#Gai and Lee are perfect partners honestly
huskymaine · 2 years
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Just two lovable taijutsu masters have a feeling/hunch/premonition about their respective adored person (Sakura in Lee’s case and Kakashi in Gai’s case) in the middle of the war. Feat Tenten who missed Neji (same girl, same).
Humain note : 
I use 2 different scanlation site for Gai and Lee’s dialogue because I want them to have the same line, since in japanese they use the same words :
[気が = Ki ga = (somehow) have a feeling/hunch]
In anime subtitle, Lee said “that’s super premonition!” and while that’s not necessarily wrong, what Lee actually said is :
[スーパ浦騒ぎですね?!=  Sūpa ura sawagidesu ne = super fuss/agitation/uneasiness, right?!]. 
Just my personal interpretation, but it kinda implied that Lee also feel the same uneasiness feeling as Gai at that time. Tenten who has no special feeling for either Kakashi or Sakura understandably can’t vibe with them at all.
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amaranthnymph · 6 months
Just some venting, so plz ignore unless you wanna read my weird thoughts and whatnots
I was feeling fucking INSANE and MANIC all weekend and really down on myself because of my appearance, where I am in life right now, dealing with feelings of loneliness, and had some just bizarre thoughts about, like, becoming a party gay and doing hard drugs and anything to like radically change my life and myself and live a life like all these big city gays who glamorize their lives with travelling and going to clubs and shit.
Seriously, I was having kind of an enormous meltdown and I’m glad one of my bestest friends helped to ground me with some hard truths and advice, but I guess in the end, what I really wanna know is, like, WHY did I feel any of that? I have NEVER even entertained the idea of dipping my toes in the circuit gay/party gay lifestyle and then all of a sudden I break down and wanna start snorting cocaine because some hot podcaster posted a pic of a bump straw?? Like, bruh, that’s not me, that’s not the kind of life I have ever wanted to live. Decadence and hedonism are honestly a good chunk of my self, but self-destrucive habits like chemsex and shit just… it’s not for me, I sure don’t condone it, and I don’t want a boyfriend/partner who indulges in that.
Now, I do wanna clarify, there’s nothing wrong with weed, booze, or poppers (tho of course, those are addictive too and should be used carefully), or getting drunk and having a good time at the club or rave, like, that’s fine and looks like fun! But destroying your body with cocaine, meth, garbage like that just to enhance your sociability and sexual pleasure at a fuckin’ party is so fucking deranged to me and is a nightmare scenario for me. I don’t want any part of that kind of lifestyle and if that’s what you like, cool?? But I want nothing to do with it lol
I wanna look like them tho. I want people to tell me how hot I am, I want guys to wanna fuck me instead of telling me they don’t like fat dudes, I wanna be desired, lusted over, I wanna be like these beautiful instagays with their chiseled bodies and perfect hair and I know, I KNOW that to look like that you need assloads of money and tormenting yourself with extremely rigorous dieting and basically living at the gym, but God, I want to looke like them. I wanna look like the guys I draw, with their hourglass figures, their beautiful hair, their tight clothes that accentuates their rockin’ bod. Honestly, truly, deep down tho, I just don’t want to be fat, I don’t care if I don’t look like Nik Lee or Gabriel Mansur, but I just don’t wanna be fat!!!!
I think this is the real root of my fucking problems. I have to pay more for bigger clothes anywhere I go, there’s so many things I want to wear but literally physically cannot because I’m fat, like dude, I’m so fucking tired of it.
I’m so fucking tired.
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ghoste-catte · 2 years
For the fic ask: 7, 16, & 26
7. What element of writing do you struggle with most?
There are a lot of things about writing that I struggle with, honestly! I have a hard time crafting plots that have a solid 3- or 4-act structure, especially the climax and falling action portions. I love writing the build-up, not so much the denouement. At a certain point in the writing, it's like my brain just goes "Ok, but you've already decided how this ended, so it might as well be written" and leaves me to muddle through on my own. Coming up with the perfect ending line is the absolute worst.
The other biggest thing is just having time and energy to write. I switched jobs in the past year to a job that's a lot more demanding on my creative faculties, and even though it's not like I get to write fanfic at work (except for on my lunch breaks, lol), I do find that it makes it really hard for me to write on weekday evenings like I used to! I've had to switch to getting most of my writing done on weekends, which is why I've been producing fic a lot slower this year.
16. Any guilty pleasure trope(s)?
Ehh, I wouldn't say any of the tropes I enjoy are something I necessarily feel guilty about? I love a good smut fic (most of my bookmarks on Ao3 are smut, honestly, they're just mostly private bookmarks), and my latest iddy trope has been pining-while-fucking, which I didn't think I could make work for GaaLee, but I managed to! I would read a million pining-while-fucking fics, lol. It hurts so good.
26. Is there anything you want to write, but you've been too scared to try?
In the past year, I've definitely gone more outside my comfort zone with writing stuff that I was nervous about writing. I've branched out into smut categories I never thought I'd touch, for example, and I've been more willing to experience with genre and style.
I'm working on an A/B/O fic as part of the Naruto Big Bang, which is definitely a trope I've never written before and something I was apprehensive about approaching because it's a trope I myself am very picky about reading. Plus it can go in a very non-con direction really quickly. But so far I've hewed very unconventional with the dynamic and I'm having a lot of fun writing it (even if the document title right now is "oh god why am i doing this").
There is one fic that's been marinating in my "Ideas" list since like 2017 or 2018 that's about Lee realizing after Gai-sensei's inglorious death that the shinobi system is deeply corrupt and needs to be reformed and partnering with Gaara to do that, but I just don't think I have the plot skills or political savvy to write it in a way that's convincing. I would get deep into the weeds and probably not enjoy writing it much. It's more a story I want to exist in the world than one I necessarily want to write, I guess.
35 Questions for Fanfiction Writers!
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gh0stwriting · 2 years
I’m gonna do as many as possible and if i forget some uhh tell me and ill add them also this is my personal headcanons this has nothing to do with what you can request, you can also have your own hcs
Also for simplicity’s sake i’m only going to use terms like Gay/Bi/Pan, but you can apply any label that matches that you think fits
Michael Myers
I mean ofc mans has trust issues what did you expect
He honestly never expects to find a partner bc of his trust issues and short temper but who knows
Would definitely never make the first move, or the second, or the third
He gives me homophobic vibes ngl
But besides that id probably say pan, he cares more about the,yknow, than the relationship in most cases tho
He definitely has a preference for girls but obviously is open to experimenting, and has countless times
He’s not too keen on settling down but might if he finds the right person
He seems hetero to me, but mostly bc he’s never had internet access so he probably doesn’t know what gay means, also bc of Pam probably thinks its wrong/weird
If he wasn’t straight he’d probably be panromantic demisexual, if anyone wants to date him he’ll probably try it out, but you aren’t getting more than that without insane trust
Has no gender preference bc he probably already thinks he’s unlovable so he’ll take almost anyone
He’d also try his best to be a good partner but wouldn’t know how
Poor boy just wants someone to love, but also someone strong enough to handle his family
He definitely could not give less of a shit about gender, if you can handle what his family does without running screaming then you’re perfect to him
If he does have a preference it might be towards men simply bc any woman he’s seen is tiny(compared to him) and easy to hurt, and he doesn’t want to do that to his partner
But his perfect partner is literally just someone that’ll cuddle a lot and maybe give massages after a hard days work
Once again my first thought is hetero, bc Charles seems lowkey homophobic, but he’s also grown a lot as chucky
Also wouldnt surprise me if he said he was bi exclusively for 3somes, but maybe he’s actually bi
Would joke about being a lesbian but only bc he loves his wife and women in general a lot
Definite preference for women, “i mean have you seen them?”, yes chucky we know you love 🍒
He seems like he just wouldn’t give a shit, so maybe pan, but also poly
Half of his whole thing is pleasure, so as long as he can provide that he’s not too picky, especially bc he knows his appearance is offputting
No strong preference in gender, or appearance, man could really care less about superficial things, he has higher priorities
He seems kinda gay to me idk man
Maybe its the fact that i personally have never seen a straight man wear pantaloons, a blouse and pompoms at once
“Oh but he’s a clown” no janet he’s a homosexual
He definitely has a preference for pretty people, he’s a little shallow but give him a break, they’re thousands of years old
Ok i think rose would be bi
She’s lived several lifetimes and has had time to experience it all
I think she’s fairly neutral with a slight preference towards women due to the tenderness that seems to come more easily from them
Though she has been known to experiment even during her relationships so i think she’s also poly
Definite bi, 100%
I mean have you seen here in the tv series, or at all? She loves women, maybe more than chucky sometimes
Strong feminine preference, regardless of gender or lack thereof, she just wants her partner to be pretty like she is
Also if her partners fem she’d definitely do their makeup and share clothes bc she obviously has the best fashion sense
Listen, most people think she has a thing for John but i’d prefer to view it as a father/daughter dynamic so i’m gonna say she’s a lesbian
From her own experiences men are more aggressive and thats the last thing she needs at this point
She just wants a cute girl that can protect her and treat her right
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absolutebl · 3 years
This Week In BL
May 2021 Wk 2
Being a highly subjective assessment of one tiny corner of the interwebs.
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Ongoing Series - Thai
Lovely Writer Ep 12 fin - that was a long arse final ep, but solid performances. I liked that we focused on the fallout amongst the side characters. (Very clever of them to depict Chap with Tae, his Y-Destiny pairing. Especially as both actors are slated for new BL roles with different partners again, The Tuxedo and You’re My Sky.) The camera certainly enjoyed wallowing in Sib & Gene’s separation, but that’s an Asian drama for you. They like to DWELL. (Frankly, I like a bit of wallowing myself.) I thought the inclusion of the “actual” writer at the very end thoroughly unnecessary. I don’t think they had to beat us over the head with the 4th wall meta quite that much. Still, this is probably one of the best BLs we’re getting from non-GMMtV Thailand this year. RECOMMENDED 
Y-Destiny Ep 8 - (Thurs) I found the first half uninteresting but once Casper the Friendly Gay showed up it was fine. The ghost reminded me a bit of Fuse from MIR. 
Close Friend Ep 4: (Just One Life) - is it just me or is Talay insanely charismatic? Anygay, the director got ahold of a drone for this one and would like us to KNOW ABOUT THAT FACT. Look, I just don’t think YoonLay have great chemistry but this was alright, cute enough. 
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Fish Upon The Sky Ep 6 - This was a better installment than we’ve had in a while. I like the obsession vs love explanation from Mork, insightful if creepy. Meen & Duean are okay, I guess. A bit annoying. Everyone in this show is a bit annoying. But the wipe toothpaste then wipe eye crud got to me. Toothpaste in the eye, yech! And then I was all, oh that’s basically this show: toothpaste in the eye. It just reviewed itself. (Also why do they keep switching aspect ratio between the two pairs? It’s like they were filming with two completely different camera types... oh. ah. Weird, GMMTV usually doesn’t make mistakes like that.) 
Call it What You Want Ep 6 fin - I skipped to the last ep on this, I told you I do that sometimes to find out what happened. So CIWYW ends happy for the main couple, but trigger warnings on: eating disorders, suicidal thoughts, depression, mental abuse, and a few other things. If you don’t mind your BL dark, gritty, self aware, and honest then you should be okay with this show. But if your preference is for fluff, then there are other fish in the sky. Speaking of... 
Nitiman Ep 2 - Giving me My Engineer vibes. This is OLD school Thai uni BL. I kinda feel like it was meant to come out in 2018, the gap year that was, but I am SO GRATEFUL we’re getting it now. Pay TF attention FUTS this is how you redeem a tsundere uke. Also I love that Bboom is just a terrible flirt and the football match twist was great. I love this show.  
Top Secret Together Ep 1 - it’s out there but no eng subs. It’s an office set romance with multiple couples all tangential to one building. A bit stilted and low production values but I’m intrigued. I hope we get subs... eventually.  
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
HIStory 4: Close To You (Taiwan) Ep 9 - gets the safe sex gold star for lube + condoms AND a verse discussion? Not to mention asking for sex advice from queer fam? Is this a first in BL? Might be. (I still think it’s weird that product placement hasn’t jumped on the lube bandwagon, too slippery perhaps?) I like the embezzlement drama. I always enjoy good outside conflict playing to setting, and this is the kind to be easily resolved in next week’s finale. What a roller coster this series has been. 
Papa & Daddy (Taiwan) Ep 5 - I LOVE THIS SHOW. A heartbeat after i thought, “they better address what he’s doing to the girls he’s dating,” they did it. Clever scripting that. The messaging is gorgeous, the idea that pride and media coverage and knowing about a changing world can broaden minds and lead to acceptance was basically Taiwan making a case for itself paving the way for marriage equality in Asia. Genius. 
Most Peaceful Place 2 (Vietnam) Ep 1 (AKA 4) - dropped with subs and improved production values, someone is learning (or got more dough). The younger brother’s drama is a bit confusing, but I am here for cute boyfriends being cute boyfriends together. And I love that they took the seme’s previous pair (from Nation’s Brother) to be the faen fatale, very crafty of them. Even though it’s not a trope I like, there’s great chemistry all around. 
My Lascivious Boss (Vietnam) Ep 6 - I weirdly love this show, okay? I’m just hoping Long has known Minh’s secret all along and is playing a reverse long con cat & mouse game, waiting for Minh to tell him the truth. Because that would be THE BEST. I could do without the faen fatale but ya can’t have everything. (I’m so glad it’s not the standard 6 ep arc, MOAR!!!) 
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Rumor is GMMTV Thailand started shooting Baker Boys (here’s the teaser trailer). This is a remake of Antique (AKA Antique Bakery) a 2008 Korean movie (you can watch it on Viki) which is a remake of Antique (a 2001 Japanese series) with is an adaptation of wildly popular manga Antique Bakery. Knowing the plot I’m not sure this will qualify as BL. I’m still predicting Lee gets his first gay kiss in this series from Singto. More details about this series here. 
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Breaking News
Love Area release pushed out, reportedly due to C19. (source DramaCool) 
Be Love In House: I Do (Taiwan, of course, with that title) got a new softer trailer (no subs). It drops next week, May 19, 2021 on Viki. All the information I have is here. 
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Tangential to BL 
Two BL-adjacent shows, both from Taiwan. 
I’m watching Love is Science? on Viki which has a het foundation, but it’s a good one. There’s a BL side couple who are on an enemies to lovers slow burn trajectory; featuring a disaster bi slut meets elegant bad ass super gay. So there’s THAT. The mains are an older career woman and the sweet boy from her distant past who has pined for her for years. (He is the softest sweetest service sub you ever saw.) Props to Taiwan for a seriously underused het dynamic. As usual in Asian rom coms the straight boy love interest is a Perfect Cinnamon Role (yes I’m looking at you True Beauty & Love O2O) but I find Taiwan’s version more palatable than Korea’s or Mainland China’s. It’s not finished yet but... RECOMMENDED. 
Starting this week is Love Outlet a 50 (?!) episode show about a mall that sells relationships. It is supposed to have a main gay romance, but it might be a side dish. Very little else known about it. Coming to Line TV.
Honestly, I’m at the point where if Taiwan makes it, I’ll probably watch it. 
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Next Week Looks Like This:
Some shows may be listed later than actual air date for International accessibility reasons.
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Be Loved In House: I Do (Taiwan) 
Golden Blood (Thailand) we think, like Love Area this may be delayed due to surging C19 cases 
Love Outlet (Taiwan) we think 
Upcoming 2021 BL master post here.
Links to watch are provided when possible, ask in a comment if I missed something.
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autistic-yuri · 3 years
Okay I’ve been messing with this idea of a But I’m A Cheerleader ATLA AU and I think I’m ready to share it.
Ty Lee is a great cheerleader with a great boyfriend and the perfect life and a bunch of furniture that weirdly looks like vaginas
Yeah my girls a lesbian deep in denial. So she gets sent to Ozai’s Conversion Therapy Camp.
There she meets Mai, a sorta rude sorta hot jaded chick.
There’s also background Zukka and probably some other gay ships.
Zuko is just Dolph. For those of you who haven’t watched the film, Dolph is played by Dante Basco
Someone please make fan art of Zuko in that fully rainbow outfit I need to see it
Sokka is Dolph’s boyfriend who’s name I forgot.
Zuko and Sokka get caught by Ty Lee, Zuko gets kicked out and Sokka gets put in solitary confinement.
So Ozai runs the conversion therapy camp, Sozin is Ozai’s grandpa(DONT ask) and Roku is the employee who keeps making goo goo eyes at Sozin
So Mai and Ty Lee get put together as partners and while they argue at first they start to bond and then they start to fall in love.
One night, most of the kids sneak out with the help of Jeong-Jeong and Piandao, who run the local gay youth shelter.
Mai and Ty Lee kiss, it’s so romantic.
Mai and Ty Lee attempt to do the same thing Sokka and Zuko did, they get caught.
They promise that they won’t take the offer to stay in the camp, but Mai’s parents make her chicken out.
So Ty Lee heads to the gay youth shelter and finds Zuko there.
They make a plan to run away with their respective lovers during the graduation
Ty Lee does a chant to convince Mai to come with her
And they live happily ever after!
Now for just a few more additions!
Azula will probably be the goth chick from France that gets jealous when Graham and Megan get together
As for everyone else, this is where I’ll start making changes to the plot.
For Aang and Katara, they get together despite their homosexual tendencies because they still are attracted to the same sex, and get released early
Yue fakes her own death to get out of that place. Suki finds out she’s still alive and gets herself kicked out to find her.
Jet’s there. I don’t what I’ll do with him he just exists.
Toph’s actually ace-aro but everyone thinks she’s gay and so she just goes along with it.
Yeah, I love this AU idea honestly. Hope you enjoyed too!
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musaics · 2 years
Ah im glad you liked the crappy pun ^^
And you never played with a Guy muse before? Honestly im surprised :0 and i also thing you should add Guy to your muse roster, can't really have Lee without Guy :D
Also i love SakuLee platonically or romantically, either way is perfect. They can be platonic gymbros who train with each other and go hang out and eat at restaurants n stuff.
Or they can be cuddly romantic partners who both respect each other very much, they respect each other's space, boundaries, and certain things each other doesn't like.
Not that SasuSaku is bad, its also a cute ship. Either one is great because Sakura basically deserves the best. I have a few aus of the two i'd like to share sometime if you'd like!
-- CherrySake anon
I've honestly considered adding Gai to my roster! I really like his character. I've got this list of "potential muses to add" that keeps growing tbh. Right now my top-two considerations are Gai and Tsunade. I just enjoy powerful women.
-Which is why Sakura is my fave female character! Don't think I could writer her well, though. So I love to see my mutuals do it! Are you a writer?
I'd love to hear your AUs btw!
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acdeaky · 4 years
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i officially have over 1,000 followers and i never thought i’d make it this far and it’s all thanks to you all! i love you all so so much and i’m excited for my celebration! i’ve decided to do another week of blurbs (which i also did for my 500 followers celebration) which you all loved and so did i.
this is being posted on monday 2nd november. requests are open from now until sunday 8th november at 11:59pm GMT
when requesting, please include the person/character of choice, then the number of which blurb/s you want and from which category they are from. a maximum of three is politely asked, but they can be from different categories if you wish.
i do not write:
serious mental health issues
who i will write for:
joe mazzello
and characters: eugene sledge, gardner langway, pat murray and adult!tim murphy
ben hardy
gwilym lee
john deacon
roger taylor
taron egerton
and character: gary ‘eggsy’ unwin
pedro pascal
and characters: javier peña, the mandalorian/din djarin and frankie ‘catfish’ morales
david budd, steve murphy, diego hargreeves
prompts you can request!
“i’m in love with you.”
“i want to marry you.”
“you make me the happiest person alive.”
“i'm following my heart.”
“i want to do this with you.” 
“you'll never lose me.”
“did you miss me?”
“how'd i get so lucky?”
“just hug me.”
“i think i could fall for you.” 
“so, we’re just going to ignore the fact that you drunk-dialed me to tell me you love me?”
“i want you. only you.”
“you're the most beautiful thing i've ever seen.”
“i’m better when i’m with you.”
“you owe me a kiss.”
“what did you do now?”
“i love you.”
“i got these so you'd fix me.”
“you mean the world to me.”
“i always miss you.”
“i will always honestly, truly, completely love you.”
“please just kiss me already.”
“why'd you have to be so cute?”
“it’s not in my nature to give you up.”
“you make me feel less lonely.”
“i cant keep living like this.”
“you're a heartbreaker.”
“i hate that you made me fall in love with you when you didn't even jump.”
“i can't do the anymore.”
“i didn’twant to be with you in the first place!” 
“i don't want to marry you.”
“you made me give up everything.”
“i knew every bad and terrible thing about you and it dint stop me falling in love!”
“i don't want to do this anymore.” 
“this isn't what friends do!”
“i know exactly how this ends.”
“you can't fix this.”
“i can't afford to fall in love with you again.”
“do you ever think of me?”
“i thought i was going to lose you.”
“i hate the way you make me feel.”
“no! you don't get to give up!”
“you don't get to say goodbye this time.”
“i can't keep kissing strangers and pretending they're you.”
“i hate that i miss you.”
“i shouldn't have fallen in love with you.” 
“i never really got over you, and i don't know if i ever will.”
“i can't lose you, too.”
“why do you keep letting assholes like them screw you over?”
“we’re not just friends and you know it!” 
kiss on the neck
“good morning” kiss
giggly kiss
kiss on the cheek
first kiss 
kiss on the nose 
soft kiss 
‘spin the bottle’ kiss 
kiss on the forehead
last kiss 
kiss on the ear
“goodbye” kiss 
kiss on the back 
quick kiss 
kiss on the shoulder 
“i miss you” kiss 
kiss on the hand
kiss on the temple 
in secret kiss 
kiss all over the face 
breaking the kiss to say something, staying so close that you're murmuring into each other’s mouths 
when one stops the kiss to whisper “i’m sorry, are you sure you-” and they answer by kissing them more 
being unable to open their eyes for a few moments afterwards 
kisses where one person is sitting in the other’s lap 
kisses meant to distract the other person from whatever they were intently doing 
dad! (x partner!reader)
at work 
before a mission 
after a mission 
on set 
at a game
before war 
after war 
before tour
soulmate au:
greyscale turn colour
their first words to you
song prompts:
“please don’t leave.” flicker, niall horan
“i can't tell you how miss i wish i didn't want to stay” wish you were gay, billie eilish 
“why does God keep bringing me back to you?” everytime, ariana grande
“darling, you look perfect tonight.” perfect, ed sheeran 
“i promise that i’ll love you for the rest of my life.” black and white, niall horan
“i’m missing half of me.” half a heart, one direction 
“any excuse to stay awake with you.” goodnight n’ go, ariana grande
“i can't take my eyes off of you.” the blower’s daughter, damien rice
“darling, you don't have to hold it.” fire away, niall horan
“how would you feel if i told you i love you.” how would you feel (paean), ed sheeran
“can't stop staring at those ocean eyes.” ocean eyes, billie eilish
“i know you’re still the one.” still the one, one direction 
“maybe i came on too strong.” dive, ed sheeran
“i’m still in love with you.” still, niall horan
“i thought my heart had learned it’s lesson.” i won't say (i’m in love), susan egan
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mx-in-words · 4 years
Monsta x being jealous reaction
I really loved your writing for the Monsta x reaction to you being jealous, could you do it the other way, please?!
↬ Shownu
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starting with our favourite leader 
shownu is the type of guy who gets jealous but only tells you IF IF IF IF IF  you notice
i MEAN he has but only on stage opsss
anyway he never gets jealous about just guys hitting on you 
he gets jealous of your attention 
so here you were, at changkyun’s birthday and you were helping kihyun and kyunnie in the kitchen
that's was fine 
but you were laughing at the boys
and being gorgeous ( why are you being like this? CAN YOU TRY TO BE UGLY ???? shownu calm down boy) 
so he kinda gets angry and wants your attention
 BUT HE does nOT tell YOU!!!
SO you just keep going like nothing happened 
until you ask him to help you 
and he just looks at you like grrr
you: ?? honey? 
then everything just clicks in your mind 
he is: J E A L O U S 
give him attention and he will be fine 
sn: >:( 
you : * smooches love and kisses*
sn: :3 
yeah that’s it he is fine now. 
the second they are less jealous they are just... baby boys, right? 
↬ Wonho
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mbb keep fighting for your love he deserves everything
We know he is needy and he is VERY jealous of mbb, imagine in a relationship
He trusts you thought... He just doesn't trust men. ( Who do I mean tf)
YOU are his precious treasure 
nobody can touch you without your permission 
so when both of you were in one of those jooheons party’s and a strange guy started to be touching and flirty with you, he was already all over the guy 
the thing is, he is waiting for your “permission”
you stopped him 
you pushed the guy and held wonho’s hands 
you: men are annoying 
wh: that’s right, men suck, sorry for being one
you: I mean if all of them were like you...
wh: would it be better? yes but... you could replace me for someone better
you: Wonho, that’s not such a thing. I will never in my life find someone better and more perfect for me, you're the only one, my love. 
wh: good, because I am all ours. 
will kiss u in front of that asshole just because he can ;)
and bc he wants
I mean, he is very touchy with you in public to not get in these types of situation 
his bigger fear is that your strong personality put you in a big fight and you get hit or worse you know? 
he hates the fact that guys only respect you bc of him and not for the fact that you are a person
and he lives to hate men with you 
and keeps telling that, harassment its NOT your fault and will never be. 
yes mbb, we stan the right men <3
↬ Minhyuk
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wjneiwnejeej a little mothafuckr
Follow me on this one
He is a free young spirit who is not controlling or do not wants you to feel trapped at all
You are H I S girl
Not just like a gf
You are his partner/best friend/ lover
So no!!! he is not sharing the moments you both are supposed to do with someone else
He doesn't care if guys eat you with the eyes ( unless you care, and you do, so rip to them)
So watching a hero movie in the theatre with kihyun because is the movie premiere and he is working as an MC that night? It's a no-no to him
And as every demon Scorpio, you should know revenge is coming
He is basically not hanging with you
At all
You both live together and he is like " oh hey StRanGeR"
So you just apologise bc you miss him
And he misses you too so he MIGHT feel guilty and apologise too
mh: " I hate eating alone and sorry I did use your favourite serum last night just bc I was mad but I will buy another one you know youareeverythingtome just just... Don't hang out with kihyun alone doing stuff that me ME YOUR BOYFRIEND Lee minhyuk should do!!!!! Iloveyousorrysorry"
You can only laugh and kiss him
And ofc you sure him that hanging with kihyun is like taking your old aunt out bc she needs her vitamin c.
He is never letting kihyun live after this
You both good.
:) he is too soft to make you in pain
↬ Kihyun
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I honestly hate kihyun sassy ass 
but I love him :( 
a lil bit controlling... just keep him at his place and it will be fine
he gets more jealous of your friends and coworkers 
because in his head, if you already like/love them, they can steal you 
what a smart hamster 
but dumb bc you wouldn't replace him 
and even with a superego, like everyone, kihyun has his insecurities
so yes > afraid of losing you< its an issue here
one day you just keep telling about your friend wooyoung 
and how happy you are for him and his lover
because he made like the cutest things for their one-year anniversary 
and you just keep telling all the details, excited for your friend 
kihyun gets jealous and mad because he thinks you’re saying that wooyoung is better, more romantic 
kh: okay just date him already 
you: ???? what?
kh: you only talk about how is he the most romantic guy right? i get it
you: no its not- 
kh: I might not have a lot time for you bc of the band but I swear I try my very best for you, I mean if you are unhappy with me I understand but 
you: kihyun shut up 
he looks at you, damn he is mad 
you sigh bc this hoe is mad for nothing
you: first of all wooyoung is gay and his lover is san 
kh: ohh
you: yeah ohhh, plus I am very satisfied with you baby why would you say that? I love you bitch, I ain't never gonna stop loving you, bitch
kh: I love you too baby and stopping using old vines to tell you love me 
you: no 
kh: that’s it goodbye 
kihyun has left the room
but smiling bc he loves you 
↬ Hyungwon
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maybe because we know hyungwon is a very straightforward person 
and you two make sure to always make clear each other feeling and thoughts
so Won knows how much you love him 
you love him and he loves you
what's more important than that?
so when the fandom and the media discover about you two 
that was rumours about you cheating on him with your best male friend
and someone photoshopped a picture of you two kissing 
hyungwon saw this and immediately made sure to speak to the press
hw: this picture is fake and y/n is only a friend of the male with her, she is loyal so don't try to break something that is unbreakable
you cried seeing that bc 
your men>>>>>>>>>>>>
you: baby you didn't tell me about that
hw: I didn't want to worry you, it’s okay now 
you: you really trust me huh? 
hw: of course I do 
he kissed you gently 
hw: also, I am a 10 and your friend is a 7 in the max, seriously you must be crazy to even think about cheating on me  
you: you're right, I could never 
you hug him because he is so precious uwu 
And damn he is right
He is a god
Could you tell me where can I find my own hyungwon?
↬ Jooheon
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SO HAHA remember this lil shit?
with all that “ jealous is for ppl who don’t trust each other”?
once again joo trust you of course 
but he gets annoyed 
world please understand 
so let's say that some pictures of you being hella sexy were out for the public
nothing promiscuous just
sexy you know?
so these pics were out ( was intentional bc you were promoting for a friend)
but everyone was talking about 
so one rapper commented “ damn that’s hot” 
and well
jooheon is not happy about this 
he knows its only a campaign but DOES PPL NEED TO TALK THAT YOU ARE HOT? 
jh: asshole hot is my fucking hand after slap your ugly face I swear I will cut everyone hand that commented those things about my girl 
you: jooheon
jh: what??? 
you: well forget it, you're mad :( 
he is sorry for being angry 
jh: sorry baby, just tell me pretty baby ~
you: I was going to say... why don’t you do what they want so badly?
he still didn't understand
so you sit on his lap
kissing his neck, you whisper close to his ears 
you: why don’t you show me what only you can do? 
you: why don't you make me scream the name of the only person that can touch my body? 
jh: oh baby, you can bet I will, gladly 
he smirks and...
you know ;)
( I am not weak for angry!jooheon, you are)
↬ Changkyun
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he is the most passionate guy 
that’s why Kyun is so confusing in my eyes
he pretends he is cold, but he is soft
he pretends being dope, he is weird
he pretends to be a fuckboy but is romantic 
he pretends he does not care, but he cares, waaay too much 
maybe both of you are jealous 
nobody has ever said about being exclusive at all
but it was an exclusive thing 
both just didn't know ( clowns 🤡)
the game was going to be a draw
but kyun couldn't help himself when that guy was touching you way too much 
taking way to much smiles and laughs of you 
when he could look at you way to close 
and dance way to sensual with you 
no, he couldn't help himself of picking you and find an empty place to talk 
ck: look I just... why are you with him? 
you: kyun I mean, you were with that girl too and, wait, you're jealous?
kyun just keep looking at you like you discover his dark secret  
you: good, I was with him to make jealous 
ck: really?
you: yeah so just fucking kiss me 
and he did 
all night
making sure that from now, you're his
and he is yours 
like is supposed to be 
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d-criss-news · 4 years
FX’s American Crime Story: Versace is unquestionably producer-director Ryan Murphy at his very best. The unflinching and truly devastating mini-series is the story of serial killer Andrew Cunanan’s descent into madness and murder, told backwards.
Doubling as a fascinating examination of influence, homophobia, and gay culture in the 90s, American Crime Story: Versace’s most unsettling moments have nothing to do with the murders. If you somehow missed this masterpiece, we’re here to tell you why it needs to be your next Netflix binge.
The structure
Ryan Murphy wastes no time captivating his audience, throwing a hook immediately by beginning the miniseries with the killing of Gianni Versace (Édgar Ramírez).  Slowly working backward from Versace’s death, the audience’s tension builds as Murphy takes us through the horror-filled path to the origin of Andrew Cunanan’s (Darren Criss) killing spree.
American Crime Story: Versace is loosely based on Maureen Orth’s book Vulgar Favors: Andrew Cunanan, Gianni Versace and the Largest Failed Manhunt in U.S. History. After his murder in episode one, Versace becomes more of a supporting character in the story of his death, where 90s gay culture and Cunanan’s murder spree take center stage.
The casting
There are so many ridiculously amazing performances in American Crime Story: Versace, it’s hard to pick a favorite (don’t worry, we did anyway, but that’s later). Édgar Ramírez and Ricky Martin’s portrayal of a genuine and believable Gianni Versace and his partner Antonio D’Amico have us heartbroken within minutes of the series’ beginning. Ricky Martin portrays Antonio D’Amico’s grief with agonizing conviction.
Penelope Cruz initially feels overdramatic as Donatella Versace. However, upon closer examination of the fashion icon’s character, the portrayal is close to faultless, unsurprising as the two are friends.
Two of the most surprising performances are short, two-episode character arcs, with Max Greenfield (New Girl), barely recognizable as an HIV-positive Ronnie, and Judith Light (Who’s the Boss?) as high-profile cosmetics mogul, Marilyn Miglin.
Ronnie and Andrew Cunanan meet in Miami after Cunanan has already killed four people. In 1997, the shadow of HIV as a death sentence is slowly starting to lift, but Greenfield’s Ronnie perfectly portrays the overwhelming melancholy those who have been affected by the disease are still crippled with.
Judith Light’s role is especially complex. Marilyn Miglin’s husband Lee (Mike Farrell), was a prominent architect and philanthropist, brutally murdered by Andrew Cunanan. Well known in the Chicago social scene, by all reports the Miglins were a happy partnership. Light’s performance of Marilyn is deeply layered, both stoic and heartbreaking. 
The real-life Marilyn has always maintained that Lee’s death was a random murder, and American Crime Story: Versace shows Marilyn using her connections to keep the embarrassing details of Lee’s death quiet. Judith Light’s Marilyn is both outraged and overwhelmed by her grief, and she shines brighter than ever.
The only character whose role is more perfectly portrayed is Andrew Cunanan himself, as Darren Criss’s performance is nothing short of career-shaping, so amazing it needs its own category.
Darren Criss
If Darren Criss still has you thinking of Glee, you need to stop what you’re doing and turn on American Crime Story: Versace. He is absolutely everything in this role, fully transforming himself from scene to scene as takes on Andrew Cunanan’s chameleon-like maneuvering as he manipulates those around him.
Andrew Cunanan’s psychopathic nature comes with a charming and shrewd personality. Reportedly able to go days without sleeping as he taught himself everything there is to know about fashion or opera, Cunanan built entire backstories for himself on a dime. Cunanan never lacked for friends, and Criss managed to channel Cunanan’s appeal while never losing his underlying stomach-turning menace.  
Honestly, Darren Criss easily could have won an Emmy for the dance scene alone. We’ll never hear Phil Collins “Easy Lover” without visions of Criss breaking it down in a pink banana hammock ever again.
The 90s in Miami
It’s rare that anything covering true crime is marked by its bright neon backdrop. American Crime Story: Versace provides a disarming contrast between the bright background of 90s Miami and the dark content of a sadistic murder spree. 
Ryan Murphy is no stranger to 90’s Miami, he began his career working as a journalist for the Miami Herald in the 90s. American Crime Story: Versace is hauntingly authentic, filmed in the house where Versace lived in Miami, and on the actual steps where the legend was killed. 
Setting the perfectly genuine backdrop was only part of the full experience. It should come as no surprise that there is some straight-up costume porn happening in American Crime Story: Versace. While yes, there are so many men in tank tops and cutoff jorts, Costume designer Lou Eyrich also bought up hundreds of pieces of vintage Versace from all over the world, claiming that their pursuit drove up the prices for the resale market.
For ACS: Versace Eyrich clothes Donatella (Penelope Cruz) in the era’s bodycon dresses colored in pastels, while Gianni is mostly portrayed in vivid, opulent silk pajamas. Providing a visual contrast, Cunanan’s clothing is just a little off, a little drab. Eyrich describes his look as “a West coast preppy aspiring to look rich”.  It’s total perfection.
So much more than a murder story
The overwhelming theme of American Crime Story: Versace is not about death, it’s about the complicated politics and shame of being openly gay in the 90s.
Cunanan evaded police while successfully murdering five men, the last being Versace. A brilliant sociopath, Cunanan’s feelings around his sexuality range from tortured to delighted. Overwhelmed with jealousy over the successful gay men in which he interacts, Cunanan is both repelled by and obsessed with the way money, secrecy, and in Versace’s case, fame insulates them from the challenges of being gay in the 90s.
Equally fascinating in American Crime Story: Versace was the incompetence of the police and investigators pursuing Cunanan, who struggled with infiltrating the gay community and understanding its nuances. While not an outright display of homophobia, at its most benign interpretation, their ineptness is based on ignorance. It’s hard to not see that ignorance as purposeful.
The police almost reject the idea of educating themselves and the gay community enough to stop Cunanan’s spree of violence. Yet they’re seemingly helpless to restrain themselves from sharing the sordid details that enable Cunanan to stay a step ahead of capture. The most frustrating and impactful part of the entire American Crime Story: Versaceseries is how preventable it all was.
You can (and should) stream The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story on Netflix now.
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caitsbooks · 5 years
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12 LGBTQ+ Reads 
IT’S PRIDE MONTH!!! The best month of the year!!! In celebration, I’ve compiled a list of 12 amazing LGBTQ+ reads that are perfect if you’re looking to read the rainbow this month.
These are a mix of my personal favorites, plus some that I’m dying to read.
Read more for details on each book!
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YA Contemporary
Tanner Scott moved from California to Utah, and from being out of the closet as bisexual, to temporarily back in. He can’t wait to graduate and get out of Utah, but when his best friend convinces him to enroll in his high school’s prestigious Seminar class, where students attempt to draft a book in a semester, he meets Sebastian Brother.
Autoboyography has everything you could want in a YA contemporary, adorable romance, great family relationships, and memorable characters, however, what really makes it stand out to me is how well it handles religion.
“A God worthy of your eternal love wouldn’t judge you for who you love while you’re here.”
Queens of Geek follows two perspectives. Taylor is a nerdy girl on the autism spectrum, and secretly in love with one of her best friends, Jamie. Charlie is a bisexual vlogger and actress promoting her next movie. When the three friends go to SupaCon, Charlie discovers her long-time crush on a fellow actress may not be unrequited, and Taylor must decide whether or not to keep playing it safe.
“You can’t pick and chose whose equality you support.”
On the off-chance you haven’t heard of this book, or the movie, Simon vs. The Homo Sapiens Agenda is about Simon Spier, a closeted teen in high school, who’s private emails to the anonymous “Blue” get discovered by one of his classmates. Simon will do anything to keep them from being shared, outing him and scaring Blue away.
This book is pretty hyped, but I had to include it on the list (however, if you’ve already read it but want more like it- check out What If It’s Us by Becky Albertalli and Adam Silvera).
“Why is straight the default? Everyone should have to declare one way or another, and it shouldn’t be this big awkward thing whether you’re straight, gay, bi, or whatever. I’m just saying.”
[Related: Autoboyography by Christina Lauren (Review)]
YA Sci-Fi/Fantasy
Princess Dennaleia has been betrothed to the prince of Mynaria since childhood, but she has a secret that could threaten the alliance. She possesses an Affinity for fire- but magic is forbidden in the prince’s kingdom. While trying to hide her magic, she must also learn the ways of Mynaria- including learning horseback riding from her betrothed’s sister, Mare. When an assassination shocks the kingdom, Mare and Denna must join forces to solve the puzzle, however, as their friendship grows into something more, conflicts grow that make the alliance between the two kingdoms crucial.
“An Affinity, much like a heart, cannot be changed.”
After her father dies, Ash is left with her cruel stepmother. Consumed with grief, she dreams of fairies stealing her away. Her wish is close to being granted when she meets the dangerous fairy Sidhean. However, then she meets Kaisa, the King’s Huntress, and their friendship reawakens her desire to live and love. Claimed by Sidhean, Ash is forced to choose between her dreams and her love.
I’m ashamed to admit that I still haven’t read this book yet. However, it’s such a staple in the LGBTQ+ YA community that I had to include it here, and I’m really hoping to dive into it soon.
“To charge someone with love is a great responsibility; there will be an equal yet unexpected reaction.”
Monty has vowed that his Grand Tour of Europe will be a time for parties, gambling, and all of his favorite types of fun with his best friend and “the unrequited love of his life”, Percy. He’s determined to still enjoy it even though his younger sister joins him. However, the trip takes a turn when his reckless decisions lead to a manhunt across Europe, and threaten the relationship with the one person who matters most to him.
“I’ve always been of the mind that subtlety is a waste of time. Fortune favors the flirtatious.”
[Related: The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue by Mackenzi Lee (Review)]
2019 Releases
I honestly can’t describe this better than the synopsis from Goodreads: “When Ari crash-lands on Old Earth and pulls a magic sword from its ancient resting place, she is revealed to be the newest reincarnation of King Arthur. Then she meets Merlin, who has aged backward over the centuries into a teenager, and together they must break the curse that keeps Arthur coming back. Their quest? Defeat the cruel, oppressive government and bring peace and equality to all humankind. No pressure.”
“I think people need heroes. I think you're a hero. It's that simple to me.”
Ben is thrown out of their house after coming out to their parents as nonbinary. Struggling with anxiety, Ben focuses on just surviving their new school, until Nathan decides to take Ben under his wing. As their friendship grows and develops into something more, Ben realizes they might have a chance at a new, better life.
“Guess we need to talk, huh? Because I can’t exactly call you my boyfriend, can I?” I hadn’t even thought about that. “I guess not,” I say. “Is partner a little too cowboy for you?” I tip an imaginary cowboy hat. “Yee haw.”
Babe thought this summer would be dedicated to spending time with her friends before they leave for college, but when one mistake causes the three of them to break up, and her ex-girlfriend comes back to town, her chances of having the summer she dreamed about are slim. But when Levi arrives for the summer, Babe knows she shouldn’t get close to him. After all, he’ll be leaving come fall, but keeping her distance is becoming harder and harder.
“Because the strength of a lighthouse is from its being alone. From being a beacon of light in the darkness, a finger showing you which way is home.”
[Related: Interview with Lillie Vale, Author of Small Town Hearts]
[Genre: YA Graphic Novel]
Prince Sebastian’s parents are looking for a bride for him. Sebastian, however, is too busy hiding his secret life, where he puts on daring dresses as Lady Crystallia. Frances is his secret dressmaker, but she her dreams are too bright to stay hidden. How long can she ignore them to help her friend?
“Some days I look at myself in the mirror and think, “That’s me, Prince Sebastian! I wear boy clothes and look like my father.’ Other days it doesn’t feel right at all. Those days I feel like I’m actually a princess.”
[Genre: Middle Grade Contemporary]
“When people look at George, they think they see a boy. But she knows she’s not a boy. She knows she’s a girl.” When George’s teacher announces that their class will be putting on the play Charlotte’s Web, George dreams of playing Charlotte, but her teacher says she can’t try out for the part because she’s a boy. So George and her best friend come up with a plan, not only to play Charlotte, but to show the world who she truly is.
“George stopped. It was such a short, little question, but she couldn’t make her mouth form the sounds. Mom, what if I’m a girl?”
[Genre: New Adult/Adult Romance]
Alex, First Son of the United States, has always hated Prince Henry. But when a confrontation between the two of them cause a stir in the press, he’s forced to fake a friendship with his nemesis. Except, Prince Henry isn’t what he thought. Alex must battle his mother’s political opponents, his own dreams of working in politics, and his growing feelings for the Prince he used to despise. However, a secret relationship with Henry could cause serious problems for his mothers reelection campaign, and Alex must decide what he’s willing to sacrifice.
“But the truth is, also, simply this: love is indomitable.”
[Related: Red White and Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston – The Perfect Read for Pride Month (Review)]
I’m hoping to read more LGBTQ+ books before this month ends (and just in general, because everyone’s life needs to be a little gayer), so do you have any recommendations? What’s your favorite LGBTQ+ book?
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Kakagai Fic Rec List
Wanna start my blog off with the best ship. Promising 20+ fic with at least 1 outside of ao3, organized links, and summaries.
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First, I recommend anything by forgetme. Specifically, try:
For a sort of melancholic, nostalgic, soft feel, 敬老の日
Summary: At thirty-seven Kakashi is starting to feel old.
Notes: Short, sweet, and feeling like the writer is smarter than I’ll ever be, which is just how I like it.
For romance that hurts, Technological Progress
Summary: Kakashi makes a phone call.
Notes: A rare fluff piece from this writer
For emotional pain, Atë
Summary: Hindsight is 20/20.
Notes: The great thing about being in a fandom where the source material is aggressively mediocre is that fanfic writers are often better than the original. This fic is the perfect example. It delves deeper and more honestly into Kakashi’s character than Kishimoto ever did, and doesn’t pause to give him, or the reader, a break.
A great take on the classic amnesia trope, Still life in pale blue
Summary: A day in the life of war veterans.
Notes: A great Gai point-of-view! Understands Kishimoto’s intentions better than he can.
Note that they haven’t transferred all their fic from fanfiction.net where they are thisloser
The history has its eyes on you series by tasalmalin.
Summary: This five-part series is a Kakashi-centric time travel fix-it. It starts out pretty dark, but the real heart of the story is one of healing, and there are happy endings on the horizon. Specific warnings are included with each chapter.
Notes: I’ve reread this series countless times. I normally hate time travel fix-its, but trust me, this one makes up for all those times you’ve read one that’s fizzled out or disappointed. It never loses focus, and always stays true to Kakashi’s character. The first two stories are pretty fucking angsty, though, so those who want to skip to the fixing might want to start with the third story, I know that we can win.
Everything by maldoror, who has sadly only written two kkg fic. That said, I recommend her other Naruto work too.
For a little pick-me-up, Break in the Routine
Summary: Kakashi had heard people complain about 'routine', calling it humdrum and boring. For Kakashi, routine meant that nobody was actively trying to kill him and there were no missions that day. Routine was good. An implausible green and orange streak vaulted over the iron fence and darted off a cherry tree, causing a dramatic shower of petals around him as he hit the ground. Gai, showing up for his regular challenge. Yup, still routine...Until Gai told him what he was challenging Kakashi at this time.
Notes: This fic has been recommended again and again, but what the heck. It makes me feel better every single time I read it.
For something thoughtful, Descent
Summary: A and S rank missions are killers - especially the kind Tsunade hands out since she's been made Godaime. Kakashi has handled some pretty rough ones over the years with his teams, wow, he could tell you stories...But his team is gone. He's no longer a Jounin-sensei and he no longer has to watch over a bunch of brats. Now his missions are ANBU level.ANBU missions are different. The view through that mask is narrow. There is nothing to protect, only targets to kill. There is no mercy, no regret, no remorse. No prisoners. It's very simple, really. Considerably simpler than being a Jounin-sensei. If only Gai didn't insist on joining his rival/friend/partner around on these, it'd be simpler still. (Timeline: short time after Sasuke's defection)
Notes: Not as easy to read, but in the good way. Has a wonderful Lee.
Good Lives by the great jibrailis
Summary: Gai accidentally becomes first lady of Konoha.
Notes: Lighthearted. This fic perfectly outlines what Kakashi and Gai deserved.
Mending Fists by cranes
Summary: Strangely enough, it's Kakashi who suggests they resume the challenges after the war.
Notes: It’s honestly so fucking cute.
the dew is never all dried at once by ohdeariemegoodness
Summary: Somehow, Kakashi gets his happy ending.  He also gets kidnapped.  Fortunately, Kakashi makes a great damsel in distress.
Notes: This fic is what it would look like if Kakashi could actually get some emotional closure. Reading it is bittersweet, because it makes me resent canon.
Definitely not a Love Story by tuesdayfic (tuesday)
Summary: Guy woos Kakashi. Kakashi is not exactly appreciative of his efforts. Neither is most anyone else in the village, except those who are laughing. They are sadly numerous.
Notes: The fic ends with a cameo by Iruka, which makes me wonder, is that a nod to the ever popular Kakashi/Iruka ship that makes no sense? I also love tuesday’s other works as well, though this is definitely my favorite.
Afternoon Tea by 100demons
Summary: Kakashi and Gai try to figure out what happens next.
Notes: This fic is good, but honestly mostly here to encourage people to read all of 100demons’s work.
The Best Is Yet To Come by alestar
Summary: Kakashi has spent nearly his entire life in a freefall state, bracing himself for impact, turning his body to absorb the blow and land on his feet. Now in his early thirties he finds the rapid winds of gravity dying down around him. He finds himself crouching on solid ground. A moment of disorientation, followed by what?
Notes: It’s a little sad how relatable this fic is. 
Last but not least, A Tree Called Life by mostlyharmless
Summary: Years after the war, the shinobi world is experiencing a new kind of peace. Kakashi and Guy are enjoying some time off after a mission, until Guy decides he is ready for the next step in their relationship: moving in together.
Notes: Funny. The Sai in here is particularly great.
Honorable mentions:
Helping Hands by desolate butterfly: [KakaGai, gen]  Gai can see underneath the underneath.  It's a habit he had to pick up to take on the role of Kakashi's eternal rival.
Anniversary by kimi no vanilla: The things we do to ourselves when no one is watching. The things we watch because we cannot bear to look away. Kakashi from Gai's POV.
Only Ever You by Chrononautical: Eternity isn't just for rivals.
Monster by chibi_zoe: Trust Gai to have an over the top name for a certain common morning problem.
More Than Puppy Love by thekatthatbarks: “Kakashi, you haven’t….always had…?” Gai asked him, looking at a loss for words. “What’re you talking about?” Kakashi cocked an eyebrow at him, annoyed at his vagueness. He put one of his own fingers in his mouth and probed at his teeth, trying to see what was wrong. His hand stopped when he felt the pointy tips. He looked at Gai incredulously and moved his fingers around inside his mouth. It almost felt like…canines?
Every Little Bit of It by slash4femme: Kakashi knows before the day even starts that it is going to be a bad pain day. Not for him but for Gai.
PS If I missed a fic or you want me to remove your fanfic from this list, please let me know.
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problemsofabooknerd · 6 years
My Favorite F/F Romances
Pride Day 16!
Check out the intro to my Pride project here.
Listen, I’m gay as hell and I love a good book about two ladies falling in love. That’s it, that’s my full list of requirements for things that INSTANTLY make me happy in a book. Today I’m talking about lady love, and lots of it, so get out a notebook or just be ready to open up lots of Goodreads pages because I’m talking about f/f romances and why I love them.
Not Your Sidekick by C.B. Lee - Abby & Jess
This f/f romances sticks out to me forever and always because of how awkward and earnest it is. It’s a highschool romance with superpowers, yes, but it’s also about two nerdy girls who are super hardcore crushing on each other but don’t totally know how to acknowledge it, and I live for that. Honestly, Jess and Abby work for me because they’re super adorable and we all know it.
Everything Leads to You by Nina LaCour - Emi & Ava
This was the first book I ever read about ladies falling in love that made me fully swoon, because they are soft and they are the most aesthetic-y wlw in the world, god help me. They are invested in learning about one another, about gaining a deeper understanding of where they are each coming from, and in making space for the other in their life. I love them I love them.
Of Fire and Stars by Audrey Coulthurst - Denna & Mare
So I’ve talked about my love for retellings in another post this month, and I feel like it’s pretty easy to guess that mixed in with my love for retellings and fairy tales I must have a fondness for princesses. Yes, I do. You know what’s better than one princess? Two princesses falling in love with each other. Thus why Denna & Mare occupy 90% of my heart at a given time. Don’t even talk to me about the first time they hold hands, it’s been two years and I’m still not over it.
The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid - Evelyn & Celia
I can’t really talk about this as much, but lord the number of times I cried over these two is.... a lot.... it’s a looooooot. They’re good, great, wonderful, and fantastic. And so is this book, don’t let the remarkably heterosexual title fool you. It’s gay as hell, and I don’t plan on ever recovering. 
The Color Purple by Alice Walker - Celie & Shug
The whole center and heart of this book is Celie’s long-term struggle with the men in her life, finding her own strength, and eventually knowing that she can survive on her own. But along that journey, finding Shug and learning new ideas about God and life and love is so essential, and I think it’s their longterm ups and downs that really define my love for these two. They aren’t a perfect couple, they go through so many things, but they are stronger for knowing each other and that is my shit right there.
Jane, Unlimited by Kristin Cashore - Jane & Ivy
I just knew that when a girl-meets-girl romance began with a conversation about Doctor Who that it would be all I would ever need. Throw in some Harry Potter, and a very light Lord of the Rings reference and I’m suitably done for. They’re both living in a world of really high drama and manage to be adorable and nerdy at all times, which makes them perfection in every way.
How To Make a Wish by Ashley Herring Blake - Eva & Grace
Soft girlfriends make me soft inside, so you can only imagine what this book did to me. Eva & Grace work because they are both going through extreme emotional times, but they’re supportive and nice and they help make each other laugh when they need that moment. Also they have cute ass dates, so that’s overwhelming for sure. 
The Summer of Jordi Perez (And the Best Burger in Los Angeles) by Amy Spalding - Abby & Jordi
More like *the summer of creative lesbians who are super inspired by their romantic partner* I mean wow. This is like my ultimate aesthetic: super upbeat, bright lesbian falls for all black-wearing, dramatic artsy lesbian. Plus they also go on cute ass dates, a previously established mega-weakness of mine. The two of them being thoughtful and picking out fun activities they just know the other will love, then watching their date the whole time in wonder at her beauty and fascination?? Oh my god??? Pure?????
Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe by Fannie Flagg - Ruth & Idgie
It’s weird how this soft, aesthetic heavy book about a small town in the south is also about murder and also about ladies falling in love. The thing with Ruth and Idgie is that their love is incredibly subtle, and goes mostly unconfirmed. It’s clearly there (I mean, they live one damn domestic life together) but it isn’t really discussed by the people around them. I just think it’s soft, and it’s an undying dedication to one another, and it’s a deep form of caring that I love with all my heart.
That’s all for today! I hope you appreciated my gushing. I feel like I’ve been so lucky to live in a time with so many more f/f romances, but I’m constantly on the lookout for more so please let me know what some of your favorite f/f romances in books are. And keep an eye out for my next post about my favorite m/m romances, coming soon!
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steverogersified · 6 years
So there's a lot of hate and bad word going around about ta nehisi coates writing captain america... A lot of people say he's SJW-like and that he hates America and stuff. Although he's written and said some things that make me question his thought process and morals (talking about being 'radicalized', odd things about the firefighters on 9/11), I think he's a good writer for cap. Coates recognizes that America isn't a perfect place, and he's like Cap in that respect.
Coates is an excellent choice for Cap and here’s why I feel this way:
The entire point of Steve Rogers is a defender of the ostracized and maligned. When Kirby and Simon created him America had not yet joined the war. Moreover - and this is something most people ignore when telling the story of Cap’s creation - the American government refused to come out and make a definitive statement decrying Hitler and what he was doing in Europe. And, like today, that inactivity on the governments part spoke volumes. Enough so that Nazi sympathizers within America felt… emboldened (sound familiar?).
Enter Jacob Kurtzberg and Hymie Simon stage left. These two Jewish men, first generation American born in Kurtzberg’s (Kirby’s) case, decided that if America wouldn’t make a statement one way or the other regarding Hitler, then they sure as hell would. And that statement was Captain America, who, on his very first cover, was drawn punching Hitler in the face.
And for this Kirby and Simon received hate and death threats by the Nazi sympathizers in America. In fact the hate they received was so bad that the city of New York assigned a police guard to Timely’s (re:Marvel) offices. 
And all of this is my glorified way of saying that Captain America was created to be a social justice warrior and an ally. On purpose. And with full intent by his creators and like Coates, Kirby and Simon had their share of detractors. It didn’t stop them and it shouldn’t stop Coates.
And most (with a few exceptions) Cap writers have respected the character’s original purpose… to be an ally for the oppressed. Stan Lee gave Steve the first African-American superhero as a partner, not sidekick, but partner, Lee was very insistent on this distinction (thus the Cap title became Captain America and the Falcon), in Sam Wilson during the Civil Rights movement. Writer DeMatteis addressed the misconceptions against the LGBT community during the height of the AIDS crises in 1980, and he did this by making Steve’s childhood best friend and protector, Arnie Roth, gay. And when Steve found out Arnie was gay?  Didn’t change his feelings for Arnie at all, in fact, he was protective of Arnie and heralded Arnie’s loving relationship with common-law husband Michael as relationship goals. Again this was done intentionally as DeMatteis wanted to use Steve’s acceptance of Arnie as an example for others to follow. Both Steve Englehart and Mark Gruenwald had Steve turn away from the American government whenever the governments practices got out of line, such as with Watergate and Reagan’s dependence on semi-martial law.
My point is, the entire purpose of Steve is to defend the underdog and who better to voice how an ally should ally than a minority? Frankly, it was long past due for a black man to take the helm of the Cap comic. Long past. And I’d like to see more differing voices writing Cap in the future, after Coates’ long and successful run.
And Coates is a superb fit for Cap for more than just his status as a minority, but because he is someone who has particular insight into parts of America that other Cap writers haven’t, and who has written, and won awards, on the topic. If Cap is to represent America, he needs to represent ALL of America. Including exposing the ugly bits America, itself, tries to hide. 
Plus Coates, himself, seems excited to tackle Steve, in fact, I read on twitter that he showed up at Midtown Comics to see how the release day was going yesterday. I love that he’s so into it. He seems really passionate and his answers in interviews have all been really thoughtful.
I’m sorry this got so long @madoka-magica-is-dead - I’m sure it’s a more thorough answer than you wanted. But honestly, anyone who is against Coates writing Cap because Coates is considered SJW or because he’s too political, have missed the entire point of the Captain America comics and Steve Rogers and I honestly doubt if they’ve ever truly actually read a Cap comic. Cap *is* an SJW, he was *invented* to be an SJW, and his book has always been political and has been from day one. The political messages in the Cap comics haven’t even been subtle, for cryin’ out loud. Like what did these ‘no politics in comics’ people think Nomad was about when it coincidentally happened at the same time as Watergate and mirrored the story almost exactly?!
I guess what I’m trying to say is that I am excited that Coates is on Cap and I have faith that he’ll do a great job. The first issue was an excellent start.It’s great to hear you are optimistic, too. Those other people don’t know what they are talking about. I try not to gatekeep or anything, because I recognize that doing so is insufferable (I don’t want to stoop to their level), but honestly, they should actually read the material before they write-off a writer as being too political, seriously! They sure picked the wrong character to take that particular stance on. 
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mcarfield · 6 years
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oh my god, dear anon, you don’t even know how bad i am at games, ahahaha, i had to watch a tutorial just to remember how to play Munchkin. So I apologize for how little actual gaming there is in this game night, lol, but look, thank you for giving me an excuse to write what seems to be the only thing i ever want to write: a totally drunk and/or high Andrew Garfield and a James McArdle in varying degrees of sobriety, platonically not-platonically being boyfriends in love.
Game nights are supposed to be full of rousing competition, but apparently, game night among the Angels in America cast just means that instead of sitting around exhaustedly in dressing rooms, everyone sits around exhaustedly at Andrew’s house.
It’s honestly quite relaxing, James thinks, though that has quite a lot to do with the blunt he and Andrew have been passing back and forth. It has even more to do with the warmth of Andrew at his side, leaning his head on James’s shoulder, even though James’s side has kind of gone numb from trying not to dislodge him.
The group is playing Munchkin, and considering how lifeless they all are, it’s actually going quite well.
“No!” Nate shrieks and throws his cards on the table as Denise takes all his treasure, cackling, and adds it to her growing pile of loot. Everyone groans, and James glances quickly around the room to assess how everyone is doing, out of killer competitive instinct that won’t quit just because he hasn’t slept properly in a few days.
They’re spread out, sitting crosslegged around Andrew’s giant coffee table. Lee looks mildly depressed over the state of his hand, but then Lee tends to look mildly depressed about most things. Beth isn’t even looking at the game; she and Susan are giggling into their martinis, but Susan keeps glancing back at her cards. Shrewd, that one, James notes. One to beat.
Next to him, Andrew stirs briefly from his position against James’s shoulder. "How long has this game been going?” he asks blearily, arching his perfect neck and exhaling a plume of smoke. “How has she not won yet, she’s got all the cards!”
James seizes the opportunity while Andrew isn’t leaning against him to jostle some feeling back into his shoulder. He stretches, then slips his arm around Andrew’s waist and shifts to settle him more comfortably against his side.
“Is it because you keep using all your moves to keep her from reaching the last level?” Andrew yawns, running his hand lightly over James’s chest. “Is that why this twenty-minute game has taken us nearly an hour?” James swats his arm, and Andrew hums and tucks himself into the curve of James’s body.
“I take issue with your framing of the situation,” James says.
“Oh, Louis,” Andrew says.
“I’m just saying,” says James, “I’m keeping Denise from winning, but I’m also keeping everyone else from losing.”
Everyone else groans.
“You’re incorrigible,” Andrew says. He picks up the blunt he’s been smoking and places it between James’s lips. “And now it’s your turn,” he says as James takes the hit, “and you don’t have any cards left to fight your own monsters. Typical.” James’s lips brush Andrew’s fingers, and Andrew takes the blunt back, watching James through hooded lids as he exhales.
“You know you’re not technically supposed to be a team,” Denise says pointedly. Nate snorts. “They’re not!” Denise protests. “You’re not supposed to be able to see his cards!”
Andrew sticks his tongue out at her. “You should be happy,” he tells her. “You’ve robbed him of his dignity and soon your path to the crown will be clear.”
“I wouldn’t be so sure about that,” says James, confident as only the pleasantly stoned can be, “I’m not going to get any monsters,” and he kicks open the door and promptly meets a plutonium dragon.
Andrew bursts into a string of giggles.
“Oh, noooo,” James says, and he’s probably snickering too much because of the weed, too. “This is your fault.”
“How is it my fault? I’ve been trying to save you from yourself.”
“You jinxed me. Somehow.”
“I thought I was your lucky charm.”
“Not lucky enough,” James says, glancing over at Andrew’s cards. He looks around the room.
“Don’t you dare, you cutthroat,” Nate says.
“You have nothing to give me anyway,” James reminds him. “You’ve been razed to the ground.”
“I’ll help you,” Beth says from her corner, “I’m only on level 3, I have nothing left to live for.” She hands James a few cards.
“Don’t encourage his folly,” Andrew says disdainfully.
“Don’t listen to him,” James says, pressing a kiss against Andrew’s temple. “He always encourages my folly.”
“I could help you,” Denise says, wagging her eyebrows and fanning her giant pile of cards.
“You are not helping me!”
“What?” Andrew swats at the hand James has curled around his waist. “Let her help you! Take away her power, profit from her bleeding heart.”
“I can’t do that, babe,” James says, pinching Andrew’s stomach in retaliation. Andrew jumps and elbows him, so James reaches up and tickles the back of his neck.
Andrew squeaks and turns to him, grinning. “Why not,” he says, in a tone that’s either long-suffering affection or the sound of someone very high, or possibly both.
“Because,” James says, wrapping his other arm around Andrew’s waist and tugging him closer, “if we take things from a powerful sorceress, we get cursed. Powerfully.”
“I thought she was an elf,” Andrew says. He’s frowning, but he’s looking at James and his eyes are soft. “She drew the elf card!”
“I did, but I’m still a sorceress,” Denise says, grinning.
“You have to help save me from getting cursed,” James tells him.
“I stopped paying attention to my cards like ten minutes ago,” Andrew says, leaning forward to brush his nose against James’s, like that’s just a thing they do — and James supposes when they’re both this stoned, maybe it is. “I have no idea if I have anything that can help you fight the, the whatever it is.”
“Plutonium dragon,” says James, letting their foreheads drift together, aware even in his haze that they probably are crossing all manner of inappropriate public displays of affection right now. “And you have two cards that could help me very much, if you wouldn’t mind donating them.”
“Poof,” Andrew says, shrugging. “Take them, they’re gone, they’re yours.”
“Beautiful,” James murmurs, and he doesn’t mean to kiss Andrew, not then, not in front of everyone, not ever, but it happens without his conscious thought: he cups Andrew’s chin and kisses him briefly but firmly on the mouth, because they’re partners and, and, because that’s the only natural response. Isn’t it?
Andrew kisses back and then blinks at him, blank shock in his eyes. James stares back, grateful that the light fog in his head is keeping him from immediately panicking too much. He searches Andrew’s face for any sign of panic or revulsion, but Andrew just looks startled and surprised and otherwise unreadable.
“So you are dating, then,” says Nate. He looks at Lee. “You owe me five bucks.”
“They’re not dating,” Lee says boredly. “That’s not how you kiss someone you’re dating.”
“You’re both ridiculous,” James says hurriedly. “Susan, do you have a card? I only need one more level to defeat this dragon and plunder Denise’s treasure, which would let me win the game.”
Susan narrows her eyes at him.
“What do I get in return?” she says.
“You can win with me!” James says eagerly, desperate to keep the conversation going. “I’ll give you half Denise’s treasure and we can level up together.”
“We know you’re just playing dirty right now to distract us from the fact you and Andrew just lost a round of gay chicken,” says Denise. “And I’m your friend, so I’m going to let you, but just be aware, we all know what you’re doing!”
“I am going to demolish you and burn and pillage your castle and keep,” James says calmly.
“So,” says Susan, even more calmly. “If I give you this card, you beat Denise and win the game, and I get…. a consolation victory, is that it?”
“Er, well, it seems that way,” says James, laughing shrilly. Beside him, Andrew has gone still, and that’s probably not a good sign, but James can’t look back at him right now or he’ll be absolutely sunk.
“Right,” says Susan. “Well, for starters, I want you to kiss Andrew again before he starts getting that dejected puppy look he gets whenever he thinks you don’t love him, and then I want the two of you to go somewhere and figure out whether or not you’re dating, because my lord, it’s game night, not an orgy.”
“I,” says James.”What?”
“We’re not dating,” Andrew blurts, and James turns to him and now he does look a little mortified. James takes his hand and laces their fingers together, because obviously Andrew can’t look like that, he mustn’t ever, and Andrew sends him another startled confused glance.
“We’re not dating,” James says, face turning red, gazing back searchingly at Andrew. ”We just…” he swallows and tries to figure out what on earth to say. “We maybe skipped that part.”
“We just,” Andrew stammers. “We just…” he looks at James and smiles at him slowly, helplessly.  “We just belong to each other.”
“Right,” James adds, dizzy. “Because of the play.”
“Yes,” says Andrew, and then, “No. Not because of the play.”
“No?” James blurts.
Andrew gulps and shakes his head, and then they’re kissing for real, a proper Prior-and-Louis kiss, only somehow it’s nothing like Prior and Louis, it’s Andrew, Andrew who smells like his favorite ridiculously citrusy aftershave and  tastes like salt and grass and vermouth, Andrew who melts into him completely, Andrew who belongs to him and always has.
Another moment, and they’re on the verge of deepening the kiss when they both seem to abruptly recall where they are. They break apart with a gasp and stare at each other, slow dawning smiles replacing their stunned dazed looks.
“Don’t kiss like that onstage,” Lee says dryly. “My sanity can’t take it if they were to extend the run.”
Andrew lets out a hysterical giggle.
Susan says, “That will do, I suppose,” and tosses her winning cards over. James reaches up and thumbs Andrew’s cheek, and Andrew covers James’s hand with his own.
“Look at that,” says James, smiling at him. “Seems like I’ve won.”
Denise sets all her cards down on the table. “Not so fast,” she says. “I think you’ll find I have enough cards to quadruple the fighting power of the plutonium dragon, which means that not only do you not win, you end up with negative levels.”
James blinks at her. “You cheeky bastard.” She sends him an exaggerated courtly bow. “You could have just beaten me and saved me the confession.”
Denise grins slowly, and then sends Susan a thumbs-up. Susan laughs.
“I could have,” Denise says. She crosses her arms, smug. “But I like this way much better.”
James splutters.
“Shh,” Andrew says, brushing a kiss over his cheek and leaning his head against James’s temple. “Just let her have this.”
“I’m a terribly sore loser,” James murmurs, pulling him close. ”You’ll have to console me very hard.”
Andrew smiles and presses his lips to the curve of James’s jaw.
“I think I can do that,” he says. “After all — she might have won the game.” He raises his head and winks, and James’s stomach somersaults.
“But I’m pretty sure you’re the one walking away with the flawless victory.”
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It's us: Halt and Catch Fire 4x09 and 4x10.
So, it took a few days but I think it's finally sunk in for me that Halt and Catch Fire actually ended the way it did? I truly was not prepared, I'd braced myself for a very specific, very heterosexual and annoying ending, and was ready to resent it forever.
But in the end, Halt finally quit playing and quit punishing its characters. So naturally, I'm instead prepared to talk about it forever! So, pause your Peter Gabriel cd that you've been crying to all week, grab your hackeysack and your bagel bites, sit down a safe distance from the pool, and lets process this finale even MORE! Literally nothing but spoilers for Halt and Catch Fire 4x09 and 4x10 below.
So, let's talk about how and when the show tied up each of our character's stories:
Bos and Diane: While I stand by all of my previous critiques of what the show put both of them through this season, and how mean it was to Diane, how can you not be happy for them?! I'm happy that Bos is in good health, and that Diane seems more than ready to retire from being a miserable business woman and shift to enjoying her life and her family.
Haley and Vanessa: Okay, so, this was a bummer, right? I love how they did it though. I love that they showed us Haley striding into that mildly ridiculous hot dog place of dreams and asking Vanessa out -- I haven't seen a lot of queer teenage girls asking their crushes out in mainstream media and also I myself haven't ever been brave enough to do that IRL so that was kind of awesome of her?! -- and I love that they didn't tell us what exactly happened. The focus stays on Haley's sadness, disappointment, and embarrassment, and the show avoids making wlw crushes look like they're all doomed to misery. (Which, they're not, ICYMI.)
Comet. I was surprised by how hard this hit me. This is a key theme of the show: projects end, sometimes amicably, and sometimes disastrously, partnerships dissolve, it's part of life, and yes, it's especially difficult to accept for traumatized abuse survivor over-achievers. But you have to learn to move on to the next thing, or you're in for a long life, and not in a good way. A competitor, Yahoo, the jokes about which I remember, beats Comet to the punch. It happens! But, just like it happens IRL, this is also the death of Gordon's last venture, and of J*e's last connection to him, and….jesus fvck, it hurts.
Cameron & J*e: The end of Comet ends up meaning the end of Jameron, though not for a lack of trying on both sides. This ship has a huge following despite never having worked or been healthy, and despite Lee Pace's fantastic work this season, the show never sold me on his redemption -- and yes, it was an issue of his redemption, as a former abuser, do not start with or @ me about this. Even if we accept that J*e has changed, he and Cameron want different things. She shouldn't be forced to have a family she doesn't want, and it is not in any way healthy for him to sacrifice something that huge to be with her? (That doesn't even get into how grief and loss alters relationships, sometimes in terrible and painful ways, and J*e's loss is real.) Their break up scene was sad and tough to watch, but, they're both free to find better partners, who actually meet their needs. Can't help but see that as a win.
Joanie: I could say something snarky about the writers sending her off to eat, pray, and love or whatever, but I love Joanie, and while it's a little sad, I'm glad that she got to leave home and start to get some perspective on her family and also her grief. Sometimes, we don't quite fit in at home, and we need to go elsewhere -- isn't that kind of true of our entire main cast? Also, her very last scene, when she's on the phone, is such full of such great, teenage-y, youthful energy and emotion. Ugh, I'll always be a little annoyed that we didn't spend more time with her, but thank you for stealing every scene you were in, gurl!
Donna Emerson, Senior Managing Partner at Symphonic Ventures! Um. This is literally everything Donna deserves, finally? I'm bummed that we had to wait until the last episode for it, and I don't dig how it feels like Gordon had to die for her to really come into her own, but my g-d: seeing Donna's years of hard work pay off feels good! That she pushes her firm in a new direction, literally renames it, and makes it a place that looks like a perfect balance between the AGGEK offices and the Mutiny house (<3!) is just…I can't, let me stop before I weep with joy…Donna finally has the kind of security she always wanted, now she can do whatever she likes! Including founding Lesbians Who Tech! More to the point: she doesn't seem to want a partner. She's finally comfortable standing on her own, even though it can be lonely.
….whatever was going on with Alexa and Cameron? We never got a name for their venture, right? Anyways. I'm sorry that the show didn't do more with Alexa, but I appreciated the reminder that Cameron isn't suited to the business and networking part of working in tech, and that people easily misinterpret that as brattiness (or worse). It was also a nice reminder of how Donna was a good match for Cameron.
Cameron: I guess it's understandable that after Gordon's death, the end of Comet, the end of a major relationship, and two months in Europe, Cameron would feel like she has no real reason to stay in California, or no real place in even Bos, Donna, and Haley's lives. I can't help but feel slightly disappointed by her wanting to run away -- to Florida, of all places -- but I also really empathize with her struggle to see her own patterns clearly enough to do something about them. In the end, it seems like she's not sure what she wants to do, but like she's sure she wants to do better, and like she wants to see if fixing things with her mom will help her. Despite a lot of loss, Cameron hasn't given up yet. She's still lonely and uncertain but she's strong, and getting better at making and owning her decisions, so, that's actually kind of amazing. Well done, my anxious genius bby!
Haley. While it would've been cool to see Haley start dating Vanessa, in the end, we got to see Haley affirm herself, with the help of her dad's tapes (which, brb crying slightly) and her gay moms (let's just be real?), oh and also her bi uncle(!), and that's even better. Haley might have, like many young women before her, experimented with dating boys despite her limited interest in them, but in the end? She dumps her boyfriend. Haley is getting hit with a lot of change, but she knows who she is (and so does her mom, apparently?!): she's Haley Clark, and she likes computers, comedy, and girls. And she's gonna be okay!
Cameron and Donna. Where do I even start? Finally, after approximately a decade, Cam and Donna have come to fully see and appreciate each other. They've put Mutiny behind them, and they've come to respect each other's space, even -- Donna doesn't try to stop Cameron from leaving town, and Cameron doesn't press Donna about working together. They know where they went wrong in the past and now they're friends. ('Friends'. Right!) Cameron is about to leave when Donna gets an idea, and we don't hear what it is, but from the beginning of Cameron's smile and all the hints dropped through out both final episodes, it seems like Cameron is going to stay and work on this idea with Donna, this time as equal partners. Actually, from all the hints dropped, it seems like Cameron and Donna are eventually going to end up in a romantic relationship together, t b h! Either way, Cameron and Donna are ultimately reaffirmed as the real heart of the show, and their relationship is validated in a way I feel like I really haven't ever seen on film before. That might not matter to a lot of people, but as a lesbian who is deeply emotionally invested in all of her relationships with women, including her friendships with straight women, I can't tell you how happy it made me to see these two lonely, brilliant, sensitive, stone fox, take-no-shit geniuses get the happy ending they've always deserved.
And finally, J*e. I'll just say outright that I don't feel bad for J*e. He went to Texas in 1983, destroyed a lot of lives, spent a decade chasing a woman who repeatedly rejected his advances, and then after a many tragic losses over the course of ten years, he stopped. Okay? He stopped, he stopped chasing a woman he didn't belong with, stopped making collateral damage out of Donna, and maybe most importantly, let himself step away from the tech sector, where he did influential work, but lost so many people, including the love of  his life, and yes, I'm talking about Gordon. Sigh. So long as he isn't coming between or antagonizing Cameron and Donna, I hope J*e will really make this fresh start stick. I hope he'll maybe get some grief counseling, meet a hot single dad or teacher or something, and eventually adopt or foster some kids? We don't get to see that, though. All we know is that he's left behind what wasn't working, and he's trying again. I hate to tell you this babies, but: sometimes, out here in the real world, that really is the best you can do.
I stand by my critiques of the season, especially those regarding the handling of the women characters. Honestly, they also could've done better by J*e, our one canonically non-heterosexual main cast member. But I enjoyed this finale far more than I thought possible, and I needed its overall message. I understand that message to be that we can thrive, despite our flaws, if we find people who get us, work that we enjoy, some kind of niche where we're accepted for who we are and what we love. Even if it takes a while, even if we lose those people and those homes, we can keep searching.
It's been a wild, and super emotional ride, yalce! But like Donna, I loved every minute of it. Because even when I didn't love it, I loved writing about the show and talking to some of you about it here. I genuinely hope that you got as much out of this show as I did, and that it made you feel maybe a little more hopeful, and a little less alone, and that it will keep making you feel that way, even though it's ended its run. I hope that it will do that for me, at least.
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