#how to use Crystals
coven-of-genesis · 1 year
How to use crystals
Crystals can be used in various ways to harness their energies and benefits. Here are some common methods of working with crystals:
Meditation: Hold a crystal in your hand or place it nearby while meditating. Focus your attention on the crystal, allowing its energy to support your meditation practice and enhance your intentions.
Crystal Grids: Create a crystal grid by arranging multiple crystals in a specific geometric pattern. This combination of crystals amplifies their energies and intentions. Select crystals that align with your goals and place them in a pattern that resonates with your intention.
Wearing or Carrying: Wear crystals as jewelry or carry them in your pocket or purse throughout the day. This allows you to benefit from their energies and keep them close to you as a reminder of your intentions.
Placing in Your Environment: Position crystals in your home or workplace to enhance the energy of the space. You can place them on a windowsill, desk, or any area where you spend time. Choose crystals that align with the desired energy of the space.
Charging & Cleansing: Crystals absorb and radiate energy, so it's important to cleanse and charge them regularly. You can cleanse crystals by placing them under running water, burying them in the earth, smudging them with sacred herbs, or using other methods that resonate with you. To charge them, place them in sunlight, moonlight, or on a selenite charging plate.
Intention Setting: Before using a crystal, set your intention and focus your thoughts and energy on the desired outcome. Program the crystal with your intention by holding it in your hands, visualizing your intention, and speaking or mentally stating your affirmation.
Healing Practices: Crystals can be used in various healing practices, such as placing them on specific parts of the body during meditation or energy healing sessions. Explore different crystal layouts and techniques that align with your healing needs.
Remember, each crystal has unique properties, so it's essential to research and understand the specific attributes and energies of the crystals you are working with.
Trust your intuition when choosing crystals and experiment with different methods to find what resonates best with you.
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ancientgoddessofegypt · 3 months
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Alright! So today I want to talk to you guys about one of the most popular stones to date. The citrine. It has magical properties that helps with the alignment of manifesting desires into fruition. Opening up portals into the psyche to make things flow into your reality. So in this post, I will focus on the powers of the citrine, and how to use it as a tool for manifesting.
It has connections to the solar plexus.
This stone helps realign the star plexus and keeping the will power strong enough to obtain said desires and conquering goals.
The solar plexus is how we get the things we want when we want them, and this crystal forces the solar plexus into doing what needs to be done in order to getting it.
The law of attraction
This stone is a powerful tool in physical activity related to the law of attraction. We have to do the work to get what we want in return of receiving what we want. In order for things to flow, we must learn to work with the masculine/feminine magic that shapeshifts into our worlds. What citrines do here is helping you appreciate divine timing and flow of material reality. This is not something we can always control, we must appreciate the art of surrendering. It teaches you that controlling the outcome isn't going to benefit you, and meditation with the crystal will force you into what works and what simply doesn't. You have to be open to the opportunities that come up for you when giving intent to the stone. Ask and you shall receive, but remember some opportunities don't have illusions tied to them.
The power of the Citrine
The power of the citrine helps with flowing into our dream realities and awakening our will to be more connected with the earth. Grounding ourselves with practical magic and what works in the long run. If the solar plexus is out of alignment, then manifestations can be out of whack. It's job is to heal the ego in getting what it wants but without the consequence of going after the wrong things.. This is where the citrine comes in to help. The citrine can help with the lower chakras in the form of meditation by showing you outlets in order to heal them. It is a stone that connects intuitive thinking with logic, practical minds can have a dose of imagination and plan to go along with the desire in question. This stone is a gateway into higher realms and helps give you the blueprint to making your dreams into a reality. It is a booster of confidence, allowing you to see the abundance of possibilities with each manifestation. It helps you learn the codes that keep you in a stellar energy to receiving what you want out of life. It's a healing stone that creates a way when there isn't one. It's an eye opener to what truly works even when you thought it wasn't possible. The impossible dream becomes reality. That's the citrines magic.
The end!
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ask-aliasgar · 4 months
Types of Crystals
There are countless types of crystals, each with its own unique characteristics, colors, and metaphysical properties. Here are some well-known types of crystals that have captured the fascination of crystal enthusiasts and practitioners around the world: Quartz Crystal: Quartz is one of the most abundant minerals on Earth and comes in various forms, including clear quartz, amethyst, rose quartz,…
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vampirade · 20 days
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mothinflamesdoodles · 1 month
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Crossbones The Starlight Savior and his archnemesis Koffin K
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berryblu-arts · 3 months
hehe, messed up and over the top harumi design <3
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edit: shoutout to this post for the idea!
and this video for the motivation!! <- amazing ninjago edit!!! go watch itt!!!
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crystal-verse · 7 months
god i want. an au where it dosn't work. where it's just arr g'raha who's woken up, and he doesn't have all these memories and all these people keep looking at him like they're mourning someone. the world has changed and time has changed and all the people he knows have changed, but he hasn't changed, he was just sleeping, just sleeping, and the world nearly ended several times and apparently he helped prevent yet another end but he has no memory of this. they want him to join the scions. he does not know these people. (he barely knows the warrior of light, now, but did he ever truly know them in the first place?) his little sister is alive and well. she looks at him like a ghost. she's changed, and she's older than him now. he acts bratty and loud and brash to cover up the fact that he does not know anything it seems, and he is tired but he was sleeping for so long, so how could he be tired?
he doesn't know these people. they seem to know him. he wonders if he'd killed someone, when it was him and not that exarch who woke up. he wonders if it should have been him who was "killed" in that way, if it is him that lives and not that man who had known and become friends with all these figures from legend. he wonders if he'll always be fated to be a historian one step back from everything, because he simply cannot be a hero.
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harleybird · 14 days
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"My mother sent me back to boarding school the day after the funeral, far away from the sadness.
But the sadness came too."
Dead Boy Detectives | The Case of the Dandelion Shrine
Bonus Litty and Kingham:
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naturepunks · 2 years
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and i found jesus was a liar so i trade licks with muddy waters
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yeetusthemighty · 13 days
The creechur
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The silly (crazy? I was crazy onc-)
So I got inspired to finally post this guy because of this post by @z4n3jul13n (cool person you should look at their stuff)
full version with my doodles under the cut
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(I have a whole au based off of this guy)
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gay-strawberry · 18 days
okay but if ghosts cant feel physical touch. why does charles snuggle into edwins neck. if he cant feel it why would he snuggle
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reddpenn · 1 year
What makes a rock a rock and not a crystal?
A mineral is a naturally occurring non-organic solid with a defined chemical composition and an orderly molecular structure. This means the molecules throughout the entire structure will be exactly the same, and be arranged in a symmetrical, geometric, repeating pattern called a crystal lattice.
Quartz is a mineral. Its chemical formula is silicon dioxide, and its crystal lattice forms a repeating tetrahedron.
Ice is also a mineral. Its chemical formula is dihydrogen monoxide, and its crystal lattice forms a repeating hexagon.
Obsidian is not a mineral. It is a mineraloid, a mineral-like substance. Its chemical composition can vary wildly, and instead of a crystal lattice, its molecules are jumbled up in an amorphous solid, meaning there’s no nice repeating pattern to them.
A crystal is any solid material with a crystal lattice.
All minerals, by definition, have a crystal lattice. So all minerals are crystals! Some things that are NOT minerals are also crystals!
Sugar is a crystal. It has a crystal lattice made from molecules of sucrose. But it is not a mineral because it is organic.
Often, these repeating geometric patterns in the crystal lattice cause the substance to naturally form big geometric structures with distinct faces - such as the points formed by quartz. These larger structures are colloquially also called crystals, and their shape (called a crystal habit) is determined by the shape of the crystal lattice. The same crystal lattice can produce multiple different crystal habits, and it’s all very cool and complicated but I won’t go off on a tangent about it right now.
A substance does not have to form big structures like this to be scientifically considered a crystal. It just needs a crystal lattice!
A rock is a naturally occurring solid aggregate of minerals and/or mineraloids. It can be made of a single mineral, or a bunch of different minerals. But when made from a single mineral, it will not be one solid block of that mineral with an unbroken crystal lattice. Because it is an aggregate, it will be a bunch of micro- to macroscopic grains of that mineral all compacted together, each with their own individual crystal lattices.
Granite is a rock. It is made of grains of minerals such as quartz and feldspar.
Limestone is a rock. It is mostly made of grains of calcite.
So rocks can be made of crystals, but rocks are not crystals - in the same way that a house can be made of bricks, but a house is not a brick!
And this is just a very quick overview of these terms, because the scientific definitions can get increasingly pedantic and there are tons of weird exceptions! It is all very fascinating.
But of course, the word rock also has a colloquial definition, which is just… a chunk of that hard stuff the planet is made of! A mineral, a crystal, a fossil or a bio-organic solid… whatever! This is a rock collection and these are my rocks!
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bookshelfdreams · 14 days
hey do y'all ever think about the fact that Charles probably has told Edwin about being beaten as a child at some point during their 34 years of friendship? And that Edwin likely never found it remarkable enough to ask further questions because back when he was alive, beating children was completely normal
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berrydoodleoo · 1 year
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once, you were almost a ghost
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booasaur · 1 year
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Gotham Knights - 1x11
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ievaxol · 6 months
no one can unring this bell
on good days, the creaking hardly bothers him.
'tis simply part of the daily routine to draw from the well of his aether and breathe life into his limbs again upon waking, to close his eyes through the initial panic of being pinned to the bed by dead weight and then the secondary, slower burning one of that dead weight being attached to him.
it took a couple of years, but he got the hang of it eventually. for all the theatrics of his youth, g'raha has discovered a pragmatic streak that runs deep within him.
he'll trade an arm for a settlement, half a leg for a child with eyes the color of lakeland -- he'll barter, give and take and move the pieces he has with lips pressed together and eyes cast to a future that may well lay hundreds of years ahead.
his own body is merely another resource at his disposal. he sits down with stacks upon stacks of books on anatomy to find a way to have the aether penetrate all the way out to this fingertips, not for himself but because the dexterity is needed in order to fight.
lyna smothers him in salves and ointments and he lets her, if only so she can feel needed. there is no need to tell of an itch that goes deeper than skin, not when she frowns in determination and sets his heart to bursting with affection.
on bad days, it does bother him.
those days he lets the sleeves drop a little lower and he stays in the tower if he can, both relieved and sickened at the familiar hum of aether that cocoons him.
relief at knowing he'll be able to move the way he wants. that he'll be able to fool himself into thinking there is nothing wrong with him so long as he doesn't look upon himself and see the tattered remains of his dress branded into the mockery of flesh provided by the tower.
nausea at the calculations that perpetually run in the back of his mind, reminding him of the fact that his body is no longer his. how many ilms of skin does it cost to save a life? what limbs would he trade for the crystalline mean? does he have the right to grieve himself?
it would probably do him well to remember that the tower isn't sentient as such, yet he can never shake the feeling that it hungers for more. some days it feels as though he has placed himself in the maw of a starving beast that is simply waiting for him to grow a little more before its jaws snap shut.
and time is notoriously not on his side.
on the worst days, the creaking is all he hears.
when he's called out on extended business, or another summoning attempt falls flat, or someone dies, or, well --
it's so loud those days. the scrape of rock against rock, slow and relentless. it is inescapable, too, as his chest heaves with every breath he takes and the crystal moves with it, groaning and cracking like a live thing.
the warmth is siphoned first out of his skin and then out of the very air, leaving his teeth chattering and lyna's face engraved with a silent worry that he's scared will grow permanent, and he wants to weep at how the one supposed to protect her ends up hurting her the most.
every swallow is a struggle, every step a fight. the seams of his transformation cracks and bleeds pain until he's half delirious with it, overcome by the need to claw his way out, out, out of his own body and the prison it makes.
it's basic survival instinct after all, to run away from what's killing you. and here he is. walking toward it, sprinting some days, as if he truly can't wait.
he has a thousand things to do and a hundred places to be, and yet all he is capable of is humming under his breath to try and drown out the never ending sound of his own corpse being puppeteered.
a small prize to pay on the grand scale of things but gods.
gods does he long for silence.
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