you wake up feeling awful, as though all festive cheer has been sucked out of you. Fortunately, you have a loving and caring Mandalorian who helps you regain your joy.
Day 18 - Snowflake: As Din stands by the window, watching the snow fall outside your cabin in the mountain paradise he brought you to for a vacation, he reveals a hilarious memory of his first encounter with snow to you. One that you are keen not to let him forget in a hurry.
Day 19 - Coat: You and Din arrive for a vacation in a picturesque snowy mountain town. There's just one problem: you brought the wrong coat. You head into town in search of the perfect coat but after a long day of fruitless searching, fortunately you have an incredibly patient and attentive Mandalorian to help you through the shopping stress.
Day 20 - Celebration: To show Din how much he means to you, you decide to make a special gesture in celebration of him by cooking him a traditional Mandalorian feast. Despite having your heart set on a perfect evening, a certain green child has other ideas...
Day 21 - Love: Despite how much time you have been spending with Din and getting to know him, you are still none the wiser as to whether your feelings for him are reciprocated. But an impromptu night of stargazing leads to a confession that may just change everything for the two of you...
Day 22 - Cozy: When Grogu wakes up upset in the middle of the night, both you and Din are concerned for him. But getting cozy and cuddling with his Clan soon brightens the little boy's mood.
Day 23 - Frost: You and Din wake up one morning to discover the volcanic planet you call home has been plunged into a deep frost. You are awestruck by the gleaming ground and the icy crystals that cling to every surface. You and Din decide to head out for a walk with Grogu, who is fascinated by the way his favourite pond has frozen over.
Day 24 - Ice: The unseasonably weather on Nevarro causes a pond to freeze and thanks to a stroke of good luck, a passing vendor is able to offer the opportunity to skate on it. You expect that Din will be a natural, but things do not go entirely to plan.
Day 25 - Holiday Waking up before Din on Life Day gives you the opportunity to admire all the little details and features of the man you love so much.
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rosesloveletters · 4 months
poems, cherry pie, chocolate roses and teddy bears.
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Pairing: 1971 Willy Wonka x Reader
Word Count: 5,200
Warnings: Implied smut.
Summary: Willy Wonka and Reader share their first Valentine's Day together.
Author's Note: Sorry that this is a day late. I meant to have it posted yesterday, but I was at work until 4pm and was too tired to edit it for posting. There are some very specific and personal aspects to this fic, so don't let that throw you. I hope you enjoy<3
divider created by @/saradika on Tumblr.
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Love was in the air.
Outside, the sun had risen and bathed the landscape in liquid gold.
The sweet scent of chocolate and the much more understated perfume of fresh cut roses wafted through the private living quarters that you and Wonka shared inside the factory. 
It was Valentine's Day and your heart was outpouring the color of love as red as the roses Wonka had given you, bursting at the seams he had so lovingly sewn shut when he found you split open, wounded by hands which were meant to hold you, not rip you apart. 
This was your first Valentine's Day with a man who made you feel loved and desired, whose needs were no more or less important than your own; you had not experienced such a foreign concept in a romantic relationship.
You and Wonka were equals. 
This was not to say, on any given day, there were not times when one of you took or gave more than the other, but the gentle reciprocation made by two hearts which had found homes within each other’s chests assured that both of you knew that you would always be there for the other. 
The factory was awash in a sea of pink and red as last minute shipments were made to shops all across town. 
Wonka had given his Oompa Loompas the night off and once the last of the Valentine’s chocolates were out for delivery, he and his beloved workers would make merry with friends, family and lovers alike. 
Far too many years had Wonka spent Valentine’s Day alone; such a rare treat was it that this particular year, when he had finished with his work and was free to return to his private quarters, there would be a recipient for all the love he had yet to give. 
He was eager to be with his lover, a spring in his step as he strode through the halls on his way back to you. He had let you sleep in so that you would be lively and well-rested for tonight. 
It was within his usual habit to be gone to work by the time you woke and this morning had been no different. Only today before he left, he came back into the bedroom after he was dressed and sat on the bed beside you. He admired the peaceful expression on your face as you slept, leant down and pressed a tender kiss to your cheek. 
“Happy Valentine’s Day, my dear,” he whispered lovingly in your ear, his gentle voice reaching the inner depths of your dreamworld and tinging it with its melody. 
You had cooed in your sleep, mumbling a tired reply that only he understood though the words were unintelligible. He stroked your hair and left you to your slumbering; he pulled the duvet up around you a bit more before he made his exit. 
Wonka left a gift for you to wake up to. 
On your nightstand, he carefully arranged a bouquet of red roses and a new chocolate bar he had created that was meant to be a limited edition specific to Valentine’s Day. Tucked in amongst the petals was a note: ‘If I had a flower for every time I thought of you…I could walk through my garden forever.’ 
The last thing he had left for you to find was a love note that you spent the first few moments of your day reading and rereading because his soul was so breathtaking—his thoughts flourished like a beautiful garden dedicated to his love for you.  
His words transported you to the garden inside his imagination and, if his chocolate room was any indication of the raw beauty living inside his mind that had already been sifted out of him, then the thoughtful flowers that grew in his head bloomed in colors not even you could possibly dream up even though you were the only one who knew his mind at least half as well as he did. 
You took his words to heart as you took the bouquet with you to the kitchen to find a vase and a prominent spot in your living area so that you would be able to always see them when you were home.
When had you determinedly made a home with him?
It was a concept far too vast and all-encompassing for you to make sense of it on its own. 
You and Wonka had lived together for a while, yet it shocked you to imagine that this was now what you considered your home. 
You remembered how many nights you had returned to your empty house, before you had met your beloved chocolatier, and walked through the door only to be met with deafening silence. A silence brought about by loneliness you had not wanted to admit you were feeling. 
You had not been actively looking for a partner to share a life with, but on nights like those, you often wondered what it must feel like to return home after a long day and be met by the warm smile and then open arms of a lover. 
It never failed to bring a tear to your eye—past the tears, you could not envision it ever becoming your reality. 
You had never been so relieved to have been proven wrong.
The end of your days were now spent with Willy Wonka, instead of sitting by yourself in a space too big for one person and thinking about how long your days seemed when you were solely responsible for getting yourself through them.��
Wonka was not there to solve all your problems, but the single fact that you knew you could rely on him for advice on major life decisions, comfort, reassurance and the fulfillment of romantic love helped immensely.
You had grown so tired of being on your own; you wanted a love that celebrated your individuality yet did not leave you with a gaping hole in your chest that should have been occupied by another. 
You did not know when you started believing in soulmates, or if you ever had. 
All you knew was that Wonka was the only person whom you had never felt alone with while he was standing right beside you and that was enough to convince you that you had made the right decision.
When Wonka returned to your living space, the first thing his eyes landed on was the rose bouquet now sitting on the coffee table, housed in a crystal vase with fresh water. 
A pleased smile creased his face as he hung up his coat and hat, “oh, darling~!” he sing-songed, “where are you, my love?” 
You came around the corner as soon as you heard his voice, “Willy!” 
You ran to him, throwing your arms around his neck as he leant forward and kissed your cheek, hugging you to him in the warmest embrace that had ever held you. 
“There’s my love bug,” he chuckled as you peppered his face with kisses, “what have you been up to?”
When you finally let him go, he saw your smirk before you took him by the hand and led him into the kitchen, “I made you something.”
“Is that a fact? Hm, well, what is it that you’ve made for me, my dear?”
Once inside the kitchen, you grabbed your oven mitts and opened the oven door, reaching in and carefully extracting your creation. Wonka stood at your side, gazing over your shoulder as you placed a cherry pie aside so that it would have plenty of time to cool before serving after dinner. 
The handmade latticework crust was golden, flaky and baked to perfection; the smell of warm cherry filling made his mouth water. 
“Oh, darling,” Wonka wrapped his arms around your midsection, embracing you gently from behind, “I can’t wait to try a slice. It smells divine. Thank you, my dear.”
Another lingering kiss was left, this time behind your ear and your smile grew, “you’re welcome. I thought I’d take it upon myself to make dessert, since you’ve been adamant all week about cooking for us both tonight.”
“It’s the very least I could do, dearest,” he crooned into your ear with a glint in his eye that he knew you could not see from your current position, “even though I do still have a few more surprises for you.”
You suppressed a shudder of excitement as your mind began to conjure ideas of what he might have in store. There was no telling what else he had put together and you were thrilled by the very thought; you had your own secrets to keep and so you stowed your excitement for the time being. 
You had put plenty of careful forethought into your plans for the holiday, but deep down, your fear of falling short had begun to simmer. It had been years since you last celebrated the day of love and you were uncertain if your heart was ready to love like this again. 
‘A heart’s only job is to beat,’ Willy used to say to you when you felt afraid to love him, ‘if not for love, then for what? A life without love, in any capacity, is merely an existence.’ 
He was right and you knew it well. 
Rarely was your Wonka ever wrong about love and yet you couldn’t help but wonder why he had let himself lose his way, locking himself away from the rest of the world for so many years. 
You would not judge him; it would have been wrong for you to do since you yourself were no stranger to self-isolation. You felt that you functioned better in solitude and you had eased yourself into your little protective cocoon, shielded from the outside, safe within yourself. 
Every little step brought you further and further out of your shell; you had settled gradually into a domestic little life with Wonka and you felt as comfortable in his company as you did in your own. 
You both were well out of your comfort zones, trusting one another in ways you had not trusted another soul since you had each learned to guard your hearts rather than offer them willingly. You and Wonka had both learned from painful experience to protect your weak spots and show them only once you had verified that who you showed them to was not a threat and, in this day, proving such was a near impossibility. 
That was why Wonka developed “tests” of reassurance; rather than words, he wanted a person’s actions to follow through with the words they used. 
You never minded him testing you. 
Where you needed verbal reassurance that you were loved, he needed physical examples.
You were closer to understanding yourselves just by understanding your different needs and what each stemmed from, but for now, you did not let your mind linger on it for too long. 
You tried to be careful, to protect your heart because it would not sustain another fracture, could not continue to beat as it once did if it were to lose any more little pieces. 
For Wonka you would have carved your heart right out of your chest and given it to him if he asked. 
That kind of love was dangerous if the wrong person received it, but nothing about Wonka could have been more right. 
The love you shared sometimes took your breath away and it was all you could do to refill your lungs again with precious air once you recovered enough to remember how to breathe after looking in his direction a bit longer than necessary. He filled you with emotions, sometimes ones you would rather not feel if you could avoid them. He had become special to you gradually, the same way a seedling sprouts from the ground and grow up towards the sun, but unlike the flower whose petals will wilt and die, waiting until spring to germinate once more, your love for Wonka was eternal and bloomed in vibrant colors even in the coldest and darkest of days. 
Wonka had such a keen eye for detail. 
He put his entire heart into his creations, no matter what they were, and the fruits of his labor were sweet with success. 
Fortunately for him, Willy Wonka was a lover of love itself; he had no trouble devoting himself and his love to you wholeheartedly.
“I had created these in the greatest of secrecy,” he began, “just for you.”
Dinner had long since been finished. 
As promised, Willy had cooked a meal for the two of you. 
Afterward, you helped him clean up and gave him a hand with the dishes, then the two of you retired to the living room to let the food in your bellies settle while you snuggled up together on the couch and exchanged gifts. 
Wonka sat to your right; his left arm was draped around your shoulders as he gently guided you into the security of his embrace. He watched over your shoulder as you unboxed the gift he had seemingly materialized out of thin air and placed into your hands the second you had sat down. 
You stripped off the golden ribbon which had secured the packages’ contents and maintained the privacy of the gift. You lifted the lid on the dark plum box and revealed three chocolate rose blooms, each approximately the size of your palm. The petals were made of the finest and highest quality chocolate, rich with the decadence and love that Wonka poured into them. 
A small gasp left your parted lips as you gazed at the edible roses; they were far too beautiful to eat. 
“My god…you actually made these?” 
Your reaction filled him with pride. 
He nodded in reply, letting out a little chuckle as he spoke with a much humbler tone than his internal monologue, “of course, darling.”
You had not meant the question literally—you were well beyond shocked by his capabilities, even though you knew without a doubt that he was a mastermind. He was an artist whose medium is chocolate, sugar and sweets of all kinds. If he were to choose not to make a special treat for his beloved on Valentine’s Day, then what a waste of talent that would be. 
At least, that was what he would have told you. 
“Go ahead,” he whispered in your ear, sending another little tingle down your spine as his warm breath tickled your sensitive skin, “try it.”
You scoffed, “but I want to savor it! Don’t rush me.”
“If that’s what you want, dear. But I can always make some more.”
Wonka leaned a little closer and kissed your cheek, his actions getting a little giggle out of you. 
A warm, pleased smile lit up his face at the sound as you voiced your happiness. He adored the sound of your laughter and would try to make you laugh as much as he could, but right now all it was telling him was how happy you were to be thought of for once. 
He had put his time, energy and love into each gift. It did not matter what he got you or what was made—you would treasure anything if it came from him. 
To you, Valentine’s Day wasn’t about who got the biggest or most expensive gift. It was about the consideration one had for their partner and their desire to show it. 
Wonka went the extra mile for you because he wanted to and that was what made it special, not the gifts themselves. 
“I got you something too,” you began and your voice had taken on a sheepish tone when you spoke these words to him. 
Your timidity amused him and he tilted his head, “have you?”
“Well, actually, I made you something,” you corrected yourself, “I decided that might be best since, you know…it might be more special.”
What do you get for someone who already has everything he could ever want?
The words almost left his lips, but Wonka stopped himself. 
His gaze lingered on you as you shifted into a different position, facing him now rather than leaning into him. He wondered what it was that was making you so nervous, but he chalked it up to the experience itself. 
The last time you had given yourself wholeheartedly to someone on this day, you were taken advantage of. 
Wonka had known you long enough that you had felt comfortable divulging these painful details to him and his heart ached at the thought of how much it had hurt you to put on a brave face. 
You did not have to do that with him; he could see everything that you were and he loved you, for better or for worse. Your honesty meant the world to him and even if you ever crossed paths with someone who did not, Wonka always would. You could say anything to him and it would not have changed a thing about how he felt—true love was never conditional.
His hand tentatively reached out and rested on your knee, a comforting gesture of reassurance that he knew you appreciated. 
“I wrote you a poem,” you said with uncertainty.
“A poem? You mean…you wrote me something?”
At first, you were afraid you had said something wrong, but you pushed through the initial discomfort to ask, “is that alright?”
“Darling, that’s more than alright!” he exclaimed, “that’s perfect! Now, let’s hear this poem of yours.”
His positive reaction was enough to put you at ease long enough for you to take a small piece of paper out of your pocket and unfold it. You cleared your throat and decided you wouldn’t look at him until you were done reading. 
Your face grew hot and you could feel his eyes on you, but you pushed through your discomfort because he deserved this. 
He deserved your words—he deserved to know that he influenced your creativity as much as you influenced his. 
‘My head is a garden of
chocolate roses and dream water
and the waxing moon is a pink goddess
whispering deliriously 
how in love you are
with me.’
You spoke again to fill the silence after you were finished, “I know that’s only one, but I…there’s more. I just—”
“Darling, that was delightful. Almost as delightful as you are,” Wonka gently lifted his hand and brought it to your cheek as his thumb swiped lovingly across your skin, “the only thing that I can think of that I want any more of right now…is you.”
He coaxed you into him, his arm winding its way around your shoulders again as you leaned into him. 
Hot tears pricked your eyelids, but both you and Wonka chose to let the emotion be. 
“I had no idea you were such a poet,” he whispered to you, one hand massaging your back while the other stroked your hair, “I have to say I am quite eager to hear what else you’ve written about me.”
He was starting to feel inadequate, as silly as it would have been for him to admit, because you had just unwittingly given him the greatest gift he ever could have hoped for. 
To learn that he had become your muse was almost too much for him to handle. 
Your words were tattooed on his heart and in his mind where he would never forget them. 
“I’m happy you liked it.”
You were relieved that he liked it. 
You had wanted to do so much more for him, but what could you do that would encompass everything you felt for this man who had captured your heart and kept it safe right next to his own? 
What price could be put on the love you shared?
Your love was priceless, so what better means of devotion was there other than your own creativity? 
After all, Willy Wonka was who he was because he dared to dream his creations to life. 
The very least you could do was follow his example, but instead of using your craft to speak to the rest of the world, for now, the only ears these words were meant for were his. 
A quiet evening together was all you had wanted—nothing could have been more perfect. 
After the gift exchange, you cut two slices of cherry pie and the two of you enjoyed the dessert together before tidying up your space a little before having a shower. 
You had successfully coaxed him into joining you in the bathroom. 
You and Wonka rarely had time to share your personal care routines, but you had decided to take the day at a much slower pace than what was typical. You wanted to savor every extra moment you had together because after tonight you’d be back to the usual busy schedule you each maintained. 
It bothered you to wake up to an empty bed every morning, but Wonka had a factory to run. 
He wasn’t not around because he didn’t want to be and occasionally you had to remind yourself of that. 
He would remind you as well, especially on nights like this.
He held you close in the shower, the heat rising between your bodies as you pressed together under the water while droplets clung to and condensed upon the glass. 
Sharing this little life with him was enough to satisfy you.
You didn’t need fancy things, gifts or opulence to bring you joy. Wonka was your happiness and you clung to that as much as you clung to him, steadfast and tightfisted, afraid to let go. 
He didn’t mind. 
Wonka was elated to be loved so deeply by someone he valued above most. He did so much for you because he wanted to show that he cared as much as he said it. 
Speaking of love was only just enough to open the door; Wonka intended to step over the threshold. 
You both took your time with your nighttime routine, spending as much time in as close proximity as you could; you could never have enough of him. The gentle brush of lingering touches as you each carried out your routine side by side made the longing bubble up inside of your chest. You felt overwhelmed by it at times, when you could feel the need surfacing again, and all you wanted was to lose yourself in him. 
Time did not allow for it very often, but when you had the chance to sink into him, you fully submerged yourself in that love.
After your shower, you and Wonka retired to the bedroom.
For once, you weren’t feeling worn out or exhausted and you were looking forward to resting in your lover’s arms. The chance to talk to him for an extended period warmed your heart and left you buzzing with excitement. You day did not often allow for you to be so candid with your lover, to talk to him privately for as long as you wanted. You were both busy, but this holiday was for and because of the love you shared and there was nothing that was going to stand in your way, not even the ever-present need for sleep. 
Wonka cradled you, your head resting in the crook of his arm as you spooned against him. His other hand caressed you, rubbing up and down your side or lovingly tracing his fingers over your arm, watching with an amused grin as goosebumps rose upon every inch of your flesh that he touched. You were so sensitive to him, your body swaying with the waves of his love that crashed upon your shores, undulating ripples that lured you into the deep wild ocean until he caught you up in a riptide and you were swept away in the current. 
Your love was not always like that: rough and frenzied like that of the ocean. 
You wanted a love like the lazy river, face upturned towards the sun, floating through life with him in soft currents of blue that mirrored the hues in his eyes. 
He nuzzled you, his nose trailing along the curve of your jaw; he adored holding you like this. 
Everything about this moment was perfect—he wouldn’t change a thing. 
“Did you enjoy your special day?” Wonka asked, his velvet voice cloaking you the same way that you imagined his plum coat did to him and made you feel safe and warm on the inside.
“It was our special day,” you gently corrected him, “and of course. The best part was getting you all to myself, at least, earlier in the day than I normally do.”
“I apologize for being absent, my dear,” his words were emphasized with a kiss to your temple, “I promise to find more time for you. You know as well as I that we both want that.”
You nodded, feeling the tears beginning to well up in your eyes and the lump forming in your throat that you had learned to speak around as if it were a part of your dialect and speech pattern, “We do. I need you, Willy. Now, perhaps, more than ever.”
Your words resonated within him. You were right and he would do his best to give you what you needed. 
“My heart has always needed yours, my dear. I just didn’t know it.”
His words pulled you in and you kissed him, full-blooded and passionate as the air inside your bedroom climbed several degrees. 
You dug your fingers into him, pulling his heart apart like plump fruit flesh you intended to devour. 
In a flurry of blankets and pillows, you were on top of him.
You eased into his embrace, breathing him in like spring air after the wild heart of winter had claimed you for far too long; it was his summer sunshine gaze that was enough to thaw the ice inside your chest and make room for you to open up, a sweet, fresh blossom whose petals have yet to touch sunlight, to him. 
Your passionate lovemaking continued throughout the night, several strenuous sessions stretching across the span of a few hours were broken up by warm conversation that connected you to him more than than feeling of having him deep inside you. 
It was now reaching nearly 2am.
Valentine’s Day was over, but true love did not exist for just one day. 
Wonka was exhausted; what he lacked in stamina, he made up for in passion and charisma. 
You curled in against his body, your back curved and tucked in against his side as he caught his breath for the third time that night. 
You both had been vulnerable with each other in ways neither of you could have ever imagined with anyone else. It was enough to say that just by sleeping in the same room, you trusted Wonka more than perhaps any other man you had ever met. 
Wonka’s standard gentle voice, albeit a bit strained now, filled your ears, “I believe it is time we called it a night, my dear.”
You could not have agreed more. 
Your reply came in the form of a tired yawn and you gave a long, full-bodied stretch as you settled in next to him more solidly. 
You could have sworn you heard him chuckle before his hands pulled you in and spooned you against his front. A few more kisses were laid lovingly upon your arm and shoulder as he got comfortable in this position. One of his forearms wrapped around your middle, his shirtsleeve riding up to reveal the faintest dusting of fine sand-colored hair. 
Wonka held you to him, listening to your breathing even itself out as you slowly drifted off into a deep, comfortable slumber. 
Once he was certain you were asleep was when he got himself out of bed. 
He crossed the room to the closet, opened it and reached in for something. 
He brought the item back to bed with him, circled the bed till he was at your side and gently lifted your arm off the mattress so that he could place a teddy bear in your grasp while you slept. 
You would awaken at some point the next morning and find it cuddled close to your chest; he was excited to watch your reaction to the plush teddy once you realized it was there. 
The teddy bear was dressed in matching attire to Wonka’s signature outfit and was even clutching a golden ticket in its paws. 
He smiled at the sight of you snuggling up to the stuffed toy, nuzzling into its fur and even in your unconscious state he knew you could tell that it smelled like him. 
“Something for you to snuggle with while I am away,” he whispered as he leant over you at the same time and tenderly stroked your hair.
He went back to his side of the bed and climbed in, pulling the duvet up to your chins as he settled back into his spot. 
His arm wrapped around you again, mindful of the teddy bear in your arms. 
He would be here when you woke up so that he could see your reaction, but for now, he was ready to sleep. 
Wonka hoped you had had as good of a Valentine’s Day as he had. 
You deserved even more than Wonka could give you, but he would stop at nothing just to try. 
He had to try for you, as much as you tried for him, because it was enough. You were enough for him and even though he knew who he was and was proud of that fact, he still felt inadequate from time to time. He wanted to be the best version of himself that he could be, because you deserved nothing but the best. 
Though no amount of wishing made things a reality, Wonka had learned that even simply trying was enough to create something beautiful, even if it was not what was initially intended. 
You came as much of a surprise to him as did his beloved creations; he had gotten lucky and built something beautiful with you and he would treasure you and your companionship for the rest of his life. 
He was content to spend quiet days like this next to you. 
Neither of you needed fancy things; you needed each other, like the sun needs the moon or like flowers need water. 
One could not survive without the other and as cliché as it sounded, Wonka still believed it because he had never stopped believing in what his mind told him. 
After all, who would he have been without the thoughts in his head?
He did not have to think too hard anymore.
With you in his life, inspiration was abundant. 
You were his muse and his world was painted with colors he could never have seen before meeting you. 
Cupped gently in your hands was where his heart was meant to be. 
Lulled by thoughts of his beloved, the sweet scent of you filling his nostrils and your gentle snores reaching his ears, Wonka closed his eyes and finally allowed sleep to wash over him like the tide.  
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January Creator of the Month: Jerzwriter
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Each month, CFWC highlights one of our talented fanfic writers or artists, and this month’s creator of the month is CFWC's own @jerzwriter.  The writer is selected at random. More info can be found on the navigation page.
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Tumblr Blog Complete Masterlist
How do you want to be known on Tumblr? 
More below...
1- When did you start playing Choices? What was the first book you played? 
It was sometime in 2017, and the first book I ever played was The Royal Romance, Book 1.
2- When and why did you join Choices fandom?
I joined a couple Facebook groups in 2019. I just wanted to discuss stories with others who were interested, as no one in my real life reads Choices. I didn't even know I was entering a fandom. lol I started reading fanfic on Tumblr the following year, but I found Tumblr intimidating, so I was mostly a silent reader. I didn’t start writing and contributing until May 2021, mostly because Open Heart was ending and I was in denial. 🙂
3- How did you pick your blog name? 
It’s pretty boring, actually. I’m from NJ, and I write. I wanted it to be JerZwriter, so people would know it is Jer-ZEE-Writer, but that wasn’t doable, so it’s Jerzwriter, and most think it is Jerz-Writer. Oh, well!  
4- Pull up the first and last posts in your archive, and tell us about them!  
My first post was the first chapter of my Ethan x Casey x Tobias love triangle, Delaying the Inevitable (OH).  It was my very first fanfic and I really didn't think I'd write anything beyond that.  I was so green back then, not only to fanfic but to the fandom as well. I’m really glad that I was naive because I don’t think I would have had the courage to post it if I had, but I’m glad that I did. 
My last post was Falling for You, a little drabble I wrote for Tobias x Casey (OH), and it featured a commission by the talented artist @weetlebeetle. It was a light, fun piece that took place early in Tobias and Casey's relationship, and it shows Tobias at his absolute simpiest. Lol 
5- Do you write fanfiction, create fan art, or are you one of those really gifted people who do both? 
Oh, how I wish I could draw, but I can't.  So, I’m strictly a writer. I may try giving drawing a go again, but I don't expect much to come of it. lol
6- How long have you been creating for Choices and for any other fandoms?
Choices was the first fandom I ever wrote for, and I started in May of 2021.  So, just over two and a half years. I have written a little bit for some other fandoms since that time, but I primarily write for Choices.
7- What is your favorite Choices book, and what is your favorite Choices book to create for?
Tough question.  I write for Open Heart, Crimes of Passion, and Wake the Dead, and they are three of my favorite stories. I also loved Desire & Decorum, but I never wrote for it.  Though, I’m planning a re-read, and you never know. 🙂
8- Share your first Choices fanfic or fan art that you posted with us. Do you still like it, or would you change it if you were creating it today?
It was the first chapter of Delaying the Inevitable. I was so green when I started that series that I’m sure there are things I would change, but I’m still very proud of it.  That series will always have a special place in my heart.  I’d like to revisit it one day to “clean it up”, it could use some condensing. But I would never change the storyline.
9- What is your favorite piece of fiction or art that you created? 
This is such an unfair question. lol The Delaying the Inevitable Series definitely comes to mind, but I’m also very proud of my Eli Sipes prequel stories, A Mother’s Journal, Coming Up Blank, and The End of the World. But Tobias and Casey are my favorite pairing, and I simply love the world I created for them. And while my headcanon for them is my favorite, I cannot pick just one fic for them, and I'm not going to! lol But, I've also written a bunch of AUs for them, and Friends* is one of my favorites.
10- Do you have a fic/art that you didn’t expect to be well received, but it was? What about one you expected to do well but found it could use a little more love?
Yes, to both! The fandom is much smaller today, but back when we were more active, I learned you couldn't predict how a fic would be received.  There are too many to name, but I will say whenever my smut does well (and quite a few of them have), I’m always astounded. lol 
11-  If you could write only angst, fluff, or smut for the rest of your writing life, which would it be and why? 
This is such a difficult question because I believe the best stories incorporate a little of each, and, as a writer, exploring all three helps spur creativity. Also, my absolute favorite is angst with a happy ending, so there is definitely some fluff in there (and I'm never mad at a little smut being thrown in!) But if I were forced to choose, it would probably be angst.  I think that's where I am strongest, and I just love raw emotion. I think that’s where character development really occurs. I have not written as much angst recently, and I miss it.  Perhaps I need a change in 2024. 
12 - Do you ever recognize yourself in any of your MCs or in your writing?
There are definitely parts of me in my MCs and OCs, but I do my best to prevent them from becoming self-inserts.  I'm not as cool as any of them, that's for sure! lol That said, I do find inspiration for my fics in real life, so there is bound to be a little crossover. When using real-life inspiration, I try to change details so that the fiction is not a carbon copy of the real-life event. Normally, by the time I'm done, they're hardly recognizable.
13 - What element of writing/art do you struggle with most? Where do you feel you are strongest?
I struggle most with setting a scene. Dialogue is my strong suit, and that just flows for me. It flows so much that sometimes I forget to describe what's going on around the conversation. I think this is particularly easy to do in fanfiction because so much of the "world" has already been provided for us, so I recognize this more when I'm writing original works.
The other thing I struggle with? Brevity. I know I can go on, and on, and on. lol I've gotten much better at this, but there is still room for improvement.
14 - Do you have any neglected work you really want to finish?
(Elsa leaves the room, quietly crawls under her desk, and hides…) YES!!! Far, far too many, and no matter how much I share those posts that say, "You don't have to finish! If you're not feeling it, move on!" I don't believe it! lol I really want to make wrapping them up a priority in 2024.  But I also know writing - particularly good writing - cannot be forced.  So, it's a goal, but I'll only do it if I feel it’s right. 
15 - If someone you know in real life (who isn’t involved in fandoms) asked to see your work, would you let them? If yes, what would you show them first? 
It would depend on who asked.  I’m not ashamed of writing fanfic at all, but if I believed the person would be judgemental, I wouldn't be willing to share.  A few of my friends have read select pieces of my fanfic, and I’ve always received positive feedback from them. I wouldn’t be opposed to sharing more.  What I'd share would depend greatly on the person asking.
16 - Are there any writers (published authors and/or fanfic writers) who influenced your writing or art? Are there any artists that influence you?
There are many published writers that I admire, but I don’t think they've influenced my writing here. Within the fandom, there are many writers who have inspired me in different ways. There is no way I can ever name them all. But I'd like to give a shout-out to some.
@jamespotterthefirst and @bex-la-get were among the first writers I read when I joined Tumblr. I found their passion for both canon and the worlds they created inspiring, especially as Open Heart was nearing its end and all of us addicts needed our fill. Reading their works helped keep the story alive for me and so many others, and it inspired me to try my hand at it as well. To my shock, they were both so encouraging and supportive of me when I arrived, and I'm forever grateful. Back then, I thought they were rockstars - and they are! But now, they're also friends. I wasn't familiar with @alwaysmychoices from the start, but when I came across their work, I was just blown away.  Weekend with Dr. Ramsey will live rent-free in my head forever, and that headcanon about Charlie calling Ethan the night before she marries someone else. (I faint.) Ohhh, the delicious angst! The way she made me feel what Charlie felt was just mind-boggling, and it encouraged me to really dig into my character's emotions and bring them to life in a more meaningful way.
Early on, I read @utterlyinevitable, and the thing that impressed me the most was how Dom was willing to "write stories that “went "go there.”  They tackled issues that others wouldn't touch.  In their world, everything wasn’t perfect, including the characters themselves. I admired that vision and, frankly, bravery, and it definitely encouraged me to write what I wanted to and not what I felt was expected of me.
More recently, @mydemonsdrivealimo inspired me to explore parts of my MCs that I have not delved into in the past.  In particular, Casey's bisexuality. It can be challenging to represent a bisexual character when they are in a straight-presenting relationship, and you risk alienating readers no matter what you do (looking at all readers here.) So it becomes easier to be lazy and ignore it. But that's a disservice to the character as much as it's a disservice to people living similar situations in real life... like I have many times. Through MJ's writing and our conversations, they've helped me become more aware and do a better job in this regard, and I'm not even sure if they know this - it may totally be news to them lol - but I'm eternally grateful. Now, I feel my girl Casey is free, and OMG, how I love our characters playing together in HC now!
Then there are @lilyoffandoms and @storyofmychoices, who bring joy to all that they touch. Who knew when Lily created a little drabble putting our characters in a new world together, it would end up being one of the brightest fandom spots of 2023? Who knew that so much more would stem from that one work? Seriously, it's been one of the highlights of my fandom experience this year, and it's helped me to find inspiration at times when I felt like it was lost. Thank you both - I am so lucky to have you both here!
There are so many more I could mention, but I'd still forget people and feel horrible, so I want to take the chance to thank every writer in the fandom for sharing their gifts with us. Each of you is an inspiration in your own way; each of you can give someone an idea, and you have no idea where that spark will lead. So, never stop sharing!
17-  Which one of your stories would you most like to see as a movie/series? 
Delaying the Inevitable, Friends*, All in the Past, and the WIP What’s Forever For. I also think some of my Ethan x Tobias works would have made for a good sitcom, and how I wish my Tobias x Casey friendship with Bryce x Jensen would be an epic sitcom. The world needs it! lol   (Jensen belongs to @mydemonsdrivealimo.)
19- Do you write original fiction or create non-fandom art? 
I do. Mostly shorter stories that will never see the light of day, but also some more substantive works... which will also never see the light of day! lol I wrote a novel-length political thriller some time ago. It would need a ton of work to bring it up to 2024, as the political landscape has changed so much. I also have two original WIPs I've been writing. One is an angsty story about a friendship that's loosely based on a childhood friend I lost to cancer a few years ago.  The other is a polyamorous romance about two best friends who fall for the same person. It's really a beautiful, emotional story. If I like the end result, maybe I'll let it see the light of day... maybe. lol
20-  What other hobbies do you have?
I enjoy theater, and I'm lucky enough to live in the best part of the world to partake in that.  I go to a lot of Broadway, Off-Broadway, and local theater productions. I also love going to concerts - they’re like group therapy! Trust me, I got more out of seeing Noah Kahan and Hozier in 2023 than I did from the entirety of sessions with my therapist - and I loved my therapist. lol
Prior to 2020, I did a fair amount of traveling, and I hope to start doing a little more this year.  But I have to admit, since the lockdown, I’ve become more of a homebody, and I like it, so we’ll see how that goes! 
I used to be very involved with activism and advocacy for women’s, lgbtq+, and mental health issues. I still am, but in a different capacity than I was in the past. These issues require people fighting for them, and doing so has always been a huge part of who I am, but it can be draining, and burnout is real. I really reached the end of my rope. So, nowadays, I work as a volunteer for a couple local organizations that really mean a lot to me. I'm not involved in grassroots efforts or taking trips to talk to legislators as often, but I'm helping people on a smaller scale, and that still goes a long, long way.
22: BONUS - tell us anything you’d like (if you want to).
As most of you know, I’m one of the mods here at CFWC, so it was a little weird when my the wheel landed on my name.  But, honestly, it’s happened before, and I've just spun again, even though I am eligible. But this time around, I decided to do it. This fandom really means a lot to me, and I wanted to share a little more about myself and my crazy pixelated people.
I'm truly grateful to everyone in the fandom who does their part to make this a place that many, like me, still see as a place they want to be. We're smaller, it's imperfect, it has plenty of problems, but I am choosing to focus on the good... because there is much more of that than there is bad. So, thank you to each of you... and I hope we all have a wonderful 2024! xo
PS... My header... I know Tobias wasn't technically an LI... which was truly criminal. So, that's what fandom is for, fixing what canon effed up. lol My favorite canon LI is Trystan Thorne (COP). I tried adding their picture to the header alongside Tobias, but it looked terrible, so here I am. :)
Thanks for taking the time to read this, and I can't wait to highlight more of you in 2024! :)
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sillyunknownkitkat · 6 months
𝓣𝓸𝓴𝓪𝔂𝓪𝓶𝓲 𝓕𝓾𝓶𝓲𝓴𝓪𝓰𝓮 𝔁 𝓫𝓾𝓫𝓫𝓵𝔂!𝓰𝓸𝓽𝓱! 𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓻
Tw : fem!reader, piercings, makeup, very vague description of gore, just fluff tbh
This was requested, but tumblr decided to screw my drafts up :( But hey, the staff is working on it!
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When if first sees you, he's quite curious.
For the sake of this, we're going to say that UA allows piercings and makeup.
I definitely think Mina would talk to you! Like this girl probably loves fashion and alternative style
She'd probably ask you how you do your makeup, what products you use, is it easy to take it off,...
And he wasn't doing it on purpose but he listened to your conversation with her
And when he hears you talk, he feels his heart skip a beat. How could you have such a dark aesthetic but still be so bubbly?
Naturally, he's drawn out by your style but your personality?????? bonus points bby
You have to take the first step because this boy is quite reserved.
After a while, you both become close friends. Not only do you guys share the same aesthetic (well he doesn't really dress up goth but yk) but you guys have the perfect releshionship
Like moon and sun, black cat and golden retriever, ....
He can't help but slowly fall in love with you, I mean you treat him like a normal human being, heck you're so nice to him
Look at him and try to tell me he wasn't bullied of something because of his head. Kids are fucking mean man.
So when you're actually willing to spend time with him and listen to everything he has to say? He melts.
From personal experience, when you don't talk about the stuff you like because people don't care, when you find someone you can't stop talking about it.
He was really embarrassed the first time it happened and kept apologizing. Of course, you told him that he didn't need to apologize and that you were actually really enjoying hearing him talk. Give him some feedback on what he said and he's (a bit shyly) continuing the conversation.
I think that he would tell you that he loves you by accident.
Like picture this :
You're both sitting on his bed, sharing goth music that you like, and he just looks at you lovingly before muttering under his breath. "You're amazing ____, I love you so much..."
So you stop in the middle of your sentence and look at him with a big smile and say "I love you too Tokoyami."
He doesn't move for a while, not believing what just happened. When he gains back his composure, he just smiles a bit, tears of happiness forming in his eyes, and takes your hands in his before asking you out on a date.
Now, let's get to the actual relationship headcanons :)
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Always offers you help when you seem like you might need it, praises your work, listens to everything you have to say, ....
He also writes poems for you. At first, he would just leave them on your bed for you to find them, but after a while, he reads them to you.
So, while I know he's not an actual bird, I think he has some instincts.
Like he brings you shiny things as gifts. Please don't point it out because he will get embarrassed about it.
He also coos when you guys hug, cuddle, ...
Loves when you pet Dark Shadow, I feel like some people are scared of them/it, but seeing you so happy and relaxed makes him really happy :)
He's a sucker for physical affection. I don't think he ever got a lot, so he does take steps by steps but truly adores every moment of it.
Once he's got comfortable, he is a bit clingy. Not in a bad way at all!
I think he'd prefer if you're releshionship stays secret. It's not that he's embarrassed or anything but 1A is really noisy
Love to go on dates with you. While he prefers to be In calmer places, with less people, he's open to whatever you want to do
May or May not try ritual with you :3 but that's only for my crazy girlies lol
He's a simple man, as long as he's with you he's happy
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That's it :) sorry if I didn't really go onto the bubbly aspects, since I'm not like that at all I had a bit of a hard time writing it 😅
I love Tokoyami, he's so under rated :(
have a great day/night and be safe everyone <3
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