#Benjamin x noah
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Countdown to The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel Season 5
S02E06: Let’s Face the Music and Dance
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the-golden-comet · 2 months
🌈✨Hello, lovelies~✨🌈
I’m The Golden Comet, or goldencomet69 as some of you may know me as. 💫
If you’ve followed me before, and wondering why I’m at this account now, you can check out the PSA blog @goldencometpsa .
I am a positive-posting, LGBTQIA+ friendly, 18+ blog , queer writing GOBLIN with many different hobbies and special interests. These include, but not limited to…
🌈✨Writing LGBTQIA+ Romantasy Novels✨🌈
I have an Archive Of Our Own account, where all of my novels will be published for free. However, I am also a self published author on Amazon Kindle eBooks, if you wish to support me further (no pressure, though!)
Peter Hart— Available on Amazon Kindle eBooks and Archive Of Our Own
✨🎨Digital Art🎨✨
I love to illustrate for my novels. You’ve probably seen my works before, but I’ll post a few examples here:
Peter and Benjamin, the dynamic duo protagonists of my novel Peter Hart:
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The College-Life Graduate students Ali and Noah from my WIP Your Wish is My Command:
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And, from my fanfiction The Wingman on AO3, Ganon and Link from The Legend of Zelda:
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I also draw NSFW, but I keep those pictures strictly to my 🌶️ Twitter (X) Account 🌶️
🎶 Composition🎶
I write music, especially for my novels. I have a soundtrack for Peter Hart available on AO3. However, I’ll share two compositions here:
“Into the Ashes”
“Hart’s Lament”
I’ve always been a “Jack of All Trades” type, and I love sharing my creativity and culture with the world and making our lives a little more bright ✨
🎮 Video Games🎮
Yes, I am a gamer. My current obsessions are Legend of Zelda (BOTW/TOTK), Stardew Valley, Spyro the Dragon, Sly Cooper, and Genshin Impact.
I also know about a variety of other video games from my husband, including but not limited to: Dark Souls, Bloodborne, Elden Ring, Ghosts of Tsushima, Remnant (I and II), Armored Core 6, EDF, Helldivers (I and II), and all the ones I mentioned previously as well 💍 ✨
📖 Philosophy📖
My philosophy is as such: It doesn’t take a whole lot of effort to be kind. That means, you may see me positive-posting a lot. The world needs a little more light, and a lot more motivated minds✨
If you are ever troubled, want a friend to chat with, share ideas and stories, and are 18 or older, my ask box and DMs are always open. Just know it may take a little longer to get back to you due to the aforementioned things I’m doing. 🫠
Oh, my kingdom for a cup of joe ☕️
If you made it this far, thank you for reading! Feel free to reblog, share my profile, art and stories….as long as you give me credit for them 💫
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geralts-yenn · 1 year
Mikey (Hellraiser) x reader (female reader, no race, body type or physical features mentioned)
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summary: your babysitter job took some turns that you couldn't have foreseen...
warnings: smut: fingering, oral (f receiving), protected p-i-v sex. Mikey being Mikey...
word count: 4,3k
A/N: Okay, I wrote this today without a pause most of the afternoon and evening and I decided to post it before I get anxious once again over it. So there will be probably errors.
Mike and any other characters mentioned are not mine and we are far away from canon (Mikey is not dead apparently!) but this is fiction and this the way these characters live in my head...
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You went through the bulletin board at your college and finally you found something that appeared to be a good deal. With your plans to go on a road trip with your friends, you were looking for a job to earn some extra money. 
Family with four kids is looking for babysitter
Seeking a part-time babysitter for four active children, ages 2, 4, 5 and 6. Help will be needed occasionally on Friday or Saturday nights. Applicant will be required to warm pre-prepared dinner for the children and put them to bed by 7:30. Position is in a smoke-free home with a large dog. 
You called the number given on the notice and a friendly voice answered you. The woman invited you over to get to know you and see if you connect with the kids. Half an hour later you found yourself in a nice rural neighborhood looking at an old but well-kept house with a large garden.
After ringing the doorbell, you could hear a dog barking and the voices of some kids. A minute later, a woman opened the door, a cute little girl on her hip and her hand on the collar of a huge German Shepherd. She blew a streak of hair from her face and smiled at you. “Hi, you must be Y/N.  Please, come in.” She took a step back to let you enter. Three little boys came running into the hallway and looked up to you. “Mum, she is beautiful!” You and the woman both laughed at the cute remark.
“These are Caleb, Travis and Noah.” She put her hand on their little heads one after another. “And this here is little Daisy.” She nodded at the toddler in her arm. The girl smiled at you and waved with her cute little fingers.
The woman led you into the living room, where you talked and played with the kids.
Hearing the noise of a key and the door opening, the boys left you alone with the Lego bricks in your hand. They ran to the door, shouting, “Daddy!” A moment later a huge guy entered the room, two of the boys each in one arm, the third one hanging on his back.
You held your breath for a second, taking in how attractive the man was. He grinned sheepishly at you when his wife introduced you: “This is my husband Benjamin, but everyone just calls him Sy.” You nodded at him and then gave his wife a small smile, she was one lucky lady for sure.
After another 30 minutes talking with you, they agreed to give you the job and asked you to come over for the first time on Friday night. 
It was five o’clock on Friday evening when you were back at the Syverson’s door. Sy opened it for you and led you to the living room where all the kids were running around with their dog Aika. When they saw you, they wrapped their little arms around you and shouted your name. It seemed they already liked you. You dropped to the floor laughing and continued to play with the kids.
Ten minutes later, Sy and his wife came back and your mouth fell open when you saw them both dressed up for their first date in two years. They looked stunning. Sy wore a navy blue button down shirt with his sleeves rolled up and some tight black jeans. His wife chose a jean skirt, a white blouse and tall boots. Smiling, you noticed how both of them couldn’t keep their hands from each other. With a wink, you sent them off, wishing them a fun night.
Though it wasn’t a lie in the job offer that the kids were active, you had a lot of fun with them. You were playing hide and seek and after dinner you put them into their pajamas, built a blanket fort and read your favorite fairy tale to them. When it was bedtime, Daisy was already asleep in your arms and the boys were too tired to argue with you.
After you had them in their beds, you went into the kitchen to do the dishes. Exactly as you were finished and you put the dish towel away, a loud knock on the kitchen window startled you. You turned and saw a figure moving away from the window.
Your heart was racing in your chest and you had to take a deep breath in an attempt to calm yourself down. Okay, this was probably just a friend or a neighbor of the Syversons, you scolded yourself. You opened the kitchen door that led to the garden and took a step onto the patio. 
The moment that you found the light switch, a gush of cold water hit you directly in your face. You heard a loud laughter that died at the moment that the porch light went on and your attacker realized he hit someone that he didn’t expect. 
“Shit, sweetcheeks, who are you? … Fuck, I didn’t want to make you wet … Aaargh, where’s uncle Sy?” You blinked through your wet lashes and looked into the cutest face you had ever seen. Two deep blue eyes stared at you under a bunch of chocolate curls, cheeks flushed red from embarrassment. In his hand, he still held the bucket. You couldn’t help but laugh at how ridiculous this whole situation was. 
“Hi, I’m Y/N! I’m watching Sy’s kids tonight.” You held out your hand. The guy looked at you shocked for another minute before he started to smirk, realizing that you weren’t angry. And to your surprise, he dropped the bucket and wrapped his arms around you in a tight embrace. Although you were dripping wet.
When he let go of you, you looked down on yourself and the guy before you. You both were wearing white t-shirts. But while he had just two wet spots where your breasts were pressed flush to his chest, your shirt was totally drenched and therefore completely transparent.
The guy’s eyes followed yours and rested a good moment on your lacy bra that was shining through the wet fabric. When he noticed he was staring, he hastily took off his black leather jacket. “Oh, shit, here, sorry,” he stammered and handed it to you.
You thanked him and put on the jacket. It was cozy and warm and when you inhaled you took in the musky scent that it radiated. 
“I’m Mike, by the way! And I wanted to hit Sy, of course.” You chuckled. “Of course!” you repeated mockingly. Mike shrugged, the corners of his mouth curled to a cute grin. You both sat down on the wooden floorboards of the deck. Fortunately, it was a mild summer night, so the condition of your clothes didn’t bother you much. 
“Sy’s my uncle. And, well, all the guys in our family have this thing going on where we are trying to prank each other,” Mike explained to you. You wondered if all the guys in their family were as attractive as the two members you already met. If they were, you’d pay money to see them throwing buckets full of water at each other.
Your giggles encouraged Mike to go on: “Sy was the last one to land a strike. He put Kool-Aid powder into our shower head. I guess he wanted to go after Walter, my dad. But I was up early, and so it was me who got showered in red cherry water.” Damn, Mike really did his best to give you some filthy thoughts. You wouldn’t have minded taking a lick on his cherry coating.
“I bet you have never been any more tasty,” you teased him and he bumped his shoulder into yours in response. 
“I guess family meetings with you guys are fun. What else did you all do to each other?” Mike leaned back on his arms and closed his eyes for a moment, thinking. You watched him and realized that you were totally smitten with him already. 
“Once dad got hold of my cousin Charles’ phone. Charlie is kind of a womanizer, but after Walter switched all the names of the women in his contacts, he had a few weeks when he wasn’t very lucky at getting on dates.” You laughed while taking a mental note to be careful if you ever got to meet Charles.
“Another really good one was when uncle Leon stole the police badge of my dad and replaced it with a fake one, stating ‘most grumpy detective in town’. Which is very funny because it’s true. He only noticed it after four days and damn was he pissed.” Mike chuckled at the memory of his fuming father. 
“But the best one ever was when Charles organized some retro gay porn magazines and exchanged every face in there with a photograph of uncle August.” You both laughed. “It’s so funny, You have to know, August sports some ridiculous mustache which made it quite fitting. I sneaked one of the magazines, I need to show you sometime.”
You couldn’t hold back a grin as you answered him: “I can’t wait to look at some gay porn magazines with you.” But in fact the thought of spending more time with Mike was really pleasant.
Mike and you were talking with each other for another few minutes when you heard a voice over the babyphone in the kitchen “Mom?” You stood up. “Sorry, I need to look after the kids.” While you went up the stairs you mentally kicked yourself in your ass. What if Mike thought this was a signal to leave. You should have told him to wait. Because you really wanted to spend more time with him. 
Little Noah asked for something to drink but sank almost immediately back to sleep after you handed him a bottle of water. When you went back into the kitchen you saw that Mike was sitting at the breakfast bar. You smiled at him. 
“You are still here!” you remarked the obvious. Mike turned to look at you. “Do you want me to go?” You stepped between his legs and shook your head. Mike put his hands on your hips. “Good! But I wouldn’t have left without my jacket anyway.” A flush rose up your neck. “Oh” was the only thing that left your mouth in response. Mike pulled you nearer to him and brushed with his knuckles over your cheek.
The rustle of keys at the front door made you take a step back and Mike dropped his hand. You felt like a teenager that was caught by their parents. Sy entered the kitchen, raising his eyebrows in surprise when he saw Mike. “What the hell are you doin’ here, kid?” he asked.
Mike gave him a short explanation of the events of the night that made Sy frown while at the same time a smirk tugged at the corners of his mouth. He told you that you could leave now that they were home again and both you and Mike made your ways to the door. 
You were already out of the front yard when Sy opened the door once more and called Mike to come back. Mike turned and ran up the stairs when Sy opened the door further and threw a bucket full of water at his nephew. All of you started to laugh. Mike looked down on himself, shaking his head. “Should have seen that one coming.”
Throwing your backpack over your shoulder you turned to Mikey who was standing behind you. “So,... I need to go that way” You pointed along the road. “You’re walking?” Mike asked with a raised eyebrow. You nodded. “No, no, sweetcheeks. I won’t let you walk alone in the dark. I’ll drive you home, okay?”
Mike didn’t wait for you to answer but took your hand and pulled you along the sidewalk. He unlocked his car and led you to the passenger door. You were surprised when he opened the door for you, you wouldn’t have taken him for a gentleman. 
You let yourself fall into the seat and fumbled with the safety belt that somehow refused to be pulled down. Mike sat into the driver’s seat and shook his head. “Yeah, that stupid belt is not working properly. Wait, let me try.”
And with that he leaned over you, his chest pressed against yours, his face brushing over your neck. Goosebumps traveled up your arms at the  touch of his still wet clothes and curls. He pulled on the strap and finally managed to make it move. “Got it!” he shouted but when he tugged on it he hit you on your thigh. You let out a loud “Ouch!” 
“Fuck, sorry!” Mike rubbed his palm over the spot where he accidentally hit you. “God, sweetcheeks, I’m so sorry, I’m an idiot.” You put your hand on his, stopping his hectical rubs.
“Mike, it’s okay.” You cupped his neck with your other hand and pulled his face to yours. 
Finally your lips crushed against his. Your kiss was gentle, almost careful at the beginning but as you both realized how much you both wanted this to happen it got heated and passionate quickly. You pushed Mike back into his seat and threw your leg over him to straddle him. Mike’s hands found their way under the hem of your still damp shirt.
The feeling of his warm hands on your cold skin made you lose all control and you nibbled and sucked on his bottom lip, breathing soft moans into his mouth. Your fingers combed through his dark curls. Mike’s tongue brushed against your lips and you opened them for him. He tasted like mint and honey.
Eagerly he pressed himself against you, pushing your back against the steering wheel. And, as if the whole evening wasn’t awkward enough, you got onto the horn and a loud honk ran through the quiet neighborhood.
Startled, you both pulled back, panting. In the next moment a light was switched on at Sy’s house and he opened the window. “God, Mikey, fuck off before you wake up the kids! I want to spend some quality time with my wife. Could you guys make out at your own home like normal people?”
Mike chuckled. “Better use some protection, uncle! There are already too many little Syversons running around!” Sy flipped him off with a grin before he shut the window again.
You had taken your place on the passenger seat again, feeling the heat rise in your ears. Mike started the engine and asked you for your address. 
“Uh, actually, I don’t really want to go home already,” you admitted. Surprised, Mike turned his head at you. “Do you want to come home with me?” he asked.
You nibbled on your lip. You weren’t usually someone who went home with a guy on the first date. And, actually Mike and you weren’t even on a date. But, damn, that guy really made you lose all sense of reason. “If you want me to…” you answered him. Mike looked one more time over to you, a wide smile plastered over his face. 
He was talking without pause throughout the whole ride, which you thought was fucking adorable. Finally he pulled into the driveway of a small wooden house. “Here we are. Looks like dad is still working so we have the house for ourselves.”
Mike got out of the car quickly and opened the door for you. He took your hands and pulled you into his arms. “I’m happy that I couldn't prank Sy tonight.” he said and pressed a kiss on your nose. Then his hands grabbed your thighs and in the next moment you felt him carry you over to the door. You squeaked in surprise.
“Let me down, Mike!” you said, laughing. “Not happening, princess.” He managed to open the door with you holding onto his neck. You wriggled in his arms but his grip on your legs just got tighter. “Would you stop that, babycakes? This is really distracting!” You gave him a cheeky grin.
Finally you made it to his room and Mike put you carefully down on his bed. “I need to get rid of these wet clothes. Do you want to change into something else, too?” he asked, already tugging on the hem of his shirt. You got up and helped him pull his shirt over his head. You ran your hand over his chest.
“I don’t think I need clothes right now. And you don’t, either.” You had no idea where these words came from. Mikey gulped and fiddled at your shirt nervously. Slowly you helped each other out of your clothes. When you both were standing in front of each other in your underwear, Mikey started to kiss you and slowly walked you back to the bed. You both let yourself fall onto the mattress and lay on your sides. You hooked your leg around his thigh.
After what felt like an eternity of kissing each other and hands, lips and tongues roaming over each other's body, Mike’s hands found their way to the back of your bra. He brushed his fingers up and down over the soft lace, searching for the clasp to open it.
You chuckled and pressed his shoulder onto the mattress. When he lay on his back you straddled him and pointed to the small hook between your breasts. “Here, Mikey!” He raised an eyebrow. “Why do girls' clothes always need to be so complicated?” You both snickered.
Mike tried his luck on the front closure of your bra and was successful after all. You brushed the straps from your shoulder and Mike took in the sight of your bare breasts with wide eyes. He licked over his lips and then he arched his back and dived right into your soft flesh. He rubbed and kissed and licked every inch of skin until he finally stopped teasing you and swirled his tongue over your hard nipples.
You moaned at the sensation when he let go again and the air cooled the sensitive skin of your buds. His hands kneaded both your breasts and Mike sank his head once more between them, spilling kisses all over. He lifted his head to look at you and grinned “Is it too soon to say that I love your boobies?” You just shook your head at the cute dork and he resumed his ministrations on your nipples.
You felt the tension that built in your core and rolled your hip to get some release. The thin fabrics of your underwear couldn’t hide neither the hard bulge that pressed against you, nor the wetness that gathered between your legs.
Mike’s hands roamed over your sides, down your hips and under the elastic of your panties. When he couldn’t find a comfortable position to dive his fingers deeper between your legs, he groaned frustratedly.
His hands came back onto your waist and he lifted you off of his lap and pressed your back onto the mattress. Kneeling beside you, his lips got back to their favorite spot on your breasts while his hand finally slipped into your panties and his fingers carefully parted your folds. 
“Hell, you are dripping, sweetcheeks! this is awesome.” Faster as you could process Mikey rolled the last piece of your clothes down your legs. He pressed your legs apart and settled between them. Carefully he lifted your leg and pressed kisses on your ankle. Slowly he travelled up your leg with little nips and kisses. Unbearingly long he spent his time on the sensible skin of the back of your knee. 
You took in a sharp breath when he moved further up, his mouth sucking on your inner thigh while his soft curls brushed over your folds. He pulled back and his gaze fell between your legs. You tried to put your knees together, but he stopped you. “Don’t hide! You are gorgeous like that. I guess you taste delicious.”
And then his mouth pressed against your core. His wide tongue lapped through your folds ánd circled your clit. You couldn't help but jerk your hips up. Mike pressed a hand on your abdomen to keep you from moving. You felt the warmth of his mouth all over your pussy, licking around your entrance, sucking on your clit. 
When you thought the sensations you felt couldn’t be any stronger he pushed a finger into you. “Fuck! Mike!” you gasped and you could feel his lips forming into a grin on your folds. He added a second finger and slowly pumped in and out of you. He curled them up and when he heard your breath getting faster and felt your muscles cramp around his digits he knew he had found what he was searching for.
He increased his pace and rolled your clit between his lips, knowing perfectly well that he pulled you over the edge with it. Slowly you came down from your high and Mike lazily lapped a few more times through your folds before he crawled back up to you.
“Good?” he asked you with a sheepish grin. “You’re fishing for compliments! You know exactly that it was fantastic.” His grin just got wider after your response. You pulled him down to another deep kiss. Mike rolled onto you and you felt his hard cock press against your middle. You both groaned at the sensation. But to your surprise Mike said: “We can stop anytime, you know? No pressure.”  
Could this guy be any cuter? You shook your head. “I’m not finished with you yet, Mike.” You lifted your hips up to press it against him. “I want to feel you inside of me.” He let out a growl and closed his eyes, inhaling deeply. Then he pressed a kiss onto your forehead and got up. He went over to his dresser and rummaged through the drawers. 
You wondered for a moment what the hell he was doing, when he held up the small foil package and shouted “Got it!” You laughed. Mikey casually dropped his boxers down on his way back to the bed. As soon as his cock sprang free, your laughter died down. He was big. 
Mike kneeled between your legs and bowed down to kiss your belly button. Then he sat back on his heels and slowly stroked himself. 
“Are you sure?” he asked you once again. You nodded and smiled at him. Mike opened the package and rolled the condom over his hard shaft. Slowly he ran the thick head of his dick through your folds, gathering your slick.
Then you felt him at your entrance, carefully pushing into you, inch by inch. You gasped as you felt him stretching you open. When he finally was fully settled you both held your breath for a moment. He pressed a chast kiss on your lips and then he began to move. 
He started with slow movements, pulling out just a little before he slowly sank into you again. You ran your nails down his back, looking at him pleadingly. But Mike didn’t change his slow pace. You knew exactly that he waited for you to beg.
You wrapped your legs around his waist and pressed your heels into his back, forcing him to go deeper. When he still didn’t move faster you decided that you have to give in. “Please, Mikey, harder!” He chuckled and finally he pulled out of you almost completely before he thrust back into you fast and hard. You screamed and put your fist on your mouth.
Mikey’s hand shot up and pulled it back. “No one here who can hear you, no need to hold back.” And then he entwined his fingers with yours and started to fuck you senseless. You felt your second high building up soon.
You were panting and squirming under Mike’s tall frame. Mike’s handsome face tensed and he pressed his eyes shut. He was close, too.  He lost his rhythm but rutted into you fervently.
A few more thrusts and you came undone. Your walls were pulsing around him and brought him to his own climax. He pulled out of you and you whimpered at the empty feeling between your legs. Mike pressed a kiss on your thigh and then got up to get rid of the condom.
When he got back he held out a towel for you. “Thank you. But I need to go to the bathroom,” you told him. “Oh, sure! Mike opened the door to his room and pointed to his left. “Second door on the right.” You made your way to the bathroom, hoping you wouldn’t run into Mike’s dad. 
Gladly you were back in Mike’s room without any awkward encounters soon. You grabbed your clothes when Mike took your hand. “You could stay if you want to,” he said softly. You smiled at him and pressed a kiss on his cheek. “That would be nice.”
Mike looked through his drawers once more and held out a shirt and some boxers to you.
You both crawled onto the bed and Mike put his arm around you, pulling you into his chest.
“Goodnight, sweetcheeks! So happy that I made you wet.” You slapped your hand on his chest but giggled nevertheless over his bad pun. Then you kissed lazily until you both drifted off to sleep. 
When you woke up, Mike was still snoring silently next to you. Carefully you wriggled yourself free under his arm. You really needed to pee. On tiptoes you walked through the hallway and opened the bathroom door.
You froze when you looked up at the tall man standing at the sink. His bare back showed some well defined muscles and he stared at you through the mirror with a raised eyebrow. His lips were pressed to a thin line, almost invisible with his wild beard. So this must be grumpy Walter, you guessed.
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lavendertales · 1 year
Sweet lies: EPILOGUE
pairing: Frankie Morales x f!reader
summary: two years later, the group's lives are drastically changed.
word count: 1.5k
A/N: big thank you to everyone who's commented, reblogged and supported this series!! ❤️ I loved sharing this personal story with you all and I thank you for all the love.
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gif: @uuuhshiny
series masterlist | AO3
“Told you we’d be late,” you scold him, walking hand in hand through the crowd.
“It’s only ten minutes. It’s called being fashionably late.”
“Well, you’re fashionably impossible.”
Frankie stops, smiling mischievously your way until inevitably you break into a smile yourself. He pecks your lips, grazing your cheek.
“You know this is your fault, really,” he tells you sweetly.
You make a shocked face, breaking free from his touch. “How is it my fault?!”
“Who told you to wear one of my favorite shirts?”
“I couldn’t find my red t-shirt and I was doing dishes!”
“I had no choice but to be all over you. It was impossible not to.”
You shake your head, the smile never leaving your lips, even as you continuously press your lips against his, even in the middle of all the people around you.
“Okay, so we’re a little late,” you cave in. “What’s the harm?”
“Glad you agree. There is no harm. I figured we’ve both done a lot of waiting.”
You notice someone waving at you frantically, and you realize it’s Rose. Excited, you both rush towards her, hugging her, and then Santiago. You then notice everyone else, and offer the appropriate greetings and hugs.
“How are you feeling, Mia?” you ask, careful how you move around her.
She presses a hand on her belly, smiling. “Excited for this to be over.”
“That’s what you get for having unprotected sex with the Ironhead,” you all hear Santiago’s comment, and you all burst into laughter.
All but Will, who decides to glare menacingly at Santiago.
“Don’t get me wrong, as much as I enjoyed the morning sickness and swollen feet, I am ready to meet our baby boy.”
“Have you decided on a name yet?”
“It’s a tie between Noah and Jordan.”
“Both are great.”
“I guess we’ll see when he gets here. Two weeks left.”
“You know, I hear Ben is also a good name. Benjamin, if you will. As a middle name, of course. We don’t want two Benny’s in this household.”
Mia chuckles, looking over at Will for some sort of confirmation, but the latter throws his brother the same glare as he did Santiago.
“What?” Benny asks him. “So I’m excited to be an uncle, sue me!”
“Don’t worry, once I figure out a way how to or why, I will.”
“How are you guys doing?” Emily asks you and Frankie.
The two of you exchange a look, your cheeks still flushed from the adventurous time you shared roughly half an hour ago.
“Good, good!” you answer. “We’re glad to be out of the house.”
“First time in months,” Frankie adds.
“Thank goodness our babysitter, Rebecca, could make it today.”
“Can’t believe Ava is two years old.”
“Tell me about it!”
“Now see, that’s what you get too for having unprotected sex with Fish,” Santiago adds.
Frankie does more than a simple glare: he follows his friend around, pointing a finger at him and making threats that do nothing more but cause the group a big chuckle.
“Don’t mind him, he’s just waiting for the right moment to throw in everyone’s faces that we traveled in ten different countries in Europe and had very safe sex in all of them,” Rose says, causing the girls to giggle.
“I hope that’s all he’s gonna throw in our faces,” you add.
“Okay but seriously now, how are you guys doing?” Emily asks.
“We’re good, honestly. It’s been… crazy. Good kind of crazy. I mean, not only did Frankie and I get together, finally, but we’re parents. We have a daughter! It’s crazy!”
“It’s normal, honey,” Rose reminds you. “You’ve been through so much and now you finally get your happy ending and it feels surreal to you. It kind of makes me cry.”
“Happy cry?”
“Of course happy cry, you’re my best friend, you idiot!”
You chuckle, taking the plate with the sandwich and salad that Emily hands you. You settle to listen to Rose’s stories about her and Santiago’s travels to Europe over the past four months, then you listen to everything Emily has to tell you about her and Benny’s house shopping and how they may have found “the one”.
Then, you see a couple headed towards your group.
Andrea and Mark make their way to all of you. Everyone goes out of their way to salute the couple, inviting them to sit down on one of the blankets splayed on the grass. Andrea unloads the basket she brought, filed with fruit and other snacks. When she sees you, she goes in for a hug that you gladly reciprocate.
“Feels like I haven’t seen you in ages,” she tells you.
“Since the wedding, actually. Whose fault is it for spending a month away?”
Andrea shrugs. “It was a great honeymoon package!”
You chuckle, seeing Frankie shaking hands with Mark. For whatever reason, you hold your breath, as if that will improve things. But the guys get along great, engaging into an immediate discussion.
“How are things with your parents?” you ask Andrea instead.
Andrea takes a deep breath, then clears her throat. The subject is still a bit sensitive, you notice, and you instantly regret the question.
“We don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to,” you say.
“No, no, it’s fine! It wasn’t easy at first, as you recall—“
“But after I basically shouted at them that I wanna live my life my own way, not according to their plan… ironically, that’s when they calmed down. I think it helped them realize that I’m not a helpless kid, either. I mean, I’m doing pretty well, aren’t I?”
You smile at her. “You’re a hot-shot dermatologist with a great husband, great friends and a great apartment. Hell yeah!”
Andrea chuckles, glaring at Frankie and Mark, still talking.
“Looks like things worked out pretty well for all of us, huh?” she asks.
“Looks so.”
“You know, in all the years Frankie and I have been together, he’s never looked at me the way he looks at you.”
You frown at her. “Come on…”
“I’m serious! I mean, sure, it was half ‘I like you a lot’ and half ‘I also gotta stick with you to get my parents off my back’, but still.”
“And the way Mark looks at you… I see you really love each other.”
She smiles rather flustered. “We do.”
“And the wedding was beautiful!”
“Oh, by the way, how would you and Frankie feel about joining us for dinner next week?”
“As long as you don’t think it’s awkward.”
“Pshhh, what’s awkward? My ex fiancé and his current wife having dinner with me and my current husband? Please!”
You laugh wholeheartedly. “You’re right, nothing awkward. You know, if it were anyone else, I doubt I would’ve been able to be friends with you or Mark. But you’re just… too cool.”
“Stop it, come on! I don’t think I truly thanked you.”
She inhales sharply, smiling sincerely at you.
“You’re what gave Frankie and I courage to end things. Well, more him than me. But I do want to thank you for coming back here and basically unwrapping the blindfolds we had on this whole time.”
“Ever the drama lover,” a male voice coos.
You notice Mark coming over, leaning and pressing a kiss onto Andrea’s forehead.
“Oh, how’s the baby doing?!” Andrea asks enthusiastically. “Can’t believe I forgot to ask about her!”
“She’s fine. She’s with the babysitter this afternoon. We wanted to bring her, but she was exhausted so we figured we come here alone.”
“What did I miss?”
Frankie sits next to you, pressing a chaste kiss to your cheek, nothing more. You look around, smiling at the sight of your friends’ banter and their happy faces. You finally feel content, like you’ve won the race you’ve unknowingly been participating in for over a decade.
“Nothing. I’m glad you’re here,” you whisper to him.
“Don’t start something else,” he warns.
You raise your brows. “Or?”
“Or… gonna have to show you when we get home.”
You feel your cheeks burn, but you keep it to yourself. You’ve gotten so used to everyone knowing about you and Frankie and having things out in the open that keeping some things to yourself feels taboo to a certain extent.
“Don’t threaten me with a good time, Francisco,” you warn back.
“Or what?”
“You’ll see.”
“Keep it in your pants, will ya?” Santiago murmurs as he’s walking by.
Frankie makes a face and threatens his friend some more, to which you chuckle. You finally feel at peace, happy.
Like you got everything you’ve ever wanted.
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loving08 · 11 months
Love or Pain
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Nicholas leister x reader
summary: Y/N and Nicholas has been best friends since childhood but Y/N started to have feelings for Nick. will she confess her feelings to him or the entry of Noah in their life would change everything??
5 years later:
Waves crashed over rocks tall enough to pierce the sky, the crystal clear water and a plethora of seagulls around the rocky hills. Y/N stepped out of the car and looked towards the beach and took a deep breath, she feels so much better now that they are here.
She looked towards Nick, he was taking out the things they had brought with them, he came to stand with her and gave her a small smile and took hold of her hand and lead her towards the beach. As they neared the shore, they saw many couples, families and children having their day spent with beautiful smiles in their faces. Nick put down the stuff and pulled a soft towel and laid it on the sand for Y/N, for her to sit and get comfortable.
Y/N saw what Nick did for her and a smile formed in her face, he would always make sure she was comfortable whenever or wherever they go like its his first priority to do everything he can so she would be happy and comfortable. Y/N gave him a bright smile when he was done and turned towards her, he wriggled his brows at her questioningly, she just shook her head and gave him a light peck on his lips and open up her bag and took out the book she brought with her to read.
She was about to sit down when two small hands wrapped themselves around her hip, she looked down to see a small child with the most beautiful eyes she had always loved, gently caressing the hair she asked "what is it baby, do you need something, hmm?" the child nodded their head and asked "Mummy can I play in the water with other children, they seems like having so much fun, I wanna play in the water too" they whined, and gave the best puppy eyes they could muster.
Y/N looked at Nick, seeing an amused expression on his face and gave him a slight glare, he knows Y/N can't say to that expression at all, as it's the expression he always pulled on her whenever he wanted something or getting approval from her, it's always has been her weak point. She again looked down at the child and sighed and said "fine you can go with others but not for long and Daddy will go with you so that you don't get hurt okay darling" she told her 4 year old son.
It's been 5 years since they have been married and a year later they were blessed with their son, Benjamin Mathews Leister. They were elated when they got to know they were gonna be parents and Nick..., god he was a crying mess and showered her with so much love and affection even more than he already had for her. it has been a great 5 years of their life though, after clearing all the misunderstandings and having confessed their love for each other, it seems they didn't wanna wait for any longer, they soon told both of their families and friends and everyone was so happy for them. Since Noah was gonna be a constant person in their life they knew, they can't tell what really happened between the three of them so they decided to get married as soon as possible and after the wedding they moved to Paris, to start a new life together. They do go back to their parents during holidays and all but now it seems they have a beautiful world of their own here.
Benjamin nodded his head at his mom and goes towards his dad and tugged on his hands and asked "can we go in the water now daddy", Nick quickly nodded his head and said "Yes buddy of course we can and since your mamma has also given her permission we definitely should go and play in the water" and gives a big smile to Y/N and goes towards the water with his son. Y/N just rolled her eyes at him, still smiling and took a seat and open up the book to read. After sometime, she heard Nick and Ben laughs and looked up to them and her heart swelled up at the scene in front of her. Ben was running away from Nick and him chasing after their son and catching him, giving his tummy some tickles.
It was moments like this which makes Y/N realize how much beautiful their lives has become after Ben was born. she always knew when Nick will become a father, he would be the best father a child can have, it has also made her realize how much time has really gone by and how much they have come forward to after everything they had gone through.
A soft and gentle smile took over her face when she saw Nick and her son approaching her, she hold her hands out for son so she could hug him, as soon as they reached her, her son practically jumped into her embrace. No matter what anyone says, everyone can see he was mummy's boy, she gently caresses his head and asked "did you had fun Ben, playing with daddy in the water". Ben quickly nodded his head and give a sweet kiss to her cheek and says "yes mummy, I had so much fun, and I can't wait to have more fun with my little sister" and let out a cute giggle.
Y/N smiled at his giggles and looked at Nick. she was 5 months pregnant now, and recently they have gotten to know they were having a girl, Nick has been the most happiest one among everyone, and it was already clear to anyone that he's gonna be daddy's girl type of father.
Y/N nodded her head at her son and said "well I also can't wait to meet her too but we will wait patiently for her arrival, now c'mon we should build a house in sand", Ben stood up and started to play in the sand. After checking he's alright, Y/N turned towards Nick and move a little to get closer to him. Nick gently wrapped his hands around her from behind, putting his chin at her shoulder and pulled her back to his chest and said "I know I always say that you look beautiful but you look more beautiful today, so much bright and happy it's good to see you like this, and I love seeing you like this" and kissed her temple. Y/N let out a content sigh and said "c'mon Nick I'm 5 months pregnant, I'm anything but beautiful right now" and pouted at him. he gave a light kiss to her pouty lips and said "you are right you are anything but beautiful right now....., you are gorgeous, alluring, exquisite, radiant, fabulous, should I go on". Y/N fondly rolled her eyes at him but still had a smile on her face. After everything that had happened between them, Nick had always put forward his feeling and emotions for her, he had become more straightforward towards expressing his feelings for her.
Y/N looked at her son still playing in the sand and then looked towards the sea and close her eyes, feeling so content and peaceful. Nick looked down at her and softly nugged at her side to get her attention. Y/N cranked her head little and raised her brows to look at him. "what's going on in that head of yours sweetheart, is something bothering you, are you tired or feeling any sort of pain anywhere" Nick asked slightly worried for her. Y/N turned herself to face him fully and shook head at his questions and gently cupped his face and pulled him towards her and kiss him. it was a soft and loving kiss, a very delicate one. Nick pulled away slightly, still close to her lips and softly asked "what is it my love" and so lovingly looked into her eyes. Y/N immediately melts under his gaze and wrapped her hands around his neck to pull him into a hug and said "I feel so lucky and so so much happy that I can be with love of my life, it's still feels like a dream to me that you and me are together, not as a boyfriend-girlfriend but as husband & wife and we also have son, and another one on the way, it feels so peaceful and dreamy....., you have been the best part of my life Boo and you always will". Nick just smiled and listens to her and gave her a forehead kiss.
Y/N pulled away a little and looked at him with so much love and said " I love you Mr. Leister". Nick too looked into her eyes with so much love and affection and gently puts his forehead onto hers and said "and I love you too Mrs. Leister". Ben comes back to his parents and they also brought him too into their little hug. Y/N and Nick, both turned towards the sea and saw the sunset together with small and gentle smiles still attached to their faces, knowing that they have a long way to go but at the end they both had each other.
THE END......
(Sorry for the girl child picture with gabriel but I needed to make a fatherly figure of him in this chapter.)
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garglyswoof · 2 months
"On Repeat" playlist tag game
Thanks, @the-road-betwixt for tagging me to shuffle my on repeat playlist. I am a weirdo musician who doesnt listen to enough music tbh and i hate spotify so i try not to use it. lets see what pops up on my youtube history. i will also be That Girl that links everything and has a fuckin paragraph sorry, so tldr readmoreing tagging @averseunhinged bc i am quite certain you will have bands ive never heard of, same with @retoxdiet, @gemleilou and anyone who i tagged in here as reference and hasnt done it, and @notquitecogent bc hi! i liked that song that gave you kastle vibes and im curious (no pressure to anyone)
Holding a Heart - Todd Wright. ha @purplesigebert and @kirythestitchwitch this is from Fang Fridays because tvd uses another version of this song and i was lucky enough to grow up listening to the og
X Out - Extreme. I loved them when i was 15. The lead singer was so kind to me when i met him and told him my music dreams. there's something compelling and eerie about this track but it's probs nostalgia
When You Get to Asheville (Bright Star soundtrack) - my fave from the musical
Grace - Jeff Buckley. Never be over this album.
How We Operate - Gomez listened to this like 15 times in a row lmao
555 - Jimmy Eat World. definitely a change of pace for them style wise but melodically it's classic them and it makes my heart warm and ache at the same time.
Mia Resurrected - Cristobal Tapia de Veer. Huge fan since Utopia, but i think the humans soundtrack is my fave.
Your Needs, My Needs - Noah Kahan i thank @carry-the-sky for this one. god the last minute or so just kills me every time.
Parade - Heypenny idk something about this being fun but creepy at the same time is just a cool vibe
Cantus in Memory of Benjamin Britten - Arvo Part. Music always reminds me of times and places and ill never forget this coming on on a mix CD i made on a long drive and i just burst into tears in a cathartic way.
IM ADDING AN 11th FOR Fingers - Chinchilla (live). i watched this an unhealthy amount of times
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animelover28sworld · 10 months
I might be making some Disney twisted wonderland incorrect quotes or scenes where MC/Yuu is married to one of the characters and has kids. And this post is going to be about the kids name and who are the parents and how many kids. So kinda like an OCS and head cannons. PT one
MC/Yuu x Ace Trappola- one or two kids if it two kids the oldest would be a girl named Anna May Trappola and the youngest would be a boy name Ethan Ace Trappola. If it's one a boy.
MC/Yuu × Deuce Spade- two kids one boy and one girl. The boy would be the oldest and be named Daniel Gabriel Spade, the girl would be the youngest and be named Gabriella Lynn Spade.
MC/Yuu × Cater Diamond- two kids both girls named Caroline Ann Diamond and Casey Marie Diamond. Caroline is the oldest and Casey is the youngest.
MC/Yuu × Trey Clover- three or two kids. If it's two kids both boys the oldest being named Travis Trey Clover and the youngest being named Nicholas Daniel Clover. If it's three two girls and one boy. The oldest is a girl and is named Taylor Raylynn Clover and the middle will be the boy and be named Travis Trey Clover and the other girl will be the youngest and would be named Kaylee Marie Clover.
MC/Yuu × Riddle Rosehearts. One or two kids. If it's one kid it will be a boy named Noah Davis Rosehearts. If it's two both boys the oldest boy still being named Noah Davis Rosehearts the youngest would be named Isaac Riddle Rosehearts.
MC/Yuu × Jack howl- two kids at the most. Both girls the oldest would be named Jane Daisy Howl and the youngest would be named Hallie Lynn Howl.
MC/Yuu × Ruggie Bucchi- like Jack two kids at the most one girl and one boy. The boy is the oldest and is named Ryan Tripp Bucchi and the youngest is the girl and is named Grace Quinn Bucchi.
MC/Yuu × Leona Kingscholar. One kid no more just one. And it would be a girl named Laura Lynn Kingscholar.
MC/Yuu × Jade leech- two or three, two would probably be twins since twins run in his family both boys named Kyle Adam Leech and Jason Adam Leech. If it's three still twin boys and one girl. The twins will be the oldest and still be named Kyle Adam Leech and Jason Adam Leech the girl will be the youngest and named Hannah Isabella Leech.
MC/Yuu × Floyd Leech- three. One being a pair of girl twins and one being a boy. The twins would be the oldest and would be named Donna Marie Leech and the other twin would be named Leah Marie Leech and the youngest is the boy named Lucas Floyd Leech.
Azul Ashengrotto- two both girls the oldest is named Abigail Elizabeth Ashengrotto and the youngest is named Ashley May Ashengrotto.
Kalim Al- Asim- probably 6 or five kids, yes I know it's a lot but he grew up with tons of brothers and sisters. If it's six kids four girls and two boys, the oldest is one of the girls named Kylie Grace Al- Asim, the second oldest would be one of the boys and named Kayden Isaiah Al- Asim, the third would be the second boy named Kade Adam Al Asim, the fourth would be another girl named Stacey Marie Al Asim, and the youngest two would be girl twins named Star River Al Asim and Treasure Ray Al Asim five kids: two boys and three girls.
Jamil Viper- one or two kids. If it's one it would be a boy named Lucas Benjamin Viper if it's two both girls the oldest girl would be named Jamie Isabella Viper and the youngest named Joanna Marie Viper.
In pt 2 I'll do the others
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mischiefxmuses · 1 year
Post event starter call.
I will be dropping most pre-event and finishing up event threads but please requests new ones here! Also capping at 3 per writer and please spread requests out to share the love among all muses!!
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Henry Creel aka One / Aware / Stranger Things (2/5) - Robin, Alice
Angel / Unaware / Buffy The Vampire Slayer (3/5) - Buffy, William, Benjamin
Billy Loomis / Aware / Scream  (5/5)  - Jill, Mickey, Josh, Randy, tatum
Charles Xavier / Aware / X-Men  (2/5) - Lorna, Elliot
Cleo Mckinnon / Aware / Harry Potter (1/5) - Dale
Cordelia Goode / Aware / AHS: Coven (1/5) - Owen
Dream / Aware / The Sandman (2/5) - Doom, Irene
Fleur Delacour Weasley / Aware / Harry Potter (4/5) - Vic, Hagrid, Lily Luna, Dumbledore
Galadriel / Aware / Rings of Power (??/5) 
Harwin Strong / Aware / House of The Dragon (??/5) 
Hunter / Aware / The Bad Batch (1/5) - Rowena
Iorveth / Aware / The Witcher (??/5) -
Jorah Mormont / Aware / Game of Thrones (1/5) - Oliver
Kirby Reed / Unaware / Scream (2/5) - Quinn, Noah
Loki Laufeyson / Aware / Marvel (2/5) - Peter, Peggy
Peter Hale / Aware / Teen Wolf (1/5) - Derek
Rabastan Lestrange / Aware / Harry Potter (1/5) - Ron
Satine Kryze / Aware / Star Wars (4/5)
Silco / Aware / Arcane (2/5) - Adam,
Sion Val Palpatine / Unaware / Star Wars (??/5)
Tenel Ka Djo / Unaware / Star Wars (??/5)
Lyanna Mormont / Aware / Game of Thrones (2/5) - Auden, Jon
Bones Mccoy /Aware/ Star Trek (1/5) - Glenn
Yennefer of Vengerberg / Aware / The Witcher (3/5) - Satana, Sabrina, Geralt
Percy De Rolo / Aware / Vox Machine (1/5) - Eli
Hwang Jun-Ho / Aware/ Squid Games (3/5) - Kono, Euntak, Jung Woo
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↳ for @daughter-of-melpomene/@starlit-epiphany for their birthday!! 🥳🎁🎂
Parker Holloway x Noah “Puck” Puckerman
Rosaline Craven x Ginevra “Ginny” Weasley
Genesis Welton x James T. Kirk x Spock
Andrew “Mack” Mackenzie x Benjamin Franklin "Hawkeye" Pierce
Ilya Dramir x Kaz Brekker
Esther St. Claire x Enid Sinclair x Wednesday Addams
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halsteadssneakylink · 2 years
character list
everything is x f!reader unless specified otherwise
if you want gn! or m!reader be sure mention it when you ask
the age of the characters determine the age of the reader (i won’t write anything with an illegal age gap)
the boys
mothers milk
billy butcher
starlight (annie january)
simon basset
anthony bridgerton
benedict bridgerton
kathani sharma
chicago fire
kelly severide
stella kidd
matt casey
sylvie brett
brian “otis” zvonecek
leslie shay
peter mills
chicago med
connor rhodes
will halstead
ethan choi
maggie lockwood
april sexton
chicago pd
jay halstead
erin lindsay
hailey upton
kevin atwater
adam ruzek
antonio dawson
full house
jesse katsopolis
greys anatomy
meredith grey
christina yang
jackson avery
derek shepherd
addison montgomery
mark sloane
lexi grey
callie torres
hawaii five-0
steve mcgarrett
danny williams
chin ho kelly
kono kalakaua
adam noshimuri
kickin it
jack brewer
jerry martinez
kim crawford
steve rogers
tony stark
natasha romanoff
bruce banner
bucky barnes
sam wilson
wanda maximoff
stephen strange
yelena belova
carol danvers (pre & post powers)
mission impossible
ethan hunt
ilsa faust
benji dunn
august walker
peter pevensie
susan pevensie
edmund pevensie
outer banks
john b
sarah cameron
the punisher
frank castle
billy russo
dinah madani
olivia pope
fitzgerald grant
abby whelan
harrison wright
shadow and bone
alina starkov
aleksander morozova (general kirigan/the darkling)
kaz brekker
nina zenik
jesper fahey
inej gafa
star trek (aos)
james tiberius “jim” kirk
leonard “bones” mccoy
s’chn t’gai spock
nyota uhura
montgomery scott
hikaru sulu
dean winchester
sam winchester
dad!bobby singer x child!reader
olivia benson
rafael barba
nick amaro
dominick “sonny” carisi
to all the boys
lara jean
john ambrose
peter kavinsky
top gun
pete “maverick” mitchell
nick “goose” bradshaw
tom “iceman” kazansky
charlotte blackwood
penny benjamin
bradley “rooster” bradshaw
jake “hangman” seresin
javy “coyote” machado
natasha “phoenix” trace
robert “bob” floyd
the witcher
geralt of rivia
yennefer of vengerberg
ben barnes
chris evans
glen powell
jared padalecki
jensen ackles
karl urban
leo howard
noah centineo
oscar issac
scarlett johansson
sebastian stan
sophia bush
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hecckyeah · 3 months
For the top threes: 2, 7, 9, 13, 15, 17, 24, 44, and 97!
Heyy thanks for the ask! <3
Top 3 Disney Movies
The Lion King (1994), Tangled, and The Emperor's New Groove
Top 3 music artists
Coldplay, Benjamin William Hastings, and Noah Kahan
Top 3 drinks
Flavored sparkling water (BIG fan of Romer Quelle but it's not available in the States 😭), herbal tea, and oat milk hot chocolate with rum :)
Top 3 binge-perfect TV shows
Dude, I am the wrong person to ask. I can binge ANY show with enough raw adhd hyperfixation. But the ones I had the most fun bingeing were Brooklyn 99, Once Upon a Time, and The Rookie
Top 3 kinds of flower
Apparently my tired brain read this question as flour so I'm doing both
Flour: Rye, Buckwheat, and Almond
Flower: Sunflower, Dandelion, and Lilac
Top 3 OTPs
Dousy (Sousa x Daisy from AoS), Chenford (Tim x Lucy from The Rookie), and Roey (Rachel x Joey from Friends)
Top 3 books read outside of school
Jane Eyre - Charlotte Bronte, The Book Thief - Markus Zusak, The Giver - Lois Lowry
(I literally couldn't decide. There are COUNTLESS more, so I chose the ones I can remember making the biggest impressions on me as a young reader)
Top 3 Crayola colors
Yellow Orange, Cornflower, and Forest Green
Top 3 items you can't leave the house without
Aside from the necessary ones (phone, wallet, keys), I would say--
Chapstick, water bottle, and this little pouch with my random assorted emergency medications
Ask me my top threes!
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I was tagged by @everythingbutresolved to reveal my wip folder! Thanks for the tag 💙!!
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your wip folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it.
(the ones that have a "*" probably will have their names changed)
So… This is…uh, it will get a bit long because I have no self-control…
That being said, Huh Hrm:
Cornucopia — Father Paul x OFC (MM)
One Way or Another — John Tyler x OFC (TMYS)
If I Give My Heart to You — Brice Catledge x OFC (Magic in the Moonlight)
A Place to Hide — Jim Ellis x OFC (The Stand)
Young American — Haimgruder x OFC (Gaslit)
Dear Old Friend — Leonard Kirk x OFC (Fantastic Four)
Shiver — John Tyler x OFC (TMYS)
Cherry pies, Champagne, and Ashes — John Joseph Jacobs x OFC (Pushing Daisies)
A Dangerous Thing — Jerry Dantana x OFC (The Newsroom)
Bella Notte — Evan Grant x OFC (Ugly Betty)
Somethin' Stupid — Andrew Keanelly x OFC (The Crazy Ones)
Tonight You Belong to Me — Ralph Branca x OFC (42)
Strawberries & Cigarettes — Tim x OFC (One More Time)
Alone and Forsaken — Martin Kidd x OFC (Dead for a Dollar)
Wicked Game — Noah Bearinger x OFC (Paper Year)
She Sells Sanctuary — Henry x OFC (Lola Versus)
Evil Within — Dark! Father Paul x OFC (MM AU)
The End of the World — Tom Spangler x OFC (Ithaca)
A Freudian Slip — Matthew Kimble x OFC (TNAOOC)
Male Fantasy — Dark! Andrew Keanelly x OFC (The Crazy Ones)
Cold Light, Hot Night — Miles x OFC (You Can't Say No)
In the Calm Sea of Madness — Clark Debussy x OC (Legion AU)
Out of the Woods — Lysander x OFC (A Midsummer Night's Dream)
Pictures* — Jason x OFC (The Future)
Little Things* — Porter Collins x OFC (The Big Short)
Bluebird — Andrew Keanelly x OFC (The Crazy Ones AU)
Turn Off the Light — David Turner x OFC (Groove)
Love (ain't always a good thing) — Benjamin Conway x OFC (10 Things Se Should Do Before We Break Up)
My Strange Addiction — Evan Grant x OC (Ugly Betty)
High Tension*— Ralph Branca x OFC (42)
Animal Attraction — Miles x OFC (You Can't Say No)
In the Dark — Dark! Father Paul x OFC (MM)
Space Oddity — Cal Zapata x OFC (Battleship)
The White Room* — Maynard Spencer x OFC (The Nickel Boys?)
Sanctus Sanguis — Dark! Father Paul x OFC (Part I of The Blood You Spill in My Garden - MM AU)
Exilium Carmen — Dark! Father Paul x OFC (Part II of The Blood You Spill in My Garden - MM AU)
Noli Timere — Dark! Father Paul x OFC (Part III of The Blood You Spill in My Garden - MM AU)
Night, Night, Sleepyhead — Matthew Kimble x OFC (Part I of Maybe I Could Hold You - TNAOOC)
A Carol of the Bells — Matthew Kimble x OFC (Part II of Maybe I Could Hold You - TNAOOC)
Hot is the Night* — Matthew Kimble x OFC (Part III of Maybe I Could Hold You - TNAOOC)
Sanguis Lunae — Henry Prescott (Werewolf!Haim!OC) x OFC (Original Work)
I also have 4 AU's that I wouldn't out here because I'm still struggling with them (2 ARE crossovers and it's been AGES since I wrote one, so I'm trying to see the best way to write them) but then I said "fuck It", here are my children:
Of Attics, Mysterious Strangers and Ghost Stories — Joe Keller x OFC (Monsterland AU - Rework)
Unnamed (70s Pornstar AU) — Miles x OFC
Unnamed (Midnight Mass x Fright Night (1985) AU)
Unnamed (Catholic Boarding School AU) — Midnight Mass x Fright Night (1985)
Tagging @chronic-ghost @aflockofbees @pegplunkett @catholicfacade @madsmilfelsen and if you haven't been tagged yet, consider this your tag, I'll love to see what y'all have been cooking!
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jessicaaatje · 2 years
People I'll write for
Some will be platonic, but sometimes I can make them not platonic. You can make couples, then I will maybe write a poly fic, or one where the couple are the parents of the reader.
Alex Morgan
Christen Press
Ashlyn Harris
Ali Krieger
Tobin Heath
Lindsey Horan
Emily Sonnett
Kelley O'Hara
Hope Solo
Leah Williamson
Jill Roord
Jackie Groenen
Vivianne Miedema
Alexia Putellas
Jenni Hermoso
And more...
Max Mayfield
Nancy Wheeler
Robin Buckley
Erica Sinclair
Will Byers
Mike Wheeler
Lucas Sinclair
Dustin Henderson
Eddie Munson
Steve Harrington
Jim Hopper
Joyce Byers
Bob Newby
Natasha Romanoff
Wanda Maximoff
Yelena Belova
Daisy Johnson
Jemma Simmons
Melinda May
Kate Bishop
Elena Rodriguez
Bobbi Morse
Darcy Lewis
And more...
Leo Fitz
Deke Shaw
Peter Parker
Pietro Maximoff
And more...
Santana Lopez
Quinn Fabray
Marley Rose
Mercedes Jones
Kurt Hummel
Noah Puckerman
Blaine Anderson
Sara Lance
Zari Tarazi
Zari Tomaz
Astra Logue
Amaya Jiwe
Ava Sharpe
Kara Danvers
Alex Danvers
Maggie Sawyer
Lena Luthor
Laurel Lance
Thea Queen
Mia Queen
Dinah Drake
Felicity Smoak
Killer Frost
Caitlin Snow
Nora West-Allen
Allegra Garcia
Jesse Quick
Lois Lane
Sarah Dawes
Nyssa al Ghul
Most of the boys in the arrowverse
Emily Prentiss
Jennifer Jareau
Alex Blake
Kate Cahallan
Elle Greenaway
Penelope Garcia
Derek Morgan
Spencer Reid
Aaron Hotchner
David Rossi
Jason Gideon
Becca Mitchell
Chloe Beale
Aubrey Posen
Emily Junk
Fat Amy
Alex Parrish
Shelby Wyatt
Nimah and her Sister
Caroline Forbes
Bonnie Bennett
Lizzie Saltzman
Hope Mikealson
Josie Saltzman
Penelope Park
Rebekah Mikealson
Hayley Marshall
Davina Claire
Freya Mikealson
Lost In Space
Penny Robinson
Judy Robinson
Will Robinson
Katniss Everdeen
Primrose Everdeen
Johanna Mason
And mkre from the 74th hunger games women
Alice Cullen
Leah Clearwater
Reneesmee Cullen
Rosalie Hale
Ginny Weasley
Hermione Granger
Luna Lovegood
Daphne Greengrass
Lily Evans
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Remus Lupin
Sirius Black
James Potter
Remus x Sirius
James x Lily
Ava Hammerstrom
Arya Stark
Sansa Stark
Margaery Tyrell
Daenerys Targaryen
Mary Stuart
THE 100
Clarke Griffin
Octavia Blake
Raven Reyes
Madi Griffin
Cobra Kai
Sam LaRusso
Top Gun
Penny Benjamin
Amelia Benjamin
Natasha 'Phoenix' Trace
Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw
Pete 'Maverick' Mitchell
More To Come!
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goddamnmuses · 1 year
Potential Muses
Felt like making a list of people I’ve thought about roleplaying but currently don’t.  Feel free to express interest in one of these and i can do a test thread or something and maybe they’ll become permenant.  Some I have fc’s for already, some i’d need to work that out.
Ben 10 - Benjamin Tennyson  - Kevin Levin 
Chainsaw Man - Denji
DC - John Constantine - fc: Matt Ryan - The Joker  -  Nanaue, King Shark  - Ted Kord, Blue Beetle - fc: Jason Sudeikis - Tim Drake, Robin - fc: Timothee Chalamet
Disney - Maximilian Goof
Doctor Who - The Blacksmith (Timelord OC) - fc’s: various Fallout - Cooper Howard, The Ghoul - fc: Walton Goggins
Game of Thrones - Rodrik Forrester - fc: Eoin Macken - Sandor Clegane - fc: Rory McCann - Tyrion Lannister - fc: Peter Dinklage
Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy - Nergal Jr - Billy
Hazbin Hotel - Sir Pentious
Helldivers - Helldiver OC Hunter x Hunter - Killua Zoldyck
It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia - Charlie Kelly - fc: Charlie Day
Mario - Luigi - Bowser
Marvel - Ben Grimm - fc: Ebon Moss-Bachrach - Benjy Parker (OC) - fc: Jordan Fisher - Brian Braddock - fc: Charlie Hunnam - Cloak of Levitation (Personified) - fc: Rami Malek - Franklin Richards - fc: Thomas Brodie-Sangster - Scott Summers - fc: James Marsden - Skaar - fc: Noah Centineo
My Hero Academia - Izuku Midoriya, Deku - Katsuki Bakugo, Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight - Shoto Todoroki
One Piece - Vinsmoke Sanji - Monkey D. Luffy - Roronoa Zoro One Punch Man - Saitama, Caped Baldy
Persona 5 - Ren Amamiya - fc: Kento Yamazaki
Shangri-La Frontier -  Rakuro Hizutome (Sunraku) Sly Cooper - Sly Cooper Solo Levelling - Sung Jinwoo Spy x Family - Loid Forger 
Star Wars - B1 Battle Droid OC (B1-NG aka Bing) - Cal Kestis - fc: Cameron Monaghan - Chopper aka C1-10P - Clone OC (CT-7473 aka Bunker) - Darth Maul  - Savage Opress - fc: Jason Momoa
Supernatural - Grey (OC) - fc: Matthew McNulty)
The Last of Us - Ryan Thompson (OC) - fc: Matt Barr
The Witcher    - Geralt of Rivia - fc: Henry Cavill
Misc (Their own thing) - Death - Pan 
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Just for fun, imagine this as the cast/contestants of an American adaptation of “Physical 100”:
Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, actor/former pro wrestler
Martin Sensmeier, actor/model
Jason Momoa, actor
Adam Driver, actor/former U.S. Marine
Brie Larson, actress
Brandon Curry, bodybuilder
Christian Guzman, bodybuilder/YouTuber
Bradley Martin, bodybuilder/YouTuber
Kali Muscle, bodybuilder/actor/YouTuber
Nonito Donaire, boxer
Deontay Wilder, boxer
Mary McGee, boxer
Andre Ward, boxer (retired)
Lauren Taylor, CrossFit
Jocko Willink, former Navy SEAL
Cydney Gillon, IFBB professional figure and fitness competitor
Renee Enos, influencer/bodybuilder
Massy Arias, influencer/health and fitness coach
Jen Selter, influencer/fitness model
Lauren Drain, influencer/fitness model
Logan Paul, influencer/WWE wrestler
Jake Paul, influencer/boxer
Mike Trout, MLB
Bryce Harper, MLB
Mark Kolozsvary, MLB
Jesus Ferreira, MLS
Zach LaVine, NBA
Steph Curry, NBA
Seth Curry, NBA
Jimmy Butler, NBA
Jordan Clarkson, NBA
Jeremy Lin, NBA/PLG
Shaquille O’Neal, NBA (retired)
Brock Purdy, NFL
Patrick Mahomes, NFL
Jimmy Garoppolo (“Jimmy G”), NFL
Jalen Hurts, NFL
Joe Burrow, NFL
Josh Allen, NFL
Tyreek Hill, NFL
Phil Kessel, NHL
Becky Sauerbrunn, NWSL
Ariel Torres, Olympic bronze medalist in karate
Nevin Harrison, Olympic gold medalist in canoeing
Jennifer Valente, Olympic gold medalist in cycling
Andrew Capobianco, Olympic gold medalist in diving
Nathan Chen, Olympic gold medalist in figure skating
Alex Hall, Olympic gold medalist in freestyle skiing
Simone Biles, Olympic gold medalist in gymnastics
Aly Raisman, Olympic gold medalist in gymnastics
Gabby Douglas, Olympic gold medalist in gymnastics
Sunisa “Suni” Lee, Olympic gold medalist in gymnastics
Lindsey Vonn, Olympic gold medalist in skiing
Chloe Kim, Olympic gold medalist in snowboarding
Nick Baumgartner, Olympic gold medalist in snowboarding
Katie Ledecky, Olympic gold medalist in swimming
Nathan Adrian, Olympic gold medalist in swimming
Michael Cherry, Olympic gold medalist in track and field
Rai Benjamin, Olympic gold medalist in track and field
Athing Mu, Olympic gold medalist in track and field
Katie Moon, Olympic gold medalist in track and field (pole vault)
David Taylor, Olympic gold medalist in wrestling
Nyjah Huston, professional skateboarder
Matt Ladley, professional snowboarder
Mia Fishel, professional soccer player (Tigres UANL Femenil)
Brian Shaw, professional strongman
Jerry Pritchett, professional strongman
Dom Gabriel (“Dom Cruise”), reality TV star (The Mole/Perfect Match)
Joey Sasso, reality TV star (The Circle/Perfect Match)
Kolohe Andino, surfer
Gemma Nguyen, stunt performer/martial artist (see: Gamology)
Noah Fleder, stunt performer (see: Gamology)
Vincent Bouillon, stunt performer (see: John Wick Chapter 4)
Chris Brewster, stunt performer (see: Daredevil)
Lateef Crowder dos Santos, stunt performer (see: The Mandalorian)
Danica Goodheart, U.S. Army veterinarian and NPC Figure competitor
Colby Covington, UFC
Julianna Peña, UFC
Stipe Miocic, UFC
Dustin Jacoby, UFC
Kelvin Gastelum, UFC
Beneil Dariush, UFC
Max Holloway, UFC
Cub Swanson, UFC
Matt Schnell, UFC
Tatiana Suarez, UFC
Rose Namajunas, UFC
Holly Holm, UFC
Breanna Stewart, WNBA
Candace Parker, WNBA
Roman Reigns, WWE
Dolph Ziggler, WWE
Alexa Bliss, WWE
Cody Rhodes, WWE
Ronda Rousey, WWE/former MMA fighter
Brock Lesnar, WWE/former MMA fighter
Mikhail Varshavski (“Dr. Mike”), YouTuber and amateur boxer
Cassey Ho (“Blogilates”), YouTuber
Adrienne Mishler (“Yoga with Adrienne”), YouTuber
Jeff Cavaliere (“ATHLEAN-X”), YouTuber/bodybuilder
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brntgolden · 1 year
Intro post babeyyyy
Tumblr media
hi im ash x i like music so here we go im just gonna scream lyrics mostly and occasionally music recs and moodboards. ill reblog musicy stuff here :) beware if u do follow me because i WILL flood ur blog with lyrics ! also i might do i art. and send me song recs if youd like ! oh AND pronouns he/him. queer rights godbless tagging system: mb (moodboard) art s (save) ly (lyrics) rec (song recs from other people) mrec (my recs for u lot) r (random) nm (reblogs) my main is @diigitalove but i change it a lot (i literally forgot for a minute hdfkjhfkj) thanks ! hope u like it here if u wanna follow me x artists i like @ me if u like them if u want
glass animals slenderbodies twenty one pilots half alive magic city hippies tim atlas fish in a birdcage the neighbourhood dylan espeseth imagine dragons mother mother MARINA matt maltese alt-J still woozy again&again the million PRTY ANML flyers curtis waters kevin walkman jeremy zucker alec benjamin stranger club bo en WHOKILLEDXIX jack stauber noah kahan keshi mad tsai I DONT KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME NOAHFINNCE coolcool panicland arctic monkeys zamir COIN will wood bill wurtz
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