#Healing Crystals for beginners
ask-aliasgar · 4 months
Amethyst Crystal
Amethyst, a mesmerizing violet variety of quartz, is one of the most popular and widely recognized gemstones in the world. Known for its captivating purple hues and historical significance, amethyst has been revered for centuries for its beauty and purported metaphysical properties. Let’s explore the characteristics, significance, and various uses of this enchanting gemstone. Characteristics of…
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theevenusianwitch · 1 year
a gentle reminder:
eat something. take your medicine. you are not a burden to others. your emotions are just as real as theirs and deserve to be listened to. relax your jaw and shoulders. it’s okay to take a break sometimes you deserve rest. it’s okay to be yourself. you’re not hard to love and anyone who opposes that does not deserve your time. you’re going to be okay.
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lil-hippiee · 1 year
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Very excited to start my van build.
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andromedasdomain · 8 months
Crystals 101
Crystals that are NOT safe in water: Fluorite Selenite Apophyllite Tangerine Quartz Gypsum Lepidolite Opal Azurite Apatite Halite Malachite Turquoise Ulexite Labradorite Celestite Pyrite Hematite ─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─── Crystals that are SAFE in water: Clear Quartz Rose Quartz Amethyst Citrine Tiger’s Eye Calcite Obsidian Aventurine Moonstone Amber Agate Bloodstone Carnelian (not in salt water) Smoky Quartz Jasper
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
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arcane-trail · 2 years
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🔮 Witchy Goth & Pagan Shop 🔮
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wandoffire · 5 months
Spell Jar to radiate and manifest positive energy.
Cinnamon (healing, protection)
Lavender (happiness, peace)
Bergamot oil (energising)
Pink salt (cleanse, love)
Chamomile (peace of mind)
Rose (self love)
Thyme (purification)
Citrine (optimism, positivity)
Yellow wax
Substitute or exclude anything as you need.
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enchantedwitchling · 10 months
Crystal Magic for Beginners: Embarking on an Enchanting Journey
Crystals, those dazzling gems of the Earth, have a mystical allure that captivates the hearts of many. If you're new to the world of crystal magic and eager to explore the wonders these stones hold, you've come to the right place!
Welcome to the enchanting realm of "Crystal Magic for Beginners," where we embark on a magical journey to discover the immense power and wisdom these precious gems can bring into our lives.
1. Choosing Your First Crystals 🌈🔍
With countless crystals to choose from, finding your perfect match can be a thrilling adventure. Begin by exploring the most common crystals like clear quartz, amethyst, and rose quartz. Allow your intuition to guide you as you feel their energies and pick the ones that resonate with you the most.
2. Setting Your Intentions 🌟🌌
Crystals are like cosmic companions, amplifying our intentions and desires. Before you start working with them, take a moment to set your intentions—whether it's enhancing love, boosting creativity, or finding inner peace. Infuse your chosen crystals with these intentions to create a powerful connection.
3. Cleansing and Charging 🌬️🌞
To awaken the full potential of your crystals, give them a refreshing cleanse to clear away any previous energies. You can use running water, moonlight, or smoke from sage or palo santo to purify them. After cleansing, bask them in the light of the sun or the glow of the moon to recharge their energies.
4. Creating Sacred Spaces 🏰🌠
Designate a special place in your home to honor your crystal collection. Arrange them on a crystal grid, an altar, or simply display them on a beautiful cloth. This sacred space becomes a portal of inspiration and connection with the magical energies they embody.
5. Crystal Affirmations and Meditation 🧘‍♀️💎
Embrace the serene world of crystal meditation and affirmations. Hold your chosen crystal in your hand, close your eyes, and allow its energies to wash over you. Recite empowering affirmations to align yourself with its energy, awakening your inner magic.
As we embark on this journey into the wondrous world of crystal magic, remember to embrace the process with an open heart and a curious mind. Crystals are not merely rocks; they are cosmic allies ready to guide you toward self-discovery, empowerment, and healing.
So let us embrace the enchantment of crystal magic, where the sparkle of each gem mirrors the brilliance within ourselves.
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stonesbyhaille · 1 year
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wizard-irl · 1 year
Buying Crystals - Summary and How to Buy
Part 7 of 7 on a guide for buying crystals. Read the rest here!
So now we are done. Hopefully, you’ll walk away from this as a smarter customer and have a deeper knowledge of crystals that goes beyond metaphysics. 
In summary:
Mineral mining, in general, often coincides with human exploitation in developing countries without proper labour regulations. The workers are not paid fairly and are not given adequate safety equipment. The money from mining is more likely to go to militant groups than to the workers. If a seller does not disclose the source of their minerals in more detail than the country, don't buy from them.
Synthetic crystals are not lesser than natural crystals as they are chemically and structurally identical. Their differences come from being grown in an environment best suited for their growth instead of the imperfect conditions in the Earth. It then follows that a synthetic crystal would not be metaphysically different from a natural crystal. If a synthetic crystal picks up the energies of the lab, why wouldn't a crystal pick up the miners' pain? If a seller does not disclose a crystal being synthetic, don't buy from them.
Crystals may be modified in many ways. Such modifications may not be disclosed or passed off as natural crystals. If a seller does not disclose modifications, don't buy from them.
Crystals are often sold under different names, some of which are trademarked. If a seller owns a crystal's trademark, don't buy from them. Be wary if a seller does not own the trademark but sells a trademarked crystal. Find a crystal's "generic" name before buying a trademarked crystal or one with an unusual name.
Many crystals are outright faked. There are many ways to find out if your crystal is real. Andara crystals are glass slag. If a seller does not disclose their listing is an imitation, don't buy from them.
Due to this lack of scientific basis in crystal healing, proving claims about a crystal's metaphysical efficacy is difficult. This means sellers are all too willing to use your spiritual beliefs against you by using terms such as "supercharged," "Pleiadean," "high vibrational," etc., to make you think a crystal deserves more money than it does. If a seller relies heavily on spiritual buzzwords to sell you the value of a crystal, don't buy from them. If you wouldn't buy the crystal without spiritual buzzwords attached to it, don't buy it. 
And now, what should you look for when it comes to buying crystals?
Know how to search. Using "crystal" is going to give you purely metaphysical options. Search Google with "[name] -healing" to filter out any metaphysical stores and results.
Know the physical properties of your crystal. Metaphysical properties are great at finding what you need but aren't useful in how to find it. I'll make a separate post about this since there's a lot to cover, but at minimum, know a crystal's common colours, chemical composition, and crystal system. MinDat is a great resource for this.
Stay away from metaphysical sellers until you know what you're doing. Again, due to the impossibility of verifying their spiritual claims, metaphysical sellers are more likely to manipulate you into buying something for a higher price. I have also seen metaphysical sellers leave off where a crystal was mined from more commonly than non-metaphysical sellers. Until you get a good feel for scams or have good reason to trust this particular metaphysical seller, stick to non-metaphysical sellers.
When you find a listing, look at what name the crystal is listed under. Look out for trademark symbols, fanciful names that evoke an emotion or appeal to spirituality, or otherwise odd names. "[crystal] trademark" is a good way to check. As an easy reference, I have compiled crystal names and trademarks with their "generic" counterparts.
See how the crystal is described in the listing. Does the crystal's apparent worth rely solely on its metaphysical properties? Does the seller emphasise its spiritual benefit? Will this crystal be more beneficial to you than others of the same type? Metaphysical language itself is not a hard red flag since sellers know part of their customer base is people who use them metaphysically, but overuse of it to the detriment of describing the specimen itself is.
Find what country the crystal was mined in. Be aware of areas of active conflict and the mining regulations in developing and least developed countries. These countries are more likely to have laxer mining regulations, meaning more room for worker exploitation. I have seen sellers being cagey about their source country; if they are, look elsewhere. If you're buying in person, ask the store staff if they know. You can't be sure you're not contributing to exploitation if they don't.
Find the location or mine a crystal was mined in. A specific mine is best, but states, provinces, etc., may also be helpful. Look up "Are [location] 's mines ethical" or "Is [mine] ethical." See if there's any public statement regarding working conditions and sustainability. If a specific location is not listed, be wary. Working conditions can vary within a country.
Are there multiple images of the crystal provided? Is there a video of the crystal in someone's hand? More importantly, do these photos/videos appear elsewhere online that are not connected to the seller? Fraudulent listings are quickly revealed with a reverse image search if they reuse images from elsewhere.
Look at the price and compare it with similar listings. Overpricing is revealed by doing this. Don't compare it to another listing of the same mineral from the same seller. If you compare a price from a metaphysical seller, only compare it to others if you trust the other seller.
Finally, look at reviews if reviews are available. Don't stop at reviews on the seller's site; look at other sites. Reviews may mention things the seller wouldn't and may include images of their own as proof of purchase. Searching "[site/seller] credible/trustable/scam/reviews" is a good place to start.
Good, Suspect, and Bad Listings
These listings are fictitious but based on listings I’ve seen before. Both listings describe the same specimen.
Good Listing
From a site called “Mining Auctions:”
Quartz var. Amethyst Mined in the Four Peaks Amethyst Mine, Arizona. This specimen is a sharp, sceptre-habit crystal with rich purple hues at its tip that transition into being colourless at its base. Minor red inclusions on the base, likely iron. Amethysts is derived from the Greek word “αμεθύσκω,” meaning “not drunken,” as it was believed to prevent drunkenness when put into wine.
Amethysts is derived from the Greek word “αμεθύσκω,” meaning “not drunken,” as it was believed to prevent drunkenness when put into wine.
This listing tells you all you need to know: what it is, what it’s shaped like, what colour it is, and any other pertinent information, such as its inclusions. This mine is known for amethysts, and, being US-based, it is ethical in its treatment of its workers. While it does give a brief metaphysical mention, this is in an etymological context and does not dominate the listing. This is a trustable listing.
Suspect Listing
From a site called “Beauty Crystals:”
Amethyst Sceptre Amethyst sceptre from the US with minor iron inclusions at the base. Amethyst is a powerful crystal used in antiquity to relieve addictions, and supports inner strength. It connects with the third eye chakra to connect the physical plane to higher planes, and opens and activates the crown chakra to allow access to divine wisdom. Amethysts will fade in sunlight.
This listing, while it does give you essential physical information, including that amethysts fade in sunlight, there is no specific information provided for where it was mined. While a crystal mined in the US is almost certainly ethical, this will not be the place for other countries. Furthermore, the metaphysical descriptions, most of them appropriative, dominate the description to the detriment of the rest of the specimen's appearance. I would be wary of this seller and listing, but I wouldn't say to never buy from them based on this listing.
Bad Listing
From a site called “Lemurian Crystal Healers:”
Amazethyst™ Reiki Wand Normal amethysts are renowned for their ability to regulate emotions, relieve stress, and enhancing psychic ability. However, when we checked its energies, we found that it had the energetic signatures of the Pleiadeans!  The Pleiadean lightcodes have made the psychic abilities of amethyst more pronounced, as this crystal vibrates on a high vibrational 12D energy spectrum that allows you to connect with your galactic family and your past reincarnations. It’s emotional effects are also more pronounced, fantastic for depression, anxiety, and bipolar. Its purple hues stimulate the Third Eye Chakra, and may be used to trigger your Kundalini Awakening. As said in a channeled message from Archangel Uriel, was used in both Atlantean and Lemurian societies to help clear the mind and stabilise negative emotions. They emit pure love and light and will flood one’s soul with love, peace, divine power, and joy. Amazethyst™ has red iron inclusions, mixing the Divine Feminine energies of the Pleiadeans with the Divine Masculine. Amazethyst™, as all crystals, are multidimensional beings that have come to Earth to help us with our Ascensions. They remind us of our own magical beingness that allows us to achieve our own Divine Christ-Self.
It’d be easier to break down what this listing does wrong in a list:
The site’s name uses New Age buzzwords (Lemurian) and metaphysical-connoting words (crystal, healers).
The cutesy, trademarked name.
Undue emphasis on metaphysical properties.
No area is given for where the crystal was mined.
New Age buzzwords (Pleiadeans, 12D).
Misuse of scientific terminology (vibrational, spectrum).
Appropriation (reiki, chakras, Kundalini).
Spiritual appeals to authority (channelled message from Archangel Uriel).
Weird capitalisation (Divine Feminine/Masculine, Ascension, etc.).
Meaningless fluff (What does “Divine Christ-Self” mean? What is “Ascension?”).
This is a listing you should never trust and a seller you should always avoid. And if this listing makes you want to buy it even more, remember that this seller likely doesn’t give a damn about your spiritual well-being or at least cares more about your money.
Now we are finally done. This was a several-week effort of trying to fit together everything I know about crystals and an intentional effort to try to not sound mean so that I don’t scare away anyone who needs to hear this. My issue with people buying crystals isn’t that they’re buying them, but that people are allowed to sell crystals without disclosing what they need to disclose and shoving as much spiritual-babble into them to make them seem like they’re worth more. That is the issue.
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Handmade Spell Candles
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ask-aliasgar · 4 months
African Jade
“African Jade,” often referred to as “Green Garnet” or “Transvaal Jade,” is a captivating gemstone with a rich green hue and a variety of metaphysical properties. Despite its name, African Jade is not a true jade but belongs to the garnet family, specifically the grossularite garnet variety. Let’s explore the unique characteristics, significance, and uses of African Jade. Characteristics of…
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theevenusianwitch · 1 year
spiritual hygiene reminder-
this one’s for me too:
relax your shoulders. breathe in slowly. breathe out slowly. cleanse your space. open a window. sit with some selenite. meditate with some blue lace agate. light some incense. take a bath. take a spiritual bath. your deities are still there. sit with them. talk to them. it’s okay to take a break from your practice. it’s okay if you don’t have the energy right now. eat something. cover your head. burn a bay leaf. pull a card or do any divination of your choice. it’s okay to rest. you deserve rest. hold space for yourself if no one else will.
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lil-hippiee · 1 year
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All of them sound so yummy 💚
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isadorastarotcards · 1 year
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Reflection Spell - A spell to make a person realize how they hurt you
2 mini mirrors ( you can get them from micheals and also use a compact mirror) write the name of the person and what they did to you. Ex, persons name realizes how their words hurt me (you can choose to say your name or not). On the other mirror do a sigil either to banish them from harming you, protection or for realization.
Tip: cleanse mirrors before using them
Thyme for healing and protection.
Cloves for removing pain and stopping negativity energy from harming you. Also a good anti-gossip herb.
Garlic for a little kick and breaking down negative mindsets
Sage for reflecting on actions and healing
Tip: If you want some extra spice and a little bit of karma on the person add red chili pepper flakes or anything else spicy
1 small candle for sealing the two mirrors and herbs together use red, black or white and inscribe a sigil or rune on the candle.
After you have all your herbs sandwiched in between the mirrors facing each other seal together the mirrors and imagine your intent while doing it.
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arcane-trail · 2 years
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🔮 Witchy Goth & Pagan Shop 🔮
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lunasapphire · 9 months
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Crystals ✨
Quartz key
Small Miss Agate tumble
Small chunk of Moldavite in a locket
Small Fluorite gaming controller tumble
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