#Formaggio: oh word move over
Risotto plays Spider Solitaire and Minesweeper on the shitty pc he has in his office when he’s tired of filling out paperwork and files
Formaggio: I have the files you- what are you doing
Risotto: uh
Risotto: *closing the solitaire tab* watching porn
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leezlelatch · 2 years
Copia x Female Reader: How You Came to Co-Parent a Rat.
Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV | Part V | Part VI
The Ministry is silent. Brothers and Sisters of Sin are tucked away in their beds, someone else’s bed, or quiet corners of darkened hallways in breathless contemplation of their Dark Lord.
The same cannot be said of the upper clergy.
Cardinal Copia, swathed in red, kneels on the floor of the kitchens, shuffling forward every few moments to peek under a chair, a table, a cabinet. His gloved hand holds a blueberry aloft while the other aids in his shuffle across the stone floor.
“Where are you piccolo topo?” He coos, holding the blueberry out as if the small creature could see it. “Look what I have for you, huh?”
Earlier, the Cardinal had overheard one of the sisters who works the kitchen complain about an unwelcome guest, and fearful of his unmet friend’s fate, set out to catch and keep safe a being so many would be quick to cast out.
“I merely wish for your safety,” Copia continues. “I have many friends who would be very happy to meet you. And if you are the free spirited type, I can take you somewhere -.”
“Who are you talking to?” You inquire, having entered the kitchen for a late night snack only to see your superior’s back end sticking out from behind the kitchen island.
Copia shoots up like a rocket, hitting his head on a small overhanging piece of countertop. He hisses and hops around for a moment before meeting your eye and groaning, leaning down to rest his forehead on the countertop that had previously offended him.
“I’m sorry,” you begin hurriedly, moving toward the man who had managed to become eerily still. “I heard talking and…”
The Cardinal lifts his head and meets your eyes again, the white of his left eye vibrant beside the burning red of his cheeks. He sighs and picks up his biretta which sits on the counter.
“I might have spared myself the headache if I had kept this on,” he jokes softy, tilting the hat toward you before placing it on his head.
He steps back, his hands working furiously together as you observe each other. It appears he’s hyper aware that he hasn’t given you a proper answer as to why he was on the floor, and it’s distressing him.
You take this almost painful silence to admire Cardinal Copia. He is so very much older than you, although there is a youthful boyishness to his expression. His eyes are innocent, wide, worried even surrounded by the black of his paints. A stately nose defines a face covered in freckles and lines that you know have a story. His hair is graying more everyday, but you enjoy the slicked back look that curls slightly at the neck. His bottom lip is full and pouty, accompanied by the thinner black lined lip above it. He can look very harsh in some light, vampiric when he struts about in that cape he wears at Rituals, but you find his unique features incredibly charming, and head tilted as his was now, gazing across at you as if preparing to be scolded, you find him very handsome indeed.
“I was getting a snack,” you point at one of the three fridges that line the wall. “Would you like anything?” Your eyes stray to the blueberry he still clutches between thumb and forefinger.
Placing the berry gingerly on the counter, Copia says, “Oh! I, eh, yes! Or no, I-.” He clicks his tongue and looks off to the side. “I will have something if you are. Kitchens are for eating, are they not?” He chuckles, but grimaces as it trails off into a strange hum.
You smile at him, and watch as his cheeks tinge pink again. Turning toward the fridge of your choice, you pull out a small wedge of cheese and carry it to the island, dragging over a loaf of bread that sits nearby before rummaging through a drawer for a knife.
As you turn back around, you notice the Cardinal giggling softly at the cheese.
“If you’d like something else…” You trail off.
Startled, Copia reaches out his hands toward you placatingly, waving them as if he were waving away your words.
“No, no! Formaggio e pane is very good. Very good. I, eh…maybe too good?”
Raising your eyebrows in response, Copia backs up a step from the counter, mouth opening as if to say something before snapping closed. His eyes take a quick glance around the kitchen floor before he addresses you again.
“I was just thinking it may aid me in finding my little friend,” he finally says as if he was confessing to murder.
Blinking a few times, you let his words sink in. Copia looks incredibly nervous, and you’re suddenly struck by the thought that telling someone, in a kitchen, who is about to eat, that there’s a potential rat, would likely not go over well with most people. And then there’s Copia himself. So ready to be rejected.
You weren’t blind. You’ve heard the hateful comments your peers have made about the “Rat Man.” You find it incredibly strange that anyone here would dare judge another for their preference of pet. Who has the time of day to be that negative? The Cardinal is kind, quiet, silly, yet commands an audience like no other.
It is your turn to blush as you think about the last Ritual you attended. You’ve hardly recovered from the Mummy Thrust.
“You’re looking for a rat? Can I help you?” You say.
Copia’s expression shatters before pausing and rearranging itself into confused shock. He gazes at you in wonderment, awe radiating from his body. He watches with ever widening eyes as you slice off a piece of cheese.
“Would they like the cheese? Shall I place it somewhere strategic?” You continue.
Copia suddenly claps his hands together, an excited smile overtaking his features. He rounds the island quickly, red cassock swooshing around his legs as he begins to rattle off where he thinks the little thing could be hiding, what he’s tried so far, and what he’d like to try next.
You feel yourself grinning along with him, watching the animated man with a warmth in your chest. He is utterly adorable.
Your battle plans are abruptly cut off when you both hear, to your horror, a snap and a squeal. Copia looks like he’s been punched in the gut as he turns quickly and shoves a box of potatoes out of the way of the wall where a trap had been laid and is now host to a very large, very afraid rat.
“No,” Copia breaths in horror as he quickly drops to his knees beside the rat who frantically tugs at his injured leg caught in the grips of the trap. “You will hurt yourself further!” He cries out, as if the rat would understand him and stop its desperate struggle between life and death.
You drop beside him, and grab his arm, the touch startling him. He looks at you, eyes glistening, expression twisted in fear.
“What can I do?” You say simply.
Swallowing hard, Copia nods and looks back at the trap, his eyes moving rapidly along the spring mechanism and the poor thing writhing in pain.
“Okay, Sister. I am going to grab there, you will lift the spring very, very carefully, and I will pull him out, si? Bene?” He sounds very different now, his voice calm and firm, much like he sounds at mass.
“Yes, Cardinal.”
Working together, you manage to release the troubled creature who appears to sag gratefully in Copia grip as he handles the rat with care, avoiding his mouth in case he bites. His leg is very injured, and Copia tuts softly, lower lip trembling as he examines it. Reaching out a hand, he pulls over a small cage that you hadn’t noticed sitting on the floor, ever so carefully putting the rat inside.
“Can we do something?” You ask quietly.
To your surprise, Copia nods, meeting your eyes.
“He may not enjoy it, but I’m afraid my not-very-little-at-all topo will be spending a bit of time in the infirmary.”
“The rat infirmary?” You tease softly.
A smile twitches at Copia’s lips as he nods seriously, “The very best.”
“I want to help, if I can.”
Copia looks at you with surprise. He’s rubbing his hands on his thighs as you both continue to kneel on the floor, that nervousness creeping back in now that the adrenaline was leaving his body.
“Sister, you have done,” he breaths out a shaky breath. “More than enough. I thank you.”
“I want to help him, it’s just…” you sigh, exasperated. “I don’t understand why we have to treat things we don’t understand with such contempt. He came inside because he was hungry, or cold, and…”
You glance up at the Cardinal as you trail off, your lips parting softly as you take in the incredibly tender expression he’s giving you. His heart is fit to burst as he reaches out hands to take yours. It’s not like he hasn’t noticed you before, in the library, at mass, but as first impressions go, he’s right about you. He’s drawn to your kindness like a moth to a flame. Yes, he’d like you to help because it means another chance to get to know you.
“Well then, Sister, I think our grande topo needs a name, si? Something we will likely say in exasperation over the many weeks of his recovery,” Copia laughs.
You giggle, watching the man you suddenly realize has become your friend light up at your laughter. Looking about for a moment, you glance down at cage, and then across the kitchen, your eyes alighting on something across the room.
“How about…Portobello.”
Squeezing your hands with mirth, Copia grins at you, “Perfetto.”
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minty-mouths · 1 year
G/t, ft. Melone, slight mentions of death
Length: ~800 words
You were not a very good Borrower. With no light you were unable to guess where exactly in the room you were right now. For the life of it, you couldn't locate a wall by touch, it was like a maze of wooden monoliths. It now occurred to you that scavenging in a new environment at night was stupid. It would be a good idea to at least rest underneath some furniture or something, and wait until sunrise.
Yeah sounds reasonable. While having lost your way in the darkness completely, you find a warm crevice, a soft fabric you assume. You crawl in underneath, getting nestled in, feeling safe in your little spot, it smelled so nice….
You do not remember falling asleep, but when you wake, it is not by sunlight, no. Everything is moving around you, trapping you in the shifting midst of it all. You are still wrapped up in the soft cloth, being lifted along with it.
 Vertigo gnaws at you as you feel being lifted up quite high, your stomach dropping. You can't see anything through the material disorienting you even more.
You wondered what was happening, and whether you have been noticed yet. Your breath quickened.
You are helpless to do anything as you sway along. 
Suddenly something was rummaging ruffling around, it felt like something was snaking in from an opening above, or what you assumed to be above, where light seeped in, as the material tugged around you. Welp you definitely were trapped now. 
Something large. It briefly brushed against you as the movement around you stopped. You froze at the sudden touch.
Whoever was holding you must have noticed something amiss. You didn't know whether this was a thing to be glad about. As the digit probed, you had no way to move out of the way.
You were stuck in a narrow pipe of cloth. You were squeezed at your sides from an outside force, probably a human feeling around for you, gauging the foreign form. The firm regular pressure was enough to still your movement, lest you get pinched, or crushed.
Melone wondered what the hell was in his glove. It could not be some stray earring or anything, this was warm and not at all metallic. At least it was somewhat light. Melone huffed, hoping this to better not be a prank from Illuso or Formaggio. He frowned remembering them pouring slime in his clothes, it took forever to get the stains out. He rubbed his temple tired this early in the morning.
Melone shook the glove lightly holding his other clothed hand underneath the opening urging the intruder out.
It seemed to be stubbornly stuck however and he sighed, as he carefully squeezed whatever was stuck in one of the fingers forward.
He heard something, a quiet yelp as something light dropped into his clothed palm. And it moved. Oh. It was… a tiny person. Curious. He read about tiny folk before. Holding one however was an experience he could not vividly imagine like this! One drop could prove fatal, and they could disappear within a closed palm with no difficulty… How do they survive?
 Your back landed on something soft knocking the wind out of your lungs, as you had to crane your neck all the way to see the purple hair framing a large face, looming way above you. Their cold eyes absorbed every little movement you made at once.
He glanced over the skittish thing, fitting snugly in his palm, watching as you scrambled for purchase on the squishy surface. Traversing was difficult. Not that escape would be possible anyway. Your ground shifted, almost testingly until you had to cling to his pointer for a grip.
 At least they seemed comfortable on his fabric before, how else would they have been resting in his handwear?
Melone smiled a little. He could feel every little movement, adjusting his loose but precise grip,  reading your body language like a book. Were you afraid? Curious? Overstimulated? Oh how curious he was to study you.
“How cute…” He licked his lips. The hand not occupied with cupping you loosely, produced some kind of computer. Which he propped up on his knee.
“I'm sure you wouldn't mind a few questions would you?”
The deep smooth voice rumbled through your bones, your mind barely having time to catch up on what he was saying.
He didn't seem that tired anymore…
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ravenzeppeli · 3 months
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Chapter 2- The Eavesdropping Blues |La Squadra x Reader|
Warning: implied sex, strong language, threats. MA.
Formaggios POV
"You don't fucking dress like that in public girl, what's wrong with you?" Formaggio faintly heard Prosciutto snap as he walked past your door, causing him to immediately freeze, his ear immediately pressing against the door. "You can wear a shirt that isn't low cut. Isn't it fucking winter?"
"Why do you have to judge what I wear?" You replied back, your voice sounding defeated. "You're being too bossy. We're supposed to be moving slowly, but you keep trying to control every little thing I do. I can wear what I want."
Formaggio heard Prosciutto scoff. "Take off the top and give it to me, I'll buy you a better top later. You can dress appealing without showing yourself to random men. Your body is only for our eyes."
"Don't you ever buy me anything, I don't need or want any of you buying me stuff. I can take care of myself completely fine," you snapped, heavy footsteps suddenly dashing across the floor. "Prosciutto, I want to keep the top. I'll cry if you take it."
"Oh really?" He snapped, a groan escaping his lips. "You are a dramatic girl, you know that? Fine, keep it, but if I catch you wearing that shirt in public, I'll spank you." That ending remark caused Formaggio to pause; does Prosciutto actually spank you?
You sighed, "Okay. I won't wear this specific shirt in public." The way you said that seemed suspicious like you already had a plan forming. You definitely were interesting, really weird, and you were hot.. Formaggio could kind of go with dating you, but he still wanted to watch ass shaking and get his dick sucked at the strip club. Out of respect to you, he'll wear a condom when random women suck him off, which he always did anyway.
"And you're going to have to spend my money. You are mine, meaning you spend my money and obey me. Women should obey." He heard a squeak of your bed. "Now, why don't you get over here and get on your knees? Be a good girl for me. Go ahead and take your top and bra off."
"Okay," you replied back, and with that, Formaggio quietly left, not wanting to hear you suck Prosciutto off. That's just too personal. "I'm not spending your money," he heard you say as he walked out the front door.
"I love you so much, more than words could ever describe. You are just so fucking beautiful," Formaggio heard Melone say as he went to pass by the kitchen. That caused him to freeze, yet again listening in. He couldn't help it, he was fucking nosey. "Look at you.. you're so perfect. It goes deeper then your looks, I love your soul."
"Yeah, sure," you replied, your tone soft and caring despite the dry response. "You don't need to tell me lies, I'll keep sleeping with you. You don't have to keep going with all this."
"Women don't like me Y/N. I'm well aware that I'm a creepy and off-putting guy. All I get is rejected. You never rejected me," Melone told you, his voice gentle. "I've always wanted just one person to love.. and I told myself that when I find that person, my love would be strong and unconditional. You are that person, and in that, I will be loyal and loving to you."
Their was silence for a good minute before you finally replied, "You are all mafia men. You're all going to cheat on me and treat me bad, that's what your type does. You don't need to keep feeding me lies. I'm okay with what you are."
That offended Formaggio, what the fuck did you mean by that? Are you seriously going to judge them without knowing them? Melone was a fucking weird guy, he had a strong feeling that Melone was being serious. He never got lucky with women either, even the sex workers avoided Melone. Hell, the strippers refused to give him lap dances, he don't even go to the strip club anymore, only ever going three times and creeping the girls out to an extreme. Formaggio wondered, why doesn't Melone creep you out? Clearly you aren't right in the head, which was what Risotto had to find because no normal girl would fit in with them. But you seemed to.. kind of.
"I've already told you I'm going to be loyal, please don't label me. I really do love you and think you are beautiful, and I am glad you're my girlfriend," he quickly replied, this time having a sharpness in his tone. "You are mine, and I will protect you with my life. I've been so lonely, you know? I've been waiting for you, I truly feel like I have. I believe in soulmates."
"Well, I do like you. I can admit that, the others I don't really like yet," you told them, causing Formaggio to frown. "Well.. Formaggio is okay, but I know he's a dirt bag. But he is really funny." He raised his eyebrows - should he be offended or not? He wasn't a fucking dirt bag!
"You just need to get to know the others, I've seen you spend time with Prosciutto. Don't you like him?" Melone asked.
You let out a dry laugh, "no I don't like Prosciutto. He's so fucking bossy and annoying. I'm not an idiot, he's literally trying to train me like I'm some dog. I'm only physically attracted to him." You then sighed, seeming to be annoyed. "Listsn, I'm not the type of girl that won't listen to a man, I get that I sometimes gotta listen, but Prosciutto has weird rules."
"To be fair, baby, I also don't want you to go places by yourself. I don't mind how you dress. Men will always look at you, but I just want you safe, and I always want to know where you are. You're a part of this team now, and you may be an easy target," Melone told you. "I don't mean it like that.. you are strong, but men are viscous, especially men in this field. You can call me anytime you need to go somewhere or need anything. I would never get mad. You are my first priority now."
Melone was really laying it on hard for you. God, Melone was so weird, how did he already fucking dedicate himself to you? It's only been two weeks, Formaggio hardly even speaks to you, mainly just letting Melone and Prosciutto keep you. Well maybe his words would keep you here with them, Risotto keep saying he feels like you're going to try and run away from them.
Nobody would admit this, not even you - but the moment Risotto saw you, he was set on keeping you like he was always meant to find you and take you, claiming you as theirs. It was so easy too.. you were a petty criminal, had a stand, and it was obvious you had some understanding of the mafia. Risotto made it seem like he was asking you, but he was telling you that you now belonged to them. He did sweeten the deal, saying you would never be killed and that you would be safe and protected. He promised that you would have a stable job, knowing how hard it was for a criminal to find a stable job. You seemed to just say yes to him.. and then he kind of arranged you to be their girl.
Sharing a girl.. it's weird as fuck, but Formaggio can't find a girl to settle with. Prosciutto filed for his third divorce four years ago, and Ghiaccio doesn't even acknowledge the existence of women or any life outside of the team. Also.. they were assassins who killed people and committed terrible crimes. Some women knew of their reputation and avoided them. This seemed to be kind of work. With their busy schedules and hectic lives, a shared girlfriend seemed to make a little sense.
"Alright, Melone.. thanks," you told him dryly. "I do appreciate you very much. Thank you. You are easy to like," you told him, your tone softening up.
"I love you. You don't need to say it back. You don't need to love me for me to love you. I'm going out to do some research, want to come with me or stay here?" He questioned, a sigh escaping his lips. "Alright, I'll see you tomorrow, but I'll be texting you all day, and I'll call you tonight. Please try and answer, but I understand if you're busy."
"Be safe, alright?" You told him as he walked away, Formaggio quietly moving into hiding as Melone left out the front door. Formaggio waited a few minutes, wanting to approach you but stopping when Illuso swiftly entered the kitchen.
"Well, hello, Y/N, don't you look like a cute little girl today?" Illuso questioned, his tone even giving Formaggio the creeps, Illuso was a sick fuck, probably worse then Melone but he hides his urges. "Look at you.. come here, let me get a good look at you girl."
Formaggio let himself peak around the wall, seeing Illuso snake his hands around you, rubbing all over your back, side, his hungry eyes on you. "I am not a little girl, okay? I am an adult."
"Well, you're 12 years younger than me, and look at how short you are. I honestly love your full cock sucking lips the most, you suck dick great," Illuso commented, his hands landing on your ass, you just seemed to stare up at him. "I've had my dick sucked a lot, you definitely are number one. Good girl."
You crossed your arms over your chest as Illusos hand roughly smacked against your ass, a loud pop sound filling the air as you crashed into Illusos chest, his arms tightly locking around you. "I literally don't care. Why are you telling me this? Go away." He smacked your ass again, this time tightly grasping your ass cheek. "What do you want?"
"I came in here to grab a beer, wanted to feel you up first. What's so bad about that? You don't mind, right? I mean, I'm your boyfriend after all, are you uncomfortable?" Illuso questioned, his tone taunting. "Or are you scared of me? Scared I'll do whatever I please with you?"
"Risotto said you can't kill me," you snapped at Illuso, a chuckle escaping his lips. "I'm not scared of you at all, Illuso. You don't scare me one bit."
"Aw, I don't wanna ever kill you, that would be a waste of a good throat," he told you, causing you to frown, attempting to back away from him, causing his grasp to tighten. "But I will punish you if you aren't a good girl. Got that? And I'll punish you real hard." He let you go, only to grab your wrist, grasping it tightly. "Don't be stupid.. don't step out of line."
He let you go, walking past you as he opened the fridge. "Oh, and I'm about ready to fuck that pussy so get ready for that. I'm getting bored of just head, and I'm dying to see how that ass looks." He grabbed a beer, closing the fridge as he walked away, leaving before you could reply.
"You don't have a say in any fucking thing, you're lucky I even let you have a say in yourself," Prosciutto snapped at you, causing you to glare at him. "Don't you glare at me. You did something bad! You do not leave this base without telling someone!"
Now, usually, you just got quiet and let Prosciutto run all over you for these past going on three weeks, but you seemed to be feeling extra feisty today because your reply was actually insane. The fact that you had the balls to say this to Prosciuttos' face without running away impressed Formaggio.
"Who the fuck do you think you are, my husband? My owner? I don't see a ring on my finger, I don't see a fucking stamp on me that says I need to listen to you!" You snapped at Prosciutto, causing Risotto to immediately look up at you. "Like, what the fuck is your problem with me?"
Prosciutto immediately stood up, swiftly approaching you. As he raised his hand, Melone stood up, stepping in front of you. "Don't hit her! She's new to this Prosciutto, just ease up on her a little. It's hard for her to adjust to being with all of us.. don't be mean to her."
Formaggio smirked a little. He couldn't help it, knowing that you may be smarter than everyone thinks. You've been observing them, he noticed that, and in that he noticed you and Melone becoming inseparable. He protected you, defended you - Melone was your pass to permanent survival here, and it was clear that you took notice to him.
Melone was.. he was a nerd, a creepy nerd. He's done sick things to mainly women, and even before he joined the team, he had a problem with killing women who rejected him and laughed at him. You never once laughed at him or called him a creep, instead sitting and talking with him, even accepting him. That's all you had to do.. with being the first chick to accept Melones weird ass you now have a permanent bodyguard. Formaggio sure as fuck wouldn't protect you, it ain't his job, he's just here for the pussy. But it was obvious that Melone and Prosciutto wanted more then pussy. Melone wanted love. What the fuck did Prosciutto want from you?
"Goddamnit, Melone, she isn't just your girlfriend!" Prosciutto snapped, glaring at Melone, his hands balling into fists. "She has a smart ass mouth and deserves to be smacked! Move Melone, let me discipline her as I please!"
You started to slowly back away, the two bickering men not noticing as you slowly began to backward walk towards the front door, seeming as if you were about to leave. Risotto suddenly stood up, causing you to freeze as he walked over to you. He grabbed your wrist, dragging you over to the couch and sitting you down next to Ghiaccio and right next to Risotto.
"Where did you go?" Risotto asked you, suddenly pausing as he leaned closer towards you, getting in your face. "Why do you smell like a skunk? What's that strong smell?"
You leaned back, and your back firmly pressed up against the back of the black leather couch. "It's weed, I went to go pick up some weed."
"From a man?" Risotto questioned, his tone hard. You didn't answer, instead looking down. "Strike one, don't let me get to strike three. If you want weed, one of us will get it for you. You aren't to associate with other men in the mafia outside of us unless necessary. Let this be your only warning."
"Risotto, that isn't fair," you muttered, your eyes staying on the ground. "I should be able to get my own weed. You're taking away all of my freedom. This isn't what I agreed to."
Risotto sat back. "It doesn't matter what you agreed to. You are our girlfriend now, meaning you need to show respect when respect is requested. You need to respect Prosciutto as much as you respect me."
"But I don't like Prosciutto!" You snapped at Risotto, immediately causing Prosciutto to turn towards you. "Nothing personal."
"Oh, you don't like me!? Really!? You don't fucking like me!?" Prosciutto snapped, glaring down at you. "You're lucky that Melone is here.. you are so fucking lucky. Because I assure you nobody else will protect you. You're nothing but a toy to us."
"A toy that most of you can't operate," you calmly replied back, causing Formaggios mouth to hang open slightly. Goddamn you were brave as fuck to say that.
"Who!?" Illuso snapped, that remark getting his attention. "Girl, you better watch what you fucking say to us. You could get knocked out."
"I'll hit you back," you replied back even calmer, causing Illusos face to suddenly harden. "You can't do anything to me that hasn't already been done you fucking idiot. Even if you were to kill me, I wouldn't give a fuck." You looked at Illuso, an actual smile appearing on your lips- damn, you hardly smiled. "Because I would be dead. So how about you and Prosciutto leave me the fuck alone? I don't give a fuck about what either one of you have to say."
"Y/N you gotta shut the fuck up babe," Formaggio finally added in, trying to help you. He knew he said that he would never help you but you were saying some wild shit. "You keep saying things that'll get you smacked, so maybe just shut up." He didn't wanna smack you, he knew you weren't talking about him, but Prosciutto and Illuso wanted to hurt you.
You looked over at Formaggio, blinking as you stared at him. "Fine, whatever," you replied, seeming to calm yourself down a little. "It's just not fair."
Pesci got up suddenly, immediately walking out the front door. Prosciutto gave you a deadly glare before following behind Pesci.
"Y/N, please baby, you need to just.. why did you say most of us can't operate you? What does that even mean?" Melone questioned as he sat next to Illuso. "Did you just insult our sexual abilities?" He frowned, seeming upset.
"I wasn't insulting you," you told him, instantly causing him to calm down. "I was insulting Prosciutto and the guy next to you." Just as you said that, Illuso leaned forward, his large arm stretching out as be roughly smacked your thigh, you hardly mustering up a flinch, instead rolling your eyes. "Okay, sorry."
Melone seemed annoyed by Illuso smacking your thigh, but he said nothing due to your reaction, instead giving you a smile. "Excellent. Now, let's put this behind us and move on. Okay?"
"What do you gotta say about all this Ghiaccio?" Illuso asked, his eyes landing on Ghiaccio who hasn't said a word since you've stepped in the door.
Ghiaccio didn't look up from his computer, shrugging. "Fuck if I care," he replied, his eyes finally glancing over at you, being unreadable. "Can we just get on with this? I'd like to be home before the fucking sun sets." He looked away from you as your head turned to look at him, his dark eyes swiftly cutting back to his computer, ignoring your gaze.
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naranciasimp · 3 years
hey! could i request a prosciutto x female reader scenario where she comes back from a mission clearly hurt and panicked, and is afraid that her crush, prosciutto, is going to scold her so she tries to hide it and fake being well (while not being very good at it)
lots of fluff in the end pros takes care of her.. feel freed to add some things if you want to
I Could Never Be Mad At You
AN: This is probably the longest fanfic I have ever written. This ended up being more of a La Squadra x Reader than just Prosciutto but I hope you like it! Under the cut for length. 
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You opened the door to La Squadra’s hidden base as quietly as you could. You poked your head around the door to make sure no one was there. Luckily it seemed as though everyone was doing their own thing.
You stumbled through the door while holding your side. You do not know how this happened. You were always so good on missions. You took down enemies left and right. Even Risotto was impressed by your skill.
Sadly, today was the day your winning streak came to an end. You didn’t kill your target, he got away. You felt guilty and nervous. This was going to set the whole team back a pay check, Risotto would have to go out of his way to clean up the mess you made and the other members would probably hate you for at least a month. The one thing you were most scared about was Prosciutto scolding you. You had a feeling he was going to extremely be disappointed and that was the last thing you wanted.
The pain you felt was insane. Everything hurt and you felt like you were on the verge of passing out. You just needed to make it to your room. You kept a secret med kit in there for situations like this.
After stumbling around you finally made it to the door of your room. You reached out to open it when someone appeared behind you. It was Pesci.
“Oh Y/N! You’re back. I didn’t even hear you come in,” he said in a happy tone. From where he was standing he couldn’t see the wounds on your body.
You hummed in response hoping that would be enough for him to leave you alone. You always talked to Pesci. Out of all of La Squadra you were by far the nicest to the boy.
Pesci could tell something was wrong when you didn’t face him with a bright smile like you normally do. “Y/N? Are you ok?”
The room began to go black. You could feel yourself losing consciousness. Before you could respond you felt your head fall back with the rest of your body.
Pesci quickly caught you before you hit the ground. He immediately saw the huge amount of blood covering your stomach. Your arms and legs were covered in gashes. Your head was bleeding and you had a black eye.
Pesci screamed at the sight of your unconscious, bloody, body in his hands. Your eyes fluttered open at the sound.
“Don’t…. tell….. Prosci-” Those were your last words before you passed out again. Of course that didn’t matter now. Pesci screamed and when something happened to him Prosciutto was always the first to show up.
Prosciutto ran to you both. “What happened,” he yelled. He saw Pesci holding what looked to be a girls body.
Pesci face was pale and it looked the most frightened Prosciutto had seen. “Fratello! Help!” Pesci moved so his brother could see what happened.
Prosciutto felt his heart stop. He was a man who stayed calm under pressure, the man who always had a plan, one of the best gang members Passione had ever seen. In this type of situation he would just yell at whoever got hurt to step up their game, patch up their wounds and hand them over to Melone so he could handle the rest. He would later come in to apologize for yelling, tell them he was proud of them and all of that other good stuff.
Now was different. Now it was you. His one weakness. The woman who he would do anything for. The one person he cared about the most.
“Fuck,” he muttered under his breath. “Pesci stay with her!” Prosciutto ran off to grab one of the medical kits.
“It’s gonna be okay Y/N just stay with us,” Pesci said. He was trying to be brave but the worry in his voice was clear. Prosciutto showed up again. He opened the door to your room and threw the med kit inside.
“Come on Pesci grab her feet, we’re going to put her on her bed.” The two boys easily carried you into your room and gently placed you down.
Prosciutto opened the medical kit and ordered Pesci to go tell Melone what happened. Once the younger boy left Prosciutto began to take off your clothes. He hoped one day he would see you undressed but he did not want it to be like this. Your unconscious body still laid on the bed now in just a bra and underwear.
Now that you were undressed Prosciutto could see all of the wounds you received. The most concerning one was on your stomach. You had been stabbed by something and by the looks of it you opened the wound more by moving.
Prosciutto was not the healer of the team by any means. He knew how to fix simple wounds and he was better at it then others but he didn’t even know where to begin with your wound.
Thankfully Melone was here at base today. He ran to the room with more medical supplies. “Move out of the way,” Melone ordered. Prosciutto did what he asked.
He began to get to work on your wound. Your injury brought a lot more attention to yourself then you would’ve liked. Soon enough the whole entire team was inside the room. There was lots of What happened? Is she ok? And many swear words beginning used.
“Everyone shut up! Risotto and Prosciutto stay here, the rest of you get out now,” Melone shouted. He was never one to lose his temper, that was Ghiaccio’s job. The more La Squadra yelled the more nervous Melone got, he did not want shaky hands while trying to keep you alive.
The whole room went silent and Melone continued his work. Everyone he ordered to leave left. They all sat outside your door waiting until they could come back in. Their “whispering” was incredibly loud but they were really trying their best to behave well.
Melone called Risotto over. “Try to see if you can stop all the iron from leaving her body.” The leader did as he was asked and activated his Stand. Prosciutto stood in the corner of the room waiting for commands from Melone, Risotto used his stand until the purple haired man was finally able to sew up the wound. 
After many hours the job was finally completed. Your body was cleaned of dried blood and all the cuts were bandaged up. Risotto slipped off his coat and very gently moved you into it. He had a feeling you would be upset if you woke up and were indecent. Melone cleaned up the room and put away the remaining medical supplies.
Risotto, Melone and Prosciutto left the room. They walked into the hallway and saw all the other men at their feet. They all stood up and faced Melone.
“Y/N is still unconscious. She was badly injured on her mission but we do not know how. Once she wakes we will figure out what happened. For now she just needs to rest. I fixed her up better than any doctor could, I promise you all she’ll be fine.”
The men all let out a sigh in relief. “Can we go see her,” Formaggio asked.
Melone shrugged. “I need to watch over her for the night to make sure nothing bad happens. If you wanted to I suppose you could stay in the room too. But you must be quiet.”
“I’ll spend the night with her too,” Prosciutto said. There was no way he was going to leave you alone in your current state.
“Ok! Does anyone else want to stay with us,” Melone asked.
“I do,” the whole group said in unison. They might be a group of deadly assassins but there was no denying how much they loved and cared for their teammates.
Melone let out a small laugh. “I’m afraid the room is too small for that.” Seems like Melone forget his friends are stubborn as all hell and don’t take no for an answer.
So everyone stuffed themselves into the room. Most of them laid on the floor. Only ones in chairs were Melone, Prosciutto and Risotto. Everyone tried their best to stay awake but it was so late at night and the stress had token a lot out of them. Even the three boys in chairs were beginning to get sleepy. Eventually everyone fell asleep except for Prosciutto. One of the most lovable qualities about Prosciutto is his will power. For a split second he heard a whine that sounded like yours. His eyes snapped open and he jumped out of his chair. He ran to your bedside.
“Y/N? Y/N are you awake,” Prosciutto asked desperately. There was no response. He felt tears prick his eyes. Was he really so in love with you that now he’s hearing your voice in his head?
“Where….. where am I,” you asked in a weak voice. The biggest smile appeared on Prosciutto face. You were alive, you were ok. “Your awake….” he cried loudly.
At the sound of the sudden commotion the whole team woke up. Illuso turned on the lamp next to him. “What the hell is going on?”
“Di Molto she’s ok,” Melone exclaimed. He ran up next to you. The rest of the team sprung up along with him to come see you.
“Don’t scare us like that,” Ghiaccio said. The whole team was very happy to see you awake. They began asking you questions left and right and trying to talk to you.
Prosciutto noticed how confused you looked. “Everyone get out. Y/N needs some time to collect her bearings.”
The whole team grumbled but did as they were told. “Feel better Y/N,” you heard Formaggio yell before he got the door slammed on him.
You tried to sit up but Prosciutto quickly stopped you. “Don’t do that, you could hurt yourself more.”
You hummed and refused to look him in the eyes. This was so embarrassing. You got so hurt you passed out and caused all of your friends to worry about you.
“Y/N, what happened on the mission,” Prosciutto finally asked.
“There was a Stand User and a group of men with him. His Stand nullified all Stand attacks. I just had to fight with my fists. They all had knives...”
Prosciutto sighed. It was no secret that you were the weakest of the group physically. You could handle one person of your size but nothing else. He should’ve been the one to go on that mission. Prosciutto was fairly strong and had perfect aim with his gun, if he was on the mission it would’ve been finished in no time.
“I’m sorry Y/N. I know you tried your best. From now on we’ll always send you out with a partner. You can be with me and Pesci, no one will hurt you then. At least those fucking bastards are killed now.”
You gulped. “A-about that….” You felt tears forming in your eyes. “I failed the mission, I couldn’t kill the target.”
Prosciutto eyes went wide. What? How did you fail a mission? That’s never happened and he was sure it never would. “Are you saying that those men who hurt you are still out there alive?”
You sadly nodded. “Prosciutto please don’t be mad. I’m so sorry, I’ll do anything to make it up to the team and you.”
He patted your head. “Dolcezza, I’m not mad at you.” He gave you a loving smile and kissed your cheek. “I’ll be right back, stay here.”
The nickname and the kiss left you too flustered to do anything. Your crush just kissed you and acted like it was nothing!
While you flipped out over the kiss Prosciutto was angrily stomping to the main room. He slammed open the door. The boys looked to him and asked what happened.
“Their still alive. Y/N couldn’t finish the mission. The sick assholes who hurt my girl are still out there. Get them.”
The team usually takes their orders from Risotto. Prosciutto has never sent anyone on a mission. Right now though things were different.
Risotto stood up. “I’ll go.” Ghiaccio stood up too. “I’m coming with you. I don’t want any of those mother fuckers to be alive by the end of the night.”
Prosciutto was very happy that those two men were going. He knew they would give the target what they deserved. The blond headed back to your room and the other members waited for their turn to see you.
He saw you crying. “No no, don’t cry Bella. I promise you no one is upset with you.”
You choked on your sobs. “But I heard yelling and doors slamming.”
He grabbed your hand and gently rubbed it. “They were just excited to get their revenge on the people who hurt you, that’s all.”
Prosciutto had never been this gentle with anyone ever. He was treating you like a glass that could be broken at any minute.
You couldn’t fight the blush that was creeping onto your face. Prosciutto noticed it and gave you another kiss. “I’m very proud of you Y/N, as a teammate and as your lover.” For the rest of the night Prosciutto never once left your side. He was going to be there for you no matter what.
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tenthgrove · 3 years
La squadra reacting to a fem team-mate just grabbing their hand (or handsss) pulling them up the stairs, pushing them into her bed and snuggling up to them 👀💭
Need you Now
La Squadra x Reader, Platonic/Romantic, Mildly Suggestive
Formaggio- I hope you weren’t after a quiet cuddling session because the second your hands touch Formaggio won’t shut up. He goes on a joyous tirade, asking what game you’re playing and calling you every pet name under the sun. When you pull the sheets over him and press a finger to his lips, he gives one last ‘alright, alright sweety,’ before settling down. He’s a tight hugger and always warm to the touch. Expect a line of kisses from your cheek to your neck. If you aren’t together when this starts, you probably will be by the end.
Illuso- In spite of the big game he talks about everyone loving him, Illuso never really expected anyone to want affection from him so spontaneously. His self-esteem is lower than he lets on. So when you pull him up to bed and throw your arms around him, Illuso finds himself, for the first time in a long time, completely lost for words. As you stroke his hair, he lies completely still, eyes wide open at the thought of someone genuinely wanting him. After a minute, he’ll ask you how you feel about him. Truth is, he’s got a lot to confess about his feelings for you as well.
Prosciutto- As much as the poor man tries (or doesn’t) he can’t help being on alert mode 24/7, so his first instincts when you wordlessly pull him away is that something is severely, severely wrong. Is the base under attack? Is Passione in peril? When, approximately 25 seconds after you actually get into bed with him, it occurs to him what’s actually going on, Prosciutto can only feel annoyed that you would scare him like that. His efforts to move however, are notably minimal. Complain as he might, Prosciutto seems perfectly content to stay in your arms as long as you like.
Pesci- Having learned a lot from his brother, Pesci reacts with a similar sense of panic when you lead him away without explanation. After all, what could reason could anyone possibly have for wanting to be alone with him? When you pull him into bed and throw your arms around him, Pesci lets out a shocked but relieved ‘oh’. His reprieve at no longer fearing he’s in danger is swiftly replaced by a newfound anxiety at never having been in a situation like this before. Do you like him? What does he do? Has he already messed it up? Pesci’s worries are put to rest, at least a little, by the sight of your content face as you snuggle into him. You seem happy with him, at least.
Melone- One of the few in the team to know immediately what you want from him. Melone is well versed in spotting the signs of attraction and affection in a person’s eyes, and he’s been seeing it in you for weeks now. Even still, he’s no less elated when you finally act on your crush. When you pull him into an embrace instead of… you know… pulling his clothes off, he is a little taken aback as he expected your intentions to be more explicitly sexual. He isn’t disappointed however, content to bask in the soft warmth of your embrace you so kindly bestow on him.
Ghiaccio- Complains and pulls back the whole way to your bedroom. If there’s one thing he hates (beyond botched phraseology and twisted metaphors) it’s being taken away from what he’s currently focused on, and he’s going to make that very clear to you. Even when you make him lie down and sink your arms around his torso, he keeps ranting, until suddenly his brain catches up with what you’ve done and it occurs to him he’s being propositioned for actual human affection. That shuts him up.
Risotto- When a teammate grabs Risotto by the hand and pulls him away, it usually means they have something confidential to tell him. So, when you then proceed to push him onto your bed, Risotto’s brain short-circuits. He cannot bring himself to question you as you manoeuvre his arms around your waist and nuzzle against his chest. As he forces himself from his stupor, Risotto cracks a smile. He awkwardly pets your side with his large hands. This may be an unfamiliar feeling to him, but it is certainly one he could get used to.
Sorbet and Gelato- You better be leading them off together else you might not make it all the way to your bedroom alive. Sorbet and Gelato are a set and must not be separated. Provided that you comply with this basic rule, their reaction to your insistent snuggling will be pleasant surprise. Having been together so long, a new pair of arms around them is a strange sensation, but not entirely unwelcome. Putting their surprise aside, the pair chuckle and press you between their bodies, curling locks of your hair around their fingers and whispering the question of whether you intend for this to go any further or not.
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kirieshhhka003 · 3 years
Can you do headcanons of fem! Illuso scissoring a female teammate in the mirror world? However, if you're not comfortable writing genderbents then that's fine l0l
A/n: omg I miss writing for lesbians sm, so here I fucking am. So basically all of La Squadra members are females here, idk why, I just felt like this
Pairing: fem! Illuso x fem! Reader
Warnings: NSFW, pussyeating, scissoring, masturbation, fingering, squirting
Word count: 2,3k
It’s unbearably boring. You’ve spent at least 20 minutes just walking around La Squadra’s base and it’s still 30 more minutes until ye meeting starts. You and your fiancée Illuso decided to leave your home an hour before the rally, considering horrible traffic of Naples. But much to your surprise it took you less than 10 minutes to arrive, and now you both were supposed to wait for other members to gather
You are not the only ones who have arrived too early - Prosciutto, unofficial mom of hitman team, is already at the base, getting everything ready for the meeting, waiting patiently for others to arrive
Suddenly you feel Illuso’s hand wrapping around your waist from behind, her soft lips brush against your ear shell as she whispers lecherously:
- I want you, - those three simple words send herds of shivers running up and down your spine. Bright blush dusts your cheeks in a matter of seconds and you feel your heart starting to race into your chest. You furrow your eyebrows nervously, glancing at your fiancée over your shoulder
- Right here? - you ask, your throat feels desert dry and you swallow heavily but it doesn’t seem to help. You see your girlfriend nod affirmatively, wide leer stretching her shiny from lip gloss lips. - No, we can’t! What if we’re getting caught? - you utter, trying to be as quiet as possible so your colleagues are not able to hear what you two are talking about
- Baby, sometimes you forget about what I’m capable of. Y’know, that kinda hurts, - Illuso says as her lush lips form into a cute pout, but the glimmer of mischievousness in her eyes betrays her actual intentions
You shift from one foot to the other, looking around, trying to figure out how much time will it take for all La Squadra members to arrive to the base. You hear your beloved tsk behind you, annoyed by your suddenly timid behavior, and her hand that was previously resting on your waist slowly comes higher. You hold your breath, secretly expecting her to give your chest a playful squeeze, but girl only slightly brushes her fingertips against the bottom of your tit, shamelessly teasing you
- So what? - she tuts mockingly and you bite down on your lower lip, looking nervously at Prosciutto sitting in her favorite armchair, reading some magazine she’s found on the coffee table standing in the middle of the meeting room
- Okay, fine, - you give up and hear Illuso humming approvingly at your response, fully satisfied with herself
You clear your throat and refer to blonde female:
- Pros, we’ll take a walk around. There is still time before the meeting starts and we’ll check if there are any possible enemies around, - you gibber, and she looks intently at both of you, condemning look in her beautiful sapphire eyes, as if she knows what you two are planning on doing
- Okay, but don’t be late. We’re not gonna repeat ourselves if you two will be late and miss something, - female replies in her usual stern “teacher” tone, then turning her eyes back to the colorful pages of fashion magazine she’s been reading before
Immediately after Illuso grabs you by your hand, leading you to the bathroom, and you obey happily, already feeling warmth emerging in the pit of your stomach. You don’t even notice when brown-haired teleports you into the mirror world, but once you’re there she presses your body against the cold surface of the wall, her lips find yours, kissing you deeply, smearing both of your lipsticks on your cheeks
Your hand comes up to rest on Illuso’s nape, carefully not to ruin her hair, knowing how much girl hates that. She wastes no time, unbuttoning your wine-red shirt and taking it off of your body, her greedy fingers undoing hooks of your bra, exposing your soft chest to her hungry gaze. Illuso immediately busies her hands with your tits, softly moldings and jiggling tender flesh between her manicured fingers, making your nipples harden in a matter of seconds
- C’mon, - she says, taking your hand into hers and leading you out of the bathroom
- Where are we going? - you ask, trying your best to catch with her temp and not to crash on the floor. Once Illuso makes your way to the meeting room she pushes you softly so that you fall right on the soft cushions of sofa, placing her knee in between your splayed legs, grinding it against your groin, making you whine softly at her actions
- It would be hella uncomfortable to fuck you in that tiny bathroom, don’t you think so? - brown-haired drawls teasingly, her hands come to the waistband of your jeans, in a few experienced moves undoing the button and a zipper. - Take off your shoes and the rest of the clothes, - your fiancée orders and you’re quick to obey, doing as you’re told, soon sitting on the couch totally naked
Illuso wastes no time, taking off her dress and a bra, carefully hanging her clothed on the armrest of the armchair standing next to the couch, revealing her lithe curvy form to you, her lacy thongs are the only clothing that covers her body from your eyes
You whine softly, spreading your legs wide, giving Illuso a great view of your already wet pussy. Your hands come up to grab on your own breasts, playing with erected buds, making the fire in your stomach grow bigger. Brown-haired girl chuckles sonorously at your impatience, kneeling before you, placing both of her hands on your thighs, gently caressing your skin
You slide to the edge of sofa so that your groin is now closer to Illuso. Girl’s smile only gets wider at this and she places a few wet kisses on the inner sides of your thighs, making you tremble from anticipation. Despite her aspiration to tease the hell out of you brown-haired remembers about that scarce time you have to yourselves. She lowers her head, taking a first wide lick of your throbbing sex, parting slicked folds with her smooth tongue, making you squirm under her caresses
Illuso fully gives in, nestling her pretty face between your legs, pleasuring you with her skilled tongue, turning you into drooling goo in a mere minutes. She’s always like that when it comes to pleasuring you with her mouth - wild and unbridled, eager to bring you as much pleasure as possible. Most of the times she edges you to be end, eating you out for hours straight without letting you cum, and only when you beg so prettily for orgasm she takes pity of you, finally making you cum that hard that stars start blurring your vision
You try to muffle your wanton moans by nibbling on your fingers as you feel your fiancée slipping two of her slim pretty digits into your clenching heat, all while she licks and suckles on your labia and clit
- Hey, take that away. I wanna hear those precious sounds you make, - Illuso chides softly, her eyes look up at you with displeasure. You obey, taking your hand away from your mouth, crying out girl’s name oh so sweetly when she closes her lips on your throbbing clit, giving it a generous suckle, and she hums approvingly at this, sending mild vibrations running through your cunny
You feel your high quickly approaching you as Illuso harshly fucks your cute pussy with her fingers all while playing with your swollen clit. You squeeze your eyes shut, waiting for your climax to come, but suddenly brown-haired stops everything, pulling back from your crotch, making you whine and buck your hips upwards to get more of her attention
- Not so soon, honey. Lay on the couch and spread your legs wide, - Illuso orders, lovingly smacking one of your thighs. You comply unwillingly, slightly disappointed that your fiancée didn’t let you cum. Brown-haired takes her panties off, discarding them to the side and joining you on the couch
She crouches over your splayed form, kissing you deeply, messily tangling her tongue with yours, and you can taste your own juices on Illuso’s lips. Her hands grip on your breasts, kneading and playing with the soft pudge and you lean into her touch, arching your back off the couch, bumping your naked abdomen into Illuso’s and the feeling of her skin right next to yours drives both of you crazy
Brown-haired straightens her back and you let out dissatisfied grunt, wanting female to stay close to you for a bit longer. She gives you a mischievous smile, throwing one of her legs over your body so that she straddles one of your thighs with hers, leaving mere millimeters between your glistening pussies
She fidgets a little, trying to find more comfortable position, aiming her leaking pussy to yours. Soft sigh leaving Illuso’s lungs as she finally sits herself atop of you, clits rubbing tightly together. You grip on Illuso’s hips, squeezing her buttocks slightly, trailing your fingers up and down her thighs, causing goosebumps to rise on the smooth surface of her pale skin
Illuso starts rocking her hips back and forth, starting on a slow pace, gradually quickening her juttings. Your swollen little clit strokes right against the inner part of brown-haired’s thigh and so does hers. Girl tips her head back, letting out a loud wanton moan, this sound makes your heart flatter. Illuso tightens her grip on your knee, pressing her pussy tighter onto yours, making you squeal like a bitch in a heat
Your gaze falls on the polished surface of the mirror hanging on the wall right in front of the couch your fiancée scissors you on. You see Prosciutto and Formaggio discussing something vigorously with Risotto and Pesci listens intently to the chat between her colleagues. Wait, they can’t see you, right? Right?!
You quickly forget about that as brown-haired expands one of her hands to your tits, groping on your tender pudge, tugging on your swollen nipples what sends electric shocks running up your spine. You whine and rock your hips back softly, meeting Illuso’s thrusts, making the contact even more pleasurable
- Fuck, baby, more more more. Pleeeease, - you squawk, and Illuso gladly obliges, fastening the jutting of her hips, bringing you closer to your high with every movement
The curl of tension in the pin of your tummy snaps and the next moment you feel warmth suffusing your whole body. You cum with a loud cry of Illuso’s name on your lips, whole body trembling as she keeps on tribbing her clit against yours
Brown-haired let’s you ride out you orgasm before letting go of your leg, she sits herself in between your still splayed open legs, one hand comes to her groin to pleasure her swollen clit. Your eyes follow her every movement - she didn’t get off, but she definitely doesn’t plan on staying dissatisfied
You extent your hand, reaching your lover’s slit, slipping three of your fingers inside of Illuso (surprisingly or not they come in without any resistance, you know brown-haired can fit something way bigger inside). You start ramming your hand on the rapid speed, mercilessly fucking your fiancée’s pretty pussy, unapologetically hitting her g-spot with every new thrust
By the way her thighs start to tremble you can say that she’s close to her own climax. Just a mere moments later thick mewl escapes Illuso’s lush lips as her whole form starts shaking. You feel her gushing on your fingers, covering your exposed pussy and inner thighs in her love juices. You hungrily watch your fiancée squirt all over your body - wow, you didn’t expect that. But that’s definitely a highly pleasant bonus
- Holy shit baby, you’ve made a mess, - you chuckle, watching your beloved getting off her high, her stunning body still slightly trembling in aftershocks from recent orgasm
It takes you about 10 minutes to clean yourselves up and make each other look at least presentable. You look at the wall clock, suffering a bit to understand what time it is since everything is mirrored. Excellent, there are a few minutes lest before the meeting starts
You make your way outside of the base while still in the mirror world so that it won’t be overly obvious when you two come back from your “patrol”. Once you get inside of the base you meet face to face with Prosciutto. Both you and brown-haired freeze in place, not expecting to meet with any of teammates that soon
- So? - Prosciutto asks, her arms are crossed on her chest and pretty eyebrows are furrowed as she looks sternly at both you and Illuso. Your fiancée shrugs faintly, turning her gaze away, letting you know that she doesn’t intend on helping you with this conversation. You look angrily on your beloved but quickly divert your attention to the blonde standing in front of you
- What? - you query, having no clue what your colleague may possibly want from you
- Enemies. Did you find any? - Prosciutto explains, and by the tone of her voice nor look on her face you can’t clearly understand if she scoffs at both of you or actually being serious. Your mind fumbled with any answer, but your brain still can’t work properly after your recent orgasm
- Oh, yes, um… there are none. We’ve looked through every possible place they could’ve hidden, but didn’t find anyone, - you stammer out, hoping that blonde beloved you and won’t ask any more questions. She only hums quietly, satisfied with your answer, then sharply turns around on her hills, sashaying towards the meeting room
- Good. Now go, we’re starting in a few minutes
You can’t help but sight in relief at this words. God, the meeting hasn’t even started yet and you already feeling like a squeezed lemon. You glance on Illuso and by her half-lidded eyes you can say that she feels no different. Well, you just gotta hold on, and you feel like the next few hours will be pure torment for both you and your fiancée
Masterlist | Smut Masterlist
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abbacchiosbelt · 3 years
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Excerpts for potential stories from my upcoming project, Royals & Rogues.
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“A lone knight stands in front of the throne room, eyes sharp. She was silent -her stature spoke for her. Her gaze never leaves you, making your skin prickle. Though you had been invited as part of the audience to the throne room, the knight spared you no clemency in her observation of you.
Your guide, Suzi Q, nudges you. “That’s Lisa Lisa,” she whispers. “Isn’t she incredible? No knight has ever bested her.” Suzi Q grins at you, lowering her voice. “And she’s so beautiful. Don’t you think?”
You swallow at the thought of being under a woman as powerful and intimidating as Lisa Lisa, averting your eyes from Suzi Q’s prying gaze and clearing your throat. Suzi Q giggles and stands back to attention next to you. You follow suit and stand straight up, glancing at the knight.
You swear Lisa Lisa is looking right through you - had she heard all of that... and had she seen how you hadn’t even been able to speak?”
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The blonde man hisses as you put a rag to his wound, the cut bleeding through the rag faster than you can keep up. For the most part, the man is stoic, only letting out a few grunts of pain as you clean his wound. After a few more tense minutes, the bleeding starts to slow down and you’re able to get cloth wrapped around the injured area on his arm. When he sees you’ve backed away, he peers down at his arm and gives a slight nod.
“... Thanks.” He says, going to stand. Immediately, his legs wobble and he’s forced back into his seat. 
“Oh,” you mumble, hurrying to his side. He huffs, his lips curling into a frown. You know he won’t be going anywhere for a while. “You need to stay here. All that blood you lost is going to make you fatigued.” 
“I don’t have time for that.” The man says, but he doesn’t try to get up again. He leans back and closes his eyes, wincing when he moves his injured arm.
“I’ll get you something for that pain,” you say, already turning towards the cabinet where you kept your small collection of wine. It was better than nothing - it might help him take his mind off of it, at least. When you’ve poured him a small glass, you hand it to him before sitting down across from him with your own glass. “You’re welcome to stay here, but if you’d feel more comfortable, I can help you to the inn. It’s only a little ways from here.”
The man opens his eyes as he takes a sip, still leaning back and staring at the ceiling. “It’s best if I don’t stop in town,” he says, closing his eyes again. “I’ll keep out of your hair.”
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Ocean blue eyes gaze back at Jotaro as he stares at himself in the mirror, his crown thrown haphazardly to the floor. What did it matter, when he had lost everything? His friends, his wife, his daughter... At least he had the comfort of knowing they were alive and breathing. He’d pushed them away before they could get hurt, after all.
He was a dangerous man, or at least, he always attracted danger. There was no way he could have them close, yet Jotaro had been cruel to them. Isolation, coldness, leaving them for days at a time without word; it was no wonder they left.
And yet, he still craved the presence of another. Someone to hold close at night, to sit next to in his throne. Jotaro knew it would be selfish, but it had been years since he’d felt the warmth of another - he could be different this time.
He has to be.
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You take the sweet from the plate your butler, Abbacchio, is offering you with a prim smile. It was drizzled in sticky honey - almost unbearably sweet, but you couldn’t help but crave the treat from time to time. Abbacchio would demand them from the kitchen the second you even thought about one. He was a loyal man, responding with grace to even your most odd requests and quirks.
Abbacchio was the only butler to have stayed with you long-term. The two of you fit like two missing puzzle pieces - in private, you had a rapport that would be scandalous if the kingdom found out, but you couldn’t help it. He was magnetic. His soft lavender hair and his plump lips, the way his muscles shifted under the uniform he wore. You were well aware that he watched you the same way you watched him, yet neither of you had been bold enough to make a move.
Times like these, though... You thought about it.
You take a bite of the sweet, letting the sticky honey drip down your index finger before you place the treat back on the serving tray. “Oh,” you breath, mocking surprise at the mess. You press your index finger to your mouth and catch Abbacchio’s gaze, watching his eyes darken as you slowly suck the honey from your finger. “Oops.”
“Be more careful, or you’ll dirty your dress.” Abbacchio says, stern.
“Hm, and will you help me change?” You reply. His adam’s apple bobs as he swallows, no doubt thinking of the soft skin and curves that hid under your clothing.
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The Emperor was the most feared man in all of the Kingdoms - he ruled with an iron fist; wrath over mercy, blood over anything else. To see Emperor Diavolo was to see Death itself. The man rarely showed his face, yet his people still yearned to see him. He was a horrible man, a tyrant to other territories, but he was their ruler that kept them fed and safe. Perhaps it was just tradition that made the people clamor for a sight of their Emperor. They wanted to see an heir, yet their ruler was a recluse.
That’s why the people rejoiced when they heard the Emperor was to conquer another territory - in it lived a heir that would be perfect for their Emperor. Emperor Diavolo’s closest confidant and retainer Doppio was buried in letters begging for the Emperor to consider the heir. 
Diavolo found his rage at his people’s audacity quelled once he gave their idea consideration - Perhaps it was time for him to settle down. The people didn’t need to know that Diavolo never planned on vacating the throne; the magic he sought to keep him alive indefinitely was so close he could taste it. Having someone to share that with wouldn’t be so bad.
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You can only stare as the elven prince Bruno peruses your small herbs & potions shop, his opulent outfit standing out from the warm tones and greenery filling the room. He was beautiful, and you’d never seen anyone quite like him - you’d never seen an elf, for that matter. You’d heard through the grapevine that he was here as a foreign dignitary, but you expected him to be staying at the palace, not roaming around the shops in town.
Bruno approaches you and you quickly scramble to attention, nervously smiling at him.
“Tell me, do you sell any body care products here? I bought the loveliest scrub from another Kingdom over in a shop like this, and I’d love to sample something from your shop.” His voice is deep and smooth, catching you off guard. You aren’t sure why you expected something else. Bruno smiles while you think, his deep blue eyes never leaving your gaze. Elves were known for their intensity, and Bruno was proving the anecdote true.
“Uh, y-yes,” You say, stumbling over your words. You step from behind the counter and walk Bruno towards a small section filled with different ointments and scrubs that he must have accidentally passed by. You pick up a blueberry and vanilla scented hair oil, tapping the lid. “This one is pretty popular, but we have other products as well. We, uh, I also make custom orders if you have something in mind.”
Bruno hums and takes the product from your hand, uncorking the lid and sniffing it gently. His eyes light up. “Wonderful,” he says, putting the lid back. He looks down at the rest of the wares and carefully picks through them, selecting a peach and honey scented body scrub. Again, he smells the product, and sighs happily. “Do you make these yourself, then?” You nod. “You’re incredible, a talent like this is so often overlooked.”
You feel your face grow warm, Bruno’s candid compliment making your stomach do flips. Were all elves this forward, or was it just Bruno, their prince?
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Two loud voices sound from behind front desk of the inn, alerting you that potential guests had arrived. You smooth down your uniform and walk out with a smile, ready to greet the guests before a loud voice interrupts you—
“Dad can kiss my ass.” Jolyne crosses her arms, staring down her mom.
“Jolyne,” Marina sighs, frowning at her daughter’s colorful use of words. “It’s not proper to speak like that.” The older woman turns to you, looking apologetic. “I apologize for my daughter’s language. She knows better.”
“Gods, you act like I’m a child. I’m 22, mom.” Jolyne replies. She watches her mom’s face fall, feeling a twinge of regret. She sighs. “Sorry, mom. And sorry...”
She waits for you to say your name, raising an eyebrow when you relay it to her. Jolyne repeats it, the name sounding like something special when she says it. “Sorry again. Being a former heiress and all, people tend to react weird. And it is my Dad’s fault, so...” Marina gives her daughter a look. “Sorry, I’m rambling. So, that’s why we need to stay at your inn. No home, and all that. But lots of money, that’s the least the bastard could have given us.” Jolyne grins, giggling when her Mom lets out a sigh. She leans forward on the counter, staring you down with bright chartreuse eyes.
“So, ya got room for a former princess and disinherited heir?”
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Risotto pulls his cloak tighter around himself, shivering in the cold air of the night. It wasn’t often that the broad man felt chilled to his bone, but tonight was proving more than he or his teammates could handle. It was only a few more miles to the nearest inn... If they couldn’t scrounge up enough coin from their pockets, they could at least huddle together in the stables. 
Formaggio grunts from his left side, barely visible under his layers of clothing. “Three talented guys like us and we’re stuck dragging our asses out in the cold like this? Ridiculous.”
Illuso pipes up from Risotto’s right side, practically glued to Risotto’s side to suck up some of the warmth his body exuded. “You’re right, for once.”
“Hey,” Formaggio starts, glaring at Illuso.
“Enough.” Risotto says - it’s enough to have Formaggio back down and Illuso shrink back down into his scarf. Risotto knows as well as Formaggio and Illuso that their situation is far from ideal, but it was the best they could do with Risotto’s family name following them. He was marked with evil - or so the people said - his dark sclera and family history making him a pariah. The fact that Illuso and Formaggio had decided to travel with him still surprised him, and he was grateful for their presence. 
Hopefully, the inn would take pity on them - or at least be intimidated enough by Risotto’s presence that the trio could afford a room.
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Mista closes his eyes, leaning back against the cool wall outside of the castle baths. His back is tight from today’s work, but he’d have to wait until you finished bathing. Mista didn’t mind, of course - it was his duty as your retainer to protect you. He just wished that things were different... That he could be in the bath with you, washing your back and sharing an intimate moment together.
He smacks his head against the back of the wall. He shouldn’t be thinking like that - no matter how deeply he loved you, he wouldn’t ever let his romantic feelings come before his duty as your protector. Mista swore to go to the ends of the Earth for you, even if his actual vows were a little more formal. 
Still, he wondered if there was a chance - no matter how small - that you felt the same. The upcoming journey to another kingdom would see you and Mista spending more time together than usual. To Mista, it meant he finally had a chance.
Little did he know that your thoughts were nearly the same as his on the other side of the wall. 
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jostepherjoestar · 3 years
return from Sicily 🖤
sfw // gn reader // so much pining like whew 
Hello everyone, it is i, Cozy, back to give you a lil snack between schoolwork. This was fully self indulgent, to a worrying degree, so my apologies for that. But please enjoy, it was a fun little writing exercise since it’s been a while!💖✨
A distant car door shut, the sound muffled by the thick brick walls that separated you from the sparsely populated street where La Squadra Esecuzioni has been residing for a little while now. It’s not an uncommon sound, not at all actually. You’ve lost count of how many times you’ve woken up to heavy car doors slamming in the middle of the night, men of disputable morals stepping out and going about their even more so morally disputable business. But instead of filling you with annoyance that you’d have to lull yourself back to sleep again, this faint slam meant the return of your capo!
He’d been off on his very first holiday since joining Passione. Perhaps it was even the first in his life, the past never really presenting such opportunities unfortunately. 10 days. 10 whole days since the looming figure that brought a sense of calm and comfort to your shared homebase had left to start his travels to Sicily. And God had you missed him. You thought your crush on him had been manageable, maybe it would even dim by not seeing him for a while.
But oh no. It got worse. It got so much worse.
You hadn’t realised it before, but living so close with your teammates had conditioned you. You saw them every single day, for worse or for better. And that also included Risotto. Sometimes he’d be too busy to come out of his office but you were always sure to pay him a quick visit. Just to check up on him, you told yourself. You’d shoot him a warm smile that always received a small nod in return from the tired form pouring over his work.
A rush of excited energy barreled through your body, trying to suppress the need to wait at the front door like an overzealous golden retriever. You put down your phone and exhaled deeply, mentally preparing yourself as to not let on how much you’ve missed seeing him around.
You heard the familiar sound of the front door unlocking and got up from the living room couch you’d been lounging on as casually as possible. Casually making your way to the entrance to casually welcome back your colleague. Casual.
Risotto looked...magnificent. His skin had darkened under the Sicilian sun and given him a nice tan that evenly spread over his figure. He was wearing a simple black shirt that clung to the right places, adorning his chiseled chest and barely holding onto his built biceps. His hat was nowhere in sight and his silver locks poked out in different directions, clearly not bothered to tame them for his drive home.
Your quick once-over cut short over the sound of your own voice. “You’re back! Did you have fun? I missed you-” To your own surprise the words left you all too soon. In an attempt to fix the slip up you hurriedly continued. “We all missed you, I mean…” you trailed off. Risotto’s lips quirked up into an amused smirk, showing off his dimple that rarely appeared. He looked a lot more relaxed than before he left.
“Oh? We?” he said, making it a point to lean to his side to direct his gaze to the empty apartment behind you. No one else had been home. You felt heat rise to your cheeks and the desperate need to run and never return. Why was this already so hard?
You nervously chuckled and wrung your hands together, casting your eyes down at Risotto’s bag that had been put near the messy shoe rack Formaggio promised to clean up while your capo was gone. Sensing you weren’t going to rebuttal his comment, he continued. “It was nice. But I did miss you all, too.” The baritone of voice only stoked the fires burning under your skin.
He had missed you. Your mind swatted away the unnecessary word that followed his statement indicating that he’d also missed your teammates. You really needed to get a grip on your feelings.
You looked up again, feeling a bit braver to face your capo. “You look at ease, it really did you good, huh?” you softly hummed. His eyes held kindness in return, no matter how dark and spooky they were to some, they held no sharp edge whenever they landed on you.
As soon as you both stepped further into the apartment you heard him let out a deep sigh. It wasn’t of displeasure, no, those were way deeper and mostly kept for difficult meetings. He was breathing in the familiar smell of home. One that strangely enough had become the one he most associated with you. Walking behind you towards his room with his bag gripped tightly, his hand clutching the straps even harder turning his knuckles white.
He’d missed you too. So much. His trip was fun and relaxing and he could finally spend time by himself after being surrounded by people 24/7. But with every stroll past the beach, every dinner spent by himself- calmly sipping a glass of deep red wine, he wished you were there to spend it with him. To hold your hand and gently sway it as the sea breeze washed away the stress work had caused to settle onto you both. To rest on the beach together, lazing on a towel while the sun beamed down and a comfortable silence that rested between you.
Risotto was thankful for the holiday he never thought he’d have while working for Passione, but even more thankful to be back home. Where you were.
You had kindly opened the door for him, that cute smile resting on your lips as you let him pass by. The room smelled fresh and sweet like the breeze outside, the wind fluttering the curtains. “I changed your sheets and opened the window for you. Thought you wouldn’t mind it.” you shyly said as he set down his bag and huffed down on the edge of his bed. Idly caressing the light sheets in appreciation. He offered you a quick smile in return, instantly making that heat rise back to your cheeks.
“I’ll let you get settled.” You were glad he was back home safe, maybe you’d rest easier now and maybe your feelings would reach a more manageable level again. But before you could get far, not even a step further towards the hallway, you felt a big hand grasp your wrist. It felt warm and calloused, one that has worked hard and endured too much. You bounced back but steadied yourself to face Risotto who had cleared his throat and swiftly let go of your wrist. Bold move there, he warned himself.
“Sorry, I- I got you something.” he grumbled out the apology, brow creased as he dipped down to reach for something in his bag.
“Here.” He handed you a strangely shaped crumpled newspaper, cursing himself for not wrapping it in something a bit nicer. It was much heavier than your average weekly publication so you held it steadier, gently trying to unwrap whatever was hiding inside. Excitement was still bubbling inside, but a sense of ease that only Risotto supplied had nestled its way into you.
Risotto took over the discarded newspaper to let you admire the gift, trying his best to hide his excited stare, eager to know if you’d liked it. In your hands rested a ceramic mug, it looked handmade and the uneven strokes of shiny blue coloured glaze gave it a rustic touch. Lemons and leaves decorated the sides, making you turn it over a couple times to fully admire the handiwork. You were so enamoured by the gift you’d forgotten to let him know your thoughts.
“For your collection…” he trailed off, getting a bit nervous at his choice and doubting if you’d liked it. He knew you had a particular taste in mugs that were allowed into your hallowed collection. (not to be touched by your other teammates of course)
“I love it Ris. Really, it’s absolutely beautiful. Thank you so much.” You really did love it, your heart could barely take how much you did. Clutching the mug in your hand, you reached over and hugged him. He had barely processed the relief of you liking his gift to be hit with your form clinging to his torso. Carefully, he placed a single hand around your middle, not wanting to make you feel uncomfortable as he reciprocated. “Thank you.” you quietly let out while giving him a curt squeeze.
His arm eased you down  to sit next to him on the edge of the bed, feeling his very own surge of warmth ghost over his cheeks. His hand remained on your side, comfortably resting there, feeling right at home. You didn’t mind, not in the slightest. You were just so happy he’d returned and even brought you a thoughtful gift.
“Maybe next time I could show you around the shop I got it from. They have lots more to choose from.” he urged himself on, hearing his own heartbeat reach new speeds at the suggestion and its implications. A next time, but with you by his side.
You held onto the mug for dear life, clasping your fingers even tighter around the sides in case you’d drop it and shatter it like your chances with Risotto. Your mind raced, his suggestion having caused a mild short circuit of all functions. After a trained breath you find the strength to reply. “I’d like that very much. Just be sure to keep Ghiaccio away from the fragile stuff.” you chuckled nervously. A heavenly sound to the smitten capo.
“The rest of the team- as much as I like them- are uhm… not invited.” The smile that danced on his lips and the glint in his eyes made your heart flutter all over as you looked up at him.
A holiday? Just the two of you?
“Oh. Oh.”
You can’t seem to tear your eyes away from his as the thought settles between you. His hand on your hip hadn’t moved, only growing warmer and now finally urging you to scootch a little closer. His soft touch lingering on the small of your back now, closing in the distance and letting your hands rest on his chest as he moved to your inviting lips.
You felt like you’d burst any second, steadying your breath seemingly the hardest task you’ve had to face yet. But then your lips met, softer than any you’d felt before and easing over yours like it was the greatest privilege ever granted. A warm palm cupping your cheek, only deepening the finalisation of your mutual holiday plans. Everything you’d both been wishing to let out finally coming together, moving along your lips with a deep need and hunger that got its chance to grasp at a godly buffet.
With disbelief you both let go- regrettably so, softly gasping for air. If you wanted to go on a holiday together, you would still need to be breathing to get there. As you shared the lingering moment of closeness, appreciating the warmth and love of each other’s gazes, your hearing picked up on scuffling in the hallway.
Mortified you snapped your attention to Melone in the doorway collecting what looked like money from a passing Formaggio and Prosciutto. “Told you they’d do it after he got back.” he smuggly grinned, counting his winnings as you heard Risotto let out a small chuckle under his breath. Earning him a playful jab to his side from you.
“Melone, I won’t kill you if we split the winnings. We have a holiday to save for.” you grumbled.
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wri0thesley · 4 years
Hi! Hope you're doing well! Please could I request La Squadra's reactions to making their S/O's tummy bulge when they fuck? Especially Risotto because oh boy he's BIG. Also the praise the members would give their partner for taking them so well. Thank you!
Risotto is used to it at this point, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t enjoy it; in fact, he’s likely to choose positions where it’s more visible. He especially loves having you ride him on top, and slowly lower yourself onto him - partly because he gets to watch, partly because he loves how going so slowly makes you feel things that much more intensely. When you’re fully seated, his hand curves over your stomach, pushing just a little against the bulge - he doesn’t need to say much more than that, and he’s not particularly verbose when it comes to sex anyway. At most, you’ll get a smirk and a “this looks good inside you.”
Formaggio, on the other hand, does not shut up. Once he sees that he’s making your stomach bulge with every thrust of his hips, he can’t stop talking about it; you’ll get a running commentary of what a good job you’re doing, peppered with pet names. “Oh, sweetie pie, angel honey, look how big I am - you’re taking me so fucking well, doll, come on . . . Lemme just . . . A little bit faster, huh? Oh, baby--”
Illuso notices that your stomach is bulging but doesn’t say anything at first. He pulls out to rearrange you - probably so that you can see a mirror. This time, he has you lower yourself onto his lap, body facing outwards, hand tenderly caressing your face as he helps you breach the gap and, smug, whispers in your ear; “Watch yourself, tesoro . . . do you see that?” His hand, too, slides over your stomach where the bulge is making itself apparent. “Look how good I look inside you . . . look how well you’re taking me. Keep your eyes on it, whilst I move--”
Prosciutto notices it and smirks. He’s not louche enough to bring your attention to it himself; he wants you to notice it, and be embarrassed and flushed and also proud of it. So, he amps up the words. He’s always been good at wording things prettily, his voice low and cigarette-raspy, as he talks to you about how good you are, how nicely you take him, how snug and tight and hot you feel around him - and if, in his whispers, he looks down knowingly at your bulge and you also see it . . . well, it doesn’t count if he didn’t mention it directly, does it? 
Pesci’s too flustered to say anything, even if he notices it. He’s already whimpering out sweet things to you in between his messy thrusts, about how much he loves you and how good you feel, his hips snapping quickly against yours and a little bit unsurely. You’ll need to get him to slow down and really look, shy smile on your face as you whisper; “Pesci . . . Look, you’re so big--”. Unfortunately, this may very well be enough to tip him over the edge. 
Melone won’t be shy drawing attention to it; almost immediately, he’s purring down at you; “Amore, amore, look!”, really showing off - thrusting as deep in as he can go, shifting your body so it’s in the right position for the bulge to really be noticeable. He amps up his dirty talk considerably when he sees it - but that’s nothing compared to how filthy he’ll be if he manages to come inside you enough that the amount of his release inside you gives you a bump, too. In fact, he’s probably murmuring into your ear that that is what he’s going to do next. 
Ghiaccio almost doesn’t notice, as whenever he’s fucking you he’s usually jack-hammering at the speed of sound. Like Pesci, you’ll have to be the one to point it out (if you can manage to get any words out in between how quickly and hungrily Ghiaccio is thrusting into you) - when you do manage to draw his attention to it, his normally perfectly consistent pace falters as he drinks it in . . . and then, resumes at twice the normal intensity. His dirty talk, too, becomes meaner and sharper and more desperate - all about how you’re begging for his cock, how he knows you were made to be fucked like this, how he’s going to give you exactly what you need--
Sorbet & Gelato . . . Well. You can’t have one without the other, and they both love watching one another fuck you. The amount of care they spend doing that, it’s pretty much definitely going to be Sorbet drawing attention to Gelato making you bulge and vice versa. If it’s Gelato making your stomach bulge, Sorbet will tell him, very calm and soft, to look down - and, like Ghiaccio, the sight of it will drive Gelato a little wild, into an inspired frenzy to make you really feel every inch of his cock. In contrast, if Gelato points out Sorbet’s making your stomach bulge, Sorbet will slow down to a glacial pace. He really wants to make sure you see just how much your stomach is distending and feel every ridge and vein of his cock, intimately. He doesn’t talk - he likes listening to your heavy breathing as you take him. 
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leora-rambles · 3 years
The Road I Have Traveled On: The One Where Melone is Weird (La Squadra/Reader [Multiple Chapters])
i am vertebrae.
TW: Gun violence in this chapter.
“I think I fell in love.”
The group looks back at their teammate. The ones there raise their brows in confusion. The ones that weren’t there would’ve gagged at the words.
Risotto sits on the couch, the laptop seated nicely on his built lap, while Formaggio and Pesci watch the television.
“What. Did a woman show you her ankles today?” 
Melone ignores Formaggio’s joke and collapses on the seat beside Risotto, careful not to accidentally nudge him.
He’s flushed. His lavender hair is splayed across his forehead, his skin shimmering with a dewy layer of sweat. The band around his head is slightly askew, as well.
A low chuckle escapes Melone as he covers his eyes with a gloved hand. 
“How did it go?” Pesci asks, focused on the screen rather than his overjoyed coworker. 
Melone stares at the ceiling. 
Now he has caught their attention. Who talks about a hit like that?
Risotto squints his eyes when he hears the exclamation. At that moment, Melone was nothing short of a giddy school girl with a crush.
“He executed that hit perfectly. He completely subverted my expectations,” the lavender haired male gushes. 
Melone raises a hand up to the sky, as if reaching for something he saw. 
“Leche is perfect…” He places a hand over his heart, “He’s the perfect father for my Baby Face.”
Melone relives the moment you raised your pistol at the other's forehead. Even though he’s back at the base, he feels the icy breeze of the night air whistling through his dress shirt.
“I’ll hurry it up, like you asked,” you had told the man. 
It was like you were playing a role with how heartless you sounded, like Melone was just someone in the audience watching your movie.
He made a point to look away, averting his eyes from the upcoming sight of gore. Melone prepared himself for the sound of gunfire, until he instead heard you sigh.
Oh no, he thought. 
Oftentimes, there would be some recruits that seemed up for the job but simply weren’t. They were the kind that gave up after acknowledging their target. The ones too afraid to take another’s life
Melone witnessed this a few times, the worst part being that they gave up the moment their target had spotted them. This only reared itself out as a hindrance for Melone, having to kill two times the people he was supposed to take out.
He prayed that you weren’t like those idiots.
“You know what, here. As a present.”
Well, he’d learn that you were not like those idiots. You were much worse.
Melone glared at you with a livid anger in his eyes. If he hadn’t been so shocked, he would’ve asked you what the fuck you were doing.
He didn’t know why his feet remained planted to the ground as you waltzed towards the man. He didn’t know why he made no move to take you down and finish the job himself.
All he knows is that he’s watching you as you gingerly place the pistol in the target’s palms.
You walk behind the target, placing your hands down on his shoulders, the same way a mother would while introducing her little boy to a new friend.
“Consider this a gift,” you mused, savouring the fear in your partner’s eyes. “We both hate that pigtailed bastard Illuso, so this can be our revenge.”
You’re patting the man on the shoulder, encouraging him to raise the gun. “The team would be devastated losing a member, so make sure your aim is good.” Melone, despite wanting to flee, remained the same.
He was frozen in time. Just one practiced swing, and he could take both you and the target down. 
But he couldn’t move.
You took your place on the alleyway wall, leaning on your shoulder while the man heaved. “Sir…” He trembled, looking at you with utter desperation. 
If the target wasn’t drenched in sweat before, he sure was after you handed him your gun. 
“What’s the matter?” You called, crossing your arms.
“ Shoot , signore.”
The man flinched at the hidden threat in your voice.
In one quick movement, he pointed the gun with two shaky hands. Melone still couldn’t move.
Melone’s life flashed before his eyes. Months searching for computer parts, hours looking into parental guides, seconds catching his breath after barely escaping a flurry of bullets. It all came back to him in that one moment
“The team would be devastated.”
He doesn’t know why those were the words that rang in his ears when the gun stared at him in the face.
Melone shut his eyes. There were some instances where a person would survive a bullet to the skull, having a few seconds to dwindle as they watched blood pour out the bullet wound. Though living seemed enticing, he did not wish for brain matter and blood spewing from his wound to be engraved into his memory.
A loud bang echoed through the walls.
But he was still alive.
“… You’re getting off on nearly being killed?” Formaggio raises a brow, lowering the volume on the tv. 
Melone shakes his head, feeling the warmth of his cheeks on his palms. “I wasn’t in danger,” he muses, “Right then, Leche had already secured the kill.”
Formaggio cringes at his teammates words, but keeps any thoughts he has to himself.
Melone reminisces on the way you had sighed as the man's body fell over. The way you wiped the blood off of your cheek in annoyance. 
Other than the blood sprayed on your face, the kill was relatively clean. It appears as a suicide from a bystanders view. 
“I’ll be honest, I was a bit upset after the hit, but after some pondering, I’ve realized Leche’s genius.”
Melone turns to his higher up, “Risotto, would you mind asking Leche for a blood sample?”
Risotto’s tapping on the laptop falters for a moment, not to consider Melone’s question, but to ponder on the hit just described to him.
“I’ll have a firm talk with Leche about his behaviour,” he states. Melone hears the hint of frustration in the larger man's voice, and changes his attention to the tv. 
As he thinks back on Risotto’s attitude, he realizes that he may have just put you in a bit of hot water. 
‘Oops.’ Melone smirks. ‘Guess we’re even now, cutie.’
Your shoulders shudder in fear, the lingering aftermath of your earlier meeting with Risotto. 
“Melone informed me of your hit.” He stared at you with his crimson eyes, scrutinizing your reactions as you panicked to come up with an excuse.
It was like there was a metal ball in your throat with how much you were choking on your words.
“It— I was testing… The target was… I had good—“
“If my men ever complain about you pulling a stunt like that again, I will not hesitate to kill you.”
You stomp your feet on the cement as you trekked your way home. “That snitching asshole…!” You bite your thumb in an effort to alleviate the anxiety. 
“Annoying piece of shit…!” you mutter under your breath, feeling the lava-hot anger rush to your face in eruption.
You turn to see your face in the window of some mirror shop. Looking at your disgruntled reflection only frustrated you more. You remember for a brief moment when Melone whispered into your ear, perverted face blushing, “How did you know about my fear of gore?”
An annoyed cringe makes its way onto your face. “What kind of assassin is afraid of blood…!” You bite your knuckles, holding back your curses. You’ll save the yelling for once you’re home.
The house is quiet, apart from the sound of your hat hitting the wood flooring and the colourful array of your choice words (some in a language you didn’t even know you learned). Your jacket falls to the floor as well, and you take a running jump on the couch. 
You groan, knowing you have to shower before getting to your bed. Slinking to the hallway, you rip your jacket off and prepare to stay in the bath for at least an hour.
The shower washes away the ache in your shoulders, taking the dried up blood and dirt with it. Even after scrubbing meticulously in the bath, you don’t know why you can still see the mess on your hands. It’s a kind of grime that you can’t wash away.
You don't realize you’re crying until the stinging in your eyes becomes unbearable. You’ll have to live like this for a while, if not, forever. Everyday, whether you like it or not.
It was easier when you had your brother around to talk with.
When you breathe, your chest feels lighter. Your shoulders don’t ache as much as they did before, and though you can still see the stains on your hand, you’re cleaner.
‘Why is getting out of the shower harder than getting in?’ You think to yourself, towelling the droplets of water on your face.
Your small moment of peace is disturbed when you hear a crash in the kitchen. 
A sudden surge of adrenaline rushes through your system as you sprint to the noise, droplets of water still dripping down your body. 
The vase beside the window is in a myriad of tiny pieces, sparkling on the floor like a broken disco ball.
You curse beneath your breath, holding the towel firmly in place. You thought it was an intruder or god forbid one of your new coworkers , but it was probably your neighbour’s demon cat again. It’s not the first time that that scheming little gremlin waltzed into your home and broke something. 
You recall the time you had to replace a mirror after the angry furball somehow rammed itself into the thing. 
In hindsight, it might’ve been your fault. It was careless to leave the window open, and even more careless to just place the creaky antique mirror right beside the opening.
Have you learned? No. You squint your eyes at your reflection after shutting the window and locking it. Those eyebags weren’t budging, no matter how much you slept.
You shrug off the shards of porcelain on the floor. Tomorrow’s you can worry about that.
With all the tiredness colliding in with your thinking, it’s no surprise you brushed off the feeling of being watched the same way you did with the porcelain.
The phone rings. Risotto runs his hands through his hair before picking it up.
He hears the sound of glass shifting on the other side of the phone, little shards cracking as Illuso steps on them. 
“Illuso?” He asks, attention drawn away from the papers in front of him.
“I visited the newbie, like you asked,” Illuso says, his voice even. He stares at the hallway that leads to your room.
“I’m sitting on a pretty big amount of information.” He boasts, twirling a lock of his silky black hair.
“I think you’ll be happy to hear that…” Illuso stares at the smiling pictures of you hanging on the wall, the majority taken with your brother beside you. 
“Our dear Leche has a sibling.”
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golden-kettle · 3 years
No Place For Love (Mista x GN!Reader)
Guido Mista x GN!Reader - CHAPTER ONE
TW// Strong language, slight violence
You’ve dedicated the beginning of your young adult years to Passione and La Squadra. You weren’t about to choose the enemy over the opportunity to finally get the pay you and your teammates deserved. Right?
Word count: 1,888
It’s been a hot minute since I posted something, so here’s the new project I’m working on! An enemies to lovers story with Mista :) I’m going to try and update as much as I can as I’ve been thinking about something like this for a while. hope you enjoy the first chapter 💕💕 Trusting anyone outside of your gang is a death wish. There's no room for love in the mafia of Passione. You knew this better than anyone else. Sure, you aren't the same as you were years ago. Naïve and inexperienced. However, would you be willing to throw it all away, the blood you've shed and the strength you've gained, for a singular person? That was the very question Risotto asked you when you returned from an incomplete mission, slightly injured.
"I shouldn't have to say what we all know, but this goal is what we live for," he said.
The goal he was referring to was that of taking over the drug routes of Passione, defeating the mysterious boss in the process. It was something you found was impossible, until Risotto told you and the other members of La Squadra that the boss had a daughter. And that daughter, Trish Una, was under the protection of  Bruno Bucciarati and his squad members.
You were told to go and find their current location in Italy as if it was the last thing you'd do. You'd then place a tracking device on one of the members and leave as quickly as possible. Simple, especially for the traits and powers of your stand. So why were you sitting here in front of Risotto with the tracking device in the palm of your hand?
"You need to go back there."
You looked up at him with guilt in your eyes, a silent plea to let you at least spend the night at the base then try again tomorrow morning. Risotto understood right away, observant as he is. With a sigh, he spoke in a low whisper.
"You know that if I let you stay here any longer, the others will say I play favorites. Get going."
You stood up and brushed off your clothes, walking to the door to exit Risottos office. Putting your hand on the knob, you froze without turning your head.
"Risotto, I have one request."
He didn't say anything in response, keeping quiet. Although you knew he was listening.
"If I can't carry out this mission in 48 hours, call me a fool."
With that you left the room, swiftly exiting the base and paying no mind when Formaggio attempted to spark conversation. Deep in your gut, you knew Risotto had no clue as to why you took the time to say such things, but you did. Because before you failed at completing this mission, you ran into someone you've only seen in a photo on an information sheet. Guido Mista, age 18. Stand name: Sex Pistols. 
The first time you saw him you intended on putting the tracking device on him. You would knock him out once he was alone, put the small device between the grooves on the bottom of his shoe. Then leave as if you were never there. Obviously, fate had other plans.
He was standing in line at a café, a small list in his hands. Presumably, what the rest of his squad wanted, you thought. When he finished ordering the list of pastries and drinks, he glanced over his shoulder to you. His eyes widened for a second until the cashier told him his total. 
"Ah, yeah, let me get that."
You watched as Mista shuffled through his pocket, pulling out money to pay. 
"I'll be paying for their meal too," he said as he gestured to you.
"Oh, that won't be needed sir," you said with a smile
.He returned your smile with one of his own, "what do you want?"
Is he trying to flirt with me? You thought before telling the cashier your drink order. Mista then paid for his and your order, walking over to a table to sit while he waited. You did the same until he waved you over. What's the harm in sitting with him while you waited? Perhaps you could get something out of him.
"So what's your name?" he asked, practically beaming when you sat down across from him. 
You answered truthfully, there was no way for him to have any information on you. A staple of being on the hitman team is being anonymous, so there was no background on you. If you were to die, the only way you would live on was through the memories of your teammates. 
"Ah, well my name's Mista, I haven't seen you around before, although you look Italian. You from the south or somethin'?"
"No, I'm from around here. I probably just got lost in the crowd. Or you aren't that observant." 
Thinking that you might as well play along, you didn't feel guilty in teasing him a little bit. In fact, he seemed to enjoy your banter.
"Oh, I am insanely observant. Like for example, you have a stain on your shirt right there," he reached over and pointed. 
When you looked down, he raised his finger and flicked your nose. You couldn't even be mad at his kindergarten teasing. You crossed your arms as he leaned back and laughed.
"Haha. Very funny," you said with a smile, "but are you willing to tell me a bit about yourself, Mista? I will say it's not every day I get someone to pay for my order."
"Sure can do, what are you dying to know?"
"Why did you decide to pay for my drink?" You knew you should ease into the questions so you could get something notable out of him.
"Isn't it obvious? I think you're cute."
You laughed softly at the statement, "you're right, I guess that's self-explanatory isn't it?"
Mista hummed, "my turn to ask you a question. What do you think of me?" he grinned, putting his chin between his forefinger and thumb.
You took a moment to think. No way in hell you were about to boost his ego more than it seemed to already be, but you weren't about to be flat at rude instead.
"I think you're generous, yet insane to be wearing a hat and knitted shirt in the Italian spring sun," you spoke out of a light laugh.
"That's fair."
You smiled, leaning against the table and rubbing the back of your neck. You turned your head to avoid his gaze, acting shy, as you spoke your next question.
"You have plans after this? I know you probably ordered for a group of people.. but maybe we can make a detour at my place?" you glance back at him with an innocent smile on your face.
"Well... I do have plans after this, but I'm sure they can wait. I want to get to know you after all."
How gullible can he be? Isn't he a gunman in the most notable mafia present in Italy right now? No matter the case, you just found an easy opening. This mission would be completed earlier than you thought.
After some small talk and retrieving your order, you lead Mista down the street and into an alleyway.
"My apartment is just on the left side once we get through here," you smiled, "but you won't be seeing it."
Mista glanced back to you, confused by the last few words of your statement. With that, you used your stand to push him to the ground, knocking the bag of pastries and cardboard holder with the drinks out of his hands. You watched as he reached for what you assumed was a gun in his boot, but straddled over him and pinned his hands above his head.
"Fucking hell, how are you so strong? What do you even want from me?"
"I want you to shut up and sleep," you spoke with a total shift in tone and attitude.
He grinned to your surprise, then in a flash he wrapped his leg around yours and flipped you over. Now he was pinning you down. He grabbed his gun and let go of your hands, pressing the gun against your forehead. 
"Who the hell are you?" he demanded."
I told you my name, Mista. Don't have me repeat myself."
He pressed the gun harder against your head, but your face remained neutral and unbothered.
"You're part of a gang, aren't you? What are you after from Passione? Or are you after us specifically?"
"Don't you think there's no point in asking me questions if I'm not going to answer them?"
Mista moved his gun in a flash, firing a bullet into the ground beside you. He then pressed its barrel against your forehead once more.
"I'm not messing around."
”You were a few minutes ago. Honestly, it seemed like you were so sure you were gonna get a kiss from me. Maybe more. Just how down bad are you, Mista?"
"Stop saying my name as if you know me."
"But I do know you, dear. That new capo, Bucciarati. He broke you out of jail and you joined his squad. The name of your stand is Sex Pistols, truly fitting for a man like yourself."
With that, he slapped you across the face. You froze for a second before speaking again.
"..Did you just slap me?" You spoke in a tone of utter shock.
"Want me to do it again, “dear”?"
"What are you, a sadist?"
"What are you, a masochist?" He replied, clearly mocking you.
This wasn't going to get you anywhere.
"I'm sick of this," you said, manifesting your stand behind him.
Your stand then put its arms around Mista's waist and pulled him off of you. You stood up and ran back to the crowded streets of the town, taking the shock he had of you being a stand user for granted. Once Mista gained his senses, he started to chase after you. However, it was a lost cause. You were already lost within the people. 
It wasn't until you were running for a half-hour that you realized you didn't complete your mission. Risotto was bound to be pissed at you. Hell, you were pissed at yourself. You had no clue what came over you.
"What was I thinking?" you said to yourself.
You could've had your stand knock him out while he had you pinned down. In fact, that was the plan when you walked him into that alley. 
He's attractive. That's why you didn't hurt him. You sighed. As much as you didn’t want to admit it, that was the only reason that made sense.
"God damn him."
As you walked back to your base you thought about what you'd say to Risotto. Maybe you could convince him to let you spend the rest of the day rethinking a new plan and get some sleep before acting on it tomorrow morning. Instead, you ended up saying nothing and let him scold you.
Now you were here, outside the base and walking back to the busy city Naples. Thoughts going at a hundred miles an hour, you knew Mista probably returned back to wherever the rest of his gang was. No way you could take them all at once. 
You told Risotto to call you a fool if you failed to carry out the mission because that's exactly what you'd be. You thought about his question. Would you be willing to throw away everything you've built for only one person?
Only a fool in love would do that.
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kismetintheuniverse · 4 years
Bucciarati’s Gang + La Squadra Texting HCs
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     𝕭𝖚𝖈𝖈𝖎𝖆𝖗𝖆𝖙𝖎'𝖘 𝕿𝖊𝖆𝖒
ʙʀᴜɴᴏ ʙᴜᴄᴄɪᴀʀᴀᴛɪ
- Types like your boss.
- ‘Will someone please pick Narancia up from the store? He broke the car.’
- He will say the most outlandish thing in a completely serious tone.
- ‘I’m in the hospital, got shanked by a tweaker.’
- The gang thought he was joking. He was not.
- Uses emojis and slang sparingly. Phrases like ‘omw’ and ‘ty’ are most common. 
- The only emojis he uses often is ‘👍’ and ‘👋’.
- Overall professional and understandable.
- Doesn’t use images, gifs, or videos.
ʟᴇᴏɴᴇ ᴀʙʙᴀᴄᴄʜɪᴏ
- Very sarcastic.
- ‘Oh no im sorry should i come over and kiss your boo-boo?’
- Doesn’t use much punctuation aside from ending punctuation and hyphens. Can’t use commas to save his life.
- No one can tell if he is actually mad or being sarcastic.
- Uses ‘😶’ and ‘🧐’ most often.
- Doesn’t use images/gifs/videos
- Refuses to use dms, and often get made fun of it for it.
- ‘Giorno please im on my knees im begging you please stop being cringe im actually going to cry please ill do literally anything just shut the fuck up.’
ɢᴜɪᴅᴏ ᴍɪꜱᴛᴀ
- Types very modern.
- ‘can one of yall pick me up slommy from the store’
- Doesn’t use punctuation and capitalization.
- Constantly quoting memes and being the Funny Man™.
- ‘you smell like ten cans of bounce dat ass’
- All bark, no bite.
- Uses ‘😘’ and ‘😏’ emoji the most.
- Sends this image at least twice a day.
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ɴᴀʀᴀɴᴄɪᴀ ɢʜɪʀɢᴀ
- Types with a lot of slang
- ‘Bro Just Me Or Does Mista Not Know How To Wipe His Mfing Ass’
- Capitalizes every word and often misspells things.
- Quotes memes, but not as much as Mista.
- ‘Foogie Pookie I’m Scared There’s A Wasp In The Citchin’
- Purposely tries to give Fugo a stroke.
- Uses the ‘🧡’ and ‘🍊’ emojis the most.
- Doesn’t send images, but sends gifs.
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ᴘᴀɴɴᴀᴄᴏᴛᴛᴀ ꜰᴜɢᴏ
- Types rather properly, like he’s writing an email.
- ‘Narancia, I found this video to help with your math lesson. I’m proud you’ve gotten to 7th grade level! https://youtu.be/Xb951Vqs4Vc Please use it if you need help. - 🍓’
- Uses a passive-aggressive tone when he gets angry.
- Talks in the group chat the least, prefers to use dms.
- Signs his messages like an old lady.
- Takes a long time to type.
- ‘The meeting is at 4 pm today, correct?’
- Uses the ‘🍓’ emoji exclusively.
- Doesn’t send images/gifs, usually just sends math videos for Narancia.
ɢɪᴏʀɴᴏ ɢɪᴏᴠᴀɴɴᴀ
- Types properly, but not as much as Fugo.
- ‘Abbacchio, I’m sorry but I have some important things to discuss with Capo. :c’
- Always speaks in a polite or serious tone. 
- Doesn’t use emojis, uses ‘:D’, ‘:c’ etc.
- Doesn’t send a lot of images, but might send cute group selfies.
- ‘Uh, I need back up, Narancia is bleeding out on the ground. Please hurry-’
- Will do anything to avoid calling.
         𝕷𝖆 𝕾𝖖𝖚𝖆𝖉𝖗𝖆
ʀɪꜱᴏᴛᴛᴏ ɴᴇʀᴏ
- Doesn’t know how to spell, but still tries his best to be professional.
- ‘PLEASe attend the MEATING at 12, thank youo’
- Auto correct either helps him or hurts him.
- Sends cute images of animals occasionally.
- ‘How do you WORK a phone i need TO know PLEASe’
- Wants to use emojis, doesn’t know how. (Despite Melone showing him multiple times.)
- Bless his poor soul.
- Types properly, but isn’t by any means professional.
- ‘Will you all please shut the fuck up? It’s three am and you are FLOODING the group chat.’
- Doesn’t take any bull from anyone.
- Has admin in all of the group chats.
- Uses the ‘🙃’ and ‘🖕’ emojis the most.
- ‘You’re all going to hell. 😊👐’
- Gets away with the most bs.
- Doesn’t use images/gifs/videos
- Types angrily.
- Gets annoyed over literally any grammar mistake, so he isn’t very active.
- When he’s around, he tends to gaslight most situations.
- Uses the ‘❄️’ and ‘💙’ emojis exclusively.
- Only ever sends photos to start arguments. (Ex. A picture of Formaggio eating shredding cheese from the fridge at 3 am.)
- Probably shouldn’t be allowed to have a phone.
- Types.. well...
- ‘Ciaooo~ What’s up lgbt community? (。•̀ᴗ-)✧’
- He gets on everyone’s nerves, or helps them out tremendously. It’s a 50/50.
- Will spam any cute gif he sees until he finds a better one.
- Doesn’t use emojis, but instead uses those emoticons.
- He’s the one who makes all the group chats.
- Usually starts fights, but never finishes them.
- (Aka. he ghosts halfway through once someone else joins the argument.) 
- Spams LOONA fancams in chat.
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- Types like a Mista 2.0
- ‘just admit you like feet and move on 🙄‘
- CEO of gaslighting, will 100% make every situation worse then it already is.
- ‘wow so i’m here shitting my guts out and not a single one of yall will come get me tp? woooow. see yall in hell ✌️’
- Loves to make everyone mad, but his target is usually Prosciutto. 
- He uses so many emojis that it’s impossible to keep track of them.
- Spams nasty f*tish art when he’s mad at someone in chat.
- The king of memes. Uses gifs, images, videos, you name it. They tell him to stop but he doesn’t.
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- Types pretty casually.
- ‘Okay so im just curious as to which one of yall clogged the toilet with a FAT log, cause this shit nasty asf’
- Extremely passive aggressive and manipulative, never outright says when he’s mad.
- Only uses the ‘💅’ emoji.
- Gossips 24/7 with Gelato in dms, and has a gc called ‘We love Formaggio.’
- (Hint: All they do is talk shit about him in that gc.)
- Sends so many reaction images it’s not even funny.
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- Types like every teenage girl.
- ‘Hi guys!!! uwu’
- Everyone actually seems to ignore him for no reason.
- He has great ideas, but no one listens. Like, he could make communicating with each other x10 easier, but they just disregard him.
- Hates going into chat for the most part. 
- ‘Guys- formaggio’s cat threw up on the carpet, what do I do?’
- Once was traumatized by a video Formaggio sent of a guy twerking butt-naked.
- Uses the ‘😊’ and ‘🙏’ emojis the most.
- Wants to use images/gifs/videos but yelled at the last time he sent one.
ꜱᴏʀʙᴇᴛ & ɢᴇʟᴀᴛᴏ
- Both type in a similar tone.
- ‘Who the fuck stole my casserole.’ - Sorbet
- ‘who stole my baby’s casserole 😶’ - Gelato
- Gelato doesn’t capitalize his sentences, ever. His nickname in chat is even lowercase.
- Sorbet only uses ‘.’ as punctuation. 
- Gelato starts the most petty bull, Sorbet actually causes issues.
- Both are often kicked from the group chat for being overly affectionate. 
- ‘so i just wanted to mention that im p sure i saw illuso spill cereal on the couch and not clean it up 😁 ’
- vs.
- ‘Illuso split cereal on the fucking couch and didn’t clean up after himself. Nasty fucker.’
- I’m sure you can tell who’s who.
- Sorbet doesn’t use emojis, but like Ghiaccio, he sends images that starts fights.
- Meanwhile Gelato finds it hard to go 30 seconds without using emojis/images.
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icollectyoursins · 3 years
Gift Headcanons Melone x Reader
Look. I know the holidays have just passed, but I am unashamedly a SIMP for all of La Squadra and I wanna give them gifts. I just love them. So here, have some (mostly) tender gift giving and receiving for da boyz. I’m excluding Sorbet and Gelato because I know next to nothing about them, sorry!
This one was very hard to keep this one SFW, but I tried!
Have a character, but no idea? Prompt list here!
Looking for more? Master post here!
WARNINGS: Mostly SFW, second bit is light NSFW, no sex, but lingerie is involved.
Word Count: 1559
Melone is uh... gross, so most of his gifts are sort of sexual, even if you don’t know it (like very large heels). That being said, he does give some sweet gifts every now and then! It’s always something you’ve been eying for a while or boasting about and 100% a pleasant surprise that makes the nasty things so worth it.
He loves getting you jewelry! Anything from earrings, rings, bracelets, necklaces, body piercings, body jewelry that wraps around you. He just loves making you shine! Or, he’ll impress you with fancy drinks in ridiculous bottles (looking at you Crystal Head Vodka), weird things that he can enjoy with you and then use to decorate the house with. Also (unsurprisingly) lingerie. Any kind that looks good on you he will get it.
He’s honestly a mix of both private and open when giving gifts. You’re together and close, but not 100% alone. He wants a few people to see how happy you two are.
     You sat on the couch with a phone in one hand scrolling through social media while the other idly rubbed circles into Melone’s back. He was hunched over his computer, typing various commands with nimble fingers. It had been so far into the relationship at this point that you didn’t even bother asking what he was doing. You were just there to make sure he didn’t mess up his back too much.
     Suddenly, he sat up, stretching out his back before looking over to you, head still tilted back slightly. He smiled in a way that would have been sweet if it wasn’t Melone, but you got the message. You think.
     “I have something for you, mio caro/mia cara. Would you like it?” He purred. There was something about the sparkle in his pretty blue/green eyes that made you curious and hesitant at the same time.
     “That depends. Am I going to like it?” You teased, letting out a light chuckle which he returned.
     “Of course!” He said, voice full of false defensiveness. “When have I ever given you something you didn’t like?”
     “Do you want a list? I can give you a list!” He laughed again, getting off the couch, waving his hand dismissively at you.
     “No, no need for a list. Just stay where you are, I’ll be back.” Melone kissed the top of your head as he passed behind you. “Oh, and close your eyes.”
     You couldn’t even get out a final quip or protest. He was through the doorway with a coy wink and a smile. You rolled your eyes before closing them, waiting patiently for him to return, though you did look at your phone one time while waiting. What can you say? He took a little longer than you expected and so you had some extra time!
     Finally, he came back with two gifts in hand. One long, slender gift bag which you assumed had some kind of alcohol in it and the other was a thin box wrapped in ribbon. The grin on his face said that this was either innocent, harmless gifts, or something a little on the more devious side. You couldn’t quite tell.
     He swiftly made his way back to the couch, placing the box in your hand while he began showing off the mystery contents of the bag. With slow elegance, he pulled out a rather odd and sensual liquor bottle. He presents it to you on an open palm. From the clearness, you could tell that it was probably vodka or something like that. The bottle was a glass-blown pinup of a woman with her arms folded over her head. Definitely vodka. Only people who made vodka would be this extra. And only Melone would buy a bottle of a naked woman.
     The wicked grin on his face told you that he was very proud of this piece. You laughed light-heartedly, examining the bottle in your hands.
     “Well, it’s certainly unusual!” You mused. “As long as the drink is good, I don’t care!” He grinned, licking his lips as his eyes drifted down to the box. This was his favourite part of tonight. Unless something else were to happen, but that was entirely up to you. 
     Setting the bottle down on the coffee table you moved on, pulling the bow apart with ease. Taking the lid off revealed a thin layer of tissue paper with holographic dots on it, how cute. Underneath was-
     “Melone!” You shrieked. He only chuckled. 
     “There’s more than that, amor mio/amore mio. Here, let me!” He reached it, pulling out a beautiful, delicate gold chain that looked as though it wrapped around your torso with smaller chains crossing over your chest. There was a matching bottom too, with glittering gold hanging off what would be your hips if you were wearing it.
     “Oh, Melone!” Ah, there it was, that wonderful joy only he could bring out. Like music to his ears! “They’re beautiful, thank you so much!”
     He swiftly caught you in a hug, pulling you close to him before he brought your face up to his, pulling you into a passionate kiss that left you breathless. Everyone around you who was staring turned away, giving you a little bit of privacy.
Oh my god, does this man love being spoiled. Melone will love pretty much anything you give him. Honestly, probably was sugar baby at some point (or maybe he’s yours), but yeah, happy receiving lots and lots of gifts from you.
I can see him enjoying sweet things with whipped cream and strawberries, lots of sparkly things and shiny things. Basically, anything he would get you, he would also enjoy receiving. If it’s something you can use erm... together *wink wink* he is, like, basically drooling already.
Does not care how you give him the gift, though if you have the guts to give him that kind of gift in front of people, he will absolutely feel something stir in him. But for the most part, he’s happy with anything.
     You adjusted your “outfit” in the mirror while you were waiting for Melone to find your little treasure hunt. It wasn’t much, just a few small notes hinting towards something more and more as he got closer.
     It started at the door with a cookie and a note telling him to follow the trail to his gift. Once he read it, he was excited in more ways than one. He followed the notes around the house. Some told him to do chores like fold the laundry to get to the bottom where the next clue was, or water the plants.
     He loved every minute of it, happily pairing each sock with its missing partner and smoothing out any creases in shirts. A sweet tune hummed from his chest while he sprayed each delicate flower, smelling the sweet scent until he got dizzy and feeling each leaf to make sure it was healthy before moving onto the next. It was agonizingly slow for both of you, though that was the point. If you were going to tease him all the way to the bedroom, then he was going to make you sit and wait.
     Melone’s eyes flicked up to the clock. He’d been there an hour already. Poor thing must be so tired waiting. But, he still has more chores to do, right? His suspicions were confirmed when he found another note, hidden in a succulent, telling him to grab something from the fridge.
     “Di molto! I wonder what that could be?” He asked the air sarcastically before practically skipping to the fridge where he found another slip of paper saying to look for something sweet and light. A hummed chuckle buzzed on his lips. “Hmm, sweet and light. Sweet and light. I wonder what that could be?”
     You rolled your eyes. The kitchen wasn’t too far from where you were hidden in the bedroom, so you could hear every exaggerated word that he said. You scoffed, muttering out some kind of insult under your breath.
     “Sweet and- Ah! This will be perfect.” He mused, grabbing 2 things from the fridge. You hoped one of them wasn’t honey, but then again, who would keep honey in the fridge? Honestly, probably Melone. Not for any particular reason, just because!
     The door was closed with a joking hip jerk. He didn’t even bother looking for the next clues. He just made his way straight to the bedroom, calling out to you as he entered. You were nowhere to be found, much to his dismay. However, he did find the box you left for him on the bed.
     Eagerly, he tossed what was in his arms onto the bed, then the box lid as he plunged into the gift. His eyes grew wide as he pulled out a harness he’d only been dreaming about using for years. A sound of pleasure rolled through his body. That’s when you came out of your hiding spot, wrapping your arms around him from behind.
     “Oh, you spoil me, mio caro/mia cara!”
     “I know, just don’t get whipped cream on the bed. Or strawberry leaves.” Melone laughed darkly, turning around and wrapping his arms around you.
     “I wouldn’t dream of it,” he whispered against your lips before smashing into them gently. As far as he was concerned, he would do whatever you wanted after tonight!
mio caro/mia cara = my darling (masc and fem)
amor mio/amore mio = my love (masc and fem)
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self-shipyard · 3 years
"I Will (Pt. 3): The Arrival" - A Self-Ship Wedding Fic
SYNOPSIS: The third part of a four-part fic in which everyone gathers in the chapel and prepares for the big moment.
Word Count: 1813
CW: Pre-Wedding Fluff, Mild In-Character Swearing, Anxiety
Tag List: : @guthound, @danieladimitrescu, @puppyships, @ava-ships, @awesomedanganronpaconfessions, @sinners-call-me-baby, @reigenhusband, @that-autistic-team-skull-grunt, @noellojello, @somethingscarlet13, @spookymasonjar, @vanityloves, @valor-selfships
PART 1 - PART 2 - PART 3 - PART 4
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The little church rested against the grassy Tuscania countryside. It was a rustic little building, made of old bricks and holding a wooden crucifix over the roof. Its staircase had a white satin stair runner over top and the sides were adorned with wildflowers and lit candles, despite the sun being high in the blue sky. There was even an arch of greenery which framed the church’s big wooden door.
It set the theme for a beautiful August wedding.
Lumaca could just barely see it from the car window and through her veil. The sight of it made her heart race. She might’ve even fainted, had not a hand reached over to touch her shoulder and to bring her back down.
Her eyes darted from the window to Sorbet.
“Are you okay?” Sorbet asked.
“Yeah, are you?” Gelato piped up from his place next to Sorbet, his hand reaching around to pat her lap. “You’re looking a little pale. Do you need anything?”
“I’m fine, thank you,” Lumaca softly replied. “It’s just my nerves...”
“Hey,” Formaggio said from the passenger’s seat. “If it makes you feel any better, just thought I’d let you know that I attended a bee wedding about a week ago.”
“Oh, is that so?” Gelato responded for her.
“Yup!” he continued. “It was nice to know that he found his honey.”
Formaggio and Gelato both laughed at the corny joke and Lumaca simply smiled, taking joy from their laughter. However, Prosciutto, who had been driving for the past fifteen minutes with a bouquet of white roses in his lap, couldn’t do likewise.
“Come on,” he muttered. “That was bad.”
“Hey now,” Formaggio defended himself. “Those two are digging it. Besides, when you got charms like mine, you don’t have to be that good with the words. It’s all about how you deliver it, you know?”
“Hey, look!” Gelato suddenly piped up with his finger pointed towards the window. “There’s Pesci. How long has the boy been waiting out there for?”
“I hope not for long,” Lumaca commented, a pang of guilt in her voice.
“Ah don’t worry about him, my dear.” Gelato patted her lap. “He’s always been so patient.”
After parking the car near the side of the chapel, where other vehicles sat in the afternoon sun, Prosciutto took hold of the bouquet and went to help Lumaca out of the car. Everyone else was quick to follow the pair, with Sorbet and Gelato close behind and Formaggio at the end of the little procession.
Pesci looked up from his seat on the stairs and his eyes lit up the minute he saw them approaching him. He jumped up and rushed to meet them, leaving his basket on the step. Lumaca would’ve met him halfway, if not for the fact that her arm was linked to Prosciutto’s. So instead, she reached her free hand out to grab hold of his.
“Lumaca!” he beamed, holding her hand in both of his. “I knew you’d be here on time! I was starting to get a little worried.”
“Pesci, you mammone,” Prosciutto grunted before Lumaca could say anything. “You shouldn’t have been worried. I wouldn’t have let her miss her own wedding day, would I?”
“Ah.” Pesci looked down. “Sorry, aniki.”
Lumaca watched as Pesci’s nerves dimmed his excitement. Feeling sorry for him, she shook his hands to grab his attention.
“It’s okay, Pesci!” she assured him. “I appreciate how much you care.”
He gave her a soft smile as some of the light returned to his face.
“Thank you Lumaca... You look really beautiful, by the way. You’re going to make everyone’s jaw drop.”
“You think so?” she blushed.
“I know so!” His grip on her hand went a little tighter. “Especially Ghiaccio’s jaw. Oh, he’s going to be so happy to see you!”
“Well, I hope he doesn’t mind seeing a couple extra pretty faces come down the aisle first,” Formaggio piped up with a grin, already walking ahead of the group to the chapel doors. “At any rate, we better go take our places, right Gelato?”
“Right behind you,” Gelato replied, practically skipping along behind him.
The chapel was as small on the inside as it was on the outside. It was lit by the afternoon sunlight pouring in through the windows, giving everything a gentle glow to it. Much like the staircase, the sides of the mahogany pews that faced the altar had also been decorated with wildflowers.
Attendees sitting in the pews consisted of a small crowd of people, including other members of their team and some friends of the bride. All of their voices resonated throughout the room, mingling softly with conversations from amongst themselves and even from the groomsmen.
The groom, however, was silent.
Ghiaccio had taken to thinking of Lumaca as a way to keep himself distracted from the nerves that drenched his forehead in sweat.
Memories flooded his head, giving his chest a warm, tingling feeling. He remembered everything, from the day they met and their first mission to their first date and their first kiss. The day they decided to move in together and those happy little moments between then and the evening he proposed.
That look in her eyes as she agreed to give him her hand in marriage… So sweet…
Ghiaccio was startled out of his thoughts by the sound of the wooden doors opening. His head jolted up and his eyes went wide behind his glasses. The room fell silent and everyone turned their heads to look at the big wooden doors.
The bridesmen walked in.
Formaggio strolled down between the pews, a serious look clouding his eyes as he focused on the task at hand. Gelato followed behind, regarding everyone he passed with the same curiosity of a cat. They quietly took their places at the bride’s side of the altar, approximately in the same sort of placement the groomsmen had taken.
Ghiaccio’s hand went up to feel his heart rate. It went down, but not by much.
“Fuck…” he muttered to himself whilst pushing his glasses closer to his face
“Ghiaccio,” a voice whispered behind him.
He turned around to see Melone, who had just reached out with his free hand to give him a pat on the back. His other hand held a small pillow, upon which rested a small, silver ring with a sapphire embedded into it.
Lumaca’s ring.
“Remember, we’re here to make sure everything’s alright,” he continued. “Try to relax, okay?”
Ghiaccio gave a quiet hum in response before turning back to resume his thoughts. Only, he found it was getting harder to concentrate, as the thought of her walking in and down the aisle towards him clouded his mind.
That thought made him gently whimper to himself.
“You have what I need?” Sorbet asked, his eyes focusing on Pesci and his hands carefully adjusting Lumaca’s veil.
“Oh, of course! Hang on a second,” Pesci assured as he made his way back to the chapel’s staircase.
He took hold of his basket and gently fished his hands through the rose petals. As soon as he felt the two items that Sorbet needed graze his fingertips, his face lit up. Carefully, he pulled out a small pillow and an even smaller sack from the pile of petals.
“You didn’t have anything else to carry those things in?” Prosciutto inquired as he made adjustments to the bride’s bouquet in his hands.
Pesci met his furrowed look with a sheepish grin.
He stood straight up and walked back to the three remaining members of the bride team, bringing the pillow and the sack with him.
“Not really, no,” he gulped. “I uhm… Had to make do with what I had.”
Sorbet held out his hand and Pesci placed the pillow overtop before prying open the sack with his fingers. Within a few seconds, he had a silver ring with a small ruby embedded into it placed on top of the pillow.
Ghiaccio’s ring.
“Hmm,” Prosciutto sighed. “I suppose you didn’t have much of a choice then. I’m proud of you for making do with that you had… All I ask is that you be careful of the petals next time. We don’t need them to be crushed.”
“Okay, aniki; I’ll remember that!” Pesci smiled, too polite to tell him that Melone had already said something similar.
“Thank you so much, Pesci,” Lumaca muttered happily, the sight of the piece of silver and the thought of it on her husband-to-be’s left hand making her giddy. “In fact, thank you guys for your help.”
“We appreciate the thought,” Sorbet told her. “But don’t thank us just yet. Save it for the reception.”
Just then, the pastor poked his head out from between the doors and called for Sorbet to come inside. After giving him a nod and watching him slip back inside, he strutted towards the big wooden doors with the pillow balanced in his palm. He glanced towards Lumaca and gave her a nod that she gladly returned. With that, he pushed the doors open with his free hand and made his way inside.
As soon as the doors closed with a low thump!, Pesci looked towards Prosciutto.
“Aniki,” he asked. “Am I supposed to follow behind him with the flower petals right now?”
“Give him a couple of minutes first,” Prosciutto instructed him. “You’re going to be ahead of us by about a minute so you can scatter the petals around, then you’ll take your place on the groom’s side of the altar.”
“Okay, I can do that…” Pesci hummed as a thought crossed his mind. “You sure do know a lot about being a flower boy, huh?”
“I had to be one for our mother’s wedding,” Prosciutto admitted. “This was before you were born, of course, but I remember it well.”
“It must’ve been lovely,” Lumaca smiled warmly.
Prosciutto smiled back at her.
“It was,” he started to reminisce. “It had been the happiest I had seen her in a long time. A type of joy I can see all around you, in fact.”
She blushed quietly.
“Ah, it’s… It’s that noticeable?”
“It is.” Prosciutto agreed. “And it’s a good sign. It means that this is the start of a long, happy marriage.”
She bit her lip, trying her best not to start sobbing right then and there.
“Thank you…”
The brothers wrapped their arms around her in a group hug. She immediately had her arms around them as well.
“You two will go far,” Prosciutto whispered. “I know you will.”
After spending a long, quiet moment in the embrace, the trio pulled themselves away from each other and Pesci made his way towards the chapel stairs.
He took hold of the handle of his basket.
“I’ll see you both soon!” Pesci beamed at the pair before disappearing behind the doors.
(to be continued at 2:00 PM EST)
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kindajared · 4 years
Multi-Tasking || RisottoXReader (Smut)
( This is for @zip-shizz who wonn the 400 follower Raffle! Enjoy!)
Risotto had been out of it for the entire day, incredibly irritable and grumpy. No one present in the base wanted to talk to him when he was in this mood, which wasn’t very often. The hit mission he had returned from was a ridiculous distance away and he had to return in the same day. He was not told that the three men he had to take out were stand users, so he didn’t exactly have time to come up with a plan nor prepare. Though he never needed to try hard to get to a point where he could get things over with quickly. He had a nearly invincible stand, so the fact that he ever had any trouble was a wonder.
When he had returned late last night he looked like a mess. Hunched over and mopey. You gave him a warm welcome as you usually did, but he returned it half-heartedly. It was upsetting to see him in such a state. The lack of affection returned was discouraging, though you did manage to make him feel better once he was finally able to lay in bed and sleep. You rubbed his back and peppered all sorts of kisses onto him. You finally received a smile at that point. You could sleep soundly knowing that he would end up being just fine.
Though when he woke up on this day, he wasn’t any better. Still just as irritable. Part of you wanted to spend as much time as you could cheering him up, but that just wasn’t how he worked. Only a select few things could truly lift his spirits. So, you tried to leave him be, that is, until now…
He sat at his desk in his office, looking over various papers and digging into files on the computer that was placed to the side. He was very often alone like this and you wondered how he stayed sane. You had been in the kitchen drinking a glass of water with Melone and Ghiaccio chatting nearby when you finally decided to go check up on your boyfriend.
“I wouldn’t if I were you.”
Melone commented as you turned to walk in the direction of the Capo’s office. You wondered why he would even say that. You and Risotto were extremely close, always there for each other. You supposed Melone may have been worried for you for some strange reason. You rolled your eyes.
“He’s not going to eat me like a Salisbury steak like he might you, pretty boy.”
You replied quite rudely. You and Melone always spoke to each other that way, so it wasn’t too cruel. He crossed his arms and continued his conversation with Ghiaccio then, forgetting about the so called ‘risk’ he thought you were taking. You then proceeded to the office, giving the door a good knock.
“Can I come in? It’s me.”
You called to Risotto. His reply was a grumble, but you were able to hear it. You weren’t sure what he said, but you opened the door anyway.
When you saw him, he had one of his hands on the top of head, using his elbow to hold himself up and off of the table, a pen in the other hand. He didn’t look up from his desk when you walked in. You frowned.
You spoke softly, approaching him. You circled around his desk slowly and placed your hand on the one that was atop his head.
“Look at me, mio Caro.”
He slowly but surely did as you asked, lifting his head to look up at you. His eyelids were red, and he looked exhausted. You reached down and placed your fingers under his chin.
“Why don’t you take a break, hm?”
You suggested. He more than deserved it, but you had a feeling he would deny you, which he did.
“No. I can’t.”
He replied stiffly, turning his head down to look away from you. You sighed, placing your hand on his back and rubbing it. You. thought to yourself for a moment.
“What can I do to help? I don’t like seeing you like this, Risotto.”
You’d do anything it took. The state he was in truly pained you. He just lazily shook his head.
“Nothing, I’ll be alright.”
His reply frustrated you. Why wouldn’t he just let you help? It’s not like it would be a hard thing to do, whatever it was…speaking of…what would it be? You had to do something. You placed your free hand over your mouth, covering your small smile.
“I have an idea.”
You moved your hand to his shoulder, gripping it gently. He didn’t look up at you, he began to write.
“And what’s that?”
He asked you, trying to multi-task. You wished he would look at you while you were speaking, but his mind was elsewhere. You moved yourself so that you were behind his chair, you gripped the sides of it and began to slide it backwards, pulling it and Risotto away from the desk. Risotto turned his upper body.
“(Y/N), I have to keep working.”
His words were rather weak, energy still low. You leaned down slightly, as his face was already near yours. You placed a kiss to the side of his mouth before speaking softly.
“Oh, you’ll be able to keep working, Bello.”
Your smile turned into a smirk. You walked around the chair to stand in front of him.  You leaned down and took his face in your hands, kissing him gently, your lips softly pressing against his. He slowly reached up to touch your face. It was nice to feel him finally show some real affection.
When you pulled away Risotto’s pained facial expression seemed to have relaxed. You reached down and grabbed the arms of his chair and pulled it back to the table, stepping backwards. You got down on your knees and tucked yourself under the desk, back hidden by the front of it. You stowed yourself away.
“See? You can still work like this.”
You were still able to stick your head out from under the desk, easily seeing his face and the area of the room behind him. You reached for his belt buckle without saying a word, unbuckling it. Risotto stopped you with his hands.
“I don’t thi-.”
“Let me, I miss this.”
You stopped him. The look you gave him was enough to let him know that you really wanted to make him feel better. He sighed and let go of your hands. You immediately proceeded to loosen his belt before you realized he didn’t have a button nor a zipper…something you always forgot. You slipped your fingers down into the hem of his pants and tugged down on them. He lifted himself up so that you could pull them past his ass. You couldn’t help but giggle. Risotto took in a deep breath, a light blush forming on his face as you exposed his black boxer-briefs. You placed your hand over his member and stoked it with your fingers, his breath hitched and he shifted in his seat.
“Hey, I thought you were going to work?”
You looked up at him quizzically. He bit his lip before he leaned forward, face out of sight. He rested his elbows back on the table and picked up his pen, you could hear the scratching of it on the paper above you.
You pulled his underwear down and over his member, revealing it to yourself. You shifted yourself forward, taking ahold of it, wrapping the entirety of your right hand around it. it was always glorious to see and feel. It’s amazing size always had you in awe.
You began to pump him slowly then, hearing him suck in a breath. He stopped writing. You waited after that, wanting him to continue doing his work. He easily got your message and continued, as did you. His smooth cock slid in and out of your perfect grip. He was extremely hard, you managed to help your current grip on it by using your other hand to take care of the side of his cock that was exposed. He let out a groan and dropped his pen. You stopped and poked your head out from under the desk to look at him.
“I thought you had to work? Were you lying to me?”
You asked him, though playfully. He swallowed and shook his head, leaning forward so that you couldn’t see his reddened face. He picked his pen up, trying to focus as hard as he could. It was in fact true; he did have work to do. Organizing money wasn’t easy. Nor was writing letters to other branches of Passione.
But then to the both of yours’ surprise, the door opened suddenly, as wide as it could be to reveal Formaggio and Proscuito. You both froze in place, Risotto’s eyes could have popped out of his head, but he kept his eyes down for the time being.
“Hey boss, when are we getting the new assignments? It’s been days.”
Proscuito spoke and Formaggio quickly followed.
“I need some dirty work, y’knoW?”
Proscuito crossed his arms and Formaggio stood tall, trying to look good for his Capo.
Risotto let out an elongated breath before looking up, heart pounding. He managed to squint his eyes, hoping that would help him looked tired rather than shocked. He tried to speak.
He stopped when he felt your hot mouth engulf him. His head fell to the table, he rested it on top of his forearms. The two squad members looked at each other.
“You doin’ okay? I think you need some time off. You should listen to (Y/N). She knows what she’s talkin’ about.
Formaggio seemed to be genuinely concerned for Risotto.
With your boyfriend’s cock in your hand and mouth you began to bob your head back and forth, covering his shaft in saliva, pressing your tongue firmly against him.
He began to let out soft groans. Risotto shot his head up when he heard footsteps approach him.
“No! Stop! Don’t come any closer.”
He scolded them harshly, practically yelling at them You began to swirl your tongue around his head and slide your tongue over it, coating it with pre-cum. He put a hand to his face and held it before he growled.
“I-I’ll let you know t-tomorrow.”
He stuttered out, starting to pant. He was beginning to lose his cool.
He mumbled.
“Boss? Are you sur-?”
Risotto slammed his fist on the table. He immediately tried to calm himself. His face was beet red and his eyes were glazed over. When he felt his cock hit the back of your throat, he put his fist to his mouth and bit down hard, he just barely hid the delicious moan that you recognized all too well.
The two members stiffened and immediately left, shutting the door behind them. Risotto had scared them shitless…they would most likely leave him alone until he decided that it was okay for them to even exist.
Risotto then reached down and grabbed a chunk of your hair, pulling you off of him. He looked angry.
“Why the hell did you do that? Are you out of your fucking mind?”
He scolded you, but you just smiled, licking the saliva off of your bottom lip.
“Absolutely. Now let me make you cum, Capo.”
Risotto let out an annoyed sigh and let go of your hair, which fell into your face. You pushed it away before returning your mouth to his cock, sliding him in. He leaned back in his chair. There was no way in hell he was going to work in this state. You hummed as you massaged his protruding vein with your tongue, cupping his balls with your palm. That made him groan a little too loud, he took his lower lip into his mouth, biting down on it.
He placed a strong hand on your head and began to control your motions, choosing the pace he wanted you to move at. You began to suckle gently on him, your throat began to contract around his tip, yes it was indeed a wonder how you got all of him into your mouth without gagging, but you’d had practice. God know how many time’s you’d blown him in the he past.
When he began to shift his legs and let out constant groans you knew he was going to cum. You put even more effort into the way your mouth cared for his member, sucking and tilting your head left and right so that you could rub him against your cheek.
“(Y/N) …”
He groaned your name, panting in the process. He usually warned you when he was going to cum, but this time he simply didn’t, he just filled your mouth completely, his thick seed coating every inch of it. You moaned happily as you felt some of it seep out of your mouth. He pulled you off and looked down at you, he watched you swallow and lick your lips clean, cum threatening to drip from your chin. He let out a breathless chuckle and reached down to wipe it off.
He reached down and cupped you face gently, pulling you up so that you could stand in front off him, off of the floor. He placed his hands on your hips and sighed.
“I’ll never forgive you for this.”
He tried to tell you seriously, but there was a hint of a smile on his face. You leaned down to give him a soft peck on the lips.
“Oh yes, Risotto, you will.”
 (Good meal? Good meal <3)
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