#From my notes that never saw the light of day and be writen
dcxdpdabbles · 21 days
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sanzusbestie · 3 years
bonten angst where in the past they had a very happy and healthy relationship with reader until the come home to see reader nowhere with a letter writen sorry and then years later they were walking through an alley until they saw a homeless kid sitting crouched.(you can google on how kenny met levi from aot) and turn out that it was his child when he ask what their mother is when he says its reader.
so basically reader found out that she was pregnant and not knowing what to do not wanting to burden the boys she peft and shortly died from an illness leaving them and their child.Angst pleasee with hcs:).
♡ Up there in the sky ♡
Pairings : Sano Manjiro x f!reader, Haitani Ran x f!reader, Sanzu Haruchiyo x f!reader, Haitani Rindou x f!reader, Hitto Kakucho x f!reader, Kokonoi Hajime x f!reader
Genre : Angst
Warnings : Death, mentions of illness, mentions of drugs, mention of child trafficking, mentions of rape, suicide
A/n : I LOVE getting this kind of requests ! I just love writing angst lol. I did a common scenario and separate reactions, I hope that's okay with you. Sorry Sanzu's part is longer than the others, ngl I was more inspired for him. I'm kinda proud of this one so please don't let it flop 😭 Thank you for requesting and have a nice day ♡
In the really scary moments of life, we're all alone. We're all alone when love goes away, all alone when the social services show up in the morning, all alone in front of the doctor who announces a disease, all alone when we die.
Everybody ran in their corner without looking after the person next to them. People were crushed against each other and yet so alone.
Neon lightening, giant screens, signs lit up across the gleaming facades of skyscrapers. Somewhat absent-mindedly, you allowed yourself to be carried along by the crowds, face raised to the sky, almost hypnotized by the lights.
You felt it. You felt that pressure in the back of your knee, you didn't imagine it. It was probably the doing of a young teen, just trying to make some funny memories they'd never forget. But it wasn't enough to make you stumble.
Why were you in his arms then ?
"Is this what they call love at first sight ?"
There are beings whose destiny is to meet. Wherever they are. Wherever they go. One day they meet.
"It's not," you flatly replied. "Isn't love at first sight supposed to be a coincidence ? You deliberately pushed me." He was young, you noted, probably in his early twenties just like you. But unlike you, he seemed to be the type of guy to make fun of life.
"And yet, you're still in my arms, angel," he smiled.
For a few seconds, you were the only two stars in the sky of Tokyo.
It only takes a moment. A look. A meeting. To disrupt an existence. The right person, the right moment. The whim complicit in chance.
Now there was an obviousness, an impulse, an alchemy between you. A primitive feeling that went back to the fears and hopes of childhood. The dizzying certainty of finally facing the person able to fill your void, silence tour fears and heal the wounds of the past.
Love comes out of the blue, like breaking in. Just one moment and nothing exists anymore. Suddenly life is no longer scary.
You opened your eyes filled with wonder, a sight he knew he'd cherish for a lifetime. At that time, you didn't know that the years you were about to live would be the most painful and beautiful of your life. You didn't know yet that you had just met love. The only one, the real one, the fiery one. The one that would give you everything before taking it all back. The one that would light up a life before destroying it forever.
"How many chances do you think we have to meet ?" you asked.
"I don't know. Let's never find out."
It's been years and yet you still couldn't get enough of each other.
On the subway back home from work, the taste of his mouth on your lips. In the book you gave him, an underlined sentence that made him smile : Was it love that make people stupid or did only fools fall in love ?
Each time he had to leave for another mission, you'd feel like a void. Like a bite. Haneda's sadness, where he kissed you before flying somewhere else.
At night, alone in your bed, you'd spread out a gigantic screen. In this cinema of your dreams where you were the only spectator, you'd project to infinity the scene of your reunion.
And each time he came back to you, it was better than any of your dreams : your heart would suddenly be in flames, your head upside down, a void in the pit of your stomach. You'd live in weightlessness, heart trembling, not thinking clearly. You'd have new blood. You'd breathe only through him, because he delivered you from yourself. You'd be hungry for his skin, his lips, the smell of his hair. He had all the keys : from the door of heaven to the one of the underworld.
All your friends couldn't help but wonder : how was it possible that every day felt like the first day in your relationship ? It was quite simple, really. You loved him and he loved you. You loved him more and he loved you more.
Then why were you scared now ? Wasn't this baby the fruit of your love ?
This was also quite simple : you couldn't raise a child in his world.
So you lied. You told him you'd spend a few days at your friend's place ; she needed help. And he believed you, because why wouldn't he ?
Until he received your letter.
No doubt there's only one chance in a million that you read this letter, I was always the one to deal with our mail after all. But that doesn't stop me from writing it with the crazy hope that you end up receiving during this day. Why not ? After all I read somewhere that NASA had sent messages to aliens in space, so...
I just wanted to tell you...
To tell you that my life is always full of you and that a thousand times a day, I send you my thoughts in the hope that they can reach you.
To tell you that without you I die slowly, because you're my real anchor.
To tell you that I have kept everything of us : our criss-crossings, our tangled breaths, our fails, our light, and that everything remains in me and contaminates me like an infection from which I refuse to heal.
To tell you that I tried to run away from you, but that everything brings me back to you. That since I am far from, I feel you more present than ever. We will never see each other again, so I'd like you to know that I don't regret anything. That the cruel bites of pain weight little facing the parenthesis of our love.
Maybe you remember that evening. The one we met. The night had just fallen, yet there was only one star in the sky. I was still in your arms when I showed it to you and confessed : "See that lonely star lost in paradise te vastness of the sky ? Well, that star is me." You looked at me and then you pointed to the sky and, as if by magic, another star lit up. So you said to me : "This one is me." For a few seconds, we were the only two stars in the sky of Tokyo. And deep down, I never wanted anything else : to know that there would always be someone with me.
I'm sorry, I'm so sorry I have to go now. I hope that one day you'll forgive me.
I'll always love you.
He would never recover from this love. You had taken his light, his sap, his confidence. His days were empty, his life was dead. He just pretended. To smile, to listen, to answer questions. Every day, he waited for a sign, a gesture. He wanted you to rescue him from that black hole you left him in and tell him why.
Why did you abandon him ?
He lost hope after six years. Time, he knew it now, wouldn't heal anything. Time was only a window through which he could see his mistakes, for these seemed to be the only things he could clearly remember.
Your last words for your child were : "Hurry to live, hurry to love, because you never know how much time you have left on the counter. We always think we have time, but that's not true. One day we realize that we have crossed the point of no return, but then it's too late."
"What is the point of no return, mom ?"
You smiled, of course a 5 year-old kid couldn't understand that.
"The point of no return is the moment when we realize that we can no longer go back, the moment when we realize that we have passed our chance... It didn't matter for now, baby. But you need to remember this for when you're older. Alright, baby ?"
"Yes, mom."
You fought your tears.
"I love you, you know ?" you asked, your voice cracking a little. "I love you so so much. Please, always be happy, not sad. Even if I'm not here with you, I'll always be present in your little, little heart."
"But where are you going ?"
"Up there," you said pointing the sky.
"Up there like in space ?"
"Yeah," you chuckled in front of your child's excitement.
"And you'll still be able to see me ?"
"Of course ! I will look after you like your little luck star."
"Isn't this the work of angels ?"
Social services took your child before you passed away, as you asked them to. You wanted your last image to be a joyful one, in which you were awake and smiling. Even if it meant to die alone.
And in one last breath, you understood everything : that time didn't exist, that life was your only good, that you must not despise it, that you were all linked, and that the essential would always slip from everybody.
That morning, death's shadow had wings.
Later, every time he'd be asked what he was doing "at the exact moment it happened", he'd talk about work, torture, drugs...
But the truth was, that day, when it happened, he was thinking about you.
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It was Sanzu who found out about your death and your son
When he told his boss, Manjiro had a hard time remembering you
He knew you played an important role in his life but why ?
He suddenly remembered two nights after
But he didn't cry
He already didn't feel anything anymore
Yet he did feel something towards your son :
He didn't even know his son's name but he hated him
After all, he was the reason you left, wasn't he ?
He heard your kid was a perfect mix of you both ; he didn't want to see him
Manjiro never tried any form of contact with your son.
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When he saw your daughter begging for her bread in the street, Ran was pretty sure they somehow were related
She looked too much like him not to
But he never thought she'd be his daughter
He didn't know what to do at first : keeping her or giving her back to the social services ?
Thinking of you, he decided to welcome her in his home that should've became hers as well
But "welcome" and "home" were big words for a pre-teen girl that felt out of place
He barely talked to her, barely saw her
The only times they'd see each other was at dinner time, the rare moments he'd actually be there
She grew up with money, food, a roof over her head, an education
But she never knew love since her mother died.
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Haruchiyo found your daughter by pure luck
He was in one of those dark places Bonten would exchange drugs for money
That was when he saw her, she looked to much like you not to catch his attention
The child was trying to fight a man way stronger than her ; he probably was going to sell her
He discreetly followed them and when the man noticed, Haruchiyo quickly put his vest on her head so she wouldn't see what was about to happen
Even though he was sure she already saw things way worse
When he took back his jacket, he had moved her to another place
"Where are your parents ?"
"My mom died when I was 5."
"Your dad ?"
"Never saw him. But you have some of his features. I remember a picture I saw when mom was working. Those scars are not something you see everyday. It'd be pretty funny if you actually were my dad."
"What's your name ? And your mom's name ?"
"I'm Haruko. Mom named me this because she said I was the spring child. Isn't that pretty ? My mom's Y/n by the way." Before her father's surprise she added, "So you really are my dad, huh ?"
Haruchiyo cried for the first time in years, taking her in his arms
"Ah, I can't wait to tell mom I met you."
"What do you mean ?" he asked with panic
"I'm on my way up there, dad. I guess I can call you dad now," she said as she showed him her arm
He knew these marks : syringes, they probably tried to drug her so she wouldn't fight back but there were too many of them
"Can you hug me again ?" she asked and be complied
"Sorry mom, I'm coming sooner than expected. Dad, please, always be happy, not sad. Even if I'm not here with you, I'll always be present in your little, little heart," she cried, repeating her mother's words. "Dad, do you think I'll be a star or an angel ? Mom said that you used to call her angel but you also said she was a star."
"Maybe you and your mother will be something even brighter than the two of them combined, baby," he cried harder. "Haruko," he said between two sobs, "Will you watch over me with Y/n ?"
She beamed, "Of course ! We will look after you like your little luck starts. Or angels, 'cause after all it's their work, isn't it ?"
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Ran couldn't bear to see his brother like that
Not that Rindou showed any emotion, no, but he knew his brother
That's why he looked for you all these years until he finally found you
Your death certificate, more precisely
He also found out about your daughter
Thinking it'd be a great thing for Rindou to know, he told him
Rindou decided to give it a chance so instead of going into a foster family, she went to him
But not matter how hard he tried, it was hard for both of them
Everything he tried to do was so awkward
How could a 5 year-old girl make him feel that way
He decided to send her back to the foster care after 3 months
Maybe you could be loved somewhere else.
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Kakucho welcomed his son with open arms
He was ready to give everything he had for him
Even if it was hard for him, Kakucho really tried to bond with his kid, to show him that he loved him
Because he really did love him
And his son could feel it
The first few weeks were great, Kakucho would always make enough time for his son
But as much as he loved and cared about him, he couldn't tell why his eyes were always clouded
Maybe he'd open up about it one day ?
But that day never happened
As Kakucho found his son bathing in red water, arms bleeding, he understood :
Even if he welcomed him arms wide open, your son preferred going back to yours instead
Life must've been hard in the foster care.
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He always knew he had a daughter, since you died
And he even saw her face
But Hajime didn't want to take care of her, he couldn't
Instead, he'd send her foster family a lot of money to take care of her
He'd also watch her grow from afar
But she wasn't dumb, she saw him and knew who he was from the very start, she wasn't his daughter for nothing
Plus, she looked more and more like him through the years after all
But she never said anything
When she was little, she'd believe he had only qualities and loved him blindly, even if she never talked to him
Later, she'd think she hates him because he wasn't as perfect as she imagined and he disappointed her
But ever later, now, she learned to accept his mistakes and flaws because she also had them
And maybe that's what becoming an adult was.
Taglist : @eriskaitto
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jay-and-dean · 4 years
Don’t look down, Baby   Part 1/3
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Dean x reader
Summary :  Dean told her to ignore the “thing” between them and to jump in any guy’s arms. Any of them but him.
When we think of a guy our Y/n could be with, longing for Dean, it’s usually a nice dude, a little boring, right ? Because who can compete with Dean ? Now, what if this guy was as badass as Dean ?
Characters : Dean Winchesters, Sam Winchester, Reader, Abraham Hale (OC)
Warnings : Angst, jealous Dean, Smut (unprotected sex -you’re smarter than this !-, oral, also kinda lame sex if it’s a warning), cheating, swearing, smoking, drinking... More warnings in the second part.
Wordcount : 6k (yes, just the part one... now you get why I cut it.)
Note : So for the Aestetic, I used the face of Jax Teller from Sons Of Anarchy, and you have to know, even if Abraham Hale looks like him, he is totally an OC.
This is writen both in Reader and Dean’s Pov. Dean’s thought are in italic. 
Text divider by the talented @talesmaniac89​
Jay’s Masterlist
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September 16, 10:33pm
 Dean’s POV
           I always thought that when Y/n finds a guy, it would be the perfect douche I wanted for her. Some nice dude named Robert, a cop maybe, or a realtor with a friendly family.
           He would annoy me to death with his stories about growing up in a farm, and call her Pumpkin. He would worry a little when she goes out with us because he thinks we drink too much when we’re together.
           He would tear her from me and I would hate him for that. She would skip a hunt to meet his parents, another to spend a few days in the cabin he rented… But even if it breaks my heart, it would be exactly what I want for her, so I would let her go.
           I had it all planned.
           But, of course, she didn’t play by the rules.
           And that guy is no Robert…
           His loud manly laugh tears me from my thoughts. His tattooed hand wraps around his whiskey glass and I turn my head to that waitress that always gives me warm smiles, she’s staring at him now, with the sweetness that was once for me.
           Ex-gang member, Abe. Bad guy turned good. Raised by the widow of a gang member, in a violent environment, he already had a criminal record at fourteen, started selling guns before he was officially allowed to drink, ended up in prison at Twenty-two.
Sweet smile Abe. Reformed bad boy with an attitude. Became a hunter after he met a vampire gang and slew them to the last. Now defender of the good citizen, he found his fight, and the hunters talk about him as one of the bests.
Afraid of nothing and ready to fight, charismatic, alpha Abe. His muscular arm in the back of my girl, his long blond hair falling on his face when he lights up a cigarette in a grunt of content while she touches his neck.
Abe. My new nemesis.
“So Dean” he says with his deep voice hoarse from smoking too much. “How did you meet my girl ?”
I met her on a hunt, invited her to my room and took her on that wall. Do you remember, Y/n ? Don’t look down baby, look at me.
“On a hunt.”
“That’s how I met her too” he smiles and kisses her temple. “Seems like we have a lot in common.”
“Looks like we do” I state.
           Her eyes darken and she turns her head, I know how to read her, she is pissed, and I don’t even know why. I did nothing, I said nothing, and her rock-and-roll version of prince charming is worshiping her, so what causes that bitterness ?
What is it, baby ? Am I missing something ?
“So I heard your brother and you have this fucking palace ?” he gives me a corner smile, smoke coming out of his nose.
“Who told you that ?” I grunt.
What is the point of a secret bunker if it is as secret as a freaking tweet ?
           He chuckles and takes a sip of his whiskey, not answering.
           Abe never answers all the questions he is asked, maybe it is some cool thing for guys like him, maybe it is his way of look mysterious or powerful. What is sure is, as annoying as it is, it freaking works. But each time he smirks with his eyes lost in the bottom of his glass in a little huff instead of speaking, I get closer to losing it and smashing his pretty face on the table.
“I told him” she says almost coldly. “Like you did all your friends, Abe is my boyfriend, Dean.”
I nod. What can I say, she’s right after all. She’s always right…
           She was right about that cop being the bad guy the first time we hunted together, right about the fact that my so-called bond with Amara would fade the second she gets whatever she wanted. She was right about Jack being a good kid but dangerous enough to need to be watched and educated instead of pushed away. Right about Mary hurting me more than I admitted…
She was right when she said I was wrong. The day I told her we shouldn’t sleep together again, that she should just ignore that thing between us and jump in any guy’s arms. Any of them but me…
I really say that : any of them. I did.
Did you choose Abe just to annoy me, baby ? To prove a point ? You had to bring a guy who would beat me at my own grumpy-loner-badass-crap-drink-too-much game, right ?
“That place sounds sure awesome, because Y/n keeps coming back to it” he states, not letting me know the true meaning he puts in that sentence, his piercing blue eyes free of any emotions on the surface.
“Well it’s home for her” I say, and that bastard chuckles. “Is it funny ?”
“Not at all !” he says with a warm and kind laugh, and a friendly tap on my shoulder. “You should relax Dean, you look like the bar is full of demons !”
I stay stern, I know I should probably look friendly, but I rarely hated someone nice that much.
           He gets up and kisses her head before he walks away, his manly way to move catching women’s attention, and some men’s too. One of his hand goes through his blond hair while he walks to the bathroom with the other hand deep in his jeans’ pocket.
“So… Abe, huh ?” I ask, the second he’s gone.
           I should be more coherent, I know. I want her gone, but I want her for me. I was sure I was ready to see her with someone else, it’s been three years. Three years ! After we only made love six times. She is not mine, she never was.
And I thought calling her Baby in my head would make me strong. It’s a weird feeling, like I could let her be happy, but still feel special. I would have been the passion of her youth, the one that died young and of which she would think a little when she rocks her baby in her pretty house…
I had somehow romanticized my heartbreak.
But that doesn’t feel romantic at all. And all I can think of is that he is passion too, I’m not dead, and I just have to see him touch her and imagine them at night…
“Yes” she says, still with that bitterness in her voice. “You could make an effort, Dean. He has been nothing but nice, and you act like he’s an enemy.”
“I haven’t decided if he is one yet.”
She rolls her eyes and shakes her head in disapproval.
I recognize hurt. My Y/n, when she’s hurt, she gets angry. Always. And I made her angry so often. Her irritation is growing, I can see it in her burning eyes.
“You can’t do that” she says low. “You can’t treat him like that, no one gives you the right.”
“And him ?” I dare asking, staring at her reddened face. “Does he treat you right ?”
Her eyes fills with tears again and her jaw clenches.
“Better than you did, you mean ?” her words feel like a stab in my heart.
 Reader’s POV
           I didn’t want to say that, it came out by itself.
           I’m thin-skinned lately. I feel like I could cry or scream any moment, all the time. My emotions have always been loud, my sensibility overwhelming, but for a few weeks I’m drowning.
           The fact that I decided to try to get over Dean Winchester probably caused that.
A long time ago, I thought living with Dean without ever having him would be the worst, then I saw him with other women and was convinced I was mistaking before : the worst was definitely that. How wrong was I ?
           The worst is having had him. Not once, but several times, each time a little more intimate. More kisses, more touches, more suspended seconds watching in each other’s eyes… Until we spent that night together, that last night, and he fell asleep against me for the first time.
           It was over. It was too much for Dean, and not enough for me.
           Dean Winchester can’t belong to anyone, not again. He doesn’t want to be a boyfriend, and he doesn’t want me to be his girl ; who am I to insist ?
“Well, that’s a minimum” he answers in a soft groan after a little while, and my heart breaks because I just did what I swore I would never do : Reproach him for any of it.
“I’m sorry” I sigh, thinking of those weeks after the last night, when I had to hide the worst pain I ever felt because I didn’t want him to feel bad about not wanting me.
I still do... -feel that pain and try to hide- because Abe or not, I still live with Dean and he doesn’t deserve to carry my pain on top of the world on his shoulders.
“Can you at least try ?” I beg, low, seeing my boyfriend getting out of the restroom but stopping next to the door to talk to someone he obviously knows.
“Yes” Dean answers. “I’m just… He’s a hunter and…”
“He’s a good man” I assure him, looking at Abe walking toward us above Dean’s shoulder. “He comes from a dark place, like us, but he is a good man.”
 September 21, 08:12pm
 “That place is crazy !” Abe says, sitting at the table of the library. “I have never seen anything like this.”
           While Sam tells him a little more about the bunker, I look at my boyfriend.
           I stare at him, trying to get rid of that uncomfortable impression, that feeling screaming that he doesn’t belong here ; because if he doesn’t belong in the bunker, then he probably just has nothing to do in my life.
           A lot of memories cross my mind, like it happens a lot lately.
The memory of entering the bunker for the first time and deeply knowing that, as long as I am welcome here, this would be my home. Because it just feels right and because, even if I’m not the granddaughter of Henri Winchester, he trusted me with this place, as much as he trusted his family. That man actually welcomed me like Mary never really did, like I was just as legit as blood.
At his frank smile, the memory of meeting Abe crosses me too. I was alone in this hunter bar, trying to get information for a case. I hadn’t told Sam and Dean that I would go there, because I know how much uncomfortable the hunter community makes them. And I was introduced to him : Abraham Hale. I found him so beautiful, with his mischievous smile that seemed to mock the entire world, his wheat blond hair and his tattoos. Something felt so safe about him, not because he looked like a bad boy, but because he was light and happy, laughing at everything and taking nothing seriously… All that Dean wasn’t.
I loved his wild energy right away. Abe was like the drums in a rock song, like summer wind. In his arms, I forgot about Dean for a few seconds a day during the first weeks. We spent days sleeping and having sex behind the curtains of that motel room, hiding from summer heat, and nights drinking and listen to rock music...
But now I look at him, his bright blue eyes seem pale next to the deep green looking back, and his beauty is bland.
“Thank you for showing me your home, Treasure” he says, putting a tender hand on my back like he always does.
And my eyes cross Dean’s.
           I know what he’s thinking, he’s cringing at the nickname, and that reminds me why I am with Abe : Dean never gave me a nickname, he never called me anything else than my name, he will never and even when others do, he thinks it’s lame and cheesy.
 Dean’s POV
           That hurt on her face again.
Baby, you can’t look at me like that each time he calls you Treasure . I don’t like it, but you’re supposed to do.
           This is much harder than I thought, and I was aware it would be impossible.
           Each and every one of his actions makes me face my own contradictions : The more loving he is, the more I want to push him away from her. But the more she seems distant and to have her head in the clouds, the more it eases the pain. Am I selfish enough to hate her happiness even though I love her ?
           I was in control, during those three years not touching her, my heart was aching with craving and my soul was screaming at me to make her love me. But as much as the heartbreak was constant, I had chosen it. I was in control.
           I never realize that it was only bearable because she was still here, my partner, my best friend, my roommate. Mine.
           Now she took it back. She raised her middle finger right in my face and decided she wouldn’t be mine anymore.
And that is a whole new level of pain.
           I don’t sleep when she’s not home, and sometimes food just won’t let me eat it. She texts during our movie nights and wears that pendant he gave her. I hate that pendant because it reminds me I never gave her a present. Not once in all those years.
“Another drink ?” Y/n asks him with the bottle in her hand.
“Don’t you drive ?” I cut him before he answers and I see her eyes shoot me with imaginary bullets.
I’m sorry Baby but it’s movie night tonight, can’t he just leave already ?
“He’s right” she says giving me a little hope that she will ask him to leave soon. “You should stay for the night.”
My breathing gets stuck in my lungs.
No Baby, don’t do that to me. Please.
“With pleasure !” he smiles.
 September 21, 11:49pm
 Reader’s Pov
           He grabs my thigh to lift it a little and grunt in my ear. His kisses are hot on my neck, his heavy body moving cautiously on top of me.
           My eyes are on the ceiling, my hands on his sweaty muscular back and I wait.
           Damn, what is happening ? He’s close, I am going to fake it ? I swore I would never fake, I swore if the guy can’t get me there, he should know, but… Abe is not the problem, I am.
           I just watch the ceiling wondering what is wrong with me. He did everything right, nice foreplays and those love words he always has for me. But nothing seems to turn me on anymore, and without the need and the pleasure, his thrusts are just uncomfortable and I feel weird.
           Come already.
           I sigh. I know what is making this impossible. Dean. This fucker is the last I had in my own bed, the only one in fact. And everything reminds me that Abe is not Dean fucking Winchester !
“You okay Treasure ?” he pants in my ear, nibbling at it.
I’m not a freaking snack, what is it with his mouth and teeth always ?
“Yes” I fake a moan. “I’m close Abe, come.”
Just don’t be loud, that would be so awkward.
           When he loses rhythm, I close my eyes at the relief, it won’t be long now, make it stop. He shakes a little and grunt loud, filling the condom inside of me ; and, to make my fake moans credible, I clench my walls around him one time or two, rolling my eyes at his proud groan.
           Sex with Abe used to be so much more than this. I'm getting frustrated. Did I break something in me ? Why can't I enjoy anything anymore ?
           He rolls on my side, panting, and smiles tenderly at me. He’s beautiful, I have to admit that, and he’s nice and loving.
“You’re amazing” he hums. “I guess I can’t smoke in your bedroom ?”
“I don’t mind” I answer sincerely. “The air co is magical, just, don’t smoke more than one.”
           He sits on the bed to get his pants, his beautiful tattooed back on me. The smoke flies in pretty wreath. I put my hand on the lion tattooed on his back. It suits him, with his solar attitude and his confidence, his beautiful blond hair…
           Yet I keep longing for my wolf.
 Dean’s Pov
           Now I know I could kill him. And now I know what the limit amount of pain I can take is.
           I pace my room like a crazy man. He is taking her, my Baby. He is sinking inside of her and stealing pleasure. Does she wrap her legs around him like she always did with me ? To push me deeper. Is she as responsive ? As lost in pleasure as she was ? With that way only she has too beg for more with her entire body, voice strangled and arms caging me the best she can…
           Is she…
“F-fuck…” I whine, holding my heart.
I think I just felt it break.
Breathing is painful now, I feel like I’m drowning.
Baby… Why did you have to do that to me ? I know I hurt you but your revenge is unbearable.
I sit on my bed, still holding my chest.
I can’t take it, you know.
“Shit” I grunt.
How can this kind of familiar panic attack be back ? How can this hurt so much ? It’s not Hell, it’s not Purgatory…
“It is Hell” I say out loud.
Loosing you, Baby. It’s Hell. Do you love him ? Because…
“Fuck, I love her” I whine.
 September 28, 06:05pm
             Sitting in my “Fortress of Deanitude”, I wait. The tray with snacks is there, beers too, and Netflix is ready for our next episode of Stanger Things.
           But there is a big chance she won’t come. Our movie nights are getting rarer and rarer, like our time together in general. And this place is slowly becoming a Fortress of Solitude…
           You never know how much you need something until you lost it, right ? I was stupid enough to think I could be stronger than the need for her and now look at me, alone in that big empty room in a bigger emptier bunker.
           All I can think of is how much each day pulls her closer to him and further from me. They are building memories in which I’m not, they are building an intimacy that I lost three years ago. She will forget me and he will have her, maybe even make her change a little, until one day she is among those people who talk about their personal tastes by saying “we”. “We prefer red wine”.
           Is he going to change my girl, for real ? Make her love Led Zeppelin a little less, make her a little less her, make her want other things, another life, need me less ? Our things will become unimportant and be replaced by all kind of other things I have no idea about.
           I take a long sip of my glass. It’s not like I had my word to say anyway. I lost her. I lost her in the worst way possible : willingly.
           But just when I’m about to get up and go put the snacks away, she opens the door, panting a little, like she had ran.
“Dean” she says entering the room. “I’m sorry. There was an accident on the road and the traffic was disturbed.”
You were at his place, Baby, and you ran to me ?
A little smile lights up my face when her presence revive my heart.
“It’s okay” I say.
“I’m late, but I have…” she takes her hand out of her purse. “Giant skittles !”
“You found them ?” I smile, sitting straighter when she hands me a bag.
Our things are not all gone. And she still cares about me and about our time together.
“Yup ! I made Abe stop in every shop yesterday.”
So you think of me when you’re with him, Baby ? Have you ever thought of me while he was inside of you ?
“Sit” I pat the armchair next to mine. “Let’s find out if Dusty’s girlfriend exists !”
“I really hope !” she exclaims, taking off her jacket.
I try not to look at her, but when she quickly takes off her jeans to slip in her pajamas pants, I swallow hard. Those thighs could have been for me, and I could have watched the show while holding her.
           She sits with her knees up against her chest in the big chair next to me, and takes a beer. My eyes are glued to her, looking for anything unusual, and fearing it more than anything in the same time.
“What ?” she calls me out of my thoughts.
“Nothing, I…” have no idea how to finish this sentence.
“I’m still okay you know ?” she says without looking at me, playing with the label of her beer bottle. “You always stare at me like something had happened to me. I know what you think of Abraham, but he doesn’t treat me bad.”
 Reader’s Pov
“I’m sorry” he sighs. “You know how protective I can get. Especially with you…”
A chuckle escapes me and I know he doesn’t like it, but protective with me ? He broke my heart. He ripped it and threw it on the floor because I had said those words.
“Yeah…” I nod, nibbling at my lip. “You won’t find bruises on me.”
He doesn’t answer.
           When did we become like this ?
           After a silence, he hands me candies and presses play. But, chewing on sugar and my eyes on the screen, I keep my full attention on him.
           I have everything any girl would want : A lover with hot blood, beauty and a heart of gold. But I'm not any girl, and the only thing I want is Dean Winchester. The genius who thinks he's dumb, the scared little boy who lost his mom, the leader, the victim of his fate, the killer, the loyal friend, the rebel, the torturer, the perfect brother, the wary hunter, the crappy dancer ; grumpy Dean, childish Dean, stubborn Dean, all of Dean...
           I look at him and my eyes travel down his neck, his beard is fighting to grow back there but I know he won't let it. The slow movements of his chest are mesmerizing. My eyes go down, to his thighs and crotch...
           I really shouldn't let myself look there but his smell and aura are like a mermaid song and I'm drowning. His strength is radiating of him and I feel myself respond to it in everyone of my heartbeats.
           He could make me scream. He always did, so easily. Dean made me cry of pleasure more than once, sometimes without any effort, the brushes of his fingers, the burning of his kisses... And when he finally buried himself inside of me, it was like a firework in Heaven. He never had to do anything really special...
           And now I wonder : Is something broken about me ? Abe is passionate and loving, we used to work great, he was easy as whiskey. And he loves me. Why am I unable to enjoy any of it lately ?
           My eyes trace the bump in Dean’s pants and I remember the simple ecstasy of feeling his cock twitch for me. Dean... I bite my lip to hold back the moan hanging on my tongue. His thigh moves a little, strong muscles hidden in his jeans, and I think of his stomach contracting that time he came on my tongue. I…
“I see you” his deep serious voice hits the air like thunder.
I look up to meet his eyes and realize I have been staring at his crotch, licking my lips and probably visibly holding back moans.
“Do you need something ?” he asks with a proud aura on his face.
I want to punch that expression off of his perfect features.
           I look down and sigh. Yes, I do. I need him, not only want like I would like to think, but need indeed. I need him to feel my body, to make it alive, and to hear my soul breathe again.
“Dean…” I just say.
Like it was an answer or reproach but of course, he hears it for what it is.
           A call.
           So he gets up, suddenly so tall that he eclipses the TV, the light and my will. He comes in front of me, standing there, making me look up timidly through my lashes. His strong hand lands cautiously on my cheek, gently holding my face while I lean on his touch.
           I can resist him. I can.
           I think of Abe's sweet smile, of his deep voice and his arms around me. I think of this night he told me about jail and I tried all I could to make him feel safe again, that was a beautiful moment... We are something beautiful Abe and me. We are going to make it right, to make it count. Right ?
           As my heart fights itself, playing all the love songs I know at once in my head in a deafening dim of emotions, my eyes fill with tears. I know what is going to happen, and the cruel god writing my story can stop there, the end is already obvious.
           I can't resist Dean. I just can't.
           And Abe will cry, right ? He trusts me. He will take his bag and yell maybe, the sun inside of him will get clouded, he will drive away. Then I will let my body slide on the door frame, unable to hold my weight up, because I will have broken the only man that ever truly loved me.
           I look down to hide the pain from Dean, but he knows me better.
"I can leave" he says.
But it's the last thing I want because I miss him, I miss him like a part of me died years ago and I still feel empty and cold... I miss him when I'm alone, and even more when I'm not.
           When he's about to move, take a step back to leave me alone, I grab his belt and hold him in place firmly. I have no plan, no solid thought, but I know I can't be away from him for now. He smells both like the most familiar home and the wildest dream.
           My other hand grazes the fabric of his jeans on his thigh, I close my eyes for a second and a little whimper escapes me. I started touching Dean less than a day after meeting him, and it seems I can't be around him without having my hands on his body.
           He hums, staring down at me, bow legs slightly parted like he needed balance, like he was gripping the floor for both of us. Dean had always been my anchor. His shoulders look wider from down here and I want nothing more than letting my hands grab his butt to rub my cheek on his crotch like a cat marking its territory.
"Touch me like you need it, Baby" he murmurs and a little sob escapes me unexpectedly.
He never ever called me Baby.
           He never gave me any nickname like he never gave me the place I thought I could take in his heart. And Abe, he calls me Treasure. He welcomed me in his heart...
"What's wrong ?" Dean asks like he didn't know.
Dean Winchester is the world's greatest hero, saved basically everyone's life without any reward, and for this he is a saint ; and still, he's the one that is going to be the end of me. Hero or not, he's my villain.
"Everything is wrong, Dean" I answer in a broken voice. "Everything."
He squats in front of me and my hand panics at losing my grip on his belt so it grasps his flannel like my life depends on it.
"Not everything" he whispers, bending to let his poisonous lips graze my skin.
My treacherous mouth opens in reflex at the proximity of his, making him respond by biting my lower lip. I whimper again and pull him closer.
"I got you" he states, letting his burning lips trace down my chin and my neck followed by his thumb, scratching my skin with his short nail. And I catch fire.
I let my head falls back and I surrender totally.
           That's how bad he is for me : I could let him break my heart again without an hesitation, after it took me years to recover just enough to just function. And oh, I will. I will shatter the heart of the man that trusts me just to let Dean selfishly remind me how much I love him.
           His breath is burning my skin, spreading in the fabric of my t-shirt when he buries his face on my chest, opening his mouth wide to pretend to bite my breast, hand cupping my sides like he had missed me for real. I let go of the plaid fabric to grip the short strand of his hair like I can.
"Dean..." the moan I have been holding comes out, filling the room with sin and the echo of future lies.
"I got you" he repeats.
His hungry hands seize my jeans and tear it open, fighting the metallic button's resistance brutally. The fabric hurts my lower back in a last resistance but is ripped off of me the second after, taking my panties in its way.
           And before I can sit straighter now that I'm on the edge of the chair, before I can talk, think or breath. Dean's anaconda arms grab my thighs firmly and his burning breath is on my folds.
"Wh-" I start but what can I say now.
He kisses my folds like no men ever did : like he was in love with that part of me. An open mouth kiss, tongue eagerly lapping my juice from my entrance to my clit.
"AH !" I scream, arching my back but Dean doesn't take a second to breathe, burying his face on me.
I squirm, licking my lips like I was kissing him back but the place he is devouring can only respond with throbs and getting soaked, which is does.
           I'm panting, I'm being eaten by the flames of that indescribable pleasure that is back. My stomach is shaking, my temples are beating so loud. I suck a breath when he sucks at my clit, moist hand gripping the leather of the chair.
"Dean" I moan again in the subdued light of the warm room.
He answers with a hum, and his nimble tongue pushes at my entrance, making my thighs shake violently in the vise grip of his arms.
           I can't escape what Dean does to me so I let go.
           My whole body falls backward when I come, harder than I have in years, holding his hair so tight it might hurt him, legs shaken by electricity, back arching and chest fighting itself to breath. My sensible clit seems to have nerves in my whole body and I fall silent, covered in sweat, suffocated by a forbidden crushing orgasm.
           I whimper desperately, limp and lost, panting in the chair like I didn't realize yet what just hit me. But Dean knows what he's doing, he knows where this goes.
           He opens his jeans, I can feel it even though I don't see him, my head still back, moaning at the caresses of his tongue on my neck. I bite my lip hard, hand moving from the arm of the chair to his, to feel his eagerness.
           And he grabs my thighs harshly, making me fall on the floor with him and holds my back when I can't, keeping me against him.
"So wrong..." I whisper in a dying echo of my disgrace.
His hand grasps my face firmly and makes me look at him. His eyes have this fire in them, he clenches his jaw when I roll my lips a little, wetting his craved cock on me, dying of being finally filled by him.
"Keep your eyes on me" he groans, grabbing his length to guide it at my throbbing entrance.
"Dean..." I moan, fingers reaching his stomach under his clothes to feel it tremble.
"Eyes on me baby" he repeats low.
 Dean's Pov
           She can't think of him. Not now. I need her with me, I need her for me.
Feel me, baby.
           I smile slightly when she dives her unfocused pupils in my eyes. She's perfect and I love her ; but I must say when she seems to surrender so completely to my touch, that's when forgot why I asked her to stay away.
           When I enter her, her phone lights up once again in her back, on the floor. I groan loud as she wraps me like only she can, like she was trying to suck me inside her core. She's shaking, she's fighting to keep her eyes on me and I'm fighting that urge to grab her phone and shatter it in a million pieces against the wall.
           She gasps, her body threatening to fall back so I hold her.
That's it baby, stay with me, feel me, let me take you like I used to when you were mine.
My hand fists her hair and my mouth gets attracted to her pulse point so I bend to suck at it, barely thrusting for now, just enjoying to be inside of her, feeling her pulsating with desire, the concrete hard floor digging in my knees.
           Her arms wrap around me, she cling to me and I try to ignore my jealousy shouting at me.
Baby, you try to ignore me but can he do that to you ? Can he turn you into a purring cat like that ?
"Dean" she moans, clenching around me, her thighs trying to get herself even closer so she takes me impossibly deeper.
"Say you want me" I murmur against her skin in a voice I barely recognize.
"I want you" she gives in, exhaling in my ear.
           Behind her, her phone lights up one more time with a text : "I found us a case in California, Treasure."
=> PART 2
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Tags : @parinarain @mogaruke @masterof-agony @rainflowermoon @tftumblin @deans-baby-momma @roonyxx @thefaithfulwriter @vicariouslythruspn @emeow1496 @daryldixonandfrogs @holylulusworld  @cocklesbelli @sandlee44 @screenchingartisancashbailiff @donnaintx @stormchasingchick32 @akshi8278 @magssteenkamp @sister-winchesters99 @neii3n  @lyss-dw79 @im-a-shrub @sadwaywardkid​@hopelesslydevotedtoyou1912 @slyqueenj​ @i-love-superhero​ @waywardsisterandpie @sunsetsandbooks​ @mrspeacem1nusone​ @stylesismyhubs​ @deanwanddamons​ @jawritter​ @peridottea91​ @chelsea072498 @chocolateheart​ @vicmc624​ @teresa-67​ @jessie-michael​ @doctor-hp-mcu​ @hawkerz12​ @mariaenchanted​ @hobby27​
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the-fiction-witch · 3 years
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I walked down the half broken, foul smelling new york streets. Hearing my heels clacking in the pavement as I walked, the swishing of my petticoats and my dress, the small sun trying to peek through the thick grey clouds. I put my sunglasses in my handbag as I arrived at the tall buildings I saw the beaten up beetle parked in the street and the small handful of parking tickets it had under the wiper blade so I picked them up and sighed turning to look down into the ever stretching darkness of the stairwell. I stepped down trying not to touch the handrail to the first level of little doors with some lights and then down the second stairwell into the dark nothing's, it smells like shit down here. 
I got to the door trying to not touch the gross walls tapping in the door as hard as I could hearing the metal echo through the basement.
The door opened tenderly and careful a first as if trying to peak before it opened fully revealing a barefoot, Benny watts. Stood in his black dirty jeans where he'd clearly wiped his hands down his legs for some reason, his black t shirt with his usual chains, his hand fixing his hair out of his eye with a small smile on his lips 
"Hey you"
"Hey" I smiled briefly stepping inside, as soon as my foot crossed into his apartment he put his hand on my waist and gave my cheek a kiss "move your car" I told him pushing the tickets into his chest he took them and I headed inside slipping my Jacket off and laying it over the chair 
"I'll move it in a bit" he says "coffee?"
"Tea" I Answered "extra milk t-"
"Extra milk two sugars I know" he laughs going over to his kitchen setting the tickets down in a forming pile on his kitchen counter 
"You should pay them"
"I should do a lot of things"
"Pay your parking tickets Benny"
"Suck my dick y/n" he says leaning against the counter looking at me crossing his arms over his chest "we both don't do what the other wants us to"
"You make me suck your dick I'll bite your cock off" I sighed sitting at the table 
"I know, I still have the bite mark from Last time" he sighed bringing the cups over sitting across from me with his coffee instantly I took my little hanki from my handbag and cleaned the top of the cup seeing the white cotton turn grey 
"What is it Benny? What did you summon me to the slums of new york for?"
"Oohh sorry, next time should I request an audience at mi lady's palace?" 
"What do you want Benny before I pour this tea down your pants"
"I need your help"
"... Hu. Never thought I'd hear you say that but go on"
"I need your help with something that only you can help me with"
"I wanna write a book" 
"A book?"
"What kinda of book?"
"One with... words?"
"No shit. Fictional or non fictional?"
"What's the difference?"
"Fictional is a story, non fictional is real life."
"Oh, non fiction"
"Okay, do you have a plot structure"
"A who what?"
"What's the plan for the book Benny?"
"I shall write it. And then I shall publish it." 
"Did you wanna edit it somewhere in the middle there?" I laughed
"Eh, you can do that" 
"Okay… so lemme guess this is a book about you? Or about chess?"
"Little I'd both"
"Who's publishing it?"
"Ohh so you have four thousand dollars laying around do you?" 
"If you wanna self publish Benny, the basic level is four thousand dollars and that will get you local distribution if your lucky which is about five states out if that." 
".... Uuuughh, I'll publish through a publisher? Your publisher?"
"Eleanor doesn't take non fiction"
"Then she has to know someone who does? Right?'
"She does but then have to pay for meetings which cost roughly fifty bucks per ten minutes, and you have to get an approved manuscript before they'll even meet you, and even though a publisher for international you’re taking nine to ten thousand. Dollars."
"Uuuuuuughhh, wait. It's a chess book so I could get funding for it from the chess federation"
"Maybe, but then they are going to need to approve it first, and the send to a publisher willing to carry it, and then designing, and editing and printing and stocking which could take over five years" 
"Five years!"
"Yep. The novel world is a slow one Benny" I said "besides that's all publishing stuff, you can worry about that when you have a manuscript"
"A what now?"
"Manuscript is like the… actual book pages and all the words that will be on them"
"Ohh, well that shouldn't be too long, bang it out over a long weekend or something"
"You think you can write a book manuscript over a long weekend? Three days?"
".... Okay, so you wanna write a book? Which for non fiction about chess really a good level would be five or six hundred pages minimum, your going to get it written, edited, and ready to send to the chess federation for approval by Monday morning, even though they might reject it or just plain not fund it, you'll be already one thousand dollars in the red, before you add shipping, handling, copywriting, paying me for editing because I ain't doing that shit for free and as it's currently four pm on a Saturday afternoon and you haven't even writen a word yet"
"Yeah. Oh."
"How long did it take you to write your book?"
"Six years, in and off with a full time job and without an editor"
"I'm fucked aren't I?'
"Not fucked Benny. Overambitious" I laughed "do you have a title?"
"Do you have a synopsis?"
"Do you have a typewriter?"
"I was going to write it by hand?"
"With your handwriting?"
"What's wrong with my handwriting?"
"Benny, it looks like a spider learnt cursive and then got drunk"
"I don't own a typewriter. May I borrow yours?"
"No. Buy one"
"There like sixty dollars!"
"I will buy you a pre-owned typewriter"
"Aww thank you sugar"
"How are you intending to pay me for being your editor?"
"... Royalties?"
"Awww Benny darling, if you sell your book for a dollar each you'll be lucky to make 25 cents per book in royalties, less if you go though a publisher, and even less if it's being funded by the federation… you'll maybe get about six pennies if your lucky" I explain 
"Then how the hell do you afford your car? Your house? Your dresses?"
"I sell alot of books Benny"
"I'll give you three pennies if my six pennies royalties?"
"Of your not yet existing book? So I'm just meant to wait and see if I get paid?"
"I'll bake you a cake?"
"You can't cook Benny"
"... I will eat you out?"
"No deal"
"I promise you half of all royalties, editor credit and I'll fuck you as much as you want, now will you please just help me?"
"Fine. I'll be needing a deposit payment" I said 
"Alright, you know where the bedroom is I'll finish my coffee and be there in a sec" 
I sat on the leather chair looking at the handwritten chapter structure Benny had given me "Benny?"
"Yeah?" He asks slightly jumping where he had been sat for so long at his table with his notes and the old typewriter I got for him trying to figure out how he loaded paper in it 
"What is this word?" 
"What word?" He asks 
"The something with something"
"Which chapter?"
"The faults with defense" 
"That is how you write an s?" 
"... How do you not write an s right it's in your name?" 
"No it's not?"
"Yes it is"
"B. E. N. N. Y. No s there?"
"Ooohh yeah"
"You fool" 
"Also, does this have a E?"
"And how am I meant to write a chess book without the letter e? I sort of need it? Chess. Defensive. Queen. Benny."
"That's a word?"
"Can you use it in a sentence?"
"Screw you bitch I can spell antidisestablishmentarianism" 
"Damn it" he sighed "but I need e how am I meant to write chess without an e?"
"Write an o and then draw a line in the middle?" 
"Fine" he said starting to type one key at a time "Openings… and… tactics… by… Benny… watts" he said but the typewriter had got to the end of the spool "y/n! Why won't it type!"
"Benny just… ughh come here you child" I sighed getting up going over and moving the spool back to the centre so he could write "there. You have to do that at the end of each line"
"Yep. Isn't writing fun" I smiled kissing his head 
I sat listening to the clicking and clacking of his typewriter keys, sounded like music to my ears in his quiet dark and cold apartment
"Fuck!" He yelled breaking me from my relaxation as he stopped
"What?" I asked
"How do I undo?" He sighed rubbing his eyes 
"You can't what happened Benny?" 
"I typed porn instead of pawn" he sighed resting his head in his hands
"You fool" I giggled "you wanna know how we fix mistakes Benny?" I giggled going over wrapping my arms around his neck 
"We we write the whole page?" 
"Nope. White out" I smiled handing him the shall bottle 
"Fuck! That smells like paint"
"Ehh pretty much is"
"Thank you y/n"
"Your welcome" I smiled giving his head s kiss "call me when chapter one is done I'm going for a shower" 
"Uuuuhhh… yeah I'll do that" he says not sounding confident 
"How close to finished are you with chapter one?"
"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhh… next week sound good?"
"And you could bang out a whole book in a weekend" I laughed sitting back on the chair 
"I said I'm sorry! I didn't know it was this hard" he says 
I sat the other side of the table with my lovely blue pen, my leg over my knee, smirking slightly at him as Benny sat on the other side his hands to his face watching me Intently, panic in his eyes everytime he saw me use the blue pen, which I was having to do alot. 
"Here" I said throwing it back to him now I was done "you should probably re write that's a little too much editing for white out watts"
"What's wrong with this?" He asks as he looked over the page 
"You used the wrong there"
"I hate you. Beyond words can express." 
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pitubea1910 · 4 years
Watermelon Sugar
Pairing: Harry Styles x Reader
Words: 6k
Warnings: -
Tags: -
Request: -
Notes: this was writen in 3rd person because I found it easier to write :) it’s been a while since I wrote for Mr Styles but when WS video came out I had to write something. I hope you like it! Leave a comment and/or reblog!
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She opened the door of her apartment and walked in, breathing heavily and all sweaty. The weather in L.A. had been quite hot the last few days, which had made her morning jogs a bit more challenging. All she could think about was the cold bottle of water she had in the fridge and the shower she was about to get.
(Y/N) had lived in Los Angeles for six years. She moved from San Diego when she decided to pursue her dream as an actress and, to be honest, she wasn’t doing as bad as her mother told her she could do. She hadn’t been in any big production, but her agent kept on telling her that she was in the right track.
She had been in several ads, some music videos and even as an extra in a couple of TV shows. She knew her big chance would come and just had to be patient. Sadly, patience didn’t pay the bills, so she was also working as a waitress. It hadn’t been easy to find a job where they would allow her to take a random day off for an audition or to film something, but her friend Kelly worked there as well and had put a great word for her. She would always be thankful.
(Y/N) checked the time and sighed when she saw that she had less than an hour and a half to get to work. She drunk the water she was craving and hurried to get to the shower. Twenty minutes later, she was already drying her hair and got dressed with some dark jeans and a sweater. She would change into her work uniform when she got to the restaurant, so she didn’t pay too much attention to what she was wearing.
She heard the familiar ding of her phone, telling her she had a text message. It was probably Kelly.
I’ll be there in 10. Be ready, xx
Kelly picked her up almost every single day to go to work, which (Y/N) deeply appreciated. Even though she had her license, she couldn’t afford to buy a car and having someone driving her was way more comfortable than using the public transport. Running around her one-room apartment, (Y/N) collected the few things she would need: wallet, phone and charger. She threw everything into her black bag and hurried out of the door, locked it and went downstairs.
Her shift went by as usual. Since it was Tuesday, a work and a school day, there weren’t many clients. Weekends were another story. She used to do extra hours due to the number of customers they had. Not that day. She finished her shift at 4 p.m., as usual, and waited for Kelly to finish changing so she would drive (Y/N) home.
She was patiently waiting, scrolling down her Instagram feed, when she saw a photo of Gemma and Anne. She smiled sweetly and liked it. She didn’t talk to Gemma as much as they did when (Y/N) was dating Harry, but they still were in touch and talked from time to time. They had connected the very first moment Harry introduced them almost two years ago, short after they got together and the last time they had seen each other was four months ago, a month before the breakup.
Their relationship had been one of the best (Y/N) had ever had. Harry was the sweetest and most caring guy she had ever met. He had always been there for her, making sure she was okay, even spoiling her when she allowed it. And even when she didn’t. Everyone in their inner circle kept on saying that they were the perfect match for each other. Harry was the calm that (Y/N) needed and she was the light in his lonely life.
At least until she wasn’t.
(Y/N) shook her head, pushing the thoughts away and got out of the app. She was about to lock it when it started to buzz. The name of her agent appeared on the screen, which made (Y/N)’s heart stop for a second. Maya would only call if there was a job for her. Immediately she picked it up.
“Hey there, girl”, (Y/N) said trying to sound chilled, although she was biting her nails. A nasty habit she couldn’t shake.
“How’s my favourite future Hollywood princess?” Maya said on the other side, making (Y/N) laugh.
“She just left the castle where she’s held by the evil stepmother”, she said looking at the door of the restaurant.
“Joanna was in today?” Maya asked, referring to (Y/N)’s manager.
Joanna was a forty-years old woman who happened to be one of (Y/N)’s manager. It could be said that their relationship wasn’t the best.
“Yeah”, (Y/N) sighed. “She made it impossible, as usual. But I’m used to her by now.”
“Well, I have something that will cheer your whole day up”, she said, not wasting anymore time.
“I’m all ears”, (Y/N) said with a big smile.
“Music video. In two days. Malibu”, Maya said.
“I love music videos!”
And she did. They were so much fun to film and it was an easy to make money. There wasn’t much acting involved, but she had always met the most decent people in those crews. Plus, she had got to meet some really big celebrities.
“I know you do, girl, that’s why I thought of you the moment this came to my table”, Maya said. “You want it?”
“Who’s the singer?” (Y/N) asked.
“They haven’t said it”, Maya said, which made (Y/N) sigh in annoyance. “I know, but you know how some of them are with their privacy and secrecy.”
“Yeah, yeah”, she said. “I just like knowing who I work for, you know?”
“All I got is that is a guy and I only know it because they referred him as ‘him’”, Maya said. “So…?”
“I’ll be there, no problem”, (Y/N) said anyway. Even if she would rather know who her employer was, she still needed the money.
“Perfect. Come by the office tomorrow morning so we can get the paperwork done, okay?” Maya said.
“10 a.m.?”
“Make it 11. I have a meeting at 9 that looks like a long one”, Maya said.
“Okay, got it. Tomorrow at 11 a.m. Thanks, Maya. You’re a lifesaver”, (Y/N) said just when Kelly walked out of the restaurant. She looked pissed and (Y/N) didn’t even need to ask why.
“I love you too. See you tomorrow!”
“Okay, bye!” (Y/N) hung up, locked the phone and put it into her bag. “What happened?” She asked.
“Joanna happened”, she sighed. “She came to me complaining about the state of some tables! I wasn’t even in charge of that area. Roger was”, she explained as they started making their way to the car. “But of course, dear Roger will never get scolded.”
“How can they be so obvious?” (Y/N) rolled her eyes.
“I hate favouritisms”, Kelly said. “Anyway, who were you talking to?”
“Maya”, (Y/N) smiled. “She got a job for me. Music video in Malibu on Thursday.”
“Great!” Kelly exclaimed. “Who’s the singer?”
“No idea. Maya said they wanted to keep it a secret”, she shrugged. “Seriously, it’s so annoying when they do that. I know they want to avoid anyone talking and ending up with fans at the set but c’mon. We’re adults here.”
“Not everyone is an adult”, Kelly said, still angry at Joanna.
“Good point”, (Y/N) sighed. “I took it, of course. I need the money. But still.”
“It will be okay”, Kelly said unlocking the car. “Do you mind going to Target for a minute? I need to get some stuff.”
“No problem.”
“I don’t understand how you always talk me into this”, Kelly said before taking the straw in her mouth again.
After going to Target (Y/N) had casually mentioned how she was craving something sweet. As usual, Kelly said she was on a diet but, to be honest, she had been on a diet ever since they met. It didn’t take too much convincing to get to Cocobella Creamary. Kelly ordered a banana and strawberry smoothie and (Y/N) ordered an Oreo Frappuccino.
“You didn’t have to order anything”, (Y/N) shrugged.
“It’s weird if I just sit here without anything”, Kelly said.
“I’ve done it sometimes”, (Y/N) said.
“Weird I said”, Kelly said, making (Y/N) laugh and nod. “You know what I was thinking?”
“Strike me.”
“Who the singer of the video might be”, Kelly said with her eyes narrowed.
“Some diva probably. Those are the ones who don’t want to say who they are in my experience”, (Y/N) said.
“I think it might be Harry.”
(Y/N) almost choked on her Frappuccino when Kelly said that. She coughed, covering her mouth, until her eyes got all watery. Kelly was quick to ask for some water to the waitress who came back running to the table. Thankful, she took the glass and drank a little.
“Thanks”, she told the girl, who looked relieved to see that a customer wasn’t going to die on her shift. When she walked away, (Y/N) looked at Kelly who was obviously almost laughing. “Not funny.”
“I just said his name”, she said with a funny smile.
“Unexpected. That’s all”, (Y/N) sighed. “And it’s not his video.”
“He’s in town and there are rumours he will make a video for Watermelon Sugar”, Kelly shrugged.
“Unrelated”, (Y/N) shrugged. Kelly looked at her with an eyebrow raised. “It’s not him. And I don’t want to talk about it.”
“Okay, fine. But that doesn’t make the chance go away”, Kelly said.
(Y/N) glared at her friend but decided not to say anything. Instead, she drank from her Frappuccino while looking out of the window. She didn’t even know Harry was in town. It wasn’t a surprise since he spent so much time there. Honestly, she had been to London in the time they were together and she couldn’t understand why he preferred Los Angeles. Yes, the weather was way better, but there was something much more appealing about England. However, Harry had always loved the west coast.
Actually, she knew that if it wasn’t because of how fond Harry was of L.A. they would have never met. Although since they broke up, she wished he wasn’t around so often. It wasn’t like they had ever run into each other at a party or anything -she avoided those unless she had a reason to be there- but knowing that he was in Los Angeles made her feel anxious. She wasn’t ready to see him again.
When Kelly dropped her off in front of her apartment, (Y/N) felt exhausted. So she went straight to the her couch, laid down and turned on the TV as she silenced her phone. She needed a bit of quite time every time she came back from work. The restaurant got so loud sometimes that it could be too much, so she loved the quietness that her apartment offered.
Next morning, when she went by her agent’s office to sign the contract, she looked for any sign that would tell her who the artist was but there was nothing. Maya knew nothing. (Y/N) would be lying if she said she hadn’t been thinking about what Kelly had said, but she refused to believe that it was Harry. It would be too much of a coincidence.
Knowing that racking her brain wouldn’t help, she decided to just forget about it. There was no way of knowing who the singer was if he or she didn’t want anyone to know, so she decided to take the day to relax and be ready for the video.
Maya texted her that night to tell her that she had to be on set at 10 a.m., so she would send a car at 9.15 a.m. so make sure she was on time. (Y/N) laughed a little. Maya and her had been working together long enough to know that punctuality wasn’t (Y/N)’s strongest suit.
Thanks to that, she managed to get to set fifteen minutes before ten, which gave her plenty of time to order a coffee at the Caffe Luxxe. It was a beautiful day. The sun was shining, it was a bit windy but not enough to make it uncomfortable, it was warm but not hot. It was perfect.
Once her order was given to her, she crossed the road towards where all the crew trailers were. If she had been paying attention to her surroundings, she would have seen the small group of nervous girls who looked like they were waiting for someone, but she was focused on her phone, answering a text from Kelly who was wishing her good luck.
She looked around the beach and smiled. She had always loved the ocean. Her father was a great surfer, even though she had never been able to even stand on the board, and he used to take her to the ocean every day he went to train. She had basically grown up in the water and all she knew was that, no matter where she lived, she needed the ocean nearby.
“May I help you?”
(Y/N) turned around, startled, to the man who had talked to her. He was in his late thirties probably and was carrying a binder with a pair of headphones on top of it. He was probably part of the crew.
“Hi! My name is (Y/N)”, she said, quickly looking in her bag for the identification badge that Maya had given her the previous day. Try to find it while she was holding the coffee was tricky. “I’m in the video.”
“Do you have any sort of…?”
“Here!” She finally said, taking it out of a small pocket. She handed it to him with a big smile.
“(Y/N) (Y/L/N)”, he said and opened the binder. “Here you are”, he nodded. “You need to go to trailer number 2 to get ready. We’ll start as soon as possible.”
“Okay, thank you”, she said taking the badge back from him. “Where’s the trailer?”
“That one”, he said pointing to one of the trailers that were parked next to the road.
“Thank you”, (Y/N) said again. “Will we be shooting here the whole day?” She asked, out of curiosity.
“Half of it. Then we will move to another location”, he informed her.
“Good”, she nodded. “Thanks again.”
(Y/N) hooked the identification on her bag, in case someone else asked for it, and made her way to the trailer.
“Coming through!”
She stopped on her tracks to let a man pushing a cart full of watermelons walk in front of her. What the hell? She chuckled to herself, wondering what the music would even be about, and walked towards the trailer. Since the door was opened, she just walked in while she sipped on her coffee. There were six chair lined up in there, with four of them already occupied by other girls who immediately looked at her.
“Hi”, (Y/N) smiled nicely. “I hope I’m not late”, she added.
“Hello there!” A red-headed woman said, hurrying over her. “Not at all, darling”, she said with a thick British accent. “I’m Martha, I’m in charge of make up and hair”, she introduced herself.
“Nice to meet you”, (Y/N) said, shaking Martha’s hand.
“Come and sit right here and one of my girls will be with you in a second”, she said pointing to one of the chairs. “We’re right on schedule but the faster to get to it, the sooner the show can start.”
(Y/N) decided she liked Martha. She looked like an easy-going person who loved her job. It was obvious she didn’t spend much time out of the UK because of her accent and the lack of tan on her skin, so probably she had come all the way to the States because of the video. (Y/N) wondered why the singer had made someone come all the way from Europe. The thought that Kelly had put in her head appeared again, but she pushed it down.
Once (Y/N) was settled, she finally looked at the rest of the girls to introduce herself, although she didn’t expect them to be already staring at her like they already knew her.
“Um… hi”, (Y/N) said, waving awkwardly. “I’m (Y/N).”
“We know”, one of the girls said. “You’re his ex.”
“Excuse me?” (Y/N) chuckled.
“Good morning, everyone!”
That voice made (Y/N) freeze. She would recognize that deep voice and that accent anywhere in the world even when she hadn’t listened to it in three months. When she looked at the door of the trailer, her heart started speeding and her stomach twisted when she saw Harry Styles walking in, wearing that dimpled smile he would always have.
She would have loved to go unnoticed, but suddenly she dropped her cup of coffee, spilling it everywhere and becoming the centre of attention.
“Damn it”, she said getting up, since she was now covered in the black liquid.
She gulped. She had always loved the way he said her name and it looked like it hadn’t changed. She still felt goose bumps. Taking a deep breath, (Y/N) looked up to meet those green eyes that, even in the distance that separated them, made her feel like he was looking into her soul.
“Hi”, was all she was able to say.
Harry thought he was having visions.
He had woken up that day full of energy, excited to shoot the video for Watermelon Sugar. It had the potential to be his favourite video yet and he couldn’t wait to see the result, although it would still be some time before it was released it.
As usual, he had been involved in the whole process: from choosing the location, the people in the video, the storyline, everything. That’s why he was so shocked to see his ex in that trailer. He hadn’t chosen her, so what was she doing there?
He was completely blank, but he could feel all eyes on both of them, which was only making the situation worse. He looked at the rest of the girls, whose eyes were going from him to (Y/N), like they were waiting for some kind of drama to explode. Harry couldn’t let that happen.
So he took a deep breath and forced himself to smile again and greet everyone, acting like (Y/N) wasn’t there. Luckily, she was seated on the last chair, so when he had welcomed and introduced himself to everyone, he faced her again.
Since Harry started saying hello to everyone, (Y/N) just sat on her chair, her face burning and fighting the urge to run away. Every single time he talked, she shivered, remembering all those times he would whisper sweet secrets in her ear at night. She could feel him approaching and yet, she couldn’t look up. Not until she knew she had to.
Taking a deep breath, she looked up to find him looking straight at her through the mirror. She gulped and looked up, to see him directly.
“Can we talk?” He asked. “Outside.”
“Yeah”, she nodded and got up. It wasn’t like she had anywhere to hide.
(Y/N) was first to walk out of the trailer and she breathed deeply, letting the air get into her lungs like she had been holding her breath for minutes. She heard Harry walking out as well before he grabbed her wrist.
“Come with me, please”, he asked her.
Harry let go of her wrist, feeling his hand burning at the contact, and started walking towards his own trailer. It was the only place where they could talk without being seen by some busybody paparazzi. He didn’t even have to look back to know if she was following. He could feel her presence. When they got to Harry’s trailer, he opened the door and let her walk in first.
“What are you doing here?” He asked straight.
“What do you think I’m doing here?” She asked back. “Same thing you do. Working.”
“But I… I didn’t pick you.”
(Y/N) clenched her jaw at that, to try and act like it hadn’t hurt her. She knew what he meant by that, but it still wasn’t a nice thing to say. It wasn’t the first time Harry hadn’t picked her and the memory still stung.
“I figured”, she sighed, blinking away the tears that threated to come out. “My agent called me yesterday and told me about this.”
“And you said yes? Knowing it was me?” He asked frowning.
“I didn’t know it was you, smartass. She didn’t know either”, she said. “Trust me, I wouldn’t have come if I knew.”
Harry looked away at that. Even when he knew how mad she was, knowing it hurt.
“That’s nice”, he chuckled.
“Excuse me? You’re the one who didn’t pick me and I’m the nice one here?”
“Did you want me to pick you?”
I wanted you to do it when it mattered, she thought.
“I didn’t even know you were in the States!” She exclaimed. “Don’t blame me on this, Harry. Maybe some of your picked ones got sick or couldn’t make it and they called me. What were the chances of me being your ex-girlfriend?”
Harry didn’t want to admit how it still hurt to think of her as that, even though he knew it was his fault. He messed up and she broke up with him. He couldn’t deny it, but it still hurt.
He took a deep breath with his hands on his hips and he looked down. He couldn’t send her away, of course, but he couldn’t picture working with her for a whole day. Not when he knew he wasn’t over her. Not even a bit. However, he had to keep things professional like he had always done.
“Okay”, he sighed. “You’re here and there’s nothing we can do.”
“Exactly”, she nodded.
“We’ll just do our jobs and…”, he shrugged. “Move on at the end of the day.”
“Sounds like a plan”, she nodded, trying not to show how his words were hurting her.
“Good”, he said quietly.
“I gotta get ready”, she said and walked to the door, but she stopped when she remembered something. “Why so many watermelons?”
“Oh… the song is Watermelon Sugar and the concept is…well…”, he blushed a little. “I told you the concept when I wrote the song.”
(Y/N) blushed immediately as memories came to her head. Memories of an afternoon in Italy, in a yacht rented by Harry. Memories of Harry in between her legs, claiming how good she tasted. Later that day, (Y/N) had found Harry writing the song.
“Oh…”, was all she was able to say.
(Y/N) hurried out of his trailer and went back to number two, where she had to face the looks of the other girls again. Only this time she barely paid attention to them, she was busy trying to control the beast that had gotten lose in her stomach. A feeling that only Harry had ever managed to cause in her.
Harry took a deep breath when (Y/N) left his trailer. He knew he wasn’t over her, but he would have never imagined how much seeing her would affect him. And now they had to spend a whole day together doing this video. Precisely… this video. He knew it was going to drive him crazy, but he had to keep it together and be professional, like he always was.
Soon after, Harry started filming the solo parts of the video. Although there weren’t many of them, it still took a couple of hours before the girls were called on set. He tried to act natural, but he couldn’t help looking for (Y/N) and, once he saw her his jaw fell. She was wearing a pair of denim shorts with the top of a pinkish bikini. On top of her head, were a couple of heart-shaped sunglasses.
“First, thank you all for coming!” The director said when they were all gathered around him. “You all know the concept of the video since I’ve explained earlier.”
(Y/N) gulped and looked at Harry carefully. She couldn’t believe she had been chosen to be a part of this video. She was going to have to touch him, kiss his cheek, being closer to him than what she expected. There was no way she would have been prepared for it even if she knew what she was getting into.
The director explained what scenes they were going to do at the moment and they all went to their positions. However, when (Y/N) was walking towards the rest of the girls, Harry blocked her way.
“Are you sure you want to do this?” He asked looking down at her. She sighed and looked at the crew, who was looking at them.
“We have to”, she shrugged. “It’s our job.”
Harry nodded and took a deep breath before stepping aside. They had to do this. He watched her while she joined the rest of the crew who were already lying down on the sand, on the towels they had been given. Before he joined them, they had to do some parts of them alone, so he just stood there watching. Watching her.
He smiled a little when he saw her taking a watermelon and playfully putting in between her open legs, a gesture that brought so many memories to his head. It wasn’t the first time he’d seen her acting. He had always loved how carefree she was when she was in front of a camera. It was obvious how happy that made her.
“Okay, Harry, come here!” Brad, one of the directors said. “Lay there in that towel, in the middle of everyone.”
Harry nodded and walked to the towel, noticing just before laying down that it was (Y/N) who was just next to him. She was wearing that glasses and he saw how juicy her lips looked due to the watermelon slice she was eating. He tried to keep his thoughts away from that, but it was so damn hard when she looked so beautiful.
“Nice glasses”, he said when she caught him looking. A small smile appeared on her lips.
“Thanks”, she said. “Here, take them”, she said, taking them off and going closer to him.
He hadn’t even noticed the music playing again nor the camera rolling. All he could see and think about was (Y/N) putting the glasses on for him. He gulped and smiled a little.
“Looking good, Styles”, she said with a smile.
“Thanks, (Y/L/N)”, he winked.
Another girl, named Cassy if he remembered correctly, touched his shoulder and offered him a piece of watermelon, which he took immediately with a smirk. (Y/N) chuckled a little and kept on doing what she had been told: flirting and teasing. It was obvious that the whole idea of the video came from Harry. He was a flirt and a tease himself.
After doing some shots like that, they were told to come closer together to have some images of everyone together. The chances weren’t high but (Y/N) ended up just next to Harry. She gulped when she saw how good he was looking. Just then he looked at her, with that naughty grin that always drove her crazy.
“I don’t know if I could ever go without…”, he mouthed along with the song, looking at her.
Without even thinking about it, she placed a hand on his other cheek and planted a slow and sensual kiss on his cheek that made his grin go even bigger. Then she took the sunglasses from him and put them on. Immediately, he tried to take them back but she moved away, now that they were all separated again, and winked again.
(Y/N) loved these kind of music videos. The ones without actual choreography where they could just do as they pleased while the music was on. Although this time she wasn’t even noticing the effect it was having on her. She would have never imagined how happy she would feel for messing around with Harry like nothing ever happened. She couldn’t deny how she felt every time they touched or every time he looked at her. Harry had always made her feel like she was the only girl in the room with just one look and he was doing it again.
“Are you okay?” He asked when they were taking a break after being in the water goofing around.
“Yeah”, she nodded. “Although I don’t know if I can eat any more watermelons”, she joked, making him laugh.
“Maybe I went a bit too far with that”, he nodded.
“Are you okay?” (Y/N) asked after a few moments of silence.
“Better than I’ve been in a while”, he honestly said, looking at her. “You’re doing great, by the way”, he added. “And you look great.”
“Thanks”, she smiled a little and looked down. He took that moment to take the glasses from her head. “Hey!”
“Sorry, they’re too good”, he said and put them on. “And I look great in them.”
“I found them!” She laughed and tried to take them from him.
Harry was taller than her, so it wasn’t hard for him to keep (Y/N) from taking the glasses. However, keeping balance on the sand wasn’t easy, so the moment he tried to take a step back, he tripped over and fell down on his back, laughing out loud and bringing her with him since he was holding her hand to keep her away from the glasses.
“Damn it”, she laughed, laying next to him. “Give them back.”
“Take them”, he challenged her with a smile.
(Y/N) bit her lip when their eyes met. There was that childish humour in his eyes that made her feel like everything was possible. Not saying anything, she took the glasses from him and put them on her head, using them to keep her hair back. Harry sighed and, slowly, placed a hand on her cheek.
“I missed you”, he whispered. (Y/N) closed her eyes with his touch. “I missed this”, he added before leaning closer.
“Don’t…”, she whispered, placing a hand on his shoulder gently.
“Please, (Y/N)”, he said.
“You hurt me, Harry”, she said, taking his hand. “You said you couldn’t make it here for my birthday and the day before I found you in that club with Camille?”
“I know I fucked up”, he said. “But we never did anything, I wouldn’t do that. Not to you. Ever.”
“It really looked like you had done it”, (Y/N) said sitting up as memories came to her head.
“I know”, he said doing the same. “But I swear I didn’t do it.”
“Then what were you doing there with her after telling me you couldn’t even come from London?” She asked.
“I…”, he sighed and looked down at his hands. “I wanted to surprise you for your birthday. I arrived in the States two days before but the plan was to appear on your door the morning of your birthday, so I stayed at James’. Camille called and she told me to have dinner with her. You know we’re friends so I said yes, and then she asked me to stop by a friend’s party. It was going to be just five minutes and it was. And that’s where you saw me.”
(Y/N) was speechless. When they broke up, he never explained any of this to her. He just let her think the worse of him and went away. Now that she knew what had really happened, she didn’t know if she could believe him.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” She asked.
“I knew you wouldn’t believe me”, he shrugged. “I saw in your face that you had already made up your mind.”
“So you decided not to fight for us? For what we had?”
“Would you have listened?” He asked, looking at her.
“Yes”, she immediately said, but she knew it wasn’t true. And he knew it too, judging by the look he gave her. “Eventually at least”, she sighed. “I had the right to know.”
Harry sighed and placed his arms on his knees, picking on the nail polish he was using. He knew she was right. He should’ve explained everything to her, but he had been so angry at her for not trusting him that he thought there was no point on even trying. Of course, he regretted it the moment he set foot back in England. By then, it was already too late and (Y/N) wouldn’t even answer the phone.
“Will you even consider us again?” He asked, not daring to look at her.
“I don’t know. And I can’t think about it right now, Harry”, she said. “We still have work to do and, maybe, when we’re done… I’ll think about what you’ve said.”
Harry nodded but didn’t look at her. He heard her getting up and walking away from her, so he finally looked up to see her walking away. He closed his eyes and ran a hand through his hair. He had been such an idiot. He should’ve talked sooner. Instead, he had lost the best thing that ever happened to him. Idiot.
(Y/N) tried to ignore the looks she was receiving and just walked into the trailer she had been assigned to that morning. She didn’t know what to think about what Harry had just told her. She wished she had known sooner. It would have changed everything. Maybe they would still be together. Or maybe not. But she had the right to know. Instead, he had chosen to go away without a fight. Did that mean that he didn’t care enough? Didn’t love her enough? (Y/N) didn’t know the answers to those questions. All she knew was that she wasn’t ready to think about it and she still had work to do that day.
The spent another hour filming at the beach before they moved to another location. Nobody, except for the filming team and Harry, knew where they were heading and definitely no one expected where they appeared. When (Y/N) recognised the house, another whole lot of memories hit her like a rock.
“We’ll be filming in the backyard!” Pablo, the other director, said when they all walked into the propriety. “So, please, follow Brad around the house and you’ll be given instructions.”
How many days had she spent in this place? How many nights? She couldn’t believe Harry had actually offered his own place to make a music video, given how private he was with his life. It actually made her think that he had acquired a new place, which wouldn’t be surprising at all. She looked at the door and sighed, remembering the last time she walked out of there.
They didn’t have to do much filming there. Actually, it was barely two hours before Pablo gave the final cut after they took a group photo in which (Y/N) managed to be as far from Harry as possible. She hadn’t been able to stop thinking about what Harry had previously confessed and all she could think about was how much she had missed him and how happy he used to make her. If he was being honest and nothing happened with Camille… did he still love her? Would she be willing to give him another chance?
“Thank you so much everybody for joining me today!” Harry was saying. (Y/N) forced herself to focus. “It was great having you, you’ve been amazing and you’ve done an awesome job. Thank you for making this idea come true and thank you, thank you, thank you.”
Just like he had done at the beginning of the day, he went one by one thanking and saying goodbye to everyone. (Y/N) was tempted to just leave, but it would have been rude.
“Your house, huh?” She asked when he finally reached her.
“It has great views”, he shrugged. “And no one knows I live here, so…”
“No one?” She said with an eyebrow raised.
“Except you”, he nodded and crossed his arms. “Thank you for staying after you found out it was my video.”
“It’s my job”, she shrugged with a small smile. “And I had a really great time, so thank you for not kicking me out.”
“I’d never do that”, he said, making her smile. “Will I ever see you again?”
(Y/N) took a deep breath and looked away, not really knowing what to say. Well… she did know, but she didn’t know if it was right. She took the heart-shaped sunglasses from her head and looked at him. She had missed him so much and she knew he deserved the chance he should’ve gotten if he had been honest from the beginning.
She didn’t believe in signs or in destiny, but maybe getting that call from Maya was a sign of what was right.
“Here”, she said, offering them to him.
“They’re yours”, he frowned.
“Consider them a lend”, she smiled a little. “Plus, you can pull them off better than I do.”
“A lend?” He asked, taking the item from her hands with a small smile.
“Yeah”, she shrugged. “That way, you’ll have to give them back at some point.”
“Really?” He asked, his smile bigger now.
“Of course”, she said, smiling too. “Maybe tomorrow at 7? When I finish my shift?”
Harry felt his chest getting lighter with what she said. He took a deep breath and let out a loud relieved laughter. He nodded and bit his lip.
“I’ll be there”, he nodded.
“Be punctual”, she said before she started walking away.
“I’m British”, he shrugged, making her laugh. “(Y/N)!” He exclaimed. She stopped and turn around to see him looking at her with that smile that he had only for her. “I won’t let you down.”
(Y/N) bit her lip to fight a smile, but it was impossible. She felt happy, like everything was in place again. They could work it out.
“I know.”
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teal-skull · 5 years
Beyond the ending of the case (J&H fanfic)
This is basically a fanfic about how I imagine Utterson could have reacted after he read the final line of Henry’s confession.  
Originally writen, during a time I didn’t have tumblr I read a lot about finnish Jekyll and Hyde fanfictions, shipping memes and posts made by @starlene @neroushalvaus @muplakuovi . My fangirling was set in fire and after writing some notes in the middle of a night, I wrote this in one day. So I have to thank you them for my inspiration. Thank you! I have made some edits in it so it’s not completely the original version.
“Here then, as I lay down the pen and proceed to seal up my confession, I bring the life of that unhappy Henry Jekyll to an end.”
Those were the last words on the paper. The last words of Dr. Jekyll. Mr. Utterson was holding in his shaking hands. He didn’t even feel them. The shock had made his blood to run away from his veins, in the rhythm of his beating heart. A lonely candle in his desk lighted up his white face. Somehow they seemed ten years older than an hour ago. It was visible in the dark circles around his eyes. The wisdom he had gotten from turning his whole world upside down.
The lawyer was sitting at his wooden desk, hesitant to rise up. The anxiety stormed in his stomach. Gabriel’s feet were powerless as if they had weight a ton. His feet could have gone through the floor and drag him underground. Actually, he would have been happy if that happened. Then he wouldn’t have to bare this truth. Nor the pain of keeping it inside.
Utterson was surrounded by heavy silence. The calm but dark atmosphere of the empty room suppressed him.  But inside his head he could have screamed. Inside his mind there was no silence. it was an endless list of questions and terrifying thoughts mazing through Gabriel’s head. The image of Edward Hyde hunted his restless soul like a terrible nightmare. It was just like when Enfield had first told him about this mysterious man. But at that time he didn’t had a face. Now he had. And that wasn’t all. Hyde was wearing Dr. Jekyll’s face. Like a mask that hid the real person behind it. Gabriel saw again that pale and desperate face of Henry that he had seen at the window. The last time he ever saw poor Henry. And he hadn’t even had the faintest idea of how much pain his Henry had been in.
Suddenly Utterson had a desperate desire to look around. He felt the eyes of someone in his back. But there was no one else in that gloomy room. Only he and a crackling fireplace. The fire in it was dying but a small orange light still illuminated the empty room. The lawyer sighed and turned back to the letters in his hands. Utterson though that he was holding grave stones. At least it felt like it. Gabriel watched Lanyon’s letter. He remembered a thought that it had brought to his mind when he had got the letter: “I have buried one friend today, what if this should cost me another?” Now it seemed that his premonition had been terribly right.
He saw a picture of Jekyll in his eyes. Scared man chained to a monster. Or was it a dishonest man, with two faces to wear? Had he even known Henry for all this time? No, Henry had many bad traits but he was still trying to make the world better. Maybe the power he gained just had seduced him to the wrong path? Or had he been selfish from the beginning? Utterson didn’t know anymore. All the golden memories that Gabriel had about Henry were now shadowed by Mr. Hyde. Forever. He recalled the time he had met Hyde. Had he really talked to Jekyll but just with a different face? It was insane! Oh Henry… what did you do? And now he was gone. Not even his body was left. Only... A terrifying thought came to his mind: Shall he bury his best friend as a murderer?
It was too much. Gabriel put his hand on to his eyes and sighed again like a lonely soul in sorrow. A snivel escaped from his lips and soon little drops were dripping on the table. His shoulders were stiff. Tears did seem to have no end. In a moment Gabriel’s cheeks were all wet but the sounds of agony were only whispers in the room. He wasn’t aloud to make a sound any stronger. He couldn’t have opened up about his sorrow to any one else. So he just sit there. Alone with his heavy thoughts.  
He didn’t know, how long he had been sitting there, when the church bell’s dragged him back to the harsh reality. Finally he managed to rise but he still needed to lean on the table. He wiped off tears and tried to calm down. He took a few breaths. Utterson looked at the papers. He took those letters that revealed a horrible truth and put them to his private safe. These papers shall never see the light of day again. If they would get in the hands of the public they would be like a burning match that was dropped to oil. Dr. Henry Jekyll’s good reputation was the only pure thing that was left of him. Only thing that Hyde had not ruined. At least he could save his legacy even if he couldn’t save his best friend anymore.
He walked to the fireplace and looked to the fire. Trying to come up with a believable lie that he could tell to Poole, who was probably still waiting for him. It proved to a challenging for he had always been quite honest. How had Jekyll been so good at lying? Was it something that came naturally from him? He started to deepen once again among his thoughts.
Warmness off the fireplace somehow calmed the lawyer a bit. Utterson watched the slow dance the flames performed to him.  They gave him an idea. He walked to his safe again and took the letters of his dead friends. Gabriel glanced at them for one more time before throwing them to the fire. He watched as the reddish flames started to gnaw the edges while the papers twisted in their hold. Almost like they were screaming. Screaming like his friends had.
Mr. Utterson’s heart was full of agony as he realised he was a lonely man again. Only the now ruined memories of Jekyll and Lanyon remained. He wished the flames would burn away the agony with the papers. But he knew that they wouldn’t. Those twisted words would hunt his dreams forever. His voice was quiet, full of grief and coldness:
-Those letters have accomplished their purpose. I have the full story. This strange and horrific case is solved. I have the knowledge but what has it cost me? The death of my friends and the peace of my mind. My curiosity is fufilled but...To be honest… Now I wish I didn’t know.
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n3rdybird · 6 years
Writen for @bookcaseninja ‘s 300 Follower Challenge.  If you love Karl Urban and all of his many forms, follow this blog.  This one is written about the very broody, Commander Vaako from Chronicles of Riddick. Please enjoy!
Vaako x Reader
Prompt: soulmate AU where you can feel the emotions of your soulmate.
Rating: Teen (some making out, hinting at sex, nothing explicit)
Warnings: Mentions of an affair/technically reader is the "other woman". (For now ;) ) Some cursing. Slight mention of depression.
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The Necropolis was darker than usual, the night cycle now well underway.  You were still working, your eyes pouring tirelessly over holopads and papers.
When you converted, your talent for xenolinguistics and studies did not go unnoticed.  If it there was one thing the Necro faith was adept at, was placing converts into appropriate roles.  After your time as an initiate, you were put to work in analysis. You were charged with translation and filing of the conquered civilization’s breadth of history and culture. Necros weren’t complete barbarians and did not celebrate the loss of knowledge.
However, with the death of Lord Marshal Zhylaw, and the ascension of Lord Marshal Riddick, the conversion campaign was halted.  Instead, your time was mostly spent on Riddick’s greatest desire, the rediscovery of his home world, Furya.  Destroyed years ago by Zhylaw, most if not all of the information pertaining to the planet and race were destroyed.  You were hoping to piece together snippets of information left behind.  A word or phrase, anything that could help.
As you rubbed the bridge of your nose and leaned across to the table to grab an errant tablet, a zing of arousal zipped down your spine.  You smiled as a body crowded yours from behind, a muscular arm plucking the wanted tablet from out of your reach.
“You are up late,” the ordinarily stiff voice murmured into your ear.  He set the pad down and spun you around.
You were dwarfed by the tall Necromonger Commander, as he caged you between his arms.  You leaned back on your hands so you didn't have to crane your neck to look at him.  You raised a brow.
“As are you.  Won’t Dame Vaako be missing her dear husband this night?”
You allowed your gaze to drift over the man in front of you.  Siberius Vaako, Commander and somewhat reluctant right-hand of the Lord Marshal, husband to Dame Vaako.  And your soulmate.
His emotion twinged with annoyance at the mention of his wife, and you reached out to tuck a lock of hair that had fallen loose from his hairstyle. You allowed your emotions to flow across your bond to soothe him.  He leaned into your hand.
“My wife is asleep,” he said curtly, picking you up and setting you on the edge of the table.
“But my One is right in front of me.”
You bit your lip as he ripped your long skirt, allowing your legs to spread as he took his place between your thighs.  As he trailed his hand up your leg, you hooked it around his waist pulling him closer.
Tangling your fingers in his nape, you guided his face closer to yours.  He trailed his lips along the smooth column of your throat, placing soft bites and kisses.  When he mouthed against your conversion scar, you shuddered, gripping his arm.  You dipped your head back at the sensation, your bond going haywire from all the stimulation.  Love. Lust. Affection. Urgency.
When your grip tightened on his hair, he growled and pulled you flush against him.
“Careful woman, you do not want to test me,” he grunted against your ear.  It had been several cycles since you had a moment alone, and his body seemed wound tight.  You could only imagine the stress he was under.  Riddick was continually ruffling the feathers of the more traditional Necros, especially since he had halted the conversion campaign.  And Vaako was doing his best to keep the peace.  For some reason, Riddick trusted Vaako or at least knew he wouldn't try to kill him.  
You drug your nails against his neck causing him to shudder.  The pressure of his large hands against your hips would be painful if you were still a breeder, but instead, it made you feel powerful to bring the stoic man to the edge.  And you wanted to fuck the tension out of him.
“I won’t break,” you said breathily.  He swiped the data pads off the table, pushing you down, one hand on your shoulder, the other thumbing your knee.  The irises of his eyes were blown as he stared at your body.
“Let us test that theory,” he said, hooking your leg around his waist.
You awoke sometime later, the lights still dim from the night cycle.  You were curled into Vaako’s broad form.  In sleep, he seemed less burdened, younger.  Even his Necro skin seemed less pallid.  You traced your finger across one of his many scars, careful not to wake him.
You had all but given up your search for your soul mate.  Soul mates, were tricky, to say the least. With such vast space, it was almost unheard of for one to find their soulmate.  You had gotten many sympathetic pats on the shoulder, as your friends and family told you to move on.  The only clue you had was the emotions your soulmate passed through to your bond.  Knowing he was out there, somewhere, even though light years might have separated you, kept you optimistic.
When your bond seemed to have severed, you cried for days, thinking the worst.  Surely, your soul mate was dead.  So when the Necromonger’s came to your planet, the Purifier’s words beckoned to your broken heart.  You welcomed the idea of trading your pain for numbness, to embrace the idea of the Underverse.
And then, one morning as you were tending to your initiate duties, you felt it.  The familiar ebb and flow of your soulmate’s emotions.  
The conversion process weakened the bond over a long distance. So when Vaako converted, years before you, it was easily believed that he was dead.  The phantom emotions teased at you, you were unsure of what trick the universe was playing on you.  You confided in the Purifier, thinking maybe your conversion wasn’t complete.  It was then you first saw the slightest smile on his face.  Not the sad repentant expression he usually wore, but his eyes seemed to lighten a fraction. He cupped your hand in his and told you there was nothing to fear.  
And then one day, you felt emotions as strongly as if they were yours.  It was a combination of tension and irritation.  You couldn’t keep the hope from bubbling up as you scanned the crowded atrium.  Inadvertently you reached across the bond, hoping to pacify the brusque emotions.
When Commander Vaako’s eyes met yours, you knew.  He was your soulmate.  And then the slinky form of Dame Vaako tucked herself into her husband’s side.  You felt your hope diminish, wishing that the conversion process had deaded your emotions and not just your nerves.  And from his expression, he could feel it as well. Regret.  Despair.  To have gone through everything you had, losing all hope of finding your soulmate.  And there he was.  Married.  Unattainable.
You tried to stay away, as did he. He may not have loved his wife, but he still had his honor.  You could feel his gaze and his bond, hovering around you, but never coming close.  Only when her more scheming side came out, twisting his thoughts, did he seek you out, needing the comfort only a soulmate could provide.
It started naturally enough, polite conversation and lingering glances.  You had been hurrying through the cavernous halls, tripping when your heeled boot caught the long skirt all nonmilitary women wore.  You clutched the datapads to your chest, not wanting them damaged.  When you braced yourself for the hard marble floors, a pair of strong arms aught you easily.
As you stood, Vaako didn’t say a word, clutching the bare skin of your arms.  The feeling of his hands almost felt warm, something you hadn’t felt since you had converted.  This intimidating, cold man was your soulmate.  And all you could feel was warmth.
Unsure of how to proceed, you met in secret.  Late night trysts and stolen moments in abandoned hallways.  You were always careful.  Dame Vaako wasn’t known for her kindness.  Her vindictive streak ran miles wide.  And you cherished every moment you had alone with him.
You glanced back up to find Vaako watching you with this dark eyes.  He tucked your hand in his, tracing your much smaller hands.
“It’s almost the morning cycle,” you said softly, not wanting to get up.
He didn’t respond but leaned down to capture your lips with his.  Your brain fogged as you lost yourself in his affection.  When he pulled back, he thumbed your cheek.
“Soon, my One.  No more sneaking around.”
You nodded, leaning into his hand.  You wished for that more than anything.  But until then, you would relish the time you spent together.  After all, you were soulmates.  Til Underverse comes, and beyond.
You were straightening the mess you and Vaako had made of your workspace when you felt eyes on your back.
You spun around to see the Lord Marshal watching you with interest.
“Lord Marshal,” you gasped, dropping to your knees.
His brow quirked above his goggles as he shook his head.
“You know I don’t like that shit,” he said, his voice deep and flippant, pushing off the wall.
You stood hastily, gathering your papers and tablets.
“Of course, my apologies.”  You always felt nervous around the Lord Marshal.  You had seen how he had dispatched Zhylaw, and how easily he seemed to brush off any enemies.  He was quiet, usually observing the Necropolis.
He stalked around the room, glancing at your work.  He'd pick up a tablet and thumbed through it, before tossing it back down.
“I haven’t found anything of note since our last meeting,” you explained, watching as Riddick continued to circle the room.  The silence in the room was deafening.  He hadn't said why he was there, and you were afraid to ask.  He tilted his head and sniffed the air.  Riddick laughed, the low rumble confusing you.
“Lord Riddick?”
“No wonder Dame Vaako has been sniffing around.  Seems like Commander Vaako has been getting his elsewhere.”
You froze, not sure what to say.  Everyone said Riddick was part animal, and apparently, his sense of smell was keen.
“You know, you could always kill her.  Then Vaako would be yours.  Keep what you kill right?”
You let out a nervous bark of laughter but quickly pinched your mouth shut.  Of course, you had thought of that.  But you never voiced the idea out loud.  
Riddick nodded at your workstation as you stood there shellshocked.
“Let me know if you find anything else,” he said with a smirk as he left the room as quietly as he entered.
Was that approval from the Lord Marshal?
You shakily pulled your chair out and sat down.  Keep what you kill.  It was a long-standing tradition in the Necro culture.  Kill Dame Vaako, and be able to take your place next to your soul mate.  There would be no formal repercussions, but the Dame's influence was long reaching.  Not to mention the personal ramifications for Vaako.  You were just a lowly worker.  While on the surface, the Necropolis functioned on merit, it would be foolish not to underestimate the backroom deals and politics.
You shook your head and picked up your tablet.  No point in worrying about it right that moment.  Vaako seemed to have a plan.  You tried to focus on your work, but Riddick's teasing voice kept repeating in your mind.
Keep what you kill.
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shyanlibrary · 6 years
Hey there, I'm in the mood to be absolutely destroyed by some sad shit, so can you please give me some good, angsty tearing-my-fucking-heart out shyan fic recs? Give me as many as you have. I'd be very grateful (and hopefully devastated at the end of it heh)
Welcome to Sad Town, everyone ~ Please note that most of these either have Major Character Death warning or no Happy Ending.
The Body That Lies by Lafayette1777
Summary: Ryan is dead and haunting Shane. Because he misses him, of course.
But also to prove a point.
Rated: Not Rated (T)
Commentary: Ah, that beautiful Major Character Death that makes you wish you were the one dead. This fic destroyed me since the first time I read it and it’s also my favorite ghost story in the fandom. Like– we got some really good stuff with the AU, but this one is– like, kind of, the most realistic and human I’ve read so far.
It gives you a grief that resonates with you, your soul, it breaks your heart and makes you cry. It takes you from the extraordinary beginning to the human ending, and it makes you believe at the end. It’s wonderful.
contrapposto by spoopyy
Summary: Ryan works in a museum. Shane doesn’t understand art. They fall in love.
Rated: T
Commentary: Listen, if you wanna die, this is ya fic. Before I read it, I kept seeing in tumblr that it was the best story in the fandom, and when I finally found it while reading all the fics, I didn’t even look at the summary, the tags, the anything, I just went directly to read it.
Boy. Did that one scene that is gonna kill you destroyed me nicely.
I’m still not over this fic and I will never be. It worked me out in ways no story had before and it made me sob like a motherfucker. Never sobbed this much while reading a fanfic before, holy shit.
we dream of storms by adenophora
Summary: Ryan has the lighthouse, and he has the sea. He’s adapted to the solitude, even if he wasn’t built for it. And then there’s Shane.
Rated: T
Commentary: Because I love suffering and being dead, this is actually one of my favorite fanfics in the fandom. If you read my comment on it, you’ll notice I spend days thinking about it and overthinking about what it meant and the imagery of it. Hell, I even though– you know, that’s a spoiler. So. Read and come talk to me about it.
Dance Till You Drop by wheezebaby
Summary: In which Shane and Ryan are 16th-century painters, and Shane has a knack for dancing.
Rated: M (But it’s actually more like T)
Commentary: Based on that one time people dance until they died, this fic explores Shane and Ryan’s relationship in a very interesting way– it’s very well written, the historic background of it it’s well done and reserched, an interesting piece to read. I second this rec.
but i’m still here, i hope you know by BooyahFordhamYacht
Summary: he always wanted to get lost in it. that deep dark sea of believing in something more. he wanted to feel the surge of the waters accepting him, wanted to understand what was so addictive about it. shane never realized the price he’d have to pay to be pulled under the surface into the cold, unforgiving roaring swells of the ocean.
AN: so i promised some commenters on for you to be happy and loved that i would write some happy shyan after that heartbreak. This… this is not that. This may actually be worse. Don’t read if you don’t feel like crying.
Title from Keaton Henson’s amazing song Alright. Go listen to it and cry if you want.
Rated: T
Commentary: This author is fantastic, they write a world you can understand and imagine in such a poetic way, you are going to be sobbing from the start to the bottom. The way they describe grief is just… Man, this is good, this is very good. Kinda not very happy with Sara, though; I feel very sorry for her in this fic. Also, of course– Major Character Death. But with an S. This doesn’t have a happy ending.
Nana by InkStainsOnMyHands
Summary: I sat with you beside your bed and criedFor things that I wish I’d said
You still had your nose red
And if I live past seventy-two, I hope I’m half as cool as you
Ryan is ready.
Rated: Not Rated (I’ll say T)
Commentary: This should be rated DEATH FOR YOU AND YOUR LOVED ONES, because is a soul-destroyer fic. Dude, the ending. Dude, be prepared.
for another life time by Hugabug
Summary: "I’m scared.“
“Never. You were always brave for the both of us.”
Rated: G
Commentary: Also known as I Love Death And Being Dead, this fic killed me in the most amazing way. It’s as sweet as it is sad at the beginning, you will love it if your thing is to hurt but always end with a big smile.
Big God by fuckcitybitch
Summary: The time comes for Shane to stop running and reap what he carelessly sewed.
Rated: T
Commentary: More than angst, this is pure horror and fear, and that’s exactly why it will destroy your soul. It has NO happy ending, Major Character Death, horror, dead babies, all you need to not sleep and cry like a baby. 
But for real, what a wonderful story. It’s so well done, so well writen. I love this author, they are one of the bests and this fic is just incredible.
Metacommunication by americanchemicals
Summary: Communication is important in any relationship. Metacommunication, or communicating about communicating, was equally as important. Because when there are misunderstandings, things quickly go downhill.
Rated: T
Commentary: Dear Lord, the angst in this one is just damn frustrating. So many things could had been avoided with better communication... and it’s so good to read... these two grown ass men being idiots in love... it hurts so much. Love this fic.
You Are on the Fastest Available Route by InkStainsOnMyHands
Summary: “It’s in the light.“
[Based on the Local 58 YouTube Series]
Rated: T
Commentary: BOY. I fell in love with this fanfic. It may seem weird for some people, it may get scary at some point (hint: it fucking is), but there’s something so incredible about it. It’s everything, I guess. This fanfic is the kind of stuff I would put my students to comment on Creative Writing Workshop, it’s THAT good.
when the tide comes by AnastasiaYu
Summary: the disappearance of ryan bergara.
Rated: T
Commentary: To quote Luke Skyalker, “this is not going to end the way you think”. This is… so sad. The ending is, wow, one of my favorites. The original ending. Althought the second ending is also good. But the first! So sad! So good!
may i say i loved you more by luntian
Summary: He felt Ryan’s warm palm on his shoulder. By then he knew he couldn’t lie anymore.“I—well, uh…” Shane inhaled deeply, “Promise me you’ll believe.
”Ryan was puzzled, but he nodded almost immediately.
After a long pause, Shane finally continued, “I’m not human.”
“What?” Ryan whispered. His eyebrows furrowed.
“Well, I was human, then—and then I died.” Ryan stared. Shane realized he was making no sense. He sighed, “Okay, listen. I am an angel.” Shane glanced at Ryan, trying to see his reaction but he saw no expression on his face. “I was sent on Earth to, uh, complete some mission.”
“You’re an alien?!”
“I’m an angel!”
Shane is an angel with a time limit. And a boyfriend.
Rated: Not Rated (T)
Commentary: Angel Shane AU that for a second seems to be all happy– then it’s not. I cried a lot.
we match by hugabug
Summary: “I love you in grey.“
Rated: G
Commentary: Now, this is pure pain. Someone dies. The other one is left old and sad. I fucking cried.
and he takes and he takes by cooliohoolio
Summary: Shane wants to say I will be dead within the next year. He wants to say the flowers in my lungs are there because of you. He wants to say I’m in love with you and it’s killing me.
Rated: Not Rated (T)
Commentary: Hanahaki is always the real deal here, it’s 100% suffering and in this fandom, it always ends sad. And ironic. This fic in particular writes the ficitonal condition as something more than it usually is, it uses it in a poetic way that allows to explore the depth of Shane’s feelings and also allows us to die a little bit more with each word. Such a great fanfic, so well writen, so well characterized, so well peppered with the best kind of angst.
I Miss You by KnittingGuru1984
Summary: Shane had never believed in the supernatural. That was Ryan’s department. When Ryan is suddenly taken from him in an accident, Shane has his life turned upside down.
Rated: G
Commentary: Oh, this one is hard to take. It’s sad, it really is. And it doesn’t end well either, it’s… also kinda scary. The ending gave me the chills because… oh God. You gotta read it, I’m not spoiling it, lol.
with shortness of breath (you explained the infinite) by hugabug
Summary: "Shane?”
“Why won’t you look at me?”
Rated: T
Commentary: Part of this series that literally estroyed my life, in this one we… we find out how those five years of Shane alone started. Man. It is freakin’ sad.
But if it’s Not Right (What Can I Do?) by InkStainsOnMyHands
Summary: Ryan Bergara, host of True Crime on Buzzfeed Radio, attracts the wrong person’s attention.
A twisted version of Pichiba’s radio!au.
Rated: T
Commentary: I LOVE FUCKED UP SHIT, and this one is one of the bests in the fandom. For real, I love this AU and I love how well Joey wrote the sick part of it all. The ending just jfbnfdinfir gave me the chills, it’s damn amazing.
Oblivion by InkStainsOnMyHands
Summary: Tragic consequences typically follow when a god falls in love with a human. Typically…
Based on the comment:“My theory is that Shane is the devil and was just super bored. Then one day he chanced upon a poor scared Ryan and thought “this is pretty fun” and now follows him to supernatural sights to have a giggle at his expense. But that’s also why they never capture anything on video, because the evil spirits and demons know Shane for who he really is and are too afraid to mess with him.”
Rated: M
Chapters: 3/3
Commentary: This fic means a lot to me. It has been one of my favorites for a long time and I feel like I’m going to love it forever. Because it has such a powerful feeling to it and the way they are characterized and put together in this fic is very unique and original, and no fic will ever top it. It deserves all the love, my man, it’s incredible.
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mireille-lisette · 7 years
The World of the Supernatural
“I can’t get away!” I yelled as I tried to get my skirt out of the branches. “Hurry up! We have to leave, now!” Philip came running back to me tried to help me. It was as if the branches were claws holding on to my flowy skirt. I was stuck really bad. “This must be his work...” I mumbled. I ripped my skirt away, leaving a piece of fabric stuck in the branch. “We have go now and run from whoever did this!”
Two days earlier
“What did you do?!” I turned around to Philip. “How could you be so stupid to do something like that without telling me?!” I slammed my fist on the desk in his room. I wasn’t just angry at him, I was furious, enraged. “Kate! I didn’t know this would happen! I just wanted to help, there is no harm in helping, is there?” He yelled back at me. We were in a fight. But with good reason, he did something incredibly stupid. “There is harm in the way you wanted to help, there always is! Next time warn me in advance.” “But can you help me out of it?” He didn’t yell this time, he sounded more desperate. “If I can help you? You know they don’t have much love for me! Do you even remember what happened three years ago?!” I turned my eyes to the wall as I remembered the horrifying images I saw back then. I used to do witchcraft, but, well, the supernatural doesn’t like me that much anymore. “You are the only one I know who can help me, please!” He let himself fall on his bed and put the little bottle on the bedside table. I sighed. “Alright, I’ll try. But promise me you’ll never ever do something like this again.” “I promise.” He tilted his head down and looked at his feet. “So, what exactly happened?” He started to tell me about the little girl down the street who was very ill. The doctors didn’t know what they could do anymore. There was one more surgery they could do, if it would work, she’d be cured completely, but the procedure wasn’t without any risks. It was a very dangerous surgery. Philip wanted to help the poor girl and remembered my books. He went to the storage unit and found a potion that could heal. He made the potion, called upon the old spirits, said the spell out loud and put three dorplets of the potion into the cookies he was baking for her. She ate the cookies and things slowly started to get better. But the minute she started to get better, a bottle started to show up around Philip. He woke up the next day with an odd little bottle on the side of his bed. There was a note with it. “Every life you save from death, must be paid with another in return.” Philip poured the potion down the sink, threw away the glass bottle and burned the little note, but that didn’t get rid of the bottle. The next day, it was next to his bed again. He got rid of it again, but that evening he encountered it in his bathroom. Again, he threw it away. The next morning it was on the bedside table, that afternoon on the kitchen counter, that evening in the bathroom, the next morning again next to his bed. He couldn’t get rid of it, it would always pop up again. That’s when he came to me. “That is the most basic rule of all, saving a life always costs another. Didn’t you know that?!” I put my hand on my face and shook my head. “I don’t do magic, or witchcraft, you know that!” “Than why did you want to cure her?!” I made angry movements with my arm. “She is a llittle girl!” I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself. It already happened, we couldn’t go back now. “Okay, there might be a way to trick the old spirits. The girl could still be saved from death, right?” I started pacing around the room, in deep thoughts. “Mhmm” He nodded. “That means she didn’t need the potion to be saved and that might make the death potion invalid.” I pointed at the little bottle on the bedside table. “But... do they like being tricked?” he asked hesitantly. “No, of course not. Why do you think they hate me so much? I got smarter than them and I don’t recommend anyone doing that. But there isn’t another way, is there?”
We arrived at the storage unit with all of my old stuff. “Wow, this is more than I thought I had...” I softly stroked my hand over the items I used to use for rituals and making potions. “Show me the book you got it from.” Philip got it out and went to the right page. “Here it is.” He handed it over to me. I let my eyes glide over the paper and immediately shook me head. “It says right here: ‘Every life you save from death, must be paid with another in return.’ You could’ve known!” These type of sentences were always writen in very small letters at the bottom of the page, but they were the most important ones. Philip didn’t even try to defend himself anymore. “Alright. So we have to let the old spirits know about the misunderstanding, that the girl wasn’t going to die.” “And how are you going to do that?” He asked. I abruptly turned around to face Philip. “How am I going to do that? How about you do it, or at least together?” I had a strict look on my face. “Kate, I am sorry. Can you please stop being so mad at me. I made a mistake, I know, please, don’t be like this all the time.” “You played with something more dangerous than death himself. I’m sorry but in that case it’s hard for me not to be furious.” He looked tortured, exactly what I wanted. I didn’t want him to do this ever again, I wanted him to be afraid even when the thought of doing this crosses his mind. “I will have to summon the old spirits, that means we have to do a ritual in the woods, it will open a kind of portal and the old spirits will come through. However, this is very dangerous and there is a chance that more will come through, that’s why we need to do another ritual, to keep the harmful creatures away. You need to do the second one, you’re not strong enough to communicate with the old spirits.” “I have to do a ritual on my own?!” Philip looked horrified. “Well yes, I can’t do two at once...” I closed the book and put it down. “You’ll be alright, it’s fairly simple. Let’s find the book for those two rituals.”
The next two days we gathered the neseccities, which were different types of spices, special stones, wooden figures and more. I had already gotten rid of a few of those things, so finding them was hard. But we got them and on the third day we were ready to go. Philip tried to get rid of the bottle a few more times, against my advice, for the old spirits would be more and more agressive the more he tried to get rid of it. But he did it anyway and he had to live with the consequence. I think they send a shadow to his house to haunt him. He told me he started hearing footsteps and breathing around his bed at night. I knew it would get worse, i’ve been there myself. After I humiliated the old spirits and avoided paying for the potions I made, they did the same to me. They wanted me to bring a sacrifice to apologize, but I didn’t. It started with footsteps and breathing around my bed at night, but it didn’t stop there. Sometimes I would see eyes outside of my house with a shadow around it. The more nights passed, the closer it got, untill it was just outside my window. I still refused making the sacrifice, so the creature with the red glowing eyes got a mouth, a dangerous grin, with long, sharp teeth. Suddenly it appeared in front of my window, inside. Every night it got closer and closer. Untill one night I woke up with a warm breath on my face. I opened my eyes and looked straight into the red glowing eyes of the grinning creature. I know it could’ve gotten even worse, if I didn’t decide to give the sacrifice immediately. Though again, I got away with sacrificing a frog instead of a pregnant rabbit. They didn’t send the grinning shadow creature over to me anymore, but the did still send other spirits to haunt my place. I had learned to live with it. However, Philip couldn’t. He wasn’t strong enough for such a presence. He was terrified for the footsteps only, but it would get way worse. He would become insane if they wanted to haunt him any more than this already. He didn’t know much of the world of the supernatural, of spirits and magic. He basically knew nothing. He was my little brother, I never wanted him to get involved into my practices. Obviously he knew about what I did, but I never told anyone too much. I always warned them. But Philip, well, he was scared but also very stubborn.
We arrived at the place I used to do all of my rituals and sacrifices. It was a big forest with high trees. I explained one last time what Philip had to do. It was simpel, he had to say one sentence over and over again, while making certain movements with his arms and sprinkling a mixture of spices on the cross I made in the dirt for the ritual I was going to do. I put the things down, sat down, said a few words in another language, closed my eyes for a minute and got up again. That’s when I started to open the gate for the old spirits to come through. I had talked to them a few times before, but it was never pleasant. They were extremely strong and disliked humans, me in particular, so this time wouldn’t be anymore pleasant. I looked up at the sky. “Come though, my friends, Old Spirits of the world and above, please come and talk to me.” I waited a few seconds and repeated it, untill I saw a faint purple glow. “Please tell me, my friends, dear Old Spirits, if you would forgive my brother for his ignorance.” I felt a light touch on my right hand, making it tingle, then a warm feeling went through my arm. “They forgive you.” I whispered to Philip, who was walking around me, sprinkling his spices. “My friends, Old Spirits, we are here to tell you about a misunderstanding.” The faint purple glow turned darker and made angry movements trough the air around us. It wasn’t happy about this. “The girl whose life has been saved, wasn’t dying, so giving a life in return would be unfair.” I still had my head up in the sky, I probably looked confident, but inside I was afraid, very afraid of what the old spirits had to say about that. The purple glow turned lighter again, almost invisible, but than immensly dark, alsmost black, making shapes of the spirits themselves. The oldest of three, a spirit that resembled a man, came forward. He looked angry, but calm. His white eyes were pointed at me and he slowly came towards me. “Again” I heard, it echoed through my head, I don’t think Philip could hear it. “We will need to bring sickness to one healthy life.” The dark glow came closer and closer and the words still echoed through my head. Philip stopped his ritual and stared at the dark purple being in front of me. That’s when we heard a low growl that made the old spirit look up. He turned around at Philip, who looked around  to see where it came from. The old spirit pointed at Philips hand with the spices and then disappeared. But that wasn’t the end of it. With his disappearance, another appeared. The growling got louder and louder and I wanted to scream at Philip that he had to continue his ritual, but that would take more time than closing my ritual. I got down on my knees and mumbled the words, making hand gestures again and the faint purple light disappeard, but the growling didn’t. It has already passed through. “Philip, you had one job!” “I- I am sorry, I really am! I thought he was going to hurt you!” His eyes shot all the way around him to find the creature who growled. “He couldn’t. I did the ritual properly, he couldn’t hurt me.” I quickly gathered my things and put them in the bag. “But we have to go, right now!”And that is were we are, fleeing from whatever it was that got out, my skirt got stuck and we have to leave as soon as we can. I pulled the last branch away, and it took way more force then it should have taken. This was done by something more powerful than a simple bush. “Philip, you have brought something way more powerful than you can imagine!” “Please just stop that and run!” We managed to get out of the forest and to the side of the road where the car was waiting for us. I put my hands against the car to rest and get my heavy breathing under control. “Why are you stopping now? We need to go!” Philip still sounded stressed, but I wasn’t. “Calm down”, I said, you almost couldn’t hear it under my breathing. “It isn’t here.” I opened the door of the car and dropped down on the chair. I hadn’t run that much since high school. “But... It was behind us just now, how is it not here, I thought it was after us.” I took a deep breath and decided to explain a lot to Philip. He didn’t know anything, but that he got himself into all of this, he should know a lot more. “Philip, listen. I am going to explain a few things to you. The footsteps and breathing around your bed, that was caused by the old spirits, they rule the world of the supernatural. They are by far the most powerful beings, but there are others, who are also very powerful. All are not of flesh and blood, however they can appear as if they are. The old spirits send a shadow to you, they will be wherever you are at night. They will scare you, but won’t harm you, yet. You tried to get rid of something  that had to happen, you had to pay a life. It’s like...” I paused for a moment to think. “Homework. You don’t want to do your homework, but you have to. You can’t just throw it away and expect it to be done. Your teacher would give it again for you to do it.” I saw Philips face change a little, he was starting to understand it. “The shadow would get worse and worse if you were to continue throwing it away. Believe me, it would be terrifying, I’ve seen it myself. Normal people, who don’t know much about it, would be terrified for life. Those shadows can’t hurt you though, until they get orders from whoever sent them, in this case the old spirits.” Philip nodded slowly. “Are you still following?” “Yes, it makes more sense than it did yesterday, but it’s a lot to remember.” “Good. We will move on to the rituals and sacrifices. To keep the old spirits happy, you need to bring sacrifices, that’s what I had to do three years ago to stop the hauntings. Though, I didn’t do it properly, so the footsteps on the stairs, faint whispers and things moving won’t ever stop, but that’s okay, because it isn’t harmful. The rituals are for making potion, to curse people, to talk to spirits or to open a thing that’s like a portal to talk to the old spirits. That’s the only way to communicate with them. That’s what we just did. I talked to one of the old spirits, he wasn’t happy, but again, he couldn’t hurt me. And now, because you didn’t keep on doing your ritual”, I tried really hard not to sound like I was accusing him, but I probably still did, “something else came through and it is out there. It can’t leave the woods though. Those kind of rituals have to be done in the forest and that’s why he can’t leave. But this creature is harmful, because it’s here with us, it might even be of flesh and blood. It will feed of fear and the blood of the weak, literally.” I shiver went through the spine of Philip. “It eats animals and... humans?” “Yes, it does. Though, they like fear more, so if you are scared and he is nearby, there is a chance that he’ll drink up your energie -not literally- that leaves you unable to feel any emotion and to walk away. That’s why it’s so dangerous.” “And you didn’t tell me all of this earlier, because...?” Philip was standing in front of me and didn’t look too happy about me not telling him before. “Well”, I paused again. “You know... Knowing these things does invite more activity in your life. Your life will probably never be the same anymore. You’re my little brother, I didn’t want you to live with this.” “Oh...” He didn’t know what to think of this. “And what did the old spirits say?” “They agreed, but still want to turn a healthy life into an ill one, to keep the balance. But no one will die.” Philip sighed relieved. “That’s a lot better. Still awful, but better. Thank you.” He smiled a little. “But that being is still out there.” “Yes, we have to go back to my books to find a way to get him back to where he belongs. We can’t keep him here, it would become a problem for people hiking out here.”
Two days later we returned to the same forest. This time I explained more about what we had to do. It was another ritual, which was quite easy, but the song I we had to sing to make the being drowsy, wasn’t as easy. It was in a foreign language, I spoke the language a little, but Philip didn’t. “Slaap zacht, klein monster, rust je hoofd in de wolken, reis af naar de wereld waar dromen werkelijkheid zijn. Slaap zacht, klein monster, ga fijn naar bed, zachte dekens zullen je omringen en warmte staat bij je.” It took a whole day for Philip to learn it, he had to say it all day long, trying not to forget it. It was a lullaby, telling the ‘little monster’ to sleep tight, go to the world of dreams and to bed where blankets and warmth will be with him. This usually worked to make being drowsy, but not always. If it didn’t work, he’d know what we were trying to do and he’d be enraged. “Are you ready?” I asked him. I put some items down in a certain pattern and sat down on my knees. Philip got down right across from me on the other side of the cross shape in front of me. “I hope I am, I don’t know if I’ll get the words right.” He looked nervous. “It’s okay, I’ll sing a little louder, you can follow me. And you did pretty well when we were rehearsing it. Don’t worry about it.” “If you say so... I still don’t have a good feeling about this.” He put one hand on his belly. “Me neither. But we don’t have a choice, do we?” I stretched my arms out so Philip could hold my hands. Than I started singing. “Slaap zacht, klein monster...” I heard the growling coming closer and closer, my heart was beating fast, but I didn’t stop singing. “Rust je hoofd in de wolken” I heard the footsteps of the being coming closer and closer. Philips muscles tensed up, his hand were squeezing mine, but we had to keep our eyes closed. After singing it three times, we both stopped. I had to open the portal, so I said another verse. I felt a cold breeze with a strange feeling, it worked. I started singing the lullaby again. If everything would go well, the being would hop back to where he came from. “Slaap zacht, klein monster”, we sang, once, twice, we started it a third time again. The growling became louder and louder, the being came closer and closer. I felt warm, damp air in my neck. It was right behind me. “Ga fijn naar bed.” He still growled, he wasn’t drowsy.  The growling became louder en he became more angry. My eyes shot open, Philip was staring with wide open, scared eyes at what was behind me. He wasn’t drowsy. I felt his mouth open, more of his warm breath touched my neck. It sounded like a lion was roaring right beside me. I wanted to cover my ears, but Philip was still holding on tight. And that’s when I felt a pain in my nek and forhead, the sharp teeth pierced through my skin and it was the end. I left my body, I saw my own, lifeless body laying on the ground, blood was all over my face, I was beyond recognition. It attacked Philip too. And that’s when other spirits dragged me into eternal darkness. I made a mistake, I played with the supernatural.
0 notes
ejlapple-blog · 7 years
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Note: My Father God Holy Spirit told me HE or "HIM" used for common gender male and female.. Mary is a Common name too thats why many of woman before named marry.. ...and told me everything happens for a reasons and part of a test.. But ..for me wether its a Test or not.. People understand me or not. .. People called me insane because of their ignorance of the Bible , still i wanna share the truth to everyone.. I knew it because i lived it and i experienced it because it is my life story... I am carried along with my Father .. Who can help Him as his Voice or Speaker to the people on his behalf? .. only me.. As it is written in the Holy Scripture Only the last true prophets of God can reveal everything on the last days. His last true prophets is his WORD .. Life story written in his Own Book. His begotten Son Jesus Christ and I am the Word of God. The Widow, the Princess, Noah Gods gives rain for 40 days because all through his life he did not experience any rain.. Moses 40 days devided the sea.. David the watchman shephered of His Father trained in the field for 40 years by his own Father and killed goliat the big Giant satan using his two edged sharpened sword by Him and His Father The sling band with stone and hit the forehead of goliat and his sword is THE WORD OF GOD. The life of Jacob, The Faithful friend of God Abraham sacrificed and followed God commanded unto him to killed his only Son as a test but when God saw Abraham faithfullness he stopped abraham -- -Killed means left or abandoned --- Spiritual Parable Words. ---- Son here means His Husband or love one that longing for his life . . parable words. As it is written Abraham waited for A son for so long but when he had God ask him to offered and sacrificed unto Him. But when God saw the Faithfullness of Abraham he stopped Abraham and instead replaced it a white sheep as offering unto Him. ... And God promisED him and to sarai to give a child name immanuEL to be a king of israEL the apple of the eye of God. To be a ruler of the nations , The Life of David and Jonathan the best friends or lovers , Jonah who first hide God and refused to followed God first but later Obeyed God, The Elijah the Prophets passed to Elisha and then Last to The Son of God Jesus Christ tempted by satan in the wilderness to saves the WORLD. To become a Victim, Turn into Victory , Mess, Turn into Message, Trial turn into Triumph at the end. The Word of God. The widow giver and merciful specially to the poor , and to God as tithes and offerings. The princess of God sufferred and sorrow all days of his life without anyone not even one knows. Everything in her she's hidden .. Closed the door when cried and prayed to God. But she smiled to everyone when thy look at her like as if nothing happened and everything was okay.. . . and so no body knows how sad she was all of the days in her life.. But his image all are written in the book "the WORD of GOD " The Virteous woman" the Godly woman , the God fearing woman that no one not even one noticed and recognized her..looking for LOVE.. all kinds of LOVE that she did not experienced too all the days of her life.. Even from my Father God .. But when he revealed to me everything i immidiately understand him because it is needed to fullfill the prophecy or to fullfill all his words.. . as it is written " Heaven and Earth will passed away but my words wil never passed away ... And i love him so much that eversince whats happened to my life i never blamed him and questions to him .. I was just saying that it is my destiny i have to accept it and hand over everything to God .. I did not confronting anyone . people whom i knew back bited and insulted me.. For me its its just a wasting of time .. I have so many things to do which is very important... i did not know that i have a mission .. I thought people will not know forever how kind and good i am i did not know that all of my life are written at my Father God's book. The Holy Scripture. I laid down my life immidiately and followed him .. How i refused him? I knew hes talking to me i knew the miracles and rediculous experienced in life .. I fullfilled all his words so how i will not follow Him? To people whom i knew mistreated and backbited and did not understand me all the days of my life or to my Father God and to my Words which is written in the Book of God.? If you wanna know me.. read the Bible and thats the story of God became flesh. To saves people from the hands of satan.. And thats my... STORY...... Fullfilled all his words that no one recognized and noticed me even my own family and relatives . . How good i am how talented and how kind and helpful.. How merciful specially to the poor.. No one not one. Instead all of my sorrow and sufferings started from them. The life of Adam and Eve the sins are not from them actually its from their own parents and thats the truth and reality only satans teaching false and confused people. On this generation adam and eve will exist .and God will blessed them and be the head of all And dominion of all living.. I am the head and not the tail. That is according to my Father God. Numbers 23: 19- God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good? 20 - Behold, I have received commandment to bless: and he hath blessed; and I cannot reverse it. 21 - He hath not beheld iniquity in Jacob, neither hath he seen perverseness in Israel: the LORD his God is with him, and the shout of a king is among them. Believers understand what i am talking about. . and you are lucky to keep my words and follow my instructions to pray wholeheartedly and sincerely and invitE humbly the Holy Spirit to dwell into your heart to lead you into the truth and be a righteous man the image of GOD. To save people from false teaching and to bring them into the truth the proper way of worshipping and belief.. To have PEACE, UNITY ONE "FAITH" WORLDWIDE and EVERLASTING LIFE AND JOY.. Since before , since i was a child , i knew that people thinks of me was just a temporary .. Because i knew myself that i was/am a good person At the end of the day truth will triumph all over the UNIVERSE. so i won't bother what people say and think about me.. Specially now i know that i am the SEED of the WOMAN with ENMITY of them.. As it is writen in te Holy Bible. . . That is why people did all of these to me: Unrighteous: Unfaithful Deceitful Thief Telling false or lies Believing lies Judgmental Carnal Mind Hated a person without a cause or reasons Ungrateful Greediness Money lover Love the world instead of the next life in heaven Hypocrites Hypride Backbiter Hate people without reasons Predicted life of others Judging by appearance not the heart or goodness of the person And etc etc ... Before my Father revealed unto me my own mission in life here on Earth for 40 years . He first called the other remnant or his Children with the name on their forehead CHILDREN OF GOD the 144, 000 Jews from other lands.. And they are my desciples helped me preached all over the world to wittness by many nations.. Thats why now floods of evidence in the internet if you only follow and wants to know the full truth nothing but the whole truth for your own SOUL SALVATION. The secret for truth is PRAYER .. THE ONE AND ONLY CONNECTION WITH OUR FATHER GOD . WORSHIP AND PRAY ONLY IN SPIRIT AS GOD IS SPIRIT. Jesus the Son of God became Son of Man. To enable Son of man become Son of God. To bring the True Gospel to the people. To save the World from satan teachings. And adopted image or characteristics of satan by applying his image. To bring people into righteous the image of God. Jesus died on the cross by sacrificing his life for 40 years walking on Eart tempted by satans. Children of satans the seeds. Of serpents abused, greed, decieted, backbited and tellin false story about her.. thief, etc. Unto him . He died on the cross by sacrificing and letting people or shoulders all their sins .. By letting serpents children did these all things unto her without confronting them. He is the seed of the woman that defeated the devil with enmity of devils children. He is the light of the world.. But because of enmity betweeen seeds of serpents and her, darkness did not recognized lights. He came down on earth to saves the children of serpents and allowing them to be a childrens of his Father God . only if they are willing to repent their sins and Worship only in Spirit as God is Spirit. And also willing to become the image of God and remove the image of satan which is unrighteousness. Unrighteous: Unfaithful Deceitful Thief Telling false or lies Believing lies Judgmental Carnal Mind Hated a person without a cause Ungrateful Greediness Money lover Love the world instead of the next life in heaven Hypocrites Hypride Backbiter Hate people without reasons Predicted life of others Judging by appearance not the heart or goodness of the person And etc etc ... Jesus Christ He is LOOKING FOR LOVE but because of the enmity the stone hearts did not recogjnized the PURE HEART. Whiter as Snow the The Heart of God. He is the only Hope to the world. To have PEACE LOVE , UNITY WORLDWIDE. HE IS THE ONLY PRINCESS OF GOD. Born as Flesh by Holy Spirit. God knitted her since her Mother wombs. He came to the world through his mother but breathed directly of His Father God. He is Holy Spirit Became flesh to saves the whole world from satan hands. God is Holy Spirit.,. He was born in Holy Spirit. His life: MESS -TURN INTO MESSAGE TEST- TURN INTO TESTIMONY TRIAL - TURNS INTO TRIUMPH VICTIM - TURNS INTO VICTORY HE IS THE HIGH PRIEST AND THE WORD OF GOD Means His Whole life story written in the Bible. Included his true images which darkness did not noticed it. His FULL NAME IS: JESUS CHRIST FOR MORE INFO AND SATISFACTIONS EVIDENCE READ THE HOLY BIBLE. Recommended Version .. KING JAMES VERSIONS.. And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come. Matthew 24:14
0 notes
ejlapple-blog · 7 years
Tumblr media
Note: My Father God Holy Spirit told me HE or "HIM" used for common gender male and female.. Mary is a Common name too thats why many of woman before named marry.. ...and told me everything happens for a reasons and part of a test.. But ..for me wether its a Test or not.. People understand me or not. .. People called me insane because of their ignorance of the Bible , still i wanna share the truth to everyone.. I knew it because i lived it and i experienced it because it is my life story... I am carried along with my Father .. Who can help Him as his Voice or Speaker to the people on his behalf? .. only me.. As it is written in the Holy Scripture Only the last true prophets of God can reveal everything on the last days. His last true prophets is his WORD .. Life story written in his Own Book. His begotten Son Jesus Christ and I am the Word of God. The Widow, the Princess, Noah Gods gives rain for 40 days because all through his life he did not experience any rain.. Moses 40 days devided the sea.. David the watchman shephered of His Father trained in the field for 40 years by his own Father and killed goliat the big Giant satan using his two edged sharpened sword by Him and His Father The sling band with stone and hit the forehead of goliat and his sword is THE WORD OF GOD. The life of Jacob, The Faithful friend of God Abraham sacrificed and followed God commanded unto him to killed his only Son as a test but when God saw Abraham faithfullness he stopped abraham -- -Killed means left or abandoned --- Spiritual Parable Words. ---- Son here means His Husband or love one that longing for his life . . parable words. As it is written Abraham waited for A son for so long but when he had God ask him to offered and sacrificed unto Him. But when God saw the Faithfullness of Abraham he stopped Abraham and instead replaced it a white sheep as offering unto Him. ... And God promisED him and to sarai to give a child name immanuEL to be a king of israEL the apple of the eye of God. To be a ruler of the nations , The Life of David and Jonathan the best friends or lovers , Jonah who first hide God and refused to followed God first but later Obeyed God, The Elijah the Prophets passed to Elisha and then Last to The Son of God Jesus Christ tempted by satan in the wilderness to saves the WORLD. To become a Victim, Turn into Victory , Mess, Turn into Message, Trial turn into Triumph at the end. The Word of God. The widow giver and merciful specially to the poor , and to God as tithes and offerings. The princess of God sufferred and sorrow all days of his life without anyone not even one knows. Everything in her she's hidden .. Closed the door when cried and prayed to God. But she smiled to everyone when thy look at her like as if nothing happened and everything was okay.. . . and so no body knows how sad she was all of the days in her life.. But his image all are written in the book "the WORD of GOD " The Virteous woman" the Godly woman , the God fearing woman that no one not even one noticed and recognized her..looking for LOVE.. all kinds of LOVE that she did not experienced too all the days of her life.. Even from my Father God .. But when he revealed to me everything i immidiately understand him because it is needed to fullfill the prophecy or to fullfill all his words.. . as it is written " Heaven and Earth will passed away but my words wil never passed away ... And i love him so much that eversince whats happened to my life i never blamed him and questions to him .. I was just saying that it is my destiny i have to accept it and hand over everything to God .. I did not confronting anyone . people whom i knew back bited and insulted me.. For me its its just a wasting of time .. I have so many things to do which is very important... i did not know that i have a mission .. I thought people will not know forever how kind and good i am i did not know that all of my life are written at my Father God's book. The Holy Scripture. I laid down my life immidiately and followed him .. How i refused him? I knew hes talking to me i knew the miracles and rediculous experienced in life .. I fullfilled all his words so how i will not follow Him? To people whom i knew mistreated and backbited and did not understand me all the days of my life or to my Father God and to my Words which is written in the Book of God.? If you wanna know me.. read the Bible and thats the story of God became flesh. To saves people from the hands of satan.. And thats my... STORY...... Fullfilled all his words that no one recognized and noticed me even my own family and relatives . . How good i am how talented and how kind and helpful.. How merciful specially to the poor.. No one not one. Instead all of my sorrow and sufferings started from them. The life of Adam and Eve the sins are not from them actually its from their own parents and thats the truth and reality only satans teaching false and confused people. On this generation adam and eve will exist .and God will blessed them and be the head of all And dominion of all living.. I am the head and not the tail. That is according to my Father God. Numbers 23: 19- God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good? 20 - Behold, I have received commandment to bless: and he hath blessed; and I cannot reverse it. 21 - He hath not beheld iniquity in Jacob, neither hath he seen perverseness in Israel: the LORD his God is with him, and the shout of a king is among them. Believers understand what i am talking about. . and you are lucky to keep my words and follow my instructions to pray wholeheartedly and sincerely and invitE humbly the Holy Spirit to dwell into your heart to lead you into the truth and be a righteous man the image of GOD. To save people from false teaching and to bring them into the truth the proper way of worshipping and belief.. To have PEACE, UNITY ONE "FAITH" WORLDWIDE and EVERLASTING LIFE AND JOY.. Since before , since i was a child , i knew that people thinks of me was just a temporary .. Because i knew myself that i was/am a good person At the end of the day truth will triumph all over the UNIVERSE. so i won't bother what people say and think about me.. Specially now i know that i am the SEED of the WOMAN with ENMITY of them.. As it is writen in te Holy Bible. . . That is why people did all of these to me: Unrighteous: Unfaithful Deceitful Thief Telling false or lies Believing lies Judgmental Carnal Mind Hated a person without a cause or reasons Ungrateful Greediness Money lover Love the world instead of the next life in heaven Hypocrites Hypride Backbiter Hate people without reasons Predicted life of others Judging by appearance not the heart or goodness of the person And etc etc ... Before my Father revealed unto me my own mission in life here on Earth for 40 years . He first called the other remnant or his Children with the name on their forehead CHILDREN OF GOD the 144, 000 Jews from other lands.. And they are my desciples helped me preached all over the world to wittness by many nations.. Thats why now floods of evidence in the internet if you only follow and wants to know the full truth nothing but the whole truth for your own SOUL SALVATION. The secret for truth is PRAYER .. THE ONE AND ONLY CONNECTION WITH OUR FATHER GOD . WORSHIP AND PRAY ONLY IN SPIRIT AS GOD IS SPIRIT. Jesus the Son of God became Son of Man. To enable Son of man become Son of God. To bring the True Gospel to the people. To save the World from satan teachings. And adopted image or characteristics of satan by applying his image. To bring people into righteous the image of God. Jesus died on the cross by sacrificing his life for 40 years walking on Eart tempted by satans. Children of satans the seeds. Of serpents abused, greed, decieted, backbited and tellin false story about her.. thief, etc. Unto him . He died on the cross by sacrificing and letting people or shoulders all their sins .. By letting serpents children did these all things unto her without confronting them. He is the seed of the woman that defeated the devil with enmity of devils children. He is the light of the world.. But because of enmity betweeen seeds of serpents and her, darkness did not recognized lights. He came down on earth to saves the children of serpents and allowing them to be a childrens of his Father God . only if they are willing to repent their sins and Worship only in Spirit as God is Spirit. And also willing to become the image of God and remove the image of satan which is unrighteousness. Unrighteous: Unfaithful Deceitful Thief Telling false or lies Believing lies Judgmental Carnal Mind Hated a person without a cause Ungrateful Greediness Money lover Love the world instead of the next life in heaven Hypocrites Hypride Backbiter Hate people without reasons Predicted life of others Judging by appearance not the heart or goodness of the person And etc etc ... Jesus Christ He is LOOKING FOR LOVE but because of the enmity the stone hearts did not recogjnized the PURE HEART. Whiter as Snow the The Heart of God. He is the only Hope to the world. To have PEACE LOVE , UNITY WORLDWIDE. HE IS THE ONLY PRINCESS OF GOD. Born as Flesh by Holy Spirit. God knitted her since her Mother wombs. He came to the world through his mother but breathed directly of His Father God. He is Holy Spirit Became flesh to saves the whole world from satan hands. God is Holy Spirit.,. He was born in Holy Spirit. His life: MESS -TURN INTO MESSAGE TEST- TURN INTO TESTIMONY TRIAL - TURNS INTO TRIUMPH VICTIM - TURNS INTO VICTORY HE IS THE HIGH PRIEST AND THE WORD OF GOD Means His Whole life story written in the Bible. Included his true images which darkness did not noticed it. His FULL NAME IS: JESUS CHRIST FOR MORE INFO AND SATISFACTIONS EVIDENCE READ THE HOLY BIBLE. Recommended Version .. KING JAMES VERSIONS.. And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come. Matthew 24:14
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