#I do want to leave the field still (broke af) but there is so much joy and wonder and love and beauty in it
madqueenalanna · 3 months
we have a client at work whose "type" is like black pitty mixes (she keeps getting them) and she came in w one the other day and my coworker was like "that's great cause there's that black dog syndrome" and the client was like "oh yeah i have that i love these black dogs" and my coworker was like "no it's about how black dogs are way less likely to get adopted in general" (i added "black cats too") and the client was like ??? WHAT???? FOR REAL??? i love that she's so obsessed w her (gorgeous, well behaved) dogs that she couldn't even conceive of a world where people didn't like them
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natewriteslol · 3 years
May I request a reaction(?)/headcanon?
(twst boiz }:‑))
Rook, Sebek, Idia, Jack and Azul reacting to a secretly ripped reader.
Explanation!: Reader wears a lot if oversized stuff, lazy af, tends to skip PE classes and etc. You know acting like they're weak and stuff while in reality they're just lazy. For some reason Vargas saw the potential and the true power in reader, so he decided to add them to the team of [insert a really brutal sport or smt]. Everyone r like: "Y?? They weak!" When it's Readers time to enter the game, they take their hoodie off and omG those muscles. I swear someone fainted right on spot. And someone went 🧎🤰 After Absolutely destroying opponents team, they're just like "ok, I did the thing! Now I want my super duper rare chips".
A/N: This is such a creative premise, thank you for sending it!!
MC goes by they/them pronouns :)
Warnings: none except that MC takes off their shirt
Honestly Y/N was known to be one of the most laziest people on campus, so lazy that it even rivaled Leona! Which there has to be some form of intervention for them because it’s just getting out of hand. And while it benefitted in certain situations, such as annoying Grim to actually start moving his lazy ass around the house, or bullies leaving them alone since Y/N couldn’t bother to muster a reaction.
However they continued to skip P.E classes, and just all around not doing anything. So it came to a surprise that when they were called to Vargas’ office.
“Wait. Y/N where are you going?” Ace questioned, as their friend went with their backpack toward the door.
“I got an interview with Vargas for something. Watch Grim for me please, later” they replied relaxed. And while both Deuce and Ace questioned what their friend was going to be interviewed for, the pair just looked at each other, shrugged and went back to their schoolwork.
Once Y/N got to Vargas’ office, they sat on the chair on the other side of his desk. The student gazed at the sports paraphernalia on the walls, before Vargas started talking.
“Well Y/N, I bet you’re wondering why I called to talk to you?” He asked.
“Yup” the student said, keeping their answers short and concise.
“You tend to skip my classes a great amount, and while both you and Grim are enrolled as one student your lack of participation is dropping your grade,” Vargas said while standing up.
Y/N started to feel bad, sure they didn’t really care to participate but they didn’t want to inconvenience Grim.
“But, I will promise you one thing, I can feel the potential in you Y/N!” the man said excitedly, slightly spooking you. “As a man who is incredible person overflowing with talent,” Vargas started,
‘Wowee, pretty narcissistic’ you thought, but then you started to pay attention again.
“I can see greatness within others, it’s almost like my 6th sense. And I can feel it within you. Now all I ask of you Y/N, is that you participate in the Great Dodging Tournament try outs. And I will raise your grade” The older man offered, Vargas really believed in you.
And that really put a smile on your face, “You know what, I’ll do it.”
“Thanks kiddo!” the man boomed with a great smile on his face while ruffling your head.
I mean, if he’s this excited you can try for him.
It was tryouts, Deuce and Ace were a little apprehensive for Y/N to be participating. I mean the Great Dodging Tournament involves one person dodging great magical attacks from the opposite team, in order to get at least one of the balls from the other team. And while you didn’t technically need magical powers to compete, it certainly did help.
“Y/N L/N, you’re up!” It was their turn. Whispers broke out, everyone didn’t understand why they were even allowed to participate.
“Have you even seen them run?” Someone whispered.
The heat was rising despite it being the afternoon, “Damn, I’m getting hot” Y/N says and they start to strip, taking off their oversized shirt.
What came to a great surprise was their physique, incredibly ripped abs. Strong shoulders, back and arms now exposed to everyone.
They did absolutely fantastic for their tryouts, moving across the field with great speed, dodging every single attack and they were able to take 2 out of the 7 balls from the other team. Y/N was excellent, and absolute essential to the Great Dodging Tournament team. Every person was in great shock, they didn’t even break a sweat.
“Alrightie! Now where’s my snacks?” They said, sitting down on the bench.
-Oh mon cherie, what have you been hiding from him? ~
-Rook had alot of information on almost everyone at the school, so this definitely came to a shock to him
-A strong advocate for keeping them shirtless all the time
-I mean Y/N lays around all the time, they might as well look good while doing it
-It's just him and Sebek arguing (well it's Sebek who is actually arguing) about what Y/N should do once they come back: Shirt or no shirt?
-He’s very impressed with their strengt and willpower to get that physique
-Very mischievously looks down at Y/N while they complete their audition
-Rook I love you but what are you planning-
-He goes bright red, and starts yelling at Y/N to put a shirt on
-”I-it’s inappropriate for you to be walking around like this! Do you humans not have any shame?!”
-”D-don’t come closer! I don’t want a hug from you!”
-W-what? How could he miss that this mere human held this much power?
-He was incredibly observant (or so he claimed)
-Sebek didn’t know weak, puny humans could possess that type of strength
-If Y/N as a non-magic user were able to obtain this level of power, you were a threat
-Definitely not intimidated by them (he lowkey is intimidated by them)
-While he’s still incredibly opposed to Y/N’s lazy behaviors, he has a newfound respect for them
-Later on he thinks about it more and is marching to their dorm inorder to force them into doing more powerful stuff
-” Naw man, but since you’re up can you get the tv remote? It’s pretty far.”
-Of course this happens the one time he goes outside in person!
-Erupts into flames and has a bright ass blush
-Has Ortho calm down his flames with his built in fans
-Idia literally hides inside his hoodie so that no one could notice him
-But I mean it’s kinda hard since at this point he’s looks like a campfire but go off-
-He literally can’t look Y/N in the eyes omg
-Idia tries to talk to them but he just ends up spluttering
-He thought that Y/N had put their shirt back on so he takes his head out of his hoodie and NOPE they still have it off and the cycle of embarrassment repeats
-Idia manages to compliment Y/N, comparing them to a powerful anime character from a show he watched
-The man cannot look at Y/N the same anymore now that he knows what’s under all that baggy clothing
-Jack definitely did not see this coming
-Can admit that he is a little flustered (Alot of people teased him since his tail started to wag at the sight of Y/N’s body
-He couldn’t imagine the Y/N he knows doing all of this activity, let alone dodging such powerful magic attacks with this much skill
-They’re a perfect candidate for the team and Jack grows really passionate about you wanting to pursue sports
-Has alot more respect for you
-He will drag Y/N to do a bunch of brutally, active shit with him since the whole “I’m too weak” jig is up
-”Jack pls no”
-”But when you were soaring through the air during Dodging tryouts I heard no complaints. Get your ass up, Y/N”
-While their P.E grade is saved, at what cost?
-Azul thought that it was going to be a fun little attempt on Y/N’s part
-Were they joking? I mean he’s never seen them move a muscle for extracurricular activities like sports. Honestly-
-And oh dear oh it’s them shirtless
-Azul is so caught off guard
-He turns away so that Floyd and Jade don’t see his face, but those sneak boys know what’s going on
-”Boss you’re so red!”
-”Ooooh, are you flustered by shrimpy taking off their shirt~”!
-So that’s what you’ve been hiding under your clothing!
-He’s very impressed by your strength, Azul is wondering why you decided to hide it?
-Are you involved in shady business too? Hence why you’re laying low? (Sounds like projection but okay Azul-)
-He’s also thinking about getting you to sign some form of deal so that they can take advantage of your strength (Sorry Y/N)
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sierraknox · 2 years
Sierra Knox headcanons pls???
👀 yes yes of course! Strap In lmao
I like to headcanon that she and her father never died. That obviously violates canon in a big way but I don’t care. She’s my blorbo and she is alive and unwell in my head.
Technically I guess the fact that she’s a lesbian can be considered just a headcanon (depending on how in denial you are) but like… it definitely is canon
Kronstadt is one of those companies that boasts their allyship on Twitter Quackr in June, but they’ve told Sierra in no uncertain terms not to talk about her sexuality in interviews or publicly date girls. You can tell from listening to the crowd that a lot of her fans are men who are horny for her and that there are still a lot of racing fans that don’t think women should be race drivers. It’s a matter of preserving her popularity in the field, but it still sucks.
Her father knows, but they’ve never talked about it.
She dresses really masc. The Kronstadt office is generally pretty formal, so she wears slacks and button downs with neckties. She prefers to dress more casually when at home, though.
She’s dating Brigitte, who’s a few years younger than her and dumb af and kind of just a pretty thing that Sierra originally just wanted to fuck. However, she kept her around because she craves that validation and eventually realized that she’s really sweet and genuinely cares about Sierra so they end up having a more serious relationship.
She was good friends with and had a crush on Rachel Frick, the girl whose legs she had broken, before the incident.
Romanov, her ex-girlfriend (whose first name I always imagine was Sophia for literally no reason) broke up with Sierra because she drank too much
Sierra is 100% an alcoholic. This is also barely a headcanon, since her bio states she parties hard and she drinks a lot and talks A LOT about drinking, especially if she loses the race. She’s also done her fair share of drugs, obviously. One reporter claims she was recently arrested for drug use.
She was out of control in high school. Her father was pretty much gone and she was so desperate to prove herself to anyone she’d do pretty much anything if someone dared her to or suggested she couldn’t.
She has anxiety. A LOT of anxiety.
Her father is giving her radiation sickness to further his business. This one is less obviously canon to me than the lesbian thing, but it’s still implied. I like to imagine how this would have played out in my universe where they lived, and I go back and forth between her father being at least a little compassionate and making at least some reparations with her and him being uncaring about it and her subsequently leaving and exposing Kronstadt. They are both very fun to imagine and result in her getting at least a little redemption.
Robert Knox wasn’t always a terrible father. I mean, he was, but if he was straight-up evil and abusive, she wouldn’t have given her whole life to making him proud. He was fun and all she had and even though he was withholding and angry, he did care about her. As he became able to give more of himself to his business over the years, he cared less and less.
Growing up, he never really let her celebrate her birthday because of her mother’s death. Some years he would get her a cake, but he also tended to get angry from his grief around then. As an adult, she still feels weird celebrating it and hates when her friends or girlfriend make a big deal about it. She prefers to just get very very drunk on September 25th.
She wasn’t raised rich. Her father was raised upper/upper middle class, but he himself was horrible with money and the company wasn’t ridiculously valuable until Sierra became CFO. He was given, earned, and lost a lot of money a lot, so they went from being well off to struggling to pay the bills pretty frequently.
She’s currently next in line to inherit the company, but just by default. Robert Knox knows she’s good with money, but he wants to find someone who shares his larger-than-life vision to take the reigns if he dies. Yes, if, because he thinks a lot about developing a way to upload human consciousness into a machine and live forever.
She’s still definitely resentful of him though, and they get in very loud and public falling outs way more often than anyone would like.
She gets weirdly jealous whenever people refer to PALLAS as Robert Knox’s brainchild or when he talks about his AIs like they’re real people. He definitely loves them more than her.
She sabotages a lot of her relationships with her alcoholism and anger issues, but she’s generally really well-liked by anyone who spends a lot of time with her. She’s charismatic and good at making amends, and can be really nice to her friends. Grace, the mechanic, is one of her longest term friends. Even though they’ve had a lot of intense arguments, they both really respect each other.
She’s not a sociopath. She has a lot of genuine regret for her temper (borne from her canon IED) and the things she’s done for Kronstadt (she justifies them in her head, but it’s not enough). I also have the tendency to tone down the straight up murder bad things she does in my head when I’m thinking about her possible redemption. Again, she’s my blorbo and I’ll make her sympathetic if I want to.
Honestly, these are just the ones that sprang to mind but I hope you enjoyed them! I’ve probably forgotten a lot over the years, not to mention all the scraps of fanfic I’ve written and imagined since H2 came out. I know this is kinda cringey but hey this kind of stuff is exactly what this blog is for 😅.
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softer-ua · 3 years
First Episode Breakdown- part 2
This Is where Katsukis character completly unraveled for me
(Part 1)
We’re 9 minutes in, I’m enjoying the show but the set up was simple so I wasn’t paying that close attention just casually cheering Deku on and having fun hating on Blasty right up until-
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This shit came out of left field, I remember my neck popped from how hard I jerked at the blasting noise. Fucker broke Dekus desk, and I’m like ooh okay villain villain I see you
But then it got weird, their shit teacher doesn’t stop them and Katsukis entire demeanor has changed
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We know Deku’s quirkless, it’s been hammered in for the lasting 10ish minutes. So why does Deku think Katsuki sees him as competition, why does Katsuki think Deku is a threat when he was just …
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Laughing it up cockily ready to go to against his entire class, but suddenly the quirkless kid who we’ve already seen you beat up easily, has no friends, and the teacher just lets students blow up his desk is a threat?
Something isn’t adding up for me. Kid him was completely self assured of his and Dekus place.
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He thinks Dekus a little strange for sticking up to him but he’s made to look like he’s actually looking forward to beating up another kid. He makes a snide comment about Deku being unable to be a hero than leaves him in the dirt no problem. Just a awful little shit through and through.
But middle school Bakugo?
He has actual beef. He’s trying to prove a point that as of yet we have no context for.
He’s clearly not doing it for fun and just because he can like a stereotypical bully would. He’s clearly upset and not enjoying this interaction.
Deku can’t just be an easy target to make Katsuki feel better because Katsuki gains nothing from showing him up and wasn’t feeling bad about anything before this happened. Also he doesn’t seem to feel any better afterwards.
I was kinda leaning towards Bakugo just hating quirkless people but “Defenseless Izuku, you’d die in the exams” on top of the “why” makes it seem like it’s more personal, and he never makes any generalizations about quirkless people. If bigotry was the marker he was supposed to hit he’d have said something gross by this point.
Dekus not shown to be a threat to Katsuki on the food chain at all. The class doesn’t like him, he has no power, and the teacher doesn’t care about him. Deku isn’t really rocking the boat in a significant way.
There’s absolutely zero logical reason Katsuki shouldn’t have laughed him off like the rest of the class
But this Katsuki can’t let it be, he’s no longer capable of walking away from Deku
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How could he possibly not have made his point earlier? Wtf is his deal, why won’t he leave my broccoli bb alone??????
Katsukis goons actually make it more evident how not stereotypical Katsukis being
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They’re have actual fun at Deku expense, making Bakugo seem that much more serious.
No this Katsuki isn’t trying to gain something, he’s trying to insure he doesn’t lose something
Just taking the note book? Too basic.
Singeing it to hell? Not good enough.
Turning it to actual ash? Makes too much sense.
Tossing it out the fucking window?? Sure, why not you weird hellish monster child.
(Fuck anyone sitting under that window you have a point to prove. You need to prove that you the kid with all the power and clout are stronger than the kid with nothing)
“That’s so mean”?? Deku why do you seem at all surprised by his shitheadness ?? He’s a bully?? This is what he does??? Seriously, Honey, get your head in the mf game here
Bakugo: *gives another speech about how great he is*
Also Bakugo:
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Bitch tf you so scared of Deku for??
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Wow I am supposed to hate him with my entire being, they want me to wish for bad things to happen to him. And it is working
Oh shit Dekus mad? We gonna find out why Bakugo’s so scared??
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Nope. I’m just going to be more confused. He shut Deku up right quick and I’m lost af about why the last 5 minutes have even happened.
Now we get Dekus whole background and it is so sad in the most real world mundane way, just a series of beat downs from life and it looks like it’s only getting worse. Nothing more on Katsuki.
Okay first episode is over and I still don’t know why Bakugo’s character did a 180. The teacher said Deku also wanted to get into UA and Katsuki’s bravado flew south for the fucking winter with no explanation or even a farewell message.
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Seriously, weirdest personality snap I’ve ever seen. Mostly because they just let it slide, there was no trigger scene to build up to this nor any breakdown or breakthrough. It accomplished nothing for either side, Deku wasn’t dissuaded and Katsuki doesn’t feel any more settled.
Deku was never exposed to be a bigger threat than his other classmates, in fact it’s the exact opposite. He’s also never shown to have more potential than Katsuki in anyway.
Remember at this point we don’t know anything about their relationship.
We don’t know they used to be friends
We don’t know that Katsuki recognizes Deku as a truly heroic person (we get a glimpse of him acting like an even smaller Steve Rogers but it’s immediately made clear that Deku gained nothing except an understanding that other people can kick his ass. Like pre-serum Cap at least makes friends, but the kid who Deku stood up for grows up to be Katsukis lackey)
We don’t know even what Dekus grades are like, we only know that the teacher thought it was appropriate to say Katsuki had good enough grades to get into UA and then the teacher only says Deku wants to apply. A complement for Katsuki, a call out for Deku.
So I’m hooked, I need to know why a clearly essential character has lost their designated markers so early. Like he should have found Deku trying to be a hero actually funny and pointless, no one else in the class took him seriously.
If Katsuki really thought Deku was worse than the rest why would he bother giving a show of strength and another speech? He didn’t seem even slightly bothered by the other kids??
Why would he bother asking if Deku thought UA would take him over Mr.BombThreat
More importantly than everything else though, is how does Deku know to try an assure Katsuki that he isn’t a threat?
Deku would have made a thousand times more sense to be confused by Katsuki even asking the question, or just simply not understanding and trying to explain why he could compete, especially since assuring him isn’t shown to help him.
Why would he try to coddle Katsuki if he gains nothing and it doesn’t mollify Katsuki in anyway?
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snarkwrites · 3 years
so, i have come with an idea that came from watching the deleted scenes from dazed and confused. slater has stated that “it’s about quality, not quantity”. and when i tell you my mind had a field day with that🥵🥵whew! the man totally fucks and knows how to make it amazing, i just know it! - ❤️
AHHH OMFG THAT LINE. It invokes so many thots within me. So many, holy shit. And here you are, blessing me with a chance to play out these thots of mine. I love you so so so so so so much, angel.
Let's take this a step further shall we? How about Slater... deflowering a virgin... Mhm. I'm going there. Same reader/you from the last Ron Slater ask, btw. This should be fun af.
LIFE EDIT: This is kind of an alternate take. Kind of a what if Ron x you blew off the party at the moon tower and went back to have a little fun at his place all fucking night instead... So. yeahhh.
Sexual content ; oral sex, male giving... If you're not 18+ this post ain't for you, keep it moving, kiddos. If you choose to stay after this warning, that's your choice.
@chasingeverybreakingwave - bc Ron fucking Slater, bb. And I love you and I wanted you to see this, lmaooo. I may be one step closer to caving in and doing 'the thing'.
@twistnet - Bc I love you and our talks ahh.. inspired this.
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Ron Slater & first time;
Things were getting a little heated. The tension between you two couldn't get any thicker if you tried to make it so. His hands were literally all over you. You had two hickies already and there was absolutely no way you were hiding either of them later and you fucking loved it...
The discussion in Pickford's car turned to sex for whatever reason and Dawson, as per usual, was being a dick. When Ron popped off at Dawson about preferring quality over quantity, it had you conflicted because see... You were still a virgin. So you figured that given you knew for a fact that Ron wasn't, this alone would rule you out.
And the way it kind of invaded your brain and got to you, that had you a little nervous. Had you bitten off more than you could chew? What if things went further and you were really bad in bed? And then, another thought... a bigger one, might I add, that hit you with the force of a speeding car at a brick wall...
,, Wait a minute... I'm actually thinking about sex with him. No, I've made up my mind. I want him. If I'm gonna do this, it's gonna be with him. Nobody else." the thought took over. You were so caught up in the realization that yes, you absolutely wanted to give up your virginity to Ron Slater that you failed to miss when he nudged you and asked you if you agreed. But as soon as you realized, you decided you better just get the truth out there and do it now.
"I wouldn't know actually, kind of still a virgin." you answered, shrugging it off because in the grand scheme of things, it really didn't matter at all.
When Dawson nearly choked on his beer and Ron swallowed hard, fixing his eyes on you as he bit his lip and seemed to get lost in his own thoughts for a few seconds, you cleared your throat, speaking up to provide your own input, "But if I were picking a side here, yeah. I'd have to say I'd want quality over quantity. Nobody wants it to last all night when the guy doesn't know what the fuck he's doing, right?" you gave Dawson a pointed smirk as you said it, almost mocking him for his earlier statement about Ron and not being past the sniffing butts stage when it came to the ladies.
Dawson mimicked you before turning to face the front of the car again and once he had turned his back, you flipped him off.
Beside you, Ron was staring. You could feel his eyes as they fixed on you. Looking you up and down. Almost as if he were puzzled by what you'd admitted.
"A virgin, sweetheart?" Ron's breath was warm against your ear. A shiver passed through your body and you bit down on your lip as his hand settled on your bare thigh. Squeezing. Moving slowly up the insides and making you barely able to stop a whimper. You locked eyes with him and nodded, swallowing hard as you did so. Leaning in to whisper quietly, "It's not like it's a bad thing."
"Oh, it definitely ain't." Ron answered. His hand crept just a little higher. His breath caught in his throat and under the glow of a passing streetlamp shining through the back glass as the car passed beneath it, you could see the way his pupils were darkened. The way he licked his lips as he continued to fuck you with his eyes.
,, okay, since he's not weirded out..." your brain chimed in. And before you could stop yourself, you were whispering against the shell of his ear again, "But.. I'm looking to change that." as your hand drifted down, settling over the way he strained at his jeans already. He shifted around as covertly as possible, bucking himself against your hand. He panted against your ear in response, "You are, huh? Thinkin about anybody in particular, sweetheart? Because I know a guy..." he pulled away, tongue dragging slowly over his lips. Your breath caught in your throat because as he did this, his hand crept up the insides of your thighs even higher and settled palm down against soaked fabric. Squeezing your throbbing sex and almost making you moan as you rocked against his hand clumsily.
"You do, hm? What if I said you were the one I had in mind?" you ghosted your palm over the way his cock twitched, straining even tighter against his jeans.
He bit back a moan, just barely. Bucked himself upward against your moving hand. Managing to pant against the shell of your ear a frenzied warning. "When I get you alone, sweetheart... Fuck." as the movement of your palm over the bulge sped up clumsily.
"Stop the car, man!" Ron practically yelled it out at Pickford and Pickford slammed on the brakes next to a little yellow house. Very cookie cutter. Once the car was stopped, Ron was punching the back of Dawson's seat. "Lemme out, man. I, uh.. I forgot somethin in my room earlier. You wanna come in with me, princess?" he gazed back at you and you nodded. Your panties flooding all over again as the slick pooled and coated the insides of your thighs. Dawson got out to let Ron out and Ron leaned back into the car, scooping you out. Taking off at a laughing run towards the side of the house.
Putting your back against the side of the house as he stopped next to a window. His hands all over you and your legs circling his waist as his mouth dove against yours. Slowly. Deliberately. Kisses so deep that you almost forgot where you ended and he began, let alone remembering to breathe properly. Just when you were starting to get lightheaded, he broke the kiss, pulling away to stare at you.
The hunger in his eyes was something you'd never seen before. Ever. He bit his lip and nodded to the window. "I'm gonna have t' put you through my window, darlin. Don't wanna hear my ma bitchin..."
You nodded. Taking a shaky and deep breath. Your heart was racing. Your stomach was flipping and flopping lazily. You laughed softly, grabbing him by the chin and pulling his mouth back against yours. "Don't you want me, baby?"
"Fuck yeah." he chuckled into the kiss. After a few seconds, the two of you managed to tumble through his open bedroom window and the second you had, all bets were off. His hands were tugging your shirt up over your head and then they were all over you and you were trying to pull off his shirt as your back hit the mattress and he followed your body down. Propping on an elbow as he settled on his side beside you in the bed, staring down at you. In awe. Open adoration and desire.
"We're not makin it to the party tonight, darlin." and you whimpered at his words, taking a few deep breaths. "That's fine with me."
"I just really wanna take my time with you." he mumbled as he positioned himself between your legs, capturing both of your hands above your head in one of his own, his mouth crashing against yours, straying from it to ghost down your neck. Teeth scraping against skin. Tugging. Leaving little bites behind as he muttered huskily against it, "Fuck." and rocked himself right into you.
You raised one of your hands, shakily going for the button on his jeans and he rose up, slipping off the bed. Letting his jeans pool at his ankles. Giving his thick cock a pump or two as he stared down at you hungrily. Licking his lips real slow as he sank down. Working his way up your body, his hand disappearing between the two of you so he could work the buttons on your cut offs free. Tugging them down slowly, a smile playing at his lips when you came alive beneath him because the way he was touching you was all new and completely overwhelming to you. And he absolutely loved that thought.
He went for your bra next and by instinct, you threw your arms up. An attempt to cover yourself. He shook his head, reaching up to lower your arms. A throaty growl escaping his mouth as it dove against yours and his hands moved down to your hips. Hooking in the thin bands of your underwear. Working those down your lower body and marveling at how wet you were for him already. He raised your legs up to his shoulder and locked eyes with you.
"You're so fuckin pretty, angel. So fuckin pretty." his breath tickled your skin as his mouth worked up your leg. That thick tongue making you grip the blanket on his bed before he was even anywhere close to where you wanted him most. As soon as his eyes settled on your slickened thighs, he gazed up at you. Eyes filled with lust. When his tongue dragged over the inside of your thigh and you felt him stop.. sink his teeth into your skin to leave another mark behind, you reached down, fingers tangling in long dark hair. Trying to guide his mouth.
One of his hands settled on your hip and he rolled his tongue over your dripping center. Sucking in a breath and then exhaling. The way it felt cool against your skin had goosebumps forming over your body and he muttered lazily against your sex, "Fuck you're so wet. So fuckin wet. Kinda makes me wanna stay buried down here all night."
"Fuck." you moaned out, back arching away from the mattress as his tongue and fingers slipped into your tight hole, stretching you out. Getting you ready for everything he planned to do to you tonight.
As his tongue twisted and curled and kept the same pace as his fingers, you moaned. Struggled to breath on more than one occasion. Tried to remember that his mother was in the house and you had to at least try to be quiet.
But something told you that Ron Slater was about to make you staying quiet harder than you'd ever imagine...That tonight was going to be a very long and very fun night.
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s1utspeare · 3 years
@staidwaters asked for Li Cu and “selcouth” (in reference to this post; send me a prompt!), and since someone ELSE requested selcouth for a character I gave you an extra word lmao. THANK U SO MUCH FOR THE PROMPT!!! I LOVE U!
Also I will put these in a whole collection on ao3 at some point lol. 
selcouth—unfamiliar, rare, strange, and yet wonderful hiraeth—a homesickness for a home to which you cannot return, a home with maybe never was; the nostalgia, the yearning, the grief for the lost places of your past
There’s a time, when he returns, when he realizes he doesn’t know where home is. 
Objectively, of course, he knows where he lives. He knows that there’s an apartment with his father in it and his bed and clothes and things are there, but that’s different. It never quite was a home, but it really isn’t anymore, because it’s just… it’s so small. He’s spent weeks with the stars as his ceiling, even more looking at the same four walls of his room in the Wang compound, so an apartment with beat-up furniture and storage closet that was never used for storing things isn’t that much different from any other apartment he could be in. 
He tries going to Su Wan’s first. Part of him wants to because he missed Su Wan, but it’s mostly because he didn’t know for weeks if his best friend was dead or alive, so when he wakes up in the middle of the night with a short, sharp gasp, all he has to do is listen, and he can hear Su Wan breathing next to him in the bed. Also, Su Wan will cuddle him whether Li Cu wants him to or not, so that’s nice. 
It doesn’t last, though, because every morning he has to go downstairs and say hi to Su Wan’s parents, and Su Wan’s parents tolerate him, but they don’t really like him, and they really don’t like him now, after he filled their garage with packages and dragged Su Wan off into the desert. Also, sometimes he doesn’t want to be cuddled because that’s like arms pinning him to the ground and it takes all his willpower not to punch a sleeping Su Wan in the face, but to instead lie stiff as a board until morning. 
So he packs up his stuff and moves to Hao-ge’s, which is different, but not exactly better. Hao-ge is dealing with his own grief, his own loss, and Li Cu feels in the way of all that fury and rage. He knows, logically, that Hao-ge doesn’t blame him anymore, but he can still see Hao-ge’s face, streaked with tears, his fist pulled back, his voice strangled with anger and pain. Li Cu’s leg throbs. 
He stays for three days, just to be polite. He watches their shop while Hao-ge goes out of town to visit some relatives, to figure out what they’re going to do with his grandmother’s things. He knows Hao-ge is probably going to sell the store. It’s not just because he doesn’t want to run it; he honestly can’t, financially. Hao-ge’s not ready to let it go, quite yet, so when he gets back, Li Cu lets him have the space back, to trace over and memorize the corners of his home before he has to leave, makes a mental note to bring Su Wan over to help him pack, to keep him distracted. He didn’t sleep well at Hao-ge’s anyway, especially when he was gone. It was too quiet then. 
He can’t couch surf, after that. All the rest of his friends are dead. 
He uses some of the stupid money that Wu Xie paid him at the very beginning—and it’s really not even enough, Wu Xie should be putting him through college—to rent a hotel room for a couple nights. That’s nice at first. He has his own space, a big shower, cable tv. But he doesn’t know it, his body can’t relax in an unfamiliar room with big, wide windows and only one lock. He spends two sleepless nights lying on his back, on his side, on his stomach, pacing the carpet. He gives up after night two, when everything’s hazy and dull in the back of his head, and checks out. 
He spends the afternoon wandering around the city, toeing past the restaurants and coffee shops and arcades that he used to hang out in, the soccer fields and schools and parks he passed every day. There’s the manhole cover that broke and the city’s never gotten around to fix it, so there are perpetual orange cones around it in a cult-like circle—no, no, don’t think about cults, cones can’t have cults, it’s just a circle, Li Cu, come on—and there’s the statue of a dog near the center of the park near his house and he likes dogs, even more when they’re—not attacking him, they didn’t attack him, the dust of Wu Xie’s grandfather is ground into your bloodstream—and there’s the library that he and Shen Qiong used to go to for story time when they were really young—and now she’s young forever, a bullet in her brain between her eyes she died angry with you she died alone she died at the hands of her family—and eventually he’s on the soccer field and he’s lying flat on his back in the grass but there’s too much light and he can’t see the stars. 
He can’t see the stars. 
He can’t fall asleep if he can’t see the stars. If he can’t see the stars maybe he’s underground again, maybe—
“Kid, you can’t sleep there.” 
He lifts his head, wearily. It aches, heavy on his neck. It got dark at some point, except not right now, because there’s a police officer shining his flashlight into his eyes, and he squints into it. 
“Come on,” the officer says, “Go home.” 
Li Cu laughs and flops back onto the grass. The police officer mutters something that sounds like a swear word under his breath and comes through the gate, marching over to Li Cu and hauling him, albeit gently, off of the turf. 
“You been drinking?” the officer asks. Li Cu shakes his head. “Can’t smell any on you.” The man scoffs. “Jeez, kid, no offense, but you look terrible.”
Li Cu just blinks at him. He’s really tired, actually. 
The officer sighs. “Come on, I’ll drive you home. You got an ID?” 
Li Cu remembers that his ID is in his wallet which is in the pocket of his backpack and he knows it’s there because he had to use it to pay for the hotel.
 He hands the entire thing to the officer, who sorts through it, glancing at Li Cu every so often in concern, and clicking his tongue contentedly when he finds what he’s looking for. 
“Alright,” he says, “Let’s get you home.”
Li Cu’s glad this officer knows where his home is, because Li Cu has no idea.
Never mind. Li Cu is pretty sure this isn’t his house. 
The police officer rings the doorbell, and unfamiliar chime. A loud, deep voice inside says, “Yeah, yeah, I’m coming!” and then the door is flying open, and a large man with wild hair is staring down at them. 
Li Cu frowns because he has no idea who this guy is. 
The guy seems to know him, though, because he rolls his eyes, turns back into the house and shouts, “TIANZHEN!” 
Li Cu winces, cause his head kind of hurts now, and that was not helpful. 
The man turns back to look at them. “What did he do?” 
“Uh,” the officer says, because he’s shorter than Li Cu, actually, so he must be feeling very intimidated by this large man, “He was sleeping on the soccer field at the high school.” 
The door man snorts. “Of course he was.” He folds his arms, leaning against the doorframe, looks Li Cu over. “Yeah, you look like a mess, Ya Li.” 
“Wha?” Li Cu says, because that’s weird, that this strange giant man with large arms is calling him Ya Li. 
“That’s what Xiao Wan called you, right?” the man asks. “Su Wan? Your best friend?” 
Li Cu gapes. “How do you know Su Wan?” He backs up a step. “Is someone stalking me again?” 
The police officer looks very alarmed at that. “Again?” 
“He’s joking,” the Person-Who-Calls-Him-Ya-Li says, “No one’s stalking him. His friends came to me for help a while back, but he wasn’t with them.” 
The police officer does not seem convinced, but at that moment, a familiar face appears in the doorway behind the Person-Who-Calls-Him-Ya-Li. 
“Wu Xie?” Li Cu asks.  
Wu Xie looks just as surprised as Li Cu is. “What did he do?”
“Nothing,” the officer says, “He was trying to sleep on the soccer field. Which is actually illegal. So I brought him home.” He frowns. “This is his home, right?” 
“I don’t know,” Li Cu says. 
“Yes,” Wu Xie says quickly. “Yes, you brought him to the right place. Sorry, he’s been a little out of it lately. Stress at school, you know. Not sleeping very well.” 
“How’d you know that?” Li Cu asks in surprise, because as far as he can remember, he hasn’t seen Wu Xie since before the Wang compound. There’s a fuzzy memory of an apology, of being carried, but after he’d been thrown out the window, he woke up on a train. 
He glares at the windows to the side of the house. He does not trust them. 
Wu Xie gathers him by the shoulders and pulls him through the doorway. “Thank you, officer. I’ll make sure that it doesn’t happen again.” 
“Okay…” the police officer says. “Um. Get some rest, kid.” 
“Mmm hmm,” Li Cu mumbles, even though he knows that probably won’t happen, and Wu Xie shuts the door. 
“What’s the matter with you?” he asks. “You’re supposed to be at home.” 
“I dunno where it is,” Li Cu says. He yawns, widely. How long has it been since he slept? He has no idea. 
“You don’t know where your house is?” Wu Xie says slowly, like he’s trying to figure something out. He’ll be able to do it. Wu Xie has a Big Brain. 
“My house is where my house is,” Li Cu says vaguely. “I dunno where’s home.” 
Wu Xie goes silent for a moment. “I see.” 
Li Cu blinks himself into less of a stupor, figures out where his hands went (they were on the end of his arms). “I’ll go back there, I guess. Sorry.” 
“No, no, wait,” Wu Xie says, which is funny, because Li Cu hasn’t moved. “It’s late. You’re… really tired. We have a couch.” 
“Good for you,” Li Cu congratulates him. 
Wu Xie closes his eyes for a second, gritting his teeth. “The couch is for you.” 
“You’re giving me a couch?” 
“Oh my god,” Wu Xie says. 
The Person-Who-Calls-Him-Ya-Li laughs. “You sure chose a good one, Tianzhen.” 
“Shut up, Pangzi,” Wu Xie mutters, because apparently he is this Tianzhen person. 
“Make him take a nap for an hour,” Pangzi says, wandering off down the hall. “Then dinner’ll be ready.” 
“We had dinner earlier,” Wu Xie calls after him. 
Pangzi stops, looks at Wu Xie pointedly. “Nope. Dinner. In an hour. So the kid can join us.” 
“Oh,” Wu Xie says. “Oh, right. Yeah. Dinner.” 
Li Cu might puzzle through this if he were more awake, but he’s really not. “What?” 
Wu Xie sighs at him. Li Cu should really stop making him do that. “Alright,” he says, “Come with me.” 
Li Cu dutifully follows Wu Xie down the hallway, because he’s followed Wu Xie into worse places. 
They come out into a wide-open room, full of books and random vases and boxes of papers and bits and bobs. Sure enough, there’s a couch there, and Wu Xie steers Li Cu over to it, pushing against his shoulders gently to make him sit. The couch is pretty soft, a well-worn type of feel to it, like someone has sat here every day for years and years and filled it full of memories. 
“I’m not going to ask if you need to be hom—back at your place, because I really doubt it,” Wu Xie tells him. His voice is coming from below Li Cu’s ears, so Li Cu looks down to see Wu Xie pulling off one of his boots, so Li Cu flops over his knees to pull of the other one, but his fingers get tangled in the laces, and he gives up and lets Wu Xie do it.
Wu Xie sighs at him. He takes Li Cu’s backpack and puts it next to the coffee table, where Li Cu can see it. He appreciates that. It’s good to know where things are. If you know where your things are, you can’t lose them. If you know where snakes are, they can’t bite you. If you know where Wu Xie is, you don’t have to miss him. 
“Lie down,” Wu Xie says softly, and the couch really is comfortable, so Li Cu tentatively pulls his legs up and sets his head down and gazes at the lamp next to an armchair. 
Wu Xie drags the throw blanket from the back of the couch and settles it around Li Cu’s body, which might be a little overkill, because Li Cu isn’t going to be here that long, he’s just going to rest for a moment, and then he’ll leave. Then he’ll get out of Wu Xie’s way. He’ll go back. Just a few minutes. 
Wu Xie straightens up, grunting a little bit, and Li Cu almost says, don’t go, but he bites his tongue.  He can’t ask that much of Wu Xie. Wu Xie’s already giving him a couch. 
But then, Wu Xie doesn’t leave. He goes over to the armchair, picks up the notebook lying tent-style over its arm, flips through it. Someone’s glasses are on the end table, and that someone turns out to be Wu Xie, because they go on his nose as he takes in whatever the journal says, chewing the inside of his cheek absently and tapping a pattern out on his knee. 
Li Cu blinks, slowly. Wu Xie is warm and marvelous, he thinks. He’s fading into a soft glow, backlit by a warm light that reminds Li Cu of something, something good, something he thought he lost, but maybe not. Maybe not. 
He falls asleep and dreams he’s home.
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collecting-stories · 4 years
Break - JJ Maybank
Request: May I request 17 and 27 with JJ? 💕💕 I love your writing / Request: Hi! I love your stories so much, you are very talented. Do you think you could do one where you get hurt in some way and JJ is super protective and worried and takes care of u or something along those lines? / Request: Love your stories so much! I was wondering if you would do one where the reader is the one that fell out of the hawks nest not john b and then jj is super protective of you and takes care of u or something along those lines. Thank u!
A/N: This took a lot longer to write than expected!
Outer Banks Masterlist
If relationships were balanced symbiotic unions like Pope said they were then you were definitely the calm to JJ’s storm. The rational, cautious, slow to action, voice of reason that levelled him out and made sure that things didn’t get out of hand. You never jumped head first into anything. It was why Kiara insisted that you go with John B up to the Hawks Nest to meet Sarah.  
“I’m just going to get the map Kie,” John B argued, blocking the door of the Twinkie. You were sitting beside JJ, his arm around your shoulder while you leaned into him.  
“I don’t mind,” you offered, “you won’t even know I’m there. You can mack on her all you want.”
“I’m not macking on Sarah Cameron. I’m here for a map and nothing else.”
“Well I don’t believe you.” Kiara said, reiterating the point she’d been making since she found out about John B and Sarah. She didn’t trust that something wasn’t going on between them.  
“Fine.” John B snapped, “you can come.”  
You climbed out of the Twinkie, following John B to the Hawks Nest. You hung back once you got to the top of the deck, leaving John B and Sarah to talk while you tried to keep and eye on the Twinkie in the distance. It was hard, without power on the island and the headlights on the Twinkie dimmer than most, but you could see at least a hint of a glow in the distance. Better than watching John B flirt with Sarah after insisting that this was nothing personal and he was only in it for the map.  
“John B, we need to get going.” You reminded, turning toward him and Sarah, missing the other set of headlights that pulled up in the distance.  
“In a minute.” He waved you off, attention still fixed on the kook princess and you couldn’t help rolling your eyes as you stepped up to the platform that they were standing on.  
JJ, Pope, and Kiara sat waiting in the van, Kiara still focused on the fact that John B was up there with Sarah Cameron. Pope listened sympathetically but JJ sat there on the floor rolling a joint while Kiara made herself more and more annoyed. None of them noticed the extra set of headlights either, all too engrossed in what they were doing to pay any attention to playing look out like they were supposed to.  
All you remembered was running over to push Topper away from Sarah and all JJ remembered was the sound of John B’s voice, screaming for help against the otherwise quiet night. Kiara had been the first one to hear it, shushing the other two and then taking off when she realized what the sound was. The three of them tore across the field to the Hawks Nest, where John B was kneeling over you, laying on the ground, on your back.  
“Shit! Are you okay? Are you bleeding?” Pope asked, dropping down by your head, pressing his hands to either side of your face to stabilize you when he realized you weren’t moving. Kiara grabbed your hand, Sarah already holding the other while she tried to calm you down.  
“What happened?” JJ was frantic, voice cracking as he looked to John B for answers.  
“It doesn’t matter right now, we need an ambulance.” Sarah commented, “John B.”
“I’m going, I’m going.” John B replied, running for the Twinkie.  
“JJ,” you tried to move your head to see your boyfriend but Pope held onto you. “JJ.”
“Hey, I’m right here, I’m right here.” He promised, leaning over so you could see him. He looked up at Pope, “can’t we just take her?”
“No.” He shook his head.
“She said she can’t feel her legs.” Sarah cut in, “before you ran up, she said-”
“What does that mean?” JJ asked.  
As all four of them started to talk you could feel your head swimming. They felt like they were getting further and further away from you, slowly drowning out as the sound of sirens in the distance took over. Kiara let go of your hand to run out and meet the paramedics. The only thing you could fell was Pope, his hands still pressing against the sides of your head gently, stabilizing you even as the EMT pushed everyone away. JJ’s voice was the last one to fade out.
JJ wasn’t unfamiliar with hospitals. He’d been in them plenty of times but always for himself. The time he had a concussion, the time he broke his ankle, the time he needed stitches. But he’d never been the one in the waiting room. John B took Sarah home to change but Kiara and Pope stayed with him, trying to be as reassuring as possible. When your mom got there JJ nearly sobbed out an apology, taking full blame despite John B telling them that it was Topper who had pushed you off the Hawks Nest during an altercation.  
He paced the hallway, stood outside with Pope to vape, downed three cups of coffee despite hating the stuff, and finally collapsed in one of the chairs in the waiting room, falling asleep only because of exhaustion. When he was woken up again it was by Kiara, changed back into regular clothes that her dad had brought her, telling him that they were allowed to see you.  
“Pope and I figured you should go first.” Kiara said, voice soft as she rubbed JJ’s back. He took a few deep breaths, trying to calm himself before he got up and headed down the hall to your room.  
You were alone when he entered, your mom having stepped out to give you and JJ some alone time to talk. She wasn’t mad at your boyfriend though he felt like she should be. His hands were shaking and his whole body felt like it was clammy. You were alone but you were also awake and you moved you shifted when you heard the door open.
“JJ,” you smiled, the morphin made everything feel light and breezy like you were floating. It drew your mind away from what the doctor had told your mom, you had a hairline fracture in your vertebrae. They could go in tomorrow and do emergency surgery but you’d be in a chair for at least six weeks.  
There were a million things JJ wanted to say to you. Things that would make this better, easier. Honest things about how scared he was, how terrified that it was even worse than it was. But instead he blurted out the first thing that came to mind.
“What were you thinking? Were you trying to get yourself killed?” He exclaimed, voice cracking at the end, sounding as terrified as he felt.  
“Didn’t exactly jump off the deck myself.” You replied, eyes fluttering as the morphine kicked in.  
“I know, I know,” JJ insisted, shaking his head. He walked over to the bed, sitting on the edge and taking your hand in his. You smiled, holding his hand in yours.  “When I saw you laying on the ground...”
“It’s okay.” You promised, “the doctor said I’ll be okay, everything’ll be normal again.”
JJ nodded, using his free hand to rub at the tears threatening to fall from his eyes. He’d been so sure when he came up on you, laying on the ground, that you were gone. He’d frozen as he’d watched Pope hold you and Kiara promise that things would be okay. It looked, after all, like they might be but that didn’t erase the fear or ease the panic.  
“When I see Topper-”
“Jay, just lay with me for a little while please?” You asked, tugging on his hand gently, “can we think about Topper later?”
“Right.” He lifted his legs up, careful not to hurt you further as he laid beside you in the hospital bed.  
taglist: @maplelattes22 @poguesrforlife  @freckled-and-daydreaming  @chasefreakinstokes @millie-753 @fangirlwithme @alex12948 @howdyherron @katherine097 @tangledinsparkles @tragicmisfits @carbonated-beverage @mariofgreengables @damonsalvawhore27 @dopedoodes @dolanfivsosxox @belledutchess @poguelifeeee @jjsthumbring @faded-blue @parkerpetertingle @thebookwormlife @summer-clouds-and-long-days @jellyfishbeansontoast @minigranger @louisolos @hoewkeye @love-someone-special @finecelle @vitaminekabc @tiredfeels @g4bster @strangerthanfanfiction713 @the-only-nana @tomzfrog @mozz-are-lla @vindictive-hearts @poguestyleskye @ssprayberrythings @pensysto @jenahbell @beautyandthebleh @lavenderxraindrops @gothackedalready @teenwaywardasgardian @thelonewolfdies @hvitost @haha-fuck-you-thot @stillbelieve398-5 @rewindlr @queenniccimicci @kissessforharryyy @thedarkqueenofavalon @alytavzla @bqmblebee @linniep @nerdypartytrashpsychic @xxchxrryxx @spencer-reid-is-a-cutie @mirjanak @kwjune @danielladreaming @obx-saltlife @youngestxhearts @spnobsessedmemes @wowitswondergurl @siwiecola @regev1408 @celestialmaybank @mybnkjj @averagxfangirl @mysterious-adventurer @justawilddreamerchild @rhyetaylor62 @calm-rejects @99sxuxii @oh-annaa @katiaw2 @aiifandomsunite @marteenuhh08 @x-lulu @kitkat0609 @ceruleanjj @yoxsh06 @wicked-laugh @obxwriterfan @justkeepdreamingswift @allie-mcginn @jjmaybankswife @literarycharleton @khiaraaa-in-spacee @crushe-s @teamnick @daydreamlilys @poguesnobx @collectiveuniverses @activist-af @mdgrdians @buckys-sunflower @jolomez @timotaychalabae @babycakes00 
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You Can Run... (S2, E11)
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My time-stamped thoughts for this episode are below. As always I reference Malcolm’s mental health. A lot. So if that’s going to be a trigger for you, don’t keep reading.
0:03 - Baby!Malcolm and baby!Ainsley playing together is so cute. <3 
0:05 - Malcolm is playing with Batman (the hero) and Ainsley is playing with the Joker (the villain). But Ainsley wants to play with Batman. Coincidence? Foreshadowing? I’m torn. 
0:20 - ....I can’t tell if this is regular “kid fake crying to get sibling in trouble”, “bad fake crying because kid actors are still just kids who are learning”,  or “Ainsley is a psychopath and she’s never been able to cry properly fake crying”.
0:50 - “I’d much rather stay at home with my favourite guy.” UgH. Excuse me while I cry myself to sleep. No wonder Malcolm has so many Daddy issues. This broke my heart. Malcolm clearly idolized Martin. Martin was his hero. :( 
1:35 - “Where are you? Talk to me.” This hurts because it makes sense. Malcolm’s one constant in life was his father’s voice. For better or for worse. It reminds me of anxiety disorders/depression. Part of you doesn’t want to heal. You don’t know what to do without the pain and fear. You don’t know who you’d be. The unknown is scarier than the pain and misery. That’s Malcolm right now. He knows Martin is bad for his mental health but he’s afraid to lose Martin because without Martin’s voice Malcolm has no idea who he is. 
1:55 - I can’t decide if I love or hate Ruiz. She’s really combative? Like Malcolm didn’t say “You’re here to take over” aggressively. At all. I respect the hell out of her for being a total badass and good at her job....but she’s also kind of verbally aggressive? And pretending she doesn’t know Martin is Malcolm’s father? Like - I know she was probably trying to break the ice but it was really unprofessional and kind of a dick move? IDK something about Ruiz just kind of rubs me the wrong way (no this isn’t sexism. I’m a woman working in a male-dominated field. I respect the hell out of career-driven women. This is purely just something about her personality that bothers me.)
2:41 - Oh yeah. Gil did not like the joke about Ruiz not knowing The Surgeon = Malcolm’s father. Look at Gil. He’s annoyed but he’s also worried af about what that little comment did to his already mentally fragile profiler. 
3:22 - Just how many times has Malcolm played that voicemail since the end of 2x10? It looks like Gil’s already heard it. Dani’s probably heard it. How many times did Malcolm listen to it - desperately searching for clues? This is not good for Malcolm’s mental health. He needs a hug - not to listen to his manipulative serial killer father on repeat (although, that’s kind of the show isn’t it?). Also, where’s the “we’re the same” part of the message? Did Malcolm delete the end of the message? Maybe so he doesn’t become a suspect? 
3:32 - Look at how utterly furious and concerned Gil is. Guys. Guys. Papa!Gil is BACK. <3 <3 <3 <3 Oh how I’ve missed him. Seriously though, Gil looks absolutely livid (at Martin) because he can see how upset Malcolm is and he knows it’s all Martin’s fault. Plus the concerned looks he keeps shooting at Malcolm? <3 My heart <3 
3:39 - “Of course not.” LIAR. I truly believe this episode is an excellent example of a character “knowing something as fact in their heads but feels the opposite way in their hearts”. Malcolm is still a little boy desperate for his father’s love. Problem is, Malcolm is also a highly educated adult man who knows that his father is incapable of truly caring about him. 
3:55 - Gil watching Malcolm’s hand shake. <3 I have no words. Gil looks so concerned. We’re getting so close to a full Malcolm breakdown and I’m here for it. If we get a full on intervention and/or hospital scene I will be the happiest person alive. 
4:15 - A couple of things 1) look at how Capshaw is glancing around the room when Gil, Malcolm, and Jessica are talking about how Daryl tried to kill Jessica. Capshaw is showing equal amounts of disdain, envy, and guilt. 2) Gil making a joke just to make Jessica and Malcolm smile is the cutest thing I’ve ever seen. Gil is single handedly, emotionally, holding these two together and it’s the content I’ve been desperate for. 
4:42 - <3 <3 My heart is melting. <3 Gil’s little smile when he looks at the picture of baby!Malcolm and baby!Ainsley. Look me in the eyes and tell me Gil isn’t their dad. I’ll fight you. 
4:50 - “All the kooks will come out. I know the drill.” Poor Jessica. She’s really been through a lot of crap. :( 
4:55 - Did Gil shoot Capshaw that suspicious look because he was about to show blatant physical affection to Jessica or because he suspects Capshaw knows something about Martin? Maybe both?
5:00 - Sooooo Gil and Jessica just flirt openly in front of Malcolm now? ....Look at Malcolm’s reaction to their little moment. That boy has heart eyes. <3 Forget Brightwell - Gillica is the ship I will die on. 
5:50 - I promise you. Jessica’s eye roll+huff when Malcolm says he’s going to stay with Capshaw for a minutes is defensive. She’s knows that Malcolm is trying to get information that will help recapture Martin. But right now? She just wants a hug from her son. She wants to keep him in her sight; where she knows he’s safe. 
6:12 - soooooo Capshaw is definitely a psychopath and she’s 100% acting in this scene. Look at her. She’s angry but she’s trying to act calm. She’s trying to justify everything she did but it never quite connects. She’s just a little bit....something. Vacant? Insincere? Malcolm seems to believe her though...because she told him exactly what she knew he would sympathize and empathize with...the next two episodes are going to be incredible. 
7:00 - Damn. Malcolm looks so destroyed in this scene. He looks scared, sad, angry. This boy is riding an emotional elevator that only goes down. I’m just waiting for it to hit the ground. 
7:14 - This is fake. Capshaw’s “crying” here? How completely put together she seems? Fake. She’s trying to act distraught and guilt-ridden but she just seems too put together and angry to make it believable. 
7:25 - How much do you want to bet that Capshaw is either 1) after Martin because one of her family members was killed by the Surgeon, 2) some sort of already established serial killer/psychopath who thinks killing the Surgeon will make her a serial killer legend?
7:30 - Malcolm being kind is everything. <3 Ugh. This little cinnamon roll is such a sweetheart. <3 
8:12 - I’m on Malcolm’s side. Ainsley can’t think about work? Bullshit. Ainsley is somehow in on this whole thing. Istg.
8:21 - “Dad is out there and I don’t know. I’m just not okay.” ....this whole exchange between Ainsley and Malcolm felt forced? Like Ainsley is really off here. It seems out of character that Ainsley would admit that she’s not okay so calmly. She’s too passionate (generally speaking) to just be this calm right now. 
8:24 - Ainsley is way too calm for the daughter of an escaped serial killer. Malcolm looks utterly terrified. Ainsley just looks....indifferent. Sure, maybe she’s processing things different or she’s in some state of shock but I find it unlikely. 
8:41 - Awwww. Looks like Gil let a Whitly near his car. <3
8:51 - Awwwww...Malcolm literally jumping into the ambulance is adorable. <3
9:00 - “So it’s official. The Surgeon’s killing again.” THE LOOK. The look that JT, Dani, and Gil exchange everything to me. It’s concern. For Malcolm. For what they know this is doing to him. It’s fear. For what may happen next. 
9:19 - “Dude.” Some people think JT is being a dick to Malcolm here. I disagree. Sure, it’s not what Malcolm wanted (or needed) to hear. BUT the way I interpreted that ‘dude’: JT is concerned about Malcolm. JT knows that Malcolm is having a hard time right now and JT is worried that Malcolm is reverting back to ‘scared little boy who doesn’t want to believe his dad is a killer’ instead of his usual ‘profiler-mode’. I don’t think JT is upset with Malcolm. I think this is JT acting like Malcolm’s big brother. 
9:26 - “I’m not saying I believe it. But I’m sure he believes it.” Gil isn’t buying that. Look at his face. Gil knows Malcolm is struggling to separate his complex feelings about Martin ‘Dad’ Whitly and Matrin ‘the Surgeon’ Whitly.
9:33 - Again. The phrasing here may have been a little blunt but I think this is JT trying to remind Malcolm that his dad is a monster who doesn’t love him. It’s not a pleasant thing but it is a reminder that Malcolm needed to continue working the case effectively. 
9:38 - JT and Dani exchanging looks of concern when Malcolm raises his voice (and again when Gil sends them to canvas the area for missing cars) <3 WHERE IS MY INTERVENTION?!!? <3
10:01 - “You think I’ve lost it.” :( This breaks my heart. It’s not enough that Malcolm has been on a downward mental health spiral this whole season. Now, Martin escapes and Malcolm is so fragile that he can’t tell the difference between concern and disapproval. He genuinely can’t see that Gil, Dani, and JT are concerned about him. He’s interpreting their concern as distrust and disapproval. :( 
10:30 - .....where’s Gil’s car? Did he leave it with Dani and JT? 
10:45 - “He lived here with my mother before I was born.” Excuse me? What? My brain is short circuiting. I want more details. I find this information utterly fascinating. Were Jessica’s parents alive? Is it a Milton family home or did Jessica and/or Martin buy it themselves?
10:51 - “If my father was a serial killer I may have fortified my house a little better.” .....no. This felt wrong. I don’t like that Gil said this. Why would Malcolm fortify the house more? Martin was literally chained to a wall. PLUS Gil’s been to Malcolm’s place before. If Gil (the cop) was concerned about safety he would’ve said something to Malcolm about it before now. 
11:44 - I want to punch that US Marshall in the face. Don’t you dare suggest that Malcolm should’ve seen this coming or that he has anything to do with Martin’s escape. I also love this interaction. It really shows the story of Malcolm’s life: his colleagues don’t trust him because of who his father is. Malcolm’s skill is never enough for the cops/FBI/law enforcement to trust him because Martin is a serial killer. Shouldn’t it count for something that Malcolm is the one who turned Martin over to the cops AS A 10 YEAR OLD? ALSO - WTF did Malcolm have ammo for his antique weapons??!?!?
11:54 - Look at Dani and JT. They look ashamed and concerned. Almost as if they just realized that they’re the only ones in the precinct (other than Gil) who have ever given Malcolm a chance. 
12:02 - The hand tremor <3 Damn. Someone hug him. He is so close to a full mental breakdown. I can’t wait. 
12:17 - “I’m not fine.” I. Am. So. Proud. Our broken boy just told the truth about his mental state. Look at Dani. She’s shocked and she’s more concerned than ever. Malcolm admitting he’s not fine means he’s really really not fine. This is bad. Malcolm is going to lose it soon. 
12:35 - “You were in control” I understand why that would be comforting for Malcolm. HOWEVER, when it’s said like that Malcolm probably draws the parallel between himself and Martin (the manipulative control freak). :(
12:55 - Malcolm expressing his self doubt is shattering. He’s being so vulnerable with Dani right now and I don’t even care about the Brightwell ship at the moment - I’m just proud of him for opening up to someone. 
13:03 - “Usually his voice is in my head all the time” Yes. Because even though Martin was chained to a wall, he was still in control. The constant phone calls. The verbal chess games. The traumatic memories. Malcolm has never been able to escape Martin. Ever. Now 2/3 of his regular Martin exposures have disappeared and Malcolm doesn’t know how do go about daily life without the constant harassment. 
13:40 - There’s no way Jessica was actually in enough pain to ask for a painkillers. Jess overheard Malcolm and Capshaw talking and she came to ask Capshaw about it. 
14:14 - “I feel like I’m in Hell’s waiting room.” “Been there for 23 years.” Ouch. Capshaw is lying through her teeth but Jessica? Jessica is being sincere. My heart breaks for her. Also - the fact that every time we’ve seen Jessica bond with another woman (Eve, Capshaw, Birdie) that woman is a manipulative woman trying to use Jessica’s connection to Martin for her own personal gain is very upsetting. I petition for Jessica to bond with Tally and/or Dani. 
14:40 - Look at Capshaw’s face when Jessica mentions Martin’s open casket. She’s hopeful. Like she just found a potential partner in crime. Or at least she just found another reason to justify what she’s about to do to Martin. 
15:15 - I can’t anymore. It’s been driving me CRAZY that Dani’s curls are extremely different sizes in almost every other scene this episode. Sometimes the curls are reasonably tight and a little frizzy, Then in scenes like this one her curls are big, loose, and clean. Her hair is gorgeous both ways but the inconsistency is really bothering me. 
15:52 - Americans - help me out. Is this a thing? Do your bowling alleys serve alcohol? Specifically wine? My Canadian ass is curious (our bowling alleys serve pop and bottled water. And maybe fruit juice). 
15:52 - Look at how cautious Malcolm is as he approaches the boy. He’s afraid. Afraid that he’ll see evidence that the Surgeon is killing again. 
16:45 - Who did Pete steal those clothes from? It wasn’t the EMTs.....did he raid Malcolm’s closet?!?!?!
17:15 - Pete was 10 when he found a quasi-sanctuary from his abusive father. So was Malcolm (in the sense that Martin was arrested and physically removed from the home). 
17:40 - I love this about Malcolm. Pete helped Martin escape. Pete is a killer. But Malcolm is standing there talking to Pete like they’re friends. Malcolm genuinely empathizes with Pete’s childhood. It’s messed up but it’s also beautiful. Malcolm truly has a good heart. 
18:00 - And now Malcolm is scared. He’s just remembered that Pete is a serial killer and he’s in danger.
18:15 - Look, Pete’s a bad guy. But his childhood? Damn. That sucks. :( 
18:33 - “Tell me where Martin’s headed.” Not “The Surgeon”, not “Dr. Whitly”, not “my father”. “Martin”. Because Malcolm doesn’t know “Martin”. He’s met his father/dad - the man who loved him and cared for him during the first 10 years of his life. He’s met “The Surgeon” - the man who chloroformed him, manipulated him, and emotionally abused him his entire life. He’s met “Dr. Whitly” - the man who tried to teach him about the human body as a child and the man who gives him valuable medical insight on cases. But Malcolm’s never met this side of Martin Whitly and he doesn’t know what to expect. So he’s calling him “Martin”.
18:56 - Malcolm, you moron. Pete can see that you’re already suffering.
19:07 - I’ll be honest. I was kind of shocked that they killed off Pet like this. I knew Christian Brole was a guest star so obvious something would happen to write his character off the show but....this was intense. 
19:16 - “Bright I saw it too.” Thank you, Dani. Calm this boy down. He’s about 10 seconds away from being arrested for being a moron at a crime scene. 
19:30 - “It is my job to find my father.” This runs deep. Malcolm isn’t just talking about how it’s his job to profile where Martin might be. This is Malcolm admitting that he’s been subconsciously looking for his father for 23 years. He’s just a little boy who keeps visiting a serial killer in prison because he hopes that one day he’ll find the father that loved him (or at least acted like it). :( Someone hug this boy. <3
19:44 - I found how Malcolm pushes Dani off of him interesting. He’s clearly furious. He clearly is not in the mood to be touched but as soon as Dani starts manhandling him he sort of calms down? He’s not calm but he gains better control of himself. He listens to Dani when she guides him away from Ruiz, (he’s not perfect by any means) but he walks away and you can see his body language relax slightly. 
20:11 - I kind of feel bad for JT. Gil and Jessica have blatantly flirted in front of him twice now (2x5 and now). That’s got to be awkward for him. hahaha
20:14 - “Where is Ainsley?” Good question Gil. Malcolm (who is on the verge of a panic attack) is working himself ragged to find Martin. Jessica is terrified and going through old photos to see if she can find anything that might give a clue to Martin’s whereabouts. But Ainsley? Not only is she calm - she’s not reporting on the prison break. She’s not actively trying to find Martin and she’s not terrified. Why? I honestly think (hope) she’s working with Capshaw. 
20:20 - That look Gil shoots JT. Yep. Gil definitely suspects that Ainsley’s involved. I’m pretty sure Gil has pieced together what happened to Endicott and now he suspects Ainsley. 
20:30 - hahahaha the way that JT stares at Gil as Gil leaves the room. hahahaha. He’s like: “This is awkward. I don’t want to babysit your rich girlfriend (and the Mom of the most annoyingly endearing profilers in existence). I am uncomfortable and I hate that you’re leaving me here alone.”
21:05 - I LOVE THIS SCENE. EVERYTHING ABOUT IT.  I love how Dani is slouching in Gil’s chair like she owns it. I love that Malcolm is sitting on the couch like a scolded child. I love that they’re talking about Gil’s birthday. 
21:32 - “I’m already drafting an apology letter.” “That’s not enough.” SAY IT LOUDER DANI. This. FINALLY we get someone calling Malcolm on his passive suicidality. Yes, Malcolm is driven and obsessed with the case (any case). But he also risks his life needlessly to solve them. As though he thinks he’s not worthy of saving. As though he believes he deserves to suffer for what he did to The Surgeon and for what The Surgeon did to his victims. Malcolm is passionate and dedicated to his job. But he doesn’t care about his life enough to protect it. That’s passive suicidality in my books.
21:43 - “For a killer who has done nothing but make your life a living hell.....he’s not worth it.” THIS. Malcolm doesn’t hear this enough. People always suspect him of being like Martin. People rarely take the time to realize that Malcolm was just a little boy who was traumatized by the things he found out about Martin. Strangers judge and treat Malcolm like a criminal just because his father is a publicly bad person. It’s been happening for so long that Malcolm believes he’s a bad person who isn’t worthy of happiness. 
21:52 - Poor Malcolm. His little face. :( He looks so sad, angry, and scared all at the same time. This is another case of “the logical part of my brain knows I’m acting irrationally but I can’t stop it because the emotions are too big and strong and everything hurts.”
22:05 - “I’m sorry.” MALCOLM WHY THE HELL ARE YOU APOLOGIZING TO DANI?!? Because you yelled at Ruiz and now Dani’s worried about you? Dude. You’re having a mental health crisis and a really really bad day. You don’t need to apologize right now. Dani doesn’t want your apology. She wants you to take care of yourself. 
22:25 - “Jury’s still out.” Ouch. 
22:32 - Oh look. Another old person with a landline. hahahahha
23:11 - JT being a sweetheart to Jessica. <3 I love this man. This is so cute. I feel like this is the first time JT’s truly seen Jessica as a full human with a personality as opposed to Malcolm’s rich mother and Gil’s love interest.
23:18 - “I get a call like that once a week.” OH HELL NO. 
23:30 - I love the fact that Jessica and JT are bonding over the fact that they’re both being harassed and judged for something outside of their control. 
24:04 - “I don’t know. Why did you pretend no one was on the phone earlier?” I love this line. Jess didn’t tell for the same reason JT didn’t. They’re independent, strong people. They don’t want bother other people with their problems. They’re embarrassed that this is happening to them and on some level they probably think (wrongfully) that they deserve it. 
24:46 - Oh look. All of Malcolm’s worst nightmares are coming true on the same day. The look of pure terror on his face. <3 
25:20 - I want more Gil + Ainsley scenes. I find them fascinating. Ainsley looks like she resents Gil (probably because he spent so much time with Malcolm instead of her in the 90s+00s). Gil looks remorseful, sad, concerned, and fatherly. Like, even though he didn’t spend a lot of time with Ainsley - he still loves her. Because he loves Jessica and Malcolm so he loves Ainsley by extension. 
25:30 - “People always suspect him” THIS. Ainsley is trying to manipulate Gil into believing she’s innocent by drawing parallels between her actions and Malcolm’s. What Ainsley doesn’t seem to realize (and why Gil is so cold when he says “People always suspect him”) is that Gil watched Malcolm grow up. He watched the cops question him in 98′ because they thought he was a suspect. He watched Malcolm grow up as people bullied him and locked him in closets because he’s the son of a murderer. Malcolm was fired from the FBI for being the Surgeon’s son (and punching a sheriff). Ainsley though? She forwarded her career by televising Malcolm’s mental health issues and proudly announcing that she’s the daughter of a killer. She still has a job. People still treat her with respect. Malcolm wasn’t granted that luxury. Gil knows it. He watched as Ainsley used Martin as a tool for success while Malcolm struggled under the weight of Martin’s crimes and abuse. 
25:34 - “Ouch”. Malcolm’s not offended. Look at the little smile he sends toward Dani. <3
25:36 - Ainsley is furious. That’s the look she had in her eyes when she confronted Malcolm about the pig’s blood incident. She has no remorse. She’s pissed that her brother is overshadowing her.
25:49 - “We didn’t plan a prison break.” Who’s the ‘we’. Her and Malcolm? Or Ainsley and Martin? Or all three? Or Capshaw and Ainsley? ....this 3/4 of those options are definitely true. But one of them might be a lie. I think Ainsley was purposely vague to make it harder to Malcolm, Gil, and Dani to tell if she’s lying. 
26:17 - Ainsley isn’t scared, stressed, or anxious when she picks up the phone. She seems annoyed but hopeful. I find that interesting. 
26:46 - That smile. Ainsley loved talking to her dad. As a girl who grew up without a father - I feel for her. BUT GIRL - he’s a killer and this is not healthy. 
27:08 - Malcolm suspects Ainsley. And he’s scared. Bring me my popcorn. I’m here for the show. 
27:18 - This must be killing Ainsley. The fact that she knows Malcolm, Gil, and Jessica are a quasi-family unit. It’s probably making her feel more left out than usual. 
27:30 - “Maybe I should’ve done more for her when she was growing up.” :( My heart is shattering. This isn’t Gil’s fault but damn, does this hurt. 
27:40 - “No matter what we did, all roads led to Martin.” More confirmation that Jessica and Gil co-parented Malcolm. <3 This is amazing. I’m so happy. 
27:53 - Really Jess? You’re turned on by the fact that Gil has a secret plan while your daughter is being questioned about helping a murderer escape prison?!?! It’s adorable (especially how Gil starts flirting back with her) but also - not the time. 
28:14 - This is why I think Ainsley is somehow involved with Capshaw and/or is a budding serial killer. She’s so cheery. She’s being questioned by the police because they suspect her of committing a crime. Even an innocent person would be a little anxious or defensive. She’s just....numb but also cheery at the same time? Something’s not right here. 
28:19 - “This room is under surveillance at all times.” ....but is it under audio surveillance? Is this interrogation going to become a bigger part of the plot later in the season? Because Ainsley verbally questions if she’s like Martin.
29:17 - As much as I hate Martin, I agree with his analysis of Ainsley. She’s high on charm, low on compassion and empathy. She doesn’t have normal reactions to traumatic events. She never appears scared or sad. We’ve only ever really seen Ainsley happy, determined, or angry. 
29:20 - ....I fully believe Ainsley is fake crying to manipulate Malcolm during the interrogation.
31:25 - “Do you think I’m the reason he broke out?” Ugh. Ainsley is so starved for parental attention and it’s heartbreaking.....maybe that���s how this killer was made.
32:00 - Gil doesn’t think Ainsley’s a credible source of information. Let’s all just sit on that information for a bit. 
32:19 - “It’s not him I’m worried about.” <3 <3 <3 <3 Papa!Gil <3 I’ve missed you. <3 <3
32:34 - YO Gil, Malcolm. Have you two knuckleheads really never watched Criminal Minds?!?! This dude is showing textbook “I’m a hostage” behaviour. 
33:19 - Gil calling Malcolm his ‘partner’ is so precious. <3
34:50 - Sooooo 400K is a LOT of money. Did Martin use Milton family money for his murder agenda?!? Did Jessica never notice that much cash missing from their accounts?!? Where did all this money come from?! 
35:32 - Ahhhh lovely. Martin had a fake Canadian passport. 
35:46 - Excuse me while I cry myself to sleep because Martin put Malcolm’s batman toy in his murder escape bag. It’s so twisted and yet, sweet? 
35:50 - “What’s that?” <3 My heart has shattered. Look at the unshed tears in Malcolm’s eyes. Listen to how soft Gil’s voice is. Look at Malcolm’s sad little heartbroken, hopeful smile and Gil’s heartbroken look of concern. <3 I adore this exchange so so so so much. This is the Papa!Gil content I’ve been hungry for. 
37:38. -”Bright, she said no.” ....and Gil doesn’t want him going in there either. It’s not safe for anyone. But especially not for Malcolm in his current mental state. 
38:25 - “Don’t ever imply Bright doesn’t want to save lives.” YES TELL HER GIL. YES. I’m living my best life. The Papa!Gil fans were FED this episode. <3
38:51 - “They’re going to kill him.” I love this because I get it. My dad was abusive. I don’t like him and I don’t respect him. I think he’s a shitty human being. But I still love him. A part of me always will. Malcolm’s relationship with Martin is a little more complicated but it boils down to the same thing - no matter what a part of you will always love your parents. You might hate that part of yourself. You might try to suppress it. But it’s always there. Whether you like it or not. The idea that Martin will be killed? That’s terrifying for Malcolm because a dead Martin Whitly means he’ll never ‘earn’ his father’s love. It means his chance of finding the father who loved him pre-age 10 is gone forever. And that’s terrifying. Malcolm will grieve what he lost but he won’t grieve Martin as a human being - just who Martin could’ve been for Malcolm. 
39:22 - Gil chasing Malcolm <3 I’m in love. 
39:55 - Again, where the hell did Hector get these clothes? He sure as hell didn’t steal that plaid shirt from Malcolm’s place or the EMTs. 
40:10 - Hector is my favourite killer. I love him and I don’t know why. 
40:50 - This sequence is haunting. Watching Gil, Jessica, and Malcolm terrified and concerned in isolating shots. <3 *Chef’s kiss*. AND THE FACT THAT JT is still with Jessica?!?! <3 Glorious. I’m here for it. 
41:35 - I don’t like the way Capshaw looked at Malcolm when she said, “He’s your father.”.....it was appraising. Almost like she’s considering killing Malcolm to snub the whole Whitly family of potential killers. 
42:17 - That line about karma......holy shit. Capshaw is evil #confirmed. Malcolm is a moron for not spotting it right this second. 
42:55 - I have so many questions. 1) how did Capshaw get Martin in the car without anyone noticing? Like, why didn’t the security cameras catch it? 2) ....how much air circulation is in a car trunk? 3) How long has Capshaw been planning this? 4) is it really Martin in the car? Or someone else? ....maybe she had a goon kidnap Martin and take him to a secondary location after he left Claremont grounds? 5) Did Capshaw ever have a romantic interest in Martin? Was it ALL show?
AHHHHH this episode was amazing and I can’t wait for Tuesday. Thanks for hanging out. <3 
24 notes · View notes
la survey, part drei
Last thing you bought online? Did you like it?
a remote control, my last one broke. I am very content with it.
Could you date someone who didn’t drive (and didn’t show an interest in ever getting their license, either)?
How would you react if your artwork became famous?
that would be awesome, actually.
Would you get your nipples pierced?
How many people know your birthday?
a few
Has anyone ever tried to ruin a relationship you were in?
never had a relationship, so: no.
Have you ever watched a whole hour-long infomercial?
dude. dudester. I don’t even watch normal commercials.
What is your current MySpace song?
ooooh, that’s long ago. those were the times! It used to be “In God’s Hands” by Nelly Furtado
What is your favorite kind of meat to put on your sandwich?
Which one of your exes do you feel like you have the most chemistry with?
never had an ex.
How do you feel about people who make Facebook profiles for their pets?
a bit ridiculous
Have you ever personally known a pair of conjoined twins?
Is there something in particular you like to look at photos of? What is it?
celebs, pugs and capybaras
Chewy chocolate-chip cookies: like or dislike?
big LIKE
If your boyfriend/girlfriend wanted to dress only in the opposite sex’s clothing, would you support that? If not, would you leave them?
actually I would not. yes, I would leave them.
Do you think your grandmother is/was beautiful?
as much as I love them: no.
Which of your fields of interest are you a total expert on?
internet and social media
When was the last time you got all dolled up?
eh loong ago. I don’t like to doll up these days.
Do you ever name objects? (i.e. mp3 players, guitars, cars, etc.)
Do you have a criminal record?
Last person you took a nap with?
I prefer to take naps by myself, thanks very much.
Does seeing your mother cry automatically make you feel sad as well?
no. I become awkward and don’t know how to deal with that.
Do you think someone likes the same person you like?
I currently don’t like anyone, so... as for celebrity crushes: of course, unfortunately.
Do you want your life to stay the way it is right now forever?
Hell no!
Have you ever been to craigslist.com?
I’m not from the US, so: no.
What about eBay?
Yes. I sell things there from time to time.
Have you ever used Nair?
WTF is that?
Are you medicated?
Do you shape/fill in your eyebrows?
Have you ever stolen/borrowed clothes from an ex?
still no ex here...
Could you make a statement about anything political?
I usually don’t make political statements, but our current government in Germany sucks big time.
Do you think you’ve already met your soulmate?
Do you get the feeling something good will happen in your life soon?
Do you enjoy romantic movies, even when they’re cliche?
Have you been to McDonald’s in the past month?
yes. their ice cream is the BEST.
Have you ever slept over at your best friend’s house?
How often do you go bowling?
not a big bowling fan, long ago.
Last time you were in an apartment?
I live in one.
Have you ever seen a live seahorse?
noooooo! I want to see one!
Would you like to have your own yacht?
Winnie the Pooh or Tigger?
What’s the unhealthiest thing you’ve eaten today?
Has a stranger ever offered to buy you a drink?
yes. One time, I was at a pub and I was broke af but I really wanted to see the band that was playing this evening. So I kinda used a guy, by sitting with him and flirting with him, so he bought me drinks all evening. I am not proud of this, okay?
What is something you’d be happy to receive as a gift, that doesn’t cost a lot?
can’t think of anything RN.
What kind of music does your significant other/crush like to listen to?
I'm single.
Who did you have your first kiss with? Do you remember what color his/her eyes were?
my best female friend. no, I don’t recall what color their eyes were.
Are there any themes from TV shows that you like to sing along to?
Do you eat dessert after dinner?
Have you ever had too much to drink and felt embarrassed about your behavior the next day?
once. I’ve been drunk in my life once. I swore to never get that drunk again.
When you go out drinking, what do you prefer to drink?
Schweppes Bitter Lemon. alcohol-free, fruity cocktails.
What was the last animal that you saw?
I am currently crazy about this pug named Marve on Instagram and I am very thankful for their owner for posting content daily.
What was the last thing that you said to one of your siblings?
only child here.
What is the most expensive thing that you’ve purchased that you paid for:
a laptop
What is your favorite messaging program?
Do you eat fast food more than 5 times a week?
Have you ever almost drowned?
Have you ever learned something shocking about someone through Facebook?
maybe. it was enough for me to block the person.
What’s the scariest living animal that you’ve petted?
dude. I don’t pet scary animals.
Do you remember the first conversation you ever had with the person you currently have feelings for?
not in love currently!
Do you dread certain days of the week? If yes, what day/s and why?
not really.
If you eat oatmeal, do you have it plain or do you have certain toppings that you like to add to it?
yoghurt and fruit
What is the funniest or strangest thing you’ve ever heard somebody say in their sleep?
never have.
Choose one - Butterfinger, Milky Way, Snickers:
Do you use Mozilla Firefox?
Who is your favorite person to hug?
have none atm.
Have you ever had to have a mug shot?
What was the last thing you carried to your room?
my phone
When was the last time you had a late-night phone call?
years ago
original: https://tinydancer930.tumblr.com/post/673481205630599168/101
1 note · View note
elaraves · 3 years
A Humble Gift
Elara Ves walked alone with her Ghost through the decaying European Dead Zone. The sun shined brightly down upon her back, providing warmth in the current chilly climate. She continued over an overgrown cement roadway, past abandoned cars from a long forgotten era lying along it. Elara kicked a few stray pebbles below her feet, enjoying the small joys of being outside the Tower. She looked up to the tunnel she was approaching to see a familiar figure covered in darkened armor, sitting leisurely in wait on the rubble stacked on one side of the opening.
“So he made it,” Question muttered to her, “It’s kind of weird seeing him not at… well you know..”
“Why wouldn’t he come, we’re acquaintances now after all. We shared drinks to toast our victory last week,” Elara quietly responded from behind her equipped helmet.
“That was nice… It felt good finally having something to celebrate, even for just a moment. I don’t think I’ve seen you two at such ease.”
Elara smiled faintly, before returning to her neutral expression.
“I just wish he could have shared it with others too.”
They continued walking in silence, but Elara knew he agreed with her. The figure noticed their arrival and stood from his temporary post. Elara waved gently to him, faintly noticing his Ghost happily twirling into view beside him. They both turned to each other, most likely to converse as they patiently waited for her. When the two finally converged, they shared a firm mutual handshake.
“Glad you could make it,” Elara said.
“Well.. I have a lot of free time now,” the figure joked, his normal voice slightly distorted by the voice modulator in his helmet, “Now, what’s this “surprise” you have for me?”
“Follow me.”
Elara held a hand out below her Ghost and gave a soft nod. A beautifully crafted sparrow flashed into existence at her side. She threw a leg over the seat and turned to face her ally.
“Guess we’ll catch up with you,” his Ghost commented.
“What do you mean?” Elara teased.
She extended her palm to the space between them, a simple undecorated sparrow appearing beside her. She wished she could see his face past his helmet, but the giddy movement of his Ghost worked for now.
“She’s an older model. I used her briefly before upgrading, so I figured you’d have more use of her,” Elara said, “Feel free to decorate her how you like, she’s your’s.”
“Thank you,” her ally’s humbled voice said.
Elara waited a moment for him to get on and look over the control panel.
“I lied though, you’ll need to catch up,” she said, immediately pulling back on the throttle of her ride.
Her sparrow roared to life flying forward under her calculated guidance, leaving only a trail of light and dust behind. She weaved effortlessly down the darkened tunnel, bobbing back and forth around more destroyed cars and caved in architecture. Up ahead the light from the end grew larger before her, until she skidded to a halt outside the archway in the open air. She quickly looked behind to make sure her ally was following, to see them in steady pursuit behind. He was just being a bit more cautious, trying to get a feel for his new ride.
Elara turned back and continued forward over the grass, rock, and past the long abandoned encampment. Up ahead she found a familiar, partially destroyed attempt at a bridge over the gaps in the cliffs surrounding her. When she got closer, she lined up her sparrow and pushed it into the highest possible speed. There was a moment of weightlessness and adrenaline, as her sparrow flew up and over the collapsed section, before touching down upon the soil of the other side. She skidded to the side as she turned the nose to the left, and came to a soft halt just up ahead before a naturally-occurring rock formation. She turned to watch for her companion as she dismounted, letting the engine come to rest below her. Following her example, they flew less gracefully over the gap, coming to a more bumpy landing.
“Now there’s something you never thought you’d see,” she chuckled softly to her Ghost.
Her ally came to a hard stop beside her and let their arms fall off the handles.
“It’s just a short walk up ahead,” Elara’s voice broke the silence between them.
Elara allowed Question to transmat her sparrow as she climbed over the rock to continue down the path before them. He vanished from sight after finishing, and Elara’s ally and his Ghost followed suit.
It had been a while since Elara was last in this area, having been busy for months on her own in the field. She allowed herself to fondly take in her surroundings, now that it was quiet. Normally she’d be too busy to appreciate the trees and the accompanying hardy flora growing around them and at her feet. A few birds flew off the branches from overheard, chirping as they moved in unison. Elara stopped when she reached the end, a rocky ascent standing before her and a forced opening to a man-made structure inside to her right.
“What’s that?” her ally questioned, looking over the mangled debris that was scattered about.
“Oh, that’s one of the Black Armory Forges. I can explain a bit about it later, but it’s not what we’re here for,” she answered, before beginning to climb the rocky cliff face before her, “This way.”
With the combined use of her climbing and Warlock jumps, Elara had no trouble scaling above to the top plateau. Her ally had no trouble either, but relied on some of their calculated leaps inside of floating. Elara extended her arms forward to what she had waiting for them, once they both safely reached the top.
“And here we are,” she said.
Before them sat a neglected structure. Areas that had collapsed in or been destroyed were boarded up like rough patchwork, along with all of the windows on the first level. Vines clung around the outside walls and choked at least one side entirely. Nothing special stood out about the building, but it was at least standing with a roof intact.
“That’s an.. abandoned building?” her ally said confused.
She moved towards it and gestured with a wave for him to follow. “Not just any, come on.”
She leisurely walked up to the door standing in front of her and turned the knob on it. The two stepped inside, darkness encompassing them. Both of their Ghosts appeared at their sides to provide a light source, and Elara moved further in towards a piece of heavy equipment at the back wall. She flipped a few switches and the warm lights around them came to life. She hit another button and messed with a knob to turn on the makeshift heating elements. Elara removed her helmet and sighed softly in relief, before moving past her ally to set it on a countertop in a tossed kitchen area. She reached up to one of the many cabinets missing a door and pulled a pair of granola bars from the small stash of rations in it. She jumped up and sat atop a series of crates stacked along the wall beside her.
“Here, catch!” she said, holding one of the packaged bars up before tossing it over to her ally. He caught it mid air without issue, and sat at a tall chair on the other side of the counter facing towards Elara. Elara opened the packaging of her’s, and watched him as he set it down in front of him and moved his hands to remove his helmet.
The familiar glow of his golden eyes fell upon his gear. He brushed his raven-colored hair back into a comfortable place, the stray white streak following his fingers. The newly appointed Guardian, who still went by the name Crow, looked up at Elara.
“What’s all this?” Crow asked, the dull white tattoo across his face crinkling in confusion as he gestured at his surroundings.
“You like it? Figured you needed a new place as an option, since you’re not working for Spider anymore. I wanted it to be an upgrade, one that doesn’t stink and that you don’t have to fight Taken to get to,” Elara answered, before taking a bite from the bar in her hand.
Crow took a moment to look around. It was pretty dusty and barren. An old couch was pushed against the wall to his right with mismatched bedding dumped over it. A large wooden table with a few accompanying chairs sat in the middle of the space. The only carpet was a small rug to wipe your feet at the door and an average squared mirror with a crack in the bottom corner was nailed off-center on the wall behind him.
“I- I don’t know what to say.. Thank you,” Crow said, turning back to face her again.
“No problem, it’s the least I could do as thanks for your help with the Wrathborn,” Elara responded, “You’ve got all your basic amenities along with rations, tools, and supplies in these crates.”
Elara patted the crates she was sitting on to show what she was talking about.
“Oh and there’s more here,” she continued, shoving the last of her food in her mouth before jumping up to her feet.
Crow watched as she walked past him again, and stood before following her down a set of wooden stairs to a lower level of the building. Elara flipped a switch to turn on the light and continued to the bottom. There were mainly more scattered tools and books on a few tables, but there were also the two things Elara was most excited for Crow to finally have. Before them sat a clean bed, with various colorful pillows and warm bedding. A large white banner with beautiful golden and blue designs used for the Dawning event was hung on the wall it was pressed against.
“Thank you Elara, you are far too generous,” Crow softly remarked, his eyes still admiring the banner.
“Yeah well there’s also space upstairs, so if I need some place to “hide out” once and awhile, don’t be surprised if I crash here unexpectedly. That’s what this place was beforehand, a quiet place to come and think. Oh, and also to watch over the Forge occasionally,” Elara commented, “There’s not much traffic anymore though, and I haven’t seen many Eliksni this way in some time, not that that’d be a problem.”
“You care to explain this “Forge” now?”
“Right!” Elara almost shouted, remembering she never told him about it, “Come on, let’s talk as we unload the crates. I’ll take you in after for a little tour.”
Crow nodded in agreement, and followed Elara, as she walked back up the steps to the main living area.
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tamtam-go92 · 4 years
And that concludes Pleasantview-Widespot-SSU fall 2
I just wanted to leave you some notes around what happened this season and the year before ;)
Beare Family: Allegra was first trimester pregnant when the season started and the two of them welcomed their first child, a daughter they named Maya into their lives. Also their lot (it’s the former Dreamer home) experiences a weird bug where there would always be a light snow outside even on warm days. I hope that bug vanishes once it starts snowing in winter.
Burb Family: John and Jennifer aged up into Elders this fall. Jennifer has an affair going on with her co-worker Jared Starchild, but she hasn’t met him this season.
Caliente Family: Don and Nina are climbing their careers. Their daughter Ariana grew up into a child. As an explanation: Nothing of this really was planned. I didn’t want them to become a classic married couple with 1,5 children, a picked fence and a dog. It was all their own doing. Don and Nina both rolled a want to get married during a date. And guess what? After getting engaged they went straight for the next sofa and tried for a baby. I was freaking out when I heard chimes. During Don’s next round I quickly fulfilled his first LTW to woohoo 10 sims so he could get married to Nina the next season. And they did. In their wedding night Don was abducted by Aliens because he needed a logic point for his career and somebody thought it was a good idea to buy the expensive telescope... So I relocated them to a bigger lot and here they are...
Dreamer Family: I know DarrenxCassy gets a lot of hate, but I like them together. They are a very rounded couple in my game and were blessed with an other son, Damian this season. That’s they last child, as Cassy is growing old next season.
Goth Family: Ever since Frida was born, Mortimer and Dina were constantly trying to try for an other baby but I always canceled the interaction. Morty wasn’t getting any younger and I have a one elixir of life per sim-rule and he drank the rest of his in summer. But somehow sims always do what they want and Dina got pregnant through risky wohoo... great... Now they had a son called Moss and Morty died the same evening his son was born. At least he was able to meet his youngest child before death and he was surrounded by family (he also died in platinum aspiration).
Nova Family: Tiffany and Castor are constantly trying for a baby but so far no chimes. I’m not sad about it, since those two are really broke af. Luckily Tiff finally found a job in the medical field. But Castor is still on the search. They won’t get married until Tiff is either pregnant or Castor has a job.
Oldie Family: I skipped playing Herb this season. He’s waiting for Ivy and Orlando to graduate.
Pleasant Family 1: Guess what? Kaylynn got herself abducted this season and since I’ve got a mod that allows female alien pregnancy she gave birth to a little alien boy I called Parker. When Daniel found out that Kay was pregnant again, he retired. He really tries to be a better dad to his sons and helps Leonardo, who is struggling with school, with his homework a lot.
Pleasant Family 2: That’s such a funky household, it’s so much fun to play! Candy has a little bakery she tends on her days off at the restaurant. Val and MS are the cutest couple ever, but have never woohooed! I like that little detail about them. Stone grew into a teen and he’s now a Romance/Fortune sim (after both his grandpas). His LTW is to be a space pirate.
Starchild Family: Heather started off 1st trimester pregnant and gave birth to a little boy during the round - Alonso. Sam and Ty are eagerly trying for a baby too, but no luck so far. They took in the last crops of the year and gave a lot of their crops away to friends. They all are quick to climb the career ladder.
Traveller Family: Nothing interesting happened this season tbh... Laurie really wasn’t planned, again risky wohoo stroke but I’m super glad to have her, she has the cutest little face ever!
Upsnott Family: Those two really are driving me nuts! They are broke as hell and can’t find a proper job. I didn’t like Brit getting pregnant so soon, I couldn’t throw them a wedding party since they had literally no money for the wedding arch. They could merely afford the crib for their baby! And then... they had twins *face palm*. Yeah, a girl and a boy called Matías and María José. I have no idea why the name generator dropped two Spanish names. Luckily at least Josh found a job in the criminal career and can now support his family. The twins also grew into toddlers and they look so cute (broken face template...)
Beech Household: It’s really difficult managing so many students, but they all are doing pretty well. The love triangle between Virginia, Woody and Goldie seems to be interrupted by River, who really has the hots for Ginny. She still has higher chemistry with Woody, but Woody prefers Goldie. Goldie, Ginny and Scot graduated the last day of fall. While Ginny moved back in with her parents and Scot moved in with his boyfriend, Goldie temporarily moved back in with her older brother. But she’ll eventually move in with Woody.
Bright Household: Everything’s good here. I always wanted Lucy and Lilith to be close but in fact... she’s closer with Dirk... Lilith graduated the last day of fall and moved back in with her mother. I’m super exited what happens when she meets Ashley Pitts (knowing their chemistry they share in @katatty’s game...).
Freshman Household: Dixie threw herself a graduation party on the first day of fall and moved in with her fiance. Angela graduated mid-season and moved into the old Broke-Trailer on her own where she’s waiting for Dustin to graduate. Tina and Isaiah have a little something going on, they already did so as teens (they are best friends since their childhood) but neither of them is really for settling down and exclusivity.
Land Household: Alex and Delta met at Lucy Burb’s farewell party and they had such a great chemistry that I had to make something out of it. And of course they savaged each other first things after moving in together. Don’t know where it’ll lead, they just had their first real date but I’m excited.
Oldie Household: They are not so interesting to play as they are very studious and don’t have much contact to the outside. I tried to give Orlando a bit of an NB story and his outfits change between male and female each season.
Beech Family: Daytona has used the last bit of elixir of life so she passed away this season. Sandy has a small clothing store in Widespot that is a lot of fun to play. Hamilton is almost top of his career. Grey grew into a teenager and he’s a Pleasure/Romance sim. That’s gonna be some fun!
Gavigan Family: Such a cute family. But they are a lot like the Travellers, not much is going on for them except for careers and kids. It’s so funny that some families just get one gender as kids. I know a lot of families in real life that are the same!
Hart Family: Penny and Rhett have a really good relationship but both tend to stray sometimes (Penny once had an affair with Don Lothario (of course)). Snow is Skye 2.0. I gave him an alien eye heterochromia, since he’s got nothing from Penny’s alien heritage and I thought that was pretty sad... Rhett and Penny both grew into elders and Rhett topped his career fulfilling his LTW. His new LTW would be to become a professional Party Guest, but I guess that’s not gonna happen. Snow then grew into a teen, becoming a Knowledge/Romance Sim (after his grandpas).
Land Family: I skipped playing Beulah for the same reason I skipped Herb Oldie. At least River is gonna move back in with her after university.
Mann Family: This is such a hectic household... I struggled with getting Rich into golden aspiration so he could have some of the elixir of life, he really needs it. And guess what? I laughed so hard when that fourth baby of Mary was also a girl. But they called her Lana after the decreased grandmother she’ll never meet and Rich is super caring. I’m totally surprised, that he’s such a caring grandfather to all of the girls but he always tucks them in and plays with them. Oh! And of course Ira grew into a teen! She’s now a Pleasure/Family sim.
Roseland Family: Arg, this family has really grown on my heart. I always love Brandi and her kids and I struggle so much finding a perfect partner for her. But when she met Cyd over a mutual friend they had perfect chemistry. Sadly they didn’t get along at first but soon it clicked and now they are joined at their hips. They shouldn’t have had Ella, their calculated amount of kids was three but I just couldn’t deny the mutual have a baby want... Beau will go to college next season and Skip grew up into a teen being Romance/Family like his big bro.
Stacks Family: Those two are constantly trying for a baby, ever since Martin came from College. But somehow Jane isn’t as fertile as I’d expect from a Family sim. On the last day there were finally chimes! Selina is... something. She has a really sharp face, I think because of Martin’s broke face. Her cheekbones could cut through glass!
Swain Family: Dixie moved in with Erik and Jimmy on the second day of fall and they had a wonderful wedding party two days later. Jimmy takes Scot for dates every second day and Scot has rolled a want to get engaged (of course). Erik has a locked want to have a baby, but Dixie wants to find a job first.
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corymulpepper · 3 years
Cory Mulpepper Intro
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★ BIRTH DATE / 13 August, 1960  ★ BLOOD STATUS / Half-blood ★ PRONOUNS & IDENTITY / she/her; cis female ★ FACECLAIM / Sophie Simnett
★ PRIMARY SCHOOL / Cork Wizarding School, class of 1978 ★ ACADEMIC PURSUITS / Natural sciences degree, Potions cohort ★ HOUSE & YEAR / Hufflepuff, second year
★ It had been established in 1106 and not much had changed in ways of Mr Mulpepper’s Apothecary except for its staff throughout the years. It stayed within the family and eventually reached the hands of Nikolas Mulpepper, an English botanist and potioneer, in the year of 1949. Outraged by the fellow apothecaries that littered the wizarding world, Nikolas condemned them all for their greed and their use of harmful practices. Since then, Mr Mulpepper’s Apothecary has been the most affordable apothecary to shop, with constant deals on cleaning solutions and performative draughts. And it’s no secret Nikolas is one to barter if a patron cannot afford the remedies they so dearly need. The shop has almost gone bankrupt multiple times and while Nikolas may pay the ultimate price by having to shut down his family’s century old shop, he would never go back on his ways. He’s always been loyal to the customer and have taught his two daughters the very same. It should come as no surprise that they’ve made a formal announcement -- that they do not approve of Selwyn’s squib vaccine.
★ Lydia, Nikolas’ wife, was born a squib. It positively broke his heart when the love of his life was unable to see her twin daughters start showing signs of magic themselves. But as Lydia had had a difficult upbringing because of her status in the wizarding world, Nikolas was just happy she’d finally found her peace. He told nothing but wonderful tales of his beautiful wife as bedtime stories to their daughters, who looked more and more like Lydia as the days passed by.
★ Born only minutes apart, it was safe to say the girls were inseparable from day one. This never, not once, got in the way of their individuality. Where one was brushing their teeth, the other one was using her toothbrush on the family dog’s teeth. Where one was doing arts and crafts, the other was using their scissors to give herself a new haircut. Two different sides of the same coin, essentially. They really became individuals upon attending Cork Wizardy College. They still shared a room, which wasn’t so different, until they began meeting friends of their own and attending different social gatherings. One would go to group palm readings, while the other went for live music shows. Even as time passed and distance began leaving its toll, the girls would still get together once a week with their favorite sweets and catch up on what boys or girls they were kissing.
★ Cory, the loud mouth she could be, was not placed into Gryffindor upon arriving at Hogwarts. But her quieter sister, Colleen, was, while she was sorted into Hufflepuff. Cory carried a chip on her shoulder about that one for a long time coming, wanting to be sorted where their father had gone. Where she’d idolized half her life. But no, Colleen got in where Cory hadn’t. Their weekly meetings were soon diminished, Cory saying she was too busy with the workload to catch up on any gossip. The most they spoke now were holidays back at home, where they put on a show for their father. To be perfectly clear, this wasn’t something Colleen had ever wanted, but for most of her life just like in birth, she followed Cory, Cory’s wants, Cory’s needs. They came first.
★ Cory usually spends her time half-assing a dozen things; painting, riding her skateboard, her school work in potions. But when it came to quidditch, she put in 110%. But as much as she put into the game, Cory rarely saw positive results coming back. In Primary, she’d gotten ejected from two games in row, which ultimately got her kicked off the team. She’d been too aggressive (and broken more bones than anyone) and needed to turn a new leaf, but when she had, upon joining Hufflepuff’s team, her efforts once again went unnoticed. This time she was denied from a summer quidditch camp. It seemed no matter what route she rode, she never chose the right one at the right time. It didn’t help that she was playing with and against peers that simply outshined her on the field. Dawn Withey was going to be the talk of Hogwarts when she landed herself on a fancy, popular, professional quidditch team, while Cory just barely scratched the surface. Her cynicism didn’t stop her from trying, though. With her third year coming up and a possible captainship, more is on the line than ever.
★ Thankfully, growing up, the girls never had to rely on looking for summer jobs. Their pops let them open and close the store on weekends for extra money. Cory was sure she could’ve gotten extra school credit towards her potions work for working in an apothecary. She’d have to pull that card if her grades ever dropped, she decided. One afternoon, the shop was buzzing with Christmas crowds, and the next second everybody was fleeing the scene. The Menagerie next door had apparently caught fire, smoke now billowing over into Mr Mulpepper’s Apothecary. Now, Cory couldn’t see much of what was happening once smoke grew thicker, but she knew a man had entered the shop. The man turned his wand on Cory, throwing Cory aside and knocking her right out until black was all she saw. When she awoke, alone in the shop, she knew that he had escaped with something in the commotion of it all. Cory had planned on going through inventory herself, but an item as rare as this, Mr. Mulpepper knew it was gone the second he returned to his shop. He immediately owled the DMLE. Cory’s yet to come forward with her statement of that afternoon, hardly believing anything truly happened as it all happened so quickly. The nightmares about it haven’t stopped.
✓ challenging; individualistic; responsive  ✗ critical; self-conscious; reactive
extra shit
cory is on hufflepuff’s quidditch team, as a seeker! this is the one thing she never slacks off with and is always on time for. and im sure gives people a hard time if they’re not picking up the slack dlsfjasjf and it’s like SHUT UP CORY, YOU’RE NOT THE CAPTAIN. so any hufflepuff team connects hmu.
has a twiiin name colleen. cory is the “older” one. colleen’s gonna be an open bio if anyone has an itch 2 get silly wit me 
is Dramatic af
is not totally full of hufflepuff pride and maybe gets points taken away every so often? oops. 19 years old and still actin’ up.
her about page is here 
listens to a LOT of music. a lot of underground bands that people havent heard of allll the waaay to the huge names like rolling stones and the who. she’s never been to an actual, huge concert venue with a big band headlining. she’s only seen smaller shows here and there. despite that, doesnt own a whole lot of vinyl. cuz she really prefers the live experience better.
she would love a skateboard riding buddy for when the weather’s nicer!! and she paints only landscapes and oceans cuz she sucks at pretty much everything besides that. and always knows where the best party is happening. probably cant wait to have a low street house next year to throw her own parties.
opinionated for the fact that she just loves to hear herself talking
hmu for any relationships!! friendships, she is prone to enemies with her big mouth, she is bisexual AF so anything there, just anythaaaang <3
hmu for threads! it’s kinda a busy time so i get that <3 if not let’s plan stuff for when they get back to school :’ ) ty xoxo
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killedbykellers · 4 years
Reasons Why I Don’t Like Barchie
Let me start off by saying that I don't really have a ship for any of the teens really. There are some that I like more than others and there are a couple that are 100% my NOTPs (Barchie being one of them), but I'm not a Bughead stan, a Varchie stan, a Beronica stan, a Choni stan, etc. I mainly focus on the plot and the parents. Ships aren't my main focus most of the time. But I haven't been able to watch this season since Barchie got so much bigger and I'll tell you why.
When I started to watch Riverdale, I was 100% in Betty's shoes. I had a big crush on my best friend and I thought that eventually we'd end up together and when I thought he liked me back, I got rejected just like Betty and was expected to continue to move on as best friends as if nothing happened. But just like Betty, it was too hard and too painful. That happened to me irl only about a few weeks before I watched it happen on Riverdale and I went through that heartbreak all over again. I've seen shippers praising the exact scene where Archie broke Betty's heart after the dance. I don't understand why you could praise a scene where he HURT her. It would be the same vice versa....if she had broken his heart. Either way, it's not romantic at all. She went into her room and probably cried that night. Something I know well about feeling unwanted.
I know several people blame Grundy for that, but that doesn't make any sense. Here's why. Archie never looked at Betty the way he looked at Veronica THE SECOND, she showed up in Pop's her first night in Riverdale. Right there is a clear sign that he wasn't interested in Betty. He proposed to her when they were younger, yes. But they grew up, still really close to each other, and he never asked her out. Meaning he either didn't see her the way he saw Veronica that first day, or he really did just want to stay friends with Betty. Back to Grundy. People say that Archie felt drawn to Grundy so he rejected Betty. But if it were because of Grundy, why, only two episodes after Grundy leaves, did Archie go straight for VALERIE and NOT Betty? Grundy left in Season 1, Episode 4. Which means Archie could have gotten with Betty (if she really was his first choice) in Season 1, Episode 5. I know, I know. It was too soon, right? Hm? Then why did Archie get with Valerie in Season 1, Episode 6? That's not even that much longer after Grundy left. So when people say that Archie has loved Betty this whole time, it doesn't feel true to me, because if she really was his first choice, he would've gone right to her once Grundy was gone, but nope. He chose Valerie first. Also...he kissed Veronica in Episode 1, which shows that Grundy was definitely not stopping him from kissing other girls. They both KNEW Betty liked him yet they kissed anyway even though they WERE just gonna stand in the closet and not do anything till time was up, but they kissed anyway because they were attracted to each other. If Archie was attracted to Betty from the get-go, he wouldn't have held back from kissing her the moment he knew she liked him. He liked Veronica that way, not Betty. So I'm debunking the Grundy theory.
Another thing that bothers me is when people call Jughead "Betty's rebound" off of Archie. Hm...if that was true, I doubt she would've stayed with her "rebound" as long as 4 years. Especially since Betty and Archie have both been single at the same time yet she still chose Jughead over him. She fell for Jug after he finally gave her back the stuff she's been waiting for from Archie. So Jughead was and is not a rebound. If anything, Veronica was ARCHIE's rebound. But not from Betty. FROM VALERIE. He got drunk af at Jughead's birthday party because it was right after Val left him for being a terrible boyfriend (which he clearly is) and after Val threw her drink in his face, he got more drunk and then Veronica kissed him and he was like "Oh, sure. I'll sleep with you since you kissed me and I'm upset and Val left me."
Back to Archie being a terrible boyfriend (aside from when he was with Josie). With Val...he ignored her and only gave her attention when he was gaining something with his music. Then Cheryl's family gave him an opportunity to go to a good music school, so boom, he ignored Val's wish not to be Cheryl's date to her family Maple Gathering. Dumb move. No wonder Val told him she was done. Then...with Veronica, he kissed Betty. But then Betty was not interested (Hmmm, because she loves her “”rebound”” Jughead so much). And then Veronica told Archie to stay away from Hiram and what did Archie do? Completely ignored her and got stuck in some big mob mess and illegal shit. Then he broke up with her over the phone when she was trying to support him. So she got with Reggie who treated her so well (yes, they had problems too) but he was so whipped for her, let's be real. He did everything she wanted and he would've done anything for her. Then they had their issues and broke up but they were about to get back together, LITERALLY, just as Archie showed up and was all "I love you. Come back to me" and Veronica was obviously still not over him, so poor Reggie had no chance and then Veronica got back with Archie who she should not have gotten back with. She was amazing to him (all of his friends were) when his father passed away. But VERONICA talked him out of saying that his father would be ashamed of him and she made him see otherwise and told him that Fred would be proud of him. That's a GOOD girlfriend. Meanwhile, Archie still has eyes for other girls (Betty now apparently). But anyway. I'm just saying that Betty AND Veronica both deserve a better guy than Archie Andrews.
I just don't see why any girl on this show would be shipped with him. Remember when Veronica decided to kiss Jughead to even the playing field after they told Jug about Barchie kissing? Archie looked pissed. Like wtf? You kissed Betty when you were STILL WITH VERONICA. At least Betty and Jughead were over at the time. I don't believe Archie had a right to look so mad about Jeronica's little fun/platonic kiss when what he did was behind Veronica's back and while they were still together. Her and Jug "getting even" was right there in front of the other two and playful. Nothing to be angry or possessive about Archie. Jeez.
The only time he was an outstanding boyfriend was with Josie and that was the only time I was actually EXCITED to watch Archie scenes. They were great together and they both EQUALLY supported each other and helped each other through things. Not to say that Archie doesn't have good qualities, because he does. He's been trying to clean up Riverdale and he helped Veronica figure out how to get Hiram to fight through his sickness. But I just really can't see him with Betty after everything they've been through without each other. They barely talk anyway till now when they're FAKING being together.
Bonus: There are people who talk about how Archie and Betty doing investigations together are better than Betty and Jughead. But the only time Betty and Archie did an investigation together was to figure out who the Black Hood was and they ended up unmasking the wrong person. Their janitor, who was actually innocent. So clearly, Betty and Jughead are a better team. Not to mention, Archie can really be one of the biggest dumbasses in Riverdale.
THE COMICS: Yes. I know they are canon in the comics. But we well know that the comics and the show are VERY different (Did you know that Penny Peabody and Fangs Fogarty are supposed to be endgame like they are in the comics??? But Riverdale made Penny a 30 year old and Fangs a 16 year old, so that became a "NO" right away. Hence...the difference between the show and the comics). Also....there are comics where Betty kisses Archie behind Veronica's back when Varchie were together and she kissed him without his consent in the dark when he thought he was kissing Veronica (A BIG "NO"). So the comics aren't really a good template to follow. Especially since nowadays, I really don't see chemistry between Lili and KJ. Their fake kiss in the music room (I've seen it on Twitter, because I still haven't seen 4x16) was so awkward and weird to watch. It was so bad. Idk. I can't get behind it.
THE FORBIDDEN LOVE: I don’t understand why people call them forbidden, when they’re both Northsiders who grew up next door to each other and they were never forbidden from being friends. They’re not a forbidden love. Bughead was at first because he was from the Southside and Alice didn’t want Betty to be around Jug or Serpents. But Barchie is definitely not forbidden love. If it is now, then it’s because they would both be cheating and that is disgusting.
Anyway, I haven't been able to watch the season since 4x15, because all of this fake Barchie nonsense legit makes me ACTUALLY sick to my stomach. Cheating really is not okay at all and them pretending that Archie cheated on Veronica and that Betty would get another boyfriend SO FAST after she was framed for MURDERING HER OWN really does not sit well with me or my stomach. The writers are NOT doing this right. If they wanted Barchie to be together....the best way to have done that would have been through them ACTUALLY breaking up with their s/o and then becoming close friends again AND THEN moving around to that romance. But this fake dating and fake cheating stuff is disgusting and I don't think I'm gonna continue season 4 if they become canon that way. Just no.
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flowerbeom · 5 years
Sweeter Than Pi | Mark Tuan
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Mark Tuan x Fem!Reader
Genre: High School AU. Nerd Mark x Athlete Reader. Fluff. F2L.
Warnings: Some squishy ass, fluffy fluff. 
Words: 5.3k
Concept: Your place on the softball team rested on the back of you passing your General Maths midterm. Though Maths was always your worst subject, your genius best friend, Mark, could offer assistance in helping you study. If you could bring yourself and your heart to ask him... 
A/N: Happy Birthday almost twin @inkahgase! Fuck me, I’m sorry this took so long and that it is sooo long. I don’t know how to write short stories. I’m sorry. But I hope you enjoy soft, nerdy, cute AF Mark. Cause bro, this broke me...
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“What was that?” Jackson slung the strap of his overfilled duffle onto his shoulder, rounding your desk to sit on the one beside you. Your voice continued to muffle into the pages of the textbook you were flattening your face into. 
Jackson, in all his measured audacity leant forward, flicking your ear as he ripped open the wrapper of a protein bar with his teeth. “Speak up woman.” 
“I failed!” The whining tone of your voice echoed around the empty classroom. You groaned as you tipped your head back over the chair, arms dangling pathetically beside you. You flailed your legs under the table, sliding down the chair a little more with every exasperated kick. 
“It’s just a mock quiz, it means nothing.” Jackson mumbled through chews. 
“Jack, if I failed the mock quiz it means I’m going to fail the mid-term.” Head still slung back over the chair.
“And?” Jackson barely audible, his mouth preoccupied with trying to tongue chunks of his white chocolate raspberry quest bar out of his molars. 
“And?! If I fail the midterm I’ll get kicked off the team!” Jaw dropped to allow for the extended grown to rumble out of your throat, you lifted your hands to card them frustratedly through your hair. 
Having had enough of your self-loathing, Jackson kicked the edge of your chair, knocking you sideways and out of your moaning. You snapped a hand down onto his ankle, steadying yourself from falling and pulling him off the edge of the table at the same time. Jackson broke his fall with a hand smacked against your forehead. Hands were thrown and insults were flying around until the commotion ended with your fingertips twisting the sensitive skin along his ribs. 
“Gah! God, okay okay!” Jackson shifted away, picking up his bag and moving to the door; pausing to see if you were following him. You were, albeit slowly, trudging to the door; dragging your equally overfilled duffle bag behind you. 
“Ever consider getting tutored?” His tone suggestive. 
“Can’t afford it.” Your tone defeated. 
“You really are stupid.” There was no fight in you left, rather acceptance and the vivid image of your softball uniform being stripped from you, leaving you standing in your underwear in the middle of the field. You shuddered at the thought. 
Approaching your lockers, you stood in a daze, fingers mindlessly rotating the dial on your padlock, not even sure if the combination was correct. Suddenly, and as softly as anyone could manage, you felt a shoulder nudge yours. It could only be one person, and you felt your body shrink into itself upon recognising the familiar smell of the fabric softener his mum used on his shirts. 
“Hey!” Effervescent, cheerful and light. You looked up to see Mark standing beside you, the glasses meant to be perched on his nose rather perpetually hovering above it as they were lifted by the plump in his cheeks made by the smile he could never control. Backpack full; books spilled out into his arms, one sleeve of his unzipped hoodie pushed up while the other dangled below his fingertips. The adorable nerd, Mark Tuan. 
You always felt yourself mirror the smile he effortlessly gave you, as if there was no other acceptable response to give him. No matter how grouchy or sullen you may have been, Mark was always this beaming beacon of joy, and it was impossible to resist getting pulled into the overwhelming happiness that seemed to radiate from him. 
If he was smiling, you were too. If he was laughing, you were too. If you were crying, he never had to do much to stop the tears from falling. It had been that way for years, having grown up beside him, literally. Neighbours since birth, playmates in preschool, deskmates in elementary school leading naturally to best friends in high school. You were inseparable, even when his interests leant towards equations and dabbling in applied physics at the college level while yours swung towards swinging bats at balls that soared past the car-park behind the field and making college scouts travel across the country to watch you play. But as thrilling as all that may be, Mark was the spark that lit your days ablaze. Though it was a shame you could never really tell him that. 
“Hey man.” Jackson reached over your head to knock knuckles with Mark; Jackson tipping his chin while Mark smiled even wider, again completely out of his control.  
Jackson, as he liked to remind you and Mark constantly, was the reason you and Mark stayed so close over the years. As your interests and hobbies split down the middle, Jackson provided the glue that held you together. While you and him bonded over a shared love of sports, he and Mark bonded over a shared love of video games. 
So, afternoons were spent waiting at the end of the pitch after softball practice for Jackson to finish soccer training. He’d jog to you, one arm shoved into the sleeve of a fresh t-shirt while the other had his jersey still hanging off the bend in his elbow. You’d walk home together - Jackson never failing to leave a trail of corn chip crumbs behind him and finally ending up on Mark’s couch; splitting your time doing homework together and watching him and Jackson take out Marakov soldiers in Modern Warfare 2. An unlikely trio, though it somehow worked. 
“Oi!” Jackson dug an elbow into the side of your arm, drawing a hiss to rattle the chemistry paper wedged between your teeth. “Ask Mark how his AP Calculus class was.” 
“It was really good, we started on fundamental theorems and.. “ 
Jackson tutted, making a sharp clicking noise with his tongue against his teeth; Mark’s grin dropping slightly at the corners. 
“No no, she has to ask you first.” You shot puzzled eyebrows in Jackson’s direction, shoving a textbook into your already full bag. 
“Why do I need to ask him?” The edges of the chemistry paper nipping against the corners of your lips as you spoke, Mark glanced around you to stare at the indiscernible look on Jackson’s face. 
“Ask him how his AP Calc class was.” Said sharply through gritted teeth. 
“Why?” You and Mark returned in unison, the word drawn out in confusion. 
“Just ask him how his AP Calc class was, goddamn it!” Slamming his locker door shut, Jackson’s eyes growled at you to turn around and do as instructed, but you weren’t one to back down. Ever. 
“Geez, why do I need to ask Mark how his AP Calc class was?! We all know it was ‘amazing’ and ‘interesting’ and that he’s still top of the class, so why are you being an ass!?” 
Tense pause. Loaded silence. Darting eyes. 
“OH MY GOD!” Dropping your bag to the floor, mouth gaping, your test paper billowed to the ground as you spun to face Mark - almost making him drop the books held precariously in his hands as you smacked your hands onto the sides of his arms. Jackson sighed from behind you, an unmistakable roll of his eyes evident in his exasperated breath. 
Mark’s eyes were blown wide, only to be magnified by the refraction of his lenses. You froze for a second, taken aback by the hint of rose tinting his cheeks and the way his lips rounded into a perfect circle of surprise and you wanted to melt into your sneakers but there were more pressing matters at hand. You made yourself believe that there was, no matter how furiously your heart was pounding in your chest. You sucked in a strengthening breath, his glittering eyes would not distract you now. 
“Mark, Mark! Oh my god, Mark!” Your fingers were digging into his biceps, the fullness of them surprising you.
“Yes?” Replying through a giggle, the smile he could never control once again taking over his expression. 
“Mark, can you tutor me?! I swear to god I will fail my Gen Math midterm if you don’t help me!” You were shaking him, wobbling his thin figure in the air as you continued to ramble. “I can’t fail Markie, I can’t get kicked off the team! Not before graduation! Please--” 
“Yes.” Sincere.
“Help me, please Mar--” Almost manic.
“Yes!” Heartwarmingly earnest. 
“--Kie, please! Wait, what?” Stupefied. 
Mark’s eyes folded as his smile widened, his arms tightening their hold on his books as he rocked back on his heels. “Of course I’ll tutor you, I’m surprised it’s taken you this long to ask!” 
“You and I both, dude.” Jackson smarted from behind you, his hand gripping onto the strap of your bag to lift you up after you had sunk to your knees from equal measures of shame and appreciation. Your eyes lifted to see Mark fumbling with his bag, one hand shoved into its depths. Taking his pile of books out of his other, Mark grinned so endearingly you swore you felt your heart bounce off your sternum. Fishing out his car keys, Mark gently took his books back into his slender hands.
“I’ll come round after you get home from practice. About six, right?” 
“Right.” Your hand lifted almost robotically to return the dazzling wave Mark gifted you as he skipped down the hallway. 
Mark’s ready eagerness to help you had made your heart swell with affection, and despite every desire to act on your feelings continued to tap away at your sanity, you knew better that someone like Mark was better off with someone who could actually challenge his mind. All you could do was beat him in a foot race. So you let Jackson cup your shoulder and drag you outside; critical paths and parabolas would have to wait, and it seemed trying to ease your heart would have to as well. 
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As you wiped away a rogue bead of sweat that trickled down your temple, you asked yourself how someone could look so effortlessly perfect. Walking languidly along the footpath that lined your street, you stared at Mark as you approached your house. Sitting on the front steps of your deck, Mark cradled a text book in one hand; elbows leaning into his knees. From the curve of his wrist, your eyes trailed along the lines of his bare arms to the once, maybe twice, rolled up sleeves of his t-shirt. Your lips found themselves wedged between your teeth. 
Watching one delicate hand lift to push his glasses up his nose, you followed his fingers as they combed back his hair that always fell right back down to tickle his lashes. The setting sun sifted golden through his charcoal hair, as if it was made to reflect the light. And as you rounded your mailbox to walk up the paved path, Mark’s ear pricked to your footsteps and he greeted you how we always did; with one perfect smile and your knees went weak. 
Clutching onto the strap of your duffle bag, you pulled it tighter across your body as Mark rose onto his feet. You met him at the foot of the stairs, one step below the one he stood on. Mark clapped his textbook shut and slung his backpack onto his shoulder. 
“Ready?” You weren’t exactly sure what he was referring to, but if it was the hand that he reached out to gently sweep down your braid, you knew for sure it wasn’t that. He leant forward, glasses slipping down his nose as he tilted his face to look past your shaking eyes to what his fingers were doing. You could smell the eczema cream he rubbed into the back of his elbow as his index finger curled hair behind your ear. It felt like your entire body had broken out in hives, why was his face so close to yours?
“How many deep hits did you dive for? You have so much grass in your hair.” Mark knocked his knuckles into your shoulder, lightly pushing you back before he turned to step towards your front door. Following slowly behind him, you needed to catch your breath or else asking him to tutor would be a massive waste of time. You can’t tutor someone if they’re dead. 
“Come on, those quadratic equations aren’t going to solve themselves!” 
Mark stood there patiently, one hand deep in the back pocket of his jeans while the other held his textbook to his chest. Unlocking the door, you let it swing open before stepping through, Mark close behind you. 
“Bedroom?” Eyes shooting open, you whipped your head around to Mark’s innocent expression.
“Sorry, what? Bedroom, excuse me?” Blinking rapidly with every vowel, you watched Mark slowly tilt his head to the side; his puppy like eyes giving you puppy like confusion. 
“Want to study in your bedroom?” Not a completely outlandish question. Mark had been in your bedroom plenty of times over the course of your friendship. Sleepovers were a plenty and Jackson joined the fray once your duo became a trio. But it had been a while since it was just you and Mark. Alone. In your bedroom. So you deferred, you didn’t need the distraction; for he, in all his tall, slim, attractiveness was one giant distraction already. A disruption of the sweetest kind that you weren’t completely against but you really needed to study. 
“No.” Far too blunt to seem polite. You winced at the your own brashness. 
“No?” Mark’s body seemed to stutter, never having heard you be to short before. 
“Sorry! That sounded so mean! It’s just post-practice me talking.” You let your duffle bag crash to the floor, your hands quick to cup your cheeks to mask the red glow building under the skin. 
“Dining table! Closer to the kitchen, closer to snacks!” Good save, you thought to yourself as you tapped your belly with one hand, the other resting on your hip. A bad impression of Jackson whenever he wanted to not so subtly tell you and Mark that he was hungry. Amused with the imitation, Mark hooked the straps of his backpack carefully on the back of one of the chairs bordering the dining table before taking out his notes and sitting down. His eyes glanced over to you expectantly. 
“Shall we get started then?” Timidly, you lowered into the seat next to him. Twirling a pen between his fingers like a poker player juggles a chip on their knuckles, Mark showed you nothing but honest determination as he displayed just how incredibly intelligent he was; yet it took a little longer for any of it to rub off on you. 
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An hour had passed. Mark was nothing but sweet in his explanations and patient as you continued to endure this special form of torture. Math and Mark; one hard for your brain, the other excruciating on your heart. Every slight brush of his shoulder against yours as he leaned in to see your work sent shivers to crawl down your spine. Every time his hand would pull yours back so he could write the proper formula beside your incorrect answer made all the air block in your lungs. Mark was incredibly intelligent, but pretty dumb when it came to body language. And you were beyond thankful for that. 
Despite your body’s conflicting emotions between emotionally flustered and mentally confused, you had actually made progress. Whatever method Mark used to make you understand what your teachers had failed to teach you was proving a success. Question after question was solved correctly, Mark high-fiving you with the most genuine smile on his face with every tick he inked onto your page. However, expanding equations had shrunk your stomach - snack time was calling, and the time was now. 
“Super spicy or regular spicy?” Calling from the kitchen counter, two varieties of ramen held in each hand. 
“Can you just nuke me a plate of broccoli in the microwave? I’m trying to maintain my figure.” Mark bellowed from the dining table. Brows furrowing together, you threw your head over your shoulder catching Mark doubled over - body shaking with silent laughter upon seeing the look of perplexity on your face. 
“Regular spicy please, heavy on the cheese.” 
Once the narrow in your eyes had dropped and Mark heard the tap pour water into a pot, he turned back to the flat lay of books on the table. He was curious as to how you were doing so badly in class when you had made so much progress beside him. He always knew you were smart, and how focussed you could be - so he wanted to know what had stumped you so badly when it came to math. 
Slipping the textbook off the corner of your notebook, Mark began to thumb through the pages, searching for clues as to where the numbers stopped making sense in your mind. Page after page failed to reveal much; half written questions with notes sloppily taken in rushed handwriting that he knew wasn’t like you. 
Picking up the notebook, Mark closed it to gather the bottom corners under his thumb to start flicking through the pages rapidly. His eyes scanned the pages as they flew past, a chunk of blank pages ended with meticulously written words at the back of the notebook. Laying the notebook down, he smoothed out the spine so the pages stayed open on the table. Mark felt his lips carve a smile into his cheeks, his eyes following the intricate curves of your handwriting across the page. 
“Is this why you’re failing Gen Math?” A chuckle finished the question he threw behind him. 
“What?” Fumbling with a bag of shredded cheese as you answered him.
“Who’s got you so distracted in class?” 
“What are you talking about?” Rounding the counter with both bowls in hand, you froze one step away from the table; Mark’s index finger drawing an invisible line under the words who had written in the back of your notebook.
“I’m not being obtuse, but you’re acute guy.” You placed both bowls on the table, mainly because you’re hands had started to go numb.
“You are one well-defined function.” You lowered slowly into the seat next to Mark, fingertips clawing into your knees.
“Mark…” Voice shaky at best. 
“Oh this one is good. If I went binary, you’d be the one for me.” His soft laughter jiggled his glasses down his nose as your hand lifted to gently pull your notebook away from him. 
“Mark, stop please..” 
“Oh no, no this one’s my favourite.” Watching his finger hover below the last sentence on the page, you felt your body heating up from its core. Nervousness pulsated from the depth of your stomach and radiated through your skin. You saw his eyes crinkle at their corners, his ears twitching as he grinned. 
“You are sweeter than Pi.” He turned to you at that moment; cheeks plump, smile intoxicating. A wave of anxiety crashed over you. 
“No wonder you’re failing. Dude, seriously, who’s got you so distracted?!” Mark was asking you as if he really didn’t know; and a part of you wanted it to stay that way. You wanted to leave him in his naive innocence and continue on being brilliant, and wowing college mathematicians with his insight and natural numerical skill. You wanted him to find someone who would be just as excited about binomials and integrals as he was or at least someone who could understand them.
Mark lifted his arm to sling his elbow over the back of the chair. Combing back his hair with his other hand, he pushed up his glasses with his thumb before flicking you in the shoulder, and you knew it was because you looked like an idiot. Your face held no expression, your body was frozen in place. 
You knew pressure. You knew what it felt like having everything on the line. You knew what it meant to have both joy and sorrow rest in your hands. So in that moment, you would have gladly taken loaded bases, deep hit into left field, sun in your eyes as you lined up your mitt to take the last catch that would secure the last out to win the game. You would have gladly taken the chance to lose the championship over the way Mark was staring at you. Over the way his sparkling eyes were boring into you expectantly for an answer you weren’t sure he was ready for. Or more so, one you were about to give. Especially if it was the wrong one. 
“So, who is it?” But Mark always got the right answer. 
The pen Mark was twirling between fingers his crashed onto the table. An exaggeration, but everything seemed heightened after you somewhat easily confessed your feelings to Mark. Your hands had found themselves back on your knees, and your lips had found themselves between your teeth. Mark pulled his arm off the back of the chair and mirrored your stance, yet you noticed him swallow roughly. Your heart stammered at the sight. 
“We’re not even in the same class anymore..” You fought the urge to laugh, Mark’s charming naivety cutting through the tension in the air, his eyes twinkling in your direction. Lips parting to pull in a breath, you blew loose strands of hair off your forehead before letting your shoulders relax. Mark was doing it again, comforting you in his own special way. In the way only he could, even if he didn’t know he was doing it. 
“That’s the way it is, isn’t it? Love..” 
“You-you… love me?” Mark pushed up his glasses with both hands, swinging his legs around to face you; his knees merely grazing past like a single gentle flap of a butterfly’s wing. You sunk into your shoulders, there was no turning back now. 
“It’s funny right? How you stopped being in my classes years ago, but as soon as I look at an equation my mind flips and all I can think about is you. How funny is that?” Leaning forward to lean an elbow onto the table and your cheek into your hand; your eyes locked on Mark. He held your stare but you were caught in the unravelling of your own sanity to see how his eyes were flitting across your face. 
“Man it’s so funny. Mr. Grant stands at the chalkboard and starts drawing up some parabolic graph, and all it does is remind me of your smile. I open up my textbook and start reading about perfect angles and all that I can compute is the goddamn perfect angles of your cheekbones against your jaw.” You were laughing now, completely out of control. You weren’t even aware of what you were saying, the words simply falling out of your mouth. Blame it on dehydration, practice was gruelling; sure you could do that - but you simply kept talking. You weren’t even looking at Mark anymore.
“I try you know? I try really hard to study. And it’s only maths. I ace every other subject - I have no issue with Lit or History. Go, ask me anything about the Balkan War, I know it all. But Maths, phwoah..” Your head tipped back against the chair, your braid swinging behind it. 
“Maths, man I can’t even concentrate. All I see is your face in the numbers. All I can think about is your laugh when someone starts reciting algebra formulas. And when exams come around, I’m stumped.” Mark jumped in his seat when you shouted out a laugh. 
“I stare and stare at the exam paper and think about how you would solve every question and how quickly you would have done it. And once I’m thinking about you, that’s it. I’m gone.” Your rambling halted when Mark reached out his hand and placed it atop yours. Lowering your head back to level with his eyes, you saw the sheer shock in them. You swallowed dryly, the realisation of the utter madness you had spat out finally overwhelming you. Mark scooted forward in his chair, clearing his throat and lifting a shaking head to sweep his fringe off his eyes. 
“You know, Madison Kim asked me out in the same way.” Your hands went limp, the weight of your heart dropping into your stomach caused your shoulders to slump forward. You were an idiot. Literally, figuratively, emotionally. Of course Madison Kim would have asked him out the same way. She may be a genius, but she was an airy head girl, who in all honesty would be a fool to not ask out the gorgeous man who sat beside her in AP Calc every day. 
You shifted back in your seat, but Mark’s hand tightened around yours; your eyes darting up to find a softness in his eyes you had never seen before. In the entirety of your lives together, you had never seen that look, and it terrified you. 
“She asked me out with silly little mathematical pick up lines that she slipped into my textbook and I turned her down.” You could feel your teeth grind against each other. Your tongue pressed against the roof of your mouth as you swallowed down the saliva that had pooled beneath it. Mark scooted forward a bit more, taking your other hand in his. 
“Do you know why I turned her down?” A simple smile painted across his lips, his fingers curling around your palms. You shook your head, too afraid to speak; too afraid to let your stupidity form any more sentences than it already had. 
“Because she isn’t you.” A breath caught in your throat. Then swiftly gulped down with the lump that had clung to your tonsils. 
“Wh-what?” Mark sighed through his nostrils, a sweet tender exhale as his thumb drew circles into the back of your hand. 
“Since we’re confessing, I’ll go next.” Mark straightened, lifting his chin as if to give his valedictorian speech. “I never told you I love you because I never thought I was right for you. That I wasn’t the guy to make you happy.” 
Your chin dropped into your chest, eyes folding in amusement; your shoulders bouncing as you chuckled. 
“Now why would you think that?” Speaking into your stomach before looking up at him with a tilted head and an angled grin. Mark released his hold on one of your hands to hold his nape instead, fingers rubbing into the skin; a flush of embarrassment evident in the pink smoothing over his cheeks. 
“I don’t know.. I just thought that you’d prefer someone who could keep up with you. I can barely do a push up..” Timid and a little hushed; Mark darted his eyes around the room before slowly meeting your gaze. Like him, you straightened, shifted forward in your seat and retrieved his hand from his neck to lace your fingers between his. 
“Then I guess we’re both stupid.” Mark’s confused puppy expression returned to his face, and you suppressed a giggle to answer the question his eyes silently asked you. 
“I never told you I love you because I didn’t think I was smart enough for you. That sooner rather than later, you’d get bored of me..” The flush of pink that had filled his cheeks crept over yours; you bit down on your top lip. Mark stared at how your bottom lip plumped into a pout and felt his heart stutter at the sight.
“We’ve known each other our whole lives, you think I would’ve gotten bored of you by now.” 
“Hey!” Ducking but failing to dodge the sharp whack that your hand delivered on his arm, Mark grabbed your wrist and pulled you towards him. Lifting his other hand, Mark hesitated for a second before reaching forward, gently cupping your cheek. You swore he could feel how hot you were, your cheeks burning so fiercely you were afraid his fingers would singe. But he didn’t pull away. He kept his hand tenderly pressed against your cheek and you began to drown in the smile he gave you. Another one of his perfect smiles. 
“Let’s not be stupid anymore, yeh?” Blinking softly, his bottom lip folded between his teeth as he awaited your answer. Leaning forward, closing the space between your faces, you took a moment to catch the glimmer in his eyes. Whether it was the light catching in his lenses or the spark they naturally held; you wanted to get lost in the magic of them. But he was waiting, and Mark always got the right answer. 
His kiss was as tender as you imagined it to be. His lips were as soft as you had dreamt them to be and you could feel him smiling against yours. Breaking the kiss, Mark pulled back to rest his forehead against yours as he drew in a breath. You weren’t sure if you were breathing, but you could see his glasses begin to fog so you knew you must have been. 
Both sitting back, you stared at each other silently; your hands fitting perfectly in each other’s. Yet the gaze was fleeting, both you and Mark breaking into laughter; possibly from the haphazard confessions or your shared stupidity. Either way, the air was clear and the problem of your irrational hearts solved. Mark would have enjoyed that the most; solving a seemingly unquantifiable problem and the thought made you feel warm. 
“Now I’m even more screwed.” Mark hummed quizzically in response, reaching under his chair to pull it closer to yours; letting his thigh press against yours as he removed the space separating you.
“Now I really won’t be able to focus on Maths...” Mark laughed with his entire chest, head tipping back to let laughter tumblr out of his mouth, yet his hand never let go of yours. Finally regaining composure, Mark angled his body to face you, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you into his chest. Reactively, and almost naturally, your arms weaved around his neck. A single giggle fluttered through his lips before he spoke.
“I guess I’m just going to have to tutor you every day until the numbers make sense.” 
Trying not to let any laughter flicker out, despite your heart racing in your chest; you thought that you could be a little bold. “Do I get a kiss for every answer I get right?” 
Mark edged forward, touching the tip of his nose against yours. 
“Of course.” Mark briskly pressed his lips against yours as a full stop to his statement. Giggling as he pulled away, his arms slid off your waist to turn you back towards your notes. 
“Come on, you have three more equations to solve then we’re done, and we still have to eat. I’m starving!” Flailing in your chair in protest, Mark silenced your whining with another kiss planted onto your cheek. 
“I’m not going to go any easier on you cause we’re dating now.” You couldn’t help but feel your heart swell. Picking up your pen, you slid over your notebook that was still in front of Mark. Turning back to the page you were on, you gave Mark one last narrow-eyed look. 
“A kiss for every correct answer, remember.” You nodded in agreement. He was a brilliant tutor after all. And a cute one at that. Because he was Mark Tuan, the adorable nerd. Mark Tuan, your adorable nerd. 
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razberryyum · 5 years
The Untamed/陈情令 Rewatch, Episode 12
(spoilers for everything MDZS/Untamed)
[covers MDZS chapters 51 and 52]
WangXian meter: 🐰+🐰+🐰🐰+ 🐰🐰🐰🐰+ 🐰🐰+🐰🐰+🐰+🐰🐰🐰
There is so much to love about this scene, least of which is Wei Ying being in peak cuteness mode as he physically prepared himself to recite the Wen sect rules, only to immediately switch to troll mode by reciting the Gusu Lan sect rules instead. No matter how many times I’ve watched this scene, I laugh out loud and love it every time. Even though Lan Zhan was as stoic as ever, he had to be just a little proud of Wei Ying for the stunt he pulled. All that time spent at Cloud Recesses copying the rules obviously paid off in more ways than one. I also thought it was adorable how Nie Huaisang was the first person to recognize the Gusu Lan rules: if Big Bro Nie Mingjue was around, I’m sure he would’ve been a teeny bit proud of the fact that his little brother was able to retain all that arguably useful information he learned at Cloud Recesses. I say arguably because, let’s be honest, those visiting sect students probably broke like 90% of those rules as soon as they left the grounds of Cloud Recesses since they really don’t apply to their own sect’s way of living, so really, how useful ARE those 3000+ rules in ones’ life? I’m not even entirely convinced they actually help strengthen one’s moral fortitude since if someone was an immoral person to begin with, vacationing at Cloud Recesses for a few months and being forced to memorize a bunch of stuffy rules probably won’t change anything and might in fact have the opposite effect due to annoyance. That’s an aspect of the whole learning experience at Cloud Recesses that I always found a little odd: every sect has their own sect of house rules, why force visiting students to memorize theirs until they can recite it forwards and backwards. In the novel, Wei Ying’s initial indignation at having to copy them was pretty valid; good thing he ended up marrying into the Lan family anyway otherwise that really would’ve been a lot of effort pointlessly exerted.
When I first watched this episode, I was kind of impressed by how upstanding the Wen sect’s rules seemed to be: since they were set up to be the big bad sect in the show, I wasn’t expecting much in terms of moral standards. Too bad most of Wen Mao’s descendants strayed away from following them, or even remembering them, as Wen Chao would soon show. I did find it curious that he would even know the Gusu Lan sect rules enough to recognize them; it’s rather strange that he didn’t automatically assume Wei Ying was reciting his own Yunmeng Jiang sect rules since that would have been a pretty logical guess. Which begs the question, when did he even learn the Gusu Lan rules? I know that’s a question that no answer was ever provided for, and I’m sure Team CQL didn’t even think anyone would ever care enough to ask since the more important take-away point of that scene was Wei Ying adorably using the Gusu Lan sect rules as a means to slap Wen Chao in the face. And it was a pretty effective slap, even the usually disdainful Jin Zixuan was amused by his tactic. I’m sure both Jiang Cheng and Lan Zhan were impressed as well but were simply too worried about the repercussions to enjoy the moment.  
I actually rejoiced a little when Wen Chao generously doled out his punishment to both JZX and Lan Zhan as well, instead of only singling out Wei Ying, since that of course instantly translated to me as more Wei Ying and Lan Zhan bonding time.  Sure, JZX had to be the third wheel this time, but the upside to that was that yet another person got to witness Wei Ying’s preoccupation with Lan Zhan.
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JZX’s reaction to Wei Ying’s insistence on chatting up a very unresponsive Lan Zhan was hilarious. He must’ve been wondering, what the heck is up with this guy and his obsession with Lan Wangji?  I think even if JZX had asked Wei Ying that question directly, Wei Ying wouldn’t have even been able to explain himself. At that point in time, I don’t believe he even understood why he couldn’t leave Lan Zhan alone, only that he couldn’t and didn’t want to.
And of course likewise, neither could Lan Zhan leave Wei Ying alone, especially when he’s in danger, even though he really did all he could to resist responding to Wei Ying’s numerous attempts at interacting with him. It really was a great risk; I can only imagine the stress and turmoil Lan Zhan was feeling. Having just seen his home partially destroyed by the Wens (although in the novel/donghua it was worse since it wasn’t just partial), he must’ve been deathly afraid of getting Wei Ying involved lest harm befell him as well, and yet as soon as he was threatened, Lan Zhan immediately forgot all his concerns and defended Wei Ying.
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I love that all his carefully maintained stoicism dissipated completely because of Wei Ying: not only did he valiantly defy and threaten Wen Chao, but then he also blatantly showed his concern on his face…
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…and through his gestures since he couldn’t stop holding on to Wei Ying.
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Wen Chao’s monologue took a good minute or two and yet the entire time, Lan Zhan never let go. In front of so many people he continued to unabashedly support Wei Ying. Like he just completely forgot everything other than protecting Wei Ying. It was beautiful.
I really wish Wen Chao had thrown Lan Zhan in the dungeon with Wei Ying as well, especially since he even threatened to. Not sure why Team CQL held back from that; the whole dung field scene was created just for the drama anyway, would’ve been lovely if they had gone the extra distance and WangXianed up the dungeon scene as well since that was also just a figment of their imagination. Not to mention, considering Lan Zhan did also fight back against Wen Chao, it would’ve made sense for him to also face the same punishment as Wei Ying. Wei Ying could’ve still been thrown into the doggy cell while Lan Zhan into the cell next to him, and then he would’ve had to spend the entire time listening to Wei Ying getting tortured by the puppy and just be worried sick until Wen Qing finally showed up with her needles. Darn it. Such a shame Team CQL passed up such a good Lan Zhan angsting opportunity.
Although I probably shouldn’t even complain since there was already a good amount of WangXian moments already, Wei Ying’s piggyback offer alone made up for the lack of a dungeon bonding scene.
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Even though Lan Zhan declined his offer, just thinking about how he proceeded to hold on dearly to this memory because it was precious to him, and then to bring it up again a decade and a half later in order to return the favor, just makes me want to cry all over again for this sweet romantic man.  
Wei Wuxian is Cool AF
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I mean, that’s usually a given, but still, I always get a happy chill down my spine when I see him being all threatening like that. It’s like seeing the prelude to the Yiling Patriarch. Seeing Wei Ying boldly come to his rescue like that probably helped spur Lan Zhan into action to defend him.
Wen Ning is a Sweetheart
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I believe that even if Wei Ying hadn’t saved his life, if their only encounter was that moment on Cloud Recesses when Wei Ying taught him to properly pull back on his bow and aim, Wen Ning would have still done everything he did for Wei Ying because that’s just the type of angel he is. For that one minor act of kindness, Wen Ning would have no doubt done all he can to help Wei Ying whenever he could; so far saving his life, Wen Ning would’ve died for him. I’m just so happy that he got a second chance at life, and at least in the drama his condition was a step up from zombie. The fact that he’s been there all along during the course of Wei Ying and Lan Zhan’s relationship and witnessed most of their major events together, especially during Wei Ying’s second lifetime, makes him even more endearing to me because he was always so supportive. I’m so glad that he is beloved by the juniors later on because he really deserves all the love he can get.
Poor Jiang Cheng
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I felt bad for Jiang Cheng in this episode: here he is pining after his crush, looking forward to seeing her again while wrestling with his feelings as he tried to decided if he should give her the gift he’s been holding onto all this time, and yet when they finally have a one-on-one moment, all Wen Qing is concerned about is Wei Ying. I know that’s understandable under the circumstances since she did see Wen Chao drag Wei Ying away, but when I first watched this episode and thought Team CQL was aiming for the love triangle angle, I really thought this moment would be later utilized to plague Jiang Cheng to stir up his jealousy even more. I really cannot say enough how glad I am they never went in that direction.
Full Moon Rising
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I guess it’s not unreasonable that werewolves exist in that world, since demons and otherworldly beasts do too—I mean, that’s what they were hunting at Phoenix Mountain after all—but man do I wish they would’ve just stuck with a normal puppy for this whole dungeon scenario cuz Mr. Wolfman just looked so damn fake and awful. Sometimes, Team CQL makes such bad technical choices that I actually have to rub my temples to stave off the headaches I get from them. I don’t understand why they didn’t just bring in a Doberman or mastiff or some other ferocious-looking black dog for that scene. I know it probably would have cost a little more to have a trained dog that can fake attack on command, but they could have easily gotten away with using camera tricks to feign an attack on Wei Ying. Every time I see that fake-ass stuffed dog I can’t help groaning a little. No amount of drool could make that thing look remotely real.  Really, bless Xiao Zhan for selling the crap out of that scene and also the make-up department for doing a pretty stellar job with his blood and injuries, I would’ve felt nothing but embarrassment otherwise. But Wei Ying looked distressed and hurt enough that my heart always ends up aching a little at the sight of his horrible condition. I wanted to personally hurt Wen Chao for putting him through that ordeal.  
Despite my criticism of the dungeon scene, I still liked it in general because in addition giving us the Wen’s siblings separate acts of aid to Wei Ying, it also provided us with this moment where Wei Ying selflessly saves the medicine for Lan Zhan despite his own serious injuries. That really is just so completely sweet…my only lament is that Lan Zhan never even really finds out what he did. He would’ve been so touched. 
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Questions I Still Have
Honestly I question the practicality and effectiveness of the whole hostage situation with each sect’s heirs and prized pupils, but I’m going to hold off on delving into that until probably the next episode since the choice Wen Chao makes at the Xuanwu cave really sets off my logic alarm.
Overall Episode Rating: 8 Lil Apples out of 10
Disclaimer: The Untamed would not be possible without Mo Dao Zu Shi and Mo Xiang Tong Xiu-laozi.  I mean no disrespect whatsoever with my humble comparisons between the novel and the live action, even when I sometimes favor the changes in the show. All hail MDZS and MXTX-laozi always and forever!    
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sleeplessdreamer14 · 4 years
Seeing as you've posted what Sophie's dad looks like not too long ago, maybe you could give us some more info on the man? Perhaps some headcanons about mama and papa Iris?
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Oh boy, here we go!! Info on Sophie’s parents!
Connor ✨
was born into royalty but ran away at the age of 15-16 (it’s a little complicated. I’ll explain later)
met Theodosia when they were around 16-17 and married her about 4 years later
was absolutely elated when he found out Theodosia was having a baby.
cried out of happiness when Sophie was born.
swore to love and protect her for as long as he lived.
Connor used to take late night shifts whenever he could to help his wife, and was always the one to hold Sophie when she got scared during storms.
taught Sophie from the start that home and loved ones are more important than materialistic possessions
supportive af
soft yet protective
“Connor, come back to bed.” “No. I read somewhere that babies can randomly stop breathing in their sleep, so I’m watching our daughter like a freaking hawk.”
cried at Titanic
has a hella ton of respect for women
read Sophie a bunch of adventure books at bedtime, promoting her love of adventure
would sometimes carry Sophie in one of those baby carrier slings when he went out (she just slept for the most part)
Proud Crime Dad ™
got super protective when others commented on Sophie’s freckles, seeing as she was the only person in the galaxy to have them
“What’s that in her face?” “It’s called beauty!”
Chaotic Good
Robin Hood of the Treasure Planet universe. “We never rob, we just sort of borrow a bit from those who can afford it.”
if anyone even so much as looked at his wife the wrong way, he would normally just go and (verbally) beat the shit out of them
but insult his daughter, insult his baby, you better pick a god and pray for mercy
“hold my daughter, I’m about to go feral.”
Mess with this man’s family = most fatal mistake of your life
when Sophie met Jim, Connor approved of him instantly, seeing how polite he was to his daughter
if it were anyone else, he would probably have gone into protective mode
hated Leland
Connor also knew about Jim’s situation at home with his father, and did his best to step in as a father figure whenever he could
(Sophie was more than happy to share her dad with Jim from time to time)
Connor would spend as much time with his family as possible
on multiple occasions, he’s fallen asleep on the floor with little Sophie curled up on top of him, a napping blanket draped over them and a Peter Pan storybook lying on the floor
played a few string instruments (banjo, guitar, harp) for Theodosia when they fell in love, and for Sophie when she was little, prompting her to start learning to play the ukulele
definitely sang Waterbound to her on rainy days while softly playing on his banjo
also Lana Del Ray’s Season Of The Witch managed to put Sophie out like a light in minutes.
───── sad part. ─────
obviously being a spacer meant taking some risks, so he records a bunch of messages for Sophie on a little gadget every time he leaves for work. (Silver has it)
but when he left his home that one day, none of them were expecting him to not come back
the cannon blast didn’t injure him beyond recognition, but it did a fatal number on his torso
in his last moment of life, he thought of his wife and daughter, and how much he loved both of them more than life itself, apologizing for not being able to come home
has been watching over his family ever since then
all he really wanted was to give his daughter the freedom of choice he never had as a child
in the end, the greatest adventure of his life wasn’t any of the voyages he went on, but meeting Theodosia and raising his daughter with the love of his life
Theodosia ✨
grew up on Montressor as an only child and daughter of a tailor
loved dancing and horseback riding
was close friends with Sarah from 16 years old, but lost touch after a couple years
always dreamt of marrying and raising a family from a young age
had a slight drinking problem from the age of about 17
Although she drank often, it wasn’t too much of a problem (in all honesty, it was a bit more humorous than anything)
“Yeah, I have a drinking probelm. The problem is that I don’t have a freakin’ drink in my hand.”
but after she met Connor, she began to cut back of the alcohol
the last time she had a drink was on their wedding night
as soon as she discovered that she was with a baby, she stopped completely
was a little anxious to tell Connor, but was quickly put at ease when he beamed with delight and pulled her into a hug
wrote to Sarah about it, but was a little nervous about her response, seeing as they hadn’t spoken in about 3 years (but Sarah was very happy to hear the news, and wrote back saying congratulations and that she just had a son a few months ago)
Moominmamma vibes
her due date was around the first week of October, but she gave birth about a week and a half early (September 23rd)
she was so worried that Sophie wouldn’t make it, seeing how small she was when she was born. But Connor reassured her that she would grow to become someone extraordinary.
Connor wanted to do the Circle of Life thing w/ the baby but she said no... at least not until they got home
when her daughter was born with freckles, she was a bit curious as to how that was possible, but still loved her all the same
when she realized that Sophie looked a lot like her dad, she knew that she was gonna grow to be a bit of a handful
lucky she had two hands, plus an extra set to help her
they enrolled Sophie in school early since she could read by the time she was about 2 & 1/2. (smart kid)
on Sophie’s first day of kindergarten, she felt so bad when Sophie got all sad because she was in an unfamiliar place and her parents wouldn’t be there
but when Jim spotted the little girl sitting in the corner all by herself, he came over to comfort her, and they stayed together for the rest of the day
Theodosia and Sarah were both very happy to see that both their children had become friends
even though it was clear how her marriage was going downhill, Theodosia did her best to support Sarah
───── sad part. ─────
there would be times that Connor would come home a day or two late, but she still worried
when it rolled into day three, she received news from the police department that her husband had died out on the field
and in that one moment, it felt as though she’d lost everything
and then she remembered Sophie, leaving her to wonder howin the world she was supposed to tell her seven year old daughter that she’d lost her dad.
it took a while, but when Theodosia returned home, she just barely managed to not cry when she broke the bad news to her daughter.
after the funeral, things were never the same.
Theodosia wound up having to go to about a year or so of therapy to even begin to move on or at the very least heal from Connor’s death.
but Sophie didn’t go to therapy, or counseling, or anything. She just sort of closed herself off for a while. And that scared Theodosia.
worries the world for her daughter, even when she insists that she’s okay
fell ill with anemia about 5 years after Connor’s passing
when they found the map, Theodosia was very opposed to letting Sophie go, but she knew that there was no talking her out of it
while the kids were away, Theodosia considered having a drink, but stopped herself
when she and Sarah received news that the RLS Legacy had returned, she refused to stay home.
When she reunited with Sophie, she broke out into tears, thanking whatever deity was up there that her baby had come home safe
Special Taglist: @thenewnio @wallymcflubberfins @from-shattered-stars @catrillion @carlottastudios @friendofcybermen @snowflake-dreamer @thatonerockerfreak
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