#I am also just more of a friends person than a himym person
sammansonn · 1 year
I hate everything and everyone and I’m tired of everything
also I think ross geller gets too much hate btw I think he’s not a good boyfriend (but in slight defense of his jealousy and insecurity with rachel the only other woman he had loved at that point turned out to be a lesbian who was cheating on him so I do understand where his issues come from) but ross is actually quite a good friend and I think people are too harsh on him
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aryasnow · 5 months
tagged by @euphcme (thank you!! <3)
shuffle your ON REPEAT playlist and list the first 10 songs
(I am dreadful at actually putting songs in playlists so I just flipped around in my Liked Songs list and picked the first ones I landed on)
Can't Catch Me Now - Olivia Rodrigo
Jonathan Low - Vampire Weekend
Gypsy - Fleetwood Mac
Jenny of Oldstones - FATM
Should've Said No - Taylor Swift
Control - Halsey
Florida Kilos - Lana Del Rey
I Walk The Line - Johnny Cash
Walking in The Air - Nightwish
I'm Shipping Up To Boston - Dropkick Murphys
list your top 15 tv shows because it reflects your personality :P
(this is very much more of a Shows I Have Hyperfixated On At Some Point list rather than a Shows I Believe Are Genuinely Good list. Some ARE good. Others are abominable. I know what I'm about ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
Battlestar Galactica (2003)
The West Wing
Doctor Who
Sex and the City
Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel the Series
Avatar the Last Airbender/The Legend of Korra
Star Trek: Voyager (also DS9 and TNG, I just imprinted on VOY the hardest)
Gilmore Girls
30 Rock
The Americans
The Vampire Diaries (and its expanded universe)
The Bachelor Franchise (i have terrible taste i will never change i will never improve etc. etc.)
honorable mentions to: Mad Men, Big Love, The X Files, Parks and Rec, AHS: Coven, Scrubs, Greek, Friends, Dollhouse, Firefly, Dark Angel, Downton Abbey, 2007 Gossip Girl, Pre-Finale HIMYM, and whatever else I forgot.
if you'd like to fill this out too please consider yourself tagged!!
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almostnineteen · 2 years
unpopular opinion: i missed reading books but i’m also glad i stopped
TL;DR: i lost a part of myself when i went into a reading slump but i found a new version of me that finally learned to live
a week ago i found out that Hello, Goodbye, and Everything In Between - a book i read when i was in tenth grade - has been made into a netflix film (that i totally plan to watch soon). honestly, it makes me extremely happy that the books i grew up with, or at least read towards the end of junior high, are now getting made into films that should definitely give these stories and their authors the extended recognition they deserve. and i’m talking about the likes of The School for Good and Evil, which i am also much excited about, and not the To All The Boys series (no offense). the shy high school girl in me would have been thrilled to see the books she enjoyed so much come to life.
i remember when i was in middle school and junior high. i think about how much of a book nerd i was and how i’ve changed from then. you could say reading and writing was my whole personality. books were my whole world... or, worlds, i guess, since i lived in so many of them and not enough of my own. one Christmas i even asked my family to install another bookshelf in my room above my bed just so i could have space for all the books i haven’t read yet (it was just a long plank of wood we had lying around held up by supports). i live in the Philippines so Fully Booked was my absolute favorite place, especially the BGC branch. i was always happiest when i was reading, and the same could be said for writing.
then the pandemic hit, and i stopped reading and writing altogether. well, technically, my reading slump started when i was in tenth grade, but the pandemic really was something else. my mental health was down and i was also starting at a new school after studying at the same one for 11 years. i drowned myself in work and burnt myself out more times than i could count. for whatever reason, reading and writing, unless they were for academic purposes, just didn’t fit into my schedule anymore. but i guess, at the time, they didn’t fit into my personality either.
the reason why i never had time to pick up a book or a pen (or even type stuff down) was because i was busy discovering other things. over the past few years, i have:
transferred into my dream senior high school
experienced the pains of adjusting to online classes + being in a co-ed school for the first time
made A LOT of new friends (we’re at least 20 people in the friend group)
gotten a netflix account and binge watched so many shows and movies (Jane the Virgin, HIMYM, B99, Lucifer, and The Good Place now have special places in my heart)
gotten into a relationship (i was very busy discovering a lot about my boyfriend. hi, hun!)
engaged in typical teenage shenaniganry (hehe)
redecorated my room
adopted a cat
rearranged my room again for said cat (the bookshelf is now bookless and has since become a cat nap area)
gone to places i could otherwise never afford if it weren’t for my friends and their parents sponsoring the events
been through more ups and downs than i could keep track of
drowned myself in work then proceeded to pull myself back out
and essentially a lot of other stuff i never thought would happen to me at all. i focused more on myself and the people around me rather than fictional characters living fictional lives (who, i will admit, are amazing and unique in their own right, but real-life drama about real-life people just hits different y’know, especially when you can get in the middle of it lmao).
when i was a new student at the start of grade 11, i realized that in order to make friends i needed to be an interesting enough person on my own, with a personality beyond the things i’ve read or wanted to write about. that, and i learned that it’s easier for people to talk about real people, whether it’s me or themselves or others we know. granted, i have friends right now who are suckers for fictional characters (especially fictional men written by women), but i found that the easiest way to connect with new people is to start by talking about what’s in front of you instead of something that you both need to have read or watched in order to understand.
even if i’m sad that i lost a part of myself that probably had a fire in her heart and a sparkle in her eyes, i’m also glad i got to transition into the person i am now. she isn’t terrible, she’s just different (and much more tired). she went through hell and matured a lot. now that i’m trying to maintain a healthier lifestyle and mental state, i guess now’s a good time to go back to what made me happiest when i was younger.
this year, i’ve only read The President Is Missing and Be More Chill so far (started both after school ended in may). as part of my college rebranding, i’ve decided to read more books about Filipino culture and history, or books by Filipino authors. i already started when i was in tenth grade, so i’m continuing by currently reading AA Patawaran’s Manila Was A Long Time Ago. i’d definitely love to get recommendations though !! Filipino genre or not, if it’s a good book recommended by someone on this site i’d be happy to give it a shot.
additionally, i’ll try my best to keep this blog for random thoughts and essays. i will not be reviving my old tumblr blog, but i won’t delete it either because that’s still a part of who i am. still, i want to keep this separate from all the fangirling i did back in 2019, when i only used tumblr for a bit then dipped for 3 years (lmao i still don’t really know how to use this site). i’m hoping this blog could serve as some kind of brain dump therapy for when i’m feeling like twitter isn’t a big enough rant space for my thoughts.
so there. i’m back on tumblr. don’t know how long i’ll be here, and i don’t know if this will reach anyone (or if anyone will care to reach the end of this post). still, i’m pretty glad to be back.
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bensonnstabler · 2 years
okay so i came across a buzzfeed article from like three years ago about tv couples that never got together but who fans wanted to which had the audacity to leave out elliot and olivia. thankfully one of the top comments underneath made buzzfeed’s pop-culture faux par very clear and it soothed my soul briefly. BRIEFLY.
(if this was a podcast i'd insert at this point that abby lee miller audio about who i assume was kathy from candy apples disturbing the peace. yes the irony is sending me)
one person, however, decided to comment the following
“Um, no. And it's gross that fans think they've been pining away for each other even though he was married to Kathy. And just because Kathy is dead now I don't think Olivia would be that disrespectful to his kids.”
and since it was over three years ago and i cbf making a buzzfeed account thought i’d subject y’all to my reply
firstly, calling any harmless fandom opinion “gross” is what is truly gross here. did i vomit in my mouth a little when i saw one of the entries being barney and lily from himym? yes. do i think the people who do ship those two are gross? absolutely not. i thought we left ship-shaming in the TLJC and destiel cesspools tyvm.
secondly, i am the first in line to get mad at the fact kathy just straight up died. it’s a waste of a perfectly good character (letter notwithstanding) and sends the message once again female characters on primetime are ten times more dispensable than their male counterparts. also i'm willing to give partial credit for it being said that it would be ooc for olivia to want to get together and that it brings up relevant issues of elliot never truly “choosing” olivia. but they have imo jumped over that hurdle (and some) and after an actual decent conversation i think with the way liv is now (can we hear a little commotion for the boundaries chat in the trial of richard wheatly ep) it would be perfectly within her arc to allow herself to fall romantically for elliot.
am i concerned that its dragged on too long? yes
am i fucking frustrated at the lack of momentum from s23 to s24? also yes
but i think we need to accept that what we have is a product of circumstance. both good (extensive evidence of one of the most chemistry-laden tv partnerships on and off-screen) and bad (CM leaving suddenly and WL jumping in to reinvent the wheel with so much force it might as well have been that scene from Cars)
with the latter we were always going to get the bare minimum of stabler references. under different creative influences yet the same chris circumstance – i totally think there could have been some like “he’s deep UC” or “last i heard he’s in rome and unable to communicate” moments which would have made the no contact one hundred percent more digestible
which puts me back on my kathy bs; i am wholeheartedly on team  “they should have split up in rome and had to come back to NYC at the same time” or at least team “if you must kill her off at least have them separate them first". thus either way, i guarantee we still would have gotten the same grief dynamics and the initial (and current - let’s be honest) hesitancy we did in ROTPS (...and almost every moment thereafter)
TLDR; lets all be friends but if eo doesn't become canon i will sue
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chronocidalrage · 2 years
Bunch of random shit from 8/24 to 8/29
BETTER I think the truth is that I’m starting to feel a little better lately. Hopefully it’s not short lived. But it’s making the parts of my life that bug me seem louder in comparison and it’s making me feel guilty that I could possibly feel good again without Atom.
But I can look at life two ways. Either Atom was the best thing and life is now stupid without him, or Atom was one of the best things in this world - along with Susie and Ruby - and if the world can give me those three, it can still give me other great things.
How things are going for me affects the way I’m looking at things.
I miss you as a brother and a friend, but also as my other half. Like I’m a random left shoe. What the fuck is someone gonna do with a singular left shoe?
If I found you again I would hold on and never let you go. That’s why I can’t see you again somehow. I couldn’t let you go again. So even if you could talk to me somehow, you wouldn’t. Because you’d know I could handle losing you a second time. And if you only live in my mind, my brain won’t let me experience something so traumatizing twice.
Makes sense that you (or my brain) would risk it on my first birthday without you, only a few weeks after I had lost you, but I can see why I haven’t felt it really since. Because I either move on or die. I probably won’t feel you again until I can handle it. Until I need it less.
I just pictured you sitting on the floor in the living room at Taber Street, eating Chinese food (chicken and broccoli with only the broccoli and the sauce, white rice and crab rangoons) with the food on the shitty coffee table. Kinda drunk still but awake and alert and watching some movie I put on. I just pictured myself lunging forward and hugging you from behind. Squeezing you as hard as I can. Weird because in this memory you’re younger than I am now. Your thirties must have been hard. Started off with a breakup and then it got better, but still lonely. Then it never really got better than that period for you. No wonder you struggled so much.
The truth is that I saw Taber Street as everything good about living at home but without having to worry about our parents, and adding regular access to some of our friends into the mix. It was just an extension of our years together and that’s why I loved it.
I think I’m scared of erasing my memories of you in the Quincy house. It’s making me avoid cleaning it out.
Maybe I’m getting more annoyed lately because I’m starting to feel good enough to want more from life again.
I REALLY WANNA MAKE A COMIC The urge is building. I want to make storytelling art. Tell visual stories. Find some way to capture the art I love again.  
I think drawing and shit makes me think of Atom, and his absence in my life (now literally, but for many years figuratively), feels more noticeable when I draw so I find myself less interested in doing it.
I’m also used to him being in the next room when I play guitar.
So maybe I have to really work on enjoying those activities for myself now?
I think I started transitioning more into being an adult (and not role playing) around when I was 26. Other than moving in with Atom, I was pulling away in some ways. I wonder if me pulling a way is what made it hard for Atom to draw, not his breakup with Liz.
I wish I knew someone who loved Teen Titans as much as Atom and I did.
The Raimi Spider-Man movies are very comforting to me because they were one of the last times we really got to re-experience our childhood joy as adults. After these movies, the excitement of superhero movies died down as the genre became common and less daring. I’m sure I saw the second one with you. 2004. Yeah I’m sure you were sitting right next to me.
Yeah I feel better lately but I’m still really sad about you man. I really miss you. I wish you were here.
BAD GUYS The trick to a lovable villain is casting someone who technically doesn’t seem like that person at all. Barney Stinson on HIMYM works because NPH seems so thoughtful and kind and non-threatening. But he can back it up in statistical terms: good looking, smart, charming. So we believe he can be a womanizer, but he seems too good to be one, so we allow it more than we would if he seemed shitty. Tony Soprano is similar. Gandolfini is half lovable, kinda dumb bear (like a Homer Simpson) and half angry, big bully guy. The lovable bear qualities make us like him despite the other stuff. But he’s big and scary so he can back up the role. Cast people who seem better than their role and we’ll always want them to break out of their bad habits.
WOODSTOCK 99 Should have been obvious the 00’s would be the way they are. Weird how we got grunge (punk and metal influenced) and hip hop, which were bright and insightful from socially conscious people and it was bastardized by the angry white man, as usual.
It was time for white men to pretend they were oppressed, and society has never recovered from it.
WHAT DO I WANT? I’m missing something right now. I want my family to feel cohesive. But my mom is all over the place and Scott is far away. That isn’t a real option. I have a better chance of getting what I want from Susie’s family.
I want tight and cohesive friends. I think I can get that with Tim and Matt. Maybe not to the extent and consistency I’d like, but still.
I want more connection with Susie but I almost feel like she has to come down for me to be comfortable. It’s almost like I’m too intimidated to enjoy us. Strange.
I want to make shit. I want to feel comfortable.
I want to make that house my own, but I’m upset about the steps required to do so. I don’t want to erase my past in the process. It’s one of my last remaining “pieces” of Atom in some ways.
I feel weird tonight. I had a nice day just relaxing with Susie. We don’t get to do that a lot. We watched a true crime doc (The Girl in the Picture). It was good and very sad. We watched the Orphan prequel. It was silly. I kinda enjoyed it. We watched Can’t Hardly Wait again. What a successful movie, it doesn’t seem to make a single mistake. Susie was so happy. We watched the HBO Woodstock doc and almost all of the Netflix one.
A good day. But I feel weird. Probably because I didn’t finish the episode (NOTE: I was in the process of editing the AIPT Movies Season 1 finale at the time) and I really want to finish it. Probably because I can’t stop thinking about the house, but also want nothing to do with it.
REDUCE STRESS Getting the house cleaned out and having a clear idea of how things will be in the end (including mom’s fake kitchen, the fence, living room etc) would help extremely. Also figuring out the ownership stuff.
Finally getting the Atom shit done and dealing with his storage space.
With all of that out of the way, I’d feel a lot better. A lot.
Focus on that shit. In the meantime, spend more time moving my body and eating less garbage. Make the podcast easier and funner. Work on the movie script (no real rush), work on singing, maybe try making beats but probably not yet. Start the AC comic. Even just starting would be good.
LESS THAN Part of the problem is that I interpret everything Susie says or does from the perspective that she not only THINKS she’s better than me, but that she actually IS better than me. So I see it from the perspective of “I’m worse than her and it’s mean that she doesn’t pity me enough to lower her standards for me.” Is she doing the same thing? Do we both legitimately think the other one is settling for us?
She’s being so cute tonight. Anxious and whispering about the great laundry battle of Neponset Ave.
COPING WITH DEATH Is this feeling that you somehow completely imagined them, that they were never real. It’s awful.
HOMEWORK I’ve never wanted to do homework. Extra work. Learning shit for jobs. I’ve only ever wanted to do as little work as needed. No wonder I haven’t succeeded nearly as much as I’d like to.
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haleigh-sloth · 2 years
for the ask game. do you have a character from any media that you relate the most?
Ahhh it’s really hard for me to relate to or see myself in characters.
But the one character I do somewhat relate to in certain ways, while definitely not in others, is a very random choice, when looking at my blog lol.
But anyway the character I relate to a lot is Robin Sherbatsky from How I Met Your Mother
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Kinda random and doesn’t match anything I talk about on this blog. But she is basically how I feel my thirties are gonna go when I get there 😂
Robin is kind of distanced from people, she’s emotionally unavailable most of the time. She’s driven and determined to get her career where she wants it to be, she’s kind of a lone wolf and does things on her own most of the time—that is until she can’t anymore and has to rely on her friends. Unlike me, she dates, but it never lasts long because she’s more comfortable on her own. She’s also distanced and far from her family by living in a different country altogether, just isolated and only has her friends.
All the things about her I listed are basically my life right now and how I foresee it being in the near future. I live far from from my friends and parents who are all in my hometown 4 hours away, and in July I’ll be moving to Colorado. Which will be putting me at a whopping 14 hour drive from all of them. I’m single and have zero interest in dating right now because I’m about to move and start a new job, and I want to travel and go on road trips with my dogs, but that might change as I get settled in and get older. Though I can’t imagine wanting to settle down with anyone atm. I’ve lived alone for almost 5 years and don’t have the stamina to be around people for longer than a few hours before I’m ready to go to sleep LOL. I’m pretty much emotionally distanced from all but 5 or 6 people in my life, everyone else is just, kind of there.
Also, HIMYM is a really old show that ended in 2014 I think? I watched it throughout most of high school. And uhhhh I wouldn’t recommend it to people nowadays who didn’t watch it growing up if I’m being honest. Or if I did I’d tell you to beware of the 2010s humor lol.
But I’m the kind of person who just plays familiar comfort shows in the background at home for noise, and HIMYM is one of them. So I am constantly watching this show and I realized as I got older, went to college, graduated college and started living on my own that Robin is an emotional disaster and she is me lolol.
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(Originally written on October 8, 2020)
🎵Bang, Bang Bangedy Bang
I said a Bang Bang Bangedy Bang🎵
My How I Met Your Mother Thoughts
I just spent the last nine seasons in New York with the gang that spends all their time in MacLaren’s Pub. SELF FIVE! I have to say, this binge of How I Met Your Mother brought me so much happiness. I started watching this show for the first time back in high school, and I ended up watching the last six seasons as they aired. I remember loving this group of characters, and now I am reminded why. There’s so much chemistry between the five, and it makes for one of my favorite Comedies/Sitcoms of all time. If you’ve read any of my previous Show Thoughts, then you know I’ve been watching several over the course of this lovely Pandemic That Will Just Keep Going. After this rewatch, I’ve decided HIMYM is my third favorite Comedy/Sitcom, right after Boy Meets World and Scrubs.
Now, I know that the Finale is infamous. It’s in the Mount Rushmore of Terrible Endings, and people end up getting a sour taste in their mouth when they bring up the show. Well, it’s been some years. There’s been time to reflect and look back. And, while I’m not in favor of the Finale, I also don’t hate it anymore with the passion of a thousand suns. I just loved watching and growing with the gang, seeing them experience their highs and their lows, their triumphs and their failures. It just hits harder as an adult, like most of these shows assuredly do, and I cherish so many of these episodes and moments.
And now, my rankings for the seasons!
Seasons Rankings
1. Season One
2. Season Four
3. Season Two
4. Season Six
5. Season Eight
6. Season Five
7. Season Three
8. Season Seven
9. Season Nine
My rankings for the girlfriends, purely on how much I like them as a character
The Girlfriends Rankings
1. Robin
2. Tracy
3. Victoria
4. Zoey
5. Stella
6. Jeannette
And now, a ranking of my favorite episodes. From 1-50, these are the ones that stand out above the rest. I consider every single one of these enjoyable.
Favorite Episodes
1. Slap Bet (S2E9)
2. Come On (S1E22)
3. The Limo (S1E11)
4. The Best Burger in New York (S4E2)
5. Ten Sessions (S3E13)
6. The Pineapple Incident (S1E10)
7. Bachelor Party (S2E19)
8. Game Night (S1E15)
9. Oh, Honey (S6E15)
10. Glitter (S6E9)
11. The Duel (S1E8)
12. The Pilot (S1E1)
13. Arriverdverci, Fierro (S2E17)
14. The Over-Correction (S8E10)
15. How Your Mother Met Me (S916)
16. Intervention (S4E4)
17. The Magician’s Code, Part II (S7E24)
18. The Autumn of Break-Ups (S8E5)
19. The Ducky Tie (S7E3)
20. The Best Man (S7E1)
21. The Leap (S4E24)
22. Blitzgiving (S6E10)
23. Three Days of Snow (S4E13)
24. The Scorpion & The Toad (S2E2)
25. Bass Player Wanted (S9E13)
26. The Final Page, Part 2 (S8E12)
27. Duel Citizenship (S5E5)
28. Happily Ever After (S4E6)
29. Farhampton (S8E1)
30. Bro Mitzvah (S8E22)
31. Robin 101 (S5E3)
32. The Magician’s Code, Part I (S7E23)
33. Last Words (S6E14)
34. The Playbook (S5E8)
35. The Time Travelers (S8E20)
36. Splitsville (S8E6)
37. Subway Wars (S6E4)
38. Showdown (S2E20)
39. Drumroll, Please (S1E13)
40. Front Porch (S4E17)
41. Twin Bed (S5E21)
42. Who Wants to be a Godparent? (S8E4)
43. Girls vs. Suits (S5E12)
44. Something Borrowed (S2E21)
45. As Fast As She Can (S4E23)
46. The Wedding Bride (S5E23)
47. The Bracket (S3E14)
48. The Sexless Innkeeper (S5E4)
49. Third Wheel (S3E3)
50. Spoiler Alert (S3E8)
And now, just some thoughts on the show and on the gang!
Ted - I know people don’t like Ted. I don’t actually like Ted all that much. And yet, I found myself rooting for Ted just like I did the first go around. He’s not the worst person in the world, and I would be scared to see half of the decisions we’ve made in the dating game stringed together into a TV show. I know people wouldn’t like me very much for those decisions. Then again, I also don’t get super crazy about details about buildings, I don’t pronounce encyclopedia that way, and he tends to stick his foot in his mouth with this White Man confidence that I just don’t have. With all that being said, I still find Ted being a great friend, a man who is just trying to find the love of his life, and someone who really drives this story with great tales and narration (Bob Saget is the Sixth Man of the Show for just always bringing it). I think Ted does stupid things and he pretty much admits it after the fact. He learns, sometimes, and also doesn’t much like most of us. When he finally found the Mother, when he finally found Tracy, I cared. I cared so much, and I still do. Even though they just shit on her character and don’t give us enough time with her, I almost wonder if that’s a metaphor for the fact that you won’t always have enough time with your loved ones.
Robin - Let’s go to the mall! Yeah! Robin Sparkles is a Canadian Treasure, and so is Robin Scherbatsky. She is one of the best things about this show, and I love her so. Played by Cobie Smulders who I need to see in more stuff, Robin is who we all wanted Ted to maybe be with first. Then we go through all the loops of the HIMYM roller coaster, and a lot of us still wanted them to be together. I was one of them. Yet, she was more than just a romantic plot line for Ted. She was a part of the group who we got to see join it and evolve into a member of their family organically. Robin is fun, loud, full of fun quirks that we get to learn over the course of the series. I was heartbroken when we found out she can’t have children. I was loving the back and forth between her and Barney (the first time), and kind of mad at Barney about being such a crazy ass prankster the second time. Robin shows us just how amazing some gun loving, hockey obsessed Canadian news anchor can be, and how much she cares for her friends.
Lily - Justice Aldrin ends up being one of my favorite characters, even if that gets some curious looks. Yeah, she left Marshall for a summer. Yeah, she had some hesitancy with the marriage and everything. That happens. Lily was also always there for her friends, even if she ends up going a little overboard. She wants Ted to find happiness, and does whatever she can to help. She is there to listen to Robin at all times, and her and Marshall are easily one of the best relationships in TV I’ve ever witnessed. Then we have Lily and Barney which is honestly super underrated. Barney trusts Lily, even though she can’t keep a secret, with all of his emotional problems. Lily is who thought Barney could change before anyone else, and I love seeing their friendship grow from eye rolls to eye tears.
Barney - Oh, Barney. He honestly brings so much annoyance and fun to the show. He’s the friend of the gang who everyone tolerates. He’s the one in the gang who everyone ends up loving just as much as everyone else. Barney shows such a terrible face to the world, sleeping with over 250 women and lying to most of them. He has all these rules that aren’t very ethical. He gives us most of the Misogynism in this show, which is definitely prevalent and makes the show not as strong as it was in the first watch. Still, we get to see Barney grow into someone who wants real love and a happy life. Sure, they show us that his marriage to Robin only lasts three years, but at least they tried. Barney just couldn’t make it work, and that’s honestly who Barney really is. A person who just enjoys sleeping with different people. I was very warmed to see the baby reveal and that Barney becoming a dad was what would change him more than anything. Barney is an underrated friend, and his importance to the gang is legendary.
Marshall - I. Love. Big Fudge. He’s just so fun, caring, goofy, loyal, and everything that I aspire to be in life. For some reason, when watching the show the first time, I related to Ted the most. I was definitely a bit more selfish then. But now, I see that I am a Marshall. He wants to do good in the world, and it drives him so much. He only loves Lily, and his loyalty to their relationship is just Goals. He is also the most fun to watch having a crisis. He gets the big eyes and covers his mouth and just gets obviously super uncomfortable. Some of my favorite moments of the show are also Marshall’s talks with Ted about his feelings for Robin. Any one-on-ones with Marshall and someone else are probably my favorite moments. And yes, I will always root for him over those damn machines!
Last Thoughts:
Sure, the writing wasn’t as sharp or as witty in the later seasons, but I loved the story lines and seeing the gang just live.
Tracy was an amazing character as The Mother, and I truly wonder what could have been if they had given us two full seasons of story with her instead of any episodes of Jeannette.
I really can’t believe Ted told his kids all those stories. A fun premise for a show, but really, not very realistic telling them all that jazz.
Ranjit and Carl are such fun recurring characters that I always enjoyed seeing every time they popped up.
Out of all the recurring jokes and gags, which there are many (y’all said Community has so many, but HIMYM really swings for it), I love the Major/General salute joke. Idk if I just didn’t care for it the first time around or forgot about it, but I just love how silly it is and how they kept it through to the very last episode.
Watching the gang sit at their table in MacLaren’s just hanging out will always make me smile.
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rach-is-idiotic · 3 years
Hello There!
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A little about me:
⭐You can call me Aksha
⭐ I'm an Indian Minor. So you will seldom find nsfw stuff and even if I post I’ll put a disclaimer
⭐ Here to spread happiness and positivity
⭐ Also a Slytherin and Libra
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A bit more..
I have another account @aksha-artwork  where I post my artwork. It would mean a lot if you follow that account too :) (kinda inactive over there)
I like reading, drawing, listening to music, singing, tumblr-ing and dancing
I love musicals, Rom-coms, Sit-coms, sci-fi and romance 💜
My Pinterest and Spotify :)
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Now onto my favorite part.. FANDOMS
✨One Direction
✨Little Mix
✨Taylor Swift
✨Sherlock Holmes
✨Brooklyn Nine-Nine
✨A lot of Disney Sitcoms
✨Disney and Pixar Movies
✨After series
✨Harry Potter
✨Star Wars
✨Vampire diaries, Orignals & Legacies
✨ Simonverse and much more..
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#aksha post : when it is a post that I made
#aksha engraged post : that speaks for itself
➡other than that I might add tags like #lmfao #lol #lmao #aint that true in the posts that I reblog
➡Please do not send me asks saying send this to more 10 ppl and stuff because I ain't got time for that
➡Avoid tagging me if you are not a mutual unless it is for the pics art thing or a small game
➡If a message says tag to more mutuals, I'll tag and If I get tagged by some other person in the same message, I probably won't reblog it again (like I said: ain't gonna waste my time, cause I already am wasting my time a lot lol)
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Do Not Interact List
if you fall under any of these categories, please block me or unfollow me.
Racist, bigot, islamaphobes, antisemitics, lgbtqa-phobic people etc
homophobes, biphobes, aphobes, fluidphobes, panphobes, lesbophobes, basically any type of exclusionist
super straights
sexists, racists, misogynists
p*dophiles or MAPs. I don’t care what new term you just made up, I am a minor and so are most of my mutuals so stay away from me
if you are looking for a sug@rbabe or s3x
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➡ avoid messaging unless you are a mutual. You may send an off anonymous ask to be your friend and I’ll reply privately :)
➡If you're an adult following me, don't send asks or dm me cause I freak out
➡I don’t want bullsh*t negativity here so no hurtful or mean judgemental comments on the basis of gender, colour, religion or anything.
➡ I’ve nearly copied @birachel​ ‘s intro’s format and text
 And thank you if you’re still reading it.. Please do like so that I get to know that you read it :)
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withluvgen · 4 years
Not the right time - Warren Worthington III X Reader
A/N: Had this idea for a while now tbh. Was low-key inspired to write this one because of a telenovela my mom was watching, ngl. I hope you guys enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing it.  There's also a little HIMYM reference in there haha.
Warnings: Swear words. Drinking. Mentions of abuse. Angst. Fluff. Not proof read so some mistakes, maybe?
WC: 2,324 
Summary: Warren and y/n are childhood friends that were separated when Warren ran away. They meet years later at Xaviers and unspoken feelings bring tension to the group.
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It was the beginning of summer and Y/N and Jubilee’s room was lit up with different colored Christmas lights, despite it being way too early for them. You’d think that they were just excited for the holiday but it wasn’t for that purpose. Y/N and her friends thought it would be a good idea to throw a little party to celebrate the summer. They were just waiting for Scott and the other guys to get back from getting pizza and snacks for the party.
The girls were busy chatting while waiting for the guys to get back. This was a rare occasion because they barely had enough time to themselves because of all the x-men stuff they had to do. For Jubilee, this was the perfect time for gossip.
“Hey Jean, what’s the deal with you and Summers? Are you like official or are you guys still going on with the no label thing?” She asked as she was painting her nails a bright pink.
“Are you for real, Jubes?” Jean laughs “What does it matter if Scott and I are official or not? We’re taking things slow.”
“Of course it matters! What if some girl swoops in and takes Scott away from you?” Jubilee says a little too exaggerated.
“Scott and I are fine the way we are. What you should be worried about is Y/N and Warren!” Jean says eyeing you with a smirk.
 “What about us? We’re just friends! We have been since we were kids!” A blush creeps onto your face as you try to hide it by looking down on your nails.
“Oh come on, y/n, even I see it.” Ororo laughs before she continues. “I see the look on his face every time he sees you. I don’t have to be a mind reader to know how he feels about you.”
“Oh and don’t forget to mention the way these two keep flirting with each other all the time! You can actually cut through the tension between those two! The question is though, is it romantic tension or sexual tension?” Jubilee Chimes in.
“Oh shut up you guys. Warren and I are just friends. We’ve known each other since before he ran away and ended up in those cage fights. We’re just- I don’t know making up for lost time, I guess?” You say a little bashfully.
“By flirting constantly and being so clingy with each other?” Jean asks teasingly.
“I-I don’t know what you guys are talking about.” Somebody knocks on the door and you’re thankful that this conversation was over. For now.
Jubilee opens the door to reveal the boys with the drinks and food. Warren sets the bag he was carrying by the others and goes directly to your side of the room. He plops down beside you and wraps his arms on your waist. This doesn’t go unnoticed by Jubilee and the others.
“Hey, kitten, missed me?” Warren says as he buries his face on the crook of your neck.
“Hey yourself, bird boy.” You say as you push him away laughing. “You weren’t gone for long, Ren.”
“It was long enough for Summers over there.” He says looking over at Scott who was giving him a disapproving look.
“Come on guys let’s hurry up. I wanna spend more time with Jean.” Peter says with his Scott impression. A pillow was thrown in his direction, but Peter was just too fast for it to hit him. “Nice try, Scotty.”
After the first box of pizza was gone, Jubilee thought it was a good idea to play a little drinking game. Her idea, “never have I ever”. Of course everyone was okay with it because why wouldn’t they want to play a game that could end with them drunk and knowing their friends’ secrets. They sat in a circle with Warren and Peter on either side of y/n. A bottle of tequila was set in the middle of the group.
“Okay, never have I ever gone skinny dipping.” Jean says and half of the group put a finger down. Scott, Peter, Warren, and Jubilee all take a shot of tequila before telling their stories.
The game went on for about an hour before it was Jubilee’s turn. You knew she was going to target you and get you to confess your feelings for Warren.
“Me next! Never have I ever been in love with a close friend.” Jubilee says as she sees Jean, Warren, Scott, Peter, and y/n put a finger down and they all take turns taking a shot. “We all know Scott and Jean’s story, and I think I can speak for everyone when I say that I don’t want to hear it. No offense. I want to hear the others!”
“Yeah, no. It’s too embarrassing. Just give me two more shots of that tequila.” You say as you reach for the shot glass.
“Boo! Kill joy. What about you two?” Jubilee points to Warren and Peter.
“All I can say is that she’s one of my closest friends here.” Peter says as he looks at you and winks. The others started cheering him on. Warren absentmindedly put his arm around your shoulder as he looked over at Peter.
“You like y/n/n?” Warren asks his brows furrowed.
“I mean yeah, I did. We had a brief fling back before you guys even came here.” Peter shrugs.
“Wait, when did this happen?” Jean asks, confusion evident on her face.
“Ugh Peter, it was supposed to be a secret. Remember?” You say as you bury your face in your palms. Warren’s jaw clenched from her answer.  “It was before Jubilee became my roommate. I had a crush on Peter and he felt the same way. Long story short it didn’t really end well.”
“Yeah. Well it was just too weird. Everything with her felt so platonic.” Peter chuckled.
“So wait, is that the “too embarrassing” story you didn’t want to tell us, y/n?” Ororo asks.
“Well, uhm no. And I’m not telling.” You say looking down on the ground.
“Well what about you, Warren?” Kurt asks looking at Warren who smirks.
“She’s right here.” Warren says pulling you closer to him. Jean and Jubilee squeal from the revelation. “When we were kids that is. I liked her a lot back then. Almost didn’t run away because of her.”
“Yeah, but you did anyway.” You say a little too bitterly. You took his arm off of you.
“What? You’d rather me stay with my abusive parents? Besides I thought you’d understand why I had to. I don’t understand why you’re still pissed about that.” Warren raises his brows.
“Well, Warren, you fucking left without even saying goodbye, so yeah, I’d be pretty pissed about that." You say taking a swig of beer. “You know what, let’s just drop it.”
“I don’t want to drop it. You’ve been avoiding this topic ever since you and I found each other here.” Warren says as he turns to face you.
“I said drop it, Warren. I don’t want to talk about it.” You say about to take another swig of beer before you hear Scott whisper something to Jean.
“I think I liked it better when these two were all lovey-dovey.”
“I heard that, Scott. In case you forgot, my mutation doesn’t just allow me to turn into any feline I want, it also has all of my senses heightened.” You glare at Scott.
“Okay calm down, kitty cat. Summers has a point for once. We’re here to chill out not watch you two fighting.” Jubilee says as she reaches over for the bottle of tequila. “Let’s just continue on with this game.”
“I’m done with this game. Sorry.” You stand up only to be pulled back down by Warren.
“Oh come on, y/n, don’t be like that. I’m sorry.” Warren says still holding your wrist.
“Okay. Fine. You want me to play? I’ll answer the stupid question. That’s what you want right, Jubes? You just want me to finally confess my feelings.” You say pulling your hand away from Warren’s grip, looking at Jubilee. She shakes her head.
“Look if you don’t want to, we don’t mind. Just calm down.” Jubilee says. The others fall silent.
“Was I ever in love with a close friend? Yes. He was my best friend and I have been in love with him for as long as we’ve been friends. But he broke my heart because he left without even saying goodbye. No explanations or anything. It was just like I never even mattered to him at all. All that talk about how I was the only person he cares about, yeah I started to think that was bull shit. Years of not even a single letter or letting me know he’s alright, and then I see him on the news as one of the four horsemen of the fucking apocalypse. What a great way to find out that the guy you’ve been in love with was alive right? When he came here, I was ready to put everything behind me, because I thought what matters now is that we’re together again. But no I can’t put that shit behind me because no matter how much he flirts with me, no matter how much clingy he gets, that won’t make up for how he made me feel all those years because it fucking hurts.” You couldn’t stop your tears from falling so you just let them. Everyone was still silent all eyes on you. Warren was frozen. He didn’t know what to do or say. He just sat there staring at you. “That’s why I’ve been avoiding this for so long. That’s why I’ve been so pissed about it every time you bring it up. I am hopelessly; irretrievably in love with you, Warren. More than you know. So there, I hope you finally get the answer you want.”
You get up and walk out of your own room. Not knowing where you’d go. Back in the room, Warren was still frozen in place eyes glued to the door. It was only until Jean called out to him that he snapped out of it.
“Did any of you guys know about this?” Warren asks.
“We knew she had a thing for you but we didn’t know that it stemmed from all that.” Jubilee says eyes falling on the ground. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have pushed anything.”
“It’s fine. She’ll be fine. I uh, I’ll go find her. I guess.” Warren says as he gets up to look for you.
He didn’t take long to find you. He knew you’d be on the balcony overlooking the lake. Your back was facing him as you were staring up into the sky.
“Hey, Kitten.” Warren says as he walks cautiously towards you. He stands beside you, leaning over the railings.
“Hey.” You answer without even looking at him.
“Look, I’m sorry for leaving. I didn’t think how it would affect you. I had enough of my parents that I didn’t think about it anymore. I just left. Not realizing that you’d be hurt.” He says looking up at the sky.
“I wish I told you back then how I felt because I was pretty much in love with you. Maybe that way you would have stayed.” You say still not wanting to see his face.
“I wish I did too. I just assumed you wouldn’t be into me that way. I loved you, y/n. So much. I was just selfish.” He says causing you to snap your head to look at him.
“Oh. Well aren’t we a pair of idiots.” You chuckle lowly.
“Yeah. But hey we’re here now.” He says meeting your eyes. His gorgeous green eyes, that always held so much emotion, now only filled with regret.
“If I told you how I felt back then, would you have given me a chance?” You ask hopefully. Eyes not leaving his.
“Oh. Well it’s a good thing I didn’t.” You look back at the sky. Staring into the moon as tears threatened to fall once again.
“I mean, it’s nothing to do with you. I would have said yes in a heartbeat, but things weren’t really in our favor back then. I didn’t want you getting wrapped up in all of my family drama.” Warren says as he reaches out for you. He turns your face to look at him again. “I shouldn’t have done what I did, but I don’t think it was the right time for us. It would have ended up with us getting hurt. We’re lucky we found each other again, y/n/n. If you still feel that way about me, then please give me a chance.”
“You clearly weren’t listening to what I said earlier.” You laugh a bit before caressing his cheek. “Yes, Ren. I still love you.”
He leans down to kiss you and you instantly kiss him back. You wrap your arms around his neck as his hands find his way to your waist. He pulls you closer as the kiss deepens. His lips felt like heaven and you’ve been dreaming about this moment ever since he came into the mansion. The kiss was full of longing and want, it felt right. You pull away breathless, looking into his eyes. Your foreheads touching.
“I love you, y/n.”
“I love you too, Warren.” You smile up at him, heart still fluttering. He pulls you into his chest.
“I’m sorry for everything. I’ll make it up to you, I promise.” He says as he plants a kiss on the top your head.
“I know.”
“We should head back. They’re probably wondering what happened to us.” Warren scratches the back of his head with a bashful look on his face.
“In a while. Let’s enjoy this moment a little longer.” You say as you wrap your arms around him again. He wraps his wings around you both.
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storiesfromaniceguy · 3 years
It’s Been Some Time
I’m tired. Tired for trying to fight this feeling of being alone. I just want it all to stop and go away. People used to tell me when I was younger that this feeling would go away. That all my sadness and loneliness that I’m feeling is just an age thing. That girls don’t know what they want in high school wait till you get to college. Then it was college girls don’t know what they want wait till you graduate. And they it became girls in their 20’s don’t know what they want wait till you get to your 30’s. Well here I am in my 30’s still on tumblr. This is something that I would have thought I have grown out of but I guess same as my sadness has not gone away neither has my writing on tumblr. I’m not sure why I still write on here, but I feel that it gives me some type of peace knowing my words our out there in the Tumblr void. That after I’m gone someone can look back and get a better understanding of the emptiness I was feeling.
I’m just tired of girls not noticing me. Of looking at me as if I was invisible. I hang out with a bunch of girls that are my friends and we will go to a bar or a house party and they will see guys there that they think are cute and go over to try and talk to. But no one ever comes to talk to me. Sure maybe I need to go and make the first move which I have tired. All I ever get is small talk with the girl slowly turning her back to me slowly to cut me out of the circle so she can go back to talking with her friends. I don’t think I have ever walked into a room and a girl has gone that guys is super cute I want to talk to him. I don’t believe I’m a bad looking guy, but maybe I have a misconception of myself. I might be the ugliest person on the face of the earth and not realize it.
Most people seem to be sad over a relationship, because that relationship ended in one way or another and they are grieving the loss of what they thought their live was going to be like with that person. My issue is I have never even gotten to that point. That point where you’re in love only to have it taken away. Which I’m suer hurts just as bad if not worst, but they saying is it is better to have loved and loss than to have never loved at all. And I guess I fall in to the never have loved at all because no one has ever reciprocated love back to me. I have fallen for girls who I know I shouldn’t have but you think by now one of them would have been like lets date at least for a little while. No, I’m alone never knowing love. I wondering if this is what life is feeling sad with brief moments of happiness to remind you that this is what your life should feel like.If that is how is it god is one sick and twisted person. Although if I did have one wish I would wish that every other guy in the world had the same dating experience that I am having. I think personally I am dealing with my depressing and sex starved life rather well. I think if the general population had the same dating luck as me they would not be taking it so well. I would just wish that just to see how the rest of the population would act just to validate myself of knowing I might not have love but at least I was able to handle not having it with some dignity.
I’m also on the train that maybe this is all happening for a reason, that this is just my journey to get to where I need to be (like a HIMYM type story), but then I think about it Ted was still dating women during that time still feeling fulfilled and being let down. Where as if I was the Ted no one would be going out with me no matter how hard I try. I can’t marry someone if not one will even go out with me.
I just want to not feel so alone any more. I want to wake up in the morning not feeling the dread of the day. I want to be able to live a life where the high light of my day is when I get to sleep again because at least in my dreams people want to see me. Funny thing is in my dreams most of the time I still don’t end up with the girls. It’s only getting harder too as I have aged. all my old friends that I was super close with are married or have serious girl friends so they can never hang out which I understand. and all my younger friends don’t invite me out because they go to cool places and I can’t get into those places because I don’t know the right people/ I’m a guy. I feel invisible to everyone in the world. If I was to disappear I think the only people who would notice I was gone would be my office, but that is only because the lack of work that would not be getting done. Once they realize I’m gone they would just replace me and it would be like I was never there at all. I do work hard at my job, maybe too hard. I’m trying to work myself to death I guess since that is an acceptable form of suicided. I figure might as well try to make lots of money if I have nothing better to do with my time.
I know they say that money can’t bring you happiness but I don’t expect it to.All I know is I’m poor and miserable and I would much rather be rich and miserable if I have to be miserable. Sure I would rather be poor and happy but that’s not happening right now so why not try and be rich. But all and all I’m just tired, oh so very tired of it all. I wish they would have told me when I was younger to try and meet someone because if you don’t you’ll be even more alone when you’re older because all your friends will leave you and it will just be you by yourself while all your other friends move on with their lives.
I’ve been holding on to an iceberg for years here keeping me a float. the only issue is that the planet is getting warmer and the ice is melting and soon there will be nothing for me to hold on to. These feelings of being forgotten are not new for me but its just because through peoples actions in my life it has been reinforced time and time again to the point where I truly doubt if anyone will every truly be there when I need them. That the world has show me little to no kindness. They say that the world doesn’t owe you anything, and I believe this, but I also believe in karma and I would like to think I’m a good kind person so I’m just confused on what I did to deserve how I feel and how people, specifically women, have treated me. Maybe in a past life I was a real ass whole but in this life I have been nothing but a caring and compassionate person.
I’m just tired. I’m tired of fighting.
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princesssarcastia · 3 years
we’re tunneling under rock bottom, lads.
alrighty then.  ladies, gentlemen, and those of you who know better: here it is.  just laying bear the incredible shame which is my current descent back into hp.  I’ve been reading lots of fic, and now i’m having a lot of thoughts about it.  putting them under a readmore because I’m morally opposed to even accidentally subjecting people to this if they don’t want to see it.   in the immortal words of groucho marx, these are my principles thoughts, and if you don’t like them....well, i have others.
ugh. oh god. here we go.
i’m frankly disgusted with the way james potter is frequently cast as this HIMYM-Ted-Mosby-like character, who meets a woman—no, doesn’t even meet her.  just sees her.  and decides this is the woman he’ll marry, and then continues to pursue her even though she makes it clear she’s not interested...FOR YEARS...sort of casts himself as a wounded, sympathetic party...and then eventually succeeds!!  which is some Narrative Bullshit, because it implies that’s a way to get someone to go out with you, Which It Isn’t.  like, I don’t think this interpretation even has any canon grounding, but that’s beside the point because canon is a roast and I am carving off only the bits I want to eat for consumption.
the mindset i’m using to justify this to myself is that.  look.  tmi hour with princesssarcastia.  these books actually do mean a lot to me.  they were the books that made me like to read!  they opened a whole world for me; not just the world of HP but countless others, some better written, some much much worse.  it was like they flipped a switch in my head and suddenly i had this glorious form of escapism that had been in front of me all along but that I could now take advantage of.  I would literally not be the same person I am today if I hadn’t read them.  i know everyone says that but I really do mean it.  hell yes I should, and WILL, be more critical of the source material and the fan material now, compared to when I first read them.  I should not only be more critical, but I should also openly criticize it and its author, JK Rowling.  But it’s like with lovecraft, okay; he was shit and JRK is shit, but they laid out the bare bones of something more spectacular than their tiny, bigoted minds could fully flesh out.  so now, fleshing it out is our job, especially so we can rub it in their racist, transphobic, antisemetic faces that we’re way better at it than they ever were.
still hate snape!  really, really do.  he’s a bigot and a bully and he never changed, and the fact that he was poor and his father abused him doesn’t change that or make him redeemable somehow.  It makes him more interesting, sure!  More fleshed out, more three dimensional.  But as a person he still sucks.  He was Neville’s boggart!  And not in the way that McGonagall was Hermione’s boggart; not like some face or representation of a more abstract fear.  It was Literally just snape that Neville feared more than anything else in the world, and I will not abide that.  Snape is bad for the same reason Umbridge is bad: your teachers are supposed to be people you can trust, they are people entrusted with your welfare, they are supposed to broaden your horizons and introduce you to the world around you in increasingly complex but ALWAYS, ALWAYS KIND ways.  Snape does not do that.  And I always thought the idea of him still loving Lily decades after he inadvertently sent Voldemort on the path to murdering her, and spending those decades doing something he hated and making the children in his care as miserable as he was, was much more sad than it was romantic.  That’s not a romance, that’s a tragedy that he walked into with his eyes wide open, and karmically deserved.
The best fics are the ones that understand that Ron Weasley was harry’s first friend, that he was kind, and that his jealousy and temper didn’t make him any less those things.  Ron Weasley is a ride-or-die bitch with, frankly, more emotional intelligence than hermione had sometimes, and I respect the hell out of him.
There really must have been more to the wizarding world than Harry ever sees, and that makes it fertile ground for fandom to grow its own ideas in.  For instance, to fight a war against all the death eaters, their families, the bigoted ministry employees, and the snatchers, there simply MUST have been more order of the phoenix members than were named, the first time ‘round and the second.
When you think about it, the concept of the Order of the Phoenix is actually fascinating. because on the one hand, it’s kind of a private paramilitary group?  It’s basically a militia populated by some government employees, INCLUDING cops, and schoolteachers, and healers, and sometimes your neighbors.  That’s sort of a scary thought in the abstract, though it does literally happen in the U.S. allll the time.  But on the other hand, it’s a group of people dedicated to taking direct action against rising fascism in their government and society.  punch nazis 1995, amirite?
Very excited because today, for the first time, I read a harry potter fic where someone (hermione, of course) mentions human rights. [dead men have no tails, by DuskGlass] and it’s very offhand, narratively; there’s not deep exploration of it.  But it leads to some wider questions I’ve been musing over...
...which is, even though the wizarding world is separate from the muggle world, how does that work out historically?  specifically when it comes to shitty stuff, though there are certainly nicer areas of this to explore if you’d like to.  For instance, How involved were british wizards in colonial efforts?  Did british, french, and dutch colonists in the americas participate in the genocide against native people there?  In the atlantic slave trade?  How involved was the british wizarding world in colonizing India?  And, were native american wizards and indian wizards involved in that conflict?  I mean, i can’t imagine they weren’t.  And if they weren’t, and the european forces still succeeded anyway, they the european wizarding world would have to have been involved in that, right?  when exactly did wizarding and muggle society start splitting far enough apart that muggle wars were not wizarding affairs?  Are there wizards in every country on the planet?  Is there the same level of disengagement in every other country as there is in Great Britain? These are questions i’m sure Hermione must have gotten answered for herself at some point.  I’d like to know the answers as well.
In retrospect, a lot of Hogwarts classes seem centered around defense and offense; in training people in combat, even if that’s not explicitly what they call it.  not in any fudge/umbridge esque “they’re training the kids in combat to take over the government!!!!” way, but in a “this world is actually very, very dangerous, from creatures to rogue magical objects or rogue magical people who mean you harm.”  That’s a fascinating mindset to have; it’s a fascinating paradigm to shift to, I imagine, especially for muggleborns.  Sort of prudent in canon, given the whole Voldemort thing, but it makes you wonder if the wizarding world then just always has some kind of asshole trying to take it over and kill a bunch of people along the way.
I’ll probably have more thoughts at some point, but that’s it for now.  feel free to discuss these, or any other, harry potter thoughts with me further.  I gotta get my enrichment somehow.
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flying-elliska · 3 years
Omg so I was gonna ask if you’d watched parks and Rec because honestly? It’s my fav show and fav ending of all time. Will watch superstore tho for all the good you’ve talked about it. But now a rant 😂 when you had your lil list of shit endings and saw how I met your mother I was like YES. That personally hurt me to my core to watch the finale. It used to be my fav show and idk if the finale just ruined it so intrinsically but I’ve watched eps and it doesn’t hold the same humor for me? It’s not as funny but I also know I used to love this show so maybe it did fuck it up for me on a molecular level lol. There was one thing that always irritated me and it was how Robin and Ted stayed friends ? I should’ve known it would’ve been the down fall for this show in particular but I was always so mad at that aspect and honestly attributed to why it seemed like Ted could never fully get over Robin. they never really got any true distance! It drove me so nuts that I’m actually writing a story based on that sort of concept but it’s more about the people affected by that kind of situation rather than the people in that situation lol
Omg yes I love Parks and Recs, it's one of my fave shows too ! I watched it the summer I was waiting for my back surgery hopped up on painkillers so I have kind of an unforgettable memory of it, it got me through some dark times ^^ the ending is a bit indulgent but so satisfying I am not complaining 😂😂 much better than a shitty downer twist ending 😂 if you love it you absolutely have to watch Superstore, it is pretty much its spiritual successor - just set in a store, the humor is very similar, some characters have similar vibes, and the main couple does have Ben/Leslie vibes - they start with a rivalry, lots of banter and shenanigans, and they grow into sth super wholesome and supportive. (Also I just want more people to talk about it with haha)
And yes god I loved HIMYM (a long time ago) but I wouldn't rewatch it ; I think some of the humor has aged really badly (the main offender being Barney constantly bragging about having sex with drunk women which is basically sexual assault) and yeah that ending was so terrible. The whole show basically demonstrates why Ted and Robin don't fit together, and they never show them growing in ways that would make them a good couple. I liked Robin/Barney and of course, there was so much build up around the mother, she seemed really cute and sweet when she arrived, and she also symbolized Ted growing up so her dying felt so anticlimactic : and Ted getting back with Robin felt very regressive and like you said, he didn't get over her in ways that felt healthy. It just felt like a stupid twist for the sake of it. But I mean it's still a cool concept so I totally feel you could do something cool with it.
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issa-me-addy · 4 years
to put it simply: if you like anything on this list, we should like... totally be friends/moots
this list is also for my current followers/moots to get to know me and know what to anticipate on my blog from here on out 
i like a lot of things and obvi i post more of some things than others 
but i’m mostly making this to find new friends/blogs to follow
also again, this post is really long i apologize
first and foremost i love the gays
i myself am a little bit gay
ok into the good stuff
like all things Disney, Pixar & select DCOMS
esp hsmtmts one of my many new found obsessions
also i love disneyland (los angeles born and raised baybee) 
i also like rollercoasters in general & universal studios is fun~
im a little into star wars been a slow and steady incline 
but mostly
Peter, both Parker & Quill
and the rest of the Guardians
if u shit on zutara u can go byebye idc if you ship kataang just don’t be a dick about zutara ok? ok.
also huru but only pre-mustache 
all the Harry Potter things
but fuck JK Rowling frfr cos shes a nasty ass trifilin ass bitch 
the og hp books 1-7 are honestly the only relevant things shes ever produced
including but not limited to
anything written by Lin Manuel including 21 Chump Street aka his best work
Dear Evan Hansen
The Last Five Years
Mamma Mia
One Direction (yes i know judge me)
but mostly Harry Styles and Fine Line
5sos minus the fandom because theyre problematic as fuck rn! 
pop punk trash
mostly State Champs
Neck Deep
All Time Low
Alex & Jack’s podcast/streamcast
We The Kings
Simple Plan
the list goes on but i’m getting annoying
also artists like
Tori Kelly
P!atd & Brendon
use those artists as genre/vibe reference lol
i’m currently watching the Marvel TV shows but i can’t binge daredevil for some reason
but i am 100% in love with Mattew Murdock don’t get it twisted
i am SPN trash although i have to rewatch the last few seasons i don’t know wtf is going on anymore
himym is up there
yes i’m friends trash idgaf judgey/bad vibes are not acceptable on this blog idc idc
jake & amy are top tier otp
and Rosa’s very important to me
i aspire to be like the Gilmore Girls
except for rory’s probematicness at the end/in the reboot
ONE TREE HILL i will still title it the best show ever its… so good and also just sentimental to me because its the first show my sister and i really watched tg 
also watched like all of Grey’s because my mom was obsessed 
AND honorable mentions to these shows that i finished oh so long ago
i <3 the following netflix ogs
One Day At A Time (i havent watched anything since netflix released them tho oop) 
On My Block
The Get Down (i will never forgive you or netflix for letting this show die) 
The Umbrella Academy (even though i don’t remember jack shit about whats going on) 
Stranger Things
The Haunting of Hill House
i got mixed feelings ab ‘You’
started but did not finish
(edit: adding cos how could i forget) TEENWOLF
the 100
vampire diaries
the originals
Jane the Virgin
AND here r some miscellaneous bullshit things i’m into 
i do be sewing my own clothes thats kinda a new hobby though but we fucks it 
i like baking stuff… just cookies and brownies are my favorite thing on the planet 
i play a few instruments (piano, bass, uke & guitar) but i am very not good at any of them and yes i will obnoxiously sing whenever given the chance 
i am semi obsessed with makeup because my older sister is a licensed makeup artist 
which also means i love beauty gurus my current favs are 
kathleen lights
jackie aina 
& the queen herself 
mykie aka glam and gore 
so yes i also like fx makeup and creepy tingz 
another random youtube fav of mine is drawfee 
theyre very funny and wholesome i love them dearly 
AND ALSO i am… definitely a stoner 
100% a stoner 
i love the weeds
but its not a forefront in my personality cos i am much more annoying about several other things 
AND YEAH THATS ME! i think that who i am is compiled of all the things i like, the characters i relate to and the media i let flood my senses on a day to day basis– you feel? 
anyways i hope this actually gets me somewhere instead of just mad annoying all of my followers 
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itis4am · 3 years
30 August 2021
So I usually write about what’s going on in my life but I decided to change it up a bit today. So this post is going to be about a few of my favourite sitcoms and how they compare with one another.
First, here’s a list of sitcoms I have watched (American) :
1. F.R.I.E.N.D.S
2. How I met your mother (HIMYM)
3. The Big Bang Theory
4. The Office
5. Schitt’s Creek
6. Brooklyn nine nine (7 seasons)
So I get amused quite easily and hence there is not a show in the list that I dislike else I wouldn’t have completed it. Also the list is in chronological order for when I watched it.
When I first watched the shows I didn’t realize what a mess some of the things were in them and how naive I was. After watching the new shows (B99) I realize how wrong some things in the show just are. Don’t get me wrong I will watch any of the show if it’s on TV and I don’t have anything else to do but still I have my favourites.
Let me write my perception of all the shows one by one and then I will get to the points of dislike and comparison between the shows.
I think it’s a great starter show if you haven’t watched any before but one has to keep in mind that it is 10 seasons long and you need a great binging capacity and time on your hands. For me it became a standard with which I compared sitcoms for the longest time and none came close. Monica and Chandler were my favourite couple. The type of relationship I strive to have. Falling in love with your best friend, such a cliche but the show did it well. 
This feels like a Friends rip off in many ways. The characters are similar and the setting of the show is quite similar. Although there are a few ups and downs in the show as compared to friends. Also when I watched the show a second time (somewhere from season 3 to 9) I enjoyed the show more compared to the first time. It might be because first time I was constantly comparing it with Friends (the only sitcom experience I had before that) that I couldn’t enjoy it fully.
The Big Bang Theory
It was quite a nerdy show meaning that some terms used in the show just went over my head and mind you I am a STEM student so I have a good knowledge of science. I could only imagine how a non- Science student might have felt. Besides that I just watched the show for the sake of completing it. The character development was there but the show still seems a bit of a stretch considering that it ran for 12 seasons and still couldn’t give a proper closure to Raj’s character. The show is so focused on Sheldon that it doesn’t give proper background stories to it’s other main characters. Also it stereotypes the characters a lot. I think the show did Raj dirty in many ways. From sitting on the floor during dinner and no one taking a stand for him in the dining table episode in the end and treating him like a doormat to be walked upon again and again, he deserved more. 
The Office
Most people would divide the show into 2 parts, S1-S7 and S8,9. I personally will divide it into three as my friend pointed out. The first part would be Jim trying to win over Pam (S1-S2/3ish), S3-S7 and S8,9. Initially Jim is shown as a goofy guy playing pranks here and there and being funny overall, later he becomes responsible (as he should) but he loses his humor though it is not felt in the slightest because Michael Scott carries the show alone.(SPOILER ALERT) But after he left the show, the show is all over the place. The new characters the show introduces are all a miss. Dwight and Andy try carrying the show but still it isn’t upto the mark.
Schitt’s Creek
I am surprised I am not hearing about this show a lot in my country. I think it is one of the most unappreciated show in the list. Watching this show feels like a safety blanket around you. The show depicts an inclusive world where being gay is normal. The show doesn’t have any stigma around coming out (except Patrick) and it just showcases how an ideal world would be. The show gives proper closure to all it’s characters and left a sense of wanting more but I feel that it’s an amazing decision rather than trying to stretch the show until it no longer is funny. The show teaches the WINE metaphor and it is one of the best analogies I have ever came across.
Brooklyn Nine Nine
This show has my entire heart. At this moment there isn’t a thing I would change about the show. I just had to finish the show and restart it again. It feels like Jake Peralta was written for Andy Samberg. Though I believe in the future I might feel some things should have been changed in the show but at this moment I don’t have any. I haven’t seen the final season yet but one thing I would like to see would be Jake getting better of the Pontiac Bandit at last. Man deserves this. I might write another post when I watch S8.
The only reason I haven’t watched it yet is because I want to binge it. I can’t wait a week for new episodes to release. Just how I am. That is why I mostly watch shows only after they are finished with all the seasons.
I think the post is way too long and I am tired. I will write a part 2 of it really soon. In it I will compare the shows and some parts that I feel could have been changed. 
Also all these are my personal opinions most of which I have built by myself, some while discussing with friends or by reading buzzfeed articles or watching some youtube videos. Okay bye.
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buck-nialled · 3 years
HIMYM (How I Met Your Mother) Quote Prompts
Feel free to send some numbers along with any person I write for (on my masterlist) and I’ll write a lil blurb/hc about it! Also remember when sending any numbers from either prompt list to SPECIFY WHICH ONE it is from because I will have no clue if you don’t.
Ted Mosby 
1. “But you can never stop me from trying to cheer you up.”
2. “Everybody brings flowers.”
3. “How easy do you think it’d be to sneak into the zoo? I need to see some penguins like, right now.”
4. “We can’t just be friends. We’re attracted to each other, we both know it.”
5. “Sounds like that bitch had it coming.”
6. “And this may seem strange, but…you can’t ask me why.”
7. “You’ve never gotten through even one exchange without screaming at her.”
8. “Something is seriously wrong with me.”
9. “Every time I look at you, it hurts.”
10. “Love is the best thing we do.”
11. “Dude’s a stone cold Slytherin.”
12. “Whenever you feel like calling her, you come find me first. And I will punch you in the face.”
Barney Stinson
13. “I thought I was your best friend...say I’m your best friend.” 
14. “I thought we were playing laser tag tomorrow night.”
15. “This is totally going in my blog!”
16. “I’ve been dreaming of that since I was five. Well, that and my own operational Death Star.”
17. “When I let a day go by without talking to you, the day’s just no good.”
18. “You know how it’s hard to be friends with me because I’m so awesome?”
19. “Am I dead?”
20. “God, is it possible to love you more?”
21. “Oh my god, could you just be cool? Once. Please! Just once.”
22. “I’m sorry can you repeat that? I don’t speak ‘I Never Get Laid’.”
23. “I’ve never seen that women before in my life.”
24. “Oh, you’re exquisite. You must let me paint you.”
Lily Aldrin
25. “Are you sure that’s a good idea? After last time, you looked really creepy without eyebrows.” 
26. “So you chickened out like a little bitch.”  
27. “I am so turned on right now.” 
28. “I don’t need objectivity. You’re my best friend, I just need your support.”
29. “That’s love, bitch.”
30. “Yes, I’m in a rotten mood. No, I don’t want to talk about it. Yes, this has booze in it. No, it’s not my first.”
31. “Get on board or the sexting stops.”
32. “There’s cake?! I’m on my way!”
33. “God, I’m so sick of being smarter than everyone else.”
34. “If I died, I would just come back and haunt your penis.”
35. “It was the perfect combination of slutty and classy.”
36. “But good for you for not playing with yourself.” 
Robin Scherbatsky
37. “And it does look fun in the movies.” 
38. “I’m no VIP; I’m not even an IP; I’m just a lonely little P sitting out here in the gutter.” 
39. “I just want to say from the bottom of my heart… I’m going to kill you.”
40. “I love being the person you bitch to.”
41. “I’m such a mess. Why do you even like me?”
42. “We were all talk, weren’t we?”
43. “Well maybe if they weren’t such idiots I wouldn’t have to call them that.”
44. “Okay, here’s the deal…the second my feet touch the ground, this never happened.”
45. “My bitches!”
46. “The best I can give you is a fake smile and dead eyes.”
47. “I would rather set myself on fire.”
48. “Is that why you slept on the couch last night?”
Marshall Eriksen
49. “I’m cuddly, bitch. Deal with it!”
50. “You overthink. Maybe...you should overdrink.”
51. “I don’t know what it is, but margaritas make me sexy.”
52. “Am I the only one who’s curious about the pineapple?” 
53. “I had no idea that food could be this delicious.”
54. “I’d like to hold your hand so hard that you’re not able to shake hands for a week.”
55. “I’ve been trying to tell you this for years. Your ‘bacon allergy’ is a lie your mother made up so you’d eat healthy as a kid.”
56. “I don’t know what to do with my hands. What do I normally do with my hands?”
57. “You have to let me dance my own battles!”
58. “But the idea of you letting me down? That’s impossible.”
59. “Who’s playing my jam?”
60. “Love died. That love that made you all believe in love, that’s dead now.”
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Another World - TDC Holidays - Day 7
I’m experimenting with a new style so tell me what you think!
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‘Queens of Music - The rise of girl group Reign’ by Mathilde Seer - Sunpool Magazine
The Rolanth pub is alive and bouncy tonight as new kids on the block Reign take the stage. I sit at the bar and laugh along as singer and guitarist Arsinoe interacts casually with the crowd before the start of their set, while her fellow bandmates warm up their instruments. She is bubbly and shockingly alive as the dimmer lights hit her iconic black and red half-face mask.
The crowd eats it up, cheering as eventually drummer Katharine starts their beat. Bassist Mirabella grabs the attention of every person in the room as she joins in. Their synchronicity is currently unmatched by any band their age (hell even bands older than them) and their set roars into action.
The Queen sisters rose into the music scene nearly a year ago and I’m lucky enough to be one of the few journalists invited to the pub gigs they play in between sold out stadiums. Their set is filled with their own self written hits as well as countless classics that everyone knows (even an improvised cover of Bohemian Rhapsody) and the crowd just gets higher and higher.
When I’m allowed back stage at the end of the night, or early morning (there were a lot of impromptu encores), I’m unsurprised to see the sisters still completely wired. Katharine and Arsinoe (who is hanging upside down on the couch) are playing a game of UNO that is surprisingly intense and Mirabella looks like she is trying and failing to meditate. The background speaker is playing what sounds like Hey Violet’s ‘Guys My Age’ at a volume that is just short of too loud.
Arsinoe looks up when I walk in, smiling and flipping herself right way up, standing with a skip. She’s taken her mask off and her deep facial scars catch the light of the backroom, but her smile is infectious as she hugs me, UNO cards still in hand.
I’m lucky enough to have been offered to travel with the sisters for the next stop in their tour and I can tell already it will be as chaotic as all else, especially as Katharine yells at Arsinoe to “get her ass back to the game”. I take the seat Mirabella subtly offers me and prepare myself for the road.
The next morning, I wake on the tour bus before the triplets and prepare to interview the three of them. Mirabella’s the first to rise, stretching to touch the ceiling of the bus and apologising for not waking up earlier. She grabs a protein bar and comes and sits down across from me. I start with their break into the music scene, the Quickening Music Festival, which they shouldn’t have been playing in and everyone I talk to agrees they definitely crashed illegally.
“Our start to the music industry was definitely one that could have gotten us in trouble, mostly because Arsinoe takes opportunities where they come, no matter how hair-brained they are,” Mirabella tries to sound mad, but she actually sounds like a proud older sister, which she is. Her protective nature is well known in the fandom and is the subject of many journalistic questionings and internet memes that, when mentioned, gains a serene and agreeing nod.
Speaking of serenity, I am quickly learning that Mirabella is the most calm musician I have ever met, and when I mention this, Mirabella just laughs.
“Compared to my sisters, sure. But I have my days, just like any one else,” at that exact moment, a loud thump comes from the bunk area and Katharine stumbles out a minute later, rubbing her hip. She doesn’t speak and I’m vaguely reminded of a zombie. But, a really short one. My interview with Mirabella ends there as she stands to check on her sister. Quintessential older sibling.
Katharine is my next interviewee and she tells me to just call her Kat. The youngest triplet sits across from me, fiddling with the 8 rings she wears, one of which is definitely an Arron family seal ring. When I ask, she tells me she stole it. I can’t tell if she’s messing with me. She’s the smallest of the three and looks like she could lose a fight with a strong gust of wind, but you wouldn’t think that if you saw her on the drums.
“I have a lot of pent up emotions,” she declares when I ask about her instrument, “I nearly broke one of Arsinoe’s violins when we were younger, so she bugged Willa to buy me a drum kit. I haven’t looked back since,” I can’t help but smile at the story. Arsinoe and Kat seem to enjoy the most banter, but anyone looking at them can see there is genuine sisterly affection there. “But yeah, I went through some shit when I was a teenager and the drums helped me express my aggression healthily.” I don’t ask for any more. Anyone who listened to songs on their debut album like ‘Down, Down’, ‘Viper’ or ‘Dead and Gone’ can hear the deep emotions lying underneath Kat Queen’s skin. Their technical prowess and gory themes have also immortalised the songs as fan favourites.
Kat is gone by the time I look up, seeming to be inspired as she sits on another table and begins writing something down that she eventually hands to a passing Arsinoe, who has spent the morning texting a mystery person with a nearly imperceptible blush on her face as she enters the kitchen area. When she catches me looking, Kat leans over and whispers to me;
“Her and Junior have been chatting forever, if that’s enough of a scoop for you,” she laughs slightly as Arsinoe comes back into the table space.
Arsinoe seems to be the brain behind the operation’s more chaotic elements. She is a verified master of at least four instruments (five if you count voice) and has written the most songs on their album. She looks at me with a cheshire grin and the first thing I can think to ask about is her scars.
“I fought a brown bear and won,” she says, casually enough for me to question whether she’s actually serious (it seems deadpan outrageousness runs in the family). I move onto her music.
“I did a lot of travel when I was a teen, so I had a lot of influences as I was learning my instruments. I also had a lot of people with different styles who have made my music better,” and then she says “shoutout to Jules Milone” and laughs. Her laughter is rough but bright. Much like her songs, which include ‘Sea Ports’, ‘Mount Horn’ and ‘Pub Song’.
She makes me feel comfortable enough to even ask about her love song, ‘Maybe More’. Despite being on the B Side of the debut album, it sent fans crazy with theories. Most in Reign’s fanbase agree that the song is about Arsinoe’s old friend and fellow famous musician, Billy Chatworth, who has also written a song with strikingly similar themes and metaphors, ‘Caught Out’. Both are so tight-lipped it’s almost confessional, but that never stops anyone trying to confirm. Arsinoe laughs when I ask but doesn’t answer, a la Barney Stinson when asked about his occupation on HIMYM.
We get off the bus at the castle-turned-stadium that acts as Indrid Down’s hub of entertainment and it’s all systems go. Mirabella is co-ordinating with the roadies who are moving their stuff. She is somehow both kind and authoritarian. Arsinoe is writing lyrics as she’s walking while listening to something through earphones. Kat is rubbing her drumsticks together and tapping her legs with them while also trying to trip Arsinoe up as they walk together.
They take the stage an hour later and the crowd is deafening as Kat hits the first beat of their set (the jaunty 'Pub Song’). The next two and a half hours go by quicker than expected. The crowd is wild as all three triplets interact with them, and even I’m swept into the hype and I go to concerts like this for a living. Finally, the gentle but haunting lull of ‘Queen Crowned’ finishes their setlist and the audience roars as Arsinoe hits the final, stunningly high note of the song.
Backstage is bustling as mics are removed and sweat is wiped away. Arsinoe picks her sisters up with the force of her hug and then she pulls me into a tight (and very sweaty) hug. The back area fills and Mirabella squeals in excitement as two women who must be her girlfriends kiss her. Kat is embraced by a tall, blonde guy. Arsinoe grins and continues a conversation as she helps one of the roadies pack up before they go out to sign merch.
I leave before the triplets enter the venue lobby to sign merch and meet fans, but I hear the cheering and loud speaking a block away and can’t help but smile. Reign will be around for a while, I reckon.
Dead and Gone
Pub Song
Down Down
Queen Crowned
Falling Rocks
Sea Ports
Mount Horn
One-Handed Mistress
Fire Maiden
Maybe More
Court Rules
Cliff and Tower
Three Prisoners
{Cover} SUPERBLOOM (MisterWives)
{Cover} Clean (Hey Violet)
Tag List: @nataliaarronn​, @poisonerrose​, @alwaysbored005​
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