#Conduct Unbecoming
maturemenoftvandfilms · 10 months
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Law & Order (TV Series) S3/E17 ’Conduct Unbecoming’ (1993) - Len Cariou
Len Cariou is one of the finest daddies around. I had a crush on him ever since I first see him in this episode.
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spockvarietyhour · 1 month
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Len Cariou in Law and Order's "Conduct Unbecoming"
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loveandthepsyche · 8 months
The nature of the time and societies that we are living in promote the idea of collective "victimization." It is very easy to be a victim, and much harder to own or accept responsibility for our own action--to understand that the overall realities we create emanate from within ourselves according to our evolutionary and karmic requirements.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 11 months
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"Three Lawyers of Ontario Disbarred," Kingston Whig-Standard. June 23, 1933. Page 12. ---- TORONTO, June 23 - Three members of the Law Society of Upper Canada have been struck off the rolls of the court by the Benchers of the society. In an announcement issued, the society sets forth.
Henri Gustave Smith, Toronto, convicted in the County Court and in respect thereof guilty of professional misconduct and conduct unbecoming a barrister and solicitor.
Samuel Cameron Arrell, Hamilton, guilty of professional misconduct in appropriating clients' money to his own use.
Ralph Frederick Sheppard, Windsor, guilty of professional misconduct in his dealing with clients' moneys and forging certain documents.
All three cases have been investigated by the discipline committee, which recommended each be disbarred.
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oh. my. god. the new chapter. THE NEW CHAPTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i’m in love with your characterisation. they are just simply teenagers plighted by hard shit!!! you get it!!! plus bonus annabeth proving she can be scary too that’s my girlboss that’s my complex female character right there
Ahhhhhhhhh hello darling anonymous friend! 🥹💙
I am THRILLED that you love the new chapter so much! You're absolutely, 100% right - Percy and Annabeth truly are just teenagers who have had to do completely bizarre and horrifying things to survive to this point, and at least in my mind, that means that they're eventually going to need to sit down and try and process that! So that is what I have been trying to give them - space to process and talk and reflect and become the people they want to be! I'm so glad all of that rings true to you, too, because I wanted it to feel real and accurate to their characters. 😌
Lmao, YES, Annabeth could be scary as FUCK if she wanted to (or if she ever snapped), and I really wanted to show that! There are a lot of fics exploring Percy's dark side (of which this is one, lol), but I haven't found nearly as many that explore the what ifs of Annabeth giving in to her fatal flaw. And that really isn't the focus of this fic, but I really wanted to just add in that little moment of her being scary too! Complex female characters, we love them. 😌 Also, another reason why she are Percy are well matched, but that's another point entirely...
God, thank you so much for reading! I feel so lucky to have you as a reader! 💙💙💙
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alarrytale · 1 month
Do you like, respect any women in Louis and Harry’s lives? Like genuinely.
Hello, anon!
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By the first definition, no. I'm only a fan of H and L. They are the celebrities. That also applies to the men in their lives, not only the women.
By the second definition, yes. I respect the fact that Jay and Anne are (were) helping to closet H and L and take that burden off their shoulders. Even though by doing that they are lying and decieving a lot of people. I don't blame L or H's sisters for doing the same. I don't respect the choice L and H's beards made to beard them. I do, however respect their rights as human beings. I don't like when people use ableist language to talk about them.
Respect is earned, not given. Respect is not a right, but rather a privilege granted based on one's conduct and character. I do not have to respect someone who is partaking in a fake relationship and through that is lying, gaslighting, calling fans deluded or encourage bullying a part of a fanbase. I don't have to respect someone who is willing to take short cuts to get ahead in the industry by helping to closet an unwillingly closeted man.
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idalenn · 5 months
saying Lillian is part of the conjurers' guild, botanists' guild, and adventurers' guild is all fun and games until I have to somehow stew three guilds' worth of content into something palatable for this story
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pucksandpower · 14 days
Going Once, Going Twice
Charles Leclerc x Red Bull engineer!Reader
Summary: getting roped into participating in a charity date auction changes your life forever
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The lights in the grand ballroom dim as a spotlight illuminates the stage. The Master of Ceremonies, wearing an impeccably tailored tuxedo, steps up to the microphone.
“Good evening, ladies and gentlemen!” His voice booms through the speakers. “Welcome to the 12th Annual Amber Lounge F1 Charity Date Auction!”
The crowd erupts into raucous applause. You clap politely from your seat near the back of the room, shrouded in shadows.
“As always, we have an exciting lineup of eligible bachelors and bachelorettes from the Formula 1 paddock, ready to be auctioned off for a romantic date in support of disadvantaged children everywhere.”
More applause.
“But before we bring out our first participant, allow me to go over some ground rules.” The MC adopts a mock-stern tone. “Winners of each date are required to adhere to Amber Lounge’s code of conduct. That means hands to yourself at all times-” A few hoots and hollers from the audience. The MC wags his finger. “Ah ah ah, none of that now! This is for charity, ladies and gentlemen. Let’s keep it classy.”
You stifle a yawn. You’ve attended this auction for the past five years as a guest of Red Bull Racing, where you work as a race engineer. And every year it’s the same — watch your drunk colleagues get leered at by moneyed Formula 1 fans willing to pay exorbitant sums for bragging rights.
No thank you. You always politely decline the organizers’ requests for you to participate.
“Alright, let’s get this party started!” The MC gestures to the wings of the stage. “Our first eligible bachelor of the evening is ...”
As he announces the first victim, an Amber Lounge organizer you recognize comes rushing over to you.
“Y/N! Thank god I found you. We have an emergency.”
You raise an eyebrow. “What’s wrong, Lucy?”
“One of our bachelorettes had to cancel last minute. Food poisoning.” She makes a face. “We need you to fill in.”
Your eyes widen. “What? No. Absolutely not.” You shake your head vehemently.
“Please Y/N,” Lucy begs. “We need you. The show must go on, for the children!”
“Get someone else,” you hiss. “I refuse to be leered at by old men with more money than sense.”
“Don’t be dramatic.” She gives you a stern look. “It’s unbecoming for someone your age.”
You bristle at the condescension. “I don’t care. Find another victim.”
You move to leave but Lucy grabs your arm, her eyes pleading. “Y/N, the money raised tonight will help provide life-saving surgeries for children in need. Don’t you want to help them?”
Damn. She’s good. You hesitate, cursing your bleeding heart.
Lucy presses on. “It’s just one silly little date. And you might meet someone nice!”
You highly doubt that. With a heavy sigh, you slump back into your chair.
“Fine. But you owe me. Big time.”
Lucy claps excitedly. “Thank you! I promise, you won’t regret this.”
Somehow you doubt that too.
You try unsuccessfully to calm the butterflies raging in your stomach as you wait for your turn on stage. What have you gotten yourself into?
Finally, the MC calls your name. “Our next eligible bachelorette works as a race engineer for Red Bull. But tonight, the only engine she’ll be working on is yours! Let’s give a warm welcome to Y/N Y/L/N!”
Plastering a fake smile on your face, you walk stiffly onto the stage. The lights blind you as the MC sings your praises, highlighting your “beauty, brains, and sass.” You resist the urge to roll your eyes.
As he finally wraps up, you scan the darkened audience nervously. A sea of unfamiliar faces look back at you, shadows obscuring their expressions. You shudder.
“Alright gentlemen, do I hear 5,000 euros to start?”
Immediately, a paunchy, ruddy-faced man in the third row thrusts up his paddle. Your stomach sinks.
"5,000 from the gentleman in row three! Do I hear 5,500?”
Another paddle shoots up from a bald man smirking lecherously at you. Your throat tightens.
"5,500! Can I get 6,000?”
The bids climb higher and you feel faint. These vultures want to buy you. Own you for a night. Your breaths come faster.
10,000 euros. 15,000. 20,000. Sweat drips down your neck as your heart hammers against your ribs.
Just as you’re about to flee the stage in tears, a smooth voice calls out, “One hundred thousand euros.”
A collective gasp sweeps the room. Your mouth falls open in shock. That’s an absurd amount, even for charity.
The MC gulps. “Erm … 100,000 euros from the gentleman in the back!” He peers into the darkness. “Sir, are you certain?”
That accent … could it be?
You crane your neck, squinting against the glare of the spotlight. A familiar mop of brown hair emerges from the shadows.
Charles. Freaking. Leclerc.
Your cheeks burn crimson. What game is he playing at?
The MC finds his voice again. “R-right then. Going once, going twice ...” He slams the gavel down. “Sold for 100,000 euros! Congratulations, Monsieur Leclerc.”
Charles saunters casually up to the stage, signature smirk in place. He takes your hand and presses a feather-light kiss to your knuckles.
“Bonsoir, ma cherie. I look forward to our date.” He winks roguishly.
You stare open-mouthed, brain short-circuiting. Charles Leclerc just bought you at a date auction.
Il Predestinato.
The golden boy of Scuderia Ferrari himself.
What. Just. Happened?
Backstage is chaos. Flashes pop as winners pose with their purchases, champagne flowing freely. You’re quickly shuttled into a cramped makeshift office and handed a stack of paperwork.
“These are your date waivers, dear,” the organizer says briskly. “Standard liability forms.”
You scan the dense legalese numbly. This can’t be real.
A figure plops into the seat beside you, sulking. It’s your friend Ava, Mercedes’ social media manager. She was auctioned right before you.
“Well, congratu-bloody-lations,” she gripes. “Aren’t you Little Miss Popular.”
You glance up distractedly from the waiver you’re signing. “Hmm?”
“Don’t play coy. Bagging the Prince of Monaco himself for your date!” She narrows her eyes. “Meanwhile, I’m stuck going for tea and crumpets with Lord Fartington the Third over here.”
She jerks her thumb at a white-haired man being attended to by a nurse, oxygen tank wheezing.
You wince sympathetically. “Oh Ava, I’m sorry...”
She waves a hand. “Don’t be. At least the old codger’s loaded. Clearly I don’t have your charm.”
You snort. “It’s not like I planned this.”
Ava arches a brow. “You expect me to believe you aren’t thrilled about a date with Leclerc?”
Your cheeks flame as you recall Charles’ roguish wink. “It’s for charity,” you mumble.
“Uh huh. Well, you’re welcome for the extra Instagram followers.”
You groan, burying your face in your hands. You hadn’t even considered the social media storm this would stir up.
Before you can spiral further, you’re pulled aside for a “date planning session.”
Charles is already there, looking completely unflappable. He greets you with a heart-stopping grin.
“Bonsoir, Y/N.”
You timidly return his smile. “Hi.”
A coordinator claps briskly. “Right! Let’s get your date scheduled.”
She turns expectantly to Charles. Your stomach flutters.
“I will pick Y/N up tomorrow at 7 pm sharp for dinner at my favorite restaurant in Monaco.” His eyes glint. “Wear something nice, chérie.”
He takes your hand, brushing a feather-light kiss to your knuckles. You shudder, face aflame.
“Until then, ma belle.” With a roguish wink, he turns and saunters off.
You stare after him, fingers pressed to the spot his lips touched. A date. With Charles Leclerc. Your brain short-circuits.
“Right, that’s settled then!” The coordinator chirps, oblivious to your inner turmoil. “We’ll have a car fetch you tomorrow evening. The press will want photos, of course.”
You distantly agree, mind still whirling. You survive the rest of the paperwork marathon in a daze.
By the time you escape the clutches of the organizers, you’re exhausted. Collapsing into an Uber, you text your roommate Cassie a SOS. Wine and girl talk, stat.
She’s waiting with open arms and your emergency rosé when you drag yourself in the door.
“Rough night, babe?” She asks sympathetically, handing you a generously filled glass.
You groan. “You don’t know the half of it.”
Her eyes widen as you recount the auction. By the end, she’s fanning herself dramatically.
“Shut up. Charles Leclerc really bid 100 thousand euros for you?”
You nod, chugging your wine.
“Holy shit.” She falls back against the couch. “You have a date with an F1 driver. Charles Leclerc. The Charles Leclerc.”
You chuck a throw pillow at her. “Don’t remind me.”
She sits up, affronted. “Are you kidding me? Do you know how many girls would kill to be in your shoes right now?”
You shrug half-heartedly. Honestly, you’re still processing.
Cassie narrows her eyes. “Wait. You do actually like Charles, right?”
“As a person, sure. He’s lovely.” You avoid her gaze. “But a date?”
She tilts her head. “So you’ve never thought about him … you know … in that way?”
You squirm under her scrutiny. “Maybe. Once or twice.” Or multiple times a day.
“I knew it!” She crows triumphantly.
You throw another pillow at her, cheeks flaming. “Okay, fine! He’s totally my type and yes, I’ve fantasized.” You bury your face in your hands. “But fantasizing and actually dating are totally different!”
Cassie rubs your shoulder consolingly. “So you’re freaking out because you actually like him.”
You nod miserably. “What if I make a fool of myself? What if there’s no connection in real life?” You look at her despairingly. “I don’t know if I can handle him rejecting me.”
She squeezes your hand. “Sweetie, from what you’ve told me about Charles, I doubt you have anything to worry about.”
You nibble your lip uncertainly. Cassie may have a point. But still.
“Even if he is interested, what happens after?” you whisper. “I’ll just be another conquest.”
Cassie tilts your chin up gently. “If Charles is foolish enough to let you go, then it’s his loss. But you’ll never know if you don’t try.”
You take a deep breath. She’s right. You can do this. It’s just one date.
You spend the rest of the night gossiping and polishing off the wine. Curled under the covers later, you toss and turn fretfully. What will tomorrow bring?
You replay the auction in your mind. Charles’ smooth voice calling out that astronomical bid. His signature smirk as he claimed you as his prize. The feather-light kiss pressed to your knuckles that still tingles hours later.
A date. With Charles Leclerc. Your pulse quickens once more.
What game is he playing at? There’s no shortage of women who would gladly go out with him. So why you?
You toss and turn, mind racing. Does he actually like you? Or was this all an impulsive stunt — a boast to tell his fellow drivers about later?
You groan into your pillow. This is why you never get involved with drivers. Underneath the glitz and glamour lies a tangled web of ego and politics.
Still … when Charles looked at you with those piercing eyes on stage, just for a moment, you let yourself believe he was seeing the real you. Not just another notch on his bedpost.
You huff, punching your pillow in frustration. You’re being ridiculous. This is Charles Leclerc. Motorsport’s resident heartthrob. You would be foolish to expect more from him than a fancy dinner and bragging rights.
Wouldn’t you?
Anxiety gnaws at your gut as the clock continues to tick. What if this is all some elaborate prank or publicity stunt? What if the date goes horribly wrong?
The silver lining is that at least you helped raise money for charity. Maybe the date itself won’t be so bad. Charles seemed pleasant enough backstage ...
Ugh. You force your eyes closed, begging for sleep to take you. What will tomorrow bring? With the morning light comes your date with Charles Leclerc … for better or worse.
The next evening, you’re a bundle of nerves as you frantically rush around getting ready. Cassie helped you pick out a stunning new dress and spent ages on your hair and makeup.
“You look hot, babe,” she proclaims. “Knock him dead!”
You pace anxiously, stomach fluttering. This morning you half expected Charles to cancel or send an assistant with excuses. But instead you got a text from him confirming your dinner reservation along with a winking emoji that made your cheeks flame.
It’s really happening. Your fantasy date with Charles Leclerc.
At precisely 7 pm, the doorbell rings. You nearly trip over yourself rushing to answer it. Swinging open the door, you find Charles waiting on the step, looking unfairly gorgeous in a tailored suit.
In his hands is a massive bouquet of peonies. Your favorite flower, though you’ve certainly never told him that. Your eyes widen.
Charles seems momentarily stunned as he takes in your dress and styled hair. He blinks several times before a slow, heart-stopping smile spreads across his face.
“Bonsoir, mon amour. You look absolutely ravishing.”
He presents the flowers with a flourish. “For you.”
You accept them, blushing fiercely. He even brought your favorite flowers? This has to be a dream.
“They’re beautiful, thank you. Let me just put them in water.” You rush to the kitchen, pulse racing. He called you his love. In French!
You take a steadying breath before rejoining Charles outside. He leads you toward a shiny black Ferrari parked at the curb.
“Sorry, I told the Amber Lounge to cancel the car they ordered for you. I wanted to drive myself so we could talk.” He holds open the passenger door for you.
You slide in, hyper-aware of his proximity in the intimate space. The car smells like his spicy cologne. You’re suddenly very thankful for Cassie’s strategic use of double-stick tape.
Charles pulls smoothly into traffic. His hand rests temptingly close to yours on the gearshift.
“You look very beautiful tonight,” he says, glancing your way. “I apologize for staring earlier. I was just … overwhelmed.”
You blush, tucking your hair behind your ear. “It’s okay. You look very handsome yourself.”
He smiles, visibly relaxing. Soon you’re chatting comfortably about work and hobbies. He asks thoughtful questions about your life and cracks jokes that have you laughing until your stomach hurts.
You’re so immersed in conversation, you don’t notice Charles parking until he opens your door, ever the gentleman. He guides you toward an elegant restaurant overlooking the glittering Monaco harbor.
The maître d’ greets Charles enthusiastically. “Monsieur Leclerc! Wonderful to see you again. Right this way to your usual table.”
You raise your eyebrows, impressed, as he leads you to a secluded candlelit table on the balcony. Charles pulls out your chair for you. Such a gentleman.
“You come here often?” You ask teasingly as he takes his own seat.
“Oui, it is my favorite restaurant in the country,” he admits. “The cuisine is magnifique, and the staff keeps things … discreet.”
Interesting. You wonder just how many dates Charles has brought here. For some reason, the thought makes your stomach twist uncomfortably.
You’re distracted as the waiter brings champagne. Charles turns to you.
“I took the liberty of ordering for us ahead of time, I hope you do not mind. I wanted to surprise you.” His eyes twinkle. “I think you will be pleased.”
You would normally bristle at men ordering for you. But the shy hopefulness in Charles’ eyes melts your reservations.
“That’s very thoughtful of you,” you say sincerely.
He beams. Soon, a parade of your favorite dishes arrives at the table — seared scallops, truffle gnocchi, crème brûlée. You gasp in delight and surprise.
“Charles, these are all my favorites! How did you know?” You narrow your eyes playfully. “Have you been stalking me?”
Charles laughs, rubbing his neck self-consciously. “No, no, nothing like that. I just … pay attention.”
You raise your eyebrows. “Uh huh. Are you sure you haven’t bugged the Red Bull kitchens?”
Charles winces. “You deserve the truth.” He takes a deep breath. “The fact is, I have, er, admired you for some time now.”
Your eyes widen. What is he saying?
Charles hurries on. “At first it was just a passing attraction. But the more I observed you, the more fascinated I became.” He looks up at you earnestly. “You are kind, funny, brilliant … unlike anyone I have ever met.”
Your pulse thunders in your ears. Charles Leclerc has noticed you — for longer than just last night. You’re reeling.
He fiddles with his napkin. “Over the years I have gradually learned your habits, your likes and dislikes. Little things, like your favorite flower, or food.” He ducks his head. “It allowed me to feel closer to you. Pathetic, I know.”
“It’s not pathetic at all,” you murmur. Your heart swells realizing just how long he’s cared. “It’s incredibly thoughtful.”
His answering smile is radiant. The rest of dinner passes enjoyably as you continue getting to know each other. Underneath Charles’ debonair charm, you find a sweet soul.
You linger over dessert, but eventually Charles pays the check. Back outside, the wind off the sea has picked up. You shiver lightly in your dress.
Charles immediately shrugs off his suit jacket and drapes it around your bare shoulders. The residual warmth from his body envelops you, along with his intoxicating scent.
“Can’t have you catching a cold, chérie.” His hands linger, squeezing your shoulders gently.
You clutch the jacket, suddenly shy. “Thank you, Charles. For everything. I had a wonderful time tonight.”
“The pleasure was all mine.” His eyes are dark, tender. “I have waited so long for this moment. You have made me the happiest man alive tonight.”
Your breath catches at his sincerity. Moving slowly, giving you time to pull away, he reaches up to tuck a windblown lock of hair behind your ear. His fingers trail lightly down your neck, raising goosebumps.
When his hand cups your jaw, you lean into the caress unthinkingly. Your lips part. Charles’ gaze drops to your mouth.
Heart in your throat, you sway closer. Is he finally going to kiss you? You’ve been thinking about it all night. His eyes flutter closed ...
A car horn blares loudly, shattering the moment. You spring apart, chest heaving. Charles clears his throat.
“I, er, suppose I should get you home.” He opens the passenger door for you, hand lingering briefly on the small of your back before he rounds the car.
The drive back passes in charged silence. Walking you to the door, Charles softly strokes your knuckles with his thumb.
“I cannot remember when I have had a more wonderful evening,” he says quietly. “I hope we can do this again soon?”
“I’d really like that.” Your cheeks hurt from smiling.
Charles presses a feather-light kiss to your hand. “Bonne nuit, ma belle.”
As he drives away, you press your hands to your burning cheeks. You just had the most perfect first date with Charles Leclerc. A pinch me, I must be dreaming date.
Hugging his suit jacket tighter, you lean against the closed door and sigh happily. Maybe, just maybe, your fantasy is on its way to coming true.
The week after your dream date drags by endlessly. You float through your days in a happy daze, replaying every moment in your mind. The suit jacket he gave you lives on the back of your chair, filling your room with his lingering scent.
Before you know it, you’re reunited at the next Grand Prix. You wait awkwardly outside the Ferrari garage, clutching Charles’ jacket. Your excuse is returning it, but really you’re just desperate to see him again.
Does he feel the same? Your stomach twists anxiously.
“Who are you waiting for, bella ragazza?”
You startle as Charles’ performance coach Andrea appears beside you, grinning knowingly.
“Oh, um, just returning this.” You hold up the jacket weakly.
Andrea winks. “Of course. I will let our boy know you are here.”
He heads into the garage and you fidget nervously with your hair. This morning it only took Cassie threatening bodily harm for you to change your outfit five times. You settled on a flattering sundress you know Charles will appreciate before you have to change into a team uniform come time for free practice.
Suddenly Charles comes barreling out of the garage like an overeager golden retriever. His face lights up when he spots you.
“Y/N! I was just coming to find you.”
Before you can react, he sweeps you into a tight hug. You melt against him, breathing in his warmth and familiar cologne. He’s really here, in your arms.
He pulls back just far enough to beam down at you, keeping his hands on your waist. “I missed you, chérie. The days apart were torture.”
You duck your head, smiling shyly. “I missed you too.”
You offer him the folded jacket. “I, um, thought you might want this back.”
Charles tsks, pushing it gently back toward you. “No no, you must keep it. Can’t have you catching cold until our next date, non?”
His eyes sparkle playfully. You hug the jacket to your chest, absurdly giddy at having an excuse to keep it longer.
“Charles! Fred is asking for you.” His race engineer calls out apologetically.
Charles sighs regretfully. “Duty calls. But I will see you later, yes?”
He lifts your hand to his mouth, lips grazing your knuckles feather-light. Your breath catches. Then, so quickly you almost miss it, he swoops in and presses a kiss to the corner of your mouth, sending lightning zipping across your skin. With a last lingering look, he jogs off.
You press your fingers to your tingling skin, smiling like a loon. Andrea winks knowingly as you float away on cloud nine.
Over the next few hours, you’re bombarded by smug comments and curious questions from fellow Red Bull crew. Apparently your “secret romance” with Charles is the paddock’s gossip of choice today.
You weather the teasing good-naturedly. After all, you’re daydreaming while remembering the sensation of Charles’ lips on your skin.
After FP2 ends, you’re startled from reviewing data by a knock on your office door. You open it to find a delivery man with a truly gigantic flower arrangement.
“Delivery for Y/N Y/L/N?” He consults his clipboard. “Says these are for you personally.”
You gape at the massive vase overflowing with huge, fragrant red peonies. There must be at least four dozen stems.
“Oh, um, that’s me, thanks.” You take the towering arrangement, stunned.
The delivery man chuckles knowingly. “Popular lady. Have a nice day now.”
Shutting the door, you bury your nose in the velvety petals, inhaling deeply. There’s only one person who could have sent these.
The card confirms it.
Thinking of you each and every second, C.
Red peonies are nearly impossible to find, yet Charles managed it.
It’s undeniably a public statement. Sending your favorite flowers in the color of his team for everyone to see. Staking his claim.
Normally such male posturing would irritate you. But from Charles, it feels different. Sweet. Affectionate, even.
You press your face into the blooms again, heart overflowing. Is this what it feels like to be falling for someone? You haven’t felt this giddy in years.
Somehow, you’ve captured the attention of the amazing, thoughtful, romantic Charles Leclerc. And you have a feeling this is only the beginning.
“Keep pushing Checo, just a few more laps to go,” you say into the radio as your driver, Sergio Perez, circles the track in final practice.
He’s been struggling with tire degradation all weekend. You’ve made setup tweaks and simulation runs, but there’s only so much data can tell you. The stopwatch never lies.
At least his pace looks improved this session. You watch closely as he enters the home straight again, sparring with the Ferrari of Charles Leclerc for position.
You try not to stare too obviously as the scarlet car glides by. The visor obscures Charles’ handsome features, but your heart still skips a beat.
Get it together, you scold yourself. You’re at work. Ogling drivers mid-session is unprofessional.
Even if said driver happens to be the charming, romantic F1 sensation you’ve somehow found yourself falling for ...
The session ends without incident. You breathe a sigh of relief reviewing Checo’s improved lap times. All things considered, not a bad recovery from yesterday’s struggles.
You pack up your station and make your way back to Red Bull hospitality to grab a late lunch before qualifying. Scrolling your phone, you can’t resist pulling up a photo from your dream date with Charles last week.
God he looks good in a suit. And that adoring smile ...
“No wonder your head’s been in the clouds lately.”
You jump, nearly dropping your phone. Checo appears beside you, leaning over your shoulder with a knowing grin.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you mutter, shoving your phone away.
“Oh come on, chica. I’ve seen the way you two stare at each other.” He nudges you playfully. “Like lovesick teenagers.”
You shove him back, rolling your eyes. “As if. Charles and I have barely even spoken.”
A bald-faced lie, but no need to feed the gossip mill further. Checo just studies you for a moment, smile turning knowing. “Ah, so it’s Charles now, is it? No more Leclerc?”
You feel your face heat. Have you been that obvious? “I don’t know what you mean.”
“Oh come on.” Checo bumps your shoulder playfully. “I saw the way you two were making eyes at each other all morning. Like a pair of lovestruck teenagers.”
You bury your face in your notes, mortified. Has your thing with Charles really been so noticeable?
Checo laughs. “Ah, do not be embarrassed, chica. I think it’s adorable. The race engineer and the driver, a paddock romance!”
You toss a balled up napkin at him in protest, which he dodges easily. “Stop it! There’s nothing going on.”
“Nothing, eh?” Checo’s eyes gleam impishly. “So all those flowers you got yesterday were just for fun? And I imagined you swooning over Leclerc in the garage?”
You flush even harder. Apparently you have not been as subtle as you thought.
Checo slings an arm around your shoulder. “Relax, hermanita. I am just teasing because I care.”
You lean into him, some of the tension easing.
“You know I just want you to be happy, right chica?” His expression grows serious. “Leclerc seems like a good guy. Just be careful with your heart.”
You nod, touched by his concern. “Of course. We’ve only been on two dates.” You hesitate. “But … I really like him. He’s so different than I expected.”
Checo smiles gently. “I am happy for you, truly. You deserve an amazing man.”
You grin. “Thanks, Checo.”
His smile turns impish again. “Just promise me one thing.”
You raise an eyebrow warily. “What?”
“No spilling Red Bull secrets to your new Ferrari boyfriend, eh?” He waggles his eyebrows. “I know he is muy guapo, but business is business!”
“Oh my god, stop! I would never.”
“Please. The heart eyes between you are obvious. Not that I blame you ...” He leans in conspiratorially. “Leclerc is quite the smooth talker, no?”
You lightly smack his shoulder, cheeks reddening. “Stop it. We’re just friends.”
“Mmhmm. Keep telling yourself that.”
He slings an arm around your shoulder. “Just remember your duties if you get distracted mooning over pretty Ferrari boys, yes?”
You make a face at him. “Gross. As if I’d shirk my responsibilities over some silly crush.”
Even if said crush is on Charles freaking Leclerc. You do have some professionalism.
Checo just grins knowingly as you reach the counter. He grabs a plate of food and you follow suit. Settling at a table together, he fixes you with a brotherly stare.
“In all seriousness though chica, be careful with your heart. I don’t want to see you get hurt.”
You soften. Underneath his joking exterior, Checo is very protective of you. He’s like the big brother you never had.
“I will, I promise. Charles has been very respectful so far. We’re taking things slow.”
“Good.” Checo pats your hand. “No one is allowed to break your heart and get away with it. Even the Prince of Monaco himself,” he adds with a wink.
You roll your eyes, but smile, leaning against his sturdy frame. “I’ll sic you on him if he steps out of line, don’t worry.”
Checo laughs. “Please do. I have always wanted an excuse to wipe that smug grin off Leclerc’s face.” His smile softens. “But truly, I hope he continues to make you happy, hermanita.”
“Thanks Checo.” You squeeze him tight, overcome with emotion. “Love you.”
“Love you too.” He ruffles your hair fondly, ignoring your cries of protest. “And if Leclerc breaks your heart, I’ll break his legs, eh?”
You laugh. “I’ll remind him of that.” You check the time. “We should head back soon.”
You both bus your plates. As you exit, Checo slings an arm around your shoulders again.
“You’ve got this chica. Just remember, the heart wants what it wants. Even if it seems loco to the rest of us.”
You lean into him gratefully. “Thanks Checo. Seriously.”
He grins down at you. “Anytime. Now let’s go smash qualifying!”
You shake your head, smiling to yourself as you return to your data analysis. As annoying as Checo’s teasing is, it’s also kind of sweet how much he cares.
You know if anyone steps out of line and hurts you, Checo will come after them in a heartbeat. But something tells you that you have nothing to worry about when it comes to Charles.
Still … you appreciate Checo looking out for you. With everyone in your corner, you feel like for once, things in your love life might actually go right.
Qualifying flies by in a blur of adrenaline and data analysis. In the end, Max takes pole for Red Bull, with Charles slotting into P2 for Ferrari and Checo P3. A good starting position for both your drivers.
You’re on a high as you leave the garage after the debrief that evening. The sky is dusky purple, the paddock slowly emptying out. You hum to yourself, thinking of celebrating with Cassie over FaceTime later.
Rounding a corner toward the Red Bull hotel, you’re suddenly grabbed from behind and yanked into a shadowy alleyway. Heart leaping into your throat, you open your mouth to scream-
“Shhh, it’s me!” A familiar voice hisses as a hand clamps over your mouth.
You whirl around to find Charles pressed against you, eyes glinting in the shadows. Adrenaline pounds through you.
“Jesus, you scared me half to death!” You smack his chest, pulse racing. “I thought I was being kidnapped.”
“I’m sorry, chérie.” Charles grins, utterly unrepentant. “I could not resist surprising you when I saw you walking by.”
“So you grabbed me and dragged me into a dark alley? Real romantic.” You try to look stern, but can’t quite manage it. He’s just too charming.
Charles’ smile turns sheepish. “My apologies. I did not think it through properly.” His thumb strokes over your bottom lip softly. “I suppose I was … overzealous. I could not stop thinking about you all day.”
Your breath catches at the tender look in his eyes. He sways closer, backing you up against the alley wall.
“Truthfully, I just needed to do this ...”
His lips descend on yours, firm and seeking. For one stunned moment you freeze up — before kissing him back ardently, lost in bliss. His hands thread through your hair, angling you closer as he deepens the kiss.
It’s perfect.
After endless moments, you reluctantly part, gasping for air. Charles rests his forehead against yours, eyes dark.
“I have wanted to do that since our first date,” he confesses, trailing feather-light kisses across your jaw.
You clutch his shoulders, dizzy with euphoria. “You have no idea how long I’ve thought about kissing you.”
He smiles against your skin, nipping your neck playfully. “Oh, I think I do, ma belle. Why do you think I bid on you at that auction?”
You still can’t believe your dream man wanted you just as much as you wanted him. It seems too good to be true.
Charles nuzzles your cheek tenderly. “I must be the luckiest man alive to have caught your attention.”
Heart overflowing, you draw him down into another dizzying kiss. Charles groans, crushing you closer. It feels like coming home, being in his arms. Like this is where you were always meant to be.
The distant sound of teams making their way out of the paddock finally breaks you apart. Charles caresses your face wistfully.
“I should let you get back. You need your rest before the race tomorrow and so do I.” He hesitates, looking shy. “Perhaps we could … get dinner afterwards? To celebrate?”
Your lips curve in a teasing smile. “Are you asking me on a second date, Mr. Leclerc?”
Pink stains his sharp cheekbones. “I suppose I am, Miss Y/L/N. If you would do me the honor?”
You tap your chin playfully. “Hmm. I suppose I could clear my schedule for you.”
His answering smile is radiant. On impulse, you grab his collar and pull him down into one last hungry kiss.
“Good luck tomorrow,” you whisper against his lips. “Not that you’ll need it. Don’t tell Max or Checo I said this, but you’re the most talented driver out there.”
Charles looks endearingly dazed as you gently extricate yourself from his arms. With a flirty wave, you sashay out of the alley on shaky legs, mind spinning.
Pausing at the end, you glance back to see Charles leaning against the wall, gazing after you with pure adoration. He presses two fingers to his grinning lips that still tingle from your kiss.
You blow him one last discreet kiss before continuing on your way. Wait until Cassie hears about this!
Race day dawns sunny and clear — perfect conditions. In the Red Bull garage, you help Checo run through final preparations, tweaking setup and chatting strategy.
“Alright, the car is dialed in and ready to fly,” you tell him confidently.
Checo grins. “Perfecto. We will beat your boyfriend today, no?” He winks.
You roll your eyes, fighting a blush. “He’s not my boyfriend.”
“Sure, chica.” Checo ruffles your hair before heading to the grid.
It’s a chaotic blur of adrenaline and split-second decisions as you guide Checo through the field. In the end, Max takes the win for Red Bull, with Charles clinching P2 for Ferrari and Checo rounding out the podium in P3.
You rush to congratulate the drivers after, giving Checo a warm hug. “Great drive out there! The tire management really made a difference.”
He smiles. “But not enough to beat our rivals today, eh?” His gaze slides behind you.
You turn to see Charles approaching, fresh from the podium. His race suit is unzipped to the waist, hair adorably mussed. Your mouth goes dry.
Checo smirks knowingly. “I will leave you two alone. See you at the debrief.” He saunters off with a wink.
Charles beams, pulling you into a quick hug. “Congratulations. Your strategy was brilliant today.”
You grin. “Thanks, you did amazing too.” Your face heats realizing people nearby are staring and whispering.
Charles doesn’t seem to care, keeping your hand tucked in his. “I will wait for you outside the motorhome? Then perhaps we could celebrate ...” His smile turns hopeful.
You squeeze his hand, heart skipping. “Can’t wait.”
The debrief drags by endlessly. Finally you escape the garage into the late afternoon sunlight. True to his word, Charles is waiting, freshly showered and devastatingly handsome in a button-down and slacks.
“Y/N!” In two long strides he’s sweeping you into his arms and kissing you ardently, uncaring of the crowd of mechanics around you.
Catcalls and whistles break out. You blush fiercely as Charles sets you down, lacing your fingers together.
“Get it Leclerc!” One of his mechanics yells, making lewd gestures. Charles just flips him off casually, keeping his eyes on you.
“Shall we?”
You nod, face still burning. As Charles leads you away, your Red Bull colleagues join the teasing.
“Don’t wait up tonight boys!” One calls, making kissy noises.
“She’s ditching us for the red guys now!”
“Just don’t go spilling all our secrets, Y/N!”
You hide your face against Charles’ shoulder. He chuckles, wrapping a protective arm around you.
“Pay them no mind, ma belle,” he murmurs against your hair. “They are just jealous I get to spend the evening with the most beautiful woman in the world.”
You sigh happily, cuddling closer as you leave the paddock. The teasing means well — it’s their way of saying they approve. And nothing can dampen your euphoria at being with Charles again.
At the parking lot, a shiny red Ferrari awaits. Charles opens the door for you with a gallant bow before rounding the car and sliding in.
“So, where are we going?” You ask excitedly as Charles peels out onto the road. “Or do I not get to know the secret location?”
He glances at you sidelong, eyes glinting mischievously. “You will see. Let’s just say I … pulled some strings to arrange the perfect second date for us.”
You pout playfully. “Not even a little hint?”
Charles pretends to zip his lips. “Non, it is a surprise, ma petite.” His hand finds yours, thumb grazing over your knuckles. “But I think you will appreciate the … atmosphere I have created.”
The promise in his voice sends delicious shivers down your spine. You pass the drive chatting comfortably, exchanging soft, smiling glances.
After half an hour, Charles pulls up to a beautiful chateau perched on a vineyard-spotted hillside. You gasp as he escorts you inside the charming stone lodge.
“Charles, this is amazing! How did you arrange this on such short notice?”
He smiles, pleased by your reaction. “I may have called in a favor from the owners, who are family friends. We have the whole place to ourselves tonight.” His eyes smolder.
You wander the chateau in a happy daze as Charles gives you a private tour. He’s thought of everything — flowers, candles, and even champagne chilling by the roaring fireplace.
Dinner is sumptuous, featuring all your favorite dishes paired expertly with rich wines from the vineyard. Charles is attentive as always, hanging on your every word.
Afterwards you cuddle together on the sofa, pleasantly tipsy, exchanging lazy kisses as you take in the spectacular starry view through the expansive windows.
Charles nuzzles into your neck, lips grazing your hammering pulse point. “Have I mentioned how ravishing you look tonight?”
You shiver pleasurably. “I could stand to hear it again.”
He smiles against your skin. “You, mon amour, are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.” His voice drops an octave. “And it is taking every ounce of my self control not to tear that dress off you this instant.”
Heat coils in your core at the unspoken promise in his words. Your fingers curl into his hair, guiding his lips back to yours. The kiss quickly grows heated, urgent.
With obvious effort, Charles forces himself to pull back, eyes blazing. “As much as I want you, we should take this slow. I want our first time to be special.” He strokes your cheek tenderly. “You deserve to be properly worshiped.”
Your heart swells at his care for you. You really hit the jackpot with this incredible man.
Cuddling against his chest, you look up at him adoringly. “You are … amazing"
Charles’ smile is soft, sincere. “I am only that way because you inspire me to be the best version of myself.” He kisses you sweetly. “I am the luckiest man in the world to have found you.”
You’ve never felt so cared for — so intensely adored. Here in Charles’ arms is exactly where you’re meant to be.
One Year Later
Strolling hand in hand with Charles along the Monaco harbor, you’ve never been happier. The sun glints off the water as he brushing featherlight kisses to your knuckles, making you giggle.
Charles lifts your hand to his mouth, pressing his lips to your palm as you walk. “What are you thinking about, ma belle?”
You smile up at him. “Just reminiscing about everything that’s happened since you swept me off my feet.”
His eyes soften. “The best year of my life. I fall more in love with you every day.”
Heart full, you tug him down into a sweet kiss. Charles hums happily against your lips.
“Well isn’t this cozy!” An approaching voice interrupts. You pull apart to see Lucy, the Amber Lounge organizer who convinced you to participate in the auction last year, beaming at you both.
“Lucy! Hi.” You accept her enthusiastic hug.
“Don’t you two make the cutest couple?” She winks conspiratorially. “I always knew there was a spark between you.”
You laugh, lacing your fingers through Charles’ once more. His answering smile is radiant.
“I’m so thrilled it worked out.” Lucy glances between you eagerly. “So, given it’s almost that time of year again … any chance you lovebirds would let us auction you off once more? Think of the publicity!”
You tense, old anxieties rising. But before you can respond, Charles’ grip on your hand tightens.
“Actually, I have a better idea.” His voice is lethally pleasant. “How about I simply drop off a cheque for an 100,000 euro donation, and you leave my girlfriend alone?”
A frisson of heat shoots through you at his possessive tone. Charles rubs his thumb over your knuckles soothingly, holding your gazes, before fixing Lucy with a warning look.
“We will of course still attend the gala to show support. But the auction is off limits. Understood?” His smile doesn’t reach his eyes.
Lucy gulps. “Y-Yes, of course. My apologies if I overstepped.” She nods at you both. “Have a lovely evening!”
With that she scurries back inside the Amber Lounge.
“Good day to you.” With that, he guides you away down the street, tension radiating from him.
You glance at him in concern once you’re out of earshot. “Are you okay?”
Charles drags a hand through his hair. “Yes, I just … the thought of them putting you on display again ...” He shudders.
Your heart melts realizing why he got so defensive. You halt, turning Charles gently to face you.
“That was very macho and possessive of you back there,” you murmur, walking your fingers up his chest.
Charles winces. “I’m sorry, I did not mean to be so overbearing-”
You silence him with a finger to his lips. “Let me finish. I said it was macho and possessive.” You lean up to purr in his ear. “And so. Freaking. Hot.”
Charles’ eyes widen. Grinning, you shove him back against the brick wall and kiss him fiercely. He grunts in surprise before responding in kind, nipping your bottom lip.
“If I had known getting possessive would get this reaction, I would have done it ages ago,” he gasps out between kisses.
You silenced his laughter with your mouth, desire burning through you. The raw protectiveness Charles showed took your breath away. You’ve never felt so safe, so cared for.
Finally you break apart and Charles pulls you firmly against his chest. “I love you,” he breathes against your hair. “More than I can ever express.”
“I love you too.” You can feel the beating of his heart beneath your ear. “Now take me home and show me just how much you missed me this morning.”
Charles’ eyes darken. With a roguish grin he sweeps you into his arms, making you shriek. Laughing joyfully, he carries you down the street toward your shared apartment.
If the rest of your life together is even half as magical as this past year with Charles, you’ll die a happy woman.
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syncopatedid · 3 months
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Thinking out loud about The Apothecary Diaries #19... and my observation on how many have expressed disdain about Jinshi's muted reaction in rushing to get treatment for Maomao's injury. How could he remain so calm when the one he cares about is unconscious and bleeding? Why was he not running out of the temple with Maomao in his arms, flailing and yelling for a physician? Why was he not more distressed about it? Anyone would have lost it upon seeing their loved ones hurt like that, would they not? And to that, I'd like to offer this for consideration: Jinshi isn't just anyone. He is the Crown Prince. And to add an extra layer of nuance, consider also that Jinshi, attending the purification ceremony as the Crown Prince, meant that all eyes were on him that day.
Even undercover as an eunuch, Jinshi takes great care in conducting himself with the propriety expected of his role, only ever letting his guard down with a select few whom he trusts enough to have his full immaturity on display. In all likelihood, Jinshi has been made aware of his status and the politics of the palace since he was young. It's not a stretch to assume that the allegiances and loyalties of people who serve the palace are constantly in flux. Everywhere we turn, we see politics at play; amongst the court officials, the Emperor's consorts, and even the handmaidens serving their respective mistresses.
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In earlier kerfuffles, when it came to protecting Maomao from being bullied by the handmaidens, Jinshi would approach it in a way that his actions would not be seen as favoritism towards Maomao. Jinshi also didn't cry when he was seeing Ah-Duo off, and would only allow himself to be vulnerable when he was alone with Maomao. In every situation where we see him acting in an official capacity, Jinshi is always conscious and careful about how he is being perceived. So it goes without saying that appearing as the crown prince that day, Jinshi knows his every action is being watched and scrutinized by the people around him. Any move that could be potentially perceived as "weakness" or "unbecoming" of a successor to the throne could start rumors that might reach the enemies of the state, who could use that intel to sow discord among the common people or persuade disgruntled officials to turn against the current regime. The fact that the crown prince's life has been targeted only serves to remind him that there are those actively plotting to destabilize the kingdom by causing massive panic and chaos. Jinshi knows the weight of his role and cannot act impulsively in any situation, even if it's about someone he deeply cares about.
When we consider the above, it would be understandable why he showed as much restraint as he did when it came to what had happened to him and to Maomao. He's used to putting the needs of the country above his own all his life. To step out of the temple maintaining the dignity of royalty after an assassination attempt has just been made on him sends a message of defiance to the ones who were most certainly watching somewhere. And while sullying his hands with the blood of a mere servant girl might send some tongues wagging, Jinshi's composure and quiet indignation would cement his position not only as a man befitting of his lineage but also as a man not to be underestimated. Just something to think about. p.s: As much as I think Jinshi is seething with rage, I kind of feel he would still hold back on the death sentence when it comes to meting out punishment to the guard who was only doing his job, let alone when it's about a servant's disobedience towards a ranked official... so maybe Jinshi could still spare his life and throw him to the gallows or something. That won't matter anyway, since Lakan will probably use his connections to see that he will not live long enough to serve out his full sentence RIP get wrecked!
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Making Arrangements Part One
Masterlist | Part Two
Pairing: Tommy Shelby x Reader
Rating: Explicit - 18+ Only. Any minors interacting will be blocked.
Length: 6.1K
Notes: It's a two-shot! Part two will have explicit content.
No beta, we die like Billy Kimber
Warnings: Arranged marriage; mentions of prostitution; canon-typical attitudes toward sex; slow burn; enemies to allies to lovers; Reader has a brother and an aunt; no physical descriptions of non-canon characters; Reader gets drunk
Summary: If you’d been involved with anyone, if there’d ever been a hint or a whisper of a beau recently, you might’ve been able to plead differently for your future. 
But you knew as well as your family that this was your best move, and with no great love waiting in the wings, there was nothing to be done but to marry the man. You secured your interests, the interests of your family. You gained a powerful ally—but you also gained powerful enemies. 
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“D’you think you could bother to give them a smile?” 
On the face of it, it seemed a fair question, but all things considered, it made you want to punch Thomas Michael Shelby squarely in the jaw. You didn’t, of course—that conduct would be unbecoming of a bride in front of her new family. 
You’d been getting knowing looks from the women all night—pursed lips from Ada and Polly, and a wide smile from Esme. It was almost wolf-like, the way she watched you—welcome to the pack. 
“I could,” You conceded, nodding, casting your gaze around the party. The revels had only just begun. It was early enough that nearly everyone was coherent, on their feet, but you knew that in just a couple of hours, the party would likely turn to shit. These people would be drunk, coked out of their minds, dancing, and flirting…Probably fucking. You had no doubt that you would be expected to do your wifely chore that evening. 
Maybe that was why a permanent frown had been fixed on your lips from the time you’d put on your wedding dress, as you’d walked down the aisle, all the way through the fucking I Dos. 
“You’re still frowning.” 
You didn’t bother to hide your eye roll before you turned your head fully to look at him. He didn’t give you the same courtesy. He watched the revelers with the same bored speculation as you’d given them just moments ago. 
“And this is what your fucking grin looks like?” You snipped. He raised his cigarette to his lips, drawing in a deep drag that sank his cheeks. He managed to cast you a knowing glance, his brow raising. 
“It’s the most that you’ll get of me tonight.” 
“And of me. Don’t ask me to stoop to something that you won’t bother with. I’m your wife now. At least pretend to respect me in front of them,” You insisted, nodding toward the others. It took him a moment, but Tommy nodded. 
“And behind closed doors?” He asked. 
“That’ll be none of their concern. And you’ll have to take it up with me later.” 
“I intend to.” 
You sat on the edge of the bed, and watched. All Tommy did was light up another damn cigarette. You weren’t sure if you married a man or a chimney. 
You could hardly believe that you had married the man at all. 
Your family had never been a big player in Birmingham, or Camden. You’d kept your head down, stayed out of the way, operated cleanly. When the Shelbys had come to you with a proposition, it hadn’t been for your minor operations in the UK—it had been for your connections in America. They were looking to expand, offered you a good deal, and a union between the two households. 
When it had first been brought to your attention, you’d thought that it was a pretty good idea. But when it came down the line that Thomas Shelby had specified an interest in marrying you, well—the thought had become less and less appealing. If you’d cared less for your family, or known less about the mounting tensions that they were facing overseas, you would’ve laughed the idea off. If you’d been involved with anyone, if there’d ever been a hint or a whisper of a beau recently, you might’ve been able to plead differently for your future. 
But you knew as well as your family that this was your best move, and with no great love waiting in the wings, there was nothing to be done but to marry the man. 
You secured your interests, the interests of your family. You gained a powerful ally—but you also gained powerful enemies. 
Tommy had spoken to you only once before your wedding day. The meeting had been brief, and he’d done all of the talking. He’d promised to protect you, sworn to never raise a hand against you. 
“You know as well as I do,” He’d insisted, “That this is the best way forward for our families. And I know,” He’d leaned in a touch, “That you want what’s best for your people.” He’d reached into his pocket and drawn out a small velvet box, setting it on the table before he stood, straightening his waistcoat. 
“You have until tomorrow night. I need an answer.” 
You’d sent him your reply—a single slip of paper sent with your brother Lewis that simply read: Yes 
“...It was a nice party,” You offered now, unable to stand the silence any longer. 
“You didn’t seem to particularly enjoy it.” 
“No one left with a bullet wound. In my family, we consider that a successful bash.” 
Tommy’s lips quirked just a touch as he nodded. 
“Our brothers seemed to get on,” You hedged, desperate to draw this out. You worried that once you stopped speaking, he may…Want to consummate the marriage. You weren’t sure how you felt about that. You’d heard rumors, whispers that Tommy was a good lover, but you weren’t sure that you were ready to find that out yourself. 
“They did,” Tommy nodded again. “Lewis and John already seem thick as thieves.” 
The two of you fell into quiet again, and it was a harrowing few moments before Tommy pushed himself off of the dresser. Your hands dropped instinctively to the bed, grasping at the sheets—but Tommy turned and went for the door. 
“G’night, then.” 
Your brow furrowed as you glanced around. Goodnight? But—
“Where will you sleep?” 
Tommy stopped in the open doorway, nodding behind himself. “I’ve a room down the hall.” He turned away, adding, “Shout if you need something.” 
You hesitated a few moments longer before you sprung up, darting forward and shoving the door closed before locking it. You drew in a deep breath, closing your eyes and letting your forehead rest against the dark, cool wood grain. 
He didn’t take. 
You had gone into the room expecting shoving hands and a quick coupling, but Tommy kept his distance. You weren’t sure if you were more relieved or insulted. You turned away from the door, leaning back against it and peering around your dim new living quarters. 
Relieved, you decided. 
Insulted, you decided. 
Tommy had the gall to lean in and peck your cheek when he’d come down to breakfast that morning. 
It took everything in you not to shove him away.
Polly made no comment on how wane you looked the next morning, nor did Ada or Esme cast you knowing grins or teases. They all watched Tommy, and the little slip of a shadow that you’d met last night—a birch-pale, dark-haired woman named Lizzie. 
You didn’t think that the news had made it back to your family—the fact that your husband had just spent his first night as a newly-married man with a prostitute-turned-secretary while you slept alone in an unfamiliar room wearing the lacy nightie that you’d bought specifically for your honeymoon. 
Esme and Ada excused themselves as quickly as they could, but Polly lingered, and offered,
“He’s a prickly sort, and these things take time. Men have their needs and urges.”
“...Right,” You pronounced crisply as you stirred some sugar into your tea, “And I’m a novice in a nunnery.” 
“You should’a seen the girls at the party last night,” Lewis groaned.
For all of your irritation during the last few days, you’d been happy, truly happy to see your family enjoying themselves. Carving out your space in the literary scene of London and running a few underground print shops wasn’t exactly a serene existence. You constantly had to move operations, vet workers, stop-up leaks in production cycles and deal with snitches. Your entire family was dedicated to the business, but your brother was the most determined of the lot. Lewis had become the man of the house at a young age, after your father had been hauled into prison for treason. 
So to see him let loose a little—well, more than a little, truth be told—was a heartening sight. 
“I don’t think I would’ve quite enjoyed them the way you did,” You raised a brow, smile widening as he ducked his head bashfully, “But I’m glad you had a good time.” 
“And you?”
The pointed question came from just behind you. You didn’t dare turn to look at your Aunt Pearl. She knew you far too well. You could hide your feelings and concerns well enough from Lew—you had plenty of practice. But Pearl had been a motherly figure, a guiding hand in what would’ve been an otherwise rudderless life. She learned to read you like an open book when you were young, and you had been powerless to change the way that she understood you, even as the seasons of your life had passed. 
You turned your head back toward her just a touch, biting the inside of your cheek as you waited for her to go on. It was a few moments of quiet before she urged: “Lewis, go get some air.” 
You drew a deep breath in through your nose, fighting to steady yourself, and giving Lewis an encouraging smile and nod before he stood, pushing away from the kitchen table and heading outside. You saw him tipping his head back toward you, trying to catch on the line of questions that Pearl was about to level—as if neither of you knew any better to wait until he was fully out of earshot. 
“Who’s Lizzie?” She finally asked. You weren’t sure how to answer at first. You scrubbed your hand over the back of your neck, making sure that you heard the door shutting behind Lewis. 
“It’s just…Growing pains,” You finally offered, gaze set stalwartly on the table. “Every couple has them.” 
“Where was he last night?” 
“How should I know?” “He’s your husband. You’re supposed to know.” 
You didn’t have a chance to argue before she strode closer, her hand resting on your shoulder. You didn’t flinch, or draw away. You were used to her hand on your shoulder, her nails digging into your skin. She didn’t dig her nails in just now—she merely rested and waited. 
“Growing pains,” You finally offered again as you looked straight ahead. It was as if Polly had her hand on your other shoulder, and was staring you down in warning. 
“Pains?” Pearl repeated. “Physical?” 
You don’t want to answer, but—
“Emotional,” You blurted. It was another moment of quiet before she hummed. You stopped yourself from turning to look at Pearl—to catch the no doubt heavy judgment in her dark eyes, and the twist of displeasure to her small mouth. 
“I see.” 
“It’s early,” You insisted. She hummed again, stepping around you to walk toward the window. It didn’t take much to glance over, to see where Lewis was playfully fighting with John and Finn. 
“Do they know?” Pearl asked. 
“About where he was?” You shook your head. “I’m sure his brothers do.” 
“And what?” You scoffed. “It’s no business of theirs. Our marriage is between myself and Thomas.” 
Pearl turned to face you with a crisp smoothness, her eyes narrowed as she cocked a hip.
“And that’s all you have to say about it?” She asked. You pursed your lips. You had plenty to say about it, but it would land on deaf ears. Any of Pearl’s meddling would spell trouble, and you weren’t about to sic the dogs less than twenty-four hours into wedded bliss. 
“Yes,” You nodded firmly. Pearl’s eyes narrowed further before she hummed, turning back toward the window. 
“...This is good for us, Pearl,” You reminded her. “The Shelby’s are strong, they know what they’re doing. I just have to hold up my end.” 
“And what end is that?” 
“That of a doting wife.” 
“And mother?” 
Doubtful. Thomas couldn’t even be bothered to touch you as it was. But it was early, you reminded yourself. Things could still change. Things would change. They had to. 
“Perhaps,” You leveled evenly. “Someday. Time will tell.” 
“Time,” Peal repeated, nodding as she rounded you. “Well, if we’re going on time, so far, you’re not managing it particularly well.” 
You slid down in your seat a little as Pearl finally left the dining room. Your interest in the day’s paper had been sapped; your tea had gone cold. You didn’t want anything to do with Thomas Shelby, or with his family, not anymore. If you were going to make it through at least one year of marriage, you needed to nip this in the bud. 
“I need to talk to you.” 
Tommy didn’t so much as glance at you, his gaze trained steadily on a horse. You waited a moment, shifting from foot to foot, but perhaps you shouldn’t have waited. You’d spent nearly two weeks waiting. Maybe he hadn't heard you? You stepped a little closer and raised a hand to touch him. You couldn’t bring yourself to make contact, and your hand curled in on itself just before it could brush his waistcoat. 
“Thomas?” You pressed. 
“I’m busy.” 
“When can we speak, then?” 
Certain that he meant it earnestly, you turned away and left.
But the evening came and went, and you found yourself sitting alone, stewing in front of your uneaten dinner and eyeing his empty plate. The house was too quiet, and your thoughts were far too loud. You needed to clear your buzzing head—you wanted a drink, and some fun. 
“You can’t let them push you around.”
The warning was spoken knowingly. You knew that she was right, but you couldn’t bring yourself to meet Esme’s eye. Her gaze was so heavy, so all-knowing—nothing like the bright, uninterested gaze that Thomas often offered you. But Esme was having none of it. She dipped her head into your field of vision and clapped her hand over yours where it rested on the table beside your drink. You shook her hand away lightly, reaching for your drink instead. Maybe coming to the office to nip out of the bottle Polly kept in her desk had been a bad idea. But you couldn’t bring yourself to just sit in that house and rot in your anger. 
“No one is pushing me anywhere,” You grumbled.
Esme let out a soft, cruel chuckle. 
“I know what it is,” She insisted, “To come into this family and feel on the outside, feel that you don’t have a voice. Becomin’ a Shelby doesn’t erase who you were before.” She reached out again, taking up your drink and drawing in a deep pull before you could argue. As annoyed as you were, you knew that she was right. You nodded slowly, topping the glass up when she set it back down. 
“...Should I not bother replacing Polly’s alcohol, then?” 
Esme’s smile grew as yours did, and the two descended into quiet giggles. 
“We need to talk.” 
It was steely when it left you this time. Despite that, Thomas still paid you no mind. In fact, he went out of his way to take his time drawing on his cigarette before fishing into his waistcoat. He pointedly drew out his pocket watch, flipping it open and eyeing the time. The tick tick tick of the second hand passed for several long moments before he flipped it shut again, lifting his gaze to the hustle and bustle of the office around him. 
“Later,” He offered. 
Later, always later. Weeks of later, of hearing Lizzie’s footsteps and the creaking across the floor as she left the house before you were up and about for the morning. Weeks of sitting alone in that empty house, putting on a brave face for Pearl and Lewis. Weeks of anger and shame eating through your gut. 
“Now,” You spat.
He turned his head toward you, brows ticking up. You could feel the pace of the others in the shop around you slow just a bit, and speeding up again as Thomas shot them a glance.
“Alright,” He murmured, resting his hand on your lower back. You let him steer you toward his office, resolute in your irritation. He opened the door for you, waving you inside and shutting the door behind the two of you. 
“What is so urgent that you pulled me away from my work?” 
“Your work of watching other people count your money?” You quipped in irritation. 
“...What is it that you want to discuss.” 
“You need to keep your whoring private.” 
Thomas’s brows jumped with intrigue, his chin tipping down toward you.
“I understand that we went into this with our eyes open and a mutual understanding that the actions that we were taking were for the good of our families, but to the rest of the world, we are husband and wife. I will not ask you to stop your carrying on, as I can't imagine that you’d abide by it if I did, but keep it private. I will not step out on you publicly, and I expect to be given that same respect.” 
Thomas blinked before he straightened, pushing away from the door and stubbing out his cigarette in an ashtray on the desk. He muttered something that you couldn’t hear, and you frowned. 
“Pardon me?” 
“Publicly,” He repeated firmly. “You said that you wouldn’t step out on me publicly.” 
“I did,” You nodded. 
“Do I get to know the lucky man’s name?”
Your face went hot with indignation. Was he trying to embarrass you? Whether he was or not, it was working. You folded your arms across your chest. 
“You’re missing my point.” 
“I take your point. You want me to treat you as my partner, and as my wife, you have that right.” 
“And will you?” 
“You can trust me to be discreet.” 
“I don’t trust you to do anything.” 
Thomas’ expression closed off, his eyes narrowing a touch, and your stomach twisted with nerves. 
“And might I ask why.” 
“What have you done to earn it? In our, what, two weeks of marriage, I have hardly seen you. You’ve made no point to acquaint me with your family or your business, and you’ve spent your nights down the hall with another woman. I’m not your wife, I’m a boarder.” 
Thomas considered for a moment before he gave a short nod. 
“I understand. I will make changes.” “Thomas—” 
“I will.” 
You pursed your lips together, pushing a sigh out through your nose before you gave a small nod of concession. 
“Anything else?” 
“...No.” And, just to seal the deal, “Thank you for your time. And for listening.” 
Thomas nodded, straightening up and opening the door for you. You strode toward it, and were nearly through before he rested a hand on your shoulder. You went still, turning your head toward him just a touch. Before you could get a good look at him, Thomas leaned in, brushing a kiss to your cheek. It was the most that he’d touched you since he’d kissed you the morning after your wedding. You thought that he may be making a show of affection for the office, but Thomas turned his head, brushing his lips against your ear.
“If I ever find out that another man has touched you,” He murmured, “I’ll take off the bastard’s hands and give them to you as an anniversary present.” 
You balked, shock wracking your chest as he placed a final kiss to your temple before he gave your ass a pat, spurring you into action and sending your scurrying back into the office, and out of his reach. 
“It’ll be nice for you to fix up the place and make it your own,” Polly commented. 
“She was always going to get around to it of course,” Pearl insisted. You didn’t dare look away from the row of dressers. The one that you had in your bedroom was fine, but it was a bit small. You’d ordered several new pieces of clothing on Tommy’s account—well, on your joint account. Giving the name Mrs. Shelby had incited stunned, wide eyes from the shop keeper’s assistant and prompted fawning and a healthy discount. 
Still, as much as you were trying to bring your families together, you realized belatedly that in this case, it was an awful idea. Polly and Pearl had taken every opportunity to take digs at one another, leveling backhanded compliments with smug smiles and drags of their respective cigarettes. The two of them were so painfully similar, and perhaps that was why they seemed to hate one another so much. 
“Of course,” Polly echoed placidly.
“I want this one,” You pointed to the one in front of you.
“I’ll find the assistant,” Polly offered, brushing past you. You sighed heavily, shaking your head. 
“Please pull it together,” You muttered.
“I’ve nothing to pull together,” Pearl pronounced.
“Please,” You bit out again. “I can’t make any of this work if you and the others don’t, either.” 
You heard a deep sigh, chased by the tapping of her cigarette ash beside you. 
“I will be myself.” 
“I don’t need you to be yourself, Pearl. I need you to be pleasant.” 
A little knot of tension unwound as Pearl chuckled. 
“Becoming a missus really has given you fangs.” 
“I’d rather not use them, if possible.” 
“I understand.” 
“Thank you.” 
“...Are you going to give Miss Sourpuss the same talking-to when she gets back?” 
“Lord above.” 
“You look like you’ve had a marvelous time.” 
Bringing Pearl and Polly to a somewhat peaceful place had been shock enough for that evening, but this took the absolute biscuit.
You might’ve yelped in fear at the sound of his voice if you hadn’t spotted the burning cigarette in the ashtray mere seconds before he spoke. As it was, you didn’t answer right away. You plastered yourself against the backdoor, your hands curled around your key and your purse. Thomas just arched a brow, expectant and silent. He wasn’t supposed to be there. You’d been told that he had business, and you had figured that once that had concluded, he would take care of other…Matters. You'd thought you’d have the house to yourself and have a nice cuppa before going to bed. 
You finally managed to push yourself forward, away from the door, your face hot with drink and embarrassment. 
“I didn’t think you’d be in,” You admitted. 
“You didn’t think I would be spending the evening in my own house?” 
“Esme told me there was a family meeting. She said that they can run late.” 
“You were misinformed.” 
You watched Thomas warily as he drifted closer, going tense as he stepped around behind you. You hardly dared breathe for a moment, then let it out as you felt him slide your coat from your shoulders. 
“Thank you,” You mumbled as he stepped away with it.
“Were you with Esme?” He asked, tossing your coat over the back of a chair. 
“Mhm,” You nodded, taking a few steps deeper into the kitchen. “And Ada, Polly…And Pearl.” 
“Where were you?” 
“Polly’s house.” 
You watched Tommy round the counter, taking up a clean glass and a bottle of whiskey. You nodded, stepping closer. “Please.” 
He poured a good amount before setting the glass on the table. You sat down, watching him do the same. The light in the kitchen was low, casting an orange glow about the room. You felt almost like you were being interrogated as Tommy tucked his cigarette between his lips for another drag. You took your drink up in turn, giving your hands something to do. Besides, finding your husband at home had harshly staunched your blissfully tipsy mood, and you were desperate to get it back. Tommy made no comment as you took a deep swig, and you fought away a wince at the taste and burned as you gulped it down greedily. 
“How was the meeting?” You asked.
“Fine…Would you like to know what it’s about?” 
“If you’d like to tell me.” 
You figured he would let it go there, but he gave a short nod, offering: “We’ve reached a trade agreement with your man in New York.” 
“I’m glad to hear it.” 
“Lewis can fill you in on the particulars later.” 
Your brows jumped. “Lewis was there?” 
“The business concerned him, I made sure he was in attendance.” 
“I’m sure he appreciated it.” 
He hummed, leaning back in his seat. You took another deep swig from your glass, but you couldn’t bring yourself to draw your gaze away from Tommy’s. He seemed so relaxed—though, maybe it was absurd to find a man relaxed simply because he had removed his suit jacket. Still, he looked irritatingly dashing in his waistcoat. 
“Tell me about yourself,” He ordered as you lowered your glass to the table. You cleared your throat, shaking your swimming head to try and clear that, too.
“Pardon me?” 
“Well,” Tommy plucked up the bottle again, topping your glass up. “As you have reminded me, you are my wife. I ought to know something about you.” 
“...Are you drunk?”
His lips quirked with a small smile. “No. But if you keep on like that, you will be.”
“I’ll be fine.” 
“If you say so.” 
“I do say so, thank you.”
“I have to be drunk to want to learn about my wife?”
My wife. It made you feel oddly warm as he said it…Though perhaps that was the whiskey. 
“We didn’t exactly have the most conventional courtship, or wedding,” You reminded him.  
“All the more reason for me to learn about you now.” 
“I don’t know where to start.” 
“How about with the things you like.” 
“I will tell you,” You nod slowly, “But only if you tell me about yourself in turn.” 
Thomas seemed to purse his lips before he sat up in his seat. He held his hand out, the gold of his wedding ring glinting in the light. 
“You have a deal.” 
You hesitated for a few moments, certain that he was putting you on. But when he didn’t draw it back, you raised your hand in turn, grasping his and giving it a shake. 
The first hint of light made you wince and turn away. Your mouth was obscenely dry; your head was pounding harshly. You groaned, rolling away from the window. Oh…You did not feel good. Your head felt like it was going to burst; your stomach rolled like you were taking a rocky transatlantic crossing. Oh, god…Were you going to be sick?
You peeked an eye open, then squeezed it shut again. Oh, no. You weren’t sure which was worse, having your eyes open or keeping them closed. You hesitantly opened both eyes, then groaned more loudly, tucking your head beneath your pillow. No. Having your eyes open was definitely worse. 
You heard a harsh thudding, as if a giant has managed to get into your room. What on earth—
The pillow lifted away, and you tipped your head up into the cool brush of fingertips against your forehead. 
“How’s our Sleeping Beauty?” 
You weren’t sure what flustered you more: the teasing tone of Tommy’s voice, or the way the word beauty sounded coming out of his mouth. 
“Right as rain,” You mumbled. “Or I will be, once you stop yelling.”
His chuckle brushed your forehead. 
“Pearl is on her way to look in on you. Apparently Esme is doing just as well as you are this morning.” 
“I don’t wish this on my worst enemy.” 
“Rest up.” 
“I wasn't planning on doing anything else.” 
“Good girl.” 
Before you could ask, or argue, or throw a hand out to slap him on the shoulder, he brushed a kiss to your forehead, then drew away fully. You listened to the retreat of his footsteps, a pause, the scraping of the curtains being drawn closed, and the gentle scruuuuuuh—thump of him shutting your bedroom door behind himself. You only dared look around after a few minutes, when you were certain he was gone. You rolled onto your back, sighing and trying to ignore the thud-thud-thud behind your eyes. 
You feel like hell, but last night was sort of…Nice. 
Drinking with the girls and breaking down some of the barriers before your families had been a success, but coming home to Thomas was…New. It wasn’t unpleasant, as you would’ve previously thought. You scrubbed your hand gently across your eyes, trying to recall your conversation. You had it in bits and pieces—his love of horses, his devotion to his family, his worries for Arthur and John. You wondered if he told you those things because you’d been spifflicated that he didn’t think you’d remember a damn thing. But you remembered. 
You remembered the almost kind way that he’d smiled at you a couple of times. You remembered the way he’d taken your hand and led you up the stairs, steadying you when you’d wobbled and taken uneasy steps. You remembered him turning his back as you’d gotten undressed, waiting for you to get into bed before bidding you a goodnight. 
A knocking on the door drew you up from your recollection, and you winced at the sound. 
“Yes?” You croaked. The door opened, and to your surprise, two heads poked through. 
“You’re in a state,” Polly chuckled before Pearl opened your door the rest of the way. The two entered your room, each eyeing the furnishings that were soon to be replaced. You pushed yourself up, wincing as your head spun. 
“Had a night, did you?” Pearl settled onto the bed beside you. 
“Could you lower your voice, please,” You grumbled. 
“Did you go right to bed when you came home?” 
“I meant to.” 
“But you didn’t?” Polly chimed in. 
“No.” You winced as you raised your voice just a touch. “I…I had a conversation with my husband.” 
Polly and Pearl cast one another curious glances, so unlike the cutting looks they’d leveled at one another just a couple of days ago. 
“It was fine,” You added. “It was…” Nice? Enlightening? Something you would be happy to have again? “Cordial.” 
“Was he drinking?” Polly plied.
“We both were.” 
Polly and Pearl each hissed, chased by sympathetic tuts.
“You should’ve quit while you were ahead,” Pearl admonished. 
“I certainly know that now.” 
Polly took another look at you before she patted Pearl’s shoulder, offering, “I’ll put the kettle on.” 
“You’re a saint,” Pearl smiled. You sagged back against the headboard, scrubbing a hand over your brow as Polly disappeared.
“Since when are the two of you so friendly?” You asked. Pearl shrugged. 
“We’ve come to an understanding…As you have with your husband, apparently.” 
“I think it may be a very different kind of understanding.” 
“D’you mind if I smoke?” 
“...I don’t mean to sound harsh, but if you smoke, Pearl, I will be sick.”
“Better out than in.” 
“Please, no.” 
It wasn’t every night—it wasn’t even most nights, but you began to spend time with Thomas. It started with him coming home just as you finished dinner, and progressed to Thomas making it home just in time for dinner. Conversation wasn’t always freely flowing, and a few of those first dinners were a little quiet, and awkward. But as you spent more and more time together, those silences became more and more rare, and when conversation wilted, the quiet was comfortable. 
You still slept apart, but for the life of you, you couldn’t remember the last time you’d heard Lizzie creeping out of the house as you awoke. Maybe she’d managed to work out which floorboards didn’t creak; maybe Thomas had stopped having her in the house…Or having her at all. 
You were certain that the second possibility was the most likely. It still wasn’t the ideal situation, but you appreciated it all the same. Not only had Thomas kept his promise and been discreet, but he was taking the pains to distance you from his romantic liaisons. It was…Almost sweet, all things considered. 
“...What are you reading?” 
You jolted at the question, sucking in a gasp and dropping the manuscript that had been in your hand. Thomas’ brows rose as he walked deeper into the sitting room. 
“You scared me,” You grumbled. “How long have you been here?” 
“A few minutes. I called out twice when I came in.” 
“Oh,” You frowned. “I’m sorry, I must not have heard you.” 
He walked deeper into the room, taking up the fallen manuscript and sitting on the green velvet settee beside you. You let your gaze linger, sweeping over him. His jacket had always been removed, though his waistcoat was still intact. His cool eyes swept over the page, brow furrowing a touch as he took in the content. His head began to turn toward you, and you hurriedly stood, rounding to the bar cart. 
“Would you like a drink?” You asked. 
You plucked up the bottle of whiskey, uncapping it and pouring a good amount. You rounded back to him, holding the glass out. He crossed his legs, resting the manuscript against it before he took the drink with one hand, patting the seat beside him with the other. You lowered yourself back down hesitantly, acutely aware of the way your thighs brushed. 
“What is this?” He asked, nodding toward the pages. 
“A book that was sent to us.” 
You smiled a little. Topside was how your family had always referred to the legitimate side of your publishing operations. You were certain that you and the others had said it around Tommy and his family before, but you were surprised he remembered. 
“Yes,” You nodded. 
“D’you like it?” 
“Ah…” You considered before you blew softly between your lips. “I’ve read worse.” 
“I’m not sure if that’s an indictment or praise.” 
You chuckled. “It’s got a good frame, but the writing is unpolished. Could be good, with a little bit of work.” 
“Will you work on it yourself?” 
“I may. Need something to do with my time.” It felt like the wrong thing to say as soon as you said it—but Thomas simply hummed, turning the page as he lifted his drink to his lips. 
“Redecorating hasn’t been enough of a challenge?” He asked after a moment. 
“Well it was, but I’m nearly through. The only room in the house that I haven’t touched is yours.”
“And why is that?” His eyes slid toward you, and the sudden shock of blue made your stomach flip. You shrugged a little, shaking your head. 
“I didn’t think you’d want me to.” 
Thomas nodded before he turned back to the pages. The two of you fell into silence, and you leaned in a little, reading over his shoulder.  
“...Dinner’ll be ready soon,” You told him after a few moments. He nodded, blowing smoke out of the side of his mouth, away from you. 
“What’re we having?” 
“Roast chicken.” 
“Potatoes and carrots.” 
“Of course. I’m not an animal.” 
Thomas huffed a soft laugh through his nose. He turned his head toward you a little, his lips brushing your temple. The touch made your eyes slide closed, your stomach fluttering at the sensation. You were so caught up that you nearly missed what he said next:
“We’re going to London tomorrow.” 
You frowned, glancing up toward him. “Why?” 
“I’ve a meeting.” 
“A meeting that involves me?” 
“I want you with me.” He turned his head a little more, nuzzling lightly against your hair. “Besides, it’ll be good for you to get out of the house for a bit.” 
“I get out enough.” 
“I think you could do with a bit more.” 
You hummed thoughtfully before you leaned away, patting his thigh lightly. 
“I’ll go check on the bird.” 
You only managed to get up and take a single step before Thomas caught hold of your hand. You glanced back as he raised it to his lips, brushing a tender kiss to your knuckles. The action was so small, yet so intimate that it made your breath catch in your throat. He gave your hand a squeeze before letting go of it, letting his arm drift up to rest on the settee. You turned away, hurrying toward the kitchen. 
Once you were alone, you braced your hands on the counter, drawing in a deep breath and pushing it out again. Your skin seemed to tingle where he kissed it, and you glanced down, as if you could see some discernible change. You shook your head, shaking your hand before you turned to the oven. 
Dinner, get dinner together. You could worry about Thomas’ touch and the trip to London later. 
Next Part
Tag list: @missredherring ; @fantasticcopeaglepasta ;  @paintballkid711 ; @massivecolorspygiant ; @blueeyesatnight ; @amneris21 ; @ew-erin ; @youngkenobilove ; @carbonated-beverage​​​ ; @lorecraft ; @moonlightburned ; @milf-trinity ; @millllenniawrites ; @chattychell ; @dihra-vesa; @videogamesandpoorlifechoices ; @missswriter ; @thembosapphicclown ; @brandyllyn ; @wildmoonflower ; @buckybarneshairpullingkink ; @mad-girl-without-a-box ; @winchestershiresauce
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hyperactively-me · 1 day
regency era!ghost x reader (part 5.5, the letter)
My Dearest Lady,
I pray that you will permit me to trespass upon your time and patience to convey the deepest sentiments of my being. As I sit here, quill in hand, I find myself overwhelmed by the enormity of my sins against you, and I scarcely know where to begin. 
It is with utmost shame and remorse that I recall my conduct towards you since our initial introduction. I have behaved with a rudeness and presumption that are wholly unbecoming of a gentleman, let alone a Duke. I shudder to think of the disdain and hurt I must have caused you with my unkind words and actions. I am acutely aware that my behavior has been unjustifiable, and I am filled with profound regret for every instance in which I have disrespected your dignity and disregarded your autonomy.
I have wrong you grievously, and the realization of my behavior now pierces me with a pain sharper than any sword. I was blind, wholly consumed by my own pride and misplaced sense of superiority. Again, my conduct has been nothing short of deplorable. 
I am unworthy of redemption, this I know. My actions have left indelible scars, and no mere words can ever hope to erase them. Yet, here I am, on my hands and knees, begging for a chance to atone for my sins. I am a man undone, crumbling under the weight of my own guilt.
I have been tormented by the memory of my cruelty and your undeserved suffering. My heart is a tempest, my soul a wasteland, lacking peace until I can make amends. I can no longer bear the weight of my guilt without seeking your forgiveness. 
Please, my lady, grant me the opportunity to atone for my transgressions. I beg of you, allow me the chance to right my wrongs. Allow me to demonstrate my remorse and my earnest desire to make things right. Your forgiveness would be a balm to my troubled heart and a chance to mend the rift I have so thoughtlessly created. I offer you my sincerest apologies as a flawed and fallible man, one who has come to realize the true value of your character and the depth of his own failings. 
If it takes a lifetime, I shall devote myself to proving my repentance, to showing you that I can be a better man, one worthy of the grace and dignity you so effortlessly embody. Your forgiveness is not something I deserve, but it is something I yearn for with every fiber of my being.
I am, and shall remain, your most humble and contrite servant,
Simon Riley, the Duke
part 5 < > part 6
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mysteryshoptls · 1 year
SSR Malleus Draconia - Masquerade Voice Lines
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When Summoned: The bell's beautiful sound resonates in my chest... I am delighted to have been invited to the City of Flowers.
Summon Line: For someone to invite me here by name... I must respond sincerely with all my heart.
Groooovy!!: Allow me to escort you tonight. You may rely on me to lead our dance.
Home: I'll follow their dress code.
Swap Looks: Attire fit for a ball, hm.
Home Idle 1: The gargoyles here at Noble Bell College are quite fascinating. I intend to thoroughly study them.
Home Idle 2: Felmier had nothing but high praise for my outfit. Perhaps it was due to his over-excitement, but I was unble to understand over half of what he was saying...
Home Idle 3: From time to time, Flamme would stare me down with a stern gaze. Have I conducted myself in a manner unbecoming of an invited guest...?
Home Idle - Login: This place is bright and lively, with flowers blooming in the streets... It is a sight that I've seldom experienced, yet, strangely enough, I cannot say it is unpleasant.
Home Idle - Groovy: I suspect the City of Flowers will look quite different at night. That glint in your eyes... Seems it has piqued your interest as well.
Home Tap 1: The embroidered golden roses on this black fabric is utterly stunning. Heh, perhaps whoever made this outfit shares the same aesthetic taste as myself.
Home Tap 2: I purchased some of the baked goods that the City of Flowers is well-known for. I thought to present them to Clover, as gratitude for the confections he had previously given me.
Home Tap 3: This is to be a social event, and yet... It seems the students from the other schools are keeping their distance. When I attempted to call out to one of them, they shrieked.
Home Tap 4: It is rather fascinating to be able to walk unfamiliar lands. No matter how much knowledge I may absorb from books, it does not compare to experiencing the real thing.
Home Tap 5: Did you find yet another amusing sight? It seems wherever I may go with you, there is never a dull moment to be found.
Home Tap - Groovy: You seem to have greatly improved your dancing ability. Shall I ask for you to join me for the next dance?
Duo: [MALLEUS]: Sebek, I trust you to have my back. [SEBEK]: I am honored beyond all measure, Malleus-sama!
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Requested by @kingren77.
534 notes · View notes
merakiui · 1 year
how would the housewardens react to walking in on you pleasuring yourself??
Riddle walks in, hardly spares you a glance for more than a second, before he's swiftly turning on his heel and slamming the door shut behind him. He immediately apologizes for intruding without knocking and his face is the brightest shade of red. He doesn't know what else to say, so he awkwardly leaves it at that. But you're all he can think about for the rest of the day.
Leona leans against the door frame so casually, his features alight with cocky pride. He won't say anything, merely admiring the pretty view, but when you notice him he'll smirk at you and tell you to keep going. Don't let him stop you. Unless you'd prefer if he helps you. :) if that's the case, he might as well show you how it's done. Since you let him use your lap as a pillow before, he supposes he can let you ride him. After all, the real thing is so much better than cheap silicone.
Azul opens the door, sees you, and promptly shuts it. He has to mentally reset himself after seeing a sight he has only witnessed in delusions and dreams. He can't look foolish. He has to be casual about this. He has to look suave. He opens the door again and there's the faintest hint of blush on his face and his voice is higher than it normally is, but he tries so hard to be smooth when he asks if you need a hand. Or two. Or three. He has ten at his disposal. Azul doesn't think you'll agree to this, let alone sign a contract, but he still tries because it can't hurt to do so when he's caught you in a vulnerable state. And depending on your answer, you might just surprise him.
Kalim thinks you look so cute when your face is twisted in pleasure, and he'll verbalize every praise that comes to his mind. You shouldn't be so embarrassed. There's nothing wrong with pleasuring yourself! And he wants to join you! Let him have some fun with you; he promises it'll feel good if it's with him. After all, it's so lonely doing things solo. Kalim is also the type to see what toys you use, if any, and will offer to buy you the best of the best. You shouldn't have to use cheap toys that are prone to breaking. Let him spoil you with the best, most high-quality products. <3 it's what you deserve!
Vil is pleasantly surprised. Of course he knew you were beautiful both inside and outside, but there's a certain level of intimate beauty in viewing you from the doorway while you're so wrapped up in ecstasy, oblivious to his arrival. As tempting as you look, it's unbecoming to leer and Vil is always one for mannerly conduct. He will shut the door and be on his way if you haven't noticed him, but if you do he will apologize for interrupting and offer to leave without another word. But if you ask him to stay, how can he possibly say no?
Idia never leaves his room, so he's probably watching you through the secret cameras scattered throughout Ramshackle Dorm. Or perhaps you're aware of their existence and want to give him a little show. :) in any case, it has Idia choking on his energy drink because this is a first. He's only ever observed you studying in the lounge or sleeping in your bed or playing games with your friends or marathoning movies. So this is a new sight and he definitely isn't complaining. He'll record the entire thing for his own enjoyment and for later reference when he needs new material to masturbate to.
Malleus often visits without warning, so it really shouldn't be so surprising to see him in the window. Although this is the first time he's happened upon you while you were busy with your own private affairs. Malleus doesn't find it embarrassing; rather, he thinks you look so very darling on your bed, practically glowing in the moonlight. There's nothing to fret over; nudity isn't something you should be so flustered by. After all, he thinks you look so perfect with and without clothes on. Malleus is so unintentionally smooth and genuine in his approach. He'll leave if you really wish it, but he has no problem staying to keep you company in more ways than one so long as you're okay with it.
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mwolf0epsilon · 3 months
In which Dogma babysits a cadet
Summary: There is a cadet onboard. Dogma finds him a little strange, especially with how much the little trainee keeps staring at him...
[I had a very big urge to write this for some reason... I might do more with it if I feel around to it, but for now have the littlest bite of a drabble]
There is a cadet onboard. The mere sight of him startles Dogma in a way that is honestly quite unbecoming of a fully trained soldier such as he. But, in all fairness, the newly promoted sargeant hadn't expected to see such a youthful face staring up at him with such interest, when he'd gone to the captain's office to deliver the logistics report. Commander Tano was already enough of a shock. And she was 15 standard.
Were he not before his superior officer, he might mirror the expression the cadet was regarding him with. Stare down at the cadet with just as much (if not more) curiosity as he sees cast back at him. Instead he keeps a professional stoic look, and wordlessly side-steps the oddity in the room.
"Inventory is all accounted for sir. We are ready for departure in the next 48 hours." He refrains from asking about the cadet. It's honestly none of his business, and he even makes sure not to stare any more than he already had on his way in. Instead handing the datapad to Rex with some modicum of pride for keeping his composure.
"I..." The captain falters. Then frowns as he stares at the flimsywork he's just been handed. And then he looks at Dogma with a raised eyebrow. "Didn't I assign Jesse to do the inventory work?"
"The lieutenant pulled me aside and requested that I take his place, sir." Quite literally too. He'd unexpectedly grabbed Dogma by the pauldron and practically dragged him to a side-hall to make the shift alteration, while he'd been on his way to the mess for late-meal. "I was told he had an urgent matter to attend to."
The cadet is watching them. Those huge inquisitive dark eyes seeming to focus more on Dogma than the much older clone. It's unnerving to some degree, but he doesn't put more thought into it than he has to.
If anything (and he's going back on his own words and giving this more consideration than he should), this might be a good learning experience for a trainee of his age.
Shadowing assessments were rare and far between back when he was still in this kih'vod's age group, but they were great for a more hands-on approach in terms of specialized tasks. Visual guidance for future conduct within a battalion was not the worst of any experimental module the Kaminoans could put them through.
It's just a little odd they'd send a cadet to shadow the 501st before they were set to depart towards their next campaign. Dogma's first campaign at that.
Turning his attention back to the captain, Dogma can't help the downward twitch of the corner of his mouth as he notes the displeasure on the more seasoned soldier's face.
"I'm sure he did..." The blond cast a quick annoyed glance towards his personal datapad, before shaking his head and looking back up at Dogma with an almost apologetic look. "Thank you, Dogma. Logistics is very important work, and I'm glad someone is putting in the effort. Just... Don't let Jesse hustle you like that next time... He has a tendency to push desk work onto Shinies who don't know any better."
At that, Dogma couldn't help but frown.
"That's rude..."
Startling, both Dogma and his superior officer turned towards the cadet. The trainee looked put-off, or perhaps even insulted, as he was currently pouting up at the two.
"Pardon?" The captain asked.
"Giving your chores to someone else just because you don't wanna do them... That's rude..." The cadet repeated himself, head slightly tilted as he regarded them with a look that reminded Dogma a lot of how Tup would sometimes look at him when he thought he wasn't getting the point of whatever conversation they might be disagreeing on.
"I... Yes, that's correct kih'vod." The captain nodded in agreement. Dogma had to agree as well. He didn't particularly like the idea of others or himself shirking work unnecessarily. After all, a battalion was a well greased machine that had to be well maintained by everyone. "Jesse calls it a less aggressive form of hazing... I call it his rare bouts of laziness..."
"....I don't like Jesse." The cadet decided with a huff, little arms crossed over his chest. "He sounds like a jerk."
"The lieutenant has a rather... Complicated personality." Dogma tried to interject, even if in all honesty he didn't particularly like how abrasive Jesse could be at times. Especially when he'd noted that this particular side of him only came out when he was around.
To his knowledge, he hadn't tried to trick Tup in the same way he had him. And Tup was just as new to the battalion as he was...
"Complicated my left sheb..." The cadet shockingly spat out, which caused both the sergeant and captain to splutter in surprise.
"Show some respect to a superior officer!" The clone with a chevron shaped tattoo barked in horror at the trainee's rudeness. What were they teaching cadets these days?!
"This one must be one of Alpha's newest sheb'ikas..." the captain murmured to himself before shaking his head. A weirdly fond smile on his face. "I... Dogma, I know you've already had something you weren't meant to do shoved onto you but... This kih'vod has been shadowing me all day since his... Arrival... Here... Onto this ship... Uh... Could you maybe take him to the mess? I have a meeting in less than 30 minutes and I still need to... Err... Figure some things out before we depart to Umbara."
"....Yes sir. I can do that sir." He had been going to the mess before. And the captain most definitely shouldn't miss a meeting just because he had a tiny shadow. One who was nowhere near ready for a tactical meeting with such higher ranking members of the GAR.
"Thank you... I uh, if anyone asks about the kid. Tell them I'll explain things later during the mission briefing." Rex smiled uneasily. Dogma doubted there would be much explaining.
"Yes sir." The sergeant nodded solemnly, swallowing down the bitterness that came with being unceremoniously relegated to tubie-sitting duty, and then turned to look at the cadet. "Come along..."
"Ok!" The cadet at the very least didn't argue with the arrangement, seeming almost a little too eager to leave the captain in favour of following Dogma around. He couldn't imagine why.
They walked quietly through the halls towards the mess. The sergeant occasionally having to make sure the cadet was following, as he seemed to be stopping to look at every little thing they came across. A stray mouse droid, a group of chatting troopers wandering off to do only stars knew what, even the lighting fixtures on the walls seemed to intrigue the trainee.
It's as if he'd never seen something as basic as a semi-automated facility. Which was a very absurd notion. Kamino might be one giant laboratory of a city, with long white halls and repetitive minimalist decor, but surely the architecture there wasn't so tediously monotone that an automatic door held all that much magic to behold...
The cadet was strange. Very strange. From that odd little spark in his eyes whenever he was looking at Dogma, down to the way he dressed...
He'd never seen a cadet in civvies before. The blue short-sleeved shirt and tan shorts were oddly exposing. The shoes looked at least somewhat durable, but those socks were brightly colored and most likely wouldn't survive much wear and tear.
There was also a non-standard weapon kept in a tiny holster. One that was so nonthreatening that no one had bothered to disarm him. An electro-slingshot wasn't worth the trouble of incurring a young Fett clone's temper tantrums.
"Be on your best behaviour." Dogma found himself warning as they neared their destination. "It wouldn't do you well to be disrespectful around natborn officers. Or any officers at all, come to think of it..."
"I'll be good." The cadet shrugged nonchalantly.
"Very well. I am sergeant Dogma. I'll be chaperoning you until the captain is free from his current duties." He offered, feeling that they might as well introduce themselves properly if they'd be spending some time together.
"It's very very nice to meet you Dogma!" The cadet smiled earnestly. So much so that it took him slightly aback. He'd never had someone greet him as warmly as this. Not unless they were Tup. "I'm Tulpa!"
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RECEIVED THE BEST MAIL OF MY LIFE I'M NOT EVEN KIDDING RUSHING TO READ NOW THANK YOU ANGEL (also it's Diwali here, a major festival in my culture, this is like the best gift ever)
Ahhhhhh, omg, happy Diwali! I hope that you feel surrounded by light and love! I know I do whenever you send me an ask. 🥹💙✨️
I am SO HAPPY that you are so excited, and I hope that the chapter lives up to your excitement! I am so grateful to you for supporting me through it! Your encouragement helped so much whenever I got stuck, dear friend. 🫂
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erisenyo · 9 months
now you’ve got me thinking about zhao and how yucky disgusting he is and we all love angst here… perhaps “did i do good?” with zhao and zuko (i refuse to say the ship name because 🤢) or maybe instead/in addition to, “you’re a weapon and weapons don’t weep”
For this prompt game! (And also this one!)
Content Warning: Zhao being a creep, implied underage, blood, implied threat of sexual coercion (no one gets hurt, it's just Zhao's POV, so.)
“Come now, Prince Zuko, it’s not like you to be so reticent.”
“Fuck you, you stupid worthless—”
“There it is,” Zhao sighs, enjoying the fury in the little demon’s voice, the nice contrast it makes to the impotent way he keeps twisting against the metal cuffs holding his hands behind his back and anchored to the wall.
“I knew you had an opinion somewhere in you, you always do,” Zhao smirks, delighted when the little brat actually hisses at him. “You researched is so extensively, after all,” he says, making his tone sympathetic even as he feels a rush of satisfaction at the way those gold eyes track him around the room, exactly as it should be. Zhao is the one to watch, Zhao is the power in the room.
And now Prince Zuko will know it. Will acknowledge it. Agni, the way the boy had been so dismissive of Zhao’s suggestion to share information, dismissing of him—
“All that time wallowing in backwater ports and begging for scraps of rotten parchment,” Zhao muses, shaking his head, “And where did it get you?” he lets a curl of the amused pleasure he feels enter his voice for the way it makes the little brat spit and jerk against his restrains again. “Captured trying to break into an allied Earth Kingdom noble’s house, bound like the common criminal you apparently are, and chained up awaiting my authority.
“So tell me, Zuko,” he says, letting his voice go hard, “What do you think now? Did I do good? Up to your standards?” he hisses, shoving the boy back against the wall and thrilling at the startled grunt it gets him, at how easy it is, at the way he can just keep his hand against the brat’s chest and press. “Did I do it the way you would have, Prince?”
“Don’t touch me,” the brat snaps, jerking once, uselessly, chin up and somehow managing to look down his nose like he isn’t panting for breath under Zhao’s spread hand. “You’re a coward, is what you are,” he spits. Clearly the worst insult he can come up with, Zhao thinks, amused. “A lazy, worthless coward who’s done nothing to deserve—”
“Tsk tsk,” Zhao interrupts, fire thrilling at the indignation on the boy’s face at the interruption. “This conduct is quite unbecoming a prince, don’t you think? I would have thought your dear uncle would have educated you better than that,” he chides for the pleasure of watching the brat’s expression screw up in outrage. Always so expressive. It always makes Zhao want to see what other faces he can drag out of him. “Or at the very least your father.” Oh, that was a good one, and the way Zhao can feel the boy’s chest hitch— “You should know by now that a true leader delegates,” he says, greedily watching the brat’s face as he adds, delicate, “Though some lessons…”
“You—you—fuck you, don’t—you don’t dare talk about the Fire Lord that way,” the brat snarls, nearly spitting sparks as he struggles with renewed vigor, shoulders moving as he twists against the cuffs behind his back, straining back against Zhao’s hand with such lovely, useless fury. “My father—”
“Yes, what would your father say?” Zhao interrupts, sliding his hand up the brat’s chest, excitement pulsing in his fire at the way the boy cuts himself off. “When I return with information on not just the Avatar, but the weakness of the Northern Water Tribe?” The information on the Avatar being next to worthless, of course, which makes it all the more delicious how desperately the little demon chases after it.
“Do you think he’ll offer his thanks and admiration?” Zhao murmurs, letting his fingers gentle as they drift up the boy’s neck, feeling the rapid beat of his pule.
“Will he think I’m worthy?” Zhao runs his thumb over the lower ridge of the scar, fascinated to see it so close. Agni, the ridges and dips of it, the force that must have been used, the way the boy just knelt there and took it—
“Will he tell me I’ve earned great honor?” Zhao smirks, tone pitched low, enjoying the naked hate in the boy’s eyes, enjoying the impotence of it, the thrill of having something so wild and dangerous trapped, forced into submission by him.
“I’m willing to share, you know,” Zhao murmurs, leaning in, excitement twisting in his gut at the way he can hear the boy breathing fast and tight. “For a price, of course, you know how these things work” he adds, inhaling deep like he can smell the fear, closing his eyes to savor it. “I know your ship’s budget is small—” he traces the edge of the scar, fire itching to gather in his hand. “—but I’m sure we could come to some sort of arrange—”
Zhao cries out as pain suddenly explodes through his nose, reeling back and tripping over the chair he’d set up to in front of the prince in case he wanted to take his time, blinking in disorientation and realizing that the brat headbutted him.
“You little shit,” Zhao spits, taking in the blood trickling down the boy’s face as he glares back, the brat breathing hard and triumphant and clearly not understanding his current position. “You are going to regret that,” Zhao promises, wiping blood off his face. His nose fucking broken, and Zhao was willing to show mercy, but now—
“Prince,” Zuko snaps, enough growling command in the tone that Zhao pulls up short before he can catch himself, rage sparking in his chest at the satisfaction on Zuko’s face as he catches the motion. Zhao snarls back, hauling himself to his feet only to pull up short again at the sudden clank of metal on metal, one heavy cuff hitting the floor as fire blooms in the boy’s suddenly free hand.
“That’s Crown Prince little shit, to you,” Zuko snarls, Zhao scrambling the rest of the way to his feet and calling his own fire, knowing that fire to fire he far outclasses the brat.
Except the sneaking little demon has no honor, not even the pride and decency of the lowest of firebenders as the chain comes out swinging instead, the brat fighting more like a feral creature than anything human, let alone anything that claims to be royal, as he throws himself at Zhao with the single-minded intensity and disregard his own self of the truly insane and Zhao should have never sent his men from the room, should have known the little fuck would be more trouble than he was—
Zhao goes down, flat on his back, the kind of fall firebenders are trained never to take. And Zhao has plenty of training, and in any decent fight he’d have more than enough time to swing back to his feet even with the breath knocked out of him by the fall and the brat’s ridiculous kick—
But this isn’t a decent fight, it’s a common brawl. And the little demon slams into him with enough force to slam Zhao’s head back down against the metal decking.
“Don’t worry, Captain,” the little demon pants, crouched on Zhao’s chest and grinning like some savage, blood on his teeth and dripping down onto Zhao’s face. “I’ll make sure to tell everyone exactly how good you did,” he promises, his chain-wrapped fist swinging down the last thing Zhao sees.
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