chodarktrash · 1 year
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itsclydebitches · 3 years
RWBY Recaps: Volume 8 “Ultimatum”
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Welcome back, everyone! We had an unexpected break last week due to the horror going on in Texas. I'm glad we did. Not because of any salty "RWBY is bad right now yay free Saturday" feelings, but because keeping to a schedule for a fictional webseries should never take precedence over peoples' safety. I can't believe I need to type that sentence out, but it's true! Over the last seven days I've seen fans who are not merely disappointed by the mini hiatus (understandable) but outright hostile towards the crew because they... were ensuring everyone survived during an unprecedented emergency? Yeah. Given the highly critical nature of these recaps — including today's! — I want to be clear that my thoughts towards Rooster Teeth's creative choices are distinct from any thoughts about the crew itself, including the most basic forms of compassion like, “I sure hope everyone is okay over there.” In an age where it has become horrifically common to harass creators and even send them death threats over stories, it has likewise become necessary to remind people: Don't do that shit. Never do that shit. If I can teach anyone anything at all, let it be that!
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Anyway, dark fandom reminders out of the way, let's dive straight into our delayed episode. It was certainly a doozy. Titled "Ultimatum," we open on a trigger warning for flashing lights. Good on Rooster Teeth for including that, though I do wonder if creators shouldn't be including time stamps as well? Or perhaps a note that you can find those time stamps in the credits, avoiding any (minor) spoilers for everyone else? I'm not photosensitive myself, so I certainly don't mean to speak for that group, but my first thought was, "So how would I watch this episode if I was? Hand on the pause button, hoping I stop fast enough as soon as the lights start?" Hard to do given the surprise nature of the scene. Really, my answer would be, "Wait for the fandom to post warnings of their own, likely including where it happens so I know when to skip" which is perhaps an indication that this information that should be included from the get-go.
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But I am glad the warning exists, regardless. The episode itself begins with a shot of Ironwood looking down at the kingdom. He's used his windows as a vantage point since Volume 7, so that's nothing new, but something about this particular shot reminded me of Ozpin, looking down from his tower. I'm sure the response from many would be simply, "Ah yes, the two power hungry dictators watching over their victims," but I think there's a much more nuanced reading here about leaders being expected to fix the literally unfixable and what that responsibility does to an individual. Of course, it's a nuance that is absolutely obliterated by the episode’s end, but the implication existed for a hot second!
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Two other soldiers are in the room with Ironwood, reporting that Cinder has helped Watts escape. They try to soften this with news that they still have Jacques in custody, but receive only a, "I don't give a damn about Jacques Schnee." Which, fair. He's pretty useless at this point. It's when Ironwood learns that both Qrow and Robin escaped too that he really gets mad, something his subordinates have been expecting given their scared expressions.
Now, I'm treading lightly here because I realize how this is going to sound given the end of our episode, but I still want to note that outside of that ending... this is a weird take? Just hear me out. Since Volume 7 the show has worked very hard to make Ironwood seem scary and unstable — bad setup for what we end with today — but the problem is that none of it works in context and it certainly doesn't work when compared to other characters' actions. They are literally in the midst of an unwinnable battle and thousands of his people are dying. If the audience wants a human being — who also just lost a limb and was betrayed by half his allies — o remain perfectly poised and polite during that, sorry, but that's not how human beings work. But even beyond this, what’s the message here? Ironwood raises his voice, so does Yang. Ironwood hits his desk, Qrow hits a child. If we're going to examine how Ironwood handles his stress and anger, he often handles it better than many of our heroes. Namely, by continually taking that anger out on inanimate objects. I kept waiting for him to attack his subordinates or attack Winter this episode, especially given where we end up, but it never came. Ironwood always has enough control to break the desk or punch the wall, not the person in front of him. Which, of course, would not be a good thing in the real world. I want to be clear given these sensitive subjects that if someone is breaking things in your presence that's a major problem to address. But this isn't the real world. This is a fantasy world in the middle of a war, populated by other characters who express their anger by punching people, slamming them into walls, or screaming at them until they run away. The story wants us to fear Ironwood long before he makes his objectively horrific choices and it tries to achieve that by showing us characters who are clearly terrified in his presence, by giving us a string of broken objects in his wake. But those details don't land well when we compare them to other instances of stress. In the same volume I have watched Ironwood take a deep breath to calm himself down when things have gone horribly wrong. I've also watched Weiss start a conversation by threatening her defenseless brother. So again, what’s the message here? It can’t be that acting violently towards someone = villainous behavior because, as established since Volume 6, that’s common for the heroes. Why are these subordinates terrified about Ironwood slamming his fist on a table, but Whitley has no problem hugging the woman who threatened him? Obviously there is a HUGE difference between our main group and Ironwood when it comes to other actions (cough-bomb threats-cough), but these day-to-day moments don't match up. The show wants to use violence as a way for us to easily identify the Bad Guy while ignoring all the times when our heroes do the same thing. 
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All of which isn't meant to be a defense of Ironwood. As we'll see in a bit, there is no defense for what he's done. Rather, it's a way of acknowledging just how badly he's been written. Why does a man who consistently reins in his anger and takes it out on objects suddenly shoot a councilman for literally no reason? Why does a man defined by wanting to save as many people as he can suddenly threaten to bomb his city? Ironwood's characterization is all over the place, in the sense that they keep writing him as the morally gray, sometimes harsh, but ultimately compassionate man he started out as... up until they need a villain. Salem isn't here yet, so Ironwood can shoot Oscar. Salem isn't attacking yet, so Ironwood can shoot the councilman. Salem is currently reforming, so Ironwood can threaten YJR and Mantle. He's the B-plot villain whenever Salem is out of commission, which is a problem for both their characterizations. This filler doesn't make sense for Ironwood and it severely undermines the threat of Salem. You finally introduce the Magical Big Bad and our heroes are facing more of a threat from a guy with a broken army and three loyal allies left? Hmmm.
The tl;dr is that Ironwood's arc is a disaster and, frankly, it's gotten old reading simplified takes of, "It's just a realistic look at what white U.S. men will do in power sweetie :) " RWBY does not have the context capable of conveying that sort of critical take because our world is not besieged by literal monsters and an immortal witch, to say nothing of how real life good guys do not get deus ex machina canes that fix the problem instantaneously. Ironwood is not an example of anti-U.S. imperialism, he's an example of writers who don't know how to write.
Anyway, I'm getting severely off topic. Obviously Ironwood is a major part of this episode, but the problems demonstrated here are two years in the making. This is the culmination of things I've been discussing for months across hundreds of posts... so I should probably stop trying to summarize it all in a few paragraphs lol. Perhaps when RWBY is over — or Ironwood has died — I'll do a single meta on his character, try to pull everything into one, unified argument.
For now though, we have an episode to analyze.
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While Ironwood is receiving this news we get flashbacks to Qrow and Robyn. Qrow attacks a soldier in his bird form, which is hilarious. Someone GIF that please. It does raise some interesting questions about this magic though: does Qrow retain his aura and strength in this form (something I thought given his choice to transform during the explosion), or was that soldier just so shocked at being attacked by a crow that he went down easy? We'll never know, because that would require establishing concrete rules for this world. The point is Qrow is going feral in his freedom, throwing punches left and right — did he kill that guard? — while Robyn watches it all from under a rock. They're apparently still somewhere in the facility since all the exits are guarded, but that's not the good thing Ironwood seems to think it is. After all, Qrow is out to murder him. He wants to be there.
We all see where this is going, right? The show is going to ignore Qrow's crazy belief that Ironwood got Clover killed in favor of a "Qrow saved Mantle by murdering Ironwood"/“Qrow got revenge for Mantle by murdering Ironwood” ending. Who cares why Qrow wanted to kill him in the first place now that Ironwood has his finger on the trigger? If RWBY is good at anything, it's writing moments that encourage you to ignore everything that came before it. We'll be seeing more of that in just a bit.
"Damn it!" Ironwood yells, because the show is leaning into its cursing. He orders that the subordinates not return until "you have Qrow Branwen in custody." Here we have another great example of the show conflating what the audience knows with what other characters know. See, we know Qrow has a vendetta against Ironwood. We know their relationship is the important one to the story and that Robyn is incidental. Ironwood doesn't know that. There's no reason for him, as a character, to specify that they only bring Qrow back, but it makes sense for the audience who has the whole, thematic picture. Our understanding of the situation is influencing Ironwood's dialogue, which is... not great.
This entire scene we've had creepy music to hammer home just how evil Ironwood is. Except, as said, he takes a breath to calm down and the music fades. Instead of flying into a rage, hurting someone, or doing anything the music suggests he might, Ironwood calmly calls in for an update — which is when the explosion hits.
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It's MASSIVE, seeming to originate from a lightning strike, which is weird, since it's coming from inside the whale, but whatever. The animation is very dramatic and pretty, as we've come to expect of RWBY, but the actual plot is lackluster at best. It's funny though because I thought for a hot second, when Winter and the Ace Ops were caught in the blast, that RWBY had actually done something exciting. I mean, holy shit! There are the deaths we expect from a battle like this. My god, what is everyone going to do when they realize that Oscar's needless attack took out five characters, including Weiss' sister —
No wait, never mind. They're fine.
Let's talk about that "needless" descriptor for a moment though. Do you all remember, two weeks ago, when I went, "Hey, why isn't anyone telling Oscar that that Ace Ops are approaching with a bomb? They're on a time limit! If someone would just mention that Very Important Information then Oscar wouldn't keep standing around to fight Salem." See, at the time I was frustrated because of how the plot was needlessly allowing Oscar to put himself in danger (especially when the whole point of this mission was to rescue him). Now, I'm frustrated because that same plot needlessly wasted the most powerful weapon the group had. There was no reason for Oscar to use literal lifetimes worth of stored energy when the heroes already had a bomb to do the same job! What was the point of that? I guess he took out the other grimm too, but without the whale that still would have been a challenge with a finite end, one Ironwood's army and the remaining huntsmen should have been able to handle. It doesn't feel justified to have Oscar use a weapon kept on the bench for lifetimes when there was another option literally minutes away.
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There's so much wrong with this I need another list. So:
Ozpin's cane supposedly stores kinetic energy, which may contradict what we've seen from it before. Regardless, we’ve never heard about this. The all powerful weapon comes out of nowhere
It also begs the question of why Ozpin wouldn't use that power at Beacon and why he wouldn't insist that they try to get their cane back while captured. You had an out this whole time! But we’re going to ignore that because Oscar is a little hesitant? 
Which makes YJR's presence even more useless than it originally was, which was already pretty useless. Oscar essentially rescued himself
This kinetic energy miraculously doesn't hurt any people or buildings, just grimm
So what is the point of Silver Eyes? That's been their MO since they were first introduced. Sure, Silver Eyes can be used far more often than Ozpin's cane, but it still feels like a let down to learn that the Big Secret behind this weapon is... the exact same thing Ruby has been doing for years
Like Ruby, Oscar likewise didn't need any practice or training. He just set off this massive attack perfectly and without issue
We have now eliminated the biggest threat to the cast instantaneously — the whale and the other grimm — with no effort from the rest of the heroes. Like the Hound, the stakes are obliterated with no satisfying work on the part of our protagonists 
Instead, as said, the actual plan already in place never happened. The bomb just... goes back. Kind of like how Cinder attacked and then just went back to Salem. Penny woke up and then just got knocked out again. We continue to go in circles 
This is because no one took two seconds to tell Oscar, "There's a bomb on the way"
Because this threat is gone the show needs a new one, hence Ironwood randomly threatening Mantle with said bomb
The one way we might have justified Oscar blowing up the whale instead of Winter is if he did it to save Hazel, but Hazel is implied to be dead
Maybe he's alive, but if he's not that happened off screen and we're not sure how. It couldn't have been because of the blast itself — everyone else is fine — so what, Salem somehow killed him before she was blasted to bits? While he was holding her? 
And there's no body?
Salem was torn apart multiple times during that fight and reformed instantaneously, yet now, conveniently, she's taking her time
None of the characters mention the issues above. None of them admit that there was no reason for Oscar to waste LIFETIMES worth of power when they already had a solution in the works. Fantastic
I need to take a moment to acknowledge that so far this recap feels... bad. Disjointed. Bit all over the place. Which makes a certain amount of sense because that's where my thoughts are at. There's so much going on in this episode — so much wrong with it — that I don't know how to boil it all down into a few, neat claims. This episode is a mess! We're barely a few minutes in and the combined issues of Ironwood's characterization and Oscar's choice have left me reeling. So if you're still reading this, bless your patience, I think we'll both need it for the rest of this journey.
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Let's snag a neater plot-point to discuss. Amidst all the chaos Neo literally skips away with the Lamp, clearly thrilled at how her own life is going. Later in the episode she'll text Cinder with the obvious: Salem is going to be pretty pissed when she realizes this is gone. “If you want her name you know what you owe me." 
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So wait... what is Neo leveraging here? Is she agreeing to give the Lamp back so Cinder doesn't get in trouble with Salem? Give Salem the password she's been looking for? Or give Cinder the password to use the Lamp for herself? What would Cinder even want the Lamp for when she's after the Maiden powers? I'm confused about what Cinder is being blackmailed with. Regardless, she needs the lamp for something and presumably what she "owes" Neo is Ruby. We get a cut to her just to hammer that home.
(Side note: both pictures of Neo are hilarious.) 
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Before that though, back at the whale, everyone is taking stock of the situation when Marrow cries, "Hey, they were still in there!" I feel like this is another scene meant to make him look like the one good guy in the group — he cares about YJOR while the others can’t be bothered — but as always, that reading doesn't fit well with the situation as a whole. The others have barely had time to realize they're alive. I don't think it's a moral failing that they didn't instinctually worry about four betrayers, one of whom attacked them, while they're still checking that they have all their limbs intact. Besides, why does Marrow assume they're dead? The Ace Ops were caught in the blast as well, yet miraculously came out unharmed. They clearly didn't set their own bomb off, so it's logical to assume that YJOR did something themselves. It feels weird to have a "Marrow mourns them and Winter is the only other character who cares" moment when everyone is recovering from bomb shock and no one even knows if the others are dead. But, of course, the show is out to portray only two of these characters as good people, so ignore the logic and run with the emotion of the scene.
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All of which is bolstered by Elm pulling away when Vine puts a hand on her shoulder. Why is she acting cold towards him now? Because they're not friends, remember?
While we get more ridiculous relationship dynamics, Ironwood calls in and congratulates them on the bomb working, but tells them to get back because they have another problem in the works. That would be Qrow and Robyn. Winter decides to tell him about the bomb in person.
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We cut to Watts and Cinder watching the remnants of the blast from a rooftop. Cinder has tried calling, but no one answered. Unsurprising, given that Salem doesn't have any other allies left. Cinder says that the plan hasn't changed, she's still going to take the Winter Maiden's power for herself, and Watts can help her by bringing Penny here. He explains that he doesn't have full control over her. Rather, he implemented a virus that is setting her on a single path: open the vault, then self-destruct. Cinder, as one might expect, is furious.
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She snags Watts by her grimm arm and threatens to toss him over the side of the building. Thus begins the best part of the episode, hands down. Despite the danger he's in, Watts throws common sense out the window in favor of dragging Cinder in the most satisfying manner possible. 
“You think you’re entitled to everything just because you suffered, but suffering isn’t enough. You can’t just be strong, you have to be smart. You can’t just be deserving, you have to be worthy! But all you have ever been is a bloody migraine!”
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It's true! You know what else is true? This speech could apply to our heroes as well. Accusations of entitlement and reminders to be smart as opposed to just strong hit hard, considering those are the same flaws our protagonists are struggling with. The difference is that Cinder, miraculously, listens, pulling Watts back to safety and going to cry by herself. That moment is simultaneously more growth than Ruby has gotten and more sympathy than Ironwood has gotten. The woman who murdered Pyrrha is treated more kindly by the narrative than one of our initial heroes and our very first villain has taken more time to reconsider her choices than our title character. You know a show is falling apart when excellent choices are applied to the worst possible character.
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So Cinder is crying while Watts looks guilty and we cut back to YJOR's group post-blast. Yang is finally able to answer a call from Blake who is obviously overjoyed to see her. Weiss gives them directions to the mansion and they ask what in the world they'll do with Emerald, currently on her knees, mourning Hazel.
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Thus begins the third most frustrating part of this episode. See, on the way back the group continues the conversation about what to do with Emerald, with Yang and Jaune distrusting her vs. Ren and Oscar encouraging cooperation. I can't believe I'm saying this after's Ren's speech and Oscar's entire existence... but I'm team Jaune and Yang here. Look, what Oscar and Ren say — the literal words coming out of their mouth — is nonsense. Ren goes, “We can’t let all of our actions stem from fear," as if Yang and Jaune are being ridiculous for mistrusting Emerald, one of the established villains, after years worth of harm from her. It’s weird that Yang points to her arm as something Emerald is responsible for, rather than being framed or the deaths at Beacon, but the general sentiment of, “She’s done horrible things!” is true. Ren’s perspective is the same simplification that was applied to Ironwood last volume, wherein everyone acted as if he was crazy for fearing an attack on his kingdom... post an attack on another kingdom and pre an attack on his kingdom. Putting generic lines in Ren's mouth about not being afraid makes him sound willfully ignorant, as if choosing to believe that someone is good will magically make them so, to say nothing of thinking it will erase all the harm they've already done.
Oscar at least acknowledges the difficulty here, but then follows this up with, “You don’t have to forgive her… just give her a second chance."
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Oscar, honey, that amounts to the same thing in this situation. Allowing Emerald a second chance means working with her, which means trust, which means emotionally reaching a point where these characters can put aside the harm she's done them in an effort to give her that chance in the first place. This actually ties into a post I saw last night, one I've come across before, that claims redemption arcs don't require any suffering on the part of the person who has done wrong. I agree in theory, that prolonged suffering doesn't help anyone, but the problem is that people tend to conflate suffering with consequences and someone who has done this level of harm should face consequences for their actions. The problem with redemption arcs is not that the bad people suffer too much —  emotionally and physically beating on them as a form of revenge  — but that the people they've harmed are put into situations like this one. If Yang and Jaune let Emerald go like she suggests, they are agreeing that she doesn't have to face any consequences for the damage she's done (which, keep in mind, involves multiple deaths, not including all the lost lives here in Atlas). If they agree to give her a second chance, they are forced to jump straight to some level of forgiveness. We might claim they don't have to forgive Emerald to work with her, but from a practical perspective how are they meant to function, especially during a warzone? Anything she provides them with — information, watching their back in a fight, undertaking missions, etc.  — requires trusting her enough to allow those things to happen: working with that info, letting her protect them, allowing her that responsibility. It's all about trust, trust she has yet to earn. In order for a redemption arc to be successful, the power has to be in the hands of the victims. They need to be able to see some justice for what was done to them, be offered some proof that the person in question has truly changed, and have the ability to walk away if they decide no, I don't forgive you, glad to hear you've improved, but please stay out of my life. Jaune and Yang have none of that. There are currently no systems in place for Emerald to face consequences for her choices, she has offered them no proof of her remorse or true motivations, and the other half of the group is pressuring them to give her that second chance without closure or reassurance. None of that makes for a good redemption arc and reducing that to, "So you want to see poor Emerald suffer, huh?" ignores the suffering she has already caused. The group are her victims and they are under no obligation to give her a second chance, particularly under these circumstances, which makes the story's choice to have Ren and Oscar act like Yang and Jaune are being stubborn or inconsiderate a problem. The conversation boils down to, "Give the woman you know to be a liar, manipulator, murder accomplice, and servant of our enemy a second chance based entirely on unfounded faith. If you don't you're letting yourself be ruled by fear."
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RWBY's touchy-feely themes really don't sit well within its realistic, morally gray premise. We cannot continually have these characters go through hell one moment and then have others accuse them of being paranoid the next. The fact that all of this is wrapped up in the group trusting Robyn, Emerald, and Hazel over their established allies remains beyond frustrating.
Because yeah, you know how Oscar finishes his speech? “I’ve already gotten a lot of help today from someone I don’t exactly trust right now." Meaning Ozpin.
The story is trying to compare Emerald and Hazel to Ozpin.
"Oh hey, I kept a secret from you after lifetimes of watching that secret lead to betrayal and death. I keep apologizing for my mistakes while ignoring that I had no reason to trust a bunch of kids with such world-shattering information and also that you tore it from me in the most traumatic way possible."
"Oh hey, I willingly joined our world's version of the devil and helped her destroy your school, leading to numerous deaths including your friend and headmaster. It was his death that put Oscar in this position in the first place! I then continued to attack your group, leading to another near death of a friend, and a kidnapping, and the destruction of Amity, until I became scared enough to make a run for it."
Which one of these characters is granted an instant second chance? You'll never guess who!
And I do think the word "instant" is important here because just like Jaune and Yang have the right to have distance and justice from Emerald, they had that right with Ozpin too. The difference is they got it. They had the power in the situation, as evidenced by their use of the Lamp and physically attacking him. Ozpin heard what they needed from him — leave us alone — and did that without complaint. They were given months to come to terms with the secrets he kept. They were offered apologies and acts of service to demonstrate intent: saving them in the airship and continually saving Oscar. I don't believe Ozpin ever needed a redemption arc, but even if we think he did, he had it. After three volumes of material Oscar's perspective is still "I don't exactly trust [him] right now" but Hazel and Emerald have earned at least the same amount of trust in a matter of hours? They're really having my boy look at the guy who has tried desperately to do right by him despite unimaginable circumstances, and the guy who tortured him to get information for Salem, and went, "That first guy. He's the one we need to watch out for."
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To make things even worse, Oscar tells the others that Ozpin took on all the torture so he wouldn't have to. So he did that and they still don't trust him? If you had told me back in Volume 6 that two years later the group would still be hostile towards Ozpin, while simultaneously urging one another to trust Emerald, I would have said you were lying. RWBY has its problems, but it's not that bad. Yet here we are. I suppose the one silver lining here is that Ren smiles when he realizes Ozpin is back? So at least one of them isn't prepared to draw their weapon at the mere mention of his name.
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Both these moments raise more questions though. How in the world did Ozpin take on that torture when we clearly saw Oscar getting pummeled for a good portion of the kidnapping? Is that a weird merge thing the story hasn't bothered to explain? I wouldn't be surprised, considering Oscar said last episode he didn't want to use magic because it hastened the merge, he uses the biggest explosion of magic we've ever seen, and nothing has changed. Ozpin is still in the back of his head, thanking him for the tinniest shreds of decency they get. Ren, meanwhile, seems to be back to mindreading. How in the world does he know that Ozpin is back? I assume it has something to do with his semblance, but we don't know what. They could have shown us Oscar from Ren's perspective, perhaps with two distinct emotions swilling around to imply that he sees two different people now, not a useless shot of Emerald with purple flower petals, whatever purple means.
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Oh, but no, we shouldn't have gotten either of these scenes. Remember that Ren's aura broke a very, very short time ago? Is it back already? Can he use this part of his semblance without it? Considering it was near impossible to see Ironwood's aura breaking in the Watts fight and we were then mistakenly told he used his semblance in the office, I'm going to go with, "The writers forgot."
Oscar explains that the cane had "lifetime after lifetime" of power in it and though there's still some left, "we have to be careful with how we use the rest." He says that Ozpin trusted his judgement and of course he did! Ozpin also didn’t know that there was a bomb on the way. Yet funnily enough, no one else mentions that, whoops, your choice made in ignorance was a waste and that's due entirely to us prioritizing hugs over basic mission information.
Also, all these explanations take place in front of Emerald. Half the group doesn't trust her, but they'll freely discuss their powers and limitations here. Remember how the group once wanted to talk about magical relics in front of the old lady they'd just met? Yeah, they've learned nothing.
Combine all this insanity with the fact that Ozpin's magic saved the day before Ironwood's bomb could do the same... while Ruby sat in a mansion drinking tea. Who's our hero again?
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So things are a hot mess, to put it lightly. Their conversation finally ends when they hear voices and round the corner to find all the Atlas citizens huddled in the subway. For once the show actually writes them in a sympathetic manner, emphasizing how terrified and helpless they are. This image doesn't lead the group to any revelations though, certainly not anything that would tie back to Ren's earlier speech in the snow. No, once again the justified criticisms here are ignored as we hear that “However this fight ends, we could really use someone like you, [Emerald.]” That's it then. Discussion over. We knew as soon as it started that blindly trusting her was being presented as the "right" thing to do and now here we are, deciding that conclusively, despite Jaune and Yang's complaints. By the time the group reaches the mansion, Oscar is defending Emerald from Ruby. We're supposed to just accept that she's a part of the group now, only minimal pushback allowed.
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Before that though we return to Ironwood getting news that their bomb never went off. He briefly wonders who else could have done that, but puts the currently unanswerable question aside for what he does know. They still have the bomb and it could be "useful." See, this moment — like shooting Oscar and the councilman — is when Ironwood just randomly goes off the deep end. One minute he's talking about what they've lost and cradling his new arm, 
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the next he's saying that he should have tortured Qrow to get Penny to obey him! Which doesn't even make sense since I'm pretty sure Penny hasn't ever spoken to Qrow. She wouldn't want anyone to suffer, true, but it's not like Ironwood had a close friend like Ruby to use as leverage. Qrow is just Some Guy to her. Regardless, he thinks Yang, Jaune, and Ren are decent replacements, despite Penny also having no relationships with them. This is what happens when your characters only start breaking up their teams eight years into the story, the response to Ironwood wanting to torture Ren to hurt Penny is, “Does Penny know Ren exists?” But, you know, torture is torture, right? Maybe. Probably not. I mean, if they're going to turn Ironwood into a cartoon villain, they could at least keep him smart.
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Because all of this is just the height of stupidity. Ironwood wants to torture people Penny barely knows to make her listen (so just grab some civilians? It would do the same job...). Ironwood wants to shoot down empty ships, even though no one, including us, knows where in the world those ships would have gone. Ironwood wants to destroy an entire city to try and save another city. He wants to use a bomb meant for a comparatively small whale and acts like that alone will take out the majority of a kingdom. None of it makes sense! And I know the easy comeback for that is, "Well yeah, Ironwood is crazy and evil" but he's not. I mean he is. Threatening torture and bombings is obviously evil, but he's never been insane, or stupid. As said before, his arc (or lack thereof) is an absolute disaster. The fandom assumes so many things about Ironwood given the opportunity — the whale is a suicide mission. He expects the Ace Ops to die on his order — and the writing hints at so many things that never happen — he's going to hurt his subordinates, attack Winter for disobeying him — and every time what we actually get is a far more compassionate, level-headed character... until he randomly does a 180 and goes, "Let's murder a whole city now!" I never wanted Ironwood to be the bad guy, but they could have at least given me a persuasive decent into this level of horror.
So... yeah. Ironwood has got to die by the end of the volume, yeah? Between Ruby warning the whole world about him and him going into full villain mode, there's no coming back from this.
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Neo sends her text to Cinder and the group makes it back to the mansion. Remember Yang's criticisms of Ruby's leadership? The ones she conveniently forgot about when Ren started to agree with her? Yeah, those are entirely gone as the sisters hug it out and, presumably, forgive one another for... daring to admit that things are bad? Look, I'm not going to deny that Ironwood's scene with Winter was creepy as fuck, 
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but I'm not of the opinion that the heroes are any better when it comes to the theme of obedience. They've attacked one another, screamed at one another, and any dissent from Ruby's leadership results in the questioner being left behind in the snow. We'll accept you again when you fall back in line. I used to adore the relationships in this show, but watching them now is just discomforting. The show might be 100% more obvious with Ironwood, using creepy music, a smile, and that hand on Winter's shoulder, but the concept of, "Sorry I dared to question you before! We won't ever do it again :)" isn't healthy either. The fact that the show keeps erasing theses problems with hugs — Weiss hugs Whitley now, Yang hugs Ruby, someone will probably hug Emerald soon — doesn't make the circumstances any less uncomfortable.
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None of this even gets into the Blake and Yang hug. First of all, why is Blake acting like they had a fight and Yang might not want to see her? She's hiding inside rather than rushing to greet them, ears down in a devastated expression until Yang touches her. Combine this with Yang's "Do you think she's mad at me?" and it feels like the writers cut a fight in the final script and then didn't bother to remove the fallout from that. Seriously, where did any of this come from? You can't just have characters act like they've been fighting when they haven’t.
Also, can't forget this.
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At this point there's nothing more I can say in regards to RWBY's almost-queer baiting. Is touching foreheads more intimate than the hugs Yang gave the others? Absolutely. Is that an appropriate stand-in for overt representation? Absolutely not. This would have been a perfect time for them to kiss. Take out Blake's nonsensical fear and replace it with them both reuniting after their first separation since Volume 5, working under the knowledge that either one could have been killed, finally admitting their feelings. Hell, they don't actually have to kiss. Not all girlfriends are interested in kissing! But they could use the terminology that makes things unequivocally canon.  Another forehead touch when we got that in Volume 6? It's not enough, especially not when our straight couples have all been allowed their rep.
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Ren at least wants to know where Nora is. He's presumably told what happened off screen as Oscar tells Ruby that Emerald is their friend now.
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Then an emergency call from May interrupts the reunion and the group learns that Ironwood is bombing the Schnee ships. “Those ships… they were going to save people” Weiss whispers. How? Tell me how they were going to save anyone. Where were you going to take these people where they would be safer than where they are now? RWBY continually asserts things without explaining them, meaning there is precisely zero emotional weight here. Again, Ironwood is far past the point of defense, but I'd be a whole lot more critical of this particular action if I had a better sense of why it's bad. He appears to be endangering the people given May's shout to run — falling debris? — but the further implication is that Ironwood has doomed the people of Mantle by denying them these ships. It's that part that makes no sense based on what we've been told.
Which finally comes to the ultimatum of our episode title: Penny opens the vault, or Ironwood bombs Mantle. Great! So glad this plan is wicked smart and works well for his characterization. It's definitely not a nonsensical, unfounded, overblown change that feels like it belongs in a child's cartoon, complete with dramatic spotlight. Nope. Excellent writing choices all around.
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Our final line of the episode is, “I hope you live up to the title I gave you," referring to Penny's job as the Protector of Mantle, and you know what? That line could have been very cool if it was delivered by an Ironwood with a persuasive fall and a halfway decent plan in place. I love that we've twisted the concept of a protector and turned the title into a horrifying, rather than honorable responsibility... I just hate everything surrounding those details. 
So, usual RWBY fare.
(At least we get to see that Nora is awake!) 
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Will things get better over the next four episodes? I doubt it. We're still expecting the rest of the Ace Ops + Winter to ditch Ironwood, someone getting the vault open, the fall of Atlas, now the potential destruction of Mantle, and none of that includes Salem who should reform at any moment. Frankly, I'm not looking forward to any of it. The final leg of a season should make its audience excited to see how everything turns out, not dreading it. I've heard from multiple people that this is the volume that finally got them to drop the show and honestly? I'm not surprised.
As a final (happier?) note: we've finally got a bingo! I completely forgot our board last time, which was a terrible oversight, but we can update it now.
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Our army of grimm can't kill anyone now that it got KOed by Oscar (that is the third one hit defeat of a major enemy we've seen this volume. Yes, I'm including the Hound considering it was obviously on its last legs after Ruby's eyes.)
I'm likewise including "Ozpin apologizes for everything including his existence" because he's done nothing but apologize since he came back. The emotion is there even if the literal words are not. Oscar reminded everyone of how untrustworthy he is, but kept the group from jumping them again. And Ozpin thanked him for it.
Neo didn't literally backstab Cinder (shame), but the Relic still counts.
So a triple bingo! Is that how bingo works? Idk, I've never played. I feel like I should have thought up some sort of humorous prize, but sadly I've got nothing. If you think of anything, let me know lol
That’s all then, folks. Until next week! 💜
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willowbird · 4 years
can we get an Aaron POV of him beating the abuslute shit out of Jack in the locker room. i’m talking about slamming this boys head into the locker beating, he need kevin, matt and nicky to get aaron to stop and even then he still struggling to get more in till andrew comes into his vision. show me that same aaron from that secne in thanksgiving!!!
I am so SO sorry it's taken me so long to answer this!! Work was getting hectic and I was working on something else BUT now I'm for sure gonna get through the rest of these asks ^.^
Aaron losing his shit on Jack, huh? Well, we can sure do that ^.^ 
I changed a few things from your prompt just because as I was sitting down to write it made the most sense to me that if Aaron was gonna go after Jack it probably wouldn’t be about Andrew or Neil. Neil and Andrew take care of themselves, more or less, and if they can’t then they’ve got each other. Not that Aaron wouldn’t beat the ever-living shit out of Jack for doing or saying something to Andrew, but he just probably wouldn’t have to -- if only because Andrew doesn’t care enough about Jack to be affected by him. 
Nicky on the other hand...? Well, I’m a bit soft for the twins being protective of Nicky.
Warning for violence, depression, mentions of suicidal thoughts, triggering language. Take care of  yourselves.
“Jesus fucking Christ. That was the most pathetic excuse of teamwork I’ve ever seen in my goddamn life, and this is my sixth year coaching this fucks-forsaken team.” Coach Wymack had just spent the last twenty minutes ripping all of them brand new assholes. They were all tired, they were all angry, and they were all ready for this day to be fucking over, but it wasn’t over until the Coach had had his say, so here they were -- sitting in the locker room, getting chewed out again. 
Not that they didn’t deserve it. Aaron knew they did.
It had been a brutal fucking loss. The Foxes trashed by some half-cocked team from Alabama. Even with Andrew actively trying to block the goal, there was only so much he could do when the other team’s offense kept breaking through their defensive line to swarm the goal. Matt was off the court with an injury, which meant the only backliners they had were Aaron, Nicky, and Keith -- the freshman backliner who still couldn’t figure out how to fucking pass to a moving target. 
Aaron cared less about the loss than he did about the cause for it, and not for the same reasons as half the rest of the team. 
Nicky had been all thumbs and no energy tonight, but that hadn’t been a surprise -- not to Aaron or any of the rest of the monsters. Nicky had been off for a few days, his usual chatty, chipper demeanor whittled down to strained smiles and shrugs in a way that the rest of the team had never seen before. Well, most of the rest of the team. Aaron had seen this before. Andrew had too. Neil and Kevin hadn’t witnessed it directly, but by now the other two “monsters” knew Nicky well enough to know this other side of him existed even if they hadn’t seen it. 
So yeah, he’d gone into this game knowing it was going to suck -- knowing that they might lose. Maybe that had been their mistake. He, Andrew, Kevin, and Neil had been distracted -- torn between concern for Nicky and the need to cover for him. The freshmen had been a nightmare about it and what the fuck even was teamwork. At halftime, the commentators had called it one of the worst performances by the Foxes in three years. 
But at least it was fucking over, right?
“Now get showered up and get the fuck outta my sight. I don’t want to see a single one of you fuckers until tomorrow -- yeah, that’s right, we’re having Saturday fucking practice thanks to that sorry excuse of a game you pissed all over tonight.” Coach glared at all of them in turn. “By tomorrow I expect Nolan and Fisk to get their heads out of each other’s ass and Hemmick?” The big man’s gaze landed on Aaron’s cousin and he felt himself go stiff. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Andrew stand up from where he was leaning against the lockers. 
“Learn how to be a little less fucking useless. I don’t know what the fuck has been up with you the past few days but get it figure the fuck out. You hear me?”
The first pulse of genuine rage ignited in Aaron’s veins. His hands curled into fists and his vision narrowed. Nicky’s quiet, tightly muttered, “Yes Coach,” was partially drowned out by the dull roar in his ears. 
Anything he might have said or done was stymied, however, by Andrew, who slammed his fist against the lockers, drawing everyone’s attention away from Nicky and onto him. 
“Coach, I think we need to chat.” By whatever magic Andrew had over everyone that made everyone automatically take him more seriously than anyone else, he had Coach’s attention, just like that. The man snorted then jerked his head toward the door.
“Fine, but make it quick. I need to try and block out what just happened.”
Coach and Andrew left the room. For a minute, there was a tense, weighty silence, then someone whined and someone else bitched and normalcy returned -- well, normal for a really shitty fucking day anyway. The women split off to their changing room to shower and get ready, and several of the guys did the same. 
Nicky remained seated, staring blankly down at his hands, shoulders slumped in utter defeat. That anger curled in Aaron again -- not at Nicky and not at the fucking game, but at Coach and the team for being so fucking stupid, and at himself for not knowing what the fuck to do about any of it. Nicky’s depression was an open secret among their group. It was something they all knew of but never talked about. This was probably the worst episode he’d had in years and Aaron just felt... fucking powerless. 
When they’d noticed it, they’d closed ranks around Nicky as a group and shut out the rest of the team in a way they hadn’t done since the cousins’ freshman year. None of them were soft enough to take care of Nicky in the way he probably needed, but Andrew drove Nicky to Reddin Thursday morning and Aaron and Neil joined forces in helping Kevin hold his fucking tongue during practices when Nicky struggled to keep up with the rest of them. 
It was not gentle support, but it was all they had to offer.
It just... wasn’t fucking enough. 
“Jesus, Hemmick, are you fucking crying?” Aaron jerked out of his thoughts at the sound of Jack Nolan’s sharp, mocking voice. It was edged with a cruelty that went beyond the typical assholishness of the Foxes. 
“What, forgot how to fucking talk too? Wow, you really are useless aren’t you?” Jack continued when Nicky only flinched at his ridicule and didn’t rebuke him like he usually would.
“Hey, Jack, leave him the fuck alone. You didn’t do so great out there yourself tonight so why don’t you worry about yourself,” Matt barked from where he’d been sitting through Coach’s dress-down. He was wearing his jersey but since he hadn’t played tonight there was no need for him to have to peel gear off or shower. 
“Whatever.” Jack rolled his eyes like a petulant fucking teenager, but the look he shot Nicky was all cold predator. “Why don’t you do us all a favor and just go kill yourself?”
Even over the exclamation of Matt’s reprimand, Aaron still heard Nicky’s breath hitch. He remembered, vividly, the night two years ago when he and Nicky had been drinking and he’d asked him ‘How the fuck did make it through? We were fucking assholes, we are assholes, and you still stayed.’ He remembered not expecting the answer he got. He remembered Nicky looking down into his drink and saying, ‘I almost didn’t. Probably the only reason I didn’t try to off myself again was knowing that if I did, you two would go to my parents and I... I couldn’t let that happen. Didn’t care about me, but I could care about you. Caring about you guys kept me alive.’
He remembered the sick feeling in his stomach and the way that knowledge cut through his buzz, striking him sober with one fucking word: again.
Aaron did not make the decision to grab Jack, or if he did it was overwhelmed by the roar of the monster under his skin as it surged suddenly up from whatever dark place it had been lurking since that violent, bloody night last November. All he knew was that one moment he was standing there, and the next he had his hands on something that needed to shut the fuck up. 
He only vaguely registered the shouts around him as he dug his fingers into Jack’s shirt and whirled him around. Then the only thing that existed was the feeling of flesh and bone and the slick of blood against his knuckles as he drove his fists into every soft part of the body in front of him as hard as he fucking could. Jacks hands scrabbled ineffectually at Aaron’s shoulders, then his face, trying to hit him or grab his hair or push him off, but for all that Aaron was a small man he was a fucking backliner for a reason and he threw every single ounce of his muscle into shoving Jack into the lockers. 
A second later he was on him again, taking a fistful of his hair so he could slam his head into the lockers until the fucker’s knees buckled and he went down. 
All he could hear was the rumble of rage in his veins. There was no thought, no goal, no understanding -- not of anything but the raw, unfiltered hate pouring out of him as he followed Jack to the ground. Distantly, he knew there was shouting or screaming -- that there were words being thrown at him and hands desperately trying to haul him back. He felt the fingers curling around his biceps and tugging on his shoulders. But his wrath was far too powerful and each time someone got a grip he was able to wrench free and use that momentum to land another hit. 
At one point a solid arm wound around his waist and hauled him up and away. A sound like a feral animal ripped from his throat as Aaron thrashed wildly, trying to throw himself back onto Jack. The man had stopped moving at this point but there was a wet, raspy sound coming from him that still spoke of life and maybe Aaron hadn’t consciously decided to keep going until it stopped, but the drive was there all the same. 
The rest of the room was hazy around the edges, people were blurs of sound and color. The only thing in focus was the wheezing form of Jack fucking Nolan on the floor, and Aaron fought viciously to get back to him, jerking at the arms holding him back, kicking and trying to lash out with all his strength. 
Until something blocked his view. And it took a minute for Aaron to recognize what it was. To recognize who it was. 
“A-Aaron. Aaron. Stop. Please. It’s o-okay. It’s okay. I’m okay. S-stop...” 
The rest of the world snapped back into focus at the sound of Nicky’s gasped, broken words. Aaron stopped fighting so suddenly that he and everyone trying to hold him back stumbled. There were three of them, he realized -- Matt, Kevin, and Dan. Neil and Andrew were flanking Nicky, the three of them blocking his view of Jack’s prone, gasping form but not actually trying to stop him from killing him. 
Nicky was crying, his eyes wide and his hands trembling as he held them out in front of Aaron, pleading him to stop. 
Aaron took a few more heavy breaths and realized he’d been panting. He looked from Nicky to Andrew’s cool, appraising stare, then to Neil’s similar expression before finally glancing beyond them to the mess that might have once been Jack Nolan. When he dragged his gaze back to Nicky, all he said was, “He shouldn’t have opened his fucking mouth.”
Nicky made a strangled sound, something between a sob and a laugh. Then he did something he almost never did and launched forward, wrapping his arms around Aaron in a tight hug. In a reflex that Aaron didn’t even know he had, his arms snapped around his cousin and he hugged him back just as fiercely. 
As Nicky sobbed onto his shoulder, Aaron looked over his hunched form and met his brother’s gaze. There weren’t words that could translate the look they shared just then, but if he had to label it, it might have been something like understanding. 
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inessencedevided · 4 years
The Untamed, episode 49 - watching notes
*takes deep breath* ONLY TWO EPISODES LEFT!!! 😭😭😭
Btw, this is how I spent my day. Baking a subtly shippy pie for my family, who thought I had mixed up the date easter falls on 😅
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Therapy-baking to cope with the end of a show aside, I'm still not ready for this show to end 🥺
I still find it hilarious how little patience wwx has for jgy's villain act 😅
Like bitch, you wanna talk tragic villain backstory? You got nothing on me 🤨
Yeah, I thought the "my friend" part was a bit rich, too :/
I get that jgy, like all good villains (If he really is the villainof this story is debatable, but for tha sake of this argument I'llrun with it) doesn't think of himself as such, but he's got to realise the magnitude of his betrayal towards lan Xichen
Wait what?
What did jgy do at the burial mounds specifically that has lxc renounce their friendship ALREADY? 😳
Ah! or was that off-screen during the previous episodes when lxc got trigged into this situation?
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What do they say about the anger of a gentle man?
Oooh, so the fact that jgy acted now was due to the letter! I feel a bit dumb that I hadn't realised that 😅
"Do you really not believe in me at all?" ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? HE DID!
He believed in you when no one else would!!!
I just noticed that that's another parallel to wangxian. Only ... 😬
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That shot gives me goosebumps...
Those red robes are beautiful :'(
Poor Quin Su ...
Jgy saying to lxc that his naivety shocks him ... well that's the point, right? That's why he could fool lxc like this. I'm not sure if naivety is entirely the word I'd use, but I can't find a better one right now 🤔
But it's definitely the right word for the way he saw jgy. Maybe it's the fact that lxc naturally assumed that because HE didn't see jgy social standing, jgy wouldn't either. But jgy could never shake off his parentage because both his environment and his own ambitions never let him
So of course jgy thought he "had no choice". The choice was between doing the right thing and giving up his status he had fought so hard for or doing the wrong thing and keeping it. To him it wasn't a choice
And he's right, that's a position none of the cultivators present, not even wwx would have ever had to face
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I can emphasize with almost everyone in this story at least somewhat
But that guy can go fuck himself
Fuck, did he just slap him? 😳
Lan Xichen is honestly way beyond his limit
Didn't we already establish that Jin Guangyao arranged for the confrontation that lead to Jin Zixuan's death?
Okay, no I just gathered that from context when we learned that Su She had played the second flute 😅
Oh Jin Ling 😥
Yes, life isn't fair. The world isn't fair. Frankly, there is no one in the cultivation world who isnt at least guilty of some crimes by virtue of doing nothing
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What an awesome shot!!! 😳😳😳
Sometimes this show's cinematography is just *chef's kiss*
"Women are trouble, especially those who have read a few books."
*takes a deep breath* *screams into pillow*
I'm good
I know patricite is frowned upon but ... that's the one thing i can't be angry at jgy for 🤷‍♀️
Not saying it's right, just that I'm not particularly angry about it 😅
"He hid it inside his body"
He did what now? o__O
Jiang Cheng offering himself up for Jin ling 😢
For a second there I thought the banging on the door was a gunshot and was REALLY confused 😅
Sometimes I forget Huaisang is even there and then they'll show his shocked and I'm like ohhhh you're still here 😅
Lan Sizhui! How is it that everyone in this town???
I swear to got if Lan Sizhui dies now I'm going feral 🤬
Mingjue! 😳
But ... wasn't he in that coffin BEHIND them???
Ah okay, it's wen Ning not Nie Mingjue
Explains why he was with Sizhui
I have a new kink. It's wwx controlling spirits by whistling 😳
Ohhh shit
Is this how jgy dies?
Holy shit that's a lot of blood
Awww, jiang Cheng called out for wwx with the same concern he called for Jin ling *sniff* :')
Another lost arm
Was it baxia or lwj? 😳
What? Why?
Why is it attacking Jin Ling???
Omg Wen Ning is still there 😭😭😭
Oh Wen Ning
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So much stronger than anyone gives him credit for
I'm crying you guys 🥺
Oh my god
Guys ...
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That little moment right here!!!!
Of Wei Wuxian using demonic cultivation and obviously Lan Xichen is worried, but Lan Wangji tells him, with just a glance that it's okay and then with an other glance to wwx that he trusts him. And there's a nod and a little smile from both of them. No words needed. And I don't even know if lan Wangji knows what wwx is planning exactly, but it doesn't matter because he trusts him without question and wwx knows it and accepts it and ... guys
It's such a little moment but it's EVERYTHING
A little nod and a smile
"I know you. I trust you"
This is it guys
This is endgame and I'm so so glad I started this show :')
I wish you guys could see how wide my smile is right now 💙🖤
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How am I even supposed to begin to describe what that expression makes me feel? 🥺
Now we have the perspective of the stygian tiger amulet? 😳
Ooh, dies he want to reunite the sword and Mingjue?
Why DID su she want to kill Huaisang??
Well that went differently than expected
Guess he's dead 😬
I don't quite understand where baxia came from btw
I know it was missing but I dont remember where we last saw it 🙈
Sure it's a great idea to bury the amulet? Wouldn't destroying it be safer? It's not like no one ever desecrates graves in this world 😬
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Favourite wangxian specific trope: lwj will always be there to catch :') wwx apart from that one time but we don't talk about that
"I'm dying!" Gotta love Nie Huaisang 😂
Even now, Lan Xichen show jgy kindness
I'm in awe of that man
The paper butterfly!
Does Sizhui remember?
What did Huaisang just do there?
Was that ... a lightbulb?
The fuck????
The fuck?????
Tbe fuck?????
He wasn't there
Did Huaisang just ... purposefully get Xichen to stab jgy????
Or was that camera angle a misdirection?
He probably just killed him on accident!!!
What t f happened to my ship!?!? 😭
@sweetlittlevampire @fandom-glazed @elenirlachlagos @allhailthedramallama @luckymoony @kyrrahbird @i-love-him-on-purpose
No time for pleasantries!!! I'm off to the next episode 😳😬
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bilgisticallykosher · 4 years
Selfishness vs. Selfishness Redux
Pre-episode thoughts. I don't think they're going to address the dark side Everybody-already-knew-that thing right away. I'm still thinking Deceit's gonna be Virgil, but I'm also not so certain that's going to wind up going down. Because there's a lot of other stuff to get into. We know from the first Asides that stuff between Virgil and Patton is growing, and simmering. It's coming, and while that's in the future, there's probably going to be more build-up here. Is it that Patton knew about Virgil's past? Is it something else entirely? This is going to be a two hour episode, geez. 
Also, I can't believe he's actually going to the wedding. Idk. All those people saying he got the date wrong, though? First of all, Logan is in charge of the schedule, he'd never let that happen, how dare? And also, I always double check dates and invitations for stuff. I really doubt Virgil wouldn't have looked at the invitation and checked the information again. Watch me be totally wrong now. 
I don't know who I think the cloaked figure is. Could be Deceit ("like a freaking Scooby Doo villain"), could be Thomas himself. Probably not Organization XIII, but I'm not completely eliminating the option, let me have this. 
Things I'd like, but am 99% certain won't happen; Deceit's name (which I'm both hoping and expecting to not start with D), a new side, Remus and Deceit interacting on camera, or really Remus at all. Except for that green score of BOOBS, I maintain that's Remus's contribution. 
First impression of the thumbnail. You vs. Yourself???? Oh my gosh. Ohhhh, I'm freaking out. Patton looks so apprehensive, and I don't know if that's on general, or because of Roman or in response to Roman, because Roman looks so annoyed at Patton! He's so angry oh my gosh. I mentioned I wasn't ready, right? Okay. Okay. So their sprites are different styles, which is cool. Patton's looks risk-based stroll around town type of RPG, Roman's looks fighting style. 
The options for the character select???? Oh my gosh, that's. Hi, Remus. Anyway, uh, I don't know what this means, but there's three character options on top and- DARK SIDES ARE SEPARATE FROM LIGHT SIDES! Oh gosh, I was thinking maybe it was something to do with specifically Logan. Ooh, Deceit's in his lawyer outfit, nice touch.  THERE'S AN EXTRA BLANK PLAYER OPTION. I don't know if that means he'll be revealed this episode, or just that he exists. I mean, we just had Deceit's logo, Remus's reveal and name reveal… here goes.
IT STARTS WITH THE VIDEO GAME??? THIS IS THE INTRO????? THE WEDDING??????!!!!!!! Oh hey word crush. Oh hey, it's the couple! Starting to think this is a dream or fantasy, btw. Also, Lee and Mary Lee sound like...Esteban and Valerie? Maybe? Idk. Omg, Life is pain. 
This is awkward, beautiful. Pfft, hence the marriage. Photographer is great, no idea who he or the emcee are. Ooh. Crushed. 
INTRO??? EXCUSE ME??? Oh was SvS originally on 3/31? Yeah, good, play a review like all of us haven't been obsessing over what happened last time. "APRIL 13" I'm just going thi pause forever now. Oh this is going to be the angry walk in that was previewed in the bloopers, I can tell. Oh no. OH NO! And it is at night and he seriously freaking actually went to the wedding????
Oh my gosh he's so angry. Ohhh, Patton rethinking his phrasing, nice. You should never→I'm surprised that you etc. Oh Roman! Oh, maybe we should… not review. Oh boy. 
Oh there's Patton's avatar. In then guitar hero thing. Oh, Thomas is associated with the color white, confirmed??? I like how they did the notes there. So much detail. The talk sprites are great, but the expressions on the dancing sprites are worth paying attention to. Okay, Patton's still very, um, defensive, I guess is the word? Thomas is angry and bereft and confused and full of doubt, and Roman's heavily on the confused side (ha) about him aligning with Deceit. This is why he stole his hat. Great animation work, everyone, that was fantastic, artists! 
"Why didn't I just talk to them before the wedding?" THOMAS. Also, because Deceit specifically prevented Logan from being too close to the courtroom scene by benching him and not asking him what his idea of a compromise was. "I brought that up," well, you did, but Deceit kinda made it seem like you were suggesting lying to them, so you got shut down. Sorry, Ro. Listen, I love Deceit, but the boy's a manipulator. 
We learn to predict the future!!! Roman, no. Woah, Patton's just being completely dismissive. I mean he's been through some hard times the last few episodes, minus LNTAO, but damn. Oh. Roman's very much defending Patton. This forebodes very badly. This is going to explode terribly. Oh no. 
Okay, so, the thing with the feral cats. Is Roman okay? Did someone do this to him? More importantly, did he do this to me? Also, on a serious note, I'm super shocked Deceit hasn't come in yet, because he (and Thomas, and arguably Patton) is obviously regretting going to the wedding. I mean, Virgil's not coming in right away because of the reveal at the end of DWIT, but- hey where's Logan?! Logan and Deceit should both totally be here! *gasp* Except in the one on one episodes (Heart vs. Mind, My Negative Thinking, Logince; the argument) it's always primarily been the two sides that are featured with the others either not there or off-screen or making small cameos. But Deceit was and is an important part of this decision past, present, and going forward! 
Oooh, I like the Lee and Mary Lee backstory. Hm. Patton does bring good points, but. I still agree with- oh, Thomas just solidly saying no made me snort. Okay, so speaking of the coin bleeping, why the video games? I know there's more to come with it, how do they come into play? Oh okay metaphor. 
That was clearly not the good ending, Roman. Bringing up Is Thomas A Good Person again. OOH xylophone, is he a-comin'? Oh he's directly blaming Patton. Wow, Roman. 
A BAGEL?! Oh, game sssssssstore. Really? Frogger, Pat? 16 graphics. Oh there's the hotdogs. OH and there's the cloaked guy! Smashing our theories. That does not seem like Sondheim. 
The puns, oh my gosh, brilliant. Getting to the meat of them here. Gosh these graphics are fantastic. 6AM dull. 
Oh. Hm. Technically, he does not have to give him the 'dog. The building tension is fascinating. 
HI, LOGAN! Patton looking real uncomfortable at "regret." I mean, they all know they regret it now, right? Roman making fun of behoove, that's so funny, I have no idea why. Seriously, whoever's doing the art, I'm dying at Logan's expressions. Woah good thing viewers have the pause button. I'm all for not buying X-mas decorations. I'm doing my part, goyim. 
I'm counting "it's not like Kingdom Hearts" in lieu of that having been Organization XIII. Oh boy, Patton. Right thing vs. Feeling good vs. Feeling good about doing the right thing. This is falling apart. Patton's noise. 
BOOBS omg Deceit is Bowser. I love that painting in the background! Scutes! Time went from limited to being lost to poorly spent to wasted! I'm standing by the purple being Virgil. Fyi, in Judaism, doing a good thing for the wrong reasons doesn't matter, because you're still doing the good thing, even if it's just for the reward. There's a thing about it with Avraham and a King.
Roman's getting close to breaking. Reptilian rapscallian guy. And who's to say he can't be doing it for the reward and to help people? 
"... an individual's happiness and the amount of selfless acts…" that should be number, not amount, Logan! Can't judge good deeds only by how good you feel when you do them. 
Okay, here we go. How do we know what's Right? Killing and stealing is illegal everywhere, yes, Thomas, what are you doing, Thomas???
Oh my gosh, not the trolley problem. They're referring to Deceit as Denial and Roman as Passion! Oh gosh, that looks like Joan, Talyn, Dot, Valerie, and Terrence, and Leo by himself, maybe? Oh geez, I jolted. Logan index carding for trolley problem. 
Unus Annus is right, the trolley problem is stupid. Oh my gosh, Logan's giant wall of text physically pushing Patton back, I spit all over my screen. Skip All. 
Roman's… blaming himself? Oh!!! Are we getting Roman's insecure arc???!!! This is a complex issue, and Patton's having a hard time backing down, and everyone's feeling bad.
Scared?! I hear music! NO. Why is he scared, oh my gosh?????? That's not a tired metaphor. Oh! I've heard of hypoxia! It was hypothesized (and disproven) to be the reason for a specific Bermuda Triangle incident. 
Good point, Logan. Regarding theory and in the moment instincts. Remus mention with intrusive thoughts! Shocked that Logan is arguing for leisure time. Logan's self satisfied smirk at the self-sacrifice. GLITCHY! Oh he's a frog. Lilypadton. 
Oh my gosh I'm getting so stressed. Yes, thank you, Logan for the scream. I… don't. The conscientious comment. No, it's not. This seems… Deceit-y. IT IS! SHARP SIDE OH MY GOSH! Oh, he didn't rise up, he popped out in the freaking dialogue box, NO, FRICK IT WAS RIGHT THERE! And the Nietzsche and the specific examples that he used!!! I'm so angry! I DIDN'T THINK HE'D TAKE LOGAN'S PLACE AGAIN! I MISSED THE SIGNS! 
Hey guys, look, it's Deceit. Bull… frog. Lord of the lies. Oh! 8-bit Deceit theme. Okay, the first thing Deceit said about him not doing it on purpose was nice, but yeah, those words striking him is accurate. Yeesh, harsh. 
Is Patton eating his own words? Oh, uh, is anyone going to acknowledge he hit Thomas? Is that telling of the situation instead of just being a funny background event? 
The crick in Thomas's neck is so funny. SNAKES ON THE PLANE!!! ...Hm. Happy that he brought that up. Oh my gosh, Deceit's spluttering, he's like so bad at things sometimes, I love it. 
Logan! No, don’t do that, everybody appreciates you! Double curse? Pffffft, Logan. Deceit…definitely smiling at Logan's logic. Deceit is interesting here. Oh wow, yikes. He's really fascinating here. Legitimately complimentary? Oh, no, kind of not, maybe. Roman looks distressed.
"...Trees?" Roman's super pumped up. Good for him! Ha, his imitation. Deceit looking confused? Patton looking all sorts of things, I really think that Deceit is being genuine here- NAME?! I'D THIS HAPPENING? Why is he stripping? His, no, what does his glove have to do with his name? 
………. Janice? Did he say Jenus or Janice. It sounded like Janice. Deceit. No. Oh, burn, Roman. Damn, he almost got me. His name is not Janice. No. It's not. Don't even. Deceit was being so straight(ha)forward for the past couple of minutes. Awww, Roman. Insecurity addressing time? Wait, why is Deceit nodding at the hero thing? His lip is trembling, his voice is cracking and oh no! Roman just sank out.
Don't call him Janice, that's not his name. Oh he's being genuine again. Patton's talking about himself. WAIT WHAT. He had a five second cameo, omg. 
Yeah, those are the easier questions. No, Deceit, bad Deceit. Man, his facial expressions in this episode. Fractionally fiendish fibber. Oh, I like the reasons for Deceit being a part of him! That's… cute? Oddly cute, maybe. So, freaking how far in the future is the Asides? 
Stop calling him Janice, that's not his name. Oh, Deceit and Thomas bonding. That snort, oh my gosh. Oh, serious Deceit again! That reaction to "you're right" is oddly similar to that fake laugh at the end of Embarrassing Phases. 
………. Virgil's not here yet. His reveal isn't being addressed. Accepting Deceit. That's why he's so pissed at Patton in Asides. The next episode proper they're going to reveal that Deceit's accepted, more or less, and Patton was a big part of that, hugely changing his mind, that's why he's so pissed at him!!!
April 30th? Oh is this Lee and Mary Lee? I was wrong on the voices. Door-yelling! Hm. I mean. It's nice that they're acknowledging him, but I really don't think that sways the situation one way or another. Cute more background, and Thomas being awkward. They. This could have been instead of the wedding. Kingdom Hearts again! 
Oh hi, Patton and Deceit. He seems annoyed at the situation. Patton and Deceit bonding. Hi again, Leslie. Wild. 
This video really didn't go at all how I thought it would. Roman was barely miffed at Patton. Oh man, this was intense. I. Oh man. I need to process a lot. But I think we're on the right path, here. Janice is not his name!
Okay, I went on tumblr and two seconds in, I saw Janus, which I looked up and that makes way more sense. Another, more condensed post to follow. And several thousand reblogs.
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estelwenadia · 5 years
Return to Gusu with Me
Chapter 1: Episode 15 - Beautiful Tranquillity
It was a foolish notion from the start.
The combined efforts of the GusuLan Sect and the YunmengJiang Sect proved futile against the terrible, overwhelming might of the Wen.
They had put up an impressive offense, but it was still useless in the end.
What were they thinking - trying to defeat the sun?
Even on his knees, Lan Wangji refused to look cowed. Beside him, Jiang Wanyin radiated pure hatred and anger at their current predicament.
They would fight till the last drop of their blood. They would not be captured alive.
In a split moment of despair, Lan Wangji closed his eyes.
I am sorry, Wei Ying.
He had failed to avenge Wei Ying, but at least, he would die trying.
A single, shrill note pierced through the night.
Lan Wangji's head snapped up in shock.
So much power in that single note and yet...
Lan Wangji could not suppress a shiver.
So much malice.
So much darkness.
So sinister.
The raging fires around them flickered green orange green orange, before they finally settled on an eerie green.
Murders of crows erupted into the sky, adding to the ghastly scene unfolding before their very eyes. 
As they watched in petrified horror, slain Wen cultivators rose from the ground like puppets on strings, heeding the call of the flute song.
Lan Wangji and Jiang Wanyin staggered to their feet.
Whatever it was, they would not meet their deaths kneeling down.
But it wasn't what they had expected at all. The freshly awakened feral Wen corpses rushed for their living counterparts, blithely cutting them down like farmers to wheat, curiously ignoring the befuddled cultivators from other clans.
"These feral zombies only kill the damned Wen dogs," Jiang Wanyin remarked, echoing exactly what Lan Wangji was thinking. 
He glanced up at the figure who stood backlit against the moon and raging green inferno, a dark silhouette with fluttering robes and trailing hair.
Lan Wangji followed his gaze.
"One flute controlling all corpses. All ghosts heeding his commands. Just where does this person come from?"
Lan Wangji frowned. "This person practices the dark arts. His techniques are sinister but..."
His brows narrowed with confusion. "He seems to be a friend instead of a foe."
But what was this feeling that somehow, their unknown saviour, was someone familiar?
Jiang Wanyin laughed. It was a sound as dark and as sinister as the song from the flute. "No matter what means he employs, as long as he kills the damned Wen dogs, he's our ally!"
When Wen Zhuliu stood protectively in front of Wen Chao, it was only then the figure stopped playing the flute.
All the zombies stood still, as if showing respect for their master, or because of the stopped music, no one could really tell.
The ever present dark miasma enshrouding their mysterious ally gently lifted him off the roof and descended him safely to the ground.
The zombies seemed to be lowering their heads in respect as he walked amongst them, towards the two surviving Wen members.
Something about the young man still seemed familiar, even though there was nothing familiar about him.
Not his robes adorned in grey, black and red, or his flowing black hair, or the dark flute with blood red tassels and a jade ring as green as the green fire around them.
Lan Wangji couldn't ascertain the man's identity, not with his hair obscuring his face from his view.
The man stopped a few feet in front of Wen Zhuliu and Wen Chao.
"Wen Chao," he said softly lifting his hand to toy with the dark aura fleeting around his fingers, "We meet again. I told you, that I will come back for you."
Jiang Wanyin let out a startled gasp, his eyes widening. "His voice..."
Lan Wangji still could not recognise that man. He had never heard such a voice before. A voice filled with contempt and darkness.
Lan Wangji glanced at Jiang Wanyin, but the other man stood staring at the stranger, speechless with shock.
Wen Chao blubbered his fear, but the demonic arts practitioner paid him no need. Instead he coldly addressed Wen Zhuliu.
"Core-Melting Hand... Do really you think... You can save his pathetic life... from me?"
"Better die trying!"
Hand flaring with tendrils of red, the bodyguard dashed towards the enemy, and Lan Wangji caught hints of glowing coal red eyes and a sadistic smirk before Wen Zhuliu was effortlessly batted away by a rush of fearsome power.
Raising his flute, he held Wen Zhuliu suspended in the air, aura of resentful energy coiling and tightening around him with unseen bone-cracking strength.
"What a loyal dog."
Through breathless gasps of pain, Wen Zhuliu choked out his reply, "The debt of gratitude I owed to the Clan Leader for his recognition... must be repaid!"
"Your debt?"
Tendrils of black miasma erupted and flared from the ground beneath him, and the man was enshrouded in even more resentful energy as his fury and hatred intensified.
"Why is that your debt has to be repaid at expense of others?!"
As Lan Wangji watched grimly, the man seemed to be summoning dark energy from the surrounding feral zombies, swirling around him like a maelstrom before gathering on his palm.
"Core-Melting Hand!" the man hissed, closing his fist.
Wen Zhuliu screamed as his arm bent and twisted in impossible angles again and again, like how a piece of wet towel was wrung out to dry.
He fell to his knees, blood dripping from his mouth, but the man wasn't done.
He stepped forward, right in front of the kneeling, wounded man, regarding Wen Zhuliu with eyes smouldering with burning hatred.
Lan Wangji wondered what Wen Zhuliu had done, to be the subject of such malicious intent.
As Lan Wangji watched, Wen Zhuliu was lifted into the air once more, and, faster than his eyes could blink, the man suddenly vanished and then reappeared behind Wen Zhuliu in a flash of crimson lightning.
The man turned slightly to reveal something held in his hand - a golden core.
It's impossible. Lan Wangji had never heard or seen golden cores being forcibly ripped out in such a way.
Coughing out blood, Wen Zhuliu fell to his knees once more, glancing at his smoking chest in horrified disbelief.
"My... golden... core..."
He collapsed bonelessly to the ground.
Vast amount of resentful energy was absorbed into the golden core, before the man holding it captive shattered it effortlessly with his thumb and forefinger.
Wen Chao's eyes went wide. "You... Who on Earth are you?!"
The man calmly walked past the fallen Wen Zhuliu towards Wen Chao.
He raised his head, and for a moment, the dark miasma surrounded him receded just enough to reveal a face Lan Wangji thought he would never see again, despite the glowing crimson eyes and a sharp smirk on his features.
"Wei... Ying..."
 - After Wen Chao met his tragic end -
Lan Wangji carefully approached Wei Ying, still unable to overcome the nightmarish scene that had transpired minutes ago.
"Wei... Ying."
It showed in his voice.
Wei Ying turned to glance at him. "Hmm, Lan Zhan?"
There was no warmth in his eyes. No smiles or laughter in his voice. Not a hint of the Wei Ying that he once knew.
It was unnerving.
But he was still Wei Ying, and Wei Ying was here and whole and alive.
"It was you who killed the Wens along the way?"
Wei Ying looked away. "Of course."
"The evil-summoning talismans?"
Another disinterested hmph. "I did that."
Lan Wangji could not suppress the sorrow in his voice. "Wei Ying, there is a price to pay for cultivating the heretic path. There has been no exceptions."
From where Lan Wangji was standing, he could see an arrogant smirk on Wei Ying's obscured face. "Whatever the price, I can afford it."
Lan Wangji clenched his hands into fists at his sides. "The path harms the physical body, and it is even more damaging to one's heart."
Wei Ying's smirk sharpened into an annoyed scowl. "I know what I am doing."
At that Lan Wangji finally snapped. It was unbecoming of him, but he didn't care anymore. "There are things that you cannot control!"
Wei Ying turned towards him again. "I certainly can control. As for my heart... What does it have to do with others? Why do you care?!"
What does it have to do with others?
Why did he care? 
Didn't Wei Ying know how much others had been worrying about him?
Jiang Wanyin.
Jiang Yanli.
Of course Wei Ying didn't know.
"Wei Wuxian!"
"Lan Wangji!"
Wei Ying clenched the flute tighter in his hand, summoning the resentful energy again. "Do you have to get in my way? As for sinister," he raised his flute, wisps of darkness emitting from it, "What could be more sinister than the damned Wens? Didn't they deserve a fate worse than death?!"
As if responding to his hatred, miasma of resentful energy flared up once more, swirling around him.
Shaken by this new Wei Ying, Lan Wangji felt grief rising within him. "Wei Ying... Return to Gusu with me..."
Wei Ying paused in his rage. "Return to Gusu?"
For a moment the crimson coals in his eyes faded away to their natural grey at the confusion of Lan Wangji's request, and then they returned, glowing fiercer than ever.
The aura of resentful energy intensified around them as Wei Ying realized the implications of Lan Wangji's request.
"I see. Afterall, your GusuLan Clan detests demonic cultivators like me."
It was only logical that Wei Ying would come to such conclusion. Lan Wangji should have known better.
"It is not for denouncing you." Lan Wangji tried to explain. 
"Then what for?!" Wei Ying roared, "Make me cultivate my mind? Or destroy my cultivation base?! Who do you think you are?! What do you think your Gusu Lan Clan is?!"
With a swing of his flute, Wei Ying dispelled the resentful energy, and with it, the control he had over the waiting feral corpses.
One by one, they fell to the ground like sacks of wet sand. When the last of them hit the ground, the flames around them kept flickering from green to orange.
Lan Wangji didn't want to lose Wei Ying again. He didn't want to experience such emptiness, loneliness and despair all over again. It was horrible when he did not know where Wei Ying had disappeared to, whether he was still alive or not, but it was even worse when Wei Ying was right here and yet he was going to slip from his grasp again.
"I like you, Wei Ying," Lan Wangji confessed softly.
He would do whatever it takes, even if it meant laying his soul bare, for Wei Ying to come back with him. 
"What?" It was as if Wei Ying hadn't heard properly.
He probably wasn't. Like Wei Ying, Lan Wangji had changed too, and it was because of Wei Ying. 
The flames flickered green one last time, then it finally reverted to orange, and this time, it stayed orange. 
Lan Wangji raised his eyes, to lock with Wei Ying's. His voice was firm and strong. 
"I like you, Wei Ying, so please return to Gusu with me!"
Chapter 2
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silver-lily-louise · 5 years
Vengeance - a Critical Role fanfic (Vox Machina campaign)
My first CR fanfic! I recently started watching the show and I love it. This is an alternative version of events from the end of episode 57 (Duskmeadow) and episode 58 (A Cycle of Vengeance). It occurred to me that if I was a rakshasa bent on vengeance against Vax, I wouldn’t target him first - so I thought I’d explore what might have happened had Hotis been a little less direct.
Warnings: violence, blood, alcohol, emetophobia tw
Pairing: None (I mean, there’s blink-and-you’ll-miss-it Perc’ahlia, I guess? Super duper minor detail.)
Length: ~4.7k
At first, Vex doesn’t know why she’s awake again – but then the quiet knock at her door comes a second time. ‘Yes?’, she calls out softly. The door opens slightly, and Vax’s head appears. ‘Hey. You still awake?’ he asks, also keeping his voice low. She groans, sitting up in bed and yawning. ‘Well, I am now. What time is it? Why are you awake?’ ‘I couldn’t sleep.’ Vax shuffles into her room. Trinket, dozing in the corner, looks over sleepily – then resettles as he sees who it is. As her brain wakes up properly, Vex starts to get a little worried. Vax definitely looks perturbed – not quite meeting her eyes, hands fidgeting with a bundle of fabric he’s carrying – and as he continues to speak, there’s an unsure note to his voice. ‘I just… um, would you mind walking with me for a bit? I know it’s late, but...’ Vex interrupts his distracted pause. ‘Alright,’ she says, clambering out of bed. Vax tosses whatever he’s holding at the foot of the bed. ‘Here, put that on. It’s cold.’ He gives her a half-hearted smile, and leaves the room to wait outside.
Curious, Vex shakes out the bundle to reveal a beaded robe. Blue silk, from the feel of it, intricately embroidered with black thread. She’s a little bemused by the gift, but it’s beautiful, and when she slips it over her pyjamas it’s soft and comfortable. She leaves Trinket to sleep and joins her brother, the bedroom door closing with a quiet click. Vax gestures down the hallway and they walk together in silence.
When they reach the tower at the top of the stairs, Vex is grateful for the extra layer. The night air this far north is cold, just as Vax said. He closes the door behind them and makes his way to the edge of the balcony, leaning lightly on the balustrade. ‘Beautiful night, isn’t it?’ Vex hums in agreement, glancing up as she walks over to stand beside him. The sky is brilliantly clear, without even a wisp of cloud to dim the stars; the moon is almost full, and its generous light spills across the silent castle grounds. She refocuses, remembering why they’re out here in the first place. ‘What was it you wanted to talk about?’ Vax lets out a deep sigh, looking down at the courtyard below. ‘Vengeance,’ he says, his voice barely above a whisper.
She’s taken aback, but only momentarily – her mind flashes back to the destruction of Emon, the roar of the great red wyrm. The ruins of Byroden. Her anger, never far from the surface these days, begins to simmer again. ‘Well, I can understand why that would be on your mind.’ ‘It’s all I’ve been able to think about for some time now,’ he continues, before turning towards her with a smile, the expression discordant against his words. His left hand comes up onto her shoulder, and he meets her eyes for the first time that night. ‘It’s all I can think about. But finally – finally – the time has come.’
Vex opens her mouth to ask what he means – they won’t be ready to face Thordak for some time, surely? – but all that comes out is a choked cry of pain. She glances down to just below her ribs, where there is now a dagger embedded, before meeting Vax’s eyes again. His grin widens, and he chuckles darkly. ‘Oh, and believe me – I intend to kill your brother, too, for what he did to me. But this-‘ he snarls and twists the dagger, and she can’t stop a whimper escaping – ‘this is the pain he truly deserves.’
His form flickers for a moment, and Vex catches a glimpse of russet fur. Underneath the agony, in the last clear part of her mind, the pieces click into place. This isn’t Vax. You’re unarmed. Run!
The spell of her shock is broken just as the creature draws back the blade, arcing overhead to come down for another strike. Vex raises her arm to knock it away, and runs like hell for the door. ‘Jenga!’ she shouts, hand flying to her earring. ‘Jenga! West tower! Jenga-‘ The door won’t open, and her shouts devolve into a wordless scream of pain as she feels the knife sink into her back. She turns around in time to see the creature raise its weapon again, still wearing her brother’s grinning face. Out of options, she plants her feet and fights back tooth and nail.
‘Jenga! Jenga! West tower! Jenga-’ Scanlan nearly jumps out of his skin as the desperate cries and the scream that follows disrupt his focus, the book falling to the floor as he leaps to his feet. There’s a moment of panic as he grabs his shawm, his hand cone, his sword; but his sharp mind latches on to the most important piece of information – west tower – and the Dimension Door spell is complete almost before he has time to think about it.
His new surroundings flash into place, and he whirls around to see Vex falling against the door, covered in blood – and a dark-haired assailant, raising a dagger for another strike. ‘Oi!’ Scanlan shouts, reaching out towards the figure. The hold person spell fizzles into nothingness, but the figure turns around, snarling. Scanlan steps back in shock as he recognises the face of Vax, twisted into feral anger – and then backs up further as Vax advances on him, swinging the blade. The first strike passes just over Scanlan’s head, and he yelps in surprise, hand flying out instinctively. ‘Stay back!’ The second strike glances off a purple energy barrier, as Otiluke’s Resilient Sphere seals up tight.
Scanlan stares at his friend, breathing heavily. ‘Vax, what the fuck is going on?’ The figure inside the sphere starts slashing at the barrier, and its appearance slips away from familiarity as Vax’s face is replaced with that of a tiger. Oh shit, Scanlan thinks. Not Vax. Well, that makes more sense.
Keeping half his attention on the sphere, Scanlan runs over to Vex, who’s now slumped against the door with her eyes closed. ‘No, come on, Vex,’ he chides, his voice a little shaky, but still resonating with power. ‘Come on, wake up.’ Magic blossoms into the air, and as it makes contact with Vex, her eyes flutter open again. He smiles down at her. ‘There you go. Hi.’ She blinks up at him, confused, and then suddenly afraid. ‘Scanlan – Vax – it’s not Vax – ‘ ‘I know, I know,’ he says, raising a hand in reassurance. ‘I mean, you guys fight, but that seemed a little extreme. But he’s dealt with for the time being. Don’t worry.’
There’s a quiet bump at the door, followed by an almost imperceptible scratching at the lock. Scanlan smiles, and gently drags Vex further out onto the balcony. ‘I’m guessing that’s your real brother right now.’
‘-ga! West tower! Jenga-‘ Vax startles awake to Vex’s voice, shouting for help before being cut off mid-scream. By the time his conscious mind has realised what’s happening, instinct has taken over and he’s already out of the door, boots jammed onto his feet and belt haphazardly fastened around his waist.
He sprints down the corridor, half-alert to what’s going on around him – the sounds of fighting echoing through the walls, Trinket roaring, gunshots as a stranger staggers out of a screaming Percy’s room and straight into Grog’s axe. Vax ignores it all for the time being, darting around the scuffles that spill out of the bedrooms and pressing down the corridor towards the stairs. West tower. Get to the tower.
He climbs the stairs two or three at a time, channelling every ounce of the haste spell into single-minded movement. He reaches the top, grabs the handle and pushes. The door quietly thunks against the frame.
Heart hammering, he kneels down at the lock, suddenly cursing the adrenaline that got him this far – but thanking whoever’s listening that he keeps the lockpicks on the belt with his daggers. He can hear Scanlan’s voice. Good. She’s not alone. Seemingly endless seconds later, the lock clicks softly and releases. Daggers in hand, Vax kicks the door open.
Outside, he first notices a familiar, tiger-like figure, fruitlessly hacking at the inside of a magical sphere. Then Scanlan, who’s got a look of intense concentration on his face, but still shoots a lazy smile in Vax’s direction. And lastly, his eyes find his sister, lying bloody on the ground.
‘Fuck! Vex’ahlia!’ he swears, rushing to her side and falling to his knees. ‘Holy shit.’ He lays both hands on her shoulders, willing whatever divine power he can muster to try and fix her broken form. Her eyes, glassy and unfocused, widen for a moment as they find his, but then she seems to relax as the healing magic enters her system. ‘Oh,’ she says, her voice small and weak. ‘It’s you. Hey.’ He swallows hard. ‘Hey.’ His voice cracks, but he clears his throat and regains his composure. ‘Fucking hell.’ ‘Yeah, fun night,’ she agrees, and starts pushing herself up to a sitting position. ‘Hey, hey, careful,’ he admonishes gently. He reaches out to help her, taking her weight as she leans against him. ‘I’m alright.’ She rolls her eyes, then sways a little and blinks rapidly. ‘Ooh, okay, that was a bad idea. But honestly, I’m alright.’ She places a hand just below her ribs, wincing slightly at the touch. It glows dimly as she attempts to further cure her wounds, and Vax watches as a couple of scrapes on the back of her hand heal over. As she’s casting the spell, Percival’s voice comes over the earring. ‘We’re clear down here. Heading up to the tower.’ Vax’s heart slows with further relief. He raises a hand to his ear to reply. ‘We’ve still got one guy up here, but Scanlan’s got him locked down. Come join the party.’ He turns his attention back to the furious rakshasa, quelling his own anger in favour of a bitter, mocking smile. ‘What’s the matter, fuckface?’ he calls out. ‘Things not going to plan?’
The rakshasa snarls, but gradually stops attacking the sphere, apparently realising that it’s pointless. Its expression shifts into a malicious grin as he turns towards them. ‘No matter. I can be patient. Mark my words, half-elf; I’ll take you, her, and all of your friends.’ Vex seems to flinch a little at the threat – whether it’s out of anger or fear, Vax isn’t sure, but he tightens his arms around her all the same. ‘Yeah, fuck that. You’re staying right there until we figure out how to kill you for good this time.’ Scanlan umms and ahhs a little at that. ‘Well… that sphere won’t hold him forever,’ he says quietly. ‘If you’re saying that our usual brand of violence isn’t going to cut it, I suggest we figure out an alternative pretty damn quick.’
It’s at that point that the rest of them start appearing on the balcony – Grog charges out, the rage in his eyes fading as he takes in the lack of hittable enemies. Percy follows, then Pike (and Vax quickly averts his eyes as he sees her state of undress). Keyleth’s the last out, circlet slightly crooked on her head. ‘Wait, is that Hotis?’ she says incredulously, and looks towards Vax in disbelief. He nods, then turns to Pike (very deliberately focusing on her face). ‘Pike, we don’t have a lot of time, and this fucker’s proved pretty hard to kill in the past. I don’t know if it’ll work, but I figure there’s nothing wrong with trying a little holy condemnation. Would you?’ Pike pulls her concerned gaze away from Vex’ahlia to look at Hotis with a calm sort of anger. ‘Okay. Gather round, everyone – we can take him together.’
The twins watch on as the other five members assemble around the sphere. Hotis’ attention flickers between all of them, looking slightly nervous, but still sneering. ‘Fine. Take your pointless violence – but this is not the end. I’ll come back for all of you.’ ‘Shut the fuck up,’ Grog growls, and Scanlan drops the sphere. There are a few seconds of uproar. Grog swings his axe with a furious bellow, Percy’s gun goes off, there’s a crack of thunder as Scanlan summons a lightning bolt, and a further flash of light as Pike and Keyleth rain fire and divinity down on the rakshasa. Above it all, there echoes a screaming howl – and when the smoke clears, Hotis is gone, a pile of blackened remains where he once stood.
Vex is the first to speak again. ‘Well, that happened. Thanks, guys.’
The silence broken, a flurry of conversation ensues. Pike comes over and casts her most powerful healing spell, while Grog runs down to fetch her a robe. Percy goes to alert the guards of the attack – not just the rakshasa, but the assassins that apparently got into a few other rooms – while Keyleth realises that they might not have been the only targets, so she and Scanlan run to check on their friends. Vex just sits there, exhausted and leaning heavily on her brother, who’s watching her like a hawk now the rakshasa’s been disposed of. ‘What happened?’ he asks, once most of the others have cleared off. ‘Why were you even out here?’
She sighs, suddenly annoyed that she fell for its ruse. ‘It came to my room disguised as you. Gave me this,’ she says, gesturing at the robe, ‘and asked if we could talk. The fucker’s good – he even fooled Trinket, so he must have made himself smell as bad as you do, too.’ Vax gives her a half-smile, which she returns briefly. ‘So, I followed him out here, and then he stabbed me. A lot. If it weren’t for Scanlan showing up when he did, things might have gone very badly.’ ‘Well, thank the gods for insomniac gnomes,’ Vax mutters, and she laughs weakly, nodding in agreement.
There’s a brief interruption as Grog returns with a robe for Pike – trailed by a very concerned bear, who was reportedly battering the bedroom door in a desperate attempt to get to Vex once things kicked off. She laughs as Trinket licks her face (‘Oh – oh, thanks, Trinket, thanks for that,’) while Vax reaches over to scruff behind the bear’s ears, and does absolutely nothing to help. Pike, now covered up with a far-too-baggy robe and frowning thoughtfully, gets the conversation back on track. ‘Vex, you said the rakshasa gave you that robe? Can I see it?’ ‘Yeah, sure,’ Vex says, sitting up a little straighter and attempting to remove it.
Her vision whites out in pain for a second. She comes round to Vax’s voice, which is just shy of frantic. ‘-ahlia! Vex!’ She opens her eyes and sees him and Pike looking down at her, their expressions fading from fear to relief as she wakes. ‘Ow,’ she complains. She doesn’t bother to sit up again, just stays slumped in her brother’s arms, even more exhausted than she felt before. ‘That hurt.’ ‘Maybe it’s the movement straining the wounds?’ Pike suggests. ‘I can help take it off-‘ ‘Wait!’ Vax interrupts, holding out a hand to fend off Pike’s advance. ‘Wait, wait. Let’s figure out if we’re dealing with something more serious here. No rash actions – last thing we need is for you to survive that dickhead, and then get finished off by a fucking cursed piece of outerwear.’ ‘Well, if it is something magical, Allura might know,’ Pike says. ‘Or Gilmore?’ ‘Or Zahra,’ Vax adds. ‘She’s in the castle, right? Let’s go find her.’
They begin to limp down the stairs – one of Vex’s arms around Vax’s shoulders, the other held in a vice-like grip by Grog – but don’t get as far as Zahra before running into Percy. ‘Is everything alright?’ he asks, scanning their expressions. ‘Besides the obvious, I mean.’ ‘Robe’s cursed,’ Grog supplies helpfully. Percy raises his eyebrows, looking to the others for confirmation. ‘Well, we don’t know that it’s cursed, per se,’ Vex says. ‘But I can’t take it off without it really fucking hurting. It’s like it’s attached to my skin.’ ‘We were going to ask Zahra to take a look at it,’ Vax says.
Vex can practically see the thoughts whirring behind Percy’s eyes as he thinks it over. ‘You could ask Zahra – she’s fine, by the way, didn’t even wake up until we went and checked on her - but I think there’s a faster way to deal with this particular problem. Follow me.’ ‘Where?’ Vax asks, a little warily. ‘The ziggurat,’ Percy replies, and starts leading the way.
They make their way down to the underbelly of the castle – painstakingly, with Percy asking her how she feels practically every five feet – until they get well within range of the orb’s anti-magic effect. Pike attempts a spell to double-check they’ve come far enough, and when it doesn’t work, Percy motions towards Vex with a go ahead sort of gesture. ‘Alright. Try to take it off now – slowly. If this doesn’t work, we’ll try something else.’
Trying to ignore the building anxiety, as well as Grog and Vax hovering either side in case she passes out again, Vex undoes the robe. Thank goodness I’m wearing something under this, she thinks; and then she gently tries again to remove it. It slips off her shoulders no problem, and they all breathe a sigh of relief. ‘Alright, good,’ Vax says, kicking it away from her gingerly as it falls to the floor. ‘Good call, Percival.’ Percy smiles, but doesn’t look totally convinced. ‘Well, we’re not out of the woods yet. We don’t know if destroying it will have any negative effect, for one thing - but for now, let’s get out of here. I think we’ve spent more than enough time around that damn orb.’
The group starts the ascent back up to the castle, Vex supported between Vax and Percy this time (‘Thank you, Grog, but I think I’ve got enough bruises,’ she says). Both Vex and the robe cross the anti-magic boundary without an issue, and there’s another collective sigh of relief. There’s a brief moment of confusion as Keyleth appears with Gilmore (‘No no no – Gilmore, this one’s the real Vax!’), before they all reach the main dining hall. Cassandra, Zahra, Kash, Kima and Allura are already there, waiting for them in various states of disarray. (Kash, in particular, is covered in blood.)
In the last few hours before dawn, Vex listens as plans are made to deal with the aftermath of the attack, people coming and going to run various errands. She doesn’t take much in, too tired to pay proper attention - she gleans that everyone is safe, and that they have a short grace period before Hotis shows up again. That’s enough for her right now.
Eventually, Vax nudges her, and she looks up at him groggily from where she’s practically collapsed on the table. ‘Come on, Stubby,’ he says, getting her to her feet. ‘Time for bed.’ She doesn’t protest, and lets him half-carry her back up to her room, Trinket in tow. When he puts her to bed, she doesn’t let go immediately. ‘Wait, wait,’ she says, putting her other arm around his neck and pulling him close. ‘Love you,’ she says, her words slightly muffled in the crook of his neck. Vax exhales heavily. ‘Yeah, love you too.’ His voice is a little shaky and thick, but when he pulls back there’s a smile on his face. ‘Get some sleep. You’ve been enough trouble for one night.’ She laughs, and he leaves, the door shutting behind him and the sound of Trinket’s snoring already filling the room again.
Hotis laughs with her brother’s voice as the world goes dark around her. It turns into sobbing, the real Vax begging her to wake up. She knows she can’t. She turns over, feeling the bedsheets brush against her living skin, trying to dispel the vision.
The rakshasa turns away from her, advancing on Scanlan, who doesn’t duck out of the way in time, his head cleaved from his shoulders. ‘No,’ she whispers, squeezing her eyes shut. ‘Stop it, he’s fine.’
Trinket bellows and rushes her attacker, then howls in pain as he’s stabbed in the heart. ‘Everything’s fine now.’
The magical sphere is dropped and Hotis cackles, striking out at Keyleth, who falls down dead. Pike screams and falls. Grog falls. Percy. Vax- Vex sits bolt upright, groaning quietly and rubbing her eyes. The curtains block out a fair amount of light, but she knows that it’s been hours, and sleep still won’t come despite how tired she feels. She doesn’t even feel like she’s rested – it’s like she’s been running for her life for the last eight hours or so, not lying in bed. And I thought this night couldn’t get any worse, she thinks bitterly.
She’s proved wrong again not even ten minutes later, when a familiar swirling sensation starts up in her stomach. ‘Oh, fuck,’ she gasps, leaping out of bed and grabbing the empty chamber pot just in time. She throws up into it, hard, retching loudly. Trinket wakes up and stretches, looking at her curiously. There’s also a knock at the door. ‘Vex?’ She’s still gagging too much to reply, but the door cracks open and Vax sticks his head in, concerned frown on his face. ‘You alright?’ ‘Did you sleep in my doorway again?’ she asks suspiciously, but has to turn back to the pot before she gets a response. She feels a hand on her back as Vax crouches beside her, not answering her question, waiting for her to resurface. Trinket pads over and sits beside her too, grunting in quiet distress.
She eventually finishes retching and looks up. ‘Ugh. This is the worst. I hate being sick.’ Vax pulls her up and then pushes her to sit on the edge of the bed, before handing her a waterskin. ‘Here, drink this. Slowly.’ She does as he says while he looks her over, hand under her chin, tilting her face side to side. ‘You look awful,’ he says matter-of-factly. ‘Did you sleep?’ ‘No,’ she says, suspecting that shaking her head would be a bad idea. ‘At all?’ ‘No. I tried, okay?’ she says irritably. He ignores her tone. ‘How do you feel?’ ‘Sick. And dizzy. And cold, and sweaty... fucking terrible, basically.’ She laughs mirthlessly and sips at the water, willing her stomach to calm down. ‘Hmm.’ Vax cups her face in his hands, lifting her gaze to meet his again. ‘Let me just…’ His eyes flash with a dull grey light, and Vex feels a small surge of warmth pass through her. ‘Any better?’ he asks. She considers it for a moment, shakes her head, and immediately has to take some more water. I was right. That was a bad idea.
Vax turns back towards the door. ‘Excuse me!’ he calls. ‘Need some help in here!’ A guard quickly appears in the doorway – one of the ones patrolling the hallway after the attack, Vex is guessing. ‘Yessir. What do you need?’ ‘Would you send for Lady Allura? Tell her that my sister’s unwell after last night’s attack, and that it’s an emergency.’ ‘Yessir. I’ll have her brought here.’ The guard disappears again. ‘We don’t know that it’s an emergency,’ Vex points out. ‘We don’t even know it’s because of last night. I could just be getting sick.’ ‘Yeah, well, we’re not taking any chances, so just shut up and drink your water,’ Vax says tersely – but he sits down beside her, hand returning to her back.
It doesn’t take long for Allura to arrive, along with Kima; apparently they stayed in the castle after the attack, their previous lodgings something of a mess due to Kima ‘beating the shit out of’ the assassin that came after them. Allura leans down towards Vex, worry written in her eyes. ‘How are you feeling?’ ‘Awful,’ Vex says, more miserably than she means to. ‘I couldn’t sleep – I kept reliving what happened, and what might have happened, and then I just…’ She gestures, embarrassed, to the still-full chamber pot. (Kima wrinkles her nose in distaste.) Allura gives a sympathetic smile, before her expression turns serious again. ‘It might be a lingering enchantment from the robe. Let me try something…’ She casts a spell that Vex doesn’t recognise, muttering under her breath, and Vex feels the impact of it washing over her – but there’s no change in how she feels.
Allura seems to read from her expression that nothing’s changed, and her frown deepens. ‘Perhaps this is a problem that can be better solved by divine means, rather than the arcane. Kima, would you take a look?’ Kima steps forward, reaching up to take Vex’s face in her hands. ‘Sure, I can do that.’ She hesitates for a moment - ‘Don’t you throw up on me,’ she warns – before she grasps both sides of Vex’s head, turning it this way and that, looking intently into her eyes and at the back of her throat. It isn’t long before she sighs in apparent frustration. ‘I don’t know. Honestly, you just look tired to me. I mean, I can try something, but I don’t have much more than what I’m sure he’s already done,’ she says, gesturing towards Vax. ‘What about your cleric? Have you asked her?’ Vax raises a hand to his earring. ‘Hey, Pike, you awake yet? Could you come to my sister’s room? We might have something of a problem.’
Pike walks in the door a few moments later – followed by Keyleth, Percy, and Grog, who all heard the message over the earring and came to see what was going on. Pike pushes her way through the sudden crowd and looks up at Vex, studying her intently (if a little more gently than Kima) for a good minute before she speaks. ‘Well, I don’t think you’re just getting sick,’ she says finally. ‘There isn’t anything physically wrong with you, other than the exhaustion. So if you’re throwing up and feeling this rubbish, there certainly might be a more sinister cause.’ ‘I could take a look at the vomit, for any evidence of poison and the like,’ Percy offers. Before Vex can get a word in to stop him, Grog and Vax enthusiastically agree, then silently bump fists as Percy heads to the corner of the room to inspect the chamber pot. Vex hides her face in her hands with a quiet groan. Wonderful. I’m going to survive all of this bullshit just to die of embarrassment instead.
Keyleth pipes up at that point. ‘Hey, Kima – did you try a restoration?’ Kima shakes her head. ‘Not exactly my specialty. Could be worth a go, though.’ ‘I can help with that,’ Pike says, and Keyleth nods. They each take one of Vex’s hands in both of theirs, and close their eyes. The rest of the room looks on intently as a breeze seems to come from nowhere, the magic thrumming through the air around them – and Vex gasps as she feels a dark tension lift from her chest, like something’s unhooked from inside her. The spell finishes, the energy fading. Keyleth and Pike open their eyes, smile, and turn to each other for a high-five. ‘Did it work?’ Vax asks. ‘How do you feel?’ Vex nods. ‘Yes, I think that did the trick. Thank you, Keyleth. Pike.’ Keyleth grins. ‘No problem. Take that, curse!’
Vex sighs, and gets up from the bed. ‘Alright. Thank you all- oh, Percy, darling, you can stop looking through that now. I’m alright.’ She ignores Grog’s chuckle as Percy looks up, his task focus broken, slowly realising that the problem is already solved. ‘Now, please – everyone out.’ Pike nods. ‘Yeah, we should go. You should probably get some sleep.’ Vex snorts. ‘Oh, never mind that. It’s what, three in the afternoon? No. I’m going to get dressed, and then I think we should all go get a drink.’
If anyone disagrees with her plan, they don’t do it anywhere near loudly enough to compete with the cheer from the rest of them.
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daggerflash · 5 years
Monsters Fate (full story)
I shouted towards the  red-head as I  jogged over to his spot. He was listening to something, probably fall out boys, and had just slipped on his hood as I came up so he didnt notice me at first. I tapped him on the head to get his attention and he jumped a little.
“Wha?!-oh hey DF! Didn't notice you there! How are you doing?”
I smiled at Zane. Zane usually has his head in the clouds and tends to not pay attention to his surroundings. Sometimes it worries me since he's had a bad history with daydreaming. Back before he became my roommate he had been living with his abusive mother and had been punished for it. When he was old enough to move out he asked me if he could become my roommate. Since we had been friends since he was 5, and I knew about his mother, I didn't refuse.  And I must admit though, ever since he's moved in I have tended to be a bit protective over him.
“I’m doing good. Are you ready to go home?”
“I have been ready for over an hour you dolt.”
“HEY! Don't call me a dolt you dolt. Plus I couldn't wait to get this,”
I retorted back as I flashed the tattoo that I had gotten.
It was a small tattoo on my shoulder of three wolves. Each were slightly different in shape and size as well as coat texture. One of the wolves was slightly smudged so it seemed more like a shadow or if it was a fake wolf.
He playfully punched my arm as the bus arrived. We rode the bus to our apartment building walked up two flights of stairs and opened the door to our third-floor apartment. I walked down the main hall and headed for my room where I dropped off my bag full of merch and turned back to the door and walked towards the living room. Zane was already perched on the couch scrolling through Netflix trying to find his favorite series, Voltron.
“Still working on that cartoon?” I teased as he gave me a triggered look.
“For your information it's called a animated series, thank you very much.” he huffed as the introduction played.
Deciding that I didn't want to push him any further I plopped down next to him and watched the show.After watching two to three episodes I decided to head off to bed.
“Man that test was easy!”
I had just finished my driving test and was holding my new licenses.
“You better not lose that, you just got it after all.” Zane teased as I slipped it into my pocket.
“Hey I won't lose it!” I retorted as we walked past a alleyway.
That's when I noticed two guys were towering over a poor kitten kicking it over, and over, and over. The kitten was mewling in pain and I felt a bitter rage come over me.
“Hey! Knuckleheads! Stop hurting an innocent animal!”
The one on the right turned to us with a annoyed expression visible on his dog-like face.
“Why don't you shut your trap , pretend this never happened, and walk away,” he growled as he stomped towards my direction.
He easily towered me by like three feet, But I have dealt with worse knuckleheads than these. In one swift movement I punched him in the jaw and kicked him where it hurts. He groaned in pain while the guy on the left swiftly turned and, in  a blink of an eye, was right next to me. Then there was darkness.
I woke up to find myself in a weird looking warehouse. The glass windows that I could see were tinted to be darker and it smelled mildewy from what I could tell. I tried to move but found that I was being restrained by chains. The bite of metal against my skin helped me wake up more. I struggled against the bonds with all my force. The room echoed with the sound of rattling chains.
“I wouldn't do that if I were you.” a smooth, yet dark, voice pierced the silence.
That's when a feeble, yet illuminating,  light was turned on to reveal both the guys who kicked the cat with Zane across from us. Zane was slightly paler than usual and the chains bound around him were much tighter. When he looked up he seemed dazed, as if they had drugged him or worse.
“ZANE! Did they hurt you?,”I asked before I directed my gaze to the two men.
“THEY BETTER NOT HAVE! I WILL KILL YOU IF YOU DID!” I yelled baring my teeth and struggling on my bonds more.
“Tch-tch-tch, looks like we got a fighter Ross,” The guy on the left smirked as he continued “ Don't worry we haven't hurt your zaney-pie yet but we will if you don't calm down and be a good pet.”
He sauntered up to me and patted my head as I tried, vainly, to snap at his hand.
“Feisty one to, this one is definitely going to make a good pet for you Ross. I’ll take the quiet one.”He then unchained me and forced me into a leash and collar. He then forcefully tugged at the leash, cutting off my air.
“HEY! Were not animals! You can't treat us like this!” I protested as I gasped for breath and rubbed the parts of my neck that were not covered by the collar. he then  attached the same type of collar to Zane.
“We get to treat you however we want.” the other guy-Ross I think, purred?, no growled in pleasure more like, as he yanked me towards him. He was a lot rougher than the first male and by the time I could see again we were somewhere else. He led me down a hall I didn't notice before and pushed me into a room. It was a bedroom of sorts. It had a king sized bed and a desk with a laptop on top of the dusty surface. I noticed that once we entered the room Ross seemed to treat me much nicer than he did when he was with his ‘companion’. His hand loosened on the leash and his feature softened into a more mellow expression.
“You can sit on the bed if you want, pet.” he said as he, himself lowered onto its surface. The bed groaned in protest as he sat down. I was still suspicious of him and he seemed to notice it and scooted himself near the front of the bed as he tugged me towards the other far side. I gingerly sat down and  stared at him for any sign of ill intent but he seemed more kind and not as rough now that there were not any other being except for us.
I decided to get information . “So who’s your “friend”?”
“Oh him, he's not my friend; more like a jailor if you will. He seems to go by the name Geno.”
Ross’s face seemed to cloud over with anger.
“He claims to be a vampire lord and he said he needed a loyal partner. At the time I was an idiot to think that I would be treated fair by a vamp ,since I’m a werewolf, and accepted his offer.”
Were Wolves,Vampires? I gasped in disbelief at his words. How can they be real?
“W-wait they exist!?”
Ross then gave me a look that I couldn't read.
“Of course they do.”
I closed my eyes so I could wrap my head around this. Maybe they were psychopaths? Yeah that's it.But Ross seemed so sure of himself. Maybe he was psychologically tortured or something as a kid and it messed him up.
When I opened my eyes two bright yellow eyes were staring back. I wanted to look away but for some reason they seemed to keep me stuck in place. I was shocked. So supernatural creatures are real. Ok then. Normally I wouldn't quickly grasp an idea, but his eyes looked to real to be contacts.
“Are you scared of me?” Ross asked as he leaned back. His yellow eyes flicked to my own then to the ground as he prepared for my answer.
“No.” He looked up in surprise as I continued. “Let me guess. He wants you to turn me into a werewolf and he will turn Zane into a vampire.”
He looked ashamed, but he didn't deny it.
I was surprised that I guessed correctly, but it was the answer that made the most sense. The way Geno called us pets and how he looked at Zane as if he was his next 5 star meal also helped tipped me off. Ugh this sounds so stereotypical it would be funny if  it wasn't for the fact that this was Zane and I instead of some other people.
“I have already failed two other times; I have to do it or else I die…”
I was shocked. He dies if he doesn't change me?
“Geno is a horrible cruel Vamp who will kill all who become useless to him.”
That statement upset me. A lot. I know it is weird to feel sorry for your captor but ever here of stockholm syndrome?
Im kidding, just kidding! In reality what made it so that I felt sorry for him was the fact he was as much of a victim that I was in that place.
And at that exact moment Geno decided to barge in with a scared, crying, and disbelieving Zane. That shook me out of my thoughts quite quickly, as well as the jerk of the leash.
“Ross! Have you changed him yet?”
“N-no I haven't…”
“Augh you know what. Follow me.”
Geno starting pulling us towards another room. As we were tugged along I asked Zane if he was okay.
“Yeah Im okay. He tried to bite me but I was able to avoid him. He was pissed”
I sighed in pure relief when he said this. Geno then kicked opened the door to a  room and dragged me to the wall and locked my arms in chains. I then heard him do the same to Zane in another room. I also heard Zane and Geno have a scuffle before the clack of metal telling me that Zane was as locked up as I was. I strained as hard as I could against the chains, but they wouldn't budge.
Geno re-entered the room and turned to Ross.
“Are you going to turn him or what?”
“No Geno, Never!”
He sighed,“Since you wont turn your pet by yourself I guess I will have to force you.” and with that sentence Geno sealed my fate. He walked over to Ross and took out a syringe. Ross tried to fight him but Geno grabbed him and had him in a death grip. He stabbed Ross with the syringe and then with a last “See you in your new life.” to me left the room.
At that moment only one thought raced through my head.
“NOOOOOOO,” I screamed.
My head dropped as I looked towards the ground. I could hear his grunts of pain and the ripping of clothes. I tried to prie my chains off me when I heard a growl so animal like it made me freeze. I looked up to find a full grown werewolf staring right back at me.
He growled and the next thing I know I am out of my chains and Ross is on top of me. He was a monstrous sight. His body as a werewolf was covered in scars and his eyes made him look even more feral. His fur was all sorts of shades of grey.
“Ross! Stop it! It's me!” That seemed to snap him out of it a little bit but not much. He whined as if pleading with me to just accept my fate. At that moment I heard screaming from the other room. It was Zane. I was thrown into a animal like fury struggling to get Ross off me as I shouted threats and cuss words at Geno for hurting Zane. His screams were nerve wracking and I could almost feel the fear that he felt. Then like someone muting a TV everything went silent in the other room. Ross was still growling but had been waiting for me to stop struggling. I sobbed as I weakly struggled. My strength left me with that last struggle and my head flopped on the floor. I was to weak to do anything then swing my head to look up at Ross as he looked down at me in a hungry/sad manner. He lowered his head towards the end of my neck and seemed to sniff it,then he licked the nape of my neck. It tickled slightly. Ross then bit down. As  I felt his teeth tear through my flesh  I screamed in pain.
I woke up gasping for breath. where am I?Am I a werewolf now? Is Zane okay? All of these questions raced through my head. The I noticed a alarm clock and when I looked down I realized I was in a bed I recognized. I was back in my apartment and it was 12:00 and we were safe yet again. I felt at my neck to find it wrapped in bandages. I was to weak to get up so I just sat there in numb silence.
I guess I must have fallen asleep because I was back in the warehouse place watching Zane get sucked dry right in front of me as  Geno said ”see you in the next life kids.” I woke up with arms wrapped around me. I tried to get out of the grip thinking it was Geno but then Zane's voice was coming from the person holding me.
“Df, DF, DF its okay its just me.” He said in a soft voice. I stopped struggling and leaned into his embrace.
“I-I-I am so happy to see you.” I said into his stomach as he put my head in his lap.
I cried in Relief for a little as he carded his fingers through the fringe of my hair. It was so good to see him safe and sound. His hands were steady and his presence was a strong way to relieve my stress.
“How long have I been out?” I finally asked sniffling a little.
“Three weeks.”
I couldn't believe I had been out for that long. I only had two questions left.
“Are we…?” I tried to ask but it got stuck in my throat. Thankfully he seemed to get my point.
“Yes I got turned by Geno and Ross seemed to lose all humanity and turned you.”
“Yeah... But I must admit you really pull of the ears and tail.”
“W-WAIT WHAT!” I shouted as I blushed in pure embarrassment. I did not understand what he meant and tried to ask, but he raised a finger to silence me.
“Yeah... you seem to have wolf ears and a tail even when your not in a actual werewolf form. I would let you get up to see but if you did you would probably collapse. Your to weak right now.”
He then got up and left for a short period of time and then came back with a hand mirror and gave it to me.
“Here take a look!”
I looked in the mirror to see two big, fluffy, Dark gold wolf ears with blue highlights  perched on my head that twitched in curiosity as I stared at them. I was shocked. They were real! It was strange. After a little of staring in the mirror I looked back up to see Zane smirking.
“I never knew you were this narcissistic DF.” Zane teased.
I gave him a mock hurt look as I whined in annoyance. The whine sounded quite dog- like. Zane chuckled and then a strangely hungry looked flashed over his face as he suddenly stood up.
“Um-I-I have to g…”
He broke off as I spun him around to see to blood red eyes staring at me with a intense hunger. Oddly enough I wasn't really worried.
“I forgot that you were a vampire.You haven't eaten at all have you?” I asked. He didn't answer. I started to get a little nervous.
“Zane ar-” I got cut off as Zane climbed on top of me. I froze as his hair brushed my face but then it turned into one of amusement.
“Hungry much? Well….. I guess I could let you feed off of me. Maybe. But... you have to promise to take care of me until I feel better.” That seemed to break him out of his trance long enough to ask me two questions.
“Won't you get turned into a werepyre or something if I feed off of you? And second of all why didn't you at least try to stop me from trying to chomp you? I could have killed you!”
I responded with “First of all you need to eat and I know you are not comfortable with randomly drinking some strangers plasma and second of all if I remember correctly werewolf blood is technically a delicacy to vamps.”
“Really? Where did you learn that? If I remember you didn't know monsters exist until 3 weeks ago.”
“I actually had to do an essay on vampire diets for a fan-fiction convention. I am hoping they are correct so that I can appear to know a thing or two. Now will I have to force you to eat or will you man up and do it yourself.”
At that sentence Zane blushed a little. It was weird seeing him blush at such a silly sentence. His blush was also different. Instead of an extreme rosy tint it mostly made Zane look like he is actually alive.  But in a few seconds my thought completely left me as he lowered his head and licked a sensitive part of my neck.
I whimpered at the weird sensation of being licked higher on my neck than Ross did when he bit me. It made a tingle rush up and down my body. I then felt something sharp pierce my neck and I felt Zane tense a little at the smell of blood. He then lifted my head as blood pooled out of the wound. Even though it hurt I was silent. I then felt his tongue against my neck as he lapped up the deep red liquid. A weird instinct to growl welled up in my mind. As I tried to keep the sound down it escaped my throat. I  noticed something was off about this growl. I wasn't very informed on wolf growls but I knew that wolves normally growl sharper.  This growl was to muted for a normal growl, it was more of a  sort of a placated growl, no hostile. Like it was more comforting. I kept growling as I grew weaker and weaker with every lick and suck from Zane. When Zane sealed my wound I stopped growling After that both him and I just layed there. Not in discomfort or in embarrassment just in placated silence. I glanced at him and saw that he was staring at me. He then blushed beet red as he looked away.
“I am so sorry!”
Oh shut it already.”
He looked at me in surprise as I closed my eyes and succumbed to sleep.
I woke up feeling slightly shaky but much better that I had in days. I got out of bed, careful not to wake the sleeping Zane that was right next to me, and headed slowly toward our kitchen. I didn't bother to turn on any lights since I could see just fine.
I got a glass of water as I opened the fridge. My mouth watered as the smell of summer sausage assaulted my nose. I noticed that my sense of smell allowed me to smell all of the foods even if the were sealed tightly. I liked how I could maneuver throughout the dark house without bumping into anything or making a single sound.
That's when I remembered my tail and ears . It was to easy for me to forget that they were there. I watched my tail sway as I appreciated that I, we, were still alive. I then went to the bathroom and stared at my ears as they twitched on top of my head. I didn't notice that Zane was right next to me until he tapped my arm. I jumped a little and started to panic but calmed down just as fast. He had started petting my head.  It was actually quite a calming sensation.
“Sorry for scaring you. I forgot that I don’t own a reflection anymore.”
He chuckled as he continued to pet my ears. I had started doing that weird growling thing again and Zane had noticed it for the first time. He at first stopped, worried that I was about to attack him, but then he noticed my expression and decided to investigate. He went back to petting my ears but more halfheartedly. I gave him a uncomfortable look as I edged away from him and went into the living room and sat on the couch. He followed me and went back to petting my ears, this time doing a better job, after a few second the growl came back. He chuckled.
“Hey DF I think you have your own purr.”
I then noticed that unlike the growl I had when Zane was feeding off of me this one held a slight crooning note to it. It made me sound like I was a little pup.
“It's kinda cute.” Zane admitted as he giggled at my triggered look.
“I wonder if your werewolf form is actually just a pup… I guess we will find out tonight.”
My shout startled Zane, his fists were clenched and he looked like a wild animal but he still kept my gaze.  panic seized me. I couldn't believe it. Tonight was a full moon!?Zane calmed down and his expression turned into a more mellowly worried look as I started pacing.
“DF it's going to be okay. If were correct than you should just turn into a pup.”
“But what if I go full form?! What if I am a full grown were wolf instead of an innocent doe-eyed pup?! what if I attack someone?! Or I end up hurting you?!” I replied with a less intense panicked tone in my voice.
“You won't hurt anyone okay!” Zane said as he hugged me tightly. And with that we waited until the faithful moment.
I was feeling weird. It felt like I had a fever and a cold at the same time. Zane had led me to my room, which I thought was strange but at the time I did not question it, and I was curled up into a ball on my bed trying to go to sleep. My alarm clock showed that it was  9:30. I then felt something pop as I groaned in pain.
As I heard Df groan in pain worry flashed through my mind. Is he going to be okay? Is my prediction going to be true? I started towards his room. I cautiously opened the door a crack as I heard small sniffs coming from the room. I then controlled my fear and pushed open the door all the way.
There he was in the middle of the room. He had jerked around so that he could see who was entering. I couldn't help but inwardly sigh in relief and sorta giggle at the sight in front of me. I was right, he was a pup. He was about the size of a golden retriever and had gold and blue swirled fur all over him. His eyes were two different colors, one yellow the other blue-grey. He gave me a tiny growl as he approached. I held perfectly still as he tried to find out if I was friend or foe. With a bark of happiness he confirmed me as a friend. I relaxed a bit as he pranced around me.
DF was quite big for a wolf but not quite big enough to be called a werewolf. I decided  to sit down on his bed and as I did so he jumped up and snuggled into my stomach like he did when he was human. I started to pet his back and he gave a pleased whimper.
We then heard my stomach growl as I wince in pain. He then jumped off the bed and started to guide me out of his room.
DF whined at me as he dragged me to the entrance to our apartment. “Woah DF no way!” I yelped as he tried to open the door “I can't just let you run down there! You would scare the heck out people!” He gave me an exasperated look as my stomach growled again, this time even louder.
As he kept glaring at me I finally realized what he was trying to relay to me.
I contemplated on how I was going to be able to eat/feed tonight. I didn't want to hurt an innocent person and DF wasn't in the right state of mind so that I could just ask him to donate. He perked up his ears as we hear some birds that our neighbors own chirped. He then looked at me again and the second thing he was trying to relay finally sunk in.
As I mulled it over the idea seemed to get better and better. But I didn’t know if animal blood would kill me or not. Then pulling a ,what I think now was, stupid move I googled “Can animal blood kill a vampire?”. It came up with a whole page stating that it didn’t kill vamps. I know that not all myths about a vampire are true but with all the people saying yes I could bet that at least one or two vampires might be one of the many writers saying that it is ok.
I then felt a wave of hunger and happiness flood over me. “Ok DF I will take us outside as long as one. You only kill squirrels and other SMALL creatures and Two. You don't try to scare people ok?”
DF gave me a cheerful bark as I opened the door to the main hall to the apartment building. Luckily enough it was late enough that no one was anywhere near the building and the forest behind it. DF ran so fast he was like a blur. I jogged so that I could be within eye and earshot of DF.
I marveled at my improved eyesight and hearing. I could hear the rustling of the trees and even sounds of the tiniest animals you could imagine. I could also see the tiny details in DF’s fur as he stood, his ears erect on his head as he listened and scented for prey.
Letting my hunger take slight control I used my new sense of smell to see if I could find any prey. DF flashed by me as he hunted a mouse that just streaked by. I wasn’t very worried. DF as a Were seemed moderately confident in his abilities. I then caught the scent of a  squirrel. My mouth suddenly watered as I imagined biting into the small body as the blood dripped into my mouth, I cringed.
Why am I thinking like this?! I stalked the squirrel into a corner. Then with a slash of claws that sprang from my nails the squirrel was dead. As blood gushed from the slash marks my mouth watered as his hunger took me over all the way. I drained the squirrel and searched for more. The blood tasted good, but not as good as DF’s I thought . I cringed a little at that thought but shook it off as he thought well I’ll have to deal with the weird thoughts from now on. By the time I was done feeding DF was back and my watch said that it was 12:00 a.m.
I then led DF back to the apartment and lifted him onto his bed. Df started to whimper in sadness as I left and I turned around and saw him looking at me with big puppy eyes. I went back over to him and brushed a twig out of his fur.
“I will be right back DF, I just have to wash my hands and take a shower then I will come back, ok?”
He whimpered again but seemed to relax as I explained. I then went into the bathroom washed my hands and turned on the shower. I scrubbed my hair and enjoyed the heat of the water. I smiled at the fact that even though all my other senses were improved, my ability to soak up and feel heat was still the same.  
I got out and went into my room and got dressed into my galaxy shirt and black shorts. I went back to DFs room to see him waiting for me. He seemed to smile as he pulled his lips up to show a row of teeth so sharp it looked like it could rip through steel.
I then Turned on his TV as I got on his bed. He crawled towards me and snuggled into my stomach. I  watched Voltron and did some research as I fell asleep.
I woke up to a very warm something under me and Pidge screaming at something. I looked up to find Zane sleeping in his galaxy shirt and petting my back. I then looked towards the TV to find Voltron playing. I got up to see that I was butt naked and got into a new set of clothes.
It consisted of my favorite “Potato Life” shirt and black jeans. I was slightly embarrassed at waking up in my birthday suit, but was more concerned about what happened last night.
I did not want to wake Zane up though, since he looked so peaceful sleeping there, so I went down stairs with my phone and headphones and made myself breakfast while the music drifted out of the head phones and into the room. I felt silly for picking the headphones up since I didn't have the ears for it but I thought it would be a good idea to use them to make it so then I don't wake Zane . When I thought about Zane I had this happy feeling that kept washing over me.
The song put me in a good mood as I finished making a stack of pancakes for Zane and I. I sat down and started to eat as Zane shuffled through the kitchen. I giggled at his dazed look as his neck snapped towards me. He smiled tiredly as he shuffled quickly toward the table and sat down and scarfed down the pancakes I put on his plate.
(in this universe vampire can eat normal food as well as blood but they can only survive if the drink blood so Zanes just eating them for the flavor and to appear normal.) He looked happy to see me .
“So how was the transformation?” I asked nervously.
His reply was slow, since his mouth was stuffed with the tasty meal, but he swallowed and finally answered with, “It was actually really fun and interesting. You were not  actually  the were-pup that I thought you would look like; you looked like a wolf. There was the fact I to feed on a squirrel but I got over it. You also snuggled with me.”
I at another bite of my pancakes as I relaxed. I didn't go full werewolf so I am fine from now on. It was interesting hearing him narrate the story on our hunting trip and I smiled at how he kept over thinking things.
Zane continued “ I  have done some research on a few things for your werewolf since you now have a few extra perks and instincts.”
“What do you mean?” I asked slightly confused.
Zane pulled out his phone and opened something I couldn't see and read/paraphrased something out loud.
“Well the problem is that your werewolf form is about the age where it is going through “ wolf puberty,”
I went beet red when he said puberty. I know its a  childish reaction but I didn't want one of the many “Talks”. He noticed this and rolled his eyes.
“Anyways that means that you will get more defensive and easily provoked during this period of time. Especially to those you care deeply for. You will also become extremely snuggly,clingy, and kind to either your mate if you have one, which you don't, or in some cases you can get attached to a certain person, no matter what species, who becomes sort of  your interspecies mate/companion. They are the most important when it comes to your transformation because they are the only ones who can understand and control you in that form.” Zane read.
We had been walking into our living room and had just sat on the couch when he said that. I tensed a little and he petted my ears to calm me down. We sat down on the couch as he rubbed behind my ears as my happy growl rumbled around the room. I had this feeling I couldn't describe and  I suddenly found myself in his lap licking his neck as he giggles. I wanted to stop but my instinct told me to continue. I nuzzled deeper into his neck and kept licking a certain spot. He let out a huff of air and I came back from what I thought at the time was  my affectionate puppy trance.
I looked at his face and it was covered with a deep blush and he was huffing quite a bit. I blushed a deep red as I apologized for my actions. While I stuttered he grabbed my hands and pulled me into a hug.
“Its okay, I knew you didn't have control over your actions and my neck is really sensitive there ever since Geno bit me”
He wasn't huffing anymore and was smiling softly. I felt a bitter feeling well up when he talked about Geno biting him. I then realized that I was imagining replacing Geno’s with my own bite.
I internally smacked myself for thinking like that. As I scolded myself I realized that I had been snuggling into Zane. It actually felt comfortable.
We cuddled  all morning and afternoon as we watched our favorite shows on Netflix.  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I had noticed the DF had gotten weird this morning. It was quite weird being licked by him. The cuddling was actually nice  though. even though we are both guys and not dating.
I decided to slip away when he fell asleep. I noticed that his ears and tail were still out and they curled a bit in his sleep. It was kinda cute. I headed towards my room and went online. I had quit from my old job because I couldn't do the day shift any more and all the night shifts were taken so I decided to see what online jobs I could do. I have a Bachelors in computer programing/editing and knew of a few youtubers who needed a new editor.
Jacksepticeye had posted a video saying he needed a new editor and  I decided to send an email with a few references and my resume to him  hoping he would be Ok with a out of country editor since he also had Robin/Pixlpit. I  was now waiting for a response.
I had found out that I still appear in photos and video, just not in mirrors, since I had to take a selfie IRL  for jack.
I thought it was slightly funny but was relieved. I heard the familiar tone of a new email and opened up my email. I couldn't believe it. He had accepted!! He even sent me my first video to edit and his phone number so I could call him to talk about details and such. I fanboyed for a few minutes and then went to work.
I had just finished it and sent the edited version back to him. It was 12 Am here and 7:00 their so I plugged his number into my phone and shot him a text.
Fangy boi: umm hello?
Septiceye BOSS: Hey! Its Zane right?
Fangy Boi: yeah… so did I do well?
Septiceye BOSS: You did great editing!! I liked all the references you conveniently placed. Anyways I need to tell you something important.
Fangy Boi: What?
Septiceye BOSS: So something happened to Merk and he called me and asked me to come to the merica’s to help him out with it. Since you live in L.A and he
does as well I thought I could come and meet you if I have time.
Fangy Boi: RLLY!! Umm I will have to ask my flat- I mean roommate first but he will probably say yes.
Septiceye Boss: k.
I couldn't believe it. He was coming to LA!! I was fanboying a little more as DF slipped into my room. He looked like he just woke up. He walked over to me and laid his head on my shoulder as he blearily  read my texts. His ears were still curled and his pupils were blown quite wide from sleep. He made a rumbling sound from his chest and I found myself answering with my own.
“You work for Jacksepticeye?”
“And you do realize that he wants us to meet him?”
“You know we will have to make up an excuse for my ears and tail right?”
I pondered for a few seconds,“We could always buy you a hat to wear to hide them and you could tuck your tail into your shirt until you learn to control you shifting in and out of wolf.”
DF grin was so bright I felt like I could melt from it,“Zane you are a genius. OK he can come as long as you keep my ears hidden and you eat enough so that you do not try to suck him dry.”
I had been wondering about what problem THE Markiplier was having that required THE Jacksepticeye to come to america for. I also was proud of Zane for getting the editing job.
I kept cooing praise at him when we hang out. My instincts has quieted down ever since last week. I was happy that nothing awkward happened between us. I like Zane and I didnt want to hurt our friendship that way.
He has been recently using his new powers of speed that he discovered to get himself a blood supply. He refrained from killing and used his speed to steal blood bags from a hospital. I joke about his new mini blood drive fridge that he has now and he is always joking around about my wolf instincts.
He said that he is also able to withstand sunlight if he eats a certain mineral. It was funny to imagine him eating a jem like a dragon.
Zane and I were on the couch, me laying my head on his lap, when he received a text. It was Jack. As Zane read the text his expression became worried.
“What's wrong Zane?”
“Jack says that if I can I need to head over to Marks house as quick as I can. Even through text he seems anxious.”
I got up and went to go get my shoes on.
“Where are you going?!”
“Arnt we going to go see him?”
Recently my parents bought me a car for a present since I had been doing well in school and also doing well financially so I grabbed the keys, my license, and my wallet and headed down the stairs to the car. Before that I had put on a beanie that had a slightly pointed ears and had stuffed my tail into my pants. It was slightly uncomfortable but was tolerable.
As I drove through the L.A streets Zane gave me directions to Marks house. When we got there we saw Jack standing in the driveway. He was paler than usual and was in his huge PMA hoodie even though it was hot outside. In a weird way he sort of mirrored Zane, who wore clothes that covered his skin from the sun. As we got out of the car Jack waved and smiled tiredly.
“Hello Zane, I am guessing this young man to your left is DF?” Jack spoke quieter than he does in his videos and that made me slightly nervous.
n many of his videos he does say he is quieter in real life, but he said he still quite a bit louder then everyone else. I nodded at his question and stuck out my hand to give him a hand-shake. He returned it. On his arm under a bunch of bracelets I saw a bandage. He didn't seem to notice me staring as he shook Zanes hand.
“So Jack, what's wrong?” Zane inquired. “Your texts made it sound quite serious.”
Jack Nervously rubbed the arm that had the bandage on it.
“First come in. I don't feel like talking out here.”
Zane and I nodded and we entered the house. It was really dark and smelled like dog and something else that I couldn't place. With my werewolf sense of smell I finally identified it as the smell of blood. Zane could smell it to by the way he looked. In front of us I could here Jack taking deep breaths in and out and slightly huffing. We shared a confused look but continued following Jack all the way to what seemed like the living room.
The living room had really comfy couches and a big flat screen TV. Chica, Mark’s dog, bounded towards us to say hello. When she smelled me she barked and I saw her tail was wagging extra hard. Jack stared at me as I bent down and petted her soft fur. Chica licked my face and neck and nuzzled my shoulder. It sort of reminded me of how I acted earlier that week, Licking Zane, except it was much more quick and seemed more “hello friend!” like then how it was with Zane.
Zane chuckled as he watched me get attention from Chica and then asked again, “So what's up Jack? What's the problem?”
Jack sighed then said “So you may not believe this but, about a week ago Merk and I were walking home after going on a walk around LA when we got stopped by this man and what appeared to be his pet dog. He asked us if we could help him get directions to a certain location. As Merk and I were looking it up on his phone the guy grabbed me and sicked his dog on Merk. Then the guy bit me on the arm! I passed out from the pain and woke up here. At first I thought it was all a dream and went to the bathroom to look in the mirror. When I looked up my reflection was gone! I ran out of the room to find Merk. When I entered his room instead of finding Merk I found a WereWolf! That's when I realized Merk and I had been bitten by a WereWolf and I a Vampire,” He finished slowly and looked down, I am guessing to prepare for our rebuttals of disbelief.
Zane and I stood there in shock. They got turned as well! I looked at Zane and conveyed with my eyes should we tell him? Zane nodded.
I spoke up “Jack… about four weeks ago Zane and I got turned into vampire and werewolf ourselves.”
Jacks head shot up in disbelief.
I nodded my head. And to give him proof I took off my hat and pulled my tail out of my pants. Chica barked excitedly and started bouncing around inviting me to play as she realized that I was finnally showing my full self. It seemed as though she branded me as her kin, and in a way, I technically am. Jack stared at my ears and tail in awe as they twitched.
Zane, with a weird expression on his face,  then asked “Where is Mark, Jack?”
Jack looked towards him and beckoned us to follow.
He led us down a hall with Chica in the lead.She had decided that She was going to lead, not Jack. She seemed to bounce with every step towards where Mark was, as if she were excited to show us her master and our new friend. Jack then stopped in front of what looked like a door to a bedroom. He quietly knocked on the door and after hearing a response, entered the room.
There in the middle of the room lying on the bed was a fully grown werewolf. Its fur was a chocolatey brown and had a reddish hue that only anyone with a supernatural sense of sight could see. Chica ran up to the bed and made a boofing sound. The werewolf looked up at chica and gave a pleased grumble as he licked here head in greeting. It then looked up at the others and cocked its head to the side in curiosity. I then stepped up and held out my hand. The Were first sniffed my hand and then shook it with its paw. The others gasped in surprise.
“Merk! I didn't know you were fully in there!”  Jack said in surprise. Mark looked up,  rolled his eyes at Jack, and went back to sniffing me.
“ Anyways,as you can see Mark is still a werewolf…”
I looked at mark in confusion.
Mark didn't answer and seem busy trying to identify the others from a distance.
Jack decided to  answer for him.
“I think it was because his transformation took multiple hours. He was trying to fight it and did not try to except it. It must've affected his transformation.”
I frowned.
“That doesn't sound good. My transformation from what Zane said to 30 minutes. I guess accepting the transformation must make it go quickly.” I said. Mark was getting off the bed and when he stood up he towered the three of us. He looked a lot more friendly then Ross did as a werewolf, but instead of being an actual wolf like I was he was a bipedal combo of a wolf and human.
Jack furrowed his brows.
“So somehow accepting your wolf side allows you to change faster and not feel a lot of pain? But if accepting it only lets you be in your form for the short amount of time is it also a bad thing…?”
Jack trailed off a little and then turned to talk to Zane. Chica and Mark both were sniffing around and then they turned to each other and seemed to have a mental conversation. They both were staring at each other and occasionally Mark would nod his head or make a tiny noise. The two creatures seemed to have a connection that allows them to communicate on another level.  
I was pretending to watch Zane and Jack mull over the issue but I actually was watching them. Ever since I got here I have felt a subconscious pull towards them. My Were-Cub side seemed perk up a lot when I was around them. I have decided that I should title my other side my ‘Were-cub’ side since it was more of another conscience as well as new instincts that I have to adjust to.  It was weird  finally noticing that I had two sets of instincts. I had also been feeling quite warm as well as the fact I was more sensitive to scents. Everyone's scents in here were relaxing and calming, especially Zanes.
As I thought about it more I was pulled out of my thoughts by the sound of Mark and Chica barking quietly to get my attention. I noticed Marks bark was a lot deeper than Chicas and sounded like a really friendly, bigger, breed of dog instead of a wolf. I turned to see them motioning to follow them out of the room. My Were-cub side’s instinct made me even more curious to follow.
As I followed them to the living room I  giggled at what Chica was doing.
She seemed to be trying to look intimidating, growling and raising her lip over her teeth,  but her adorable nature made it look more like she was about to lick someone to death. Mark looked amused for the moment and then he crouched down and growled back. Chica then pounced on Mark and the play-fight began.
I noticed that Mark was very gentle, and when Chica pounced on him  he just rolled her off carefully. They then turned and started play fighting with me. I was slightly slower then they were, but I still put up a good “fight”. He and Chica would carefully jump on their opponents and to attack they just batted each other with either paws, Marks case, or their head, Chicas case. When we were done we collapsed into a big pile. I was smiling quite derp-like and my Were-cub side was filling me extreme happiness.
I guess in a way it was satisfied with the fact that I was willing to follow its instinct.
I also felt as if someone had place me on a fluffy cloud in the middle of the most peaceful place they could find. There was another emotion/feeling that I had but I couldn't identify it and even though I was slightly worried about it I was to out of it to care.
I did feel a bit warmer then before but I dismissed it again, especially since I just did something quite strenuous.
Jack and I talked as we walked down the hall. He and I had been talking about what each of us learned and I found out that Jack had fed on Mark instead of looking for food. He then said that after that he felt to guilty and decided not to take anymore. I offered him some blood bags and he accepted them gratefully.
I was not paying attention  to where we were going and when Jack stopped I sort of ran into him. I then looked up to see what was up and stood there in shock.
There DF was, in the middle of the dog-pile, smiling like a four-year-old that had gotten his first dog. It was quite adorable to see him so happy and I felt my chest bloom with an emotion I couldn't exactly fully identify. It was a mix of joy and… affection but as well as something that made me want to fight anyone who tried to hurt him? I was confused but I did not stop the feeling. I felt in that moment I was two beings in that moment. One that was sane and just like me while the other a primal, savage,  beast.
After a moment I realized Jack was giggling and as Jack headed over to Mark and Chica, I headed over to DF.
“Hey~” DF said in a voice that seemed a bit deeper than normal.
I noticed that unlike the usual both blue eyes he normally had was replaced with the one bright whitish-yellow eye and one a deeper in color grey-blue.
I smiled and replied with “Hello to you to~” in the deepest voice I could make. For a second I thought DF’s pupils had grown  bigger at that,  but in the next second I found that he had pulled me to the ground next to him.
I snorted and started petting his head. His purr growl came back at this and he cuddled up to me. I am actually taller than DF by 6 inches so it made cuddling with him quite easy. Chica came over and boofed at me in a friendly way. She the licked my face once, making me scrunch up my nose, and walked away.
I heard Jack and, I think Mark, chuckle and I looked up.
There Jack and Mark stood, It appeared that Mark was grinning in a dog-ish way and Jack was giving a knowing smile. Mark was still in his full werewolf form and I saw that Jack stood quite close to him. Mark then started to come over to help us up. I felt an emotion well up in me and I acted upon it.
I hissed at them
It was not an innocent kitty-angry hiss it was a dangerous-animal-will-attack-you hiss. The sound startled
both of them and they stepped back a little.
I then stood up, carrying DF, and protectively  wrapped my arms around him as I then started to run. I was feeling that savage burn to protect that I didn't question what I was doing.
Mark and Jack called for me to stop but I as they did I felt the weird emotion take full control and the next thing I knew I was carrying DF to his bedroom and then nothing.
I felt pure bliss.
I felt like I was high on happiness, I felt so good. I felt dopey, puppy like, and safe in Zane’s arms.
I couldn't understand what was happening and it seemed like my comprehension skills went out the window. I felt myself be lifted off the ground and the next thing I knew, we were back home.
I felt myself lower onto a surface that I finally identified as my bed and I snuggled into its plush surface. I had my vision back so I looked towards Zane. I saw that his eyes were bright crimson instead of his normal brown.
I felt a weird bark well up in my throat and I released it. From what Zane says later it was a mix between a whimper and a sort of chirp in a way. Zane also told me about how he couldn't seem to remember actually hearing it.  Zanes head whipped to me and he walked towards me. He did not say anything but he started to pet my head again. As he did so I fell into the clutches of slumber.
I woke up to find myself wrapped in Zanes arms and licking his neck again. I groaned and sat up.
I looked over to Zane to find that his appearance had changed. His hair was slightly longer,  and I could see that black had been mixed with the reds of his hair. His nails were longer as well as sharper. The biggest change was the fact that he had leathery bat wings that stretched out and draped over the bed. I noticed that one of the wings was covering me like a blanket and I stroked it. The wing was soft and felt quite thick. I still felt out of it and the Were-cub instincts were still running strong so I leaned back into the bed and snuggled into the wing.
I couldn't understand what happened.
I had been feeling weird ever since the play fight with Chica and Mark and when Zane picked me up it was if I got dunked in pure happiness. But imagine if that pure happiness, after the fact, feels fake and creepy instead of normal and nice.
I was overwhelmed with fear in that moment and a whimper escaped my throat. It sounded like a wounded animal and I felt my Were-cub sides influence so strongly right now that it hurt.
Zane stirred and then, with what was probably, great difficulty on his part, turned to face me. His eyes were a bright crimson and his gaze felt more animalistic then human. He lifted his hand and brushed a piece of my hair out of my face as he made a weird cooing noise.
I felt relief wash over me and then I found myself cuddled up into Zanes side, and I nuzzled the flesh that was in front of my face. As I did so, I could smell a nice aroma come from him. It was calming and made me feel like he could protect me from anything. Feeling  my Were-cubs conscious meld with my own calmed me even more and my mind was filled with only one thought.
I fell asleep with that thought strong in my mind.
I woke up to DF rubbing himself up against me.
I was slightly groggy since I had just woken up but I still was awake enough to realize two things.
One, DF was extremely sweaty and that sweat left sticky feeling against me.
And two, he was mumbling the word mate in his sleep.
I then noticed that he was wrapped up in bat wings. I went to scramble away when I realized that they were mine. I stared in shock. The bat wings twitched with the shaking of my body and that's when I noticed that the tiny fur on them swirled in a pattern. Brown,black, and grey swirled together to make the most beautiful wings you could ever see.
As I shook myself out of my trance I transfered my sight to DF. He was nuzzling his sweaty body up to mine and I noticed that he kept nipping at air. It was then that I  was hit with a powerful scent.
It was beautiful in a way. The smell of cherry blossoms and smoke assaulted My nose. I was quite surprised that two drastically different scents could come together to smell so divine.
I knew in that moment what DF was….
My Mate.
And I knew what I had to do now…
Take care of my Mate.
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seven-oomen · 3 years
Hi, Ben!  Hope your day is going well so far!  Congrats on the new sofa, and on getting it up the stairs (did you at any point develop the urge to start shouting “Pivot!  Pivot!” ? XD [Sorry, can’t help myself, it’s where my brain immediately went.])  My home reno I’m currently avoiding is getting my Christmas tree up.  I have managed to get the boxes out of my storage unit to my apartment, and managed to clear a (hopefully) big enough space, but I can only seem to do things in fits and spurts today before either my spoons or my focus give out for a while.
Because I have terrible impulse control, I looked at the family tree despite knowing I’d get spoiled.  (But I mean, knowing where it’ll end up doesn’t mean I know how it’ll get there, so.)  Since I did that on a break at work yesterday, it meant I got to spend a large chunk of my shift alternating between internally ferally screaming over the continuing SPN saga, and internally ferally screaming over the things I’d managed to guess correctly about future chapters and the things I didn’t see coming at all.  Gotta say, it at least helped keep me distracted during a very long, short-staffed shift.  Not gonna lie, it took me a minute to figure out the letter code in people’s names.  At first I was like, “oh, a middle initial”, then I realized it was the same few letters, and who had what, and felt like an idiot. XD  I noticed there wasn’t a (T) in Isaac’s name, and now I’m curious if he stays human, or you just haven’t added that detail yet.  (Also, Jesus, I both can’t imagine what Chris and Noah might do to Mr. Lahey, and kinda really want to see some epic smackdown at the same time.)  And holy shit, do the boys know the truth about Scott’s parentage?  Because if not that is a massive angst bomb about to drop on the three of them (because of everything that happened with Claudia).  I feel the need for a drink just thinking about it.
Also, that SPN shit is getting wilder by the day.  I think Misha may have put out some sort of video earlier about the reactions and theories, but I haven’t actually watched it to see if it’s shade or towing the party line.  I feel very “I don’t really go here, but I did do a semester abroad here and enjoyed it immensely so now I feel unwillingly invested in the outcome” about the whole thing.  I also really, REALLY want to scream at my friend who also watches about all of it, but she didn’t see the last few episodes, and is militantly anti-spoiler, so I just have to sit here and quietly vibrate with impatience until she some day sees the ending.  (Or someone else spoils it and I don’t have to take the blame. XD )
And I’m really glad you liked the story!  I was kinda worried about that one, so I’m glad its gotten so much love.  Although it’s also kinda funny to me, because it’s the one that’s most likely to cause thoughts like “oh, I could have phrased that better” or “jesus, I’ve got to stop using that word so often” when I read through it.  
So I’ve seen that Doctor Who post you shared, but never that version of it, and I love it because it is completely right about Torchwood, and also leaves out my least favorite character from the summary, who is very much like an older, female version of Scott.  Same tendency towards narcissistic arrogance, and irritating self-righteousness.  I could rant for days about it (don’t worry, I won’t. XD )  Anyway, I was very amused by the whole thing.
I feel like there were other things (there usually are), but I’ve also just remembered that I had dishes sitting in a sink full of water, and I should really probably check on those.  ’>.>  Anyway, I hope you’re feeling better, and I look forward to whatever creative outlet you eventually decide on, because it’ll be great either way.  (And if my brain lets me focus that long I’ll try to come up with some Noah headcanons for your post!)  Take care!  *Hugs to you both!*
Sup B? My day went alright I guess? Said new sofa arrived at 9 am and was big enough to completely block the doorway. And bulky enough and the stairs small enough that getting it up the stairs was a matter of trying to wrestle an object of 86 pounds up an area that is smaller than said object, on my own, while I don’t have the strength to lift it above my head. And having a turn in the stairs meant that at some point I had to slip under the couch, got stuck between the couch and the wall and couldn’t get out. Almost called 112 (911 for Dutch people) because I got so stuck it was crushing my ribs but then my phone dropped out of my pocket and I couldn’t reach it.
It was then that I remembered a trick from my days as a tree climber (from when I was a kid and climbed a lot of trees and other places), which was, arms up, tummy in. Though my goddamn boobs got in the way (I seriously want these off and I can’t wait for surgery.) And I slipped free enough to end up on the other end where I proceeded to somewhat lift the couch up enough to eventually get it on the plateau of the hallway. Where I put it on one end and scooted it into my apartment. 
But yeah that was an adventure, the couch got lightly damaged in the process and I am hurting all over. But, I succeeded. I was out of commission for the rest of the day though. Didn’t do much beside that. And I didn’t have a pivot! pivot! moment. Mostly because 1. I never really watched friends, and whenever it is on tv I quickly zap to another channel. 2. There was no room to pivot or turn it. This is a small ass stairs in a small ass house in a small ass country XD.
And hey, those are good accomplishments! You got your boxes, check 1, you cleared your space, check 2, you can be proud of that! I’m proud of you. And I’m very curious as to what your Christmas tree is going to look like ^^.
Because I have terrible impulse control, I looked at the family tree despite knowing I’d get spoiled.  (But I mean, knowing where it’ll end up doesn’t mean I know how it’ll get there, so.)  Since I did that on a break at work yesterday, it meant I got to spend a large chunk of my shift alternating between internally ferally screaming over the continuing SPN saga, and internally ferally screaming over the things I’d managed to guess correctly about future chapters and the things I didn’t see coming at all.  Gotta say, it at least helped keep me distracted during a very long, short-staffed shift.  Not gonna lie, it took me a minute to figure out the letter code in people’s names.  At first I was like, “oh, a middle initial”, then I realized it was the same few letters, and who had what, and felt like an idiot. XD  I noticed there wasn’t a (T) in Isaac’s name, and now I’m curious if he stays human, or you just haven’t added that detail yet.  (Also, Jesus, I both can’t imagine what Chris and Noah might do to Mr. Lahey, and kinda really want to see some epic smackdown at the same time.)  And holy shit, do the boys know the truth about Scott’s parentage?  Because if not that is a massive angst bomb about to drop on the three of them (because of everything that happened with Claudia).  I feel the need for a drink just thinking about it.
This is making me smile in one of those, hehehehehe gleeful ways only an author can smile in. Making my day here. And I’m glad I could provide that distraction for you. And the letter coding is (H (human), T (turned), W (Werewolf), K (Kitsune), Ban (Banshee), B (Beta, since that is basically the ‘trans’ coding), HH (Hellhound), D (druid) ) And I think that’s all of the coding I’m using right now. I didn’t fully update it yet, I generally do bits and pieces when writing something is not working but I do want to work on OUAT. So Isaac will be turned in the story, I just hadn’t added the T yet. Also not sure what I’ll keep on Chris just yet. Still debating on that one.) Some of the names might also still change. (as in baby boom #2 to keep it easy) 
And Mr. Lahey, oh he’s gonna get it. Isaac is just gonna be unofficially adopted into the family even before he ends up with the person he ends up with. (hopefully that’s vague enough for tumblr XD)
Everybody loves Isaac, Kyra, and Lydia. Scott though, well, he needs to grow and convince the people around him, especially the person he ends up with. That’s gonna be something of a road trip too. 
And no, neither the young generation or our boys know about Scott’s parentage. Peter has always suspected, but Mel never wanted to confirm it. When Noah learns, when Stiles, Malia and Scott learn.. Shit’s gonna hit the fan again. I already bought an extra bottle of wine to write it.
Yeah man, I can barely keep up with the rollercoaster that is SPN right now. But it’s SO compelling! Omg! I haven’t cared about this show in three years and suddenly it’s all back in my life and I don’t know how to feel. I honestly stopped watching again after they killed off Gabriel for the second time, and never got back into it. Until now. jfc.
I honestly loved it and despite it being 3 am when I read it I can still very clearly recall what happened and still smile. Which is a very good thing! I actually have your first fic open in a tab rn and once my brain wants to cooperate again, I’ll read that too because I honestly just really love your writing. You’re really good at it! Also remind me to rec all of your fics, I think I forgot that last night but I meant to. And sorry for the rambling, despite my day it is once again 2 am XD.
Hope your day has been going well too! I’ve almost finished recording all the needed episodes from Season 1 to start giffing for OUAT and will let you know when I can start posting. Hope your dishes went well too, and let me know if you have any headcanons, would love to hear them <3.
Now I am turning in though, I’m starting to fall asleep. Take care and lots of hugs from me and Mo. <3
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Therapy? In The Final Season of  The 100??
It’s more likely then any of us ever thought??????
Spoilers of course for the 100 7.07
Dr. Eric Jackson said “is anyone going to treat Literally Everyone for the trauma we go through” and had to wait seven seasons before giving up and doing it himself. I fucking love him and I Adore that Madi is getting therapy and that they are CONFRONTING WHAT HAPPENED TO A LITERAL CHILD. Jax read one (1) psychology book and decided he was now a licensed therapist and you know what? good for him. 
Someone....let me at Madi’s wardrobe. Babe looks like she rolled up fresh out of Amity from the Divergent movies and like...killing it but What was the inspiration. I am So Happy she gets to play soccer and have therapy sessions and just be a regular kid for what is apparently, the first time in her entire life. I Miss her and Clarke and i wish Clarke was here to see Madi starting to flourish because that dynamic has been pushed So Far to the side this season and I just miss them. I Love that they finally addressed how fucked up it was putting the flame in Madi’s head i seriously love love love it. yes it was necessary but it was also extremely traumatic and not something a child should have to go through and I’m so happy they talked about it (for at least a moment anyway)
Lindsey Morgan and her team said You get to deal with trauma, and you get to deal with trauma, and you - . No but for real, I was pleasantly surprised with the things that got addressed this episode- The flame, Octavia beating up Bellamy, the beginning of Becho. Not as good as Bardo lore but we take what we can get.
(Also shout out to Ms. Morgan for an incredible directorial debut, what a talented queen) 
I Loved Octavia saying outright how fucked up it was that she beat up her brother It’s been 84 years too many seasons of waiting for it, her growth this season? Incredible. That being said, literally What The Fuck was that comforting scene between her and Echo I’m. “You’re my family too” bitch Where. I understand Octavia trying to comfort someone she knows her brother cares for, and I know that Octavia saw how lost and angry Echo was, and this is just my own thoughts but probably recognized something in Echo that was reminiscent of her when she lost Lincoln, at least in her eyes, but it came out of no where?? These two have Never had a good relationship and while part of it is obviously Octavia’s growth the scene felt a little stilted. 
So. Echo. First thing right off the bat (as always, this should literally be the expectation but for the people in the back) THE ACTORS ARE NOT THEIR CHARACTERS, THEY ARE REAL PEOPLE, AND PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GODS LEARN TO SEPARATE THE TWO. I have so much respect for all the actors and crew who are trying their absolute best and making this show something I look forward to watching.
I had Such high hopes for Echo. And honestly the tiny little rat part of my brain that never lets things go still wants to hope for a satisfying end to the spy’s story. I Want her to reach a point where she can look at herself with clear eyes, and come through to the other side. I Want her to have happy ending where she understands that though loyalty is admirable, there has to be more in your life, that you cannot dedicate yourself to one person entirely. The realistic part of my brain that has watched this fucking show for years knows better. Tasya Teles is doing an excellent job of Echo’s continuing downward spiral, 10/10 choices. But all the lighting and framing and crazy intense gaze do Not bode well for Echo’s sanity and her carving the Azgeda marks into her face was I think the point of “no return”. Which makes me sad, to see this end for the character, but it is a path I can see Echo going down, as much as it sucks.
“We got shaved Bellamy but at what cost” makes me cackle but honestly, I liked the Ring flashback. Setting aside how late it is to be Doing ring flashbacks, I think it was a Very interesting look at Becho. Echo on the ring is so cute sorry not sorry, like I Love seeing that girl happy. Her and Bellamy’s little banter reminded me of their earliest dynamic which I enjoyed seeing because I do think those characters have an interesting relationship. Also, Bellamy using his own experiences of the dangers of blind loyalty to try and help Echo, love to see it but her “it’s not real” right before he kissed her...the implications. They knew what they were doing and I think it was a needed perspective into their relationship because we have barely anything except for people saying things about it which is Not The Same Thing.
Moving On! HOLY SHIT Y’ALL HOPE AND DIYOZA I FUCKING LOVE THEM THE ACTRESSES WERE INCREDIBLE, THE DYNAMIC WAS AMAZING, BEST STORYLINE OF THE  EPISODE BY FAR. I seriously just Loved watching their scenes, their relationship is So Good and I loved them trying to figure out the new dynamics they have to work through and the way they don’t really know how to act around each other in the beginning but at their core they’re still mother and daughter and Hope’s broken “they took my mommy” almost had me in tears seriously These Two Y’all. 
Hope thinks of Dev as her father...I’m soft :’)
I’m tired of Nikki. That’s literally all I want to say about her this episode like I’m so tired of the Sanctum storylines and I just do Not care about her little revenge plot. Nelson joining her side is stupid but he was in a very emotional place at the moment so I Guess. 
Emori tried So Hard to make things better on Sanctum and I want to give her all the things it’s what she deserves what a queen. (Luisa d’Oliveira an actual goddess I’m so happy she got a chance to shine this episode). Memori consistently being cute and domestic af love that for them, seriously these two fit so well together “ besides, you’ve been worshiping me for years” when I tell y’all I screamed. Also I’m not like, super convinced about the Emori is pregnant theory and don’t really know how I feel about it but “maybe it’s the palace life giving you that glow” was a...weird choice of words. 
Sheihedea shut up forever challenge. Seriously why does anyone let him speak?? The bitch is so dramatic when he starts going on his “I can give you want you want” speech just walk away from him?? Like what’s the bitch going to do start yelling after you?? And let everyone know how desperate he is to get people on his side and also that he only has one real strategy of getting people on his side?? I think the fuck not. Honestly though, he has one (1) method of getting people on his side and it’s psychoanalyzing them while they play chess which goes on ForEVER btw (like this post w h o o p s) i’m so tired of him. Murphy calling him on his misogyny was certainly a highlight of the episode though, good for him.
And Finally, that ending though. Wow I’m super shocked that the shepard is Bill Cadogan. What a surprise. Never saw it coming. I thin the ‘plot twist’ still worked ish mostly because everyone fucking forgot about his existence but idk it was what I expected and I just Don’t Care? You have crystal giants outside and you want me to care about some musty ass white man who’s been in the freezer for thousands of years?  
I genuinely thought (because I’m a dumbass) for half a second that the old dude in the freezer coffin was Bellamy because I though Anders was going to do some dramatic reveal of where he was stashing our king and the rage I felt in that split second when I thought they really had the audacity to do that. But no it was just Another Plot we get to explore :)))))
ALRIGHT CLOWNS YOU MADE IT TO THE END SO. HOW ABOUT THAT BELLARKE CRUMB WE GOT. Can’t believe I Still can’t retire my clown makeup, please just Give Them A Break. Ms. Morgan really did that though, the framing close up of Clarke, the Bellarke theme in the background, all the other characters looking right at Clarke as she breaks on the inside ( and holy shit kudos to Ms. Eliza Jane for that scene, the sheer heartbreak and almost feral desperation in one expression was Everything). I know I said I love parallel’s and who does parallels better then them but I feel like the “they do this every year” audio, just let them be together for more then Five minutes without some new crisis blease. 
Next episode will be a prequel (?) set up (?) which will be...interesting. Going to be real honest I don’t really care about the premise but Becca scenes are always a plus. More of the Diyoza women please, Clarke and Octavia deserve to have a (better) moment grieving over Bellamy together thanks, let Miller say more lines, and p l e a s e let Bellamy and Clarke be on screen together soon I miss them. 
Friendship ended with Gabriel now Levitt is my only friend
0 notes
Sports Festival Arc
Okay so I’ve just decided to talk about each episode individually since so much happens in them and I have a lot of things to say that nobody cares about ANYWAY MOVING ON here you go!
Episode 14: That’s The Idea, Ochaco
•Can we talk about how Todoroki had the prettiest animation in the intro please???
•Aizawa shows up like I LIVED BITCH we love one grumpy crippled old man (reminds me of this English teacher I had who showed up to class after breaking 3 ribs and couldn’t laugh or move and was in visible pain while teaching, Professor Saunders if you ever see this please just take a day off my dude)
•Mido: “Mineta don’t you know how important the Sports Festival is?”
Mineta: “yes but I just don’t want to get MURDERED”
...you know what he has a point
•Jirou to Kami: “most people miss their chance and end up just staying sidekicks. You know what that’s probably what’ll happen to you. You’re kinda dumb” BRUH SHE DIDNT HAVE TO MURDER DENKI LIKE THAT
•Kirishima being so excited for the Sports Festival is so cute I’m gonna cry
•Ojirou and Hagakure are so fucking ADORABLE
•Uraraka getting all pumped up/ ragey and Mineta being ✖️Mineta✖️ and Tsuyu just straight up SMACKING HIM IMMEDIATELY I LOVE HER COLD BLOODED ASS
•“YOUNG MIDORIYA!!!...do you want to eat with me?” I LOVE DADMIGHT
•Todoroki eavesdropping on Uraraka and Iida talking about Mido/All Might: Secret Child Theories activated
Episode 15: Roaring Sports Festival
•TESTUTESTU!!! loving the other classes showing up like fuck y’all 1A bitchass nerds right now honestly
•Kiri stop thirsting for Bakugou when he’s being an ass we get it, you’re gay and love an angry Pomeranian also WHY ARE YOU JUST STRAIGHT UP JUMPING OFF A BUILDING BOI WHAT IS YOU DOIIINNNNGGGGG ROCKS CAN STILL B R E A K
•Todoroki you dramatic hoe I love you but just. Take a nap. “We’Re nOt hEre To MakE FriEnDs” bitch you soft, shut up
•I’m genuinely curious what exactly is Midnight’s quirk? She’s the “R rated Pro Hero” but like...what is it? Is she just Super Sexy? Is it the pheromone thing that makes people think she’s sexy/ feeling aroused? Like what is her power exactly?
•”I just wanna say...I’m gonna win” KACCHAN HONEY WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS
•Todoroki freezing EVERYTHING and being unimpressed by the giant robots sweetie you’re so extra
•Birth of Icy Hot Bastard nickname
•Mineta got fuckin MURKED MAN lmao at least he tried
•Mama Midoriya is Best Mom she worries so much
Episode 16: In Their Own Quirky Ways
•KIRI BREAKING THROUGH THE FUCKING ROBOT SCREAMING IM ALIVE HOLY FUCK (Also Testu bursting through too. Intro to the Hard Boi Twins)
•Lets go Sero and Tokoyami!!
•All Might’s little YES watching Mido using the robot part as a launcher for the explosion warms my heart he’s so proud of his boy
•”THIS JUST IN ERASURE HEAD IS A TERRIBLE TEACHER” “wait wHAT” I love 2 chaotic teachers
•Shiggy you’re gross please invest in some cortisone skin cream it majorly helps my eczema it can help you too sweetie
•”the 1st place winner is worth...10 MILLION” Everybody around Mido: Activate Instant Kill
Midoriya my boy rUN
Episode 17: Strategy, Strategy, Strategy
•”Wait, remind me of your quirks again. And your names” Bakugou I’m gonna kick your entitled ass square up babe
•Kiri we get it you want Bakugou to top you. Also I love how Bakugou’s just like let’s fucKIN GOOO SHITTY HAIR
•Iida I love your dramatic over-energetic ass so much
“YOURE SO CLOSE TO ME WHO ARE YOU???” Hatsume please. Take a dozen chill pills
•Ah. There he is. Monoma. Rat Boi 3000. Let’s go babey
•Ah. Cue the Daddy Drama
•This game is just Kill Midoriya, huh
•Monoma is a pro monologuer and honestly? I respect that. But then again it doesn’t take much to get Bakugou riled up
Episode 18: Cavalry Battle Finale
•Shouji is a SCARY BADASS and deserves more acknowledgement
•no matter your opinion on him, Monoma is an interesting character and has a REALLY COOL QUIRK
•Endeavor? Just. Shut up
•Bakugou- I am powered by rage and nothing else
•”Has anyone seen Deku?”
Todoroki: tragic backstory time
Episode 19: The Boy Born With Everything
•Yo FUCK Endeavor lives, man
•Mido ”so why did you bring me here”
Todo ”...soooo THIS IS THE STORY ALL ABOUT WHY I’m depressed/ also are you All Might’s secret love child or something?”
•Okay but All Might asking Endeavor on how to raise a powerful child I’m cackling. But the more Enji talks, the more All Might’s just like “what the fuck are you doing to your kid??”
•Todoroki’s whole monologue is literally just him over sharing and rambling about his trauma I love it
•Bakugou why you being such a creep boo
•Midoriya telling his friends/rivals “I’m gonna beat you” is basically just his equivalent of “I have a crush on you” change my mind
•Kaminari. I’m disappointed in you. I expected the uniforms from Mineta but come on dude
•Ojirou is so PURE long live Tail Boi he is also too under appreciated and he is just. So good
•Kendo is best girl Class 1B
•”Uraraka? Who the hells that?” Bakugou don’t be fuKING RUDE
•Midoriya what did Ojirou fucking TELL YOU
EPISODE 20: Victory or Defeat
•Dadzawa activated, time to adopt a Sleepy Boy into the Hero Course
•Complete BAMF Midoriya has been UNLOCKED PEOPLE
•Poor Shinsou when he goes “im used to people thinking I’m a bad guy” I just couldn���t NOT think of Billie Eilish IM SORRY now I have Bad Guy stuck in my head YOU DID SO GOOD BABY IM PROUD OF YOU
•”Spooky IM A GHOST???” God I love All Might
•”Stop rebelling Shouto”
“It’s NoT a PhaSe DaD”
•Todoroki did you have to go so HARD BRUH WHAT THE FUCK YOU DEPRESSED SHOW OFF
Episode 21: Battle On, Challengers!
•Lmao get wrecked Denki
•Mama Kendo to the rescue come get yo kids
•Everyone at Mido, Please. Shut the fuck up and stop being CREEPY
•Midnight. Please stop lusting over your students it’s gross
•Hatsume played Iida like a fiddle and I’m crying baby boy tried so hard
•Poor Momo
•Bakubabe you’re so UGLY I can’t why is your face like that
Episode 22: Bakugou VS. Uraraka
•”Pink Cheeks” Bakugou just learn your classmates names it’s not that hard
•Ochaco is so fucking STRONG
•”like I always suspected. Bakugou’s a total sadist” sometimes Mineta is just. Accurate.
•Can we please talk about how Aizawa was just like “The FUCK are y’all talking about Bakugou is doing what he’s supposed to do in these games it doesn’t matter if his opponents a girl or not y’all are DUMB” like THANK YOU AIZAWA
•Mic has no chill I miss him real talk we don’t get enough Present Mic
•”You’re wrong Kacchan” YOU TELL HIM MIDO
•Bakubitch may be a little much sometimes and I get why a lot of people don’t like him but he does understand his classmates ARE also strong and powerful and you know he respects them in his own weird way even though he’ll never admit it
•We love supportive parents (Ochaco’s parents. Fuck Endeavor. Just leave these kids aloonnneeeee you asshat)
•”I’m not worried about a couple of kids” you’re clearly not worried about your crusty skin either Shiggy learn some priorities
Episode 23: Shoto Todoroki: Origin
•All that power in one little fucking finger what the FUCK Mido also PLEASE STOP BREAKING YOUR BONES “I’ve only got 6 more chances” well there go your fucking hands my dude
•Aaaaand there goes your arm
•”You haven’t been able to put a single scratch on me yet, Todoroki” you’re doing a pretty good job of that by yourself Midoriya
•Baby Shouto kills me every time IM GONNA FIGHT ENDEAVOR
•Shouji grabbing Mineta by the leg so that he doesn’t fly away oh my god
•Endeavor and All Might come get y’all kids
•Midoriya’s fuckin dead rest in fucking pieces you masochist
Episode 24: Fight On, Iida
•Okay but why is Endeavor such a fucking Brick House holy fuck absolute unit of pure shit
•”In his first match he looked so sad. I was trying to figure out why...” it’s because you have a crush Mido
•And the first of many scars appears
•Recovery Girl is right and she should say it
•All Might said Quirkless Rights send tweet
•Highkey completely forgot about Stain OH WAIT THAT MEANS THE INTERNSHIPS ARE NEXT I really forgot the whole timeline wow
•Explosion Boy vs. Shitty Hair I love competitive boyfriends but Jesus Bakugou
•Testu cheering for his new friend tho? That’s the content I love to see
•Legacy Children Battle (Iida vs. Todoroki)
•”I didn’t know he couldn’t kick like that” he is ALL LEGS that’s literally his quirk Denki what do you mean
•Anybody fighting Todoroki: time to drag a Sad Bitch
•Bruh why did Iida tense up like that was your phone up your ass dude???
•Yo Stain is ugly as fuck
Episode 25: Todoroki VS. Bakugou
•Lmao Midoriya literally triggered Todoroki into using his Left Side
•And Todoroki triggered Bakugou by asking about his past friendship with Midoriya these boys are a MESS
•oh look it’s a Fucking Fire Gremlin
•oh my GOD Endeavor shut UUPPPP
•Everyone listening to Bakugou go off at Todoroki: ...please seek some therapy
•The first time I saw this I highkey thought Bakugou actually killed Todoroki.
•Bakugou going feral for winning I can’t he literally looks like a trapped wolf
•We respect Tokoyami in this house
•About Bakugou ”Look at that face” I’d really rather not
•I’m sorry but Mineta sitting on Shouji’s shoulders is actually adorable
•Iida running through the hospital to his brother: It’s Loss
•I love the Iida Brothers so. Fucking. MUCH
•Shouto I’m so proud of you sweetheart
•Honestly I need more family stuff they’re all so interesting in their own ways and it’s a nice reminder that yes these are just kids and they have lives outside of hero school
SO that wraps up the Sports Festival Arc! I’m going to do the second half of Season 2/ The Internship Arc/ Final Exams all in one post so get ready for another long one ✌🏽
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spiritcc · 7 years
The Hound of the Baskervilles: director’s script
I’ll try to compress both episodes into one post and that will be big. 
Alrighty so this is the wildest script out of the entire bunch, in my opinion, mostly because of one thing in the end. Many changes from the final cut, many additions, closer to the book than it turned out to be in the end. A lot of stuff. 
So we’re only the third movie in and the script already hurries to point out that everyone is old.
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Mister Sherlock Holmes was having breakfast at the table. Hundreds of solved cases marked new wrinkles on his manly face, brows became darker, and temples - lighter. 
Doctor Watson was standing at the fireplace twirling a some sort of cane in his hands. The time left its marks on his as well: his hair got thinner and forehead became higher, moustache...
I’m not sure if Maslennikov had a some sort of weird appreciation for Livanov’s features with all those manly faces and all, but eyebrows getting darker? What kind of an observation is that? Was his first thought upon meeting with Livanov again “MAN those brows!!! Dat going into the script boi!!!”? It’s always the weirdest details.
By the general descriptions of everything and everybody it’s pretty clear that the script was written before the casting, since every character looks like they do in canon. Pretty jarring to read about blonde Stapleton and look at the picture of Yankovsky above the text. 
Speaking of Yankovsky.
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Sir Hugo Baskerville, a knight of the age of thirty, was standing on a table topless, trying to organise a choir...  
They wanted Yankovsky to dance on a table without pants on, alright. Yeah, they later specify that he takes his trousers off after this scene, so yeah, that might’ve been...an interesting scene. I like how they keep referring to him as knight, like from all the things in the world, I don’t think this guy is worth the courtesy. 
When was the original case set season-wise? It was summer in the script, the murder happened in June and Mortimer talked about dog footprints on the grass. It turned into January and snow in the final cut, which is more fitting cause what kind of shitty grass would that have been if there are clear footprints on it.
Now, when they said a lot of stuff between sir Henry and Barrymore was improvised, they meant no joke. Of course before Mikhalkov burst in, Henry was a pretty canon-looking bud. No alcohol tiny joke plot ever took place, Barrymore was even compassionate to a degree about everything. No infamous porridge and “oatmeal, sir”, which you should be pretty familiar with if you’re yodeling around this blog. None of that, just plain canon all around. Whether that was a good or a bad change is up to your own judgement. 
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At one moment he thought he saw...
...a woman wondering around the swamp. Her thin silhouette in a light dress blinked behind the sickly trees and disappeared...
...a short thin blond man of 35-40, with a clean shaven bland face. 
Definitely Yankovsky right there. 
Watson managed to kinda annoy me slightly in this script, surprisingly, he kept being a dick for no reason to anyone who asked about his investigation even faintly, remained grumpy for no reason, everything for no reason. Why? There have been moments in the final cut, but they’re not as in your face as here. 
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...Doctor Watson stood in front of sir Henry Baskerville in his bedroom and helped the ex-Canadian to do a tie in an English manner.
“Where are your tie pins?”
“In this box...”, sir Henry opened it and started picking a pin, “Listen, Doctor, if her name is Beryl, maybe I’d stick a beryllium pin on?”
“Vulgar!...”, Watson throwned.
“You’d have to notice the pin first.”
“Vulgar for your inner wellbeing”, Watson explained coldly, “For a gentleman’s wellbeing! Here’s your smoking, time to go down to the table...”
Henry: beryllium for beryl how bout tha-
Watson: ew. ew ew ew. what the fuck. what the fuck of a pun is that. disgusting. appalling. here, take your big boy pimp suit and fuck off. 
I was glad to know there were some extended Watson/Henry dudebro scenes originally. 
Interestingly enough, Watson was supposed to remain relatively sober after that dinner, which was obviously not the case in the final version. Quality changes, man, quality changes.  
Also a case of a needed change, Mrs. Barrymore and everything about her character. She was supposed to be canon, but Kryuchkova’s husband (Vexler, the lead cameraman of the series) was already in the hospital recovering from a heart attack, and she was pregnant, and her script was nothing but tears and drama. So she decided to fuck this all and play her role with a smile, and the irl Mikhalkov/Adabashyan dudebro tandem helped. 
Also about line distribution, here’s a picture of Mrs. Barrymore speaking to Watson about the letter, accompanied by the text where Mr. Barrymore speaks to Watson about the letter.
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She found it in the end, so why not give the text to her then. 
This script loves to call itself out, here’s the text of Henry and Watson discussing Stapleton’s fit, under a picture of Henry from the final cut expressing his angsty teen self on a horse.
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That’s kinda even surprising to an extent that an adaptation that had so many changes from the canon in the end is still considered very faithful to the text. 
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While listening to Frankland, Watson was constantly looking for a free chair to sit on, and never found one in the end. 
The real tragedy. 
The iconic “Love, Watson...” moment is nowhere to be seen in the script either, I’m starting to get really amazed. Who comes up with this then, who improvises this on the set? Who’d thought to insert a four second long scene of Livanov explaining love like he’s the creator of this universe? Honestly, this is fascinating.
By the way, a good story for me personally: Cartwright the most unfortunate boy of the series got to arrive home after all. Of course they had to cut it. We’ve no idea where he went. Maybe he’s still wondering around the swamp, keeping the hound legend alive. Who knows, certainly not the final cut.  
Double by the way, this script had a rather vivid imagination about special effects in the USSR. 
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Yes! It was a dog, giant, pitch black. But no mortal has ever seen a dog of such kind. Flames were firing from its mouth, sparks flied in its eyes, sparkling fire was playing on its face and nape.
There was a whole story of delusional Maslennikov vs. actual SFX and canine experts on the set, which ended up with Maslennikov shooting an arrow up his ass or something along the lines, but yeah, definitely not happening, this setup. Let’s set a dog on fire lol k art 👊👊 sherlock holmes adaptation🎩 special effects 😱😱 baskerville hound 💀top quality 👌 (c) Maslennikov circa 1980s.
When a second flashback flashed and Hugo took his pants off, apparently the script says that his girl just fainted in the end. Yes, just fainted, and the guy was killed by the dog. Like pantsless “knight” Hugo was just checking out his bud who had a scar on her upper lip lying on the ground when the dog attacked. I dunno, the streaks of ketchup in the final cut suggest things did not end well for neither of them, but oh well. 
Apparently Holmes vs. Stapleton chasing scene was nowhere in existence, but instead we’d have to watch an unnecessarily graphic scene of Stapleton drowning.
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 A soul tearing, dying cry from the depths of the night swamp interrupted the words of Mrs. Stapleton...
...Stapleton was drowning in the swamp. He was drowning slowly, twitching with his entire body, trying to grab the weak bushes of swamp grass. The more he fought for his life, the deeper the thick liquid was sucking him in. Bits of white fog were consuming him just as stubbornly as the swamp abyss.
Stapleton screamed loudly and beastly, and that’s why his face appeared to have the last final resemblance to his feral predecessor - Hugo Baskerville... 
well, at least the final directions are kinda cool, history repeating itself or something, more like dna is a bitch please don’t breed. 
By the way, even there in the script the dog was most definitely shot by Lestrade. I’m still fascinated by this decision, especially now when I know that this always was the original intention. 
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“Precise shots of Inspector Lestrade in Devonshire”, she read out the big heading, “Is that true, Mr. Holmes?”
“Pure truth, Mrs. Hudson.”
“Is that true, Doctor Watson?”
“Sadly, yes!”
“Why “sadly”? “Times” always claims that this is the best Inspector of Scotland Yard”, the granny said with conviction.
Ah yes, the Mrs. Hudson’s crush plot. Also, Watson, fuck off and be jealous somewhere else, you couldn’t even, like, handle a pun. 
And just as the movie is about to hit the final credits, a completely unexpected turn follows. You’ve read this rather weird paragraph about Watson seeing a woman wondering around the swamps, right? Well, no wonder there, that’s Beryl, like who else would that be. Indeed, after a second hallucination like that it was her who emerged in the next scene. Then they go to Stapletons, Watson looks out the window and...sees a woman wondering round the swamps. My weirded out scare didn’t last long, that’s probably Laura Lyons? Who else might it be now, I guess it was a some sort of early exposition, why not. 
Several of those incidents come and go, it’s the climax, Beryl is safely strapped in a basement, Lyons is chilling home, Stapleton is about to drown, Holmes tries to chase him and...sees a figure of a woman wondering round the swamps in the distance. 
I tell ya this was the first actual legitimate scare I got after reading this, all this time it had a some sort of explanation, but not now, not in a situation like this. Then the flashback follows with that gal described having a scar on her upper lip, a weird detail to point out, but who am I to judge there’s a guy with no pants on. 
So literally the final minute of the movie, and it goes like:
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“The fact that Stapleton stole sir Henry’s old shoe”, Doctor Watson remarked, “is a perfect evidence that we had to deal with a real dog, not with some mystic force.”
“Perhaps, yes”, Holmes replied, deep in thought.
Narrowing his eyes, the famous detective looked at the flame burning in the fireplace.
He saw a strange face of a woman - pale and mysterious, with a scar on her upper lip. The face turned away from Holmes and started disappearing in the white fog...
“Although, I don’t know, my dear Watson, I don’t know...”
They had a ghost of Hugo’s chick wondering around the place for the entire movie
Jesus man, that is so creepy when I finally realised what was going on, they had a literal ghost, even like 0.3 seconds before the final credits?? A story about some mystical evil forces being proven bullshit accompanied by ghosts and Holmes hallucinating a victim long dead even back home at safe Baker Street. “I don’t know”, jesus christ what the hell and everyone kept seeing this on the swamps and she was everywhere jesus fuck 
Like what was I supposed to assume until the end, when it comes to the Hound you expect anything but this sort of shit to occur. A ghost, man. A literal ghost. Don’t tell me this isn’t the wildest script of them all. 
So here we go, the Hound of the Baskervilles. Pretty dark undertones it had, I suppose. Helps to sleep at night. 
31 notes · View notes
The Sentry
Title: The Sentry Word Count: 2,810 Project/Pairing: Amanda/Aaliyah Genres: Mystery Warnings: A little cussing Canon: Yes Notes: I'm very excited to start on this new journey for Saint Bellamarre despite it being a side project in comparison. Amanda and Aaliyah lead the story of Saint Augustine and I want to use this place to highlight myths and legends that are less euro-centric. So this is like the pilot episode of a new series of short stories featuring two different protagonists. 
      The bugs were out in full force tonight, singing various harmonies and punctuating the natural sounds of wind. The sounds bounced off the marble walls and made it equally difficult and easy to sleep at night. Luckily sleep was not on the agenda tonight.     Toes on the rug. Hand on my weapon. Head down. The light was off and Aaliyah wasn’t moving. I pursed my lips and got closer, doing my best not to trip over unseen obstacles in the dark. She has a habit of reading heavy fantasy tomes before bed so the lantern sits permanently on her bedside table. I need that lantern.     I licked my lips and crouched down to seem stealthier. I reached out and wrapped my fingers around the iron ring of a handle on top of the lantern. It was a lot heavier than I thought. I frowned and lifted it up a few inches.     Something flashed in my vision and Aaliyah’s hand gripped my wrist, long fingernails digging into my skin. I yelped and let go of the lantern. It crashed back onto the desk and the handle smacked the glass sending an echo throughout the room.     A crackle of blue light danced around Aaliyah’s free hand and I could see her face. The glow of electricity only lit up our faces but it was plain to see she was not pleased.     “I am trying to sleep,” she said. “Must you disturb me at this time as well as during the day” I wiggled my wrist around but freedom was a futile goal.     “Trying to sleep, huh?,” The cool touch of a gripped battery rolled against my wrist as I resisted her grip. She had her thumb pressed firmly against a battery terminal. The blue glow intensified, lighting up the whole of her bed. She wasn’t even dressed for bed. “More like you were trying to be as creepy as you goddamn could”     “Language,” She retorted digging her nails further into my skin. Her gaze flitted from my face down and back up. “Why do you have my flute” she asked, her voice growing more frustrated. I motioned back at my closet.     “It’s a temporary thing,” I said quickly. “I’ll give it back after tonight, I swear” She let go of me and whipped the covers off her body, leaping out of bed. I leapt back right into my backpack. My legs got tangled in the straps and I went down, landing on my back.     Even if I was standing, she stood nearly a head taller than me. From here, she was massive.     “You’ll be a temporary thing if you don’t give it back right now,” she threatened, pointing at me with a dangerously crackling finger. I scooted back on my arms until my back hit the closet door with a thud.        She got closer still and I gasped, putting the flute between me and her. I opened my mouth and shouted, “Oolong”. The crackling stopped immediately plunging us into darkness.         “Are you serious?” she asked, one hand on the flute.        “I literally couldn’t be more serious right now,” I retorted, chest heaving. She sighed and knelt down next to me, letting go of her instrument.     Fights between us were frequent and rarely we see eye to eye. We always resolved them over a cup of Oolong tea. It was how we managed to not kill each other. Eventually we decided if the fight needed to stop for any reason, we use a safe word.     “Why do you need to borrow my flute” she asked. I took a breath and put the flute on the ground between us.     “Forget it,” I said, grimacing. “I’ll just buy new equipment” I muttered.     “That didn’t answer my question” she said, sitting down next to me with a thud and taking her flute in her hands.     I looked away from her and rolled my hands into fists. “I accidentally left my swords at practice and I wanted to get them back before morning practice steals them,” I clenched my teeth and continued, “The flute was gonna be in case I run into anything”     She didn’t speak. For a whole minute.     “There’s nothing out there,” she finally said.I groaned and leaned my head back against the door. Now she’ll just tell me how paranoid I- “However. If it would make you feel better, I’ll come with you” What?     “Really?” I asked, looking her in the eye. She nodded and shook her flute.     “Never steal my flute again though or I will murder you” she said. She stood up and helped me to my feet. She stood up tall and rolled her shoulders, taking a breath. “Let’s break some rules” she said, letting out a breath of air.     I peered out into the hallway, looking both ways. Empty in both directions. “We’re clear” I said, waving at Aaliyah. She rolled her eyes and walked into the hallway. “What am I gonna use as a weapon” I asked, following close behind her.     “You won’t need one,” she snapped. “Because there’s nothing out here” Tough talk for someone I saw throw a whole roll of batteries into her bag. She kept her hand in that pocket, her whole hand aglow with light.     We walked down the stairs with portraits of Noctis alumni on the walls. They were definitely watching us. “Rita says she saw a Nagini in the gardens,” I said, creeping quietly alongside Aaliyah. She scoffed and opened the door for me, looking behind us.     I walked out into the quad, a giant tree shading us from the moonlight. The gym complex was across from us. “From how you and Rita smell after your art sessions, I’m not surprised she sees such things” she said in a mocking tone.     “I resent that comment” I muttered indignantly.     The gym doors creaked open and I crouched down low. We were getting close to the practice room. Toe first, heels never touched the floor. I crept along silently, hugging the wall.     Aaliyah followed behind, walking down the middle of the hallway, hand crackling noisily. “Can you please just get your equipment?” she snapped. “There’s nothing to be sneaky about here”         The hiss of air and something akin to the sound of paper being cut ripped through the air down the hall. The entire space lit up in a brilliant pink emanating from a tear in the wall opposite us. Something huge crashed through the wall into lockers on the opposite side, leaving a sizable dent.         “Wha-” Aaliyah began before I slapped a hand over her mouth and dragged her to the wall, opening the door in front of us so we were completely hidden.         The figure growled, standing up. It extended a fist, something in its hand, back toward the tear. I could barely see it through the window of the door. Aaliyah struggled against me and threw me off balance. I leaned against the door for support and it creaked loudly.         The creature looked toward us, growling turning into an eery clicking. Our cover was blown. It scampered away from the pink rip in the wall toward us, climbing along the wall.        I let go of Aaliyah and made a break for the door opposite us into the fencing practice room, pushing her in front of me. “Move it” I shouted. She threw the door open and flung herself inside, with me following right behind. Blinding white light barrelled down the hallway and hissed as it barely missed me.         Aaliyah stood her ground in the middle of the room, her arm extended, and one hand holding as many batteries as one palm could hold. It scampered into the room and screamed, opening its mouth to reveal rows of sharp teeth and lit up with white light from within its body.         It extended its hand, that stick glowing brightly. A burst of color rocketed toward Aaliyah and she shot it out of the air, electricity leaving a trail of blue. Another burst of color, another electric shot.         “I’m gonna run out of power at this rate,” she shouted, panicked.        I looked around quickly and found my duffle. I dove for it and ripped open the zipper, breaking it with my vigor. I plunged a shaky hand in and took out my sharpest sabre. I shouldered the duffle and whirled around sabre at the ready.         Aaliyah shrieked as electricity fizzled only a foot from her hand. A red bolt from the wand hit her shoulder and wrenched her body hard with the impact. She spun once and landed face down on the floor.         In an instant, it was upon her, arms pinning her shoulders to the floor, teeth bared. It leaned down, white light dripping from its mouth.         “Hey!” I shouted, swords clanging around as I ran toward them. “Get the bloody hell away from her” I aimed the tip of my sword at it.        Upon closer inspection, it looked like a feral human, dressed in ragged cloaks, hair rotting and messy. It shrieked loud enough to shake the walls and scrambled off Aaliyah and toward me.         I took a step backward and gasped, fear flooding my senses. It stiffened and crouched up briefly before launching itself at me, arms outstretched.             I screamed and shut my eyes when it collided with me, flinging spittle into my face. He toppled me over, knocking the wind out of me.         Then nothing. I opened my eyes wide. My sabre had penetrated it to the hilt, sticking out of his back, slick and shiny. Its eyes were already hollow, the light fading from within.         I used both hands to push him off and turned onto my stomach, coughing and doing my best not to throw up. I took in greedy breathes of air and crawled toward Aaliyah. I stopped when my hand landed on something.         The wand. The tip glowed and it buzzed like a power line. I picked it up.        The sabre clattered to the floor and I jolted, aiming the wand toward the creature. It was gone. In its place, a completely clean sabre. Like it was never there. I looked around wildly, it could’ve gone anywhere.             I ran to Aaliyah, wand in hand and kept it raised, looking around the room. I didn’t even know if I could use it, but hoped that much like an empty gun, it’d convince intruders to turn around. Her breathing was steady but her shoulder was in an awkward position.         “Ali, wake up,” I ordered. She didn’t stir. “Wake up,” I tried again, with that persuasive tone. She was definitely out cold.         “What an interesting development” a sultry voice spoke. I knelt over Aaliyah’s body, safeguarding it from the new intruder. The wand tip glowed in my hand and I used it to light the darkness.         Just in front of the door, stood a black man, head shaved bald, with brilliant pink runes carved into it. He strode toward us, feet not making a sound. Every time his shoes touched the floor, pink light formed circles with strange symbols, like stepping stones for him to walk upon.             “I am The Sentry” He said, bowing slightly. “You’re very brave,” he nodded toward the wand. “And very lucky” I grimaced and held up the wand, aiming it shakily. He chuckled. “And very over your head”         “Leave us alone” I threatened, keeping the persuasive tone. He smirked down at us. “Leave the room. Close the door. Do not come back”         “You’re a very rude girl” he held out his hand. “Give me the lich’s wand and I’ll forget that we ever met” My breath caught in my throat and my hand involuntarily thrust outward, opening for him. I stared at him in horror.         “You think you’re the only one that can use that power?” He asked, reaching for the wand. “You are meddling with magicks you couldn’t possibly understand” he said.         Within inches of touching it, his hand stopped. He frowned and tried again, once again halted by some sort of force. I looked from him to the wand and back at him. His lips curled into a sneer.         “If you don’t give to me,” he began, his hands spreading apart. At the tip of each finger, circles appeared in the air surrounded by symbols, “I will destroy you before it gets the chance to destroy you and everyone around you”         The wand sent a jolt of energy up my arm and through my spine. I curled my fingers around it and stood up, feeling magic flow through my body and flooding out every pore. This was true power.         “I’ll be sure to give it back after I’m done with it then,” I said, smiling. The Sentry gasped and slammed his hands together. I pointed the wand at him at the same time.        Every fingertip emitted a screech. The wand’s tip exploded in a prism of colors, overtaking everything in its path. I locked eyes with The Sentry and he was aflame with anger and concern. He struggled to bring his fingers up and the circles grew.         “Stronger the light, the longer the shadows” he uttered. With that he crossed his arms, and disappeared in magenta mist, blown backward by the force of the wand.         I lowered the wand and it faded. We were alone in the room. No Sentry. No creature. Just me, Aaliyah, a bag of swords, and a wand.         Now that the prism of colors were gone, everything was dark and appeared in greyscale. I knelt down beside Aaliyah and felt her face. She was clammy and cold but her eyes fluttered and opened. Her hand reached out and took firm grasp of my shirt collar, yanking me down until our noses barely touched.        “Get me out of here” I winced and helped her up by her free hand. She favored her right shoulder tenderly, curling it into her body. She pulled her phone out of her pocket and turned on the flashlight.        Her eyes widened and she looked me up and down. “What happened to your clothes” I looked down, stretching out my shirt. It was like the color had faded away. Something caught my eye when I looked down.        “Give me the phone” I said. She placed it in my hand and I looked around our feet. On the floor around us was a colorful circle of reds, vibrant purples, and tan. Around the circle were intricate blue symbols. I scanned further looking at Aaliyah’s clothes. They’ve gone greyscale too. Scanning upward I looked beyond the circle.         From the circle grey lines and spikes spread out. Like we were at the epicenter of a massive explosion, eating up all the color within the area. Grey infected the walls and one streak reached all the way to the ceiling.         “We’re never going out at night again” Aaliyah said, stepping out of the circle gingerly. I grabbed my duffle and ran to catch up with her. By the time I caught up with her she had already reached the gym door.         “Ali, this wand saved us” I said, holding it up for her to see. She recoiled from it as though I were going to touch something hot to her skin.         “Get that thing away from me,” she snapped. “It nearly killed us” I clapped a hand to my forehead and pondered.        “What if other people go out at night and come across monsters like that” I said, motioning back at the building. She waved me off and shook her head.         “What if those monsters happen because people go out at night, Amanda,” she said, crouching low as we made our way across the quad. “We’re going home”         “We can save so many people with this power” I snapped, whirling her around by the arm. She squealed in pain and clutched it. I winced.         “You don’t even know what that thing does,” She looked elsewhere. “And I was able to control only three bolts. I can’t even protect myself” she grimaced and turned so I couldn’t see her face. “What’s the point of trying”        I stammered and my hands shook, rolling the wand between them. “We can train up. I’ll study. You’ll work on your power consumption,” I took her hand in the dark. “But don’t fucking tell me that there isn’t a point to trying. Because we got this”         She huffed and turned, giving my hand a small squeeze. “Mind your language” she said, the barest hint of a smile on her face. “But you know what your plan means right?” she asked, wiping her face with the back of her hand.         “What’s that?” I asked as we began walking back up the stairs toward the dorm.        “We’ll have to break a lot of rules” she said, her face flushed. I smiled and pocketed the wand, re-shouldering the duffle bag.         “Let’s break some rules, then shall we?”    
0 notes
bookquotes17 · 7 years
Black Iris
<p>1. April is the cruelest month, T. S. Eliot said, and that’s because it kills. It’s the month with the highest suicide rate. You’d think December, or even January—the holidays and all that forced cheer and agonized smiling pushing fragile people to the edge—but actually it’s spring, when the world wakes from frost-bound sleep and something cruel and final stirs inside those of us who are broken. Like Eliot said: mixing memory and desire, stirring dull roots with spring rain. In the deepest throes <br>
of depression, when sunlight is anguish and the sky throbs like one big raw migraine and you just want to sleep until you or everything else dies, you’re less likely to commit suicide than someone coming out of a depressive episode. Drug companies know this. That’s why antidepressants have to be marked with the warning MAY CAUSE SUICIDAL THOUGHTS. Because what brings you back to life also gives you the means to destroy yourself<br>
(I think I’m gonna like this book)</p>
<p>2. Her silence was the kind that compelled you to fill it with all your wrongs</p>
<p>3. Everything stretched away like the reflection in a car mirror</p>
<p>4. The glass would leave scars on my right hand like the ghost of a cobweb, which is what scars are: a haunting of the skin</p>
<p>5. you get up before everyone else and calmly step into the garage, and that noose, and eternity</p>
<p>6. I don’t know if I was trying to numb myself or to feel something through the numbness. Maybe both. Sometimes you feel things so much, so intensely, it becomes a new kind of numbness, the oblivion of overstimulation</p>
<p>7. However solid I seemed, inside I was vast spaces of dark energy and vacuum</p>
<p>8. This feels wrong. You’re not into it.” “Like it matters.” “It does to me.” He took a deep breath. “Can I just hold you for a while?” Wow. His arms circled me and I pressed my palms to the moon-painted sheet. My chest moved with each breath but I had no sensation of actually breathing, as if it<br>
were someone else’s body. Half my life seems to have happened to someone else’s body. This phenomenon has a name. I told Mom about it once, and before I even finished describing it she said depersonalization. Sometimes I feel like a deperson. “You seem so sad,” Josh said. Funny, how they mistake emptiness for sadness</p>
<p>9. My mother used to say there are two kinds of people in this world: Those who want, and those who take. Most of us are sheep who spend our lives in want. We follow the path worn smooth and velvety from the hooves before us. There’s no need for leashes or fences<br>
we call those things law and morality. Man is the only animal that can reason and all he does with reason is shackle himself. We eat what we’re fed and we fuck what we can’t outrun and it’s never what we dream about but it dulls the screaming edge of desire just enough. Enough so we keep our heads down, our eyes on the ground. Our fetters are fashioned from conformity and fear. But sometimes an animal can’t be contained. Sometimes a head lifts from the herd and a wolfish intelligence kindles, the nostrils flaring, the eyes catching sickles of moonlight and a hot, earthy breath clotting the cold air, and someone realizes there’s really nothing stopping us from taking whatever we want. And everything is prey</p>
<p>10. He looked at me in a way that felt like being touched, like a blind man seeing with his fingers, mapping my bones and skin in his mind. I felt weirdly exposed. Seen</p>
<p>11. That’s why we’re just friends,” Armin said, so softly I barely heard. “She can’t fall in love, and I can’t fall out</p>
<p>12. I was going to tell him he was wrong. Away from here isn’t a place, it’s a state, inside you. It’s escape velocity. It’s losing yourself, anywhere. But then I thought, Maybe I’m wrong. Maybe this isn’t a where at all</p>
<p>13. We’re the sun and moon, Blythe.” “What does that mean?” “I turn invisible when you’re out</p>
<p>14. Want to know the truth?” I said. “I’ve been dying to show you my book. But I’m terrified, too, because then you’ll really know me.” I looked at my hands, my fingers ticking nervously. “I hide myself in my words. There’s a cipher, and one half is in my writing and the other half is in me, and if you have them both then you’ll understand everything. Strangers think it’s just a story, but you’ll know what’s real. You’ll know who I really am.”</p>
<p>15. Armin bought me everything I wanted and Blythe destroyed everything I wanted to destroy</p>
<p>16. Boys are so beautiful when they don’t realize how powerful they are. When they hold it with quiet grace, oblivious to how easily they could rip the world apart</p>
<p>17. Girls love each other like animals. There is something ferocious and unself-conscious about it. We don’t guard ourselves like we do with boys. No one trains us to shield our hearts from each other. With girls, it’s total vulnerability from the beginning. Our skin is bare and soft. We love with claws and teeth and the blood is just proof of how much. It’s feral. And it’s relentless</p>
<p>18. Falling for someone is like pulling a loose thread. It happens stitch by stitch. You feel whole most of the time even while the seams pop, the knots loosen, everything that holds you together coming undone. It feels incredible, this opening of yourself to the world. Not like the unraveling it is. Only afterward do you glance down at the tangle of string around your feet that used to be a person who was whole and self-contained and realize that love is not a thing that we create. It’s an undoing</p>
<p>19. I read it three times to make sure, then once more, to dull my disbelief. No fucking way. No way. But she’d looked at me in the bathroom, unfazed. Smiled. That smile she didn’t give strangers, the natural, imperfect one, the one that fucked me up in the first place, that made me think crazy thoughts like If I could fall in love with a girl, it’d be her. Those ifs are dangerous. You try them on in your head like dresses, so easy to slide in and out of. If I kissed girls, I’d kiss her. If we kissed, it’d go like this. At some point I dropped the if like a slip and just wore the feeling, nothing between it and my skin. When I kiss her. When it happens. All of it took place in my head, in silence, locked tight in skull bone and the frantic synaptic whispers between neurons, no clues popping out except the passive-aggressive haircut, the incriminating poem. That’s the problem with writers. Too much imagination</p>
<p>20. High school had taught me many things, few of them from books. One was this: Strength is not in the body, it’s in the mind. It doesn’t lie in flexing your muscles and crushing those who oppose you. It lies in being the last one standing. By any means. At any cost</p>
0 notes
I’ve always paid attention to the costumes when I’ve been watching horror. I’m a real ‘woman’ like that. It’s little bizarre considering how feral I am. But we all have ‘a thing,’ don’t we.
Sometimes, if I’m watching a horror alone and a character is wearing something really fucking special, I’ll rewind so I can see the costume make its appearance again.
One of my most recent memories of doing that was during the first episode of American Horror Story : Coven, when Zoe Benson is walking down a hospital corridor wearing a pair of pointed suit shoes that were literally to die for. I never imagined I’d fall for a pair of shoes like that (I’m an army boots kind of woman) but they were so darkly perfect.
Dress Me In Horror will be a regular feature when I celebrate – and lust after – some of my favourite ensembles from some of my favourite terrifying watches.
The Craft – Nancy’s Boots
I owned the 1996 cult classic The Craft on VHS and I worshiped everything about it, including Nancy Down’s lace up ankle boots, which, even as a 13 year old, I would have killed something for. They were the witchiest of witchy boots.
Get The Look
If, like me, you’re craving to unleash your inner Nancy (well, some of your inner Nancy, you don’t want to unleash all of your inner Nancy…) these pre-owned Ralph Lauren boots are pretty damn close to what appeared in that most famous scene where Nancy really loses her shit while making us all jealous with her exceptional choice in shoe wear.
Penny Dreadful Series 2  – Vanessa’s Scarf & Joan’s Everything
Penny Dreadful.  Ah, Penny Dreadful. There’s rarely been a TV show that’s left me so god damned content as Penny Dreadful. It was, from start to finish, a magnificent, and the costume designers played a monumental role in ensuring that was the case.
While I was forever swooning at Vanessa Ives exquisite Victorian garb – those bodices and full skirts really do it for me – it was when, during the second series where Vanessa made a trip t’moors to beg help from the condemned witch Joan – ‘Cut-Wife’ – Clayton that I though ‘ahh, here’s some stuff that I feel quite familiar with.’
While Vanessa’s jumper looks exactly like the sort of thing my Dad will wear on a weekend, I have a soft spot for her scarf, and I’m all over everything that is on Joan Clayton. I’ve even distressed some of my wardrobe in honour of the bad ass elderly witch.
Get The Look/Vanessa Ives
I’m hankering after this Hand woven scarf from the ever incredible Ovate, so I can stand outside the apartment in the rain looking moody, until my boyfriend tells me to stop being a twat and come inside.
Get The Look/Joan Clayton
I’ve been looking up how much I could get for one of my kidneys. If I find out that I can get enough for this Norwegian & Corriedale Lamb’s Wool Shawl in Soil by Biek Verstappen, I’ll pull the thing out myself. While the shawl screams ‘Joan’ accompanied with the hat it also has a sort of Babadookish vibe going on, which I’m all for.
American Horror Story/Coven – Zoe’s Shoes
Have you seen Coven? Seriously, if you haven’t YOU MUST. It’s easily the best AHS series and the costumes are impeccable. Well. Okay, most are a bit meh, but Zoe’s shoes in Episode One : The Hunt kind of makes up for all the so-so witch bitch fashion.
Get The Look
Before catching sight of Zoe’s footwear, it never would have crossed my mind that I’d kind of sort of fall a lot in love with this sort of look. But I did. Hard. I went looking for the exact ones and discovered they’re called the Jeffrey Campbell Wesley Heeled Oxford. After hours of searching, I found a pair on Ebay. If you’re a size six and a half, you’re in luck.
If you have any thought on this new feature…ways I could improve it, any horror fashion moments I need to check out or talk about, or if you just enjoyed it, leave a line!
Dress Me In Horror : Part I
I’ve always paid attention to the costumes when I’ve been watching horror. I’m a real ‘woman’ like that.
Dress Me In Horror : Part I I've always paid attention to the costumes when I've been watching horror. I'm a real 'woman' like that.
0 notes
I’ve always paid attention to the costumes when I’ve been watching horror. I’m a real ‘woman’ like that. It’s little bizarre considering how feral I am. But we all have ‘a thing,’ don’t we.
Sometimes, if I’m watching a horror alone and a character is wearing something really fucking special, I’ll rewind so I can see the costume make its appearance again.
One of my most recent memories of doing that was during the first episode of American Horror Story : Coven, when Zoe Benson is walking down a hospital corridor wearing a pair of pointed suit shoes that were literally to die for. I never imagined I’d fall for a pair of shoes like that (I’m an army boots kind of woman) but they were so darkly perfect.
Dress Me In Horror will be a regular feature when I celebrate – and lust after – some of my favourite ensembles from some of my favourite terrifying watches.
The Craft – Nancy’s Boots
I owned the 1996 cult classic The Craft on VHS and I worshiped everything about it, including Nancy Down’s lace up ankle boots, which, even as a 13 year old, I would have killed something for. They were the witchiest of witchy boots.
Get The Look
If, like me, you’re craving to unleash your inner Nancy (well, some of your inner Nancy, you don’t want to unleash all of your inner Nancy…) these pre-owned Ralph Lauren boots are pretty damn close to what appeared in that most famous scene where Nancy really loses her shit while making us all jealous with her exceptional choice in shoe wear.
Penny Dreadful Series 2  – Vanessa’s Scarf & Joan’s Everything
Penny Dreadful.  Ah, Penny Dreadful. There’s rarely been a TV show that’s left me so god damned content as Penny Dreadful. It was, from start to finish, a magnificent, and the costume designers played a monumental role in ensuring that was the case.
While I was forever swooning at Vanessa Ives exquisite Victorian garb – those bodices and full skirts really do it for me – it was when, during the second series where Vanessa made a trip t’moors to beg help from the condemned witch Joan – ‘Cut-Wife’ – Clayton that I though ‘ahh, here’s some stuff that I feel quite familiar with.’
While Vanessa’s jumper looks exactly like the sort of thing my Dad will wear on a weekend, I have a soft spot for her scarf, and I’m all over everything that is on Joan Clayton. I’ve even distressed some of my wardrobe in honour of the bad ass elderly witch.
Get The Look/Vanessa Ives
I’m hankering after this Hand woven scarf from the ever incredible Ovate, so I can stand outside the apartment in the rain looking moody, until my boyfriend tells me to stop being a twat and come inside.
Get The Look/Joan Clayton
I’ve been looking up how much I could get for one of my kidneys. If I find out that I can get enough for this Norwegian & Corriedale Lamb’s Wool Shawl in Soil by Biek Verstappen, I’ll pull the thing out myself. While the shawl screams ‘Joan’ accompanied with the hat it also has a sort of Babadookish vibe going on, which I’m all for.
American Horror Story/Coven – Zoe’s Shoes
Have you seen Coven? Seriously, if you haven’t YOU MUST. It’s easily the best AHS series and the costumes are impeccable. Well. Okay, most are a bit meh, but Zoe’s shoes in Episode One : The Hunt kind of makes up for all the so-so witch bitch fashion.
Get The Look
Before catching sight of Zoe’s footwear, it never would have crossed my mind that I’d kind of sort of fall a lot in love with this sort of look. But I did. Hard. I went looking for the exact ones and discovered they’re called the Jeffrey Campbell Wesley Heeled Oxford. After hours of searching, I found a pair on Ebay. If you’re a size six and a half, you’re in luck.
If you have any thought on this new feature…ways I could improve it, any horror fashion moments I need to check out or talk about, or if you just enjoyed it, leave a line!
Dress Me In Horror : Part I I've always paid attention to the costumes when I've been watching horror. I'm a real 'woman' like that.
0 notes