#He AND Leo are theatre kids
fablefan · 2 years
"Donnie's villain arc" this, "Donnie's villain arc" that, that's all well and good, believe me, but the REAL question you should be wondering is when he gets his MUSICAL THEATRE ARC
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explodingstarlight · 2 years
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weaponizing your newfound "youngest" child status
everyone go read @snailsnaps fic "Alpha Stage"-- de-aged Donnie is giving me LIFE
👉 something of a sequel to this
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callmehere-iwillappear · 11 months
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vote cmh in the losers bracket donnie put a lot of work into getting that mic to work <3 @tmntaucompetition
+ pov everyone else bc that will never not be funny to me
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deadtiredghost · 20 days
I feel like everyone in rottmnt is dramatic enough to enjoy Musicals but Leo and Donnie in every iterations are the real musical buffs who watch everything and anything together.
Like sure April and Mikey will join them for Heather's and Raph loves Hamilton, but Leo and Donnie watch Cats and Wild Party religiously and sing all the parts together. The only other person in the house who likes Musicals the same as they do is their dad which makes it 'cringe' to them when he sings Chicago along with April is a firm believer he should stay singing Les Mis and away from their musical nights. (Randall has scarred them)
Enter Casey Jones Jr. Future boy who has only grown up hearing Leo and April singing songs to him from various shows that he knows the basic plot to.
So of course Leo and Donnie take it upon themselves to help this poor sweet summer child catch up in his rightful musical education.
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galaxymagick · 1 year
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221224 musical west side story cast | @brianyim68
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1eos · 1 year
sometimes i forget leo's a jock for a brief moment then i see he's snowboarding nd im like you do that? with your delicate bird ankles? then i remember he is indeed a jock and can do anything athletic. if i woke up to a kboo article abt leo linking up w tony hawk to skateboard for charity and the only thing that would surprise me is that tony hawk is taller
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tangledinink · 1 year
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edit: tag! fic!
ive spent a stupid amount of time recently thinking about a rottmnt au where circumstances allow splinter to figure out a way to get cloaking 'brooches' for himself and his children when they are still lil, giving him a chance to raise them as 'normal' kids. (normal kids who are genetically engineered mutant turtles, actually, and they're, like, SO good at sports, dude.)
surely nothing can break this idyllic illusion of a life that splinter has built. definitely nothing that rhymes with daron braxum.
i can only imagine this would work if the threat of both draxum and big mama were neutralized. i think in this universe, draxum's life of crime caught up to him much sooner than it does in canon, and he's imprisoned for his unethical experimentation when the turtles are still little-- raph maybe around six or seven, mikey around four or five. once splinter learns of this, he pulls every string he possibly can to 1) get cloaking crystals for himself and his family 2) cut a deal with big mama to ensure his children's safety.
after spending about a week or two in the sewers fucking drilling the cover story into the children's heads ("remember, mikey, what do you do if people start asking you too many questions?" "CRY!" "good boy!") he very nervously brings them up to the surface, armed with an elaborate story to explain his disappearance and new children and a shitton of forged documents. there was so much fucking paperwork, christ. (also, it turns out the blue one is biologically female? but he does not have the mental space to deal with that so they all just keep calling him leo, and he's totally fine with that. so.)
and he collects ALLLLLLL the royalties, babey.
(the kids are kids, and definitely slip up occasionally or do... weird shit. but, luckily, since they're small children, people pretty much just chalk it up as "oh, these kids have such wild imaginations.")
eventually, enough time passes that the brothers just kinda... forget that they were ever actually turtle mutants who lived in the sewers. coz, like, that's crazy, right? they're pretty sure they just imagined all that stuff. they weren't turtles, they were PRETENDING to be turtles... and people give them weird looks sometimes when they bring it up, so they don't.
overall, they THRIVE on the surface, to no one's surprise. they are, in fact, secretly genetically engineered super soldiers, actually. and they are crazy good at, like. so many things. especially martial arts! they compete at a national level on the regular, in addition to a shit ton of other extracurriculars (ballet, art, basketball, and cooking for mikey, swimming, basketball, gymnastics, and theatre for leo, dance, gymnastics, and swimming for donnie, not even to mention all his academic stuff, basketball, wrestling, and swimming for raph...)
they're still besties with april, obvs.
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all the rise boys get done dirty on characterization by fandom in different ways i think. (not ALL the time every fanwork etc etc these are just like, trends i tend to notice?) every fandom suffers from losing character nuance.
- leo i’ve talked about plenty on this blog, how some of his canon traits (genuine belief in his skill and cockiness, capacity for joy, his manipulativeness whether for good or ill) seem to get watered down or wiped off the board and supplemented with generic sad boy. his struggles with purpose and identity and not wanting to fail somehow morph into “he hates and completely holds no value for himself”
- donnie’s canon personality gets blurred out and largely replaced with whatever list of Neurodivergent Traits. and i think there’s such a fine line to walk between exploring a character that’s been word of god confirmed as on the spectrum and overwriting what’s canonically there. it’s a hard needle to thread. it also feels like a lot of his canon emotiveness gets left off the table for some reason. bc he does have his moments of flat/deadpan delivery, but a lot of the time he’s honestly very emotive. he has the passion of a theatre kid and the vindictiveness of... also a theatre kid. and the mind of a scientist.
- raph loses so much of his rowdy teen boy energy it’s kind of wild? like interpretations sand off that he’s also impulsive and can be reckless and dumb and LOVES fighting and roughhousing and isn’t the most eloquent person. suddenly there’s this pitch perfect soft boy big bro who would never hurt a fly and always says the exact right supportive thing and singlehandedly raised his 3 brothers (which simultaneously sands off all the nuance of splinter’s issues emotionally connecting with his sons and how that affected all of them). and like i LOVE raph, he’s so full of love and care and anxiety, he clearly has learned to put a lot of work into being aware of his strength and size. but there’s a difference you know?
- mikey is like. where raph gets overparentified by fanon, mikey gets over “family therapist”-ed IMO. the impulsiveness, the goofiness, the powerful emotions including a VERY powerful temper, the flat-out dumb teen boy choices... they get ignored. suddenly there’s this only very sweet and earnest boy who has read a hundred psychology books and runs group family therapy weekly or something. he is crying in his room bc leo and raph are arguing about something. which is so. he IS very sweet and can be very earnest and is full of love! he HAS come in with his opinions and unsolicited advice a couple of times and life coached for the greater good. but there’s a difference between what he does in canon and the role he gets in fanon.
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notemaker · 9 months
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(He's a theatre kid.) Mikey: Dw guys he's just having fun.
Leo: Right. I feel like every day he's one step closer to his villain era. Raph: wait...wasn't he, already?
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bomber-grl · 5 months
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Leo Valdez x Child of Dionysus 🍇 ₊˚⊹
Pairing(s): Leo Valdez x Gn! Reader
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Never did Leo imagine that he’d get with a Dionysus kid 🚶‍♀️
You guys most likely met at a party at your cabin, which is a more than often occurrence
Even before the party at your cabin that really made you two interact, he always seen you around camp and he’d be lying if he said he didn’t feel a little attracted to you
A distinct memory of his was when he barely got to camp and was given the tour by Annabeth was when they passed the strawberry fields.
She had vaguely pointed it out and mentioned the non saytrs were children of Dionysus and moved along
But his eyes kept drifting back to you to the point where annabeth had to physically drag him but before doing so, she told him your name then sighed and moved along.
So imagine his surprise when he’s just eating breakfast at the pavilion and is invited to the party by not just any Dionysus kid , but you
You had ran up to him and acted as if you’d been friends since forever
You slung an arm around him and invited him and whoever he wanted to bring along, all you said was just to go to your cabin whenever
So he did, and surprisingly it was fun
He surprised he’s never been to a party hosted by you guys before
Plus it was a little disturbing how the harpies just completely ignored your over curfew partying
And underage drinking he’s just glad that he didn’t sleep there; trash was everywhere -
After that party you guys just got closer and closer, mostly because of efforts on your part but he never minded
You’d go up to him and hang out while eating dinner and then get called back to your table by your dad
Your dad
That’s a whole other issue , Leo’s first impression of Mr D wasn’t exactly the best but let’s get back to the subject at hand
You’d even invite Leo to the strawberry fields to just hang out
Which what would he even do-?
This got you scolded by some passerby demigods on there way elsewhere
Which you completely didn’t care about and gave your snarkiest remark then turned back to him like nothing ever happened…🧍‍♀️
Situations like this became even more frequent and he started seeing why Dionysus kids got dirt for being so sassy…
It’s even worst since you remind him so much of those theatre wannabe kids that he used to go to school with except you actually know how to act and stuff
As a matter of fact, all your siblings have this thing about them
Some of you guys act a bit unhinged too which sometimes he can’t help but question
That opinion changes once you play a game of capture the flag or just go into battle.
He sees you use the lesser known aspect of your godly parent’s abilities
Your ability to be able to affect the sanity of others was honestly scary to see
Boy is he glad that he’s on your side..
What he thought would shock him, kinda sorta didn’t. The fact that the majority of your siblings are lazy, foul mouthed, prone to anger issues is what he thought you’d be and luckily, it isn’t your main personality trait
Going back to your dad, Mr. D…
It’s honestly just so painfully awkward 🧍‍♀️
Especially after you two got together with the help of your friends from the apollo and demeter friends
Which only ever happened because of your green thumb and your interest in theatrics
Well the reason it got so awkward was mainly when you’d invite him to sit at your table too
Despite being against the rules-
The two of you were enjoying your time while idly sitting then all of a sudden your two brother started pointing with their eyes behind you.
Then Mr.D cleared his throat and told you to send your little boyfriend back to his table before he made him
It’s so bad especially when you decided to sneak Leo into your cabin since you have fewer siblings than him
He stayed the night and luckily your siblings gave you some privacy
The two of you admittedly cuddled the whole time and it would sorta get awkward when they’d tell you to shut up and you’d retort back
Well this became sorta a habit until you walked Leo into your cabin and mr d in all his glory was there
It was literally just the two of you 🧍‍♀️
Mr d just turned to Leo and told him to walk away and maybe he wouldn’t snitch, maybe throw in a wine bottle?-
Let’s be real, people sleeping in each others cabins is probs the norm
Well after Leo and mr d left you turned to your siblings and they all said they didn’t snitch
Which, who even knows if they’re telling the truth 🚶‍♀️
Anyway, because of how unhinged or wild Dionysus kids are known to be you and Leo aren’t exactly a surprising match
I mean, most times you’re just joking and teasing with the other
It’s even gotten to the point where when one of you isn’t with the other people literally ask where your “other half” is
It’s honestly rlly cute but definitely shocked u the first time u heard it
The first time mr. D caught u sneaking Leo in wasn’t the first instance, in fact it was the first of many
In fact, you and Leo decided to walk along the lake. It wasn’t night time yet, the sun was just setting
You really don’t even know how it happened but next thing you knew the two had kissed
At this point the two of you had made it near the big house so of course people would see you
But what you didn’t expect was for me d to call out and tell you guys to do that elsewhere.
I mean atleast he didn’t tattle
Until you and Leo wake up the next morning and are put to cleaning duty as punishment.
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Hi, can i request a headcanon for rottmnt turtles with a gn!reader who loves watching movies and play video games with them?
TMNT Boys x Gamer!GN!Reader Headcanons
Pairings: Rise!TMNT x GN!Reader
Summary: How the boys would react to a S/O who enjoys gaming and movies
Warnings: none
Type: Romantic ❤️, Fluff ☁️
A/N: Sorry this took so long! I'm working on applying to colleges right now, so I'm super behind with requests! Hope you enjoy <3
Headcanons start below cut.
Rise of the TMNT Masterlist
Main Masterlist
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Rise!Raph x Reader
Raph is pretty into games
He's not as good as his younger brothers, but he takes every opportunity he can to bond with you
Due to his size, he can sometimes struggle with games since the controller is so much smaller than his hands
Though he hides it well, Raph is just as competitive as his brothers
Since he sometimes struggles with gaming, he makes sure to always team up with you during games night to make sure he's on the winning team
Raph prefers cozy games like animal crossing or stardew valley over more competitive games
One of his favorite things to do with you is vist each others islands and have animal crossing dates
Aside from gaming, watching movies is one of his favorite ways to spend time with you
Before you started dating, he would drag his brothers and April out to the living room for mandatory movie nights at least once a month
Once you start dating, the two of you have ~private~ movies nights together once a week
He’ll watch just about anything, but he can’t handle horror
His favorite movies are either action movies or Disney movies
Since the two of you can go out to normal movie theaters, the two of you sneak out and watch drive-in movies from the rooftops of New York
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Rise!Donnie x Reader
Donnie is very into video games
If you've seen the purple game, you know how competitive Donnie can get
If you're as good as him, he'll be very excited to have a worthy challenger
His brothers can never keep up with him, so the two of you will spend days locked up in his lab playing video games until Raph breaks down the door and makes you sleep
Even if you’re not as good as Donnie, he still won’t go easy on you
He may love you, but he loves winning even more
Like Raph, Donnie always teams up with you during games night
Not that he can't hold his own, but he enjoys the bragging rights when the two of you absolutely demolish his brothers in super smash bros
Even though he'd much prefer to play video games, Donnie will still watch movies when you ask
Even though he agrees to watch movies with you, you won't always enjoy it
Donnie has the tendency to talk during movies
Don't expect to actually hear what's going on in the movie
Donnie will spend the entire movie pointing out scientific inaccuracies and spoiling the plot, especially if it’s a sci-fi movie
Donnie is very theatre kid coded, so I think he would really enjoy musicals
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RIse!Leo x Reader
Leo LOVES gaming
He's not as good as Donnie or Mikey, but he's just as competitive
In addition to be super competitive, Leo's also a very sore loser
He's the type of person to turn off the tv right before someone beats him in Mario Kart
Leo would team up with you during game nights to leech off of you and take all of the credit
He also really enjoys watching movies with you, especially if you’re into sci-fi
Instead of staying cooped up in the lair, he usually just portals you into the back of regular movie theaters where you won’t be seen
Leo also tends to talk during movies
He doesn’t spoil the plot like Donnie, but he’ll ask you questions about the movie that you also don’t know the answer to
He’ll spend the whole movie asking you who certain characters are and why they do certain things, which you also don’t know because you haven’t seen the movie
He also really enjoys movie marathons, so be prepared to spend a week straight watching the entire Jupiter Jim franchise
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Rise!Mikey x Reader
Mikey is the second best gamer in the family after Donnie, but he’s not quite as competitive
Besides Raph, Mikey is the most likely to go easy on you and let you win
Even though he’ll go easy on you, the same cannot be said for his brothers
During game night he’ll make sure to pair up with you and give you some of the credit when the two of you beat his brothers
Mikey is a really big movie lover, so watching movies with you is one of his favorite things
He’ll watch any movie you want, but prefers not to watch horror
His favorite type of movie is definitely Disney movies
His brothers are always hovering when the two of you hang out at the lair, so he prefers sneaking over to your house and watching movies in a blanket fort in your room
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proseka-headcanons · 19 days
each group has met each other once as kids. and I mean as groups.
leo/need...is leo/need.
ena and akito one day went to an art museum with their dad. mafumom also brought mafuyu to teach her the beauties of art. kanade and her parents were there for the sake of a family hangout, and mizuki was on a school trip. they were both in elementary school. they happened to manage to talk to each other, each curious about the other, before being quickly pulled away by their parents who didn't notice they went missing.
airi, shizuku and minori met in front of a set of tvs in a tv shop. they were displaying haruka sharing the one happy message that got minori going as a kid, and they discussed it with big smiles on their faces. unknowingly to them, haruka was standing not too far away, blushing and too shy to approach them but grateful for the compliments.
kohane was on her way to school when she saw an's relatives singing at the side of the street. an was with them, though she was just watching. akito was also in the crowd. this all hapoened in front of toya's house, and he got out in secret, curious about the music, standing on the front porch. an ended up spotting toya and starting a conversation, which made kohane curious and she joined. after an being mentioned by the singers, akito also joined in out of curiosity, and they played together for a bit. then kohane remembered about school, thought it was too late and went back home ready for a scolding.
kohane found out not too long after that there wasn't school that day in the first place.
all of wxs met at a theatre to watch a musical. it was also the first time saki met emu. saki, tsukasa and emu had loud and cheerful conversations about the show, while rui and nene were bothered by the noise.
(ps: I read the guidelines. if this has to be passed over to every single mod, you don't have to post it if it's too much of a hassle 😭)
these are so cute omg 🥺🥺🥺 also dw abt the guidelines we have Secret Rules to keep things convenient for us
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violynt-skies · 2 years
donnie loves to dance and leo clearly has a knack for acting and they’re both dramatic as fuck and-
oh no they’re b o t h theatre kids
leo’s favorite musical would probably be smth like legally blonde.
but if asked he would say sm shit like spongebob so ppl think he’s just joking and don’t take him seriously bc he’s a little embarrassed abt it (tho it rlly isn’t a bad musical tho, it’s actually quite entertaining but ppl outside the theatre community wouldn’t know that lmfao)
donnie would probably be a fan of phantom of the opera or les mis?? gotta love the classics
but i also feel like he’d ironically like be more chill solely bc of the entire squip concept. tho he hates jeremy bc he’s such a simp the entire time lmfao. can relate to michael tho
they both love mamma mia and honestly who doesn’t
and also mean girls
leo can perform the entirety of candy store
I mean really just look at them you can’t tell me this isn’t some class A level theatre kid bullshit
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i rest my case.
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phoebepheebsphibs · 4 months
I once wrote a headcanon stating each of the Rise bois’ favourite musicals because let’s be real they live underneath Broadway and their dad is an actor of course they’re theatre kids…
If I remember correctly, I proposed that Raph’s fav was Hades Town, Mikey’s was Hamilton, and Leo’s was Wicked. I figured that Donnie’s fav was Be More Chill.
I am now altering that headcanon, I submit to you that Leo would enjoy In The Heights so much because of all the Spanish in that musical and if they love Lin-Manuel Miranda then OF COURSE Leo would love that musical. And I think that Donnie, though he does like Be More Chill, would absolutely ADORE Little Shop of Horrors.
(And no this has nothing to do with the fact that I recently became obsessed with the revamped musical with Jonathon Groff and Jeremy Jordan, what are you even talking about—)
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moonysfavoritetoast · 4 months
Introduction !!
last updated 5/5/24
about me
hi i’m evan or cosmo :)
i’m a minor (in middle school), don’t be a creep.
i use he/they pronouns, i’m transmasc, non-binary, and bisexual (very prevalent, i am always going insane over someone different)
prob somewhere on the ace spectrum
first post limit 3/12/24
expect vent posts from time to time
also also currently going batshit crazy over fallout
i complain a lot, sorry
will x isaac
deer :3 and and german shepherds :3
my hero is my father
watch just add magic, do it please /nf
nico <3
starr <3
alex <3
ace <3
mee <3
my wife is @meerealsssss
my wife is @homoashell
my wife is @catinasink
my wife is dominic
my wife is also undyne
my wife is also mrs claus
my wife is trashcan carla
my husband is @nasadoggo
my husband is @homoashell
my husband is @catinasink
my husband is @the-rizzly-bear
my husband is the man in the yellow hat
my husband is terzo. i will not be taking criticism at this time.
my husband is also rick sanchez
my husband is also jazon broadly
my husband is also izerah (fuck you what is his last name, mee?)
pac-man is also my husband
my husband is alastor (hazbin hotel)
lucifer is my husband (hazbin hotel)
my husband is rj maccready:3
my husband is john hancock (the gay one)
my husband is the ghoul (on my knees for that cowboy ass mf)
my husband is ford pines
lord farquaad is my husband
my partner is @alexthescaredenby <3 <3 <3
my partner is @homoashell <3
my partner is @catinasink <3
like: music, tv, friends, my cat, cool socks, writing, rick sanchez, genloss, tadc, musicals/theatre, undertale/deltarune, ducks
dislike: loud noises, silence, school
i’m currently obsessed with: ghost, dreamscape nexus, rick and morty, gravity falls, etc
i post about:
• marauders
• (mostly) random thoughts
• dreamscape nexus
• other random things
• rick and morty
• gravity falls
• percy jackson
• undertale/deltarune
• hazbin hotel
• helluva boss
• fallout
i have a younger sister (i call her crotch demon online)
i have a cat named daniel tiger
i have two dogs, gunner and roxie
my irl friends:
@meerealsssss (claudia) (fake name)
@nasadoggo (ace my beloved)
if you’re interacting with me past midnight, i’ll probably be a bit sillier than normal
maps/pedophiles, z00philes, bigots, ED and porn blogs
if you don’t like furries and therians please get the fuck away from my blog
and if you shit on other’s religions, get away
what can you call me?
no: feminine related terms (unless you’re using them in a gender neutral way or as a joke) like girl, sister, wife, etc (bbg is always ok)
yes: boy, guy, partner, husband, dude, man (basically anything masculine/gender neutral)
@ricksanchezsboyfriend is my rick and morty sideblog
@mountainsmissingshoes is my ghost sideblog
@alastorsbigdick is my hazbin hotel rp sideblog (matching ace)
@giddingstexasenthusiast is my southern mom rp blog
@cryingunderstars is my writing sideblog
i am also @hadesfavoritechild
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extra info
i’m a leo (idfk i was born in early august)
tone tags appreciated
i’m some flavor of neurodivergent (except i’m clueless as to what it actually is)
i play trumpet
i’m a gryffindor
child of hades
i speak english (eventually will learn french, might learn swedish)
atheist and satanist
theatre kid (crew) currently doing radium girls
i write
i live in my own head. sorry.
i live in michigan and i guess this is shameful (shrimp bullies me for it)
i kin dipper pines
i have another sideblog. if you find it, idk i’ll give you chocolate or something (it’s embarrassing)
fuck wilbur soot. if i post about lovejoy, please know that i do not support him.
ask me about ghost (band) i have an oc and want to talk about them
send anon asks
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• screenshots of dm’s/discord/texts: #evan leaks their texts
• lyrics: #evan screams lyrics at you
• my asks: #evan gets an ask *gasp*
• anything related to my book w/ @meerealsssss: #brokenly beloved
• anything related to moonlex (@alexthescaredenby and i’s ship name): #moonlex tag
• dreamscape nexus: #dreamscape nexus / #dn
• bracelets i make: #evan’s bracelets
• ace’s shit quotes: #ace needs to shit
• me talking about the man in the yellow hat: #tevan tag
• pictures of me: #literally evan
• me screaming about something: #on todays episode of evan is slowly going insane
• certain anon who signs off with a ☀️: #☀️ anon
• shit about omori: #evan plays omori
• everything else: #evan's rambles
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people i talk about
my teachers :3
• mr sharpie/mr shark is my band teacher (he/him)
• mr boner/mr skeleton is my science teacher
• mrs dodds is my math teacher
• mr margarita/mr margarine is my social studies teacher
• ms kopykat is my english teacher
• mrs seals is the old ass transphobic building substitute
• mama is a teacher from last year (she/her)
• ms k was our student teacher in ela (she/her)
• mr jacobs is our theatre director
• ms carmen is from theatre
my irl friends :3
• crotch demon is my sister (she/her)
• my sweet little expired english muffin is @meerealsssss (she/her)
• ace @nasadoggo (any pronouns)
• wife part two is my wife, she asked me to not name her here (she/her)
• al/allie is from school :3 (she/her)
• smurf is from school (blue hair, hence the nickname) (he/him)
• tomato is from school (silly :3) (he/him)
• boom boy/isaac is from school (he made me a netherite pickaxe after someone else burned mine // the pick had unbreaking // boom boy likes tnt) (he/him)
• boomerang/matt is from school (he/him)
• (irl) alex is from school :3 (he/they)
• khris is from school
• colten is from school (father) (he/him)
• will @skibitygamer is from school (he/him)
• dom is from school (he/him)
• luca was from theatre (mf graduated)
• maryn is from theatre
• alex (n) was from theatre (also graduated)
• chris is from theatre
parents are now getting their own nicknames
• hades is my dad (he/him)
• will come up with one for my mom (she/her)
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where else can you find me?
wattpad (please don’t take this seriously)
tiktok (i do not post on this account)
facebook mom account
and discord (@moonysfavoritetoast)
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TMNT Fanfic Complaints
As this blog is mostly a space to vent, and I am currently obsessed with pretty much every iteration of the TMNT, I thought I'd throw together a list of things that make me close a fanfic instantly. If you like any of these things, then that's totally fine, but for the most part, any of these things will have me dropping a fic in minutes. A few of these are aligned with posts I've made in the past, but I am noting them down anyway as this is a way of me getting out a lot of my major complaints at once 😅
No.1 Having all the brothers be abusive (particularly towards Mikey), with bonus points for any crossover that will then have one version of the turtles chastising the others for the way they treat their brothers. It just doesn't work, every set have very specific dynamics, but none of them are abusive.
No. 2 Crossover fics that make it impossible to tell who is who. This can occur in a few different ways. One of which is that the authors completely fail to differentiate different universes, making every single version of the turtles talk and act in the same way. Another is when a fic gets flooded with nicknames/pronouns/usernames, without a decent key. If you have a crossover fic with even just 3 or 4 universes, but every single turtle has multiple sets of pronouns, multiple nicknames, and multiple usernames, you really need a way to make it clear who is who.
No.3 The 'poor baby Blue' phenomenon in which every version of the turtles seemingly forgets all of the horror they have suffered because of what the Rise boys have gone through, particularly Leo. I honestly hate it when I am reading a crossover fic and all of the trauma from every series is disregarded in the face of the Rise Shredder and Rise Krang, which brings me on to my next point...
No.4 Essentially an extension of No.3, but can we all finally drop the idea that the Rise Boys had the scariest villains? Sure, their Shredder and Krang were intense, but for the most part, their villains are all pretty much played for comic relief. Either 03 or 12 had the scariest villains. And before anyone comes at me like 'Oh, Rise Shredder was a demon, the Rise Krang managed to take over the world, etc', may I remind everyone that 03 also had a demon Shredder who took over the world (and multiple others including the one who took over in SAINW), and the 12 Triceratons straight up destroyed the Earth with a black hole?
No.5 Fics that give away traits from one turtle to another e.g. making any of the other turtles better at science/math/tech etc than Donnie. Each of the turtles has their own thing, and Donnie will always be the smartest academics wise. It annoys me to no end when people try and make any if the others, usually Rise Leo or 12 Mikey, out to be a genius like him. I actually once read a fic where Rise Donnie asked Leo to help someone with a chemistry question that he couldn't handle. It's ridiculous, and usually carries over from the headcanon that Rise Leo is the medic (is there genuinely any evidence for this in the show besides Leo having a pouch? Because the only time I can recall anything medical related being brought up was when Donnie mentioned Raph's allergies). I have also seen people talk about Rise Leo loving to dance more than Donnie, even when the show explicitly states on multiple occasions how much Bootyyyshaker9000 loves to dance (also making Leo a massive theatre kid when Donnie breaks into songs and dance numbers on multiple occasions.) Or when 12 fans make Mikey the artist when it is actually Raph.
No. 6 (people will probably be mad at this one) Stop making everything about Leosagi, please! He doesn't even exist in the Rise verse, yet the entire fandom is absolutely swamped with Leosagi content. It's annoying when you are reading a Rise fic, and then out of nowhere it all becomes about Leo's relationship with Usagi. These fics also tend to make Usagi the most bland character in existence, with his two defining traits being samurai and Leo's boyfriend. They even do this to Bayverse!! Or bizarre crossover ships that start taking over everything (Why is Mikey being shipped with pretty much all of the spiderman iterations now??(
No. 7 Any fic that has all of the Donnies despise each other. I don't know if this is bias, but I feel like most of the Donnies would enjoy having people on their level to discussbthings with, people who would respect their boundaries and listen to each other's rants. And before anyone brings up their egos, most of the Donnies are shown to be able to and even enjoy working with others who are around their level (Aprils, Leatherhead in 03, Fugitoids etc). I actually think that, aside from the Mikeys, the Donnies would probably get on the best.
No. 8 One of my biggest pet peeves (that I have complained about before) is acting as if any version of the turtles is far superior to the others in terms of intelligence, fighting skills, etc. The Rise boys do not solo every verse. If they had had more training, then yeah, they would be probably some of the strongest characters. But they haven't had the training of the other verses, and mystic powers cannot compensate for everything (considering the fact that they got absolutely bodied by their Krang, you think more people would realise this). The other iterations pretty much all have more formal training, more experience fighting a variety of opponents (Bayverse and the 90s are perhaps an exception to the greater variety of opponents here, but as Bayverse Raph alone can yeet a shipping container singlehandedly with no powers, I think they're good). In no universe should the Rise boys be giving any of the other characters fighting tips.
I will probably write more of these at some point, this was pretty cathartic 😅 I also promise that I do not hate Rise, I just have more issues with the wider Rise fandom than most of the other shows.
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