#I am not counting on anything but
eachuisge-cc · 7 months
......... cat dick....... is working??
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feuilletoniste · 8 months
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cthulhum · 1 month
does anyone realize how crazy it is to have the actor of a mostly headcanoned queer ship say the fans were never crazy and they were right all along after 10+ years of everyone just absolutely going nuts over the said queerbaited ship
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chlorophyllium · 9 months
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ley-med · 1 month
Welp. Things get weird with the anesthesia department from time to time. Today a patient, left unsupervised for 5 whole minutes in their surgical ward, chewed their central line out...
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girlboyburger · 2 months
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i heard you folks might like fluttershy? 🦋
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egophiliac · 9 months
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just thinking about hair and faces
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miguxadraws · 2 months
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something awful (Not the forum)
@spitinsideme i'm sorry
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hellenhighwater · 15 days
when you went to law school, did you only have a bachelors in graphic design? i heard you could only do lawschool if you already did university and got a degree. i’ve been interested in law for years but the length of time and price threw me way off. im 23 now and just starting in an engineering degree and now im second guessing myself again 😭
I feel like maybe I'm not following this ask precisely, but yeah, I had a double-major Bachelor of Fine Arts when I went to law school. In most states of the US, you need some kind of bachelor's degree to apply to law school, and you get a Juris Doctor at the end of it. If you then also pass the Bar Exam, and pass the character & fitness review, and the Professional Responsibility exam, then you're licensed to practice law and can call yourself an attorney.
Some attorneys go back and get legal Master's degrees, but it's not a prereq for the JD and is usually more about specialization than anything else. Most people do not start their JD with a Master's.
So if your engineering degree is a Bachelor's, not an Associate's, then yeah, you could go to law school afterwards if you did well on the law school entry exam, which is called the LSAT. The Bachelor's doesn't have to be in prelaw necessarily, it can be whatever.
Also, it's not unusual for people to add "lawyer" as a new thing on top of an existing career. Because the field is so broad and touches so many areas of expertise, many people chose to go to law school after working in an industry and deciding they want to also practice law in relation to that field. It's not a bad thing to put the Bachelor's degree to work for a while before deciding if you want to do the law thing.
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yudol-skorbi · 11 months
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well i could not left Tary out
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stuckinapril · 3 months
Something so ineffable about exhaustion that comes not from a lack of sleep but from a lack of rest
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carpetbug · 3 days
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fanart I drew of multimouse dying in a glue trap
inspired by x
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oldscythe · 1 year
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“but why me? am i that easy to mimic?!” yes, yuri, you are. you see, he knows your bright eyes and that sharpened furrow of the brow when your rage knows no bounds. he’s familiar with the black silk that drapes your face and your narrow, sloped nose. the slight elven ears, the tight-lipped smile, the faint curve of your mouth. the intensity. he knows you because he knows her. whether our master of a thousand faces cares to accept it, you’re family because she’s family. we all accurately mimic those whom we love.
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essektheylyss · 1 year
The Critical Role team dunamantic diviners have spoken!
In honor of the occasion, have a poll, because why not really.
There are no direct quotes from the end of 97 and no 140/141 moments because we'd be here all goddamn day. Also, you can take this old uquiz I made like three years ago if you'd like. :3 And I do in fact want to hear other great Essek moments in the tags!
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killerpancakeburger · 6 months
Attending a wizards soiree with Rolan headcanons - Angst Version
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Rolan is about to ask you to come with him when he stumbles upon you and one of your warlock/wizard/sorcerer (pick wattya want) friend asking you to come with him to said soiree.
Didn’t mean to listen to the conversation. Does it anyway when he realises what it's about/that he's been beaten to it.
Your nonchalant, sardonic reply breaks his heart a bit. "Why would I go to that stuck-ups gathering? It's going to be full of pompous jerks who like to listen to themselves talk all night. Hard pass." With a derisive laugh.
He goes back the way he came from, face unscrutable, resolutely determined to not mention it at all to you.
You notice his change of attitude - he's colder, less patient, snaps more easily - in the next days but despite racking your brain about it, you don't get where this is from. 
The evening of the event, he disappears and you go to his siblings for information. Awkward conversation ensues. 
"Have you seen Rolan?" "Well he's at his beloved wizards gathering obviously" "... what gathering?" "...you mean he didn’t tell you?" "Tell me what??" Cal and Lia exchange anxious, embarassed looks. Your worry and apprehension boil over. "What is it!?”
Once you wring the truth out of them, you pause for a moment, before remembering your conversation with your friend, and everything brutally makes sense. Welp, time to fix this mess.
You find a fancy outfit in a hurry and rush to the soiree in a panic, while still trying to look dignified.
You get pushed back at the entrance. Invitations only. You try your best to not cause a scene but it ends with the guard and you raising your voices high enough to be heard from the guests. You're considering knocking them out until Rolan shows up.
Of course he recognized your voice from afar. It's not like he had been spending the whole evening trying to keep you out of his mind. To no avail.
"They're with me." Crisis averted. Well, for now. You're in like you wanted but now it's time to face the music. Despite coming to your rescue, Rolan does not look happy.
"Why are you even here?" are the first words crossing his lips. His features are twisted in a scowl. Being familiar with his temper, you can tell that he's restraining himself from yelling.
You have to rein in your first instinct which is to snap back "Why do you think!?". Aggravating the situation is not why you came. You afford yourself the luxury of taking a deep breath to compose yourself.
"I came for you, of course." You stare directly into Rolan's gleaming eyes as you say those words, trying to convey your sincerity and your feelings through your gaze.
Rolan crosses his arms, still frowning. "Far be it from me to suggest you should waste your evening by spending it listening to pompous jerks who love the sound of their own voices."
You put your hands on your waist and raise a dubious eyebrow. "Come on Rolan, I was deliberately exaggerating to make my friend laugh. Surely you figured that out. Plus I distinctly remember all the times you complained about the wizards you interacted with, and how they drove you crazy with their contempt and their egoism."
The frown on his forehead progressively disappears, but his gaze becomes shifty, avoiding yours. "I... I suppose I fail to comprehend why you would have accepted my proposal when you declined his."
You open your eyes wide in suprise, then your shock makes way for understanding. "Oh, Rolan." you sigh with both endearment and annoyance, a fond smile stretching your lips.
"What", he retorts, crossing his arms again, but in a different way than earlier, akin to sulking. A light blush adorns his cheeks. He knows that smile of yours, and that tone. You're about to say something sappy.
You close the gap between the two of you, tenderly cupping his face with your hands - he makes no move to stop you. "Rolan, rolan, rolan. Is it so hard to believe that I would endure hours of nagging, self-important wizards just to make you happy? Just to spend time with you? I defied shadows in a cursed land to save your tail, I braved the army of an immortal man to free your family, and I slaughtered the so-called greatest wizard of the Sword Coast for daring to lay a hand on you, and you think I'm scared of a soiree?"
He closes his hands around your wrists, not to repel you, no, but to gain more contact with your skin. He's able to look you into the eye again. "I suppose... it does sound foolish when you put it this way."
At last, you both join the function, but not before you first reclaimed a kiss or two from Rolan, to make up for his coldness the last few days.
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yonpote · 1 month
ok its honestly hilarious how #for the fandometrics is now a secondary phan tag. like noooo other fandom is being like "guys im just tagging this ship for metrics okay!!!!" even other rpf ships arent doing all that 😭 we just have such bad phan-related trauma that we constantly have to be like "no no you guys its just a bit its for metrics i dont SHIP phan guys i swear its ironic its just a joke we're doing this as a joke"
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