#Claude mermaid
ryuichirou · 8 months
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i have lost control of my life
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koroart · 5 months
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Someday I’ll beeeeee, part of your wooorrrllddd ✨
Heh heh, this is the piece I made for the Mini Holiday DmCl Exchange for hannahbbug3 👌🏼✨
The prompt was mermaid au so !! I did what I could and even took this as a good opportunity to test out a new brush!
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superdogbiter · 1 year
Say in the tags if any of these deaths gave you nightmares as a kid
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yinyangyandere · 15 days
💔 Gone, But Not Forgotten ll Disney Villain HCs💔
Synopsis; 'How Scar, Frollo, Jafar, Hades, Hook, and Ursula would react to their s/o losing someone close to them'
ll Caution: Discussions of death, somewhat of a vent
A.N.; Man, first post on this blog and it's something sad. What a way to start this whole thing. In any case, I wanted to make a small "vent-imagine" as my own grandmother passed away today. I won't get into too much detail, but I find solace in thinking about my favorite characters helping me during all of this. Sorry if anything's OOC; I'm not the best at writing, and even if these are just headcanons, I still apologize if there's some mischaracterization I accidentally did. But, I hope you enjoy. Have a great day!
ll SCAR ll
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Admittedly, he’d be rather standoffish about the subject at first. He’ll still be there beside you as you grieve, but he’s more at a loss of words than anything.
Scar disliked his father, so he didn’t feel too much grief when King Ahadi died protecting the Pride Lands. If anything, he felt more resentment towards him since, with his dying breath, Ahadi had given the title of king towards Mufasa.
However, even if they were distant at times, his affinity towards his mother, Queen Uru, was more apparent. They were more close together, and while he’d never actually say it out loud, her eventual death of old age tore through him. So, in that aspect, he does somewhat understand your pain.
He’ll be more quiet as you process everything, but he’d still offer some words of understanding to you.
If you cry in the attention of others, he won’t do close PDA; he’ll wrap his tail around you and sit close to you though. But if you two are alone, he’ll wrap a paw around you and gently bring you over to do the lion version of a hug.
If you’re okay with it, Scar will give you several licks and allow you to weep in his mane. Even if he may dislike the prospect of dirtying his special source of pride, he’ll allow it for you alone.
“Life is often unfair, but we must keep pushing on. If not for your sake, then let it be for their’s.”
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ll FROLLO ll
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Out of all the villains, Frollo probably handles what you're going through the best.
Thanks to it being around the 1400s, people passing away were definitely more common, so he was used to any grief you display and assure you that it's alright to cry.
Due to his job of being a figurehead of the Church, he is accustomed to death in general and, while he doesn't officiate the funerals of every single citizen of Notre Dame, he'll gladly do your loved ones.
In fact, he'd probably find a way to be the priest for the funeral even if you were hesitant. Frollo is both persuasive and assertive at once.
It would be a standard, if not slightly more sophisticated, Catholic funeral. Knowing him it would be a burial rather than something like cremation. Otherwise he would probably say some shit like "And send them down to brimstone and fire?! No, they shall be buried and that's final."
Of course, his stony expression doesn't waver before and after the funeral. Though, deep down, he's worried for you. He knows that, after losing someone close to you, you are capable of spiraling down into depression and…the chance of losing you.
He’ll be clingy for a little while, subtle enough for you to not catch attention but enough to make others raise a slight eyebrow.
“My Lord, please watch over my love, for they are currently weak and vulnerable. Allow me to protect them no matter the cost.”
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ll JAFAR ll
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Jafar’s much like Frollo in how he approaches the situation. On the inside, while he’s truthfully more grateful about the prospect of your attention being more on him in the future, he’s still concerned for your well-being and does wish to help you in any way he can.
He may be a bit overprotective of others coming near you during all of this. God forbid someone, peasant or otherwise, makes fun of you for any reason. It doesn’t matter if they taunt you over you weeping or anything else, he will have their head. Not even to aid him in any magic or sacrifices he tries to do. He’d probably just feed their body to pigs or something.
In normal circumstances, Jafar adores teasing you. However, he’s sensible enough to know not to do so with the problem at hand. While he misses the comebacks you would snap back at him, Jafar would rather not potentially hurt your feelings. He’ll be glad to wait until you feel better.
Remember what I said before about him being grateful for the possibility of your attention being focused more on him from now on? If he notices you’re upset after a while, he decides to shove his pride a bit to make you happy. He asks if, when he’s able to become Sultan, you would be alright with the idea of him actually resurrecting your loved one.
If you say yes, he’ll actually be honest about it. After the Genie grants him his first two wishes, especially the sorcerer one, it will be done post-haste for your sake. If Genie tries to dissuade him from it, Jafar’ll make “the blueberry-pasted moron” zip his trap.
Whether you say yes or no, you’ll ask him how he could do that. After all, despite still being able to do some sorcery, subjects like necromancy are still foreign to him. In response, he’ll grin and say back to you:
“For you, I would remake the world to suit your vision with no qualms. For you, dearest flower; I would do anything for you.”
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ll HADES ll
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When you tell him the news, crying all the while, Hades would look confused at you for a second.
“Uh, doll? You know who you’re talking to, right?” Oh.
If you ask him if that’s even allowed or not, Hades would laugh and give you a wide smile. Like he cares about “rules” or what not. It’s his Underworld to reign over, not anyone else’s.
He’ll fish out their soul and allows you to see them. It’s a heartfelt reunion, and as both of you cry in happiness, Hades would be standing off to the side like 🧍. 
If both of you agree to it, he’ll also allow your loved one to come back to life as well. If they were old when they died, he’ll make them younger and healthier as a bonus.
He can’t stand mushy-stuff, but he refuses to see you in sadness or in pain. A tad bit of jealousy aside, Hades knows this will make you fall further in love with him. As if you weren’t already head-over-heels for the smug bastard before…
“C’mon, babe. No need to thank me. Go have fun or whatever; just don’t tell Zeus. Guy’s a killjoy!”
/// ✨ ///
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Not going to lie, if you tell him about the situation and start crying, he would join in with you. He may be a pirate but he’s not completely heartless.
While you grieve, Hook would be there for you every step of the way. And if he’s there for you, so is the rest of the crew. You’d be pampered and spoiled, anything to show he’s here to help whenever you ask for it.
He’d probably be the type to try and get your mind off of it. Looking out at sunsets, going through collected treasure, sharing stories (especially ones that he knows you would laugh at), that sort of thing. 
Even if he’s in front of his crew, Hook will give you the best comforting hugs. If you’re feeling sad, just resting your head on his shoulder with his soft, fluffy hair would be enough to soothe you.
When you two are alone, he’ll quietly sing gentle songs to you, far different from the usual sea shanty he’d parade about. If you begin to cry, he’ll wipe away the tears falling down your face (of course making sure his hook doesn’t cut you) and urge you closer to him.
Definitely the sweetest out of all the villains.
“Look up at the stars, love. See how many there are? Know that, one of them, is your loved one. They’ll always be there to guide you on the darkest nights, even if you are alone.”
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ll URSULA ll
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As you go through the stages of grief, like with all of the villains listed here, Ursula would do her best to stay by your side and help when need be.
She’d be very touchy with you, offering hugs, kisses, hand-holding, all the works. She knows all too well the feeling of being alone in the world, and Ursula is determined to make sure you don’t feel like you’re going through all of this alone.
I hope you’re okay with her embraces being a bit “slimy” feeling; though, if you’re dating her, I’d say you’d be used to it by now.
Thanks to her deal-making skills, she always knows just what to say in this situation. Except, while she was often dishonest with the deals she made, she’s 100% genuine here. 
All-in-all, definitely second-best when it comes to being the sweetest to you in this time of your life.
Not related to Ursula herself, but Flotsam and Jetsam would be all-over you. You know how dogs can sometimes tell when their owner is feeling sad, and they comfort you by just laying their head on you? That’s them. Despite Ursula sometimes being overwhelmed by the two’s shenanigans, deep down, she’s thankful that they help cheer you up.
“Oh, angelfish, there, there. You were good to them, and I’m sure that they’ll always watch over you from now on. Just like me.”
/// ✨ ///
Thanks for reading! 💛
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charmilyharmily · 29 days
An assortment of things for the RoSS au
We’ve got some redesigns for everyone in the party. Long pants and heavy clothes aren’t exactly suited to a tropical region. The only with basically no changes in Bonnie, they’re already perfect! (Sif gets two cause at the start he has long hair but cuts and dyes it right before meeting the party) (and yes, Isa is wearing crocs)
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A size chart for all the our mer peeps.
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And some silly lil doodles of our favorite lesbians and baldile (aka what happens when I struggle with art.)
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cosmiconix · 4 months
I've got another question for you. Since we know that Dr Facilier was an Asian Swamp Eel for Mermay last year, and it will probably be revealed later on in the year when the time comes, but what would the others be if they were mermaids/mermen?
OOOH! THIS, is a VERY good question!!! Thank you Ghost!!! 😆
It took me a little bit to choose, but I finally came up with what I believe would be the best & most suitable marine animals for the group in my au! 😄
Btw, I had to add Doc cause he's fun to draw as a merman. ☺️
I went with the following animals for the following people...
Shan Yu: Bull Shark
Hades: Giant Squid
Claude Frollo: White Beaked Dolphin
Syndrome: Dorado Fish, a.k.a Mahi Mahi, a.k.a Dolphin Fish
Onix: She's a secret hybrid, I made her this way since she's an experiment.
Twinkie: Same as Onix, she's a hybrid.
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I had a lot of fun making this, I thank you again for such a fun question Ghost, I truly appreciate it!!! 😆 ✨
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atomicpixies · 7 months
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A lovely lily mermaid living in Monet's pond in Giverny.
This enamel pin can be found among our special edition pins. Originally created for our enamel pin club, this limited edition pin is now available to the public while supplies last!
This is a 1.5" soft enamel pin with two backing posts to keep it secure.
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kickasscentral · 22 days
Frollo: alright, where are the gays?
Jafar: over here
Frollo: no no, the really cartoony gays
Hook, King Candy and Ursula: YOOO HOOOO!! ;p
Frollo: there they are
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diaryofasugarfiend · 2 months
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If these are supposed to be votive candles, they missed an opportunity by not including Facilier and especially Frollo.
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squeaky-potat · 1 year
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DimiClaude Mermaid AU🪸
Working head-cannon for this piece:
Dimitri was a sailor who couldn’t resist Claude’s siren song. Very few men of the sea could endure, however when Dimitri succumbed, Claude didn’t have the urge to drown him like he did the others. He was fascinated by him and vice versa. A friendship bloomed and eventually blossomed into a romance that broke though social norms. Some called Dimitri crazy and lost for falling for a sirens call, but others called him lucky and fortunate as he had the heart of a living merperson and that was one of the rarest and greatest treasures of all.
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bhryn-art · 1 day
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Have a sketch/doodle from my sketchbook! F!Byleth Mermaid. I will either redraw this in CSP or find my markers and ruin it XD - complete with Claude's earring and her GD Bracelet (because I'm #Claudeleth trash)
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superdogbiter · 1 year
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kill-a13 · 2 years
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More commissions! 💗
Bust: 35 usd
HalfBody: 45 usd
Fullbody: 55 usd
+50% extra character
You can contact me by private message on this Tumblr account or from my email: [email protected] 💗
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thecrazywriter · 1 year
Disney Villain Headcanons (modern au):
Jafar spends a lot of his evenings reading, probably history
Maleficent is a complete bird mom
Like Jafar, Frollo reads a lot too, except he reads theology
Frollo like cats. Don't debate me on this
Cruella and Ursula are dramatic besties
Screw it. They all read (except Gaston). HOT PEOPLE READ THIS IS NON DEBATABLE
In case you haven't noticed, Mother Gothel is the only female disney villain with curly hair (that we know of) so she goes through curly hair struggles too
Queen Grimhilde is a vegan fitness nut
Since Snow White is set in Germany, I feel like Grimhilde would really like snowy weather
Grimhilde is a selfie magent
Speaking of snow, Jafar and Iago hate the cold. Absolutely despite it. When it's cold they bundle up and all the other villains give them a hard time about it
Maleficent likes pets in general
Junk food is Ursula's fav, and Grim always gives her a hard time
Facilier and Hook are softies. They just need a hug
Grimhilde is a selfie magent
This is all I can think of right now, I'll probably make a part 2 in the future. Bye for now!
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sfigatino · 1 year
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I made these for @applebearly’s Giovani Wannabe that I had the incredible honor of co-writing! It’s an adorable story with Felinette, road trip adventures, and Claude (my beloved), so go give it a read! <33
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