#Embracing Imperfections
im-madam-baby · 1 year
She was a girl with good intentions, who stumbled upon bad decisions, and in those missteps, she discovered invaluable lessons. Realizing the inherent imperfection in every human being, she understood that the path to growth lay in earning the right to become a better version of oneself. Armed with this wisdom, she propelled herself forward, tirelessly dedicated to her personal growth and self-empowerment.
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digitalgirlguide · 3 months
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not everyday is going to be perfect. there are weeks where i struggle to show up as the best version of myself. sometimes i don't stick to my routine as much as i should have, but i don't beat myself up about it.
beating myself up does nothing. if i didn't do it i already feel bad so why not use positive self redirection to help me show up better tomorrow? i can reflect at the end of the ay to identify my pain points and try again the next day.
in the chapters of my journey, mistakes are not closures but verses, helping me compose new skills to conquer the world.
🕊 habits to adopt this week (pick one!):
daily gratitude
7-9 cups of water a day
daily movement for 15 minutes
make up your bed daily
read for 15 minutes a day
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🗝️ affirmations for the week:
i affirm my ability to cultivate habits that serve my highest good, knowing that small, consistent actions lead to lasting transformation
i embrace imperfection as a natural part of life's journey, knowing that every setback is an opportunity for growth.
i release self-judgment for not always sticking to routines, focusing instead on positive self-redirection.
current skincare faves:
midha rice toner
midha rice tone up cream
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currently listening to:
With love, Kimmy
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mayangnr · 1 month
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Ini adalah sebagai ekspektasi....
Nyoba bikin putu mayang tapi gagal 😅
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Yg diposting ga harus masakan yg berhasil aja kan?
Next time kucoba lagi yah bikin kue putu mayang
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thebipolarbear · 3 months
The Perfect Guy…?
When we start dating someone, our brains naturally piece together an image of who they are based on what we know at the time. It’s like we’re creating a mental snapshot using all the bits and bobs of info we gather during our hangouts. At first, we tend to focus on all the awesome stuff about the other person and might even put them on a bit of a pedestal. We’re all about those good vibes and…
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bisexualoner · 9 months
Fighting an Obvious Enemy vs. One You Have to Prove: Navigating Life's Dual Challenges
In one of his segments of The Daily Show, Trevor Noah talked about “fighting an obvious enemy vs. one you have to prove.” He mentioned it in a completely different context, addressing the pervasive issue of racism. However, this thought-provoking concept extends far beyond the realm of societal injustices. It resonates deeply with our personal lives. Could this apply to the self in some way?…
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soldier-of-self · 10 months
Nourish Mind, Body and Soul: Five Steps to Inner Bliss!
Discover 5 simple ways to nourish mind, body, and soul for a vibrant life! Embrace well-being and unlock your true potential. Dive in now! #HolisticLiving
I’m thrilled to share with you five simple yet transformative ways to nourish your mind, body, and soul. Life can be chaotic, leading us to overlook one or more aspects of ourselves. However, by embracing these practices, you’ll experience a profound sense of renewal and well-being. Embracing Holistic Well-Being Imagine waking up with a refreshed mind, a clear mental slate, an invigorated body,…
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jaideepkhanduja · 1 year
My Favorite Thing About Myself: Embracing Humor and Finding Joy in Life
What’s your favorite thing about yourself? As I sit here, pondering my favorite thing about myself, I can’t help but smile. It’s not every day that I get to brag about myself, but here goes nothing! To begin with, it’s important to state that I hold myself in high regard. Okay, maybe that’s not a specific thing, but it’s definitely my favorite thing about myself. I’m confident, I’m funny, and…
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artisticdivasworld · 1 year
How to deal with the fear in creating art
  People who create have to deal daily with fears–fear of failure, fear of success, fear of the blank page, fear of running out of ideas, fear that others will not like their art, etc.  With all of these fears, it is a wonder that any art gets made. Creating art is a vulnerable experience. You pour your creativity, emotions, and time into your work, only to put it out into the world and wonder:…
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Better Than Perfection | Stephen Levine on letting go of the toxicity of perfectionism
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Better Than Perfect | By: Stephen Levine | Posted: April 12, 2011
What would it be like to wake up on a day when you did not have to be perfect? Not seeking to build a perfect mind or body or a personality to match nor judging its absence but liberated from the trap of perfection. Meeting ourselves as is with mercy and loving kindness We are not the personality we have been dealt. The personality is a coping mechanism, a mask through which to face the world whose standards we have been conditioned to fear we do not measure up to. We seem less beautiful less enlightened than we imagine we are supposed to be. Perfection is a nightmare, liberation a dream come true. It is the difference between bondage and freedom. The perfectionist is seldom able to recognize perfection. We rarely acknowledge that beauty like riches may diminish some forms of unhappiness but still leaves most wanting. Very few who get what they imagine will bring happiness are at peace. Even enlightenment which may perfect the point of view apparently does not perfect the personality. Self-acceptance comes not from wanting but from liberating the heart. It embraces us. When liberation rather than perfection is what we seek we begin to view ourselves with kindness. We stop comparing ourselves to every passing reflection.
When the heart reminds us to relate to such as anxiety instead of from it even such afflictive feelings become “workable”. Each time discomfort is met by mercy rather than judgment it is a moment of achievement instead of defeat. And that which seemed so to assail us calls forth an uncommon loving kindness.
When liberation is what we seek instead of just perfection mercy becomes a habit. A remarkable warmth displaces the coldness. Surveying the landscape of the heart we glimpse the possibility of liberating the mean habit of self-rejection before it turns to the suffering we suffer to perfect.
Sending a never-even-considered mercy into our body opens us to a world of possibilities. Softening the belly won’t perfect us but it can set us free.
It initiates a letting go which frees the mind to open the heart.
The holding of a lifetime is held hard in the belly. Buried in the muscle tissue is fear and unattended sorrow. Our resistance to life, our impatience with ourselves, hardens the belly and excludes the possibilities of the heart.
Freeing our holding around the judgment which considers us imperfect with a sigh of relief we comfortably reinhabit our body, our mind, our heart.
We no longer deny our life. We begin to meet with mercy that which we have so often impatiently rejected. Perfection’s constant dissatisfaction is liberated by an unexpected satisfaction that softens the belly, opens the heart and quiets the mind.
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jackalmeat · 1 year
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call me darling, call me sweetheart, call me dear
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thefloatingstone · 1 year
Genuinely really enjoy the FNAF Secuirity Breach fans. They're like "this game is so fucking broken I love it" and honestly I respect that a lot.
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kelsonius · 2 months
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Hazbin Hotel | 1x5 - “Dad Beat Dad”
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"We all love imperfectly." — Elizabeth Strout, My Name is Lucy Barton
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undefeatablesin · 1 year
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Have a collection of extremely self indulgent scribbles ft. Good Hunter Lady Ruza and her beloved Arianna lol 💙
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reborrowing · 2 years
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Gt inktober Day 4 relax Rest apparently I can't read but the two are semantically close enough ig
self care for when your weird secret roommate keeps having power incontinence issues and you end up pocket sized again
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