#I Love ask polly
rowanhoney · 11 months
my favourite way to remind myself I’m just like other girls is to read an ask polly sent by someone entirely individual who’s current experience resonates so deeply with my own and know that even if heather havrilesky’s words are directed to that person, they’re for all of us because so many of us will relate deeply to that one person again and again and again
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liefst · 1 year
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this most recent ask polly is articulating everything i ever aspire to be
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ghost--girlfriend · 7 months
Reblog with a picture of your f/o + a bit about them and I'll give them a squishable :]]]
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Hey! I hope you're doing well. I was wondering if you could make a web weave about how it's okay to be lonely or to not connect with people and how you're still human and normal and okay even if you think or actually don't have people who are close to you or if you have a hard time forming connections or holding on to them. It's cool if you don't, but thank you. Have a good day. <3
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i hope this is what you were looking for !! have a good day <33
Jenny Slate Little Weirds / Janet Fitch White Oleander / Ocean Vuong Someday I'll Love Ocean Vuong / Heather Havrilesky Ask Polly: Help, I'm the Loneliest Person in the World! / @sincerelyatticus / Anis Mojgani In the Pockets of Small Gods / Anis Mojgani Here I Am; Songs from Under the River: A Collection of Poetry
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pollyannawog · 1 year
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Gotta keep the boy warm!!
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liyazaki · 8 months
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honor exactly what you are & it will help you tolerate the repeated irritations of life among the butter knives. -what if I'm a machete? Ask Polly
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aa-400 · 1 year
tag game!!!
its been a Hot™ while since ive seen one of these whew
rules: tag nine (9) people you want to know better and/or catch up with, then answer these questions below!
tagged by @keepthemacramesecret hell yeah thank u arthur!!!
four ships: these are just current faves because four is such a tiny number gfghgf
arthur/john (malevolent) (to the surprise of no one lmao) wrightworth (ace attorney) lord arum/damien/rilla (the penumbra podcast) kojiro/kaoru (sk8 the infinity)
last song: flowers by miley cyrus (dont judge me its catchy!! also idc that its some post-breakup single life empowerment anthem im choosing to view it through aroace lenses)
currently reading: i have a bunch of audiobooks i rotate as bedtime listening but uhhh the king in yellow by robert w chambers, the farthest shore by ursula k le guin, and the first welcome to night vale novel by joseph fink and jeffrey cranor. also i really need to finish jonny sims' thirteen storeys, its so good but im so bad at sitting down with a physical book these days
last movie: i uhhhh cant remember? mightve been klaus which i watched in december before christmas. i dont watch movies much lmao.
craving: nothing at the moment!
tagging: @curiousrei @lintunen @nurmilintu @ceruleanmusings @ft-the-stars @safitheartist @monoshiki @ohnebulae @quietalight
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askthe-eleazars · 5 months
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>Niel seemed to be really happy with the arrival of Polly
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wait wait hold on. who are the "canon" pairings? I have a vague impression that one of them might be Brian/Liam but I'm not even sure why... Please elaborate?
Sure ^^ so when monster prom first came out the polaroids for end pairings were different, and only one polaroid featured solely a pc alongside one of the 6 main romance-able npcs, the rest of the polaroids came out with the second term dlcs. The “canon” pairings are:
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theres also the ending to roadtrip now which is not subtle in the slightest, as well as btfl glitch’s promo material for the games lmaoo
a lot of people also say miri x damien is a “canon” ship but i haven’t really seen any evidence for them being paired together aside from one dialogue tidbit between miri and bellanda in roadtrip so idk
and obviously canon will always be in quotation marks because of the game’s nature as a dating sim
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dendrochronologies · 4 months
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three sentences attacking me with hammers, from last week's ask polly
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hobiebrownismygod · 5 months
So Miguel goes to Pollie’s apartment to talk to her, but she’s busy on the rooftop garden picking an avocado tree to make a sandwich.
She sees him, and she offers him an avocado, and he of course declines. Pollie shrugs it off, and then asks why he came to her universe.
Miguel then went on to ask Pollie why she stood up for Miles, despite him not supposed to be Spider-Man in the first place. She then tells him that Miles told her everything, and that he never intended on getting bit by the spider in the first place, because he was obviously stuck in a rock and a hard place concerning his parents, especially his dad. Miguel then goes on to say that his dad had to die to preserve the web, but Pollie points out that the spider was the one in the wrong universe, and that the catastrophe that happened in Mumbattan was caused by Spot, who was intentionally trying to mess up the multiverse, and not an innocent young man trying to help out someone in need.
Miguel gets ruffles by this, and points out that every Spider-man and woman variant has to go through canon events to keep their universe stable, such as the radioactive spider bite. She then asks him “Were you bitten by the spider? Did you lose an uncle? Did all the canon events you’re so hellbent on happening happen to you?” He’s trying to deflect the questions, but ultimately says no. She then goes on to say this:
“You can say he isn’t Spider-Man all you want, but he’s a better one than you’ll ever be.”
This statement ends up hitting him straight in the gut, and he can’t say anything else, so Pollie puts the avocado in her apron pocket, walking away from Miguel.
“Come talk to me when you’re ready to talk to me like an adult.”
With that, Pollie closes the door behind her, leaving Miguel alone on the roof.
this is actually insane bro pollie is a genius and you are too
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Yeah but fr tho why is Miguel so hellbent on these canon events when he didn’t even experience half of them 💀 bro is on something fr
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mikkokomori · 2 years
Right here's the long list of mostly fluff with a little bit of angst.
I had a few ideas for how the incident might play out, but I'm gonna go for the less angsty one so Mari gets love and support during this tough time even though she blames herself.
Basically the incident happens how it does in Canon, but with one major difference, Sunny jumps down and grabs onto Mari when she falls, and ends up taking the brunt of the damage and (Without realizing it, saves Mari's life), falls into a coma.
Basil sees this happen, but Mari doesn't see him, He runs and calls an ambulance for him and hides in a panic.
A couple of weeks after this happens Aubrey and Kel stop fighting and team up to make their friends feel better.
Their first target? Basil.
Ever since the incident he hasn't stepped foot outside, so they go visit to check up on him, His grandma is worried about him too so she lets them in and goes to make some snacks for the kids.
It takes a bit, but eventually Basil opens up the door, He looks terrible, like he's been crying and hasn't slept.
So they both end up hugging him and trying to reassure him that "We're sure Sunny will be fine! He may be small! But he's tough!"
After calming down and having something to eat, Basil takes them both to his room and tells them he has to tell them something.
He ends up telling them what he saw on the night, but not what he heard as it was less than flattering to Mari, and he didn't want to upset them anymore than they were already. Plus it was pretty personal and not exactly his place to say
So the kids end up with the view that "The situation is terrible, but Sunny tried his best to protect his sister, So lets try to cheer her up!"
All three of them then go to Hero and try to bring him into the "Sunny and Mari Protection Squad".
So unlike in Canon, Hero isn't in a giant depressive slump because of Mari's 'Suicide'.
He's still depressed because his Unofficial little brother is in a coma and his crush is very much not ok.
They gang up on him when he gets home from trying (And failing) to talk to Mari.
They tell him what Basil Saw and try to convince him to join them.
It works and there's a new member to the "Sunny and Mari Protection Squad".
They work together to try and talk to Mari and let her know that they're on her side and don't blame her for the accident, but this doesn't happen for years due to Mari locking herself inside and being tutored instead of continuing in school.
The attempts still happen, but it calms down over the years as they get demotivated.
One thing they always do though is visit Sunny in hospital.
Basically they'd take turns visiting him after school and they'd spend an hour of two on the weekends either drawing, reading, telling stories, or playing games in there with him because they don't want him to be lonely.
On his birthday they all Help Hero bake a cake and get him some presents so they can celebrate it with him, but also so he'd have gifts when he wakes up.
So one thing I've mentioned before on your blog is that Sunny would be in Mari's Headspace, even when she's awake. But he's also at least semi aware of what's going on around him. So when he's in there he hears the stories, them talking with each other and celebrating. Not only that but any drawing they make for him shows up in there too.
While they never see him really react to them. They do feel a sense of peace after spending time with Sunny and he's always happiest in Headspace during these visits.
Now for some Basil Stuff
Polly and Grandma end up becoming good friends. But Polly and Basil? They get along like a house on fire. Pretty much from the moment they met Polly was ready to stab someone for him.
His Grandmother was always His Grandma, but Polly ends up being a Pseudo Mother for him and she always treated him like her Son. They're both semi-unaware of this fact, with Polly being more aware and Basil less so.
The most aware of them however was his Grandma, She only wants the best for her Grandchild and can see just how close those two are.
When she becomes bedridden, she ends up updating her Will in secret, just Asking Polly to Fax it to her lawyer claiming it's just "Some boring legal stuff".
What does she add to the will you may ask? Turns out she had added in that she "Wishes for emergency guardianship be granted to Polly upon the event of her death." and that she "Knew how close both Polly and her Grandson Basil are and wishes for Her to adopt him to finally solidify the relationship they both clearly had but were unaware of".
Once she dies and they both hear what's in the will they're surprised. Polly finally admits that she's seen Basil as her son for a while and had thought about adopting him once his Grandma passes, but didn't mention it to him because she didn't want to upset him.
He ends up crying, but they're happy tears and he also admits that "You're the closest thing I've ever had to a Mom" And that he loved her too. It takes a couple of months, but in the end Polly becomes the Adoptive Mother of Basil and they're both very happy with this situation.
Polly also ends up becoming close with Aubrey and Kel but not to the same degree as Basil. So whenever Aubrey's 'mother' is being more shit than usual she's perfectly happy to let her sleep on the couch for as long as she needs. They also team up to cheer up Basil whenever he has a bad day and vice versa.
And finally some Post Good end content
So the first time Mari and Sunny go shopping for new clothes for him they end up going with mostly darker colours, with one exception, a white T-shirt with rainbow cats on it.
Because he was already really short for his age due to parental neglect, and the fact he's barely grown from being in a coma for years he's very small and gets mistaken for a kid much younger than he is (He's roughly 15 in this AU)
(I don't actually know if coma patients grow normally or not, So lets assume the Staff wasn't doing their jobs properly and he was basically kept alive, not exactly growing.)
Him being very small, and having tall friends *Cough*Hero & Kel*Cough* means that if they're all outside and he's getting left behind because short legs or he's worn out from the lack of exercise that they can just pick him up and give him a piggy back ride. They all can, but he likes to be tall.
Because he's somehow charmed the entire town and no-one bothered to correct people on his age, he sometimes gets free sweets when they're shopping. Due to him being a total sweetheart though he tries to share with his friends.
Sometimes he'll either write or draw about his adventures in Headspace and when people ask he tells them about his 'dreams' when he was in a Coma. Mari saw one of these and got a bit freaked out because "How does Sunny know what was happening in my Headspace?!?". He doesn't show them to Mari anymore, Not wanting to cause a panic attack.
When in a coma his friends would sometimes play some of their favorite music and when he's spacing out he sometimes hums those songs.
Despite everything he's quite perceptive to everyone's needs, but he's not very attentive to his own. Leading to situations where he forgets he's meant to be hungry, or unaware he's tired. So he'll sometimes just pass out on his friends and they try super hard to not wake him up because "It's adorable and he needs sleep"
Mari upon realizing that Sunny never tells her when he's hungry has decided to set up a strict food schedule, This has had the unintentional effect of also making Mari eat regularly and healthily because Sunny would try to share with her, So she ended up making herself food with his.
Whenever Mari and Sunny go out of the house she has a small bag she carries with her. Inside are juice boxes, water bottles, and healthy snacks.
When Sunny first comes out of the hospital his parent's aren't willing to pay for PT to regain his muscle mass, so he ends up in a wheelchair for a few months while he regains his strength. One of the nurses took pity on him though and gave Mari a pamphlet on different types of exercises someone could do to regain lost muscle mass.
While Mari can cook, she's rusty as she's only really cooked super simple means for herself. So Hero decides to help and offers to supervise her while she practices some simple meals to regain her skills. Sunny insists on watching because he wants to help one day.
Mari with the help of the gang end up moving both of their beds down into the music room which has been unused for years (Maybe her parents sold the Piano because she wasn't actively using it.)
Sunny is a little scared when he finds out how much time has passed and how much his friends have changed. But he quickly gets over it because he still loves them.
At one point, Hero and Kel brought Sally over to meet Sunny and he quickly became her new favorite person, much to the slight jealously of the brothers.
Everyone in the group introduce Sunny to people as "Sunny, My Little Brother". He just accepts his fate, and they are his family so it's not unwelcome.
He never spoke much before the accident, and speaks even less after. But one thing that became more common is his laughter and it always brightens everyone's day when they hear it. Kel is the best at bringing it out just by being his goofy self.
He ends up becoming sick a lot more frequently, but luckily he has his friends to take care of him! They each have their own ways of helping when he's sick.
Mari cooks soup and primarily takes care of him in this scenario, but sometimes she's busy.
Hero also cooks soup, and the soup Mari cooks is one of his recipes, but he also brings over one of his weighted blankets to keep him comfy.
Basil will bring over various plants to help liven up the atmosphere, as well as some various plants that he's grown that can help with illnesses.
Kel has many VHS tapes of various Movies and TV-shows that he brings over and sets up to help keep Sunny entertained and stop him from becoming super bored while bedridden.
Aubrey brings various bits of bread from the Bread Twins, but she also reads out loud whatever book she's reading at the moment.
When he finally gets out of the wheelchair, the first thing he does is give Mari a big hug.
More often that not he ends up sleeping in Mari's bed both due to Mari missing being able to do it with him, and that Sunny never has nightmares when he's there.
He doesn't end up going back to school for a few reasons, the biggest two being that he's missed 4 years of school, and that he's tiny so he gets tutored with the same tutor Mari had before she turned 19.
Sometimes he'll go to the school with Mari if one of the other kids have forgotten something. But he's always there whenever there's some sort of event that family can join in on.
While Mari never ended up going to College, she did get a job at Othermart so sometimes Sunny comes with her and helps out with simple things. (He also gets paid for this, don't worry)
Kel still takes up Basketball, But Aubrey takes up Baseball. Basil is also the head of the Gardening club in the school, Don't ask how this happened, because not even he knows.
Mewo is still alive and healthy in this AU, so she spends a lot of time with Sunny.
Sunny ends up befriending the entire cat population of Faraway and they actually bring him things sometimes.
Aubrey swears that he's some sort of Disney princess.
He regularly wears various accessories that his friends have given him.
Basil gave him a hair clip, similar to himself.
Aubrey gave him a cat keychain.
Kel gave him a Captain Spaceboy Pin.
Hero gave him a cat novelty watch.
*hyperfixates on the Sally and Sunny content because it fits with one of my hcs of Sunny fr* 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀
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hesgomorrah · 1 year
i love jamie as much as the next guy, but he's such an obvious outlier that i was curious to see what the spread would look like without him.
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whumpcloud · 2 years
Here's a prompt: barbed wire restraints :)
!!!!!!! oh this is wonderful. thank you!!
content: barbed wire restraints, captivity whump, copious amounts of blood, lady whumper, creepy/intimate whump, filmed whump, pet names, brief mention of whumpee being forced to watch their own whump
"What the fuck is that?"
Ophelia smiles. Derian hates her smile more than Nicolas'. At least when Nicolas smiles, it's genuine. He's having fun. Ophelia's is cold, calculating, and sharp. Almost clinical.
"Barbed wire," she says. "It's useful. Keeps the foxes out. Keeps pretty boys tied up."
"Duct tape not doing it for you?" Derian spits.
Ophelia shrugs. "No."
Nicolas laughs. "It's so cute when you try to be mean to us."
He can't faze either of them, no matter how hard he tries. The futility of it all is starting to seep into him.
"Hold him still, Nicky," Ophelia says.
Nicolas grabs Derian with a speed Derian still never expects. The siblings have learned by now that giving him even a moment to react will only make things more difficult for them. There's a purple ring around Nicolas' eye that's still healing.
Ophelia doesn't even hesitate to wrap the wire around Derian's ankles and pull as tightly as she can.
Derian chokes on his scream, but she isn't finished. She brings the wire up to wrap around his wrists, telling Nicolas to pull Derian's arms down slightly. Derian is squirming and struggling by now, breaths coming out as whines, but it's only digging the barbs in deeper, a sharp, puncturing pain.
Nicolas pulls Derian by the hair, forcing his head to tilt back, and Ophelia ties the wire around his throat. She cuts it there.
Then Nicolas throws him onto the floor.
They get to hear him scream, that time, when the barbs are pressed into the side of his neck and the blood starts to pool beneath him. His vision blurs with tears.
"Aw, look, Lia, he's crying," Nicolas grins.
Derian tries to writhe into a painless position, but it's no use. The way it's tied, he can't sit or stand, and he has to lean back in a way he only can due to years of dancing.
No matter what, there's sharp metal piercing his skin.
"Remember to smile," Ophelia says, leaning in so, so close. "You're on camera, pretty boy."
They'll make him watch the tapes later, of him screaming and sobbing in pain, until he's numb, not even caring that he's laying in his own blood.
For now, they leave him. The camera in the top corner of the basement blinks unfeelingly.
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hello! do you think i could request a webweave on the topic of feeling a newfound confidence and bravery in yourself? i just think it would be neat but please only use this if you’re lacking inspiration :)
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Jenny Slate / Heather Havrilesky Ask Polly: Help! I'm The Loneliest Person In The World! / With Confidence Voldermort / Alexandra Levasseur Body of Land / Amy Schmidt Abundance / Anis Mojgani Here I Am; Songs from Under the River: A Collection of Poetry
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homoo-wan-kenobi · 1 month
Which movie would you like to live in?
definitely enchanted april, I think. very beautiful movie and the scenery really is just lovely.
but I recently watched connecting rooms and I've just been infatuated with bette davis' character since so I'd also like to live in that one.
can I add one more?? all about eve. I'd probably be birdie in this sense, but margo channing would be worth it.
I'm so sorry I've given you three choices instead of just one, I had a hard time choosing! I appreciate the ask 🩷
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