#How can I cure a cold naturally
stevebabey · 1 year
question on my lips
kia ora my loves, i'm stuck with writers block on another piece and this is hopefully the cure <3 its all sweetness as usual [established relationship + fluff + 2k words] mucho mwahs as ALWAYS <3!
Steve’s in a bad mood.
Which might be very fair considering the state of the weather outside. Flurries of snow batter against the windows and a hair-raising chill leaks into the panes, painting them in condensation. It’s cold. You don’t want to be caught outside on a night like tonight.
But, somewhere across town, there’s a reservation under Steve’s name that is being wasted. At a pretty restaurant, with 2 too many forks for your taste — but Steve had insisted. Even put on a suit.
And even though Steve has told you he prefers the quieter nights in with just the two of you, he seems quite… miffed that you can’t go anymore.
Maybe not quite a bad mood but… well, it’s a hell of a pout he’s wearing.
Amber drenches the wall of the room, lit by your bedside table lamps — a cozy cocoon that feels worlds away from the blizzard coming down outside. You’re actually quite excited; there’s seldom a comfort like being in Steve’s arms when it’s cold like this. Tangled together in your bed, letting his perpetually blazing heart heat the both of you.
But… he’s still pouting. You’re both unwinding a bit, taking off what you’d managed to put on before the weather took a turn for the worse — but Steve’s stuck, hands in his pockets. He seems to be fumbling with something.
His silence worries you more. Maybe you hadn’t realised how actually upset he was that your plans were cancelled.
He had been mentioning it all week, all month actually- since he’d first made the booking. Some claim that you’d love the food and he loved any occasion to see you all dressed up and drool-worthy— (“Not that that’s not all the time, babe.”)
“Steve?” You say. His head jumps up, hands in his pockets going still. “C’mon, come to bed.”
He softens at your coaxing words. Like the very sound of them, the sweet nature of your words, melts his hardened edges. He nods, tugging off his tie and beginning to work on his belt.
In the meantime, you creep into the bed. It smells like a smattering of something sweet that you know to be Steve’s hairspray, fabric softener, and maybe what you think love might smell like if it had a scent. You sink into it lovingly. Warm. Safe.
Your eyes find him instinctively. Watching, observing, drinking in the sight of your lover soothes you like nothing else. Love spools messily in your chest, like a knotted ball of yarn strewn through your ribs. It aches sweetly. Steve catches you as he’s pulling a pair of sweatpants up his calf.
“You’re staring,” He states plainly, but he’s smiling a bit, lips turned up in the corners. He jumps, hiking his pants up over his hips, and wanders closer.
You nod, hair scrunching against the pillow. Your voice comes out a bit muffled when you speak. “That a crime?”
Steve grins this time. He pushes the covers back, kneeling on the mattress beside you — pausing to push back the hair covering your eyes. He smiles down at you, eyes fond. “If it is, lock me up, baby.”
He pauses, thumb drifting over cheekbone lightly. “I could look at ya all day.”
Something delightful purrs behind your ribs, warm and all-encompassing. Where you would’ve once hidden your face away, this time you just let your glee wash over your face — and let Steve see every second of it. You’re happy. Steve makes you happy.
Steve gives an awed exhale and flops, bouncing down on the mattress beside you. He works the duvet around, bundling up as best he can before his hands begin to search for you. Traversing across the sheets, seeking, til they meet skin. He hums happily. Pulls you into his chest and lets you figure out how you want to wrap around him, like unkempt ivy. He’s warm, as always.
You’re not even trying to sleep yet, either of you, just having a moment huddled up in each other's embrace. The wind whirls loudly outside. You wonder what you’d be doing if your plans had gone through.
“M’sorry,” you say into his chest. It rises and falls with his breath, soothing and constant. “That we couldn’t do dinner. Y’seemed really excited.”
Steve makes a little noise, saying that he agrees. For a moment, your words hang in the air and then he clears his throat, pulling you closer.
“S’okay, not like you can control the weather.” He murmurs his reply. He pulls back to peer down at you with suspicious eyes, a tease on his tongue. “Can you? Because as your boyfriend, I should totally know that, and considering what we’ve seen—“
“Shut up,” you giggle. You poke him in the ribs because you can’t think of a good jibe back.
“Shutting up,” Steve says, before snuggling back closer. There’s another moment of quiet. The window rattles in the absence of words. Steve sighs.
“Just…” He starts. You can already tell he’s got his thinking face on, a little furrow between his brows. “Had some good plans for tonight, is all. Not a big deal.”
“A plan within a plan,” you muse thoughtfully. Steve chuckles. “How layered this night could of been!”
“And instead, you just have to have this, huh?” Steve murmurs, dejection creeping into his voice. Your heart twists. He must’ve planned a lot just to watch it go down the drain.
You pull back from his embrace and catch his eyes, searching his face. Disappointment lingers in his expression and it pushes a pout onto your lips.
“Well, is there anything we can do? That was like your plans?” You ask.
Steve breaks into a grin, giving a chuckle — but a glint in his eyes says he’s grinning for another reason. He stares at you lovingly, eyes dragging up and down your face as he seemingly thinks of his answer. He shakes his head.
“Nuh uh. Nothing we can do tonight.” He says, a tad forlorn. His hand on your back sketches a soft stroke up your spine. You shiver in a good way and Steve speaks again, eyes searching somewhere behind you, imagining something. “Well, not— not the way I want to do this.”
There’s a long pause. At the same moment a soft realisation blooms in your chest and on your face, Steve seems to realise he’s said too much. His eyes widen, the apples of his cheeks turning scarlet.
“Were you gonna—?”
You push back from him, suddenly sitting up in the bed. Your heart thuds loudly in your chest, risking bruising the inside of your ribs with each resounding thud. You don’t even mind because… because…
Steve sits up too, wide-eyed expression still on his face. He looks flushed, taken off guard — he clearly hadn’t meant to tell you today. Well, he had meant to tell you today but he wanted to ask you at dinner, on one knee, and then the storm—
“You were gonna ask?” You squeak. A smile wobbles on your face as you try to rein in your reaction, even as joy floods every nerve. “Tonight?”
Steve seems unsure of the right way to answer. “Yes,” He stammers. Then crushes his eyes closed, dropping his eyes closed to curse. “Shit, I wasn’t supposed— I had it all planned! This isn’t—“
Steve pushes his palms into his eyes for a moment, dragging his hands down his face. You feel a pang of remorse for ruining your own surprise but it’s completely overshadowed by the rampant happiness. You can’t help yourself for what you say next.
Steve blinks. “What?” A grin grows on his face, like your own is contagious even as he shakes his head. “I haven’t even asked you yet!”
He’s laughing, a glorious sound, and so are you. You're so full of love you feel stuffed like you’ve just eaten, it fills every crevice of your body. You nod. You think your teeth might be aching with how sweet the boy before you is— pouting and giving away his own surprises.
“I know,” you breathe. “But if- when you do, it’s a yes.”
And you’ve known it before. You have known it long before tonight that yours and Steve’s futures are knitted together so intricately that where one goes, the other follows. Still, knowing it and saying it— the difference steals your breath. You feel like a teenage fool again, back to the first time Steve ever asked you, ‘Be mine?’
Steve sinks into the pillows, deflating into them with a blinding grin. Like he hadn’t been sure up until right then. He giggles. Another awed sound, like he can’t quite believe what’s happening.
“Okay,” he breathes. You sink down too, curling up into him. His warmth feels burning hot now as he pulls you back into his arms, the same as he had a minute ago; this time, you swear your hearts are an inch closer.
“I gotta come up with a whole new plan now, don’t I?” Steve asks, eyes shining as he peers down at you.
You laugh a little bit, delirious, and shake your head. Gathering courage, even as your stomach twists up in the best way.
“Nope. You can… you can ask now, if you really want.”
You hope your voice betrays everything you mean; that he could ask anywhere and you would say still say yes. That it didn’t need to be somewhere fancy, didn’t need to be a big spectacle, he didn’t even need to get on one knee and you would still say yes.
Steve stares down at you, drinking in the sincerity of your expression and he softens impossibly more. Smile lines you adore get scrunched up as he gives a shuddering breathy laugh, punched out of him by his own enormous affection. Christ, he loves you.
His hand raises, cupping your jaw sweetly and he tugs you closer to meet him in the middle. You come home to him, lips meeting lips as he kisses you deeply and maddeningly. There are a thousand sentiments in his kiss, I want to marry you and I love you among them.
He pulls back and rests his forehead against your own. His hand on your jaw rubs soothing, fingers tucking some stray hair behind your ear.
“Got a plan.” He murmurs, a wickedly handsome smile on his face as he taps his temple.
You’ll have to wait, it seems. You think you can stretch your patience a little longer, especially for this. Your cheeks are beginning to ache from your smile.
Another quiet moment. Then, your eyes light up with the recollection of an earlier memory. They skirt across the room and land on their target, Steve’s crumpled pair of slacks on the ground. You recall his fumbling with his hand deep in his pocket.
Steve follows your eye-line and the moment he spots what you’re looking his head whips back.
Steve fixes you with a stern look, a warning that says don’t. You move an inch, more to tease than anything — you don’t want to see anything til he’s the one giving it to you — but you don’t get very far anyway.
“Oh no, you don’t—” Steve’s arms around your middle tighten, pulling you closer as you pretend to reach off into the distance.
He shifts you easily, setting you down into the pillows and then squishing himself atop you. You let out a strange noise, a surprised yelp as Steve lightly crushes you beneath him, a slightly maniacal grin on his pretty mouth. His hair is a mess, cheeks still glowing, and he looks utterly in love.
You wiggle a bit, seeing if you can free a limb. Maybe to pretend to escape, maybe to dig your fingers in and hold him closer. Either way, it’s fruitless.
Somehow, you’re not all the mad with the situation; squished lovingly beneath your hunk of a boyfriend so you don’t go scampering around searching for a- for your engagement ring.
“Can I at least get a kiss?” You ask, knowing he’ll say yes. If there’s one thing, it’s that Steve never denies you a kiss if you ask. His eyes look a tad misty as he looks down at you so so fondly, eyes drawing down to your lips.
He doesn’t disappoint.
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popponn · 7 months
sick day safe distance.
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summary: you caught a cold and really doesn’t want him to also get sick. it’s that simple, actually.
notes: was tempted to add more, but yeah one day, maybe. this is me trying to pump myself up and trying to grasp sae more for an upcoming fic. also warm up for a bit. still i hope it will be an enjoyable read, as simple and unserious it is haha. warning: none, just mentions of colds symptoms here and there. fluff, clingy slash affectionate bfs, reader's gender unspecified.
character: nagi, sae, isagi.
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nagi seishiro
this guy somehow turns even more similar to his favorite chat sticker. just a bit more fluffy, and bigger, and with grubby hands. put simply, nagi is pretty troublesome because he insists on still being close to you. he really doesn’t see a point in keeping his distance since he still lives under the same roof as you—which doesn’t mean you could go somewhere else though. he is not above actually hanging on your hip. don’t test him.
in a way, you will be lucky if he must go out for practice. but if he is not, then good luck. if before you sleep, he was sitting a few meters away from you, the moment you took a nap nagi would be laying his head somewhere near or on you while playing his game. pray for your debate skill, because you really need to convince him that ‘getting sick is even more troublesome than not cuddling with you for a while. yes even when that’s what he really wants.’ also a little tip, be strong and don’t look at his baby face too much. that’s a losing fight with a natural puppy face. and if you want to take a bet, use his hoodie as your sick attire. it will either satiate whatever it is in him or worsen it.
he is a bit childish and adamant when he is clingy. even when he is not in the clingiest mood, that wouldn’t necessarily mean his concern for you would be gone immediately. every hour or so, you will definitely see a nagi peeking at you, asking if you want anything because ‘if you got worse it would be even more troublesome’. and honestly just let him do anything he wants to take care of you—this guy will be okay in the kitchen and in anything even if it’s his first time. that’s the resident giant sloth doing something for you out of his own willingness. plus if worst comes to worst, hey, maybe adrenaline could be an instant cure.
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itoshi sae
sae makes a face that indicates he is a little upset, hums, and then actually says he will stay somewhere else for a while. he reacts so gracefully and normally it’s kind of cold. but then again, this is sae and his personality. just because he seems unaffected and puts you somewhere pretty low on his priority list, it doesn’t mean that is how it truly is. and if you are trained to translate sae-speak through experiences and are already used to him, it’s kind of obvious, from his actions especially.
it’s obvious in the way he leaves you messages and voice notes. and in the way he insults you when you try to do something dumb or eat something that you shouldn’t. in the way he sends you food and reminds you to drink every hour he can—and if he has to practice, he will find someone to do that task through sheer deadpan alone. also in the way he keeps the call on until you sleep every night—saying that this is to make sure you won’t infect his part of bed, which is a lie. if you show him that you miss him by cuddling his side of bed this guy will short-circuit, in a very positive way.
also, since this is sae with his terrible case of ‘showing he actually cares’, most of the proof of him being genuinely upset from being away from you will come from others. in the form of complaints. all telling you to get better soon because he got extra grumpy and blunt in his wording as if he is on a vengeance quest. and even if his play got better somehow, help his teammates because they really are not here to deal with a boyfriend who has love deficiency or some bullshit. of course, you hardly believe them because in every video call, sae acts like it's nothing. still, go do loving gestures in your temporary long-distance relationship. some people will actually owe you for that. also don’t forget to at least give him an update if he somehow couldn’t contact you. just in case.
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isagi yoichi
isagi takes it with a grimace and an understanding sigh that truthfully still sounds very exasperated, but accepting nonetheless. he will still whine a little though, in a very joking and light manner. this guy’s schedule is packed and he rarely has any time with you, so of course if any chance he should have gotten sabotaged by some random flu, it’s entirely within his right to get at least a little upset. so understandably, his priority as an egoist who really wants some loving would be to get you healthy again as soon as possible. also, maybe, that part of him that takes care of people so naturally kind of screeches when you cough roughly.
the sweetest part is probably how he will still find a way to take care of you no matter what his schedule is. what isagi wants, isagi will get somehow after all. it’s his break day? you are not leaving his sight and he will watch the old matches from your side—also he is wearing a face mask so don’t bother to shoo him away. if he has training? maybe you have to walk around a little bit by yourself still, but somehow everything from food to medicines is ready. his friends ask him to hang out? this one is a straight-out pass, his baby is sick.
this is the guy who will try to cook porridge for you while calling his mom in the process and sends a longing gaze when you keep a distance between the two of you. he won’t protest and will actually do his best. remember to walk around the neighborhood with him the moment you get better. also give him as many handholds, hugs, kisses, and praises as possible. actually, go do a headstart on the praise if possible. even if he scolds you to rest instead of giving him sugary words, the soft dotting look on his face can’t lie. just make sure to not suggest sleeping in the hotel or have him stay at someone’s though—trust this guy and his self-centeredness. when he really wants to stay with you and stay healthy for his career, he will. don’t doubt him or make enemies of the protagonist.
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diejager · 4 months
hii!! just so you understand, I have real brainrot because of your “Only Human” series! I love it madly tenderly and with all my heart😭😭 anyway, I saw that you have requests open, but feel free to ignore if this is not the case or I indicated something incorrectly. how about our favorite monsters and hybrids 141 with a new member of the team who is a witch??
also, sorry for my english, I use google translate☠️
Hey, no worries, I understood your request!
Spell Cw: witchy stuff, death, murder, drowning, blood and injury, fluff, magic, inaccurate understanding of magic, tell me if I missed any.
He always found it mesmerising, the soothing coldness of your spell working its magic on him, gleaming like water embracing his bleeding wound, the skin ripped apart at the middle and flesh throbbing painfully. It wasn’t anything new, pain wasn’t a stranger to him, rather a friend, a brother to him. Pain was a repetitive thing in his life, wound after wound bleeding him, and scar after scar painting his skin, he’d gotten so used to it that the stripes on his face were now an integral part of his identity, pushing the facade of a tiger if he didn’t have his ears and tail out.
But with you, everything had smoothed over to a soft thrum, like the warm waves cradling his shifted body, your magic, attuned to their aches through your bond and being, worked to cure everything to ensure that the pack he grew to love and care for stayed safe. Your being was like a body of water - the ocean - a beauty of nature when calm, but a terror when enraged, storms crashing against land and causing devastation in moments of fury. You were as dangerous as you could be caring and loving —just like the sea.
“Why didn’t you come see me first?” You sighed, tone laced with amused disappointment, brows tensed but your pretty lips quipped up, “I thought I put you in control of this Horangi…”
You worked your magic on König, fingers weaving invisible threads over his bleeding forearm, pulling the strings of puppet of flesh and bone, controlling the sinuous fibre of his skin to sew itself back. Horangi watched his friend’s wound steadily close up, injury shrinking with every pull of your finger until all that was left was the lingering scent of your cool magic and the metallic odour of blood.
“König is stubborn, ” Horangi chuckled, flashing you a sly smirk despite your exasperated expression, “Big too. I can’t move him.”
“And I can?” You scoffed, finishing off your skin weaving with a soft pet on his arm, letting König admire your work like a child with a new toy even though you’d gone through the same process over and over in the past, König had a habit of collecting scars as often as he toppled his enemies.
Your magic wasn’t only used in healing, you were an adaptive soul, your comfort found itself in water, and water meant life, and life meant whatever violent fury came along with quiet calmness. And in the right situation, where Laswell sent the Task Force on a boat or by the shore, you could level the oceans at your will in anger or protection. You gave men and women a watery grave on land, drowning them in their water-made coffins to stop them from reaching your wounded comrades, glaring off at anyone who tried approaching your cover .
You had Gaz, Price and him, tending to their deeper injuries and letting them use their first aid while you kept the enemy at bay, lower lip pulled between your teeth, gnawing on the skin until it bled. Separating your attention for both healing and defence/offence demanded a lot of concentration, especially when you were sewing up Price’s deep gash on his leg, listening to his hiss and groans of pain.
“Fucking-” Horangi busied himself with wrapping the bandage and gauze over Gaz’s wound, his eyes occasionally peeking at your clenched fist that pushed out your anger through the waters you controlled, “Bastards keep coming.”
You were a puppet queen and the sea your mannequin.
“Almost done, Hunter,” Gaz hissed out when Horangi pulled too tightly on his bandage, sending you a reassuring look to calm down your raised hackle, teeth bared and eyes burning the enemies alive as much as you were depriving them of air.
This was another show of your prowess, your fingers puppeteering water, commanding it and coaxing the water’s will to follow your call, heeding your every whim. It was a majestically show, as tragic as it was beautiful, much like the cleansing of the world when the oceans flooded Earth, leaving but Noah and his wife, and couple of animals to remake the land. You were remaking the land you fought on in an imagine, to make it safer and protect them —it would tire you out for the day, Horangi will ready to help you with anything wile you doze on and off.
Taglist: @craxy-person @crowbird @dead-cipher @iwannabealocalcryptid @iizx7y @mxtokko @capricorn-anon @perfectus-in-morte @sae1kie @yeoldedumbslut @bvxygriimes @distracteddragoness @konigsblog @angelcakes-22 @cassiecasluciluce @ramadiiiisme @ramblingsofachaoticthinker @im-making-an-effort @love-dove-noora @jinxxangel13 @daisychainsinknots @0alk0msan @mul-pi @danielle143 @beau-min @makayla-666 @urfavsunkissedleo @notspiders @brokenpieces-72 @luvecarson @petwifed @randominstake @heartelysia @jggykhug09090 @cassiecasluciluce @hayleybarnesx @shironasumi @sparky--bunny @bloobewy @call-me-nyxx @sans-chara @infpt-zylith @sweetnanah
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y-rhywbeth2 · 7 months
D&D Vampire Lore Dump #2
"Biology" Their "metabolism" and their physical body, their senses, why they're not aging and "vampires actually make fantastic torture victims, if you're a monster: vampire healing and how to inflict scars on them."
OBLIGATORY DISCLAIMER FOR FIRST TIME READERS: There are two things to note about the lore presented here: First, while the standard stat block in the monster manual is the default, in terms of lore vampires have this annoying tendency to be incredibly, stupidly varied. They are magical monstrosities ruled by the power of symbolism and superstition above anything else.
The next is that D&D is decades old, spans five editions, several settings and hundreds of writers. One guy establishes a piece of lore, and then the next picks it up goes "nah" and writes something else. I collected info from four different source books, all from different editions, which naturally don't entirely agree on how vampires work. Lore never stays consistent and may contradict itself. You may see information somewhere else from a source I don't have that contradicts what I wrote here. If you read this and like some of this stuff but not other bits, take the good and ditch the rest. Larian themselves have not written BG3 totally compliant with some established D&D lore or the original games.
Basically, in D&D, canon is what you decide it is.
Feeding | "Biology" | Hierarchy | Weaknesses and Cures | Psychology
The transformation into a vampire causes little physical change, except for the fangs, and the fact that their facial features seem take on a permanent hardened expression, appearing more "feral" in a way that is likened to a starving wolf. Spawn moreso than freed vampires, and in 5e they have claws despite the fact that freed vampires don't. Sometimes a vampire's eyes turn red upon changing, but this doesn't always happen.
Most of the vampire's five senses are sharpened by undeath. They can see perfectly in the dark, for example, and are very hard to catch off guard. The only one that gets duller than it was when they were alive is the sense of touch - "a blunt, phantom sense of touch, more mechanical than biological. It is a pale, crude approximation of a real tactile sense." They don't feel the effects of physical exertion and their ability to feel pain is dulled (but not nonexistent). They're not particularly bothered by high or cold temperatures unless they're at extremes (like frostbite levels, or "standing by a lava pool" levels). They're also largely unbothered by electric shocks.
They don't breathe, though they do actually have a heartbeat as their blood still gets pumped around their body. It doesn't provide any biological need of a living circulatory system, but is possibly part of keeping the body animated via magic.
Vampires do not produce body heat and tend to be room temperature to the touch unless they've fed within the last 24 hours, in which case they appear alive.
Lacking brain activity on account of being dead, vampires are immune to mind effecting spells and psionics. The fact that Astarion is affected by the tadpole is likely due to Netherese magic. The parasite is canonically modifying his undead state to its needs and has shut down his vampiric abilities, as he observes in one banter.
Their physical abilities massively increase. They have superhuman strength, speed and reflexes and are far more durable than the living.
Vampiric blood looks like humanoid blood at first glance, but takes on a golden sheen when held up to a light source. Also if the vampire it came from is still alive, then that blood can have strange magic properties… which are random! Maybe it burns like acid, or puts you under mind control if you touch it, or explodes into flame when exposed to sunlight! You won't know 'til you find out, it could do anything or nothing.
Vampires are capable of siring partially-undead children with the living (Dhampirs). Dhampirs are alive but as they grow up and their undead heritage starts to manifest they begin to share their vampire parent's cravings and feeding habits and are not terribly fond of said parent, as a rule.
Vampires are the only undead that require sleep. That turned out to be a very long topic of its own though, so maybe I'll focus on the details another time. Short version: Vampires have an instinctive knowledge of how close sunrise is. Some vampires can chose to sleep much like humans, others will immediately shut down the second the sun appears over the horizon and be dead until the moment it next sinks below said horizon, at which point the vampire is 1000% aware and awake again. They are bound to soil from their grave/homeland and must sleep on/in that or be destroyed. In BG3 specifically, looking at Cazador, elves still reverie (trance) in undeath. (In reverie, elves relive their memories of years gone by in vivid real time instead of dreaming. It's how elves avoid forgetting their own lives while living 700+ years) Vampires also hibernate, where they chose to go into a deep sleep for an unknown and uncontrollable length of time reaching centuries in length. Usually due to depression.
A vampire's body is frozen in time, and they will always have the same appearance they had when they died. The magic that keeps the vampire frozen in time, unageing, also gives them regenerative properties as it tries to reset them. Within minutes of receiving a wound, the wound has closed itself as if it were never there. "Wounds close, broken bones reform themselves, even missing limbs regenerate…" Reducing a vampire to 0 hit points also does not kill them, but that's for a later instalment. If one were to torture a vampire one could get both incredibly creative and make it last indefinitely.
They also can't get new tattoos or piercings, as the body heals them over again and pushes out the ink/metal. On the same logic if they had body modifications before they died then they'd never be able to get rid of them - if you scrape off the skin a tattoo is on or tore off a pierced lobe, the skin that grows back will still have the tattoo and the ear will have the hole for the earing still there.
However, there are forms of magical damage that inflict permanent marks on a vampire, which are called stigmata. Sunlight, holy water, holy symbols and the like are known to leave a scar. A silver plated blade might also do it.
There are two energy planes: Positive and Negative. Also known as the Planes of Life and Death, whose energies infuse the Prime Material Plane (which contains worlds like Earth and Toril). Living creatures are powered by positive energy (also called "radiant"), while the undead are animated by negative energy ("necrotic"). It's actually theorised that the undead somehow exist on the Prime Material Plane and the Negative Energy Plane simultaneously, though this seems gets into a lot of planar lore and conflicting information that I'm not going into. Traditionally, due to this difference, the undead are healed by spells made of negative/necrotic energy such as Inflict Wounds spells, but in reverse would be harmed by healing spells. 5e has not included this detail, that I've seen.
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katstrange · 3 months
how I think Ancient Greek mythology boys would treat you hcs:
🏺-He’s a bit possessive, not entirely in a ‘red flag’ kind of way but a ‘My partner, I’ll kill you if you touch them” type of way
🏺- He doesn’t like to admit it but he loves to cuddle and hold you close. Especially after he takes a cold shower- he’ll just flop down next to you and shimmy over until he’s on top of you and he’ll just stay there; recharging from your warmth
🏺-he’s definitely more of a physical touch is his lover language type of guy. So holding hands, kisses on the cheeks, touching your hair, caressing you softly. Yeah- that’s what he likes
🏺- He seriously doesn’t like it when other men try to flirt with you..it rubs him the wrong way and it makes his anger bubble up, but he’s definitely not about to go over there and punch the guy in the face……at least..not when you’re around
🏺- He gets anxious when he sees you hurt, like I’m talking about, sprained ankle, flesh wounds, things like that. He grumbles to himself and makes you promise to be more careful.
🌿- He’s not as possessive as Achilles, but he definitely has his possessive tendencies, like when you’re talking to another man, he’ll casually stroll on up and wrap his arms around you and just watch the guy with narrowed eyes
🌿- he’s a big old puppy dog, he loves hugging you whenever he can. He loves showering you with kisses. It’s just his thing. He especially enjoys holding you in bed and just listening to you heart beat
🌿-However, he loves giving gifts as well. From flowers to home cooked meals. You name it.
🌿- He doesn’t get as jealous as Achilles, but he only locks in when another man or woman is touching you inappropriately without your permission..he hates it.. he’ll try to be polite but stern about it.
🌿- If you ever get hurt, he doesn’t worry that much- because he’s confident he can heal any wound you appear to him with.,though he’d rather prevent than cure…
🛡️- He’s a big old golden retriever boy. He doesn’t get jealous easily because he’s confident that you wouldn’t leave him. He’s only a bit clingy and he almost always insists on carrying you places
🛡️- his love language is words of affirmation, or just loving words in general while he places soft kisses to your hand or palm. The look of devotion in his eyes when you stare back at him. The soft “My love…” or “my beloved..”..it just hits home for him.
🛡️- he loves to have you in his arms whenever he can. It just comes naturally to him, nuzzling your neck as he giggles and cuddles you on the sofa or bed or even the floor. He especially loves to tickle you just to hear your giggles.
🛡️- like mention before. He doesn’t get jealous that easily, instead he’ll probably loudly proclaim that you’re his spouse. And he gets a satisfied look on his face when he sees the scowl on other men or even women.
🛡️- if you get hurt he’ll apologise for not looking after you more carefully..even when you tell him it’s fine.he’s disappointed in himself for letting it happen. Especially under his roof. However anytime you do come to him to get it patched up. He’ll always give a small kiss to the treated wound. Like “boo boos go bye bye”
🎼- He’s a bit sheepish with touch, but as soon as he warms up to it, he really loves to hold hands..and cuddle. It makes him feel safe and relaxed
🎼- He isn’t totally possessive, but he does make sure the person is at least an arms length away from you.. for their sake.
🎼- he loves to write odes to you. Songs, poems, the works. He’s got an entire book of love letters and an even bigger journal of songs and poems he’ll read to you.
🎼- He’s not really a jealous person but does get a bit moody and pouty, and sometimes he unintentionally stares at the man that’s flirting with you, and it’s so uncomfortable that the man leaves you alone. 🎼- when you get hurt, he’ll most certainly heal you. No doubt about, however he mutters to himself before you call him out on it. He apologises but it’s honestly cute, the way his brow furrows and his eyes are filled with worry. Afterwords he holds you in a soft hug.
sksksksksk I might do more of this. Eh if you see this and like it- drop more mytho boys for me to write about
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More half baked ideas idk what to do with
1. Danny is singing along to the instrumental version of a broadway musical song (I was thinking "the other side" from the greatest show on earth) in an old abandoned-ish theater he found while exploring the Infinite Realms.
He gets startled by a guy in a red domino mask when he starts singing the second person in the duet.
Danny: *surprised Pikachu face*
Danny: *Happily singing the duet with this guy with a red bat symbol on his chest. It probably means nothing. Probably*
Meanwhile RR watches from the shadows, recording everything for blackmail
2. Dick has been having a reoccurring nightmare about a boy who looks just like him wearing a white and black hazmat outfit.
The boy always screams in terror or pain as he falls into a Lazarus green void, hand outstretched as if he were reaching out for Dick to save him as he falls into oblivion. Then the large metal doors to an octagonal doorway slam shut, blocking Dicks view.
Dick wakes up in a cold sweat
3. Danny, as a civilian in Gotham, trusts his local vigilantes way too much. It may be a byproduct of him being a former vigilante himself, but if he has a problem he thinks a bat would like to know about, he tells them and is generally happy to vibe with them
Aka he leads Robin to injured/stuck animals that Danny himself -as a totally normal non-meta teen who totally has parents and a safe place to live- can't free/cure.
Hes an informant to Red Hood
Hes practically seducing Red Robin with new inventions
The Batgirls check up on him every so often for the tea and to raid his snacks
Oracle saw him using his powers and has decided to mentor him on the down low. They exchange favors often.
Oh, and he's doing this all while "disguised" with an over-sized hoodie whose hood no one can see into the darkness of.
4. The League of Assassins think Danny is some type of god/miracle child and will do anything to get thier hands on him.
Danny thinks this would be fine if not for the stabby nature of the cult chasing him around. He doesn't want to be tortured for his sass. No thank you.
5. Danny finds a clone baby in a tube, and upon realizing it was braindead and had no soul he overshadowed the tiny body. He didn't really have much of a choice. He had taken massive damage in a fight against a monster in the IR and didn't really wanna find out how far his "die and resurrect self at will" powers went.
He did not expect to sleep for years and years in that tiny tube in that abandoned lab.
Aka one of Tims friends find a younger version of Tim sunning himself on a beach drinking lemonade
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inkedobsidian · 3 months
~ accidental co-parents ~
prompt: #26 “It was a joke baby, I swear.”
summary: Jin-Man is jealous that Y/N has spent her whole day taking care of Ji-An
pairing: Jeong Jin-Man x Reader
warnings: just fluff icl
word count: 870
a/n: Requests are open! Prompt list is there if you guys want extra ideas
Master-List - Prompts
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It had been nearly 3 days of Y/N curled up in a chair at Ji-An’s bedside. They didn’t really know what was going on with Ji-An but the constant fever and puking just led to Y/N taking up temporary residence on the shitty chair at Ji-An’s bedside. Jin-Man did what he could, bringing coffee to Y/N every couple of hours and delivering the 3 meals they needed to eat but other than that he kept his distance.
Jin-Man didn’t realise how lonely the house would feel with the 2 of them cooped up in that room and maybe it was also the fact that because Ji-An has not been at school that he hasn’t spent anytime with Y/N. Even if they didn’t speak it was the way they existed around each other that he missed. Handing each other coffee’s without spoken words just because you know the other one.
It was almost as if she could hear him thinking about her because she was walking out of Ji-An’s bedroom holding a small damp towel. She walked in silence not wanting to wake Ji-An up but the minute she caught eye contact with Jin-Man she shot him a smile and proceeded straight to the kitchen. He decided to move from his position on the couch and towards the sink.
“Y/N L/N. Are you going to be a nurse for every generation of my family?” Jin-Man joked quietly as Y/N was rinsing the small towel with cold water, a trick to try and keep Ji-An’s temperature down. Y/N had been Jin-Man’s right hand in Babylon and she was the one that patched him up the most, from there it was so natural for her to care for Ji-An in the same way.
“At least Ji-An is a good patient. That stings… that’s too tight… can you rewrap it.” Y/N deepens her voice to mock a moaning and in pain Jin-Man earning a quick hmm from the man himself. Y/N laughed after finishing the voice and turned the tap off beginning to ring out the towel so it was damp not dripping.
“I am brilliant while in pain, I am however bored out my mind in this house alone. How fast can you cure whatever this is.” Jin-Man had opened up and started speaking more casually with Y/N the more she was around and now they’d lived together for 5 years it was like he couldn’t exist alone. Y/N tried to hide the smile on her face when he so casually says that he misses her, even if that’s not exactly what he said. Y/N couldn’t believe that Ji-An was sick and he was here being clingy and jealous, she had to try her hardest to supress a laugh.
“Is there a way to cure you of your need to bother me?” Honestly if it was any other scenario then Jin-Man would’ve known that Y/N was just joking with him but maybe genuinely missing her made him take that a little too to heart. When he didn’t say anything Y/N looked up to see genuine hurt across his face and the shock of his reaction genuinely surprised her.
“It was a joke baby, I swear.” Y/N laughed finally turning her body away from the sink and finally facing towards Jin-Man. Then it was like a second wave of shock hit him.
“Baby..?” Jin-Man repeated it because he thought he didn’t hear her correctly. Then it was time for Y/N to realise what she said, maybe sleeping in the chair was starting to make her loose it. She stood there frozen with the towel in her hands trying to look anywhere in the kitchen that wasn’t the man stood in front of her. Then she finally darted her eyes to look at him and he was there looking at her with a look she’d not seen before. There was a softness behind his eyes that was new, of course he cared for and trusted her but this was different.
It was very easy for both of them to blur the lines the longer they lived together. When you’re on missions it’s different, it’s life and death. Here in the house, taking care of Ji-An and raising her together it was domestically normal. (If you ignore the black market website they run together) Almost as if it was like fate had decided to save this conversation for another day there were small footsteps from the hallway and a very sick and nauseous Ji-An rounded the corner.
“I’ll take care of her you look like you need to sleep in a real bed.” Jin-Man whispered towards Y/N as he gently took the small towel out of her hand placing it on the kitchen side. He moved the hair out of her face and gave her a small kiss on the forehead before picking up the towel again and walking back to the bedroom with Ji-An. Y/N just stood there in the kitchen for an extra second waiting for them to retreat to the bedroom but she heard one last thing from the hallway from a very sleepy and sick 14 year old that she probably wasn’t supposed to.
“Have you finally told her you like her?”
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rou-luxe · 12 days
ikevil hcs - how they hold your hand
sorry @sh0jun 😔
well welcome back to my hand hyperfixation 💀 I could've posted this on my fanfic alt but I'm not feeling it
under the cut
William Rex
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really warm hands, without question. it's like touching the stove (exaggerating)
he'd probably prefer to hold you by the waist or have you hold his arm, but hand holding is fine too
won't hesitate to warm your hands
you don't even need to ask, he'll just hold your hands in his instinctively and warm them.
william takes extra care not to scratch your hands. william, where do you get your nails done omg
you two probably start the hand holding equally. it just comes naturally, no need to ask or anything. it's like it's telepathic.
Harrison Gray
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normally, his hands are at a normal temperature, but lean slightly towards the cold side.
if they're any colder than that, it's probably due holding the gun or staying out in the rain.
his hands have a bit of cold sweat at times, from holding the books or pens for such a long time during his day job.
if there is any, harrison tries to wipe that sweat off before holding your hand, though.
pretty sure his nails are short, unpainted, and clean unlike a certain self-righteous monarch. unless liam does his nails...
like with william, it comes naturally. harrison wouldn't like awkward silence so he just goes right ahead...
harrison would probably really like hand holding. it feels like a reassurance to him.
Liam Evans
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NOT ONLY HAND HOLDING, A TON OF CUDDLES. ALL DAY. EVERY DAY. I'm not complaining. we'll cure each other with endless cuddles.
comfortably warm.
liam's hands are really soft. with his job, there's never really been any need for him to do hard labor.
when do you hold hands? whenever. anytime.
other than hugs, liam probably reaches for your hand when he or you are sad.
he either holds your hand gently or he'll never let you go. no in-between.
I feel like he'd hold hands and run his hands through your hair a lot... you're just too adorable ❤️❤️
Elbert Greetia
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elbert's hands are so cold, it's scary. it's as cold as a corpse.
he's not sick, this is just his normal temperature.
I feel like he'd have bony / veiny hands... the poor baby doesn't get enough nutrition 💔
with his past, good luck trying to hold his hand or touch him at all... he'd definitely hold alfons' hand, though. god they're in love
maybe he'd hold your hand once he trusts you more...
whatever you do, don't force him into doing it. that's an immediate death sentence. let him initiate it.
elbert would hold your hand in such a tight grip that you feel the blood rushing out of your hand. your hand gets crushed by his beautiful, slender marble fingers. they're not as delicate as they look. he loves you. you're his. and he will never let you go.
Alfons Sylvatica
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ridiculously long section that's over 2-3 times the others, what did you expect from me of all people
I got a bit off topic 🤭
there's no way this man doesn't have a hand kink
I'm not projecting I swear
alfons path speedrunners back me up here
gloveless, his hands are probably warm, but not as warm as william's. you can still feel the warmth faintly through the gloves.
slightly veiny hands. not as much as roger, though.
firm grip and nothing else. no disagreements here
not enough to break your hand like elbie, I accidentally put alfons too far left in the chart. but still a pretty firm grip.
he has very strong hands from his experiences...
oh to be alfons' glove...
alfons loves when you stroke his palm and his wrist... and when you kiss and bite it too 😇 (HE WILL REPAY IN KIND.)
he'd probably prefer other forms of physical affection, but like harrison, it probably gives him a sense of security.
he's always extending his hand in his sprite. I'll hold his hand. I'll get on one knee and kiss his hand like a prince
the type to stroke the back of your hand with his thumb
it doesn't matter who starts the hand holding, alfons will let go when he feels like it. but if you refuse to let go, he'll chuckle a bit and indulge you for a while longer
alfons never shows how he truly feels. but perhaps if he's feeling a bit down, in the unlikely occurrence that something really got to him, he'd be more inclined to certain physical habits more than others. something would be a bit off about him and his gaze... alfons would be zoning out, his empty, sunken eyes begging for deliverance... he'd hold your hand, still smiling as always... but no matter what, there's always something pained in that expression of his.
I will shut up now
Roger Barel
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after all these years of taking care of patients, roger naturally has firm and steady hands.
his hands and arms are full of veins.
roger doesn't know his own strength... he might accidentally grip your hand too hard.
he'd hold your hand anytime. you'd have to ask him, though.
or maybe it'd be a reward for helping him out.
roger would probably initiate it. he'd would listen for the way your heart responds. if you don't like it, he won't try it again. if you do, he'll hold your hand if he feels like it.
he doesn't mind as long as he's not in the middle of an experiment. that's off-limits, it's not safe for you or him.
Jude Jazza
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jude doesn't care much for hand holding. it restricts him from a lot of things.
he cares a lot about practicality. what if you two are suddenly ambushed?
for that reason, his grip is pretty loose. but his hands are actually pretty solid.
if jude wanted to grip you as a warning, he'd grip your wrists, not your hands.
I was actually debating about whether he'd have cold or warm hands... I say cold.
he'd only hold your hand if you beg hard enough
watch as his face gets slightly pink.
Ellis Twilight
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...IF IT MAKES YOU HAPPY. what did you expect.
ellis is pretty chill, maybe a looser grip.
his hands are a little warm. his hands' temperature varies by day, but if they're cold, then you should probably be worried.
perhaps his hands are a little rough from all the dirty work he does for jude...
the sweet boy won't force you in the slightest. you have to initiate it.
but he might ask politely 🥺🥺 please say yes
Victor Victor sorry
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hear me out, I think he'd actually have cold hands. despite his personality, that's the vibe I'm getting.
+ cold temperatures are traditionally associated with death. now, wouldn't it befit our grim reaper?
victor has naturally strong hands as well, but doesn't use them as much as roger.
he'll pull tricks on you... perhaps when he lets your hand go you'll find a little slip of paper in it. it either has a joke or a love confession in there. probably both.
victor is rather capricious. one day he'd prefer to hold your hand, the other he'll sweep you off your feet. as long as you're happy.
here's the crappy chart
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let me know if you'd like to be tagged in my headcanon / writing posts!! (applies mostly to my fanfic sideblog @mrssylvatica)
I've actually always wondered about the suitors' hand temperatures, I wish those were covered in-game...
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midnight-talescape · 8 months
𝒜𝓅𝒽𝓇𝑜𝒹𝒾𝓈𝒾𝒶𝒸 (𝑀𝒾𝑔𝓊𝑒𝓁 𝒪’𝒽𝒶𝓇𝒶 𝓍 𝑅𝑒𝒶𝒹𝑒𝓇)
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Kinktober Day 13: Size difference + Heartbeat
They’re very much implied okay, there are very few people who is larger then Miguel mkay?
But like yeah this man totally gaslighted you, also like soft Miguel. Wanted to try something different, no im not just bad.
Warning: Size difference, gaslighting, ooc, etc, etc you get the point not for kid
Genre: filthy filthy smut
Word Count: 2315
Your boss is hot.
Like really really hot and like a super nice person.
The last time you said this out loud, a few of the other spiders looked at you like you were crazy, while Jessica just laughed and said,
“I can't deny the fact that he’s hot, but a nice person?”
You open your mouth ready to defend your boss’s honor when your spider sense tingles.
“What are you guys doing here?” came a cold voice behind you,
Almost immediately everyone dispersed, within seconds until it was just you and Jessica that's still standing in front of Miguel.
“Boss!” You yelled excitedly before dive-bombing into his chest,
Miguel automatically caught you in his arm, your body nearly disappearing into his body as he wrapped his arm around you, saying gruffly,
“Stop doing that, little spider.”
You closed your eyes, smushing your face onto his pecs.
“But your hug is so nice, boss… I can stop if you don't like it…” you sound a little disappointed and begin to let go of Miguel,
With a sigh, Miguel pushed you back into his arm and tightened his hold on you,
“Fine, you can keep hugging me… just… just don't make this into a regular thing…”
Jessica raised her eyes as she saw the scene unfold in front of her, she could have sworn she just saw something like possessiveness in Miguel’s eyes.
You like your boss.
Not in a lovey-dove way, god no…
At least you don't think it's in a lovey-dovey way.
He’s just so pretty and… and… he’s just so pretty and hot! Like look at him!
You used to be able to ignore it because of how scared of him you were.
Then like you saw him one time. One fucking time! Looking at the video of him and his daughter, looking super sad, kinda like a giant sick puppy left in the rain horrible example Your brain was immediately overtaken with the thought,
I can fix him!
Ezekiel said your instinct to want to cure people of their sadness, or quote on quote fix people, stems from the fact that you wish someone fixed your younger self or something like that.
You stopped listening after the first 2 lines, already on your way to hug Miguel.
Miguel's attempt to stop you from hugging him was futile.
You were quite stubborn and you have concluded that the man is touch-starved. So it's only natural that you made it your mission to make your boss feel loved.
Your conclusion is correct as Miguel seems to get softer with you as time goes on.
This shocks Peter to no end, and after hearing your conclusion of Miguel being touched starved, immediately attempts to hug Miguel.
He had to go to the nurse after Miguel threw him through a wall in surprise.
You were talking to one of the spider people when you received a notification from your watch that Miguel wanted you in his office.
You hastily said goodbye before swinging your way to Miguel’s office.
A few minutes later you arrived in front of his office and knocked on the door.
There was no answer and after a few minutes of waiting you got a little worried, you could have sworn you heard someone groaning in there.
In a split second, you burst through the door and nearly had a heart attack when you saw Miguel curled up on the floor.
“Boss! Are you okay?!”
“C-close the door…fuck!” Miguel groaned out, his face flushing pink,
You quickly slammed the door shut and kneeled next to Miguel.
“Shit! Boss, are you okay? What happened? Are you hurt?” You rambled on nervously as you held Miguel up in your arms,
Miguel groaned into your arm as he tried to get up,
”I’m fine, little spider,” Miguel managed between labored breaths, “I accidentally injected myself with some aphrodisiac, the vial wasn't labeled…”
Your eyes widen in alarm as he said that, finally noticing the shattered vial near Miguel,
“Will you be okay, boss? Do you need me to take you to the infirmary? What's an aphrodisiac?!”
Miguel coughed before looking up at you, a faint blush barely visible on his tan face as he stopped you from dragging him out the door,
“N-no, wait! It's- it's best if I don't go to the infirmary for this…”
You stopped and blinked slowly as you looked at him questioningly.
“Aphrodisiac is a chemical substance that… increases sexual desire and arousal. I would rather not go to the infirmary for this…” Miguel explained as his face burned in embarrassment,
“O-oh…” you said quietly as you froze and finally noticed the bulge in Miguel’s suit,
Noticing your rigid body, Miguel's voice was hoarse as he said,
“I know this is going to sound bad, but… do you think you can help me with my… problem?”
“W-what?” You spluttered out confused,
“I know it's an abrupt request and highly unprofessional, but you will help me right, little spider?” Miguel looked up at you, his face covered in a thin sheen of sweat,
Any question you have regarding why was there aphrodisiacs in his office, and hesitation was immediately thrown out the window when Miguel looked at you.
Your boss is asking you to help him! Your beautiful, sexy, walking dilf of a man, dominating boss who never asks for help is asking you for help!
Who can say no to a beautiful sexy hunk like him?! WHO CAN?!
You sure as hell can’t.
Almost immediately you nodded your head,
“Y-yes…of course! Anything to help you, boss….” you said your mind completely dazed from the fact that your sexy boss was asking you for help,
“I knew I could trust you, little spider…” Miguel said as he wrapped his arm around you tightly, a dark look in his eyes that screamed danger, "You're going to help me with all my problems, aren't you?"
You nodded your head, not fully understanding what you had just agreed to…
Your eyes sting with tears as you try not to gag on Miguel’s cock. Desperately relaxing your throat as Miguel grabbed your hair and deepthroated you.
You could feel your throat stretching around Miguel's cock, saliva that you can't swallow dripped down your chin and onto the floor as Miguel roughly fuck your throat.
Miguel kept pushing you down onto his cock, forcing you to take more of his length. Your lips were taut as you worked around his thick girth, the sensation of his cock forcing its way deeper into your mouth causing tears to fall from your eyes. Your mind was dazed and blurry from the taste and smell of Miguel that seemed to surround you.
"F-fuck! Little spider, you were made for this…" Miguel groaned as he felt your tongue wrapped around his cock, your face red with effort,
You out a loud gasp as Miguel forced his entire cock into your throat, groaning as your gasp send tiny vibration up his cock.
Grunting, Miguel wiped away your tears before wrapping his hand around your throat.
You let out a cry as he gripped tightly around his cock through your throat, your throat raw from the rough way he was thrusting into you.
"You're doing so well, little spider…" Miguel groaned as he looked down at your teary face,
You look so fucking beautiful with your face red, tears running down your face, and your mouth stuffed full of his cock.
With a grunt, he reached his climax and shot his cum into your throat.
You instinctively tried to back away when you felt Miguel cumming inside your mouth, but Miguel forced your head to stay still, grunting as he said,
“Stay still for me, little spider. Be a good girl for me, will you?”
Your eyes rolled to the back of your eyes as you forced yourself to stay still, you can feel the thick stream of cum filling you up.
After a few minutes, Miguel removed his cock from your throat, leaving you coughing and spluttering.
Tilting your head up, Miguel wiped away the cum that you couldn't swallow before placing a kiss on your forehead.
“You did great, Cariño…”
You looked up at him your mind still a little dazed with a single question on your mind,
“A-Are you feeling better, boss?”
Hearing your question, Miguel groaned as he felt himself harden again.
Fuck, she will be the death of me one day
Miguel lowered his eyes and lifted you onto his lap, before saying calmly,
“I'm afraid that wasn't enough, little spider… Do you trust me?”
Shivering you nodded your head.
Your boss will never lie to you, right?
“This will be a little painful, so hold on okay, little spider?” Miguel said before pushing you down onto his cock,
Your cries of agony echoed through the room as Miguel thrust into you, your body being stretched open on his cock.
Your cunt stretching painfully taunt around his cock, to the point where it looks opaque and ready to tear at any moment.
With each thrust, you could feel your insides stretching around his cock, stretching farther than they ever had before. Miguel's hands were tight around your hips as he kept your shaking body still, as he ignored your cry of agony and fucked into your tiny body.
It was more than painful, it felt like he was ripping your body apart with his cock. Your body ached, and your eyes were glassy from crying. Your cunt tightened around Miguel's cock as he continued his brutal assault on your body.
You let out a scream as you came onto his cock, Miguel grunt as he felt your wall tighten to a point its hard for him to move.
“F-fuck… relax a little, Cariño… you’re too fucking tight… shit I forgot how tiny you are compared to me…” Miguel panted into your ears as he plunge his cock farther and farther into you,
“S-stop, boss…haaaa… it hurts… I’m full!” You cried out desperately,
Miguel tightened his grip on your waist, his claw digging into your skin as he growled,
“Call me by my name, little spider…”
You clawed at his back leaving behind claw mark as you cried out again,
“M-miguel! P-please! I'm so full, t-too big!”
Satisfied Miguel slowed down a little allowing you to adjust as he kissed your neck and shoulder, leaving behind bruise and bite mark.
“And yet, you’re doing such a great job taking in my cock, my sweet spider…”
Your mouth opens moaning loudly as the pain subsides into pleasure.
“M-Miguel…t-too fast… i-im gonna cum…g-gonna cum again…” you babbled out your body covered in your slick and sweat,
Miguel's lip curled into a snarl as he began thrusting into you faster,
“Cum for me, little spider… Give yourself to me…” he dug his fang into your neck,
Your back arched and your mouth opened into a silent scream as you came into an agonizing high, your body shaking violently.
Pushing you onto his chest, Miguel slid his hand down your body to your ass, kneading it gently as your body shudder from your orgasm.
“H-hurt… it hurt… Miguel… no more…”
Miguel kissed your head as he ignored your pleas ramming into your body roughly as he tried to comfort you,
“Shhh, it's okay you can take so much more, little spider… just focus on me…fuck you’re tight…”
Panting you leaned your head against Miguel's chest, desperately trying to focus on his erratic heartbeat as he fuck you.
With a growl and a final brutal thrust, Miguel came inside you, filling your body with his cum.
Your leg shakes as he cum inside you, painting your wall white and you groan as you felt your stomach bloated out.
“Gonna stuff you with my cum, little spider… I will make you mine…” Miguel panted into your ears not even bothering to stop as his cock harden once more,
Picking you up and earning a gasp from you, he slammed you into the window. Miguel grabbed both of your legs and hooked them onto his shoulders, forcing you into a mating press before slamming into you deeper than before.
“Haaaaa… M-miguel stop… p-people will see…” you cried out trying to push him away from you,
“Then let them see, let them see who you belong to…” Miguel pushes down on the bulge in your stomach causing you to lose all your thought process, as you orgasm for the 6th time this night,
Miguel tilts your head up pulling you into a kiss and forcing you to kiss back.
“Say you love me, my little spider… say you love me…”
You couldn't hear what he was saying as your mind was just so fucked. Unhappy with your silence, Miguel dug his claw into your ass and grind his dick against your g-spot.
Your eyes flew open and you let out a loud cry,
“I-i love you… Miguel, I love you… please stop!”
“Good girl…” Miguel practically purred out as his pace got more and more brutal,
He's not letting you go, not until your soul, body, and heart all belong to him…
Miguel snarled as he saw you talking to one of the spider person.
You belong to him and no one else, how dare your attention be on anyone but him?
You don't love him, he can tell.
You don't love anyone.
The report Ezekiel gave him clearly stated your inability to feel love for anyone or anything, only the ability to fake it.
It doesn't matter, he will be the closest thing to love you will ever feel.
He will make sure of it…
He grabbed a vial of aphrodisiac he got and injected it into him, before picking up his watch and messaging you,
Come to my office immediately…
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japage3moondog · 9 months
Headcanons on how the beatles would take care of their partner when they're sick?:)
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sure! i was actually sick for like two weeks before this so pretty good timing anon :)
john lennon
john is the one who got you sick. he doesn't like staying home or resting, he only really wants to go out and do things when he shouldn't. he's very reluctant to admit that it's his fault.
he doesn't keep any medication, so he makes you home remedies to hold you off until he can go down to the pharmacy and buy you some proper medicine. his chicken noodle soup is terrible but this man knows how to make a cup of hot tea.
paul macca
as soon as he finds out your sick, he will forbid you from leaving your bed. he doesn't care what he needs to cancel, he'll take care of you until you're 100% better and then some. he already keeps basic cold and flu meds so he's very prepared for this.
every single day he'll cook you breakfast and bring it to you in bed. the only time he lets you up is when he has to wash the sheets and even then he carries you to the couch. as someone who's been worked to the bone, rest is something he values a lot and he wants to make sure you rest when you need to.
george harrison
george really doesn't want to get sick but he can't help but hold you. if you tell him to leave you alone so he doesn't catch what you have, he'll tell you some adorable corny shit like love is the greatest cure. he is not as happy when he gets sick.
he definitely leans more into the natural rememdies but he still takes you to the doctor to make sure it's just a cold. he cuts you little orange slices and makes you lemon and ginger tea with honey. he makes you a home remedy that his mother taught him.
ringo starr
i feel like ringo also got you sick and while he tries to take care of you he gets sick again, so you're both terribly ill but love each other too much to spend the time apart to get better.
not being able to sing without wrecking his voice makes him sad because that's his favourite way to comfort you. so he puts on a record you both know the words to and lip syncs it to you, if you're not both completely exhausted he'll dance you around the living room to cheer you up.
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spacebarbarianweird · 4 months
Omg hi!!! Love your Writting, could you make an Astarion x Eladrin! Reader please? It can be and fey eladrin or a celestial eladrin (tough i prefer the celestial ones). I'm surprised no one asked for an eladrin hc already, they're such dolls)
Hi! Eladrins are truly interesting. The difference between two types depends on what edition you play - before the 4th edition Eladrins were native to Arvandor, distant cousins to elves. Beginning with the 4th Edition, they're fey creatures from the Feywild.
As there is more relevant info about Fey Eladrin, I will write this HCs based on them but the difference between different types of Eladrin isn't really big.
Astarion x Eladrin!Tav
Your ancestors were casted away from Arvandor along with other elves but instead of going to Material Planes they chose Feywild as their home.
Many of your kind have slowly lost their humanoid form and allowing the wild magic of the Faierie to change them.
The seasons for you aren't times of the year, they are places you can visit and the form you can take.
When you are a Spring Eladrin, you sing and dance but so easily fall in love that you lose yourself.
When you are Summer, you are a stubborn fighter.
As Autumn you are kind and generous but to trustful.
But as Winter you are depressed and melancholic.
In trance you change your season like a dress and your change appearance as well.
It drives Astarion insane because you have four different personalities and four different skins.
Fey Eladrins and stability are complete opposites.
But at the same he is attracted to your wild magic, so alive and bustling, nothing like what his undead existence is.
You are also a gender fluid since sex and gender are too limitimg when defined.
Sometimes you feel like a man, sometimes like a woman, sometimes you are both, sometimes you are none.
The adventures on the Material Planes is just another fun experience for you since you are not intedning to stay there.
As for Astarion he doesn't truly knows what to do.
The Undead don't belong to Feywild, he can't go there with you and he isn't sure he wants all this fey madness.
Meanwhile the Material Plane is too exhausting, too stable, too bleak for you.
But you decide to stay.
To stay to get him the cure.
Astarion doesn't remember being alive, but you know how miserable he truly is.
Hunger. Cold. Pain.
There must be the way.
Astarion gets used to your changing nature. You just become a very complex person to him but luckily your pysical appearance betrays your mood change as well and he always knows which "you" he is going to deal with today.
You spend a century looking for ithe cure but nothing helps. It's just a ghost you keep searching for.
And the Material Plane is draining you, sometimes you are so week,you can't move for months, lying motionless in your trance and remembering the Feywild.
Astarion begs you to go.
He will be fine. This century was the the best time he ever hoped to have. He will remember you. He will cherish the memories of you.
But you have to part ways. He is an undead, he belongs to the Shadowplace and all what is dread. He will wander the roads for eternity as the creature of the dark. And you will live your long life in the magical place of fey wonders.
He will never forget you.
Beaides there isn't anyone like you, his tiny wild love.
You dissappear like a mist in the morning and he hopes you are happy in the magical feywild.
He keeps living
Hunting monsters .
Adebturing here and there.
Sometimes he makes griends, sometimes he takes lovers
But in his reverie he remembers only his eladrin of tje feywild the magical creature who gave him hope.
A century passes.
Lonely ten decades.
Astarion meditates and his meditation is so deep it is more like a real sleep.
He feels that something is beside him someone warm, someone familiar.
He wakes up and sees you.
You lie beside him in your atumn form warm like a lantern.
You break the silence and brush his cheek, making him sniff.
"I know how to cure you."
You spare Astarion of details, he doesn't need to know what price you paid.
A century of slavery. Of servitude. Of humilation.
A fey, powerful and cruel, shoved the cure up to your nose, bragging they have it and you don't.
A century. A terrible, difficult century with every day worse than another.
Losing your humanoid form. Being an ugly beast for a decade. Losing yoir mind and doing the most disgusting things for your master.
The feys are cruel when they know you need them.
The transformation is painful and long and you are afraid the fey bitch lied to you.
They didn't.
Astarion opens his eyes and they are emerald greem like Feywild woods.
It takes him time to adapt to his mortal body but it's much easier in Feywild than it would be in the Material Plane.
You don't know what the future holds for you two.
The elven nature is fluid and unpredictable.
But deep inside you know you have always meant to be together, you are thiramins, elven soulmates. Maybe, you knew each other in your past lives. Maybe you are both something new.
And you have centuries ahead to figure this out.
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hetafice · 5 months
allies taking care of a sick/injured partner :
𖤐 ִֶָ 𓂃 🧷
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request: How many characters will you write for at once? I’d love to see the Main 8 taking care of their partner as they’re bedridden (sick, injured, etc). If I have to limit it to a certain # of characters, just lmk for the future and you can pick whoever you’ve got the most ideas for for this? 
a/n: i think the limit will be capped at 4-5. for the sake of cohesion i chose to write for each of the allies. enjoy!
He will absolutely baby you. To the point where it could easily become overwhelming. 
In general, he suffers from the too-much gene in combination with his savior complex. Any injury on your end just exacerbates it.
I think he would also feel guilty on some level that he let you get injured in the first place, even if it was not his fault. So to overcompensate, he will refuse to let you do anything even remotely strenuous.
It starts off genuinely helpful. If you’re having a hard time moving around he’ll gladly help you sit up or move around. The issues arise once you start healing up a bit more. Rather than let you return to taking care of yourself, he’ll drag out the process for as long as possible.  
It does not matter if you’ve been okay for weeks and can function normally, he’ll still insist on completing menial tasks for you. He might also try and prohibit you from doing anything he perceives as dangerous. If you put up a big enough fight he’ll let you do it, but only in his presence. 
 If you don’t mind being babied, great--he’ll gladly keep it up. If you don’t want to constantly be hovered over, and voice that to him, expect some pouting from his end.
Like Alfred, he is similarly overbearing but will relent if asked to do so. 
Outwardly, Ivan is not a super emotional guy. However, if his partner was sick to the point of being bedridden, some of his emotions might start slipping through the cracks.
He’s protective and nurturing by nature, but past circumstances have forcefully muted that part of his personality. Your being sick would absolutely kickstart those instincts again. He would perfectly fill the role of a caretaker, cooking, cleaning, and nursing you back to health to the best of his ability,
He would be extra attentive in the mornings before he had to go to work. He’d check up on you, help you take your medication, and would try to boost your strength by cooking a healthy breakfast.
The constant checkups could get suffocating, but he genuinely only wants you to recover as fast as possible. And in his mind, that means being around you constantly to monitor your condition, or to provide whatever aid necessary.
Your being really sick serves as a way for him to realize how much he truly treasures you.
He is constantly badgering you about preserving your health, so when he first notices you aren’t feeling well he is far from pleased. When you tell him exactly what’s wrong he’s even more upset.
He’s a fixer, and he immediately jumps at the opportunity to find some remedy whether you want him to or not. The second he hears a sniffle from you, he’s already handing you mugs of strange concoctions and loading your meals with as many nutrient-rich vegetables as possible.
He’ll whip out holistic medicines that no one has heard of in centuries (and honestly, they might just work lol)
After the first time you get sick, he would also start trying to give you organic and highly medicinal foods, but as a preventative measure.
In parts of China, some people recommend drinking hot water in response to any small ailment. To Yao, it's a cure for everything, and from the first time you wake up in a cold sweat to the last, you’ll be handed glasses of barely drinkable water. Good luck with that. Honestly, who knows? Maybe drinking half a liter of hot water will stop whatever sickness you have from developing further -- or at the very least, distract you from your symptoms?
He is the type to say “I told you so” and pretend to not care, while still actively taking care of you.
He’ll chastise you for getting sick, maybe even going as far as to threaten to not take care of you should it happen again, but when it inevitably does he starts taking care of you without a second thought.
He’ll make sure you are comfortable, and have taken your meds on time, and will even prep tea for you if need be.
This scolding while simultaneously nursing you back to health is nothing new. You start sniffling or coughing, and he tells you that you should know better and not count on him to take care of him. Then only a few hours later when you’re sitting down somewhere trying to work on something you’ll see him checking up on you from the hallway from the corner of your eye.
He will by no means dote on you, but he makes sure to lend a helping hand whenever possible. 
You’ll be left primarily to your own devices with this one.
Francis understands that you’re injured, and finds it very unfortunate, but unless you are seriously hurt you are going to be fending for yourself.
He won’t leave you completely out to dry though. Should you need something he’ll do his best to get it--but most of the menial practical tasks that come with taking care of someone unwell will be left to either you or a medical professional to manage.
His role is mainly to keep you comfortable and entertained. This is where he feels more confident taking the reins.
He’ll employ a variety of methods to make sure you’re relaxed. He’ll sporadically bring you glasses of red wine, help you with your skincare routine, offer massages, etc.
When it comes to leisure, rest, and relaxation he’s got it down pat.
Out of all of them, he would be the most likely to delegate a medical professional to come and take care of you in his stead. It’s not that he does not care, or feels inadequate; it’s just that someone trained in matters of rehabilitation would probably be more suited to the job--and what kind of partner would he be if he did not offer you the best of the best?
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catscidr · 3 months
im sorry i know i should be writing reqs but i just can’t stop thinking about slightly creepy office au coworker dottore...... im horn
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you have a boring 9-5 job, trying to find joy in the mundane, else you go crazy. waking up to birds chirping outside of your bedroom window, the tasty to-go coffee and breakfast sandwich you always get in the morning, and your coworker greeting your still-sleepy self when you step into the office. always one to gossip, she’d motion for you to hurry up and sit at your cubicle so she can gush about whatever rumor was currently roaming the building. 
“have you seen zandik lately? his temper is worse than usual! think he just got broken up with or something? honestly, i see why his partner would call things off, it seems like he’s always prioritizing work over people...” you take a long sip of your coffee, relishing in the newfound energy that flooded your system. it takes you a minute to process your coworker’s claim. 
“how do you know he was even in a relationship in the first place?” you ask, scoffing in amusement at how fast her brain seemed to work; it was almost impressive, really. “well, he’s handsome, for one. and he’s loaded! i don’t understand how he can afford such a nice car with a salary like ours,” she sulks as she finishes her rambling. you take the opportunity to finish your food, setting your half-empty cup down to start prepping your workspace. 
“inheritance? or he’s crazy good at managing money,” you suggest. just as you thought your coworker was about to drop the topic, she perks up and slams her hand on her desk a tad bit too loudly. “oh! or maybe he works a second job? y’know, the cost of living is getting pretty high, so maybe he has a 5-9 on top of working here!” 
someone shoots her a look that says “it’s still early, lower your voice”, and she grins at them awkwardly before turning to look at you with a smile that rivals someone that just uncovered the cure to a deadly disease. 
you pause your typing, fingertips resting idly on the mechanical keyboard. “why do you care about what he’s up to, anyways? usually you avoid talking about zandik or any of the higher-ups because you know they’ll probably get us in trouble,” you point out, your shoulder getting hit as soon as the words leave your mouth. giggling lightly at how dramatic her reaction was, you turn your attention from your computer to your coworker. you’re met with a petrified expression and uncomfortable body language along with the lack of natural light behind you. 
“and why, pray tell, are we gossiping about my foul mood?” someone says from behind you, though you could recognize its owner anywhere. your blood runs cold— the warmth from your morning coffee having vanished from your body, not a single trace left in the presence of the office’s most intimidating employee (arguably). your coworker flashes him a wide, albeit shaky smile, and shakes her head a bit too quickly for it to be considered normal. 
“n-not gossiping! we’re just concerned for your health! right?” she says your name, nudging your foot from underneath the desk. you don’t have time to decide whether you want to detach yourself from your predicament or to go along with her bullshit because zandik bends down to your level, flashing a smile that doesn’t quite reach his dull eyes as he speaks for you. “then avoid spreading rumors about my personal life, it gives me a headache,” he murmurs quietly.  
you’d catch the unspoken threat in his voice if you weren’t so flustered. he was so close you could smell his cologne— musky sandalwood that made your head spin, losing whatever train of thought you had just seconds ago. “s-sorry,” you’re the one that apologizes since your coworker was frozen in fear, looking more like a deer facing headlights than an office worker. 
zandik’s lips stretch wider, vermillion eyes narrowing at her before flickering over to you. you immediately look away, suddenly now noticing the sheer lack of space between you two. if what you were doing before was unprofessional, then this was beating it by a landslide. although you couldn't help but wish that he bent down to your level more often. though, at the same time, he looked good looking down at you…
he stays like this for a few more uncomfortable seconds before straightening his back and walking away, no words spoken between the three of you. your coworker exhales a breath she had been holding in, and turns to face her desk in silence. 
you're left with a rapidly beating heart and the need to take a bathroom break even though you just clocked in not even ten minutes ago.
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fairycosmos · 4 months
i’m going to kill myself tonight but i wanted to say i’ve always loved your blog and your my favourite tumblr person :)
hey, not sure if anything i can say can change your mind but please please consider calling a hotline or reaching out to a friend/family member if that's an option. i won't pretend i know the type of pain you're in, or much about the situation you're in, and i hope this doesn't come across as me saying it's easy to keep going because it's absolutely not. whether you're feeling numb, whether your thoughts are totally chaotic. it's a type of hell either way. i know things are unbearably painful so much of the time. you deserve so much better and i just don't think doing this is going to give you that. i'm not trained in all the right and wrong things to say to someone who's going through this and i know that when i'm in this place myself, there's very little anyone can do or say to get me out of it. but i do come out of it. even if i'm not happy, the pressing urge to harm myself is so strong that by its own nature it's unsustainable. it's the hardest thing in the world to bear it and i'm so sorry you're going through it. it's so fucking exhausting. and at the same time it always somewhat dies down and there is always another day to try again.
please, please get yourself to a physically safe space. if you need to cry, break down, sleep for 72 hours, take a shower, eat something, put your face in cold water, rip up a million pieces of paper to get the rage out - it's okay. whatever you need is okay. you don't have to think about what you're going to do tomorrow or next week or next month or in the next 5 years. you just have to focus on getting through today, minute by minute. if that feels like too much, second by second. and you can keep breaking it down like that until it stops feeling like some insurmountable mountain. i know words are not enough to change anything about how much despair and hopelessness you're feeling in this moment. i just want you to attempt to treat yourself the way you'd treat a friend going through something like this. even just for the next 30 minutes. i'm going to leave some resources linked below that have helped me when i've been in a similar spot. they're not solutions and they're not cures. they're just going to allow you to see other perspectives beyond your suicidality. you are so, so worth that. please reach out to a loved one, the authorities or a hotline if you can. it is not going to be as scary as your mind is building it up to be. i would seriously hate to think of you doing something to harm yourself. you have a right to feel how you feel, but you don’t have to give these thoughts the power to actually dictate your reality. i'm really, really glad you're alive and i genuinely hope you're able to get to the point where you are too. you're the one who can really bring yourself back from the edge. what happens next is all in your hands, not in the grip of your negative thoughts, urges, or feelings. please, please do what you know is right for your safety and wellbeing. even if it's the hardest choice in the world to make. please, please stick around for today at the very least. just focus on getting through the now, no matter how unbearable. that's more than good enough, and it's all anyone can ask of you. i'm sending you so, so much love.
international suicide hotlines / guidance for creating a safety plan / coping with suicidal thoughts pdf / download a how to cope factsheet / coping with suicidal thoughts right now / 10+ coping skills worksheets for adults / the coping skills toolbox / how do you stop suicidal thoughts?
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ohcorny · 6 months
i need to post loic soulsov character analysis because if i don't i'll die. he's been plaguing my thoughts for *checks watch* like three to four days because we get SO much information about him and who he is in just this one nugget of the game and i'm spinning out of control about it.
spoilers for the most raw bits of the prelude so obviously go play the game first and then come back and read me ramble and make wild assumptions about this man and the direction of his character
so i have been obsessed with this (paraphrased because i'd have to whip through nearly the whole game again to correctly quote it) exchange between the voice and loic:
"Are you prepared for the world Ysme would create?" "Could it really be any worse than this one?"
and god. bro. bro. the absolute devastation necessary for this man to feel this way, about a woman who lied to him from the moment they met (which he clocked! very early on!), mugged him with a gun, SHOT him with that gun, and then when she became his ghost-god immediately realized she could force him to commit suicide by cop if she wanted. this woman did all of this to him, and when given the opportunity to just let her die--arguably justifiable given her goals and how she threatened him and the fact her death was entirely of her own doing--he doesn't. even though "don't let this woman die", a morally good thing on its face, is actually "let this violent, selfish woman become god with the ability to remake the world in her image, while also becoming her slave" and he knows it.
because to him, that's preferable to the world he lives in. your world has to be so bad for that to be the case.
and it is! his world is that bad. not the physical actual world, which yes, is harsh and cold and dangerous outside the mosaic, but his world, his daughter, in an incurable coma. there is a cruelty to somebody you love being incurably sick. to the selfish, hurting heart, it can be worse than if they were just dead. you can mourn somebody who's dead, and move on from your grief, but as long as they're still living, you're shackled to hope, constantly grieving. there is no moving on, there is only waiting for it to end. you might bargain, as loic does in his search for the flower to cure her, but it's still just waiting.
and when ysme comes into his life, he gives up on waiting. he has been haunting his own life until then, doing good at lamplight because it was within his power while he was there, but i don't think it was ever with dedication. it was something to pass the time as he looked for the flower. essentially selling his soul, surrendering his free will to ysme, this incredibly dangerous, selfish woman, is better than living as he has been. because he's selfish too.
what i like so much about loic is that he's presented as this very kind, soft, unassailable dad who wants to do the right thing. A Down to Earth Good Guy, to contrast with the chaos of ysme, but he's fucking selfish! while he couldn't have predicted the raw physical power of exalted ysme, he still knew she would receive the power to remake the world. and he still decided: fuck this world.
the natural assumption is that his kindness will balance out ysme, and i'm here for that narrative, but honestly. i think she's going to make him worse. the seed of selfishness is already in him, and he's indulged it by giving her power over him, and that must be in some way a relief. he's effectively surrendered responsibility for himself and his actions over to her. he can no longer be fully blamed for anything now that she has power over him.
and i think he's tired of being nice. i think he's ready to go apeshit.
.........and while that would make a good button to end this on, i have to mention: there is a non-zero chance he thinks she's hot and the idea of being a goddess' slave is hot. he's a grown ass man who we know for a fact HAS fucked, and while ysme was like "i thought you were a dead wife guy. i guess you still could be" my money is on divorced. my theory is lia was going over to her mom's house in that flashback.
like yes, all of that above is the main motivator, but i'm not ready to discount sex. loic wants to be lifestyle dommed. because what i just described about surrendering his free will is literally the appeal of being a sub: giving somebody else control, so you don't have to feel the weight of it. this is a story for adults about adults and it is on that le guin shit of linking a sexual fantasy inexorably to the world building and plot thrust, and i am ESPECIALLY here for that.
and i think that's everything i had to say about loic soulsov. i am exorcised. i'm better now.
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twinklelilstarkey · 2 years
Man Flu - Jake "Hangman" Seresin
Words: 1.4k+ Type: Fluff Summary: You get Jake sick by accident, and, now, you have to live with the consequences. Warnings: No specified gender of the reader! Mentions of having a cold. Whiny Jake 💖
I do NOT give you permission to repost my work. If you’d like to read my stories on other platforms, you can find them on my Wattpad and AO3.
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You are the reason why Jake is sick. He came home from a mission not even a week ago, and you had just caught the flu right as he got home. You didn’t have any clear symptoms at first, so, obviously, you greeted your boyfriend as you normally would. Just two days later, you’re shivering, coughing, sneezing, and napping all over your shared home.
He took care of you during those days. You didn’t want to get him sick, so you offered to go sleep on the couch (which he declined, and he went to sleep there instead).
And even when the two of you had some distance between each other, there were times when it was inevitable. You two eat meals together, share a bathroom, share a room - where all your things are. God damn it, you two share a house. You could very much still pass him the flu.
And you did.
You had just felt much, much better yesterday. You didn’t feel tired or anything, and you didn’t even have any temperature close to a fever. You were almost cured. The two of you were ready to celebrate until… Jake coughed.
You can still remember vividly how he looked at you with widened eyes, his head was still turned to the side and his arm still close to his face. He looked at you for 20 seconds before saying:
“You just had to, didn’t you?”
The way you laughed at that even made him hold back a grin. And after all of your laughter, you made sure that he knew that there was a possibility of him being okay and not actually sick just because he coughed once. And, just like that, the two of you continued watching the movie on the TV.
During the night, you, a naturally light sleeper, heard Jake have coughing fits a few times. You heard him get up at one point to go have some water, but, every time you tried to go get him anything, he just told you to not worry and go back to sleep.
Today, the beautiful sun of a Sunday morning is shining through the windows of your home and the half-closed door of your bedroom. You are the first one to get up. Jake is sleeping on his stomach, head right in between his pillow and yours. You sit up on the bed and lay your hand carefully over his forehead, feeling the warmth against your palm.
You sigh, knowing that he must be sick, and cover him back with the sheets of the bed. He’s probably still going to sleep for another hour, so you decide to take a shower and start getting all of the medicine out of the drawer.
Almost as if you couldn’t be more right, you were in the kitchen when you heard Jake groan. You filled a tall glass with water and grabbed the pills he would need to take.
You walk into your bedroom, and Jake has now covered himself even further with the sheets on the bed. You lay everything down on the bedside table and quietly tell him to take everything. As you do it, you quickly go fetch him the blanket in the living room. The same one that warmed you up during your own cold.
Jake is finishing his cup of water when you get back in the room. He’s sitting on the side of the bed and trying to hide the way he’s shivering. It also isn’t helping that he went to bed in just boxers. You watch him as he gets up, and looks over at you.
“I hate this.” He simply whispers.
You offer him a sympathetic smile and hand him your blanket, which he gladly takes it from your hands and throws over his shoulders.
Jake isn’t very talkative when he first wakes up, less so when he’s sick, so, you just let him go take his shower and decide what warm clothes he’s getting into while you finish up with his breakfast.
When he appears in the kitchen, you almost have to smile. He’s leaning on the doorframe, has the thickest hoodie he owns on, a pair of sweatpants, your fluffy blanket over his shoulders, and the face of a dead man while he closes his eyes. 
Only after regaining his strength, he reopens them and walks over to you. Right as his arms are around you in a hug and his cheek is laying on the top of your head, you hear his voice once more.
“This is all your fault.”
You laugh against his chest and squeeze your arms around his torso. The two of you stay like that until your timer for the food goes off.
You push back a little and retreat your arms from around him. Jake doesn't even move an inch. Deep down, you know that there is no way that he’s letting you go any time soon. But you try it anyway.
You decide to try to walk around with Jake still very much glued to you, and you sigh as soon as it becomes impractical - the blanket close to the flame on the stove, type of impractical.
You push him back and force him to sit on one of the chairs from the kitchen’s small table. He lets you maneuver him all you want but, when he’s sitting down, his arms wrap around your hips and the back of your legs, and his head is laying right over your stomach.
You look over your shoulder at the food, just checking quickly if nothing is burning, and you run your fingers through Jake’s hair comfortingly.
He closes his eyes, absorbing all of the affection you’re obligated to give him since he’s sick, and pulls you in even closer to him. You take various looks at the stove while giving him all he wants, and, when it’s time to pull away, you lay a kiss over his hair.
After eating, Jake kept you company while you washed the dishes and, soon, fell back on the couch.
He groans at everything he does, and all you do is look at him since he has very much occupied all of the seating in your living room.
He pulls on your hand and makes you lay on top of him. You do just that and go ahead and turn on the TV. He holds you close as watches his favorite show, but, before he knows it, his eyes are closed and he’s back asleep.
Unknowingly, the two of you got this day out of the way and innocently thought that it truly would be the worst one. Nothing would’ve prepared you for what came next.
Not even a day later, Jake now drags himself up and down the hallway as he walks. He sleeps the whole afternoon and groans every time he awakens from his slumber. He complains every time he has to cough, sneeze or wipe his nose. He whines when he loses his sense of taste in the food, and, best of all, he complains when you aren’t there beside him. 
You thought it was cute at first. The way he wants you on the bed when he's feeling like taking a nap, or the way he would always lay his head on your thighs or your chest. Maybe even the way he hugs you every time you're standing and doing something else. It’s adorable when you think about it, but, it soon became your punishment.
Being with him all that time means hearing his constant whining, as well as having to live with his constant need to be glued to you. It was his way of punishing you for getting him sick and you knew it. There even was a time when he told you to wait outside of the bathroom while he went to pee. You swear to God that he looked you dead in the eye and said:
“Stay here.”
Also, there's this face he makes every single time he notices that you got off him while he slept on the couch. He grunts even louder when he wakes up. By the fourth day into this flu, you're ready to suffocate him with the pillow (lovingly, of course).
Jake, just like that, gets better and better by the day. Soon, he abandons the couch and comes to nap on outside chairs beside you on the porch. And you swear that he’s always turning away to smile when he whines out loud for you to get him something or do something to make him feel better. The little shit.
“You know, now that I think of it… this cold wasn’t that bad.” He concludes while you’re watching a movie on the couch.
You are so staying in the spare room the next time you get sick.
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I'm sorry this is so quick and even a little vague - I wrote this before watching the movie and I just felt like it was good enough to post. Hope you enjoyed it <3
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