mothyandthesquid · 5 months
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Things people say to me online. I couldn’t figure out what this person wanted as they were a winner of free yarn that had to be collected at a show (no postage was a condition of the prize) and kept telling me they didn’t know if they should go or not. They gave so many reasons why they shouldn’t, and seemed to be asking me to decide for them.
After a week of them sapping my energy with daily DMs, I suggested they should choose the option they preferred. All hell unleashed itself upon me from her keyboard. I am rude and uncaring and she doesn’t need to be told what to do (then why ask?), and my communication style is not good enough, etc. Well, I said I was autistic and doing my best and that’s when she said I never shut up about autism and “I don’t care how autistic you are!”. Nice. Blocked, obv.
A chat with someone neurotypical and it dawned on me that she’d spent a week trying to manipulate me into sending the freebies (specifically against the t&c) and had gotten frustrated when I though she was having a genuine dilemma and tried to help. I wonder if she realised that was why it didn’t work or just wanted to lash out?
I stand for not being a dick to people who have communication difficulties, or any other type of disability or difference. I also think I should be big enough to own up and apologise when I get it wrong. And being autistic, I get it wrong a lot!
This colourway is neon pink and black. It differs from “Black Tulip” because it is UV reactive and has no purple, only pink. This makes a beacon of brightness and a striking statement (or brash and socially inappropriate, if you prefer). That’s the thing with autism, it’s both beautiful and ugly to live with. I love my differences and my neurodivergent friends and allies, but I see more than average of the nasty side of people who feel slighted for reasons I did not intend and do not understand.
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projectbatman193 · 1 year
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mentalhealthadventure · 2 months
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14. One of Many
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vincent-catto · 1 year
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Sono asperger e questo significa che sono diversa dalla norma. A scuola ero sempre sola, senza amici, mi sedevo in un angolo. A casa lo stesso, stavo male, avevo un disturbo alimentare.
Tutto è passato ora, perché ho capito qual è la mia strada.
Non sono la bambina arrabbiata che urla davanti ai leader mondiali, non sono come alcuni media mi rappresentano, sono una ragazza timida, studiosa, una nerd che ha a cuore il presente e il futuro del Pianeta e dunque anche il mio.
Ho trovato uno scopo in un mondo che spesso sembra vuoto e senza significato a così tante persone. Quando gli haters se la prendono per il tuo aspetto e la tua differenza, significa che non sanno dove andare. E tu sai che stai vincendo.”
Greta Thunberg
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mbticatalog · 1 year
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Similarities between INTP and HFA
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tengomilpalabrasparati · 10 months
Asperger, un espectro del autismo que pasa más desapercibido.
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saru135 · 2 years
autism as a disability
When we research the topic of autism on the Internet, after a while we realize that the vast majority of autistic people portrayed in the media are hyperfunctional and their disorder does not represent a serious handicap for them.
But I find this representation very disrespectful to autistic people who have severe intellectual disabilities, can't speak, have learning disabilities, or just stand out altogether.
No, most on this platform are NOT disabled, myself included. It's unfair for a hyperfunctional autistic person to claim that their disorder is a handicap for them just because they have sensitive ears or get easily anxious.
Please stop making yourselves important and spread awareness about autistic people who are seriously disabled.
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theaspieworld · 4 days
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So what do you know about Tourette’s and Autism? Are they linked? Are they the same? I’m explain all that. So Tourette’s is such an interesting neurological condition that impacts about 1 in 163 people on average, and is a difficult condition to deal with at times. It creates impulses of tics, which are involuntary nosies, or sounds or movements that just occur in random succession. There is a link that exists between autism and Tourette’s and that is that they are both neurological conditions and that they both enable tics. I experience tics with autism, which are impulsive reactions to situations. For example if I am overwhelmed stressed, or nervous I have a tic that occurs where I hit my chest and cough. Tourette’s is sometimes co-occurring in autism to, so a person could be diagnosed with autism and also Tourette’s at the same time. But they are also diagnosable independent of each other, so you can be diagnosed with only autism and or only Tourette’s. Another linking factor that joins Tourette’s and autism together is the fact that there is no known cause for either of these unique conditions. If you have anything to add to this, please pop it in a comment as I read every one. Also please follow @theaspieworld for more autism content. Video: https://youtu.be/6MnZn3QpNus?si=PZxVxhX6pOmtm0Tp https://bit.ly/4dbDHkI
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autistic-diary · 24 days
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Voglio essere quel qualcosa, o qualcuno, che nella mia vita è mancato.
Non assentarmi da impegni o eventi, non mancare a saggi o recite.
Non mancare nemmeno emotivamente, o mancare di affetto.
Voglio essere quell'adulto mancato, quel bambino prodigio che purtroppo si è preso troppo cura di sé, per troppo tempo, arrivando ad ammalarsi e digiunare, perché sentiva anche solo i suoi chili come un peso da dover sopportare.
Non voglio né essere cattiva né stronza, voglio essere quel genitore che mi è mancato, ma che forse non sarò mai.
Voglio essere ancora una bambina, QUELLA bambina, che purtroppo della sua adolescenza si ricorda poco e niente.
Voglio essere me, anche quando tutti non crederanno più nella mia persona.
E ANCHE QUANDO faticherò a guardarmi allo specchio so che dovrò ricordarmi cosa voglio diventare.
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myfavoriteskdramas · 2 years
As a person who has a brother with autism it's incredible how great Extraordinary Attorney Woo is, I feel excited about these kind of dramas cause I think more people should know and also learn about this syndrome so we can start to make a real change in the actual sociaty.
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groennuuk · 11 months
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domingo #TEA #animation Margarita Garcia ALONSO
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mentalhealthadventure · 7 months
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11. Nothing
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Every day I wake up and ponder if the way I feel emotions is becuase I’m autistic or if I could be aromantic. 
And I’m definately using it as a way to cope whilst lving in politicaly turbulent times
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21threjectedsoul · 7 months
I never had any issues about knowing myself 'cause my whole family and every kind of environment crushed me by being myself, which means I was forced into knowing every inch of myself to recognize what exactly about me was seen as "wrong" by them
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Ho l’Asperger e questo significa che sono diversa dalla norma. A scuola ero sempre sola, senza amici, mi sedevo in un angolo. A casa lo stesso, stavo male, avevo un disturbo alimentare.
Tutto è passato ora, perché ho capito qual è la mia strada.
Non sono la bambina arrabbiata che urla davanti ai leader mondiali, non sono come alcuni media mi rappresentano, sono una ragazza timida, studiosa, una nerd che ha a cuore il presente e il futuro del Pianeta e dunque anche il mio.
Ho trovato uno scopo in un mondo che spesso sembra vuoto e senza significato a così tante persone. Quando gli haters se la prendono per il tuo aspetto e la tua differenza, significa che non sanno dove andare. E tu sai che stai vincendo.”
Greta Thunberg
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