#Athena’s breakdown is the worst thing
waywardnewcomer · 1 month
Is it just me that tears up at the end of Athena Begins as soon as Rise Up begins playing? I’m full on bawling every single time I rewatch from the first note.
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madneywedding · 1 year
and what if i said that season six has been all about healing? there's been a lot of talk about how season six has picked up seemingly throwaway lines and dropped plot points from previous seasons, and i really feel like this is the season where these threads are finally winding themselves back together. as we know, season five is when a lot of these characters were at their worst mentally, and a big portion of the season was spent with the majority of the 118 and co. in a very fragmented, disjointed state....but with season six, so much of it has felt like the pieces are falling back into place.
athena getting to heal from the very first case that has been haunting her since she was a little girl and find some closure.
chimney healing from the scars that kevin's death inflicted on him and getting to trust himself and his own judgement again after that years-old wound.
bobby getting to finish the work that his old sponsor started and honoring him by living, doing the same thing for another person in need that wendall did for him, really coming full circle from the season one version of him that thought the rest of his life was meant for atonement for the apartment fire and nothing else.
buck starting to heal from the pain that his parents' neglect caused him, and finally facing his trauma and insecurities head-on and answering the question that has undoubtedly plagued his mind ever since he found out about daniel's death - yes, he is enough, yes he does matter, and slowly making his way down the path to finding genuine, true love.
hen choosing herself and her family and prioritizing the thing that will truly make her feel content instead of sacrificing her happiness to pursue being a doctor.
maddie healing from her PPD and learning to love life again, feeling safe and happy with a family that loves her.
and eddie, too, really living and being excited about life after his breakdown last season, not to mention finally acknowledging that he doesn't want to spend the rest of his life alone after shannon's death -- but not in a way where he has to put up some kind of show or play a part.
and this isn't even getting into some of the other storylines this season, such as denny asking about eva and nathaniel and the long-awaited return of ravi. i just wanted to highlight the way that we've gotten so much growth this season and so many of these characters have been able to finally face the issues that have been hurting them for so long and finally heal from them. in my opinion....if there's one thing this show definitely does right, it's playing the long game, and from everything we've seen this season, i believe that everything, even the storylines that currently seem like they're on 'hold,' will come to a conclusion that will feel satisfying and relieving.
i just. i trust this show!! i really do!! and i mean this in the gentlest way possible, but i think some of you could trust these writers to give us a good payoff as well, because i really believe they've earned it ❤️
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fun things to look forward to in the apollo justice trilogy port
-apollo being given three completely different backstories before being written out of the series
-phoenix calling edgeworth "Daddy" in court and no one reacting to it
-cross-examining a whale
-a prosecutor getting so fed up with the stupidity/insanity of everything that they just walk out mid-trial
-the final case in the 6th game taking 10+ hours
-a johnny depp expy having the best breakdown and theme music in the entire series
-the 4th game stating you can't build a case on feelings only for you to start doing that in the very next game
-the 4th game introducing the jury system only to immediately drop it in the very next game
-the 4th game also making no goddamn sense in general
-the 5th and 6th games desperately trying to retcon the 4th game because of just how nonsensical it was
-the same unskippable cutscene playing over and over again
-a steampunk butler
-a rapping pirate
-cute robots
-simon blackquil being a gigachad
-nahyuta sahdmadhi being absolutely insufferable and the worst prosecutor in the entire series
-the main villain being assassinated in court and it never being explained who did it and who the main villain actually was
-a culprit killing someone with a bowl of soup and noodle dough
-the series deadass suggesting a child murdered their own mother via accidental dismemberment
-the 4th game forgetting to explain the origin of the main villain's black psyche locks
-a man going super saiyan
-lawyer north korea
-the 5th game having a bizarrely large amount of grammar mistakes and typos
-a blind child being accused of murdering someone with a gun that the game explicitly states would literally break their arm if they used it
-athena being treated like garbage for the entirety of the 6th game
-a dog hanging from edgeworth's cravat
-prosecutors that look more like they belong in a jrpg than they do an AA game
-the defense for one of the final cases literally being "my client couldn't have committed the murder because they were dead, and their ghost was in another country"
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Spoilers under the cutoff because there is no way I'm jumpscaring ya'll with the biggest gut-punch in the game. Also I'm pretty sure it'd be taller than me if printed out so bare with me!
I'm going to be talking about a very important section in Case 5-5: Turnabout for Tomorrow...
...because good god almighty, can we talk about how GOOD Simon's Mood Matrix segment is?!
Pretense: Facing Your Fears
Let's set the stage for Simon and Athena before we build to what I want to talk about. Context is important and in this case it helps make the following revelations that much more effective.
Both characters at this point have gone through hell and high water to save the other from a dreadful fate; Simon enduring 7 years on death-row to protect Athena from punishment for Metis' death, Athena studying law in spite of her intense fear and trauma to undo the damage done by his false confession. By the time we get here we've seen how deeply Athena is affected by her trauma. We've seen how far Simon is willing to go in the name of protecting Athena, going so far as to disregard his own sister's concern for his safety.
By the time of Turnabout for Tomorrow's trial, they have practically been pushed to their breaking points; Athena is indicted for Clay's murder and is confronted with the idea that she herself is responsible for the death of her mother - her memories of UR-1 resurfacing and being pushed back at the same time as the worst-case scenario becomes apparent. Simon's efforts to save Athena from this punishment have been rendered practically useless with her incarceration, the phantom slipping from his grasp, the guilt Athena would bear being the only thing he stands to protect her from.
At the end of Phoenix and Edgeworth's initial skirmish and seeming Guilty verdict, Simon steps in with one last effort to protect Athena's innocence in this matter. Even though she's set to be convicted for Clay's murder, this carries a lot more weight if ever she realised what he saw that day would prove her guilty of killing Metis Cykes.
Athena - despite a practical mental breakdown earlier that day - pushes herself to stand at the Defense's bench to achieve what she has been working towards from the day Phoenix inspired her to persue this career. She's very much still afraid, still rattled by the accusation Aura had made, stating that she wants to run out of the courtroom as she speaks. Despite this she pushes herself to stand there and ask Simon for the chance to face her worst fears - that of the UR-1 trial and the horrible idea that she could be guilty herself - by letting her reveal his true emotions.
Simon accepts, confident that his prowess in psychology can deflect her efforts, though nevertheless wary of the emotions he has kept under wraps for 7 years. Athena (& Phoenix I guess...) slowly dismantle his testimony in full-knowledge that he is lying for a reason - one that could potentially destroy her if proven true. Both of them are staring down the worst-case scenario for each other and trying desperately to keep the other away from that event.
Let's go over that testimony then, shall we? I'll go through it section by section.
Part 1: The False Confession
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Simon's lie relies on people seeing him as a heartless killer. We see him build and reinforce that image in his trials, acting as beligerently and violently as he can muster without causing any real damage. By this point he's already slashed at & sicked his bird on just about everyone who's ever stood in court, save for Bobby Fulbright. He's had to be shocked by him just to stop.
Suffice to say it was pretty effective since it took a hostage situation to convince officials to give UR-1 a re-trial (even after the HAT-2 bombing implied that the crimes that day were purpetrated by another party).
To this end, he brought out every trick in the book to keep his true memories on the event at bay from prying eyes; his closed-off nature, his mastery of psychology, his training with blade and hawk alike, his time in prison exposed to the worst humanity had to offer. All of these were ample tools in ensuring that his image is not broken.
His anger and joy regarding his false murder are almost complete lies. At best, he's enraged that such a thing happened at all and glad that his scheme had worked to protect Athena. The phantom later on demonstrates that people can indeed fake their emotions, though some genuine feeling will slip through the cracks if you try.
Enter Athena. Not only does she have a keen ear for one's tone, she has studied psychology and put her mind towards applying her talent to the coutroom. Her Mood Matrix program makes what she hears apparent to even the least informed person and she's already cracked a good number of testimonies with this power (well, two in 5-3 since Apollo and Phoenix did all the others, though they couldn't have without her explaining things).
For most people, Simon's anger would overshadow the relief he felt when he found Athena in the laboratory. Just enough to keep his lie sound for the untrained ear. That same relief for Athena's safety is weaponised in the next two lines as he talks about how cathartic the act was, cementing his intentions to others.
His relief at Athena's safety did need some explaination - leaning on people's poor perceptions of Metis to help his story along - though aside from that? This testimony is practically impenetrable with only one easily explained oddity that only Athena could have ever picked up on.
As I said however, one's true emotions can't help but leak out. Even the best liars like Simon and the phantom can't help that.
Part 2: A Ronin's Remorse
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Only two statements change at this point so those are the only ones I'll show here.
One, he's dropped the anger in the second line to focus on his relief. Before he only mentioned that he found her instead of Metis, using his anger to mask his thoughts as frustration that he had to wait for his plans to go through.
Two, his joy is replaced with intense sadness towards the act of plunging the katana into Metis. There's no mention of catharsis here; only describing what had happened to her. To that, he would feel a great sadness.
Naturally he would grieve Metis, though that would not track with his prior satisfaction with the act. So he leaned on Athena again to explain his emotions, and that does explain things rather cleanly.
Note that this is the only time his Noise Level drops, too. It goes from 100% to 40% here - it's the closest he's willing to get to how he truly felt about the event without giving the game away. Any closer and he would start revealing emotions that do not match his words in the slightest.
Part 3: Brief Shock
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His noise level rises to 60% here, so the emotions displayed are less accurate to how he truly felt. Although his tale of grand homicide has shifted somewhat...
Now, his concern at the beginning wasn't killing Dr Cykes to rescue Athena; he entered the room because he heard that Athena was upset in the other room while looking for her in the Psychology Lab.
How true it is that Athena was crying at that moment is debatable given future revelations, though nothing's contradictary about this section. Perhaps at this point she hadn't thought to put Metis on the repair table having only just woken up, reacting much like any child would at the sight of her mother's body before the idea crossed her mind. We do have an hour's gap between Metis' death and Simon leaving the lab, after all.
In any case, Simon's relief has turned to shock in the moment he finds Athena in the Robotics Lab. Any mention of Athena at this stage is long gone - he only talks about his hurry to the Robotics Lab. It isn't clear what he would be so shocked by at this stage. Most anyone would know, not much was out of the ordinary when he walked into the room.
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Look at how he hesitates before arriving at this explaination. His words are a lot shakier than they were for prior testimony, the excuse he gives a blatant lie to cover his tracks. The noise level goes up again with this as well, from 60% to a full 100%; Simon has completely obscured the events he witnessed once again.
This was the closest Athena and Phoenix got to poking at what he really saw in the lab and it clearly rattled him. Before, his reasoning was sound. Now, we're left wondering what he actually saw in there to result in that much shock...
Part 4: The Blade of Evidence
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Unfortunately, this is where the Mood Matrix becomes useless. Simon has explained his contradictory emotions deftly up to this point; his relief at Athena's wellbeing, his grief at the loss of Metis Cykes, his surprise upon entering the lab. In stark contrast to a good few people subjected to Athena's therapy, Simon is the only one in the game that completely evades her attack. He knows how she operates & is well-versed in analytical psychology himself which shows in just how reasonable his explainations are up to this point.
But stacking lies upon lies only gets you so far until it begins to contradict the one thing he can't re-interpret; evidence.
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This is the only time he takes damage during his entire time on the stand. When his words no longer match what is physically verifiable, there is no recourse - his psychological prowess cannot disprove cold, hard facts. Just as Athena's abilities cannot be used as hard proof, rather requiring proof in and of itself (usually in the form of a confession from the witness).
Simon can no longer lie about what it is he saw in the lab that day. There are no avenues through which he can explain his shock and by now Athena & Phoenix have dug through his thoughts quite extensively. With that decisive cut they've managed to open Simon to one last attack...
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...saldy, by opening one of his deepest, most painful wounds.
Part 5: That Terrible Scene
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By this point it's clear everyone is getting much more than they bargained for. Simon's shock was only the tip of the iceberg; a raging storm of emotions had been hidden from earshot for 7 long years, far away from even Athena's keen ears.
The fact she's surprised that Simon has been carrying this for so long shows just how early he's managed to keep this under a lid, that he's had to hide it from young Athena as well (who's hearing was much more sensitive than now).
Athena herself has managed to endure the sound of people's hearts this entire time, in stark contrast to when being around people too long made her dizzy to the point of needing headphones. We've only seen two emotions at most go overboard at once with Marlon Rimes and she managed just fine with that noise - the grief and anger associated with the loss of his lover Azura Summers (at that point her empathy is the only thing that really shows). Simon is different. He feels everything all at once with such intensity that it pains Athena to hear for the first time since her debut. It changes the Mood Matrix screen we see here to purple for the first time that wasn't her demonstrating something to her co-workers (see Yuri Cosmos' MM sequence). Beyond volume and intensity of emotion, the fact that the person she cared so much for as to practice law to save from death row is experiencing so much mental anguish himself is distressing. Something terrible happened that day. It shook the ever-stoic Simon into a state not seen in even the most wild witness so far. He's hidden it for Athena's sake this entire time, but... why?
He's intentionally vague about it this time, compared to his more detailed accounts of the events. "That terrible scene!" leaves a lot to the imagination and nothing that comes to mind is comforting.
We all know why Athena's the defendant in this trial; Aura thinks she killed Metis Cykes that day. Edgeworth supports her theory through evidence that even Phoenix can't counter up to this point. Simon intervened in order to stop their efforts to indict her by lying about what happened that day.
Lying about... what, exactly, is the most concerning question. At this point the only two plausible explainations are that either Simon or Athena had done it. Savvier players might remember that Clonco stops by for a recharge at 2PM, same time as the crime, though Simon and Athena left the room at 3PM. There's a SMALL chance that what he saw could contradict what's been posited so far, though chances aren't looking great.
Also note that his line "I had no choice but to kill my mentor!" has gotten shorter. No mention of not wanting to hand Athena over. Just declaring in sheer hysteria that he did it and had no choice but to do it.
Simon is in a panic. Athena is reeling from her old friend's inner turmoil. No one is quite sure if what's about to be revealed will be in their favour.
He's very obviously concerned with Athena first and foremost; this entire act goes against even his own sister's wants, after all. That's where the centre of his most complex emotions lie.
And what do we find at the eye of the storm?
Part 6: Fixing Her Mother
Dr Cykes was already dead. Athena stood before her body on the repair table, bloody katana not too far away from her. She's covered in blood and no doubt in shock, but otherwise safe and sound.
Then Simon drops the bombshell; Athena looked at him with this look on her face and told him the following:
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Allow me to impart how gut-wrenching this entire sequence is.
On its own, it's already dark as dark can be. A smiling, dead-eyed little girl covered in blood is a sight to shake the hardiest to their core (the suspension of disbelief not withstanding - this is a cartoon depiction). I'm not the biggest fan of how Dual Destinies tends to jump between 3D and 2D anime but it can work. And boy does this work.
In context, this is Athena looking at Simon when he finds her mother Metis dead on the repair table. There's a bloody katana right by her and a stab wound on Metis. Athena has her mothers blood on her. She's smiling. Completely detatched from what is going on around her while looking Simon dead in the eye, telling him that she's about to take her mother apart to "fix" her.
Simon is in a whirlwind of emotions over this; grief at his mentor's death and for Athena's loss, relief that she's alive and well, furious that Metis had been murdered, and shocked that not only that this happened, not only that it seemingly happened because of her daughter... but that she's smiling as she's telling him the most horrific thing he could hear after seeing all of this.
Although. Simon isn't the only one Athena is looking at in this image.
She's also looking at herself. Her older self, the one that's just been told she killed her mother and how she intended to "fix" the situation.
Athena has not processed what happened that day by this point - her memories are still tucked away behind 5 Black Psyche Locks as a truth even she isn't aware of. Some parts of that memory come back to her here; the memory of stabbing someone with a blade, telling Simon she's going to "fix" Metis... but nothing more. The phantom is still hidden away from view. So the only logical conclusion she can come to at this point is that she did kill her mother that day.
She processes all of that while looking at herself, dead in the eye, covered in her mother's blood and smiling as if nothing's wrong.
She's looking back at the most innocent form of herself during the single worst event in her life. And she's smiling back at her.
Even better, she's looking at YOU. The player. Taking all of these dreadful things in while you and Athena are forced to witness something that shook SIMON SODDING BLACKQUILL to his core, before Athena finally breaks and screams in a combination of denial and anguish that her worst fear had come to light.
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It's only worse when Simon explains that Metis Cykes truly did love Athena. Everything that she had done - especially the headphones Athena hated oh so much - was done to help her lead a normal life in spite of her condition. Simon, being well attuned to the needs and motivations of others, picked up on this and saw the Cykes for more than what they appeared. He did not want to believe that Athena would so callously kill her mother and rip her apart on her own machine. Without any evidence to prove the contrary, he took the fall to save her from guilt he saw as unjust. It had to be some kind of mistake... right?
Athena, on top of reliving UR-1 under the worst possible context, is practically frozen in her shivering pose the entire time. Without any evidence to the contrary, she has no reason to believe it wasn't her. Her faith in herself has completely shattered at this point. She was brave in wanting to confront the truth Simon had hidden all these years - especially after what Aura said while she was in the Detention Centre. Unfortunately it only revealed the worst for both characters; Simon's drive to protect Metis' daughter had been for naught, and Athena now has to live with the knowledge that in the abscence of decisive evidence, she had set every terrible thing that happened to the her, Simon, and Aura in motion 7 years ago.
I could nark about Phoenix's involvement here. How he steals much of Athena's thunder and how she would have been more fitting to point out the flaws in Simon's testimony, perhaps even showing some growth as a standard evidence-presenting lawyer through disproving the Ponco explaination. I do wish he was written and utilised better, though I completely understand why Athena specifically is out of commission for this part of the re-trial, especially immediately after Aura and Simon's revelations about her part in UR-1.
The trauma Athena experienced has a significant affect on her throughout DD and she's shown that enough pressure being built on her is enough to shut her down completely. UR-1 itself is horrific enough to warrent such a total shutdown in the times it occurs - specifically in regards to not being able to save a friend from a false conviction. The game does a good job in building up to and justifying her reactions. Having her truck on in spite of this is very much in the Athena spirit but there's a clear breaking point; going past that would reduce the impact significantly.
I do still think it would have been more effective for her to pick apart Simon's testimony though. You can't have your faux-protagonist make a big hoo-ha about being given a chance and then hand the steering-wheel to the guy who only learned of Simon's situation THAT SAME DAY-
Ahem. Sorry about that.
My gripes aside, this is a very effective and powerful sequence that makes the triumph later on all the more impactful. This struggle between two people trying to save the other, briefly falling into the darkest moment of both their lives, then somehow coming back from it is the main reason I cried over Simon thanking Athena while she finally let loose those tears of joy.
Dual Destinies can be amazing when it isn't being stupid, you know?
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box-dwelling · 8 months
So I can't animate or draw well enough to do this but I do think the world needs a Krisnix No children animatic. So a breakdown/story board plan and idk maybe I'll make it as practice for some of the comic stuff I want to do.
I hope that our few remaining friends give up on trying to save us: Edgeworth and Maya desperately trying to contact Phoenix who is ignoring their calls. Maybe including Edgeworth insisting that Phoenix would never forge evidence to lead into the next line
I hope we come up with a fail safe plot to piss of the dumb few that forgave us: Phoenix forging the ace and then a reference to SL9 dagger to hammer home what that would mean to Edgeworth
I hope the fences we mended: Kristoph being the only vote in favour of him
Fall down beneath their own weight: Kristoph doing the small manipulative smile with the diary page in the background
And I hope we hang on past the last exit: Phoenix meeting Trucy
I hope it's already too late: Kristoph watching Phoenix losing the badge
I hope the junk yard a few block from here some day burns down: the courtroom burning
And I hope the rising black smoke carries me far away and I never come back to this town again: Phoenix going to Europe with Edgeworth
In my life: warmer colours come in as we get a little close up of Edgeworth seeing Phoenix and smiling
I hope I lie: warm colours gone Kristophs black psyche locks
And tell everyone you were a good wife: Phoenix telling Edgeworth about Kristoph while smiling. Colours are muted but still brighter than the rest
And I hope you die: back to black. them dining. Kristoph speaking
I hope we both die: same but Phoenix speaking
I hope I cut myself shaving tomorrow: Kristoph killing Zak (not the best line for but idk what else to put and this works for the general narrative flow)
I hope it bleeds all day long: Phoenix in the detention center
Our friends say it's darkest before the sun rises: trucy, with Apollo entering in the background
We're pretty sure they're all wrong: Phoenix getting decked by Apollo
I hope it stays dark for ever: Kristoph in his cell, wanting to keep what he did in the dark
I hope the worst isn't over: Phoenix post turnabout trump working on Mason
And I hope you blink before I do: spilt screen of Kristoph reading in his cell and Phoenix working on Mason
And I hope I never get sober: Grape juice on the desk beside Phoenix's computer
And I hope when you think of me years down the line: Phoenix in his new suit with the full WAA found family.
you can't find one good thing to say: Athena finds the nail polish bottle, Phoenix scowls while Klavier gets a hug from Apollo and Trucy looks forelorn
And I'd hope that I ever found the strength to walk out you'd stay the hell out of my way: Phoenix getting his badge back
I am drowning, there is no sign of land, You are coming down with me, Hand in unloveable hand, And I hope you die: Kristoph screaming this as he has his breakdown
I hope we both die: Phoenix putting away the hoodie and putting the beanie on the shelf and pouring the grape juice down the sink. Symbolically killing that version of himself
Writing this out I do really want to do it but if anyone else beats me to it, I'd love to see it because I am Bad at Art and while this could be fun practice seeing someone more skilled make this would be awesome too, though I'd appreciate being tagged so I can see it
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ninjastormhawkkat · 2 years
Divorced Amazing Cheese headcanons for you
Two-Brains still has feelings for Amazo. His heart would skip but he's too stubborn to admit it.
The fighting once got so worst they couldn't find Becky for days. It made Two-Brains forget about cheese entirely. He was relieved when he found out that she was with the Botsfords.
Two-Brains felt jealous when Professor Cartwright became WordGirl/Becky's mentor.
Professor Cartwright would've loved Steven before he became Two-Brains. Would've been happy to have a friend who also loves science as she does.
When the fighting and everything came to a peak. They had to stop. Becky having a breakdown as she just wants her dad's to atleast not bicker as much as they did. Sally Botsford sat both of them down. Ripping into them for Becky's sake.
From then on they only did it when she wasn't around. Sadly since she's WordGirl and has super hearing she still hears the fighting.
Professor Cartwright still views herself as the good guy. When people call her a villain she gets offended.
Sparks fly when Amazo and Two-Brains finally talk things out like adults. Feelings re-emerge as they put their differences aside to save Becky.
Cartwright has a souvenir from each hero she's "helped" in the past.
Amazing headcanons. I love the angst. Yes Sally most likely handles the legal aspects of the custody agreement. I definitely see her reminding those two what is important at stake. Two Brains gets jealous when anyone tries to mentor Becky. I imagine Professor Cartwright befriending Steven prior to the Jekyll/Hyde serum we talked about. I am afraid to ask yet morbidly intrigued to learn what these "souvenirs" are that Cartwright has collected from "helping" heroes. I also think back to a headcanon you mentioned about how Amazo and Athena knew each other as kids. I imagine Amazo doesn't recognize her name at first since it has been a while, but when he sees her face, all the memories come back and it just fuels the horror and growing anger Amazo Guy feels after seeing what she is trying to do to Becky.
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captain-hen · 8 months
something interesting about s1/3a/5a and the characters being at their worst is that it also shows the characters going through various stages of regression or setbacks (i.e. the interesting thing isnt the trauma but rather their response). hen/eva, athena during divorce, buck pushing away the 118 when he feels unwanted, maddie leaving/isolating herself, eddie internalizing his grief/trauma, all of bucktaylor come to mind. and the crazy thing is that the finale set up the characters for possible regression/setback sooo well. maddie and what it means for her to get/be married again. eddie being complacent in relationships again. henren getting their first baby since denny. possibly exploring chim/leadership again. buck (hes always got some setback going on lmao). anyways funny that this is the case considering things were supposed to feel resolved in case of a cancellation looool
this is true! the seasons where the characters were comparatively "at their best", s2 and s4 might have wrapped up with happy endings, but there were always hints of the conflict that certain plot points were setting up; like the ladder truck which ultimately led to the lawsuit, shannon's death which led to eddie's unhealthy coping mechanisms in s3, maddie & chim getting together which set the stage for maddie reckoning with the trauma of her marriage; eddie getting shot which led to his breakdown in s5, etc. so, yeah, there's a lot of potential for the characters to go down a tough road in 7A. tbh, i think in hastily wrapping up s6 the way they did, they left more uncertainty and more questions left unanswered than would have been otherwise 🤷🏽‍♀️ is it really a happy ending if it's rushed, with a bunch of characters still not communicating properly, and others regressing into old habits? 🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️
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coldbam · 2 months
omg sorry i took so long on this, fell asleep last night and then got distracted with work then fic posting
THANK YOU for sending me this!
8) common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about - HAHA where do i begin…. idk i think i am generally at odds with the majority of conceptions and opinions in this fandom. like im never gonna write dom eddie, angry/jealous eddie. i got dogpiled on twitter for saying i didn’t think buck needs to “have a breakdown”. i’m a shannon hater and an ana/taylor defender. I don’t think ships going canon is necessary for me to enjoy. idk idk kgjfjf this is a bad answer but like kgjfjf some days i really am like Only I'm Right about eddie. but these things are subjective!! i can go into more rants in private kgjfjjfjfjf
9) worst part of canon - uhhhhhh canon great i love canon, like idk in general the worst stuff is probably cop stuff but angela is soooo good that the majority of it still works when its just athena. if im getting into specifics ill just talk about the premiere, this isn’t a “worst” but it is a quibble that i hated how they wrote off natalia in the show, that it read like fanfic i dont like. when you watch s6 she had 1 scene where she talks about death with buck and it’s never brought up again, i thought it was annoying that fandom latched onto that and to see it become canon felt extremely lazy. (marisol’s return also very lazy!! but i’m waiting to see what they do with her!) god ok for real as an eddie biased girlie the worst part of canon is that he’s last billed of the adult mains and usually gets the least to do. BUT ALSO everything we do get is usually very good so i can’t complain too much….
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ice-sculptures · 4 months
NOT BUCK CHOKING WHILE ON HIS FANCY DATE AND NEARLY DYING!!!! Abby Clark so cool calm and collected I love you please marry me instead
I love how I am taking a break from Criminal Minds so I can see something that's not serial/spree killers having the worst breakdown of their lives. And then Athena nearly dies in a situation exactly like that
Btw, if you don't want to spam the dash, you don't have to answer every one of these. I know I've sent you a lot all in one night.
TWS Anon
the chim rebar cake scene was so funny but LMFAO when i first watched it the only thing i noticed was this unfortunate reminder of the scene with mike's monologue (you're the heart!!)
i think the tracheotomy scene was the first time i was really and truly surprised by this show asdfljkdsahfljks i was not expecting this man to nearly die while on a date.....10/10 penwork from abby tho (it was a pen, right?? it's been a little while since i've watched it 😅)
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meeedeee · 2 years
How you will heal and you'll rise above
Fandoms: 9-1-1 (TV)
No Archive Warnings Apply
Evan "Buck" Buckley & Bobby Nash
Evan "Buck" Buckley & Athena Grant
Evan "Buck" Buckley & Christopher Diaz (9-1-1 TV)
Evan "Buck" Buckley & Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV)
Pre-relationship Evan "Buck" Buckley/Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV)
Evan "Buck" Buckley
Bobby Nash
Athena Grant
Christopher Diaz (9-1-1 TV)
May Grant (9-1-1 TV)
Henrietta "Hen" Wilson (mentioned)
Howie "Chimney" Han (mentioned)
Maddie Buckley (mentioned)
Dr. Copeland (9-1-1 TV)
Ana Flores (9-1-1 TV) (mentioned)
References to Depression
Canon-Typical Violence
Mental Health Issues
Mental Breakdown
Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence
9-1-1 Season 5
Sad with a Happy Ending
Reverse Big Bang Challenge
Embedded Video
Inspired by Art
Warning for traumatic canon events
Buck had learned to hate the question, “Hey, how are you?”
The simple phrase had become the worst thing someone could ask. The words made him anxious, upset, sorrowful, and downright failingly. They were a million emotions, all wrapped... (Feed generated with FetchRSS) source https://archiveofourown.org/works/41466108
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lovecolibri · 2 years
I've been thinking... In the 5x13 synopsis, if I remember correctly, says that Buck 'realizes' he has to come clean with TayKay... But realizing and doing are two completely different things...
One of my biggest fears ((way to be dramatic lmao) besides having to see B&L flirt or worse! right in front of my salad) is for Kr*sten and Co. to drag the BT breakup forever... While at the same time having to see B&L flirt or worse! every fucking week...
Could you imagine? There would be carnage
Nooooooo, Nonnie why would you say that?! 😧😧😧
Actually, I had the same thought that maybe that's going to get pushed to the background of 5x13 with the Eddie of it all plus several emergency calls. There's the spider call, the shark cage call, the falling in a hole call, PLUS the big "no fear" lady call that looks like it will be an Athena case-turned 118 rescue at the end. That's a lot, plus we have the Maddie/Buck reunion, AND the Eddie breakdown (WHERE BUCK IS IN THE ROOM), and at least a scene or two of Eddie in therapy! It's going to be a jampacked episode.
I'm feeling like we won't really see her much and he might make the decision at the end of 5x13 to tell her. And at this point, knowing that because of the cheating guilt that we aren't getting the narrative satisfaction like we got with Eddie's breakup, I'm kinda hoping he decides to tell her at the end of 5x13 and then either does tell her at the start of 5x14 and we see him telling her and then cut, and see him tell someone else about how the breakup went, OR start 5x14 with him telling someone (NOT YOU l*cy) that he told her and how the breakup went, keeping it all off screen. Partly because it was always gonna be hella cringe thanks to MW but now with the cheating, it's not even going to be enjoyable watching Buck set himself free, because he's not taking a step forward as a moment of growth, he's in a downward spiral. (IF you want the cheating to make some kind of sense with his character an assume he's in a dark mental place. Otherwise he's just a dick who stayed in a miserable relationship because he was already miserable so he might as well not be 100% lonely as well, and then ditched his gf when he found someone new and shiny that made him feel alive again. But "free and happy and exciting" is how KR promoted this L arc so 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️)
I don't think they'll drag it out much further than 5x14 but even once he's single the idea of Buck and L "poking" and "flirting" at work on calls already makes me nauseous (if it was a man 10 years older people might have more to say about them being someone who brings out the worst in the younger character and goads them into make poor choices like she's supposed to do across her scenes with Buck, but that's a whole other post), so I'm just hoping after 5x11 and having this three-week break, that they might change some things up a bit. If not, you can always come yell at me and we can be salt-buddies together!
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xhda1449x · 2 years
Ace attorney for the blorbo ask thing?
thanks for the ask! AA, well... honestly I wasn't in the fandom for a while now, but I still like the games a lot and I think I remember most of the important characters so here we go!!!
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most): well, again I wasn't really thinking about AA lately but I think Maya, she was always my favorite and I think I maybe based some of my personality on her at one point. Maybe. Possibly also Athena. And Apollo. I like them a little less than Maya but they're my duo of dumbasses and I wouldn't let anyone hurt them I feel like I have to atleast mention the judge here he's amazing
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped): Pearl, definitely Pearl. Especially 8 year old Pearl. God dammit I would die for the child. She's Adorable (Trucy too, but I always liked Pearls a bit more, narumayo trash solidarity I guess) also this might be cheating but child versions of Feenie, Larry, Edgie and Franziska from the anime were Very Cute and I would also die for them
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave): hm, I wanted to say Franziska but now I'm thinking Kay. Yeah Franziska is. well. maybe my favorite actually (but in a different way from Maya, I like Maya but Franziska is kinda painfully relatable so I can only think about her sometimes to not spiral into depression over my own life), but I'd say Kay is more underrated. The Investigations games are underrated and more people should play them basically
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week): AAI2 especially. Sebastian. I'm putting him here because from what I know there's still a bunch of people who like AA but never played AAI2, but if he doesn't count then... I guess Penny Nichols? I wanted to cosplay her when I still had longer brown hair. I still want to cosplay her honestly. She's also in AAI2. What a coincidence
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave): okay, maybe I should put Sebastian here, I kind of enjoy him mostly because he's a bit pathetic, but he's not problematic enough I think. So! Dahlia. I wouldn't call her my "fave", I mostly love to hate her, but that's the thing, she's good at what she's meant to do and that is make me angry (and also is a good villain or whatever). Idk I like her design a lot, I love how innocent she looks until she doesn't, I think that's fun. And her story is honestly tragic, I used to call her, Matt and Kristoph the big trio I absolutely hated but now she intrigues me. So I'm putting her here
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason): I don't think I have one tbh. I rarely really have characters I want to suffer just for the sake of it... But if I had to pick one (and I guess I kinda do), then Larry? I don't like him too much, he's cool but can be annoying, which is why he's not my pathetic fave (that, and also I don't like him for being pathetic, I feel very neutral about him because he's just. some guy. Which is nice in the AA universe where Just Some Guys usually don't exist but idk I just think he's kinda boring), I definitely don't want him to suffer, but I could bully him a little you know
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell): okay now HERE'S Matt. Matt Engarde just so we're clear. I like him a lot as a character, and by that I mean he's the absolute worst and I would stomp on him probably. Choosing "not guilty" and then watching him have a breakdown is honestly one of my favorite parts of AA. Ok yeah maybe he's the character I want to see suffer the most. Alright so in that case, Kristoph? He just infuriates me, but doesn't make me go all into rage mode like Matt does. Also Oldbag. She can burn
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magic-number-3 · 3 years
okay so i actually did watch a few episodes of 911 this week without liveblogging them but i did take notes as if i was liveblogging and then just,,, didnt lmao so in case anyone cares about my thoughts im going to share them anyway asdlfkjsdl mostly i think they’ll just be fun to look at later
Eddie Diaz is soooooo fuckin dreamy i stgggggg
“I cant order you guys to go inside that building and im not gonna judge you if you decide not to” “Hen, you got a kid, so...” “Yeah. And I’d hope if someone whose job it was to save him they’d do it. No matter what.” QUEEN SHIT 😤😤😤
Marvin you on thin ice but you right; you a king
“They could really use a miracle today” “I might just have a few  of those left. I see them.” ALSKFKGKS crying why is the dialogue so good in this show???
Russ gonna die im calling it. They saved the athlete and they’ll probably save the little girl?? So hes not gonna make it. At least hen is okay
“Even i couldnt save me. You dont know me, but im good.” “Oh yeah? Well maybe im better”
FUCK. I called it but it still hurts
ALL OF THAT ENDING??? WE CAN BE HEROES SLAPS AND IK WE BEEN KNEW BUT ALDJFKFKSKJ everything about the end to that episode is so 👌👌👌 i wanna cry
ATHENA AND BOBBY HELL YEAHHHHH the husband is a straight g pullin thru for him like that
Also Christopher is such. Lil cutie
“These fire guys are totally hot” LAKJDFKAL I MEAN YOURE RIGHT
Oh sheet Eddies abuela 😞
Every interaction between Eddie and Christopher got me like 🥺🥺🥺
Okay how are you not supposed to ship Buddie they’re talking about being single together and then his aunt telling buck about how ‘he’s a saint’ and all that??? THATS SUCH ROMANTIC INTEREST SHIT. WHEN DO YOU HAVE A FAMILY MEMBER GUSHING TO A MAIN CHARACTER AND THAT CHARACTER ISNT THE LOVE INTEREST????
Oooh I love this song STUCK IN THE MIDDLE WITH YOU
“Now I feel kind of lame” “BECAUSE YOU ARE” LMAO HEN
Ooooh yeah why do you call him chim???
Awe good for Maddie omg 🥺🥺🥺
CHIMNEY IS A MODERN MEDICAL MIRACLE???? I mean good for him bro figured lol but for it to be said out loud shittttttt
alkjsdskla im losing it over Tatiana
Awww now this is sad :( chim’s got noboddddddy
Sdkljfas Buck you have GOT to move out of Abby’s place dude
‘I had a life-altering trauma and her life got altered. All I got was the trauma.’ THATS SUCH A GOOD LINE SPEAK YOUR TRUTH CHIM
Chim 🥺 awe. “Wakes me up in the middle of the night”. Buddy :( CAPS GOT YA
like. Fuck Tatiana. But also good for her. And Chim gets to start to move on!! That was a really sweet scene
Aw Bobby gets Athena ^-^
This was such a good fucking episode yo. Like the way the idea of being stuck had to do with the 911s lives while also all of the calls they went one were being physically stuck and the way the proposal instigated Chim’s breakdown to allow him to finally move on…. just. Excellent television!!!!
So proud of Maddie!!!! So proud of everybody this episode :)
Buck yeah you gotta move out buddy
ASKFJHASJLAD this has gotta be fake im sdlfkjsaldk
LMAOOOO THIS BITCH she’s gonna end up actually getting hurt
OMFGGGGGGGG this bitch had it coming
What is this girls fucking problem with Maddie lmaaooooooo fuck off
Awe this lady with the muffin or whatever is so sweet. This places Celine dion 😂😂😂 queen
Lmao wait why is she actually horrible 😂😭😭
Omg Maddie and Athena are so fun
I love Maddie and Athena so much alsdkfj
Gloria im sorry but you’re getting what you deserve.
LKAJSDALKS. “People who yell and scream and cry and expect you to do something for them” GIRL YOU ARE LITERALLY A 911 RESPONDER THAT IS YOUR GOT DAMN JOB???
“Do they ever think of anything but themselves and what they need?” THEY ARE USUALLY DYING GLORIA
I feel so bad for Hen and Karen :( Eva can fuck off dude. Can’t they get sharing rights with the dad? I mean yeah it sucks that Eva is just doing this to fuck em over but like.. the dad still deserves to get to know his son if he wants to. Though Eva would probably try to stay with him just to turn Denny against Hen and Karen… UGHHHHHH
Lil denny :( aw Hen. I love her sm
Hen what u doing girl…. Cant it make the case more difficult if you keep interacting with Eva?
I love Karen and Hen sm 🥺
Ugh I hate that she lived but it was the right thing to do….
“I save awful people every day its my job” Hell yeah girl
Dont love cheering for her going back tho jail can be terrible…. But at least she’ll be out of Karen and hens lives. we’re not meant to think too deeply about this is.
oh…. gloria… damn.
Cant you just share custody?? :( I mean it sucks but like… just talk to him.
“Yeah people can be awful… but not everyone is awful… but you’ll never know what kind of person someone is unless you give them the chance to show you” :(
Wow the last shot of the episode thats like the long shot at the dinner table with the narration was real fucking good :( im emo.
listen. I do know what happens between those two and I am very excited.
Oh no maddies so anxiousssss
Buck fangirling over this reporter lady im asldkjflksad
“But the way they cared for me, thats what kept me alive” :( Hen :(
Omg are Athenas kids like the same age as Bobbys :(
Oh no eddies upsetttttt 😂
This is fucking HILARIOUS
Oh no bobbyyyyyyyy :((((((
Awe the news piece was so nice
Oh shes got a fucking POPCORN MAKER IM SO JEALOUS
Wow Taylor was really going to use the footage :/
“Just get a room already” BUCK NOOOO DUDE
The way bobby always fist bumps Athenas son whenever they say hello/goodbye. So fun 🥺good content right there
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athenagrantnash · 3 years
no because i can already hear this fandom calling athena abusive for that....
Oh god... if I hear even ONE person saying that I might actually cut a bitch
They are ALL on edge, and they are ALL hurting. Athena is clearly on the edge of a complete breakdown, and we saw the first hints of it in this episode.
Harry saying she's terrible... basically proving that that's just ONE more thing that the creep managed to take from her... it's just going to push her over the edge. They might have physically rescued him, but she still lost her son to the same man who she almost lost her life to. And that's literally one of the worst things you could do to her.
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scarlettlawyer · 4 years
I posted this short little fic on AO3 a few months ago, and have now made some slight edits and am posting it here. Post-Dual Destinies, characters featured are the phantom, Simon and Athena. No pairings, 1094 words. They’re nothing but one act after another...
In the performance that constitutes their life, “the phantom” will serve to be their final role.
It is the only role they have left now, and they have every intention of playing the part up until the very end. It’s not them, because they aren’t anyone or anything. It’s just another mask of sorts, a new persona to slip into, one gracefully bestowed upon them by one Prosecutor Simon Blackquill.
It was only once all the physical masks were gone, taken away from them, that they were able to truly take into account this last remaining “mask” they had in their possession. Even if it wasn’t one they could cover their face with, it could still serve as the guideline that they so desperately needed, for without a persona or a role to act out, they’d be nothing.
Prosecutor Blackquill’s attempts to label them and analyse “the phantom” had been a fundamentally misguided endeavour from the very start. There was, after all, nothing to label or assign an essence to, and therefore anything born from his attempts at classification would be inevitably misconstruing reality.
It was precisely this that had allowed a new persona of sorts to take shape for them to inhabit. It still wasn’t them, because they had no self to be, but it didn’t matter. Everyone around them had conjured up an idea of what “the phantom” was like, and those guidelines were all that was needed. It was more concept than persona, restricting and ill-defined, as any vague and illusory projection would inevitably be, but it was enough.
They would become a perfect reflection of whatever Blackquill expected to see.
There was just one thing that was out of place… Blackquill asked them why they were crying. They didn't know they were, but touching their hand to the wetness on their face was enough to confirm it. It's just something that happens - as for why, they couldn't say. It comes and goes. They'd never had this issue before, but ever since their breakdown in court, the silent tears would leak from their eyes every so often, and without warning. It made little sense, as they could perceive no difference in their internal state compared to when the tears flowed and when they were absent.
As far as they could tell, they were mostly back to “normal” in terms of blankness and emptiness – a very good resemblance to how they were before all of this happened, even though something had been a little different ever since their cover had been blown. Something about them seemed to have become fundamentally damaged ever since the breakdown… This much, they could surmise. Perhaps that was the source of the silent bouts of tears that streamed from their eyes. But whatever was broken, whatever the source, there was no use pondering it, as it hardly mattered now - their career was at an end, and soon their life would follow suit.
At some point, even the Cykes girl came to see them. Perhaps it was more accurate to say that she came not to see them, but instead to listen to whatever signals the nothingness contained within them may be giving off. Why bother at all? What was the point? It was likely that Prosecutor Blackquill selfishly wanted to try and bring them into a state where they would be more likely to talk, to provide names and information, which would first require some kind of assessment of how they were at present.
Cykes’ diagnosis, as she gazed upon the Mood Matrix that they certainly didn’t ask her to pull up, was that they were “scared”. If they knew anything at all, it was that this conclusion was not quite right. Death was coming for them in one form or another as things currently were, and they were faced with it from every angle, so the intense fear for their life that they’d felt during the trial had long since lost its novelty. They knew what fear was because it was what they’d felt back then, and what they also knew was that it was not what they were experiencing now. Fear makes sense when there might be chance of escape, when all is not yet lost. But when the worst seems to have already come to pass, what is left is acceptance. What was the point of fearing death now when it was just a matter of waiting for the inevitable to come? There was nothing left for them and their hollow existence beyond going through the motions until the curtains finally drew to a close on said existence.
Cykes had other little theories, too. She and Blackquill would sometimes speak about them as if they were not there. After all, they never said much, only spoke very rarely, and usually didn’t respond to words directly addressed to them.
“I think the phantom… went so long without experiencing any emotions. But then, in the trial… they experienced so much emotion all at once. So, what if it can no longer be stopped entirely? Even if the emotions aren’t being felt on a conscious level… maybe they’d find another way out, and that’s the cause of the crying?”
It didn’t matter.
“Ah!” she had also exclaimed, at some point. When pressed by Blackquill, she’d spoken again. “It’s always been especially hard to use my Mood Matrix on the phantom because, you know… But. I think I got something wrong.”
“Something wrong?” Blackquill had repeated.
“Yeah. The phantom – they’re not afraid.”
Only their eyes moved, looking over at the two of them upon hearing that. Blackquill was frowning, and didn’t hesitate to voice his confusion. "Not afraid? But it is evident to the eye that the Mood Matrix is registering just that, unless my eyes deceive me. Or perhaps you mean to say that there is some sort of fault with its interface?"
“Is it an issue with the Mood Matrix’s display? Yes and no,” Athena replied. “I guess… It’s a little oversimplified, sometimes, and that can be an issue. Usually my hearing helps make up for that and distinguish when need be, but in this case it’s so hard to hear anything clear… The problem isn’t that it’s displaying incorrectly. The problem is how simplified the interface is. I don’t think they’re afraid, I think they’re sad. Sadness and fear are both represented by the same section, so it’ll light up regardless of whichever emotion is being felt. In this case, I may have mistaken one for the other…”
They closed their eyes. It didn’t matter.
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gautier-desroches · 4 years
Tumblr media
▪︎ Gautier Desroches ▪︎
Bio down below ! 🔻🔻🔻
◦ ғᴜʟʟ ɴᴀᴍᴇ ◦
Gautier Desroches 
◦ ʜɪᴘᴘʏ ɴᴀᴍᴇ ◦
◦ ᴀɢᴇ ◦
◦ ᴅᴀᴛᴇ ᴏғ ʙɪʀᴛʜ ◦
October 22
◦ ᴢᴏᴅɪᴀᴄ sʏᴍʙᴏʟ ◦
◦ ɢᴇɴᴅᴇʀ ◦
◦ ᴘʀᴇғᴇʀʀᴇᴅ ᴘʀᴏɴᴏᴜɴs ◦
◦ sᴇxᴜᴀʟɪᴛʏ ◦
◦ ᴇᴛʜɴɪᴄɪᴛʏ ◦
◦ ʜᴇɪɢʜᴛ ◦
6’1” (185 cm)
◦ ᴡᴇɪɢʜᴛ ◦
135 Ibs
◦ ᴛᴀᴛᴛᴏᴏs/sᴄᴀʀs/ᴘɪᴇʀᴄɪɴɢs ◦
Nipple piercings. Usually wears long chain jewelry there. Also has a tattoo of a cat on his shoulder.
◦ ɢᴇɴᴇʀᴀʟ ᴘᴇʀsᴏɴᴀʟɪᴛʏ
Gautier is the definition of a sweetheart. He’s constantly making sure the people around him feel comfortable and loved, and always offering emotional advice and moral support. Literally the first thing he asks someone when he first meets them is their preferred pronouns and any triggers they have.
Defense: “But the officers called me Mr. at the crime scene? I thought you knew that?”
Gautier: -comforting smile as he puts a hand on their shoulder- “Just ‘cause someone calls you something doesn’t mean it’s accurate. Also I use ‘dude’ and ‘man’ as a gender neutral term, but if that ever bothers you I can adjust immediately”
This kindness also seems to shine in court, as he even provides support for the defense when they’re feeling down. 
Defense: -is super stressed out because they’ve gone on a wild theory and doesn’t know what evidence to present-
Gautier: “Hey man…just take a breath. Clear your mind, and the answer will come to you. I believe in you dude, you can do this”
Even his objections don’t hold much bite, as he usually points out the flaw in the defense’s claim gently instead of mockingly. 
“Not to throw off your vibes, dude…I’m totally digging where you’re going with your theory but like…that kind of contradicts this evidence, right?”
This aspect of himself, while in his tender nature, is also due to the fact that he cares more about the truth than winning. 
Gautier is a fun mix of your stereotypical teenage skater boy and hippy. The first because of his tendency to use words such as “Dude, bruh, killer, radical, etc” and the second because he’s very in tune with emotions and nature. He’s also a little stupid when it comes to stuff people usually know? A bit of a ditz, if you will. 
Someone: “Are you the breadwinner of the household?”
Gautier: “Duuuude….I won bread? That’s like…so killer man. I hope it’s whole wheat…”
However, don’t underestimate him. Gautier is quite intelligent when it comes to tougher topics, like law, emotions, science, and other schooly subjects. It often throws people for a loop when he corrects them about certain facts in a long tangent. 
Gautier, other than law, also loves music. It’s his side career. But while he knows how to play guitar and piano he isn’t trying to make a career out of them. He’s actually trying to become a famous kazoo player. 
“The kazoo just brings so much happiness and laughter to people, man…it really speaks to me”
Gautier, surprisingly, tends to put off more people than he should. Mostly his coworkers. People see the way he acts so carefree and unprofessional and look down on him. Some also aren’t fond of his empathetic side, as Gautier is more sensitive than most. He is sometimes known to go in “Moods”, where he’s down about something he’s learned. These can range from actual dark topics, to the death of a bug on his way to work. As you may realize, this can be tough to deal with when you’re trying to get something done and he’s busy sulking. 
All in all though, Gautier is a genuinely good dude, and more cooperative with the defense than he probably should be. 
◦ ɢᴏᴏᴅ ᴛʀᴀɪᴛs ◦
◦ Empathetic
◦ Honest
◦ Passionate
◦ Intelligent 
◦ ʙᴀᴅ ᴛʀᴀɪᴛs ◦
◦ Not common sense smart
◦ Gullible
◦ Sensitive
◦ Physically touchy
◦ sᴛʀᴇɴɢᴛʜs ◦
◦ Catching on to the little things in a case
◦ Noticing his witnesses emotions
◦ Making a witness that’s about to breakdown feel better
◦ Doesn’t lie, so never caught in any. Also has very lax body language, so hard to detect his nervous ticks unless he’s in a mood.
◦ ᴡᴇᴀᴋɴᴇssᴇs ◦
◦ Animals (Allergic)
◦ Easy for Athena to detect his emotions since he’s very open with them.
◦ Because he never lies, if he’s forced to he’s super bad at it.
◦ When in a mood, he’s a flurry of ticks. He gets a twitchy pouting lip, he rubs the back of his neck, he hides in his hair more, etc. When not in a mood, his nervous ticks are well hidden because they’re mistaken for carefree confidence. Ex, widened smiles, hands in pockets, blowing hair out of face. Of course, these are easier to see for the trained eye.
◦ ғᴇᴀʀs/ᴘʜᴏʙɪᴀs ◦
◦ Lighting & Thunder
◦ Darkness
◦ Background ◦
Gautier was raised in Seattle for his childhood days. His life was relatively normal, learning both of his mother’s behaviors and teachings as he grew. He was a very bright child, quick to learn and quick to make friends because of his carefree nature. As he grew though, children who were once fascinated by his connection with earth and its inhabitants started to find him strange. That only got worse when his family moved to France for his high school years. 
Gautier stuck out like a sore thumb, not suited socially to the expensive school his parents signed him up for. They had wanted him to have wonderful opportunities, especially since his mom needed the family to move for work reasons. But that only backfired as he became a target of bullying. It didn’t help that the teachers saw him as a problem child as, despite his good grades, he had a tendency for violating uniform guidelines, had a ‘marijuana user’ way of speaking (not the nicest thing to overhear a teaching saying), etc. 
The bullying took its worst turn on the night of the overnight musicthon. An event where musicians of the school would write a song overnight, and the best song would win tuition money for college. That night there was a dreadful storm, and his bullies had locked him outside on one of the school’s upper floor verandas, trapping him in the downpour. It only got worse when the storm left the school in a blackout. Now left in scary darkness, Gautier was panicked. He curled up on the floor, hoping to avoid the edge so he wouldn’t fall off. 
That was when it struck. 
A shot of lighting, just outside of the veranda.
The crack of light and overwhelming roar of thunder left Gautier in shambles. It’s strike resulted in a broken telephone wire, the edge slicing his shoulder and leaving a nasty scar. Despite the injury, Gautier was too scared to move. Even after the storm was over, Gautier didn’t move from his spot, hands covering his ears and eyes shut with fear. He was found by a teacher hours later, and quickly taken to the hospital.
His mother, Séraphine Desroches, came to the school the next day. Her son wasn’t telling her who did it, so she would find out herself. Being a prosecutor for years, it didn’t take her long to piece together what happened. She waited until her son was better to take action, demanding an audience with the principal, bullies, their parents, the teachers that were on watch that night, etc. Then she got to work, accusing the boys responsible with elegance, intimidation and hard evidence. Needless to say the boys were expelled once their actions were brought to light. 
That incident stuck with Gautier in more ways than one. It left him with an extreme fear of lighting, thunder, and darkness. And it made him want to pursue being a prosecutor. The way his mom had pieced together her argument and gotten justice for him was inspiring, and an insane relief. He wanted to give that feeling to every person that had been wronged. So, after his last two years of high school spent in a less snooty school, he took up law in college (as well as therapy) and the rest is history.
◦ ᴄᴜʀʀᴇɴᴛ ᴏᴄᴄᴜᴘᴀᴛɪᴏɴ ◦
Prosecutor and musician.
◦ ᴘᴀʀᴇɴᴛs ◦
Mom: Tilda Desroches (Auramother Soulquest) - 50 years old. Pet Groomer. 
Mom: Séraphine Desroches - 53 years old. Prosecutor. 
◦ sɪʙʟɪɴɢs ◦
◦ ʀᴏᴍᴀɴᴛɪᴄ ɪɴᴛᴇʀᴇsᴛ ◦
Matthew Gallenstein 
Ex. Finn from Life is Strange 2
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