zetterbabe · 5 months
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stitched up (01.06.24)
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urgothgfsbeltchain · 1 year
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“well, i might be gone a long time,
and it’s only that i’m askin’,
is there something i can send you to remember me by?
to make your time more easy passing?
oh, how can you ask me again?
it only brings me sorrow.
the same thing i want today,
i want again tomorrow.”
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worksby-d · 9 months
Can't Wait That Long
Pairing: senator!Steve Rogers x fem!Reader
Request: “I love your senator Steve drabbles.😍 Could you do one where Steve realizes he wants kids so he wants to start breeding you, like IMMEDIATELY.”
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Warnings: AU, kind of public sex, unprotected sex, 18+
Word count: ~1,000
a/n: I didn't realize how much I missed Steve until that lil prompt request the other week 😩 So I dug through the absolute depths of my inbox and found this request from almost two years ago 💀🙏
Steve can’t stop his gaze from constantly drifting toward you as you play with some of his team’s kids on the other side of the glass panel dividing the meeting room. You quickly—too quickly—volunteered yourself to keep them entertained, much more interested in sitting on the floor with a group of kids than listening to any more campaign talk from your husband. 
As the afternoon winds down, he’s able to slip away while everyone is finishing up and sticking around to eat lunch. 
He walks into you helping the kids build a block tower and knows he better not startle anyone, standing in the doorway until you notice him out of the corner of your eye. He waves, a gesture definitely meant for you, but the kids have spotted him now and wave back, shouting at him to look at their tower. 
“That’s taller than you guys!” He marvels and they laugh at him. “Can I steal Y/N for a little while?” 
He asks kindly, but they don’t want you to go, moving closer to you to trap you in place. 
“I promise you can have her back later.”
He holds his hand out for you to help you off the floor and you repeat his promise, telling them the block tower isn’t done so you can’t possibly leave for good yet. They believe you more than him, so they reluctantly let you get up. 
He barely gives you the chance to fix your skirt once you’re standing up before he’s making a beeline with you for the farthest away office in the building.
Locking the door behind you, he’s on you instantly, pushing you against the wall gently, but hard enough to elicit an oof out of you. 
His kiss is passionate and deep, and it takes your breath away. 
When his lips move to your jaw and to your neck, you’re able to catch your breath and let out a laugh. “What’s gotten into you?”
You’re no stranger to sneaking off with him, but admittedly, it has been awhile. 
He lets up for just a moment, pressing a much softer kiss to your lips as he composes himself the best he can. 
“I can’t stop watching you out there with those kids. I don’t want to wait any longer…”
You narrow your eyes on his, pretty sure you know what he’s getting at. “You mean…”
“I wanna have a baby with you,” he blurts out. “I know we discussed waiting until the election is over in the fall, but I can’t– I can’t wait that long.”
He waits until he sees your smile to let himself break into one. You hold his face in your hands, pulling him back in for a kiss. Your quiet moan into his mouth as it becomes more heated has him snapping back into control. 
“Turn around,” he instructs, stern voice sending a shiver down your back. 
His hold on your waist loosens so you can obey, turning to face the wall, placing your hands in front of you as you arch your back. You know the drill. 
“Good girl,” he coos, leaning closer again to kiss your neck. “Can you be quiet for me?”
“Yes,” you nod, gasping softly, feeling his hard cock against your ass. 
His hands are on your hips keeping you in place, but he slips one around to your stomach. “You’re gonna look so pretty pregnant.”
You moan as his hand drops lower, pulling your skirt up around your waist so his fingers can slip under the waistband of your panties. 
“Steve,” you whimper. He brushes a finger along your slit, applying pressure to your clit. “Stevie–”
“You told me you could be quiet,” he chides teasingly. 
“Sorry.” Your quiet laugh turns into biting your lip to keep your moan silent as he moves his hand to pull your panties aside and you hear him unzip his pants. 
He’s become an expert at quickies, thrusting his cock into you before you have a chance to become a desperate, begging mess, knowing that would risk you getting caught for sure. He saves the teasing for when you’re at home.
“Fuck,” you curse, letting your eyes flutter shut. “Feels so good.” 
“I know, baby.” His steady pace becomes quicker, knowing the whines you’re letting out mean you want more. 
You drop a hand from the wall to hold onto his on your waist, linking your fingers together. 
“Wanna make you a daddy, Stevie,” you whisper.
He can barely hold himself back, letting out a groan as he leans into you, fucking you deeper and whispering against your neck. 
“Need you to cum for me, sweetheart.” He has you right on the edge. “Come on.” 
He knows you well enough to know he has to bring a hand up to cover your mouth, just in time to stifle your moan as you cum. Your knees go weak and you’re thankful for his hands on you keeping you up. 
“That’s my girl,” he grunts. He’s no better than you, having to hide his face against your neck to muffle his own moans as he works you through your high, coming undone at the same time. 
His hold on you becomes softer as you both work to catch your breath. You instantly miss him when he carefully pulls out and steps away to grab a box of tissues for you.
You’d make fun of him for how unromantic the gesture is if you weren’t still numb with pleasure. 
Once you’re both cleaned up, he pulls you back into his arms and you happily rest against him, head on his chest. 
“I was serious,” he says quietly, rubbing your back. “That wasn’t just a spur of the moment thing. I don’t wanna wait if you don’t.”
“I don’t either.” A sense of relief washes over him hearing you say it. “But I do kinda want to wait at least until we’re home next time,” you chuckle, lifting your head to wink at him. “This isn’t at the top of my list of places I want to conceive our child at.” 
He laughs, looking around at the dark, cold office he drew you into. “Agreed.”
Tag list: @patzammit @denisemarieangelina @thummbelina @pppsssyyyccchhhiiiccc @astheskycries @chris-evans-indian-fanfic @la-cey @turtoix @katiew1973 @harrysthiccthighss @tvckerlance @rocketrhap3000 @mrspeacem1nusone @murdcox @geminievans1 @doozywoozy @americasass91 @dwights-new-plague @wwwmarissa92 @redhairedfeistynerd @whxre4cevans @aubreeskailynn @white-wolf1940 @melchills-j @xoxabs88xox @before-we-get-started @chrissquares @christowhore @ice-dtae @mariestark @justile @rogersbarber @dilfbarber @livstilinski @payperhearts @vintagestarlight @gitasor @chaeycunty @miss-ariella @bemysugarbean @t-stark35 @seitmai @reginaphalange2403 @raelorns21 @mrsgweasley @pandaxnienke @brandycranby
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I wonder what the Senate's opinion on Sebek, his family, Silver, and (maybe) Yuu are? If they're still alive that is. Considering how crappy and holier than thou they act, I'm assuming not very nice things.
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The senate are implied to still be alive; they were previously mentioned as far back as the Scalding Sands fireworks event. In it, Malleus mentions how the Briar Valley advisors (ie the senate) would be against him going outside of the castle and how he’s typically kept inside. (My god, can you imagine how they’d be fuming if they found out Malleus was THIS close to Lilia chaperoning their prince on a trip to a foreign land??) I assume it is the same senators as the ones we see in the latest update; the attitude is similar.
They seem to be very conservative and unyielding people, so I’d imagine they don’t think highly of anyone that isn’t a fairy of the upper class. (In book 7, they keep indirectly stressing the importance of blood and status by insulting Lilia’s unknown past and his being a “bat” daring to touch a “noble dragon”.) Certainly they wouldn’t look upon a dubious human adopted by the disgraced, “cowardly” ex-General Vanrouge favorably. Maybe that’s partly why Lilia never took Silver to the capital city, knowing that Silver would be rejected by the nobles residing there. The senate would probably despise Silver even more if they knew about his true origins as the Dawn Knight’s son.) And Sebek? Doesn’t matter that his grandpa was a war hero, they’re likely a part of the Briar Valley population that discouraged his parents from marrying (which appears to be a prevailing sentiment in this country). You can pretty much forget about Yuu too, the senate wouldn’t be happy to see a regular ass human (also of dubious origins) waltzing around on the palace grounds, especially if they’re holding Tamago-sama or calling Malleus Tsunotaro/Hornton 💀
xbjsvwjzgeknwkwh It seems like the TWST fandom has collectively made the senate members public enemy #1 since the update dropped… Eat your heart out, Mrs. Rosehearts 🥀
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jedi-enthusiast · 5 months
Similar Stories, Different Treatments: Anakin Skywalker and Abijah Fowler
Ok, so recently I've been re-watching 'Blue Eye Samauri' on Netflix and last night it dawned on me that, generally speaking, Abijah Fowler and Anakin Skywalker have very similar stories and actions...and yet their respective fandoms react to the two of them very differently.
So, here's my long ass post analyzing the two of them and why people react to them so differently.
First, comparing the two characters...
So, assuming that y'all know me for my Star Wars content, you probably know Anakin's story but, for the sake of this post, I'll explain it briefly.
Anakin was born into slavery and lived as a slave for 9 years. Then one day he and his mother met two Jedi and a handmaiden, and his mother asked the Jedi to take Anakin and train him---which they agreed to do, so Anakin had to leave his mother. At 19 he had nightmares about and then witnessed his mother's death when he went back to Tatooine before being promptly drafted into war along with the rest of the Jedi by the Senate. After a harrowing 3 years of war and having his worst behaviors enabled/encouraged by the villain and his wife, Anakin begins to have nightmares about his pregnant wife dying. He then tries to prevent her dying, even though she's in perfect health.
We know a little less about Abijah Fowler's past, but we do know an integral part of it from this monologue:
"My country's history is one of manufactured suffering. I was a boy when the Tudors burned any food the rebels under O'Neill might think to eat. We starved. Everyone starved. Mouths on the dead stained green from chewing nettles---you get resourceful in a famine. My parents died early, left me and my sister catching rats. The rats ran out quick. Fed my sister on my blood, it kept her alive an extra two weeks. I didn't sleep for three days to protect her body from the starving 'til the ground thawed. I cut out her kidneys and buried her, fat cap on them like a pea. I haven't eaten a single meal since my mind didn't go to that bite. It was the last thing I ever did because I had to. I control my life now, every bite."
From my point of view, Anakin and Abijah are very similar in their motivations.
Both of them started out as, assumedly, sweet and kind and caring young boys. You don't harm yourself to feed your sister and then cause more harm to yourself to protect her after she's already dead, if you're not. Similarly, you don't bring three complete strangers into your home because you're worried about them and then risk your life to help them, if you're not.
Both of them then went through great tragedies and likely felt completely powerless because of these tragedies and the circumstances they found themselves in.
For Abijah it was growing up during a famine, witnessing the horrors of famine and what people had to do during it, witnessing the deaths of his parents, being unable to stop the death of his sister, and being forced into cannibalism---of his sister and likely parents, no less---to prevent himself from starving. For Anakin it was growing up as a slave, having to leave his mother at a young age, witnessing his mother's death, and then being thrust into a war and witnessing the horrors of that.
Because of that powerlessness, both Anakin and Abijah hate the idea of them being powerless and their actions are made from a mix of anger at whoever they blame for what has happened---whether they're actually to blame, or whether they've done nothing---and refusal to ever be powerless again, or at least accept that they're powerless.
These motivations led them both to commit- (Anakin) -or attempt to commit- (Abijah) -mass murder, *genocide, **cultural genocide, and murder of their female main character counterpart.
*Abijah wasn't necessarily setting out to commit physical genocide, but he was willing to do so if the people of Japan weren't willing to go along with his plans.
**I do consider Abijah's plans as including cultural genocide, since he has a whole monologue about the people of Japan being "godless" and how he'd force them into Christianity- (Catholicism?) -if he succeeded in killing the Shogunate.
Now, comparing fandom's reaction to the two...
For Anakin, he succeeds in causing Padme's death, destroying the Republic aka the only democracy in the galaxy, committing cultural and physical genocide against the Jedi, murdering an entire village of Tuskens including the children, and going on to oppress and enslave the rest of the galaxy for decades...
...in contrast, Abijah only succeeds in committing mass murder and fails in all of his other plans---and his success in committing mass murder is partially due to the Shogun's sons and wife locking people inside the burning palace.
But, despite all of this, if you look into how their respective fandoms treat them, you'd assume that it was the opposite.
Anakin is lifted up as this good person who had no agency in any of his actions or, if he did, then the people he murdered "deserved it"---he's loved by most of the fandom and everywhere you look you see think pieces about how Anakin was really a victim, how his actions were justified, how he's not to blame for anything.
Meanwhile Abijah is hated and his actions are labeled by the fandom as bad. He's a terrible person and he's seen as such. I've never seen a single post justifying his actions or trying to say he isn't to blame for his actions.
Now, this is not me saying that the Blue Eye Samauri fandom is wrong to view Abijah this way---on the contrary, I agree that his actions are heinous and he's a terrible person, there's nothing there that I don't agree with.
However, I do think it's interesting how differently both characters are treated when one of them is, unequivocally, worse than the other.
Why is this?
Now, I'm going to preface this section with the disclaimer that part of it is because Anakin is the main character of his media and Abijah is not---however, I believe that this has a very small effect on how fandom treats them since, as we've seen with other characters, screentime doesn't really matter that much when it comes to whether fandom likes a character or not.
Moving on-
I think a lot of it is just that Anakin is conventionally attractive and Abijah isn't.
Anakin and Abijah are both selfish, misogynistic, racist, have violent responses to most things, and have committed atrocities in the name of personal gain. The only difference between them---besides the obvious differences that come with the medias they're in---is that Anakin is pretty to look at and Abijah isn't.
It'd be even worse if Abijah was a POC or a woman, even if he was conventionally attractive---as proven by other Star Wars characters.
Mace Windu? Fandom hates him and makes him out to be a villain.
Saw Gerrera? Same thing.
Rey Skywalker? People hate her and say she's "unrealistic" or "too OP."
Reva Sevander? People fucking CRUCIFIED her!
None of these people even come near Anakin's level of "I'm a terrible person and I do heinous things because why not!" Mace and Rey never did anything wrong, and Saw and Reva did the things they did because of trauma/revenge and/or working to take down a greater evil---and even then, neither of them do anything near as bad as Anakin!
Yet they're hated and held to a higher standard and crucified in a way that Anakin isn't.
Another reason is that people can project onto Anakin in a way they can't project onto Abijah.
With Anakin, they can twist the Jedi's actions to fit whatever trauma they personally relate to, they can shove characters like Obi-Wan, Ahsoka, Mace, Yoda, etc. into whatever archetype they want to fit their story, they can excuse away every atrocity Anakin commits because he's doing it out of attachment and they think attachment means love, etc.
Meanwhile it's hard for people to project onto Abijah because everything and everyone around him is harder to change to fit his narrative.
There's no one really around him that you can say manipulated, abused, or otherwise forced him into doing the things he did. The other characters don't really interact with him, so people can't say the characters "deserved" what he did to them. And he openly admits that he's doing things out of greed, whereas Anakin says he's doing things out of love when he's really not.
In conclusion, Abijah Fowler and Anakin Skywalker are both people that experienced tragedy and became terrible people that did heinous things because of it---but people only justify one of their actions because they think he's pretty and project onto him.
They're the same person in different medias 🤷‍♀️
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vodika-vibes · 7 months
How to Get Away With Murder
Summary: When Commander Fox burst into your office before lunch one day, you think that he's coming to steal you away for a midday rendezvous, as per the norm for your relationship. But he has something else up his sleeve.
Pairing: Commander Fox x Reader
Word Count: 1124
Warnings: Uh, some generally decent people planning murder
Tagging: @trixie2023
A/N: I was feeling the urge to write Fox, so I did. Also, today I learned the difference between a hit and an assassination. An assassination is always politically or religiously motivate. A hit is just a murder.
Divider by Saradika
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Commander Fox, the love of your life, leans across your desk, a shit eating grin on his handsome face, and you can’t help but think that his time working under Palpatine finally caused him to crack. Of course, that’s also assuming that he wasn’t a little bit cracked when he first came to Coruscant. Which, knowing him, he probably was.
You lean back in your chair and eye your Commander warily, “Why are you in such a good mood?” 
“I have a brilliant idea.”
“Whatever it is, I don’t want to be involved,” You reply immediately, seeing as his brilliant plans tend to involve a degree of risk that you’re not sure you like or not.
Of course, you seem to be physically unable to say no to Fox.
He leans back in the other chair, his wide grin turning into a smug smirk, “Yeah, you do.”
You mentally curse him, and rest your chin on the palm of your hand, “Fine. What’s the plan?”
“We’re going to kill the Supreme Chancellor.” Fox replies blithely. 
“Is…isn’t that treason?” You ask. Tellingly, that’s your only concern.
“They can elect another one. One that isn’t corrupt. Like you.” Fox replies, and then he hops to his feet and walks around your desk and pulls you to your feet, intentionally tugging you so that you’re flush against him, “It’ll be fun~” He coos right in your ear.
You shiver, and then tilt your head back so you’re able to look right in his eyes, “Murder isn’t fun.”
“It is if you do it right.” He grins and presses a quick kiss to your lips, “Come on, babe. We have work to do.” Fox takes your unprotesting hand and pulls you out of your office, “Besides, if we do this right, then me and my brothers get rights, and I can finally stop listening to Thorn bitch over the fact that he can’t kiss his girlfriend.”
“Wait,” You hurry to keep up with his much longer legs, “Thorn has a girlfriend?”
“Yup. But he can never see her because the Chancellor is an abusive asshole.” Fox replies.
“Then how do you have time to come and see me?” You ask as you half jog to keep up with him.
“You, cyare, are a senator. Which means I can just walk my happy ass into your office and take what I need.” Fox replies with a small smirk.
“I wish you wouldn’t say it like that,” You grumble.
“Am I wrong?”
“No. I just wish you wouldn’t say it in such a disgusting way.” You reply.
He laughs, a warm sound that never fails to make you smile at him like a lovesick schoolgirl. Fox favors you with a smile that he reserves for you and you alone, and then he opens a door and tugs you into a well lit, buzzing, room. “Okay, I’m back.”
You look around the room and fight the urge to hide behind Fox. There are a lot of big names in the room.
Aside from you, a relatively small-time senator from a backwater planet no one in the Republic actually cares about, there’s also Senators Organa, Mothma, Amidala, and Chuchi. All three of them are rather big names, and you feel very out of place. 
Aside from the four senators, there are also Generals Kenobi, Koon, and Windu in the room…plus their respective Commanders.
“Senator,” Senator Organa greets you with a kind smile, the same way your father greets you whenever you go home to help out on the family farm, “Forgive me! Had I known that you were a believer in our cause, I would have invited you myself.”
Fox guides you over to an empty chair, a smug grin on his lips, and you shoot him a look, which only makes his grin more smug. “This cause being the assassination of the Supreme Chancellor of the Republic?” You ask, very dryly.
“Assassination is such an ugly word,” Senator Amidala says lightly.
“Oh. Is there another term used for the politically based murder of a specific person?” You ask.
“We’re doing it for a good cause.” General Kenobi says patiently.
“It’s still called an assassination.” You point out.
“You’re not incorrect,” General Windu interjects, “Does it bother you?”
“No. I’m the one who has to patch up Fox after a bad day. But I was just going to poison him, so-”
Fox chokes down a laugh, “You’re amazing and I don’t deserve you.”
“So long as you know, darling.” You lean back in your seat, and Fox’s gloved fingers brush against the back of your neck, “I assume there’s a plan?”
“There is, but we need the Guard outside of the senate building.” General Koon says quietly, “And we’re not sure how to do that.”
“Oh, I can take care of that.” You say with a tilt of your head, “Easy.”
“How are you going to do that?” Senator Chuchi asks, “Without alerting Palpatine-?”
You smile serenely at her and pull your comm out of your purse. You pause, and tilt your head back to look up at Fox, “How big of a riot do you need?”
Fox frowns thoughtfully, “To empty the Corrie barracks and the Senate building? A couple thousand.”
You send a series of messages, and you get responses almost immediately, “Uhh…how does seven thousand sound?”
“You can really get that many people?” Fox asks as he leans over your shoulder.
“Yeah. There are a lot of anti-war, anti-government protestors who are happy to riot at the drop of the hat.” 
“I’m sorry, how do you know these people?” General Kenobi asks.
“Uh…the best way to enact change is from the inside?” You admit with a grin.
“How many protests have you personally set up?” Senator Mon Mothma asks with a sharp glare.
“I’m not answering that question on the grounds that I don’t want to, and also you’re in here planning the assassination of the Supreme Chancellor, so maybe you shouldn’t cast stones while in a glass house.” You send another series of messages, “And…done. You have three hours to come up with a good plan, because that’s when the riots start.”
Senator Organa grins at you, “When we’re done with all of this, kid, you and I need to have a conversation.”
“Uh…I suddenly feel like I’ve been called to the principal’s office.” You mutter under your breath.
Fox laughs softly and presses a light kiss to the top of your head, “Don’t worry so much, cyare. Everything is going to be fine.”
And you relax as the much older people in the room start debating. If Fox says everything is going to be fine, then it has to be true. Fox isn’t a liar after all.
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hedgehogoftime · 3 months
Teenage Exocolonist Kids: How would they be as Jedi?
Sol: Our nonbinary icon is THE Jedi, especially after Transcendence. Goes on a long multi-lifetime journey to learn to accept there are things they cannot change and tragedies they cannot avoid is PEAK Jedi story. Definetly Master/Councilor material
Tangent/Tang: Eh, Tangent would probably not be a very good Jedi when it comes to active duty. She struggles with empathy which is a core Jedi value, but I think Jedi training would help her come to terms with her identity in a very helpful way. Definitely a more "stays at the Temple and researches/debates" type Jedi than one who goes out on active field work.
Cal/Recalcitrance: My gentle, plant-loving pacifist husband is PRIME Jedi material! Definitely head of the AgriCorps and teaches the younglings about cool plants from across the Galaxy on his off days. Man is literally great for the role of a Jedi. He's a Master, but probably not on the Council as he has no patience for politics.
Nem/Anemone: Eh... I do not think Nem would be a very good Jedi. Too angry, too attached to the memories of her loved ones. Relaly I see her more as a nat-born soldier or a light-aligned Bounty Hunter who works with the Jedi, but doesn't really get them. Not to say she's bad, but if she were trained as a Jedi she'd probably Fall at some point. However, I do think she'd make her way back to the Light eventually, with help. But, I don't see my girl as a very good Jedi.
Dys/Dysthymia: Dys would be a good Jedi... but only in certain circumstances. Definitely a Jedi Shadow, but with how he fails to get along with others I can't see him doing traditional Jedi things. However, he does have an instinctive knowledge of letting go. But, I do see his inability to feel fear as a detriment. Jedi train to overcome their fear and at in spite of it, but since Dys can't feel fear, i feel he would be missing a key piece of Jedi education. Not good.
Marz/Marzipan: Marz, actually would be a GREAT Jedi! Granted, not a very conventional one, with her love of the spotlight and drive to succeed, I see her as the Jedi's Liason to the Senate, as one of the few of the Order with a head for Politics. This lady would have the Senate and the Media eating out of her hand, giving the Jedi a sterling reputation. While she struggles with passion in some cases, I think she could easily overcome it!
Tammy/Aspartame: Did someone say Creche MasteR? Because this lovely lady is a Creche-Master! She would not only be great at caring for the Younglings, she's treasure every moment of working with them and readying them for the journeys ahead. And is Definetly secretly a Master and a badass, she actively chooses not to kick people's asses. Peace and love, baby.
Vace/Olivaceous: Not a good Jedi. At all. Too proud, too full of ambition and vainglory to hack it as one of the Servants of the Republic. Probably a Mandalorian, honestly, and a neutrally aligned one. If he were to become a Jedi he would fall. Period. He's too much like Anakin, too focused on his own glory and power to understand the Jedi Way.
Nomi-Nomi/Nomination: I'm...honestly at a loss, here. I think Nomi would make a very... weird Jedi? But a good one, probably? They're definitely kind and compassionate enough to be a Jedi, but they struggle with attachment so... probably a mid-ranked Knight who's a Smash Hit with the Younglings. Probably the first Jedi Twitch Streamer.
Rex/Basorexia: Honestly? Rex'd be a good Jedi. No in-depth explanations here, just vibes. Definitely Jedi material
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wild-karrde · 11 months
hi Karrde!!! Congratulations on 800, you deserve every single one and more 🤩 you’re so talented and a bright, bold member of our community. The way you care for your characters, and how amazing your OCs are just blows me away!
If I’ve made it in before 20, can I request a ficlet please?
Fox + “what did you think was going to happen?”
Congratulations again 💙💙
AHHHHH THANK YOU SEV!!! YOU ARE TOO KIND AND I AM JUST GRINNING LIKE A FIEND!! Seriously, thank you SO MUCH for the kind words! I'm glad I can make some positive contributions!
I struggled with this one for a bit, but had a sudden idea that I wound up liking A LOT. I hope you do too!
Pairing: Commander Fox x gn!Reader
Rating: T
Warnings: language, some suggestive themes, Fox telling jokes
Word Count: 1.5k words
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Your heart thunders in your ears as you race down the alley, already leaping for the chain link fence that blocks off the end of it, fingers digging into the metal to pull yourself up and over. Heavy footfalls slap the pavement behind you, and you tuck and roll as the duracrete on the other side of the fence breaks your fall. You slam into a trash bin, skinning your knees and bruising your shoulders. You’re already pushing yourself to your feet when you see a switch just to the left of the fence. 
You scramble over to it, slapping on the power, and you hear the electricity in the links hum to life, making them glow and effectively cutting off your pursuers. A red light comes on at the top of the fence, warning anyone around that it’s electrified now, and that they should only touch the fence at their own peril. You kick a half-eaten fruit that had tumbled from the trash bin at it, and it sizzles satisfyingly when it makes contact with the fence. You grin as the familiar voice of a Coruscant Guard echoes down the alley from the direction you came from.
Three Corries skid to a halt on the opposite side of the fence. 
“I think she’s activated it sir,” one of the troopers states. 
He’s new.
“Oh, are you sure, Brick? Was the big fucking red light your first clue?” snarls the commander sarcastically, the telltale wings on his helmet glinting in the glow of the fence. 
You extend your middle finger haughtily as you back away from the fence. “Eat shit, Thorn!” You can’t help but grin to yourself as you round the corner. You hear him swear through his vocoder as you trot out of view. 
The bracelet that you’ve swiped off of one of the senators jingles in your pocket as you pull out the credit pouch you snatched off of her husband and begin tallying your score. You’re so absorbed in counting your credits that you don’t even notice the wall of red and white plastoid standing in front of you until you slam face-first into it. You fall backwards onto your ass, the credits bouncing across the pavement with a light tinkling noise as you stare up into the familiar visor of Commander Fox. His arms are crossed over his chest. 
He sighs, muttering your name under his breath. You grin. 
“Fancy meeting you here, Commander,” you tease. 
“Not as fancy as that jewelry poking out of your pocket,” he growls. 
“Oh this? I just picked this up for my uhhh grandmother. It’s her birthday tomorrow, and you know, she just loves her jewels," you lie, shoving the bracelet back in your pocket. He doesn’t move as he watches you clumsily try to scoop some of the credits back into the pouch.
“Am I to assume that credit pouch is for your grandmother also?”
“Yup. You know. In case she wants to get something else if the bracelet isn’t her style.”
“How nice of you to get it monogrammed for her with Senator Siil’s husband’s initials,” he says flatly. 
You wince as you finally note the flowery Aurebesh branded into the leather. “Grandma’s a uh… big fan of his work. As a senator's husband.” 
Fox leans down and offers you a hand, which you take. Like an idiot. He pulls you up before spinning you and pushing you against the wall, slapping a pair of binders on you. You tug at the restraints behind your back, shooting a glare over your shoulder.
“Oh, come on, Fox!” 
He spins you around. “What did you think was going to happen? That I was going to pat you on the ass and let you wander off to shake more people down?” 
You shrug, tongue poking between your teeth. “I mean, if you want to pat my ass, I wouldn’t be that opposed.” 
You can’t see his eyes, but you can practically hear them rolling in their sockets beneath his bucket. 
“You’re unbelievable.”
“And you find it endearing.” 
He scoffs. “Not the word I’d choose.” His hand clamps around your forearm as he starts to guide you out of the winding network of alleys. You walk slowly, dragging your last moments of freedom out. You’ve always enjoyed your chats with Fox on the way back to the station anyway, at least before he books you on a petty crime and sends you to lockup for a week or two. You’re pretty sure he likes your interactions too, as much as he’ll deny it. But he isn’t rough with you, and he's not making any effort to rush your pace. That’s all just you speculating though; his bucket does a good job of hiding what he’s actually thinking, which you suspect is the point.
You walk in silence for a few minutes, and you feel his grip on your arm loosen slightly. He knows you won’t run; you know when you’re caught. 
“So, Thorn’s gotten slower,” you note casually. 
He huffs what you think might be a laugh. Hard to tell with the way the helmet's vocoder alters his voice. 
“I’m serious," you insist. "Maybe tell him to lay off the beer and work more cardio into his routine.” 
“I’ll be sure to pass your feedback along.”
“Was that a joke, Commander?”
“Been trying them out every now and then.” 
You can’t help but snicker at that.
The silence resumes for a few more minutes, but this time, he’s the one to break it. 
“Why do you always come here to pickpocket? You know we’re all over the place with all of the rich assholes walking around. The marks may be high-reward, but you can find plenty of Coruscant’s most wealthy in the lower levels, sleazing it up with less savory types. You'd probably have a better shot at getting away too.” 
“Thanks for the tip,” you snipe. “I’ll be sure to keep it in mind for my future criminal endeavors.” 
His grip on your arm tightens enough to stop you. “I’m serious,” he says, the exasperation in his voice clear. He shakes his head before raising his visor to look at you. “Look, things are starting to get a little more harsh up here. With the level of petty crime increasing as the war goes on and who it's impacting the most, there’s a push to start doling out harsher punishments. You’re going to land yourself more than a week in lock-up if you keep adding to your record. I’m talking years in prison.” 
You wish you could see under his helmet right now. You’re studying his visor carefully, looking for any sign as to what’s led to this concern for your well-being. 
“I like it up here,” you reply. 
You shrug, trying to hide the heat in your cheeks. “I don’t know. Maybe I hope I’ll get to see more of a certain commander when he arrests me.” 
“Thorn hates you, just so you know.”
“I’m not talking about–”
“I know. That was another joke.” 
You stare at him blankly for a moment before you burst out laughing loudly. You could swear some of the tension leaves Fox’s shoulders as he watches you, his helmet tilting to one side. 
“That’s good. You’re getting good, Fox.” 
He nods, and you think he might be a little proud. His fingers flex nervously at his sides. “You said it was Thorn that lost you?”
“Yeah him and a couple of shinies. Why?”
You can see Fox considering something, something that makes him nervous, something wildly out of character for him. He reaches forward, spinning you to face away from him, and you feel the binders click loose. You bring your hands to your front, rubbing your wrists as you whirl to face the commander of the Coruscant Guard, who’s tucking his binders back on his belt. 
“What the fuck are you doing?” you ask, completely gobsmacked. 
He shrugs. “Thorn cheated at sabacc last week and still won’t own up to it. I like the idea of being able to hold this over his head and give him shit about it.” 
“Won’t you get in trouble?”
“Only if you keep standing here talking to me.” 
You grin, stepping forward and standing on tiptoe so that you can boldly place a kiss on his bucket. You pat the side of it as though it were his cheek. “Thanks, Fox.” 
His hand catches yours as you step away. “If you really want to see more of me,” he says quietly, “just come to the 79s and ask me on a date. Less paperwork and binders involved that way.” 
"But what if I like the binders?"
"I save those for at least the second date," he deadpans.
Heat flushes across your face at his offer. You poke a finger into his chest plate, trying to recover your footing with him. “Fine, but you’re buying.” 
He tosses you the credit pouch, which you clumsily catch. “Nope. The Senator’s husband is. But I’d get rid of that monogrammed pouch.” 
You playfully salute him. “Yes, sir.” 
He nods again before turning on his heel, disappearing into Coruscant’s fading light. 
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captainpains · 8 months
Thorn In my Side (Commander Fox x reader)
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I am getting real experimental now lol. I have a weird sense of humor. For my @clonexreaderbingo bingo card. Enjoy this Foxy fic
Prompt: Fox
Warnings: gn reader, swearing, forced proximity, scheming, this feels kinda like crack fic, short
Poor Commander Fox.
Poor Commander Fox was overworked and underappreciated.
Thorn and the other members of the Coursant Guard were very concerned for their commander. He was being worked to the bone by the chancellor, refusing to delegate such delicate work. He wasn’t sleeping, wasn’t eating, living off of caf. Fox was also snapping at his fellow guardsmen.
“Thorn! You were supposed to run the evacuation drill at 1000 hours. Tell me why it did not run until 1030 hours?!?”
“Sir, the prison riot took most of the squad that I was—“
“I don’t–ugh! I’m sorry, Thorn. The chancellor is just on my ass about…everything!” Fox put his face in his hands and let out a groan.
“You know that you have Stone and I to help you. Right?” Thorn said, placing a cup of caf on Fox’s desk. “You don’t need to work yourself to death. Ya know, maybe you should take a break. Get some sleep, lord knows you’ve been up for a week straight.”
“I’m sorry. But-”
“No buts sir. You are going to let us help you-”
“No, I-”
“Look, vod, we can do this the easy way. Or we can do this the hard way.”
Fox snorted. “Give me your worst.”
“So, be it.”
Thorn decided to bring out the big guns for this operation. And, that was a pretty face that Fox notoriously couldn’t say not to.
A media representative that worked closely with the senate to bring the people of the republic the most reliable news about the laws, state of the union, and status on the war. It also happened that you interviewed the Coruscant Guard several times about the war and disasters on Coruscant. The commander also had quite a soft spot for you, especially after you brought him caf.
So, with the insistence of Thorn, you went to visit the commander. He had encouraged you to dress hot. Which really meant that he wanted you to literally seduce his boss out of the office. Now that felt like something out of a bad holonovel, but who were you to judge his plan? 
So, like the seducter that you were, you dressed yourself in the most flattering outfit you had and grabbed a cup of coffee before heading over to the guard’s barracks. When you got to Fox’s office, you checked your appearance in a nearby mirror before you knocked on the door. 
“Go away Thorn!” Fox yelled.
“I’ve come bearing a gift!” You replied.
You heard a grumble, then the door opened. 
Fox looked like battered shit. Thorn wasn’t kidding when he said the commander was looking worse for where. He had large bags underneath his eyes and an extremely tired expression on his face. 
“Wow, Thorn was right.” You humored, “You look like battered shit.”
Fox grumbled, giving you the side eye as he took the cup. After taking a sip of caf, he seemed to straighten up a bit. He then mumbled a thanks and slammed the door in your face.
“So yeah, your plan didn’t work.” 
“Oh come on!” Thorn yelled, followed by a frustrated groan. “It was supposed to be fool proof.”
“I don’t think you accounted for how much Fox hates stopping when he’s in the middle of something…”
“So we just need to stop him before he starts his work for the day.” Stone added.
Thorn got a devilish look on his face as he formulated a new plan. While you were both skeptical, you and Stone agreed, for Fox’s sake. 
So that’s how you ended up locked in a closet with Commander Fox. You pretended to be looking for something and asked for his help getting something from the top shelf. Then Stone walked by and locked the closet from the outside. The good thing is that you chose a larger storage closet for this, or else you would’ve been crushed against him.
“Well, at least you get a little break while we’re stuck in here…” You awkwardly joked.
Fox looked at you unamused. He was kinda cute when he was stressed, but he was so much better to be around when he wasn’t. Which is why any of you agreed to Thorn’s silly plans in the first place. But you all cared about him and hated to see him worked to bone.
“I know all of you were working together, but this feels like such a low blow.” Fox sighed.
“Well, we wouldn’t have to if you fucking spread your work out amongst the other commanders. There are three of you for a reason.”
“But I can’t do that to them…”
“The work wouldn’t be as hard if you had help.” You reasoned, reaching up to caress the cheek of his helmet.
Fox seemed to lean into the touch, before he reached up and grabbed your hand. He pulled it away, settling on holding your hand in his. He smiled a bit under his helmet. There was a feeling of warmth that he couldn’t quite describe. No matter how much of a thorn in his side the constant nagging about his well being was.
Commander Fox couldn’t deny that it was nice to have people that cared about him around.
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maturemenoftvandfilms · 4 months
The Senator from Montana
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Featuring Sen. Jon Tester
My life as the Executive Assistant of the senior senator from Montana during his re-election campaign sometimes require me to spend nearly every waking hour of a workday together with him to ensure the senator’s time is spent efficiently. A lot of the time it’s serious and a lot of time it’s fun… mainly the sex we’re having. After discussing his campaign stops in the up coming week, the senator and I headed out to Choteau, Mt. to get some good, feed beef. And according to Jon, "It's good beef man, and it eats like cotton candy. Sweet and tender."
After driving for over an hour, Jon decided to stop an take a piss at the up coming rest stop. I followed Jon to the restroom which was very large, but not kept very clean probably because of the traffic.
"What a fucking dump." Jon said as we smell piss, weed and other drugs in the air. We'd quick piss and leave as this place was filthy.
As we approached the stalls he could see a number of men standing in a huddle and some were at the litrene appearing to be taking a piss. Most of them weren't pissing, but looking at the guys dick standing next to them. Being in a hurry and not wanting to be recognised, Jon pushed one of the men aside so that he could piss quickly and head home.
As he was pissing, I could tell men on either side of him were admiring his fat cock. Jon was careful not to make eye contact as he was in a hurry and not in the mood for action. He finished taking a piss, but just as he turned to leave he saw the reasons the men were standing, huddled outside the stall. Each of the stalls had some sort of action taking place. In one stall were two men, one vigirously fucking the other up the ass. Another stall had one man on his knees sucking on two other guys while they were engaged in a hot kiss.
I could tell the senator was appalled and excited at the same time. He knew he had to be careful as someone could recognise him. But the senator's thick meat started to harden as he continued to watch.
"Maybe we should go." I said and just as we were exiting Jon noticed a tall black man with a 9' in cock getting blown by a middle aged white guy.
The black guy had just blown his load and Jon was mesmerized. Looking up at Jon, the black man asked, "Want some? Come on get it. Come on."
Letting Jon know we had to go, but he brushed me off. The hot action in the bathroom had finally gotten to the senator. He loved sucking cock and had forgotten that he didn't want to be recognized. He also forgot we should've been heading to Choteau. His only thoughts now were of the large black dick in his mouth. He wanted to draw a load of cum from the dick. Despite the fact that the man had just blown a load and probably only wanted Jon to clean off his cock. But he had other plans. He wanted to make this guy cum. After completely lick away all the dripping cum he proceeded to suck the dick vigorously, but gingerly as he knew most men's dicks were sensitive after cumming. He didn't want the man to pull out or turn him off. Jon continued the sucking, going up and down quickly on the meat. He made a tight rim with his mouth for better suction. The black man was loving the feel of a gentle mouth going up and down on his dick.
"Stop. Stop. I wanna fuck you. Put your hands against the wall and drop your pants."
What a switch as Jon usually was the one instructing someone to put their hands against the wall. Quickly complying, Jon undo his jeans and pulled then down. Then the man inserted his long black pole as the senator braced himself against the wall. The man grabbed Jon's hips for more leverage and starting pumping. In seconds, he was fucking Jon hard and fast. When he noticed Jon didn't complain, he continued pounding.
"Shit I'm cumming in your fat ass, damn I'm cumming." Screamed the man as he continued to pump. He finally pulled out and dropped to his knees in exhaustion.
They both moved over to a nearby sink to wash away some of the cum that was now dripping out of Jon's ass when the black man noticed a large bulge in his pants. Grabbing Jon's cock, the man lead him to a toilet set, had him sit with his legs spread, pants unzipped as he knelt between the huge thighs and began to suck the meat.
The young man made love to the thick juicy cock as each of them were getting into the spirit of the sucking. The young man went up and down on the thick white dick at ever increasing speed before Jon grabbed the back of the man's head and forced it up and down on his throbbing rod. But the man did not seem to mind as a small crowd gathered around the stall while the action with Jon and the young black man was going on.
A white middle aged man stood mesmerized for several minutes until Jon and motioned for the man to move forward. The man slowly moved forward inched sideways so that he could get past the knelling man to Jon who was still sitting on the toilet stool with his legs stretched straight out. With his cock in front of him, Jon immediately engulfed the meat as he was in turn being sucked by the young black man. Jon reached behind the man and held him in place while he greedily sucked his cock. It didn't take long for his expert sucking to draw the cum out of the man's dick.
As the man exited the stall he whispered to someone who watching, "He's damn good, damn good. Best suck job I've ever had."
My concern of Jon being recognised got worse as Jon waved another man over. And just like the man before him, Jon was quickly rewarded with a warm load of cum which he eagerly swallowed. He then zipped up his pants and exited the stall while looking and smiling at some the men now crowded are the scene. Without saying a word his look indicated to them that Jon was really a expert cocksucker and ready for more.
The young black man continued to suck Jon's cock as the men formed a line outside the stall to get the juice sucked out of their stiff dicks. Jon needed no urging as he was kept horny by the young black man who was intent on sucking the cum out of his thick dick. The more he sucked on the senator, the more Jon wanted to drain the cock of any of the men who approached him as he sat in the stall.
The line began to dwindle as the senator quickly drained each man who stepped up to get their meat sucked until restroom was almost completely empty. It was getting late in the afternoon, but the young black man continued to suck Jon's cock. The senator suddenly interrupted the man and said "Get up and turn around."
Both men stood up and Jon lead the young black man over to the nearest wall and pulled down his pants.
"Spread your legs." Jon said as he pressed his fat dick against the tight black ass. His dick was already lubricated from the spit from all the sucking during the afternoon.
Slowly Jon pressed, making sure not to penetrate too fast. He finally was able to get the head in. Next a couple of inches penetrated with no sign of pain from the man taking the fat dick up his ass. That was the signal he was looking for to start pumping his dick in and out of the tight hole.
"That's it. Fuck me. Fuck me." Cried the man as Jon did just that. He keep pumping, slowly working a little more of his fat dick in the man's ass with each thrust until he was thrusting the entire length of his thick 8 inch dick in the man's ass. The old man pumped his plump man meat into young black man over and over again as he moaned and grunted like a whore getting fucked. I watched as Jon continued to speed up and was close to emptying his seed. The young black man was no screaming like a wild animal.
"I'm getting close." Jon suddenly said.
"Don't cum in my ass. I want to taste that cum of yours." The young black man said.
"Ok git ready, here it comes." Jon said as he withdrew his dick so the man could turn around and swallow his cum juice.
It was now late, late afternoon and Jon just had to get going. The restroom was mostly empty now, so it was safe for us to leave without Jon being recognized. We finally got to Choteau, got our beef and headed back to the farm. What a day we had, I thought then chuckled to myself. If Jon had been recognized, he would have won himself a few votes today.
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cloneloverrrrr · 7 months
"I'll be gentle, baby. Don't worry." With Hardcase or Cody and fem reader please? If you have time. No rush, no worried.
Oooh thank you to whoever sent this in!
I’ve never wrote for him before but I tried my best , it though was fun to write about our goofy Hardcase 💁🏻‍♀️ but wow he is a total DOM😈😈 slightly a slow burner but I do hope you enjoy some Hardcase smut & it doesn’t disappoint 🫶🏻🫶🏻
Dividers by the best @idontgetanysleep
Using smut prompt 22 @thelonelyempath
I actually got the inspo for this fic from McFly’s song Party Girl - if your British then you know 🤣😉
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𝗜'𝗹𝗹 𝗕𝗲 𝗚𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗹𝗲 𝗕𝗮𝗯𝘆 - 𝗢𝗻𝗲 𝗦𝗵𝗼𝘁
𝗥𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀:🔞 𝗠𝗶𝗻𝗼𝗿𝘀 𝗗𝗢 𝗡𝗢𝗧 𝗶𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗮𝗰𝘁 𝗠𝗮𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗲 𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁
𝗣𝗮𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴: 𝗖𝗹𝗼𝗻𝗲 𝗧𝗿𝗼𝗼𝗽𝗲𝗿 𝗛𝗮𝗿𝗱𝗰𝗮𝘀𝗲 𝘅 𝗙𝗲𝗺!𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿 , 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿 𝗶𝗻𝘀𝗲𝗿𝘁 , 𝗯𝗿𝗶𝗲𝗳 𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝟱𝟬𝟭𝘀𝘁 𝗹𝗲𝗴𝗶𝗼𝗻
𝗪𝗼𝗿𝗱 𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁: 2040
𝗪𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀: 𝗣𝗢𝗥𝗡 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝗮 𝗽𝗹𝗼𝘁 𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗱𝗮, 𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀 𝗼𝗳 𝗮𝗱𝘂𝗹𝘁 𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗿𝘁𝗮𝗶𝗻𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗸 𝗽𝗹𝗮𝗰𝗲, 𝗯𝗿𝗶𝗲𝗳 𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀 𝗼𝗳 𝗱𝗿𝘂𝗻𝗸 𝗵𝗮𝗿𝗿𝗮𝘀𝗺𝗲𝗺𝘁, 𝗯𝗿𝗶𝗲𝗳 𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀 𝗼𝗳 𝗲𝗿𝗼𝘁𝗶𝗰 𝗱𝗮𝗻𝗰𝗶𝗻𝗴, 𝗛𝗮𝗿𝗱𝗰𝗮𝘀𝗲 𝗯𝗲𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗮 𝗗𝗢𝗠, 𝗿𝗼𝘂𝗴𝗵 𝘀𝗲𝘅, 𝘂𝗻𝗽𝗿𝗼𝘁𝗲𝗰𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝘀𝗲𝘅, 𝗣 𝗶𝗻 𝗩 𝘀𝗲𝘅, 𝘀𝗹𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝗽𝗿𝗮𝗶𝘀𝗲 𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗸𝘀, 𝗰𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗺𝗽𝗶𝗲
Another night of bantha piss entertaining the usual scum of Coruscant. This thought plagued your mind daily how did the only daughter of a wealthy tycoon from Chandrila end up in this sort of establishment. Something you need not dwell on right now.
However they weren’t scum , far from it. The majority of your customers were people of great importance ranging from rich and famous, to senators the odd chancellor or two, a few natborns and of course your secret favourite few.
The boys from the 501st legion, you knew their names now, but that one special clone Hardcase he seemed to tug at your heart strings. The troopers had ventured in your work place quite frequently in the last few months , usually after a tough battle or looking for some fun during their shore leave before making their way to the famous 79’s.
Kriff tonight was exceptionally ghastly, several inebriated punters had tried their best to get your attention in a crude way, failing to realise you were not an escort.
Your blood was boiling, stinging tears gathered behind your pretty green eyes, the rage inside you seeping out from every pore on your body, you saw red. The mist clouding your vision, for your own piece of mind you took yourself off the back rooms.
You paid no heed as you bolted across the room to Captain Rex sauntering in, followed by his squad, Jesse, Kix, Dogma, Tup , Fives, Echo and Hardcase. Sweet, funny, wacky Hardcase. His eyes shone brighter than the rest. They seemed kind. If it was a different time in your life … in his maybe….
“Look there goes ya girl…” Fives chuckles throwing Hardcase a shit eating grin.
Hardcase only glared back, his feeble attempt to hide the growing blush spreading across his face.
“Troopers!” The wave of authority thick in Rex’s voice has all eyes on him.
“Take those seats by the stage and relax we all deserve a night off”
“Sir yes sir! “ is shouted in unison by the group.
You had hope that a quick shower and outfit change would rid your skin and mind from the incident earlier. Far from it. Still irritate you make your way back to the grand stage, the pounding bass of the music increases, the lights dim only the silver strobe effects remain.
You walk slowly out from the shadows like some Ethereal Goddess, until you reach the middle of the stage wearing a sheer glittery blue deep plunge halter neck thong body suit completely backless, the high sides of the flimsy fabric sitting perfectly on your ass. The spotlight licked against your curves, the clear 8” heels with the 4” platform elongating your slender legs.
Hoots and cheers filled the air pairing with the vibrating sounds from the speakers.
There he was sat between his Vod’s , his striking face tattoo makes it easier to tell him apart from the rest. His eyes completely transfixed on you, roaming hungrily up and down your semi naked body. Heat begins to pool in your lower stomach, the tingle in your cunt grows.
Grabbing the pole with elegance you begin stalking around it , keeping your gaze locked on his as you reach the front of the stage once more facing the sea of onlookers you begin dancing. Your eyes close focusing on your sultry moves. Your ass twerks in time with the fast paced wave of music, you feel credits fall at your feet, its a guilty thrill you enjoy.
With your back facing the crowd you run your hands through your hair cocking your head slightly you notice the dark glow of his eyes, the desire adamant on his face. You turn around and gracefully fall to your knees crawling over to the clones of the 501st you bite your bottom lip as that coil tightens inside of you. Many of the life forms watching you try in vein to touch you as you crawl past.
You beam an alluring smile to Hardcase before wrapping your legs around the cool metal of the pole, bending backwards you arch your back pushing your breast out.
Hardcase swallows hard watching you dry hump and grind your pussy against the pole, oh so wishing it was his own painfully hard throbbing cock. To him you were just perfect.
Your body moved tastefully with agility around the pole, the way you enticingly rolled your hips. Reaching up and behind your neck you untie the bodysuit letting the top half slip down revealing your naked breasts, nipples covered by small delicate tassels. Hardcases breath hitched in this throat and lump formed , almost like dry swallowing a large pill.
As the music ended you bowed to everyone as the cheers roared and you left the stage, the butterflies in your stomach grew. Making your way to your private dressing room you feel a tug at your wrist.
Your eyes widen with utter surprise as you see the handsome clone trooper stood before you.
“Hardcase..” you stutter trying to regain your composure.
“Hello mesh’la I wasn’t err sure you remembered my name” His voice low
His hand grazed the nape of his neck awkwardly glancing at his tapping feet.
His gloved hands began to fidget and he seemed to dance on the spot, this made you giggle.
“Somewhere you need be?” An eyebrow raised as you step closer to him, even in your heels he towers over you.
“Eh well erm where are you going?” Again his eyes faced the floor.
“Care to join me for a drink trooper?” You purr.
A dippy carefree smile tugs the corners of his lips and expands as he takes your hand and follows you to the dressing room. A large pink plush couch sits cozily in the corner of the room in front is a small table with a bottle of bright green liquid and a couple of small glasses.
A sweet vanilla smell invades Hardcases nostrils as he gets comfortable against the soft fabric. Both of you share a few shots of the burning liquid, conversation flows effortlessly, your bodies gradually move closer and closer to each other, the lustful tension spikes.
The slick between your thighs building, something comes over you. A sudden brazen confidence you place your hand against his thigh. The dark look on his face says it all. A primal desire begins to control him.
Hardcase latches his hands onto your soft fleshy thighs and pulls you down on him. You straddle him, your hands flat against his chest plate. A soft whine falls from your lips as he thrusts his codpiece against your already gagging cunt. A rough drag of his gloved hand glides up your chest ripping the fabric from your body freeing your breasts.
Hardcase pushes up into you once more, his grip of your hips firm as he holds you down grinding and pushing against you.
You begin to rock your hips to ease that hot ache rising inside of you , he stifles a moan growing pleasure sizzling through every fibre of his body.
“Stand up take everything off mesh’la but I want you to keep those slutty heels on for me.”
His words strained dripping with desire.
You obediently comply you stand up removing the blue bodysuit that matches the blue painted across his armour. Eagerly you await his next command, your mouth watering watching him stripping down to his blacks. Your cunt twitches as he finally removes each item of clothing, his cock hot swollen standing to attention beads of pre cum leaking out his spongy tip.
Oh stars how you are desperate to taste him.
Hardcase rests back on the couch and begins fisting himself, slow pumps as his eyes hone in on your glistening sex, already dripping.
“Sit on my cock” demanding and possessive, ushering you over.
You stand above Hardcase, eyeing him with caution before you climb onto his lap. He hums his approval. The sting as he stretches open your tight cunt is electric,his size is frightening. But fuck it feels so good. Inch by inch you slide down his pulsating length dragging your nails across his scarred skin causing him to shudder. You feel his cock twitching in you.
“So good for me baby taking my cock” he whispers , one hand cups your cheek the other has tight hold on your ass cheek kneading the flesh greedily.
“Fuck oh Hardcase it hurts-“
Your breathy words cut off by the force of his large calloused hand grabbing the back of your hair severely , stretching your neck taught he licks up to your pulse point growling lowly. Your heartbeat quickens.
“I’ll be gentle baby. Don’t worry.” His tone lacks compassion , only pure prurience takes over him.
Your eyes widen and your lips part as pitiful whimpers fall from your lips.
Hardcase fucks up into you at a brutal pace, his hand stays in place clutching onto your soft waves , the other curling into your skin littering the area with controlling red marks. He moans low and gutted as your broken screams echo in the small room. Your cunt is pulsing with need , your breasts bounce as he mercilessly destroys you. His cock continuously hits off your cervix creating a beautiful white hot molten feeling running like icy fingertips through your veins.
“Uh- ple- please” your begs are so anguished they fuel his relentless thrusts. The frantic desire almost too much.
The hand clutching at your hair trails down between your breasts to your stomach to your clit. His finger works expertly. Your body begins to shake, your breathing ragged, he relishes in watching you squirm.
Hardcase leans up placing hot open mouthed kisses over any part of your salty skin his mouth can reach.
“Fuck! - mmm please what mesh’la?” He teases, clearly enjoying this dominating game.
He grabs your chin forcing you to look at him, a sinister glaze clouds his face, he runs his tongue across his teeth , forcing a finger flat against your tongue until you gag.
His chuckles are dark.
“Do you want to cum baby?”
You nod rapidly, stuttering whines and moans accompany the slap of his skin as he fucks you, faster, harder,deeper.
You begin moving, rising up only only the head of his cock is inside you before slamming your hips back down sheathing him fully inside. You set a fast pace fucking yourself with an aching desperation. Wicked glee flows from you.
You slam your hips down, your head falls back, your nails claw into this thighs. You feel him close to his own release, the tremors of his body, friction of his pubic bone against your sensitive clit send you into a frenzied peak. Every single nerve in your body sings, your toes curl.
“Fuck Hardcase - oh fuck yes” he is your complete undoing.
Breathy moans , curses and pants crescendo, your cunt convulse and clench’s around his immense size. The warm splash of his seed coat your walls. His body shakes as you writhe on top of him. A rush of ecstasy prickles across your skin you chase the burning desire of your orgasm, milking his cock riding out your high.
You slump into him to catch your breath, he is loose limbed beneath you. The feeling of his warm cock softening inside of you being stuffed with his cum as it trickles out of your ruined cunt and onto his thighs is utterly delicious.
He sucks in a deep sigh.
“Your so fucking beautiful mesh’la”
He begins to kiss you, shy but powerful, his tongue begs for permission to explore your mouth, you gladly accept. His finger tips dance across the base of your spine, yours stroke his shaven head.
You smile into the kiss before breaking away, his amber eyes bore into yours, a tender moment interrupted by a loud knock at closed doors.
“You guys finished yet?” Fives is laughing outside.
You chuckle as you nuzzle into the crook of his neck, you don’t need to see him to know Hardcase is seething right now. But for now you are content in his arms.
TAGLIST- @lune-de-miel-au-paradis @hellhound5925 @hello-there-cyarika @dukeoftheblackstar @clonemedickix @jules-1999 @justanothersadperson93 @reader6898 @starrylothcat @cw80831 @secretthegriffin @king-chaos-world @kimiheartblade @eternal-transience-spice @gun-roswell @arcsimper5 @firstofficerwiggles @idontgetanysleep @anxiouspineapple99 @angrypaperearthquake-tbbb-main
LMK if you want to be added or removed ☺️
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lemuel-apologist · 1 day
Listen. The way that universities treat ADHD is deplorable. The way that the public at large treats ADHD is just as bad, but universities in particular are fresh on my mind, given where I am in life, about a month post-graduation.
This post is a bit of a preamble. Bear with me.
I struggled through three and a half years of genuine college being the way I am with no buffer; had an unwelcome epiphany of a diagnosis at the end of my second-to-last semester; and had the best semester, confidence- and social-life-wise of my life-- which was, simultaneously, the worst semester of my life academically. I have gone on and on about organic chemistry and how it fucked with me, but I don't know that I have gone into why.
Post-diagnosis, I was presented with the opportunity to tell my ochem professor about anything that could be an issue during the semester. I debated it; I debated it very seriously; but this form was a graded assignment, and I had to either tell him or not tell him, and it was better than I tell him than not. So, I told him, in very edited-down words, that I have some issues with anxiety and I have ADHD. Both have, because of how I am as a person, meant that I have to approach labs in a certain way and I probably will freak out at some point, but I was optimistic that it wouldn't be an issue at that point, and I would recuse myself to the hall if it was. (After all, I'd been medicated for about a month and, in that time, had survived moot court, navigated a family member's arrest that I advised on forensically, and cooked for two family events. I was fine. I was only medicated for the sake of anxiety. It was working as planned.)
I have a bone to pick with that professor in particular for a lot of reasons. He had a lot of interactions with women that rubbed me the wrong way, but none of them crossed that line like they did with me. I told him the way that things were going for me, I told him what I needed (a chance to eat before class, some extensions as needed on assignments, and clarifications on what he wanted done with equipment), and he consistently held me to a higher standard to other students, stepped in to mess with my fume hood when I didn't ask him to, and, importantly, would dock anyone up to five points from their labwork for being late to class, meaning that I couldn't eat before lab, since I had to sprint uphill from my osteology class-- which he knew, because that was something I told him. I vented very briefly, in exasperation, to my Senate advisor, who was the only member of faculty anywhere near administration who knew about my ADHD; and, when she asked why I didn't see about more formal accommodations, I reminded her the state of our school's Disability Services processes, which we were in the middle of advocating for fixing, as a block (famously hard to navigate and famously impossible to get through in a timely manner, meaning I wouldn't be able to do anything about it before I graduated-- and it wouldn't guarantee nonretaliation anyway).
And you know what? I got a D+ not because of him, but in SPITE of him. I got a C total not because of him, but in SPITE of him. Eat my FUCKING ass.
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This day in history
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Today (May 10), I’m in VANCOUVER for a keynote at the Open Source Summit and later a book event for Red Team Blues at Heritage Hall; on Thurs (May 11), I’m in CALGARY for Wordfest.
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#20yrsago Lying, plagiarising NYT writer outed, ousted https://www.nytimes.com/2003/05/11/national/times-reporter-who-resigned-leaves-long-trail-of-deception.html
#20yrsago COGECO’s Terms of Service: Assholes or idiots? https://memex.craphound.com/2003/05/11/cogecos-terms-of-service-assholes-or-idiots/
#10yrsago My Re:publica talk: “It’s not a fax machine connected to a waffle iron” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uWqx_1tDyqE
#10yrsago What makes a project remixable? https://mako.cc/academic/hill_monroy-remixing_dilemma-DRAFT.pdf
#10yrsago Bike lanes led to 49% increase in retail sales https://web.archive.org/web/20130315222708/https://www.americabikes.org/nyc_study_finds_protected_bicycle_lanes_boost_local_business
#5yrsago FanFlick Editor: an entry in EFF’s Catalog of Missing Devices https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2018/05/fanflick-editor-entry-catalog-missing-devices-eff-supporter
#5yrsago Here are the official lyrics to the Mr Softee jingle https://www.thedailymeal.com/eat/mister-softee-jingle-has-lyrics-who-knew
#5yrsago Bite-Sized Linux: a zine collecting awesome *nix tutorial webtoons https://wizardzines.gumroad.com/l/ltywT
#5yrsago West Virginia Senator laughed at the idea that hating on teachers would bite him in the ass — then he lost his job https://theintercept.com/2018/05/11/west-virginia-primary-teacher-strikes/
#5yrsago Pentagon sucks up to Trump by censoring mentions of climate change in its global risks assessment https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/energy-environment/wp/2018/05/10/pentagon-revised-obama-era-report-to-remove-risks-from-climate-change/
#5yrsago Teens are cyberbullying themselves as a form of self-harm https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2018/04/21/604073315/when-teens-cyberbully-themselves
#5yrsago Indigenous Canadians sue the Canadian government over decades of secret, involuntary, inhumane medical experiments https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/may/11/canada-indigenous-people-medical-experiments-lawsuit
#5yrsago Individual FBI agents can be sued for blackmailing potential informants with no-fly list threats https://www.techdirt.com/2018/05/11/court-fbi-agents-can-be-held-accountable-tossing-immigrants-no-fly-list-because-they-refused-to-be-informants/
#1yrago The (billionaires’) case against billionaires https://pluralistic.net/2022/05/11/a-dent-in-the-universe/#eminently-guillotineable
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Catch me on tour with Red Team Blues in Vancouver, Calgary, Toronto, DC, Gaithersburg, Oxford, Hay, Manchester, Nottingham, London, and Berlin!
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cementisgud · 11 months
Evil’s Theater Productions: OSS
 - Barisols Child is an Only Child CONCEPT - For the stage we’re gonna have to halves, one side for Behemo, one side for Levia. When we get to the lyric “ There was another world in the mirror that his eyes had been able to see “ we should have some sort of wall-thing that represents a mirror so then whoever plays Levia can do her thing and extend her hand towards Behemo. - Project MA - Eve enters through Left Center stage (PLS DO UR OWN RESEARCH ON STAGE DIRECTIONS. I’VE LEARNED THIS THROUGH DRAMA CLASSES) and stops singing her part when she walks to Right Center Stage. We get to the part that says “ The name of the man I love is Adam” he could appear and does what the lyrics say (specifically He gave me a kiss and told me “After this you will become the mother of gods, ‘Mem Aleph’”.) and also give her the brainwashing,.. poison thing....  At the part “  When everything’s over with, let’s have a marriage ceremony. In our favorite Helds forest. “ There could be a screen that shows an image of Held’s forest... I just think that’ll be cool. For Adam’s part, this time he’ll enter Right Center Stage and walk towards Left Center Stage. When we get to the part “I have regretful news. The project was a failure.” (uhmm... i didnt read oss so correct me if anything is wrong or should be fixed here) I guess we could see Eve and Adam’s reaction to the miscarriage???!??! Then Eve leaves the stage once again and we get to the part “The senate and Seth took my mother from me” we could see something happen to Adam’s mom and Adam plotting to punish them. When we get to the part “  My beloved Eve, I’ve broken you, I’m sorry “ I WANT EVERYTHING TO GO ALL DARK. EVERYTHING DARK, YOU CANNOT SEE ADAM ANYWHERE AND A SCREEN COULD SHOW THE LYRICS. Then without us noticing, Eve enters the stage (Left Stage Center) and the spotlight focuses on Adam and Eve when we get to the lyric “I truly came to love, completely.” The stage lights up again and we see a marriage ceremony in Held’s Forest at the “  Come, let’s get married in that forest “ and they have their marriage stuff...ew kiss kiss and all that. WE COULD GET A SCREEN THAT SHOWS A BROKEN STAR AND A MOON AND STAR VANISHING FOR THE LYRIC “  The night the star was broken, the moon and star vanished from the south sky “ and then they flee the stage and a labratory i think !??! and we see seth talking his crap and all the the end. - Moonlit Bear - We see the forest again, and we see Eve picking up some apples. The apples are of course - not real apples because they’re translucent and show Hansel and Gretel inside the apples (like fish eggs). We get to the part “  A scary bear comes out “ and Meta enters from Right Center Stage and she’s gonna go to Eve like “yo?? wtf bitch those r my kids” (obviously she wont say that you get the point) We get a Meta and Eve chase scene, I think it would be fun that we get Eve to get the audience to help her (and depending if there is enough space in the audience we could get her to plead the audience to help her). We see the Moonlit Residence and Eve enters the house. (also we see meta’s corspe she’ll just chill out there for now) and Adam’s saying shit like “FFS EVE YOU DELUSINAL ASS BITCH. OUR CHILDREN?? DEAD.” (once again obviously he won’t say that but we know the story) and eventually they go outside and see Meta’s corspe. ((do blogs never require maximum of words??? i’ve typed so much already)) -  A Tale of Abandonment on a Moonlit Night -  We see the Moonlit family, Hansel and Gretel aren’t babies anymore. Eve and Adam lead their children through the path and of course there are questioning them “Mother, what kind of fortune does this path lead to? Over there, will we be able to eat lots of our favorite snacks?” “Father, beyond this point is God waiting for us? Why do you look at us with such sad faces?” Adam and Eve exit the the stage and now the twins are abandoned. What happens is self-explantory but when Hansel finds the bottle we should get the spotlight to play as the moonlight ( “ A small glass bottle is lit up by the moon”). We need a box thing that’s an oven. I WOULD ENJOY TO SEE HANSEL AND GRETEL SHOVE EVE IN THE OVEN AND KILL ADAM. AND THERES FIRE EVERYWHERE OMG I’D LOVE IT (as a gretel sympath) Hansel and Gretel exit the stage and as they say “Come, let’s go meet our real mother and father.” Closes the book of OSS. Okay that was a long one.. I’ll continue Original Sin Story tonight maybe. Remember that some things are illogical and that is okay, we’re just having fun here. Share your ideas too. :3
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sonorousabyss · 1 year
You should give me a star wars matchup :) you already know my ass lmaooooooooo dm me if you want specifics
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AN: You've got it darlin~! I present to you, Crosshair.
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To say that this relationship is a slow burn is an understatement.
Crosshair is a bit of a grouch by nature. One known for his biting remarks and astute observations, but he's a recluse nonetheless.
The only way I see you meeting is on a job. Sure, there's a very slim chance that you might've caught him and the boys on a trip to 79s, but the real development came when you both were forced to work together.
Whether you were some sort of Jedi, senator, or even some offset of clones- it doesn't matter. He tolerated you at first, but that was about it.
Your penchant for cheeky, albeit well-mannered teasing likely was the cause of this. He saw it similar to how he'd put up with Wrecker and his habit of invading his personal space with droid heads.
Something he could live with.
This was until you started joining in when he was teasing the regs.
Considering the fact that the batch and the regs don't particularly get along, per se- well, certain groups of them at least- he found the fact that you'd pipe in and play off his words rather amusing.
Never until that moment did he think that you'd ever grow on him.
As for you with him, it'd be quite the same. He wouldn't be the friendliest man in the batch when you first met him. The others- Wrecker, Tech, Echo, Hunter- Hell, even Omega would've all been fairly quick to befriend you. They're all rather amicable and understanding, if not kind.
But Crosshair? He's stubborn.
This means that you would've fallen victim to at least a few remarks, assuming you didn't have enough of a reputation to keep him at bay, to start with.
At a certain point, you both annoying each other became somewhat of a game.
The two of you stayed up to keep watch one night, sitting in silence, save for the rare instances you'd stop to discuss details of the mission come morning. Playful bickering ensued, but you kept it quiet so the others could sleep, eyes focused on the fire in front of you.
You both kept an eye on each other during these times. Half for the sake of the mission, half for a myriad of reasons that neither of you would dare to admit to each other.
For him, it'd have started out as wariness. Making sure you weren't a threat to his brothers, as well as keeping an eye out for any material he might be able to use later. It wouldn't do to be underprepared if you were to attempt to tease him, after all.
That gradually evolved into curiosity.
He observed as you'd pick up souvenirs on the planets you'd traverse together, pocketing all manner of glass, wood, and rocks you harvested from the outdoors when you thought the batchers weren't looking.
He'd take note of the many hours you spent, looking up at the night sky or staring out into the galaxy through the glass of the cockpit. The way you'd seem to naturally gravitate to the shade when outdoors, and how you'd always appeared to be more at ease when they infiltrated bases during the cooler months.
He observed from the sidelines as you talked to Hunter and the others about tattoos, and who the best person would be to get them from as he polished his gun.
Crosshair would pretend he didn't notice when you followed up that conversation a few days later with a brand new tattoo, catching sight of it when part of your outfit pulled back to reveal it, newly wrapped, with you too busy petting a puppy you found to even notice.
He took note of your dislikes too.
The way you would complain about the overwhelming heat on some of the warmer planets you'd visit, the dark hues of the armor you bore not helping you in the slightest.
The way you blanched when you realized some of the cuisine he and the boys were eating was much too spicy for you to handle, immediately regretting all your life choices after you tried it and he and some of the other batchers jumped on the opportunity to tease you. Meanwhile, Hunter was the one to offer you some milk to help.
How you almost always chose to operate on the backlines with him, instead of going headfirst into the loud, blaring chaos of battle with the others.
Oh, he noticed.
Crosshair would never admit it. But he did.
He didn't know why he did. How you managed to grow on him so much over the time you'd operated together. It wasn't supposed to be that way... and yet...
You were one of the few people he enjoyed being around.
The way you two could go from teasing each other relentlessly to intimidating people with just a glance was an amusing sight to behold.
Terrifying for those who didn't know you.
They'd assume that you both were glaring and clearly not fond of them, but the truth would often be far from it.
You and Crosshair spending some time alone after a rough mission, cuddled up and basking in each other's company, enjoying the silence.
It took him longer than he'd care to admit to realize just how he really felt.
You're laying back in a hospital bed, bacta applied to your wounds in the sterile, white room that was the medbay after an infiltration mission. You all had succeeded, but it had come at a terrible cost.
He'd have avoided going with his brothers unless they dragged him along, and yet, he'd find himself hovering by the medbay doors whenever he was alone. Wondering if you were okay.
He blamed himself.
Had he been quicker, had his shot been more accurate- even if just by a centimeter, you would've been fine.
And so he found himself wandering in, watching your sleeping form as you recovered, holding your hand.
... And threatening you to keep your mouth shut when he realized you'd been awake the entire time.
You just smiled, teasing him all the same.
And it was then that he realized how much he'd fallen for you.
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AN: I might've gotten carried away-
May your day be as pleasant as the ocean's abyss is deep.
For those who are new here, I take requests. You can find my rules here.
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questforgalas · 1 year
Sibling moments in the Bad Batch that live rent free in my head
S1E10 "Common Ground"
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Omega perched on Wrecker's shoulder like a little parrot 😂
The fact that obviously the whole squad had to stop by the mantell mix stand so Wrecker and Omega could keep up their tradition
Echo peering over at the mantell mix like the judgmental health nut sibling who's drinking green smoothies while the other eat ice cream for breakfast
Complete synchronization of Wrecker leaning down to let Omega hop off his shoulder and Hunter guiding her down without even pausing
Tech steadying her as she lands and not backing away until she gives him a nod. She may technically be the oldest but the "protective physically big brothers" is everything <3<3
Echo sniffing the mantell mix 😂😂😂😂😂 like cannot be more judgmental of his siblings' snacks
Tech's amusement at Echo literally sniffing space popcorn
Shout out to Wrecker's empath level 1000 abilities here pushing back at Hunter when he says Omega needs a break. Wrecker may be protective, but he's never going to treat Omega like a porcelain doll
Hunter's "i'm the older sibling and what I say goes" walk off
Tech ready to help Omega onto the stool cause she has to hop onto it <3<3
Wrecker, Tech, and Omega in the background as Hunter takes Cid to the side giving each other the "I don't know" shoulder shrugs
Tech and Echo quietly arguing in the background 😂😂
Omega's eye roll at Hunter when he tells her she's staying 😂 poor Hunter dealing with his first pre-teen girl
Wrecker's little "it's ok" shoulder tap on Omega as they leave
"I can't believe we're helping a separatist senator." "So you have said. Repeatedly." followed by Echo's grumpy glare directed right at Tech so help me grumpy Echo and sassy Tech are peak siblings
Echo then turns his chair to pout in the corner I'm dying
"Now are you convinced?" "No." Echo is the sibling who didn't want to do the family activity and is going to make sure everyone knows it
Tech's side eye at Echo like please for the love of god we get it
Echo and Tech continuing to argue as they disembark the ship and Hunter's "Forget politics!" aka "for the love of god shut up please for one minute before you both go in time out"
Wrecker ready to pummel the protocol droid after Echo pushes it up against the wall even though he has no idea why Echo is doing what he's doing he's just ready to back up his bro like the good bro he is
"That would be impossible seeing as Omega is not on this mission" Tech refusing to give Hunter a moment of peace and always in sass mode
Tech is so amused when the protocol droid goes storming into the corridor
The fact that none of the batch ever flinch at Wrecker's outbursts of energy or when he shoves through the group they're so used to him and get so amused by it
Wrecker's fond smile when they get back to Cid's and he realizes Omega is the cause of all the ruckus such a proud bro
Only to be followed by Hunter's tired "of course" (let big bro rest guys)
Wrecker is so proud of Omega
Wrecker's shoulder smack and knowing look at Hunter like "get the stick out of your ass"
Classic sibling tactic by Hunter to settle a squabble via a challenge
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