snixx · 1 month
every so often I pause for a moment instead of barrelling through blindly following all my impulses so I have a new distraction to keep me occupied 24/7 so I don't have time to think and then I realize how fucking INSANE I act on an every day basis how the fuck do yall put up with me lmao
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sabo-has-my-heart · 1 year
Hello! Could I request scenario number 3 and dialogue 5 fluff with Sabo as a character?
So I didn't want to make her a marine like I did with my Killer fic, I couldn't come up with a way to write her as a celestial dragon, but then I got this, so I hope you like it!
Warnings: Demon!Sabo, Fallen Angel/Demon!Reader, removal of wings, Fem!Reader (sorry, I wrote it before I thought about making it gender neutral)
Word Count: 1400
     It wasn’t supposed to be like this, these kinds of things weren’t supposed to happen to your kind. This was the kind of thing that was supposed to happen to him, to his kind. And it happened by their hand, no less. Not him, not them, but your own. How could they be so cruel? This… they… weren’t supposed to be like this. Angels were supposed to be merciful! Yet falling to the ground for probably the 5th time in the last hour, you were starting to realize that everything you’d once thought true might be a lie. Stumbling forward, your vision blurred, trying to make out buildings as you forced yourself ever forward. He had a home around here somewhere, an apartment in the mortal realm. You couldn’t go back, not after what they’d done, you couldn’t just go to his realm, you’d be torn apart. But you needed help, you needed someone to turn to. Honestly, you weren’t sure you had the right building, the right number, the golden digits all seemed to blur together. Add to that, the fact that you weren’t even sure if this was the right place, and you almost found yourself praying that this was the right place. But praying wouldn’t do you any good, not after what had happened to you. Praying would just help them find you, it would just bring them down upon you once more. Leaning against the door, you pounded a bloody fist against the wood. The moment the door opened, you almost fell, if not for the arms that soon made their way under you, holding you up. Looking up, you gave a weak smile when you spotted the familiar blond hair and scar. 
     “Nowhere else… can’t trust… please… help.” you muttered before losing consciousness.
     Sabo had seen a lot of things from his time in hell, he’d seen a lot from his time in the mortal realm. But this was something new. He knew you, you were an angel that regularly fought against him, one of the few people who could actually keep up with him. An intriguing angel that had caught his eye. Your beauty was nothing that surprised him, you were an angel, that was a given. What interested him was your willingness to bend the rules, your admittance that heaven and angels were flawed. Picking you up, he carried you inside, laying you down on the bed he kept. He didn’t need it, but from time to time, he enjoyed what the humans referred to as a ‘nap’. Looking you over, he winced. You were covered in injuries. Deep cuts and bruises, burn marks and jagged gashes. Yet none of it compared to the real horrors, your wings, once a beautiful brilliant blue, now torn asunder, bloody remnants barely hanging onto your back. Closing his eyes, he gently took what remained of one of your wings, cutting through the last couple of inches, pulling it away from your body before doing the same with the other. He hated doing it, but they’d never heal, you’d never be able to fly with them again, they would only bring you pain. Gently stroking some of the vibrant blue feathers, he sighed sadly. How many times had he complimented your wings while fighting? He’d considered them one of your most beautiful features. Slowly, he removed as many of the undamaged feathers as possible before setting the remains of the wings alight, burning until there was nothing but ash.
     It was days before you finally awoke, wrapped in bandages and aching all over. You’d never experienced this kind of pain before.
     “Hey, it’s good to finally see you’re awake. You uh, look like you’re in pain. I… would you like me to help?” Sabo asked, giving you a small, sympathetic smile.
     “What’s the cost? You’re a demon, right? There’s always a cost with your kind.” you said bitterly, looking away. Sabo sighed, walking over to you and sitting on the bed next to you.
     “No cost, or uh, nothing too bad. It’ll delay the healing process a bit, but you won’t feel any pain.” he offered, surprising you.
     “I… yeah, I’d like that… thanks.” you said, watching as a red glow emanated from his hands, the pain slowly fading away.
     “So you wanna tell me what happened or not ready to talk about it?” he asked once he’d numbed the pain, making you sigh.
     “You took me in and helped me. Whether or not I’m ready, you deserve to know.” you muttered, playing with the blanket that had covered you just a moment ago.
     “Hey, if you’re not ready, I can wait. No rush. Whatever happened was bad, bad enough that you came to me. If you need time, take it.” he offered. Shaking your head, you sighed.
     “No, it’s… best if I tell you now… you were right, you know. About the problems with heaven, about the other angels.” you said, surprising him. He’d honestly never expected to hear those words out of your mouth, “I don’t even know why they did it. They didn’t say anything. They just… they just tied me down and…” tears started to stream down your cheeks as your hands shook. 
     “Stop, you don’t need to continue. You can tell me later.” he said as he held you. You just nodded, holding him back. 
     Months passed before you told him what happened, the young man looking at you sympathetically. He’d told you about how he’d had to remove your wings, showing you the remaining few feathers that he’d carefully stitched into a miniature pair of wings for you. Sitting on the couch, you sighed, gently running your fingers over the soft blue feathers. Even though it reminded you of what you’d lost, it calmed you, let you think. 
     “Hey, can I ask you one thing?” Sabo asked, looking over at you, making you look up at him. 
     “You took me in, patched me up, and have let me stay, you can ask whatever you want.” you said with a chuckle, making Sabo chuckle as well.
     “Don’t worry, I won’t abuse this privilege.” he teased, “I was just wondering, why come to me? I get you couldn’t go back to heaven, but why not, I don’t know, find another fallen angel or an open-minded human? Why come to a demon? Why come to the demon you always fight against?” he asked, making you sigh.
     “Because you’re not a bad guy. I’ve fought you enough, known you for long enough to know that you’re a pretty good person…. Besides… I… I can’t stop thinking about you, no matter how hard I try not to. Even before… all this, you… you were often on my mind.” you said, giving him a tentative smile. Sabo smiled back, sitting next to you on the couch. 
     “I… I can’t give you your wings, can’t give you these wings back.” Sabo said, running his fingers over the delicate feathers, “but I can give you a way to strike back at the ones who took them from you, give you a chance to fight again, and a chance to fly again.” he offered. You smiled, gently running a thumb over the feathers. Getting up, you grabbed a lighter, taking a deep breath before holding it to the blue feathers, letting them burn. It was the last ties you had to your old self, to what you used to be. Sabo wrapped his arms around you from behind, comforting you as you both watched the miniature wings burn. 
     “You know, I fell in love with you a long time ago.” Sabo whispered, turning your head to face him. You couldn’t help but smile, reaching one hand up to caress his cheek as his lips pressed against yours. Large, blue, leathery wings wrapped around the two of you, encasing the both of you as you kissed. Pulling back, his wings pulled away, revealing a new pair of wings sprouting from your back. Just as blue as your old ones, yet these weren’t covered in the feathers of your old ones, they were like his. 
     “Fight by my side? Against the injustices of heaven?” he asked, one hand under your chin.
     “Gladly.” you said before pulling him in for another kiss. Perhaps they’d never truly been ‘your kind’. Maybe you’d always been more like him, more like ‘his kind’ than you’d previously thought.
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8thhousepriestess · 1 year
Life Path 5 & The Hierophant 🗝️
— An alternative view of the Hierophant Tarot card and its rich connection to Numerology.
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When I had just started on my Tarot journey the Hierophant confused the hell out of me. The card never made any logical sense in my spreads and I just couldn’t make the connection of how it fit into the reading.
[ Every time I pulled that card I would do an eye roll 🙄. ]
🔎 If you do a Google search for the Hierophant Tarot card you will come across these mostly generalized meanings
Needing to conform
Following a religion
Taking a traditional approach
Social structures
I was unimpressed with these surface level meanings and I just needed it to make sense so I started to dig deeper. I found that the Hierophant has a much richer meaning than just those listed above…
✨ Did you know we all have a Tarot birth card? Some have 2 or even 3 actually.
[ To find out yours use this calculator. ]
✨ Did you know we all have a Life Path number?
[ To find out yours use this calculator. ]
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The Hierophant is the 5th Major Arcana card and represents the mission the Life Path 5 is on in their current reincarnation. If you are a Life Path 5 then your Tarot Birth card is the Hierophant. Your Birth card is your Soul’s core quintessence. It is the mission and path you agreed to walk in this life time when you signed that contract just before giving your Guides a high five then slid on down and out the slippery slope into rebirth.
🪶 In Numerology, the number 5 is the “Middle Man”, “The Messenger”, “The Crossroads”, and “The Bridge”. It is the middle number [ The Anchor ] that links numbers 1-4 with 6-10.
— It is also the fifth element representing Spirit.
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🪶 The 5 is a highly spiritual number.
The soul of the person who walks this path has the Divine ability to bring down Sacred knowledge from the Source. They then interpret the messages to others in a way they can easily understand and register.
🪶 The 5 is a conduit.
Through them, sacred texts that are not easily understood by the majority are filtered and easily explained by the 5. They are meant to spread the messages that others need to hear for their inner healing. Fives are healers and help guide others home, across the bridge.
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🪶 The 5 is also associated with planet Mercury.
Mercury was the Divine Messenger of the Gods. In Astrology, the planets are all assigned a gender, except Mercury which is considered neutral. Mercury is neutral because it is the only one that can go in between worlds/realms.
🪶 Mercury rules over Gemini & Virgo.
Gemini is especially known for its intuitive connections, community, intellect, fast wit, guiding change, and transformation. Mercury is all about communication, processing information, and how we absorb that info and at lightning speed at that. A well-placed and well-aspected Mercury in a Birth Chart can indicate someone who has a true gift with words, speaking, interpretation, writing, exchanging of ideas, etc.
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✨ This is why I love the visual on the Hierophant card from the Light Seer’s Tarot deck. The imagery portrays a vastly different view of the Hierophant from that of the Rider Waite. It shows exactly what Life Path 5 is. A Channel.
There is the image of Jacob's Ladder behind him ascending to the Heavens.
You can see at the top of the ladder flowering out from the Source’s light an abundance of Ancient Sacred symbolism.
➖ As Souls, we all have a deeply ingrained comprehension of what these symbols mean whether we consciously know it or not because we are ancient Soul’s having reincarnated many lifetimes.
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The man’s Crown Chakra is glowing a white light symbolizing that he is enlightened and in-tune with the messages of Light descending onto him.
The look on his face gives an impression of an “AHA” moment like he just discovered the greatest mysteries of life as he looks upwards towards the Universe.
He seems to be in a meditative position, barefoot, and sitting on a rock or the earth's surface.
He is very connected to his Root Chakra [ grounded ] and also very aligned with his Crown Chakra.
His Chakras are balanced, open, and activated which is of key importance when tapping into your Divine Channeling abilities.
The ladder seems to be also doubling as an image of a tree. Trees are very Spiritual, have healing properties and are deeply rooted into Mother Earth while also ascending into the Heavens.
As Souls living a human experience, we are also symbolic of a tree with the trunk of a tree being our physical body.
✨ Again, with all of the above being said.. this card is showing the symbology of Life Path 5 as being that Link as he can bring down the Divine knowledge from the Gods to the earth plane. In turn, he becomes a messenger [ Mercury ] that shares the higher knowledge he was bestowed with to other earthlings. He is the Bridge between worlds. It is this person’s Soul mission to Bridge the gap between the higher and lower so that others can remember who they are, what they are, and where they came from. The 5 is a Guide leading others home, to remember their own Soul’s mission and healing potential.
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✨ As reincarnated human meat sacks we most often forget early on what we really are. We forget that we are all Souls, indefinitely connected to each other just borrowing a body. We are a product of conditioning so we forget our Soul’s purpose for being here. We hide our true authentic selves in fear of possibly not being accepted and judged. Little do you know, others NEED the part of you that you’ve hidden away. It is so important to own your authenticity so you can live a healthier and more fulfilling life. We will ignite the inner flame and inspire others to be their authentic selves as well. It creates a ripple effect which in turn changes the world.
Connecting Tarot cards with Birth card meanings and their Astrological influence has added so much more understanding and depth to my reading experience. It has also helped me to learn more about myself. I hope this post inspired someone else to see the Hierophant card in a more meaningful way than just those surface level meanings.
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Does anyone else see a hidden symbol in this cards imagery? Everyone’s perception is different. I would love to know you're intuitive view of this card!
If you are a Life Path 5 and can relate to this post drop some love so I can appreciate all of my other Bridge warriors 🗝️🪶🖤🌜🦉
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rpm-rosesstory · 1 year
Rpm roses story: chapter 5-girls just wanna have fun
Rose was in the lab holding a plastic cube in her hand. The cube was engulfed by a pink haze, and morphed into a frog before morphing back again.
“So what’s gives?” Asked Ziggy. “I think this is her ranger power.” Said summer. Rose hummed in confusion. “You know, Ziggy can teleport, I can fire energy blast-” “Correct, this is Rose’s power; biological transmutation.” “How come she can use it when unmorphed?” Said Scott. “Mostly likely has to do with the unique properties of the series pink morpher.”
As the rangers dispersed, Scott pulled aside the twins. “Did either of you have any idea that dr.k was creating a new morpher, or that’s recruited a new ranger.” He asked them. Gem and Gemma spoke in turns as they usually do.
“Nope, we’re” “Just as surprised as” “you are Scott.”
“If you’re done conversing in secret.” Said dr.k, spooking Scott “I would like for you to train with Rose.” Before Scott could object, Dr.k turned and left, before briefly pausing and turning back. “Oh, and beware of seismic activity.” She said, before continuing on her way.
The two went to the park to spar. “How did I do?” Said Rose. “Your forms good but you need to work on your balance.” Suggested Scott. “We’re did you learn that form of martial arts anyways?” “Oh I picked up kung fu in the 5th ce-September 5th, 1999.”
“Uh huh. So I think we’ve train enough for today-“ “Oh, can we go out?” “What?” said Scott. “You know, out in the town. There’s so much I want to see!” Said Rose enthusiasticly. “Uh, sure.” A rumble was felt.
The duo went to down first going down a bunch of street vendors. “Ohh Scott, what should I try first? Thai, itialian, Mexican?” Rose spoke, unable to contain her joy. Scott never saw get this excited over street food. He usually avoided anything like that like the plague.
“Step right up for a one way ticket to hell!” Exclaimed a vendor selling spicy hotdogs. “I’d like a one way ticket to heaven, please.” ChimedRose, slapping down the money. “How much hot sauce do you want?” The vendor said. “More.” Said rose as he poured it on. “More. More. More.” “You’re white! You can’t handle this level of spice.” screamed Scott. But it was too late. Rose chomped down on the dog and belched fire. “The pain is almost euphoric.” She wimpered.
The two went on their way to various sites around the city, eventually ending up in a costume, shop. “Look Scott” Gushed Rose, dressed up as a giant moth, I’m the personification of metamorphosis!” “Can we go now? This is getting ridiculous.” Scott bemoaned, dressed up as a dinosaur. “Also can you take mine back? I don’t want anyone to see me like this.”
Rose went back to put the costumes in the closet. Another tremor went off, and the power went out. Rose made her way to the door, only to find it was stuck. Try as she might, she could get the door open.
Rose was forced into a memory. Of being locked up in the tower again. The room was getting smaller. Her heart was pounding. She couldn’t get the air into her lungs fast enough. Cruel eyes manifested from the dark. Her mind raced, pleaseletmeoutipromiseillbegood.
The door open by itself. Or rather, Scott opened it to find rose in a fetal position talking to herself. “The door was blocked by debris.” He said. “Hey, are you alright?”
“Y-y-yeah, fine.” Rose mumbled. “Come on” Scott said “I don’t think these are regular earthquakes.”
The two found their way to the epicenter of the earthquakes. The ground cracked and gave way. From the newly formed whole emerged a robot with drills for arms along with several grinders. “It’s venjixs attack bot!” Shouted Scott. “The earthquakes must be from it trying to enter the city from underground.” With out a moments hesitation the two morphed and did battle with the machine as the grinders scattered.
Rose and Scott fought the drill bot. As Scott traded blows, rose transformed some debris into frogs. She chucked one at the machine. It turned to face her. She continued to throw them at the robot, but they did nothing to stop its approach. “Why isn’t this working?!” Rose yelled.
The attack boy was mere feet away from her. It lunged at the pink ranger, pinning her to the ground. It’s drills began to crack her helmets visor when it suddenly stopped. A rock was logged in its gears. “Looks like playing soccer in middle school finally paid off.” Said Scott. Rose used the opportunity to get away.
Flynn and summer arrived the scene. “Sorry to keep you waiting.” Said Summer. “Better late than never.” said Scott “Now let’s fry this two bit drill bit.” Flynn chuckled. “What?” Said Scott. “Two bit drill bit? That’s the best you could come up with?” Said Flynn.
Scott ignored him as the three rangers combined their weapons together and blasted the attack bot. Rose, watching from afar, saw the rangers banter. She had already scene them interacting through dr.k’s memories, and a little bit before this moment, but it was clear to her that the rangers had already formed a tight nit group with each other. One that you’re intruding upon.
Unfortunately for them, the attack bot began to change, rearranging its parts to become a giant version of itself. The trio of rangers, in turn, summoned their zords, vehicles that bore the likeness of animals, which then combined into a giant mecha known as a megazord.
While the megazord did battle the giant robot, rose stood on the ground. “What should I do, doctor?” Said rose through her com link. “Pull back.” Said dr.k. “What?” “Without a zord of your own, you’ll be of no use to the fight.” “Yeah…” rose sighed dejectedly. She already piloted a war zord with her fellow diamonds, but now…
Now she was little more than an on looker. The best thing she could do was get out the way to avoid getting crushed. You’d deserve it though.
The battle ended with venjix’s machine’s destroyed. The rangers demorphed. “Hey, where rose?” Asked summer. “I don’t know.” Said Scott”she was here before we summoned the zords.” “Ey doc.” Said Flynn to his communicator “You ave any idea where your pink protege went?””Yes” dr.k responded “I told her to leave the battle on account of her lack of zord. Right now she’s at this location.”
Scott made his way to the top of a clock tower. Rose was seated near the edge with a guilty look on her face. “Hey.” Scott said. “Normal I’d be mad if one of my troops went MIA.” He hates you. “But since you were ordered to, I guess I can’t fault you there.” He sat beside his fellow ranger.
“You were a little shaken up when you got stuck in the closet.” Said Scott sympathetically. Rose scrunched her face in embarrassment. “I’m scared of the dark.” She murmured. “It’s okay to be afraid. Fear shows where our limits are.” But your fear hurts others, coward.
“You know, when I was I kid, I was afraid of heights.” Chuckled Scott. “But, you’re a pilot.” Said rose. “Yeah, we’ll I wouldn’t have been one had I not decided to clime up to the water tower. The point is-“
Why don’t you do them all a favor and throw yourself off. What sounded like loud white noises screeched. Rose clutched her head.
“Shut up!” She screamed. “Hey I was just trying to- “No it’s not you, it’s just-“ now he thinks you’re crazy, not that he didn’t before.Rose got up, trembling. “P-please take me back to the base.” She said, her voice cracking with anxiety. Scott walked her down the tower.
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jrhughes · 1 year
The One Human Race  
(Sunday, February 5th 2023 A.D.)  
Genesis 2:1-7  
Golden Text:       27 And He (Jesus) said unto them, The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath:  28 Therefore the Son of man is Lord also of the Sabbath. - Mark 2:27-28  
24 God that made the world and all things therein, seeing that He is Lord of heaven and earth, dwelleth not in temples made with hands; 25 Neither is worshipped with men's hands, as though He needed any thing, seeing He giveth to all life, and breath, and all things; 26 And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, ... Acts 17:24-26  
1 Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them.  2 And on the seventh day God ended His work which He had made; and He rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made.  3 And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it He had rested from all His work which God created and made.  4 These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the LORD God made the earth and the heavens,  5 And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew: for the LORD God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground.  6 But there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground.  7 And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.-Genesis 2:1-7  
We have discussed the Creation of God found in Genesis, Chapter 1.  There we learned many things about God and His Creation.  We also touched on some other ideas that mainly have to do with the age of the Earth. And we explained how those ideas are false or misleading as God did not need millions of years to create the heaven and the earth. When we came to the Creation of man (male and female made He them), we spoke of the faith based system of evolution. We used the words of Mr. Darwin and others in the evolutionary community to demonstrate that the imagined idea of evolution was without merit (there was no evidence in geologic findings).  But now we come to the real account of the creation of man.  And it is quite simple to understand and straight forward. So, let us begin our discussion in Genesis, Chapter 2.  
Genesis 2 is an account of various things relating to several parts of the creation enlarged on and explained, things which could have been but were not mentioned in Chapter 1. No mention is made as to how the plants received water, here we learn of a mist arising out of the earth, which watered the herbs and plants before there was any rain to fall upon them, and even before Adam had been told to cultivate and take care of them. For that matter all that is in Genesis 1 is that God created. That was the major fact we had to understand: In the Beginning, God created. Here in Chapter 2, we learn some details about the breath of life being breathed into man by God the Holy Spirit and the body of man (made from the dust of the Earth) is created (bara) unique, as a living soul. (Genesis 2:7).  
In Chapter 2 God plants a Garden and puts in it all the trees off of which man could eat. God explains, through Moses, the rivers that watered the Garden. Then God told Adam, here is your job. Watch over My creation, you will dress it, cultivate it, care for it. Only after Adam (man) had a job, did God bring the idea of a help meet (woman) for Adam. So is that a pattern God expects us to follow? The man does not obtain a wife until after he has been given a career task. Would that be the best way to ensure a marriage that lasts a lifetime?  
God said to Adam that he could eat of any tree, but one. That one was forbidden under a penalty of death. The day you eat, you will die. Then God showed Adam he was alone. How?  
When Adam named all the animals, Adam saw they were in pairs, they had mates. Adam was a bachelor and God said it is not good for Adam (man) to be alone. God provided Adam a help meet, forming Eve out of one of his ribs. Then they were in oneness together, one man, one woman together forever.  
Message Text  - Genesis, Chapter 2:1-7         
Genesis, Chapter 2  
1 Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them.  
Thus the heavens and the earth were finished,.... This is the end of the initial creation of heaven and earth and all the host (literal: army~ also troop, swarm, multitude) of earth and heavens (universe) were now complete. Perfected and completed in the space of six days, gradually, successively, as we move from an empty, unfinished earth, to populate it, set the sun, moon, stars in place. This is accomplished by the Word and Power of God. Created out of nothing, but they were not perfected, beautified, and adorned, and filled, complete with plants, fish, fowl, animals; then came man.  
And all the host them, of the heavens and the earth; the host (Strongs Number  H6635; 1) that which goes forth, army, war, warfare, host; 1a) army, host; 1a1) host (of organized army, not necessarily of men Joel 2:11); 1a2) host (of angels); 1a3) of sun, moon, and stars; 1a4) of whole creation). Scripture, says the angels are a host; see Luke 2:13. However, that is not necessarily proof. I like to believe host means all the creation of God: the plants, herbs, and trees, the fowls, fishes, animals, and man. In other words God had not only completed the heaven and the Earth but all the host that populates them.  
2 And on the seventh day God ended His work which He had made; and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had made.  
On the seventh day God ended His work.  We begin this chapter with the Sabbath day. Do not miss the importance of the Sabbath day. God finished the six days of creation (all of creation was accomplished, complete at an end). Now God rested (shabath [shaw-bath'] Hebrew Lexicon No. 7673) from His creation, or ceased from His creation activity. And this verse seems to make it clear that ALL HIS creation work in the heavens and the earth, was accomplished or ended after these six days. (Thus we can believe that all creation in the universe and in heaven was done in that creation week)  
Length of Day: The sun was not created and set in its place in the firmament, heavens or space, until day four. But once the sun is created and placed in its place, this "day" had to be 24 hours because of the rotation of Earth. We believe a 24-hour day as with the sun in its place and the Earth rotating.  
The only reason church people have trouble with the periods of times is because since they were in first grade they have been told that the earth is m-i-l-l-i-o-n-s of years old.  
Do you remember your teacher saying, "Today we will learn about dinosaurs that lived millions of years ago?" (But dinosaurs were created by God, so, they lived hundreds or a few thousand years ago. Also dinosaur means giant lizard. What about the Komodo dragon? It is a giant in the lizard ranks. Could it be a small dinosaur?  
Komodo dragons become more than 10 feet long and can weigh more than 150  pounds. They live about 30 years and never stop growing.  Since they never stop growing how large would these giant lizards be when the climate allowed for much longer life spans? A 75 - 100 year old Komodo would be called a dinosaur. However that alone does not prove or disprove day age or vast ages. (More on them later.)  
Sabbath:    SABBATH, noun  1. The day which God appointed to be observed by the Jews as a day of rest from all secular labor or employments, and to be kept holy and consecrated to His service and worship. This was originally the seventh day of the week, the day on which God rested from the work of creation; and this day is still observed by the Jews and some Christians, as the Sabbath. ... - Webster 1828  
OKAY, Let us look at other places in the Bible that talk of a seven-day week and a Sabbath to confirm the length of the period of time. In Exodus 16:29-30 they were to gather manna for six days, but on the seventh day (Sabbath) there would be no manna. Exodus 20:10 tells us the seventh day is a Sabbath unto the Lord when man is not to do any work, neither he nor his employees (servants) or his animals.  All are to be at Rest, at Sabbath.  
Exodus 20:11For [in] six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them [is], and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day, and hallowed it.   
Exodus 23:12 Six days thou shalt do thy work, and on the seventh day thou shalt rest: that thine ox and thine ass may rest, and the son of thy handmaid, and the stranger, may be refreshed.  
The people and animals rested on the seventh day (Sabbath). Did people rest one 24 hour day or for a thousand or a million years? Can we agree it was one, 24 hour, day of rest?  
And remember that day 3 we had plants, grass, herbs and the like. Plants and grass cannot survive more than about 1 week without the sun and need the sun to do photosynthesis. So it was not a long period of time (decades or centuries or longer) the plant life would all be withered and gone. Thus, we need a much shorter day (a 24 hour day) for the survival of plants.  
These Scriptures then tell us two things: there is a Sabbath day of rest where no work is to be done and the Sabbath day is a regular 24-hour day, in a seven-24 hour day week. Therefore, the six days of creation were six regular 24 hour days in a seven-day week. Creation week is not a long period, but a plain, seven day week with 24 hour days and 1 day (24 hours) of rest.  
He rested on the seventh day from all His work. The One Who never slumbers or sleeps:  3 ... He that keepeth thee will not slumber. 4 Behold, He that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep. Psalms 121:3-4  
It was not as though God was weary of working, for the Creator of the ends of the earth, HE fainteth not, nor is weary, (Isaiah 40:28). But God had completed all His creation work. There was no more creating to do. He continued to watch over His creation. God takes note of when a sparrow falls (Matthew 10:29). He (God) feeds the birds (Matthew 6:26). Creation may be over, but God has much that HE does to sustain His creation.  
3 And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it He had rested from all His work which God created and made.  
God blessed the seventh day  God blessed (bestowed favor, consecrated) and sanctified (dedicated, set apart, honored, established) the seventh day. God endows this seventh day with His favor and grace. God sets this day apart (dedicates, sanctifies it). God rested (shabath Hebrew Lexicon No. 7673) from His creation. Other Scriptures (as the one above) make it clear that God wants man to rest on the Sabbath. It was a blessed day. A day of remembrance.  
BLESS'ED, participle passive Made happy or prosperous; extolled; pronounced happy. - Webster 1828  
And sanctified it. SANC'TIFIED, 1. Made holy; consecrated; set apart for sacred services.  2. Affectedly holy.  
This is the day which the Lord has made. A day in which He took delight and pleasure, having finished all His works, and resting from them, and looking over the days and the creation and pronounced them as very good. He pronounced this seventh day a good and happy day, and "sanctified" or appointed it in His mind to be a day separated for us for remembering (each week) our Creator and be thankful for His creation. It would be, for holy service and worship and a time of thinking, meditation and rest.  
The Hebrews (Jewish) had the command and many rules both civil and religious. How far to walk, no fire, do not go for wood, et cetera. Moses wrote this. He was given basic things (no work, yet, remember God) as the law of the Sabbath. Why was Sabbath so special? God blessed the Sabbath day, sanctified and hallowed it because God had rested on that day from all His works (Exodus 20:11). God wanted us to rest and to remember our Creator. Do you and I recognize this as a day of remembrance and thankfulness each week to our Creator?  
Because that in it He had rested from all His work, which God created. This refers to what God had done. It is clear that this was inspired by God, and HE said, as in the preceding verse, "He rested," His works were finished, as in (Hebrews 4:3) rest.  
Why Seven Days? Why then do we have a seven day week?  Its not equally divisible of the standard month. 30/7 = 4.285... .  How about a year: 365/7= 52.142... . Then why 7?  Is it because God made the week, the work week 7 days? ... THINK! It is special.  
Is that 7th day a remembrance day? Are we to celebrate the fact that the creation of 6 days is complete and now God can rest from His creation?  Yes. That is probably why so that we can celebrate and thank God for His creation and all that would mean to you and I, if we think and reflect upon it and the One Who made it all possible. Will you look at the 7th day differently from now on?  
Five Day Work Week: Did you know that one of the reasons some wanted a five day work week is because Saturday is the Sabbath and should be a day of reflection on the Creator.  Sunday on the other hand is the first day of the week and the day we remember our Redeemer and Savior. Thus both days were days to be hallowed.   
4 These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the LORD God made the earth and the heavens,  
This is the generations (towldah [to-led-aw'] results, proceedings, account) of the making of the heavens (sky, firmament, atmosphere, abode of God) and earth (whole earth, land). It is "the" creation record and is the period of time that LORD (Jehovah) God (Elohiym) created and/or assembled from His creation: earth (matter) and heavens (space).  
NOTE: The use of Jehovah.  But read Exodus 6:2-3)  2)   And God spake unto Moses, and said unto him, I [Am] the LORD:  3)  And I appeared unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob,by [the Name of] God Almighty, but by My Name JEHOVAH was I not known to them.  
Some allege Moses was not the writer of Genesis, there was another earthly author?  Wait!! The Bible tells us that by the Name Jehovah was I not known before God spoke unto Moses and revealed His Name JEHOVAH. But we read the Name JEHOVAH or LORD in the second chapter. What is the significance?  Well there are some who say Moses did not write Genesis. Others wrote it. Yet we find the Name Jehovah (the Name God revealed first unto Moses). That Name Jehovah (which was first revealed to Moses) is used 141 times in the book of Genesis. Conclusion: This use of the Name (revealed to Moses) would only be used, IF Moses wrote Genesis, (of course, under the inspiration of God the Holy Spirit).  
These are the generations of the heavens and the earth, when they were created,.... That is, the above account, delivered in the preceding creation chapter, is a history of the production of the heavens and earth, and of all things in them.  
In the day that the Lord God made the earth, and the heavens. Here the word day is used to mean the period of time of creation, not any particular 24 hour day, but refers to the whole time of the six days, in which everything was made or created by God.  
Lord is a contraction of the Anglo-Saxon word, and implies the giver of bread, i.e., he who deals out all the necessaries of life. Ancient English noblemen were accustomed to keep a continual open house, where all their servants, and all strangers, had full liberty to enter and eat as much as they would; and hence those noblemen had the honorable name of lords, i.e., the dispensers of bread. LORD is the dispenser of bread, the giver of every good and perfect gift, and has provided the bread that endures unto eternal life for every human soul. The Lord Jesus, is emphatically called the Bread of life; the Bread of God which cometh down from heaven, and which is given for the life of the world! John 6:33; John 6:48; John 6:51. - Adam Clarke  
5 And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew: for the LORD God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground.  
And every plant of the field before it was in the earth. This is a continuation after in the day that the LORD God made the earth and the heavens. Verse 5 continues the account with a conjunction "And." This is similar to the joining together of verses in Genesis 1-5, as God gives an account of one day's activities. Here God reviews that HE made heaven and earth, then plants and herbs. This happened before God made man. We also read God made every plant, before it was in the earth. Did God create in His mind or in some other place before things were placed on Earth? We read God made every herb. . . before it grew. It had not rained. Next, it appears God made man to be a farmer (to till the ground)  with no rain.  
God made it, (where, how? God knows) even God who made the heavens and the earth. The plants of the field were made out of the earth on the third day. But here we are told they were before they were on Earth. They were before any were planted on Earth, or any seed was sown. They proceed out by the power of God. It is His idea.  
For the Lord God had not caused it to rain upon the earth: The production of plants and herbs could not be explained by rain making them grow. There was no rain.  
And there was not a man to till the ground. When these plants were created, there was not even one man. Rain therefore could take no credit for plant life on Earth. But from the Mighty Power of God these plants were the produced. Some Jewish writers, believe and write of the plant and herb of the field:  We are discussing Creation but honing in on the why and how man came into existence. As the plants, we can conclude man was on/in the mind of God first.  
6 But there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground.  
But there went up a mist from the earth,.... How long has man had to depend upon God to bring the rain? Yet, when there is no rain, God allowed Himself another way to give needed moisture to the growing things: a mist (in the Hebrew mist means mist) Mist is: A mass of fine droplets of water in the atmosphere near or in contact with the earth. 2. Water vapor condensed . . .  
God the Holy Ghost (Spirit) was hovering over the waters in Genesis 1. Were the waters drained off when God gathered together the seas and the dry land appeared? I like to believe that perhaps after the waters had been drained off or brought together and dry land (Earth) appeared, then came the sun days later, and the heat caused a vapor, which went up as a mist, and descended: and watered the whole face of the ground; or earth, and so supplied the place of rain, until rain was given. Truthfully, no one knows how God does what He does, His ways are past finding out. Which doeth great things past finding out; yea, and wonders without number." - Job 9:10  
7 And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.  
Genesis 2:7 gives us some details as to how God formed Adam’s body out of the dust (dry earth) of the ground (Hebrew for ground=adamah [ad-aw-maw]. When God breathed (blew into, blow, sniff) into the nostrils (Hebrew=nostril, nose, face) the breath (Hebrew=breath or spirit) of life and man (‘Adam [aw-dawm’] became. Only after God’s breath, did man become a living soul. (Hebrew = soul, self, life, creature, person).  
And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, Josephus great Jewish historian writes Adam was made of red earth macerated, or mixed with water. Okay, that is his opinion. But what does the Bible say? Dust aw-fawr' Strongs No: H6083; Orig: from 6080; dust (as powdered or gray); hence, clay, earth, mud:--ashes, dust, earth, ground, powder, rubbish. H6080.  
So here we are told by God the Holy Spirit the body of man is from the dust, most likely powdered. As for me and my house, we will not speculate as to the kind of dust.  
Josephus (in his writing) wants to help God and Josephus makes dust into clay. Perhaps Josephus is projecting. We could not make anything out of dry dust, so we will help God. It must have been clay. COME ON.  HE IS GOD. God can do anything. This merely shows the mighty power of God in producing such a creature as man out of the dust of the earth. We should acknowledge His ways are past finding out. Take solace (comfort) that HE is God. HE is in charge. HE is so wonderful and we are so limited.  God does not need our help.  
And breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; Remember the soul realm of man was created (bara) from nothing which was before, except in the Mind and purpose of God. Man was produced by God separate from and higher than the beasts of the field. The breath of God was breathed directly into man. This breath of life was reserved for man.  
And man became a living soul; Man was not only able to do all of the tasks that lower animals could do, but man was a thinking, reasoning, and made of three parts. Man was capable of things that were past the ability of animals. Such as reason and many others.  
8 And the LORD God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there He put the man whom He had formed.  
TO BE CONTINUED.   - Tune in next week same time, same station and learn about the Garden of Eden, a unique place made and planted by God. It is most amazing.  God gives man a special more beautiful place than the most wonderful places on earth. -  You will not want to miss it. -  
Well was there a real Garden of Eden?  YES.  Was it magnificent beyond all man could do? Yes  Can I trust the description of Eden?  YES.  One final question: Was Jesus also telling the truth when He said:  
2 In My Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.  3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto Myself; that where I Am, there ye may be also. - Jesus (John 14:2-3)
24 God that made the world and all things therein, seeing that He is Lord of heaven and earth, dwelleth not in temples made with hands; 25 Neither is worshipped with men's hands, as though He needed any thing, seeing He giveth to all life, and breath, and all things; 26 And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, ... Acts 17:24-26  
Prayer: Heavenly Father, What can I say, How can I thank You for all that You have done for me? You created the world and all that therein is and then man in Your image and likeness. You, God the Holy Spirit breathed the breath of life into his nostrils and Adam became a living soul. You, Lord God loves us each, so much. Thank You, Lord. You placed man in the Garden of Eden. A Garden that You prepared. It had all that man needed. It must have been so beautiful and marvelous. But we believe Your account of the creation and of the garden.  But the most wonderful Gift came after man had sinned and earned DEATH. You allowed Jesus to come to Earth. And I believe that Jesus came to earth from heaven, took on the flesh of man, lived a sinless life and thus could HE be the sacrifice for the sin of the world. His bloody death paid the death penalty that my first sin earned me.  I accept His sacrifice, His death for me. I believe that He died and on the third day arose from the dead.  One more time, I ask You to quicken (make alive) within me, my ability to love You more; to do Thy Will and to serve You this day and the rest or my life here on Earth. And when life on Earth is over, I want to spend the rest of eternity with You. Help me to live for You, I pray in the Name of Jesus Christ, our Lord.  Amen.  
May God bless you in all that you do for Him, Brother J.R. Soul winner, Bible teacher, Defender of the Faith
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ellie2812 · 1 year
Dreamweaver: A secret revealed
Not my grandmother? Did I hear her right? She thought. I know I must be tired because there’s no way she said she’s not my grandmother. Of course, she’s my grandmother, my mother not my mother.
“Maybe you’re the one who needs to go back to bed granny,” she said. “Not my grandmother, of course, you’re my granny, who else would you be?” she said.
Kill me? You’re scaring me, granny, what do you mean she’d kill me? She questioned. Sitting down at the table she just stares blankly at the old woman. Nothing changed, her eyes are still brown, and she still has that thick curly black hair, yep that’s my granny but this woman has clearly lost it. Then she saw it, just out of sight. The small flash of light. Can granny see it too? Glancing to the right corner of the kitchen she started to see him. Oh no, not now, anytime but now she thought. Focusing back on granny sitting there with that look on her face, I can see the worry in her eyes.  
“You were exiled,” The old woman said.
Exiled? This is interesting but Granny cannot see him. She didn’t know why but she knew if granny ever found out about her friend it would be bad, really bad. In the corner of her eye, she could see him coming from the portal, but Granny is still just sitting there talking. She’s not budging about how she could not see the man emerging from the wall. But looking closer she realized the old woman couldn’t see him. Holy shit, she thought, she can’t see him.
Ok, il humor you granny if you’re not my grandma then who are you? I can’t believe this old lady can’t see the golden man walking through the wall. She could see him materializing as if he was walking through time. Normally when he comes through it happens almost instantly. It’s like he’s walking through quicksand. This is it; this is the day I totally lose my shit, she thought. If this isn’t a sign today’s gonna be bad, I don’t know what is.
“I’m Alysia, the head of your royal guard, your sworn protector,” the old woman stated.
What? The young girl said.
“You are the 5th Kandake of the Southern Lands, wielder of the sacred flame of Kandar, guardian of the threshold between the heavens and the earth. When you were exiled, the king would only let you live if someone from his guard would watch over you. Your father insisted I come to protect you,” she said. I need to get to the citadel Rowan needs to know this she thought. If they are dream-stalking her then he knows the spell is weakening. If she has remembered the location of the lost tablets, then this mission is a failure. If Kel discovers she’s regained her memories, then her life is in danger. We all are.  
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(Open Rp) "My Little Serena"
Ever since Saphira's pregnancy is announced, Her Husband name "Dylan James Witcher"( Who she was Married to him for the past 2 years) was thrilled to be a Father. But When Saphira was Only 2 months at the time, the Doctor told her that she has to be bed rest for awhile..but her Husband made her Do the house work and cook dinner..It was So stressful but not only that..he usually come home Very Late at night..During her Months of pregnancy..He accuse her of Cheating with another man that doesn't exist, Saphira told him many times that she never Cheated on him with another man..she asked herself "Why is he acting like this?" So on the 5th month, She Hired the Private investigators to get to the bottom of this..and as the Result was in, She was Shocked when she found out that her Husband is Having an affair with her best friend name Ariana. She and Ariana were best friends in 4 years and now She was felt betrayed by her own best friend..She was so angry..so angry, She sent the copy of the evidence to Ariana's husband, Dylans parents, and Their work place as well…Including all over the town..But then On the 8th month,,Dylan as usually verbally abusing saphira like always during those months..until..her stress cause her water broke…they found out it was a Girl and she named her daughter..,"Serena"…Then Dylan refuse to Take her to the Hospital..but his Parents arrived on time and saw everything..they called an ambulance and took her to the hospital while Scolding Dylan For what he did to her…But..after the Premature birth…Saphira looked at her newborn Daughters lifeless body…not a single movement..the doctor told her..that Little serena….didn't make it…Saphira holds..Serena's lifeless body….Saphira's tears swelling up..and began to cry hysterically..and called her daughters name and she said, " My serena…my poor baby girl…I'm so sorry….I should've protect you…..My precious little angel…" She cried and cried in heartbroken…but then..her in laws came in..and heard what happen..until…her husband looked at his Stillborn daughter with a scoff and said," She's not mine at all…i'm glad she's dead" Then..Saphira Snapped But then His Dad Smacked him with a Belt on his face and he said,
Dylan's Father: "How Dare you Speak ill about your daughter like that!? She's Dead because Of you! You Put So much stress on saphira so much and You Wouldn't Lift a Finger to help her doing her house chores and Cook Dinner!"
Dylan's Mother:" But Not Only that, you Mistreated her so badly! And I heard you Demanding a Dna test and put her into more stressful situation! I am So Ashamed of you! We didn't raise you like that!? We Knew Why you were acting like this!"
Then the Dna test results came in and saphira said,
Saphira:" I know the result.. And You better be prepared for the Worst Mister!"
Dylan:"Well we'll see about that!"
Then he opens the envelope and read the results…he Found out..that He is The father of little serena, he was shocked..and realized what he had done..and knowing it was too late for this..he got down on his knees..as Ariana Showed up and got down on her knees as well..Her husband came in Crossing his arms all Furious and angry about their betrayals…then Saphira said,
Saphira:"Well you knew the results dylan…and I am so ashamed that I married to a Big Fat Fool who mistreated his wife and cause his OWN Daughter into a Stillborn..I warned you that If you mistreated your wife for stupid reason, someone will come and steal me from you!..turns to ariana And YOU!…How Could you Backstabbed me For this!? We were best friend for 4 years and THIS is how you repay me?!…Not only you betray me! but you Betrayed Serana! My little girl is now gone into heaven thanks for yours and his Infidelity! and speaking of…turns to Dylan I want a Divorce!…"
Dylan:"What!? Saphira, please reconsider this! I'm Sorry..I didn't mean to do all this i- ahh!"
His father Smacked His face with a belt and he said,
Dylans dad:" Your a damn Fool Boy! You Should be ashamed of yourself! Cheated on your wife and Talking Shit about your own daughter! What Kind Of Father Would Say that about his OWN child!?, I'm Going to straighten up your act when your done getting a divorce!"
Dylan was hurt and crying and begging saphira Forgiveness..So after saphira being discharge..Her in-laws helped her processing a divorce and also Making Dylan and Her "Ex" best friend to pay her alimony and Compensation for damages and Ariana got divorce as well and being force to pay her husband alimony as well, After She decided to move out to West city with her daughters remains in the urns..she told Dylan that she Swore that Her daughter will come back into her arms with a different man who he will love her and making sure that he will never see his own daughter again….and yes, Dylans and Ariana's parental rights was Stripped from them for good..because ariana was a bad mother, setting a horrible examples to her son and daughter..so now Her ex husband got Custody of it..and as for saphira, she moved out and start from scratch. But after she Settled down and now Lived in the west city away from the God forsaken small town full of Horrible memories…she looked at her daughters urns..and she said,"My Dear serena..I missed you so much..sniffles…Don't worry…i'll find a good dad for you..just give it a time…we will see eachother again in my arms..you'll see.." Saphira sits there alone and crying out of her broken heart..as 6 months has pass..Saphira explores in the jungle with a soft and depressful sighs..she still broken hearted..until..Someone or some "Saiyan" Bumps into her and causing her to fall and she said,"Ooof Excuse me pardon me,, Sorry bout that..I didn't know where i'm going an-" Then he replied….
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saturndivine · 3 years
The Ferality of Mars
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Feral: "Existing in a wild or untamed state"
When I think of Mars, I think of the Greek god, Ares. I think of the heart pumping blood throughout the body to keep it alive. I think of passion, ferocity, and rawness. Mars is the planet of emotion, similarly to the moon but with a more sinister twist. Mars wants you to feel everything and create with that energy, Mars wants you to be overwhelmed with emotion, so much so it consumes and guides you. Mars wants you to feel everything. It is known as a Malefic Planet because of its inability to be tamed and controlled but Mars isn’t about having control, its about intuition and allowing yourself to be guided by the invisible force that encourages you to nuzzle into your most primal and authentic state and honor that part of you. 
[Yes I will be using Hozier lyrics that represent the ferality of each sign]
Aries Mars [Mars in 1st]
When I picture Aries Mars at its most feral state, I visualize a forest fire consuming everything in its path, absorbing nature to feed as fuel. With Mars in its rulership, Aries Mars has no issue releasing, guided by their heart throughout it all to overcome whatever may stand in their way. They move quickly and harshly, striking first and questioning later. You mold life into what you want it to be so there is no need for you to even plan right? As an unstoppable force, you have to let your heart take control. 
“There's no plan, there's no race to be run
The harder the pain, honey, the sweeter the sun
There's no plan, there's no kingdom to come
Sit in & watch the sunlight fade, honey, enjoy its getting late
Theres no plan, theres no hand on the reign,
...As Mack explained, there will be darkness again”
Taurus Mars [Mars in 2nd]
When I picture Taurus Mars at its most feral state, I imagine a bear tearing its way through a beehive, grasping at the honeycombs and devouring it in a matter of seconds. With a venus-ruled mars or mars in detriment, you all look for the sweeter things in life and insist that you are worthy of goodness and don’t mind taking it for yourself. Conflict is stupid to you because you have your own morals and studies and firmly believe in what you desire and if anyone steps to you, you have the power to throw it right back in their face. You are the raging bull, undefeated once you’re committed. But you represent the tamer, earthy side of Mars.
“I have never known peace like the damp grass that yields to me.
I have never known hunger, like these insects that feast on me.
A thousand teeth, and yours among them, I know.
Our hungers appeased, our heartbeats becoming slow.” 
Gemini Mars [Mars in 3rd]
When I picture Gemini Mars at its most feral state, I picture the rebirth that spring offers. The energy of this mars sign matches the intensity of the rising sun and falling rain that causes the flowers to blossom and fill the earth with its aroma. It is quite impossible to stop a determined Gemini, they want to leave their mark on this earth and do so in many different ways as they are indestructible, powered by the combination of their mind and their heart which creates an explosion upon collision. To get in the way of this placement is to stand in the way of the changing seasons, impossible. 
“Each day you'd rise with me, know that I would gladly be the Icarus to your certainty.
Oh, my sunlight, sunlight, sunlight.
Strap the wing to me, death trap clad happily, with wax melted, I’d meet the sea,
Under sunlight, sunlight, sunlight.”
Cancer Mars [Mars in 4th]
When I picture Cancer Mars at its most feral state, I visualize the crumbling of the earth into itself, only to grow back in a healthier form. A resilient placement that can have the worst thrown at them and come back only more beautiful. In the introduction, I discussed how both Moon and Mars share a common goal but the Moon goes about it a different way, as Cancer Mars goes about martian energy in a different way as well. With mars in fall, Cancer takes the soft approach to ferality, embracing the harsh energy and converting it into tenderness. 
“And I love too, that love soon might end, 
be known in its aching, shown in the shaking,
Lately of my wasteland, baby. 
Be still, my indelible friend, you are unbreaking,
Though quaking, though crazy
That's just wasteland, baby.” 
Leo Mars [Mars in 5th]
When I picture Leo Mars at its most feral state I see a blinding white-hot light overcoming anyone and everyone in its path, forcing others to bend to its will simply by doing what it does naturally. As a fixed mars, Leos energy is continuous and bold, quite difficult to escape if a Leo Mars has you in their eye line. They are everywhere, they rule the heart so they rule ferality in a way, diving back into their lion roots and fully delving into the fact that they are the rulers of the jungle and rulers of the world.
“Be love in its disrepute, scorches the hillside and salts every root 
And watches the slowing and starving of troops
And, lover, be good to me.
Be there and just as you stand or be like the rose that you hold in your hand 
That will grow bold in a barren and desolate land
Oh, lover, be good to me.”
Virgo Mars [Mars in 6th]
When I picture Virgo Mars at its most feral state I can clearly gaze upon an open field, a deer nosing at grass only to be pounced on by a random predator, yet Virgo represents both the predator and the prey, enforcing balance and really honoring nature fully. Virgo Mars is one of the most ferocious and determined martian placement because they understand how to use the life around them to their advantage. Failure is impossible because they are always ten steps ahead of everyone else. They understand balance, both aggressiveness, and peacefulness. 
“With the war of the fire, my heart moves to its feet
Like the ashes of ash, I saw eyes in the heat
Feel it soft and as pure as snow, fell in love with the fire long ago
With each love I could lose, I was never the same
Watch it still live in roofs, be consumed by the flame
I was fixed on your hand of gold, laying waste of my lovin' long ago”
Libra Mars [Mars in 7th]
When I picture Libra Mars at its most feral state, I see a person walking into a mossy lake only to never come out again. There is a slight underestimation when people first get to know the Libra Mars.  This martian placement matches up with tricky Aphrodite, Libra mars has secrets they dont want unturned, they have a hidden past that they want to be kept to themselves because they are never the people they were a few moments ago. They are evolving and healing, rubbing soil on their open wounds to grow into a new version of themselves. 
“I had a thought, dear, however scary about that night, the bugs and the dirt.
Why were you digging? What did you bury before those hands pulled me from the earth?
I will not ask you where you came from, I will not ask and neither should you. 
Honey, just put your sweet lips on my lips, we should just kiss like real people do.” 
Scorpio Mars [Mars in 8th]
When I picture Scorpio Mars at its most feral state, there is a black burning tree in the middle of the falling snow, crackling and popping and falling to the pieces onto blankets of snow only to keep burning. Mars takes a different approach in this rulership, it is calculated, ready, and sure of whatever move is to be made as if it has been practiced for quite some time. There is no defeating a Scorpio mars, only succumbing, bending to its will, and praying that they will take mercy on your soul. 
“If I was born as a blackthorn tree, I'd wanna be felled by you, held by you
Fuel the pyre of your enemies.
Ain't it warming you, the world gone up in flames?
Ain't it the life you, your lighting of the blaze?
Ain't it a waste they'd watch the throwing of the shade?
Ain't you my baby, ain't you my babe?”
Sagittarius Mars [Mars in 9th]
When I picture Sagittarius Mars at its most feral state, I see the serpent in the garden of Eden sliding on its belly and offering an option of freedom, going against the grain of submissiveness. Sagittarius Mars tends to ooze this raw sex appeal that stems from their confidence & their need to question the life around them, never satisfied by what is given to them, instead they leave their own mark on the world before them by embracing individuality and moving along their own path. 
“I'd be the voice that urged Orpheus when her body was found. 
I'd be the choiceless hope in grief that drove him underground.
I'd be the dreadful need in the devotee that made him turn around.
And I'd be the immediate forgiveness in Eurydice,
Imagine being loved by me.” 
Capricorn Mars [Mars in 10th]
When I picture Capricorn Mars at its most feral state, I imagine the fall of an empire, a civilization, a society, forced to come to terms with the fact that its reign has come to an end. Mars in exalt, arguably one of the most powerful placements to have in the natal chart, there isn’t a way to prevent the energy of a Capricorn Mars, they are backed by Saturn, two malefic energies combining to create an unbeatable power and manifesting as strength in the native who claims this energy. 
“It's the light, and it's the obstacle that casts it
It's the heat that drives the light, It's the fire it ignites,
It's not the waking, it's the rising.
It's not the song, it is the singing.
It's the heaven of a human spirit ringing.
It is the bringing of the line, It is the bearing of the rhyme
It's not the waking, it's the rising.”
Aquarius Mars [Mars in 11th]
When I picture Aquarius Mars at its most feral state, I visualize a group of nude women, dancing around an intense fire, the full moon shining only for them as they howl out into the wind. Aquarius Mars is a placement that understands how to honor their roots and get back in touch with themselves to move to the future. They use their past to propel them into new opportunities and to become a higher version of themselves. There is no obstructing this futuristic placement, eyes steady on the prize that remains up ahead. 
“When you move, I can recall something that's gone from me
When you move honey, I'm put in awe of something so flawed and free.
So move me, baby, shake like the bough of a willow tree,
You do it naturally, move me, baby.” 
Pisces Mars [Mars in 12th]
When I picture Pisces Mars at its most feral state, I envision a floating sailor, sinking in with each song that leaves the siren’s voice only to realize that it is too late as the last of air leaves their lungs and they now become one with the siren. Pisces Mars has the gift of “innocence” that people project onto them and they understand how to use it to their advantage and come out on top. Deception is a mastered tool but doesn’t negate the fact that they are simply seductive and persuasive and hold power that many are unaware of. They should continue to move carefully and use their “faults” to their benefit. 
“Feeling more human and hooked on her flesh, 
I lay my heart down with the rest at her feet.
Fresh from the fields, all fetor and fertile
It's bloody and raw, but I swear it is sweet. 
In leash-less confusion, I'll wander the concrete,
Wonder if better now having survived.
The jarring of judgment and reason's defeat. 
The sweet heat of her breath in my mouth; I'm alive.”
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shirophantomvox · 3 years
“Longing for Attention” Illumi x Reader
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Hello anon! Thank you for this awesome request! This story consists of a little angst and fluff towards the end. I can truly say that this story is the closest to Illumi’s canon characteristics. If you all did not know, I am celebrating my 100 follower goal! If you’d like to participate in this event, click this link. Please note that requests for this event will close on July 15th at 12 AM EST. The post will have all of the rules and prompts!
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👁 👁 👁 👁
“I swear I’ll haunt you in your sleep, Zoldyck! ‘Ya hear me, boy?!”
A body thudded as this man’s speech was cut short. A tired Illumi Zoldyck came calmly walking towards his target with the straightest face ever. Even at the sight of blood, darker than any he had seen, his lips remained neutral and his eyes remained half-lidded as they were. The sound of the mini heel on his green loafers echoed as he continued to approach the deceased man before him. The ballroom was completely empty, leaving Illumi all by himself for who knows why and what else could happen.
Being a bounty hunter was challenging in itself but being a bounty hunter and dating an assassin is a totally different story. Criminals began to spread the word of your alliance with the Zoldycks and formed many gangs to retaliate against you both. Both of you have been shot at, stabbed a few times, and even been robbed! After being robbed at gunpoint and dealing with trauma, it nearly made you quit your job because of the stress and life endangering events faced almost everyday but for Illumi, it didn’t phase him at all. Not in the slightest. After being robbed of his engagement ring, he simply went to another jewelry store and bought another. He did not cry, quiver, or shutter.
After Illumi phoned his father and gave him a brief overview of his success, he proceeded to the exit. The light flickered, giving the impression that an eerie figure stood at the end of the hallway. Electricity hummed the closer someone approached it, sounding like a fly trying to find its way back outside. An atmosphere like this one did not bother Illumi in the slightest but he did not like being there no longer tha needed.
“Y/n! Y/n! I know you can hear me!”
“Now is not the time to play around. We need to vacate the premises immediately,” He thought to himself. He began to bang on doors, opened them up, and yelled your name to the heavens trying to find you.
“Oh! I know,” he said out loud, snapping his fingers.
He opened a tracking app on his iPhone that displayed all of his contacts that had recently shared their location with him. Once he began the search, it revealed that you were 400 kilometers away. Tracking your phone was something he did every time he could not find you. At times it was adorable and sometimes it was weird and intrusive. Illumi’s intrusive behavior stems from his mother, Kikyo and no matter how you put it, it is very unhealthy. Caring can easily turn into an obsession that can make you do unsound things.
“Illumi! I am in the bathroom. Can you give me a second,” you ask, slightly irritated, washing your hands quickly. You did not want to keep him waiting any longer. It was always a mystery if it was his anger or anxiety that prompted him to bust the door down just to make sure you were safe. Poor Illumi Zoldyck. His expression of love and how he cared for others was rather odd and unusual. It is safe to say that you were the best thing that has happened to him.
As you open the door, he stands with his long arms crossed in a huff, his long legs creating an upside down “V” shape gazing at you a slightly angry about your disappearance halfway through the mission.
“Where were you,” he asked, moving closer to you. “While I had to complete both of our jobs, you have been playing around in the bathroom.”
“Illumi, you’re—“
“Shhh—“ He placed his index finger over your mouth, bending down at eye level, and smiled devilishly. “—I’ll still pay you but you owe me a favor.”
“—But I wasn’t playing in the bathroom!”
As you were pleading your case, Illumi nonchalantly typed away on his phone. He quickly showed you his screen that listed your every step within the last few hours. It displayed where you were, the longitude and latitude, who you spoke with, and if you took any pictures. You had no idea that a smartphone could disclose so much personal information and since you have shared your location with him, he has access to it all.
“—Care to tell the truth?” Illumi raised his left eyebrow, using his somewhat intimidating tactic used when he was a child.
“Fine. Ugh! Why do you have to be like this?”
“Like what?”
“You’re…too overprotective. Give me some space sometime! Hell, you might be pleased to know where I was.”
“Pleased?! I nearly had a heart attack when I realized you were not by my side! Are you satisfied that my heart weakens everyday?”
“You’re so dramatic. You might want to take up acting, you know.”
“Ha, ha, so funny,” he said flatly.
As you roll your eyes in irritation, Illumi closes the leftover space between you two. Still bent over at eye level, he places his large hand on your cheek, blinks twice, while his straight face remains. His cold hearted personality seemed to always overshadow his body but all of his warmth seemed to be omitting from his palm.
“I care about you deeply. I cannot have you running away doing God knows what while we are on a dangerous mission like this one.”
“Illumi, I—“ He places his index finger over your mouth again, shushing you as he continues to, as they say, pour his heart out for once.
“I understand that you are a bounty hunter, but if I’m being honest it is a much different line of work than being an assassin. It is my job to care for you while I complete some of the harshest tasks on Earth.”
“I’m not a child, Illumi. Do you want to know what I was doing? Those longitude and latitude readings are very wrong, by the way.”
“Huh? Ok…where were you then?”
Still, your face was placed in his palm, his large eyes staring in yours somehow made you feel lost. Your delayed answer made his palm involuntarily tighten.
“I bought you this pocket sized white teddy bear…?” This statement was propositioned as a question rather than a statement because you were afraid of how he’d react. He was already startled and giving him a plushie would only make it worse. Instead of reacting calmly he would assume that giving him a plushie would imply that he was weak.
“…Valentine’s Day is a few days and I know you’ll be in Las Vegas handling business so I decided to buy you something that will remind you of me while you’re away.”
The small plushie was a white teddy bear holding a heart. It’s eyes were as big as Illumi’s. Before you could hold it up to him, he grabbed it rather gently, stood up straight, and held it in front of his eyes for examination. He turned it around a few times as if it was on a rotator. He placed his index finger inside of the keychain loop and finally smiled. He placed this small object against his heart just before he bent down to meet your eyes once again.
“I always think of you. Come to think of it, that must be why my shots have been off.”
His face scrunches in a humorous way. As usual, his smile fades away and returns to his neutral look. Illumi’s silence signaled that his mind was running a million miles a minute. So many questions and feelings begged to be released but something was preventing him from doing so. You could tell by the look on his face that he wanted to suffocate you with a bear hug but he wouldn’t do it. He has been trained to think that assassins do not need friends, cannot express their feelings, and can only do what is needed to get the job done. It’s ironic; the Zoldyck children are not allowed to have friends but they are allowed to have lovers only so they can reproduce and keep their legacy alive. Love has no part in their marriages; they are only contracts, literally. As in love as Kikyo and Silva were (and still are), it would seem like they’d emphasize the importance of love to their children. As a result, they all have adopted an odd way of showing affection for others.
In this instant, Illumi’s face appeared to be more endearing than before. His face had darkened significantly, his cheeks were fatter like they were stuffed slightly, and his eyes twinkled. You smiled as you have truly found the key to his heart. All this young man wanted and truly desired was to be loved not for his abilities or job, but for him and only him. Your warm hands, now on his cheeks, felt overwhelmed with warmth. Just the sight of him at that moment was breathtaking. The flickering power, the unrest souls in the next room of his targets, and the eerie atmosphere seem to fade while you gazed into his eyes. Pressing his cheeks together, puckering his lips was indeed both an amusing and cute sight to behold.
“You are so adorable, Illumi. Did you know that? This “bad boy” behavior and clutching a teddy bear is too much to take in. I might just send a photo to your mother. She’ll screech and tell the entire world.”
“You wouldn’t dare do that ,” he said, words muffled; lips still puckered. He seemed to flush more and more every time you’d remind him of how vulnerable he is right now.
“Try me!”
“Mother would just embarrass me, you know that!”
“I know. Then I’d be able to see the sweet, soft assassin that I see now. All warm and cuddly. I’m sure you just want to sit in the back seat of your Dodge and just fall fast asleep, am I right?”
“I plead the 5th,” he said flatly.
“I was right! Ha, ha!”
“Would you pipe down already?”
Illumi’s right hand was placed directly behind his torso carelessly pressed against his lower back. He appeared to be in pain but made no mistake. If asked about it, he’d lie just to debunk any statements about him being weak.
“What is in your hand? Let me see it.” Your demanding tone turned into one that a mother has, specifically Kikyo.
“It’s nothing,” he said, slightly wincing in pain.
“Let me see it now, Illumi or I swear I’ll—-“
“Fine! Fine! Just don’t make a big deal about it, alright?”
A promise is a promise; that is what you said to Illumi as you agreed to not over react once you saw his hand. A healed bruise nearly scarred the entire base part of his hand. A light red dotted cut looked as if someone took a exacto knife and grazed it. You gazed back into his eyes. He looked hurt; longing for attention for a cut that had already healed. As childish as it may seem, just the slightest bit of attention is something he craved, even if something like this had been healed a long time ago. Him wincing was something he conjured up to grasp your attention. He raised his hand in front of your mouth, leaving it bent for you to grab.
“Do you want me to kiss it and make it feel better?”
“Please,” he replies, smiling slightly again.
The touch of your soft, moist lips made his smile grow larger, his cheeks flushing yet again. A few overlapped lipstick stains remained on his hand, something he might get tattooed so everyone knew who he belonged to.
“Why can’t you be this way every time we finish missions? We could have sooo much fun.”
“If I have too much fun, I’d abandon my remaining missions and father would not like that at all. He might even put out a contract on me.”
You sigh somberly. Illumi had his moments of anger, roughness, and kept his distance but moments like this, where he wasn’t afraid to allow his softer side resurface made you feel content as if you completed a mission of your own. Gazing into his eyes one more time, they sparkled greatly.
“At least I can enjoy this while it lasts.”
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insufferablelust · 4 years
Revelation (Spencer x Reader)
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imagine thats Older!Spencer :)
Warnings : Dom!Spencer x Sub!Reader, heavy daddy kink, belting, shameless smut, a bit of size kink i suppose, pet names, degradastion by name calling, punishment, squirting, gagging, just a dirty dirty daddy Spencer smut, subspace and huge  fluff! and reader is his goddess. :)
Masterlist Here.
All you could feel was exhaustion, exhaustion that lingered from the very tip of your skin to the rattling of your bones. The soft musk of Spencer’s scent filled the room so nicely, bringing you to an edge of calmness, you are home— with your love, your baby, your daddy.
You smiled as you tug your scarf down , placing it gently above the couch before you call out to the very man that owns your body and soul, “Spence?” the exhaustion was prominent in your voice, even though tried to brush it off.
“In here, kitten! wait a sec.” He yelled, jogging down from the kitchen to where you were sitting at the couch, He smiled tenderly with the kitchen towel perched on his shoulder, he looked so domestic, so much of the boyfriend-ness of him yet the way he holds himself is daddy, your daddy.
He immediately gathered you up on his arm, plopping down next to you and bring you to straddle his waist, “So pretty, so so pretty, i miss you, kitten.” He whispered, pressing a delicate kiss on your lips as his hand rest on your throat- the very side of your pulse.
You giggled a little, nipping his lower lip, pulling back only to whisper a tiny “i miss you..” kiss “daddy.” Heaven is what you are, he thinks. Because here he is, having the knowledge of everything, absolutely everything this word has to possibly offer yet.. nothing, nothing feel as complete as you. as having you perched on his lap, being good.. such a good little girl.
“Look at me.” His voice changed a little, it was deeper, huskier that it caused the sweet nectar flowing down south from the heat of your belly. God, your eyes snapped to his.. your socks covered feet tucked under his knees as he gently, just gently press his palm against your pulse, tightening his grasp— not enough to choke you yet enough to draw a pleasure filled gasp emitting from your sinful lips. “daddy—“
“Shush, been a good girl, haven’t you?” He cooed gently, his other hand slide itself around your waist to gently rub your back with calming warmth. “Uh huh.. The test went well today..” You murmured, eyes still focusing to his as you latched onto his strong arms.
You are 10 years his junior, you practically met when he was holding a lecture on the academy where you trained to be an agent.. an FBI agent just like him. The first gaze you laid upon each other, ignited the fire like no other, the desire and lust and.. gentle itching feeling of blossoming crush embedded deep inside both of your insides, practically screaming at yourselves to just.. get to know each other.
Getting to know each other, you did. It started off as a nervous filled dates, though he was a proper gentleman, bringing you on classic dates to libraries where you would borrow books you both haven’t read or something you just want to read and then reading it together on the window sill. Your first kiss was over a cup of coffee perched on the sill with Anna Karenina on your lap and Russian Literature on his, the kiss was magnificent that you were sure that if soulmates were real, he was— is your soulmate.
The first time you were intimate with each other was a rather cliche experience, cliche and romantic. After the 5th official date where he asked you to be his, you both went to his place which funnily was only a block away from where your apartment building sits. Rounds and rounds, you both savored the moment like you were made for each other; Ares & Aphrodite, Apollo & Calliope, Orpheus & Eurydice. The first one was gentle, desire filled love making against the bed, where he touched your skin like he touched your soul, where he kissed your lips like he kissed your fluttering heart, where he thrusts into you like a mad man, your mad man.
The next round varies, from the one where you were both on the edge of the bed when you accidentally slipped out the word “daddy.” which only made him thrust harder with an impossibly loud groans of “Call me that again—fuck!”. There was one where he choked you, fucking the soul out of you that you both ended up on the floor— not even bothering to stop by then. After the 4th round, you were both spent.. spent and absolutely basked in heavenly reality— reality that will always engulf you both.. Soulmates.
“You’ll nail it, i know you will, daddy knows best doesn’t he?” He chuckled, but his gaze darken, his grip tighten, and his head.. his head tilted in a mocking way, not mocking your ability of course but rather.. ‘Daddy Knows Best, Doesn’the?’ You knew then he found out, found your dirty dirty little secret that you tried to keep hidden (or at least for the most part)
You see, a week ago, Spencer left for a case— a pretty short one though you were desperate every time you separated from each other. You missed him so much, missed spencer but also.. you miss your daddy, your rock, your dominant. You missed his touch, missed his cock, missed his kisses, fuck you missed him so much that you were willing to break one of his most important rule. ‘No touching yourself without daddy’s sole permission, and no cumming without his permission too.’
You knew you could’ve asked, could’ve begged for him to make you cum over the phone but you couldn’t.. one part because you knew he was busy, and you had to wait at least until midnight to get him to call you.. but the other part of you, the nasty brat he calls it, was eager to be punished, to be settled back on its place. You craved the way his palm.. those genius palm slapped your ass and cunt raw until they sting so painfully that you knew you wouldnt be able to sit down tomorrow. You craved the way you were on the brink of consciousness as his hand choke your neck like he owns you.. and yeah.. he truly owns you.
So you did the most obvious, you touched yourself, you came without his permission, and you used the new vibrators he specifically asked you to not use it until he comes back. 3 rules broken and you were happy.. giddy about it. But know that he knew, you felt.. almost guilty, lust still covered you, the severe thrill still clouds you but you feel guilty, guilty that you have disappointed your daddy.
“Daddy, I—“
“Shh, Good girls gets to speak, Brats like you gets nothing.” He hissed, demeanor changed 180 as his grip tighten as much as he could and his palm goes from giving you calmness to slap your ass cheeks like you were his punching bag. You mewled and whined, before he hoist you up his arm, to move both of you to the bedroom.
“Gonna show you just what nasty desperate kittens like you get, gonna ruin you like a rag doll.” Thrown you into the bed like a rag doll is exactly what he did, you bounced a little before propping your body with your elbows to watch him sauntered over to the closer. “Was going to make you a nice dinner pet, romantic and shit, but you just had to be a slut.. for daddy huh?” He said from the closet, making you bit your lip in guilt.
“Please daddy, i’m sorry!”
“Told you to stay fucking quiet.” He rasped, pulling a few things from the closet, then making his way back to where you were laid, clothes already off. “But, i was just—“ He cuts you off by pinching your nipples hard as he placed a handcuff, a belt, and a gag— a ring gag to be exact.
“Since you can’t keep your filthy whore mouth shut, i’m going to place this—“ He grabbed the gag, carefully scurrying it around your head, “There you go, looking like a cute slutty brat that you are.” He pats your head, before securing the handcuffs around your wrist up above your head.
“Aw my baby drooling already? You’re practically begging to get your face fucked, princess.” He cooed, god he’s so different in private like this, he knows every one of your weak spots, every word that makes your heart leaps and your pussy clenched, every damn move and touches that have you begging for more, yearning for more, and being so needy over it. A man like Spencer, thrived in the feeling of having control over something for extensive amount of time, he doesn’t mind not being the typical alpha male on the streets, but here in his sheets every night— he’s the predator, and you my darling, is his frail prey.
The only thing you could let out is a pathetic mewl as he slapped the skin of your gorgeous breasts, his gaze hungry as he trailed them down your body, your gorgeous curves, it almost as if he’s worshipping every damn mark and inch of skin— silently thanking whoever made you possible for how your body just as it is.
“beautiful, could be eating you out right now, but you decided to be bad.” He tsk’d, causing you to whimper and buck your hips which he slapped your thigh for, “No buckin’ up on daddy. Be good.”
Be good,
Be good,
Be good, Y/N.
Suddenly, suddenly your eyes droops just a little, you were still so still you held in your breath, your cheeks warmth as you feel yourself entering the very very fuzzy space where the only thing that exists is Y/N and Daddy. Be good, she has to be good for him because she has disappointed him again for being a— your thought were cut short as he cup your cheek, noticing how your body language changes, your daddy always knows after all.
“Shh, you’re good princess. hey are you with me? want me to stop? take the gag off, little one?” He cooed, as you momentarily shake your head with such eager, gesturing for him that no.. no you don’t want him to stop, you did a bad naughty thing and you need to be punished. Spencer has spent all his time studying your behavior, your every little detail— expression, body language, every damn thing to know just what it is you want, you need, you.. crave.
“Alright but if you feel any discomfort you’ll tap daddy with your legs okay? you can even kick him, daddy won’t mind..” He chuckled, which earned a strangled laugh from you— “Oh go and speak now angel, love watching you all messy and drooly.” He laughed, before flipping you so that you were laid face down with your ass up as your hips being propped up by a pillow.
So sudden , it was so sudden, the loud impact sound of his belt against your skin echoed on the very walls of your room. Your head thrown back as your saliva steadily running down your chin, your eyes breaming with tears, and you let out a very very adorable strangled cries. “Fuck, thats it, take it, take your punishment and maybe, just maybe daddy’ll be a little lenient towards you tonight.”
You didn’t count, you lost track of how many times the harsh leather has hit your skin, now burning with tremendous guilt and burning lustful desire. Your tears soaked the pillow case like a damn river, yet he didn’t relent not until he felt like you’ve learned your lesson.
and honestly.. you wouldn’t ask for anything else.
“Pretty girl, so so good for daddy shh, come here.” He wrapped you up in his arms as he remove the gag and handcuffs altogether, you were a panting drooly mess as he presses tiny loving kisses on your forehead— body completely engulfing you in his warmth. “D-daddy.. am i.. am i forgiven?” You hiccups, looking up at him to seek for comfort.. for his forgiveness, his his his.
“Oh sweetheart, i wasn’t mad at you, was just putting you back on your place. You’re so so good for me.” he cooed, gently easing you up his lap, trailing his fingers from your hair down to your arms, your tummy, and heading further south. “I love you daddy... thank you for correcting me.”
Spencer could drown, drown inside your pretty eyes, just get lost in it forever, until he suffocates and die a happy man. He would be the prisoner in your version of heaven no doubt, he was never a religious man, but if there’s a higher power— it’s you, a damn goddess— his true revelation.
“I love you too, sweetheart. Let me take care of you okay?” He whispered, positioning you properly, your back against his chest, your head adorably tucked under his chin, and your thighs spread with his knees below yours. You were a giggling mess, hazy in your space but so so drunk on pleasure, “Please please please!” You whimpered greedily, trying to grind down on his bare cock.
“Patience is virtue, angel. Let’s get you nice and ready hm? know you’re too tight to take all of me.” He whispered, which resulted in you yelling— cutting him off a little way too loudly.
“But i can! i can take it, daddy! please let me show you!” God you didn’t know what you did to him, what your damn gorgeous eyes did to his psyche, to his cock. Begging like that, making him wants to ruin you, making him wants to release the very very hungry beast inside of him— ruin ruin ruin you oh so beautifully.
“Alright, you asked for it. Don’t go blabbing about being too full, you brat.” He smacked your thigh before positioning his hard, thick hard long cock on your entrance, slowly pushing his impossible length up your tummy. “Oh! oh oh! daddy!” You cried, cried and mewled like a kitten.
His length was not even halfway in and yet you were filled so fully that your head spins. “Take it, just a lil more, doing so good.” He rasps, feeling your cunt impossibly tight around his cock, warm and snug. “Please daddy...” You whimpered, not even know what the pleading was for but you pleads for him— with him.
When he finally got all his length stuffed deep inside your weepy cunt, his mouth nip and bite at the skin of your neck, trying to hold back the grunts as he moves slowly, thrusting up to your tight cunt.
“Fuck so damn tight, kitten.” You shuddered as the tip of his cock hit your spot perfectly, he was in so deep that all the sound that dripped from your lip was ‘ah! ah ah! d-‘
“Take it, take it, take it.” Was all he chanted as he settled you so you seated up right on his lap, before bouncing you up and down his length. Spencer was deeper this way, way way deep inside your walls, massaging every pulsing need you’ve held for awhile.
“So big! so— oh! please daddy faster!” You moaned wantonly, bouncing yourself up and down his cock, gasping as he places his palm on your tummy where the imprint his cock nestled deep inside you was so prominent that he cried out loud. “Feel it huh? feel it deep inside your tummy?”
“Yes yes yes oh fuck! S-Spencer!” You knew just how much he loves it when you moaned his name, so even in your fuzzy space, you moaned it, because you love him and he was practically fucking the living soul outta you. “I love you— fuck me i love you, gonna cum hm?” He whispered, moving his hand down, down down down then pressing his thumb on your clit to rub it.
“Daddy no! no i-i’ll make a mess!” Of course he knows this, knows that the burn on your ass constantly slapping against his thigh turns you on like nothing else, knows that his cock was filling you up so good that you could practically feel him inside your throat, knows that the rubbing of his thumb will have you squirting on his cock in no time.
“But daddy— shit, daddy wants you to make a mess, go on little one.. make a big mess.” And so you did, you did hard— squirting on his cock like river was streaming down your cunt, your walls pulses around his cock like a vibrator and the grip was like vice, sending him to absolute bliss himself— cumming inside you shortly after as you shake and writhe above him.
“I love you Y/N fuck— fuck i love you so fucking much.” He fucked you through your and his orgasm like a mad man, burying his face on your neck as his cum was buried inside your cunt. You were panting so hard, body still shaking as he leave trail of kisses on the column of your throat before tilting your head to kiss your lips softly.
“D-Daddy?” You meekly whispered, lips trembling as you spoke after he hummed, “can you stay inside? want to keep you inside please..”
And who’s Spencer Reid to deny his goddess’s wishes
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petiteyoon · 3 years
Feather Kisses — knj
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Pairing: Namjoon x f!reader
Genre: fluff, smut
Rating: Mature
Summary: sweet love making in the morning and a picnic with Namjoon. It's your 5th anniversary.
Warnings: sweet food/carbs mentioned, slight daddy kink, fingering, unprotected sex, and just a soft Joonie!
Word count: 2.3k
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This fic was written for @btsgoldnetwork 's event for Bangtan's 8th anniversary :)
A huge thank you to @nottodayjjk for beta reading this! <3
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Even after five years, Namjoon was still so giddy at the thought of the upcoming special date where you and him started dating, it seemed like he was still in the honeymoon stage of your relationship.
Every year he would organize a whole day to give attention just to you, with sweet kisses, gifts, flowers and fancy dinners.
This time was no different; you squeezed your eyes as the rays of the sun pooled through the curtains and onto your eyelids, forcing you to wake up. Stretching your arms upwards, you felt a hand behind you, caressing your side in a loving manner. The body laying beside you got closer, plump lips leaving kisses on your shoulder and neck.
You giggled at the feeling, rolling to the other side and meeting your boyfriend’s dark eyes staring at you, taking in your features. He smiled and booped your nose with another sweet kiss, “Did you sleep well, baby?” he whispered, voice deeply laced with sleep as he stretched as well.
You nodded and wrapped your arms around his torso, searching for the warmth of his skin. Your chest was pressed against his, he shuddered at the contact as his arms fell to his sides, the left one wrapping around your back and squeezing you against him.
Namjoon knew how much you liked to feel him up in the morning. He usually questioned what made you feel so needy right after waking up but he wasn’t going to complain, not when he started to feel your soft breasts on his chest, along with your feather-like kisses along his neck and jaw.
“You know what day it is today?” you smiled, brushing your nose against the lobe of his ear. Goosebumps emerged on his skin as he took a deep breath, “Of course… I have everything in mind,” he groggily responded, gripping your waist and rolling over you, burying his head in your hair, breathing in your sweet scent.
Your hands traveled down his back, feeling his muscles flexing, while teasingly pulling the hem of his boxers. He smiled against your skin as he felt your fingers pulling down his shorts, “This wasn’t exactly planned but… I’m not the one to complain,” his honey-laced voice whispered, right before biting your neck and sucking.
You were caught off guard, gasping as you gripped his hips, trying to pull him closer to your body. His skin left a burning sensation against yours, his warm body was completely laid on yours, lips attached to you and waist tightly pressed between your legs.
The room started to feel much hotter as his kisses became more and more needy, leaving small purple marks along the way. His hair tickled your chest as he focused on one of your breasts, pressing his wet tongue on your nipple while he pinched the other one with his long fingers.
You whimpered at his teasing, you grabbed his wrist and guided him in between your legs, closer to your needy centre. “Please, Joon…” you moaned, your sweet voice reaching his ears as he sighed, warm breath making you tremble. He always liked to hear you moan.
Without waiting, his fingers found your clit and started pressing against it, moving in circles as he stimulated you and made you wetter. His hand quickly hid in your panties, already teasing your entrance and gathering some of your arousal onto his digits.
Your hips involuntarily bucked up into his hand, just wanting to feel his fingers fill you up. “Enough with the teasing, Joon,” you scrunched up your nose and whined, receiving just an airy laugh from him.
He lifted his head, looking into your eyes for a couple of seconds before speaking up, “You’re needier than usual today, huh? I barely touched you.” He still had his raspy voice as if he just woke up and that was enough to make you even more aroused.
You bit your lip as you gazed into his eyes, furrowing your eyebrows. “Please…?” you whispered. You didn’t trust your voice at the moment, not when your handsome boyfriend was staring up at you from between your legs, naked and with his hair disheveled, eyes dark and full of lust.
All you wanted to do was to kiss his tanned skin, bite it and devour him, but you knew better than not to follow his rules in the bedroom. He was always soft and sweet, unless you started to behave like a needy, impatient brat.
He took a deep breath, chest pressing against yours, “I’ll let you go this time. But just because we have many things to do today.” As he spoke the last words, a couple of fingers plunged into your heat, making you moan out loud and grip his shoulder.
It was unexpected but with all your wetness it was easy for him to find his way deep inside you; he started to pump his digits in and out of you, coating his fingers with your slick. Your cheeks grew hotter as heavy breathing and the squelching of your pussy were the only sounds audible in your shared bedroom.
Namjoon lifted his chin, reaching your lips and capturing them in a heated kiss, with teeth and tongue. You moaned against his mouth, incapable of keeping quiet as he kept doing wonders to your body, sparks of pleasure vibrated inside you. Without knowing it, Namjoon pressed his hips against the mattress, trying to find some friction to relieve his hard cock.
You felt his fingers curling up and rubbing that special spot inside you that made you see stars as your orgasm soon approached, his name slipped past your lips like a mantra while you gradually reached your high.
Your hips moved in time with the thrusts of his wrist, Namjoon’s muscles kept flexing as he worked on you, pressing a thumb against your clit to make you come faster.
You threw your head back as warm waves of pleasure filled your body, your velvety walls squeezed Namjoon’s fingers as you came and praised him while he kept going, determined to make you ride out your orgasm.
Feeling your legs quiver from the overstimulation that quickly approached, he slowly slid out his fingers. He got up on his knees and brought his hand towards his mouth, licking his digits clean, tasting you.
He moved closer to you and pressed a sweet kiss on your lips. “You taste like heaven, baby,” you smiled into the kiss as you felt the lingering taste of yourself on your lips as you licked them.
Without wasting time, Namjoon already grabbed your thighs and pulled them towards his waist, towering over you. “Don’t you need some prep?” you asked, looking down at his cock with hazy eyes. He shook his head, using your cum as lube, coating his tip and whole length with it.
“You’re still so fucking wet after a simple fingering, I don’t need your mouth,” he muttered, eyes fixated on his cock as he grabbed it and guided it towards your entrance, “at least not now… maybe later.” He quickly looked up at you, biting his lower lip and smirking slightly before pressing the tip against your hole.
You took a deep breath as you felt him filling you up to the brim, the delicious stretch made you moan instantly. He placed his hands on either side of your head, coming down to kiss you while he started to move, slowly thrusting into you.
You lifted your legs, wrapping them around his hips and you caressed his cheeks with both hands, losing yourself in his sweet kisses. Namjoon loved to feel you close to him during sex, he often spent the whole time kissing you, forehead against yours while his hips worked their magic on you.
He sped up his pace, hands gripping your waist as he hung onto you like his life depended on it. Feeling your wet walls squeezing him with every thrust was heavenly for him; “You feel so good, babygirl…” he moaned, his ragged breath hot on you as a thin layer of sweat coated his honeyed skin.
“Namjoon… I think I’m going to cum soon,” you whimpered, feeling your pussy pulsating around his cock, warm and wet from all the stimulation he was giving you. “So soon, baby? Could you last a little longer for daddy?” he encouraged you, balls deep inside you as his hand came down to the point where your bodies were connected, pinching your clit.
You tensed up, biting your lower lip as a desperate moan left your mouth; the pressure he added didn’t make things easier for you.
You arched your back as you felt him rub your bud between his fingers, while new sparks of pleasure flooded into you, “Please, daddy!” you desperately moaned for him, “I can’t last long like this”.
Namjoon looked down at you. “Then cum for me, princess,” he whispered, hips still drilling inside you as he watched how you fell apart, mouth open and eyes squeezed shut while you cummed around him, your pussy milking him through.
You slowly opened your eyes, feeling his movements almost coming to a halt as cum spilled inside of you, filling you up deliciously. Namjoon lowered his head, pushing his forehead on your shoulder as he muttered your name in a strained moan, riding out his orgasm with slow thrusts, pumping his seed deeper inside you.
As he caught his breath, you laid there under him, caressing his back. “I love you,” he muttered, still with his face buried in your shoulder. You smiled, turning your head towards him and giving him a peck on his head that he returned soon after, “I love you too, Joon”.
He looked at you again with a loving gaze, smiling before standing up and walking to the bathroom to get you a warm towel. When he returned, he cleaned you up as you laid in bed, sleepiness slowly taking over your body.
“Hey princess, it’s better if you get up,” he said, pecking your face with small kisses, tickling you as you giggled. “We have a little trip to the park waiting for us,” he smiled at you while he sat on his side of the bed.
Your eyes lit up, opening immediately as you heard the word ‘park’. You got up from the warm covers and walked to the closet. “Are we going to have a picnic?” you asked him, eyes fixated on the dresses you could wear for that sunny day.
He hummed an answer as he came closer to you, placing his chin on your shoulder. “That one is very cute,” he spoke up absentmindedly, pointing at a dress on your left.
You nodded as you picked it up, throwing it on and taking a look at the mirror.
Namjoon stood behind you, shirtless and with just a pair of shorts, smiling at your reflection as you twirled to show him how the dress fit. “How do I look?” you peered at him from the mirror. His smile got wider, he lowered his head to kiss your cheek as he showered you with compliments, “You look wonderful, baby”.
You blushed as you turned around, facing him, “Thank you, handsome.” You stood on your toes to give him a peck on the lips.
After getting dressed, Namjoon took you to a park near your house; he laid a blanket on the grass and sat on it as he watched you pick up the basket. “What’s in here?” you looked at him with doe eyes, lifting the heavy object.
He smiled up at you, you looked like a small girl seeing a picnic basket for the first time. “Come here and you’ll see,” he patted the spot next to him and you quickly sat down with him.
Namjoon took the basket from your hands and opened it, revealing a set of tableware and a couple of sandwiches, along with muffins and donuts. You looked at the items with shiny eyes, all of that was like heaven for you.
“When did you prepare all of this? Without burning the kitchen?!” you looked at him in disbelief and he shot you a glare, pulling out a fake pout as he started to whine, “I may not be a 5-star cook but I’m not that bad! And those are just sandwiches!” he gestured to the food, “And I ordered the muffins yesterday.” He rolled his eyes at your previous reaction; you liked teasing him.
You kissed his cheek as you giggled, watching him wiping his cheek, still pretending to be offended. You picked up a donut, “C’mon, let’s eat before the ants steal our food.” He took the dessert from your hand as he munched on it.
“Hey! That was mine,” you pouted at him, receiving a shrug of the shoulders as a response and a smile from Namjoon. You rolled your eyes at his soft behavior, taking a sandwich and eating it.
The day passed by rather quickly as you and Namjoon finished your lunch and relaxed in the park, laying on the soft grass and listening to the birds chirping.
The two of you were lucky that not many people were at the park that day, or maybe Namjoon purposely picked out a busy day so you could enjoy it without being bothered by the others.
“I really enjoyed this day, Joonie,” you smiled at him as you now laid on your bed, after returning home. He looked at you as he undressed, softly returning your smile. You stayed there for a while in comfortable silence, no words needed to speak to each other.
He caressed your hair before laying down with you, pressing his lips to your forehead, “I love you so much, every day more than the other,” he softly whispered to you.
You turned around, hugging his waist as you buried your face into his chest, “I love you too, Joon. So, so much. Thank you for being here.” You smiled, looking up at him before placing a hand on his cheek and kissing him.
You were a lucky girl for sure.
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jackdaw-sprite · 3 years
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Ectober 16 - Stingy Jack
Why does the spirit of a holiday with European origins have a weakness related to a North American gourd?
So, this one requires some explanation.
The short version? I replaced the devil with Fright Knight in Stingy Jack’s origin story.
The long version is under the cut.
It’s worth noting that prior to starting to google things for this prompt, I didn’t know who Stingy Jack was. I had seen references to various pumpkin-headed people in media before, but mostly Enoch from Over the Garden Wall and the Headless Horseman.
Further disclaimer: I have no idea what I’m doing, I was just having fun poking through wikipedia articles and related information.
Apparently, Stingy Jack is the guy in the explanatory story for the existence of Jack O’ Lanterns, except in the story it’s carved turnips because it takes place in Ireland, where pumpkins weren’t common at the time. I couldn’t find a time frame for the story, but the earliest versions of the story I found mentioned were from around 1830.
A summary of the version I sort of went with, which is just the one on Wikipedia:
Jack was wandering around outside at night when he stumbled on the devil.
He tricks the devil into giving him 10 more years on earth.
10 years later, the devil comes to collect him and Jack tricks him a second time. He gets the devil to agree to never take his soul.
Eventually, Jack finally died of alcoholism. God refused to let him into Heaven. Likewise, the devil refused to let him into Hell because of their prior agreement.
Thus, the devil curses Jack to wander the earth a restless spirit until Judgement Day. He gives Jack an ember to light his way, and somehow this is eventually placed into a carved turnip.
This brings up some questions:
Fright Knight has a pumpkin weakness, but he represents a holiday with European origins. Why does he have it? How did he get it?
From the extremely limited information I could turn up, it seemed like this story originated in the 1800s. But the tradition of carved turnips is older than that. So assuming Stingy Jack is real in the Danny Phantom universe, when would he have arisen?
Fright Knight and Pumpkins
I can see several possibilities with this:
Fright Knight has always had a terrible pumpkin allergy, which he only discovered when his holiday spread to the Americas.
Fright Knight’s weakness isn’t so much Pumpkins as it is to carved vegetables, which would have made him much scarier back when people mostly carved turnips.
Fright Knight wasn’t the spirit of Samhain or All Hallow’s Day and instead is the spirit of the modern holiday. Which doesn’t explain the whole Knight aesthetic, unless he’s a trick-or-treater gone terribly awry. It also doesn’t explain how he would work with Pariah Dark, who I always get the impression has been trapped for at least a few centuries.
Fright Knight is an older spirit associated with the holiday which has become Halloween, and came by his pumpkin weakness recently.
I liked the last option because it seemed most interesting, so I went with that.
Which raises the question: How did he get it?
We’ll come back to that in a bit, because I need to talk some more about our dear friend Stingy Jack first:
Stingy Jack and Jack O’ Lanterns
Samhain is a festival with apparently pagan origins, which is interesting because Ireland has been majority Christian since the 5th Century, again according to Wikipedia because I don’t actually know any good sources on Celtic traditions.
Mumming and guising was a part of Samhain from at least the 16th century and was recorded in parts of Ireland, Scotland, Mann and Wales.
The “traditional illumination for guisers or pranksters abroad on the night in some places was provided by turnips or mangel wurzels, hollowed out to act as lanterns and often carved with grotesque faces”. They were also set on windowsills. By those who made them, the lanterns were variously said to represent the spirits or supernatural beings, or were used to ward off evil spirits.
So from this, the carved turnip lanterns may or may not predate the story of Stingy Jack, because presumably that story was reasonably well-established by the time it got recorded in newspapers in the 1830s.
Further, according to some people they’re supposed to ward off evil spirits? Or imitate them?
But Stingy Jack was left with a turnip lantern to light his way…
And this is the part where I really, really start reaching. Because this is in the end a children’s TV show and it’s fun!
Let’s assume that Stingy Jack existed in the Danny Phantom universe, and that Fright Knight as a spirit of Halloween was out and about as an evil spirit on that night, meant to be capturing the unwise that were wandering about after dark without disguise.
Such as Jack.
And really, a shadowy figure of nightmares and flame, out to claim his soul? It makes sense for Jack to assume a ghost like Fright Knight is a devil. Or The Devil.
And Jack tricked Fright Knight out of taking him, first for 10 years and then for the rest of his natural life.
But a ghost like Fright Knight, who has existed for who knows how long? Who knows fear and nightmares like an extension of himself?
Who takes the form of a knight, and might not take well to being cheated?
He has motive for revenge, and time.
He can run out the clock, wait until Jack dies. Stalk the shadows and linger on the edges of Jack’s vision, waiting. Driving him to stress and to drink until his liver fails him.
And then?
Well, if Fright Knight is out collecting souls in the first place, it makes sense he can force the living or newly dead to form ghosts.
The turnip lantern seems like such a specific aspect of Jack’s punishment. An ironic one, too. If Fright Knight were the one to fall ‘victim’ to Jack’s tricks, crucifixes might not work as they did in the original story. But if Jack were particularly clever…the turnip lanterns are said also to resemble spirits. What if instead of crucifixes, Jack used turnip lanterns to trick Fright Knight out of his soul?
It would make sense, then, for Fright Knight to bind Jack’s spirit to a carved turnip in revenge.
And so we come to Jack’s end: Fright Knight, vengeful after decades of being kept from Jack’s soul, able to force Jack to wander the earth a spirit.
And with a turnip-shaped ironic punishment for Jack’s tricks.
Afterwards, of course, Jack is left with the mind that tricked Fright Knight out of Jack’s soul not once, but twice. That spared him for the rest of his natural life.
And he has motive for revenge, and time.
And a few centuries later, when pumpkins of all things become the favored vessel for Jack O’ Lanterns?
Jack finds the shape of his revenge. If Fright Knight bound Jack to a turnip for eternity, well.
Let’s see how he likes it, shall we?
Notes and References:
Assorted Fright Knight screenshots
I actually used a reference I found for mid-1800s Irish men’s fashion to dress Jack, mostly because I got confused about when the story was supposed to have taken place. Specifically, I used this site which is a random non-secure site I found via google image search.
Going in with the idea that Fright Knight is a spirit many centuries older than Halloween and who dates back to the origins of Samhain at least, he’s using a hunting knife from the 5th century: the Seax, which I discovered is apparently a thing while googling around for this. Source is here, which leads to My Armory dot com, a site I have no idea the reputation of as well.
Fright Knight is meant to be pinning Jack’s newly forming ghost against a tree in preparation for digging out his heart or core with the hunting knife and sticking it in the turnip. And he’s really relishing it too. Yikes.
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yinses · 4 years
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college au! headcanons
gojo satoru, geto suguru & nanami kento
rqst: college au for nanami, geto and gojo?
a/n: so i divided it into three categories to help keep my head straight. honestly almost straight kicked gojo out of college bc i couldn’t decide on a major for him. the jjk discord server is heaven sent for my sanity. ty everyone again 🌺
last time i should have to post these. hoping everything is fine now. 
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gojo satoru
—he starts off undecided for a long time. the fact that he’s on scholarship allows him to be more flexible with his classes given that he’s not responsible for costs. he grew up with expectations from his family but university is suppose to be his opportunity to spread his own wings and grow from his experiences.
—so he tries a bit of everything- sciences, music and social studies- anything to prompt a spark. (took a business class once and made a point to sit next to nanami everyday just to annoy him) by his second year he’s getting as frustrated as his counselor because if he doesn’t decide soon he’ll be a potential 5th year senior.
—he’s overthinking it but gojo wants to invest in what he believes will make the most significant impact to his ability. his counselor takes those crumbs and runs with it.
—he gets steered towards political science and actually excels at it (that advisor gets a raise). surprises most of the class with his analytical skills because they thought he was just a pretty boy- surprise he’s beautiful and smart.
—develops a vested interest in governmental policies. might run for president one day idk. brings donuts to his early am class. doesn’t share.
—he’s not the jock per say, but as the star athlete of the basketball team, the school likes to take advantage of his image to draw in sponsors.
—his face is plastered all over the auditorium whether they’re in season or not. sometimes it’s not even to promote basketball, gojo is pretty and they’re not afraid to use it. which also makes him one of the most recognizable faces on campus.
—due to his student athlete contract, he’s not allowed to sign autographs freely in the event they’re attempted to be sold as quick cash. but yikes, he can barely walk to class without someone stopping him for a picture. to the best of his ability he tries to laugh it off, poster boy image and all, but it gets pretty fucking old and annoying quickly. especially when it makes him late for his next lesson and the instructor shows no sympathy.
—his height didn’t only help him get into basketball, but its also convenient when it comes to shouldering politely through the student masses. his golden rule is don’t make eye contact. the busier the crowds the easier it is for him to pretend like he could’t possibly have heard them.
—gojo doesnt scout fraternities, fraternities scout him. but he’s not interested in the slightest. as an athlete he already gets into any social circle he wants without the additional effort. that and he doesnt think he could tolerate an alpha male trying to exert his dominance without barking back.
—loves to show up to parties but always arrives late enough to the point where they don’t think he’s coming. it helps him slip in when he wants too. he’s a connoisseur of all alcohol varieties and a master of beer bong. he’s not necessarily the life of the party but his presence is kind of hard to miss.
—he gets too much attention to date casually. most potential suitors are in it more for the benefits they receive than him anyway. he’s got enough on his plate with career indecisiveness and games to try to pursue anything serious before third year.
—he’s not completely celibate though. he tries to keep the same partners as long as he can. not only to keep himself clean and safe but because he often goes into an agreement to keep it casual. sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. either way he gets coined as a ‘heartbreaker’ before the end of his freshman year. frankly the rumors obscure most of the truth and give him more freedom. people always expect that he’s with someone even when he’s not, which helps keep his invasive teammates off his back.
—gojo can easily graduate without securing something tangible but there is still a window for potential.
—you’re both his consistent classmate and occasional friends with benefits. its the former title that keeps bringing him back around. he cant exactly avoid you without subjecting himself to 8am classes. it helps that the sex is good too.
—he can text you an offer to study together for the next test and roll over after an hour and wreck you for the rest of the week. its hard to tell who gets addicted first but he does appreciate the way your skin looks when youre wearing his marks.
geto suguru
—he’s a STEM kid, particularly interested in bio-genetics to improve overall health. he believes that simply becoming a physician just keeps the issue at bay and his goal is to eradicate the problem at its source.
—since high school he’s been cataloging different programs across the country before deciding what he wanted and putting all his efforts into it. so it’s no surprise when he gets in.
—geto doesn’t need counselors but they’re required so he listens to them prattle on about using university as an opportunity to explore. this man came in with more college credits than most sophomores, he knows what he wants.
—always on-time to class and never misses an assignment. also that kid who goes above and beyond, even on the simple stuff. he rarely gets teased about it, not even behind his back. geto straight up scares some people even when he’s smiling.
—not afraid to correct teachers when they’re wrong. in fact he lives for it.
—he’s the one who graduated early and starts his master’s program before most of his age group declare their own majors.
—he tends to frequent the same circles- handpicking his acquaintances out of class rosters, clubs and honor lists. he’s less in it for the friendship and more so to scout for potential research partners.
—met gojo in one of his science electives and literally carried him through the class. they somehow end up friends but only really hang out at each other’s places- bunch of chill movie nights and pizza.
—there is no interest in fraternities, but he does join university funded clubs that allow him to further his research. they give him unique access to labs, take him on trips to different conventions and have an alumni list a kilometer long for future collaborations.
—the man does not party but he will occasionally slip into quieter bars to ease some of his frustrations. he actually enjoys karaoke thursdays , not to sing for himself but the drunken antics of others bring him some amusement.
—smokes weed occasionally, but only his own product. it helps him relaxand fan out the stress. he never sells it but sometimes gojo nicks some of his stash. given that he gets drug tested often, geto doesn’t know how the athlete never gets caught.
—not interested in seeking out relationships in the slightest. the man has a plan and he’s already married to it.
—he’s not completely immune to sexual advances though and occasionally splurges but none of the friends with benefits crap. he’ll hit it once and stay celibate for the rest of the year easily.
—you might be able to squeeze in as his fellow lab partner. remain invested in the work and not him and he’ll start noticing the little details of your company- the way you subtle perfume lingers on his lab coat hours after you’ve adorned for the day, how he knows you have to keep your hair up for safety precautions but he thinks about running his fingers through it daily and your mind, damn, he wonders what else you can come up with when he has you laid out on his sheets.
—if he’s interested, geto won’t hesitate to broach the topic. he’ll ask you out for coffee and when you try to bring up research he’ll be upfront about his attraction. ultimately if you start dating the two of you are an absolute unit- not that you weren’t before.
—you’re the one variable he didn’t plan for but he’s glad to have added you to the equation.
nanami kento
—he was made for the business world, brought by a CEO who raised him to inherit the company. administration major marketing minor.
—takes initiative in all his classes and is often coined as group leader for projects. mostly keeps to himself  and only speaks up when prompted or disagrees with something.
—he takes the earliest sessions possible because it means less people more often than not. doesn’t really care if its in the front, middle or back but always sits near the edge.
—doesn’t really want to but it looks good on his resume so he joins the marketing team where they present mock business plans for competitions. they win a lot. nanami honestly doesn’t care. but again it looks good.
—it only took him a brief summer internship to learn that he found nothing satisfying about board meetings and macro management.
—he decides to invest in law school to handle the company from a legal standpoint instead.
— sort of like geto, only wants to make friends on a need be basis.
—he would rather keep to himself but knows the benefits of socializing so he interacts with his frequent classmates when he can- through study groups or car pooling to seminars.
—he does join a fraternity, its the same one his father did (and uncles, cousins, whatnot. its a generational thing). its geared towards bettering future leaders. they focus building resumes, charity events and run the organization like a proper business. nanami gets elected president by his third year and runs two terms.
—the only parties he attends are networking events- full of wine and fancy horderves. wine is plentiful but he’s always nursing a scotch on top of his headache. if one more person squeezes their stocks into a conversation he’s going to personally take down the whole market
—zero interest in college party life. spends some of his downtime at the campus theater watching old time movies and classic plays.
—he’s the coffee shop hoe. he wakes up early sometimes just to sit by the window and read some casual literature. has his own thermo that gives him free refills to cart to class. do not talk to this man before he’s had his caffeine.
—he probably has a high school sweetheart that he’s still clinging too, whether on the same campus or long distance. it helps him because he can’t really see himself pursuing a relationship while focusing on school.
—he’s been with you long enough that you understand his ambitions and won’t feel bested by them. the two of you have a system- starting the day off with sweet ‘good morning’ texts before class and ending the day with long conversations as you digest the last 12 hours.
—nanami is independent but he is thankful to have you to rely on when classes start to overwhelm him. the two of try to escape briefly for the weekend when you can. often going to near by reservations just to get off campus
—other times the two of you will cuddle close on your dorm bed, his long fingers combing through your hair while he reads over some notes for class.
—sometimes you have to be the one to tell him to take a break and to enjoy life while he can. even if that means dragging him the events and concerts hosted on campus. he resists at first but you can see the tension ebbing away as the night comes to a close.
—the two of you start living together in your senior year just because you can. he insists on buying a house. not only because he can afford it because it can be rented out after graduation. always the business man.
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reidsconverse · 4 years
bookstore • spencer reid
Spencer x Reader
Warnings: None
Based off of this request: reid,, falling in love w the reader bcos he sees them constantly in a bookstore reading his favourite fiction author (perhaps,,, stephen king,,,?) but he’s too shy to talk to them
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It all started when his usual used bookstore closed for renovations, which was slightly more than an inconvenience seeing as the second closest used book store was a 30 minute drive away. He’d finished work early one day and decided it was time to stock up on some books to last him a week.
He got to the store about an hour before closing, just enough time to browse the shelves and see what this place had to offer, on the outside it looked bigger than his usual store which he thought could be a good thing considering his ability to fly through books at such a fast pace.
A small bell rang as he entered the store, the door that was slightly stiff with age closing behind him, there was one person at the desk who he assumed was the owner, they shared a quick smile as an acknowledgment of the presence of each other before returning back their original tasks. Spencer set out to find a copy of IT by Stephen King, Garcia had made them watch the movie at their last BAU movie night and it had sparked his intrigue to reread the novel.
The store wasn’t difficult to navigate and he easily found his way to where the book should have been, except it wasn’t there. He had called ahead earlier to confirm they had it to avoid a wasted trip. He quickly turned the corner to go and ask the person at the desk what had happened to the copy when he saw her.
Now truthfully, Spencer didn’t think he believed in love at first sight... until he saw her. Tucked away in the corner, wearing a beautiful yellow dress paired with a pair of yellow converse, she looked ethereal and Spencer almost forgot where he was and what he was doing. But then he saw it, no literally IT...the book he needed sitting in her lap and currently the owner of her attention.
Just as he was about to approach her to question her about the book, he saw her check her phone and sigh before getting up to put the book away. Spencer couldn’t help but watch her as she collected her things and prepared to leave, he wanted so desperately to stop her, ask her her name or even about the book. He just stood there frozen, pretending to look at the shelf of books.
“Are you lost?” He heard a small voice pipe up shaking him out of his trance, quickly turning around to see you looking up at him with wide eyes. “I know this store pretty well, I could help you find what you’re looking for.”
He stared at you for a few seconds before clearing his throat, “Uh no I’m ok thank you.” He regretted it the minute he said it, here you were offering to help him, to spend time with him and he had said no.
“Oh, ok, I hope you find what you’re looking for then!” The girl said, giving Spencer a wide grin. “This store has an amazing collection of works, I’ve been coming here for years although I never buy anything, I prefer to sit here and…,” She paused when she saw Spencer staring at her, she grinned sheepishly and pushed a strand of hair out of her face, "and I’m rambling I’m so sorry.”
“I-its fine, it's nice to see I’m not the only one who appreciates the vibe of bookstores, and I’m the worst when it comes to rambling I could talk for hours, my friends hate it when I start to go off on a tangent…” Now it was his turn to grin sheepishly, “as I’m doing right now.” He finished.
The girl giggled and looked up at him before saying, “You’re cute,” Her face quickly matching his in flushing red when she realised what she had said, “oh my god I’m so sorry I didn't mean to say that out loud.”
Spencer thought he’d died and gone to heaven. "No it's fine, thank you." He hated how awkward he was, why couldn't he be more like Derek with his smooth pick up lines and charms, maybe if he was less him he might've had the courage to continue the conversation and get her number, but no all he did was smile at her .
"I'm Y/N." She said, holding her hand out for him to shake.
He quickly looked down at her hand and before he could stop himself he blurted out, "The number of pathogens passed during a handshake is staggering. It's actually safer to kiss." He saw her purse her lips in confusion before retracting her hand and he immediately felt awful, "I'm sorry I don't know why I said that, I'm Spencer."
She smiled at him gently and nodded, "It's ok...It was nice to meet you, Spencer... I uh, I have to go but I hope I see you around here again." She gave him a quick wave before walking over to the front desk, smiling brightly.
“I’m almost done with the book Laurel, it's incredible. Stephen King is so talented.” He heard her say.
“Oh y/n, I didn’t tell you, someone called ahead and placed a hold on the book.” Laurel, who Spencer presumed was the guy at the desk, told the girl with a sad smile.
Spencer felt his heart physically hurt at the smile dropping from the girl's face, a small adorable pout forming on her face and she let out a small, “Oh…that's a shame, hopefully, you get another copy soon. I'll see you next week!”
He heard her bid goodbye to Laurel followed by the bell ringing out through the store, indicating she had left. He quickly walked over to pick out the book he had come for, however, his intentions had changed in the short period of time he'd been in the store. He took out his pen and began to write on the title page, something he would never normally do but he had to see her again and this seemed to be the only way.
He took the book to the front desk informing Laurel he had been the one to call ahead and put it on hold, before paying for it. He looked up at Laurel and said "Actually, could you keep that safe and give it to the girl that was in here before...her name was Y/N. I overheard her saying that she was almost done and I've read it more than enough times."
Laurel smiled at the awkward man standing in front of him and nodded, "Of course, she'll be so pleased, she's been coming in once a week to read it and it would've been such a shame if she couldn't finish. You're so kind for doing this, I know she'll appreciate it."
Spencer smiled before glancing down at his watch, taking in the time and knowing he had to leave now in order to avoid the traffic back, he quickly bid farewell to Laurel and made his way back to his car before beginning his journey back.
- one week later -
Y/N made her way back to the bookstore a small spring in her step despite her disappoitment that she was to be unable to finish the book she had been reading for the past few weeks, she was excited to select a new book.
The bell rang as she walked into the store and she smiled brightly when she saw Laurel at the desk, "Hey L, how are you?" She said, walking over to him.
"Hey sweetheart, I'm great and I have a gift for you." He said grinning at the young girl.  
Her ears perked up at the mention of a gift. "A gift? Laurel you shouldnt have."
He chuckled before handing her a copy of the book she had been intently reading for the past few weeks, "Oh honey, this was nothing to with me... I think you should take a look inside." He said with a small smirk before going to the backroom to do whatever it was he needed to do.
She slowly walked over to her usual seat in the store and sat down before opening up the book,  she let out a small gasp as she saw the note Spencer had written the week before.
Dear Y/N,
I hope you don't find this strange or too forthcoming but after our brief meeting last week I knew that couldnt be the last time I spoke to you. I overheard you (I promise I wasn't purposely eavesdropping, its just a small store) mention how you love this book and how you hadn't yet finished it, I also heard how disappointed you were when Laurel told you someone had reserved it. That person was me but I realised that I'd much rather allow you to finish the incredible book than reread it for the 5th time. I hope you enjoy the ending of this book, if you would like to discuss it with me and share other book recommendations please feel free to text me. I'm not the best at technology but I am good at talking about books.
Here's my number: xxx-xxx-xxx
Kind Regards,
She closed the book quickly, pulling out her phone and typing in the number.
Y/N: Hey Spencer, this is Y/N from the bookstore, I got your note. Would you like to meet up for coffee soon and we could discuss the book?
He replied back almost instantaneously which took Y/N by surprise.
Spencer: Hello, I'm so glad you weren't weirded out by the note I left, my friend told me it was a little creepy and I was worried. Coffee sounds great, shall we meet at the coffee shop opposite the book store tomorrow at 5?
Y/N: Sounds great! Its a date! :)
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ms-rampage · 3 years
Hello. You must be tired of me, no I really like the way you write. Can I ask imagine for Supernatural? Y/n is the sister of the archangels and Chuck's favorite daughter. After being captured and tortured by Asmodeus, y/n is broken, and Chuck tries to support his daughter. Please. I really like the kind Chuck who takes care of his children)
The Broken Archangel
No its fine! I don't mine 😁😊
Summary: Y/n is kidnapped and tortured by Asmodeus for several years. She’s rescued by Arthur Ketch, and is taken to the Winchesters, where God makes the discovery of his youngest Archangel. 
Warnings: Some language, mentions of torture and rape. I apologize in advance. This might be a little bit dark.
Y/n was captured by the Prince of Hell, Asmodeus while she was protecting her older brother Gabriel.
She was taken to Hell where she was tortured and completely drained of her grace. Torturing her in ways, for her to give him the locations of her elder brothers Gabriel and as well as Lucifer either one of them.
She spent 8 years in Hell, being drained of her grace, making her a broken Archangel with little no no powers. 
He was feeding off her grace, keeping her locked up in the deepest parts of Hell. Sewing her mouth shut. 
Locking her in a cage inside a dark room, keeping her in solitary confinement. 
She was basically his “little pet”. He drained her dry of her grace to make himself powerful and be ruler of Hell. Other than him torturing you, taking away your grace, he did other unspeakable acts to you, that you wished to never speak of, or even think of. With him weakening you, he knew you wouldn’t be able to fight back or defeat yourself. 
Making you feel dirty, disgusted and making you want to kill every demon in Hell. Wanting to kill that white suit, KFC dickhole. 
“So Y/n?” he asks, holding a sharp blade in hand wiping it with a hand towel “Where are those two brothers of yours?”. 
You say nothing, sitting on the floor staring down at it, with a metal collar around your neck, attached to a chain on the wall. 
You knew he was asking about Lucifer and Gabriel because Michael and Raphael are dead. He knew your grace wasn’t as strong as theirs.
“I asked you a question doll” he says, kneeling in front of you. You don’t dare to look at his face because you’d want to bitch slap him, and you would. 
He straightens his posture, and grabs you by your hair, pulling it to make you look up at him. 
You cry out, you try to hit him back but the chains around your wrists prevent that. 
“I asked you a question, and you will obey it!” he growls, “I know your grace isn’t as strong as your brothers. I’m nearly done with you, a good 60% done with you. So where is Lucifer, and/or Gabriel?!?”. 
You didn’t know the locations of Lucifer and your “twin”. Even if you did you weren’t gonna give them up. Finally being able to speak. 
“Fuck off” you wince out. Knowing that response wasn’t gonna go well with this demon. 
He clicks his tongue, kneeling in front of you again. “You know I’ll break ya, and when I do I’ll just dump out like the angel trash you are”. 
Fast forward to several years later, and still under the torture of Asmodeus.
You are rescued by the British Men of Letters. Arthur Ketch because him and the Winchesters needed the grace of an Archangel to keep a rift open to go into the Alpocalypse world.
Since Lucifer and Gabriel were nowhere to be found, AU Michael is a douchebag, but Team Free Will weren’t the only ones looking for an Archangel.
Chuck spent the last several years searching for his youngest Archangel, his favorite daughter. Going from one world to another searching for her. Every universe he had created to find her since she left Heaven. 
When Ketch brought her to the bunker, to the Winchesters, Chuck was able to track her down. On Earth in Kansas. 
Him, and along with his two sons went to her location. 
“Wait, wait” Ketch says to the two brothers aiming their pistols at him, he lifts his arms up to show that he means no harm ”I come bearing a gift”. He pulls you from behind the wall by your arm, showing you to Sam and Dean. 
They put their guns down, looking at you and Arthur confused. 
“Uhhh who is that??” Dean asks, pointing to you. 
“This is Y/n” he tells them, sitting you down on a chair in the library, “Archangel Y/n”. 
They look at each other, still confused. “Archangel??” Sam asks him. 
He clears his throat, putting his bag on the table “Yes Archangel”. 
“I thought there were 4 Archangels??” Dean asks, glaring at him. 
Shaking his head, “Nope, there are 5. Michael, Lucifer, Raphael, Gabriel and her” he tells them, pointing to you.  
You sit there, staring off into space. Your lips sewn shut, your all bloody and beaten after years of torture. Zero grace left in you. 
Stammering, and not knowing what to say “I don’t-. Where did you-” Sam not knowing what words to use. 
“Where did you get her??” Dean asks Ketch for Sam. 
He sighs, “From Hell, she’s a feisty, stubborn one. She’s low on grace but enough to open the rift”. 
You’re still in a trance, zoning out when it’s broken by another celestial energy in the room. 
“Y/n!” a familiar voice shouts, Sam and Dean turn around, and see Chuck, a worried and scared look on his face. Seeing you for the first time in several years, possibly centuries. 
You look up, and see your father. Eyes widened, even though you look, and are broken. Can only express one facial reaction, he can tell you wanted to cry.  
You look up and down at him, as he cautiously approaches you. Thinking that this is all some game Asmodeus is playing with you, when he reaches to move your hair away from you face, you wince away from his hand. 
Scared for anyone to even touch you. When Ketch rescued you, you were terrified, you had no idea who this British man was. So you didn’t trust him, even if you couldn’t tell him. He knew you didn’t trust him. 
“I’ve been searching for you” Chuck mutters to you, “For centuries, I’ve been looking for you. I thought I would never find you”. Almost in tears, his voice starts to break, looking at what has become of you. How weak and broken you’ve become. 
Dean clears his throat, getting his attention, “I don’t mean to interrupt. But why didn’t we, or the whole world know about a 5th Archangel??”. 
He turns around to face the two brothers, “Because I never wrote about her in the Bible or in any of my stories. I wrote about the other 4, my 4 boys but her” he motions back to you, still sitting on the chair, “I never wrote about her because she was always my favorite. My favorite daughter, she’s the last of the Archangels and the only girl out of them. I needed to protect her”. 
“Well looks like you did a great job” Dean sarcastically mutters. 
Later that evening, they put you in Sam’s room. You sat on the bed while Sam removed the stitching from your lips. The pinching feeling of the threads being removed hurt more now than when they were put on. 
Castiel enters the room, just as Sam finishes up with removing the stitching on your lips. 
He looks at you in shock, you look up and see your little brother. 
“Sam” he says in a soft voice, “She shouldn’t be here”. He looks at him confused. 
“Why?! What’s wrong?!” he asks. 
He looks over at you and says, “Because she is wanted, not only by Hell, but Heaven as well”.  
He looks at Cas, eyebrows raised, “Why is she wanted by Heaven??”. 
Castiel sighs, “I’m not sure, but if she’s wanted it's not good”. 
“Can’t you heal her?” he asks, “Is there anyway you can do that??”. 
He sighs, approaches you and puts his hand on your forehead. The second he does he hears your voice, in your own mind say. 
“I must reiterate”. 
“It’s not possible for an Angel to heal an Archangel” he tells Sam. 
They both leave the room to give you some privacy, and alone time. Feeling free that you’re no longer chained to the wall or to the floor, and not being tortured every minute of every day. 
The door opens, and Chuck steps in. Making you look away from the open door. Pressing your knees up to your chest, pressing yourself against the headboard. 
“Y/n?” he mutters, slowly sitting down on the edge of the bed, “Y/n, please I want to help you”. 
Being too scared to even look at your father, he sighs in disappointment. 
“Y/n, I want to help you. What happened to you?, please tell me”. While Chuck is talking to you. The bunker gets two more surprise visitors. 
Word got around Heaven that you were there at the Winchester’s bunker, and word got around to Lucifer and Gabriel as well. 
The two Archangels made their way to the bunker even though they weren’t together, arriving at the exact same time. Separately. Startling Sam and Dean, making them have their guard up. 
“What the hell do you want??” Dean asks, pistol ready in hand. 
Lucifer rolls his eyes, “Calm down Deano, I heard a little rumor about a long lost sister” he tells them. 
Gabriel appears right after he says that, “Where’s Y/n?!” he asks, frantically looking for his “twin”. 
“Why are you here?!?” Sam asks him. 
He rolls his eyes in annoyance, “It’s quite obvious! Isn’t it?!”. He goes down the hall towards Sam’s room, where you’re at, Lucifer follows behind him. 
The two brothers follow behind them, and the two Archangels burst into the room. Startling you, making you fall out of bed onto the floor. Trembling out of fear.
Chuck tries to reassure you, “Y/n, Y/n, it’s okay. It’s your brothers”. You look up and see your older brothers. 
“Y/n?!” Gabriel mutters, slowly approaching you. Chuck helps you up, back onto the bed. You look at him wide eyed, seeing your “twin” again. 
“Why are you two here?” Chuck asks the other 2 Archangels in the room. 
“We heard about Y/n” Lucifer finally speaks up. 
Their normal conversation starts to turn into a heated argument between a father and two sons. 
You on the other hand, you feel yourself grow angrier and angrier. Not at your father and brothers, but at the fact that they’re fighting about something that doesn’t even matter anymore. For the first time in several years you finally speak up. Loudly, very loudly that the whole building shakes. 
“Stop!!!!” you scream loudly, causing the entire bunker to shake, making the lights flicker on and off. Making a few light bulbs burst into sparks. 
Sam and Dean cover their ears, shielding their hearing from the ear piercing screech you’re producing, while the other 3 look over at you. You look up at your father and brothers. Slowly standing up from the bed. 
“Asmodeus” you mutter before speaking slightly louder, “I was sold off to Asmodeus by those Pagan fuckers. I was tortured, I was abused, I had my grace stolen from me. He weakened me, he did things to me that should never happen to anyone!”. 
Trying to hold back tears, “He used me for his own little affairs, he abused me. He violated me!” you scream, causing the walls to shake again. Making your lips sting from the stitch wounds around them.
You cry out these words, and they hurt even more explaining to them to your own family. The looks on all these men's faces soften, looks of empathy, looks of despair. Gabriel automatically knowing who did this to his little sister, to his twin. 
“You don’t forgive those who did nothing but put you through constant pain, and torture. What he did to me you don't forget, nor do you ever forgive!. He made me feel vulnerable, live in constant fear. I was betrayed, I was backstabbed. I was protecting you two!”. 
Your older brothers look at you with sadden eyes. “I was protecting you two from that Colonel Sanders demon prick!” you cry out, shouting through the pain. 
Chuck trying to hold back tears. He knew deep down you're broken, and so did your brothers. Feeling horrible that their little sister, their youngest daughter went through a lot of pain and abuse just to protect her family. Knowing that she may not fully recover from the pain she endured for the last 8 years. 
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hotdemonsummer · 3 years
Obey Me! and Angelology and Demonology
 alternatively titled Lets Get Into Lucifer
This is yet another long, long post about the lore of Obey Me! from the perspective of historical and theological angelology, and demonology or the study of angels and demons respectively, because I think it’s neat. I also talk way too much. I’m scared to check the word count on this.
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Disclaimer: I am not an expert on anything, and certainly not on religion. I just like comparative theology. Also, spoilers for lesson 43/44.
What is an angel? And what, in turn, is a demon? It depends on who you ask. All religions that have angels have a general consensus that they are spiritual beings, intermediaries of some kind of higher power. Demons, on the other hand, are much more vague beyond general malevolence toward humanity. Any connection between the two is entirely dependent on the culture and religion in question. Some have angels but not demons, and many have vice versa.
There’s generally four kinds of spirits that are considered demons:
Dead people with extremely bad vibes (think mogwai, yuurei, and other revenants)
Neutral-to-malevolent energy, physical form optional (think djinni or yokai)
Cult subjects (including foreign gods and ancestor worship)
Corrupted angels (either fallen or Nephilim)
The word demon comes from the Greek δαίμων, or daimon, but the concept of a demon is much older than the Greeks. The original daimon had none of the malevolent, evil associations that we now think of. Instead, daimon just described a kind of powerful spiritual entity (for example, δαίμων is the term Euripides uses for the new god Dionysus in The Bacchae). What we think of as demons now didn’t exist in Greek culture, and the negative associations came when the Tanakh was translated from Hebrew to Greek, but even then shedim aren’t identical to the contemporary depiction of demons that we see in Obey Me!, which, like everything else in Western society, came about through the domination of Christianity.
Shedim, the precursor to the Christian demon, was more or less a term for false gods, a title for the various Levantine pagan gods (see: origin of Beelzebub, Belphegor, and pretty much every demon that starts with Bel- or Bal-). 
Obey Me! pretty much canonizes Type 2 and Type 4 demons, with characters like Diavolo, Barbatos, and Satan as Type 2 and the other brothers as Type 4. Historically, Beelzebub and Belphegor are Type 3 (Beelzebub and Belphegor being Levantine gods), Mammon being Type 2 (a general personification of Wealth, although Milton did write him as a Type 4 in Paradise Lost) and Asmodeus being somewhere in between Type 2 and 3 (being heavily derived from a Zoroastrian daeva of wrath). Lucifer is, historically, the only consistently Type 4 demon.
I don’t think I have to explain what a fallen angel is to any OM! fan. But I will. 
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Let’s talk about these guys. We’re all familiar with Satan’s weird complex about Lucifer, and I’m sure we’re all equally familiar with how Satan and Lucifer are terms used interchangeably for whatever being is The Big Bad of Hell. However, they’re not synonymous.
Satan derives from the same Proto-Semitic root as shayatan, which... should be pretty obvious, but nonetheless has a pretty analogous role as a tempter of men in the Abrahamic religions. Beyond that “tempter of men” title, though, the actual details of what Satan is is incredibly varied, including whether or not “Satan” is a name or a title. In Christianity, the view of Satan as an extremely powerful and evil corrupter of man, wholly opposed to God, came around the Middle Ages, when witchcraft hysteria spread.
Lucifer, on the other hand, is simultaneously a figure originating in Christianity and much, much older than it. The term of course means “light-bringer”, and is heavily associated with the morning star, aka the planet Venus. To make a very long story short, many Mesopotamian, Levantine, and Mediterranean cultures saw the lowering of Venus toward the horizon at night and thought, “hey, thats a pretty neat image!” and created stories about heavenly beings falling toward the earth. Of course, they didn’t use the ‘term’ Lucifer, that’s Latin, and came from the Vulgate Bible.
The term Lucifer does not exclusively refer to The Evil Fallen Angel™ in Christian texts (some very sacred things like the Exsultet explicitly refer to Jesus as Lucifer), but it sure is the most popular interpretation. In works like Paradise Lost or the Divine Comedy, the general idea is that the angel Lucifer rebelled against God in some way and was cast out of Heaven, then becoming Satan, and thus the two are one and the same.
(inb4 some Quora-type chews me out for accuracy’s sake, the “lucifer” mentioned in Isaiah 14:12 refers not to any angel, but to a Babylonian king. The whole fallen angel thing, much like the beatitudes or Bethlehem or Christmas, is a fusion of pagan influences.)
In other words, Lucifer is always and has always been a fallen angel. Satan, on the other hand, doesn’t have those connections to angelhood, and the two figures have an undeniable connection despite their clear individual differences. Sound familiar?
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The next question is then what kind of angel is Lucifer anyway? to which you might be thinking, wait, there are different kinds? Yes, holy shit, there are so many kinds of angels and very little consensus on what they are. In terms of Christian angelology (because again, Lucifer is a uniquely Christian/derivative Christian figure unless you exclude Leland’s Aradia which I don’t because lbr they were Italian anyways), most hierarchies are based on the work of this guy:
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This man has the incredibly succinct name of Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite, and sometime in the 5th century he wrote a book called De Coelesti Hierarchia. It orders the *WTNV voice* hierarchy of angels into three levels called spheres, and each sphere has three sub-levels called choirs. Many, but not all, of the choirs are adopted from various Jewish angelic hierarchies. If you thought that it was just angels and then archangels were, like, the middle management version of angels then you are very wrong. I’m sorry that television lied.
You know who also lied? Tumblr dot com and any post that implies that the true form of angels is a big wheel with a bunch of eyes. That is, in fact, a descriptor for only one kind of angel: ophanim, or thrones. The depiction of angels runs the gamut from winged humanoids to multi-winged humanoids with multiple animal heads to burning snakes to vague heavenly mist.
Archangels and angels are the eighth and ninth lowest choirs of angels, respectively. Angels, or malakhim, are the default messengers of God and the choir from which guardian angels come from. Generally, if someone claims to have a message from God delivered to them, it will be an angel doing it. If it’s really important, it’ll be an archangel. Everyone else literally has more important things to do. No one’s getting visions from dominions.
Lucifer’s (the theological one) actual designation is kind of a mystery. Depending on the text, Lucifer has been described as a seraph (the highest), a cherub (the second highest), or an archangel (the eighth). According to Thomas Aquinas:
Lucifer, chief of the sinning angels, was probably the highest of all the angels. But there are some who think that Lucifer was highest only among the rebel angels.
Not very helpful, but hey. The question remains: what kind of angel is Lucifer, and this time I mean our Lucifer. 
We know that Michael, just like his namesake, is an archangel. We also know that (SPOILERS) Simeon, unlike his namesake, is an archangel as well (Simeon is a saint, not an angel.) Lucifer likely was at their level, if not higher.
However, Lucifer was also a six-winged angel, a depiction generally reserved for seraphim (and cherubim, but far less frequently).
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Moreover, in terms of role, an angellic Lucifer fits well with that of the powers, the sixth choir. Powers are in charge of moving the heavenly bodies, and are depicted as powerful warriors dressed in beautiful armor. It's fitting for a being so closely tied to the morning star to be a power, after all.
So, with all that considered, what is Lucifer? 
Well, he’s a seraph (or saraph, technically). Why? Because Simeon is somehow a seraph and an archangel (I have already written too much to unpack that bullshit), and Mammon was a throne (remember those wheels with eyes?) and Beel was a cherub and therefore Lucifer had to be higher than both of them (interestingly big brother Mammon is in a lower choir than little brother Beel). This makes Michael kind of, well... weird, given the archangels’ low rank.
Some like to differentiate between archangel the eighth choir and Archangel, with a capital A, as a term for any high-ranking angel. While this is likely what Solmare is doing, I would be remiss if I didn’t point out that this has zero basis in any religious text whatsoever and is solely done for the convenience of not remembering anything besides angel and archangel. Which is like, fine, but I’m a pedantic jerk who I found claims to the contrary while researching and I felt the need to correct that.
Anyways, the more you know.
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