#I do it cuz I gotta & that's just a bit stronger than the fears
autumnslance · 27 days
I have a question! How do you get over a fear of writing and creating a character? I try to write but I start feeling anxious. My brain doesn’t want to come up with anything. Even trying to imagine a character in another series causes the anxiety. I know I should stop but I don’t like the idea of stopping as I feel like I’m failing.
Is it the creation, or the potentially sharing with others, that's actually scary? Is it what others may say? Is it feeling like what you might come up with isn't "good enough" in some way? Is it fear of a self-insert, or of being derivative? Feeling like you have to create characters and stories to be in fandom, rather than wanting to create for the sake of it?
A lot of times, it's our fear of how others might react or think that stops us. We're afraid of looking dumb, or oblivious, or otherwise Incorrect in some way, and that we'll be ridiculed or scorned for it. We're taught to fear failure and the judgment we think comes with it.
It's easy to say "kill the cop in your head" and "screw what others think, create for yourself" but it IS hard, if it's a point we want to even get to for ourselves.
So figure out what part of the process actually is scary. I guarantee it's not actually "all of it!" There's at least a ranking of "scariest" to "least scary but still nerve-wracking". Once named and acknowledged, and broken down, it's a little easier to tackle.
I made up stories and characters in my own head for years before I ever shared them with anyone. A teacher singling out my and another student's stories as meeting the mark of an assignment in completely opposite ways helped. Screwing up the courage to post to my high school's nascent lit journal was hard.
I was terrified. I was one of the weird kids constantly bullied or ignored. If people knew who I was, they didn't like me cuz I was awkward and unsociable. But I wanted to write, and adults I trusted who read the few things I actually turned in told me I was decent at it, so I did it scared anyway.
And nothing bad happened. Some folks thought my stories were OK. If they said anything at all.
It took me several years before I was able to post anything online. Some was access. Some was fear. Some was feeling like I didn't have characters or stories to share. I got into roleplay, online and in person. My characters were...well, LynMars, my usual handle, is from a Vampire LARP character I played over 20 years ago, and made a lot of baby roleplayer mistakes on. I did her dirty in many ways. She wasn't a good character. Had a basic screwed up backstory but no real goals or plans. I played her for a few years and learned a lot from her, and so she's stuck with me as a reminder.
Several of my characters from those days weren't great; unimaginative, derivative, some very much "wow I did not know better back then..." But...we had stupid goofy RP fun anyway, learned from those characters and each other, tried new things. Sometimes they worked. Sometimes they didn't. A lot of times it was nerve-wracking.
There's a lot I write that I don't post. Some because it isn't ready yet. Some because I'm not ready and don't know that I ever will be. It's scary. And some of that is the bully still in my head, and I know it, and some days that's easier to deal with than others. Some days I can tell the bully to screw off. Sometimes I keep those stories private, I tell myself as indulgences.
I give myself the grace to fail, and remind myself that doing it scared anyway is where many of us live every day.
Anxiety sucks. Even with meds and therapy, it doesn't entirely go away. Figuring out how to work around it, or through it, or even wrangle it into submission and work for oneself, is tricky and individual. But it doesn't own or define you and your creativity.
Start small. Start simple. Start for yourself and don't worry about sharing it yet. If making up a new character is hard, find a favorite canon character, marinate and rotate that blorbo in your brain awhile, then file the serial numbers off as you imagine them in What Ifs and AUs. Share only if and when you're ready, if it's a thing you want to actually do.
And you may not. You don't have to create anything to be part of fandom. You don't have to have OCs with full backstories and planned futures. You don't have to write or draw or screenshot stories. You can just vibe.
Find why you want/need to create. How much it means to you. Isolate what parts of creation and/or sharing are so scary. Figure out if it's something you personally truly want or need. Then you'll be able to chart your path forward, one way or another.
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Rpg Anon: Strap in, mod. Cuz I gotta give my two cents on you being interested in Disgaea now.
First of all, I don't anything about what happens in disgaea 6 or 7. Kinda didn't care anymore after the older characters didn't feel like work was done to make their moves modern anymore.
Ok now, if you're that interested just of the hinazumi bit, you can ignore Disgaea 1 and 3. I didn't play them either but they didn't seem too interesting to me. Just know Laharl, Etna, and Flonne are old characters from the first game.
I recommend playing Disgaea 2, 4, and 5. Mostly cuz I biased like these ones. You can play 2 on a psp emulator like I did. 4 is the first game I saw and how I got into the series tho and 5 was pretty fun to watch and had a great story.
Before I gush over the hinazumi-ish details of Adell and Rozalin, important tips for Disgaea 2 tho. 1. DO NOT kill your friends. Friendly fire is always on and it's always a bad idea to accidentally do this in all the games but 2 actually punishes you HARD if you do it way too much. *shivers in fear remembering the Worse Ending* 2. Adell hits REALLY hard if the opponent is stronger than him. Prepare yourself to see him level up like crazy for being a level 100 fighting level 500's. 3. Adell's cowardly scaredycat little brother is the best unit in the game bar none. His aoe attack where desperately flails all around himself does more damage than anything in this game.
Now for the stupid gushiness. Spoilers tho. Adell and Rozalin start off really not wanting to be around each other. They really don't like having to drag or be dragged everywhere. Character Development happens tho and by the end of the game, well, Adell fucking kisses the insanity out of her. 👍. Funny as the credits show her trying to shoot him for doing that. Here comes the reall Hinazumi levels of tsundere lovey dovey shit. Come Disgaea 4, you can recruit them separately as dlc. The thing is, well, they both seem to have secret motives for why they want the job and need the money when you first try to recruit. Turns out they secretly wanted to buy something valuable for the other. (Adell wanted to buy a fancy necklace for Rozalin and Rozalin wanted to buy a new fancy house for Adell) How sweet. However, whoever you recruited first suddenly arrives after the second is beaten and admits their reasons and they feel moved. Cue the lovey dovey atmosphere of "You did all of this for me?" "You were doing all of this for me, too?" "I... um... uh..." *long silence and then the atmosphere burst into colorful hearts and rainbows as they're both lost in their own world, staring at each other in silence* What happens next can only be described as:
Ibuki coming out of nowhere screaming out "OH. MAH. GAWD. These two. Are. MARRIED!!!"
(Cue the tsundere.)
Hinazumi finally realizing everyone was watching: WE'RE NOT MARRIED!!!
Hajime: yeah um um um she's just a freeloader living together with me under the same house!
Mahiru: Hajime, you idiot! You're only giving them more of the wrong idea! Also who are you calling a freeloader?!
Ibuki: You two are definitely married!
Fuyuhiko: Okay okay! That's enough. You're both fucking hired. Work together as husband and wife to make money for the business, you two.
Hinazumi: We're not married!
(This was fun to go thru again.)
From then on, it gets more and more intimate and hilarious. Honestly, I wish I could gush over it more but I don't have time.
//Ok, so I checked out a video on what you were talking about, and I'll link it here.
//So there's two possible outcomes, as RPG said, and they both give off this absolutely perfect tsundere romance vibe. This is the most Hinazumi thing I have ever fucking seen, and I adore it.
//Kaguya-sama wishes it could be this good.
//And what's funny is I imagine this being a potential story interaction for the Survivor RPG we brainstormed a while ago. Except maybe instead, it's just Ibuki and the other Remnants teasing Hinazumi that they are stupid in love and married.
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everything-laito · 3 years
If Laito was human do you think he’d have the same personality? As in, does being a vampire play a huge part in the way he is?
I have kiiiiind of answered this in the queued posts, so you can find it here! But I’ll also develop on more things relating to this too. I wrote this in the linked analysis:
So let’s start off with the thing I’ve mentioned quite a bit on this blog: the power dynamic between Laito and Yui/his other victims. The reason why he has so much power on top of his mind games is that he is physically stronger than Yui by a LONG shot. There’s absolutely no way (that Yui sees) that she can physically beat him. So he takes advantage of that. Most abusers in real life do the same thing too: preying on weaker people. “Weak” in this sense can be weak mentally, emotionally, physically, or having weak connections (little or no connections with others). So from that point, Laito being human would definitely be a bit of a game changer, but if he’s as smart as a human as he is a vampire, he still has a lot of tricks up his sleeve.
(For context, the question was a little more specific than yours!) However, the strength he has as a vampire does ascertain (Bee, if you’re reading this, there’s your vocab word! B)) part of the personality he has. To a degree, all the diaboys have some sort of superiority complex, or whatever complex comes with being an apex predator. In real life, humans are the apex predators, and we don’t have to hide from being eaten (the only thing we gotta fear is,,, us lmfao) or preyed upon. In this case, vampires are the ones who prey on humans, so they’re definitely more prone to being sadists in that position. Humans are too! I know several people who liked burning ants on their driveway with a magnifying glass or ripped apart daddy long legs’ legs off (that was not me, once I flushed a spider down the toilet impulsively cuz it startled me and then I cried about it).
That’s kind of the attitude vampires seem to get towards humans. Of course not all vampires are sadistic, it doesn’t seem to be within their nature (example is Azusa), but more of a learned thing that comes with being an apex predator and being power hungry. Maybe Laito would still be sadistic to an extent, but it might come from a place of sexual sadism rather than it being from an apex predator. However, given Laito’s nature, you could also argue that Laito’s sadism would still be here due to his childhood (which I agree). He’s power hungry, being a vampire or not––he still wants to project on Yui and his victims. He has an easier time dominating them physically because he’s a vampire, but because of the way his personality and past life was, it makes sense why he (and a lot of the other diaboys) are sadists.
But also something to keep in mind is that the Mukamis seem to have learned this sadism towards humans as well over the years. I recall them saying along the lines of “oh yeah we’re vampires now, we can’t relate to humans” or like “it’s a vampire thing.” They’ve been vampires longer than they were humans, so it makes sense. But this type of sadism isn’t exclusive to vampires, it’s in humans too like I said––it’s just more normalized here when it happens.
Hope that answers your question! As always, if you need me to elaborate on anything else or clarify anything, feel free to let me know!! Thanks for asking, anon!
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pfreadsandwrites · 4 years
Hello! I love your writing so much. I was wondering if I can request for headcanons of Kakashi with an s/o who is an overthinker/worries too much on things? Thank you. :D
thank youuuu :) cuz i gotta say, it feels like i’m writing into the void sometimes. also an overthinker/worries too much haha did you mean me people usually comment on how calm/patient i am but they don’t know the truth ANYWAYS
Kakashi with an s/o who is an overthinker/worries too much
So, Kakashi is quite the pragmatist and a rational, logical thinker. But at the same time, he is quite understanding of anxiety/and thinking too deeply to the point where it’s detrimental (more so when it’s about himself/his flaws/his mistakes/failures/past), and he’s actually pretty forgiving and perceptive when it comes to other people so I think he would still find it in him to be empathetic about your penchant to overthink, instead of just brushing it off 
Despite that, Kakashi might take a very practical approach to helping you when you’re worrying too much. Maybe you’re worrying about all the little details on a mission or what you’ll have to do. Kakashi will calmly pull apart everything, helping you understand at every step why it’s not a big deal/what your strategy will be/be very realistic about your abilities (and shortcomings) and how it’s not as bad as you may think. He also doesn’t judge you or get frustrated with you for feeling the way you do. In general, Kakashi is an extremely calming presence. Not just because of his demeanour, but because he’s patient and understanding of why you think the way you do. You feel a little stronger and safer with him at the same time. He’ll do all he can to ease your worries and fears with his words. 
Still, maybe Kakashi’s approach of talking you down and explaining your thoughts away doesn’t always work. Like sometimes all the logic and rationality in the world doesn’t erase your feelings. In that case, it might be a bit of a learning curve. Maybe you need to find something that stops you thinking so much. Like, for example, working out/yoga/meditation are really great for me, and he might be supportive/encouraging of you doing these things. If what you need is some affection and comfort, he’s happy to provide that too. It just might take him a little time to figure out how best to deal with you, and some communication goes a long way. Because he’s a problem solver, and so there’s a chance that he might focus too much on solving your feelings instead of helping you work through them emotionally. But I think he’s emotionally intelligent enough to not do that too much, but it’s something that you might have to watch out for. Like instead of a long explanation why actually the thing that’s bothering you is nothing to worry about, sometimes you need him to just hold you close and whisper nice things to you or tell you it’s going to be okay and that there’s nothing to worry about, or sometimes you need a space to just express everything you’re worried about, everything that’s going on on your mind without judgement, and there’s a chance he might need help figuring out what it is exactly you need. 
Doesn’t like making you worry. He understands that you will, just because of his life and his job etc but he’ll feel guilty about it. He knows that being with a shinobi, and if you’re a ninja yourself, then being with a shinobi like him, really will add to your worrying and your overthinking x100. So that makes him more determined to help you and assuage your anxieties wherever possible. 
Buuut that could mean he might not tell you things because he doesn’t want you to worry or start overthinking or panicking. Like, important things. Like, maybe he almost died. He’ll maybe downplay something that happened to him or if he has to go on a dangerous mission. And maybe it’ll take him seeing you freak out 10x more over learning the truth that maybe he should be a bit upfront. But still, I think when it comes to things like that, you might find you actually have to prise these things out of him. Because he really doesn’t want to make you worry. Which is annoying, because, you know, you’d like him to be able to lean on you sometimes, even if only emotionally. But honestly? That’s probably something you want from him rather than something he genuinely needs. Whether it’s because he’s used to it or if that’s just who he is, he’s not in the habit of sharing his fears/anxieties etc. but still, it’s no fun being kept in the dark just because he’s worried about you worrying. So that might be a point for contention. But like I said earlier, learning to communicate goes a long way. You guys will have to get good at that, even if you both are quite thoughtful, understanding people. 
Overall, I do think you’d be a good match because Kakashi’s not one to get wrapped in overthinking/worrying too much himself, and if i see anyone being able to help you/soothe your emotions even a little bit, it’s him. His aura would be like, that kind of chill, calming blue, you know? I think he’d be great at getting you to relax and not worry so much. It’s a nice complete-each-other kind of situation. 
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fablesrose · 4 years
Of Kings and Shadows X
Chapter X
Description: Y/n, a girl who seems to have found her calling. Being a SHIELD agent is like a dream come true. With a friendship starting to form with the Avengers, she’s the Queen of the world! What could go wrong?
Pairings: Avengers x reader, Loki x reader (eventually)
Notes: On Wattpad -> Here
A/n: Sorry it's late. Finals week's been kicking my butt, but the dead know that by heaven I'm gonna kick it back.
I would have thought that going on that mission, which went remarkably well, by the way, would have rejuvenated me for weeks. It did, for a while, but then I felt like I was hooked on adrenaline. I wanted to go on more and more missions. I asked for as many as I could handle, and then maybe a few more. I kept getting stronger and stronger in both training and out in the field. Some of the missions I was manning the drones, others, with my team watching their backs while by their side.
And I was loving every minute of it.
That is until my high fell, like a rock. I guess in all the heightened excitement my brain couldn't tell when my body was saying stop.
I got sick.
It wasn't just sniffles and sneezes though. My head was spinning, it took longer than it should to focus on something, and it was honestly a miracle that I even made it to work in the first place.
Speaking of which... When did I get here? And how?
I only frowned a moment when I tried to recall. I shook my head and tried once more to focus on my computer screen, wrapping my blanket tighter around me. Before I knew it it was a full hour later and I hadn't scrolled at all. When I got to the bottom of the page I suddenly realized that I couldn't recall a word I had read and had to return to the beginning. By about the fifth time I figured I had understood enough of the passage to scroll to the next page. I took a moment to blow my nose and open up a cough drop before attempting to continue reading.
After another couple of hours, my body had become stiff and creaky. I groaned when I unfolded my legs from my criss-cross position on my chair. I attempted to stand, once, twice, thrice. I finally rocked one last time and used my desk to stand. My eyes rolled back at the aching in my body and a shiver wracked me when my blanket slipped from my shoulders. I would like to say I reached for it quickly, but I probably looked like an old woman.
When I had eventually secured my blanket around my body I decided it was time to walk around to stretch my legs. I tried to avoid as many people as possible; nobody wanted to see a sick person, nor did I want anybody to get sick because of me.
I got tired quicker than I expected and soon headed back to my office to stare at my computer.
This sucks.
I sniffled all the way down the hallway and attempted to blow my nose when I got there but to no avail.
I really wanted to cry.
Instead, I thought it would be a good idea if I just sucked on my water bottle like a toddler. It made me feel better.
A knock came to my door a moment before it opened. I was sitting criss-cross-apple sauce in my office chair, wrapped up in a blanket, sucking on a water bottle pathetically, and jerking my body awkwardly to turn around and face the newcomer.
"Y/n, you look like death."
"That's cuz I feel like death Agent Fletcher!" I angrily continued sucking on my water bottle, glaring at Brian.
He pressed his lips together and gave me a look that I couldn't tell if it was disappointment or concern, "You should go home."
"No! I hate being behind!"
He blinked at me and then left my door open.
"Hey! You could at least close the door!" I scootched my chair over to the door and closed it, then jerked my body around to twist the chair back towards my desk. I got about half-way there when my door opened once more.
I scowled and wiggled to see who it was this time.
"How are you feeling?" Clint folded his arms over his chest and stru.2ggled not to smile.
"I'd feel a lot better if I could get to work! How does it look like I'm feeling?!"  I readjusted my blanket around my shoulders and sniffed aggressively.
He sighed and rubbed a hand over his face, "Okay, come on. I'm taking you home."
I hissed at him, "No! I already missed two days! I've gotta get ahead!" I frantically gripped at my desk, struggling against Clint as he grabbed my chair.
"You've got to rest, Y/n!" He grunted with effort, but I wasn't letting go easily.
He then gave up tugging on me but I didn't let up my grip; I still latched on, anxious and ready for the next attempt. Instead of grabbing my chair or even my hands, Clint did something truly diabolical.
He stole my blanket.
"Cliiiiiiiinnnnntttt, give me my blankie back," I whined at him, still not trusting myself to let go of my desk, I reached one hand at him desperate to calm my now shivering body with my stolen blanket.
His face seemed to break slightly at my pathetic attempt, but he stayed firm in holding it, "No, Y/n, you've got to go home and rest. Feel better and then you can come back to work. Okay?"
I deflated, the exhaustion only just setting in, I looked back at Clint who relaxed slightly. My eyes drooped heavily as I whispered, "Okay..."
I stood up slowly, pausing when I became light-headed. I packed up my stuff and traded it for my blanket to Clint. We walked down to the parking lot where Clint started to lead me to a black car.
"But my car, Clint..."
"Yeah, you're in no condition to drive, and I wouldn't have a ride if I drove your car. Besides, it's a company car, it'll be safe in its company's parking garage."
I huffed and got into the passenger seat. The smooth leather was warm when I slid onto it. I cinched the seatbelt nice and tight, securing me to the seat and my blanket around me. I turned to seat heater on and soon I found myself drifting to sleep curled up in the warm car.
"Y/n," Clint looked over to her beside him after she had been quiet for a couple of minutes. He saw she was comfortably curled up and sleeping peacefully and he couldn't bring himself to wake her. She needed the rest, desperately.
He sighed, "I don't know where you live."
He sat at the light trying to make a decision on what to do. He only made it right as the light turned green. He drove to the next best place where he knew you would feel comfortable. The car pulled up to the front of the compound, careful to not jerk to a stop.
Clint walked around to the passenger side and opened the door as quietly as possible. He was contemplating on how to get her into the building when she sniffed extra grossly.
"Nope, nope, can't do it. Sorry Y/n, but I really don't want to get sick." He closed the door softly and locked the door. Clint walked into the lobby and called on the AI, "Hey Jarvis."
"Yes, sir?"
"You mind getting Thor's attention?"
"Of course sir."
Clint tapped his foot waiting for a response, "Too bad Steve's out on a mission. I don't think he would get sick."
"Thor is currently in the middle of watching a romantic comedy and asked to not be disturbed."
Clint groaned, "wh- you know what? I'm not going to ask." He tapped his foot a minute longer before speaking again.
"Jarvis, tell Loki that I need his help down here."
"Right away, sir."
Clint waited impatiently for Loki to come down after Jarvis informed him that he was on his way. Finally, Loki came from the elevator, leisurely strolling towards Clint.
"The voice informed me you need help?"
"You don't get sick right?"
Loki paused and tilted his head slightly, "Not by your infirmities, no."
"Good, I didn't care anyway--"
Loki rolled his eyes and halfway thought about just leaving to go back to his room.
"Y/n's in the car asleep, sick as a dog," Clint pointed to the car on the other side of the glass doors and then at himself, "I have no need to get sick."
Loki looked intrigued, but still not convinced, "Why don't you just wake her up?"
"She really needs her rest," his attention was fixed on the little bit of her he could see over the car window, "I couldn't get myself to."
Loki rolled his eyes, "Fine."
"Thanks, now why don't you bring her to--"
"I'll wake her up." Loki started for the car.
"NO!" Clint quickly grabbed his arm to stop him. "She needs all the sleep she can get and she'll probably throw a fit being here instead of at work or at home!"
"All the more reason to wake her up so you can take her home."
Clint scowled and decided to bring out the big guns, "That really won't help her, do you want another round of what happened the last time you didn't help her? I'll go get Nat right now."
Loki stiffened remembering the pure fear of being under the wrath of both Clint and Natasha. He twisted his neck and glared at him, but Clint didn't break. "Fine! Fine. I will take her to..." He gestured for Clint to continue his thought.
He hesitated for a moment before he remembered his thought, "Oh! I'm not sure if there are any bedrooms set up, or where they are, so just take her to the common room couch for now."
They walked out together to the car door. Clint unlocked it and carefully opened the door for Loki. Clint gave home one last glare in warning before Loki stuck his head in to unbuckle the seat belt.
Y/n shifted in her sleep and both men froze until she stilled herself. Loki half thought about throwing her over his shoulder just to spite Clint, but seeing her pathetic little sniffles as she slept caused him to not follow through. He carefully hooked one arm under her knees and then the other under her back where there was enough space to wedge into.
Clint guided them out making sure nothing caught on the way out. He closed and locked the car and walked in front of Loki to open the doors.
Not long after being removed from the hot car Y/n began shivering. Loki looked down at her with concern and adjusted the blanket as much as he was able. When the shivering didn't cease, he hugged her a little tighter to his chest hoping to provide her a little warmth. While she didn't stop completely, she wasn't vibrating as violently as before.
When the three of them reached the common room Loki placed y/n on the couch with the most sun shining on it. Clint ran around gathering supplies: tissues, cough drops, lots of pills, a fluffy pillow that he was never going to use again after today, and he even refilled her water bottle.
Loki wasn't exactly sure what to do when mortals got sick, but he didn't think the constant shivering was a good thing in any race of beings. He casually strolled over to the closet and grabbed a couple of extra blankets to place over her. She quickly latched on to them and curled a bit more into herself like she was conserving heat.
"Clint, I think she is still too cold."
Clint popped his head back into the room from the kitchen to see for himself, "Hmmm, yeah I think you're right. I think Natasha has some rice bags or a hot water bottle or somethin' Y/n could use." He scratched behind his hearing aid thinking of where to find them, "I'll go look around, try and find them."
Loki watched him go and then sat on one of the other couches to read.
Eventually, Clint came back with a couple of rice bags in his arms. He walked to the kitchen and started warming them up in the microwave.
"Oh! Hot! Hot!" He hissed as he played hot potato with the rice packs coming back from the kitchen. He placed one by her feet, one on the small of her back, and the last one in her arms for her to hug to her chest.
Y/n took no time to curl around it and let out a little puff of contentment.
Clint sighed softly, "I'm going to go tell Nat that she's here, I have to go back to Shield to finish up some stuff." Clint turned to Loki who was barely paying attention to him. "I trust -- no, you'll watch her for a few minutes in between me and her being here."
Loki hummed, disinterested, as he slowly turned his page.
Clint took that as a yes and walked down the hallway asking Jarvis where Natasha was in the building.
I woke up feeling better sickness wise, but still so tired. I tried to move only to find I was effectively incapacitated by a tangle of blankets. It took me a couple of minutes to free myself, all the while trying to remember when I grabbed this many blankets. I sat up on the couch, why am I on a couch? I glared at the ground trying to recall the last place I remember being. I knew the rice pack I was hugging to my chest despite it not being hot anymore wasn't mine, but that didn't give me much clue. My surroundings seemed familiar, it obviously wasn't my apartment, but my brain was so blurry I couldn't think straight. I rubbed my eyes and shook my head trying to clear it with a slight grunt.
"Ah, you're awake."
My head snapped up to see Loki on another couch, not looking at me from his book. How I didn't notice him before is a mystery. I blinked at him, making sure I was really awake and not having cough syrup overdose hallucinations. When he didn't move or waver I answered gravelly, "Uh, yeah... Is this the compound?"
"Uh, Your Highness? How did I get here?" I took a sip from my water bottle which soothed my throat.
"Do you not remember?"
"I wouldn't be asking if I did."
Natasha entered the room in a t-shirt and joggers, "You're feeling well enough to sass it sounds like."
I huffed, "Yeah, I guess so."
She sat the closest she could without being on the couch with my pile of tangled blankets, "To answer your question, Clint was charged with taking you home early from work but you fell asleep on the way. He was a softy and didn't wake you up for your address so he just took you here."
I nodded, it starting to come back to me, "That's right..." I looked at my bag with all my stuff, "Well, tell him thanks, but I feel well enough to drive now. If you could give me a ride to Shield so I can pick up my car..." I trailed off for two reasons, one: the question was obvious, and two: Natasha was looking at me with a 'really?' look.
"It's late, you're not going anywhere."
I opened my mouth to protest but she continued.
"Besides, Tony, Steve, and Clint will be back in a bit," Nat checked the time, "And I'm gonna drag Bruce out of the lab about the same time. An hour." She smiled at me kindly, "You still need to rest to get over your bug, so you're gonna stay over here for at least tonight to get the best care."
I smiled but immediately saw a problem, "That's kind of you, but I don't have my clothes for tonight or tomorrow."
She wordlessly grabbed a bag from the side of the couch I couldn't see previously. I recognized it as a bag I used regularly, usually hung by my front door. She tossed it onto my lap. Opening it up I found two sets of clothes and a pair of pajamas.
All of them were mine.
I looked at her puzzled, "How-?"
She responded with nothing, only staring me right in the eyes.
I decided not to ask.
I guess it was settled. I was going to stay here for the night.
Oh boy.
Tag list: @nightrose64
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wolvesofinnistrad · 5 years
Buck signs up for a YouTube video where he judges people's kissing skills while blindfolded.  He has no idea who the contestsants are, and they have no idea who they're kissing until they arrive.
Read on Ao3
Buck is standing, blindfolded on a set, waiting for the rest of the participants to come in.
“So, can you tell us your name and also if you don’t mind, your sexual orientation?”
Buck smirks, grin blinding as he mugs for the camera.
“Evan ‘Buck’ Buckley. And I’m straight.”
“Alright, and you know what you’re doing today?”
“I’m gonna be kissing some random people right?” Buck gives the camera another cocky grin, like if you could see his eyes he’d be winking.
“That’s right. The competitors are coming in now and-”
Buck tilts his head a bit, noticing the cameraman’s voice trailing off followed by hushed whispers.
“Really, 2? That’s a first.”
“2 what?” Buck’s turning his head, as if he could see the people, not sure what’s going on.
“Well it seems, and this is completely random, but two of the five people know you.”
 “I was a bit of a slut back in the day so that doesn’t even surprise me.” Buck laughs, high and bright and there’s a chorus of laughter and shrieks from his left which he figures are the competitors. “As long as it’s not my sister I think I’ll be good. Just don’t feel bad if I don’t remember you, these lips have been around the block.”
 Buck makes a pouty face to show off his lips to more laughter from everyone on set.
 As they continue setting up Eddie stands there, wishing he hadn’t agreed to this today. He had no idea Buck was going to end up being in this video. Of course when he’d heard about the casting had been the same day they had taken Christopher to the mall, so he guesses maybe Buck had seen the same flier.
 It seems like Buck isn’t at all nervous though so Eddie tries to push down his fears. He signed up for two of these today, and while he was a bit curious how it was going to be kissing a guy for the first time, he never suspected it’d be Buck. Of course Buck clearly thought it was one of his ex’s or casual hookups that was who knew him, not Eddie.
 “Okay, we have everyone lined up, they’ll get two tries, but after the first time we’ll switch up the order to make it fair.”
 “Alright, let’s get this going!”
 The first girl is the one that said she knows Buck, and she kisses him with a ton of passion, making out with him and sticking a second over the time limit.
 A smirk plays on Buck’s lips as she steps away. “She’s a great kisser. I’ll give that an 8, because it was really good, but I think there’s always room for improvement.”
 Eddie chuckles as quietly as he can as the girl heads to the back of the line, clearly upset she didn’t get higher marks.
 Next up is a dude, and Eddie wonders how Buck is going to react. He knew Buck was straight, the man had just confirmed it, but he didn’t seem nervous about kissing a man so he guessed Buck was just really comfortable.
 The man kisses Buck, he’s very tentative at first, but starts gaining a bit of traction just as the timer goes off.
 Buck turns a bit towards the camera, still smiling.
 “Well, that was definitely a dude. Not bad, but yeah, I’m still definitely straight. I’ll give that a… 3, 3 and a half.”
 The guy rolls his eyes and Eddie grimaces. He’s not sure what he’s going to do, there’s only one more person in front of him and his nerves are starting to really take over. A smile is plastered on his face, but it’s shaky as he tries to get the courage to do this.
 Of course one thing that helps is hearing the girl ahead of him get a 6. His competitive streak starts to flare to life and he pushes the thought that this is Buck further back in his mind and just thinks about how to kiss and what he can do to at least beat the other guy’s score.
 Rolling his shoulders as Buck signals for the next guy he steps forward, and when they tell him to go he grips Buck by the waist, dragging him in to a deep kiss. Their lips meet, sucking on the bottom one, his hands still holding Buck’s hips tight and he can feel the air coming out of Buck in a shudder as they pull apart.
 Eddie touches his fingers to his lips as he walks back, not realizing Buck’s doing the same thing.
 “Wow that was...” Buck breathes deep, shaking his head. “Ok, maybe I’m not so straight because that was definitely a dude, felt that stubble man,” they all laugh, “but that was really good. Love the confidence, just grabbing me and drawing me into it. I really dig that contact and no fear to just dive in. I gotta give that one an 8 too. Shit, can’t believe that.”
 The first girl, who also knows Buck, turns to Eddie and gives him a dirty look before quickly smiling at the camera once more. Eddie holds in his laughter, feeling his own cheeks get warm at the thought that Buck of all people, self professed sex addict and horn dog, ranked him at a tie for first.
 The last girl takes her shot, being a bit more aggressive, hiking one of her hips up against Buck and Eddie cringes a bit.
 Afterwards Buck turns to the camera again, taking some questions. “That was… Intense, but a little sloppy. I think I’m gonna have to give it a 5. Sorry girl.”
 The girl just laughs, clearly having fun with this more than anything.
 They all get set up again, rearranged with the guy at front, followed by desperate girl, then Buck’s hookup, the very middle girl and finally Eddie at the end.
 “So, Buck do you have any tips for the kissers before the second and final round? How to score big with you?”
 There’s a bit of swagger to Buck as he turns from the camera talking directly to them.
 “Listen up girls, you’ve gotta knock it out of the park, cuz one of these guys is really doing his best to turn me and, not gonna lie, he might just get me to apply for a transfer if you don’t step up your game.”
 The entire set erupts in laughs, Eddie feeling a blush redden his cheeks again as he drags a hand down his face. Clearly Buck is joking, but it does make something weird in Eddie’s stomach flutter and he tries to just ignore it.
 It’s just because he wants to win.
 “Anyway, be confident, touch me if you want, trust me you can do whatever you want I won’t bite. Unless you like that,” he must be winking because he does something then says “fuck. You can’t see that. Imagine me winking right now. But yeah, confidence, touch, you can be a bit aggressive if you like, don’t be shy. Just not sloppy. Technique is important.”
 “Alright then, we’re going to start round two.”
 The first guy goes once more, this time he grabs Buck’s shirt, hands fisted in the fabric as he presses deeper into the kiss.
 He still only gets a 4 for his efforts.
 “Sorry man. It was better but you’re just not doing it for me. And I can’t even give you the excuse it’s because you’re a dude anymore cuz that other guy was really fucking good so.”
 That makes Eddie smile and shake his head, trying to hide how much Buck’s words are affecting him. It’s not like he’s attracted to Buck or anything. Even if that kiss was really, really good for him too. Eddie tries to chase that thought away though, right now he just wants to concentrate on winning this silly little contest. He can rib Buck about this for so long back at the station once he does.
 Of course that means they’ll also know Eddie made out with Buck, but he guesses that’s somehow less mortifying than if Buck actually picks Eddie as the winner.
 He really hopes he does.
 Desperate girl fully jumps in Buck’s arms this time, hips around his waist and he nearly drops her before the timer goes off and she jumps down.
 “Love the confidence once again, but still a bit messy. And not like, fun messy. But I’ll give you a 6 for effort.”
 It’s Buck’s former hook ups turn and she confidently struts towards him, placing one of his hands on her ass as she kisses Buck with gusto. She clearly slips him some tongue which he meets with eager enthusiasm, and if the sounds of her moan are anything she’s enjoying it as much as Buck if not more.
 “Fuck, okay she didn’t come to play!”
 There’s some wolf whistles from the crew and Eddie suddenly feels a surge of something he can’t quite understand bubble up in him. He takes it as desire to win, to beat the girl that’s staring at him with a smug look as she walks to the back of the line, one finger tracing over her smeared lipstick and wiping it clean.
 “That’s a solid, solid 9 girl. Like Dang!”
 There’s one girl between Eddie but he just wants to shove her out of the way so he can get his shot at Buck’s lips.
 Those gorgeous lips he plans to kiss off his best friend so he can win.
 That’s totally the only reason he’s going to make sure this is the best kiss he’s ever given.
 The final girl goes, and Buck seems into it, humming along as she scratches down his back with her nails, if the sound is anything to go by. Everyone seems to be revving up in this final round and Eddie only feels the urge to do better grow stronger.
 “Alright, okay I see you girl. 7 and a half. A strong 7 and a half though, to be sure.”
 “Last one!”
 “Oh, y’all saved the dude trying to turn me for last huh? Listen buddy, give it all you’ve got. I don’t think you can beat the girls this round, the shock from the fir-”
 Eddie doesn’t listen to another word he says, signaling them he’s going without waiting for Buck to finish. His hands slide up the man’s shoulders and neck before cupping both sides of his face. He kisses him slow, then deep, then faster, letting it grow, even if he doesn’t have the time to let it simmer like he wishes. His tongue slips out, teasing at the entrance of Buck’s lips, and when he lets one hand drop to grab Buck’s ass, groping the firm muscle he hears him gasp. That gives Eddie an opening, sliding his tongue in beside Buck’s, caressing it the same way his thumb is rubbing circles against the smoothness of Buck’s cheek.
 When the timer goes off, way too soon Eddie feels like when he was just getting into that kiss, he pulls back and can’t help but grin as Buck’s lips follow after him a bit, body tilting forward trying to find him again.
 “So, what’s your score Buck?”
 Buck seems out of breath, panting and standing there without saying anything for long moments. Finally when he speaks he seems to have a confused expression on his face, even seeing just his mouth.
 “I… Just, wow. Like, holy fucking shit that was a KISS! Damn dude! You are making me think I might be bi, what the fuck!” Buck laughs afterwards, trying to make it out as a joke, but Eddie knows him well enough to notice the stutters in it, the way his lips curl up at the ends when he’s telling a truth he’d rather not admit to.
 “So score Buck? What’s the final verdict.”
 “Shit. Fuck, uh,” Buck contemplates for a moment, and this is the big decision, whether Eddie or his ex wins. Not that Buck knows that yet. “It’s gotta be, shit, it’s gotta be a 9. A strong 9. Really strong.”
 Eddie can’t help the way he feels when he hears that. His cheeks are definitely red and you couldn’t wipe the smile off his face. He’s biting his lip, feeling how his mouth tastes of Buck, and it’s such a strange concept, but he finds it’s also nice.
 Maybe nicer than he ever thought it could be.
 “Buck, that mean’s the top two both received an 8 in round one, and a 9 in round 2”
 “Oh shit, a tie?”
 “So Buck, before we reveal the winner, I think you should know that your top two just so happen to both be the people you know.”
 Buck laughs, nodding his head. “That makes sense considering they know me b-” He pauses, turning from the final two and then back towards the camera. “Wait, but the top has a guy in it. The guy knows me?”
 “Yes, a guy and a girl are your top two, and both have said they know you already.”
 Buck looks a bit nervous for a second, then he laughs. “Michael that better not be you, Athena will murder both of us if you’ve been making out with me.”
 The girl looks at Eddie and he shakes his head. She scoffs at him, waiting for the producers to tell them what’s happening.
 “Well Buck, you’re right that there is a tie. So that means we have to have a final round. One last kiss between both of them to tell who is the best kisser of the bunch.”
 “OK. OK.”
 Eddie should feel weird about this, he’s about to kiss his best friend for the third time, and Buck doesn’t even know it’s him. This could ruin their friendship, but Eddie feels like he can’t back out. He wants to win.
 Or, more accurately, he wants to kiss Buck again.
 He’d tried to tell himself that wasn’t it, but he was usually pretty honest with himself, a few minutes of denial was enough to tell himself that it felt really, really good kissing Buck. That combined with their history and well, Eddie wasn’t sure if ruining their friendship might be worth it to feel this again.
 Besides, he could always write it off as just a weird, funny incident between good friends later.
 Not that he’d want to, but he could.
 “Alright, final round, tiebreaker! Let’s go! Last chance to impress Buck!”
 Buck smiles as he looks at them, not that he can see, but he’s anticipating it. These have been some absolutely amazing kisses and after a bit of a dry spell he’s had with all the trauma in his life lately it feels good to do something fun and sexy.
 A little part of his brain is really going overdrive trying to think of what guy might be kissing the living daylights out of him, but he doesn’t have a lot of time to think because the last round is starting and the girl is on him once more.
 He knows its her because her hands are soft and delicate, nothing like the rough, callused hand that held his face before, that groped his ass and left him panting for more. Nothing like the stubbled chin that scratched at his face in just the right way, so new and different in a way he didn’t even know he liked.
 The kiss is over before he really even realizes it’s started, his lips barely kissing back as he was so focused on thinking about that last kiss from the guy. Buck’s never thought of guy’s like that, but he’s not opposed to the idea either. He thinks, idly, that maybe he should be a bit concerned by how easily he’s accepting this, but then again sex is sex, and he’s never had anything against Hen or Michael or anyone else that liked the same sex, it just didn’t seem like it was something for him.
 Until this fucking guy was stealing his breath with each kiss.
 He hears a question being repeated and he realizes he’s supposed to be giving a score. “Um, 8, yeah, good. Really good.” He stumbles through the words, probably more generous than he needed to be since he didn’t even register the kiss, but he’s got to give the last lingering threads of his heterosexuality at least a chance here.
 “I’m ready.” He says it with more confidence than he really has, and then there’s a hand in his hair, carding it at first, before strong hands are tugging at it as the man kisses him. It’s so good, warm and hard and hot in all the best ways.
 Then the guy starts using the hand in his hair to pull him back and suddenly he’s being dipped, the sound of shock giving the man the perfect opportunity to slip his tongue into his mouth, making Buck moan and dart his own tongue into his mouth.
 The kiss just keeps deepening, and he has to admit the way the guy’s manhandling him is really getting him off.
 In fact, he’s pretty sure that not only is he at half mast against the other guy’s thigh, but he thinks he can feel the other’s bulge pressing against his leg as well.
 Why is that so fucking hot?
 He doesn't get an answer though as the guy bites on his lip, tugging on it and Buck whimpers, fucking whimpers, hands’ coming up to grip strong biceps and wow he’s fallen into bisexuality so fast his head’s spinning.
 Or maybe it’s just the kiss making his head spin.
 Either way he’s suddenly wrenched up, can feel a bead of spittle connecting their lips before breaking and falling over his chin as the guy pulls away. He hates the loss of contact, his hand almost reaches out for the man again because it was so good he wants another taste before he remembers he’s being recorded.
 And this is a guy he knows, and he’s not even sure who it could be.
 “So, final score Buck?”
 Buck doesn’t even think before answering.
 “10. Fucking, 20, fuck, a hundred. Fucking shit, best kiss of my life!”
 He hears a laugh, and his stomach twists because that feels way too familiar for his comfort. He’s sure he knows that laugh.
 “Alright then, Buck take off your blindfold and see who won.”
 He hears the girl’s heels clacking as she storms off, but he doesn’t care. His fingers are trembling as he starts to remove the blindfold, blinking his eyes to adjust to the light.
 And then his eyes settle on Eddie, who looks just as blissed out as Buck feels, lips kiss swollen and red, matching the blush in his friend’s cheeks.
 Eddie’s voice sounds choked off and so fucking soft. Buck doesn’t even care that it could ruin everything, all he wants is to capture those lips, feel them against his skin once more. He watches his eyes, seeing how Eddies keep dropping to Buck’s lips and he almost growls low in his throat.
 “uh, well, if you’d like to do one last kiss in slow-mo then we’ll be done!”
 He doesn’t wait to be told twice or for anyone to get things set up, he just marches towards Eddie and grabs him, one hand behind his head before crashing their lips together.
 there’s a stuttered gasp he feels across his lips from Eddie and he licks into the man’s mouth, finally able to be the aggressor in the kiss like he’d wanted, finding that they easily flow back and forth. It’s a few moments later, when he feels Eddie’s hand reaching under his shirt, splayed wide across his abdominals and his own hand just about to rub over Eddie’s bulge when a loud cough and a cry of “Cut!” breaks them apart.
 “Yeah...” Eddie breathes, pupils so dilated Buck can only see black when he stares into them.
 “Well that was, great! Thanks for everything guys!”
 “uh huh.” “Yeah” they both say dismissively towards the production assistant.
 “Wanna go-”
 “Yes!” Buck doesn’t let Eddie even finish before he’s grabbing Eddie’s hand and leading him out of the building.
 If they end up making out in Eddie’s truck, cumming in their pants like fucking teenagers no one else has to know.
 They decide to wait until the video is posted to tell the fire house, watching the video with them all and soaking in the shocked expressions on everyone’s faces as things ramp up higher and higher.
 When the video ends everyone stares at Eddie and Buck who have been inconspicuously grinning the entire time watching everyone else’s reactions before busting out laughing. They’re holding hands and when everyone notices there’s a chorus of shouting and applause and demands to know when they got together.
 “You already got to see our first three kisses, that’s as much as you get to know,” Eddie says, and he grabs Buck and turns his mouth towards him, kissing him gently to more cheers.
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proxyedgy · 4 years
Terumi could've had a happy life doing whatever he wanted since he was clearly something far stronger than any earthly being yet he just decides "oh no I wanna remake the entire world cuz I wanna be the only cool guy around" and I know villain's gotta villain but goddamnit man. You were already an unbound entity that could easily feed on hatred and fear if you just used your ghost powers but nooo gotta be lazy and have the hatred be given out to you on a silver platter instead.
You could have just worked hard a wee bit in your eternal life and create legends of spectres to bring fear to the hearts of all the people in the world, but it's "easier" to just: 1. Give humanity access to the Boundary and the Units, 2. Let them make artificial humans to contact that crap, 3. Have a war break between the two, 4. Have the humans develop the Takamagahara system and the time loop, 5. Manipulate the time loop until you can take control of the system, 6. Break the time loop, 7. Summon the Master Unit, 8. Get the Azure, 9. Remake the world anew so you can be free, revered and feared while doing nothing because you're lazy.
Like, that's one hell of a motivation for an end goal that just amounts to "what I already had but with a nice coat of gold sparkly paint". If being out of the Unit was killing you I'd understand, but you even had a guy make you two very useful bodies.
I don't get you Terumi. I really don't.
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Animals - Negan Werewolf AU
Note: This is a little thing I wrote for the  “ Negan’s Fall Writing Challenge” created by the lovely @thewalkingdead-imagines​ ! This is my second time joining a Negan’s challenge, and I gotta say I really enjoy every word, also was my first time writing an AU, oh boy it gave me so much ideas but had to do this short, college was kind of a bitch, but anyways, here it is! Let me know what you think.
So basically it’s kind of the same space and time from the show but instead of walkers humans started to become werewolf, so I guess it’s not big difference.
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The leaves cracked under your feet as you ran through the dark forest, your heart pumping real fast, heavily breathing you kept running as fast as your tired legs allow you, a dense fog covering the woods made the night even darker, you could hardly see, but clearly heard them. Wolves, at least three of them, big, strong, furious and hungry, ready to attack.
They were dangerous close, getting closer and closer to you somewhere in the fog, waiting for the right moment. You focused on the road, trying not to fall down but still careful and ready to shoot. Soon enough you heard fast and heavy footsteps not far for you, watching for the corner of your eyes you caught a grey wolf running close so you raised your gun and quickly fired at them, they cried out as the bullet hit their side and fell to the ground.
You kept running through the dark woods leaving the wolf behind. There were still two of them left. You still hoped for a place to hide, you knew you wouldn't make it back to Alexandria, it was way far and with the wolves hunting it’d be almost impossible for you to even find the way home. So your only chance was to hide and wait for the day to come.
Suddenly a figure appeared in front of you growling, a big brown beast with a killing face looking at you, showing their big pointy teeth. Slowly they came closer never stopped looking at you they started tracing a circle around you, as another one joined. Breathing uneasy you looked at them, your finger stuck to the trigger and your heart racing as your mind was trying to find a way out.
One of the wolves moved a little closer licking their lips, you were ready to kill them and so they were when suddenly they stopped and raised their ears, they started to sniff something in the air you couldn’t, and then a clear whistle rumble through the woods, after a small silence it sound again. The wolves got scared, lowered their ears and hid their tail between their legs when a male throaty laugh spread for the forest. 
“Well, damn” the deep voice said sending a cold shiver down your spine. “Looks like some doggies are hunting in my territory” he said. The wolves nervously cried, you could see them clearly shaking out of fear, it gave you chills and slowly you felt a lump forming in your throat.
“And I do not allow it” he raised his voice again firm and clear,  but no signal of him to see, just that powerful voice. He laught one more time and then you saw him. His tall figure standing in the middle of the road, wearing some grey pants, a leather jacket and a blood red scarf that made his handsome features stand out: his gray beard adorned with a pair of dimples, his fine yet rough nose, his black hair smoothed back and those hazel eyes. 
You stood there unknown of what to do, afraid to move or even blink, your whole body beginning to fill with adrenaline. 
“Now” he stepped forward. “Run” 
And that's exactly what you did. Your body moved without a second thought trying to put as much distance as possible between  you and that man. The wolves stayed, behind you the sound of growls made stronger but you didn’t dare to know what was going on. Then a wolf cried, the sound turned into a scream, a human scream full of pain. You felt goosebumps and an urge to run away. 
With your heart racing you continued running, looking back from time to time hoping nothing was following you but the moonless night wouldn’t let you. After a while you stopped to catch your breath, your legs way too tired out to keep running but you knew if you stop whoever was that man could find you. You wondered what happened after you ran, on wolf was dead no question, but did that man kill them? if so how? and why they feared so much?, somehow your head was unable to forget him.
The wolves often showed no emotions but hunger and fury, it was quite weird to see them as scared as that, and that meant danger not only for you but for your entire community, Alexandria. You have joined with your group a time ago. It was a nice place, with people living almost as the world had not went to shit but most important it had walls. Your group had already faced many threats and bad people and of course, the wolves, and the most recent enemies a group called The Saviors, but this guy was a real danger you could tell.
Finally after walking much you found an old cabin, finally a place you could hide and rest until the morning, now the daylight didn't guarantee your security but it meant at least you could find the right way home. 
The fatigue on your body made you fell asleep before you noticed, but almost immediately a knock in the door woke you up and made you flinch. You stepped close to the door quietly gun in hand. A knock again, before you heard him.
“Hey, open the door, babe” your stomach turned as you hear the voice of that man wearing a leather jacket you met in the woods. You stayed quiet, while you hear his playful laugh. “C’mon darling, I know you’re in there… can smell you” with that your whole body filled with tension.
“I won't hurt you” He said not receiving an answer. You doubted but decided to open without lowering the gun. And there he was, his tall body leaning against the doorframe, blood splashed over his features. “Easy, baby” he calmly said looking from you to the gun. “I’m Negan” 
You kept silence watching him, fearing him. His name was repeating in the back of your head, you were sure you have heard it before but couldn't remember where. The only thing you knew for sure was that you shouldn't make him mad, just in case.
“I’m, (y/n)” you said. He smirked.
“Well, (y/n) it seems to me, you are very far from home, aren’t you?” he raised his hand and slowly made you lower your gun “You won’t need this, I won’t hurt you, I told you before” he took the gun away from you hands. 
“What do you want?” You told him, looking at his eyes with fury. He hold your gaze and smiled softly and then raised his voice again “Take a sit in that comfy ass couch behind you, I need to talk to you for a bit” He ordered. Afraid, you did as he said, keeping you hand close to the knife on your belt.
He kept silence for a second and then he spoke.
“Listen, I know you’re from Alexandria, your friend Ricky has already killed a bunch of my men and I do not like that” You flinch as you heard he knew about your community. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about” you told him.
“Of course you know, sweetheart. I saw them and I saw you killing my men, and I am saying men ‘cuz they were still in their human form but even when they take their wolf shit form you still managed to kill them” he said death serious looking you deep in the eyes. Then he grined and let his back fell against the couch. “Now, I want to make a deal with your friends”
“What kind of deal? we barely have enough food for us and also we don’t want anything  from you” you were angry, your voice let that clear and your clenched fists too. Negan sigh.
“Protection. You work for me, you do what I say and I can protect you from other packs.” So he was one of them, he was a wolf. The man approached to you, his finger traveled to your chin and he forced you to look at him, centimeters distant to him you feel his warm breath “I just gave you a sample, sweetheart. Those wolves would have eat you if I wasn’t there, so maybe a thank you would be better than you complaining at me”
You look at him with hate on your eyes, moving your head to get out of his grab. Yes, he was indeed a real trouble for your safety, so you decided to play easy.
“Good girl” he smirked at you. He stood up before grabbing you by the arm and made his way to the door. “Now, to show you what a gentleman I am, I'm going to take you home.” as you stepped out of the old cabin he let go of your arm, then he transformed. He raised his head jaw clenched, his gaze darken while hair covered his body and all his human parts begun to change, the legs and arms got to the floor becoming like claws. All his handsome face features became larger, his teeth grew bigger and sharp. They he stood, a massive black wolf with hazel eyes, Negan.
He made his way to you, delicate movements he traced in his wolf form, until he was right in front of you, his face almost reached your chin, he was a really big wolf. His warm breath hitting in your face, you had never seen a wolf this close, it was both beautiful and scary at the same time.
Negan gave you a look and you knew he wanted you to crawl over his body, carefully you did, placing your arms around his neck. Once he felt you over him, he started running through the woods at high speed, the cold air hitting you face made you hold tight, feeling his soft hair and his warm body pressed against yours. And just for a moment you felt like you were safe, but the feeling didn’t last, quickly you were at Alexandria’s gates, standing beside the big bad wolf who howled and pretty soon you were surrounded by a whole pack of growling wolves. Up in the watchtowers you saw your friends having no idea of what was about to come. You turned your head to the side only finding out Negan was back in his human form, he winked at you before starting walking near the gates, whistling as he did in the woods but this time, his pack, now fully human whistled with him. 
“Hello” Negan called out, you saw Rick opening the gate’s curtain.
“Who are you?” your friend said cold, making the taller man laugh.
“Well, I see where this baby girl learned his manners” he joked looking at you, “I’m Negan, and those dirty men overthere are my Saviors.” he said moving almost theatrical, dangerous, “Here’s the thing, Rick, isn’t it? You and your gang killed a damn bunch of my goddamn Saviors” Negan bust off lowering the tone of his voice, making you flinch. You hopped your group were prepared, hoped for them to just start shooting and end with this already, but at the same time you knew it could only make it worse, those were werewolves, bigger, faster and more powerful than regular humans like you, there were people inside the gates who never had even seen one like this, so if Rick wanted Alexandria to survive he must think wisely.
“But you know what, Rick?” the sound of his voice got you out of your thoughts. “I am not mad at you. I’m happy that we could finally meet. Also brought you a little but damn hot gift to prove you I’m a real man” you felt his gaze lying on you while he spoke. “Come here, babe”. furios you stepped next to him.
“(y/n) are you alright?” You saw Carl behind his father looking at you with worried eyes, this kid was strong but also had a big heart and you knew it.
“I’m fine, nothing to worry about kid”  you started to say.
“Hell yeah, she’s totally right kiddo” Negan interrupted you. “Her sweet ass is safe and alive thanks to me, young man” he said slinging an arm over your shoulders. Oh this man was enjoying himself, being in charge, he liked it.
“Get your finger outta her!” you heard Daryl growling angry, he was a close friend and after all you’ve been through he and the rest of the group became your family.
“Everybody shut the shit down!” the leader of the Savior screamed. “I was in a good mood but now I’m starting to think which one of you I should take for dinner. Let's make this quick” he spoke walking along the gates, “There’s one and only one option out of this, you work for me you provide for me, you do shit I say, you’ll be alright. I will give you my service and we are all nice. As I said, It is your only option, so whatcha say?” 
“What’s your price?” Shaking his head Rick spoke. “We don’t have much”
“And we don’t need you” you raised your voice. You couldn't have this deal, it gave u goosebumps. Negan turned in his heels, and walked directly to you.
“I like her” he said a few inches from you. “She got spirit, maybe I’ll keep her” he smirked at you. “Now, Rick. I want half of your food, and anything I like.”
“No” you answered. “We are starving here, if you take that away many people will die, we can’t…”
“(y/n)” you heard Rick trying to calm you but Negan raised his hand in signal for him to stop. 
“I really like you, sweetheart. But maybe you should learn that sometimes you gotta shut that pretty mouth of yours”
“We’re not doing it.” You told him serious. “I already thank you for saving me, but we are not going to give you our food, there children in there, families, you can’t ask us for that kind of things, give us time, we’ll find something else but not food” you stared at him with cold eyes, you were trying to protect your family.
“Well I can, and I am asking you to. Sorry to disappoint you baby but I take what I want when I want it” he hissed. “So, I want half of your shit! Now this land belongs to me, everything Rick, you work for me now so I want my shit ready when I come back” he yelled out pissed. “And you, (y/n)” he held your chin up, his eyes darkened, his fangs growing as he spoke. “You belong to me” 
For the corner of your eyes you saw his men turning into wolves again, suddenly you weren’t looking at a man anymore but a black beast with sharp teeth that somehow managed to get you once more on his back, dragging you quickly away from your family, from your home. He was a monster and now he was taking you to his place.
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papers4me · 4 years
Fruits Basket 2019 ( ep 3)
ep 3′s main purpose is a little bit insightful look into the boys hearts. We, the audience are the same as the main girl, getting to know them, so here’s what I know so far about the boys: ( only three eps deep).
Disclaimer: I do NOT hate any of the three main characters, nor do I know much about them. so kindly, refrain from sending me hate if my analysis is wrong or unintentionally hurtful. I only saw 3 eps so far & have zero feelings attached to anybody in the show. Moreover, kindly refrain from correcting my faulty assumptions/analysis as this will ruin the fun for me when I discover new things about the character.
Prince boy ( yuki, the Rat): I loved how ep 3 continued to show the different sides of him that was shown in ep 2 when dealing with orange boy.
In front of school:. He is soft, princely, respected, admired, adored, idolized, & perhaps he is like that in the zodiac/sohma family as well.. or so, i inferred, could be wrong.
in front of main girl (tohru): He is lonely, sad, sensitive, fragile, afraid, talks a lot about himself & fears, he complains about himself.
In front of orange boy ( kyo, the cat): He is smug, confident, talks in a proud way, says sassy remarks freely & really knows how to hurt with his words (ouch!) & surprisingly violent, he doesn’t hesitate at all to use his hands or legs to beat kyo in response to kyo’s weak remarks, and a bit of a jerk, he forces kyo to eat onions? (forgot the kind of the food), which orange boy really hates! like...so what if kyo hates your veggie, you don’t like him to begin with & he doesn’t like you.
all these extreme sides/ masks are to hide his true self... which one is his true self? or is the real yuki someone we didn’t see yet?
Orange boy ( Kyo, the Cat).
kyo is surprisingly the same in school, in dog guy’s house & with prince boy. He is easily annoyed, loses his temper quickly, gets shy hearing any kind of praise..& refuses to be believe the praise is true & treats it as exaggeration, he is not good with words ( really..his comebacks with yuki are so weak..), not stronger than yuki (even though he trained for 4 months in the mountains!).
he repeats his mistakes although, very slowly trying to learn & control himself ( he apologized to tohru in ep, 3 & complemented her back regarding the riceball filling analogy).
despite his temper,& lack of social skills people are easily drawn to him, tohru & her two friends & all classmates treat him informally, teasing, joking, playing games.
However, we are shown that this anger stems from humiliation & family prejudice against the cat ( at least that what I have inferred so far). He wants acceptance & wants respect? He is denied both cuz.. he aint no zodiac?.. If the cat is NOT a zodiac animal.. why the hell he is cursed with transforming into a kitty cat?..
so far he is not shown to be as deep as prince boy. rarely talks about himself & if he did, short ,brief sentences. No inner-monologue, yet. could it be because prince boy is the main character & orange boy is the rival?
Main girl (tohru).
She is..a bit..bland.& like a very typical anime heroine with heart of gold. I did notice something odd about her though... Don’t know if it is real thing or just me digging for anything deeper. I think it was ep,1..when her tent got buried under the dirt & she was like..my mom, she’ll suffocate... I was like... but her mom is DEAD..she is trying to retrieve a PICTURE. Pictures get ruined by sand, not suffocate...That was so odd..but prince boy & dog guy seemed not to question it..so..perhaps it is a ..um.. cultural thing?
however she DOES give 100% excellent advice. The kindness advice & riceball advice are good. The riceball filling advice in particular, is so accurate! .i felt that deep..I gotta reflect on my jealousy.
so, the boys are jealous of each other...nice...each has what the other wants..nice.. typical behavior of rivals in literature, but the way it was shown & explained here is good & satisfying.. strong episode.
I enjoy sharing my thoughts so much with fandoms, so if you happen to read my embarrassing ramblings, please know that I’m thankful for the little virtual time you spent with me.
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SPY: blogging as I go pt. 2
heard it here folks, Joe is “an extremely proficient tactician” 
lol Frank only gets “strong connection to Kestrel” 
I wonder which graphic design artist revenant hired to make their fancy logo
the colony operation was just a trial run. Revenant wants to find a way to “regime change” without a military. That would be super freaky because it would completely change the way wars were fought. 
who writes these files wow it’s like they grab a dictionary every single time
OKAY WOWWWW when they said non-lethal I thought they meant not kill anyone which makes no sense because then why would people be worried but then it says casualties are okay as long as there isn’t too many
I remember that the formula would affect the really young and the really old, along with those who weren’t stable health wise which is. so similar to now whaaaaat
they also wanted an off switch so that new problems would come up and people wouldn’t develop a “herd immunity” because if that happened they wouldn’t be able to use it again . whAT
Nancy’s file says “she is not a professional. Do not expect professional decision making skills.” lol get roasted Nance
seriously tho maybe that’s good sometimes tho
Based off of the updates in her file, Revenant tried to get to Nancy before SAW. 
also this means that what started it up again was Nancy coming to Scotland. yikes
because of SAW they realized she’d do just about anything to get information on her mom 
so I don’t think I’ve ever found Michael’s file?!?! Did not know he was an agent and that he DIED DURING MOIRA’S MISSION WTH
Also there’s a file on Hannah that I never found before
 According to Ewan (which this is true in his case) cathedral believes that Revenant is people that work in secret service. That makes so much sense but also makes this seem even scarier
 so if I understand this correctly let’s just say Colony happened, and then they’d come in and be like we can help ! and then be like for now, we should be in change to bad huh :( and then NEVER GIVE CONTROL BACK TO EM
ohhhhh. Now I know why it’s called Colony. “a country or area under the full or partial political control of another country, typically a distant one, and occupied by settlers from that country”. 
also. this may or may not be referencing the colonists who came to America, spread their diseases to native tribes severely debilitating them and then taking control bit by bit of the country (colonists becoming the colonizers) 
oop sorry was that being to political
the structure of this game’s plot is so weird but I kinda dig it 
because essentially. Nancy tracking down information about her Mom and what’s causing this may lead to catching Ewan, but it also helps put Ewan’s plan into motion O.o
I actually really do like talking talking to Ewan. He really has good insight for obvious reasons on what’s going on plus I love a good Scottish accent
he says Revenant wants to rewrite society . Which I get but they’d probably do a crap job, and no matter how you rewrite social structures it’s always going to be flawed, and one group is always going to be hurt by another. 
which is depressing, but that’s why you’ve gotta do your little part to be a better person and not give into society ! *trumpet music*
I seriously don’t get Ewan’s motivation tho
love how Zoe insults Nancy even as Bridget loool (well, not a very GOOD spy)
Revenant: go cut the trash compactor 
Me: *goes and eats haggis and makes a heck ton of cookies*
stuff from Nancy’s notes:
“as much as I love reading Mom’s emails... I guess it’s selfish, but I wish she would have been writing about me or Dad.”
“My code name is Kestrel! Cool.”
she wonders why there were so few people involved in the colony operation, and that she only is seeing the “tip of the iceberg”
Nancy is worried they are using her...sorry hon they are
“seeing bagpipes” is fun to nancy lol
all this talk about a long-term plan makes me think HeR was DEF planning to have a sequel to this game
I ship Nedcy for this game only 
but then I think about how Frank would act in these times....Imagine if she asked the boys to break into her house lolllllll
okay but this game is so freaky and you don’t know who to trust having Ned around is actually really nice
hey. So do you think Cathedral kidnapped Moira? 
Im sorry but Ned and Nancy’s whole convo about Bridget just makes it sound like Nancy doesn’t realize Bridget is hitting on her
sooooo what’s up with the weird fonts on the note in Alec’s seat loool
ha. I remember my mind being BLOWN by the change in Bridget’s voice the first time
Ned knows he can’t stop Nancy so he’ll do what he can to help
“She called me because she knows my faith in her is stronger than my fear for her”
“sure thing Mr. Drew. Sorry I burgled your house.”
I REALLY wanna know how Carson caught him looool
the reason Ewan doesn’t find anything on Alec or Zoe is not because he’s dumb but because he’s lying
Penny saw them AR glasses of Zoe’s and had an idea
Ewan: “you may want to ease up on the stealing.”
Dude. We’ve been trying to tell her this for YEARS. It’s a problem
hey at least Zoe cares enough to tell you
I bet Nancy feels a lot like Harry Potter rn
so I never got the convo with Zoe and Nancy where Nancy wants to help and shes like nO
basically Zoe says “Two reasons I work in the field- one, I work alone. two, no one would miss me if I would go off the grid. That’s not the same for you”
I mean one that is true but it makes me sad about Zoe :((((((
so this may be a similar problem to Nedcy, but what about Ned and Zoe O.o
I also saw some people shipping Joe and Zoe
send me your Zoe ships I am here for them
HA zoe just called Nancy a tool
Okay I’m stopping for now cuz I have a headache haha. I need blue light glasses
Plus my computer needs charged so 
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familylightfox · 4 years
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@spinblue​ asked: ‘ hc ‘ + power; ‘ hc ‘ + promises; ‘ hc ‘ + trust; ‘ hc ‘ + loyalty; ‘ hc ‘ + music; ‘ hc ‘ + sacrifice; ‘ hc ‘ + exploration; ‘ hc ‘ + dreams; ‘ hc ‘ + tears;
                              Headcanon Hype: Accepting
‘ hc ‘ + power;
When it comes to power, Volt and Harmony aren’t really all that interested in getting anymore than they already have. Volt has seen first hand what power can do to someone and he’s not about to go down that road himself, even if his wereform can sometimes have a moment or two when he’s lost control of himself. 
In terms of their powers and abilities. Volt is stronger than he looks. Might not be able to lift a bus one handed like Harmony, but he can be a heavy hitter (especially if he uses his cybernetic). Most also want to watch out with his kinesis because he can use it to stop someone’s heart.
Harmony is a bit of a powerhouse on her own. She has speed and strength to back up that claim, but she’s also still learning how best to control it. The fact that she’s 10 also means that she has a long more growth as well. 
‘ hc ‘ + promises;
Oh geez. Promises are something extremely important to both Volt and Harmony. If they make you a promise, come hell or high water, they are never going to break it. Just like if you make a promise to Harmony, she is going to hold you to it. The last time a promise was broken to her, was one that she will likely never forget and it sometimes still haunts her.
‘ hc ‘ + trust;
Both of them are very trusting and they’re willing to give everyone a chance. There’s a few that are not privy to this though. Eggman being the number one, never going to get either hybrid’s trust no matter what. Naugus is another. 
Anyone else though, they’re willing to give a chance and those closest to them... They’ll trust those people with their lives and it acts in reverse as well. Anyone who has their trust can be sure that they will always have their back. 
‘ hc ‘ + loyalty;
So in the same vein as trust, you can bet that anyone who has managed to gain Volt and Harmony’s trust, has also gained their loyalty. 
‘ hc ‘ + music;
Both LOVE music. Anything with a good beat will get them moving and as the saying goes: Sometimes you just gotta dance like no one is watching. Now they do have some favorites in terms of genre. Volt likes dubstep, electronica and such, but he also enjoys metal, rock and some blends of the different types. Harmony is a fan of very upbeat music like chiptunes, but she also enjoys rock and dubstep. Like I said, as long as it’s got a beat they can dance to, they love it.
‘ hc ‘ + sacrifice;
Volt’s first ever friend (and later lover) that he met after escaping from The G.U.N research facility sacrificed themself to save him from an attack by Shadow and Omega. I mean what?
Honestly, though, Volt would not think twice about sacrificing himself if it meant saving someone he cared about. And the worst part of it is that Harmony knows he would and it scares her to think about.
‘ hc ‘ + exploration;
They’re always exploring. One of the perks of living out of a tent and whatever they can carry in their backpacks. From their own Zone to others out in the multiverse, Volt and Harmony don’t really sit still for long. Some of that is from the years that Volt traveled by himself from place to place for years, never really settling down. Harmony loves it because there is always so much to see and do, always something to explore. If they did ever settle down, it’s likely only going to be so they have a place to keep all the items they collected in their travels.
‘ hc ‘ + dreams;
A lot of Volt’s dreams are nightmares, mostly memories of his past that instead of actually working out and recovering from, he just pushed them to the back of his mind. Or they’re his worst fears realized so he doesn’t get a whole lot of sleep, but he makes it seem like he does for Harmony’s sake. Since she usually is using his chest as a pillow. 
Harmony’s dreams are usually fun and happy. Mostly about being a Freedom Fighter like she still wants to be when she grows up. Now that she is older, she is called a Freedom Fighter in Training, so now most of her dreams of the adventures she’s going to be able to go on. 
‘ hc ‘ + tears;
To put this as simply as I possibly can... You do NOT want to bring Harmony to tears. Not only is she going to give whoever made her cry a solid punch to the crotch, but there’s an entire line of people that are going to be behind her that want a piece of that person’s hide.
Meanwhile, Volt tends to wear his heart on his sleeve, so he can occasionally get emotional. He doesn’t believe that whole policy of ‘boys never cry’ and has been known to have tears of joy often. Although in the same as with Harmony, making him cry is probably not the best idea, cuz she’s going to hit whoever did it.
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cheetahleopard · 5 years
Hello! I made a 25 songs-long playlist of soukoku songs! It tracks the progression of their dynamic in the fic I have planned! See below the cut for the song list in order and the reason for their placement~ Feel free to send in asks about the fic, this playlist mostly tracks Chuuya’s perspective
Thank God That I’m Not You- The Himalayas 
 “I'm such a sinner/Yeah have been since birth/...But I could be so much worse/Oooo oooo/Thank God I'm not you” Young Soukoku’s feelings about each other
Worst in Me- Unlike Pluto
“Playing games from the start/Sinking your nails in my heart/You bring out the worst in me/Nothing, no nothing can change you/I decided to play when I knew you were fire” Chuuya’s view of Dazai as they grow
Devil’s Backbone- The Civil Wars
“Don't care if he's guilty, don't care if he's not/He's good and he's bad and he's all that I've got/Oh Lord, Oh Lord, I'm begging you please/Don't take that sinner from me” Dazai’s feelings when Chuuya is in the hospital after the first use of Corruption since Chuuya became Arahabaki- realizes he’s in love
I Feel Like I’m Drowning- Two Feet
“My life's okay/Just when you're not around me/My life's okay/I feel like I'm drowning/I'm drowning/You're holding me down” Chuuya pretending that life without Dazai is easier- the thought of Dazai holds him down
Dangerous (feat. Joywave)- Big Data
“You understand, I got a plan for us/I bet you didn't know that I was dangerous/It must be fate, I found a place for us/I bet you didn't know that someone could love you this much” Dazai’s thoughts after Chuuya fully recovers
Despicable- Grandson
“The goodbye is the hardest part/When we find ourselves back at the start/...One day you will understand/Why I pushed you away as I am/And you will find a better man than I am/Trust, I'm doing you a favor, doing you a favor” Dazai’s thoughts after Oda dies, about himself and his direction in life. A bit of foreshadowing of Chuuya later understanding he does better and is a better man w the ADA
Grenade- Bruno Mars
“Yes I would die for you, baby/But you won't do the same” Chuuya realizes Dazai left the mafia. Chuuya interprets that he cared for Oda more than he cared for Chuuya
I Feel Like I’m Drowning- Two Feet
“My life's okay/Just when you're not around me/My life's okay/I feel like I'm drowning/I'm drowning/You're holding me down” Chuuya pretending that life without Dazai is easier- the thought of Dazai holds him down
my boy- Billie Eilish
“My boy/Don't love me like he promised/...My boy/He ain't a man, and sure as hell ain't honest” Chuuya beginning to accept that Dazai betrayed them (he isn’t sure if “them” is the mafia or himself)
Every Lie- My Darkest Days
“Trying to undo the love that I'm tied to/Who haven't you lied to?” Chuuya trying to untangle his feelings about both Dazai and Dazai’s betrayal
Learning to Hate You as a Self-Defense Mechanism- Flatsound
“You were always a shitty friend/And you would leave when I got sick/You never called me on my birthday/I want to call you on your birthday/So I'll hold on to this feeling/I'll hold on to this hate/For as long as I need/For it to help me” Chuuya lying to himself about his true feelings about Dazai. He convinces himself he hates Dazai and throws himself whole-heartedly into the feeling
Wish You Never Met Me- Papa Roach
“I am just giving up us” Chuuya subconsciously crying over Dazai’s leaving and refusing to admit it because he wouldn’t miss Dazai, after all, he (convinced himself he) hated Dazai
State of My Head- Shinedown
“Oh, our flag is tattered/And our bones are shattered/But it doesn't matter/'Cause we're movin' forward” Chuuya continues moving forward and pushing himself even as it hurts
Gravity- Hollywood Undead
“I think of you now and then/The memories never end when/Gravity pulls you in/...Now I'm sitting, wishing that/Wishing I could just go back/I was happy with no fame” Chuuya starts flirting with using Corruption and just letting go.
Darkside- Shinedown
“Because you're in deep, resisting repeats/Face forward and don't come unhinged/I've got the actors and all these bastards/That took all the fun out of rage and revenge/Don't be so quick to judge, reign havok from above” Chuuya is at the point where he has to resist Corruption everytime he uses his gift, and it’s wearing on him
Bury Me Face Down- grandson
“I won't go quietly, I'm bringin' my crown/When I go into the ground/Oh, they gotta bury me, bury me face down” Chuuya fights and fights Corruption and now it seems that’s all he does
Best Friend to Enemy- 78rpm
“Best friend to enemy/That's what you are to me/...Used to speak ten times a day/Now I don't give a damn what you say/Everything said without a word” Chuuya finds out Dazai’s alive
I Hate Everything About You- Three Days Grace
“I hate/You hate/I hate/You love me/I hate everything about you/Why do I love you” Chuuya fights with the feelings he buried and never got over, especially after Dazai reveals he’s loved Chuuya all along
Very Good Bad Thing- Mother Mother
“Try to get out but we just keep stickin' around/Cuz it is a very good bad thing we've found.” Chuuya and Dazai talk- Chuuya finds that Dazai’s betrayal of the mafia changed him for the better
I Only Lie When I Love You- Royal Blood
“I only lie when I love you/I only crawl when I hit the ground” Chuuya fights against his love for Dazai returning- even as he can tell it’s a healthier love than before
I Almost Told You I Love You- Papa Roach
“I almost told you that I loved you/Thank God I didn't 'cause it would have been a lie” Chuuya’s feelings get stronger, and he nearly blurts out that he loves Dazai on a joint mission and he denies it in his head even more vehemently after that, even as he starts to accept it
Irresistible- temposhark
“Bad and wrong but love don't get any better/Dress undone you're still my favorite taboo, whoo-oo/You and me are irresistible/You and me are indestructible” Chuuya feels himself draw into the old patterns with Dazai- the banter and the feeling of working together... but he half-fears-half-anticipates it’ll turn into a toxic partnership again
Stripped- Depeche Mode
“Let me see you/Stripped down to the bone/Let me hear you/Make decisions” Chuuya and Dazai talk after Chuuya gives into new fears and old temptations and uses corruption before Dazai arrives at the scene. It’s a very deep talk about all of Chuuya’s fears, Dazai’s true feelings, and their formal confession.
Au Volant- Elsa & Emilie
“I got my mind set on the sunny place/Where we can rest our case/I got my mind set on the sunset/Where we can go and push reset/And call it off” Part of the conversation, where Dazai reminisces about how they used to be. How bad the environment was for him and how toxic their relationship would have been for them then.
Fool- Cavetown
“I am just a fool to keep on chasing after nothing great/You are just a fool to keep pretending that you're loving me/I don't know where I'm supposed to go” Part of the conversation, where Chuuya talks about how bad those in-between years were, how hard it was to keep corruption at bay
Feel Invincible- Skillet
“Hey, hey, hey when I need to be saved/You're making me strong, you're making me stand/Never will fall, never will end/Shot like a rocket up into the sky/Nothing could stop me tonight/You make me feel invincible” Chuuya and Dazai now know where they stand, and do their best to support each other, and doubleblack rises again, better than ever- and they’re proud to know that shin soukoku has grown as well
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princess-josie-riki · 6 years
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Day 14 of Murine Halloween, featuring Werner Werman (Cuphead) as a ghost (Halloween mode). I'm the dancing Demon Watch me twirl and hop and spin I'm quick to give a smile But I won't forget your sins Hahahahaha Ah ah ah! The wonders of imagination Welcome home dear friend How long we've all been waiting Let's create a masterpiece, breathe life into your dreams! All you gotta do is start up the machine I'm the product of an artist Whose creations bring delight Upon this somber threshold Imagination comes to life Just free yourself from reason Soon you'll see in black and white Call me a seed of evil But what's that mean If I'm conceived within your mind? Leaking from the ceiling Ink is bleeding through the lines Is that your heart that's beating Or illusion you're alive? Collect what's necessary Keep appeasing the divines It's me you should be believing Cuz he's deceiving you with lies Holy Conniption - has it been thirty years? It appears Mickey Mouse might've been murdered here Lifeless pie-cut eyes - I have learned to fear Kinda reminds me why I quit workin' here Why did I come, lemme go home, I should be leavin' Whatever happened, don't wanna know What are these demons? Guess If I gotta be stuck here Then I might as well investigate Secrets are unlocking - but too bad the exit ain't Despite this mask of happiness I drown in dark despair The world may be your canvas What you paint on it, beware! The pen is mightier than the sword It has no limitation Don't refrain, this ink will stain And nothing can erase us now Can you describe the face you saw? Could it be one you recognize? We'd never harm the hand that draws Imagination cursed us all with life Shamed and defaced Scathed and disgraced Tainted by hatred And can't be erased Creators betrayed us We've got it on tape We've written your fate And it can't be erased I was not always a monster Once I was somebody's muse Innovation made us stronger But that power was abused The machine is thumping And the ink is pumping Now you need to run Because the demon's coming I really need help, someone send a telegram I'm surrounded by upside-down pentagrams I don't have a guide Just little bit of candlelight With an axe that I don't know how to handle right That little devil darlin's on a lot of reels Long as he's on one, he cannot be real Stop the projectors, Bendy's off his reel Got a feeling he and Joey got a deal An unholy bargain, a demonic seal With a master plan, that I must reveal Won't be long till this ink's all congealed Upon my body, head to toe all concealed But a little bit of bleach should do the trick I'll never watch another damn cartoon - I quit! Look at you, you're scared of a moving pic Hey Bendy, how'd you get that tutu to fit? I'm blinded by this evil growing My heart is full of people-loathing With secrets that I keep from showing I am the wolf in sheepish clothing Flood the shop, with ink a-flowing Push it to the brink of blowing We hope you don't think of going Weigh you down to keep from floating Come with me, we'll bring you Joey You'll be kept from being lonely Kicking, screaming, sinking slowly Give your soul, it's what you owe me Shamed and defaced Scathed and disgraced Tainted by hatred And can't be erased Creators betrayed us We've got it on tape We've written your fate And it can't be erased ~ Can't Be Erased (JT Machinima) In this pic, Werner's ghost is rising from the ink, looking completely terrifying. This drawing is a homage to the horror game, Bendy and the Ink Machine. I own nothing but the artwork and idea.
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mygiantesslove · 6 years
Christmas Eve at My Cousins Feet
Unknowingly Captured
December 27th 7:58 am
The shoes you were in were your big sis's buffalo sneakers, so unless someone else decided to wear her shoes you were pretty sure you were about to be flattened underneath your older sisters bare sole. It was so much longer and wider than Bianca's sole but it lost that cute appeal your younger cousins foot had. In less than 2 seconds Jennifer finished inserting her foot into its shoe home and walked upstairs.
Bianca was so busy texting and playing Line Rider that she never even noticed her older cousin put on the shoes you were inside of until she walked back up the stairs. Bianca's eyes widened with both surprise and fear and she said
"Oh crap! Jake was in those shoes! What am I going to do? What am I going to do? If Jennifer finds him she might try to grow him back to normal and then I'll be in deep shit if my parents found out that I'm the one who shrunk him. I gotta get him back somehow?"
(Recap on Jennifer. She's Very skinny but she has DD breast size and you think they might have grown to DDD over the course of the last few days.  How they expanded that much in such a short amount of time is a mystery to you.  Her butt isn't too big, but she still has a perfect sized, round booty.  Very tall with an average tan and her brown hair goes all the way down her back. Doesn't like to wash her clothes and loves the snow. Not the cheerleader type, kind of sporty, but now lounges around the house a lot. Good natured and gentle at heart. If she found you she would help you grow back to your original size.)
Bianca ran upstairs but didn't see her busty relative anywhere.  She looked in her room, but it was empty. Then she heard the car start in the garage and looked out the window to see her aunt's car pulling out of the driveway.
Jennifer walked out to the entrance to the Garage and got into her parent's car.  Today she would be spending the day at the shopping outlets trying on new lingerie and blouses. All the while she would have you under her foot smelling her feet and she would never know she was trapping her little brother under her moist sole. That is not until she came back home.
It was weird being underneath your older sisters feet. They didn't Look the same as Bianca's.  They didn't Smell the same as Bianca's. They didn't Feel the same as Bianca's either.  Jennifers' feet were much larger from her toes down to her heels. They also had a different smell to them. Not bad but.....different. The skin on her foot was also a little bit rougher. Bianca's feet were the perfect size for a females foot, had a more desirable aroma and her skin was oh so soft. You hated to admit it, but you missed Bianca's feet. But you didn't want to think like that anymore. Now that there was a chance of freedom, you had to make yourself think like a normal person again and focus on happy thoughts like your big sis finding you and unshrinking you somehow?
The whole day went by with Jennifer and her new comfy insole in her buffalo sneakers while Bianca sat nervously at home and worried that her cuz might've have found her shrunken sibling and already brought him to the Hospital or the Police. It was the loneliest her feet had ever been since the day before Christmas.
December 27th 4:02 pm
At the end of the day, Jennifer returned to her Aunts house with you still securely underneath the ball of her foot. since Jennifer's feet had sweat more than Bianca's this was easily you're worst experience underneath a lady's foot. Jen noticed there was something in her shoe and was eager to get upstairs to check it out. She went to the bathroom so she wouldn't be disturbed and took off her buffalo sneakers and emptied it out over the sink. If you had fallen out you would've fallen down the drain and then no one would've found you. Fortunately, her foot sweat caused you to stick to her insole and she was having a hard time trying to shake you out of her shoe.
"Dammit!  Why won't this thing come out?  It felt so good I want to know what it is?"
With one final shake, the sweat that glued you to her shoe separated from you and her insole and you were finally free from her footwear. But now you were careening head first into two round globes and you really hoped you weren't gonna take another trip inside her asscrack. Luckily, you had avoided another date with her anus and instead had fallen into her bosom. Her cleavage seemed like a welcome change compared to all the other places you had been In and On your family's bodies. Jennifers tits were so huge she didn't even notice or feel your minuscule body enter her bra and then being squeezed between her massive melons. She walked out of the room with her younger brother being crushed by her boobs, while Bianca hurried in the bathroom to look for missing footslave in her cousin's sneakers.
"No, where'd he go? Did Jennifer find him already? If she found him then she's gonna tell my mom and dad. But why didn't she scream when she saw her sibling shrunken so small? Maybe she didn't find him yet or maybe he's still stuck on her body somewhere. I better go check it out."
Jennifer sat down at the kitchen table and started to make herself a sandwich and a little snack. Meanwhile, Bianca was spying on her elder cousin from the hallway and you were still being smashed between her breasts, but slowly making progress in escaping your titty torment. Somehow you had made your way to her nipple and thought of pinching them, but more then likely Jennifer would smack her boob first and you would be splattered all over her areola. Eventually, you slipped out of her cleavage, down her chest and slid down her stomach. You grabbed onto her belly button before you fell into her panties because if you had gone down there you were sure to have slipped inside her pussy somehow? You've already had your fill of being shoved into women's vagina's now was the time to play it safe in Jennifer's abdomen. Burrowing into your sister's navel you think on how to get her attention. But there's always that weird voice in your head that says
"Stay as Bianca's foot slave. You'll never be found by your family. They don't even love you. Why do you think they haven't searched for you yet? It's much safer going back to serving your teenage cousins feet. She deserves to be treated like a goddess."
Even though you were starting to like becoming your cousins footslave, the main reason why you did it was to not go crazy from being owned by a spoiled teenage brat. You had to admit the smell of her feet was getting nicer, but you wanted to live a normal life and go to college next semester.
5 minutes inside the cavern of your sister's belly button had gotten you no ideas and that voice was getting stronger. From outside the bottom of her sweater, the kitchen counter below looked pretty close and you jumped out of her shirt and hoped to get her attention while she was making her lunch. You fell about 10 meters (Your POV) before bracing yourself for a hard landing. What you thought was going to be a knee shattering experience was actually a pleasant splash into a wet, gooey blob. It was a pinkish purple color and the circular walls surrounding you were the purest white. From outside your plastic container, you looked up and saw Bianca approach Jennifer.
"Hey, Jenny. did you happen to feel ummmm....something strange under your foot when you left the house this morning?"
"Yeah, Why? What did you put in my shoes, you little twerp?"
"Oh uh, it wasn't on purpose! ya see I was walking past everyone's shoes with my favorite doll in my hand from when I was a child and I think I dropped it in someones shoe. I checked them all, even Trixie's blech, but the only ones that weren't there were your shoes, so I guess he, I mean it, fell inside your pair of buffaloes before you went out to the mall."
"Oh yeah. That's okay.  I thought I felt something pleasantly rubbing against my foot today.  Guess it was your kid's toy, but when I emptied out my shoe, nothing came out."
"Are you sure?"
Yeah, I'll show you. I emptied it out just like this." Jen picks up a closed bag of salad lettuce and imitates how she emptied her shoe right over her breasts.
"So you emptied it right over your boobs?"
"Hey, maybe it fell in there! I never notice what slips in and out of these hooters."
Jennifer pulled her shirt out and started to lift her breasts up and down and left and right, but no sign of Bianca's Boytoy was found. Out of desperation and thinking of the possibility that Jennifer was hiding her foot slave on her, Bianca took drastic measures and stuck her hand down the busty brunette's shirt.
"Hey get your hand out of there!  I already told you it's not there. Hey, let go of that."
While you watched the hot scene unfold before your very eyes, you barely noticed that the yogurt cup you were in was slowly sliding away from the two bickering girls.
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vera-invenire · 6 years
VnC Liveblog - Chapter 4
.All chapter liveblogs are linked HERE.
The Case Study of Vanitas, aka, It’s Probably A Really Bad Idea To Get Into  Fights With People Called ‘Hellfire Witch’, Boys, I’m Just Saying
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Not much to note in the cover art this time -- we’ve got Vanitas’ standard imagery in blues and blacks, with emphasis on the hourglass earring and his eyes. And the gears, through after the airship we haven’t really had much else that was very steampunk-ish in the story. Maybe that’ll change in later chapters.
Re: the eyes -- we know that most vampires have eyes that glow red when they drink or use their powers (I think that’s how it works?) and they have a link to the crimson moon, but Vanitas is human, so even though he’s got a connection to the Vampire of the Blue Moon, his blue eyes might just be a coincidence. (re: for the  a e s t h e t i c) (though the color matching with that hourglass is a bit suspect on the symbolic level, so who knows)
We get a bit of a peak at the dynamics in Dante’s crew before we jump back into the action --
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Johann is very camp. I wonder if the matching suits were his idea. I like his relationship with Dante, though. Riche seems to be their junior member -- at least Johann is looking out for her.
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Uh-oh. Luca’s heading back into the fray.
Chapter title: Memoire 4 Love Femme Fatale
Well, ‘femme fatale’ is Jeanne, that’s pretty clear. But ‘love’? Eh? Are we introducing a romance? Or is this the protective love between Jeanne and Luca?
So, Jeanne’s chasing Noé down the back-alleys of the -- was it the riverfront district? Warehouses, we’re surrounded by warehouses.
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She catches his foot!
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Noé intercepts! \o/
(’may i throw you back’, pfff)
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But Vanitas is no slouch himself, even if he is back to being carried like a kitten.
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We already knew that Vanitas was aware of Jeanne’s reputation, but this exchange makes me think he knows a bit more than surface level rumors. But he doesn’t seem up-to-date with the no-killing influence Luca has on her.
Vanitas tells Noé to follow the plan (which we are not privy to) as Jeanne finds them again.
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'No’, ‘I refuse’, must be Noé‘s favorite words, he says them so much.
(Can you imagine baby Noé just constantly saying ‘i refuse. i refuse.’ all serious-like whenever someone tried to make him put down his blankie, cuz I’m imagining it, lmao.)
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Note: Noé‘s teacher is a scary badass. (also what’s he holding? a cane? a switch?? oi, what was Noé‘s training like)
Meanwhile, Noé feels like he’s finally getting the upper-hand --
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Pride goeth, etc etc
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*sports announcer voice* That’s gotta hurt.
But why’s he looking at his hand? I didn’t notice him holding anything before.
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“Now... let’s see.” He and Vanitas still have a plan to enact. Also, hi Riche!
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So we haven’t had much time with these three yet, but I’m starting to get a feel for their priorities. Dante would never, ever in a million years admit to anything like fondness for Vanitas, or vice versa, but underneath all the mutual sniping I think there’s a small bond there. A teeny tiny one.
Whereas with Johann -- he honestly doesn’t care about Vanitas one way or another. If V were to be killed in front of them, I think Dante would be shocked and frozen for at least a second while Johann would say, ‘welp, it’s been a lark, toodle-loo’, grab his Two People, and get them all the hell out of there, not bothering to look back.
Riche, I don’t know enough about yet. She mostly registers to me as the rookie of this trio, tbh.
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Yes, antagonize the massively powerful warrior who just threw Noé through a brick wall. That’s a good plan. (is this the plan, that would be a terrible plan)
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Ooo, history, I love history. I especially love MochiJun’s history and how layered and batshit it can get once the reveals start to hit.
So the vampire-human war happened a long time ago -- how long ago, we don’t know. We know that BlueVampire!Vanitas was alive during that time. We know that Jeanne was alive during that time, but was then put asleep.
(Why? Some thoughts: she was a weapon of war and put away when peace came; she went off the rails and had to be subdued; her being put asleep was a condition of some kind; she wanted to be put under, etc. There’s no way to know what really happened yet, but it’s interesting to think about.)
We also now know that BlueVampire!Vanitas used to tell Vanitas stories about the war that clearly didn’t leave out many details. But that wording...honestly, it sounds like maybe Vanitas was a kid when he heard this? Telling stories is something you usually do with a kid, which might make sense because.human!Vanitas doesn’t look that old. Anything that happened more than a few years ago would slide into ‘kid’ territory.
Which makes me wonder...did BlueVampire!Vanitas raise human!Vanitas? Or teach him, at least? I’d be a neat parallel to Noé and his teacher.
(what if they’re the same person, bwahahaha)
Anyway, back to Vanitas taunting the highly aggravated weapon of mass destruction.
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Oooo, he’s about to pull out a special move. And he -- dropped the book?
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is that thing really there, or is it, like, symbolic
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oh shi-
The gloves are literally about to come off...!
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That kid’s got horrible timing.
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Ohoho, someone woke up from their nap. Was this part of the plan or is it an interesting complication?
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...IT WAS A TRICK, you sly dog.
also vampires are monsters, huh? or just curse-bearers and bourreaus? i think this distinction may be a biiiiit important. (is this why you’re always so shocked when Noé does/says something decent, oh boy)
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LMAO, oh god, I hope this Greek chorus follows Vanitas around all the time just to drag him, wouldn’t that be amazing
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Damn, boy -- he really knows how to work the superior disdain, doesn’t he?
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I’m still shaky on how these true names work. Do vampires just fall into types, and that’s what gets warped? You’d think something called a ‘true name’ would be more individual than that.
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Oi, Jeanne, you aren’t watching? Though I like Dante being all, ‘whatever, I’ve seen this show before.’
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ahahaha, OOPS.
That’s what happens when you let your grandstanding get away from you, bb.
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oh hey, look who was lurking nearby and NOT HELPING AT ALL.
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“...you must be joking.” in this kind of context is like, one of my favorite lines.
Also damn, Jeanne is a badass.
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Yeah, saw that coming.
She really shouldn’t have let Vanitas see how distracted she became when Luca wandered into danger.
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*snorts* The Greek chorus doesn’t lie.
It’s a bluff, though; no way would Noé agree to harming the kid.
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oh my god.
(”don’t forget to cover his mouth as you would a hostage, like so” akfdsajkfhkjf)
Noé, you are too innocent, too pure.
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And she folds like a house of cards.
I don’t think even Vanitas expected this plan to work so well.
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Oh, a little bit of crazy eyes there. This is gonna be a Thing, isn’t it? Vanitas, who, as far as we know, owes his loyalty to nothing and no one uses this to kick Jeanne while she’s down.
Heh, wonder what’s gonna happen when Vanitas finds something he wants to protect.
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That is definitely a plotting look in his eye. He just saw how to use this to his advantage.
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1. um what
2. hey, is this the first time we’ve seen him bare handed? It’s nice to know he doesn’t have actual claws under those gloves.
3. speaking of which, is that ‘my strength is suddenly gone’ bit because there IS something magic-related about his hands, or is she just in shock?
4. that is a very unnerving look. Vanitas, what are you doing
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...holy crap, whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat??
Vanitas what are you doing
Shit, this is why the chapter was called “Love Femme Fatale”, oh geez.
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dante, why do you look the most freaked out out of everyone?
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Alright, I know Vanitas has been set up as being utterly unscrupulous, what with the lying and taking a little boy as a hostage and using a bloodthirsty monster to do his dirty work, etc, but seriously, someone needs to introduce him to the tenants of the #metoo campaign. Sure, fine, she tried to kill him two minutes ago, but this feels like a line too far.
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Yeah, this ain’t real. The disdain, the fear, the calculation from before -- that was genuine. This is another bluff.
And I think I know why he’s doing it. Fighting Jeanne made it very clear that she is waaaaay out of his league, strength-wise. He only won through guile, and it’s a trick that might not work again. This woman has a well-earned, blood-soaked reputation, and she was gonna walk away from this fight seeing Vanitas as an enemy to herself and Luca.
But Vanitas saw her weakness -- she lets her bonds with those she cares about distract her. She’s a killer, but she’s sentimental. Emotional.
So, if you’re Vanitas, how do you deal with this, knowing that Jeanne the Hellfire Witch might become a problem for you down the line? How do you plan to defeat a potential foe who is so much stronger than you, someone you could never hope to defeat in a fair fight?
Apparently, if you’re Vanitas, you try to seduce them.
Even if the actual seduction part doesn’t work, you can still mess with her head just enough to make her confused, maybe make her a little more likely to hesitate when it’s time for the gauntlet to finally come down.
And a split-second’s hesitation could be all Vanitas would need to make his counter.
(sidenote: i still think it’s  h i l a r i o u s  that Dante is the most outraged about all this kissing and love declaration stuff. Noé apparently can’t hear any of this at all, which I think is very convenient. We don’t get to see his reaction to this kind of game until later, apparently.)
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Uh-oh. Looks like this kid is powerful and very, very pissed.
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“A large-scale “formula” revision” mmhmm, okay, what’s that supposed to mean? Am I getting an explanation for the magic system yet?
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Looks like it’s not just Luca keeping Jeanne from going off the rails -- she does the same for him.
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Look at that. She’s throwing death threats but now she’s blushing, she sure as hell wouldn’t have been blushing before he kissed her, the stupid plan is working.
And honestly, aggravation and confusion are probably going to work better than actual tender feelings in this seduction. He’s going to play this role to the goddamn hilt.
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Look at that face, the jerk.
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Alright, that’s a better face.
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Noé has no idea what he’s getting into, the poor soul.
(he didn’t have much of a presence in this chapter, did he. maybe Jeanne is mostly going to be a Vanitas subplot instead of a Vanitas-and-Noé subplot)
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Apparently we’ve traded one killer on the streets for another. And even more intriguing -- he recognized this killer. ‘Course, now he’s dead, so I don’t know how useful that’s gonna be.
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Whimsical creature of darkness! I did not miss you.
The true threat is revealed with a name -- “Charlatan”. But, you know --
(Charlatan: a person who falsely pretends to know or be something.)
-- which makes me think there’s proooobably something else behind this guy. He is a fake, after all. (Though, hey, ‘charlatan’ is a nice contrast with Vanitas the doctor, don’t you think.)
That’s all for chapter 4! What a night, eh?
Next, CHAPTER 5.
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archived1234-blog · 6 years
[Intro] I'm the dancing demon Watch me twirl and hop and spin I'm quick to give a smile But I won't forget your sins Hahahahaha Ah ah ah! The wonders of imagination Welcome home dear friend How long we've all been waitin' Let's create a masterpiece, breathe life into your dreams! All you gotta do is start up the machine! [Verse 1] I'm the product of an artist Whose creations bring delight Upon this somber threshold Imagination comes to life Just free yourself from reason Soon you'll see in black and white Call me a seed of evil But what's that mean If I'm conceived within your mind? Leaking from the ceiling Ink is bleeding through the lines Is that your heart that's beating Or illusion you're alive? Collect what's necessary Keep appeasing the divines It's me you should be believing Cuz he's deceiving you with lies Holy Conniption - has it been thirty years? It appears Mickey Mouse might've been murdered here Lifeless pie-cut eyes - I have learned to fear Kinda reminds me why I quit workin' here Why did I come, lemme go home, I should be leavin' Whatever happened, don't wanna know What are these demons? Guess If I gotta be stuck here Then I might as well investigate Secrets are unlocking - but too bad the exit ain't Despite this mask of happiness I drown in dark despair The world may be your canvas What you paint on it, beware! The pen is mightier than the sword It has no limitation Don't refrain, this ink will stain And nothing can erase us now Can you describe the face you saw? Could it be one you recognize? We'd never harm the hand that draws Imagination cursed us all with life [Hook] Shamed and defaced Scathed and disgraced Tainted by hatred And can't be erased Creators betrayed us We've got it on tape We've written your fate And it can't be erased [Verse 2] I was not always a monster Once I was somebody's muse Innovation made us stronger But that power was abused The machine is thumping And the ink is pumping Now you need to run Because the demon's coming I really need help, someone send a telegram I'm surrounded by upside-down pentagrams I don't have a guide Just little bit of candlelight With an axe that I don't know how to handle right That little devil darlin's on a lot of reels Long as he's on one, he cannot be real Stop the projectors, Bendy's off his reel Got a feeling he and Joey got a deal An unholy bargain, a demonic seal With a master plan, that I must reveal Won't be long till this ink's all congealed Upon my body, head to toe all concealed But a little bit of bleach should do the trick I'll never watch another damn cartoon - I quit! Look at you, you're scared of a moving pic Hey Bendy, how'd you get that tutu to fit? I'm blinded by this evil growing My heart is full of people-loathing With secrets that I keep from showing I am the wolf in sheepish clothing Flood the shop, with ink a-flowing Push it to the brink of blowing We hope you don't think of going Weigh you down to keep from floating Come with me, we'll bring you Joey You'll be kept from being lonely Kicking, screaming, sinking slowly Give your soul, it's what you owe me [Hook] Shamed and defaced Scathed and disgraced Tainted by hatred And can't be erased Creators betrayed us We've got it on tape We've written your fate And it can't be erase
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