reasonsforhope · 22 days
"A global shift to a mostly plant-based “flexitarian” diet could reduce greenhouse gas emissions and help restrict global heating to 1.5C, a new study shows.
Previous research has warned how emissions from food alone at current rates will propel the world past this key international target.
But the new research, published in the Science Advances journal, shows how that could be prevented by widespread adoption of a flexitarian diet based around reducing meat consumption and adding more plant-based food.
“A shift toward healthy diets would not only benefit the people, the land and food systems,” said Florian Humpenöder, a study author and senior scientist at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, “but also would have an impact on the total economy in terms of how fast emissions need to be reduced.” ...
The researchers found that adopting a flexitarian diet could lower methane and nitrous oxide emissions from agriculture and lower the impacts of food production on water, nitrogen and biodiversity. This in turn could reduce the economic costs related to human health and ecosystem degradation and cut GHG emissions pricing, or what it costs to mitigate carbon, by 43% in 2050.
The dietary shift models also show limiting peak warming to about 1.5C can be achieved by 2045 with less carbon dioxide removal, compared with if we maintain our current diets.
“It’s important to stress that flexitarian is not vegetarian and not vegan,” Humpenöder says. “It’s less livestock products, especially in high-income regions, and the diet is based on what would be the best diet for human health.”
In the US, agriculture accounts for more than 10% of total GHG emissions. Most of it comes from livestock. Reducing meat consumption can free up agricultural land used for livestock production, which in turn can lower methane emissions. A potent greenhouse gas, methane is mainly expelled from cows and other animals raised for livestock. Animal production is the primary contributor to air quality-related health impacts from US food systems.
“This paper further confirms what other studies have shown, which is that if we change our diets to a more flexitarian type, we can greatly reduce greenhouse gas emissions,” said Jason Hill, a professor in the University of Minnesota’s department of bioproducts and biosystems engineering.
According to the study authors, one way to achieve a shift toward healthier diets is through price-based incentives, such as putting taxes on the highest-emitting animal products, including beef and lamb. Another option is informing consumers about environmental consequences of high meat consumption."
-via The Guardian, March 27, 2024
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alright it's time to find smth out
please note that with labels like flexitarian especially it's not about 'oh i never eat these things'; it's a sliding label with things like vegan and vegetarian and pescatarian where you can identify however you feel comfortable. some people just eat meat etc on special occasions or when they go out or when they don't have time/spoons to cook something nutritious, and that's perfectly valid!! whatever you're able to do has an impact that's felt and there's no pressure to do it to whatever standard we have of 'perfect' in our heads <3
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ethical-omnivore-h · 2 months
Looking for active blogs that post about:
💘 Animal Welfare, esp farm animals
🏭 Anti Macro Farming
🐝 Bee Keeping
🪓 Bushcraft
🐓 Chicken Keeping & Backyard Eggs
⚠ Endangered, threatened, and extinct species (as well as efforts to conserve & restore)
🌳 Environmentalism, conservation, and land stewardship
🍽 Ethical omnivorism, flexitarianism, and humane/responsible consumption of animal and plant products
🥚 Farmer's markets & locavorism
🎣 Fishing (responsible; for food, resources, and population control, not for leisure, sport, or fun)
🌱 Foraging (responsible)
👨‍🌾 Gardening & cultivating plants & herbs (esp. indoors)
🦌 Hunting (responsible; for food, resources, and population control, not for leisure, sport, or fun)
🥦 Recipes, esp. ethical omnivore, flexitarian, locavore, vegetarian, and/or vegan
🦴 Vulture Culture (responsible)
👨‍🏭 Worker's Rights & welfare, esp in the ag industry
Reblog or send me an ask if you think your blog might suit my taste.
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melisssg99 · 4 months
What made you stop being vegan?
I was never vegan. I was technically a pescetarian who ate mostly vegan/vegetarian.
(that means I sometimes ate fish because of lack of options in restaurants.)
I did this for 11 years but I was looking into healthy eating and living the last several months.
Looking at homesteading, holistic health and really going back to traditional skills.
I realized how backwards it was of me to eat a vegan "burger" , thinking I was doing the right thing for myself and the planet.
When the whole process of making that "burger" ends up being a lot more polluting and harmful to myself, others and the environment than a normal grass-fed organic beef burger from a local farmer.
The amount of benefits that local organic meats has for your health!
And the different uses for all parts of the animal, nothing will go to waste!
It just seemed like the better, more healthier option for me personally.
Still I don't eat meat daily.
I still cook vegetarian meals as well.
I'm slowly learning new recipes (they're new to me 🤭) and learning the best ways to get the most out of it ☺️
Also I'm willing to learn so much more, maybe I'm wrong in my decision!
I'm very much open to learning from others and their different perspectives ☺️
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Angel Dust from Hazbin Hotel is a Flexitarian! For Anon
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jhoumous · 12 days
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An effort
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keliv1 · 5 months
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Vegfest 2023 - 1º de dezembro de 2023.
Comecei dezembro comendo, praticando yoga e o que AMO, degustando!
Fui ao Vegfest 2023, lá no Pavilhão Amarelo do Expo Center Norte (de 30/11 até 02/12 - feira gratuita), logo cedinho para aproveitar a feira, que, para o meu espanto, mesmo pequena tinha muita variedade (e os preços não tavam tão absurdos).
Segundo a Sociedade Vegetariana Brasileira (SVB), o número de pessoas veganas está próximo de 7 milhões de pessoas. No meu caso, sou flexitariana, ou seja, ainda consumo carne de porco e ovos, mas não como carne vermelha desde 2017 e frango desde 2014 e não consumo produtos de origem animal há mais de uma década.
Aliás, no stand da SBV, comprei uma camiseta, girei a roleta e ganhei uma ecobag linda.
Antes disso, ao chegar, fui fazer yoga com a profa. Patrícia Varela, do Vale da Rainha, MG, santuário que resgata animais. Bom, fiz o que pude, mas depois de um estiramento da panturrilha, tô me superando (as fotos são da organização do evento)!
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Por falar em bichinhos, também visitei (e comprei) um caderno lindo da Alianima, que articula inclusive com a indústria alimentícia para uma relação mais respeitosa com o meio ambiente.
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Além de yoga, arena show de culinária, congresso vegano (esse é pago) e uma exposição em homenagem à Rita Lee.
Bom, comprei uns produtinhos fofos, comi muita coisa gostosa e ainda consegui uns petiscos pros dogs do meu irmão.
Claro que mudar nossos hábitos é uma caminhada e só de diminuir o consumo desses itens já é uma vitória. E um aprendizado.
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practical-herbalist · 3 months
Hey there, I'm H (they/them) and this is my side blog focusing on (practical) herbalism and herbal medicine.
There's also a lot of content relating to: medical chemistry, foraging, healthy recipes, cultivation and harvesting, bushcraft, and hunting/fishing.
There will be some content relating to: ethical/humane omnivorism, locavorism, animal welfare, worker's welfare and rights, anti macro farm / intensive farming, land stewardship, and environmentalism, though my blog specifically for ethical omnivorism is ethical-omnivore-h.
My main is homo-adaptionem. My witchcraft blog is grotesque-grimoire. My youTube channel is H. adaptionem. You can see all of my playlists at h-adaptionem.tumblr.com/ytplaylists. Misc Series, including Practical Herbalism: h-adaptionem.tumblr.com/miscseriesytpl.
I'm a witch, a home cook, a novice herbalist, a novice forager, and a newbie ethical onmivorous flexitarian. I am NOT an activist, just a dipshit with opinions!
Currently researching: practical-herbalist.tumblr.com/research Currently growing: practical-herbalist.tumblr.com/garden Disclaimers: practical-herbalist.tumblr.com/disclaimers FAQ: practical-herbalist.tumblr.com/faq
Foraging in: the Ozarks of the USA Ontario of Canada
Stay safe and stay weird!
Blog info below; I recommend reading before you view the rest of the blog; definitely read before following. Enter at your own risk.
disabled, LGBT, an adult
EXCESSIVE TAGGER; most trigger tags have "CW" before them; tags all slurs
doesn't mind like/reblog spam
doesn't check mentions or replies; send an ask if you need to get my attention
OG tags: Answered - asks I've answered Face of H - pics of me pracitcal-herbalist - refers to this blog H. adaptionem - refers to my YT channel of the same name Homo adaptionem - all og posts
Like/reblog spamming is fine, I don't mind at all.
If you want my attention, you have a better shot if you shoot me an ask, as I rarely check my mentions/replies. I have a shit ton of stuff blacklisted, so I may not see your asks/mentions/posts if they include slurs, content triggering to me, etc. It's not that I'm ignoring you, I'm just trying to take better care of my mental health, Y'know? Gotta police my own intake of content, etc. etc.
Most things are tagged, so block what you need to using tumblr's own blocking function, Xkit, or Tumblr Savior. Slurs and triggering content usually have a CW before them, even if the OP doesn't consider the content triggering. I tag excessively, deal with it.
DNIs/DNFs are useless and performative; I just block (& report if needed) who I dislike/etc, and I block liberally, for any reason. I respect most other people's DNIs, if they're accessible. If I can't read it, I won't bother. Don't like me? Block me.
I block anti-vaccine, anti-science, anti-chemo, anti-recovery, anti-medicine types, and those who promote quackery and fake "treatments" or "cures" on sight. This includes: New Agers, starseeds/indigo children, crystal healers, energy healers, faith healers, etc.
I block radfems of all types (febfems, perfs, terfs, tirfs, twerfs, swerfs, etc.) because their underlying rhetoric & theory goes completely against our understanding of biology, neurology, sex, gender, and DNA. Also they're sexist and LGBTphobic lmao
I also block trad weirdos (not trad goths, you are loved here <3) for reasons I hope are obvious. I'm a bisexual tranny they/them who hates organized religion, hugs trees and despises big oil, loves weird ass porn & kinks, and loves bodily autonomy & thinks abortion, tattoos, piercings, & transitioning is cool. You like natural medicine because you're under the delusion that it's a part of your (bigoted) heritage. I like natural medicine because chemistry is cool and plants are neat. We are not the same.
Stay safe and stay weird!
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hannahhickok2007 · 1 year
Try something new
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You should try being a flexitarian Because it’s better for the environment as you don’t know Flexitarianism or flexitarism is a semi-vegetarian diet in which people do not eat meat one or more days a week. A semi-vegetarian diet, also called a flexitarian, is one that is centered on plant foods with the occasional inclusion of meat.
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askdrzinasia · 11 months
Considering the veggie option
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I find myself doing this more and more frequently. A smart and easy way for health and environment to improve is to increase the amount of vegetables and fruits in the daily diet.
The Black-crowned/Black-capped Night Heron (Nycticorax nycticorax) is a medium sized heron, a bit more stocky design than other herons and egrets. It is found in most of the world, except from the coldest areas and in Zealandia and Australia. It prefer fresh and salt-water wetlands.
They feed on small fish, insects, small mammals and birds, frogs and crustaceans. Night herons are among the herons using tools, they use bait to lure prey into striking distance.
Flexible approach
The adult birds are appx 65 cm long, and weighs in around 800 gram. The male version is normally slightly larger than the female, but otherwise they look similar.
In resting pose, they look huddled and hunched. But this fellow, looking for food, has its neck stretched as they do when hunting. Their plumage is white/grey on adult, while younger specimens have a more brown colouring.
Photos of the bird from different areas looks like the night heron is a bird dressed for the occasions, with slight variations in colours.
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liztheoceanfaerie · 1 year
I’m a new blog looking for other blogs to follow!
I will follow anyone who likes/reblogs this post.
Reblog if you like
The ocean
Green witchcraft
Ocean witchcraft
Smoking the 🍃🍃🍃
Wildlife conservation
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amourtality · 1 year
potato soup tonight, chicken stew tomorrow, salmon risotto wednesday?
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amaribear · 2 years
Unleashing the darkness within…
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ethical-omnivore-h · 2 months
"Becoming Sam Manson" wasn't on my 2024 bingo card, but here we are
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sonshinegreene · 1 year
Switching To A Plant Based Diet Day 10
No, you didn’t miss any posts. I have been focusing on getting my videos up on TikTok and YouTube, and I haven’t posted them here. I think I am only going to post the videos here when I have something to add to the message of the video. Today is a perfect example. I wanted to explain some of the vegetables I am enjoying and why I chose to eat them. The first vegetable I’m going to talk about is…
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View On WordPress
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Sergeant Nick Kay from The Dark Pictures Anthology's House of Ashes is a Flexitarian!
Requests are open!
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