arcaneyouth · 2 months
i'm starting to think living with 5 other people may simply be a problem
#vent post#negative#i've come to the conclusion i'm not getting enough sugar in my daily meals#(which is. ironic in a lot of ways. but i don't know what else the problem would be)#and that's great that's cool that i've come to this conclusion. i don't think i can solve this one#we don't buy that much sugary or junk food stuff anymore#my dad's got diabetes that makes sense that's understandable#so a lot of our family meals are like rice and meat and a salad#but yknow i'm not really gonna ask my parents to change that! it's been like that for a long time now it's fine it's alright#but i don't think i can actually solve the problem#i. already have a lot of foods that the rest of my family isn't allowed to touch. because i am So Picky#and when they were eating my foods more often i was Starving#i don't. think. i can ask for more. and you know what that's fine! that's fine that's ok i like my meals they're tasty as hell#what about snacks then? can we get snacks for the whole family? well no#we stopped buying more junk foodish snacks because it was All my siblings were eating#and it was bad! it was bad they shouldn't have been doing that. but now i don't think my parents trust us to be responsible with snack food#so our snack foods are. protein bar. fruit snacks (i had to request these specifically). popcorn#that's. that's fine. that's fine maybe i should be focused on fruit instead! fruit is good sugar!#well we don't store fruit i like the way i like it (don't put it in the fridge) so i never eat any of it anymore#but everybody else seems fine with it so really i'm not going to win this argument cause everybody else actually eats it more when it's out#(i don't think this is true. but i think it's true for My Dad and My Mom specifically.)#and i just. it really got me thinking about how much i don't have foods that i like in the house or meals that i love because Somebody Else#likes it done differently and not the way i like it#and that takes priority#to the point where i don't know what the fuck kind of foods i like because we just don't. have. any#i prefer white rice. mom prefers brown so we get brown. i prefer crunchier potatoes. mom prefers them soft so we make them soft#i like my fruits cold. my parents prefer to be able to See the fruits so they stay on the counter. i only eat chicken breast not any other#part of the chicken. my parents prefer thigh meat so we get thigh meat (which i don't eat)#oh huh. this post was a lot longer but tumblr deleted half the tags. yeah that's fair
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starry-hughes · 6 months
wrapping presents (jack hughes)
day 12 of star’s ficmas
jack hughes x reader
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Jack was pretty insistent on the fact that he didn’t need an assistant. But everyone else thought he did. He was immature, constantly forgetting about meetings, if someone else wasn’t grocery shopping for him, he would be eating leftover meals from the nutrition team every day. He didn’t know what temperature to preheat the oven to for chicken.
Luke didn’t mind your presence. He knew you helped Jack more than anything, plus you kept the pantry stocked with his favorite fruit snacks. Jack appreciated you more than anything. You picked up his drycleaning, made sure he was where he needed to be, and sometimes, you would wait up for him after hard games to help him put icy hot on his shoulder.
You were his life saver.
Jack had wanted to thank you for all your hardwork. You had been his assistant since his rookie year. You stuck by him through injuries and his small hissy fits he would throw when the team was in a bad area of the season. He had thanked you previously, big extravaganza gifts, bonuses for the holiday and offering to buy you plane tickets to go wherever you desired. At the beginning, he didn’t want to admit that he needed someone like you, but now he didn’t know what to do without you. This year, though, he couldn’t think of something to get you, until he saw the present in a bookstore. He wasn’t typically found in bookstores but the gift caught his eye in the window.
You entered his apartment with bags of Christmas gifts and wrapping paper. Jack was sitting on the couch with Luke. “Got all the gifts you needed,” you smiled at the man who was technically your boss. Jack sighed happily, “Oh what would I do without you.”
You grinned, carrying the gifts to his room to wrap. “You’d probably perish.”
Luke waited until the door of Jack’s bedroom closed, signaling that you were in his bedroom, wrapping gifts. You knew Jack’s bedroom well, hell you’d slept in his bed before. It wasn’t on purpose of course, but when the team had all gotten sick and you two were quarantined together, you had really gotten to know him by talking for hours in his bedroom, which resulted in you falling asleep on his bed. “Did you get (Y/N) a gift?”
“Yeah dude of course. I always get her one.”
Jack jumped up from the couch, carrying over a box. It wasn’t wrapped, just a plain white box he was planning to stick a bow on and call it a day. It was a custom, leather bound journal with flowers pressed on the cover. “It made me think of her.”
“So when are you going to tell her you’re in love with her?” Jack hit his brother, a signal for Luke to shut up.
You neatly wrapped all the gifts before packing them in a suitcase for Jack to take to Michigan for the holiday break. You loved your job and did it with a smile on your face. Sure, Jack sometimes drove you crazy but you really liked him. Maybe even loved. You chalked up your feelings to the fact that you spent a majority of your time with him. A proximity crush. You’d never fall for him if you didn’t spend so much time with him.
“Picking up dinner boys, be back soon,” you said as you got your coat on. “Oh actually, just dinner for you and Jacky, I’m going over to Dawson’s,” Luke said. Jack’s eyebrows furrowed together, “I didn’t think you were going there.” The brothers shared a look. Luke was telling him with his eyes that it was time to make a move. “Well I am, you and (Y/N) enjoy dinner together,” Luke gritted.
“Jack, I’ll be back with dinner I guess,” you said confused before leaving. “What the hell dude?” Jack whipped his head toward Luke. “Just tell her you love her! Tonight! Stop beating around the bush!”
You got home with food and Jack wasn’t in the living room. “Jack?” you called out. You heard a muttered “damn it” from his bedroom and you walked to his room. He had tape stuck to his fingers and horrible cut wrapping paper and a plain white box on the floor of his bedroom. “What are you doing? I thought I wrapped all the gifts?”
“This one is special,” Jack huffed out. He was raising the white flag, surrendering to the wrapping paper. You left the paper bag of food on his dresser and joined him on the floor of his bedroom. “You should measure the wrapping paper and make sure it covers the whole box, like this, before cutting,” you explained softly. He pulled himself closer to you, he could hear your heartbeat picking up.
“Then, you should tape one side down to the box, then the other side, and finally the edges you tuck in to make triangles and then fold,” you narrated as he handed you pieces of tape. “Must be a special present if you wanted to wrap it yourself,” you looked at him. His lips were inches away.
“Yeah, something like that,” he mumbled. You could have sworn he was moving in to kiss you before you snapped out of your trance. “Do you want to add a bow to the box?” you cleared your throat and looked back at the neatly wrapped present. “Oh,” Jack was snapped back to reality, “I guess?”
You added the bow before handing it to Jack. “I’m sure she’ll love it.”
Jack’s eyes almost pop out of his head. “How do you know it’s for a girl?”
“Because Jack, I’ve only ever seen you put this much effort into presents or items if it’s for a girl you really like.”
Jack could have laughed, it was so ironic. You were right and you had no idea how right you were.
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thebearchives · 2 years
yuki gasly | PG10
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PAIRING: pierre gasly x wife!reader
platonic yuki tsunoda x gasly!reader + yuki tsunoda x pierre gasly
REQUESTED: [] yes [X] no
SYNOPSIS: having recently gotten married to the love of your life, it wasn’t surprising that your parents were asking for grandchildren. and while pierre and yourself were open to the idea of having a baby, neither of you was expecting to have one so soon. much less in the form of a 5’2 japanese driver. OR the four times you and pierre baby the hell out of yuki and call him your son, and the one time yuki caves and calls you his parents.
WARNINGS: absolute fluff, soooo yuki centric and i am not sorry at all, yuki being the babiest baby that ever babied, pierre and reader being the best parents ever, i literally cried writing the end of this so uh be prepared for tears?
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six months ago, if asked, you would have said that you and pierre were happy to roll with life’s punches and that if a baby was one of those punches, you would gladly accept it. now, you’d argue that you and pierre were already parents, and your baby was none other than pierre’s teammate, yuki tsunoda.
in the year working up to your wedding with the frenchman, you had heard pierre gush about his teammate and how cute he was every time they were in the same vicinity. 
it was always, “mon amour, today, yuki was eating a fruit cup for a snack and he looked like a little baby. his cheeks were all puffed up with the fruits. it was adorable, i will send you the picture i took,” or, “y/n, you will not believe what yuki said today! we were filming for youtube, and one of the questions was how do dogs bark in both french and japanese, right? oh, it was so funny, you have to watch it when it comes out. you will see what i mean.” 
and as much as your fiance had talked about the young japanese boy, it wasn’t until your wedding that you properly met him, having only said a quick hi, or waved, as you saw him around the paddock. you had been a busy woman, having been left to deal with most of the wedding preparations while pierre drove his little racecar around the track. 
pierre had been absolutely ecstatic to properly acquaint the two of you together. just as yuki had been the subject of your conversations with pierre, you had been the subject of theirs. pierre would ramble for hours about some date night the two of you shared years ago, or how he knew he wanted to marry you when you wiped his face with your napkin after your second date.
yeah, you had always been a nurturing person. being the oldest in your family, you were used to looking after people. it was as if second nature to you. in friend groups, you were always the mom friend, and if anyone ever needed something, it was more than likely you were carrying it in your bag.
so when you finally got to properly meet yuki at your wedding and interact with him, it wasn’t a surprise that, much like your husband, you had immediately taken to the boy, finding his every action plain adorable.
the days of pierre calling you to talk about yuki were now replaced with you calling pierre to ask him to give the phone to yuki because he wasn’t replying to the texts you sent him. instead of cuddling up to pierre and refusing to let go on the mornings he would need to go to work, you were now asking to join pierre on his trips to alpha tauri’s headquarters, hoping to make a pitstop at yuki’s place to spend some time with the boy.
anyone and everyone on the grid could tell that the gasly couple had basically adopted yuki. your love for the boy had reached as far as yuki’s own family, who had reached out to the two of you, sending well wishes and gratitude for caring for their boy. to pierre, that meant that yuki’s parents had passed on the torch to himself and his wife, dubbing the two of you as yuki’s grid parents.
— one
the first time you joined pierre for a grand prix as his wife had been the first race of the season, your wedding having occurred during the off-season. 
the moment you stepped foot onto the paddock, you tugged pierre towards the alpha tauri motorhome, on the hunt for a certain japanese boy. your husband had laughed at your excitement but didn’t say anything, happy to help you reunite with the younger driver.
“yuki!” the second you saw him, you were running as fast as you could. the driver’s eyes widened at the sight of your figure rushing at him at an alarming pace, pushing off from where he had been leaning against the motorhome.
you wrapped your arms around yuki’s neck, squeezing him as tight as you possibly could. you had not seen yuki since the pre-testing in spain, which hadn’t been too long ago, but you had missed the shy boy greatly. 
from a few feet away, pierre couldn’t help but smile as he watched yuki’s expression of shock turn into one of embarrassment. their eyes met and pierre let out a loud laugh at the slight fear in yuki’s eyes. having just barely gotten used to pierre’s blatant and obvious affection towards himself, yuki had struggled to not shy away from the new addition of yours.
“touch is her main love language,” pierre had explained to him at his wedding, watching the dark-haired boy blush a bright red after you gave him a hug and a soft smile, “and hugs are her favourite way to express it.”
in a way, yuki was, of course, honoured to have been on the receiving end of your love. but with your love language being touch, and his being, well, he had no idea what his love language was, he couldn’t help but dread when your arms reached out for him.
or at least, that’s what he told himself when his heart fluttered, and warmth spread in his chest.
“my son, oh how i’ve missed you these past few weeks.” you pulled away from yuki with a small pout. your eyes wandered to his hair, your hand automatically moving to fix the hair that had moved during your one-sided hug.
yuki gave you a small smile, taking a step back when your hands dropped, “hello, y/n, it’s nice to see you again!”
pierre joined the two of you, hand slapping down lightly on his teammate’s shoulder before pulling him into a side hug, “salut, mon fils.” hello, my son.
a cheeky smile was plastered on your husband’s face when he noticed the cameras that were turned your way. he snaked an arm around your waist and pulled you to the other side of his body, “it’s a family reunion!” he yelled out to the photographers, waving with the hand resting on top of yuki’s shoulder.
the colour of yuki’s face could rival that of charles’ ferrari. in fact, you and pierre would argue that maybe yuki’s cheeks were even redder than the monégasque’s car. 
he brought his hands up to cover his red face, “i am not your son.”
— two
yuki simultaneously loved and hated when you came to race weekends. he loved your presence, don’t get him wrong, and pierre always performed a little better with his wife watching him from the garage, which was great for the team, but, he hated–despised, even–when the two gaslys would pair up to shower him with both attention and affection.
if it wasn’t you nagging at him to eat before he began his media duties on thursday morning, then it was pierre, constantly ruffling his hair and squishing his face, wedding band always ice cold against his cheek.
if your love language was touch, then pierre’s was touch but in the most annoying way possible. the media always ate it up, though.
currently, yuki had been sitting at a table in the alpha tauri motorhome, one hand scrolling through his instagram’s explorer page, the other stabbing blindly at the salad he was having for lunch.
it all happened so fast. one second, he was holding his phone. the next, his phone had been replaced with a water bottle. and there you are, making yourself comfy in the seat across from him, his phone sat snug in your hand.
“you need to stay hydrated, kiki,” you frowned at the boy across from you, “especially in this weather, i don’t want you dehydrated while you’re driving.”
kiki. you had started calling him that not long after the first grand prix of the season. you’d been testing out nicknames for him, and for some reason, of all the nicknames possible, kiki had been the one to stick.
“i won’t be dehydrated, y/n,” yuki put the bottle onto the table, only for it to be placed in his hand again, this time by pierre.
“i’ve already had this argument with her,” pierre sat down next to yuki, “and lost.” 
in his own hands were two bottles of water, one of which he slid towards you across the table. you smiled, “you can’t win against me, mon coeur.”
 yuki sighed, ultimately deciding not to argue on this. he twisted the bottle cap, faltering slightly when it wouldn’t open. his eyes flitted up to you, looking to see if you noticed. you hadn’t.
when he confirmed that your eyes were focused on pierre, his returning the favour, he turned back to the bottle in his hand. he gripped it a bit harder this time, twisting a bit more aggressively this time. still, the cap did not budge.
before he could try again, a hand reached out–pierre’s–and grabbed the bottle out of his hands. in one swift motion, the bottle was uncapped. yuki stared at the bottle for a second, then pierre, who looked like he hadn’t even batted an eye, still looking at you and listening to whatever you had been talking about. 
realizing the bottle hadn’t been taken back, pierre looked at yuki, who was now staring back at the bottle in disbelief. pierre gestured the bottle forward, breaking yuki’s glare. 
the younger boy reached for the bottle, “i loosened it for you.”
“sure, you did.” pierre patted yuki on the back, the smile wide on his face.
“i swear i did!” yuki straightened up in his seat.
“i don’t see a lot of drinking, kiki.” your eyes narrowed at yuki who instantly slouched in his seat, finally taking a sip of his water.
later, yuki found himself standing next to pierre at the back of the garage, balaclava in his hand, “...thanks,” he looked at pierre, “...for the water bottle earlier.”
pierre placed his helmet on his head, sliding the visor up. with a slap on the back, pierre was off, “anything for my son.”
— three
okay, so maybe pierre wasn’t the only one who drove better whenever you visited the paddock. so far, every race you had been to had lead to both alpha tauri drivers finishing in the points. 
this weekend felt different, though. better than all of the other race weekends. you had been extra excited for this race, and extremely confident that both drivers would get good results, maybe even a win.
“you’ve got quite the pep in your step, mon coeur,” pierre wrapped his arm around your waist, lips pressing against your temple in a quick kiss, “what did our lovely yuki do now?”
yuki, who had been standing not too far from the two of you, looked up at the sound of his name, “did you call for me?”
you gave him a smile, “no, you’re good, ki.” 
he nodded, going back to scrolling his phone. 
pierre looked down at you, squeezing your waist lightly, “well, if it’s not yuki, what is it?”
you smiled at him, hands overlapping his, “call it a mother’s intuition.”
pierre felt like he was back in his ice bath. he turned to face you, “you’re serious?”
your eyes watered slightly, and you nodded, “i went to the doctor’s office before i flew out and they confirmed it there.”
pierre’s eyes shined with unshed tears, the expression on his face so vulnerable and sweet, “we’re going to have a baby?”
a tear slipped down your face, “yes, mon amour,” you moved his hand from your waist and to your belly, “they’re right here.”
pierre rested his forehead against yours, tears slipping from behind his closed eyes. when he opened them again, he smiled widely, “thank you, ange. i’ll win this race for you. both of you.”
after a sweet kiss, pierre was whisked away, helmet over his head, as he settled into his car. he was going to be a father.
the lights went out in paul richard, and the checkered flag was pulled out in what felt like a blink of an eye. the alpha tauri garage was cheering the loudest they had in the entire season.
he had done it. they had both done it.
pierre had won the france grand prix, just like he said he would. and yuki came in third, first podium of his formula one career.
you watched your two boys from the crowd below, throwing a small nod to pierre when he looked down at you with a questioning look.
and there, on that podium that the two shared, pierre looked at yuki and smiled, “you’re gonna be a big brother, yuki.”
— four
it’s safe to say that after pierre’s reveal, yuki was much more lenient and willing to take part in your little family act. although he would never reveal it to either of you. he didn’t need to, anyway. the two of you had noticed the second yuki smiled instead of refusing that he was their child.
it was now summer vacation, and your bump had only just started showing. something that pierre could not stop gushing about to both yuki and charles, who had joined the two of you on your trip to greece.
both men had shrugged it off, alas, no one knew your body as well as pierre, and if he said you were showing, then good for you. but yuki was a lot more attentive to you, like you had been to him ever since your wedding with his teammate.
thirsty? yuki was there with a water bottle, reminiscent of all those months ago when you had gotten one for him. 
hungry? yuki was more than happy to go get you something from that french bakery across the street, knowing full well that he could not pronounce a single word on their menu.
you’d been eternally grateful for yuki, constantly telling him such when he would help you out. his cheeks would redden but the smile on his face would never slip. he was more than happy to return the kindness you had shown him.
currently, the five of you–charles, his girlfriend, yuki, pierre and yourself–were sitting in a dimly lit restaurant, waiting for your food to arrive.
you sat in between the two alpha tauri drivers, smiling and laughing at the banter between your husband and yuki.
when the whole grid parents situation had started, charles had found it absolutely hilarious that pierre was treating a man younger than him by only four years like his adopted son. but as the months went by, and as charles watched the three of you interact from across the table, he couldn’t help but notice the way yuki’s eyes shined with awe and admiration, and most of all, respect, as he stared at the two of you.
“they look like a real family, don’t they?” charles’ attention was drawn by his girlfriend.
he hummed, “yuki might not admit it, but i can see how much he looks up to pierre. to y/n, too.” 
and it was true. over the last few years, yuki had seen pierre go from just another driver, to a man in love, to one who was married, and now, a man who was ready to be a father. 
although not much younger than you or  pierre, yuki had a lot to learn, and he couldn’t have been more grateful to have both pierre gasly and y/n gasly as his role models and safety net.
that night, as he watched pierre fuss over whether or not you were eating enough red meat for the baby, yuki was sure that you and pierre would be the best parents in the world. 
— + one
the atmosphere was tense, the garage silent as they watched the alpha tauri car lead the race.
“he’s gonna do it,” your fingers messed with the pendant around your neck, “he’s really gonna do it.”
two arms found their way around you, hands flat against your visible bump, “he is.”
you dropped your necklace, opting to grip your husband’s hands as you listened to the radio. 
“okay, yuki. this pace is really, really good. you’ve got three more laps. push, push.”
“okay.” his response was short. understandable, he couldn’t afford to lose focus. not now.
“two laps left.”
the pit board lit up in response, indicating that he heard them. 
another lap. this was it, the final lap. you squeezed pierre’s hands tightly. all of this stress couldn’t be good for the baby but in this moment, you couldn’t keep yourself from watching.
it felt like hours, watching his car turn the final corner. the team running to congratulate yuki’s position. the cheers filled the garage once more, just as loud as the ones in france.
“that is p1, yuki. p1. congratulations, kid, you won the race.”
you didn’t realize you were crying until pierre wiped the tears streaming down your face. you looked at your husband with blurry eyes, “he did it, pierre.”
“we always knew he could.”
as you listened to yuki’s excited cheers, you couldn’t help but cry some more.
he had done it. 
his first win in formula one. 
after what had felt like the longest race of his life, the celebrations couldn’t have come faster. as he stood on the top step, japanese anthem playing in the background, his eyes found you and pierre standing a bit away from the crowd, staring up at him proudly. 
he had done it.
he had made them proud.
the reporter moved on to the next question, “and do you think your relationship with your team and teammate has played a role in where you are today?”
“yeah, of course.” yuki smiled, “the alpha tauri has been supporting me for such a long time and it feels really good to win today. kind of like a sign to show that their effort has paid off. i only wish that i could have had pierre finish the race with me.”
“and how is your relationship with pierre?”
yuki chuckled, lightly shaking his head, “pierre has been the best teammate a driver could ask for. he and his wife call themselves my grid parents, and you know what? they really are. they’ve been supporting me the most this year, right up there with my actual parents.”
“i couldn’t have done this without them. my grid family.”
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gay-wh0re-slut · 7 months
Heyy, I just wanted to know if you could write a story with rhea x Fem! reader where the reader is ashamed of her body hair and Rhea comforts her,ending with a big smut✨️
Sorry for this request but my body hair makes me very uncomfortable and I need to read something like this🥺
don’t be sorry! body hair is normal and everyone has it! society has told us (women esp) that body hair is bad but it’s not, it’s natural! you can do whatever you want with it, shave it, don’t shave it, hell braid it if it gets long enough lol, i know it’s easier said than done but never be ashamed for things that happen naturally as a human being but don’t worry friend, i got you.
Ever, Ever
rhea x fem!reader
content: talks of body hair but then turns to hot sexy times with hot buff goth wrestler gf ooooo (slight choking, praise, oral, fingering, squirting hehe)
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You giggle at a funny post you found on instagram, “look!��� you turn the phone to Rhea who was sitting beside you on the bed.
She was doing some work on her computer but she turned to look, “oh, that’s a good one,” she laughed with you.
The two of you continue to sit in comfortable silence as she types away and you scroll away. You both loved nights like this, nothing going on, just being together, relaxing and enjoying each other’s presence. It was a good reset for both of you, with your nine to five job and her crazy one, it was good to just be.
She slammed the enter key one last time and closed her laptop, “finally,” she sighed as she placed it on the side table. “Do you want a snack?”
“Ooooh, yes please!” you smile at her.
“I’ll be right back,” and she walked out of the bedroom.
You smile thinking that there’s no where else you’d rather be. You’re with the love of your life, having a night in, doing absolutely nothing, well, now you were. She comes back in with a lot of things.
“I wasn’t sure what I wanted or what you wanted so I brought options,” her arms were full with cheez-its, fruit snacks and who knows what else.
“Oh,” you chuckle, “thank you, baby.”
She displayed them all out over the bed, she gestured dramatically over them twinkling her fingers to show you the options.
You decide on the fruit snacks, two bags because one is never enough.
“Good choice,” she said picking up the protein bar.
“C’mon, live a little,” you joke to her.
“Fine, fine,” she throws the bar down and taps her chin thinking. Finally she chooses the potato chips, “better?” she held them up, they were still the healthy ones.
“Yes, thank you,” you laugh.
“I’ll take the rest back,” she gathers up the remaining snacks and heads back to the pantry.
The two of you sit on your phones, enjoying your respective snacks, showing each other funny tiktok’s, memes, and cool drawings people made of her.
Her hand landed on your thigh, but you thought nothing of it, she loved to be touching you whenever she could.
You didn’t notice her put her phone down but you did notice when she moved herself closer to you and started kissing your arm. You kissed her head in a response but she kept going. Gently kissing up your arm until she made it to your neck. Wave after wave of pleasure sent through your body with every kiss. She took your phone out of your hand, that you weren’t really paying attention to anymore, and put it on your side table.
The hand on your thigh moved up to gently caress your hot center, “c’mon baby,” she whispered.
You moaned softly into her touch but suddenly stopped her, “no wait-”
“What’s wrong? You okay?” she immediately pulled her hand away.
“Yeah, it’s just… you’ve been away so I haven’t, uh… shaved,” your face was red from embarrassment.
“Baby,” her face softened, “I love every part of you no matter what. A little hair isn’t gonna hurt me.”
“But I don’t want-”
“Unless you got some crazy thing going on down there, like teeth or something,” she chuckled, “I don’t mind one bit.”
You tried to talk, “But it’s gro-”
She put a finger over your mouth, “It’s not gross, it’s not ugly, it’s normal. Do you care when I don’t shave?”
She didn’t move her finger so you just shook your head.
“Exactly,” she finally removed her finger, “if you don’t want to continue, that’s perfectly fine, but unshaven or not, I’m still gonna love you,” she smiled.
You gave her a weak smile, “are you sure? Because it’s pretty gnarly.”
“Baby…I promise.”
You stared at her for second to make sure she was really sure, “okay.”
“Now, can I get back to what I was doing or…” she said jokingly.
You giggle, “yes, please.”
Giving you a devilish grin, she bows her head to kiss your neck again, leaving soft slow pecks on your skin. She moved herself on top of you straddling your hips. Your hand tangled into her hair keeping it out of her way.
She nibbled at your ear until she whispered, “You’re so…” she kissed your jaw, “hypnotizing…” she kissed down your jawline, “and beautiful…” one of her hands snuck to your neck and gently squeezed, “and…” her hand clutched to your neck hard as she looked you in the eyes, “don’t you ever, ever think otherwise.”
Your eyes were wide but your smile was huge at the sensation, “yes Mami,” you choke out.
“Good,” she barked as she released her hand, “my sweet girl,” she then she dragged her hand over your shirt down to your pajama shorts, sneaking it under the waistband. Her fingers found your dripping center, “look at you,” she gently swiped her fingers against you, “barely even started and you’re already ready for me.” She teased at your entrance, but decided against it. So she settled for teasing your clit instead.
Your back arched as a long moan left you, “mmmmcan’t help it,” you released your breath. One of your hands was behind her neck while the other was on the back of her thigh pushing her in closer, digging your nails into the tattoos as she continued to work her magic. You pull her neck down so that she could kiss you, and that she did.
You didn’t expect it to be, but it was hot and sloppy and you begged for more. Her hand below went faster as the kissing became more intense. You made small whines into her mouth between labored breaths. Her lips finally let go of you as she pulled her hand out.
You huffed at the loss, but she quickly got off of you and yanked your shorts and underwear off and threw them onto the floor. Without hesitation, she spread your legs and immediately began to lap at your wet folds.
“Fuck,” you groan as your hands found their way back to her hair.
Her arms curled around your thighs, “you taste so good, babygirl,” then she began to suck on your clit.
You tightened your grip at her words as your eyes pinched closed but you could feel her smiling against you. You were squirming but she was holding you perfectly still with her insane strength. She finally let go of one of your legs, teasing her fingers at your entrance once more.
“Mhmm…yessss, please!” you whine.
“You know I love when you beg,” and she pushes her way inside.
“Oh fuck,” as your back arched again.
She was pumping in and out of you at a steady pace as she continued to use her tongue on your pulsing bud. You writhed under her grip but she kept your hips still. The pressure in your stomach was quickly building, “harder, mami, please!”
“Oh, you want it rough today, princess?”
“God yes, please,” you beg.
“As you wish,” she grinned.
You barely noticed but in one second she removed her hand, flipped it over, plunged back into you so now the heel of hand was facing up and her two middle fingers were pumping into you at an outrageous pace. She kissed your thigh before she maneuvered herself back on top of you. She kissed you, making sure that you could taste yourself on her tongue.
She trailed her kisses down your neck, then began to bite, rolling your skin in her teeth, “you’re doing so well,” she whispered, she sucked at your skin not caring if she left a mark, “you feel so good on me,” she said in your ear.
You were untangling beneath her, your eyes were in the back of your head, your hands were gripping at anything you could reach, her arms, her back, her hair, the sheets. You barely had any air in your lungs, your hips were riding her hand that was setting the ungodly pace, trying so hard to keep up.
“I know you want to, baby,” she grinned at the noises that were spilling out of you, “I’m not going to stop you,” her voice was calm and sultry, it was driving you insane, more than you already were.
“Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!” you screamed.
“C’mon baby!” she yelled over your deafening whines.
You gasped for air as you curled up with your mouth wide open and your eyes rolled back, “FFFUUCKK!!” the pressure inside of you released so violently that you slammed your head onto the pillow beneath.
She immediately pulled her hand out of you as you squirted all over the sheets and her hand that couldn’t move fast enough.
“Holy fuck,” you heard her say over your loud moan. She plunged back into you when you were done and continued her pace smiling from ear to ear, “again,” was all she said. Though this time, her free hand found its way back to your neck and squeezed.
Your hands gripped her arm as you gave her a wicked smile. Just a minute later, the pressure was back and ready to be released again. You groaned, whined and moaned as well as you could under her hand.
“Just one more time, princess, one more for me,” she commanded.
You followed orders and the knot in your stomach untangled again. You couldn’t say anything but a loud scream of pleasure, as she removed her hand, still not fast enough, and you squirted once more.
She released the grip on your neck and you immediately pulled her in for another sloppy kiss. Your lips smacked as she pulled away, “You’re so fucking hot,” she breathed.
You couldn’t fathom saying anything you were so weak so you settled for the wicked smile. You kissed her once more before going completely limp underneath her.
She sat on her heels next to you. She looked the mess you made underneath your bottom half and chuckled, “We gotta wash the sheets.”
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sycamorelibrary754 · 8 months
Forts, Fruit Snacks, & Flying
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Summary: How will Natasha react when she sees the footage of your daughter’s high flying escapades with Peter while you two were in Paris celebrating your anniversary?
Pairings: Natasha x reader, Yelena, Kate, Peter x reader (platonic).
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 800
Warnings: None 
A/N: @togrowoldinv suggested a fic where Natasha finds out about Mila’s flying with Peter in We’re a Family. This can also be read as a stand-alone story. I hope you enjoy it! 
It was Wednesday afternoon. You and Natasha had been home for almost two weeks. Your anniversary in Paris now a cherished memory for both of you. You had gone back to work, and Nat, despite her semi-retirement, had been at the compound for the last three days training a couple of new recruits.
The meeting you were in was running long, and you were starting to worry about who was going to pick up Mila from preschool. You knew Nat wasn’t available for at least another two hours, so you text your sister-in-law.
You: Hey Yelena, I’m stuck at work and Nat is training recruits until 5 pm. Is there any way you can pick up Mila from preschool and bring her home? We should be home around 5:30 p.m. 
Yelena: No problem! Peter, Kate Bishop, and I just finished an outreach event at the library. We’re only a couple blocks from her school. 
You: Thank you! You’re the best sister-in-law ever. Tell Kate and Peter I say thank you as well. We’ll see you in a bit. 
Mila had just picked up her purple unicorn backpack from her cubby when she caught sight of Yelena, Kate, and Peter by the door. 
“Surprise, little spider!! We’re here to pick you up”, Yelena exclaimed. 
“Where’s Mommy and Mama?” Mila asked, hugging the trio. 
“They’ll be home soon. Meanwhile, we get to go home and play. What do you say?”
After arriving home and getting Mila a snack, your daughter decided she wanted to build a blanket fort. Following some expert engineering, the four sat down inside the fort eating Welch’s Fruit Snacks.
Mila lokoed over at Peter, “Did you bring your flying suit with you?”
“Oh, not today, sweetheart. I’m sorry.”
Your little girl looks like she's about to cry when Kate interjects. “Mila, do you want to see the video of you flying with Peter when you stayed with us? I have it on my phone.”
She nods, and Kate tosses the video to the AirPlay on your big-screen TV. At that very moment, you and Natasha walked in the front door. Natasha’s eyes go wide as she takes in the 4k footage of your five-year-old daughter flying through the air on Spider-Man’s back, as Mila runs up to hug you. 
“What the hell?!” Natasha shouted.
“Mama said a bad word,” your daughter tattled, pointing at Nat. 
“Yeah, sweetie, that was a bad word… Why don’t we go unpack your backpack?” you suggested as your little girl ran to you.
“Don’t kill him”, you said with a smirk and a hand on her shoulder as you walk by with Mila in your arms.
Natasha is staring Peter down with a look that he’s only seen on missions. “Okay, I know what you’re thinking, Nat— Ms. Black Widow, um, Romanoff. But she was safe the entire time. I would never drop her. We put pillows down on the floor, and she had a blast.” Peter asserted.
“Peter, shut up,” Kate whispered.
“Good advice,” Nat remarked, taking a step toward Peter.
“Come on sestra, you know we did fun things like that all the time back in Ohio.” Yelena reasoned. 
She is about to give it to Peter when she catches sight of her daughter’s face on the screen. 
“Wee!! Faster, Uncle Peter!” Mila giggled.
Natasha’s heart melts at the sight of her carefree and happy little girl. Exactly how she always hoped Mila would grow up. She looked back at Peter without breaking her best Black Widow poker face.
“I have two things to say to you. One—never do that again unless she is in mortal danger, or you will be the one in mortal danger. Two—can you send me that video?”
“… I’m sorry, what?” Peter asks.
“Can you send me that video? I want it for her baby book.”
A look of relief washes over Peter’s face. “Oh, sure. Umm, Kate has it.” Peter said, pointing at the young archer. 
Kate nods and sends Nat the video, her phone pinging in confirmation. 
“Thanks, and thank you for picking up Mila today. Would you three like to stay for dinner?”
“Sure, that would be great”, Yelena responded.
Nat walked away leaving the three young Avengers standing in the living room. 
“Dude, you’re sweating,” Kate giggled.
“You don’t need to be afraid of her, she isn’t as scary as she looks,” Yelena said. 
“No, she could kill you in two seconds. But look on the bright side, she didn’t. That means she likes you!” Patting Peter on the back. 
“Awesome,” Peter squeaked.
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redflagshipwriter · 2 months
Hi, it's Tim (just Tim) chapter 6
San Francisco was a breath of fresh air. It would have been better if Dick wasn’t shepherding him there like the world’s most anxious and chatty herding dog. Tim halfway wanted to make a break for it to see if Dick would bark at him.
He nobly resisted the urge. He actually hadn’t gotten in trouble for going no contact. Incredibly, Bruce hadn’t noticed that he had been with Superboy. He must really be wound up about the Red Hood.
Speaking of- “What’s the Red Hood done that makes B think I’m the target to be concerned about?” Tim asked.
Dick looked a little ill. He clearly didn’t want to answer. “Well, he’s been pretty clear,” he said apologetically. “Very clear. A lot of metaphors about breaking off your wings that B is taking pretty seriously. It’s like English class all over again,” he complained. Dick scrunched up his face and gestured wildly with his long elegant hands. “There was this like, poetic reference that I didn’t get, but it was about stomping on a bird and crushing all their bones under your boot. B had to look it up.” He cocked his head to the side at the end.
…This guy was referencing poets B didn't know offhand, and they were meant to think he was some big scary thug?
“...So he’s, uh, well-read, then,” Tim concluded, adding it to the very short list of things they knew about the Red Hood. “Loser.”
“We shouldn’t say that,” Dick demurred, which meant ‘lol yeah.”
Tim gave the older bird a judgemental look for even trying as Dick typed in pass codes for Titan Tower. That was their whole thing as Bats. They took information and made deductions. This particular deduction made him feel cockier. While the big bad Red Hood had been wasting time reading, Tim had been studying the blade and uh, making out with a really hot guy. Heh. He couldn't hold in the self satisfied smirk. Hood was a loser. He could use his time much better than by reading moldy old books.
Dick stayed long enough to get Tim settled, but he was clearly anxious to get back to Gotham.
Tim was torn. On the one hand, he did not like essentially being benched. But… Well, he wasn't benched outside of Gotham, Tim decided, wandering through the shared kitchen and rummaging around for a snack. He could go on any Titans mission that came up. He opened the fridge and squinted suspiciously at something in the vegetable crisper.
He had always assumed someone really liked potatoes. But knowing what he did now, he wondered if those were Kon’s groceries. Did the guy just eat raw fruit like some kind of lunatic?
…Maybe no one kept potatoes there after all. He had thought it was weird since he never really saw anyone cook. Tim picked the suspect up and sniffed at it. This ugly thing was a fruit?
Well. He was brave and he was bold. Tim bit through the skin. His teeth sank in with much less resistance than he expected: not a raw potato. It tasted okay. This was Kon’s favorite flavor? Tim had another bite and mulled it over. It was alright. It wasn’t exactly bacon and artichoke pizza or sour cherry candy, though.
Huh. He shut the fridge door with his hip and made his way to his room, planning to drop off his travel bag.
A window opened and slammed shut nearby. Tim detoured to see who it was. His heart beat hard against his chest when he rounded the corner.
“Superboy,” he said casually, as if he hadn't been making out with the guy a couple hours ago.
“Hey, Rob.” Kon breezed past, obviously lost in thought. He stopped midair and frowned. “Do you smell mango?”
Tim hid the half eaten fruit in his utility belt. “No. Maybe you're just hungry.”
Gaslight gatekeep girlbossing worked, as always. Kon let out a “huh,” cocked his head, and zipped away to the kitchen.
Ah, hell. Tim realized he was smiling like a dope to the empty hallway. He wiped the expression from his face and hoped that no one ever reviewed that section of security tape. How embarrassing.
He hid away in his room for a while, letting tactics and plans stew away in his mind. He was hyper aware of the fact that Kon was somewhere in the tower. Was anyone else? He didn't know. He should check.
While he was at it, he should try and hack into whatever B was hiding about the Red Hood on the bat computer. Tim spun idly in his desk chair as he thought it over. Bruce was being twitchy. He wanted Tim so far away from the situation that Tim knew in his gut it would eventually be his problem. That was how this shit always worked; the most dramatic thing possible would happen.
He emerged from his room to find Kon in some kind of argument with Cassie. Tim decided to stay way the fuck away from that. He steered to the living room. Raven looked up from her book, expression flatly unamused.
“Robin.” She acknowledged. Then she looked away.
She was in a great mood, then.
He checked through the logs: it was just the four of them. As Tim watched, Cassie's status dinged to display ‘out of the tower’.
Just the three of them, then. And Raven wasn't going to come seek anyone out.
Tim went Kon hunting. Kon was sprawled out in his room, tossing something up and down. It glittered where it caught the air.
“Superboy,” he said, leaning on the doorframe casually. Did it look casual? Did it look douchey? Tim stood up straight before Kon looked up.
“Hey, Rob,” Kon said. He flashed his toothiest grin at Tim. Fuck, he was pretty. “Did you want something?”
“Yeah, I wanted to talk. Can I come in?”
Kon sat up on his elbows. “Come right the hell in, my dude.” He cocked his head to the side and a curl fell over his face. “Everything alright?” A smile tugged one half of his mouth up mischievously. “Come sit on my lap and tell me all about it.”
The thing was that Kon said shit like that all the time. He said it to Tim, he said it to Cassie, he said it to any number of civilians. Tim had thought that Kon was just being kind of a bitch to him.
“Thanks,” he said easily, and sat with his knees on either side of Kon’s thighs.
Kon’s mouth fell open. Tim waited, but no sound came out.
“I was actually wondering- you say things like that to me a lot,” Tim continued, feeling very smug. Haha, Kon hadn't just been needling him. He'd been pulling pigtails. He wanted Tim, what a loser. “A guy starts to get the impression that you're interested. And…” he dragged his gaze pointedly down Kon’s perfect body. “I'm not disinterested,” he finished coyly.
“Robin.” Kon swallowed visibly. “I uh. I'm really flattered.”
Ah. Fuck. Tim had a very bad feeling.
“I'm kind of seeing someone at the moment.” Kon’s voice cracked. “If- if I hadn't been, I would be all over this. But I am. So.” His hands hovered uselessly a few inches from Tim’s sides.
Well then. Tim slid off Kon’s lap. He didn't let howling frustration show on his face. He was cock blocking himself. “I see,” he said simply. “No worries. I'll see you around.”
“Right.” Kon’s voice cracked again. He shoved his hands in his pockets. His eyes were wild.
Wow. Okay, so life isn't fair. It was good to know. Tim sulked his way back to his room. Well no, actually, he hated this information a lot. But it was useful for his prediction models. He should have known better than to think things would work out.
On the one hand, Kon was apparently loyal to his flavor of the week. Tim could choose to appreciate that, since he was flavor for early September.
Or he could be mad that he'd apparently chosen the wrong ID to flirt with Kon under. He paced an angry circuit in his room around the pile of things he was going to eventually reconstruct. Hell. Fuck. This sucked. Kon had a crush on Robin, the guy he actually knew. What a wasted opportunity!
He calmed down enough to think.
Of course that was when sirens went off. Tim booked it to the landing pad, pulling up the alert on his wrist computer on the way.
They had a mission. Okay. Tim compartmentalized away all the mortification. He could deal with it after they got back.
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hiii, could you do gn!reader/mc stargazing with Geo :3??? (only if you're comfortable ofc)
Celestial (Geo x MC/Reader)
If only I could stargaze one day. 😔
Enjoy anonnie, have an awesome day/night! <33 Thanks for letting me write this for you.
Anyway, you're in a established relationship with Geode, so rejoice.
- Signed by biggest-geo-oogami-enjoyer
Celestial: in a way that relates to the sky or things outside this world.
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When Geo texts a 'query' your way, you don't know whether it's an order or a request. "Do you want to hang out tonight?" "Uh, sure?? Where?" He then sent you an image of one of the nicer parks in the city, which thankfully happened to be in a safer area as well:
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You sighed, pondering whether to allow yourself sleep or 'hang out' with Geo.
Obviously you pick the latter. who sleeps anyway
You give the affirmative, to which he promises to show up within 20 minutes.
You get ready, bringing only the essentials and a couple packs of dried fruit (because only cool people eat dried fruit).
When he arrives, wearing a dark turtleneck and jeans, you (understandably) almost die from his sheer superiority beauty.
You get in his car and he drives you both off to the location.
It's always silent in the car, although he trusts you enough to play his favourite Japanese songs.
It took him 2 years to admit which ones he liked.
Anyway, when you show up, the weather and temperature is perfect (as Geo willed it), and almost nobody else is there.
He sets up the blanket, food (he brought food with him omg what a 11111/10 guy amirite /srs) and whatever else he deemed necessary (a lot of hidden weapons and a bunch of books).
You both lay down under the starry sky and admire them, talking about constellations, hell, you both point some out during the night.
After a while you're snacking on Geo's dick (im sorry) food and snuggled up in a bunch of blankets, while he's calmly reading a Japanese novella.
You eventually curl up on the blanket to fall asleep, to which Geo notices and asks if you want him to wake you later or to take you home now.
You ask to stay a bit longer, to which he obliges.
Until you're out like a light.
Then he bridal-carries you to his car, getting a few side-eyes from nosy strangers, places the belongings in his cars' boot and then takes you home.
You don't even notice until the next morning that you were out, to which he simply teased you. (dw we enjoy that here)
Yeah, you both have a banger time. 10/10, both parties would do it again, so every full moon, Geo will ask you if you wanna stargaze with him again. <3
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afewproblems · 5 months
For the angst prompts ;
"You look like hell." "I feel like it."
Famous Eddie showing up on Steve’s doorstep years after Eddie left
Oooo love this idea, thank you very much for sending it Nonny! I hope you enjoy!
"So, he's back in town," Robin says instead of a greeting into the receiver, a leading lilt in her voice.
Steve sighs and knocks his head into the wall beside the mounted hand set, "yeah".
She hums, the sound crackles over the line like static in Steve's ear.
"You want me to come over?" Robin asks carefully, as though dismantling a bomb, picking through what to say as gently as she can, hoping it's right.
And Steve hates it.
He hates that even after all these years, Eddie Munson can get right under his skin like this.
It should have ended back in '88, when Eddie had left them all behind to 'make it big'.
Or at least, that's what the note had said.
The one in hastily scribbled blue ink, dropped on the cold and empty side of the bed that Eddie had left. Steve had awoken alone, with only the note and the smell of weed and cigarettes and sex on his sheets.
He had tried calling the trailer, only for Wayne to pick up and explain that Eddie had been planning this for weeks, 'didn't Ed tell you?'
Eddie had left for New York along with Gareth, Jeff, and Grant, bound for city lights and a better music scene.
No, Eddie hadn't told him, but Steve didn't say that. How could he?
Instead, he thanked Wayne, his voice hoarse, and hummed something close to a yes when Wayne asked if Steve would make sure to drop by when he had time, the Pacers season had started after all.
Robin's voice breezes through the phone again, jolting him back to the present.
"Sorry Birdy," he sighs, shaking the last memories of the Munson's from his mind, "don't worry about me, really".
She scoffs and Steve can almost picture the way she's certainly rolling her eyes, "I always worry about you Dingus, that's what I'm here for".
"I know".
They talk for a little longer, speculating on how much longer Clinton will last in office now that the truth has come out and which of them would host the finale of Seinfeld --'it deserves a special night Steve, we are taping it, getting as many snacks as we can, and indulging in some good old misanthropic comedy'.
He tells her goodnight after another half hour, and insists that he'll be okay.
And he will, of course he will.
It's been ten years since Eddie Munson set foot in Hawkins, and there was absolutely no reason for them to run into one another.
Well, sure, he still kept in touch with Wayne over the years --how could he not when the old man seemed to pull excuses to see him out of thin air.
Robin had always cautioned Steve on his continued relationship with Wayne, questioning why he insisted on maintaining contact with Steve.
But it was nice to have someone to watch the game with over a beer, the occasional barbecue in the summer and hell, Steve had even celebrated a Thanksgiving or two or three with Wayne Munson.
With Steve cutting off his own parents years back, it was nice to feel like he had still had someone looking out for him.
And really, there was no reason for Eddie and Steve to run into one another.
Steve would be fine.
It's almost a week after his call with Robin that the doorbell rings and Steve's world comes to a stop.
He's putting away the small grocery trip, and to call it that was a bit ridiculous considering the snack to fruit ratio, but Robin had been very specific about their Seinfeld watch party slated for the coming weekend.
Steve opens the fridge door to pop the milk in, tossing a, "coming!" over his shoulder as the bell rings a second time.
Steve hopes it isn't his neighbor again as he makes his way to the front hall of his small home. It would be her third time angrily telling him that the tree in his backyard had shed even more crabapples over the fence and into her yard.
And considering their postage stamp lots, where else was the poor tree going to do it?
"Look Mrs. Patterson," he says wearily as he flips on the porch light and opens the front door, "I'm going to do something about the branches this weekend--"
But it isn't Mrs. Patterson standing on his front porch.
It's Eddie Munson.
Steve blinks, feeling as though part of himself has been wrenched from his own body to watch from above. His palms are sweaty all of a sudden and there's a tightness in his chest that grips his lungs, he can't breathe.
Eddie tries for a half wave and a smile, but the effect is lost as Steve continues to stand in shocked silence.
He's thin; Eddie had always been on the lanky side but his shoulders were still broad and he was strong enough to lug his band equipment around. He's almost gaunt now, with deep set bags under his brown eyes. His curly hair hangs somewhat limp over his shoulders and he reeks of stale cigarettes.
But it's undeniably Eddie Munson standing at his front door.
There are so many questions, and Steve wants nothing more than to demand answers if he can manage to get the words out without yelling.
What are you doing here? Why are you here now? How did you know where I live?
How could you leave like that?
"You look like hell," Steve says instead, his grip tightens on the door frame as Eddie drops his head in a nod.
"I feel it".
His voice is slightly deeper, more gravely in tone now than it was ten years back.
But perhaps that's what screaming into a microphone and partying in New York for ten years will get you.
"How did you know where I live?" Steve asks after another beat of strained silence.
"Uh, Wayne, I ask him about you a lot and about half the time he'll give me an answer when he's not calling me a dumbass and telling me to call you myself".
"Wayne has been telling you about me" Steve says faintly, feeling as though he might be sick on Eddie's shoes.
Wayne, someone that Steve had been looking up to, getting advice from, and spending so much time with, had been doing so just for Eddie.
All this time.
Robin had been right to tell him to be careful.
"Leave," Steve whispers suddenly, making Eddie step back in surprise, "I don't want to see you, either of you, again".
"Wha--no, Steve, wait!"
But the door is already closing, slammed against Eddie's hands that knock and knock, pleading with him to open the door, to just hear him out.
But how can he?
It wasn't just Eddie showing up after all these years, but on top of that, everything that he thought he had with Wayne had all been some ploy to help his nephew keep tabs on him.
He'd let himself be hurt again, by another fucking Munson, one he thought he could trust.
Steve locks the door and flips off the porch light, uncaring of the muffled curse from the other side of the wood.
He doesn't want to hear what Eddie has to say, after all, Eddie hadn't cared enough to stick around all those years ago.
Why should Steve?
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cosmerelists · 7 months
Cosmere Characters: Would They Be Fun To Take A Road Trip With?
[Main spoiler is for Way of Kings! Oddly enough. Some spoilers for Stormlight as a whole.]
You're planning a road trip, and you want to bring a Cosmere character with you! You know, as one does. But would the following Cosmere characters actually be a good road trip buddy?
1. Dalinar: Yes
Dalinar's whole dang philosophy is that it's the journey that matters. He'd be stopping at interesting roadside attractions, enjoying good food, watching sunsets, and generally enjoying the trip. What a great person to have on your road trip with you!
2. Adolin: Yes
We saw road-trip-Adolin in Shadesmar--he's great! Organized, interested in making sure everyone is doing well, good conversationalist. You'll have a great time.
3. Kaladin: Depends
To be fair it was a stressful situation, but when Kaladin and Shallan "road tripped" through the chasms, he basically just marched off with his long Alethi legs and left her to scramble along behind him. I feel like that's equivalent to, like, being really particular about the radio or something. Plus, he totally thinks he knows the way and ain't asking for directions. On the other hand, if Kaladin has warmed up to you, then I think he'd be an okay travel buddy. He'll definitely pull you out of the flaming wreckage when the trip inevitably turns into some sort of dramatic life-or-death situation, at least!
4. Vasher: No
You're like, "Oh look! That town has the country's largest cow statue! Wanna stop and take a look?" and he's like, "No." It's the first time he's spoken in 45 minutes.
5. Tress: Yes
By the of her book, Tress is all about adventure and she's a literal delight to everyone on the ship. Plus, if your tire got flat or something, Tress would absolutely learn how to change a tire on the fly and get you back on the road.
6. Teft: No
Teft will fight to his dying breath to protect you, but I do not think he'd be fun to sit in the car with for eight hours a day. He'd be a grumbler, I think.
7. Kabsal: Yes
He'd bring amazing car snacks, potentially homemade ones. He seemed like a good conversationalist too. Now it's true, he might try to assassinate you or inconveniently fall in love with you--or both!--but, like, the rest of the road trip will be lots of fun.
8. Navani: Depends on the type of road trip
Navani would, I think, make for a very organized road trip buddy. If you're trying to get somewhere on a time table, Navani would be great. You WILL be up at 8:00am and you WILL get to your destination on time and in one piece. But if you're hoping to, like, chill out and enjoy the scenery casually, then maybe not so much.
9. Elend: No
Elend is great 'n' all, but has a plan of his ever worked out in his life? There's gonna be a huge traffic jam caused by, like, political sabotage or something. And all of his books on tape are about philosophy, too.
10. Mare: Yes
She's definitely a "cow! cow!" type person, I think.
11. Eshonai: Hell yeah
Eshonai loves to travel and is delighted to meet new people. She's going to get chatting with some fruit vendor and the next thing you know, you've both been invited to dinner and are about to have the absolute best homecooked meal of your life.
12. Raoden: Yes
I feel like Raoden is very likable and cares a lot about how the people around him are doing. He'd make sure you had a good time and would be very thoughtful.
13. Lirin: Depends on whether Hesina is coming too
I feel like on his own, Lirin would be a very...stressed road trip buddy. Concerned about the speed limit, about not being too unhealthy, about doing the road trip right. But if Hesina were there, I think he'd be able to chill out a lot more. Because Hesina would want the trip to be fun, and I think Lirin would let it be fun with her around.
14. Lezian: Hell no
The FIRST person who cuts him off in traffic is gonna spark so much road rage in Lezian. Now you're weaving erratically through traffic in pursuit of that truck he's mad at, and you're only like 30 minutes into the trip.
15. Raboniel: Well...
At first she was like, "I am the driver here. You will address me only as the Lady of Roads and will know your place" and you were like, "Wow. This is going to be the worst trip of my life." But by the end, the two of you are singing together and crying for some reason, and now you think she might be your soulmate.
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bubblegum-gf · 2 months
RTuler of Everything
Or RT's Minecraft series but it's Ruler of Everything by tally hall
See fluffy's post here that inspired this
Lyrics under cut
RT was glad. He’d crafted a map, So he parted the sea with a sponge Parted the sea with a sponge Sponges he stole from a sea monument
On the mountain is a tower And a creeper encounter Every hour digging under the ground Heading deeper in dark til a treasure is found
You realize the cavernous mines Are the ruler of everything Ruler of everything I’m the ruler of everything in the end
Write a sign, even three, I got an English degree We are the pioner, and spell so accurately Do you like the fruit snacks? Do you like minecart tracks? Do you yearn for the caves? They call you into their trap I have a wonderful chat, I drew a circular graph They’re criticizing me for being geometric (here for the laugh you insert rt laughing at chat's circle memes)
You search through the sculk until your viewership falls If the Warden ignored us I’d be standing so tall You spoke in circles over circles taunting secrets and thrills Fine, I admit I was wrong! Circle in for the kill
I see you and all of your nonsensical plans You know you’re making me cry, the Deeper Dark is a sham! I believed in a lie, a hypothetical dream The long awaited ancient city under ice covered peaks Oh, no, no, oh yeah >:)c
Do you hear the chittering chattering chatty chatters? With an “Oh my god we gotta get outta here or we’ll have another Goat from hell, another story to tell Another village, stealing the bell” Did you feel your heart stop when you reached the End? No, you know the game is neverending, comprehend if you can But there is more you have yet to understand You have played the game well, for such an average man So go into the mines
Do you hear the chittering chattering chatty chatters? With an “Oh my god we gotta go over here and we’ll have another Shrieker yell, another story to tell Another hole drops down into hell” Do you hear the beat drop in your last defense? No, you know the Warden’s ever-present, yet he’ll stop and he’ll dance And when you finally rise, you understand You have played the game well, and so the universe said That here you are alive
You realize the cavernous mines Are the ruler of everything Ruler of everything I’m the ruler of everything in the end
Adventure’s been had, listening to cat Like a bumbling bee I will fly Turning my face to the sky Oh, no, no, oh yeah
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rainbow-femme · 25 days
When I was 17 I went on a trip with my family, which involved staying at motel/hotels along the way
One morning we were having the whole fruit/cereal/bagel breakfast they generally put out and there was an employee walking around with a ton of bananas trying to get people to take them. I have no idea why, my only guess is they over bought and wanted to get rid of them before they went bad
So the lady came over and asked if we wanted bananas and we said no thanks because we’d each grabbed one from the fruit area. She continued making the rounds and eventually came back to our table and said “Banana for later?” And we were all like “you know what hell yeah banana for later” and took another one each as a snack
And the entire rest of the trip we could not stop saying “Banana for later” anytime we gave each other something or tried to ask if they wanted something, and it has now been over ten years and anything slightly related to bananas or snacks or preparing something for later will make me think “Banana for later”
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whatyadrawin · 6 months
The Fruit After The Flesh 18+ -Chapter 3-
Minors DNI!
Approximately 2,682 words
Pairing: Thomas Hewitt(HeadCanon) x AFAB reader
This chapters Warnings: Strong language, use of derogatory terms, sexually suggestive language.
A/n: Two drawings took me so long, I feel very pathetic and unproductive but I am so happy to get the ball rolling. I can't wait to illustrate and submit chapter 4 because oooooh lord Tommy boy gon look good in it. I am also so excited to get writing the next few chapters, I have the fire in me and I don't want it to go out until I get a bunch of writing done lol. Please check the masterlist linked above for updates on progress.
Tag list: @fan-goddess
Chapter 3
The day begins with the sounds of birds happily chirping in the tree shading your backyard; a gentle breeze is washing over the land, cooling the heat away from the ground. You feel good today and decide it’s time for a cute yet practical outfit, so you grab some jean shorts, and a bright yellow tank top with a reliable pair of boots, you were ready to get things done. After eating some oatmeal purchased from Luda Mae’s store, you get your things ready to go drive to the next town and do some serious food shopping.
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The car is packed with some water and a snack or two, but before you hit the road you take a trip down to see Dover the farmhand to try and appease him one more time. The morning seems to be the best time to catch him, and you can see him watching TV through a window so you knock on the door gently and hear a groan, he answers the door and when he sees you, he rolls his eyes and says rudely,
“Whadya want?”
You put on a sincere smile and reply “Good morning, I hope I didn’t interrupt anything?”
“Ya interrupted my peace, now what the hell d’ya want?” his tone is aggressive, but you continue,
“I just thought I might interest you in some new stuff for your home? I know you like how things are but I wanted to see if I could make it more comfortable, like a new T.V, or a new bed or whatever else.”
He throws his head back and sighs “Ya just don’ get it do ya? I don’ want yer fancy shit from the city, I don’ need nothin’ other’an this here orchard n’some peace! Why don’t ya just go play dress up with the Hewitts again, see if their retard son will play tea party with ya”
He slams the door on you. You feel sick with anger and knock again, this time more loudly.
Dover opens the door and screams “The fuck is yer problem?”
You try to keep your cool as you reply through gritted teeth “Why are you so mean to me? What did I ever do to you other than be kind and offer you help or nice things! You don’t even know my name!”
Dover’s eyebrows furl into and angry frown “This here land belongs t’me, stupid little girl. I worked fer years under that bitch Tilly, and the fact that she left everythin’ to some no-good kid who don’ deserve it, makes my skin crawl. If I had my way, this place’d be mine”
You look visibly confused “What is that supposed to mean?”
He then pauses and gets all flustered “Nothin’, nothin’ at all. You just let me do everythin’ here, soon ya gon’ realize ya don’t belong here and leave, if ya know what’s good fer ya. Now never come back to this house ever again or I’ll give ya somethin’ to cry ‘bout”
He slams the door again and you are shaking with rage, your eyes begin to well up with tears as you walk away back to your car. You set out on the drive to the next town and it feels like it lasts forever, the road is straight and flat, and the surroundings are just large swathes of yellow grass and wheat rushing past you as you speed up to shorten the distance. The sky is cloudless and the sun is blaring down on you causing your eyelids to weigh down, you decide to put on a playlist that only has bangers to energize you. Eventually you see the welcome sign for the next town and feel a sigh of relief.
 The town is small but you are able to spot a large Costco in the distance -Oh hell yeah, I can really stock up now-. You find a parking spot close to the door and as you walk in you get blasted by the air conditioning which feels so nice after that long, hot drive. You take your time through the aisles grabbing as many bulk items as you can, finding preserved goods that won’t immediately go bad, and some produce that would be able to last a little longer than others. Once your cart is fully maxed out with goods you head to the cashier who looks at you funny due to the number of things you are buying. They greet you,
“Hi Ma’am, all this for you?”
You smile, feeling a bit embarrassed “Yeah, I don’t live nearby any stores, just stocking up.”
They smile back “Oh yeah? Where ya comin’ from?”
You reply “Fuller”
The cashier squints her eyes in curiosity “Fuller? Where’s that at?”
You are a little surprised by their response, but with how desolate the town is their response makes sense, you say,
“It’s a... um, well…a dead town near the Oklahoma border”
They tilt their head as they scan your Costco card “Must be real dead if I ain’t never heard of it.”
“Yeah, it is” you give a little chuckle and they continue,
“Well, alright then, I’ll get yer stuff boxed here and you can be back on yer way to the dead town.”
You finish paying and thank the cashier, then you start wheeling your cart back to the car when a very old man approaches you.
“You came from Fuller?” he says
You reply “Yeah, do you know it?”
He pauses, then says “I know it. That town used to have a lot people go missing after the businesses left. Why’re you out there?”
“I inherited an orchard” you say quietly
He places his hand on his chin “Oh? So, there’s still somethin’ left huh. Be careful ma’am, that town ain’t safe from what I know. The people ain’t right, if there’s any people left.”
You feel extremely confused “Ok, uh, thanks?”
You open the trunk and fill it with the bags wondering what he could possibly mean by people going missing, and the citizens being not right.
The drive back felt a lot faster; you were running what that old man had said through your head, -he must be talking about Dover, or maybe some urban legend-. You have experienced gossip and falsehoods about your own town back home before, so it didn’t seem so absurd to have a random stranger tell you something odd. You arrive back at the house by 1pm, happy to have been so productive today, you begin to unload the car and get everything into the house.
All the groceries get put away and you decide to start baking a batch of chocolate chip muffins for the Hewitts since they have been nothing but nice to you, and it’s the first time in a long while where you feel comfortable around other people; you are hopeful of making new long-term friends with the Hewitts. You bake 24 muffins since you assume that Tommy likely eats a lot and maybe hasn’t had a baked pastry in a while. When the muffins are done baking you take them out of the oven and put them in the little basket you brought the fruit over in, you cover the muffins with a cheesecloth and make your way over.
You walk up the driveway and look to the barn but don’t see Tommy there, just a group of chickens clucking around. You knock on the door which gets answered by Charlie who says,
“Well, well, well, what we got here? Bringin’ us somethin’ good sweetheart?”
You blush and reply “Yeah, I baked some muffins for all of you”
“Well, ain’t you sweet. Come in girlie, Luda’s gonna wanna say hi” he waves you in
You didn’t like how he stared at you but he seemed mostly harmless, he calls out into the house
“Luda! The neighbor girl is here!”
Luda Mae comes out from the kitchen drying her hands with a towel “Oh hi dear! What a welcome surprise to see you. What brings you by?”
You smile, Luda Mae is such a welcoming and kind person, you say “I baked some muffins for everyone, as a thank you for inviting me over the other day, and kindness you have all shown me”
“That is so thoughtful of you! I hope you know you’re welcome to come by anytime dear, you don’t need to bring gifts every visit, your company is enough” she says sincerely.
You feel very accepted among this strange small-town family you say “It was no big deal really, I went to the next town over to get groceries and picked up some ingredients to make sweet things to share”
Luda Mae tilts her head and smiles indicating how impressed she is by your kindness and generosity, she follows with “Well Tommy will just love these, I guess you must’ve known that he doesn’t get to eat baked goods often”
She calls out for him to come upstairs and you immediately get butterflies in your stomach, they make you feel nauseous and excited. You hear heavy, thudding footsteps and the house gently rattles as Tommy makes his way up to the living room from what you assume is the basement.  He stops in his tracks the second he looks up and sees you; his eyes were shrouded in shadow from his hair and thick brows but despite the darkness, the brilliant blue looking back at you was vivid and bright; his long hair was roughly tousled and draped down to the nape of his neck in curly dark brown tendrils.
You finally got to see him even closer and you lose your breath with just how incredibly huge this giant of a man is compared to your own height, his chest is so wide it would enshroud your entire body if you hid behind it, his thick pectorals heaving with every breath under his worn-down short sleeve blouse. His legs were massive and covered by a pair of very worn and dirty jeans, they were hanging onto by a worn belt that had a large belt buckle, oxidized by time. You immediately felt a tinge of ancient animal fear from the obvious difference in power his body displayed, he could kill you in seconds if he wanted to but beneath his brutish exterior you could sense there was someone worth taking a chance on.
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You wished to be able to see the rest of his face but it was hidden behind a dark leathery mask which was tactfully sewn together, there was only a small slit near his mouth for air to pass through, you wondered what he was hiding if he was already this impressive.
Luda Mae sighs and says,
“Thomas, don’t be shy, Y/N brought us some sweets, say thank you”
He holds his stare on you, he had never seen someone as breathtaking as yourself and your clothes did nothing to hide your robust, curvaceous figure, you didn’t look like someone who could easily break if he were to touch you but your height was barely a third of his own. He couldn’t help but find you simultaneously gorgeous and cute which was a perplexing and new feeling he welcomed. He suddenly snaps out of his trance when Luda Mae clears her throat, he then nods slowly as he shifts his eye contact from you and turns to leave quickly back down the stairs.
Luda Mae shakes her head “Excuse him, he takes a bit to warm up to people he likes”
“What about the people he doesn’t like?” You shocked yourself with your comment, it seemed to have just come out against your will.
Luda Mae looks at the floor and clenches the towel “Oh… haha well, don’t worry yourself about that hun. He likes you; one can tell that plain from the way he’s behavin’ ”
You let out a giggle and try to hide from the heat building up in your cheeks, Luda Mae notices this and smiles, Charlie sees this too and rudely barks in,
“Good thing y’got a crush on him because the people who don’t like him? Well, Girlie, you don’t wanna be them.”
Charlie just laughs and wanders off, Luda Mae looks at you and says,
“I’m so sorry ‘bout him dear, he’s got such bad manners, does whatever he wants.” She places her hands on her hips and squints in the direction Charlie wandered off.
You reply “It’s alright. You know, Thomas seems to not want to be around me every time I come here. I hope I am not seeming like an intrusion to him.”
Luda Mae gets a worried look and says “Oh sweetheart, as his mama I can tell you with full certainty that he likes when you come over. He asked about you the other day, wondering who you are”
You try to suppress the smile forming on your lips, “I didn’t know he spoke. I would love to get to know him better” for some reason you kept saying bold statements despite your mind protesting the revealing honesty.
Luda Mae smiles at you “He speaks to the people he feels comfortable with, so far that’s only been me and sometimes Charlie. I think you may have to make an effort with Thomas dear, he is going to be like taming a wild animal, so you have your work cut out for you”
You continue a bit of small talk about the town you visited and then take your leave back down the drive way to home. The walk back makes you think of so many scenarios in which you would be able to speak with Tommy, he seemed like he would have a lot to say. The prospect of making Tommy trust you and having such a unique friend was overstimulating and got you so excited that you didn’t notice Dover come out of the bushes next to you, making you jump from being startled. He gives you a dirty look and says,
“Seems like yer makin’ friends with them Hewitt folk. What a stupid girl ya are. You know their sons a violent sort dontcha?”
You have had enough of Dover and his cruelty, you reply,
“I thought you wanted to be left alone? Besides, Thomas is really shy, he doesn’t seem violent”
Dover laughs “Ya really are dumber’n ya look! That retard would string ya up and eat ya alive if you don’t get the hell outta here”
You stop walking and face Dover “Why are you telling me this? It seems like you don’t care if I live or die so what would it matter to you if he DID eat me alive?”
He stops and looks at you “I DON’T CARE IF YA GET BURNED ALIVE!”
You stare at him, saying nothing, and he awkwardly looks around, expecting you to get mad, he follows
“Ya like that fool dontcha? Yer fixin’ to have him split yer birthin’ bits in two huh?”
You sneer at the crass statement “What is wrong with you? If you don’t need anything from me then please just go find the peace you claim to want, and let me live my life”
You continue walking away and he yells back after you “Those fuckers ate people ya know! Next theyr’ gon’ eat YOU! Have fun fuckin’ a cannibal man, ya dummy!”
You keep walking and make your way to the front door of your home, the words said to you by Dover were heinous but they did make you think, -He might be right, Luda Mae and her family say some really weird things a lot and seem to change the subject when things get too suspicious. At this point, I don’t care anymore… this is my only chance to have a normal life and have friends, maybe even family. I’m going to continue Tilly’s legacy, if not for her… then for all the people who seem to actually care about me-
Next chapter-
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miss-tc-nova · 7 months
The Smallest Lapse - Malleus Draconia x Reader
It's not my favorite, but I'm ready to move on.
Anyway, I remember his chef's vignette talking about how difficult it is for him to control is strength in regards to fragile things. I think people can be pretty fragile. I originally wanted to break the arm but I'm not ready to write that.
Premise: Malleus is avoiding his problem
Words: 1,334
Warning: Minor Glorious Masquerade spoilers
               It’s been about a month since the events of the Fluer City social and while I very much enjoyed the proper event, I’ve noticed the peculiar behavior of a certain dragon ever since then.
               Normally, we had no qualms spending our time together; in conversation or in silence—we were comfortable. But ever since we returned to Night Raven College, it feels as if Malleus is avoiding me. I can never find him at any our usual spots anymore. A few times when I’ve spotted him, I called out, only for the mage to turn a corner and suddenly disappear. Even when I go straight to Diasomnia, they always tell me that he's not around, but I swear I’ve seen him in the window.
               I know he’s his own person and that he’s allowed to do things on his own. Hell, if he wants, he never has to see me again. But I miss him, and until he tells me those words himself, I won’t give up on him.
               And I have a plan.
               Now, obviously I can’t just call out to him or he’ll vanish again. As much as I want to simply confront the man, I need to think with fae rules. So after foregoing homework and wracking my brain, I was up all night.
               And I think I finally have something.
               Ambling the school yard, I check under every tree. It takes me at least thirty minutes before I find the delivery boy I’m looking for. Fast asleep as I expected him to be is Silver, perfectly comfortable beneath the dappled shade.
               “Ever reliable, aren’t you,” I hum, tucking the envelope under his hand.
               At the slight movement, the young man hums. I immediately put space between us, afraid that his retainer skills might kick in and he’ll act before he thinks. But thankfully, Silver remains at rest and I can hurry back to Ramshackle to await the fruits of my schemes.
               I can’t help the grin that splits my face when I hear a knock on the front door. It’s exactly 7 p.m. Scurrying towards the entrance, I grab the front door and rip it open to find my guest.
               He looks unamused, his lips pursed as he stares down at me. Lifting the envelope with his name scrawled on the front that I had entrusted to my messenger, for the first time in a month, Malleus speaks to me.
               “Well played, Child of Man.” Frustration oozes from each word.
               “Welcome to Ramshackle,” I say, waving my guest into the dorm. “We’ve been expecting you, Mr. Draconia.”
               He crosses the threshold. “I’m sure you have.”
               “May I take your coat, sir?”
               My satire does not go unnoticed. “No, actually. There’s quite the breeze outside and I don’t intend on staying long.”
               I frown, following him into the commons. “Well that’s a bit rude.”
               “Unfortunately, my hands are tied. I have things to do.” Even as he insults me, his eyes never fall on me.
               “Like what? Ignore me some more?”
               “I assure you, I have not been ignoring you.” He peruses the random assortment of snacks I managed to procure for the sake of appearances. “School work and other commitments have been demanding my attention as of late.”
               “Yeah right.” Skirting around the dragon, I get right in his face so he’ll finally look at me. “Look, I’m not gonna beat around the bush and if you don’t wanna stay, I won’t keep you long. I can’t spend all my time chasing after you when there’s not a hope in hell of me catching you.” A dark brow pops in surprise. “So I just want you to be honest with me. You can either tell me why you’re avoiding me.” I let my gaze drop. “Or you can just say you never want to see me again and we can leave it at that.”
               The silence gnaws at my heart.
               “Surely you must understand by now that I would never say those words to you.”
               My lips twist in heartache. “Yeah, well, it sure feels like that’s what you want to do.”
               Suddenly, he seems to be the one trying to speak to me. “That was never my intention.”
               “You’ve sure got a shitty way of showing that.”
               This time, both his brows rise; I’m sure nobody has ever spoken to him like that before. I’m actually surprised he doesn’t snap back or even just leave—I probably would have.
               His mouth opens once, but the man rethinks his words. Then he tries again.
               “Perhaps you’re right.”
               It’s my turn to be surprised.
               “I never considered that my self-control would be lacking, yet here we stand.”
               My lack of understanding keeps my mouth shut, yet Malleus steps forward. As though my skin is paper, he coaxes my hand to rise. Fingers ghost my arm, brushing back the sleeve to bare what lies beneath.
               This is nothing new to me. The spot has faded to nearly non-existent, the faintest discoloration the only remnants of what transpired. Considering just how bad it was, it’s healing fantastically. Originally, the deepest, darkest violet had consumed my entire forearm and for days after, I could barely move my fingers without pain. Honestly, that it wasn’t broken was a miracle.
               And it was Malleus’s fault.
               Actually, it was Rollo’s, but the injury came by Malleus’s own hand. When the floor fell out from under us, his immediate reaction saved me seeing as I was the only one unable to defend myself. His grip hurt like hell, but I’d take that over slamming into the concrete below. The ensuing insanity proved a decent distraction until the following day. Even so, I thought everything was fine all things considered. We enjoyed the rest of the social, even sharing a dance between myself and the Briar prince. I’m not even sure when he discovered what he'd done—granted I didn’t take a lot of care to hide it.
               My question comes out softly awestruck. “That’s why you’re avoiding me?”
               His touch retracts. “I don’t regret saving you, but this event has shown me that even the smallest lapse in judgement could cause serious harm.” The slightest furrow of his brows reveals the guilt he’s been struggling with ever since the school social.
               His words ruminate in my heart—trying to get a grasp on the fear he’s feeling. Yet the understanding does not sway my own pain.
               “Didn’t you ever learn that avoiding your problems never solves anything?”
               “I’m sorry?”
               “You’ll never learn full self-control if you keep avoiding the problem.” I gesture to my arm. “—and that hurts more than this ever did.” There’s a trace of fear sneaking through my heart. “Accidents happen—even to you—but I’m still here. We can get through them together better than before. So please…don’t stop trying.”
               The young man seems to take in my words, but his heart still set on never seeing me again still terrifies me.
               Chilled fingers graze my face, tracing along my ear and jawline until he tips my face by the chin.
               Riddled with guilt, he says, “How is it that the person I hurt most seems the least afraid?”
               “Because I know your intention.” Again, I brandish the bruised limb. “Besides, I’d take this over a split skull any day.”
               Finally, a smile slips his lips. “Yes, I can’t imagine that would be very enjoyable.”
               It’s always been an infectious problem, but I’ll never regret the second-hand smiles I get from seeing others happy. “So…wanna hang out?”
               A finger taps his chin. “I suppose those other tasks can wait. After all, I was invited.”
               Without hesitation, I launch at the dragon. Not a single muscle budges as I collide into him but his arms still support my weight. Even with all my strength, he’s not fazed by my arms around his neck. Playfully, my head bumps against his.
               “I missed you.”
               That deep chuckle twists at my insides.
               “I missed you too.”
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rafedaddy01 · 9 months
Part 1
You not know who you’re dealing with (r.c) pt2
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A/n: I decided to make this a first person pov
Not proof read
“I told you, you don’t know who you’re dealing with” Rafe said as he tossed my bunched up panties at me and grabbed his shirt off the floor, putting it back on he headed for the bedroom door.
And that was the story of how I met Rafe Cameron. Kook king, and as I have come to learn, the towns biggest asshole.
He slept with anything and everything that could move, he had a bad drug problem and despite what I may have said that night, he is nothing like Sarah.
It’s been a few weeks since that party and me and Sarah are still tight. I go over sometimes and I see Rafe, but he doesn’t make eye contact with me. It’s like he’s trying to avoid me.
“Hey Rafe!” I finally said.
I was over after school doing some math homework with Sarah and came down to the kitchen to get a snack. There he was, leaning on the counter with a class of whiskey in his hand. He looked pissed but I didn’t realize that until his blazing red eyes turned to face me.
“What the hell are you doing here” his voice was cold, distant, no emotion whatsoever. So why did it make me wanna strip immediately for him and get on me kne- focus!
“Uh, just doing some homework with Sarah” I said shifting around his body and grabbing an apple out of the fruit bowl.
His gaze never left mine, for a brief moment it looked like he checked me out.
“How- uh- how have you been?” I said biting my lip and looking at the ground, cursing myself for still standing here. He clearly didn’t care and I felt so stupid. But I couldn’t help it, that night he made me feel something. Something I haven’t felt in a long time and it was exciting.
He scoffed as his jaw tightened, he gave me one last look over and smirked before pushing the slide door open and exiting, just like he did that night when his lips were so deliciously wrapped around my- no! Focus girl!
“Hey Sarah” I said walking back into her room. She nodded up at me but didn’t say anything, clearly too focused on her homework.
“Why is your brother such an asshole” I broke the silence. I didn’t even know why I was asking her, I’ve only know this girl for a few weeks and I’m already prying on her personal life.
“Oh no. What did Rafe do this time?” She said sighing and tossing her pencil down.
“Oh no he didn’t do anything, really. He just seems- I don’t know, distant?” I said.
“Yeah Rafes always been like that. He’s a little… strange” she said looking at the carpet.
“Anyway. I’m going to hangout with John b tonight, wanna come?” She said wiggling her eyebrows at me and smirking.
As we met up with the rest of the gang who I’ve hung out with a couple times, they were nice and I always had fun with them, but I couldn’t help thinking about what Sarah said. I felt bad for Rafe, he seems so misunderstood. There’s a story there and I intend to find out.
Tonight was something called the bonfire, so we were all gathered on the beach, kooks and pouges, which apparently is a forsaken rival of the two, weird town.
Kie was sitting with a group of hippies smirking and exposing pollution to them, JJ and John b were handing out beers too a bunch of tourists and trying to score, pope was talking to some girl about a dead body, Sarah and me were sitting on a log in front of the fire.
“Sarah!” A gentleman’s voice said coming up behind us, he was gorgeous, like that boy next door vibe but he looked drunk as he slurred his words and stumbled over to the log. “Top, what do you want” Sarah sounded annoyed.
Top, as she called him, sat down on the log between me and here. “I miss you baby, why did you leave me?” He said nuzzling into her.
He smelt like alcohol mixed with weed and vomit, I had to actually plug my nose and try not to throw up as I watched there interaction.
She pushed him off and he scowled. “What? Is that pouge sick better? Seriously Sarah? You know you could have had a good life with me, I would have given you everything you wanted but instead you were such an ungrateful little bitc-“
“Topper!” A voice beamed from behind us, I turned to make eye contact with Rafe.
His chest puffed out as he strided over to us.
He walked up to topper and got up in his face. “I told you to leave it alone man! What the hell are you doing here” he slapped topper on the back of the head and pushed him away from our group, topper obeyed like a little lap dog and scurried away.
Rafe stopped and turned his head to look at Sarah, he scoffed and shook his head. He then made eye contact with me, my heart was thudding in my chest. He held his gaze for what seemed like hours and I could see pain, sorrow, heartbreak and danger wrapped in his blue orbs. All too soon he disconnected his gaze and stormed off towards topper.
“Let’s go” Sarah said grabbing my hand and leading me towards Rafes car.
“Where are we going? What happened, Sarah are you okay?”
“I’m fine, topper was my ex and I- I cheated on him with John b, he’s also Rafes best friend and it’s all just a shit show, but we’re going home, let’s go”
We got in the back of Rafes truck, he glared at me through the rear view mirror before starting the engine and driving off.
Tonight was Friday so I told my parents I would be sleeping at Sarah’s.
“Thanks for letting me stay again” I said as I help her pull the fancy comforter and pillows off her bed.
“Of course! We’re friends and it’s what friends do. Now, if you need anything at night I’m kind of a sound sleeper so just feel free to get up and roam” she smiled as we climbed in bed and slept.
I woke up with a strangely dry throat, I headed downstairs to the kitchen. Sarah’s parents were home, besides her little sister wheezie and Rafe.
I poured myself a glass of water and sat up on the counter, the moonlight was lighting the whole room and it was quite beautiful. I sat there for a few minutes just watching.
I finally decided to head back up, turning around I saw Rafe leaning on the wall not to far just watching me, shirtless.
Oh my god oh my god.
“Rafe! You scared me” I laughed as I poured more water and headed towards the stairs.
“You should be scared, pretty girl” he said as I passed him.
“What do you mean?” I turned back around and he was so close I could smell the coke off him.
“You really wanna find out?” He said coming closer to my face.
“Like I said that night, I dare you” my voice was a whispered but because he was so close he heard me perfectly.
He grinned as he plucked the glass out of my hand and downed it.
He walked back over to the kitchen counter and placed the glass down.
“Hey!” I whispered-yelled as I approached him
I barley had time to say anything else as he smashed his lips to mine, I automatically became limp, falling into his arms and letting him smother me.
I moaned into his mouth which he devoured and groaned back, he lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around him. He turned us around so my ass hit the cool counter.
He kissed my neck and down my exposed chest.
My head was thrown back as his fingers came between my legs and rubbed me through my pajama shorts.
“Rafe.. please” I whined as he teased me.
“You don’t know how I’ve wanted to taste this pussy again” he grunted as he teased harder.
“Fuck, please!” I begged.
“Not Ike this” he whispered, kissing my lips softly and pulling back.
Just like that Rafe Cameron disappeared into the night.
Just like he did that night, and now I’m wet and horny all over again!
@mysterioussmae @f4ll-for-you @v21sstuff @rafeysworldim19 @baby19sthings
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ladykailitha · 11 months
All My Roads Lead Back to You Part 17
Welp. We are in the home stretch. I’m almost done writing the last chapter and then there will be a small epilogue. Thank you so much for sharing this ride with me on this one.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16
Edie isn’t exactly sure when it started happening, but she began to notice little changes in her dad’s eating habits. Some times he would go for seconds if he liked it or he would keep some kind of fruit on hand to snack on.
But knowing her dad’s past also helped her notice when he would get that thousand yard stare or when he would jump at certain sounds. Knowing that he had walked through hell, not just once, but multiple times was like slotting in a piece of the puzzle you didn’t know was missing. And just watching all the other pieces that didn’t make sense before form a complete picture.
She knew that they had told her was only scratching the surface. Things they weren’t directly involved in but didn’t want to know. After she was told about their past Mr Munson gave her permission to dig into the incident surrounding the actual fucking lynch mob that was led by a psychotic basketball star.
What made her the angriest was that the asshole died in the earthquake and never had to deal with the consequences of his actions. That the town took that as liberty to just sweep it under the rug. The police chief quietly resigned two years later. No one that was involved in the witch hunt was actually punished for what they did to Mr Munson.
So she decided she was going to make a long distance phone call. A very long distance phone call.
“Miss Thing!” Lily Byers greeted cheerfully. “To what do I owe this totally awesome pleasure?”
“Cousin Itt!” Edie greeted back. “How’s it rocking, girlie?”
“You know,” Lily said, “as much as I love traveling the world, I got soo super jelly of your prom pictures. I’m trying to convince Mom to let spend the last year of high school with you.”
“Just say the word, Cousin Itt,” Edie said seriously, “I will deploy the puppy dog eyes.”
Lily laughed. “I’m not quite that desperate. Yet.”
“Duly noted,” Edie said. “Hey, I need a favor. But first how much do you know about your parents’ high school days?”
“You talking normal angst filled love triangles?” Lily ask slowly. “Or are we talking about nightmare fuel?”
“Nightmare fuel.”
Lily let out a slow breath. “I got ‘read in’ last year.” Edie could feel the air quotes from here. “I’m guessing you’re new to the ‘my parents are fucked up’ club?”
“About a month I guess,” Edie said with a sigh. “Me and Harri Munson. They tell you about what happened to his dad? Eddie Munson? Not the monster shit, but the normies fucking shit up stuff?”
Lily let out another long sigh. “Yeah. The witch hunt of the century.”
“Can you please explain why your mother and father didn’t expose the fucking town the way they did the Lab?” Edie asked pinching the bridge of her nose in frustration.
“That is a really good question, Miss Thing,” Lily said. “And I think you just gave me new leverage against my parents over the whole high school senior year dealio. I’ll get back to you.”
“Love you lots!” Edie said.
“Love you more!” Lily replied and then hung up.
“You know,” a voice said from behind her, “that’s a pretty low blow, weaponizing your cousin that way.”
Edie whirled around to see her dad leaning against the doorframe of her bedroom. His arms were crossed over his chest, but he had an easy smile on his face.
“Don’t you know it’s rude to eavesdrop,” she said glaring at him.
“I just came to ask if you wanted pizza or kebabs tonight,” he said, his smile turning into a grin. “I did knock. A couple times in fact. But you were the one plotting world takeover with your bedroom door open.”
Edie flopped on her bed. “Is that one of the reasons we rarely get together, because we’d take over the world?”
Steve laughed. “One of many. One of many.”
Edie grinned. “I’m just correcting a miscarriage of justice is all.”
“Oh, is that all?” he asked grinning back at her. “Knowing Lily Byers like I do, I fully expect an expose by the end of the week and formal apology from the city of Hawkins and the state of Indiana to Eddie by the end of the month.”
Edie pretended to toss non-existent long hair over her shoulder. “Good.”
Steve pulled her in for a hug. “I think the reason she didn’t is because of me.”
Edie pulled away slightly. “What do you mean?”
“I think she didn’t want to stir up feelings for Eddie after he left.”
“But he left three months after,” Edie insisted. “Why didn’t she say something then?”
“Our town was nearly destroyed,” Steve reminded her. “And the government had found a scapegoat in Henry Creel, got Eddie off and all this while Eddie was still in a coma from being nearly ripped to bits. She had a lot on her mind those first three months. We all did. And then he got a record deal, he was going to be famous. She probably didn’t want to make waves for him and ruin his chances.”
“Damn it,” she sighed. “Those are all really good reason not blow up the biggest scandal since the ‘gas leak’.”
“So maybe tell Lily to ease up a bit on her mom?” Steve asked.
“Not a snowball’s chance in hell, Dad.”
Steve sighed. He figured that was the answer, but felt he had to try. At least a little.
School was ending and Edie and Harri both had summer school. Mandy and Kenny were free, but then they were good in school and mostly liked by the teachers.
Their rich school was a bit backwards. Probably because it had only been built in the last decade, but Mr Pearson wasn’t the only teacher that turned their noses up at old money students like Edie. She had the misfortune to be old money, too. Her family’s wealth went back as far a century at least.
She wasn’t third or even fourth generation wealthy. Her great-great grandparents were stinking rich. They were among the few families to come out of the stock market crash and Great Depression relatively unscathed. It’s why Dad’s trust fund was so sought after.
A trust fund that only grew because he may not have had a head for numbers, he had a head for business. He knew when to pull out if something was failing and when to pour more money in if they looked on the verge of discovery.
But it meant that all the teachers thought that her dad didn’t earn having his daughter at their school. So they always went a lot harder on Edie then they did her friends. All three of which had parents that came from nothing or very little to make their wealth. Mandy and Harri were both children of rock stars. Kenny’s mom invented some kitchen gadget that had taken the world by storm and now was in nearly every house in the country.
Harri was only joining her in summer school hell because two of the credits he needed to graduation next year didn’t transfer over and he had zero desire to sit with sophomores and juniors his last year of school.
“They should standardize the curriculum across the country,” Harri grumbled, kicking at a rock on their way into school.
Edie sighed. She agreed with him, but if they had she wouldn’t have a summer school buddy to be miserable with.
“I hear that,” was what she said instead. “And you should be allowed to skip a class if you don’t want to take it. As long as you get two years of math, who cares if it’s just basic math. It’s like judging a fish by its ability to climb or however that quote goes.”
“Right?” Harri agreed. “Like if what you want to go into takes heavy math that sure, you do the advanced math, but if you’re going into art and the only math you’re going to need is fractions they shouldn’t have to force you into bullshit like that.”
They both had to take a math class and a science class, so they took the same ones so that they could at least have a study buddy.
“I hate that I have to do this,” Edie groused as she flopped down in a desk somewhere near the back of the class. “It means I can’t go to the gala this year.”
“Gala?” Harri asked, sliding into the desk next to hers. “What gala?”
“The biggest event my dad does all year,” she explained, resting her head on her hands and staring off into the distance dreamily. “He’s involved in a shit ton of charities, but this is his biggest. It’s like the it party of the year and everyone foams at the mouth for an invite.”
“So why can’t you go?” Harri asked.
“Because for everyone else it’s a one night event,” Edie said, “but for my dad it’s a week long thing just prepping for it. And because I have summer school, I can’t help him. His rule has always been that I’ve been too young and that was supposed to change this year. I was going to help out and get to go. But because I have this stupid shit, I have to spend the week at Mandy’s.”
“You’re nearly eighteen,” Harri protested. “Can’t you be left home alone?”
Edie sighed. “If it was about Dad being gone all the time, sure. But it’s not. It’s held at the house. Or rather the backyard. There are people coming and going all hours of the day and night. Setting up lights, preparing food, setting up tables. It’s a whole thing. And if I want to actually pass these classes...”
Harri winced. “You can’t be around all that shit...Point well and truly taken. So what are you going to do instead?”
Edie shrugged. “Normally Mr Lawrence lets Mandy have a party that night and we stay up late watching movies, but I think the Lawrences are going this year, so I don’t know what’s going to happen.”
Harri opened his mouth to ask another question, but the teacher chose that moment to walk in and they were forced to pay attention to the class.
Part 18 Epilogue
@spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @artiststarme @swimmingbirdrunningrock @gregre369 @pyrohonk​ @trashpocket @goodolefashionedloverboi @chaoticlovingdreamer @maya-custodios-dionach @messrs-weasley @val-from-lawrence @plyerice27 @mightbeasleep @thedragonsaunt @chaoticlovingdreamer @trashpocket @sapphirecobalt-1 @a-little-unsteddie @i-must-potato @danili666  @carlyv @rozzieroos @wonderland-girl143-blog @itsall-taken @steddie-as-they-go @lillemilly @callas-shitshow @bisexualdisastersworld @renaissan-vvitch @immortal-iratze @bookbinderbitch @cardigangoth @lilacrobin @nightmareglitter @nerdsconquerall @stxrcrossed186
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scoops-aboy86 · 2 months
Obsessed with the idea of working at scoops ahoy causing Steve’s weight gain. Maybe Eddie comes into the store at some point
Oh hell yeah, it’s such a goldmine of opportunities. 
Does Steve start snacking on purpose or does it creep up on him over time, during the slow hours when the only so-called customers are Erica Sinclair and her sampling horde? Is it the cold, thick ice cream that calls to him? Nibbles of toppings? The crunch of an empty cone that broke in the bag and it’s just going to go to waste otherwise? I think we all know he’d eat the bananas, they’re fruit and therefore healthy and therefore he can have as many as he wants. 
Or… (Brace yourself for 4067 words, 1k for every day this sat in my inbox. 😅)
Eddie has resorted to entering the mall for its air conditioning, and stays for the music selection in the Sam Goody. He’s about to leave when he passes Scoops Ahoy, and—is that King Steve? Oh, he has to go in. 
The store is otherwise quiet, and Steve’s coworker that Eddie vaguely recognizes from school is hanging out the window behind the counter, accepting a free employee’s cone that Steve has just scooped for her. “I can’t believe you eat so much of this stuff,” Steve is saying, and Eddie is surprised to hear a lot more genuine confusion than derision in his tone. 
“It’s ice cream, Steven,” the girl retorts, rolling her eyes. “Pretty sure it’s universally beloved by anyone who can stomach dairy or has ever experienced a heat wave.”
“It’s pure sugar,” Steve protests. “You’re going to get hyper and crash in an hour or two, and then you’ll be cranky while we’re closing up again.”
“That’s the plan, dingus,” she says with bright sarcasm, and takes an exaggerated lick of her cone before rocking backwards and snapping the window shut. 
And well. What is Eddie to do with King Steve’s apparent disdain for ice cream but dare him to eat some? He’ll let Steve pick his own favorite flavor, he’s not an animal, but— “Well well, I see how it is, Harrington. You’ll sell it but you won’t eat it? I’m pretty sure that’s negative advertising. Should I maybe… tell the manager?”
Steve whips around, and puts his hands on his hips that reminds Eddie terrifyingly of his gym teacher… who, now that he thinks about it, also coaches the basketball team, he’s pretty sure. Hilarious. 
“The manager isn’t even here today,” Steve snaps. 
“Oh, I could come back,” Eddie says with a smirk, and leans against the glass case to look him dead in the eye. “Whatcha got against the ice cream here, huh? Is it not very good?”
The jock pinches the bridge of his nose, another look he swears he’s seen in response to his forced attempts at sportsball over the past five years. “Jesus Christ,” Steve mutters, and pulls his ice cream scoop from his side holster with a little spin to get it in the ready position—what the hell, people can actually do shit like that in real life? “Please tell me you’ll go away if I give you a free cone.”
“I’ll go away if you eat a free cone,” Eddie shoots back. 
“Fine. Whatever.” Steve slides one of the back panels on the display case open and digs a scoop out of the tub of chocolate ice cream, grabbing a cone to plop it into. 
“Two scoops,” Eddie prods, amazed that it’s turning out this easy and amazed again when Steve just rolls his eyes and does it. “And I’ll hang around for a bit to make sure you don’t cheat.”
“Munson, I swear to god—”
Eddie flutters his eyelashes and slaps a hand to his own cheek. “Oh heavens,” he exclaims in a bad falsetto, “King Steve remembers my name, I might faint!”
Watching Steve bite and try to swallow as much of his reluctant treat as possible to get it done and Eddie gone faster is a spectacle only made better by the brain freeze visibly hitting Steve a second later. 
The next day Eddie goes back and half annoys, half challenges Steve into eating another ice cream treat. Robin, the coworker, thinks it’s hysterical and even helps him badger Steve into doing it. She gives Eddie a high five and, the following day when he comes back and does it again, introduces him to the You Rule You Suck board. She marks another two ticks in the latter column, one for each scoop. 
It’s six days of this in a row before Steve seems to realize how committed Eddie is to the bit. As soon as Eddie comes into the ice cream parlor on the seventh day, Steve just starts automatically preparing himself a two scoop cone of chocolate ice cream while scowling at him. 
So, on that seventh day, Eddie gives it a rest and actually orders something for once: a scoop of orange berry sherbet in a cup. Robin gets it for him and he accepts it with a bow, letting his change slide into the tip jar for the entertainment. “Thanks,” he says with a grin. “Don’t like ice cream much myself, but sherbet always hits the spot.”
Steve crunches loudly on the last of his cone and pushes his way into the back room to sulk his way through his fifteen minute break. 
And Eddie keeps coming back, because he’s grown to appreciate Steve and Robin’s idle banter in between customers—though his official reason is to mooch off the mall’s AC. Steve treats him more like a pest than a freak, which is. Refreshing? It’s something, anyway, Eddie thinks. Can’t quite decide if it’s amusing or annoying, so he sticks around to find out. And to check out the royal ass in those little shorts, thank you corporate America. 
Within a few weeks, Eddie has gotten used to planning his campaigns in a cool and only slightly sticky environment on a daily basis and also witnessed Steve interacting with his brood of young teens. (The hands on hips comes out again. Pinching the bridge of his nose with a heavy sigh keeps making repeat appearances. Threats with no actual weight behind them are made. Eddie isn’t quite sure how he feels about Steve reacting to him the same way he does a bratty gaggle of incoming freshmen, but it is also so funny to watch and then needle him about with Robin.) And Steve has started eating ice cream of his own accord. 
“Whatever,” Steve grumbles when rudely confronted by this fact, which happens every other day or so; Eddie and Robin take turns. He adds a third scoop to his cone without even seeming to think about it. “Everybody loves ice cream.”
Gradually, Eddie’s interest in Steve has shifted. He still gives the guy a hard time, all grins and theatrics and toeing the line, but the King—former King, really, since high school, for Steve, is over and Eddie and Robin have both personally witnessed some of his spectacular flops in the flirting department that really drive that fact home—is actually not that bad. A lot of the popular jock swagger is gone, replaced by tolerant exasperation and a sarcastic, delightfully bitchy streak that Eddie just loves to poke at. 
But more than just that, there’s… more of Steve. The ice cream floodgates have opened, and Eddie has definitely noticed the way Steve’s little sailor shorts showcase his imminently grabbable ass better by the day. Every part of Steve is looking a little softer, Eddie can tell through his shirt that he’s getting a little belly, and there is nothing the metalhead wants more than to touch. 
It’s becoming a problem, actually. He watches Steve lick at an ice cream cone every day and, increasingly, the image is burning itself into his brain. Eddie didn’t ask for this, doesn’t necessarily think getting so attached is a good development, for his reputation or his sanity, but that doesn’t stop him from picturing it at night. 
So sue him, Steve is pretty and Eddie is a young gay man with a healthy sex drive and a strong right hand. And it gets a workout aaaaaall summer.
By the end of August, they’re actually kind of friends. Steve is locking up Scoops after a long, grueling solo shift because Robin had called out with a summer cold. Eddie helps, because yeah he’s not an employee but he’s been hanging around long enough to know how to do it all, and Steve… Steve gets a bit winded these days, if he has to do it all by himself. 
It had taken him a while to size up from his first uniform, belly and more than a few stretch marks peeking a little out the bottom before finally giving in and putting in the request. By the time the replacement finally arrived the blue sailor shirt kept riding up by a good fraction of an inch, and Eddie’s cue to realize he was staring again had come every time Steve tried to pull it back down, or hike up his straining shorts in an unsuccessful attempt to split the difference… So, basically, any time Steve wasn’t behind the counter, because it happened constantly. And then he’d be staring again by the time it happened again a few minutes later. Probably would have been less stressful to just keep looking. 
Even with the resized uniform, and the next, Steve kept eating ice cream without any sign of regrets or second thoughts. He was up to three or four cones a shift now, one right after clocking in and the rest timed to just before predictable busy hours so he could ride the sugar high through the turbulent waters of food court customer service. Three scoop minimum, with a constantly revolving selection of toppings and more often than not in one of the big cones that came pre-dipped in chocolate and rainbow sprinkles. 
But always chocolate ice cream, though, same as Eddie always getting his scoop of sherbet in a cup. 
“No accounting for taste,” Eddie sighs as Steve hands him his usual as a thank you for helping and starts scooping himself an all chocolate ice cream banana split. 
“Excuse you, Munson, chocolate is a classic,” Steve retorts, barely glancing up. “It’s chocolate. Everybody’s heard of it. Who’s heard of orange berry sherbet?”
“You literally sell it for a living.”
“Mostly only to you.” Ice cream acquired, Steve turns to the side counter and starts adding whipped cream and various toppings. “I mean, regular orange sherbet was my grandad’s favorite. You, Eddie Munson, have grandpa taste.”
Eddie slaps one hand over his heart, while the other (the one with more rings) clacks dramatically against the display glass. “Excuse you, what about me says grandpa to you? Is it the long, dark hair? My dexterous and nimble musician’s fingers? The very youthful twinkle in my eye?!”
“I literally just told you it’s your taste in ice cream,” Steve replies, with maraschino cherries rounding out his already round cheek and a bitchy roll of his eyes. 
Despite being annoyed, the sight swamps Eddie with a now familiar feeling of wanting to grab Steve by the face and, just. Aggressively make out with him. Taste that sticky red fruit on his tongue. Feel how soft he is, all that extra padding around his middle, how increasingly heavy that belly rests on his thighs throughout the journey from empty to full. 
All of which is crazy, because it’s Steve Harrington, Hawkin High’s golden boy athlete. And yet. 
Since the tables have all been wiped down already, Steve waves for Eddie to follow him into the employees only area. He’s been back there before but tonight he’s surprised to see several tubs of ice cream crowding the break table. “Oh. I thought you tossed the empty tubs out earlier…”
“They’re not empty,” Steve says simply, settling into the nearest chair with a huff like it’s a relief to sit down. Which Eddie can believe, from the way he’s a little bit flushed. And then, then, Steve hooks his thumbs into the waistband of his shorts and tugs them down to let his belly out over the top of them, digs a hand in to dig the bottom of it out. Breathing room. And it’s necessary, is the thing, because there are indented red lines on his skin from where the seams have been pressing. Eddie is staring, and he knows that Steve knows—is pretty sure, suddenly, that Steve wants him to. When his eyes flick up to the other boy’s soft face and the smug little smile there, Steve winks and gives his belly a pat. “I'm empty, though. These should be melted enough for you to pour for me by now. You want to, don’t you?”
“Uh,” Eddie says. Simultaneously, his throat has gone desert-dry and his mouth fills with spit. He has never wanted to bite someone more than he does right now. “Yeah?”
The grin widens cockily, and Steve slouches in his chair a bit, spreading his legs and letting his belly drop between them to put himself even more on display. “I knew it,” he crows, digging a spoon into his banana split to load up the opening salvo. “I knew you were watching me. It’s the shorts, right? They make my ass look great.”
And wow, the sheer amount of ice cream and banana he crams in his mouth belies his own words, hazel eyes flashing as if challenging Eddie not to look at his lips with their sheen of lip gloss and melted ice cream, the way he licks the spoon to make sure he’s gotten every last trace of chocolate and whipped cream. Telegraphing, I know it’s not just the shorts.
Eddie swallows hard and tries not to grind his teeth because, yeah. Urge to bite. “I’m, uh, not going to tell you. Wouldn’t want to inflate your big head any more… Not when your eyes are already that much bigger than your stomach.” He waves vaguely at the tubs on the table. “These are three gallon tubs, man. Even mostly empty, there must be at least a gallon of melted ice cream here, on top of everything you’ve put away today.” 
“Wouldn’t be the first time,” Steve scoffs. The second spoonful is already passing his plush lips before Eddie can reply, eyes glued to the way they pucker around the metal as he draws it out slowly, once again clean. There’s a single dribble of chocolate running down his chin, though, reaching and dripping from the suggestion of a second one onto the front of his sailor shirt… the shirt that will have to be sized up again soon, a testament to just how big Steve’s stomach really is.
“Wait,” he sputters, brain catching up to Steve’s words, “wouldn’t be… What?”
So Steve explains that, after Eddie had first goaded him into eating ice cream at work, it had truly hit him for the first time how much ice cream Scoops Ahoy’s company policy had them throwing out at the end of each day. He’d started with just finishing off the scraps of chocolate left at the bottom of a mostly empty tub on one of the maybe once a month occasions he got stuck closing up alone. The next time there hadn’t been any almost-done chocolate slated for the dumpster out back, so instead he’d stirred chocolate sauce into the softening Cookies N Cream until it better suited his taste buds. 
And he’d liked it. The ice cream itself, of course, but also the tight, intense feeling in his stomach that came with being overly full. 
So, since he didn’t close up solo very often, he’d started sneaking a tub or two out to his car when he could get away with it. The contents would always melt before he got home, and since he didn’t have unlimited chocolate sauce on hand there…
“...I’ve ended up expanding my horizons.” Steve winks. “Among other things. There’s something really freeing about getting all sticky on your own kitchen floor, you know?”
Eddie is still standing, holding his cup of sherbet and mouth dropped open while he processes this. Of course he’d known that Steve had to be aware, on some level, of what he was doing to himself… but this is so closely aligned with his own secret fantasies that he can’t help but suspect it’s some sort of trick. An elaborate trap designed to definitively out him as a freak. He narrows his eyes, then stalks forward to further investigate the tubs, trying to ignore the hard-on forming in his jeans. There’s Vanilla Chip, USS Butterscotch, Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough, Cinnabon Swirl, and something he thinks might be Cherries Jubilee with most of the cherry parts already scooped out. 
“You don’t like any of these flavors,” he accuses, crossing his arms and leveling a stare at Steve, trying really hard to convey more skepticism than lust. “You hate anything but chocolate, even if it’s something else and chocolate. I actively judge you for it on a daily basis.”
Steve shrugs. “Drinking it is different from eating it.”
Which, okay, makes some sense, Eddie supposes, but that makes no sense. Neither does the concept of Steve Harrington chugging ice cream straight from the tub on the floor of his fancy rich boy kitchen, smeared in chocolate like a pig rolled in mud, maybe with his uniform stripped off the second he got home because it was getting too tight, or because he wanted to watch himself expand with each greedy gulp—
Eddie takes a deep breath and gets ahold of himself before he resorts to jamming his hand down his pants and… getting ahold of himself. He just has one more question, and if that checks out then he’s going for it. “How much weight have you gained since you took this job, Steve?”
Steve gives him an exact answer, down to one decimal point and Eddie is already stalking forward, putting his forgotten, melting cup of sherbet down and grabbing the nearest tub.
It pours nice and smooth over Steve’s lips, down his throat, and into a bottomless pit apparently from the way he never signals to pause or slow down. He just keeps gulping it down, moaning when the chocolate from the Vanilla Chip avalanche down from where it was all piled at the bottom into his mouth. When it’s cookie dough pieces that takes him a little longer to get through, and he returns to bites of his banana split between mouthfuls. Streaks of pale cream line his neck, beading in the chest hair just barely peeking out the top of his shirt like he’s begun sweating cream, and while chugging he increasingly often has a free hand rubbing tight circles over his stomach. 
He breaks away from the rim of the last tub with a gasp. The last thick dribbles of USS Butterscotch splatters on his cheek from Eddie’s attempt to shake whatever’s left out. “So full,” he slurs, looking up at Eddie from beneath heavy eyelids. 
And then he pushes past it, ignores whatever signals his stuffed gut is trying to send him, all his attention rerouted into sluggishly cramming the last of the banana split in his mouth. 
Eddie drops the empty tub to the floor and lurches forward to lick sloppily at the other boy's cheek, at his chin, at his neck. A ringed hand brushes over the swollen belly between them, only for Steve to grab on and guide him to press harder, explore his waist and love handles. Then they’re kissing, both of their faces sticky with sugar and dairy, and Steve tastes like the inside of a honey pot, he’s so sweet. 
It’s not just the way he tastes. Steve’s pupils are blown, reactions slow as he kisses back lazily but with a happy hum. Eddie wonders if he would even be able to get up right now, with so much inside him. 
“Can’t believe you,” Eddie marvels, nipping at slick lips. “Can’t believe you like this—” he gets his fingers up Steve’s shirt and drags it up to knead at the padded suggestion of ribs, at softened, hairy pecs that are just as sensitive as Eddie had dreamed, from the whine he gets from just a testing squeeze “—so fucking much, but you do, don’t you sweetheart?” 
He drops his touch down to the straining arch of Steve’s belly and feels the underside of it, lifting a little, testing; even being careful, he jars a string of breathy hiccups loose. “Edd—hic—ieee,” Steve whines, trying to squirm, trying to press into his touch, but can barely manage anything before he has to stop and catch his breath. “‘M so…”
“Is that why you’re such a brat all the time, Steve, because you’re hungry?” Eddie coos. He leans in to kiss him again, then drops to his knees. “All I have to do to make you docile is fill you up. Takes a while, but.” He slaps the plump roll spilling over the side of Steve’s shorts, surprising a burp followed by a groan out of him this time. “Well worth the wait, big boy.”
At which Steve giggles, and mumbles something that sounds like an echo of ‘wait,’ but Eddie’s not sure of the spelling. 
“If you’ll pardon the pun,” he adds dryly, and grins when that gets him another giggle. “Well spotted, Stevie.”
And then, because Eddie figures that he has been admirably patient up to this point, wriggles his way into the blue sailor shorts straining before him for his treat. With Steve’s ragged moans of yes and fuck and Eds ringing in his ears right up until Steve’s thick thighs clamp around his head in the ecstasy of orgasm, and it’s worth it. 
The wet stain seeping through the front of Eddie’s jeans proves it. 
He helps a very dazed, very sated Steve clean up after—though, honestly, Eddie does almost all the work. (Steve slurps down his little cup of melted sherbet no problem though, smiling serenely as Eddie gives his still exposed belly an approving slap.)
“You okay to drive home, man?”
Steve hums, then yawns—giving himself a third chin for a second there. “‘M not sure if I’m good to stand up,” he admits. “‘Sfine, I can sleep here…”
Eddie rolls his eyes and grabs both the other boy’s hands. “Oh no you don’t. If you stay, some security guard is going to find you here looking like a stowaway on the Good Ship Lollipop, and we can’t have that. I’ll give you a ride, come on—up on three. One, two… two and a half…”
Fifteen minutes later he hustles a slow-moving Steve into the back of his van, where the guy can at least lay down and stretch out while his body attempts to digest. And Eddie wonders—is this what he’s become? Spending his entire summer at the mall palling around with the former King of Hawkins High, filling said dude full as a tick exactly once and getting them both off in the process, and then driving him home like a nice boy at the end of a respectable date? 
No one has called Eddie a nice boy since approximately kindergarten, and respectable probably never. But he glances over his shoulder to see his stuffed and sleepy sailor boy cuddled up under the blanket he keeps back there in case of emergencies, knows that beneath it Steve is still spilling out of his shorts because once undone they’d been impossible to zip and button up again, and feels… something at the look of utter contentment on his face. Something that’s been growing in him for a while, if he’s being honest with himself, intertwined with every sardonic comment and light ribbing at Steve’s expense. And Steve always gives as good as he gets—except tonight, when he’d just let Eddie take and take, letting go completely. They could be good together, Eddie thinks; especially since what they each want seems to mesh so well.
Steve has already been wearing the results of this particular brand of hedonism for months now, so maybe he won’t even regret it come morning. 
Maybe if Eddie leaves his number after getting Steve home (probably only as far as the couch, for simplicity’s sake), Steve will call. 
They can hang out somewhere outside of Scoops Ahoy, maybe even call it a date. Maybe Steve will let Eddie feed him sweet nothings under the stars and smile that sweet little smile at him again when he gets full, all happiness and trust. It’s a heady prospect, one that knocks Eddie’s dumb heart for a loop just considering it. 
He ends up parking in the woods just a short walk from Steve’s house and crawling in the back of the van with him. One quick change into an emergency pair of clean boxers (he keeps a lot of stuff back there in case of emergencies, okay?) and he makes himself comfortable as the big spoon to Steve’s invitingly cuddly form. 
And wonders, as he dozes off, what they’ll do for breakfast. 
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