bibereangelum · 10 months
is it really comic gatekeeping or do you just lack media literacy and reading comprehension skills
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wttcsms · 5 months
WAIT DON'T CLOSE IT YET!!!!! the 'love story told in untraditional format' prompt and DABI??? mm.
would like to meet, touya todoroki ;
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pairing touya 'dabi' todoroki x f!reader word count 1.9k synopsis the dregs of society run rampant on hinge, and everyone knows you're not going to meet The One on there. but you know the saying... love does come when you least expect it. alternatively: catching feelings through the hinge dms. content contains one reference to jumping off a building, some sexual jokes author's notes OK not necessarily a love story, but there are feelings in involved, i swear. this is supposed to be fun & silly!!!!
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You nearly throw your phone across the room. Download Hinge, your friends encouraged you. It’ll be fun! 
You frown at Shigaraki’s ever-so-eloquent opening line of I’d blow yo back out. Yeah, you can see why this app was designed to be deleted. The fucking dregs of society are crawling all over this thing. Just one nice, well-adjusted individual. That’s all you’re asking for! 
Apparently, any decent guy is either taken or not on Hinge. You debate throwing in the towel and just meeting someone organically, like, out in public, exactly as the good lord intended, but right before you do, your phone vibrates.
New Notification!
Hinge | Dabi liked your image!
Hinge | Dabi sent you a chat!
It’s a Friday night, and you know for a fact that there is not a single sane man on this app, especially at this hour. Considering the fact that you’re sitting in bed right now, about to rewatch Pride & Prejudice for the sixth time this week, what else do you have to lose? Dignity? You open the app.
Apr 22 10: 24 PM
Dabi: You’re hot, what’s wrong with you
You: ?? 
Dabi: You’re too hot to be single and on here. What’s your deal 
You: you’re on here too? 🤨
Dabi: Would you say I’m too hot to the point where it’s suspicious I’m on here
You: i’m not here to give you an ego boost
Dabi: Then what’s the point of being on here
You: so you just get on here for free compliments?
Dabi: Maybe I have premium. Maybe I pay for these compliments 
You: yeah, you look like the type to pay for hinge premium ngl 
Dabi: Bye I’m going to talk to girls that are easier to manipulate 
You: please do 🙏 
Apr 23 1:21 PM
Dabi: Did you miss me
Apr 23 3:15 PM
You: so much
Apr 23 4:47 PM
Dabi: How much
Apr 23 6:01 PM
You: i was going to jump off a bridge if u didn’t text me 
Apr 23 8:01 PM
Dabi: Damn that’s crazy
Dabi: How I don’t care 
Apr 23 10:15 PM
You: don’t you have anyone else to bother
Dabi: I want to bother you though 
You: you probably scared off every girl you’ve ever come in contact with 
Dabi: True
Dabi: Except for you because you’re stupid
You: you pay for hinge premium, there’s an idiot in this conversation but it’s def not me
Dabi: I was joking 
Dabi: I don’t have money like that
You: i can tell
You: you probably take girls out for coffee as a first date, and then make them venmo u their half of the bill
Dabi: Nah
Dabi: I make her pay the full amount
You: i’m not surprised
Dabi: That was a joke too
Dabi: I never take girls out 
You: thank God
You: you’d probably be every girl’s worst date story
Dabi: Want to test that theory out 
You: no thanks, i don’t feel like being content material for some crime podcast 
Dabi: Smart girl
Apr 24 12:13 PM
Dabi: Wyd
You: at the police station, filing a restraining order on you 
Dabi: Damn 
Dabi: You want to be the one to put me in cuffs
You: the officer here actually has pink cuffs, i know some guys find that emasculating but you seem like you wouldn’t mind
Dabi: I love pink actually 
Dabi: I’m so down
You: i think you’re my dream guy
You: more like my sleep paralysis demon, but same difference 
Dabi: Aw you think of me when you sleep
Dabi: You’re that obsessed already
You: stfu 
Dabi: Don’t feel bad 
Dabi: I’m a munch fr
Dabi: I need u
You: what you need is to be put on some medication 
Dabi: Yeah you’re my medication
You: you need to be psychologically evaluated 
You: r u a social experiment 
Dabi: Stop flirting with me 
You: you’re so childish
Dabi: Am I bothering you
Dabi: Do I elicit strong emotions 
You: you don’t look like someone who knows the word elicit 
Dabi: I’m in grad school
You: wow
You: this is the first time you’ve left me genuinely speechless 
Apr 24 3:55 PM
Dabi: Yo when’s ur bday 
Dabi: Do you have any siblings 
You: are u gonna ask for my mother’s maiden name too 
Dabi: Yeah actually 
Dabi: Give me your ssn while you’re at it
You: ur a creep, ur lucky ur cute
Dabi: Wow, you can’t have deep convos with anyone any more without being accused of trying to get answers to their security questions
You: tell me something abt you first
Dabi: My dad sucks
You: yeah you look like you would have daddy issues
Dabi: Lmao
Dabi: I’m being fr though
You: yeah, a lot of dads do suck. what abt the rest of ur family?
Dabi: I haven’t seen them in years
You: oh
You: do they suck too?
Dabi: Nah
Dabi: I moved out as soon as I could 
You: your dad was that bad?
Dabi: The worst
You: are you trying to get pity pussy rn???? don’t tug on my heartstrings if it’s all just a lie
Dabi: Damn wtf
Dabi: But also depends. Do u wanna give me some pity pussy rn
You: bye i thought we were actually having a serious moment 
Dabi: I wasn’t lying. Swear
Dabi: Now tell me something too
You: im an attention seeker. that’s why im on here
Apr 25 1:56 PM
Dabi: Did u miss me not giving u attention
Apr 25 3:56 PM
You: sorry, i was having really crazy sex waiting for u to come back
Dabi: Fire
Dabi: You deserve it
Dabi: Me next?
You: only if you promise to tell me u love me before the post nut clarity hits
Dabi: I love manipulating women during sex
Dabi: Anything for u 
You: you say that but someone else is in my dms telling me that i can be his housewife and raise our kids and never work a day in my life again so pls top that offer 
Dabi: DAMN
Dabi: I bet he’s boring 
You: he’s not boring, we’re actually getting married and gonna have a big family
Dabi: Well clearly the fact that ur talking about him to me shows that u aren’t interested in him 
You: i��m telling u abt him so u have something to aspire to
Dabi: Damn you should date him then 
You: that’s the first intelligent thing you’ve said 
Apr 26 7:00 AM
Dabi: I hate you
Dabi: Wyd today
You: pls mind ur own business 
Dabi: Smd
Dabi: Tell me or I block you
Apr 26 8:19 AM
Dabi: U suck
You: and swallow
Dabi: No you don’t
Dabi: You probably spit it out
Apr 27 9:34 AM
You: true but in my defense, you look like you would produce something that tastes like toxic waste
Dabi: Were u deadass ignoring me 
You: don’t be so needy, dabi. it’s not a good look
Dabi: Sorry that was a moment weakness 
Dabi: So what now
Dabi: Is this when u give me ur insta
You: i don’t have any social media
Dabi: Nah you’re a catfish
You: maybe
Apr 27 1:34 PM
Dabi: Wyd
You: you’re a true wyd warrior, do u realize that
You: i’m currently getting my back blown out by a dude who posted his headshot as one of his hinge pics. i am not even faking my moans.
Dabi: Stfu 😂
Dabi: Do u even know what sex is
Dabi: Name one position 
You: easy, missionary 
Dabi: Well you’re on your phone so obviously the sex you’re having isn’t that good 
You: im just a good multitasker 
Dabi: tell me if ur shit is grippy
You: hold on, let me ask him
Dabi: Whats his name
Dabi: Whats he saying
You: don’t worry abt his name
You: he told me im gripping him so tight, it’s like i’m trying to take his blood pressure rn
Dabi: LMAO 
Dabi: That means ur not attracted to him
You: wow, a guy who knows that tight doesn’t equal aroused, i’m genuinely impressed w you 
You: and for the record, i would never actually fuck a guy who posts a professional headshot as one of his pics on hinge 
Dabi: Oh now you tell me
Dabi: Guess I have to cancel the appointment I just made to get a headshot done 
Apr 28 6:20 AM
Dabi: Im leaving Okinawa to go back to work. I’m sad, cheer me up
You: just commit a crime so they won’t let you leave
You: also i think maybe u need a psych eval or smth bc why are u still talking to me 🤨
Dabi: Nah tbh you’re the most interesting person on here
Dabi: I’m gonna go to tokyo and commit a crime on u 
You: yea, u not being in my guts rn should be a crime
Dabi: Chill my dick isn’t big enough for that 😂 
You: i want you to seek professional help
Dabi: I want u to seek these nuts in ur mouth
You: when should i ghost you
Dabi: Whenever u want bae you can ghost me anytime 
Apr 28 7:26 AM
You: u literally told me i could ghost u anytime WHAT IS UR DEAL
Dabi: Damn ok well when you do at least say goodbye
You: when i do, i’m reporting ur hinge account in the hopes that u get banned and have to resort to meeting women irl
You: i’m actually reporting ur account rn
Dabi: Good idea
Dabi: I’ll report u too 
Dabi: Before you get banned from hinge, can I have your number
You: no
You: i don’t give my number out to random ass strangers online
You: and ‘dabi’ is a weird name to have saved in my contacts
Dabi: Touya
Dabi: That’s my real name
You: oh
You: who the hell uses a fake name on a dating app??? 😭
Dabi: Stranger danger is real
Dabi: If I take you out on a date will you give me your number
You: a REAL date???
Dabi: Yeah I’m actually a gentleman in case you couldn’t tell
You: i don’t know how i could’ve missed that fact.
Dabi: I’m being fr though
Dabi: Dinner reservations and everything
You: are you paying the entire bill 🤨
Dabi: Why wouldn’t I
You: hmmm
You: every sex joke i made was definitely just a joke though, pls don’t get any crazy ideas
Dabi: Obviously you were joking, I’m not an idiot
You: you’re not gonna try to hit on the first date?
Dabi: If it’ll make you more comfortable, I’ll tape a 10 ft pole to my chest so I can’t get anywhere near you
You: cute
Dabi: Dinner tomorrow?
You: yes, dinner tomorrow 
Dabi: And if I do well, I get your number?
You: hmmm
You: i guess
Dabi: Fuck yeah
Dabi: I’m tired of texting you through hinge 
You: you only get it IF you do well
Dabi: I’m gonna rock your shit 
Dabi: Romantically 
You: sure you will
Apr 30 12:01 AM
Are you sure you want to delete the Hinge app?
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You selected Yes! Reason for deletion?
[ ] No new matches
[ ] App is difficult to work with
[ ] Found another app to use
[ X ] I met someone
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thelaurenshippen · 6 months
I'm just a starting writer, I did a little nanowrimo this year and wrote 39k words about a vampire gamer, I've always been a vampire girl, but here's the thing I don't know what to do with it.
Currently I'm unemployed for a variety of reasons but I'm lucky enough to have a partner who has a salary that can support us both.
But also I love writing, all my life I just wanted to write and being unemployed this year during nano gave me the opportunity to try and do that.
And now I'm curious is there a way to get paid to be a writer? Not as a marketing copy writer but a fiction writer, or essayist?
So what does one do?
Should I just publish whatever I wrote on a blog and put up a donation button?
Should I just publish on Tumblr?
Should I do it on AO3/Wattpad?
I'm at a loss.
I also don't have social media only use Tumblr and a little BlueSky after twitter exploded, and I really don't want to go and "build an audience on TikTok and booktok" (please gods no).
ah, yes, the eternal question: "how do I make money as a writer?"
I wish I had a good answer. I wish I had any answer. and I would love for other writers on here to chime in with their perspectives, because I am constantly struggling to answer this question for myself!
to answer the specific questions first: there are websites that post jobs for writing gigs - fiction, essays, etc. the one I'm most familiar with is upwork, though I've never gotten a job myself through there so can't speak to the experience. I will say that writing jobs tend to be in high demand and writing in general can be quite competitive, so working on your resume and improving your craft is an important thing to do whether you're just starting out or have been writing professionally for years.
self-publishing is absolutely an option! if you do, I would recommend getting a beta reader (or just a few friends) to read through your manuscript before you publish - it's always good to get feedback and to get other eyes on your work, no matter how complete or polished, for typos/grammar/formatting/etc. I'd also recommend reading about the best ways to self-publish - again, I can't personally speak to this as my three novels were traditionally published, but I know that folks publish through Amazon a lot and there certainly have been successfully novels (and especially graphic novels!) that have started out as blog posts/blogs. I don't recommend publishing an original story to ao3 or Wattpad if you're hoping to make money (if you're publishing for fun, go for it!) - ao3, my beloved, is an archive and therefore does not allow you to link to any kind of patreon/kofi/etc., so can be difficult to monetize. I'm less familiar with Wattpad, but I do know that they are actively trying to get into the publishing game themselves and sometimes pluck stories from their site to bring up to trad publishing, which I've heard can be....a mixed bag.
but there are a lot of authors on here and on their personal websites writing about self-publishing, so there's definitely better info out there about how to do it and how lucrative it can be!
a very good rule for self-publishing imo - whether that's through a site like amazon, your own blog, a podcast, a webcomic, whatever - is always give people the option to pay you. so, yes, put that donation button up. it doesn't matter if no one has read or listened to your thing yet, just making sure the option is there from the start is a good thing!
that's about the extent of the straightforward answer I can give you. if I were to give you a step-by-step guide of how I got to a place where most of my income comes from fiction writing, it would look like this:
write your own fiction podcast, get some actors from acting class to come over to your apartment and record for free, and produce the whole thing yourself
publish said podcast and then spend the next 2 years spending as much time on social media, at conventions, conferences - anywhere there are fiction podcast fans and creators - as you can talking about your show, all while writing and producing the show for free
get lucky and have the show take off. start to get some ad money that allows you to pay your collaborators. watch the show get better as a result. see the show take off even more. keep grinding away at social media
get a cold email from a book agent who wants to talk to you. convince that book agent to represent the YA novel you want to write in the world of your podcast
expend whatever leftover energy you have on ensuring that when people think of fiction podcasting, they think of you, even if other names are coming first. be everywhere. talk to everyone. keep grinding away at social media.
get a cold email from a fiction producer in England who wants you to write on his show. convince him to let you co-showrun it with him.
use your growing network of audio friends to get an agent and manager. use those people to get a pitch to marvel. convince marvel to let you write a podcast for them.
finally quit your day job, after doing 4 seasons of a successful podcast and selling spin-offs to a tech company, getting a 3-book deal with a major publisher, being hired to co-showrun a big budget mystery, and selling a show idea to marvel. then make all of those shows.
finish the podcast you started with, now seven seasons long. try to pitch out other ideas to all the people who wanted to buy that podcast off of you. watch them say no to anything new.
get lucky and sit next to a netflix exec at a dinner. convince her to let you write a stranger things show.
keep pitching. use the money from your other jobs to fund your indie shows. sell one show. lose another halfway through development. have your ideas optioned for television over and over and get used to hearing no's when you go out to pitch. produce and direct as much as you can to pay the bills. keep grinding away at social media.
that's obviously a simplification of my journey but I'm currently in that ???? stage. I don't say all of this to freak you - or anyone else - out. being a creative is hard. it gets easier in some ways and stays just as hard in others. I'm better at my job than I used to, so making shows is easier, but getting jobs and getting audience feels as hard as ever, even if I am several steps ahead than where I started. I thought I could build off the success of @thebrightsessions to make my other originals instant successes and that's just not how it works at all. you're building from the next step up after every success, not the top of the staircase.
but, like I said, I'm not trying to scare you - the thing that's positive in my weird crazy journey is the reality that there is no one right way to do something. there's a million different ways to make a creative career, especially in the age of the internet. which means that my advice to anyone who asks me how to start a career in audio fiction specifically is: just do it. don't wait for someone to give you a budget, don't try to cater to what you think the AD audience wants, just tell your story as you want to and get it out there. the best job application is being able to point to your own original work that's already garnered an audience.
I have no idea if that could as readily apply to prose writing/publishing. that is definitely beyond my knowledge base, but I'd say if you want to get a taste for what it's like to be a freelance creative, apply to jobs on upwork or similar sites, work on your original work, and find a platform that works for you on which you could potentially build an audience. and then get to know as many people as you can in your given field - I would not be where I am at all without folks like Gabriel Urbina, or Jeffrey Cranor, or Jenny Turner Hall. making friends in audio drama from the start who could recommend me for jobs - and being sure that I do the same now that I have more power - is vital. make friends with your peers (also bc they're great and you'll learn so much from them).
finally, I want to pass on advice that my uncles gave me when I was a teenager wanting to go to broadway--both of them work in musical theater (one conductor, one musical director, they are quite the power couple and my heroes) and when I was growing up, they told me "if you can think of anything else that will make you just as happy, do that instead". it sounds like harsh advice, but it's good advice. people don't pick creative careers because it's easy and stable--if there's anything else you're equally passionate about that could make you money and be more stable, there is absolutely nothing wrong in pursuing that and then writing for the love and joy of it, without the pressure of making a living. and that doesn't mean that that won't eventually lead to you being a successful full-time writer! but choosing to pursue writing full-time because it's what you want to do with your life is a very particular kind of path.
anyway, I've gone on way too long. I hope some of this was helpful - the last-last thing I'll say is that a) I obviously have a very limited perspective so nothing I say here is the be-all-end-all way of viewing things b) I had a very stable data entry job while I was making my first show that was very flexible and work-from-home (oh, to be able to get that job back now...since the pandemic, those types of jobs are obviously in high demand) and c) I got lucky. luck and timing are, unfortunately, a huge part of success in creative careers. if anyone tries to sell you on the idea that there's a guaranteed path to success that you can control if you work hard enough, they are lying to you and probably want you to buy something.
finally-finally, a vampire gamer story sounds so fun!! I love that idea!
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fujoreads · 5 months
To Strip the Flesh // Review
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To Strip the Flesh is a short tales collection in manga format, containing 5 stories in total—the main one going by the book’s title.
I remember someone mentioning this in a book-related podcast I listen to, but I don’t remember which one. I found it at a bookshop when I went on a little date last year, and I just had to buy it! It took me a while to finally read it, but I’m glad I did.
CW: Gender Dysphoria, Explicit Nudity; Organs; Hunting; Animal death; Sexism; Transphobia; Body Horror
This manga was something else. I may not have the exact same experience as our protagonist Chiaki, but I related so hard I cried—thrice, in fact. I got such a headache from crying I had to end the day that evening. Powerful stuff.
I knew I would probably enjoy it because of the art and the topic of trans issues. I myself am a transmasc bastard, so it’s always nice to see manga talking about these things.
When I finally finished it, I had to pause for a minute or two. For the first half, I read many scenes where I felt dysphoric together with Chiaki, but the way the story ended made me actually try to be stronger and fight for my right to happiness, even if I have to face transphobic doctors on the way.
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Chiaki Ogawa has never doubted that he is a boy, although the rest of the world has not been as kind. Bound by his mother’s dying wish, Chiaki tries to be a good daughter to his ailing father. When the burden becomes too great, Chiaki sets out to remake himself in his own image and discovers more than just personal freedom with his transition—he finds understanding from the people who matter most. (The StoryGraph)
Although the main story is this one about Chiaki, there are many others who are also just as enjoyable, albeit shorter.
This tale is condensed in about 100 pages, but packs an emotional punch enough to leave you in tears. It made me realize that I have my own found family and I don’t need to keep living a lie.
The flow of the story may have been somewhat rushed due to its overall length, but it still felt neatly presented. I do wish I could have seen more of Chiaki and the rest of the cast, especially his late mother.
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This manga’s artstyle is interesting. It feels very anime, but it does feel different in some aspects, like how soft the eyes are. I really enjoyed it.
As someone with a big chest, I personally related to Chiaki’s struggles and the way it was visually presented was just wonderful.
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Chiaki is the son of a hunter (who also butches his own kills). He lives as a closeted trans man and desires not to betray his parents’ wishes for him—to be a bride—hurt as it may. He struggles with trying to impose his masculinity to his father, who refuses to see him as anything else but his daughter, saying how “women don’t hunt”, and never letting him get hurt, seeing him as a frail girl. However, we also see his weaknesses: how he never lets his father know his true feelings, even when his father clearly shows he cares for what he thinks is best to Chiaki. It’s understandable, but also what strains their relationship at some point, even if from Chiaki’s perspective.
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It’s so sweet to see Chiaki’s growth after a big moment where he has to make an important decision, both for him and his father, and how that improved their overall relationship.
His father was an interesting character to follow as well, even if we see less of him, and usually accompanied by Chiaki. I wish we could have had more moments with him.
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I enjoyed Takato as a friend of Chiaki’s, but while he is sweet and supportive, he’s also a bit annoying. Maybe having him grow more throughout the story instead of a last-minute development would have made him more justice.
This was a lovely read, and not just for the main story. Personally, the Hot Watermelon short story was my second favorite, followed by David in Love.
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I got even more excited seeing how Oto Toda, the author, worked as an assistant for Tatsuki Fujimoto on Fire Punch—one of my favorite works ever, as despair-inducing as it was.
If you care about stories centered around trans issues, you’ll certainly like it. It’s also a tale of father-son love, and how old wounds can be treated, even if it seems all too late.
This is a very short story, followed by other even shorter stories, so if you desire a more detailed and lengthy tale, you might not enjoy this. It’s a powerful narrative, but it’s rushed at times and unless you personally relate to Chiaki’s struggles, you might feel less emotionally affected.
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Thank you for reading it all to the end! Hey, kind stranger! Would you be so kind and consider giving me a little tip? It can be as low as 3 bucks and it’d make a huuuuuge difference!! If you tip 10€ (or higher), you can dictate my next read and be credited (if you’d like) on that review! Have a nice day!!
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panelshowsource · 2 months
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i agree that the podcast really is so interesting — and imo it's a lot of plain gossip and tv criticism masked as "professional insight", which i live for lmao — but there are times she is really too much... she often mocks or eye-rolls things in a way that, again, doesn't feel constructive and comes off as very rude. mean girl energy. it also bothers me how she will talk at richard instead of engaging in a back and forth, and sometimes that turns into an episode in which she speaks 80% of the time. then again, as content cycles throughout the year, sometimes what's on/hot atm is just more in her wheelhouse than his, so we just have to wait for new taskmaster, new bbc comedies, new doctor who, whatever interests him, and then hopefully he'll have even more opportunities to shine... i do cherish when he gets a chance to speak lmao
but fr take a shot every time she says "a friend of mine who works at _______ told me blah blah"
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i'll work on tracking that down!! it would be fun to watch more of them 😋
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aren't they too much? i was just thinking how amazing would it be if they were a pair on pointless celebs ...........
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you know how once you notice an actor then suddenly you start to see them everywhere? (especially on uk tv which is not as big a pool as you'd think it would be...) that was me and charlotte ritchie! it was like wow this girl is everywhere!
anyways, i'm not sure what her aims are atm... she's done quite a bit of comedy but am i the only one who thinks she would body a crime series? or something like broadchurch?
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glad you got a chance to catch my response and watch some fun things! i was thinking a little more about what else to recommend, and i think if you enjoy the quirky nature of repertoire then you should check out huge davies, and if you enjoy the storytelling format like greg davies typically does then you should try out dara ó briain and russell howard (maybe the 2021 lubricant special to start) :) enjoy!!
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hahaha this is funny... it's a good question 😅 there are a few reasons... he's good bantz! he doesn't take himself too seriously, laughs at himself, can be teased, isn't mean spirited. people really appreciate that. plus, he represents a lot of people who aren't otherwise on tv — not primetime bbc, at least. there starts to be an issue when he just...doesn't try, doesn't contribute. he's fallen asleep on like three different shows? didn't he just...not show up to the second-half of his bakeoff special? often he's got nothing to say? mo really carried the convos on his talk show, his teammates carried him on bfq, and so on. he just doesn't seem to have the interest or perhaps the stamina (orrr perhaps the respect) for long records 😅
anyways, he was being pushed for a little while, but that appears to have stopped. he's hasn't been around too much lately 🤔 (tho ngl idk what he's up to!)
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yesss this is a great video and i'll link it here in case anyone wants to check it out! it reminded me that i really need to seek out his celeb hunted episodes hahaha
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when the news came out he would be playing an 'egon spengler type' i was like yep lmao
he and ed mention quite often how many auditions they go to, especially james, for big movies like wonka and ghostbusters — no surprise to me imo! especially since it seems he's focused on films over tv 🤔
can't say i saw ghostbusters tho i'm sorry 😭
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WELLLL now that it's out how have you been enjoying it? 😊🥰 where is your review, anon !!
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susie dent gifs are high on my list, working on those for this week for sure!!! it's just...how to choose...she's just too pretty....
but i love ALL of your suggestions, duly noted 😍
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‘Avatar AITA’ and ‘Esse Quam Videri’ perhaps?
“Avatar AITA”—short for “Avatar Am I The Asshole”—is exactly what it sounds like: a version of r/AmITheAsshole for avatars. For anyone unfamiliar, r/AmITheAsshole is a Reddit community where people can post summaries of socially and ethically complex situations and ask for opinions on their own and others’ behavior. The goal, in theory, is to hear opinions on whether the poster was in the wrong in a particular situation. The format allows for degrees of nuance such as “actually, everyone involved was being an asshole,” “nobody was an asshole here, it was just a hard situation,” “yes, that was asshole behavior, but in this instance it was probably justified,” and “the way you’ve described this situation is ambiguous, I would need more information to decide.” Also just straight up “yes, you’re the asshole” and “no, you are not the asshole, someone else in this situation is.” This fic is the same, but for avatars—specifically, I started working on it for Podcast Girls Week in July (I know), so it’s fourteen fictional AITA posts, each from a female avatar of a different Entity from TMA (all canon characters, although I still have to make up a name for one of Peter Lukas’s sisters), describing a situation from canon in the terms of an AITA post. Of course, my thoughts on avatar morality and the individual ethical beliefs and personality of each character heavily affect how the posts are written—there are posts from people sure they’re in the right and just looking for validation, of course (as there are on the real-life version), but there are also posts from people genuinely uncertain if they’ve done something wrong, but their ideas of what that might have been and/or why it would have been wrong are completely different from how most humans might interpret the situation. I’ve written three of the posts so far and have solid ideas for most of the others, and I think it’s a hilarious concept (especially if I can get a few of my readers to leave in-universe replies in the comments), so I’m hoping to get back to it eventually!
“Esse Quam Videri”—Latin for “to be, rather than to seem”—is a fic I told @hauntedsuns I would write them while they were recovering from a dental procedure (I did not do this. Sorry). Basically, it involves Jailbreak Mike getting hit with a Spiral curse that more or less affects you like laughing gas, and the rest of the Squad trying to deal with the situation—i.e. figure out what happened, get Mike uncursed, and head off the potential catastrophe that is someone with both large chunks of several Leitners memorized and a tendency towards echolalia, especially when under stress, under serious stress and in the total absence of anything resembling a brain-to-mouth filter. Yeah. Good luck with that, y’all.
Thank you for the ask! Best!
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curedeity · 10 months
If you’ve got any, 17 for the fanfic ask?
17. Do you have any other writers or works that inspire you (i think that was the question i didnt copy paste)
Yes always and inspo is one of my favorite things to talk about!
One of my first writing inspirations was the Percy Jackson books, and that phase of my life still kind of influences the genres im interested in writing and the like. I read a lot more novels when i was younger so i remember having more distinct favorites back then. As for novels right now, Id say Kelly Barnhill is one of the bedt authors ive recently read. Her narrative style is quite captivating, her chapters are short, and there is always a slightly different progression than i imagine there being. Ive only finished "the girl who drank the moon" but i started both "iron-heart(ed?) violet" and "when women were dragons". I wish i still used goodreads so i could go theough a list of what books id read recently, but i wanna quickly mention ve schwab. Her books are hit or miss and not always the best but damn sometimes she puts out a banger, and when she tries she can have an impeccable narrative style that leaves me breathless. Sometimes i also like reading neil gaiman works. They both intrigue and inspire me somewhat but i dont think to the same extent other authors have
Now that was JUST novel inspos!
A lot of my main writing inspiration actually comes from podcasts. Welcome to Night Vale was a huge early writing inspiration for me, introducing me to a surreal style of writing that i love getting to develop. Wtnv and other productions by its team are often so stylish that it is impossible to not be inspored listening to them. I think wtnv and within the wires are my faborites on a writing level.
Cant forget the magnus archives, the narration is very slick and the interconnected plot growth so well done, along with really good and intriguing inpersonal dynamics that never failed to offer something intriguing. I never finished season 5 but i remember listening to just some of the first episodes and being awestruck at how stylish the writing was.
Then there is unwell podcast! One of my favorite pidcasts to discuss on a writing level, it has so many ups and downs, but one thing i will give it is having great character voices! There is not a single character that doesnt speak distinctly and the dialogue flows so well, being one of the best parts of the show. Id love to be able to write character voices as well as they do.
For tv shows now!
Madoka Magica has squickly become a huge writing inspiration for me. Honestly, more like the crown jewel of great writing. I cannot praise madoka magicas writing enough. Its thematic unravelling is so layered, its character writing gripping, its way of writing narrative parallels and foils impeccable, and just. God. Incredible. I cannot explain how much i want to be able to write on madoka magicas level. But madoka magica is the only show ill mention bc the other stuff i watch is often shit.
Uhhhhhhh for video games... i havent played that many yet sorry. While i love pokemon, it isnt a writing inspiration, and most games i play dont speqk to me like that.
And then comes the format thet is probably most applicable... fanfic...
Ill admit i read a lot of fanfic, but i dont actually think that many inspire me writing wise, so ill take a second and just focus on beyblade to say Val was my biggest inspiration to write beyblade fanfic in my fandom early days. I was inspired by some of the stuff she did, and especially some character dynamics (madoka and yuki) but realized i wanted to do incredibly different things. So i think her inspiration wasnt so much of "oh god i love this idea and characyers and synamic and plot" but just like, more of a realization of what i might be able to do with the characters as a whole?
Also wanna drop that Sadie has an impeccable writing style omg im literally eating it up i need it. Sadies art is also a huge inspiration for me to the surprise of no one who has seen Hikarus Adoption Agenda.
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So I listened to the podcast and have some thoughts
1) It was my first time listening and really disliked to format. It was just so rushed like "oh yeah, your father passed. Anyway, let's talk about the benefits of prickly pear." *insert paid Amex promo*
2) Agree, she wasn't shading Austin. If you look back, it's obvious that her life has changed a lot since then so it must've been an important pivot as the title suggests. Was it necessary for her to mention? Probably not. She's been in the industry long enough to know that it will make headlines so she could've just given another response. But hey, at least she was being honest.
3) I have mixed feelings about the pregnancy part. I agree that people were disrespectful and she doesn't need to share that part of her life. Plus the way media and the public monitor women's bodies is f'd up. But to be like "sorry for being a real woman!" just comes off a bit condesending and holier than thou. Especially since it's basically an open secret (I know this was recorded a while back) and not in fact the lack of spanx. I'm generally not a fan when celebrities get to teaching and preaching and apply feminist concepts e.g. bodily autonomy to their individual pursuit or something like instagram comments in this case.
The podcast was recorded in the beginning of November so the bachelorette comments were still fairly recent and she was probably still upset about it. She had been dodging pregnancy speculation almost the entirety of 2023 (not exaggerating). I can see her just being over it (which I don’t blame her. that’s why I always say y’all need to be mindful of what you comment)
However, I didn’t like the format either lol. The interviewer even played random clips and everything in the middle of Vanessa talking like girl, can you let her finish her sentence first 😭
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This month's episode we focus on Naoki Urasawa, a living manga legend, a true goat of the medium and my number 1 favourite mangaka. Ever since I started this podcast, at least one episode on him was inevitable and even if I don't stick the landing I hope this encourages someone to go check out and even support his brilliant pieces of art.
I'll be following the usual format of things read this month and then going over older reads, this time going from least to most favourite. Afterwards in what I'd call a part 2 I'll be doing a bit of off the cuff ranting.
So without further adieu, let's get into it!
Urasawa works read this month:
Asadora! (2018 - present with 37 english translated chapters):
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A young girl named Asa has her home town destroyed by a Kaiju that only she saw. For those unfamiliar with the term Kaiju, it's basically the genre of film centered around giant monsters, think Godzilla. Anyways, years later, after training to be a pilot so she can track the monster down as she's its only living witness, she's approached by a certain organization that's been tracking the beast, so she can be trained to defend the country.
Not really a first time read but the first time I checked it out in 2020 there was only like 15/20 chapters out so with there being like twice that now I figured I could put it as new + bite me
Not much to say as again there's not that many chapters but it was my first time seeing a female lead from urasawa and I thought it was cool that the first page of the first chapter set the time frame for this world threatening disaster as 2020, which was when I picked it up and around the time COVID kicked off, even though that chapter itself came out in 2018.
Yawara! (1986 - 1993) 331 chapters total but only 92 in English:
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Trained by her 8 time national judo champion grandad to get an Olympic gold, Yawara has been doing judo since she could walk. But as she enters the springtime of her youth, she just wants to be a regular, cute and fashionable girl.
Now I figure some of you may be wondering "What's the problem? Why can't she have both?". Well firstly, you know fiction, there's no story without conflict no matter how ridiculous. But as the mc would put it, judo just isn't cute!
She thinks she'll be unapproachable if she becomes known for grappling and throwing people around which tbh is fair but if you know anything about training to be an athlete, especially an Olympic level athlete, the time dedicated to training is no small thing. In the manga her grandad makes her train every day starting at 6am before she goes to school then after school they train again at 6pm.
Again not the very first time I read it, basically I started like a year ago but only read like 5 chapters then got upset that it wasn't fully translated. Cause I figured if it's been complete since 1993 and in 2022 there's only 92 chapters translated I'd be blue balling myself to hell with what I assumed would be another urasawa great (side note, more reason for learning Japanese so I can be a translator)
And I'm feeling bittersweet in being correct in my thinking because I really really dug it. Very neat aesthetic I've gotta say as urasawa plays up yawara trying to be cute and dressing up and so forth. It was also my first time seeing urasawa not doing mystery, as Yawara is a fun light-hearted slice of life but it still has a great cast of distinctive characters with brilliant dynamics just as I've come to expect from all of urasawa's works.
Master Keaton (1988 - 1994) 144ch:
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I'm just gonna go with the final volume's description here as it's pretty spot on
When the wall that separated the East and West falls, the twentieth century comes to an end and brings radical changes to the world. During this turbulent time, Taichi Hiraga Keaton has difficulty finding a job in archaeology even though his long line of cases as an insurance investigator doesn't seem to end. As he navigates through dangerous adventures, Keaton encounters some bittersweet lives…
If you glazed over for a minute there, basically the mc loves archeology, wants to be a professor and have his own dig sites and such but because of skills he picked up in the army, he has much better luck being an investigator.
Great scenery, neat characters but pretty episodic to the point where I'd want to call it an anthology as characters don't really carry forward much. There's a lot of nitty gritty details about wars, factions and etc. around the world in that time period which can be a bit overbearing at times but that's what give the characters and situations the impact they would have gotten if they stuck around longer.
Also gotta say it's pretty educational, not just in the mc basically being macgyver and building self defense weapons out of whatever is on hand kinda way, but it takes a good look at Europe and how fucked it was during that cold war period as it indirectly and directly references many real world events. Maybe it's just my lack of exposure but I haven't seen that much media outside of documentaries really pinpoint Europe and the effects of war there and not on a large high level country scale, I mean like really looking at the lives of civilians and how they lived and died during that time.
Lots of variety, as I said it's very episodic as almost every chapter has a different subject ranging from finding a lost animal to settling spats between holocaust survivors or proving a statue is fake
I also have to mention something I've always appreciated about Urasawa's works that really stood out in Master Keaton for me and that's the diverse and well done racial representation. There's people from everywhere and it doesn't have that feel manga tends to have of like a Japanese person drawing what they think other people look like or something, it just looks like a person drawing other people, feel like I'm wording that weirdly but that's how I'm wording it.
Happy! (1993 - 1999) 254ch:
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One day a high school girl, Miyuki Umino that takes care of her 3 younger siblings on her own, is approached by Yakuza who tell her that her older brother ran out on loans amounting to 250mill yen, approx. 1.8M USD) and now she needs to pay up or be sold into prostitution.
While wondering what to do she sees on the news a tennis player earned that amount in winnings so she decides that despite the difficulty she has to try.
Pretty dark premise and I'm telling you she goes through some dark shit but it's a great story, brilliant characters as usual, loveable idiots abound, antagonists that you can really really hate. You don't have to be a fan of tennis at all to appreciate the heartwarming n heart wrenching ups and downs. Teared up at least twice.
This was my favourite Naoki Urasawa work I read for the first time this month, this manga really showed me Urasawa really has THAT range fr.
Older Urasawa reads:
Monster (1994 - 2001) 162 chapters, this was my 3rd read:
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A promising young doctor, Kenzo Tenma, ignores his superiors orders to operate on their mayor and instead operates on a young boy called Johan, that came in first, as he firmly believes all lives are equal. The mayor dies and the boy is saved but this leads to unfair treatment by his superiors and being left by his fiance. Soon after, not only does the young boy disappear but his superiors die from poisoning, leaving him, staff and ofc the police baffled.
10 years later during a string of serial killings, a key witness ends up being a patient of Tenma's but is killed for trying to reveal this by Johan, the real killer, now a young man who reappears in front of the doctor. Even more shockingly, he reveals himself as the one who killed Tenma's superiors all those years ago. Because of similarities in the murderers then and now, police pin it all on Tenma so he goes on the run across Europe to find the young man and clear his name.
Undeniably engaging from the jump, the ever building draw being who the fuck is this Johan dude? where'd he come from? why the fuck is he killing all these people? etc. etc.
Great side characters as usual with interactions that I can only call truly genuine whether they were sweet or sour.
There's a lot of nice interplay on the meanings of life and death, the notions of fear and hope, humanity and the inhumane, all weaved into every intricate thread of this story.
Not to be a hater but personally its relative popularity, as in relative to his other works, is a little upsetting. I get that it was his first critically acclaimed banger but he's done so much since then that isn't talked about enough for me. His later stuff not having anime adaptations doesn't help but if you've read and watched enough media adaptations in general you know that tends to mean diddly squat in terms of the quality of the source material . The industry unfortunately runs more and more on fan service every day.
Pluto (2003 - 2009) 65 chapters, read 3x:
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The destruction of one of Earth's greatest robots and the murder of a leading figure in international robot rights seem unrelated at first, but both bodies were made into some bizarre collage with the central motif/pattern being a pair of horns placed by their heads, making them obviously related. The confusing thing is that the only thing that could destroy one of Earth's greatest robots is an even stronger robot, but could a robot really be related to the murder a human? Gesicht, a robot detective is put on the case and eventually comes to realize that all of Earth's greatest robots, himself included are being targeted.
As you can expect with any futuristic robot media there's an exploration of the concept of humanity vs the artificial but it's done so tenderly for lack of a better word and I'm not sure how often it's done that way in these noir type beats. Especially from the viewpoint of a robot mc.
I've probably said this for all his works so far but there's brilliant cast, great dialogue, great art that the context pretty much demanded and even though it's based on an arc in Osamu Tezuka's tetsuwan atom, better known as astro boy in the west, the greatest robot on earth arc to be specific, Urasawa really rose to and in my mind completely surpassed the challenge of adapting the work of he who is called the God of manga.
Also like man it's so crazy good for how short it is, please read this.
20th century boys (1999 - 2006) 249 chapters + 16 in the wrapup sequel 21st century boys, I've read both 2x:
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The story follows a group of childhood friends, now adults who are trying to patch together their memories in an effort to uncover a conspiracy that seems to be based on games they used to play about saving the world from destruction.
It's pretty difficult to describe the events of the story further but it definitely stands out in my mind as the grandest scale of anything Naoki Urasawa has ever done though I wouldn't put it past him to go further.
As I said the story follows friends trying to patch together memories so the time period goes back and forth quite a bit. It can be pretty jarring trying to follow it strictly by year so I'd recommend just thinking about it in three tone periods, namely; childhood, present day and miscellaneous flashbacks. Separating childhood from miscellaneous flashbacks as their childhood remains within a constant range but as the story moves forward and present day changes so does the range of flashbacks they have.
That should hint a bit at the scale of this whole thing but outside of the breadth, there's a depth of characterization and dynamic that I haven't seen elsewhere.
Side note, if the length is frightening it's the type of read I'd recommend savouring anyways.
Billy Bat (2008 - 2016) 165chapters, this is my 4th time reading this:
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A Japanese American mangaka/cartoonist, Kevin Yamagata, suddenly has his workspace taken over by police claiming they're investigating one of his neighbours for being a Soviet spy. In the middle of protesting this, one of the officers sees the comic he's working on, Billy Bat. He says he's seen it before in Japan, basically calling Kevin's work a copy. Kevin takes offence but admits he was stationed in Japan for some time and may have seen it and subconsciously copied it. As one of the lasting lessons his father taught him was that you can't steal people's stuff, he goes to Japan to seek out this potential original creator.
The story unfolds as he meets an artist that tells him the bat is actually something passed down throughout history, throwing him right into the middle of several conspiracies concerning real key incidents throughout modern history.
On top of everything, the bat starts talking to him, urging him to find a supposedly important and immensely powerful scroll.
My favourite piece from urasawa, brilliant in every respect, please please please please read this.
That's it for this first part, if you're still here, thanks for listening, please please read these, urasawa is a goat, a legend a phenomenon.
Just to share some resources before I go into the part 2 bit which may have spoilers irdk yet, there were two YouTube videos I really liked that I highly recommend.
The first was 'The greatest mangaka of all time' by the masked man and second was 'A guide to manga's greatest master' by the omnibus collector.
The first video is about 10 minutes long and uses the quality of Monster, 20th century boys, Pluto and Billy Bat as their rationale for why Naoki Urasawa is the greatest mangaka of all time.
The second is 20 minutes and pretty much covers Naoki's entire career and body of work, giving pretty rad descriptions of all his pieces, inspirations for them and a bunch of other really neat info. Bonus For those of you who are int that sort of thing, they also show the physicals they own off all the manga they talked about. really appreciated that. thank you omnibus collector.
Really appreciated these videos as most animanga fans and discussions focus on monster, sometimes 20th century boys and rarely anything past that unless they're ranking which I'm really not interested in.
There's also a third video I mention in part 2 of the episode I'll link here as well.
Anyways thanks again for listening, stay hydrated and listen in for some rambles if you're also into that kind of thing.
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Spoiler Free Book review of
“All Good People Here” by Ashley Flowers
Good reads synopsis/summary: “In the propulsive debut novel from the host of the #1 true crime podcast "Crime Junkie," a journalist uncovers her hometown’s dark secrets when she becomes obsessed with the unsolved murder of her childhood neighbor—and the disappearance of another girl twenty years later.
Everyone from Wakarusa, Indiana, remembers the case of January Jacobs, who was found dead in a ditch hours after her family awoke to find her gone. Margot Davies was six at the time, the same age as January—and they were next-door neighbors. In the twenty years since, Margot has grown up, moved away, and become a big-city journalist, but she’s always been haunted by the fear that it could’ve been her. And the worst part is, January’s killer has never been brought to justice.
When Margot returns home to help care for her sick uncle, it feels like walking into a time capsule. Wakarusa is exactly how she remembered: genial, stifled, secretive. Then news breaks about five-year-old Natalie Clark from the next town over, who’s gone missing under eerily similar circumstances. With all the old feelings rushing back, Margot vows to find Natalie and solve January’s murder once and for all.
But the police, the family, the townspeople—they all seem to be hiding something. And the deeper Margot digs into Natalie’s disappearance, the more resistance she encounters, and the colder January’s case feels. Could the killer still be out there? Could it be the same person who kidnapped Natalie? And what will it cost to finally discover what truly happened that night?”
Format: audio book read by Brittney Presley (an amazing reader 10/10 for performance) with character actor Karissa Vacker and Epilogue by the author, Ashley Flowers
Source: Libby (app that my local library partners with)
Book started on: Jan 3rd
Book finished on: Jan 4th
Book Grade (out of 100): 87
Book emojis: 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦⛪️🩰����😲❄️��‍♂️🥸🌹✉️🔓
Book sins spotted:
“Let out a breath [character] hadn’t realized they were holding” count: 1
Spoiler free thoughts: The book, for the record, is one of fiction but it feels so real. Ashley knows the inner workings of real criminals and clearly has a knack for writing fake ones with her knowledge. This is the type of story where you think you know 100% where it is going only for everything you thought u knew to turn in its head (over and over again.) I personally found this book to be more mystery crime fiction than thriller but I definitely enjoyed it non the less.
The ending was fast passed and full of constant twists and turns that left me guessing constantly, so naturally I loved it. There were many points where I, finally, thought I had figured out the entire sequence of events only to have half of my assumptions turn out to be totally wrong. This is the type of mystery I recommend to all of my friends and this one will be no exception.
Warnings: There are a few warnings people may need to know going into this book (besides the obvious, ie. Murder) mainly child murder, child abuse, and sexual assault against a minor stand out the most. Although, just as in her podcasts, Ashley does a great job of asserting the seriousness of these topics while not lingering on the details that make us uncomfortable. The wording of these assaults and crimes are no more vivid then the wording would be in True crime podcasts.
I would also like to add in another warning; Dementia is discussed heavily through this book as one of the main characters suffer with it. Dementia runs in my family so this topic hit me especially hard. My own grandmother is suffering with the beginning stages of Alzheimer’s disease at the moment and is about the same age as the main character. While the character suffers far more than my grandmother does at the moment it is still a heartbreaking aspect of this book which I feel many reviews have not stressed the extent in which this aspect is mentioned.
Do I recommend this book? Despite knowing a few of the main twists ahead of time I still deeply enjoyed the smaller twists as a few audible gasps left my mouth while listening. I highly recommend this book to people who love true crime (or fictional crime stories.)
If you enjoyed this book and are looking for other recommendations: I, of course, have to recommend Crime junkie, Ashley flowers most popular podcast. I will also recommend another true crime show; The Casual Criminalist, which is both a podcast and a YouTube channel (I recommend the YouTube Channel over the podcast as the editor, Jen, likes to thrown in a few sight gags from now and then which helps lighten the mood.)
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kiaramori · 2 years
Weird question time! If someone wanted to, say, write you a little Steve/Eddie ficlet as a measly thank you for your amazing fic, do you have any preferences? I can guess some of them from Suspended Bridges, which is good, because they align with mine (bottom Steve and top Eddie forever). But would you want canon or omegaverse? Smut, sweet, hurt/comfort, or a combination? Even better would be some prompts!
Now just to be clear, you can decline gifts on AO3 if they’re awful and you don’t want your name attached. I’m an okayish writer but it wouldn’t be on your level! What I can promise is that it’ll be properly formatted and largely grammatically correct — except perhaps for typos and the overuse of commas.
Wow, I’ve sold this so well. “Hey, do you want a mediocre but well punctuated fic?” I must have you swooning.
Oh my gosh that would be just the nicest thing! No one’s ever offered me that before, I’d be thrilled if you did that!!! That is so nice!!
I was honestly so floored I thought about it all day. As far as preferences go, I obviously like bottom!Steve lol. I also obviously like omegaverse, especially when there’s a lot of worldbuilding focus lol. But I also like stuff that’s not omegaverse too. I haven’t read almost any omegaverse since I started writing this fic cause I didn’t want to influence mine too much!
Tbh my favorite trope is vampire Eddie. I eat that stuff up!
I was thinking of prompts, idk how specific to get! But I thought of some basic ideas I like that’s I haven’t ended up writing or anything
1. Steve is famous (kinda like Harry styles famous where he used to be in a boyband and has a lot of female fans), Eddie runs a DnD podcast where his friends make fun of him for liking Steve. They meet
2. Buffy AU where Steve is the slayer and Eddie is kind of like Spike
3. If you die in the upside down, you turn into a creature of the upside down. Barb and Kas!Eddie work under Vecna (barb controls the tunnels/vines, Eddie controls the bats) but they don’t remember who they were before. Eddie kidnaps Steve and in the process Steve helps him remember who he was.
4. Steve and Robin fake date to get people off their backs, and Eddie thinks has no chance with Steve (could be Eddie pov angering or Steve pov being oblivious as to why Eddie is being weird around him)
5. Anything with Steve in the scoops uniform lol and eddie lusting after the scoops uniform
6. Steve is an elementary school teacher and Eddie has a kid in his class
7. Steve being totally in denial about not being straight and oblivious about any concept he might not be straight but also being obsessed with Eddie (kinda like in new girl: Schmidt with Nick vibes). Like “I want to see your sick and watch porn with you and have you love me the most and marry you but PLATONICALLY of course because I’m straight”
Ok those are all my ideas I like, I tried to make the list long so there’s a wide variety and you can kinda pick one that captures your fancy. Also if none of them capture your fancy and you want to do something else that is good too! I am just so excited that you would want to do this, thank you so much!!
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duckyfruitbat · 2 years
Tales From the Internet:  The Time Internet Men Decided a Gamer Feminist Was the Worst Thing Since Milk With Pulp
Let’s step back to the year 2014, yes this was long after the events happened.  I just got home from school with a skip in my step and a smile on my face to mask the pain.  I sit down at my computer with snack in hand ready to watch my new favorite game journalist on the Escapist YouTube channel, James Stephanie Sterling.  I click on a video I haven’t seen and there I learn of an on going temper tantrum happening still to this day.  All centered around a game critic who looks at games from a feminist perspective.  Her name?  Anita Sarkeesian.
So what happened?  I’m glad you asked disembodied voice whispering into my ear.  To answer the question, she was a feminist who set up a Kickstarter for her new show at the time, this show was her critiquing games...but from a feminist perspective.  That’s it, I never checked out her internet show, because it didn’t interest me at the time, and honestly I’m scared of what the algorithm will spit out when I type her name in.  I was getting more into retro reviews and Game Theory at the time, I hadn’t even thought about exploring social issues at this point.  
If it ended with Anita launching the Kickstarter and going about with her life without any worry, we wouldn’t be hear.  What happened next was that the anti SJW crowd had the biggest meltdown in internet history.  There were a handful of channels that had too many videos on Anita Sarkeesian and telling the world how bad and mean she is, these were usually dozens of videos sometimes lasting hours in a bit of a podcast/reaction format.  Anita was essentially content farmed for hundreds of hours of content in just a few channels, all of which just hit the same beats and would boil down to just saying that feminism is icky, even in videos that had nothing to do with her.  The people who made them?  They were the same crowd who thought the N word wasn’t a slur and would drop it like they were the most enthusiastic flower girl at the worst wedding, and then they tried to use autism as a slur.  These were the same people who would claim they weren’t sexist by naming their favorite stripper, who they probably didn’t even tip, and then say that women were literal monsters.  Truly we are dealing with great minds, behold the next Socrates as he owns the libs through research papers he hasn’t even read.
With all that going on, Anita received so many death threats, rape threats, and doxing.  This was obviously unwarranted, my fedora wearing dumb edgy teenager self looked at all this and thought, “wow this is actually disgusting” and that was back when I was hanging around the edge of that rabbit hole (again, dumb teenager).  The strange thing is that among all this, I actually forgot what Anita originally did.  I completely forgot what she did or who she was because the meltdown overshadowed her so much.  All I knew from this era, was that she was gamer feminist.  I had to hunt down that original Jimquisition video to remember who she was.  
Honestly I think James Stephanie Sterling put it right when they said that Anita Sarkeesian was these people’s Frankenstein’s monster.  She was content doing her own thing in her corner of the internet among the vast cosmos that is the internet.  It was only because of the meltdown that everyone heard of Anita.  These days Anita has her head held high and looking forward, meanwhile the people who dragged her out of her corner of space are still looking back at her crime of being a feminist on the internet, yes they’re still bashing her.  I wish you well Anita, you honestly deserve it, especially after what you’ve gone through.
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pazodetrasalba · 7 months
Of Dragons and Girls
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Dear Caroline:
It should come as no surprise to you that I loved you story, although, to be honest, that is more due to the fact that I love reading and learning stuff about you and how you think, more than to the intrinsic literary merits of what you wrote. As stories go, this is a pretty short one, and it feels like you wanted to pack too much philosophy into a genre - the folk and/or fairy tale- which is not very well suited for the purpose.
Famously, the repetitive and simple format of folk tales has allowed for good progress in literary criticism of them. All students of Literary Theory 101 get told about Russian Formalism and ostranenie (that's generally when you are explained the poetry part, and a thread that Victor Shklovsky explored in some depth when trying to describe the literariness of poetic language), but also about Vladimir Propp and his reduction of Russian folk takes to their simplest irreducible structural units. A lot of what he says, especially about character archetypes, gets ransacked later, blended perhaps with some Jungian psychoanalysis, and ends up making into into the more well-known (at least in America) Joseph Campbell and his The Hero with a Thousand Faces.
There is a way in which this story has some autobiography. There is a way in which this story has no autobiography. And there are rhetorical arguments (which is actually the only available tool that literary critics have in their arsenal, besides some cynicism, witticism and snark) that could paint a convincing narrative one way or other. Three sisters bring to mind the fact that you are part, indeed, of a triad of three sisters, but I wouldn't read much into that - cycles of three iterations are really commonplace in folk tales, with 'third time lucky', and the third person being usually naive and morally good.
The first iteration certainly brings historical you to mind, though, especially in the format of 'Young, Trad Caroline'. You are the eldest sister, and you are definitely known for your cleverness. And the dragon's words about her ring true to the mental construct I've build of your earlier self (and in some respects, of your older one too): fearful and self-doubting, afraid of not living up to the expectations that you and others were placing on you, needing the approval of others. You've mentioned quite clearly in this very same blog that your early expectations had been to just marry some very clever man, more intelligent than yourself. I can't see the presumed lack of drive, though, except in as much as it might reflect your early lack of a clear place/job/activity to focus on.
There are things I'd like to say about purity of heart and the rectification of names, but I think we can continue with them tomorrow, as this literary experiment of yours will probably breed at least three follow-up posts of mine. I'll finish today wondering if this is this first of your fictions I've read - I am inclined to think not, and that the Worth the Candle - Gossip Girl crossover that is still available on the net is also a daughter of your imagination. In the second FTX podcast you were interviewed for, you mentioned that you had long-term plans of writing a book. I hope those plans will come to fruition, and to have some more genuine Caroline Ellison reading material in the not too distant future.
1. The functions of characters serve as stable, constant elements in a tale, independent of how and by whom they are fulfilled.
2. The number of functions known to the fairy tale is limited.
3. The sequence of functions is always identical.
4. All fairy tales are of one type in regard to their structure.
Vladimir Propp
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emmareadingjournal · 1 year
Module 3 - Week 12 Love
In addition to the introduction of Bell Hooks's All About Love, I choose to read chapter four, titled, Commitment: Let Love Be Love in Me.
I thought that this would be a fitting chapter as I am undergoing a self-love journey here at Western!
Hooks begins by stating the importance of embracing love and a loving environment as a child and unpacks the negative impact of a lack. As a child, we are fed messages about romantic love that are heteronormative in nature. We are taught to NEED romantic love and to feel empty or incomplete without it. Children, especially girls, are told that romantic love is to be the center of their identity. This indoctrination process occurs through media content. An excellent widespread example of this is Disney princess films. In the examples below, each princess or woman's life is fulfilled only when she meets her true match. This tool makes children internalize a yearning for romantic love before they understand love as a whole.
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Making heterosexual romantic love the sole purpose of one's life is an empty way to live. Hooks states that youth are cynical about love as the discourse is limited in popular culture's attempt at representations that are meaningless (Hooks, 2000). It is strange that something that is so central to one's identity is limited to such rigid and stereotypical media representations such as the ones of Disney films. Thus, romantic love becomes too much of a risk for youth. We are afraid of disappointment because rarely do our experiences live up to blockbusters like How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days or When Harry Met Sally.
The fourth chapter reminds readers that love does not need to be romantic. In fact, love should be applied to one's self! Hooks references the maxim " If you do not love yourself, you will be unable to love anyone else" to prove the importance of self-love. This notion of self-love is becoming more popular in our discourse surrounding love. For example, the popular American reality competition television series RuPaul's Drag Race uses a famous tagline, "if you can't love yourself, how in the hell are you gonna love somebody else?" I think shows like this are helping us recenter our definition of love.
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Self-love is so important. Hooks uses Nathaniel Branden's Six Pillars of Self-Esteem to encourage readers to adopt a more loving lifestyle (55). The pillars are the practice of living consciously, self-acceptance, self-responsibility, self-assertiveness, living purposefully, and the practice of integrity (55). I have not heard of Branden's work before reading this chapter. However, they remind me of tactics I have learned from self-help podcasts on Spotify. Listening to messages of a similar nature in this media format lets me fully focus and tune into the wisdom of practitioners and love lifestyle enthusiasts. I have attached below a podcast I have listened to.
Similar to podcasts, another way of acknowledging the practice of self-love is the use of affirmations. Hooks admits what most people think about these particular phrases by stating that she initially thought they were corny (56). However, she began to tell herself that she was "breaking with old patterns and moving forward with life" and experienced positive changes (56). Affirmations have become a massive trend on the social media platform TikTok. I have linked some examples that my roommates and I share with each other to lift our spirits.
I am learning that love is more than a monogamous commitment that reaches heternormative expectations. I am learning to find love within my current relationships and within myself. This process has made life richer and me happier. Additionally, I find that consuming media that reflects this self-love lifestyle is helpful in maintaining my new habits. so, sorry to Disney, but I am taking a break from them! I really enjoyed this reading and think I will pick away at it in my spare time. I think that closing this course with love was a great gentle reminder to carry love in your heart that is difficult to keep up in the face of our current negative media landscape. Hooks does a great job of articulating the importance of love in our lives. I'll sign off with a reminder to love myself with a cringe-worthy song.
Works Cited
“45 Of the Best Disney Movies of All Time.” Harper's BAZAAR, 1 Mar. 2023, https://www.harpersbazaar.com/culture/film-tv/g32215761/best-disney-movies/.
“Anisha on TikTok.” TikTok, 11 Nov. 2022, https://www.tiktok.com/@crystalline.mind/video/7164576834678492458?_d=secCgYIASAHKAESPgo8q3ScUtlj872E4Q8FJbmuwa%2FsfU%2F8F0FqJw4UO7im%2Ba2JTYq4B8pHXwuNbaA1kAiABkuTHPIorxJWSJb%2BGgA%3D&_r=1&checksum=438160152e74c81710df5ecef9742d64d042acfd1a8b39871fdc04611037f0d2&preview_pb=0&sec_user_id=MS4wLjABAAAAlpRWrmuXRddbQz9b2Z2SiO18P5BKxtwTRIrZxXewJiEIrVHKX2_bFYWL4RmEYQzV&share_app_id=1233&share_item_id=7164576834678492458&share_link_id=4A586C78-851C-4084-A74E-B37EA54A248F&sharer_language=en&source=h5_m×tamp=1680903190&tt_from=copy&u_code=d89fhdi40ggi1l&ug_btm=b5836%2Cb2878&user_id=6737018085641405445&utm_campaign=client_share&utm_medium=ios&utm_source=copy.
“Anisha on TikTok.” TikTok, 8 Nov. 2022, https://www.tiktok.com/@crystalline.mind/video/7163844269583764779?_d=secCgYIASAHKAESPgo8j6jCOKLXfGSSn%2FCWk2ecjL%2FDNc9Y7lsQNJaFWj0TXn1mR2ttf47CXHc5vmZxRzEGDkOeX64%2FHX7ZWjo9GgA%3D&_r=1&checksum=6a222d41397fc51d948068f6fa73d5196763232ef9cd073634a89f4625a24b28&preview_pb=0&sec_user_id=MS4wLjABAAAAlpRWrmuXRddbQz9b2Z2SiO18P5BKxtwTRIrZxXewJiEIrVHKX2_bFYWL4RmEYQzV&share_app_id=1233&share_item_id=7163844269583764779&share_link_id=9F2A7732-12EE-4256-9822-D062C60740AC&sharer_language=en&source=h5_m×tamp=1680903171&tt_from=copy&u_code=d89fhdi40ggi1l&ug_btm=b5836%2Cb2878&user_id=6737018085641405445&utm_campaign=client_share&utm_medium=ios&utm_source=copy.
Hooks, Bell. “Commitment: Let Love Be Love in Me.” All About Love, Bantam Books, New York, 2000, pp. 51–68.
Medrut, Flavia. “20 Rupaul Quotes on Self-Confidence and Success.” Goalcast, 3 Apr. 2020, https://www.goalcast.com/rupaul-quotes/.
Salazar, Savannah. “11 Movies on Disney+ to Watch with Your Sweetheart.” D23, 6 Feb. 2020, https://d23.com/romantic-disney-plus-movies/.
“The Self-Love Club®.” Hosted by Bel Crawford, https://shows.acast.com/the-self-love-club.
Wolf, Jessie. “14 Best Romantic Disney Movies to Watch on Date Night.” Disney Trippers, 13 Sept. 2020, https://disneytrippers.com/romantic-disney-movies/.
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I’m going to see Wakanda Forever mid December to avoid a crowded theatre (vaccination rates are still shit in Jamaica) so I’m going to write my pre watch thoughts using the Guilty Pleasure podcast format just basing off of trailer.
I’ve been dreaming of an Iron Heart and Shuri partnership ever since I’ve known about the characters’ existence and it looks like I’m about to get it! The two of the smartest ppl in the DC universe being black girls 💕 and working together.
I’m glad we get to see Central American indigenous characters being badasses on screen. Most of the Hollywood rep is extremely offensive, portraying them as either savage cannibals waiting to eat white outsiders or naive of the world, easy to manipulate and so accept white ppl as gods.
Michaela Coel is in it!!!
Also same pleasures as the last Black Panther movie. Seeing the beauty of afro-futurism on screen with a big ass budget. And seeing black women especially being badass.
Why are they making the two races who suffered the most because of colonization, racism and imperialism fight against each other?!
Based on one person’s tweet I think they’re sticking with CIA propaganda 🙄. Making the name of a real life organisation that destroys other countries’ democracy in the global south so they can continue to steal their resources in this movie is always going to fucked up. But I don’t expect better from an American movie.
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ailendolin · 2 years
After listening to Mat's episode of The World of Simon Rich* again I've been wondering if the Six Idiots have ever considered doing audio plays because I think the format would really suit them. Not only is it cheaper and less time-consuming than filming a tv series it's also less restrictive. They could do anything they want - there'd be no limits regarding budget or special effects, or even age (Simon recently said on a podcast they can't go on playing the ghosts forever because they're all getting older).
I don't know, I'd just love to see what they'd come up with. Also part of me keeps thinking this would be a great way of telling more stories about Yonderland and the ghosts (if that was something they'd want to do).
*If you haven't listened to it yet please do yourself a favour and do so, especially if you like Age of Sail content like Black Sails or Our Flag Means Death because Mat plays a pirate who accidentally adopts a little girl together with his First Mate (with whom he shares a berth) and learns that not all treasure comes in the form of golden coins.
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